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  1. B

    Cops lure pedophiles with AI pics of teen girl. Ethical triumph or new disaster?

    The normalization argument is the exact same argument people use against violent video games or porn in general, and there is no reason to think it makes any more sense here than it does there (and judging from the anti-correlation between porn and rape, might actually push in the other...
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    “EmuDeck Machines” pack popular emulation suite in Linux-powered plug-and-play PC

    Maybe, maybe not. It sounds like they're planning on buying one of the many off-the-shelf integrated motherboards and throwing it in a case with some RAM and a NVME card. Aside from the custom case (which is not hard to order from a local supplier, it's just a bit of plastic), the only delay...
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    Months after controversy, Google AI can generate images of humans again

    The issue is that the models weren't making things up based on real statistical probability, but based on what Google forced them to produce. No reasonably trained model, when asked to produce a couple in Scotland in 1850, is going to produce a picture of a native American. That association is...
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    AMD explains, promises partial fixes for Ryzen 9000 performance problems

    But it's not actually invisible: Spectre demonstrated that. In fact my money would be on one of Windows mitigations for those issues being the problem (since such mitigations could create exactly this kind of admin vs non-admin differences).
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    Fix for Intel CPU crashes causes minor situational slowdowns, requires BIOS update

    It sounds like this is an issue that only shows up after a year or so of running the chips (considering the chips launched in October 2022, and reports only started surfacing in February 2024). Accelerated stress tests can only go so far in replicating degradation issues. That said someone...
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    Still the BOAT: Fermi Telescope reveals new feature in rare gamma-ray burst

    Almost, the line is only at the rest mass if the electron-positron pair are, well, at rest. When that happens, the line is at 511 kev. This line was blue shifted to around 10 MeV, because they're produced inside the GRB by interacting gama rays, so they're either produced traveling extremely...
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    Intel has finally tracked down the problem making 13th- and 14th-gen CPUs crash

    Microcode updates are never permanent, they get loaded into specialized SRAM on the CPU, so they're lost on power cycles (but they can usually be loaded very very early in the boot process, before BIOS in most cases). It's unlikely the few seconds each boot before the OS (or BIOS/UEFI) apply the...
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    Apple Vision Pro’s content drought comes to an end with new 3D videos

    Such as? That's the rub. There just isn't much that you can do in VR that cannot be done almost as well (or better) outside it. Oh sure, there are niches, like showing technical diagrams when you're repairing some machinery, but VR only has 2 mainstream uses: games and porn (it's great for other...
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    Will space-based solar power ever make sense?

    I wasn't making any argument. The comparison with nuclear was because it is the only clean source of power (aside from hydro and geothermal, which are highly limited by geographical constraints) that can provide reliable baseline power, so it's pretty much the only directly comparable power...
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    Will space-based solar power ever make sense?

    Because if you do it in space, it can be run 24/7, with no interference from night, rain, snow, or dust. That would make it highly competitive with nuclear as a baseline source of power, which current renewables are really bad at (and without nuclear powers downsides of maintenance, fuel...
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    OpenAI board shakeup: Microsoft out, Apple backs away amid AI partnership scrutiny

    It's hard to imagine something bad happening to a non-voting member, unless the board is being briefed on illegal activities (which is possible, but I very much doubt). It seems more likely they realized after the attempted Altman firing that the board is totally impotent, and want to create the...
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    “Corporate rip-off:” White House slams Big Pharma’s drug price reform attacks

    Well an obvious example is insulin, which is now capped at $35 per month for those on Medicare. The price negotiation doesn't start until 2026 though so too early to see effects from that.
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    Neutrinos are infuriating, but we still have to study them

    Yes, but massive particles can't exist in a pure chiral state. So neutrinos (having mass) must be in a mixed state. The question is, what is that mixture. It's mostly the left handed chiral state, but what is the other component?
  14. B

    Neutrinos are infuriating, but we still have to study them

    That is the 11 million krona question. If neutrinos are a Majorana particle, then all neutrinos are a combination of a left-handed neutrino and a right-handed anti neutrino, so you'll see a right-handed anti neutrino. You don't even need to travel faster than the neutrino to make that...
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    NASA is commissioning 10 studies on Mars Sample Return—most are commercial

    No, it's not likely. At all. In fact I'd say it's about as close to an impossibility as you're likely to find. But in any case, before they can even seriously consider a manned mars mission they need to prove the ability to return from Mars, so a sample return mission is practically a...
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    Robot solves Rubik’s Cube in literal blink of an eye for new world record

    Well it's a computer performing the solve, so I would expect it to always be able to solve it 20 moves or less (which is the max moves required to solve any Rubik's cube). Being able to find optimal solutions is a pretty significant advantage to a mechanical solver, but not an unreasonable one...
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    Radio telescope finds another mystery long-repeat source

    A 3 body system is unlikely to have any regular patterns at all, and is extremely unlikely to exist long enough to form part of a neutron star system (gravities at that level are so intense the third body will almost certainly be either ejected or destroyed). Could maybe be something like a...
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    Google’s AI Overview is flawed by design, and a new company blog post hints at why

    The entire AI push over the last year makes a lot more sense when you realize no one really knows what AI is actually useful for, or how to make money off it (or even how it works, but that's not really all that important: most people don't know how the Internet itself works after all). All...
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    iOS and iPadOS 17.5.1 fix a nasty bug that resurfaced old photos

    That assumes the key is actually deleted. It's entirely possible it wasn't being erased (and since the key can't be retrieved by the end user, it's impossible to ever verify it actually was deleted).
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    Novel attack against virtually all VPN apps neuters their entire purpose

    The attack isn't against the VPN itself, but against the routing tables the device uses. Normally the VPN works by setting the routing to go over the VPN network itself, but if there are more specific routes, the operating system directs traffic there instead. Fortunately it only affects...