
29 Pins
The Construction of a Bronze Age Longhouse Model in Dwelling-byre Style using Experimental Archaeological Techniques
Fig 2. Remakes of Bronze age tools that were used to build the new Longhouse model: axes, adzes, chisels, carving knives, drawing knives, drills, hammers, gouges, compasses, and awls. Copyright: Wolfgang Lobisser
The Construction of a Bronze Age Longhouse Model in Dwelling-byre Style using Experimental Archaeological Techniques
A folding chair that existed 3,300 years ago belonged to the ancient Egyptian King Tut | Anita Durairaj | NewsBreak Original
Did Nordic Bronze Age tribes copy Egyptian stools?
Artifacts found in the Bronze Age burial at Guldhøj, Jutland - discovered in 1891
Grau, gemustert oder bunt? – Mode in der Bronzezeit
Grau, gemustert oder bunt? – Mode in der Bronzezeit - Hochrhein Zeitung