CHS '15-16 - AP 3D & 3D Portfolio

Our inquiry into Working with Ideas through Val Cushing's four categories of Ceramic Art: Pottery, Vessel, Sculpture, Architectural. Our 1st Quarter themes are Juxtaposition and Trickster Tales.
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Mackenzie Hall- weathering the storm #1
Mackenzie Hall- weathering the storm #2
Binary Code: 10101011011 This code led me to this tile. Through binary code I gained insight into how to make a project by deciding what decisions to make but without actually deciding. I learned what decisions were most important in creating art and those that were not so important.
Tazia: Chance Operations was a piece that a dice was in control of rather than myself. This made it difficult for me because I am used to being in control of the work that I make. This piece resembles me and my life because I have grown up climbing trees. The tree ion this box is a a tree in my great grandparents' yard that I climbed all the time with my family. The box doubles as a candle holder, and the candle sits in the middle, which symbolizes home with the light in the center.
Artist as observer Roseline Delisle was a ceramic artist from Rimouski, quebec, who is known for her large scale and symmetrical vessels. "good artists copy, great artists steal" although some of Delisle's pieces were over 5 feet in height, i took inspiration from her peices and made them my own by using emphasis on proportion, balance and contrast in the four tiered vessel.
Chance Operations: I was led on a journey by the dice and this piece is the result. Fate chose a slab constructed sculpture with aspects of piercing and a found-object worked in, all painted with acrylic in analogous colors. Although, free will decided the human face, the buttons and the thread, and the simple slab structure. From this experience I gained confidence within ambiguity and a new perspective on my art.
Artist as Observer: Jocelyn Braxton Armstrong served as my inspiration for this piece. Being an artist as an observer I observed various aspects in her abstract pieces that I then incorporated into my own piece. These aspects include the rounded and smooth aesthetic and the black and white color scheme, specifically the black color on the inside of the rounded shapes. Making this project gave me practice and skill in observing and interpreting detail and other artists' pieces.
Begging Bowl: "It's not pots we are making, it's ourselves." This quote defines the term begging bowl, a bowl which collects our nourishment. What that nourishment is determines who we are. Simplicity and nature are my nourishment thus I constructed a simple pinch pot molded exactly to my hands with patterns of nature. I was able to reconnect with what I truly value in life in making my begging bowl.
1A end of the year selfie
Alison: Artist as Observer
Tazia: This is a 2 piece flower that could be used as an incense burner & a decoration. The flower lifts up off of the stem & is hollow inside. An incense cone can be placed inside & the scent comes out of the center of the flower. This shows an artist as an observer because I see flowers as more than just a plant. I believe they serve a purpose, away from looking beautiful. The incense also creates the idea of pollen. The smell can attract things, just as pollen attracts bees.