Security Merah Putih: 4 Weeks Implementation

PT Awan Integrasi Sandidata

Security Operations Center managed services with cloud-based technologies, and advance skill security team to provide a strong cyber security environment

Security Merah Putih is a Security Operations Center managed service with cloud-based technologies powered by azure defender and azure sentinel as primary, and advance skill security team from ViBiCloud to provide a strong cyber security environment.

Security Merah Putih comes with a package that customer can choose as below:

  1. start with small package with SKU SecMPS 01, SecMPS 02, SecMPS 03 (start with 10 endpoint to be protected)
  2. leverage SOC for whole environment with SKU SecMPL 01, SecMPL 02, SecMPL 03 (500 to more than 2000 endpoint to be protected) the package can be custom based on your actual amount of endpoint

Security Merah Putih service offering:

  1. Security event monitoring 24/7
  2. Vulnerability management
  3. Vulnerability assessment
  4. Vulnerability scanning
  5. Policy compliance
  6. Endpoint device security monitoring (network, firewall)
  7. Remediation strategy
  8. Proactive threat analysis and alerts to customer
  9. Update & Patch OS Management
  10. Monthly report
  11. ad-hoc report for every incident
  12. Log retention management (3 months)
  13. Dedicated point of contact support


  • Security Merah Putih : 4 weeks of implementation