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The  Future 
of  Political 

Published  simultaneously  in  Great  Britain 
by    Prentice-Hall    International,    London 

The  Future 
of  Political 

Harold  D. 

Atherton  Press,  A  Division  of  Prentice-Hall,  Inc. 
70  Fifth  Avenue,  New  York  11,  New  York     1963 


Harold  D.  Lasswell 

Copyright  ©  1963  by  Prentice-Hall,  Inc. 
Atherton  Press,  New  York,  New  York 

Published  simultaneously  in  Great  Britain  by 

Prentice-Hall  International,  Inc. 

28  Welbeck  Street,  London  W.l,  England 

Copyright  under  International,  Pan  American, 
and  Universal  Copyright  Conventions 

All  rights  reserved.  No  part  of  this  book  may  be 
reproduced  in  any  form,  except  for  brief  quotation 
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Library  of  Congress  Catalog  Card  Number  63-16401 
Printed  in  the  United  States  of  America  34586 

The  American  Political  Science  Association  Series 



Party  and  Representation: 
Legislative  Politics  in  Pennsylvania 


The  Future  of  Political  Science 



The  present  discussion  of  the  future  of  political  science  has  grown  out 
of  the  phenomenally  rapid  expansion  of  the  study  of  government  in  the 
United  States  and  elsewhere.  Leading  figures  in  the  American  Political 
Science  Association  backed  the  initiative  taken  by  Charles  S.  Hyneman 
during  his  presidency  to  encourage  exhaustive  consideration  of  the 
policy  problems  now  facing  the  association,  university  and  college  de- 
partments of  political  science,  and  individual  scholars  and  students 
presently  or  prospectively  connected  with  the  discipline.  The  idea  was 
to  encourage  active  members  of  the  association  to  publish  sustained  re- 
flections on  the  issues  at  stake.  It  was  assumed  that  each  contributor 
would  emphasize  the  conceptions  of  political  science  with  which  he  had 
the  deepest  experience,  but  that  he  would  relate  what  he  said  to  a  com- 

viii  PREFACE 

prehensive  set  of  questions  concerning  the  study  of  government. 

Political  scientists  have  not  been  studied  with  the  care  that  has 
gradually  built  up  a  body  of  knowledge  about  physicians,  lawyers,  and, 
to  an  increasing  extent,  physical  scientists  and  engineers.  For  the  data 
that  appear  in  the  first  two  chapters,  I  am  chiefly  indebted  to  Evron 
M.  Kirkpatrick  and  his  staff  at  the  national  office  of  the  American 
Political  Science  Association,  particularly  to  Miss  Cora  Prifold.  I  have 
also  had  the  benefit  of  comment  by  several  members  of  the  Yale  De- 
partment of  Political  Science  and  by  colleagues  and  students  in  many 
official  and  unofficial  agencies  with  which  I  have  been  connected. 

The  book  deals  mainly  with  the  American  scene,  since  this  country 
has  encouraged  the  relatively  unfettered  study  of  government  on  an 
unprecedented  scale.  In  some  bodies  politic,  the  formidable  potenti- 
alities of  freedom  to  research,  teach,  and  publish  are  so  well  un- 
derstood by  the  political  elite  that  every  effort  has  been  made  to 
commandeer  political  science  as  a  tool  of  the  Establishment.  In  coun- 
tries where  the  dominant  aims  of  the  community  are  industrialization 
and  modernization,  the  lack  of  a  competent  political  science  profession 
has  contributed  to  the  turmoil  of  transition.  As  it  happens,  our  pro- 
grams of  what  was  styled  economic  growth  suffered  in  the  early  stages 
from  one-sided  guidance  by  specialists  unaccustomed  to  thinking  com- 
prehensively about  the  value  goals  and  institutions  affected  by  interven- 
tion in  the  lives  of  others. 

For  opportunities  to  explore  many  problems  in  political  science 
at  home  and  abroad,  I  thank  several  sources  of  support,  without  in- 
criminating them  in  the  positions  taken  in  this  volume.  I  have  es- 
pecially in  mind  the  Ford  Foundation  and  Yale  University.  Within 
Yale,  I  am  under  lasting  obligation  to  the  Law  School,  which  manages 
to  keep  alive  over  the  years  the  creative  intellectual  tension  that  be- 
came endemic  in  the  deanships  of  Mr.  Hutchins  and  Judge  Clark  and 
continued  to  flourish  under  Deans  Gulliver,  Sturges,  and,  presently, 
Eugene  V.  Rostow. 

I  especially  desire  to  acknowledge  the  importance  of  my  closest 
collaborators  at  Yale,  among  whom  Myres  S.  McDougal  plays  the  most 
redoubtable  part.  On  technical  matters,  M.  R.  Campbell,  of  Wash- 
ington, D.C.,  is  as  skilled  and  judicious  as  ever.  In  New  Haven,  Miss 
Theresa  V.  Brennan  met  every  challenge  with  characteristic  distinction. 

I  trust  that  Charles  S.  Hyneman  will  not  feel  too  acutely  discom- 
fited by  this  partial  result  of  his  high-minded  initiative. 

Harold  D.  Lasswell 
June  1963 


Preface  vii 

1  Political  Science  Today  1 

2  Growth  and  Ambiguity  30 

3  The  Basic  Data  Survey  (I)  :  Intelligence,  Promoting, 

Prescribing  43 

4  The  Basic  Data  Survey  (II)  :  Invoking,  Applying, 

Appraising,  Terminating  69 

Appendix  to  Chapter  4  89 


5  Experimentation,  Prototyping,  Intervention  95 

6  Micromodeling  123 

7  Cultivation  of  Creativity  ( I )  147 

8  Cultivation  of  Creativity  (II)  167 

9  Collaboration  with  Allied  Professions  189 

10  Centers  for  Advanced  Political  Science  208 

1 1  Conclusion  239 
Index  243 

The  Future 
of  Political 



The  present  period  of  world  transformation  could  with  equal  justice 
be  called  the  age  of  science  or  that  of  astropolitics.  No  one  imagines 
that  political  science  alone  among  the  arts  and  sciences  will  remain 
unaffected  by  the  changes  through  which  the  world  is  moving.  The 
distinctive  concern  of  political  science  is  with  the  political  process 
itself,  and  it  is  impossible  to  believe  that  government  and  law  will  lie 
outside  the  accelerating  tempo  of  history.  In  this  inquiry,  directed 
mainly  to  those  who  are  seriously  concerned  with  the  study  of  govern-  j 
ment,  we  shall  consider  the  future  of  political  science  from  the  view-  i 
points  of  scope,  method,  and  impact. 

Any  problem-solving  approach  to  human  affairs  poses  five  in- 
tellectual tasks,  which  we  designate  by  five  terms  familiar  to  political 


scientists — goal,  trend,  condition,  projection,  and  alternative.  The  first 
question,  relating  to  goal,  raises  the  traditional  problem  of  clarifying 
the  legitimate  aims  of  a  body  politic.  After  goals  are  provisionally 
clarified,  the  historical  question  arises.  In  the  broadest  context,  the 
principal  issue  is  whether  the  trend  of  events  in  America  or  through- 
out the  world  community  has  been  toward  or  away  from  the  real- 
ization of  preferred  events.  The  next  question  goes  beyond  simple 
inventories  of  change  and  asks  which  factors  condition  one  another 
and  determine  history.  When  trend  and  factor  knowledge  is  at  hand, 
it  is  possible  to  project  the  course  of  future  developments  on  the  pre- 
liminary assumption  that  we  do  not  ourselves  influence  the  future. 
Finally,  what  policy  alternatives  promise  to  bring  all  preferred  goals 
to  optimal  fulfillment? 


The  problem-solving  frame  of  reference  is  no  novelty  to  political 
scientists.  It  is  and  has  been,  for  example,  common  for  members  of 
the  profession  to  concentrate  on  one  or  another  of  the  intellectual 
tasks  involved.  A  few  reminders  will  establish  the  point. 

Among  the  enduring  contributions  to  the  study  of  politics  we 
number  treatises  that  have  undertaken  to  clarify  the  goals  appropriate 
to  political  activity.  The  principal  writing  of  this  kind  falls  roughly 
into  two  categories,  the  first  directed  toward  the  specification  of  goal, 
the  second  toward  justification. 

The  most  successful  method  of  specifying  a  positive  vision  is  an 
imaginative  essay  in  the  manner  of  Plato's  Republic  or  More's  Utopia. 
There  are  also  the  counterutopias,  full  of  hell-fire  and  damnation,  to 
which  Orwell's  1984  belongs. 

The  treatises  that  seek  to  justify  more  than  to  specify  desirable 
goals  rely  on  many  modes  of  argument.  Perhaps  the  principal  tool  is 
rhetoric  properly  keyed  to  the  receptivities  of  a  waiting  audience.  This 
was  true  of  Rousseau's  Social  Contract.  It  is  also  possible  for  a  writer 
to  dispense  with  eloquence  almost  entirely  and  to  depend  on  the 
cumulative  impact  of  evidence  and  analysis.  Such  was  the  method  of 
Marx  in  Capital,  which  sets  forth  a  theory  of  power  in  the  language 
and  framework  of  economic  history.  Many  famous  works  of  justifica- 
tion dispense  with  rhetoric,  empirical  detail,  or  historical  analysis  and 
trust  the  razor  of  logic  and  the  weight  of  authoritative  citation.  This 
mode  of  expression  is  particularly  congenial  to  theologians  and  jurists. 

The  great  bulk  of  writing  on  politics  is  more  devoted  to  history 
than  to  any  other  dimension  of  the  subject.  It  would,  however,  be  a 

Political  Science  Today 

mistake  to  assume  that  history  is  written  for  its  own  sake.  Even  the 
most  dreary  account  of  changes  in  the  structure  of  government  is 
typically  inspired  by  the  hope  of  making  available  a  body  of  data  that 
will  eventually  help  discharge  the  obligation  shared  by  all  political 
scientists  to  explain  the  rise  and  fall  of  political  institutions.  The  im- 
mediate technique,  however,  is  historical,  bound  to  the  collection  and 
criticism  of  sources  and  to  the  establishing  of  sequences  of  events  in 
time  and  place. 

In  the  United  States,  political  scientists  have  been  captivated  by 
the  task  of  tracing  the  roots  of  goverrmient,  law,  and  politics  in  this 
country  to  the  soil  of  England  or  elsewhere  and  distinguishing  be- 
tween the  original  design  and  subsequent  adaptations  to  American 
experience,  Woodrow  Wilson's  treatise  on  Congressional  Government 
is  a  classic  work  of  the  kind. 

Systematizers  deal  directly  with  the  problem  of  explanation  by 
putting  forward  propositions  that  are  confirmed,  or  open  to  con- 
firmation, by  empirical  data.  One  irony  of  history  is  that  writers  have 
sometimes  been  identified  with  a  single  factor,  a  set  of  factors,  or  a 
single  generalization  that  does  scant  justice  to  the  scope  and  subtlety 
of  their  approach.  Michels,  for  example,  is  known  almost  exclusively 
for  his  formulation  of  the  oligarchical  tendencies  of  mass  political 
parties.  Even  Aristotle  is  more  commonly  referred  to  in  connection 
with  the  role  of  the  middle  classes  in  politics  than  for  his  discussion  of 
other  subjects. 

It  is  not  inappropriate  that  Hobbes  is  immortalized  as  the  ex- 
ponent of  psychological  motives  for  political  action  or  even  that  the 
fecund  Bentham  is  identified  with  a  calculus  of  felicity.  But  it  does 
little  justice  to  Montesquieu  to  narrow  his  originality  to  comments  on 
climate,  geography,  and  politics  or  to  condense  Spencer  to  axioms  on 
centralization  and  external  threat. 

Grand  theories  of  the  probable  course  of  future  development  only 
occasionally  rise  to  enduring  influence.  In  this  select  company,  Marx 
and  Engels  take  the  prime  position.  On  a  far  more  modest  scale,  po- 
litical scientists  are  continually  engaged  in  estimating  the  probable 
strength  of  trends  in  the  immediate  and  remote  future.  For  example, 
students  of  American  government  have  been  substantially  of  one  voice 
in  predicting  such  developments  as  the  further  centralization  of  the 
federal  system,  the  rise  of  metropolitan  regions  and  the  decline  of 
states,  the  concentration  of  executive  power,  the  liquidation  of  ethnic 
discrimination,  the  continuation  of  the  two-party  system,  the  increase 
of  litigation  over  civil  and  political  rights,  the  continuation  of  con- 


troversy  over  civil-military  relations,  and  the  extension  of  social  in- 
surance coverage. 

Contributions  of  this  kind  are  often  made  jointly  with  proposals 
in  the  realm  of  public  policy.  No  historian  of  the  American  Constitu- 
tion is  unaware  of  the  attention  paid  by  the  most  active  drafters  and 
defenders  of  the  document  to  classical  and  contemporary  treatises  on 
government  and  law.  Several  of  the  founding  fathers  attained  a  com- 
mand of  the  theory  of  government  that  is  impressive  to  this  day.  It 
is  necessary  to  go  no  further  than  to  name  James  Madison,  Thomas 
Jefferson,  and  Alexander  Hamilton.  Among  political  scientists  of  the 
present  century,  we  think  of  the  role  of  Woodrow  Wilson,  A.  Lawrence 
Lowell,  and  others  in  founding  or  promoting  the  League  of  Nations. 
Whatever  the  problem,  political  scientists  frequently  appear  as  in- 
novators or  critics  of  policy.  This  is  in  fact  the  intellectual  task  that 
many  professional  students  of  government  find  most  congenial. 


Political  scientists,  we  have  said,  possess  a  tradition  of  distin- 
guished achievement  in  many  areas  of  problem-solving  importance. 
As  we  face  the  future,  it  is  safe  to  say  that  the  challenges  are  of  far- 
reaching  and  unprecedented  variety  and  importance.  It  is  perhaps 
useful  to  glance  here,  however  briefly,  at  the  scope  of  these  develop- 

Will  questions  of  value  goal,  of  overriding  objective,  become  more 
or  less  acute  as  science  and  technology  continue  their  explosive 
course?  In  all  probability,  these  issues  will  not  recede  from  sight.  On 
the  contrary,  the  chances  are  that  the  immediate  future  contains  a 
unique  challenge  to  man's  conception  of  himself  and  to  the  values  to 
which  he  is  presently  committed. 

I  do  not  intend  to  emphasize  the  potentialities  of  modern  knowl- 
edge for  the  destruction  of  man  and  his  works,  formidable  as  these 
implications  are;  I  refer  to  another  dimension  of  the  problem.  Among 
all  faiths,  "man"  is  traditionally  assumed  to  be  an  identifiable  and 
usually  a  cherished  form  of  "life."  In  Europe-centered  civilizations— 
and  America  unquestionably  belongs  in  this  company — prevailing 
images  of  man  were  shaped  by  classical  philosophy  and  the  Judaeo- 
Christian  religion.  Asia-centered  civilizations  have  a  more  varied  re- 
ligious inheritance,  mainly  Buddhist,  Taoist,  Hindu,  and  Muslim.  In 
whatever  doctrinal  terms  the  affirmation  is  grounded,  the  articulate 
leaders  of  the  world  community  presently  employ  the  language  of 
deference  to  human  dignity.  Although  many  differences  of  specifica- 

Political  Science  Today 

tion  exist,  it  is  generally  understood  that  human  dignity  implies  an 
opportunity  for  mobility  on  the  basis  of  merit;  human  indignity,  on 
the  contrary,  assumes  the  blind  immobility  of  caste. 

The  most  obvious  forms  of  "man"  and  "life"  are  easy  to  locate 
on  the  cosmic  map  of  science.  There  are  also  marginal  forms,  and 
sooner  or  later  the  question  of  identity  will  be  posed  by  these  marginal 
phenomena.  Computing  machines  perform  many  intellectual  tasks 
more  quickly  than  men  do.  Even  today  it  is  no  longer  out  of  the 
question  to  design  machines  that  repair  themselves  or  reproduce  their 
kind.  More  to  the  point,  machines  can  be  made  with  built-in  criteria 
of  "enjoyment"  and  with  the  capability  of  learning  through  experi- 
ence. The  original  criteria,  if  not  specified  in  fine  detail,  permit  novel 

As  it  becomes  more  widely  recognized  that  the  differences  be- 
tween man  or  life  and  machines  have  reached  a  vanishing  point,  the 
question  becomes:  Shall  we  treat  machines  with  the  same  deference 
that  we  give  ourselves  as  advanced  forms  of  life  ? 

The  same  question  will  be  posed  somewhat  less  starkly  in  con- 
nection with  products  from  laboratories  of  experimental  embryology 
and  related  sciences.  It  is  not  easy  to  overcome  the  original  image  of 
"thingness"  where  a  machine  is  involved.  Induced  mutants  have  at 
least  the  advantage  of  belonging  to  the  traditional  realm  of  "life."  We 
must  be  prepared,  of  course,  to  meet  living  systems  whose  central  in- 
tegrative plan  is  organized  quite  differently  from  the  brain  and  nerv- 
ous system  of  man. 

The  central  issue  will  hinge  on  how  the  overriding  goal  of  human 
dignity  is  to  be  interpreted.  Shall  the  idea  of  "human"  be  redefined 
to  bring  within  its  field  of  reference  many  phenomena  that  we  now 
tend  to  exclude  ?  Shall  we  retain  the  current  identification  of  the  "hu- 
man" with  the  biological  envelope  called  Homo  sapiens  and  merge 
the  "higher"  characteristics  of  man  with  a  larger  category — "ad- 
vanced forms  of  life" — in  which  the  human  species  may  some  day 
play  a  subordinate  role?  More  specifically:  When  shall  we  extend  the 
protection  of  the  Universal  Declaration  of  Human  Rights  to  machines 
and  mutants?^ 

In  whatever  terms  we  eventually  define  the  commonwealth  of 
life  or  delimit  the  forms  to  be  called  advanced,  it  is  plausible  to  be- 
lieve that  we  will  feel  some  residual  loyalty  to  the  symbols  of  what  we 
today  identify  as  human.  Looking  back  from  a  future  vantage  point, 
the  story  of  man  will  continue  to  seem,  in  some  intimate  sense,  "our" 


When  we  consider  the  trends  that  have  carried  the  species  to- 
ward or  away  from  a  conception  of  human  dignity^  it  is  apparent  that 
the  decisive  steps  toward  a  positive  self-image  were  taken  during  the 
tens  of  thousands  of  years  that  elapsed  before  written  records  were 
invented.  Living  in  migratory  and  occasionally  settled  bands,  early 
man  was  in  contact  with  protohuman  forms,  forms  that  were  not 
always  easy  to  distinguish  from  Homo  sapiens.  As  protohuman  types 
dropped  out,  the  biological  environment  grew  more  stable.  As  "re- 
ality" was  more  sharply  defined,  man  was  able  to  achieve  a  clear, 
affirmative  self-image. 

The  conception  of  the  dignity  of  man  includes  an  ordering  prin- 
ciple among  men  as  well  as  between  men  and  other  forms  of  life.  It 
is  not  farfetched  to  conjecture  that,  in  early  generations,  human  sur- 
vival depended  on  the  cultivation  of  discipline  within  bands.  Entirely 
egocentric  conduct  could  bring  disaster  to  everyone.  When  we  take 
into  account  the  propensity  of  individual  members  of  the  species  to 
act  egocentrically,  it  is  possible  to  perceive  the  evolutionary  signifi- 
cance of  what  may  be  called  the  syndrome  of  parochialism.  Included 
in  the  syndrome  are  demands  by  the  self  on  the  ego  (and  on  all 
group  members)  to  sacrifice  for  the  power  of  common  defense  and 
for  other  shareable  outcomes.  Among  the  added  outcomes  were  physi- 
cal safety,  comfort,  convenience;  those  related  to  intimacy  and  re- 
spect; and  those  of  cultivation  or  transmission  of  know-how  and  of 
physical  facilities.  There  are  indications  of  the  presence  of  common 
themes  of  fantasy  and  ritual  and  of  common  conceptions  of  cosmic 
order.  We  can  summarize  by  saying  that  it  was  the  experience  of 
interdependency  that  enabled  man  to  survive  and  to  develop  his  pe- 
culiar cultures. 

All  this  lies  in  the  shadow  before  records  were  written.  The  ap- 
pearance of  written  records  is  a  manifestation  of  the  greatest  inven- 
tion of  man — urban  civilization.  Cities  are  the  launching  pads  of 
mankind's  meteoric  rise.  Urban  civilization  dates  from  about  3000  B.C., 
when  the  first  cities  emerged  in  the  valleys  of  the  Nile,  the  Tigris- 
Euphrates,  and  the  Indus.^ 

During  the  preceding  tens  of  thousands  of  years,  man  had  been 
divided  into  small,  independent  folk  societies,  bound  by  ties  of  family 
identification,  mutual  sacrifice,  and  self-preoccupation.  It  was  in  ur- 
ban communities  that  traditional  bonds  of  kinship  were  attenuated 
for  the  benefit  of  territorial  units;  hence,  the  simultaneous  rise  of  law, 
legislation,  and  the  techniques  of  impersonal  administration.   Cities 

Political  Science  Today 

brought  literacy,  and  with  literacy  came  records  and  the  expansion 
of  knowledge  in  all  departments.  The  accelerated  productivity  result- 
ing from  the  new  division  of  labor  encouraged  capital  formation  and 
the  building  of  fortifications,  monuments,  temples,  palaces,  and  whole 
cities.  The  new  skills  of  production  were  also  turned  to  destructive 
use,  and  empires  spread  from  an  urban  hub.  In  the  new  cities  and 
states,  the  social  gap  between  ruler  and  ruled  was  not  always  filled 
by  middle-class  formations.  Hence,  revolutions  as  well  as  wars  were 
fought  on  an  unprecedented  scale. 

It  was  in  city-centered  civilizations  that  the  conception  of  human 
dignity  became  articulate.^  Generalizing  beyond  the  obvious  differ- 
ences that  divide  mankind — of  physiognomy  and  ways  of  life — an  oc- 
casional thinker,  poet,  or  religious  innovator  envisioned  a  single  family 
of  man  and  an  inclusive  commonwealth  where  everyone  obtained  a 
basic  minimum  of  consideration,  supplemented  by  value  indulgences 
according  to  need  and  to  the  meritorious  exercise  of  capability.  Any 
dream  of  a  common  humanity  unified  in  a  commonweal  of  merit  chal- 
lenged the  ideological  residues  of  a  thousand  wars  and  indicted  every 
vestige  of  caste. 

The  record  shows  how  ideologies  of  human  dignity  rise  and  fall, 
spread  and  retract,  in  the  ebb  and  flow  of  world  affairs.  On  the 
whole,  however,  the  conception  has  been  moving  toward  universality, 
and  today  the  dominant  elites  of  the  globe  give  at  least  lip  service  to 
human  rights. 

It  is  directly  within  the  scope  of  political  science  to  identify  the 
factors  that  impede  the  realization  of  policy  goals  and  to  assess  their 
relative  significance.  Even  a  cursory  examination  fixes  attention  on 
the  discrepancy  between  our  articulate  deference  to  life  and  the  con- 
tinued practice  of  death.  How  can  we  account  for  the  continuing 
facts  of  war  and  preparation  for  war?  We  shall  briefly  consider  some 
of  the  factors  involved  as  a  means  of  underlining  this  component  of 
the  total  problem-solving  approach. 

The  perennial  tragedy  of  the  uncounted  millions  who  despise 
violence  is  that,  in  concrete  circumstances,  they  feel  constrained  to 
engage  in  organized  killing  as  an  alternative  to  something  worse.  They 
are  victims  of  a  factor  that  is  often  overlooked  or  taken  for  granted 
and  hence  underemphasized.  I  refer  to  the  expectation  of  violence, 
the  expectation  that,  despite  many  formal  renunciations  of  war,  it  is 
probable  that  collective  violence  will  continue  to  be  used  in  general 
and  limited  war.* 


It  would  carry  us  too  far  into  the  study  of  a  single  problem  to 
analyze  in  detail  the  disastrous  role  that  continues  to  be  played  by 
expected  violence.  Perhaps  it  is  enough  to  think  of  the  position  of  the 
effective  head  of  a  modern  state.  He  may  cherish  the  dream  of  leading 
his  people,  and  ultimately  all  mankind,  from  the  shadow  of  annihila- 
tion. He  is,  nevertheless,  aware  of  many  factors  that  hold  him  in 
check.  For  instance,  he  cannot  order  serious  reductions  in  armed 
force  without  spreading  consternation  among  trusted  colleagues  and 
strengthening  the  hand  of  opposing  leaders  and  factions  within  his 
party.  His  opposite  numbers  abroad  are  simultaneously  trapped  in  the 
same  bog.  Given  the  prevailing  fact  of  a  divided  and  militant  world, 
there  are  plausible  grounds  for  perpetuating  the  structure  of  precau- 
tion that  we  call  national  security.  The  situation  is  further  compli- 
cated by  the  growth  of  vested  and  sentimental  interests  in  continuing 
the  situation  indefinitely.  The  threat  to  the  general  peace  that  results 
from  a  divided  world  fluctuates  through  time  as  a  function  of  a  com- 
bination of  factors  whose  net  impact  determines  the  level  of  crisis. 
Among  major  factors  is  the  demand  for  intensity — of  subjective  life, 
of  communicative  expression,  and  of  overt  action.  The  demand  for 
intensity  is  variously  distributed  among  the  cultures  of  the  globe. 
American  civilization,  for  example,  is  organized  to  encourage  a  stren- 
uous life  of  vigorous  self-assertion.  Intensity  also  varies  from  one  social 
class  to  another  and  among  interest  groups.  And  we  know  enough 
about  the  structure  of  personality  to  see  that  intensity  is  a  significant 
personality  variable. 

Intensities  are  particularly  dangerous  when  they  are  joined  with 
severity,  the  factor  that  is  present  in  a  "pure-power"  approach  to 
human  relations.  Latent  severity  demands  may  at  any  time  spring  to 
life  and  add  to  the  destructive  potential  of  diplomacy  and  of  other 
modes  of  international  intercourse.  The  central  feature  of  severity  is 
the  obtaining  of  deep  gratification  in  the  act  of  imposing  significant 
value  deprivations  on  others.  (It  should  be  expressly  noted  that  de- 
mands can  be  intense  without  exhibiting  this  admixture  of  sadism.) 

It  is  not  within  the  scope  of  the  immediate  task  to  go  further  with 
this  analysis  of  some  of  the  critical  factors  that  condition  the  future 
of  destructiveness  and  the  attainment  of  a  world  in  closer  harmony 
with  the  ideal  of  human  dignity.^ 

We  turn  for  an  equally  brief  discussion  to  the  fourth  dimension 
of  our  political  task  and  project  the  course  of  certain  developments 
that  bear  on  the  realization  of  preferred  events.  Undoubtedly,  the  at- 
tainment of  human  dignity  will  be  intimately  bound  up  with  the  future 

Political  Science  Today 

of  science  and  technology,  which  have  already  brought  us  to  the 
threshold  of  an  age  in  which  man's  habitat  is  changing. 

It  is  worth  underlining  the  point  that,  despite  their  spectacular 
successes,  science  and  technology  have  been  singularly  without  effect 
on  the  fundamental  structure  of  world  politics.  When  we  look  closely 
at  technological  innovation,  we  are  not  surprised  to  see  that  improve- 
ments begin  at  highly  localized  centers.  During  recent  decades,  innova- 
tions diffused  from  originating  centers  that  were  almost  exclusively  in 
Western  Europe  and  North  America.  New  instruments  of  production 
cut  the  cost  of  production  when  the  scale  of  output  was  sufficiently 
enlarged.  Hence,  the  manufacturing  interests  of  a  locality  sought  to 
obtain  translocal  markets. 

At  some  stage  in  the  spread  of  these  economic  activities,  power 
institutions  entered  the  picture.  Seeing  the  local  market  diminish,  local 
producers  turned  to  politics  in  order  to  exclude  foreign  competitors 
and  to  protect  their  local  position,  or  strong  competing  manufacturers, 
equally  interested  in  translocal  trade  and  raw  materials,  turned  to 
politics  in  the  hope  of  obtaining  exclusive  markets. 

The  piecemeal  introduction  of  science  and  technology  led  to  the 
subordination  of  the  productive  and  destructive  potentialities  of  the 
new  pattern  of  civilization  to  the  basic  structure  of  the  world  political 
arena.  Scientists  and  engineers  have  not  abolished  politics;  they  have 
not  liquidated  the  division  of  the  world  arena;  they  have  not  changed 
the  domination  of  public  affairs  by  rival  syndromes  of  parochialism. 
Hence,  prime  loyalties  are  less  than  universal;  values  are  sacrificed  for 
goals  less  inclusive  than  the  commonwealth  of  man;  the  expectation 
of  violence  continues  to  sustain  the  institutions  of  militant  division. 

Is  it  likely  that  a  turning  point  in  the  relation  of  science  to  power 
has  finally  come?  The  question  is  whether  the  joint  exploitation  of  the 
potentialities  of  man's  newly  accessible  astral  environment  will  provide 
a  set  of  goals  for  the  whole  of  mankind  and  for  all  advanced  forms  of 
life  that  will  appear  to  be  of  such  overwhelming  importance  that 
traditional  differences  will  rapidly  become  obsolete.® 

Political  scientists  are  increasingly  aware  of  the  task  of  projecting 
to  the  age  of  space.  They  are  also  aware  that  their  participation  in 
problem-solving  does  not  stop  with  the  passive  projection  of  future 
development.  The  "creative  flash"  of  policy  innovation  is  no  monopoly 
of  the  man  of  action;  it  may,  in  fact,  elude  a  mind  dusty  with  every- 
day affairs.  Of  course,  it  is  not  necessary  for  political  inventors  to 
assume  that  their  proposals  will  change  the  course  of  history.  One 
may,  for  instance,  hold  grave  reservations  about  the  probability  that 


the  age  of  space  will  be  a  new  era  of  science,  order,  and  freedom.  At 
the  same  time,  no  wise  man  is  dogmatic  about  present  visions  of  fu- 
ture reality,  including  forecasts  of  what  cannot  be  done. 


The  attention  that  we  gave  above  to  eminent  names  and  treatises 
has  drawn  a  somewhat  unbalanced  picture  of  the  profession  as  a 
whole.  It  is  no  use  pretending  that  every  professional  student  of  gov- 
ernment is  primarily  engaged  in  the  writing  of  masterpieces.  It  is  not 
to  be  assumed  that  he  writes  at  all.  Many  advanced  students  become 
civil  servants.  A  considerable  fraction  stays  out  of  the  civil  service, 
writes  little,  and  instructs  much.  The  active  teachers  shape  the  cur- 
riculum and  control  the  organized  aspects  of  the  profession  in  coun- 
tries where  it  is  possible  for  relatively  free  professions  to  exist.  It  is 
also  true  that  teachers  are  heavily  involved  in  advisory  activities  of  a 
part-time  character. 

The  sustained  study  of  government,  politics,  and  law  was  un- 
doubtedly a  feature  of  the  first  urban  civilizations  that  arose  in  the 
Nile,  Tigris-Euphrates,  and  Indus  valleys.  Some  of  the  early  legal 
codes  suggest  the  presence  of  thoughtful  minds  interested  in  the  theory 
of  what  they  were  doing.  Nevertheless,  voluminous  treatises  of  a 
theoretical  character  did  not  appear  until  about  twenty-five  hundred 
years  ago.  This  is  true  whether  we  look  to  China  and  Confucius,  India 
and  Kautilya,  or  Greece  and  Plato  and  Aristotle.^ 

The  principal  difficulty  in  the  way  of  identifying  members  of  the 
political  science  profession  in  many  civilizations  is  uncertainty  about 
the  theoretical  context  of  the  training  received  by  public  officials.  The 
transmission  of  know-how  is  not  enough  to  constitute  a  profession.  The 
scholar  class  in  traditional  China  was  unquestionably  a  profession, 
since  scholars  were  supposed  to  entertain  comprehensive  conceptions 
of  the  place  of  politics  in  society  and  nature.  Specific  skills  were  ac- 
quired "on  the  job"  or  in  clerkships  occupied  to  obtain  the  funds 
needed  to  continue  studying  for  examinations.* 

Careers  develop  by  playing  several  roles  at  the  same  time  or  in 
sequence.  For  convenience,  we  speak  of  the  following  professional 
roles  that  may  be  taken  by  persons  who  have  received  advanced  train- 
ing: teaching;  research  and  equivalent  activities;  advice  (participation 
in  public  affairs  short  of  leadership  or  administration) ;  management 
(civil  service,  staff  of  unofficial  organizations) ;  and  leadership  (com- 
munity commitment  on  controversial  issues).  Many  of  those  who  re- 
ceive advanced  training  migrate  into  other  activities. 

Political  Science  Today  11 

Teaching  about  government  is  formally  organized  and  carried  on 
at  many  levels.  The  United  States  Office  of  Education  reports  that 
there  are  over  two  thousand  universities  and  colleges  in  the  United 
States  (2,040  in  1961).  About  one-third  of  these  establishments  offer 
sufficiently  sustained  instruction  in  the  field  to  award  a  degree  (B.A., 
M.A.,  Ph.D.)  in  political  science  or  international  relations.  Approxi- 
mately 700  schools  offer  courses  in  political  science. 

At  the  precollege  level,  the  study  of  government  is  frequently 
merged  with  history  and  the  social  studies  generally.  No  dependable 
information  is  at  hand  to  estimate  the  number  of  qualified  professors 
and  teachers  who  are  engaged  in  offering  instruction  about  govern- 
ment. Ambiguity  rises  in  part  from  the  fact  that  no  separate  depart- 
ment of  political  science  is  organized  even  at  some  universities  and 
colleges,  where  it  may  be  joined  with  history,  economics,  or  another 
related  discipline.  An  unknown  percentage  of  the  courses  in  govern- 
ment are  taught  by  persons  whose  primary  training  is  not  in  political 
science  and  whose  exposure  to  the  subject  is  slight.^ 

In  recent  years,  the  demand  to  upgrade  instruction  throughout 
the  American  educational  system  has  favored  the  engagement  of 
qualified  personnel.  In  this  connection,  the  staffing  policies  of  junior 
colleges  are  indicative.  The  National  Education  Association  has  re- 
ported on  the  new  full-time  teachers  in  343  public  and  187  nonpublic 
junior  colleges.  The  figures  show  that  over  55  per  cent  of  the  new 
teachers  of  political  science  had  completed  the  M.A.  and  at  least 
one  additional  year  of  study  or  the  Ph.D.  No  other  group  had  a 
higher  record  of  academic  qualification. 

It  is  clear  that  about  two-thirds  of  recently  graduating  doctors 
of  philosophy  enter  college  and  university  teaching. 

Although  teaching  is  the  principal  responsibility  of  advanced  stu- 
dents of  government,  the  obligation  to  contribute  to  the  advancement 
of  knowledge  is  taken  seriously.  Higher  degrees  are  awarded  to  candi- 
dates who  demonstrate,  among  other  capabilities,  their  competence  to 
complete  an  acceptable  piece  of  research.  In  the  case  of  doctoral  dis- 
sertations, it  is  usual  to  require  publication  or  evidence  of  suitability 
for  publication. 

The  number  of  doctoral  dissertations  in  political  science  fluctu- 
ates rather  sharply  from  year  to  year.  The  Office  of  Education  records 
191  Ph.D.'s  in  1959  and  twenty  in  1960  (plus  twenty-seven  Ph.D.'s  in 
international  relations).  The  responding  universities  and  colleges  re- 
ported 649  and  722  M.A.  degrees  during  these  years.^" 

It  is  common  knowledge  that  the  doctoral  dissertation  is  the  only 


substantial  piece  of  research  or  writing  that  many  political  scientists 
complete  during  their  entire  career,  and  this  is  not  unusual.  The  term 
"research"  is  often  stretched  to  include  the  preparation  of  textbooks 
whose  novelty  is  mainly  typographic.  There  are,  it  is  reassuring  to 
add,  textbooks  that  are  more  suitably  described  as  treatises,  since  they 
introduce  intellectual  order  where  little  could  be  discerned  before. 
Without  a  separate  research  project,  it  is  impossible  to  say  what  per- 
centage of  postdoctoral  publications  can  be  regarded  as  new  knowl- 
edge or  as  critical  interpretations  of  the  field  deserving  of  equal 

A  quick  way  to  obtain  some  estimate  of  the  body  of  "live  writing" 
in  scholarly  political  science  is  to  find  how  many  titles  have  been  put 
out  as  paperbacks  during  the  current  revolution  in  publishing.  The 
1962  figure  is  900,  which  covers  691  authors  and  ninety-nine  publish- 
ing houses.^^ 

The  scholarly  journals  publish  research  and  critical  writing  in 
political  science  and  adjacent  fields.  The  American  Political  Science 
Review  has  for  many  years  reflected  the  varied  intellectual  interests 
of  the  profession.  The  Review  has,  of  course,  been  unable  to  provide 
a  channel  for  the  many  specialties  within  the  study  of  government. 
New — now  old — journals  have  come  into  existence  in  public  adminis- 
tration, public  opinion,  international  relations,  social  and  political 
philosophy,  public  law,  and  jurisprudence;  and  new  periodicals  are  in 

The  special  issue  of  established  journals  and  the  yearbook  or 
symposium  volume  are  devices  that  have  provided  an  immediately 
eff"ective  and  stimulating  outlet  for  systematic,  critical,  or  empirical 

It  has  been  implied,  and  correctly,  that  the  most  significant  re- 
search has  been  done  by  political  scientists  who  retain  their  connec- 
tions with  colleges  and  universities.  There  are,  nonetheless,  important 
reservations  to  this  statement.  The  scientific  and  technological  innova- 
tions of  recent  days  have  coincided  with  and  exacerbated  a  continuing 
crisis  in  world  affairs.  Political  scientists  who  are  associated  for  long 
or  short  periods  with  new  and  largely  government-financed  agencies 
of  research  and  policy  critique  have  played  an  increasing  part  in  the 
recent  development  of  political  science.  The  practice  of  subcontracting 
Defense  Department  and  other  official  projects  to  universities  has 
done  much  to  break  down  the  personal  and  intellectual  isolation  that 
formerly  prevailed.^^ 

I  have  briefly  characterized  the  teaching  and  research  roles  of 

Political  Science  Today  13 

political  scientists.  It  is  also  important  to  describe  the  advisory  func- 
tion. In  the  present  context,  the  advisory  role  is  understood  to  be  a 
part-time  activity  carried  on  by  political  scientists  who  are  otherwise 
absorbed  in  research  and  teaching.  It  is  widely  assumed  by  his  fellow- 
citizens  that  a  professor  is,  or  purports  to  be,  an  authority  on  current 
events;  that  he  is  willing  and  able  to  make  public  statements  and  to 
lecture  on  practically  everything  from  the  assassination  of  X  to  the 
politics  of  Zanzibar;  or  that  he  is  on  tap  as  a  consultant  on  charter 
reform,  the  reorganization  of  state  government,  or  the  politics  of 
foreign  aid. 

A  rough  indication  of  the  advisory  activity  of  political  scientists 
can  be  gleaned  by  examining  how  many  are  engaged  as  official  con- 
sultants at  the  international,  national,  state,  or  local  levels  of  govern- 
ment and  how  many  spend  some  time  writing  for  private  media  of 
communication  or  working  with  unofficial  organizations  concerned 
with  public  questions.  At  present,  no  exhaustive  inventory  of  these 
diverse  connections  exists.  I  have,  however,  examined  the  Who's  Who 
entries  of  professors  of  government  in  a  few  institutions  with  which  I 
am  acquainted.  There  are,  perhaps,  political  scientists  whose  advisory 
roles  are  negligible,  but  they  would  be  as  rare  as  unicorns. 

Despite  the  high  proportion  of  advanced  students  of  government 
who  make  their  careers  in  teaching,  research,  and  consultation,  it  is 
not  to  be  supposed  that  career  alternatives  end  there.  A  sizable  frac- 
tion steers  toward  government  and  enters  the  federal  civil  service; 
the  armed  forces;  the  diplomatic  corps;  or  state  or  local  levels  of 
employment.  I  use  the  term  "management"  to  cover  the  holding  of  an 
official  or  party  job  and  regular  responsible  participation  in  the  de- 
cisions of  an  organization  that  tries  to  influence  public  affairs. 

The  gradation  between  advice  and  management  is  not  distinct, 
since  advisors  sometimes  become  so  deeply  involved  in  a  particular 
activity  that  it  absorbs  their  available  time  over  many  years.  But  it  is 
not  difficult  to  identify  the  tenure  of  a  definite,  full-time  job. 

For  present  purposes,  I  distinguish  advice  and  management  from 
each  other,  and  I  give  separate  consideration  to  the  role  of  leadership. 
This  term  is  intended  to  designate  the  public  leader,  the  one  who 
plays  an  influential,  conspicuous  part  in  public  affairs.  Leadership 
goes  beyond  advice  to  commitment;  it  goes  beyond  management  to 
goal-setting  and  high-level  integration.  The  full-time  public  figure  or 
active  politician  comes  in  this  category. 

Many  young  people  have  studied  government  in  the  hope  of 
pursuing  active  political  careers,  and  they  have  done  so.  Given  the 


variety  of  ladders  by  which  an  ambitious  young  man  or  woman  may 
become  a  political  leader,  it  is  common  for  students  of  political  science 
to  approach  the  goal  somewhat  indirectly.  They  may,  for  example, 
begin  by  teaching  and  move  into  active  participation  in  civic  and 
party  affairs.  An  increasing  number  find  that  the  most  direct  route  is 
to  serve  an  apprenticeship  with  an  active  leader,  starting  as  a  research 
or  administrative  assistant  and  moving  up.  Some  young  people  have 
organized,  or  taken  an  active  part  in,  civic  or  issue  organizations.  For 
others,  the  media  of  mass  communication  are  the  obvious  choice,  since 
journalists  or  commentators  have  high  public  visibility.  By  tradition, 
many  students  of  government  have  added  legal  training  to  their 
equipment  and  obtained  a  foothold  by  practicing  law  and  partici- 
pating vigorously  in  public  affairs.^* 

The  five  roles  described  above  refer  to  the  major  specializations 
in  the  official  and  informal  government  of  our  society.  As  indicated 
above,  many  students  of  government  move  away  from  careers  of  this 
kind,  often  going  into  business  and  dealing  with  public  affairs  in  the 
intermittent  fashion  that  characterizes  most  citizens.  It  is  not  to  be 
assumed  that  the  study  of  government  is  lost  on  the  hundreds  of 
thousands  of  students  who  receive  some  exposure  to  the  study  of 
politics  at  the  collegiate,  secondary,  or  presecondary  level.  On  the 
contrary,  there  is  little  doubt  that  some  permanent  impressions  are 
left.  We  are  at  present  in  no  position  to  assert  that  these  effects  im- 
portantly determine  conduct  or  to  establish  whether — to  face  unwel- 
come contingencies  with  candor — the  exposure  to  political  science,  as 
usually  taught,  leaves  negative  conceptions  of  the  field  and,  indeed, 
of  the  aims  and  potentialities  of  citizenship. 


We  have  cursorily  inspected  the  role  of  political  scientists  as  seen 
by  themselves.  Our  inquiry  goes  deeper,  however;  the  most  pressing 
question  about  the  study  of  government  relates  to  the  adequacy  of 
political  science  when  assessed  in  the  wider  context  of  past  and  pro- 
spective community  decisions.  Hence  we  shift  the  standpoint  of  ob- 
servation and  sketch  the  relationship  between  political  scientists  and 
the  decision  process  in  each  functional  phase. 

At  this  stage  we  shall  not  insist  on  precise  definitions  of  these 
phases.  It  is  important,  nevertheless,  to  call  attention  to  two  sets  of 
meanings.  We  distinguish  between  functional  definitions  which  are  set 
up  to  serve  the  analytic  needs  of  political  science  and  the  conventional 
usages  current  in  a  given  community.  In  conventional  usage,  the  of- 

Political  Science  Today  15 

ficial  decision  process  of  the  United  States  is  carried  on  by  various 
authorized  participants,  among  which  we  mention  the  electorate; 
Congress  (state  and  local  legislatures) ;  the  presidency  (governorship 
and  local  chief  executives);  the  federal  departments,  agencies,  and 
authorities  (and  any  corresponding  structures  at  state  and  local 
levels);  and  the  Supreme  Court  and  the  federal  judiciary  (state  and 
local  judiciaries).  In  conventional  terms,  the  world  decision  process 
is  said  to  be  carried  on  multilaterally  among  authorized  representa- 
tives of  state  authority  or  in  intergovernmental  agencies  set  up  for  the 
purpose  (United  Nations  and  other  transnational  structures). 

No  agency  is  authorized  to  tell  the  scholarly  community  what 
terms  must  be  used  or  how  they  must  be  defined  and  applied.  This  is 
left  to  the  judgment  of  each  scholar,  who  is  free  to  accept  or  reject 
the  terms  proposed  by  other  scholars  on  the  basis  of  criteria  that  seem 
good  to  him.  His  chief  professional  responsibility  in  the  interest  of 
clear  communication  is  to  be  explicit  about  the  "referent"  of  his  labels. 
The  rapid  growth  of  political  research  in  our  day  has  brought  with 
it  an  accelerated  tempo  of  experimentation  with  new  concepts  and 
terms.  Conventional  usages  are  data  of  reference  for  functional  cate- 
gories. One  result  of  terminological  change  is  the  discovery  of  con- 
cealed or  tacit  meanings  in  the  conventional  language  of  the  United 
States  or,  indeed,  of  any  body  politic  that  receives  close  study. 

As  analyzed  here,  the  decision  process  includes  both  formal  au- 
thority and  eflfective  control.^^  Thus,  "lawful"  power  is  authoritative 
and  controlling;  "naked  power"  is  controlling  and  not  authoritative; 
"pretended  power"  is  not  controlling.  When  the  decision  process  of 
any  body  politic  is  described,  it  is  necessary  to  examine  the  pattern 
of  perspectives  that  constitute  recognitions  of  authority  and  the  pat- 
terns that  exemplify  effective  control. 

Think  of  any  act  of  decision.  We  conceive  it  as  beginning  in  an 
influx  of  information  from  sources  at  the  focus  of  attention  of  partici- 
pants in  the  decision  process,  some  of  whom  perceive  that  their  goal 
values  have  been  or  may  be  affected  in  ways  that  can  be  influenced 
by  community  decision.  We  refer  to  this  as  the  intelligence  phase. 

The  next  phase  is  recommending,  or  promoting,  which  refers  to 
activities  designed  to  influence  the  outcome.  The  prescribing  phase  is 
the  articulation  of  norms;  it  includes,  for  instance,  the  enacting  of  en- 
forceable statutes.  The  invoking  phase  occurs  when  a  prescription  is 
provisionally  used  to  characterize  a  set  of  concrete  circumstances. 
When  a  prescription  is  employed  with  finality,  we  speak  of  application. 
The  appraisal  phase  characterizes  the  relationship  between  policy  goals 


and  the  strategies  and  results  obtained.  The  terminating  phase  involves 
the  handling  of  expectations  ("rights")  established  when  a  prescrip- 
tion was  in  force. 

Every  interaction  in  the  political  process  at  a  transnational,  na- 
tional, or  subnational  level  can  be  examined  with  all  seven  phases  of 
the  decision  process  in  view.  Consider,  for  paradigm  purposes,  the  pub- 
lication of  a  volume  such  as  Charles  A.  Beard's  Economic  Interpreta- 
tion of  the  Constitution.  This  was,  of  course,  a  private  venture  by  the 
author  and  publisher  of  the  book.  It  therefore  belongs  to  the  unofficial 
stream  of  activity.  In  terms  of  phase  analysis,  it  obviously  belongs  to 
the  general  stream  of  intelligence  relating  to  the  history  of  a  major 
institution  of  American  government.  Given  the  constellation  of  factors 
in  the  political  process  of  the  time  (1913),  the  book  was  immediately 
interpreted  as  offering  or  implying  an  appraisal  of  the  Constitution 
as  part  of  a  conspiracy  of  various  economic  interest  groups  to  use 
political  power  through  a  new  institution  of  government  to  their  own 
advantage.  It  is  true  that  a  literal  reading  of  Beard's  book  does  not 
lend  support  to  the  conspiracy  theory,  since  no  evidence  is  presented 
of  a  secret  strategy  among  the  principal  groups  named  as  beneficiaries 
of  the  new  form  of  government.  For  that  matter,  the  assertion  is  not 
flatly  made  that  all  who  stood  to  benefit  in  the  enumerated  ways  were 
aware  in  advance  of  ratification  of  their  advantageous  position  and 
exerted  themselves  for  adoption.  There  are  no  actual  estimates  of 
the  alleged  impact  of  the  calculation  of  economic  advantage  on  the 
behavior  of  the  persons  most  actively  engaged  in  promoting  the  Con- 
stitution. Nevertheless,  many  phrases  in  the  book  are  sufficiently  am- 
biguous to  lend  themselves  to  the  "liberal"  view  prevalent  in  many 
American  circles  at  the  time  that  both  the  Constitution  and  the  Court 
originated  as  part  of  an  antidemocratic  movement.^® 

Small  wonder,  then,  that  Beard's  book  was  turned  to  active  prop- 
aganda use  by  crusaders  who  claimed  to  be  completing  the  democratic 
revolution  in  America.  Monopoly  finance  and  industry  were  the  prin- 
cipal enemies,  and  Beard's  volume  was  said  to  confirm  the  allegation 
that  financial  influences  had  been  active  and  successful  from  the  be- 
ginning of  the  constitutional  system. 

It  can  also  be  suggested  that  the  prescribing  and  applying  phases 
of  decision  were  aff"ected  by  Beard's  contribution,  since  it  fostered  a 
"sociological"  and  "realistic"  approach  to  the  work  of  the  courts. 
American  sociological  and  realistic  schools  of  jurisprudence  were  ac- 
tively forming  at  the  time.  They  emphasized  the  importance  of  think- 
ing about  the  social  consequences  of  decision  and  especially  of  giving 

Political  Science  Today  17 

weight  to  economic  repercussions,  rather  than  remaining  at  a  formalis- 
tic  level  of  doctrinal  analysis.  In  effect,  Beard  had  written  a  brief  on 
behalf  of  a  problem-solving  method  that  emphasized  the  importance 
of  bringing  economic  causes  and  consequences  to  the  focus  of  judges' 
attention.  And  judges — as  is  today  widely  understood — make  law 
whenever  they  affirm  or  deny  the  relevance  of  a  prescription  to  a  con- 
troversy. When  the  intellectual  method  of  judges  is  modified,  the  reper- 
cussions go  far,  since  the  bar  now  advises  clients  to  adopt  a  new 
approach  to  the  judiciary.  It  is  conceivable,  though  difficult  to  demon- 
strate conclusively,  that  the  economic  interpretation  influenced  the 
readiness  of  community  decision-makers  to  deal  generously  with  private 
claims  for  compensation.  If  past  privileges  came  into  existence  as  a  re- 
sult of  the  undue  influence  of  monopoly  interests,  why  deal  gently  with 
them  in  controversies  growing  out  of  the  exercise  of  eminent  domain 
or  franchise  termination? 

That  Beard's  publication  interacted  with  every  phase  of  the  de- 
cision process  is  not,  in  principle,  an  exception.  It  is  true  that  few 
recent  books  have  had  such  an  immediate  succes  de  scandale  or  a 
more  solid  impact  on  the  tools  of  thought.  When  a  new  trend  of 
thought  begins,  many  publications  are  necessary  to  build  the  pre- 
dispositions required  to  accept  a  "famous"  culminating  volume.  Sub- 
sequent contributions,  though  individually  minor,  largely  confirm  the 

The  interplay  between  political  science  and  the  total  process  of 
decision  goes  far  beyond  the  eff"ects  obtained  from  book  publication. 
This  will  be  more  evident  as  we  give  separate,  though  necessarily 
brief,  consideration  to  each  of  the  seven  decision  phases  that  we  have 

The  Intelligence  Phase 

Every  government  develops  a  network  of  structures  specialized  in 
obtaining  information  about  the  intentions  and  capabilities  of  actual 
and  potential  allies  and  opponents  in  the  world  arena  and  detecting 
subversive  tendencies  at  home.  Relatively  covert  channels  of  informa- 
tion are  supplemented  by  overt  data-gathering  operations  conducted 
by  census  agencies  and  by  diplomatic,  military,  economic,  and  cultural 
attaches  abroad.  The  information  is  organized  in  terms  of  trend, 
analyzed  as  to  cause,  projected  into  the  future,  and  related  to  clarified 
goals  and  to  potential  alternatives  of  policy. 

Political  scientists  are  among  the  specialists  who  are  heavily  re- 
lied upon  to  supply  personnel  for  information  and  planning  agencies 


of  government  at  all  levels.  The  literature  of  political  science  has  a 
long  tradition  of  concern  with  the  strategy  and  tactics  of  intelligence. 
In  ancient  monarchies  and  tyrannies,  the  theorists  of  government  were 
well  aware  of  the  difficulties  of  obtaining  reliable  information.  Thus  we 
find  in  Kautilya's  Arthasastra  explicit  consideration  given  the  choice 
of  agents  for  covert  operations;  guidance  is  also  provided  for  open  in- 

In  open  societies,  the  channels  operated  by  government  are  sup- 
plemented, and  often  eclipsed,  by  the  flow  of  information  provided 
by  the  press  and  by  other  private  agencies.  We  observe  in  connection 
with  the  press  that,  as  it  seeks  to  achieve  professional  status,  its  rela- 
tionship with  political  science  grows  closer.  In  the  United  States,  this 
is  indicated  by  the  role  that  has  been  played  by  individuals  who  com- 
bine journalism  with  political  science  in  changing  the  curriculum  of 
schools  of  journalism. 

To  the  intelligence  agencies  of  any  body  politic  must  be  added 
the  universities  and  private  organizations  of  research  and  planning. 
In  many  countries,  the  rise  of  centers  of  advanced  instruction  has  been 
furthered  by  political  objectives;  and  these  objectives  have  included 
obtaining  a  large  supply  of  knowledgeable  specialists  in  public  law, 
international  politics,  government,  and  administration.  That  knowl- 
edge is  perceived  as  a  base  of  power  is  emphasized  in  the  history  of 
institutions  of  higher  learning.  The  German  university  system  took 
shape  in  the  shadow  of  Napoleon,  and  L'ficole  Libre  des  Sciences 
Politiques  was  born  after  the  humiliation  of  1870.  More  recently,  the 
institutions  of  higher  learning  among  the  defeated  powers  underwent 
varying  degrees  of  reconstruction,  especially  in  political  studies.  Mod- 
ernizing and  industrializing  countries  are  everywhere  alert  to  the  fact 
that  the  complex  fabric  of  world  society  cannot  be  grasped  unless  an 
adequate  supply  of  trained  specialists  are  produced  at  home  as  well 
as  abroad.  In  such  programs,  the  study  of  political  science  occupies  a 
place,  occasionally  of  great  emphasis. 

American  universities  have  been  welcomed  abroad  by  many  re- 
viving civilizations  or  modernizing  societies,  and  political  scientists  have 
been  actively  involved  in  the  development  of  programs  designed  to 
increase  the  supply  of  competent  administrators  of  the  public  services 
and  to  widen  the  vision  and  the  skills  at  the  disposal  of  the  rising 
generation  of  American  students.  In  1957-1958,  there  were  382  ex- 
change programs  at  184  American  universities,  covering  a  vast  range 
of  subjects.  In  1960-1961,  53,107  foreign  students  from  143  countries 
and  political  areas  were  enrolled  at  1,666  institutions  of  higher  learn- 

Political  Science  Today  19 

ing  in  this  country.  More  than  15,300  American  students  were  at- 
tending foreign  universities.  More  than  3,600  members  of  foreign 
faculties  were  affiliated  with  304  American  colleges  and  universities, 
and  more  than  2,200  members  of  American  faculties  were  teaching 
abroad.  Edward  W.  Weidner  calls  attention  to  the  fact  that  the  Center 
for  International  Studies  at  the  Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology 
and  the  Michigan-Okayama  project  in  area  studies  are  among  the 
programs  that  have  been  effectively  used  for  research  as  well  as  other 

The  Promoting  Phase 

Where  popular  government  exists,  the  official  agencies  of  per- 
suasion are  often  less  potent  than  political  parties,  pressure  groups, 
and  other  private  associations.  Nevertheless,  as  "big  government" 
grows,  the  line  between  purveying  intelligence  and  promoting  policy  is 
dimmed.  In  closed  systems,  no  pretense  is  made  that  a  proper  function 
of  government  is  the  providing  of  pure  information.  In  the  arena  of 
foreign  politics,  it  is  everywhere  taken  for  granted  that  news  and  com- 
ment are  slanted  in  order  to  influence  policy  commitments. 

In  the  United  States,  modern  information  and  propaganda  serv- 
ices began  by  relying  on  newspaper  reporters  and  editors,  since  it  was 
obvious  that  a  large  part  of  the  job  was  to  win  the  confidence  of  other 
media  men.  In  many  cases,  however,  there  were  advantages  in  reach- 
ing government  officials  at  the  national  or  subnational  level,  and  ex- 
pert knowledge  became  an  asset.  Hence,  political  scientists  were  often 
involved.  Since  promotional  activity  to  some  extent  entails  negotiation 
between  government  officials  and  party  leaders  or  other  group  leaders, 
lawyers  are  often  chosen  to  do  the  job.  This  is  partly  because  many 
party  leaders  have  legal  training  and  because  many  managers  of  pri- 
vate associations  are  lawyers  or  ex-lawyers.  Political  scientists,  especially 
those  with  training  and  experience  in  international  relations,  have  an 
advantage  in  various  transnational  operations.^^ 

The  study  of  government  often  leads  to  the  invention  of  proposed 
lines  of  policy  innovation.  Political  scientists  typically  feel  under  an 
obligation  to  provide  civic  leadership  where  leaders  are  few  or  weak. 
Hence  it  is  possible  to  call  attention  to  many  policy  innovations  at  the 
national,  transnational,  or  subnational  level  that  owe  a  great  deal  to 
the  promotional  zeal  of  individual  political  scientists.  I  shall  undertake 
no  definitive  summary  of  these  activities,  although  it  may  be  service- 
able to  cite  a  few  cases.  In  world  affairs,  the  United  Nations,  the 
movement  toward  international  arbitration  and  adjudication,  and  the 


pursuit  of  collective  security  were  causes  with  which  prominent  po- 
litical scientists  actively  identified  themselves.  Perhaps  the  names  of 
J.  W.  Garner  and  of  Quincy  Wright,  the  dean  of  academic  students 
of  international  politics,  are  sufficient  reminders  of  the  scholars  in- 

The  reform  movements  that  aimed  at  improving  the  mechanisms 
of  government  in  the  United  States  included  many  campaigns  with 
which  students  of  government  became  prominently  identified.  Think 
only  of  the  council-manager  movement  or  the  demands  for  women's 
suflFrage;  for  the  direct  election  of  senators;  for  primary  elections;  for 
a  simplified  ballot;  for  the  initiative,  referendum,  and  recall;  for  per- 
manent registration  and  voting  machines;  for  separation  of  national 
and  local  elections;  for  redistricting  (antigerrymandering) ;  for  poll 
watchers  and  safeguards  to  ensure  honest  tabulation  of  ballots;  for 
organized  civil  service;  for  administrative  consolidation  (county  and 
local) ;  for  independent,  dominant-purpose  "authorities" — and  I  have 
barely  made  an  inroad  on  the  list. 

The  Prescribing  Phase 

A  legislature  is  the  most  distinctive  official  structure  specialized  in 
the  prescribing  function.  It  is  common  knowledge  that  legal  training 
is  a  major  asset  in  running  for  elective  office,  and  no  one  is  surprised 
to  learn  that  research  confirms  the  established  image.  However,  there 
are  indications  that,  as  professions  become  differentiated,  the  domi- 
nance of  the  lawyer  is  somewhat  weakened.  Leaving  aside  the  fact  that 
legal  training  is  often  preceded  or  combined  with  advanced  training 
in  political  science,  we  note  that  full-fledged  members  of  the  political 
science  profession  sometimes  appear  in  Washington  in  the  Senate  or 
the  House.2° 

Political  scientists  have  been  active  in  varying  degrees  in  state 
legislatures  and  in  the  municipal  councils  of  many  communities,  large 
and  small.  In  some  countries,  legislators  are  heavily  recruited  from 
the  civil  service  and  hence  have  received  advanced  education  in  gov- 

In  the  last  few  decades,  the  legislatures  have  become  increasingly 
aware  of  the  magnitude  of  the  responsibilities  that  they  bear  in 
complex  modern  societies.  The  chief  executive  has  the  advantage  of 
drawing  on  the  entire  administrative  establishment  for  intelligence  and 
recommendations.  Legislatures,  on  the  contrary,  are  handicapped  by 
lack  of  control  over  sources  on  which  they  can  rely.  As  a  result,  new 
agencies  have  been  brought  into  being,  or  greatly  expanded,  in  the 

Political  Science  Today  21 

hope  of  overcoming  current  limitations.  The  Library  of  Congress,  for 
example,  has  steadily  extended  its  Legislative  Reference  Service.  Fur- 
thermore, the  committees  of  Congress  have  augmented  their  staffs  with 
professionally  qualified  personnel.  The  committee  investigation  device 
has  been  given  a  new  lease  on  life  in  recent  years  as  a  means  of  coping 
with  the  almost  overwhelming  burden  on  Congress.  Political  scientists 
have  played  an  active  role  in  strengthening  the  intelligence  agencies 
specializing  in  the  immediate  requirements  of  legislatures  at  every 

A  comprehensive  functional  analysis  of  the  prescribing  phase  of 
decision  in  the  United  States  must  await  research  bringing  the  prin- 
cipal private  organizations  into  the  picture  with  government.  A  pre- 
scription is  not  identical  to  the  words  of  a  statute,  although  the  statute 
is  of  importance  in  stabilizing  the  perspectives  that  constitute  a  pre- 
scription. The  text  of  a  statute  can  be  used  to  make  a  tentative  in- 
ference regarding  the  labor-management  code,  for  example.  However, 
the  inference  must  be  verified  by  ascertaining  whether  the  alleged 
prescription  is  in  fact  applied  to  most  of  the  situations  to  which  it  is 
presumably  applicable.  By  examining  concrete  circumstances  and  by 
discovering  the  views  of  "insiders,"  it  may  be  possible  to  confirm  the 
original  hypothesis  regarding  the  content  of  a  prescription.  On  the 
other  hand,  the  pattern  may  be  so  confused  that  no  prescription  can 
be  said  to  exist. 

The  relative  independence  of  law  from  the  phraseology  of  con- 
stitutional charters  or  legislative  statutes  is  well  brought  out  in  the 
case  of  customary  regulation  of  a  market.-^  It  often  happens  that  the 
statutes-at-large  lack  definite  statements  about  fair-trade  practice.  Yet, 
if  one  interviews  representative  traders,  it  will  be  apparent  that  prac- 
tically everyone  expects  participants  in  market  transactions  to  live  up 
to  rather  clear  norms.  A  consensus  also  exists  about  the  sanctions  that 
will  undoubtedly  be  used  against  an  occasional  offender.  In  the  con- 
text of  the  market,  or  even  of  the  body  politic  as  a  whole,  some  of 
these  unofficial  sanctions  are  classifiable  as  severe,  rather  than  mild 
(for  example,  exclusion  from  all  markets) .  If  our  functional  definition 
employs  the  term  "law"  to  refer  to  norms  enforceable  by  means  of 
severe  sanctions,  we  classify  community-tolerated  severe  unofficial 
practices  as  law.  Conversely,  we  do  not  accept  the  face  of  the  statutory 
text  as  establishing  the  existence  of  a  law.  In  fact,  research  may  show 
that  nobody  expects  a  given  statutory  norm  to  be  enforced  and  as- 
sumes that  whatever  sanctions  are  applied  will  be  mild,  not  severe. 

It  is  appropriate  to  refer  to  the  wider  context  of  community  life 


because  it  calls  attention  to  the  fact  that  effective  legislation  is  in 
course  of  enactment  in  interactions  that  take  place  outside  legislatures. 
We  speak  of  the  "minds  and  hearts  of  men,"  or,  less  rhetorically,  the 
prescribing  phase  of  the  decision  process  is  carried  out  as  expectations 
change  or  remain  the  same. 

One  implication  of  this  is  that  political  scientists  affect  the  pre- 
scriptive code  of  a  body  politic  by  engaging  in  the  scholarly  act  of  re- 
affirming or  altering  research  conclusions  about  severely  sanctioned 
norms.  These  affirmations  influence  the  assumptions  of  public  officials, 
party  and  pressure  group  members,  and  effective  figures  in  other  pri- 
vate associations. 

Community  expectations  are  also  modified  in  the  classroom  or 
the  tutorial  session.  The  instruction  of  future  decision-makers  is  a 
matter  of  consequence  in  any  body  politic.  We  are  aware  of  acute 
sensitivity  in  all  matters  that  affect  the  rearing  of  the  heir  apparent 
of  the  monarch,  the  heirs  apparent  of  an  oligarchy,  or  the  leaders  of 
a  popular  government.  The  deference  accorded  by  the  emperor  of 
China  to  his  tutor — the  tutor  was  exempted  from  the  usual  forms  of 
etiquette — is  well  known.  In  the  Indian  classics,  the  rearing  of  the 
princes  especially  emphasizes  the  role  of  companions.  The  preoccupa- 
tion of  classical  Greece  with  the  political  socialization  of  the  entire 
citizenship  is  justifiably  celebrated.  In  the  vast  democracies  of  con- 
temporary times,  the  educational  task  is  channeled  through  huge  in- 
stallations in  which  professional  students  of  government  play  a 
prominent  part  in  crystallizing  basic  expectations— or  in  failing  to  do 

The  teachers  and  researchers,  then,  perform  a  legislative,  a  pre- 
scriptive, function  which  is  insufficiently  recognized  in  many  formal 
treatises  on  government.  Unless  they  transmit  fundamental  expecta- 
tions regarding  the  allocation  and  the  objects  of  power,  they  fail  to 
transmit  the  constitutional  framework  of  the  body  politic.  In  this  way, 
they  perpetuate  or  amend  the  constitution. 

The  Invoking  Phase 

It  is  comparatively  easy  to  identify  the  official  organs  of  govern- 
ment whose  responsibilities  are  highly  specialized  in  the  invoking  phase 
of  the  decision  process.  The  policeman  who  makes  an  arrest  alleges 
that  a  specific  act  violates  prescription;  so,  too,  do  the  prosecuting  at- 
torney who  seeks  an  indictment  and  the  grand  jviry  which  indicts. 
The  health  inspector  who  tickets  a  violation  or  the  building  inspector 
who  finds  a  deviation  from  the  building  code  is  confronting  a  concrete 

Political  Sciejice  Today  23 

case  with  a  provisional  application  of  what  purports  to  be  authoritative 
community  prescription. 

In  our  society,  the  bulk  of  the  invoking  function  occurs  unoffi- 
cially. Think  of  all  the  controversies  among  private  individuals  and 
groups  in  which  the  argument  is  about  the  "law"  and  an  alleged 
violation.  If  legal  counsel  is  brought  in,  negotiations  may  continue  un- 
til a  settlement  is  reached  without  introducing  into  the  controversy 
the  official  decision-makers  of  the  whole  community. 

Although  the  role  of  the  lawyer  in  acts  of  invocation  is  prominent, 
the  trained  political  scientist  is  actually  involved  at  many  points.  Po- 
litical scientists  are  often  engaged  in  administrative  activities  where 
questions  of  conformity  to  regulation  are  conspicuous.  Indeed,  the  en- 
tire stream  of  administrative  action  is  supposed  to  stay  within  the 
channels  laid  down  by  the  basic  prescriptive  code,  and  the  legality  of 
alternative  courses  of  action  may  be  impugned  at  any  moment.  A  large 
part  of  the  routine  task  of  administration  is  to  act  directly  on  private 
individuals  and  organizations  which  are  required  to  show  that  they 
have  lived  up  to  officially  prescribed  standards.  In  this  connection,  we 
think  of  the  regulatory  agencies  concerned  with  commerce,  finance, 
industrial  and  agricultural  production,  relations  of  employer  and  em- 
ployee, transportation  and  communication,  resource  conservation,  and 
private  education. 

To  an  increasing  extent,  regulatory  agencies  draw  their  com- 
missioners and  staff  from  among  political  scientists.  The  literature  in- 
cludes many  attempts  to  arrive  at  working  principles  of  administrative 
regulation.  When  are  objectives  best  served  by  formal  invocation? 
When  is  it  enough  to  refrain  from  initiative?^* 

The  Application  Phase 

When  an  administrative  tribunal  or  court  has  the  last  word  in  a 
dispute  or  an  executive  decides  to  proceed  with  a  project,  a  "final" 
commitment  is  made  in  the  decision  process.  Most  of  the  personnel 
engaged  in  public  administration  are  presumably  absorbed  in  activities 
of  this  kind. 

The  continuing  operations  of  government — ^which  we  call  enter- 
prisory  activities — make  use  of  most  of  the  facilities  available  to  public 
authorities.  Although  we  are  in  no  position  to  give  precise  estimates 
of  the  number  of  political  scientists  who  are  engaged  in  the  application 
phase  of  government,  there  are  grounds  for  saying  that  perhaps  a 
third  of  all  who  do  advanced  work  find  their  way  into  government 
service  rather  than  into  private  research  or  teaching. 


The  literature  of  political  science  reflects  the  breadth  of  pro- 
fessional interest  in  the  widely  ramified  tasks  of  application.  Practically 
every  field  of  administrative  specialization  has  been  enriched  by  this 
literature.  Recall  the  treatises  that  focus  directly  on  problems  of  or- 
ganization, personnel  selection,  management,  and  fiscal  administration. 
Every  value-institution  process  that  is  touched  by  government  has 
generated  an  inter-disciplinary  collection  of  books  and  journals.  This 
is  abundantly  true  of  education,  public  health,  and  welfare  administra- 
tion. The  last-named  tends  to  fan  out  to  include  all  government  con- 
tact with  the  family.  In  recent  times,  American  political  scientists  have 
concentrated  on  the  use  of  the  established  instruments  of  national 
policy  for  the  achievement  of  the  overriding  goals  of  the  system  of 
public  order.  The  quality  and  quantity  of  contributions  to  the  strategy 
and  tactics  of  military,  diplomatic,  and  communications  policy  have 
risen  sharply. 

The  Appraisal  Phase 

Official  agencies  set  up  specialized  structures  to  report  on  the 
degree  to  which  objectives  have  been  fulfilled,  to  account  for  perform- 
ance or  nonperformance,  and  especially  to  assess  the  impact  on  the 
result.  In  many  cases,  reports  from  operating  branches  are  reviewed 
to  discover  degrees  of  fulfillment  or  nonfulfillment  of  task.  Auditing, 
inspecting,  and  censoring  units  participate  in  the  appraisal  function. 
In  large  modern  governments,  it  is  not  unusual  for  management,  often 
supplemented  by  outside  consulting  services,  to  study  the  efficiency 
with  which  operations  are  carried  on  and  to  weigh  the  effect  of  "the 
organization  chart"  on  results. 

Legislative  bodies  spend  a  large  part  of  their  time  employing  the 
mechanisms  of  committee  inquiry  in  attempts  to  perform  the  appraisal 
task.  The  "watchdog"  role  is  congenial  to  many  legislators  and  legis- 
lative assistants.  In  many  instances,  we  cannot  discover  without  new 
investigation  precisely  "who  does  what"  in  connection  with  appraisal. 
It  is,  nevertheless,  clear  that  political  scientists  often  gravitate  toward 
this  phase  of  the  governmental  process. 

It  is  obvious  that  many  individuals  and  agencies  whose  main  job 
is  appraisal  perform  other  distinguishable  functions.  Inspectors  may  go 
beyond  factual  reporting  and  performance  analysis  to  recommend 
changes  of  personnel,  of  operating  policy,  or  of  organizational  struc- 
ture. Censors  may  be  authorized  to  suspend  or  to  indict  (invoking  or 
applying  functions) .  Control  commissions  may  proceed  to  reorganize 

Political  Science  Today  25 

units  of  government — unmistakably  an  applying  or  even  a  prescribing 
activity.  ^^ 

When  we  turn  from  official  to  unofficial  appraisal,  the  part  that 
political  scientists  play  looms  in  the  foreground.  A  significant  propor- 
tion of  all  political  science  publications  has  to  do  with  the  assessment 
of  policy  or  of  specific  factors  that  influence  the  outcome  of  official 
acts.  Given  the  ideological  structure  of  the  United  States,  it  is  pre- 
dictable that  systematic  students  of  government  will  contribute  to  the 
appraisal  of  such  external  policy  commitments  as  participation  in 
(rather  than  isolation  from)  international  organizations  and  programs 
of  military,  economic,  diplomatic,  and  cultural  aid  (or  refusal  of  aid) . 
On  questions  of  internal  policy,  an  audience  is  always  ready  to  give 
attention  to  studies  showing  that  an  expanded  federal  government 
program  has  positive  (or  negative)  effects  on  individual  freedom, 
pluralistic  enterprise,  or  state  and  local  government.  Our  ideological 
heritage  prepares  us  to  listen  to  appraisals  of  the  balance  between 
civilian  and  military  elements  in  the  body  politic  or  to  evaluations  of 
more  (or  fewer)  limitations  on  freedom  to  speak,  listen,  or  investigate. 
The  American  ideological  system  provides  an  explicit  or  implied 
agenda  for  the  perpetual  review  of  the  place  of  government  in  society, 
with  particular  concern  for  individual  development.^® 

The  Terminating  Phase 

When  public  policy  changes  in  ways  that  disturb  established  ex- 
pectations, the  community  often  seeks  to  ease  the  difficulties  of  termi- 
nation and  establishes  agencies  to  settle  the  claims  put  forward.  If 
land  is  expropriated  for  public  purposes,  "just  compensation"  clauses 
provide  norms  of  adjustment.  In  public  emergencies,  various  groups 
may  suffer  disproportionately,  and,  at  the  termination  of  the  prescrip- 
tions authorized  during  the  crisis,  private  groups  may  be  given  restitu- 
tion or  compensation.  When  private  relations  are  ended — as  in  divorce, 
bankruptcy,  or  dissolution  of  a  college — the  community  intervenes  to 
safeguard  public  order. 

Matters  connected  with  severance  of  personnel  and  payment  of 
pension  benefits,  as  well  as  with  the  administration  of  sanction  law, 
enter  the  terminating  phase  of  public  action.  The  authority  to  parole 
or  pardon  is  included  here.  Political  scientists  figure  in  many  special- 
ized organs  connected  with  the  terminating  function  and  are  assisting 
in  the  evolution  of  a  body  of  literature  that  undertakes  to  clarify  this 
often-neglected  dimension  of  community  action.  For  many  years,  most 


of  the  questions  at  issue  were  left  to  the  attorneys,  on  the  tacit  as- 
sumption that  the  aggregate  impact  of  poHcy  change  was  not  worth 
looking  into  or  that  it  could  not  be  tackled  with  any  prospect  of  suc- 

To  summarize,  political  scientists  are  actively  involved  at  every 
phase  of  the  decision  process  of  the  commonwealth  at  all  levels — 
national,  international,  and  subnational.  Although  every  phase  of  de- 
cision is  directly  or  indirectly  affected  by  what  they  say  or  do,  the  chief 
professional  role  of  students  of  government  is  most  immediately  linked 
with  the  functions  of  intelligence  and  appraisal.  As  teachers  and  re- 
search workers,  political  scientists  are  responsible  for  presenting  an  in- 
clusive, reality-tested  image  of  the  changing  role  of  government  in  the 
social  process  of  every  community.  Their  responsibility  includes  the 
linking  of  descriptive  and  explanatory  knowledge  and  estimates  of 
the  future  with  clarified  interpretations  of  community  goals  and  evalu- 
ations of  major  policy  alternatives. 

Although  leadership  is  not  the  primary  function  of  political  scien- 
tists, many  students  of  government  possess  the  additional  qualities  that 
make  for  active  and  conspicuous  influence.  The  framers  of  the  Amer- 
ican constitutional  system  were  often  learned  men  who,  if  they  did  not 
devote  themselves  to  the  full-time  study  or  practice  of  government, 
nevertheless  sought  enlightenment  from  every  promising  source,  an- 
cient or  contemporary,  on  the  pressing  questions  of  public  policy  with 
which  they  were  confronted.  For  a  few  outstanding  Americans,  notably 
Woodrow  Wilson,  professional  inquiry  into  government  provided  a 
career  that  culminated  in  high  office  and  a  source  of  guidance  that  led 
to  a  complex  achievement  of  dazzling  success  and  crushing  defeat. 


^  I  have  referred  to  such  problems  in  my  presidential  address  to  the  Amer- 
ican Political  Science  Association,  "Political  Science  of  Science:  An 
Inquiry  into  the  Possible  Reconciliation  of  Mastery  and  Freedom," 
American  Political  Science  Review,  50  (1956),  961-979. 

^V.  Gordon  Childe,  What  Happened  in  History  (Baltimore:  Pelican  Books, 

3  J.  A.  Wilson,  The  Culture  of  Ancient  Egypt  (Chicago:  University  of  Chi- 
cago Press,  1951),  particularly  Chap.  5;  but  see  S.  N.  Kramer, 
From  the  Tablets  of  Sumer  (Indian  Hills,  Colo.:  Falcon's  Wing 
Press,  1956),  Chap.  13.  Further  sidelights  in  H.  and  H.  A.  Frank- 
fort, J.  A.  Wilson,  and  T.  Jacobsen,  Before  Philosophy,  "The  In- 

Political  Science  Today  27 

tellectual  Adventure  of  Ancient  Man"   (Baltimore:   Penguin  Books, 

*  Some  current  models  of  world  politics  are  M.  Kaplan,  System  and  Process 
in  International  Relations  (New  York:  Wiley,  1957);  G.  Liska, 
International  Equilibrium  (Cambridge:  Harvard  University  Press, 
1957);  T.  C.  Schelling,  The  Strategy  of  Conflict  (Cambridge: 
Harvard  University  Press,  1960);  A.  Rappoport,  Fights,  Games,  and 
Debates  (Ann  Arbor:  University  of  Michigan  Press,  1960);  K. 
Boulding,  Defense  and  Conflict,  "A  General  Theory"  (New  York: 
Harper  and  Row,  1962);  W.  H.  Riker,  The  Theory  of  Political 
Coalitions  (New  Haven:  Yale  University  Press,  1962). 

5Cf.  M.  S.  McDougal  et  al.,  Studies  in  World  Public  Order  (1960);  M.  S. 
McDougal  and  F.  P.  Feliciano,  Law  and  Minimum  Public  Order 
(1961);  M.  S.  McDougal  and  W.  T.  Burke,  The  Public  Order  of 
Oceans  (1962) — all  New  Haven:  Yale  University  Press — and  M. 
Kaplan  and  N.  de  B.  Katzenbach,  The  Political  Foundations  of  In- 
ternational Law  (New  York:  Wiley,  1961). 

^  Concerning  the  use  of  past-future  constructs  as  a  component  of  problem- 
solving  method,  see  H.  Eulau,  "H.  D.  Lasswell's  Developmental 
Analysis,"  Western  Political  Quarterly,  11  (1958),  229-242. 

^  See  D.  S.  Nivison  and  A.  F.  Wright,  eds.,  Confucianism  in  Action  (Stan- 
ford: Stanford  University  Press,  1959);  E.  Barker,  Greek  Political 
Theory,  "Plato  and  his  Predecessors"  (4th  ed.;  London:  Methuen, 
1951);  Kautilya,  Arthasastra,  trans.  R.  Shamasastry  with  introduc- 
tory note  by  J.  F.  Fleet  (4th  ed.;  Mysore:  Sri  Raghuveer  Printing 
Press,  1951). 

^  Cf ,  T.  S.  Ch'ii,  Local  Government  in  China  under  the  Ch'ing  (Cambridge: 
Harvard  University  Press,  1962). 

^  The  figures  concerning  the  United  States  come  from  National  Education 
Association,  Teacher  Supply  and  Demand  in  Universities,  Colleges, 
and  Junior  Colleges  (Washington,  D.C.:  National  Education  As- 
sociation, 1962),  and  the  national  office  of  the  American  Political 
Science  Association,  Washington,  D.C.  John  D.  Millett's  Committee 
on  Standards  of  Instruction  (American  Political  Science  Associ- 
ation) found  that  786  colleges  and  universities  offer  political  science 
courses.  Of  these,  466  have  separately  organized  departments.  In 
162  instances,  political  science  is  joined  with  history;  in  129  cases, 
political  science  is  part  of  a  department  of  social  studies.  Cf.  Amer- 
ican Political  Science  Review,  56  (1962),  417-421. 

^°  Some  information  about  political  science  outside  the  United  States  is 
available  through  the  International  Political  Science  Association 
and  UNESCO.  Cf.,  e.g.,  "Teaching  of  the  Social  Sciences  in  the 
U.S.S.R.,"  International  Social  Science  Journal,   11    (1959),  No. 


2;  J.  Barents,  Political  Science  in  Western  Europe,  "A  Trend  Re- 
port" (London:  Stevens  and  Sons,  1961). 

^^  The  International  Social  Science  Journal  publishes  current  news  and  re- 
search in  the  United  States  and  other  countries.  Representative 
numbers:  "The  Study  and  Practice  of  Planning,"  11  (1959),  No. 
3;  "Citizen  Participation  in  Political  Life,"  12  (1960),  No.  1; 
"Technical  Change  and  Political  Decision,"  12  (1960),  No.  3;  and 
"The  Parliamentary  Profession,"  13  (1961),  No.  4. 

^-  H.  Holland,  Paper  Backs  and  Reprints  in  Political  Science  (Washington, 
D.C.:  American  Political  Science  Association,  1962). 

13  New  types  of  institutions  or  modifications  of  established  institutions  are 
the  RAND  Corporation,  Santa  Monica,  Calif.,  and  the  Operations 
Research  Office,  Johns  Hopkins  University. 

I'*  Cf.  R.  E.  Lane,  Political  Life,  "How  People  Get  Involved  in  Politics" 
(Glencoe,  111.:  The  Free  Press,  1959),  and  the  literature  of  elite 

1^  I  adhere  to  the  usages  in  H.  D.  Lasswell  and  A.  Kaplan,  Power  and  So- 
ciety, "A  Framework  of  Political  Inquiry"  (New  Haven:  Yale  Uni- 
versity Press,  1950),  and  H.  D.  Lasswell,  The  Decision  Process, 
"Seven  Categories  of  Functional  Analysis"  (College  Park,  Md. : 
University  of  Maryland  Press,  1956).  Among  the  analyses  of  de- 
cision, attention  should  be  given  to  the  suggestions  of  R.  A.  Dahl, 
C.  E.  Lindblom,  R.  C.  Snyder  and  associates,  H.  A.  Simon,  and 
G.  A.  Almond — among  others. 

1*^  For  example,  the  concluding  sentence  of  the  book  says  that  the  Constitu- 
tion "was  the  work  of  a  consolidated  group  whose  interests  knew 
no  state  boundaries  and  were  truly  national  in  scope."  Cf.  the  sharp 
critique  of  Beard  on  factual  ground  in  R.  E.  Brown,  Charles  Beard 
and  the  Constitution  (Princeton:  Princeton  University  Press,  1956); 
also,  B.  C.  Borning,  The  Political  and  Social  Thought  of  Charles 
A.  Beard  (Seattle:   University  of  Washington  Press,  1962). 

1^  On  intelligence  problems,  especially  in  reference  to  questions  of  external 
policy,  R.  Hilsman's  work  is  especially  useful:  Strategic  Intelligence 
and  National  Decisions  (Glencoe,  111.:  The  Free  Press,  1956).  The 
older  literature  on  public  opinion — by  Walter  Lippmann  and  John 
Dewey,  for  example — is  concerned  with  what  the  intelligently  par- 
ticipating citizen  needs  to  know  and  what  stands  in  his  way.  We 
can  expect  more  empirical  studies  oriented  to  gauging  the  effect  on 
aggregate  decisions  of  various  total  patterns  of  statement  available 
to  decision-makers. 

18  Among  political  scientists  who  have  joined  with  others,  particularly  edu- 
cators, to  guide  or  evaluate  programs  may  be  mentioned  E.  W. 
Weidner — whose  The  World  Role  of  Universities  (New  York:  Mc- 

Political  Science  Today  29 

Graw-Hill,  1962),  is  the  standard  summary — R.  N.  Adams,  B.  L. 
Smith,  F.  A.  Pinner,  H.  F.  Cleveland,  W.  H.  C.  Laves,  C.  D.  Fuller, 
J.  Gauge,  G.  A.  Mangone,  C.  H.  Wells,  W.  Y.  Elliott,  and  many 

^^  Political  scientists  have  been  especially  active  in  increasing  the  level  of 
awareness  that  modern  politics  is,  at  least,  highly  manipulative.  I 
refer  to  the  stream  of  publications  on  the  promotional  activities  of 
governments,  political  parties,  pressure  groups,  other  private  associ- 
ations, and  individuals. 

^'^At  the  moment.  Sen.  Hubert  Humphrey  (D.,  Minn.)  is  the  most  con- 
spicuous example. 

21  Scattered  data  are  in  the  Hoover  Institute  Studies  on  Comparative  Elites 
(D.  Lerner,  I.  Pool,  R.  North  et  al.  (Stanford:  Stanford  University 
Press,  1952 — );  D.  Marvick,  Political  Decision-Makers  (New  York: 
The  Free  Press  of  Glencoe,  1962);  R.  D.  Matthews,  The  Social 
Background  of  Political  Decision-Makers  (Garden  City,  N.Y. : 
Doubleday,  1954);  S.  M.  Lipset,  Political  Man  (Garden  City, 
N.Y.:  Doubleday,  1960). 

2^  A  key  figure  in  the  growth  of  the  reference  services  is  E.  S.  Griffith.  G. 
Galloway  is  the  outstanding  analyst  of  Congressional  mechanisms. 
Cf.  K.  Hofmehl,  Professional  Staffs  of  Congress  (Lafayette,  Ind.: 
Purdue  University  Press,  1962). 

-^  Many  of  the  issues  involved  are  examined  in  M.  S.  Massel,  Competition 
and  Monopoly,  "Legal  and  Economic  Issues"  (Washington,  D.C.: 
Brookings  Institution,  1962). 

"*  Information  on  regulatory  bodies  is  to  be  found  in  the  work  of  E.  P.  Her- 
ring, M.  E.  Dimock,  E.  Latham,  M.  Bernstein,  M.  Grodzins,  and 

23  Suggestions  are  to  be  found  in  the  writings  of  E.  L.  Redford  and  other 
specialists  on  administrative  strategy. 

26  On  civil-military  relations,  for  example,  see,  among  others :  W.  T.  R.  Fox, 
S.  P.  Huntington,  L.  I.  Radway,  J.  Masland,  A.  Vagts,  W.  R. 
Schilling,  P.  Y.  Hammond,  K.  N.  Waltz,  S.  Melman,  M.  J.  Jano- 
witz,  D.  C.  Rapoport,  B.  M.  Sapir,  and  R.  C.  Snyder. 


The  present  inquiry  into  the  future  of  political  science  is  an  outgrowth 
of  factors  more  specific  than  those  described  in  the  preceding  chapter. 
As  we  shall  presently  demonstrate,  the  profession  has  been  rapidly 
expanding  in  numbers  and  diversity  of  activity;  and  the  result  has 
been  considerable  ambiguity  in  the  conception  of  the  roles  proper  to 
political  scientists. 


A  convenient  point  of  departure  is  the  formation  of  the  American 
Political  Science  Association  in  1903,  an  organizational  step  that  had 
been  taken  by  the  economists  in  1885  and  the  historians  in  1884.  The 

Growth  and  Ambiguity  31 

initiative  for  a  distinct  organization  is  to  be  seen  as  a  manifestation  of 
the  process  whereby  the  mother  discipHne  of  philosophy  was  losing 
intellectual  and  organizational  control  of  the  study  of  social  and  po- 
litical life.  As  the  nineteenth  century  wore  on,  the  reorganization  of 
higher  learning  and  research  had  accelerated.^ 

In  the  United  States,  the  formation  of  centers  for  advanced  study 
and  research  proceeded  with  some  rapidity  after  Reconstruction.  The 
Johns  Hopkins  University  came  into  existence  at  one  stroke  in  1876, 
and  both  The  University  of  Chicago  and  Stanford  were  launched  in 
the  1890's.  The  older  institutions  were  responding  to  the  same  ex- 
pansionist forces.  (The  Ph.D.,  for  instance,  was  inaugurated  at  Yale 
in  1861.)  Of  particular  importance  for  political  science  was  the  Fac- 
ulty of  Political  Science  that  was  approved  at  Columbia  University  in 

The  rise  of  political  science  benefited  from  the  superimposition 
of  features  borrowed  from  the  German  university  system  on  those  of 
the  English  college.  The  study  of  government  and  other  social  sciences 
as  independent  professional  disciplines  was  inadvertently  furthered  by 
the  disappearance  of  the  European-style  faculty  of  law  in  the  migra- 
tion of  university  traditions  to  America.  The  tradition  that  training 
for  the  bar  is  strictly  technical  was  established  early  in  this  country. 
The  basic  task  was  conceived  as  preparing  students  to  pass  state  ex- 
aminations for  admission  to  the  practice  of  law.  With  this  back- 
ground, the  law  schools  attached  to  American  universities  did  not 
become  faculties  of  law  in  the  European  sense  after  the  university 
movement  reached  America  in  the  1870's.  In  the  universities  of  Berlin 
or  Paris,  for  example,  the  faculty  of  law  was  part  of  the  faculty  of 
philosophy  and  included  lectures  on  subjects  that  we  classify  as  po- 
litical science,  economics,  or  some  other  social  science.  In  the  United 
States,  it  was  definitely  established  that  the  dominant  law-school 
figures  had  no  interest  in  European-style  faculties  of  law.  At  Colum- 
bia University,  for  example,  Prof.  John  W.  Burgess  undertook  to 
broaden  the  scope  of  the  Law  School  by  lecturing  on  comparative 
constitutional  law  in  the  manner  with  which  he  had  become  ac- 
quainted as  a  graduate  student  in  Germany.  His  lectures,  which  began 
in  1876,  were  not  popular  and  were  presently  discontinued. 

The  resistance  of  American  law  schools  to  becoming  faculties  of 
law  proved  a  blessing  in  disguise  to  the  social  sciences.  In  the  Euro- 
pean faculty  of  law,  specialists  other  than  lawyers  were  privately  or 
openly  regarded  as  second-class  citizens  who  had  little  claim  on  uni- 


versity  resources  to  develop  new  directions  of  inquiry.  At  Columbia's 
Faculty  of  Political  Science  and  Public  Law,  the  social  sciences  were 
no  longer  subject  to  the  faculties  of  philosophy  or  of  law.  A  distinct 
Faculty  of  Science  was  responsible  for  "natural  philosophy."  It  was 
administratively  unwieldy  and  intellectually  incongenial  to  group  all 
the  social  sciences  with  philosophy  or  with  arts  and  letters.  The  result 
was  a  tripartite  university  structure  in  which  the  natural  and  bio- 
logical sciences,  the  social  sciences,  and  what  were  presently  called  the 
humanities  occupied  separate  administrative  realms.  The  tripartite 
system  was  varied  at  different  places — by  the  separation  of  physical 
and  biological  sciences,  for  instance,  or  by  an  outer  breastwork  of 
such  professional  schools  as  law,  medicine,  and  engineering.  But  the 
American  plan  was  trinitarian,  a  tripartite  separation  of  responsibility 
in  place  of  the  unitary  conception  of  philosophy  as  pure,  and  the 
professions  as  applied,  knowledge. 

Concomitant  with  the  rise  of  the  social  sciences  within  the  uni- 
versity was  another  organizational  development  that  reflected  and 
further  crystallized  the  intellectual  currents  of  the  time.  I  refer  to  the 
growth  of  organized  departments  for  the  administration  of  advanced 
instruction  and  the  cultivation  of  research.  As  the  departments  began 
to  compete  for  graduate  students,  they  became  more  aware  of  the 
market.  As  the  demand  for  graduate  schools  and  departments  spread 
throughout  the  country,  the  new  schools  and  departments  constituted 
their  own  best  market  and  fostered  the  intellectual  consolidation  of 
each  field  of  specialization.  When  departments  were  completed  at  the 
main  universities,  new  outlets  were  found  at  lower  echelons  of  the 
educational  system  itself.  Hence,  departmental  plans  of  organization 
were  extended  or  confirmed  at  college  and  secondary  levels.  At  the 
same  time,  new  career  opportunities  were  sought  or  opened  spon- 
taneously outside  the  educational  network.  For  departments  of  po- 
litical science,  this  meant  chiefly  the  civil  service  at  all  levels  of 

The  expansion  of  the  American  Political  Science  Association  de- 
pended on  the  emergence  at  several  universities  of  strong  faculties  for 
teaching  and  research.  The  association  began  with  214  members  and 
by  1960  had  grown  to  9,000  (including  institutions).  These  figures 
convey  an  accurate  picture  of  the  expansion.  The  impression  is  con- 
firmed when  we  glance  at  other  associations  In  which  political  scien- 
tists predominate  or  take  an  active  part  (in  public  administration, 
international  law,  law  teachers).  Further,  we  take  note  of  regional 
organizations  that  cover  the  country.^ 

Growth  and  Ambiguity  33 


More  significant  than  the  simple  fact  of  expansion  is  the  growth 
of  diversified  activity.  A  recent  indication  is  the  establishment  of  na- 
tional headquarters  for  the  A.P.S.A.  in  Washington,  D.C.,  and  the 
launching  of  programs  of  service  to  the  profession  and  to  the  local, 
national,  and  international  community.  The  congressional  internship 
program  is  an  excellent  example  of  a  service  to  the  profession  and  to 
the  body  politic  as  a  whole.  The  program  brings  academically  trained 
students  and  instructors  into  intimate  contact  with  one  another  and 
also  with  the  organs,  procedures,  and  personnel  of  statecraft.  The 
headquarters  staflf  coordinates  preparation  for  periodic  conventions 
and  looks  after  publication,  placement,  and  consultative  activities. 

In  the  educational  system  of  the  nation,  the  growth  of  political 
science  instruction  and  research  has  been  rapid.  When  the  A.P.S.A. 
was  founded  in  1903,  there  were  977  colleges  and  universities  in  the 
United  States.  Not  many  departments  of  political  science  were  in 
existence  either  separately  or  jointly  with  history  or  some  other  dis- 
cipline. Present  figures  do  not  reflect  the  relatively  modest  numbers 
of  graduate  programs  that  were  then  available  or  the  number  of  ad- 
vanced degrees  awarded  at  the  turn  of  the  century. 

The  diversification  of  political  science  is  reflected  in  many  ways. 
Long  before  the  twentieth  century,  instruction  in  political  philosophy, 
law,  and  government  policy  was  included  in  the  curriculum  of  colleges 
of  liberal  arts.  At  some  of  the  better-known  colleges,  it  was  the  custom 
for  the  president  to  participate  directly  in  the  induction  of  the  senior 
class  into  these  mysteries. 

In  contemporary  decades,  the  field  has  been  prodigiously  sub- 
divided and  extended.  The  history  of  political  philosophy  has  con- 
tinued to  emphasize  Greek  and  Roman  thought.  It  has,  however,  been 
modified  in  many  ways.  More  attention  has  been  given  to  the  political 
inheritance  of  non-European  civilizations,  notably  Chinese,  Japanese, 
and  Indian.  The  accumulating  weight  of  precedent  in  the  American 
legal  system  has  had  a  parochializing  effect  on  instruction  and  in- 
vestigation in  the  study  of  constitutional,  municipal,  and  administra- 
tive law,  an  eflfect  only  partly  compensated  by  the  attention  given  to 
international  law  and  occasionally  to  jurisprudence. 

The  most  massive  change  has  been  in  what  is  often  called  de- 
scriptive political  science.  Even  the  most  cursory  review  of  curricular 
oflFerings  in  representative  departments  confirms  the  fact  of  course 
expansion  in  the  study  of  political  parties;  pressure  (or  interest) 
groups  and  leadership;  public  opinion;  public  administration,  with 


emphasis  on  organization,  personnel,  and  finance;  and  with  state, 
metropolitan,  and  local  government.  Descriptive  courses  have  gone 
well  beyond  the  traditional  account  of  the  British  parliamentary  sys- 
tem, the  governments  of  Western  Europe,  or  even  the  totalitarian  or 
near-totalitarian  leviathans  of  recent  times.  Under  the  impact  of 
America's  expanding  role  in  the  arena  of  world  politics,  instruction 
is  offered  in  international  organization  and  in  the  regional  problems 
of  the  Americas;  Africa;  and  the  Near,  Middle,  and  Far  East. 


That  the  relationship  between  political  scientists  and  the  en- 
vironment has  been  changing  need  occasion  no  surprise.  The  trans- 
formation indicated  in  the  preceding  paragraphs  could  not  have 
occurred  without  community  support. 

A  link  between  the  professional  study  of  government  and  public 
affairs  is  occasionally  brought  to  general  notice  when  an  academic 
specialist  plays  a  prominent  part  in  national  politics.  Woodrow  Wilson 
is  the  only  president  of  the  United  States  who  spent  the  early  years 
of  his  adult  career  as  a  professor  of  government.  There  are,  however, 
senators,  representatives,  governors,  mayors,  and  political  bosses  who 
have  received  degrees  in  political  science  or  taught  the  subject.  The 
mention  of  Woodrow  Wilson  may  bring  to  many  minds  the  image  of 
a  public  figure  whose  effectiveness  was  flawed  by  an  aloof  and  self- 
righteous  personal  style  of  the  kind  that  is  often  supposed  to  betray 
the  academic  man.  A  tendency  to  overgeneralize  in  this  direction  may 
be  partially  corrected  by  recalling  the  late  Bois  Penrose,  of  Pennsyl- 
vania, who  was  taken  by  many  of  his  contemporaries  as  a  symbol  of 
unscrupulous  practicality.  Penrose  appeared  in  print  in  the  publica- 
tions of  the  graduate  school  at  Johns  Hopkins  University.^ 

A  significant  trend  is  discernible  in  the  public  image  of  political 
science  and  political  scientists.  It  is  not  too  much  to  say  that,  until 
recent  years,  there  was  no  such  image  in  general  circulation.  A  po- 
litical scientist  was  not  appreciably  different  from  any  other  academic 
"long  hair"  (or  "crew  cut").  One  searches  the  Congressional  Record 
in  vain  for  other  than  an  occasional  matter-of-fact  or  derisive  refer- 
ence to  the  political  scientist.  The  Congressional  Record  now  contains 
many  appreciative  references  to  the  work  of  the  American  Political 
Science  Association.  Dozens  of  congressmen  have  come  in  touch  with 
capable  and  earnest  young  political  scientists  through  the  internship 
program.  Many  public  officials,  committees,  and  agencies  have  learned 
to  recognize  a  special  field  of  competence,  thanks  to  their  experience 

Growth  and  Ambiguity  35 

with  staff  members  of  the  Legislative  Reference  Service  of  the  Library 
of  Congress.  The  headquarters  of  the  association  have  become  a  clear- 
inghouse for  routing  requests  for  information  to  qualified  persons. 
Daily  contact  is  creating  an  image  of  political  science  as  a  contributor 
to  the  intricate  tasks  of  official  and  unofficial  participation  in  public 

The  image,  it  must  be  repeated,  is  recent  and  dim  and  contains 
both  ambiguity  and  contradiction.  And  this  public  image  is  not  un- 
related to  the  corresponding  self-conception  of  many,  if  not  most, 
members  of  the  profession.  Ambiguity  and  confusion  betray  the  inner 
tensions  that  have  accompanied  the  rapid  development  of  the  field. 

Ambiguities  in  the  Self-image 

The  clearest  evidence  of  inner  stress  is  the  unsettled  character 
of  advanced  training,  especially  at  the  graduate  level,  particularly  in 
the  first  year  and  in  the  basic  survey  of  the  field.  Traditionally,  the 
fundamental  course  was  "political  theory";  in  practice  this  was  a 
chronological  review  of  political  philosophy  in  classical  and  post- 
classical  Europe.  In  recent  years,  however,  the  expansion  of  descrip- 
tive political  science  has  led  to  dissatisfaction  with  the  traditional 
course  as  an  introduction  to  the  field.  The  trend  has  been  toward 
surveying  the  "scope  and  method"  of  political  science.  The  survey  is' 
expected  to  provide  a  systematic  view  of  the  field  and  some  training  in 
the  chief  data-gathering  and  processing  procedures  available.  Diffi- 
culties arise  from  the  fact  that  members  of  the  political  science  de- 
partment who  have  specialized  in  the  history  of  political  thought  are 
not  always  acquainted  with  the  methods  of  research  into  the  con- 
temporary political  process.  Nor  are  they  necessarily  adept  at  sys- 
tematic presentations  that  take  into  account  the  findings  and 
potentialities  of  contemporary  research.  In  many  cases,  they  are  in- 
tellectually alienated  from  the  "new"  political  science  and  are  un- 
willing to  undergo  the  discipline  required  to  achieve  more  than  lay 
acquaintance  with  the  appropriate  methods. 

Lack  of  agreement  about  the  goals  and  procedures  of  political 
science  is  reflected  in  the  range  of  solutions,  often  temporary,  that 
have  appeared  in  various  places.  Some  graduate  schools  are  unable  to 
agree  on  a  "scope-and-method"  course  and  provide  no  unified  picture 
of  the  past,  present,  and  prospective  future  of  political  science.  In  a 
fragmented  department  of  this  kind,  the  power  process  is  more  likely 
to  be  practiced  than  investigated.  In  such  an  academic  arena,  feudal 
fortresses  are  built  to  defend  various  provinces  called  "political  the- 


ory,"  "political  parties,"  "comparative  government,"  "public  law," 
"international  relations,"  and  the  like.  Treaties  and  agreements  es- 
tablish courses  of  instruction  (major  and  minor  fields)  which  permit 
theses  to  be  accepted  and  degrees  to  be  granted  without  mutual  dead- 
lock. Every  prospective  appointment  to  the  faculty  is  weighed  in  terms 
of  its  probable  impact  on  the  balance  of  power  and  hence  on  the 
appropriations  available  for  salaries,  research  assistants,  physical  fa- 
cilities, and  fellowships.  Loving  and  not-so-loving  colleagues  lie  in 
wait  for  opportunities  to  put  one  another  in  the  wrong  or  to  damage 
self-respect.  Students  learn  that  the  choice  of  courses  and  topics  of 
investigation  are  acts  of  allegiance  or  of  treason  and  that  the  con- 
sequences may  be  felt  for  years  in  letters  of  recommendation  (or  lack 
of  them)  when  occasions  arise  for  faculty  appointment,  for  research 
and  fellowship  grants,  or  for  government  appointment. 

Faculty  participants  in  the  power  struggle  within  the  "Hobbes- 
ian"  department  characteristically  seek  to  defend  and  improve  their 
positions  by  contracting  foreign  alliances,  especially  with  govern- 
ment agencies  willing  to  subcontract  research  and  with  private  foun- 
dations and  individuals  able  to  make  research  funds  available.  With 
these  assets  at  their  disposal,  department  support  can  be  obtained  by 
a  research  consortium  that  absorbs  graduate  students  from  enough 
"fields"  to  command  bloc  support.  If  the  departmental  arena  is  un- 
propitious,  arrangements  can  be  made  for  the  autonomy  of  a  "com- 
mittee," "project,"  or  "institute"  or  even  to  secede  and  form  a  school 
or  department  of  international  relations,  of  communication,  of  admin- 
istration, or  of  thought.  The  arrangements  call  for  the  support  of  key 
deans,  the  president  or  the  board  of  trustees,  and  of  leading  donors  or 

In  this  bellicose  setting,  intellectual  differences  of  scope  and 
method  are  transmuted  into  fighting  ideologies  and  slogans.  In  this 
way  "philosophy,"  "morality,"  and  "religion"  manage  to  oppose  "sci- 
ence," "pseudo-science,"  and  "administrative  triviality";  in  reply,  the 
"pursuit  of  verifiable  truth"  stands  over  against  the  "arrogance"  of 
purported  "truth  by  definition"  and  "private  revelation."  Even  "math- 
ematics" and  "statistics"  are  fighting  words,  and  "behavioral,"  "meta- 
physical," and  "legalistic"  are  expressions  of  opprobrium  or  encomium. 

It  has  been  fortunate  for  political  science  that  some  departments 
where  intellectual  differences  are  most  pronounced  have  been  led  by 
men  of  integrity  and  sophistication  who  have  been  able  to  disagree 
without  rancor  and  to  avoid  the  "Hobbesian"  trap.  Under  such  con- 
ditions, a  working  agreement  that  accepts  the  fact  of  diversity  has 

Growth  and  Ambiguity  37 

come  into  being  and  uses  the  collective  power  of  the  department  to 
preserve  a  situation  in  which  students  are  expected  to  have  the  "right 
of  exposure"  to  able  representatives  of  the  leading  currents  of  tra- 
ditional and  contemporary  thought.  The  department  achieves  an 
order  in  which  the  pursuit  of  enlightened  skill  is  a  dominating  con- 
cern. "Minority  protection"  is  a  majority  policy. 

It  is  evident  that  the  inner  tensions  of  the  recent  decades  of  ac- 
celerated growth  are  to  be  explained  in  part  by  the  tradition  that 
political  science  is  a  microcosm  of  the  macrocosm  of  law,  the  humani- 
ties, and  the  social  and  psychological  sciences.  Small  wonder  that 
scholars  of  diverse  traditions  have  found  it  difficult  to  live  with  one 
another.  If  we  examine  the  history  of  older  departments  of  political 
science,  we  find  that  the  original  inhabitants  usually  migrated  from 
elsewhere  in  the  academic  universe,  often  from  history,  philosophy,  or 
law.  Modern  developments  have  broadened  the  intellectual  ante- 
cedents or  brought  closer  contact  with  sociology,  psychiatry,  psy- 
chology, social  anthropology,  and  related  disciplines. 


It  is  possible  to  locate  without  difficulty  the  principal  place  and 
time  in  American  political  science  at  which  the  "newer  aspects"  of 
the  subject  gained  momentum.  The  creative  center  was  The  Uni- 
versity of  Chicago,  and  the  time  was  the  1920's  and  early  1930's.  The 
leading  figure  was  Charles  E.  Merriam,  who  encouraged  the  new 
emphasis  at  the  university  and  through  the  American  Political  Science 
Association.  He  also  took  the  lead  in  initiating  the  Social  Science  Re- 
search Council.  Funds  were  made  available  for  the  most  part  through 
private  foundations,  especially  Rockefeller  and  Carnegie.  Merriam 
believed — and  he  was  by  no  means  alone — that  political  science  was 
too  much  dominated  by  the  "library  research"  tradition  of  historians, 
including  historians  of  political  theory.  He  sought  to  establish  a  better 
balance  by  making  it  feasible  for  students  of  politics  to  use  specialized 
methods  to  describe  political  events  that  they  observed  directly.  The 
transition  from  "library  research"  to  the  conduct  of  field  work  in  sur- 
viving primitive  societies  had  already  transformed  social  anthropology. 
The  "participant-observer"  had  become  acutely  conscious  of  the  im- 
portance of  systematic  notes  and  of  cultivating  and  disclosing  his  re- 
lationship to  informants.  Psychiatrists  were  accustomed  to  summarizing 
interview  protocols  and  observations  and  to  supplementing  routine 
medical  tests  with  psychological  instruments  of  measurement.  Soci- 
ologists and  human  geographers  were  interviewing  in  various  com- 


munities  and  mapping  in  systematic  fashion  the  distribution  of 
physical  habitats,  artifacts,  and  usages.  Psychologists  and  social  psy- 
chologists were  experimenting  with  instruments  designed  to  test  in- 
formation, to  discover  evaluative  judgments,  or  to  measure  the 
personality  as  a  system. 

The  initiative  taken  by  Merriam  was  to  supplement,  not  sup- 
plant, lethargy  of  the  chair  by  the  activism  of  field  and  laboratory. 
However,  he  did  desire  to  enrich  the  traditional  methods  of  describing 
past  political  events.  Merriam  was  impressed  by  the  steady  advance 
of  economics  after  the  advent  of  time-series  techniques  for  the  study  of 
business  fluctuations.  It  seemed  probable  that  statistical  procedures 
could  be  devised  to  describe  the  fluctuating  political  process  with 
equal  success,  whether  the  phenomena  in  question  were  wars;  popu- 
lar votes;  or  votes  by  legislatures,  commissions,  chief  executives,  or 

Advanced  students  found  their  way  from  Chicago  to  many  facul- 
ties of  political  science  and  were  often  given  facilities  to  develop 
teaching  and  research  and  to  work  with  colleagues  who,  though  hav- 
ing no  direct  experience  of  Chicago,  were  interested  in  research  on 
pressure  groups  and  political  parties,  public  opinion,  leadership,  and 
related  dimensions  of  the  political  process,  particularly  in  its  inter- 
national aspect. 

The  difficulties  that  accompanied  the  redirection  of  political  sci- 
ence were  met  in  many  ways,  some  of  which  I  shall  consider  at  length 
elsewhere  in  this  book.  It  is  sufficient  here  to  observe  that  theoretical- 
descriptive  political  science  received  meager  and  grudging  admission 
to  some  faculties.  The  shoe  was  occasionally  on  the  other  foot,  and 
traditional  scholarship  in  the  history  of  political  theory  suffered  from 
deprivations  of  every  kind;  so,  too,  did  teaching  and  inquiry  in  public 
law.  Given  the  mixed  provenance  of  political  scientists,  it  was  pos- 
sible, in  a  fit  of  xenophobia,  to  tell  the  "philosophers":  "If  you  are 
any  good,  you  ought  to  be  good  enough  to  get  an  appointment  in  a 
regular  department  of  philosophy."  Similarly  with  the  "public  law- 
yers"; let  them  go  jump  in  the  law  school. 


It  seems  to  me  that,  as  political  science  faces  the  future,  it  is  in 
a  remarkable  position  to  take  an  important  initiative  in  the  creative 
integration  of  thought  and  organization  at  the  higher  as  well  as  the 
lower  levels  of  knowledge  and  policy.  The  prospect  of  realizing  a 
working  harmony  among  diverse  approaches  has  provided  political 

Growth  and  Ambiguity  39 

scientists  with  an  opportunity,  which  they  have  only  partially  utilized, 
to  achieve  a  coherent  conception  of  a  problem-solving  discipline  ori 
ented  to  the  larger  issues  of  the  life  of  man  in  society. 

Political  scientists  with  a  theoretical-empirical  bent  have  often 
looked  enviously  at  departments  of  economics,  where  legalistic  and 
evaluative  issues  seem  never  to  interfere  with  the  smooth  course  of 
theory-building  and  investigation.  They  have,  however,  overlooked  the 
fact  that  these  issues  were  not  resolved,  but  provisionally  delegated. 
The  delegation  was  to  schools  of  business,  which  were  frankly  oriented 
toward  the  policy  problems  faced  by  responsible  managers  of  the  in- 
stitutions conventionally  specialized  in  the  shaping  and  sharing  of 
wealth.  Schools  of  business  could  not,  however,  maintain  a  university 
status  without  gradually  coming  to  concern  themselves  with  the  social 
consequences  of  business  systems.  In  short,  professors  of  business  be- 
came professional  men  and  not  shop  assistants.  They  concerned  them- 
selves with  the  aggregate  impact  of  economic  institutions  and  enlarged 
the  contexts  of  the  business  curriculum  to  include  explicit  awareness 
of  the  total  interaction  between  business  and  community. 

A  closely  connected  change  was  willingness  to  recognize  a  re- 
sponsibility for  training  managers  other  than  specialists  working  for 
the  profits  of  the  stockholders.  Trade-union  managers  have  an  im- 
portant organized  constituency  in  the  economic  process,  and  a  com- 
prehensive professional  school  can  find  a  place  for  those  whose  role  is 
to  define  the  interests  of  the  workers  in  the  relevant  context. 

This  gradually  brings  other  participants  into  the  picture,  among 
them  managers  of  such  institutions  as  consumers'  cooperatives.  And 
there  are  government  managers  whose  main  role  is  the  administration 
of  enterprises,  many  of  which  are  organized  on  private-profit  or  the 
consumer-profit  plans. 

Schools  of  business  have  become  places  where  every  type  of  spe- 
cialist in  personality  and  culture  can  involve  himself  in  the  study  of 
the  shaping  and  sharing  of  wealth  by  all  institutional  practices.  Mean- 
while, academic  departments  of  economics  are  experiencing  new 
strains  as  theoretical  problems  concerning  wealth  seem  most  inter- 
esting and  rewarding  when  institutional  diversity  is  put  into  the 
foreground,  as  it  is  for  policy  problems  of  industrialization  and  mod- 
ernization. Voices  are  raised  to  demand  a  multivalued,  multi-institu- 
tional approach  to  economic  theory.  Hence,  academic  and  business 
school  economists  are  becoming  problem-oriented  in  the  sense  of  in- 
creasing concern  with  the  clarification  of  goal  and  questions  of  trend, 
condition,  projection,  and  alternative. 


Law  schools,  too,  seemed  enviable  to  members  of  political  science 
departments  perpetually  confronted  with  "marginal"  issues.  But  mod- 
ern American  law  schools  are  also  losing  their  innocence.  Only  a  few 
years  ago,  the  famous  casebooks  compiled  to  further  the  needs  of  the 
case  method  of  instruction  were  remarkably  homogeneous.  They  were 
composed  for  the  most  part  of  snippets  of  the  appellate  court  opinions 
of  American  and  English  courts.  Today,  by  contrast,  a  casebook  is  a 
fearfully  and  wonderfully  heterogeneous  object  containing,  besides 
appellate  court  opinions,  material  from  many  sources,  and  especially 
from  the  psychological  and  social  sciences.  The  books  that  deal  with 
family,  criminal,  labor,  corporation,  administrative,  or  constitutional 
law — or,  in  fact,  with  any  branch  of  the  subject  whatsoever — bring 
the  language  of  legal  technicality  into  the  context  of  social  inter- 
action.* It  is  more  obvious  than  ever  that  jurisprudence  is  a  problem- 
solving  discipline  whose  task  is  to  aid  the  scholar  and  the  active 
participant  alike  to  perform  all  five  intellectual  tasks  related  to  goal, 
trend,  condition,  projection,  and  alternative.^ 

Quite  recently,  departments  of  sociology  have  also  become  ca- 
pable of  arousing  envious  glances  from  modern-minded  political  scien- 
tists who  find  themselves  struggling  against  collegial  resistance  to 
obtain  the  facilities  or  the  permission  to  enable  a  student  of  political 
science  to  augment  his  professional  equipment  by  courses  in  mathe- 
matics, statistics,  psychological  testing,  and  related  specialties.  Al- 
though political  scientists  were  among  the  first  to  foster  the 
contemporary  efflorescence  of  research  in  communication  and  had 
long  been  especially  concerned  with  the  study  of  public  opinion,  they 
were  losing  out  in  many  research  competitions  to  social  psychologists 
and  sociologists  who  had  spent  the  time  necessary  to  obtain  technical 
training  in  the  procedures  essential  to  refined  research.  In  another 
important  problem — the  investigation  of  elites — political  scientists 
were  sometimes  at  a  disadvantage  in  relation  to  sociologists,  who  had 
more  acquaintance  with  field  work  or  methods  of  processing  data. 

Sociologists,  however,  do  not  escape  the  impact  of  contextually 
oriented  problems,  despite  the  delegation  of  various  matters  to  schools 
of  social  work  or  to  programs  in  industrial  sociology,  medical  soci- 
ology, vocational  and  educational  guidance,  and  the  like.  If  an  "ap- 
plied" school  begins  with  pedestrian  intellectual  standards  and 
modestly  tries  to  provide  candidates  for  the  payrolls  of  departments 
of  social  welfare  or  of  private  welfare  agencies,  the  situation  refuses 
to  stay  static.  Able  and  ambitious  minds  insist  on  examining  their 
part  of  the  social  process  in  the  light  of  available  knowledge  of  the 

Growth  and  Ambiguity  41 

whole  and  in  the  face  of  challenges  to  improve  social  institutions. 

The  story  is  the  same  wherever  we  look  at  graduate  and  pro- 
fessional training  and  research.  Schools  of  medicine  and  public  health, 
agriculture,  education,  religion,  departments  of  anthropology  and  so- 
cial geography — everywhere  the  unit  sooner  or  later  searches  to  com- 
prehend its  role  by  discovering  a  map  of  the  whole.^ 

In  political  science  itself,  the  problem  has  been  made  more  acute 
by  the  intellectual  insurgency  of  organizations  that  were  once  supposed 
to  content  themselves  with  a  modest  patrimony  of  intellectual  equip- 
ment. Today,  schools,  departments,  or  programs  in  public  administra- 
tion are  frequently  the  germinating  beds  of  vigorous  programs  of 
research  in  which  the  tools  of  operations  research  are  familiar  aids. 

The  long  history  of  secession  from  "philosophy"  is  to  be  under- 
stood in  part  as  a  consequence  of  the  rigidity  of  the  professors  who 
were  traditionally  expected  to  provide  an  inclusive  map  for  the  guid- 
ance of  every  participant  in  the  vast  field  of  intellectual  labor.  As 
modern  society  expanded  in  numbers  and  variety  of  institutions, 
philosophers  were  often  put  in  the  position  of  repeating  the  traditional 
wisdom  in  abstract  formulas  that  lacked  specification  to  the  newly 
disclosed  configurations  of  nature  or  society.  Although  the  "eternal" 
questions  were  always  present,  creative  contributions  depended  on 
building  a  bridge  between  the  prescriptive  language  of  the  past  and 
the  unfolding  present.  Since  many  philosophers  were  unwilling  to  j 
undergo  the  discipline  needed  to  acquaint  themselves  with  the  new  I 
knowledge  of  nature  or  the  novel  practices  of  society,  they  were  un- 
able to  think  creatively.  At  the  same  time,  they  were  impatient  with 
"fact-oriented"  specialists  and  helped  to  establish  an  atmosphere  of 
contempt  for  the  discoverers  of  empirical  truth. 

As  we  look  to  the  future,  it  seems  unnecessary  to  make  the  er- 
ror of  mistaking  a  part  of  the  intellectual  problem  of  politics  for  the 
whole.  The  challenge  is  to  find  ways  of  focusing  man's  search  for  the 
clarification  of  his  goals  and  for  policies  giving  optimal  expression  to 
these  objectives.  Both  intellectual  tasks,  when  rationally  and  realisti- 
cally conducted,  must  proceed  within  a  framework  of  knowledge  of 
past  trends  and  conditioning  factors  and  of  contingencies  of  future 

In  succeeding  chapters,  we  direct  attention  to  various  dimensions 
of  the  contextual  task  of  political  science.  First,  we  outline  the  re- 
quirements of  a  continuing  survey  of  world  political  phenomena  ade- 
quate to  the  problem-solving  needs  of  political  science.  Second, 
attention  is  directed  to  methods  by  which  intellectual  bridges  can  be 


laid  between  knowledge  of  trends  and  highly  specialized  laboratory 
knowledge,  on  the  one  hand,  and  the  information  required  to  guide 
large-scale  policy  intervention,  on  the  other.  Third,  we  consider 
procedures  by  the  use  of  which  the  vast  Niagara  of  pertinent  informa- 
tion can  be  kept  manageable.  Finally  comes  the  question  of  creativity 
at  every  level  of  participation. 


1  On  the  long  European  background,  cf.  Frederick  M.  Powicke  and  A.  B. 

Emden,  eds.,  The  Universities  of  Europe  in  the  Middle  Ages  by  the 
Late  Hastings  Rashdall  (3  vols.;  Oxford:  Oxford  University  Press, 
1936);  Vol.  3  deals  with  English  universities;  S.  d'Irsay,  Histoire  des 
universites  frangaises  et  etrangeres  des  origines  a  nos  jours  (2  vols.; 
Paris:  A.  Picard,  1933-1935).  The  American  Social  Science  As- 
sociation was  organized  in  the  United  States  in  1865.  It  was  chiefly 
concerned  with  humanitarian  reform.  The  Archaeological  Institute 
of  America  was  founded  in  1879,  the  American  Anthropological  As- 
sociation in  1902,  and  the  American  Sociological  Society  in  1905. 

2  They  include  Southern,  Oklahoma,   Southern  California,  Western,  Pacific 

Northwest,  Northern  California,  Mid-Western,  Southwestern,  Iowa, 
New  England,  Missouri,  New  York,  and  Pennsylvania. 

2  B.  Penrose  and  E.  P.  AUinson,  "The  City  Government  of  Philadelphia," 
Johns  Hopkins  University  Studies  in  Historical  and  Political  Sci- 
ence, 5th  Ser.,  1-2  (Baltimore:  Johns  Hopkins  University,  1887). 

*  Among  contemporary  casebooks,  cf.,  e.g.,  the  pioneer  volumes  on  the  social 
control  of  business  by  W.  O.  Douglas;  by  W.  A.  Sturges  on  arbitra- 
tion; by  M.  S.  McDougal  on  property;  by  F.  Harper  and  F.  James 
on  tort;  and  the  most  recent  type,  exemplified  by  R.  C.  Donnelly, 
J.  Goldstein,  and  R.  D.  Schwartz,  Criminal  Law,  "Problems  for 
Decision  in  the  Promulgation,  Invocation,  and  Administration  of  a 
Law  of  Crimes"  (New  York:  The  Free  Press  of  Glencoe,  1962), 
and  A.  Westin,  The  Anatomy  of  a  Constitutional  Law  Case  (New 
York:  Macmillan,  1958). 

s  My  colleague  M.  S.  McDougal  and  I  have  been  outlining  and  testing  such 
a  jurisprudential  conception  for  several  years. 

6  Cf.  B.  Blanchard,  C.  J.  Ducasse,  C.  W.  Hendel,  A.  E.  Murphy,  and  M.  C. 
Otto,  Philosophy  in  American  Education  (New  York:  Harpers, 

The  Basic 

^*-^-*-*^^y      1/    Promoting,  Prescribing 

We  now  consider  how  the  political  science  profession  can  organize 
its  own  intelligence  function  (which  it  willingly  shares  with  others)  in 
ways  that  enable  the  political  scientist  to  be  knowledgeable  about  the 
nature  and  extent  of  political  events.  It  is  far  beyond  the  competence 
of  any  single  investigator  to  make  more  than  a  small  contribution  to  the 
vast  body  of  data  required  to  describe  the  changes  in  the  distribution 
of  power  and  in  the  structure  and  function  of  political  institutions 
throughout  the  arena  of  world  politics.  However,  this  is  the  task  for 
which  political  scientists  have  professional  competence  and  respon- 
sibility, though  it  is  shared  with  other  specialists — among  whom  are 
journalists  and  undercover  agents — -who  may  or  may  not  have  po- 
litical science  training  and  identity. 


As  matters  stand,  political  scientists  have  only  partially  met  the 
challenge  of  applying  their  tools  of  description  and  analysis  to  the  flow 
and  spread  of  events  in  the  political  process.  I  shall  therefore  outline 
a  possible  line  of  development  in  which  the  American  Political  Science 
Association  and  other  professional  organizations  in  the  United  States 
and  elsewhere  can  play  a  major  role. 

Professional  organizations  are  strategically  located  to  encourage 
and  in  part  to  administer  comprehensive  surveys  of  world  political 
change.  We  have  in  mind  associations  of  scholars,  including  scholars 
in  socialist  and  Communist  countries  to  the  extent  that  their  scientific 
independence  is  in  fact  accepted  and  enforced.  In  a  divided  world, 
there  will  always  be  limitations  on  publishing  the  results  of  research 
into  government.  Under  totalitarian  powers,  which  subordinate  en- 
lightenment to  power,  any  publication  will  be  censored  to  fit  the  cur- 
rent interpretation  of  the  power  interest  of  the  elite.  In  the  United 
States  and  in  many  other  bodies  politic,  power  is  subordinated  to  a 
more  inclusive  set  of  values.  Policies  of  "free  press"  and  "free  speech" 
imply  "academic  freedom,"  since  the  academic  task  can  be  performed 
in  a  free  society  only  when  research  can  be  conducted  on  almost  any 
topic  and  the  results  made  known  in  the  interests  of  general  enlighten- 

A  private  professional  organization  such  as  the  American  Political 
Science  Association  already  provides  a  well-established  mechanism  for 
intelligence.  Annual  conventions,  conferences,  and  committee  meetings 
provide  forums  for  the  review  of  problems,  methods,  and  findings. 

The  A.P.S.A.  is  a  mechanism  through  which  basic  data  surveys 
might  be  fostered  and  coordinated.  We  note  in  this  connection  that 
the  association  could  be  used  for  survey  activities  calling  on  all  the  re- 
sources of  political  science  as  a  teaching  profession.  This  has  never 
been  done,  and  the  resulting  loss  of  opportunity  has  weakened  every 
function  of  the  profession. 

Thousands  of  college  students  are  exposed  to  courses  in  political 
science.  It  is  commonly  said  by  experienced  teachers  that  the  level  of 
the  advanced  undergraduate  is  higher  than  that  of  beginning  graduate 
students;  and  there  is  much  justification  for  this  view  when  we  recall 
that  undergraduates  constitute  a  pool  of  talent  that  is  later  channeled 
through  all  the  professions." 

In  any  case  it  is  well  within  the  scope  of  an  undergraduate,  when 
competently  supervised,  to  gather  research  data  having  obvious  im- 
portance for  the  describing  of  trend  and  the  discovery  of  conditioning 
factors.^  We  propose  that  the  mechanism  of  the  professional  associ- 

The  Basic  Data  Survey  (I)  45 

ation  be  fully  employed  for  the  purpose  of  correlating  our  peda- 
gogical, research,  and  consultative  objectives  by  bringing  students  at 
every  practicable  level  into  a  comprehensive  program. 

One  objective  of  a  basic  data  survey  would  be  to  strengthen  the 
teaching  efTectiveness  of  political  science,  particularly  at  the  college 
level.  In  this  connection,  however,  it  is  not  necessary  to  think  ex- 
clusively of  college  students.  Many  secondary  school  students  are 
capable  of  excellent  research  when  properly  motivated,  equipped,  and 

At  every  level,  teaching  involves  problems  of  motivation.  A  key 
to  intense  interest  in  political  science,  as  in  any  subject,  is  the  sense 
that  one  is  participating  in  an  enterprise  of  genuine  importance.  Many 
routine  exercises  required  in  the  usual  course  of  instruction  are  peda- 
gogically  inefTective  because  they  fail  to  communicate  the  importance 
of  doing  them  well. 

It  is  not  difficult  to  show  that  participation  in  a  basic  data  survey 
would  be  worthwhile.  Such  a  survey  is  part  of  the  adult  world  of 
public  responsibility.  The  information  obtained  enters  immediately 
into  the  public  intelligence  on  which  judgment  depends  at  all  levels 
of  government.  Wherever  the  survey  was  competently  introduced  and 
conducted,  it  would  be  possible  for  students  to  see  that  they  are  en- 
gaging in  a  serious  enterprise. 

In  recent  years,  many  new  procedures  for  research  on  man  and 
society  have  been  invented.*  Some  of  these  methods  were  introduced 
and  developed  by  political  scientists,  although  many  originated  with 
psychologists  and  other  social  scientists.  We  think  immediately  of  tests 
of  aptitude,  motivation,  and  performance.  Modern  research  on  com- 
munication has  led  to  the  invention  of  techniques  of  content  analysis 
to  describe  the  messages  found  in  various  channels  and  techniques  of 
both  brief  and  prolonged  interviewing  intended  mainly  to  describe 
audience  response.  The  study  of  electoral  and  administrative  statistics 
is  well  established.  The  investigation  of  war  and  other  forms  of  con- 
flict has  also  produced  specialized  techniques.  Devices  have  been 
worked  out  for  the  analysis  of  political  elites  and  for  comparative 
analysis  of  statutes  and  judicial  opinions.  It  is  beyond  reasonable 
doubt  that  in  future  years  new  instruments  will  be  invented  or  re- 
modeled to  serve  the  manifold  needs  of  political  research.  Methods 
will  continue  to  vary  in  intensiveness,  that  is,  in  length  of  contact  with 
the  object  of  inquiry,  in  complexity  of  the  data  obtained,  and  in 
length  of  training  required.  But  the  basic  aim  is  the  same — to  bring 
to  the  attention  of  a  scientific  observer  the  events  to  be  described,  to 


provide  a  faithful  record  of  what  is  observed  (employing  indexes  suit- 
able to  the  purpose),  and  to  process  data  in  ways  that  link  them  to 
analytic  concepts  and  hypotheses  designed  to  explain  the  phenomena 
in  question. 

Partly  because  political  science  has  expanded  rapidly  in  recent 
years,  a  gap  exists  between  research  practice  and  teaching.  Many  new 
manuals  are  needed  to  make  clear  to  students  (and  to  teachers  not 
primarily  specialized  in  the  use  of  a  given  set  of  procedures)  how  to 
apply  the  methods  at  hand.  Once  the  flow  of  manuals  has  filled  the 
present  gap,  it  will  be  possible  to  keep  them  up  to  date.^ 

In  proposing  a  basic  data  survey,  we  are  not  oblivious  to  the 
favorable  effects  that  participation  in  the  survey  could  have  on  mem- 
bers of  the  teaching  profession  itself.  Activities  relating  to  the  survey 
would  provide  concrete  evidence  of  the  distinctive  task  of  political 
science  and  aid  in  crystallizing  conceptions  of  the  political  scientist's 
role.  The  manuals  show  the  range  of  special  procedures  the  competent 
application  of  which  provides  dependable  answers  to  pertinent  ques- 

In  the  process,  the  questions  themselves  would  gain  specification. 
For  example:  How  do  the  changes  occurring  among  officeholders  in 
this  community  compare  to  the  changes  in  neighboring  or  distant 
communities?  How  do  the  sources  of  political  intelligence  differ  here 
and  in  other  communities?  What  are  the  characteristic  contrasts  in 
political  participation  as  exhibited  in  party  and  pressure  group  pro- 
motional activity  and  voting?  What  are  the  significant  contrasts  in 
the  course  of  prescription  (legislation)  here  and  elsewhere?  What 
legislative  prescriptions  are  invoked  or  allowed  to  lapse  in  practice? 
How  do  performance  levels  vary  here  and  elsewhere  in  various  ad- 
ministrative applications?  Are  there  significant  likenesses  and  differ- 
ences in  the  self-appraisal  activities  here  and  elsewhere?  What  has 
happened  in  connection  with  the  termination  of  existing  patterns  of 
interests,  as  in  the  exercise  of  eminent  domain  in  redevelopment? 

Once  under  way,  the  continuously  reported  survey  would  provide 
even  the  most  isolated  political  scientist  with  a  comprehensive  and 
selective  image  of  the  principal  political  changes  in  the  locality,  prov- 
ince, nation,  region,  and  world.  It  would  no  longer  be  possible  for  him 
to  reflect  morosely  on  the  fact  that  he  is  little  better  prepared  than 
any  other  member  of  the  mass  audience  to  illuminate  events.  The  data 
would  lend  themselves  to  visual  presentation  in  the  form  of  maps, 
charts,  and  models  that  would  help  to  show  the  contexts  of  specific 
incidents.  It  would  become  obvious  that  the  political  scientist  does,  in 

The  Basic  Data  Survey  (I)  47 

fact,  differ  from  the  layman  in  the  discipline  to  which  his  words  are 
subjected.  It  would  be  perfectly  obvious  that,  when  a  scholar  makes 
a  descriptive  assertion  about  the  direction  and  intensity  of  political 
change,  he  speaks  as  an  expert.  This  does  not,  of  course,  imply  that  a 
political  analyst  is  or  would  be  beyond  challenge  by  other  experts  or 
by  laymen.  His  role  in  a  free  society  is  to  enter  the  political  process 
with  particular  responsibilities  of  intelligence  and  appraisal. 

The  data  provided  by  the  survey  would  enable  one  to  achieve  a 
clearer  image  of  himself  in  the  historical  process  of  the  current  epoch. 
The  survey  would  produce  a  map  whose  successive  editions  would 
show  the  changing  patterns  of  world  politics.  Hence,  one  would  have 
at  his  disposal  a  means  of  clarifying  his  political  goals  and  strategies. 

In  reference  to  the  map  as  a  whole,  these  recurring  questions 
would  be  basic:  What  new  political  patterns  have  appeared?  Where? 
Where  have  patterns  spread  or  been  restricted  (even  to  the  vanishing 
point)  ?  These  inquiries  refer  to  patterns  of  every  kind,  whether  petty 
and  local  or  cases  of  emergence  of  world  revolution.® 

The  scope  of  the  proposed  basic  data  survey  can  be  suggested  by 
directing  attention  first  to  the  study  of  local  units.  We  deal  with  these 
units  first  partly  because  the  coverage  of  representative  cases  is  a 
matter  of  great  importance  for  the  entire  conception  of  an  inclusive 
survey  and  partly  because  student  aid  is  likely  to  be  most  readily 
available  to  describe  local  events.  We  would  not,  however,  confine  the 
survey  to  data  that  can  be  obtained  only  with  the  assistance  of  stu- 
dents. Many  of  the  facts  required  call  for  the  competence  of  the 
specialist.  We  shall  not  call  attention  to  this  distinction  in  all  cases, 
since  it  will  be  obvious.  The  basic  data  survey  includes  projects  of 
every  degree  of  methodological  complexity,  and  the  use  of  students  is 
one  among  many  elements  in  the  total  undertaking. 

In  Chapter  1,  we  described  participation  by  political  scientists  in 
the  political  process  at  any  community  level  (international  or  local) 
in  terms  of  seven  phases.  We  follow  the  same  outline  here,  thinking  of 
each  phase  in  the  flow  of  decision  as  "outcome"  events  occurring 
within  the  decision  process  as  a  whole.  At  each  phase,  we  subdivide 
the  data  in  order  to  provide  answers  to  the  following  questions:  Who 
are  the  significant  participants  (official  or  unofficial)  ?  What  are  the 
participants'  perspectives  of  the  outcome  (values)  they  seek,  their 
prospects  of  success,  and  the  groups  with  whose  fate  they  identify 
themselves?  What  arenas  are  specialized  in  the  task?  What  assets 
{base  values)  are  at  the  disposal  of  participants  seeking  to  influence 
results?  What  strategies  do  they  employ  in  managing  base  values  to 


affect  outcomes?  With  what  immediate  and  long-run  results  {outcomes 
and  effects)  ? 


All  individuals  who  affect  the  flow  of  intelligence  are  participants 
in  the  process.  It  is,  however,  economical  of  research  time  to  concen- 
trate on  persons  and  organs  who  specialize  in  gathering  or  disseminat- 
ing information  and  to  inventory  their  audiences.  Among  offlcials, 
this  points  immediately  to  agencies  of  reporting  and  planning.  From 
time  to  time,  local  officials  leave  the  area  to  obtain  information  about 
events  elsewhere.  A  check  will  also  show  the  extent  to  which  local 
officials  depend  on  sources  outside  the  locality  for  news  of  relevance 
to  local  decisions.  Organizations  of  mayors  and  of  other  officeholding 
groups  publish  bulletins  and  reports  of  municipal  activities  and  also 
state,  national,  and  international  news  of  possible  interest  to  local 

Unofficial  local  sources  of  politically  significant  intelligence  in 
the  United  States  include  the  mass  media,  which  often  maintain  cor- 
respondents at  the  state  or  national  capital,  and  the  reports  of  party, 
civic,  or  other  private  associations.  In  turn,  these  channels  rely  in 
varying  degree  on  outside  press,  party,  civic,  and  other  sources. 

It  is  possible — assuming  diligence  and  competence — to  inventory 
the  principal  sources  of  current  information  on  which  participants  rely 
for  intelligence  that  affects  local  decisions.  There  are  the  questions  of 
(1)  amount  of  exposure  to  the  source  and  (2)  evaluation  of  the 
source.  It  is  useful  to  focus  on  the  specialists  who  are  most  easily 
identified  (planning  agencies,  broadcasters,  and  the  like)  and  to  ex- 
amine the  network  of  personal  contacts  on  which  they  rely  for  rumors 
of  current  happenings  that  bear  on  local  decisions.  There  is  likely 
to  be  a  high  degree  of  interchange  among  these  specialists;  each  in 
turn  may  rely  on  an  identifiable  circle  at  clubs,  homes,  offices,  street 
corners,  and  other  gathering  places.  The  sources  of  information  can 
be  mapped  according  to  the  structure  of  politics  and  of  the  com- 
munity as  a  whole.  The  result  will  show,  for  example,  the  extent  to 
which  any  specialist  has  familiar  access  to  upper,  middle,  or  lower 
strata  of  government,  party  wealth,  enlightenment,  well-being,  skill, 
respect  ("social  class"),  affection  (popularity),  and  rectitude. 

The  point  of  these  distinctions  and  the  need  for  relevant  data 
are  obvious  on  reflection.  Common  sense  and  research  agree  on  the 
selective  effect  of  position  in  the  social  context  on  sources  of  informa- 

The  Basic  Data  Survey  (I)  49 

tion.  A  rich  businessman  (a  member  of  the  upper  wealth  class,  in  our 
terms)  who  talks  mainly  to  other  rich  businessmen  can  be  expected 
to  have  a  version  of  news  differing  from  that  of  a  rich  man  who  main- 
tains contact  with  middle-income  or  poor  people.  Similarly,  the  editor 
who  mixes  only  with  persons  having  equally  exhaustive  "top-level" 
knowledge  of  public  affairs  is  likely  to  get  out  of  touch  with  the  cur- 
rent scene  as  viewed  by  reporters  who  circulate  among  humbler 
people.  If  one  moves  only  among  healthy  people,  he  is  likely  to  over- 
look the  world  as  seen  by  the  ill.  Similarly,  in  regard  to  any  occupa- 
tion or  profession  where  skill  is  important,  the  current  interpretations 
of  events  diverge  to  some  extent  according  to  the  level  of  excellence. 
That  social  class  is  a  selective  factor  in  rumor  and  gossip  has  been 
heavily  emphasized  in  contemporary  social  science.  In  addition,  there 
are  persons  of  exceptional  popularity  and  unpopularity  in  any  com- 
munity, and  this  affects  versions  of  events.  Similarly,  persons  and 
organizations  who  are  regarded  as  custodians  of  religion  and  morality 
are  likely  to  report  current  affairs  in  distinctive  terms. 

We  have  been  itemizing  the  broad  value-institution  categories 
that  are  worth  applying  in  any  examination  of  participants  in  the 
gathering,  dissemination,  and  interpretation  of  intelligence.  Further, 
in  many  communities  major  differences  in  ways  of  life  show  the  im- 
pact of  contrasting  cultures  rather  than  class  distinctions  within  a 
culture.  In  the  United  States,  the  distinctions  between  white  and 
Negro  castes  survive  in  many  localities;  the  organization  of  intelli- 
gence sources  is  deeply  affected  by  this  alignment. 

Political  scientists  are  accustomed  to  searching  for  smaller  group- 
ings whose  effect  on  the  flow  of  intelligence  is  often  decisive.  It  is  a 
question  of  interest  groups;  by  definition,  these  may  include  fewer 
than  all  members  of  a  culture  or  class  or  cut  across  such  lines.  Much 
of  the  time  spent  on  the  job  by  political  reporters  is  devoted  to  at- 
tempts to  uncover  interest  alignments  that  may  affect  their  sources 
of  information  and  therefore  influence  the  intelligence  made  available 
to  others.  Every  sophisticated  person  concerned  with  municipal  poli- 
tics is  aware  of  an  enormous  number  of  interests,  such  as  particular 
offices,  departments,  or  commissions;  political  leaders  and  factions; 
specific  publishers,  editors,  commentators,  or  reporters;  public-utility, 
banking,  real-estate,  department-store,  supermarket,  hotel,  theater, 
sporting,  gambling,  prostitution,  drug,  employer,  trade-union,  or  other 
economic  interests;  associations  concerned  with  accident  prevention 
and  hospital  care;  interests  relating  to  administration  of  tests  or 
awarding  of  recognition  for  excellence;  "society";  concern  with  per- 


sonal  popularity;  and  religious  or  denominational  interest.  Obviously, 
the  list  could  be  extended  indefinitely.  The  research  task  is  to  see  the 
political  process  as  a  whole  and  to  concentrate  on  combinations  of  in- 
terests that  seem  most  likely  to  affect  intelligence  content  on  signifi- 
cant matters. 

Instruments  for  personality  testing  open  a  new  field  for  the  in- 
tensive study  of  those  who  participate  in  the  flow  of  information. 
Preliminary  research  points  strongly  to  the  role  of  various  personality 
types  in  distorting  the  flow  of  intelligence.  One  thinks  of  the  standard 
image  of  gossipy  and  malicious  old  maids,  of  disgruntled  characters 
sliding  down  the  ladder  of  social  respect,  of  "litigious  paranoids"  and 
"persecutory  agitators."  As  crisis  levels  fluctuate  in  local  communities, 
the  role  played  by  such  personalities  in  private  rumor  and  public 
print  fluctuates  accordingly.  On-the-spot  surveys  are  needed  to  en- 
rich our  scanty  understanding  of  the  importance  of  these  relationships. 

If  the  knowledge  pertinent  to  participation  in  the  intelligence 
process  seems  to  become  unmanageably  complex  under  modern  con- 
ditions, it  is  worth  recalling  that  it  is  not  necessary  to  do  everything 
at  once.  Approximations  can  be  made,  and  the  whole  enterprise  be- 
comes cumulatively  more  important  as  successive  generations  of  stu- 
dents and  others  add  to  the  data. 

In  addition  to  planning  and  news,  all  research  activities,  includ- 
ing political  science  research,  whether  official  or  unofficial,  come 
within  the  intelligence  category  and  are  eligible  for  inclusion  as  ob- 
jects of  survey. 


The  participants  in  intelligence  activities  approach  their  tasks 
with  difTering  values,  expectations,  and  identifications.  Students  of 
government  will  presumably  concern  themselves  mainly  with  dis- 
covering the  truth  about  local  politics  and  relating  information  about 
local  aflfairs  to  a  comprehensive  view  of  the  political  process.  The 
dominant  value  of  such  a  person  is  enlightenment  or  skill  in  research. 
In  contrast,  many  individuals  look  on  their  intelligence  tasks  as  "just 
a  job,"  a  means  of  making  a  living.  On  the  other  hand,  the  appeal 
may  be  the  respect  potentials  of  the  task,  as  with  some  by-line  re- 
porters and  commentators.  For  some  persons,  camaraderie  is  the  main 
job  aim  and  satisfaction.  Others  are  oriented  toward  power,  their 
own  or  that  of  the  political  party  with  which  they  are  identified.  It 
may  be  that  the  intelligence  worker  is  more  involved  in  advancing 
the  cause  of  his  religion  or  in  reforming  society  than  in  any  other  part 

The  Basic  Data  Survey  (I)  51 

of  his  task.  There  are  also  cases  in  which  the  job  has  a  specific,  deep 
appeal  that  can  be  understood  only  when  we  see  it  as  a  means  of 
preserving  precarious  mental  health.  "Inside  dopesters"  occasionally 
come  in  this  group. 

Whatever  the  individual  case  may  show,  a  main  object  of  the 
survey  would  be  a  picture  of  the  aggregate  situation  at  a  cross-section 
in  time  usable  as  a  bench  mark  for  future  changes.  It  is  conceivable 
that,  in  the  future,  fundamental  shifts  in  the  relationship  among 
power  and  other  values  will  be  detected  earlier  in  local  situations  than 
in  larger  aggregates.  The  intelligence  flow  in  the  United  States  has 
been  colored  at  the  local  level  by  the  influence  of  groups  actively 
seeking  many  values.  Will  future  tendencies  give  prominence  to  power, 
and  especially  to  the  power  of  parties  and  pressure  coalitions  seeking 
to  move  the  people  toward  militant  nationalism?  Will  this  bring  with 
it  relative  decline  in  the  influence  of  wealth  as  traditionally  exercised 
through  advertising  and  social  pressure?  Or  will  the  leisure  and  edu- 
cation fostered  by  an  opulent  economy  bring  greater  intellectual  curi- 
osity and  sophistication,  with  a  resulting  domination  of  the  flow  of 
local  intelligence  by  journalists,  commentators,  officials,  and  research 
workers  who  take  a  political  scientist's  view  of  the  task? 

In  surveying  the  perspectives  of  intelligence  participants,  we  are 
cognizant  of  the  strategic  role  that  they  play  in  advancing  or  limiting 
competing  ideological  systems.  The  relative  strength  of  competing 
systems  can  be  assessed  at  the  grass  roots  by  a  survey  of  local  units. 
There  must,  however,  be  preliminary  studies  of  materials  that  reflect 
the  most  comprehensive  and  systematic  structures  of  ideology.  The 
Universal  Declaration  of  Human  Rights,  for  example,  is  a  com- 
pendium of  official  interpretations  of  the  dignity  of  man.  The  partic- 
ular problem  of  the  survey  when  conducted  at  the  local  level  would 
be  to  discover  to  what  extent  members  of  the  community  are  com- 
mitted to  these  objectives  in  the  immediate  process  of  decision. 

Many  methods  are  already  at  hand  for  gathering  the  data  re- 
quired for  a  successful  survey.  Municipal  charters  and  ordinances  can 
be  analyzed  to  find  harmonies  or  discrepancies  with  the  Universal 
Declaration  and  other  pertinent  ideological  statements.  It  is  reason- 
able to  assume — subject  to  more  intensive  study — that  members  of 
the  elite  are  giving  utterance  to  accepted  views  when  they  make  un- 
contradicted declarations  in  public.  Content  analyses  may  therefore 
be  made  of  uncontradicted  assertions  found  in  speeches  or  other 
public  expressions  by  leading  planners,  media  controllers,  and  re- 
search workers  during  selected  periods.  When  contrasted  with  similar 


declarations  by  top  governmental  and  party  leaders  and  by  other  elite 
spokesmen,  the  results  would  show  what  is  stressed  or  left  unstressed 
by  the  different  groups. 

Relatively  brief  private  interviews  or  tests  may  be  conducted  in 
order  to  discover  the  goal  commitments  of  the  interviewee  and  his 
perception  of  the  goals  of  other  members  of  the  body  politic.  Depth 
interviewing  can  be  employed  to  give  a  clearer  picture  of  the  intensity 
with  which  the  various  views  are  held. 

Alongside  the  data  that  have  to  do  with  doctrinal  declarations 
of  goal,  two  other  types  of  information  bear  on  fundamental  per- 
spectives. The  first  relates  to  the  structure  of  the  self;  the  second  to 
political  lore,  or  "miranda."^  The  pertinent  question  about  the  self 
considers  the  boundaries  of  the  system.  How  identified  am  /  with 
family,  party,  religious,  and  other  groups?  What  images  do  /  entertain 
of  the  self  and  of  others? 

We  have  called  attention  above  to  the  challenge  in  future  years 
to  the  continued  exclusion  of  advanced  forms  of  life  and  machines 
from  the  category  "man."  In  the  immediate  future,  however,  we  are 
more  concerned  with  trends  of  reference  to  "race,"  since  world  po- 
litical alignments  may  conceivably  crystallize  along  racist  lines.  If  we 
go  back  to  the  epoch  of  the  Declaration  of  Independence  in  the 
United  States  and  of  the  Declaration  of  the  Rights  of  Man  in  France, 
it  is  evident  that  the  symbols  of  identity  which  received  emphasis  were 
universalistic,  legal,  and  moral.  It  was  an  epoch  whose  leaders  sought 
to  realize  the  "rights  of  man,"  without  derogatory  distinctions  based 
on  criteria  other  than  merit  and  common  humanity.  However,  the 
next  great  world-revolutionary  wave  spoke  the  language  of  "eco- 
nomic" or  "material"  relations  and  exalted  one  economic  "class"  over 
another  in  the  hypothetical  transition  to  classlessness. 

Beginning  with  Nazi  racialism,  world  prominence  has  been  given 
to  biological  or  pseudobiological  distinctions.  Ex-colonial  peoples  are 
usually  nonwhite,  whence  an  obvious  temptation  to  propagate  racism. 
In  this  context,  an  inhibiting  factor  of  enormous  weight  is  the  Com- 
munist movement  which  has  identified  many  ex-colonial  peoples  with 
Eastern  Europe  and  played  down  the  racial  cleavages.  The  Com- 
munist area  may  split;  if  so,  the  Sino-Russian  tension  suggests  that  the 
reorientation  may  be  along  "racist"  lines. 

We  do  not  ignore  the  possibility  that,  as  the  boundary  between 
living  forms  grows  dim,  exclusionist  ideologies  with  new  lines  of  de- 
marcation may  appear.  Superior  forms  of  life — superior,  that  is,  tech- 
nologically and  in  capability — may  be  discovered  as  man  probes  outer 

The  Basic  Data  Survey  (I)  53 

space  or  mutants  or  machines  emerge  who  possess  sensational  capa- 
bilities and  who  see  no  reason  to  take  the  claims  of  man  seriously. 

Surveys  at  the  local  level  are  especially  well  adapted  to  ascertain 
the  facts  of  caste  and  class.  It  is  in  the  sphere  of  family  and  friendship 
that  caste  distinctions  retain  most  vitality.  At  the  same  time,  this  is 
the  area  of  human  association  in  which  specific  attachments  exert 
their  greatest  effect  on  established  strategies.  The  changing  balance 
resulting  from  ambivalence  can  be  described  in  detail  in  local  units 
with  particular  regard  to  the  whole  decision  process. 

In  the  study  of  perspectives,  we  do  not  depend  exclusively  on 
what  people  say,  especially  in  estimating  degrees  of  intensity.  Many 
of  the  data  called  for  elsewhere  in  this  prospectus  would  provide  be- 
havioral indications  that  would  deepen  our  understanding  of  the  per- 
spectives that  prevail  among  intelligence  personnel  and  in  the  general 


The  various  participants  in  the  intelligence  function  interact  to 
form  an  aggregate;  the  aggregate  constitutes  an  "arena,"  a  situation 
relatively  specialized  in  the  power  process.  The  fact  of  entering  into 
or  leaving  off  interaction  is  the  important  point  in  describing  the  ex- 
pansion or  contraction  of  intelligence  operations  during  a  given  pe- 
riod. The  official  agencies  are  not  necessarily  identical  with  the 
effective  arena  of  information-gathering  and  -dissemination  or  -with- 
holding. On  the  contrary,  the  principal  decisions  affecting  intelligence 
may  be  made  by  political  party  leaders  or  by  the  staffs  of  pressure 

Political  science  is  concerned  with  the  original  constitution  of 
an  arena  and  with  subsequent  admissions,  exclusions,  consolidations, 
and  separations.  The  total  context  can  be  described  according  to  the 
number  and  relative  strength  of  participants  as  multipolar,  pluripolar, 
bi-,  tri-,  or  unipolar.  In  totalitarian  societies,  the  formal  monolithic 
structure  seeks  to  receive  infomiation  of  local  affairs  without  pro- 
viding any  counterflow  of  uncensored  information  or  any  compre- 
hensive public  image  of  the  local  situation.  This  unipolar  pattern  is 
never  entirely  successful,  however,  since  rumor  and  informal  routes 
of  contact  supplement  the  formal  channels. 

Base  Values 

As  far  as  official  agencies  of  intelligence  are  concerned,  the  for- 
mal language  of  constitution,  statute,  or  ordinance  provides  authority 


for  a  voice  in  community  decision  and  clears  the  way  to  obtaining 
those  assets  in  addition  to  power  which  are  required  for  effective 
operation.  Surveys  of  base  values  can  conveniently  begin  with  an 
analysis  of  the  assets  and  liabilities  provided  in  the  authoritative 

It  may  be  prescribed,  for  example,  that  all  agencies  of  local  gov- 
ernment make  information  available  to  the  intelligence  or  planning 
center.  The  intelligence  organs  themselves  may  be  barred  from  giving 
information  to  anyone  except  the  head  of  the  government  (the  mayor 
or  the  council).  The  services  may  obtain  funds  by  appropriation  or 
borrowing,  and  they  may  be  granted  access  to  facilities  and  to  per- 
sonnel whose  qualifications  they  may  prescribe.  These  may  affect  the 
human  resources,  skill,  loyalty,  respect,  and  moral  standing  of  the 
intelligence  operation. 

In  addition  to  formal  authority,  an  organ  of  intelligence  can  ob- 
tain base  values  of  every  kind  informally  for  use  in  gathering  informa- 
tion. Personal  friendship  with  key  politicians  can  augment  the  effective 
power  at  its  disposal.  The  economic  assets  of  the  individuals  connected 
with  intelligence,  their  social  standing,  knowledge,  dexterity,  intelli- 
gence, and  uprightness  all  count  heavily. 

Private  operations  in  the  field  of  intelligence  may  receive  no  more 
protection  from  the  public  order  than  is  customary  for  voluntary 
organizations  generally.  But  they  may  have  important  connections 
with  politics  and  every  other  value-institution  process  in  the  locality 
and  outside  it. 

Recall  that  the  survey  of  "participants"  would  classify  them  ac- 
cording to  class  position  in  order  to  describe  the  sources  open  to  them 
in  the  community.^  In  the  present  context,  the  values  available  or 
potentially  available  at  any  cross-section  in  time  are  evaluated  as 
contributions  to  the  total  influence  of  the  individuals  and  organizations 


When  we  refer  to  the  strategies  of  a  participant  in  intelligence 
we  have  in  mind  the  ways  by  which  base  values  are  utilized  to  effect 
the  outcomes  sought. 

Two  subobjectives  of  strategy — assembling  and  processing — are 
always  present.  Base  values  are  not  always  in  a  form  operationally 
adapted  to  the  task  at  hand.  Personnel  may  be  available  on  assign- 
ment from  other  agencies,  but  training  programs  may  be  needed  to 
equip  the  staff  to  gather  or  disseminate  information.  Similarly,  broad- 

The  Basic  Data  Survey  (I)  55 

casting  facilities  must  be  built  before  the  active  processing  of  intelli- 
gence can  begin.  Surveys  can  show,  for  example,  the  man-hours  of 
time  devoted  to  assembling  the  units  required  for  planning,  news,  or 
research  and  the  man-hours  given  over  to  processing.  Breakdowns  of 
both  sets  of  strategic  activities  can  be  made  in  minute  detail  as  hy- 
potheses are  formulated  to  guide  investigation. 

An  important  question  in  reference  to  strategy  is  whether  co- 
ercive instruments  are  used  to  obtain  or  block  the  dissemination  of  in- 
telligence or  to  alter  the  prevailing  structure  of  participation  in 
intelligence.  Many  dramatic  examples  of  the  use  of  coercion  to  inter- 
fere with  news  reporting  are  known,  notably  in  connection  with  gangs 
connected  with  illicit  activities.  More  subtle  are  the  interferences  that 
come  from  economic  pressure  (for  example,  threats  of  foreclosure  or 

Agencies  often  employ  the  intelligence  at  their  disposal  as  a 
means  of  augmenting  their  control  of  intelligence.  For  example,  dur- 
ing periods  of  acute  crisis  in  foreign  affairs,  local  groups  of  retired 
intelligence  officers  may  circulate  "loyalty"  information  to  discredit 
the  leaders  of  intelligence  groups  active  in  civic  affairs  or  in  the  gov- 
ernment. The  result  may  be  an  effective  monopoly  of  many  types 
of  intelligence  for  the  group.  The  association  in  question  may  be 
dominated  by  a  single  decisive  figure  who  concentrates  control  in  his 
own  autocratic  hands. 


An  intelligence  outcome  is  the  culminating  moment  in  the  dis- 
closure or  nondisclosure  of  information.  Thus,  an  official  agency  may 
decide  to  release  or  to  withhold  copies  of  a  completed  city  plan,  or  a 
civic  association  may  decide  to  suppress  or  to  circulate  a  report  on 
the  gangster  connections  of  a  candidate.  A  publisher  may  defer  or  ex- 
pedite the  appearance  of  a  book  analyzing  city  government  and  poli- 

Whatever  the  content  of  communication  media  at  the  outcome 
phase,  it  is  always  pertinent  to  political  science  to  estimate  the  degree 
of  influence  exerted  by  whom  on  the  product.  This  can  be  done  for  a 
given  period  by  examining  the  source  of  proposed  or  of  vetoed  mes- 
sages. Such  an  analysis  reveals  the  coalition  alignments  for  and  against 
various  alternatives  and  isolates  the  pivotal  participants  in  determin- 
ing the  result. 

For  purposes  of  comparison,  we  emphasize  the  importance  of 
classifying  content  according  to  the  five  intellectual  tasks — goal,  trend. 


condition,  projection,  and  alternative.  How  comprehensive  are  com- 
munity goals  in  reference  to  each  sphere  of  value  and  institution? 
What  parts  of  the  whole  process  are  ignored  or  given  prominence? 
What  is  the  relative  prominence  given  to  trend,  condition,  and  pro- 
jection, to  various  alternatives  of  policy? 

At  the  outcome  phase,  it  is  possible  to  detect  the  appearance  of 
new  ideological  patterns  and  to  take  note  of  the  diffusion  or  restrict- 
tion  of  the  old.  When  we  look  at  the  grand  scope  of  religious  or  po- 
litical myths  at  the  extreme  of  their  historical  spread,  it  is  easy  to 
lose  sight  of  circumscribed  beginnings.  One  purpose  of  surveying  po- 
litical change  is  to  learn  of  new  initiatives  before  they  spread  gen- 
erally and  to  improve  methods  of  evaluating  their  potential  domain. 
As  we  describe  the  current  scene,  will  we  be  alert  enough  to  detect 
the  incipient  stages  of  a  T'ai  P'ing  Rebellion  or  a  Bolshevik  Revolu- 

Innovations  which  themselves  have  little  future  may  be  impor- 
tant indicators  of  a  maelstrom  of  symbolic  activity  gradually  veering 
toward  new  directions  of  belief,  faith,  and  loyalty.  In  this  connection, 
"nonpolitical"  as  well  as  "political"  symbols  must  be  kept  in  view. 
Symbolic  structures  whose  manifest  content  is  religious  sometimes  per- 
form a  cathartic  function  that  drains  off  the  pool  of  motivation  open 
to  political  programs.  Immediately  after  Japan's  defeat  in  World  War 
II,  no  fewer  than  two  thousand  new  religious  sects  took  shape  in 
various  parts  of  the  country.^"  It  seems  clear  in  the  light  of  subsequent 
knowledge  that  the  immediate  role  of  these  sectarian  movements  was 
to  provide  small  pluralistic  groups  with  affection,  respect,  and  en- 
lightenment and  thereby  to  forestall  programs  of  political  action. 
Among  sharecroppers  and  isolated  hill  folk  in  the  United  States,  re- 
ligious revivalism  appears  to  have  a  similar  role  of  catharsis. 

When  we  referred  to  outcome  events  in  the  intelligence  flow,  the 
reference  was  to  such  culminating  occurrences  as  the  dissemination 
or  withholding  of  information  and  exposure  to  or  isolation  from  in- 
formation. Subsequent  events  are  assignable  to  the  category  of  effects. 
We  are  asking  for  data  about  the  total  impact  of  information  to  which 
various  participant  audiences  are  exposed  in  a  given  slice  of  time.  Are 
their  goals  for  the  local  commonwealth  clarified?  If  so,  in  what  direc- 
tion? Are  their  images  of  trend,  condition,  and  projection  influenced 
in  any  way?  Is  their  perceived  range  of  policy  alternatives  modified? 

We  referred  above  to  the  need  for  outcome  data  in  terms  of  new 
or  old  ideological  systems.  The  question  at  this  point  is  how  to  obtain 
evidence  of  results  of  exposure  to  communication  channels. 

The  Basic  Data  Survey  (I)  bl 

Already  there  are  apprehensions  at  combining  signs  with  chem- 
ical factors  in  the  transmission  of  intelligence,  thereby  fixing  audience 
response  more  permanently  than  by  means  of  signs  alone.  These 
methods  would  presumably  be  part  of  the  educational  channels  dedi- 
cated to  the  transmission  of  established  ideology  and  operational  tech- 


We  now  consider  the  requirements  of  a  survey  of  activities  of 
promotion  at  the  local  level.  In  some  communities,  the  initiative  for 
new  policy  lies  with  associations  whose  staffs  are  expected  to  go  be- 
yond the  intelligence  function  to  advocacy.  This  is  often  the  case  with 
crime  commissions,  tax  reform  associations,  property  improvement 
leagues,  and  the  like.  Promotional  activities  are  included  in  various 
degree  in  the  work  of  elected  officials,  party  machines,  and  the  press. 
One  task  of  the  survey  would  be  to  locate  the  full-time  and  part-time 
performers  of  the  function  and  to  place  them  in  the  contexts  of  cul- 
ture, class,  interest,  and  personality.^^ 


What  value  effects  are  sought  by  those  who  engage  in  promo- 
tional activities?  If  we  assume  that  the  future  holds  greater  freedom 
from  work,  is  it  reasonable  to  expect  that  human  activities  will  be- 
come enormously  more  diversified  than  they  are  at  present  and  that 
many  new  policies  will  be  pressed  on  the  community?  Will  one  conse- 
quence be  that  professional  promoters  gradually  disappear  as  citizens 
engage  in  voluntary  civic  efforts  ? 

A  related  question  is  whether  economic  interests  will  become 
more  or  less  important  sources  of  pressure  for  change  in  countries 
where  private  enterprise  continues.  We  are  aware  of  the  role  that  has 
been  played  in  the  United  States  by  equipment  manufacturers  in  im- 
proving municipal  technology,  whether  we  speak  of  water  works, 
streets,  lights,  fire-fighting,  police  equipment,  textbooks,  teaching  aids, 
school  buildings,  or  parks  and  recreational  equipment.  As  science  and 
technology  expand  and  obsolescence  is  cultivated  by  industrial  lab- 
oratories, new  materials  and  designs  will  abound.  If  we  pursue  this 
line  of  thought,  it  seems  probable  that  business  promoters  will,  in  fact, 
multiply  in  a  mixed  economy. 

What  significance  do  these  considerations  have  for  corruption? 
Will  participants  in  promotion  become  more  grasping,  ruthless,  and 


subtle  in  the  pursuit  of  advantage?  It  is  sometimes  predicted  that  an 
opulent  society  will  be  a  virtuous  one,  since  the  desperation  of  poverty 
■will  be  gone.  On  the  other  hand,  it  is  notorious  that,  in  an  economy 
of  graduated  incomes,  economic  scope  is  ofTered  for  people  to  become 
greatly  concerned  with  small  absolute  diflferences  ("keeping  up  with 
the  Joneses").  Since  traditional  morality  has  been  closely  bound  up 
with  the  ethical  imperative  to  work,  an  economy  that  dilutes  this  im- 
perative is  presumably  open  to  moral  confusion  during  transitional 
stages. ^^ 

As  a  means  of  classifying  the  demands  put  forward  at  the  pro- 
motional phase  of  decision,  I  propose  the  following  broad  adaptation 
of  value-institution  analysis.  Which  demands  relate  to: 

(1)  The  structure  of  decision  at  each  phase  (intelligence,  recom- 
mending, prescribing,  invoking,  applying,  appraising,  terminating) 
and  to  participants,  perspectives,  base  values,  strategies,  outcomes,  or 

(2)  The  functioning  of  the  structure  of  power  in  the  pursuit  or 
defense  of  predominantly  power  objectives  in  the  external  arena?  In 
the  internal  arena? 

(3)  The  functioning  of  power  in  primary  reference  to  wealth  and 
to  institutions  relatively  specialized  in  the  shaping  and  sharing  of 

(4)  The  functioning  of  power  in  primary  reference  to  respect 
and  to  institutions  chiefly  specialized  in  the  shaping  and  sharing  of 

(5)  The  functioning  of  power  in  primary  reference  to  well-being 
and  to  institutions  which  further  it? 

(6)  Functioning  in  primary  reference  to  rectitude  and  to  insti- 
tutions which  further  it? 

(7)  Functioning  in  primary  reference  to  affection  and  to  insti- 
tutions which  further  it  (family,  etc.)  ? 

(8)  Functioning  in  primary  reference  to  skill  and  enlightenment 
values  and  institutions? 


The  traditional  biparty  system  in  this  country  does  not  apply  to 
many  local  arenas,  where  a  unipolar  pattern  predominates.  Pressure 
organizations  are  usually  numerous,  although  in  many  local  circum- 
stances a  single  association  or  very  small  number  is  characteristic. 
The  rise  and  fall  of  new  parties  and  pressure  associations  would  be 

The  Basic  Data  Survey  (I)  59 

one  of  the  phenomena  to  be  described  by  the  basic  data  survey  in  any 

Base  Values 

On  the  basis  of  survey  data,  it  should  be  possible  to  follow  trends 
in  the  dedication  of  value  assets  to  promotional  work.  Lurking  in  the 
background  of  any  study  of  promotion  is  the  hypothesis  that,  if  the 
commitment  of  resources  reaches  great  magnitudes,  the  probability  is 
increased  that  promotional  activities  may  themselves  be  prohibited  as 
a  consequence  of  revolutionary  change.  The  analysis  runs  in  these 
terms:  If  conflicting  policies  are  vigorously  supported  against  one  an- 
other, the  level  of  frustration,  uncertainty,  and  anxiety  will  rise,  cul- 
minating in  a  social  movement  to  restore  order. 

Another  hypothesis  connects  a  possible  transition  from  peaceful 
persuasion  to  coercion  with  the  magnitude  of  base  values  at  the  dis- 
posal of  opposing  promoters.  If  money  and  other  assets  are  unsuccess- 
fully expended  on  persuasion,  the  temptation  to  coerce  is  increased  in 
the  hope  of  obtaining  a  surprise  advantage. 

Surveys  of  base  values  need  to  measure  values  in  various  con- 
texts, especially  in  terms  of  the  perspective  of  each  participant  or 
total  asset  involvement,  political  advantage,  and  probability  of  net  ad- 
vantage. We  are  aware  of  the  desperation  with  which  rear-guard 
actions  can  be  waged  by  cultural  minorities  who  recognize  that,  owing 
to  the  exhaustion  of  resources  at  their  disposal,  they  are  near  the  end 
of  their  privileged  position. 


The  temptation  to  cut  promotional  costs  and  uncertainties  by 
entering  into  monopolistic  agreements  with  competitors  or  by  drives 
to  abolish  competition  are  as  common  in  politics  as  in  other  situations. 
Surveys  of  party  strategy  are  often  able  to  demonstrate  collusion  be- 
tween a  perpetual  majority  and  minority  party.^*  Why  go  to  the 
bother  of  a  vigorous  electoral  campaign  if  the  minority  can  be  "bought 
ofT"  in  advance  with  a  guaranteed  place?  Or  why  should  parties 
identified  with  the  established  order  allow  themselves  to  be  harassed 
by  a  vocal  minority?  Majority  parties  often  connive  to  erect  insur- 
mountable obstacles  to  organizing  a  new  party  and  obtaining  a  place 
on  the  ballot. 

When  party  or  pressure  campaigns  expect  to  win  through  the 
support  of  an  uncommitted  and  pivotal  body  of  individuals  or  organ- 


izations,  the  strategy  is  to  emphasize  demands  acceptable  to  the  pivotal 
elements.  This  tends  to  universalize  "issue"  demands  and  to  transfer 
tactical  emphasis  to  "personalities."  The  appearance  of  issue  una- 
nimity may  create  an  exaggerated  picture  of  ideological  unity;  that  is, 
the  strength  of  the  dissatisfied  extremes  may  be  understated.  Hence 
one  task  of  the  survey  would  be  to  devise  methods  of  describing  cam- 
paigns which  distinguish  genuine  "issue  unity"  from  more  doubtful 

The  survey  would  follow  the  justifications  employed  by  the  ad- 
vocates of  the  various  demands  during  the  preoutcome  phase.  A 
particular  demand  in  regard  to  power,  for  instance,  may  be  justified 
in  terms  of  power,  in  the  language  either  of  legality  or  of  expediency. 
The  same  demand  may  be  promoted  in  the  language  of  ethics  or  re- 
ligion (rectitude)  or  as  a  boon  to  safety  (well-being),  family  solidarity 
(aflfection),  science  and  education  (enlightenment  and  skill),  eco- 
nomic growth  (wealth),  or  prestige  (respect). 


Promotional  activities  culminate  in  alignments  that  win,  lose, 
or  draw — whether  the  situation  is  that  of  a  candidate  or  an  issue  elec- 
tion. Who  took  the  initiative  to  promote  a  given  demand  or  to  block 
a  demand?  Whose  support  was  pivotal  in  the  formation  of  a  success- 
ful coalition  in  obtaining  or  blocking  a  result  ?^^ 


In  providing  data  for  the  assessment  of  efTects,  a  major  question 
is  whether  promotional  activities  as  a  whole  strengthen  or  weaken  an 
established  ideology  for  the  benefit  of  rival  ideologies.  Ideologies  be- 
come phraseology  when  the  key  terms,  though  given  great  promi- 
nence, lose  intensity  of  commitment  among  their  adherents.  The  best 
evidence  of  intensity  changes  comes  from  depth  interviewing.  Impor- 
tant assumptions  emerge,  however,  if  discrepancies  between  the  pat- 
tern of  justification  employed  in  elite-to-elite  and  in  elite-to-mass 
promotions  multiply.^*^  One  index  of  a  secularizing  policy,  for  instance, 
is  the  omission  of  religious  justifications  where  elites  are  addressing 
one  another  and  when  they  are  attempting  to  influence  a  mass  au- 

Thus,  the  comparative  reporting  of  justifications  would  furnish 
the  observer  with  grounds  for  affirming  the  rise  or  fall  of  various 
values  as  goals  of  community  action.  Economic  considerations  have 
had  a  noteworthy  impact  on  the  language  of  advocacy.  In  the  United 

The  Basic  Data  Survey  (I)  61 

States,  for  example,  business  decisions  are  supposed  to  be  made  for 
the  benefit  of  the  shareholders;  hence,  policies  whose  support  is  non- 
economic  (such  as  rectitude,  power,  or  respect)  are  phrased  in  mon- 
etary terms.  In  local  affairs,  economic  policies  have  often  been 
championed  in  the  vernacular  of  "business  efficiency."  More  recently, 
the  threat  of  war  has  led  to  the  use  in  municipal  matters  of  "national 
security"  (power)  as  a  justification  for  programs. 



Formal  participants  in  local  units  include  legislators  and  chief 
executives;  where  the  initiative  and  referendum  are  authorized,  the 
electorate  also  participates  directly.  Local  community  studies  presently 
provide  scattered  data  about  the  relationship  between  prescribers  and 
the  social  context.  One  of  the  most  obvious  tasks  of  the  basic  data 
survey  would  be  to  enlarge  the  coverage  by  region  throughout  the 

In  coming  years,  a  topic  of  particular  interest  in  this  connection 
will  be  the  degree  to  which  the  rising  elite  of  scientists  and  engineers 
enters  the  local  picture.  In  the  past,  some  localities  have  become 
strongholds  of  archaic  social  forms.  Because  local  leaders  engage  in 
full-time  political  activity,  these  districts  exerted  an  influence  out  of 
proportion  to  their  numbers. ^^ 


Every  specialized  arena  tends  to  establish  norms  that  restrain 
the  pursuit  of  power.  Among  legislators,  in  particular,  procedural  ar- 
rangements lend  themselves  to  the  cultivation  of  particular  skills  that 
may  take  priority  over  the  individual's  pursuit  of  power.  Respect  often 
goes  to  an  adroit  parliamentarian  or  debater  or  to  the  negotiator  of 
coalition  agreements.  The  rewards  of  "the  game"  can  become  so  ab- 
sorbing that  the  participant  fails  to  adopt  a  realistic  power  strategy 
and  neglects  to  look  beyond  the  confines  of  the  committee  room  or  the 
chamber.  He  may  lose  contact  with  constituents,  and  the  process 
may  go  so  far  that  the  entire  structure  of  government  loses  support 
throughout  the  body  politic.^^  This  narrowing  of  the  focus  of  at- 
tention to  immediate  opportunities  for  gain  or  loss  carries  with  it  some 
systematic  distortion  of  reality.  Participants  who  are  spatially  remote 
tend  to  drop  out  of  sight,  and  developments  at  the  periphery  are 
greeted  with  surprise  or  shock. 

By  examining  the  focus  of  attention  of  the  legislators  at  the  local 


level,  we  may  discover  trends  toward  greater  parochialism  even  within 
the  local  community,  such  as  the  neglect  of  neighborhoods  or  cultural 

But  data  on  "the  game  of  politics"  afford  many  clues  to  the  value 
perspectives  and  ideological  involvements  of  prescribers.  Additional 
clues  are  obtainable  from  some  of  the  data  called  for  in  connection 
with  intelligence  and  promotion.  Here  the  information  is  brought  to- 
gether for  the  whole  community  in  order  to  disclose  the  commitments 
of  the  specialists  in  prescription. 


The  aggregate  of  formal  arenas  at  the  level  of  federal  govern- 
ment is  tripolar.  At  the  local  level,  the  judiciary  tends  to  drop  out  of 
sight,  and  sometimes  the  mayor;  but  the  electorate  may  take  a  more 
prominent  part.  In  many  communities,  the  prescribing  function  is 
highly  dispersed  to  include  the  board  of  education,  board  of  public 
health,  a  number  of  other  boards,  commissions,  and  relatively  inde- 
pendent commissioners. 

As  usual  in  the  investigation  of  effective  as  against  formal  in- 
stitutions, it  would  not  be  possible  for  the  survey  to  present  a  valid 
picture  of  the  function  of  any  part  until  the  entire  context  had  been 
described.  Meanwhile,  of  course,  particular  indexes  would  be  gathered 
because  they  are  of  obvious  pertinence,  even  though  they  cannot  be 

Base  Values 

Local  units  of  government  in  the  United  States  are  usually  re- 
garded as  creatures  of  state  or  even  of  federal  government,  not  of  the 
narrower  community.  In  practice,  of  course,  the  situation  may  be 
markedly  different,  since  the  economic  and  other  bases  of  power  of 
some  metropolitan  areas  may  transform  the  state  unit  into  a  sub- 
sidiary structure. 

In  the  local  decision  process,  the  consideration  of  base  values  can 
be  focused  on  the  authority  of  the  legislative  body  in  relation  to  other 
organs  of  government  that  enter  actively  into  community  affairs.  This 
brings  into  the  picture  a  number  of  agencies  (state,  federal,  or  inter- 
national) that  may  be  engaged  in  local  programs.  Some  of  the  suburbs 
of  New  York,  for  example,  include  citizens  whose  connections  ramify 
to  Washington,  Albany,  or  Hartford,  with  potentialities  that  can 
modify  the  values  at  the  disposal  of  local  authorities.  Pending  data 

The  Basic  Data  Survey  (I)  63 

obtained  by  the  direct  study  of  outcome  situations,  the  basic  data 
survey  might  use  panels  of  "insiders"  selected  from  among  knowledge- 
able politicians  to  estimate  the  influence  potential  of  a  given  unit.  The 
questions  would  deal  with  possible  conflicts  between  local  authorities 
and  other  units  of  government. -° 


The  distinctive  tool  at  the  disposal  of  a  prescribing  authority  is 
language;  hence,  drafting  tactics  are  especially  relevant  to  the  strategy 
of  prescribers.  Modern  systems  of  logic  lend  themselves  to  the  study 
of  statutes  and  ordinances,  and  it  may  be  that  more  attention  to  the 
content  of  municipal  regulations  would  influence  the  future  phras- 
ing of  such  enactments.  Carelessness  often  leads  to  ambiguities  that 
affect  the  discretion  of  officials  charged  with  administrative  respon- 
sibility, and  it  is  often  alleged  that  unnecessary  damage  is  thus  done. 
In  any  case,  the  survey  could  report  on  the  clarity  with  which  pre- 
scriptions are  formulated,  perhaps  noting  the  diff"erence  between 
original  proposals  and  final  statements. ^^ 

In  the  interest  of  putting  citizens  on  notice  of  their  obligations,  it 
is  often  urged  that  laws  ought  to  be  simple  and  clear.  Several  criteria 
have  been  suggested  for  classifying  the  relative  simplicity  and  clarity 
of  prose,  and  sample  studies  can  be  made  by  students  of  municipal 

A  further  point  made  in  the  cause  of  simple  clarity  is  that  "con- 
stitutional" provisions  should  be  separated  from  "statutory"  matter. 
In  the  local  context,  this  would  mean  that  charter  provisions  or  funda- 
mental ordinances  ought  to  be  kept  free  of  cluttering  detail. 


The  survey  would  regularly  record  the  sheer  volume  of  words 
put  out  by  authoritative  agencies  of  prescription  and  classify  accord- 
ing to  the  aspect  of  the  social  process  to  which  they  refer.  Ordinances 
dealing  with  participation  in  the  decision  process  obviously  relate  to 
power.  Some  are  focused  primarily  on  the  economic  process  (for  ex- 
ample, taxation  and  commerce).  Local  legislation  is  normally  con- 
cerned with  education,  health,  information,  and  morals.  Matters  of 
respect  and  affection  play  a  pervasive  but  typically  unformulated  role. 

For  comparative  purposes,  the  flow  of  authoritative  prescription 
can  usually  be  classified  according  to  several  codes  designed  to  em- 
phasize  the  role  of  government  itself.^-  The   "constitutive"   code  is 


identical  to  the  power  category  mentioned  above;  it  includes  the 
language  that  specifies  "who,  with  what  qualifications,  selected  how, 
and  with  what  objectives  and  base  values  may  decide  what,  under 
what  circumstances,  and  by  what  procedure." 

The  "enterprisory"  code  includes  all  prescriptions  about  activities 
for  which  the  government  has  continuing  administrative  responsibility, 
for  example,  public  utility  services.  The  "regulative"  code  deals  with 
the  norms  according  to  which  private  activities  are  to  be  carried  out. 
The  "supervisory"  code  concerns  matters  that  are  voluntarily  referred 
to  the  community  for  settlement,  which  include  most  of  the  civil  con- 
troversies sufficiently  petty  to  get  into  municipal  rather  than  state 
courts.  The  "corrective"  code  covers  the  measures  that  may  be  used 
by  the  community  to  cope  with  non-responsible  offenders.  The  other 
"sanctions"  are  considered  parts  of  the  appropriate  code  whose  norms 
are  to  be  maintained. 

In  this  context,  we  should  note  that  a  complete  prescription  in- 
cludes three  sets  of  statements:  (1)  the  norm  to  be  lived  up  to;  (2) 
the  factual  circumstances  to  which  the  norm  refers;  (3)  the  sanction 
to  be  employed  in  case  of  breach  or  conformity.  It  is  relevant  to  em- 
phasize the  point  regarding  conformity  because  sanctions  are  positive 
as  well  as  negative:  they  may  involve  citations,  honors,  tax  exemptions, 
and  the  like. 

The  basic  data  survey  could  throw  light  on  the  trend  to  rely 
on  coercion  or  persuasion  by  reporting  the  changing  balance  of  pre- 
scriptions of  positive  and  negative  sanction  and  the  values  involved. 
These  categories  are  especially  relevant  to  state  and  other  inclusive 
units  of  government  which  are  commonly  authorized  to  monopolize 
the  most  severe  sanctions.  But  there  are  grounds  for  asserting  that 
variations  in  local  practice  are  especially  sensitive  indicators  of  the 
significant  tendencies  in  any  period. 

If  the  scientific  approach  to  human  affairs  becomes  more  per- 
vasive, sanctions  will  not  be  applied  against  non-responsible  deviants; 
further,  sanctions  will  be  subject  to  continuing  adjustment  according 
to  the  results  obtained  from  past  applications.  Survey  data  on  the 
total  sanctioning  process  are  of  great  importance  to  political  science 
and  public  policy.  ^^ 


We  have  already  mentioned  a  major  effect  that  may  follow  pre- 
scription. Most  of  the  data  on  effects  will  appear  as  we  move  through 
the  remaining  parts  of  the  outline. 

The  Basic  Data  Survey  (I)  65 


1  R.  Hofstader  and  W.  P.  Metzger,  The  Development  of  Academic  Freedom 

in  the  United  States  (New  York:  Columbia  University  Press,  1955), 
show  the  slow  growth  of  the  doctrine  and  operation  of  freedom  of 
teaching,  inquiring,  publishing,  and  of  civic  participation.  Also,  J.  E. 
Kirkpatrick,  Academic  Organization  and  Control  (Yellow  Springs, 
Ohio:  The  Antioch  Press,  1931). 

2  Information  about  the  pool  of  talent  is  to  be  found  in  D.  C.  McClelland 

et  al.,  Talent  and  Society,  "New  Perspectives  in  the  Identification 
of  Talent"  (Princeton,  N.J.:  D.  Van  Nostrand,  1958). 

^  Research  by  undergraduates  is  often  acknowledged  by  professors  in  prefaces 
and  footnotes.  It  is  common  knowledge  that  senior  theses  often 
reach  the  level  of  masters'  theses  in  quality. 

*  Cf.  G.  Lindzey,  ed..  Handbook  of  Social  Psychology  (2  vols.;  Cambridge: 
Addison-Wesley,  1954);  S.  Arieti,  ed.,  American  Handbook  of  Psy- 
chiatry (New  York:  Basic  Books,  1959);  P.  F.  Lazarsfeld  and  M. 
Rosenberg,  eds.,  The  Language  of  Social  Research  (Glencoe,  111.: 
The  Free  Press,  1955);  A.  Ranney,  ed.,  Essays  on  the  Behavioral 
Study  of  Politics  (Urbana:  University  of  Illinois  Press,  1962);  V. 
Van  Dyke,  Political  Science,  "A  Philosophical  Analysis"  (Stanford: 
Stanford  University  Press,  1960);  C.  Hyneman,  The  Study  of  Poli- 
tics (Urbana:  University  of  Illinois  Press,  1959);  R.  Young,  ed.. 
Approaches  to  the  Study  of  Politics  (Evanston,  111.:  Northwestern 
University  Press,  1958). 

^  Active  efforts  are  being  made  to  overcome  the  "method  gap."  The  urgency 
of  providing  suitable  manuals  has  been  repeatedly  stressed  in  the 
regional  seminars  conducted  under  the  auspices  of  the  A.P.S.A.  in 
recent  years. 

^  On  the  rise,  diffusion,  and  restriction  of  political  patterns,  cf.  H.  D.  Lass- 
well  and  D.  Blumenstock,  World  Revolutionary  Propaganda,  "A 
Chicago  Study"  (New  York:  Knopf,  1939).  The  framework  was 
originally  outlined  in  the  senior  author's  World  Politics  and  Personal 
Insecurity  (New  York:  McGraw-Hill,  1935). 

"^  I  follow  in  this  book  the  terminology  utilized  in  H.  D.  Lasswell  and  A. 
Kaplan,  Power  and  Society,  "A  Framework  for  Political  Inquiry" 
(New  Haven:  Yale  University  Press,  1950).  Political  myth  is  di- 
vided into  three  categories — doctrine,  formula,  and  miranda,  which 
are  approximately  equivalent  to  philosophy,  law,  and  folklore.  The 
term  "formula"  comes  from  G.  Mosca,  and  "miranda"  from  C.  E. 
Merriam.  "Self"  is  defined  to  include  identifications  (or  identities), 
expectations,  and  demands. 

^  "Perspectives"   are   defined   as   subjective   events   which   can   be   described 


according  to  symbols  of  reference  and  intensity  or  degree  of 
stress  toward  completion  of  an  act.  Nonsubjective  events  which  are, 
in  addition  to  subjective  events,  parts  of  an  act,  are  defined  as 
operations.  A  relatively  stable  pattern  of  operations  and  perspectives 
is  a  "practice."  Institutions  are  classified  according  to  the  value 
(preferred  events)  in  the  shaping  and  sharing  of  which  they  are 
relatively  specialized.  Perspectives  can  be  inferred  from  self-ob- 
servation and  by  observing  the  operations  of  others  relatively  spe- 
cialized in  communication  or  collaboration  in  the  social  process  of 

^  On  the  composition,  recruitment,  and  role  of  intelligence  personnel,  cf. 
R.  E.  Carter,  Jr.,  "Newspaper  'Gatekeepers'  and  the  Sources  of 
News,"  Public  Opinion  Quarterly,  22  (1958),  133-144;  R.  L.  Jones 
and  G.  E.  Swanson,  "Small-City  Daily  Newspapermen:  Their  Abili- 
ties and  Interests,"  Journalism  Quarterly,  31   (1954),  38-55. 

1°  Prof.  H.  Kishamoto  of  the  University  of  Tokyo  has  studied  religious  ac- 
tivities in  Japan  in  detail.  For  background,  cf.  his  Japanese  Religion 
in  the  Meiji  Era  (Tokyo:  Obunsha,  1956). 

^1  Cf.  R.  J.  Lifton,  Thought  Rejorm  and  the  Psychology  of  Totalism  (New 
York:  Norton,  1961);  A.  D.  Biderman  and  H.  Zimmer,  eds..  The 
Manipulation  of  Human  Behavior  (New  York:  Wiley,  1961);  and 
the  work  of  E.  H.  Schein,  J.  A.  M.  Meerloo,  and  others. 

12  Cf.  the  early  contributions  of  B.  L.  Smith  and  L.  C.  Rosten,  especially 

Rosten,  The  Washington  Correspondents  (New  York:  Harcourt, 
Brace,  1937).  Further,  L.  Lowenthal  and  N.  Guterman,  Prophets 
of  Deceit  (New  York:  Harpers,  1949);  G.  E.  Swanson,  "Agitation 
through  the  Press:  A  Study  of  the  Personalities  of  Publicists,"  Pub- 
lic Opinion  Quarterly,  20  (1956),  441-456.  See  the  hints  in  S. 
Kelley,  Jr.,  Professional  Public  Relations  and  Political  Power 
(Baltimore:  Johns  Hopkins  University  Press,  1956). 

13  A.  Rogow  and  H.  D.  Lasswell,  Power,  Corruption  and  Rectitude  (Engle- 

wood  Cliffs,  N.J.:  Prentice-Hall,  1963).  On  socialization  and  norms, 
see  D.  Easton  and  R.  D.  Hess,  "Youth  and  the  Political  System," 
in  S.  M.  Lipset  and  L.  Lowenthal,  eds.,  Culture  and  Social  Char- 
acter, "The  Work  of  David  Riesman  Reviewed"  (New  York:  The 
Free  Press  of  Glencoe,  1961),  pp.  226-251;  A.  J.  Brodbeck,  "Values 
in  The  Lonely  Crowd:  Ascent  or  Descent  of  Man?"  ibid.,  pp.  42-71; 
S.  de  Grazia,  The  Political  Community  (Chicago:  University  of 
Chicago  Press,  1948);  H.  H.  Hyman,  Political  Socialization  (New 
York:  Columbia  University,  Bureau  of  Applied  Social  Research, 

"V.  O.  Key,  Jr.,  American  State  Politics  (New  York:  Knopf,  1956);  J.  H. 
Fenton,  Politics  in  the  Border  States  (New  Orleans:  The  Hauser 
Press,  1957);  A.  Leiserson,  Parties  and  Politics,  "An  Institutional 
and  Behavioral  Approach"  (New  York:  Knopf,  1958). 

The  Basic  Data  Survey  (I)  67 

1^  The  analysis  of  electoral  behavior  is  the  principal  source  of  estimates  of 
impact  on  outcomes.  See  the  standard  works  of  H.  F.  Gosnell,  A.  N. 
Holcombe,  V.  O.  Key,  P.  F.  Lazarsfeld,  A.  Campbell,  W.  E.  Miller, 
S.  J.  Eldersfeld,  S.  Lubell,  D.  E.  Stokes,  P.  T.  David,  among  many 

^^  The  technique  of  such  comparison  is  exemplified  by  G.  A.  Almond,  The 
Appeals  of  Communism  (Princeton:  Princeton  University  Press, 

1"  Cf.  A.  J.  Vidich  and  J.  Bensman,  Small  Town  in  Mass  Society  (Princeton: 
Princeton  University  Press,  1958);  M.  Janowitz,  ed..  Community 
Power  Systems  (New  York:  The  Free  Press  of  Glencoe,  1961);  R. 
C.  Wood,  Suburbia,  "Its  People  and  Their  Politics"  (Boston: 
Houghton,  Mifflin,  1959).  In  preindustrial  cultures,  the  impact  of 
the  old,  though  great,  is  not  always  against  change,  even  at  the  vil- 
lage level.  Cf.  G.  M.  Carter  and  W.  O.  Brown,  eds..  Transition  in 
Africa,  "Studies  in  Political  Adaptation"  (Boston:  Boston  University 
Press,  1958);  R.  L.  Park  and  I.  Tinker,  eds..  Leadership  and  Po- 
litical Institutions  in  India  (Princeton:  Princeton  University  Press, 

i^The  technique  of  such  analysis  is  exemplified  by  N.  Leites,  On  the  Game 
of  Politics  in  France  (Stanford:  Stanford  University  Press,  1959). 

^^  Studies  of  local  government  are  beginning  again.  Cf.  R.  A.  Dahl,  Who 
Governs?  "Democracy  and  Power  in  an  American  City"  (New 
Haven:  Yale  University  Press,  1961).  A  comprehensive  survey  is 
S.  Humes  and  E.  M.  Martin,  The  Structure  of  Local  Government 
throughout  the  World  (The  Hague:  M.  Nijhoff,  1961). 

20  The  connections  of  metropolitan  to  larger  areas  are  indicated  throughout 

W.  Sayre  and  H.  Kaufman,  Governing  New  York  City,  "Politics  in 
the  Metropolis"  (New  York:  Russell  Sage  Foundation,  1960). 

21  On  technique,   cf.   L.  E.  Allen,  "Symbolic  Logic:    A  Razor-Edged  Tool 

for  Drafting  and  Interpreting  Legal  Documents,"  Yale  Law  Journal, 
56  (1957),  833-879. 

22  G.  H.  Dession  and  H.  D.  Lasswell,  "Public  Order  Under  Law:  The  Role 

of  the  Advisor-Draftsman  in  the  Formation  of  Code  or  Constitu- 
tion," Yale  Law  Journal,  65  (1955),  175-184.  The  five  categories 
for  the  comparative  study  of  systems  are  constitutive,  regulatory, 
enterprisory,  supervisory,  and  corrective;  they  are  systematically 
applied  by  M.  S.  McDougal  and  associates  to  the  law  of  nations  in 
the  Yale  Law  School  series  in  course  of  publication  by  the  Yale 
University  Press. 

23  Cf.  the  technical  devices  used  to  assess  legislative  outcomes  according  to 

final  or  early  alignment,  pivotal  position,  or  initiative:  J.  C.  Wahlke, 
H.  Eulau,  W.  Buchanan,  and  L.  C.  Ferguson,  The  Legislative  Sys- 


tem,  "Explorations  in  Legislative  Behavior"  (New  York:  Wiley, 
1962);  D.  B.  Truman,  The  Congressional  Party,  "A  Case  Study" 
(New  York:  Wiley,  1959);  D.  McRae,  Jr.,  The  Dimensions  of  Con- 
gressional Voting  (Berkeley  and  Los  Angeles:  University  of  Cali- 
fornia Press,  1958);  J.  Turner,  Party  and  Constituency,  "Pressures 
on  Congress"   (Baltimore:   Johns  Hopkins  University  Press,   1955). 

The  Basic 
Survey  (II) 

Invoking,  Applying, 
Appraising,  Terminating 


Those  who  officially  participate  in  invoking  activities  are  promi- 
nent at  the  local  level.  Besides  policemen  and  magistrates,  however, 
we  must  not  lose  sight  of  the  large  number  of  private  citizens  who 
frequently  initiate  complaints  of  "criminal"  breach  or  become  in- 
volved in  private  controversies  that  are  presented  or  referred  to  the 
courts.^  The  basic  data  survey  would  enable  us  for  the  first  time  to 
follow  in  detail  the  factors  that  affect  the  changing  level  of  invocation. 


In  the  lower  levels  of  society,  it  would  presumably  be  an  indica- 


tion  of  increasing  self-confidence  if  more  complaints  were  lodged 
against  upper-class  organizations  and  individuals  who  were  formerly 
feared.  Not  all  rate  increases  are  likely  to  have  this  significance, 
however.  They  may  reflect  an  "overproduction"  of  lawyers  and  a  re- 
sulting multiplication  of  disputes. 

Research  at  the  local  level  for  the  survey  could  provide  informa- 
tion needed  to  distinguish  between  the  articulated  and  ostensible 
grounds  of  an  invocation  and  the  value  goals  actually  pursued.  Con- 
sider the  enforcement  policies  of  local  officials.  Why  do  they  suddenly 
act  against  long-standing  abuses?  Why  do  they  adopt  more  permis- 
sive policies  toward  gambling  and  other  illicit  activities?  Why  do 
trends  toward  vigilant  or  lax  law  enforcement  continue  for  several 
years  or  change  abruptly?  A  notorious  feature  of  many  law  enforce- 
ment drives  is  the  desire  to  raise  money  for  party  purposes  or  even 
as  private  graft. 

Since  many  of  the  calculations  that  affect  policies  of  invocation 
are  private,  it  may  be  necessary  to  approximate  the  facts  by  relying 
first  on  panels  of  insiders,  whose  views  would  be  reported  anony- 

A  neglected  area  of  research  is  the  matching  of  cases  of  invo- 
cation with  cases  that  seem  quite  similar  yet  led  to  no  appeal  to  offi- 
cial tribunals.  Investigation  may  show  that  various  commercial  or- 
ganizations or  religious  and  ethnic  groups  have  worked  out  their  own 
arbitration  arrangements.  One  problem  for  the  basic  data  survey 
would  be  to  report  the  flow  of  informal  invocation  and  to  direct  at- 
tention to  situations  in  which  acts  of  invocation  are  missing  (despite 
evidence,  for  instance,  of  traffic  "violations"  or  of  considerable  vio- 
lence in  husband-wife,  parent-child,  or  neighbor-neighbor  relation- 
ships) . 


In  any  given  period,  the  aggregate  composition  of  the  arenas 
specialized  in  invocation  will  emerge  if  the  survey  gives  attention  to 
the  initiators  and  targets  of  action  in  the  framework  of  prescription. 
It  is  especially  relevant  to  watch  for  new  groups  and  organizations 
seeking  to  stimulate  the  exercise  of  formal  authority  by  public  agencies 
in  every  field.  Similarly,  it  is  relevant  to  note  the  dissolution,  ab- 
sorption, or  inactivity  of  previously  active  associations.  Emergency 
committees  to  press  officials  to  clean  up  unsanitary  conditions  or  to 
remove  traffic  hazards  are  typical  examples. 

The  Basic  Data  Survey  (II)  71 

Base  Values 

The  usual  analysis  of  formal  authority  and  of  formally  authorized 
access  to  values  is  relevant  here.  In  the  future,  however,  the  survey 
would  be  justified  in  paying  particular  attention  to  "respect  values." 
There  are  also  many  indications  that  a  new  field  of  professional  spe- 
cialization is  emerging  which  has  particular  significance  for  the  in- 
voking function.  I  refer  to  "sanction  law,"  or  the  study  of  the  entire 
subprocess  of  sanctioning  within  the  decision  process  as  a  whole.- 
Many  adjoining  or  partial  specialties  are  involved,  including  political 
science,  especially  police  administration  and  criminal  law  and  crimi- 
nology. To  the  extent  that  war  is  superseded  by  police  action,  the 
army,  navy,  and  air  and  space  forces  will  fuse  with  the  sanctioning 
process.  My  forecast  is  that,  as  sanction  law  improves  in  scientific 
strength  and  professional  recognition,  the  status  of  local  sanctioners 
will  rise. 


We  referred  to  the  timing  of  law  enforcement  activities  in  dis- 
cussing perspectives.  In  the  present  context,  the  survey  would  sum- 
marize, among  other  data,  the  justifications  invoked  on  behalf  of  a 
particular  policy  demand.  It  is  not  a  question  here  of  demands  to 
prescribe,  but  of  claims  in  concrete  circumstances  to  obtain  a  result 
allegedly  authorized  by  prescription  or  to  block  a  result  alleged  to  be 
contrary  to  a  prescription. 

The  survey  would  need  to  summarize  according  to  the  five  codes 
mentioned  above  (constitutive,  regulatory,  enterprisory,  supervisory, 
corrective)  and  according  to  the  value  norm  invoked.  For  instance, 
a  demand  to  remove  X  from  office  for  alleged  breach  of  discipline 
might  be  elaborated  by  asserting  that  other  formal  prescriptions  have 
been  violated  or  that  informal  prescriptions  have  been  broken. 


The  survey  would  report  as  outcomes  such  culminating  acts  as 
formal  complaints  or  the  filing  of  a  controversial  claim.  Preoutcome 
activities  include  the  formation  of  coalitions  for  or  against  action.  In 
this  connection,  we  may  note  that  some  invocations  are  entirely  in- 
dividual acts;  others  involve  collective  behavior.^ 


The  most  significant  efTect  is  application  or  nonapplication,  as 
will  be  outlined  in  the  next  section. 



The  survey  would  identify  as  participants  all  who  are  so  identi- 
fied by  fellow  members  of  the  application  process  and  groups  which, 
though  not  explicitly  recognized  in  a  given  context,  are  nevertheless 
visible  to  the  scientific  observer  with  comparable  experience.  Subject 
to  certain  exceptions  mentioned  elsewhere  in  this  outline,  all  who  are 
charged  with  the  execution  of  the  authorized  prescriptions  relating 
to  a  local  community  belong  to  the  application  phase  of  the  decision 

In  general,  then,  official  participants  include  all  administrative 
personnel.  They  would  be  further  divided  according  to  rank  or  grade 
into  upper,  middle,  and  lower  echelons;  further  subdivided  by  serv- 
ice (public  works  and  so  on)  ;  and  further  into  central  and  field  compo- 
nents.* In  the  most  general  sense,  "centralization"  refers  to  the 
inclusiveness  of  a  pattern.  Thus,  authority  may  be  centralized  for  a 
given  service — as  for  the  settlement  of  a  given  category  of  disputes — 
at  one  level  and  in  one  office.  Or  a  service,  like  sanitation,  may  have 
a  headquarters  and  several  field  stations.  The  scope  of  authority  of 
the  headquarters  includes  all  the  field  stations.  However,  there  may  be 
only  two  echelons  at  the  headquarters  which  outrank  the  man  in 
charge  of  a  field  station,  and  formal  authority  over  many  outcomes 
is  delegated  to  the  station. 

At  any  given  echelon,  we  speak  of  the  degree  to  which  authority 
is  "concentrated"  in  one  office  and  official  or  the  extent  to  which  it 
is  dispersed  among  several  coordinate  agencies  or  persons.  Instead 
of  one  judicial  officer,  there  may  be  several  independent  courts,  some 
of  which  have  more  than  one  judge. 

The  survey  would  reveal  basic  trends  in  the  structure  of  govern- 
ment by  reporting  the  ratio  of  officials  to  population  for  various  serv- 
ices and  the  ratio  between  headquarters  and  field  staffs.  Comparisons 
of  field  districts  would  be  facilitated  if  ratios  were  related  to  popula- 
tion densities,  since  some  parts  of  the  local  community  may  be  sparsely 
populated.  Reporting  by  rank  and  grade  would  bring  into  the  open 
tendencies  to  inflate  the  upper  levels,  or  the  reverse.  With  the  intro- 
duction of  automated  procedures,  it  is  likely  that  the  future  balance 
of  administrative  organizations  will  be  appreciably  modified  by  re- 
ducing "clerical"  personnel. 

It  would  be  useful  to  bring  into  the  survey  information  about  the 
State,  federal,  or  international  units  within  which  the  locality  is  in- 

The  Basic  Data  Survey  (II)  73 

eluded,  since  these  have  immediate  efTects  in  the  local  decision  process, 
especially  at  the  application  phase.  The  report  should  summarize 
the  ratio  of  the  local  population  to  the  population  of  each  district 
and  the  place  of  the  district  office  in  the  structure  of  which  it  is  a 
part.  These  figures  would  indicate  something  of  the  ease  of  access  to 
the  centers  of  policy  for  the  entire  area. 

The  survey  would  supplement  the  formal  image  by  adding  for 
each  participant  a  list  of  the  significant  organizations  and  unorganized 
groups  which  exercise  a  relatively  strong  influence  over  what  it  does. 
Most  of  this  information  can  be  revealed  only  by  intensive  and  time- 
consuming  case  studies.  However,  a  valuable  preliminary  result  can 
be  obtained  by  interviewing  panels  of  "insiders"  and  recording  their 
estimates.  The  top  health  authority,  for  example,  is  continually  sub- 
ject to  initiatives  that  originate  with  "client"  groups  which  expect  to 
be  affected  by  what  the  authority  does.  Hospitals,  physicians,  drug- 
stores, food  processors  and  purveyors,  manufacturers  who  use  poi- 
sonous or  noxious  materials  or  processes — these  constitute  a  brief 
reminder.  In  seeking  to  obtain  appropriations  and  facilities,  the  health 
authority  is  able  to  enlist  the  support  of  some  of  these  client  interests. 
Support  or  pressure  is  not  limited  to  the  locality,  since  state  and  even 
larger  official  and  unofficial  groupings  are  potentially  implicated  in 
local  health  affairs.^ 

As  usual,  the  survey  would  report  the  results  of  elite  analysis 
of  official  and  other  groups. 


A  key  question  in  connection  with  administrative  activity  is 
whether  the  responsible  officials  are  determined  to  serve  the  common 
interest  as  that  interest  is  currently  interpreted  by  the  leaders  of 
thought  in  the  profession  concerned.  The  question  is  not  whether  the 
contemporary  views  entertained  by  public  health  authorities  or  traffic 
specialists  are  correct,  but  whether  the  officials  of  a  given  locality  are 
attempting  to  give  their  community  the  benefit  of  the  best  available 
judgment,  recognizing  the  restrictions  within  which  they  must  operate. 
The  surveyors  would  need  to  be  kept  abreast  of  contemporary  per- 
spectives in  each  field,  a  formidable  task  which  should  be  performed 
for  the  local  people  by  colleagues  elsewhere.  Panels  could  be  set  up, 
if  necessary,  to  provide  estimates  of  the  perspectives  that  in  fact 
prevail  at  top,  middle,  and  low  levels. 

Such  an  inquiry  would  simultaneously  weigh  the  importance  of 


Other  factors.  For  example,  there  may  be  agreement  that  special 
economic,  ecclesiastical,  or  other  interests  affect  the  outlook  of  officials 
on  discernible  points.^ 


As  usual  in  portraying  the  arena  as  a  whole,  it  would  be  easy 
for  survey  purposes  to  take  note  of  all  the  official  agencies  which  say 
a  final  word  in  concrete  circumstances  on  the  meaning  of  authorized 
public  policies.  The  difficult  questions  relate  to  organizations  that  en- 
force conformity  on  themselves  or  others  or,  on  the  contrary,  persist 
in  failing  to  apply  the  manifest  norms  laid  down  in  formal  documents. 

The  conformity-enforcing  organizations  may  apply  a  regulation 
directly  that  all  business  houses  in  a  given  area  close  by  7:00  p.m. 
Perhaps  such  a  standard  is  not  found  in  the  book  of  ordinances;  in- 
quiry may  reveal  that  the  merchants  of  the  locality  agreed  on  this 
rule  and  to  punish  any  nonconformist  by  refusing  the  use  of  delivery 
trucks,  by  exclusion  from  the  merchants'  association,  or  perhaps  by 
harassment  of  customers  and  clerks.  Effectively  applied  prescriptions 
are  sometimes  enacted  by  other  than  the  government  as  convention- 
ally identified.  In  fact,  there  may  be  no  formal  enactment  of  any  kind; 
an  alert  surveyor  will  discover  that  something  new  has  come  into 
existence  "by  custom"  and  that  deviations  have  serious  consequences 
for  the  offender.'^ 

Base  Values 

Here  is  the  most  convenient  place  for  survey  planners  to  consider 
the  economic  and  other  assets  available  to  various  participants.  To 
some  extent,  this  is  a  simple  matter  of  reporting  the  per-capita 
equipment  and  current  income  accounts  (including  all  forms  of  extra- 
local  aid)  of  each  activity  (school  system,  urban  redevelopment,  and 
so  on).  Interviewing  can  disclose  the  positive  assets  or  liabilities  of 
public  officials  in  terms  of  community  respect  and  reputation  for  in- 
tegrity. The  principal  asset  of  an  organization  for  many  purposes  is 
the  legislative  enactment  that  confers  jurisdiction  on  it  and  provides 
an  authoritative  claim  on  other  organizations  and  individuals  for  eco- 
nomic and  other  bases  of  power. 


In  the  discussion  of  invocation,  we  emphasized  the  relation  be- 
tween concrete  social  situations  and  the  uses  of  complaint  and  claim. 

The  Basic  Data  Survey  (II)  75 

Although  the  examples  were  largely  from  the  field  of  police  adminis- 
tration, comparable  phases  are  involved  in  every  public  service.  As- 
sume, for  instance,  that  a  public  works  administrator  is  authorized 
by  community  prescription  to  proceed  with  site  clearance  and  prepara- 
tion, and  the  construction  of  recreational  centers.  Despite  informal 
suggestions  that  he  begin,  the  official  may  decide  not  to  invoke  his 
authority  until  other  projects  are  completed.  A  survey  of  authorized 
activities  (permissive  or  mandatory)  not  begun  by  a  given  time  would 
provide  pertinent  information.  Activities  begun  (with  or  without 
completion)  would  belong  to  the  survey's  inventory  of  the  application 

In  addition  to  the  strategy  of  timing,  it  would  be  convenient  to 
explore  the  instruments  on  which  each  participant  depends  in  manag- 
ing his  external  relations.  Each  value  base  could  be  considered  in  de- 
tail. It  is,  however,  illuminating  for  purposes  of  comparison  to  think 
of  strategies  as  employing  diplomacy,  mass  communications,  wealth, 
or  weapons.  Each  unit  of  officialdom  operates  in  an  arena  in  which 
superordinate,  coordinate,  and  subordinate  units  are  involved;  ex- 
ternal relations  can  be  understood  as  relating  to  superordinate  and 
coordinate  units  as  well  as  to  any  other  identifiable  entity  in  the 
official  or  unofficial  environment  with  which  coalitions  may  be  made 
or  against  which  coalitions  can  be  formed.  Diplomacy  is  elite-to-elite 
contact  and  is  designed  to  make  or  break  working  agreements.  (Thus, 
in  cooperation  with  finance  officers,  it  may  be  possible  to  deny  funds 
to  Y  and  free  more  assets  for  X.)  Communication  is  elite- to-mass 
contact  and  includes  word-of-mouth  and  other  types  of  publicity  in- 
tended to  advance  the  aims  of  the  unit  under  study.  Economic  assets 
can  be  used  to  induce  or  intimidate  action,  and  in  some  cases  actual 
weapons  are  available  even  at  the  local  level.  It  would  presumably 
be  easiest  for  the  survey  to  obtain  information  about  the  man-hours 
(or  dollars)  devoted  to  propaganda  than  to  other  instruments. 

In  the  context  of  the  community  decision  process,  each  decision 
sequence  internal  to  a  participant  can  be  viewed  as  part  of  the 
strategy  whereby  the  organization  in  question  seeks  to  make  itself  ef- 
fective. The  internal  arena  can  be  examined  in  detail  through  the 
categories  used  in  reference  to  the  community  as  a  whole  (partici- 
pants, perspectives,  base  values,  strategies,  outcomes,  and  effects).  In 
this  way,  the  finer  structure  of  government  is  brought  into  view  and 
the  assumptions  reflected  in  the  opinions  of  the  "insiders"  can  be 
subjected  to  independent  check.  Although  most  of  the  information 


called  for  in  this  connection  would  require  case  investigations,  it 
would  be  possible  in  some  instances  to  obtain  usable  results  with  little 
outlay  of  time  and  facilities. 

For  some  agencies,  it  would  be  possible  to  summarize  the  man- 
hours  per  capita  spent  in  patterns  of  various  kinds — receiving  or 
giving  information,  advocating  or  listening  to  advocacy,  putting  regu- 
lations into  final  form,  invoking  or  listening  to  the  invoking  of  pre- 
scriptions, applying  prescriptions  in  concrete  cases  or  being  an  object 
of  such  application,  appraising  success  or  failure,  terminating  pre- 
scriptions, and  disposing  of  resulting  claims. 


The  final  application  of  the  authority  of  an  official  to  concrete 
cases  is  an  outcome.  A  decision  by  a  revenue  agency  may  be  appealed 
to  the  courts.  In  the  context  of  the  agency,  it  is,  however,  final. 
Similarly,  the  contractual  agreements  of  an  administrative  unit,  the 
grants  of  license  or  relief,  or  acceptances  of  gifts  are  final  outcomes. 

The  survey  would  tabulate  decisions  made  by  agencies  of  ap- 
plication and  provide  some  indication  of  the  magnitude  of  the  values 
at  stake  (for  example,  dollars  of  contracts,  capital  investment  in 
licensed  enterprises,  persons  given  varying  amounts  of  aid,  or  capital 
evaluation  of  the  land  and  facilities  received  by  gift  for  recreational 
or  other  purposes). 

Many  decisions  are  made  with  little  effort  to  provide  a  formal 
opinion  justifying  the  outcome.  This  is  also  true  in  low-level  courts. 
But  the  lives  of  millions  of  people  are  affected  by  the  functioning  of 
courts  that  deal  with  minor  offenses  and  quarrels,  and  the  survey 
would  perform  a  unique  service  if  it  provided  a  more  inclusive  and 
accurate  view  than  we  have  today  of  how  the  tribunals  that  are  most 
directly  in  contact  with  the  population  function. 

Surveys  can  usefully  compare  the  successes  of  the  same  partici- 
pant in  several  arenas.  Thus,  a  minority  group  may  fare  badly  in 
influencing  legislative  votes,  even  though  it  usually  wins  court  cases 
involving  its  members.  The  report  may  be  refined  to  bring  out  the 
originating  or  pivotal  role  in  the  eventual  solution.® 


Many  postoutcome  events  can  be  attributed  without  much  doubt 
to  the  combination  of  factors  that  are  crystallized  in  an  outcome,  and 
the  survey  would  be  on  the  lookout  for  instances  of  this  kind.  For 
example,  some  public  health  results  can  be  imputed  to  the  decision 

The  Basic  Data  Survey  (II)  77 

to  vaccinate  or  immunize  school  children.  Public  enlightenment  may 
be  aflFected  by  a  program  that  exchanges  students  with  a  foreign 
country.  Employment  figures  rise  after  new  industries  are  brought 
in  by  advertising,  land  development,  and  tax  exemption.  Divorce  may 
decline  after  the  inauguration  of  matrimonial  clinics  connected  with 
courts.  Levels  of  skills  may  rise  sharply  after  the  completion  of  tech- 
nical schools.  Discriminatory  practices  in  many  community  institutions 
may  be  abolished  after  a  decision  to  discover  and  eliminate  differential 
treatment  of  minorities  in  access  to  civil  service  positions,  hospitals, 
and  the  like.  The  political  impact  of  the  community  in  the  state  legis- 
lature may  be  increased  if  a  lobbyist  is  appointed  to  push  measures 
affecting  the  area.  The  juvenile  delinquency  rate  may  fall  after  the 
introduction  of  club  programs  in  depressed  areas. 


Official  appraisers  include  financial  officers  responsible  for  giv- 
ing an  over-all  account  of  the  success  of  fiscal  operations  when  as- 
sessed in  terms  of  solvency  and  liquidity.  Departments  often  have 
specialists  in  the  preparation  of  reports,  including  the  statistics  sup- 
posedly depicting  the  successes  and  failures  of  programs.  In  future 
years,  the  skills  at  the  disposal  of  such  personnel  will  presumably  in- 
clude the  various  versions  of  operations  research,  the  employment  of 
which  would  be  tabulated  by  the  survey. 


Will  the  demand  for  competent  and  impartial  appraisal  continue 
to  grow  ?  Most  pertinent  to  the  assessment  of  this  demand  is  the  prac- 
tice of  consulting  experts  on  any  aspect  of  local  government  which 
comes  into  controversy.  Many  appraisal  activities  have  been  organized 
in  modern  society  to  provide  data  for  private  and  public  commitment. 
We  are  accustomed  to  quantifying  the  performance  of  many  munici- 
pal services  and  to  comparing  results  through  time  and  among  com- 
munities. This  is  true,  for  instance,  of  fire,  police,  traffic,  schools, 
health,  sanitation,  and  finance.  And  it  is  relevant  for  a  survey  to  dis- 
cover the  degree  to  which  current  reports  of  this  kind  reach  insurance 
agents,  physicians,  school  board  members,  and  other  appropriate 
local  audiences. 


Since  appraisal  units  are  less  clearly  identified  in  contemporary 


Structures  of  government  than  some  other  functional  units,  it  would 
often  be  necessary  for  survey  purposes  to  encourage  detailed  inquiries 
into  the  actual  operation  of  local  systems.  In  this  way,  an  aggregate 
picture  could  be  drawn  and  the  rise  and  fall  of  organized  activities 
could  be  followed  through  time.  Specialized  private  associations  would, 
of  course,  be  included. 

Base  Values 

In  view  of  the  mechanization  of  reporting  routines  in  modern 
administration,  it  is  probable  that  large  capital  expenditures  would 
be  necessary  for  adequate  appraisal. 


The  acceptance  of  the  idea  of  competent  and  impartial  ap- 
praisal is  often  accomplished  in  different  ways.  The  most  persuasive 
argument  is  economic:  what  is  the  taxpayer  getting  for  his  dollar? 
But  appraisal  operations  are  often  the  children  of  scandal,  being 
introduced  in  the  wake  of  public  consternation  about  bad  policing, 
poor  schools,  or  graft.  Quiet  research  can  gather  the  facts  which  the 
community  is  willing  to  consider  when  in  the  grip  of  alarm  and 
revulsion.  The  survey  would  occasionally  examine  the  activities  of  ap- 
praisal services  in  bringing  their  findings  to  the  attention  of  commu- 
nity groups  and  of  the  public  at  large. 

It  is  notorious  that  no  single  index  is  ever  satisfactory  to  every- 
one as  a  summary  of  the  effectiveness  of  a  program.  This  comes  in 
part  from  the  spontaneous  defensiveness  of  one  who  fears  that  his 
position  is  imperiled.  In  fact,  however,  reluctance  to  agree  on  a  single 
master  index  rests  on  more  solid  ground.  The  values  of  a  free  society 
are  plural,  and  the  emphasis  on  them  varies  among  members  of  the 
community.  Furthermore,  specific  operational  indexes  differ  and  give 
rise  to  diverse  judgments.  Officials  charged  with  appraisal  tasks  there- 
fore resort  to  "defense  by  technicalization"  in  the  sense  that  they 
typically  refrain  from  flat,  over-all  assessments  and  confine  themselves 
to  comparisons  between  "partial  indexes  of  performance"  and  "partial 
indexes  of  goal."  Furthermore,  they  adhere  as  closely  as  possible  to 
a  plausible  interpretation  of  authoritative  prescriptions. 

Unofficial  agencies  and  individuals  are  freer  to  put  forward  defi- 
nitions of  community  goals  which  may  or  may  not  coincide  with  the 
prescriptions  currently  in  force.  Part  of  the  contribution  that  unoffi- 
cial groups  can  make  is  to  call  attention  to  more  exacting  specifica- 

The  Basic  Data  Survey  (II)  79 

tions  of  objective  than  have  been  fully  accepted  in  legislation.  In 
this  they  are  invoking  the  political  myth  to  appraise  the  political 

Basic  surveys  would  perform  a  clarifying  function  if  they  called 
attention  to  agreements  and  differences  that  arise  in  interpreting  ob- 
jectives or  in  discussing  the  index  used  to  define  goals.  In  the  past,  for 
example,  varying  methods  of  estimating  the  net  worth  of  public 
utilities  have  led  to  great  differences  in  published  figures.  Contrasting 
methods  of  measuring  unemployment  lead  to  important  divergencies, 
especially  in  reference  to  the  partially  employed  (or  people  with  two 
jobs).  Expert  opinion  is  not  unified  on  the  best  way  to  describe  how 
public  services  affect  the  standard  of  living — a  point  of  no  small 
significance  in  comparing  socialist  and  mixed  economies. 


The  grand  objective  of  scientifically  minded  appraisers  is  a  com- 
prehensive view  of  the  community  that  can  be  relied  on  to  show  the 
degree  to  which  policy  objectives  are  realized.  At  a  more  sophisticated 
level,  appraisers  add  a  further  complication — to  what  extent  are 
governmental  activities  instrumental  in  producing  the  results  de- 
scribed? Sometimes  the  answer  to  this  question  is  obvious:  the  new 
hospital  was  struck  by  lightning,  hence  the  government  cannot  be 
regarded  as  a  factor  in  the  failure  to  hit  the  target  of  improved  hos- 
pitalization by  building  new  facilities. 

There  may  be  evidence  that  appraisers  have  been  sharply  divided 
about  what  they  should  report.  It  may,  indeed,  be  spread  over  the 
face  of  reports  signed  by  majority  and  minority  members.  But  the 
split  may  be  disguised.  It  may  be  possible  to  describe  preoutcome 
maneuvers  in  terms  that  show  which  contending  coalition  supported 
or  opposed  the  appraisals  finally  published.  The  issue  may  be  pri- 
marily technical  and  may  serve  mainly  to  show  that  trained  econo- 
mists differ  from  trained  lawyers  or  political  scientists. 


Perhaps  the  most  far-reaching  effect  of  the  basic  data  survey 
would  be  in  the  appraisal  phase  of  the  decision  process.  It  would 
focus  on  goals  and  performances  of  the  body  politic  and,  by  bringing 
fundamental  questions  recurrently  to  general  attention,  affect  the 
frame  of  mind  in  which  problems  of  government  are  considered. 

As  a  convenient  check  list  for  thinking  about  the  total  context, 


I  use  the  value-institution  categories  employed  in  this  book.  Those 
responsible  for  the  survey  would  need  to  keep  this  or  an  equivalent 
set  of  categories  at  the  focus  of  their  attention  in  order  to  achieve 
systematic  coverage.  To  some  extent,  efTect  data  are  currently  avail- 
able regarding  each  local  community  (as  remarked  above  in  the  dis- 
cussion of  strategy).  But  it  will  be  obvious  to  political  scientists  that 
there  are  many  important  gaps  limiting  any  appraisal  operation. 
Many  of  these  gaps  will  challenge  the  profession  to  improve  its  re- 
search programs  and  to  stimulate  other  disciplines  to  participate.^ 


If  concern  for  human  dignity  and  for  the  dignity  of  all  advanced 
forms  of  life  increases  in  coming  years,  it  is  probable  that  more  at- 
tention will  be  given  to  obviating  adverse  effects  of  policy  change. 
More  government  officials  will  be  involved  in  listening  to  complaints 
and  seeking  to  make  adjustments  in  ways  compatible  with  funda- 
mental policy.  Such  a  criterion  implies  sensitive  consideration  for 
human  rights  and  freedoms.  Termination  problems  are  familiar;  for 
example,  they  involve  adjustments  intended  to  reduce  particularly 
burdensome  eflfects  when  a  community  shifts  from  rent  control  to  a 
free  market  or  back  again  or  when  a  city  terminates  the  policy  of 
unrestricted  land  use  and  substitutes  urban  redevelopment.  In  the 
past,  these  adjustments  have  often  been  "highly  political";  one  topic 
of  the  survey  would  be  the  composition  of  boards  or  groups  of  referees. 


More  direct  evidence  of  the  frame  of  mind  in  which  termination 
officials  approach  their  tasks  could  be  obtained  by  an  "insiders'  panel." 
It  is  likely  that  officials  charged  with  such  responsibilities  would  de- 
velop a  professional  specialty  in  clarifying  the  appropriate  criteria. 
Inquiry  would  show  whether  the  local  boards  are  cognizant  of  these 
activities  and  whether  they  participate  in  professional  meetings  and 
related  affairs. 


Since  termination  is  a  category  that  is  not  used  in  the  conven- 
tional classification  of  government  operations  in  the  United  States, 
the  survey  would  usually  need  to  interview  "insiders"  in  order  to 
draw  a  preliminary  picture  of  all  units  engaged  in  this  function  and 
to  describe  the  appearance  and  disappearance  of  units. 

The  Basic  Data  Survey  (II)  81 

Base  Values 

Perhaps  the  most  interesting  survey  problem  in  this  connection 
would  be  to  follow  fluctuations  in  the  deference  assets  of  terminators 
(respect,  rectitude,  and  so  forth). 


Estimates  of  damage  to  a  value  position  depend  in  part  on  es- 
tablishing expectations  of  their  future  value  position  that  claimants 
could  have  rationally  entertained  prior  to  termination.  Hence,  it  is 
necessary  to  consider  evidence  of  past  trend  and  projection;  if  this 
is  to  carry  conviction,  the  sources  used  must  be  among  the  best  avail- 
able. The  survey  would  report  on  the  quality  of  information  brought 
into  the  determination  of  claims  (by  expertness  of  source  and  the 

Outcomes;     Effects 

The  results  would  be  examined  as  usual  to  bring  out  their  sig- 
nificance for  fortifying  the  established  ideological  system,  undermining 
adherence  to  it,  and  for  aflfecting  the  practices  prevailing  in  the  com- 
munity. Do  terminations  provoke  resentment  in  identifiable  groups? 
Is  one  effect  to  cut  down  local  financing  of  civic  enterprises  ?^° 


The  A.P.S.A.  need  not  assume  responsibility  for  the  entire  stream 
of  data  required  to  present  a  comprehensive  and  current  map  of 
political  change.  However,  the  association  would  be  well-advised  to 
initiate  the  entire  enterprise  and  to  keep  an  appraising  eye  on  future 
attempts  in  this  direction.  Fortunately,  a  few  data  centers  are  in 
existence  and  would  welcome  a  mechanism  limiting  their  responsibility 
by  facilitating  a  voluntary  division  of  labor  that  might  well  be  worked 
out  by  a  committee  of  the  association  and  revised  as  circumstances 

Although  the  specific  examples  given  in  this  chapter  refer  with 
few  exceptions  to  the  level  of  local  government  in  the  United  States, 
I  want  to  repeat  the  caveat  given  at  the  start  that  this  limitation  was 
adopted  only  in  the  hope  of  providing  a  concrete  sketch  of  the  whole 
idea.  The  scope  of  the  proposed  basic  data  survey  is  restricted  neither 
to  local  affairs  nor  to  the  United  States.  The  framework  outlined 
above  is  applicable  with  appropriate  modifications  to  provincial,  na- 
tional, and  international  arenas. ^^ 

How  should  tasks  be  allocated  among  cooperating  organizations 


and  scholars?  As  usual  in  matters  touching  on  politics,  two  principles 
must  be  combined  if  the  results  are  to  be  workable.  Some  research 
and  training  programs  are  pitched  at  the  international  level  and 
focus  on  transgovernmental,  transparty,  or  transpressure  activities. 
Others  focus  on  selected  areas  of  the  globe  and  consider  the  decision 
process  of  each  power  within  the  region,  its  relation  to  other  powers 
in  the  area,  and  the  interplay  between  the  region  and  the  surrounding 
world  community.  Many  institutions  devote  themselves  to  the  affairs 
of  their  own  nations  or  specialize  in  a  provincial,  state,  or  local  area. 

The  topical  principle  cuts  across  all  territorial  processes  and  sub- 
ordinates them  to  categories  that  stem  from,  or  imply,  an  analytic 
model  of  the  political  process  within  the  social  process  as  a  whole. 
The  legal  field — the  realm  of  authoritative  prescription — is  a  con- 
spicuous instance.  When  philosophical  concern  is  joined  with  the 
empirical  study  of  philosophies  in  action,  the  principal  interest  is  in 
ideology.  The  structures  of  government  are  so  diverse  and  numerous 
that  a  broad  distinction  is  made  between  studies  of  top  policy  and 
those  of  the  administrative  completion  of  policies.  As  a  means  of 
showing  the  connection  between  myth  and  organizational  structure, 
some  programs  concentrate  on  unofficial  groups  or  groups  that, 
though  official,  are  distinguishable  from  what  is  usually  regarded  as 
the  government  (political  parties  or  pressure  organizations).^^ 

A  recent  tendency  is  to  emphasize  strictly  political  analysis  and 
hence  to  operate  with  an  analytic  model  of  the  decision  process.^*  This 
will  prepare  the  soil  for  research  programs  whose  scope  is  narrowed 
to  such  selected  features  of  decision  as  intelligence,  promotion,  pre- 
scription, invocation,  application,  appraisal,  and  termination  or  to 
the  affiliations  and  perspectives  of  participants,  arenas,  base  values, 
strategies,  outcomes,  and  effects. 

Although  no  important  conditioning  factor  can  be  ignored  in 
systematic  political  science,  the  emphasis  can  vary  widely  in  terms  of 
interaction  patterns  within  the  social  process  and  between  the  social 
process,  on  the  one  hand,  and  the  basic  predispositions  of  man  at 
birth  and  the  resource  environment,  on  the  other.  The  interaction 
patterns  within  the  social  process  are  divisible  by  culture,  class,  in- 
terest, personality,  and  level  of  crisis.  The  study  of  crisis  levels 
concentrates  on  such  exceptional  states  as  war,  revolution,  class  re- 
organization, reinterpretation  of  interest,  and  personality  conflict. 

In  sheer  numbers,  however,  research  projects  are  usually  related 
to  particular  policy  problems  known  by  such  currently  popular  sym- 
bols as  "modernization"  or  "urban  redevelopment"  and  "metropolitan 

The  Basic  Data  Survey  (II) 


planning."  These  inquiries  can  be  classified  according  to  each  value- 
institution  category. 

The  table  summarizes  the  scope  of  research  institutes  and  proj- 
ects according  to  the  primary  emphasis  of  the  topics  studied. 






North  Atlantic 
Inner  Eurasia 
South  Asia 
North  Pacific 
South  Atlantic 
South  Pacific 



Legal  systems 


(doctrine,  lore) 

Decision  process 











Base  Values 




Conditioning  Factors 

Social  Process 

culture,  class,  in- 
terest, personality, 
crisis  level 

Human    and    envi- 
ronmental resources 


(According  to 
value  institution) 









In  order  to  make  full  use  of  the  training  and  research  commit- 
ment of  undergraduate  students  there  would  be  advantages  to  pro- 
viding special  services  through  the  American  Political  Science 
Association.  Some  steps  have  already  been  taken  to  foster  the  prepa- 


ration  of  research  manuals.  Arrangements  could  be  made  to  file 
duplicates  of  local-data  cards  at  a  national  repository  established  by 
the  association  at  Washington  or  at  designated  subcenters.  From  time 
to  time,  basic  data  sheets  (maps  or  graphs)  setting  local  findings  in 
relation  to  one  another  could  be  issued.  These  could  be  released  to 
the  press  and  other  interested  parties. 

Voting  studies  have  recently  been  encouraged  on  a  large  scale. 
However,  they  suffer  from  the  absence  of  such  local  data  as  the 
proposed  survey  could  supply.  National  and  regional  polls  of  opinion 
have  become  established  institutions;  they,  too,  suffer  from  lack  of 
local  studies  and  from  insufficient  attention  to  the  long-run  needs  of 
political  analysis.  The  polling  agencies  have  been  slow  to  select  re- 
curring topics  for  periodic  re-examination. 

As  political  scientists  became  more  concerned  with  the  basic 
data  survey,  the  effects  on  historical  scholarship  would  be  many  and 
deep.  Some  of  these  would  reveal  themselves  in  the  collection  of 
fundamental  documents.^^ 

Needless  to  demonstrate  in  detail,  concern  with  the  extension  of 
trend  lines  backward  in  time  would  lead  to  more  systematic  ex- 
ploitation of  past  serials.  It  is  only  recently  that  equipment  has  been 
developed  to  a  point  that  promises  to  make  the  content  analysis  of 
past  records  automatic.  Machines  will  scan,  code,  and  excerpt  samples 
of  newspapers,  pamphlets,  proceedings  (for  example,  of  conventions, 
legislative  sessions,  and  administrative  and  court  sessions),  books,  stat- 
utes, administrative  regulations,  records  (for  example,  tax  assessments 
and  receipts,  licenses,  assistance,  gifts,  calendars  of  appointments, 
registers  of  correspondence  and  phone  calls,  registers  of  the  flow  of 
official  documents  within  and  among  organizations,  property  titles 
and  transfers,  and  court  and  administrative  orders)  .^^ 

The  preceding  outline  of  the  decision  process  can  be  used  to 
describe  that  of  any  community  whatever,  whether  a  participant  in 
modern  industrial  civilization  or  a  remote  folk  society.  It  is  clear  that, 
the  greater  the  cultural  contrast,  the  more  the  functional  categories 
must  be  adapted  by  complex  intermediate  procedures  to  the  realities 
of  the  local  situation.  In  this  connection,  I  shall  make  no  concrete 
references  here  to  my  experiences  in  research  on  preindustrial  societies, 
since  a  detailed  report  will  presently  be  available.  However,  it  may 
be  helpful  to  give  some  clues  to  the  procedures  involved  in  compara- 
tive investigation. 

It  is  essential  once  more  to  underline  the  distinction,  fundamental 
to  political  science,  between  the  functional  categories  for  which  the 

The  Basic  Data  Survey  (II)  85 

scientist  takes  full  responsibility  and  the  conventional  usages  embodied 
in  any  society.  How  does  the  scientific  observer  relate  his  functional 
terms  to  concrete  occurrences  ? 

The  fundamental  strategy  for  research  is  the  use  of  successive 
approximations,  which,  for  purposes  of  rapid  exposition,  I  shall  con- 
dense into  a  few  steps.  Step  One  is  to  collect  and  provisionally  classify 
available  information  about  the  object  of  study.  At  this  point  in  the 
development  of  travel  and  of  anthropology  it  is  rare  to  find  any  tribe 
or  neighborhood  wholly  ignored  in  the  literature.  True,  in  extreme 
cases,  one  is  limited  to  a  traveler's  tale  or  to  allusions  in  missionaries' 
reports.  It  is  usually  possible  to  obtain  enough  information  to  assign 
a  given  "fact"  to  one  of  the  eight  value-institution  categories  for  the 
comprehensive  description  of  a  social  process.  A  report  says  that  there 
is  a  "chief";  this  is  provisionally  treated  as  among  the  "power — insti- 
tutions of  government."  Or  a  report  speaks  of  "silent  trading";  this 
goes  to  the  file  on  "wealthy — economic  institutions."  The  reference 
may  be  to  "bilateral  kinship";  this  goes  to  "affection — family  and 
institutions  of  intimacy."  And  so  on. 

Sometimes  Step  Two  can  be  taken  early  in  the  preparation  for 
work  in  the  field.  If  accumulated  knowledge  is  fairly  rich,  each  value- 
institution  category  can  be  provisionally  subdivided  into  outcome, 
preoutcome,  and  postoutcome  phases  and  each  subsituation  can  be 
characterized  according  to  the  terms  employed  in  this  book — partici- 
pants, perspectives,  arenas  (subarenas:  organized,  unorganized),  base 
values,  strategies,  outcomes  (specific;  aggregated  in  time),  and  effects 
(specific,  aggregate).  It  may  aid  in  the  conduct  of  research  to  isolate 
the  power  (decision)  situations  according  to  the  sevenfold  classifica- 
tion of  outcomes  used  above:  intelligence,  promoting,  prescribing,  in- 
voking, applying,  appraising,  and  terminating  and,  further,  to  draw 
preliminary  distinctions  in  degree  of  authority  and  control. 

Perhaps  enough  data  are  at  hand  to  make  a  provisional  analysis 
of  each  situation  according  to  the  interactions  involved.  Who  indulges 
or  deprives  whom  (self,  other)  in  terms  of  which  value  (power, 
wealth,  respect,  and  so  on)  ?  The  scientific  observer  may  adopt  more 
than  one  standpoint  for  the  study  of  value  changes  by  participants  in 
any  situation.  He  may,  for  instance,  describe  interactions  from  the 
perspective  of  each  participant,  or  he  may  use  third-party  viewpoints. 

When  field  work  begins  (or,  in  historical  research,  when  standard 
authorities  are  abandoned  for  primary  sources),  Step  Three  can  be 
taken.  It  is  usually  possible  to  focus  successively  on  various  kinds  of 
situations  chosen  according  to  dominant  value.  For  example,  the  ob- 


server  may  witness  an  assembly  of  all  village  males  in  a  council 
meeting  or  sit  with  an  elder  who  is  listening  to  a  complaint  that  X 
has  taken  his  field  and  has  no  right  to  it.  In  field  work,  however, 
the  sequence  from  situations  largely  specialized  in  one  value  to  situ- 
ations specialized  in  another  can  be  followed  only  approximately,  since 
an  informant  may  introduce  testimony  about  altogether  different  cir- 
cumstances, and  it  then  becomes  wise  to  pursue  the  new  topic  further. 

As  data  multiply,  the  reclassification  of  original  data  becomes  a 
regular  procedure  (Step  Four).  The  operation  can  be  kept  adminis- 
tratively practicable  by  reclassifying  only  when  substantial  increments 
of  data  have  accumulated.  It  may  begin  to  appear  quite  early  that 
the  original  image  of  the  decision  process  was  badly  out  of  harmony 
with  the  facts.  The  "governor"  put  forward  by  a  village  to  meet 
strangers  may  turn  out  to  be  an  insignificant  participant  in  the  in- 
ternal process  by  which  community  decisions  are  made.  Only  at  a 
late  stage  of  investigation  may  it  become  apparent,  for  instance,  that 
the  key  participants  are  the  heads  of  the  principal  ceremonial  associ- 
ations into  which  all  inale  members  of  the  community  are  initiated 
at  puberty. 

The  procedure  of  successive  approximation  allows  the  final  pic- 
ture to  emerge — final,  that  is,  from  the  investigator's  perspective.  At 
this  stage,  the  conventional  usages  of  the  community  have  been  com- 
prehensively reanalyzed  according  to  the  functional  categories  of  the 
scientific  observer.  Hence,  the  data  are  ready  for  inclusion  in  com- 
parative political  science,  where  they  can  be  analyzed  for  the  light 
they  throw  on  alternative  models  of  the  political  process. 

I  have  indicated  before  that  surveys  have  relevance  to  theoretical 
systems  for  the  study  of  political  dynamics.  It  would  carry  us  too  far 
from  the  necessarily  limited  scope  of  the  present  discussion  to  present 
a  critique  of  existing  models.  However,  I  do  give  some  attention  to 
the  problem  in  the  Appendix. 


1  Cf.,  e.g.,  R.  B.  Hunting  and  G.  S.  Neuwirth,  Who  Sues  in  New  York  City? 

"A  Study  of  Automobile  Accident  Claims"  (New  York:  Columbia 
University  Press,  1962);  J.  Goldstein,  "Police  Discretion  Not  to 
Invoke  the  Criminal  Law:  Low- Visibility  Decisions  in  the  Ad- 
ministration of  Justice,"  Yale  Law  Journal,  69  (1960),  543-594. 

2  Cf.  R.  A.  Arens  and  H.  D.  Lasswell,  In  Defense  of  Public  Order,  "The 

Emerging  Field  of  Sanction  Law"  (New  York:  Columbia  Uni- 
versity Press,  1961). 

The  Basic  Data  Survey  (II)  87 

3  Cf.,  e.g.,  C.  Vose,  Caucasians  Only,  "The  Supreme  Court,  the  NAACP, 
and  the  Restrictive  Covenants  Cases"  (Berkeley  and  Los  Angeles: 
University  of  California  Press,  1959). 

*  Cf.  W.  N.  Kinnard,  Jr.,  Appointed  by  the  Mayor  (University,  Ala.:  Uni- 
versity of  Alabama  Press,  Inter-University  Case  Book  Program,  No. 
36,  1956).  For  a  system  of  distinctions,  cf.  P.  M.  Blau  and  R.  W. 
Scott,  Formal  Organization,  "A  Comparative  Approach"  (San 
Francisco:  Chandler,  1962).  Note  D.  Marvick,  Career  Perspectives 
in  a  Bureaucratic  Setting  (Ann  Arbor:  University  of  Michigan 
Press,  1954).  Also,  the  important  trend  studies  of  the  prestige  (re- 
spect position)  of  civil  servants  initiated  by  L.  D.  White  and  con- 
tinued by  M.  Janowitz  and  others. 

^  Cf.  R.  C.  Martin  et  al.,  Decisions  in  Syracuse  (Bloomington,  Ind.:  Indiana 
University  Press,  1961). 

^  The  emphasis  on  interest  groups  in  politics  fosters  the  study  of  official 
as  well  as  unofficial  versions  of  advantage.  Cf.  D.  B.  Truman's  in- 
fluential study.  The  Governmental  Process  (New  York:  Knopf, 

^  The  role  of  informal  decision-making — which  includes  prescribing — is 
among  the  phases  of  the  process  described  in  R.  Agger,  D.  Goldrick, 
and  B.  Swanson  in  their  study  of  four  communities  in  two  regions 

^  Cf.  the  techniques  used  in  G.  A.  Schubert,  Quantitative  Analysis  of  Judicial 
Behavior  (Glencoe,  111.:  The  Free  Press,  1959);  C.  H.  Pritchett, 
The  Roosevelt  Court,  "A  Study  in  Judicial  Politics  and  Values, 
1937-1947"  (New  York:  Macmillan,  1948). 

^  Strictly  speaking,  planning  operations  are  classified  in  the  present  context 
as  part  of  the  intelligence  function  (when  the  activity  does  not 
proceed  to  the  promotion,  prescription,  or  other  phases  of  the  total 
decision  process).  When  policy  has  already  been  formulated  and 
put  into  effect,  the  problem  of  assessing  results  and  analyzing  the 
effects  of  various  factors  on  results  enters  the  picture.  Hence,  plan- 
ning includes  use  of  the  findings  produced  by  appraisals,  which  may 
or  may  not  be  carried  out  by  the  same  structures.  The  International 
Institute  of  Administrative  Sciences  has  had  many  sessions  on  the 
problems  of  intelligence  and  appraisal.  An  example  of  scholarly  ap- 
praisal is  C.  Tunnard  and  B.  Pushkarev,  Man-Made  America:  Chaos 
or  Control?  "An  Inquiry  into  Selected  Problems  of  Design  in  the 
Urbanized  Landscape"  (New  Haven:  Yale  University  Press,  1963). 

^°  Cf.  P.  H.  Rossi  and  R.  A.  Dentler,  The  Politics  of  Urban  Renewal,  "The 
Chicago  Findings"  (New  York:  The  Free  Press  of  Glencoe,  1961). 

^^  A  Political  Data  Center  was  organized  at  Yale  in  1962  and  plans  to  work 
out  cooperative  arrangements.  The  Roper  Center  at  Williams  Col- 


lege  is  an  important  repository  of  polling  information.  A  newly 
organized  "Inter-University  Consortium"  unites,  in  the  first  year, 
the  Survey  Research  Center  at  the  University  of  Michigan  with 
more  than  twenty  institutions  of  higher  learning  in  the  United 

12  The  university  at  Oslo,  Norway,  has  been  among  the  most  dynamic  centers 
of  modern  social  and  political  science  and  takes  important  ini- 
tiatives in  the  direction  of  international  research.  Cf.  S.  Rokkan, 
ed.,  "Citizen  Participation  in  Political  Life,"  International  Social 
Science  Journal,  12  (1960).  Also,  G.  A.  Almond  and  J.  S.  Coleman, 
eds.,  The  Politics  of  Developing  Areas  (Princeton:  Princeton  Uni- 
versity Press,  1960);  and  J.  A.  Robinson's  continuing  study  of  Con- 
gress, Congress  and  Foreign  Policy-Making,  "A  Study  in  Legislative 
Influence  and  Initiative"  (Homewood,  111.:   Dorsey  Press,  1962). 

1^  R.  S.  Lane  has  reconsidered  the  present  and  prospective  state  of  knowl- 
edge of  Political  Ideology,  "Why  the  American  Common  Man  Be- 
lieves as  He  Does"  (New  York:  The  Free  Press  of  Glencoe,  1962). 

1*  E.g.,  R.  M.  Thrall,  C.  H.  Coombs,  and  R.  L.  Davis,  eds..  Decision  Proc- 
esses (New  York:  Wiley,  1960);  R.  L.  Chapman,  "Data  for  Test- 
ing a  Model  of  Organizational  Behavior"  (Santa  Monica,  Calif.: 
RAND  Corporation,  1960;  M.  Haire,  ed..  Modern  Organizational 
Theory  (New  York:  Wiley,  1959);  J.  G.  March  and  H.  A.  Simon, 
Organizations  (New  York:  Wiley,  1958);  A.  Downs,  An  Economic 
Theory  of  Democracy  (New  York:  Harper,  1957);  G.  L.  S. 
Shackle,  Decision,  Order,  and  Time  in  Human  Affairs  (Cambridge: 
University  Press,  1961). 

1^  How  fruitful  such  a  task  can  be  is  convincingly  demonstrated  by  W. 
Jenkins  at  the  University  of  North  Carolina  center  of  documenta- 

1*^  Cf.  W.  N.  Locke  and  A.  D.  Booth,  eds..  Machine  Translation  of  Lan- 
guages (New  York:  Wiley,  1953) ;  J.  W.  Perry  and  A.  Kent,  Tools  for 
Machine  Literature  Searching  (New  York:  Interscience  Publications, 
1958);  B.  Mittman  and  A.  Ungar,  eds..  Computer  Applications — 
1960  (New  York:  Macmillan,  1960);  R.  E.  Machol  and  P.  Gray, 
eds.,  Recent  Developments  in  Information  and  Decision  Processes 
(New  York:  Macmillan,  1962).  Cf.  especially  Norbert  Wiener's  re- 
maiks.  Current  developments  can  be  followed  in  M.U.L.L.,  "Mod- 
ern Uses  of  Logic  in  Law,"  quarterly  newsletter  of  the  American 
Bar  Association  Special  Committee  on  Electronic  Data  Retrieval  in 
collaboration  with  the  Yale  Law  School,  edited  by  L.  E.  Allen 
and  M.  E.  Caldwell. 

Chapter  4 


Fortunately,  political  science  is  rich  in  theoretical  propositions  capable  of 
guiding  the  choice  of  survey  data.  Hypotheses  are  also  being  welded  into 
hypothetical  models  of  how  decision  processes  work,  and  the  terms  employed 
are  intended  to  lend  themselves  to  the  choice  of  operational  indexes.  It  is, 
of  course,  elementary  that  investigators  must  keep  in  mind  the  most  com- 
prehensive theoretical  requirements  of  their  discipline,  especially  at  the  mo- 
ment when  they  make  heroic  simplifications  as  part  of  a  program  of  research. 
If,  as  political  scientists,  we  were  omniscient,  we  would  have  at  our 
disposal  descriptive  and  analytic  tools  enabling  us  to  do  the  following:  make 
a  rapid  survey  of  the  predispositions  found  everywhere  in  the  world;  "pre- 
dict" (retrospectively)  the  conditioning  factors  accounting  for  the  direction 
and  intensity  of  these  predispositions;  predict  the  way  in  which  these  pre- 
dispositions would  express  themselves  under  the  impact  of  any  conceivable 
constellation  of  future  conditioning  factors;  predict  the  probable  occurrence 
of  future  constellations;   outline  the  strategies  by  which  the  probability  of 


future  factor  constellations  can  be  modified  (at  stated  cost  in  terms  of  all 
values);  and  connect  past  and  prospective  sequences  of  events  with  speci- 
fications of  goal  (in  our  case,  the  goal  of  realizing  the  dignity  of  man — and 
of  other  advanced  forms  of  life — on  the  widest  possible  scale). 

Any  operation  of  this  kind  presupposes  that  we  can  describe  the  per- 
spectives and  capabilities  (base  values)  of  each  participant.  If  we  know  the 
value  preferences  (demands)  and  the  expectations  of  feasible  strategies  and 
outcomes,  it  is  possible  to  predict  the  response,  since  behavior  of  advanced 
living  forms  is  postulated  as  a  function  of  expected  net  value  advantage 
among  perceived  alternatives. 

This  point  calls  attention  to  the  importance  of  devising  procedures  of 
value  and  expectation  analysis  (and  also  of  identification,  since  identifications 
interact  with  all  other  perspectives).  Moreover,  each  interaction  requires  that 
appropriate  procedures  be  used  to  describe  the  effect  of  the  environment  on 
the  focus  of  attention  and  on  immediate  perceptions.  As  implied  above,  ex- 
pectations may  be  realistic  or  in  error  both  in  regard  to  outcome  events  and 
to  capabilities.  Presumably,  the  realism  or  unrealism  of  such  perspectives 
depends  in  part  on  environmental  impacts  on  the  focus  of  attention  and  the 
immediate  perceptions  of  the  individual  or  the  group.  In  principle,  it  must 
be  within  the  competence  of  political  scientists  to  describe  every  interaction 
according  to  its  significance  in  the  decision  process  of  the  social  context  un- 
der study. 

The  challenge  is  to  invent  or  adapt  instruments  whereby  we  can  describe 
any  political  interaction  of  value  indulgence  or  deprivation  as  a  function  of 
expected  net  advantage  and  of  actual  capability  in  any  arena. 

Concurrently  with  value  analysis,  we  are  concerned  with  institutional 
analysis.  The  value  categories,  it  will  be  recalled,  are  a  comprehensive  list 
of  terms  employed  to  describe  any  social  process,  particularly  all  culminating 
events  (elections,  loans,  marriages,  and  so  on).  Having  provisionally  located 
such  events,  we  describe  the  patterns  relatively  specialized  in  each,  recog- 
nizing that  all  values  are  to  some  degree  involved  in  every  interaction.  Var- 
ious practices  (perspectives  and  operations)  comprise  an  institution,  which 
can  be  described  in  terms  of  myth  and  technique — myth  being  patterns  of 
perspective,  technique  being  patterns  of  operation. 

For  many  purposes,  it  is  convenient  to  intensify  the  description  of  value 
or  institutional  events  by  treating  them  as  patterns  of  mechanism,  that  is, 
as  analyzable  into  fundamental  common  elements.  The  most  useful  categories 
of  mechanism  distinguish  an  act  (or  "interact")  as  a  sequence  in  which 
actors  affect  the  outcome.  Further,  an  act  is  "externalized"  or  "internalized" 
according  to  the  degree  to  which  all  actors  are  involved  as  the  sequence  runs 
to  completion. 

In  terms  of  fundamental  mechanism,  we  also  characterize  the  degree  to 
which  symbolic  or  nonsymbolic  events  are  implicated  in  the  act  sequence. 
Symbolic  events  are  subjective;  other  events  are  not.  The  nonsymbolic  events 
are  signs  or  nonsigns.  A  sign  is  specialized  in  mediating  among  symbol  events; 

Appendix  to  Chapter  4  91 

hence,  it  includes  gestures  and  languages.  A  somatic  event  is  a  physical  move- 
ment or  structure  of  the  body.  Environing  resources  are  physical  events,  and 
they  are  open  to  modification  by  actors  to  create  culture  materials. 

Mechanism  distinctions  are  valuable  in  the  comparison  of  political  and 
social  styles,  since  they  enable  externalized  or  internalized  patterns  to  be 
readily  designated  and  provide  ways  of  describing  symbolic  and  nonsymbolic 
characteristics.  For  instance,  symbols  and  signs  may  be  greatly  elaborated  in 
some  bodies  politic  where  oratory  and  poetry  are  in  flower,  and  images 
varying  through  time  provide  clues  to  the  potential  action,  or  tension,  level. 

As  for  the  pursuit  of  power,  the  general  hypothesis  is  that  power  is  em- 
phasized as  an  outcome  when  it  is  expected  to  yield  greater  net  advantages 
than  the  pursuit  of  other  values.  In  regard  to  strategies  that  rely  on  power 
or  instruments  of  power,  the  general  hypothesis  is  that  they  are  expected  to 
yield  comparative  net  advantages. 

Appropriately  rephrased,  the  same  formulation  is  applicable  to  the  rise 
and  fall  of  ideologies  and  technical  operation  and  to  the  appearance  of  any 
pattern  in  competition  with  any  alternative. 

The  data  obtained  by  basic  data  surveys  would  be  affected  by  develop- 
mental constructs  of  the  future,  since  these  constructs  provide  a  sense  of 
priority.  In  the  preceding  pages,  we  have  mentioned  the  desirability  of  fol- 
lowing certain  events  because  our  developmental  constructs  suggest  their  im- 

Contemplated  strategies  of  future  action  also  raise  questions  about  past 
and  current  events  that  would  influence  the  survey.  However,  the  consider- 
ation of  strategies  almost  invariably  discloses  the  existence  of  not  inconsider- 
able gaps  between  what  we  know  and  what  we  would  like  to  know  for  the 
guidance  of  policy.  Can  we  use  methods  that  narrow  this  discrepancy  and 
provide  solid  bases  of  inference  for  decision?  In  Chapter  5,  we  put  forward 
suggestions  in  answer  to  this  challenging  question. 

The  basic  data  survey  sketched  in  the  preceding  pages  can  be  sum- 
marized in  the  form  of  a  generalized  outline  appropriate  to  the  study  of  the 
decision  process  in  any  social  context  or  subcontext.  The  operational  indexes 
appropriate  to  each  category  or  subcategory  depend  on  the  intensiveness  of 
the  observational  standpoint  taken  by  the  scientific  obsei'ver  and  the  discern- 
ible features  of  the  field  of  events  observed. 

Prearena  events       — >-       arena  events      — >-       postarena  events 

Prearena  Events 

Includes  all  interactions  that  precede  the  involvement  of  authoritative 
or  controlling  decision-makers  in  the  context.  We  may  distinguish  between 
precipitating  events  and  parallel  events,  the  former  being  interactions  that 
lead  up  to  entry  into  an  arena;  the  latter,  despite  their  resemblance  to  pre- 
cipitating events,  do  not. 


Arena  Events 

Includes  all  interactions  in  which  decision-makers  are  involved.  We 
distinguish  preoutcome  and  outcome  events,  the  latter  being  the  events  re- 
garded as  the  culminating  interactions  in  the  sequence,  since  they  are  per- 
ceived as  especially  important  for  the  value  position  of  those  involved. 

Postarena  Events 

Includes  all  interactions  that  are  influenced  by  the  outcome. 

The  decision  process  occurs  in  the  context  of  a  larger  social  process 
which  can  also  be  characterized  in  preoutcome,  outcome,  and  postoutcome 
terms.  The  political  scientist  must  discriminate  in  the  social  process  the 
frame  of  reference  of  special  interest  to  him.  This  can  be  accomplished  if 
the  context  is  characterized  by  a  list  of  terms  that  is  kept  fixed  for  potential 
use  in  designating  any  social  context  whatsoever.  In  this  way,  the  observer 
uses  the  same  "lenses"  for  locating  comparable  features  of  each  situation 
that  he  approaches  for  comparative  purposes.  He  is  able  to  assign  operational 
indexes  to  the  terms  in  the  fixed  list.  If  other  observers  disagree  with  his 
assignments,  the  difference  may  be  resolved  by  discussion,  or  equivalency  of 
result  may  be  guaranteed  by  discovering  the  magnitude  of  the  difference  in 
findings  to  be  attributed  to  the  index.  One  investigator  may  think  that  one 
or  more  terms  in  the  fixed  list  (as  generally  defined)  are  not  appropriately 
employed;  another  investigator,  however,  may  use  the  whole  list.  This  diver- 
gence, too,  if  not  eliminated  by  discussion,  can  be  dealt  with  by  discovering 
the  constants  permitting  intertranslatability. 

The  functional  definition  of  "power"  that  I  recommend  designates  in- 
teraction patterns  in  which  the  expectation  prevails  that  severe  sanctions  are 
involved,  either  by  immediate  action,  as  in  fighting,  or  potentially.  Opera- 
ational  indexes  must  ultimately  be  chosen  to  designate  "expectations,"  "se- 
vere" (rather  than  "mild")  sanctions,  and  "prevailing"  patterns. 

At  every  phase  of  the  decision  process,  the  same  components  of  the 
situation  are  open  to  study. 


Conventional  usage  identifies  many  participants.  Scientific  observers 
may  also  note  the  existence  of  aggregates  for  which  no  symbol  is  found.  (The 
general  categories  are  culture,  class,  interest,  and  personality  at  various  levels 
of  crisis.) 


Every  value-institution  process  has  a  special  myth.  In  specific  situations, 
however,  one  myth  (conventionally  described)  may  blanket  all  others,  making 
it  necessary  to  investigate  particular  situations  in  detail  if  differentiations  are 
to  be  found.  Religious  ideologies,  for  example,  may  include  gods  of  health, 
good  crops,  victorious  war,  knowledge,  expertness,  love,  honor,  and  salvation. 

Appendix  to  Chapter  4  93 

In  the  ideology  of  power,  prescriptions  may  refer  to  each  phase  of  decision, 
though  inquiry  may  show  that  the  nominal  rule  is  not  adhered  to  in  actual 
circumstances.  (Within  each  myth,  we  have  further  distinguished  formula, 
doctrine,  and  lore.) 


The  observer  must  select  some  minimum  frequency  of  conjunction  of 
events  to  justify  his  identification  of  an  arena.  In  world  politics,  for  instance, 
an  isolated  and  remote  country  may  maintain  such  a  low  frequency  of  inter- 
action that  it  is  not  a  "participant"  (foreign  relations,  such  as  they  are,  may 
be  administered  by  a  foreign  power;  trade  is  negligible;  news  exchanges  are 
inconsequential).  Once  an  arena  is  established,  the  pattern  of  polarity  can 
be  described. 

Base  Values 

The  principal  categories  here  are  by  value,  actual  and  potential,  under 
stipulated  contingencies.  Since  the  contingencies  are  as  a  rule  incompletely 
considered,  there  is  usually  incipient  ambiguity  in  the  description  of  base 


The  distinction  in  strategic  objectives  according  to  assembling  and 
processing  has  been  referred  to  before,  likewise  that  in  terms  of  persuasion 
and  coercion  and  combinations  of  indulgence  and  deprivation.  Differences  by 
style  {mechanism)  are  also  appropriate,  for  instance  in  degree  of  symbol- 
sign-and-resource  pattern.  Communication  and  diplomacy  depend  on  the 
former  (symbol-sign  pattern),  military  and  economic  strategies,  on  the  latter. 
Strategies  of  isolation  or  combination  depend  especially  on  the  polar  structure 
of  arenas. 


The  culminating  events  that  affect  value  position  are  describable  ac- 
cording to  final  alignment  and  weight,  as  indicated  by  initiative  and  by 
pivotal  position  in  the  preoutcome  management  of  coalitions. 


Particular  effects  can  be  followed  for  active  participants  in  an  arena, 
notably  the  subsequent  fate  of  winners  and  losers  as  affected  by  this  result. 
Aggregate  effects  are  ultimately  to  be  summed  up  in  terms  of  value  shaping 
and  sharing  and  institutional  stability  or  change. 

It  is  possible  to  describe  the  whole  decision  process  in  terms  of  value 
indulgence  and  deprivation  and  of  institutional  stability  or  change.  The  basic 
data  survey  could  supply  indispensable  information  of  trend  toward  or  away 
from  the  goal  of  broad,  rather  than  narrow,  participation  in  value  shaping 


and  sharing.  By  correlational  procedures,  it  would  also  provide  some  indica- 
tion of  the  eflect  of  various  combinations  of  conditioning  factors  on  trend 
variation  and  lay  a  foundation  for  inferences  regarding  desirable  clarifications 
of  goal  and  future  projections  and  policy  alternatives.  However,  the  survey 
would  have  limitations  requiring  other  methods  to  overcome. 


Trend  data  are  in  many  ways  insufficient  to  meet  the  criteria  of 
science  and  policy.  In  the  study  of  conditioning,  the  ideal  is  to  for- 
mulate propositions  that  correctly  state  the  relations  among  the 
factors  involved.  It  is  true  that  time  series  can  be  correlated  with  one 
another  to  verify  explanatory  hypotheses.  However,  a  more  satis- 
factory design  would  seem  to  be  an  experimental  program  conducted 
under  circumstances  that  provide  the  widest  variety  of  opportunities 
for  the  controlled  investigation  of  factor  combinations. 


Contemporary  social  psychologists  have  made  laboratory  experi- 
ments providing  valuable  hypotheses  for  the  analysis  of  politics.  When, 


for  example,  a  small  experimental  group  agrees  to  try  to  make  a  de- 
cision within  the  constraints  imposed  on  a  flow  of  communicationj  re- 
sults are  aflfected  by  the  pattern  of  flow.  If  each  message  must  be 
routed  through  one  member,  rather  than  being  sent  directly  between 
any  pair,  frustrations  accumulate  that  are  likely  to  take  the  inter- 
mediary link  as  the  target  of  discharge.  The  outcome  may  be  periodic 
disruptions  of  group  work.^ 

It  is  tempting  to  extend  the  findings  of  such  an  experiment  di- 
rectly to  field  situations  and  to  hypothesize  that  official  prescriptions 
will  produce  frustration  if  they  require  that  each  message  be  centrally 
cleared.  On  reflection,  however,  the  political  scientist  sees  no  grounds 
for  assuming  that  this  applies  to  all  arenas.  In  actual  situations,  offi- 
cial regulations  are  circumvented  in  many  ways.  If  obstacles  arise  to 
communication  between  A  and  G,  A  and  G  are  likely  in  practice  to  es- 
tablish informal  channels.  The  hypothesis,  however,  is  serviceable  in 
directing  attention  to  the  importance  of  studying  the  actual  flow  of 
both  authoritative  and  effective  communication  among  officials.  But 
this  is  no  new  idea,  nor  does  the  experiment  provide  a  measuring  de- 
vice transferable  to  field  situations.  The  data  called  for  must,  as  usual, 
be  obtained  by  the  well-known  methods  of  interview  or  participant 

Another  laboratory  experiment  explores  the  effect  of  overloading 
a  communication  net.  Let  M  be  messages  fed  to  an  operator  for  trans- 
lation from  Gode  One  (words)  into  Gode  Two  (telegraphic  code). 
Research  may  show  that  operators  of  equal  skill  (measured  by  test) 
will  begin  to  increase  their  errors  at  a  given  level  of  M  and  that  at 
some  level  of  input  the  whole  process  breaks  down.  This  is  a  sugges- 
tive finding  for  politics,  since  it  calls  attention  to  the  fact  that  all 
communication  systems  can  be  overloaded  and  that  overloadings  at 
key  subcenters  can  work  havoc. 

Moreover,  the  findings  are  immediately  transferable  to  those 
parts  of  the  decision  process  that  employ  word-to-telegraphic-code 
operations — transferable,  that  is,  in  the  sense  of  providing  hypotheses 
for  the  quantitative  description  of  performance.  When  the  input-out- 
put records  of  a  group  of  (tested)  operators  in  fire,  police,  military, 
or  other  services  are  analyzed,  it  may  turn  out  that  they  make  more 
errors  under  less  pressure  of  input  than  were  made  by  an  experimental 
group.  Further,  the  breaking  point  may  diff"er,  as  shown  by  a  few 
emergency  situations  of  which  there  are  records. 

What  variables  account  for  the  diff"erences?  Interviews  may  re- 
veal that  operators  in  field  situations  are  not  much  interested  in  the 

Experimentation,  Prototyping,  Intervention  97 

job  and  make  few  conscious  demands  on  themselves  or  colleagues  to 
work  hard.  They  make  more  errors;  and,  as  pressure  increases,  they 
speed  up  very  little,  postponing  personal  breakdowns  indefinitely,  even 
though  unsent  messages  accumulate.  The  operation  is  overloaded, 
but  the  human  components  do  not  "knock  themselves  out."  Restudy 
of  the  laboratory  group  may  show,  by  contrast,  that  the  subjects  who 
took  part  in  the  experiment  were  highly  motivated  to  do  well,  since 
they  wanted  to  win  the  respect  of  the  scientists  in  charge,  and  they 
also  felt  competitive  with  one  another. 

In  this  case,  the  laboratory  contributed  more  than  calling  atten- 
tion to  an  interesting  aspect  of  politics.  Tests  of  performance  could 
be  transferred  to  the  field — that  is,  to  administrative  situations — and 
the  quantification  of  both  laboratory  and  field  results  made  it  feasible 
to  appraise  government  operators  provisionally.  A  constellation  of  fac- 
tors that  condition  administrative  services  was  identified;  their  im- 
pact was  precisely  expressed. 

Consider  yet  another  variation  in  the  relationship  between  labo- 
ratory and  field.  When  experimental  groups  are  given  increasingly 
exacting  tasks,  behavior  changes  can  be  recorded  by  observers  (who 
sit  unobtrusively  in  the  laboratory  or  look  through  one-way  glass)  or 
by  instruments  (for  example,  that  trace  the  movements  of  chair  springs 
or  respiratory  rhythms).  Such  random  movements  as  directly  observ- 
able frequencies  of  head  or  arm  and  instrumentally  recorded  respir- 
atory frequencies  or  irregularities  increase.  These  changes  may  be 
correlated  with  time  (late  versus  early  morning,  early  versus  late 
afternoon).  2 

The  results  are  pertinent  to  political  science  in  several  ways. 
Some  procedures  of  data-gathering,  especially  the  visual  recording  of 
random  movements,  can  be  directly  transferred.  These  procedures  can 
be  adapted  to  studies  of  tension — a  field  that  will  probably  attract 
much  research  effort  in  the  future.^ 

Many  laboratory  procedures  can  be  applied  immediately  to  trans- 
national and  other  group  comparisons.  For  instance,  important  clues 
to  the  direction  and  intensity  of  world  perspectives  have  been  obtained 
from  the  Thematic  Apperception  Test  (TAT).*  There  are  grounds 
for  predicting  that  tests  of  perceived  body  image  (of  the  self  and  of 
others)  will  generate  information  about  fundamental  changes  of  po- 
litical perspective.  Preliminary  results,  with  primitive  methods,  indi- 
cate that  authoritative  individuals  are  perceived  as  taller  and  heavier 
than  one's  self.^  If  this  proves  to  be  true  of  lower  castes  and  classes, 
trends  at  all  class  levels  can  be  disclosed  by  a  program  of  periodic 


retesting.  Democratization  or  the  reverse  is  subtly  registered  by  the 
phenomena  of  attention  and  perception. 

Changes  in  communication  style  provide  clues  to  trends  that  are 
not  fully  conscious.  The  demand  to  impose  the  self  on  others  is  likely 
to  be  revealed  in  gesture,  intonation,  and  choice  and  arrangement  of 
words.  When  commands  are  uttered,  for  instance,  the  sign  compo- 
nents of  the  communication  show  "response-contrasting"  in  that  they 
have  a  pattern  which  the  audience  is  not  expected  to  repeat.  But  in 
more  equalitarian  situations  the  style  shows  "response-modeling"  (the 
hand  outstretched  in  greeting  is  expected  to  be  reciprocated).® 

The  foregoing  discussion  is  intended  to  suggest  both  the  advan- 
tages and  limitations  of  laboratory  experiments  as  tools  of  political 
science.  From  the  point  of  view  of  basic  data  surveying,  laboratories 
are  now  the  chief  innovators  of  data-gathering  procedures  and  instru- 
ments. In  the  future,  measuring  instruments  developed  in  the  labora- 
tory can  be  deployed  in  a  comprehensive  and  perpetual  survey  of 
political  "weather"  (the  direction  and  intensity  of  key  predispositions). 

It  is  rarely  practicable  or  desirable  to  leap  directly  from  the  lab- 
oratory to  legislative  or  regulatory  innovations.  It  is  not  often  prac- 
ticable since  the  laboratory  exercise  may  strike  too  many  legislators, 
administrators,  and  publicists  as  "artificial,"  that  is,  as  inappropriate 
to  the  values  and  institutional  practices  of  the  community  affected  by 
the  proposed  change.  Furthermore,  it  is  not  desirable  from  the  scien- 
tific point  of  view  to  extrapolate  from  the  simplified  and  highly  con- 
trolled conditions  of  the  laboratory,  since  variables  present  in  the 
field  may  modify  or  even  reverse  the  results  of  the  experiment.  Typi- 
cally, responsible  politicians  and  administrators  are  concerned  with 
value  outcomes  and  effects  in  which  the  scientists'  pursuit  of  enlight- 
enment has  a  relatively  low  priority.  If  innovations  are  introduced  by 
statute  or  after  they  have  been  incorporated  into  the  platform  of  a 
political  party,  they  have  been  justified  on  allegedly  scientific  grounds. 
But  the  scientists  create  a  false  sense  of  the  scope  of  their  knowledge 
if  they  claim  to  know  all  the  significant  factors  of  the  institutional 
setting.  Before  political  scientists  can  speak  with  scientific  justification 
about  an  innovation  in  institutional  practice,  they  need  to  know  what 
they  are  talking  about,  namely,  the  pattern  or  variables  whose  inter- 
actions constitute  the  relevant  political  institution. 

Several  strategies  are  used  to  overcome  the  gap  between  labo- 
ratory experiments  and  full-scale  innovation.  The  most  important  is 
the  "pilot  study,"  in  which  an  official  innovation  is  introduced  in  part 
of  a  jurisdiction  with  the  expectation  that,  if  results  are  satisfactory, 

Experimentation,  Prototyping,  Intervention  99 

the  innovation  will  be  extended  throughout  the  nation  or  the  region 

Pilot  studies  differ  greatly  from  one  another.  At  one  extreme, 
they  are  conducted  in  the  glare  of  publicity  and  controversy.  The  in- 
novation may  be  under  the  direction  of  politicians  who  are  determined 
to  discredit  the  project  or  to  score  a  seeming  success  at  any  price.  At 
the  other  end  of  the  scale,  pilot  studies  may  attract  little  immediate 
attention  from  the  political  parties,  pressure  associations,  legislators, 
or  administrators  in  the  larger  political  arena  in  which  it  is  conducted. 
Further,  the  direction  of  the  study  may  be  in  the  hands  of  scientists 
— including  political  scientists — who  are  deeply  concerned  with  con- 
tributing to  knowledge  and  professional  skill. 

Let  us  distinguish,  as  usual,  between  conventional  and  functional 
definitions.  In  the  conventional  sense,  all  official  innovations,  whether 
pilot  studies  or  not,  come  into  the  same  broad  category  of  official 
prescriptions.  It  will  be  useful  to  isolate  a  functional  category  accord- 
ing to  the  importance  of  the  effective  pursuit  of  enlightenment.  Proto- 
typing is  such  a  category,  and  I  shall  undertake  a  provisional 
formulation  of  the  strategy  of  prototyping.  My  expectation  is  that 
prototyping  will  play  an  increasingly  important  part  in  the  future  of 
political  science  as  a  scientific  and  policy-oriented  discipline. 

As  we  shall  see,  prototypes  are  not  necessarily  official,  since  many 
institutional  practices  may  be  inaugurated  for  purposes  of  scientific 
research  outside  formal  government.  I  think  of  prototyping  as  an  in- 
novation, typically  small-scale,  made  in  political  practice  primarily 
for  scientific  purposes.  The  institutional  practice  involved  can  be 
copied;  hence,  the  practice  may  be  incorporated  into  the  institutional 
patterns  of  a  body  politic.  An  unofficial  prototype  may  stimulate  an 
official  pilot  project  or  an  innovation  that  is  authoritatively  extended 
throughout  a  national  or  regional  jurisdiction. 


We  are  principally  concerned  here  with  improving  the  scientific 
capability  and  achievements  of  political  science.  As  the  level  of  po- 
litical science  rises,  so,  too,  will  its  significance  for  public  policy.  It  is 
worth  emphasizing  the  possibility  of  linking  experimentation,  proto- 
typing, and  intervention  as  a  comprehensive  strategy  of  policy  in- 
novation. At  the  same  time,  the  sequence  has  great  relevance  to  the 
strategy  of  knowledge.'^  In  general,  the  scientist  loses  control  over  the 
relevant  variables  at  successive  stages.  Clearly,  his  control  is  greatest 
in  laboratory  experiments  and  diminishes  in  a  prototype  situation.  It 


is  typically  least  in  official  intervention.  In  that  case,  the  applicable 
methods  of  analysis  are  largely  correlational.  Prototyping  is  partly 
experimental  and  partly  dependent  on  correlation. 

A  laboratory  experiment  is  the  procedure  presumably  least  likely 
to  be  interfered  with  for  partisan  purposes.  (However,  the  distinction 
is  not  likely  to  hold  in  totalitarian  states  or,  for  that  matter,  in  rela- 
tively open  societies  if  experiments  conflict  with  genuinely  efTective 
norms  of  official  and  private  life.)  When  a  prototype  is  in  process  of 
formation,  dangers  from  partisan  interferences  are  usually  greater 
than  in  the  laboratory,  since  prototypes  are  likely  to  be  identified  by 
interests  who  seek  to  control  results  for  their  special  benefit.  However, 
the  vulnerability  to  interference  is  greater  still  in  the  case  of  official 

In  some  circumstances,  the  demand  for  knowledge  outweighs  all 
other  considerations,  even  when  officially  prescribed  patterns  are  under 
appraisal.  For  instance,  leaders  and  led  may  be  genuinely  puzzled  by 
failures  of  administrative  efficiency;  hence,  political  scientists  are  al- 
lowed a  free  hand  to  investigate  and  report.  The  typical  advantage 
of  prototypes  is  that  they  may  be  kept  sufficiently  small  scale  to  stay 
out  of  sight  until  results  have  been  rather  fully  studied.  In  this,  they 
differ  from  a  pilot  project,  although  in  the  marginal  case  differences 

In  the  present  embryonic  stage  of  political  research,  it  is  impos- 
sible to  outline  a  body  of  verified  principles  of  strategy  for  the  con- 
struction of  prototypes.  Enough  experience  is  at  hand,  however,  to 
provide  at  least  a  degree  of  guidance.  In  the  discussion  of  prototyping 
to  follow,  I  make  frequent  reference  to  two  projects,  one  at  Vicos, 
Peru,^  the  other  at  the  Yale  Psychiatric  Institute.^  By  agreement  with 
the  Peruvian  government,  the  Vicos  project  was  conducted  under  the 
auspices  of  Cornell  University.  The  aim  of  the  project  was  to  prepare 
the  Indians  of  Vicos  for  a  decision-making  process  that  would  share 
the  power  in  the  village  while  making  realistic  demands  and  adopting 
realistic  strategies  for  coping  with  the  larger  environment  in  which  it 
was  located  (locally,  nationally,  internationally).  The  hope  was  to 
achieve  a  level  of  functioning  that  would  encourage  the  government 
and  other  authorities  concerned  with  the  development  of  folk  or 
peasant  culture  to  repeat  the  prototype  in  pilot  projects  and  even- 
tually on  an  extensive  scale,  by  intervention,  throughout  Peru. 

The  Yale  project  was  also  a  prototype  undertaking.  The  innova- 
tors sought  to  reach  a  level  of  operation  that  would  present  a  new 
model  of  hospital  practice  and,  if  successful,  encourage  other  psychi- 

Experimentation,  Prototyping,  Intervention  101 

atric  establishments  to  adopt  its  fundamental  features.  The  aim  was 
to  enlarge  participation  in  decision-making  by  patients  on  the  hypoth- 
esis that  this  would  have  favorable  therapeutic  consequences. 

One  of  the  first  problems  in  prototyping  is  when  to  regard  an 
innovation  as  past  the  "preparatory"  phase  and  effectively  "intro- 
duced." After  the  introduction  is  made,  the  "results"  of  the  innovation 
can  be  observed.  Before  valid  comparisons  can  be  drawn  between  the 
results  of  innovation  X  and  established  pattern  Y,  it  is  obvious  that 
sufficient  incorporation  of  X  must  take  place  to  justify  the  assertion 
that  the  innovation  has,  in  fact,  been  studied. 

The  principal  question  that  arises  in  drawing  the  line  between 
"pre-"  and  "post-"  introduction  is  that  human  loyalties,  beliefs,  and 
faiths  are  involved.  Unless  a  high  degree  of  agreement  has  been  reached, 
it  can  not  be  claimed  that  pattern  X  has  been  tried,  since  a  precon- 
dition of  institutional  life  is  effective  commitment  to  the  operations 
concerned.  From  a  scientific  point  of  view,  the  task  is  to  assess  the 
consequences  of  pattern  X  after  a  specified  degree  of  acceptance  has 
occurred.  From  a  policy  point  of  view,  the  questions  about  pattern 
X  are  these:  In  view  of  the  consequences  of  X  in  a  situation  in  which 
it  had  a  certain  degree  of  support,  should  I  support  X  in  situations 
where  it  is  not  yet  accepted,  but  where  I  can  influence  support? 

It  would  make  no  sense  to  insist  that  every  participant  in  a  given 
prototype  situation  believe  in  the  innovation  before  we  regard  the 
pattern  as  "introduced,"  since  we  live  in  a  world  where  degrees  of 
conscious  and  unconscious  opposition  are  commonly  present.  Let  us 
adopt  as  a  working  strategy,  therefore,  the  requirement  that  a  proto- 
type is  "introduced"  when  an  effective  rtiajority  of  the  leadership  is 
committed  to  try  out  the  innovation  and  agrees  that  important  results 
may  reasonably  be  expected  to  follow  from  it.  At  the  Yale  Psychiatric 
Institute,  medical  opinion  was  initially  divided  over  the  merits  of  the 
project,  although  the  undertaking  was  an  outgrowth  of  earlier  work 
at  the  institute. 

The  anthropologist  in  charge  at  Vicos  had  formal  authority  to 
run  the  hacienda,  and  he  determined  to  use  it  to  bring  into  being  a 
decision  process  that  would  continue  after  his  withdrawal.  The  Vicos 
elders  did  not  know  what  to  make  of  the  situation  at  first;  but,  by 
the  end  of  a  few  months,  they  had  got  the  idea  that  they  did  have 
a  genuine  voice  in  policy.  At  that  point,  we  could  say  that  the  project 
was  fully  under  way  and  that  the  prototype  began  to  take  shape. 

When  effective  innovating  support  has  been  achieved,  prototype 
managers  should  make  it  easy  for  the  ideologically  alienated  and  the 


characterologically  incapable  among  responsible  leaders  to  withdraw. 
We  have  said  that,  if  the  long-range  implications  of  an  innovation  are 
to  be  demonstrated,  it  is  important  that  acceptance  reach  at  least  a 
stated  minimum.  Otherwise,  failure  can  be  explained  with  the  alibi 
that  the  proposed  policy  "has  never  been  tried,"  meaning  that  sincere 
attempts  were  not  made  to  discover  the  true  potential  of  the  idea.  Of 
course,  the  preparatory  phase  itself  is  of  no  little  scientific  interest, 
since  we  need  to  improve  strategies  of  obtaining  acceptance  of  policies 
under  various  original  patterns  of  predisposition.  But  the  fact  that  a 
prototype  must  sufficiently  overcome  initial  obstacles  to  achieve  a 
minimum  level  of  support  is  not  the  distinctive  problem  or  contribu- 
tion of  prototyping. 

Once  initial  working  acceptance  is  won,  it  is  desirable  to  discover 
the  potential  of  the  prototype  by  encouraging  dissidents  in  the  leader- 
ship to  withdraw.  A  distinction  was  drawn  above  between  "ideological 
alienation"  and  "characterological  incapability."  Ideological  alienation 
is  not  difficult  to  detect  if  the  situation  encourages  openness.  It  is  a 
question  of  leaders  who  are  unwilling  to  agree  that  the  project  is 
worthwhile  or  that  it  has  a  reasonable  chance  of  success.  In  the  Psy- 
chiatric Institute  case,  there  were  physicians  who  found  the  whole 
approach  distasteful,  since  it  contradicted  their  conception  of  the 
physician's  role  in  the  treatment  of  patients.  For  them,  the  proper  task 
of  a  psychiatrist  is  to  work  individually  with  patients  and  to  authori- 
tatively decide  what  changes  should  be  made  in  the  patient's  hospital 
environment.  The  prospect  of  being  criticized  in  public  by  patients 
and  of  becoming  objects  of  public  criticism  by  professional  colleagues 
was  intolerable  to  them.  In  the  Vicos  project,  it  was  important  that 
all  outside  innovators  and  the  dominant  element  among  the  elders 
adopt  a  positive  approach.  The  innovators  could  enlist  the  cooperation 
of  others  only  if  they  indicated  that  they  thought  the  project  worth 
trying.  The  approach  recommended  here  is  not  blind  faith  that  the 
prototype  will  succeed;  rather,  the  appropriate  perspective  is  candid 
willingness  to  give  it  the  benefit  of  the  doubt  and  to  proceed  with 

The  characterological  point  is  more  subtle.  Many  scientists  are 
unable  to  play  the  role  that  they  consciously  agree  to  play.  Among 
the  psychiatrists,  for  example,  were  physicians  who  were  consciously 
in  favor  of  patient-staff  conferences  and  of  a  power-sharing  approach 
generally.  But  in  the  judgment  of  their  colleagues  they  were  unable 
to  live  up  to  the  requirements  of  a  cooperative  way  of  life.  For  ex- 
ample, one  leading  staff  member  seemed  to  sulk  when  adverse  com- 

Experimentation,  Prototyping,  Intervention  103 

merits  on  a  hospital  rule  were  made  by  a  patient  or  when  patients 
spoke  on  such  particular  issues  as  whether  a  patient  was  showing 
enough  improvement  to  warrant  a  visit  home.  Similarly,  an  outside 
scientist  who  was  active  at  Vicos  for  a  time  showed  impatience  with 
criticism  and  set  a  bad  example  for  the  members  of  the  council. 

A  further  principle  of  prototyping  is  that  clarifications  of  goal 
should  be  encouraged  to  continue  intermittently  even  after  minimum 
consensus  has  been  achieved.  Not  many  creative  projects  begin  with 
agreement  in  detail  on  the  objectives  to  be  sought  or  on  the  criteria 
appropriate  to  appraisal.  Even  when  current  perspectives  are  highly 
favorable  and  the  point  of  "introduction"  has  been  passed,  explicit 
agreement  on  objectives  may  be  inconclusive.  In  fact,  a  merit  of 
prototyping  is  that  it  permits  objectives  to  gain  clarity  through  ex- 
perience, enriching  in  this  way  the  considerations  to  be  taken  into 
account  in  redesigning  the  basic  proposal  for  later  tests  or  for  official 

The  idea  of  trying  out  patient-staff  conferences  was  well  received 
as  a  step  in  the  direction  of  patient  responsibility,  although  it  delib- 
erately stopped  short  of  reinstalling  the  full  responsibilities  of  ordinary 
life.  It  soon  became  clear  that  the  medical  personnel  did  not  intend  to 
give  up  their  veto  power  over  suggestions  offered  by  patients.  But  it 
was  equally  apparent  that  conferences  must  go  beyond  "mere  talk" 
and  culminate  in  at  least  some  outcomes  that  patients  could  attribute 
to  their  own  initiative.  Without  attempting  an  exhaustive  enumer- 
ation, it  is  possible  to  name  several  specific  objectives  that  came  to  be 
regarded  by  the  staff  as  among  the  legitimate  goals:  in  general,  to 
increase  the  therapeutic  effectiveness  of  the  institute;  to  discourage 
withdrawal  by  patients  from  active  responsibility  to  larger  social 
groups;  to  encourage  a  flow  of  information  about  hospital  conditions 
that  would  assist  in  making  better  decisions;  to  encourage  initiative 
on  the  part  of  patients  (and  all  component  elements  of  the  institute) 
in  proposing  and  advocating  particular  policy  acts;  to  reduce  the 
patients'  sense  of  isolation  from  people  by  providing  more  knowledge 
of  others;  to  stimulate  realistic  social  judgment  by  supplying  expe- 
rience in  evaluating  the  factual  and  preferential  statements  of  staff 
and  patients;  to  clarify  the  therapeutic  goal  of  individuals  and  the 
institute  by  participating  in  attempts  to  evaluate  situations  and  pro- 
posals; and  to  clarify  the  ideology  of  a  social  order  of  human  dignity 
by  giving  concrete  attention  to  the  principles  of  democratic  problem- 

Not  many  of  these  concrete  objectives  were  in  the  mind  of  any 


one  person  at  the  beginning.  Initial  perspectives  were  decidedly  fuzzy; 
but  clarified  objectives  emerged  once  the  staff -patient  procedure  was 
under  way.  We  must  bear  in  mind  that  the  criteria  applied  by  one 
scientist  in  assessing  a  prototype  are  not  necessarily  identical  to  those 
of  another  scientist  or  to  all  who  participate  in  a  given  innovation. 
Even  after  the  degree  of  unity  that  justifies  one  in  saying  that  a  proto- 
type is  launched  has  been  achieved,  important  differences  will  prob- 
ably occur  within  the  framework  of  consent. 

In  the  Vicos  situation,  for  example,  it  is  possible  to  isolate  a  few 
of  the  initial  criteria  that  the  originating  anthropologist  used  in  gaug- 
ing the  short-run  effectiveness  of  the  project.  Would  council  members 
increase  the  frequency  and  extent  of  their  participation  in  council 
meetings?  It  was  also  important  to  see  from  the  attendance  record 
and  verbal  statements  whether  the  leaders  thought  things  were  going 
well  in  the  council's  deliberations.  Other  questions  were  whether  more 
members  of  the  community  acquired  the  practice  of  listening  to  dis- 
cussions and  began  to  take  a  more  positive  part  in  talking  about  policy 
and  in  trying  to  affect  the  outcome  of  council  deliberations.  Another 
indication  of  effectiveness  was  the  concern  of  council  members  for 
obtaining  expert  advice  about  the  technical  aspects  of  any  problem 
that  came  before  them. 

The  criteria  of  success  or  failure  favored  by  the  originators  of 
the  Vicos  innovation  went  much  further.  However,  many  of  these 
could  not  be  tested  before  several  years  had  passed  and  the  Vicos 
community  had  taken  the  critical  step  of  buying  hacienda  land  and 
bringing  local  government  entirely  into  its  own  hands.  Would  the 
community  be  able  to  act  together  without  breaking  up  into  struggling 
factions  that  might  even  come  to  blows?  Could  the  community  learn 
to  obtain  and  identify  expert  advice  given  on  behalf  of  common,  rather 
than  special,  interests?  That  is,  could  council  members  distinguish  a 
special  pleader  from  a  source  both  competent  and  disinterested? 

As  it  turned  out,  the  Vicos  community  did  in  fact  operate  with 
democracy  and  realism  when  the  transition  to  self-government  was 
made.  Hence,  the  prototype  model  was  regarded  as  successful  by  all 
who  were  willing  to  adopt  these  criteria.  Judgment  about  long-range 
performance  had  to  be  reserved. 

The  Yale  institute  faced  comparable  problems  of  assessment.  Be- 
fore many  months,  the  immediate  participants  agreed  that  the  in- 
novation was  justifiable  and  even  important.  Key  questions  were:  Did 
the  recovery  rate  or  rate  of  improvement  change  in  either  direction 
9,fter  the  prototype  was  launched?  Did  rates  for  discernible  categories 

Experimentation,  Prototyping,  Intervention  105 

of  patients  (for  example,  young  schizophrenics,  older  schizophrenics) 
change  ?  Did  regressive  behavior  improve  ?  Did  physicians  and  patients 
come  to  agree  more  closely?  Did  patients  try  to  pressure  the  staff  into 
acting  against  the  staff's  judgment?  Did  physicians  and  patients  carry 
more  democratic  perspectives  and  operational  skills  into  other  situ- 
ations ? 

The  preceding  discussion  distinguishes  ( 1 )  the  goal  of  an  innova- 
tion, (2)  the  essential  pattern  of  the  new  practice,  and  (3)  the  specific 
consequences  in  terms  of  which  the  degree  of  achievement  can  be 
described.  Since  all  social  values  are  to  some  extent  affected,  the  goal 
( 1 )  can  be  given  a  wide  meaning,  such  as  the  sharing  of  all  values  in 
the  social  context.  It  is  also  useful  to  construe  goals  more  narrowly, 
as  at  Vicos  and  the  institute,  where  the  chief  goals  were,  respectively, 
realism  and  democracy  in  decision-making  and  improved  therapy.  If 
a  political  scientist  had  conceived  the  latter  project,  he  might  have 
formulated  it  as  a  means  of  exploring  the  degree  to  which  power- 
sharing  can  be  achieved  in  a  therapeutic  community  without  much 
or  any  sacrifice  of  well-being — -the  dominant  value  outcome  sought  in 
such  a  community. 

The  chief  specific  practice  innovated  at  the  institute  was  the 
patient-staff  conference;  at  Vicos,  the  principal  feature  was  the  devo- 
lution of  power  to  council  and  people.  We  have  emphasized  the  point 
that  a  prototype  is  in  being  when  an  effective  majority  accepts  the 
project  as  reasonable.  This  requirement  implies  agreement  on  (1) 
and  (2),  above.  It  is  not  enough  to  endorse  a  general  value  goal:  a 
degree  of  precision  concerning  the  specific  practice  to  be  launched 
and  investigated  is  also  required. 

A  significant  distinction  can  be  made  between  the  early  phases  of 
the  Vicos  and  the  institute  prototypes.  The  initiator  at  Vicos  was 
clear  about  the  broad  objectives  he  sought  in  the  project.  By  contrast, 
it  is  not  easy  to  demonstrate  the  time  at  which  the  institute  program 
became  clarified  as  an  identifiable  project  in  the  minds  of  the  re- 
sponsible members  of  the  medical  staff.  The  fact  seems  to  be  that  the 
situation  was  moving  toward  greater  deference  to  the  patients,  even 
though  specific  patterns  of  participation  were  not  thought  out  in  ad- 
vance or  assigned  dates  in  a  calendar  of  innovation.  The  patient-staff 
conference  was  a  practice  that  grew  out  of  the  dynamic  interplay  of 
the  variables  of  the  situation.  We  can  say  that  the  prototype  leaders, 
when  they  became  fully  aware  of  the  situation,  simply  took  advantage 
of  tendencies  already  present.  The  strategy  of  prototyping  is  especially 
well   adapted   to   the  discovery  and   further  development  of  newly 


emerging  patterns  of  institutional  life.  Hence,  it  is  appropriate  to 
speak  of  "organic,"  or  "structural,"  changes  in  the  social  process  and 
to  emphasize  the  opportunity  that  political  scientists  enjoy  when  they 
are  sufficiently  in  step  with  change  to  use  the  technique  of  prototyping 
to  expedite  potential  evolution.  The  method  can  also  be  employed  to 
strengthen  the  forces  working  against  the  emergence  of  various  pat- 
terns, such  as  ruthlessness  in  the  pursuit  of  political  objectives. 

The  preceding  allusions  to  Vicos  and  the  institute  have  called 
attention  to  problems  that  must  be  met  in  inaugurating  any  prototype. 
There  are,  in  addition,  conditions  that  may  invalidate  the  prototypi- 
calness  of  a  given  attempt.  Exceptional  circumstances  may  put  far 
too  many  obstacles  in  the  path  of  the  project  (or,  less  often,  foster 
the  project).  The  former  conditions  occur,  for  example,  if  war,  flood, 
or  similar  disasters  interrupt  the  test.  The  latter  conditions  might 
occur  if  the  project  suddenly  becomes  a  focus  of  general  policy  interest 
and  support,  so  that  many  remarkable  inducements  are  added  to  those 
ordinarily  available  for  inaugurating  change.  Money  and  talent  may 
"bribe"  the  test  community  into  becoming  a  "model."  This  fate  almost 
befell  Vicos  because  many  public  figures  in  Peru  recognized  the  ur- 
gency of  "doing  something  about  the  Indians"  and  thought  that  they 
could  exploit  Vicos  in  a  big  way.  Fortunately,  the  barrage  was  avoided 
until  after  the  actual  transfer  of  power. 

A  prototype,  then,  cannot  be  "completed"  unless  the  factors  that 
condition  its  operation  are  representative  of  other  than  extreme  cir- 
cumstances. Views  can  differ  on  the  question  of  representativeness. 
If  there  is  difficulty  in  preparing  a  context  suitable  to  a  prototype, 
great  faith  is  needed  to  continue  the  attempt.  We  know  that  some 
influential  prototypical  situations  have  eventually  been  completed 
because  of  the  tenacity  of  a  man  of  vision  who  foresaw  the  possibilities. 
In  this  connection,  we  note  that  modern  research  has  been  greatly  in- 
fluenced by  Elton  Mayo's  innovations  in  industrial  sociology.  Although 
usually  referred  to  as  "experiments,"  they  come  more  nearly  into  the 
category  of  prototypes,  since  the  practices  could  be  incorporated  into 
modern  industry.  A  "test  room"  was  set  apart  so  that  output  of  the 
prototypical  group  could  be  easily  measured.  The  nurse  who  kept 
physical  measurements  was  also  on  hand  to  record  and  discuss  per- 
sonal problems.  (The  practice  of  holding  management  seminars  on 
cases  of  labor-management  difficulty  could  also  be  copied.) 

We  may  find  it  profitable  to  review  in  more  detail  some  factors 
that  have  conditioned  the  success  or  failure  of  prototypical  innova- 
tions. An  interesting  point  is  the  role  of  "faith"  and  "rational  infer- 

Experimentation,  Prototypiiig,  Intervention  107 

ence"  in  launching  and  carrying  through  such  projects.  When  we  hear 
people  extol  "the  faith  that  moves  mountains"  (for  example,  the  cele- 
brated case  in  which  a  devoted  teacher  succeeded  with  Helen  Keller, 
a  severely  handicapped  child),  they  usually  overlook  attempts  that 
were  frustrated  largely  because  of  failure  to  identify  and  control  fac- 
tors that  seem  obvious  on  rational  reflection.  We  have  already  paid 
some  deference  to  these  matters  by  referring  to  characterological  limi- 
tations. Frequently,  personality  limitations  are  conspicuous  among  the 
agitators  who  originate  or  promote  novel  ideas.  One  combination  is 
particularly  noteworthy — the  fanatic  who  is  partly  sound  on  scientific 
grounds  and  wildly  unscientific  in  other  respects.  Schliemann  is  a 
typical  case  in  the  recovery  of  man's  classical  past  and  especially  in 
the  vogue  of  archaeology.  (Cases  might  be  chosen  from  reform  in  the 
treatment  of  children,  mentally  ill,  women,  castes,  criminals,  soldiers, 
and  so  on.) 

The  Vicos  case  draws  attention  to  several  factors  that  condition 
prototyping  attempts.  Devolution  was  undertaken  in  a  community 
that  had  learned  to  regard  any  top  man  at  the  hacienda  with  grave 
suspicion.  At  least  four  hundred  years  of  bitter  experience  had  cured 
the  Indians  of  whatever  romanticism  they  may  once  have  had  about 
the  good  intentions  of  an  outside  boss.  Hence,  mere  verbal  assurances 
could  not  be  expected  to  carry  conviction.  The  project  director  be- 
gan with  a  dramatic  and  tangible  step.  He  announced  that  the  crops 
from  the  boss's  land  would  be  turned  over  to  the  community.  The  im- 
pression was  favorable  but  cautious,  since  the  Indians  wondered  if 
this  were  part  of  a  subtle  plot  to  damage  them  in  some  way  they  did 
not  yet  grasp.  Eventually  they  accepted  the  good  faith  of  the  project 
director,  as  shown  by  many  expressions  of  respect  and  affection  that 
went  far  beyond  the  demands  of  simple  expediency. 

The  Vicos  example  is  in  harmony  with  the  guiding  principle  for 
affecting  conduct  by  persuasion — lead  people  to  expect  to  be  better 
off  by  acting  in  accord  with  a  program  rather  than  deviating  from 

In  many  cases,  the  assets  available  to  a  leader  may  be  unrepro- 
ducible  until  he  has  had  time  to  mold  a  new  generation  which  some- 
what conforms  to  his  image.  If  the  leader  is  cut  down  early,  his 
promising  initiatives  may  collapse.  The  main  Vicos  figure  approached 
everyone  with  a  friendly  style  that  offered  human  warmth  and  fellow- 
ship until  an  individual  demonstrated  himself  to  be  undeserving. 
Furthermore,  the  leader  was  tireless  in  respecting  the  personal  identity 
and  opinions  of  the  Indians  and  of  all  with  whom  he  worked.  He 


adopted  a  simple  style  of  greeting  and  showed  that  the  obsequious 
etiquette  used  to  address  bosses  in  the  past  was  neither  expected  nor 
desired.  He  discovered  the  intimate  worries  of  people  and  did  what 
he  could  to  be  helpful;  and  he  took  in  return  nothing  that  could  be 
regarded  as  a  bribe  or  special  favor.  Here,  too,  he  set  up  a  new  model 
for  the  community  to  follow,  and  it  demonstrably  spread  to  the  re- 
lations between  fathers  and  sons,  elders  and  neighbors,  and  so  on.  We 
note  also  that  he  was  no  plaster  saint;  he  did  not  fail  to  drink  and 
be  a  good  fellow,  and  at  times  he  got  obviously  angry.  He  showed 
human  weaknesses  and  admitted  them;  and,  if  he  overstepped,  he  did 
what  was  necessary  to  put  things  right. 

(Some  of  these  descriptions  rest  on  satisfactory  data,  such  as  field 
notes,  that  describe  through  time  the  dropping  of  old  forms  of  pros- 
tration and  the  use  of  the  handshake  or  salute.  Other  statements  are 
less  well  grounded.) 

If  the  members  of  a  group  become  inspired  with  the  significance 
of  what  they  are  doing,  they  create  a  mutually  indulgent  environ- 
ment of  congratulation  for  being  in  the  project  at  all.  A  perpetual 
stream  of  reassuring  remarks  about  the  enterprise  and  hearty  approval 
for  cooperative  conduct  occur  spontaneously. 

At  the  same  time,  the  invocation  of  these  standards  can  be  car- 
ried to  censorious  extremes,  as  when  phlegmatic  or  explicitly  unco- 
operative persons  are  made  butts  of  indignation,  boycott,  or  even 
violence.  Since  the  Vicos  and  institute  projects  alike  were  oriented  to 
persuasive  action,  the  leaders  set  a  model  of  patience  with  errors  of 
ignorance  or  with  persisting  patterns  that  could  not  be  expected  to 
disappear  in  a  day. 

The  prototypes  were  by  no  means  developed  in  obscurity,  though 
they  were  screened  from  general  publicity  until  well  along.  Quite  early 
in  the  project,  the  institute  innovation  aroused  the  enthusiasm  of 
some  patients  who  established  contact  with  patient  groups  in  other 
hospitals,  suggesting  that  everyone  seek  to  have  a  voice  in  policy. 
Administrators  and  staff  members  attached  to  other  hospitals  dis- 
cussed the  innovation  and  listened  to  brief  reports  of  theory  and 
progress  at  meetings  and  in  less  formal  conversations.  Vicos,  of  course, 
was  always  on  the  edge  of  potential  eruption  if  anything  happened 
to  make  a  political  football  of  the  enterprise. 

Obviously,  the  strategy  of  prototyping  must  aim  at  confidence 
without  generating  sanguine  expectations  that  end  in  disillusionment 
or  permitting  the  pessimism  that  invites  paralysis.  We  referred  above 
to  the  special  environment  of  mutual  support  that  "true  believers" 

Experimentation,  Prototyping,  Intervention  109 

create  among  themselves.  Since  more  than  words  and  gestures  (for 
example,  afTection,  respect,  and  rectitude)  are  needed,  it  is  always 
relevant  to  ask:  What  else  do  the  participants  get  out  of  it?  Whose 
value  demands  are  indulged?  Deprived? 

Clearly,  the  demand  of  individuals  for  arbitrary  power  is  exposed 
to  value  deprivation  by  any  innovation  of  the  type  we  are  discussing. 
At  the  same  time,  individual  demands  for  a  share  in  common  de- 
cisions are  indulged.  Some  physicians  did  not  go  along  with  the  idea 
of  patient-staff  conferences;  and  many  staff  members  and  patients  at 
first  resented  the  attention  and  time  that  the  meetings  took.  There 
were  patients  who  were  accustomed  to  getting  their  own  way  by  tan- 
trum behavior  or  by  using  family  wealth  and  respect  to  overcome 
difficulties;  they  felt  endangered  by  the  new  power  structure.  An- 
other element  in  the  patient  population  consists  of  highly  withdrawn 
and  very  timid  people.  They  were  passive  resisters  and  practitioners 
of  indirection,  especially  in  making  themselves  a  burden  on  others. 

In  Vicos  it  was  tempting  to  project  directors  to  build  a  vested  in- 
terest in  transition  and  to  postpone  relinquishing  control  to  the  In- 
dians. There  always  seemed  to  be  plausible  grounds  for  waiting  a 
little  longer  in  the  name  of  more  education.  The  temptation,  however, 
was  successfully  resisted. 

It  must  not  be  supposed  that  economic  values  were  of  no  con- 
sequence in  these  (or  in  any)  prototype  situations.  One  of  the  first 
programs  that  the  Vicos  council  endorsed  was  a  potato-growing  ex- 
periment that  during  the  first  season  actually  did  pay  off  handsomely 
to  those  who  cooperated.  The  whole  Vicos  project  depended  on  the 
willingness  of  private  and  governmental  sources  to  make  money  and 
facilities  available  for  staff  and  improvements.  In  common  with  many 
prototype  situations,  the  investment  in  Vicos  was  not  trivial,  especially 
in  relation  to  the  amount  of  outside  investment  available  to  other 
villages  in  the  Andes.  This  created  a  strong  incentive  to  "make  good" 
and  to  justify  the  money,  no  doubt  partly  in  the  hope  of  getting  grant 
renewals  to  carry  the  program  further.  The  Yale  institute  did  not 
depend  on  a  specific  grant;  nevertheless,  economic  considerations  were 
not  insignificant.  If  the  innovation  had  initiated  a  wave  of  suicides 
or  assaults,  for  example,  the  financial  position  of  the  institute  would 
have  been  threatened,  since  the  wealthy  clientele  on  which  it  drew 
extensively  might  have  withdrawn. 

We  mentioned  respect  as  a  factor;  it  is  worth  stressing  the  role 
that  this  played  among  the  scientific  leaders  of  both  projects.  The 
professional  people  concerned  were  connected  with  top-flight  univer- 


sities,  and  they  were  ambitious,  not  only  to  advance  human  enHghten- 
ment  and  skill,  but  to  obtain  a  respected  place  among  their  colleagues 
in  the  wider  community. 

Moral  factors  were  involved  throughout.  Many  American  psy- 
chiatrists have  been  sensitive  to  the  anomaly  of  exercising  great  power 
over  the  lives  of  others  in  a  society  whose  proclaimed  goals  are  human 
dignity  and  many  of  whose  actual  practices  allow  for  considerable 
power-sharing.  However,  the  moral  considerations  were  not  all  favor- 
able to  the  project.  Some  physicians  were  shocked  when  traditional 
conceptions  of  privacy  were  abandoned  at  the  patient-staff  meetings. 
And  the  Vicos  project  invariably  raised  questions  in  the  minds  of  some 
participants  and  observers  about  the  legitimacy  of  the  degree  of  con- 
trol exercised  in  shaping  the  future  of  Vicos.  At  least,  the  directors 
would  say  in  reply,  the  aims  are  frankly  stated. 

But  is  this  strictly  true?  Did  the  project  leaders  go  out  of  their 
way  to  make  clear  to  interested  groups  how  their  interests  might  be 
affected?  In  the  environment  of  Vicos — nearby  and  elsewhere  in 
Peru — there  were  groups  which  would  have  risen  against  the  under- 
taking if  they  had  been  fully  alerted  to  the  threat  that  it  implied  to 
their  vested  interests.  It  can  be  said  frankly  that  the  project  director 
did  not  go  out  of  his  way  to  stir  up  sleeping  dogs.  His  self-justification 
was  clear:  If  this  project  succeeds  it  will  supply  actual  knowledge 
rather  than  mere  polemic  regarding  the  capacity  of  Indian  commu- 
nities in  Peru  for  self-government. 

The  patient-staff  conference,  too,  was  begun  without  an  effort 
being  made  to  spell  out  in  detail  the  impact  that  it  might  have  on  the 
component  groups  of  the  hospital  community.  Some  physicians  saw 
that  their  type  of  therapy  would  be  undermined;  but  it  was  impossible 
to  argue,  in  a  scientific  environment,  that  test  projects  should  not  be 
undertaken.  Perhaps  the  nurses  were  least  prepared  for  what  the  fu- 
ture might  bring,  which  was  nothing  less  than  posing  a  grave  ques- 
tion of  the  usefulness  of  the  profession  as  traditionally  practiced. 

The  problem  of  balancing,  or  integrating,  rectitude  and  disclosure 
is  one  of  the  most  delicate  in  the  past  and  future  of  the  sciences,  and 
especially  of  political  science.  New  knowledge  is  likely  to  redefine  the 
value  position  of  many  members  of  the  body  politic.  If  the  "sleeping 
dogs"  are  alerted  before  knowledge  is  acquired,  the  resulting  political 
controversy  proceeds  with  less  pertinent  knowledge  for  the  guidance 
of  community  decision  than  would  be  the  case  if  the  prototype  had 
not  been  established.  Both  the  Vicos  and  the  Yale  innovations  were 
profoundly  revolutionary  in  their  potential  findings,  and  they  pro- 

Experimentatio7i,  Prototyping,  Intervention  111 

ceeded  on  the  assumption  that  some  sacrifice  of  disclosure  in  advance 
was  a  justifiable  cost  of  the  total  enterprise. 

The  members  of  the  Vicos  community  were  soon  aware  of  the 
fact  that  the  project  improved  their  health.  This  was  not  so  obvious, 
however,  to  patients  in  the  institute;  it  was  also  less  certain  from  the 
physicians'  standpoint.  We  note  in  this  connection  that  discrepancies 
of  interpretation  are  particularly  likely  to  occur  when  ego-norms  are 
in  process  of  reconstruction.  Psychiatrists  are  accustomed  to  welcom- 
ing as  evidences  of  improvement  acts  that  may  be  resented  in  more 
conventional  circles.  We  know  that,  when  patients  have  been  ex- 
ceedingly withdrawn  personalities,  others  are  accustomed  to  exploiting 
their  timidity  and  dependence.  As  the  patients  improve  and  begin  to 
externalize  their  attention  over  a  wider  range  of  objects  in  the  en- 
vironment and  to  assert  themselves  more  often,  conflicts  usually  de- 
velop with  the  former  exploiter — the  husband,  wife,  brother,  sister, 
or  friend.  These  people  often  think  that  the  patient  is  getting  worse, 
since  he  is  becoming  "unmanageable."  However,  this  is  not  necessarily 
the  psychiatrist's  interpretation. 

When  ego-norms  of  inequality  are  called  in  question,  the  result- 
ing tension  and  conflict  are,  in  principle,  signs  of  growth.  As  Vicosinos 
became  more  confident  of  their  judgment  in  relation  to  the  sur- 
rounding world,  they  were  bound  to  seem  less  agreeable  people  to 
anyone  who  had  previously  thought  of  them  as  passively  obedient 
toilers  or  maids  of  all  work.  The  mixed,  or  "Spanish,"  population 
would  certainly  resent  their  new  demands  for  political,  economic,  and 
respect  values. 

In  the  cases  mentioned  here,  the  prototype-builders  were  aware 
of  these  contingencies  and  sought  by  appropriate  strategies  to  keep 
the  tensions  and  conflicts  of  growth  within  limits  (especially  limits 
this  side  of  violence).  As  a  means  of  improving  the  strategy  of  proto- 
typing, it  is  essential  to  view  comprehensively  the  sequence  of  value 
deprivations  and  indulgences  among  all  participants  in  any  project 
and  particularly  to  assess  the  role  of  the  scientists  as  part  of  the  in- 
dulging or  depriving  environment.  From  the  perspective  of  each  par- 
ticipant, the  following  questions  need  to  be  asked  and  answered:  What 
indulgences  or  deprivations  does  the  participant  attribute  to  the  in- 
novation? In  terms  of  what  values?  From  the  point  of  view  of  the 
scientific  observers  (who  are  active  participants),  what  value  changes 
are  being  experienced  by  each  participant?  In  terms  of  what  value? 
How  are  these  questions  to  be  answered  from  the  point  of  view  of 
scientific  observers,  nonparticipants  in  the  prototype  situation? 


The  experience  of  prototype-building  usually  includes  partial 
failures  that  call  attention  to  better  strategic  possibilities.  As  we  have 
suggested,  one  justification  for  a  prototype  is  that  it  stimulates  the 
discovery  of  an  improved  program  and  lays  the  foundation  for  orderly 
replication  of  the  revised  prototype  model.  Timing,  for  example,  can 
as  a  rule  be  greatly  improved  by  experience.  Possible  modifications  are 
suggested  by  these  questions:  Would  a  larger  or  smaller  group  learn 
more  quickly?  Should  preliminary  discussions  of  the  project  be  long 
or  short?  Should  the  discussion  style  vary  (for  example,  more  or  less 
hortatory)  ? 

Which  possible  participants  are  likely  to  be  favorably  disposed 
toward  the  project?  How  can  their  predispositions  be  most  efficiently 
dealt  with  without  disturbing  the  basic  structure  of  the  innovation? 
What  composition  of  project  groups  is  likely  to  overcome  adverse 
predispositions  most  economically  (in  teniis  of  man-hours  of  talent)  ? 

Questions  of  this  kind  emphasize  the  feedback  relationship  be- 
tween prototype  and  experiment.  As  a  prototype  is  built,  ideas  multi- 
ply for  experiments  that  systematically  modify  various  features  of 
each  prototypical  situation.  Ideas  are  also  generated  that  can  be 
meaningfully  employed  in  laboratory  experiments  having  little  con- 
nection to  the  prototype  itself.  For  example,  every  significant  proto- 
type situation  to  date  has  been  handicapped  by  lack  of  efficient 
measuring  instruments.  How  can  simple  procedures  or  tests  be  devised 
that  will  show  how  much  incapacity  an  individual  is  likely  to  show 
in  making  his  behavior  conform  to  his  proclaimed  ideal?  How  can 
these  tests  be  adapted  to  persons  of  diverse  culture,  class,  interest,  and 
personality  exposure  and  predisposition?  What  simple  tests  will  show 
how  rapidly  people  of  specified  past  exposure  can  learn  to  conform 
under  conditions  of  mixed  indulgence  and  deprivation  (by  value  cate- 
gory) ? 

The  prototype  experience  is  not  only  a  means  of  improving  in- 
stitutional practice  and  scientific  knowledge  in  general;  it  creates  a 
new  body  of  assets  and  liabilities  that  can  be  utilized  to  spread  or 
block  the  specific  innovation.  Successful  prototype  situations  tend  to 
create  an  elite  of  knowledgeable  and  skilled  individuals  who  can  gain 
further  advantages  by  continuing  their  activity  on  behalf  of  the  goal 
(the  "cause").  Vicos  prepared  a  few  such  people;  so  did  the  institute. 

At  the  same  time,  a  prototype  often  generates  negative  assets,  or 
liabilities,  perhaps  because  of  clumsy  technique  in  the  early  stages  and 
because  some  opposition  to  the  aims  and  methods  of  the  project  is 
crystallized  by  early  exposure.  Such  professional  jealousies  as  resent- 

Experimentation,  Prototyping,  Intervention  113 

ment  at  receiving  insufficient  acknowledgment  or  annoyance  at  the  pub- 
licity received  by  a  rival  figure  may  be  involved.  Besides  these  ego- 
centric motivations,  there  may  be  divergencies  of  outlook  on  plausible 
scientific  grounds  or  from  fear  of  eventual  damage  to  political,  ec- 
clesiastical, or  philosophic  affiliations. 

We  have  said  that  the  prototype  procedure  adds  to  knowledge 
and  that  future  political  scientists  will  rely  on  it  to  bridge  the  gap 
between  survey  and  experimentation,  on  the  one  hand,  and  official 
intervention,  on  the  other.  To  phrase  this  more  precisely:  A  prototype 
enables  the  observer  to  report  that,  when  a  given  innovation  was  in- 
troduced by  participants  who  were  largely  in  favor  of  the  attempt,  the 
innovative  practice  was  or  was  not  stabilized  in  a  given  situation  by 
the  use  of  a  reported  strategy  during  a  given  period  with  reported 
results.  The  previous  discussion  provides  an  indication  of  what  is  in- 
volved in  specifying  each  of  the  key  phrases  above — the  characteristics 
of  the  innovation,  of  the  innovators,  and  of  other  participants;  the 
strategy;  and  the  results. 

Prototyping  as  a  Strategy  of  Self-Observation 

Prototyping  can  be  effectively  used  as  a  contextual  procedure 
that  seeks  to  clarify  to  all  who  participate  in  a  situation  their  role  as 
interacting  factors.  The  depth  of  self-observation  varies  greatly  from 
one  prototype  to  another.  The  environment  of  the  Yale  institute  was 
full  of  ego-assessment,  since  the  hospital  attached  therapeutic  im- 
portance to  understanding  others  and  obtaining  insight  into  the  self. 
The  Vicos  project  brought  many  insights  to  its  directors.  They  learned 
to  assess  themselves  continually  as  efficient  or  inefficient  instrumentali- 
ties of  the  over-all  objective.  The  elders  of  Vicos  went  along  with  this 
process  to  some  extent,  since  they  were  obtaining  tools  of  thought 
and  talk  with  which  to  designate  the  decision  process  in  which  they 
were  engaged  and  to  refer  to  the  cultural  differences  between  Indian 
and  non-Indian  communities.  They  were  set  a  model  of  candid  ac- 
ceptance of  at  least  partial  responsibility  for  the  failures  as  well  as 
the  successes  of  the  enterprise. 

The  political  science  of  the  future,  especially  in  relatively  free 
societies,  will  no  doubt  rely  extensively  on  prototypical  methods  in 
order  to  influence  the  political  process  by  means  of  the  variables  of 
insight  and  understanding.  Our  previous  discussion  has  indicated  the 
important  role  of  subjective  events  and  especially  of  expectations  in 
the  manifold  of  events.  The  role  of  the  observer,  with  his  total  sub- 
jectivity, has  been  emphasized  in  connection  with  the  fundamental 


operations  of  the  physical  sciences.  Earlier  versions  of  scientific  method 
often  presented  it  as  a  device  for  ignoring  subjectivity,  rather  than 
for  exposing  subjective  events  to  proper  discipline.  In  the  light  of 
what  has  been  said,  it  is  clear  that  the  older  view  was  a  misconcep- 

However,  the  disposition  to  exempt  the  "I-me"  from  candid  de- 
scription and  evaluation  is  strong;  it  is  a  subjective  pattern  of  no  in- 
considerable importance  in  limiting  the  application  of  the  scientific 
perspective  to  political  events.  But  the  culture  of  science  in  the  mod- 
ern world  is  gradually  closing  in  and  melting  the  ice  floe  on  which  the 
touchy  ego  has  taken  refuge.  The  total  situation  has  been  drastically 
redefined.  The  distraught  ego  is  not  faced  with  the  humiliating  al- 
ternatives of  annihilation  or  admission  that  he  is  part  of  the  ice;  on 
the  contrary,  he  is  invited  by  the  pursuing  ego  to  join  the  common 
self  of  the  age  of  science. 

Political  scientists  have  always  been  close  enough  to  the  perspec- 
tives of  active  politicians  to  appreciate  the  importance  of  the  personal 
factor  in  politics.  They  have,  however,  joined  with  the  adroit  political 
leader  in  screening  themselves  from  candid  observation,  using  the 
screen  to  impose  the  prestige  of  "distance"  on  others.  The  scholar  has 
fallen  into  this  frame  of  mind  willingly  enough,  since  he  often  has 
much  to  conceal — such  as  why  he  shrinks  from  active  political  par- 
ticipation. He  is  not  deliberately  conspirative  in  obtaining  deference 
and  other  values  from  the  community,  but  distracting  the  focus  of 
attention  from  incongenial  features  of  the  self  is  one  of  the  automatic 
defense  mechanisms  of  the  ego.  Neither  the  political  scientist  nor  the 
practicing  politician  has  to  learn  self-deception;  rather,  he  has  to  un- 
learn it. 

In  the  future  it  will  become  less  easy  for  political  scientists  or 
politicians  to  escape  from  self-observation,  chiefly  because  the  ob- 
servational imperative  of  science  grants  no  more  than  temporary  ex- 
emption from  its  searching  eye.  Prototyping  is  itself  a  cultural  device 
of  enonnous  potential  for  the  reconstruction  of  politics,  as  of  all  of 
civilization,  by  providing  a  fundamental  strategy  for  examining  all 
the  egos  involved — including  the  initiating  scientists'. 

Prototyping  provides  an  easy  transition  in  many  circumstances 
from  an  initial  point  of  innovation  to  the  eventual  adoption  of  an 
institutional  pattern  by  the  official  prescribing  authorities  of  a  body 
politic.  In  the  past,  many  new  ideas  have  been  inaugurated  under  lay 
or  scientific  or  combined  auspices  and  have  spread  widely  through 
the  civic  order,  culminating  as  part  of  the  public  order.^^  In  some 

Experimentation,  Prototyping,  Intervention  115 

of  these  cases,  attention  has  been  given  to  recording  data  that  are 
useful  in  evaluating  the  consequences  of  the  new  practice.  More  often, 
scientific  values  have  played  a  very  subordinate  role,  and  the  full 
potentialities  of  prototyping  have  not  been  realized. 

Where  opportunities  exist  for  prototypical  situations  to  be  multi- 
plied at  private  initiative  and  guided  by  scientific  considerations,  it  is 
possible  to  approximate  a  truly  experimental  approach.  Theoretically, 
for  example,  the  Vicos  pattern  could  be  deliberately  extended  to  haci- 
endas matched  according  to  size  of  population,  equality  of  land  dis- 
tribution among  families  or  castes,  levels  of  education,  exposure  to  the 
outside  culture,  and  similar  variables.  The  program  itself  could  be 
varied  by  emphasizing  cottage  industry  rather  than  agriculture  or 
by  introducing  a  manufacturing  plant  (at  first  under  outside  manage- 
ment) able  to  absorb  much  of  the  local  manpower.  The  program 
could  be  varied  by  enlarging  the  role  of  collectively  managed  re- 

On  the  other  hand,  the  original  project  could  be  replicated  in 
major  outline,  and  the  research  directed  to  the  study  of  factors  af- 
fecting diffusion  of  the  program.  The  aim  would  be  to  improve  the 
strategy  of  encouraging  community  demand  to  obtain  assistance  in 
inaugurating  such  projects.  For  example,  visits  could  be  arranged  to 
bring  Vicos  elders  to  new  haciendas,  where  their  testimony  could  be 
added  to  the  presentation  of  the  idea  by  the  scientists. 

Civic  initiative,  especially  when  strengthened  by  research  evalu- 
ation, provides  experience  enabling  the  whole  body  politic  to  proceed 
with  no  little  rationality  to  decide  whether  to  extend  a  program.  In 
popular  government,  this  includes  the  possibility  that  a  majority  vote 
may  be  obtained  in  the  face  of  substantial  minority  opposition;  and 
it  brings  a  new  but  familiar  factor  into  the  localities  where  the  innova- 
tion enters  actively  into  the  balance  of  political  power.  A  successful 
prototype  is  able  to  stay  at  the  margin  of  the  political  arena  and  to 
avoid  controversy  among  parties  and  pressure  organizations. 

When  objectives  and  techniques  are  relatively  noncontroversial, 
prototyping  can  be  carried  on  within  the  framework  of  governmental 
authority.  Political  scientists  are  asked  or  permitted  to  initiate  and 
control  such  projects,  with  heavy  emphasis  on  obtaining  data  of  scien- 
tific worth. 

Prototyping  and  the  Deeper  Dynamics  of  Politics 

Undoubtedly,  the  future  use  of  prototyping  in  conjunction  with 
other  methods  will  greatly  improve  our  knowledge  of  intensity  factors 


in  the  political  process  and  of  the  changing  environmental  and  pre- 
dispositional  elements  that  condition  intensity.  In  turn,  the  strategy 
of  clarification  and  consent  will  become  more  refined. 

From  one  point  of  view,  prototyping  is  a  means  of  uncovering  the 
predispositions  of  the  political  process  at  any  particular  time  and 
place.  It  adds  depth  to  the  knowledge  obtained  by  surveys  able  to 
describe  one  or  only  a  few  variables  at  a  time. 

Consider  in  this  connection  some  of  the  findings  at  Vicos  and 
at  the  institute.  When  contact  was  first  established  with  Vicos,  the 
pattern  of  excessive  alcoholism  was  well  established.  It  was  usual  for 
people  to  drink  themselves  insensible  during  fiestas  or  over  the  week 
end.  Furthermore,  the  pattern  was  strengthened  by  the  success  of  the 
potato-growing  program,  since  ready  cash  was  brought  into  the  com- 
munity. This  cash  was  spent  on  fiestas  to  obtain  respect  by  lavish 

We  interpret  the  drinking  as  part  of  a  boredom  syndrome,  not 
only  at  Vicos  but  perhaps  in  all  folk  societies  at  a  stage  of  easy  and 
partial  accommodation  to  civilization.  To  the  casual  eye,  the  members 
of  a  folk  society  may  not  seem  to  suffer  from  devaluation  of  self. 
Nevertheless,  many  lines  of  inquiry  often  point  in  this  direction.  Evi- 
dently, the  Vicosinos  had  gradually  come  to  see  themselves  as  cutting 
a  somewhat  ridiculous  figure  in  their  traditional  costumes,  since  many 
villagers  were  discarding  parts  or  all  of  the  ancient  garb  and  donning 
the  clothes  of  "civilization."  Furthermore,  the  respect  given,  grudg- 
ingly or  not,  to  anyone  who  obtained  a  new  gadget — a  clasp  knife,  a 
wrist  watch — was  significant.  This  behavior  was  supported  in  intimate 
talk  during  which  it  became  apparent  that  some  parents  were  secretly 
determined  that  their  children  should  have  a  better  life  and  a  chance 
to  obtain  some  education  and  skills  appropriate  to  the  modern  world, 
even  if  it  meant  spending  time  away  from  home. 

Looking  into  the  historical  records  kept  by  Spanish  administra- 
tors and  priests  and  assessing  individual  stories  of  the  past,  it  was 
necessary  to  conclude  that  alchoholism  had  grown  as  Vicos  culture 
was  impoverished  by  the  dropping  of  old  rituals  and  the  attenuation 
of  the  traditional  ideology. 

We  predicted  that  alcoholism  would  diminish  as  life  in  Vicos  got 
more  interesting  with  the  introduction  of  education  and  the  multipli- 
cation of  community  activities.  (This  was,  in  fact,  the  case.) 

Data  from  other  folk  cultures  in  many  parts  of  the  world  tend 
to  confirm  that  drugs  may  be  used  to  excess  as  a  self-damaging  re- 
sponse to  self-contempt  and  impotence  in  a  changing  world.  The 

Experimentation,  Prototypiiig,  Intervention  117 

Borneo  head-hunters,  for  example,  were  restricted  by  outside  author- 
ity from  head-hunting,  and  the  frustrations  experienced  by  young  men 
were  intense.  They  no  longer  had  an  approved  method  for  demon- 
strating their  masculine  status  and  obtaining  respect,  power,  and  other 
values.  A  substitute  activity  became  the  collective  and  excessive  use 
of  alcoholism;  the  drinking  parties  in  the  long  house  often  went  on 
for  days.^^ 

The  boredom  hypothesis  goes  much  deeper  than  the  assertion 
that,  in  transitional  stages  of  exposure  to  modern  civilization,  the 
members  of  folk  societies  entertain  self-contempt  and  internalize  their 
aggressive  impulses — which  do  not  find  gratifying  expression  against 
the  external  world — against  themselves.  They  are  internalized,  for 
example,  against  their  bodies  and  in  the  forms  of  factionalism,  bitter 
gossip,  ridicule,  ambivalent  overassertion,  rejection  of  traditional  pat- 
terns of  culture,  and  boredom  or  distaste  with  the  insipidity  of  life. 
Is  it  probable  that  boredom  is  a  latent  mood  in  all  isolated  small  so- 
cieties and  that  the  temptations  and  limitations  of  contact  with  a 
universalizing  civilization  simply  bring  the  boredom  near  to  aware- 
ness? Boredom  is  itself  a  defense  of  the  ego  against  such  alternatives 
as  explosive  rage  (running  amuck,  for  instance).  Alcoholism  is  a 
simple  use  of  drugs  to  abolish  the  dullness  and  meaninglessness  of  life. 
It  is  characteristic  of  small  communities  to  continually  invade  individ- 
ual egos  and  to  subordinate  their  latent  demands  to  the  parochially 
tolerated  outlets  of  the  culture.  The  perpetual  interaction  of  the  small 
community  is  a  vigilant  mutual  censorship  that  smothers  individuality. 

That  the  human  ego  is  endowed  with  a  large  repertory  of  strate- 
gies with  which  to  protect  itself  from  the  steam  roller  of  other  people 
is  becoming  clearer  to  us  in  the  perspective  of  modern  findings  on 
many  topics.  Not  long  ago,  a  team  of  psychiatrists  at  Yale  tried 
hypnosis  as  a  research  method  in  studying  a  group  of  severely  ill  pa- 
tients. They  often  seemed  to  be  getting  full  cooperation.  Eventually, 
however,  the  subjects  would  cast  aside  the  fagade  of  acquiescence  and 
resume  their  original  states,  including  the  symptoms.  In  one  sense, 
the  experiment  was  negative,  but  it  strongly  confirmed  the  depth  and 
subtlety  of  the  protective  devices  at  the  disposal  of  the  ego.^^ 

The  emergence  of  the  modern  urban  metropolitan  aggregate  has 
brought  the  question  of  ego  alienation  into  the  foreground.  Durkheim 
proposed  the  concept  of  anomie  to  describe  the  failure  of  the  ego  to 
achieve  an  identification  with  society.  We  analyze  this  as  failure  to 
achieve  a  self-system  providing  a  satisfactory  entity  in  terms  of  which 
value  demands  can  be  shaped  and  shared.^*  Marx's  image  of  the 


alienated  proletarian  was  in  the  same  vein.  The  proletarian  was  pre- 
sented as  a  man  rejected  by  the  culture  of  capitalism,  since,  deprived 
of  ownership,  he  lacked  security  in  any  human  relationship. 

Recent  research  on  metropolitan  areas  casts  a  great  deal  of  doubt 
on  the  idea  that  human  beings  are  in  fact  cut  ofT  from  human  asso- 
ciation. Studies  of  Los  Angeles  and  Detroit,  for  example,  show  that 
high  percentages  of  the  population  are  in  weekly  or  even  more  fre- 
quent contact  with  relatives.  Nearly  everyone  is  in  several  networks 
of  human  association.^^ 

Though  accepting  these  results,  we  must  emphasize  that  they  do 
not  destroy  the  point  that  crises  of  ego  identity  do  in  fact  occur  in 
civilized  society  and  that  many  of  the  labile  and  even  explosive  char- 
acteristics of  urban  crowds  are  to  be  attributed  to  the  inner  tensions 
generated  by  exposure  to  such  an  environment.  It  is  impossible  to 
survey  the  figures  for  suicide,  murder,  rape,  or  major  crimes  against 
property  and  the  indexes  of  petty  quarrels  and  altercations  without 
a  renewed  sense  of  the  relevance  of  these  factors.  The  picture  is  even 
more  impressive  if  we  add  the  incidence  of  psychosomatic  disease  and 
mental  disorder. 

When  we  reflect  on  the  boredom  of  primitive  man  and  the  in- 
securities of  civilized  man,  a  major  point  emerges.  The  culture  forms 
hitherto  devised  by  Homo  sapiens  are  in  some  profound  sense  mal- 
adapted  to  his  needs.  This  is  the  large  kernel  of  truth  in  the  picture 
of  "man  versus  society."  It  is,  however,  man  (modified  by  early  ex- 
perience of  other  men)  against  man  (similarly  modified)  in  the  sense 
that  the  forms  of  culture  thus  far  invented  both  perpetuate  and  gen- 
erate conflict. 

Perhaps  the  most  interesting  hypothesis  for  future  exploration 
is  that  the  cultural  forms  thus  far  developed  do  not  use  or  challenge 
man's  fundamental  capacities  for  creative  expression.  Man  suffers 
from  unused  capability;  his  recurrent  crisis  is  generated  by  excess 
capacity  for  value  formation.^^ 

It  is  at  first  glance  paradoxical  that  man  is  only  beginning  to 
discover  himself  at  the  moment  when  he  appears  on  the  verge  of 
bringing  superior  successors  into  existence  or  of  annihilating  himself 
altogether.  Nevertheless,  the  pioneering  achievements  of  science  and 
technology  contain  the  seeds  of  man's  fulfillment,  since  the  methods 
of  science  are  able  to  disclose  the  capabilities  of  the  human  brain  and 
to  make  a  continuing  appraisal  of  the  cultural  practices  by  which  the 
potential  can  become  actual. 

Unused  capability,   therefore,  may  prove  to  be  the  key  to  the 

Experimentation,  Prototyping,  Intervention  119 

symptomatic  generation  of  boredom  and  kindred  forms  of  withdrawal 
and  of  intermittent  explosions  of  rage  and  destructiveness.  The  rela- 
tively isolated  items  serialized  in  the  basic  data  survey  would  gain 
depth,  direction,  and  coherence  when  supplemented  by  the  results  ob- 
tained by  strategically  placed  prototypes  presenting  the  whole  dy- 
namic balance  of  local  forces. 

That  prototyping  provides  a  means  of  clarifying  and  dissemina- 
ting the  social  practices  of  human  dignity  and  of  revealing  the  latent 
capability  of  man  is  evident.  In  particular,  prototyping  lends  itself  to 
discovering  the  limits  of  power  sharing  in  various  circumstances.  The 
Yale  institute  research  was  undertaken  on  an  island  of  autocracy  in 
a  prevailingly  democratic  order;  it  threw  light  on  the  strategy  by 
which  power  might  be  fully  shared  without  heavy  adverse  costs.  Our 
society  has  many  islands  of  limited  participation  in  decision,  of  which 
the  most  obvious  are  perhaps  schools,  prisons,  and  units  of  such  large, 
organized  structures  as  the  army  and  civil  service. 

The  Vicos  project  was  also  a  deliberate  devolution  of  power,  in 
this  case  by  the  boss  of  the  hacienda  and  the  government.  In  view 
of  the  structure  of  Peruvian  politics  and  society,  Vicos  could  hardly 
be  called  an  island  of  autocracy.  More  accurately,  it  became,  for  the 
time  being  at  least,  an  island  of  democracy  on  an  archipelago  of  con- 
trasting structures. 

The  prototypes  discussed  thus  far  have  been  limited  to  small 
community  or  small  group  units.  However,  prototypical  units  can  be 
developed  from  top  to  bottom  or  from  bottom  to  top  of  every  existing 
hierarchical  structure.  All  kinds  of  combinations  are  conceivable:  the 
chief  of  a  unit  of  a  large  organization  plus  deputies,  assistants,  and 
departmentalized  subordinates;  the  members  of  a  board  plus  major 
figures  in  the  subordinate  stafT;  coordinate  chiefs  of  units  plus  deputies, 
assistants,  and  departmentalized  subordinates;  each  of  the  above  plus 
significant  participants  from  outside  the  official  line  of  authority  (trade 
union  officials,  client  agencies,  supply  agencies,  and  the  like). 

The  future  will  probably  see  more  attention  given  to  the  inter- 
mediate echelons  of  large-scale  organizations  and  to  other  interme- 
diate units.  We  have  moderately  satisfactory  information  at  hand 
about  the  national  cabinet  and  the  smallest  units  of  national  govern- 
ment. But  the  intermediate  level  has  been  grossly  understudied  from 
the  point  of  view  of  carrying  the  practice  of  shared  participation  as 
far  as  is  compatible  with  other  objectives. 

Prototypes  are  nearly  experiments  when  they  can  be  replicated 
under   appropriate   conditions;   they   are  also   "case   studies"   in   the 


sense  that  they  take  note  of  many  variables  which  are  not  controlled. 
The  conspicuous  virtue  of  a  case  study — whether  the  observational 
field  is  a  community,  a  small  group,  a  personality,  or  some  other  sub- 
ject— is  that  it  familiarizes  the  scientist  with  what  to  expect  in  such 
circumstances.  In  this  way,  he  is  able  to  estimate  the  hypotheses  that 
can  be  profitably  tested  in  the  context  and  what  methods  are  best 
adapted  to  the  task.  However,  only  a  handful  of  case  studies  oriented 
to  a  common  objective  seem  rewarding.^^  As  quickly  as  possible,  cor- 
relational or  experimental  research  should  be  designed,  or  cases  can 
be  put  fully  into  the  context  of  a  prototype. 

A  problem  that  is  certain  to  arise  in  prototyping  is  how  to  be 
as  precise  as  possible  in  providing  data  on  the  basis  of  which  pertinent 
appraisals  can  be  made.  An  essential  consideration  is  that  data- 
gathering  not  be  allowed  to  interfere  with,  in  particular,  the  pre- 
paratory phase  of  the  project  since  the  precondition  of  having 
anything  worth  appraising  is  at  least  a  minimum  degree  of  harmony  in 
the  perspectives  of  the  responsible  group.  After  the  initial  stage,  it  is 
still  important  to  limit  data-gathering  whenever  it  promises  to  become 
a  disrupting  factor. 

Ideally,  the  political  scientists  who  inaugurate  a  prototype  proj- 
ect should  have  it  so  well  planned  that  bench-mark  data  can  be  ob- 
tained all  along  the  way  (preprototype,  preparatory  phase,  full  phase, 
and  subsequent  phase).  However,  we  know  enough  of  the  facts  of 
inquiry  to  expect  new  implications  of  a  study  to  dawn  on  the  in- 
novators throughout  the  course  of  the  experience  and  in  retrospective 


^  The  experimental  design  is  generalized  from  A.  Bavelas,  "Communication 
Patterns  in  Task-Oriented  Groups,"  in  D.  Lerner  and  H.  D.  Lass- 
well,  eds.,  The  Policy  Sciences  (Stanford:  Stanford  University  Press, 
1951).  The  experiments  referred  to  in  the  following  paragraphs  are 
greatly  simplified  in  order  to  emphasize  the  points  pertinent  to  the 
present  discussion.  The  potential  significance  of  communication 
theory  for  political  science  is  outlined  in  K.  Deutsch,  Nationalism 
and  Social  Communication  (New  York:  J.  Wiley  &  Sons,  1953). 
On  communication  in  small  groups  in  general,  cf.  A.  P.  Hare,  E.  F. 
Borgatta,  and  R.  F.  Bates,  eds.,  Small  Groups  (2nd  ed.;  New  York: 
Alfred  A.  Knopf,  1955);  D.  Cartwright  and  A.  Zander,  eds..  Group 
Dynamics  (2nd  ed.;  Evanston:  Row,  Peterson  and  Co.,  1959); 
J.  W.  Thibaut  and  H.  H.  Kelley,  The  Social  Psychology  of  Groups 
(New  York:  John  Wiley  &  Sons,  1959);  R.  T.  Golombiewski,  The 

Experirtientation,  Prototyping,  Intervention  121 

Small  Group,  "An  Analysis  of  Research  Concepts  and  Operations" 
(Chicago:  University  of  Chicago  Press,  1962);  S.  Verba,  Small 
Groups  and  Political  Behavior,  "A  Study  in  Leadership"  (Prince- 
ton: Princeton  University  Press,  1961).  On  the  assimilation  of 
experimental  studies  to  organization  theory,  cf.  especially  the  con- 
tributions of  H.  A.  Simon,  J.  G.  Marsh,  and  H.  Guetzkow. 

2  On  body  movement  and  gesture,  cf.  L.  C.  Kolb,  "Disturbances  of  the  Body- 

Image,"  in  S.  Arieti,  ed..  Handbook  of  American  Psychiatry  (New 
York:  Basic  Books,  1959),  749-769. 

3  Preliminary  tension  studies  have  been  initiated  on  a  large  scale  by  O.  Kline- 

berg,  H.  Cantril,  and  other  psychologists,  sociologists,  psychiatrists, 
and  anthropologists  with  strong  political  interests.  UNESCO  has 
often  provided  official  sponsorship. 

*  On  TAT  and  other  tests,  cf.  G.  G.  Stern,  M.  I.  Stein,  and  B.  S.  Bloom, 

Methods  in  Personality  Assessment  (Glencoe,  111.:  The  Free  Press, 
1956),  and  subsequent  articles.  Cf.  further,  M.  K.  Opler,  ed.,  Cul- 
ture and  Mental  Health  (New  York:  Macmillan,  1959);  F.  L.  K. 
Hsu,  ed..  Psychological  Anthropology  (Homewood,  111.:  Dorsey 
Press,  1961). 

^  Psychoanalytic  psychiatry  gave  enormous  impetus  to  body-image  research. 
J.  Bruner's  research  on  perception  is  stimulating  in  this  field.  Cf. 
J.  Kennedy  and  H.  D.  Lasswell,  "A  Cross-Cultural  Test  of  Self- 
Image,"  Human  Organization,  17  (1958),  41-43. 

^  These  distinctions  were  drawn  in  H.  D.  Lasswell,  N.  Leites  et  al.,  Language 
of  Politics,  "An  Introduction  to  Quantitative  Semantics"  (New 
York:  G.  W.  Stewart,  1949). 

^  A  proposal  to  treat  political  science  and  legislation  as  sciences  to  the  ex- 
tent that  pilot  "experiments"  are  taken  seriously  is  made  by  L. 
Donnat,  La  politique  experimentale  (2  vols.;  Paris:  C.  Reinwald, 

*  Alan  Holmberg  is  the  innovating  figure  at  Vicos.  For  a  provisional  account, 

cf.  A.  R.  Holmberg,  H.  F.  Dobyns  et  al.,  "Community  and  Regional 
Development:  The  Cornell-Peru  Experiment,"  Human  Organiza- 
tion, 21  (1962),  108-124.  I  have  participated  in  the  Vicos  project 
and  benefited  from  discussions  of  method  with  Holmberg  and 

^  Robert  Rubenstein  and  I  will  publish  an  analysis  of  Y.P.I,  experience.  I 
am  especially  indebted  to  Dr.  Rubenstein  for  suggestions  about 

^°  Cf.  M.  Polanyi,  Personal  Knowledge  (Chicago:  University  of  Chicago 
Press,  1958). 

^^  The  civic  order  of  a  community  includes  the  patterns  of  value  distribution 


and  basic  institutions  which  receive  the  protection  of  relatively 
mild  sanctions.  The  public  order  has  severe  sanctions  at  its  dis- 
posal. Cf.  my  discussion  in  C.  J.  Friedrich,  ed.,  The  Public  In- 
terest, "Nomos  V"  (New  York:  Atherton  Press,  1962),  especially 
pp.  66-67. 

^-  Concerning  Borneo,  I  am  indebted  to  Tom  Harrisson,  curator  and  govern- 
ment ethnologist,  Sarawak  Museum,  Kuching,  without  binding  him 
to  the  formulations  here. 

^^  Cf.  inter  alia  R.  Newman,  J.  Katz,  and  R.  Rubenstein,  "The  Experimental 
Situation  as  a  Determinant  of  Hypnotic  Dreams:  A  Contribution  to 
the  Experimental  Use  of  Hypnosis,"  Psychiatry,  23   (1960),  63-73. 

^^  E.  Durkheim,  Suicide,  "A  Study  in  Sociology,"  trans.  J.  A.  Spaulding  and 
G.  Simpson  (Glencoe,  111.:  The  Free  Press,  1951). 

1^  For  interpretation  of  recent  research,  cf.  S.  Greer,  Governing  the  Metrop- 
olis (New  York:  Wiley,  1962);  W.  Kornhauser,  The  Politics  of  Mass 
Society  (New  York:  The  Free  Press  of  Glencoe,  1959). 

1^  For  a  fuller  treatment,  cf.  my  paper  "Communication  and  the  Mind,"  in 
S.  M.  Farber  and  R.  H.  L.  Wilson,  eds.,  Control  of  the  Mind  (New 
York:  McGraw-Hill,  1961). 

1^  Extended  evaluations  of  the  case  study  are  to  be  found  in  E.  A.  Bock,  ed.. 
Essays  on  the  Case  Method  (New  York:  Inter-University  Case  Pro- 
gram, 1962).  Contributions  by  H.  Stein,  D.  Waldo,  J.  W.  Fesler, 
and  the  editor. 


The  volume  of  data  relevant  to  the  depiction  of  the  world  arena  or  of 
any  component  community  is  enormous.  How  can  we  prevent  over- 
loading the  political  scientist  who  tries  to  use  the  intelligence  services, 
especially  the  surveys  and  analyses  made  available  by  colleagues? 
Selective  presentation  is  the  answer  and  the  problem.  Detailed  in- 
formation must  be  at  hand  when  required,  properly  located  in  an 
image  of  the  whole  in  which  the  configuration  of  past,  present,  and 
future  events  is  related  to  clarified  value  goals. 

It  has  long  been  obvious  that  the  verbal  presentation  of  data 
and  interpretations  is  in  some  respects  unsatisfactory.  Listeners  vary 
in  speed  of  comprehension,  whether  the  medium  is  oral  or  printed. 
They  differ  in  recall  of  pertinent  information  and  in  ability  to  discern 
the  patterns  relevant  to  the  problem.  Although  it  is  impracticable  to 
bring  everyone  to  the  same  level  of  excellence  in  such  matters,  many 
limitations  can  be  overcome  with  suitable  methods. 

A  fundamental  principle  is  to   supplement  one  mode  of  com- 


munication  by  others.  Television  is  an  impressive  example  of  how 
words,  printed  messages,  diagrams,  maps,  and  dramatizations  can  be 
synthesized  into  an  experience  surpassing  the  impact  of  media  that 
rely  solely  on  one  sensory  mechanism. 

The  simple  fact  of  exposure  to  data  and  interpretation  does  not 
as  a  rule  produce  an  optimum  effort  at  problem-solving  by  members 
of  an  audience.  The  situation  must  be  organized  in  ways  that  elicit 
audience  participation.  For  example,  breaks  in  the  presentation  could 
be  arranged,  and  everyone  encouraged  to  discuss  or  meditate  on  what 
he  has  seen  and  heard. 

Several  devices  are  available  to  mitigate  individual  differences  in 
recall.  A  group  could  meet  in  the  same  place,  and  surroundings  could 
be  modified  to  provide  memory  cues  in  aid  of  recall.  Such  are  the 
roles  of  graphs,  tables,  maps,  pictures,  and  models. 

The  elements  of  a  problem-solving  situation — multichannel  ex- 
posure, participation,  memory  aids — are  found  in  many  places  and 
can  be  effectively  molded  for  the  use  of  political  scientists.  (For  the 
time  being,  we  take  predispositional  factors  for  granted,  assuming 
that  competent  and  motivated  persons  would  be  selected  or  self- 
selected  to  participate.) 

To  go  no  further  into  history  than  to  the  Prussian  general  staff, 
we  have  a  striking  case  of  ingenuity  in  the  selection  of  procedures  for 
training  and  planning.^  The  staff  invented  the  war  game,  which 
brought  definiteness  into  planning,  since  it  became  possible  to  simulate 
battle  conditions  and  allow  initial  dispositions  to  be  studied  and 
strategies  to  be  played  through  to  the  end.  The  same  technique  has 
recently  been  transplanted  into  the  realm  of  diplomacy  and  business. - 

In  educational  circles,  the  simulation  of  adult  reality  is  well 
rooted  in  practice.  Debating,  for  example,  has  been  conducted  ac- 
cording to  several  plans,  usually  adapted  from  models  of  Congres- 
sional or  legal  procedure.  The  moot  court  is  an  auxiliary  of  legal 
education  in  which  actual  judges  are  often  introduced  to  informally 
guide  the  argument  and  give  decisions.  Political  science  classes  are 
occasionally  resolved  into  sessions  of  the  United  Nations  Security 
Council  or  municipal  councils.  Teams  of  students  play  roles  assigned 
by  country  or  group  or  according  to  affirmative  or  negative  positions 
in  a  controversy. 

These  exercises  vary  in  the  degree  to  which  they  are  conducted 
as  inquiries  or  as  competitions  in  advocacy.  The  moot  court  or  the 
traditional  academic  debate  is  a  frankly  competitive  exhibition  of  skill 
and  is  judged  accordingly.  Many  conferences  or  seminars,  by  contrast, 

Micromodeling  125 

are  intended  to  follow  an  impartial,  exploratory  approach  in  which 
each  participant  keeps  an  open  mind  until  his  attention  has  been  di- 
rected to  the  putative  facts  and  to  alternative  interpretations  of  them. 
The  war  game  or  the  diplomatic  game  keeps  rivalry  in  the  foreground, 
since  the  policy  moves  by  each  side  are  judged  as  successful  or  not  by 
umpires  who  are  instructed  to  play  the  role  of  "nature"  and  to  decide 
impartially  among  contenders.  Umpires  cannot  in  fact  speak  for  the 
future;  hence,  their  assumptions  can  gradually  become  sufficiently 
apparent  to  tempt  the  participants  to  play  the  umpire  rather  than 
to  act  on  the  basis  of  candid  estimates  of  how  future  events  are  likely 
to  turn  out. 


We  can  give  concreteness  to  the  idea  of  a  problem-solving  semi- 
nar ("decision  seminar")  by  considering  the  case  of  political  scientists 
specialized  in  a  given  region.^  Parallel  considerations  apply  if  the 
domain  is  enlarged  to  the  globe  or  the  astropolitical  arena  or  nar- 
rowed to  a  particular  country,  section,  or  locality.  Specialists  focus  on 
particular  problems  in  a  context  during  a  given  period;  such  concen- 
tration is,  in  fact,  indispensable  to  the  cultivation  of  knowledge.  It  is 
notorious,  however,  that  the  woods  can  vanish  as  the  trees  become 
conspicuous.  If  the  observer  is  to  remain  in  intellectual  command  of 
a  reasonably  realistic  and  comprehensive  image  of  the  whole,  he  must 
participate  in  a  situation  that  brings  the  general  map  to  his  attention 
and  explicit  consideration.  Problem-solving  calls  for  a  procedure  that 
pursues  the  configurative  aim  by  guiding  the  focus  of  attention  back 
and  forth  between  part  and  whole. 

A  procedure  appropriate  to  this  end  is  an  agenda  of  periodic 
meetings  among  the  territorial  experts  whom  we  are  presently  con- 
sidering. A  periodic  meeting  would  provide  an  occasion  for  freshening 
the  paint  on  the  neglected  part  of  the  intellectual  house,  for  repairs 
or  extension,  or  even,  on  presumably  rare  occasions,  for  a  revolution- 
ary reconstruction. 

The  Setting 

Such  a  convocation  could  most  fruitfully  take  place  in  a  familiar 
setting  in  which  the  key  subject  is  visually  represented.  A  permanent 
seminar  room  would  best  serve  the  purpose.  The  charts,  maps,  and 
other  materials  could  be  displayed  on  the  four  walls  (even  the  ceiling) 
to  refer  to  past  and  future  events.  One  might,  for  example,  adopt  the 
convention  of  an  eye-level  line  around  the  room  as  representing  a 


recent  year  and  imagine  that  time  proceeds  upward.  All  that  had 
reference  to  past  trend  or  conditioning  factors  would  thus  be  kept 
below  the  line;  projections,  goal  constructs,  and  policy  alternatives 
would  be  placed  above  the  line. 

As  the  members  of  the  group  work  together,  the  room  would 
gain  the  significance  of  a  comprehensive  though  microscale  image  of 
the  reality  with  which  they  were  concerned.  Each  item  would  be 
separately  introduced  and  discussed;  hence,  every  permanent  item 
would  call  up  the  original  discussion,  including  any  reservations  about 
the  method  used  or  the  reliability  of  the  information  on  which  the 
chart  or  table  was  based.  Perhaps  a  trend  chart  indicates  that  the 
percentage  of  the  electorate  in  a  given  country  which  voted  in  na- 
tional elections  has  risen  over  the  past  twenty  years.  The  initial  dis- 
cussion might  throw  considerable  doubt  on  the  figures  for  the  first 
few  years  or  suggest  that,  since  the  size  of  the  electorate  was  diminish- 
ing as  legal  restrictions  were  multiplied,  the  chart  be  augmented  by  a 
line  relating  eligibility  to  total  adult  population.  (The  line  has  possibly 
since  been  added. ) 

Undoubtedly  any  projection  would  bring  similarly  critical  con- 
siderations to  mind.  Perhaps  a  chart  shows  that  acts  of  rebellion  in  Y 
are  likely  to  diminish  sharply  in  the  next  few  years.  However,  dis- 
cussions may  have  revealed  that  emigres  are  not  likely  to  accommodate 
themselves  to  the  new  state  of  affairs;  hence,  in  case  of  tension  between 
country  X  and  Y,  they  would  massively  infiltrate  the  boundary  zones 
of  Y.  (Cross  references  to  charts  projecting  the  alignments  of  X  and 
Y  are  possible.) 

Projections  are  sometimes  useful  when  they  take  the  form  of 
simple  extrapolations  of  recent  trends,  since  extrapolations  often  point 
to  the  timing  or  location  of  incipient  conflicts.  But  projections  are 
also  made  on  bases  of  inference  more  complex  than  simple  extrapola- 
tion; they  add,  for  example,  assumptions  about  the  factors  aflfecting 
migration  into  a  given  boundary  zone.  If  industrial  development  is 
shown  to  move  away  from  a  boundary  zone  and  jobs  become  available 
elsewhere,  internal  movements  of  population  may  be  expected  to 
change.  Past  correlations  between  industrial  growth  and  population 
movement  can  be  used  to  modify  simple  extrapolations  of  population 

Provisional  specifications  of  goal  would  undoubtedly  occasion 
many  exchanges  among  seminar  participants.  What,  in  addition  to 
voting  in  elections,  are  the  most  suitable  indexes  of  shared  power? 
One  participant  proposes  that  we  specify  only  statutes  passed  by  a  . 

Micromodeling  127 

legislature  (not  decreed  by  the  executive)  after  more  than  pro  forma 
debate.  In  the  latter  case,  it  is  suggested  that  both  pro-  and  anti- 
ruling-party  elements  shall  have  taken  part  in  debating  proposed 
legislation.  (Debate  participation  can  be  measured  by  percentage  of 
debate  time  occupied  by  all  parties,  for  example.)  Or  a  provisional 
specification  might  be  the  absence  of  intimidation,  measured,  perhaps, 
by  direct  testimony  taken  in  sample  interviews. 

The  range  of  policy  alternatives  coming  before  a  decision  seminar 
might  be  wide,  and  new  charts  would  undoubtedly  call  up  many 
comments  about  future  contingencies.  Each  step  in  a  possible  policy 
sequence  would  be  open  to  evaluation.  Assume  that  we  begin  to 
formulate  a  strategy  of  economic  aid  in  these  terms:  a  sum  of  dollars 
is  available  for  use  in  country  X;  the  dollars  are  transformed  into 
local  units  of  buying  power  and  used  to  obtain  L  units  of  labor  (or 
L^  units  of  man  hours),  M  units  of  raw  materials,  and  F  units  of 
machinery  and  related  manufacturing  facilities  within  a  year. 

Such  a  characterization  of  a  policy  would  be  sufficient  for  some 
purposes.  But  it  would  have  to  be  greatly  elaborated  before  the  polit- 
ical consequences  can  be  competently  assessed.  Many  further  acts 
could  properly  be  regarded  as  part  of  the  policy  and  therefore  must 
be  added.  Let  us  imagine  that  news  of  the  program  arouses  cries  of 
imperialism,  colonialism,  and  warmongering  in  the  press  and  private 
channels  of  political  parties  opposed  to  the  government  in  office.  What 
assumptions  are  to  be  made  about  the  next  moves  by  our  officials? 
Will  our  men  on  the  spot  have  prepared  the  way  for  the  program  by 
encouraging  popular  demands  for  assistance  so  that  wind  is  rather 
successfully  prevented  from  getting  into  the  sails  of  the  opposition? 

Or,  passing  beyond  the  immediate  "crisis  of  acceptance" — Will 
new  factories  prove  vulnerable  to  opposition  attack  on  the  grounds 
that  they  actually  discriminate  against  the  North  or  South  or  against 
the  tribes,  religions,  peasants,  landlords,  or  parties  of  these  sections? 
Will  the  attack  lead  to  the  withdrawal  into  opposition  of  factions  in 
the  government  legislative  coalition  and  put  the  cabinet  in  a  minority  ? 
Will  the  ruler  and  his  aides  be  provoked  to  liquidate  parliament  en- 
tirely and  rule  by  decree  and  police  suppression  of  dissident  elements? 

In  assessing  the  significance  of  any  chart,  map,  or  other  material, 
the  fact  that  the  discussion  occurs  in  the  context  of  a  permanent 
seminar  can  be  used  to  raise  in  systematic  fashion  questions  that  might 
in  other  circumstances  be  overlooked.  For  example,  a  trend  chart 
depicting  the  rapid  expansion  of  the  armed  forces  and  their  share  of 
government  expenditures  needs  to  be  kept  in  perspective  by  directing 


attention  to  trends  elsewhere  in  the  society.  Have  the  numbers  gain- 
fully employed  in  agriculture  or  commerce  been  affected?  Do  educa- 
tion, health,  information,  and  religious  activities  grow  at  the  same 
rate  as  the  armed  forces?  Are  marriage  rates  affected?  Do  recruits 
come  only  from  the  lowest  castes  and  classes,  or  are  they  spread  pro- 
portionately throughout  the  social  structure?  Such  questions  are 
brought  to  mind  by  passing  one's  eye  around  the  chart  room  and 
thinking  in  turn  of  possible  impacts  on  all  other  values  and  selected 
institutional  practices. 

If  the  impact  of  a  conditioning  factor  in  the  past,  such  as  the 
influence  of  increased  purchasing  units  (a  wealth  factor),  is  under  con- 
sideration, the  various  value-institution  panels  in  the  seminar  room  will 
suggest  problems.  In  terms  of  well-being,  for  instance,  a  question 
would  be  whether  the  units  of  purchasing  power  were  spent  in  ways 
that  made  the  diet  more  or  less  healthful.  In  reference  to  family  and 
intimate  relations,  did  higher  money  income  lead  to  the  taking  of 
more  concubines  or  mistresses?  In  terms  of  enlightenment,  has  the 
money  been  spent  on  visits  to  new  parts  of  the  country?  Has  the 
money  influenced  skill,  for  example,  by  increasing  effective  demand 
for  music  lessons?  Are  the  depressed  classes  the  recipients  of  the  new 
income,  and  do  they  get  new  respect  from  other  classes  for  their 
"modern"  clothes?  Do  the  priests  succeed  in  directing  the  new  funds 
into  more  ceremonies,  memorials,  and  shrine  repairs?  Taking  each 
of  these  and  other  suggested  effects  into  account,  what  power  results 
can  be  imputed  to  the  income  change;  for  instance,  did  the  groups 
that  benefited  directly  shift  to  support  the  government  or  did  they 
stay  with  opposition  parties  that  bragged  of  a  supposed  success  and 
demanded  more? 

When  a  specific  projection  is  being  considered,  the  analytic  con- 
text provided  by  the  seminar  room  can  give  guidance  to  critical  dis- 
cussion. Projections  of  the  ecology  of  population  give  rise  to  such 
questions  as  these:  Will  the  health  facilities  of  the  newly  occupied 
areas  be  overstrained?  With  what  results?  What  of  the  school  facili- 
ties? Of  family  housing  and  stability  of  units?  Of  accommodations 
for  worship?  Of  access  to  radio  and  newspapers?  Of  employment? 
Will  new  population  mixtures  result  in  reducing  class  and  caste  dis- 
criminations or  exacerbating  them?  Will  the  political  weight  of  pro- 
or  anti-government  groups  be  strengthened  ? 

Every  policy  alternative  can  properly  initiate  a  similar  contextual 
examination.  Will  news  of  the  true  source  of  the  aid  that  permitted 
new  plants  to  be  built  be  widely  disseminated,  or  will  it  be  kept  secret 

Micromodeling  129 

by  the  local  government?  Will  artisans  in  certain  lines  find  themselves 
faced  by  competition  and  immediately  contribute  to  cutthroat  com- 
petition? Will  new  manufacturing  plants  raise  health  hazards  by  at- 
tracting workers  who  billet  themselves  in  unsanitary  shacks  and 
alleyways?  Will  artisans  find  some  of  their  skills  useless  and  turn  to 
industrial  tasks?  Will  families  be  separated  as  husbands  migrate  to 
the  sites  of  jobs  ?  Will  the  practice  of  employing  people  by  merit  help 
to  reduce  social  discrimination  without  precipitating  violence?  Will 
the  removal  of  people  from  family  temples  and  churches  expose  them 
to  the  propaganda  of  new  sects  and  increase  the  membership  of  these 
organizations  ?  Summarizing  eflfects  in  political  terms,  will  they  enable 
mass  revolutionary  movements  from  outside  to  reach  a  large  number 
of  potential  members  rapidly  and  successfully  ? 

From  time  to  time  it  would  be  useful  to  respecify  goals,  often 
by  translation  into  immediate,  mid-range,  and  long-range  objectives. 
All  the  experience  acquired  by  a  problem-solving  group  since  the  last 
discussion  could  be  mobilized,  since  it  has  become  part  of  the  pre- 
dispositions of  the  participants.  In  the  decision  context,  various  as- 
sumptions could  be  made  about  the  objectives  at  various  times  in 
each  value-institutional  category.  The  problem  would  be  to  clarify 
the  political  goals  that  expedite  optimal  movement  toward  a  shared, 
realistic  decision  process. 

The  most  provocative  issues  in  this  context  relate  to  the  timing 
of  goals  that  move  in  zig-zag,  rather  than  in  nominally  straight,  lines 
toward  a  free  commonwealth.  Such  questions  rise  in  acute  form  when 
a  traditional  society  tries  to  introduce  the  institutions  of  congressional 
or  parliamentary  government  as  practiced  in  English-speaking  and 
Western  European  countries.  Instead  of  strong  and  unified  leadership, 
the  immediate  result  may  be  weak,  unstable,  and  confused  national 
direction.  Analysis  may  show  that  the  "political  parties"  are  largely 
unknown  to  the  villagers  of  the  country  and  whirl  suspended  in  a 
foggy,  windy  atmosphere  of  intrigue  in  the  national  capital. 

It  is  therefore  appropriate  for  political  scientists  to  consider  the 
possibility  of  devising  programs  of  progress  toward  effective  power- 
sharing  which  draw  on  the  predispositions  present  in  a  situation  and 
mobilize  them  in  a  sequence  of  interaction  eventuating  in  the  desired 
result.  In  various  countries,  some  significant  elements  are  capable  of 
operating  creatively  from  the  national  center,  and  potential  or  actual 
village  systems  exhibit  a  sizable  measure  of  power-sharing  and  realism 
on  local  matters.  At  the  national  center,  the  monarchy  and  entourage 
may  include  individuals  exposed  to  some  modern  education.  At  the 


national  center  may  also  be  found  military  or  police  officers  with 
foreign  training  who  have  access  through  the  defense  and  internal 
security  services  to  district  personnel.  In  some  cases,  the  administrative 
services  are  almost  wholly  destitute  of  officials  with  a  modern  orienta- 
tion, and  the  occasional  scholar,  physician,  or  engineer  who  also  con- 
cerns himself  with  politics  has  a  small  and  highly  personal  following. 

Is  it  not  sensible,  then,  for  policy-makers  to  distinguish  clearly 
in  their  own  minds  between  the  long-range  value  objectives — shared 
power,  for  instance — and  the  particular  pattern  of  institutions  most 
effective  in  concrete  cases  in  moving  the  community  through  transi- 
tional phases,  even  though  the  institutions  may  diverge  in  many 
ways  from  the  arrangements  current  in  Anglo-Western  European 
bodies  politic? 

Political  scientists  see  that  a  village  program  may  conceivably 
be  carried  through  by  strong  central  leadership  that  encourages  the 
election  of  local  councils  without  intimidation  and  also  constructs 
consultation  machinery  at  the  regional  and  national  levels  by  indirect 
election.  Pluralistic  elements  in  the  society  may  also  be  associated  with 
the  consultative  process  at  all  levels. 

In  weighing  such  possibilities,  a  group  must  consider  the  chances 
that  the  central  leadership  will  be  strong  enough  to  execute  the  sweep- 
ing social  reconstruction  that  is  likely  to  be  required  in  a  society  tra- 
ditionally run  by  a  landholding  nobility.  If  the  nobility  is  unwilling 
to  permit  land  reform,  for  instance,  the  society  may  remain  vulner- 
able to  the  well-tried  tactics  of  "revolution  from  below,"  the  leader- 
ship, inspiration,  and  initial  wherewithal  of  which  come  from 
experienced  outside  centers.  Landholders  may,  however,  be  divided 
against  themselves,  with  "middle  holders"  eager  to  improve  income 
with  new  crops  and  methods  and  by  investing  in  local  industries  to 
meet  local  needs. 

The  foregoing  comments  are  designed  as  reminders  of  the  goal- 
clarifying  and  policy-setting  task  as  it  frequently  confronts  political 
scientists  and  decision-makers  in  the  non-Communist  world.  It  is  im- 
plied that  informed,  intermittent  concern  with  a  comprehensive  policy 
orientation  may  lead  to  the  uncovering  of  new  tactical  and  institu- 
tional patterns  that  move  the  situation  ahead.*  The  function  of  the 
decision-seminar  technique  of  micromodeling  the  total  context  is  to 
foster  the  creative  consideration  of  such  problems. 

The  Agenda 

The  principal  tasks  of  problem-solving  suggest  the  broad  outlines 

Micromodcling  1 3 1 

of  an  agenda  for  regular  meetings  of  a  decision  seminar.  Territorial 
experts  could  obtain  optimal  advantages  from  mutual  association  if 
they  prepared  replies  to  a  common  interrogatory  privately  and  in  ad- 
vance. Results  would  be  likely  to  be  best  when  the  questions  required 
definite  answers,  explicit  estimates  of  the  probable  course  of  develop- 
ment in  periods  of  varying  duration  (immediate,  mid-range,  or  long- 

It  would  not  be  essential  to  the  self-educating  effect  of  the  ex- 
perience to  give  publicity  to  the  replies.  Instead,  answers  could  be 
deposited  with  a  trusted  secretary  who  compiles  and  reports  the  ag- 
gregate results  to  the  group  for  discussion.  If  anyone  wished  to  vol- 
untarily avow  his  position  he  might,  of  course,  do  so;  but,  if  the 
anonymity  rule  were  to  be  taken  seriously,  there  would  have  to  be  no 
moral  compulsion. 

The  first  joint  discussion,  then,  might  evaluate  projections  pro- 
posed anonymously  by  the  participants.  The  members  might  also  agree 
to  make  private  reassessments  of  the  future  which,  at  the  end  of  the 
seminar  session,  would  be  deposited  with  the  secretary  and  added  to 
the  private  archives.  (It  might  be  agreed  to  follow  the  pattern  estab- 
lished by  a  group  of  Wall  Street  economists  who  are  permitted  to 
direct  the  secretary  to  disclose  their  forecasting  records  to  prospective 
clients  or  employers.) 

The  next  item  on  the  agenda  might  be  a  research  report  on  a 
trend  or  set  of  conditioning  factors.  To  ensure  that  particular  value- 
institution  areas  are  not  overlooked  or  grossly  de-emphasized,  a  semi- 
nar should  proceed  on  a  basically  cyclical  agenda  in  which  the  main 
trends  and  conditioning  factors  in  every  category  are  recurrently 
considered.  In  this  way,  the  central  body  of  charts  and  maps  would 
be  kept  approximately  current,  without  imposing  on  the  group  the 
immediate  urgencies  that  confront  a  busy  decision-maker  in  govern- 
ment. Reports  oriented  to  the  future  would,  of  course,  deal  with  par- 
ticular projections  and  policy  proposals.  From  time  to  time,  the 
agenda  would  need  to  focus  on  the  respecification  or  the  grounding 
of  goal  values  in  order  to  distinguish  among  immediate,  mid-range, 
and  long-range  objectives. 

Occasionally,  too,  it  would  be  useful  for  a  decision  seminar  to 
engage  in  self-appraisal,  subjecting  the  seminar  itself  to  review.  The 
most  significant  part  of  this  operation  in  the  long  run  could  be  the 
analysis  of  the  roles  played  by  individual  participants.  Permission 
might  be  given  to  the  secretary  to  study  the  pre-  and  postmeeting 
shifts  of  the  participants.  Is  the  shift  toward  agreement,  or  are  dis- 


agreements  becoming  more  extreme?  Can  the  aggregate  response  be 
explained  by  the  role  in  the  discussion  of  one  or  a  few  individuals? 
Is  the  shift  in  regard  to  matters  about  which  the  participants  are  least 

What  of  the  relation  between  aggregate  forecasts  and  the  reality 
as  disclosed  by  subsequent  events  ?  In  this  context,  an  intriguing  point 
is  whether  the  net  result  of  group  discussion  is  to  reduce  realism  by 
inducing  conformity.  Is  the  trend  of  the  group  toward  greater  or  less 
realism  ? 

What  of  the  trend  displayed  by  each  individual?  Analysis  may 
show  that  individuals  become  more  or  less  conformist  to  the  aggregate 
— that  is,  to  the  positions  taken  most  frequently.  They  may  also  be- 
come more  or  less  accurate  in  anticipating  events. 

The  group  would  presumably  ask  to  have  aggregate  results 
brought  to  its  notice  and  authorize  individuals  to  obtain  their  records 
privately.  In  this  way,  insight  could  be  deepened  in  two  connected 
though  not  identical  dimensions. 

There  could  be  a  further  aid  to  insight  and  understanding  on 
the  agenda.  Individuals  might  be  encouraged  to  explain  why  they 
made  accurate  or  inaccurate  forecasts.  The  relevant  part  of  the 
agenda  could  be  divided  into  two  sections,  the  first  concerned  with 
comment  on  developments  since  the  last  meeting  and  the  second  with 
estimates  of  the  future.  During  the  first  section,  the  participants  would 
seek  to  account  for  being  "right"  as  well  as  "wrong,"  recognizing  that, 
in  a  complex  universe,  the  former  is  no  less  puzzling  than  the  latter. 

Self-analysis  can  lead  individuals  to  guard  against  proclivities  to 
be  overimpressed  by  or  to  react  against  particular  sources,  such  as  the 
military.  One  might  also  find  that  he  is  chronically  sanguine  or  pessi- 
mistic about  the  success  of  forces  that  he  hopes  will  succeed. 

It  is  no  secret  that  human  beings  at  large  and  prestigious  persons 
in  particular  are  prone  to  strategies  of  at  least  partial  deception  of  the 
people  around  them  and  often  of  themselves.  The  causes  of  this  pro- 
pensity are  not  mysterious.  Utter  candor  about  one's  estimates  of  the 
future,  for  example,  may  lead  to  value  deprivation;  a  degree  of  evasive 
ambiguity  can  protect  the  ego  from  loss  of  respect  or  even  loss  of  in- 
come and  power.  It  is  impossible  within  the  limits  of  the  present 
discussion  to  examine  this  tactic  of  protective  ambiguity  in  detail.  We 
note,  however,  at  one  level  the  use  of  such  preliminary  ploys  as:  "Of 
course,  I'm  neither  a  prophet  nor  the  son  of  a  prophet"  or  "No  one 
can  prophesy  with  certainty" — and  then  comes  a  prediction.  A  fre- 
quent gimmick  is  a  sentence  of  normative  ambiguity,  an  assertion  that 

Micromodeling  133 

can  be  treated  as  an  expression  of  hope  if  things  turn  out  badly  and 
as  a  designative  statement  if  it  hits  the  bull's-eye.  For  instance,  "The 
forces  of  law  and  order  are  rallying  in  X." 

The  scientific  outlook  itself  provides  excellent  ego  protection, 
since  science  can  be  interpreted  as  justifying  only  conditional  as- 
sertions about  future  events.  (If  p,  then  the  probability  of  q  is  so  and 
so.)  Since  the  probability  of  knowing  all  future  factors  that  may  af- 
fect events  is  low  and  the  likelihood  of  having  knowledge  from  the 
past  of  the  degree  of  interdependency  of  all  factors  is  not  great,  the 
ego  can  feel  secure  from  inner  or  outer  contempt  if  its  statements  are 
"kept  within  strictly  scientific  limits."  Even  equations  for  predicting 
remote  contingencies  refer  to  a  configuration  of  factors  that  is  in- 
accessible to  knowledge  at  the  moment  of  commitment  to  the  future. 

The  scientific  challenge  to  the  ego  is  highly  exacting  in  another 
perspective.  It  requires  that  all  conceivably  relevant  factors  be 
sought  with  perseverence  and  remorseless  self-appraisal.  From  this 
standpoint,  most  of  the  statements  uttered  by  all  of  us  are  extremely 

Within  the  fivefold  analysis  of  each  problem-solving  strategy,  in- 
finite variations  can  be  introduced  in  order  to  fit  particular  circum- 
stances. Provision  could  be  made  for  visiting  expert  witnesses  who 
report  their  own  goal  clarifications  and  whatever  results  they  think 
relevant  to  trend,  factor,  projection,  and  alternative.  Collaborators 
might  be  brought  in  for  periods  of  associate  membership  in  the  same 
way  that  a  university  adds  temporary  members  to  the  permanent 

Variations  in  seminar  composition  should  be  introduced  and 
analyzed.  Many  designs  are  conceivable — all  senior  colleagues,  one 
senior  and  the  rest  juniors,  two  seniors  and  the  rest  juniors,  and  so  on. 
Scholars  of  diverse  cultural,  class,  interest,  and  personality  character- 
istics could  be  combined  in  various  ways. 

Correlation  with  Machine  Technique 

Up  to  this  point,  the  assumption  has  been  that  the  seminar  would 
rely  largely  on  verbal  discussion  of  charted  and  mapped  material. 
We  must  give  explicit  attention  to  the  possibility  of  operating  with 
the  aid  of  machine  researches  reporting  the  results  of  comprehensive 
simulations  of  the  past  and  future.  In  principle,  it  is  possible  to  treat 
political  events  as  an  interdependent  stream  through  time  in  which 
the  equations  written  into  the  program  specify  the  routines  of  de- 
pendency. Simulations  of  this  kind  are  already  in  process  of  develop- 


ment,  and  it  is  evident  that  such  methods  will  soon  become  major 
tools  of  all  the  social  sciences.^ 

The  applicability  of  micromodels  depends  on  valid  data  properly 
stored  and  mobilized.  The  storage  and  retrieval  parts  of  the  problem 
are  well  advanced  toward  solution.  The  phenomenal  advances  in  the 
design  and  manufacture  of  computing  machines  and  in  instruments 
for  the  scanning,  coding,  translating,  and  projection  of  the  contents 
of  documents  have  for  the  first  time  put  within  the  grasp  of  political 
scientists  the  possibility  of  mastering  the  hitherto  overwhelming  mass 
of  available  desired  data. 

We  are  at  the  beginning  of  a  revolutionary  reconstruction  of 
collective  memory  and  recall.  We  have  hitherto  depended  on  libraries 
to  serve  as  repositories  of  manuscripts  and  books  and,  in  conjunction 
with  museums,  to  house  the  fruits  of  past  observation  and  collection. 
Catalogues  provided  indispensable  though  meager  guides  to  the  data 
pertinent  to  any  research  question.  The  limitations  of  the  catalogue 
(whether  in  book  or  card  form)  were  partially  ofTset  by  the  assiduous 
labor  of  the  bibliographer,  who  provided  detailed  topical  breakdowns 
of  the  titles  of  books,  pamphlets,  periodicals,  manuscripts,  and  col- 
lections. The  bibliographer  was  supplemented  by  the  abstractor,  who 
summarized  the  method  and  findings  of  research  reports.  Because  of 
the  professional  demand  for  such  services,  the  most  exhaustive  publi- 
cations in  the  abstracts  field  have  dealt  with  court  and  administrative 
decisions  and  opinions.  (Strictly  speaking,  these  did  not  summarize 
research,  but  source  material.)  As  the  division  of  intellectual  labor 
has  grown,  "critical  reviews"  of  the  state  of  investigation  of  particular 
problems  have  come  to  play  an  important  part  in  assessing  current 
assets.  Handbooks,  compendiums,  encyclopaedias,  textbooks,  and  syn- 
optic treatises  perform  some  of  the  operations  required  to  keep  knowl- 
edge accessible. 

Until  the  machine  age  supplied  the  brain  with  computing  sup- 
plements, political  scientists  were  engaged  in  a  losing  cause.  Our 
theoretical  equipment  enabled  us  to  ask  many  of  the  right  questions 
about  politics;  and  ingenuity  fathered  the  invention  of  many  data- 
gathering,  data-processing,  and  model-fitting  devices.  But  the  cascade 
of  history  was  too  swift  and  voluminous;  observers  were  too  few  and 
too  inadequately  equipped;  facilities  were  rudimentary  and  poorly 

It  is  evident  that  a  vast  new  network  of  communication  to  serve 
the  needs  of  research  will  presently  be  in  operation.  Research  pub- 
lications  concentrated   at   designated   points   in   the   system   will  be 

Micromodclins,  135 

scanned  and  described  automatically  in  all  the  guidance  cards  or  card 
equivalents  throughout  the  network.  Data  will  be  automatically  ab- 
stracted and  deposited  in  the  appropriate  storage  slots  at  centers  for 
various  subjects.  The  publications  themselves  will  be  kept  available 
for  recheckj  and  the  entire  publication  (the  original  or  copies)  will  be 
available  for  screening  at  any  center.  Unpublished  research  data  will, 
in  principle,  be  treated  the  same  way. 

A  scholar  who  desires  the  publications,  abstracts,  or  data  on  any 
subject  can  "press  a  button"  and,  presto,  all  the  centers  provide  lists 
to  be  photographed. 

Storage  and  retrieval  operations  are  practicable  on  such  a  scale 
because  of  the  progress  of  microtechnology.  Thousands  of  words  can 
be  stored  on  a  square-inch  tape  and  made  available  for  reproduction 
when  desired.® 

We  are  close  to  the  day  of  microcomputers  small  enough  to  be 
portable  and  hence  capable  of  accompanying  a  research  worker  to 
the  field  where  the  relationships  of  new  data  can  be  explored  without 

The  incorporation  of  storage,  retrieval,  and  simulation  methods 
into  problem-solving  does  not  do  away  with  the  need  of  permanent 
seminars  to  give  critical  consideration  to  the  emerging  configuration 
of  world  affairs.  On  the  contrary,  the  pace  of  problem-solving  will 
be  vastly  accelerated  by  the  new  instruments.  The  demands  for  miss- 
ing data  and  for  equations  that  economize  the  data  required  to  pro- 
gram realistic  simulations  of  past  and  future  will  intensify. 

The  Problem  of  Index  Instability 

It  will  be  more  obvious  than  ever  that  index  instability  is  a  key 
characteristic  of  the  political  and  social  process  and  that  expert  at- 
tention must  be  continually  given  to  the  satisfactoriness  of  proposed 
indexes.  Index  instability  is  characteristic  of  all  allegedly  conceptual- 
empirical  relationships.  There  is  no  advantage  in  attempting  to  evade 
the  problem  by  defining  a  concept  as  identical  to  an  empirical  index. 
The  term  "vote"  can  be  usefully  defined  in  political  science  as  a  com- 
mitment in  a  decision  process.  For  purposes  of  a  specific  research, 
the  operational  index  of  "vote"  may  be  restricted  to  "marked  ballots." 
In  other  researches,  the  index  may  be  vocal  "ayes"  and  "nays"  as 
officially  recorded,  unofficial  statements  obtained  in  a  poll  of  opinion, 
or  absence  of  hesitation  in  picking  up  arms  to  storm  a  building  ("be- 
havioral consensus  in  an  undercover  unit").  In  much  historical  re- 
search,   the   indexes   gf  votes    (as  at   a   secret  convention)    may  be 


Statements  found  in  correspondence,  unpublished  notes,  reports  by 
police  and  espionage  agents,  and  the  like.  A  wide  range  of  discretion 
must  be  left  the  data-gatherer  in  selecting  the  possible  indexes  and  in 
estimating  their  weight  as  evidence.  If  the  concept  "vote"  were  abol- 
ished from  the  terminology  of  political  science  and  each  empirical 
index  made  identical  to  an  independent  use  of  the  term,  the  result 
would  be  unnecessary  obscurity,  since  a  category  equivalent  to  the 
original  concept  of  "vote"  would  be  required  to  guide  the  matching 
of  likenesses  and  the  noting  of  differences. 

It  is  not  a  waste  of  time  to  give  multiple  index  readings  to  a 
highly  abstract  conceptual  model.  It  is  only  a  waste  of  time  to  forget 
the  formal  equivalency  of  these  readings.  If  the  equivalency  assump- 
tion is  forgotten,  the  intellectual  processes  required  to  "improve" 
equivalency  are  likely  to  be  neglected  or  poorly  performed.  Thus,  the 
definition  of  "commitment  in  a  decision  process"  may  include  the 
requirement  of  near  absence  of  intimidation  and  direct  coercion.  If 
the  definition  is  overlooked,  the  research  worker  may  neglect  to  make 
a  critical  evaluation  of  the  index  that  seems  convenient  in  a  concrete 
case.  (On  proper  investigation  of  a  particular  political  context,  he 
may  learn  that  a  fifth  of  the  participants  could  not  be  properly 
designated  voters  because  they  were  in  a  state  of  intimidation.) 

Problem-solving  projects,  including  decision  seminars,  would  do 
well  to  give  full  attention  to  the  fit  between  conceptual  models  and 
index-fitted  versions.  Attention  should  be  directed  to  the  discovery  of 
"constants"  that  render  it  practicable  to  translate  one  index  into  an- 
other, that  is,  establish  valid  equivalents  in  the  empirical  world. 

In  this  connection,  a  rewarding  question  concerns  the  relation- 
ship among  observational  standpoints  of  varying  degrees  of  intensity. 
The  same  "concepts"  at  the  same  cross-section  in  time  apply  at  each 
standpoint,  but  the  "indexes"  used  at  each  observational  position  are 
not  the  same.  For  example,  we  may  use  the  concept  "internalization- 
externalization"  to  characterize  acts  of  communication  to  be  obseived 
at  standpoints  of  varying  intensity  (depth).  However,  the  indexes  at 
Standpoint  A  (relying  on  news  accounts)  may  record  how  many 
people  were  said  to  have  voted  or  abstained.  Standpoint  B  (relying 
on  verbatim  records  of  the  proceedings)  may  note  how  many  who 
abstained  also  made  public  statements.  This  index  (making  of  state- 
ments plus  abstaining)  obviously  cuts  down  the  percentage  of  "in- 
ternalization." Standpoint  C  might  add  to  the  verbatim  record  notes 
taken  by  gallery  observers  of  the  number  of  abstainers  who  shouted 

Micromo  deling  137 

angrily,  stamped  their  feet,  shook  their  fists,  or  engaged  in  other  such 
behavior.  In  this  perspective,  perhaps  only  a  few  acts  of  communica- 
tion would  be  recorded  as  "internalized." 

Theoretically,  all  differences  among  observer-scientists  over  in- 
dexes can  be  settled  by  candid  analysis  of  the  constants  of  difference 
among  them.  Thus  if  we  think  of  A,  B,  and  G,  above,  as  three  scien- 
tists observing  the  "same"  observational  field,  the  differences  among 
them  in  choice  of  index  need  give  rise  to  no  problem  of  intertrans- 
latability  if  the  necessary  constants  are  ascertained  and  reported. 
When  procedures  are  well  established,  recognized  constants  can  be 
used,  subject  to  occasional  check. 

The  problem  of  index  instability  through  time  is  more  important 
for  ordinary  research  in  the  political  and  social  sciences  than  in  the 
physical  disciplines,  where  indexes  can  be  accepted  as  stable  through 
time  unless  the  situations  referred  to  are  exceedingly  small  or  exceed- 
ingly large  (involving,  for  example,  subatomic  or  galactic  units).  Since 
the  significance  of  a  detail  is  a  function  of  its  context  and  symbol 
contexts  change  through  time  (often  during  short  intervals),  the  ap- 

l  O"  3 

propriateness  of  particular  indexes  of  political  phenomena  is  always 
open  to  review. 

One  method  of  equating  indexes  through  time  is  to  use  panels 
of  historians.  Historians  are  exposed  to  residues  of  the  whole  con- 
figuration of  life  during  a  given  period;  hence,  their  estimates  of  the 
meaning  of  details  in  the  period  is  the  best  obtainable  at  a  given  pres- 
ent moment.  A  technique  of  overlapping  observation  can  be  employed 
to  discover  the  constants  that  must  be  introduced  to  adjust  one  set  of 
indexes  to  another.  The  diagram  shows  what  is  meant.  Historian  O^ 
specializes  in  a  period  that  overlaps  the  special  periods  of  O^  and  O^. 
The  judgments  of  O^  (based  on  his  whole  period)  can  be  corrected 
for  the  period  of  overlap  with  O^  by  applying  O-'s  judgments  to  the 
period  of  overlap.  The  judgments  of  O^  can  be  corrected  for  the  in- 
terval of  overlap  with  O^  by  applying  the  judgments  of  O^  based  on 
his  entire  period. 



The  Use  of  Alternative  Models 

In  decision  seminars,  it  is  frequently  illuminating  to  make  use  of 
contrasting  approaches  to  the  consideration  of  the  same  events. 
Strictly  speaking,  it  is  possible  to  think  of  all  change  as  a  sequence  of 
interdetermining  variables.  It  is  also  possible  to  focus  on  categories  of 
change  of  particular  interest  to  an  observer  and  to  think  of  them  as 
responses  to  the  impact  of  environmental  on  predispositional  factors. 
Although  these  are  equivalent  ways  of  referring  to  a  political  process, 
one  may  liberate  the  mind  of  an  observer  more  effectively  than  the 

Applying  these  points  to  the  analysis  of  the  historic  flow  of  events, 
we  may  proceed  as  suggested  in  the  diagram. 

■4    c 

-♦    b 

-♦    a 

Lines  a,  h,  and  c  indicate  the  direction  of  time.  At  the  cross- 
section  labeled  "1,"  the  R  stands  for  the  events  that  are  to  be  explained 
(such  as  externalized  acts  of  violence).  E  stands  for  the  events  in  the 
environment  that  are  treated  as  explanatory  factors  for  the  emergence 
of  R  (such  as  externalized  acts  of  violence  directed  against  the  self 
by  power  in  the  arena) .  P  in  the  cross-section  labeled  "2"  designates 
the  factors  that  predispose  the  power  under  study  to  respond  as  he 
does  (for  example,  recall  of  past  successes  in  bringing  about  a  stoppage 
and  the  withdrawal  by  the  other  power  and  the  perception  of  the  self 
as  having  the  present  capability  to  do  so) . 

The  R  in  cross-section  1  could  be  further  subdivided  into  sections. 
R^  might  indicate  the  focusing  of  attention  on  E;  R^,  the  sequence  of 
violent  rejoinders;  R^,  the  estimation  of  the  self  as  better  or  worse  off 
in  net  value  position  as  a  result  of  the  policy. 

Similarly,  the  £  in  1  could  be  subdivided.  E^  might  be  the  events 
that  precipitate  R^;  E^  could  refer  to  the  operations  concurrent  with 
R^.  Many  other  slices  could  be  made,  but  these  distinctions  are  suffi- 
cient for  the  moment. 

We  may  note  that  P  in  2,  which  we  have  called  predispositional 
for  i?  in  1,  becomes  an  R  when  the  problem  is  broadened  to  explain 



its  occurrence.  Similarly,  /2  in  1  becomes  P  for  the  explanation  of  sub- 
sequent events. 

At  any  cross-section  in  time,  the  political  analyst  challenges  him- 
self to  explain  R  and  to  characterize  i?  as  a  P  for  contingent  impacts 
of  E.  Since  any  completed  historical  sequence  has,  in  effect,  opted  for 
a  specific  set  of  factor  combinations,  the  data  available  at  any  cross- 
section  do  not  provide  an  exhaustive  presentation  of  all  potential  com- 

However,  there  are  methods  that  to  some  extent  overcome  these 
limitations.  Suppose  that  the  violent  acts  of  power  X  are  mild  when 
compared  to  the  possible  range  of  acts.  Nonetheless,  if  the  appropriate 
subsituations  are  explored,  it  will  be  found  that  some  persons  (in- 
habitants of  bordering  countries,  for  instance)  have  been  confronted 
by  what  were  for  them  huge  doses  of  violence.  By  focusing  on  these 
contexts,  we  may  be  able  to  obtain  more  intensive  knowledge  of  how 
power  Y  is  disposed  to  respond  to  severely  deprivational  changes  in 
its  environment.  It  may  turn  out,  for  instance,  that  the  lower-class 
components  of  the  body  politic  were  not  willing  to  fight. 

If  we  begin  with  long  slices  through  time,  some  intriguing  re- 
lationships may  be  brought  into  view.  In  the  diagram,  A''  stands  for 
the  nuclear  center  of  a  world  revolutionary  emergence  (Moscow,  1917; 
Paris,  approximately  1789).  D  means  diffusion,  either  total  diffusion 
from  a  body  politic  centered  on  the  nucleus  or  substantial  diffusion  of 
traits  from  the  nuclear  pattern.  R  means  restriction,  perhaps  by  the 









1 ^ 

partial  incorporation  of  certain  traits  but  emphatically  accompanied 
by  rejection  of  the  nucleus  and  of  the  revolution.  The  communities 
that  fall  into  the  two  categories  are  recorded  at  time  slices  1  to  5.  Ar- 
ranged in  this  way,  major  determining  factor  clusters  stand  out.  The 
diffusion  from  the  nucleus  of  the  1917  revolution  during  the  first  forty 
years  was  largely  in  contiguous  zones  east  and  south  through  thinly 
industrialized  and  often  colonially  subject  peoples. 

Hypotheses  can  be  refined  by  multiplying  the  cross-sections  stud- 


ied  in  a  given  period  (microslicing).  This  not  only  makes  it  possible 
to  explain  the  historical  sequence  more  completely,  but  it  discloses 
cross-sections  that  lend  themselves  to  analysis  because  of  either  like- 
ness or  diflference.  All  cross-sections  that  show  no  significant  change 
could  be  matched  against  those  that  do,  or  changes  in  a  new  direction 
could  be  set  against  revivals  of  older  patterns.  At  some  point  in  the 
course  of  research,  the  microslicing  technique  blends  with  models  of 
continuous  interdetermination.^ 


Many  of  the  orientative  advantages  of  permanent  decision  semi- 
nars could  be  shared  with  the  community  by  constructing  appropriate 
settings.  In  order  to  emphasize  some  fundamental  features  of  the  idea, 
I  have  sometimes  referred  to  a  "social  planetarium."*  The  name  has 
pertinent  connotations  borrowed  from  the  planetaria  designed  to  pop- 
ularize astronomy.  The  latter  are  intended  to  give  the  spectator  a  spe- 
cific idea  of  celestial  phenomena  seen  from  various  observational 
standpoints.  The  audience  member  sits  comfortably  while  his  space 
ship  takes  off  for  the  moon  or  a  planet,  or  he  stays  on  the  moon  while 
the  dome  of  the  hall  shows  what  he  would  see  from  that  point.  The 
planetarium  enables  him  to  envisage  the  future  or  to  rehearse  the  past 
and  to  become  familiar  with  the  phenomena  that  confirm  or  contra- 
dict a  theoretical  model  of  an  expanding  universe.  In  principle,  the 
consequences  of  alternative  policies  in  astropolitics  can  be  made  vivid 
in  this  way. 

The  advantages  of  universality,  selectivity,  and  vividness  are  ob- 
tainable in  reference  to  the  flow  of  history  into  the  future.  Vividness 
is  an  important  requirement,  since,  as  we  said  above,  many  people  are 
unable  to  obtain  rich  imagery  from  reading  or  listening  to  words. 

The  practice  of  surrounding  individuals  with  reminders  of  the 
past,  present,  and  future  is  very  old.  When  we  encounter  folk  societies, 
we  are  immediately  impressed  by  the  fact  that  the  whole  panoply  of 
nature  is  impregnated  with  meaning  by  the  tribal  myth.  Every  river, 
plain,  hill,  rock,  or  tree  has  a  role  in  the  unending  drama  of  the  col- 
lective self.  When  a  civilization  cuts  the  tie  with  nature  by  heaping 
people  together  in  urban  agglomerations,  they  provide  substitutes  for 
the  supporting  world  of  nature  by  monumental  edifices — palaces, 
temples,  memorial  columns.  And  every  great  religion  seized  on  the 
need  for  concreteness  by  remolding  nature,  as  in  the  Ajanta  caves  in 
India,  and  by  depicting  the  past  and  future  of  man  and  the  gods  in 
the  universe.  At  a  highly  sophisticated  level,  the  whole  story  may  be 

Micromodeling  141 

told  in  a  single  room,  possibly  in  a  single  giant  fresco  or  wall  painting, 
as  in  the  Sistine  Chapel  of  the  Vatican. 

In  a  more  secular  context,  the  museum  is  adapted  to  the  double 
task  of  providing  a  repository  of  original  specimens  and  of  laying  out 
for  the  visitor  a  sequence  of  development.  One  thinks  of  the  vast 
riches  of  the  Louvre,  the  British  Museum,  the  Metropolitan,  or  the 
American  Museum  of  Natural  History.  From  time  to  time,  these  in- 
stallations are  supplemented  by  fairs  and  special  exhibitions  whose 
keynote  in  recent  decades  has  often  been  the  challenge  of  tomorrow. 

In  spite  of  the  richness  of  these  precedents,  it  remains  true  that 
the  potential  effects  of  the  relatively  permanent  exhibition  are  poorly 
adapted  to  provide  man  with  a  critically  accepted  image  of  the  past 
and  future.  Hence,  the  proposal  to  develop  the  possibilities  of  the  so- 
cial planetarium. 

Imagine  one  of  the  many  forms  that  such  an  exhibition  might 
take.  Suppose  that  several  buildings  were  available  as  part  of  the  Na- 
tional Museum  establishment  in  Washington,  D.G.  The  visitor  might 
begin  with  presentations  designed  to  portray  the  distribution  and  cul- 
ture of  early  man  and  show  the  lines  of  significant  innovation  until 
the  emergence  of  cities  in  the  fifth  millennium.  The  sequence 
would  be  planned  to  teach  awareness  of  the  distinction  between  folk 
society  and  civilization  and  to  emphasize  the  variety  of  cultural  forms. 
Prominence  would  be  given  to  the  relatively  temporary  empires  cre- 
ated by  able  leaders  of  tribal  federations  and  to  the  more  durable 
structures  held  together  by  bureaucratic  elites.  The  city  state,  devoted 
to  commerce  and  manufacturing,  would  be  in  the  picture,  as  would 
the  feudal  and  small-state  systems  created  in  the  aftermath  of  im- 
perial disintegration.  More  recently,  the  consolidation  of  large  na- 
tional units  and  empires  would  dominate  the  scene.  At  various 
cross-sections  and  in  chosen  regions,  international  "orders"  ("parties") 
have  arisen,  though  no  one  of  them  has  achieved  a  central  monopoly 
of  coercive  violence  on  behalf  of  inclusive  policy.  The  types  of  trans- 
national arenas  (multipolar,  pluripolar,  bipolar,  tripolar)  would  be 
presented,  and  the  actual  limitations  on  the  self-described  "universal 
states"  set  forth. 

Exhibits  would  emphasize  the  infrastructure  of  community  life 
and  show  the  degree  of  value  participation  and  the  distinctive  prac- 
tices of  various  institutions.  In  the  presentation  of  "power,"  for  ex- 
ample, the  emphasis  would  be  on  typical  patterns  of  dominance  by  the 
few  or  the  many.  The  major  institutional  forms  of  power  would  in- 
clude the  principal  patterns  of  democratic  and  nondemocratic  govern- 


merit.  It  will  not  be  necessary  at  this  point  to  comment  on  the  other 
value-institution  categories  except  to  say  that  the  aim  in  presenting 
them  would  be  parallel;  that  is,  they  would  be  shown  as  fostering 
wide  or  narrow  value  participations  and  as  exhibiting  almost  infinite 
variations  in  institutional  practice. 

The  future  would  be  projected  in  a  version  that  included  contact 
with  the  planets  and  the  creation  of  satellites.  At  least  two  major 
constructs  would  be  outlined,  so  that  a  spectator  might  proceed  from 
today  through  future  A  by  one  route  and  through  future  B  by  an- 
other. In  the  same  way,  the  past  could  be  shown  in  version  A  and 
version  B  at  various  cross-sections.  Hence,  a  more  dynamic  relation- 
ship among  individuals,  groups,  and  history  could  be  cultivated.  Con- 
veniently spaced  along  the  main  line  of  march  would  be  side  halls 
giving  more  elaborate  and  systematic  exposition  to  the  events  of  a 
period  and  indicating  ever-wider  ranges  of  possibility. 

Every  community  could  maintain  a  social  planetarium  of  its  own 
in  which  the  past,  present,  and  future  of  the  area  could  be  put  in 
larger  frames  of  reference.  At  every  international  and  national  capital, 
long-range  presentations  could  be  supplemented  by  relatively  intensive 
outlines  of  immediate  policy  alternatives. 

The  permanent  features  of  a  social  planetarium  would  be  ca- 
pable of  providing  a  unified  frame  of  experience  for  old  and  young. 
From  the  problem-solving  point  of  view,  it  is  obvious  that  short-term 
policy  questions  always  require  treatment  in  a  comprehensive  frame- 
work accessible  to  all. 


It  is  important  to  focus  on  relatively  immediate,  as  well  as  long- 
term,  issues  of  public  policy.  That  political  science  associations  can 
take  new  initiatives  along  these  lines  is  evident  on  reflection.  One  pos- 
sible format  has  been  christened  the  "Pre-Congress,"  and  an  outline 
of  the  proposal  may  be  suggestive.  The  idea  is  that  some  seasons  of 
the  year  seem  to  be  preliminary  to  great  waves  of  decision-making 
activity  in  the  body  politic.  By  tradition,  the  New  Year  is  such  a  mo- 
ment, and  many  operations  are  in  fact  terminated  at  the  end  of  an 
old  calendar  year.  Moreover,  the  New  Year  in  the  United  States  now 
harmonizes  closely  with  the  assumption  of  authority  by  a  new  ad- 
ministration and  with  the  initiation  or  resumption  of  work  by  Con- 
gress. It  fits  the  dominant  frame  of  reference  to  give  contextual 
consideration  to  goals  and  strategies  at  such  a  time.  This  is  an  aus- 

Micromodeling  143 

picious  time  to  reach  the  leaders  of  opinion  and  all  active  citizens 
with  comprehensive  presentations  of  national  policy. 

A  Pre-Congress,  then,  is  an  occasion  on  which,  under  the  aus- 
pices of  the  American  Political  Science  Association,  for  instance,  pend- 
ing policy  issues  could  be  clarified.  The  purpose  is  not  to  arrange  for 
advocates  of  outstanding  proposals  to  "fight  it  out,"  but  rather  to 
encourage  inquiring  minds  to  search  for  comprehensive  national  in- 
terests. There  are  grounds  for  asserting  that  Americans  are  substan- 
tially united  on  many  goals.  Differences  often  depend  on  conflicting 
estimates  of  consequences,  including  costs,  of  policy  action;  discussion 
can  help  identify  the  occurrences  to  be  assessed.  Discussions  are  most 
illuminating  when  they  begin  with  inclusive  and  concise  presentations 
of  policy  alternatives.  Such  formulations  are  largely  questions  of  re- 
search and  analysis.  Since  they  cannot  be  definitive,  they  set  the  stage 
for  further  discussion. 

Some  of  the  questions  on  the  agenda  of  a  Pre-Congress  might 
lie  beyond  the  field  of  current  public  notice.  Reports  on  the  machinery 
of  government,  for  example,  though  of  enormous  importance,  are 
rarely  able  to  arouse  the  public.  If  emphasized  at  the  Pre-Congress, 
proposals  relating  to  the  machinery  of  government  might  mobilize 
more  members  of  the  national  community  to  grasp  the  significance  of 
such  matters. 

If  the  Pre-Congress  demonstrated  the  competence  and  imparti- 
ality of  the  program  planners,  it  would  probably  win  general  con- 
fidence. Much  depends  on  the  auspices.  Fortunately,  the  American 
Political  Science  Association  is  experienced  in  providing  services  tran- 
scending partisan  interests.  This  has  been  recognized  in  connection 
with  the  Congressional  Service  Awards,  for  instance,  which  are  given 
to  members  of  both  political  parties  who  have  served  the  national 
interest  in  their  legislative  duties. 

In  principle  the  Pre-Congress,  as  a  prelegislature,  could  be 
adapted  to  the  needs  of  the  states;  rechristened  a  precouncil,  it  might 
perform  an  orienting  function  for  cities  and  towns.  At  the  other 
extreme,  the  conception  could  be  adapted  to  international  organiza- 
tions. All  the  resources  of  presentation  technique  could  be  employed 
in  prelegislatures  to  aid  understanding. 


Prelegislatures  could  be  meaningfully  supplemented  throughout 
the  year  by  the  public  information  programs  of  the  mass  media.  Po- 


litical  scientists  can  usefully  expand  the  roles  they  have  begun  to  play 
in  television  and  radio  broadcasting.  Associations,  schools,  or  individ- 
uals might  take  responsibility  for  preparing  and  presenting  a  con- 
textual treatment  of  current  affairs.  As  public  information  programs 
built  up  backlogs  of  suitable  film,  it  would  be  possible  to  put  the 
latest  news  headline  into  perspective  and  to  make  evident  its  potenti- 
ality for  the  values  and  institutions  of  the  world  community  and  its 

Suppose,  for  example,  that  a  rebellion  is  reported  in  a  new 
African  state.  At  once  the  visual  resources  of  an  adequate  television 
library  provides  local  and  historical  footage  that  furnishes  trend  and 
explanatory  information.  If  the  rebellion  is  similar  to  other  rebellions 
(and  on  analysis  this  is  bound  to  be  true),  alert  programming  will 
provide  information  about  comparable  cases.  The  presentation  may 
go  further  and  project,  clarify,  and  evaluate  policy  alternatives. 

It  is  in  connection  with  programs  in  election  years  that  profes- 
sional competence  and  impartiality  meet  the  most  severe  test.  Political 
scientists  are  citizens  fully  qualified  to  vote  and  to  support  contro- 
versial persons  and  issues;  more  than  that,  it  is  generally  expected 
and  often  demanded  that,  as  particularly  knowledgeable  citizens  they 
do  so.  How  are  such  requirements  to  be  reconciled  with  professional 
concern  for  impartiality  and  competence? 

Let  us  begin  by  assuming  competence  on  the  part  of  a  political 
scientist.  Is  he  obligated  to  refrain  from  expressing  preferences  or 
even  from  engaging  in  active  party  work  ?  Definitely  not.  But  all  rele- 
vant norms  are  to  be  kept  in  mind.  One  major  norm  is  candid  disclosure 
of  pertinent — that  is  to  say,  possibly  distorting — interests.  If  the  po- 
litical scientist  is  affiliated  with  a  political  party  or  subjectively  com- 
mitted to  a  controversial  position,  his  obligation  is  not  to  quit  the 
party  or  to  abstain  from  opinions  but  to  disclose  these  facts  to  any 
audience  whose  reliance  on  his  statements  may  be  influenced  by  this 
knowledge.  Furthermore,  he  has  an  inner  obligation  to  be  candid 
with  himself  in  seeking  to  keep  his  statements  of  a  factual  character 
free  from  distortion. 

In  connection  with  elections,  it  is  important  to  play  down  the 
stress  on  short-range  forecasting  that  has  plagued  the  specialists  on 
polling.  The  question  whether  A  or  B  is  likely  to  win  is  of  no  impor- 
tance whatsoever  to  the  national  sifting  of  issues  or  the  assessing  of 
candidates'  capabilities.  However,  forecasts  are  of  great  importance  to 
campaigners,  since  selective  audience  analysis  can  show  where  interest 
is  lagging  or  sentiment  is  changing.  There  is  no  practicable  way  to 

Micromodeling  145 

limit  forecasting  to  the  private  intelligence  services  of  campaigners 
or  even  to  exclude  predictions  from  general  dissemination. 

It  is  possible,  however,  for  political  scientists,  acting  in  their 
professional  and  civic  capacities,  to  take  measures  to  moderate  the 
negative  impact.  Pre-election  analyses  can  focus  on  the  significance  of 
voting  studies  for  the  attainment  of  self-knowledge  by  audience  mem- 
bers. Research  may  show,  for  example,  that  candidate  X  appeals  to 
white,  middle-aged,  suburban,  Protestant  housewives  who  are  usually 
uninterested  in  and  uninformed  about  politics.  An  important  program 
objective  is  to  heighten  the  self-critique  of  people  who  fall  into  such 
a  slot.  Or  candidate  Y  appeals  to  retired  businessmen  in  the  upper- 
income  brackets  who  regard  themselves  as  devout  and  are  suspicious 
of  intellectuals.  The  great  contribution  of  scientific  knowledge  to  the 
political  process  is  less  in  predicting  the  future  than  in  deepening  in- 
sight into  the  self  as  the  self  prepares  to  take  further  steps  into  the 


1  On  war   exercises    (the  use  of  men  and  weapons  in  the  field)    and  war 

games,  cf.  W.  Goerlitz,  History  of  the  German  General  Staff,  1657- 
1945  (New  York:  Praeger,  1956),  which  describes  the  growth  of 
staff  techniques. 

2  The  RAND  Corporation  has  played  an  important  part  in  these  innovations. 

Cf.  J.  Goldsen,  "The  Political  Exercise:  An  Assessment  of  the 
Fourth  Round"  (Mimeographed;  Washington,  D.C.:  The  RAND 
Corporation,  1956);  H.  Goldhamer  and  H.  Speier,  "Some  Obser- 
vations on  Political  Gaming,"  World  Politics,  12  (1959),  71-83; 
and  burgeoning  literature  by  L.  Bloomfield,  C.  McClelland,  H. 
Guetzkow,  and  others. 

^  Cf.  H.  D.  Lasswell,  "The  Technique  of  Decision  Seminars,"  Midwest 
Journal  of  Political  Science,  4  (1960),  213-236. 

■*  The  gradual  disenchantment  of  scientists  and  policy-makers  with  traditional 
economic  or  sentimental  "plowshare"  approaches  to  the  problems 
of  industrialization  and  modernization  are  copiously  documented. 
For  a  positive  position,  cf.  H.  Morgenthau,  "A  Political  Theory  of 
Foreign  Aid,"  American  Political  Science  Review,  56  (1962),  301- 
309.  Cf.  also  J.  D.  Montgomery,  The  Politics  of  Foreign  Aid  (New 
York:  Praeger,  1962);  J.  H.  Kautsky,  ed..  Political  Change  in  Un- 
derdeveloped Countries  (New  York:  Wiley,  1962);  R.  N.  Adams 
et  al..  Social  Change  in  Latin  America  Today  (New  York:  Harper, 
1960);  M.  F.  Millikan  and  D.  L.  M.  Blackmer,  eds..  The  Emerging 
Nations  (Boston:   Little,  Brown,  1960);  H.  Cleveland,  G.  J.  Man- 


gone,  and  J.  C.  Adams,  The  Overseas  Americans  (New  York:  Mc- 
Graw-Hill, 1960). 

^  On  simulation,  cf.  I.  Pool  and  R.  Abelson,  "The  Simulmantics  Project," 
Public  Opinion  Quarterly,  25  (1961),  167-183;  W.  McPhee,  "Note 
on  a  Campaign  Simulator,"  Public  Opinion  Quarterly,  25  (1961), 
182-193;  O.  Benson,  "Simulation  of  International  Relations  and 
Diplomacy,"  in  H.  Borke,  ed.,  Computer  Applications  in  the  Be- 
havioral Sciences  (Englewood  Cliffs,  N.J.:  Prentice-Hall,  1961); 
and  especially  H.  Guetzkow,  ed.,  Simulation  in  Social  Science 
(Englewood  Cliffs,  N.J.:  Prentice-Hall,  1963).  Further,  J.  Neu- 
mann, The  Computer  and  the  Brain  (New  Haven:  Yale  University 
Press,  1962). 

^  Current  developments  can  be  followed  in  M.U.L.L.,  "Modern  Uses  of  Logic 
in  Law,"  quarterly  newsletter  of  the  American  Bar  Association 
Special  Committee  on  Electronic  Retrieval  in  collaboration  with 
Yale  Law  School,  edited  at  Yale  by  L.  E.  Allen  and  M.  E.  Cald- 

^  On  the  unfinished  task  of  linking  the  various  standpoints  and  procedures 
now  at  hand — case,  correlational,  and  experimental  techniques; 
laboratory,  field,  and  historical  methods;  systematic  models  ex- 
pressed in  prose  and  mathematical  or  graphical  notation — cf.  es- 
pecially the  penetrating  publications  by  D.  Easton,  H.  Eulau,  and 
R.  C.  Snyder.  Easton  and  Snyder  made  important  theoretical  and 
critical  contributions  in  the  period  immediately  following  World 
War  n.  Cf.  especially  D.  Easton,  The  Political  System  (New  York: 
Knopf,  1953). 

^  Cf.  "Strategies  of  Inquiry:  The  Rational  Use  of  Observation,"  in  D.  Lerner, 
ed..  The  Human  Meaning  of  the  Social  Sciences  (New  York: 
Meridian  Books,  1959). 


Creativity  (I) 

No  static  certainty  is  to  be  found  in  politics  or  political  science,  hence 
the  importance  of  cultivating  an  afhrmative,  inventive,  flexible  mind. 
The  present  chapter  treats  the  cultivation  of  creativity,  since  it  is 
concerned  with  professional  training. 

In  recent  decades,  the  social  and  behavioral  sciences  have  been 
able  to  add  precision  to  the  idea  of  creativity  and  to  identify  some 
of  the  factors  conditioning  its  incidence.^  The  idea  is  not  a  simple 
one,  and  many  popular  connotations  are  irrelevant.  We  must,  for  ex- 
ample, disregard  the  assumption  that  whatever  is  new  is  creative.  Un- 
doubtedly, a  novel  element  is  always  present.  Yet  a  creative  act  is  not 
fantastic;  it  must  be  able  to  pass  reality  tests. 

Another  erroneous  connotation  is  that  creativity  is  a  flash  in  utter 


darkness.  It  is  entirely  fitting  to  celebrate  the  achievements  of  individ- 
uals who  give  birth  to  important  ideas;  it  is  nonetheless  a  gross  distor- 
tion of  the  creative  process  to  confound  it  with  an  individual  or  with 
a  single  moment.  The  process  is  social  and  interactive  and,  properly 
understood^  reaches  forward  and  backward  from  the  culminating  mo- 
ment. Not  every  thinker,  of  course,  is  able  to  locate  a  dramatic  instant 
as  Descartes  was  able  to  do  and  to  say  that  his  whole  theory  de- 
pended on  an  "emotional  intuition"  that  struck  him  on  a  specific  date. 
Descartes  saw  his  comprehensive  vision  on  the  night  of  November 
10,  1619.  However,  the  idea  of  a  rational  universe  arose  and  won 
subsequent  ratification  in  the  course  of  a  creative  process  of  great 
scope  and  complexity.  It  is  possible  for  historians  of  philosophy  to 
identify  many  influences  that  played  on  Descartes  and  contributed  to 
that  heaping  up  of  preconditions  to  be  discovered  in  all  human  con- 
duct when  closely  scrutinized.  This  is  the  phenomenon  to  which  Freud 
referred  with  the  odd  but  expressive  term  of  "overdetermination." 
The  creative  pattern  was  not  complete  when  Descartes  experienced 
his  vision  nor  even  when  he  committed  it  to  print.  Until  ratified  by 
others,  creativity  remains  potential;  it  is  not  yet  actual.  The  lag  may 
be  very  long,  although  in  Descartes'  case  he  carried  conviction  to 
enough  contemporaries  to  justify  his  classification  as  a  creative 

Today  we  are  accustomed  to  taking  the  collective  character  of 
creativity  for  granted.  We  plan  inventions.  So  it  was  with  the  atomic 
bomb;  so  it  is  every  day  in  industrial  laboratories.  When  wealth  and 
respect  are  put  at  the  disposal  of  persons  of  recognized  skill,  they  are 
usually  able  to  gather  competent  colleagues. 

It  is,  perhaps,  pertinent  in  view  of  the  planned  parenthood  of 
ideas  in  modern  society  to  warn  against  underestimating  the  finer 
structure  of  creativity.  The  target  is  rarely  hit  by  a  perfectly  straight 
course.  A  target  can  best  be  described  as  a  working  image  of  a  des- 
tination which  can  be  reached  only  by  many  zig-zags  or  even  returns 
to  the  starting  point.  It  is  not  to  be  wondered  at  that  the  most  bril- 
liant results  are  often,  if  not,  indeed,  typically,  achieved  as  side  effects 
rather  than  as  stations  along  a  well-mapped  route.  In  a  given  re- 
search project,  the  ostensible  target  may  or  may  not  be  reached 
promptly  or  with  much  originality;  yet  society's  capital  of  knowledge 
continues  to  grow. 

In  the  physical  and  biological  sciences,  the  peculiar  character  of 
creativity  has  long  been  understood.  Able  research  men  have  learned 
to  proceed  in  a  way  that  laymen  sometimes  regard  as  fraudulent. 

Cultivation  of  Creativity  (I)  149 

Capable  research  workers  do  not  like  to  tie  themselves  closely  to  a 
single  target  or  to  a  predescribed  method.  They  want  elbow  room  to 
explore  promising  side  lanes  and  to  devise  new  procedures  or  even  to 
pursue  basic  scientific  ideas  a  certain  distance.  They  are  concerned 
that  science  itself  grows  only  in  this  fashion;  hence  they  are  not  true 
scientists  if  they  bind  themselves  in  advance  to  a  map  too  precisely 
drawn.  In  the  budgeting  of  research,  it  is  therefore  taken  for  granted 
that  the  allotment  includes  a  margin  of  support  for  general  explora- 
tion. Since  the  repertory  of  modern  science  is  enormous,  many  re- 
search implications  invariably  appear  once  capable  investigators  get 
to  work  on  any  concrete  task. 

Given  these  facts,  it  seems  defensible  to  obtain  research  funds 
in  the  name  of  popular  problems,  while  keeping  free  of  any  inner 
commitment  or  public  pledge  to  solve  the  problem  at  once.  Consider 
the  notorious  case  of  cancer.  As  of  this  moment,  the  millions  of  dollars 
and  man  hours  of  talent  that  have  gone  into  cancer  research  have 
fallen  short  of  the  goal.  Research  in  the  name  of  cancer  is  nearly  as 
permissive  as  the  pursuit  of  truth  itself.  Yet  the  whole  episode  is  not 
to  be  dismissed  as  a  plot  by  research  administrators  engaged  in  build- 
ing rival  empires  at  the  expense  of  a  credulous  public.  The  by- 
products of  research  launched  in  the  name  of  cancer  are  of  undoubted 
importance  in  many  fields.  Of  this,  both  research  administrators  and 
the  beneficiary  scientists  have  been  morally  certain  all  the  time.  And 
many  laymen  who  join  in  money-raising  share  the  viewpoint  of  the 
scientists,  since  they  know  enough  science  themselves  or  have  had 
enough  experience  with  good  scientists  to  recognize  the  policies  that 
are  most  likely  to  keep  them  productive. 

The  contrast  with  the  typical  research  situation  of  political  and 
social  scientists  is  evident.  Even  rather  capable  political  scientists  have 
rarely  had  enough  self-confidence  to  adopt  the  approach  that  is  usual 
for  colleagues  in  the  physical  and  biological  sciences.  Hence,  their  re- 
search projects  tend  to  be  cut  and  dried,  with  deadlines,  contents,  and 
procedures  rather  clearly  specified  in  advance.  They  typically  provide 
little  leeway  for  the  pursuit  of  promising  theoretical  leads  or  for  the 
invention  of  novel  methods. 

What  can  be  said  when  we  sum  up  the  fundamental  criteria  of 
creativity?  An  important  clue  has  come  from  the  psychologists  of 
perception.  We  are  not  far  wrong  in  condensing  the  fundamental 
point  into  the  phrase  "context  completion."  To  a  degree,  context 
completion  is  inseparable  from  any  living  organism,  since  life  per- 
petually seeks  solutions  to  the  problems  of  the  new  environment. 


There  are  vast  differences  between  mild  exercises  of  ingenuity 
and  the  masterpieces  that  are  commonly  viewed  as  turning  points  in 
the  history  of  thought.  What  are  the  distinguishing  marks  of  a  con- 
tribution, such  as  those  of  Planck  or  Einstein,  that  receives  universal 
acclaim  from  knowledgeable  scientists?  These  celebrated  instances  of 
intellectual  achievement  introduced  a  coherent  picture  where  the 
conventional  map  was  full  of  contradiction,  confusion,  and  ambiguity. 
New  ways  of  looking  at  the  world  disclosed  a  comprehensible  pattern 
in  which  ancient  incompatibilities  were  redefined  and  disappeared. 

I  comment  briefly  in  this  connection  on  the  work  of  a  distin- 
guished physician  who  has  influenced  political  science  and  many  other 
fields  of  thought.  Sigmund  Freud  was  trained  in  neurology  and  cog- 
nate disciplines.^  He  was,  in  fact,  reared  in  one  of  the  most  orthodox 
temples  of  the  "scientism"  of  the  day.  All  brain  functions  were  to  be 
reduced  to  objective  events.  Any  mention  of  subjectivity  was  seen  as 
a  regrettable  concession  to  the  undeveloped  state  of  the  science. 

In  his  training,  Freud  was  also  exposed  to  contradictory  images 
of  reality.  For  instance,  he  visited  a  clinic  where  the  therapeutic 
efficacy  of  hypnotism  was  being  demonstrated.  Hypnotism  obviously 
relies  on  communication  in  a  social  context  to  affect  inner  life  and 
outer  conduct.  Neither  neurons  nor  chemicals  enter  visibly  into  the 
chain  of  events  that  initiates  response. 

It  was  not  possible  for  Freud  to  eliminate  the  mind-body  prob- 
lem. He  nonetheless  provided  a  map  in  which  many  hitherto-dis- 
jointed observations  became  intelligible.  Without  constructing  "neural 
myths"  to  add  to  "myths  of  subjectivity,"  Freud  suggested  how  hu- 
man organisms  can  influence  one  another.  He  appeared  to  treat  "in- 
stincts" as  part  of  the  "body."  However,  the  "soma"  was  shown  to  be 
affected  by  nonphysical  events — in  a  word,  by  signs  and  symbols.  The 
"unconscious"  became  a  patterned  repository  of  primitive  instincts  as 
modified  by  interactions  in  the  social  process. 

When  we  examine  creativity  directly  in  political  science  it  is 
soon  apparent  that  context  completion  is  a  serviceable  guide.  The 
images  entertained  by  those  who  participate  in  a  political  process  are 
conventionally  a  blend  of  prescriptions  and  observed  "facts  of  life." 
Almost  every  serious,  competent  study  in  political  science  redefines  a 
conventional  image  and  refocuses  the  connection  between  "preferred 
norms"  and  "factual  norms." 

We  have  referred  to  Beard's  analysis  of  economic  factors  in  the 
forming  and  ratification  of  the  United  States  Constitution ;  it  is  unques- 
tionably a  case  in  point.  A  monument  of  the  same  kind  is  Michels'  study 

Cultivation  of  Creativity  (I)  151 

of  social-democratic  parties  in  Europe.  The  social-democratic  elites  were 
accustomed  to  speaking  in  the  name  of  democracy.  Michels  drew  at- 
tention to  the  facts  that  the  leaders  tended  to  stay  in  office  for  many 
years  and  that  in  many  cases  their  children  succeeded  them  in  office. 
He  summed  up  the  data  by  generalizing  about  the  "oligarchical  tend- 
encies" of  mass  political  parties.  In  the  long  run,  it  may  be  that  the 
criteria  of  oligarchy  applied  by  Michels  are  too  loose  to  satisfy  pro- 
fessional opinion  and  that  he  was  vague  about  factors  that  might  re- 
verse a  trend  toward  narrowly  held  power. ^  Nevertheless,  the  study 
was  sufficiently  compelling  to  induce  great  defensiveness  and  some 
insight  in  European  socialists  of  the  time. 

Few  scholars  would  deny  that  Marx  and  Engels  were  the  most 
original  and  also  most  successful  political  and  social  theorists  of  recent 
generations.  If  the  criteria  were  changed  by  de-emphasizing  success, 
a  strong  case  could  be  made  for  the  opinion  that  some  French  thinkers 
— Saint-Simon,  for  example — were  more  inventive  or  that  Bentham 
is  ultimately  to  be  regarded  as  more  creative.  For  present  purposes,  it 
is  enough  to  say  that  Marx  provided  the  most  comprehensive  and  up- 
setting confrontation  of  conventional  imagery  on  record.  He  provided 
rebellion  with  the  favorite  intellectual  tool  of  the  status  quo,  namely, 
history.  Rebellion  was  no  longer  perceived  as  personal  caprice,  dis- 
order, or  heroism,  but  as  a  transpersonal  natural  law  of  society  that 
could  be  grasped  by  an  instructed  mind  trained  in  the  necessary 
method  of  thought.  Hence,  the  triumph  of  realistic  thinking  was  not 
to  "make"  history  but  to  harmonize  with  reality;  rebellion  became 
the  ultimate  conformity. 

The  capture  of  the  appeal  to  history  is  correctly  interpreted  as 
an  impressive  burst  of  creativity;  it  is  of  particular  interest  because  it 
exemplifies  "rejection  by  partial  incorporation"  of  an  "enemy"  ide- 
ology and  also  provides  a  case  of  differentiation  by  an  appeal  to 

The  first  point — the  use  of  partial  incorporation — means  that  a 
mode  of  justification,  the  appeal  to  history,  was  taken  over  by  Marx 
and  Engels,  although  most  of  the  doctrines  asserted  in  the  ideology  of 
the  social  order  that  "history"  originally  justified  were  in  fact  rejected. 
Socialism  in  turn  often  became  the  target  of  a  comparable  strategy, 
notably  when  Hitler  opposed  "international"  socialism  in  the  name  of 
"nation"  and  "race." 

The  second  point — differentiation  by  an  appeal  to  method — re- 
ceived tremendous  emphasis  in  the  Marx-Engels  contribution  as  a 
means  of  borrowing  the  prestige  of  the  physical  sciences  and  trans- 


ferring  it  to  a  counterideological  system.  "Historical  materialism"  was 
put  forward  as  a  procedure  by  which  the  attention  of  an  individual 
could  focus  on  data  revealing  the  dynamic  and  implacable  sequence 
of  history  from  feudalism  through  capitalism  to  the  classless  society. 
When  French  revolutionary  thinkers  assailed  feudalism,  they  also  ap- 
pealed to  method,  namely,  the  test  of  "reason."  But  the  connotations 
of  the  term  were  capricious.  My  reason  may  lead  to  affirmations 
which  your  reason  is  unwilling  to  accept.  By  the  time  Marx  and 
Engels  wrote,  a  more  disciplined  idea  of  method  had  become  recog- 
nized. The  conception  of  universal  law  validated  by  empirical  ob- 
servation seemed  to  provide  a  tool  for  controlling  the  ebullience  of 
individual  subjectivity.  "Historical  materialism"  revived  the  notion  of 
inescapable  truth  ascertainable  by  proper  method. 

These  examples  of  creativity  enable  us  to  pose  our  present  prob- 
lem in  fundamental  terms.  How  can  we  strengthen  the  probability 
that  future  questions  will  be  approached  with  the  balance  between 
innovation  and  realism  that  characterizes  high-level  creativity? 


For  years  to  come,  the  principal  responsibility  for  professional 
preparation  and  hence  for  the  cultivation  of  creativity  will  presumably 
lie  with  graduate  departments  of  universities.  It  will  continue  to  be 
the  task  of  such  academic  structures  to  offer  the  basic  introduction  to 
scope  and  methods  and  to  arrange  the  environment  of  graduate  stu- 
dents in  harmony  with  the  requirements  of  professional  objectives.  It 
is,  after  all,  the  graduate  department  that  consolidates  rival  con- 
ceptions of  the  profession  into  working  unity. 

How  does  a  graduate  department  sustain  the  creativity  of  pro- 
fessors and  students?  Experience  shows  how  rarely  any  department 
succeeds  in  maintaining  its  position  as  a  well-balanced  representative 
of  the  past  and  as  a  pioneer. 

Part  of  the  difficulty  comes  from  the  fact  that,  in  an  epoch  of 
accelerating  change,  the  training  that  fits  men  for  today  may  unfit 
them  for  tomorrow.  At  any  given  time,  the  leading  figures  are  some- 
what obsolete.  At  best,  they  provide  partial  models  for  the  problem- 
solvers  who  will  be  best  adapted  to  the  tasks  of  the  next  thirty  or 
forty  years.  We  must  suggest,  I  think,  that  a  factor  in  support  of  a 
creative  department  is  an  acute  sense  of  partial  obsolescence. 

The  versatility  and  competence  with  which  political  scientists 
cope  with  the  future  depend  in  no  small  degree  on  professional  prep- 
aration.  From  the  beginning  of  their  specialized  studies  the  larger 

Cultivation  of  Creativity  (I)  153 

context  must  be  kept  in  sight  if  the  perspectives  conducive  to  crea- 
tivity are  to  be  nourished  and  applied.  Hence,  the  basic  orientation 
to  the  scope  and  methods  of  political  science  is  of  strategic  impor- 
tance. Properly  conceived,  introductory  exercises  in  "Scope  and 
Method"  are  returned  to  throughout  the  years  of  professional  prep- 
aration and  continue  to  challenge,  guide,  and  inspire  the  political 
scientist  at  every  subsequent  phase  of  his  career. 

In  the  following  pages,  I  present  a  synopsis  of  suggestions  for 
the  presentation  of  political  science  to  advanced  students  at  the 
threshold  of  professional  training.  Our  previous  discussion  has  drawn 
attention  to  the  five  intellectual  tasks  of  a  problem-oriented  approach 
to  political  science.  I  refer  briefly  to  these  tasks  in  providing  some 
concrete  indication  of  what  is  implied  for  "scope  and  method."  Be- 
cause of  the  close  tie  between  the  clarification  of  goals  and  the  tradi- 
tional study  of  political  doctrines,  I  shall  deal  at  some  length  with  the 
task  of  clarifying  goals  and  more  cursorily  with  trend,  condition, 
projection,  and  alternative. 

When  we  speak  of  the  value  goals  of  political  science,  the  refer- 
ence is  to  empirical  events  in  the  social  process.  It  is  at  once  necessary 
to  draw  a  distinction  between  statements  of  goal  referring  explicitly  to 
the  social  process  and  statements  whose  reference  is  to  a  wider  con- 
text than  the  sociopolitical  process.  When  I  read  a  declaration  on 
behalf  of  "democracy" — in  the  sense  of  shared  power — it  is  unmistak- 
able that  the  declaration  belongs  to  the  first  category;  the  statement 
manifestly  refers  to  the  political  process.  If,  however,  I  read  that  the 
proper  end  of  man  is  to  glorify  God,  there  is  some  doubt  about  the 
intended  meaning  of  the  words.  Does  it  refer  to  glorification  in  a 
heavenly  choir  after  death?  If  so,  this  is  outside  the  social  process  and 
is  not  classifiable  as  a  social  value.  On  the  other  hand,  the  writer  may 
say  that  in  politics  this  implies  the  practice  of  democracy,  and  this 
claim  is,  by  the  definition  given  above,  part  of  the  political  process. 

It  lies  beyond  the  present  discussion  to  enumerate  the  many  pro- 
posals that  have  been  made  in  regard  to  the  scope  values  of  political 
science.  In  passing,  however,  we  may  draw  attention  to  a  common 
misunderstanding  of  objectives  that  are  sometimes  called  "value- 
neutral."  In  the  present  frame  of  reference,  this  is  always  an  inap- 
propriate term.  If  the  assertion  is  made,  for  example,  that  political 
scientists  should  pursue  scientific  ends,  the  suggestion  means  that  the 
enlightenment  value  should  be  emphasized. 

Another  point  is  possibly  important  enough  to  put  explicitly. 
Goals  are  sometimes  formulated  in  terms  of  rank-order,  sometimes  as 


preferred  patterns  of  value  distribution.  In  the  former  case,  power 
may  be  put  above  or  below  wealth,  respect,  rectitude,  and  other  social 
outcomes.  In  the  latter,  a  commitment  may  be  made  to  the  wide 
sharing  of  power  (democracy)  or  to  a  system  of  narrow  sharing  (non- 

In  whatever  words  the  following  distinctions  are  made,  they  refer 
to  categories  that  are  serviceable  in  classifying  statements  of  goal: 

Justification  of  goal 

Transempirical  derivation 

Theology,  metaphysics 
Empirical  grounding 

Logic,  personal  responsibility 
Specification  of  goal 

Statements  that  purport  to  clarify  goals  move  in  two  directions — 
toward  specification  and  toward  justification.  The  first  operation 
makes  the  terms  of  reference  to  the  goal  more  explicit,  that  is,  more 
operational.  If  the  goal  is  "power-sharing,"  it  is  necessary  to  make 
more  specific  what  we  intend  to  designate  in  concrete  circumstances 
as  "power"  or  "sharing." 

Justifications,  we  have  said,  are  of  two  kinds — by  transempirical 
derivation  and  by  empirical  grounding.  The  first  purports  to  derive 
values  from  statements  whose  ultimate  validity  is  beyond  empirical 
confirmation.  If  theological  formulations  are  used,  the  typical  se- 
quence is:  first,  an  assertion  that  divine  will  is  so  and  so;  second,  a 
declaration  that  divine  will  ought  to  be  followed  in  the  choice  of 
values;  third,  an  affirmation  that  the  recommended  values  are  in  har- 
mony with  divine  will.  If  metaphysical  formulations  are  relied  on,  a 
secular  rather  than  a  sacred  terminology  is  employed,  and  the  same 
sequence  is  followed.  The  initial  proposition  may  be,  for  example: 
"The  universe  is  a  struggle  between  the  forces  of  light  and  the  forces 
of  darkness."  The  next  assertion,  then,  is  that  we  ought  to  conform 
to  the  "is-ness"  of  the  universe  (light  or  darkness)  and,  finally,  that 
the  goal  affirmed  is  in  harmony  with  the  universe. 

To  ground  a  goal  value  empirically  is  to  assert  that  various  em- 
pirical events  justify  the  choice.*  The  events  may  be  a  direct  affirma- 
tion of  ego  responsibility.  The  speaker  may  simply  assert  a  subjective 
preference:  "I  believe  in  democracy  (oligarchy,  etc.)."  As  a  rule, 
however,  individuals  attempt  to  elaborate  their  preferences  and  voli- 
tions by  showing  that  legitimizing  experiences  can  be  shared  by  others. 
The  most  common  justifications  of  this  type  are  in  terms  of  "logic." 

Cultivation  of  Creativity  (I)  155 

The  distinction  (between  part  and  whole,  for  instance)  that  is  called 
"logical"  is  an  empirical  event;  that  is,  the  subjective  stream  includes 
the  experience  of  the  distinction.  (The  distinction  may  be  further  at- 
tributed to  such  metaphysical  entities  as  "reason,"  but  this  elaboration 
is  not  always  made.)  The  justification  may  proceed  as  follows:  "I 
perceive  a  distinction  between  part  and  whole;  since  the  whole  is 
greater  than  the  part,  I  should  subordinate  my  preferences  and  voli- 
tions to  the  whole;  hence  I  should  accept  the  primacy  of  the  whole 
social  process  when  that  process  gives  equal  consideration  to  all  its 

The  clarifications  that  we  have  referred  to  are  examples  of  one 
of  two  modes  of  clarifying  values — by  content  and  by  procedure.^ 

All  the  examples  cited  belong  to  the  category  of  content.  They 
put  forward  statements  purporting  to  guide  the  individual  in  his  quest 
for  what  he  "ought"  to  do  or  what  he  "should"  value.  This  is  in 
harmony  with  a  tradition  that  has  long  dominated  the  civilization  of 
Western  Europe,  where  the  attempt  has  been  to  achieve  and  fix 
"truth  by  definition." 

Some  of  the  oldest  and  most  widely  distributed  traditions  ap- 
proach the  problems  of  values  and  valuation  differently.  The  Zen 
branch  of  Buddhist  mysticism  is  a  case  in  point.  The  Zen  monk  does 
not  try  to  define  the  ultimate  truth  or  to  articulate  general  norms  for 
the  guidance  of  practical  judgment.  On  the  contrary,  he  treats  the 
search  for  "truth  by  dialectic"  with  indifference  or  contempt.  In  its 
place  is  put  the  cultivation  of  the  propensities  of  the  self  to  become  a 
site  where  illumination  can  occur.  After  years  of  spiritual  exercise  a 
monk  may  achieve  his  aim  and  at  that  point  choose  whether  to 
proceed  forthwith  to  Nirvana  or  to  return  for  the  purpose  of  helping 
others  to  discover  the  true  path. 

I  have  suggested  elsewhere  that  a  remarkable  equivalency  is  to 
be  found  between  Asian  mysticism  and  American  pragmatism.  Prag- 
matists  assert  that  the  quest  for  truth  is  a  "logic  of  inquiry."  It  is, 
therefore,  an  experience  in  self-discipline  in  the  course  of  which  the 
knowledge  and  perhaps  the  order  of  preference  of  the  inquirer  is  open 
to  change.  Mystics  and  pragmatists  are  alike  in  seeking  to  de-empha- 
size the  role  of  general  statements  about  final  truth  by  putting  the 
stress  on  the  inquiry  or  the  quest  as  a  lifetime  process.  Whether  mys- 
tic or  pragmatist,  the  individual  adopts  a  procedure  that  includes 
suspended  commitment  to  other  than  the  procedure  itself.  The  sub- 
jective content  at  the  beginning  is  expected  to  be  modified  in  the 
course  of  time  by  the  procedures  induced  in  individuals.  The  mystic's 


typical  approach  is  to  dismiss  his  initial  formulation  of  value  goal  as 
part  of  the  world  of  illusion  and  to  engage  in  the  discipline  of  exer- 
cises which  are  expected  to  prepare  him  to  pierce  the  veil  of  illusion 
with  increasing  success. 

The  pragmatic  method  differs  greatly  in  specific  detail  from  the 
path  traversed  by  mystics.  A  pragmatic  inquirer  follows  a  problem- 
solving  agenda  in  achieving  self-change.  We  have  often  identified  five 
intellectual  tasks  performed  in  problem-solving.  A  pragmatic  pro- 
cedure uses  each  intellectual  tool  as  an  instrument  with  which  to  ex- 
plore the  context  of  events — past,  present,  prospective — in  which  any 
working  formulation  of  value  goal  is  located  and  with  which  it  inter- 
acts. Among  other  content,  the  inquirer  attends  to  symbols  of  refer- 
ence to  the  variables  of  culture,  class,  interest,  and  personality  that 
have  acted  on  his  career  to  date.  He  is  open  to  any  technique  of  study 
that  offers  promise  of  assistance,  such  as  the  investigation  of  the  un- 
conscious dimensions  of  his  personality  by  prolonged  free  association 
or  specialized  tests.  Any  discovery  of  hitherto  unrecognized  factors 
that  have  conditioned  value  demands  is  a  liberating  event  in  the  proc- 
ess of  inquiry,  since  it  increases  freedom  of  choice  of  future  value 
demands.  Part  of  the  problem-solving  quest  is  to  estimate  the  conse- 
quences of  alternative  value  outcomes. 

At  any  given  moment  in  the  exercise  of  pragmatic  or  mystical 
procedures,  an  individual  is  prepared  to  commit  himself  tentatively  to 
statements  of  value  goal,  justification,  and  specification.  As  the  self 
is  further  modified  by  appropriate  discipline,  tentative  commitments 
presumably  change,  less  in  the  terms  used  to  state  overriding  goals 
than  in  interpretations  of  goal  in  concrete  contingencies  and  in  ca- 
pability to  conform  to  these  interpretations.*^ 

It  is  appropriate  for  political  scientists  to  adopt  the  view  that 
their  part  in  the  division  of  labor  among  intellectuals  is  to  concentrate 
on  the  pursuit  of  enlightenment  in  the  sense  of  seeking  historical, 
scientific,  and  projective  knowledge  or  bases  of  inference.  Political 
scientists  may  refrain  from  constructing  philosophies  to  defend  either 
value  rankings  or  patterns  of  value  distribution.  Instead,  they  may 
adopt  goals  as  working  postulates  and  develop  the  implications  for 
political  analysis  and  strategy.  If  working  goals  are  adopted,  democ- 
racy and  nondemocracy  are  regarded  as  postulates  to  which  the  in- 
dividual may  or  may  not  add  a  declaration  of  personal  preference. 

I  have  much  sympathy  with  this  approach,  and  I  recommend 
that  it  be  made  explicit  to  students.  However,  it  is  not  the  role  of  a 
basic  course  in  scope  and  method  to  load  the  dice  in  favor  of  this 

Cultivation  of  Creativity  (I)  157 

or  any  solution.  It  is  a  responsibility  that  each  student  must  shoulder 
for  himself  and  reconsider  at  successive  stages  of  his  career.'^ 

In  addition  to  presenting  versions  of  the  goals  of  political  science, 
the  fundamental  course  is  well  conceived  when  it  outlines  the  history 
of  systematic  reflection  on  the  subject.  This  presentation,  when  ade- 
quately conceived,  goes  beyond  the  conventional  "history  of  political 
theory"  to  give  a  sketch  of  the  profession  in  past  and  present  civiliza- 
tions. In  this  way,  a  sense  of  continuity  between  past  and  present 
becomes  part  of  one's  image  of  his  role.^ 

Measured  in  terms  of  man  hours,  the  principal  task  of  "scope 
and  method"  is  to  introduce  the  scientific  approach  to  the  study  of 
politics.  This  is  a  matter  of  presenting  the  various  methods  available 
when  the  introduction  is  given  for  the  formulation  of  theoretical 
models  to  guide  inquiry  and  also  of  reviewing  the  procedures  for 
gathering  and  processing  data.  Presumably,  these  points  can  be  most 
firmly  grasped  if  students  have  an  opportunity  to  study  research  re- 
ports and  descriptions  of  method  and  to  obtain  some  acquaintance 
with  recent  developments.  The  perspective  in  which  these  matters  are 
seen  can  be  greatly  enriched  by  examining  the  anticipatory  proposi- 
tions and  factor  identifications  found  in  the  traditional  literature. 

It  is  also  within  the  province  of  the  introduction  to  bring  de- 
velopmental constructs  into  view,  partly  for  the  sake  of  exhibiting 
methods  of  thought  and  partly  in  order  to  provide  a  means  of  re- 
orientation, especially  in  the  undermining  of  established  rigidities  of 

Finally,  in  this  enumeration  of  scope,  is  the  presentation  of  the 
policy  challenge.  Assuming  that  postulated  goals  are  to  be  maximized, 
how  is  this  to  be  done?  At  this  stage,  the  main  task  is  to  make  explicit 
by  theory  and  case  the  process  by  which  policy  alternatives  are  in- 
vented and  evaluated. 

I  do  not  intend  to  evaluate  the  many  devices  presently  available 
to  the  teacher  of  "Scope  and  Method."  In  fact  it  is  not  essential  that 
there  be  a  "course"  in  the  usual  sense  of  the  word.  A  syllabus  could 
be  followed  on  the  basis  of  supervised  individual  study  rather  than  by 
group  discussion.  There  are,  however,  advantages  to  seminars,  espe- 
cially when  the  decision-seminar  technique  outlined  in  the  preceding 
chapter  is  fully  adapted  to  the  task  at  hand.  This  stimulates  the 
search  for  relevance  in  the  years  ahead. 

When  we  examine  the  spread  of  political  science  in  America, 
the  forward-looking  character  of  the  most  creative  institutions  is 
clearly  corroborated.   I   think  it  is  generally  understood   that  three 


major  centers  fostered  the  importation  of  political  science  from  Eu- 
rope and  reoriented  the  discipline  to  the  distinctive  challenges  of  the 
American  environment.  (I  shall  not  refer  here  to  the  current  picture.) 

We  have  had  occasion  to  refer  to  The  Johns  Hopkins  University 
and  to  the  stress  that  was  laid  on  the  history  of  American  political 
institutions  in  the  context  of  the  English  experience  from  which  they 
came.  This  phase  was  essential  to  the  discovery  of  an  American  self 
in  clarifying  the  new  identity  that  had  come  during  the  first  century 
of  political  independence  from  Europe.  Most  of  us  are  acquainted 
with  some  of  the  mechanisms  that  come  into  play  when  a  family 
member  achieves  personal  maturity.  There  is  continual  focusing  of 
attention  on  present  identity  and  the  identity  of  origin.  In  the  course 
of  this  "to-and-fro,"  the  image  of  the  self  takes  shape.  It  discovers 
likeness  and  difference  and  orders  these  details  in  a  working  concep- 
tion of  "who  I  am"  and  "who  you  are  (or  were)."  Parallel  mech- 
anisms operate  when  a  new  cultural  entity  emerges  by  seceding  from 
a  more  inclusive  whole.  There  is  much  back-and-forth  at  the  focus 
of  attention — back  from  the  self  of  today  to  the  self  (and  other)  of 
origin  and  separation.  The  image  of  present  identity  is  formed  as 
likenesses  and  diflferences  are  observed,  and  past  and  present  events 
are  unified  as  part  of  an  intelligible  history. 

The  preoccuption  with  English  history  was  too  narrow  to  procure 
for  American  scholars  all  the  tools  of  European  political  scientists  for 
the  study  of  government,  politics,  and  law.  During  the  later  years 
of  the  nineteenth  century,  the  great  centers  of  theory  were  on  the 
Continent,  especially  in  Germany.  Ambitious  American  graduate  stu- 
dents went  to  Berlin,  Heidelberg,  and  other  distinguished  universities. 
John  W.  Burgess  was  given  special  facilities  to  examine  the  situation 
on  the  Continent,  particularly  in  Germany,  as  a  preliminary  to  launch- 
ing the  Faculty  of  Political  Science  at  Columbia.  It  was  at  Columbia 
that  Continental  political  theory,  jurisprudence,  and  comparative  gov- 
ernment found  their  chief  port  of  entry  to  America.^ 

The  third  creative  center  in  the  United  States  was  The  Univer- 
sity of  Chicago  in  the  1920's  and  1930's,  as  developed  at  the  initiative 
and  under  the  direction  of  Charles  E.  Merriam.  It  was  here  that 
latent  tendencies  in  the  American  scene  came  to  their  most  dis- 
tinctive expression.  I  refer,  of  course,  to  the  p's  and  q's — the  emphases 
on  psychology  and  quantity.  The  individualism  of  the  European  tra- 
dition has  been  accentuated  in  the  United  States,  where  the  great 
natural  resources  provided  a  relatively  uncluttered  field  for  individual 
and  small-group  achievement.  The  quantitative  accent  was  an  im- 

Cultivation  of  Creativity  (I)  159 

mediate  expression  of  the  prestige  of  the  methods  of  the  physical 
sciences,  economics,  and  psychology. 

It  is  instructive  to  examine  the  Chicago  case  in  more  detail.  In 
no  way  did  Merriam  harbor  an  illusion  that  political  scientists  must 
be  made  over  in  his  own  image.  He  was,  after  all,  a  comparatively 
modest  and  realistic  man,  indeed — as  Harold  Ickes  sums  him  up — a 
"timid"  man.  Merriam  was  dissatisfied  with  his  own  training  and  re- 
gretted his  lack  of  command  of  many  skills  and  areas  of  knowledge 
whose  implications  for  political  science  were  clear  to  him.  He  knew, 
too,  that  there  were  no  colleagues  who  exemplified  many  of  the  prom- 
ising new  approaches  any  better  than  he  did.  However,  his  problem 
as  a  department  head  with  vision  was  to  put  together  the  best  possible 
team  he  could  find  from  colleagues  who  at  least  shared  his  goal  and 
were  willing  to  cooperate  in  creating  a  permissive  environment  where 
a  new  generation  could  come  into  being. 

Then  began  the  long  wait — though  a  busy  and  in  many  ways  an 
exciting  wait — for  students  to  grow  up.  In  any  truly  creative  setting, 
this  is  a  frustrating  business,  since  the  first  crop  of  students  is  likely  to 
include  quite  imperfect  models  of  what  is  sought.  They  are  somewhat 
alienated  from  tradition  and  often  lack  motivation  to  demonstrate 
high  competence  within  it.  At  the  same  time,  they  are  neophytes, 
often  having  mediocre  mastery  of  the  tools  they  are  attempting  to 
redesign  and  apply.  They  lack  self-confidence,  though  some  may  com- 
pensate for  inner  turmoil  by  an  arrogant  style.  To  compound  these 
complications,  many  of  the  students  who  are  most  attracted  by  nov- 
elty are  in  a  phase  of  personal  rebellion  against  traditional  authority; 
some  are  highly  neurotic  or  even  marginally  psychotic.  If  this  adds 
to  the  color  of  the  graduate  community,  it  also  adds  to  the  distempers 
of  the  conservative  generation  when  it  meets  flaming  youth. 

As  a  historian  of  political  doctrine  and  an  experienced  man  of 
affairs,  Merriam  was  acutely  aware  of  the  magnitude  of  the  task  of 
bringing  about  a  deep  and  abiding  transformation  of  the  profession. 
He  knew  that  it  would  take  twenty  or  thirty  years  for  the  most  suc- 
cessful survivors  of  the  new  environment  to  achieve  the  academic 
prominence  necessary  to  consolidate  the  situation.  By  then  several 
former  graduate  students  would  be  senior  professors,  department 
heads,  and  deans,  matching  the  corpulence  of  affluent  middle  age 
with  weighty  academic  posts. 

But  Merriam  knew  that  the  new  ideas  would  not  automatically 
spread  as  the  first  generation  rose  in  rank.  Some  ex-students  would 
undergo  true  changes  of  intellectual  outlook  and  reject  much  or  all 


of  the  new  approach.  In  other  cases,  a  turn  toward  tradition  would 
result  from  academic  expediency.  A  more  subtle  threat  would  come 
from  individuals  who  continued  to  speak  in  the  name  of  the  new 
combination  of  theory  and  empirical  research,  but  who  were  unwilling 
to  support  programs  enabling  graduate  students  to  obtain  better  train- 
ing than  they  themselves  received.  If  they  had  acquired  elementary 
statistics,  they  would  think  that  this  was  all  anybody  needed.  Why 
invest  time  in  the  mathematical  foundations  of  statistical  logic?  Or 
why  study  symbolic  logic  or  machine  programming?  Weren't  the 
"fundamentals"  good  enough? 

Perhaps  I  should  interpose  a  categorically  personal  opinion  at 
this  point.  Because  of  my  involvement  with  new  approaches  to  the 
study  of  politics,  I  am  often  asked  whether  it  is  of  any  general  im- 
portance to  intellectual  life  or  public  policy  that  departments  of  po- 
litical science  redefine  the  scope  and  method  of  the  field  in  ways 
that  harmonize  with  Merriam's  fundamental  vision. 

In  reply,  I  concede  that  all  the  approaches  in  which  I  am  in- 
terested could  be  carried  out  in  neighboring  academic  departments 
and  schools.  "Political  sociology,"  for  instance,  already  has  at  least 
one  outstanding  department  in  the  United  States.  Some  of  the  most 
promising  work  in  the  study  of  systems  of  organization  is  done  at 
schools  of  business  and  of  engineering.  Many  sophisticated  studies  of 
the  role  of  prescription  in  the  decision  process  are  made  in  schools  of 
law.  Several  of  the  most  illuminating  research  reports  on  public  opin- 
ion are  planned  and  executed  in  schools  of  journalism  or,  more  gen- 
erally, of  communication.  Excellent  monographs  on  the  curriculums 
and  methods  of  civic  training  are  written  in  schools  of  education.  And 
these  examples  can  be  supplemented  from  other  departments  and 

The  issue,  then,  is  not  whether  political  science  is  to  continue. 
The  question  is  much  simpler — shall  departments  carry  the  label,  and 
shall  a  profession  that  carries  the  name  continue?  The  function  can 
be  and  will  be  carried  on  regardless  of  the  conventional  symbols  with 
which  the  function  is  linked. 

Neither  the  political  process  nor  political  science  can  be  abolished. 
I  am  sure  that  most  members  of  the  profession  agree  with  Merriam's 
central  thesis  in  Political  Power: 

Whether  in  the  study  of  personalities,  of  associations,  of  social 
forms  and  institutions,  of  competing  ideologies  and  interests,  the 
significance  of  the  central  integrating  power  becomes  more  appar- 

CuUivation  uf  Creativity  (!)  161 

ent,  and  the  possibilities  of  the  regulator  for  good  or  evil  take  on  a 
deeper  meaning  (p.  10). 

We  can  predict  with  confidence  that,  if  the  institution  of  study 
itself  continues,  it  will  be  applied  to  power  and  government.  The  scien- 
tific approach  to  any  phase  of  the  natural  or  social  order  is  so  deeply 
embedded  in  our  civilization  that,  if  one  group  of  scholars  fails  to 
apply  it  to  a  field  for  which  they  are  presumably  responsible,  the  field 
will  be  taken  away  from  them  and  cultivated  by  more  strongly  mo- 
tivated and  capable  colleagues  under  other  labels. 

Is  there  any  justification  in  terms  of  general  rather  than  of  par- 
ticular interests  for  proposing  that  departments  of  "political  science" 
be  continued  and  that  a  profession  called  "political  science"  be  per- 
petuated ? 

My  reply  is  affirmative.  There  are  advantages  in  charging  a  spe- 
cialized intellectual  group  with  responsibility  for  examining  the  social 
process  in  a  fundamental  frame  of  reference.  A  group  of  the  kind 
performs  an  important  critical  function  since  it  knows  enough  history 
to  help  distinguish  purported  novelty  from  actual  innovation  and 
hence  to  aid  in  identifying  creativity  when  it  occurs.  Creativity  is 
fostered  by  concern  with  the  relationship  between  the  part  and  the 
whole.  Contradictions,  gaps,  and  ambiguities  in  the  field  are  recurring 
challenges  to  insightful  completion. 

As  a  case  exemplifying  this,  I  cite  the  history  of  modern  research 
on  communication.  It  is  generally  recognized  that  the  scientific  study 
of  communication  has  made  giant  strides  in  recent  decades.  An  im- 
portant date  in  the  growth  of  the  field  was  the  early  1930's,  when 
the  Humanities  Division  of  the  Rockefeller  Foundation  and  the  Social 
Science  Research  Council  interested  themselves  in  the  state  of  knowl- 
edge regarding  propaganda  and  communication. 

An  observer  of  the  academic  world  of  the  time  might  have  taken 
it  for  granted  that  the  initiative  for  accelerated  research  would  origi- 
nate with  specialists  in  linguistics.  After  all,  students  of  language  were 
primarily  responsible  for  investigating  the  most  distinctive  social  pat- 
terns devised  by  man  in  aid  of  mutual  comprehension.  But  the  ob- 
server would  have  been  mistaken.  The  most  successful  step  was  taken 
by  political  scientists.  They  provided  a  unified  map  of  the  field  that 
brought  specialists  of  many  kinds  to  sudden  awareness  of  a  common 
frame  of  reference.  The  step  was  taken  because  political  scientists 
were  Increasingly  aware  of  the  strategic  significance  for  arenas  of 
power  of  the  control  of  communication.  Looking  at  the  many  prac- 


titioners  and  technicians  of  the  arts  of  communication  at  local,  na- 
tional, and  international  levels,  political  scientists  were  startled  by  the 
lack  of  communication  among  them. 

The  committee  appointed  by  the  Social  Science  Research  Council 
to  report  on  the  situation  was  composed,  for  the  most  part,  of  political 
scientists  who  had  previously  concerned  themselves  with  the  use  of 
guided  communication  by  political  parties,  pressure  groups,  or  by  of- 
ficial agencies  in  war  or  peace.^°  The  integrative,  community-wide 
perspective  of  political  scientists  had  already  begun  to  make  an  im- 
pression on  schools  of  journalism  by  seeking  to  transform  the  curricu- 
lum from  overabsorption  in  ephemeral  technicalities.  The  conferences 
and  bibliographic  aids  prepared  by  the  council's  committee  were  help- 
ful in  bringing  together  the  fragments  of  knowledge  and  the  diversities 
of  technique  among  political  scientists,  historians,  journalists,  adver- 
tising men,  public-relations  experts,  social  psychologists,  sociologists, 
and  many  other  specialists.^^ 

Acting  as  team  members  or  as  independent  research  workers,  po- 
litical scientists  conducted  descriptive  or  analytic  studies  and  devised 
or  adapted  many  data-gathering  and  data-processing  procedures. 
Among  technical  innovations  can  be  mentioned  various  modes  of  ana- 
lyzing content  and  of  interviewing  message-senders  and  -receivers. 

At  no  time  was  there  any  question  that  political  scientists  were 
attempting  to  monopolize  research  on  communication.  It  is  character- 
istic of  the  community-wide,  decision-oriented  perspective  of  political 
science  as  a  professional  field  that,  when  an  important  area  of  study 
was  seen  to  be  neglected,  students  of  politics  called  attention  to  the 
neglect  and  themselves  engaged  in  pioneering  research.  As  other  sci- 
entists busied  themselves  with  inventing,  developing,  and  applying 
methods  of  increasing  technicality,  the  contributions  of  political  scien- 
tists became  relatively  less  important.  In  the  main,  political  scientists 
are  users  of  the  results  from  communications  research  rather  than 
originators  of  new  techniques.  Some  individuals  continue  to  work  in- 
tensively with  full-time  specialists  on  problems  of  joint  concern  and 
to  mediate  between  colleagues  in  political  science  and  specialists  in 
mass  or  private  communications.  In  the  future,  such  relationships  will 
undoubtedly  continue  to  be  mutually  advantageous.  But  the  innova- 
tive role  of  political  scientists  may  never  reach  the  importance  in  this 
sector  of  human  affairs  that  it  achieved  in  the  past  few  decades. ^^ 

In  any  case,  we  can  anticipate  innovations  in  other  fields  that 
come  to  the  attention  of  political  scientists  as  they  pursue  all  factors 
that  seem  to  exert  a  significant  influence  on  the  ever-changing  context 

Cultivation  of  Creativity  (I)  163 

of  decision.  The  distinctive  frame  of  reference  of  the  profession  will 
continue  to  indicate  its  fruitfulness  for  science  as  well  as  policy.  A 
precondition  is  solution  of  problems  relating  to  professional  prepa- 
ration in  ways  that  foster  comprehensive  vision  and  bold  ingenuity. 

The  responsibility  of  those  in  charge  of  graduate  work  is  to  provide 
an  experience  that  justifies  the  admission  of  a  qualified  student  to  full 
professional  standing.  Traditionally,  this  responsibility  has  been  met 
by  requiring  ( 1 )  a  demonstration  of  knowledge  of  the  field  as  a  whole 
and  (2)  a  contribution  to  knowledge. 

Professional  preparation  is  something  more  than  demonstrated 
facility  in  passing  examinations  or  writing  a  publishable  book.  Po- 
litical scientists  attempt  a  distinctive  role  in  society.  Role  performance 
is  a  complex  enterprise  which  depends  in  part  on  common  perspec- 
tives that  grow  in  personal  association.  A  professional  group  is  always 
somewhat  vulnerable  to  attack,  and  there  are  persuasive  grounds  for 
asserting  that  a  preparatory  experience  of  intensive  exposure  to  older 
colleagues  and  to  contemporaries  is  a  valuable  means  of  inducing  in- 
tegrity and  solidarity.  This  is  a  justification  for  "residence"  require- 
ments and  for  facilities  that  smooth  the  way  to  intellectual  and  social 
intercourse.  At  the  same  time,  there  are  advantages  in  forestalling 
tendencies  toward  parochialism  by  providing  means  of  contact  among 
graduate  schools  and  for  conducting  off-campus  research. 

Before  coming  to  rest  in  support  of  any  more  definite  plan  of 
graduate  study,  we  have  the  usual  problem  of  evaluating  proposals  in 
seeming  conflict  with  one  another.  We  must,  for  example,  look  into 
a  policy  to  recommend  on  the  highly  controversial  issue  of  training 
teachers  and  research  scholars. 


^  Cf.  H.  H.  Anderson,  ed.,  Creativity  and  Its  Cultivation  (New  York:  Harper 
&  Bros.,  1959);  H.  G.  Barnett,  Innovation,  "The  Basis  of  Cultural 
Change"  (New  York:  McGraw-Hill,  1953);  E.  Kris,  Psychoanalytic 
Explorations  in  Art  (New  York:  International  Universities  Press, 
1952);  M.  Wertheimer,  Productive  Thinking  (New  York:  Harper 
&  Bros.,  1945);  G.  Humphrey,  Thinking,  "An  Introduction  to  Its 
Experimental  Psychology"  (London:  Methuen,  1951);  J.  Bruner 
et  al.,  A  Study  of  Thinking  (New  York:  Wiley  &  Sons,  1956);  F. 
Bartlett,  Thinking,  "An  Experimental  and  Social  Study"  (London: 
Allen  and  Unwin,  1958);  and  especially  H.  Gruber  et  al.,  Con- 
temporary Approaches  to  Creative  Thinking  (New  York:  Atherton 
Press,  1962). 


2  E.  Jones,  The  Life  and  Work  of  Sigmund  Freud  (3  vols.;  New  York:  Basic 

Books,  1953-1957).  The  centennial  of  Freud's  birth  produced  many 
remarkable  interpretations  of  his  life  work,  e.g.,  E.  Erikson,  "The 
First  Psychoanalyst,"  Yale  Review,  1956.  Cf.  the  forthcoming  study 
by  R.  R.  Holt,  "Two  Influences  on  Freud's  Scientific  Thought:  A 
Fragment  of  Intellectual  Biography,"  in  R.  W.  White,  ed.,  The 
Study  of  Lives,  "Essays  on  Personality  in  Honor  of  Henry  A.  Mur- 
ray" (New  York:  Atherton  Press,  1963),  Chap.  16. 

3  For  pertinent  comment  on  Michels,  cf.  S.  M.  Lipset,  Union  Democracy 

(Glencoe,  111.:  The  Free  Press,  1956). 

*  The  most  systematic  approach  to  the  clarification  of  goals,  including  an 
attempt  to  ground  value  commitments  empirically,  is  A.  Brecht, 
Political  Theory,  "The  Foundations  of  Twentieth  Century  Political 
Thought"  (Princeton:  Princeton  University  Press,  1959).  Of  con- 
temporary theologians  and  philosophers  concerned  with  political 
doctrine,  the  following  are  among  the  most  active:  R.  Niebuhr,  J. 
Hollowell,  L.  Straus,  and  E.  Voegelin.  Among  scientists,  A.  Rappa- 
port  and  C.  H.  Waddington  have  tried  to  formulate  a  scientific 
basis  for  evaluative  commitments.  Cf.  further  E.  Cassirer,  Deter- 
minism and  Indeterminism  in  Modern  Physics  and  Systematic 
Studies  of  the  Problem  of  Causality  (New  Haven:  Yale  University 
Press,  1956);  The  Logic  of  the  Humanities,  trans.  C.  S.  Howe  (New 
Haven:  Yale  University  Press,  1961);  and  The  Problem  of  Knowl- 
edge, "Philosophy,  Science,  and  History  since  Hegel,"  trans.  W.  H. 
Woglom  and  C.  H.  Hendel  (New  Haven:  Yale  University  Press, 

5  Cf.  my  "Clarifying  Value  Judgments:  Principles  of  Content  and  Procedure," 
Inquiry  [Oslo],  1  (1958),  87-98.  On  many  pertinent  matters,  cf. 
Nomos,  the  volumes  published  by  Atherton  Press  for  the  American 
Society  of  Political  and  Legal  Philosophy,  edited  by  C.  J.  Friedrich 
since  1958.  Also,  the  two  volumes  edited  by  H.  D.  Lasswell  and  H. 
Cleveland  for  the  Conference  on  Science,  Philosophy,  and  Religion 
in  Their  Relation  to  Democratic  Life,  entitled  The  Ethic  of  Power 
and  Ethics  and  Bigness  (New  York:  Harper  &  Bros.,  1962).  The 
proposal  to  regard  a  problem  as  "solved"  when  details  have  been 
disciplined  by  reference  to  context  is  implied  by  many  approaches. 

^  Of  the  many  descriptions  of  Buddhism  and  especially  of  the  stricter  sects, 
the  unassuming  essay  by  E.  Herrigel,  in  Zen  in  the  Art  of  Archery 
(New  York:  Pantheon,  1953),  often  communicates  successfully  with 
Americans.  The  volumes  by  D.  T.  Suzuki  and  A.  Watts  are  widely 
read.  An  exhaustive  critique  of  what  can  be  accomplished  by  ex- 
plicit generalization  is  A.  Naess,  Interpretation  and  Preciseness 
(Oslo:   I.  Kommisjon  Hos  Jacob  Dybwad,  1953). 

''  The  literature  often  called  "antibehavioral"  or  "antiscientific"  contains 
many  warnings  to  young  and  old  and  deserves  attention  at  an  early 
stage  of  the  career.  Cf.,  e.g.,  E.  Voegelin,  The  New  Science  of  Pali- 

Cultivation  of  Creativity  (I)  165 

tics  (Chicago:  University  of  Chicago  Press,  1952);  B.  Crick,  The 
American  Science  of  Politics,  "Its  Origins  and  Conditions"  (Berke- 
ley and  Los  Angeles:  University  of  California  Press,  1959);  D.  E. 
Butler,  The  Study  of  Political  Behaviour  (London:  Hutchinson, 
1958);  H.  J.  Storing,  ed..  Essays  on  the  Scientific  Study  of  Politics 
(New  York:  Holt,  Rinehart  and  Winston,  1962).  The  last  two  are 
especially  well  informed. 

s  Key  questions  concerning  the  recruitment,  training,  and  professional  role 
of  political  scientists  are  becoming  more  sharply  defined  as  the 
general  sociology  and  psychology  of  knowledge  takes  shape.  Cf. 
especially  B.  Barber  and  W.  Hirsch,  eds..  The  Sociology  of  Science 
(New  York:  The  Free  Press  of  Glencoe,  1962).  See  also  the  syn- 
thesis by  S.  F.  Mason,  A  History  of  the  Sciences  (Rev.  ed.;  New 
York:  Collier  Books,  1962);  and  T.  S.  Kuhn,  The  Structure  of 
Scientific  Revolutions  (Chicago:  University  of  Chicago  Press,  1962). 

°  A  near-contemporary  account  of  the  evolution  at  Columbia  University  is 
given  by  M.  Smith,  A  History  of  Columbia  University,  1754-1904 
(New  York:  Macmillan,  1904),  pp.  199-305.  My  presentation  some- 
what underemphasizes  the  roles  of  Cornell  University  and  the  uni- 
versities of  Wisconsin  and  Michigan.  For  the  general  picture, 
including  Johns  Hopkins,  cf.  the  admirable  treatment  by  F.  Ru- 
dolph, The  American  College  and  University,  "A  History"  (New 
York:  Knopf,  1962).  Also,  A.  Nevins,  The  State  Universities  and 
Democracy  (Urbana:  University  of  Illinois  Press,  1962).  Else- 
where: W.  H.  G.  Armytage,  Civic  Universities  (London:  E.  Benn, 
1955);  E.  Ashby,  Technology  and  the  Academies  (London:  Mac- 
millan, 1958);  M.  H.  Curtis,  Oxford  and  Cambridge  in  Transition 
(Oxford:  Oxford  University  Press,  1959). 

1°  Political  scientists  on  the  S.S.R.C.  committee  were  H.  F.  Gosnell,  E.  P. 
Herring,  H.  T).  Lasswell,  P.  H.  Odegard,  and  S.  Wallace.  The  Pub- 
lic Opinion  Quarterly  was  established  and  guided  for  many  years 
by  H.  F.  Childs. 

^^  Cf.  H.  D.  Lasswell,  R.  D.  Casey,  and  B.  L.  Smith,  Pressure  Groups  and 
Propaganda,  "An  Annotated  Bibliography"  (Minneapolis:  Univer- 
sity of  Minnesota  Press,  1935). 

1-  On  communications  research  in  general,  cf.  B.  Berelson,  "The  Study  of 
Public  Opinion,"  in  L.  D.  White,  ed..  The  State  of  the  Social  Sci- 
ences (Chicago:  University  of  Chicago  Press,  1956).  Since  World 
War  II,  the  most  important  impetus  has  come  from  the  mathema- 
ticians and  engineers.  Cf.  H.  D.  Lasswell,  "Communication  as  an 
Emerging  Discipline,"  Audio-Visual  Communication  Review,  6 
(1958),  245-254.  "Information  theory"  as  originally  devised  does 
not  refer  to  "messages"  ("ments"),  but  rather  to  the  physical  pat- 
tern employed  in  transmission  ("bits").  Symbol  references  and  signs 
have  yet  to  be  fully  integrated  with  each  other.  Concerning  my  own 
work  in  this  area,  R.  Horwitz  has  made  a  conscientious,  competent, 


and  often  valuable  statement  in  Chap.  4  of  H.  J.  Storing,  ed.,  Es- 
says on  the  Scientific  Study  of  Politics  (New  York:  Holt,  Rinehart 
and  Winston,  1962).  Cf.  also  P.  Henle,  ed..  Language,  Thought,  and 
Culture  (Ann  Arbor:  University  of  Michigan  Press,  1958);  L. 
Lowenthal,  Literature,  Popular  Culture,  and  Society  (Englewood 
Cliffs,  N.J.:  Prentice-Hall,  1961);  C.  Cherry,  On  Human  Com- 
munication (Cambridge-New  York:  Technology  Press  of  M.I.T.- 
Wiley,  1957);  and  the  notable  studies  of  L.  Festinger,  M.  Rokeach, 
and  J.  Bruner. 


Creativity  (II) 


In  the  preceding  chapters,  we  have  laid  the  accent  on  improving  the 
substantive  content  of  political  science.  The  stress  has  hence  been  on 
research.  However,  no  academic  member  of  the  profession  can  avoid 
coming  to  terms  with  teaching  responsibilities  at  university  and  col- 
lege levels. 

What  is  a  good  teacher?  Properly  condensed,  the  amount  of 
rhetoric  that  this  seemingly  simple  question  has  produced  could  power 
a  flight  to  Mars.  Alumni  contribute  to  the  flow;  they  are  given  to  in- 
termittent seizures  of  nostalgia  for  the  lost  heroes  of  youth,  especially 
if  they  have  been  financially  successful  and  absent  from  the  campus 


for  a  while.  Teachers  themselves,  for  reasons  not  altogether  myste- 
rious, can  deliver  moving  panegyrics  to  or  about  other  classroom  giants. 
There  are  always  deans  and  presidents  to  join  the  chorus,  especially 
if  they  feel  guilty  for  giving  status  and  money  to  other  administrators 
or  to  scholars  rich  in  publications,  rather  than  to  deserving  peda- 

The  good-teacher  theme  has  several  standard  modes  of  ornamen- 
tation. There  is  "me  and  Mark  and  the  log,"  a  trialogue  in  which 
neither  the  log  nor  Mark  Hopkins  is  present  to  speak  for  himself. 
There  is  the  Socratic  theme,  in  which  a  homely,  aloof  fagade  houses 
a  lightning  brain,  a  rapier  wit,  and  a  loving  heart.  There  is  the  ogre 
image,  the  image  of  the  sophomore  Demosthenes,  and  many  others. 

Most  of  us  would  concede  that  different  classroom  styles  appeal 
to  different  students  and  that  part  of  the  problem  of  a  teaching  pro- 
gram in  political  science  is  to  create  an  environment  of  strong  and 
diverse  personalities  who  share  a  common  intellectual  commitment  to 
the  subject  and  give  young  people  an  opportunity  to  understand  the 
intellectual  and  personal  challenge  of  the  field.  This  is  not  to  deni- 
grate other  disciplines.  On  the  contrary,  in  the  modern  age  there  is 
something  obsolete,  even  neurotic,  about  attempts  at  ego-inflation  by 
undermining  other  skills. 

That  members  of  the  political  science  profession  have  often  been 
great  teachers  is  a  statement  that  cannot  be  successfully  challenged. 
I  shall  cite  one  example,  that  of  an  Englishman  whose  impact  on  this 
side  of  the  Atlantic  was  almost,  if  not  quite,  as  immediate  and  deep 
as  his  effect  on  India  and  many  Asian  and  African  nations.  I  refer  to 
Harold  J.  Laski,  the  articulate  and  devoted  teacher  of  several  gen- 
erations of  students  at  the  London  School  of  Economics  and  Political 
Science.  Laski  spent  time  with  students  from  all  parts  of  the  world. 
He  inspired  many  gifted  young  Americans  to  overcome  the  traditional 
prejudice  against  an  active  career  in  politics.  He  sought  to  prepare 
the  rising  generation  to  come  to  terms  with  socialism  and  anticolonial- 
ism.  There  was  no  doubt  in  Laski's  mind  that,  unless  an  intellectual 
bridge  was  built  between  the  dogmatisms  of  conservative  capitalism 
and  the  collectivizing  trends  of  the  age,  there  would  be  a  catastrophic 
age  of  terror  and  revolutionary  violence.  Laski  enthusiastically  iden- 
tified himself  with  the  cause  of  independence  for  awakening  colonial 
peoples  and  convinced  hundreds  if  not  thousands  of  students  from 
colonial  countries  that  they  could  realistically  expect  an  understand- 
ing policy  in  London.  For  a  vast  congregation  of  former  students, 
Laski  personified  an  informed  intelligence  and  a  sympathetic  person- 

Cultivation  of  Creativity  (II)  169 

ality  attuned  to  the  major  issues  of  his  day  and  concerned  with  clari- 
fying and  affecting  history  by  reaching  the  minds  and  consciences  of 
everyone  within  the  sound  of  his  persuasive  voice  or  able  to  read  his 
unceasing  flow  of  books,  articles,  and  declarations.  He  brought  to  the 
forum  of  learned  debate  the  policy  issues  of  the  moment.  For  him, 
they  were  framed  in  the  great  tradition  of  the  perpetually  oscillating 
balance  between  the  claims  of  order  and  liberty.  Tireless  teacher, 
publicist,  scholar,  and  advisor,  Laski  was  a  model  for  one  of  the  most 
attractive  and  rewarding  roles  open  to  professional  students  of  poli- 
tics, law,  and  government.^ 

The  question  before  us  is  whether  the  requirements  of  graduate 
departments  should  be  changed  in  order  to  establish  two  equally 
prestigious  paths  to  a  professional  degree.  One  suggestion  is  that  a 
"teaching  degree"  be  introduced  alongside  the  "research  degree." 

There  are,  however,  several  factors  militating  against  this  idea. 
There  is  an  established  disposition  in  the  academic  world  to  think  of 
other  than  research  degrees  as  "cheap  degrees"  and  to  devalue  their 
holders  accordingly.  It  has  been  proposed  to  "debase  the  Ph.D."  by 
agreement  among  the  leading  universities.  This  could  be  done  by  mak- 
ing clear  that  the  dissertation  is  to  be  an  article,  not  a  book,  and  that 
the  degree  can  be  obtained  in  two  rather  than  three  years.  The 
change  is  advocated  on  the  grounds  that  the  aim  of  a  dissertation  is 
to  demonstrate  that  the  candidate  is  capable  of  making  a  publishable 
contribution  to  knowledge  and  that  this  demonstration  does  not  re- 
quire a  book-length  example.  A  book  is  an  example  of  "overkill"  in 
the  weapons  of  academic  life. 

In  weighing  this  proposal,  it  is  rational  to  ask  why  the  Ph.D.  has 
come  to  play  a  role  of  such  importance.  Universities  and  colleges  in 
the  United  States  have  had  to  fight  against  a  supposedly  "democratic" 
demand  to  keep  standards  low  enough  to  "give  everybody  a  chance." 
Partisan  and  personal  pressures  are  not  trivial  in  connection  with 
many  professorial  and  junior  faculty  appointments.  Hence,  scholars 
and  administrators  recognize  the  importance  of  having  a  relatively 
obvious  test  of  merit  to  use  in  sifting  candidates  and  defending  their 
judgment  when  questioned  by  boards  of  trustees,  influential  alumni, 
and  important  family  dynasts.  It  must  be  conceded  that  the  compe- 
tence of  a  writer  can  be  better  judged  from  a  book  than  an  article, 
especially  since  an  article  is  likely  to  be  more  derivative  of  the  senior 
professor  than  is  a  book.  Hence,  the  doctoral  dissertation  has  de- 
veloped in  the  United  States  into  a  rough  equivalent  of  the  Hahilita- 
tionsschrijt,  the  postdoctoral  volume  used  in  German  universities  to 


determine  whether  a  scholar  is  ready  for  a  university  appointment.^ 

The  proposal  to  create  separate  teaching  and  research  degrees  or 
to  dilute  the  Ph.D.  is  a  losing  cause,  and  it  will  become  increasingly 
obvious  that  the  cause  deserves  to  lose.  The  decisive  factor  will  be  the 
accelerated  pace  of  learning  in  American  education.  As  mathematical, 
logical,  and  scientific  skills  become  commonplace  in  early  years  of 
school  (and  preschool)  and  genuine  intellectual  motivations  are  at  last 
tapped  on  a  large  scale,  the  problem  of  political  science  teachers  will 
be  to  make  the  subject  intellectually  challenging  and  hence  competi- 
tive for  able  students.  The  instructor  will  need  to  have  the  intellectual 
mastery  of  his  craft  that  is  signalized  by  a  research  degree. 

The  chances  are  that  teaching  and  research  will  merge  at  a  much 
earlier  stage  in  the  academic  process  than  heretofore  and  that  po- 
litical science  teaching  will  require  much  more  exacting  research  than 
in  the  past. 

I  do  not  think  that  it  is  a  secret  among  experienced  members  of 
the  academic  community  that  departments  of  political  science  often 
fail  to  appeal  to  students  of  first-rate  intellectual  capability.  By  this 
is  meant,  of  course,  the  students  who  excel  in  handling  the  abstrac- 
tions that  comprise  the  distinctive  instruments  of  science  and  scholar- 
ship (symbolized,  for  instance,  by  excellence  in  mathematics,  logic,  or 
theoretical  physics).  Political  science  departments  have  often  "lost" 
these  students  to  departments  of  economics  because  economists  seem 
to  be  in  demand  and  because  the  intellectual  content  and  apparatus 
of  economics  is  relatively  more  impressive.  In  many  institutions,  the 
department  of  political  science  seems  highly  pedestrian  when  evalu- 
ated in  intellectual  terms.  It  is  populated  by  professors  who  enjoy 
courses  full  of  descriptive  detail,  semirigorous  legalisms,  and  semi- 
defined  affirmations  of  preference  on  questions  of  public  policy.  Such 
a  department  is  scarcely  competitive  in  the  search  for  talent  with  the 
law  school,  for  example,  which  cannot  fail  to  appeal  to  brilliant  dia- 
lecticians and  activists  who  respond  to  the  double  challenge  of  in- 
tellectual technique  and  the  possibility  of  an  influential  career. 

I  believe  that  political  science  needs  to  attract  a  larger  rather 
than  a  smaller  share  of  able  minds  and  that  this  will  require  graduate 
schools  able  to  provide  more  students  than  ever  with  better  tools  than 
ever  for  the  advancement  of  knowledge.  There  need  be  no  distinction 
between  "teaching"  and  "research"  degrees. 

There  is,  however,  a  further  relevant  point.  What  of  the  chal- 
lenge to  participate  actively  in  public  life?  Surely  political  science 
courses  at  the  undergraduate  level  are  not  aimed  exclusively  at  stu- 

CultivaLwn  of  Creativity  (II)  171 

dents  bound  for  professional  schools.  Is  it  not  within  the  province  of 
political  science  teachers  to  do  their  best  to  reach  everyone  with  a 
clear  and  vivid  presentation  of  the  opportunities  and  obligations  of 
citizenship?  Does  this  not  suggest  that  research  is  an  inappropriate 
training  for  professors  who  would  inspire  active  participation? 

Civic  training  is,  indeed,  our  province;  there  is  no  argument 
about  that.  The  question  is  about  the  competence  to  be  acquired  by 
those  who  engage  in  instruction  at  various  levels.  If  anything  is  clear 
in  this  controversial  area,  it  is  that  practical  political  experience  by 
itself  is  not  dependable  as  a  qualification  for  teachers  of  government. 
Call  the  roll  of  any  state  legislature  or  of  Congress.  Among  those  who 
stand  out  as  possibilities  are  men  who  are  so  absorbed  in  the  urgencies 
of  daily  politics  that  they  have  no  time  for  other  jobs.  If  it  is  a  ques- 
tion of  lame  ducks,  the  lameness  that  got  them  out  of  office  is  often 
excellent  justification  for  keeping  them  off  a  faculty. 

I  am  not  saying,  of  course,  that  students  should  be  insulated  from 
association  with  practicing  politicians  during  student  years.  On  the 
contrary,  in  every  dynamic  center  of  political  studies  there  is  an  un- 
ending procession  of  politicians,  legislators,  executives,  administrators, 
judges,  military  officers,  diplomats,  and  political  commentators.  Small 
group  discussions,  individual  conferences,  classroom  lectures,  and  pub- 
lic debates  provide  varied  occasions  for  more  than  perfunctory  asso- 
ciation between  visitor  and  student.  It  is  standard  practice  in  many 
colleges  for  classes  to  visit  the  principal  organs  of  government  acces- 
sible in  the  locality  and  to  encourage  ofF-campus  vacation  trips  and 
projects.  It  has  been  customary  for  years  to  supplement  the  regular 
teaching  staff  by  part-time  persons,  many  of  them  actively  or  recently 
engaged  in  public  aflFairs. 

There  is,  however,  a  fundamental  problem:  a  practicing  politician 
is  not  necessarily  a  competent  political  scientist,  and  a  competent  po- 
litical scientist  is  not  necessarily  a  practicing  politician.  The  distinc- 
tion lies  in  goal  value;  the  competent  political  scientist  is  mainly 
responsible  for  enlightenment,  for  the  advancement  of  knowledge.  His 
role  in  the  decision  process  is  not  restricted  to  the  topical  urgencies  of 
the  moment.  Part  of  his  responsibility,  in  fact,  is  to  keep  the  urgencies 
of  the  day  in  the  broader  context  of  knowledge  and  understanding. 
Whatever  else  they  may  do,  political  scientists  are  under  a  primary 
obligation  to  contribute  to  the  intelligence  and  appraisal  phases  of 
community  decision. 

In  teaching,  the  task  is  to  share  this  larger  map  with  students, 
adapting  the  presentation  to  the  reservoir  of  motivation  and  com- 


petence.  As  educational  levels  rise,  communications  can  be  more  di- 
rect and  technical,  and  students  can  participate  at  earlier  stages  in 
the  intelligence  and  appraisal  which  are  the  distinctive  tasks  of  po- 
litical science.  They  can  be  encouraged  to  step  into  active  politics  by 
the  many  routes  of  contact  and  mobility  known  to  the  faculties  of  all 


What  further  proposals  hold  promise  for  the  preparation  of  po- 
litical scientists?  A  principal  one  concerns  freedom.  Graduate  students 
need  to  exercise  wide  freedom  of  choice  in  arranging  their  programs  of 
study  and  research.  The  communications  revolution  has  made  possible 
a  film  library  containing  the  main  body  of  political  science  knowledge. 
We  have  been  slow  to  grasp  audiovisual  tools  and  to  make  of  them 
basic  instruments  of  research  and  advanced  instruction.  Educational 
films  for  precollege  students  have  gradually  moved  into  the  gap,  with 
modest  success.  However,  it  remains  true  that  political  scientists  gen- 
erally have  taken  little  responsibility  for  the  full  utilization  of  film  and 
television.  One  major  possibility  is  that  lectures  could  be  made  avail- 
able for  recombination  in  whatever  patterns  seem  best  adapted  to  local 
requirements.  (Political  science  associations  and  educational  institu- 
tions could  cooperate  with  educational  television  in  preparing  a  great 
library  of  appropriate  material.) 

Some  successful  films  give  prominence  to  a  lecturer  who  handles 
a  topic  with  conspicuous  mastery  even  though  the  lecturer  is  not  him- 
self a  research  contributor  to  the  topic  at  hand.  Film  and  television 
also  afford  opportunities  to  bring  audiences  into  direct  contact  with 
distinguished  political  scientists  whose  research  or  analysis  is  generally 
regarded  as  significant.  The  lecture  itself  may  be  less  suitable  for  class- 
room or  adult  education  audiences  than  a  presentation  by  an  ac- 
complished classroom  master.  However,  the  opportunity  to  form  a 
first-hand  impression  of  the  mind  and  personality  of  the  lecturer  often 
compensates  for  the  difference.  Fortunately,  too,  the  research  man 
and  the  able  lecturer  are  often  identical. 

Films  are  most  useful  when  they  employ  visual  images  to  do  well 
what  words  do  badly.  Under  the  auspices  of  the  basic  data  program, 
comprehensive  arrangements  could  be  made  for  the  production  and 
selection  of  visual  records  of  contemporary  world  trends  and  also  for 
means  of  putting  such  material  in  context. 

It  might  eventually  be  practicable  for  the  American  Political  Sci- 
ience  Association,  in  cooperation  with  other  scholarly  bodies,  to  take 

Cultivation  of  Creativity  (II)  173 

responsibility  for  a  contemporary  political  history  program  designed  to 
supplement  the  "spot  shots"  taken  for  news  purposes.  As  part  of  po- 
litical science  instruction,  photo-documentation  teams  could  be  organ- 
ized locally  to  augment  collections  of  nonvisual  data.  With  the 
cooperation  of  governmental,  press,  and  other  organizations,  the  re- 
sources of  the  newsreel  companies  and  press  libraries,  for  example, 
could  be  drawn  on  to  exhibit  the  trends  during  the  years  since  photog- 
raphy began. 

If  vast  libraries  of  original  data  and  interpretation  were  avail- 
able to  each  student  in  a  private  studio,  his  freedom  would  be  enor- 
mously enhanced.  Film  and  television  can  make  instruction  in  specific 
skills  available  to  each  student  whenever  he  feels  motivated  to  acquire 
them.  This  applies  to  mathematical  statistics,  machine  programming, 
symbolic  logic,  planning  and  processing  of  questionnaires,  and  the 

The  student  can  also  have  means  at  his  disposal  of  examining 
himself  as  a  series  of  events  among  events  and  of  comprehending  the 
impact  that  he  makes  on  others.  Everyone  who  hears  himself  "played 
back"  on  tape  is  initially  astonished  by  the  sound  of  his  voice.  Each 
student  needs  to  see  himself  filmed  under  various  circumstances,  since 
posture,  gesture,  and  dress  are  to  some  extent  under  his  control. 

There  are  limits  to  unsupervised  learning,  however;  hence,  de- 
partments responsible  for  advanced  study  would  be  well  advised  to 
put  specialists  at  the  disposal  of  students.  New  medical  and  psycho- 
logical tests  are  in  continual  process  of  revision,  and  individuals  can 
benefit  directly  by  knowing  what  there  is  to  know  about  themselves. 
In  some  cases,  this  should  lead  to  therapy  to  remedy  organic  or  func- 
tional handicaps. 

As  much  attention  needs  to  be  given  the  cultivation  of  the  "whole 
man"  among  political  scientists  as  is  provided  in  many  military  and 
business  programs  for  the  education  of  young  officers  and  executives. 

Although  it  is  possible  to  obtain  a  great  deal  of  understanding  of 
alien  cultures  and  of  novel  situations  in  one's  own  society  through  film 
and  television,  there  is  ultimately  no  substitute  for  first-hand  exposure. 
The  advanced  student  must  be  financially  enabled  to  travel  and  to 
conduct  study  projects  away  from  the  home  campus. 

Financial  independence  is  important  in  order  to  reduce  the  temp- 
tation of  the  student  to  compromise  his  integrity.  It  is  not  too  much 
to  say  that  many  graduate  schools  train  their  students  from  start  to 
finish  to  sacrifice  intellectual  integrity.  Professors  may  have  funds  at 
their  disposal  to  buy  cheap  labor  and  hence  to  offer  impecunious  stu- 


dents  a  part-time  job  that  helps  to  cover  living  expenses.  Further,  in 
order  to  help  in  cutting  down  the  number  of  years  often  spent  in 
graduate  work,  many  well-meaning  professors  indicate  that  a  dis- 
sertation can  be  obtained  in  connection  with  a  research  project  by 
doing  a  little  extra  work  and  grinding  out  a  passable  dissertation. 
The  student  who  needs  money — and  this  is  the  typical  case — finds 
the  possibility  most  enticing  even  though  he  possesses  little  intellectual 
commitment  to  the  research  or  even  to  the  subfield  within  which  it 

Mitigating  factors  are,  of  course,  often  present.  If  the  research 
project  is  in  a  field  that  is  just  opening  up,  the  student  is  able  to  ob- 
tain a  higher  level  of  skill  than  is  usual  even  if  he  does  not  write  a 
dissertation.  If  the  investigation  brings  a  graduate  student  into  con- 
tact with  an  able  professor  who  has  attracted  an  alert  and  highly 
motivated  corps  of  assistants,  it  is  fortunate  for  all  concerned.  The 
student  is  able  to  make  an  insider's  appraisal  of  his  own  suitability 
to  a  new  approach. 

It  may  be  argued  that,  if  a  scholar  is  relatively  indifferent  to 
subject  matter,  he  might  as  well  take  whatever  opportunity  comes 
his  way.  It  is  not  being  perfectionistic  to  say  that  students  who  are 
indifferent  to  subject  matter  have  no  business  in  the  field.  I  strongly 
suspect  that  political  science  has  been  damaged  as  a  profession  by  the 
number  of  students  of  ordinary  ability  who  have  gone  into  it  for  the 
sake  of  an  easy  and  relatively  genteel  livelihood.  Many  of  the  huge 
departments  at  colleges  and  universities  have  grown  by  accretion  to 
meet  the  heavy  teaching  obligations  that  devolve  on  them.  The  ex- 
pansion of  enrollment  creates  a  demand  for  student  assistants  to  mark 
papers  and  perform  similar  chores,  and  the  assistants  become  instruc- 
tors when  they  show  reasonable  competence  and  stay  out  of  jail. 
Meanwhile,  a  dissertation  is  written  or  accumulated — often  in  the 
same  department — and  supporting  interests  are  established  in  obtain- 
ing the  promotion  of  the  instructor-Ph.D. 

If  I  am  correct  in  predicting  that  intellectual  standards  will  rise 
in  coming  years,  I  think  it  reasonable  to  propose  that  we  make  every 
effort  to  attract  into  the  study  and  practice  of  political  science  young 
men  and  women  of  outstanding  competence  and  integrity.  And  this 
means  money — money  to  provide  students  with  the  freedom  of  choice 
too  often  denied  them  in  the  past. 

The  desirable  scope  of  freedom  includes  access  to  whatever  com- 
binations of  courses  or  course  equivalents  are  offered  at  universities. 
The  department  of  political  science  can  make  available  to  Ph.D.  can- 

Cultivation  of  Creativity  (II)  175 

didates  a  syllabus  covering  the  general  field  of  political  science  and 
the  fields  of  concentration  recognized  for  individual  candidates.  Be- 
fore obtaining  the  degree,  the  student  is  usually  required  to  (1)  pass 
a  written  examination  on  both  fields  and  (2)  present  an  acceptable 

The  syllabus  suitable  for  (1)  is  approximately  the  same  as  the 
introduction  to  the  scope  and  method  of  political  science  mentioned 
earlier.  The  requirements  for  (2)  are  complex,  since  they  must  often 
be  worked  out  with  the  help  of  a  committee  some  of  whose  members 
are  outside  the  political  science  department.  Each  graduate  student 
deserves  to  have  the  attention  of  a  committee  chosen  to  guide  his 
specialized  studies  and  test  his  progress.  Often,  though  not  invariably, 
this  committee  can  also  act  as  a  dissertation  committee. 

At  the  end  of  the  Ph.D.  period,  advanced  students  who  desire  it 
should  have  fellowships  for  a  five-year  period  of  research  and  study. 
During  the  Ph.D.  phase  of  growth,  the  student  is  almost  certain  to 
rely  heavily  on  the  advice  of  the  local  department.  When  the  Ph.D.  is 
passed,  it  is  possible  to  gain  the  independence  of  judgment  required 
to  settle  on  a  line  of  inquiry  that  may  deviate  from  local  tradition. 
If  the  topic  and  method  come  within  the  tradition,  the  chances  are 
that  the  new  judgment  will  be  better  based  than  it  can  be  in  pre- 
doctoral  days. 

Not  all  students  want  to  proceed  directly  to  research.  They  may, 
for  example,  welcome  "internship"  programs  that  bring  them  into 
close  and  responsible  association  with  active  political  figures  at  the 
international,  national,  or  local  level.  In  many  cases,  too,  the  student 
finds  himself  attracted  by  teaching  and  desires  to  spend  two  or  three 
years  in  active  classroom  work.  This  is  also  important  in  clarifying  the 
career  goals  and  strategies  appropriate  to  him.  Graduates  often  pro- 
ceed directly  to  official  responsibilities  or  attach  themselves  to  private 
organizations.  They  may  or  may  not  have  research  or  teaching  in 


In  all  that  touches  on  intellectual  accomplishment,  political  sci- 
ence will  share  the  benefits  expected  to  follow  the  revolution  in  edu- 
cation now  under  way.  Undoubtedly,  there  are  optimum  years  for 
introducing  children  and  young  people  to  various  skills;  in  all  prob- 
ability, these  optimum  periods  are  much  earlier  than  is  generally  ad- 
mitted. It  is  already  clear  that  language  skills  can  be  systematically 
taught  at  an  early  age   (the  third  and  fourth  years  of  life,  for  ex- 


ample).  Evidence  is  accumulating  that  higher  mathematics,  symbolic 
logic,  and  in  general  skills  that  do  not  depend  on  empirical  observa- 
tion are  rapidly  acquired  at  this  stage  (the  fourth  or  fifth  year).  At 
this  phase,  the  child  appears  to  excel  in  the  manipulation  of  syntactic 
terms.  ^ 

We  cannot  disregard  various  questions  about  personality  growth 
and  maturity  when  we  contemplate  the  rapid  progress  that  is  possible 
in  such  skills  as  logic,  mathematics,  language,  music,  sculpture,  the 
graphic  arts,  and  body  management  (dancing,  swimming,  and  the 
like).  Lurking  in  the  mind  of  every  responsible  educator  or  parent 
are  the  images  of  the  misshapen  prodigies  occasionally  met.  Over- 
impressed  by  the  symbol-managing  dimensions  of  society,  they  have 
developed  into  social  cripples  unable  to  empathize  or  to  achieve  af- 
fectional  relationships  uncontaminated  by  rudimentary  destructive- 
ness,  reactive  arrogance,  hidden  dependence,  and  anxiety. 

The  maturative  problems  of  a  gifted  child  will  be  greatly  eased 
when  gifted  children  exist  in  abundance.  As  the  excess  capacities  of 
the  human  brain  are  at  last  unlocked,  the  norms  of  civilized  society 
will  undergo  drastic  change.  It  is  not  simply  a  matter  of  speeding  the 
acquisition  of  abstract  skills.  The  probing  of  man's  potential  will  un- 
cover capabilities  for  creative  expression  in  every  medium  that  have 
hitherto  lain  largely  dormant.* 

Among  the  stereotyped  images  that  will  go  by  the  board  is  the 
dichotomy  between  "intellectual"  and  "emotional"  components  of 
mind.  All  ideas  are  rooted  in  fundamental  mood-flows  which  sustain 
the  elaboration  of  images  (ideas)  until  they  achieve  ultimate  form 
and  expression.  Rather,  we  conventionally  credit  composers  of  music 
and  of  some  other  forms  of  communication  with  deep  feeling  and 
emotion.  Phrases  of  this  kind  are  less  often  used  to  describe  scientists 
and  mathematicians  who  are,  in  fact,  often  depicted  as  aloof  and 
absorbed  in  the  frigid  air  of  thought. 

The  truth  about  scientists  is  quite  otherwise  and  undermines  the 
antinomy  that  has  been  erected  between  the  arts  and  sciences.  All 
symbolic  creativity  has  much  in  common,  especially  the  interplay  of 
mood  and  image.  Skilled  performers  of  any  operation  are  well  ac- 
quainted with  the  exhilarating  sense  of  achievement  that  accompanies 
a  complex  pattern  of  symbol,  sign,  and  movement  as  it  unfolds.  By 
contrast,  the  dominant  tone  of  an  exercise  in  enlightenment  is  one  of 
incipient  illumination  of  the  face  of  nature  and  society.  In  healthy 
bodily  expression — whether  stylized  or  not — there  is  the  vitality  of 
well-being.  The  nuances  of  love,  honor,  and  responsibility  are  rec- 

Cultivation  of  Creativity  (II)  177 

ognizable  in  the  dimension  of  mood,  as  are  the  peculiar  urge  and  joy 
of  acquisition  and  processing;  and  the  propensity  to  dominate  others. 

If  the  ancient  barriers  between  "abstract"  and  "aesthetic"  ex- 
pression are  lowered,  young  people  can  be  provided  with  environ- 
ments that  increase  the  mood  experiences  open  to  them  which  they 
can  subsequently  blend  with  any  dominant  problem  activity. 

Assume  that  we  are  concerned  in  the  long  run  with  eliminating 
the  use  of  coercive  instruments  of  policy.  The  aim  is  to  rely  on  per- 
suasion, especially  on  the  sharing  of  enlightenment.  If  each  generation 
is  to  be  prepared  for  participation  in  persuasive  activities,  its  members 
must  have  ample  opportunity  to  engage  in  the  process  successfully, 
hence  learning  to  rely  on  persuasion  even  under  circumstances  which 
at  first  seem  unsuited  to  persuasive  activity. 

For  instance,  it  is  frustrating  for  competent  scientists  to  be  con- 
fronted by  ignorant  attacks  on  science,  and  many  scientists  find  it  in- 
tolerable to  defend  science  to  fools.  The  latent  sympathy  of  many 
engineers  and  scientists  with  despotism  comes  from  the  hope  that  the 
"fools"  can  be  handled  by  despots  who  keep  the  scientists  from  being 
bothered.  This  is  a  danger  to  democratic  systems  of  public  order;  the 
process  of  civic  training  should  enable  skilled  individuals  to  feel  at 
home  in  occasional  contact  with  "fools."  This  is  not  a  simple  matter 
of  "toleration"  but  of  enlightenment  concerning  the  role  of  persuasive 
communication  in  society.  If  the  socialization  process  is  to  be  success- 
ful, persuasion  must  be  connected  with  indulgent  rather  than  dep- 
rivational  experiences  in  the  home,  school,  and  general  community. 

It  is  tempting  to  rely  on  the  mechanism  of  conditioning,  strin- 
gently applied  from  early  years  of  life,  to  reduce  coercion  in  human 
affairs.  Should  we  aim  at  conditioning  all  children  to  nonviolent 
modes  of  dealing  with  other  people?^  If  such  a  mechanism  of  non- 
violence were  specific  enough  to  use  for  indoctrination  purposes,  it 
would  have  to  impose  an  inhibition  against  performing  any  act  that 
damaged  other  people  physically.  No  explosive  could  be  detonated;  no 
blade  could  be  used  to  cut  or  gouge;  no  blow  could  be  delivered;  no 
push  entailing  the  likelihood  of  damage  to  the  person  could  be  given; 
and  no  button  or  intermediary  of  any  kind  could  be  employed  to  start 
any  sequence  likely  to  end  in  any  physical  deprivation  of  a  human 
target.  The  sanction  could  be  built  in  by  conditioning  exercises  under 
circumstances  that  increase  its  automatic,  unconscious  compulsiveness. 
Presumably  the  conditioning  would  begin  at  a  very  early  age  and 
would  be  aided  by  hypnotic  or  chemical  means.  Perhaps  the  individ- 
ual who  is  tempted,  even  unconsciously,  to  complete  a  prohibited  act 


could  be  trained  to  turn  impulses  of  this  kind  into  destructive  acts 
against  the  self,  rather  than  against  an  external  target.  The  subject 
might  be  conditioned  to  experience  a  splitting  headache,  to  faint,  to 
undergo  paralysis  of  the  motor  apparatus,  or  to  suffer  heart  attacks 
— even  fatal  ones. 

A  problem  that  confronts  such  a  conditioning  program  is  that 
many  of  the  specific  acts  mentioned  may  also  occur  in  socially  de- 
sirable forms.  This  is  true  of  surgical  interventions  that  require  cut- 
ting and  of  police  acts  to  restrain  the  individual  whose  conditioning 
fails  or  who  has  been  deliberately  reconditioned  in  secret  conclaves 
of  dissenters  who  conspire  to  restore  man's  freedom  or  who  plan  a 
ruthless  elite  corps  equipped  to  take  over  a  society  whose  members 
are  conditioned  against  offering  resistance.  If  the  community  comes 
into  contact  with  inimical  forces  in  the  astropolitical  arena,  a  suc- 
cessful program  of  conditioning  might  have  provided  an  unconscious 
preparation  for  servitude  to  the  new  order. 

If  it  is  decided  to  meet  these  problems  by  arranging  an  "exemp- 
tion cue"  that  would  "inhibit  the  inhibition,"  the  political  question 
becomes:  Who  is  to  be  empowered  under  what  circumstances  to  ad- 
minister the  cue?  We  are  back  to  the  familiar  probability  in  political 
calculations — administrators  may  not  be  perfect.  Hence,  they  may  use 
their  control  of  cues  as  a  base  of  power,  perhaps  striving  to  liberate 
a  gang  intent  on  seizing  power. 

Some  of  these  difficulties  might  be  faced  by  devising  a  new 
strategy  of  conditioning.  One  technique  would  be  to  influence  an  act 
of  thought  at  the  phase  of  intention,  rather  than  to  work  for  automatic 
inhibition  of  a  specific  list  of  act  completions.  Such  training  might 
proceed  by  drilling  the  individual  to  acknowledge  the  presence  of 
destructive  subjectivity  whenever  it  appeared.  The  conditioning  would 
be  explicitly  tied  to  destructive  intention.  Hence  any  subjective  event 
— even  at  the  threshold  of  awareness — would  precipitate  the  inhibiting 
mechanisms  mentioned  above.  The  hope  would  be  that  each  individ- 
ual could  act  as  his  own  "exemption  manager,"  since  a  benevolent 
intention  would  enable  activities  to  be  modulated  as  seemed  best  (in- 
cluding the  completion  of  acts  of  cutting  or  killing) . 

This  program  gives  rise  to  fascinating  technical  problems.  Having 
in  mind  the  subtlety  of  man's  mechanisms  of  adjustment  and  es- 
pecially the  notorious  deceptiveness  of  unconscious  motivation,  one 
wonders  whether  it  is  possible  to  prevent  unacknowledged  impulses 
toward  hostility  from  appearing  at  the  conscious  phase  in  the  guise 
of  benevolence.  Would  conditioning  be  necessary  during  states  com- 

Cultivation  of  Creativity  (II)  179 

parable  to  pscychoanalytic  hours  in  which  the  individual  is  capable  of 
permitting  basic  initial  impulses  to  expose  themselves  instantly  in 
gesture  or  vocalization  ? 

Techniques  will  presumably  improve  steadily  in  this  as  in  every 
field  of  research.  In  the  astropolitical  age,  the  enormous  number  of 
natural  and  fabricated  locations  for  habitation  may  be  turned  into 
communities  where  contrasting  methods  of  conditioning  are  utilized 
and  the  results  compared. 


It  is  a  fact  of  more  than  casual  interest  that  political  scientists 
possess  no  written  code  of  professional  conduct  for  the  guidance  of 
students  or  others  and  no  formal  machinery  for  disciplining  anyone 
for  malpractice.  The  legal  profession,  by  contrast,  is  well  armored 
with  prescriptive  language  on  the  subject,  and  the  grievance  com- 
mittees of  bar  associations  are  by  no  means  inactive.  Physicians,  of 
course,  have  codes,  and  one  of  the  most  conspicuous  trends  in  modern 
professionalization  has  been  for  new  associations  to  draft  bodies  of 
rules  and  aspirations.  Several  factors  no  doubt  help  to  explain  why 
political  scientists  are  codeless.  Whatever  investigation  of  this  point 
may  eventually  reveal,  it  is  safe  to  say  that  one  contributing  factor 
has  been  the  ambiguity  of  the  image  of  the  political  scientist  and  the 
looseness  with  which  many  individuals  have  been  identified  with  its 

Whether  political  scientists  agree  on  an  official  code  of  practice 
or  not,  I  am  confident  that  the  growth  of  a  professional  identity  will 
carry  with  it  greater  clarity  of  expectation  about  the  conduct  ap- 
propriate to  a  political  scientist  as  researcher,  teacher,  advisor,  and 
practitioner  of  politics.  A  casebook  of  problems  that  have  actually 
arisen  could  usefully  be  published.  I  think,  too,  that  young  people 
would  welcome  a  book  of  observations  on  the  subject  by  several  ex- 
perienced seniors. 

A  code  of  professional  conduct  would  presumably  deal  with  ques- 
tions of  confidentiality,  candor,  and  consideration.  In  his  role  of  re- 
searcher, teacher,  advisor,  or  active  practitioner,  a  political  scientist 
faces  many  problems  related  to  communications  obtained  in  confi- 
dence. Under  what  circumstances,  if  any,  is  a  political  scientist  justi- 
fied in  violating  the  confidences  of  others?  There  are  also  problems  of 
self-disclosure.  When  is  there  an  obligation  to  report  candidly  to  a 
group  or  to  put  an  individual  on  notice  of  facts  that  may  influence 
judgment  by  the  group  or  individual  of  what  is  declared  or  proposed? 


Should  some  lines  of  research  be  avoided  because  they  do  violence  to 
individual  or  group  conceptions  of  rectitude?  In  our  society,  such 
considerations  relate  to  acts  that  are  regarded  as  invasions  of  privacy 
or  that  call  for  activities  shocking  the  sensibilities  of  the  persons  in- 
volved (as  in  some  potential  experiments). 

Clearly,  political  scientists  often  find  it  necessary  to  sacrifice  one 
valued  outcome  for  another.  The  role  of  professional  codes  of  conduct 
is  to  clarify  the  questions  arising  in  complex  circumstances.  The  prime 
value  of  research  workers  is  enlightenment,  or  the  improvement  of  skill. 
As  we  have  suggested,  however,  these  values  may  be  compromised 
in  varying  degree  for  some  participants  in  research.  If  we  accept  the 
overriding  conception  of  human  dignity  and  think  that  responsible 
conduct  is  the  deliberate  evaluation  of  conduct  in  the  context  of  goal, 
a  code  of  professional  conduct  is  an  obvious  means  of  bringing  po- 
litical scientists  into  harmony  with  the  fundamental  aim. 

I  shall  summarize  a  few  cases  in  which  political  scientists  were 
aware  of  conflicting  values.  They  may  be  taken  as  points  of  departure 
for  the  casebooks  and  codes  to  which  I  have  referred. 

Many  years  ago,  a  social  scientist  who  studied  organized  crime 
and  politics  in  an  American  city  got  in  touch  with  criminal  gangs  and 
eventually  established  himself  so  successfully  that  he  was  tipped  off 
in  advance  of  robberies  and  even  of  gang  skirmishes.  He  met  the 
problem  by  giving  the  police  no  information,  arguing  that  his  re- 
lations to  the  world  of  organized  crime  were  unique  and  would  pro- 
duce knowledge  of  much  more  lasting  importance  to  public  order 
than  could  possibly  result  from  a  few  tips. 

A  political  scientist  who  was  engaged  in  area  research  abroad 
during  the  rise  of  the  German  National  Socialists  won  the  confidence 
of  local  Nazis  to  a  degree  that  enabled  him  to  learn  the  strength,  and 
even  to  identify  secret  leaders,  of  the  Nazis  in  several  foreign  coun- 
tries. He  was  personally  anti-Nazi,  but  as  a  political  analyst  he  was 
concerned  with  discovering  the  group  sources  of  their  strength  and 
the  nature  and  effectiveness  of  their  strategy.  To  become  a  polit- 
ical police  agent,  as  he  would  in  effect  be  if  he  gave  his  information 
to  the  authorities,  would  bring  his  investigation  to  a  stop  before  he 
could  conclude  the  general  picture  that  he  felt  competent  to  draw  if 
he  continued  to  keep  Nazi  confidences.  He  had  explained  to  the  Nazis 
that  he  was  not  in  sympathy  with  their  ideas  but  that  he  w-as  not 
going  to  break  faith  with  them;  they  had  come  to  believe  in  his  word. 

Another  political  scientist  faced  a  problem  of  a  somewhat  dif- 
ferent kind.  For  years  he  had  been  among  the  small  number  of  schol- 

Cultivation  of  Creativity  (II)  181 

ars  qualifying  as  genuine  experts  on  the  Soviet  Union.  Since  he  made 
repeated  trips  to  Russia  and  had  known  it  before  the  revolution,  he 
had  contact  with  individuals  and  circles  in  bitter  opposition  to  Bol- 
shevik dictatorship.  On  each  return  to  the  United  States,  he  was 
sought  by  Washington  officials  who  welcomed  his  candid  appraisal 
of  developments  since  the  previous  visit.  One  year  in  particular,  there 
were  rumors  that  the  regime  was  in  grave  peril  as  a  result  of  its  fail- 
ures in  agriculture — evidently  a  chronic  condition — and  of  faction- 
alism in  the  party.  Outside  forces,  eager  to  embarrass  and  upset  the 
Bolsheviks,  were  redoubling  their  propaganda  and  sabotage  measures 
against  them.  It  was  at  this  time  especially  that  strong  urgings  were 
made  to  provide  official  sources  with  the  names  of  individuals  and 
groups  who  were  disaffected  and  who  might  therefore  become  part  of 
an  antirevolutionary  campaign  based  in  Western  Europe.  The  scholar 
in  question  was  entirely  willing  to  testify  as  an  expert,  giving  his 
judgment  of  the  principal  trends  of  recent  years.  But  he  was  adamant 
about  providing  the  "police  and  military"  information  asked  for.  He 
believed  that  it  would  be  ruinous  to  his  hard- won  reputation  as  "an 
honest  bourgeois  scholar"  to  become  involved  in  subversion  against 
the  Reds.  He  was  undoubtedly  influenced  by  other  considerations  as 
well.  He  believed  that  the  Bolsheviks  were  in  power  for  keeps  and 
that  it  was  fantastic  to  expect  to  overturn  them  by  attempting  to  set 
even  the  Trotskyists  against  the  Stalin  machine. 

A  more  urgent  problem  arose  in  another  case.  A  political  scien- 
tist who  did  not  regard  himself  as  an  area  specialist  on  Western  Eu- 
rope or  on  any  Western  European  country  learned  of  a  political 
conspiracy  engineered  by  Communists  to  overthrow  the  government 
of  a  small,  friendly  country.  The  disclosure  had  come  only  acciden- 
tally in  the  course  of  a  research  trip  that  had  nothing  directly  to  do 
with  Communism.  He  felt  entirely  free  to  make  his  unexpectedly  de- 
tailed foreknowledge  available  to  the  responsible  authorities. 

Another  political  scientist  was  approached  by  the  intelligence 
services  with  the  proposal  that  he  become  an  agent  and  a  specialist  on 
a  country  speaking  a  language  unknown  to  many  Americans.  The 
offer  was  to  finance  him  for  several  years  of  study  by  providing  (un- 
acknowledged) funds  to  be  administered  through  his  university.  Not 
the  least  tempting  feature  of  the  offer  was  the  appeal  that  it  made 
to  his  national  loyalty  and  to  his  anti-Communist  beliefs.  He  felt  cer- 
tain that  no  Soviet  citizen  would  turn  down  such  an  offer  if  made  by 
Communist  intelligence  services,  and  he  also  suspected  that  Americans 
were   probably   too   full   of   "liberal   inhibitions"    to   fight   the   Com- 


munists  effectively.  Despite  all  this,  the  invitation  was  eventually 
turned  down.  He  believed  it  contrary  to  his  obligation  as  a  scholar 
and  an  American  to  "prostitute"  universities  into  cover  agencies  for 
intelligence  services. 

Of  a  more  commonplace  character  is  the  problem  that  faced  a 
former  colleague  who  relied  on  interview  methods  of  obtaining  in- 
formation about  local  politics.  He  became  acquainted  with  the  scan- 
dalous personal  life  of  a  candidate  for  high  public  office  on  a  reform 
ticket.  It  seemed  obvious  that  the  man  was — I  quote — a  "hypocrite,  a 
sadist,  a  pervert,  and  a  crook."  He  had  illicit  connections  with  gam- 
blers and  addicts,  and  it  became  increasingly  clear  that  the  man  was 
a  "psychopathic  character,"  with  everything  implied  by  the  techni- 
cal use  of  the  term.  My  colleague  asked  whether  he  did  not  owe  it 
to  the  public  to  make  the  facts  available.  The  question  was  how  it 
could  be  done  without  violating  legitimate  trust  or  exposing  inform- 
ants to  retaliation.  To  denounce  the  fellow  in  general  terms  without 
specific  names,  dates,  and  places  would  get  nowhere,  since  the  ordi- 
nary language  of  vituperation  in  American  politics  covered  most  of 
the  points.  In  addition,  publicity  would  endanger  the  completion  of  the 
research  on  which  he  was  at  work  and  compromise  the  future  of  what 
he  believed  would  be  an  important  contribution  to  knowledge  of  the 
American  political  system.  So,  aside  from  endorsing  a  proposal  to  re- 
quire all  candidates  to  take  a  psychiatric  examination,  he  did  nothing. 

Political  scientists  have  not  in  the  past  engaged  in  the  kinds  of 
experiment  that  raise  such  questions  as  the  individual's  "right"  to  en- 
danger his  life.  If  we  consider  the  significance  of  the  claim  to  "waive" 
one's  interest  in  safety  in  the  perspective  of  a  commitment  to  human 
dignity,  there  is  not  much  doubt  about  the  result.  The  body  politic 
cannot  permit  suicide;  it  cannot,  that  is,  admit  that  the  decision  to 
end  one's  life  is  for  an  individual  to  make  by  himself.  Too  many  col- 
lective values  are  at  stake.  Not  only  does  the  person  represent  an  enor- 
mous social  investment,  but  he  is  a  potential  asset.  The  decision  to 
take  "my"  life  is  also  a  decision  regarding  "our"  life  together,  and  it 
is  not  in  harmony  with  the  goal  of  sharing  that  I  should  play  the 
autocrat  in  the  matter. 

An  important  though  subsidiary'  aspect  of  the  question  of  public 
policy  on  suicide  is  that,  when  many  attempts  at  self-destruction  are 
made,  the  individual  is  in  a  disturbed  frame  of  mind  and  therefore 
handicapped  in  coping  with  his  problems  realistically. 

The  questions  that  arise  in  the  physical  and  biological  sciences  are 

Cultivation  of  Creativity  (II)  183 

not  typically  of  this  kind.  Rather,  they  invove  full  or  at  least  candid 
disclosure  of  danger  and  the  ofTering  of  inducements  to  run  the  risks 
involved.  In  connection  with  radioactivity,  many  physicists  and  phy- 
sicians have  mutilated  their  bodies  and  eventually  lost  their  lives  in  the 
conduct  of  experiments.  It  is  no  novelty  in  the  investigation  of  patho- 
genic organisms  for  bacteriologists  to  put  themselves  in  the  experi- 
mental group.  We  know  that  people  of  all  ages  have  consented  to  be 
guinea  pigs  in  perilous  experiments,  a  practice  that  seems  to  have 
tacit  public  consent  provided  that  the  subjects  have  been  given  a  com- 
plete briefing  on  the  dangers  involved.  We  are  accustomed  to  not  in- 
terfering with  people  who  engage  in  hazardous  sports  if  other  persons 
are  not  immediately  endangered  by  what  they  do. 

It  is  not  entirely  true  that  political  scientists  are  always  engaged 
in  a  nonhazardous  occupation.  I  know  of  students  of  politics  who  have 
suddenly  discovered  that  political  gangs  and  bosses  did  not  look  on 
their  snooping  with  a  friendly  eye,  and  studies  of  hot  spots  in  labor- 
management  controversies  and  in  "race  relations"  are  not  always  wel- 
come. Totalitarian  countries  are,  of  course,  uniformly  suspicious  of  re- 
search of  any  kind,  which  is  immediately  assumed  to  be  espionage. 

The  martyrs  in  political  science  are  as  few  as  in  the  neighboring 
social  and  behavioral  disciplines.  There  are  not,  at  least  as  yet,  enough 
martyred  political  scientists,  economists,  sociologists,  and  psychologists 
to  justify  a  memorial  wall,  much  less  a  hall.  The  exception  appears  to 
be  in  anthropology,  and  it  is  perhaps  a  comment  on  the  perspectives 
current  among  professionals  that  the  rare  student  who  has  lost  his  or 
her  life  on  a  field  trip  "had  it  coming"  because  of  some  flagrant  dis- 
regard for  local  culture. 

There  has  been  no  dearth  of  people  with  political  training  who 
have  been  killed  or  maimed  for  their  ideological  position  and  for  tak- 
ing an  active  part  in  public  afTairs.  However,  the  significant  figures 
among  political  philosophers  seem  more  cautious  than  physically  cou- 
rageous. The  stereotype  case  remains  that  of  Hobbes,  the  scholar  of 
fire-eating  imagination  who  was  "the  first  of  those  who  fled."  In  re- 
gard to  jockeys  or  picadores  of  the  great  Leviathan,  Hobbes,  too, 
would  rather  see  than  be  one. 


The  liberation  of  creativity  calls  for  full  candor  in  perceiving — 
and  some  courage  in  overcoming — the  influence  of  all  factors,  formal 
and  informal,  that  inhibit  active  and  potentially  important  inquiry. 


Some  important  informal  restraints  are  connected  with  the  perspec- 
tives of  tight,  homogeneous  eHtes  that  perpetuate  the  traditions  of  pre- 
democratic  systems. 

An  illuminating  case  in  point  is  the  history  of  psychological  studies 
of  political  elites.  The  rise  of  political  and  social  psychology  has  been 
intimately  tied  to  democratic  individualism,  especially  in  America. 
These  disciplines  and  modes  of  approach  are  so  closely  linked  with  de- 
mocracy chiefly  because  of  the  defensiveness  of  power  figures.  Political 
psychologists  want  access  to  their  subjects  now.  They  want  data  that, 
if  unpublished  for  a  time,  are  at  least  open  to  summary  by  the  omis- 
sion of  names  and  by  the  publication  of  anonymous  group  or  personal 

If  anyone  hesitates  to  accept  the  fact  that  large,  homogeneous 
elites  do  in  fact  inhibit  empirical  inquiry  of  a  social-psychological  or 
psychiatric  character,  let  him  consider  the  reluctance  of  English  uni- 
versities to  encourage  this  approach.  Traditional  barriers  are  at  present 
dissolving  owing  to  the  belated  rise  of  new  universities  as  social  change 

Political  and  social  scientists  do  not  distribute  their  attention 
evenly  to  the  upper,  middle,  and  lower  strata  of  society,  even  in  bodies 
politic  whose  ideology  is  democratic.  It  is  often  remarked  that  political 
and  social  scientists  find  it  easier  to  write  about  the  middle  and  lower 
classes  than  to  deal  with  elites  of  power,  wealth,  or  other  values.^ 
Social  scientists  have  evidently  felt  less  anxiety  when  they  study  in- 
dividuals of  lower  social  position.  We  note,  too,  that  many  students 
of  society  have  been  drawn  into  research  when  their  rebelliousness 
against  the  established  order  could  find  no  political  outlet.  They  were 
initially  drawn  to  studies  of  the  rank  and  file  by  revolutionary  roman- 
ticism and  by  the  impulse  to  discredit  the  powers  that  be. 

Political  scientists  have,  as  a  rule,  been  too  prudent  or  timid  to 
become  involved  in  research  that  would  arouse  the  ire  of  churchmen 
or  professional  moralists.  They  have  produced  little  research  on 
church-state  relationships  despite  the  obviously  growing  importance  of 
the  policy  questions.  It  is  true  that  political  scientists  have  been  willing 
to  study  electoral  data  to  bring  out  Catholic,  Protestant,  or  Jewish 
patterns  of  behavior  at  the  polls.  They  have,  however,  been  little  con- 
cerned with  case  studies  of  how  ecclesiastical  elites  have  relied  on 
coercive  or  persuasive  strategies  to  influence  formal  or  informal  leaders. 

We  observe,  also,  that  sex  is  a  touchy  topic  for  political  scientists, 
if  one  is  to  judge  by  the  paucity  of  research  on  the  interplay  of  sex 
and  politics.  Prostitution  is  dealt  with  as  a  source  of  "corruption,"  but 

Cultivation  of  Creativity  (II)  185 

the  role  of  sexual  development  in  attitudes  toward  authority  is  rarely 
dealt  with.  Despite  the  traditional  and  scientifically  validated  role  that 
is  assigned  to  the  family  in  imprinting  various  sexual  and  political  per- 
spectives, there  is  almost  no  team  research  bringing  political  scientists 
into  close  working  collaboration  with  child  psychologists,  physicians, 
and  nurses.^ 

It  is  not  necessary  that  an  exercise  in  creative  thinking  deal  with 
a  "delicate"  topic.  It  is,  however,  a  threat  to  enlightenment  if  creativity 
is  herded  into  conventional  and  into  no  other  channels.  Freedom  of 
inquiry  demands  a  franchise  to  study  every  value-institution  process 
for  the  sake  of  public  enlightenment. 

A  striking  example  of  neglected  research  possibilities  that  must 
be  explained  on  other  than  cautionary  grounds  is  the  interplay  of  art 
and  politics.  True,  the  frontier  tradition  is  supposed  to  have  been  es- 
tablished by  men  who  were  so  doubtful  that  their  masculinity  had 
survived  the  trip  West  that  they  were  afraid  of  the  "efTeminizing"  ef- 
fects of  the  arts.  But  this  point  of  view  has  long  evaporated  in  sophis- 
ticated centers.  Among  political  scientists,  there  has  evidently  been  a 
process  of  negative  selection  of  students  committed  to  the  arts. 

My  prediction  on  this  matter  is  unequivocal.  If  the  world  holds 
together,  political  scientists  will  concern  themselves  with  doing  what 
they  can  to  illuminate  the  impact  of  the  arts  on  politics  and  of  politics 
on  architecture,  literature,  music,  graphics,  plastics,  and  the  dance.^ 
More  than  this — the  aesthetic  interest  will  find  creative  expression  in 
the  criticism  of  power,  rectitude,  and  in  fact  of  all  values. 

The  initiative  has  already  been  taken  in  this  direction.  Among 
Americans,  the  philosopher-politician  T.  V.  Smith  is  the  principal 
figure.  Following  in  the  tradition  of  Santayana,  Smith  speaks  with 
charm  and  wit  on  behalf  of  the  enjoyment  of  the  imperatives  of  con- 
science, for  example,  and  speaks  of  himself  as  one  who  celebrates  the 
democratic  ideal.^°  In  common  with  all  values,  the  cultivation  of  an 
aesthetic  perspective  has  two  phases — shaping  and  sharing.  The  former 
phase  is  exhibited  in  the  skills  of  the  craftsman,  the  latter,  in  the  con- 
templative skill  of  the  connoisseur.  In  the  relatively  pure  case,  art  is 
not  art  unless  it  is  "art  for  art's  sake,"  that  is,  unless  the  value  de- 
mands of  the  craftsman  or  the  connoisseur  are  for  the  realization  of 
gratifying  patterns  among  the  elements  of  a  culminating  outcome.  The 
criteria  of  gratification,  when  made  explicit  in  communication,  are 
statements  of  the  preferred  norm  of  the  communicator  in  pattern  ar- 
rangement. Without  accepting  the  connotations  of  traditional  meta- 
physics, we  can  use  the  term  "intrinsic"  to  designate  this  criterion  for 


the  evaluations  of  outcome  events  as  art.  If  we  evaluated  sculpture 
or  music  as  instruments  of  power,  wealth,  or  other  values,  the  evalu- 
ation would  be,  not  in  terms  of  art,  but  of  other  events. 

In  this  developmental  construct  of  politics  and  the  arts,  we  must 
eventually  consider  many  other  historical  and  analytic  factors.  One  of 
them  is  the  demand  to  devalue  power,  especially  in  historical  epochs 
in  which  the  imperatives  of  power  are  pressing  heavily  on  the  lives  of 
men.  There  are  many  ways  of  seeking  to  turn  away  from,  or  to  reduce 
as  far  as  possible,  one's  active  commitment  to  power.  Among  these  al- 
ternatives, one  of  the  most  successful  contenders  in  the  lives  of  many 
people  is,  and  has  long  been,  the  aesthetic  quest. 

In  coming  years,  the  rising  level  of  education  will  prepare  gen- 
erations of  advanced  students  to  work  effectively  in  cross-disciplinary 
fields,  humanistic  or  scientific,  that  lie  outside  the  specialized  frame  of 
political  reference.  It  is  probable  that,  as  the  division  of  intellectual 
labor  opens  and  occupies  interstitial  and  intersecting  zones,  the  number 
of  scholars  who  acquire  "double  competence"  will  increase.  The 
permissive  program  of  graduate  training  envisaged  in  the  present 
discussion  would  cultivate  both  depth  and  diversity  as  means  of 
professional  development  toward  high  levels  of  continuing  creative 
achievement.  It  would  become  increasingly  common  for  multidisci- 
plinary  collaboration  to  occur  at  successive  stages  of  the  professional 
career.  In  the  following  chapter,  we  deal  explicitly  with  the  prospects 
of  collaborative  activity  in  fields  that  are  by  tradition  closely  connected 
to  the  description,  analysis,  and  management  of  politics. ^^ 


1  Something  of  the  flavor  of  Laski's  personality  shines  through  in  the  pub- 

lished correspondence  with  public  figures,  especially  with  Mr.  Jus- 
tice Holmes.  Cf.  Holme s-Laski  Letters,  "The  Correspondence  of 
Mr.  Justice  Holmes  and  Harold  J.  Laski,  1916-1935,"  Mark  De- 
Wolfe  Howe,  ed.  (Cambridge:  Harvard  University  Press,  1953). 

2  Basic  historical  information  is  in  M.  J.  L.  O'Connor,  Origins  of  Academic 

Economics  in  the  United  States  (New  York:  Columbia  University 
Press,  1944);  A.  Haddow,  Political  Science  in  American  Colleges 
and  Universities,  "1636-1900"  (New  York:  Appleton-Century, 

^  On  this  speed-up,  it  is  possible  to  follow  developments  in  The  American 
Behavioral  Scientist  edited  by  A.  deOrazia  at  Princeton.  Cf.  the 
special  issue  on  "The  New  Educational  Technology,"  6  (November 
1962),  No.  3.  Among  political  scientists,  Herbert  Simon  has  been 

Cultivation  of  Creativity  (II)  187 

the  most  influential  figure.  His  command  of  mathematics  and  lively 
experimental  imagination  have  set  a  new  model  of  professional  prac- 
tice. On  "Statistical  and  Quantitative  Methodology,"  cf.  J.  W. 
Tukey,  in  D.  P.  Ray,  ed..  Trends  in  Social  Science  (New  York: 
Philosophical  Library,  1961),  pp.  84-136.  He  speaks  of  the  standard 
research  cycle  as  conjecture-design-experiment-analysis  and  suggests 
that  the  cycle  be  adapted  to  the  distinctive  needs  of  research  candi- 
dates in  various  fields.  In  political  science,  where  research  means 
making  or  taking  new  data,  he  advocates  a  "phase  of  careful  analy- 
sis of  someone  else's  data  over  a  long  time"  (p.  124).  Cf.  P.  F. 
Lazarsfeld,  "Evidence  and  Inference  in  Social  Research,"  in  D. 
Lerner,  ed..  Evidence  and  Inference  (New  York:  The  Free  Press 
of  Glencoe,  1958),  pp.  107-138.  On  certain  questions  of  logical 
statement,  cf.  F.  Oppenheim,  Dimensions  of  Freedom,  "An  Anal- 
ysis" (New  York:  St.  Martin's  Press,  1961). 

*  The  problems  of  a  prodigy  in  his  generation  are  told  from  the  inside  by 
Norbert  Wiener,  Ex-Prodigy,  "My  Childhood  and  Youth"  (New 
York:  Simon  and  Schuster,  1953);  also  his  /  Am  a  Mathematician, 
"The  Later  Life  of  a  Prodigy"  (Garden  City,  N.Y.:  Doubleday, 

^  On  the  technique  of  conditioning,  cf.  B.  F.  Skinner,  Science  and  Human 
Behavior  (New  York:  Macmillan,  1960). 

^  Recent  original  contributions  to  political  science  in  Great  Britain — not 
necessarily  by  members  of  the  academic  profession — include  those 
of  J.  Eysenck,  R.  S.  Milne,  D.  E.  Butler,  W.  Pickles,  J.  Plamenatz, 
D.  W.  Brogan,  H.  C.  MacKenzie,  J.  F.  S.  Ross,  and  J.  A.  Thomas. 
G.  E.  G.  Catlin  has  for  many  years  been  the  outstanding  exponent 
of  the  scientific  development  of  political  science  in  Great  Britain. 
His  principal  academic  appointments  have  been  in  the  United 
States  and  the  Commonwealth.  Cf.  his  recent  Systematic  Politics, 
"Elementa  Politica  et  Sociologica"  (Toronto:  University  of  Toronto 
Press,  1962). 

^  Most  recently  by  D.  Riesman,  Individualism  Reconsidered  (Glencoe,  111.: 
The  Free  Press,  1954),  pp.  467-483. 

^  An  exception  is  Arnold  Rogow  and  his  collaborators.  It  is  obvious  that  the 
study  of  political  socialization,  at  least,  will  find  it  difficult  to  avoid 
the  subject.  In  political  biography,  the  contextual  approach — in- 
cluding the  psychoanalytic  or  psychosomatic  dimensions — -is  more 
frequent.  For  example,  A.  and  J.  George,  Woodrow  Wilson  "A 
Personality  Study"  (Evanston,  111.:  Row,  Peterson,  1956);  and  A. 
Gottfried,  Boss  Cermak  of  Chicago,  "A  Study  of  Political  Leader- 
ship" (Seattle:  University  of  Washington  Press,  1962);  G.  M.  Gil- 
bert, The  Psychology  of  Dictatorship  (New  York:  Ronald,  1950). 

^  It  is  not  to  be  ignored  that  many  political  scientists  have  received  pro- 
fessional training  in  one  or  more  of  the  arts,  play  a  role  on  boards 


of  art  institutes,  or  build  significant  private  collections.  These  "hid- 
den assets"  will  eventually  be  mobilized  for  serious  inquiry. 

10  T.  V.  Smith,  Beyond  Conscience  (New  York:   McGraw-Hill,  1935). 

11  It  will  be  evident  that,  in  the  present  book,  I  am  chiefly  concerned  with 

putting  our  own  house  in  order.  I  hope  that  this  will  strengthen  the 
eventual  impact  of  the  challenging  criticism  of  education  in  neigh- 
boring fields  by  my  colleague  R.  E.  Lane  in  The  Liberties  of  Wit, 
"Humanism,  Criticism,  and  the  Civic  Mind"  (New  Haven:  Yale 
University  Press,  1961). 

Allied  Professions 

Many  aims  of  political  science  can  be  most  effectively  achieved  if  col- 
laboration between  political  scientists  and  individuals  of  closely  allied 
skills  is  successfully  maintained.  I  single  out  for  specific  mention  two 
of  the  professions  with  whose  members  we  have  had  close  connections 
and  with  whom  it  is  highly  desirable  to  have  continuing  ties  in  coming 


Although  graduate  school  dissertations  must  be  the  work  of  indi- 
vidual candidates,  there  is  no  sound  reason  why  dissertations  should 
not  be  part  of  joint  undertakings  in  which  journalists  are  involved  and 
which  provide  material  for  independent  publication  by  all  concerned. 


Once  the  dissertation  hurdle  is  passed,  joint  projects  would  often  be 
most  successful  when  they  lead  to  publications  in  which  political  scien- 
tists and  journalists  have  fully  fused  their  contributions. 

Although  closely  connected,  particularly  when  journalists  special- 
ize in  political  reporting  and  commentary,  journalism  and  political 
science  are  not  identical.  A  journalist  is  the  chief  reliance  of  the  read- 
ing, listening,  and  viewing  public  for  immediate  political  intelligence. 
A  journalist  is  at  his  best  when  he  correctly  anticipates  tomorrow's 
coup  and  stations  himself  where  he  can  provide  a  first-hand  account. 
Since  his  report  must  be  nearly  instantaneous,  he  must  be  precisely  in- 
formed of  communication  facilities  and  arrange  alternative  channels 
if  established  routes  are  blocked  by  sabotage,  censorship,  or  technical 

A  political  scientist  does  not  as  a  rule  need  to  keep  contact  with 
a  network  of  informants,  official  or  unofficial,  highly  placed  or  humbly 
stationed,  to  provide  tips  on  impending  developments.  It  is  rarely 
necessary  for  a  working  scholar  to  sacrifice  orderly  living  and  to  make 
himself  available  at  any  hour  of  day  or  night  to  observe  the  birth  of  a 
new  elite  or  to  record  the  demise  of  an  old  regime.  For  him  there  is 
little  physical  discomfort,  body  peril,  or  crushing  fatigue.  He  is  some- 
what protected  from  appearing  as  a  gullible  fool,  since  he  is  not  driven 
by  deadlines.  It  is  unlikely  that  he  will  be  scooped  by  rivals  or  duped 
by  unscrupulous  informants. 

We  may  sum  up  the  life  of  an  active  political  journalist  by  saying 
that  it  is  relatively  insecure  and  risky.  Reference  has  been  made  to 
hazards  to  life  and  reputation;  it  is  appropriate  to  add  moral  risk.  A 
journalist  is  likely  to  find  it  necessary  on  occasion  to  overcome  scruples 
against  betraying  the  confidence  of  others.  More  subtle  than  bribery — 
although  bribery  is  not  out  of  the  question — is  the  temptation  to  take 
it  easy  by  relying  on  official  handouts.  And  it  is  tempting  to  abandon 
the  role  of  spectator-reporter  to  play  an  active  political  part  by  sup- 
pressing or  distorting  information. 

This  statement  suggests  why  the  working  journalist  is  likely  to  be 
a  valuable  collaborator.  Attuned  to  the  immediate,  he  is  impatient  of 
delay.  Accustomed  to  coping  with  tacticians  of  deceit,  he  is  a  so- 
phisticated assessor  of  false  witness.  A  journalist  is  also  aware  of  "who 
knows  what,"  since  his  dramatizing  imagination  often  perceives  the  re- 
lationship of  every  participant  to  the  central  action,  recognizing  po- 
tential informants  who  would  otherwise  be  overlooked.  Journalists 
belong  to  a  world-wide  freemasonry  of  a  profession  that  is  still  required 
in  many  parts  of  the  world  to  brace  itself  against  the  low  esteem  in 

Collaboration  with  Allied  Professions  191 

which  it  is  held.  It  is  true  that,  as  with  all  men,  political  differences 
build  walls  between  journalists.  Yet,  if  anyone  anywhere  is  willing  to 
sacrifice  in  behalf  of  enlightenment,  he  is  likely  to  be  among  profes- 
sional reporters. 

I  have  referred  to  social  status.  Not  long  ago  a  newspaperman  was 
somewhat  contemptuously  dismissed  as  a  careerless  man  who  had  taken 
a  hack  job  in  desperation.  It  is  not  difficult  to  identify  well-known 
figures  who  have  contributed  to  this  image.  They  were  rebels  against 
family  discipline,  and  rebellion  took  the  form  of  unwillingness  to  finish 
the  academic  preparation  required  for  law,  medicine,  university  teach- 
ing, or  civil  service.  They  were  too  impecunious  or  too  concerned  with 
public  affairs  to  find  satisfaction  in  ordinary  business. 

In  those  days,  journalists  were  "misfits,"  and  anyone  pictured  by 
his  contemporaries  as  a  misfit  is  likely  to  use  one  of  two  well-known 
mechanisms  for  the  aid  and  succor  of  a  suffering  ego.  He  tries  to  divert 
his  attention  from  the  private  humiliation  of  admitted  failure  by  sub- 
stituting the  image  of  a  brash  and  adventurous  hero.  To  the  extent 
that  he  is  overwhelmed  by  self-contempt,  he  grows  personally  disorgan- 
ized and  may  conform  to  the  stereotype  of  an  amiable,  even  pitiable, 

We  have  not  yet  touched  on  the  skill  that  is  usually  given  first  place 
in  listing  the  assets  of  a  journalist.  He  can  write.  Unless  he  can  find 
words  that  carry  the  message  to  a  large  audience,  he  is  miscast. 

After  this  evaluation  of  what  the  journalist  is  equipped  to  offer, 
the  question  may  be  what  the  political  scientist  can  contribute  to  a 
collaborative  undertaking.  He  is  concerned  with  system  and  with  time 
perspective.  Good  journalists  may  be,  and  typically  are,  aware  of  the 
advantage  of  looking  at  the  present  in  a  larger  frame  of  reference,  but 
they  are  driven  by  the  detail  of  the  here  and  now.  Unless  they  keep 
moist  in  the  spray  of  current  events,  their  judgment  withers.  Sources 
dry  up  from  lack  of  reciprocity.  As  scholars,  political  scientists  are  less 
bound  to  headlines,  since  their  aim  is  to  write  something  outliving  the 
excitement  of  the  moment.  Perhaps  his  entire  professional  output, 
highly  prized  by  other  scholars  though  it  may  be,  never  makes  the 
headlines.  Or  he  waits  years  to  publish  a  book  that  took  years  to  pre- 

If  he  is  conscientious  in  the  best  tradition,  the  scholar  hates  to 
say  what  other  people  have  said  without  express  acknowledgment.  By 
contrast,  it  is  not  required  that  a  reporter  lay  bare  his  every  source 
or  acknowledge  that  a  sentence  echoes  the  conclusions  of  a  research 
worker  who  toiled  long  years  to  establish  a  single  point.  Scholars  sense 


the  ruthlessness  of  kleptomania  in  the  journalist-borrower,  who  in  turn 
thinks  the  typical  scholar  is  suffering  from  excessive  doubt  and  scruples 
— a  Hamlet  of  the  footnote.  The  scholar  is  forever  disclosing  the  pa- 
ternity of  his  brainchildren;  the  journalist  is  accustomed  to  bastards. 

Collaboration  is  possible  between  bearers  of  diverse  though  com- 
plementary skills  because  personalities  are  larger  than  skills.  It  is  in 
general  true  that  our  occupational  stereotypes  are  too  thin  to  cor- 
respond to  the  diverse  patterns  of  life.  For  instance,  scholars  may  de- 
cide to  meet  rather  exigent  deadlines,  and  scholars  may  possess 
rhetorical  brilliance  in  speech  or  prose.  Journalists  may  seek  escape 
from  the  clatter  of  the  newsroom  into  history  and  analysis,  as  did 
Henry  Jones  Ford  when  he  wrote  the  Rise  and  Growth  of  American 
Politics  during  active  newspaper  days.  And  today's  story  may  be  il- 
luminated with  knowledge  of  a  whole  complex  of  conditioning  ele- 
ments and  become  a  classic,  even  as  Lincoln  Steffens'  The  Shame  of 
the  Cities. 

In  the  contemporary  world,  the  educational  and  cultural  back- 
grounds of  journalists  and  political  scientists  are  approaching  each 
another. '^  Hence  it  is  not  venturesome  to  forecast  that  joint  projects 
will  become  more  frequent.  I  suspect  that  collaboration  will  be  es- 
pecially beneficial  in  the  gray  zone  separating  readily  available  sources 
of  information  from  public  or  private  secrets.  I  predict  that  a  rela- 
tively new  mode  of  communication  will  emerge  to  fill  the  gap  between 
a  sensational  expose  and  historical  or  analytic  studies.-  A  topic  in 
point  is  "political  corruption."  I  do  not  minimize  the  contribution  to 
public  intelligence  and  appraisal  that  is  made  by  courageous  reporters 
who  tear  the  mask  off  graft  and  chicanery  and  shout  to  everybody  to 
look  and  shudder.  Nor,  on  the  other  hand,  do  I  regard  the  historian's 
monographic  treatment  of  yesterday's  scandal  as  useless  because  no- 
body can  be  prosecuted  in  court.  The  point,  rather,  is  that  public 
understanding  of  corruption  needs  a  frame  of  reference  disciplined  by 
comparative  studies.  Clearly,  some  "corrupt"  acts,  viewed  in  the  per- 
spective of  one  culture,  are  more  like  a  traditional  tip,  or  service 
charge,  than  a  perversion  of  public  responsibility  for  private  gain. 
Moreover,  when  corruption  goes  beyond  traditional  limits,  great  dif- 
ferences in  function  exist.  In  some  traditional  states  (for  example, 
Turkey,  when  the  sultan  symbolized  the  sick  man  of  Europe),  mon- 
archs  and  bureaucrats  extorted  so  much  for  consumption  purposes 
that  corruption  interfered  with  modernization  and  progress.  In  other 
societies,  the  progressive  elements,  determined  to  enjoy  the  benefits  of 
modernization,  cannot  be  stopped.  Corruption  may  be  used  to  buy  off 

Collaboration  with  Allied  Professions  193 

the  left-overs  of  an  ancient  social  system  and  eventually  to  give  them 
a  more  legitimate  place  in  the  new  order. 

The  implication  is  not  that  "whatever  is,  must  be,"  rather  that, 
by  adequate  understanding  of  a  "must,"  it  may  be  possible  to  change 
an  "is"  with  greater  speed.  The  exploratory  competence  of  the  expert 
journalist,  joined  to  competent  comparative  analysis,  can  modify  the 
map  of  policy  aim  and  method. 


The  connection  of  political  scientists  to  legal  scholars  has  a  long 
history.  In  the  European  faculty  of  law,  professors  of  government  are 
responsible  for  describing  the  structure  of  the  principal  nation-states 
of  current  interest.  Constitutional,  municipal,  and  international  law 
are  often  cultivated  by  professors  of  law  and  government.  To  go  no 
further  back  than  John  W.  Burgess,  in  the  United  States,  Political 
Science  and  Constitutional  Law  fell  squarely  within  the  tradition  that 
joined  the  theory  of  the  state  with  public  law.  Eminent  figures  in  po- 
litical science  have  taught  law  in  schools  of  law  or  they  have  won 
recognition  among  legal  scholars  despite  their  exclusive  association 
with  departments  of  political  science  or  the  absence  of  a  law  degree.  I 
shall  make  no  attempt  at  an  exhaustive  roster.  It  is,  however,  impos- 
sible to  overlook  in  recent  decades  Edward  S.  Corwin,  Thomas  Reed 
Powell,  Charles  Grover  Haines,  and  W.  W.  Willoughby  in  constitu- 
tional law;  Frank  W.  Goodnow  and  Ernst  Freund  in  the  introduction 
of  administrative  law  into  the  United  States;  or  James  W.  Garner, 
Charles  G.  Fenwick,  and  Philip  Marshall  Brown  as  scholars  of  inter- 
national law. 

It  is,  however,  significant  that,  despite  the  relative  freedom  from 
the  rigid  professionalism  of  the  conventional  law  school  enjoyed  by 
these  scholars,  their  names  do  not  figure  among  the  molders  of  Amer- 
ica's most  distinctive  school  of  jurisprudence.  I  refer  to  American 
realism,  with  its  emphasis,  presumably  congenial  to  political  scientists, 
on  the  proposition  that,  since  judges  are  people,  they  are  to  be  under- 
stood by  studying  the  impact  on  their  decisions  of  factors  that  are 
known  to  affect  human  conduct.  A  judicial  response,  in  this  perspec- 
tive, is  not  exempt  from  the  conditioning  of  the  judge  to  the  culture 
in  which  he  is  reared  or  to  the  social  class  or  interest  groups  with 
which  he  is  or  was  affiliated;  nor  is  he  exempt  from  the  conflicting 
equilibrium  of  his  personality  system. 

The  American  realists,  it  appears,  owe  more  to  Walter  Wheeler 
Cook  than  to  anyone  else,^  Cook  spent  a  year  in  Germany  in  the  study 


of  physics  before  turning  to  law.  He  continued  to  be  vexed  by  the 
flagrant  discrepancy  between  the  methods  of  physics  and  those  of  the 
teachers  and  practitioners  of  law.  In  this  he  was  responding  to  a 
challenge  built  into  our  civilization  and  of  urgency  growing  since  the 
sixteenth  century,  when  mathematics  and  experimental  physics  began 
to  gain  momentum.  Why  should  physicists  be  able  to  participate  in  an 
enterprise  whose  results  become  more  general  and  dependable  as  the 
years  go  by,  while  jurisprudence  remains  much  as  it  has  always  been, 
a  battleground  of  controversy  over  traditional  issues?  Cook  answered 
that  legal  studies  were  in  a  prescientific  stage  and  that  legal  studies 
would  gain  precision  and  acceptance  if  the  methods  of  science  were 
properly  applied  to  establishing  the  balance  between  theoretical  mod- 
els and  empirical  data. 

These  reflections  led  Cook  to  take  the  lead  in  a  devastating  at- 
tack on  the  prevailing  method  of  the  law,  namely,  legal  logic.  His 
position  was  that  the  method  cannot  possibly  do  more  than  demon- 
strate that  opposing  conclusions  can  be  supported  with  equal  facility 
by  the  same  set  of  doctrines.  Hence,  the  whole  approach  is  radically 
unsound.  In  article  after  article,  Cook  expounded  his  point  by  apply- 
ing the  lawyer's  preferred  tool,  namely,  the  logical  analysis  of  defini- 
tions and  of  chains  of  argument  in  concrete  legal  controversies.  Every 
article  was  intended  as  a  blow  at  the  ancient  giant  of  the  "logical 
infallibility"  of  law.  Cook  insisted  that  by  its  nature  logic  could  be 
nothing  other  than  fallible.  At  best,  belief  in  infallibility  is  a  dogma 
of  innocence;  at  worst,  a  hoax. 

Cook's  competence  as  a  legal  craftsman  and  his  painstaking  work 
in  the  classroom  and  in  the  law  journals  carried  conviction  to  the 
bright  young  men  who  formed  the  vanguard  of  the  realistic  approach. 
His  impact  at  Johns  Hopkins  and  Columbia  University  was  decisive, 
since  he  trained  a  corps  of  colleagues,  some  of  whom  later  migrated — 
for  administrative  reasons — to  Yale,  which  became  the  home  of  "the 
Yale  approach." 

At  first  glance,  it  may  seem  surprising  that  the  lead  in  establish- 
ing the  realist  school  was  not  taken  by  a  political  scientist  rather  than 
by  such  a  highly  specialized  legal  scholar  as  Cook.  It  is  presumably 
well  known  to  every  student  of  political  doctrine  that  general  theories 
have  received,  and  are  likely  to  continue  to  receive,  plausible  and  even 
convincing  interpretations  that  contradict  one  another.  He  sees  that 
the  trick  is  sometimes  turned  by  redefining  key  terms,  as  when  "hu- 
man equality"  is  alleged  to  condone  the  enslavement  of  a  particular 
ethnic  group  ("they  are  not  fully  human").  Or  the  device  is  to  intro- 

Collaboration  with  Allied  Professions  195 

duce  a  modifying  doctrine  that  is  presumably  implicit  in  the  context, 
such  as  an  alleged  doctrine  of  "necessity"  justifying  the  suspension  of 
democracy  during  "crises"  (though  the  "crisis"  may  continue  for  gen- 
erations). Whatever  technique  is  employed,  the  terms  of  the  doctrine 
assumed  to  be  authoritative  can  be  plausibly  manipulated  without 
doing  violence  to  logical  relationships  (such  as  the  requirement  that 
affirmations  within  a  system  of  propositions  shall  not  contradict  one 
another).  However,  logical  systems,  though  internally  harmonious, 
can  be  flatly  at  odds  with  one  another.  There  is  no  escape,  since  the 
next  move  is  to  propose  a  distinction  that,  if  equally  acceptable,  re- 
mains equally  unconvincing. 

I  suggest  that  political  scientists  did  not  make  the  crucial  break- 
through in  jurisprudence  because  they  were  so  deeply  absorbed  with 
the  discovery  of  "interests,"  economic  or  otherwise,  in  the  exploitation 
of  ambiguity.  Hence,  they  did  not  demonstrate  at  great  length  and  in 
technical  detail  that  legal  method  was  a  source  of  confusion  and  con- 
tradiction whenever  it  was  assumed  to  apply  in  concrete  circumstances. 
A  distinction  must  be  kept  in  mind  between  the  internal  relationships 
of  a  family  of  statements  (which  can  be  established  "by  definition") 
and  the  external  "referents"  of  a  statement  (which  must  be  demon- 
strated "by  observation").  Walter  Wheeler  Cook  stamped  this  funda- 
mental point,  the  difference  between  what  can  be  called  "syntactics" 
and  "semantics,"  into  American  legal  literature. 

At  once  a  sense  of  great  liberation  gave  enormous  zest  to  the 
young  men  who  followed  in  the  wake  of  Cook.  They  gleefully  dem- 
onstrated in  every  controversy  in  every  field  that  definitions  or  argu- 
ments were  equally  plausible  on  both  sides;  hence,  to  repeat  the 
allusion  that  was  so  often  used  to  caricature  the  realistic  movement, 
the  judge's  decision  depended  less  on  logic  than  on  "what  he  had  for 

Political  scientists  who  work  with  legal  scholars  will  discover  that 
the  realistic  point  of  view  is  by  no  means  universal  and  that  many 
lawyers  who  profess  to  go  along  with  it  are  not  willing  to  apply  the 
realistic  approach  with  vigor  and  constancy  to  every  problem.  More- 
over, it  cannot  be  taken  for  granted  that  the  distinction  between  syn- 
tactics (logic)  and  semantics  is  generally  understood. 

Furthermore — and  this  is  of  the  greatest  relevance — many  realists 
have  become  conscious  of  the  fact  that  something  is  missing  from  the 
approach  of  traditional  realism.  Having  demonstrated  that  legal  logic 
provides  no  satisfactory  guide  to  the  solution  of  judicial  problems, 
American  legal  realists  have  usually  found  that  they  are  stuck  in  a 


negative,  agnostic  position.  Granted  that  logic  is  devoid  of  necessary 
empirical  references,  so  what  ?  Are  all  doctrinal  interpretations  equally 
acceptable  to  the  work  of  lawyers,  judges,  and  scholars? 

The  answer  is  definitely  in  the  negative.  Political  scientists,  work- 
ing in  conjunction  with  realistically  inclined  lawyers,  can  contribute 
to  the  emerging  jurisprudence  of  our  day  because  their  results  help  to 
supplement  the  limitations  of  logic  as  a  problem-solving  tool. 

First  of  all,  it  is  apparent  that  American  legal  realism  focused 
on  only  two  of  the  five  intellectual  tasks  to  which  we  have  referred  in 
our  analysis  of  problem-solving  in  general.  The  two  tasks  are  trend 
and  conditioning  analysis — What  decisions  have  been  made?  What 
factors  have  influenced  them?  Three  tasks  are  left  untouched  or  re- 
ceive incidental  treatment — What  are  the  postulated  goals  of  the  legal 
system?  What  are  the  projections  of  probable  future  events?  What 
major  alternatives  of  policy  will  maximize  value  goals? 

By  working  in  close  association  with  students  of  legal  processes, 
political  scientists  can  assist  in  clarifying  the  scope  and  method  of 
jurisprudence.  In  the  most  inclusive  sense,  jurisprudence  is  itself  a 
component  of  political  science.  Jurisprudence  is  particularly  concerned 
with  authoritative  patterns  of  decision.  Obviously,  decisions  may  be 
both  authoritative  and  controlling;  specialists  in  neither  jurisprudence 
nor  political  science  are  exclusively  concerned  with  one  or  the  other. 
However,  a  division  of  emphasis — hence  a  division  of  labor — does  in 
fact  exist.  Specialists  in  jurisprudence  provide  problem-solving  guid- 
ance for  professional  lawyers,  judges,  and  legal  scholars;  specialists  in 
political  science  aim  at  a  somewhat  different  public.  To  some  extent, 
however,  the  audiences  overlap,  especially  in  public  law  (international, 
constitutional,  and  municipal).  A  continuous  gradation  of  specialties 
covers  the  total  field  of  political  science  and  jurisprudence.  The  dif- 
ference lies  in  the  detail  with  which  attention  is  focused  on  the  spe- 
cialized, conventional  language  of  "the  law."  Where  does  this  appear? 

Most  prominently,  of  course,  legal  language  is  used  by  courts, 
especially  by  tribunals  that  write  "opinions"  in  addition  to  giving  "de- 
cisions." It  is  taken  for  granted  that  the  opinions  justify  the  decisions 
in  the  name  of  the  legal  formula.  It  is  unthinkable  that  any  agency 
purporting  to  be  a  "court"  would  declare  itself  uninterested  in  legal 
doctrine  or  precedent.  Such  a  disclaimer  is  not  thinkable  because  the 
overwhelming  expectation  of  the  body  politic  is  that  the  decisions  are 
made  to  conform  to  the  prescriptions  of  the  system  of  legal  authority 
(constitutions,  statutes,  treatises,  ordinances,  regulations,  "customs," 
and  the  like). 

Collaboration  with  Allied  Professions  197 

The  legal  realists  were  often  correct  in  saying  that  decision- 
makers "made  up  their  minds"  how  to  decide  a  controversy  and 
"wrote  opinions  to  fit"  the  decision.  But  this  formulation  is  exceed- 
ingly ambiguous.  Does  it  mean  that  decision-makers  disregard  all  the 
prescriptions  of  the  legal  system?  Inquiry  suggests  that  the  answer  is 
usually,  if  not  always,  "no."  The  careful  selection  of  justifying  opin- 
ions can  result  from  the  desire  to  win  general  approval  for  a  result 
that  is  arrived  at  on  somewhat  unconventional,  though  "legal," 
grounds.  The  manipulative  character  of  the  opinion  is  not  necessarily 
intended  to  justify  "lawlessness"  in  the  exercise  of  judgment,  but 
rather  to  divert  attention  from  the  "legalistic"  elements  of  the  specific 
decision.  The  court  might  think  that  candid  disclosure  of  "genuine 
interpretations"  would  prove  unnecessarily  disturbing  to  bar  and 

We  must  also  underline  the  fact  that  research  on  judges  confirms 
the  view  that  many,  if  not  most,  are  largely  conventional  in  outlook. 
They  use  the  intellectual  tools  acquired  in  law  school,  perfected  in 
practice,  and  brought  with  them  to  the  bench.  It  would  be  a  mistake 
to  imagine  that  they  are  intellectually  sophisticated  enough  to  under- 
stand their  own  intellectual  processes.  On  the  contrary  it  is  likely  that 
they  are  trapped  by  the  current  expectations  regarding  legal  syntax. 
Analysis  indicates  that,  as  a  group,  judges  are  not  competent  intel- 
lectuals in  the  degree  of  awareness  with  which  they  evaluate  the  cate- 
gories and  procedures  of  the  legal  system,  the  conventional  application 
of  which  they  may,  however,  manage  expertly. 

It  is  a  caricature  of  the  judicial  process  to  affirm  that  judges  are 
wholly  arbitrary  in  interpreting  current  legal  doctrine.  In  any  given 
period,  many  expectations  about  the  prescriptions  of  a  legal  order 
are  relatively  explicit.  True,  there  may  be  zones  of  conflict  and  am- 
biguity, but  there  are  also  zones  of  assent  and  explicitness. 

A  major  problem  of  continuing  research  is  keeping  abreast  of 
changing  expectations  and  forecasting  responses,  with  or  without  ma- 
nipulative intervention.  It  is  the  role  of  the  lawyer  to  intervene  in  the 
future  and  to  try  to  influence  the  response  of  courts  or  other  decision- 
making tribunals  authorized  to  apply  prescriptions.  It  is  the  role  of 
the  judge  to  step  into  the  future  and  to  make  up  his  mind  about  the 
interpretation  of  available  doctrines.  The  scholar  moves  into  the  fu- 
ture, seeking  to  clarify  the  objectives  of  the  legal  system  in  reference 
to  the  circumstances  affected  by  controversy. 

Political  scientists  enlarge  these  perspectives  in  several  directions. 
As  scholars,  they  are,  for  instance,  relatively  free  to  devote  themselves 


to  the  Study  of  factors  that  conditioned  past  decisions.  This  comes 
partly  from  the  fact  that,  if  the  political  scientist  is  not  a  practicing 
lawyer,  he  has  relative  freedom  from  incessant  pressure  to  argue  cases. 
Hence,  he  can  let  the  flow  of  current  case  reports  go  by  for  a  few 
months  or  years  while  he  concentrates  on  another  set  of  questions, 
notably  historical  trends  and  conditioning  factors.  Legal  scholars,  too, 
may  take  time  out  from  the  immediate  pressure  of  case  reports.  In 
our  society,  however,  it  is  more  common  for  legal  scholars  to  keep 
prepared  for  current  questions. 

An  examination  of  research  will  show  that  some  of  the  most  dar- 
ing, long-range  studies  of  legal  process  have  been  undertaken  by  po- 
litical scientists.*  Political  scientists  are  more  likely  to  gather  "factual" 
data  about  the  total  process  of  decision  than  legal  scholars,  since 
lawyers  are  more  typically  rewarded  for  "argument"  than  for  "factual 
summaries"  or  "scientific  generalizations"  in  regard  to  facts. 

Differences  of  expected  reward  (indulgence)  are  matters  of  major 
importance  in  collaborative  projects  between  legal  scholars  and  po- 
litical scientists.  It  is  within  the  accepted  routine  of  lawyers  to  sum- 
marize the  briefs  submitted  to  legislative  committees,  administrative 
commissions,  courts,  or  related  agencies.  It  is  well  within  the  routine 
of  political  scientists  to  discover  the  pressure  groups  that  tried  to  in- 
fluence legislation  and  administrative  or  judicial  decision.  The  two 
strands  of  research  directly  supplement  each  another. 

There  are,  nonetheless,  far-reaching  differences  in  the  approaches 
to  research  characteristic  of  legal  scholars  and  of  political  scientists. 
As  a  rule,  legal  scholars  are  interested  in  trend  research,  argumenta- 
tion, and  data  summaries  (for  evidential  purposes).  Trend  research 
is  often  necessary  to  disclose  the  changes  in  the  interpretation  of  legal 
doctrines.  Argumentation  is,  of  course,  an  inescapable  feature  of  every 
controversy.  Data  summaries  deal  with  factual  materials  intended  to 
strengthen  an  argument.  If  it  is  alleged,  for  example,  that  unfair  trade 
practices  have  become  more  frequent,  experts  may  be  consulted  to 
testify  to  the  trend  or  to  call  attention  to  information  that  corrobo- 
rates the  point. 

Political  scientists,  as  social  scientists,  are  orientated  to  problems 
that  fail  to  interest  many  lawyers.  They  are  concerned  with  general 
theories  of  the  political  process.  Hence,  they  work  with  theoretical 
models  that,  when  confirmed  by  data  of  observation,  explain  political 
events.  Thus,  political  scientists  study  revolution  and  counterrevolu- 
tion, reform  and  counterreform,  rise  and  spread  (or  restriction)  of 
political  ideology,  centralization  and  decentralization,  democratization 

Collaboration  with  Allied  Professions  199 

and  antidemocracy,  and  the  like.  Lawyers,  on  the  other  hand,  usually 
look  on  these  problems  as  "vague,"  "ambiguous,"  and  hence  of  mar- 
ginal relevance  to  jurisprudence.  Legal  training  prepares  students  to 
feel  intellectually  ill  at  ease  unless  they  have  rather  persuasive  argu- 
ments at  their  disposal — that  is,  a  persuasive  interpretation  of  how  a 
given  prescription  applies  to  concrete  circumstances.  Generalizations 
only  partially  supported  by  data  "will  not  stand  up  in  court";  hence, 
lawyers  often  assume  that  they  are  useless  "theories."  Such,  at  least, 
is  the  conventional  bias. 

To  some  extent,  the  perspective  of  lawyers  and  legal  scholars  is 
changing.  In  many  problem  areas,  for  instance,  it  is  of  obvious  im- 
portance to  analyze  causal  factors.  This  is  true  of  legal  administration 
itself.  It  is  clearly  pertinent  to  consider  under  what  circumstances 
courts  meet  heavy  case  loads  and  achieve  a  reasonable  level  of  justice. 
What  methods  of  selection  and  training  and  what  ladders  of  profes- 
sional advancement  contribute  to  a  competent  judiciary?  What  sanc- 
tioning methods  yield  what  results  ? 

If  political  scientists  and  lawyers  are  to  improve  their  effective 
working  relations  in  future  years,  it  will  be  helpful  if  they  possess  a 
common  map  of  the  decision-making  and  executing  processes  and  of 
the  features  in  regard  to  which  they  have  greatest  competence  and 
concern.^  We  have  previously  outlined  the  seven  phases  into  which  it 
is  often  convenient  to  classify  the  characteristic  outcomes  exhibited 
by  the  decision  process  of  a  body  politic — intelligence,  recommending 
(promoting),  prescribing,  invoking,  applying,  appraising,  and  ter- 

We  have  heavily  underscored  the  distinction  between  conven- 
tional and  functional  uses  of  terms.  Speaking  in  the  conventional  lan- 
guage of  a  body  politic,  the  officials  authorized  to  act  in  the  name  of 
the  whole  are  easily  distinguishable.  Legal  scholars  and  practitioners 
are  distinctively  engaged  in  describing  and  manipulating  the  formula, 
the  official  prescriptions  assumed  to  constitute  the  legal  system.  Al- 
though the  legislative  organs  of  government  are  traditionally  charged 
with  responsibility  for  formulating  authoritative  prescriptions,  closer 
examination  shows  that  legislatures  do  not  monopolize  the  function. 
Since  prescriptions  are  patterns  of  expectations  in  reference  to  au- 
thority, whatever  changes  these  expectations  changes  "the  law."  It  is 
commonplace  to  recognize — as  we  have  had  occasion  to  repeat — that 
courts  have  a  hand  in  making  as  well  as  in  applying  authoritative 
legal  doctrine.  To  some  extent  the  same  point  is  applicable  to  every 
official  agency.  Going  beyond  organs  of  government,  "law"  is  made 


informally  in  the  shifting  expectations  current  in  the  market  place, 
the  daily  routines  of  family  life,  and  in  every  institutional  activity 
within  the  social  process.  It  is,  in  fact,  impossible  for  any  participant 
in  society  to  resign  from  the  law-making  process  without  departing 
this  life.  While  there  is  breath,  there  is  legislation,  since  expectations 
regarding  authority  cannot  be  escaped. 

Phrasing  the  characteristics  of  a  legal  prescription  more  techni- 
cally, we  repeat  that  every  prescription  contains  three  principal  ele- 
ments—  (1)  the  primary  norms,  such  as  standards  of  "fair  practice"; 
(2)  the  contingency  norms,  which  state  the  factual  circumstances  un- 
der which  the  primary  norms  apply;  and  (3)  the  secondary,  or  sanc- 
tioning, norms  that  include  the  negative  or  affirmative  measures 
available  when  a  primary  norm  is  breached  or  conformed  to. 

Because  of  the  prominence  of  the  courts  in  the  decision  process  in 
which  lawyers  play  a  prominent  part,  it  is  convenient  to  give  special 
consideration  to  the  roles  of  lawyers  and  political  scientists  in  the 
court's  work.  In  the  total  context  of  community  decision,  a  judicial 
organ,  we  have  said,  is  part  of  the  "application"  phase.  We  refer  to 
the  interactions  between  parties  and  decision-makers  as  the  judicial 
"arena"  and  further  distinguish  the  decisions  made  by  judge  or  jury 
as  "outcomes"  in  the  flow  of  relevant  events.  Preoutcome  events  fall 
in  two  broad  categories,  namely,  events  in  the  arena  prior  to  decision 
and  the  prearena  occurrences  that  led  to  the  involvement  of  the  court. 
Postoutcomes  refer  to  future  occurrences  affected  by  the  decision, 
that  is,  after  the  immediate  impact  of  the  decision  on  the  parties. 

A  chronological  commentary  on  the  controversies  that  reach  the 
courts  during  a  given  period  can  bring  out  the  interplay  between  law- 
yers and  political  scientists.  Lawyers  are  usually  turned  to  by  partici- 
pants within  the  social  process  who  assert  that  they  have  been 
value-deprived  in  some  way  that  contravenes  public  order;  hence, 
professional  assistance  is  required.  However,  many  potential  cases  are 
not  prepared  for  presentation  to  the  authorized  decision-makers  of  the 
community.  They  may  be  settled  by  negotiation  among  counsel  of  the 
parties,  or  the  client  may  be  convinced  that  there  is  no  reasonable 
prospect  that  the  case,  if  litigated,  can  be  won.  We  enlarge  the  scope 
of  preoutcome  events  to  include  grievances  that  are  not  carried  to 
court  and  those  not  brought  to  the  attention  of  a  lawyer,  perhaps  be- 
cause the  parties  are  able  to  settle  without  assistance.  At  the  other  ex- 
treme, the  aggrieved  parties  are  too  ignorant  or  too  weak  to  engage 
counsel.  In  summary: 

CoUaburaiion  with  Allied  Frofcssioiis  2U1 

Prearena  (preoutcome)  events 

Precipitating  events 

Participants  in  the  social  process  allegedly  experience  value 
deprivations  that  are  claimed  to  contravene  the  authoritative 
prescriptions  comprising  the  public  order. 

Preparatory  events 

Participants  engage  counsel  who  bring  claims  to  the  atten- 
tion of  community  decision-makers  (the  court). 

Parallel  events 

Participants  experience  alleged  value  deprivations  that  from 
the  point  of  view  of  the  scientific  observer  are  practically 
identical  to  precipitating  events,  but  settlements  are  obtained 
by  direct  negotiation  among  the  parties,  or  preparatory  ac- 
tivities are  not  engaged  in,  and  official  arenas  are  not  in- 

The  direct  concern  of  legal  scholars  is  clear:  they  examine  the 
cases  brought  to  the  attention  of  counsel  and  assess  the  skill  with 
which  counsel  managed  the  prearena  steps  of  direct  negotiation,  in- 
formal arbitration,  or  refusal  to  proceed.  Political  scientists  are  quali- 
fied as  interviewers  to  obtain  information  that  puts  the  activity  of 
counsel  and  of  the  legal  process  itself  in  context.  Among  significant 
questions  are  these:  To  what  exent  is  it  true  that,  at  a  given  time, 
various  participants  in  the  social  process  fail  to  resort  to  courts  be- 
cause they  suspect  the  impartiality  of  the  judges  or  are  unable  to  bear 
the  cost  of  litigation  ?  Are  those  who  hold  these  expectations  the  mem- 
bers of  cultural  minorities,  of  low  status  groups,  of  particular  interest 
groups,  or  of  discernible  personality  types?  Legal  scholars  share  an 
active  concern  with  such  matters.  Until  recently,  however,  they  have 
done  little  research  to  bring  out  the  aggregate  picture  of  denial  of 
justice,  and  it  is  to  be  anticipated  that  political  scientists  will  be 
among  the  social  scientists  with  whom  they  will  most  actively  col- 

When  we  examine  the  arena,  the  first  step  is  as  usual  to  discover 
the  participants.  Lawyers  automatically  classify  many  of  the  relevant 
participants  according  to  the  conventional  technicalities  of  litigation. 
There  are  parties  who  are  plaintiffs  or  defendants,  and  they  are  rep- 
resented by  counsel  who  summon  witnesses.  There  are  judges,  jurors, 
and  court  attendants.  Although  lawyers  are  fully  aware  of  other  par- 
ticipants, they  do  not  regularly  investigate  their  roles.  Political  sci- 


entists  are  predisposed  to  go  beyond  the  judge  to  examine  the 
composition  of  the  audience  in  the  courtroom  and  to  study  the  larger 
audience  reached  by  mass  media  reporting  and  comment  or  whose 
members  are  actively  engaged  in  collecting  money  or  striving  in  other 
ways  to  influence  the  result.  Political  scientists  also  focus  on  the  im- 
mediate environment  that  affects  the  final  decision,  such  as  the  stream 
of  casual  comment  by  family  and  friends. 

Legal  scholars  concentrate  on  the  technical  claims  put  forward 
by  counsel  on  behalf  of  the  parties  and  the  justifications — legal  argu- 
ment, proof — advanced  in  support  of  the  claims.  Political  scientists 
are  more  disposed  by  training  and  professional  interest  to  put  these 
formalities  in  the  context  of  genuine  perspectives  and  value  assets  or 
liabilities  of  the  participants.  Not  that  counselors  are  oblivious  to  these 
matters;  on  the  contrary,  they  are  so  aware  of  them  that  in  many 
cases  they  try  to  keep  such  factors  off  the  record.  As  social  scientists, 
political  scientists  know  that  it  is  impossible  to  arrive  at  genuine  ap- 
praisals of  the  legal  process  until  these  elements  are  competently  de- 
scribed in  representative  instances.  Hence,  it  is  necessary  that  the 
language  of  legal  technicality  be  translated  into  terms  that  designate 
value-indulgence  or  -deprivation.  The  claim  to  be  a  legatee  in  a  given 
controversy  may,  when  translated,  mean  that  the  party  is  asking  the 
court  to  increase  his  wealth  by  directing  that  one  million  dollars  from 
an  estate  be  turned  over  to  him.  The  principal  value  at  stake  in  a  case 
may  be  power,  respect,  or  any  of  the  value  categories  which  can  be 
used  to  describe  the  factual  context. 

When  legal  claims  are  put  forward,  counsel  use  conventional 
terms  of  legal  technicality  to  identify  the  claimant  or  the  counter- 
claimant.  These  symbols  of  identity — the  terms  "legatee"  or  "bene- 
ficiary," for  instance — do  not  tell  us  much  about  the  position  of  the 
claimant  in  the  social  process.  Hence,  in  order  to  compare  cases,  po- 
litical and  social  scientists  find  it  necessary  to  describe  the  claimants 
and  other  participants  according  to  such  categories  as  culture,  class, 
interest,  and  personality. 

The  justifications  include  arguments,  that  is,  assertions  that  the 
claim  is  more  in  harmony  with  community  prescription  than  are  al- 
ternative claims.  In  summarizing  cases,  legal  scholars  tend  to  restrict 
the  reporting  of  justifications  to  the  legal  terminology.  Political  sci- 
entists, on  the  other  hand,  are  interested  in  amplifying  the  report  to 
reveal  the  degree  to  which  the  language  of  the  legal  formula  is  ac- 
companied by  such  other  symbol  patterns  of  the  social  myth  as  re- 

Collaboration  with  Allied  Professions  203 

ligious,  ethical,  or  political  doctrines  and  by  "miranda"  (folk  items) 
in  popular  versions  of  history  and  prophecy.  They  are  interested,  also, 
in  ascertaining  such  elements  that  affect  credibility  of  testimony  as 
the  class  accent  of  witnesses  and  a  host  of  pertinent  culture,  class, 
interest,  and  personality  factors.  Although  these  matters  are  of  obvious 
importance  to  counsel,  the  tradition  has  been  to  treat  them  in  the 
spirit  of  the  amateur,  rather  than  to  welcome  systematic  observation 
and  analysis. 

Most  generally  defined,  the  sequence  of  activities  engaged  in  by 
counsel  constitute  the  strategy  of  litigation.  It  includes  the  choice  of 
arena,  the  phrasing  of  the  claims  and  justifications,  and  all  moves 
made  on  reaching  the  attention  of  decision-makers.  The  strategy  of 
litigation  depends  in  large  part  on  the  base  values  at  the  disposal  of 
the  counsel,  and  this  depends  mainly  on  the  assets  or  liabilities,  in 
terms  of  money  and  of  all  other  social  values,  at  the  disposal  of  clients. 
Political  scientists  are  more  concerned  than  lawyers  with  obtaining  an 
explicit  record  of  such  factors. 

Judges  and  jurors  approach  a  given  case  with  predispositions 
molded  by  their  previous  exposure  to  culture,  class,  interest,  and  per- 
sonality environments.  Lawyers  pay  immediate  heed  to  the  previous 
commitments  of  judges,  seeking  to  assess  predispositions  by  noting  past 
decisions  and  opinions.  However,  until  the  recent  rise  of  political  and 
social-scientific  activity,  they  had  done  little  to  advance  the  systematic 
analysis  of  such  factors. 

The  presiding  judge,  in  particular,  begins  to  respond  in  a  re- 
corded and  responsible  way  from  the  beginning  of  a  proceeding.  His 
most  important  base  value  in  the  courtroom  is  the  prescription  or 
body  of  prescriptions  that  authorize  jurisdiction;  for  example,  the 
strategy  of  dealing  with  the  motions  made  by  counsel  is  aflfected  by 
the  prescriptions  that  relate  to  admissibility  of  evidence.  Political  sci- 
entists are  interested  in  the  use  made  by  justices  of  such  other  value 
assets  as  the  ethical  norms  of  the  community. 

Arena  preoutcome  events 

Immediate:    claimants,    counselors,    witnesses,    court,   jury, 

court  attendants,  courtroom  audiences,  etc. 
Other:  individuals  and  groups  who  hear  about  a  controversy 
or  seek  to  influence  the  outcome  by  raising  funds, 
agitating,  etc. 


Statements — claims 

Identifications :  formally  identified  plaintiffs,  defendants,  etc. 
Demands:  formally  asking  decision-maker  to  value-indulge 
or  -deprive  self  or  others,  to  take  appropriate  par- 
ticular measures. 
Expectations:     fact-form     assertions     about     precipitating 
events  or  the  future. 
Statements — justifications 
Arguments  in  support  of  claims. 
Proof  in  support  of  claims. 
Base  values  and  strategies 

Of  all  participants — assets  during  controversy. 
Persuasion,  coercion. 

The  final  responses  of  a  community  decision-maker  may  be  in 
terms  of  any  value  (for  example,  power — disqualification  from  or 
qualification  for  office;  enlightenment — denial  of  information  or  ac- 
cess; wealth — loss  or  gain  of  property;  well-being — hard  labor  or  re- 
lease; skill — recognition  or  denial  of  performance  record;  affection 
— loss  or  recovery  of  custody  of  child;  respect — discrimination  abol- 
ished or  tolerated;  or  rectitude — conduct  hailed  as  moral  or  immoral). 

The  responses  go  far  beyond  the  value  outcomes  sought  by  the 
immediate  parties  to  the  controversy.  There  are  positive  or  negative 
references  to  the  justifications,  as  well  as  the  claims,  advanced  to  de- 
fend or  attack  the  value  demands  put  before  the  court.  Also,  the 
statements  made  by  witnesses  are  accepted  or  rejected  as  part  of  the 
support  for,  or  rebuttal  of,  claims.  All  who  are  in  any  degree  identified 
with  the  statements  endorsed  or  rejected  by  judge  or  jury  are  value- 
affected.  Counsel  for  the  parties,  for  example,  rise  in  prestige  and 
eventually  perhaps  in  income  and  power  if  they  win.  Lower  court 
judges  are  not  oblivious  to  the  impact  on  their  reputation  of  the  re- 
sponse of  appellate  tribunals;  in  fact,  the  entire  court  structure,  or 
even  the  bar,  of  a  locality  may  be  downgraded  if  it  fails  to  be  sus- 
tained on  a  series  of  controversial  questions. 

Political  scientists  are  especially  equipped  to  bring  into  view  the 
whole  context  of  effects  of  a  given  decision  or  an  aggregate  of  de- 
cisions. Legal  scholars  pay  strict  attention  to  the  acceptance  of  a  result 
as  a  "leading  case"  that  is  frequently  cited  by  subsequent  judges  and 
hence  figures  in  the  calculations  of  counsel  when  they  advise  clients 
or  choose  specific  claims  and  justifications  in  later  litigation.  But  legal 
scholars  are  rather  less  motivated  than  political  scientists  to  join  with 

Collaboration  with  Allied  Professions  205 

other  social  scientists  in  examining  the  continuing  effects  of  the  sanc- 
tioning measures  employed  on  behalf  of  public  order. 

Decision  outcome  and  efTect  (postoutcome) 

Value-indulgence  or  -depriva-      Participants 
tion  Immediate 

Statements    ( those    identified 
Base  values  and  strategies 

Fortunately,  the  trend  of  professional  interest  among  legal  schol- 
ars and  practitioners  is  toward  providing  information  that  contributes 
to  the  possibility  of  appraising  the  judicial  institutions  of  the  com- 
munity. As  data  become  more  comprehensive,  it  becomes  increasingly 
feasible  to  confront  the  conventional  "legal  process"  with  a  function- 
ally disciplined  image  of  the  facts  of  life  to  date  and  the  outlook  for 
the  future.  Hence,  we  can  reclassify  "officials"  according  to  the  func- 
tional definition  of  law  as  authoritative  and  controlling.  If  officials  do 
not  in  fact  exercise,  or  are  not  expected  to  exercise,  severe  sanctions 
on  behalf  of  public  order,  they  may  nonetheless  employ  mild  sanctions. 
In  the  latter  contingency,  they  are  appropriately  seen  as  part  of  the 
civic  order  of  the  body  politic,  not  of  the  public  order. 

We  are  somewhat  sanguine  that  political  scientists  and  jurists  will 
be  able  to  work  together  in  future  years  in  view  of  the  fact  that  strat- 
egies of  counsel  are  often  based  on  considerations  of  the  kind  that  we 
have  said  are  among  the  principal  factors  to  which  political  scientists 
attach  great  weight.  The  choice  of  court — to  take  a  recurring  matter 
— often  depends  on  intelligence  data  about  the  predispositions  of  the 
court;  this  calls  for  estimates  of  the  political  ambitions  of  the  judges 
and  of  the  expectations  that  ambitious  judges  are  likely  to  entertain 
about  the  effects  for  their  elevation  to  a  higher  court  of  the  alterna- 
tives open  to  them  in  the  present  controversy.  The  political  scientist 
adds  motive  and  technique  to  the  lawyer's  special  skill  with  authorita- 
tive language  and  to  the  lawyer's  sophistication  and  opportunities  for 
inside  observation.^ 

The  candor  and  competence  required  to  put  the  courts  into  func- 
tional perspective  are  no  less  indispensable  to  the  adequate  appraisal 


of  all  institutions  of  community  decision.  Ultimately,  lawyers  and  po- 
litical scientists  will  effectively  contribute  to  the  evaluation  of  all 
phases  of  the  process  of  decision  at  every  level,  whether  transnational, 
national,  or  subnational. 

We  could  multiply  the  skill  groups  with  which  the  political  scien- 
tists of  tomorrow  will  be  intimately  associated,  both  at  the  level  of 
advanced  training  and  professional  performance.  Before  concluding 
the  analysis,  we  propose  to  open  the  questions  relating  to  the  institu- 
tions best  adapted  to  the  mature  intellectual  tasks  of  political  scien- 


^  Political  scientists  played  an  important  part  in  modernizing  the  education 
of  journalists — to  cite  a  single  instance,  Ralph  D.  Casey,  now  emer- 
itus, at  the  University  of  Minnesota. 

2  I  do  not  necessarily  have  in  mind  the  brilliant  polemics  of  political  scien- 

tist Eugene  Burdick  and  his  journalist  colleagues.  In  passing,  it 
should  be  acknowledged  that  some  political  scientists  are  also  writers 
or  publicists  of  professional  distinction,  among  whom  may  be  men- 
tioned Walter  Lippmann,  Max  Lerner,  Leo  Rosten,  Saul  Padover, 
and  Hannah  Arendt. 

3  The  more  technical  the  field,  the  more  representative  of  Cook.  Cf.  W.  W. 

Cook,  The  Logical  and  Legal  Bases  of  the  Conflict  of  Laws  (Cam- 
bridge: Harvard  University  Press,  1942). 

■*  Political  scientists  now  actively  engaged  in  extending  quantitative  tech- 
niques to  the  study  of  legal  process  include  H.  Pritchett  and  G.  A. 
Schubert.  The  prevailing  view  of  the  judiciary  is  exemplified  in  J. 
Peltason,  Federal  Courts  in  the  Political  Process  (New  York: 
Doubleday,  1955).  Cf.  V.  G.  Rosenblum,  Law  as  a  Political  In- 
strument (New  York:  Doubleday,  1955).  For  a  normative,  critical 
approach,  cf.  W.  Berns,  Freedom,  Virtue,  and  the  First  Amendment 
(Baton  Rouge:  University  of  Louisiana  Press,  1957). 

^  My  perspectives  on  legal  process  have  been  seasoned  by  association  with 
colleagues  at  Yale,  in  both  the  Law  School  and  the  Graduate 
School.  Myres  S.  McDougal  and  the  late  George  Dession  have  been 
especially  close  collaborators.  A  recent  guide  to  the  general  field  is 
E.  Bodenheimer,  Jurisprudence,  "The  Philosophy  and  Method  of 
Law"  (Cambridge:  Harvard  University  Press,  1962).  Also,  J.  Hall, 
Studies  in  Jurisprudence  and  Criminal  Theory  (New  York:  Oceana 
Publications,  1958);  C.  J.  Friedrich,  The  Philosophy  of  Law  in  His- 
torical Perspective  (Chicago:  University  of  Chicago  Press,  1958); 
W.  Friedmann,  Legal  Theory  (4th  ed.;  Toronto:  University  of  To- 
ronto Press,  1960).  Cf.  also,  among  current  contributors,  H.  A.  L. 

Collaboration  with  Allied  Professions  207 

Hart,  The  Concept  of  Law  (Oxford:  Clarendon  Press,  1961);  A. 
Ross,  On  Law  and  Justice  (Berkeley:  University  of  California  Press, 
1959);  F.  S.  C.  Northrop,  The  Complexity  of  Legal  and  Ethical 
Experience  (Boston:  Little,  Brown,  1959). 

Among  many  recent  collaborations,  cf.  B.  Manning  and  M.  H.  Bernstein, 
the  directors  of  the  study  by  the  Special  Committee  on  the  Federal 
Conflict  of  Interest  Laws  of  the  Association  of  the  Bar  of  the  City 
of  New  York,  Conflict  of  Interest  and  Federal  Service  (Cambridge: 
Harvard  University  Press,  1960). 


for  Advanced 
Political  Science 

Which  organizational  forms  are  best  adapted  to  the  future  task  of 
political  science  ?  Organizations  are  relevant  in  two  ways — by  affecting 
content  of  what  is  considered  and  by  afTecting  the  procedure  of  con- 
sideration. The  content  pertinent  to  the  integrative  solution  of  prob- 
lems of  public  policy  falls  into  the  categories  of  goal,  trend,  condition, 
projection,  and  alternative.  The  relevant  procedures  influence  re- 
cruitment and  the  agenda  of  the  problem-solving  process. 


There  are  many  grounds  for  rejecting  the  contemporary  univer- 
sity as  a  satisfactory  model  for  the  forms  of  organization  best  adapted 
to  the  integrative  consideration  of  fundamental  matters  of  public  af- 


Centers  jot  Advanced  Political  Science  209 

fairs.  For  one  thing,  the  number  of  people  involved  diminishes  the 
chances  that  attention  will  be  focused  on  a  common  map  of  past, 
present,  and  future  events.  Leaving  aside  the  students  and  counting 
as  faculty  only  those  who  have  achieved  the  status  of  instructor  or 
above,  it  is  not  unusual  to  find  that  nominal  colleagues  at  a  university 
number  in  the  thousands.  We  often  hear  of  the  tens  of  thousands  of 
students  who  congregated  at  various  university  centers  in  late  medi- 
eval times.  The  central  faculty,  on  the  other  hand,  was  often  small 
enough  to  permit  a  high  degree  of  mutual  awareness  and  direct  inter- 
course. The  contemporary  institution  of  higher  learning,  though  keep- 
ing a  student  body  of  thousands,  has  multiplied  the  faculty  until  there 
is  little  life  in  common.^ 

To  the  diluting  effect  of  number,  the  fact  of  physical  dispersion 
must  be  added.  The  same  university  frequently  operates  on  several 
campuses  widely  separated  in  space.  From  the  hub  of  the  main,  or  of 
each  subsidiary,  campus,  faculties  distribute  themselves  in  every  di- 
rection. Dwellings  may  be  twenty,  fifty,  or  even  several  hundred  miles 
apart.  Travel  time  may  reach  four,  six,  or  even  more  hours. 

More  drastic  than  the  size  and  dispersion  of  university  faculties 
is  the  fractionalizing  effect  of  modern  specialization.  For  years  it  has 
been  a  theme  of  lamentation  that  the  unified  perspective  that  allegedly 
characterized  Europe  in  the  Middle  Ages  no  longer  exists.  The  usual 
account  says  that  once  every  literate  person  shared  a  high  degree  of 
intellectual  culture.  He  knew  the  Judaeo-Christian  scriptures  and 
many  of  the  writings  of  the  church  fathers  and,  after  the  revival  of 
Greek  and  Roman  learning,  became  acquainted  with  Aristotle  and 
Plato  and  with  classical  poets,  dramatists,  and  historians. 

In  ancient  civilizations,  the  highest  intellectual  class  was  generally 
saturated  with  a  common  image  of  man  and  nature.  This  was  evi- 
dently true  of  Chinese  and  East  Indian  civilizations,  for  example.^ 

With  the  breakup  of  the  world  view  of  earlier  times,  the  intel- 
lectual initiative  gradually  and  then  rapidly  passed  to  the  sciences. 
Scientists  are  typically  impatient  with  the  history  of  their  subject, 
since  it  consists  mainly  of  primitive  first  approximations  and  rudimen- 
tary instrumentation.  Further,  they  assume  that  there  is  little  to  respect 
in  the  pasts  of  other  disciplines,  which  at  best  show  a  few  gleam- 
ing needles  in  a  haystack  of  folklore.  The  advanced  training  of  a 
physical  scientist  tends  to  focus  on  theoretical  models,  exploratory 
designs,  and  instrumentation.^ 

Academic  philosophers,  historians,  and  scholars  of  the  arts  have 
chosen  a  somewhat  different  though  related  path  of  retreat  from  the 


challenge  of  a  comprehensive  view.  This  withdrawal  occurs  as  re- 
search competition  grows  more  intense  and  as  graduate  schools  mul- 
tiply. Respect  and  advancement  come  to  depend  on  publication,  and 
especially  on  a  fomi  of  publication  that  matches  the  data-rich  papers 
of  empirical  scientists  with  citation-rich  accumulations.  In  this  evi- 
dence-conscious age,  one  may  continue  to  "appreciate"  Dante  or 
Shakespeare.  But  the  proliferation  of  appreciative  remarks  presently 
begins  to  sound  verbose,  pretentious,  and  in  fact  ridiculous.  If  the 
lecturer  on  the  arts  has  lost  his  franchise  to  celebrate  the  beauty  of 
the  beautiful,  a  similar  fate  has  befallen  the  instructor  in  ethics,  since 
there  is  limited  tolerance  for  his  confirmation  of  the  good.  Theo- 
logians, too,  are  barely  tolerated  if  they  bear  witness  to  their  faith 
and  fail  to  get  on  with  the  "solid"  task  of  connecting  doctrine  with 
history  or  morals. 

We  have  had  occasion  earlier  to  comment  on  the  empirical,  evi- 
dence-oriented emphasis  of  political  scientists  and  of  colleagues  in 
psychology,  economics,  and  allied  fields  of  social  science;  they,  too,  are 
affected  by  the  specialized  life  of  graduate  schools. 

Given  the  strength  of  the  many  tendencies  to  narrow  the  focus 
of  attention,  it  is  not  difficult  to  see  why  universities  have  lost  co- 
herence and  faculties  have  ceased  to  feel  responsible  for  a  currently 
intelligible  and  inclusive  map  of  man  and  nature.  Universities  have, 
however,  kept  the  label  while  abandoning  the  function  of  a  univer- 
sitas.  They  have  increasingly  become  post  office  addresses  and  holding 
companies  for  congeries  of  particular  operations  showing  no  clear 
sense  of  common  responsibility. 

It  is,  of  course,  impossible  for  all  members  of  the  intellectual 
community  to  give  up  the  struggle  for  enlightenment  and  to  fail  to 
insist  that  particular  operations,  no  matter  how  skillfully  executed  or 
how  immediately  successful,  be  expressly  related  to  a  comprehensive 
image  of  man  and  nature.  A  memory  of  vanished  unity  lingers  on. 
Individual  theologians  often  possess  an  enormous  sense  of  responsi- 
bility for  recapturing  the  ground  that  their  predecessors  lost  to  one 
another.  And  there  are  always  speculative  minds  whose  familiar  ori- 
entation is  contextual  and  who  perceive  what  they  do  in  a  broad 
frame  of  reference. 

Political  scientists  are  predisposed  by  the  traditions  of  the  field  to 
produce  at  least  a  few  minds  in  every  generation  who  think  contextu- 
ally  and  who  in  contemporary  times  are  alienated  by  the  fragmentation 
of  universities.  We  have  also  suggested  that  the  problem-solving  ex- 

Ceiitcn  fur  Advanced  Puiitital  Science  211 

perience  of  political  scientists  contains  a  valuable  clue  to  an  approach 
capable  of  moving  in  the  direction  of  efTective  integration.  Policy 
awareness  means  awareness  of  the  future,  and  this  implies  sense  of 
direction,  or  goal,  as  one  steps  out  of  the  past  and  present.  Policy 
awareness  implies  the  mobilization  of  all  knowledge,  whether  of  trend 
or  condition,  that  illuminates  the  shape  of  things  to  come  or  stimulates 
the  invention  or  evaluation  of  policy  alternatives.  The  traditional  con- 
cern of  political  science  with  the  whole  body  politic  also  means  that  it 
is  relatively  easy  to  focus  on  the  world  context. 

It  is  this  inclusive  problem-solving  orientation  that  enables  po- 
litical science  to  aid  in  recovering  the  idea  of  a  university.  Political 
science  does  not  sufTer  from  the  degree  of  under-  or  overemphasis  on 
one  of  the  problem-solving  tasks  that  limits  the  effectiveness  of  certain 
other  disciplines  which  might  otherwise  perform  a  reintegrative  role. 
For  example,  political  scientists  are  more  concerned  with  finite  time 
than  are  theologians  and  metaphysicians.  Political  scientists  are  more 
explicitly  conscious  of  the  world  as  a  whole,  and  especially  of  the  fac- 
tors that  limit  cooperation,  than  economic  theorists  have  been.  They 
are  more  accustomed  to  considering  the  issues  that  arise  in  the  clari- 
fying of  goal  or  the  invention  of  policy  than  are,  for  example,  so- 
ciologists or  psychologists. 


There  are  grounds  for  asserting  that,  in  recent  times,  a  new  or- 
ganizational form  has  begun  to  emerge  that  facilitates  focusing  at- 
tention and  talent  on  the  problem  context  of  mankind.  I  refer  to 
centers  of  study,  research,  and  consultation. 

What  are  the  salient  features  of  such  a  center?  One  characteristic 
is  size.  It  must  be  small  enough  to  foster  direct  interaction.  Another 
is  proximity.  The  members  need  to  be  sufficiently  contiguous  to  do 
many  things  in  common.  A  third  feature  is  concern  for  intellectual 

An  early  deliberate  innovation  was  the  Institute  for  Advanced 
Study  at  Princeton,  which  grew  out  of  Abraham  Flexner's  unflinching 
criticism  of  the  hodgepodge  of  operations  carried  on  by  institutions 
bearing  a  university  label.*  The  essential  vision  was  that  of  a  small, 
eminent  body  of  scholars  who  would  work  independently  or  jointly  as 
they  chose  on  problems  considered  strategic  for  the  advancement  of 
knowledge.  The  senior  scholars  are  also  free  to  cooperate  with  a  lim- 
ited number  of  juniors.  The  most  impressive  achievements  have  been 


in  mathematics  and  mathematical  physics,  thanks  in  part  to  the  over- 
whelming concentration  of  talent  in  the  persons  of  Einstein,  Weyl,  and 

Another  innovation — and  one  directly  related  to  the  subject  mat- 
ter that  concerns  us — is  the  Center  for  Advanced  Study  in  the  Be- 
havioral Sciences  at  Stanford.  As  originally  conceived,  the  center 
provided  facilities  for  a  group  of  established  scholars  and  a  more  nu- 
merous group  of  younger  men  (about  fifty  at  a  time).^  The  chief 
intellectual  stress  was  methodological  and — in  the  terms  of  our  prob- 
lem-solving analysis — mainly  on  conditioning  factors.  The  methodo- 
logical concern  was  threefold — (1)  to  encourage  mathematical  think- 
ing or  comparably  strict  methods;  (2)  to  stimulate  thinking  about 
social  processes  in  human  society  by  giving  consideration  to  general 
biological  theory;  (3)  to  provide  a  setting  appropriate  to  the  planning 
of  research  on  problems  of  importance  that  are  neglected  or  pursued 
by  inferior  methods  unless  recognized  and  undertaken  by  interdisci- 
plinary teams. 

For  several  reasons,  the  center  did  not  appoint  a  permanent  nu- 
cleus after  the  manner  of  the  Princeton  institute.  It  was  generally 
agreed  that  the  supply  of  outstanding  talent  in  several  fields  was  short 
and  that  the  universities  would  not  welcome  the  permanent  removal 
of  outstanding  figures.  Moreover,  the  total  impact  of  the  leading  pro- 
fessors on  the  next  generation  would  probably  be  greater  if  they  con- 
tinued to  function  at  the  universities.  A  further  point  was  lack  of 
consensus  about  the  truly  contributory  figures  in  the  behavioral  sci- 
ences or  the  direction  of  future  growth.  In  the  circumstances,  it  ap- 
peared wise  to  refrain  from  providing  a  few  senior  persons  with 
exceptional  influence. 

The  idea  of  a  center  has  been  adapted  to  special  situations  in 
ways  that  vindicate  the  flexibility  of  the  basic  plan.  Why  not  employ 
the  center  mechanism  to  further  the  tempo  of  integration  of  university 
life?  This  thought  has  crossed  the  mind  of  more  than  one  administra- 
tor and  scholar  and  has  led  to  the  proposal  to  assign  members  of  a 
university  faculty  to  temporary,  or  even  permanent,  duty  at  a  center 
operated  within  the  framework  of  the  university.  There  are  obvious 
difficulties  connected  with  this  arrangement,  since  the  members  of  an 
existing  staff  are  disposed  to  think  that  they  themselves  are  eligible 
simply  because  they  do  competent  research. 

A  center  of  political  science  is  more  suitable  than  an  all-encom- 
passing "university  within  a  university"  to  an  established  institution. 
The  scope  of  a  political  science  center  would  be  somewhat  restricted, 

Centers  for  Advanced  Political  Science  213 

since  it  puts  the  accent  on  the  policy  goals  of  man  or  the  future  of  a 
large  community  context.  Centers  of  political  science  could  be  formed 
within  universities  or  established  as  independent  entities. 


Within  any  center,  it  would  be  important  to  provide  for  the  par- 
ticipation of  individuals  whose  chief  interest  and  competence  was  in  the 
clarification  of  goals.  Because  of  the  role  played  by  the  concept  of 
responsibility  in  public  policy,  this  topic  is  among  the  most  eligible 
themes  for  continuing  examination.  The  concept  of  human  dignity, 
when  defined  as  an  overriding  goal,  includes  the  ideal  of  a  common- 
wealth in  which  all  participants  act  responsibly. 

It  will  be  necessary  to  clarify  the  levels  of  educability  and  edu- 
cation appropriate  to  various  contingencies.  For  example,  what  degree 
of  modifiability  by  experience  is  necessary  to  justify  inclusion  among 
advanced  forms  of  life?  In  regard  to  all  candidates  (human  or  not), 
what  levels  of  educability  and  education  should  be  required  for  ad- 
mission to  political  arenas  in  the  role  of  intelligence  source,  advocate, 
legislator,  peace  officer,  general  administrator,  censor,  or  referee  in 
termination  proceedings?  What  standards  are  appropriate  to  the 
management  of  sanctions  ? 

The  idea  of  responsibility  will  no  doubt  continue  to  arouse  de- 
bate over  the  concept  of  causal  determination.^  Since  the  notion  of 
causality  gained  weight  from  the  achievements  of  science,  it  would 
be  helpful  to  have  philosophers  of  science  who  are  grounded  in  science 
among  the  personnel  of  a  center.  The  type  of  question  that  arises  in 
this  connection  is  such  as  this:  If  a  subjective  event,  such  as  an  inner 
declaration  of  intent  to  promote  peace,  can  be  explained,  does  the 
intention  to  promote  peace  cease  to  be  "responsible"  ?  Empirical  stud- 
ies may  show,  for  example,  that  almost  all  who  have  been  reared  in 
Quaker  families  and  schooled  in  Quaker  institutions  assert  that  they 
favor  peace.  Is  a  Quaker  to  be  regarded  as  nonresponsible  or  ir- 
responsible when  he  takes  this  position? 

From  the  point  of  view  of  public  policy,  the  answer  is  in  the 
affirmative  if  we  take  the  position  that  a  minority  culture  is  strong 
enough  to  override  the  socializing  process  of  the  majority.  Only  those 
who  have  been  exposed  to  standard  conditioning  by  the  majority  cul- 
ture are,  on  this  definition,  to  be  held  responsible  by  decision-makers 
who  exercise  community  authority. 

However,  does  not  the  fact  that  subjective  perspectives  and  be- 
havioral operations  can  be  conditioned  by  exposure  to  the  majority 


pattern  signify  that  everyone  is  irresponsible  or  nonresponsible  to  the 
extent  that  the  probability  of  his  response  can  be  predicted  according 
to  group  frequencies?  Is  an  individual  acting  responsibly  only  when 
he  violates  standard  expectations  for  persons  of  comparable  ante- 

One  interpretation  of  responsibility  approaches  the  problem  by 
including  among  the  long-range  goals  of  the  community  the  require- 
ment that  the  authoritative  prescriptions  of  the  body  politic  be  en- 
acted and  revised  by  a  process  in  which  most  of  the  body  politic  is 
eligible  to  participate  and  is  encouraged  to  do  so.  This  is  part  of  the 
usual  specification  of  popular  government.  The  suggestion  is  that 
everyone  shall  be  held  responsible  for  conforming  to  a  prescribed  norm 
if  the  following  conditions  hold:  (1)  he  has  had  the  opportunity 
standard  to  the  community  to  be  informed  of  the  norm;  (2)  he  has 
been  exposed  to  standard  levels  of  conformity  to  the  norm;  (3)  he 
has  been  exposed  to  the  standard  opportunity  to  acquire  the  knowl- 
edge and  skill  needed  to  understand  what  he  sees  and  hears;  (4)  he 
has  the  psychosomatic  aptitudes  capable  of  taking  advantage  of  op- 
portunities to  acquire  cultural  patterns;  (5)  he  is  in  immediate  situ- 
ations where  incentives  to  override  the  norms  are  not  excessive  when 
appraised  according  to  standard  situations  of  the  community. 

Consider  the  case  of  a  self-declared  conscientious  objector  in  a 
democratic  body  politic.  Should  such  claimants  be  regarded  as  non- 
responsible  for  conforming  to  the  norm  of  military  service?  If  the 
claimants  have  been  reared  in  a  minority  community,  it  can  be  said 
that  they  have  been  underexposed  to  the  standard  levels  of  expression 
favorable  to  conformity  and  that  they  have  been  exposed  to  excep- 
tional indoctrination  against  the  norm. 

Or  consider  a  band  of  assassins  from  a  foreign  country  who  at- 
tempt to  liquidate  the  president  in  order  to  rivet  the  attention  of  the 
world  on  the  sad  plight  of  their  country.  We  may  regard  an  assassin 
as  nonresponsible  if  we  discover  that  he  is  suffering  from  a  serious 
psychotic  disorder  that  disposes  him  to  attack  alleged  persecutors.  We 
may  also  suggest  that  he  be  considered  nonresponsible  if  we  learn  that 
the  assassin  has  been  in  an  exceptionally  provocative  situation  (as  in 
melodrama — his  mother  was  raped  and  enslaved  by  an  American 
plantation  manager;  he  was  beaten  and  taunted  by  his  neighbors  and 
playmates  as  a  foreign  bastard;  he  was  befriended  by  an  anarchist 
printer  and  provided  with  funds  and  guns  by  a  secret  cell  of  super- 

Questions  of  policy  regarding  responsibility  are  always  with  us, 

Centers  for  Advanced  Political  Science  215 

regardless  of  the  novelty  of  the  situation  in  which  the  body  politic 
finds  itself.  In  the  space  age,  we  shall  face  rather  novel  problems.  For 
instance,  if  our  astronauts  establish  contact  with  a  superior  civilization 
— superior  in  intellectual  capability  and  scientific  achievement — shall 
we  claim  exemption  from  full  responsibility  in  the  astropolitical  com- 
munity? Shall  we  analogize  ourselves  to  an  isolated  primitive  society 
suflFering  from  absence  of  opportunity  or  to  the  gibbons,  gorillas,  and 
dolphins  whose  protocultures  reflect  organic  constraint?^ 


In  addition  to  the  clarification  of  goals,  centers  of  political  science 
would  encourage  sustained  attempts  to  anticipate  contingencies. 
Given  the  dynamic  impact  of  science  and  technology,  it  is  obvious  that 
the  flow  of  communication  between  scientists  and  the  center  would 
be  of  high  priority.  It  would  also  be  essential  to  develop  a  corps  of 
political  scientists  at  home  with  science  by  virtue  of  double  training. 

Double  competence,  by  the  way,  is  no  novelty  in  the  history  of 
political  science.  Cooper,  for  example,  was  a  professor  of  both  chemis- 
try and  political  economy  who  lectured  in  political  science,  a  combina- 
tion that  is  not  yet  found,  I  think,  at  so  advanced  an  institution  as 
M.I.T.^  It  is  part  of  the  traditional  lore  of  textbooks  on  political 
theory  that  John  Locke  studied  medicine;  and  there  is  always  the 
commanding  image  of  Aristotle,  who  is  only  intelligible  today  as,  say, 
the  editor-in-chief  of  the  Encyclopedia  of  the  Social  Sciences — and 
other  encyclopedias — of  his  day. 

It  would  be  fortunate  for  a  center  of  political  science  that  physi- 
cal and  biological  scientists  have  a  great  tradition  of  trying  to  com- 
municate with  the  lay  public.  In  England,  the  tradition  goes  even 
further  back  than  the  Darwinian  controversy,  which  brought  the  tire- 
less, eloquent,  and  cogent  T.  H.  Huxley  to  the  fore  as  a  popularizer  of 
evolution.  In  our  day,  we  have  had  the  advantage  of  a  contemporary 
Huxley  in  the  exposition  of  biology  and  an  entire  galaxy  of  top-flight 
astronomers,  among  whom  it  is  almost  invidious  to  choose  even  a 
figure  of  such  distinction  and  dedication  as  Harlow  Shapley.^ 

Part  of  the  tradition  of  communicating  with  a  wider  audience  has 
helped  to  motivate  and  legitimize  the  science  fiction  of  our  day.  Many 
outstanding  figures  in  the  scientific  community  contribute  to  the  ef- 
florescence of  this  type  of  literature.  They  have  done  it  in  a  playful 
spirit,  but  many  of  them  have  approached  the  task  with  an  underly- 
ing serious  purpose.  It  is  only  too  obvious  that  mankind  is  drastically 
unprepared  to  cope  with  the  grave  new  world  into  which  we  are  being 


catapulted  by  science  and  technolog)^  Furthermore,  the  education  of 
the  poets  and  novelists  of  our  time  has  left  almost  all  of  them  un- 
equipped to  feel  at  home  in  man's  new  habitat  or  in  company  with 
hitherto-undreamed-of  forms  of  life.^°  Aldous  Huxley's  Brave  New 
World  is  an  epochal  exception;  so,  too,  are  the  remarkable  contribu- 
tions to  science  fiction  of  G.  Day  Lewis,  the  English  poet;  Karel 
Capek,  the  whimsical  Czech;  and  the  prophetic  H.  G.  Wells. 

Among  working  scientists,  one  thinks  at  once  of  Fred  Hoyle,  of 
Oxford  and  Gornell,  whose  Black  Cloud  is  an  exercise  in  defining  the 
conception  of  life.  In  the  story,  astronomers  detect  the  approach  of  a 
cloud  formation  from  outer  space  that  blocks  out  the  sun  and  subjects 
the  earth  to  cold  that  destroys  hundreds  of  millions  of  people.  But  the 
truly  remarkable  characteristic  of  the  cloud  is  only  gradually  per- 
ceived by  watching  scientists.  It  follows  a  course  that  can  only  be  ex- 
plained by  assuming  that  it  is  alive,  that  is,  that  it  responds  to  complex 
inner  patterns  of  its  own  instead  of  reacting  in  simple  fashion  to  the 
immediate  environment. 

Isaac  Asimov  poses  questions  of  the  same  kind,  though  perhaps 
more  immediate.  He  imagines  a  future  civilization  on  earth  that  relies 
on  intricate  servomechanisms  to  perform  its  tedious,  laborious,  danger- 
ous, and  superspecialized  intellectual  tasks.  In  order  to  forestall  the 
overthrow  of  man's  dominance,  all  robots  (the  book  is  /,  Robot)  are 
constructed  on  such  a  plan  that  the  following  code  is  built  into  each 
individual:  "A  robot  may  not  injure  a  human  being,  or,  through  in- 
action, allow  a  human  being  to  come  to  harm.  A  robot  must  obey  the 
orders  given  it  by  human  beings  except  where  such  orders  would  con- 
flict with  the  First  Law.  A  robot  must  protect  its  own  existence  as 
long  as  such  protection  does  not  conflict  with  the  First  or  Second 
Law."^^  Given  the  complex,  even  refined,  discriminations  of  which  the 
"machine"  is  capable,  what  justification  is  there  for  permanent,  built- 
in  servitude? 

In  many  ways,  the  book  that  succeeds  above  all  others  in  convey- 
ing the  majesty  of  the  universe  and  the  inexhaustible  abundance  and 
activity  of  life  and  nature  is  the  product  of  a  professional  philosopher 
whose  soaring  imagination  was  kept  under  exemplary  discipline 
throughout.  I  refer  to  Olaf  Stapledon.^- 

The  contemplation  of  the  future  appropriate  to  centers  of  po- 
litical science  is  no  undisciplined  fantasy.  It  requires  a  continuing  in- 
ventory of  the  trend  of  scientific  knowledge  in  every  field  and  a 
regular  sampling  of  each  area  for  recent  findings,  methods,  and  specu- 
lations. The  world  of  pure  mathematics  and  logic  is  not  excluded;  on 

Centers  for  Advanced  Political  Science  217 

the  contrary,  mathematical  literacy  among  political  scientists  is  al- 
ready rising.  The  postulational  pattern  of  thinking  pioneered  by  math- 
ematicians and  logicians  has  permeated  the  intellectual  culture  of  our 
time,  with  implications  for  political  science  that  have  been  imperfectly 

Interplay  between  Forecast  and  Goal 

It  is  to  be  expected  that  the  life  of  a  major  center  would  greatly 
accelerate  the  drawing  of  these  implications.  For  example,  is  an  ele- 
ment of  arbitrariness,  even  capriciousness,  inescapable  with  a  postu- 
lated, a  stipulated,  mode  of  thought?  Is  all  thought  postulational,  the 
difference  being  that  some  procedures  are  self-aware  and  systematic 
whereas  others  remain  subliminal  and  chaotic?  How  are  we  to  inte- 
grate the  element  of  arbitrariness  with  the  demand  for  a  firm  ground 
from  which  to  derive  value  assertions  ? 

In  such  a  context,  it  is  pertinent  to  consider  the  wisdom  of  de- 
fining "arbitrariness"  in  words  that  authorize  it  to  be  used  to  refer  to 
all  subjective  commitments.  Suppose  we  agree  that  subjective  events 
are  in  a  time  sequence  measured  in  microseconds.  Let  us  designate  a 
subjective  event  at  a  given  time  as  "postulating  human  dignity  (or 
indignity)"  or  "God's  will"  as  the  events  to  be  sought  in  the  future. 
Shall  we  say  that  such  a  postulate  is  "arbitrary"  ? 

My  proposed  reply  is,  "not  necessarily."  A  distinction  can  be 
drawn  between  postulations  that  follow  the  consideration  of  a  prob- 
lem— such  as  the  appropriate  goals  of  man — and  postulates  having  no 
such  antecedent.  The  latter  give  cursory  attention  to  the  context.  I 
propose  the  label  "arbitrary"  for  patterns  at  the  lower  end  of  the 
continuum  and  suggest  calling  the  patterns  at  the  upper  end  "ra- 
tional." I  further  stipulate  that  the  thinker  shall  meet  at  least  the 
minimum  criteria  of  responsibility  in  terms  of  culture  and  personality 
referred  to  above. 


Unlike  mathematics  and  logic,  many  sciences  are  both  analytic 
and  descriptive.  Among  the  latter,  the  political  science  center  would 
keep  in  close  communication  with  astronomy  for  reasons  that  have 
been  sufficiently  indicated.  Astronomy  has  entered  a  phase  in  which 
its  practitioners  will  have  more  in  common  with  political  scientists 
than  they  have  had  for  many  generations.  Ever  since  astronomers 
shook  themselves  loose  from  astrology,  they  have  appeared  to  them- 
selves and  others  to  be  cultivating  a  mission  that  is  purely  scientific. 


uncontaminated  by  temptations  to  intervene  in  and  control  cosmic 
phenomena.^^  Today  astronomers  are  busily  collaborating  in  "astro- 
meddling"  on  a  huge  though  primitive  scale.  Their  knowledge  is  ex- 
ploited to  launch  artificial  satellites  and  to  release  missiles  and  energies 
that  may  damage  astral  bodies  or  upset  the  balance  of  electromagnetic 

It  is  reasonable  to  predict  that  sooner  or  later  astronomers  will 
begin  to  think  systematically  about  their  potential  role  as  redesigners 
of  the  universe.  At  first  their  eflfect  on  the  face  of  the  heavens  may 
be  much  less  than  the  effect  on  the  water  of  a  boat  designed  by  an 
engineer.  But  engineering  has  now  come  to  a  point  where  it  remakes 
rivers.  Can  we  calculate  the  optimum  orbits  of  the  sun  and  other  stars 
that  could  serve  the  needs  of  life?  Will  it  be  possible  to  locate  zones 
of  tension  where  forces  are  easily  balanced  and  hence  vulnerable  to 
the  planned  use  of  comparatively  small  amounts  of  energy?  Can  cal- 
culated programs  of  conservation  modify  the  climate  and  surface  con- 
ditions that  prevail  on  the  natural  satellites  of  the  stars  and  thereby 
obtain  millions  of  habitats  for  man  and  other  advanced  forms  of  life? 

Physics  and  Chemistry 

When  physicists  and  chemists  became  detached  from  alchemy,^* 
they  repressed  tendencies  to  think  of  speculative  models  that  would 
imply  a  cosmic  plan  or  a  randomly  structured  sequence  in  the  or- 
ganization of  matter  and  energy.  When  synthetic  chemistry  developed 
and  molecular  combinations  previously  unknown  in  nature  were 
created  in  profusion,  it  became  permissible  to  assume  a  more  positive 
orientation  to  chemical  evolution.  Chemical  forms  were  now  perceived 
as  phased  phenomena;  photosynthesis,  for  example,  seemed  to  occupy 
a  strategic  position  as  a  precondition  of  life,  which  in  turn  precon- 
ditioned the  emergence  of  synthetic  forms  in  nature.  As  research  pro- 
gressed, many  dividing  lines  that  were  supposed  to  separate  organic 
and  inorganic  realms  grew  dim  and  vanished.  Wendell  Stanley  made 
the  point  with  telling  impact  by  showing  the  ambiguous,  interchange- 
able, or  marginal  character  of  the  tobacco  mold.^^  Physics  was  mean- 
while undergoing  sensational  reconstruction.  The  interconvertibility 
of  matter  and  energy,  when  recognized,  did  away  with  an  intellectual 
chasm,^"  and  some  observations  suggested  that  even  the  deployment  of 
small  particle-energy  units  was  not  independent  of  orbit  "rightness" 
and  "leftness"  In  direction  of  motion.  Can  something  be  made  of  the 
evolutionary  sequence  among  the  various  "units"  of  physical  nature? 

Centers  for  Advanced  Political  Science  219 

If  we  are  in  the  midst  of  known  evolutionary  sequences — astral, 
atomic,  molecular— is  it  not  plausible  that  evolution  continues  ?  More- 
over, if  the  circuitry  of  events  by  way  of  the  human  brain  or  of  cor- 
responding central  processes  of  integration  in  living  forms  is  part  of 
the  total  process,  is  it  not  reasonable  to  infer  that  the  events  we  call 
"subjective"  are  not  only  expressive  of  "evolution"  to  date  but  also 
serve  as  links  giving  shape  to  the  future?  In  a  word,  are  not  the  clari- 
fication of  goals  and  the  inventing  and  evaluation  of  alternatives  in 
the  context  of  trend,  condition,  and  projection  interdependent  com- 
ponents of  the  universal  manifold  of  events  ? 

Cosmic  Evolution 

Since  there  are  grounds  for  affirming  that  human  goals  are  part 
of,  and  interact  with,  other  events  comprising  the  cosmic  manifold, 
the  fusion  of  interest  between  political  scientists,  on  the  one  hand, 
and  physicists  and  chemists,  on  the  other,  becomes  as  significant  for 
cosmic  evolution  as  the  consortium  referred  to  above  between  political 
scientists  and  astronomers.  Hence,  the  wisdom  of  providing  such 
mechanisms  as  centers  for  occasions  of  confrontation  and  cooperation 
among  qualified,  articulate,  and  motivated  persons. 

This  point  remains  valid  if  we  accept  the  view  that  random  in- 
teractions among  events  can  lead  to  the  patterning  of  phenomena  in 
ways  that  seem  to  imply  deliberate  plan,  though  no  such  plan  can  be 
shown  to  exist.  Place  living  cells  of  a  small  organism  under  heat  bom- 
bardment. It  can  b(3  shown  that  the  predispositions  of  the  organism 
are  so  organized  that  an  ascertainable  range  of  behavioral  adjust- 
ments to  the  environment  can  be  made,  in  addition  to  internal  ad- 
justments. Let  us  imagine  further  that  the  organism  displays  these 
responses  at  random.  Suppose  that  it  can  be  shown  that  the  organism 
will  die  if  heat  bombardment  reaches  certain  cell  nuclei  at  a  given 
intensity  (in  short,  a  range  of  lethal  responses  is  known).  Perhaps 
random  movements  by  an  aggregate  of  cells  under  bombardment  pro- 
duce a  narrowing  of  the  cell  surfaces  exposed  to  the  most  intense 
heat  and  thereby  preclude  a  lethal  response.  Imagine  now  that  sur- 
viving organisms  reproduce  their  kind  by  means  of  molecular  messages 
to  the  next  generation  that  contain  keys  to  the  building  of  new  or- 
ganisms. These  "information  packets"  are  also  subject  to  change  when 
exposed  to  various  environments,  and  they  change  within  a  potential 
range  of  readjustment.  A  hypothesis  of  randomization  is  that  a 
"thinned  surface  determinant"  is  among  the  possible  readjustments 


and  that,  if  results  are  nonlethal,  the  new  pattern  can  become  geneti- 
cally stable.  To  the  lay  observer,  it  would  seem  that  the  organism  has 
deliberately  planned  to  protect  itself  against  deadly  heat  exposure. 

The  same  mode  of  random  analysis  applies  to  brain  behavior. 
Physicists  and  chemists  are  attempting  to  discover  the  potential  range 
of  response  at  any  location  in  the  brain  when  synchronized  with  any 
other  site.  Light  has  recently  been  thrown  on  a  mechanism  that  sta- 
bilizes response  under  stated  conditions.^^ 

I  have  commented  on  these  points  because  political  scientists  have 
not  as  a  rule  been  aware  of  the  context  in  which  problems  of  conscious 
choice  are  currently  seen  in  the  community  of  science.  There  is  no 
denying  that  subjective  events  occur;  after  all,  no  scientist  pretends  to 
be  wholly  unconscious.  The  brain  chemist's  task  is  to  describe  with 
greater  preciseness  the  "nonsubjective"  precipitants,  concomitants,  and 
consequences  of  subjective  events.  As  matters  now  stand,  "gaps"  are 
narrowing  in  "time-space,"  but  they  are  far  from  abolished  in  "figure" 
(experienced  content). 

An  appropriate  continuing  task  for  political  scientists  and  phys- 
ical scientists  at  a  center  would  be  to  keep  up  with  the  operational 
indexes  employed  by  "self"  and  "other"  observers  in  designating  sub- 
jective and  nonsubjective  events. 

We  have  said  that  the  testimony  of  physical  and  biological  sci- 
entists would  be  essential  to  the  center  if  we  were  to  anticipate  the 
shape  of  things  to  come  and  hence  to  give  policy  consideration  to 
contingencies  before  they  have  restricted  our  range  of  choice.  A  center 
would  undoubtedly  draw  on  an  unending  succession  of  scientists  and 
engineers  for  brief  reports  such  as  do  not  necessitate  resident  member- 

But  the  principal  goal  to  be  served  by  the  inclusion  of  scientists 
in  the  work  of  the  center  is  more  fundamental  to  the  growth  of 
knowledge  than  the  anticipation  of  contingencies.  We  have  directed 
attention  to  the  remarkable  fact  that  a  turning  point  has  been  reached 
in  the  work  of  every  scientific  discipline.  Even  astronomy — and  pos- 
sibly nuclear  physics — has  come  to  involve  the  observer  as  part  of  the 
phenomena.  This  involvement  goes  beyond  the  familiar  point  that  the 
observer,  by  affecting  the  immediate  field  of  observation,  influences 
the  records  obtained  by  his  instruments.  The  novelty  in  the  case  of 
astronomy,  for  instance,  is  that  human  subjectivity  is  beginning  to  en- 
ter the  data  of  astronomy,  most  obviously  in  the  creation  of  "arti- 
ficial" satellites. 

If  we  postulate  a  universe  of  events,  there  can  be  no  such  phe- 

Centers  for  Advanced  Political  Science  221 

nomenon  as  an  "artificial"  event.  Subjective  events  of  goal  formulation 
are  in  the  universal  manifold  as  surely  as  is  the  realized  satellite. 

The  crucial  point  is  that  man  is  taking  all  evolution  into  his  hands 
whether  his  evolution  as  a  species,  the  planned  introduction  of  novel 
forms  of  life,  or  the  evolutionary  future  of  the  cosmos.  The  circuiting 
of  events  through  the  internal  processes  of  man  and  other  higher 
forms  of  life  is  the  policy-making  process  through  which  evolution  can 
be  affected. 

Given  a  potentiality  of  this  kind,  political  science  comes  to  play 
a  crucial  role  in  the  clarification  of  goals  and  strategies  within  the 
decision  process,  not  only  for  man,  not  only  for  such  advanced  forms 
of  life  as  are  created  or  discovered,  but  for  the  universe  as  a  whole. 

A  Sample  Theory: 

The  Cosmic  Role  of  Decision 

How  shall  we  conceive  of  subjective  events  in  the  universal  mani- 
fold? Undoubtedly,  this  question  will  continue  to  occupy  a  central 
position  in  the  problems  of  man  and  his  future.  At  present,  the  com- 
plex tasks  that  we  recognize  as  rational  problem-solving  occur  in 
organisms  possessing  a  brain,  namely,  a  central  organ  that  appears  to 
be  the  site  of  information  input,  initiation,  and  execution. 

It  cannot  be  said,  however,  that  the  presence  of  an  intricate  set 
of  circuits  is  a  sufficient  explanation  of  the  occurrence  of  complex 
subjectivity.  An  alternative  hypothesis,  for  example,  is  that  subjec- 
tivity is  a  specific  energy  localized  only  when  certain  catalytic  pre- 
conditions occur,  for  example,  when  the  concentration  of  circuits  and 
of  electrochemical  energies  reaches  a  necessary  level. 

A  distinguishing  mark  of  subjective  events  (in  addition  to 
"awareness")  is  referentiality,  that  is,  referring  in  the  present  to 
events  that  may  be  at  a  distance  in  time-space  and  which  may  never 
have  been  brought  to  the  focus  of  attention  (of  or  by  the  referring 
ego)  in  previous  sequences  of  subjective  events.  Subjective  events  of 
problem-solving  clarify  future  operations  and  hence  guide  the  proc- 
esses of  nature  to  the  purposes  conceived  by  one  part  of  nature, 
namely,  the  part  that  achieves  a  focal  center  of  circuiting.  In  prin- 
ciple, a  continually  redirected  flow  of  events  can  be  progressively 
subordinated  to  the  goals  conceived  in  central  decision  structures.  De- 
cision structures  in  which  man  participates  may  become  exceedingly 
intricate,  especially  if  forms  of  higher  life  are  discovered  or  brought 
into  existence. 

In  the  light  of  these  reflections  on  subjectivity,  it  seems  that  the 


principal  role  of  subjective  events  is  to  redesign  the  future  patterns 
of  physicochemical  energies  and  masses.  Tampering  with  the  future, 
then,  is  the  distinguishing  point  or,  to  put  it  another  way,  tampering 
with  time. 

Imagine  that  the  universe  of  events  is  an  expression  of  one  funda- 
mental energy  which  we  shall  designate  "duration,"  an  operation  that 
leaves  the  term  "time"  free  to  perform  its  everyday  task  of  designating 
perceived  sequences.  Imagine,  further,  that  the  energy  of  duration  is 
finite;  that  is,  no  matter  how  gigantic  in  terms  of  ordinary  human 
experience  the  magnitudes  involved,  the  universe  will  eventually  be- 
come void. 

The  next  step  in  the  speculative  construct  is  to  allow  for  the 
possibility  that  the  flow  of  duration  toward  voidness  can  be  interfered 
with.  Since  all  energy  is  postulated  as  duration,  this  requires  us  to 
imagine  that  duration  becomes  divided  against  itself  and  in  so  doing 
postpones  the  approach  of  voidness.  Timing  is  paralyzed,  as  it  were, 
into  patterns  that  preclude  the  release  of  energy  in  the  fundamental 
form  of  duration. 

Hence  we  conceive  of  mechanical,  chemical,  electrical,  in  fact,  all 
derived  forms,  of  energy  as  patterns  of  captured  and  at  least  tem- 
porarily imprisoned  duration.  In  accordance  with  the  equivalence  of 
mass  and  energy,  the  patterns  of  mass  can  be  explained  under  various 
conditions  that  permit  us  to  locate  particles  or  waves  in  configurations 
of  micro-  or  macromagnitude. 

Although  the  evolution  of  the  stars  appears  in  universal  perspec- 
tive to  be  a  grandiose  means  of  organizing  and  retaining  the  energy 
of  duration,  nevertheless  present  knowledge  suggests  that  astral  bodies 
contain  the  seeds  of  their  destruction  and  eventually  fail  to  maintain 
themselves. ^^ 

The  evolution  of  life  seems  to  offer  another  strategy  by  which 
the  approach  to  voidness  can  be  deferred.  Living  forms  are  formi- 
dable fixers  and  users  of  energy.  This  has  led  to  the  description  of  life 
as  an  "open  system,"  in  contrast  to  the  "closed  systems"  of  physics 
and  chemistry.^''  The  open  system  is  a  site  for  the  generation  of  energy 
on  a  huge  scale;  hence,  we  conceive  of  life  as  a  highly  successful 
means  whereby  the  energy  of  duration  is  caught  and  held. 

These  considerations  point  to  the  distinctive  role  of  higher  forms 
of  life  in  the  universal  manifold  of  events.  The  setting  of  goals  and 
the  adoption  of  strategies  can  defer  the  dissipation  of  the  energy  of 
duration  into  voidness.  This  may  be  accomplished  by  tapping  the 
Niagara  of  duration  energy  to  provide  energy  of  subjectivity  and  to 

Centers  for  Advanced  Political  Science  223 

guide  the  future  flow  of  other  energies  into  patterns  whose  perpetu- 
ation forestalls  dissipation  into  voidness. 

A  critical  feature  of  the  present  speculative  model  is  the  genera- 
tion of  conflict  in  the  stream  of  duration.  What  is  the  simplest  postu- 
late that  would  allow  such  contradictions  to  occur?  We  can  generalize 
the  image  introduced  by  Planck,  since  jumps  from  various  points  in  a 
random  pattern  of  direction,  length,  and  figure  would  contain  con- 
flicting possibilities.'" 

A  Check-List  of  Value  Projections 

Among  the  immediate  preoccupations  at  a  center  would  be  the 
task  of  estimating  the  impact  of  science  and  technology  on  fighting 
potential  and  hence  on  the  balancing  of  power.  I  am  among  those 
who  have  long  advocated  spending  billions  to  develop  a  less  destruc- 
tive system  of  weapons  than  we  have  traditionally  employed  in  in- 
ternational politics  and  in  police  work.  The  "paralysis  bomb"  is 
presumably  coming  closer  as  our  command  of  brain  chemistry  im- 
proves. The  objective  is  to  incapacitate  the  target  temporarily  and  to 
permit  him  to  revive  with  no  organic  damage  from  the  experience. 

As  a  denial  device,  the  effect  of  the  paralysis  weapon  resembles 
that  of  censorship  on  the  mind.  There  are  also  in  prospect  chemical 
instruments  whose  role  is  more  positive,  hence  akin  to  propaganda  or 
indoctrination.  It  is  generally  agreed  by  qualified  specialists  at  present 
that  chemicals  (drugs)  do  not  enhance  the  capability  of  an  individual, 
but  that  they  may  be  of  enormous  importance  in  enabling  a  human 
being  to  live  up  to  his  highest  potential.'^ 

This  modest  proposition  greatly  understates  the  significance  of 
the  drugs  now  known  or  in  prospect.  Even  a  partial  inventory  calls 
attention  to  the  alleviation  of  pain,  the  temporary  or  enduring  cure 
of  psychic  and  somatic  ailments,  the  fostering  of  equable  moods  suit- 
able to  congenial  human  relations,  the  suspension  of  fatigue  in  periods 
of  emergency,  the  encouragement  of  exhilarated  moods  of  relaxed  en- 
joyment, the  stimulation  of  fantasy  for  purposes  of  creative  thinking, 
the  suspension  or  control  of  procreation,  and  the  stimulation  or  con- 
trol of  sexual  and  other  bodily  appetites. 

The  use  of  combined  chemical,  communicative,  and  small-group 
controls  for  political  purposes  is  a  subject  that  has  received  a  blaze 
of  public  attention  in  recent  years,  and  properly  so,  since  in  the  past 
the  pertinent  questions  of  public  policy  have  been  dealt  with  feebly 
or  sporadically.  It  would  be  one  of  the  main  challenges  of  a  multi- 
disciplinary  political  science  center  to  explore  standards  of  authorita- 


tive  prescription  designed  to  safeguard  at  least  a  minimum  sphere  of 
responsibility.  Which  zones  of  privacy  are  to  be  protected  against  in- 
trusion by  official  or  unofficial  persons  ? 

A  continuing  preoccupation  of  political  science  centers  would  be 
to  anticipate  the  significance  of  science  and  technology  for  production. 
In  this  context,  a  leading  question  is:  How  superfluous  will  most  hu- 
man beings  become  for  other  than  a  consumer's  role?  It  is  probable 
that  technological  innovations  will  provide  in  abundance  the  mole- 
cules required  for  human  sustenance.  Similarly,  there  are  grounds  for 
predicting  that  buildings  and  other  structural  forms  can  be  put  to- 
gether, moved,  or  demolished  with  much  the  same  nonchalance  that 
some  Pacific  islanders  show  in  manipulating  a  palm  leaf.^^ 

Political  thinkers  have  traditionally  approached  the  prospect  of 
universal  affluence  with  misgivings.  In  the  United  States,  it  is  facile 
to  suggest  that  the  categorical  imperative  to  work  and  save  was  in- 
tensified by  the  ideological  and  operational  patterns  of  New  England 
Puritans  and  that  these  social  formations  brought  to  the  New  World 
an  outlook  that  was  a  peculiarly  pure  example  of  the  capitalistic  warp 
of  Protestantism.^^  However  this  may  be,  a  long-term  cyclical  move- 
ment in  human  culture  may  be  upon  us,  and  the  elimination  of  work 
may  be  imminent.  If  we  welcome  the  emancipation  of  man  from  work 
— in  the  sense  of  occupations  imposed  as  a  condition  of  livelihood — 
ingenuity  will  be  required,  since  the  transition  to  self-direction  can 
precipitate  the  anxieties  and  uncertainties  of  which  Erich  Fromm 
memorably  wrote.  The  task  is  a  strategy  of  escape  to  freedom  by  over- 
coming the  residues  of  past  socialization.^* 

Archaeology,  History,  and  Anthropology 

That  a  political  science  center  would  draw  on  colleagues  in  his- 
tory, archaeology,  and  the  adjacent  social  sciences  is  to  be  taken  for 
granted.  The  links  between  students  of  folk  society — the  distinctive 
subject  matter  of  social  anthropology — and  political  science  have  been 
closer  in  recent  years  as  whirlwind  modernization  added  to  the  tur- 
bulence of  politics  in  Asia,  Africa,  South  America,  and  many  hereto- 
fore-isolated island  communities.^^  In  future  years,  the  data  of 
anthropology  will  be  highly  pertinent  to  the  consideration  of  various 
problems  that  are  likely  to  grow  into  large  dimensions.  We  have  al- 
ready referred  to  the  obsolescence  of  work.  Some  folk  societies  have 
long  been  accustomed  to  relative  exemption  from  work.  Is  it  true  that 
they  have  devoted  themselves  assiduously  to  the  cultivation  of  con- 
genial human  relationships  and  therefore  achieved  a  sociable,  aflfec- 

Centers  for  Advanced  Political  Science  225 

tionate,  and  lively  style  of  life?  Or,  on  the  other  hand,  has  exemption 
from  serious  responsibility  favored  the  rise  of  sensual  and  tyrannical 
personalities  who  rule  by  intimidation?  Perhaps  we  shall  find  that  the 
dominance  attained  by  the  domineering  element  in  society  depends 
on  the  possibility  of  exploiting  the  fears  that  are  kept  alive  by  such 
occasional  disasters  as  pestilence,  flood,  and  earthquake.  This  source 
of  tyranny  will  presumably  recede  as  the  scientific  image  of  the  world 
moves  toward  universality. 

Anthropology,  archaeology,  and  history  are  inexhaustible  sources 
of  data  on  every  phase  of  man  and  culture,  and  political  science  will 
draw  on  various  parts  of  this  repository  as  problems  gain  in  urgency. 
It  is  also  true  that  the  scientific  advantage  will  not  always  be  on  one 
side.  In  the  past,  the  questions  raised  by  students  of  government  and 
law  have  often  provided  a  sense  of  priority  for  scholars  who  work  in 
archaeology,  history,  and  anthropology.  Sometimes,  it  is  true,  political 
science  has  been  slow  to  assimilate  the  answers  given  to  its  questions. 
This  is  partly  because  recent  Western  political  theory  has  been  caught 
between  two  dogmatic  images  of  primitive  man — the  pastoral  fantasy 
of  Rousseau  and  the  bellicose  nightmare  of  Hobbes.  As  anthropologi- 
cal and  archaeological  data  accumulate,  the  idea  of  a  social  contract 
seems  inappropriate  to  preliterate  people.  It  also  seems  to  exaggerate 
the  role  of  climactic  events  and  of  rational  agreement  in  place  of  the 
incremental  growth  of  culture. 

It  is  possible  to  affirm  today  the  the  outline  of  a  working  syn- 
thesis between  political  science  conceptions  and  the  data  of  archae- 
ology, history,  and  anthropology  is  in  sight.  Centers  of  political  science 
would  expedite  the  synthesis  and  draw  further  implications  for  policy 
and  science. 

Ideas  that  were  dimly  perceived  or  figuratively  expressed  in 
Western  European  theory  have  been  greatly  clarified  by  new  kno^vl- 
edge.  The  bucolic  image  of  primitive  man  does  in  fact  approximate 
the  style  of  life  achieved  by  many  folk  societies.  Listen  to  the  late 
Robert  Redfield's  characterization  of  the  folk  community  as  a  moral 

The  primitive  and  precivilized  communities  are  held  together 
essentially  by  common  understandings  as  to  the  ultimate  nature  and 
purpose  of  life.  .  .  .  Humanity  attained  its  characteristic,  long- 
enduring  nature  as  a  multitude  of  difTerent  but  equivalent  systems 
of  relationships  and  institutions  each  expressive  of  a  view  of  the 
good.  Each  precivilized  society  was  held  together  by  largely  un- 
declared but  continually  realized  ethical  conceptions.-*' 


But  this  is  not  the  whole  story  of  early  man.  When  we  complete 
Redfield's  picture,  we  find  that  the  external  arena  in  which  folk  so- 
cieties interacted  with  one  another  resembles  nothing  so  closely  as 
Hobbes's  image,  if  we  edit  it  to  show  that  it  was  the  hand  of  the 
group  that  was  raised  against  the  foreign  group,  rather  than  the  hand 
of  each  individual  against  every  other.  The  syndrome  of  parochialism 
was  precipitated  by,  and  in  turn  consolidated  in,  the  arena  where  the 
expectation  of  violence  prevailed. 

The  conception  of  social  contract  becomes  meaningful  if  we 
redefine  it  to  refer,  not  to  the  beginning  of  orderly  group  life,  but  to 
the  origin  of  urban  culture  or  civilization,  which  carried  with  it 
literacy,  legal  codes,  bureaucracy,  taxation,  and  the  concomitant 
weakening  of  kinship  identifications.  We  have  evidence  that  however 
drawn-out  the  preurban  life  of  man,  civilizations  took  shape  with  as- 
tonishing speed.  The  creativity  of  man  flowered  exuberantly  in  the 
opportunities  that  urban  specialization  could  afford.  The  ideas  of  sud- 
den development  and  of  the  important  role  played  in  urban  life  by 
rational  methods  of  articulating  and  solving  problems  do  not  exag- 
gerate the  situation. 

In  company  with  many  if  not  most  Western  thinkers,  Rousseau 
and  Hobbes  were  acutely  conscious  of  their  individuality  and  of  their 
alienation  from  many  of  the  traditional  institutions  of  the  society  in 
which  they  lived.  Under  the  stress  of  ego  sensitivity,  they  gave  cur- 
rency to  a  dichotomy  that  readily  lends  itself  to  misinterpretation. 
They  opposed  an  entity  called  the  "individual"  to  an  entity  called 
"society,"  and  they  imagined  that  the  origin  of  society  was  the  mys- 
tery to  be  explained.  It  was  this  imagined  need  of  explaining  why 
gamboling  lambs  or  bloodthirsty  lions  quit  gamboling  or  pouncing 
that  led  to  the  conception  of  a  social  contract  and  varied  its  provisions 


If  archaeology,  history,  and  anthropology  have  provided  a  cor- 
rected map  of  the  past  of  organized  politics,  we  must  credit  social 
psychology  with  helping  to  explain  the  mechanisms  whereby  inter- 
acting individuals  achieve  both  culture  and  individuality.  It  is  un- 
thinkable that  any  center  of  political  science  would  cut  itself  off  from 
these  disciplines. 

The  theoretical  model  that  commends  itself  today  recognizes  that 
a  social  process  of  any  kind,  whether  involving  human  actors  or  not, 
is  a  distinctive  configuration  within  the  universal  manifold  of  events. 

Centers  for  Advanced  Political  Science  227 

The  distinctiveness  of  a  social  process  resides  in  the  traits  of  the  actors 
and  the  traits  of  interaction.  The  participants  are  alive;  we  have  al- 
ready said  that  living  systems  are  more  than  objects  passively  affected 
by  their  surroundings.  On  the  contrary,  they  behave,  and  this  means 
that  they  modify  what  they  do  by  passing  potential  act-completions 
through  an  inner  circuit.  While  passing  through  an  inner  circuit,  the 
various  influences  originating  in  the  environment  are  also  integrated, 
as  are  all  the  predisposing  features  of  the  organism.  The  predisposi- 
tions— such  as  demand  for  food — are  residues  of  past  interactions  with 
the  environment  plus  current  demands  arising  in  the  system. 

The  social  process  of  organisms  of  any  kind  is  never  adequately 
described  as  "individuals  versus  the  whole."  If  the  whole  of  any  so- 
ciety is  divided  into  two  hostile  parts,  the  situation  is  most  clearly 
described  as  one  group  of  "individuals"  modified  by  collective  factors 
versus  another  group  of  "individuals"  modified  by  collective  factors. 
If  one  biological  organism  seems  to  oppose  all  the  others,  the  same 
point  applies;  it  is  an  "individual"  modified  by  collective  factors  who 
is  opposing  all  other  "individuals"  modified  by  collective  factors. 

If  we  phrase  the  problem  as  "the  individual  versus  society,"  we 
confuse  by  implying  that  society  is  not  composed  of  individuals  or  that 
the  individual  is  not  shaped  by  interacting  with  others  who  compose 

The  traditional  mode  of  opposing  the  individual  to  society  is 
sometimes  thought  of  as  an  opposition  between  "human  nature"  and 
"society,"  or  "culture."  The  connotation  is  usually  that  the  genetic 
constitution  endows  the  individual  with  needs  and  capabilities  that 
cannot  be  sufficiently  gratified  in  social  life.  Hence,  man  is  invariably 
at  war  with  his  own  creation. 

This  theoretical  model  may  serve  to  describe  history  without  fore- 
closing the  possibility  that  future  cultures  or  genetic  structures  can  be 
more  smoothly  adjusted  to  one  another.  Even  in  regard  to  the  past, 
it  is  possible  to  call  attention  to  many  human  beings  living  at  many 
times  and  places  who  have  given  no  indication  of  being  dissatisfied 
with  their  societies.  But  it  is  also  possible  to  call  attention  to  millions 
of  men  and  women  who  have  given  drastic  evidence  of  dissatisfaction 
in  the  forms  of  rebellion,  murder,  or  suicide.  It  is  to  be  observed  that 
much  recorded  dissatisfaction  is  not  aimed  at  society,  but  at  nature, 
for  nature  is  often  niggardly  of  fertile  soil  and  propitious  climate  and 
is  given  to  earthquake,  flood,  storm,  poisonous  plants  and  snakes,  and 
to  other  dangerous  animals  and  murderous  micro-organisms. 

As  matters  stand  today,  it  is  "original  nature  plus  some  patterns 


of  culture  plus  some  features  of  nature"  that  may  culminate  either  in 
gratification  or  lack  of  it.  Experimental  psychology  provides  us  with 
a  picture  of  man's  predispositions  that  confirms  two  points  of  rele- 
vance here — natural  impulses  at  given  stages  of  life  may  conflict,  and 
mechanisms  of  conflict  adjustment  are  themselves  part  of  original  na- 

One  of  the  most  dramatic  confrontations  of  "man"  and  "society" 
in  recent  times  was  made  by  Freud  when  he  portrayed  the  uncon- 
scious dimensions  of  man's  original  nature  as  constituted  in  such  a 
way  that  it  is  almost  unthinkable  to  imagine  that  man  can  ever 
achieve  high  levels  of  enduring  gratification.  It  must  be  pointed  out, 
however,  that  Freud's  methods  of  research  and  therapy  brought  to 
light  evidence  of  a  difTerent  kind.  His  data  were  never  demonstrably 
about  original  predispositions;  they  always  referred  to  predispositions 
as  modified  by  exposure  to  particular  civilizations,  classes,  interests, 
and  to  systematic  adjustment  of  personality.  The  data  of  psychoanal- 
ysis are  "man  plus  particular  patterns  of  culture  plus  particular  ex- 
posures to  nature."  Any  hypotheses  about  inborn  predisposition, 
whether  in  reference  to  direction  or  to  strength,  are  open  to  further 

A  continuing  question  for  any  future  center  of  political  science 
is  whether,  as  interdisciplinary  data  accumulate,  the  present  balance 
of  emphasis  on  "original  nature"  versus  that  on  "culture"  must  be 
changed,  especially  in  reference  to  such  profoundly  important  and 
damaging  institutions  as  the  divided  world  arena.  At  present,  the 
evidence  weighs  heavily  on  the  side  of  cultural  patterning.  The  pres- 
ent world  arena  appears  to  express  the  self-perpetuating  strength  of 
conflicting  cultural  syndromes  of  parochialism  as  they  modify  human 
beings. ^^  The  solution  appears  to  lie  in  the  rise  of  a  civilization  of 
universal  identities,  value  demands,  and  pacific  expectations. 

At  the  same  time,  the  microscopes  of  psychoanalysis  and  of  other 
specialized  forms  of  inquiry  have  traced  in  detail  the  destructive  con- 
sequences of  many  social  practices  and  institutions  now  prevailing  on 
the  globe.  The  implication  is  that  changing  constellations  of  destruc- 
tive factors  veto  the  tendencies  working  in  favor  of  peaceful  unifica- 
tion of  world  public  order. 

If  a  center  of  political  science  is  to  keep  an  informed  eye  on 
the  changing  map  of  institutional  and  cultural  knowledge,  it  would 
be  necessary  to  arrange  for  intermittent  exposure  to  representative 
specialists  in  the  various  social  institutions  and  regions  of  the  world 

Centers  for  Advanced  Political  Science  229 

Political  scientists  must  themselves  carry  the  primary  burden  of 
describing  and  explaining  the  flow  of  political  institutions  throughout 
the  globe.  This  task  is  of  such  fundamental  importance  to  the  pro- 
fession that  we  have  given  rather  extended  consideration  in  preced- 
ing chapters  to  the  problems  involved. 


For  the  moment,  it  will  suffice  to  call  attention  to  major  insti- 
tutional specialties  that  must  find  a  place  in  the  rotational  cycle  of 
any  such  center.  First,  we  mention  specialists  in  the  numbers  and  the 
physical  and  mental  states  of  man  and  of  any  organisms  in  which  man 
comes  to  have  particular  interest. 

In  the  years  immediately  ahead,  the  significance  of  the  popula- 
tion explosion  and  the  feasibility  of  various  policies  in  regard  to  it  will 
continue  to  occupy  the  minds  of  people  at  any  center.  At  the  moment, 
chemical  means  and  surgical  devices  for  limiting  conception  are 
known.  In  estimating  the  wisdom  of  alternative  programs,  we  must 
not  lose  sight  of  the  fact,  hinted  in  passing  above,  that  progress  in 
astronavigation  and  settlement  may  be  used  to  alleviate  the  pressure 
of  numbers  on  living  standards. 

Perhaps  the  most  tantalizing  long-run  question  for  a  center  to 
think  about  is  how  to  use  scientific  knowledge  to  design  or  redesign 
advanced  forms  of  life.  For  instance,  it  has  long  been  a  favorite  pro- 
posal of  some  that  man's  famous  destructive  potential  should  be 
tamed  by  genetic  means.  It  is  not  out  of  the  question  to  think  of 
modifying  the  genetic  message  that  is  part  of  every  germ  cell  in  such 
a  way  that  whole  generations  will  be  altered  and  tamed.  Actually,  the 
precise  nature  of  the  proposed  modification  is  ambiguous.  Further- 
more, it  is  important  to  give  weight  to  the  point  that,  if  a  strain  of 
men  is  bred  which  is  inhibited  from  anger,  rage,  or  strong  self-as- 
sertion, though  capable  of  love  and  gentleness,  the  result  may  be  a 
flood  of  victims  for  unreconstructed  members  of  the  species  and  of 
other  advanced  forms  of  life. 

Among  the  specialists  at  the  center  would  be  students  of  com- 
munication ranging  from  linguists  to  engineers.  One  long-range  prob- 
lem in  this  field  relates  to  the  design  of  life  and  society.  Why  not  aim 
at  forms  of  life  able  to  exchange  messages  directly  from  brain  to 
brain,  dispensing  with  the  clumsy  installations  now  required  to  con- 
duct mass  and  person-to-person  communication?  What  consequences 
are  likelv  to  follow  the  acquisition  of  interbrain  communicative  capa- 
bility? One  immediate  demand  would  presumably  be  to  perfect  the 


means  of  screening  unwelcome  messages.  If  "mind  reading"  goes  along 
with  the  new  technology,  the  demand  for  privacy  will  also  become  acute. 

In  this  connection,  the  ability  of  individuals  to  achieve  empathic 
relations  with  others  would  be  of  great  importance  for  human  under- 
standing and  solidarity.  It  is  recognized  by  artists  that  empathy  is  not 
invariably  associated  with  sympathy,  since  the  divining  of  the  inner 
experience  of  others  is  not  always  connected  with  willingness  to  enter 
into  the  moods  and  images  of  another  person.^''  Brain-to-brain  com- 
munication would  probably  identify  those  human  beings  who  are  lim- 
ited in  sympathy  as  well  as  in  empathy,  and  this  might  result  in  a 
more  refined  process  of  social  selection  in  which  genuinely  benevolent 
characters  have  an  advantage. 

A  more  immediate  potentiality  in  the  field  of  communication  is 
the  emancipation  of  the  individual  audience  member  from  his  present 
dependence  on  program  directors.  The  ideal  equipment  for  this  pur- 
pose would  enable  each  of  us  to  send  his  "pick-up"  equipment  any- 
where at  any  time.  If  one  is  not  in  the  frame  of  mind  to  watch  the 
debate  on  the  floor,  one  may  beam  on  the  court  or  on  the  work  of  a 

Specialists  in  education  would  be  of  great  importance  at  the  cen- 
ter, since  every  important  innovation  in  adult  culture  carries  implica- 
tions for  the  socializing  practices  of  schools,  families,  neighborhoods, 
and  in  fact  everyone  who  affects  the  preadult.  Much  time  would  be 
given  to  working  out  the  most  effective  ways  to  employ  "teaching 
machines"  in  society.  What  are  the  proper  limits  of  "conditioning"? 
Questions  similar  to  the  problems  of  chemical  or  genetic  taming  of 
man  and  advanced  forms  of  life  occur  here. 

Political  scientists  have  a  tradition  of  great  sensitivity  to  policies 
affecting  love  and  sexuality,  partly  because  factors  of  this  kind  have 
been  notoriously  difficult  to  subordinate  to  comprehensive  visions  of 
collective  achievement.  The  loyalties  generated  in  the  small  family  and 
extended  kin  group  are  frequently  in  opposition  to  the  state,  which 
traditionally  disrupts  the  private  lives  of  men  and  women  in  the  name 
of  war,  preparation  for  war,  or  devotion  to  projects  that  eliminate 
family  life.  Tension  has  been  everlasting  between  large,  community- 
wide  organizations  (church,  army,  civil  service)  and  families  or  in- 
termediate associations. 

There  is  a  possibility  of  emancipating  sexuality  from  procreation 
and  thereby  eliminating  some  of  the  considerations  traditionally  in- 
voked to  justify  the  limitation  of  sexual  interstimulation  to  married 
partners  and  to  oppose  relations  among  unmarried  partners  of  the 

Centers  for  Advanced  Political  Science  231 

same  or  the  opposite  sex.  Aside  from  measures  designed  to  prevent 
violent  quarrels,  what  can  be  said  in  terms  of  deference  to  man's 
freedom  of  choice  about  the  norms  appropriate  to  the  emerging 
world  ? 


We  may  summarize  the  composition  of  centers  of  political  science 
by  calling  attention  to  the  variety  of  emphases  that  must  obtain  if 
all  five  intellectual  tasks  are  to  be  performed  with  distinction.  A  ro- 
tating arrangement  would  presumably  be  necessary  to  achieve  a  sam- 
ple of  the  intellectual  division  of  labor  and  of  the  contemporary  map 
of  knowledge.  If  a  nucleus  of  permanent  members  existed,  the  chief 
aim  would  be  to  supplement  their  approaches.  In  any  case,  the  choice 
of  personnel  would  be  by  much  more  exacting  criteria  than  simply  by 
subject  matter.  Intellectual  alertness  and  scope  are  indispensable  to 
the  successful  working  of  a  collegial  venture  like  the  center.  When 
these  qualities  are  present,  they  hold  in  check  the  "occupational  para- 
noia" not  infrequently  endemic  among  able  scholars.  After  all,  exag- 
gerated estimates  of  the  contributions  of  the  self  are  only  tenable 
when  the  mind  is  dull  or  the  scope  of  a  discipline  is  minuscule. 

For  the  intellectual  task  of  clarifying  the  goals  of  the  center,  we 
have  indicated  above  that  specialists  in  the  grounding  as  well  as  in  the 
specification  of  preferred  outcomes  would  be  consulted.  In  our  society, 
we  think  at  once  of  professional  theologians,  metaphysicians,  ethical 
theorists,  and  mathematicians. 

In  connection  with  the  examination  of  trend,  condition,  and  pro- 
jection every  analytic-empirical  specialty  contains  potential  candi- 
dates. Some  candidates  would  contribute  mainly  to  problems  of  method 
that  crop  up  in  the  task  of  forming  theoretical  models  to  guide  re- 
search or  in  the  gathering  and  processing  of  data  at  various  ob- 
servational standpoints  in  the  manifold  of  events.  In  this  context,  we 
have  in  mind  mathematicians,  logicians,  and  statisticians,  especially 
those  accustomed  to  dealing  with  biological  and  social  processes. 

We  would  give  prominence  to  the  physical  sciences  at  centers  of 
political  science  largely  because  expert  testimony  by  specialists  in  these 
various  fields  is  indispensable  to  the  projecting  of  contingencies.  Some 
scientists  deal  with  complex  structures  in  the  natural  order.  We  have 
astronomers,  and  especially  cosmologists,  in  mind.  The  earth  sciences 
also  come  into  this  category,  since  geology,  physiography,  and  meteor- 
ology deal  with  configurations  of  matter  and  energy  in  time.  Strictly 
speaking  an  "earth  science"  is  needed  for  every  star,  planet,  and  sat- 


ellite,  since  each  astral  structure  is  a  large,  patterned  sequence  re- 
quiring individual  study.  The  "life  sciences"  also  belong  among  the 
larger  configurations  and  cross-refer  to  astronomy  and  paleontology 
in  connection  with  problems  of  evolution. 

Physics  and  chemistry  deal  with  the  microstructures  and  func- 
tions of  the  processes  of  nature — molecules  and  atoms,  mass  and  en- 
ergy. Once  an  entity  has  been  identified,  the  search  begins  to  describe 
its  distribution  throughout  the  cosmos,  the  earth,  and  all  living  forms. 
Hence,  our  map  of  the  universe  is  continually  refined  as  more  subtle 
entities  are  identified  and  their  configurations  delineated. 

Besides  the  members  drawn  from  the  physical  and  biological  sci- 
ences, a  vigorous  center  of  political  science  would  systematically  in- 
clude specialists  in  history,  prehistory,  and  the  other  social  sciences. 

Psychology  would  require  rotations  within  the  field  in  order  to 
keep  in  touch  with  the  changing  views  of  the  basic  potentialities  of 
original  nature  and  the  distribution  of  predispositions  among  individ- 
ual members  of  the  species.  Comparative  psychology,  physiology,  neu- 
rology, and  brain  chemistry  are  among  the  disciplines  that  intersect 
in  the  study  of  fundamental  structures  and  functions.^" 

Prehistory,  history,  and  social  anthropology  must  be  relied  upon 
to  provide  a  map  of  the  succession  of  human  cultures. 

Economic  values  and  institutions  are  illuminated  by  all  the  social 
sciences.  However,  it  would  be  important  to  bring  actively  into  a 
center  academic  and  business  economists  and  economists  with  experi- 
ence in  stimulating  economic  growth  in  both  socialist  and  capitalist 

The  study  of  communication  today  includes  specialists  in  linguis- 
tics and  on  the  engineering  of  communication  networks  specialized  in 
mass  and  particular  media.  Since  the  distinctive  value  outcome  af- 
fected by  communication  is  enlightenment,  the  study  of  current  in- 
formation grades  over  to  organizations  and  persons  who  engage  in 

Obviously,  a  center  would  draw  continually  on  specialists  in  com- 
munication. It  would  also  be  important  to  associate  with  a  center 
population  analysts  and  public  health  and  social  medicine  specialists. 
Social  biology  is  an  area  necessitating  close  ties  with  biological  sci- 
ences generally. 

The  study  of  occupational,  professional,  and  artistic  skill  groups 
is  the  province  of  sociologists,  economists,  political  scientists,  and  par- 
ticularly of  educators.  A  center  must  include  within  its  agenda  spe- 
cialists in  all  phases  of  socialization  and  professionalization. 

Centers  for  Advanced  Political  Science  233 

The  family  and  other  institutions  of  intimacy  seem  likely  to  un- 
dergo profound  changes.  Hence,  the  center  would  draw  on  all  who 
study  these  relationships. 

That  the  respect  structure  of  society  should  move  toward  mo- 
bility and  the  recognition  of  merit  are  axioms  of  all  who  accept  hu- 
man dignity  as  an  overriding  objective  of  policy.  But  caste  forms  are 
deeply  entrenched,  and  the  center  would  need  to  be  in  contact  with 
scholars  in  touch  with  the  social  class  systems  of  the  world  com- 

The  center  would  also  draw  on  scholars  who  specialize  in  the 
history  of  religion  and  morality. 

Political  scientists  would  be  recruited  from  the  several  fields  within 
the  profession,  such  as  the  history  of  doctrine;  jurisprudence;  law; 
and  the  structure  of  government,  politics,  and  administration  at  in- 
ternational, national,  provincial,  and  local  levels. 


Although  we  have  emphasized  the  place  of  political  science  in 
the  intellectual  community,  it  is  not  our  intention  to  suggest  that  cen- 
ters of  political  science  restrict  their  membership  to  full-time  scholars 
and  scientists.  On  the  contrary,  we  are  favorably  impressed  by  the 
mutual  enrichment  that  follows  when  men  of  action  and  scholars  are 
brought  together  in  circumstances  favorable  to  serious  exchange  of 
experiences  and  of  views.  In  this  interchange,  it  is  not  to  be  assumed 
that  the  division  of  labor  between  the  men  of  action  who  report  ex- 
perience and  the  scholars  who  analyze  and  interpret  will  be  clear-cut. 
Reflective  and  creative  minds  are  not  limited  to  full-time  teachers, 
researchers,  and  advisors.  Nor  are  significant  experiences  of  active  af- 
fairs a  monopoly  of  the  professional  politician,  businessman,  and  ad- 
ministrator. Personalities  are  too  varied  in  motivation,  skill,  and 
exposure  to  life  for  the  traditional  images  to  apply.  The  modern  in- 
tellectual is  more  likely  to  live  at  a  communication  center  than  in  the 
isolation  of  a  tower,  whether  ivory  or  glass,  and  the  modern  decision- 
maker usually  has  considerable  professional  background  and  remains 
in  contact  with  specialists  of  many  kinds.  In  future  years,  we  expect 
the  level  of  intellectual  culture  to  continue  to  rise  and  at  the  same 
time  to  become  more  selective  in  arranging  common  maps  of  knowl- 
edge to  be  shared  throughout  life,  irrespective  of  specialization. 

At  the  principal  centers  of  civilization,  once-celebrated  difficulties 
of  communication  are  largely  obsolete.  At  thousands  of  board  and 
committee  meetings  and  consultations,  the  technique  of  communica- 


tion  has  been  mastered  on  all  sides,  so  that  lawyers,  engineers, 
scientists,  investors,  and  managers  get  on  with  the  problem  at  hand 
with  little  skill-consciousness  or  misinterpretation.  It  is  true  that,  as 
one  moves  away  from  the  top  levels  of  New  York,  Washington,  and 
Cambridge,  for  example,  the  traditional  stumbling  blocks  appear,  and 
this  is  as  true  of  the  lower  echelons  in  the  East  as  anywhere  else.  In 
coming  years,  however,  fuller  advantage  should  be  taken  of  improved 
means  of  sharing  experience. 

The  idea  of  centers  of  political  science  is  to  consolidate  and  im- 
prove the  advances  that  have  been  made  in  integrating  frames  of 
reference  among  scholars  and  scientists  and  between  them  and  the 
responsible  decision-makers  of  government  and  other  social  institu- 


1  The  literature  of  controversy  over  the  role  of  universities  in  America  in- 

cludes, e.g.,  R.  M.  Hutchins,  The  Higher  Learning  in  America 
(New  Haven:  Yale  University  Press,  1936);  and  H.  D.  Gideonse, 
The  Higher  Learning  in  a  Democracy,  "A  Reply  to  President 
Hutchins'  Critique  of  the  American  University"  (New  York:  Far- 
rar  and  Rinehart,  1937).  An  important  interpretation  of  Education 
in  the  Forming  of  American  Society  is  by  B.  Bailyn  (New  York: 
Vintage  Books,  1960).  Approaches  attempting  to  portray  the  edu- 
cational system  "as  it  is"  include  T.  Caplow  and  P.  J.  McGee,  The 
Academic  Marketplace  (New  York:  Basic  Books,  1958);  and  L. 
Wilson,  The  Academic  Man  (New  York:  Oxford  University  Press, 
1942).  Cf.  also  R.  Thomas,  The  Search  for  a  Common  Learning, 
"General  Education,  1800-1960"  (New  York:  McGraw-Hill,  1962). 

2  For  insight  into  the  traditional  outlook  of  various  civilizations,  cf.  D.  S. 

Nivison  and  A.  F.  Wright,  eds.,  Confucianism  in  Action  (Stanford: 
Stanford  University  Press,  1959);  F.  Rosenthal,  trans.,  Ibn  Khaldun, 
The  Muquaddiinah,  "An  Introduction  to  History"  (London:  Rout- 
ledge  and  Kegan  Paul,  1958);  W.  Barclay,  Educational  Ideals  in 
the  Ancient  World  (London:  Collins,  1959);  W.  Jaeger,  Paideia, 
"The  Ideals  of  Greek  Culture,"  trans.  G.  Highet  (2nd  ed.;  3  vols.; 
New  York:  Oxford  University  Press,  1943);  S.  Radakrishnan  and 
C.  Moore,  eds.,  A  Source  Book  in  Indian  Philosophy  (Princeton: 
Princeton  University  Press,  1957). 

3  A  study  of  books  and  articles  cited  in  advanced  biological  research  showed 

that  50  per  cent  went  no  further  back  than  five  years;  fewer  than 
10  per  cent  went  back  twenty  years  or  more.  Cf.  P.  Weiss,  "Knowl- 
edge: A  Growth  Process,"  Science,  131  (1960),  171&-1719, 

Centers  for  Advanced  Political  Science  235 

*  A.  Flexner,  Universities,  American,  English,  German  (New  York:  Oxford 
University  Press,  1930). 

^  Ralph  Tyler  has  directed  the  center  from  the  first.  The  driving  initiative 
was  taken  by  B.  B.  Berelson,  then  of  the  Ford  Foundation.  The 
spread  of  the  term  "behavioral  sciences"  owes  much  to  the  choice 
of  label  for  the  center.  Many  potential  labels  were  rejected,  partly 
because  they  had  acquired  unfortunate  connotations  in  influential 
quarters,  partly  because  they  were  identified  with  an  existing — and 
somewhat  circumscribed — set  of  organizations.  Among  the  rejected 
expressions  were  "human  relations"  and  "social  sciences."  In  po- 
litical science,  the  expression  "behavioral"  is  sometimes  facetiously, 
perhaps  enviously,  used  to  refer  to  the  work  of  anyone  who  has  a 
grant  from  Ford.  More  solemnly,  the  term  is  taken  to  refer  to  a 
strong  emphasis  on  joining  systematic  theory  with  disciplined  ob- 
servation. Systematic  theory  does  not  ultimately  close  its  eyes  to 
historical  data,  nor  are  disciplined  observational  procedures  re- 
stricted to  field  or  laboratory  studies  of  contemporary  events. 

^  At  first,  scientists  of  the  modern  era  found  it  necessary  to  phrase  what  they 
did  in  terms  of  the  Aristotelian  categories  as  interpreted  by  con- 
temporary theologians.  Scientists  thus  concentrated  on  material, 
formal,  and  efficient  causes  and  found  increasing  difficulty  with 
"final  causes."  Final  causes  in  Aristotelian  usage  were  the  purposes 
for  which  objects  were  designed.  The  designs,  patterns,  or  forms — 
the  formal  causes — were  regarded  as  open  to  direct  observation. 
Final  causes,  however,  could  only  be  inferred  from  a  comprehensive 
vision  of  the  whole  field  of  potential  study.  The  construct  of  an 
ultimate  designer  and  creator  of  materials,  designs,  and  mechanisms 
— if  treated  as  a  hypothesis,  not  as  an  article  of  faith — is  compatible 
with  scientific  inquiry.  Traditionally,  most  theologians  and  ecclesias- 
tical authorities  have  insisted  on  faith,  not  hypothesis,  although  they 
have  often  argued  that  the  plausibility  of  various  hypotheses — par- 
tially established  empirically — justifies  the  leap  to  belief. 

^  Cf.  the  discussion  of  possible  contact  with  advanced  forms  of  life  in  M.  S. 
McDougal,  H.  D.  Lasswell,  and  I.  Vlasic,  The  Public  Order  of 
Outer  Space  (New  Haven:   Yale  University  Press,  forthcoming). 

^Thomas  Cooper  (1759-1839)  came  to  the  United  States  from  England  with 
Joseph  Priestley  in  1794.  His  connection  with  South  CaroHna  be- 
gan in  1820. 

^  Harlow  Shapley,  long  director  of  the  Harvard  Observatory,  actively  pro- 
motes science  clubs  at  the  preparatory  level  and  lectures  untiringly 
on  astronomy  to  audiences  of  every  level  of  sophistication.  For  the 
general  reader  who  would  like  direct  access  to  an  intelligible  col- 
lection of  historic  landmarks,  cf.  Shapley,  ed..  Source  Book  in  As- 
tronomy, 1900-1950  (Cambridge;  Harvard  University  Press,  1960). 


10  C.  P.  Snow  is  an  eminent  exception.  Cf.  the  controversy  precipitated  by 
The  Two  Cultures  and  the  Scientific  Revolution  (Cambridge:  Uni- 
versity Press,  1959). 

"  New  York:  A  Signet  Book,  1956,  p.  6. 

12  Author  of  The  Star  Maker  and  several  other  works. 

12  The  early  connections  between  the  study  of  the  heavens  and  the  activities 
of  the  political  elite  were  close.  The  standard  histories  of  science 
— by  G.  Sarton,  L.  Thorndike,  O.  Neugebauer,  and  N.  J.  T.  M. 
Needham,  for  instance — are  informative  on  these  connections.  The 
timing  of  acts  of  state  was  deeply  influenced  by  the  testimony  of 
experts  on  the  heavens.  Cf.  D.  J.  de  SoUa  Price,  Science  since  Baby- 
lon (New  Haven:  Yale  University  Press,  1962). 

1*  The  connection  between  politics  and  alchemy  was  close  in  many  civiliza- 
tions. Sometimes  the  accent  was  on  discovering  means  to  immor- 
tality, sometimes  on  the  making  of  metal — of  interest  to  the  treasury 
and  the  military. 

15  Stanley's  contribution  is  put  into  context  by  I.  Asimov,  The  Intelligent 
Man's  Guide  to  Science  (New  York:  Basic  Books,  1960),  Vol.  II, 
Chap.  13. 

1^  Cf.  A.  Einstein  and  L.  Infeld,  The  Evolution  of  Physics  (Cambridge:  Uni- 
versity Press,  1938). 

1^  Cf.  H.  Hyden,  "Biochemical  Aspects  of  Brain  Activity,"  in  S.  M.  Farber 
and  R.  H.  L.  Wilson,  eds.,  Control  of  the  Mind  (New  York:  Mc- 
Graw-Hill, 1961). 

1^  A  concise  review  of  current  hypotheses  can  be  found  in  J.  Singh,  Great 
Ideas  and  Theories  of  Modern  Cosmology  (New  York:  Dover  Pub- 
lications, 1961),  describing  the  views  of  Schmidt,  Hoyle,  Weizsacker, 
Kuiper,  Alfen,  Whipple,  Urey,  and  many  others.  Also  cf.  M.  K. 
Munitz,  ed..  Theories  of  the  Universe  from  Babylonian  Myth  to 
Modern  Science  (Glencoe,  111.:  The  Free  Press-Falcon's  Wing  Press, 

19  Cf.,  e.g.,  L.  Bertalanff'y,  Modern  Theories  of  Development,  "An  Introduc- 

tion to  Theoretical  Biology"  (New  York:  Oxford  University  Press, 
1933).  Bertalanffy's  general  systems  approach  has  influenced  some 
biologists  and  social  scientists. 

20  Cf.  F.  A.  Lindemann,  The  Physical  Significance  of  The  Quantum  Theory 

(Oxford:  University  Press,  1932).  The  map  I  have  outlined  sug- 
gests that  the  subjective  event  of  reference,  by  bringing  models  of 
the  past  and  future  into  the  present,  enlarges  the  context  in  regard 
to  which  behavior — hence  social  interaction — occurs.  This  carries 
with  it  the  potentiality  of  orderly  arrangement  of  subsequent  con- 
texts. The  m»^ss-energy  preconditions  of  a  specific  set  of  subjective 

Centers  for  Advanced  Political  Science  237 

events  are  trivial;  however,  the  "trapping"  of  duration  energies  is 
accomplished  by  selective  intervention  in  the  unfolding  future.  Con- 
flicting policy  programs  among  living  systems  may  nullify  the  po- 
tential for  order  by  blocking  integration  within  the  inclusive  context 
of  interaction.  Mass-energy  units  can  be  arranged  in  a  hierarchy  of 
magnitudes;  subjective  references  can  be  described  according  to  the 
time-space  context  alluded  to  and  the  complexity  and  integration  of 
the  arrangements  referred  to  in  the  context;  interaction  sequences 
can  be  described  according  to  the  actualization  of  arrangements  in 
context.  Many  currents  in  contemporary  thought  harmonize  in  vary- 
ing degree  with  this  speculative  model;  cf.,  e.g.,  Teilhard  de  Char- 
din,  The  Phenomenon  of  Man  (New  York:  Harpers,  1959).  Cf. 
also  some  trends  that  appear  in  philosophies  of  history.  A  con- 
venient compendium  is  H.  MeyerhofT,  ed..  The  Philosophy  of  History 
in  Our  Time,  "An  Anthology"  (New  York:  Harpers,  1959),  with 
selections  from  Dilthey,  Croce,  CoUingwood,  Pirenne,  Toynbee, 
Becker,  Beard,  Aron,  Dewey,  Lovejoy,  White,  Butterfield,  Berlin, 
Popper,  Jaspers,  and  others.  The  study  of  decision,  as  I  conceive 
it,  increases  the  probability  of  actualizing  inclusive  goals  in  the  cos- 
mic process,  even  if  inclusive  goals  have  not  been  achieved  before. 

21  Cf.  the  section  on  "The  Influence  of  Drugs  on  the  Individual,"  especially 

the  papers  by  S.  S.  Kety,  J.  G.  Miller,  and  J.  O.  Cole,  in  S.  M. 
Farber  and  R.  H.  L.  Wilson,  eds.,  Control  of  the  Mind  (New  York: 
McGraw-Hill,  1961). 

22  Cf .  the  rather  cautious  essays  authorized  by  Soviet  scientists  in  M.  Vas- 

siliev  and  S.  Gouschev,  eds..  Life  in  the  Twenty-First  Century 
(Baltimore:  Penguin,  1961). 

23  Cf.  P.  Miller,  The  New  England  Mind  from  Colony  to  Province  (Cam- 

bridge: Harvard  University  Press,  1953). 

24  An  imaginative  and  informed  reassessment  is  S.  de  Grazia,  Of  Time,  Work, 

and  Leisure  (New  York:  Twentieth  Century  Fund,  1962). 

25  Cf.  D.  Lerner,  The  Passing  of  Traditional  Society   (Glencoe,  111.:    The 

Free  Press,  1958). 

2^  R.  Redfield,  The  Primitive  World  and  Its  Transformation  (Ithaca:  Cor- 
nell University  Press,  1953),  pp.  12,  15. 

2^  I  note  in  passing  that  psychoanalytic  formulations  are  being  stated  in  ways 
that  admit  of  more  concentrated  research.  E.g.,  K.  M.  Colby, 
Energy  and  Structure  in  Psychoanalysis  (New  York:  Ronald,  1955); 
D.  Rapaport,  "The  Conceptual  Model  of  Psychoanalysis,"  in  Theo- 
retical Models  and  Personality  Theory  (Durham,  N.C.:  Duke  Uni- 
versity Press,  1952).  Applications  of  dynamic  psychiatry  and 
psychology  to  the  study  of  politics  are  gradually  gaining  in  volume 
and  quality.  Recent  examples  are  L.  Pye,  Politics,  Personality,  and 
Nation  Building,  "Burma's  Search  for  Identity"  (New  Haven:  Yale 


University  Press,  1962),  and,  above  all,  the  works  of  N.  Leites, 
H.  V.  Dicks,  and  E.  Erikson.  Cf.  L.  W.  Milbrath  and  W.  W.  Klein, 
"Personality  Correlates  of  Politics,"  Acta  Sociologica,  6  (1962),  53- 
66;  L.  W.  Milbrath,  "Predispositions  toward  Political  Contention," 
Western  Political  Quarterly,  13  (1960),  5-18. 

2®  But  see  the  new  genetic  knowledge  tersely  summarized  in  C.  H.  Wadding- 
ton,  The  Nature  of  Life  (New  York:  Atheneum,  1962). 

23  The  most  refined  examination  of  the  relevant  subjectivities  is  M.  Scheler, 
Zur  Phdnomenologie  und  Theorie  der  SympathiegefUhl  und  von 
Liebe  und  Hass  ("On  the  Phenomenology  and  Theory  of  Sympathy 
and  of  Love  and  Hatred"),  with  an  Appendix  on  the  reason  for  as- 
suming the  existence  of  other  selves,  Gesammelte  Schriften  (Berne: 
Franke,  1954),  I. 

^°  For  new  models  of  the  brain,  cf.  G.  S.  Blum,  A  Model  of  the  Mind,  Ex- 
plored by  Hypnotically  Controlled  Experiments  and  Examined  for 
Its  Psychodynamic  Implications  (New  York:  Wiley,  1961);  D.  O. 
Hebb,  Organization  of  Behavior  (New  York:  Wiley,  1949);  W.  R. 
Ashby,  Design  for  a  Brain  (New  York:  Wiley,  1952);  and  G.  A. 
Miller,  E.  Galanter,  and  K.  Pribram,  Plans  and  the  Structure  of 
Behavior  (New  York:  Holt,  1960). 



The  present  inquiry  comes  at  a  time  when  great  and  accelerating 
changes  multiply  the  problems  that  press  on  individuals  and  groups 
at  every  stage  of  national,  international,  and  subnational  life.  There  is 
obvious,  pressing  demand  for  the  services  of  every  person  or  pro- 
fession believed  competent  to  contribute  to  the  solution  of  the  vexing 
questions  of  public  policy. 

This  discussion  is  addressed  to  all  who  concur  in  the  fundamental 
importance  of  harmonizing  our  institutions  with  the  requirements  of 
human  dignity  and  who  recognize  that  the  task  calls  for  higher  levels 
of  performance  by  public  and  private  agencies  dealing  with  political 
intelligence  and  appraisal. 

Explicitly,  I  am  concerned  with  increasing  the  weight  of  factors 
that  favor  responsible  freedom  by  giving  more  emphasis  to  the  study 
of  government.  If  the  study  of  government  is  to  make  the  impact  of 
which  it  is  capable,  no  government,  no  political  party,  and  no  private 
association  can  be  allowed  a  monopoly  on  research,  teaching,  or  con- 


sultation.  In  the  huge  urban  civilizations  of  our  day,  an  indispensable 
safeguard  of  freedom  is  enlightenment  regarding  the  past  and  prospec- 
tive role  of  government  in  the  social  process  as  a  whole. 

The  prospects  of  democratic  and  responsible  government  are  en- 
hanced when  the  doings  of  governments  and  of  every  other  influen- 
tial participant  in  the  political  process  are  open  to  mutual  inspection 
and  appraisal.  Inspection  gains  depth  when  immediate  happenings 
are  seen  in  the  broader  context  of  space  and  time.  It  is  the  distinctive 
task  of  professional  students  of  government  to  supplement  the  news 
and  views  of  the  day  in  any  locality  by  providing  comprehensive  and 
reliable  maps  of  the  larger  currents  of  politics. 

I  have  put  the  accent  on  the  consideration  of  policies  available 
to  political  scientists  for  improving  the  bases  on  which  their  inferences 
rest.  Recognition  has  therefore  been  given  to  the  perfecting  of  com- 
prehensive, selective,  and  reliable  surveys  of  contemporary  and  his- 
torical events  and  of  supplementing  surveys  by  strategies  that  exploit 
the  potential  returns  from  experimentation,  prototyping,  and  interven- 

Acutely  sensible  to  the  sheer  magnitude  of  pertinent  detail,  I 
have  put  forward  a  number  of  procedures  intended  to  bring  to  the 
attention  of  any  scholar,  citizen,  or  official  an  intelligible  image  of  the 
configuration  of  past,  present,  and  future  events  in  which  he  is  en- 
meshed and  with  which  he  interacts.  The  decision  seminar,  the  social 
planetarium,  and  related  devices  are  tentative  solutions  to  problems 
of  preventing  an  overload  on  the  network  of  political  communication. 

In  anticipation  of  the  persisting  challenge  to  creativity  that  the 
future  will  undoubtedly  contain,  my  discussion  of  professional  train- 
ing has  centered  on  the  cultivation  of  creativity.  The  relevant  exercises 
of  political  imagination  presuppose  intimate  familiarity  with  the  most 
distinctive  features  of  the  era,  and  this  points  unmistakably  to  the 
roles  of  science  and  technology. 

After  the  stage  of  induction  into  the  professional  study  of  gov- 
ernment come  the  problems  connected  with  careers  devoted  to  re- 
search, teaching,  consultation,  administration,  or  public  leadership. 
Since  this  book  is  directed  mainly  to  questions  posed  by  the  rising 
level  of  intellectual  excellence  in  our  society,  I  have  given  extended 
treatment  to  the  building  of  environments  in  which  political  science 
can  be  cultivated  under  optimal  conditions.  The  idea  of  centers  of 
political  science  is  a  specific  example  of  an  institutional  means  of  ad- 
justing our  perspectives  and  operations  to  our  emerging  needs. 

Many  matters  of  no  inconsiderable  importance  have  been  given 

Concludun  241 

scant  attention  or  left  to  one  side.  This  has  sometimes  been  done  in 
the  hope  of  giving  more  extended  consideration  to  the  topic  elsewhere. 
Such  topics  are  strategies  of  general  civic  training,  of  collaboration  in 
research  and  policy  teams,  and  of  giving  and  obtaining  advice.  Other 
topics  could  be  usefully  discussed  in  a  factual  setting  that  lies  beyond 
the  limits  of  the  present  sketch.  I  have  in  mind,  for  instance,  the 
strategy  of  introducing  the  study  of  government  to  peoples  of  reviving 
ancient  civilization  whose  traditional  forms  of  political  life  are  non- 
democratic,  save  possibly  at  the  lowest  levels,  or  the  strategy  of  in- 
troducing political  science  to  industrializing  peoples  whose  cultural 
traditions  are  characteristic  of  folk  societies.  Another  topic  worthy  of 
extended  factual  analysis  and  policy  recommendation  is  the  financing 
of  political  science  and  civic  education  at  all  age  levels.  What  are  the 
appropriate  criteria  for  the  allocation  of  manpower  and  facilities  to 
research,  training,  consultation,  and  dissemination?  This  question,  in 
particular,  deserves  exploratory  study  by  a  committee  of  the  American 
Political  Science  Association. 

I  have,  I  trust,  made  it  plain  that  the  fundamental  fact  of  politics 
is  inextricable  from  human  society,  if  by  politics  we  mean  the  largest 
arena  of  interaction  in  which  goals  are  clarified,  degrees  of  achieve- 
ment are  described,  conditioning  factors  are  analyzed,  future  develop- 
ments are  projected,  and  policy  alternatives  are  invented  and 

In  a  specialized  civilization,  the  case  for  the  continuing  study  of 
government  by  an  organized  profession  of  scholars  is  persuasive.  I 
am,  however,  among  those  who  recognize  that,  under  various  cir- 
cumstances, political  scientists  may  make  fewer  significant  contribu- 
tions to  the  subject  than  other  scientists  or  writers.  This  is  the 
competitive  thrust  of  life,  and  it  is  eminently  reasonable  that  con- 
temporary and  future  members  of  an  identifiable  profession  measure 
up  to  competitive  conditions.  I  have  outlined  some  policies  open  to 
the  profession,  as  presently  constituted,  that  promise  to  contribute 
to  the  success  of  political  science  in  years  to  come. 

Whether  a  conventionally  named  body  of  scholars  called  "po- 
litical scientists"  will  continue  to  play  a  prominent  part  in  the  study 
and  appraisal  of  politics  depends  chiefly  on  its  vigor  and  imagination. 
Can  we  improve  the  intelligence  flow  on  which  the  profession  must 
depend  for  the  opportune  performance  of  the  teaching,  consultative, 
research,  and  other  tasks  for  which  they  are  responsible?  Can  we 
achieve  levels  of  personal  competence  that  measure  up  to  the  formi- 
dable t^sks  of  the  twin  ages  of  science  and  astropolitics  ? 


The  future  in  this,  as  in  other  dimensions,  is  partly  open  to  direc- 
tion through  keener  insight  into  the  goals,  assets,  and  liabilities  of  the 
self.  The  present  inquiry  is  a  phase  of  this  continual  self-appraisal.  It 
is  impossible  to  contemplate  the  present  status  of  man  without  per- 
ceiving the  cosmic  roles  that  he  and  other  advanced  forms  of  life  may 
eventually  play.  We  are,  perhaps,  introducing  self-awareness  into  cos- 
mic process.  With  awareness  of  self  come  deliberate  formation  and 
pursuit  of  value  goals.  For  tens  of  thousands  of  years,  man  was  ac- 
customed to  living  in  relatively  local  environments  and  to  cooperating 
on  a  parochial  scale.  Today  we  are  on  the  verge  of  exploring  a  habitat 
far  less  circumscribed  than  earth.  The  need  for  a  world-wide  system 
of  public  order — a  comprehensive  plan  of  cooperation — is  fearfully 
urgent.  From  the  interplay  of  the  study  and  practice  of  cooperation 
we  may  eventually  move  more  wisely,  if  not  more  rapidly,  toward 
fulfilling  the  as-yet-mysterious  potentialities  of  the  cosmic  process. 


Abelson,  R.,  146,  n.  5 

Action,  and  thought,  233 

Adams,  J.  C,  146,  n.  4 

Adams,  R.  N.,  29,  n.  18;  154,  n.  4 

Advice,  10,  13 

Affection,  values  and  institutions, 

science  of,  233 
Agger,  R.,  87,  n.  7 
Alchemy,  236,  n.  14 
Allen,  L.  E.,  67,  n.  21;  88,  n. 

16;  146,  n.  6 
Allinson,  E.  p.,  42,  n.  3 
Almond,  G.  A.,  28,  n.  15;  67,  n. 


Alternative  thinking,  2,  126,  157 

American  Bar  Association,  88,  n. 
16;  146,  n.  6 

American  Behavioral  Scientist, 
The,  186,  n.  3 

American  Political  Science  Asso- 
ciation, 27,  n.  9;  30;  32-34; 
44;  65,  n.  5;  81;  88,  n.  12; 
172;  241 

American  Political  Science  Re- 
view, 12 

Anderson,  H.  H.,  163,  n.  1 

Anomie^  117 



Anthropology,    and    political    sci- 
ence, 224  f. 
Application,   phase   of,    15,    23  f., 

72  f.,  200 
Appraisal,  phase  of,  15,  24  f.,  77  f. 
Archaeology,  and  political  science, 

224  f. 
Arenas,  47,  53,  58,  62,  70,  74,  77, 

80,  91-93,  200,  203  f. 
Arendt,  H.,  206,  n.  2 
Arens,  R.,  86,  n.  2 
Arieti,  S.,  65,  n.  4;  121,  n.  2 
Aristotle,  3,  10,  215 
Armitage,  W.  H.  G.,  165,  n.  9 
Arthasastra,  18 
Arts   and   sciences,    176;   research 

upon,  185  f.;  187,  n.  9 
AsHBY,  E.,  165,  n.  9;  238,  n.  30 
AsHBY,  W.  R.,  238,  n.  30 
AsiMOv,  I.,  216;  236,  n.  15 
Association  of  the  Bar  of  the  City 

of  New  York,  207,  n.  6 
Astrology,  236,  n.  13 
Astronomy,  and  political  science, 

217  f.,  231 
Astropolitics,  age  of,  1,  241 
Attention,  focus  of,  184 
Audiovisual  aids,  172-173 
Authority,  and  control,  196 


Bailyn,  B.,  234,  n.  1 
Barber,  B.,  165,  n.  8 
Barclay,  W.,  234,  n.  2 
Barents,  J.,  28,  n.  10 
Barker,  E.,  27,  n.  7 
Barnett,  H.  G.,  163,  n.  1 
Bartlett,  F.,  163,  n.  1 
Base  values,  47,  53,  59,  62,  71,  74, 

78,  81,  93,  204-205 
Basic  data  survey,  43  f . 
Bates,  R.  P.,  120,  n.  1 
Bavelas,  a.,  120,  n.  1 

Beard,  C.  A.,  16,  150 
Behavioral  emphasis,  37  f. 
Behavioral  sciences,  235,  n.  5 
Bensman,  J.,  67,  n.  17 
Benson,  O.,  146,  n.  5 
Bentham,  J.,  3,  151 
Berelson,  B.,  165,  n.  12;  235,  n.  5 
Berlin,  University  of,  158 
Berns,  W.,  206,  n.  4 
Bernstein,  M.,  29,  n.  24;  207,  n. 

Bertalanffy,  L.,  236,  n.  19 
BiDERMAN,  A.  D.,  66,  n.  11 
Biology;  see  Systems 
Black  Cloud,  216 
Blackmer,  D.  L.  M.,  145,  n.  4 
Blanchard,  B.,  42,  n.  6 
Blau,  p.  M.,  87,  n.  4 
Bloom,  B.  S.,  121,  n.  4 
Bloom  FIELD,  L.,  145,  n.  2 
Blum,  G.  S.,  238,  n.  30 
Bock,  E.  A.,  122,  n.  17 
Bodenheimer,  E.,  206,  n.  5 
Books,  12 

Booth,  A.  D.,  88,  n.  16 
Boredom,  hypothesis  of,  117 
Borgatta,  E.  F.,  120,  n.  1 
BoRKE,  H.,  146,  n.  5 
Borneo,   117 

BoRNiNG,  B.  C.,  28,  n.  16 
BouLDiNG,  K.,  27,  n.  4 
Brain  -  to  -  brain,    communication, 

230,  239 
Brave  New  World,  216 
Brecht,  a.,  164,  n.  4 
Broadcasting,  143  f. 
Brodbeck,  a.  J.,  66,  n.  13 
Brogan,  D.  W.,  187,  n.  6 
Brown,  P.  M.,  193 
Brown,  R.  E.,  28,  n.  16 
Brown,  W.  O.,  67,  n.  17 
Bruner,  J.,  121,  n.  5;  163,  n.  1; 

166,  n.  12 
Buchanan,  W.,  67,  n.  23 



BuRDicK,  E.,  206,  n.  2 
Burgess,  J.  W.,  31,  158,  193 
Burke,  W.  T.,  7,  n.  4 
Butler,  D.  E.,  165,  n.  7;  187,  n.  6 


Caldwell,  M.  E.,  88,  n.  16;  146, 

n.  6 
Campbell,  A.,  67,  n.  15 
Cantril,  H.,  121,  n.  3 
Capek,  Karel,  216 
Capital,  2 

Caplow,  T.,  234,  n.  1 
Carnegie  Foundation,  37 
Carter,  G.  M.,  67,  n.  17 
Carter,  R.  E.,  Jr.,  66,  n.  9 
Casey,  R.  D.,  165,  n.  11;  206 
Cassirer,  E.,  164,  n.  4 
Catlin,  G.  E.  C,  187,  n.  6 
Center  for  Advanced  Study  in  the 

Behavioral  Sciences,  212 
Centers  for  advanced  study,  208  f. 
Characterological  incapacity,  102 
Chardin,  Teilhard  de,  237,  n.  20 
Chemistry,  and  conditioning,  177; 

and   political   science,   217  f., 

223  f.,  232 
Cherry,  C,  166,  n.  12 
Chicago,    University    of,    31,    37, 

158  f. 
Childe,  V.  C,  26,  n.  2 
Childs,  H.  L.,  165,  n.  10 
Ch'u,  T.  S.,  27,  n.  8 
Church-state  research,  184 
Cities,  6 

Civic  order,  121,  n.  11;  205 
Civic  training,  169-170 
Civilization,  6 

Clarification,  103,  155,  213  f.,  231 
Cleveland,  H.  P.,  29,  n.  18;  145, 

n.  4;  165,  n.  5 
Code  of  professional  conduct,  179 


Coercion,  and  conditioning,  177  f. 

Colby,  K.  M.,  237 

Cole,  J.  O.,  237,  n.  21 

Coleman,  J.  S.,  88,  n.  12 

Collaboration  with  allied  disci- 
plines, 189  f. 

Columbia  University,  31-32,  158, 

Communication,  and  political  sci- 
ence, 162  f.,  232 

Competence,  double,  186 

Conditioning,  and  coercion,  177  f. 

Configurative;  see  Problem-solving 

Confucius,  10 

Congressional  Government)  3 

Content,  principles  of,  155,  208 

Contextual;  see  Problem-solving 

Contextual  broadcasting,  143  f. 

Contingency  norms,  in  prescrip- 
tion, 200;  206,  n.  4 

Control,  and  authority,  196 

Conventional  definitions,  184 

Cook,  W.  W.,  193  f. 

Coombs,  C.  H.,  88,  n.  14 

Cooper,  T.,  215;  235,  n.  8 

Cornell  University,  100;  165,  n.  9 

Corwin,  E.  S.,  193 

Cosmic  evolution,  and  political 
science,  219  f.;  role  of  deci- 
sion in,  221  f. 

Creativity,  147  f. 

Crick,  B.,  165,  n.  7 

Cross-disciplinary  research,  186, 
189  f. 

Curtis,  W.  H.,  165,  n.  9 


Dahl,  R.  a.,  28,  n.  15;  67,  n.  19 
David,  P.  T.,  67,  n.  15 
Davis,  R.  L.,  88,  n.  14 
Decision  process;   cosmic  role  of, 

221  f.;  and  political  scientists, 

14  f.;  theory,  91  f. 



Decision  seminars,  125  f. 

Demand;  for  intensity,  8;  for  se- 
verity, 8 

Dentler,  R.  a.,  87,  n.  10 

Descartes,  R.,  148 

Dession,  G.  H.,  67,  n.  22;  206,  n. 

Detroit,  studies  in,  118 

Deutsch,  K.,  120 

Developmental  constructs,  27,  n. 
6;  157 

Devolution,  119 

Dicks,  H.  V.,  238,  n.  27 

Dignity,  human,  7;  see  also  Hu- 
man, dignity 

DiMOCK,  M.  E.,  29,  n.  24 

Diversification,  33 

DoBYNs,  H.  F.,  121,  n.  8 

Doctoral  dissertations,  11 

Doctrine,  political,  65,  n.  7 

Documentation,  84,  134,  173 

DoNNAT,  L.,  121,  n.  7 

Donnelly,  R.  C,  42,  n.  4 

Double  competence,  186 

Douglas,  W.  O.,  42,  n.  4 

Downs,  A.,  88,  n.  14 

Drugs,  and  politics,  177;  223  f.; 
237,  n.  21 

DucAssE,  C.  J.,  42,  n.  6 

Duration  and  voidness,  212  f.;  237, 
n.  20 

DuRKHEiM,  E.,  122,  n.  14 

Dynamics,  deeper,  115f. 


Earth  sciences,  231 

Easton,  E.,  66,  n.  13;  146,  n.  7 

Economic    Interpretation    of    the 

Constitution,  16 
Economics,  232 
Economic  values  and  institutions, 

Education,  revolution  in,  175  f. 

Effects  of  decision,  47,  60,  64,  71, 

76,  79,  81,  93 
Ego  mechanisms,  117 
Einstein,  A.,  236,  n.  16 
Eldersfeld,  S.  J.,  67,  n.  15 
Electronic   data   retrieval,    88,    n. 

16;  146,  n.  6 
Elites,  studies  of,  184 
Emden,  A.  B.,  42,  n.  1 
Empirical  grounding  of  goals,  154 
Energy  in  evolution,  222;  236,  n. 

Engels,  F.,  3,  151-152 
Enlightenment,  values  and  institu- 
tions; see  Communication 
Erikson,  E.,  164,  n.  2;  238,  n.  27 
EuLAu,  H.,  27,  n.  6;  67,  n.  23; 

146,  n.  7 
Evolution;  see  Cosmic  evolution 
Expansion  of  political  science,  30 

Expectation;   and  syntax,   197;  of 

violence,  7 

Factor  thinking,  2,  126,  157,  217 

Faith,  and  hypothesis,  235,  n.  6 

Family  institutions,  science  of,  233 

Farber,  S.  M.,  122,  n.  16;  236, 
n.  17;  237,  n.  21 

Feliciano,  F.  p.,  27,  n.  5 

Fenwick,  C.  G.,  193 

Ferguson,  L.  C,  67,  n.  23 

Fesler,  J.  W.,  122,  n.  17 

Festinger,  L.,  166,  n.  12 

Film  in  teaching,  172-173 

Final  causes,  235,  n.  6 

Financial  independence  of  stu- 
dents, 173-174 

Fleet,  J.  F.,  27,  n.  7 

Flexner,  a.,  235,  n.  4 

Folk  societies,  6;  boredom  in,  117 



Ford,  H.  J.,  192 

Ford  Foundation,  235,  n.  5 

Forecast  and  goal,  217 

Forecasters;  see  Projective  think- 

Foreign  student  exchange,  18 

Formula,  political,  65,  n.  7;  196; 

Fox,  W.  T.  R.,  29,  n.  26 

Frankfort,  H.,  26,  n.  3 

Frankfort,  H.  A.,  26,  n.  3 

Freedom  and  creative  thinking, 
172  f.,  184  f. 

Freud,  S.,  150,  228 

Freund,  E.,  193 

Friedmann,  W.,  206,  n.  5 

Friedrich,  C.  J.,  122,  n.  11;  164, 
n.  5;  206,  n.  5 

Fromm,  E.,  224 

Fuller,  C.  D.,  29,  n.  18 

Functional  definitions,  14 

Future  problems,  4  f. 

Galanter,  E.,  238,  n.  30 

Galloway,  G.,  29,  n.  22 

Games,  124 

Gange,  J.,  29,  n.  18 

Garner,  J.  W.,  20,  193 

George,  A.,  187,  n.  8 

George,  J.,  187,  n.  8 

Gideonse,  H.  D.,  234,  n.  1 

Gilbert,  G.  M.,  187,  n.  8 

Goal  thinking,  2,  4,  103,  126,  153 
f.,  213  f.,  231;  and  projective 
thinking,   217;   and   scientific 
thinking,  217  f. 
Goerlitz,  W.,  145,  n.  1 
Goldhamer,  H.,  145,  n.  2 
Goldrick,  D.,  87,  n.  7 
Goldsen,  J.  M.,  145,  n.  2 
Goldstein,  J.,  42,  n.  4;  86,  n.  1 
Golembiewski,  R.  T.,  120,  n.  1 

Goodnow,  F.  W.,  193 

Gosnell,  H.  F.,  67,  n.  15;  165,  n, 

Gottfried,  A.,  187,  n.  8 
GouscHEV,  S.,  237,  n.  22 
Graduate  department,  152  f. 
Gray,  P.,  88,  n.  16 
Grazia,  a.  de,  186,  n.  3 
Grazia,  S.  de,  66,  n.  13;  237,  n.  24 
Greer,  S.,  121,  n.  15 
Griffith,  E.  S.,  29,  n.  22 
Grodzins,  M.,  29,  n.  24 
Gruber,  H.,  163,  n.  1 
Guetzkow,  H.,  121,  n.  1;  145,  n. 

2;  146,  n.  5 
Guterman,  N.,  66,  n.  12 


Haddow,  a.,  186,  n.  2 
Haines,  C.  G.,  193 
Haire,  M.,  88,  n.  14 
Hall,  J.,  206,  n.  5 
Hallowell,  J.,  164,  n.  4 
Hamilton,  A.,  4 
Hammond,  P.  Y.,  29,  n.  26 
Hare,  A.  P.,  120,  n.  1 
Harper,  F.,  42,  n.  4 
Harrisson,  T.,  121,  n.  12 
Hart,  H.  A.  L.,  207 
Hebb,  D.  O.,  238,  n.  30 
Heidelberg,  University  of,  158 
Hendel,  C.  W.,  42,  n.  6 
Henle,  p.,  166,  n.  12 
Herrigel,  E.,  164,  n.  6 
Herring,  E.  P.,  29,  n.  24;  165,  n. 

Hess,  R.  D.,  66,  n.  13 
Higher  forms  of  life,  222 
Highet,  G.,  234,  n.  2 
HiLSMAN,  R.,  28,  n.  17 
HiRSCH,  W.,  165,  n.  8 
Historical  materialism,  152 
History,  and  political  science,  138, 

224  f.,  232 



HoBBES,  T.,  3,  183;  modified,  226 
HoFMEHL,  K.,  29,  n.  22 
HOFSTADER,  R.,  65,  n.  1 
HoLcoMBE,  A.  N.,  67,  n.  15 
Holland,  H.,  28,  n.  12 
HOLMBERG,  A.,  121,  n.  8 
HoRWiTz,  R.,  165,  n.  12 
Howe,  C.  S.,  164,  n.  4 
HoYLE,  F.,  216 
Hsu,  F.  L.  K.,  121,  n.  4 
Human;  dignity,  5,  7,  222  f.;  rela- 
tions, 235,  n.  5 
Humes,  S.,  67,  n.  19 
Humphrey,  G.,  163,  n.  1 
Humphrey,  H.,  29,  n.  20 
Hunting,  R.  B.,  86,  n.  1 
Huntington,  S.  P.,  29,  n.  26 
HuTCHiNS,  R.  M.,  234,  n.  1 
Huxley,  A.,  215-216 
Huxley,  T.  H.,  215 
Hyden,  H.,  236,  n.  17 
Hyman,  H.  H.,  66,  n.  13 
Hyneman,  C,  65,  n.  4 
Hypnosis,  117,  177 
Hypothesis,  and  faith,  235,  n.  6 

Identification,  65,  n.  7 
Identities,  65,  n.  7 
Ideological  alienation,  102 
Images,  and  moods,  176 
Index  instability,  135  f. 
"Individual"      versus      "society," 

formulation  criticized,  227  f. 
Infeld,  L.,  236,  n.  16 
Inquiry,  inhibition  of,  183  f. 
Institute  for  Advanced  Study,  212 
Institutions,  66,  n.  8;  analysis,  90 
Intellectual  tasks,   five,   1-2,    133, 

196,  231  f. 
Intelligence,  phase  of  decision,  15; 

17  f.;  43;  48  f.;  87,  n.  9 

Intensity;  demand  for,  8;  factors, 

Internalization,  mechanism  of,  90 

International  Institute  of  Admin- 
istrative Sciences,  87,  n.  9 

Internship  program,  33,  175 

Intervention,  and  experimentation, 
95  f. 

Introductory  phase,  of  prototyp- 
ing, 101 

Invoking,  phase  of  decision,  15, 
22  f.,  69  f. 

I,  Robot,  2\6 

d'Irsay,  S.,  42,  n.  1 


Jacobsen,  T.,  26,  n.  3 

Jaeger,  W.,  234,  n.  2 

James,  F.,  42,  n.  4 

Janowitz,  M.  J.,  29,  n.  26;  67,  n. 
17;  87,  n.  4 

Jefferson,  T.,  4 

Jenkins,  W.,  88,  n.  15 

Johns  Hopkins  University,  31; 
158;  165,  n.  9;  194 

Jones,  E.,  164,  n.  2 

Jones,  R.  L.,  66,  n.  9 

Journalism,  and  political  science, 
189  f. 

Journals,  12 

Jurisprudence,  16,  193  f. 

Justification;  of  claim,  204;  of  de- 
cision, 196;  of  goal,  154 


Kaplan,  A.,  28,  n.  15 
Kaplan,  M.,  27,  n.  4;  27,  n.  5 
Katz,  J.,  121,  n.  13 
Katzenbach,  N.  de  B.,  27,  n.  5 
Kaufman,  H.,  67,  n.  20 
Kautilya,  10;  27,  n.  7 
Kautsky,  J.  H.,  145,  n.  4 



Kelley,  H.  H.,  120,  n.  1 
Kelley,  S.,  66,  n.  10 
Kennedy,  J.,  121,  n.  5 
Kent,  A.,  88,  n.  16 
Kety,  S.  S.,  237,  n.  21 
Key,  V.  O.,  66,  n.  14;  67,  n.  15 
Kinnard,  W.  N.,  87,  n.  4 
KiRKPATRICK,  J.  E.,  65,  n.  1 
KisHAMOTo,  H.,  66,  n.  10 
Klineberg,  O.,  121,  n.  3 
KoLB,  L.  C,  121,  n.  2 
Kornhauser,  W.,  121,  n.  15 
Kramer,  S.  N.,  26,  n.  3 
Kris,  E.,  163,  n.  1 
Kuhn,  T.  S.,  165,  n.  8 

Lane,  R.  E.,  28,  n.  14;  88,  n.  13; 

188,  n.  11 
Laski,  H.  J.,  168-169;  186,  n.  1 
Lasswell,  H.  D.,  26,  n.  1;  27,  n. 

15;  65,  n.  7;  66,  n.  13;  67,  n. 

72;  86,  n.  2;  120,  n.  1;  121, 

n.  5;  121,  n.  6;  145,  n.  3;  146, 

n.  8;  164,  n.  5;  165,  n.  10-12; 

235,  n.  7 
Latham,  E.,  29,  n.  24 
Laves,  W.  H.  C,  29,  n.  18 
Law,  and  political  science,  21,  40, 

193  f. 
Lazarsfeld,  p.  p.,  65,  n.  4;  67, 

n.  15;  187,  n.  3 
Leadership  role,  10,  13-14 
L'ficole  Libre  des  Sciences  Poli- 

tiques,  18 
Leiserson,  a.,  66,  n.  14 
Leites,  N.,  67,  n.  18;  121,  n.  6; 

238,  n.  27 
Lerner,  D.,  29,  n.  21;  120,  n.  1; 

146,  n.  8;   187,  n.  3;  237,  n. 

Lerner,  M.,  206,  n.  2 
Lewis,  C.  D.,  216 

Library  of  Congress,  21,  35 
Life,  traits  of,  5,  218,  222,  232 
LiFTON,  R.  J.,  66,  n.  1 1 
Lindblom,  C.  E.,  28,  n.  15 
LiNDEMANN,  F.  A.,  236,  n.  20 
LiNDZEY,  G.,  65,  n.  4 
LipPMANN,  W.,  206,  n.  2 
LiPSET,  S.  M.,  29,  n.  21;  66,  n.  13; 

164,  n.  3 
LisKA,  G.,  27,  n.  4 
Locke,  J.,  215 

Logic,  fallibility  criticized,  194 
Los  Angeles,  studies  in,  118 
Lowell,  A.  L.,  4 
LowENTHAL,    L.,    66,    n.    12-13; 

166,  n.  12 
LuBELL,  S.,  67,  n.  15 

McClelland,  C,  145,  n.  2 
McClelland,  D.  C,  65,  n.  2 
McDougal,  M.  S.,  27,  n.  5;  42, 

n.  4-5;  67,  n.  22;  206,  n.  5; 

235,  n.  7 
McGee,  p.  J.,  234,  n.  1 
Machines,  in  research,  84,  133 
Machol,  R.  E.,  88,  n.  16 
Mackenzie,  H.  C,  187,  n.  6 
McPhee,  W.,  146,  n.  5 
McRae,  D.,  68,  n.  23 
Madison,  J.,  4 
Man,  traits  of,  5 
Management  role,  10,  13 
Mangone,  G.  J.,  145,  n.  4 
Manning,  B.,  207,  n.  6 
March,  J.  G.,  88,  n.  14;  121,  n.  1 
Martin,  E.  M.,  67,  n.  19 
Martin,  R.  C,  87,  n.  5 
Martyrs,  lack  of,  183 
Marvick,  D.,  29,  n.  21;  87,  n.  4 
Marx,  K.,  2-3,  151-152 
Masland,  J.,  29,  n.  26 
Mason,  S.  F.,  165,  n.  8 



Massel,  M.  S.,  29,  n.  23 

Mathematics,  and  political  sci- 
ence, 231 

Matthews,  R.  D.,  29,  n.  21 

Maturation,  176 

Mayo,  E.,  106 

Meerloo,  J.  A.  M.,  66,  n.  11 

Melman,  S.,  29,  n.  26 

Merriam,  C.  E.,  37-38;  65,  n.  7; 
158  f.;  quot.  160-161 

Method,  legal,  195  f. 

Metzger,  W.  p.,  65,  n.  1 

Meyerhoff,  H.,  236,  n.  20 

Michigan,  University  of,  88,  n.  1 1 ; 
165,  n.  9 

Michigan-Okayama  study,  19 

MicHELs,  R.,  3,  150-151 

Micromodeling,  124 

Miller,  G.  A.,  238,  n.  30 

Miller,  J.  G.,  237,  n.  21 

Miller,  P.,  237,  n.  23 

Miller,  W.  E.,  67,  n.  15 

MiLLETT,  J.  D.,  27,  n.  9 

Millikan,  M.  F.,  145,  n.  4 

Milne,  R.  S.,  187,  n.  6 

Miranda,  political,  65,  n.  7 

Massachusetts  Institute  of  Tech- 
nology, 19,  215 

MiTTMAN,  B.,  88,  n.  16 

Models,  political,  89  f.,  138  f. 

Montesquieu,  Baron  de,  3 

Montgomery,  J.  D.,  145,  n.  4 

Mood,  and  images,  176 

Moore,  C.,  234,  n.  2 

More,  Sir  T.,  2 

MORGENTHAU,  H.,  145,  n.  4 

Mosca,  G.,  65,  n,  7 

M.U.L.L.,  88,  n.  16;  146,  n.  6 

MuNTz,  M.  K.,  236,  n.  18 

Murphy,  A.  E.,  42,  n.  6 

Murray,  H.  A.,  164,  n.  2 

Mysticism,  155 

Myth,  political,  65,  n.  7 

Naess,  a.,  164,  n.  6 
National    Education    Association, 

27,  n.  9 
Needham,  N.  J.  T.  M.,  236,  n.  13 
Neugebauer,  O.,  236,  n.  13 
Neumann,  J.,  146,  n.  5 
Neuwirth,  G.  S.,  86.,  n.  1 
Nevins,  a.,  165,  n.  9 
Newman,  R.,  122,  n.  13 
1984,  2 

Nivison,  D.  S.,  27,  n.  7;  234,  n.  2 
Norms;  see  Prescribing  phase 
North,  R.,  29,  n.  21 
North  Carolina,  University  of,  88, 

n.  15 
Northrop,  F.  S.  C.,  207,  n.  5 


O'Connor,  M.  J.  L.,  186,  n.  2 
Odegard,  p.  H.,  165,  n.  10 
Operations,  66,  n.  8 
Operations  Research  Office,  28,  n. 

Opler,  M.  K.,  121,  n.  4 
Oppenheim,  F.,  187,  n.  3 
Optimum  years,  for  learning,  175 

Orwell,  G.,  2 

Oslo,  University  of,  88,  n.  11 
Otto,  M.  C,  42,  n.  6 
Outcomes,  of  decisions,  47,  55,  60, 

63,  71,  76,  79,  93,  200,  205, 


Padover,  S.  K.,  206,  n.  2 
Parallel  events,  in  politics,  91,  201 
Park,  R.  L.,  67,  n.  17 



Parochialism,  syndrome  of,  6 

Partial  incorporation,  151 

Participants,  in  politics,  47-48,  57, 
61,  69,  77,  80,  92,  203,  205 

Peltason,  J.,  206,  n.  4 

Penrose,  B.,  34;  42,  n.  3 

Perry,  J.  W.,  88,  n.  16 

Personality  growth,  and  education, 

Perspectives,  in  politics,  47;  50; 
57;  61;  65,  n.  8;  69;  73;  80; 

Ph.D.,  169  f. 

Philosophy,  and  political  science, 
41;  see  also  Goal  thinking 

Photodocumentation,  173 

Physics,  and  political  science,  218 
f.,  232 

Pickles,  W.,  187,  n.  6 

Pilot  study,  98 

Pinner,  F.  A.,  29,  n.  18 

Plamenatz,  J.,  187,  n.  6 

Planck,  M.,  223 

Planetarium,  social,  140  f. 

Planning,  87,  n.  9 

Plato,  2,  10,  21,  215 

PoLANYi,  M.,  121,  n.  10 

Policy  sciences;  see  Problem-solv- 

Policy  thinking,  2,  126,  157,  233  f. 

Political  Power,  160 

Political  Science  and  Constitu- 
tional Law,  193 

Political  science  profession, 
needed?  38  f.,  161  f.,  242 

Pool,  I.  de  Sola,  29,  n.  21;  146, 

n.  5 
Postarena  events,  in  decision,  91- 

Powell,  T,  R.,  193 
Power;  science  and  technology,  9; 
theory,  91 

PowicKE,  F.  M.,  42,  n.  1 
Practice,  social,  66,  n.  8 
Pragmatism,  155 
Prearena   events,   in  decision,  91, 

Precipitating   events,   in   decision, 

91,  201 
Pre-Congress,  proposed,  142-143 
Prehistory;  see  Archaeology 
Prelegislatures,  proposed,  142  f. 
Preoutcomes,  in  decision,  200-201 
Preparatory    phase,    in    decision, 

101,  201 
Prescribing  phase,  in  decision,  15, 

20  f.,  61  f. 
Pribram,  K.,  238,  n.  30 
Price,  D.  J.  de  Solla,  236,  n.  13 
Primary    norms,    in    prescription, 

Princeton  Institute  for  Advanced 

Study,  212 
Pritchett,  H.  C,  87,  n.  8;  206, 

n.  4 
Problem  -  solving,   approach,    1-2, 

133,  196,  211,  221,  231  f. 
Procedure,  principles  of,  155,  208 
Professional  conduct;  code  of,  179 

f.;  in  public  debate,  144 
Professional  roles,  10 
Projective   thinking,   2,    126,    157, 

215  f.;  value  projections,  223 

Promoting  phase,  of  decision,   15, 

19f.,  57f. 
Prototyping;  and  experiment,  112 

f.;  and  self-observation,  113  f.; 

method  of,  99  f. 
Psychology,  and  political  science, 

226  f. 
Public  image,  34 
Public  order,  121,  n.  11;  205 
PusHKAREV,  B.,  87,  n.  9 
Pye,  L.,  237,  n.  27 




Radakrishnan,  S.,  234,  n.  2 

Radway,  L.  I.,  29,  n.  26 

RAND    Corporation,    28,   n.    13j 

145,  n.  2 
Ranney,  a.,  65,  n.  4 
Rapaport,  D.,  237,  n.  27 
Rapoport,  D.  C,  29,  n.  26 
Rappoport,  a.,  27,  n.  4;  164,  n.  4 
Ray,  D.  p.,  187,  n.  3 
Realistic  jurisprudence,  16,  143  f. 
Reason,  152 
Recommending,  phase  of  decision, 

Rectitude;  science  of,  233;  values 

and  institutions,  233 
Redfield,  R.,  quot.  225;  226;  237, 

n.  26 
Redford,  E.  L.,  29,  n.  25 
Referentiality,  221 
Rejection,    by    partial    incorpora- 
tion, 151 
Religion,  and  research,  184 
Republic,  2 
Research;     inhibition    of,     183  f.; 

role,     10-12;     strategy,     85; 

training,  165  f. 
Respect;    science   of,   233;   values 

and  institutions,  233 
Responsibility,  clarification  of,  213 

Retrieval;  data,  88,  n.  16;  146,  n. 

6;  and  storage,  135 
Revolution,  in  education,  1 75  f . 
RiESMAN,  D.,  187,  n.  7 
RiKER,  W.  H.,  27,  n.  4 
Rise    and    Growth    of    American 

Politics,  190 
Robinson,  J.  A.,  88,  n.  12 
Rockefeller  Foundation,  37,  161 
RoGow,  A.,  66,  n.  13;  187,  n.  8 
RoKEACH,  M.,  166,  n.  12 
RoKKAN,  S.,  88,  n.  12 

Roper  Center,  Williams  College, 

87,  n.  11 
Rosenberg,  M.,  65,  n.  4 
RosENBLUM,  V.  C,  206,  n.  4 
Rosenthal,  F.,  234,  n.  2 
Ross,  A.,  207,  n.  5 
Ross,  J.  F.  S.,  187,  n.  6 
Rossi,  P.  H.,  87,  n.  10 
RosTEN,  L.  C,  66,  n.  12;  206,  n.  2 
Rotational  cycle,  at  center,  229  f. 
Rousseau,  J.  J.,  2;  modified,  226 
RuBENSTEiN,  R.,   121,  n.  9;   121, 

n.  13 
Rudolph,  F.,  165,  n.  9 

Saint-Simon,  Comte  de,  151 

Sanctioning  norms,  and  prescrip- 
tion, 200 

Sanctions;  and  conditioning,  25, 
177  f.;  severe  and  mild,  205 

Sapir,  B.  M.,  29,  n.  26 

Sarton,  G.,  236,  n.  13 

Sayre,  W.,  67,  n.  20 

ScHEiN,  E.  H.,  66,  n.  11 

Scheler,  M.,  238,  n.  29 

ScHELLiNG,  T.  C,  27,  n.  4 

Schilling,  W.  R.,  29,  n.  26 

Schubert,  G.  A.,  87,  n.  8;  206, 
n.  4 

Schwartz,  R.  D.,  42,  n.  4 

Science,  and  politics,  9,  157,  217  f. 

Sciences;  see  Arts  and  sciences 

"Scope  and  method,"  course  in, 

Scott,  R.  W.,  87,  n.  4 

Self,  65,  n.  7 

Self-image,  35  f.,  38  f. 

Self-observation;  and  analysis,  132; 
and  prototyping,  113 

Semantics,  and  syntactics,  195 

Severity,  demand  for,  8 

Sex,  research  on,  184-185 



Shackle,  G.  L.  S.,  88,  n.  14 
Shamasastry,  R.,  27,  n.  7 
Shame  of  the  Cities,  The,  192 
Shapley,  H.,  215;  235,  n.  9 
Sign  mechanisms,  90 
Simon,  H.  A.,  28,  n.  15;  88,  n.  14; 

186,  n.  3;  121,  n.  1 
Simulation,  88,  n.  16;  135 
Singh,  J.,  236,  n.  18 
Skill,  and  education,  176  f.,  232 
Skinner,  B.  F.,  187,  n.  5 
Smith,  B.  L.,  29,  n.  18;  66,  n.  12; 

165,  n.  11 
Smith,  M.,  165,  n.  9 
Smith,  T.  V.,  185;  188,  n.  10 
Snow,  C.  P.,  236,  n.  10 
Snyder,  R.  C,  28,  n.  15;  29,  n. 

26;  146,  n.  7 
Social  Contract,  2 
Social  planetarium,  proposed,  140 

Social  Science  Research  Council, 

37,  151-162 
Social  sciences,  232;  235,  n.  5 
Socialization,  175  f. 
"Society"  versus  "individual,"  for- 
mulation criticized,  227  f. 
Sociological  jurisprudence,  16 
Sociology,    and    political    science, 

40  f. 
Specification,  of  goal,  154 
Speier,  H.,  145,  n.  2 
Stanford  University,  31 
Stanley,  W.,  218 
Stapledon,  O.,  216 
Steffens,  L.,  192 
Stein,  H.,  122,  n.  17 
Stein,  M.  I.,  121,  n.  4 
Stokes,  D.  E.,  67,  n.  15 
Storage,  and  retrieval,  135 
Storing,  H.  J.,  164,  n.  7;  166,  n. 

Strategies,  political,  47,  54,  59,  63, 

71,  74,  78,  81,  93,  204-205 
Straus,  L.,  164,  n.  4 

Students,  in  political  science,  18 
Sturges,  W.  a.,  42,  n.  4 
Subjective  events,  and  nonsubjec- 

tive  events,  220  f. 
Survey,  organization  of,  81  f. 
Survey  Research  Center,  88,  n.  1 1 
Suzuki,  D.  I.,  164,  n.  6 
SwANsoN,  B.,  87,  n.  7 
Sw^anson,  G.  E.,  66,  n.  9;  66,  n. 

Symbol  mechanisms,  90 
Syndrome,  of  parochialism,  6,  227 
Syntactics,  and  semantics,  195 
Systems,  open  and  closed,  222 

TAT,  97;  121,  n.  4 

Teaching;  role  of,  10-11;  training 

for,  167  f. 
Technology,  and  politics,  9 
Terminating,    phase    of    decision, 

16,  25  f.,  80  f. 
Theoretical  models,  89  f. 
Thibault,  J.  W.,  120,  n.  1 
Thomas,  J.  A.,  187,  n.  6 
Thomas,  R.,  234,  n.  1 
Thorndike,  L.,  236,  n.  13 
Thought,  and  action,  233  f. 
Thrall,  R.  M.,  88,  n.  14 
Timidity,  and  research,  184 
Tinker,  I.,  67,  n.  17 
Training;  for  research   167  f.;  for 

teachers,  167  f. 
Transempirical  derivation,  of  goal, 

Trend  thinking,  2,  126,  157 
Truman,  D.  B.,  67,  n.  23;  87,  n. 

Tukey,  J.  W.,  187,  n.  3 
TuNNARD,  C,  87,  n.  9 
Turner,  J.,  68,  n.  23 
Tyler,  R.,  235,  n.  5 




UNESCO,  27,  n.  10;  121,  n.  3 

Ungar,  a.,  88,  n.  16 

Universal  Declaration  of  Human 

Rights,  5 
Universalism,  versus  parochialism, 

University,  limitations  of  a,  208  f. 
Urban,  6 
Utopia,  2 


Vagts,  a.,  29,  n.  26 

Value,  66,  n.  8;  analysis  of,  4,  90, 
153  f.,  204,  231;  indulgence, 
deprivation,  205;  projections, 
223  f.;  see  also  Goal  thinking 

Van  Dyke,  V.,  65,  n.  4 

Vassiliev,  M.,  237,  n.  22 

Verba,  S.,  121,  n.  1 

Vices,  100  f. 

ViDicH,  J.,  67,  n.  16 

Violence,  expectation  of,  7-8 

Vlassic,  I.,  235,  n.  7 

Voegelin,  E.,  164,  n.  4;  164,  n.  7 

Voidness,  and  duration,  212  f. 

VosE,  C,  87,  n.  3 


Waddington,   C.   H.,    164,  n.  4; 

238,  n.  28 
Wahlke,  J.  C,  67,  n.  23 
Waldo,  D.,  122,  n.  17 
Wallace,  S.,  165,  n.  10 
Waltz,  K.  N.,  29,  n.  26 
Watts,  A.,  164,  n.  6 
Wealth,    values    and    institutions, 


Weidner,  E.  W.,  19;  28,  n.  18 

Weiss,  P.,  234,  n.  3 

Wells,  H.  G.,  216 

Wertheimer,  M.,  163,  n.  1 

Westin,  a.,  42,  n.  4 

White,  L.  D.,  87,  n.  4;  165,  n.  12 

White,  R.  W.,  164,  n.  2 

Williams  College,  87,  n.  1 1 

Wilson,  J.  A.,  26,  n.  3 

Wilson,  L.,  234,  n.  1 

Wilson,  R.  H.  L.,  122,  n.  16;  236, 
n.  17;  237,  n.  21 

Wilson,  W.,  3-4,  26,  34 

Wisconsin,  University  of,  165,  n.  9 

Woglom,  W.  H.,  164,  n.  6 

Wood,  R.  C,  67,  n.  17 

World  revolution;  nuclear  center, 
139;  total  and  partial  dif- 
fusion, 139;  total  and  partial 
restriction,  139 

Wright,  A.  P.,  27,  n.  7;  234,  n.  2 

Wright,  Q.,  20 

Yale  Law  School,  88,  n.  16;  146, 

n.  6;  194 
Yale  Political  Data  Center,  87,  n. 

Yale  Psychiatric  Institute,  1 00  f . 
Yale  University,  31;  206,  n.  5 
Young,  R.,  65,  n.  4 

Zander,  A.,  120,  n.  1 
Zen  Buddhism,  155 
ZiMMER,  H.,  66,  n.  11 

Dfith'  Dug      .     .  ■  ■ 
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