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MACMILLAN      AND      CO. 





J.  G.  A.  . .  J.  G.  ALGEE. 
E.  E.  A. .  .  E.  E.  ANDERSON. 
W.  A.  J.  A.  W.  A.  J.  ARCHBOLD. 
Gr.  F.  E.  B.  G.  E.  EUSSELL  BARKER. 



G-.  T.  B.  . .  G.  T.  BETTANY. 

A.  C.  B.  .  .  A.  C.  BICKLEY. 

B.  H.  B.  .  .  THE  LATE  EEV.  B.  H.  BLACKER. 
G.  C.  B.  . .  G.  C.  BOASE. 

G.  S.  B.  .  .  G.  S.  BOULGER. 

E.  T.  B.  .  .  Miss  BRADLEY. 

A.  E.  B.  .  .  THE  EEV.  A.  E.  BUCKLAND. 

A.  H.  B.  .  .  A.  H.  BULLEN. 

H.  M.  C. .  .  H.  MANNERS  CHICHESTER. 


W.  P.  C. .  .  W.  P.  COURTNEY. 



G.  S.  C.  .  .  G.  STOCKLEY  CUNYER. 



J.  D.  F.  .  .  J.  D.  FITZGERALD. 
C.  H.  F.  .  .  C.  H.  FIRTH. 

J.  G.  F.    .  .    J.  G.  FOTHERINGHAM. 


J.  T.  G.  .  .  J.  T.  GILBERT,  F.S.A. 
E.  C.  K.  G.  E.  C.  K.  GONNER. 



E.  E.  G.  . .  E.  E.  GRAVES. 

W.  A.  G.. .  W.  A.  GREENHILL,  M.D. 

F.  H.  G. .  .  F.  H.  GROOMS. 

J.  C.  H.  .  .  J.  CUTHBERT  HADDEN. 

J.  A.  H.  . .  J.  A.  HAMILTON. 

W.  J.  H-Y.  W.  J.  HARDY. 

T.  F.  H.  .  .  T.  F.  HENDERSON. 

T.  H-N.  .  .  THOMAS  HODGKIN,  D.C.L. 

A.  M.  H. .  .  Miss  HUMPHRY. 

W.  H.  ...  THE  EEV.  WILLIAM  HUNT. 

A.  H.  H. .  .  A.  H.  HUTH. 



B.  D.  J.  .  .  B.  D.  JACKSON. 

E.  J.  J. .  .  .  THE  EEV.  E.  JENKIN  JONES. 
H.  G.  K..  .  H.  G.  KEENB,  C.I.E. 


C.  L.  K.  .  .  C.  L.  KINGSFORD. 

J.  K.  L.  .  .  PROFESSOR  J.  K.  LAUGHTON. 


W.  B.  L. .  .  THE  EEV.  W.  B.  LOWTHER. 
JE.  M.  .  .  .  ^SNEAS  MACKAY,  LL.D. 
J.  A.  F.  M.  J.  A.  FULLER  MAITLAND. 

L.  M.  M. .  .    MlSS  MlDDLBTON. 

C.  M.  .      .  COSMO  MONKHOUSE. 


List  of  Writers. 

N  M  


E.  F.  S.  . 


W.  E.  M.  . 


G.W.  S.. 

.  THE  EEV.  G-.  W.  SPROTT,  D.D. 

J.  B.  M.  .  . 


W.  B.  S.  . 


A.  N  


L.  S.  ... 


K.  N 


C.  W.  S.  . 

.  C.  W.  SUTTON. 

F.  M.  O'D. 


J.  T-T.  .  . 

.  JAMES   TAIT,  Fellow  of  Pembroke 

G.  G.  P.  .  . 


College,  Oxford. 

E.  J.  K.  .  . 

E.  J.  EAPSON. 

H.  E.  T.  . 

.  H.  E.  TEDDER. 

W.  E-L.  .  . 


D.  LL.  T. 



T.  F.  T.   . 

.  PROFESSOR  T.  F.  Tour. 

J.  M.  R.  .  . 

J.  M.  EIGG. 

E.  V 


C.  J.  E.  .  . 


A.  W.  W. 

.  A.  W.  WARD,  Litt.D. 

W.E.   ... 


F.  W-T.  .  . 


L.  C.  S.  .  . 


E.  W 


T.  S  


W.  W.  .  .  . 








HOW.     [See  HOWE.] 

HOWARD,  ANNE,  LADY  (1475-1512), 
.  daughter  of  Edward  IV.  [See  under  HOWARD, 


twelfth  DUKE  OF  NORFOLK  (1765-1842),  born 
at  Sheffield  on  21  Nov.  1765,  was  eldest  son 
of  Henry  Howard  (1713-1787)  of  Glossop, 
by  Juliana,  second  daughter  of  Sir  William 
Molyneux,  bart.,  of  Wellow,  Nottingham- 
shire. His  father  was  great-grandson  of 
Henry  Frederick,  earl  of  Arundel  (1608- 
1652)  [q.  v.]  On  17  Jan.  1799  he  was  elected 
F.R.S.,andF.S.A.  on20  Feb.  1812.  Onl6  Dec. 
1815  he  succeeded  as  twelfth  Duke  of  Nor- 
folk his  third  cousin,  Charles,  eleventh  duke 
q.  v.]  Unlike  his  predecessors  he  was  a 
man  catholic,  but  by  act  of  parliament 
passed  24  June  1824,  he  was  allowed  to  act 
as  earl-marshal.  He  was  made  a  councillor 
of  the  university  of  London  in  1825,  was 
admitted  to  a  seat  in  the  House  of  Lords, 
after  the  Roman  Catholic  Relief  Bill  of  1829, 
was  nominated  a  privy  councillor  1830,  and 
was  elected  K.G.  1834.  In  parliament  he 
steadily  supported  the  Reform  Bill.  He  died 
at  Norfolk  House,  St.  James's  Square,  Lon- 
don, on  19  March  1842,  and  was  buried  at 
Arundel.  A  portrait  by  Pickersgill  has  been 
engraved  by  Sanders.  Norfolk  married,  on 
23  April  1789,  Elizabeth  Bellasis,  daughter 
of  Henry,  second  earl  of  Fauconberg,  and  by 
her,  whom  he  divorced  in  1794,  had  one  son, 
Henry  Charles,  thirteenth  duke  of  Norfolk 
[q.  v.]  His  wife  afterwards  remarried  Ri- 
chard, earl  of  Lucan,  and  died  in  1819. 

[Doyle's  Official  Baronage  ;  Burke's  Peerage  ; 
Gent.  Mag.  1842,  i.  542.]  W.  A.  J.  A. 

HOWARD,  CATHERINE,  fifth  queen 
of  Henry  VIII.  [See  CATHERINE,  d.  1542.] 


1624),  lord  high  admiral,  was  the  eldest  son 
of  William,  first  lord  Howard  of  Effingham 
(d.  1573)  [q.  v.],  by  his  second  wife,  Margaret, 
daughter  of  Sir  Thomas  Gamage  of  Coity  in 
Glamorganshire  and  of  Margaret,  daughter 
of  Sir  John  St.  John  of  Bletsoe  (COLLINS,  v. 
120).  He  is  said  to  have  served  at  sea  under 
his  father  during  the  reign  of  Queen  Mary. 
On  the  accession  of  Elizabeth  he  stepped  at 
once  into  a  prominent  position  at  court.  His 
high  birth  and  connections — the  queen  was 
his  first  cousin  once  removed — are  sufficient 
to  account  for  his  early  advancement,  even 
without  the  aid  of  a  handsome  person  and 
courtly  accomplishments  (FULLER,  Worthies 
of  England,  1662,  Surrey,  p.  83).  In  1559 
he  was  sent  as  ambassador  to  France  to  con- 
gratulate Francis  II  on  his  accession.  In 
the  parliament  of  1562  he  represented  the 
county  of  Surrey,  and  in  1569  was  general 
of  the  horse,  under  the  Earl  of  Warwick,  in 
the  suppression  of  the  rebellion  of  the  north. 
In  1570,  when  the  young  queen  of  Spain 
went  from  Flanders,  Howard  was  appointed 
to  command  a  strong  squadron  of  ships  of 
war,  nominally  as  a  guard  of  honour  for  her 
through  the  English  seas,  but  really  to  pro- 
vide against  the  possibility  of  the  queen's 
voyage  being  used  as  the  cloak  of  some  act 
of  aggression  (Camden  in  KENNETT,  History 
of  England,  ii.  430;  Gal.  State  Papers,  Dom., 
29  and  31  Aug.  and  2  Oct.  1570).  Hakluyt 
adds  that  he  '  environed  the  Spanish  fleet  in 
most  strange  and  warlike  sort,  and  enforced 
them  to  stoop  gallant  and  to  vail  their  bon- 
nets for  the  queen  of  England '  (Principal 
Navigations,  vol.  i.  Epistle  Dedicatorie  ad- 
dressed to  Howard).  It  is  supposed  that  it 
was  at  this  time  that  Howard  was  knighted. 
In  the  parliament  of  1572  he  was  again 



knight  of  the  shire  for  Surrey ;  and  on  the 
death  of  his  father,  29  Jan.  1572-3,  he  suc- 
ceeded as  second  Lord  Howard  of  Effingham. 
On  24  April  1574  he  was  installed  a  knight 
of  the  Garter,  and  about  tju^fijm^tjffl^was 
•wad* lord  chamberlain  of  QiB'Tiuiifcyhuld,  a 
dignity  which  he  held  till  May  1585,  when 
he  vacated  it  on  being  appointed  lord  admiral 
of  England  in  succession  to  Edward  Fiennes 
de  Clinton,  earl  of  Lincoln  [q.  v.],  who  died 
on  16  Jan.  1584-5.  In  1586  Howard  was 
one  of  the  commissioners  appointed  for  the 
trial  of  Mary  Queen  of  Scots,  and,  though  not 
actually  present  at  the  trial,  seems  to  have 
conducted  some  of  the  examinations  in  Lon- 
don, According  to  William  Davison  (1541  ?- 
1608)  [q.  v.l  it  was  due  to  his  urgent  repre- 
sentations thatElizabeth  finally  signed  Mary's 
death-warrant  (NicOLAS,iz/c  of 'Davison, pp. 
232,  258,  281).  From  Friday,  17  Nov.  1587, 
till  the  following  Tuesday  night,  Howard 
entertained  the  queen  at  his  house  at  Chelsea. 
Pageants  were  performed  in  her  honour,  and 
in  the  '  running  at  tilt '  which  she  witnessed 
'my  Lord  of  Essex  and  my  Lord  of  Cumber- 
land were  the  chief  that  ran'  (Philip  Gawdy 
to  his  father,  24  Nov.,  Hist.  MSS.  Comm. 
7th  Rep.  p.  520). 

In  December  1587  Howard  received  a 
special  commission  as  'lieutenant-general 
and  commander-in-chief  of  the  navy  and 
army  prepared  to  the  seas  against  Spain,' 
and  forthwith  hoisted  his  flag  on  board  the 
Ark,  a  ship  of  eight  hundred  tons,  which, 
having  been  built  by  Ralegh  as  a  private 
venture  and  afterwards  sold  to  the  queen, 
seems  to  have  been  called  indifferently  Ark 
Ralegh,  Ark  Royal,  and  Ark  (EDWARDS, 
Life  of  Ralegh,  i.  83, 147).  Howard's  second 
in  command  was  Sir  Francis  Drake  [q.  v.],  of  sea  affairs  secured 
for  him  a  very  large  share  of  authority,  but 
Howard's  official  correspondence  through  the 
spring,  summer,  and  autumn  of  1588 — much 
of  it  in  his  own  hand — shows  that  the  re- 
sponsibility as  commander-in-chief  was  vested 
in  himself  alone.  His  council  of  war,  which 
he  consulted  on  every  question  of  moment, 
consisted  of  Sir  Francis  Drake,  Lord  Thomas 
Howard,  Lord  Sheffield,  Sir  Roger  Williams, 
Hawkyns,  Frobiser,  and  Thomas  Fenner  (cf. 
his  letter  19  June).  When  looking  out  for 
the  approach  of  the  Spanish  fleet  on  6  July, 
Howard  divided  the  fleet  into  three  parts,  him- 
self, as  commander-in-chief,  after  prescriptive 
usage,  in  mid-channel,  Drake  off  Ushant,  and 
Hawkyns  off  Scilly,  according  to  their  ranks 
as  second  and  third  in  command  respectively. 
In  the  several  encounters  with  the  Spaniards 
off  Plymouth,  off  St.  Alban's  Head,  and  off 
St  Catherine's,  Howard  invariably  acted  as 

leader,  though  his  colleagues,  and  Drake- 
more  particularly,  were  allowed  considerable 
license.  The  determination  to  use  the  fire- 
ships  off  Calais  was  come  to  in  a  council  of 
war,  including — besides  those  already  named, 
with  the  exception  of  Williams,  who  had 
joined  the  Earl  of  Leicester  on  shore — Lord 
Henry  Seymour,  Sir  William  Wynter  [q.  v.]r 
and  Sir  Henry  Palmer  [q.  v.]  ;  but  the  attack 
on  the  San  Lorenzo,  when  stranded  off  Calais, 
I  was  ordered  and  directed  by  Howard  in 
person,  contrary,  it  would  appear,  to  the 
opinion  of  his  colleagues,  This  action  was 
severely  criticised  (cf.  FROTTDE,  xii.  416  and 
note) ;  'it  was  urged  that  the  commander-in- 
!  chief  should  then  have  been,  rather,  off  Grave- 
[  lines,  where  the  enemy  was  in  force.  But  the 
I  incident  serves  to  mark  the  independence  of 
Howard,  as  well  as  the  sense  of  responsibility 
which  tempered  his  courage.  That  the  prudent 
tactics  adopted  throughout  the  earlier  battles 
were  mainly  Howard's,  we  know,  on  the  direct 
testimony  of  Ralegh,  who  highly  commends- 
him  as  '  better  advised  than  a  great  many 
malignant  fools  were  that  found  fault  with 
j  his  demeanour.  The  Spaniards  had  an  army 
j  aboard  them,  and  he  had  none ;  they  had 
more  ships  than  he  had,  and  of  higher  build- 
ing and  charging ;  so  that  had  he  entangled 
himself  with  those  great  and  powerful  ves- 
sels, he  had  greatly  endangered  this  kingdom 
of  England.  .  .  .  But  our  admiral  knew  his 
advantage  and  held  it ;  which  had  he  not 
done,  he  had  not  been  worthy  to  have  held 
his  head'  {History  of  the  World,  Book  v. 
chap.  i.  sect.  vi.  ed.  1786,  ii.  5*65).  In  the 
last  great  battle  off  Gravelines  the  credit  of 
the  decisive  result  appears  to  be  due,  in  per- 
haps equal  proportion,  to  Seymour  and  to 
Drake.  It  is  quite  possible  that  they  were 
carrying  out  a  plan  previously  agreed  on, 
but  Howard,  having  waited  on  the  San 
Lorenzo,  was  later  in  coming  into  action. 
Neither  he  nor  his  colleagues  understood  till 
long  afterwards  the  fearful  loss  sustained  by 
the  Spaniards.  '  We  have  chased  them  in 
fight/  he  wrote,  'until  this  evening  late,  and 
distressed  them  much  ;  but  their  fleet  con- 
sisteth  of  mighty  ships  and  great  strength. 
.  .  .  Their  force  is  wonderful  great  and  strong, 
and  yet  we  pluck  their  feathers  by  little  and 
little'  (Howard  to  Walsingham,  29  July, 
State  Papers,  Dom.,  ccxiii.  64).  On  the 
return  of  the  fleet  to  the  southward,  vast 
numbers  of  the  seamen  fell  sick,  chiefly  of 
an  infectious  fever  of  the  nature  of  typhus 
(Howard  to  lord  treasurer,  10  Aug.,  State 
Papers,  Dom.  ccxiv.  66 ;  Howard  to  queen, 
Howard  to  council,  22  Aug.,  State  Papers, 
Dom.  ccxv.  40,  41),  aggravated  by  feeding 
on  putrid  beef  and  sour  beer.  Many  of  the 



sick  were  sent  ashore  at  Margate,  where 
there  were  no  houses  provided  for  their  re- 
ception ;  and  it  was  only  by  Howard's  per- 
sonal exertions  that  lodging  was  found  for 
them  in  f  barns  and  such  outhouses.'  '  It 
would  grieve  any  man's  heart/  he  wrote, 
'  to  see  them  that  have  served  so  valiantly 
to  die  so  miserably.'  The  queen  demurred 
to  the  expenses  thus  involved.  Howard  had 
already  paid  part  of  the  cost  of  maintaining 
the  fleet  at  Plymouth,  sooner  than  break  it 
up  in  accordance  with  the  queen's  command, 
and  his  available  means,  which  were  not 
large  considering  his  high  rank,  were  ex- 
hausted (Cal.  State  Papers,  Dom.,  19  June); 
but '  I  will  myself  make  satisfaction  as  well  as 
I  may/  he  said  in  reference  to  this  additional 
outlay,  '  so  that  her  Majesty  shall  not  be 
charged  withal'  (FROTJDE,  xii.  433-4). 

During  the  years  immediately  following 
the  destruction  of  the  '  Invincible  Armada  ' 
Howard  had  no  employment  at  sea.  His 
high  office  prevented  his  taking  part  in  the 
adventurous  cruising  then  in  vogue  [cf.  CLIF- 
and  no  expedition  on  a  scale  large  enough  to 
call  for  his  services  was  set  on  foot,  though 
one  to  the  coast  of  Brittany  was  -proposed  in 
the  spring  of  1591  (Cal.  State  Papers,  Dom., 
12  March  1591).  He  was  meantime  occupied 
with  the  defence  of  the  country  and  the  ad- 
ministration of  the  navy.  He  has  the  offi- 
cial, and  probably  also  the  real,  credit  of  or- 
ganising the  charity  Ion  g  known  as '  The  Chest 
at  Chatham'  [cf.  HAWKINS,  SIR  JOHN],  which 
was  founded  by  the  queen  in  1590  *  by  the 
incitement,  persuasion,  approbation,  and  good 
liking  of  the  lord  admiral  and  of  the  prin- 
cipal officers  of  the  navy'  (Chatham  Chest 
Entry  Book,  1617-1797,  p.  1). 

In  1596  news  came  of  preparations  in 
Spain  for  another  attempt  to  invade  this 
country,  and  a  fleet  and  army  were  prepared 
and  placed  under  the  joint  command  of 
Howard  and  the  Earl  of  Essex  [see  DEVE- 
RETFX,  ROBERT,  second  EARL  OF  ESSEX],  equal 
in  authority,  the  lord  admiral  taking  prece- 
dence at  sea  and  Essex  on  shore,  although  in 
their  joint  letters  or  orders  Essex's  signature, 
by  right  of  his  earldom,  stands  first.  The  fleet, 
consisting  of  seventeen  ships  and  numerous 
transports,  arrived  off  Cadiz  on  20  June  and 
anchored  in  St.  Sebastian's  Bay.  It  was  de- 
termined to  force  the  passage  into  the  har- 
bour on  the  following  morning.  After  a 
stubborn  contest  the  Spanish  ships  gave  way 
and  fled  towards  Puerto  Real.  The  larger 
vessels  grounded  in  the  mud,  where  their 
own  men  set  them  on  fire.  Two  of  the 
galeons  only,  the  St.  Andrew  and  St.  Mat- 
thew, were  saved  and  brought  home  to  be 

added  to  the  English  navy.  An  '  argosy,' 
'  whose  ballast  was  great  ordnance/  was  also 
secured.  The  other  vessels,  including  several 
on  the  point  of  sailing  for  the  Indies  with 
lading  of  immense  value.,  which  were  de- 
stroyed, might  have  been  taken  had  not  Es- 
sex landed  as  soon  as  the  Spanish  ships  gave 
way.  Howard,  who  had  been  charged  by  the 
queen  to  provide  for  her  favourite's  safety, 
was  obliged  to  land  in  support  of  him  (MoN- 
SON,  'Naval  Tracts/  in  CHURCHILL'S  Voyages, 
iii.  163).  The  town  was  taken  by  storm,  and 
was  sacked,  but  without  the  perpetration  of 
any  serious  outrage.  The  principal  officers  of 
the  expedition,  to  the  large  number  of  sixty- 
six,  were  knighted  by  the  generals,  the  forts 
were  dismantled,  and  the  fleet  again  put  to 
sea.  The  council  of  war,  contrary  to  the 
views  of  Essex,  agreed  with  the  admiral  that 
it  was  the  sole  business  of  the  expedition  to 
destroy  Spanish  shipping,  and  they  returned 
quietly  to  England  without  meeting  any 
enemy  on  the  way.  Howard's  caution,  which 
was  with  him  a  matter  of  temperament  rather 
than  (as  is  sometimes  asserted)  of  age,  was  un- 
doubtedly responsible  for  the  comparatively 
small  results  of  the  enterprise.  He  declined 
all  needless  risk,  and  his  judgment,  in  the 
queen's  opinion,  was  correct.  f  You  have  made 
me  famous,  dreadful,  and  renowned/  she  wrote 
to  the  generals  on  their  return, '  not  more  for 
your  victory  than  for  your  courage,  nor  more 
for  either  than  for  such  plentiful  liquor  of 
mercy,  which  may  well  match  the  better  of 
the  two ;  in  which  you  have  so  well  performed 
my  trust,  as  thereby  I  see  I  was  not  forgotten 
amongst  you.'  Elizabeth,  however,  was,  after 
her  wont,  very  angry  when  Howard  applied 
for  money  to  pay  the  sailors  their  wages.  She 
asserted  that  the  men  had  paid  themselves 
by  plunder,  and  that  she  had  received  no 
benefit  from  the  expedition. 

An  angry  feeling  which  had  arisen  between 
Essex  and  Howard  was  increased  the  follow- 
ing year,  when,  on  22  Oct.,  Howard  was 
created  Earl  of  Nottingham,  the  patent  ex- 
pressly referring  not  only  to  his  services 
against  the  Armada  in  1588,  but  to  his 
achievements  in  conjunction  with  Essex  at 
Cadiz.  Essex  claimed  that  all  that  had  been 
done  at  Cadiz  was  his  work  alone,  and  re- 
sented the  precedence  which  the  office  of  lord 
admiral  gave  Howard  over  all  non-official 
earls.  The  queen  appointed  Essex  earl  mar- 
shal, thus  restoring  his  precedence ;  but  the 
relations  between  the  two  were  still  strained 
(CHAMBERLAIN,  p.  38). 

In  February  1597-8  some  small  reinforce- 
ments sent  to  the  Spanish  army  in  the  LOM 
Countries  were  magnified  by  report  into* 
large  force  intended  for  the  invasion  of  Eng 

B  2 



land,  and  Howard  was  suddenly  called  on  to 
take  measures  for  the  defence  of  the  king- 
dom. Nothing  was  ready.  With  the  ex- 
ception of  the  Vanguard,  Nottingham  wrote, 
all  the  ships  in  the  Narrow  Seas  are  small, 
'  fit  to  meet  with  Dunkirkers,  but  far  unlit 
for  this  that  now  happens  unlooked  for.  In 
my  opinion,  these  ships  will  watch  a  time  to 
do  something  on  our  coast ;  and  if  they  hear 
our  ships  are  gone  to  Dieppe,  then  I  think 
them  beasts  if  they  do  not  burn  and  spoil 
Dover  and  Sandwich.  What  four  thousand 
men  may  do  on  the  sudden  in  some  other 
places  I  leave  to  your  lordships' judgments' 
(Nottingham  to  Burghley  and  Essex,  17  Feb. 
1598,  Cal  State  Papers,  Dom.)  Eighteen 
months  afterwards  there  was  a  similar  alarm, 
with  many  false  rumours,  springing  out  of  a 
gathering  of  Spanish  ships  at  Corunna.  They 
were  reported  off  Ushant  and  in  the  Channel 
(id.  August  1599).  A  strong  fleet  was  fitted  out 
and  sent  to  sea,  '  in  good  plight  for  so  short 
warning '  (CHAMBERLAIN,  p.  61) ;  a  camp 
was  ordered  to  be  formed,  troops  were  raised 
(ib.\  and  Nottingham  was  appointed  to  the 
chief  command  by  sea  or  land,  his  commis- 
sion constituting  him '  lord  lieutenant-general 
of  all  England,'  an  exceptional  office,  which 
Elizabeth  had  destined  for  Leicester  at  the 
time  of  his  death,  but  which  had  been  actually 
conferred  on  no  one  before.  Howard  now  *  held 
[it]  with  almost  regal  authority  for  the  space 
of  six  weeks,  being  sometimes  with  the  fleet 
in  the  Downs,  and  sometimes  on  shore  with 
the  forces '  (CAMPBELL,  i.  397). 

Nottingham  was  one  of  the  commissioners 
at  Essex's  trial  (19  Feb.  1600-1),  and  after 
the  execution  of  Essex  served  on  the  com- 
mission with  the  lord  treasurer  and  the  Earl 
of  Worcester  for  performing  the  office  of  earl 
marshal  (Cal.  State  Papers,  Dom.  10  Dec. 
1601).  He  was  in  high  favour  with  the 
queen.  On  13  or  14  Dec.  1602  he  entertained 
her  at  Arundel  House.  The  feasting,  we  are 
told,  'had  nothing  extraordinary,  neither 
were  his  presents  so  precious  as  was  expected, 
being  only  a  whole  suit  of  apparel,  whereas 
it  was  thought  he  would  have  bestowed  his 
rich  hangings  of  all  the  fights  with  the  Ar- 
mada in  1588 '  (CHAMBERLAIN,  p.  1 69) .  These 
hangings  were  afterwards  in  the  House  of 
Lords,  and  were  burnt  with  it  in  1834,  though 
copies  still  exist  in  the  engravings  made  by 
Pine  in  1 739.  It  was  to  Nottingham  that  the 
queen  on  her  deathbed  named  the  king  of  Scots 
as  her  successor  (CAMPBELL,  i.  398),  and  it  was 
at  his  house  that  the  privy  council  assembled 
to  take  measures  for  moving  the  queen's  body 
to  London  (GARDINER,  i.  86).  He  had  probably 
been  already  in  communication  with  James, 
and  from  the  first  he  was  marked  out  as  a  reci- 

pient of  the  royal  favour.  He  was  continued 
in  his  office  of  lord  admiral.  He  was  appointed 
(20  May  1603)  a  commissioner  to  consider  the 
preparations  for  the  coronation ;  in  May  1604 
he  was  a  commissioner  for  negotiating  the 
peace  with  Spain,  and  in  March  1605  was  sent 
to  Spain  as  ambassador  extraordinary,  to  inter- 
change ratifications  and  oaths.  His  embassy 
was  of  almost  regal  splendour.  He  had  the 
title  of  excellency,  and  a  money  allowance 
of  15,OOOJ.  All  the  gentlemen  of  his  staff 
wore  black  velvet  cloaks,  and  his  retainers 
numbered  five  hundred  (WiNWOOD,  Memo- 
rials, ii.  39,  52).  His  firmness,  his  calm 
temper,  and  his  unswerving  courtesy,  backed 
up  by  the  prestige  of  his  military  achieve- 
ments, carried  the  treaty  through  most  satis- 
factorily. ( My  lord's  person,'  wrote  Sir 
Charles  Cornwallis  [q.  v.],  'his  behaviour 
and  his  office  of  admiral  hath  much  graced 
him  with  this  people,  who  have  heaped  all 
manner  of  honours  that  possibly  they  can 
upon  him.  The  king  of  Spain  has  borne  all 
charges  for  diet,  carriage,  &c.,  and  bestowed 
upon  him  in  plate,  jewels,  and  horses  at  his 
departure  to  the  value  of  20,000/.'  ( WINWOOD, 
ii.  74,  89).  Liberal  presents  of  chains  and 
jewels  were  made  to  the  officers  of  his  staff, 
and  Nottingham  won  golden  opinions  from 
the  Spanish  courtiers  by  his  open-handed 

No  important  commission  seems  to  have 
been  considered  complete  unless  Nottingham 
was  a  member  of  it.  He  was  appointed  to 
the  commission  formed  to  prevent  persons  of 
low  birth  assuming  the  armorial  bearings  of 
the  nobility.,  4  Feb.  1603-4 ;  to  consider  the 
union  of  England  and  Scotland,  2  June  1604 ; 
for  the  trial  of  the  parties  concerned  in  the 
Gunpowder  plot,  27  Jan.  1604-5  ;  to  grant 
leases  of  his  majesty's  woods  and  coppices, 
24  Sept.  1606;  and  to  take  an  inventory  of, 
jewels  in  the  Tower,  20  March  1606-7.  On 
the  marriage  of  the  Princess  Elizabeth  to  the 
Elector  Palatine,  14  Feb.  1612-13,  '  she  was 
conducted  from  the  chapel  betwixt  him  and 
the  Duke  of  Lennox '  (COLLINS,  v.  123),  and 
was  afterwards  escorted  to  Flushing  by  a 
squadron  under  his  command.  This  was  his 
last  naval  service.  The  last  commission  of 
which  he  was  a  member  was  that  appointed  on 
26  April  1618  to  review  the  ancient  statutes 
I  and  articles  of  the  order  of  the  Garter  (Hist. 
MSS.  Comm.  7th  Rep.  p.  674).  He  was  now 
an  old  man,  and  it  may  be  conceived  that  the 
cares  of  office  sat  heavily  on  him.  Many 
abuses  crept  into  the  administration  of  the 
navy,  as  indeed  into  other  public  depart- 
ments, and  a  commission  was  appointed  to 
inquire  into  them  on  23  June  1618  (GARDI- 
NER, iii.  204 ;  Patent  Roll,  16  Jac.  I,  pt.  i. 



It  may  be  noted  that  immediately  following  , 
this  appointment  in  the  Roll  is  that  of  an-  | 
other  commission,  in  almost  identical  terms,  ; 
to  inquire  into  abuses  in  the  treasury).  After 
the  report  of  the  naval  commission  in  the  Sep- 
tember following  (CaL  State  Papers,  Dom.  j 
vol.  ci. ;  Hist.  MSS.  Comm.  12th  Rep.  App.  j 
pt.  i.  p.  99),  though  no  blame  was  attributed 
to  Nottingham,  even  by  current  gossip,  he 
probably  felt  that  he  was  not  equal  to  the 
task  of  cleansing  the  sink  of  iniquity  which 
stood  revealed.  Buckingham  was  anxious 
to  relieve  him  of  the  burden,  and  a  friendly  I 
arrangement  was  made,  by  the  terms  of  I 
which  he  was  to  receive  3,(X)0/.  for  the  sur- 
render of  his  office,  and  a  pension  of  1,000/. 
?er  annum  (CaL  State  Papers,  Dom.  6  Feb. 
619)  ;  he  was  also  during  life  to  take  pre- 
cedence as  Earl  of  Nottingham  of  the  ori- 
ginal creation  of  John  Mowbray  (temp. 
Richard  II),  from  whom,  in  the  female  line, 
he  claimed  descent  (ib.  19  Feb.)  This  pre- 
cedency seems  to  have  been  purely  personal 
(COLLINS,  v.  123),  and  not  to  have  extended 
to  his  wife;  for  two  months  later,  on  the 
occasion  of  the  queen's  funeral,  there  was  a 
warm  controversy  on  the  subject,  Notting- 
ham arguing  that  a  woman  necessarily  took 
the  same  precedence  as  her  husband,  except 
when  that  was  official  (CaL  State  Papers, 
Dom.  14,  24,  25  April).  In  his  retirement 
he  continued  to  act  as  lord-lieutenant  of 
Surrey,  and  held  numerous  posts  connected 
with  the  royal  domains  (ib.  14  April  1608), 
the  gross  emoluments  of  which  were  large. 
Despite  his  high  and  remunerative  offices  he 
was  not  accused  of  greed,  but  was  said  to 
have  exercised  a  noble  munificence  and 
princely  hospitality,  and  to  have  used  the 
income  of  his  office  in  maintaining  its 
splendour.  He  died  at  the  ripe  age  of 
eighty-eight,  at  Harling,  near  Croydon,  on 
13  Dec.  1624.  It  appears  that  he  preserved 
his  faculties  to  the  last.  A  letter  dated 
20  May  1623,  though  written  by  his  secre- 
tary, was  signed  by  himself, l  Nottingham,'  in 
a  clear  bold  hand.  He  was  buried  in  the 
family  vault  in  the  church  at  Reigate,  but  no 
monument  to  his  memory  is  there.  One  in 
the  church  of  St.  Margaret,  Westminster,  has 
sometimes  given  rise  to  a  false  impression  that 
he  was  buried  there. 

It  has  been  frequently  stated  that  Howard 
was  a  Roman  catholic.  The  presumption  is 
strongly  against  it,  for  the  Act  of  Uniformity 
passed  in  1559,  declaring  the  queen  the  su- 
preme head  of  the  church,  required  a  sworn 
admission  to  that  effect  from  every  officer  of 
the  crown.  The  statement  itself  seems  to  be 
of  recent  origin.  Dodd,  Tierney,  Charles  But- 
ler, and  Lingard,  among  catholics ;  Camden, 

Stow,  Collins,  Campbell,  and  Southey,  among 
protestants  give  no  hint  of  it.  The  story  was 
not  improbably  coined  during  the  discussions 
on  catholic  emancipation,  and  suggested  by 
the  known  religious  belief  of  recent  dukes  of 
Norfolk.  A  number  of  circumstances  combine 
to  give  it  positive  contradiction.  He  helped 
to  suppress  the  rebellion  of  the  north,  a  catho- 
lic rising,  in  1569 ;  was  a  commissioner  for 
the  trial  of  those  implicated  in  the  Babington 
plot,  and  of  Mary  Queen  of  Scots  ;  on  2  Oct. 
1597,  and  again  9  May  1605,  was  appointed 
on  a  commission  to  hear  and  determine  ecclesi- 
astical causes  in  the  diocese  of  Winchester ; 
was  on  the  commission  for  the  trial  of  the 
men  implicated  in  the  Gunpowder  plot  in 
1605,  and  for  the  trial  of  Henry  Garnett  [q.  v.], 
the  Jesuit  (HAEGEAVE,  i.  231,  247) ;  was  in 
the  beginning  of  the  reign  of  James  I  at  the 
head  of  a  commission  to  discover  and  expel  all 
catholic  priests  (HOWARD,  Memorials,  p.  90). 
An  Englishman  in  Spain,  in  the  course  of  a 
letter  of  intelligence  addressed  to  Howard, 
wrote  :  '  I  hope  to  acquaint  you  with  all  the 
papists  of  account  and  traitors  in  England ' 
( CaL  State  Papers, Dom.  13  Aug.  1598).  Ac- 
cording to  information  from  Douay  :  '  The 
recusants  say  that  they  have  but  three  enemies 
in  England  whom  they  fear,  viz.  the  lord  chief 
justice,  Sir  Robert  Cecil,  and  the  lord  high 
admiral'  (ib.  27  April  1602) ;  and  on  20  May 
1623  he  reported  to  the  archbishop  of  Can- 
terbury, as  lieutenant  of  the  county,  that 
John  Monson,  son  of  Sir  William  Monson, 
was  '  the  most  dangerous  papist,'  and  was, 
therefore,  committed  to  the  Gatehouse  (ib. 
30  May).  His  father,  as  lord  admiral  under 
Mary,  was  no  doubt  a  catholic  then,  but  in 
all  probability  conformed  to  the  new  re- 
ligion with  his  son  on  the  accession  of  Eliza- 

Howard  was  twice  married :  first,  to  Ca- 
therine, daughter  of  Henry  Carey,  lord  Huns- 
don  [q.  v.],  first  cousin  of  the  queen  on  the 
mother's  side.  By  her  Howard  had  issue  two 
sons  and  three  daughters.  Of  the  sons  Wil- 
liam married  in  1597  Anne,  daughter  of  John, 
lord  St.  John  of  Bletsoe,  and  died  28  Nov. 
1615,  leaving  one  daughter,  Elizabeth,  who 
married  John  Mordaunt,  earl  of  Peterborough, 
and  was  grandmother  of  Charles  Mordaunt, 
earl  of  Peterborough  [q.  v.]  in  the  time  of 
Queen  Anne  ;  the  younger,  Charles,  on  the 
death  of  his  father,  succeeded  as  second  Earl 
of  Nottingham,  and  died  without  male  issue 
in  1642.  Of  the  daughters  Frances  married 
Sir  Robert  Southwell,  who  commanded  the 
Elizabeth  Jonas  against  the  Armada  in  1588 ; 
Elizabeth  married  Henry  Fitzgerald,  earl  of 
Kildare,  and  Margaret  married  Sir  Richard 
Leveson  [q.  v.]  of  Trentham,  vice-admiral 



of  England.  Catherine,  the  first  countess  of 
Nottingham,  died  in  February  1602-3,  which, 
we  are  told,  the  admiral  took  'exceeding 
grievously/  keeping  his  chamber,  t  mourning 
in  sad  earnest '  (CHAMBERLAIN,  p.  179 ;  Cal. 
State  Papers,  Dom.  9  March  1603).  She  was 
a  favourite  with  the  queen,  and  when  she 
died  in  February  1602-3,  Elizabeth  fell  into 
a  deep  melancholy,  and  herself  died  20  March 
following.  The  story  that  the  countess  in- 
tercepted a  ring  sent  by  Essex  to  Elizabeth, 
and  confessed  the  deceit  to  the  queen  on  her 
deathbed,  is  doubtless  apocryphal  [see  DEVE- 
RETJX,  EGBERT,  second  EARL  OF  ESSEX].  Be- 
fore June  1604  Howard  married  his  second 
wife  Margaret,  daughter  of  James  Stuart,  earl 
of  Murray,  great-granddaughter  through  the 
female  line  of  the  Regent  Murray.  On  12  June 
1604  she  was  granted  the  manor  and  man- 
sion-house of  Chelsea  for  life  (Cal.  State 
Papers,  Dom.) ;  she  is  again  mentioned  in 
December  1604  as  having  a  '  polypus  in  her 
nostril,  which  some  fear  must  be  cut  off' 
(WixwooD,  ii.  39).  By  her  Ho  ward  had  two 
sons :  James,  who  died  a  child  in  1610,  and 
Charles,  born  25  Dec.  1610,  who,  on  the  death 
of  his  half-brother  and  namesake,  succeeded 
as  third  Earl  of  Nottingham ;  he  died  without 
issue  in  1681,  when  the  title  became  extinct, 
the  barony  of  Effingham  passing  to  the  line 
of  Howard's  younger  brother. 

A  portrait  of  Howard  by  Mytens  is  at 
Hampton  Court ;  another,  full  length,  life  size, 
in  Garter  robes,  collar  of  the  Garter  with 
George,  with  the  Armada  seen  in  the  back- 
ground through  an  open  window,  belongs  to 
the  Duke  of  Norfolk  ;  a  third,  three-quarter 
length,  life  size,  is  the  property  of  Mr.  G. 
Milner-Gibson  Cullum  ;  a  fourth  is  in  the 
possession  of  the  Earl  of  Effingham.  They 
all  represent  Howard  as  an  old  man. 

[By  far  the  best  Memoir  of  Howard  is  that  in 
the  Biographia  Britannica,  which  exhausts  the 
older  sources  of  information  ;  the  memoir  in 
Campbell's  Lives  of  the  Admirals  (i.  392)  is  a 
condensed  version  of  it.  The  notice  in  Qollins's 
Peerage  (edit,  of  1768),  v.  121,  is  also  good;  that 
in  Southey's  Lives  of  the  British  Admirals,  ii. 
278,  is,  as  a  biography,  meagre.  Much  new 
matter  is  in  the  Calendars  of  State  Papers,  Dom. 
There  is  some  interesting  correspondence  in 
Winwood's  Memorials,  vol.  ii.,  and  in  Chamber- 
lain's Letters  (Camden  Soc.  1861).  Treswell's 
Relation  of  the  Embassy  to  Spain  (1605)  is  re- 
published  in  Somers's  Tracts,  1809,  ii.  70.  The 
story  of  the  Armada  and  of  the  sacking  of  Cadiz 
is  in  Hakluyt's  Principal  Navigations"  and  the 
whole  naval  history  of  the  period  is  brought  to- 
gether in  Lediard's  Naval  History.  Other  au- 
thorities bearing  on  parts  of  Howard's  extended 
career  are  Monson's  Naval  Tracts  in  Churchill's 
Voyages,  vol.  iii. ;  Devereux's  Lives  of  the  Deve- 

reux,  Earls  of  Essex ;  Naunton's  Fragmenta 
Kegalia  in  Harleian  Miscellany,  ii.  98  ;  Howard's 
Memorials  of  the  Howard  family,  which  makes 
some  strange  blunders  in  dates ;  G.  Leveson- 
Grower's  Howards  of  Effingham,  in  vol.  ix.  of 
Surrey  Arch.  Coll.  p.  395 ;  Froude's  Hist,  of  Eng- 
land (cabinet  edit.) ;  Gardiner's  Hist,  of  England 
(cabinet  edit,)]  J.  K.  L. 

CARLISLE  (1629-1685),  born  in  1629,  was 
the  second  son,  and  eventually  heir,  of  Sir 
William  Howard,  knt.,  of  Naworth,  Cum- 
berland,.by  Mary,  eldest  daughter  of  William, 
lord  Eure.    His  father  was  grandson  of  Lord 
William  Howard  (1563-1640)  [q.  v.]  In  1646 
he  was  charged  with  having  borne  arms  for 
the  king,  but  was  cleared  of  his  delinquency 
by  ordinance  of  parliament,  and  on  payment 
of  a  fine  of  4,000/.  (Lords'  Journals,  viii.  296, 
469, 477, 499) .  Lady  Halkett,who  visited  Na- 
worth in  1649,  gave  particulars  of  Howard's 
household  in  her  *  Autobiography ; '  he  was 
married  at  that  date.     In  1650  he  was  ap- 
pointed high  sheriff  of  Cumberland.    Though 
professing  to  be  a  supporter  of  the  Common- 
wealth, his  known  loyalist  predilections  led  to 
several  charges  of  disaffection  being  brought 
against  him  before  the  commissioners  for  se- 
questrations in  Cumberland  in  the  beginning 
of  1650  (T.  C.,  Strange  Newes  from  the  North, 
pp.  5-6).     His  explanation  seems  to  have 
satisfied  the  council  of  state  (25  March  1650), 
and  in  the  following  May  directions  were 
sent  him  respecting  the  trial  and  punish- 
ment of  certain  witches  whom  he  professed 
to  have  discovered  in  Cumberland  (  Cal.  State 
Papers,  Dom.  1650,  pp.  58, 159).    Sir  Arthur 
Hesilrige  was,  however,  instructed  to  sift  the 
charges  thoroughly  and  report  the  result  (ib. 
p.  175).     Howard  bought  for  his  residence 
Carlisle  Castle,  a  crown  revenue,  and  became 
governor  of  the  town.    At  the  battle  of  Wor- 
cester he  distinguished  himself  on  the  par- 
liamentarian side.    '  Captain  Howard  of  Na- 
ward,  captain  of  the  life  guards  to  his  ex- 
cellency, has  received  divers  sore  wounds, 
and  Major  Pocher,  but  both  with  hope  of 
life,  and  some  few  others.    Captain  Howard 
did  interpose  very  happily  at  a  place  of  much 
danger,  where  he  gave  the  enemy  (though 
with  his  personal  smarts)  a  very  seasonable 
check,  when  our  foot,  for  want  of  horse, 
were  hard  put  to  it '  (J.  Scott  and  R.  Sal- 
way  to  the  president  of  the  council  of  state, 
in  CARY,  Mem.  of  the  Civil  War,  ii.  363). 
In  1653  he  sat  as  M.P.  for  Westmoreland 
in  Barebone's  parliament,  and  on  14  July  in 
the  same  year  was  appointed  a  member  of 
the  council  of  state,  and  placed  on  various 
committees  (Cal.  State  Papers,  Dom.  1653-4, 
p.  25).   In  1654  and  1656  he  represented  Cum- 



•berland  in  parliament.  Cromwell  despatched 
him  to  the  north  in  April  1654  to  check  the 
inroads  of  the  Scots.  He  was  also  to  check 
horse-racing  and  prevent  all  meetings  of 
papists  or  disaffected  persons  (ib.  1654,  pp. 
100, 245).  At  that  time  he  was  captain  of  the 
Lord  Protector's  bodyguard.  When  Colonel 
Rich  was  deprived  of  his  regiment  its  com- 
mand was  given  to  Colonel  Howard,  January 
1655  (MereuriusPoliticus,  p.  5607).  In  March 
1655,  being  then  colonel  of  a  regiment  of 
horse,  he  was  nominated  a  councillor  of  state 
for  Scotland  (ib.  1655,  pp.  108,  152),  and  in 
the  ensuing  April  was  appointed  a  commis- 
sioner of  oyer  and  terminer  to  try  the  rebels 
in  the  insurrection  in  Yorkshire,  Northum- 
berland, and  Durham  (ib.  1655,  p.  116).  He 
became  major-general  of  Cumberland,  North- 
umberland, and  Westmoreland  in  October 
1655  (ib.  1655,  p.  387).  In  December  1657 
he  was  summoned  to  the  House  of  Lords  set 
up  by  Cromwell,  and  it  is  said  that  the  Pro- 
tector conferred  upon  him  the  title  of  Baron 
G-ilsland  and  Viscount  Morpeth,  21  July  1657 
(NOBLE,  i.  378,  439 ;  The  Perfect  Politician, 
ed.  1680,  p.  291). 

In  April  1659  he  urged  Richard  Cromwell 
to  act  with  vigour  against  the  army  leaders, 
and  offered,  if  the  Protector  would  consent, 
to  take  the  responsibility  of  arresting  Lam- 
bert, Desborough,  Fleetwood,  and  Vane ;  but 
his  advice  was  rejected,  and  he  was  deprived 
of  his  regiment  on  Richard's  fall  (OLBMIXON, 
Hist,  of  England  during  the  .  .  .  Stuarts, 
pp.  433-4 ;  NOBLE,  House  of  Cromwell,  i.  330 ; 
BAKER,  Chron.  ed.  1670,  pp.  659-60  ;  HEATH, 
Chron.  p.  744).  He  was  for  a  time  imprisoned, 
was  released  on  parole  in  August  1659  (Cal. 
State  Papers,  Dom.  1659-60,  p.  150),  but  on 
21  Sept.  he  was  rearrested  and  sent  to  the 
Tower  on  a  charge  of  high  treason,  being  sus- 
pected of  complicity  with  Sir  George  Booth's 
insurrection  (ib.  pp.  217-18,  253).  He  was 
set  free  without  trial,  and  on  3  April  1660  was 
elected  M.P.  for  Cumberland.  After  the  Re- 
storation Howard  became  a  privy  councillor 
(2  June  1660),  custos  rotulorum  of  Essex 
(9  July- 24  Nov.  1660),  and  lord-lieutenant  of 
Cumberland  and  Westmoreland  (1  Oct.  1660). 
He  was  not  reappointed  to  the  governorship  of 
Carlisle,  that  post  being  conferred  on  his  old 
enemy,  SirPhilipMusgrave,  in  December  1660 
(ib.  1660-1,  p.  431).  On  20  April  1661  he 
was  created  Earl  of  Carlisle,  was  constituted 
vice-admiral  of  Northumberland,  Cumber- 
land, and  Durham  on  18  June  following,  and 
became  joint-commissioner  for  office  of  earl- 
marshal  on  27  May  1662.  From  20  July  1663 
to  December  1664  he  was  ambassador  extra- 
ordinary to  Russia,  Sweden,  and  Denmark. 
He  was  appointed  captain  of  a  troop  of  horse  I 

on  30  June  1666,  captain  in  Prince  Rupert's 
regiment  of  horse  on  13  June  1667,  and  on 
the  20th  of  the  same  month  lieutenant-general 
of  the  forces  and  joint  commander-in-chief  of 
the  militia  of  the  four  northernmost  counties. 
On  29  Nov.  1668  he  was  sent  ambassador 
extraordinary  with  the  Garter  to  Charles  XI 
of  Sweden.  He  succeeded  to  the  lord-lieu- 
tenancy of  Durham  on  18  April  1672,  colonel 
of  a  regiment  of  foot  on  22  Jan.  1673,  and 
deputy  earl-marshal  of  England  in  June. 
From  25  Sept.  1677  to  April  1681  he  was 
governor  of  Jamaica  (LTJTTBELL,  Relation,  i. 
77).  On  1  March  1678  he  was  reappointed 
governor  of  Carlisle.  Howard  died  on  24  Feb. 
1685,  and  was  buried  in  York  Minster,  where 
is  his  monument  (DRAKE,  Eboracum,  p.  502). 
He  married  Anne,  daughter  of  Edward,  first 
lord  Howard  of  Escrick  [q.  v.],  by  whom  he 
had  three  sons  (Edward,  who  succeeded  him, 
Frederick  Christian,  d.  1684,  and  Charles, 
d.  1670)  and  three  daughters.  Lady  Carlisle 
died  in  December  1696.  A  curious  '  Rela- 
tion '  of  Howard's  embassies  was  published 
in  English  and  French  in  1669  by  Guy  Miege, 
who  accompanied  him.  Of  three  portraits 
in  oil  of  Howard,  one,  painted  probably 
when  he  was  colonel  of  Cromwell's  life- 
guards, is  at  Naworth  ;  another,  of  the  time 
of  Charles  II,  is  at  Castle  Howard ;  a  third 
is  in  the  town  hall  at  Carlisle.  There  is  also 
an  enamel  miniature.  An  engraving  of  him, 
by  W.  Faithorne,  is  prefixed  to  Miege's  '  Rela- 
tion.' Another  engraved  portrait  is  by  S. 
Blooteling,  and  there  is  a  third  in  Dallaway's 

[Information  from  the  Earl  of  Carlisle  and 
C.  H.  Firth,  esq. ;  Doyle's  Official  Baronage,  i. 
328-30;  Noble's  House  of  Cromwell,  ed.  1787, 
i.  330,  378 ;  Collins's  Peerage,  ed.  Brydges,  iii. 
503  ;  Lady  Halkett's  Autobiography  (Camden 
Soc.),  pp.  31-8;  Guizot's  Eichard  Cromwell,  ed. 
Scoble,  i.  122  ;  several  of  Howard's  letters  are 
printed  in  the  Thurloe  Papers.]  OK  Or. 

CARLISLE  (1674-1738),  born  in  1674,  was  the 
eldest  son  of  Edward,  second  earl  of  Carlisle 
(1646  P-1692),  by  Elizabeth,  dowager-lady 
Berkeley,  daughter  of  Sir  William  Uvedale, 
knt.,  of  Wickham,  Southampton.  As  Vis- 
count Morpeth  he  sat  for  Morpeth  in  parlia- 
ment from  1690  until  23  April  1692,  when 
he  succeeded  his  father  as  third  earl  of  Car- 
lisle, and  on  1  March  1693  was  appointed 
governor  of  Carlisle  Castle.  He  was  also 
lord-lieutenant  of  Cumberland  and  West- 
moreland (28  June  1694-29  April  1712), 
vice-admiral  of  Cumberland,  gentleman  of 
the  king's  bedchamber  (23  June  1700- 
8  March  1702),  deputy  earl-marshal  of  Eng- 
land (8  May  1701-26  Aug.  1706),  privy 




councillor  (19  June  1701),  first  lord  of  the 
treasury  (30  Dec.  1701-6  May  1702),  and  a 
commissioner  for  the  union  with  Scotland 
(10  April  1706).  At  the  death  of  Anne, 
1  Aug.  1714,  Howard  was  appointed  one  of 
the  lords  justices  of  Great  Britain  until 
George  I  should  arrive  from  Hanover.  He 
was  reappointed  lord-lieutenant  of  Cumber- 
land and  Westmoreland  on  9  Oct.  1714,  and 
again  acted  as  first  lord  of  the  treasury  from 
23  May  until  11  Oct.  1715.  He  was  also 
constable  of  the  Tower  of  London  (16  Oct. 
1715-29  Dec.  1722),  lord-lieutenant  of  the 
Tower  Hamlets  (12  July  1717-December 
1722),  constable  of  Windsor  Castle  and 
warden  of  the  forest  (1  June  1723-May 
1730),  and  master  of  the  foxhounds  (May 
1730).  He  died  at  Bath  on  1  May  1738,  and 
was  buried  at  Castle  Howard.  On  5  July 
1688  he  married  Lady  Anne  Capel,  daughter 
of  Arthur,  first  earl  of  Essex,  by  whom  he  had 
two  sons  and  three  daughters.  The  second 
son  Charles  is  separately  noticed.  The 
countess  died  on  14  Oct.  1752,  aged  78,  dis- 
tinguished for  her  extensive  charities,  and 
was  buried  at  Watford.  Howard  occasionally 
amused  himself  by  writing  poetry.  A  short 
time  before  his  death  he  addressed  some  moral 
precepts  in  verse  to  his  elder  son  Henry 
(see  below).  These  are  printed  in  Walpole's 
'  Royal  and  Noble  Authors/  ed.  Park,  iv.  170- 
173.  There  are  two  oil  portraits  of  Howard 
at  Naworth,  and  two  at  Castle  Howard; 
there  is  also  an  engraved  portrait. 

(1694-1758),  eldest  son  of  the  above,  was 
M.P.  for  Morpeth  1722, 1727,  and  from  1734 
to  1738.  He  succeeded  to  the  earldom  in 
1738,  became  E.G.  1756,  died  4  Sept.  1758, 
and  was  succeeded  by  his  only  surviving  son, 
Frederick  Howard,  fifth  earl  of  Carlisle,  who 
is  separately  noticed.  Isabella,  second  wife 
of  the  fourth  earl  of  Carlisle,  daughter  of  Wil- 
liam, fourth  lord  Byron,  etched  with  ability, 
and  made  several  copies  of  works  by  Rem- 
brandt, She  married,  after  the  earl's  death,  Sir 
William  Musgrave,  and  died  22  Jan.  1795. 

[Doyle's  Official  Baronage,  i.  330-1 ;  Redgrave's 
Diet. ;  Political  State  of  Great  Britain  Iv  481- 
4«2.]  G.  G. 

HOWARD,  SIR  CHARLES  (d.  1765), 
general,  was  second  son  of  Charles  Howard, 
third  earl  of  Carlisle  [q.  v.]  He  entered  the 
army  in  1716,  became  captain  and  lieutenant- 
colonel  CoMstream  Guards  in  April  1719, 
and  was  appointed  lieutenant-governor  of 
Carlisle  in  1725,  and  colonel  and  aide-de- 
camp to  the  king  in  1734.  In  1738  he  became 
colonel  of  the  19th  foot,  now  the  Yorkshire 
regiment,  which  he  held  until  transferred 

to  the  present  3rd  dragoon  guards  in  1748, 
The  19th,  then  wearing  grass-green  facings, 
thus  acquired  its  still  familiar  sobriquet  of  the 
'  Green  Howards/  distinguishing  it  from  the 
24th  foot,  known  as  l  Howard's  Greens,'  and 
the  3rd  Buffs,  known  as  'Howards,'  those 
regiments  being  successively  commanded 
about  the  same  period  by  Thomas  Howard, 
father  of  Field-marshal  Sir  George  Howard 
[q.  v.]  Charles  Howard  was  many  years  about 
the  court,  where  he  held  the  post  of  a  groom 
of  the  bedchamber.  As  a  major-general  he 
commanded  a  brigade  at  Dettingen  and  at 
Fontenoy,  where  he  received  four  wounds, 
and  afterwards  under  Wade  and  Cumberland 
in  the  north.  He  commanded  the  British 
infantry  at  the  battles  of  Val  and  Roucoux, 
was  made  K.B.  in  1749,  and  was  governor 
of  Forts  George  and  Augustus,  N.B.  In  1760 
he  was  president  of  the  court-martial  on  Lord 
George  Sackville  [see  GERMAIN,  GEORGE 
SACKVILLE].  He  represented  Carlisle  in 
parliament  from  1727  to  1761  (Off.  Return  of 
Members  of  Parliament,  ii.  62  -125).  He  at- 
tained the  rank  of  general  in  March  1765,  and 
died  at  Bath  unmarried  on  26  Aug.  1765. 

[Collins's Peerage,  ed.  1812, vol.  iii.  under'  Car- 
lisle, Howard,  Earl  of;'  Cannon's  Hist.Rec.  3rd 
Prince  of  Wales's  Dragoon  Guards ;  Maclachlan's 
Order-book  of  William,  Duke  of  Cumberland  (Lon- 
don, 1876).  Some  letters  from  Howard  are  in 
Brit.  Mus.  Addit.  MSS.  32690,  32692,  32725, 
32897.]  H.  M.  C. 

NORFOLK  (1720-1786),  born  on  1  Dec.  1720, 
was  the  second  son  and  eventually  heir  of 
Charles  Howard  of  Greystoke,  Cumberland, 
by  Mary,  daughter  and  coheiress  of  John 
Aylward  (DOYLE,  Official  Baronage,  ii.  600). 
He  was  thus  great-grandson  of  Henry  Frede- 
rick, earl  of  Arundel  (1608-1652)  [q.*  v.]  He 
was  brought  up  in  the  Roman  catholic  faith. 
On  14  Jan.  1768  he  was  elected  F.S.A.,  and 
on  24  March  following  F.R.S.  On  20  Sept. 
1777  he  succeeded,  as  tenth  duke  of  Norfolk, 
his  second  cousin,  Edward  Howard,  ninth 
duke (1686-1777)  [q.  v.],  and  died  on  31  Aug. 
1 786.  He  married  Katherine,  second  daughter 
and  coheiress  of  John  Brockholes  of  Claugh- 
ton,  Lancashire,  by  whom  he  had  a  son  and 
successor,  Charles  (1746-1815)  [q.  v.]  The 
duchess  died  on  21  Nov.  1784.  Howard  lived 
chiefly  in  the  country,  and  is  said  to  have 
indulged  in  many  eccentricities. 

He  published:  1.  'Considerations  on  the 
Penal  Laws  against  Roman  Catholics  in 
England  and  the  new-acquired  Colonies  in 
America/  1764,  8vo.  2. '  Thoughts,  Essays, 
and  Maxims,  chiefly  Religious  and  Political/ 
8vo,  1768.  3. « Historical  Anecdotes  of  some 
of  the  Howard  Family'  (with  an  account  of 



the  office  of  earl-marshal  of  England,  taken 
from  a  manuscript  in  the  possession  of  J. 
Edmondson),  8vo,  1769;  new  edit.,  1817. 

[Collins's  Peerage  (Brydges),  i.  141;  H.  K.  S. 
Causton's  Howard  Papers ;  Walpole's  Royal  and 
Noble  Authors  (Park),  iv.  328-31.]  G.  G. 

HOWARD,  CHARLES,  eleventh  DUKE 
or  NORFOLK  (1746-1815),  born  on  5  March 
1746,  was  the  son  of  Charles,  tenth  duke  of 
Norfolk  (1720-1786)  [q.  v.],  by  Katherine, 
second  daughter  and  coheiress  of  John  Brock- 
holes  of  Claughton,  Lancashire  (DOYLE,  Offi- 
cial Baronage,  ii.  601-2).  He  received  little 
regular  education  either  from  Roman  catholic 
tutors  at  Greystoke  Castle,  Cumberland, 
where  he  was  brought  up,  or  in  France, 
where  he  spent  much  of  his  youth.  But  he 
had  much  natural  ability  and  a  kind  of  rude 
eloquence.  His  person,  l  large,  muscular, 
and  clumsy,  though  active/  was  rendered 
still  less  attractive  by  the  habitual  slovenli- 
ness of  his  dress,  and  figured  frequently  in 
Gillray's  caricatures  ;  but  his  features  were 
intelligent  and  frank.  At  a  time  when  hair- 
powder  and  a  queue  were  the  fashion,  he  had 
the  courage  to  cut  his  hair  short  and  re- 
nounce powder  except  when  going  to  court. 
Throughout  his  life  he  was  celebrated  for 
his  conviviality,  as  Wraxall,  who  often  met 
him  at  the  Beefsteak  Club,  relates  (Posthu- 
mous Memoirs,  i.  29).  His  servants  used  to 
wash  him  in  his  drunken  stupors,  as  he  de- 
tested soap  and  water  when  sober.  Com- 
plaining one  day  to  Dudley  North  that  he 
was  a  martyr  to  rheumatism,  and  had  vainly 
tried  every  remedy,  '  Pray,  my  lord/  said  he, 
*  did  you  ever  try  a  clean  shirt  ?  '  Among 
his  associates  he  was  known  as  '  Jockey  of 

Howard  became  a  protestant  and  a  staunch 
whig.  As  Charles  Howard,  junior,  he  was 
chosen  F.R.S.  on  18  June  1767,  and  when 
Earl  of  Surrey  was  elected  F.S.A.  on  11  Nov. 
1779.  In  Cumberland  he  was  immensely 
popular,  and  is  still  remembered  there.  At 
the  Carlisle  election  of  1774  he  encouraged 
the  efforts  of  some  of  the  freemen  to  take  the 
representation  of  the  borough  out  of  the 
hands  of  the  Lowthers.  At  the  elections  of 
1780  and  1784  he  was  himself  returned  for  the 
borough.  In  parliament  he  joined  Fox  in  ac- 
tively opposing  the  prosecution  of  the  Ame- 
rican war.  He  became  deputy  lieutenant  of 
Sussex  on  1  June  1781 ,  deputy  earl-marshal  of 
England  on  30  Aug.  1782,  and  lord-lieutenant 
of  the  West  Riding  of  Yorkshire  on  28  Sept. 
1782.  He  was  a  lord  of  the  treasury  in  the 
Duke  of  Portland's  administration  (5  April  to 
December  1783),  and  became  colonel  of  the 
first  West  Yorkshire  regiment  of  militia  on 

10  Jan.  1784.  On  the  death  of  his  father, 
31  Aug.  1786,  he  succeeded  as  eleventh  duke 
of  Norfolk,  and  was  appointed  high  steward 
of  Hereford  in  1790,  recorder  of  Gloucester 
on  5  Sept.  1792,  and  colonel  in  the  army 
during  service  on  14  March  1794.  On  29  Dec. 
1796  he  was  nominated  deputy  lieutenant 
for  Derbyshire.  At  the  great  political  dinner 
at  the  Crown  and  Anchor  Tavern,  Arundel 
Street,  Strand,  on  24  Jan.  1798,  at  which 
nearly  two  thousand  persons  attended,  the 
duke  gave  a  toast,  '  Our  sovereign's  health 
— the  majesty  of  the  people.'  The  king, 
highly  offended,  caused  him  to  be  removed 
from  his  lord-lieutenancy  and  colonelcy  of 
militia  in  the  following  February.  The  news 
reached  the  duke  on  the  evening  of  31  Jan., 
when  he  was  entertaining  the  prince  regent 
at  Norfolk  House  (LONSDALE,  Worthies  of 
Cumberland,  v.  57-64).  The  prince  and  the 
duke  were  for  a  time  fast  friends,  and  were 
the  first  to  bring  into  fashion  the  late  hours 
of  dining.  They  subsequently  quarrelled, 
but  after  some  reconciliation,  the  prince  in- 
vited Norfolk,  then  an  old  man,  to  dine  and 
sleep  at  the  Pavilion  at  Brighton,  and  with 
the  aid  of  his  brothers,  the  Dukes  of  Clarence 
and  York,  reduced  him  to  a  helpless  condition 
of  drunkenness  (THACKEEAY,  Four  Georges). 

Howard  was  consoled  for  the  loss  of  his 
former  dignities  by  being  made  colonel  of 
the  Sussex  regiment  of  militia  (29  Dec.  1806) 
and  lord-lieutenant  of  Sussex  (14  Jan.  1807). 
Lord  Liverpool,  on  the  formation  of  his  ad- 
ministration in  1812,  tried  in  vain  to  secure 
the  duke's  support  by  an  offer  of  the  Garter. 
He  died  at  Norfolk  House,  St.  James's  Square, 
on  16  Dec.  1815,  and  was  buried  on  the  23rd 
at  Dorking,  Surrey.  On  1  Aug.  1767  he 
married  Marian,  daughter  and  heiress  of 
John  Coppinger  of  Ballyvoolane,  co.  Cork, 
but  she  died  on  28  May  1768.  He  married 
secondly,  on  2  April  1771,  Frances,  daughter 
and  heiress  of  Charles  Fitz-Roy  Scudamore 
of  Holme  Lacey,  Herefordshire,  who  survived 
until  22  Oct.  1820.  He  left  no  issue,  and 
was  succeeded  in  the  dukedom  by  his  third 
cousin,  Bernard  Edward  Howard  (1765- 
1842)  [q.  v.] 

Despite  his  personal  eccentricities,  Norfolk 
lived  in  great  splendour.  He  expended  vast 
sums,  though  not  in  the  best  taste,  on  Arundel 
Castle,  and  bought  books  and  pictures.  He 
was  deeply  interested  in  everything  that  il- 
lustrated the  history  of  his  own  family,  and 
was  always  ready  to  assist  any  one  of  the 
name  of  Howard  who  claimed  the  remotest 
relationship  (Gent.  Mag.  vol.  Ixxxv.  pt.  ii. 
pp.  631-2,  vol.  Ixxxvi.  pt.  i.  pp.  65-7,  104). 
He  encouraged  the  production  of  works  on 
local  antiquities,  like  Duncumb's '  Hereford- 




shire  '  and  Dalla way's  '  Sussex.'  He  was 
elected  president  of  the  Society  of  Arts  on 
22  March  1794. 

His  portrait  was  painted  by  Gainsborough 
in  1783,  and  by  Hoppner  in  1800.  The  former 
was  engraved  by  J.  K.  Sherwin.  An  etched 
portrait  is  of  earlier  date. 

[Collins'sPeerage(Brydges),i.  141-2;  H.K.S. 
Causton's  Howard  Papers;  Gunning's  Reminis- 
cences of  Cambridge,  ii.  52.]  G.  G. 

HOWARD,  SIR  EDWARD  (1477?- 
1513),  lord  high  admiral,  second  son  of 
Thomas  Howard,  earl  of  Surrey,  and  after- 
wards second  duke  of  Norfolk  [q.  v.],  served, 
when  about  fifteen,  in  the  squadron  which, 
under  the  command  of  Sir  Edward  Ponynges 
[q.  v.l,  co-operated  with  the  troops  of  the 
Archduke  Maximilian  in  the  reduction  of 
Sluys  in  1492.  In  1497  he  served  under  his 
father  in  the  army  in  Scotland,  and  was  then 
knighted.  At  the  jousts  held  at  the  corona- 
tion of  Henry  VIII  he  was  one  of  the  '  enter- 
prisers.' On  20  May  1509  he  was  appointed 
standard-bearer,  with  the  yearly  pay  of  40/. 
(RYMER,  xiii.  251).  In  July  1511  he  is 
said  to  have  commanded,  in  company  with 
his  elder  brother  Thomas,  the  ships  which 
captured  the  two  Scotch  pirates,  Robert 
and  Andrew  Barton  [q.  v.]  Of  the  circum- 
stances of  the  action,  round  which  much 
legend  has  grown,  we  have  no  contem- 
porary account.  It  is  not  mentioned  in  the 
State  Papers.  Later  chroniclers  speak  of 
Howard  as  commanding  by  virtue  of  his  rank 
as  lord-admiral,  and  relate  that  the  king  re- 
ceived the  news  of  the  Bartons' piracies  while 
at  Leicester,  a  place  which  it  is  certainly 
known  he  did  not  visit  in  the  early  years  of 
his  reign  (information  from  Mr.  J.  Gairdner). 
Moreover,  Howard  was  not  lord-admiral  in 
1511,  and  it  is  not  recorded  that  he  had  before 
that  date  any  command  at  sea ;  and  it  seems 
not  improbable  that  the  names  of  the  Howards 
were  introduced  without  justification,  on  ac- 
count of  their  later  celebrity  (HALLE  (1548), 
Henry  VIII,  fol.  xv,  where  the  Christian 
name  is  given  as  Edmond;  LESLEY,  Hist,  of 
Scotland,  Bannatyne  Club,  p.  82).  The 
details  given  in  the  ballad  of  <  Sir  Andrew 
Barton,'  which  were  adopted  by  Sir  Walter 
Scott  {Tales  of  a  Grandfather,  chap,  xxiv.), 
are  unquestionably  apocryphal. 

On  7  April  1512  Howard  was  appointed 
admiral  of  the  fleet  fitting  out  for  the  sup- 
port of  the  pope  and  of  Ferdinand,  king  of 
Aragon,  and  to  carry  on  hostilities  against 
the  French  (RYMER,  xiii.  326,  329).  By  the 
middle  of  May  the  fleet  was  collected  at 
Portsmouth,  to  the  number  of  twenty  large 
ships,  and,  going  over  to  the  coast  of  Brittany, 
ravaged  the  western  extremity  with  fire  and 

sword.  On  Trinity  Sunday  he  landed  in 
Bertheaume  Bay,  drove  the  French  out  of 
their  bulwarks,  defeated  them  in  several  skir- 
mishes, and  marched  seven  miles  inland.  On 
Monday,  23  May,  he  landed  at  Conquet,  burnt 
the  town  and  the  house  of  the  Sieur  de 
j  Portzmoguer.  On  1  June  he  landed  again, 
apparently  in  Crozon  Bay.  The  neighbour- 
ing gentry  sent  a  challenge,  daring  him  to 
stay  till  they  could  collect  their  men.  He 
replied  that  '  all  that  day  they  should  find 
him  in  that  place,  tarrying  their  coming.' 
He  had  with  him  about  2,500  men,  but  these 
he  posted  so  strongly  that  when  the  French 
levies,  to  the  number  of  10,000,  came  against 
him,  they  did  not  venture  to  attack,  and  re- 
solved to  wait  till  Howard  was  compelled  to 
move  out  of  his  entrenchments,  and  so  take 
him  at  a  disadvantage  on  the  way  to  his  boats. 
But  while  waiting,  a  panic  seized  the  Breton 
militia ;  they  fled ;  and  Howard  was  left  free 
to  re-embark  at  his  leisure.  He  declined  '  to 
surcease  his  cruel  kind  of  war  in  burning  of 
towns  and  villages/  at  the  request  of  the 
lords  of  Brittany,  or  to  grant  them  a  truce  of 
six  days ;  and  having  done  as  much  harm  as  he 
could,  he  went  along  the  coast  of  Brittany  and 
Normandy,  and  returned  to  the  Isle  of  Wight. 
In  the  beginning  of  August  he  sailed  again 
for  Brest  with  twenty-five  great  ships.  The 
French  had  meantime  prepared  a  fleet  of 
thirty  ships.  It  is  impossible  to  form  any 
correct  estimate  of  the  relative  strength. 
Several  of  the  French  ships  were  large,  espe- 
cially the  Marie  la  Cordeliere,  which  is  said 
to  have  had  a  crew  of  a  thousand  men.  The 
largest  of  the  English  ships,  the  Regent  and 
the  Sovereign,  seem  to  have  had  crews  of 
seven  hundred.  Howard's  own  ship,  the  Mary 
Rose,  was  somewhat  smaller.  On  10  Aug. 
the  French  put  to  sea,  under  the  command 
of  Herv6,  Sieur  de  Portzmoguer,  known  to 
French  chroniclers  as  Primauguet,  and  to 
the  English  as  Sir  Piers  Morgan.  They  had 
just  got  clear  of  the  Goulet  when  the  English 
fleet  arrived,  and  at  once  attacked  them.  The 
fight  was  fiercely  contested,  especially  among 
the  larger  ships;  the  Cordeliere, commanded 
by  Portzmoguer  in  person,  in  avoiding  the 
onslaught  of  the  Sovereign,  fell  on  board  the 
Regent,  which  was  commanded  by  Howard's 
brother-in-law,  Sir  Thomas  Kny  vet  [q.v.]  The 
two  grappled  each  other,  and  while  the  fight 
was  still  raging  caught  fire,  and  burnt  toge- 
ther. Of  the  seventeen  hundred  men  on  board 
very  few  escaped.  The  disaster  struck  a  panic 
into  the  French,  who  fled  confusedly  into  the 
harbour.  The  English  pursued;  anchored  in 
Bertheaume  Bay ;  ravaged  the  coasts  of  Brit- 
tany, Normandy,  and  Picardy,  and,  taking 
and  burning  many  French  ships,  returned  to 



Portsmouth.  On  26  Aug.  Wolsey,  writing 
to  Foxe,  bishop  of  Winchester,  gave  the  ac- 
count of  the  action  as  the  news  of  the  day, 
adding :  '  Sir  Edward  hath  made  his  vow  to 
God  that  he  will  never  see  the  king  in  the  face 
till  he  hath  revenged  the  death  of  the  noble 
and  valiant  knight,  Sir  Thomas  Knyvet' 
(FiDDES,  Life  of  Wolsey,  Collections,  p.  10). 
On  15  Aug.  1512  Howard,  before  the  news 
of  the  victory  reached  home,  received  the 
reversion  of  the  office  of  admiral  of  England, 
Ireland,  and  Aquitaine,  held  at  the  time  by 
John,  earl  of  Oxford.  The  patent  confirming 
him  in  the  office  of  admiral  of  England  is  dated 
19  March  1513  (Patent  Roll,  4  Hen.  VIII, 
pt.  ii.)  By  Easter  of  1513  (27  March)  the  fleet 
was  again  collected  at  Portsmouth  (ELLIS, 
Original  Letters,  2nd  ser.  i.  213),  and,  cross- 
ing over  to  Brest,  anchored  in  Bertheaume 
Bay,  in  sight  of  the  French,  who  lay  in  the 
roadstead  within.  Howard  resolved  to  attack 
them  there,  but  one  of  his  ships,  commanded 
by  Arthur  Plantagenet,  in  endeavouring  to 
pass  the  Goulet,  struck  on  a  sunken  rock  and 
was  totally  lost.  On  this  the  fleet  returned 
to  its  former  anchorage,  and  contented  itself 
with  closely  blockading  the  port ;  while  the 
French,  on  their  side,  anticipating  a  renewal 
of  the  attempt,  moved  their  ships  close  in 
under  the  guns  of  the  castle,  mounted  other 
batteries  on  the  flanks,  and  placed  a  row  of 
fireships  in  front.  It  is  said  that  Howard 
took  this  occasion  of  writing  to  the  king, 
suggesting  that  he  might  win  great  glory 
by  coming  over  and  taking  the  command 
himself,  in  the  destruction  of  the  French 
navy ;  that  the  king  referred  it  to  his  council, 
who  considered  the  undertaking  too  dan- 
gerous, and  wrote  to  Howard  sharply  repri- 
manding him  for  his  dilatory  conduct,  and 
ordering  him  to  lose  no  more  time  (HoLiNS- 
HED,  p.  575).  No  such  correspondence  is 
now  extant,  and  the  story  appears  improbable. 
It  seems,  too,  incompatible  with  the  fact  that 
he  was  at  this  time  nominated  a  knight  of  the 
Garter,  though  he  did  not  live  to  receive  the 

Meanwhile  he  learned  that  a  squadron  of 
galleys  had  come  round  from  the  Mediter- 
ranean, under  the  command  of  the  Chevalier 
Pregent  de  Bidoux,  a  knight  of  St.  John,  and 
had  anchored  in  Whitsand  Bay  (les  Blancs 
Sablons),  waiting,  presumably,  for  an  oppor- 
tunity to  pass  into  Brest.  A  council  of  war 
determined  that  they  might  be  attacked,  and 
as  it  was  found  that  the  galleys  were  drawn 
up  close  to  the  shore,  in  very  shoal  water, 
Howard  resolved  to  cut  them  out  with  his 
boats  and  some  small  row-barges  attached 
to  the  fleet  (25  April  1513).  He  himself  in 
person  took  the  command  of  one  of  these, 

[  and,  rowing  in  through  a  storm  of  shot, 
grappled  Pregent's  own  galley,  and,  sword 
in  hand,  sprang  on  board,  followed  by  about 
seventeen  men.  By  some  mishap  the  grap- 
pling was  cut  adrift,  the  boat  was  swept 
away  by  the  tide,  and  Howard  and  his  com- 
panions, left  unsupported,  were  thrust  over- 
board at  the  pike's  point.  The  other  boats, 
unable  to  get  in  through  the  enemy's  fire, 
had  retired,  ignorant  of  the  loss  they  had 
sustained.  It  was  some  little  time  before 
they  understood  that  the  admiral  was  missing. 
When  they  sent  a  flag  of  truce  to  inquire  as 
to  what  had  become  of  him,  they  were  an- 
swered by  Pr6gent  that  he  had  only  one  pri- 
soner, who  had  told  him  that  one  of  those 
driven  overboard  was  the  admiral  of  Eng- 
land. The  English  drew  back  in  dismay  to 
their  own  ports,  and  Pregent,  called  by 
English  chroniclers  'Prior  John,'  crossed  over 
from  Brest,  and  ravaged  the  coast  of  Sussex. 

Howard's  death  was  felt  as  a  national 
disaster.  In  a  letter  to  the  king  of  England, 
James  IV  of  Scotland  wrote :  '  Surely,  dearest 
brother,  we  think  more  loss  is  to  you  of  your 
late  admiral,  who  deceased  to  his  great  honour 
and  laud,  than  the  advantage  might  have 
been  of  the  winning  of  all  the  French  galleys 
and  their  equipage  (ELLIS,  Orig.  Letters,  1st 
ser.  i.  77).  It  is  stated  by  Paulus  Jovius 
(Historia  sui  Temporis,  1553,  i.  99)  that 
Howard's  body  was  thrown  upon  the  beach, 
and  was  recognised  by  the  small  golden  horn 
(corniculum)  which  he  wore  suspended  from 
his  neck  as  the  mark  of  his  rank  and  office. 
No  English  writer  mentions  the  recovery  of 
the  body;  the  ensign  of  his  office  was  a 
whistle  or  '  pipe,'  not  a  horn ;  and  it  is  re- 
corded that  before  he  was  forced  overboard 
he  took  off  the  whistle  and  hurled  it  into  the 
sea,  to  prevent  its  falling  into  the  enemy's 
hands  (Letters  and  Papers  of  Henry  VIII, 
i.  No.  4005). 

Howard  married  Alice,  daughter  of  Wil- 
liam Lovel,  lord  Morley,  widow  of  Sir  Wil- 
liam Parker,  and  mother,  by  her  first  marriage, 
of  Henry,  lord  Morley,  but  had  no  issue.  He 
was  succeeded  in  his  office  by  his  elder  brother, 
Sir  Thomas,  afterwards  earl  of  Surrey,  and 
third  duke  of  Norfolk  [q.  v.] 

[Collins's  Peerage  (1768),  i.  77;  Campbell's 
Lives  of  the  Admirals,  i.  279  ;  Southey's  Lives 
of  the  British  Admirals,  ii.  169-83  ;  Howard's 
Memorials  of  the  Howard  Family;  Lord  Her- 
bert's Life  and  Eeign  of  Henry  VIII  in  Kennett's 
Hist,  of  England,  vol.  ii. ;  Holinshed's  Chronicles 
(edit.  1808),  iii.  565-75;  Letters  and  Papers  of 
Henry  VIII  (Rolls  Ser.),  vol.  i. ;  Jal,  in  Annales 
Maritimes  et  Coloniales  (1844),  Ixxxvi.  993,  and 
(1845),  xc.  717;  Troude's  Batailles  Navales  de 
la  France,  i.  66.]  J-  K.  L. 




HOWARD,  EDWARD  (fl.  1669),  dra- 
matist, baptised  at  St.Martin's-in-the-Fields, 
2  Nov.  1624,  was  fifth  son  of  Thomas  Howard, 
first  earl  of  Berkshire,  and  brother  of  Sir 
Robert  Howard  (1626  P-1698)  [q.  v.]  He 
published  in  1668 '  The  Usurper;  a  Tragedy. 
As  it  was  acted  at  the  Theatre  Royal  by  his 
Majesties  Servants/  4to.  It  was  followed  by 
'  The  Brittish  Princes :  an  Heroick  Poem,' 
8vo,  dedicated  to  Henry,  lord  Howard,  second 
brother  to  the  Duke  of  Norfolk.  Prefixed  to 
this  worthless  poem,  which  was  ridiculed  by 
Rochester,  are  commendatory  verses  by  Lord 
Orrery  and  Sir  John  Denham,  with  a  prose 
epistle  by  Thomas  Hobbes.  '  Six  Days'  Ad- 
venture ;  or  the  New  Utopia,'  a  poor  comedy, 
acted  without  success  at  the  Duke  of  York's 
Theatre,  was  published  in  1671,  4to.  Mrs. 
Behn,  Edward  Ravenscroft,  and  others  pre- 
fixed commendatory  verses.  *  The  Women's 
Conquest,'  1671, 4to,  a  tragi-comedy,  acted  by 
the  Duke  of  York's  servants,  has  some  amusing 
scenes,  and  supplied  hints  (as  Genest  remarks) 
for  Mrs.  Inchbald's  '  Every  One  has  his  Fault.' 
'The  Man  of  Newmarket,  1678, 4to, was  acted 
at  the  Theatre  Royal.  Howard  also  wrote 
three  unpublished  plays,  'The  Change  of 
Crowns/  '  The  London  Gentleman'  (entered 
in  the  Stationers'  Register,  7  Aug.  1667), 
and  '  The  United  Kingdom.'  Pepys  saw  the 
'  Change  of  Crowns '  acted  before  a  crowded 
house  at  the  Theatre  Royal  on  12  April  1667. 
He  describes  it  as  '  the  best  that  I  ever  saw 
at  that  house,  being  a  great  play  and  serious.' 
Some  passages  in  the  play  gave  offence,  and 
the  actor  Lacy  was '  committed  to  the  porter's 
lodge.'  Lacy  indignantly  told  Howard  that 
*  he  was  more  a  fool  than  a  poet.'  The  '  United 
Kingdom'  was  satirised  in  the  'Rehearsal.' 

Howard's  other  works  are  'Poems  and 
Essays,  with  a  Paraphrase  of  Cicero's  Laelius, 
or  of  Friendship,' 1673, 8vo,and  'Caroloiades, 
or  the  Rebellion  of  Forty  One.  In  Ten 
Books.  A  Heroick  Poem/ 1689, 8vo,  reissued 
in  1695  with  a  fresh  title-page  ('  Caroloiades 
Redivivus ')  and  a  dedicatory  epistle  to  the 
Princess  of  Denmark.  He  prefixed  commen- 
datory verses  to  Mrs.  Behn's  '  Poems/  1685, 
and  Dryden's  <  Virgil/  1697.  There  is  a  de- 
risive notice  of '  Ned '  Howard  in  '  Session  of 
the  Poets/  among  'Poems  on  Affairs  of  State' 
(ed.  1703,  i.  206). 

[Langbaine's  Dram.  Poets;  Baker's  Biog. 
Dram.,  ed.  Jones  ;  Pepys's  Diary;  Genest's  Eng- 
lish Stage;  Gent.  Mag.  1850,  pt.  ii.  p.  369.] 

A.  H.  B. 

ARD OP  ESCRICK  (d.  1675),  was  the  seventh 
son  of  Thomas,  first  earl  of  Suffolk  (1561- 
1626)  [q.  v.],  by  his  second  wife,  Catherine, 
widow  of  Richard,  eldest  son  of  Robert,  lord 

Rich,  and  eldest  daughter  and  coheiress  of 
Sir  Henry  Knevet  of  Charlton,  Wiltshire. 
At  the  creation  of  Charles,  prince  of  Wales, 
3  Nov.  1616,  he  was  made  K.B.  (METCALFE, 
Book  of  Knights,  p.  168),  and  was  raised  to 
the  peerage  as  Baron  Howard  of  Escrick  in 
Yorkshire  on  29  April  1628.     With  the  Earl 
of  Berkshire  he  enjoyed  the  sinecure  office  of 
farmer  of  his  majesty's  greenwax  (Gal.  State 
Papers,  Dom.  1638-9,  p.  624).     On  8  Feb. 
1639  he  expressed  his  readiness  to  attend 
Charles  on  his  journey  to  York  with  such 
equipage  as  he  could   command   (ib.  Dom. 
1638-9,  p.  439) ;  but  when  it  was  moved  in 
the  House  of  Lords  on  24  April  1640  that 
supply  should  have  precedence   over  other 
questions  he  voted  against  the  king  (ib.  1640, 
p.  66).     He  was  one  of  the  twelve  peers  who 
signed  on  28  Aug.  1640  a  petition  to  the  king, 
which  set  forth  the  popular  grievances  and 
the   dangers   attendant    on  the   expedition 
against  the  Scots.     With  Lord  Mandeville 
he  presented  it  to  Charles  at  York,  and  be- 
sought him  to   summon  a  parliament  and 
settle  matters  without  bloodshed  (ib.  Dom. 
1640-1,  p.  15).     In  May  1642  he  was  again 
despatched  to  the  king  at  York  to  deliver  the 
declaration  of  both  houses  of  parliament  re- 
specting the  messages  sent  to  them  by  Charles 
concerning  Sir  John  Hotham's  refusal  to  ad- 
mit him  into  Hull.     He  refused  to  obey  the 
king's  order  to  carry  back  his  answer  to  par- 
liament, on  the  ground  that  his  instructions 
were  to  remain  at  York,  and  use  his  best 
endeavours  in  averting  war.     Charles,  after 
warning  him  not  to  '  make  any  party  or  hin- 
der his  service  in  the  country/  bade  him  at- 
tend the  meeting  of  county  gentlemen  on 
12  May  (ib.  Dom.  1641-3,  p.  317).    The  com- 
mons ordered  reparation  to  be  made  to  him 
for  his  losses  in  the  war  in  1644  (Commons' 
Journals,  iii.  659),  and  on  2  June  1645  re- 
solved that  he  should  have  the  benefit  of  the 
two  next  assessments  of  the  twentieth  part 
discovered  by  his  agents  (ib.  iv.  159).    After 
the  abolition  of  the  House  of  Lords  in  1649 
Howard  consented  to  become  a  member  of 
the  commons,  where  he  represented  Carlisle 
(ib.  vi.  201).     He  was  also  appointed  a  mem- 
ber of  the  council  of  state  20  Feb.  1650,  and 
served   on  various  committees   (Cal.  State 
Papers,  Dom.  1650,  pp.  5,  17).     On  Colonel 
Rich's  death  he  was  given  the  command  of 
his  regiment  (ib.  Dom.  1655,  p.  377).  In  July 
1650  Howard  was  accused  by  Major-general 
Harrison  of  taking  bribes  from  wealthy  de- 
linquents.    A  year  later  he  was  convicted, 
discharged  from  being  a  member  of  the  house, 
and  from  bearing  any  office  of  trust,  and  sen- 
tenced to  be  imprisoned  in  the  Tower,  and 
to  pay  a  fine  of  10,000 J.     He,  however,  es- 



caped  imprisonment  on  the  plea  of  ill-health, 
and  the  fine  was  not  exacted,  but  he  passed 
the  remainder  of  his  life  in  obscurity  (Com- 
mons' Journals,  vols.  vi.  vii.)  He  died  on 
24  April  1675,  and  was  buried  in  the  Savoy 
(CLUTTERBTTCK,  Hertfordshire,  ii.  46-7).  By 
his  marriage  in  December  1623  to  Mary,  fifth 
daughter  of  Sir  John,  afterwards  Lord,  Bote- 
ler,  of  Hatfield,  Woodhall,  and  Braintfield, 
Hertfordshire  (Col.  State  Papers, Dom.  1623- 
1625,  pp.  132,  134),  he  had  four  sons  and  a 
daughter.  Thomas  (d.  1678)  and  William 
[q.  v.],  the  first  and  second  sons,  became  suc- 
cessively second  and  third  barons,  and  on  the 
death,  without  issue,  in  1715,  of  William's 
eldest  son  Charles,  who  succeeded  his  father 
as  fourth  baron  in  1694,  the  title  became  ex- 

[Authorities  cited  ;  Burke's  Extinct  Peerage.] 

a.  o. 

HOWARD,  EDWARD  (d.  1841),  no- 
velist, entered  the  navy,  where  Captain 
Marryat  was  his  shipmate  (Athenceum,  8  Jan. 
1842,  p.  41).  On  obtaining  his  discharge  he 
became  a  contributor  of  sea  stories  to  perio- 
dical literature.  When  Marryat  took  the 
editorship  of  the '  Metropolitan  Magazine '  in 
1832,  he  chose  Howard  for  his  sub-editor 
(MRS.  Ross  CHURCH,  Life  of  Marryat,  i. 
227).  He  subsequently  joined  the  staff  of 
the  'New  Monthly  Magazine,'  then  edited  by 
Thomas  Hood.  Howard  died  suddenly  on 
30  Dec.  1841.  In  reviewing  Howard's  pos- 
thumous and  best  work, '  Sir  Henry  Morgan,' 
Hood  wrote  sympathetically  of  the  author  as 
1  one  of  the  most  able  and  original-minded 
men'  of  the  day,  who  had  but  'just  felt  the 
true  use  of  his  powers  when  he  was  called 
upon  to  resign  them'  (New  Monthly  Maga- 
zine, Ixiv.  439).  In  one  of  the  volumes  of 
the  same  periodical  is  a  portrait  of  Howard 
engraved  after  Osgood  by  Freeman,  with  a 
facsimile  of  his  autograph  ;  it  has  also  been 
published  separately  (EvAtfS,  Cat.  of  En- 
graved Portraits,  ii.  210). 

Howard's  greatest  success  was  his '  Rattlin 
the  Reefer,'  3  vols.  12mo,  London,  1836,  a 
maritime  novel  of  considerable  power.  To 
insure  for  it  a  large  sale  it  was  published  as 
'edited  by  the  author  of  "Peter  Simple,"' 
and  on  this  account  has  been  erroneously 
assigned  to  Marryat.  Howard's  other  works, 
which  were  mostly  issued  as  '  by  the  author 
of  "  Rattlin  the  Reefer,"  'are:  1.  '  The  Old 
Commodore,'  3  vols.  12mo,  London,  1837. 
2.  '  Outward  Bound ;  or,  a  Merchant's  Ad- 
ventures,' 12mo,  London,  1838.  3. '  Memoirs 
of  Admiral  Sir  Sidney  Smith,  K.C.B.,'  2  vols. 
8vo,  London,  1839.  4.  <  Jack  Ashore,'  3  vols. 
12mo,  London,  1840.  5.  'The  Centiad:  a 
Poem  in  four  books,'  12mo,  London,  1841. 

G.  '  Sir  Henry  Morgan,  the  Buccaneer,'  3  vols. 
12mo,  London,  1842  (another  edit.,  1857). 
7.  '  The  Marine  Ghost,'  in  part  i.  of  '  Tales 
from  Bentley,'  8vo,  1859. 

[Gent.  Mag.  new  ser.  xyiii.  436 ;  Notes  and 
Queries,  7th  ser.  vii.  486,  viii.  58-9  ;  Cat.  of 
Advocates'  Library.]  GK  Q. 

(1818-1883),was  second  son  of  Henry  Charles, 
thirteenth  duke  of  Norfolk  [q.  v.],  by  his 
wife,  Lady  Charlotte  Sophia  Leveson-Gower, 
eldest  daughter  of  George  Granville,  first 
duke  of  Sutherland.  He  was  born  on  20  Jan. 
1818,  and,  though  a  catholic  by  birth,  finished 
his  education  at  Trinity  College,  Cambridge. 
On  the  death,  on  16  March  1842,  of  his  grand- 
father, Bernard  Edward,  twelfth  duke  of 
Norfolk  [q.  v:],  his  father  succeeded  to  the 
titles  and  estates,  and  Howard  became  known 
as  Lord  Edward  Howard.  He  was  a  liberal 
in  politics.  In  July  1846,  when  the  first 
Russell  administration  came  into  power,  he 
was  appointed  vice-chamberlain  to  the  queen 
and  a  privy  councillor,  and  retained  his  office 
until  March  1852.  After  unsuccessfully  con- 
testing Shoreham  at  the  general  election  of 
1847,  Howard  was  returned  in  1848  to  the 
House  of  Commons  as  M.P.  for  Horsham. 
From  1853  to  1868  he  was  M.P.  for  Arundel, 
but  was  rejected  by  that  constituency  in  the 
general  election  of  1868.  On  9  Dec.  1869 
he  was  created  a  peer  of  the  United  King- 
dom as  Baron  Howard  of  Glossop.  Howard 
rendered  signal  service  to  the  cause  of 
Roman  catholic  primary  education.  From 
1869  to  1877  he  was  chairman  of  the  Catholic 
Poor  Schools  Committee,  in  succession  to  the 
Hon.  Charles  Langdale.  As  chairman  of  the 
committee  he  set  on  foot  the  Catholic  Educa- 
tion Crisis  Fund,  not  only  subscribing  5,000£ 
to  it  himself,  but  securing  10,000/.  from  his 
nephew  the  fifteenth  and  present  Duke  of 
Norfolk,  and  another  10,000/.  from  his  son- 
in-law  the  Marquis  of  Bute.  Seventy  thou- 
sand scholars  were  thus  added  to  the  Roman 
catholic  schools  in  England  at  a  cost  of  at 
least  350,000/.  During  the  eight  years'  mi- 
nority of  his  nephew,  the  fifteenth  duke  of 
Norfolk  (1860-8),  he  presided  over  the  Col- 
lege of  Arms  as  deputy  earl  marshal.  In 
1871  Howard  bought  from  James  Robert 
Hope-Scott  [q.  v.],  for  nearly  40,000/.,  his 
highland  estate  at  Dorlin,  near  Loch  Shiel, 
Salen,  N.B.  Howard  died,  after  a  long  ill- 
ness, on  1  Dec.  1883,  at  his  town  house, 
19  Rutland  Gate,  Knightsbridge. 

Howard  married,  first,  on  22  July  1851, 

Augusta  Talbot,  only  daughter  (and  heiress 

I  to  a  fortune  of  80,000/.)  of  George  Henry 

|  Talbot,  half-brother  of  John,  sixteenth  earl 



of  Shrewsbury;  and  secondly,  on  16  July 
1863,  Winifred  Mary,  third  daughter  of  Am- 
brose Lisle  March  Phillipps  de  Lisle,  esq., 
of  Garendon  Park  and  Gracedieu  Manor  in 
Leicestershire.  By  his  first  wife,  who  died 
3  July  1862,  he  had  two  sons,  Charles  Ber- 
nard Talbot,  who  died  in  1861,  aged  9,  and 
Francis  Edward,  who  succeeded  as  second 
baron ;  and  five  daughters. 

[Memorial  Notice  in  the  Tablet,  8  Dec.  1883, 
p.  882;  Times,  December  1883;  Men  of  the 
Time,  llth  ed.  p.  595.]  C.  K. 

NORFOLK  (1494-1558).  [See  under  HOWAED, 
THOMAS,  third  DUKE.] 

HOWARD,  FRANK  (1805  P-1868), 
painter,  son  of  Henry  Howard,  R.A.  [q.  v.], 
was  born  in  Poland  Street,  London,  about 
1805.  After  being  educated  at  Ely  he  became 
a  pupil  of  his  father  and  a  student  of  the  Royal 
Academy,  and  was  subsequently  an  assistant 
of  Sir  Thomas  Lawrence.  He  exhibited  at 
the  British  Institution  from  1824  to  1843, 
his  earliest  contribution  being  two  subjects 
from  Shakespeare.  He  first  exhibited  at  the 
Royal  Academy  in  1825,  when  he  sent 
'Othello  and  Desdemona'  and  three  por- 
traits, and  he  continued  to  exhibit  portraits 
and  Shakespearean  and  poetical  subjects  until 
1833.  In  1827  he  commenced  the  publication 
of  a  series  of  clever  outline  plates,  entitled 
'The  Spirit  of  the  Plays  of  Shakspeare,' 
which  was  completed  in  five  quarto  volumes 
in  1833.  After  the  death  of  Lawrence  he 
began  to  paint  small-sized  portraits,  and  to 
make  designs  for  goldsmith's  work  for  Messrs. 
Storr  &  Mortimer.  In  1839  he  exhibited 
again  at  the  Academy,  and  in  1842  he  sent 
'  The  Adoration  of  the  Magi/  '  Suffer  little 
Children  to  come  unto  Me,'  and  '  The  Rescue 
of  Cymbeline.'  He  contributed  in  the  same 
year  to  the  British  Institution  '  Spenser's 
Faerie  Queene,  containing  Portraits  of  Queen 
Elizabeth  and  her  Court.'  In  1843  he  sent 
three  cartoons  to  Westminster  Hall  in  com- 
petition for  the  prizes  offered  in  connection 
with  the  rebuilding  of  the  Houses  of  Parlia- 
ment, and  for  one,  '  Una  coming  to  seek  the 
assistance  of  Gloriana,'  an  allegory  of  the  re- 
formed religion  seeking  the  aid  of  England, 
suggested  by  Spenser's  '  Faerie  Queene,'  he 
was  awarded  one  of  the  extra  prizes  of  100Z. 
The  other  cartoons  were  '  The  Introduction 
of  Christianity  into  England '  and  '  Bruce's 
Escape  on  the  Retreat  from  Dairy.'  He 
did  not  compete  in  1844,  but  in  1845  he  sent 
'  The  Baptism  of  Ethelbert '  and  '  The  Spirit 
of  Chivalry,'  and  in  1847  '  The  Night  Sur- 
prise of  Cardiff  Castle  by  Ivor  Bach  ; '  but 
this  work  did  not  add  to  his  reputation. 

About  the  same  time  he  removed  to  Liverpool, 
where  he  earned  during  the  remainder  of  his 
life  a  precarious  livelihood  by  painting  and 
teaching  drawing,  as  well  as  by  lecturing  on 
art  and  writing  dramatic  articles  in  a  local 
newspaper.  He  wrote  some  books  on  art, 
the  first  of  which,  '  The  Sketcher's  Manual/ 
published  in  1837,  went  through  several 
editions.  It  was  followed  by  '  Colour  as  a 
Means  of  Art/  1838,  <  The  Science  of  Draw- 
ing/ 1839-40,  and  'Imitative  Art/  1840. 
He  likewise  edited  Byres's  '  Hypogaei,  or 
Sepulchral  Caverns  of  Tarquinia/ 1842,  folio, 
and,  with  a  memoir,  his  father's  '  Course 
of  Lectures  on  Painting/  1848.  He  also 
drew  on  stone  the  plates  for  Sir  William  C. 
Harris's  '  Portraits  of  the  Game  and  Wild 
Animals  of  Southern  Africa/ 1840,  and  made 
some  designs  for  church  and  memorial  win- 
dows for  '  The  St.  Helen's  Crown  Glass  Com- 
pany's Trade  Book  of  Patterns  for  Ornamental 
Window  Glass/  1850. 

He  died  of  paralysis  at  Liverpool  on 
29  June  1866  in  much  distress. 

[Art  Journal,  1866,  p.  286  ;  Gent.  Mag.  1866, 
ii.  280  ;  Redgrave's  Diet,  of  Artists  of  the  Eng- 
lish School,  1878;  Royal  Academy  Exhibition 
Catalogues,  1825-46  ;  British  Institution  Exhi- 
bition Catalogues  (Living  Artists),  1824-43  ; 
Exhibition  Catalogues  of  the  Society  of  British 
Artists,  1829-31 ;  Catalogues  of  the  Cartoons 
and  Works  of  Art  exhibited  in  "Westminster  Hall, 
1843-7.]  K.  E.  G-. 

CARLISLE  (1748-1825),  only  son  of  Henry, 
fourth  earl  of  Carlisle,  by  his  second  wife, 
Isabella,  daughter  of  William  Byron,  fourth 
lord  Byron,  was  born  on  28  May  1748,  and 
succeeded  his  father  as  fifth  earl  on  4  Sept. 
1758  [see  under  HOWARD,  CHARLES,  third 
EARL].  At  an  early  age  he  was  sent  to  Eton, 
where  he  was  the  contemporary  and  friend 
of  Lord  Fitzwilliam,  Charles  James  Fox, 
James  Hare,  and  Anthony  Morris  Storer,  and 
in  1764  proceeded  to  King's  College,  Cam- 
bridge. He  left  Cambridge  without  taking 
any  degree,  and  after  a  flirtation  with  Lady 
Sarah  Lennox,  which  was  commemorated 
in  verse  by  Lord  Holland,  started  on  a  con- 
tinental tour,  being  accompanied  during  part 
of  the  time  by  Fox.  While  on  his  tra- 
vels he  was  elected  a  knight  of  the  Thistle 
(23  Dec.  1767),  and  was  invested  with  the 
insignia  of  the  order  at  Turin  by  the  king 
of  Sardinia  on  27  Feb.  1768.  Returning  to 
England  in  the  following  year  he  took  his 
seat  in  the  House  of  Lords  for  the  first  time 
on  9  Jan.  1770  (Journals  of  the  House  of 
Lords,  xxxii.  394).  For  several  years  Car- 
lisle continued  to  "be  known  only  as  a  man  of 
pleasure  and  fashion.  He  and  Fox  were 



accounted  the  two  best  dressed  men  in  town. 
His  passion  for  play  led  him  into  the  greatest  ' 
extravagance.  He  became  surety  for  Fox's 
gambling  debts  (WALPOLE,  Letters,  v.  485), 
and  ultimately  was  compelled  to  retire  to 
Castle  Howard  for  a  year  or  two  in  order  to 
repair  the  disasters  in  which  his  improvidence 
and  his  generosity  had  involved  him. 

Emancipating  himself  from  the  gaming- 
table he  gave  his  attention  to  politics,  and 
on  13  June  1777  was  appointed  treasurer  of 
the  household,  and  sworn  a  member  of  the 
privy  council.  On  13  April  1778  he  was 
nominated  the  chief  of  the  commission  sent 
out  to  America  by  Lord  North  'to  treat, 
consult,  and  agree  upon  the  means  of  quiet- 
ing the  disorders '  in  the  American  colonies 
(London  Gazette,  1778,  No.  11865).  While 
there  he  became  involved  in  a  misunderstand- 
ing with  Lafayette,  who,  enraged  at  some 
strong  expressions  reflecting  on  the  conduct 
of  the  French,  which  had  been,  published  in 
one  of  the  proclamations  of  the  commissioners, 
challenged  Carlisle,  as  the  principal  commis- 
sioner, to  a  duel.  Carlisle  very  properly  de- 
clined the  meeting,  and  informed  Lafayette 
in  a  letter  that  he  considered  himself  solely 
responsible  to  his  country  and  king,  and  not 
to  any  individual,  for  his  public  conduct  and 
language.  The  American  demands  being  in 
excess  of  the  powers  vested  in  the  commis- 
sioners, Carlisle  returned  without  having  en- 
tered into  negotiations  with  the  congress, 
a  result  which  Horace  Walpole  predicted 
when,  in  announcing  Carlisle's  appointment 
on  the  commission  to  Mason,  he  described 
him  as  being  { very  fit  to  make  a  treaty  that 
will  not  be  made '  (WALPOLE,  Letters,  vii. 

Soon  after  his  return  from  America,  having 
resigned  the  treasurership  of  the  household, 
Carlisle  became  president  of  the  board  of 
trade  in  the  place  of  Lord  George  Germaine 
(6  Nov.  1779).  On  9  Feb.  1780  he  was  ap- 
pointed lord-lieutenant  of  the  East  Riding 
of  Yorkshire,  and  on  13  Oct.  in  the  same 
year  was  nominated  lord-lieutenant  of  Ire- 
land in  succession  to  John  Hobart,  second 
earl  of  Buckinghamshire.  He  was  succeeded 
in  December  1780  at  the  board  of  trade  by 
Lord  Grantham,  and  arrived  in  Dublin  at 
the  close  of  that  month,  taking  with  him  as 
his  chief  secretary  William  Eden,  afterwards 
Lord  Auckland,  who  in  the  previous  year 
had  addressed  '  Four  Letters  to  the  Earl  of 
Carlisle '  on  English  and  Irish  political  ques- 
tions. Though  inexperienced  in  official  life, 
Carlisle  soon  gained  a  clear  insight  into  the 
true  condition  of  Irish  affairs,  and  won  the  re- 
spect of  the  Irish  people.  In  his  official  des- 
patches he  did  not  conceal  his  opinion  that  it 

was  impossible  to  maintain  the  old  sys-tem  of 
government,  and  vehemently  urged  that  Ire- 
and  should  not  be  included  in  British  acts 
of  parliament.  'Should  any  regulations/ 
wrote  Carlisle  to  Hillsboiough,  on  23  Feb. 
1782,  l  be  necessary  to  extend  to  this  king- 
dom as  well  as  Great  Britain,  I  have  not  the 
least  reason  to  doubt  that  the  nation  would 
immediately  enact  them  by  her  own  laws ; ' 
and  in  another  letter,  dated  19  March  1782, 
he  asserts :  '  It  is  beyond  a  doubt  that  the 
practicability  of  governing  Ireland  by  Eng- 
lish laws  is  become  utterly  visionary.  It  is 
with  me  equally  beyond  a  doubt  that  Ireland 
may  be  well  and  happily  governed  by  its 
own  laws.' 

On  the  accession  of  Rockingham  to  office 
in  March  1782,  Carlisle  was  abruptly  dis- 
missed from  the  lord-lieutenancy  of  the  East 
Riding,  and  replaced  by  the  Marquis  of  Car- 
marthen, who  had  been  removed  from  that 
office  by  the  late  government.  In  conse- 
quence of  this  slight  Carlisle  resigned  the 
post  of  lord-lieutenant  of  Ireland,  and  on 
16  April  1782  the  Irish  House  of  Commons 
passed  a  hearty  vote  of  thanks  to  him  '  for 
the  wisdom  and  prudence  of  his  adminis- 
tration, and  for  his  uniform  and  unremitted 
attention  to  promote  the  welfare  of  this  king- 
dom '  (Journals  of  the  Irish  Souse  of  Com- 
mons, x.  336).  Carlisle  was  succeeded  in  the 
viceroyalty  by  the  Duke  of  Portland,  and  on 
11  May  1782  was  appointed  lord  steward  of 
the  household.  When  Lord  Shelburne  brought 
forward  his  Irish  resolutions  on  17  May  1782 
in  the  House  of  Lords,  they  were  received 
with  warm  approval  by  Carlisle,  who  '  bore 
ample  testimony  to  the  zeal  and  loyalty  of 
the  Irish,  and  particularly  stated  the  honour- 
able conduct  of  the  volunteers  and  the  liberal 
I  offers  made  of  their  service,  when  Ireland 
I  was  threatened  with  an  attack '  (Parl.  Hist. 
xxiii.  38).  On  learning  the  terms  of  the 
peace  with  France  and  America,  Carlisle  re- 
signed his  office  in  Lord  Shelburne's  adminis- 
tration, and  in  the  House  of  Lords,  on  17  Feb. 
1783,  proposed  an  amendment  to  the  address 
of  thanks,  condemning  the  preliminary  ar- 
I  tides  '  as  inadequate  to  our  just  expectations 
and  derogatory  to  the  honour  and  dignity  of 
Great  Britain.'  After  a  lengthy  debate  in  a 
fuller  house  than  had  been  known  for  many 
years  the  address  was  carried  at  half-past 
four  in  the  morning  by  a  majority  of  thirteen 
(ib.  xxiii.  375-80,  435).  On  the  formation 
of  the  coalition  ministry  Carlisle  was  made 
lord  privy  seal  (2  April  1783),  a  post  which 
he  retained  until  Pitt's  accession  to  power  in 
December  1783.  During  the  discussions  on 
the  regency  question  in  the  winter  of  1788-9 
Carlisle  took  an  active  part  against  the  re- 




strictions  of  the  Prince  of  Wales's  authority, 
and  continued  to  act  in  opposition  to  Pitt's 
ministry  until  the  outbreak  of  the  French 
revolution.  On  26  L>ec.  1792,  '  though  not 
accustomed  to  agree  with  the  present  ad- 
ministration,' he  supported  the  third  reading 
of  the  Alien  Bill  (ib.  xxx.  164),  and  in  Fe- 
bruary 1793  declared  that  he  entertained  no 
doubt '  of  the  necessity  and  justice  of  the  war 
with  France '  (ib.  xxx.  324).  On  12  June 
1793  he  was  invested  with  the  order  of  the 
Garter,  and  in  May  1794  defended  the  Ha- 
beas Corpus  Suspension  Bill  '  as  being  essen- 
tial to  the  safety  of  the  constitution'  (ib. 
xxxi.  597).  On  26  Feb.  1799  he  was  reap- 
pointed  lord-lieutenant  of  the  East  Riding 
(London  Gazettes,  p.  191),  and  in  March  of 
that  year  spoke  in  favour  of  the  union  with  Ire- 
land (Par/.  Hist .  xxxiv.  710-11).  In  January 
1811  he  supported  Lord  Lansdowne's  amend- 
ment to  the  first  regency  resolution,  contend- 
ing that  by  imposing  any  limitation  and  re- 
striction '  the  country  could  only  draw  the 
conclusion  that  there  was  a  suspicion  that 
the  Prince  of  Wales  would  make  an  improper 
use  of  the  power '  (Par/.  Debates,  xviii.  692-3, 
747).  In  March  1815  he  both  spoke  and  voted 
against  the  third  reading  of  the  Corn  Bill, 
and  with  Grenville  and  nine  other  peers  en- 
tered a  protest  on  the  journals  against  it 
(ib.  xxx.  261,  263-5).  From  this  date  Car- 
lisle appears  to  have  retired  from  public  life 
and  to  have  taken  no  further  part  in  the  de- 
bates of  the  House  of  Lords.  He  died  at 
Castle  Howard  on  4  Sept.  1825  in  his  seventy- 
eighth  year. 

Carlisle  married,  on  22  March  1770,  Lady 
Margaret  Caroline  Leveson-Gower,  daughter  ! 
of  Granville,  first  marquis  of  Stafford,  by 
whom  he  had  four  sons  and  three  daughters.  I 
His  wife  died  on  27  Jan.  1824,  and  he  was  I 
succeeded  in  his  honours  by  his  eldest  son,  ' 
George    Howard  (1773-1848)   [q.  v.]      At 
Castle  Howard  there  are  three  portraits  of 
Carlisle  by  Sir  Joshua  Reynolds,  as  well  as 
others  by  Hoppner  and  Jackson.  In  the  first 
volume  of  Cadell's  '  British  Gallery  of  Con- 
temporary Portraits '  there  is  an  engraving 
by  H.  Meyer  after  the  portrait  by  Hoppner. 
Two  other   engravings   are   referred   to   in 
Bromley's  '  Catalogue.' 

In  1798  Carlisle  was  appointed  by  the  court 
of  chancery  guardian  of  Lord  Byron,  who 
was  his  first  cousin  once  removed.  He 
undertook  the  charge  with  much  reluctance, 
and  interfered  little  in  the  management  of 
his  ward.  The  second  edition  of  Byron's 
'  Hours  of  Idleness '  was  dedicated  to  Car- 
lisle '  by  his  obliged  ward  and  affectionate 
kinsman,  the  author.'  Enraged,  however,  by 
Carlisle's  refusal  to  take  any  trouble  in  in- 

troducing him  to  the  House  of  Lords,  Byroi 
erased  from  his  '  English  Bards  and  Scotch 
Reviewers/  which  was  then  going  througl 
,  the  press,  the  complimentary  couplet 
On  one  alone  Apollo  deigns  to  smile, 
And  crowns  a  new  Eoscommon  in  Carlisle, 

|  and  substituted  the  bitter  attack  commenc 
I  ing  with  the  lines, 

No  muse  will  cheer  with  renovating  smile 

The  paralytic  puling  of  Carlisle. 

Though  no  formal  reconciliation  ever  took 
place  between  them,  Byron  afterwards  made 
a  handsome  apology  while  referring  to  th( 
death  of  Carlisle's  third  son,  Frederick,  a* 
Waterloo,   in   the   third  canto  of  '  Childt 
Harold  '  (stanzas  xxix.  xxx.)     Carlisle  wa , 
a  liberal  patron  of  the  fine  arts,  with  a  cu] 
tivated  mind,  polished  manners,  and  a  tast 
for  writing  poetry.     He  purchased  a  larg 
part  of  the  Orleans  gallery,  and  was  one  o 
the  pall-bearers  at  Sir  Joshua  Reynolds'* 
funeral.    His  literary  work  was  praised  botl: 
by  Johnson  and  Horace Walpole.  The  former 
in  a  letter  to  Mrs.  Chapone,  dated  28  Nov 
1783,  declares,  in  reference  to  'The  Father'* 
Revenge,'  that '  of  the  sentiments  I  remembe 
not  one  that  I  wished  omitted  .  .  .  with  th '. 
characters,  either  as  conceived  or  preserved 
I  have  no  fault  to  find '  (BoswELL,  Johnson 
iv.  247-8);  while  the  latter,  in  a  letter  ti' 
the  Countess  of  Ossory,  dated  4  Aug.  1788 
says  of  the  same  tragedy  that  '  it  has  greas 
merit ;  the  language  and  imagery  are  beauti- 
ful, and  the  two  capital  scenes  are  very  fine 
(WALPOLE,  Letters,  viii.  394).     Several  oi 
Carlisle's  letters  are  printed  in  Jesse's '  George 
Selwyn  and  his  Contemporaries,'  and  in  Lord 
Auckland's  'Journal  and  Correspondence.'' 
Those  to  George  Selwyn,  with  whom  he  was 
very  intimate,  are  bright  and  lively,  and 
'  rouse  a  regret  that  the  writer  did  not  de- 
vote himself  to  a  province  of  literature  in 
which  he  might  have  been  mentioned  witl 
Walpole,  instead  of  manufacturing  poetrj 
which  it  was  flattery  to  compare  with  Ros- 
common's'  (SiK  G.  0.  TKEVELYAIT,  Early 
History  of  Charles  James  Fox,  p.  59).  Several 
of  Carlisle's  poetical  pieces  appeared  in  '  The 
New  Foundling  Hospital  for  Wit,'  1784  (i. 
7-22),  <  The  Asylum  for  Fugitive   Pieces/ 
1785  (i.  28-9,  iv.  17-21),  and  in  the  '  Gentle- 
man's Magazine  '  (1804,  pt.  ii.  p.  954,  1821. 
pt.  ii.  pp.  457-8),  all  of  which,  with  the  ex- 
ception of  the  last  piece,  were  included  ir 
one  or  other  of  his  collections. 

Carlisle  was  the  author  of  the  following : 
1.  *  Poems,  consisting  of  the  following  pieces 
viz. :  i.  Ode  .  .  .  upon  the  Death  of  Mr.  Gray 
ii.  For  the  Monument  of  a  favourite  Spaniel, 
&c.,  London,  1773, 4to  ;  2nd  edition,  London 



773,  4to;  3rd  edition.  London,  1773,  4to; 
mother  edition,  Dublin,  1781,  8vo ;  new  edi- 
ion,  with  additions,  London,  1807, 8vo,  pri- 
ately  printed.  2.  '  The  Father's  Revenge, 
tragedy '  (in  five  acts  and  in  verse),  London, 
783,  4to,  privately  printed  ;  another  edition, 
rith  other  poems,  London,  1800,  4to,  pri- 
ately  printed,  and  containing  four  engrav- 
ngs  after  Westall ;  new  edition,  London, 
812,  8vo,  privately  printed.  3.  '  To  Sir  J. 
Reynolds,  on  his  late  resignation  of  the  Pre- 
ident's  Chair  of  the  Royal  Academy '  (verses) 
London],  1790,  8vo.  4.  '  A  Letter  ...  to 
ilarl  Fitz  William,  in  reply  to  his  Lordship's 
;wo  letters  '  (concerning  his  administration 
f  the  government  of  Ireland),  London,  1795, 
vo;  2nd  edition,  London,  1795, 8vo.  5.  'The 
irisis  and  its  alternatives  offered  to  the  free 
loice  of  Englishmen.  Being  an  abridgment 
~  "  Earnest  and  Serious  Reflections  "... 
;c.,'  the  3rd  edition,  anon.,  London,  1798, 8vo. 

'  Unite  or  Fall,'  5th  edition,  anon.,  Lon- 

>n,  1798,  12mo.      7.  'The  Stepmother,  a 

ragedy'  (in  five  acts  and  inverse),  London, 

800,  8vo ;  a  new  edition,  with  alterations, 

mdon,  1812, 8vo,  privately  printed.  8. i  The 
ragedies  and  Poems  of  Frederick,  Earl  of  Car- 
sle,'&c.,  London,  1801, 8vo.  9.  'Verses  on  the 
>eath  of  Lord  Nelson,'  1806.  10.  <  Thoughts 
pon  the  present  Condition  of  the  Stage,  and 
pon  the  construction  of  a  New  Theatre,' 
non.,  London,  1808,  8vo ;  a  new  edition, 
ith  additions  (appendix),  London,  1809, 
vo.  11.  '  Miscellanies,'  London,  1820,  8vo, 
rivately  printed. 

[Annual  Biography  and  Obituary  for  1826, 
3.  291-319;  Annual  Kegister,  1825,  App.  to 
hron.  pp.  277-9;  Gent.  Mag.  1825,  vol.  xcv. 
t.  ii.  pp.  369-71  ;  Walpole's  Letters,  ed.  Cun- 
inghain ;  Boswell's  Johnson,  ed.  G.  B.  Hill, 
r.  113-14,  246-8;  Jesse's  George  Selwyn  and 
is  Contemporaries  ;  Sir  G.  0.  Trevelyan's  Early 
istory  of  Charles  James  Fox ;  Life  of  Henry 
rattan  by  his  son,  1839,  ii.  153, 182-213;  Lecky's 
.1st.  of  England,  vol.  iv.  chap.  xvii. ;  Morris's 
ife  of  Byron ;  Doyle's  OmcialBaronage,  i.  332-3 ; 
)llins's  Peerage,  1812,  iii.  508-9;  Notes  and 
.ueries,  7th ser.  viii.  208,  331 ;  London  Gazettes; 
[artin's  Catalogue  of  Privately  Printed  Books, 
854;  Brit.  Mus.  Cat.]  G.  F.  R.  B. 

HOWARD,  SIE  GEORGE  (1720?- 
796),  field-marshal,  was  son  of  Lieutenant- 
eneral  Thomas  Howard.  His  father,  nephew 
I  Francis,  lord  Howard  of  Effingham  (see 
DOLLINS,  Peerage,  vol.  iv.),  entered  the  army 
n  1703 ;  was  taken  prisoner  at  Almanza 
n  1707;  was  detained  two  years  in  France; 
ecarne  lieutenant-colonel  of  the  24th  foot 
nder  Marlborough ;  was  dismissed  for  his 
political  opinions ;  was  reinstated  by  George  I ; 
urchased  the  colonelcy  of  the  24th  foot  in 


1717;  became  colonel  3rd  buffs  in  1737;  was 
a  lieutenant-general  at  Dettingen ;  and  died 
in  Sackville  Street,  London,  31  March  1753, 
leaving  by  his  wife  Mary,  only  daughter  of 
Dr.  Morton,  bishop  of  Meath,  a  family  in- 
cluding four  sons. 

George  Howard  obtained  his  first  com- 
mission in  his  father's  regiment  in  Ireland 
in  1725,  and  rose  to  the  lieutenant-colonelcy 
3rd  buffs  2  April  1744.  He  commanded  the 
buffs  at  the  battles  of  Fontenoy,  Falkirk,  and 
Culloden.  Chambers  says  that  he  merited 
c  everlasting  execration '  by  his  treatment  of 
those  to  whom  Lord  Loudoun  had  promised 
indemnity  after  Culloden  (Hist.  Rebellion  in 
Scotland,174:5-Q,rev. ed.  p. 328).  On  another 
page,  speaking  of  a  wager  with  General  Henry 
Hanley,  Chambers  confuses  him  with  Major- 
general  (Sir)  Charles  Howard  [q.  v.]  Howard 
commanded  the  buffs  at  the  battle  of  Val, 
and  in  the  Rochfort  expedition  ten  years 
later.  He  succeeded  his  father  as  colonel  of 
the  regiment  21  Aug.  1749.  He  appears  to 
have  been  on  the  home  staff,  under  Sir  John 
Ligonier,  during  the  earlier  part  of  the  seven 
years'  war.  He  commanded  a  brigade  under 
Lord  Granby  in  Germany  in  1760-2,  at  War- 
burg, the  relief  of  Wesel,  and  elsewhere.  He 
was  deputed  by  the  Duke  of  Newcastle  in 
May  1762  to  confer  with  Prince  Ferdinand 
of  Brunswick  concerning  the  expenses  of  the 
allied  troops  (Addit.  MS.  32938,  f.  255),  and 
signed  the  convention  of  BrunckerMuhlwith 
the  French  general  Guerchy  in  the  September 
following.  In  some  accounts  he  is  again  con- 
fused with  Sir  Charles  Howard,  who  was 
senior  to  Granby,  and  was  not  employed  in 
Germany.  He  was  made  K.B.  and  transferred 
to  the  colonelcy  7th  dragoons  in  1763.  He 
was  governor  of  Minorca  in  1766  -8 ;  and  sat 
in  parliament  for  Lostwithiel  in  1762-6,  and 
for  Stamford  from  1768  until  his  death. 
Wraxall  states  (Memoirs,  iii.  202)  that  in 
1784,  when  General  Henry  Seymour  Conway 
[q.  v.]  resigned  the  office  of  commander-in- 
chief  with  a  seat  in  the  cabinet  (to  which 
he  had  been  appointed  under  the  Rocking- 
ham  administration),  George  Howard  was 
appointed  to  succeed  him,  but  neither  Howard 
nor  the  Duke  of  Richmond,  who  went  to  the 
ordnance  at  the  same  time,  had  seats  in 
Pitt's  new  cabinet.  Howard's  appointment, 
if  made,  was  never  publicly  recognised,  the 
office  of  commander-in-chief  remaining  in 
abeyance  until  the  reappointment,  in  1794, 
of  Jeffrey  Amherst,  lord  Amherst  [q.  v.],  the 
adjutant-general,  William  Fawcett  [q.v.], 
being  in  the  meantime  the  ostensible  head 
of  the  army-staff  under  the  king.  Wraxall 
describes  Howard  as  f  a  man  of  stature  and 
proportions  largely  exceeding  the  ordinary 




size  ...  an  accomplished  courtier  and  a  gal- 
lant soldier/  and  adds  that  in  the  house  he 
was  understood  to  .be  the  mouthpiece  of  the 
king's  personal  opinions  {Memoirs,  ut  supra). 
Howard  had  wealth  and  a  more  than  ordinary 
share  of  public  honours  and  preferment.  Be- 
sides his  general's  pay,  his  red  ribbon  and  the 
colonelcy  of  the  1st  or  king's  dragoon  guards, 
to  which  he  was  transferred  in  1779,  he  was 
a  privy  councillor,  an  honorary  D.C.L.  Oxon. 
(7  July  1773),  and  was  governor  of  both 
Chelsea  Hospital  and  of  Jersey  at  one  time. 
He  was  advanced  to  the  rank  of  field-mar- 
shal in  1793.  He  died  at  his  residence  in 
Grosvenor  Square,  London,  16  July  1796. 

Howard  married,  first,  Lady  Lucy  Went- 
worth,  sister  of  the  Earl  of  Sheffield,  who 
died  in  1771  leaving  issue ;  secondly,  Eliza- 
beth, widow  of  the  second  Earl  of  Effingham. 
[Collins's  Peerage,  1812  ed.,  vol.  iv.,  under 
'Effingham;'  Cannon's  Hist.  Kec.  3rd  Buffs; 
Cal.  State  Papers,  Home  Office,  1766-9,  under 
'Howard,  George;'  Ann.  Keg.  1760-2;  Gent. 
Mag.  1796,  pt.  ii.  p.  621 ;  Howard's  Corresp. 
with  the  Duke  of  Newcastle  is  in  Brit.  Mus. 
Add.  MSS.  32852  f.  373,  32935  f.  176,  32937 
f.  457,  32938  ff.  255,  293,  a  letter  to  Lord 
Granby  in  1760  is  in  32911,  f.  425,  and  one  to 
Sir  J.  Yorke  in  1762,  32940,f.  126.  Memorials  of 
a  namesake,  a  certain  Lieutenant-colonel  George 
Howard,  a  veteran  officer  of  the  3rd  foot-guards, 
dated  about  1740,  are  in  the  same  collection.] 

H.  M.  C. 

HOWARD,  GEORGE,  sixth  EARL  or 
CARLISLE  (1773-1848),  the  eldest  son  of 
Frederick  Howard,  fifth  earl  of  Carlisle  [q.v.], 
was  born  in  London  on  17  Sept.  1773.  He 
was  styled  Lord  Morpeth  from  1773  to  1825. 
He  was  educated  at  Eton  and  Christ  Church, 
Oxford,  where  he  matriculated  on  19  Oct. 
1790,  and  was  created  M.A.  30  June  1792, 
and  D.C.L.  18  June  1799.  At  a  by-elec- 
tion in  January  1795  he  was  returned  in 
the  whig  interest  to  the  House  of  Commons 
for  the  family  borough  of  Morpeth,  for  which 
he  continued  to  sit  until  the  dissolution  in 
October  1806.  At  the  opening  of  the  new 
parliament  in  October  1796,  Lord  Morpeth 
moved  the  address  in  the  House  of  Commons 
(Parl.  Hist,  xxxii.  1190-4),  and  in  May  1797 
he  opposed  Fox's  motion  for  the  repeal  of  the 
Treason  and  Sedition  Acts  (ib.  xxxiii.  630-1). 
In  February  1799  he  spoke  warmly  in  favour 
of  the  union  with  Ireland,  a  measure  which 
he  declared  '  would,  if  effected,  extinguish 
all  religious  feuds  and  party  animosities  and 
distinctions '  (ib,  xxxiv.  501-2).  On  the 
formation  of  the  ministry  of  All  the  Talents 
Morpeth  was  sworn  a  member  of  the  privy 
council  (7  Feb.  1806),  and  appointed  a  com- 
missioner for  the  affairs  of  India  (11  Feb 

1806).  In  July  1806  he  introduced  the  In- 
dian budget  into  the  house  (Parl.  Debates, 
vii.  1044-53),  and  at  the  general  election  in 
November  was  returned  for  the  county  of 
Cumberland,  together  with  the  tory  candi- 
date, John  Lowther,while  Sir  Henry  Fletcher, 
the  old  whig  member,  lost  his  seat. 

On  the  formation  of  the  Duke  of  Portland's 
ministry,  in  March  1807,  Morpeth  resigned 
his  post  at  the  India  board,  and  on  3  Feb. 
1812  brought  forward  his  motion  on  the 
state  of  Ireland,  in  a  speech  in  which  he  ad- 
vocated l  a  sincere  and  cordial  conciliation 
with  the  catholics.'  The  motion,  after  two 
nights'  debate,  was  defeated  by  a  majority  of 
ninety-four  (ib.  xxi.  494-500, 669).  In  conse- 
quence of  the  allusion  to  the  Roman  catholic^ 
claims  in  the  speaker's  speech  at  the  close 
of  the  previous  session,  Morpeth,  in  April 
1814,  brought  forward  a  motion  regulating 
the  conduct  of  the  speaker  at  the  bar  of  the 
House  of  Lords,  but  was  defeated  by  274  to 
106  (ib.  xxvii.  465-75, 521-2).  On  3  March 
1817,  while  moving  for  a  new  writ  for  the 
borough  of  St.  Mawes,  he  paid  a  high  anc 
eloquent  tribute  to  the  memory  of  his  frienc 
Francis  Horner  [q.  v.j  (ib.  xxxv.  841-4)' 
In  December  1819  he  supported  the  govern' 
ment  on  the  third  reading  of  the  Seditious 
Meetings  Prevention  Bill  (ib.  xli.  1078-81) 
At  the  general  election  in  March  1820  tht 
whigs  of  Cumberland,  being  dissatisfied  with 
the  political  conduct  of  their  member,  put 
up  another  candidate,  and  Morpeth  retiree 
from  the  poll  at  an  early  stage.  In  No- 
vember 1824  he  was  appointed,  through 
Canning's  influence,  lord-lieutenant  of  the 
East  Riding  of  Yorkshire  (London  Gazettes 
1824,  pt.  ii.  1929),  and  on  4  Sept.  1825  sue 
ceeded  his  father  as  the  sixth  earl  of  Car 
lisle.  He  took  his  seat  in  the  House  o 
Lords  for  the  first  time  on  21  March  182( 
(Journals  of  the  House  of  Lords,  Iviii.  128} 
and  on  18  May  1827  was  appointed  chie 
commissioner  of  woods  and  forests,  with 
seat  in  Canning's  cabinet.  On  16  July  1827 
he  succeeded  the  Duke  of  Portland  as  lore 
privy  seal,  and  continued  to  hold  this  pos 
until  the  formation  of  the  Duke  of  Welling 
ton's  administration  in  January  1828.  When 
the  whigs  came  into  power  in  Novembe 
1830,  Carlisle  accepted  a  place  in  Lord  Grey' 
cabinet  without  office,  and  upon  Lord  Ripon' 
resignation,  in  June  1834,  was  appointed  t( 
his  old  post  of  lord  privy  seal.  On  the  dis 
solution  of  the  ministry  in  the  following: 
month,  Carlisle  retired  altogether  from  poli-. 
tical  life,  owing  to  ill-health,  and  spent  the 
remainder  of  his  days  principally  in  thej 
country.  He  was  invested  with  the  order  off 
the  Garter  on  17  March  1837,  and  in  the' 




following  year  was  appointed  a  trustee  of 
the  British  Museum.  He  resigned  the  lord- 
lieutenancy  of  the  East  Riding  in  July  1847, 
and  dying  at  Castle  Howard,  near  Malton, 
on  7  Oct.  1848,  aged  75,  was  buried  in  the 
mausoleum  in  the  park. 

Carlisle  married,  on  21  March  1801,  Lady 
Georgiana  Dorothy  Cavendish,  eldest  daugh- 
ter and  coheiress  of  William,  fifth  duke 
of  Devonshire,  by  whom  he  had  six  sons 
and  six  daughters.  His  wife  survived  him 
several  years,  and  died  on  8  Aug.  1858, 
aged  75.  He  was  succeeded  in  the  peerage 
by  his  eldest  son,  George  William  Frederick 
Howard  [q.  v.]  Carlisle  was  an  accomplished 
scholar,  and  an  amiable,  high-minded  man. 
Of  an  exceedingly  retiring  disposition,  he 
took  little  part  in  the  debates  in  either 
house.  His  last  speech,  which  is  recorded 
in  l  Hansard/  was  delivered  on  5  Oct.  1831 
(Parl.  Debates,  3rd  ser.  vii.  1329),  seventeen 
years  before  his  death. 

He  was  the  author  of  the  following  con- 
tributions to  the  i  Anti- Jacobin : '  1.  '  Son- 
net to  Liberty'  (No.  v.)  2.  The  transla- 
tion of  the  Marquis  of  Wellesley's  Latin 
verses  contained  in  the  preceding  number 
(No.  vii.)  3.  'Ode  to  Anarchy'  (No.  ix.)' 
4.  '  A  Consolatory  Address  to  his  Gunboats 
by  Citizen  Muskein '  (No.  xxvii.)  5.  t  Ode 
to  Director  Merlin'  (No.  xxix.)  6.  'An 
Affectionate  Effusion  of  Citizen  Muskein  to 
Havre  de  Grace '  (No.  xxxii.)  There  is  a 
portrait  of  Carlisle  by  Sir  Thomas  Lawrence 
at  Castle  Howard.  His  portrait,  painted  by 
Sir  Joshua  Reynolds  in  1786,  was  engraved 
in  the  following  year  by  Thomas  Trotter 
(Cat.  of  the  Exhibition  of  Old  Masters,  1878, 
No.  372).  An  engraving  after  a  painting  by 
J.  Jackson,  R.  A.,  which  includes  his  son  Lord 
Morpeth,  and  is  at  Castle  Howard,  will  be 
found  in  the  second  volume  of  Jerdan's (  Na- 
tional Portrait  Gallery,'  1831. 

[Ferguson's  Cumberland  and  Westmoreland 
M.P.'s,  1871,  pp.  384-5;  Wilson's  Biographical 
Index  to  the  present  House  of  Commons,  1808, 
pp.  172-3  ;  Diary,  and  Correspondence  of  Lord 
Colchester;  Gent.  Mag.  1801  pt.  i.  p.  275,  1848 
pt.  ii.  537-8,  1858  pt.  ii.  317  ;  Annual  Register, 
1848,  App.  to  Chron.  pp.  256-7;  Times,  9  Oct. 
1848;  Illustrated  London  News,  14  Oct.  1848 
(with  portrait) ;  Doyle's  Official  Baronage,  i.  333- 
334;  Burke's  Peerage,  1888,  p.  248;  Foster's 
Alumni  Oxonienses,ii.  698;  Parliamentary  His- 
tory and  Debates,  1795-1848;  Official  Return  of 
Members  of  Parliament,  pt.ii.  192,  205,  220,231, 
244,  259,  273.]  Gr.  F.  R.  B. 

(1802-1864),  eldest  son  of  George  Howard, 
sixth  earl  of  Carlisle  [q.  v.],  by  his  wife, 
Lady  Georgiana  Dorothy  Cavendish,  eldest 

daughter  of  William,  fifth  duke  of  Devon- 
shire, was   born   in   Hill   Street,   Berkeley 
Square,  London,  on  18  April  1802,  and  was 
educated  at  Eton.    He  matriculated  at  Christ 
Church,  Oxford,  on  15  Oct.  1819,  and  in  1821 
obtained  the  university  prizes  for  Latin  and 
English  verse  respectively.  He  took  a  first  class 
in  classics  in  the  following  year,  and  graduated 
B. A.  1823,  M.A.  1827.     On  the  death  of  his 
grandfather  in  September  1825  his  father 
succeeded  as  the  sixth  earl,  while  he  himself 
became  known  by  the  courtesy  title  of  Lord 
Morpeth.    In  1826  he  accompanied  his  uncle 
William,  sixth  duke  of  Devonshire,  on  his 
mission  to  St.  Petersburg  to  attend  the  coro- 
nation of  Emperor  Nicholas.     While  abroad 
he  was  returned  at  the  general  election  in 
June  1826  for  the  borough  of  Morpeth  in 
the  whig  interest.     In  a  maiden  speech  on 
5  March  1827  he  seconded  Sir  Francis  Bur- 
dett's  resolution  for  the  relief  of  the  Roman 
catholic  disabilities  (Parl.  Debates,  new  ser. 
xvi.  849-54),  and  in  April  1830  he  supported 
Robert  Grant's  motion  for  leave  to  bring  in 
a  bill  for  the  repeal  of  Jewish  disabilities 
(ib.  xxiii.  1328-30).     At  the  general  election 
in  August  1830  Morpeth  was  returned  at  the 
head  of  the  poll  for  Yorkshire,  and  in  March 
1831  spoke  in  favour  of  the  ministerial  Re- 
form Bill,  which  he  described  as  'a  safe, 
wise,  honest,  and  glorious  measure '  (ib.  3rd 
ser.  ii.  1217-20).     At  the  general  election  in 
May  1831  he  was  again  returned  for  York- 
shire, and  in  the  succeeding  general  election 
in  December  of  the  following  year  was  elected 
one  of  the  members  for  the  West  Riding, 
which  constituency  he  continued  to  repre- 
sent until  the  dissolution  in  June  1841.     In 
February  1835  Morpeth  proposed  an  amend- 
ment to    the   address,  which  was   carried 
against  the  government   by  a  majority  of 
seven  (ib.  xxvi.  165-73,  410),  and  upon  the 
formation  of  Lord  Melbourne's  second  ad- 
ministration in  April  1835  he  was  appointed 
chief  secretary  for  Ireland.     His  re-election 
for  the  West  Riding  was  unsuccessfully  op- 
posed by  the  Hon.  J.  S.  Wortley  (afterwards 
second  Baron  Wharncliffe)  in  the  tory  in- 
terest.    On  20  May  1835  Morpeth  was  ad- 
mitted to  the  English  privy  council,  and  in  the 
following  month  introduced  the  Irish  Tithe 
Bill  in  a  speech  which  raised  his  reputation 
in  the  house  (ib.  xxviii.  1319-44).    He  held 
the  difficult  post  of  chief  secretary  for  Ire- 
land for  more  than  six  years  during  the  lord- 
lieutenancies  of  the  Marquis  of  Normanby  and 
Earl  Fortescue.   During  this  time  he  carried 
through  the  House  of  Commons  the  Irish 
Tithe  Bill,  the  Irish  Municipal  Reform  Bill, 
and  the  Irish  Poor  Law  Bill,  and  showed, 
contrary  to  expectation,  that  he  was  perfectly 





able  to  hold  his  own  in  the  stormy  debates 
of  the  day.  He  treated  the  Irish  party  with 
considerable  tact,  and  did  his  best  to  carry 
out  the  policy  initiated  by  Thomas  Drum- 
mond  (1797-1840)  [q.  v.]  Morpeth  was  ad- 
mitted to  the  cabinet  in  February  1839,  upon 
the  retirement  of  Charles  Grant,  afterwards 
created  Baron  Glenelg.  At  the  general  elec- 
tion in  July  1841  he  was  defeated  in  the 
West  Riding,  and  in  September  resigned 
office  with  the  rest  of  his  colleagues.  Shortly 
afterwards  Morpeth  spent  a  year  in  North 
America  and  Canada.  During  his  absence 
he  was  nominated  a  candidate  for  the  city  of 
Dublin  at  a  by-election  in  January  1842, 
but  was  defeated  by  his  tory  opponent.  At 
a  by-election  in  February  1846  he  was  re- 
turned unopposed  for  the  West  Riding,  and 
upon  the  downfall  of  Sir  Robert  Peel's  second 
administration  in  June  1846  was  appointed 
chief  commissioner  of  woods  and  forests 
(7  July)  with  a  seat  in  Lord  John  Russell's 
first  cabinet.  He  was  sworn  in  as  lord-lieu- 
tenant of  the  East  Riding  on  22  July  1847, 
and  at  the  general  election  in  the  following 
month  was  once  more  returned  for  the  West 
Riding,  this  time  with  Richard  Cobden  as  a 
colleague.  In  February  1848  Morpeth  re- 
introduced  his  bill  for  promoting  the  public 
health  (ib.  3rd  ser.  xcvi.  385-403),  which  be- 
came law  at  the  close  of  the  session  (11  &  12 
Viet.  c.  63).  On  the  death  of  his  father 
in  October  1848  Morpeth  succeeded  as  the 
seventh  earl  of  Carlisle,  and  took  his  seat  in 
the  House  of  Lords  on  1  Feb.  1849  (Journals 
of  the  House  of  Lords,  Ixxxi.  4).  On  the  ap- 
pointment of  Lord  Campbell  as  lord  chief 
justice  of  England,  Carlisle  became  chan- 
cellor of  the  duchy  of  Lancaster  (6  March 
1850).  On  the  accession  of  Lord  Derby  to 
power  in  February  1852  Carlisle  resigned 
office.  He  was  installed  rector  of  the  uni- 
versity of  Aberdeen  on  31  March  1853,  and 
in  the  following  summer  began  a  twelve- 
month's continental  trip. 

On  7  Feb.  1855  Carlisle  was  invested  with 
the  order  of  the  Garter,  and  in  the  same 
month  was  appointed  by  Lord  Palmerston 
lord-lieutenant  of  Ireland.  He  retained  this 
office  until  February  1858,  and  resumed  it 
on  Palmerston's  return  to  office  in  June  1859. 
Ill-health  compelled  his  final  retirement  in 
October  1864.  He  died  at  Castle  Howard 
on  5  Dec.  1864,  aged  62,  and  was  buried  in 
the  family  mausoleum.  He  never  married, 
and  was  succeeded  by  his  brother,  the  Hon. 
and  Rev.  William  George  Howard,  rector  of 
Londesborough,  Yorkshire.  Carlisle  was  able 
and  kind-hearted,  with  cultivated  tastes  and 
great  fluency  of  speech.  Without  command- 
ing abilities  or  great  strength  of  will,  his 

gentleness  endeared  him  to  all  those  with 
whom  he  came  into  contact.  As  lord-lieu- 
tenant he  devoted  his  efforts  to  improve  the 
agriculture  and  manufactures  of  Ireland,  and 
was  successful  and  popular  there. 

At  Castle  Howard  there  is  a  head  of  the 
earl  in  chalk,  which  has  been  engraved  by 
F.  Holl,  also  a  large  miniature  by  Carrick, 
and  a  small  full-length  water-colour  portrait 
painted  when  Howard  was  in  Greece.  A 
portrait  by  John  Partridge  is  in  the  possession 
of  Lady  Taunton.  A  bronze  statue  of  Carlisle 
by  J.  H.  Foley  was  erected  by  public  sub- 
scription in  Phoenix  Park,  Dublin,  in  1870, 
and  in  the  same  year  another  statue  by  the 
same  artist  was  erected  on  Brampton  Moat, 
Carlisle.  There  is  a  bust  of  Carlisle  by  Foley 
in  the  town  hall  at  Morpeth;  another,  when 
Lord  Morpeth,  at  Castle  Howard ;  and  a  third, 
also  by  Foley,  at  Castle  Howard,  executed 
when  Howard  was  lord  lieutenant.  A  me- 
morial column  was  erected  upon  Bulmer 
Hill,  at  the  edge  of  the  Carlisle  estate. 

Carlisle  presided  at  the  Shakespeare  ter- 
centenary at  Stratford-on-Avon  in  April  1864. 
He  took  a  great  interest  in  mechanics'  insti- 
tutes, and  established  a  reformatory  upon  his 
own  estate  at  Castle  Howard.  He  was  the 
author  of  the  following  works :  1.  '  Eleusis ; 
poema  Cancellarii  praemio  donatum,  et  in 
Theatro  Sheldoniano  recitatum  die  Jul.  iv° 
A.D.  1821'  [Oxford,  1821],  8vo.  2.  '  Pses- 
tum :  a  Prize  Poem  recited  in  the  Thea- 
tre, Oxford,  in  the  year  1821  '  [Oxford, 
1821],  8vo.  3.  '  The  Last  of  the  Greeks ;  or 
the  Fall  of  Constantinople,  a  Tragedy '  [in 
five  acts,  and  in  verse],  London,  1828,  8vo. 
4.  '  Sanitary  Reform.  Speech  ...  in  the 
House  of  Commons  ...  30  March  1847,  on 
moving  for  leave  to  bring  in  a  Bill  for  Im- 
proving the  Health  of  Towns  in  England,' 
London,  1847,  8vo.  5.  <  Public  Health  Bill. 
Speech  ...  in  the  House  of  Commons  .  .  . 
10  Feb.  1848,  on  moving  for  leave  to  bring 
in  a  Bill  for  Promoting  the  Public  Health/ 
London,  1848,  8vo.  6.  'Two  Lectures  on 
the  Poetry  of  Pope,  and  on  his  own  Travels 
in  America  .  .  .  delivered  to  the  Leeds  Me- 
chanics' Institution  and  Literary  Society, 
December  5th  and  6th,  1850,'  London,  1851, 
8vo  ;  the  lecture  on  Pope  was  reviewed  by 
De  Quincey.  7.  '  Diary  in  Turkish  and  Greek 
Waters,'  London,  1854,  8vo,  edited  by  C.  C. 
Felton,  Boston  [U.S.],  1855,  8vo.  8.  <  The 
Second  Vision  of  Daniel.  A  Paraphrase  in 
Verse,'  London,  1858,  4to. 

Carlisle  was  a  frequent  contributor  in  prose 
and  verse  to  the  annuals  of  the  day,  and  de- 
livered a  number  of  addresses  and  lectures. 
His '  Lectures  and  Addresses  in  Aid  of  Popular 
Education,'  &c.,  form  the  twenty-fifth  volume 




of  the  '  Travellers  Library '  (London,  1856, 
8vo),  while  his  'Vice-regal  Speeches  and  Ad- 
dresses, Lectures,  and  Poems '  were  collected 
and  edited  by  J.  J.  Gaskin  (Dublin,  1866, 8vo, 
with  portrait).     A  collection  of  his  poems, 
*  selected  by  his  sisters,'  was  published  in  j 
1869  (London,  8vo).     Carlisle  wrote  a  pre-  ' 
face  to  an  English  edition  of  Mrs.  Stowe's 
'  Uncle  Tom's  Cabin '  (London,  1853,  8vo). 

[Lonsdale's  Worthies  of  Cumberland — the 
Howards,  1872,  with  portrait,  pp.  125-88;  Mar-  ' 
tineau's  Biographical  Sketches,  1869,  pp.  131-42 ; 
"Walpole's  History  of  England,  vols.  iii.  iv. ; 
Gent.  Mag.  1865,  new  ser.  xviii.  99-101 ;  Ann. 
Eeg.  1864,  pt.  ii.  pp.  183-4 ;  Times,  6  and  14  Dec. 
1864;  Illustrated  London  News,  17  Dec.  1864; 
Stapylton's  Eton  School  Lists,  1864,  pp.  81,  89; 
Alumni  Oxon.  1888,  ii.  699  ;  Historical  Eegister 
of  the  University  of  Oxford,  1888,  pp.  138,  147, 
326;  Doyle's  Official  Baronage,  1886,  i.  334-5; 
Foster's  Peerage,  1883,  p.  125;  Official  Eeturn 
of  Lists  of  Members  of  Parliament,  pt.  ii.  pp.  305, 
322,  335,  346,  358,  372,  390,  406;  Brit.  Mus. 
Cat.]  G.  F.  E.  B. 

1786),  miscellaneous  writer,  son  of  Francis 
Howard,  captain  of  dragoons,  by  his  wife, 
Elizabeth  Jackson,  was  born  at  Coleraine  on 
28  Aug.  1715.  He  was  educated  at  Thomas 
Sheridan's  school  at  Dublin.  After  brief 
service  as  apprentice  in  the  exchequer  at 
Dublin,  Howard  enlisted  in  an  infantry  regi- 
ment, but  at  the  end  of  a  year  returned  to 
the  exchequer,  became  a  solicitor,  and  ac- 
quired a  minute  knowledge  of  legal  procedure, 
as  well  as  of  the  complicated  systems  of  the 
exchequer,  revenue,  and  forfeiture  depart- 
ments. He  secured  a  lucrative  business  as  a 
solicitor  and  land  agent,  and  published  pro- 
fessional works  by  which  he  lost  money, 
although  they  were  highly  commended  by 
competent  critics.  His  laborious  efforts  at 
the  same  time  to  achieve  reputation  as  a  poet, 
dramatist,  and  literary  moralist  failed  sig- 
nally. The  pertinacity  with  which  he  wrote 
and  printed  contemptible  tragedies,  none  of 
which  were  acted,  and  occasional  verse,  led 
to  the  publication  of  facetious  satires,  written 
mainly  by  Robert  Jephson  [q.  v.]  in  1771. 
They  appeared  in  the  form  of  a  mock  corre- 
spondence in  verse  between  Howard  and  his 
friend  George  Faulkner,  the  printer  [q.  v.] 
The  text  was  copiously  supplemented  with 
foot-notes,  in  which  the  confused  and  jumbled 
styles  of  Howard  and  Faulkner  were  success- 
fully imitated.  The  satires  passed  through 
many  editions  at  Dublin,  and  were  believed 
to  have  been  partially  inspired  by  the  vice- 
roy, Lord  Townshend,  who  was  personally 
acquainted  with  Howard  and  Faulkner. 
Howard's  dramatic  compositions  formed  the 

subject  of  an  ironical  letter  addressed  by 
Edmund  Burke  to  Garrick  in  1772.  As  a 
law  official  Howard  rendered  valuable  ser- 
vices to  government,  which  were  scantily 
rewarded.  He  was  active  in  promoting  struc- 
tural improvements  in  Dublin,  having  some 
skill  as  an  architect,  and  the  freedom  of  the 
city  was  conferred  on  him  in  1766.  He  was 
among  the  earliest  of  the  protestant  advo- 
cates for  the  partial  relaxation  of  the  penal 
laws  against  Roman  catholics  in  Ireland,  and 
members  of  that  church  presented  him  with 
a  handsome  testimonial.  He  died  in  affluen 
circumstances  at  Dublin  in  June  1786. 

His  published  literary  works,  apart  from 
contributions  to  periodical  literature,  were : 

1.  '  A  Collection  of  Apothegms  and  Maxims 
for  the  Good  Conduct  of  Life,  selected  from 
the  most  Eminent  Authors,  with  some  newly 
formed  and  digested  under  proper  heads,'  Dub- 
lin, 1767, 8vo,  dedicated  to  the  king  and  queen. 

2.  '  Almeyda,  or  the  Rival  Kings,'  Dublin, 
1769,  8vo ;  a  tragedy  adapted  from  Hawkes- 
worth's ;  Almoran  and  Hamet.'  3. '  The  Siege 
of  Tamor,'  Dublin,  1773,  8vo  and  12mo,  a 
tragedy.    4.  '  The  Female  Gamester,'  Dublin, 
1778,  12mo.     5.  ( Miscellaneous  Works  in 
Verse  and  Prose,'  with  a  portrait,  Dublin, 
1782,  8vo,  3  vols. 

Howard's  professional  works  are :  1.  <  Trea- 
tise of  the  Rules  and  Practice  of  the  Pleas 
Side  of  the  Exchequer  in  Ireland,'  2  vols.  8vo, 
Dublin,  1759.  2.  l  A  Treatise  on  the  Rules 
and  Practice  of  the  Equity  Side  of  the  Ex- 
chequer in  Ireland,  with  the  several  Statutes 
relative  thereto,  as  also  several  Adjudged 
Cases  on  the  Practice  in  Courts  of  Equity 
both  in  England  and  Ireland,with  the  Reasons 
and  Origin  thereof,  in  many  instances  as  they 
arose  from  the  Civil  Law  of  the  Romans,  or 
the  Canon  and  Feudal  Laws.'  Inscribed  to 
the  chancellor,  treasurer,  lord  chief  baron, 
and  barons  of  the  court  of  exchequer,  2  vols. 
8vo,  Dublin,  1760.  3.  <  The  Rules  and  Prac- 
tice of  the  High  Court  of  Chancery  in  Ire- 
land,' 8vo,  Dublin,  1772.  4.  '  A  Supplement 
to  the  Rules  and  Practice  of  the  High  Court 
of  Chancery  in  Ireland  lately  published.  In- 
scribed to  James,  Lord  Baron  Lifford,  Lord 
Chancellor  of  Ireland/  8vo,  Dublin,  1774. 
5.  '  Special  Cases  on  the  Laws  against  the 
further  growth  of  Popery  in  Ireland,'  8vo, 
Dublin,  1775.  6. '  An  Abstract  and  Common 
Place  of  all  the  Irish,  British,  and  English 
Statutes  relative  to  the  Revenue  of  Ireland, 
and  the  Trade  connected  therewith.  Al- 
phabetically digested  under  their  respective 
proper  titles.  With  several  Special  Prece- 
dents of  information,  &c.,  upon  the  said 
Statutes  and  other  matters,  never  before  pub- 
lished. Inscribed  to  the  Earl  of  Buckingham 




shire,  Lord-Lieutenant  of  Ireland,'  2  vols.'4to, 
Dublin,  1779. 

[Hibernian  Mag.,  Dublin,  1786;  Baker'sBio- 
graphia  Dramatica;  Garrick's  Private  Corre- 
spondence, 1831  ;  Hist,  of  the  City  of  Dublin, 
vol.  ii.  1859;  The  Batchelor,  1772.1  J.  T.  G. 

SUFFOLK  (1681-1767),  mistress  to  George  II, 
born  in  1681,  was  eldest  daughter  of  Sir 
Henry  Hobart,  of  Blickling,  Norfolk,  bart., 
by  Elizabeth,  eldest  daughter  of  Joseph 
Maynard,  son  of  Sir  John  Maynard,  commis- 
sioner of  the  great  seal  in  the  reign  of  Wil- 
liam III.  She  was  married,  Lord  Hervey  tells 
us, '  very  young '  to  Charles  Howard,  third  son 
of  Henry,  fifth  earl  of  Suffolk,  whom  Hervey 
describes  as '  wrong-headed,  ill-tempered,  ob- 
stinate, drunken,  extravagant,  brutal.'  The 
date  of  the  marriage  remains  undetermined. 
Being  poor  for  their  station  the  pair  went  to 
live  in  Hanover  towards  the  close  of  Queen 
Anne's  reign,  with  the  view  of  ingratiating 
themselves  with  the  future  sovereigns  of 
England.  Even  there,  however,  they  were 
sometimes  in  great  straits  for  money,  Mrs. 
Howard  on  one  occasion  selling  her  hair  to 
pay  for  a  dinner  for  the  ministry.  On  the  ac- 
cession of  the  elector  to  the  English  throne  as 
George  I,  Howard  was  appointed  his  groom 
of  the  bedchamber,  and  his  wife  bedchamber- 
woman  to  the  Princess  of  Wales  (BoTEK, 
Poltt.  State  of  Great  Britain,™.  347,475). 
The  rooms  which  in  this  capacity  she  occupied 
in  St.  James's  Palace  and,  after  the  expulsion 
of  the  prince,  at  Leicester  House  were  the 
favourite  place  of  reunion  for  the  prince  and 
princess  and  their  little  court.  Pope  and 
Gay  were  frequently  to  be  found  there,  and 
Swift  when  he  was  in  England.  The  Prince 
of  Wales  soon  made  advances  to  Mrs.  Howard, 
and  was  graciously  received,  and  Howard's 
efforts  to  remove  his  wife  from  the  prince's 
household  proved  ineffectual.  In  1724  Mrs. 
Howard  built  herself  a  villa  at  Marble  Hill, 
Twickenham,  where  she  was  a  near  neigh- 
bour of  Pope.  The  house  was  designed  by 
Lords  Burlington  and  Pembroke,  the  gardens 
were  laid  out  by  Pope  and  Lord  Bathurst. 
The  Prince  of  Wales  contributed  12,000/. 
towards  the  cost.  Pope,  Swift,  and  Arbuth- 
not  took  it  in  turns  to  act  as  her  major-domo. 
On  his  accession  to  the  throne  George  II 
quieted  Howard  with  an  annuity  of  1,200/., 
and  installed  his  wife  in  St.  James's  Palace 
as  his  lady  favourite.  She  was  formally  sepa- 
rated from  her  husband,  who  made  a  settle- 
ment upon  her. 

In  Lord  Peterborough  Mrs.  Howard  had 
an  admirer  of  a  very  different  stamp  from 
George  II.  It  is  not  clear  when  their  intimacy 
commenced,  how  long  it  lasted,  or  whether 

it  was  ever  carried  beyond  the  bounds  of 
flirtation.  It  seems,  however,  from  the  cor- 
respondence which  passed  between  them, 
and  which  includes  forty  letters  from  Peter- 
borough, written  in  the  most  romantic  strain, 
to  have  been  of  some  duration.  All  the 
letters  are  undated,  but  they  are  probably  to 
be  referred  to  the  reign  of  George  I. 

For  some  time  after  the  accession  of 
George  II  Mrs.  Howard  was  much  courted  by 
those  who  thought  the  king  would  be  governed 
by  her.  This,  however,  ceased  when  it  became 
apparent  that  the  queen's  influence  was  to  pre- 
vail. Her  society  continued  nevertheless  to 
be  cultivated  by  the  wits  and  the  opposition. 
About  1729  she  began  to  decline  in  favour 
with  the  king,  but  poverty  compelled  her  to 
keep  her  post.  On  the  death  of  Edward, 
eighth  earl  of  Suffolk,  without  issue,  22  June 
1731,  Howard  succeeded  to  the  earldom,  and 
Lady  Suffolk  was  thereupon  advanced  to  the 
post  of  groom  of  the  stole  to  the  queen,  with  a 
salary  of  800/.  a  year  (BoYEK,  Polit.  State  of 
Great  Britain,  xli.  652).  Her  circumstances 
were  further  improved  by  the  death  of  her 
husband  (28  Sept.  1733),  and  in  the  follow- 
ing year  she  retired  from  court.  In  1735 
she  married  the  Hon.  George  Berkeley, 
youngest  son  of  the  second  earl  of  Berkeley, 
with  whom  she  lived  happily  until  his  death, 
16  Jan.  1747.  She  began  to  grow  deaf  in 
middle  life,  and  in  her  later  years  almost  lost 
her  hearing.  Nevertheless  Horace  Walpole 
loved  much  to  gossip  with  her  in  the  autumn 
evenings.  She  died  on  26  July  1767  in 
comparative  poverty,  leaving,  besides  Marble 
Hill,  property  to  the  value  of  not  more  than 
20,000/.  By  her  first  husband  she  had  issue 
an  only  son,  who  succeeded  to  the  earldom, 
and  died  without  issue  in  1745.  She  had  no 
children  by  her  second  husband.  Horace 
Walpole  describes  her  as  '  of  a  just  height, 
well  made,  extremely  fair,  with  the  finest 
light  brown  hair,'  adding  that  '  her  mental 
qualifications  were  by  no  means  shining' 
(Reminiscences,  cxxvii.)  Elsewhere  he  says 
that  she  was  l  sensible,  artful,  agreeable,  but 
had  neither  sense  nor  art  enough  to  make 
him  [George  II]  think  her  so  agreeable  as 
his  wife  '  (Memoirs,  ed.  Lord  Holland,  1847, 
i.  177  ;  cf.  CHESTERFIELD,  Letters,  ed.  Mahon, 
ii.  440).  Pope  wrote  in  her  honour  the  well- 
known  verses  '  On  a  certain  Lady  at  Court,' 
and  Peterborough  the  song '  I  said  to  my  heart 
between  sleeping  and  waking.'  Both  praise 
her  reasonableness  and  her  wit.  Swift,  in  his 
somewhat  ill-natured  '  Character'  of  her,  also 
recognises  her  wit  and  beauty,  represents 
her  as  a  latitudinarian  in  religion,  a  consum- 
mate courtier,  and  by  so  much  the  worse 
friend,  and  '  upon  the  whole  an  excellent 



companion  for  men  of  the  best  accomplish- 
ments who  have  nothing  to  ask.'  Except 
the  contribution  towards  the  cost  of  Marble 
Hill  she  took  little  from  George  II,  either 
as  king  or  prince,  except  snubs  and  slights; 
and  the  queen  avenged  herself  for  her  hus- 
band's infidelity  by  humiliating  her,  employ- 
ing her  until  she  became  Countess  of  Suffolk 
in  servile  offices  about  her  person.  '  It  hap- 
pened more  than  once,' writes  Horace Walpole 
(Reminiscences,  cxxix.),  'that  the  king,  while 
the  queen  was  dressing,  has  snatched  off  the 
handkerchief,  and,  turning  rudely  to  Mrs. 
Howard,  has  cried,  "  Because  you  have  an 
ugly  neck  yourself,  you  hide  the  queen's." ' 
Nor  was  she  able  to  do  much  to  advance  her 
friends.  For  Gay  she  could  procure  only  the 
place  of  gentleman-usher  to  the  Princess 
Louisa,  which,  though  worth  2001.  a  year,  he 
declined.  She  obtained,  however,  an  earl- 
dom for  her  brother  [see  HOBAKT,  JOHN, 
was  strictly  truthful,  and  in  conversation 
minutely  accurate  to  the  point  of  tedious- 
ness.  She  behaved  with  such  extreme  pro- 
priety that  her  friends  affected  to  suppose 
that  her  relations  with  the  king  were  merely 
platonic.  A  selection  from  her  correspond- 
ence, entitled '  Letters  to  and  from  Henrietta, 
Countess  of  Suffolk,  and  her  second  husband, 
the  Hon.  George  Berkeley,  from  1712  to 
1767,'  was  edited  anonymously  by  John  Wil- 
son Croker  in  1824,  2  vols.  8vo.  The  corre- 
spondence, which  comprises  letters  from  Pope, 
Swift,  Gay,  Peterborough,  Bolingbroke,  Ches- 
terfield, Horace  Walpole,  the  Duchess  of 
Marlborough,  and  Lady  Hervey,  deals  mainly 
with  private  affairs,  and  sheds  little  light  on 
politics.  The  volume  contains  an  engraving 
of  her  portrait  preserved  at  Blickling. 

[Blomefield's  Norfolk,  ed.  1805,vi.402;  Gent 
Mag.  1 767,  p.  383 ;  Collins's  Peerage,  ed.  Brydges, 
iii.  159,  iv.  368;  Horace  Walpole's  Reminiscences 
in  Cunningham's  edition  of  his  Letters ;  Horace 
Walpole's  Memoirs,  ed.  Lord  Holland,  1847 ; 
Hervey's  Memoirs ;  Pope's  Correspondence,  ed. 
Elwin  and  Courthope ;  Chesterfield's  Letters; 
Coxe's  Memoirs  of  Sir  Robert  Walpole,  i.  279  et 
seq.;  Suffolk  Correspondence,  ed.  Croker;  Swift's 
Memoirs,  ed.  Scott.  Her  relations  with  Lord 
Peterborough  are  discussed  in  Russell's  Earl  of 
Peterborough  and  Monmouth.]  J.  M.  R. 

(1517  P-1547),  poet,  born  about  1517,  was 
eldest  son  of  Lord  Thomas  Howard,  after- 
wards third  duke  of  Norfolk  (1473  F-1554) 
[q.  v.],  by  his  second  wife,  Elizabeth,  daugh- 
ter of  Edward  Stafford,  duke  of  Buckingham. 
Thomas  Howard,  second  duke  of  Norfolk 
[q.  v.J,  was  his  grandfather,  and  he  was 
usually  known  in  youth  as  *  Henry  Howard 

of  Kenninghall,'  one  of  his  grandfather's  re- 
sidences in  Norfolk,  which  may  have  been  his 
birthplace.  He  spent  each  winter  and  spring, 
until  he  was  seven,  at  his  father's  house, 
Stoke  Hall,  Suffolk,  and  each  summer  with 
his  grandfather  at  Hunsdon,  Hertfordshire. 
On  the  death  of  the  latter  in  1524  his  father 
became  Duke  of  Norfolk,  and  he  was  thence- 
forth known  by  the  courtesy  title  of  Earl  of 
Surrey.  He  was  with  his  family  at  Kenning- 
hall between  1524  and  1529.  On  23  July 
1529  he  visited  the  priory  of  Butley,  Suffolk, 
,  with  his  father,  who  was  negotiating  the  sale 
1  of  Staverton  Park  to  the  prior.  Surrey  was 
carefully  educated,  studying  classical  and 
modern  literature,  and  making  efforts  in  verse 
from  an  early  age.  L  eland  was  tutor  to  his 
brother  Thomas  about  1525,  and  may  have 
given  him  some  instruction.  John  Clerk  (d. 
1552)  [q.  v.],  who  was  domesticated  about 
the  same  time  with  the  family,  seems  to  have 
been  his  chief  instructor.  In  dedicating  his 
'Treatise  of  Nobility'  (1543)  to  Norfolk, 
Clerk  commends  translations  which  Surrey 
made  in  his  childhood  from  Latin,  Italian, 
and  Spanish.  In  December  1529  Henry  VIII 
asked  the  Duke  of  Norfolk  to  allow  Surrey 
to  become  the  companion  of  his  natural  son, 
Henry  Fitzroy,  duke  of  Richmond  [q.  v.], 
who  was  Surrey's  junior  by  sixteen  months 
(BAPST,  pp.  164-5).  He  thus  spent,  in  the 
words  of  his  own  poems,  his  '  childish 
years '  (1530  to  1532)  at  Windsor  '  with  a 
king's  son.'  As  early  as  1526  Norfolk  pur- 
i  chased  the  wardship  of  Elizabeth,  daughter 
i  of  John,  second  lord  Marney,  with  a  view  to 
marrying  her  to  Surrey.  But  at  the  end  of 
!  1529  Anne  Boleyn  urged  Henry  VIII  to 
affiance  his  daughter,  the  Princess  Mary,  to 
the  youth.  On  14  Sept.  1530  Chappuys,  the 
imperial  ambassador  in  London,  wrote  to  his 
master  for  instructions  as  to  the  attitude  he 
should  assume  towards  the  scheme.  But  in 
October  Anne  Boleyn's  views  changed,  aad 
she  persuaded  the  duke,  who  reluctantly  con- 
sented, to  arrange  for  Surrey's  marriage  with 
Frances,  daughter  of  John  Vere,  fifteenth  earl 
of  Oxford.  The  contract  was  signed  on  13  Feb. 
1531-2,  and  the  marriage  took  place  before 
April,  but  on  account  of  their  youth  hus- 
band and  wife  did  not  live  together  till 
1 535.  In  October  1532  Surrey  accompanied 
Henry  VIII  and  the  Duke  of  Richmond  to 
Boulogne,  when  the  English  king  had  an 
interview  with  Francis  I.  In  accordance 
with  arrangements  then  made,  Richmond  and 
Surrey  spent  eleven  months  at  the  French 
court .  Francis  first  entertained  them  at  Chan- 
tilly,  and  in  the  spring  of  1533  they  travelled 
with  him  to  the  south.  The  king's  sons  were 
their  constant  companions,  and  Surrey  im- 



pressed  the  king  and  the  princes  very  favour- 
ably. In  July  1533  Pope  Clement  VII  tried 
to  revive  the  project  of  a  marriage  between 
Surrey  and  Princess  Mary,  in  the  belief  that 
he  might  thus  serve  the  interests  of  Queen 
Catherine.  Surrey  returned  to  London  to 
carry  the  fourth  sword  before  the  king  at  the 
coronation  of  Anne  Boleyn  in  June  1533, 
and  finally  quitted  France  in  September  1533 
(Chron.  of  Calais,  1846,  Camden  Soc.,  p.  41), 
when  Richmond  came  home  to  marry  Sur- 
rey's sister  Mary.  In  March  1534  Surrey's 
mother  separated  from  his  father  on  the  ground 
of  the  duke's  adultery  with  Elizabeth  Hol- 
land, an  attendant  in  the  duke's  nursery.  In 
the  long  domestic  quarrel  Surrey  sided  with 
his  father,  and  was  denounced  by  his  mother 
as  an  '  ungracious  son '  (WOOD,  Letters  of 
Illustrious  Ladies,  ii.  225).  In  1535  Surrey's 
wife  joined  him  at  Kenninghall.  He  was  in 
pecuniary  difficulties  at  the  time,  and  bor- 
rowed money  of  John  Reeve,  abbot  of  Bury, 
in  June. 

At  Anne  Boleyn's  trial  (15  May  1536) 
Surrey  acted  as  earl  marshal  in  behalf  of  his 
father,  who  presided  by  virtue  of  his  office  of 
lord  treasurer  (cf.  WRIOTHESLEY,  Chron.  i. 
37).  On  22  July  1536  his  friend  and  brother- 
in-law,  Richmond,  died,  and  he  wrote  with 
much  feeling  of  his  loss.  He  accompanied 
his  father  to  Yorkshire  to  repress  the  rebellion 
known  as  the  Pilgrimage  of  Grace  in  October 
1536.  A  report  went  abroad  that  Surrey 
{ ecretly  sympathised  with  the  insurgents,  and 
in  June  1537  he  struck  a  courtier  who  repeated 
the  rumour  in  the  park  at  Hampton  Court. 
The  privy  council  ordered  him  into  confine- 
ment atWindsor,  and  there  he  devoted  himself 
chiefly  to  writing  poetry.  He  was  released 
before  12  Nov.  1537,  when  he  was  a  principal 
mourner  in  the  funeral  procession  of  Jane 
Seymour  from  Hampton  to  Windsor.  On 
New-year's  day  1538  he  presented  Henry  VIII 
with  three  gilt  bowls  and  a  cover.  Early  in 

1539  there  was  some  talk  at  court  of  sending 
Surrey  into  Cleves  to  assist  in  arranging  the 
treaty  for  the  marriage  of  Henry  VIII  with 
Anne  of  Cleves,  and  later  in  the  year  he  was 
employed  to  organise  the  defence  of  Norfolk, 
in  view  of  a  threatened  invasion.    On  3  May 

1540  Surrey   distinguished  himself  at  the 
jousts  held  at  Westminster  to  celebrate  the 
marriage  of  Henry  with  Anne  of  Cleves  (cf. 
ib.  i.  118).     Later  in  the  year  he  rejoiced 
openly  over  the  fall  of  Cromwell,  which  re- 
stored his  father's  influence  with  the  king. 
On  21  May  1541  Surrey  was  installed  knight 
of  the  Garter,  and  in   September  was  ap- 
pointed steward  of  the  university  of  Cam- 
bridge, in  succession  to  Cromwell.    On  8  Dec. 

1541  he  was  granted  many  manors  in  Suffolk 

and  Norfolk,  most  of  which  he  subsequently 
sold,  and  in  February  1541-2,  in  order  appa- 
rently to  clear  himself  from  the  suspicions 
which  attached  to  many  of  his  kinsmen  at 
the  time,  he  attended  the  execution  of  his 
cousin,  Queen  Catherine  Howard. 

In  a  recorded  conversation  which  took 
place  between  two  of  Cromwell's  agents  in 
1539,  Surrey  was  described  by  one  of  the  in- 
terlocutors as '  the  most  foolish  proud  boy  that 
is  in  England.'  It  was  urged  in  reply  that  the 
earl  was  wise,  and  that,  although  his  pride  was 
great,  experience  would  correct  it  (Archeeo- 
logia,  xxiii.  62).  That  he  could  ill  control 
his  temper,  and  that  his  pride  in  his  ancestry 
passed  reasonable  bounds,  there  is  much  to 
prove  elsewhere.  In  1542  he  quarrelled  with 
one  John  a  Leigh,  and  was  committed  to  the 
Fleet  by  the  privy  council.  In  a  petition 
for  release  he  attributed  his  conduct  to  '  the 
fury  of  reckless  youth,'  and  promised  hence- 
forward to  bridle  his  '  heady  will.'  On  7  Aug. 
he  was  released  on  entering  into  recognisances 
in  ten  thousand  marks  to  be  of  good  beha- 
viour, and  he  accompanied  his  father  on  the 
expedition  into  Scotland  in  October.  In  the 
same  month  the  death  of  Sir  Thomas  Wyatt 
the  elder  [q.  v.]  inspired  a  pathetic  elegy  by 
Surrey.  But  Surrey,  although  a  student  of 
Wyatt's  literary  work,  was  not  personally 
very  intimate  with  him.  In  political  and 
religious  questions  they  took  opposite  sides. 
Wyatt's  son  and  Surrey  were,  however,  well 
known  to  each  other. 

On  1  April  1543  Surrey  was  charged  before 
the  privy  council  with  having  eaten  flesh  in 
Lent,  and  with  having  broken  at  night  the 
windows  of  citizens'  houses  and  of  churches 
in  the  city  of  London  by  shooting  small 
pebbles  at  them  with  a  stone-bow.  A  ser- 
vant, Pickering,  and  the  younger  Wyatt  were 
arrested  as  his  accomplices.  On  the  first 
charge  he  pleaded  a  license ;  he  admitted  his 
guilt  on  the  second  accusation,  but  subse- 
quently, in  a  verse  *  satire  against  the  citizens 
of  London,'  made  the  eccentric  defence  that 
he  had  been  scandalised  by  the  irreligious  life 
led  by  the  Londoners,  and  had  endeavoured 
by  his  attack  on  their  windows  to  prepare 
them  for  divine  retribution.  According  to 
the  evidence  of  a  Mistress  Arundel,  whose 
house  Surrey  and  his  friends  were  accustomed 
to  frequent  for  purposes  of  amusement,  the 
affair  was  a  foolish  practical  joke.  The  ser- 
vants of  the  house  hinted  in  their  deposition 
that  Surrey  demanded  of  his  friends  the  signs 
of  respect  usual  only  in  the  case  of  princes. 
Surrey  was  sent  to  the  Fleet  prison  for  a  few 

In  October  1543  Surrey,  fully  restored  to 
the  king's  favour,  joined  the  army  under  Sir 



John  Wallop,  which  was  engaged  with  the 
emperor's  forces  in  besieging  Landrecy,  then 
in  the  hands  of  the  French.  Charles  V,  in 
a  letter  to  Henry  VIII,  praised  Surrey's 
'gentil  cueur'  (21  Oct.).  The  campaign 
closed  in  November,  and  Surrey  returned  to 
England,  after  taking  leave  of  the  emperor  in 
a  special  audience  at  Valenciennes  (18  Nov.) 
Henry  received  him  kindly,  and  made  him 
his  cupbearer.  In  February  1544  he  was 
directed  to  entertain  one  of  the  emperor's 
generals,  the  Duke  de  Najera,  on  a  visit  to 
England.  He  was  then  occupying  himself  in 
building  a  sumptuous  house,  Mount  Surrey, 
near  Norwich,  on  the  site  of  the  Benedictine 
priory  of  St.  Leonards,  and  there,  or  at  his 
father's  house  at  Lambeth,  Hadrianus  Junius 
resided  with  him  as  tutor  to  his  sons,  and 
Thomas  Churchyard  the  poet  as  a  page.  Mount 
Surrey  was  destroyed  in  the  Norfolk  insurrec- 
tion of  1549  (cf.  BLOMEFIELD,  Norfolk,  iv. 
427).  In  June  1544  he  was  appointed  mar- 
shal of  the  army  which  was  despatched  to 
besiege  Montreuil.  The  vanguard  was  com- 
manded by  Norfolk,  Surrey's  father,  who 
wrote  home  enthusiastically  of  his  son's 
bravery.  On  19  Sept.  Surrey  was  wounded 
in  a  futile  attempt  to  storm  Montreuil,  and 
his  life  was  only  saved  by  the  exertions  of 
his  friend  Thomas  Clere.  When  the  siege 
was  raised  a  few  days  later,  Surrey  removed 
to  Boulogne,  which  Henry  VIII  had  just  cap- 
tured in  person,  and  seems  to  have  returned 
to  England  with  his  father  in  December.  On 
St.  George's  day  1545  he  attended  a  chapter 
of  the  Garter  at  St.  James's  Palace,  and  in 
July  1545  he  was  at  Kenninghall. 

In  August  Surrey  was  sent  in  command 
of  five  thousand  men  to  Calais.  On  26  Aug. 
he  was  appointed  commander  of  Guisnes,  and 
in  the  following  month  the  difficult  post  of 
commander  of  Boulogne  was  bestowed  on 
him,  in  succession  to  William,  lord  Grey  de 
Wilton  [q.  v.],  together  with  the  office  of 
lieutenant-general  of  the  king  by  land  and 
sea  in  all  the  English  possessions  on  the  con- 
tinent (RYMEK,  Fcedera,  xv.  3  Sept.)  Surrey 
actively  superintended  many  skirmishes  near 
Boulogne,  but  he  was  reprimanded  by  Henry 
(6  Nov.)  for  exposing  himself  to  needless 
danger.  In  his  despatches  home  he  strongly 
urged  Henry  VIII  to  use  every  effort  to  retain 
Boulogne,  but  his  father,  writing  to  him  from 
Windsor  on  27  Sept.,  warned  him  that  his 
emphatic  letters  on  the  subject  were  resented 
by  many  members  of  the  council,  and  were  not 
altogether  to  the  liking  of  the  king.  In  Decem- 
ber he  paid  a  short  visit  to  London  to  consult 
with  the  king  in  council.  In  January  1545-6 
the  French  marched  from  Montreuil  with  the 
intention  of  revictualling  a  fortress  in  the 

neighbourhood  of  Boulogne.  Surrey  inter- 
cepted them  at  St.  Etienne;  a  battle  fol- 
lowed, and  the  English  forces  were  defeated. 
In  his  despatch  to  the  king,  Surrey  fully 
acknowledged  his  defeat,  and  Henry  sent  a 
considerate  reply  (18  Jan.  1546).  Early  in 
March  his  request  that  his  wife  might  join  him 
at  Boulogne  was  refused,  on  the  ground  that 
'trouble  and  disquietness  unmeet  for  woman's 
imbecillities '  were  approaching.  A  week  later 
Secretary  Paget  announced  that  Edward  Sey- 
mour, lord  Hertford,  and  Lord  Lisle  were 
to  supersede  him  in  his  command.  Surrey 
and  Hertford  had  long  been  pronounced 
enemies,  and  Hertford's  appointment  to 
Boulogne  destroyed  all  hope  of  reconcilia- 
tion. Negotiations  which  proved  fruitless 
were  pending  at  the  time  for  the  marriage  of 
Surrey's  sister,  the  widowed  duchess  of  Rich- 
mond,  to  Hertford's  brother,  Sir  Thomas  Sey- 
mour. Surrey  sarcastically  denounced  the 
scheme  as  a  farce,  and  he  indignantly  scouted 
his  father's  suggestion  that  his  own  infant 
children  might  be  united  in  marriage  with 
members  of  Hertford's  family.  On  14  July 
Surrey  complained  to  Paget  that  two  of  his 
servants,  whom  he  had  appointed  to  minor 
posts  at  Boulogne,  had  been  discharged,  and 
that  false  reports  were  abroad  that  he  had 
personally  profited  by  their  emoluments.  In 
August  1546  he  took  part  in  the  reception  at 
Hampton  Court  of  ambassadors  from  France. 
In  December  Henry  was  known  to  be 
dying,  and  speculation  was  rife  at  court  as 
to  who  should  be  selected  by  the  king  to  fill 
the  post  of  protector  or  regent  during  the 
minority  of  Prince  Edward.  The  choice  was 
admitted  to  lie  between  Surrey's  father  and 
Hertford.  Surrey  loudly  asserted  that  his 
father  alone  was  entitled  to  the  office.  Not 
only  the  Seymours  and  their  dependents, 
but  William,  lord  Grey  of  Wilton,  whom  he 
had  superseded  at  Boulogne,  his  sister,  and 
many  early  friends  whom  his  vanity  had 
offended,  all  regarded  him  at  the  moment 
with  bitter  hostility.  In  December  1546 
facts  were  brought  by  Sir  Richard  South- 
well, an  officer  of  the  court  at  one  time  on 
good  terms  with  Surrey,  to  the  notice  of  the 
privy  council,  which  gave  his  foes  an  oppor- 
tunity of  attack.  Before  going  to  Boulogne 
Surrey  had  discussed  with  Sir  Christopher 
Barker,  then  Richmond  Herald,  his  right  to 
include  among  his  numerous  quarterings  the 
arms  of  Edward  the  Confessor,  which  Ri- 
chard II  had  permitted  his  ancestor,  Thomas 
Mowbray,  duke  of  Norfolk,  to  bear.  The  Col- 
lege of  Arms,  it  was  stated,  forbade  the  pro- 
posed alteration,  but  Surrey,  in  his  anxiety 
to  prove  the  superiority  of  his  own  ancestry 
to  that  of  the  Seymours  or  any  of  the  new 



nobility,  caused  the  inhibited  change  in  his 
arms  to  be  made  on  7  Oct.  1546,  when  at  his 
father's  house  at  Kenninghall.  His  sister 
subsequently  stated  that  he  surmounted  his 
shield  with  what  seemed  to  her  '  much  like  a 
close  crown  and  a  cipher,  which  she  took  to 
be  the  king's  cipher  H.R.,'  but  this  statement 
received  no  corroboration.  Moreover,  by 
virtue  of  his  descent  from  Thomas  of  Brother- 
ton,  son  of  Edward  I,  Surrey,  like  all  the 
Howards,  and  like  many  other  noblemen  who 
claimed  royal  descent,  was  entitled  to  quarter 
the  royal  arms.  Hertford  and  his  adherents 
affected  to  construe  Surrey's  adoption  of  new 
arms  into  evidence  of  the  existence  of  a  trea- 
sonable design.  They  declared,  although 
there  is  no  extant  proof  of  the  allegation,  that 
Edward  the  Confessor's  arms  had  always  been 
borne  exclusively  by  the  heir-apparent  to  the 
crown,  and  that  Surrey's  action  amounted  to 
a  design  to  endanger  Prince  Edward's  suc- 
cession and  to  divert  the  crown  into  his  own 
hands.  Norfolk,  it  must  be  remembered,  had, 
before  Prince  Edward's  birth,  been  mentioned 
as  a  possible  heir  to  the  throne.  The  council 
at  first  merely  summoned  Surrey  from  Kenn- 
inghall to  confront  Southwell,  his  accuser. 
The  earl  passionately  offered  to  fight  South- 
well (2  Dec.),  and  both  were  detained  in  cus- 
tody. Other  charges  were  soon  brought  be- 
fore the  council  by  Surrey's  personal  enemies. 
According  to  a  courtier,  Sir  Gawin  Carew, 
he  had  tried  to  persuade  his  sister  to  offer 
herself*  as  the  king's  mistress,  so  that  she 
might  exercise  the  same  power  over  him  as 
1  Madame  d'Estampes  did  about  the  French 
king.'  Surrey  had  ironically  given  his  sister 
some  such  advice  when  he  was  angrily  re- 
buking her  for  contemplating  marriage  with 
Sir  Thomas  Seymour.  Another  accuser  de- 
clared that  Surrey  affected  foreign  dress  and 
manners,  and  employed  an  Italian  jester. 
The  council  took  these  trivial  matters 
seriously,  and  on  12  Dec.  Surrey  and  his 
father  were  arrested  and  sent  to  the  Tower. 
Commissioners  were  sent  on  the  same  day 
to  Kenninghall  to  examine  the  Duchess  of 
Richmond  and  Elizabeth  Holland,  the  duke's 
mistress.  Much  that  they  said  was  in  Norfolk's 
favour,  but  the  duchess  recklessly  corrobo- 
rated the  charges  against  her  brother,  assert- 
ing in  the  course  of  her  examination  that  Sur- 
rey rigidly  adhered  to  the  old  religion.  Soon 
after  Surrey's  arrest  Henry  VIII  himself 
drew  up,  with  the  aid  of  Chancellor  Wriothes- 
ley,  a  paper  setting  forth  the  allegations  made 
against  him,  and  he  there  assumed,  despite 
the  absence  of  any  evidence,  that  Surrey  had 
definitely  resolved  to  set  Prince  Edward  aside, 
when  the  throne  was  vacant,  in  his  own 
favour.  On  13  Jan.  1546-7  Surrey  was  in- 

dicted at  the  Guildhall  before  Lord  Chan- 
cellor Wriothesley  and  other  privy  coun- 
cillors, and  a  jury  of  Norfolk  men,  of  high 
treason,  under  the  act  for  determining  the 
succession  (28  Hen.  VIII.  c.  vii.  sect.  12). 
No  testimony  of  any  legal  value  was  pro- 
duced beyond  the  evidence  respecting  the 
change  in  his  arms.  In  a  manly  speech  Sur- 
rey denied  that  he  had  any  treasonable  in- 
tention ;  but  he  was  proved  guilty,  was  sen- 
tenced to  death,  and  was  beheaded  on  Tower 
Hill  on  21  Jan.  following.  His  personal  pro- 
perty was  distributed  among  the  Seymours 
and  their  friends.  Surrey's  body  was  buried 
in  the  church  of  All  Hallows  Barking,  in 
Tower  Street,  but  was  removed  to  the  church 
of  Framlingham,  Suffolk,  by  his  son  Henry, 
who  erected  an  elaborate  monument  there  in 
1614,  and  left  money  for  its  preservation.  In 
1835  his  body  was  discovered  lying  directly 
beneath  his  effigy. 

Surrey  left  two  sons,  Thomas,  fourth  duke 
of  Norfolk  [q.  v.],  and  Henry,  earl  of  North- 
ampton [q.  v.],  and  three  daughters,  Jane, 
wife  of  Charles  Neville,  earl  of  Westmor- 
land, Catherine,  wife  of  Henry,  lord  Berke- 
ley, and  Margaret,  wife  of  Henry,  lord  Scrope 
of  Bolton.  His  widow  married  a  second  hus- 
band, Thomas  Steyning  of  Woodford,  Suffolk, 
by  whom  she  had  a  daughter  Mary,  wife  of 
Charles  Seckford,  and  died  at  Soham  Earl, 
Suffolk,  30  June  1577. 

According  to  a  poem  by  Surrey,  which  he 
entitled  '  A  Description  and  Praise  of  his 
love  Geraldine,'  he  had  before  his  confine- 
ment at  Windsor  in  1537  been  attracted  by 
the  beauty  of  Lady  Elizabeth  [q.v.],  youngest 
daughter  of  Gerald  Fitzgerald,  ninth  earl  of 
Kildare  [q.  v.] 

In  1537  Lady  Elizabeth  was  only  nine  years 
old.  It  has  been  assumed  that  most  of  Sur- 
rey's '  songes  and  sonettes,'  written  between 
this  date  and  his  death,  were  inspired  by  his 
affection  for  her  ;  but  only  in  the  poem  just 
quoted  does  Surrey  mention  Geraldine  as  the 
i  name  of  his  lady-love,  and  the  insertion  of 
the  name  in  the  titles  of  other  poems  is  an 
unjustifiable  license  first  taken  by  Dr.  G.  F. 
Nott  in  his  edition  of  Surrey's  poems  in  1815. 
There  is  nothing  to  show  positively  that  the 
verses  inscribed  by  Surrey  to  l  his  lady  '  or 
'  his  mistress  '  were  all  addressed  to  the  same 
person.  At  least  two  poems  celebrate  a  pass- 
ing attachment  to  Anne,  lady  Hertford,  who 
discouraged  his  attentions  (BAPST,  p.  371  sq.)  ; 
but  in  any  case  his  love-sonnets  celebrate 
a  platonic  attachment,  and  imitate  Petrarch's 
addresses  to  Laura.  Surrey's  married  life 
was  regular.  The  poetic  '  complaint '  by 
Surrey  in  which  a  lady  laments  the  absence 
of  her  lover,  '  [he]  being  upon  the  sea,'  de- 



scribes  his  own  affectionate  relations  with 
his  wife.  Thomas  Nashe,  in  his '  Unfortunate 
Traveller,  or  the  Adventures  of  Jack  Wilton' 
(1594),  supplied  an  imaginary  account  of 
Surrey's  association  with  Geraldine,  and  told 
how  he  went  to  Italy  while  under  her  spell ; 
consulted  at  Venice  Cornelius  Agrippa,  who 
showed  him  her  image  in  a  magic  mirror; 
and  at  Florence  challenged  all  who  disputed 
her  supreme  beauty .  Dray  ton  utilised  Nashe's 
incidents  in  his  epistles  of  '  The  Lady  Geral- 
dine' and  the  Earl  of  Surrey,  which  appear  in 
the  'Heroical  Epistles'  (1598).  But  Surrey, 
although  he  read  and  imitated  the  Italian 
poets,  never  was  in  Italy,  and  Nashe's  whole 
tale  is  pure  fiction. 

Surrey  circulated  much  verse  inmanuscript 
in  his  lifetime.  But  it  was  not  published  till 
1557,  ten  years  after  his  death.  On  5  June 
in  that  year  (according  to  the  colophon)  Ri- 
chard Tottel  published,  '  cum  privilegio/  in 
black  letter  (107  leaves), '  Songes  and  Sonettes 
written  by  the  ryght  honorable  Lorde  Henry 
Haward,  late  Earle  of  Surrey  and  other.'  On 
21  June  following  (according  to  the  colo- 
phon) Tottel  issued  in  another  volume  '  Cer- 
tain Bokes  [i.e.  the  second  and  fourth]  of 
Virgiles  Aenseis  turned  into  English  Meter ' 
(26  leaves  in  black  letter) ;  'The  fourth  boke 
of  Virgill  .  .  .  drawn  into  a  straunge  meter 
by  Henry  Earle  of  Surrey'  was  again  printed 
by  John  Day  without  date,  and  a  reprint  of 
the  two  books  of  Virgil  was  issued  by  the 
Roxburghe  Club  in  1814. 

The  '  Songes  and  Sonettes,'  known  later 
as  'Totters  Miscellany,'  contained  271 
poems,  of  which  only  forty  were  by  Surrey 
— thirty-six  at  the  beginning  and  four  to- 
wards the  end  of  the  volume.  Ninety-six 
were  by  his  friend  Wyatt,  forty  were  by  Ni- 
cholas Grrimald  [q.  v.j,  and  ninety-five  were  by 
*  uncertain  authors,'  who  are  known  to  have 
included  Thomas  Churchyard,  Thomas,  lord 
Vaux,  Edward  Somerset,  John  Hey  wood,  and 
Sir  Francis  Bryan  [q.  v.]  According  to  Put- 
tenham,  one  of  the  poems  ascribed  to  Surrey 
— '  When  Cupid  scaled  first  the  fort ' — was 
by  Lord  Vaux,  and  Surrey's  responsibility 
for  some  others  assigned  to  him  by  Tottel 
may  be  doubted.  Of  the  first  edition,  Ma- 
lone's  copy  in  the  Bodleian  Library  is  the 
only  one  known ;  it  was  reprinted  by  J.  P. 
Collier  in  his  '  Seven  English  Poetical  Mis- 
cellanies,' 1867,  and  by  Professor  Arber  in 
1870.  A  second  edition  (120  leaves  in  black 
letter),  in  which,  among  many  other  changes, 
Surrey's  forty  poems,  with  some  slight  verbal 
alterations,  are  printed  consecutively  at  the 
beginning  of  the  volume,  appeared  (according 
to  the  colophon)  on  31  July  1557.  Of  this 
two  copies  are  extant — one  in  the  British 

Museum  and  the  other  in  the  Capel  Collec- 
tion at  Trinity  College,  Cambridge.  A  third 
edition  was  issued  in  1559;  a  fourth  in  1565; 
a  fifth  in  1567;  a  sixth  in  1574  (the  last 
printed  by  Tottel) ;  a  seventh  in  1585  (printed 
by  John  Windet),  and  an  eighth  in  1587 
(printed  by  Robert  Robinson,  and  disfigured 
by  gross  misprints).  Surrey's  '  Paraphrase  on 
the  Book  of  Ecclesiastes,'  and  his  verse  ren- 
dering of  a  few  psalms,  although  well  known 
in  manuscript  to  sixteenth-century  readers, 
were  first  printed  by  Thomas  Park  in  his  edi- 
tion of  '.Nugee  Antiques'  (1804)  from  manu- 
scripts formerly  belonging  to  Sir  John  Haring- 
ton.  Two  lines  of  the  '  Ecclesiastes  '  were 
prefixed  to  Archbishop  Parker's  translation 
of  the  Psalms  (1569),  and  one  line  appears 
in  Puttenham's  <  Arte  of  Poesie'  (1589). 

The  number  of  sixteenth-century  editions 
of  the '  Songs  and  Sonettes '  attests  the  popu- 
larity of  the  poems,  and  they  were  well  ap- 
preciated by  the  critics  of  the  time.  George 
Turberville  includes  in  his  '  Epitaphs '  (1565), 
p.  9,  high-sounding  verses  in  Surrey's  praise. 
Ascham,  a  rigorous  censor,  associates  Surrey 
with  Chaucer  as  a  passable  translator,  and 
commends  his  judgment  in  that  he, 'the  first 
of  all  Englishmen  in  translating  the  fourth 
booke  of  Virgill,'  should  have  avoided  rhyme, 

when  dedicating ( Churchyard's  Charge,'  1580, 
to  Surrey's  grandson,  describes  him  as  a '  noble 
warrior,  an  eloquent  oratour,  and  a  second 
Petrarch.'  Sir  Philip  Sidney,  with  whom 
Surrey's  career  has  something  in  common, 
wrote  that  many  of  Surrey's  lyrics  '  taste  of 
a  noble  birth  and  are  worthy  of  a  noble 
mind'  (Apologiefor  Poetrie,  ed.  1867,  p.  62). 
Puttenham  devoted  much  space  in  his  'Arte 
of  Poesie,'  1589,  to  the  artistic  advance  in 
English  literature  initiated  by  Wyatt  and  Sur- 
rey. In  1627  Drayton,  in  his  verses  of '  Poets 
and  Poesie,'  mentions '  princely  Surrey '  with 
Wyatt  and  Sir  Francis  Bryan  as  the  '  best 
makers '  of  their  day ;  and  Pope,  in  his '  Wind- 
sor Forest'  (1713),  11.  290-8,  devoted  eight 
lines  to  '  noble  Surrey  .  .  .  the  Granville  of 
a  former  age,'  which  revived  public  interest 
in  his  career  and  his  works,  and  led  Curll  to 
reprint  the '  Songes  and  Sonettes '  in  1717  (re- 
issued in  1728),  and  Dr.  T.  Sewell  to  edit  a 
very  poor  edition  of  Howard's  and  Wyatt's 
poems  (1717).  Bishop  Percy  and  Steevens 
included  Surrey's  verse  in  an  elaborate  mis- 
cellany of  English  blank-verse  poetry,  prior 
to  Milton,  which  was  printed  in  two  volumes, 
dated  respectively  1795  and  1807,  but  the 
whole  impression  except  four  copies,  one  of 
which  is  now  in  the  British  Museum,  was 




burnt  in  Nichols's  printing  office  (February 
1808).  A  like  fate  destroyed  another  edition 
of  Surrey's  and  Wyatt's  poems  prepared  by 
Dr.  G.  F.  Nott  and  printed  by  Bensley  at 
Bristol  in  1812,  but  in  1815-16  Nott  issued 
his  elaborate  edition  of  Surrey's  and  Wyatt's 
works,  which  contained  some  hitherto  im- 
printed additions,  chiefly  from  the  Haring- 
ton  MSS.,  and  much  new  information  in  the 
preface  and  notes.  Nicholas  edited  the 
poems  in  1831,  and  Robert  Bell  in  1854.  Of 
the  later  editions  the  best  is  that  edited  by  J. 
Yeowell  in  the  Aldine  edition  (1866). 

Surrey,  who  although  the  disciple  of  Wyatt 
was  at  all  points  his  master's  superior,  was  the 
earliest  Englishman  to  imitate  with  any  suc- 
cess Italian  poetry  in  English  verse.  '  Wyatt 
and  Surrey,'  writes  Puttenham, '  were  novices 
newly  crept  out  of  the  schooles  of  Dante, 
Arioste,  and  Petrarch,  and  greatly  polished 
our  rude  and  homely  manner  of  vulgar  poesie ' 
Their  favourite  model  was  un- 
ibtedly  Petrarch,  and  two  of  Surrey's 
sonnets,  'Complaint  of  a  lover  rebuked' 
(  AKBEE,  p.  8),  and  '  Vow  to  love  faithfully ' 
(ib.  p.  11),  are  direct  translations  from 
Petrarch.  Two  lost  works,  attributed  to  Sur- 
rey by  Bale,  a  translation  of  Boccaccio's  con- 
solatory epistle  to  Pinus  on  his  exile,  and  a 
book  of  elegant  epistles,  prove  him  to  have 
been  also  acquainted  with  Boccaccio,  and  he 
imitates  in  one  poem  the  banded  three-lined 
staves  of  Dante.  His  verses  entitled  '  The 
Means  to  attain  happy  life '  (ib.  p.  27)  are  a 
successful  translation  from  Martial,  and  the 
poem  that  follows, '  Praise  of  meane  and  con- 
stant estates,'  is  apparently  a  rendering  of 
Horace's  odes,  bk.  ii.  No.  xi.  His  rendering 
of  Virgil,  especially  of  the  second  book,  owes 
much  to  Gawin  Douglas's  earlier  efforts. 
Despite  the  traces  to  be  found  in  his  verse 
of  a  genuinely  poetic  temperament,  Surrey's 
taste  in  the  choice  of  his  masters  and  his 
endeavours  to  adapt  new  metres  to  English 
poetry  are  his  most  interesting  characteristics. 
The  sonnet  and  the  l  ottava  rima  '  were  first 
employed  by  him  and  Wyatt.  The  high  dis- 
tinction of  introducing  into  England  blank 
verse  in  five  iambics  belongs  to  Surrey 
alone.  His  translations  from  Virgil  are  (as 
the  title-page  of  the  second  edition  of  the 
fourth  book  puts  it)  drawn  into  this '  straunge 
meter.'  Surrey's  experiment  may  have  been 
suggested  by  Cardinal  Hippolyto  de  Medici's 
rendering  into  Italian  blank  verse  ('  sciolti 
versi')  of  the  second  book  of  Virgil's  '^Eneid/ 
which  was  published  at  Castello  in  1539,  and 
was  reissued  with  the  first  six  books  by  various 
authors,  translated  into  the  Italian  in  the 
same  metre  (Venice,  1540).  Webbe,  in  his 
'  Treatise  of  English  Poetrie*  (1579),  asserts 

i  that  Surrey  attempted  to  translate  Virgil  into 
|  English  hexameters,  but   the  statement  is 
I  probably  erroneous.    '  The  structure  of  [Sur- 
rey's blank  verse  is  not  very  harmonious,  and 
the  flense  is  rarely  carried  beyond  the  line' 
(HALLAX).      His    sonnets  are    alternately 
!  rhymed,  with  a  concluding  couplet.     In  his 
I  religious  verse  he  employed  the  older  metre 
of  alexandrines,  alternating  with  lines  of  four- 
I  teen  syllables. 

Dr.  Nott  describes  eleven  portraits  of  Sur- 
rey.    The  best,  by  Holbein,  with  scarlet  cap 
and   feather,  is  at  Windsor   (engraved   in 
Nott's   edition) ;  another  painting  by  the 
same  artist,  dated  1534,  belongs  to  Charles 
Butler,  esq.  ;  and  drawings  both  of  Surrey 
and  his  wire,  by  Holbein,  are  at  Buckingham 
Palace  (cf.  CHAMBERLATSTE,  Heads).    Two 
!  original  portraits   belong  to  the  Duke   of 
!  Norfolk;  one  by  Guillim  Stretes,  which  is 
assigned  to  the  date  of  his  arrest,  is  inscribed 
|  '  Sat  Superest  JEt.  29,'  and  has  been  often 
i  copied.     A  second  portrait  by  Stretes,  which 
i  is  often  attributed  to  Holbein,  seems  to  have 
j  been  purchased  by  Edward  VI  of  the  artist. 
j  It  is  now  at  Hampton  Court.    There  are  en- 
;  gravings  by  Hollar,  Vertue,  Houbraken,  and 
|  Bartolozzi. 

[The  exhaustive  life  of  Surrey,  based  on  re- 
1  searches  in  the  State  Papers,  in  Deux  Gentils- 
hommes-Poetes  de  la  cour  de  Henry  VIH  [i.e. 
George  Boleyn,  viscount  Rochford ,  and  of  Surrey] , 
'  par  Edmond  Bapst,  Paris,  1891,  supersedes  the 
i  chief  earlier  authority,  viz.  Nott's  memoir  in  his 
S  edition  of  the  poems  of  Surrey  and  Wyatt,  1815. 
I  See  also  Wood's  Athenae  Oxon,  ed.  Bliss,  i.  154- 
;  161;  Cooper's  Athenae  Cantabr. ;  Lingard's  Hist. ; 
j  Hallam's  Const.  Hist. ;  Warton's  Hist,  of  Eng- 
|  lish  Poetry  ;  Hallam's  Hist,  of  Literature ;  Wai- 
pole's  Royal  and  Noble  Authors,  ed.  Park,  i. 
255  sq. ;    Howard's  Anecdotes  of  the  Howard 
Family,  1769;    Collier's  Bibl.  Cat.;  Lowndes's 
Bibl.  Man.  (Bohn).     For  Howard's  metrical  ex- 
I  periments.seeDr.  J.  Schipper's  Englische  Metrik, 
I  Bonn,  1888,  vol.  ii.  pt.  i.  pp.  256-70  (on  Surrey's 
i  blank  verse) ;  J.  B.  Mayor's  Chapters  on  English 
j  Metres,  pp.   135-45  ;    Guest's  Hist,  of  English 
Rhythms,  ed.  Skeat,pp.  521  sq.  652  sq.]  S.  L. 

AMPTON (1540-1614),  born  at  Shottesham, 
Norfolk,  on  25  Feb.  1539-40,  was  second  son 
of  Henry  Howard,  earl  of  Surrey  [q.  v.] ;  was 
younger  brother  of  Thomas  Howard,  fourth 
duke  of  Norfolk  [q.  v.l,  and  was  uncle  of 
Thomas  Howard,  earl  of  Arundel  [q.  v.]  On 
the  death  of  his  father  in  1547  he  and  his 
brother  and  sisters  were  entrusted  to  the 
care  of  his  aunt,  the  Duchess  of  Richmond, 
who  employed  Foxe  the  martyrologist  as 
their  tutor.  With  Foxe  Howard  remained 
at  Reigate,  a  manor  belonging  to  the  Duke 
of  Norfolk,  throughout  Edward  VI's  reign. 



On  Mary's  accession,  the  children's  grand- 
father, the  Duke  of  Norfolk,  was  released 
from  prison,  and  he  straightway  dismissed 
Foxe.  Henry  was  adm  itted  to  the  household 
of  John  White,  bishop  of  Lincoln,  an  ardent 
catholic,  and  when  White  was  translated  to 
Winchester  in  1556,  Henry  went  with  him. 
While  with  White,  Howard  read  largely  in 
philosophy,  civil  law,  divinity,  and  history, 
and  seems  to  have  acquired  a  strong  sym- 
pathy with  Roman  Catholicism.  On  Mary's 
death  and  Elizabeth's  accession,  White  was 
deprived  of  his  bishopric,  and  Elizabeth  un- 
dertook the  charge  of  Howard's  education. 
He  was  restored  in  blood  8  May  1559.  At 
the  queen's  expense  he  proceeded  to  King's 
College,  Cambridge,  where  he  graduated  M.  A. 
in  1564.  He  afterwards  joined  Trinity  Hall, 
obtained  a  good  reputation  as  a  scholar,  read 
Latin  lectures  on  rhetoric  and  civil  law  in 
public,  and  applied  to  a  friend  in  London  for 
a  master  to  teach  him  the  lute  (Lansd.  MS. 
109,  f.  51).  He  protested  in  1568  to  Burgh- 
ley  that  his  religious  views  were  needlessly 
suspected  of  heterodoxy,  and  wrote  for  his 

gmngest  sister,  Catharine,  wife  of  Lord 
erkeley,  a  treatise  on  natural  and  moral 
philosophy,  which  has  not  been  published  ; 
the  manuscript  (in  Bodl.  Libr.  Arch.  D.  113) 
is  dated  from  Trinity  Hall  6  Aug.  1569.  On 
19  April  1568  he  was  incorporated  M.A.  at 
Oxford,  and  it  was  rumoured  that  he  contem- 
plated taking  holy  orders  in  the  vague  hope 
of  succeeding  Young  in  the  archbishopric  of 
York  (CAMDEN,  Annals,  an.  1571).  Want  of 
money,  and  a  consciousness  that  he  was  living 
*  beneath  the  compass  of  his  birth,'  brought  him 
to  court  about  1570,  but  the  intrigues  of  which 
his  brother,  Thomas  Howard,  fourth  duke  of 
Norfolk,  was  suspected  at  the  time,  depressed 
his  prospects  (c£  his  Latin  letter  to  Burgh- 
ley,  22  Sept.  1571,  in  Cott.  MS.  Cal.  C.  iii. 
f.  94).  When  in  1572  Norfolk  was  charged 
with  conspiring  to  marry  Mary  Queen  of  Scots, 
Banister,  Norfolk's  confidential  agent,  de- 
clared in  his  confession  that  Howard  was 
himself  first  proposed  f  for  that  object '  (MuK- 
DiN,p.  134).  He  was  thereupon  arrested,  but, 
after  repeated  examinations,  established  his 
innocence  to  Elizabeth's  satisfaction,  was  re- 
admitted to  court,  and  was  granted  a  yearly 
pension.  It  was  generally  reported,  however, 
that  he  had  by  his  evil  counsel  brought  about 
his  brother's  ruin  (BiRCH,  Memoirs,  i.  227). 
After  the  duke's  execution  Howard  retired 
to  Audley  End,  and  directed  the  education  of 
his  brother's  children.  He  visited  Cambridge 
in  July  1573,  suffered  from  ill-health  in  the 
latter  part  of  the  year,  tried  by  frequent 
letters  to  Burghley  and  to  Hatton  to  keep 
himself  in  favour  with  the  queen's  ministers, 

and  managed  to  offer  satisfactory  explana- 
tions when  it  was  reported  in  1574  that  he 
was  exchanging  tokens  with  Mary  Queen  of 
Scots.  But  Elizabeth's  suspicions  were  not 
permanently  removed.  His  relations  with 
Mary  were  undoubtedly  close  and  mysterious. 
He  supplied  her  for  many  years  with  political 
information,  but,  according  to  his  own  ac- 
count, gave  her  the  prudent  advice  to  '  abate 
the  sails  of  her  royal  pride '  (cf.  Cotton  MS. 
Titus,  c.  vi.  f.  138).  Howard  sought  to  regain 
Elizabeth's  favour  by  grossly  flattering  her  in 
long  petitions.  About  1580  he  circulated  a 
manuscript  tract  in  support  of  the  scheme  for 
the  marriage  of  Elizabeth  with  the  Duke  of 
Anjou,  in  answer  to  Stubbes's  *  Disco verie 
of  a  Gaping  Gulf,'  1579  (Sari  MS.  1$0), 
and  at  Burghley's  request  began  a  reply  to 
a  pamphlet  denouncing  female  government, 
which  he  completed  in  1589  (ib.  7021,  and 
in  Bodl.  Libr.  MS.)  In  1582  his  cousin 
Edward  De  Vere,  seventeenth  earl  of  Ox- 
ford, quarrelled  with  him,  and  revived  the 
charges  of  heresy  and  of  treasonable  corre- 
spondence with  the  Scottish  o^ueen.  He  was 
again  arrested,  and  defended  himself  at  length 
in  a  letter  to  Elizabeth,  in  which  he  admitted 
that  he  had  taken  part  in  Roman  catholic 
worship  owing  to  conscientious  difficulties '  in 
sacramentary  points,'  but  declared  that  it  was 
idle  to  believe  that  '  so  mean  a  man '  as  he 
could  win  Mary  Stuart's  '  liking.'  He  was 
soon  set  free,  and,  retiring  to  St.  Albans,  spent 
a  year  (1582-3)  in  writing  his  l  Preservative 
against  the  Poison  of  supposed  Prophecies,' 
a  learned  attack  on  judicial  astrology,  dedi- 
cated to  Walsingham,  and  said  to  have  been 
suggested  by  the  astrological  exploits  of  Ri- 
chard Harvey  [q.  v.J  The  book,  which  was 
revised  and  reissued  in  1621,  was  suspected 
of  '  seeming  heresies,'  and  of  treason,  *  though 
somewhat  closely  covered'  (STRYPE,  Grrindal, 
p.  157),  and  in  1583  Howard  was  sent  to  the 
Fleet.  For  many  months,  as  he  piteouslv 
wrote  to  Hatton,  he  '  endured  much  harsh 
usage '  (NICOLAS,  Hatton,  pp.  368-9,  376-7). 
Mary,  it  was  now  asserted,  had  sent  him  a 
ring  with  a  message  that  she '  did  repute  him 
as  his  brother'  (cf.  his  examination,  &c.,  on 
11  Dec.  1583  and  January  1583-4  in  Cott 
MS.  Cal.  C.  vii.  ff.  260,  269).  Burghley  de- 
clined to  intervene  in  his  behalf,  but  by  the 
favour  of  Burghley's  son  Robert  he  was  sent 
on  parole  to  the  house  of  Sir  Nicholas  Bacon 
at  Redgrave.  On  19  July  1585  he  wrote 
thence  to  Burghley,  begging  permission  to 
visit  the  wells  at  Warwick  for  the  benefit  of 
his  health.  He  was  soon  set  at  liberty,  and 
is  said  to  have  travelled  in  Italy,  visiting 
Florence  and  Rome  (LLOYD,  Worthies,  i. 
67).  In  1587  his  repeated  requests  to  take 




an  active  part  in  resisting  the  threatened 
Spanish  attack  were  refused.  He  was  at 
the  time  without  any  means  of  livelihood, 
except  his  irregularly  paid  pension.  The 
lord  admiral  gave  him  as  an  asylum  a  '  little 
cell  at  Greenwich/  and  in  1 591  put  under 
his  charge  '  a  Spanish  prisoner  called  Don 
Louis,  who  it  was  expected  would  divulge 
important  secrets  respecting  the  movements 
of  the  Spanish  treasure  fleet.'  But  Howard's 
relations  with  the  Spaniard  soon  excited 
suspicion,  and  his  prospects  seemed  utterly 
ruined.  He  thought  of  retiring  to  '  a  grove 
and  a  prayer-book.' 

On  the  rise  of  Essex  to  power  Howard  was 
not  slow  to  attach  himself  to  the  new  favourite. 
He  thus  came  into  relations  with  both  Francis 
and  Anthony  Bacon,  much  to  the  disgust  of 
their  mother,  who  warned  her  sons  to  avoid 
him  as  *  a  papist  and  a  Spaniard.'  At  the 
same  time,  with  characteristic  adroitness,  he 
managed  to  continue  in  good  relations  with 
Sir  Robert  Cecil,  and  through  his  influence 
was  readmitted  to  court  in  1600,  when  Eliza- 
beth treated  him  considerately.  He  took  no 
part  in  Essex's  schemes  of  rebellion,  although 
Cecil  believed  him  to  be  meditating  com- 
munication with  the  earl  on  his  release  on 
parole  from  York  House  in  August  1600 
(Corresp.  of  Sir  R.  Cecil,  Camd.  Soc.  p.  23). 
After  the  earl's  execution  he  took  part  with 
Cecil  in  a  long  secret  correspondence  with 
James  of  Scotland.  Howard's  letters  of  advice 
to  the  king  are  long  and  obscure.  James 
called  them  t  Asiatic  and  endless  volumes.' 
Following  Essex's  example  he  tried  to  poison 
James's  mind  against  his  personal  enemies, 
chief  among  whom  were  Henry  Brooke,  eighth 
lord  Cobham  [q.  v.],  and  Sir  Walter  Raleigh. 
In  letters  written  to  Cecil  he  made  no  secret 
of  his  intention,  when  opportunity  offered,  of 
snaring  his  rivals  into  some  questionable  ne- 
gotiation with  Spain  which  might  be  made 
the  foundation  of  a  charge  of  treason  (cf. 
MS.  Cott.  Titus,  c.  vi.  ff.  386-92 ;  EDWARDS, 
Ralegh,  ii.  436  seq.)  Howard  also  pressed 
on  James  the  desirability  of  adopting,  when 
he  came  to  the  English  throne,  a  thorough- 
going policy  of  toleration  towards  Roman 
catholics.  These  communications  convinced 
James  of  his  fidelity  ;  he  wrote  to  Howard 
repeatedly  in  familiar  terms,  and,  as  soon  as 
Elizabeth's  death  was  announced  sent  him  a 
ruby t  out  of  Scotland  as  a  token  '  (cf.  Corresp. 
of  James  VI  with  Cecil  and  others  from  Hat- 
field  MSS.  ed.  Bruce,  Camden  Soc.) 

The  suppleness  and  flattery  which  had 
done  him  small  service  in  his  relations  with 
Elizabeth  gave  Howard  a  commanding  posi- 
tion from  the  first  in  James  I's  court.  He 
attended  James  at  Theobalds,  and  was  made 

a  privy  councillor.  On  1  Jan.  1604  he  be- 
came lord  warden  of  the  Cinque  ports  in 
succession  to  his  enemy  Lord  Cobham  [see 
BROOKE,  HENRY],  and  on  13  March  Baron 
Howard  of  Marnhull,  Dorsetshire,  and  Earl 
of  Northampton.  On  24  Feb.  1605  he  was  in- 
stalled knight  of  the  Garter,  and  on  29  April 
1 608,  when  Salisbury  became  treasurer,  he  was 
promoted  to  the  dignified  office  of  lord  privy 
seal.  Grants  of  the  tower  in  Greenwich  Park 
and  of  the  bailiwick  of  the  town  were  made  in 
1605.  In  1609  the  university  of  Oxford  ap- 
pointed him  high  steward,  and  in  1612  he  and 
Prince  Charles  were  rival  candidates  for  tho 
chancellorship  of  Cambridge  University  in 
succession  to  Salisbury.  His  wealth  and 
learning  seem  to  have  easily  secured  his 
election ;  but  he  at  once  resigned  on  learning 
that  the  king  resented  the  university's  action. 
He  managed,  however,  to  convince  James  I 
that  he  intended  no  disrespect  to  the  royal 
family,  and  at  a  new  election  he  was  reap- 
pointed  (HACKET,  Life  of  Bishop  Williams, 
pt.  i.  p.  21 ;  COOPER,  Annals  of  Cambridge, 
iii.  47-52).  When,  on  Salisbury's  death  in 
1612,  the  treasurership  was  put  into  com- 
mission, Northampton  was  made  one  of  the 

Northampton  took  an  active  part  in  poli- 
tical business,  and  exhibited  in  all  his  actions 
a  stupendous  want  of  principle.  He  was  a 
commissioner  for  the  trial  of  his  personal 
enemies  SirWalter  Raleigh  and  Lord  Cobham 
in  1 603,  for  that  of  Guy  Fawkes  in  1 605,  and  of 
Garnett,  with  whose  opinions  he  was  in  agree- 
ment, in  1606.  His  elaborate  and  effective 
speeches  at  the  latter  two  trials  appear  in  the 
<  State  Trials  '  (i.  245,  266).  He  supported 
the  convictions  of  all.  It  was  rumoured 
afterwards  that  he  had  privately  apologised 
to  Cardinal  Bellarmine  for  his  speech  at  Gar- 
nett's  trial,  in  which  he  powerfully  attacked 
the  papal  power,  and  had  told  the  cardinal 
that  he  was  at  heart  a  catholic.  The  re- 

Eort  gained  very  general  currency,  and  the 
lilure  of  contemporary  catholic  writers  to 
denounce  Northampton  in  their  comments 
on  the  proceedings  against  Garnett  appeared 
to  confirm  its  truth.  In  1612  Archbishop 
Abbot  is  said  to  have  produced  in  the  coun- 
cil-chamber a  copy  of  Northampton's  com- 
munication with  Bellarmine.  In  the  same 
year  Northampton  summoned  six  persons 
who  had  circulated  the  story  before  the  Star- 
chamber  on  the  charge  of  libel,  and  they  were 
heavily  fined.  Meanwhile,  in  May  1604,  he 
acted  as  a  commissioner  to  treat  for  peace 
with  Spain,  and  in  the  autumn  of  the  same 
year  accepted  a  Spanish  pension  of  1,0007.  a 
year.  In  September  1604,  with  even  greater 
boldness,  he  sat  on  the  commission  appointed 



to  arrange  for  the  expulsion  of  Jesuits  and  ' 
seminary  priests.  In  1606  he  supported  the 
union  of  England  and  Scotland  (cf.  Seiners' 
Tracts,  ii.  132).  When,  in  1607,  the  commons  j 
sent  up  to  the  House  of  Lords  a  petition  from  | 
English  merchants,  complaining  of  Spanish 
cruelties,  Northampton,  in  a  speech  in  the  \ 
upper  chamber,  superciliously  rebuked  the  . 
lower  house  for  interfering  in  great  affairs  of  j 
state.  In  1611  he  strongly  supported  the  j 
Duke  of  Savoy's  proposal  to  arrange  a  mar- 
riage between  his  daughter  and  Henry,  prince  ! 
of  Wales,  in  the  very  sanguine  belief  that 
a  union  of  the  heir-apparent  with  a  Eoman 
catholic  might  effectually  check  the  aggres- 
siveness of  the  democratic  puritans.  At  the 
same  time  he  did  good  service  by  urging  re- 
form in  the  spending  department  of  the  navy. 
In  1613  Northampton,  in  accordance  with 
his  character,  gave  his  support  to  his  grand- 
niece,  Lady  Frances,  daughter  of  Thomas 
Howard,  earl  of  Suffolk,  in  her  endeavours 
to  obtain  a  divorce  from  her  husband,  the  Earl 
of  Essex.  The  lady  was  desirous  of  marrying 
the  king's  favourite,  Robert  Car,  earl  of  So- 
merset, and  Northampton  doubtless  thought, 
by  promoting  that  union,  to  obtain  increased 
influence  at  court.  Northampton  and  Lady 
Frances's  father  represented  the  wife  in  an 
interview  with  Essex  held  at  Whitehall  in 
May  1613,  in  the  hope  of  obtaining  his  assent 
to  a  divorce.  Essex  proved  uncompliant,  and 
Northampton  contrived  that  the  case  should 
be  brought  before  a  special  commission.  When, 
however,  the  divorce  was  obtained,  Somerset's 
intimate  acquaintance,  Sir  Thomas  Overbury, 
dissuaded  him  from  pursuing  the  project  of 
marriage  with  Lady  Frances.  Northampton 
thereupon  recommended,  on  a  very  slight 
pretext,  Overbury's  imprisonment  in  the 
Tower,  and  contrived  that  a  friend  of  the 
Howard  family,  Sir  Gervase  Helwys  [q.v.], 
should  be  appointed  lieutenant  of  the  Tower. 
Helwys  frequently  wrote  to  Northampton 
about  Overbury's  conduct  and  health,  but 
neither  of  them  seems  to  have  been  made 
explicitly  aware  of  Lady  Frances's  plot  to 
murder  the  prisoner.  Doubtless  Northamp- 
ton had  his  suspicions.  In  his  extant  letters 
to  Helwys  he  writes  with  contempt  of  Over- 
bury  and  expresses  a  desire  that  his  own 
name  should  not  be  mentioned  in  connection 
with  his  imprisonment,  but  he  introduced 
to  Helwys  Dr.  Craig,  one  of  the  royal  phy- 
sicians, to  report  on  the  prisoner's  health 
(Cott.  MS.  Titus  B.  vii.  f.  479),  When,  in 
1615,  after  Northampton's  death,  the  matter 
was  judicially  investigated,  much  proof  was 
adduced  of  the  closeness  of  the  relations  that 
had  subsisted  between  Northampton  and  his 
grandniece,  and  his  political  enemies  credited 

him  with  a  direct  hand  in  the  murder.  But 
the  evidence  on  that  point  was  not  conclu- 
sive (AMOS,  Great  Oyer  of  Poisoning,^.  167, 
173-5,  353). 

In  the  king's  council  Northampton  pro- 
fessed to  the  last  his  exalted  views  of  the 
royal  prerogative,  and  tried  to  thwart  the 
ascendency  of  protestantism  and  democracy. 
In  February  1614  he  deprecated  with  great 
spirit  the  summoning  of  a  parliament,  and 
when  his  advice  was  neglected  and  a  parlia- 
ment was  called  together,  he,  acting  in  con- 
junction with  Sir  Charles  Cornwallis  [q.  v.],  is 
believed,  in  June  1614,  to  have  induced  John 
Hoskins  [q.  v.],  a  member  of  the  new  House 
of  Commons,  to  use  insulting  language  about 
the  king's  Scottish  favourites,  in  the  hope 
that  James  would  mark  his  displeasure  by 
;  straightway  dissolving  the  parliament.  North- 
'  ampton  remained  close  friends  with  James  to 
the  last.  He  interested  himself  in  the  erec- 
tion of  a  monument  to  Mary  Queen  of  Scots 
in  Westminster  Abbey,  and  wrote  the  Latin 
inscription.  In  1613  he  drew  up  James's 
well-known  edict  against  duelling,  and  wrote 
about  the  same  time  *  Duello  foild.  The 
whole  proceedings  in  the  orderly  dissolveing 
of  a  design  for  single  fight  betweene  two 
valient  gentlemen '  (cf.  Ashmole  MS.  856,  ff. 
126-45),  which  is  printed  in  Hearne's  <  Col- 
lection of  Curious  Discourses,'  1775,  ii.  225- 
242,  and  is  there  assigned  to  Sir  Edward  Coke. 
Northampton  long  suffered  from  '  a  wen- 
nish  tumour '  in  the  thigh,  and  an  unskilful 
operation  led  to  fatal  results.  One  of  his 
latest  acts  was  to  send  Somerset  expressions 
of  his  affection,  He  died  on  15  June  1614 
at  his  house  in  the  Strand,  and,  as  warden  of 
the  Cinque  ports,  was  buried  in  the  chapel 
of  Dover  Castle.  A  monument  erected  above 
his  grave  was  removed  in  1696  to  the  chapel 
of  the  college  of  Greenwich  by  the  Mercers' 
Company  (cf.  STOW,  London,  ed.  Strype,  App. 
i.  pp.  93-4). 

According  to  Northampton's  will,  he  died 
1  a  member  of  the  catholic  and  apostolic 
church,  saying  with  St.  Jerome,  In  qua 
fide  puer  natus  fui  in  eadem  senex  morior.' 
Although  the  expression  is  equivocal,  there 
can  be  little  doubt  that  he  lived  and  died 
a  Roman  catholic.  To  the  king  he  left,  with 
extravagant  expressions  of  esteem,  a  golden 
ewer  of  100Z.  value,  with  a  hundred  Jacobin 
pieces,  each  of  twenty-two  shillings  value. 
The  Earls  of  Suffolk  and  Worcester  and  Lord 
William  Howard  were  overseers  (cf.  Harl. 
MS.  6693,  ff.  198-202  :  and  Cott.  MS.  Jul. 
F.  vi.  f.  440).  He  left  land  worth  3,000/.  a 
year  to  Arundel.  His  London  house,  after- 
wards Northumberland  House,  by  Charing 
Cross,  he  gave  to  Henry  Howard,  Suffolk's 




son,  but  he  revoked  at  the  last  moment  a  be- 
quest to  Suffolk  of  his  furniture  and  movables 
because  he  and  Suffolk  were  rival  candidates 
for  the  treasurership,  and  it  was  reported 
when  he  was  dying  that  Suffolk  was  to  be 

Despite  his  lack  of  principle,  Northampton 
displayed  a  many-sided  culture,  and  was 
reputed  the  most  learned  nobleman  of  his 
time.  His  taste  in  architecture  is  proved 
by  his  enlargement  of  Greenwich  Castle,  by 
the  magnificence  of  his  London  residence, 
afterwards  Northumberland  House,  which 
was  built  at  his  cost  from  the  designs  of 
Moses  Glover  [q.  v.],  and  by  his  supervision 
of  Thorpe's  designs  for  Audley  End,  the  re- 
sidence of  his  nephew  Suffolk.  He  planned 
and  endowed  three  hospitals,  one  at  Clun, 
Shropshire ;  a  second  at  Castle  Rising,  Nor- 
folk, for  twelve  poor  women  (cf.  BLOMEFIELD, 
Norfolk,  ix.  55-6),  and  a  third  at  Greenwich, 
called  Norfolk  College,  for  twelve  poor  natives 
of  Greenwich,  and  for  eight  natives  of  Shottes- 
ham,  Northampton's  birthplace.  He  laid  the 
foundation-stone  of  the  college  at  Greenwich, 
25  Feb.  1613-14,  and  placed  its  management 
under  the  Mercers'  Company.  He  was  a  witty 
talker,  and  his  friend  Bacon  has  recorded  some 
of  his  remarks  in  his  'Apophthegms'  (BACON, 
Works,  ed.  Spedding,  vii.  154,  164,  171). 
Bacon  chose  him  as '  thelearnedest  councillor ' 
in  the  kingdom  to  present  his l  Advancement 
of  Learning '  to  James  I  (SPEEDING,  Bacon, 
iii.  252).  George  Chapman  inscribed  a  sonnet 
to  him  which  was  printed  before  his  trans- 
lation of  Homer  (1614).  Ben  Jonson  and  he 
were,  on  the  other  hand,  bitter  foes  (  JONSON, 
Conversations,  p.  22). 

Besides  the  work  on  astrology  and  the 
manuscript  treatises  by  Northampton  al- 
ready noticed,  there  are  extant  a  translation 
by  him  of  Charles  V's  last  advice  to  Philip  II, 
dedicated  to  Elizabeth  (Harl.  MSS.  836  and 
1056  ;  Cott.  MS.  Titus  C.  xviii.  ;  and  Bodl. 
Libr.  Rawl.  MS.  B.  7,  f.  32,  while  the  dedi- 
catory epistle  appears  alone  in  Lambeth  MS. 
DCCXI.  20)  ;  and  devotional  treatises  (Harl. 
MS.  255,  and  Lambeth  MS.  660).  Cottonian 
MS.  Titus,  c.  6,  a  volume  of  1200  pages,  con- 
tains much  of  Northampton's  correspondence, 
a  treatise  on  government,  a  devotional  work, 
notes  of  Northampton's  early  correspondence 
with  James  and  Cecil,  and  a  commonplace 
book  entitled  <  Concilia  Privata.' 

A  portrait  dated  1606  belongs  to  the  Earl 
of  Carlisle. 

[The  fullest  account  appears  in  Nott's  edition 
of  Surrey's  and  Wyatt's  Poems,  1815,  i.  427-74 ; 
it  is  absurdly  laudatory.  See  also  Gardiner's 
Hist,  of  England ;  Birch's  Memoirs ;  "Walpole's 
Koyal  and  Noble  Authors,  ed.  Park  ii.  148  sq. ; 

Sanderson's  Life  of  James  I ;  Winwood's  Me- 
morials;  Court  of  James  I,  1812;  D'Ewes's 
Autobiography;  Wotton's Eemains,  1685, p.  385; 
Doyle's  Baronage ;  Brydges's  Memoirs  of  Peers 
of  James  I ;  Nichols's  Progresses  of  James  I ; 
Edwards' s  Life  of  Sir  W.  Ealegh ;  Spedding's 
Bacon ;  Amos's  Trial  of  the  Earl  of  Somerset, 
pp.  42-5 ;  Causton's  Howard  Papers ;  Good- 
man's Court  of  James  I. ;  Cat.  Cottonian  MSS.] 


NORFOLK  (1628-1684),  born  on  12  July  1628, 
was  the  second  son  of  Henry  Frederick 
Howard,  second  earl  of  Arundel  [q.  v.],  by 
Lady  Elizabeth  Stuart,  daughter  of  Esme, 
third  duke  of  Lennox  (DOYLE,  Official  Ba- 
ronage, ii.  597-8).  Before  the  Restoration 
he  passed  much  time  abroad.  In  October 
1645  he  journeyed  from  Venice  to  visit  John 
Evelyn  (1620-1706)  [q.  v.]  at  Padua.  He 
again  went  abroad  in  company  with  his  elder 
brother,  Thomas,  in  January  1652  and  Au- 
gust 1653  (Cal.  State  Papers,  Dom.  1651-2 
p.  548,  1653-4  p.  434).  By  10  Aug.  1655 
he  was  settled  at  his  villa  at  Albury,  Surrey, 
where  Evelyn  visited  him  and  admired  his 
pictures  and  curiosities.  According  to  Evelyn, 
Howard  was  mainly  instrumental  in  per- 
suading the  king  to  restore  the  dukedom  of 
Norfolk,  29  Dec.  1660,  which  fell  to  his 
brother  Thomas  (1627-1677),  and,  jealous 
of  the  family  honour,  he  compounded  a  debt 
of  200,000/.  contracted  by  his  grandfather, 
Thomas,  earl  of  Arundel  (1586-1646)  [q.  v.j 
(EVELYN,  Diary,  19  June  1662).  As  Lord 
Henry  Howard  he  became  a  member  of  Lin- 
coln's Inn  on  4  Nov.  1661,  and  was  high 
steward  of  Guildford,  Surrey,  from  1663  to 
1673.  On  21  Feb.  1663-4  he  left  London 
with  his  brother  Edward  to  visit  his  friend 
Walter,  count  Leslie,  whom  the  emperor 
Leopold  I  had  lately  nominated  his  ambas- 
sador extraordinary  to  Constantinople.  At 
Vienna  he  was  introduced  by  Leslie  to  the 
emperor,  and  was  liberally  entertained  (cf. 
A  Relation  of  a  Journey  of  .  .  .  Lord  Henry 
Howard,  &c.,  London,  1671 ;  COLLINS,  Peer- 
age, ed.  Brydges,  i.  133-5). 

He  returned  to  England  in  1665,  and  on 
28  Nov.  1666  became  F.R.S.  After  the  fire 
of  London  Howard  granted  the  Royal  So- 
ciety the  use  of  rooms  at  Arundel  House  in 
the  Strand,  and,  on  2  Jan.  1667,  at  Evelyn's 
suggestion  presented  it  with  the  greater  part 
of  his  splendid  library,  which  he  had  much 
neglected.  A  portion  of  the  manuscripts 
was  given  to  the  College  of  Arms,  of  which 
a  catalogue  was  compiled  by  Sir  C.  G.  Young 
in  1829.  The  Royal  Society  sold  their  share 
of  the  Arundel  manuscripts  (excepting  the 
Hebrew  and  Oriental)  to  the  trustees  of  the 
British  Museum  in  1830  for  the  sum  of  3,559/., 




which  was  devoted  to  the  purchase  of  scien- 
tific books.  In  1668,  when  it  was  proposed 
to  build  a  college  for  the  society's  meetings, 
Howard,  who  was  on  the  committee,  gave  a 
piece  of  ground  in  the  garden  of  Arundel 
House  for  a  site,  and  drew  designs  for  the 
building  (WELD,  Hist,  of  Roy.  Soc.}  During 
September  1667  Evelyn  persuaded  Howard  to 

five  the  Arundelian  marbles,  which  were 
ying  neglected  in  the  same  garden,  to  the 
university  of  Oxford.  The  university  made 
him  a  D.C.L.  on  5  June  1668,  at  the  same 
time  conferring  on  his  two  sons,  Henry  and 
Thomas,  of  Magdalen  College,  the  degree  of 
M.A.  Howard  was  raised  to  the  peerage, 
with  the  title  of  Baron  Howard  of  Castle 
Eising  in  Norfolk,  on  27  March  1669,  and  in 
the  following  April  went  as  ambassador  ex- 
traordinary to  Morocco.  On  the  death  of  his 
first  wife,  Lady  Anne  Somerset,  elder  daugh- 
ter of  Edward,  second  marquis  of  Worcester, 
in  1662,  he  is  said  to  have  fallen  into  a  deep 
melancholy,  which  was  increased  by  the  loss 
of  his  friend  Sir  Samuel  Tuke  on  25  Jan. 
1671.  He  sought  relief  in  a  course  of  dissi- 
pation, which  impaired  both  his  fortune  and 
reputation.  On  19  Oct.  1677  he  was  advanced 
to  be  earl  of  Norwich,  earl-marshal,  and  here- 
ditary earl-marshal,  and  on  1  Dec.  following  he 
succeeded  his  brother  Thomas  as  sixth  duke 
of  Norfolk.  In  1678  he  married  his  mistress, 
Jane,  daughter  of  Robert  Bickerton,  gentle- 
man of  the  wine  cellar  to  Charles  II.  He 
•died  at  Arundel  House  on  11  Jan.  1684,  and 
was  buried  at  Arundel,  Sussex.  By  his  first 
wife  he  had  two  sons,  Henry,  seventh  duke 
[q.  v.],  and  Thomas,  and  three  daughters.  By 
his  second  wife,  who  died  on  28  Aug.  1693, 
he  had  four  sons  and  three  daughters.  Though 
good-natured  he  was  a  man  of  small  capacity 
and  rough  manners.  l  A  Relation  of  a  Jour- 
ney of ...  Lord  Henry  Howard  from  London 
to  Vienna,  and  thence  to  Constantinople/  was 
published  under  Howard's  name,  12mo,  Lon- 
don, 1671 .  There  is  a  picture  of  him  by  Mary 
Beale  in  the  National  Portrait  Gallery,  and 
It  has  been  engraved. 

[Evelyn's  Diary ;  Hamilton's  Memoirs  of  Count 
de  Grammont ;  Granger's  Biog.  Hist,  of  Eng- 
land (6th  edit.),  iii.  186.]  G.  G. 

HOWARD,  HENRY,  seventh  DUKE  OF 
NORFOLK  (1655-1701),  born  on  11  Jan.  1655, 
was  the  son  of  Henry,  sixth  duke  of  Norfolk 
(1628-1684)  [q.v.],  by  his  first  wife,  Lady 
Anne  Somerset,  elder  daughter  of  Edward, 
second  marquis  of  Worcester  (DoTLE,  Official 
Baronage,  ii.  598-9).  He  was  educated  at 
Magdalen  College,  Oxford,  and  was  created 
M.A.  on  5  June  1668.  From  1678  until  1684 
lie  was  styled  Earl  of  Arundel,  but  he  was 
summoned  to  parliament  as  Baron  Mowbray 


on  27  Jan.  1679.  On  the  death  of  Prince 
Rupert  he  was  constituted  constable  of  Wind- 
sor Castle  and  warden  of  the  forest  and  parks, 

16  Dec.  1682,  and  became  on  the  same  day 
lord-lieutenant  of  Berkshire  and  Surrey.    He 
was   chosen   high   steward  of  Windsor  on 

17  Jan.  1683,  lord-lieutenant  of  Norfolk  on 
5  April  in  the  same  year,  and  succeeded  his 
father  as  seventh  duke  of  Norfolk  on  11  Jan. 
1684.     The  university  of  Oxford  created  him 
a  D.C.L.  on  1  Sept.  1684.     On  the  accession 
of  James  II  he  signed  the  order,  dated  at 
Whitehall  on  6  Feb.  1685,  for  proclaiming 
him  king,  and  was  made  K.Gr.  on  6  May  fol- 
lowing.  He  was  appointed  colonel  of  a  regi- 
ment of  foot  on  20  June  1685,  but  resigned 
his  command  in  June  1686.     One  day  James 
gave  the  duke  (a  staunch  protestant)  the 
sword  of  state  to  carry  before  him  to  the 
popish  chapel,  but  he  stopped  at  the  door, 
upon  which  the  king  said  to  him,  '  My  lord, 
your  father  would  have  gone  further;'  to 
which  the  duke  answered,  *  Your  majesty  s 
father  was  the  better  man,  and  he  would  not 
have  gone  so  far '  (BuENET,  Own  Time,  Oxf . 
ed.,  i.  684).     In  1687  the  duke  undertook  to 
act  as  James's  agent  in  Surrey  and  Norfolk, 
for  the  purpose  of  obtaining  information  as 
to  the  popular  view  of  the  Declaration  of  In- 
dulgence.    On  24  March  1688  he  went  to 
France,  but  returning  home  by  way  of  Flan- 
ders on  30  July  joined  in  the  invitation  to 
the  Prince  of  Orange.    In  November  follow- 
ing he  was  among  the  protestant  lords  in 
London  who  petitioned  James  II  to  call  a 
parliament  '  regular  and  free  in  all  respects.' 
The  petition  was  presented  on  17  Nov.,  and 
the  same  day  the  king,  after  promising  to 
summon  such  a  parliament,  left  for  Salis- 
bury to  put  himself  at  the  head  of  his  army. 
Thereupon  the  duke,  attended  by  three  hun- 
dred gentlemen  armed  and  mounted,  went  to 
the  market-place  of  Norwich,  and  was  there 
met  by  the  mayor  and  aldermen,  who  en- 
gaged to  stand  by  him  against  popery  and 
arbitrary  power.     He  soon  brought  over  the 
eastern  counties  to  the  interest  of  the  Prince 
of  Orange,  and  raised  a  regiment,  which  was 
afterwards  employed  in  the  reduction  of  Ire- 
land.    Howard  accompanied  William  to  St. 
James's  Palace  on  18  Dec.,  and  on  the  21st 
was  among  the  lords  who  appealed  to  him 
to  call  a  free  parliament.     He  voted  for  the 
settlement  of  the  crown  on  the  Prince  and 
Princess  of  Orange,  who  were  proclaimed  on 
13  Feb.  1689,  and  the  next  day  was  sworn 
of  their  privy  council.  He  was  also  continued 
constable  of  Windsor   Castle,  and  became 
colonel  of  a  regiment  of  foot  (16  March  1689), 
lord-lieutenant  of  Norfolk,  Surrey,  and  Berk- 
shire (6  May  1689),  acting  captain-general  of 




the  Honourable  Artillery  Company  of  London 
(3  June  to  September  1690),  a  commissioner  of 
Greenwich  Hospital  (20 Feb.  1695),  colonel  in 
the  Berkshire,  Norwich,  Norfolk,  Surrey,  and 
South wark  regiments  of  militia  (1697),  and 
during  that  year  captain  of  the  first  troop  of 
Surrey  horse  militia.  On  18  Jan.  1691  he 
attended  William  III  to  Holland. 

Norfolk  died  without  issue  at  Norfolk 
House,  St.  James's  Square,  on  2  April  1701, 
and  was  buried  on  the  8th  at  Arundel, 
Sussex.  His  immediate  successors  in  the 
title  were  his  nephews,  Thomas,  eighth  duke 
(1683-1732),  and  Edward,  ninth  duke  (1680- 
1777).  On  8  Aug.  1677  he  married  Lady 
Mary  Mordaunt,  daughter  and  heiress  of 
Henry,  second  earl  of  Peterborough,  but, 
owing  to  her  gallantries  with  Sir  John  Ger- 
main [q.  v.]  and  others,  he  separated  from  her 
in  1685,  '  He  did  not  succeed  in  divorcing  her 
until  11  April  1700,  in  consequence  of  the 
opposition  of  her  first  cousin,  Lord  Monmouth 
(afterwards  Earl  of  Peterborough).  The 
duchess  assisted  Lord  Monmouth  in  his  in- 
trigue with  Sir  John  Fenwick  [q.  v.],  and 
afterwards  confessed  to  it  (1697).  Mon- 
mouth, in  the  House  of  Lords,  violently 
denied  the  truth  of  her  story.  Her  husband 
.thereupon  rose,  and  said,  with  sour  pleasan- 
try, that  he  gave  entire  faith  to  what  she 
had  deposed.  'My  lord  thought  her  good 
enough  to  be  wife  to  me ;  and,  if  she  is  good 
enough  to  be  wife  to  me,  I  am  sure  that  she 
is  good  enough  to  be  a  witness  against  him.' 

[Collins's  Peerage  (Brydges),i.  136-8 ;  Burnet's 
Own  Time  (Oxf.ed.);  Evelyn's  Diary;  Luttrell's 
Historical  Relation  of  State  Affairs,  1857 ;  Mac- 
aulay's  Hist,  of  England ;  see  art.  GERMAIN,  SIB 
JOHN.]  G.  G. 

HOWARD,  HENRY  (1684-1720), 
Roman  catholic  bishop-elect,  born  10  Dec. 
1684,  was  second  son  of  Lord  Thomas 
Howard  of  Worksop,  by  Elizabeth  Marie, 
daughter  of  Sir  John  Saville  of  Copley,  York- 
shire, and  therefore  grandson  of  Henry,  sixth 
duke  of  Norfolk  [q.  v.]  He'entered  the  English 
College  at  Douay,  where  he  studied  with  his 
brothers  Thomas,  Edward,  and  Philip.  Tho- 
mas and  Edward  Howard  afterwards  became 
successively  eighth  and  ninth  dukes  of  Nor- 
folk. On  7  Sept.  1706  he  took  the  mission 
oath,  and  at  Advent  1709  was  ordained  priest. 
He  had  passed  with  praise,  it  was  afterwards 
asserted,  through  the  courses  of  philosophy 
and  theology.  In  1710  he  joined  the  Peres 
de  la  Doctrine  Chretienne  at  Paris,  at  the  time 
that  the  Jansenist  controversy  was  raging 
there.  The  English  Jesuits  were  strongly 
orthodox;  and  they  persuaded  Howard  to 
remove  in  the  same  year  (May  1710)  to  the 
Jesuit  seminary  of  St.  Gregory.  Here  he  re- 

sided till  July  1713,  when  he  came  to  Eng- 
land on  a  mission,  and  is  said,  while  living 
at  Buckingham  House,  to  have  effected  many 

On  2  Oct.  1720  he  was  appointed  coadju- 
tor to  Bishop  Bonaventure  Giffard  [q.  v.]  of 
the  London  district,  with  the  title  of  Bishop 
of  Utica  in  partibus  (BEADY,  Episcopal  Suc- 
cesszVw,iii.l56).  He  died,  however,  of  a  fever 
caught  while  visiting  the  poor,  before  his  con- 
secration, on  22  Nov.  1720,  and  was  buried 
at  Arundel.  '  Such  charity,'  said  Bishop  Gif- 
fard,  '  such  piety,  has  not  been  seen  in  our 
land  of  a  long  time.'  There  is  a  portrait  at 
Greystoke  believed  to  represent  either  Henry 
Howard  or  his  brother  Richard. 

In  the  '  Howard  Papers '  it  is  asserted  (p» 
313)  that  Henry  Howard  died  at  Rome.  The 
statement  obviously  refers  to  his  brother  Ri- 
chard Howard  (1687-1722),  also  a  priest  in  the 
Roman  communion,  who  died  at  Rome,  where 
he  was  a  canon  of  St.  Peter's,  on  22  Aug.  1722: 

[Gillow's  Bibl.  Diet.  iii.  426;  Knox's  Douay 
Diaries,  pp.  54,  88,  90;  Causton's  Howard  Papers ; 
Howard's  Memorials  of  the  Howard  Family.] 

W.  A.  J.  A. 

HOWARD,  HENRY  (1757-1842), 
author  of  the  *  Memorials  of  the  Howard 
Family,'  born  at  Corby  Castle,  Cumberland, 
2  July  1757,was  eldest  son  of  Philip  Howard 
(1730-1810)  of  Corby  Castle,  who  wrote  the 
'Scriptural  History  of  the  Earth  and  of 
Mankind,'  London,  1797.  His  mother  was 
Anne,  daughter  of  Henry  Witham  of  Cliff, 
Yorkshire.  Howard  was  educated  at  the 
college  of  the  English  Benedictines  at  Douay, 
and  for  a  short  time  in  1774  studied  at  the 
university  of  Paris.  On  17  Dec.  1774  he  en- 
tered the  Theresian  Academy  at  Vienna,  and 
there  became  a  friend  of  Monticucolli  and 
Marsigli.  He  left  Vienna  in  September  1777, 
but  failing  to  obtain  permission  to  serve  in 
the  English  army,  he  travelled  for  a  time 
with  his  father  and  mother.  At  Strasburg 
the  governor,  M.  de  la  Salle,  and  General 
Wurmser  showed  him  kindness,  and  during 
the  two  or  three  years  that  he  passed  in 
study  there,  living  with  his  father  and 
mother,  he  often  visited  Cardinal  Rohan. 
General  Wurmser  tried  to  induce  him  to  ac- 
cept a  commission  in  the  Austrian  service, 
but  he  refused,  in  the  hope  that  he  might  yet 
obtain  an  English  commission.  In  1782, 
however,  he  went  with  Prince  Christian  of 
Hesse-Darmstadt  to  the  camp  before  Prague. 
In  1784  a  final  attempt  on  the  part  of  the 
Earl  of  Surrey  to  get  him  admitted  into  the 
German  detachment  of  the  Duke  of  York's 
forces  failed,  and  in  the  year  following  he  re- 
tired to  Corby. 

Howard  spent  the  rest  of  his  life  as  a 




country  gentleman  and  antiquary.  In  poli- 
tics he  was  a  whig  ;  he  signed  the  petition  in 
favour  of  parliamentary  reform,  and  con- 
tinually advocated  the  repeal  of  the  penal 
laws  against  Roman  catholics.  When  in 
1795  it  became  possible,  Howard  was  made 
captain  in  the  1st  York  militia,  with  which 
he  served  for  a  time  in  Ireland.  In  1802  he 
raised  the  Edenside  rangers,  and  in  1803  the 
Cumberland  rangers,  for  which  regiment  he 
wrote  a  little  work  on  the  drill  of  light  in- 
fantry (1805).  In  later  life  he  was  a  friend 
and  correspondent  of  Louis-Philippe.  He 
was  a  F.S.A.,  and  in  1832  high  sheriff  of 
Cumberland.  He  died  at  Corby  Castle  on 
1  March  1842.  His  portrait,  by  James  Oliver, 
R.A.,  was  engraved  by  C.  Turner,  A.R.A.,in 

Howard  married  first,  4  Nov.  1788,  Maria, 
third  daughter  of  Andrew,  last  lord  Archer 
of  Umberslade.  She  died  in  1789,  leaving 
one  daughter ;  the  monument  by  Nollekens 
erected  to  her  memory  in  Wetheral  Church, 
Cumberland,  is  the  subject  of  two  of  Words- 
worth's sonnets.  Howard's  second  wife,  whom 
he  married  18  March  1793,  was  Catherine 
Mary  (d.  1849),  second  daughter  of  Sir  Ri- 
chard Neave,  bart.,  of  Dagnam  Park,  Essex. 
She  kept  extensive  journals,  and  printed  pri- 
vately at  Carlisle  from  1836  to  1838  '  Remi- 
niscences' for  her  children,  4  vols.  8vo.  By 
her  he  left  two  sons  and  three  daughters. 

Howard's  chief  works  were  :  1.  '  Remarks 
on  the  Erroneous  Opinions  entertained  re- 
specting the  Catholic  Religion,'  Carlisle, 
1825,  8vo ;  other  later  editions.  2.  '  Indica- 
tions of  Memorials  ...  of  Persons  of  the 
Howard  Family,'  1 834,  fol.,  privately  printed. 
He  also  contributed  to  '  Archeeologia '  in  1800 
and  1803,  and  assisted  Dr.  Lingard,  Miss 
Strickland,  and  others  in  historical  work. 

[Gillow's  Bibl.  Diet.  iii.  427  ;  Gent.  Mag. 
1842,  i.  437  ;  Martin's  Cat.  of  Privately  Printed 
Books,  1854,  p.  449.]  W.  A.  J.  A. 

HOWARD,  HENRY  (1769-1847),  por- 
trait and  historical  painter,  was  born  in  Lon- 
don on  31  Jan.  1769.  He  received  his  ele- 
mentary education  at  a  school  at  Hounslow, 
and  at  the  age  of  seventeen  became  a  pupil 
of  Philip  Reinagle,  R.A.,  whose  daughter  he 
afterwards  married.  In  1788  he  was  ad- 
mitted a  student  of  the  Royal  Academy, 
where  in  1790  he  gained  the  first  silver  medal 
for  the  best  drawing  from  the  life,  and  at  the 
same  time  the  gold  medal  for  historical  paint- 
ing, the  subject,  taken  from  Mason's  dramatic 
poem  '  Caractacus/  being  '  Caractacus  recog- 
nising the  Dead  Body  of  his  Son.'  He  went 
to  Italy  in  1791,  taking  with  him  a  letter  of 
introduction  from  Sir  Joshua  Reynolds  to 
Lord  Hervey,  then  British  minister  at  Flo- 

rence, in  which  Sir  Joshua  said  of  his  l  Ca- 
ractacus '  that  '  it  was  the  opinion  of  the 
Academicians  that  his  picture  was  the  best 
that  had  been  presented  *o  the  Academy  ever 
since  its  foundation.'  At  Rome  he  met  Flax- 
man  and  John  Deare,  and  joined  them  in  a 
diligent  study  of  sculpture.  In  1792  he  painted 
the  ' Dream  of  Cain'  from  Gesner's '  Death  of 
Abel,'  and  sent  it  to  England  in  competition 
for  the  travelling  studentship  of  the  Royal 
Academy  j  but,  although  his  picture  was  ad- 
mitted to  be  the  best,  the  studentship  was 
awarded  to  the  second,  but  less  affluent,  candi- 
date. He  returned  home  in  1794  by  way  of 
Vienna  and  Dresden,  and  exhibited  at  the 
Royal  Academy  his '  Dream  of  Cain.'  In  1795 
he  sent  three  small  pictures  and  a  portrait, 
and  in  1796  a  finished  sketch,  from  Milton's 
'  Paradise  Lost,'  of  '  The  Planets  drawing 
Light  from  the  Sun,'  and  other  works.  He 
made  some  designs  for  Sharpe's  'British 
Essayists,'  Du  Roveray's  edition  of  Pope's 
translation  of  Homer,  and  other  books,  and 
he  painted  some  of  his  own  designs  on  the 
vases  made  at  Wedgwood's  pottery.  In 
1799  he  exhibited  a  sketch  from  Shake- 
speare's l  Midsummer  Night's  Dream  ; '  '  A 
Mermaid  sitting  on  a  Dolphin's  back,'  one 
of  his  most  beautiful  compositions;  and  in 
the  same  year  he  was  first  employed  by  the 
Dilettanti  Society  to  make  drawings  from 
ancient  sculpture  for  their  publications.  He 
was  afterwards  engaged  on  similar  work 
for  the  Society  of  Engravers.  In  1800  he 
exhibited  at  the  Royal  Academy  '  Eve '  and 
1  The  Dream  of  the  Red  Cross  Knight,'  and 
was  elected  an  associate.  His  contribu- 
tions to  the  exhibition  of  1801  included 
*  Achilles  wounded  by  Paris  from  behind  the 
Statue  of  Apollo,' '  The  Angel  awaking  Peter 
in  the  Prison,'  and '  Adam  and  Eve ; '  to  that 
of  1802,  'Love  animating  the  Statue  of  Pyg- 
malion,' now  in  the  South  Kensington  Mu- 
seum; and  to  that  of  1803,  'Love  listening 
to  the  Flatteries  of  Hope '  and  a  portrait  of 
Sir  Humphry  Davy.  In  1805  he  exhibited 
1  Sabrina,'  the  first  of  a  series  of  pictures  from 
Milton's  '  Comus,'  which  furnished  him  with 
subjects  almost  to  the  end  of  his  career ;  he 
also  commenced  the  artistic  supervision  of 
Forster's  'British  Gallery  of  Engravings/ 
and  the  'British  Gallery  of  Contemporary 
Portraits.'  In  1805,  too,  he  painted  for  Mr. 
Hibbert  an  extensive  frieze  representing  the 
story  of  Cupid  and  Psyche,  and  exhibited  a 
picture  of  '  Hero  and  Leander,'  engraved  by 
F.  Engleheart  for  the  '  Gem '  of  1829,  which 
was  followed  in  1807  by  'The  Infant  Bacchus 
brought  by  Mercury  to  the  Nymphs  of  Nysa.' 
In  1806  he  removed  to  5  Newman  Street, 
which  had  been  the  residence  of  Thomas 



Banks,  R.A.,  the  sculptor,  and  resided  there 
until  the  end  of  his  life.  He  was  elected  a 
Royal  Academician  in  1808,  and  presented 
as  his  diploma  work  'The  Four  Angels  loosed 
from  the  Great  River  Euphrates/  which  had 
been  exhibited  at  the  British  Institution  in 
1806,  and  engraved  by  William  Bond.  In 
the  same  year  he  sent  to  the  Royal  Aca- 
demy *  Peasants  of  Subiaco  returning  from 
the  Vineyard  on  a  Holiday,'  now  in  the 
South  Kensington  Museum.  In  1809  he  ex- 
hibited 'Titania'  and  'Christ  blessing  Young 
Children,'  which  forms  the  altar-piece  at  St. 
Luke's,  Berwick  Street,  London.  He  became 
secretary  of  the  Royal  Academy  in  1811,  and 
exhibited  in  that  year  '  Iris  and  her  train ; '  in 
1813  a  large  picture  of  (  Hebe,'  and  in  1814 
that  of  '  Sunrise,'  since  better  known  as '  The 
Pleiades,'  and  engraved  by  W.  D.  Taylor. 
This  picture  he  afterwards  sent  to  the  British 
Institution  in  competition  for  the  premiums 
offered,  receiving  only  the  second  premium 
of  one  hundred  guineas,  the  first  having  been 
awarded  to  Sir  George  Hayter  [q.  v.]  for  a 
head ;  but  he  sold  the  picture  to  the  Marquis 
of  Stafford,  and  painted  a  replica  of  it  for  Sir 
John  Leicester.  In  1814  also,  on  the  occasion 
of  the  visit  of  the  allied  sovereigns,  he  was  com- 
missioned to  paint  the  large  transparencies 
for  the  Temple  of  Concord  erected  in  Hyde 
Park  ;  he  was  assisted  by  Stothard,  Hilton, 
and  others.  Among  his  contributions  to  the 
exhibition  of  1815  was  'Morning,'  and  to  that 
of  1816  'The  Punishment  of  Dirce.'  In  1818 
he  painted  for  Lord  Egremont  '  The  Apo- 
theosis of  the  Princess  Charlotte,'  and  sent 
to  the  Royal  Academy  '  Fairies,'  the  best  of 
his  smaller  works,  now  in  the  collection  of 
Sir  Matthew  White  Ridley,  to  whom  belongs 
also  'The  Birth  of  Venus,'  exhibited  in  1819, 
the  finest  of  all  Howard's  pictures .  'Lear  and 
Cordelia,'  now  in  the  Soane  Museum,  and  a 
'  Study  of  Beech  Trees  in  Knole  Park,'  bought 
by  Lord  Egremont,  appeared  at  the  Academy 
in  1820 ; '  The  House  of  Morpheus,'  also  bought 
by  Lord  Egremont,  in  1821 ;  'Ariel  released 
by  Prospero'  and  'Caliban  teased  by  the 
Spirits  of  Prospero'  in  1822;  and '  The'Solar 
System '  in  1823.  These  were  followed  in 
1824  by  '  A  Young  Lady  in  the  Florentine 
Costume  of  1500,'  a  portrait  of  the  painter's 
daughter,  engraved  by  Charles  Heath  for  the 
'  Literary  Souvenir '  of  1827,  and  purchased 
by  Lord  Colborne ;  it  was  so  much  admired 
that  Howard  painted  some  replicas  of  it,  and 
other  portraits  in  a  similar  style.  In  1825  he 
exhibited  at  the  Royal  Academy  '  Guardian 
Angels ; '  in  1826,  '  Hylas  carried  off  by  the 
Nymphs,'  bought  by  Lord  Egremont ;  in  1829, 
'  Night,'  a  companion  to  the  '  Solar  Systen 
in  1830,  '  Shakespeare  nursed  in  the  Lap  of 

Fancy ;'  in  1831,  'Circe;'  and  in  1832,  'The 
Contention  of  Oberon  and  Titania ; '  the  last 
three  are  in  the  Soane  Museum. 

In  1833  Howard  was  appointed  to  the  pro- 
fessorship of  painting  in  the  Royal  Academy, 
and  the  lectures  which  he  delivered  were 
published  by  his  son,  Frank  Ho  ward  [q.  v.],  in 
1848.  In  1833,  also,  he  exhibited  his  '  Chal- 
dean Shepherd  contemplating  the  Heavenly 
Bodies,'  and  in  1834  '  The  Gardens  of  Hespe- 
rus.' His  next  important  work  was  an  adapta- 
tion of  the '  Solar  System '  for  the  ceiling  of  the 
Duchess  of  Sutherland's  boudoir  at  Stafford 
House,  executed  in  1834,  and  followed  in 
1835  by  subjects  from  the  story  of  '  Pandora/ 
and  in  1837  by  a  modification  of  Guido's 
'  Aurora '  for  ceilings  in  the  Soane  Museum. 
He  also  drew  from  life  the  illustrations  for 
Walker's  work  on '  Beauty /published  in  1836. 
Among  his  later  works  may  be  noted  '  The 
Infant  Bacchus  brought  by  Mercury  to  the 
Nymphs  of  Nysa/  exhibited  in  1836  ;  '  The 
Rising  of  the  Pleiades/  1839 ;  '  The  Rape  of 
Proserpine/  1840 ;  and  '  A  Mermaid  sitting 
on  a  Dolphin's  back/ 1841 ;  the  first  and  last 
being  replicas  on  a  larger  scale  of  earlier  works. 
Ho  ward  took  part  unsuccessfully  in  theWest- 
minster  Hall  competition  of  1842,  He  con- 
tinued to  exhibit,  but  with  rapidly  failing 
powers,  until  1847,  when,  much  to  the  regret 
of  his  friends,  he  sent  to  Westminster  Hall  a 
second  cartoon,  '  Satyrs  finding  a  Sleeping 
Cyclops.'  Howard  died  at  Oxford  on  5  Oct. 

As  an  artist  Howard  was  never  popular. 
His  early  works  were  his  best,  and  many  of 
them  were  engraved  for  the  '  Literary  Souve- 
nir/ '  Keepsake/  '  Gem/  and  other  annuals. 
His  art  is  seen  to  highest  advantage  in  the 
Soane  Museum,  Lincoln's  Inn  Fields,  and 
in  Lord  Leconfield's  collection  at  Petworth 
House,  Sussex.     The  Vernon  Collection  at 
the  National  Gallery  includes  '  The  Flower 
Girl/  a  replica  of  the  portrait  of  the  painter's 
daughter  exhibited  in  1824;  it  has  been  en- 
graved by  F.  R.  Wagner,  and  is  now  on  loan 
to  the  Corporation  of  Stockport.    The  South 
Kensington  Museum  contains  his  '  Sabrina/ 1 
exhibited  at  the  Royal  Academy  in  1821 ;  I 
and  'Pygmalion.'      The   National   Portrait! 
Gallery  possesses  portraits  by  him  of  James 
Watt, William  Hayley,  John  Flaxman,  R.  A.,  j 
Mrs.  Flaxman,  and  Mrs.  Trimmer. 

[Memoir  by  his  son,  Frank  Howard,  prefixed 
to  his  'Course  of  Lectures  on  Painting/  1848; 
Times,  9  Oct.  1847  ;  Athenaeum,  1847,  pp.  1059, 
1176,  partly  reprinted  in  Gent.  Mag.  1847,  ii. 
646-8 ;  Art  Journal,  1847,  p.  378  ;  Bryan's 
Diet,  of  Painters  and  Engravers,  ed.  Graves, 
1886-9,  i.  684;  Sandby's  Hist,  of  the  Royal 
Academy  of  Arts,  1862,  i.  329-31 ;  Kedgrave's  ; 




Century  of  Painters,  1866,  ii.  164-7  ;  Redgrave's 
Diet,  of  Artists  of  the  English  School,  1878; 
Royal  Academy  Exhibition  Catalogues,  1794- 
1847  ;  British  Institution  Exhibition  Catalogues 
(Living  Artists),  1806-43.]  R.  E.  G. 

teenth DUKE  OP  NOKFOLK  (1791-1856),  only 
son  of  Bernard  Edward,  twelfth  duke  [q.v.],  by 
his  wife  Elizabeth  Bellasyse,  third  daughter 
of  Henry,  the  second  and  last  earl  of  Faucon- 
berg,  was  born  on  12  Aug.  1791  in  George 
Street,  Hanover  Square.  Three  years  after 
his  birth  his  parents  were  divorced,  in  May 
1794,  by  act  of  parliament,  his  mother  then 
marrying  Richard,  second  earl  of  Lucan.  On 
27  Dec.  1814  he  married  Lady  Charlotte 
Leveson-Gower,  the  eldest  daughter  of  George 
Granvi lie,  first  duke  of  Sutherland,  K.G.  His 
father  having  succeeded  to  the  title  and  estates 
of  the  dukedom  of  Norfolk  on  the  death,  on 
16  Dec.  1815,  of  his  cousin  Charles,  the 
eleventh  duke,  he,  as  heir,  became  known  as 
the  Earl  of  Arundel  and  Surrey.  The  Act 
of  Catholic  Emancipation  having  been  passed 
in  April  1829,  the  earl  was  the  first  Roman 
catholic  since  the  Reformation  to  take  the 
oaths  and  his  seat  in  the  House  of  Commons. 
He  sat  as  M.P.  for  Horsham  from  1829  to 
1832,  Hurst,  the  sitting  member,  having  re- 
signed in  1829  to  afford  him  the  opportunity. 
He  was  elected  in  1832,  in  1835,  and  in  1837 
as  member  for  the  western  division  of  Sussex. 
In  politics  he  was  a  staunch  whig.  From 
July  1837  to  June  1841  he  was  treasurer  of 
the  queen's  household  in  Lord  Melbourne's 
ministry,  being  admitted  to  the  privy  council 
on  his  appointment;  and  from  July  to  Sep- 
tember 1841  was  captain  of  the  yeomen  of 
the  guard,  resigning  that  office  with  Lord 
Melbourne's  ministry.  In  August  1841  he 
was  summoned  to  the  House  of  Peers  as 
Baron  Maltravers.  Upon  his  father's  death,  on 
16  March  1842,  he  succeeded  to  the  dukedom, 
and  was  master  of  the  horse  from  July  1846 
until  February  1852,  during  the  administra- 
tion of  Lord  John  Russell.  On  4  May  1848 
he  was  created  a  knight  of  the  Garter;  and, 
under  the  Earl  of  Aberdeen's  ministry,  was 
lord  steward  of  the  household  (4  Jan.  1853  to 
10  Jan.  1854).  He  supported  Lord  John 
Russell's  Ecclesiastical  Titles  Bill,  and  was 
little  more  than  a  catholic  in  name,  but  when 
on  his  deathbed  was  reconciled  to  the  Roman 
catholic  religion.  He  died  at  Arundel  Castle 
on  18  Feb.  1856,  and  was  buried  in  the  family 
vault  in  the  parish  church  on  26  Feb.  Canon 
Tierney  attended  him  on  his  deathbed.  The 
duke  was  at  one  time  president  of  the  Royal 
Botanic  Society.  Sir  George  Hayter  painted 
his  portrait. 

Norfolk  had  three  sons,  Henry  Granville 

Fitzalan  Howard  [q.v.],  his  heir  and  successor, 
Edward  George  Fitzalan  Howard  [q.v.j,  after- 
wards Baron  Howard  of  Glossop,  and  Lord 
Bernard  Thomas  Howard,  born  30  Dec.  1825, 
who  died  during  his  travels  in  the  East  at 
Cairo  21  Dec.  1846 ;  and  two  daughters,  Lady 
Mary  Charlotte,  married  in  1849  to  Thomas 
Henry,  fourth  lord  Foley,  and  Lady  Adeliza 
Matilda,  married  in  October  1855  to  Lord 
!  George  John  Manners,  third  son  of  the  fifth 
Duke  of  Rutland. 

[Doyle's  Official  Baronage,  ii.  603  ;  Times, 
19  Feb.  1856;  Gent.  Mag.  April  1856,  p.  419; 
Annual  Register  for  1856,  p.  242.]  0.  K. 

D.D.  (1795-1868),  divine,  youngest  child 
of  Frederick  Howard,  fifth  earl  of  Carlisle 
[q.  v.],  and  brother  of  George  Howard,  sixth 
earl  of  Carlisle  [q.  v.],  was  born  at  Castle 
Howard,  Yorkshire,  on  14  Dec.  1795,  and 
entered  at  Eton  College  in  1805.  He  matricu- 
lated from  Christ  Church,  Oxford,  on  23  May 
1814,  graduated  B.A.  1818,  M.A.  1822,  B.D. 
1834,  and  D.D.  1838.  In  1820  he  was  or- 
dained deacon  and  priest,  and  in  1822  ap- 
pointed succentor  of  York  Cathedral,  with 
the  prebendal  stall  of  Holme  attached.  He 
became  dean  of  Lichfield  and  rector  of  Ta- 
tenhill,  Staffordshire  (a  preferment  worth 
1,524/.  a  year  with  a  residence),  on  27  Nov. 
1833,  and  in  the  following  year  he  also  ob- 
tained the  rectory  of  Donington,  Shropshire, 
worth  1,000/.  per  annum.  From  1822  to  1833 
he  held  the  livings  of  Slingsby  and  Sutton- 
on-the-Forest,  Yorkshire.  He  was  a  finished 
scholar  and  an  eloquent  preacher.  He  took 
a  prominent  part  in,  and  contributed  largely 
to,  the  restoration  of  Lichfield  Cathedral. 
The  establishment  of  the  Lichfield  Diocesan 
Training  School,  afterwards  united  to  that 
at  Saltley,  as  well  as  of  the  Theological  Col- 
lege, owed  much  to  his  efforts.  He  died,  after 
many  years  of  physical  infirmity,  at  Doning- 
ton rectory  on  8  Oct.  1868.  He  married, 
13  July  1824,  Henrietta  Elizabeth,  sixth 
daughter  of  Ichabod  Wright  of  Mapperley 
Hall,  Nottinghamshire,  by  whom  he  had  five 
sons  and  five  daughters. 

Howard  was  the  author  of :  1.  Transla- 
tions from  Claudian,  1823.  2.  'Scripture 
History  in  Familiar  Lectures.  The  Old 
Testament,'  1840,  being  vol.  ii.  of  the '  English- 
man's Library.'  3.  '  Scripture  History.  The 
New  Testament,'  1840,  being  vol.  xiv.  of  the 
<  Englishman's  Library.'  4.  '  The  Rape  of 
Proserpine.  The  Phoenix  and  the  Nile/  by 
C.  Claudianus,  translated  1854.  5.  '  The 
Books  of  Genesis  according  to  the  Version 
of  the  LXX,'  translated,  with  notes,  1855. 
6.  <  The  Books  of  Exodus  and  Leviticus  ac- 
cording to  the  Versions  of  the  LXX,'  trans- 



lated  with  notes,  1857.  7.  '  The  Books  of  | 
Numbers  and  Deuteronomy  according  to  the  I 
LXX,'  translated,  with  notes,  1857. 

[Guardian,   14  Oct.  1868,  p.  1148;    Burke's  | 
Portrait  Gallery  of  Females,  1838,  ii.  99-100, 
with  portrait  of  Mrs.  Howard ;  Illustrated  Lon- 
don News,  17  Oct.  1868,  p.  386.]         G.  C.  B. 

third  EARL  OF  ARTJNDEL  (1608-1652),  born  | 
on  15  Aug.  1608,  was  second,  but  eldest  sur-  i 
viving,  son  of  Thomas  Howard,  earl  of  Arun-  I 
del  (1586-1646)  [q.  v.],  by  Lady  Alathea  ' 
Talbot,  third  daughter  and  coheiress  of  Gil- 
bert, seventh  earl  of  Shrewsbury.     At  the  \ 
creation  of  Charles,  prince  of  Wales,  on  3  Nov. 
1616,  he  was  made  K.B.  (METCALFE,  Book 
of  Knights,  p.  168).     On  7  March  1626  he 
married  Lady  Elizabeth  Stuart,  eldest  daugh- 
ter of  Esme,  third  duke  of  Lennox.     The 
match  was  arranged  without  the  knowledge 
of  the  king,  who  had  designed  the  bride,  his 
own  ward  and  kinswoman,  for  Archibald, 
lord  Lome.     The  newly  wedded  couple  were 
in  consequence  confined  at  Lambeth  under 
the  supervision  of  Archbishop  Abbot.     As 
Lord  Maltravers,  Howard  was  elected  M.P. 
for  Arundel,  Sussex,  in  1628.     From  20  May 
1633  until  31  Aug.  1639  he  was  joint  lord- 
lieutenant   of  Northumberland  and  West- 
moreland. On  17  Dec.  1633  he  was  appointed 
a  commissioner  to  exercise  ecclesiastical  j  uris- 
diction  in  England  and  Wales.     On  10  Aug. 
1634,  having  been  previously  elected  M.P. 
for  Callan  in  the  Irish  parliament,  he  became 
a  privy  councillor  of  Ireland.     He  was  ap- 
pointed a  commissioner  to  try  offenders  on 
the  borders  on  30  Nov.  1635,  joint  lord-lieu- 
tenant of  Surrey  and  Sussex  on  2  June  1636, 
vice-admiral  of  Norfolk,  Cambridgeshire,  and 
Isle  of  Ely  on  3  Dec.  in  the  same  year,  lieu- 
tenant to  the  earl-marshal  of  England  on 
10  Oct.  1638,  joint  lord-lieutenant  of  Cumber- 
land on  31  Aug.  1639,  and  was  again  re- 
turned   M.P.   for    Arundel   in   1640.     On 
21  March  1640  he  was  called  up  to  the  House 
of  Lords  as  Baron  Mowbray  and  Maltravers. 
He  voted  against  the  bill  for  the  attainder 
of  Strafford,  and  maintained  generally  a  strict 
adherence  to  the  king  (WALKER,  Historical 
Discourses,  p.    219).     In   July   1641,   at  a  | 
parliamentary  committee,  a  violent  alterca- 
tion arose  between  Howard  and  Philip  Her- 
bert, fourth  earl  of  Pembroke  [q.  v.],  ending  j 
in  blows,  when  both  were  committed  to  the  ! 
Tower  (Cal.  State  Papers,  Dom.  1641-3,  pp.  i 
59,  62,63).  In  1642  Howard  joined  the  king  ! 
at  York,  and  on  10  April  of  that  year  was 
made  constable  of  Bristol  Castle  and  keeper  of 
Kingswood  and  Fillwood  Forests.     He  was  I 
one  of  the  peers  who  on  the  ensuing  13  June  ! 
signed  a  declaration  of  loyalty  which  was  ] 

printed  and  circulated  throughout  the  king- 
dom (CLARENDON,  History,  1849,  ii.  564-6). 
Howard  was  created  M.A.  of  Oxford  on  1  Nov. 
1642,  and  was  chosen  joint  commissioner  for 
the  defence  of  the  county,  city,  and  university 
on  24  April  1643,  being  appointed  governor 
of  Arundel  Castle  on  21  Dec.  following.  The 
illness  of  his  father  summoned  him  to  Padua 
in  1645.  He  stayed  with  him  until  his 
death  on  4  Oct.  1646,  when  he  succeeded  as 
third  Earl  of  Arundel  and  earl-marshal  of 
England.  Returning  home  he  found  his  es- 
tate in  possession  of  the  parliament,  so  that 
he  subsisted  with  difficulty,  until  the  com- 
mons, by  a  vote  passed  on  24  Nov.  1648,  per- 
mitted him  to  compound  for  it  for  6,000£. 
Arundel  House  in  the  Strand  was  used  by 
the  council  of  state  as  a  garrison,  though 
compensation  was  made  to  Howard  (Cal. 
State  Papers,  Dom.  1650,  p.  405). 

Howard  died  on  17  April  1652.  By  his 
wife  he  had  nine  sons  and  three  daughters. 
His  eldest  son  Thomas  (1627-1677)  was  re- 
stored to  the  dukedom  of  Norfolk,' 29  Dec. 
1660.  The  second  and  third  sons,  Henry 
Howard  (1628-1684),  sixth  duke  of  Norfolk, 
and  Philip  Thomas,  cardinal,  are  separately 
noticed.  Howard's  portrait  has  been  engraved 
by  Lombart  after  the  picture  by  Vandyck  ; 
there  is  also  an  engraving  of  him  when  Lord 
Mowbray,  by  Hollar,  which  was  copied  by 
Richardson ;  and  another,  with  his  autograph, 
by  Thane. 

[Doyle's  Official  Baronage,  i.  87-8  ;  Collins's 
Peerage,  1812,  i.  128-9  ;  Clarendon's  History, 
1849,  i.  263  ;  Evans's  Cat.  of  Engraved  Por- 
traits, ii.  15.]  G.  G. 

FITZAL  AN-,  fourteenth  DUKE  OF  NORFOLK 
(1815-1860),  the  eldest  of  the  three  sons  of 
Henry  Charles,  thirteenth  duke  [q.  v.],  by 
his  wife  Charlotte,  eldest  daughter  of  George 
Granville,  first  duke  of  Sutherland,  was  born 
on  7  Nov.  1815  in  Great  Stanhope  Street, 
Mayfair.  Like  his  two  younger  brothers, 
Edward  George  Fitzalan,  afterwards  Lord 
Howard  of  Glossop  [q.  v.],  and  Bernard 
Thomas,  who  died  during  his  travels  in  the 
East  at  Cairo  in  1846,  he  was  educated  at 
first  privately,  and  was  afterwards  sent  to 
Trinity  College,  Cambridge.  On  leaving  the 
university,  he  entered  the  army  as  a  cornet 
in  the  royal  horse  guards,  but  retired  on 
attaining  the  rank  of  captain.  At  the  gene- 
ral election  of  1837  he  was  elected  under 
his  courtesy  title  of  Lord  Fitzalan  M.P.  for 
the  borough  of  Arundel,  a  constituency  which 
he  represented  for  fourteen  years  altogether. 
While  travelling  in  Greece  during  the  autumn 
of  the  next  year,  he  was  prostrated  by  a  serious 
illness  at  Athens,  and  was  entertained  at  the 




British  embassy  there.  On  19  June  1839  he 
married  Augusta  Marie  Minna  Catherine, 
younger  daughter  of  Admiral  Sir  Edmund 
(afterwards  Lord)  Lyons,  the  ambassador  at 
Athens.  Soon  after  his  marriage  Fitzalan 
made  at  Paris  the  acquaintance  of  the  Count 
de  Montalembert,  who  became  his  intimate 
friend  and  biographer.  At  Paris  Fitzalan  re- 
gularly attended  the  services  at  Notre  Dame, 
and  formally  joined  the  Roman  catholic  com- 
munion, becoming,  according  to  Montalem- 
bert,  '  the  most  pious  layman  of  our  times.' 
Thenceforward  Fitzalan  only  took  part  in 
public  life  when  some  opportunity  presented 
itself  for  furthering  the  interests  of  his  co- 
religionists. On  the  death  of  his  grandfather, 
Bernard  Edward,  twelfth  duke  of  Norfolk 
[q.  v.],  in  March  1842,  Fitzalan  assumed  the 
title  of  Earl  of  Arundel  and  Surrey.  As- 
sociated with  the  whigs  from  his  entrance 
into  the  House  of  Commons,  he  found  him- 
.self  at  last  constrained  to  break  away  from 
them  when  they  introduced  the  Ecclesiastical 
Titles  Bill  in  1850.  His  father,  to  whom  he 
owed  his  seat,  resolutely  supported  the  bill, 
but  he  as  resolutely  opposed  it  at  every  stage. 
When  it  became  law  he  resigned  his  seat  as 
representative  of  the  family  borough,  and 
was  at  once  returned  as  member  for  the  city 
of  Limerick,  its  representative,  John  O'Con- 
nell,  one  of  the  sons  of  the  Liberator,  retiring 
in  his  favour.  On  the  dissolution  of  parlia- 
ment in  July  1852  he  finally  retired  from 
the  House  of  Commons.  He  took  his  seat 
in  the  House  of  Lords  as  Duke  of  Norfolk 
on  the  death  of  his  father  in  February  1856. 
Disapproval  of  Lord  Palmerston's  policy  led 
Tiim  to  decline  the  order  of  the  Garter  when 
offered  to  him  by  that  minister.  He  died 
-at  Arundel  Castle  on  25  Nov.  1860,  aged 
45.  A  pastoral  letter,  containing  a  panegyric 
by  Cardinal  Wiseman,  was  read  in  all  the 
•catholic  churches  in  the  diocese  of  West- 
minster on  Sunday,  2  Dec.  He  administered 
his  vast  patrimony  with  rare  liberality.  The 
cardinal  said  of  his  charity :  '  There  is  not  a 
form  of  want  or  a  peculiar  application  of 
alms  which  has  not  received  his  relief  or 
•co-operation.'  By  his  wife,  who  survived 
him  till  22  March  1886,  he  had  three  sons 
and  eight  daughters.  His  eldest  son,  Henry, 
succeeded  as  fifteenth  duke,  and  his  eldest 
daughter  married  J.  R.  Hope-Scott  [q.  v.] 

The  duke  published:  1.  'A  Few  Remarks 
on  the  Social  and  Political  Condition  of  Bri- 
tish Catholics,'  London,  1847, 8vo.  2.  l  Letter 
to  J.  P.  Plumptre,  M.P.,  on  the  Bull  "In 
Coena  Domini," '  London,  1848, 8vo.  3. '  Ob- 
servations on  Diplomatic  Relations  with 
Rome,'  London,  1848,  8vo,  pp.  10.  He  also 
•edited  from  the  original  manuscripts  the 

'  Lives  of  Philip  Howard,  Earl  of  Arundel, 
and  of  Anne  Dacres,  his  wife/ London,  1857, 
8vo ;  2nd  edit.,  1861. 

[Personal  recollections ;  Montalembert's  mono- 
graph on  Le  Due  de  Norfolk  in  Le  Correspond- 
ant,  pp.  766-76,  25  Dec.  1860;  Cardinal  Wise- 
man's Pastoral,  reprinted  in  the  Times,  4  Dec. 
1860;  memoir  in  the  Morning  Star,  27  Nov. 
1860  ;  account  of  funeral  in  Times  of  same  date- 
Tablet,  1  Dec.  1860,  p.  760;  Ann.  Reg.  1860* 
p.  476  ;  Gent.  Mag.  January  1861,  p.  98.1 


HOWARD,  HUGH  (1675-1737),  por- 
trait-painter and  collector  of  works  of  art, 
born  in  Dublin  7  Feb.  1675,  was  eldest  son 
of  Dr.  Ralph  Howard  [q.  v.]  of  Shelton,  co. 
Wicklow.  He  came  with  his  father  to  Eng- 
land in  1688,  and  showing  a  taste  for  painting 
joined  in  1697  the  suite  of  Thomas  Herbert, 
j  eighth  earl  of  Pembroke  [q.  v.],  one  of  the 
plenipotentiaries  for  the  treaty  of  Ryswyck, 
on  a  journey  through  Holland  to  Italy.  He 
remained  in  Italy  about  three  years,  returning 
to  England  in  October  1700.  After  spending 
some  years  in  Dublin,  Howard  settled  in  Lon- 
don, where  he  practised  for  some  time  as  a 
portrait-painter.  He  obtained,  however,  the 
sinecure  post  of  keeper  of  the  state  papers, 
and  was  subsequently  appointed  paymaster 
of  the  works  belonging  to  the  crown.  He 
was  thus  enabled  to  relinquish  painting  as  a 
profession.  Howard  was  a  profound  student, 
with  a  good  knowledge  and  powers  of  dis- 
cernment in  the  critical  study  of  art.  The 
emoluments  of  his  various  posts,  added  to  a 
good  private  income  and  economical  habits, 
enabled  him  to  collect  prints,  drawings, 
medals,  &c.,  on  a  large  scale.  Howard  executed 
a  few  etchings,  including  one  of  Padre  Resta, 
the  collector ;  twenty-one  drawings  by  him, 
including  a  portrait  of  Cardinal  Albani,  and 
some  caricatures,  are  in  the  print  room  in  the 
British  Museum.  Matthew  Prior  wrote  a 
poem  in  his  honour.  Howard  died  in  Pall 
Mall  17  March  1737,  and  was  buried  in  the 
church  at  Richmond,  Surrey.  He  made  a 
fortunate  marriage  in  1714  with  Thomasine, 
daughter  and  heiress  of  General  Thomas 

Howard  inherited  in  1728  part  of  Lord- 
chancellor  West's  library  from  his  younger 
brother,  William  Howard,  M.P.  for  Dublin. 
He  left  his  collections  to  his  only  surviving 
brother,  Robert  Howard,  bishop  of  Elphin 
[see  under  HOWAKD,  RALPH],  who  removed 
them  to  Ireland.  They  remained  in  the  pos- 
session of  the  latter's  descendants,  the  Earls 
of  Wicklow,  until  December  1873,  when  the 
fine  collection  of  prints  and  drawings,  many 
of  which  were  from  the  collections  of  Sir 
Peter  Lely  and  the  Earl  of  Arundel,  were 



dispersed  by  auction.  Many  fine  specimens 
found  their  way  into  the  print  room  at  the 
British  Museum. 

A  portrait  of  Howard  was  painted  by 
Michael  Dahl  in  1723,  and  engraved  in  mezzo- 
tint by  John  Faber,  jun.,  in  1737. 

[Redgrave's  Diet,  of  Artists ;  Lodge's  Peerage 
of  Ireland,  ed.  Archdall ;  Vertue's  MSS.  (Brit. 
Mus.  Addit.  MS.  23076) ;  Walpole's  Anecdotes 
of  Painting,  ed.  Wornum  ;  Sale  Cat.  of  the  Hugh 
Howard  Collection,  1873;  Bromley's  Cat.  of 
Engraved  Portraits,  p.  292.]  L.  C. 

HOWARD,  JAMES  (Jl.  1674),  drama- 
tist, was  ninth  son  of  Thomas  Howard,  first 
earl  of  Berkshire,  and  was  brother  of  Sir 
Robert  (1618  P-1698)  [q.  v.],  of  Edward 
Howard  [q.  v.],  and  of  Lady  Elizabeth,  who 
married  Dryden  (  COLLINS,  Peerage  of  Eng- 
land, ed.  Brydges,  1812).  He  was  the  author 
of  two  comedies.  '  All  Mistaken,  or  the  Mad 
Couple,  a  Comedy,'  published  in  4to  in  1672, 
was  first  acted  at  the  Theatre  Royal  on 
20  Sept.  and  again  on  28  Dec.  1667.  Accord- 
ing to  Pepys  the  part  of  the  heroine  Mirida 
was  taken  by  Nell  Gwyn,  and  that  of  Phili- 
dor  by  Hart  (G.ENE8T,  i.  72,  iv.  116).  Lang- 
baine  says  l  this  play  is  commended  by  some 
for  an  excellent  comedy.'  Genest  says  the 
humour  is  '  of  the  lowest  species.'  Howard's 
second  comedy,  '  The  English  Mounsieur,' 
published  in  4to  in  1674,  was  first  acted  at 
the  Theatre  Royal  8  Dec.  1666.  Nell  Gwyn 
seems  to  have  taken  the  part  of  Lady  Wealthy, 
Lacy  that  of  Frenchlove,  and  Hart  of  Well- 
bred.  Pepys  was  present,  and  described  the 
piece  as  '  a  mighty  pretty  play,  very  witty 
and  pleasant :  and  the  women  do  all  very 
well ;  but  above  all,  little  Nelly.'  Pepys  saw 
the  comedy  again  performed  on  7  April  1668 
(PEPYS.  Diary,  iii.  25,  420).  Frenchlove, 
the  main  character,  having  recently  returned 
from  France,  he  affects  all  the  habits  of 
that  country,  and  is  amusingly  drawn  (cf. 
GENEST,  i.  66,  x.  253-4).  Langbaine  adds : 
'  Whether  the  late  Duke  of  Buckingham,  in 
his  character  of  Prince  Volscius  falling  in 
love  with  Parthenope  as  he  is  pulling  on  his 
boots  to  go  out  of  town,  designed  to  reflect 
on  the  [i.e.  Howard's]  characters  of  Comely 
and  Elsbeth,  I  pretend  not  to  determine ;  but 
I  know  there  is  a  near  resemblance  in  the 
characters.'  Howard  is  also  said  to  have 
converted  Shakespeare's  'Romeo  and  Juliet' 
into  a  tragi-comedy,  'preserving  both  Romeo 
and  Juliet  alive.'  According  to  Downes's 
'  Roscius  Anglicanus,'  p.  22,  Howard's  adap- 
tation was  acted  at  the  theatre  in  Lincoln's 
Inn  Fields  by  Sir  William  D'Avenant's  com- 
pany on  alternate  nights  with  the  authentic 
version  (GENEST,  History  of  Stage,  i.  42). 
Howard's  adaptation  was  not  printed. 


;   Paget's  Ashtead  and  its 
p.  39 ;  Bioeraphia  Drama- 
W.  K.  M. 

HOWARD,    JAMES,   third    EAEL    OF 
SUFFOLK  (1619-1688),  born  on  23  Dec.  1619, 
was  the  eldest  son  of  Theophilus,  second  earl 
of  Suffolk  (1584-1640)  [q.  v.],  by  Lady  Eliza- 
beth, daughter  and  coheiress  of  George  Home, 
earl  of  Dunbar  [q.  v.]     His  godfathers  were 
James  I  and  the  Duke  of  Buckingham  ( Cal. 
State  Papers,  Dom.  1619-23,  p.  170).   At  the 
coronation  of  Charles  I  on  2  Feb.  1626  he  was 
created  K.B.  (METCALFE,  Book  of  Knights,  p. 
186),  and  in  February  1639,  as  Lord  Walden, 
became  leader  of  a  troop  of  volunteer  horse  for 
the  king's  army.  On  3  June  1640  he  succeeded 
his  father  as  third  earl  of  Suffolk,  and  on  the 
16th  of  the  same  month  was  sworn  joint  lord- 
lieutenant  of  Suffolk.   The  parliament  nomi- 
nated him  lord-lieutenant  of  that  county  on 
28  Feb.  1642  (Commons'  Journals,  ii.  459). 
On  28  Dec.  1643  he  received  a  summons  to 
attend  the  king's  parliament  at  Oxford  (  Cal. 
State  Papers,  Dom.  1641-3,  p.  508),  and  on 
7  July  1646  was  appointed  joint  commissioner 
from  the  parliament  to  the  king  at  Newcastle 
(Commons'  Journals,  iv.  606).     Acting  on  a 
report  from  the  committee  of  safety,  in  Sep- 
tember 1 647,  the  commons  decided — but  went 
no  further — to  impeach  Howard,  together 
with  six  other  peers,  of  high  treason  (ib.  v. 
296,  584).     On  8  Sept.  1653  Howard  was 
sworn  as  high  steward  of  Ipswich.     After 
the  Restoration  he  became  lord-lieutenant 
of  Suffolk,  and  of  Cambridgeshire  on  25  July 
1660.     From  18  to  24  April  1661  he  acted  as 
earl-marshal  of  England  for  the  coronation 
of  Charles  II  (WALKER,  Coronation,  p.  46). 
In  the  same  year  he  became  colonel  of  the 
Suffolk  regiment  of  horse  militia.  On  28  Sept. 
1663  he  was  created  M.A.  of  Oxford  (WOOD, 
Fasti  Oxon.,  ed.  Bliss,  iv.  272),  and  M.A.  of 
Cambridge  on  6  Sept.  1664.     He  was  also 
appointed  governor  of  Landguard  Fort,  Es- 
sex, gentleman  of  the  bedchamber  to  the  king 
on  4  March  1665,  keeper  of  the  king's  house 
at  Audley  End,  Essex,  in  March  1667,  joint 
commissioner  for  the  office  of  earl-marshal  of 
England  on  15  June  1673,  colonel  comman- 
dant of  three  regiments  of  Cambridgeshire 
militia  in  1678,  and  was  hereditary  visitor 
of  Magdalene  College,  Cambridge.  In  March 
1681  he  was  discharged  from  the  lord-lieu- 
tenancy of  Suffolk  and  Cambridgeshire,  and 
from  attendance  in  the  king's  bedchamber 
(LTJTTRELL,  i.  69).     He  died  in  December 
1688,  and  was  buried  on  16  Jan.  1689  at 
Saffron  Walden,  Essex  (ib.  i.  496).    On  1  Dec. 
1640  he  married  Lady  Susan  Rich,  daughter 
of  Henry,  first  earl  of  Holland,  and  by  her. 



who  died  on  15  May  1649,  had  a  daughter 
Essex.  Howard  married  secondly,  about 
February  1650,  Barbara,  daughter  of  Sir  Ed- 
ward Villiers,  knt.,  and  widow  of  the  Hon. 
Charles  Wenman,  who  died  on  13  Dec.  1681 
(ib.'i.  150, 153),  leaving  a  daughter,  Elizabeth. 
She  was  groom  of  the  stole  to  the  queen  (ib. 
i.  159).  Before  8  May  1682  Howard  married 
as  his  third  wife  Lady  Anne  Montagu,  eldest 
daughter  of  Robert,  third  earl  of  Manchester, 
but  by  this  lady,  who  was  buried  at  Saffron 
Walden  on  27  Oct.  1720,  had  no  issue. 
Howard  was  succeeded  in  the  title  by  his 
brother  George  (d.  1691). 

[Doyle's  Official  Baronage,  iii.  450-2;  Cal. 
Clarendon  State  Papers,  i.  388,  390.]  G.  G. 

HOWARD,  JAMES  (1821-1889),  agri- 
culturist, born  on  16  Oct.  1821,  was  second 
son  of  John  Howard,  agricultural  implement 
maker,  of  Bedford,  and  was  educated  at  the 
commercial  school  there.  As  a  boy  he  gained 
much  practical  knowledge  of  agriculture  from 
visiting  his  grandfather  at  Priory  Farm,  near 
Bedford.  A  taste  for  mechanics  led  him  to 
consider  the  improvement  of  the  ploughs 
made  by  his  father.  In  1841,  with  a  plough 
of  his  own  design — the  first  iron-wheel  plough 
of  the  present  type  ever  exhibited — he  won 
the  first  prize  at  the  Royal  Agricultural 
Society's  meeting  at  Liverpool.  In  1842  he 
was  equally  successful  at  the  Bristol  meeting. 
His  business  rapidly  expanded,  and  at  every 
meeting  for  many  years  afterwards  he  brought 
out  ploughs  with  successive  improvements. 
In  1856  Howard  joined  Mr.  Smith  ofWool- 
ston  in  bringing  Smith's  steam-cultivator 
before  the  public.  Thenceforward  Howard 
threw  his  whole  energies  into  steam  cultiva- 
tion, and  took  a  hilly,  strong-land  farm  in 
the  neighbourhood  for  the  purpose  of  experi- 

•In  1856  Howard  and  his  brother  Frede- 
rick began  to  build  on  the  Kempston  Road, 
Bedford,  the  present  Britannia  Ironworks, 
the  shops  and  principal  details  being  all  care- 
fully planned  by  Howard  himself.  In  his 
time  he  brought  out  some  sixty  or  seventy 
patents  for  various  improvements  in  agricul- 
tural machinery.  In  1862  the  brothers  pur- 
chased of  the  Earl  of  Ashburnham  the  Clap- 
ham  Park  estate,  near  Bedford,  and  farmed 
it  in  a  scientific  manner.  Howard  was  spe- 
cially successful  in  the  breeding  of  large  white 
Yorkshire  pigs,  shire  horses,  and  shorthorns. 

Howard  was  the  first  man  in  Bedfordshire 
to  enrol  himself  as  a  volunteer.  He  formed 
a  company  of  his  own  workmen,  of  which  he 
was  long  captain.  He  was  elected  mayor  of 
Bedford  in  1863  and  in  1864.  He  carried 
put  many  local  improvements,  and  to  him 
is  due  the  institution  of  the  Bedfordshire 

middle-class  schools.  He  was  also  chairman 
of  the  Bedford  and  Northampton  Railway. 
His  communications  with  practical  farmers 
led  to  the  Farmers'  Alliance,  of  which  he  was 
long  the  active  president.  In  1866  he  visited 
America,  and  afterwards  read  a  paper  upon 
the  agriculture  of  that  country  to  the  Royal 
Agricultural  Society. 

From  1868  to  1874  Howard  represented 
Bedford  in  parliament  as  a  liberal,  and  Bed- 
fordshire from  1880  to  1885.  In  the  House 
of  Commons  he  quickly  became  known  as 
the  leading  champion  of  tenant  right  and  an 
authority  on  all  agricultural  questions.  He 
was  on  the  select  committee  for  the  Endowed 
Schools  Bill.  In  1873,  in  association  with 
Mr.  Clare  Sewell  Read,  he  brought  forward 
his  Landlord  and  Tenant  Bill,  but  the  measure 
was  dropped  in  consequence  of  his  illness,  at 
the  time  for  the  second  reading.  He  endea- 

I  voured,  without  much  success,  to  amend  the 

I  Agricultural  Holdings  Bills  of  1875  and  of 
1883.  A  tour  in  1869  suggested  a  paper 
read  before  the  London  Farmers'  Club  on 

|  '  Continental  Farms  and  Peasantry,'  in  which 
he  was  one  of  the  first  to  direct  public  atten- 

|  tion  to  the  beetroot  sugar  manufacture. 
Towards  the  close  of  the  Franco-German 

i  war  Howard  originated  a  fund  for  the  re- 

j  lief  of  French  peasant-farmers  whose  fields 
had  been  devastated ;  50,000/.  was  raised  and 
expended  principally  in  seed.  The  French 
government  passed  a  vote  of  thanks  to  him. 
In  1878  Howard  acted  as  high  sheriff  of 
Bedfordshire,  and  was  made  a  chevalier  of 
the  Legion  of  Honour  in  recognition  of  his 
services  as  one  of  the  English  commissioners 
of  the  Paris  Exhibition. 

Howard  died  suddenly  in  the  Midland 
Hotel,  St.  Pancras,  London,  on  25  Jan.  1889, 
and  was  buried  on  the  30th  in  Clapham 
churchyard,  Bedford.  By  his  marriage  on 
9  Sept.  1846  with  Mahala  Wenden  (<U888), 
daughter  of  P.  Thompson  of  St.  Osyth  and 
Brook  House,  Great  Bentley,  Essex,  he  had 
ten  children. 

Howard  was  mainly  instrumental  in  the 
erection  in  1861-2  of  the  Agricultural  Hall, 
London,  and  was  long  a  director.  He  was  at 
one  time  president  of  the  Agricultural  Engi- 
neers' Association,  an  active  member  of  the 
councils  of  the  Royal  Agricultural  Society 
and  the  London  Farmers'  Club,  besides  being 
a  corresponding  member  of  several  foreign 
agricultural  societies. 

To  the  monthly  reviews,  the  agricultural 

journals,  and  the  daily  newspapers  Howard 
contributed  many  articles  upon  agricultural 
questions.  The  more  important  of  his  writ- 
ings are:  1.  'Agricultural  Machinery  and 
the  Royal  Agricultural  Society,'  1857.  2. l  La- 



bour  and  Wages  and  the  Effect  of  Machinery 
upon  them,'  1859.  3.  '  Steam  Culture,  its 
History  and  proper  application,'  1862.  4. ' A 
Trip  to  America,  two  Lectures,'  revised  edi- 
tion, privately  printed,  8vo,  Bedford,  1867. 
5.  '  A  Visit  to  Egypt,'  1867.  6.  'A  Scheme 
of  National  Education  for  Rural  Districts,' 
1868.  7.  '  Continental  Farming  and  Pea- 
santry,' 8vo,  London,  1870.  8.  'Science  and 
Revelation  not  antagonistic,'  1872.  9.  '  Our 
Villages,  their  Sanitary  Condition,'  1874. 
10.  '  Our  Meat  Supply/  1876.  11.  '  Depres- 
sion in  Agriculture,'  1879.  12.  'Agricultural 
Implement  Manufacture,  its  Rise  and  Pro- 
gress,' 1879.  13.  'Laying  down  Land  to 
Grass,'  1880.  14.  'The  English  Land  Ques- 
tion, Past  and  Present,'  1881.  15. '  The  Phy- 
siology of  Breeding,  and  the  Management 
of  Pigs,'  1881.  16.  'Landowning  as  a  Busi- 
ness,' 1882.  17.  '  Foot  and  Mouth  Disease,' 
1883.  18. '  The  Farmers  and  the  Tory  Party,' 
1883.  19.  'Haymaking,'  1886.  20.  'The 
Science  of  Trade,'  1887.  21.  'Butterine 
Legislation,'  1887.  22.  'Gold  and  Silver 
Supply,  or  the  Influence  of  Currency  upon 
the  Prices  of  Farm  Produce,'  1888.  23. '  An 
Estimate  of  the  Annual  Amount  realized 
by  the  Sale  of  the  Farm  Products  of  the 
United  Kingdom  .  .  .  calculated  upon  the 
average  of  the  Seasons  of  1885,  1886,  and 
1887,'  1888. 

[Private  information  ;  Gardener's  Chronicle, 
23  Dec.  1871  (with  portrait)  ;  Agricultural 
Gazette,  28  Jan.  and  4  Feb.  1889;  Bedfordshire 
Times,  2  Feb.  1889  ;  Bedford  Mercury,  2  Feb. 
1889;  Bedfordshire  Standard,  2  Feb.  1889; 
Times,  26  Jan.  1889;  Daily  News,  26  Jan. 
1889.]  G.  G. 

HOWARD,  JOHN,  first  DUKE  OF  NOR- 
FOLK of  the  Howard  family  (1430  P-1485),  son 
and  heir  of  Sir  Robert  Howard  by  Margaret, 
daughter  of  Thomas  Mowbray,  duke  of  Nor- 
folk (d.  1399),  and  cousin  and  ultimately 
coheiress  of  John  Mowbray,  duke  of  Norfolk 
(d.  1475),  is  supposed  to  have  been  born 
about  1430.  His  first  recorded  service  is 
dated  1452,  when  he  followed  Lord  L'Isle  to 
Guienne,  and  was  present  at  the  battle  of 
Chastillon  on  17  July  1453.  He  entered  the 
service  of  his  kinsman  John  Mowbray,  duke 
of  Norfolk  (d.  1461),  and  on  8  July  1455 
the  duchess  wrote  to  John  Paston  [q.  v.]  de- 
siring him  that,  as  it  was  '  right  necessarie 
that  my  lord  have  at  this  tyme  in  the  par- 
liament suche  persons  as  longe  unto  him  and 
be  of  his  menyall  servaunts,'  he  would  for- 
ward the  election  of  Howard  as  knight  of 
the  shire  for  Norfolk.  The  Duke  of  York 
also  wrote  on  his  behalf.  Some  at  least  of 
the  Norfolk  gentry  were  indignant  at  having 
( a  straunge  man '  forced  or  them,  and  the 

duke  was  reported  to  have  promised  that 
there  should  be  a  free  election,  which  made 
Howard  '  as  wode  as  a  bullock,'  but  in  the 
end  he  was  elected  (Paston  Letters,  i.  337, 
340,  341 ;  Return  of  Members,  i.  351).  It 
is  evident  that  he  was  of  service  to  the 
Yorkist  cause,  for  on  the  accession  of  Ed- 
ward IV  in  1461  he  was  knighted  (DOYLE), 
was  appointed  constable  of  Colchester  Castle, 
sheriff  of  Norfolk  and  Suffolk,  and  one  of  the 
king's  carvers,  and  was  known  to  have  'great 
fellowship  '  with  the  king.  He  took  an  ac- 
tive part  in  the  Duke  of  Norfolk's  quarrel 
with  John  Paston  ;  he  had  a  violent  brawl 
with  Paston  in  the  shire-house  at  Norwich 
in  August,  and  used  his  influence  with  the 
king  against  him,  while  Howard's  wife  de- 
clared that  if  any  of  her  husband's  men 
met  with  Paston  he  should  '  go  no  penny 
for  his  life '  (Paston  Letters,  ii.  42,  53,  54). 
As  sheriff  Howard  had  given  offence  at 
the  election  of  Paston  and  Berney,  and  in 
consequence  of  the  many  complaints  pre- 
ferred against  him  was,  in  November,  it  is 
said,  committed  to  prison  (ib.  p.  62).  His  fa- 
vour with  the  king  was  not  diminished,  for  in 
1462  he  was  appointed  constable  of  Norwich 
Castle,  and  received  grants  of  several  manors 
forfeited  by  the  Earl  of  Wiltshire  and  others. 
He  was  joined  in  a  commission  with  Lords 
Fauconberg  and  Clinton  to  keep  the  seas ; 
and  they  made  a  descent  on  Brittany,  and 
took  Croquet  and  the  Isle  of  Rh6.  Towards 
the  end  of  the  year  he  served  under  Norfolk 
against  the  Lancastrians  in  the  north,  and 
was  sent  by  the  duke  from  Newcastle  to  help 
the  Earl  of  Warwick  at  Warkworth,  and  in 
the  spring  of  1464  was  with  Norfolk  in  Wales 
when  the  duke  was  securing  the  country  for 
the  king. 

Howard  returned  home  on  8  June  (1464), 
and  bought  the  reversion  of  the  constableship 
of  Bamborough  Castle,  worth  ten  marks  a 
year,  for  20/.  and  a  bay  courser  (Accounts). 
During  the  last  weeks  of  the  year  he  was 
with  the  king  at  Reading,  and  presented  him 
with  a  courser  worth  40/.  and  the  queen 
with  another  worth  8/.  as  New-year's  gifts. 
On  3  Nov.  1465  he  lost  his  wife  Catharine, 
daughter  of  William,  lord  Moleyns,  who  died 
at  his  house  at  Stoke  Nayland,  Suffolk  (Pas- 
ton  Letters,  iii.  486  ;  in  1452  according  to 
DUGDALE,  NICOLAS,  and  DOYLE).  In  1466  he 
was  appointed  vice-admiral  for  Norfolk  and 
Suffolk,  was  building  a  ship  called  the  Mary 
Grace,  and  being  charged  with  the  convey- 
ance of  envoys  to  France  and  the  Duke  of 
Burgundy  remained  at  Calais  from  15  May 
to  17  Sept.  In  the  following  January  he 
married  his  second  wife,  Margaret,  daughter 
of  Sir  John  Chedworth,  and  in  April  was 




elected  knight  of  the  shire  for  Suffolk,  spend- 
ing 40/.  17s.  86?.  in  feasting  the  electors  at 
Ipswich  (Accounts ;  Return  of  Members,  i. 
558).  Although  a  member  of  the  commons 
lie  is  styled  Lord  Howard  (dominus  de  Ha- 
ward)  in  a  commission  issued  in  November 
appointing  him  an  envoy  to  France  (Foedera, 
xi.  591).  He  was  in  this  year  made  trea- 
surer of  the  household,  and  held  that  office 
until  1474.  He  was  employed  in  June  1468 
(in  1467  NICOLAS)  in  attending  the  king's 
sister  Elizabeth  to  Flanders  on  her  marriage 
with  Charles,  duke  of  Burgundy  (BRAMANTE, 
xi.  125). 

When  Henry  VI  was  restored  he  created 
Howard  a  baron  by  a  writ  of  summons  dated 
15  Oct.  1470,  and  styling  him  Baron  de 
Howard.  Nevertheless,  he  appears  to  have 
remained  faithful  to  the  Yorkist  cause,  for 
not  only  was  he  commanding  a  fleet  sent  to 
oppose  the  Lancastrians,  but  on  Edward's 
landing  in  March  1471  proclaimed  him  king 
in  Suffolk.  A  list  of  his  retainers  is  extant 
for  that  year  (Accounts),  and  it  may  there- 
fore be  concluded  that  he  was  present  at  the 
battles  of  Barnet  and  Tewkesbury.  In  June 
he  was  appointed  deputy-governor  of  Calais, 
and  after  having  sworn  to  maintain  the  suc- 
cession of  the  Prince  of  Wales,  crossed  over 
thither  on  3  June,  and  was  engaged  in  nego- 
tiations with  France,  and  in  the  May  follow- 
ing with  the  Duke  of  Burgundy.  When  Ed- 
ward invaded  France  in  July  1475  he  was 
accompanied  by  Howard,  who  appears  to 
have  been  one  of  the  king's  most  trusted  coun- 
cillors during  the  expedition ;  he  was  one  of 
the  commissioners  who  made  the  truce  at 
Amiens,  received  a  pension  from  Louis  XI, 
and  met  Philip  de  Commines  to  arrange  the 
conference  between  the  two  kings  at  Pic- 
quigny  (COMMINES,  pp.  97,  99,  103, 109).  He 
remained  in  France  as  a  hostage  for  a  short 
time  after  Edward's  departure,  and  on  his  I 
return  to  England  received  from  the  king  as 
a  reward  for  his  fidelity  and  prudence  grants 
of  several  manors  in  Suffolk  and  Cambridge- 
shire forfeited  by  the  Earl  of  Oxford.  On  | 
being  sent  to  treat  with  France  in  July  1477 
for  a  prolongation  of  the  truce,  he  and  his  j 
fellow  envoys  negotiated  with  the  envoys  of  ! 
Louis  at  Cambray,  and  in  the  following  ! 
March  and  in  January  1479  he  was  again 
employed  in  the  same  way.  In  that  year 
also  he  was  sent  to  Scotland  in  command  of 
a  fleet  [see  under  EDWARD  IV].  In  May  ! 
1480  he  and  other  envoys  were  sent  to  remind  j 
Louis  of  his  engagement  that  his  son  Charles 
should  marry  Edward's  daughter  Elizabeth,  | 
but  their  mission  was  fruitless.  At  the  fune-  j 
ral  of  Edward  in  April  1483,  Howard,  who  I 
is  styled  the  king's  bannerer,  bore  the  late  ' 

king's  banner  (Archcsologia,  i.  351).     He  at- 
tached himself  to  Richard  of  Gloucester,  and 
I  became  privy  to  all  his  plans  and  doings. 
He  was  appointed  high  steward  of  the  duchy 
|  of  Lancaster  on  13  May,  and  a  privy  coun- 
;  cillor,  and  on  28  June  was  created  Duke  of 
Norfolk  and  earl  marshal  with  remainder  to 
the  heirs  male  of  his  body,  the  patent  thus 
reviving  the  dignities  held  by  the  Mowbrays 
and  Thomas  of  Brotherton,  son  of  Edward  I, 
from  whom  he  was  descended  on  the  mother's 
side  through  females.     He  was  concerned  in 
persuading  the  widowed  queen  to  deliver  up 
|  her  younger  son  the  Duke  of  York,  that  he 
1  might  be   lodged   with  his  brother  in  the 
|  Tower.   At  the  coronation  of  Richard  III  on 
•  6  July  he  acted  as  high  steward,  bore  the 
i  crown,  and  as  marshal  rode  into  Westminster 
'  Hall  after  the  ceremony,  and  '  voyded  the 
!  hall'  (HALL,  p.  376)  ;  a  few  days  later  he 
!  was  appointed  admiral  of  England,  Ireland, 
j  and  Aquitaine.     On  10  Oct.  he  heard  that 
the  Kentish  men  had  risen  and  were  threaten- 
j  ing  to  sack  London,  and  ordered  Paston  to 
come  to  the  defence  of  the  city.  He  probably 
I  accompanied  Richard  on  his  visit  to  the  north, 
for  he  was  with  him  at  Nottingham  on  12  Sept. 
1484  when  he  was  nominated  chief  of  the 
commissioners  to  treat  with  the  ambassadors 
of  James  III  of  Scotland  (Letters  and  Papers, 
pp.  64-7).     A  story  that  he    was  solicited 
in  February  1485  by  the  Lady  Elizabeth  to 
promote  her  marriage  with  the  king  is  doubt- 
ful (BucK  ap.  KENNETT,  Complete  History,  p. 
568,  comp.  GAIRDNER,  Richard  III,  pp.  257, 
258).     When  in  August  it  was  known  that 
the  Earl  of  Richmond  had  landed,  Norfolk 
summoned  his  retainers  to  meet  him  at  Bury 
St.  Edmunds  to  fight  for  the   king.     The 
night  before  hefoarched  to  join  Richard,  seve- 
ral of  his  friends  tried  to  persuade  him  to  re- 
main inactive,  and  one  wrote  on  his  gate 
Jack  of  Norffolke  be  not  to  bolde, 
For  Dykon  thy  maister  is  bought  and  solde  ; 
but  for  the  sake  of  his  oath  and  his  honour 
he  would  not  desert  the  king  (HALL,  p.  419). 
At  Bosworth  he  commanded  the  vanguard, 
which  was  largely  composed  of  archers,  and 
he  was  slain  in  the  battle  on  22  Aug.     He 
was  buried  in  the  conventual  church  of  Thet- 
ford.     He  was  attainted  by  act  of  the  first 
parliament  of  Henry  VII. 

Norfolk  was  a  wise  and  experienced  poli- 
tician, and  an  expert  and  valiant  soldier, 
careful  in  the  management  of  his  own  affairs, 
and  a  faithful  adherent  of  the  house  of  York  ; 
but  his  memory  is  stained  by  his  desertion  of 
the  interests  of  the  son  of  his  old  master  and 
by  his  intimate  relations  with  the  usurper.  By 
his  first  wife,  Catharine,  he  had  Thomas,  earl 
of  Surrey  and  second  duke  of  Norfolk  [q.  v.], 




and  four  daughters :  Anne,  married  to  Sir 
Edward  Gorges  of  Wraxall,  Somerset ;  Isabel, 
married  to  Sir  Robert  Mortimer  of  Essex ; 
Jane,  married  to  John  Timperley ;  and  Mar- 
garet, married  to  Sir  John  Wyndham  of 
Crownthorpe  and  Felbrigg,  Norfolk,  ancestor 
of  the  Wyndhams,  earls  of  Egremont.  His 
second  wife,  who  bore  him  one  daughter, 
Catharine,  married  to  John  Bourchier,  second 
lord  Berners  [q.  v.],  survived  him,  married 
John  Norreys,  and  died  in  1494.  Norfolk's 
autograph  as  '  J.  Howard  '  is  subscribed  to  a 
letter  of  his  in  Cotton  MS.  Vesp.  F.  xiii.  79, 
and  as  duke  is  given  in  Doyle's  '  Official 
Baronage.'  A  painting  of  Norfolk  at  Arundel 
has  been  engraved  by  Audinet,  and  the  en- 
graving is  given  in  Cartwright's  'Rape  of 
Bramber,'  and  a  portrait  in  coloured  glass 
in  the  possession  of  the  Duke  of  Norfolk  is 
also  given  in  colours  byCartwright.  Nicolas 
speaks  of  two  portraits  of  Norfolk  and  his 
first  wife  Catharine,  in  the  possession  of  the 
Earl  of  Carlisle,  which  have  been  engraved. 
[An  excellent  biography  by  Sir  H.  N.  Nicolas 
in  Cartwright's  Eape  of  Bramber,  which  forms 
vol.  ii.  pt.  ii.  of  Dallaway's  Western  Division  of 
Sussex,  must  in  places  be  corrected  by  the  Pas- 
ton  Letters,  ed.  Grairdner,  and  by  the  Accounts 
and  Memoranda  of  Norfolk  in  Manners  and 
Household  Expenses  (Roxburghe  Club).  See  also 
Dugdale's  Baronage,  ii.  265  sq. ;  Doyle's  Official 
Baronage,  ii.  586 ;  Rymer's  Fcedera,  xi.  ed.1710; 
Kolls  of  Parliament,  vol.  vi.  ;  Return  of  Mem- 
bers,!. 351,  358  ;  Stow's  Annals  (Howes) ;  Hall's 
Chron.  ed.  1809  ;  Polydore  Vergil  and  Three 
Fifteenth-century  Chronicles  (Camd.  Soc.)  ;  Me- 
nioires  de  P.  de  Commines,  ed.  Buchon  ;  Letters 
and  Papers,  Richard  III  and  Henry  VIII  (Rolls 
Ser.);  Archseologia,  i.  351 ;  Kennett's  Complete 
History,  p.  568 ;  Gairdner's  Life  and  Reign  of 
Richard  the  Third.]  W.  H. 

V  HOWARD,  JOHN  (1726  P-1790),  philan- 
thropist, was  born  most  probably  in  Hackney 
on  2  Sept.  1726.  There  is  some  uncertainty 
both  as  to  the  date  and  the  place  of  his  birth, 
but  in  default  of  absolute  proof  to  the  con- 
trary the  inscription  on  his  monument  in 
St.  Paul's  is  likely  to  be  correct.  His  father, 
John  Howard,  was  a  partner  in  an  uphol- 
stery and  carpet  business  near  Long  Lane. 
His  mother,  whose  maiden  name  was  Cholm- 
ley,  died  soon  after  his  birth.  Young  Howard, 
who  was  a  sickly  child,  spent  his  early  days 
at  Cardington,  some  three  miles  from  Bed- 
ford, where  his  father  had  a  small  property. 
He  was  sent  to  a  school  at  Hertford,  kept 
by  one  John  Worsley,  the  author  of  severa" 
school  books  and  a  translation  of  the  New 
Testament.  There  he  remained  seven  years 
and  'left  it  not  fairly  taught  one  thing. 
After  being  for  a  short  time  at  Newingtor 
Green,  under  the  tuition  of  John  Eames  [q.v.] 

Howard  was  apprenticed  to  the  firm  of  Newn- 
ham  &  Shepley,  wholesale  grocers,  in  Watling 
Street.     His  father  died  in  September  1742, 
leaving  his  two  children  fairly  well  off,  and 
Howard,  obtaining  a  release  from  his  inden- 
tures, went  for  a   tour   on  the   continent. 
After  his  return  to  England  he  resided  at 
Stoke  Newington,  where  he  suffered  much 
from  nervous  fever,  and  was  obliged  to  adopt 
a  rigorous  regimen.     When  about  twenty- 
five  years  of  age  he  married  his  landlady, 
Sarah  Loidore  (or  Lardeau),an  elderly  widow 
of  fifty-two.     He  is  said  to  have  taken  this 
,tep  under  a  conscientious  sense  of  obliga- 
ion  to  the  lady,  and  as  some  sort  of  return 
or  the  great  care  with  which  she  had  nursed 
lim  through  his  long  illness.    Their  married 
ife  was  short,  for  she  died  on  10  Nov.  1755, 
and  was  buried  in  the  churchyard  of  St. 
Mary's,  Whitechapel.    After  his  wife's  death 
rloward  left  Stoke  Newington  and  took  lodg-- 
ngs  in  St.  Paul's  Churchyard.     In  1756  he/ 
started  for  Portugal,  but  the  Hanover,  the 
Lisbon  packet  on  which  he  sailed,  was  cap-   - 
tured  by  a  French  privateer.      The   crew 
nd  the  passengers  were  carried  prisoners  to 
France,  where  they  suffered  great  privations. 
Returning  to  England  on  parole  he  success- 
fully negotiated  an  exchange  for  himself,  and 
laving  detailed  to  the  commissioners  of  sick 
and  wounded  seamen  the  sufferings  of  his 
fellow-prisoners,  their  release  was  obtained 
from  the  French  government.    In  May  1756 
Howard  was  elected  a  fellow  of  the  Royal 
Society,  and  about  this  time  took  up  his 
residence  at  Cardington,  Bedfordshire,  which 
remained  his  principal  home  during  the  rest 
of  his  life. 

On  25  April  1758  he  married  Henrietta, 
daughter  of  Edward  Leeds  of  Croxton,  Cam- 
bridgeshire, serjeant-at-law.  Previously  to 
his  second  marriage  Howard,  with  commend- 
able caution,  appears  to  have  made  an  agree- 
ment with  the  lady '  that  to  prevent  alterca- 
tions about  those  little  matters  which  he  had 
observed  to  be  the  chief  grounds  of  uneasi- 
ness in  families,  he  should  always  decide' 
(DK.  BKOWN,  Memoirs,  p.  55).  Howard  now 
busied  himself  in  erecting  model  cottages  on 
his  Cardington  property,  providing  elemen- 
tary education  for  the  children  of  all  sects, 
and  encouraging  the  individual  industry  of 
the  villagers.  For  the  benefit  of  his  wife's 
health  he  subsequently  purchased  a  house 
at  Watcombe,  near  Lymington,  where  they 
lived  for  two  or  three  years  ;  but,  finding  the 
'place  unsuitable,  they  returned  to  Carding- 
ton, where  his  second  wife  died  on  31  March 
1765,  having  given  birth  to  a  son  four  days 
previously.  In  the  following  year,  his  health 
having  again  broken  down,  he  visited  Bath. 




In  1767  he  made  a  short  excursion  through 
Holland  with  his  brother-in-law,  and  in  the 
autumn  of  1769  again  went  on  the  continent, 
visiting  France,  Switzerland,  Holland,  Italy, 
and  Germany.  After  his  return  in  the  autumn 
of  the  following  year  he  occupied  some  time 
in  travelling  through  Wales  and  the  south 
of  Ireland,  and  was  afterwards  laid  up  at  Car- 
dington  with  an  attack  of  ague,  which  lasted 
nine  months,  and  rekindled  his  zeal  in  pro- 
moting sanitary  improvements  in  the  village. 
On  8  Feb.  1773  Howard  was  appointed 
high  sheriff  of  Bedfordshire  (London  Gazettes, 
1773,  No.  11325).     Though  a  dissenter  he 
accepted  the  office  in  spite  of  the  Test  Act, 
and  though  he  does  not  appear  to  have  con- 
formed for  the  occasion,  no  legal  proceedings 
were  taken  against  him.    Howard  now  com- 
menced his  career  as  a  prison  reformer.     In 
his  official  capacity  the  defective  arrange- 
ments of  the  prisons  and  the  intolerable 
distress  of  the  prisoners  were  brought  imme- 
diately under  his  notice.     Shocked  at  dis- 
covering that  persons  who  had  been  declared 
not  guilty,  or  against  whom  the  grand  jury 
had  failed  to  find  a  true  bill,  or  even  those 
whose  prosecutors  had  failed  to  appear,  were 
confined  in  gaol  until  certain  fees  were  paid 
to  the  gaoler,  Howard  suggested  to  the  Bed- 
fordshire justices  that  the  gaoler  should  be 
paid  by  a' salary  in  lieu  of  fees.    The  justices 
replied  by  asking  for  a  precedent  for  charging 
the  county  with  the  expense.     Howard  ac- 
cordingly rode  into  the  neighbouring  oo unties 
in  order  to  find  one,  but  failed  to  discover  a 
single  case  in  which  a  gaoler  was  paid  by  a 
fixed  salary.     The  many  abuses  which  he 
unearthed  determined  him  to  continue  his 
investigations,  and  he  left  few  of  the  county 
gaols  un visited.    He  then  resolved  to  inspect 
the  bridewells,  and  for  that  purpose  travelled 
again  over  the  country,  examining  the  houses 
of  correction,  the  city  and  town  gaols,  and 
paying  particular  attention  to  the  ravages 
made   among  the  prisoners   by  gaol   fever 
and  small-pox  (Introduction  to  The  State  of 
the  Prisons  in  England  and   Wales).     On 
4  March  1774  he  gave  evidence  before  the 
House  of  Commons  in  committee,  and  was 
afterwards  called  to  the  bar  to  receive  the 
thanks  of  the  house  for  '  the  humanity  and 
zeal  which  have  led  him  to  visit  the  several 
gaols  of  this  kingdom,  and  to  communicate 
to  the  house  the  interesting  observations  he 
has  made  on  that  subject '  (Journals  of  the 
House  of  Commons,  xxxiv.   535).      Subse- 
quently, in  the  same  session,  two  bills  were 
passed,  one  for  the  abolition  of  gaolers'  fees 
(14  Geo.  Ill,  c.  20),  and  the  other  for  im- 
proving the  sanitary  state  of  prisons  and  the 
better  preservation  of  the  health  of  the  pri- 

soners (14  Geo.  Ill,  c.  59).  Though  copies 
of  these  acts  were  printed  at  Howard's  ex- 
pense, and  sent  by  him  to  the  keeper  of 
every  county  gaol  in  England,  their 
sions  were  for  the  most  part  evade^ 
:he  general  election  in  the  following  Oc- 
:ober  Howard  unsuccessfully  contested  the 
Dorough  of  Bedford  in  the  opposition  interest, 
and  though  hiscolleague,  Samuel  Whitbread, 
obtained  one  of  the  seats  on  petition,  Howard 
?ailed  to  establish  his  claim  to  the  other,  and 
his  opponent,  Sir  William  Wake,  was  de- 
3lared  duly  elected  (Journals  of  the  House 
yf  Commons,  xxxv.  22,  194,  220,  221,  222). 

Meanwhile  Howard  continued   his  self- 
imposed  task  of  inspecting  prisons,  and,  after 
tiis  return   from   a  visit   to   Scotland   and 
Ireland  in  the  spring  of  1775,  started  for 
France,  and  visited  the  principal  prisons  of 
Paris.     He  failed,  however,  to  get  into  the 
Bastille,  '  though  he  knocked  hard  at  the 
outer  gate,  and  immediately  went  forward 
through  the  guard  to  the  drawbridge  before 
the  entrance  of  the  castle'  (State  of  the 
Prisons,  &c.,  4th  edit.,  p.  176).    From  France 
he  went  on  a  tour  of  inspection  through 
Holland,  Flanders,  and  Germany,  and  re- 
turned to  England  in  July.     In  November 
of  this  year  he  set  out  on  his  second  general 
inspection  of  the  English  gaols,  and  in  May 
1776  revisited  the  continent,  spending  some 
time  in  Switzerland.     Upon  his  return  he 
completed  his  second  inspection  of  the  Eng- 
lish gaols.     Having  got  all    his  materials 
together  for  the  book  which  he  had  originally 
intended  to  publish  in  the  spring  of  1775, 
Howard   retired   to   Warrington   in   1777, 
where  his  '  State  of  the  Prisons  in  England 
and  Wales,  with  Preliminary  Observations, 
and  an  Account  of  some  Foreign  Prisons ' 
was  at  length  published, Warrington,  4to.   In 
August  of  this  year  his  only  sister  died,  leaving 
him  her  fortune  and  her  house  in  Great  Or- 
mond  Street.  In  1778  he  was  examined  before 
a  select  committee  of  the  House  of  Commons 
appointed  to  inquire  into  the  working  of  the 
hulk  system  established  by  16    Geo.  Ill, 
c.  43  (Journals  of  the  House  of  Commons, 
xxxvi.  926, 928-30) .    Convinced  that  vessels 
were  less  suitable  for  the  confinement  of 
prisoners  than  buildings,  it  was  urged  by  Sir 
William  Blackstone  and  others  that  places 
of  confinement  similar  to  the  Rasp  and  Spin- 
Houses  of  Holland  should  be  erected.  Howard 
therefore  set  off  again  (18  April)  for  the 
continent  to  collect  further  information  on 
the  subject.     At  Amsterdam  he  met  with  a 
serious  accident,  but  upon  his  recovery  visited 
Prussia,  Saxony,  Bohemia,  Austria,  Italy, 
Switzerland,  and  France,  returning  to  Eng- 
land at  the  close  of  the  year.     In  1779  an 




act  was  passed  empowering  the  erection  of 
two  penitentiary  houses  under  the  superin- 
tendence of  three  supervisors  (19  Geo.  Ill, 
c.   74,  sec.  5).      Howard,   Fothergill,  and 
Whatley,  the   treasurer  of  the  Foundling 
Hospital,  were  appointed  to  carry  out  the 
experiment.     They  were,  however,  unable 
to  agree  about  the  site,  and  Fothergill  dying 
in  December  1780,  Howard  shortly  after- 
wards sent  in  his  resignation  to  Lord  Bathurst 
(BROWN,  Memoirs,  pp.  309-10).      At  the 
beginning  of  1780  Howard  published   an 
'Appendix  to  the  State  of  Prisons  in  Eng- 
land and  Wales  .  .  .  containing  a  farther 
Account  of  Foreign  Prisons  and  Hospitals, 
with  additional  Remarks  on  the  Prisons  of 
this  Country,'  Warrington,  4to.    In  the  same 
year  he  brought  out  a  cheaper  edition  of  his 
'  State  of  the  Prisons,'  Warrington,  8vo,  with 
which  the  new  matter  in  the  'Appendix' 
was  incorporated,  and  also  published  '  His- 
torical Remarks  and  Anecdotes  on  the  Castle 
of  the  Bastille.    Translated  from  the  French, 
published  in  1774,'  London,  8vo,  a  second  ! 
edition  of  which  appeared  in  1784,  London,  j 
8vo.     In  the  '  advertisement '  to  the  trans-  j 
lation  Howard  states  that  the  sale  of  the  | 
original  pamphlet  had  been  strictly  prohibited  | 
in  France,  and  that  he  had,  'not  without 
some  hazard,  brought  it  to  England,'  but  that 
his  object  would  be  fully  satisfied  if  the 
translation  should  '  in  any  degree  tend  to  j 
increase  the  attachment  and  reverence  of 
Englishmen  to  the  genuine  principles  of  their 
excellent  constitution.'     During  his  conti-  ' 
nental  tour,  which  began  in  May  and  ended 
in  December  1781,  Howard  visited  Denmark, 
Sweden,  and  Russia.     In  January  1782  he 
commenced  his  third  general  inspection  of 
English  prisons,  and  visited  both  Scotland 
and  Ireland.     In  May  of  this  year  he  gave 
evidence  before  a  committee  of  the  Irish 
House  of  Commons  appointed  to  inquire  into 
the  state  of  the  Irish  gaols,  and  in  the  same 
year  was  created  by  diploma  an  honorary 
LL.D.  of  the  university  of  Dublin  (Register, 
31  May  1782).     In  1783  he  inspected  the 
penal  and  charitable  institutions  of  Spain 
and  Portugal,  and  made  a  fifth  journey  to 
Ireland.     In  1784  he  produced  a  second  edi- 
tion of  his  l  Appendix  to  the  State  of  Pri- 
sons,' &c.,  Warrington,  4to,  embodying  the 
results  of  his  further  investigations  both  at 
home  and  abroad,  the  whole  of  which  were 
also  added  to  the  third  edition  of  his  com- 
plete work,  which  was  issued  this  year,  War- 
rington, 4to.     He  republished  at  the  same 
time  a  large  sheet  containing  the  criminal 
statistics  of  the  Old  Bailey  sessions  from 
1749  to  1771,  compiled  by  Sir  S.  T.  Janssen, 
and  originally  published  in  1772. 

In   1785   Howard   determined   to  inves- 
tigate the  condition  of  the  lazarettos,  and 
the  best  means  for  the  prevention  of  the 
plague.     He  set  out  on  his  expedition  in 
November,  and  though  permission  to  visit 
the  lazaretto  at  Marseilles  was  refused  him 
by  the  French  government,  he  managed  to 
inspect   it   in   spite   of  the   spies  and   the 
police.     In  order  to  obtain  access  to  the 
Toulon  arsenal  he  adopted  the  disguise  of 
j  a  fashionable  Parisian.     He  afterwards  vi- 
I  sited  Nice,  Genoa,  Leghorn,  Pisa,  Florence, 
I  Rome,  and  Naples.     From  Naples  he  pro- 
ceeded  to  Malta,  Zante,  Smyrna,  and  Con- 
!  stantinople.     Resolving  to  subject  himself 
j  to  the  discipline  of  quarantine  for  the  sake 
!  of  verifying  the  information  which  he  had 
'  obtained,  Howard  returned  to  Smyrna,  where 
|  he  purposely  chose  a  vessel  bound  for  Venice 
with  a  foul  bill  of  health.     After  leaving 
Modon  they  had  a  smart  skirmish  with  a 
Tunisian  privateer,  during  which  '  one  of 
our  cannon  charged  with  spike-nails  having 
accidentally  done  great  execution,  the  pri- 
vateer immediately,  to  our  great  joy,  hoisted 
its  sails  and  made  off'  (An  Account  of  the 
principal  Lazarettos,   &c.,  p.  22   n.}      On 
reaching  Venice  Howard  had  to  submit  to 
quarantine,  and  was  confined  in  two  laza- 
rettos for  forty-two  days.     While  there  he 
heard  with  much  distress  of  the  subscription 
list  which  had  been  opened  for  the  erection 
of  a  statue  in  commemoration  of  his  services 
(Gent.  Mag.  1786,  pt.  i.  pp.  359-61,  447, 
pt.  ii.  passim),  and  of  the  mental  derange- 
ment of  his  only  child.     Howard  returned 
to  England  by  way  of  Trieste  and  Vienna, 
having  had  at  the  latter  place '  the  honour  of 
near  two  hours'  conversation  in  private  with 
the  emperor.'     In  consequence  of  Howard's 
strong  expressions  of  disapproval  the  com- 
mittee of  the  '  Howardian  Fund '  (which 
had  already  amounted  to  over  1,500J.)  were 
compelled  to  abandon  their  scheme  during  his 
lifetime.     In  March  1787  he  commenced  his 
fourth  and  final  inspection  of  the  English 
gaols,  and  in  1789  published  f  An  Account 
of  the  principal  Lazarettos  in  Europe ;  with 
various    Papers   relative    to    the    Plague  : 
together  with  further  Observations  on  some 
Foreign  Prisons  and  Hospitals :  and  addi- 
tional Remarks  on  the  present  State  of  those 
in  Great  Britain  and  Ireland,'  Warrington, 
1789,  4to ;  2nd  ed.  1791,  4to.     In  the  same 
year  he  privately  printed  the  '  Edict  of  the 
Grand  Duke  of  Tuscany  for  the  Reform  of 
Criminal  Law  in  ^is  Dominions;  translated 
from  the  Italian ;  together  with  the  original/ 
Warrington,  1789,  8vo. 

In  July  1789  Howard  set  out  on  his  last 
journey, and  visited  Holland,  Germany, Prus- 




sia,  Livonia,  and  Kussia.  The  defective  state 
of  the  Russian  military  hospitals  attracted 
a  great  deal  of  his  attention,  and  hearing 
at  Moscow  of  the  sickly  state  of  the  Rus- 
sian army  on  the  confines  of  Turkey,  he  pro- 
ceeded to  Kherson  in  Southern  Russia,  where 
he  died,  on  20  Jan.  1790,  of  camp  fever 
caught  while  in  attendance  on  a  young 
lady  who  had  been  stricken  down  with  the 
complaint.  Howard  was  buried  in  a  walled 
field  at  Dophinovka  (now  known  as  Stepa- 
novka),  six  versts  north  of  Kherson.  His 
funeral  was  attended  by  a  large  concourse 
of  people.  A  brick  pyramid  was  built  over 
his  grave  (CLARKE,  Travels,  1816,  ii.  301, 
338-49),  and  a  handsome  cenotaph  of  white 
freestone,  with  a  Russian  inscription,  was 
erected  to  his  memory  at  Kherson  (HENDER- 
SON, Biblical  Researches,  1826,  p.  284).  His 
death  was  announced  in  the l  London  Gazette ' 
(1790,  p.  174),  a  unique  honour  for  a  ci- 
vilian, and  his  statue,  executed  by  Bacon, 
was  erected  by  public  subscription  in  St. 
Paul's.  It  stands  on  the  left  side  of  the 
choir,  and  was  the  first  statue  admitted  to 
the  cathedral  (MiLM  AN,  Annals  of  St.  Paul's 
Cathedral,  1869,  pp.  480-1).  The  inscription 
on  the  pedestal  was  written  by  Samuel  Whit- 
bread.  Another  inscription  for  some  other 
monument  to  Howard  was  written  by  Cow- 
per  (FIELD,  Correspondence  of  John  Howard, 
pp.  202-4).  In  1890  a  public  subscription 
was  opened  for  the  erection  of  a  Howard 
centenary  memorial  at  Bedford. 

Howard  was  a  man  of  deeply  religious 
feelings,  with  an  observant  mind  and  me- 
thodical habits.  Though  he  was  not  gifted 
with  any  brilliant  talents,  he  possessed  a 
powerful  will,  great  pertinacity  of  purpose, 
and  remarkable  powers  of  endurance.  In 
personal  appearance  he  was  short  and  thin, 
with  a  sallow  complexion,  prominent  features, 
and  a  resolute  expression.  He  was  both  a 
teetotaller  and  a  vegetarian,  simple  in  his 
tastes,  plain  and  neat  in  his  dress,  and  re- 
tiring in  his  habits.  From  the  day  he  entered 
upon  the  duties  of  high  sheriff  of  Bedford- 
shire he  devoted  himself  entirely  to  his  phi- 
lanthropic labours.  He  worked  unaided 
either  by  the  state  or  by  charitable  institu- 
tions. Constituting  himself  inspector  of 
prisons  at  home  and  abroad,  he  travelled  up- 
wards of  fifty  thousand  miles,  notebook  in 
hand,  visiting  prisons,  hospitals,  lazarettos, 
schools,  and  workhouses,  interrogating  the 
authorities,  counting  the  steps,  measuring 
the  rooms,  taking  copies  of  the  regulations, 
and  testing  the  supplies.  He  is  said  to  have 
spent  as  much  as  30,OOOZ.  of  his  own  fortune 
in  the  work,  and  to  have  refused  an  offer  of 
assistance  from  the  government.  Though 

Carlyle,  in  his  essay  on  'Model  Prisons/ 
calls  Howard  'the  innocent  cause  ...  of 
the  Benevolent-Platform  Fever'  (Collected 
Works,  lib.  edit.  xix.  79),  Howard  himself 
was  no  sentimentalist,  and  while  he  insisted 
that  justice  should  be  blended  with  humanity, 
he  never  forgot  to  aim  at  the  reformation  of 
the  prisoner.  The  courses  of  His  journeys 
were  frequently  erratic,  and  are  difficult  to 
follow.  As  a  writer  Howard  had  little 
literary  ability,  and  was  assisted  in  the  pre- 
paration of  his  two  principal  works  by  Ri- 
chard Densham,  Dr.  Richard  Price,  and  Dr. 
Aikin.  The  almost  incredible  abuses  which 
were  exposed  in  the  '  State  of  the  Prisons ' 
gave  the  first  impulse  to  a  general  desire  for 
an  improvement  in  the  construction  and  disci- 
pline of  our  prisons.  Though  his  evangelical 
opinions  were  intense,  Howard  was  singu- 
larly free  from  religious  bigotry,  and  though 
an  independent  himself,  both  his  wives  were 
churchwomen.  His  behaviour  was  at  times 
eccentric,  and  his  stern  views  of  duty  fre- 
quently prevented  him  from  being  a  very 
sociable  companion.  His  theory  of  family 
discipline  was  severe  in  the  extreme,  but 
except  during  the  first  eight  years  of  his 
son's  life,  Howard  had  little  opportunity  of 
inculcating  his  notions  of  filial  obedience 
either  harshly  or  otherwise.  The  story  that 
Howard,  through  his  cruelty,  drove  his  child 
into  insanity  is  absolutely  untrue,  but  the 
charge  that  he  neglected  the  personal  super- 
intendence of  his  child's  education  cannot, 
of  course,  be  denied.  The  scornful  reference 
to  Howard  and  his  l  fancy  of  dungeons  for 
children '  in  Lamb's  '  Essay  on  Christ's  Hos- 
pital Five-and-Thirty  Years  ago '  was  pro- 
bably suggested  by  an  exaggerated  report 
of  the  Root-House  incident,  when  Howard 
locked  his  child  up  in  an  outhouse  in  his  garden 
while  he  went  to  see  a  visitor  (an  account  will 
be  found  in  the  Universal  Magazine,  Ixxxvii. 
142-4).  Burke's  well-known  eulogium  of 
Howard  will  be  found  in  his  speech  at  Bristol, 
delivered  in  1780  (BURKE,  Works,  1815,  iii. 
380-1).  Howard's  son  John  died,  hopelessly 
insane,  on  24  April  1799,  aged  34,  and  was 
buried  at  Cardington.  On  his  death  the  Card- 
ington  property  passed  by  his  father's  will  to 
Samuel  Charles  Whitbread,  the  second  son 
of  Samuel  Whitbread.  Various  relics  and 
a  portrait  of  Howard  are  preserved  at  his 
old  house  at  Cardington,  which  remains 
almost  intact,  and  is  in  the  possession  of 
General  Mills.  There  is  a  portrait  of  Howard,  • 
by  Mather  Brown,  in  the  National  Portrait 
Gallery,  which  has  been  engraved  byE.  Scott. 
It  appears,  however,  that  Howard  never  sat 
for  his  portrait  during  his  lifetime,  and 
though  two  plaster  casts  were  taken  of  his 




face  after  his  death,  by  the  order  of  Prince 
Potemkin,  they  seem  to  have  been  unfor- 
tunately lost.  Three  short  contributions  by 
Howard  to  the  Royal  Society  will  be  found 
in  '  Philosophical  Transactions '  (liv.  118, 
Ivii.  201-2,  Ixi.  53-4).  A  fourth  edition  of 
his  '  State  of  Prisons,'  &c.,  was  published 
after  his  death  (London,  1792, 4to).  Among 
the  family  documents  of  the  Whitbread 
family  are  several  papers  of  interest  relating 
to  Howard.  A  few  of  Howard's  letters  and 
the  correspondence  and  papers  relating  to 
his  monument  are  preserved  in  the  British 
Museum  (Addit.  MSS.  5409,  5418,  26055, 
28104  f.  53). 

[Anecdotes  of  the  Life  and  Character  of  John 
Howard,  written  by  a  Gentleman,  &c.,  1790  (with 
portrait) ;  Aikin's  View  of  the  Character  and 
Public  Services  of  the  late  John  Howard,  1792 
(with  portrait) ;  Jarnes  Baldwin  Brown's  Me- 
moirs of  the  Public  and  Private  Life  of  John 
Howard,  2nd  edit.  1823  (with  portraits  of  Howard 
and  his  second  wife) ;  Thomas  Taylor's  Memoirs 
of  Howard,  2nd  edit.  1836  ;  Hepworth  Dixon's 
John  Howard,  2nd  edit.  1850  ;  Field's  Life  of 
John  Howard  (with  portrait) ;  Field's  Correspond- 
ence of  John  Howard;  Guy's  John  Howard's 
Winter's  Journey ;  Stoughton's  Howard  the  Phi- 
lanthropist and  his  Friends ;  Journal  of  the  Sta- 
tistical Society,  xxxvi.  1-18,  xxxviii.  430-7 ; 
Lecky's  History  of  England,  vi.  255-61 ;  Gent. 
Mag.  1742  p.  499,  1758  p.  243,  1790  pt.  i. 
pp.  82,  276-9,  287-90,  369,  416-18,  491-2, 
pt.  ii.  pp.  685  (with  portrait),  713-14,  717, 
795.,  1050,  1090,  1791  pt.  ii.  pp.  595,  893,  906, 
1793  pt.  i.  p.  513  ;  Universal  Mag.  Ixxxvi. 
50,  152,  164,  169-74  (with  portrait),  255-64, 
318-19;  Notes  and  Queries,  1st  ser.  iii.  142,  xi. 
408,  472,  4th  ser.  viii.  527,  ix.  94,  7th  ser.  viii. 
203,  240 ;  Brit.  Mus.  Cat.]  G.  F.  R.  B. 

HOWARD,  JOHN  (1753-1799),  mathe- 
matician, born  in  Fort  George  garrison,  near 
Inverness,  in  1753,  was  son  of  Ralph  Howard, 
a  private  soldier,  and  was  brought  up  by 
relations  in  Carlisle.  Apprenticed  in  his 
fourteenth  year  to  his  uncle,  a  cork-cutter, 
who  treated  him  harshly,  he  ran  away  to 
sea ;  he  afterwards  worked  as  a  carpenter, 
and  then  as  a  flax-dresser.  Having  acquired 
a  taste  for  reading  and  the  elements  of  mathe- 
matics, he  opened  a  school  near  Carlisle, 
and,  improving  himself  by  study,  attracted 
the  attention  of  Bishop  Law,  who  appointed 
him  master  of  the  Carlisle  grammar  school, 
and  encouraged  him  to  read  for  holy  orders. 
Abandoning  that  scheme,  Howard  became 

Hutton  [q.  v.J  in  Westgate  Street,  and  gained 
a  fair  position  as  instructor  and  many  friends. 
He  had  some  local  reputation  as  a  versifier. 

sumed  school-teaching  there  till  1794,  when 
he  removed  to  Newcastle-on-Tyne.  There  he 
rented  the  school-house  built  by  Dr.  Charles 

Soon  after  the  appearan  ce  of  his  long-proj  ected 
work  on  spherical  geometry,  his  health  rapidly 
declined.  He  died  on  26  March  1799,  aged 
46,  at  the  Leazes,  near  Newcastle,  and  was 
buried  in  St.  John's  churchyard. 

When  in  Carlisle,  Howard  wrote  much 
for  the  '  Ladies  and  Gentlemen's  Diaries.' 
His  reputation  as  a  mathematician  rests 
mainly  on  the  '  Treatise  on  Spherical  Geo- 
metry,' which  he  published  in  Newcastle-on- 
Tyne  in  1798.  It  deals  with  the  maxima 
and  minima  of  certain  lines  and  areas,  and 
sets  a  variety  of  problems.  When  discussing 
some  loci  of  spherical  angles  and  triangles, 
and  certain  lines  drawn  on  spherical  and  cylin- 
drical surfaces,  the  author  notes  many  ana- 
logies between  the  properties  of  lines  meeting 
on  the  surface  of  the  sphere  and  those  drawn 
to  meet  a  plane  circle.  The  epitaph  on 
Howard's  tombstone  records  '  many  other  in- 
genious mathematical  and  poetical  pieces/ 

[Richardson's  Table  Book,  ii.  410  ;  Mackenzie's 
Account  of  Newcastle-on-Tyne,  ii.  350,  465.] 

R.  E.  A. 

HOWARD,  JOHN  ELIOT  (1807-1883), 
quinologist,  son  of  Luke  Howard  [q.  v.], 
the  meteorologist,  was  born  at  Plaistow, 
Essex,  11  Dec.  1807.  Throughout  his  life 
he  was  connected  with  his  father's  chemical 
manufactory  at  Stratford.  His  first  paper, 
a  report  on  the  collection  of  cinchona  in  the 
British  Museum  made  by  the  Spanish  bota- 
nist Pavon,  was  published  in  1852.  In  the 
following  year  he  joined  the  Pharmaceutical 
Society,  and  in  1857  the  Linnean  Society. 
Being  specially  interested  in  quinine  he  pur- 
chased at  Madrid,  in  1858,  the  manuscript 
'  Nueva  Quinologia  '  and  the  specimens  of 
cinchona  belonging  to  Pavon  ;  employed  a 
botanical  artist  to  illustrate  them,  and  pub- 
lished in  1862  the  sumptuous  '  Illustrations  of 
the  "Nueva  Quinologia"  of  Pavon,  and  Obser- 
vations on  the  Barks  described.'  Howard's 
second  great  work,  '  The  Quinology  of  the 
East  Indian  Plantations,'  published  in  1869, 
was  the  result  of  his  examination  of  the  bark 
of  all  the  forms  of  cinchona  introduced  into 
India  from  the  Andes  by  Markham,  Spruce, 
and  Cross.  For  this  he  received  the  thanks 
of  her  majesty's  government,  and  in  1874 
was  elected  a  fellow  of  the  Royal  Society. 
Howard  took  considerable  interest  in  gar- 
dening, and  especially  in  hybridisation  as 
bearing  upon  cultivated  cinchonas,  and  was 
the  author  of  numerous  scientific  papers, 
chiefly  on  quinology.  He  also  gave  addresses 
on  both  science  and  revelation  at  the  Victoria 
Institute,  of  which  he  was  a  vice-president. 




He  died  at  his  house,  Lord's  Mead,  Totten- 
ham, Middlesex,  22  Nov.  1883,  and  was  buried 
in  Tottenham  cemetery.  Weddell  dedicated  to 
him  the  genus  Howardia  of  the  Cinchonacece. 
He.married  Maria,  daughter  of  W.  D.  Crewd- 
son  of  Kendal,  and  left  a  large  family. 

Like  his  father  he  was  a  member  of  the 
Society  of  Friends.  He  published  in  early  life 
several  religious  tracts,  such  as  'The  Doctrine 
•of  the  Inward  Life,'  1836 ;  '  Justification  by 
Faith,'  1838;  and  'An  Address  to  the 
Ohristians  of  Tottenham,'  1839. 

[Trans.  Essex  Field  Club,  iv.  8-11,  with  por- 
trait; Proc.  Linn.  Soc.  1883-4,  p.  35  ;  Gardener's 
Chronicle,  1883,  ii.  701  ;  Royal  Society's  Cat. 
iii.  450,  vii.  1023.]  *"—  G.  S.  B. 

first  EARL  OF  EFFINGHAM,  of  the  second  crea- 
tion (1767-1845),  born  29  Nov.  1767,  was 
only  child  of  Captain  Henry  Howard  of 
Arundel,  Sussex,  by  his  second  wife,  Maria, 
second  daughter  and  co-heiress  of  Kenneth 
Mackenzie,,  viscount  Fortrose,  eldest  son  of 
William,  fifth  earl  of  Seaforth.  He  was  de- 
scended from  Sir  William  Howard  of  Ling- 
field  (d.  1600),  who  was  second  son  of  Wil- 
liam Howard  [q.  v.],  first  Baron  Howard  of 
Effingham.  After  acting  as  page  of  honour  to 
George  III,  he  was  gazetted  to  an  ensigncy 
In  the  Coldstream  guards,  21  April  1786,  and 
served  with  his  regiment  in  Flanders  from 
February  1793  to  May  1795,  being  wounded 
at  St.  Amand  8  May  1793.  He  was  promoted 
lieutenant  and  captain  25  April  1793  (acting 
as  adjutant  of  his  regiment  from  December 
1793  to  December  1797),  captain-lieutenant 
and  lieutenant-colonel  30  Dec.  1797,  and  bri- 
gade-major to  the  foot-guards  17  April  1798, 
in  which  capacity  he  served  throughout  the 
Irish  rebellion  of  that  year  and  the  Duke  of 
York's  expedition  to  Holland  in  1799.  He  was 
present  in  every  action  of  the  last-named  cam- 
paign. He  was  gazetted  captain  and  lieu- 
tenant-colonel 25  July  1799,  and  was  con- 
nected with  the  foreign  troops  in  the  English 
service  as  deputy  inspector-general,  inspector- 
general,  and  commandanVof  the  foreign  depot. 
This  latter  office  he  resigned  on  being  ap- 
pointed colonel  and  aide-de-camp  to  the  king, 
1  Jan.  1805.  He  became  second  major  of 
his  regiment  4  Aug.  1808,  and  major-general 
25  July  1810.  In  January  18ll  he  joined 
the  army  in  the  Peninsula,  being  placed  in 
command  of  a  brigade  of  the  first  division  in 
succession  to  Sir  William  Erskine  (  Welling- 
ton Supplementary  Despatches,  xiii.  544). 
In  the  following  July  he  was  transferred  to 
the  second  division,  which  he  commanded 
as  senior  officer  under  Lord  Hill  till  August 
1812.  In  November  of  that  year  he  was 
selected  to  command  the  1st  brigade  of  guards 


in  the  first  division,  and  was  in  entire  com- 
mand of  that  division  under  Sir  J.  Hope 
|  from  June  1813  to  the  end  of  the  war.     He 
j  was  present  at  the  battles  of  Fuentes  d'Onoro 
I  (5  May  1811),  Arroyo  de  Molinos  (28  Oct. 
{  1811),  andAlmaraz  (19  May  1812),  and  was 
on  the  two  latter  occasions  specially  com- 
mended  for  gallantry  in  Lord  Hill's  des- 
patches (  Wellington  Despatches,  viii.  381-3, 
388,  ix.  184-5),  and  was  thanked  by  the  home 
government   (SIDNEY,  Life  of  Lord  Hill, 
pp.  1 99-200).     He  took  continuous  part  in 
the  operations  on  the  frontier,  1813-14,  and 
received  the  medal  and  one  clasp  for  Vittoria 
and  the  passage  of  the  Nive.     On  the  con- 
clusion of  the  war  he  was  appointed  lieu- 
tenant-governor of  Portsmouth,  with  com- 
mand of  the  south-western  district.     The 
duties  of  this  post  prevented  his  joining  the 
army  in  Belgium,  but  after  Waterloo  he  was 
placed  in  command  of  the  first  division  of 
the  British  army  during  the  occupation  of 
Paris,  with  the  local  rank  of  lieutenant- 
general.  On  the  death  of  his  kinsman  Richard, 
fourth  earl  of  Effingham,  11  Dec.l816,Howard 
succeeded  as   eleventh   baron    Howard  of 
Effingham,  and  took  his  seat  in  the  House 
of  Lords  30   May  1817  (House  of  Lords' 
Journals,  li.  p.  243).    He  resigned  his  com- 
mand at  Portsmouth  on  his  promotion  to  the 
rank  of  lieutenant-general  12  Aug.  1819.    On 
24  Oct.  1816  he  had  been  appointed  colonel 
of  the  70th  regiment,  from  which,  on  30  Jan. 
1832,  he  was  transferred  to  the  colonelcy  of 
the  3rd  (buffs),  and  on  10  Jan.  1837  he  became 
full  general.     He  was  created  K.C.B.  5  Jan. 
1815,  and  G.C.B.  17  March  1820.     He  was 
also  a  commander  of  the  Portuguese  order  of 
the  Tower  and  Sword.    Howard  took  no  pro- 
minent part  in  politics,  but  acted  generally 
with  the  whig  party,  and  in  1820  and  1834 
seconded  the  address  at  the  opening  of  the 
session  (HANSARD,  Parliamentary  Debates, 
new  ser.  i.  17,  3rd  ser.  xxi.  8).     In  July  1821 
he  acted  as  deputy  earl  marshal  of  England 
for  the  coronation  of  George  IV.     It  is  said 
that  during  the  ceremony  in  Westminster 
Hall  his  horse,  which  had  been  hired  from 
Astley's  circus,  displayed  a  tendency  to  rear 
instead  of  to  back,  and  had  to  be  ignominiously 
pulled  out  by  its  tail  (LORD  COLCHESTER, 
Diary,  iii.  233,  but  see  Notes  and  Queries,  7th 
ser.  vii.  482,  viii.  113, 175,  254-5,  and  Sir  W. 
ERASER'S  Wellington  (1889),  pp.  41-4).    On 
27  Jan.  1837  the  earldom  of  Effingham  was 
revived  in  his  favour.     He  took  his  seat  as 
earl  in  the  House  of  Lords  21  April  1837 
(House  of  Lords'  Journals,  Ixix.    p.    215). 
Howard  died  at  Brighton  13  Feb.  1845,  and 
was  buried  in  the  family  vault  at  All  Saints' 
Church,    Rotherham,   Yorkshire,  where    a 



monument  was  erected  to  his  memory.  There 
is  also  a  memorial  tablet  to  him  in  the 
Guards'  Chapel,  Wellington  Barracks,  Lon- 

The  following  portraits  of  him  are  pre- 
served at  the  family  seat,  Tusmore,  Bicester, 
Oxfordshire:  1.  An  oil  painting  by  Oliver  in 
aide-de-camp's  uniform.  2.  A  water-colour 
by  Tidy  in  general's  uniform.  3.  A  water- 
colour  in  his  robes  as  deputy  earl  marshal. 
There  is  also  a  portrait  of  him  in  the  same 
dress  in  Sir  George  Nayler's  '  Ceremonial  of 
the  Coronation  of  George  IV,'  1839. 

He  married,  27  Nov.  1800,  Lady  Charlotte 
Primrose,  eldest  daughter  of  Neil,  third  earl 
of  Rosebery,  by  whom  he  had  five  sons  and 
four  daughters,  and  was  succeeded  by  his 
eldest  son,  Henry.  His  widow  remarried, 
30  April  1858,  Thomas  Holmes,  a  scripture 
reader,  of  Brighton,  and  died  17  Sept.  1864. 

[Henry  Howard's  Memorials  of  the  Howard 
Family,  1834-6,  pp.  95-7;  Philippart's  Eoyal 
Military  Calendar,  1815,  i.  330-1;  Wellington 
Despatches,  1838,  vii.  167,  xi.  662-3  ;  Welling- 
ton Supplementary  Despatches,  1860-72,  vii. 
112,  534,  574,  viii.  9,  28-9,  228,  419,  424,  513, 
614-15,  x.  573,752,  xiii.  567,  xiv.  203,209,264, 
376  ;  Napier's  Peninsular  War,  1834,  vols.  iv.  v. 
vi. ;  Mackinnon's  Origin  and  Services  of  the 
Coldstream  G-uards  (1833),  ii.  497;  Doyle's  Offi- 
cial Baronage,  1886,  i.  664-5 ;  G-ent.  Mag.  1845, 
new  ser.  xxiii.  429-30  ;  Annual  Eegister,  1845, 
pp.  243-4;  Foster's  Peerage,  1883,  p.  253;  Times, 
17  Feb.  1845 ;  Army  Lists.]  G.  F.  K.  B. 

HOWARD,  LEONARD  (1699P-1767), 
divine,  born  about  1699,  was  originally  a  clerk 
in  the  post  office.  In  1728  he  published  some 
absurd  '  Verses  on  the  Recovery  of  the  Lord 
Townshend,  humbly  inscribed  to  ...  Sir 
Robert  Walpole,'  annexed  to  a  poem  on  Wil- 
liam III  (Craftsman,  15  June  1728).  He 
took  orders,  was  M.A.  probably  of  some  Scot- 
tish university,  and  D.D.  by  1745.  In  1742  he 
was  curate  of  the  parishes  of  St.  John,  South- 
wark,  and  St.  Botolph,  Aldersgate,  and  chap- 
lain to  the  Prince  of  Wales.  Three  years 
later  he  had  become  vicar  of  either  Bishops 
or  South  Tawton,  Devonshire,  and  lecturer 
of  St.  Magnus,  London  Bridge,  and  of  St. 
James,  Garlick  Hythe.  On  18  July  1749  he 
was  presented  by  the  crown  to  the  rectory  of 
St.  George  the  Martyr,  Southwark,  which  he 
held  with  the  lectureships  of  St.  Magnus  and 
of  St.  Margaret,  Fish  Street.  He  subse- 
quently was  appointed  chaplain  to  the  Prin- 
cess Dowager  of  Wales.  He  died  on  21  Dec. 
1767,  aged  68  (Gent.  Mag.  1767,  p.  611),  and 
was  buried  underneath  the  communion-table 
in  St.  George's  Church  (MANNING  and  BEAT, 
Surrey,  iii.  641).  Howard  was  a  popular 
preacher,  a  pleasant  companion,  and,  though 

hardly  a  model  pastor,  a  favourite  with  his- 
parishioners  (id.  iii.  646).  His  improvidence 
frequently  led  to  his  imprisonment  in  the 
King's  Bench,  where  he  was  dubbed  poet 
laureate,  and  sometimes  obtained  money  as 
subscriptions  to  books  which  he  pretended  to 
have  in  hand. 

Howard's  best  known  work  is  'A  Collec- 
tion of  Letters  from  the  original  Manuscripts 
of  many  Princes,  great  Personages  and  States- 
men. Together  with  some  curious  and  scarce 
Tracts  and  Pieces  of  Antiquity,'  4to,  London, 
1753.  At  the  back  of  the  last  page  is  a  list 
of  the  contents  of  a  second  volume,  which 
was  announced  to  be  in  preparation,  but  did 
not  appear.  This  incongruous  and  ill-ar- 
ranged compilation  was  formed  with  the  ob- 
ject of  supplying  the  place  of  a  promised 
work  of  a  similar  kind,  the  materials  for 
which  had  been  destroyed  by  fire.  Another 
edition,  in  two  volumes, '  to  which  are  added 
Memoirs  of  the  unfortunate  Prince  Anthony 
the  First  of  Portugal,  and  the  Oeconomy  of 
High-Life,'  4to,  London,  1756,  is  fairly  well 
arranged.  Many  of  the  articles  are  of  the 
highest  interest  (cf.  notice  in  Retrospective 
Review,  new  ser.  i.  1-16).  Besides  several 
sermons,  including  two  preached  at  assizes, 
and  one  delivered  before  the  House  of  Com- 
mons on  'Restoration  Day,'  29  May  1753, 
Howard  also  published :  1.  f  The  Newest 
Manual  of  Private  Devotions.  In  three 

rts,'  12mo,  London,  1745  (1753,  1760). 
'  The  Royal  Bible ;  or  a  complete  Body  of 
Christian  Divinity :  containing  the  Holy  Scrip- 
tures at  large,  and  a  full  .  .  .  explanation  of 
all  the  difficult  texts  .  . .  together  with  critical 
notes  and  observations  on  the  whole,' fol.,  Lon- 
don, 1761.  3.  <  The  Book  of  Common  Prayer . . . 
illustrated  and  explained  by  a  full .  .  .  para- 
"  4to,  London,  1761.  Both  < Bible' 

and  *  Prayer  Book'  are  disfigured  by  bad 
plates.  4.  '  Miscellaneous  Pieces  in  prose  and 
verse  ...  to  which  are  added  The  Letters,  &c. 
of  ...  Henry  Hatsell,  Esq.,  deceased ;  and 
several  Tracts,  Poems,  &c.  of  some  eminent 
personages  of  wit  and  humour,'  4to,  London, 
1765.  Prefixed  is  a  miserable  portrait  of 
Howard.  He  also  '  revised  and  corrected'  a 
Layman's  '  New  Companion  for  the  Festivals 
and  Fasts  of  the  Church  of  England,'  8vo, 
London,  1761.  Howard's  literary  thefts  ex- 
posed him  to  much  obloquy,  to  which  he 
refers  in  the  prefaces  to  his  '  Newest  Manual' 
and  '  Collection  of  Letters.' 

[Authorities  as  above.]  G-.  Gr. 

HOWARD,  LUKE  (1621-1699),  quaker, 
born  at  Dover  on  18  Oct.  1621,  was  son  of 
a  shoemaker.  He  was  apprenticed  to  his 
father's  trade,  and  for  a  time  was  a  strict 
churchman.  On  going  to  London  to  follow 




his  trade  lie  joined  John  Goodwin's  congre- 
gation in  Coleman  Street.  At  the  outbreak 
of  the  civil  war  he  bought  a  horse,  intending 
to  join  the  parliamentary  army,  but  failed  to 
get  enrolled.  He  then  took  service  with  the 
garrison  in  Dover  Castle,  and  there  refused  to 
sing  psalms  '  in  rhyme  and  meter.'  The  chap- 
lain preached  against  him,  and  Samuel  Fisher 
(1605-1665)  [q.v.]  reasoned  with  him,  but  was 
himself  converted.  After  becoming  succes- 
sively a  Brownist,  presbyterian,  and  inde- 
pendent, he  joined  the  baptists,  and  journeyed 
to  London  to  be  '  dipped '  by  William  Kiffin 
on  a  December  day  when  'ice  was  in  the 
water.'  In  March  1655  he  again  went  to  Lon- 
don, and  was  there  converted  to  quakerism 
by  William  Caton  and  John  Stubbs.  They 
accompanied  him  back  to  Dover  to  establish 
a  meeting.  Howard  says  in  his  '  Journal ' 
that  he  was  the  '  first  receiver  of  Friends, 
and  his  first  wife  the  first  baptised  person,  in 
Kent.'  Under  Howard  the  quakers  increased 
at  Dover  and  attracted  many  baptists,  much 
controversy  following  between  the  sects 
(TAYLOR,  Hist,  of  the  English  General  Bap- 
tists, i.  277).  Howard  got  into  trouble  by 
interrupting  the  preachers  at  the  churches. 
He  often  fasted  for  seven  or  eight  days  at  a 
time.  At  the  Eestoration  he  was  imprisoned 
in  Dover  Castle  for  three  months.  On  8  June 
1661  he  was  committed  to  Westgate  prison, 
Canterbury,  for  five  days ;  in  July  following 
he  was  sent  to  Dover  Castle  for  about  six- 
teen months,  and  on  30  Jan.  1684  he  was 
taken,  with  seven  others,  from  the  meeting, 
and  imprisoned  in  the  same  dungeon  for 
fifty-one  weeks.  Howard  died  on  7  Oct. 
1699.  He  was  twice  married,  and  left  a 
son,  Luke,  and  two  daughters,  Mary,  the 
wife  of  John  Knott,  shoemaker,  and  Lobdel. 
Howard  wrote:  1.  'A  few  plain  Words 
of  Instruction  given  forth  as  moved  of  the 
Lord  .  .  .,'  &c.,  4to,  London,  1658.  2.  'The 
Devils  Bow  Unstringed,  or  some  of  Thomas 
Danson's  Lyes  made  manifest/  an  answer 
to  two  pamphlets  by  Thomas  Danson  [q.  v.], 
4to,  London,  1659.  3.  '  A  Warning  from 
the  Lord  unto  the  Kulers  of  Dover,'  4to, 
London,  1661.  4.  'A  Looking-Glass  for 
Baptists,  being  a  short  Narrative  of  their 
Root  and  Rice  in  Kent/  against  Richard 
Hobbs,  pastor  of  the  baptists  in  Dover,  4to, 
1672  ;  reprinted  with  5.  '  The  Seat  of  the 
Scorner  thrown  down :  or  Richard  Hobbs  his 
folly,  envy,  and  lyes  in  his  late  Reply  to  my 
Book,  called  "A  Looking-Glass,  &c.,"  mani- 
fested and  rebuked.  .  .  .  With  a  few  Queries 
to  the  said  R.  Hobbs.  To  which  is  added  a 
further  answer  by  T.  R. '  (i.e.  the  '  Water 
Baptist/  by  Thomas  Rudyard),  4to,  1673. 
6.  'A  Testimony  concerning  Samuel  Fisher' 

(in  Fisher's  collected  '  Works/  1679).  7. '  A 
Testimony  concerning  George  Fox'  (in  Fox's 
'  Gospel  Truth  demonstrated/  1706).  Most 
of  his  tracts  are  to  be  found  in  '  Love  and 
Truth  in  Plainness  manifested :  being  a  Col- 
lection of  the  several  writings,  faithful  testi- 
monies, and  Christian  epistles  of  ...  Luke 
Howard/  &c.,  8vo,  London,  1704,  to  which 
is  prefixed  his  'Journal/  penned  shortly 
before  his  death. 

[Journal  as  above ;  Smith's  Cat.  of  Friends' 
Books,  pp.  978-80  ;  Smith's  Bibliotheca  Anti- 
Quakeriana,  pp.  141,  231-2.]  G.  G. 

HOWARD,  LUKE  (1772-1864),  one  of 
the  founders  of  the  science  of  meteorology, 
was  born  in  London  on  28  Nov.  1772.  His 
father,  Robert  Howard,  a  manufacturer  of 
iron  and  tin  goods,  accumulated  considerable 
wealth.  He  was  especially  known  as  the 
chief  introducer  of  the  Argandlamp.  A  mem- 
ber of  the  Society  of  Friends,  he  wrote  '  A 
few  words  on  Corn  and  Quakers/  1800(4  edi- 
tions), in  that  year.  From  his  eighth  to  his 
fifteenth  year  Luke,  who  was  a  Friend,  like 
his  parents,  was  at  a  private  school  at  Bur- 
ford  in  Oxfordshire,  where  (he  thought  in  later 
life)  he  learned  too  much  Latin  grammar  and 
too  little  of  anything  else.  At  fourteen  he 
was  bound  apprentice  to  Olive  Sims,  a  retail 
chemist,  of  Stockport.  During  his  apprentice- 
ship he  taught  himself  after  business  hours, 
French,  botany,  and  scientific  chemistry.  'In 
chemistry  he  was  deeply  impressed  by  the 
works  of  Lavoisier  and  his  fellow-labourers. 

In  1793  Howard  commenced  business  as 
a  chemist  in  London,  near  Temple  Bar. 
From  1796  until  1803  he  was  in  partnership, 
as  a  wholesale  and  retail  chemist,  with  Wil- 
liam Allen  (1770-1843)  [q.  v.]  Howard  re- 
moved to  Plaistow  in  Essex  in  order  to  take 
charge  of  the  manufacturing  department  of 
the  concern.  After  the  withdrawal  of  Allen, 
the  chemical  works  were  removed  to  Strat- 
ford (c.  1805),  and  in  1812  Howard  changed 
his  private  residence  to  Tottenham,  at  which 
place  or  on  his  estate  at  Ackworth  in  York- 
shire he  spent  the  remainder  of  his  life. 

Botany  was  for  some  time  one  of  Howard's 
favourite  pursuits.  On  4  March  1800  he 
read  a  paper  before  the  Linnean  Society 
entitled  'Account  of  a  Microscopical  Inves- 
tigation of  several  Species  of  Pollen,  with 
Remarks  and  Questions  on  the  Structure 
and  use  of  that  part  of  Vegetables '  (printed 
in  Linnean  Society's  Transactions,  vol.  vi.) 
The  paper  shows  close  observation,  and  the 
questions  at  the  end  suggest  lines  of  inquiry 
subsequently  pursued  with  success  by  others. 
But  '  from  the  first/  he  wrote  to  Goethe,  '  my 
real  penchant  was  towards  meteorology.  I 
had  fixed  in  my  memory  at  school  one  of 




the  modifications  which  I  had  settled  for  the 
clouds ;  had  proved  the  expansion  of  water 
in  freezing,  and  was  much  interested  by  the 
remarkable  summer  haze  and  aurora  borealis 
of  1783'  (GOETHE,  Sdmmtliche  Werke,  v. 
409-12,  ed.  Paris,  1836;  the  above  quotation 
is  from  the  slightly  different  draft  found 
among  Howard's  manuscripts).  The  appear- 
ances here  alluded  to  are  mentioned  in  Cow- 
per's  <  Task '  and  in  White's  <  Natural  History 
of  Selborne.'  Howard  further  records  how 
he  '  witnessed  the  passage  from  north  to 
south  of  the  stupendous  meteor  of  that  year 
(1783),  which  travelled,  as  I  conceive,  from 
some  part  of  Iceland  to  the  north  of  Italy.' 

Soon  after  Howard's  settlement  at  Plaistow 
he  seems  to  have  first  methodically  studied 
the  shapes  of  the  clouds  and  the  laws  of 
their  change.  His  essay  '  On  the  Modifica- 
tions of  Clouds '  he  communicated  about 
1802  to  the  Askesian  Society,  a  little  philo- 
sophical club  to  which  both  he  and  Allen 
belonged.  This  essay,  which  was  reprinted 
in  his  larger  work, l  The  Climate  of  London,' 
gave  him  his  scientific  fame.  It  applies  the 
method  of  Linnaeus  to  the  varying  forms  of 
the  clouds.  The  author  defines  their  three 
chief  modifications,  which  he  names  Cirrus, 
Cumulus,  and  Stratus,  and  four  intermediate 
or  compound  modifications,  the  best  known 
of  which  is  the  Nimbus  or  rain-cloud.  These 
names  have  been  generally  adopted  by 

In  1806  Howard  began  to  keep  a  meteoro- 
logical register,  and  published  the  result  of 
his  observations  in  his  *  Climate  of  London  ' 
(1818-20).  In  1833  a  second  edition  of  this 
work  brought  down  the  observations  to  1830. 
Howard's  instruments  were,  from  a  modern 
point  of  view,  rude  and  insufficient ;  but  for 
the  early  years  of  the  century  his  are  almost 
the  only  observations  that  have  been  pre- 

In  1821  Howard  was  elected  a  fellow  of 
the  Royal  Society.  Three  later  books  on 
meteorology  did  not  attract  much  notice.  It 
remained  for  younger  men  (especially  under 
the  powerful  influence  of  Humboldt's  writ- 
ings) to  perfect  the  system  of  observations, 
and  by  the  aid  of  the  electric  telegraph  to  turn 
the  science  to  practical  account  by  issuing 
warnings  of  approaching  storms. 

Howard  devoted  much  of  his  leisure  to 
philanthropic  or  religious  work.  He  wrote 
tracts  against  profane  swearing  (1811)  and 
on  temperance,  and  the  proper  treatment  of 
animals,  and  he  edited  '  The  Yorkshireman, 
a  religious  and  literary  Journal,  by  a  Friend,' 
from  1833  to  1837  (5  vols.  8vo).  As  a  mem- 
ber of  the  committee  of  the  Bible  Society,  he 
plunged  deeply  into  the  controversy  regard- 

ing the  circulation  of  the  Apocrypha,  advo- 
cating its  inclusion  in  copies  of  the  scrip- 
tures printed  for  distribution  in  Roman 
catholic  countries,  and  publishing  English 
translations  of  the  Apocrypha  from  the  Vul- 
gate (4  vols.  1827-9).  He  was  a  zealous 
worker  in  the  anti-slavery  cause,  and  he 
actively  aided  the  movement  for  the  relief 
of  the  German  peasants  in  the  districts 
ravaged  by  the  Napoleonic  wars  after  the 
retreat  from  Moscow.  He  visited  Germany 
to  superintend  the  distribution  of  the  funds 
raised  by  himself  and  his  friends,  and  he  re- 
ceived from  the  kings  of  Prussia  and  Saxony 
and  the  free  city  of  Magdeburg  generous  ac- 
knowledgments of  his  exertions. 

In  1822  he  was  engaged  in  an  interesting 
correspondence  with  Goethe.  The  German 
poet  had  studied  some  of  Howard's  meteoro- 
logical works,  and  desired  to  know  something 
of  his  personal  history.  Howard  replied  with 
an  autobiographical  sketch.  Goethe  in  re- 
turn sent  a  short  poem  entitled  'Howard's 
Ehrengedachtniss,'  and  a  description  in  verse 
of  the  chief  cloud-forms  according  to  his 
correspondent's  classification.  Howard  also 
maintained  a  lifelong  friendship  and  corre- 
spondence with  John  Dalton  [q.  v.] 

In  1 796  Howard  married  Mariabella,  daugh- 
ter of  John  Eliot  of  London,  who  published, 
among  other  works,  l  The  Young  Servant's 
own  Book,'  1827  (4th  edition,  1857).  After 
the  death  of  his  wife  in  1852,  Howard  lived 
with  his  eldest  son,  Robert,  at  Bruce  Grove, 
Tottenham.  Here  he  died,  in  the  ninety- 
second  year  of  his  age,  on  21  March  1864. 
Another  son,  John  Eliot  Howard,  is  sepa- 
rately noticed. 

Howard's  chief  works  are:  1. '  The  Climate 
of  London,  deduced  from  Meteorological  Ob- 
servations,' &c.,  2  vols.  London,  1818-20, 
8vo  ;  2nd  edit.,  enlarged  and  continued  to 
1830, 3  vols.,  London,  1833, 8vo.  2. '  Essay  on 
the  Modifications  of  Clouds,'  London,  1832, 
8vo  ;  3rd  edit.,  London,  1865,  4to.  3.  <  Seven 
Lectures  on  Meteorology,'  Pontefract,  1837, 
8vb.  4.  *A  Cycle  of  Eighteen  Years  in  the 
Seasons  of  Britain  .  .  .  from  Meteorological 
Observations,'  London,  1842, 8vo.  5.  '  Baro- 
metrographia :  Twenty  Years'  Variation  of 
the  Barometer  in  ...  Britain,  exhibited  in 
autographic  curves,'  advocating  the  theory 
of  a  nineteen  years'  cycle,  London,  1847, 
fol.  6.  'Papers  on  Meteorology,'  &c.,  Lon- 
don, 1854,  4to. 

[Authorities  cited  ;  Private  information ; 
Smith's  Cat.  of  Friends'  Books.]  T.  H-N. 

HOWARD,  PHILIP,  first  EAKL  or 
ARTJNDEL  of  the  Howard  family  (1557- 
1595),  was  eldest  son  of  Thomas  Howard  III, 
fourth  duke  ofNorfolk[q.v.],byhis  wife  Lady 




Mary,  daughter  and  heiress  of  Henry  Fitz- 
alan,  twelfth  earl  of  Arundel  [q.  v.  J  He 
was  born  at  Arundel  House,  London,  on 
28  June  1557,  and  his  mother  died  two 
months  after  his  birth.  King  Philip  was  one 
of  his  godfathers,  and  the  child  was  regarded 
as  heir  to  two  of  the  greatest  families  in  Eng- 
land. In  youth  he  was  known  by  the  cour- 
tesy title  of  Earl  of  Surrey.  His  education 
was  committed  to  Gregory  Martin,  fellow  of 
St.  John's  College,  Oxford,  who  was  inclined 
to  the  old  religion,  and  ultimately  left  Eng- 
land for  Douay.  In  1569,  at  the  age  of 
twelve,  he  was  formally  betrothed  to  his 
father's  ward,  Anne  Dacre,  one  of  the  three 
coheiresses  of  Thomas,  lord  Dacre  of  Gils- 
land,  a  child  of  the  same  age  with  himself, 
and  the  marriage  was  solemnised  in  1571. 
Next  year  his  father  was  executed  for  high 
treason,  and  before  his  death  committed  to 
his  eldest  son  the  care  of  his  younger  bro- 
thers and  their  betrothed  wives  (see  HOWARD, 
LOED  WILLIAM,  1563-1640;  WEIGHT,  Queen 
Elizabeth  and  her  Times,  i.  402,  &c.)  In  ac- 
cordance with  his  father's  wishes  he  went  to 
Cambridge,  where  he  passed  his  time  in  dissi- 
pation, which,  however,  did  not  prevent  the 
university  from  honouring  a  young  man  of 
such  high  position  with  the  degree  of  M.A. 
without  requiring  the  usual  exercises  in  No- 
vember 1576  (COOPEE,  Athenee  Cantabr.  ii. 
188).  On  his  return  to  London,  Surrey 
plunged  into  all  the  gaieties  of  life  at  court. 
He  left  his  young  wife  unheeded  in  the 
country,  because  the  queen  did  not  like  her 
favourites  to  be  married.  His  reckless  man- 
ner of  life  gave  great  concern  to  his  maternal 
grandfather,  the  Earl  of  Arundel,  and  he  ran 
into  debt  by  his  extravagance  and  by  the  en- 
tertainment which  he  gave  to  the  queen  at 
Kenninghall  in  1578  (NICHOLS,  Progresses  of 
Elizabeth,  ii.  130,  198).  He  was,  however, 
disappointed  in  his  attempts  to  become  a 
royal  favourite,  and  was  probably  weary  of 
his  profligate  life,  when  the  death  of  the 
Earl  of  Arundel,  in  February  1580,  brought 
him  face  to  face  with  his  responsibilities.  He 
succeeded  to  the  earldom  of  Arundel  by 
right  of  his  mother,  and  Lord  Lumley  made 
over  to  him  his  life  interest  in  the  castle  and 
honour  of  Arundel.  His  claim,  however, 
was  questioned,  and  the  matter  was  before 
the  council,  who  decided  in  his  favour.  But 
he  was  not  restored  in  blood  till  18  March 
1581  (Lords1  Journals,  ii.  54). 

Arundel  felt  that  his  prospects  of  success 
at  court  were  small,  and  turned  to  domestic 
life.  His  wife  was  a  woman  of  strong  cha- 
racter, and  of  a  religious  disposition,  and  her 
influence  soon  made  itself  felt  upon  her  hus- 
band. It  is  said  that  Arundel  was  much 

moved  by  the  arguments  used  by  Campion  in 
dispute  with  the  Anglican  divines  in  Sep- 
tember 1581.  At  all  events,  the  increasing 
seriousness  of  his  thoughts  led  him  in  the 
direction  of  Romanism,  which  his  wife  openly 
professed  in  1582.  She  was  consequently 
committed  by  Elizabeth's  orders  to  the  care 
of  Sir  Thomas  Shirley  of  Wiston,  Sussex,  by 
whom  she  was  guarded  for  a  year,  during 
which  time  her  first  child  Elizabeth  was  born. 
Arundel  was  now  regarded  with  suspicion. 
Parsons  speaks  of  an  attempt  in  1582  '  to  draw 
the  Earls  of  Arundel  and  Northumberland  to 
join  with  the  Duke  of  Guise  for  the  delivery 
of  the  Queen  of  Scots '  (KNOX,  Letters  of 
Cardinal  Allen,  392  n.}  In  consequence  of 
these  suspicions,  the  queen  paid  Arundel  a 
visit  at  his  London  house  in  1583,  and  soon 
afterwards  sent  him  a  message  that  he  was 
to  consider  himself  a  prisoner  there.  An 
attempt  was  made  to  implicate  him  in  Throg- 
morton's  plot,  and  he  was  subject  to  many 
interrogatories.  This  harsh  treatment  only 
had  the  result  of  driving  Arundel  to  seek 
the  consolations  of  religion,  and  in  Septem- 
ber 1584  he  was  received  into  the  Roman 
church  by  Father  William  Weston,  and 
henceforth  dedicated  all  his  energies  to  the 
service  of  his  new  religious  belief.  At  first 
he  tried  to  dissemble,  and  accompanied  the 
queen  to  church,  but  invented  excuses  for  ab- 
senting himself  from  the  service.  But  he  soon 
found  the  strain  upon  his  conscience  to  be  too 
great,  and  in  April  1585  attempted  to  flee 
from  England.  He  embarked  on  a  ship  at 
Littlehampton  in  Sussex,  leaving  behind  him 
a  letter  to  the  queen  explaining  the  motives 
of  his  departure.  His  movements,  however, 
were  carefully  watched,  and  no  sooner  was 
his  ship  in  the  Channel  than  it  was  boarded 
and  he  was  brought  back.  He  was  com- 
mitted to  the  Tower  on  25  April  1585,  and  was 
arraigned  before  the  Star-chamber  on  the 
charges  of  being  a  Romanist,  fleeing  from  Eng- 
land without  the  queen's  leave,  intriguing 
with  Allen  and  Parsons,  and  claiming  the  title 
of  Duke  of  Norfolk.  On  these  grounds  he 
was  condemned,  in  May  1586,  to  pay  a  fine  of 
10,000/.  and  be  imprisoned  during  the  queen's 
pleasure.  He  remained  in  the  Tower  for  the 
rest  of  his  life,  while  his  wife  lived  in  com- 
parative poverty.  His  only  son  Thomas  was 
born,  but  he  was  not  allowed  to  see  his  wife 
or  child.  Arundel  and  his  wife  were  reckoned 
on  by  the  foreign  plotters  as  helpers  (Burgh- 
ley  Papers,  ii.  489,  493),  and  Arundel,  had 
he  left  England,  would  have  been  a  dan- 
gerous centre  for  the  queen's  enemies.  But 
the  exceptional  severity  with  which  he  was 
treated  can  only  be  accounted  for  by  strong 
personal  dislike  on  the  queen's  part,  carefully 




fostered  by  powerful  enemies.  Elizabeth's 
pride  was  hurt  by  Arundel's  constancy,  and 
she  had  no  sympathy  with  conscientious  con- 
victions. She  felt  personally  aggrieved  that 
one  of  her  nobles  should  venture  openly  to 
take  up  opinions  of  which  she  disapproved. 

In  the  Tower  Arundel  was  subjected  to 
much  persecution,  until  at  last  a  definite 
charge  was  produced  against  him.  In  1588 
some  other  Romanists  confined  in  the  Tower, 
among  whom  was  a  priest,  William  Bennet, 
contrived  to  meet  together  secretly  for  mass. 
When  the  Spanish  Armada  was  expected, 
Arundel  suggested  that  they  should  spend 
twenty-four  hours  continuously  in  prayer, 
and  this  was  done.  Arundel  was  accused  of 
praying  for  the  success  of  the  Spaniards,  and 
Bennet  was  induced  by  threats  of  torture  to 
confess  that  Arundel  moved  him  to  say  a 
mass  for  that  purpose.  Bennet,  in  a  letter 
to  Arundel,  afterwards  said  that  he  '  con- 
fessed everything  that  seemed  to  content 
their  humour,'  and  asked  pardon  for  his 
cowardice.  Arundel  was  brought  to  trial 
for  high  treason  on  14  April  1589,  and  irri- 
tated the  authorities  by  his  magnificent  attire 
and  lofty  bearing.  He  denied  the  mass  for 
the  success  of  Spain,  and  explained  the 
prayer  as  being  for  personal  safety,  as  the 
rumour  was  that  the  London  mob  projected 
the  murder  of  all  Romanists.  He  was  found 
guilty,  and  was  condemned  to  death.  The 
sentence,  however,  was  not  carried  out,  but 
he  was  allowed  to  linger  in  the  Tower,  not 
knowing  that  he  might  not  be  executed  at 
any  moment.  He  spent  his  time  in  pious 
exercises,  and  practised  rigorous  asceticism. 
He  was  taken  ill  after  dinner  in  August 
1595,  and  it  is  not  surprising  that  his  illness 
was  attributed  to  poison,  though  there  is  no 
ground  for  the  supposition.  He  begged  to 
be  allowed  to  see  his  wife  and  children  before 
he  died,  and  received  an  answer  that  if  he 
would  once  go  to  church  he  should  be  libe- 
rated and  his  estates  restored.  But  he  refused 
the  condition,  and  died,  without  the  conso- 
lation of  seeing  his  family,  on  19  Oct.  1595. 
He  was  buried  in  the  chapel  of  the  Tower, 
whence  his  bones  were  conveyed  to  Arundel 
in  1624.  His  only  son,  Thomas  Howard, 
second  earl  of  Arundel  (1586-1646),  is  sepa- 
rately noticed.  His  daughter  Elizabeth  died 
unmarried  in  1600. 

Arundel  is  described  as  *  a  very  tall  man, 
somewhat  swarth-coloured.'  He  was  gifted 
with  extraordinary  power  of  memory,  and  was 
quick-witted.  When  his  misfortunes  began 
he  developed  all  the  qualities  of  a  religious 
devotee.  In  the  Tower  he  translated  'An 
Epistle  of  Jesus  Christ  to  the  Faithful  Soule,' 
by  Johann  Justus  (Antwerp,  1595;  repub- 

lished,  London,  1871),  and  also  left  in  manu- 
script three  treatises  '  On  the  Excellence  and 
Utility  of  Virtue.'  There  are  portraits  of 
him  by  Zucchero  at  Castle  Howard,  Naworth, 
and  Greystock.  An  engraving  is  in  Lodge's 
'  Portraits.' 

[His  life,  and  also  that  of  his  wife,  written  to 
show  their  religious  fortitude  by  a  contemporary, 
probably  Lady  Arundel's  confessor,  were  edited 
by  the  Duke  of  Norfolk,  The  Lives  of  Philip 
Howard,  Earl  of  Arundel,  and  of  Anne  Dacres 
his  Wife,  1857;  Dugdale's  Baronage,  ii.  276; 
Collins's  Peerage,  i.  108-12;  Doyle's  Official 
Baronage,  i.  84 ;  Camden's  Annals  of  Elizabeth ; 
Howell's  State  Trials,  i.  1250,  &c. ;  Cooper's 
Athense  Cantab rigienses,  ii.  187-91 ;  Morris's 
Troubles  of  our  Catholic  Forefathers,  ii.  83,  &c. ; 
Howard's  Memorials  of  the  Howards  ;  Tierney's 
Hist,  of  Arundel,  p.  357,  &c. ;  Gillow's  Diet,  of 
the  English  Catholics,  i.  65-7 ;  Cornelius  a 
Lapide's  Preface  to  Commentary  on  St.  Paul's 
Epistles.]  M.  C. 

1694),  the  cardinal  of  Norfolk,  born  21  Sept. 
1629  at  Arundel  House  in  the  parish  of  St. 
Clement  Danes,  London,  was  third  son  of 
Henry  Frederick  Howard,  third  earl  of  Arun- 
del [q.  v.],  by  Elizabeth  Stuart,  eldest  daugh- 
ter of  Esme,  lordd'Aubigny,  afterwards  Duke 
of  Richmond  and  Lennox.  He  had  several 
private  tutors,  some  of  whom  were  protes- 
tants,  but  he  was  brought  up  in  the  Roman 
catholic  religion.  On  4  July  1640  he,  toge- 
ther with  his  brothers  Thomas  and  Henry, 
was  admitted  a  fellow-commoner  of  St.  John's 
College,  Cambridge,  but  their  residence  in 
the  university  was  brief.  They  were  sent 
to  be  educated  at  Utrecht,  where,  in  1641, 
their  grandfather,  Thomas  Howard,  earl  of 
Arundel  and  Surrey  [q.  v.],  visited  them. 
They  afterwards  removed  to  Antwerp,  where 
Philip  resolved  to  devote  his  life  to  the  ser- 
vice of  religion.  To  this  his  grandfather, 
who  had  conformed  to  the  English  church, 
strongly  objected,  and  he  was  sent  with  his 
brothers  on  a  long  tour  through  Germany, 
France,  and  Italy  (cf.  EVELYN,  Diary,  ii. 
263).  At  Milan  Philip  became  acquainted 
with  John  Baptist  Hacket  [q.  v.],  an  Irish 
Dominican  friar,  and  going  with  Hacket  to 
the  house  of  the  Dominicans  at  Cremona  re- 
ceived the  habit  28  June  1645,  assuming  in 
religion  the  name  of  Thomas.  The  Earl  of 
Arundel  believed  that  his  grandson  had  been 
unduly  influenced  ;  and  begged  Sir  Kenelm 
Digby,  who  had  just  arrived  in  Rome,  to 
appeal  to  Pope  Innocent  X.  By  the  pope's 
order  Philip  was  removed  on  26  July  to  the 
palace  of  Cesare  Monti,  cardinal  archbishop 
of  Milan,  who  allowed  him  to  be  transferred 
to  the  convent  of  S.  Maria  delle  Grazie  in  that 
city.  The  Howard  family  persevered  in  their 




-efforts  to  force  him  to  leave  the  order,  and 
the  pope  referred  the  matter  to  the  congrega- 
tion de  propaganda  fide.  Philip  was  sum- 
moned to  Rome  in  September  1645,  and 
placed  first  in  the  Dominican  convent  of  St. 
Sixtus,  and  afterwards  at  La  Chiesa  Nuova, 
under  the  care  of  the  Oratorian  fathers,  who, 
at  the  end  of  five  months,  declared  that  he 
had  a  true  vocation  for  the  religious  state. 
The  pope  took  the  same  view  after  examining 
Philip  at  a  private  audience.  Accordingly, 
on  19  Oct.  1646,  Philip  signed  his  solemn 
profession  as  a  Dominican  in  the  convent  of 
S.  Olemente,  Rome  (PALMER,  Obituary  Notices 
of  the  Friar-Preachers,  p.  5). 

From  Rome  he  was  sent  to  the  Dominican 
convent  of  La  Sanita  at  Naples,  where  he 
studied  diligently  for  four  years.     He  at- 
tended the  general  chapter  held  at  Rome  in 
June  1650,  and  was  selected  from  among 
the  students  to  deliver  a  Latin  oration,  in 
which   he  contended   that  the  Dominican 
order  might  be  rendered  more  efficient  in 
restoring  England  to  catholic  unity.     He 
finished  his  studies  at  the  convent  of  Rennes 
in  Brittany,  and  in  1652  was  ordained  priest  [ 
by  papal  dispensation,  as  he  was  only  in  his  | 
twenty-third  year.      In   1654  he  went  to 
Paris,  and  in  1655  to  Belgium,  whence  he 
came  to  England.     He  stayed  here  many  j 
months,  and  from  his  own  resources  and  the 
contributions  of  friends  raised  about  1,6001.  } 
towards  founding  an  exclusively  English  con-  i 
vent  or  college  on  the  continent.     On  his 
return  he  purchased  the  church  and  house  j 
of  Holy  Cross  at  Bornhem,  in  East  Flanders.  | 
He  was  appointed  the  first  prior  of  the  new  i 
community  on  15  Dec.  1657. 

Howard  was  highly  esteemed  by  Charles  II, 
who,  after  Oliver  Cromwell's  death,  des- 
patched him  about  May  1659  on  a  secret 
mission  to  England  in  aid  of  the  royal  cause. 
On  his  arrival  Howard  discovered  that  Father 
Richard  Rookwood,  a  Carthusian  monk,  who 
was  originally  joined  with  him  in  the  com- 
mission, had  treacherously  given  to  the  Pro- 
tector Richard  Cromwell  information  which 
led  to  the  suppression  of  Sir  George  Booth's 
rising  in  Cheshire.  An  order  was  issued  for 
Howard's  arrest,  but  he  sought  refuge  in  the 
household  of  the  ambassador  from  Poland, 
who  was  leaving  the  country,  and  who 
smuggled  him  away  to  the  continent  with 
his  suite,  in  the  disguise  of  a  Polish  servant. 
He  made  his  way  to  Bornhem,  and  established 
in  the  convent  there  a  college  for  the  edu- 
cation of  young  Englishmen.  Soon  after 
the  Restoration  he  followed  Charles  II  to 
London,  and  for  nearly  two  years  he  was 
actively  engaged  in  promoting  the  marriage 
treaties  with  Spain  and  Portugal.  On  21  May 

1662  Charles  was  privately  married  to  Cathe- 
rine of  Braganza  [q.  v.],  in  the  presence  of 
Howard  and  five  other  witnesses,  according 
to  the  catholic  rite.  Howard  was  nominated 
first  chaplain  to  the  queen,  and  took  up  his 
residence  at  the  English  court,  though  he 
paid  periodical  visits  to  his  convent  at  Born- 
hem.  On  1  Aug.  1662  he  and  his  brothers 
dined  with  Evelyn  (Diary,  ii.  148).  In  1665 
Howard  succeeded  his  uncle,  Lord  Ludovick 
d'Aubigny,  in  the  office  of  grand-almoner  to 
the  queen.  He  now  had  charge  of  her  ma- 
jesty's oratory  at  Whitehall,  with  a  yearly 
salary  of  500/.,  a  like  sum  for  his  table,  and 
100/.  for  the  requirements  of  the  oratory,  and 
was  provided  with  a  state  apartment.  He 
was  popular  at  the  English  court,  and  on  ac- 
j  count  of  his  liberal  charities  was  known  as 
f  the  common  father  of  the  poor.'  He  alone 
was  allowed  to  appear  in  public  habited  as 
an  ecclesiastic,  and  by  dispensation  he  wore 
the  dress  of  a  French  abbs'.  Pepys  visited 
him  at  St.  James's  Palace  23  Jan.  1666-7 
with  Lord  Brouncker ;  found  him  to  be  l  a 
good-natured  gentleman  ; '  discussed  church 
music  with  him,  and  was  shown  by  him  over 
1  the  new  monastery/  both  *  talking  merrily 
about  the  difference  in  our  religion '  (PEPYS, 
Diary,  iii.  47-9). 

Previously  to  his  settlement  in  England 
he  obtained  from  the  master-general  (3  April 
1660)  leave  to  restore  to  the  English  province 
the  second  order  of  the  rule  of  St.  Dominic 
by  erecting  in  Belgium  a  convent  for  religious 
women.  Accordingly,  his  cousin,  Antonia 
Ho  ward,  was  clothed  by  him  in  the  habit  of 
the  order  in  the  nunnery  at  Tempsche,  near 
Bornhem,  and  he  shortly  afterwards  pur- 
chased for  her  the  convent  of  Vilvorde  in 
South  Brabant.  This  establishment  he  re- 
moved to  Brussels  in  1690.  In  1660  he 
was  appointed  prior  of  Bornhem  for  another 
triennial  period,  and  in  the  same  year  he  was 
made  vicar-general  of  the  English  province. 
After  his  second  priorship  terminated  he 
continued  his  jurisdiction  over  the  convent, 
as  his  brethren  would  not  elect  any  one 
else  in  his  place.  He  was  created  a  master 
of  theology  7  March  1661-2.  He  assisted  at 
the  congress  held  at  Breda  in  June  1667. 

In  1669  the  holy  see  determined  to  appoint 
Howard  vicar-apostolic  of  England,  with  a 
see  in  partibus.  Dr.  Richard  Smith,  the 
second  vicar-apostolic  of  all  England,  had 
died  in  1655,  but  no  successor  had  been  ap- 
pointed since.  The  English  chapter  now 
approved  the  selection  of  Howard,  but  re- 
solved, on  grounds  of  political  expediency, 
'  that  under  no  pretence  or  palliation  what- 
ever the  words  vicarius  apostolicus  be  ad- 
mitted ; '  that  the  bishop  should  have  ordinary 



jurisdiction,  and  that  the  right  of  the  old 
English  chapters  to  choose  their  bishop  and 
chapter-men  should  be  respected  by  the  court 
of  Rome  (SEKGEANT,  Account  of  the  Chapter, 
ed.  Turnbull,  p.  94).  In  consequence  of  the 
report  of  the  Abbate  Claudius  Agretti,  who 
had  been  sent  to  England  to  examine  the  ques- 
tion, the  propaganda  resolved  on  9  Sept.  1670 
to  give  the  English  vicariate  to  Howard,  but 
it  was  not  until  26  April  1672  that  another 
decree,  passed  in  a  '  particular  congregation,' 
received  the  sanction  of  the  pope.  The  briefs 
were  then  issued,  and  sent  to  the  internuncio 
at  Brussels,  who  was  instructed  to  deliver 
them  at  his  discretion.  That  for  Howard's 
see  in  partibus  was  dated  16  May,  and  in  it 
he  was  styled  bishop-elect  of  Helenopolis. 
In  April  1672  the  chapter  of  England  had 
again  resolved  'that  the  name  of  vicar-apo- 
stolic be  not  admitted.'  The  second  brief 
granting  Howard  the  vicariate  consequently 
contained  a  clause  that  the  bishop-elect  was 
to  promise  that  he  would  not  recognise  the 
'  chapter  of  England '  by  word  or  deed.  In 
an  audience  held  on  the  24th  of  the  following 
August  the  pope  was  informed  that  the  king, 
in  the  catholic  interest,  demanded  the  sus- 
pension of  Howard's  briefs.  Consequently 
they  were  not  published,  and  the  bishop-elect 
was  not  consecrated  (BEADY,  Episcopal  Suc- 
cession, ii\.  129). 

His  proselytising  zeal  and  the  part  he  took 
in  promoting  the  declaration  of  indulgence 
rendered  Howard  particularly  odious  to  the 
protestant  party.  Eventually  he  was  charged 
by  the  dean  and  chapter  of  Windsor  with 
authorising  the  insertion  in  some  books  of 
devotion  of  the  pontifical  bulls  of  indul- 
gence granted  to  the  recitation  of  the  rosary. 
Under  the  penal  laws  the  offence  amounted  to 
high  treason.  Howard  pleaded  in  vain  that 
he  had  only  followed  the  example  of  the  Ca- 
puchin chaplains  of  Queen  Henrietta  Maria. 
Popular  feeling  ran  high  against  him,  and  he 
sought  an  asylum  at  Bornhem,  where  he 
arrived  in  September  1674,  and  resumed  his 
duties  as  prior.  On  27  May  1675  he  was 
created  a  cardinal-priest  by  Clement  X, 
mainly  owing  to  the  influence  of  his  old  friend 
John  Baptist  Racket,  now  the  pope's  con- 
fessor. Soon  afterwards  Howard  left  for 
Rome.  Among  the  distinguished  company 
who  attended  him  were  his  uncle  William 
Howard,  viscount  Stafford  [q.  v.],  Lord  Tho- 
mas Howard,  his  nephew,  and  John  Leyburn, 
president  of  the  English  College  of  Douay, 
his  secretary  and  auditor.  For  defraying  the 
expenses  of  this  journey  he  had  *  the  assist- 
ance of  the  pope,  and  not  of  King  Charles  II 
and  Queen  Catherine,  as  the  common  report 
then  went'  (WooD,  Athene?  Oxon.  ed.  Bliss ; 

,  Hist.  o/Arundel,  p.  532).  The  hat 
was  placed  on  his  head  by  the  pope,  and  he- 
took  the  title  of  S.  Cecilia  trans  Tyberim, 
which  after  the  death  of  the  cardinal  de  Retzr 
in  1679,  he  changed  for  that  of  S.  Maria 
super  Minervam.  Clement  X  declared  himr 
23  March  1675-6,  assistant  of  the  four  con- 
gregations, of  bishops  and  regulars,  of  the- 
council  of  Trent,  of  the  propaganda,  and  of 
sacred  rites.  Innocent  XI  afterwards  placed 
him  on  the  congregation  of  relics.  He  was 
commonly  called  the  cardinal  of  Norfolk,  or 
the  cardinal  of  England  (DoDD,  Church  Hist* 
iii.  446). 

Howard  was  charged  with  complicity  in 
the  'Popish  plot.'  Gates  swore  that  in  a  con- 
gregation of  the  propaganda  held  about  De- 
cember 1677,  Innocent  XI  had  declared  all 
the  dominions  of  the  king  of  England  to  be- 
part  of  St.  Peter's  patrimony,  and  to  be  for- 
feited through  the  heresy  of  the  prince  and 
people,  and  that  Howard  was  to  take  pos- 
session of  England  in  the  name  of  his  holi- 
ness. Gates  also  swore  he  had  seen  a  papal 
bull,  by  which  the  archbishopric  of  Canter- 
bury was  given  to  Howard,  with  an  aug- 
mentation of  forty  thousand  crowns  a  year  to- 
maintain  his  legatine  dignity.  The  cardinal 
was  consequently  impeached  for  high  trea- 
son, but  he  was  at  Rome  and  beyond  the 
reach  of  danger. 

At  the  request  of  Charles  II,  Pope  Inno- 
cent XI  nominated  him  cardinal  protector  of 
England  and  Scotland,  in  succession  to  Car- 
dinal Francesco  Barberini,  who  died  in  1679. 
In  this  capacity  he  was  the  chief  counsellor 
of  the  holy  see  in  matters  relating  to  Great 
Britain.  He  addressed  an  admirable  epistle 
on  7  April  1684  to  the  clergy  of  the  two 
countries,  particularly  recommending  to  them 
the  '  Institutum  clericorum  in  coinmuni  vi- 
ventium'  which  had  been  established  in 
Germany.  It  flourished  in  England  for  a 
few  years,  but  was  dissolved  in  consequence 
of  misunderstandings  between  the  members 
and  the  rest  of  the  secular  clergy,  and  its 
funds  were  devoted  to  the  establishment  of 
the  '  common  purse,'  or  secular  clergy  fundr 
which  still  exists.  Under  Howard's  direc- 
tion the  fine  new  buildings  of  the  English 
College  at  Rome  and  his  own  adjoining 
palace  were  completed  in  1685  from  the 
designs  of  Legenda  and  Carlo  Fontana.  He 
used  his  palace  only  on  state  occasions,  for 
though  he  had  a  pension  of  ten  thousand 
scudi  (about  2,250/.)  from  the  pope,  and 
apartments  in  the  Vatican,  he  chose  to  lead 
the  simple  life  of  a  friar  in  the  convent  of 
S.  Sabina.  He  seconded  the  efforts  of  the 
English  clergy  to  secure  episcopal  govern- 
ment, and  at  length  in  1685  a  vicar-apostolic 




was  appointed,  and  in  1687  England  was 
divided  by  Innocent  XI  into  four  ecclesi- 
astical districts,  over  which  vicars-apostolic 
were  appointed  to  preside  [see  GIFFAED, 
BONA  VENTURE].  Howard  was  made  arch- 
priest  of  S.  Maria  Maggiore  in  1689,  and  re- 
tained that  dignity  until  his  death.  Among 
his  friends  were  the  three  sons  of  John 
Dryden,  the  youngest  of  whom,  Thomas, 
joined  the  Dominican  order  by  his  advice. 

He  viewed  with  dismay  the  reckless  policy 
pursued  by  James  II,  and  his  alarm  was 
shared  by  Innocent  XI.  Every  letter  which 
Howard  sent  from  the  Vatican  to  Whitehall 
'  recommended  patience,  moderation,  and  re- 
spect for  the  prejudices  of  the  English  people' 
(MACAULAY,  Hist,  of  England,  ch.  iv.)  Burnet 
visited  Rome  in  August  1685,  before  James 
had  entered  on  his  violent  policy,  and  he  was 
treated  by  the  cardinal  '  with  great  freedom.' 
The  cardinal  told  him  (Own  Time,  ed.  1724, 
i.  66)  '  that  all  the  advices  writ  over  from 
thence  to  England  were  for  slow,  calm,  and 
moderate  courses.  He  said  he  wished  he  was 
at  liberty  to  show  me  the  copies  of  them. 
But  he  saw  violent  courses  were  more  ac- 
ceptable, and  would  probably  be  followed. 
And  he  added  that  these  were  the  production 
of  England,  far  different  from  the  counsels  of 
Rome.'  But  in  December  1687  Luttrell 
mentions  a  rumour  that  Howard  was  to  be 
appointed  the  king's  almoner.  When  the 
birth  of  James  Francis  Edward,  prince  of 
Wales  (10  June  1688),  was  announced  at 
Rome,  Howard  gave  a  feast,  in  which  an  ox 
was  roasted  whole,  being  stuffed  with  lambs, 
fowls,  and  provisions  of  all  kinds.  The  inci- 
dent is  commemorated  in  a  scarce  print  by 
Vesterhout,  entitled  '  II  Bue  Arrostito.' 

After  the  revolution  Howard's  direct  in- 
tercourse with  England  was  cut  off.  In 
June  1693  he  is  said  to  have  obtained  a  papal 
brief  to  send  to  England  exhorting  the  ca- 
tholics there  to  remain  firm  to  James  II 
(LUTTEELL,  iii.  108).  He  died  at  Rome  on 
17  June  1694,  aged  63,  having  lived  just  long 
enough  to  see  his  province  restored  lastingly, 
and  as  fully  as  the  circumstances  of  the  age 
permitted.  He  was  interred  in  his  titular 
church,  S.  Maria  sopra  Minerva,  under  a 
plain  slab  of  white  marble,  which  bears  the 
Howard  arms  and  an  epitaph  (see  the  inscrip- 
tion in  Notes  and  Queries,  6th  ser.  i.  26). 

His  portrait  by  Rubens  was  formerly  at 
Lord  Spencer's  seat  at  Wimbledon  (WAL- 
POLE,  Anecd.  of  Painting,  ed.  1767,  ii.  94). 
There  is  a  portrait  of  him  in  the  monastery 
of  the  Minerva  at  Rome:  another  in  the 
picture  gallery  at  Oxford ;  a  full-length,  by 
Carlo  Maratti,  at  Castle  Howard;  a  half- 
length,  in  a  square  scarlet  cap,  at  Worksop 

Manor ;  a  similar  portrait  at  Grey  stoke  Castle ; 
and  a  miniature,  painted  in  oil  on  copper  by 
an  unknown  artist,  in  the  National  Portrait 
Gallery.  Portraits  of  him  have  been  en- 
graved by  N.  Noblin ;  by  J.  Van  derBruggen, 
from  a  painting  by  Duchatel  (one  of  the 
finest  engravings) ;  by  Nicolo  Byle ;  by  A. 
Clouet,  in  'Vitae  Pontif.  et  Cardinalium/ 
2  vols.  fol.  Rome,  1751 ;  by  Zucchi ;  by  Poilly ; 
and  in  the  '  Laity's  Directory,'  1809,  from  a 
large  portrait  painted  at  Rome  by  H.  Tilson 
in  1687.  A  medal,  with  his  portrait  on  the 
obverse,  is  engraved  in  Mudie's  'English 

[The  principal  authority  is  the  valuable  Life 
of  Philip  Thomas  Howard,  O.P.,  Cardinal  of 
Norfolk,  by  Father  Charles  Ferrers  Raymund 
Palmer,  O.P.,  London,  1867,  8vo,  based  mainly 
on  original  records  in  the  archives  of  the  English 
Dominican  friars ;  consult  also  Brady's  Episcopal 
Succession,  iii.  531 ;  Gillow's  Diet,  of  English 
Catholics  ;  Dodd's  Church  Hist.  iii.  445  ;  Stot- 
hart's  Catholic  Mission  in  Scotland,  p.  197; 
Wood's  Athenae  Oxon.  (Bliss),  i.  622 ;  Godwin, 
De  Prsesulibus  (Richardson),  ii.  798 ;  Collins's 
Peerage,  1779,  i.  126  ;  Gent.  Mag.  vol.  xciii.  pt.  i. 
p.  412;  Granger's  Biog.  Hist,  of  England,  5th 
edit.  v.  89  ;  Scharfs  Cat.  of  Nat.  Portrait  Gallery, 
1888,  p.  232  ;  Sir  T.  Browne's  Works  (Wilkin), 
i.  47  ;  Husenbeth's  English  Colleges  on  the  Con- 
tinent, pp.  41,  94  ;  Pepys's  Diary,  23  Jan.  1666- 
1667;  Evelyn's  Diary  (Bray),  i.  365,  ii.  45; 
Evelyn's  Sylva,  1776,  p.  394;  Howard's  Indica- 
tion of  Memorials  of  the  Howard  Family,  pp.  37- 
39  ;  Archaeological  Journal,  xii.  65  ;  Notes  and 
Queries,  2nd  ser.  viii.  53,  75  ;  Cat.  of  Dawson 
Turner's  MSS.  p.  27 ;  Dublin  Review,  new  ser. 
xi.  275  ;  Secretan's  Life  of  Robert  Nelson,  pp. 
23,  36  ;  Pennant's  Journey  from  Dover  to  the 
Isle  of  Wight,  p.  99 ;  Strickland's  Queens  of 
England,  1851,  v.  651,654;  Tierney's  Hist,  of 
Arundel,  pp.  480,  511,  522,  530;  Birch  MSS. 
4274,  f.  158;  Addit.  MSS.  5848  p.  46,  5850 
p.  186,  5872  f.  3  b,  15908  ff.  18-26,  20846  f.  346, 
23720  ff.  25,  29,  42,  28225  ff.  146,  368,  28226 
f.  11.]  T.  C. 

HOWARD,  RALPH,  M.D.  (1638-1710), 
professor  of  physic  at  Dublin,  born  in  1638, 
was  only  son  of  John  Howard  (d.  1643)  of 
Shelton,  co.  Wicklow,  Ireland,  by  his  wife 
Dorothea  Hasels  (d.  1684).  He  was  educated 
in  the  university  of  Dublin,  and  proceeded 
M.D.  in  1667.  He  succeeded  Dr.  John  Mar- 
^etson  in  1670  as  regius  professor  of  physic 
in  that  university,  and  held  the  chair  until 
his  death.  He  left  Ireland  in  1688,  and  was 
attainted  by  James  II's  parliament  in  1689, 
while  his  estate  in  co.  Wicklow  was  handed 
over  to  one  Hacket,  who  entertained  James 
at  Shelton  after  the  battle  of  the  Boyne. 
Boward  subsequently  returned  to  Dublin  and 
recovered  his  property.  He  died  on  8  Aug. 
1710.  He  married  on  16  July  1668  Catherine, 



eldest  daughter  of  Roger  Sotheby,  M.P.  for 
Wicklow  city,  and  by  her  had  three  sons 
Hugh  [q.  v.],  Robert  (see  below),  and  Wil- 
liam (M.P.  for  Dublin  city  from  1727  till  his 
death  in  the  next  year),  and  three  daughters. 

HOWARD,  ROBERT  (1683-1740),  bishop  of 
Elphin,  was  Ralph  Howard's  second  son. 
He  obtained  a  fellowship  in  Trinity  College, 
Dublin,  in  1703,  became  dean  of  Ardagh  in 
1722,  was  consecrated  to  the  see  of  Killala 
in  1726,  and  in  1729  was  translated  to  that 
of  Elphin.  In  1728  he  succeeded  his  elder 
brother  William  in  the  estate  of  Shelton 
Abbey,  co.  Wicklow.  In  1737  he  brought 
thither  the  works  of  art  which  he  inherited 
from  his  brother  Hugh.  He  died  in  April 
1740.  He  published  six  single  sermons, 
preached  on  public  occasions. 

1786),  eldest  son  of  the  bishop,  was  sheriff 
of  co.  Wicklow  1749,  and  of  co.  Carlow 
1754;  in  1761  and  1768  was  elected  M.P. 
for  both  co.  Wicklow  and  the  borough  of  St. 
Johnstown ;  in  May  1770  was  sworn  of  the 
privy  council ;  on  12  July  1776  was  raised 
to  the  Irish  peerage  as  Baron  Clonmore  of 
Clonmore  Castle,  co.  Carlow,  and  on  23  June 
1785  was  promoted  to  be  Viscount  Wicklow. 
He  died  on  26  June  1786.  His  widow,  Alice, 
daughter  and  sole  heiress  of  William  Forward 
of  Castle  Forward,  co.  Donegal,  was  created 
Countess  of  Wicklow  in  her  own  right  20  Dec. 
1793.  She  died  on  7  March  1807.  Her  son 
Robert  succeeded  her  as  Earl  of  Wicklow, 
and  sat  as  a  representative  peer  in  the  united 
parliament  of  1801.  The  present  and  seventh 
earl  (b.  1877)  is  his  great-grandnephew. 

[Lodge's  Peerage  of  Ireland,  ed.  Archdall, 
vi.85,  under  'Wicklow;'  Foster's  Peerage,  under 
*  Wicklow ; '  Todd's  Cat.  of  Dublin  Graduates  ; 
Dublin  University  Calendar;  Cotton's  Fasti 
Eccles.  Hib.  iii.  188,  iv.  75 ;  Cat.  Library,  Trinity 
College,  Dublin.]  W.  R-L. 

1848),  physician,  son  of  Charles  Howard  of 
Hull  and  his  wife  Mary  Baron  of  Manchester, 
was  born  at  Melbourne,  East  Riding  of  York- 
shire, on  18  Oct.  1807.  He  was  educated  at 
Northallerton,  and  in  1823  removed  to  Edin- 
burgh, where  he  obtained  a  surgeon's  diploma. 
In  1829  he  became  a  licentiate  of  the  Apothe- 
caries' Society  in  London,  and  took  the  de- 
gree of  M.D.  at  Edinburgh.  His  thesis  was 
entitled  *De  Hydrocephalo  Acuto.'  From 
1829  to  1833  he  was  physician's  clerk  in  the 
Manchester  Infirmary,  and  from  1833  until 
February  1838  acted  as  medical  officer  at  the 
Manchester  workhouse,  subsequently  hold- 
ing the  office  of  physician  to  the  Ardwick 
and  Ancoats  Dispensary  in  the  same  town. 
During  this  time  his  work  had  been  mainly 

among  the  poor,  and  his  deep  interest  in  their 
condition  led  him  in  1839  to  publish '  An  In- 
quiry into  the  Morbid  Effects  of  Deficiency 
of  Food,  chiefly  with  reference  to  their  oc- 
currence amongst  the  Destitute  Poor.'  In 
the  following  year,  at  the  invitation  of  the 
poor-law  commissioners,  he  wrote  a  t  Report 
upon  the  prevalence  of  Disease  arising  from 
Contagion,  Malaria,  and  certain  other  Physi- 
cal Causes  amongst  the  Labouring  Classes  in 
Manchester.'  At  a  later  period  he  again 
wrote  on  the  same  subject  in  J.  Adshead's 
pamphlet  on  the  state  of  the  working  classes 
in  Manchester.  In  1842,  on  being  appointed 
physician  to  the  infirmary,  he  printed  '  An 
Address  delivered  to  the  Pupils,'  &c.  His 
other  appointments  were  those  of  physician 
at  Haydock  Lodge  Lunatic  Asylum  and  lec- 
turer at  the  Manchester  College  of  Medicine. 
He  had  an  extensive  connection  with  the 
scientific  societies  of  the  town,  where  he  was 
warmly  esteemed  as  a  lecturer,  practitioner, 
and  philanthropist.  He  died  at  his  father's 
house  at  York  on  9  April  1848,  after  a  pain- 
ful illness,  and  was  buried  in  the  neighbour- 
ing cemetery. 

[Brit,  and  For.  Medico- Chirurgical  Review, 
quoted  in  Gent.  Mag.,  September  1848,  p.  323; 
S.  Hibbert- Ware's  Life  and  Corresp.  p.  451.] 

c.  w.  s. 

HpWARD,  SIR  ROBERT  (1585-1653), 
politician,  born  in  1585,  was  fifth  son  of  Tho- 
mas Howard,  first  earl  of  Suffolk  [q.  v.],  by 
his  second  wife,  Catherine.  He  was  uncle  of 
his  namesake,  the  historian  and  poet  [see 
HOWARD,  SIR  ROBERT,  1626-1698],  and 
brother  of  Theophilus,  second  earl  of  Suffolk 
[q.  v.],  and  of  Edward,  first  lord  Howard  of 
Escrick  [q.v.]  Robert  and  his  younger  brother 
William  (1600-1672)  were  made  knights  of 
the  Bath  4  Nov.  1616,  when  Prince  Charles, 
afterwards  Charles  I,  was  created  Prince  of 
Wales  (HOWARD,  Family  Memorials,  fol.) 
At  te  death  of  an  elder  brother,  Sir  Charles 
Howard  of  Clun,  in  connection  with  whose 
estate  he  was  granted  letters  of  administra- 
tion 21  June  1626,  Howard  succeeded  to 
the  property  of  Clun  Castle,  Shropshire,  as 
heir  of  entail  under  the  settlement  of  his 
great-uncle,  the  Earl  of  Nottingham.  In 
1624  he  became  notorious  by  his  intrigue  with 
Frances,  viscountess  Purbeck,  the  proceedings 
connected  with  which  increased  the  unpopu- 
larity of  the  Star-chamber.  The  lady,  daugh- 
ter of  Sir  Edward  Coke  [q.  v.],  had  been  forced 
into  a  marriage  with  Sir  John  Villiers,  first 
viscount  Purbeck,  brother  of  George  Villiers, 
first  duke  of  Buckingham.  After  living 
some  time  apart  from  her  husband  she  was 
privately  delivered,  on  19  Oct.  1624,  of  a  son, 
baptised  at  Cripplegate  under  the  name  of 




*  Robert  Wright,'  of  which  Howard  was  the 
reputed  father.  Buckingham  had  the  pair 
cited  before  the  high  commission  court  (Star- 
chamber),  19  Feb.  1625  (Cal.  State  Papers, 
Dom.  1623-5,  pp.  47 1-2, 474, 478-9).  Howard 
was  committed  a  close  prisoner  to  the  Fleet 
(ib.  p.  497).  He  was  publicly  excommuni- 
cated at  Paul's  Cross  for  refusing  to  answer 
questions  on  oath,  23  March  1625  ($.p.  507) ; 
but  he  appears  to  have  been  pardoned  at  the 
coronation  of  Charles  I.  Lady  Purbeck  was 
sentenced  to  a  fine  of  five  hundred  marks,  to 
be  imprisoned  during  the  pleasure  of  the  high 
commission  court,  and  to  do  penance  at  the 
Savoy.  She  evaded  the  penalties  by  escaping 
to  France.  When  the  storm  was  over  she 
returned  to  England.  On  the  allegation  that 
she  then  lived  with  Howard  at  his  house  in 
Shropshire,  and  had  other  children  by  him,' 
the  Star-chamber  proceedings  were  afterwards 
renewed.  In  April  1635  Howard,  for  not 
producing  Lady  Purbeck  as  ordered,  was 
committed  a  close  prisoner  to  the  Fleet,  with- 
out use  of  pen,  ink,  or  paper  for  three  months. 
He  was  then  enjoined  to  keep  from  her  com- 
pany, and  enlarged  on  giving  a  bond  for 
2,000£,  and  finding  a  surety  in  1,500/.  for  his 
personal  appearance  within  twenty-four  hours 
if  called  upon  (ib.  p.  1635).  Howard  was 
returned  to  parliament  as  member  for  the 
borough  of  Bishops  Castle,  Shropshire,  on 
21  Jan.  1623-4,  and  was  re-elected  in  1625, 
1626,  1628,  and  to  both  the  Short  and  Long 
parliaments  in  1640.  At  the  opening  of  the 
last  parliament  in  1640,  the  Star-chamber 
proceedings  were  brought  before  the  House 
of  Commons  on  a  question  of  privilege. 
The  proceedings  against  him  were  declared 
illegal.  A  sum  of  1,000/.  was  voted  to 
Howard  in  compensation  for  false  imprison- 
ment, and  a  fine  of  500/.  was  imposed  on 
Archbishop  Laud,  the  president  of  the  high 
commission  court,  and  one  of  250/.  on  each 
of  his  legal  assistants,  Sir  Henry  Martin  and 
Sir  Edward  Lambe  (Commons'  Journals,  i. 
820-70 ;  Lords'1  Journals,  iv.  ff.  106, 113, 114, 
117).  Laud  complains  in  his  memoirs  that 
he  had  to  sell  some  of  his  plate  to  pay  the 
fine.  Lady  Purbeck  died  in  1645  [see  art. 
on  her  son,  DANVEKS,  ROBERT]. 

In  1642  Howard  was  expelled  from  the 
House  of  Commons  for  executing  the  king's 
commission  of  array  (Par I.  Hist.  xii.  4).  He 
attended  the  royal  summons  to  the  parlia- 
ment at  Oxford  in  the  following  year.  His 
name  does  not  appear  in  the  list  of  officers  of 
the  royal  army  in  1642  in  the  Bodleian  Li- 
brary (PEACOCK,  Army  Lists  of  the  Cavaliers 
and  Roundheads,  London,  1862) ;  but  he  is 
said  to  have  commanded  a  regiment  of  dra- 
goons, and  was  governor  of  Bridgnorth  Castle 

when  it  surrendered  to  the  parliamentary 
forces  26  April  1646.  His  estates  were  se- 
questered, for  which  he  had  to  pay  952/.  in 
compensation  on  recovery.  He  died  22  April 
1653,  and  was  buried  at  Clun. 

In  1648  Howard  married  Catherine,  daugh- 
ter of  Sir  Henry  Ne  vill,  se v  enth  baron  Aberga- 
venny,  by  whom  he  had  two  sons  and  a  daugh- 
ter (Brit.  Mus.  Addit.  MS.  5834,  p.  17).  His 
widow,  as  guardian  of  his  eldest  son  Henry, 
filed  a  petition,  7  July  1663,  against  the 
second  reading  of  a  bill  to  confirm  the  sale  of 
certain  lands  in  Shropshire  by  Sir  Robert 
Howard  to  pay  his  debts  (Lords'  Journals,  xi. 
ff.  549,  554).  She  remarried  John  Berry  of 
Ludlow,  Shropshire. 

[The  only  full  and  authentic  account  of 
Howard  is  in  H.  K.  S.  Causton's  Howard 
Papers  (1862),  pp.  524-612.  His  pedigree  is 
traced  in  Ashtead  and  its  Howard  Possessors. 
Some  incidental  details  will  be  found  in  Collins's 
Peerage,  1812  ed.  vol.  iii.  under  'Suffolk'  and 
'  Jersey.'  Additional  particulars  will  be  found 
in  the  volumes  of  Acts  of  the  High  Commission 
Court  and  other  records  indexed  in  the  printed 
Calendars  of  State  Papers,  Dom.  Ser.,  for  the 
reigns  of  James  I  and  Charles  I ;  see  also  Gar- 
diner's Hist.  viii.  144-5.]  H.  M.  C. 

HOWARD,  SIB  ROBERT  (1626-1698), 
dramatist,  born  in  1626,  was  the  sixth  son  of 
Thomas  Howard,  first  earl  of  Berkshire,  by 
Elizabeth,  daughter  of  William  Cecil,  lord 
Burghley,  afterwards  second  earl  of  Exeter. 
His  brothers  Edward  and  James  Howard  are 
separately  noticed.  Wood  states  that  he  was 
educated  at  Magdalen  College,  Oxford ;  but 
Cole  (Athence  Cantabr.},  who  has  partly  con- 
fused him  with  his  uncle,  also  Sir  Robert 
Howard  [q.  v.],  suspects  that  he  belonged  to 
Magdalene  College,  Cambridge.  At  the  out- 
break of  the  civil  wars  he  joined  the  royalists, 
and  on  29  June  1644  he  was  knighted  on  the 
field  nearNewbury  for  his  bravery  in  rescuing 
Lord  Wilmot  from  the  parliamentarians  at  the 
battle  of  Cropredy  Bridge.  Under  the  Com- 
monwealth he  suffered  imprisonment  at 
Windsor  Castle.  At  the  Restoration  he  was 
returned  to  parliament  for  Stockbridge, 
Hampshire;  was  made  a  knight  of  the  Bath; 
became  secretary  to  the  commissioners  of  the 
treasury ;  and  in  1677  he  was  filling  the  lu- 
crative post,  which  he  held  till  his  death,  of 
auditor  of  the  exchequer.  '  Many  other  places 
and  boons  he  has  had/  writes  a  hostile  pam- 
phleteer, '  but  his  w Uphill  spends  all, 

and  now  refuses  to  marry  him '  (A  Seasonable 
Argument  to  persuade  all  the  Grand  Juries 
in  England  to  petition  for  a  new  Parliament, 
1677) ;  his  profits  were  sufficient,  at  all  events, 
to  enable  him  in  1680  to  purchase  the  Ashtead 
estate  in  Surrey.  On  9April  1678  he  impeached 



'  Sir  William  Penn  in  the  House  of  Lords  for 
breaking  bulk  and  taking  away  rich  goods 
out  of  the  East  India  prizes  formerly  taken 
by  the  Earl  of  Sandwich'  (EVELYN,  Diary, 
ii.  229).  On  4  Feb.  1678-9  he  was  returned 
M.P.  for  Castle  Rising  in  Norfolk,  which  he 
continued  to  represent  in  every  parliament, 
except  that  of  1685,  until  June  1698.  Though 
a  strong  whig  (cf.  PEPYS,  8  Dec.  1666),  he 
was  active  in  his  efforts  to  induce  parliament 
to  vote  money  for  Charles  II,  and  incurred 
odium  thereby.  At  the  revolution  he  was  ad- 
mitted (February  1688-9)  to  the  privy  council. 
In  June  1689  he  introduced  the  debate  on  the 
case  of  Gates  in  the  Commons.  On  2  Jan. 
1689-90  he  added  a  clause  to  the  whig  bill 
for  restoring  the  charters  which  had  been  sur- 
rendered in  the  late  reign ;  it  was  directed 
against  those  who  had  been  parties  to  such 
surrenders.  Early  in  July  1690  he  was  one 
of  the  commissioners  to  inquire  into  the 
state  of  the  fleet  (LTJTTRELL,  ii.  74),  and 
on  29  July  he  was  appointed  '  to  command 
all  and  singular  the  regiments  and  troops 
of  militia  horse  which  are  or  shall  be  drawn 
together  under  the  command  of  John,  Earl 
of  Marlborough'  throughout  England  and 
Wales  (Public  Records,  Home  Office,  Mili- 
tary Entry  Book,  vol.  ii.  ff.  142-3;  LUT- 
TKELL,  ii.  88-9).  On  26  Feb.  1692-3  he 
married  Annabella  Dives  (aged  18),  a  maid 
of  honour.  She  was  his  fourth  wife ;  after 
Sir  Robert's  death  she  married  the  Rev.  Ed- 
mund Martin,  and  died  in  1728.  Howard's 
first  wife  is  supposed  to  have  been  an  actress 
(cf.  EVELYN,  ii.  211),  apparently  Mrs.  Up- 
hill; his  second  wife  was  probably  Lady 
Honora  O'Brien,  daughter  of  the  Earl  of 
Thomond,  and  widow  of  Sir  Francis  Ingle- 
field.  Howard  died  on  3  Sept.  1698  ('  aged 
near  80,'  says  Luttrell),  and  was  buried  'in 
Westminster  Abbey.  About  1684  he  built 
for  himself  an  elaborate  house  at  Ashtead, 
and  had  the  staircase  painted  by  Verrio  (ib. 
ii.  431).  Evelyn  sums  up  the  estimation  in 
which  he  was  held,  by  Dryden  as  well  as 
others  (cf.  'Defence  of  the  Essay  of  Dramatic 
Poesy,'  in  2nd  edit,  of  the  Indian  Emperor), 
when  he  describes  him  as  '  pretending  to  all 
manner  of  arts  and  sciences . . .  not  ill-natured, 
but  insufferably  boasting'  (ib.  ii.  450).  Shad- 
well  ridiculed  him  under  the  character  of  Sir 
Positive  At- All  in  '  The  Sullen  Lovers,'  1668 
(#.)  Lady  Vane,  in  the  same  play,  was  sup- 
posed to  represent  the  mistress  of  Howard, 
who  became  his  first  wife.  The  author  of 
the  *  Key  to  the  Rehearsal '  states  that  Howard 
was  the  chief  figure,  Bilboa,  in  the  first  sketch 
of  'The  Rehearsal/  1664,  but  others  identify 
Bilboa  with  D'Avenant.  Contemptuous  re- 
ference is  made  to  his  literary  pretensions  in 

the  '  Session  of  the  Poets,'  which  appears  in 
'  State  Poems,'  1699,  pt.  i.  p.  206.  His  por- 
trait was  painted  by  Sir  Godfrey  Kneller. 
Thomas  Howard  (1651-1701),  his  son  and 
heir,  probably  by  his  second  wife,  succeeded 
to  the  Ashtead  property,  and  was  teller  of 
the  exchequer.-^One  of  his  daughters,  Mary, 
born  28  Dec.  1653,  was  sent  in  her  nineteenth 
year  to  Paris  because  she  had  attracted  the 
notice  of  Charles  II  at  a  play.  She  became 
a  Roman  catholic,  and  entered  the  English 
convent  of  Poor  Clares  at  Rouen,  of  which 
she  became  abbess  in  1702 ;  she  died  at  Rouen 
21  March  1735.  Known  as  Mary  of  the 
Holy  Cross,  she  wrote  several  works  of  devo- 
tion, one  of  which,  '  The  Chief  Points  of  Our 
Holy  Ceremonies  . .  .,'  was  published  in  1726. 
Her  life  was  written  by  Alban  Butler  (GiL- 
LOW,  Bibl.  Diet,  of  the  Eng.  Cath.,  iii.  435). 
Howard  is  chiefly  remembered  as  the  author 
of  'The  Committee '  and  as  the  brother-in-law 
of  Dryden.  His  first  work  was  a  collection 
of  'Poems,'  1660,  8vo  (2nd  ed.  1696),  which 
Scott  justly  pronounced  to  be { productions  of 
a  most  freezing  mediocrity'  (SCOTT,  Dryden, 
1821,  xi.  6).  Dryden  prefixed  a  copy  of  com- 
mendatory verses  ;  he  was  then  living  with 
Henry  Herringham,  Howard's  publisher.  In 
1665  Howard  published  '  Foure  New  Plays/ 
1  vol.,  fol.  —  'Surprisal'  and  ' Committee r 
(comedies),  '  Vestal  Virgin '  and  '  Indian 
Queen '  (tragedies).  Evelyn  was  present  at 
a  performance  of  the  '  Committee '  on  27  Nov. 
1662,  and  calls  it  a  ridiculous  play,  but  adds 
that  '  this  mimic  Lacy  acted  the  Irish  foot- 
man to  admiration/  a  reference  to  the  cha- 
racter of  Teague,  which  was  suggested  by 
one  of  Howard's  own  servants  (C.  HOWARD,. 
Anecd.  of  some  of  the  Hoivard  Family,  p.  Ill ).. 
Pepys  saw  the  piece  at  the  Theatre  Royal  on 
12  June  1663,  and  describes  it  as  'a  merry  but 
indifferent  play/  but,  like  Evelyn,  commends 
Lacy's  acting.  It  is  the  best  of  Howard's 
plays,  and  long  held  the  stage.  An  adaptation 
(by  T.  Knight),  under  the  title  of '  The  Honest 
Thieves/  was  acted  at  Covent  Garden  on  9  May 
1797,  and  became  a  stock  play.  The  'Vestal 
Virgin'  was  fitted  with  two  fifth  acts;  it  was 
intended  for  a  tragedy,  but  might  be  turned 
into  a  comedy  (after  the  manner  of  Suckling's 
'  Aglaura').  In  the  '  Indian  Queen/  a  tragedy 
in  heroic  verse,  Howard  was  assisted  by 
Dryden.  The  applause  it  received  was  largely 
due  to  the  scenery  and  dresses.  Evelyn  re- 
cords that  the  scenery  was  '  the  richest  ever 
seen  in  England,  or  perhaps  elsewhere  upon  a 
public  stage '  (Memoirs,  5  Feb.  1664).  Howard 
does  not  mention  that  Dryden  was  concerned 
in  the  authorship ;  but  Dryden,  in  the  preface 
to  the  'Indian  Emperor' — which  was  de- 
signed as  a  sequel  to  the  '  Indian  Queen ' — 

"  '  A  paper  written  by  Thomas  Howard, 
giving  genealogical  details  of  the  family  of 
Sir  Robert,  is  inserted  in  MS.  Ashmole 

243,   f.    193,   in  the   Bodleian  (Notes  and 
Queries.,  clxxvii.  7).' 




states  that  lie  wrote  part  of  the  earlier  play. 
In  the  dedicatory  epistle  before  the  '  Rival 
Ladies,'  1664,  Dryden  had  contended  that 
rhyme  is  more  suitable  than  blank  verse  for 
dramatic  purposes.  Howard  (whose  blank 
verse  is  execrable)  opposed  this  view  in  the 
preface  to  '  Foure  New  Plays ; '  Dryden  re- 
plied in  the '  Essay  of  Dramatic  Poesy/  1668 ; 
Howard  retorted  somewhat  superciliously  in 
the  preface  to  his  '  Great  Favourite ;  or  the 
Duke  of  Lerma ;  a  Tragedy,'  1668,  4to  ;  and 
Dryden  had  the  last  word  in  a  politely  iro- 
nical '  Defence  of  an  Essay,'  &c.  (which  he  sub- 
sequently cancelled),  prefixed  to  the  second 
edition  of  the  '  Indian  Emperor,'  1668  [see 
DRYDEN,  JOHN].  In  1668  Howard  dedicated 
to  Buckingham  '  The  Duel  of  the  Staggs ;  a 
Poem,'  4to,  which  was  satirised  by  Lord 
Buckhurst  in  a  poem  entitled  '  The  Duel  of 
the  Crabs '  (cf.  State  Poems,  1699,  pt.  i.  p.  201). 

The  five  plays  mentioned  above  were  col- 
lected in  1692,  fol.,  and  again  in  1722, 12mo ; 
a  sixth,  '  The  Blind  Lady,'  was  printed  with 
the  'Poems;'  the  'Conquest  of  China  by  the 
Tartars,'  a  tragedy,  which  Dryden  expressed 
the  intention  of  altering  at  a  cost  of  '  six 
weeks'  study,'  was  never  published  (Notes 
and  Queries,  1st  ser.  v.  225,  281).  Howard's 
prose  writings  are '  Reign  of  King  Richard  II,' 
1681,  8vo ;  'Account  of  the  State  of  his  Ma- 
jesties Revenue,'  1681,  fol.;  'Historical  Ob- 
servations on  the  Reigns  of  Edward  I,  II,  III, 
and  Richard  II,'  1689, 4to ;  'Reigns  of  Edward 
and  Richard  II,'  1690, 12mo;  and '  History  of 
Religion,  by  a  Person  of  Quality,'  1694,  8vo. 

'LAshtead  and  its  Howard  Possessors  (privately 
printed),  1873;  Langbaine's  Dram.  Poets,  with 
Oldys's  MS.  Annotations;  Wood's  Athense,  ed. 
Bliss;  Macaulay's Hist. ;  Pepys's Diary ;  Evelyn's 
Diary;  Luttrell's  Brief  Relation;  Memoirs  of 
Sir  John  Reresby,  p.  226  ;  Gibber's  Lives ; 
Jacob's  Poet.  Eeg. ;  Baker's  Biog.  Dram.,  ed. 
Jones ;  Scott's  Dryden,  1821 ;  Genest's  Account 
of  the  English  Stage.]  A.  H.  B. 

HOWARD,  SAMUEL  (1710-1782),  or- 
ganist and  composer,  born  in  1710,  was  a 
chorister  of  the  Chapel  Royal  under  Dr.  Wil- 
liam Croft  [q.  v.]  After  continuing  his  musi- 
cal studies  under  Pepusch,  he  became  organist 
of  St.  Clement  Danes,  Strand,  and  St.  Bride's, 
Fleet  Street.  In  1769  he  graduated  Mus.Doc. 
at  Cambridge.  He  died  on  13  July  1782,  at 
his  house  in  Norfolk  Street,  Strand. 

Howard  composed  much  popular  music. 
His  incidental  music  to  the  '  Amorous  God- 
dess '  was  performed  at  Drury  Lane,  and  pub- 
lished in  1744.  His  two  songs  in  '  Love  in 
a  Village'  (1764?),  '0  had  I  been  by  Fate 
decreed/  and  '  How  much  superior  beauty 
awes,'  were  sung  by  Incledon  and  Mattocks, 
and  he  was  part  composer  of  '  Netley  Abbey ' 

and  '  The  Mago  and  the  Dago.'  His  church 
music  includes  the  anthem  for  voices  and 
orchestra,  '  This  is  the  Day,' performed  at  St. 
Margaret's,  1792,  and  several  psalm  and  hymn 
tunes, two, named  respectively '  Howard'  and 
'  St.  Brides/  being  widely  known.  His  songs 
are  numerous.  A  collection  called  'The  Mu- 
sical Companion/ 1775  ?,  contains  about  fifty 
of  his  cantatas,  solos,  and^duets.  The  ac- 
companiments are  for  harpsichord  and  violin. 
The  words  of  'To  Sylvia'  are  by  Garrick ;  of 
'  Would  you  long  preserve  a  Lover  ? '  by  Con- 
greve ;  and  '  Florellio  and  Daphne '  by  Shen- 
stone.  The  collection  includes  Howard's '  Lass 
of  St.  Osyth/  'Advice  to  Chloe/  and  his  'Six 
Songs  sung  by  Miss  Davies  atVauxhall.7  Other 
songs  by  Howard  not  included  in  this  volume 
are  '  Lucinda's  Name,'  addressed  to  the  Prin- 
cess Amelia,  1740?  'Nutbrown  Maid/  and  'I 
like  the  Man  '  (1750  ?).  Some  of  his  songs 
also  appeared  in  the '  British  Orpheus/  bk.  iv., 
and  in  the  'Vocal  Musical  Mask.'  His  style 
was  dull,  even  in  his  most  admired 'musettes.' 
Howard  assisted  Boyce  in  the  compilation  of 
'  Cathedral  Music/  and  his  most  valuable  work 
is  probably  to  be  found  there. 

[Gent.  Mag.  lii.  359 ;  A.B.C.  Dario  Musico  ; 
Diet,  of  Music,  1827,  i.  378;  Grove's  Diet,  of 
Music,  i.  759  ;  Brown's  Biog.  Diet.  p.  334 ; 
Howard's  music  in  the  British  Museum  Library.] 

L.  M.  M. 

EARL  OP  SUFFOLK  (1584-1640),  baptised  on 
13  Aug.  1584,  was  the  eldest  son  of  Thomas, 
first  earl  of  Suffolk  (1561-1626)  [q.  v.],  by 
his  second  wife,  Catherine,  widow  of  Richard, 
eldest  son  of  Robert,  lord  Rich,  and  daughter 
and  coheiress  of  Sir  Henry  Knevet,  knt.,  of 
Charlton,  Wiltshire  (DoTLE,  Official  Baron- 
age, iii.  449-50).  As  Lord  Howard  of  Wai- 
den  he  was  created  M.A.  of  Oxford  on 
30  Aug.  1605  (WooD,  Fasti  Oxon.  ed.  Bliss, 
ii.  314),  and  from  4  Nov.  1605  to  8  Feb. 
1610  he  sat  as  M.P.  for  Maldon,  Essex  (Lists 
of  Members  of  Parliament,  Official  Return, 
pt.  i.  p.  443).  On  the  latter  date  he  was 
summoned  to  the  upper  house  as  Baron 
Howard  de  Walden.  He  became  joint  steward 
of  several  royal  manors  in  South  Wales  on 
30  June  1606,  lieutenant  of  the  band  of 
gentlemen  pensioners  in  July  of  the  same 
year,  councillor  for  the  colony  of  Virginia 
on  23  May  1609,  and  governor  of  Jersey  and 
Castle  Cornet  on  26  March  1610.  In  the 
latter  year  he  served  as  a  volunteer  with  the 
English  forces  at  the  siege  of  Juliers,  and 
there  engaged  in  a  notable  quarrel  with  Ed- 
ward, lord  Herbert  of  Cherbury  (HERBERT, 
Autobiography,  ed.  1886,  pp.  73-7,  and  App.) 
He  became  keeper  in  reversion  of  the  Tower  of 
Greenwich  on  2  July  1611,  keeper  of  Green- 



wich  Park  six  days  later,  and  joint  lord-lieu- 
tenant of  Cumberland,  Westmoreland,  and 
Northumberland  on  11  Feb.  1614.  On  14  July 
of  the  last-named  year  he  was  promoted  to 
the  captaincy  of  the  band  of  gentlemen  pen- 
sioners, but  had  to  resign  it  on  the  disgrace  of 
his  father  in  December  1619.  After  January 
1619  he  was  made  vice-admiral  of  North- 
umberland, Durham,  Cumberland,  West- 
moreland, and  Dorsetshire,  and  was  reap- 
pointed  captain  of  the  band  of  gentlemen 
pensioners  in  January  1620,  a  post  which  he 
held  until  May  1635.  On  28  May  1626  he 
succeeded  his  father  as  second  Earl  of  Suffolk 
and  hereditary  visitor  of  Magdalene  College, 
Cambridge,  and  was  appointed  during  the 
same  year  lord-lieutenant  of  Cambridge- 
shire, Suffolk,  Dorsetshire,  and  the  town 
of  Poole  (15  June)  and  a  privy  councillor 
(12  Nov.)  He  was  installed  high  steward  of 
Ipswich  on  19  March  1627,  K.G.  on  24  April 
following,  lord  warden  of  the  Cinque  ports 
and  constable  of  Dover  Castle  on  22  July 
1628,  lieutenant  of  the  Cinque  ports  on  2  Sept. 
of  the  same  year,  governor  of  Berwick  in 
June  1635,  and  a  commissioner  of  regency 
on  26  March  1639.  Howard  died  on  3  June 
1640  at  Suffolk  House  in  the  Strand,  and 
was  buried  at  Saffron  Walden,  Essex  ( Cal. 
State  Papers,  Dom.  1640,  p.  266).  In  March 
1612  he  married  Lady  Elizabeth  Home, 
daughter  and  coheiress  of  George  Home,  earl 
of  Dunbar  [q.  v.],  and  by  this  lady,  who  died 
on  19  Aug.  1633,  had  four  sons  and  five  daugh- 
ters. His  eldest  son,  James  Howard,  third 
earl  of  Suffolk,  is  separately  noticed. 
[Authorities  in  the  text.]  G.  G. 

SURREY  and  second  DUKE  OP  NORFOLK  of 
the  Howard  house  (1443-1524),  warrior  and 
statesman,  was  only  son  of  Sir  John  Howard, 
afterwards  first  duke  of  Norfolk  [q.  v.],  by 
his  wife  Catharine,  daughter  of  William, 
lord  Moleyns.  He  was  born  in  1443,  was 
educated  at  the  school  at  Thetford,  and 
began  a  long  career  of  service  at  court  as 
henchman  to  Edward  IV.  He  took  part 
in  the  war  which  broke  out  in  1469  be- 
tween the  king  and  the  Earl  of  Warwick, 
and  when,  in  1470,  Edward  was  driven  to 
flee  to  Holland,  Howard  took  sanctuary  at 
Colchester.  On  Edward's  return  in  1471, 
Howard  joined  him  and  fought  by  his  side 
in  the  battle  of  Barnet.  On  30  April  1472 
he  married  Elizabeth,  daughter  and  heiress 
of  Sir  Frederick  Tilney,  and  widow  of  Hum- 
phrey, lord  Berners.  Soon  afterwards  he 
went  as  a  volunteer  to  the  camp  of  Charles, 
duke  of  Burgundy,  who  was  threatening  war 
against  Louis  XI  of  France.  He  did  not  see 

much  service,  and  after  the  truce  of  Senlis 
came  back  to  England,  where  he  was  made 
,  esquire  of  the  body  to  Edward  IV  in  1473. 
In  June  1475  he  led  six  men-at-arms  and 
two  hundred  archers  to  join  the  king's  army 
in  France;  but  Edward  soon  made  peace 
with  Louis  XI,  and  led  his  forces  home  with- 
out a  battle.  Howard  then  took  up  his  abode 
at  his  wife's  house  of  Ashwellthorpe  Hall, 
Norfolk,  where  he  lived  the  life  of  a  country 
gentleman,  and  in  1476  was  made  sheriff  of 
the  counties  of  Norfolk  and  Suffolk,  On 
18  Jan.  1478  he  was  knighted  by  Edward  IV 
at  the  marriage  between  the  king's  second 
son,  the  young  Duke  of  York  (then  created 
also  Duke  of  Norfolk),  and  Lady  Anne  Mow- 
bray,  only  child  of  John,  duke  of  Norfolk. 
Anne  Mowbray  died  in  1483,  before  the  con- 
summation of  her  marriage,  and  the  direct 
line  of  the  Mowbrays  became  extinct,  where- 
upon Howard's  father,  as  next  of  kin,  was 
created  Duke  of  Norfolk,  and  his  son  Earl 
of  Surrey.  In  the  same  year  Surrey  was 
made  knight  of  the  Garter,  was  sworn  of  the 
privy  council,  and  was  appointed  lord  steward 
of  the  household. 

Surrey  had  now  taken  his  place  as  a  cour- 
tier and  an  official,  and  henceforth  was  dis- 
tinguished by  loyalty  to  the  actual  wearer 
of  the  crown,  whoever  he  might  be.  He 
acquiesced  in  Eichard  Ill's  usurpation,  and 
carried  the  sword  of  state  at  his  coronation 
(Excerpta  Historica,  p.  380).  He  and  his 
father  fought  for  Richard  at  Bosworth  Field, 
where  his  father  was  killed  and  he  was  taken 
prisoner.  He  was  attainted  by  the  first  par- 
liament of  Henry  VII,  and  his  estates  were 
forfeited.  He  was  also  committed  to  the 
Tower,  where  he  remained  for  three  years 
and  a  half,  receiving  the  liberal  allowance  of 
21.  a  week  for  his  board  (CAMPBELL,  Mate- 
rials for  a  History  of  Henry  VII,  i.  208). 
Misfortune  did  not  shake  his  principle  of 
loyalty  to  the  powers  that  be,  and  he  refused 
to  seek  release  by  favouring  rebellion.  When, 
in  June  1487,  the  Earl  of  Lincoln  invaded 
England,  and  the  lieutenant  of  the  Tower 
offered  to  open  the  doors  to  Surrey,  he  refused 
the  chance  of  escape.  Henry  VII  soon  saw 
that  Surrey  could  be  converted  into  an  official, 
and  would  serve  as  a  conspicuous  example 
to  other  nobles.  In  January  1489  he  was 
released,  and  was  restored  to  his  earldom, 
though  the  calculating  king  kept  the  greater 
part  of  his  forfeited  lands,  and  gave  back 
only  those  which  he  held  in  right  of  his 
wife,  and  those  which  had  been  granted  to 
the  Earl  of  Oxford  (ib.  ii.  420).  In  May  he 
was  sent  to  put  down  a  rising  in  Yorkshire, 
caused  by  the  pressure  of  taxation.  The 
Earl  of  Northumberland  had  been  slain  by 



the  insurgents,  whom  Surrey  quickly  subdued 
and  hanged  their  leader  in  York.  The  care 
of  the  borders  was  now  entrusted  to  Surrey, 
who  was  made  lieutenant-general  of  the 
north,  was  placed  on  the  commission  of  peace 
for  Northumberland,  and  was  appointed  sub- 
warden  of  the  east  and  middle  marches, 
which  were  under  the  nominal  charge  of 
Arthur,  prince  of  Wales  (ib.  ii.  480).  In 
the  spring  of  1492  he  showed  his  vigilance 
by  putting  down  a  rising  at  Acworth,  near 
Pomfret,  so  promptly  that  nothing  is  known 
of  it  save  an  obscure  mention  (Plumpton 
Correspondence,  pp.  95-7). 

Surrey  was  now  reckoned  the  chief  general 
in  England,  and  though  summoned  south- 
wards when  Henry  VII  threatened  an  expe- 
dition against  France,  was  chiefly  employed 
in  watching  the  Scottish  border  against  the 
Scottish  king  and  Perkin  Warbeck.  In  1497 
James  IV  laid  siege  to  Norham  Castle,  but 
retreated  before  the  rapid  advance  of  Surrey, 
who  retaliated  by  a  raid  into  Scotland,  where 
he  challenged  the  Scottish  king  to  battle ; 
but  James  did  not  venture  an  engagement, 
and  bad  weather  forced  Surrey  to  retire 
(HALL,  Chronicle,  p.  480).  Surrey's  services 
received  tardy  recognition  from  Henry  VII ; 
in  June  1501  he  was  sworn  of  the  privy 
council,  and  was  made  lord  treasurer.  His 
knowledge  of  Scotland  was  used  for  diplo- 
matic purposes,  and  in  the  same  year  he  was 
sent  to  arrange  the  terms  of  peace  with  that 
country  on  the  basis  of  the  marriage  of 
Henry  VII's  daughter  Margaret  to  James  IV. 
In  1503  he  was  at  the  head  of  the  escort 
which  conducted  the  princess  from  her  grand- 
mother's house  of  Colliweston,  Northampton, 
to  Edinburgh,  where  he  was  received  with 
honour  (LELAND,  Collectanea,  iv.  266,  &c.) 
After  this  he  stood  high  in  the  king's  confi- 
dence, was  named  one  of  the  executors  of 
his  will,  and  was  present  on  all  great  occa- 
sions at  the  court.  In  October  1508  he  was 
sent  to  Antwerp  to  negotiate  for  the  mar- 
riage of  Henry's  daughter  Mary  with  Charles, 
prince  of  Castile  (GAIRDNEE,  Letters  and 
Papers,  i.  444).  It  was  not,  however,  till 
after  twenty  years  of  hard  service  that 
Henry  VII,  shortly  before  his  death,  made 
a  restoration  of  his  forfeited  manors. 

On  the  accession  of  Henry  VIII,  Surrey's 
age,  position,  and  experience  marked  him  out 
as  the  chief  adviser  of  the  new  king  and  the 
most  influential  member  of  the  privy  council. 
In  March  1509  he  was  one  of  the  commis- 
sioners to  conclude  a  treaty  with  France 
(BERGENROTH,  Spanish  Calendar,  i.  No.  36). 
In  July  1510  he  was  made  earl  marshal,  and 
in  November  1511  was  a  commissioner  to 
conclude  a  treaty  with  Ferdinand  the  Ca- 

tholic (ib.  No.  59).  But  Surrey  felt  that, 
though  he  was  valued  by  the  young  king, 
he  did  not  become  his  trusted  adviser,  and 
he  looked  with  jealous  eyes  on  the  rapid  rise 
of  Wolsey.  He  suspected  Wolsey  of  en- 
couraging the  king  in  extravagance,  and  fos- 
tering his  ambition  for  distinction  in  foreign 
affairs  contrary  to  the  cautious  policy  of  his 
father.  He  consequently  gave  way  to  out- 
bursts of  ill-temper,  and  in  September  1512, 
*  being  discountenanced  by  the  king,  he  left 
the  court.  Wolsey  thinks  it  would  be  a  good 
thing  if  he  were  ousted  from  his  lodging 
there  altogether '  (BREWER,  Calendar,  i.  No. 
3443).  But  Henry  VIII  was  wise  enough 
to  see  the  advantage  of  maintaining  a  balance 
in  his  council,  and  he  knew  the  worth  of  a 
man  like  Surrey.  When,  in  1513,  he  led  his 
army  into  France,  Surrey  was  left  as  lieu- 
tenant-general of  the  north.  He  had  to  meet 
the  attack  of  James  IV  of  Scotland,  which 
was  so  decisively  repelled  on  Flodden  Field 
(9  Sept.  1513),  a  victory  due  to  the  energy 
of  Surrey  in  raising  troops  and  in  organising 
his  army,  as  well  as  to  the  strategical  skill 
which  he  showed  in  his  dispositions  for  the 
battle  (HALL,  Chronicle,  p.  556,  &c.)  This  is 
the  more  remarkable  when  we  remember 
that  he  was  then  in  his  seventieth  year.  As 
a  recognition  of  this  signal  service  Surrey, 
on  1  Feb.  1514,  was  created  Duke  of  Norfolk, 
with  an  annuity  of  40/.  out  of  the  counties 
of  Norfolk  and  Suffolk,  and  further  had  a 
grant  of  an  addition  to  his  coat  of  arms — on 
a  bend  in  his  shield  a  demi-lion,  gules,  pierced 
in  the  mouth  with  an  arrow. 

Though  Norfolk  had  gained  distinction  he 
did  not  gain  influence  over  the  king,  whose 
policy  was  completely  directed  by  Wolsey 
on  lines  contrary  to  the  wishes  of  the  old 
nobility.  Norfolk  was  opposed  to  the  mar- 
riage of  the  king's  sister  Mary  with  Louis  XII 
of  France,  and  vainly  tried  to  prevent  it. 
To  console  him  for  his  failure  he  was  chosen 
to  conduct  Mary  to  her  husband,  and  waited 
till  he  was  in  France  to  wreak  his  ill-humour 
by  dismissing  Mary's  English  attendants 
(BREWER,  Reign  of  Henry  VIII,  i.  40). 
This  act  only  threw  Mary  more  completely 
on  Wolsey's  side,  and  so  increased  his  influ- 
ence. Norfolk  must  have  felt  the  hopeless- 
ness of  further  opposition  when,  on  15  Nov. 
1515,  he  and  the  Duke  of  Suffolk  conducted 
Wolsey,  after  his  reception  of  the  cardinal's 
hat,  from  the  high  altar  to  the  door  of  West- 
minster Abbey.  He  gradually  resigned  him- 
self to  Wolsey's  policy,  and  the  Venetian 
envoy  Giustinian  reports  that  he  was  '  very 
intimate  with  the  cardinal'  (RAWDON  BROWN, 
Four  Years  at  the  Court  of  Henry  VIII, 
App.  ii.)  In  February  1516  the  Duchess  of 




Norfolk  was  godmother  to  the  Princess  Mary, 
and  in  the  same  year  Norfolk  was  a  commis- 
sioner for  forming  a  league  with  the  emperor 
and  Spain  in  defence  of  the  church.  In  May 
1517  he  showed  his  old  vigour  in  putting 
down  a  riot  of  the  London  apprentices  against 
foreigners,  which,  from  the  summary  punish- 
ment it  received,  was  known  as  '  Evil  May 
day.'  When  the  king  went  to  the  Field  of 
the  Cloth  of  Gold  in  1520,  Norfolk  was  left 
guardian  of  the  kingdom.  But  a  painful 
task  was  in  store  for  him :  in  May  1521  he 
was  appointed  lord  high  steward  for  the  trial 
of  Edward,  duke  of  Buckingham,  on  the 
charge  of  treason.  Buckingham  was  his 
friend,  and  father  of  the  wife  of  his  eldest 
son ;  and  few  incidents  are  more  character- 
istic of  the  temper  of  the  time  than  that 
Norfolk  should  have  consented  to  preside  at 
such  a  trial,  of  which  the  issue  was  a  foregone 
conclusion.  With  tears  streaming  down  his 
face  Norfolk  passed  sentence  of  death  on  a  man 
with  whose  sentiments  he  entirely  agreed,  but 
had  his  reward  in  a  grant  of  manors  from 
Buckingham's  forfeitures  (BREWER,  Calen- 
dar, iii.  No.  2382).  In  spite  of  his  great  age 
Norfolk  still  continued  at  court,  and  was 
present  at  the  reception  of  Charles  V  in  May 
1522.  In  December,  however,  he  resigned 
the  office  of  treasurer,  but  was  present  at 
parliament  in  April  1523.  After  that  he 
retired  to  his  castle  of  Framlingham,  where 
he  died  on  21  May  1524,  and  was  buried  at 
Thetford  Priory,  of  which  he  was  patron 
(MARTIN,  History  of  Thetford,  p.  122).  A 
tomb  was  raised  over  him,  which  at  the  dis- 
solution of  the  monasteries  was  removed  to 
the  church  of  Framlingham.  It  is  said  that 
his  body  finally  remained  in  the  Howard 
Chapel  at  Lambeth,  where  his  second  wife 
was  also  buried  (see  'The  Howards  of  Effing- 
ham,'  by  G.  LEVESON  GOWER,  in  Surrey  Arch. 
Coll.  ix.  397). 

The  career  of  Howard  is  an  excellent  ex- 
ample of  the  process  by  which  the  Tudor 
kings  converted  the  old  nobility  into  digni- 
fied officials,  and  reduced  them  into  entire 
dependence  on  the  crown.  Howard  ac- 
cepted the  position,  worked  hard,  abandoned 
all  scruples,  and  gathered  every  possible  re- 
ward. Polydore  Vergil  praises  him  as  '  vir 
prudentia,  gravitate  et  constantia  praeditus.' 
By  his  first  wife,  Elizabeth  Tilney,  he  had 
eight  sons  [see  HOWARD,  THOMAS  II,  and 
HOWARD,  SIR  EDWARD  (1477  P-1513)],  of 
whom  five  died  young,  and  three  daughters ; 
by  his  second  wife,  Agnes,  daughter  of  Sir 
Philip  Tilney,  he  had  three  sons,  including 
William  Howard,  first  lord  Howard  of  Effing- 
ham  [q.  v.],  and  four  daughters.  By  the  mar- 
riages of  this  numerous  offspring  the  Howard 

family  was  connected  with  most  of  the  chief 
families  of  England,  and  secured  a  lasting 

[An  interesting  biography  of  Howard  was 
written  on  a  tablet  placed  above  his  tomb  at 
Thetford;  it  has  been  preserved  in  "Weever's 
Funerall  Monuments,  pp.  834-40.  This  has  been 
amplified  by  Dugdale's  Baronage,  ii.  67-71. 
Blomefield's  History  of  Norfolk,  i.  451-5 ;  Hawes 
and  Loder's  History  of  Framlingham,  pp.  66-75 ; 
Cartwright  and  Dalla way's  History  of  the  Wes- 
tern Division  of  Sussex,  ii.  194-8 ;  Collins's 
Peerage,  pp.  40,  &e. ;  Doyle's  Official  Baronage, 
ii.  289-91 ;  Howard's  Memorials  of  the  Howards, 
These  are  supplemented  by  Hall's  Chronicle ; 
Polydore  Vergil's  Historia  Anglicana  ;  Herbert's 
Reign  of  Henry  VIII ;  Brewer's  Letters  and 
Papers,  and  Reign  of  Henry  VIII ;  Bergenroth's 
Spanish  Calendar ;  Brown's  Venetian  Calendar, 
and  Despatches  of  Griustinian ;  Sanford  and 
Townsend's  Great  Governing  Families  of  Eng- 
land, ii.  315-23.]  M.  C. 

SURREY  and  third  DUKE  OF  NORFOLK 
of  the  Howard  house  (1473-1554),  warrior 
and  statesman,  was  eldest  son  of  Thomas 
Howard  I  [q.  v.]  by  his  wife  Elizabeth, 
daughter  and  heiress  of  Sir  Frederick  Tilney 
of  Ashwellthorpe  Hall,  Norfolk.  He  was 
born  in  1473,  and,  as  a  sign  of  the  close  alliance 
between  Richard  III  and  the  Howard  family, 
was  betrothed  in  1484  to  the  Lady  Anne 
(born  at  Westminster  2  Nov.  1475),  third 
daughter  of  Edward  IV  (BuCK,  History  of 
Richard  III,  p.  574).  The  lady  had  been 
betrothed  by  her  father  by  treaty  dated 
5  Aug.  1480  to  Philip,  son  of  Maximilian, 
archduke  of  Austria,  but  Edward  IV's  death 
had  brought  the  scheme  to  nothing.  After  the 
overthrow  of  Richard,  despite  the  change  in 
the  fortunes  of  the  Howards,  Lord  Thomas 
renewed  his  claim  to  the  hand  of  the  Lady 
Anne,  who  was  in  constant  attendance  on 
her  sister,  Queen  Elizabeth,  and  Henry  VII 
permitted  the  marriage  to  take  place  in  1495 
(the  marriage  settlement  is  given  by  MADOX, 
Formulare  Anglicanum,  pp.  109-10).  The 
queen  settled  upon  the  bride  an  annuity 
of  120/.  (confirmed  by  acts  of  parliament 
11  and  12  Hen.  VII),  and  the  marriage 
took  place  in  Westminster  Abbey  on  4  Feb. 
1495.  Howard  subsequently  served  in  the 
north  under  his  father,  by  whom  he  was 
knighted  in  1498.  In  1511  he  joined 
his  younger  brother,  Edward  [q.  v.J,  the 
lord  admiral,  as  captain  of  a  ship  in  his  en- 
counter with  the  Scottish  pirate,  Andrew 
Barton  [q.  v.]  In  May  1512  he  was  made 
lieutenant-general  of  the  army  which  was 
sent  to  Spain  under  the  command  of  the 
Marquis  of  Dorset,  with  the  intention  of 
joining  the  forces  of  Ferdinand  for  the  in- 



vasion  of  Guienne.  The  troops,  ill  supplied 
with  food,  grew  weary  of  waiting  for  Ferdi- 
nand and  insisted  upon  returning  home,  in 
spite  of  Howard's  efforts  to  persuade  them 
to  remain  (BREWER,  Calendar,  i.  No.  3451). 
Henry  VIII  invaded  France  next  year.  Sir 
Edward  Howard  fell  in  a  naval  engage- 
ment in  March,  and  on  2  May  1513  Lord 
Thomas  was  appointed  lord  admiral  in  his 
stead.  He  was  not,  however,  called  upon 
to  serve  at  sea,  but  fought  under  his  father 
as  captain  of  the  vanguard  at  the  battle  of 
Flodden  Field  (September  1513),  where  he 
sent  a  message  to  the  Scottish  king  that  he 
had  come  to  give  him  satisfaction  for  the 
death  of  Andrew  Barton. 

When  his  father  was  created  Duke  of  Nor- 
folk on  1  Feb.  1514,  Lord  Thomas  Howard 
was  created  Earl  of  Surrey.  In  politics  he 
joined  with  his  father  in  opposing  Wolsey, 
and  was  consoled,  like  his  father,  for  the 
failure  of  his  opposition  to  the  French  alli- 
ance by  being  sent  in  September  1514  to 
escort  the  Princess  Mary  to  France.  But 
Surrey  did  not  see  the  wisdom  of  abandoning 
his  opposition  to  Wolsey  so  soon  as  his  father. 
There  were  stormy  scenes  sometimes  in  the 
council  chamber,  and  on  31  May  1516  we  are 
told  that  Surrey  '  was  put  out,  whatever  that 
may  mean  '  (LoBGE,  Illustrations,  i.  21).  His 
wife  Anne  died  of  consumption  probably  in 
the  winter  of  1512-13,  and  about  Easter 
1513  he  married  Elizabeth,  eldest  daughter 
of  Edward  Stafford,  duke  of  Buckingham, 
by  Lady  Elinor  Percy,  daughter  of  the  Earl 
of  Northumberland.  The  girl,  who  was  little 
more  than  fifteen,  had  already  been  betrothed 
to  her  father's  ward,  Richard  Neville,  after- 
wards fourth  earl  of  Westmorland.  The 
alliance  with  such  families  as  those  of  Buck- 
ingham and  Northumberland  strengthened  in 
Surrey  the  natural  objection  which  he  felt  to 
Wolsey 's  power,  and  to  the  policy  of  depressing 
the  old  nobility,  but  the  execution  of  Bucking- 
ham in  1521  taught  him  a  lesson  of  prudence. 
When  the  trial  of  Buckingham  took  place, 
Surrey  was  in  Ireland  as  lord-lieutenant,  and 
it  was  said  that  he  had  been  sent  thither  of  set 
purpose  that  he  might  be  out  of  the  way  when 
the  nobles  received  that  severe  caution.  In 
July  1520  Surrey  entered  upon  the  thankless 
task  of  endeavouring  to  keep  Ireland  in  order. 
His  letters  contain  accounts  of  attempts  to 
pacify  the  rival  factions  of  Kildare  and  Or- 
monde, and  are  full  of  demands  for  more 
money  and  troops. 

At  the  end  of  1521  Surrey  was  recalled 
from  Ireland  to  take  command  of  the  English 
fleet  in  naval  operations  against  France.  His 
ships  were  ill-provisioned,  and  his  warfare 
consisted  in  a  series  of  raids  upon  the  French 


coast  for  the  purpose  of  inflicting  all  the 
damage  possible.  In  July  1522  he  burned 
Morlaix,  in  September  laid  waste  the  country 
round  Boulogne,  and  spread  devastation  on 
every  side,  till  the  winter  brought  back  the 
fleet  to  England.  When,  in  December  1522, 
his  father  resigned  the  office  of  high  treasurer, 
it  was  bestowed  on  Surrey,  whose  services 
next  year  were  required  on  the  Scottish 
border.  The  Duke  of  Albany,  acting  in  the 
interests  of  France,  was  raising  a  party  in 
Scotland,  and  threatened  to  cripple  England 
in  its  military  undertakings  abroad.  Surrey 
was  made  warden  general  of  the  marches, 
and  was  sent  to  teach  Scotland  a  lesson.  He 
carried  out  the  same  brutal  policy  of  devas- 
tation as  he  had  used  in  France,  and  reduced 
the  Scottish  border  to  a  desert.  But  he  did 
not  venture  to  march  on  Edinburgh,  and 
Albany  found  means  to  reach  Scotland  from 
France  and  gather  an  army,  with  which  he 
laid  siege  to  Wark  Castle  on  1  Nov. ;  but, 
when  he  heard  that  Surrey  was  advancing 
to  its  relief,  he  ignominiously  retreated.  This 
was  felt  to  be  a  great  victory  for  Surrey,  and 
Skelton  represented  the  popular  opinion  in 
his  poem,  '  How  the  Duke  of  Albany,  like  a 
cowardly  knight,  ran  away.' 

On  21  May  1524  Surrey,  by  his  father's 
death,  succeeded  as  Duke  of  Norfolk,  but 
was  still  employed  in  watching  Scotland  and 
in  negotiating  with  the  queen  regent,  Mar- 
garet. In  1525  he  was  allowed  to  return  to 
his  house  at  Kenninghall,  Norfolk,  where, 
however,  his  services  were  soon  needed  to 
quell  an  insurrection  which  broke  out  at 
Lavenham  and  Sudbury  against  the  loan 
which  was  necessitated  by  the  expenses  of 
the  French  war  (HALL,  Chronicle,  p.  700). 
Norfolk's  tact  in  dealing  with  the  insurgents 
was  successful,  but  the  demand  for  money 
was  withdrawn.  Want  of  supplies  meant 
that  peace  was  necessary,  and  in  August  Nor- 
folk was  appointed  commissioner  to  treat  for 
peace  with  France.  When  the  war  was  over, 
the  great  question  which  occupied  English 
politics  was  that  of  the  king's  divorce.  Nor- 
folk was  entirely  on  the  king's  side,  and 
waited  with  growing  satisfaction  for  the 
course  of  events  to  bring  about  Wolsey's 
fall.  He  and  the  Duke  of  Suffolk  did  all 
they  could  to  increase  the  king's  anger  against 
Wolsey,  and  enjoyed  their  triumph  when 
they  were  commissioned  to  demand  from  him 
the  great  seal.  Norfolk  was  Wolsey's  im- 
placable enemy,  and  would  be  content  with 
nothing  short  of  his  entire  ruin.  He  pre- 
sided over  the  privy  council,  and  hoped  to 
rise  to  the  eminence  from  which  Wolsey  had 
fallen.  He  devised  the  plan  of  sending  Wol- 
sey to  his  diocese  of  York,  and  did  not  rest 




till  he  had  gathered  evidence  which  raised 
the  king's  suspicions  and  led  to.  Wolsey's  sum- 
mons to  London  and  his  death  on  the  journey. 

Norfolk  hoped  to  fill  Wolsey's  place,  but 
he  was  entirely  destitute  of  Wolsey's  genius. 
He  could  only  become  the  king's  tool  in  his 
dishonourable  purposes.  In  1529  he  signed 
the  letter  to  the  pope  which  threatened  him 
with  the  loss  of  his  supremacy  in  England  if 
he  refused  the  king's  divorce.  He  acquiesced 
in  all  the  subsequent  proceedings,  and  waxed 
fat  on  the  spoils  of  the  monasteries.  He  was 
chief  adviser  of  his  niece,  Anne  Boleyn,  but 
followed  the  fashion  of  the  time  in  presiding 
at  her  trial  and  arranging  for  her  execution. 
But,  after  all  his  subservience,  Thomas  Crom- 
well proved  a  more  useful  man  than  himself. 
A  fruitless  embassy  to  France  in  1533,  for 
the  purpose  of  winning  Francis  I  to  side  with 
Henry,  showed  that  Norfolk  was  entirely 
destitute  of  Wolsey's  diplomatic  skill.  But 
there  were  some  points  of  domestic  policy 
for  which  he  was  necessary.  He  was  created 
earl  marshal  in  1533,  and  presided  over  the 
trial  of  Lord  Dacre,  who,  strange  to  say, 
was  acquitted.  In  the  suppression  of  the 
Pilgrimage  of  Grace,  Norfolk  alternately  ca- 
joled and  threatened  the  insurgents  till  their 
forces  melted  away,  and  he  could  with  safety 
undertake  the  work  of  official  butchery.  He 
held  the  office  of  lord  president  of  the  council 
of  the  north  from  April  1537  till  October 
1538,  when  he  could  boast  that  the  rebellion 
had  been  avenged  by  a  course  of  merciless 

On  his  return  to  court  Norfolk  headed  the 
opposition  against  Cromwell.  He  allied  him- 
self with  Gardiner  and  the  prelates  of  the  old 
learning  in  endeavouring  to  prevent  an  alli- 
ance with  German  protestantism.  In  the 
parliament  of  1539  he  laid  before  the  lords 
the  bill  of  the  six  articles,  which  became 
law.  'It  was  merry  in  England,' he  said, 
'  before  the  new  learning  came  up '  (FROUDE, 
Hist.  ch.  xix.),  and  henceforth  he  declared 
himself  the  head  of  the  reactionary  party. 
In  February  1540  he  again  went  to  Paris  as 
ambassador,  to  try  if  he  could  succeed  on 
this  new  basis  in  detaching  Francis  I  from 
Charles  V  and  gaining  him  as  an  ally  to 
Henry  VIII  (State  Papers,  Hen.  VIII,  viii. 
245-340).  Again  he  failed  in  his  diplomacy, 
but  after  his  return  he  had  the  satisfaction 
on  10  June  of  arresting  Cromwell  in  the 
council  chamber.  The  execution  of  his  rival 
threw  once  again  the  chief  power  into  Nor- 
folk's hands,  and  a  second  time  he  made  good 
his  position  by  arranging  for  the  marriage  of 
a  niece  with  the  king.  But  the  disgrace  of 
Catherine  Howard  was  more  rapid  than  that 
of  Anne  Boleyn,  and  Norfolk  again  fell  back 

into  the  position  of  a  military  commander. 
In  1542  he  was  sent  to  wage  war  against  Scot- 
land, and  again  wreaked  Henry  VIII's  ven- 
geance by  a  barbarous  raid  upon  the  borders. 
It  was  the  terror  of  his  name,  and  not  his 
actual  presence,  which  ended  the  war  by  the 
disastrous  rout  of  Solway  Moss.  When 
Henry  went  to  war  with  France  in  1544, 
Norfolk  in  spite  of  his  age  was  appointed 
lieutenant-general  of  the  army.  The  army 
besieged  Montreuil,  and,  after  a  long  siege. 
captured  Boulogne,  but  Norfolk  could  claim 
no  glory  from  the  war.  Again  he  found 
himself  superseded  in  the  royal  favour  by  a 
powerful  rival,  the  Earl  of  Hertford,  whom 
he  failed  to  conciliate  by  a  family  alliance 
which  was  proposed  for  his  acceptance.  Under 
the  influence  of  his  last  queen  (Catherine 
Parr)  and  the  Earl  of  Hertford  Henry  VIII 
favoured  the  reforming  party,  and  Norfolk's 
counsels  were  little  heeded.  As  the  king's 
health  was  rapidly  failing,  it  became  Hert- 
ford's object  to  remove  his  rivals  out  of  the 
way,  and  in  1546  Norfolk's  son,  Henry,  earl 
of  Surrey  [q.  v.],  was  accused  of  high  treason. 
The  charge  against  the  son  was  made  to  in- 
clude the  father,  and  Norfolk's  enemies  were 
those  of  his  own  household.  His  private  life 
was  discreditable,  and  shows  the  debasing 
effect  of  the  king's  example  on  those  around 
him.  Norfolk  quarrelled  with  his  wife,  who, 
although  of  a  jealous  and  vindictive  temper, 
was  one  of  the  most  accomplished  women  of 
the  time.  She  patronised  the  poet  Skelton, 
who  wrote,  while  her  guest  at  Sheriff  Hutton, 
Yorkshire,  '  A  Goodly  Garlande  or  Chapelet 
of  Laurell.'  But  with  her  husband  she  was 
always  on  bad  terms,  and  accused  him  of 
cruelty  at  the  time  of  her  daughter  Mary's 
birth  in  1519.  The  duke  soon  afterwards 
took  a  mistress,  Elizabeth  Holland, l  a  churl's 
daughter,  who  was  but  a  washer  in  my  nur- 
sery eight  years,'  as  his  wife  complained  to 
Cromwell  (NoTT,  Works  of  Henry  Howard, 
Earl  of  Surrey,  App.  xxvii-xxxii.)  In  1533 
he  separated  from  his  wife,  who  withdrew  to 
Redborne,  Hertfordshire,  with  a  very  scanty 
allowance.  Appeals  of  husband  and  wife  to 
Cromwell  and  the  king  failed  to  secure  a 
reconciliation,  and  the  duchess  refused  to  sue 
for  a  divorce.  The  discord  spread  among 
the  other  members  of  the  family,  and  they 
were  all  at  variance.  Evidence  against  Nor- 
folk was  given,  not  only  by  his  wife,  but  by 
his  daughter,  the  Duchess  of  Richmond,  and 
even  by  Elizabeth  Holland,  who  only  wished 
to  save  herself  and  her  ill-gotten  gains.  But 
the  evidence  was  not  sufficient  for  his  con- 
demnation, and  Norfolk,  a  prisoner  in  the 
Tower,  was  persuaded  to  plead  guilty  and 
throw  himself  on  the  king's  mercy.  He 




signed  his  confession  on  12  Jan.  1547  (HER- 
BERT, Reign  of  Henry  VIII,  s.  a.),  and  his 
enemies,  who  were  eager  to  share  the  pro- 
ceeds of  his  forfeiture,  introduced  a  bill  for 
his  attainder  into  parliament.  The  bill,  of 
course,  passed  at  once,  and  the  dying  king 
appointed  a  commission  to  give  it  the  royal 
assent.  This  was  done  on  27  Jan.,  and  orders 
were  given  for  Norfolk's  execution  on  the 
following  morning.  But  in  the  night  the 
king  died,  and  the  lords  of  the  council  did 
not  think  it  wise  to  begin  their  rule  by  an 
act  of  useless  bloodshed.  Norfolk,  indeed, 
had  cut  the  ground  from  under  their  feet  by 
sending  a  petition  to  the  king  begging  that 
his  estates  should  be  settled  on  the  young 
Prince  Edward,  and  the  king  had  graciously 
accepted  the  suggestion  (NoiT,  App.  xxxix.) 
Norfolk  remained  a  prisoner  in  the  Tower 
during  Edward  VI's  reign,  but  was  released, 
on  Mary's  accession.  He  petitioned  parlia- 
ment for  the  reversal  of  his  attainder  on  the 
ground  that  Henry  VIII  had  not  signed  the 
commission  to  give  the  bill  his  assent  (ib. 
App.  1.)  His  petition  was  granted,  and  he 
was  restored  Duke  of  Norfolk  on  3  Aug. 
1553.  He  was  further  sworn  of  the  privy 
council  and  made  a  knight  of  the  Garter. 
His  services  were  required  for  business  in 
which  he  had  ample  experience,  and  on 
17  Aug.  he  presided  as  lord  high  steward  at 
the  trial  of  the  Duke  of  Northumberland, 
and  had  the  satisfaction  of  sentencing  a  for- 
mer opponent  to  death.  In  January  1554 
the  old  man  was  lieutenant-general  of  the 
queen's  army  to  put  down  Wyat's  rebellion. 
In  this  he  displayed  an  excess  of  rashness. 
He  marched  with  far  inferior  forces  against 
Wyat,  whose  headquarters  were  at  Roches- 
ter, and  in  a  parley  was  deserted  by  a  band 
of  five  hundred  Londoners,  who  were  in  his 
ranks.  His  forces  were  thrown  into  confu- 
sion and  fled,  leaving  their  guns  behind. 
Wyat  was  thus  encouraged  to  continue  his 
march  upon  London.  Norfolk  retired  to  his 
house  at  Kenninghall,  Norfolk,  where  he  died 
on  25  Aug.  1554.  He  was  buried  in  the 
church  of  Framlingham,  where  a  monument, 
which  still  exists,  was  erected  over  his  grave 
— an  altar  tomb  with  effigies  of  Norfolk  and 
his  second  wife.  (For  a  discussion  of  the  ques- 
tion whether  this  is  the  tomb  of  the  second  or 
third  duke,  see  Trans,  of  the  Suffolk  Archceol. 
Soc.  iii.  340-57 ;  there  is  an  engraving  in  Gent. 
Mag.  1845,  pt.  i.  p.  266. )  Norfolk  is  described 
by  the  Venetian  ambassador,  Falieri,  in  1531  as 
'  small  and  spare  of  stature  and  his  hair  black. 
He  is  prudent,  liberal,  affable,  and  astute ; 
associates  with  everybody,  has  great  experi- 
ence in  the  administration  of  the  kingdom, 
discusses  affairs  admirably,  aspires  to  greater 

elevation'  (Venetian  Calendar,  iv.  294-5). 
This  was  written  when  Norfolk,  after  Wol- 
sey's  death,  seemed,  as  the  chief  of  the  Eng- 
lish nobles,  to  be  the  destined  successor  of 
Wolsey ;  but  it  soon  appeared  that  the  Tudor 
policy  was  not  of  a  kind  which  could  be  best 
carried  out  by  nobles.  Norfolk  was  influen- 
tial more  through  his  position  than  through 
his  abilities,  and  did  not  scruple  at  personal 
intrigue  to  secure  his  power.  Still,  subser- 
vient as  he  might  show  himself,  he  was  not 
so  useful  as  men  like  Cromwell,  and  his  hopes 
of  holding  the  chief  place  were  constantly 
disappointed.  He  was  hot-tempered,  self- 
seeking,  and  brutal,  and  his  career  shows 
the  deterioration  of  English  life  under 
Henry  VIII. 

Norfolk's  four  children  by  his  first  wife 
died  young ;  by  his  second  wife,  who  died 
30  Nov.  1558  and  was  buried  in  the  Howard 
Chapel,  Lambeth,  he  had  two  sons  (Henry, 
earl  of  Surrey  [q.  v.],  and  Thomas,  1528  ?- 
1583,  who  was  educated  by  Leland,  and  was 
created  Viscount  Howard  of  Bindon  13  Jan. 
1558-9)  and  one  daughter,  Mary  [q.  v.],  who 
married  Henry  Fitzroy,  duke  of  Richmond 
[q.v.],  natural  son  of  Henry  VIII.  There  is  a 
portrait  of  Norfolk,  by  Holbein,  at  Norfolk 
House,  another  at  Windsor,  and  another  at 
Castle  Howard.  The  first  of  these  has  been 
engraved  in  Lodge's  '  Portraits '  and  in  Cart- 
wright  and  Dallaway's  '  History  of  Sussex.' 
There  are  other  engravings  by  Vorsterman 
and  Scriven. 

[Dugdale's  Baronage,  ii.  272-5  ;  Lodge's  Por- 
traits, vol.  ii. ;  Doyle's  Official  Baronage,  ii.  591- 
594  ;  Collins's  Peerage,  p.  44,  &c. ;  Howard's 
Memorials  of  the  Howards;  Hawes  and  Loder's 
Hist,  of  Framlingham  ;  Brewer  and  Gairdner's 
Letters  and  Papers  ;  State  Papers  of  Hen.  VIII ; 
Bergenroth's  Spanish  Calendar;  Brdwn's  Vene- 
tian Calendar;  Hamilton's  Irish  Calendar,  i.  2-8 ; 
Brewer's  Calendar  of  Carew  MSS.  vol.  i. ;  Turn- 
bull's  Calendar  of  the  Eeign  of  Mary ;  Haynes's 
Burghl ey  Papers  ;Nott's  Works  of  Henry  Howard, 
Earl  of  Surrey,  Appendix ;  Burnet's  Hist,  of  the 
Reformation ;  Foxe's  Acts  and  Monuments ;  Her- 
bert's Reign  of  Henry  VIII ;  Godwin's  Reign  of 
Mary ;  Lodge's  Illustr.  of  British  History,  vol.  i. ; 
Hall's  Chronicle  ;  Cavendish's  Life  of  Wolsey  ; 
State  Trials,  i.  451,  &c. ;  Blomefield's  Hist,  of 
Norfolk,  iii.  165-6  ;  Dallaway  and  Cartwright's 
Hist,  of  Sussex,  vol.  ii.  pt.  ii.  pp.  198-205  ; 
Sadleir's  State  Papers,  vol.  i. ;  Froude's  Hist,  of 
England ;  Sanford  andTownsend's  Great  Govern- 
ing Families  of  England,  ii.  323-35;  Gent.  Mag. 
1845,  pt.  i.  pp.  147-52  (a  careful  account  of 
Anne,  the  duke's  first  wife),  259-67  (an  account 
of  Elizabeth,  the  second  wife).]  M.  C. 

OF  NOKFOLK  of  the  Howard  house  (1536- 
1572),  statesman,  born  on  10  March  1536, 





was  the  son  of  Henry  Howard,  earl  of  Surrey 
[q.  v.],  by  Frances  Vere,  daughter  of  John, 
earl  of  Oxford.  After  the  execution  of  his 
father  in  1547,  he  was  removed  by  order  of 
the  privy  council  from  his  mother,  and  was 
committed  to  the  charge  of  his  aunt,  Mary 
Fitzroy,  duchess  of  Richmond  [q.  v.] ,  probably 
with  a  view  to  his  education  in  protestant  prin- 
ciples. His  tutor  was  John  Foxe  [q.  v.],  after- 
wards known  as  the  martyrologist,  who  lived 
with  him  and  his  brother  and  sisters  at  the 
castle  of  Reigate.  It  may  be  doubted  if  Foxe 
impressed  much  of  his  theology  on  his  pupil's 
mind,  but  he  certainly  inspired  him  with  a 
feeling  of  respect  which  he  never  lost,  and  he 
long  regretted  his  separation  from  his  tutor, 
when  in  1553  the  accession  of  Queen  Mary 
released  from  prison  his  grandfather,  the  Duke 
of  Norfolk,  who  dismissed  Foxe  from  his 
office,  and  placed  his  grandson  under  the  care 
of  Bishop  White  of  Lincoln.  By  his  grand- 
father's restoration  as  Duke  of  Norfolk  on 
3  Aug.  1553,  Howard  received  his  father's 
title  of  Earl  of  Surrey,  and  in  September  was 
made  knight  of  the  Bath.  He  assisted  at 
Mary's  coronation,  and  on  the  arrival  in  Eng- 

\  land  of  Philip,  was  made  his  first  gentleman 
of  the  chamber.  On  his  grandfather's  death 
on  25  Aug.  1554,  he  succeeded  as  Duke  of 
Norfolk,  and  became  earl  marshal. 

In  1556  Norfolk  married  Lady  Mary  Fitz- 
alan,  daughter  and  heiress  of  Henry  Fitzalan, 
twelfth  earl  of  Arundel  [q.  v.]  She  died  in 
childbed  on  25  Aug.  1557,  at  the  age  of  six- 
teen, leaving  a  son  Philip,  who  succeeded  in 
right  of  his  mother  as  Earl  of  Arundel  [q.  v.] 
Norfolk  did  not  long  remain  a  widower,  and 
in  1558  married  another  heiress,  Margaret, 
daughter  of  Thomas,  lord  Audley  of  Walden. 
Norfolk  was  too  young  to  take  any  part  in 
affairs  during  Mary's  reign,  but  he  was  in 

\/  favour  at  court,  and  King  Philip  was  god- 
father to  his  son.  On  Elizabeth's  accession 
it  was  a  matter  of  importance  to  attach  defi- 
nitely to  her  side  a  man  of  Norfolk's  position. 
In  April  1559  he  was  made  knight  of  the 
Garter.  Elizabeth  styled  him  '  her  cousin,' 
on  the  ground  of  the  relationship  between 
the  Howards  and  the  Boleyns,  and  chose  him 
to  take  a  leading  part  in  the  first  great  under- 
taking of  her  reign,  the  expulsion  of  the 
French  troops  from  Scotland.  At  first  Nor- 
folk refused  the  offer  of  the  post  of  lieutenant- 
general  in  the  north,  and  probably  expressed 
the  views  of  the  nobility  in  holding  that  the 
queen  would  better  secure  herself  against 
France  by  marrying  the  Archduke  Charles 
of  Austria  than  by  interfering  in  Scottish 
affairs.  But  his  scruples  were  overcome,  and 
in  November  1559  he  set  out  to  Newcastle. 
His  duty  was  to  provide  for  the  defence  of 

Berwick,  to  open  up  communications  with 
the  lords  of  the  congregation,  and  cautiously 
aid  them  in  their  measures  against  the  queen 
regent.  By  his  side  were  placed  men  of  ex- 
perience, Sir  Ralph  Sadler  and  Sir  James 
Croft,  while  the  frequent  communications 
which  passed  between  him  and  the  privy 
council  show  that  not  much  was  left  to  his 
discretion.  On  27  Feb.  1560  he  signed  an 
agreement  at  Berwick  with  the  representa- 
tives of  James  Hamilton,  earl  of  Arran  and 
duke  of  Chatelherault  (1517  P-1576)  [q.  v.], 
as  l  second  person  of  the  realm  of  Scotland,' 
and  soon  after  the  siege  of  Leith  was  begun. 
Norfolk  did  not  take  any  part  in  the  military 
operations,  but  remained  behind  at  the  head 
of  the  reserve,  and  organised  supplies.  When 
the  time  came  for  diplomacy  Cecil  was  des- 
patched for  the  purpose,  and  the  treaty  of 
Edinburgh  released  Norfolk  in  August  from 
duties  which  he  half-heartedly  performed. 

His  public  employment,  however,  served 
its  purpose  of  turning  him  into  a  courtier. 
He  lived  principally  in  London,  and  in  De- 
cember 1561  was  made  a  member  of  Gray's 
Inn.  Soon  after  he  was  sworn  of  the  privy 
council.  In  August  1564  he  attended  the 
queen  on  her  visit  to  Cambridge,  and  re- 
ceived the  degree  of  M.A.  He  was  moved 
by  the  sight  of  the  unfinished  buildings  of 
Magdalene  College,  which  his  father-in-law, 
Lord  Audley,  had  founded,  to  give  a  consider- 
able sum  of  money  towards  their  completion 
(CoopBK,  Annals  of  Cambridge,  ii.  204).  But 
Norfolk  was  not  satisfied  with  dancing  at- 
tendance on  the  queen,  and  his  pride  was 
hurt  at  the  favours  bestowed  upon  the  Earl 
of  Leicester,  whom  he  regarded  as  a  pre- 
sumptuous upstart.  He  resented  Leicester's 
pretensions  to  Elizabeth's  hand,  and  in  March 
1565  they  had  an  unseemly  quarrel  in  the 
queen's  presence  [see  under  DUDLEY,  ROBERT, 
EARL  OF  LEICESTER].  The  queen  ordered 
them  to  make  peace.  A  reconciliation  was 
patched  up,  and  in  January  1566  the  two 
rivals  were  chosen  by  the  French  king,  as 
the  foremost  of  the  English  nobles,  to  re- 
ceive the  order  of  knights  of  St.  Michael. 

Norfolk's  domestic  life  meanwhile  was  a 
rapid  series  of  changes.  In  December  1563 
he  again  became  a  widower.  Early  in  1567  he 
married  for  his  third  wife  Elizabeth,  daughter 
of  Sir  Francis  Leybourne,  of  Cunswick  Hall, 
Cumberland,  and  widow  of  Thomas,  lord 
Dacre  of  Gilsland.  She  died  in  September 
1567,  leaving  a  son  and  three  daughters  by 
her  first  husband.  Norfolk  obtained  a  grant 
of  wardship  of  these  minors,  and  determined 
to  absorb  the  great  estates  of  the  Dacres  into 
his  own  family  by  intermarriages  between 
his  children  and  his  step-children.  The  young 




Lord  Dacre  died  in  May  1569  from  the  fall 
of  a  wooden  horse  on  which  he  was  prac- 
tising vaulting,  and  his  death  confirmed  Nor- 
folk in  the  project  of  dividing  the  Dacre  lands 
amongst  his  sons  by  marrying  them  to  the 
three  coheiresses.  Their  title,  however,  was 
called  in  question  by  their  father's  brother, 
Leonard  Dacre  [q.  v.J,  who  claimed  as  heir 
male.  The  cause  would  naturally  have  come 
for  trial  in  the  marshal's  court,  but  as  Nor- 
folk held  that  office,  commissioners  were  ap- 
pointed for  the  trial.  Great  promptitude  was 
shown,  for  on  19  July,  scarcely  a  month  after 
the  young  lord's  death,  it  was  decided  that 
'  the  barony  cannot  nor  ought  not  to  descend 
into  the  said  Leonard  Dacre  so  long  as  the 
said  coheirs  or  any  issue  from  their  bodies 
shall  continue.'  (For  an  account  of  this  in- 
teresting trial,  see  SIE  CHAJRLES  YOUNG,  Col- 
lectanea Topographicaet  Genealogica,vi.322.) 

The  good  fortune  which  had  hitherto  at- 
tended Norfolk's  matrimonial  enterprises  may 
to  some  extent  explain  the  blind  belief  in 
himself  which  he  showed  in  his  scheme  of 
marrying  Mary  Queen  of  Scots.  In  1568, 
when  Mary  fled  to  England,  Norfolk  was 
again  a  widower,  the  richest  man  in  England, 
popular  and  courted,  but  chafing  under  the 
sense  that  he  had  little  influence  over  affairs. 
He  had  vainly  striven  against  Cecil,  who 
watched  him  cautiously,  and  he  was  just  the 
man  to  be  ensnared  by  his  own  vanity.  Eliza- 
beth was  embarrassed  how  to  deal  with  Mary. 
Her  first  step  was  to  appoint  a  commission 
representing  all  parties  to  sit  at  York  in 
October,  and  inquire  into  the  cause  of  the 
variance  between  Mary  and  her  subjects. 
Elizabeth's  commissioners  were  the  Duke  of 
Norfolk,  the  Earl  of  Sussex,  and  Sir  Kalph 
Sadler.  Norfolk  was  doubtless  appointed 
through  his  high  position,  as  the  only  duke 
in  England,  and  as  the  representative  of  the 
nobility,  who  urged  that,  if  Elizabeth  would 
not  marry,  the  recognition  of  Mary's  claim 
to  the  succession  was  inevitable ;  he  was  fur- 
ther likely  to  be  acceptable  to  Mary  herself. 
On  11  Oct.  Murray  communicated  privately 
to  the  English  commissioners  the  Casket  let- 
ters, and  Norfolk  at  first  wrote  as  one  con- 
vinced of  Mary's  guilt  (ANDERSON,  Collections 
relating  to  Mary,  iv.  76,  &c.)  But  Maitland 
of  Lethington  in  a  private  talk  suggested  to 
him,  as  a  solution  of  all  the  difficulties  which 
beset  the  two  kingdoms,  that  he  should  marry 
Mary,  who  might  then  with  safety  to  Eliza- 
beth be  restored  to  the  Scottish  throne,  and 
recognised  as  Elizabeth's  successor. 

We  cannot  say  with  certainty  whether  or 
no  this  scheme  had  been  already  present  to 
Norfolk's  mind,  but  he  left  York  with  a  settled 
determination  to  carry  it  out.  For  a  time  he 

acted  cautiously,  and  when  the  investigation 
was  transferred  to  Westminster  before  the 
great  council  of  peers,  he  still  seemed  to 
believe  in  Mary's  guilt.    But  he  had  a  secret 
interview  with  Murray,  who  professed  his 
agreement  with  the  plan,  and  encouraged  a 
hope  that  after  his  return  to  Scotland  Mait- 
land should  be  sent  to  Elizabeth  as  envoy  of 
the  estates  of  Scotland,  with  a  proposal  for 
|  Mary's  marriage  with  Norfolk.    On  this  un- 
I  derstanding  Norfolk  sent  a  message  to  the 
northern  lords,  begging  them  to  lay  aside  a 
j  project  which  they  had  formed  for  taking 
i  Murray  prisoner  on  his  return  from  London. 
!  The  opening  months  of  1569  seemed  to  be 
I  disastrous  for  Elizabeth  in  foreign  affairs,  and 
;  Cecil's  forward  policy  awakened  increasing 
1  alarm  among  the  English  nobles.     Leicester 
;  tried  to  oust  Cecil  from  the  queen's  con- 
I  fidence ;  when  he  failed  he  joined  with  Arun- 
i  del  and  Pembroke  in  striving  to  promote 
!  Mary's  marriage  with  Norfolk.     They  com- 
municated with  Mary  at  Tutbury  in  June, 
and  received  her  consent.     Norfolk  was  re- 
conciled to  Cecil,  and  hoped  to  gain  his  help 
in  urging  on  Elizabeth  the  advantages  to  be  de- 
rived from  such  a  settlement.    He  still  waited 
I  for  Murray's  promised  message  from  Scot- 
\  land,  and  wrote  to  him  on  1  July  that  '  he 
|  had  proceeded  so  far  in  the  marriage  that 
i  with  conscience  he  could  neither  revoke  what 
!  he  had  done,  or  with  honour  proceed  further 
•  till  such  time  as  he  should  remove  all  stum- 
1  bling-blocks  to  more  apparent  proceedings' 
:  (Burghley  Papers,  i.  520).     Norfolk's  plan 
was  still  founded  on  loyalty  to  Elizabeth  and 
maintenance  of  protestantism ;  but  the  pro- 
testant  nobles  looked  on  with  suspicion,  and 
'  doubted  that  Norfolk  would  become  a  tool 
in  the  hands  of  Spain,  and  the  catholic  lords 
of  the   north   grew  impatient  of  waiting; 
many  of  them  were  connected  with  Leonard 
Dacre,  and  were  indignant  at  the  issue  of 
Norfolk's  lawsuit ;  they  formed  a  plan  of  their 
own  for  carrying  oft'  Mary  from  her  prison. 

Norfolk  still  trusted  to  the  effects  of  pressure 
!  upon  Elizabeth,  but  he  had  not  the  courage 
i  to  apply  it.    He  left  others  to  plead  his  cause 
!  with  the  queen,  and  on  27  Aug.  the  council 
'  voted  for  the  settlement  of  the  succession  by 
j  the  marriage  of  Mary  to  some  English  noble- 
!  man.    Still  Norfolk  was  afraid  to  speak  out, 
I  though  one  day  the  queen  *  gave  him  a  nip 
bidding  him  take  heed  to  his  pillow.'     At 
!  last  he  grew  alarmed,  and  on  15  Sept.  hastily 
left  the  court.    Still  he  trusted  to  persuasion 
rather  than  force,  and  wrote  to  Northumber- 
land telling  him  that  Mary  was  too  securely 
!  guarded  to  be  rescued,  and  bidding  him  defer 
!  a  rising.    Then  on  24  Sept.  he  wrote  to  Eliza- 
j  beth  from  Kenninghall  that  he  '  never  in- 




tended  to  deal  otherwise  than  he  might  obtain 
her  favour  so  to  do'  (tb.  p.  528).  He  was  or- 
dered to  return  to  court,  but  pleaded  the 
excuse  of  illness,  and,  after  thus  giving  Eliza- 
beth every  ground  for  suspicion,  at  last  re- 
turned humbly  on  2  Oct.,  to  be  met  with  the 
intimation  that  he  must  consider  himself  a  pri- 
soner at  Paul  Went  worth's  house  at  Burnham. 

Elizabeth  at  first  thought  of  bringing  him 
to  trial  for  treason,  but  this  was  too  hardy 
a  measure  in  the  uncertain  state  of  public 
opinion.  Norfolk  was  still  confident  in  the 
power  of  his  personal  popularity,  and  was 
astonished  when  on  8  Oct.  he  was  taken  to 
the  Tower.  His  friends  in  the  council  were 
straitly  examined,  and  his  party  dwindled 
away.  No  decisive  evidence  was  found  against 
him,  but  the  rising  of  the  north  in  November 
showed  Elizabeth  how  great  had  been  her 
danger.  Norfolk  wrote  from  the  Tower,  as- 
suring Elizabeth  that  he  never  dealt  with 
any  of  the  rebels,  but  he  continued  in  com- 
munication with  Mary,  who  after  the  col- 
lapse of  the  rising  caught  more  eagerly  at  the 
prospect  of  escaping  from  her  captivity  by 
Norfolk's  aid.  She  wrote  to  him  that  she 
would  live  and  die  with  him,  and  signed  her- 
self '  yours  faithful  to  death.'  But  Norfolk 
remained  a  prisoner  till  times  were  somewhat 
quieter,  and  was  not  released  till  3  Aug.  1570, 
when  he  was  ordered  to  reside  in  his  own 
house  at  the  Charterhouse,  for  fear  of  the 
plague.  He  had  previously  made  submission 
to  the  queen,  renouncing  all  purpose  of  mar- 
rying Mary,  and  promising  entire  fidelity. 

It  would  have  been  well  for  Norfolk  if  he 
had  kept  his  promise,  and  had  recognised 
that  he  had  failed.  He  resumed  his  old  posi- 
tion, and  was  still  looked  up  to  with  respect 
as  the  head  of  the  English  nobility.  Many 
still  thought  that  his  marriage  with  Mary 
was  possible,  but  Norfolk  had  learned  that 
it  would  never  be  with  Elizabeth's  consent. 
The  failure  of  previous  endeavours  had  drawn 
Mary's  partisans  more  closely  together,  and 
now  they  looked  for  help  solely  to  the  Spa- 
nish king.  This  was  not  what  Norfolk  had 
intended  when  first  he  conceived  his  mar- 
riage project ;  but  he  could  not  let  it  drop, 
and  slowly  drifted  into  a  conspirator.  He 
conferred  with  Ridolfi,  and  heard  his  plan 
for  a  Spanish  invasion  of  England  ;  he  gave 
his  sanction  to  Ridolfi's  negotiations,  and 
commissioned  him  to  act  as  his  representa- 
tive with  Philip  II.  He  afterwards  denied 
that  he  had  done  this  in  any  formal  way,  but 
the  evidence  is  strong  against  him.  (His 
instructions  to  Ridolfi  are  in  LABANOFF, 
Lettres  de  Marie  Stuart,  iii.  236,  £c.,  from 
the  Vatican  archives,  and  FROTJDE,  History 
of  England,  ch.  xx.,  gives  them  from  the 

Simancas  archives,  as  well  as  a  letter  sent 
in  cipher  by  the  Spanish  ambassador.)  The 
discovery  of  Ridolfi's  plot  was  due  to  a  series 
of  accidents ;  but  Norfolk's  complicity  was 
discovered  by  the  indiscretion  of  his  secretary, 
Higford,  who  entrusted  to  a  Shrewsbury  mer- 
chant a  bag  of  gold  containing  a  ciphered 
letter.  Cecil  was  informed  of  this  fact  on 
1  Sept.,  and  extracted  from  Higford  enough 
information  to  show  that  Norfolk  was  corre- 
sponding with  Mary  and  her  friends  in  Scot- 
land. Norfolk's  servants  were  imprisoned, 
threatened  with  torture,  and  told  much  that 
increased  Cecil's  suspicions.  Norfolk  was 
next  examined,  prevaricated,  and  cut  a  poor 
figure.  He  was  committed  to  the  Tower  on 
5  Sept.,  and  the  investigation  was  steadily 
pursued  till  the  evidence  of  Norfolk's  com- 
plicity with  Ridolfi  had  become  strong,  and 
the  whole  history  of  Norfolk's  proceedings 
was  made  clear.  Elizabeth  saw  how  little 
she  could  count  on  the  English  nobility,  who 
were  all  anxious  for  the  settlement  of  the 
succession,  and  were  in  some  degree  or  other 
on  Mary's  side.  It  was  resolved  to  read  them 
a  lesson  by  proceeding  against  Norfolk,  who 
was  brought  to  trial  for  high  treason  on 
16  Jan.  1572.  The  procedure,  according  to 
the  custom  of  the  time,  was  not  adapted  to 

S've  the  accused  much  chance  of  pleading, 
e  was  not  allowed  to  have  counsel,  or 
even  a  copy  of  the  indictment,  nor  were  the 
witnesses  against  him  produced  in  court. 
Their  evidence  was  read  and  commented  upon 
by  skilled  lawyers ;  the  accused  was  left  to 
deal  with  it  as  best  he  could.  His  conviction 
was  inevitable,  and  sentence  of  death  was 
pronounced  against  him.  From  the  Tower 
he  wrote  submissive  letters  to  the  queen, 
owning  that  he  had  grievously  offended,  but 
protesting  his  substantial  loyalty.  Eliza- 
beth, always  averse  to  bloodshed,  for  a  long 
time  refused  to  carry  out  the  sentence ;  but 
her  negotiations  for  a  French  treaty  and  a 
marriage  with  Alen^on  required  that  she 
should  act  with  vigour.  Parliament  peti- 
tioned for  the  death  of  Mary  and  of  Norfolk, 
and  at  last,  on  2  June  1572,  Norfolk  was 
executed  on  Tower  Hill.  He  spoke  to  the 
people,  and  maintained  his  innocence ;  he 
said  'that  he  was  never  a  papist  since  he 
knew  what  religion  meant.'  It  is  quite  pro- 
bable that  he  was  sincere  in  his  utterances  ; 
he  called  John  Foxe,  who  had  dedicated  to 
him  in  1559  the  first  version  (in  Latin)  of 
his  martyrology,  to  console  him  in  his  last 
days,  and  bequeathed  him  a  legacy  of  201.  a 
year.  But  Norfolk  was  not  a  clear-headed 
man,  and  was  not  conscious  of  the  bearing 
of  his  acts.  He  floated  with  the  stream, 
trusting  to  his  own  good  fortune  and  to  his 



good  intentions.  He  took  up  the  project  of 
marrying  Mary,  because  he  believed  that  his 
position  in  England  was  a  sufficient  guarantee 
against  all  risks.  He  trusted  to  his  personal 
popularity,  and  to  the  exertions  of  others.  His 
first  failure  did  not  teach  him  wisdom.  He 
probably  supposed  that  he  had  not  committed 
himself  to  Bidolfi  or  the  Spanish  ambassador; 
he  had  only  allowed  them  to  count  on  him 
for  the  time  being.  The  highest  testimony 
to  his  personal  character  is  to  be  found  in 
his  letter  to  his  children,  written  just  after 
his  trial  (WRIGHT,  Queen  Elizabeth  and  her 
Times,  i.  402,  &c.)  Thomas  Howard  (1561- 
1626),  first  earl  of  Suffolk,  and  Lord  William 
Howard  (1563-1640),  Norfolk's  two  sons  by 
his  second  wife,  are  separately  noticed.  By 
his  second  wife  he  also  had  three  daughters, 
the  second  of  whom,  Margaret  (1562-1591), 
married  Robert  Sackville,  earl  of  Dorset  (pedi- 
gree in  Ashstead  and  its  Howard  Possessors). 

There  are  traces  of  Norfolk's  taste  to  be 
found  in  the  Charterhouse,  which  he  bought 
in  1565,  and  adorned  for  his  London  resi- 
dence, when  it  was  known  as  Howard  House 
(Chronicles  of  the  Charterhouse,  p.  161,  &c.) 
There  are  portraits  of  him  as  a  young  man 
in  the  royal  collection  and  at  Arundel ;  by 
Sir  Antonio  More  at  Worksop,  engraved  in 
Lodge's  '  Portraits ; '  another  engraving  is  by 
Houbraken.  He  was  buried  in  the  chapel 
of  the  Tower. 

[Dugdale's  Baronage,  ii.  276  ;  Doyle's  Official 
Earonage,  ii.  594-5  ;  Collins's  Peerage,  i.  102-8  ; 
Blomefield's  Hist,  of  Norfolk,  iii.  165-6  ;  Dalla- 
way  and  Cartwright's  Sussex,  vol.  ii.  pt.  ii.  p. 
198;  Haynes  and  Murdin's  Burghley  Papers; 
Lodge's  Illustrations  of  Brit.  Hist, ;  Wright's 
Queen  Elizabeth  and  her  Times ;  Sadleir's  State 
Papers  ;  Labanoff's  Lettres  de  Marie  Stuart,  vols. 
ii.  and  iii. ;  Howell's  State  Trials,  i.  953,  &c.  ; 
Goodall's  Examination  of  the  Letters  of  Mary 
•Queen  of  Scots,  App.  ;  Anderson's  Collections  re- 
lating to  Mary,  vol.  iii. ;  Stephenson  and  Crosby's 
Calendars  of  State  Papers;  Thorpe's  Scottish 
Cal.  vol.  ii.;  Gal.  of  Hatfield  MSS.,  Hist,  MSS. 
Comm. ;  Howard's  Memorials  of  the  Howards  ; 
Froude's  Hist,  of  England  ;  Camden's  Annals  of 
Elizabeth ;  Sanford  and  Townsend's  Great  Go- 
verning Families  of  England,  ii.  336-43.1 

M.  C. 

SUFFOLK  (1561-1626),  born  on  24  Aug.  1561, 
was  the  second  son  of  Thomas,  fourth  duke 
of  Norfolk  [q.  v.],  who  was  attainted,  by  his 
second  wife,  Margaret,  daughter  and  heiress  of 
Thomas,  lord  Audley  of  Walden.  He  was  edu- 
cated at  St.  John's  College,  Cambridge,  and 
was  restored  in  blood  as  Lord  Thomas  Howard 
on  19  Dec.  1584  (Lords' Journ.  ii.  76).  Howard  j 
accompanied  as  a  volunteer  the  fleet  sent  to  j 
oppose  the  Spanish  Armada,  and  in  the  attack  , 

off  Calais  displayed  such  valour  that  he  was 
knighted  at  sea  by  the  lord  high  admiral  on 
25  June  1588,  and  was  afterwards  made  cap- 
tain of  a  man-of-war.  On  5  March  1591  he 
was  appointed  commander  of  the  squadron 
which  attacked,  in  the  face  of  overwhelming 
difficulties,  the  Spanish  treasure  ships  off  the 
Azores,  when  Sir  Richard  Grenville  [q.  v.] 
was  killed  (Cal.  State  Papers,  Dom.  1591-4, 
pp.  37,  61).  In  May  1596  he  was  admiral 
of  the  third  squadron  in  the  fleet  sent  against 
Cadiz.  On  his  return  he  was  created  K.G., 
23  April  1597,  and  in  the  following  June 
sailed  as  vice-admiral  of  the  fleet  despatched 
to  the  Azores.  His  ability  and  courage  com- 
mended him  to  the  favour  of  the  queen,  who  in 
her  letters  to  Essex  was  wont  to  refer  to  him 
as  her  '  good  Thomas '  (ib.  Dom.  1595-7,  p. 
453).  It  is  said  that  he  endeavoured  to  com- 
pose the  differences  between  Essex  and  Ra- 
leigh. On  5  Dec.  1597  he  was  summoned  to  par- 
liament as  Baron  Howard  de  Walden,  and  be- 
came lord-lieutenant  of  Cambridgeshire  and 
the  Isle  of  Ely  on  8  April  1598,  and  admiral 
of  a  fleet  on  10  Aug.  1599.  In  February  1601 
he  was  marshal  of  the  forces  which  besieged 
the  Earl  of  Essex  in  his  house  in  London,  and 
on  the  19th  he  sat  as  one  of  the  peers  on  the 
trials  of  the  Earls  of  Essex  and  Southampton, 
being  at  the  time  constable  of  the  Tower  of 
London.  He  was  sworn  high  steward  of  the 
university  of  Cambridge  in  February  1601 
(CooPER,  Annals  of  Cambr.  ii.  602),  lord-lieu- 
tenant of  Cambridgeshire  on  26  June  1602, 
and  acting  lord  chamberlain  of  the  household 
on  28  Dec.  (Sidney  Papers,  ii.  262).  Before 
going  to  Richmond,  in  January  1603,  the 
queen  visited  Howard  at  the  Charterhouse, 
and  was  sumptuously  entertained  (Cal.  State 
Papers,  Dom.  1601-3,  p.  285).  On  the  ac- 
cession of  James  I  Howard  met  him  at  Theo- 
balds, was  made  a  privy  councillor  on  4  May 
1603  (Sxow,  Annales,  ed.  Howes,  p.  822), 
and  acted  from  that  day  until  10  July  1614  as 
lord  chamberlain  of  the  household.  Howard 
was  created  Earl  of  Suffolk  on  21  July  1603, 
and  was  appointed  one  of  the  commissioners 
for  making  knights  of  the  Bath  at  the  corona- 
tion of  the  king.  He  became  joint-commis- 
sioner for  the  office  of  earl-marshal  of  England 
on  4  Feb.  1604,  and  joint-commissioner  to 
expel  Jesuits  and  seminary  and  other  priests 
on  5  Sept.  following;  he  honourably,  in  1604, 
refused  a  Spanish  pension,  though  his  wife 
accepted  one  of  1,000/.  a  year,  and  she  sup- 
plied information  from  time  to  time  in  return 
(GARDINER,  Hist.  ofEngl  i.  215).  Howard 
himself  complained  bitterly  to  Win  wood  that 
he  and  his  family  were  suspected  of  en- 
deavouring to  persuade  the  king  to  ally  him- 
self with  Spain  (WiNWOOD,  Memorials,  ii. 



174).  In  the  ensuing  year  he  helped  to 
discover  the  Gunpowder  plot  (ib.  ii.  171). 
Howard  became  M.A.  of  Cambridge  on 
31  June  1605,  lord-lieutenant  of  Suffolk  and 
Cambridgeshire  on  18  July  1605,  M.A.  of 
Oxford  on  30  Aug.  1605  (WooD,  Fasti  Oxon. 
ed.  Bliss,  i.  309),  captain  of  the  band  of  gen- 
tlemen pensioners  in  November  1605,  which 
post  he  was  allowed  to  hand  over  to  his  son 
Theophilus  [q.  v.]  on  11  July  1614,  councillor 
of  Wales  in  1608,  high  steward  of  Ipswich 
on  6  June  1609,  keeper  in  reversion  of  Somer- 
sham  Chace,  Huntingdonshire,  on  26  April 

1611,  joint  lord-lieutenant   of  Dorsetshire 
and  town  of  Poole  on  5  July  1611,  keeper  of 
the  forest  of  Braydon,  Wiltshire,  on  21  March 

1612,  a  commissioner  of  the   treasury   on 
16  June  1612,  and  lord-lieutenant  of  Dorset- 
shire on  19  Feb.  1613.  In  this  year,  with  the 
rest  of  the  Howards,  he  supported  the  scheme 
for  the  divorce  of  his  daughter  Frances  from 
Robert  Devereux,  third  earl  of  Essex  [q.  v.] 
On  the  death  of  his  uncle,  Henry,  earl  of 
Northampton,Howard  was  elected  chancellor 
of  the  university  of  Cambridge  on  8  July 

1614  (COOPER,  iii.  63).     He  prevailed  on  the 
king  to  visit  the  university  in  March  1615. 
On  that  occasion  he  resided  at  St.  John's  Col- 
lege, and  is  said  to  have  spent  in  hospitality 
1,0007.  a  day.     His  wife  held  receptions  at 
Magdalene  College  (MTJLLINGER,   Univ.   of 
Cambr.  ii.    514,  518;    Cal.   State  Papers, 
Dom.  1611-18,  p.  278). 

On  11  July  1614  Howard  was  constituted 
lord  high  treasurer  of  England,  and  formally 
held  office  until  19  July  1619.  In  November 

1615  a  determined   attempt  was   made   to 
implicate  him  in  the  murder  of  Sir  Thomas 
Overbury.    He  was  the  father-in-law  of  So- 
merset, and  to  some  extent  responsible  for  his 
fate ;   the  king  at  all  events  thought   that 
Suffolk  wished  to  escape  a  full  investigation 
(cf.  AMOS,   Great  Oyer  of  Poisoning}.      On 
1  Feb.  1618  he  was  made  custos  rotulorum  of 
Suffolk,  on  the  following  14  April  was  com- 
missioned with  others  to  discover  concealed 
lands,  encroachments,  &c.,  and  to   arrange 
with  pensioners  of  the  crown  for  an  exchange 
of  their  pensions  for  a  certain  portion  of  these 
lands  (Cal.  State  Papers,  Dom.  1611-18,  p. 
534).     On  23  June  of  the  same  year  he  be- 
came for  a  second  time  joint-commissioner 
to  banish  Jesuits  and  seminary  priests. 

In  the  autumn  of  1618  grave  irregularities 
were  discovered  at  the  treasury.  Howard 
was  suspended  from  his  office.  He  was  ac- 
cused of  having  embezzled  a  great  part  of 
the  money  received  from  the  Dutch  for  the 
cautionary  towns,  with  defrauding  the  king 
of  240,000/.  in  jewels,  with  committing  frauds 
in  the  alum  business,  and  with  extorting 

money  from  the  king's  subjects.  The  countess 
was  indicted  for  extorting  money  from  per- 
sons having  business  at  the  treasury,  chiefly 
through  the  agency  of  Sir  John  Bingley, 
remembrancer  of  the  exchequer.  At  first 
Howard  talked  boldly  about  publishing  the 
real  reasons  of  his  suspension  (ib.  Dom.  1611- 
1618,  p.  594),  but  as  the  time  for  his  trial 
drew  near  he  offered  his  private  submission 
(ib.  Dom.  1619-23,  p.  60).  After  eleven  days' 
hearing  in  the  Star-chamber  (October-No- 
vember 1619),  the  earl  and  countess  were 
fined  30,000/.,  commanded  to  restore  all 
money  wrongfully  extorted,  and  were  sen- 
tenced to  be  imprisoned  apart  in  the  Tower 
during  pleasure  (ib.  Dom.  1619-23,  pp.  88, 
94,  96).  Howard  was  popularly  credited 
with  having  acted  under  the  influence  of 
his  wife  (ib.  Dom.  1619-23,  p.  93).  They 
were  released  after  ten  days'  imprisonment, 
but  as  a  condition  of  their  enlargement  their 
sons,  Lord  de  Walden  and  Sir  Thomas 
Howard,  were  dismissed  for  a  short  time 
from  their  places  at  court  (ib.  Dom.  1619-23, 
pp.  101,  111).  Howard  pleaded  inability  to 
pay  his  fine,  and  a  commission  was  issued 
for  the  Archbishop  of  Canterbury  and  others 
to  inquire  into  his  estate.  Probably  to  de- 
feat this  inquiry,  he  made  a  great  part  of  it 
over  to  his  son-in-law,  the  Earl  of  Salisbury,, 
and  his  brother,  Sir  W.  Howard  (CARTE,  Hist, 
of  England,  iv.  47-8).  The  king  threatened 
the  earl  with  another  Star-chamber  bill,  but 
Howard  appeased  him  by  making  humble 
submission,  and  promising  to  pay  all,  though 
he  was  fully  50,000/.  in  debt  (Cal.  State 
Papers,  Dom.  1619-23,  pp.  115,  116).  The 
king  and  Buckingham  stood  sponsors  for  his 
grandson,  James  Howard,  afterwards  third 
earl  of  Suffolk  (1619-1688)  [q.  v.],  and  in 
July  1620  he  was  received  into  favour  again, 
and  his  fine,  reduced  to  7,000/.,  was  made 
over  to  John,  viscount  Haddington  (ib.  Dom. 
1619-23,  pp.  170, 179).  In  1621  Suffolk  with 
Lord  Saye  and  Sele  strongly  pressed  that 
Bacon  should  be  brought  to  the  bar  of  the 
house  in  the  beginning  of  the  investigation 
into  the  chancellor's  offences.  Suffolk  was 
probably  inspired  by  revenge  for  his  own 
treatment  by  Bacon  in  similar  circumstances. 
A  little  later  in  the  session  he  attempted  to 
mediate  between  Arundel  and  Spencer  in  the 
discussion  as  to  Yelverton's  case. 

In  1621  Howard  became  high  steward  of 
Exeter,  and  endeavoured  to  ingratiate  him- 
self with  Buckingham  by  marrying,  in  Decem- 
ber 1623,  his  seventh  son,  Edward,  afterwards 
Lord  Howard  of  Escrick  (d.  1675)  [q.  v.],  to 
Mary,  fifth  daughter  of  Sir  John  Boteler  (ib. 
Dom.  1623-5,  pp.  132, 134).  On  9 May  1625 he 
was  appointed  lord-lieutenant  of  Cambridge- 




shire  and  Suffolk.  He  died  on  28  May  1626 
at  his  house  at  Charing  Cross,  and  was  buried  : 
at  Saffron  Walden.  He  married,  first,  Mary,  j 
daughter  and  coheiress  of  Thomas,  fourth 
lord  Dacre  of  Gillesland,  who  died  on  7  April 
1578  without  issue.  In  1583  he  married, 
secondly,  Catherine,  daughter  and  coheiress 
of  Sir  Henry  Knevet,  knt.,  of  Charlton,  j 
Wiltshire,  and  widow  of  Richard,  eldest  son 
of  Robert,  lord  Rich.  She  had  a  great  ascen- 
dency over  her  husband,  and  undoubtedly 
used  his  high  office  to  enrich  herself.  Bacon, 
in  his  speech  in  the  Star-chamber  against 
the  earl,  compared  the  countess  to  an  ex- 
change woman,  who  kept  her  shop,  while 
her  creature,  Sir  J.  Bingley,  cried  'What 
d'ye  lack?'  Her  beauty  was  remarkable, 
but  in  1619  an  attack  of  small-pox  did 
it  much  injury  (ib.  Dom.  1619-23,  p.  16). 
Pennant,  in  his  '  Journey  from  Chester  to 
London '  (ed.  1782,  pp.  227-8),  has  given  an 
engraved  portrait  of  the  countess  from  a 
painting  at  Gorhambury.  By  her  Suffolk 
had  seven  sons  and  three  daughters.  The 
eldest  son,  Theophilus,  second  earl  of  Suffolk, 
the  fifth,  Sir  Robert  Howard  (1598-1653), 
and  the  seventh,  Edward  (d.  1675),  are 
separately  noticed. 

The  fourth  son,  Sir  Charles  Howard,  was 
knighted  13  Feb.  1610-11,  and  died  22  Sept. 
1622,  leaving  two  daughters,  Elizabeth  and 
Mary,  by  his  wife,  whom  he  married  in  1612, 
Mary  (1596-1671),  daughter  of  Sir  John 
Fitz  of  Fitzford,  Devonshire.  This  high- 
spirited  lady  had  previously  been  married  to 
Sir  Allan  Percy  (d.  1611),  and  after  Howard's 
death  married  as  third  husband  Thomas 
Darcy,  son  of  Lord  Darcy  of  Chiche  (after- 
wards Earl  Rivers).  In*  1628  she  married 
a  fourth  husband,  Sir  Richard  Grenville 
(1600-1658)  [q.  v.]  Her  portrait  by  Van- 
dyck  was  engraved  by  Hollar  (see  Lady 
Howard  of  Fitzford,  by  Mrs.  G.  H.  Radford, 
repr.  from  Trans,  of  Devonshire  Assoc.  1890, 
xxii.  66-110). 

[Doyle's  Official  Baronage,  iii.  447-9 ;  Collins's 
Peerage  (Brydges),  iii.  147-55;  Cal.  State 
Papers,  Dom.  1595-7,  passim;  Gardiner's  Hist, 
passim.]  G-.  G-. 

ARUNDEL  (1586-1646),  art  collector,  called 
by  Walpole  the  'Father  of  Vertu  in  England,' 
only  son  of  Philip  Howard,  earl  of  Arundel 
[q.  v.],  by  Anne,  coheiress  of  Dacre  and 
Gillesland,  was  born  at  Finchingfield  in 
Essex,  7  July  1586  (see  will,  Harl  MS. 
6272,  ff.  29-30).  When  he  was  nearly  ten 
his  father  died  in  the  Tower  (19  Oct.  1595), 
and  by  his  attainder  the  son  was  deprived 
of  his  lands  and  titles,  though  called  Lord 
Maltravers  by  courtesy.  He  was  carefully 

brought  up  by  his  mother,  '  a  lady  of  great 
and  eminent  virtues,'  with  his  only  sister, 
who  died  aged  16  (manuscript  life  in  Harl. 
MS.  6272,  f.  152).  ATter  attending  West- 
minster School,  he  went  to  Trinity  College, 
Cambridge  (Memoirs,  ed.  1668,  p.  284).  On 
the  accession  of  James  I,  Howard  was  granted 
his  father's  titles  of  Arundel  and  Surrey,  but 
the  king  retained  the  family  property,  so  that 
he  remained  in  embarrassed  circumstances. 
On  18  April  1604  he  was  restored  in  blood, 
and  in  1605  first  introduced  at  court.  At  the 
age  of  twenty  he  married  (30  Sept.  1606) 
Alathea,  third  daughter  and  ultimately  heiress 
of  Gilbert  Talbot,  earl  of  Shrewsbury,  and, 
with  the  help  of  her  fortune,  gradually  bought 
back  some  of  the  family  property,  including 
Arundel  House,  London,  for  4,000/.  in  1608. 
For  the  next  few  years  the  earl  led  a  gay  life 
at  court,  and  his  name  constantly  appears 
among  the  performers  in  masques  and  jousts. 
On  17  July  1607  the  king  stood  godfather  to 
his  eldest  son  James,  who  died  at  Ghent  in 
1624.  He  went  abroad  for  his  health  in  1609, 
travelling  in  the  Low  Countries,  France,  and 
Italy,  and  seems  to  have  there  first  ac- 
quired a  love  of  art.  On  his  return  he  was 
installed  KG.  at  Windsor  (13  May  1611). 
At  the  marriage  of  Princess  Elizabeth  (Fe- 
bruary 1613)  Arundel  carried  the  sword  of 
state,  and  was  afterwards  appointed  one  of 
the  four  noblemen  to  escort  her  abroad.  He 
proceeded  to  Heidelberg  at  the  elector's  re- 
quest, and  returned  to  England  in  June. 
Soon  after  he  and  the  countess  paid  a  visit  to 
Italy,  where  they  were  received  with  all 
honour  and  respect.  They  returned  in  Novem- 
ber 1615. 

Arundel  was,  like  his  wife,  brought  up  as 
a  Roman  catholic,  but  on  25  Dec.  1615  he 
entered  the  English  church,  and  took  the 
sacrament  in  the  king's  chapel,  Whitehall, 
to  the  great  grief  of  his  mother,  who  vainly 
tried  to  persuade  him  to  return  to  the  Romish 
faith.  Arundel  has  been  accused  of  becoming 
a  protestant  only  from  policy,  but  there  is  no 
doubt  that  he  had  a  natural  leaning  to  a 
simple  and  unadorned  ritual.  On  16  July 
1616  he  was  admitted  to  the  privy  council, 
and  in  the  next  year  was  made  a  privy  coun- 
cillor of  Scotland  and  Ireland.  He  supported 
Raleigh's  expedition  of  1617,  but  had  some 
doubts  of  Raleigh's  sincerity,  and  visited  Ra- 
leigh's ship  the  Destiny  as  it  was  leaving 
the  Thames  to  obtain  the  explorer's  promise 
that  he  would  return  to  England  however 
the  enterprise  might  turn  out.  On  3  Nov. 
1620  he  became  a  member  of  a  committee 
for  the  plantations  of  New  England.  His 
love  of  etiquette  is  illustrated  by  a  quarrel 
with  De  Cadenet,  the  French  ambassador,  in 




1620,  over  a  small  point  of  precedence,  when 
he  was  not  satisfied  till  the  king  obliged  De 
Cadenet  to  apologise.  In  April  1621  Arundel 
presided  over  the  committee  of  the  House 
of  Lords  appointed  to  consider  the  evidence 
against  the  lord  chancellor,  and  recommended 
that  Bacon  should  not  be  summoned  to  the  bar 
of  the  house  nor  deprived  of  his  peerage.  On 
Bacon's  fall  he  was,  from  3  May  to  10  July 

1621,  joint-commissioner  of  the  great  seal. 
On  8  May  1621,  when  the  House  of  Lords 
were  discussing  the  case  of  Sir  Henry  Yel- 
verton,  who  was  in  the  Tower  on  the  charge 
of  attacking  Buckingham  in  the  House  of 
Commons,  Arundel  dissuaded  the  lords  from 
hearing  Yelverton's  own  explanation  of  his 
words.     Lord  Spencer,  as  the  representative 
of  the  popular  party,  hotly  resented  the  sug- 
gestion that  a  man  should  be  condemned  un- 
heard.    A  fierce  altercation  took  place  be- 
tween Arundel  and  Spencer ;  finally,  Arun- 
del's  advice  was  rejected,  and  his  passionate 
language  to  Spencer  was  punished  on  16  May 
by  his  committal  to  the  Tower  by  order  of 
the  House  of  Lords.     He  was  only  released 
on  the  king's  personal  intercession  with  the 
lords,  and  on  the  engagement  of  the  Prince  of 
Wales  that  he  would  effect  a  reconciliation  be- 
tween the  two  peers.   On  29  Aug.  1621  Arun- 
del was  appointed  earl-marshal  of  England. 
At  James's  funeral  he  was  one  of  Charles's 
supporters,  and  was  afterwards  made  a  com- 
missioner to  appoint  the  knights  of  the  Bath 
and  determine  claims  to  perform  the  services 
required  at  the  forthcoming  coronation  of  the 
new  king. 

The  earl  soon  declared  himself  an  enemy 
of  Buckingham,  while  his  plain  dress  and 
haughty  manner  made  him  no  favourite  with 
the  king.  In  the  first  year  of  Charles's  reign, 
Arundel's  eldest  surviving  son  Henry  Frede- 
rick, lord  Maltravers,  married  Elizabeth, 
daughter  of  Esm6  Stuart,  for  whom  Charles 
had  arranged  another  match.  On  this  ground 
the  king  sent  the  young  couple  into  confine- 
ment at  Lambeth,  and,  to  gratify  his  own  and 
Buckingham's  personal  hostility  to  Arundel, 
ordered  him  and  his  wife  to  be  confined  first 
in  the  Tower  and  afterwards  in  their  country 
house  at  Horseley,  Sussex.  But  the  lords  de- 
mande  d!  Arundel's  release  so  peremptorily  that 
Charles  was  obliged  to  yield,  and  the  earl  was 
set  at  liberty  in  June  1626.  While  he  was  suf- 
fering restraint  Bacon  was  seized  with  what 
proved  a  fatal  illness  while  journeying  be- 
tween London  and  Highgate,  and  took  refuge 
at  Arundel's  house  at  Highgate  (March  1626). 
Bacon  died  there  9  April  1626,  and  the  last 
letter  he  wrote  was  to  Arundel,  thanking  him 
for  the  hospitality  afforded  him  during  his  en- 
forced stay.  Within  a  mouth  of  his  release 

Arundel  was  again  ordered  into  confinement 
in  his  own  house,  and  remained  under  restraint 
till  March  1628,  when  he  was  once  more  libe- 
rated at  the  instance  of  the  lords.  Through- 
out the  debates  on  the  Petition  of  Eight  o£ 
1628  he  tried  to  play  the  part  of  mediator, 
and  probably  drew  up  an  amendment  to  the 
petition  with  the  object  of  saving  the  royal 
prerogative,  which  was  proposed  by  Lord 
Weston,  and  was  finally  carried  in  the  House 
of  Lords  (GARDINER,  vi.  279).  Seeing,  how- 
ever, that,  if  the  petition  were  to  pass  at  all, 
further  concession  to  the  commons  was  ne- 
cessary, Arundel  assented  to  the  withdrawal 
of  the  clause,  and  the  prerogative  was  left 
undetermined.  Weston  in  the  same  year 
effected  a  reconciliation  between  Arundel  and 
the  king,  and  he  was  restored  to  his  place  in 
the  council. 

In  1630  he  revived  the  court  of  earl-mar- 
shal and  constable.  After  the  death  of  the 
king  of  Bohemia,  Arundel  was  sent  in  De- 
cember 1632  to  the  Hague  to  condole  with  the 
queen  and  bring  her  back  to  England ;  but 
she  refused  to  come,  alleging  her  duties  to 
her  family.  In  1634  he  was  made  chief  j  ustice 
in  eyre  of  the  forests  north  of  the  Trent ;  and 
in  June  accompanied  Charles  to  his  coronation 
in  Scotland.  In  April  1636  Arundel  was 
sent  on  an  important  political  mission  to 
the  emperor  at  Vienna,  to  urge  the  restitu- 
tion of  the  Palatinate  to  the  king's  nephew. 
For  once  he  laid  aside  his  plain  dress,  and 
was  magnificently  attired.  On  his  journey 
he  was  received  in  state  in  Holland  by 
the  widowed  queen  of  Bohemia,  the  Prince 
of  Orange,  and  the  States  General.  He  tra- 
velled slowly  on  to  Nuremberg.  Thence  he 
passed  through  the  Upper  Palatinate  to  Ra- 
tisbon,  but,  finding  the  diet  not  yet  assem- 
bled, visited  Ferdinand  II  at  Linz  and  the 
queen  of  Hungary  at  Vienna.  His  demands 
as  to  the  Palatinate  were  refused  by  the  em- 
peror, and  he  asked  to  be  recalled.  This 
Charles,  who  hoped  to  gain  more  favour- 
able terms  by  temporising,  refused.  Passing 
through  Moravia  and  Bohemia,  Arundel  re- 
turned to  Ratisbon  in  the  autumn  (see 
CROWNE,  Tribe  Relation  of .  .  .  the  Travels  of 
Thomas  Howard,  Earl  of  Arundel. .  .Embas- 
sador  Extraordinary  to...  Ferdinand  II,  1636, 
London,  1637, 12mo).  Charles  recalled  him  on 
27  Sept.  1636,  and  on  his  return  granted  him 
7,2621.,  the  balance  of  19,262Z.  allowed  him 
for  his  expenses  abroad.  His  mission  com- 
pletely altered  his  views  of  English  foreign 
policy.  He  now  regarded  France  instead  of 
the  house  of  Austria  as  the  ally  most  valuable 
for  England  to  secure  in  the  matter  of  the 
Palatinate  (cf.  GARDINER,  viii.  202).  In 
1638  Arundel  was  commissioned  to  repair 




the  border  fortresses,  and  late  in  the  same 
year  was  made  general  of  the  army  against 
the  Scots.  It  assembled  on  29  April  1639 
at  Selby-on-the-Ouse,  whence  it  moved  to 
Berwick  under  the  king's  command,  but  was 
disbanded  in  three  months.  Clarendon  calls 
Arundel  '  a  man  who  had  nothing  martial 
about  him  but  his  presence  and  his  looks,'  and 
was,  he  says,  chosen  general  for  '  his  negative 
qualities ;  he  did  not  love  the  Scots ;  he  did 
not  love  the  puritans'  {History,  Clarendon 
Press  edit.,  1828,  i.  201).  New  preparations 
were  made  for  war  in  the  end  of  1639,  and 
Arundel,  who  became  lord-steward  of  the 
royal  household  on  12  April  1640,  adminis- 
tered the  oath  to  the  commons  on  25  April 
1640.  On  29  Aug.  1640  he  was  appointed 
'captain-general  south  of  Trent,' but  after 
the  Scots  took  Newcastle  (30  Aug.),  Arun- 
del was  examined  in  parliament  as  to  his 
responsibility.  No  fault  was  found  with 
his  conduct.  Early  in  the  next  year  the 
earl  presided  at  Strafford's  trial  (March  and 
April  1641),  acting  as  lord  high  steward ;  he 
had  privately  quarrelled  with  Strafford  in 
1635  over  some  land  which  both  claimed, 
but  by  all  impartial  accounts  did  not  allow 
his  private  enmity  to  bias  his  feelings.  He 
notified  the  royal  assent  to  the  bill  of  Straf- 
ford's attainder,  and  also  to  a  bill  against 
dissolving  parliament  without  the  consent 
of  both  houses.  On  29  June  Arundel,  sup- 
ported by  seventeen  other  noblemen,  peti- 
tioned for  the  restoration  of  his  grandfather's 
title  of  Duke  of  Norfolk.  Charles  avoided  a 
direct  reply,  but  in  the  year  of  the  earl's  death, 
and  when  unable  to  make  his  concession  of 
,any  value,  granted  him  the  title  by  a  patent, 
dated  6  June  1646,  from  Oxford.  * 

In  August  1641  Arundel,  who  was  grow- 
ing out  of  sympathy  with  the  court,  resigned 
his  post  of  lord-steward  of  the  household. 
The  queen-mother  of  France  concluded  a  visit 
to  England  in  July  1641,  and  the  earl  and 
'his  wife  escorted  her  to  Cologne,  where  the 
countess  remained.  Arundel  went  on  to 
Utrecht,  where  his  eldest  surviving  son's  chil- 
dren were  being  educated,  and  after  a  short 
visit  to  England,  in  company  with  Evelyn, 
in  October,  left  the  country  for  good  in  the 
middle  of  February  1642,  ostensibly  acting 
as  escort  to  Queen  Henrietta  Maria  and  Prin-  j 
cess  Mary.  Soon  parting  with  them,  he  went  i 
on  through  France  to  Italy.  His  grandsons, 
Thomas  and  Philip,  the  eldest  and  youngest 
sons  of  Lord  Maltravers,  accompanied  him, 
but  Thomas  became  insane,  and  Philip  turned 
Dominican  at  Milan  [see  HOWARD,  PHILIP  j 
THOMAS],  to  the  earl's  grief.  He  was  joined 
at  Padua,  where  he  now  permanently  settled, 
by  his  second  grandson,  Henry.  In  1644 

Arundel  and  other  absent  peers  were  recalled 
by  an  order  of  the  House  of  Lords,  but  he 
remained  abroad,  contributing  54,000/.  to 
the  royalist  cause.  Tho  same  year  Arundel 
Castle  was  captured  by  the  Roundheads,  but 
was  retaken  by  Waller.  Arundel's  means 
were  now  much  circumscribed ;  his  personal 
estate  had  been  seized  in  1643  by  parliament, 

!  and  was  in  the  hands  of  the  sequestrators. 
Out  of  an  annual  revenue  of  15,000/.,  he  only 
received  500/.  a  year  while  abroad  (House  of 
Commons'  Journals,  iii.  231,  432,  &c.)  His 

\  son,  Lord  Mowbray  and  Maltravers,  joined 

j  him  with  difficulty  in  1645,  and  while  pre- 
paring to  return  to  England  in  1646,  Arun- 

i  del  was  taken  ill.  Evelyn  records  a  visit  to 
him  on  his  sick  bed  at  Padua  (Easter  1646), 
when  he  found  him,  more  sick  in  mind  than 
body,  lamenting  the  undutifulness  of  his 
grandson  Philip  (Diary,  i.  218).  On  4  Oct. 
he  died  suddenly,  and  by  his  own  desire  his 
body  was  conveyed  by  his  son  and  his  grand- 
son Henry  to  be  buried  at  Arundel.  The  earl 
desired  to  have  a  tomb  made  by  Fanelli,  and 

I  composed  his  own  epitaph,  but,  like  other 
directions  given  in  Arundel's  will,  these  ar- 
rangements for  a  tomb  were  not  carried  out. 
By  his  wife  Alathea  he  had  six  sons.  The 
eldest,  James,  lord  Mowbray,  created  K.B. 
in  1616,  died  unmarried  at  Ghent  in  1624. 
Arundel's  second  son  and  successor,  Henry 
Frederick,  and  his  fifth  son,  William  Howard, 
viscount  Stafford,  are  separately  noticed. 

The  earl's  character  has  been  unfairly  drawn 
by  Clarendon,  who  personally  disliked  him,  but 
Clarendon  brings  no  graver  charges  than  those 
of  pride  and  reserve,  illiteracy  and  religious  in- 
differentism.  Austere  in  disposition,  plain  in 
speech  and  dress,  very  particular  as  to  the  re- 
spect due  to  his  rank,  the  earl  was  unpopular 
at  court,  as  well  as  with  those  below  him.  But 
he  was  an  affectionate  husband  and  parent, 
taking  immense  pains  with  the  education  of 
his  sons  and  grandson.  He  was  liberal  and 
hospitable,  especially  to  foreigners,  and  a 
patron  of  arts  and  learning.  He  brought 
Hollar  from  Prague,  and  employed  him  to 
make  drawings.  Oughtred,  the  famous  mathe- 
matician, was  tutor  to  his  third  son,  William. 
Francis  Junius  [q.  v.]  was  his  librarian,  and 
lived  in  his  family  thirty  years.  He  was  the 
friend  of  the  antiquaries,  Sir  Robert  Cotton, 
Sir  Henry  Spelman,  Camden,  and  Selden,  and 
is  said  to  have  first  discovered  the  talent  of 
Inigo  Jones. 

Arundel  formed  the  first  large  collection 
of  works  of  art  in  England.  From  1615  he 
collected  diligently  in  various  countries  of 
Europe,  making  purchases  himself  when  tra- 
velling, or  employing  agents  when  he  was  in 
England.  Much  of  his  extant  correspondence 




deals  with  his  various  artistic  transactions. 
In  Additional  MS.  15970  are  many  letters  to 
'  good  Mr.  Petty/  who  was  his  chaplain  and 
his  agent  at  Rome.  Writing  on  one  occasion 
from  Frankfort,  5  Dec.  1636,  he  says:  'I  wish 
you  sawe  the  Picture  of  a  Madonna  of  [Diirer], 
which  the  Bishoppe  of  Wirtzberge  gave  me 
lastweeke  as  I  passed  by  that  way,  and  though 
it  were  painted  at  first  upon  an  uneven  board 
and  is  vernished,  yet  it  is  more  worth  then 
all  the  toyes  I  have  gotten  in  Germany e,  and 
for  such  I  esteeme  it,  having  ever  carried  it 
in  my  owne  coach  since  I  had  it :  and  howe 
then  doe  you  think  I  should  valewe  thinges  of 
Leonardo,  Raphaell,  Corregio,  and  such  like  ? ' 
Again,  in  the  same  year,  when  at  Nurem- 
berg, he  bought  the  Pirkheymer  Library, 
which  had  belonged  to  the  kings  of  Hungary, 
and  was  presented,  through  Evelyn's  efforts, 
by  Arundel's  son  to  the  Royal  Society.  In 
the  same  way  he  acquired  the  intaglios  and 
medals  from  Daniel  Rice.  He  always  gave 
instructions  that  his  purchases  should  be 
conveyed  to  England  by  the  shortest  sea 
route.  Sir  William  Russell,  writing  from 
the  Hague  in  the  beginning  of  1637,  says : 
'  The  ship  wherein  his  goods  were  fraughted 
(amongst  which  are  many  thousands  most 
excellent  pieces  of  painting  and  Bookes  which 
his  Lordship  gathered  in  his  journey)  is  still 
at  the  Rotterdam,  kept  in  with  the  ice  ever 
since  his  Lordship  parted '  (Hist.  MSS.  Comm. 
8th  Rep.  App.  p.  554).  He  bought  many 

S'.ctures,  &c.,  from  Henry  Vanderborcht  of 
russels,  and  employed  Vanderborcht's  son, 
a  painter  and  engraver,  to  collect  for  him,  and 
also  to  draw  his  curiosities.  He  arranged  his 
collections  in  the  galleries  of  Arundel  House, 
London.  Ultimately  he  deposited  there  37 
statues,  128  busts,  250  inscribed  marbles,  ex- 
clusive of  sarcophagi,  altars,  and  fragments, 
besides  pictures,  chiefly  those  of  Hans  Hol- 
bein, gems,  &c.  Selden  described  the  marbles 
in  his  'Marmora  Arundeliana,'  London, 
1628,  afterwards  incorporated  in  Prideaux's 
'  Marmora  Oxoniensia,'  1676.  The  countess 
received  part  of  these  treasures,  most  of 
which  she  bequeathed  to  her  son,  William, 
viscount  Stafford,  and  this  portion  of  the  pro- 
perty was  sold  by  auction  by  Stafford's  suc- 
cessors in  1720.  Arundel's  grandson,  Henry, 
sixth  duke  of  Norfolk  [q.  v.],  inherited  the 
chief  portion  of  the  collection.  He  gave 
many  of  the  statues  and  inscribed  marbles 
(the  famous  Arundel  marbles)  to  the  univer- 
sity of  Oxford  in  1667.  Other  of  the  statues 
were  sold  later  to  William  Fermor,  lord  Leo- 
minster  [q.  v.],  whose  daughter-in-law,  Hen- 
rietta Louisa  Fermor,  countess  of  Pomfret 
[q.  v.],  presented  these  also  to  Oxford  in 
1755.  In  1685,  and  again  in  1691,  the  sixth 

Duke  of  Norfolk's  son,  Henry,  seventh  duke 

\.  v.],  directed  sales  of  the  paintings  and 

rawings,  retaining  only  a  few  family  pic- 

tures.   When  his  wife  left  him  in  1685,  she 

carried  with  her  the  cabinets  and  gems,  leav- 

ing them  in  1705  to  her  second  husband,  Sir 

John  Germain  [q.  v.],  whose  widow,  Lady 

Betty,  bestowed  some  of  them  on  Sir  Charles 

Spencer  and  the  Duke  of  Marlborough.     The 

coins  and  medals  were  bought  by  Heneage 
Finch,  second  earl  of  Winchilsea  [q.  v.],  and 
were  sold  by  his  executors  in  1696.  The 

famous  bust  of  Homer  passed  thro.ugh  the 
hands  of  Dr.  Meade  and  the  Earl  of  Exeter 
before  it  reached  the  British  Museum. 

There  are  several  portraits  of  Arundel. 
In  1618  Van  Somer  painted  him  with  his  wife, 
and  there  is  a  portrait  by  Vandyck  in  the 

i  Sutherland  Gallery,  which  has  been  engraved 
by  Tardieu,  W.  Sharp,  and  Tomkins.  A  half- 
length  painting  by  Rubens  is  at  Castle 
Howard,  and  was  engraved  by  Houbraken. 
Vandyck  designed  a  family  group,  which 
was  afterwards  finished  by  Frutiers. 

[The  most  detailed  memoir  is  in  Lloyd's 
Memoirs,  ed.  1677,  p.  284;  cf.  also  Ashtead 
and  its  Howard  Possessors  ;  Doyle's  Baronage  ; 
Sir  Edward  Walker's  Historical  Observations, 
ed.  1705,  p.  209;  Walpole's  Anecdotes  of  Paint- 
ing, ed.  Wormim,  i.  292  ;  Collins's  Peerage,  ed. 
1779,  i.  110;  Gardiner's  Hist,  passim;  Cam- 
den's  Annals  of  King  James  I,  p.  642;  Stow's 
Annals,  p.  918;  Historical  Anecdotes  of  some  of 
the  Howard  Family,  by  C.  Howard,  1817,  p.  75; 
The  Howard  Papers,  by  H.  K.  Staple  Causton  ; 
Lives  of  Philip  Howard,  Earl  of  Arundel,  and 
Anne  Dacres,  his  Wife,  1837,  p.  167  ;  Tierney's 
Hist,  of  Arundel  ;  Blomefield's  Norfolk,  i.  239  ; 
Lodge's  Illustrations,  iii.  331  ,  &c.  ;  Nichols's  Pro- 
gresses of  James  I,  ii.  5,  141  ;  Allen's  Lambeth, 
p.  309;  Lords'  Journals;  State  Papers,  &c.  There 
are  letters  from  and  to  the  earl  in  Clarendon's 
Correspondence,  in  Sir  Thomas  Koe's  Negotia- 
tions, pp.  334,  444,  495,  at  the  College  of  Arms, 

j  and  in  Brit.  Mus.  Addit.  MS.  15970.  Many  re- 
ferences to  him  are  also  in  Evelyn's  Diary  ;  au- 
thorities quoted.]  E.  T.  B. 

HOWARD,  WALTER  (1759-1830?), 
called  the  '  Heir  of  Poverty/  born  on  19  May 
1759,  was  son  of  William  Howard,  by  Cathe- 
rine Titcombe  of  St.  Helier,  Jersey,  and 
grandson  of  Charles  Francis  Howard  of  Over- 
acres,  and  lord  of  Redesdale,Northumberland. 
His  father  claimed  kinship  with  the  ducal  fa- 
mily of  Norfolk  ;  in  1750  he  sold  Overacres,  the 
I  seigniories  of  Redesdale  and  Harbottle,  and 
the  advowson  of  Elsdon,  Northumberland, 
to  the  Earl  of  Northumberland,  and  thence- 
forward appears  to  have  been  supported  by 
Edward  Howard,  duke  of  Norfolk  (1686- 
1777)  [q.  v.]  Walter  was  sent  by  the  duke 
to  the  college  at  St.  Omer,  but,  being  a  pro- 




testant,  lie  was  soon  withdrawn.  In  1773 
he  was  placed  with  a  wine  merchant  at 
Oporto.  In  1777  his  father  and  the  duke 
died.  He  returned  to  England,  and  found 
that  Duke  Edward  had  bequeathed  him  an 
annuity  of  45/.  The  new  duke,  Charles 
(1720-1786)  [q.  v.],  became  his  friend,  and 
continued  the  allowance  previously  made  to 
his  father.  In  1793  he  was  much  embarrassed 
by  debts.  The  eleventh  duke,  Charles  (1746- 
1815)  [q.  v.],  seems  to  have  satisfied  himself 
from  a  pedigree  in  the  College  of  Arms  that 
Howard's  claims  to  kinship  with  him  were 
fictitious.  On  21  Dec.  1795  Howard  was  re- 
leased from  a  debtor's  prison,  and  by  the 
duke's  steward  established  at  Ewood,  Surrey, 
on  a  small  property.  The  duke  ordered  him 
to  be  called  '  Mr.  Smith.'  When  he  went  to 
London  to  complain  of  this  grievance,  the 
duke  refused  to  see  him,  and  would  not  allow 
him  to  resume  occupation  of  Ewood.  Howard 
now  devoted  himself  to  correct  the  College 
of  Arms  pedigree  of  the  ducal  family,  and 
to  regain  the  Ewood  property.  He  wrote 
to  the  lord  chancellor,  and  tried  to  address 
the  court  of  chancery  in  July  1809,  and  even 
attempted  to  address  the  House  of  Lords. 
Thomas  Christopher  Banks  [q.  v.]  wrote  a 
foolish  pamphlet  in  his  support,  and  drew 
up  for  him  a  petition  to  the  king.  Howard 
presented  a  petition  to  the  prince  regent  on 
25  April  1812,  and  waylaid  the  prince  in 
Pall  Mall  on  12  May,  for  which  he  apologised 
in  another  letter.  He  was  taken  into  custody 
on  presenting  himself  at  Norfolk  House,  and, 
after  examination  before  a  magistrate,  was 
committed  to  prison.  He  obtained  some  al- 
lowance from  the  twelfth  duke,  Bernard  Ed- 
ward (1765-1842)  [q.  v.],  and  is  believed  to 
have  died  in  1830  or  1831.  By  his  wife,  Miss 
Jane  Martin  of  Gateside,  Westmoreland,  he 
left  no  issue. 

[Howard  Papers,  edited  by  H.  K.  S.  Causton 
(1867),  chiefly  compiled  from  papers  presented 
to  the  author  by  Howard's  widow  out  of  grati- 
tude for  the  interest  manifested  "by  Mr.  Causton 
and  his  father  in  her  husband's  case.]  GK  Gr. 

HOWARD,  SIK  WILLIAM  (d.  1308), 
iudge,was  perhaps  the  son  of  John  Ho  ward  of 
"Wiggenhall,  Norfolk  (living  1260),  by  Lucy, 
daughter  of  John  Germund.  The  family, 
which  was  probably  of  Saxon  origin,  belonged 
to  the  class  of  smaller  gentry,  and  was  settled 
in  the  neighbourhood  of  Lynn,  Norfolk.  The 
name  Howard,  Haward,  or  Hayward,  is  said 
to  have  been  compounded  of  haye  (hedge) 
and  ward  (warden),  and  to  have  denoted 
originally  an  officer  whose  principal  duty  it 
was  to  prevent  trespass  on  pasture-land. 
Howard  was  counsel  to  the  corporation  of 
Lynn,  and  appears  as  justice  of  assize  for  the 

northern  counties  in  1293,  and  was  in  the 
following  year  commissioner  of  sewers  for 
the  north-west  of  Norfolk.  He  was  sum- 
moned to  parliament  as  j,  justice  in  1295,  and 
on  11  Oct.  1297  was  appointed  a  justice  of 
the  common  pleas.  In  the  following  year  he 
purchased  Grancourt's  manor,  East  Winch, 
near  Lynn,  where  he  had  his  principal  seat. 
In  1305,  and  again  in  1307,  he  was  one  of 
the  commissioners  of  trailbaston.  He  must 
have  died  or  retired  in  the  summer  or  autumn 
of  1308,  the  patent  of  his  successor,  Henry 
le  Scrope,  being  dated  27  Nov.  in  that  year. 
In  or  about  the  reign  of  Henry  VII  a  figure 
of  him  kneeling  in  his  robes  with  the  legend 
'  Pray  for  the  soul  of  William  Howard,  chief 
justice  of  England,'  was  inserted  in  one  of 
the  stained-glass  windows  in  the  church  of 
Long  Melford,  Suffolk.  He  does  not  seem, 
however,  to  have  held  the  office  of  chief  jus- 
tice (DUGDALE,  Orig.  44,  Chron.  Ser.  34). 
Howard  married,  first,  Alice,  daughter  of 
Sir  Robert  Ufford,  ancestor  of  the  first  earls 
of  Suffolk  ;  secondly,  Alice,  daughter  of  Sir 
Edmund  de  Fitton  of  Fitton  in  Wiggenhall 
St.  Germains,  Norfolk.  By  his  first  wife  he 
had  no  issue ;  by  the  second  two  sons,  Sir 
John  and  Sir  William.  By  the  marriage  of 
Sir  Robert  Howard,  a  lineal  descendant  of 
Sir  John,  with  Margaret,  daughter  and  coheir 
to  Thomas  de  Mowbray,  duke  of  Norfolk, 
part  of  the  estates  of  the  duchy  passed  to 
their  son,  Sir  John,  first  duke  of  Norfolk  of 
the  Howard  family  [q.  v.] 

[Henry  Howard's  Memorials  of  the  Howard 
Family,  1834,  App.  i.;  Ellis's  Letters  of  Emi- 
nent Literary  Men  (Camden  Soc.),  115;  Cal. 
Inq.  post  mortem,  i.  171 ;  Promptorium  Parvu- 
lorum  (Camden  Soc.) ;  Blomefield's  Norfolk,  ed. 
Parkin,  ix.  190  et  seq. ;  Genealogist,  ed.  Mar- 
shall, ii.  337  et  seq.;  Dugdale's  Baronage,  ii. 
265;  Dugdale's  Chron.  Ser.  pp.  31,  33;  Parl. 
Writs,  i.  29  (3) ;  Madox's  Exch.  ii.  91 ;  Kot. 
Parl.  i.  178,  218  ;  Collins's  Peer  age,  ed.Brydges, 
i.  51  et  seq. ;  Foss's  Lives  of  the  Judges.] 

J.  M.  E. 

HOWAED  OF  EFFINGHAM  (1510  P-1573),  born 
about  1510,  was  the  eldest  son  of  Thomas 
Howard,  second  duke  of  Norfolk  [q.  v.],  by 
his  second  wife.  He  was  educated  at  Trinity 
Hall,  Cambridge,  under  Gardiner,  and  at  a 
very  early  age  came  to  court.  In  1531  Howard 
went  on  his  first  embassy  to  Scotland,  and 
was  entertained  by  James  V  at  St.  Andrews. 
His  mission  seems  to  have  been  to  propose  a 
marriage  between  James  and  the  Princess 
Mary.  He  was  with  Henry  VIII  at  Boulogne, 
and  at  the  coronation  of  Anne  Boleyn  he  was 
deputy  earl-marshal.  Henry  liked  and  trusted 
him.  In  January  1532  he  '  won  of  the  king 



at  shovillabourde  91.'  In  February  1534-5 
he  went  to  Scotland  to  invest  James  V  with 
the  Garter  (State  Papers  Henry  VIII,  v.  2  ; 
Diurnal  of 'Occur rents ,  Bannatyne  Club,  19). 
Chapuys,  who  suspected  much  more  than 
was  really  designed  by  the  mission,  added,  in 
his  letter  to  Charles  V, l  People  are  astonished 
at  the  despatch  of  so  stupid  and  indiscreet  a 
man.'  But  Queen  Margaret  on  4  March  wrote 
to  Henry,  commending  Ho  ward's '  honorable, 
pleasaunt,  and  wys '  behaviour.  King  James  V, 
who  a  few  days  previously  bore  similar  testi- 
mony, offered  him  the  confiscated  lands  and 
goods  of  James  Hamilton,  the  sheriff  of  Lin- 
lithgow,  brother  of  Patrick  Hamilton  [q.  v.] 
These  Howard  refused,  and  Hamilton  was 
restored  to  favour.  In  1535  he  was  in  France 
on  diplomatic  business  (Chronicle  of  Calais, 
Camd.  Soc.  p.  45).  In  February  1535-6 
Howard  was  again  sent  to  Scotland,  in  com- 
pany with  William  Barlow  [q.  v.],  the  bishop- 
elect  of  St.  Asaph,  to  recommend  to  James 
and  his  court  the  adoption  in  Scotland  of 
Henry's  ecclesiastical  policy.  Howard  was 
instructed  to  set  forth  'his  grace's  proceed- 
inges,'  and  to  'inculce  and  harpe  uppon  the 
spring  of  honour  and  promt.'  He  had  also  to 
propose  to  James  an  interview  with  Henry. 
He  returned  to  Scotland  once  more  in  April 
1536  (Hamilton  Papers,  i.  29,  &c. ;  Diurnal 
of  Occur  rents,  p.  20). 

In  1537  and  1541  Howard  was  engaged 
on  an  embassy  to  France  (cf.  State  Papers 
Henry  VIII,  vol.  viii.  pt.  v.  contd.)  While 
there  Cromwell  informed  him  and  his  col- 
league, the  bishop  of  Worcester,  of  the  death 
of  Jane  Seymour,  and,  at  the  king's  request, 
asked  them  to  report  which  of  the  French 
princesses  would  be  suitable  for  her  successor. 
In  December  1541  Howard,  who  had  been 
recalled  from  France  on  24  Sept.  (ib.  p.  610), 
together  with  his  wife,  was  charged  with 
shielding  the  immoralities  of  his  kinswoman, 
Queen  Catherine  Howard,  and  both  were 
convicted  of  misprision  of  treason  (see  App. 
ii.  3rd  Eep.  Dep.  Keeper  of  Public  Records, 
p.  264),  but  were  pardoned  [see  under  CATHE- 
RINE, d.  1542].  They  lost,  however,  the 
manor  and  rectory  of  Tottenham,  which  had 
been  granted  to  them  in  1537  (NEWCOTTRT, 
Repertorium,  i.  753).  Howard  accompanied 
Hertford  in  the  invasion  of  Scotland  of  1544. 
In  the  same  year  he  took  part  in  the  siege  of 
Boulogne,  and  in  1546  one  of  the  many 
orders  in  council  directed  to  him  instructed 
him  to  prepare  ships  for  the  '  sure  wafting ' 
of  the  money  which  Wotton  and  Harrington 
were  to  convey  to  the  army  in  France. 

From  29  Oct.  1552  to  December  1553 
Howard  was  lord  deputy  and  governor  of 
Calais,  with  a  fee  of  100/.  a  year ;  in  October 

1553  he  was  admitted  to  the  privy  council. 
On  14  Nov.  1553  he  was  appointed  lord  ad- 
miral of  England.  Clinton,  however,  the 
former  admiral,  did  not  resign  at  once,  so  that  - 
the  patent  was  not  made  out  until  10  March 
1553-4.  On  2  Jan.  1553-4  he  received  the 
Spanish  ambassadors  at  the  Tower  wharf,  and 
rode  with  them  up  through  the  city  to  Durham 
Place.  He  was  made  K.G.  in  1554.  When  Sir 
Thomas  Wyat  approached  London,  Howard 
was  very  active  in  the  defence  of  the  queen. 
He  shut  Ludgate  in  Wyat's  face.  'And 
that  night '  (3  Feb.  1553-4),  says  Wriothesley, 
'  the  said  Lord  Admirall  watched  the  [London] 
Bridge  with  iii  c  men,  and  brake  the  draw- 
bridge, and  set  rampeers  with  great  ordinance 
there.'  As  a  reward  for  his  exertions  he 
was  created  Baron  Howard  of  Effingham  on 
11  March  1553-4  ;  the  manor  of  Effingham, 
Surrey,  had  been  granted  him  byEdward  VI  in 
1551.  But  Howard's  active  devotion  to  Eliza- 
beth's interests  roused  the  suspicions  of  Mary 
and  her  advisers.  In  1554  he  remonstrated 
with  Gage  for  his  ill-usage  of  the  princess,  had 
a  conversation  with  her  in  the  Tower  in  1555, 
and  when  in  1558  Elizabeth  came  as  a  pri- 
soner to  Hampton  Court,  he  visited  her,  and 
'  marvellous  honorably  used  her  grace '  (Ho- 
LINSHED,  p.  1158).  Howard  was,  however, 
popular  with  the  seamen,  and  was  too  power- 
ful to  be  interfered  with.  He  met  Philip 
when  he  came  to  England  at  the  Needles, 
and  though  there  were  fears  that  he  would 
carry  him  away  to  France,  he  brought  him 
safely  to  Southampton.  In  1555  he  con- 
veyed Philip  to  Flanders.  But  he  was  still 
exposed  to  suspicion,  and  in  1556  thought  of 
resigning  his  office.  Next  year,  however,  he 
was  cruising  in  the  Channel,  and  in  1558  Mary 
appointed  him  lord  chamberlain  of  the  house- 
hold. In  1558  Mary  designed  to  send  him  on 
an  embassy  to  France,  but  he  was  too  ill  to  go. 

Under  Elizabeth  Howard  was  reappointed 
lord  chamberlain,  and  was  again  employed 
in  diplomacy.  He  negotiated  with  Wotton 
and  the  Bishop  of  Ely  the  treaty  of  Chateau 
Cambresis  in  the  early  part  of  1559  (cf.  in- 
structions in  Cal.  State  Papers,  Foreign  Ser. 
1559,  No.  293),  and  afterwards  went  to  Paris 
with  Wotton  and  Throckmorton  (May  1559) 
to  induce  the  king  of  France  to  swear  to 
observe  it.  1 1  assure  you,'  he  wrote  to  Cecil, 
24  May  1559,  of  the  charges  imposed  on  him, 
1  there  is  no  day  that  I  escape  under  10/.  a 
day,  and  sometimes  more,  besides  rewards  to 
minstrels  and  others.'  However,  on  leaving 
France  he  had  '  a  very  large  and  honorable  pre- 
sent of  very  fair  and  stately  plate  gilt,  amount- 
ing to  4,140  ozs.,  and  worth  2,0667.  13s.  4^.' 

In  March  1559  Howard  sent  home  to  Eliza- 
beth reports  of  French  gossip  about  schemes 




for  her  marriage ;  personally  he  favoured  an 
Austrian  alliance.  In  August  1564  he  ac- 
companied the  queen  on  a  visit  to  Cambridge  ; 
he  lodged  in  Trinity  Hall,  and  was  created 
M.A.  He  took  the  queen's  part  against  the 
northern  earls  in  the  rebellion  of  1569,  and 
in  1572  ceased  to  be  lord  chamberlain  on 
becoming  lord  privy  seal.  Holinshed  says 
that  he  died  at  Hampton  Court  on  12  Jan. 
1573,  others  that  his  death  took  place  at  his 
house  at  Reigate.  He  was  buried  in  Reigate 
Church.  In  the  latter  part  of  his  life  he  bought 
considerable  estates  in  Surrey,  besides  those 
which  he  had  by  royal  grant ;  but  in  1567  he 
complained  of  poverty,  and  it  seems  that  he 
would  have  been  made  an  earl  had  he  had  the 
necessary  property.  In  his  will  he  began  a 
clause  making  a  bequest  to  the  queen,  but  left 
it  blank.  A  portrait  which  has  been  engraved 
is  in  the  possession  of  the  Earl  of  Effingham. 
Howard  married  first,  before  1531,  Kathe- 
rine  (d.  1535),  daughter  of  John  Boughton 
of  Tuddington,  Bedfordshire,  by  whom  he 
had  a  daughter  Agnes,  who  married  William 
Paulet,  third  marquis  of  Winchester  (cf. 
Letters  and  Papers  Henry  VIII,  v.  149 ;  some 
curious  particulars  as  to  the  daughter's  mar- 
riage will  be  found  in  Wills  from  Doctors' 
Commons,  Camd.  Soc.,  ed.  Bruce,  p.  31)  ; 
secondly,  before  1536,  Margaret  (d.  1581), 
daughter  of  Sir  Thomas  Gamage  of  Coity ,  Gla- 
morganshire. The  letter  of  London  to  Lord 
Lisle  (ib.  vi.  322),  giving  an  account  of  the 
festivities  at  the  second  marriage  as  occurring 
in  1533,  must  be  misdated,  if  the  first  wife's 
epitaph  in  the  Howard  Chapel  at  Lambeth 
is  correct.  By  his  second  wife  he  had,  besides 
other  issue,  two  sons,  Charles,  who  is  sepa- 
rately noticed,  and  William,  afterwards  Sir 
William  of  Lingfield. 

[Authorities  quoted ;  Howard's  Indications  of 
Memorials  of  the  Howard  Family;  Cal.  of  State 
Papers,  passim ;  Froude's  Hist,  of  England ; 
Burton's  Hist,  of  Scotland,  2nd  ed.  iii.  161 ;  Lind- 
say of  Pitscottie'sChron. ;  Tytler's  Hist,  of  Scot- 
land ;  Stow's  Annals ;  Acts  of  the  Privy  Council; 
Manning's  Surrey,  i.  277,  &c.,  iii.  505  ;  G-.  E.  C.'s 
Peerage ;  Burke's  Peerage ;  Camden's  Ann.  ed. 
Hearne,  ii.  284 ;  Burnet's  Hist,  of  the  Kef.  ed. 
Pocock,vols.  i.  ii.iii. ;  Machyn's Diary;  Chronicle 
of  Queen  Jane  and  of  two  years  of  Queen  Mary, 
ed.  J.  G.  Nichols  (Camd.  Soc.),  pp.  41,  43,  &c. ; 
"Wriothesley's  Chronicle,  ed.  Hamilton  (Camd. 
Soc.),  i.  21,  132,  133,  ii.  109,  110,  117,  118; 
Brit.  Mus.  Add.  MS.  32646,  if.  59-71  ;  MS. 
Cotton.Calig.  B.  ii.  233 ;  Cooper's  A  thenae  Cantabr. 
i.  308,  559 ;  Literary  Eemains  of  Edward  VI, 
ed.  Nichols  (Roxburghe  Club),  xxiv,  xxv,  cclviii, 
cclix,  ccci,  ccciii,  260,  271,  358,  363,  384,  461 ; 
Strype's  Annals  and  Eccl.  Mem. ;  paper  by 
G-.  Leveson-Gower,  F.S.A.,  in  vol.  ix.  of  Surrey 
Archaeological  Collections.]  W.  A.  J.  A. 


I  1640),  <  Belted  Will,'  was  the  third  son  of 
i  Thomas  Howard  III,  fourth  duke  of  Norfolk 
|  [q.  v.],  by  his  second  wife  Margaret,  daughter 
i  of  Lord  Audley.     He  was  born  at  Audley 
End,  Essex,  on  19  Dec.  1563,  and  his  mother 
died  three  weeks  after  his  birth.     His  father 
j  soon  afterwards  married  the  Dowager  Lady 
Dacre  of  Gilsland,  and  betrothed  his  children 
to  the  Dacre  heiresses,  so  that  at  the  age  of 
eight  William  Howard  was   contracted  to 
I  Lady  Elizabeth  Dacre.     He  was  educated 
I  by  Gregory  Martin,  fellow  of  St.  John's  Col- 
!  lege,  Oxford,  a  good  scholar,  and  an  adherent 
|  of  the  old  religion ;  but  he  fled  from  England 
before  he  had  time  to  produce  much  impres- 
sion on  the  boy's  mind.     The  execution  of  his 
father  in  1572  left  the  boy  under  the  nomi- 
nal care  of  his  half-brother,  Philip  Howard 
:  (1557-1595)  [q.  v.]  ;    but  probably  he  was 
i  brought   up   by  the   Earl   of  Arundel,  his 
i  brother's  grandfather  on  the  mother's  side. 
His   marriage   with   Elizabeth    Dacre   was 
solemnised  at  Audley  End  on  28  Oct.  1577, 
and  after  that  he  proceeded  to  Cambridge, 
where  he  probably  entered  at  St.  John's  Col- 
lege, as  in  later  life  he  presented  that  college 
i  with  some  books  '  devotissimse  mentis  gra- 
!  tissimum  testimonium '  (ORJTSBY,  Household 
Books,  p.  x,  ft.)    In  1581  he  took  up  his  abode 
with  his  wife,  probably  at  a  house  called 
Mount  Pleasant,  in  Enfield  Chase,  Middlesex, 
where  his  eldest  son  was  born  on  6  Dec.  1581. 
He  soon  became  involved  in  the  fortunes  of 
I  his  brother  Philip,  earl  of  Arundel  [q.  v.]  ; 
1  was  imprisoned  with  him  in  1583,  and  joined 
the  church  of  Rome  in  1584.     He  was  again 
imprisoned  in  1585,  when  his  brother  tried 
to  leave  the  kingdom,  but  was  not  arraigned 
with  him,  and  was  released  in  1586. 

Elizabeth  disliked  the  Howards,  and  Wil- 
liam knew  that  he  was  a  suspected  man.  For 
many  years  he  was  involved  in  lawsuits  about 
his  wife's  possessions.  The  claims  of  the 
Dacre  heiresses  had  been  disputed  in  1569  by 
their  uncle,  Leonard  Dacre,  and  the  dispute 
was  revived  by  another  uncle,  Francis  Dacre, 
in  1584.  There  is  a  full  account  of  the  various 
suits  written  by  William  in  Appendix  i.  to 
Ornsby's  '  Household  Books.'  It  is  sufficient 
to  say  that  the  claims  of  Francis  Dacre  were 
disallowed ;  but  the  knowledge  of  the  un- 
popularity of  the  Howards  induced  a  northern 
neighbour,  Gerard  Lowther,  to  set  up  a  title 
for  the  queen  to  the  baronies  of  Gilsland  and 
Brough.  The  case  was  tried  at  Carlisle  in 
1589,  and  was  unopposed,  as  Howard  was 
again  in  prison.  Lowther  pursued  his  course 
of  dispossessing  the  Howards  of  their  lands 
on  the  queen's  behalf.  Elizabeth  took  pos- 
session of  most  of  them,  and  made  Howard 



an  allowance  of  400/.  a  year.  Ultimately 
in  1601  the  queen  permitted  the  sisters,  Lady 
Arundel  and  Lady  Elizabeth  Howard,  to  buy 
back  their  lands  by  a  payment  of  some 
10,000/.  each,  and  the  long  lawsuit  was 
ended  to  the  profit  of  the  royal  coffers.  A 
partition  was  made  of  the  estates  between 
the  two  sisters,  and  in  1603  Howard  took  up 
his  abode  at  Naworth  Castle,  Cumberland,  a 
house  which  is  indissolubly  connected  with 
his  name  as  its  restorer  (an  account  of 
Howard's  works  at  Naworth  is  given  by  C.  J. 
Ferguson,  '  Naworth  Castle,'  in  the  Trans- 
actions of  the  Cumberland  and  Westmoreland 
ArchcBological  Society,  iv.  486,  &c.) 

After  settling  at  Naworth,  Howard  brought 
an  upright  character,  a  sound  judgment,  and 
a  cultivated  mind  to  the  work  of  restoring 
order  and  furthering  civilisation  in  the  wild 
districts  of  the  borders.  He  lived  in  a  patri- 
archal fashion  with  his  sons  and  their  wives 
and  families.  He  improved  his  estates,  en- 
couraged agriculture,  and  strove  to  promote 
the  well-being  of  the  people.  His  praise- 
worthy efforts  were  not  always  approved  by 
his  neighbours,  and  many  attempts  were 
made  to  bring  him  into  trouble  as  a  recusant. 
On  account  of  his  religion  he  held  no  public 
post  till  1618,  when  he  was  made  one  of  the 
commissioners  for  the  borders  (RYMER,  Fce- 
dera,  xvii.  53).  He  insisted  on  the  due  exe- 
cution of  the  laws,  and  by  his  perseverance 
annoyed  the  neighbouring  justices  and  the 
captain  of  Carlisle  Castle,  whose  shortcomings 
lie  laid  before  the  privy  council ;  but  his  pro- 
ceedings were  always  in  accordance  with  the 
law.  Scott,  in  the  <  Lay  of  the  Last  Min- 
strel,' has  turned  him  into  a  mythical  hero 
by  the  name  of  l  Belted  Will.' '  But  Scott 
has  also  made  him  lord  warden,  an  office 
which  he  never  held,  and  has  transferred  to 
him  legends  which  properly  belong  to  his 
Dacre  ancestors.  He  was  not  known  in  his 
own  days  as  'Belted  Will,'  but ' Bauld  [bold]  j 
Willie,'  and  his  wife  '  Bessie  with  the  braid  j 
[broad]  apron,'  in  allusion  to  her  ample  dower. 
Their '  Household  Books/  which  extend  with 
some  gaps  from  1612  to  1640,  give  copious 
information  of  their  domestic  economy,  which 
became  a  pattern  to  the  neighbourhood.  A 
diary  of  some  southern  visitors  in  1634  gives 
a  pleasant  description  of  the  generous  hospi- 
tality of  Naworth  Castle,  and  says  of  its 
hosts :  '  These  noble  twain  could  not  make 
above  twenty-five  years  both  together  when 
first  they  married,  that  now  can  make  above 
140  years,  and  are  very  hearty,  well,  and 
merry '  (Household  Books,  Appendix,  p. 

Howard  was  also  a  scholar  and  an  anti- 
quary. Early  in  life  he  began  to  collect  books 

and  manuscripts,  and  in  1592  published  at 
London  an  edition  of  Florence  of  Worcester's 
'  Chronicon  ex  Chronicis,  auctore  Florentio 
Wigorniensi  Monacho,'  which  he  dedicated 
to  Lord  Burghley.  He  formed  at  Naworth 
a  large  library,  of  which  some  of  the  printed 
books  remain  (there  is  a  catalogue  in  the 
'  Household  Books,'  Appendix,  p.  473).  The 
collection  of  manuscripts  has  unfortunately 
been  dispersed.  A  small  portion  is  in  the 
Arundel  MSS.  in  the  Royal  College  of  Arms ; 
but  many  valuable  manuscripts  in  other  col- 
lections may  be  identified  as  belonging  to 
Howard  by  his  marginal  notes.  It  is  clear 
that  he  was  a  man  of  considerable  learning, 
and  that  his  library  was  valuable.  He  was 
a  friend  of  Cotton,  Camden,  and  Spelman, 
and  a  correspondent  of  Ussher,  who  collated 
one  of  his  manuscripts  of  the  letters  of  Abbot 
Aldhelm  (Veterum  Epistolarum  Sylloge,  p. 
129).  His  intimacy  with  Cotton  led  to  the 
marriage  of  one  of  his  daughters  to  Cotton's 
eldest  son,  afterwards  Sir  Thomas  Cotton. 
Camden  calls  Howard  '  a  singular  lover  of 
valuable  antiquity  and  learned  withal .'  When 
a  proposal  was  made  in  1617  to  revive  the 
Society  of  Antiquaries,  which  James  I  had 
for  some  reason  suppressed,  a  memorial  in 
favour  of  the  project  sets  the  name  of  Howard 
first  in  the  list  of  its  probable  members 
(Archceologia,  vol.  i.  xvii).  Living  close  to 
the  Roman  Wall,  Howard  collected  Roman 
altars  and  inscriptions,  and  sent  drawings  of 
them,  made  with  his  own  hand,  to  Camden, 
who  was  working  at  his  '  Britannia '  (Brit. 
p.  642).  These  he  kept  in  the  garden  at 
Naworth,  where  they  were  seen  by  Stukeley 
in  1725  (Iter  Boreale,  p.  58).  Even  in  Stuke- 
ley's  day  they  were  suffering  from  neglect, 
and  were  subsequently  scattered  or  destroyed. 
Some  information  about  them  is  to  be  found 
in  Horsley's  'Britannia  Romana,'  pp.  254-8, 
and  Bruce's '  Lapidarium  Septentrionale,'  pp. 
176-8, 197-9.  Howard's  declining  years  were 
disturbed  by  the  outbreak  of  civil  troubles, 
and  after  the  battle  of  Newburn  in  August 
1640  there  were  fears  that  the  Scots  army 
would  advance  on  Carlisle  and  attack  Naworth 
on  the  way.  It  was  therefore  thought  pru- 
dent to  carry  the  old  man  to  Greystock  as  a 
place  of  greater  safety.  He  was  so  feeble 
that  he  had  to  be  borne  in  a  litter,  and  soon 
after  his  arrival  there  he  died  early  in  October, 
having  survived  his  wife  abo  ut  a  year.  Among 
his  ten  children  were  Philip,  whose  grandson, 
Charles  Howard  (1629-1685)  [q.  v.],  was 
created  Earl  of  Carlisle  in  1661,  and  Sir 
Francis  of  Corby  Castle,  Cumberland,  a 
royalist  colonel.  There  is  a  portrait  of  him 
by  Cornelius  Janssen  at  Castle  Howard,  and 
one  of  his  wife  at  Gilling  Castle,  Yorkshire. 




[The  life  of  Howard  has  been  carefully  told 
by  Ornsby  in  the  Introduction  to  the  Household 
Books  of  Lord  William  Howard  (Surtees  Society), 
and  the  Appendix  contains  a  number  of  illustra- 
tive documents ;  Howard's  Memorials  of  the 
Howards ;  Duke  of  Norfolk's  edition  of  the  Lives 
•of  Philip  Howard,  earl  of  Arundel,  and  Anne 
Dacres,  his  wife  ;  Hutchinson's  History  of  Cum- 
berland, p.  133,  &c.;  Scott's  Lay  of  the  Last 
Minstrel,  notes;  Dugdale's  Baronage,  ii.  281; 
Lonsdale's  Worthies  of  Cumberland;  Lysons's 
Magna  Britannia,  '  Cumberland/  pp.  32  and 
clxxix-xxxi ;  Grillow's  Dictionary  of  the  English 
Catholics,  iii.  455-8.]  M.  C. 

STAFFORD  (1614-1680),  was  fifth  son  of  Tho- 
mas, earl  of  Arundel  and  Surrey  [q.  v.],  by  his 
wife  Lady  Alathea  Talbot,  third  daughter, 
and  event  ually  sole  heiress,  of  Gilbert,  seventh 
-earl  of  Shrewsbury.  He  was  born  on  30  Nov. 
161 4,  and  was  brought  up  as  a  Roman  catholic. 
He  was  made  a  knight  of  the  Bath  at  the  coro- 
nation of  Charles  I  in  February  1626,  and 
married  (mar.  lie.  Bishop  of  London,  11  Oct. 
1637)  Mary,  the  daughter  of  the  Hon.  Edward 
Stafford,  and  sister  of  Henry,  fifth  and  last 
baron  Stafford,  who  died  in  1637.  Roger  Staf- 
ford, the  last  male  heir  of  the  Staffords,  hav- 
ing been  compelled  to  surrender  to  the  king 
the  barony  of  Stafford  by  an  enrolled  deed 
dated  7  Dec.  1639,  Howard  and  his  wife 
were  created  by  letters  patent  of  12  Sept. 
1640  Baron  and  Baroness  Stafford,  with,  re- 
mainder, in  default  of  male  issue,  to  their 
heirs  female.  A  grant  was  also  made  to  them 
of  the  same  precedence  as  had  been  enjoyed 
by  the  fifth  Baron  Stafford  ;  but  as  this  was 
subsequently  considered  illegal,  Stafford  was 
further  created  Viscount  Stafford  on  11  Nov. 
1640,  and  took  his  seat  for  the  first  time  in 
the  House  of  Lords  on  the  following  day 
{Journals  of  the  House  of  Lords,  iv.  90).  Upon 
the  outbreak  of  the  civil  war  Stafford  retired 
with  his  wife  to  Antwerp,  but  subsequently 
returned  to  this  country  (State  Trials,  vii. 
1359).  The  statement  in  Doyle's  l  Official 
Baronage '  that  Stafford  served  as  a  volun- 
teer in  the  royal  army  (1642-6)  is  inaccurate, 
as  it  is  clear  that  he  was  beyond  the  seas  in 
1643  (CLARENDON,  Hist,  of  Rebellion,  1826, 
iv.  630).  In  June  1646  a  pass  was  granted  j 
him  to  return  to  England,  and  in  July  1647 
he  obtained  leave  to  go  to  Flanders  to  fetch 
his  wife  and  family  (Journals  of  the  House  of 
Lords,  viii.  384,  ix.  327).  In  a  letter  to  the 
Protector,  dated  Amsterdam,  1  Jan.  1656, 
Stafford,  after  mentioning  his  former  petition 
on  behalf  of  his  nephew  Thomas,  earl  of 
Arundel,  'kept  in  cruell  slavery  in  Padua,' 
asks  for  permission  to  repair  to  England  to 
communicate  personally  to  Cromwell <  a  busi- 


ness  of  far  greater  importance  wholy  concern- 
ing your  owne  person  and  affayres  ...  not 
fitt  to  communicate  to  paper '  (  Thurloe  State 
Papers,  1742,  iv.  335).  Though  Stafford 
was  allowed  to  return,  no  interview  be- 
tween him  and  Cromwell  appears  to  have 
taken  place  (ib.  vi.  436).  On  30  June  1660 
an  order  was  made  by  the  House  of  Lords 
for  the  restitution  of  Stafford's  goods  (Jour- 
nals of  the  House  of  Lords,  xi.  79).  Ac- 
cording to  Burnet,  Stafford  considered  that 
he  had  not  been  rewarded  by  Charles  II  as 
he  deserved,  and  so  '  often  voted  against  the 
court  and  made  great  applications  always  to 
the  Earl  of  Shaftsbury '  (Hist,  of  his  own 
Time,  ii.  262).  In  1664  Stafford  petitioned  the 
king,  without  success,  to  restore  his  wife  to 
the  earldom  of  Stafford  and  barony  of  Newn- 
ham  and  Tunbridge  as  fully  as  though  her 
ancestor,  Edward,  duke  of  Buckingham,  had 
never  been  attainted  (  Cal.  State  Papers,  Dom. 
1663-4,  p.  446).  On  18  Jan.  1665  he  was 
elected  a  fellow  of  the  Royal  Society,  and 
in  1672  served  as  member  of  the  council  of 
that  society.  On  3  July  1678  he  had  an 
altercation  with  the  Earl  of  Peterborough  in 
the  House  of  Lords,  and  was  enjoined  by  the 
lord  chancellor  'not  to  resent  anything  as 
passed  between  them  this  day '  (Journals  of 
the  House  of  Lords,  xiii.  270). 

In  consequence  of  the  false  information 
of  Titus  Oates  a  warrant  was  issued  by  the 
lord  chief  justice,  at  the  instance  of  the 
speaker,  for  the  apprehension  of  Stafford  and 
four  other  catholic  lords,  namely,  the  Earl 
of  Powis  and  Lords  Arundell  of  Wardour, 
Belasyse,  and  Petre.  On  the  following  day 
Stafford,  having  first  informed  the  House  of 
Lords  of  the  issue  of  the  warrant,  surrendered 
himself,  and  was  committed  to  the  King's 
Bench  prison,  whence  he  was  subsequently  re- 
moved to  the  Tower.  [For  the  preliminary 
proceedings  against '  the  five  popish  lords '  see 
art.  ARUNDELL,  HENRY.]  On  21  May  1680 
Stafford,  who  was  still  confined  to  the  Tower, 
was  refused  bail  by  the  court  of  king's  bench 
(LuTTRELL,  i.  45),  and  on  10  Nov.  following 
the  House  of  Commons  resolved  unanimously 
to  proceed  with  the  prosecution  and  to  place 
Stafford  on  his  trial  first  (Journals  of  the 
House  of  Commons,  ix.  650).  According  to 
Reresby,  the  reason  of  the  selection  was  that 
Stafford  was  '  deemed  weaker  than  the  other 
lords  in  the  Tower  for  the  same  crime,  and 
less  able  to  labour  his  defence '  (p.  236).  On 
30  Nov.  1680  the  trial  of  Stafford  for  high 
treason  was  commenced  inWestminster  Hall. 
It  lasted  seven  days  (see  EVELYN,  Diary,  ii. 
150-4).  Heneage,  lord  Finch,  the  lord  chan- 
cellor, presided  as  lord  high  steward.  The 
managers  for  the  commons  included  SergeaB  b 



Maynard,  Sir  William  Jones,  Sir  Francis  Win- 
nington,  and  George  Treby.  Stafford,who  was 
only  allowed  to  consult  his  counsel  when 
points  of  law  arose,  defended  himself  with 
greater  ability  than  was  anticipated.  Dugdale, 
Gates,  and  Turberville  all  bore  false  witness 
against  him.  Gates  declared  that  he  had  deli- 
vered a  commission  to  him  from  the  pope  as 
paymaster-general  of  the  army  which  *  was  to 
be  raised  for  the  promoting  of  the  catholic 
interest '  (State  Trials,  vii.  1348).  Dugdale 
and  Turberville  both  swore  that  Stafford  had 
endeavoured  to  persuade  them  to  murder  the 
king  (ib.  pp.  1343, 1353).  Stafford  vainly  pro- 
tested his  innocence.  The  legal  objection 
raised  by  him  'touching  the  necessity  of  two 
witnesses  to  every  overt  act  as  evidence  of 
high  treason  '  after  the  opinion  of  the  judges 
had  been  taken  upon  the  point  was  over- 
ruled (ib.  pp.  1525-33).  On  7  Dec.  Staf- 
ford was  found  guilty  by  55  to  31,  and  sen- 
tence of  death  by  hanging,  drawing,  and 
quartering  was  pronounced  by  Finch,  who 
had  shown  considerable  courtesy  and  fair- 
ness to  the  prisoner  during  the  trial.  Ac- 
cording to  Evelyn,  Stafford  '  was  not  a  man 
beloved  especially  of  his  own  family'  (Diary, 
ii.  154),  and  all  his  kinsmen  who  took  part  in 
the  trial  found  him  guilty  with  the  exception 
of  Lord  Mowbray,  afterwards  seventh  duke 
of  Norfolk.  At  Stafford's  request  Burnet  and 
Henry  Compton,  the  bishop  of  London,  visited 
him  in  the  Tower,  and  to  them  he  solemnly 
protested  his  innocence.  On  18  Dec.,  having 
promised  to  discover  all  that  he  knew,  Staf- 
ford was  taken  before  the  House  of  Lords, 
where  i  he  began  with  a  long  relation  of  their 
first  consultations  after  the  Restoration  about 
the  methods  of  bringing  in  their  religion,  which 
they  all  agreed  could  only  be  brought  about 
by  toleration.  He  told  them  of  the  Earl  of 
Bristol's  project,  and  went  on  to  tell  who 
had  undertaken  to  procure  the  toleration  for 
them;  and  then  he  named  the  Earl  of  Shafts- 
bury.  When  he  named  him  he  was  ordered  to 
withdraw,  and  the  lords  would  hear  no  more 
from  him '  (BuKNET,  Hist.  ii.  272  ;  see  also 
Hist.  MSS.  Comm.  llth  Rep.  pt.  ii.  pp.  43-4). 

Stafford  was  beheaded  on  Tower  Hill  on 
29  Dec.  1680,  the  king  remitting  the  other 
barbarous  penalties.  The  question  whether 
this  remission  lay  in  the  power  of  the  king 
gave  rise  to  a  short  debate  in  the  House  of 
Commons  (Parl.  Hist.  iv.  1260-1).  While 
on  the  scaffold  Stafford  read  a  speech,  in  which 
he  again  protested  his  innocence  (State  Trials, 
vii.  1564-7).  He  was  buried  in  the  chapel  of 
St.  Peter  ad  Vinculainthe  Tower  on  the  same 
day,  but  the  exact  spot  is  unknown. 

Stafford  left  three  sons  and  six  daughters. 
His  widow  was  created  on  5  Oct.  1688 

Countess  of  Stafford  for  her  life,  and  died  on 
13  Jan.  1694.  Their  eldest  son,  Henry  Staf- 
ford Howard,  was  also  on  5  Oct.  1688  created 
Earl  of  Stafford,  with  remainder  in  default  of 
male  issue  to  his  brothers.  Upon  the  abdi- 
cation of  James  II  he  retired  to  France,  where 
on  3  April  1694  he  married  Claude  Charlotte, 
the  eldest  daughter  of  Philibert,  comte  de 
Grammont,  and  died  27  April  1619  without 
issue.  On  the  death  of  John  Paul  Stafford- 
Howard,  the  fourth  earl,  on  1  April  1762,. 
this  earldom  became  extinct. 

On  27  May  1685  a  bill  for  reversing  Staf- 
ford's attainder  was  read  for  the  first  time 
in  the  House  of  Lords.  Though  it  passed 
through  the  lords  and  was  read  a  second 
time  in  the  House  of  Commons  (6  June),  it 
was  dropped  upon  the  outbreak  of  the  Duke 
of  Monmouth's  rebellion.  In  the  beginning 
of  the  present  century  some  abortive  proceed- 
ings were  taken  before  the  committee  of  privi- 
1  and  siibse- 

grand-daughter  (House  of  Lords'  Papers,  1808 
No.  80,  1809  No.  107,  1812  No.  18).  At 
length  in  1824  '  an  act  for  reversing  the  at- 
tainder of  William,  late  viscount  Stafford/ 
was  passed  (5  Geo.  IV,  c.  46 ;  private  act  not 
printed).  On  6  July  1825  the  House  of  Lords 
resolved  that  Sir  George  William  Jerningham 
had  established  his  claim  to  the  barony  of 
Stafford,  created  12  Sept.  1640  (House  of 
Lords'  Papers,  1825,  No.  129  :  and  Journals, 
Ivii.  1293),  and  on  1  May  1829  he  took  his 
seat  for  the  first  time. 

A  portrait  of  Stafford  by  Vandyck  belongs 
to  the  Marquis  of  Bute,  engraved  in  Lodge's 
'  Portraits,'  vol.  vi.  A  similar  portrait  is  in 
the  possession  of  the  Duke  of  Norfolk  (cf. 
HOWAED,  Howard  Family,  p.  36).  Stafford's 
town  residence  was  Tart  Hall,  '  without  the 
gate  of  St.  James's  Park'  (CUNNINGHAM, 
Handbook  for  London,  1849,  ii.  797-8). 

[Stafford's  Memoires,  1682;  Luttrell's  Brief 
Historical  Eelation  of  State  Affairs,  1857,  i.  11, 
13,  14,  45,  59-60;  Burnet's  Hist,  of  his  own 
Time,  1833,  i.  19,  ii.  184,  193,  262-73,  298-9, 
vi.  277  ;  Memoirs  and  Travels  of  Sir  John 
Reresby,  1813,  pp.  216,  236-7,  238,  239  ;  Diary 
and  Correspondence  of  John  Evelyn,  1857,  ii. 
46-7,  129,  150-4,  155;  North's  Examen,  1740, 
pp.  215-21 ;  Causton's  Howard  Papers;  Howell's 
State  Trials,  1810,  vii.  1217-1576;  Macpher- 
son's  Hist,  of  Great  Britain,  1776,  i.  330-3  ; 
Lingard's  Hist.  (2nd  edit.),  xiii.  85-6,  226-49, 
xiv.  33-4;  Macaulay's  Hist.  1849,  i.  259-60, 
522-3,  ii.  178;  Lodge's  Portraits,  vi.  41-7; 
Bell's  Notices  of  the  Historic  Persons  buried 
in  the  Chapel  of  St.  Peter  ad  Vincula,  1877; 
Papers  relative  to  the  two  Baronies  of  Stafford, 
1 807  ;  Gent,  Mag.  1 797, pt.  ii.  pp.  667-70 ;  Doyle's 



Official  Baronage,  iii .  39  3 ;  Collins's  Peerage,  1812, 
i.  125-8;  Burke's  Extinct  Peerage,  1886,  pp. 
285-6,  501 ;  Foster's  Peerage,  1883,  pp.  658-9; 
Foster's  London  Marriage  Licenses,  p.  717  ; 
Chester's  Westminster  Abbey  Eegisters, pp.  233, 
295-6,  400 ;  Notes  and  Queries,  7th  ser.  v.  447,  vi. 
57.]  GK  F.  B.  B. 

HOWAED  OP  ESCEICK  (1626  P-1694),  second 
son  of  Edward,  first  lord  [q.  v.],  matriculated 
at  Corpus  Christi  College,  Cambridge,  in 
1646,  and  afterwards  went  to  an  inn  of  court 
(CLARENDON,  iii.  634).  In  1653  he  was  a 
soldier  in  Cromwell's  life-guards,  and  a '  great 
preacher'  of  the  anabaptists  (THUELOE,  v. 
393),  but  his  views  were  republican,  and  he 
took  part  in  the  plots  of  1655-6  (CLAEENDON, 
iii.  634).  Committed  to  the  Fleet  in  1657, 
he  successfully  petitioned  Richard  Cromwell 
for  release  in  1658  (Addit.  MS.  5716,  f.  15). 
In  16.60  Hyde  described  him  as  anxious  to 
serve  the  king,  likely  to  be  useful  among  the 
sectaries,  and  surprisingly  well  acquainted 
with  recent  royalist  negotiations  (Clar.  State 
Papers,  iii.  658).  He  sat  for  Winchelsea  in 
the  convention  parliament,  but  in  1674  was 
discovered  in  secret  correspondence  with  Hol- 
land, spent  several  months  in  the  Tower,  and 
was  only  set  free  on  making  a  full  confession 
(Letters  to  Sir  J,  Williamson,  Camd.  Soc.  ii. 
31).  Succeeding  his  brother  as  Lord  Howard 
in  1678,  he  sat  011  the  lords'  committees 
which  credited  Oates's  information,  and  fur- 
thered the  trial  of  his  kinsman,  Lord  Stafford. 
In  1681  he  was  again  sent  to  the  Tower 
on  the  false  charge  preferred  by  Edward 
Fitzharris  [q.  v.]  of  writing  the '  True  English- 
man.' Algernon  Sidney's  influence  procured 
his  release  (February  1682)  and  his  admis- 
sion to  the  counsels  of  the  opposition.  He 
was  arrested  on  the  first  rumours  of  the  Rye 
House  plot,  and,  turning  informer  at  Rus- 
sell's trial  (July  1683),  gave  accounts  of 
meetings  at  Hampden's  and  Russell's  houses, 
which  mainly  led  to  Russell's  conviction.  His 
evidence  similarly  ruined  Sidney  (EVELYN, 
ii.  190).  He  was  pardoned,  and  died  in  ob- 
scurity at  York  in  April  1694.  Howard  was 
very  keen-witted  (CLAEENDON),  and  '  a  man 
of  pleasant  conversation,'  but  l  railed  inde- 
cently/ says  Burnet,  '  both  at  the  king  and 
clergy.'  By  his  wife  Frances,  daughter  of 
Sir  James,  and  niece  of  Sir  Orlando,  Bridg- 
man,  he  had  six  children,  including  Charles, 
fourth  baron,  on  whose  death  in  1715  the 
title  became  extinct. 

[Masters's  Corpus  Christi  Coll.  Cambridge ; 
Causton's  Howard  Papers,  pp.  656-8 ;  Dal- 
rymple's  Memoirs,  i.  19,  25  ;  Wiffen's  Russell 
Memoirs;  Grey's  Eye  House  Plot,  1685;  Lin- 
gard's  Hist.  x.  33 ;  Luttrell's^Relation  ;  Burnet's 

History;  Notes  and  Queries,  3rd  ser.  xii. 
l  Oy.  J 

1868),  diplomatist.  [See  ELLIS,  CHAELES 


1797),  field  marshal.  [See  GBIFFIN  (for- 

JOHN  FEANCIS,  first  LOED,  1762-1839,  gene- 
ral; CAEADOC,  SIB  JOHN  HOBAET,  second 
LOED,  1799-1873,  diplomatist.] 

HOWE,  CHARLES  (1661-1742),  author 

of '  Devout  Meditations,'  born  in  Gloucester- 
shire in  1661,  was  third  son  of  John  Grub- 
ham  Howe  of  Langar,  Nottinghamshire. 
John  Grubham  Howe  [q.  v.]  was  his  bro- 
ther. In  youth  Howe  spent  much  time  at 
Charles  II's  court.  About  1686  he  is  said 
to  have  gone  abroad  with  a  near  relative  who 
had  been  appointed  ambassador  by  James  II. 
It  is  stated  that  the  ambassador  (whose  name 
is  not  given)  died,  and  that  Howe  success- 
fully managed  the  business  of  the  embassy, 
but  declined  to  accept  the  office  permanently. 
On  returning  to  England  he  married  Elianor, 
only  daughter  and  heiress  of  Sir  William 
Pargiter,  knt.,  of  Greatworth,  Northampton- 
shire, and  widow  of  Sir  Henry  Dering,  knt. 
By  her  he  had  three  sons  and  three  daughters, 
all  of  whom,  with  the  exception  of  Leonora 
Maria,  who  became  the  wife  of  Peter  Bathurst 
of  Clarendon  Park,  Wiltshire,  predeceased 
their  mother.  She  died  on  25  July  1696,  and 
was  buried  in  Greatworth  Church,  where  an 
inscription,  composed  by*  her  husband,  re- 
mains. After  his  wife's  death  in  1696,  Howe 
lived  in  seclusion  in  the  country,  chiefly  de- 
voting himself  to  religious  meditation.  He 
died  on  17  Feb.  1742,  and  was  buried  in  the 
same  vault  with  his  wife  and  children  in 
Greatworth  Church.  A  monument  there  was 
erected  to  his  memory  by  his  granddaughter, 
Leonora  Bathurst. 

Howe's  well-known  work,  '  Devout  Medi- 
tations ;  or  a  Collection  of  Thoughts  upon 
Religious  and  Philosophical  Subjects/  was 
written  for  his  own  use.  Dr.  Edward  Young, 
author  of  '  Night  Thoughts,'  highly  com- 
mended it  as  a  remarkable  proof  '  of  a  sound 
head  and  sincere  heart.'  It  was  first  published, 
posthumously,  as  '  by  a  Person  of  Honour,'  in 
1751,  together  with  Young's  commendations. 
The  author's  name  was  prefixed  to  the  second 
edition,  1752.  Other  editions  are  dated  Dub- 
lin, 1754,  revised  by  George  MacA.ulay ;  3rd 
edit.,  London,  1761  ;  4th  edit.,  edited  by 
MacAulay,  1772 ;  and  London,  1824.  The 
work  is  included  in  John  Wesley's  'Chris- 
tian Library,'  1819-27,  vol.  xxvi.,  and  in 





Bishop  Jebb's  '  Piety  without  Asceticism/ 
1837,  pp.  255-404. 

[Baker's  Northamptonshire,!.  508-1 1;  Bridges's 
Northamptonshire,  ed.  Whalley,  i.  124-7,  184; 
202;  Collins's  Peerage,  ed.  Brydges,  viii.  139; 
Gloucestershire  Notes  and  Queries,  ii.  469-71, 
555-7 ;  Gent.  Mag.  1776,  p.  249.1  B-  H.  B. 

HOWE,  EMANUEL  SCROPE  (d.  1709), 
diplomatist,  the  fourth  son  of  John  Grub- 
ham  Howe  of  Langar,  Nottinghamshire,  and 
brother  of  Scrope,  first  viscount  Howe  [q.  v.], 
entered  the  army  at  an  early  age.  From 
November  1695  till  his  death  he  was  colonel 
of  a  regiment  of  foot.  He  was  gazetted  bri- 
gadier-general in  April  1704,  major-general 
March  1707,  and  lieutenant-general  May 
1709.  Being  a  staunch  whig,  he  held  the 
office  of  groom  of  the  bedchamber  thoughout 
William  Ill's  reign.  He  also  became  lieu- 
tenant and  ranger  of  the  forests  of  Alice  Holt 
and  Wolmer  in  Hampshire,  a  post  enjoyed 
by  his  widow  after  his  death.  Gilbert  White 
recounts  that  Howe  turned  out  into  these 
forests  some  German  wild  boars  and  sows,  and 
'  a  bull  or  buffalo ;  but  the  country  rose  upon 
them  and  destroyed  them'  (Nat.  Hist,  and 
Antiq.  ofSelborne,  1880, p.  25).  He  was  M.P. 
for  Morpeth  from  December  1701  to  April 
1705,  and  for  Wigan  from  May  1705  to  April 
1708.  There  is  no  record  of  his  having  taken 
any  part  in  the  debates,  but  he  appears  to 
have  been  a  useful,  if  somewhat  self-seeking, 
supporter  of  the  Godolphin  administration 
(Marlborough  Despatches,  ii.  159-60).  He 
was  first  commissioner  of  prizes  from  Septem- 
ber 1703  until  July  1705,  when  he  was  ap- 
pointed envoy  extraordinary  to  the  elector 
of  Hanover.  In  this  capacity  he  succeeded 
in  keeping  the  elector  steadfast  to  the  grand 
alliance,  in  spite  of  the  strained  relations 
between  the  reigning  families  of  England 
and  Hanover,  and  the  intrigues  of  the  Eng- 
lish tories.  His  task  was  rendered  more 
difficult  by  the  injudicious  correspondence  of 
his  wife  with  the  Duchess  of  Marlborough. 
He  was  a  severe  sufferer  from  gout,  but,  when 
his  health  allowed  him,  accompanied  the 
elector  on  his  campaigns.  He  returned  to 
England  on  leave  in  June  1709,  and  died  there 
26  Sept.  following. 

He  married  Ruperta,  natural  daughter  of 
Rupert,  prince  palatine  of  the  Rhine,  by  Mrs. 
Margaret  Hughes  [q.  v.],  by  whom  he  had 
four  sons  and  two  daughters.  His  daughter 
Sophia  was  maid  of  honour  to  Queen  Caro- 
line while  princess  of  Wales,  and  her  in- 
trigue with  Anthony  Lowther  and  subse- 
quent death  are  frequently  [referred  to  in  the 
society  scandal  of  the  period  (see  Hist.  MSS. 
Comm.  8th  Rep.  pt.  i.  p.  571).  She  was  the 
heroine  of  Lord  Hervey's  '  Epistle  of  Moni- 

mia  and  Philocles '  (Letters  to  and  from  Hen- 
rietta Countess  of  Suffolk,  1824,  i.  35-6  n.} 
Howe's  widow  survived  him  many  years, 
leaving  behind  her  i  many  curious  pieces  of 
mechanism  of  her  father's  constructing ' 
(WHITE,  Nat.  Hist,  and  Antiq.  of  Selborne, 
1880,  p.  23).  There  is  a  portrait  of  Howe  by 
Sir  Peter  Lely,  an  engraving  of  which  by  C. 
Sherwin  is  prefixed  to  Sir  George  Bromley's 
<  Collection  of  Original  Royal  Letters,'  1787, 
opp.  p.  xxix.  A  collection  of  his  letters  from 
Hanover  (1705-6)  to  George  Stepney,  the 

!  diplomatist,  is  preserved  in  the  Brit.  Mus. 
Addit.  MSS.  (7075  ff.  3,  71-111, 21551  f.  52). 
Four  letters  (1707-8)  from  him  to  the  Earl 
of  Manchester  are  among  the  Duke  of  Man- 

|  Chester's  MSS.  (Hist.  MSS.  Comm.  8th  Rep. 

!  pt.  ii.  pp.  93,  97,  98,  101)  ;  one  of  these  is 
printed  in  Cole's  'Memoirs  of  Affairs  of 
State,'  1733,  p.  526. 

[Luttrell's  Relation  of  State  Affairs,  1857,  v. 
336,  564,  569-70,  586,  vi.  170,  445,  493  ;  Marl- 
borough  Despatches,  1845,  i.  472,  ii.  328-9,  iii. 
309-10,  370,  iv.  26,  523  ;  Coxe's  Memoirs  of  the 
Duke  of  Marlborough,  1818,  ii.  293-8,  595-6  ; 
Private  Correspondence  of  the  Duchess  of  Marl- 
borough,  1838,  i.  189,  257,  ii.  381,  386  ;  Auto- 
biography and  Correspondence  of  Mrs.  Delany, 
2nd  ser.  1862,  iii.  163  ;  Sandford's  Genealogical 
Hist,  of  the  Kings  and  Queens  of  England,  1707, 
p.  571  ;  Chamberlayne's  Anglise  Notitia,  1692, 
1694,  1702,  1704,  1707,  1708;  Annals  of  Queen 
Anne,  1710,  viii.  385;  Cal.  Treasury  Papers,  17 08- 
17l4cxvii.20, 1 720-8  ccxxix.|l  8;  Lodge's  Peerage 
of  Ireland,  1789,  v.  82-3;  Collins's  Peerage  of 
England,  1812,  viii.  139-40 ;  Noble's  Biog.  Hist. 
1806,ii.  217-19 ;  Official  Lists  of  Members  of  Par- 
liament, i.  596,  603,  ii.  3;  Notes  and  Queries,  2nd 
ser.  iii.  6,  x.  473-4.]  G.  F.  R.  B. 

HOWE,  GEORGE,  M.D.  (1655  P-1710), 
son  of  John  Howe  (1630-1705)  [q.v.],issaid 
to  have  graduated  M.  A.  in  a  Scottish  univer- 
sity. He  is  entered  on  the  Leyden  register 
as  '  Georgius  Howe,  Scotus,'  student  of  phy- 
sic, 8  Sept.  1677,  aged  22.  He  graduated  M.D. 
at  Leyden,  and  became  a  licentiate  of  the 
College  of  Physicians  of  London  on  30  Sept. 
1679,  fellow  1687,  and  censor  1707.  He  is 
described  in  the  annals  of  the  college  as  'an 
industrious  and  eminent  practiser  of  physic.' 
He  died  suddenly  of  apoplexy  on  22  March 
1709-10,  while  walking  in  the  Poultry  (cf. 
LTJTTBELL,  Brief  ReL,  vi.  560),  and  was  buried 
in  the  same  vault  as  his  father  in  All  Hal- 
lows Church,  Bread  Street.  He  is  identified 
with  the  Querpo  of  Sir  Samuel  Garth's  '  Dis- 
pensary: ' 

His  sire's  pretended  pious  steps  he  treads, 
And  where  the  doctor  fails  the  saint  succeeds. 

He  married  Lsetitia  Foley,  apparently 
daughter  of  Thomas  Foley  of  Witley,  Wor- 



cester,  by  whom  he  left  two  sons,  John  and 
Philip  (both  dead  without  issue  in  1729). 

[Munk's  Coll.  of  Phys.i.  453;  Peacock's  Leyden 
Students  (Index  Soc.),  p.  51;  Eogers's  Life  of  John 
Howe,  p.  330.]  C.  C. 

HOWE,  JAMES  (1780-1836),  animal 
painter,  was  born  30  Aug.  1780  at  Skirling  in 
Peeblesshire,  where  his  father,  William 
Howe,  was  minister  from  1765  till  his  death 
10  Dec.  1796.  After  attending  the  parish 
school  Howe  was  apprenticed  to  a  house- 
painter  at  Edinburgh,  but  employed  his  time 
in  painting  panoramic  exhibitions,  devoting 
himself  especially  to  animals.  Howe  obtained 
a  great  reputation  for  his  skill  in  drawing 
horses  and  cattle,  and  was  employed  in  draw- 
ing portraits  of  well-known  animals  for  a 
series  of  illustrations  of  British  domestic  ani- 
mals, published  by  the  Highland  Society  of 
Scotland  to  stimulate  breeding.  He  was  also 
commissioned  by  Sir  John  Sinclair  to  draw 
examples  of  various  breeds  of  cattle.  A  set  of 
fourteen  engravings  of  horses  from  drawings 
by  Howe  were  published  and,  for  the  most 
part,  engraved  by  W.  H.  Lizars  [q.  v.],  at 
Edinburgh  in  1824,  and  a  series  of  forty-five 
similar  engravings  of  horses  and  cattle  was 
published  in  1832.  Howe  came  once  to 
London  to  paint  the  horses  of  the  royal  stud, 
but  resided  principally  at  Edinburgh,  where 
he  was  a  frequent  exhibitor  at  the  Edinburgh 
exhibitions,  Royal  Institution,  and  Royal 
Scottish  Academy  from  1808  to  the  time  of 
his  death.  In  1815  he  visited  the  field 
of  Waterloo,  and  painted  a  picture  of  the 
battle,  which  he  exhibited  at  the  Royal 
Academy  in  London  in  1816.  Howe  died  at 
Edinburgh,  11  July  1836. 

[Anderson's  Scottish  Nation;  Jos.  Irving's 
Book  of  Scotsmen ;  Bryan's  Diet,  of  Painters  and 
Engravers,  ed.  E.  E.  Graves  ;  information  from 
Mr.  J.  M.  Gray.]  L.  C. 

HOWE,  JOHN  (1630-1705),  ejected 
divine,  son  of  John  and  Anne  How,  was 
born  at  Loughborough,  Leicestershire,  on 
17  May  1630,  and  baptised  at  the  parish 
church  on  23  May.  John  How,  the  father 
(brother  of  Obadiah  Howe,  D.D.  [q.  v.]),  for- 
merly a  pupil  of  Francis  Higginson  [q.  v.], 
was  usher  (1627-32)  of  the  school  supported 
by  Burton's  charity,  and  curate  (1628-34)  to 
John  Browne,  rector  of  Loughborough.  He 
was  suspended  from  the  ministry,  as  an '  irre- 
gular curate,'  on  6  Nov.  1634,  by  the  high 
commission  court,  was  imprisoned,  and  fined 
500J.  (reduced  to  201.  on  19  Feb.  1635)  for 
praying  before  sermon  '  that  the  young  prince 
might  not  be  brought  up  in  popery.'  In  1635 
he  made  his  way  to  Ireland  with  his  family ; 
during  the  rebellion  of  1641  his  place  of  re- 
fuge (probably  Coleraine)  was  for  several 

weeks  besieged.  Returning  to  England,  he 
settled  in  Lancashire,  probably  serving  one  of 
the  chapelries  dependent  on  Win  wick,  where 
his  son  was  prepared  tor  the  university  at 
the  grammar  school  under  Ralph  Gorse,  B.A. 

Howe  was  admitted  a  sizar  at  Christ's 
College,  Cambridge,  on  17  May  1647;  he 
graduated  B.A.  in  1648,  according  to  Ca- 
lamy,  who  ascribes  his  '  platonick  tincture ' 
to  his  knowledge  of  Cud  worth  and  his  lasting 
friendship  with  Henry  More.  In  Michaelmas 
term  1648  he  removed  to  Oxford,  as  bible- 
clerk  of  Brasenose ;  here  he  graduated  B.A. 
on  18  Jan.  1650.  In  1650  he  was  elected 
chaplain  of  Magdalen;  he  graduated  M.A. 
on  9  July  1652,  and  was  fellow  of  Magda- 
len probably  from  1652  to  1655.  He  was 
admitted  on  '  catholic  terms '  to  the  presi- 
dent's '  church  meeting  '  [see  GOODWIN, 
THOMAS].  Shortly  after  graduating  M.A.  he 
was  ordained  at  Winwick.  This  large  parish 
was  included  in  the  fourth  Lancashire  classis ; 
but  Howe  was  ordained  by  Charles  Herle 
[q.  v.],  the  rector  (whom  he  revered  as  a 
'  primitive  bishop '),  with  his  curates  in  the 
four  chapelries. 

About  1654  (perhaps  earlier)  he  was  ap- 
pointed to  the  perpetual  curacy  of  Great  Tor- 
rington,  Devonshire,  a  donative  belonging 
to  Christ  Church,  Oxford.  He  found  the 
parishioners  divided  ;  his  predecessor,  Lewis 
Stukely,  was  an  independent ;  he  himself 
ranked  with  the  presbyterians ;  but  he  drew 
parties  together,  and  succeeded  in  establish- 
ing at  Torrington  a  meeting  of  '  neighbour- 
ing ministers  of  different  persuasions.'  His 
labours  were  unremitting ;  on  fast  days  he 
was  engaged  in  the  pulpit  from  nine  till  four 
with  only  a  quarter  of  an  hour's  recess,  during 
which  the  people  sang.  But  his  stay  at 
Torrington  was  not  long.  In  1656  the  per- 
petual curacy  of  .St.  Saviour's,  Dartmouth, 
Devonshire,  was  vacant.  The  parishioners 
were  equally  divided  between  Howe  and 
another  candidate,  Robert  Jagoe.  Thomas 
Boon,  Howe's  great  friend  at  Dartmouth, 
made  interest  with  Cromwell  for  his  appoint- 
ment. Cromwell  insisted  on  hearing  Howe 
preach  at  Whitehall,  and  gave  him  his  text 
'  while  the  psalm  was  singing '  before  ser- 
mon. Howe  preached  for  two  hours,  and 
was  turning  the  hour-glass  for  the  third  time 
when  Cromwell  signed  to  him  to  stop.  In  the 
event  Cromwell  made  him  his  domestic  chap- 
lain. Howe  took  the  office  with  reluctance, 
and  was  not  easy  in  it.  To  his  puritan  strict- 
ness the  life  at  Whitehall  seemed  '  in  so  loose 
a  way '  as  to  give  him  small  chance  of  use- 
fulness. His  parishioners  at  Torrington  could 
not  agree  on  his  successor,  and  besought  him 
to  return.  Baxter's  influence  prevailed  with 




him  to  stay  in  London.  He  stipulated  for 
leave  to  spend  three  months  in  the  year  at 
Torrington,  and  to  appoint  a  substitute  on 
full  salary.  One  of  these  substitutes  was 
Increase  Mather  [q.  v.]  Howe  preached 
against  fanatical  notions  current  in  the  Pro- 
tector's court ;  Cromwell  heard  with  knitted 
brows,  but  did  not  remonstrate.  Though 
occasionally  employed  in  secret  despatches, 
he  did  not  take  part  in  affairs  of  state,  nor 
seek  to  advance  his  own  interest.  Religious 
men  of  all  schools  found  in  him  a  friend  at 
court.  Seth  Ward,  afterwards  bishop  of  Salis- 
bury, was  indebted  to  his  good  offices,  as  was 
Fuller,  the  church  historian. 

After  Cromwell's  death,  Howe  remained 
at  Whitehall  as  chaplain  to  Richard  Crom- 
well. He  was  present  (not  as  a  member)  at 
the  Savoy  conference  in  October  1658,  when 
the  Westminster  confession  was  re-edited  on 
congregational  principles.  Soon  afterwards 
he  visited  Torrington,  staying  there  till  the 
spring  of  1659.  In  the  advertisement  of  his 
first  publication  (a  sermon  before  parliament, 

1659,  no  copy  known)  he  is  described  as 
1  preacher  at  Westminster ; '  he  held  a  lec- 
tureship at  St.  Margaret's.  Of  Richard  Crom- 
well's ability,  as  well  as  of  his  patriotism, 
Howe  spoke  always  in  high  terms,  defend- 
ing him  warmly  from  the   charge  of  weak- 
ness.    Immediately  upon  Richard's  deposi- 
tion (May  1659)  Howe  resumed  the  charge 
of  Torrington.     For  alleged  sedition  in  ser- 
mons preached  there  on  30  Sept.  and  14  Oct. 

1660,  he  was  tried,  first  before  the  mayor 
(14  Nov.),  and  again  at  the  following  spring 
assize ;   on  neither  occasion  was  there  any 
evidence  to  sustain  the  charge.     In  1662  he 
was  ejected  from  Torrington  by  the  operation 
of  the  Uniformity  Act.  Wilkins,  afterwards 
bishop  of  Chester,  wondered  at  his  noncon- 
formity, as  he  thought  him  a  man  of  lati- 
tude; he  answered  that  his  latitude  made 
him  a  nonconformist.     To  his  own  bishop, 
his  old  friend  Seth  Ward  (then  of  Exeter), 
before  whom  he  was  soon  cited  for  private 
preaching,  he  specified  the  requirement  of 
re-ordination  as  an  insuperable  bar  to  his 
conforming.      Of  the  process   against   him 
Ward  took  no  notice.     Calamy  had  heard 
that  in  1665  Howe  was  imprisoned  for  two 
months  in  the  Isle  of  St.  Nicholas,  off  Ply- 
mouth ;  the  story  may  be  doubted.    In  1666 
he  took   the  oath   prescribed  by  the  Five 
Miles  Act,  which  came  into  effect  25  March 
1666.     He  was  thus  free  to  choose  his  resi- 
dence, and   being  let  alone  by  his  bishop 
(neither  Ward  nor  Sparrow  interfered  with 
him)  he  preached  about  at  the  houses  of 
the  western  gentry,  and  in  1668  published  a 
volume  of  his  Torrington  sermons. 

In  April  1670  Howe  left  London  for  Dub- 
lin to  become  domestic  chaplain  to  John, 
second  viscount  Massereene,  of  Antrim  Castle. 
While  in  attendance  on  Lord  Massereene  at 
his  Dublin  residence,  he  preached  at  the  pres- 
byterian  meeting-house  in  Cooke  Street.  The 
date  of  his  arrival  in  Antrim  was  at  least 
some  weeks  prior  to  his  dedicatory  letter  to 
John  Upton,  dated '  Antrim,  April  12,  1671.' 
At  Antrim  he  officiated  on  Sunday  afternoons 
in  the  parish  church,  of  which  the  presbyte- 
rians  had  part  use,  by  Lord  Massereene's  per- 
mission. His  best  known  work, '  The  Living 
Temple,'  was  written  at  Antrim.  He  was 
a  member  of  the  Friday  conferences  known 
as  the  '  Antrim  meeting,'  a  precursor  of  the 
presbyterian  organisation  of  the  north  of 
Ireland.  In  conjunction  with  Thomas  Gowan 
[q.  v.]  he  took  some  part  (in  1675)  in  a  train- 
ing school  for  presbyterian  divines,  probably 
teaching  theology.  At  the  end  of  this  year 
he  was  called  to  London  to  succeed  Lazarus 
Seaman,  D.D.,  in  the  co-pastorship  of  the 
presbyterian  congregation  in  Haberdashers' 
Hall,  Staining  Lane,  Wood  Street,  Cheap- 
side.  A  visit  to  London  ended  in  his  remov- 
ing thither,  by  way  of  Liverpool,  in  1676. 

Next  year  a  controversy  on  predestination 
arose  out  of  the  publication  (1677)  of  a 
tract  written  by  Howe  at  the  instance  of 
Robert  Boyle.  Theophilus  Gale  [q.  v.]  at- 
tacked it  in  the  concluding  part  of  his  '  Court 
of  the  Gentiles.'  The  criticism  was  pursued, 
after  Gale's  death,  by  Thomas  Danson  [q.  v.] 
Howe  was  defended  by  Andrew  Marvell. 
His  position  has  been  incorrectly  described  as 
Arminian.  The  protestant  feeling  excited 
by  the  so-called  '  Popish  plot '  led  in  1680 
to  a  renewed  effort  for  the  comprehension 
of  nonconformists.  Lloyd,  then  bishop  of 
St.  Asaph,  consulted  Howe  about  terms. 
A  strong  sermon  (11  May  1680)  against 
schism,  by  Stillingfleet,  then  dean  of  St. 
Paul's,  met  with  a  reply  from  Howe,  written, 
as  Stillingfleet  owned, '  like  a  gentleman.'  In 
the  same  year  occurred  his  expostulation 
with  Tillotson,  when,  according  to  Calamy's 
account,  based  on  Howe's  own  statement, 
Tillotson  was  moved  to  tears  '  as  they  were 
travelling  along  together  in  his  chariot.'  The 
period  1681-5  was  one  of  much  anxiety  to  non- 
conformists ;  Howe's  hearers  were  arrested, 
and  his  health  suffered  from  an  indoor  life,  it 
not  being  safe  for  him  to  appear  in  the  streets. 
In  1681  his  colleague  Daniel  Bull  [q.  v.]  dis- 
graced himself.  In  1685  Howe  addressed 
an  able  letter  (anonymous)  on  the  prosecu- 
tion of  nonconformists  to  Thomas  Barlow 
[q.  v.],  bishop  of  Lincoln. 

In  August  1685  Howe  went  abroad  with 
Philip,  fourth  baron  Wharton.  His  journey 



was  kept  so  quiet  that  his  congregation  did 
not  hear  of  it  till  he  was  gone ;  he  wrote 
them  a  farewell  letter  from  the  continent. 
After  travelling  about  he  settled  at  Utrecht 
in  1686.  He  took  a  house  and  had  boarders, 
among  whom  were  George,  fifteenth  earl  of 
Sutherland,  and  his  countess.  With  Matthew 
Mead  [q.  v.]  and  two  others  he  took  turns 
in  preaching  at  the  English  church.  Gilbert 
Burnet  [q.  v.],  when  in  Utrecht  (1687), 
preached  in  the  same  church.  In  May  1687, 
shortly  after  James's  declaration  for  liberty 
of  conscience,  Howe  returned  to  his  London 
flock,  having  consulted  William  of  Orange 
in  regard  to  this  step.  Though  pressed  by 
James  himself,  Howe  resisted  every  attempt 
to  give  nonconformist  sanction  to  the  royal 
exercise  of  a  dispensing  power.  Oalamy 
says  that  William  Sherlock,  then  master  of 
the  Temple,  asked  Howe  what  he  would  do 
if  offered  the  mastership.  He  replied  that 
he  would  take  the  place,  but  hand  the  emo- 
lument to  the  legal  proprietor ;  whereupon 
Sherlock  'rose  up  from  his  seat  and  em- 
brac'd  him.'  At  the  revolution  Howe  headed 
the  London  nonconformist  ministers  in  an 
-address  of  welcome  to  William.  He  had 
not  lost  hope  of  a  policy  of  comprehension, 
and  was  in  communication  with  the  eccle- 
.siastical  commissioners  appointed  with  that 
view.  When  toleration  was  granted  (1689) 
he  addressed  a  remarkable  paper  '  to  confor- 
mists and  dissenters,'  recommending  mutual 

Howe  was  a  leading  spirit  in  the  efforts 
now  made  for  the  amalgamation  of  the  pres- 
Ijyterians  and  congregationalists  into  one 
body.  As  early  as  1672  they  had  combined 
in  establishing  the  merchants'  lecture  on 
Tuesdays  at  Pinners'  Hall ;  Howe  became 
one  of  the  lecturers  in  1677,  succeeding 
Thomas  Manton,  D.D.  [q.  v.]  In  1689  the 
two  bodies  originated  a  common  fund  for 
educating  students  and  aiding  congrega- 
tions ;  Howe  was  one  of  the  projectors.  A 
union  of  the  two  bodies  in  London  was 
effected  in  1690 ;  the  '  heads  of  agreement ' 
(published  1691),  which  were  largely  Howe's 
work,  were  accepted  by  all  but  a  few  con- 
gregationalists, and  formed  the  basis  of  simi- 
lar unions  throughout  the  country.  This 
*  happy  union '  was  broken  in  London  by  a 
controversy  arising  out  of  the  publication 
(1690)  of  the  work  of  Tobias  Crisp,  D.D.  [q.  v.] 
Howe  and  others  had  attested  the  genuine- 
ness of  this  publication  in  a  declaration  pre- 
fixed to  the  volume.  Baxter  at  once  assailed 
Crisp's  antinomian  tendency  in  a  pamphlet 
which  Howe  prevailed  upon  him  to  suppress, 
promising  that  the  certificate  of  genuineness 
should  be  explained  as  implying  no  approval 

of  Crisp's  writings.     This  was  done  in  a  de- 
claration prefixed  to  '  A  Blow  at  the  Root/ 

troversy  became  general,  Crisp's  opponents 
being  accused  of  Arminian  and  even  Socinian 
leanings.  Among  other  healing  measures 
Howe  published  (1693)  his  merchants'  lec- 
tures on  '  Christian  Contention.'  But  in 
1693  the  common  fund  was  divided ;  in  1694 
Williams  was  excluded  from  the  merchants' 
lectureship,  and  Howe  with  three  others 
withdrew ;  a  new  lecture  was  established  at 
Salters'  Hall.  In  June  1694  Calamy,  who 
wished  to  be  publicly  ordained,  asked  Howe 
to  take  part ;  after  consulting  Lord-keeper 
Somers  he  declined.  His  congregation,  in  De- 
cember 1694,  removed  to  a  new  meeting-house 
in  Silver  Street,  Wood  Street,  Cheapside. 

In  1694  and  1695  Howe  published  one  or 
two  tracts,  orthodox  but  cautious,  in  the 
Socinian  controversy,  then  dying  out.  His 
controversy  with  Defoe  on  '  occasional  con- 
formity '  began  in  November  1700.  Howe 
had  always  been  in  favour  of  the  practice  of 
friendly  resort  by  nonconformists  to  the  parish 
churches,  both  for  worship  and  sacraments, 
and  was  opposed  to  the  abortive  bill  intro- 
duced in  the  first  year  of  Anne  (4  Nov.  1702) 
for  preventing  such  interchanges.  Sir  Thomas 
Abney  (1640-1722)  [q.  v.],  a  prominent '  oc- 
casional conformist '  during  his  mayoralty 
in  1701,  was  a  member  of  Howe's  congrega- 
tion. It  was  probably  in  reference  to  this 
question  that  William  III,  shortly  before  his 
death,  sent  for  Howe  for  l  some  very  private 
conversation,'  in  the  course  of  which  Wil- 
liam '  ask'd  him  a  great  many  questions  about 
his  old  master  Oliver.' 

Howe  was  now  past  seventy  and  '  began 
to  be  weary  of  living.'  In  Watts's  elegy  on 
Gouge,  who  died  in  January  1700,  he  speaks 
of  Howe  as  having  survived  his  equals,  '  a 
great  but  single  name,'  and  '  ready  to  be 
gone.'  He  laboured  under  several  diseases, 
but  was  always  cheerful,  though  extremely 
sensitive  to  pain ;  he  remained  in  harness  to 
the  end.  In  his  last  illness  Richard  Crom- 
well paid  him  a  farewell  visit.  '  A  very  few 
days  before  he  died '  he  expressed  entire  con- 
currence in  the  scheme  of  non-synodical  pres- 
byterianism  contained  in  Calamy's  '  Defence 
of  Moderate  Nonconformity'  (1704).  He 
died,  '  quite  worn  out,'  on  2  April  1705,  at 
St.  John  Street,  Smithfield,  and  was  buried 
on  6  April  in  the  church  of  Allhallows,  Bread 
Street.  On  8  April  his  colleague  John  Spade- 
man preached  his  funeral  sermon.  He  mar- 
ried, first,  on  1  March  1655,  Katherine. 
daughter  of  George  Hughes,  B.D.  [q.  v.],  and 




had  issue  (1)  George,  M.D.  [q.  v.],  (2)  John, 
living  in  1705  and  married ;  (3)  Obadiah, 
baptised  at  Torrington,  21  April  1661,  died 
before  1705 ;  (4)  Philippa,  baptised  at  Tor- 
rington, 4  Jan.  1666,  married  Matthew  Col-  j 
lett ;  (5)  James,  a  barrister  of  the  Middle  ! 
Temple,  who  married  Mary  Saunders,  and 
died  12  April  1714.  He  married,  secondly, 
Margaret  (the  date  and  surname  are  un- 
known), who  died  at  Bath  between  20  and 
26  Feb.  1743,  aged  nearly  90. 

Howe  was  of  fine  presence,  tall  and  grace- 
ful, with  an  air  of  dignity  and  a  piercing  eye. 
His  portrait,  in  long  fair  wig,  engraved  by 
James  Caldwall  [q.  v.],  from  a  painting  by 
Sir  Godfrey  Kneller,  is  in  Palmer's  '  Non- 
conformist's Memorial,'  first  edition,  1775,  i. 
409 ;  the  original  painting  is  in  Dr.  Wil- 
liams's  Library,  Gordon  Square,  W.C.  An- 
other painting,  by  JohnRiley,  showing  Howe 
in  his  own  dark  hair,  was  exhibited  in  the 
third  exhibition  of  National  Portraits,  1868; 
it  has  been  engraved  by  Trotter.  The  earliest 
engraved  portrait  is  by  White,  reproduced  by 
J.  Pine.  Howe  delivered  his  sermons  with- 
out his  notes  ;  Thoresby,  who  heard  him  on 
19  May  1695,  says  he  '  preached  incompar- 
ably.' His  writings  show  an  original  mind, 
contemplative  rather  than  profound,  with 
considerable  power  of  discrimination,  and 
some  warmth  of  fancy.  His  spirit  is  supe- 
rior to  his  style ;  his  diction  rarely  rises  to 
the  elevation  of  his  thought ;  his  sentences 
are  negligent,  and  his  punctuation  seems  de- 
vised for  the  ruin  of  perspicuity.  He  shines 
at  his  best  in  his  consolatory  letters  (the 
anonymous  one  to  Lady  Russell  in  1683  is 
well  known),  which  are  full  of  pathos  and 
calm  wisdom.  He  was  not  without  humour ; 
there  is  the  story  of  his  asking  a  courtier  to 
permit  him  to  swear  the  next  oath.  On  his 
deathbed  he  made  his  son  George  burn  all 
his  papers,  except  sermon-notes,  '  stitch'd  up 
in  a  multitude  of  small  volumes.'  Few  of 
his  letters  are  preserved ;  most  of  these  will 
be  found  in  Rogers.  An  undated  letter 
(p.  572,  1st  edit.,  p.  536,  2nd  edit.),  which 
puzzles  Rogers,  refers  to  the  schismatic  action 
of  Thomas  Bradbury  [q.  v.]  at  Newcastle  in 

Howe's  '  Works '  were  collected  in  1724, 
fol.  2  vols. ;  an  enlarged  edition  was  issued 
in  1810-22,  8vo,  8  vols.,  also  1848,  8vo, 
3  vols.,  and  1862-3,  12mo,  6  vols.  Middle- 
ton  (followed  by  Wilson)  enumerates  thirty- 
three  of  his  publications,  besides  prefaces, 
and  five  volumes  of  posthumous  sermons, 
printed  between  1726  and  1744  from  short- 
hand reports.  Among  them  are :  1.  '  On 
Man's  Creation,'  &c.,  1660,  4to  (sermon  on 
1  Thess.  iv.  18).  2.  'A  Treatise  on  the 

Blessedness  of  the  Righteous/  &c.,  1668, 8vo. 
3.  '  A  Treatise  of  Delighting  in  God/  &c.r 
1674,  12mo.  4.  '  The  Living  Temple  of 
God/  &c.,  1675,  8vo.  5.  'The  Reconcile- 
ableness  of  God's  Prescience/  &c.,  1677, 8vo. 
6.  'Annotations/  &c.,  1685,  fol.,  on  the  three 
Epistles  of  St.  John,  in  the  continuation  of 
Poole's  'Annotations.'  7.  'The  Carnality 
of  Christian  Contention/  &c.,  1693,4to.  8.  'A 
Calm  and  Sober  Inquiry  concerning  the  pos- 
sibility of  a  Trinity/  &c.,  1694, 4to.  9.  '  Some 
Consideration  of  a  Preface  to  an  Inquiry  con- 
cerning .  .  .  Occasional  Conformity/  &c., 
1701,  4to.  10.  'A  Second  Part  of  the  Living 
Temple/  &c.,  1702,  8vo  (criticises  Spinoza). 
11.  'A  Discourse  on  Patience/  &c.,  1705,  8vo. 
[Calamy's  Memoirs  of  Howe,prefixed  to  Works,. 
1724,  also  issued  separately,  are  the  main  autho- 
rity for  his  life;  the  Life  by  Henry  Rogers,, 
1836  (portrait),  reprinted  1879,  is  an  expansion 
of  Calamy,  with  additions  from  Howe's  manu- 
script letters  ;  there  are  lives  by  Hunt,  prefixed 
to  Works,  1810,  by  Dunn,  1836,  byUrwick,  1846T 
and  by  Hewlett,  prefixed  to  Works,  1848  ;  Cal. 
State  Pupers,  Dom.  1634-5,  pp.  314,  318,  559, 
&c. ;  Spademan's  Funeral  Sermon,  1705  ;  Wood's 
AtheneeOxon.  (Bliss),  iii.  780,  834,  &c.,  iv.  589, 
&c.,  Fasti,  ii.  120,  171 ;  Calamy's  Abridgement, 

1713,  pp.  576  sq.;  Calamy's  Account,  1713,  pp. 
235  sq.,  p.  634;  Calamy's  Continuation,  1727, 
pp.  250,  257  ;  Calamy's  Own  Life,  1830,  i.  322 
sq.,  344   sq.,  ii.   31  sq. ;  Nelson's  Life  of  Bull, 

1714,  pp.  257  sq. ;  Birch's  Life  of  Tillotson,  1 753, 
pp.  63  sq. ;  Middleton's  Biographia  Evangelica,. 
1786,  iv.  126  sq. ;  Palmer's  Nonconformist's  Me- 
morial,  1802,  ii.  81   sq.  (portrait  engraved  by 
Ridley) ;  Wilson'sDissentingChurches  ofLondon, 
1810, iii.  19  sq.;  Granger's  Biographical  History 
of  England,  1824,  iv.  65  ;  Armstrong's  Appendix 
to  Martineau's  Ordination  Service,  1829,  p.  86  ; 
Humphreys's  Correspondence  of  Doddridge,  1830,. 
iv.  212;  Urwick's  Nonconformity  in  Cheshire, 
1864,  p.  232  (letter  by  Howe) ;  Beamont's  Win- 
wick,   1876,  p.   78;  Witherow's  Hist,  and  Lit. 
Memorials   of  Presb.  in  Ireland,   1879,  i.  54; 
Bloxam's    Register     of    Magdalen,     1853-85 ; 
Jeremy's  Presbyterian  Fund,  1885,  p.  ix;  Kil- 
len's  Hist.  Congr.  Presb.  Church  in  Ireland,  1886, 
p.  16  ;  extracts  from  parish  register  at  Lough- 
borough,  per  the  Rev.  W.  G.  D.  Fletcher,  F.S.A.] 

A.  Gr. 

(1754-1804),  born  22  Aug.  1754,  was  son  of 
Thomas  Howe  (d.  1776),  rector  of  Great 
Wishford  and  Kingston  Deverill,  Wiltshire. 
His  mother  was  Frances,  daughter  of  Thomas 
White  of  Tattingstone,  near  Ipswich,  Suffolk. 
His  paternal  grandfather,  John  Howe,  had 
been  raised  to  the  peerage  in  1741  as  Baron 
Ched worth  of  Chedworth,  Gloucestershire. 

Howe  was  educated  first  at  Harrow,  where 
he  gave  early  proof  of  his  lifelong  predilec- 
tions for  the  stage  and  the  turf.  He  matricu- 




lated  at  Queen's  College,  Oxford,  on  29  Oct. 
1772,  but  left  without  a  degree  after  three 
years'  residence,  and  took  up  his  abode  at  his 
mother's  house  at  Ipswich.  His  mother 
died  in  1778.  In  1781  he  succeeded  his 
uncle,  Henry  Frederick  Howe,  third  baron 
Chedworth,  in  his  title  and  estates,  but  he 
continued  to  live  in  comparative  seclusion, 
and  seldom  visited  his  large  landed  properties 
in  Gloucestershire  and  Wiltshire.  Late  in 
life  he  lived  in  the  house  of  a  surgeon  named 
Penrice  at  Yarmouth,  and  devoted  himself 
to  a  study  of  Shakespeare.  He  died  un- 
married on  29  Oct.  1804,  and  the  barony 
became  extinct.  He  was  buried,  as  he  had 
directed,  beside  his  mother  in  St.  Matthew's 
churchyard,  Ipswich,  on  the  fifth  day  after 
his  death.  The  inscription  on  his  monument 
in  St.  Matthew's  Church  describes  him  as  a 
man  of  unusually  cultivated  tastes  and  of 
whig  sympathies. 

He  neglected  his  relatives  in  his  will,  and 
left  much  to  his  friend  Penrice,  the  Yarmouth 
surgeon  with  whom  he  resided.  Charles 
James  Fox,  '  the  illustrious  statesman  and 
true  patriot/received  a  legacy  of  3,000/.;  many 
theatrical  and  other  friends  were  liberally 
remembered ;  and  large  legacies  were  left  to 
his  executors  and  trustees,  by  whom  the 
Howe  estates  in  Gloucestershire  were  divided 
and  sold  in  1811  for  268,635Z.  Chedworth's 
relatives  unsuccessfully  disputed  his  will  on 
the  ground  of  insanity.  To  prove  his  sanity, 
Penrice  edited  for  publication  Chedworth's 
'  Notes  upon  some  of  the  Obscure  Passages 
in  Shakespeare's  Plays ;  with  Remarks  upon 
the  Explanations  and  Amendments  of  the 
Commentators  in  the  Editions  of  1785, 1790, 
1793,'  London,  1805  (MARTIN,  Bibliographi- 
cal Catalogue  of  Books  Privately  Printed, 
London,  1834,  p.  100). 

Chedworth  published  in  his  lifetime  two 
pamphlets,  respectively  entitled  '  Two  Ac- 
tions between  John  Howe,  Esq.,  and  G.  L. 
Dive,  Esq.,  tried  by  a  Special  Jury  before 
Lord  Mansfield  at  the  Assizes  holden  at  Croy- 
don,  August  1781,'  2nd  edit.,  London,  1781 ; 
and  «  A  Charge  delivered  to  the  Grand  Jury 
at  the  General  Quarter  Sessions  of  the  Peace 
for  the  County  of  Suffolk,'  Ipswich  [1793]. 
Many  years  after  Chedworth's  death  a  friend, 
Thomas  Crompton,  published  l  Letters  from 
the  late  Lord  Chedworth  to  the  Rev.  Thomas 
Crompton,  written  from  January  1780  to 
May  1795,'  London,  1828. 

[Gent.  Mag.  1804,  Ixxiv.  1242-4,  1806,  Ixxvi. 
672, 1030-2,  1201-7,  ISll.vol.  Ism.  pt,  ii.  p.  80 ; 
Gloucestershire  Notes  and  Queries,  i.  393 ;  Burke's 
Dormant  and  Extinct  Peerages,  1883,  p.  288; 
Haslewood's  Monumental  Inscriptions  in  the 
Parish  of  St.  Matthew,  Ipswich,  pp.  16,  273; 

Burial  Register  of  St.  Matthew's,  Ipswich  ; 
Brit.  Mus.  Cat.  of  Printed  Books  ;  Gael's  paper 
on  Stowell  House  and  Park  in  the  Transactions  of 
the  Bristol  and  Gloucestershire  Archaeological 
Society,  1877-8,  ii.  47-52.]  B.  H.  B. 


(1657-1722),  commonly  known  as  '  Jack 
How,'  politician,  born  in  1657,  was  second 
son  of  John  Grubham  How  of  Langar,  Not- 
tinghamshire, and  member  of  parliament  for 
Gloucestershire  from  1661  to  1679.  His 
mother  was  Annabella,  third  and  youngest 
illegitimate  daughter  and  coheiress  of  Em- 
anuel  Scrope,  lord  Scrope  of  Bolton  and  earl 
of  Sunderland.  She  was  legitimised  by  act 
of  parliament  in  1663,  died  on  20  March 
1703-4,  and  was  buried  on  30  March  in 
Stowell  Church,  Gloucestershire,  where  a 
monument  was  placed  on  the  north  wall  of 
the  chancel  to  her  memory  by  Howe.  Early 
in  life  he  figured  as  '  a  young  amorous  spark 
of  the  court.'  In  1679  he  brought  an  accu- 
sation against  the  Duchess  of  Richmond, 
which  on  investigation  proved  to  be  false, 
and  he  was  forbidden  to  attend  the  court. 
At  this  period  he  wrote  verses,  and,  accord- 
ing to  Macaulay,  was  notorious  for  his  savage 
lampoons.  With  the  Revolution  he  entered 
upon  a  political  career.  He  sat  for  Ciren- 
cester  in  the  Convention  parliament,  January 
1689  to  February  1690,  and  in  its  two  suc- 
cessors 1690-5  and  1695-8.  The  county  of 
Gloucester  returned  him  in  1698,  and  again 
in  January  1701.  At  the  subsequent  elec- 
tion (December  1701)  the  whigs  concen- 
trated all  their  efforts  against  him  and  ejected 
him  from  the  seat.  In  Anne's  first  parliament 
(1702)  Howe  was  returned  for  four  constitu- 
encies, Bodmin,  Gloucester  city,  Gloucester 
county,  and  Newton  in  Lancashire  (COURT- 
NEY, Parl  Repr.  of  Cornwall,  p.  237),  and 
chose  his  old  seat  for  Gloucestershire.  A 
petition  by  Sir  John  Guise,  his  opponent  for 
the  county,  against  his  return  was  defeated 
by  219  votes  to  98,  *  a  great  and  shameful 
majority'  in  the  opinion  of  Speaker  Onslow, 
After  1705  he  ceased  to  sit  in  parliament. 

At  the  beginning  of  William  Ill's  reign 
Howe  urged  severe  measures  against  such 
politicians  as  Carmarthen  and  Halifax,  who 
had  been  identified  with  the  measures  of 
James  II.  He  was  then  a  strong  whig,  and 
in  1689  was  appointed  vice-chamberlain  to 
Queen  Mary.  Early  in  March  1691-2  the 
queen  dismissed  him  from  that  post,  and  he 
at  the  same  time  lost  the  minor  position  of 
keeper  of  the  mall.  In  the  following  Novem- 
ber he  was  summoned  before  the  court  of 
verge  for  '  cutting  and  wounding  a  servant 
of  his  in  Whitehall,'  and  on  pleading  guilty 
was  pardoned  (December  1692).  Thence- 




forward  he  ranked  among  the  fiercest  of  the 
tories.  He  took  an  active  part  against  Burnet 
for  his  '  Pastoral  Letter,'  and  declaimed  ve- 
hemently against  the  prosecution  of  the  war 
and  on  behalf  of  Sir  John  Fen  wick.  He  took 
a  special  pleasure  in  serving  among  those  ap- 
pointed by  the  House  of  Commons  to  bring 
in  a  bill  on  the  forfeited  estates  in  Ireland 
(December  1699),  and  thundered  in  parlia- 
ment over  the  grants  to  William's  Dutch 
friends  of  some  of  the  property.  Howe's  at- 
tack on  the  partition  treaty,  which  he  de- 
nounced by  the  title  of  the  'Felonious  Treaty,' 
was  so  savage  that  William  exclaimed  that 
but  for  their  disparity  of  station  he  would 
have  demanded  satisfaction.  He  invariably 
denounced  foreign  settlers  in  England  and 
standing  armies.  When  the  army  was  re- 
duced (1699)  he  succeeded  in  obtaining  half- 
pay  for  the  disbanded  officers. 

With  Queen  Anne's  accession  Howe  was 
once  more  a  courtier,  and  in  1702  moved 
that  a  provision  of  100,000^.  a  year  should 
be  secured  to  her  consort,  Prince  George  of 
Denmark.  He  was  created  a  privy  council- 
lor on  21  April  1702,  and  vice-admiral  of 
Gloucester  county  on  7  June.  On  the  retire- 
ment of  Lord  Ranelagh,  the  post  of  pay- 
master-general was  divided,  and  Howe  was 
appointed  paymaster  of  the  guards  and  gar- 
risons at  home  (4  Jan.  1702-3).  On  15  May 
1708  he  became  joint  clerk  to  the  privy 
council  of  Great  Britain.  After  Anne's  death 
his  places  were  taken  from  him,  and  his  name 
was  left  out  of  the  list  of  privy  councillors. 
He  then  retired  to  Stowell  House  in  Glouces- 
tershire, an  estate  which  he  had  purchased, 
and  died  there  in  June  1722,  being  buried  in 
the  chancel  of  the  church  on  14  June.  His 
wife  was  Mary,  daughter  and  coheiress  of 
Humphry  Baskerville  of  Poentryllos  in  Here- 
fordshire, and  widow  of  Sir  Edward  Morgan 
of  Llanternam,  Monmouthshire.  His  son 
and  heir,  John  Howe,  was  the  first  Lord 
Chedworth.  An  account  of  Stowell  House 
and  Park  is  printed  in  the  '  Transactions  of 
the  Bristol  and  Gloucester  Archaeological 
Society,'  ii.  47-52.  Howe  was  possessed  of 
some  wit  and  of  vigorous  speech,  but  he 
lacked  judgment.  There  are  verses  by  him 
in  Nichols's  'Collection  of  Poetry,'  i.  194, 
210-12,  and  he  is  said  to  have  written  a 
*  Panegyric  on  King  William.'  An  anecdote 
by  Sir  Thomas  Lyttelton  in  illustration  of 
his  speaking  talents  is  in  the  '  Gentleman's 
Magazine,'  xix.  364-5,  and  he  is  introduced 
into  Swift's  ballad  '  On  the  Game  of  Traffic.' 
A  satirical  speech  of  Monsieur  Jaccou  (i.e. 
Jack  How),  purporting  to  be  '  made  at  the 
general  quarter  sessions  for  the  county  of 
G — r,'  and  ridiculing  his  vanity  and  French 

leanings,  was  printed  (Brit.  Mus.)  Macaulay 
speaks  of  him  as  tall,  thin,  and  haggard  in  look. 
[Henry  Sidney's  Diary  of  Charles  II,  i.  100- 
1 22 ;  De  la  Pry nne's Diary  (Surtees  Soc.),pp.  242, 
243 ;  Rudder's (rloucestershi re,  p.  708 ;  Thoroton's 
Nottinghamshire,  i.  205 ;  Collins's  Peerage,  ed. 
Brydges,  viii.  140-] ;  Lodge's  Irish  Peerage,  ed. 
Archdall,  v.  81;  Macaulay's  Hist,  passim;  Lut> 
trell's  Brief  Hist.  Eelation,  ii.  390,  395,  611, 
614,  641,  iv.  594,  v.  228,238;  Burnet's  Own 
Time,  Oxford  ed.  v.  47-8,  49,  55,  62 ;  Nichols's 
Poets,  viii.  284-5 ;  Gloucestershire  Notes  and 
Queries,  i.  241-2.]  W.  P.  C. 

HOWE,  JOSEPH  (1804-1873),  colonial 
statesman,  born  on  13  Dec.  1804  in  a  cottage 
on  the  bank  of  the  North-west  Arm  at  Halifax 
in  Nova  Scotia,  was  the  son  of  John  Howe 
(1752-1 853),  who  was  for  many  years  king's 
printer  there  and  postmaster-general  of  the 
lower  provinces.  His  mother,  the  daughter 
of  Captain  Edes,  was  his  father's  second  wife. 
Joseph  received  no  regular  education.  When 
fourteen  he  was  apprenticed  as  a  compositor 
in  the  'Gazette'  office  at  Halifax.  He 
devoted  many  odd  hours  to  reading,  and 
during  his  apprenticeship  published  a  poem 
called  '  Melville  Island,'  descriptive  of  a 
small  island  at  the  head  of  the  North-west 
Arm.  In  1827,  in  partnership  with  James 
Spike,  he  purchased  the  'Halifax  Weekly 
Chronicle,'  and  changed  its  name  to  the 
'  Acadian.'  He  became  himself  its  non-poli- 
tical editor.  Before  the  year  was  out,  how- 
ever, he  sold  his  half-share  to  his  partner,  and 
himself  bought  for  1,050  J.  in  1828,  from  a 
journalist  named  Young,  a  paper,  founded 
three  years  previously,  called  the  '  Nova  Sco- 
tian.'  From  the  outset  the  '  Nova  Scotian/ 
under  his  direction  as  its  sole  editor  and  pro- 
prietor, succeeded  beyond  all  expectation.  In 
it  he  published  two  series  of  papers  by  him- 
self, the  first  called  '  Western  and  Eastern 
Rambles  '  through  all  parts  of  the  British 
North  American  possessions,  and  the  second 
entitled  '  The  Club/  a  sort  of  transatlantic 
'  Noctes  Ambrosianse.'  Howe  also  reported 
with  his  own  hand  the  debates  in  the  As- 
sembly and  the  trials  in  the  courts  of  law. 
Among  his  collaborateurs  was  Thomas  Chand- 
ler Haliburton  [q.  v.],  better  known  as  'Sam 
Slick,'  for  whom,  at  a  heavy  loss  to  himself, 
he  published  the  now  standard  '  History  of 
Nova  Scotia.'  In  1829  Howe  became  an 
ardent  free-trader,  and  in  1830  commenced 
in  his  journal  a  series  of  remarkable  papers 
entitled  '  Legislative  Reviews.'  On  11  Jan. 
1832  he  opened,  with  an  inaugural  address, 
a  mechanics'  institute  in  Halifax.  In  1835 
his  strenuous  opposition  to  the  local  govern- 
ment led  to  an  action  for  libel  (The  King 
v.  Joseph  Howe).  He  conducted  his  own 



defence,  and  spoke  for  six  hours  and  a  half 
with  an  eloquence  which  at  once  esta- 
blished his  reputation  as  an  orator.  He  ob- 
tained a  verdict  of  not  guilty,  and  was  con- 
ducted home  in  triumph.  This  case  established 
upon  sure  foundations  freedom  of  the  press  in 
the  colony.  In  November  1836  Howe  was 
elected,  by  a  majority  of  more  than  one  thou- 
sand, member  for  the  county  of  Halifax  in  the 
local  parliament.  On  4  Feb.  1837  he  made 
his  maiden  speech.  On  the  llth  of  that 
month  he  inaugurated  his  agitation  for  se- 
curing to  Nova  Scotia  responsible  govern- 
ment by  laying  twelve  resolutions  before  the 
lower  house,  and  about  the  same  time  began 
his  advocacy  of  the  right  of  the  cities  of  the 
British  colonies  generally  to  municipal  privi- 
leges. From  April  to  November  1838,  in 
company  with i  Sam  Slick/  he  was  in  Europe 
on  a  first  visit,  and  travelled  through  various 
parts  of  England,  Ireland,  Scotland,  and  the 
,  continent  of  Europe.  The  Tyrian  brig  in 
which  he  sailed  out  was  overtaken  by  the 
Sirius,  which  was  concluding  its  trial  trip  as 
the  first  steamship  to  carry  mails  across  the 
Atlantic.  Howe  interested  himself  in  the 
matter,  and  drew  up  the  letter  addressed 
(24  Aug.  1838)  to  Lord  Glenelg,  then  colonial 
secretary,  which  led  to  the  contract  for  the 
carriage  of  mails  between  Samuel  Cunard 
[q.  v.]  and  the  English  government.  On  his 
return  home  he  published  an  account  of  his 
journey  under  the  title  of  'The  Nova  Scotian 
in  England.' 

During  Howe's  absence  in  Europe  the  Earl 
of  Durham  had  come  and  gone  as  governor- 
general  of  British  North  America.  Lord 
Durham's  '  Report  in  favour  of  Responsible 
Government  in  the  Five  Provinces '  (dated 
February  1839)  led  to.  the  realisation  of 
Howe's  desire  for  independent  government. 
In  1840  Howe  was  appointed  a  member  of 
the  executive  council  and  showed  great  skill 
as  an  administrator.  In  the  late  autumn  of 
that  year  he  was  elected  speaker  of  the  House 
of  Assembly.  During  four  years  he  served 
as  provincial  secretary  under  Sir  John  Har- 
vey. He  was  in  England  from  November 
1850  to  April  1851  as  a  delegate  from  Nova 
Scotia,  and  on  three  occasions  afterwards 
acted  in  the  mother-country  as  agent  for  the 
lower  provinces ;  his  essay  on  the  organisation 
of  the  empire  appeared  in  1866.  In  1870  he 
was  appointed  secretary  of  state  for  those  pro- 
vinces in  the  Dominion  of  Canada ;  and,  on  the 
resignation  in  May  1873  of  General  Sir  Hast- 
ings Doyle,  he  was  nominated  governor  of 
Nova  Scotia.  He  had  hardly  been  installed  in 
office  when  he  died  suddenly  at  Halifax  on 
1  June  1873. 

In  1828  Howe  married  Catharine  Susan 

Ann,  the  only  daughter   of  Captain  John 
MacNab,  by  whom  he  had  ten  children. 

[Personal  recollections  ;  The  Speeches  and 
Public  Letters  of  the  Hon.  Joseph  Howe,  com- 
piled by  William  Annand  in  2  vols.  imp.  8vo, 
1858;  Men  of  the  Time,  8th  ed.  p.  510;  Athe- 
nseum,  7  June  1873.]  C.  K. 

HOWE,  JOSIAS  (1611P-1701),  divine, 
born  about  1611,  was  the  son  of  Thomas 
Howe,  rector  of  Grendon-Underwood,  Buck- 
inghamshire. Howe  told  Aubrey  that  Shake- 
speare took  his  idea  of  Dogberry  from  a  con- 
stable of  Grendon  (Brit.  Mus.  MS.  Add. 
24489,  250).  He  was  elected  scholar  of 
Trinity  College,  Oxford,  on  12  June  1632, 
and  graduated  B.A.  on  18  June  1634,  M.A. 
in  1638  (WooD,  Fasti  Oxon.  ed.  Bliss,  ii.  96- 
97).  On  26  May  1637  he  was  chosen  fellow 
of  his  college.  A  sermon  which  he  de- 
livered before  the  king  at  Christ  Church  on 
Psalm  iv.  7  was,  it  is  said,  ordered  by  Charles 
to  be  printed  about  1644  in  red  at  Lichfield's 
press  at  Oxford.  Only  thirty  copies  are  sup- 
posed to  have  been  printed,  probably  without 
a  title-page.  Hearne,  who  purchased  a  copy 
at  the  sale  of  Dr.  Charlett's  library  on  14  Jan. 
1723,  has  given  an  interesting  account  of 
it  in  his  edition  of  Robert  of  Gloucester's 
1  Chronicle  '  (ii.  669).  Howe's  preaching  be- 
fore the  court  at  Oxford  was  much  admired, 
and  on  10  July  1646  he  was  created  B.D. 
Howe  was  removed  from  his  fellowship  by 
the  parliamentary  visitors  in  1648  for  '  non- 
appearance'  (Register,  Camd.  Soc.,  p.  552), 
but  was  restored  in  1660,  and  died  in  college 
on  28  Aug.  1701.  He  has  commendatory 
verses  before  the  l  Works '  of  Thomas  Ran- 
dolph, 1638,  and  before  the  '  Comedies, 
Tragicomedies,  and  other  Poems '  of  Wm. 
Cartwright  (London,  1651). 

[Authorities  in  the  text.]  Gr.  G-. 

HOWE,  MICHAEL  (1787-1818),  bush- 
ranger in  Tasmania,  was  born  at  Pontefract 
in  1787.  After  serving  for  some  time  on 
board  a  merchantman,  and  incurring  an  evil 
reputation  at  home  as  a  poacher,  he  entered 
on  board  a  king's  ship.  Deserting  from  her 
he  was  tried  at  York  in  1811  for  highway 
robbery,  and  was  sentenced  to  seven  years' 
transportation.  On  his  arrival  in  Van  Die- 
men's  Land  he  was  assigned  to  a  settler,  from 
whom  he  ran  away  into  the  bush,  and  be- 
came the  leader  of  a  large  band  of  ruffians. 
For  six  years  he  led  this  wild  life,  the  terror 
of  all  decent  people.  Twice  he  surrendered 
on  proclamations  of  pardon,  but  on  each  oc- 
casion was  suffered  to  escape  and  return  to  the 
bush.  Once  he  was  apprehended,  and  under 
:he  guard  of  two  men  was  marched  towards 
the  town,  but  killing  both  his  guards  escaped 
again.  At  last  a  reward  of  one  hundred 



guineas  was  placed  on  his  head,  with  a  free 
pardon  and  passage  to  England  if  required. 
Howe's  position  became  desperate  ;  he  had 
quarrelled  with  his  associates ;  he  attempted 
to  free  himself,  by  another  murder,  from  the 
native  girl  who  had  lived  with  him .  She  fled 
and  gave  information  of  his  hiding-places. 
With  her  assistance  a  party  of  three  men,  bent 
on  obtaining  the  hundred  guineas,  tracked 
him,  overtook  him,  and  endeavoured  to  make 
him  prisoner.  After  a  desperate  resistance 
he  was  killed  by  a  blow  from  the  butt-end  of 
a  musket.  His  head  was  cut  off  and  carried 
into  Hobart  Town.  In  his  knapsack  was 
found  a  pocket-book,  in  which  he  had  written 
with  kangaroo's  blood  notices  of  miserable 
dreams,  and  a  list  of  seeds,  vegetables,  &c., 
showing — it  was  thought — an  intention  to 
settle  somewhere  if  he  made  good  his  escape. 

[Quarterly  Review,  xxiii.  73,  an  article  based 
on  Michael  Howe,  the  last  and  worst  of  the  Bush- 
rangers of  Van  Diemen's  Land.  Narrative  of  the 
Chief  Atrocities  committed  by  this  great  Mur- 
derer and  his  Associates  during  a  period  of  six 
years.  From  Authentic  sources  of  Information, 
Hobart  Town,  12mo,  1818.  It  is  said  by  the 
Quarterly  Eeview  to  be  '  the  first  child  of  the 
press  of  a  state  only  fifteen  years  old ; '  Bon  wick's 
The  Bushrangers,  illustrating  the  Early  Days  of 
Van  Diemen's  Land  (1856),  p.  47.  The  same 
author's  Mike  Howe,  the  Bushranger  of  Van 
Diemen's  Land  (1873),  though  a  work  of  fiction, 
professes  to  be  'a  narrative  of  facts  as  to  the 
leading  incidents  of  the  bushranger's  career.'] 

J.  K.  L. 

HOWE,  OBADIAH  (1616  ?-l  683),  di- 
vine, born  in  Leicestershire  about  1616,  was 
the  son  of  William  Howe,  incumbent  of 
Tattershall,  Lincolnshire  (Cox,  Magna  Bri- 
tannia, l  Lincolnshire,'  p.  1444).  In  1632  he 
became  a  member  of  Magdalen  Hall,  Oxford, 
and  graduated  B.A.  on  23  Oct.  1635  (  WOOD, 
Fasti  Oxon.  ed.  Bliss,  i.  478),  M.A.  on  26  May 
1638  (ib.  i.  501).  At  the  time  of  the  battle 
of  Winceby  (1643)  he  was  rector  of  Stickney, 
Lincolnshire,  and  is  said  to  have  entertained 
the  leaders  of  the  parliamentary  forces  the 
day  before  the  fight  (THOMPSON,  Hist,  of  Bos- 
ton, ed.  1856,  pp.  171-2).  He  was  afterwards 
vicar  of  Horncastle  and  rector  of  Gedney, 
Lincolnshire.  At  the  Restoration  he  again 
changed  sides,  and  managed  to  obtain  the 
vicarage  of  Boston  (1660).  On  9  July  1674  he 
accumulated  his  degrees  in  divinity  at  Oxford 
(WOOD,  Fasti,  ii.  344,  345).  He  died  on 
27  Feb.  1682-3,  and  was  buried  in  Boston 
Church  (THOMPSON,  p.  777).  The  well-known 
John  Howe  (1630-1705)  [q.  v.]  was  his 
nephew.  Besides  two  sermons,  he  published  : 
1.  '  The  Universalist  examined  and  convicted, 
destitute  of  plaine  Sayings  of  Scripture,  or 
Evidence  of  Reason.  In  Answer  to  a  Treatise 

entituled  "The  Universality  of  Gods  free 
Grace  in  Christ  to  Mankind,"  '  4to  [London], 
1648.  2.  '  The  Pagan  Preacher  silenced  ;  or, 
an  Answer  to  a  Treatise  of  Mr.  John  Good- 
win entituled  "  The  Pagans  Debt  &  Dowry  " 
.  .  .  With  a  Verdict  on  the  Case  depending 
between  Mr.  Goodwin  and  Mr.  Howe  by  the 
learned  George  Kendal,  D.D.,'  2  pts.4to,  Lon- 
don, 1655.  Goodwin,  in  the  preface  to  his 
*  Triumviri  '  (4to,London,  1658),  says  of  Howe 
'  that  he  was  a  person  of  considerable  parts 
and  learning,  but  thought  so  most  by  himself/ 

[Wood's  Athense  Oxon.  (Bliss),  iv.  65-6.] 

G.  G. 

1799),  admiral  of  the  fleet,  born  in  London 
on  8  March  1725-6,  was  second  son  of 
Emmanuel  Scrope  Howe,  second  viscount 
Howe  in  the  peerage  of  Ireland,  and  of  Mary 
Sophia  Charlotte,  daughter  of  the  Baroness 
Kielmansegge,  afterwards  Countess  of  Dar- 
lington. Scrope  Howe,  first  viscount  Howe 
[q.  v.],  was  his  grandfather.  In  1732  his 
father  was  appointed  governor  of  Barbadoes, 
where  he  died  in  March  1735.  It  is  stated  by 
Mason  that  Richard  Howe  was  sent,  for  the 
time,  to  school  at  Westminster.  According 
to  the  Westminster  school-lists,  a  boy  of  the 
name  of  How  or  Howe  was  there  from  1731 
to  1735,  but  no  Christian  name  is  given,  and 
the  identification  is  doubtful  (information 
from  Mr.  G.  F.  Russell  Barker).  It  is  believed 
that  he  went  to  Eton  in  or  about  1735.  On 

16  July  1739  he  was  entered  on  board  the 
Pearl,  then  commanded  by  the  Hon.  Edward 
Legge  [q.  v.],  but  probably  remained  at  Eton 
for  another  year.     On  3  July  1740  he  joined 
the  Severn,  to  which  Legge  was  moved,  and 
accompanied  Anson  as  he  sailed  from  St. 
Helens  on  his  voyage  round  the  world  [see 
ANSON,  GEORGE,  LORD].  The  Severn,  however, 
got  a  very  short  way  beyond  Cape  Horn,  being 
driven  back  in  a  violent  storm  ;  and,  after  re- 
fitting at  Rio  de  Janeiro,  she  returned  to  Eng- 
land, where  she  paid  off,  24  June  1742.     Sir 
John  Barrow  (Life  of  Earl  Howe,  p.  7)  lays 
some  stress  on  the  severity  of  this  initiation 
of  young  Howe  to  the  naval  service  ;  but  it 
appears  that  for  him  the  hardships  were  re- 
duced to  the  minimum,  if  we  may  accept  the 
statement  of  a  hostile  witness  many  years 
afterwards,  to  the  effect  that  during  the  voyage 
he  messed  with  the  captain,  and  lived  in  the 
captain's  cabin  (An  Address   to   the  Right 
Honourable  the  First  Lord  Commissioner  of 
the  Admiralty,  by  an  Officer,  1786,  p.  29).  On 

17  Aug.  1742  hejoinedthe  Burford,with  Cap- 
tain Franklin  Lushington,  and  went  in  her  to 
the  West  Indies,  where  he  was  present  at 
the  attack  on  La  Guayra  on  18  Feb.  1742-3 
[see  KNOWLES,  SIR  CHARLES],  when  Lush- 




ington  was  mortally  wounded.    On  10  March 
Howe  was  moved  by  Knowles  into  his  own  | 
ship,  the  Suffolk.     On  10  July  he  was  sent 
to  the  Eltham  as  an  acting  lieutenant ;  but 
on  8  Oct.  again  joined  the  Suffolk  as  mid-  | 
shipman.  He  passed  his  examination  at  An-  | 
tigua  on  24  May  1744,  and  on  his  certificate 
it  is  stated  that '  he  hath  gone  to  sea  upwards  j 
of  eight  years,'  four  of  them  in  the  Thames  j 
merchant  ship,  William  Marchant,  master. 
He  may  possibly  have  accompanied  his  father 
to  the  West  Indies  in  1732,  and  have  had 
his  name  entered  on  the  books  of  the  ship  in 
which  they  took  their  passage,  but  it  is  quite 
certain  that  he  had  no  such  service  as  was 
implied.     The  day  after  passing  he  was  pro- 
moted by  Knowles  to  be  lieutenant  of  the 
Comet  fireship,  which  came  home,  and  was  | 
paid  off  in  August  1745.  Howe's  commission 
as  lieutenant  was  confirmed  on  the  8th  ;  on  j 
the  12th  he    was   appointed  to   the  Royal  j 
George ;  and  on  5  Nov.  was  promoted  to  com- 
mand the  Baltimore  sloop  employed  in  the 
North  Sea  and  on  the  coast  of  Scotland.    On 
1  May  1746,  the  Baltimore,  in  company  with 
the  20-gun  frigate  Greyhound  and  the  Terror 
sloop,  fell  in,  on  the  west  coast  of  Scotland, 
with  two  large  French  privateers,  frigates  of 
32  and  34  guns.     A  brisk  action  ensued,  but 
the  English  ships  were  overmatched  and  were 
beaten  off,  the  Baltimore  being  very  roughly 
handled,  and  Howe  himself  severely  wounded. 
He  had  before  this,  10  April  1746,  been 
posted  to  the  Triton,  which  he  joined  on  his 
return  to  Portsmouth.  In  the  following  year 
he  convoyed  the  trade  to  Lisbon,  where  he 
exchanged  into   the  Ripon,  bound  for  the 
Guinea  coast,  whence  he  crossed  to  Barba- 
dbes  and  joined  Knowles  at  Jamaica  a  few 
days  after  the  action  off  Havana.  On  29  Oct. 
1748  he  was  appointed  by  Knowles  as  his 
flag-captain  in  the  Cornwall,  which,  on  the 
conclusion  of  the  peace,  he  brought  to  Eng- 
land.    In  March  1750-1  he  was  appointed 
to  the  Glory  of  44  guns,  and  again  sent  to  the 
Guinea  coast,  where  he  found  a  very  angry 
feeling   existing  between  the  English   and 
Dutch  settlements :    the  Dutch  negroes,  it 
was  said,  had  attacked  the  English,  and  on 
both  sides  several  prisoners  had  been  made. 
Howe — not,  it  would  appear,  without  a  dis- 
play of  force — induced  the  Dutch  governor- 
general  to  conclude  an  agreement  for  the 
mutual  restoration  of  the  slaves,  and  the  re- 
ference to  Europe  of  the  matters  in  dispute. 
He  then,  as  before,  crossed  to  Barbadoes  and 
Jamaica,  and  arrived  at  Spithead  on  22  April 
1752.    On  3  June  he  commissioned  the  Dol- 
phin frigate,  and  for  the  next  two  years  was 
employed  in  the  Mediterranean,  and  more 
especially  on  the  Barbary  coast.    On  her  re- 

turn to  England  in  August  1754  he  resigned 
the  command,  and  in  the  following  January 
was  appointed  to  the  Dunkirk  of  60  guns,  one 
of  the  ships  which  sailed  for  North  America 
with  Boscawen  in  April  [see  BOSCAWEN, 
EDWARD].  On  7  June  they  fell  in  with  the 
French  fleet  off  the  mouth  of  the  St.  Law- 
rence, but  the  fog  obscured  it.  The  next 
morning  three  ships  were  still  in  sight,  six  or 
seven  miles  to  leeward ;  the  Dunkirk  hap- 
pened to  be  the  nearest  to  them,  and  about 
noon  came  up  with  the  sternmost  of  them, 
the  Alcide  of  64  guns.  Her  captain,  the 
Chevalier  Hocquart,  refused  Howe's  request 
to  shorten  sail  and  wait  for  the  admiral,  and 
on  a  signal  from  the  flagship,  the  Dunkirk 
opened  fire.  The  Alcide  was  caught  almost 
quite  unprepared,  and  was  speedily  over- 
powered. The  Torbay  fortunately  joined  the 
Dunkirk  in  time  to  save  Hocquart's  credit 
and  put  an  end  to  useless  slaughter.  One  of 
the  other  French  ships  was  also  taken.  The 
story  goes  that  there  were  several  ladies  on 
the  Alcide's  deck  when  the  Dunkirk  hailed 
her ;  that  on  Hocquart's  refusal  to  close  the 
admiral,  Howe  warned  him  that  he  was  going 
to  fire,  but  granted  a  short  delay  in  order 
that  their  safety  might  be  provided  for,  and 
that  Hocquart  utilised  this  delay  to  make 
what  preparation  was  then  possible.  Some 
preliminary  conversation  certainly  took  place, 
but  the  details  of  it,  beyond  the  formal  de- 
mand to  wait  on  the  admiral,  have  been  very 
differently  and  loosely  reported.  The  inci- 
dent derives  some  importance  from  the  fact 
of  its  being  '  the  first  gun '  which,  according 
to  the  Duke  deMirepoix,  would  be  considered 
equivalent  to  a  declaration  of  war,  and  which, 
in  point  of  fact,  did  proclaim  the  actual  begin- 
ning. The  date  is  here  given  from  the  Dun- 
kirk's log. 

During  the  summer  of  1756  Howe,  still  in 
the  Dunkirk,  commanded  a  squadron  of  small 
vessels  appointed  for  the  defence  of  the  Chan- 
nel Islands,  which  the  French  were  preparing 
to  attack.  They  had  already  occupied  the 
island  of  Chaussey,  but  on  Howe's  arrival 
agreed  to  withdraw  to  the  mainland,  and 
their  forces  were  sent  back  to  Brest.  Howe 
was  thus  able  to  distribute  his  squadron,  and, 
while  keeping  an  effective  watch  on  the  is- 
lands, to  cruise  against  the  enemy's  privateers 
and  commerce  in  the  entrance  to  the  Channel 
till  the  end  of  the  year,  when  he  returned  to 
Plymouth  to  refit.  During  the  spring  of  1757 
he  was  again  cruising  in  the  Channel ;  in  May 
he  was  elected  member  of  parliament  for 
Dartmouth,  which  he  represented  in  succes- 
sive parliaments  till  1782,  when  he  was  called 
to  the  upper  house ;  and  on  2  July  he  turned 
over,  with  his  whole  ship's  company,  to  the 




Magnanime  oi  74  guns,  which  had  been  cap- 
tured from  the  French  in  1748,  and  was,  at 
this  time,  by  far  the  finest  vessel  of  her  class 
in  the  English  navy.  In  her  he  took  part  in 
the  abortive  expedition  against  Rochefort 
[see  HAWKE,  EDWARD,  LORD],  and  being  ap- 
pointed to  lead  in  against  the  battery  on  the 
island  of  Aix,  reduced  it  almost  unaided. 
The  soldier  officers  decided  to  attempt  nothing 
further,  and  the  fleet  returned  to  England. 

In  1758  minor  expeditions  against  the 
French  coast  were  resolved  on,  and  the  com- 
mand of  the  covering  squadron  was  given  to 
Howe,  much  to  the  annoyance  of  Hawke. 
His  complaint,  however,  was  against  the  ad- 
miralty, not  against  Howe,  with  whom  he 
seems  to  have  continued  on  friendly  terms. 
The  Magnanime  being  considered  too  large 
for  the  particular  service,  Howe  moved  into 
the  64-gun  ship  Essex,  on  board  which  he 
hoisted  a  distinguishing  pennant,  having 
under  his  orders,  what  with  50-gun  ships, 
frigates  and  sloops,  store-ships  and  trans- 
ports, a  fleet  of  upwards  of  150  sail.  It  was 
resolved  in  the  first  instance  to  attack  St. 
Malo,  and  the  expedition,  consisting  of  some 
15,000  men  of  all  arms,  under  the  command 
of  the  Duke  of  Marlborough  and  Lord  George 
Sackville  [see  GERMAIN,  GEORGE,  VISCOUNT 
SACKVILLE],  was  put  on  shore  in  Cancale 
Bay  on  5-6  June,  but  after  burning  the  ships 
in  the  harbour  and  on  the  stocks,  re-embarked 
on  the  llth.  From  St.  Malo  the  expedition 
moved  backwards  along  the  coast  into  Caen 
Bay.  The  weather  prevented  an  immediate 
landing,  and  the  general  proposed  to  attempt 
Cherbourg.  There  also  the  weather  was 
bad,  and  Marlborough  impatiently  requested 
Howe  to  return  to  St.  Helens,  where,  accord- 
ingly, the  squadron  and  its  convoy  anchored 
on  1  July.  Howe  is  said  to  have  been  dis- 
gusted with  the  costly  farce,  and  to  have 
conceived  a  most  unfavourable  opinion  of  the 
generals,  especially  of  Sackville,  which  he 
took  no  pains  to  conceal.  According  to  Wai- 
pole,  '  they  agreed  so  ill,  that  one  day  Lord 
George,  putting  several  questions  to  Howe 
and  receiving  no  answer,  said,  "  Mr.  Howe, 
don't  you  hear  me  ?  I  have  asked  you  seve- 
ral questions."  Howe  replied,  "  I  don't  love 
questions  " '  (Memoirs  oftheHeign  ofGeorgell, 
iii.  125  w.)  After  the  two  generals  were  put 
on  shore,  the  command  of  the  troops  was  en- 
trusted to  Lieutenant-general  Bligh  [see 
BLIGH,  EDWARD].  Prince  Edward,  second 
son  of  Frederick,  prince  of  Wales,  who  now 
entered  the  navy,  was  sent  on  board  the 
Essex  under  Howe's  care,  and,  indeed,  at 
Howe's  charge.  '  He  came,'  Howe  wrote 
many  years  afterwards  in  a  private  letter, 
'  not  only  without  bed  and  linen  almost  of 

every  kind,  but  I  paid  also  for  his  uniform 
clothes,  which  I  provided  for  him,  with  all 
j  other  necessaries,  at  Portsmouth '  (BARROW, 
'  p.  58).  The  expedition  sailed  on  1  Aug. ;  on 
the  6th  it  was  before  Cherbourg,  and  the 
;  bombs  began  to  play  on  the  town ;  the  next 
:  day  the  troops  were  landed  some  little  dis- 
tance to  the  west,  and  the  place  was  occu- 
pied without  opposition.  Howe  then  brought 
the  fleet  into  the  roadstead,  and  co-operated 
with  Bligh  in  burning  the  ships,  overturning 
the  piers,  demolishing  the  forts  and  maga- 
zines, and  destroying  the  ordnance  and  am- 
munition. For  near  fifty  years  no  further 
attempt  was  made  to  convert  Cherbourg  into 
a  naval  port.  It  was  then  resolved  to  attack 
St.  Malo,  and  after  some  delay  caused  by 
boisterous  weather,  the  fleet  anchored  in  St. 
Lunaire  Bay  on  3  Sept ;  the  next  day  the 
troops  were  landed.  The  weather  then  set  in 
stormy,  and  Howe  moved  the  fleet  into  the 
bay  of  St.  Cas,  where  it  was  sheltered  from 
the  westerly  gale.  But  on  shore  the  council 
of  war  resolved  that  nothing  could  be  done, 
except  get  back  to  the  ships  as  quickly  as 
possible.  The  country  was  meantime  roused, 
the  local  militia  and  armed  peasants  as- 
sembled, together  with  six  thousand  regular 
soldiers.  These  harassed  the  English  on  the 
march,  and  fell  on  the  rearguard  as  they  at- 
tempted to  embark.  The  loss  was  great,  and 
as,  under  the  heavy  fire  from  the  French 
field-pieces,  the  boats  hesitated  to  approach 
the  shore,  it  would  have  been  greater,  but 
for  the  personal  efforts  of  Howe,  who  was 
everywhere  present  encouraging  his  men. 
There  was  no  doubt  gross  mismanagement, 
but  amid  much  recrimination,  Howe,  whose 
conduct  was  highly  commended,  even  by 
the  land  officers,  was  held  guiltless  (Hist. 
MSS.  Comm.  9th  Rep.  pt.  iii.  p.  73) ;  but  it 
is  untrue  that '  the  slaughter  among  the  sea- 
men was  very  great.'  The  Essex  had  one  man 
killed  and  one  wounded ;  in  the  whole  squa- 
dron the  loss  was  nine  killed  and  twenty 
wounded  (Howe  to  Clevland,  12  Sept.) 

By  the  death  of  his  elder  brother,  killed  at 
Ticonderoga  on  5  July  1758,  Howe  succeeded 
to  the  title  as  fourth  viscount,  and  to  the 
family  estates ;  he  had  till  then  been  mainly 
dependent  on  his  pay.  In  1759  he  took  part, 
in  the  Magnanime,  in  the  blockade  of  Brest 
under  Hawke.  In  the  brilliant  swoop  on 
the  French  fleet  as  it  attempted  to  shelter 
itself  in  Quiberon  Bay  on  20  Nov.,  the  Mag- 
nanime was  the  leading  ship,  and  after  a 
sharp'engagement  with  the  Formidable,whose 
fire  she  silenced,  attacked  the  Th6s6e,  which 
was  sunk,  though  whether  from  the  Magna- 
nime's  fire,  or  swamped  through  her  lower 
deck  ports,  is  doubtful.  During  1760  and 




1761  Howe  continued  in  the  Magnanime  at- 
tached to  the  grand  fleet  in  the  Bay  of  Bis- 


and  for  some  time  as  commodore   in 

was  landed  for  the  capture  of  Philadelphia. 
It  was  afterwards  occupied,  during  October 
and  November,  in  clearing  the  passage  up 

Basque  roads.  In  1762,  on  Prince  Edward,  j  the  Delaware,  which  the  Americans  had  ob- 
then  Duke  of  York  and  rear-admiral,  hoist-  j  structed  by  so-called  '  chevaux  de  frise ' 
ing  his  flag  on  board  the  Princess  Amelia,  j  frames  of  solid  timber  bristling  with  iron 
Howe,  at  his  special  request,  was  appointed  !  spikes,  devised,  it  was  said,  by  Franklin, 
his  flag-captain  (22  June).  The  Princess  i  These,  flanked  by  heavy  batteries  on  shore, 
Amelia  was  paid  off  at  the  peace,  and  Howe  ;  proved  formidable  obstacles,  and  the  work 
accepted  a  seat  at  the  admiralty  under  Lord  of  removing  them  was  one  of  both  difficulty 
Sandwich,  and  afterwards  under  Lord  Eg-  I  and  danger  (BEATSON,  v.  125,  261-73).  The 
mont,  until  August  1765,  when  he  was  ap-  !  water-way  once  opened,  the  store-ships  and 
pointed  treasurer  of  the  navy,  an  office  then  transports  moved  up  to  Philadelphia,  and 
held  to  be  extremely  lucrative,  from  the  j  lay  alongside  the  quays  till  the  evacuation 
large  sums  of  money  passing  through  his  I  of  the  city  in  the  following  June.  Howe, 
hands,  and  of  which  he  had  the  use,  some-  j  with  several  of  the  men-of-war,  also  re- 
times for  several  years  (Parliamentary  Pa-  \  mained  at  Philadelphia  till,  on  news  of  the 
pers,  1731-1800,  vol.  x.  Fourth  Report  of  probability  of  war  with  France,  he  ordered 
the  Commissioners  appointed  to  inquire  into  the  ships  to  collect  oft*  the  mouth  of  the 
fees  ...  at  Public  Offices).  The  practice  was  !  Delaware  ;  and,  after  transporting  the  troops 
sanctioned  by  custom,  but  it  is  implied  that  j  across  the  river,  he,  with  the  shipping,  re- 
Howe  considered  it  irregular,  and  refused  to  |  turned  to  Sandy  Hook,  where  he  learned  that 
profit  by  it,  and  that  *  the  balance  was  regu-  |  the  Toulon  fleet  had  sailed  under  the  com- 
larly  brought  up '  (BAEEOW,  p.  77).  He  re-  mand  of  M.  d'Estaing,  and  that  Vice-admi- 
signed  the  office  on  his  promotion  to  the  rank  ral  John  Byron  [q.  v.]  was  on  his  way  to  join 
of  rear-admiral,  on  18  Oct.  1770,  and  in  the  !  him  with  a  strong  reinforcement.  On  5  July 
following  month,  consequent  on  the  dispute  [  he  had  intelligence  of  the  French  fleet  on  the 
with  Spain  concerning  the  Falkland  Islands  '  coast  of  Virginia  ;  on  the  llth  it  came  insight 

[see  FAEMEE,  GEOEGE],  was  appointed  com- 
mander-in-chief  in  the  Mediterranean.    The 
appointment  was,  however,  annulled  on  the 
Spanish  quarrel  being  peacefully  settled. 
On  7  Dec.  1775  Howe  was  promoted  to  be 

and  took  up  a  position  about  four  miles  off". 
Howe  had  meantime  been  busy  stationing 
his  small  force  to  the  best  advantage.     He 
in  person  examined  the  soundings  and  studied 
the  set  of  the  currents  at  different  times  of 

vice-admiral ;  in  the  following  February  he  !  the  tide.   A  line  of  seven  ships  was  anchored, 
was  appointed  commander-in-chief  in  North  !  with  springs  on  their  cables,  across  the  chan- 

America,  and  received  a  commission,  jointly 
with  his  younger  brother,  General  Sir  Wil- 
liam Howe,  who  was  already  there  in  com- 
mand of  the  army, l  to  treat  with  the  revolted 
Americans,  and  to  take  measures  for  the 

nel,  and  was  supported  at  the  southern  end  by 
a  battery  on  the  island,  and  at  the  northern 
by  three  smaller  ships  commanding  the  bar. 
The  rest  of  his  force  formed  a  reserve.  D'Es- 
taing's  force  was  vastly  superior,  not  so  much 

restoration  of  peace  with  the  colonies.'  Al-  in  the  number  as  in  the  size  of  his  ships ;  but 
ready,  in  1774,  Howe  had  made  the  ac-  i  the  English  position  was  strong,  and  d'Es- 
quaintance  of  Franklin,  then  residing  in  taing  was  easily  persuaded  that  there  was 

London,  and  had  often  conversed  with  him 
on  the  colonists'  grievances.  It  was  there- 
fore supposed  that  he  was  peculiarly  fit  to 
bear  a  conciliatory  message.  But  he  did  not 
arrive  in  America  till  after  the  declaration 
of  independence  on  4  July  1776,  from  which 
rongress  would  not  go  back  and  which  he 
"could  not  accept.  Official  negotiation  was 
consequently  impossible,  while  both  Franklin 
and  Washington  refused  private  discussion. 
It  only  remained  to  prosecute  the  war ;  but 
as  the  colonists  had  no  fleet,  the  work  of  the 
navy  was  limited  to  supporting  and  co- 
operating with  the  army  in  the  reduction  of 
Long  Island  and  of  New  York  in  August 
and  September  1776  ;  and  again,  in  the  sum- 
mer of  1777,  in  the  expedition  up  Chesapeake 
Bay  to  the  Head  of  Elk,  where  the  army 

not  sufficient  depth  of  water  for  his  large 
ships.  After  lying  off  Shrewsbury  inlet  for 
eleven  days  he  weighed  anchor  on  22  July 
and  came  off  the  entrance  of  the  channel, 
but  after  some  hours  of  apparent  indecision, 
stood  away  to  the  southward.  His  depar- 
ture was  just  in  time  to  allow  a  safe  en- 
trance to  the  scattered  reinforcement  which 
came  to  Howe  within  the  next  few  days. 
So  strengthened,  Howe  put  to  sea,  hoping  to 
defend  Ehode  Island.  He  was  off  the  en- 
trance to  the  harbour  on  9  Aug.,  but  D'Es- 
taing had  occupied  it  two  days  before,  and 
on  the  10th  came  out  with  his  whole  fleet  as 
though  to  give  battle,  which  Howe,  with  a 
very  inferior  force,  was  unwilling  to  accept. 
The  fleets  remained  in  presence  of  each  other 
till  the  evening  of  the  llth,  when  they  were 




blown  asunder  in  a  violent  gale.  The  French 
were  completely  dispersed  and  many  of  their 
ships  wholly  or  partially  dismasted,  in  which 
state  some  of  them,  and  especially  d'Estaing's 
flagship,  the  Languedoc  of  80  guns,  were 
very  roughly  handled  by  English  50-gun 
ships.  By  the  20th  d'Estaing  had  gathered 
together  his  shattered  fleet,  but,  after  ap- 
pearing again  off  Rhode  Island,  went  to  Bos- 
ton to  refit.  Thither  Howe  followed  him, 
after  hastily  refitting  at  Sandy  Hook ;  but, 
finding  the  French  ships  dismantled,  and 
evidently  without  any  immediate  thought  of 
going  to  sea,  he  went  back  to  Sandy  Hook. 
Availing  himself  of  the  admiralty's  permis- 
sion to  resign  the  command,  he  turned  the 
squadron  over  to  Rear-admiral  Gambier,  to 
await  Byron's  arrival,  and  sailed  for  England 
on  25  Sept.  He  had  asked  to  be  relieved  as 
early  as  23  Nov.  1777,  and  the  admiralty  had 
sent  him  the  required  permission  on  24  Feb., 
at  the  same  time  expressing  a  hope  in  com- 
plimentary terms '  that  he  would  find  no  oc- 
casion to  avail  himself  of  it.'  He  arrived  at 
Portsmouth  on  25  Oct.  1778,  and  struck  his 
flag  on  the  30th. 

His  discontent  seems  to  have  been  largely 
due  to«  the  appointment  of  a  new  commis- 
sion to  negotiate  with  the  colonists ;  the  two 
Howes  were,  indeed,  named  as  members  of 
it,  but  junior  to  the  Earl  of  Carlisle  [see 
LISLE], with  whom  they  declined  to  act  (cf. 
BARROW,  p.  103).  He  knew,  too,  that  the  war 
had  been  mismanaged  by  the  interference  of 
an  incompetent  minister;  that  the  navy  had 
been  starved;  and  he  believed  that  he  was  to 
be  made  the  ministerial  scapegoat.  His  pro- 
motion to  be  vice-admiral  of  the  red  had,  he 
moreover  considered,  been  unduly  delayed. 
His  suspicions  of  the  bad  faith  of  the  ministry 
were  soon  confirmed  at  home.  His  conduct, 
he  said  in  the  House  of  Commons  on  8  March 
1779,  had  been  arraigned  in  pamphlets  and 
newspapers,  written,  in  many  instances,  by 
persons  in  the  confidence  of  ministers.  He 
challenged  the  most  searching  inquiry  into 
his  conduct;  he  said  that  he  had  been  de- 
ceived into  his  command;  that,  tired  and 
disgusted,  he  would  have  returned  as  soon 
as  he  obtained  leave,  but  he  could  not  think 
of  doing  so  while  a  superior  enemy  remained 
in  the  American  seas ;  and  that  he  seized  the 
first  opportunity  after  Byron's  arrival  had 

S'ven  a  decided  superiority  to  British  arms, 
e  finally  declined  '  any  future  service  so 
long  as  the  present  ministers  remained  in 
office.'  For  the  next  three  years,  though 
attending  occasionally  in  the  House  of  • 
Commons,  he  resided  principally  at  Porter's 
Lodge,  a  country  seat  near  St.  Albans,  which  I 

he  had  purchased  after  the  conclusion  of  the 
seven  years'  war. 

The  change  of  ministry  in  the  spring  ot 
j  1782  called  him  again  into  active  service. 
On  2  April  he  was  appointed  commander- 
in-chief  in  the  Channel ;  on  the  8th  was 
promoted  to  be  admiral  of  the  blue  ;  and  on 
the  20th  was  created  a  peer  of  Great  Britain 
by  his  former  title  in  the  peerage  of  Ireland, 
Viscount  Howe  of  Langar  in  Nottingham- 
shire. It  was  also  on  the  20th  that  he 
hoisted  his  flag  on  board  the  Victory  at  Spit- 
head,  and,  being  presently  joined  by  Barring- 
ton  [see  BARRINGTON,  SAMUEL],  he  proceeded 
to  the  North  Sea,  where  for  some  weeks  he 
was  employed  in  keeping  watch  over  the 
Dutch  in  the  Texel.  In  June  he  was  re- 
called to  the  Channel  by  the  news  of  the 
allied  French  and  Spanish  fleet,  numbering 
forty  sail  of  the  line,  having  come  north  from 
Cadiz,  and  having  on  the  way  captured  a 
great  part  of  the  trade  for  Newfoundland.  A 
rich  convoy  was  expected  from  Jamaica,  and 
it  became  Howe's  duty,  with  only  twenty- 
two  ships,  to  clear  the  way  for  this  and  to 
keep  the  Channel  open.  The  real  object  of 
the  allies  was,  no  doubt,  to  prevent  the  relief 
of  Gibraltar.  But  the  jealousies  between  the 
admirals  led,  towards  the  end  of  July,  to  the 
retirement  of  their  powerful  fleet  to  Cadiz. 

On  15  Aug.  Howe  anchored  at  Spithead, 
when  the  fleet  was  ordered  to  refit  with  all 
possible  haste.  While  refitting,  the  loss  of 
the  Royal  George  occurred  [see  DURHAM,  SIB 
29  Aug.  On  11  Sept.  the  fleet  sailed  for  Gi- 
braltar ;  it  consisted  of  thirty-four  ships  of  the 
line,  besides  frigates  and  smaller  vessels ;  and, 
what  with  transports,  store-ships,  and  pri- 
vate traders,  numbered  altogether  183  sail. 
The  passage  was  tedious  ;  it  was  not  till 
8  Oct.  that  the  fleet  was  off  Cape  St.  Vincent, 
and  the  next  day  Howe  learned  that  the> 
allied  fleet  of  some  fifty  ships  of  the  line  was; 
at  anchor  off  Algeciras.  By  noon  of  the  lltti 
the  relieving  fleet  was  in  the  Straits,  the 
transports  and  store-ships  leading,  the  ships 
of  war  following  in  three  divisions,  ready  to> 
draw  into  line  of  battle.  Cordova,  in  com- 
mand of  the  allied  fleet,  made  no  attempt  to 
interrupt  them ;  but  only  four  of  the  store- 
ships  got  to  anchor  off  Gibraltar ;  the  others, 
careless  of  orders  and  the  force  of  the  current, 
were  carried  to  the  eastward  into  the  Medi- 
terranean. Howe  followed  them ;  but  to 
bring  them  back  was  a  work  of  difficulty, 
which  the  enemy  might  have  rendered  im- 
possible. Howe  had  only  thirty- three  ships 
of  the  line ;  Cordova  had  forty-six,  and,  had 
he  brought  the  English  to  action,  must  have 
prevented  the  relief  of  the  fortress.  On  the 




13th  he  got  under  -way :  but,  refusing  to 
engage  and  neglecting  to  maintain  his  posi- 
tion between  the  English  fleet  and  the  Rock, 
he  allowed  Howe  to  get  to  the  westward  of 
him,  so  that  when,  on  the  16th,  the  wind 
came  round  to  the  east,  the  convoy  was  able 
to  slip  in  at  pleasure,  while  the  ships  of  war, 
lying  to  the  east  of  the  bay,  guarded  against 
any  interruption.     By  the  19th  the  stores 
and  troops  had  been  landed ;  when  Cordova 
appeared   at   the   eastern   entrance   of   the 
Straits,  Howe  was  at  liberty  to  take  sea- 
room  to  the  westward,  and,  by  hugging  the 
African  shore,  let  the  empty  transports  get 
clear  away.     On  the  next  morning,  20  Oct., 
the  wind  was  northerly,  both  fleets  in  line 
of  battle,  the  allies  some  five  leagues  to  wind- 
ward :  they  had  the  advantage  of  both  numbers 
and  position;  and  with  the  African  shore  at 
no  great  distance  to  leeward,  the  English  could 
not  have  avoided  action  if  it  had  been  reso- 
lutely offered.  But  though  by  sunset  Cordova's 
fleet  approached  the  English,  he  would  not 
attempt  a  sustained  attack.     A  distant  fire 
was  continued  in  a  desultory  manner  for  about 
four  hours,  when  the  combatants  separated, 
and  the  next  day  the  allies  passed  out  of  sight 
on  their  way  to  Cadiz,  leaving  Howe  free  to 
pursue  his  homeward  voyage.  He  anchored  at 
St.  Helens  on  14  Nov.  This  relief  of  Gibraltar, 
in  presence  of  a  fleet  enormously  superior  in 
numbers,  called  forth  general  commendation. 
The  king  of  Prussia  wrote  in  his  own  hand 
expressing  his  admiration,  and  Frenchmen 
and  Spaniards  acknowledged  that  they  had 
been  outwitted.      Few  were  aware  of  the 
real  weakness  of  the  Spanish  fleet,  which 
had  forced  on  Cordova  a  timid  policy ;  and, 
though  the  French  officers  complained  bit- 
terly of  the  inefficiency  of  their  allies,  their 
reports  were  not  made  public  (cf.  CHEVALIEK, 
i.    184) ;    but    Chevalier,   though  well   ac- 
quainted with  them,  still  considers  the  opera- 
tion as  one  of  the  finest  in  the  whole  war,  and 
as  worthy  of  praise  as  a  victory  (ib.  p.  358). 
It  was,  beyond  question,  a  very  brilliant 
achievement ;  but  we  now  understand  the 
Spanish  share  in  it.     Against  a  French  fleet 
of  equal  numbers,  commanded  by  a  Suffren 
or  a  Guichen,  Howe's  task  would  have  been 
incomparably  more  difficult.   As  it  was,  Lord 
Hervey,the  captain  of  the  Raisonnable,  being, 
it  is  said,  in  a  bad  humour  at  having  been 
sent  out  of  England  just  at  that  time,  pub- 
lished a  letter  reflecting  on  Howe's  conduct 
on  20  Oct.     « If  we  had  been  led,'  he  wrote, 
'  with  the  same  spirit  with  which  we  should 
have  followed,  it  would  have  been  a  glorious 
day  for  England.'     On  this,  Howe  sent  him 
a  challenge ;  but  the  duel  did  not  take  place, 
for,  though  the  parties  met,  Hervey  made  a 
VOL.  xxvin. 

j  full  retractation  on  the  ground  (BAEEOW, 
p.  421). 

In  January  1783  Howe  was   appointed 
first  lord  of  the  admiralty,  and,  though  in 
April  he  gave  place  to  Koppel,  he  was  rein- 
stated  in  the  office  in  December,  and  held  it 
;  till  July  1788,  when  he  was  succeeded  by 
the  Earl  of  Chatham.     The  period  of  his 
administration  was  not  a  time  of  organising 
fleets,  but  of  reducing  establishments.     The 
navy  was  on  a  war  footing,  and  the  reduction 
i  could  not  be  accomplished  without  injury  to 
private  interests  or  disappointment  to  per- 
sonal expectations.     Howe  was  bitterly  at- 
tacked in  parliament  and  in  print.     In  one 
pamphlet,  more  than  usually  spiteful,  he  was 
described  as '  a  man  universally  acknowledged 
to  be  unfeeling  in  his  nature,  ungracious  in 
his  manner,  and  who,  upon  all  occasions, 
discovers  a  wonderful  attachment  to  the  dic- 
I  tates  of  his  own  perverse,  impenetrable  dis- 
i  position '  (An  Address  to  the  Right  Honour- 
\  able  the  First  Lord  Commissioner  of  the  Ad- 
miralty upon  the  visible   decreasing  Spirit, 
'  Splendour,  and  Discipline  of  the  Navy,  by  an 
Officer,  1787).     The  reforms   in  dockyard 
|  administration  and  the  technical  improve- 
|  ments  which  Howe  introduced  (cf.  DEEEICK, 
|  Memoirs  of  the  Royal  Navy,  pp.  178-87) 
brought  new  enemies  into  the  field  (cf.  An 
Address  to  the  Right  Honourable  the  First 
Lord  Commissioner  of  the  Admiralty  upon  the 
pernicious  Mode  of  Coppering  the  Bottoms  of 
King's  Ships  in  time  of  Peace,  1786).    Howe 
j  felt  that  he  was  not  fairly  supported  by  Pitt, 
and  obtained  permission  to  resign  (BAEEOW, 
pp.  191-2).     As  an  acknowledgment  of  his 
services,  he  was  created   Earl   Howe   and 
Baron  Howe  of  Langar,  with  a  remainder  of 
the  barony  to  his  eldest  daughter  (19  Aug. 

In  May  1790,  on  the  occasion  of  the  dis- 
pute with  Spain  relative  to  Nootka  Sound, 
Howe  was  appointed  to  the  command  of  the 
fleet  in  the  Channel.  He  was  at  this  time 
the  senior  admiral  of  the  white,  and  on  join- 
ing the  Queen  Charlotte  was  ordered  to  hoist 
the  union-flag  at  the  main,  with  the  temporary 
rank  of  admiral  of  the  fleet,  in  compliment, 
it  would  seem,  not  only  to  himself  but  also 
to  the  six  exceptionally  distinguished  flag- 
officers  placed  under  his  orders.  In  August 
it  was  reported  that  the  Spanish  fleet  was  at 
sea,  and  for  a  month  Howe  cruised  between 
Ushant  and  Scilly,  with  thirty-five  sail  of  the 
line,  which  he  exercised  continually,  both  in 
naval  evolutions  and  in  the  new  code  of 
signals,  which  he  had  been  elaborating  for 
several  years.  On  14  Sept.  the  fleet  returned 
to  Spithead,  and  on  the  accommodation  of 
the  differences  with  Spain,  most  of  the  ships 




were  paid  off.  Howe  himself  struck  his  flag 
in  December.  On  the  death  of  Lord  Rodney, 
May  1792,  he  was  appointed  vice-admiral  of 
England,  and  on  1  Feb.  1793  was  again  or- 
dered to  take  command  of  the  Channel  fleet, 
with,  as  before,  the  temporary  rank  of  ad- 
miral of  the  fleet.  It  was  not,  however,  till  the 
end  of  May  that  the  fleet  was  actually  formed, 
and  that  Howe  hoisted  the  union-flag  on 
board  the  Queen  Charlotte.  During  the  rest 
of  the  year  the  fleet  was  pretty  constantly  at 
sea,  though  frequently  obliged  by  stress  of 
weather  to  take  shelter  in  Torbay.  Once  or 
twice  Howe  sighted  small  squadrons  of  the 
French,  but  at  a  distance  which  permitted 
their  easy  escape.  Scurrilous  writers  repre- 
sented him  as  spending  his  time  in  dodging 
in  and  out  of  Torbay.  One  epigram,  after 
reciting  how  Caesar  had  taken  three  words  to 
relate  his  brave  deeds,  concluded — 

Howe  sua  mine  brevius  verbo  complectitur  uno,  j 
Et  '  vidi '  nobis  omnia  gesta  refert. 

With  his  ships  strained  by  continual  bad 
weather,  Howe  returned  to  port  in  the  middle 
of  December,  confirmed  in  the  opinion  which 
he  had  long  held — probably  from  the  time  of 
the  arduous  service  off  Brest  in  1759 — that 
the  keeping  the  fleet  at  sea  for  the  purpose  of 
watching  an  enemy  lying  snugly  in  port  was 
a  mistake  (BARROW,  p.  216  ;  cf.  Parl.  Hist. 
3  March  1779,  xx.  202).  Hawke  before  him, 
as  St.  Vincent  and  Nelson  afterwards,  held 
a  different  opinion,  and  naval  strategists  are 
still  divided  on  the  question. 

It  was  not  till  the  middle  of  April  1794 
that  the  ships  were  refitted  and  again  as- 
sembled at  St.  Helens  :  on  2  May  they,  num- 
bering thirty-two  sail  of  the  line,  put  to  sea. 
Howe,  for  the  first  time  since  the  beginning 
of  the  century,  reverted  to  the  seventeenth- 
century  practice  of  organising  the  fleet  in  j 
three  squadrons  and  their  divisions  under  the  ! 
distinguishing  colours,  appointing  the  several 
admirals  to  wear  the  corresponding  flag,  irre- 
spective of  the  mast  or  colour  to  which  they 
were  entitled  by  their  commission  (Naval 
Chronicle,  i.  28).  This  may  have  been  sug- 
gested by  the  unusual  number  of  seven  ad- 
mirals in  one  fleet,  and  also  by  the  coinci- 
dence of  the  commanders  in  the  second  and 
third  posts  being  respectively  admirals  of  the 
white  and  of  the  blue.  Off  the  Lizard  six 
of  the  ships  were  detached  to  the  southward 
in  charge  of  convoy,  and  Howe,  with  the 
remaining  twenty-six,  cruised  on  the  parallel 
of  Ushant,  looking  out  for  a  fleet  of  provision 
ships  coming  to  Brest  from  America.  To 
protect  these  the  French  fleet  put  to  sea  on 
the  16th,  under  the  command  of  Rear-admiral 
Yillaret-Joyeuse  and  the  delegate  of  the 

Convention,  Jean  Bon  Saint- Andr6,  who  ap- 
pears to  have  been — except  in  the  details  of 
manoeuvring  the  fleet — the  true  commander- 
in-chief  (cf.  CHEVALIER,  ii.  127,  131).  On 
the  19th  their  sailing  was  reported  to  Howe, 
but  it  was  not  till  the  morning  of  the  28th 
that  the  two  fleets  came  in  sight  of  each 
other.  The  English  were  dead  to  leeward; 
but  by  the  evening  their  van  was  up  with 
the  enemy's  rear,  and  a  partial  action  ensued, 
in  which  the  three-decked  ship  Revolution- 
naire,  which  closed  the  French  line,  was  cut 
off  and  very  severely  handled.  Completely 
dismasted,  with  four  hundred  men  killed  or 
wounded,  she  struck  her  colours.  Night, 
however,  was  closing  in ;  Howe  signalled  the 
ships  to  take  their  place  in  the  line ;  and  the 
Revolutionnaire  made  good  her  escape,  and 
eventually  got  into  Rochefort.  The  Auda- 
cious, with  which  she  had  been  most  closely 
engaged,was  also  dismasted,  and  being  unable 
to  rejoin  the  fleet  bore  up  for  Plymouth. 

On  the  morning  of  29  May  the  English 
were  still  to  leeward,  and  Howe,  unable  to 
bring  on  a  general  action,  resolved  to  force 
his  way  through  the  enemy's  line.  A  partial 
engagement  again  followed,  and  three  of  the 
French  ships,  having  sustained  some  damage, 
fell  to  leeward,  were  surrounded  by  the  Eng- 
lish, and  were  in  imminent  danger  of  being 
captured.  To  protect  them,  Villaret-Joyeuse 
bore  up  with  his  whole  fleet,  and  in  so  doing 
yielded  the  weather-gage  to  the  English. 

During  the  next  two  days  fogs,  the  neces- 
sity of  repairing  damages,  and  the  distance 
to  which  the  French  had  withdrawn,  pre- 
vented Howe  from  pushing  his  advantage  ; 
but  by  the  morning  of  1  June  he  had  ranged 
his  fleet  in  line  of  battle  on  the  enemy's 
weather  beam,  and  about  four  miles  distant. 
He  made  the  signal  for  each  ship  to  steer  for 
the  ship  opposite  to  her,  to  pass  under  her 
stern,  and,  hauling  to  the  wind,  to  engage 
her  on  the  lee  side.  The  signal  was  only 
partially  understood  or  acted  on.  Many, 
however,  obeyed  the  signal  and  the  admiral's 
example.  A  few  minutes  before  ten  the 
Queen  Charlotte  passed  under  the  stern  of  the 
French  flagship  the  Montagne  [see  BOWEK, 
JAMES,  1751-1835],  and  at  a  distance  of  only  a 
few  feet  poured  in  her  broadside  with  terrible 
effect.  As  she  hauled  to  the  wind  to  engage 
to  leeward,  the  80-gun  ship  Jacobin  blocked 
the  way.  She  thrust  herself  in  between  the 
two,  and  for  some  minutes  the  struggle  was 
very  severe.  Within  a  quarter  of  an  hour  the 
Queen  Charlotte  lost  her  fore  top-mast,  and 
the  Montagne  escaped  with  her  stern  and 
quarter  stove  in,  many  of  her  guns  dis- 
mounted, and  three  hundred  of  her  men 
killed  or  wounded,  but  with  her  masts  and 




rigging  comparatively  intact.  The  picture  of 
the  battle  by  Loutherbourg,  now  in  the 
Painted  Hall  at  Greenwich,  wrongly  shows 
the  Queen  Charlotte  on  the  Montagne's  lee 
bow.  'If  we  could  have  got  the  old  ship 
into  that  position,'  Bowen  is  reported  to  have 
said  on  seeing  the  picture,  'we  must  have 
taken  the  French  admiral.' 

At  the  same  time  as  the  Montagne,  the 
Jacobin  also  made  sail,  and  Howe,  seeing 
other  French  ships  doing  the  same,  made  the 
signal  for  a  general  chase.  The  battle  was 
virtually  won  within  twenty  minutes  from 
the  time  of  the  Queen  Charlotte's  passing 
through  the  French  line,  and  by  noon  all 
^concerted  resistance  was  at  an  end.  The 
afternoon  was  passed  in  overwhelming  and 
taking  possession  of  the  beaten  ships.  Seven 
were  made  prizes,  of  which  one,  the  Vengeur, 
afterwards  sank  with  a  great  part  of  her  men 
still  onboard  [see  HAKVEY,  JOHN,  1740-1794]. 
That  five  or  six  more  were  not  captured  was 
ascribed  to  the  undue  caution  of  the  captain 
of  the  fleet,  Sir  Eoger  Curtis  [q.  v.],  upon 
whom  devolved  the  command  at  the  critical 
moment,  Howe  being  worn  out  by  years  and 
the  exertions  of  the  previous  days  (BARROW, 
pp.  251,  253-8,  and  Codrington's  manuscript 
notes,  BOURCHIER,  i.  27).  But  though  this 
lapse  detracted  on  cooler  consideration  from 
the  brilliance  of  the  victory,  popular  enthu- 
siasm ran  very  high,  especially  when  Howe, 
with  the  greater  part  of  the  fleet,  towed  the 
six  prizes  into  Spithead  on  13  June.  In  nu- 
merical force  the  two  fleets  had  been  fairly 
equal,  and  what  little  disparity  there  was  was 
in  favour  of  the  enemy ;  and  of  other  differ- 
ences no  account  was  taken. 

On  20  June  the  king,  with  the  queen  and 
three  of  the  princesses,  went  to  Portsmouth, 
and  in  royal  procession  rowed  out  to  Spit- 
head.  There  he  visited  Howe  on  board  the 
Queen  Charlotte,  presented  him  with  a  dia- 
mond-hilted  sword,  and  signified  his  inten- 
tion of  conferring  on  him  the  order  of  the 
Garter.  The  incident  was  painted  by  H.  P. 
Briggs  in  an  almost  burlesque  picture  now 
in  the  Painted  Hall.  Gold  chains  were  given 
to  all  the  admirals.  Graves  and  Hood  were 
created  peers  on  the  Irish  establishment.  One 
circumstance  alone  marred  the  general  hap- 
piness. Howe,  in  his  original  despatch,  pub- 
lished in  the  '  Gazette  '  of  10  June,  had  not 
mentioned  any  officers  by  name  except  the 
captain  of  the  fleet  and  the  captain  of  the 
Queen  Charlotte.  On  arriving  at  Spithead 
he  was  desired  by  the  admiralty  to  send  in 
'  a  detail  of  the  meritorious  services  of  indi- 
viduals.' A  few  days  later  the  order  was 
repeated.  On  the  19th  he  wrote  privately 
to  Lord  Chatham,  deprecating  the  proposed 

selection,  which  he  feared  '  might  be  followed 
by  disagreeable  consequences.'  But  on  the 
order  being  again  repeated,  he  sent  off  a  list 
on  the  20th  made  up  hastily,  adding  a  note 
to  the  effect  that  it  was  incomplete.  Howe 
had  directed  the  several  flag-officers  to  send 
in  the  names  of  those  who  had  distinguished 
themselves,  and  they,  supposing  the  required 
list  to  be  a  mere  useless  form,  filled  it  up  in 
a  modest,  perfunctory,  or  careless  manner, 
and  many  notable  names  were  omitted  [see 
CUTHBERT,  LORD].  The  list  was,  however, 
not  only  gazetted,  but  the  honours  which  the 
king  freely  bestowed  were  regulated  by  it ; 
and  Howe  was  accused  of  having  cast  an 
unmerited  slur  on  the  reputation  of  his  com- 
rades in  arms. 

It  is  said  by  Sir  Edward  Codrington  (BAR- 
ROW, manuscript  note,  pp.  250, 264)  that  Howe 
and  the  Earl  of  Chatham  were  on  bad  terms, 
and  that  Howe's  recommendations  for  promo- 
tion were  not  attended  to.  A  more  direct  slight 
was  offered  by  Chatham's  brother,  the  prime 
minister,  who  represented  to  Howe  that  it 
would  be  for  the  advantage  of  the  public 
service  that  he  should  forego  the  king's  pro- 
mise of  the  Garter.  As  a  compensation  he 
offered  him  a  marquisate,  on  his  own  respon- 
sibility, but  this  Howe  coldly  declined  (ib. 
&,  262).  The  king,  however,  conferred  the 
arter  upon  him  2  June  1797. 
On  22  Aug.  Howe  sailed  from  St.  Helens 
with  a  fleet  of  thirty-seven  ships  of  the  line, 
and  cruised  between  Ushant  and  Scilly  till 
the  end  of  October,  when  he  was  driven  by 
stress  of  weather  into  Torbay.  On  9  Nov. 
he  again  put  to  sea,  and  on  the  29th  returned 
to  Spithead.  The  state  of  his  health  made 
him  wish  to  be  relieved  from  the  command, 
but  yielding  to  the  king's  wishes  he  retained 
it,  on  being  allowed  to  be  absent  on  leave 
during  the  winter.  In  the  spring  of  1795, 
on  the  news  of  the  French  fleet  being  out,  he 
again  hoisted  his  flag  on  board  the  Queen 
Charlotte,  and  put  to  sea  in  quest  of  it ;  but 
returned,  on  the  news  of  its  having  gone  back 
to  Brest,  much  damaged  in  a  gale.  He  con- 
tinued nominally  in  command  for  two  years 
longer,  but  was  during  most  of  the  time  at 
Bath,  the  fleet  being  actually  commanded 
by  Lord  Bridport  [see  HOOD,  ALEXANDER, 
VISCOUNT  BRIDPORT].  Howe,  as  Bridport's 
senior  and  nominal  commander-in-chief,  ex- 
pected a  degree  of  deference  which  Bridport 
did  not  pay,  and  the  neglect  offended  Howe, 
who  attributed  the  ill-feeling  which  sprang 
up  to  incidents  which  had  occurred  more 
than  seven  years  before,  while  he  was  at  the 
admiralty.  He  wrote  to  Curtis  on  24  Oct. 
1795,  that  if  he  resumed  '  the  command  at 

H  2 




sea '  he  would  refuse  to  serve  with  Bridport 
(BARROW,  pp.  416-7). 

In  March  1796,  on  the  death  of  Admiral 
Forbes  [see  FORBES,  JOHN,  1714-1796],  Howe 
was  promoted  to  be  admiral  of  the  fleet,  and 
at  the  same  time  appointed  general  of  ma- 
rines. He  unwillingly  resigned  the  office  of 
vice-admiral  of  England,  which  (he  held)  was 
superior  to  all  other  naval  rank  except  that 
of  lord  high  admiral  (BARROW,  p.  311).  In 
April  1796  Howe  was  ordered  to  Portsmouth 
to  preside  at  the  court-martial  on  Vice-admiral 
Cornwallis  [see  CORNWALLIS,  SIR  WILLIAM]. 
It  was  his  last  actual  service,  though  he  was 
still  compelled  by  the  king's  solicitations  to 
retain  the  nominal  command.  The  position 
was  anomalous,  and  seems  not  only  to  have 
given  rise  to  the  bad  feeling  between  himself 
and  Bridport,  but  to  be  largely  responsible 
for  the  serious  occurrences  of  the  spring  of 
1797.  In  the  first  days  of  March,  Howe, 
while  at  Bath,  received  petitions  from  the 
crews  of  several  of  the  ships  at  Spithead, 
praying  for  '  his  interposition  with  the  ad- 
miralty' in  favour  of  the  seamen  being 
granted  an  increase  of  pay  and  rations,  and 
a  provision  for  their  wives  and  families.  As 
the  handwriting  of  three  of  these  petitions 
was  clearly  the  same,  Howe  conceived  them 
to  be  fictitious,  and  as  Sir  Peter  Parker,  the 
port  admiral,  and  Lord  Bridport  concurred 
in  this  opinion,  no  notice  was  taken  of  them, 
further  than  a  representation  to  that  effect 
to  Lord  Spencer,  then  first  lord  of  the  ad- 
miralty. But  on  15  April  the  seamen  broke 
out  into  open  mutiny,  and  though  then  per- 
suaded to  return  to  their  duty,  the  mutiny 
again  broke  out  on  7  May.  Apparently  at 
the  particular  desire  of  the  king,  the  admiralty 
then  begged  Howe  to  go  to  Portsmouth  and 
see  what  was  to  be  done,  although  a  few  days 
before  he  had  sent  in  his  final  resignation, 
and  it  had  been  accepted.  Accordingly,  on 
11  May,  he  visited  the  ships  and  heard  the 
demands  of  the  men  ;  on  the  following  days 
the  differences  were  arranged,  the  mutineers 
accepted  Howe's  assurances,  and  on  the  16th 
the  fleet  put  to  sea  (Howe  to  Duke  of  Port- 
land, 16  May  1797,  in  BARROW,  p.  341). 

This  negotiation  was  Howe's  last  official 
act,  though  in  his  retirement  he  continued  to 
take  the  keenest  interest  in  naval  affairs. 
His  mind  remained  perfectly  clear,  though 
his  body  was  disabled  by  attacks  of  gout.  In 
the  summer  of  1799,  in  the  absence  of  his 
regular  medical  adviser,  he  was  persuaded  to 
try  '  electricity,'  then  spoken  of  as  a  uni- 
versal remedy.  This,  it  was  believed,  drove 
the  gout  to  the  head,  and  with  fatal  effect ; 
he  died  on  5  Aug.  1799.  He  was  buried  in 
the  family  vault  at  Langar,  where  there  is  a 

monument  to  his  memory ;  another  and  more 
splendid  monument  by  Flaxman  was  erected 
at  the  public  expense  in  St.  Paul's  Cathedral. 

Notwithstanding  Howe's  very  high  repu- 
tation, both  among  his  contemporaries  and 
his  successors,  he  can  scarcely  be  considered 
a  tactician  of  the  first  order,  though  in  per- 
fecting and  refining  the  code  of  signals  he  left 
a  powerful  instrument  to  the  younger  officers 
(cf.  Nelson  to  Howe,  8  Jan,  1799,  in  NICOLAS, 
Nelson  Despatches,  iii.  230).  He  was  abreast 
of  his  age,  but  scarcely  in  advance  of  it,  and 
even  on  1  June  1794  he  got  no  further  than 
forcing  an  unwilling  enemy  to  close  action 
with  equal  numbers ;  the  victory  was  mainly" 
won  by  the  individual  superiority  of  the  Eng% 
lish  ships  (cf.  CHEVALIER,  ii.  146-9).  As  to  his 
personal  character,  his  courage  and  his  taci- 
turnity were  almost  proverbial ;  he  was  hap- 
pily described  by  Walpole  as  '  undaunted  as 
a  rock  and  as  silent.'  His  features  were 
strongly  marked,  and  their  expression  harsh 
and  forbidding ;  his  manner  was  shy,  awk- 
ward, and  ungracious,  but  his  friends  found 
him  liberal,  kind,  and  gentle.  On  the  other 
hand,  those  whose  claims,  not  always  well 
founded,  he  was  unable  or  unwilling  to 
satisfy,  maintained  that  he  was  l  haughty, 
morose,  hard-hearted,  and  inflexible.'  But 
by  general  consent  he  is  allowed  to  have  been 
temperate,  gentle,  and  indulgent  to  the  men 
under  his  command,  who,  on  their  part, 
adored  him,  whether  as  captain  or  admiral, 
and  appreciated  his  grim  peculiarities.  '  I 
think  we  shall  have  the  fight  to-day,'  one  is 
reported  to  have  said  on  the  morning  of 
1  June  ;  '  Black  Dick  has  been  smiling.'  The 
confidence  which  he  had  acquired  was  fully 
shown  in  the  negotiations  with  the  mutineers 
at  Spithead.  It  has  been  said  that  he  was 
lax  in  his  discipline;  it  may  be  that  he  trusted 
more  to  personal  influence  than  to  system ; 
but  no  mutiny  or  even  discontent  ever  oc- 
curred in  any  ship  or  squadron  under  his 
command.  The  mutinous  and  disorderly  con- 
duct of  the  crew  of  the  Queen  Charlotte 
(BRESTTON,  Naval  History,  i.  414)  after  his 
virtual  retirement  is  distinctly  attributed  by 
Sir  Edward  Codrington  to  the  mistaken  in- 
terference of  Sir  Roger  Curtis  (BARROW, 
manuscript  note,  p.  301). 

Howe  married,  on  10  March  1758,  Mary, 
daughter  of  Colonel  Chiverton  Hartop  of 
Welby  in  Leicestershire,  and  by  her  had  issue 
three  daughters.  To  the  eldest  of  these,  Sophia 
Charlotte,  married  in  1787  to  Penn  Assheton 
Curzon,  the  barony  descended,  the  English  vis- 
county  and  earldom  becoming  extinct  on 
Howe's  death.  The  Irish  titles  passed  to  his 
brother,  Sir  William  Howe,who  died  without 
issue  in  1814.  Lady  Howe's  son,  Richard  Wil- 




liam  PennCurzon,  born  in  1796,  succeeded  his 
paternal  grandfather  as  second  Viscount  Cur- 
zon  in  March  1820,  assumed  the  name  of 
Howe  on  7  July  1821,  and  on  15  July  1821 
was  created  Earl  Howe.  On  the  death  of 
his  mother,  3  Dec.  1835,  he  also  succeeded 
to  the  barony.  A  portrait  of  Howe  by  Gains- 
borough is  in  the  possession  of  the  Trinity 
House;  another,  by  Gainsborough,  and  a 
third,  anonymous,  belong  to  the  family.  A 
fourth,  by  Singleton,  is  in  the  National  Por- 
trait Gallery. 

[The  standard  Life  of  Howe  by  Sir  John  Bar- 
row is  meagre  and  inaccurate  ;  the  most  valuable 
part  of  it  consists  of  extracts  from  Howe's  cor- 
respondence, but  these  are  given  unsatisfactorily, 
generally  without  either  date  or  name.  A  copy 
of  Barrow's  Life  of  Howe,  enriched  with  manu- 
script notes  by  Sir  Edward  Codrington,  is  in  the 
British  Museum  (C.  45,  d.  27),  bequeathed  by 
Codrington's  daughter,  Lady  Bourchier.  As 
Codrington  was  acting  as  signal  lieutenant  on 
board  the  Queen  Charlotte  during  May  and  June 
1794,  his  personal  evidence  is  of  high  authority  ; 
but  some  of  the  notes,  written  on  second-hand 
information,  are  not  to  be  depended  on.  An  ar- 
ticle in  the  Quarterly  Review  (Ixii.  1),  based  on 
Barrow's  Life,  is,  on  the  whole,  very  fair ;  better 
indeed  than  the  book  itself.  The  other  memoirs 
of  Howe  are  untrustworthy  in  details.  They 
are  :  British  Magazine  and  Review,  June  1783  ; 
Naval  Chronicle,  i.  1 ;  Charnock's  Biog.  Nav.  v. 
457  ;  Ralfe's  Nav.  Biog.  i.  83.  Mason's  Life  of 
Howe,  far  from  good,  but  written  from  personal, 
though  not  intimate,  knowledge  of  Howe,  does 
not  altogether  deserve  Barrow's  sneer  (p.  76) ; 
Bourchier's  Life  of  Codrington  (vol.  i.  chap,  i.) 
reproduces  the  substance  of  many  of  the  manu- 
script notes  referred  to  above,  with  fuller  details. 
Other  sources  of  information  are :  official  cor- 
respondence and  other  documents  in  the  Public 
Record  Office ;  Beatson's  Nav.  and  Mil.  Memoirs ; 
James's  Naval  History  ;  Chevalier's  Hist,  de  la 
Marine  fra^aise  (i.)  pendant  la  guerre  de  1'Inde- 
pendance  americaine,  and  (ii.)  sous  la  premiere 
Republique.  The  pamphlets  relating  to  the 
several  periods  of  Howe's  career  are  numerous  ; 
some  of  these  have  been  mentioned  in  the  text ; 
another,  hostile,  though  not  so  abusive,  is  A 
Letter  to  the  Right  Honourable  Lord  Viscount 
H — e  on  his  naval  conduct  in  the  American  War 
(1779),  with  which  may  be  compared  the  more 
favourable  Candid  and  Impartial  Narrative  of 
the  Transactions  of  the  Fleet  under  the  Command 
of  Lord  Howe  ...  by  an  Officer  then  serving  in 
the  Fleet  (1779).]  "  J.  K.  L. 

(1648-1712),  born  in  November  1648,  was 
eldest  son  of  John  Grubham  Howe  of  Lan- 
gar,  Nottinghamshire,  by  his  wife  Annabella, 
the  natural  daughter  of  Emanuel  Scrope,  earl 
of  Sunderland  (created  1627),  to  whom  was 
granted  the  precedency  of  an  earl's  legitimate 

daughter  1  June  1663.  John  Grubham  Howe 
[q.  v.],  Charles  Howe  [q.  v.],  and  Emanuel 
Scrope  Howe  [q.  v.]  were  his  brothers.  He 
was  knighted  on  11  March  1663,  and  was 
created  M.A.  of  Christ  Church,  Oxford,  on 
8  Sept.  1665.  From  March  1673  to  July 
1698  he  sat  in  parliament  as  M.P.  for  Not- 
tinghamshire. Howe  was  a  staunch  and 
uncompromising  whig.  On  5  Dec.  1678 
he  carried  up  the  impeachment  of  William 
Howard,  lord  Stafford  [q.  v.],  to  the  House  of 
Lords  (Journals  of  the  House  of  Lords,  xiii. 
403-4).  In  June  1680  Howe,  Lord  Russell, 
and  others  met  together  with  a  view  to  deliver 
a  presentment  to  the  grand  jury  of  Middlesex 
against  the  Duke  of  York  for  being  a  papist, 
but  the  judges  having  had  notice  of  their 
design  dismissed  the  jury  before  the  present- 
ment could  be  made  (Hut.  MSS.  Comm.  7th 
Rep.  pt.  i.  p.  479).  On  23  Jan.  1685  he  ap- 
peared before  the  king's  bench  and  pleaded 
not  guilty  to  an  information  '  for  speaking 
most  reflecting  words  on  the  Duke  of  York.' 
Howe  made  a  humble  submission,  and  on  the 
following  day  the  indictment  was  withdrawn 
(LUTTRELL,  i.  326).  He  took  a  part  in  bring- 
ing about  the  revolution,  and  with  the  Earl 
of  Devonshire  at  Nottingham  declared  for 
William  in  November  1688  (Hist.  MSS. 
Comm.  9th  Rep.  pt.  ii.  p.  460).  On  7  March 
1689  he  was  made  a  groom  of  the  bedcham- 
ber to  William  III,  and  held  the  post  until 
the  king's  death.  In  1693  he  was  made  sur- 
veyor-general of  the  roads  (LUTTRELL,  iii. 
60),  and  in  the  same  year  was  appointed,  in 
succession  to  Elias  Ashmole  [q.  v.],  comp 
troller  of  the  accounts  of  the  excise,  an  office 
which  he  appears  to  have  afterwards  sold, 
not  to  Lord  Leicester's  brother,  as  Luttrell 
states  (vi.  606),  but  to  Edward  Pauncfort 
(Calendar  of  Treasury  Papers,  1714-19,  p. 
29).  Howe  was  created  Baron  Clenawley 
and  Viscount  Howe  in  the  peerage  of  Ire- 
land, by  letters  patent  dated  16  May  1701, 
but  does  not  appear  to  have  taken  his  seat 
in  the  Irish  House  of  Lords.  At  the  general 
election  in  October  1710  he  was  once  again 
returned  for  Nottinghamshire.  He  died  on 
16  Jan.  1712  at  Langar,  where  he  was  buried. 
Howe  married :  first,  in  1674,  Lady  Anne 
Manners,  sixth  daughter  of  John,  eighth 
earl  of  Rutland,  by  whom  he  had  one  son, 
John  Scrope,  who  died  young,  and  two  daugh- 
ters, Annabella  and  Margaret;  secondly,  in 
1698,  the  Hon.  Juliana  Alington,  daughter 
of  William,  first  baron  Alington  of  Wymond- 
ley,  by  whom  he  had  four  children  :  viz. 
(1)  Emanuel  Scrope,  who  succeeded  him  as 
the  second  viscount,  and  was  appointed 
governor  of  Barbadoes,  where  he  died  on 
29  March  1735 ;  (2)  Mary,  who  was  appointed 




in  1720  a  maid  of  honour  to  Caroline,  prin- 
cess of  Wales,  and  married  first,  on  14  June 
1725,  Thomas,  eighth  earl  of  Pembroke  and 
fifth  of  Montgomery,  and  secondly,  in  Octo- 
ber 1735,  the  Hon.  John  Mordaunt,  brother 
of  Charles,  fourth  earl  of  Peterborough,  and 
died  12  Sept.  1749 ;  (3)  Judith,  who  became 
the  wife  of  Thomas  Page  of  Battlesden,  Bed- 
fordshire, and  died  2  July  1780 ;  and  (4)  Anne, 
who  married  on  8  May  1728  Colonel  Charles 
Mordaunt.  Howe's  widow  survived  him 
many  years,  and  died  on  10  Sept.  1747.  The 
Irish  titles  became  extinct  upon  the  death 
of  his  grandson  William,  fifth  viscount  Howe 
[q.  v.],  in  1814. 

[Luttrell's  Brief  "Relation,  1857,  i.  49,  326,  iii. 
60,  546,  iv.  423,  649,  v.  38,  vi.  606  ;  Eudder's 
Hist,  of  Gloucestershire,  1779,  p.  708;  Lodge's 
Peerage  of  Ireland,  1789,  v.  80,  83-5  ;  Collins's 
Peerage  of  England,  1812,  i.  345  ;  Edmondson's 
Baron.  Geneal.  i.  44,  v.  434,  vi.  27 ;  Le  Neve's 
Monumenta  Anglicana,  1700-15  (1717),  p.  251 ; 
Townsend's  Catalogue  of  Knights,  1833,  p.  37  ; 
Catalogue  of  Oxford  Graduates,  1851,  p.  339  ; 
Chester's  London  Marriage  Licences,  1887,  718; 
Calendar  of  Treasury  Papers,  1557-1696  pp. 474- 
475,  1697-1702  p.  419,  1720-8  p.  377;  Official 
Eeturn  of  Lists  of  Members  of  Parliament,  pt.  i. 
pp.  526,  537,  543,  548,  560,  567, 575, pt.  ii.  p.  22.] 

G.  F.  E.  B. 

HOWE  or  HOW,  WILLIAM  (1620- 
1656),  botanist,  born  in  London  in  1620,  was 
sent  to  Merchant  Taylors' School  on  11  Dec. 
1632  (ROBINSON,  Merchant  Taylors'  School,  i. 
134).  He  became  a  commoner  of  St.  John's 
College  at  Oxford  in  1637,  when  eighteen, 
graduated  B.A.  in  1641,  and  M.A.  21  March 
1643^,  and  entered  upon  the  study  of  medi- 
cine (WOOD,  Fasti  Oxon.  ed.  Bliss,  ii.  2,  58). 
He  took  up  arms  in  the  king's  cause,  and  for 
his  loyalty  was  promoted  to  the  command  of 
a  troop  of  horse.  On  the  decline  of  the  royal 
fortunes  he  resumed  his  medical  profession, 
and  practised  in  London,  at  first  living  in 
St.  Lawrence  Lane,  and  afterwards  in  Milk 
Street,  Cheapside,  where  he  died,  after  a  few 
weeks'  illness,  on  31  Aug.  1656.  By  his  own 
directions,  he  was  buried  at  the  left  side  of  his 
mother,  in  the  churchyard  of  St.  Margaret's, 
Westminster,  at  ten  o'clock  at  night.  His 
will  was  proved  by  his  widow  Elizabeth,  as 
sole  executrix,  on  22  Sept.  of  that  year. 

Ho  we  published :  1.'  PhytologiaBritannica, 
natales  exhibens  Indigenarum  Stirpium 
sponte  emergentium,'  London,  1650,  an 
anonymous  octavo  of  134  pages,  first  attri- 
buted to  Howe  by  C.  Merrett  in  his  '  Pinax,' 
1666.  It  is  the  earliest  work  on  botany  re- 
stricted to  the  plants  of  this  island,  and  is  a 
very  full  catalogue  for  the  time.  In  its  com- 
pilation he  was  helped  by  several  friends. 

2.  'Matthieede  Lobel  Stirpium  illustrationes, 
plurimas  elaborantes  inauditas  plantas,  sub- 
reptitiis  Joh.  Parkinsoni  rapsodiis  (ex  codice 
insalutato)  sparsim  gravatse.  .  .  .  Accurante 
Guil.  How,  Anglo,'  London,  1655, 4to.  The 
latter  was  a  fragment  of  a  large  work  planned 
by  Lobel,  and  seems  to  have  been  published 
to  discredit  Parkinson,  who  is  vindictively 
attacked  by  the  editor  in  his  notes,  although 
he  had  bought  the  right  to  use  Lobel's  ma- 

[Wood's  Athenae  Oxon.  ed.  Bliss,  iii.  418-19  ; 
E.  Pulteney's  Sketches,  i.  169-72;  Eegisters, 
Probate  Court,  London,  and  St.  Margaret's, 
Westminster.]  B.  D.  J. 

HOWE  (1729-1814),  general,  was  younger  son 
of  Emanuel  Scrope  Howe,  second  viscount 
Howe,  by  his  wife  Mary  Sophia,  eldest  daugh- 
ter of  Baron  Kielmansegge.  His  elder  bro- 
thers were  George  Augustus,  third  viscount 
Howe — killed  at  Ticonderoga — and  Richard, 
earl  Howe,  K.G.  [q.  v.],  the  admiral.  Wil- 
liam Howe  was  born  on  10  Aug.  1729.  He 
was  educated  at  Eton,  and  on  18  Sept.  1746 
was  appointed  cornet  in  the  Duke  of  Cum- 
berland's light  dragoons  (Home  Office  Mil. 
Entry  Book,  xix.  ff.  386-7),  in  which  he 
was  made  lieutenant  on  21  Sept.  1747.  The 
'  duke's  dragoons/  as  the  regiment  was  called, 
was  formed  out  of  the  Duke  of  Kingston's 
regiment  of  horse  after  the  battle  of  Cullo- 
den,  served  in  Flanders  in  1747-8,  and  was 
disbanded  at  its  birthplace,  Nottingham,  early 
in  1749.  Howe  became  captain-lieutenant 
in  Lord  Bury's  regiment  (20th  foot)  2  Jan. 
1750,  and  captain  on  1  June  the  same  year. 
He  served  in  the  regiment  until  his  promo- 
tion, Wolfe  being  major  at  the  time,  and 
afterwards  lieutenant-colonel  commanding 
the  regiment.  On  4  Jan.  1756  Howe  was 
appointed  major  in  the  newly  raised  60th 
(Anstruther's)  foot,  which  was  renumbered 
|  as  the  58th  foot  (now  1st  Northampton)  in 
I  February  1757.  He  became  lieutenant-colonel 
on  17  Dec.  1759,  and  the  year  after  took  the 
regiment  out  from  Ireland  to  America,  and 
commanded  it  at  the  siege  and  capture  of 
Louisburg,  Cape  Breton.  Wolfe,  a  personal 
friend,  wrote  soon  after :  l  Our  old  comrade, 
Howe,  is  at  the  head  of  the  best  trained 
battalion  in  all  America,  and  his  conduct  in 
the  last  campaign  corresponded  entirely  with 
the  opinion  we  had  formed  of  him '  (WRIGHT, 
Life  of  Wolfe,  p.  468).  Howe  commanded 
a  light  infantry  battalion,  formed  of  picked 
soldiers  from  the  various  regiments  employed, 
in  the  expedition  to  Quebec  under  Wolfe. 
He  led  the  forlorn  hope  of  twenty-four  men 
that  forced  the  entrenched  path  by  which 
Wolfe's  force  scaled  the  heights  of  Abraham 




Before  dawn  on  13  Sept.  1759.  After  the 
-capture  of  Quebec  the  light  battalion  was 
broken  up,  and  Howe  rejoined  the  58th,  and 
•commanded  it  during  the  defence  of  the  city 
in  the  winter  of  1759-60.  He  commanded  a 
brigade  of  detachments  under  Murray  in  the 
expedition  in  1760  to  Montreal,  which  com- 
pleted the  conquest  of  Canada.  He  likewise 
commanded  a  brigade  at  the  famous  siege 
of  Belle  Isle,  on  the  coast  of  Brittany,  in 
March-June  1761,  and  was  adjutant-general 
•of  the  army  at  the  conquest  of  Havana  in 
1762.  When  the  war  was  over  no  officer  had 
a  more  brilliant  record  of  service  than  Howe. 
He  was  appointed  colonel  of  the  46th  foot  j 
in  Ireland  in  1764,  and  was  made  lieutenant-  | 
governor  of  the  Isle  of  Wight  in  1768 
(Home  Office  Mil.  Entry  Book,  xxvii.  266).  ! 
When  Howe's  elder  brother,  the  third  vis- 
count, fell  at  Ticonderoga  in  1758,  his  mother 
issued  an  address  to  the  electors  of  Notting- 
ham, for  which  the  viscount  had  been  mem- 
ber, begging  their  suffrages  on  behalf  of  her 
youngest  son,  then  also  fighting  for  his  coun- 
try in  America.  The  appeal  was  successful 
(cf.HoRACEWALPOLE,  Ze^ers,  ii.  173).  Howe 
represented  Nottingham  in  the  whig  interest 
until  1780. 

He  became  a  major-general  in  1772,  and 
in  1774  was  entrusted  with  the  training  of 
companies  selected  from  line  regiments  at 
home  in  a  new  system  of  light  drill.  This 
resulted  in  the  general  introduction  of  light 
companies  into  line  regiments.  After  train- 
ing on  Salisbury  Plain,  the  companies  were 
reviewed  by  George  III  in  Richmond  Park 
and  sent  back  to  their  respective  regiments. 
The  drill  consisted  of  company  movements 
in  file  and  formations  from  files. 

When  the  rupture  with  the  colonies  oc- 
curred, Howe,  who  condemned  the  conduct 
of  the  government,  and  told  the  electors  of 
Nottingham  (as  they  afterwards  remembered) 
that  he  would  not  accept  a  command  in 
America,  was  the  senior  of  the  general  officers 
sent  out  with  the  reinforcements  for  General 
Gage  [see  GAGE,  THOMAS,  1721-1787].  They 
arrived  at  Boston,  Massachusetts,  at  the  end 
of  March  1775.  Howe  wished  to  avoid 
Boston,  on  account  of  the  kindly  feeling  of 
the  province  towards  his  late  brother  (a 
monument  to  the  third  viscount  was  put  up 
in  Westminster  Abbey  by  the  state  of  Massa- 
chusetts), and  on  account  also  of  his  dis- 
belief in  Gage's  fitness  for  the  command  (DE 
FoNBLANQUEjZj/e  ofBurgoyne).  Howe  com- 
manded the  force  sent  out  by  Gage  to  attack 
the  American  position  on  Charleston  heights, 
near  Boston,  which  resulted  in  the  battle  of 
Bunker's  Hill,  on  17  June  1775.  Howe,  with 
the  light  infantry,  led  the  right  attack  on  the 

side  next  the  Mystic,  and,  it  is  said,  was  for 
some  seconds  left  alone  on  the  fiery  slope,  every 
officer  and  man  near  him  having  been  shot 
down.  After  two  repuhes  the  position  was 
carried,  the  Americans  merely  withdrawing 
to  a  neighbouring  height.  Howe  became  a 
lieutenant-general,  was  transferred  to  the 
colonelcy  of  the  23rd  royal  Welsh  fusiliers, 
and  was  made  K.B.  in  the  same  year.  On 
10  Oct.  1775  he  succeeded  Gage  in  the  com- 
mand of  the  old  colonies,  with  the  local  rank 
of  general  in  America,  the  command  in 
Canada  being  given  to  Guy  Carleton  [q.  v.] 
Howe  remained  shut  up  in  Boston  during 
the  winter  of  1775-6.  Washington  having 
taken  up  a  commanding  position  on  Dor- 
chester Heights,  Howe  withdrew  to  Halifax, 
Nova  Scotia,  evacuating  Boston  without 
molestation  on  6  March  1776.  Learning  at 
Halifax  that  a  concentration  of  troops  on 
Staten  Island  (for  an  attack  on  New  York) 
was  in  contemplation,  Howe  removed  his 
troops  thither,  and  awaited  reinforcements. 
Part  of  these  arrived  in  the  fleet  under  his 
brother,  Viscount  (afterwards  Earl)  Howe, 
the  newly  appointed  naval  commander-in- 
chief  on  the  American  station.  The  rein- 
forcements reached  Boston  in  June  and  Staten 
Island  in  July  1776.  Letters  patent  under 
the  great  seal  had  in  the  meantime  been  issued, 
on  6  May  1776,  appointing  Howe  and  his 
brother  special  commissioners  for  granting 
pardons  and  taking  other  measures  for  the 
conciliation  of  the  colonies.  Their  efforts  were 
of  no  avail  (BANCROFT,  v.  244-551).  With 
additional  reinforcements,  including  a  large 
number  of  German  mercenaries,  Howe's  force 
now  numbered  thirty  thousand  men,  and  he 
landed  near  Utrecht,  on  Long  Island,  22  Aug. 
1776.  He  defeated  the  American  forces,  but 
refused  to  allow  the  entrenchments  at  Brook- 
lyn to  be  attacked,  as  involving  needless 
risk.  The  entrenchments  were  abandoned 
by  the  Americans  two  days  later,  and  on 
15  Sept.  Howe  captured  and  occupied  New 
York.  He  defeated  the  enemy  at  White 
Plains  on  28  Oct.  1776,  and  immediately 
afterwards  captured  Fort  Washington,  with 
its  garrison  of  two  thousand  men,  and  Fort 
Lee.  Cornwallis  [see  CORNWALLIS,  CHAELES, 
first  marquis],  with  the  advance  of  the  army, 
pushed  on  as  far  as  the  Delaware,  and  win- 
tered between  Bedford  and  Amboy,  and 
Howe,  with  the  main  body  of  the  army,  went 
into  winter  quarters  in  and  around  New 
York,  where  Howe  is  accused  of  having 
set  an  evil  example  to  his  officers  of  dissipa- 
tion and  high  play  (BANCROFT,  v.  477).  He 
did  not  take  the  field  again  until  June  1777, 
when  the  army  assembled  at  Bedford.  But 
Washington  was  not  to  be  drawn  from  his 




position,  so  Howe,  leaving  Clinton  at  New 
York,  embarked  the  rest  of  his  army,  with  a 
view  to  entering  Delaware  Bay,  and  thereby 
turning  the  American  position.  Contrary 
winds  delayed  the  enterprise,  and  the  troops 
did  not  reach  the  Chesapeake  until  late  in 
August.  A  landing  was  effected ;  on  11  Sept. 
1776  Howe  defeated  the  enemy  at  Brandy- 
wine,  and  after  a  succession  of  skirmishes 
took  up  a  position  at  Germantown  on  26  Sept. 
Lord  Cornwallis,  with  the  grenadiers  of  the 
army,  occupied  Philadelphia  next  day.  On 
4  Oct.  the  Americans  attacked  Germantown, 
but  were  repulsed.  On  17  Oct.  Burgoyne's 
force,  approaching  from  Canada,  surrendered 
at  Saratoga.  Howe,  who  complained  that 
he  was  not  properly  supported  at  home,  sent 
in  his  resignation  the  same  month.  A  num- 
ber of  movements  followed,  but  Howe  failed  to 
bring  Washington  to  a  general  action,  and  on 
8  Dec.  1777  he  went  into  winter  quarters  at 
Philadelphia, '  being  unwilling  to  expose  the 
troops  longer  to  the  weather  in  this  inclement 
season,  without  tents  or  baggage  for  officers 
or  men.'  Bancroft  accuses  Howe  of  spend- 
ing the  winter  (1777-8)  in  Philadelphia  in 
the  eager  pursuit  of  pleasure,  so  that,  to  the 
surprise  of  all,  no  attack  was  made  on  Wash- 
ington's starving  troops  in  their  winter 
quarters  at  Valley  Forge,  although  their 
numbers  were  at  one  time  reduced  to  less 
than  five  thousand  men  (ib.  vi.  46-7).  It 
should  be  said  that  in  the  opinion  of  Sir 
Charles  (afterwards  first  Earl)  Grey  [q.  v.], 
one  of  the  ablest  and  most  energetic  of  the 
English  generals  present,  the  means  available 
were  never  sufficient  to  justify  an  attempt  on 
Valley  Forge  (HowE,  Narrative,^.  42).  Howe 
received  notice  that  his  resignation  was  ac- 
cepted in  May  1 778.  Before  leaving  America 
his  officers,  with  whom  he  was  a  favourite, 
gave  him  a  grand  entertainment,  which  they 
called  a '  mischianza.'  It  opened  with  a  mock 
tournament,  in  which  seven  knights  of  the 
1  Blended  Rose  '  contended  with  a  like  num- 
ber of  the  '  Burning  Mountain '  for  fourteen 
damsels  in  Turkish  garb,  and  it  ended  at 
dawn  with  a  display  of  fireworks,  in  which 
a  figure  of  Fame  proclaimed  in  letters  of  fire, 
1  Thy  laurels  shall  never  fade.'  The  whole 
affair  excited  much  animadversion  and  end- 
less ridicule.  Before  leaving  Philadelphia, 
Howe  sent  General  Grant  [see  GRANT,  JAMES, 
1720-1806]  to  intercept  Lafayette,  who  had 
crossed  the  Schuykill,  following  himself  in 
support.  Lafayette  cleverly  eluded  Grant, 
and  Howe  returned  to  Philadelphia.  He 
embarked  for  England  on  24  May  1778,  being 
succeeded  in  the  command  by  Clinton  [see 
CLINTON,  SIR  HENRY,  1738-1795].  Horace 
Walpole  speaks  of  Howe's  visits,  after  his 

return  home,  to  the  great  camps  which  had 
been  formed  in  expectation  of  invasion  (Let- 
ters, iii.  134).  He  appears  to  have  been  a 
frequent  speaker  in  the  House  of  Commons 
on  American  affairs  (Parl.  Hist.  vols.  xix- 
xxi.)  Early  in  1779  Howe  and  his  brother 
the  admiral,  thinking  their  conduct  had  been 
unjustly  impugned  by  the  ministry,  obtained 
a  committee  of  the  whole  house  to  inquire 
into  the  conduct  of  the  war  in  America. 
Various  witnesses  were  examined,  but  the 
inquiry  was  without  result.  The  ministers 
could  not  substantiate  any  charge  against 
Howe,  and  he  on  his  part  failed  to  prove 
that  he  had  not  received  due  support.  The 
committee  adjourned  sine  die  on  29  June 
1779,  and  did  not  meet  again.  Howe  pub- 
lished a  '  Narrative  of  Sir  William  Howe 
before  a  Committee  of  the  House  of  Com- 
mons'  (London,  1780,  4to),  in  which  he 
solemnly  declared  that,  although  preferring 
conciliation,  his  brother  and  himself  stretched 
their  limited  powers  to  the  utmost  verge  ot 
their  instructions,  and  never  suffered  their 
efforts  in  the  direction  of  conciliation  to  in- 
terfere with  the  military  operations.  There 
appears  to  have  been  some  idea  of  reappoint- 
ing  Howe  to  the  American  command.  In 
1782  he  was  appointed  lieutenant-general  of 
the  ordnance,  and  ex  officio  colonel  en  second 
of  the  royal  artillery  and  engineers,  and  in 
1785  was  transferred  from  the  colonelcy  of  the 
23rd  fusiliers  to  that  of  the  19th  (originally 
23rd)  light  dragoons.  At  the  time  of  the 
Nootka  Sound  dispute  Howe  was  nominated 
for  the  command  of  the  so-called  '  Spanish 
armament ' — the  force  under  orders  for  em- 
barkation in  the  event  of  war  being  declared 
(CORNWALLIS,  Correspondence,  ii.  110).  He 
became  a  full  general  on  23  Oct.  1793.  After 
the  commencement  of  the  French  war  he  had 
command  of  the  northern  district,  with  head- 
quarters at  Newcastle,  and  in  1795  com- 
manded a  force  of  nine  thousand  men  en- 
camped at  Whitley,  near  Newcastle,  the 
largest  camp  formed  in  the  north  of  England 
during  the  war.  Later,  when  the  French 
armies  had  overrun  Holland,  he  held  the  im- 
portant command  of  the  eastern  district  of 
England,  with  headquarters  at  Colchester. 

On  the  death  of  Earl  Howe,  in  1799,  Howe 
succeeded  to  the  Irish  title  only  as  fifth  vis- 
count. He  resigned  his  post  under  the  ord- 
nance, on  account  of  failing  health,  in  1803. 
He  had  been  appointed  governor  of  Berwick- 
on-Tweed  in  1795,  and  was  transferred  to 
that  of  Plymouth  in  1805.  He  died  at  Ply- 
mouth, after  a  long  and  painful  illness,  on 
12  July  1814,  when  the  Irish,  as  distinct  from 
the  English,  title  became  extinct. 

On  4  June  1765  he  married  Frances,  fourth 



daughter  of  the  Right  Hon.  William  Conolly, 
of  Castletown,  co.  Kildare,  and  his  wife,  Lady 
Anne  Wentworth.  There  was  no  issue. 

Personally,  Howe  was  six  feet  in  height, 
of  coarse  mould,  and  exceedingly  dark.  He 
was  an  able  officer,  with  an  extensive  know- 
ledge of  his  profession ;  but  as  a  strategist 
he  was  unsuccessful.  American  writers  cre- 
dit him  with  an  indolent  disposition,  which 
sometimes  caused  him  to  be  blamed  for  the 
severities  of  subordinates  into  whose  conduct 
he  did  not  trouble  to  inquire. 

[Foster's  Peerage,  under  '  Howe  ; '  Collins's 
Peerage,  1812  edit.  vol.  viii.  uuder  'Baroness 
Howe ; '  Home  Office  Military  Entry  Books,  ut 
supra ;  Wright's  Life  of  Wolfe  ;  Knox's  Narra- 
tive of  the  War  (London,  1762);  Parkman's 
Montcalm  and  Wolfe  (London,  1884),  vol.  ii. 
chap,  xxvii. ;  Murray's  Journal  of  the  Defence 
of  Quebec,  in  Proc.  Hist.  Soc.  (Quebec,  1870); 
Colburn's  United  Serv.  Mag.  December  1877  and 
January  1878,  account  of  58th  foot;  Beatson's 
Nav.  and  Mil.  Memoirs,  vols.  iii-vi.  passim ; 
Bancroft's  Hist,  of  the  United  States,  vols.  iv-vi. ; 
Eoss's  Cornwallis  Correspondence,!.  20, 23,  28-9, 
31,  39,  ii.  110,  282;  De  Fonblanque's  Life  and 
Opinions  of  Eight  Hon.  John  Burgoyne  ;  Howe's 
Narrative  before  a  Select  Committee  of  the  House 
of  Commons  (London,  1780) ;  Parl.  Hist.  vols. 
xviii-xxi. ;  London  Gazette,  under  years ;  Hist. 
MSS.  Comm.  5th,  6th,  9th,  10th  (iv.),  and  par- 
ticularly llth  (iv.) — Marquis  Townshend's  MSS. 
—and  llth  (v.)— Earl  of  Dartmouth's  MSS.— 
Eeports ;  Journal  of  Howe's  Army  in  1776 ; 
Brit.  Mus.  Egerton  MS.  ff.  7-9  ;  Howe's  Letters 
to  General  Haldimand,  Addit.  MSS.  21734  f.  149, 
21807-8;  Broad  Arrow,  14  Sept.  1889,  p.  312  ; 
Gent.  Mag.  1814,  pt.  ii.  p.  93.]  H.  M.  C. 


LITTLE  (d.  825),  Welsh  prince,  is  said  to 
have  been  son  of  Rhodri,  a  reputed  de- 
scendant of  Cunedda  and  king  of  Gwynedd 
or  North  Wales.  But  Rhodri  died  in  754,  and 
nothing  is  heard  of  Howel  or  of  his  brother 
Cynan  whom  the  tenth-century  genealogy  of 
Owain  ab  Howel  Dda  makes  son  of  Rhodri, 
until  over  fifty  years  later.  Possibly  they 
were  Rhodri's  grandsons,  who  emerge  from 
obscurity  when  the  downfall  of  the  Mer- 
cian overlordship  gave  Welsh  kings  a  better 
chance  to  attain  to  power.  In  813  there  was 
war  between  Howel  and  his  brother  Cynan,  in 
which  Howel  conquered.  It  apparently  arose 
from  Cynan  driving  Howel  out  of  Anglesey, 
and  resulted  in  Howel's  restoration  in  814.  In 
81 6  Howel  was  again  expelled,  but  the  Saxons 
invaded  Snowdon  and  slew  Cynan.  This  pro- 
bably brought  Howel  back  again.  He  died 
in  825.  The  name  Vychan  comes  from  a  late 

[Ancales  Cambrise  ;  Brut  y  Tywysogion.] 

T.  F.  T. 

HOWEL  DDA,  that  is,  HOWEL  THE  GOOD 
(d.  950),  the  most  famous  of  the  early  Welsh  ' 
|  kings,  was  the  son  of  Cadell,  the  son  of 
I  Rhodri  Mawr,  through  whom  his  pedigree 
was  traced  by  a  tenth-century  writer  up  to 
Cunedda  and  thence  to  '  Anne,  cousin  of  the 
Blessed  Virgin'  (pedigree  of  Owain  ab  Howel 
in  Y  fymmrodor,  ix.  169,  from  Harl.  MS. 
3859).  His  father,  Cadell,  died  in  909  (An- 
nales  Cambrics  in  Y  Cymmrodor,  ix.  167), 
whereupon  he  must  have  succeeded  to  his 
dominions.  The  late  account  is  that  Howel 
succeeded  to  Ceredigion,which  was  his  father's 
portion,  while  his  uncle  Anarawd  continued 
to  rule  over  Wales  as  overking.  This  is 
likely  enough,  as  Howel's  immediate  descend- 
ants are  certainly  found  reigning  in  Cere- 
digion  and  Dyved.  On  Anarawd's  death  in 
915  (ib.  ix.  168)  Howel,  it  is  said,  became 
king  of  Gwynedd,  and  therefore  of  all  Wales 
(Gwentian  Brut  y  Tywysogion,  pp.  17-21, 
Cambrian  Archaeological  Association,  1863). 
But  this  cannot  be  proved,  and  Idwal,  son  of 
Anarawd,  continued  to  reign  as  a  king  until 
his  death  in  943.  The  notion  that  Wales  was 
regularly  divided  into  three  kingdoms,  corre- 
sponding to  the  districts  of  Gwynedd,  Powys, 
and  Dyved,  is  only  to  be  found  in  quite  late 
writers.  Howel  is  only  one  of  many  Welsh 
kings  in  contemporary  or  nearly  contempo- 
rary sources. 

Subject  to  ^Ethelflsed  and  her  husband 
^Ethelred,  in  the  early  part  of  his  reign, 
Howel  became  the  direct  subordinate  of  Ed- 
ward the  Elder  on  the  death  of  the  Lady  of 
the  Mercians,  probably  in  918  [see  ETHEL- 
FLEDA}  Immediately  afterwards  Edward 
took  possession  of  Mercia,  whereupon  the 
kings  of  the  North  Welsh,  Howel,  Clitauc 
or  Clydog  his  brother,  and  Idwal  his  cousin, 
and  all  the  North  Welsh  race,  sought  him  to 
be  their  lord  (Anglo-Saxon  Chron.  s.  a.  922). 
Clitauc's  death  may  have  further  strengthened 
Howel's  position.  Anyhow  four  years  later 
Howel,  king  of  the  West  Welsh,  is  the  only 
Welsh  prince  mentioned  among  the  princes 
ruled  over  by  ^Ethelstan  (ib.  s.  a.  926)  ;  and 
William  of  Malmesbury,  in  adopting  this  pas- 
sage in  his  '  Chronicle/  describes  this  Howel 
as  '  king  of  all  the  Welsh.'  But  West  Wales 
more  generally  means  Cornwall. 

The  reality  of  Howel's  dependence  is  best 
attested  by  the  large  number  of  meetings 
of  the  witenagemot  he  attended,  attesting 
charters  along  with  the  other  magnates  of 
the  West-Saxon  lords  of  Britain.  He  sub- 
scribed charters  drawn  up  by  the  witan  at 
the  following  dates— all  in  the  reign  of  Athel- 
stan— 21  July  931  (KEMBLE,  Codex  Diplo- 
maticus,  v.  199),  12  Nov.  931  (ib.  ii.  173), 
30  Aug.  932  (ib.  v.  208),  15  Dec.  933  (ib.  ii. 




194),  28  May  934  (ib.  ii.  196),  16  Dec.  934 
•(ib.  v.  217),  and  937  (ib.  ii.  203) ;  see  also 
the  charters,  asterisked  by  Kemble,  dated 
17  June  930,  1  Jan.  and  21  Dec.  935,  ib.  ii. 
170,  v.  222,  ii.  203).  Howel  also  attested 
charters  drawn  up  by  Eadred's  wise  men, 
dated  946  and  949  (ib.  ii.  269,  292, 296).  He 
usually  styles  himself  '  Howel  subregulus,' 
or  '  Huwal  undercyning,'  but  in  the  later 
charters  issued  after  the  death  of  his  cousin 
Idwal  in  943,  it  is  perhaps  significant  that  ! 
he  becomes  *  Howel  regulus,'  and  in  the 
charter  of  949  he  is  '  Howel  rex.'  Other 
Welsh  reguli,  such  as  Idwal  and  Morcant, 
also  attested  some  of  these  charters.  The 
tenth-century  Welsh  annalist  and  Simeon  of 
Durham  call  him  '  rex  Brittonum.' 

The   only  other  clearly  attested  fact  in 
Howel's  life  is  his  pilgrimage  to  Rome  in 
928  (Annales  Cambrics  in  Y  Cymmrodor,  ix. 
168).    The  later  chroniclers  put  the  death  of 
his  wife  Elen  in  the  same  year.    His  death  is 
assigned  by  the  tenth-century  chronicle  to  950  ' 
(ib.  ix.  169),  with  which  Simeon  of  Durham  \ 
(Mon.  Hist.  Brit.  p.  687),  who  fixes  it  in  951, 
is  in  practical  agreement.    The  date  given  in 
the  '  Brats/  948,  is  plainly  too  early. 

Howel  was  married  to  Elen,  the  daughter 
of  Loumarc  (d.  903),  the  son  of  Hymeid,  who 
may  perhaps  be  identified  with  the  Hymeid, 
king  of  Dyved,  who,  in  fear  of  Howel's  uncles 
and  father,  became  the  vassal  of  King  Alfred 
(AssER,  Vita  JElfredi  in  Mon.  Hist.  Brit. 
p.  488).  Elen's  pedigree  is  traced  by  the 
tenth-century  annalist  with  the  same  par- 
ticularity as  that  of  her  husband  through 
Arthur  up  to  Constantine  the  Great  and  his 
mother  Helena,  who  is  of  course  claimed  as 
a  Briton  (Y  Cymmrodor,  ix.  171).  Howel 
had  several  sons,  who  after  his  death  fought 
fiercely  with  the  sons  of  Idwal  his  cousin. 
Owain,  the  eldest  son,  was  his  successor,  and 
it  was  during  his  reign  that  the  genealogies 
and  annals  which  are  so  valuable  a  source 
for  Howel's  history  were  drawn  up.  Howel's 
other  sons  were  Dyvnwal,  Rhodri,  and  Gwyn 
(Annales  Cambrics,  called  Etwin  in  Brut  y 

Howel's  chief  fame  is  as  a  lawgiver,  but 
the  vast  code  of  Welsh  laws  which  goes  by 
the  name  of  the  '  Laws  of  Howel  the  Good ' 
only  survives  in  manuscripts  of  comparatively 
late  date.  There  are  two  Latin  manuscripts, 
one  at  the  British  Museum  of  the  thirteenth 
century  (Cott.  MS.  Vesp.  E.  11),  and  the 
other  at  Peniarth,  of  the  twelfth  century, 
while  the  earliest  Welsh  manuscript  of  the 
*  Black  Book  of  Chirk/  also  at  Peniarth,  is  not 
earlier  than  1200  (information  kindly  supplied 
by  Mr.  J.  Gwenogvryn  Evans,  who  is  prepar- 
ing an  edition  of  the  '  Chirk  Codex '  and  the 

oldest  Latin  manuscript).  The  prefaces  con- 
tain an  account  of  the  circumstances  under 
which  the  laws  were  drawn  up.  According  to 
the  oldest  manuscript  of  the  '  North  Welsh 
Code/  Howel,  '  seeing  that  the  Welsh  were 
perverting  the  laws,'  summoned  to  him  six 
men  from  each  cymmwdof  the  Principality  to 
the  White  House  on  the  Tav  (y  Ty  Gwyn  ar 
Tav,  probably  Whitland  in  the  modern  Car- 
marthenshire), four  laymen  and  two  clerks,  the 
latter  to  prevent  the  laymen  from '  ordaining 
anything  contrary  to  holy  scripture.'  They  met 
in  Lent '  because  every  one  should  be  pure  at 
that  holy  time.'  These  wise  men  carefully  ex- 
amined the  old  laws,  rejected  some,  amended 
others,  and  enacted  some  new  ones.  Howel 
then  promulgated  the  code  they  drew  up, 
and  he  and  the  wise  men  pronounced  the 
curse  of  all  the  Welsh  on  those  who  should 
not  obey  the  laws,  and  on  all  judges  who 
undertook  judicial  duties  without  knowing 
the  three  columns  of  law  and  the  worth  of 
tame  and  live  animals,  or  on  any  lord  who 
conferred  office  on  such  a  judge.  After  this 
Howel  went  with  the  bishops  of  St.  David's, 
St.  Asaph,  and  Bangor,  and  some  others  to 
Rome,  where  the  laws  were  read  before  the 
pope,  who  gave  them  his  sanction.  'And  from 
that  time  to  the  present  the  laws  of  Howel 
the  Good  are  in  force.'  The  'Dimetian'  and 
'Gwentian'  codes,  the  manuscripts  of  which 
are  later,  add  a  few  additional  particulars 
which  are  of  less  authority.  Gwent  was 
certainly  no  part  of  Howel's  dominions. 

The  form  in  which  the  laws  of  Howel 
Dda  now  exist  does  not  profess  to  preserve 
the  shape  which  he  gave  them.  In  a  few 
exceptional  cases  only  is  a  law  described  as 
being  the  law  as  Howel  established  it  (e.g. 
i.  122,  234,  240,  252,  &c.)  The  'Gwynedd 
Code'  frequently  refers  to  the  amendments 
made  by  Bleddyn  ab  Cynvyn  (i.  166,  252, 
8vo  ed.),  who  died  in  1073,  while  the 
;  Dyved  Code '  mentions  changes  brought 
about  by  the  Lord  Rhys  ab  Gruflydd  ab 
Tewdwr  (i.  574),  who  died  in  1197.  The 
laws  manifestly  contain  much  primitive  cus- 
tom which  may  be  referred  back  to  Howel's 
time  or  to  an  earlier  date,  but  it  is  almost 
impossible  to  accurately  determine  the  dates 
of  the  various  enactments.  Some  of  the  de- 
tails of  court  law  show  curious  traces  of 
'  early  English  influence,  for  example  in  such 
titles  as  'edling'  and  'edysteyn'  (discthegn). 
.  Like  all  early  codes  it  leaves  the  impression  of 
'  greater  system  and  method  than  could  really 
have  prevailed.  The  existing  documents,  and 
especially  those  of  later  date,  were  plainly 
drawn  up  by  persons  anxious  to  magnify  the 
1  departed  glory  of  their  country,  and  to  uphold 
|  the  impossible  theory  of  a  definite  organisa- 




tion  of  Wales  into  Gwynedd,  Deheubarth, 
and  Powys  (e.g.  i.  341),  with  the  overlord  at 
Aberffraw  exacting-  tribute  from  the  depen- 
dent kings,  though  himself  dependent  on  the 
'kingof  London' (i,  235).  The  terminology  of 
the  laws  is  plainly  late,  for  example  terms  like 
'tewysauc'  (prince)  and '  tehuysokaet '  (prin- 
cipality) are  certainly  post-Norman,  as  earlier 
Welsh  rulers  are  described  as  kings.  Neither 
would  the  Anglo-Saxon  monarch  be  described 
as  '  king  of  London '  before  the  Conquest. 
And  the  systematic  representation  of  the 
cymmwds  points  to  the  Norman  inquests  or 
even  to  the  later  aggregations  of  the  shire 
representatives  in  parliament.  Otherwise 
Howel  the  Good  has  the  credit  of  anticipating 
the  English  House  of  Commons  by  more  than 
three  hundred  years.  But  the  'laws  of  Howel' 
both  deserve  and  require  more  minute  critical 
analysis  than  they  have  hitherto  received. 
As  indicating  the  national  legal  system,  they 
were  clung  to  with  great  enthusiasm  by  the 
Welsh  up  to  the  time  of  the  conquest  of 
Gwynedd  by  Edward  I.  They  were  looked 
upon  with  no  unnatural  dislike  by  champions 
of  more  advanced  legal  ideas  like  Edward  I 
and  Archbishop  Peckham,  who  regarded  them 
as  contrary  to  the  Ten  Commandments  (Re- 
gistrum  Epist.  J.  Peckham,  i.  77,  ii.  474-5, 
Rolls  Ser.)  The  Welsh  traditional  judgment 
on  Howel  was  that  he  was  '  the  wisest  and 
justest  of  all  the  Welsh  princes.  He  loved 
peace  and  justice,  and  feared  God,  and  go- 
verned conscientiously.  He  was  greatly 
loved  by  all  the  Welsh  and  by  many  of  the 
wise  among  the  Saxons,  and  on  that  account 
was  called  Howel  the  Good'  (  GwentianBrut, 
p.  25). 

[The  contemporary  or  nearly  contemporary 
sources  are  the  tenth-century  Harleian  Annales 
Cambrise  and  genealogies,  the  Anglo-Saxon 
Chron.,  and  the  early  English  charters.  The 
Harleian  Chronicle  is  confused  in  the  Eolls  Series 
edition  of  Annales  Cambrise  with  other  manu- 
scripts of  much  later  date.  The  genealogy  of 
Howel  is  given  in  pref.  p.  x.  But  both  chronicle 
and  genealogies  have  been  carefully  edited  by 
Mr.  Egerton  Phillimore  in  Y  Cymmrodor,  ix. 
141-83, 1888.  The  extracts  relative  to  Howel  are 
also  to  be  found  in  Owen's  Ancient  Laws  and  In-  I 
stitutes  of  Wales,  i.  xiv-xvi.  The  dates  assigned  | 
in  the  text  are  the  inferences  of  modern  editors.  I 
Annales  Cambrise  (Rolls  edit.)  gives  the  later 
Latin  chronicles.  See  also  Brut  y  Tywysogion 
(Rolls  edit.),  or  better  in  J.  Grwenogvryn  Evans's 
carefully  edited  Red  Book  of  Hergest,  vol.ii.  1890; 
the  'laws  of  Howel' were  first  printed  from  imper- 
fect and  late  manuscripts  by  Dr.  William  Wotton 
in  1730  in  folio,  with  the  title  'Cyfreithjeu,  seu 
Leges  Wallicse  Ecclesiasticae  et  Civiles  Hoeli  Boni 
et  aliorum  Principum,  cum  Interp.  Lat.  et  notis 
et  gloss.,'  and  in  the  third  volume  of  the  Myvy- 

rian  Archaiology  of  Wales,  1807.  These  editions 
have  been  superseded  by  Aneurin  Owen's  Ancient 
Laws  and  Institutes  of  Wales,  with  an  English 
translation  of  the  Welsh  text,  London,  1 841,  Re- 
cord Commission,  1  vol.  fol.  or  2  vols.  8vo  (the 
8vo  edition  is  here  cited) ;  the  ecclesiastical  part 
of  the  law  has  been  printed  from  Owen's  edition 
in  Haddan  and  Stubbs's  Councils  and  Eccles. 
Docs.  i.  209-83 ;  see  also  F.  Walter's  Das  alte 
Wales.  Hubert  Lewis's  Ancient  Laws  of  Wales 
(1889)  is  a  disappointing  book.]  'T.  F.  T. 

that  is,  HOWEL  THE  BAD  (d.  984),  North 
Welsh  prince,  was  the  son  of  leuav,  son  of 
Idwal,  who  was  imprisoned  and  deprived  of 
his  territory  by  his  brother  lago  about  969  (An- 
nales Cambrice,  but  not  in  the  tenth-century 
MS.  A).  In  973  Howel  was  one  of  the  Welsh 
kings  who  attended  Edgar  at  Chester,  pro- 
mising to  be  his  fellow-worker  by  sea  and 
land  (FLOE.  WIG.  in  Mon.  Hist.  Brit.  p.  578). 
This  submission  procured  him  English  aid 
against  his  uncle  lago,  whom  he  drove  out 
of  his  kingdom  of  Gwynedd.  Henceforward 
he  reigned  in  lago's  stead.  Howel  always 
showed  that  preference  for  the  foreigner  which 
caused  patriotic  historians  of  a  much  later 
generation  to  call  him  Howel  the  Bad,  though 
there  is  nothing  to  show  that  he  otherwise 
justified  the  title.  lago  was  taken  prisoner 
about  978.  In  979  Howel  defeated  and  slew 
Cystennin,  son  of  lago,  at  the  battle  of  Hir- 
barth.  Having  secured  his  kingdom,  Howel 
joined  his  Saxon  allies  in  982,  and  invaded 
Brecheiniog  (Annales  Cambria,  but  cf.  Brut 
y  Tywysogion).  In  984  he  was  himself  slain 
by  the  treachery  of  the  Saxons. 

[Annales  Cambrise  (Rolls  Ser.);  Brut  y  Tywys- 
ogion (Rolls  Ser.  and  ed.  J.  Gwenogvryn  Evans) ; 
the  Gwentian  Brut  (Cambrian  Arch.  Assoc.)  adds 
many,  probably  doubtful,  details.]  T.  F.  T. 

HOWEL  AB  EDWIN  (d.  1044),  a  South 
Welsh  prince,was  son  of  Edwin,  son  of  Eineon, 
who  was  the  son  of  Owain,  the  eldest  son  and 
successor  of  Howel  Dda  [q.  v.]  In  1033,  after 
the  death  of  Rhydderch,  son  of  lestin,  ruler 
of  Deheubarth  since  1023,  Howel  and  his 
brother  Maredudd  succeeded  to  the  govern- 
ment of  South  Wales  as  being  of  the  right 
line  of  Howel  Dda.  The  sons  of  Rhydderch 
seem  to  have  contested  Howel  and  his  bro- 
ther's claim,  and  next  year  a  battle  was  fought 
at  Hiraethwy  between  the  rival  houses,  in 
which,  if  the '  Gwentian  Brut '  can  be  trusted, 
the  sons  of  Edwin  conquered.  In  1035  Mare- 
dudd was  slain,  but  before  the  year  was  out 
the  death  of  Caradog  [q.  v.],  son  of  Rhydderch, 
equalised  the  position  of  the  combatants. 
After  a  few  years  of  comparative  peace 
Ho wel's  son  Meurug  was  captured  by  the  Irish 




Danes  in  1039.  In  the  same  year  Gruffydd  ab 
Llewelyn  [q.  v.]  became  king  of  North  Wales, 
and  after  devastating  Llanbadarn,  drove 
Howel  out  of  his  territory.  In  1041  Howel 
made  an  effort  to  win  back  his  dominions, 
but  was  defeated  by  Gruffydd  at  Pencader. 
Howel's  wife  became  Gruffydd's  captive,  and 
subsequently  his  concubine. 

In  1042  Howel,  who  had  called  the  Danes 
from  Ireland  to  his  help,  renewed  the  con- 
flict, and  won  a  victory  over  Gruffydd  at 
Pwll  Dyvach.  Grufi'ydd  was  taken  prisoner 
by  the  pagan  Danes,  but  he  soon  escaped  and 
reoccupied  Howel's  territory.  In  1044  Howel 
collected  a  great  fleet  of  his  viking  allies,  and 
entered  the  mouth  of  the  Towy  on  another 
effort  to  win  back  his  own.  The  final  battle 
was  fought  at  the  mouth  of  the  river  (Aber- 
towy,  possibly  Carmarthen  or  somewhere 
lower  down  the  stream).  Gruffydd  won  a 
complete  victory,  and  Howel  was  slain. 

[Annales  Cambriae  (Kolls  Ser.)  (the  dates  have 
been  taken  from  this  exclusively) ;  Brut  y  Tywys- 
ogion  (Rolls  Ser.  or  ed.  J.  Gwenogvryn  Evans) ; 
a  few  additional  details  from  Brut  y  Tywysogion 
(Cambrian  Archseol.  Assoc.)]  T.  F.  T. 

HOWEL  AB  OWAIN  GWTNEDD  (d.  1171  ?), 
warrior  and  poet,  was  the  son  of  Owain  ab 
Gruffydd  ab  Cynan,  prince  of  North  Wales. 
Pyvog,  the  daughter  of  an  Irish  noble,  was 
his  mother.  '  Brut  leuan  Brechfa  '  (Myv. 
Arch.  ii.  720)  wrongly  states  that  Owain 
married  her  in  1130.  In  1143,  taking  ad- 
vantage of  a  quarrel  between  his  father  and 
his  uncle  Cadwaladr  (d.  1172)  [q.  v.],  Howel 
seized  some  part  of  Ceredigion,  and  burnt  his 
uncle's  castle  of  Aberystwith.  In  the  follow- 
ing year,  in  the  course  of  a  quarrel  with  Sir 
Hugh  de  Mortimer,  Howel  and  his  brother 
Cynan  ravaged  Aberteifi  or  Cardigan.  In  1145, 
in  conjunction  with  Cadell,  son  of  Gruffydd 
ab  Rhys  [q.  v.],  prince  of  South  Wales,  he 
took  Carmarthen  Castle.  In  the  next  year, 
however,  Howel  apparently  changed  sides, 
and  joined  his  forces  to  those  of  the  Normans 
against  the  sons  of  Gruffydd,  who  had  marched 
against  the  castle  of  Gwys.  Both  sides  in- 
vited his  aid ;  but  the  promise  of  '  much  pro- 
perty '  seems  to  have  turned  the  scale  in 
favour  of  the  Norman  alliance,  and  Howel's 
intervention  insured  the  success  of  his  allies 
(Brut  y  Tywysoc/ion,no\\sSer.y.  172,MS.D.;; 
cf.  also  another  account  on  the  same  page). 
In  the  same  year  he  and  his  brother  Cynan 
were  engaged  in  a  quarrel  with  Cadwaladr. 
The  brothers  called  out  the  men  of  Mei- 
rionydd, '  who  had  taken  refuge  in  churches,' 
marched  thence  and  took  the  castle  of  Cynvael 
(ib.  p.  174).  In  1150  Howel  suffered  a  series 
of  reverses.  The  sons  of  Gruffydd  ab  Rhys 
tookhis  portion  of  Ceredigion  except  the  castle 

of  Pengwern,  and  in  1152  that  also  fell  into 
their  hands.  In  1157  Henry  II  made  an  effort 
to  subjugate  Gwynedd,  and  at  the  battle  of 
Basingwerk  was  defeated  by  Owain  and  his 
sons,  among  whom  was  Howel  (Ann.  Cambr. 
p.  46,  Rolls  Ser.,  which  gives  the  date  as  1148 ; 
cf.  GIK.  CAMBK.  It.  Cambr.  vi.  137,  Rolls  Ser.) 
In  1158  Howel  was  engaged  with  a  mixed 
force  of  French,  Normans,  Flemings,  Eng- 
lish, and  Welsh  against  Lord  Rhys  ab  Gruf- 
fydd, who  had  burnt  the  castles  of  Dyved. 
The  expedition,  however,  did  not  succeed,  and 
a  truce  followed. 

Howel's  father  died  in  1169.  According  to 
the  version  of  i  Brut  y  Tywysogion,'  printed 
in  the  'Myvyrian  Archaeology,'  Howel,  as 
Owain's  eldest  son,  thereupon  seized  the  go- 
vernment and  kept  possession  of  it  for  two 
years.  During  his  absence  in  Ireland,  looking 
after  certain  property  which  came  to  him  in 
right  of  his  mother  and  wife,  his  brother  David 
rose  up  against  him.  Howel  returned,  but  he 
was  defeated,  wounded  in  battle,  and  taken  to 
Ireland,  where  he  is  said  to  have  died  in  1170, 
leaving  his  Irish  possessions  to  his  brother 
Rhirid.  According  to  the '  Annales  Cambriae ' 
(p.  53),  Howel  was  killed  by  his  brother  David 
and  his  men  in  1171.  An  anonymous  poem 
places  his  death  at  Pentraeth  (in  Anglesey  ?) 
(Myv' Arch.  i.  281),  while  another,  quoted 
by  Price,  names  Bangor  as  his  burial-place 
(Hanes  CymrUj  p.  584). 

Of  Howel's  poetical  works  the  only  known 
remains  are  eight  odes  printed  in  '  My vyrian 
Archaeology,'  i.  197-9. 

[Brut y  Tywysogion,  Rolls  Ser.  ed.;  Ann.  Cambr. 
Rolls  Ser.  ed. ;  Gir.  Cambr.,  It.  Cambr.  vol.  vi.; 
Myv.  Arch.,  Denbigh,  1870  ed. ;  Price's  Hanes 
Cymru.]  R.  W. 

HOWEL  T  FWTALL  (ft.  1356),  or  'Howel 
of  the  Battle-axe,'  was  a  Welsh  knight  and 
hero.  According  to  Yorke  his  father  was 
Gruffydd  ab  Howel  ab  Meredydd  ab  Einion 
ab  Gwganen  (Royal  Tribes  of  Wales,  p.  184). 
Sir  John  Wynne,  however,  says  that  he  was 
the  son  of  Einion  ab  Gruffydd  (Hist.  Gwydir 
Family,  pp.  29, 30, 79 ;  cf.  Table  II., ib.)  Both 
the  accounts  agree  that  he  was  descended 
from  Collwyn  ab  Tangno,  'lord  of  Eifionydd, 
Ardudwy,  and  part  of  Llyen.'  Howel  was 
one  of  the  Welshmen  who  fought  at  Poictiers 
in  1356,  and  Welsh  tradition  very  improbably 
made  him  out  to  be  the  actual  captor  of  the 
French  king,  '  cutting  off  his  horse's  head  at 
one  blow '  (ib.  p.  80  n.)  Howel  undoubtedly 
seems  to  have  fought  well,  for  he  was  knighted 
by  the  Black  Prince,  and  received  afterwards 
the  constableship  of  Criccieth  Castle,  and  also 
the  rent  of  Dee  Mills  at  Chester,  '  besides 
other  great  things  in  North  Wales ; '  and  as 
a  memorial  of  his  services  a  mess  of  meat 




was  ordered  to  be  served  before  his  axe  in 
perpetuity,  the  food  being  afterwards  given 
to  the  poor '  for  his  soul's  health.'  This  cere- 
mony is  said  to  have  been  observed  till  the 
beginning  of  Queen  Elizabeth's  time,  eight 
yeoman  attendants  at  8^.  a  day  having 
charge  of  the  meat  (ib.  p.  30,  and  ra.)  '  Howel 
was  also  "  raglot  "  of  Aberglaslyn,  and  died 
between  Michaelmas  2  and  the  same  time 
6  Rich.  II,'  leaving  two  sons,  Meredydd,  who 
lived  in  Eifionydd  ;  and  Davydd,  who  lived 
at  Henblas,  near  Llanrwst  (ib.  p.  30  and  n. ; 
WILLIAMS,  Eminent  Welshmen). 

[Yorke's  Eoyal  Tribes  of  Wales,  ed.  Williams; 
Sir  John  Wynne's  Hist.  Gwydir  Family ;  Wil- 
liams's  Eminent  Welshmen.]  K.  W. 

HOWELL,  FRANCIS  (1625-1679), 
puritan  divine,  son  of  Thomas  Howell  of 
Gwinear,  Cornwall,  matriculated  at  Exeter 
College,  Oxford,  on  14  or  24  July  1642,  at  the 
age  of  seventeen.  In  1648he  graduated  M.  A., 
and  was  elected  fellow  of  his  college  and  Greek 
reader  on  10  Aug.  in  that  year.  About  1650 
he  was  one  of  the  independent  ministers  ap- 
pointed to  preach  at  St.  Mary's,  Oxford.  On 
28  April  1652  he  became  the  senior  proctor, 
and  in  the  following  June  was  among  those 
who  petitioned  parliament  for  a  new  visitation 
of  the  university.  Howell  was  nominated 
one  of  the  visitors,  and  in  1654,  under  a  fresh 
ordinance,  was  again  placed  on  the  list.  In 
the  same  year  (25  March  1654)  the  professor- 
ship of  moral  philosophy  was  bestowed  upon 
him.  Under  a  promise  of  Cromwell,  and  to 
the  detriment  of  John  Howe,  he  was  created 
principal  of  Jesus  College,  Oxford,  on  24  Oct. 
1657,  and  consequently  vacated  in  1658  his 
fellowship  at  his  old  college.  At  the  Re- 
storation Howell  was  ejected  from  this  pre- 
ferment, and  retired  to  London,  where  he 
preached '  with  great  acceptance '  as  assistant 
to  the  Rev.  John  Collins  [q.  v.]  at  Lime  Street 
Chapel,  Paved  Alley.  He  died  at  Bethnal 
Green  on  10  March  1679,  and  was  buried  at 
Bunhill  Fields. 

[Wood's  Univ.  of  Oxford  (G-utch),  vol.  ii.  pt. 
ii.  pp.  644,  651-2,  662,  874 ;  Wood's  Colleges 
(Gutch),  p.  578,  App.  p.  138;  Boase's  Reg.  of 
Exeter  College,  pp.  69-70;  Neal's  Puritans, 
1822  ed.  iv.  Ill;  Calamy's  Nonconf.  Mem.  1802 
ed.  i.  234;  Calamy's  Howe,  1724,  p.  19  ;  Wil- 
son's Dissenting  Churches,  i.  229,  iii.  23  ;  Bur- 
rows's  Visit,  of  Oxford  Univ.  (Camden  Soc.), 
pp.  500,  504.]  W.  P.  C. 

HOWELL,  JAMES  (1594  P-1666),  au- 
thor, was  fourth  child  and  second  son  of 
Thomas  Howell  by  a  daughter  of  James  David 
Powell  of  Bualt.  Howell  states  that  his 
brothers  and  sisters  numbered  fourteen,  but 
three  sons,  including  Thomas,  bishop  of  Bris- 

tol [q.  v.],  and  three  daughters  composed 
the  family  according  to  the  pedigree  in  Brit. 
Mus.  MS.  Harl.  4181,  p.  258.  The  pedigree 
is  traced  back  by  modern  representatives  to 
Tudwal  Gloff  (jft.  878),  son  of  Rhodri  the 
Great.  HowelPs  father,  curate  of  Llangam- 
march,  Brecknockshire,  and  afterwards  rector 
of  Cynwil  and  Abernant,  Carmarthenshire, 
died  in  1632,  when  James  recounted  his  vir- 
tues in  a  pathetic  letter  to  Theophilus  Field, 
bishop  of  St.  David's  (Fam.  Epist.  i.  §  6,  vii.) 
Wood  states  that  James  was  born  at  Aber- 
nant, where  his  father  was  residing  in  1610, 
but,  according  to  Fuller,  Howell's  elder  bro- 
ther, Thomas,  afterwards  bishop  of  Bristol 
[q.  v.],  was  born  at  the  Brynn,  Llangam- 
march,  and  Howell,  in  his *  Letters,'  mentions 
that  place  as  the  residence  of  his  family. 
The  Oxford  matriculation  register  states  that 
he  was  sixteen  in  1610  ;  he  was,  therefore, 
born  about  1594.  In  a  letter  dated  1645  (i. 
§  6,  60)  he  vaguely  speaks  of  himself  as  forty- 
nine  years  old,  but  Howell's  dates  are  usually 
inexact.  He  was  educated  at  Hereford  Free 
School  under  '  a  learned  though  lashing 
master'  (Epist.  i.  §  1,  2).  On  16  June  1610 
he  matriculated  as  l  James  Howells '  of  Car- 
marthenshire from  Jesus  College,  Oxford,  and 
graduated  B.A.  on  17  Dec.  1613.  Dr.  Francis 
Mansell,  Sir  Eubule  Thelwall,  and  Dr.  Thomas 
Prichard,  with  whom  he  corresponded  later 
on  friendly  terms,  took  much  interest  in  him 
as  an  undergraduate.  In  1623  he  was  elected, 
according  to  his  own  statement,  fellow  of 
Jesus  on  Sir  Eubule  Thelwall's  foundation. 
He  usually  wrote  of  Oxford  as  '  his  dearly 
honoured  mother.' 

Soon  after  taking  his  degree  Howell,  a 
'  pure  cadet,'  who  was  '  not  born  to  land, 
lease,  home,  or  office '  (i.  §  6,  lx.),  was  ap- 
pointed by  Sir  Robert  Mansell,  the  uncle  of 
his  tutor,  Francis  Mansell,  steward  of  a  glass- 
ware manufactory  in  Broad  Street,  London. 
In  1616  he  was  sent  by  his  employers  to  the 
continent  to  obtain  materials  and  workmen. 
A  warrant  from  the  council  enabled  him  to 
travel  for  three  years,  provided  that  he  did 
not  visit  Rome  or  St.  Omer.  He  passed 
through  Holland,  France,  Spain,  and  Italy, 
became  an  accomplished  linguist,  and  en- 
gaged competent  workmen  at  Venice  and 
j  Middleburg.  On  returning  to  London  about 
1622  he  gave  up  his  connection  with  the 
glasshouse,  and,  seeking  to  turn  his  linguistic 
capacity  to  account,  made  a  vain  application 
to  join  the  embassy  of  Sir  John  Ayres  to 
Constantinople.  Sir  James  Croft,  a  friend  of 
his  father,  recommended  him  as  tutor  to  the 
sons  of  Lord  Savage ;  but  owing  to  his  youth, 
and  to  the  fact  that  his  pupils  were  Roman 
catholics,  he  filled  the  post  for  a  very  short 




time.    During  1622  he  made  a  tour  in  France 
with  a  young  friend,  Richard  Altham,  son  of 
Baron  Altham,  *  one  of  the  hopefullest  young 
men  of  this  kingdom  for  parts  and  person.' 
At  Poissy  Howell  endangered  his  health  by 
close  study,  and  on  returning  to  London  was 
attended  by  Dr.  Harvey,  the  great  physician. 
Towards  the  end  of  1622  Howell  was  sent 
to  Spain  on  a  special  mission  to  obtain  satis- 
faction for  the  seizure  by  the  viceroy  of  Sar- 
dinia of  a  richly  laden  ship  called  the  Vine- 
yard, belonging  to  the  Turkey  company.  Sir 
Charles   Cornwallis   and   Lord   Digby   had 
already  tried  in  vain  to  obtain  redress,  but 
Howell's  importunate  appeals  to  the  Spanish 
ministers  led  to  the  appointment  of  a  com- 
mittee of  investigation  and  to  a  declaration 
in  favour  of  the  English  owners  of  the  cap- 
tured ship  and  merchandise.   Howell  visited 
Sardinia  and  induced   the  viceroy  to  offer 
compensation,  but  the  viceroy  proved  insol- 
vent, and  Howell  on  his  return  toMadrid  found 
the  situation  altered  by  the  presence  there 
of  Prince  Charles  and  Buckingham.  Cotting- 
ton,  the  prince's  secretary,  directed  him  to 
abstain  from  further  action,  and  after  the  de- 
parture of  the  prince  and  his  suite  Olivarez 
made  it  plain  that  the  Spanish  government 
had  no  intention  of  aiding  him.     While  the 
royal  party  was  at  Madrid  Howell  made  the 
acquaintance  of  many  of  Prince  Charles's  re- 
tainers,  including   Sir  Kenelm  Digby  and 
Endymion  Porter,  and  wrote  home  spirited 
accounts  of  the  prince's  courtship  of  the  in- 
fanta.    Digby  relates  that  Howell  was  acci- 
dentally wounded  in  the  hand  while  in  his 
society  at  Madrid,  and  that  his '  sympathetic 
powder '  worked  its  first  cure  in  Howell's  case 
(/4  Late  Discourse,  1658).    Howell  returned 
to  England  at  the  close  of  1624  in  company 
with  Peter  Wych,  who  was   in  charge   o*f 
the  prince's  jewels.     He  made  suit  for  em- 
ployment to  the  all-powerful  Duke  of  Buck- 
ingham, but  his  intimate  relations  (accord- 
ing to  his  own  story)  with  Digby,  earl  of 
Bristol,   Buckingham's    enemy,   ruined  his 
prospects.     A  suggestion,  which  Howell  as- 
cribes to  Lord  Conway  in   1626,  that   he 
should  act  as  '  moving  agent  to  the  king '  in 
Italy,  came  to  nothing,  because  his  demand 
for  100/.  a  quarter  was  deemed  exorbitant. 
But  he  was  in  the  same  year  appointed  secre- 
tary to  Emanuel,  lord  Scrope  (afterwards 
Earl  of  Sunderland),  who  was  then  lord- 
president  of  the  north.     The  office  required 
his  residence  at  York,  and  in  March  1627 
the  influence  of  his  chief  led  to  his  election 
as  M.P.  for  Richmond,  Yorkshire.     Late  in 
1628  Wentworth  succeeded  Scrope  as  lord- 
president.     Howell  seems  to  have  remained 
private  secretary  to  the  latter  until  Scrope's 

death  in  1630,  and  lived  for  the  time  in  comfort. 
In  December  1628  Wentworth  bestowed  on 
him  the  reversion  of  the  next  attorney's  place 
which  should  fall  vacant  at  York  ;  but  when 
a  vacancy  occurred  in  1629  Howell  sold  his 
interest  and  sent  Wentworth  (5  May  1629) 
an  effusive  letter  of  thanks  (Strafford  Let- 
ters, i.  50).     In  1632  he  accompanied,  a& 
secretary,  the  embassy  of  Robert   Sidney, 
earl  of  Leicester,  which  was  sent  to  the  court 
of  Denmark  to  condole  with  the  king  on  the 
death  of  his  mother,  the  queen-dowager.  His 
official  Latin  speeches  made,  he  tells  us,  an 
excellent  impression,  and  he  obtained  some 
new  privileges  for  the  Eastland  company. 
A  short  i  diarium '  of  the  mission  by  Howell 
is  in  Bodl.  Libr.  MS.  Rawl.  c.  354.     In  1635 
he  forwarded  many  news-letters  to  Strafford 
from  Westminster,  and  spent  a  few  weeks  in 
the  same  year  at  Orleans  on  the  business  of 
Secret  ary  Windebank.  Still  destitute  of  regu- 
lar employment,  he  crossed  to  Dublin  in  1639, 
was  well  received  by  Strafford,  the  lord-de- 
puty, was  granted  a  reversion  of  a  clerkship 
of  the  council,  and  was  sent  by  Strafford  on  a 
political  mission  to  Edinburgh  and  London. 
In  London  the  chief  literary  men  were 
among  his  acquaintances.     Ben  Jonson  was 
especially  friendly  with  him,  and  in  a  letter 
dated  from  Westminster,  5  April  1636,Howell 
describes  '  a  solemn  supper '  given  by  Jonson, 
at  which  he  and  Carew  were  present.     On 
Jonson's  death  in  1637  he  sent  an  elegy  to 
Duppa,  who  included  it   in   his  '  Jonsonus 
Virbius.'     Lord  Herbert  of  Cherbury  and  Sir 
Kenelm  Digby  were  among  his  regular  cor- 
respondents.    In  1640  he  began  his  own  lite- 
rary career  with  the  publication  of  his '  maiden 
fancy,'  a  political  allegory  in  prose  dealing 
with  events  between  1603  and  1640,  entitled 
'  Aei/SpoAoyia  :  Dodona's  Grove,  or  the  Vocall 
Forest.'    A  '  key  '  was  added,  and  with  the 
second  and  third  editions  of  1644  and  1645 
were  issued  two  political  tracts,  '  Parables 
reflecting  upon  the  Times,'  and  '  England's 
Teares.'     A  Latin  version  was  published  in 
1646;  a  second  part  appeared  in  1650.  When, 
in  the  year  of  its  first  publication,  Howell 
went  on  some  diplomatic  business  to  France, 
he  carried  with  him  a  French  translation 
which  he  had  made  of  the  book,  and  this, 
after  revision  by  friends  in  Paris,  was  pub- 
lished there  before  he  left  in  the  same  year. 
On  1  Jan.  1641-2  he  presented  to  the  king  a 
printed  poem  entitled  '  The  Vote,  or  a  Poem 
presented  to  His  Majesty  for  a  New  Year's 
Gift,'  London,  4to,  1642,  and  shortly  after- 
wards issued  his  entertaining  '  Instructions 
for  Forreine  Travel/ with  a  dedication  inverse 
to  Prince  Charles.  Accounts  of  France,  Spain, 
and  Italy  are  supplied,  to  which  in  a  new 



edition  of  1650  was  added  an  appendix  on 
*  travelling  into  Turkey  and  the  Levant  parts.' 
The  work  was  reprinted  by  Prof.  Arber  in 

On  30  Aug.  1642  Howell  was  sworn  in  at 
Nottingham  as  clerk  of  the  council,  but  the 
existing  vacancy  caused  by  the  promotion  of 
Sir  Edward  Nicholas  to  a  secretaryship  of 
state  was  filled  by  Sir  John  Jacob,  and  Howell 
was  promised  the  next  clerkship  that  fell  va- 
cant (Letters,  ed.  Jacobs,  Suppl.  p.  667).  The 
civil  wars  rendered  the  arrangement  nugatory, 
and  while  Howell  was  paying  what  he  in- 
tended to  be  a  short  visit  to  London  early  in 
1643  he  was  arrested  in  his  chambers  by  order 
of  the  Long  parliament,  his  papers  were  seized, 
and  he  was  committed  to  the  Fleet.  Accord- 
ing to  his  own  account,  his  only  offence  was 
his  loyalty.  Wood  states  that  he  was  im- 
prisoned as  an  insolvent  debtor,  and  in  his 
letters  from  the  Fleet  he  twice  refers  to  the 
pressure  of  his  debts  (ib.  i.  §  6,  lv.,  Ix.)  It  is 
possible  that  his  imprisonment  was  prolonged 
at  the  instigation  of  his  creditors.  In  spite 
of  his  frequent  petitions  for  release,  he  re- 
mained in  the  Fleet  for  eight  years,  i.e.  till 
1651.  Deprived  of  all  other  means  of  liveli- 
hood, he  applied  himself  with  remarkable  in- 
dustry to  literature.  At  first  he  confined 
"himself  mainly  to  political  pamphleteering. 
He  claimed  that  his  '  Casual  Discourses  and 
Interlocutions  between  Patricius  and  Pere- 
grine touching  the  Distractions  of  the  Times ' 
was  the  first  pamphlet  issued  in  defence  of 
the  royalists ;  a  second  part,  entitled '  A  Dis- 
course or  Parly  continued  betwixt  Patricius 
and  Peregrine  upon  their  landing  in  France, 
touching  the  civill  wars  of  England  and 
Ireland,'  appeared  on  21  July  1643  (both  are 
reprinted  in  the  '  Twelve  Treatises,'  1661). 
In  1643  he  wrote  his  '  Mercurius  Hibernicus ' 
(Bristol,  1644, 4to),  an  account  of  the  recent 
1  horrid  insurrection  and  massacre  in  Ireland,' 
dated  from  the  Fleet,  3  April  1643.  Prynne, 
in  his  '  Popish  Royal  Favourite '  (1644),  re- 
ferring to  Howell's  account  of  Prince  Charles's 
visit  to  Spain  in  'Dodona's  Grove,' described 
him  as  *  no  friend  to  parliament  and  a  malig- 
nant.' Howell  repudiated  the  charge  in  his 
'  Vindication  of  some  passages  reflecting  upon 
him  '  (1644),  to  which  he  added  'A  Clearing 
of  some  Occurrences  in  Spain  at  His  Majesty's 
being  there.'  Howell  returned  to  the  topic  in 
'  Preeminence  and  Pedigree  of  Parliaments ' 
(1644;  reissued  1677),  in  which  he  described 
the  Long  parliament  as  '  that  high  Synedrion 
wherein  the  Wisdom  of  the  whole  Senate  is 
epitomized.'  Prynne  adhered  to  his  original 
statement  in  l  A  moderate  Apology  against 
a  pretended  Calumny,'  London,  1644,  4to. 
( England's  Tears  for  the  present  Wars/  an  ap- 

peal for  peace,  followed  immediately,  and  was 
translated  into  Latin  as  '  Anglise  Suspiria  et 
Lacrymse/  London,  1646,  and  into  Dutch  in 
1649  (cf.  reprinted  in  Ha, -I.  Misc.  and  Somers 
Tracts).  It  was  reported  to  Howell  in  1644 
that  the  king  was  dissatisfied  with  some  of  his 
recent  utterances  on  account  of  their  '  indif- 
ferency  and  lukewarmness,'  and  he  thereupon 
sent  by  letter  to  the  king  mild  assurances  of 
his  loyalty,  3  Sept.  1644  (Epist.  ii.  Ixiii.)  On 
the  same  day  he  completed '  A  sober  and  sea- 
sonable memorandum  sent  to  Philip,  Earl  of 
Pembroke,'  with  whom  he  claimed  a  distant  re- 
lationship [see  HERBERT,  PHILIP]  ;  on  3  May 
1645  *  The  Sway  of  the  Sword,'  a  justification 
of  Charles's  claim  to  control  the  militia ;  and 
on  25  Feb.  1647-8  a  defence  of  the  Treaty 
of  the  Isle  of  Wight.  In  1649  he  issued,  in 
English,  French,  and  Latin,  Charles  I's  latest 
declaration  f  touching  his  constancy  in  the 
Protestant  religion,'  and  also  published  an 
amusing,  if  ill-natured,  '  Perfect  Description 
of  the  People  and  Country  of  Scotland/  which 
was  reprinted  in  No.  13  of  Wilkes's  'North 
Briton '  (August  1762),  at  the  time  of  the 
agitation  against  Lord  Bute.  In  1651  he  dedi- 
cated to  the  Long  parliament  his  '  S.P.Q.V. 
A  Survey  of  the  Seignorie  of  Venice '  (Lon- 
don, 1651,  fol.)  He  was  admitted  to  bail,  and 
released  from  the  Fleet  in  the  same  year. 

As  soon  as  Cromwell  was  installed  in 
supreme  power,  Howell  sought  his  favour  by 
dedicating  to  him  a  pamphlet  entitled '  Some 
sober  Inspections  made  into  the  carriage  and 
consults  of  the  late  Long  Parliament/  Lon- 
don, 1653,  12mo,  in  the  form  of  a  dialogue 
between  Phil-Anglus  and  Polyander  (re- 
issued in  1660).  Howell  commends  Cromwell 
for  having  destroyed  the  parliament ;  com- 
pares the  Protector  to  Charles  Martel :  argues 
in  favour  of  rule  by  '  a  single  person/  and 
condemns  '  the  common  people '  as '  a  waver- 
ing windy  thing'  and  'an  humersome  and 
cross-grained  animal.'  Dugdale,  writing 
on  9  Oct.  1655,  declared  that  Howell  had 
spoken  in  the  tract  more  boldly  of  the  par- 
liament *  than  any  man  that  hath  wrote  since 
they  sate '  (Hist.  MSS.  Comm.  5th  Rep.  p. 
17).  On  2  Oct.  1654  Howell  addressed  '  an 
admonition  to  my  lord  Protector  and  his 
council  of  their  present  danger/  in  which, 
while  urging  the  need  of  an  hereditary  mon- 
archy, he  advised  Cromwell  to  conciliate  .the 
army  by  admitting  the  officers  to  political  in- 
fluence, and  to  negotiate  with  Charles  Stuart 
a  treaty  by  which  Charles  should  succeed  him 
under  well-defined  limitations.  In  1657  he 
offered  to  write  for  the  council  of  state  '  a 
new  treatise  on  the  sovereignty  of  the  seas ' 
(Hist.  MSS.  Comm.  5th  Rep.  p.  314). 
Throughout  the  Commonwealth  Howell's  pen 




was  busy.  His  most  popular  publication  of 
the  period  was '  Londinopolis.  An  Historical 
Discourse;  or,  Perlustration  of  the  City  of  Lon- 
don and  Westminster,'  London,  1657,  fol.,  a 
gossipy  book  largely  borrowed  from  Stow, 
with  plates  by  Hollar.  On  23  March  1659-60 
Howell  wrote  to  Sir  Edward  Walker  at 
Brussels  of  the  necessity  of  '  calling  in  King 
Charles.'  A  broadside  by  him,  entitled  '  Eng- 
land's Joy  Expressed  ...  to  Monck,'  appeared 
in  1660. 

On  Charles  II's  restoration,  Howell  begged 
for  an  appointment  as  clerk  of  the  council 
or  as   assistant    and   secretary   to   a   royal 
commission  for  the  regulation  and  advance- 
ment of  trade.  He  pointed  out  to  Lord  Claren- 
don that  his  linguistic  acquirements  qualified 
him  to  become  '  tutor  for  languages '  to  Queen 
Catherine  of  Braganza.     In  February  1661 
he  received  a  free  gift  from  the  king  of  200/. 
He  was  appointed  at  a  salary  of  100/.  a  year 
historiographer  royal   of  England,  a  place 
which  is  said  to  have  been  especially  created 
for  him,  and  republished  twelve  of  his  poli- 
tical tracts  in  a  volume  entitled  in  one  form 
'  Twelve  Treatises  of  the  Later  Revolutions ' 
(1661),  and  in  another  'Divers  Historicall 
Discourses,'  dedicated  to  Charles  II.     A  se- 
cond volume  was  promised,  but  did  not  ap- 
pear.    In  1661  also  he  issued  a  '  Cordial  for 
the  Cavaliers/  professing  somewhat  cynically 
to  console  those  supporters  of  the  king  who 
found  themselves  ill-requited  for  their  ser- 
vices in  his  cause.     His  equivocal  attitude 
led  him  into  a  bitter  controversy  with  Sir 
Roger L'Estrange,  who  attacked  his '  Cordial' 
in  a  l  Caveat  for  the  Cavaliers.'     Howell  re- 
plied in  '  Some  sober  Inspections  made  into 
those  Ingredients  that  went  to  the  composi- 
tion of  a  late  Cordial  call'd  A  Cordial  for  the 
Cavaliers.'    L'Estrange  retorted  at  the  close 
of  his  '  Modest  Plea  both  for  the  Caveat  and 
Author  of  it '  with  a  list  of  passages  from 
Howell's  earlier  works  to  prove  that  he  had 
nattered  Cromwell  and  the  Long  parliament. 
Other  political  tracts  of  more  decided  royalist 
tone  followed.  His  *  Poems  on  severall  Choice 
and  Various  Subjects  occasionally  composed 
by  an  eminent  author,'  were  edited  by  Payne 
Fisher  [q.  v.],  with  a  dedication  to  Henry 
King,  bishop  of  Chichester,  in  1663.      As 
•Poems  upon   divers   Emergent   occasions' 
they  reappeared  in  1664.     The  enthusiastic 
editor  declares   that   not  to  know  Howell 
'  were  an  ignorance  beyond  barbarism '  (cf. 
Censura  Lit.  iii.  277).     He  died  unmarried 
in  the  parish  of  St.  Andrew's,  Holborn,  and 
was  buried  on  3  Nov.  1666  '  in  the  long  walke 
neare  the  doore  which  goes  up  the  steeple ' 
of  the  Temple  Church  (Reg.}     He  had  left 
directions,  which  were  duly  carried  out,  for 

a  tomb  with  a  Latin  inscription  to  be  set  up 
in  the  Temple  Church  at  a  cost  of  30/.    The 
monument  is  now  well  preserved  in  the  Tri- 
forium  gallery  of  the  round  church  at  the 
Temple.     By  his  will,  dated  8  Oct.  1666  and 
proved  18  Feb.  1666-7,  he  left  small  bequests 
of  money  to  his  brother  Howell,  his  sisters 
Gwin  and  Roberta-ap-Rice,  and  his  landlady 
Mrs.  Leigh.     Three  children  of  his  brother 
Thomas,  viz.  Elizabeth,  wife  of  Jeffrey  Ban- 
ister, Arthur  and  George  Howell,  besides  one 
Strafford,  a  heelmaker,  were   also  legatees. 
Another  nephew,  Henry  Howell,  was  made 
sole  executor.    Many  descendants  of  James's 
brother  Ho  well  Howell  still  survive  in  Wales. 
Howell  is  one  of  the  earliest  Englishmen 
who  made  a  livelihood  out  of  literature.    He 
wrote  with  a  light  pen;  and  although  he  shows 
little  power  of  imagination  in  his  excursions 
into  pure  literature,  his  pamphlets  and  his 
occasional  verse  exhibit  exceptional  faculty 
of  observation,  a  lively  interest  in  current 
affairs,  and  a  rare  mastery  of  modern  lan- 
guages, including  his  native  Welsh.    His  at- 
tempts at  spelling  reform  on  roughly  phonetic 
lines  are  also  interesting.    He  urged  the  sup- 
pression of  redundant  letters  like  the  e  in 
done  or  the  u  in  honour  (cf.  Epist.  Ho-el. 
ed.  Jacobs,  p.  510 ;  Parley  of  Beasts,  advt.  at 
end).    But  it  is  in  his  'Epistolae  Ho-elianse : 
Familiar   Letters,   Domestic   and  Foreign, 
divided  into  Sundry  Sections,  partly  His- 
torical,  Political,   and  Philosophical,'  that 
his  literary  power  is  displayed  at  its  best. 
Philosophic  reflection,  political,  social,  and 
domestic  anecdote,  scientific  speculation,  are 
all  intermingled  with  attractive  ease  in  the 
correspondence  which  he  professes  to  have 
addressed  to  men  of  all  ranks  and  degrees 
of  intimacy.     The  first  volume  was  issued  in 
1645,  dedicated  to  Charles  I,  and  with  'the 
Vote '  prefixed ;  a  '  new,'  that  is  the  second 
volume,  was  issued  in  1647;  and  both  toge- 
ther appeared  with  a  third  volume  in  1650. 
The  first  three  volumes  were  thus  published 
while  Howell  was  in  the  Fleet.     A  fourth 
volume  was  printed  in  a  collected  edition  of 
1655.     Later  issues  by  London  publishers 
are  dated  1678,  1688,  1705,  1726,  1737,  and 
1754.     The  last  three,  called  respectively 
the  ninth,  tenth,  and  eleventh  editions,  were 
described   as   'very    much    corrected.'      In 
1753  another  '  tenth '  edition  was  issued  at 
Aberdeen.     An  eighth  edition  without  date 
appeared  after  1708  and  before  1726.  The  first 
volume  alone  was  reissued  in  the  Stott  Li- 
brary in  1890.      A  complete  reprint,  with 
unpublished  letters  from  the  '  State  Papers ' 
and  elsewhere,  was  edited   by  Mr.  Joseph 
Jacobs  in  1890;  a  complete  commentary  is 
to  follow  in  a  second  volume  (1891). 

Ho  well 


Most  of  Howell's  letters  were  in  all  proba- 
bility written  expressly  for  publication  '  to 
relieve  his  necessities '  while  he  was  in  the 
Fleet.  In  the  opening  letter  of  the  second 
and  later  editions — it  is  not  in  the  first — 
Howell,  while  professing  to  return  to  Sir  J.  S. 
•of  Leeds  Castle  a  copy  of  Balzac's  letters,  dis- 
cusses the  capacity  of  epistolary  correspon- 
dence, and  almost  avows  that  he  was  pre- 
facing a  professedly  literary  collection.  The 
series  of  letters  on  languages  (bk.  ii.  lv-lx.), 
like  that  on  religions  (id.  viii-xi.),  is  a  lite- 
rary treatise  with  small  pretence  to  episto- 
lary form ;  while  letters  on  wines  (ii.  liv.), 
on  tobacco  (bk.  iii.  vii.),  on  the  Copernican 
theory  (ib.  ix.),  or  presbyterianism  (ib.  iii.),  | 
are  purely  literary  essays.  In  the  first  edition 
of  the  first  volume  no  dates  were  appended 
to  the  letters,  but  these  were  inserted  in  the 
second  and  later  series  and  in  the  second  and 
all  later  issues  of  the  first.  They  run  from 
1  April  1617  to  Innocents  day,  i.e.  28  Dec. 
1654.  All  dated  between  26  March  1643  and 
9  Aug.  1648  profess  to  have  been  written 
from  the  Fleet.  Throughout  the  dates  are 
frequently  impossible.  Thus  a  letter  (bk.  i. 
§  2,  xii.),  dated  19  March  1622,  relates  suc- 
cessively, as  of  equally  recent  occurrence,  five 
events  known  to  have  happened  respectively 
in  April  1621,  in  February  1623,  in  the  spring 
of  1622,  at  the  close  of  that  year,  and  in  1619 
(GAKDINER,  Hist.  iv.  pp.  vi,  vii).  In  letters 
dated  1635  and  1637  (i.  §  6,  xxxii.  and  ii.  1) 
Howell  clearly  borrows  from  Browne's  '  Re- 
ligio  Medici,'  which  was  not  issued  till  1645. 
Inaccuracy  in  the  relation  of  events  is  also 
common.  The  letters  are  all  from  Howell 
to  other  persons,  and  it  is  obvious  that,  if 
genuine,  they  were  printed  from  copies  of  the 
originals  preserved  by  Howell.  But  Howell 
himself  states  that  all  his  papers  were  seized 
by  officers  of  the  Long  parliament  before  he 
entered  the  Fleet  prison.  If  the  letters  were 
genuine,  one  would  moreover  expect  to  find 
some  of  the  original  manuscripts  in  the  ar- 
chives of  the  families  to  members  of  which 
they  were  addressed,  but  practically  none  are 
known.  A  few  letters  assigned  to  Howell, 
and  dated  from  Madrid  in  1623,  belonged  to 
the  Earl  of  Westmorland  in  1885  (Hist.  MSS. 
Comm.  10th  Rep.  iv.  23),  but  these  have  since 
been  sold,  and  have  not  been  traced.  Some  un- 
doubtedly genuine  news-letters  which  Howell 
sent  to  Strafford  and  Windebank  are  printed 
in  the l  Strafford  Letters '  and  the '  Calendar  of 
State  Papers '  (1633-5),  and  are  far  simpler 
productions  than  the  '  familiar  epistles,'  in  j 
which  Howell  failed  to  include  them.  In  the 
second  and  later  books  a  few  letters  may  be  \ 
judged  on  internal  evidence  to  be  what  they  j 
purport  to  be,  or  to  have  been  at  any  rate 


based  on  the  rough  notes  of  a  genuine  corre- 
spondence. £>uch  are  the  letters  which  pro- 
fess to  have  accompanied  presentation-copies 
•  of  Howell's  books.  But  the l  familiar  epistles  ' 
as  a  whole,  although  of  much  autobiographic 
interest,  cannot  rank  high  as  an  historical 
authority.  They  may,  however,  be  credited 
with  an  immediate  literary  influence  in 
making  the  penning  of  fictitious  correspond- 
ence a  fashionable  art.  The  collections  of 
letters  by  Thomas  Forde  [q.  v.]  in  1661,  by 
Robert  Loveday  [q.  v.]  in  1662,  and  by  the 
Duchess  of  Newcastle  in  1676,  were  doubtless 
inspired  by  Howell  (cf.  EVELYN,  Diary,  ed. 
Wheatley,  iv.  55)  ;  while  Defoe  seems  subse- 
quently to  have  drawn  from  the  '  Epistolge 
Ho-elianee '  some  hints  for  his  realistic  fictions. 
Besides  the  works  already  mentioned, 
HowelFs  more  or  less  imaginative  work  in- 
cludes :  'A  Nocturnal  Progress,  or  a  Peram- 
bulation of  most  Countries  in  Christendom, 
Performed  in  one  night  by  strength  of 
magination,'  dated  by  Howell  in  1645  (in 
1  Twelve  Treatises,'  1661);  'Apologs  or  Fables 
Mythologized,'  a  political  allegory,  1645  (in 
'Twelve  Treatises,'  1661);  <  Winter  Dream,' 
1649  (prose) ;  <  A  Trance,  or  News  from  Hell,' 
1649;  '  A  Vision,  or  Dialogue  between  the 
Soul  and  Body,'  1651;  <Ah!  Ha!  Tumulus, 
Thalamus.  Two  counter  poems,'  one  on  the 
death  of  Edward  Sackville,  earl  of  Dorset , 
the  other  on  the  marriage  of  the  Marquis 
of  Dorchester,  with  '  a  bridal  sonnet,'  set  to 
music  by  William  Webb,  London,  1653, 4to ; 
and  '  e»;poAoyia.  The  Parly  of  Beasts,  or 
Morphandra,  Queen  of  the  Inchanted  Hand,' 
1660,  an  allegory  in  the  style  of  ( Dodona's 

His  political  and  historical  pamphlets  other 
than  those  already  mentioned  are  '  Lustra 
Ludovici,  or  the  History  of  Lewis  XIII,'  1643 ; 
'  An  Account  of  the  Deplorable  State  of  Eng- 
land in  1647,'  2  Aug.  1647;  <  Bella  Scot- 
Anglica.  A  Brief  Account  of  all  the  Battles 
betwixt  England  and  Scotland/  1648  ;  '  The 
Instruments  of  a  King  .  .  .  the  Sword,  Crown, 
and  Sceptre,'  1648 ;  '  Inquisition  after  Blood 
to  the  Parliament,'  1649  ;  <  The  German  Diet 
on  the  Ballance  of  Europe,'  1653  ;  <  A  Dis- 
course of  the  Empire  and  of  the  Election  of 
the  King  of  the  Romans,'  1658,  dated  from 
Holborn,  1  Jan.  1658 ;  '  A  Brief  Character 
of  the  Low  Countries/  1660 ;  '  A  Briefe  Ac- 
count of  the  Royal  Matches  .  .  .  since  the 
year  800,'  London,  1662 ;  '  UpoebpLa  ^aa-tXiicf). 
Discourse  concerning  the  Presidency  of 
Kings,'  1664,  fol.,  dedicated  to  Charles  II— 
published  with  *  A  Treatise  concerning  Am- 
bassodors/ 1664  (both  reissued  in  Latin  trans- 
lations in  the  same  year,  the  former  translated 
by  B.  Harris,  the  latter  by  John  Harman) ; 





'  Concerning  the  Surrender  of  Dunkirk,  that  it 
was  done  upon  good  grounds/ London,  1664. 

To  philology  and  lexicography  Howell 
contributed  'Lexicon  Tetraglotton,  or  an 
English-French-Italian-Spanish  Dictionary,' 
London,  1659-60,  fol.,  with  'A  Particular 
Vocabulary'  in  the  four  languages  of  tech- 
nical terms,  and  an  appendix  (published  sepa- 
rately in  1659)  of '  Proverbs  or  oldSayed  Saws 
and  Adages  in  English  or  the  Saxon  tongue, 
Italian,  French,  and  Spanish :  whereunto  the 
British  [i.e.  Welsh]  for  their  great  antiquity 
and  weight  are  added.'  Worthington,  writ- 
ing in  his  'Diary'  (Chetham  Soc.  i.  350)  in 
August  1661,  recommended  the  separate  re- 
publication  of  the  appendix,  and  especially 
of  the  collection  of  Welsh  proverbs.  Howell 
revised  and  expanded  Cotgrave's  '  French  and 
English  Dictionary,'  1650,  fol.  (other  editions 
1660  and  1673),  and  wrote  'New  English 
Grammar  ...  for  Foreigners  to  learn  Eng- 
lish .  .  .,  with  l  Another  Grammar  of  the 
Spanish  or  Castilian  toung,  with  some  special 
remarks  in  the  Portugues  dialect,'  and  notes 
on  travel  in  Spain  and  Portugal '  for  the  ser- 
vice of  Her  Majesty'  (in  both  English  and 
Spanish  [printed  on  opposite  pages),  1662. 
After  Howell's  death  appeared  'A  French 
Grammar,  a  Dialogue  consisting  of  all  Galli- 
cisms, with  Additions  of  ...  Proverbs,'  1673. 

His  translations  include  '  St.  Paul's  late 
Progress  upon  Earth,'  1644,  from  the  Italian ; 
'A  Venetian  Looking-glass  .  .  .  touching 
the  present  Distempers  in  England,'  1648, 
from  the  Italian  ;  '  An  exact  History  of  the 
late  Revolutions  in  Naples,'  1650,  from  the 
Italian  of  Alexandro  Giraffi ;  '  The  Process 
and  Pleadings  in  the  Court  of  Spain  upon 
the  death  of  Antony  Ascham,'  from  the 
Spanish,  1651 ;  Josephus's  '  History  of  the 
Jews,'  1652 ;  '  The  Nuptials  of  Peleus  and 
Thetis,'  1654,  from  the  French ;  '  Paracelsus, 
his  Aurora.  .  .  .  As  also  the  Water-Stone 
of  the  Wise  Men,'  1659 ;  Basil  Valentine's 
'  Triumphant  Chariot  of  Antimony,'  1661 ; 
Paracelsus's  '  Archidoxis,'  1661. 

He  edited  Cotton's  'Posthuma,'  1657,  with 
a  dedication  to  Sir  Robert  Pye  [see  COTTON, 
SIR  ROBERT  BRTJCE]  ;  *  Finetti  Philoxenis,' 
1656  [see  FINET,  SIR  JOHN]  ; '  Parthenopceia, 
or  the  History  of  ...  Naples,'  1654,  pt.  i. 
translated  from  the  Italian  of  Mazella  by 
Sampson  Lennard,  and  pt.  ii.  compiled  by 
Howell  from  various  Italian  writers. 

Commendatory  verses  or  letters  by  Howell 
are  prefixed  to  Hay  ward's  '  Eromena,'  1632  ; 
Cartwright's '  Poems,'  1651 ;  and  other  books 
of  the  time.  Many  such  poetic  pieces  are 
collected  in  Howell's  '  Poems.'  Howell, 
rather  than  John  Hewit,  is  the  I.  H.  who 
prefixed  verses  to  the 

A  fine  portrait  of  Howell  leaning  against 
a  tree,  engraved  by  Claude  Melan  or  Mellan 
and  Abraham  Bosse,  was  first  prefixed  ta 
the  French  translation  of  his  'Dodona's 
Grove,'  1641.  It  reappeared  in  his  'Eng- 
land's Teares,'  1644,  his  'German  Diet,'  1653, 
his '  Londinopolis,'  1657,  and  his  '  Proverbs,' 
1659,  and  it  is  inserted  in  many  other  of  his 
books  in  the  British  Museum  Library.  An 
oil  painting,  probably  made  from  the  engrav- 
ing, belongs  to  the  Rev.  H.  Howell  of  Blaina. 
A  small  vignette  by  Marshall  forms  one  of  the 
nine  compartments  of  the  plate  prefixed  to 
the  '  Letters,'  1645. 

[Notes  kindly  sent  by  C.  E.  Doble,  esq.,  and 
C.  H.  Firth,  esq. ;  Wood's  AthenseOxon.  ed.  Bliss, 
iii.  744-52 ;  Biog.  Brit  ;  Lowndes's  Bibl.  Man. 
ed.  Bohn;  Epistolse  Ho-el.  ed.  Jacobs,  1890-1  • 
Strafford  Letters  ;  Brit.  Mus.  Add.  MS.  24492, 
p.  372  (Hunter's  Chorus  Vatum) ;  pedigree  lent 
by  J.  Bagnall  Evans,  esq. ;  curious  expressions 
and  allusions  in  the  Letters  are  discussed  in 
Notes  and  Queries,  3rd  and  5th  ser.]  S.  L. 

HOWELL,  JOHN  (1774-1830),  called 
IOAN  AB  HTWEL,  soldier  and  Welsh  poet, 
was  born  in  1774  at  Abergwilly,  Carmarthen- 
shire, where  he  received  very  little  schooling. 
He  was  apprenticed  to  a  weaver,  but  soon 
joined  the  Carmarthenshire  militia,  where- 
he  was  employed  in  the  band  as  fife-major. 
He  served  with  his  regiment  in  Ireland  in 
1799,  and  rejoined  it  on  re-embodiment  in 
1803.  He  employed  his  leisure  in  improving 
his  education,  and  was  discharged  as  regi- 
mental schoolmaster  on  24  July  1815,  while 
the  regiment  was  at  Bristol.  He  then  be- 
came master  of  the  national  school  at  Llan- 
dovery,  Carmarthenshire,  where  he  resided,, 
with  few  intermissions,  until  his  death.  There 
he  produced  numerous  compositions,  which 
he  sent  to  various  bardic  contests.  In  1824 
he  brought  out  at  Caerfyrddin  by  subscription 
a  small  volume  entitled '  Blodau  Dyfed'  (pp. 
xvi,  420),  containing  selections  from  the  com- 
positions of  bards  of  the  district  in  the  past  and 
present  century,  including  some  productions 
of  his  own,  among  which  is  a  '  Carmarthen 
March.'  He  possessed  some  talent  as  a  musi- 
cian and  teacher  of  psalmody.  His  Welsh 
poems  had  not  much  fire  or  subtle  imagery, 
but  were  considered  models  of  metric  correct- 
ness and  appropriate  diction.  He  died  on 
18  Nov.  1830  at  Llandovery,  and  was  buried 
beside  the  porch  of  Llandingat  Church. 

[  Williams's  Eminent  Welshmen ;  Blodau  Dyfed 
(Carmarthen,  1824,  12mo);  Kolls  of  the  Royal 
Carmarthen  Fusiliers  Militia  in  Public  Record 
Office,  London.]  H.  M.  C. 

HOWELL,  JOHN  (1788-1863),  poly- 
artist,  born  at  Old  Lauriston,  Edinburgh,  in 
1788,  was  apprenticed  to  a  bookbinder,  but 



afterwards  was  an  assistant  to  Robert  Kin- 
near,  bookseller,  in  Frederick  Street,  Edin- 
burgh, and  subsequently  spent  five  years  with 
the  firm  of  Stevenson,  printers  to  the  univer- 
sity, where  he  effected  improvements  in  the 
art  of  stereotyping.  He  next  returned  to  his 
trade  of  bookbinding  at  a  workshop  in  Thistle 
Street,  was  patronised  by  Scott  among  others, 
and  invented  the  well-known  *  plough '  for 
cutting  edges.  Acquainted  with  many  odd 
handicrafts,  he  opened  a  shop  as  curiosity 
dealer  and  china  and  picture  repairer  at 
22  Frederick  Street,  where  the  sign  over  the 
door  described  him  as  a  f  polyartist.'  The 
shop  was  not  very  successful,  and  Howell 
removed  his  business  to  110  Eose  Street, 
where  he  died  4  April  1863.  He  was  mar- 
ried and  left  a  family. 

Howell  on  one  occasion  attempted  to  use 
a  flying  machine  in  what  are  now  the  West 
Princes  Street  Gardens,  .but  broke  one  of  his 
legs  in  the  experiment.  At  another  time, 
having  made,  at  considerable  expense,  a 
model  in  the  shape  of  a  fish,  he  entered  the 
machine,  tried  to  swim  under  water  at  Leith, 
and  was  nearly  drowned.  He  was  more  suc- 
cessful as  an  amateur  doctor  and  dentist,  and 
introduced  the  manufacture  of  Pompeian 
plates.  His  writings  show  considerable  dili- 
gence. He  published:  1.  '  An  Essay  on  the 
War-galleys  of  the  Ancients,'  Edinburgh, 
1826,  8vo.  2.  '  The  Life  and  Adventures  of 
Alexander  Selkirk,'  Edinburgh,  1829,  12mo. 
3.  <  The  Life  of  Alexander  Alexander,'  Edin- 
burgh, 1830.  .  He  also  edited  the  '  Journal 
of  a  Soldier  of  the  71st  Regiment,  18Q6- 
1815,'  and  the  'Life  of  John  Nichol,  the 
Mariner,'  and  wrote  several  of  Wilson's 
1  Tales  of  the  Borders.' 

[Scotsman,  6  April  1863;  Notes  and  Queries, 
3rd  ser.  ii.  491,  iii.  19,  78,  379,  4th  ser.  ii.  393, 
500.]  W.  A.  J.  A. 

HOWELL,  LAURENCE  (1664  P-1720), 
nonjuring  divine,  born  about  1664,  received 
his  education  at  Jesus  College,  Cambridge, 
where  he  graduated  B.A.  in  1684  and  M.A. 
in  1688.  He  was  a  zealous  member  of  the 
nonjuring  party,  and  probably  left  the  uni- 
versity in  1688.  In  1708  the  lord  mayor 
ordered  that  the  Oath  of  Abjuration  should 
be  tendered  to  him.  On  2  Oct.  1712  he  was 
ordained  priest  by  George  Hickes  [q.  v.], 
bishop-suffragan  of  Thetford,  in  his  oratory  at 
St.  Andrew's,  Holborn.  In  the  list  of  non- 
jurors  at  the  end  of  Kettlewell's  <  Life '  it  is 
stated  that  Howell  was  at  the  Revolution 
master  of  the  school  at  Epping,  and  curate  of 
Estwich,  Suffolk,  but  there  is  no  such  parish 
in  that  county,  and  Eastwick,  Hertfordshire, 
maybe  meant  (MARTIN,  Hist,  of  Thetford,  ed. 

Gough,  p.  39).  He  composed  the  speech  which 
William  Paul,  a  nonjuring  clergyman,  who 
was  convicted  of  taking  part  in  the  rebellion, 
delivered  at  his  execution  on  13  July  1716 
(DISNEY,  Memoirs  of  Dr.  Sykes,  pp.  33,  34). 
He  also  wrote  a  pamphlet  for  private  circu- 
lation entitled  «  The  Case  of  Schism  in  the 
Church  of  England  truly  stated.'  In  this 
seditious  work  George  I  was  denounced  as 
a  usurper,  and  all  that  had  been  done  in  the 
church,  subsequently  to  Archbishop  Sancroft's 
deprivation,  was  condemned  as  illegal  and 
uncanonical.  Howell  was  arrested  at  his 
house  in  Bull  Head  Court,  Jewin  Street,  and 
about  a  thousand  copies  of  the  pamphlet  were 
seized  there.  A  prosecution  was  first  insti- 
tuted against  Redmayne,  the  printer,  who 
was  sentenced  to  pay  a  fine  of  500/.,  to  be 
imprisoned  for  five  years,  and  to  find  security 
for  his  good  behaviour  for  life.  Howell  was 
tried  at  the  Old  Bailey  on  28  Feb.  1716-17 
before  the  lord  mayor  and  Justices  Powys 
and  Dormer.  The  jury  found  him  guilty, 
and  two  days  afterwards  he  was  sentenced 
to  pay  a  fine  of  500/.,  to  be  imprisoned  for 
three  years  without  bail,  to  find  four  sureties 
of  500£.  each,  and  himself  to  be  bound  in 
1,000/.  for  his  good  behaviour  during  life,  and 
to  be  twice  whipped.  On  his  hotly  protesting 
against  the  last  indignity  on  the  ground  that 
he  was  a  clergyman,  the  court  answered  that 
he  was  a  disgrace  to  his  cloth,  and  that  his 
ordination  by  the  so-called  bishop  of  Thetford 
was  illegal.  By  the  court's  direction  the 
common  executioner  there  and  then  roughly 

Eulled  his  gown  off  his  back.  A  few  days 
iter,  on  his  humble  petition  to  the  king,  the 
corporal  punishment  was  remitted.  He  died 
in  Newgate  on  19  July  1720. 

There  is  an  engraving  which  professes  to 
be  a  portrait  of  him,  but  Noble  says  the  plate 
was  altered  from  a  portrait  of  Robert  Newton, 
D.D.  (Continuation  of  Granger,  iii.  152). 

Howell  was  a  man  of  learning  and  pub- 
lished: 1.  'Synopsis  Canonum  SS.  Apostolo- 
rum,  et  Conciliorum  fEcumenicorum  et  Pro- 
vincialium,  ab  Ecclesia  Grseca  receptorum  ; 
necnon  Conciliorum  CEcumenicorum  et  Pro- 
vincialium  ab  Ecclesia  Grseca  receptorum ; 
necnon  Conciliorum,  Decretorum,  et  Legum 
Ecclesiae  Britannicae  et  Anglo-Saxonicse ; 
una  cum  Constitutionibus  tarn  Provincialibus 
(sc.  a  Stephano  Langton  ad  Henricuni  Chich- 
leum)  quam  Legatinis  &c.  in  Compendium 
redactis,'  Lond.  1708,  fol.  Hearne  disliked 
Howell's  Latin,  and  said  that  a  dedication  to 
the  Earl  of  Salisbury  was  prepared,  but  not 
accepted  on  the  ground  that  the  '  patronising 
a  nonjuror  would  be  taken  ill  by  the  govern- 
ment.' 2.  *  Synopsis  Canonum  Ecclesise  La- 
tinse,  et  Decreta :  qua  Canones  spurii,  Epistolse 





adulterine,  et  Decreta  supposititia  istius  Ec- 
clesiae  Conciliorum  in  lucem  proferuntur,  et  a 
veris  ac  genuinis  dignoscuntur,'  Lond.  1710, 
fol.  In  1715  the  third  and  last  volume  of 
the  '  Synopsis  Canonum  '  was  announced  '  as 
once  more  finished '  by  Howell,  the  first  manu- 
script having  been  burnt  in  the  fire  which 
destroyed  Bowyer's  printing-house,  30  Jan. 
1712  (NICHOLS,  Lit.  Anecd.  i.  57).  3.  '  The 
Orthodox  Communicant,  by  way  of  Medita- 
tion on  the  Order  for  the  Administration  of 
the  Lord's  Supper,' with  vignettes  from  Scrip- 
ture subjects  by  J.  Sturt,  Lond.  1712,  1714, 
1721, 1781, 8vo.  4.  <  A  View  of  the  Pontifi- 
cate :  From  its  supposed  Beginning  to  the 
End  of  the  Council  of  Trent,  A.B.  1563.  In 
which  the  Corruptions  of  the  Scriptures  and 
Sacred  Antiquity,  Forgeries  in  the  Councils, 
and  Incroachments  of  the  Court  of  Rome  on 
the  Church  and  State,  to  support  their  In- 
fallibility, Supremacy,  and  other  Modern 
Doctrines,  are  set  in  a  true  Light,'  Lond. 
1712,  8vo.  The  second  edition,  1716,  is  en- 
titled 'The  History  of  the  Pontificate.' 
5.  '  Desiderius,  or  the  Original  Pilgrim  :  A 
Divine  Dialogue.  Shewing  the  most  com- 
pendious Way  to  arrive  at  the  Love  of  God. 
Render'd  into  English  and  explain'd  with 
Notes,'  Lond.  1717.  6.  '  A  Compleat  History 
of  the  Holy  Bible,  in  which  are  inserted  oc- 
currences that  happen'd  during  the  space  of 
about  four  hundred  years  from  the  days  of 
theProphet  Malachi  to  the  birth  of  our  Blessed 
Saviour,'  3  vols.  Lond.  1718,  8vo,  with  150 
cuts  by  J.  Sturt ;  again  1725  ;  fifth  edit.  1729  ; 
and  with  additions  and  improvements  by  G. 
Burder,  3  vols.  Lond.  1806-7.  7.  A  Memoir 
of  Dr.  Walter  Raleigh,  dean  of  Wells,  pre- 
fixed to  Raleigh's  treatise  entitled  '  Certain 
Queries  proposed  by  Roman  Catholicks,' 
Lond.  1719.  His  miscellaneous  collections 
for  a  history  of  the  university  of  Cambridge 
are  in  the  Bodleian  Library  (Rawl.  B.  281). 
The  '  Medulla  Historise  Anglicanse,'  some- 
times attributed  to  Howell,  is  by  Dr.  William 
Howell  (1638  P-1683)  [q.  v.] 

[Addit.  MS.  5871,  f.  66  b;  Memoirs  of  the  Life 
of  Kettlewell,  p.  391,  App.  pp.  xxiii,  xxvi;  His- 
torical Kegister  for  1717,  p.  1 19,  and  Chron.  Reg. 
pp.  12,  13  for  1720  (Chron.  Diary),  p.  29  ;  Lath- 
bury's  Nonjurors,  p.  367  ;  Lowndes's  Bibl.  Man. 
(Bohn),  p.  1128 ;  Nichols's  Lit.  Anecd.  i.  31,  32, 
57,  87,  105,  106,  107, 124,  702;  Hearne's  Collec- 
tions, ed.  Doble  (Oxf.  Hist.  Soc.),  ii.  35,  38, 103, 
125;  Political  State  of  Europe,  xii.  259,  263,  281, 
xiii.  354,  356 ;  information  from  C.  E.  Doble, 
esq.]  T.  C. 

HOWELL,  THOMAS  (/.  1568),  verse- 
writer,  probably  a  native  of  Dunster  in  Somer- 
set, published  in  1568 '  The  Arbor  of  Amitie, 
wherein  is  comprised  pleasant  Poems  and 

pretie  Poesies,  set  foorth  by  Thomas  Howell, 
Gentleman,'  8vo,  51  leaves  (Bodleian  Li- 
brary), with  a  dedicatory  epistle  to  Lady  Ann 
Talbot.  Howell  appears  to  have  been  em- 
ployed at  this  time  in  the  household  of  the 
Earl  of  Shrewsbury.  '  Newe  Sonets  and  pretie 
Pamphlets  .  .  .  Newly  augmented,  corrected, 
and  amended,'  4to,was  licensed  for  publication 
in  1567-8.  An  imperfect,  undated  copy,  sup- 
posed to  be  unique,  is  preserved  in  the  Capell 
collection  (Trinity  College,  Cambridge) ;  it  is 
dedicated  '  To  his  approved  Freinde,  Maister 
Henry  Lassels,  Gentilman.'  Severalpoemsare 
addressed  to  John  Keeper  (a  Somerset  man), 
and  some  of  Keeper's  poems  are  included 
among '  Newe  Sonets.'  Howell's  latest  work 
was  '  H.  His  Deuises,  for  his  owne  exercise, 
and  his  Friends  pleasure.  Vincit  qui  patitur,' 
1581, 4to,  51  leaves,  preserved  among  Malone's 
books  in  the  Bodleian  Library.  It  appears 
from  the  dedicatory  epistle  that  he  was  now 
in  the  service  of  the  Countess  of  Pembroke, 
and  that  the  poems  were  written  at  Wilton 
House  ( at  ydle  times ...  to  auoyde  greater 
ydlenesse  or  worse  businesse.'  Howell's 
works  have  been  reprinted  in  Dr.  Grosart's 
1  Occasional  Issues.'  He  was  an  uncouth 
writer,  and  his  poems  have  little  merit  or 
interest.  The  best  is  a  rustic  wooing-song 
in  l  The  Arbor  of  Amitie.' 

[Grosart's  Occasional  Issues,  vol.  viii. ;  Haz- 
litt's  Handbook.]  A.  H.  B. 

HOWELL,  THOMAS,  D.D.  (1588-1646), 
bishop  of  Bristol,  son  of  Thomas  Howell  by 
a  daughter  of  James  David  Powell,  was  born 
at  Bryn,  in  the  parish  of  Llangammarch  in 
Brecknockshire,  in  1588.  His  father  was 
vicar  of  Llangammarch,  and  also  of  Abernant 
in  Carmarthenshire.  James  Howell  [q.  v.] 
was  a  younger  brother,  and  some  of  the  '  Epi- 
stolae  Ho-elianse '  profess  to  be  addressed  to  the 
bishop.'  At  the  age  of  sixteen  he  was  ad- 
mitted a  scholar  of  Jesus  College,  Oxford,  of 
which  he  subsequently  became  fellow.  He 
graduated  B.A.  20  Feb.  1608-9,  M.  A.  9  July 
1612,  B.D.  and  D.D.  8  July  1630.  On  taking 
holy  orders  he  gained  speedy  celebrity  as  a 
preacher,  and  was  appointed  by  Charles  I  one 
of  his  chaplains .  He  also  received  the  rectory 
of  West  Horsley  in  Surrey,  and  that  of  St. 
Stephen's,  Walbrook,  London,  on  13  April 
1635.  The  latter  he  resigned  in  1641.  He 
was  appointed  by  the  king  to  a  canonry  of 
Windsor  on  16  Nov.  1636,  and  on  the  pro- 
motion of  Dr.  Henry  King  [q.  v.]  to  the  see 
of  Chichester,  received  from  the  crown  the 
sinecure  rectory  of  Fulham  on  25  March  1642. 
Though  regarded  'by  many  as  a  puritan 
preacher'  (Wooo,  Athencs,  iv.  804),  he  was 
early  marked  out  for  attack  by  the  parlia- 




mentary  party,  was  driven  from  his  London 
rectory,  was  subsequently  sequestered  for 
non-residence,  and  was  expelled  from  West 
Horsley.  He  took  refuge  at  Oxford,  and  on 
the  death  of  Thomas  Westfield  [q.  v.],  bishop 
of  Bristol,  was  selected  by  Charles  I  to  succeed 
him  in  that  important  stronghold,  just  re- 
covered to  the  royal  cause,  the  king,  we  are 
told, '  promising  himself  good  effects  from  his 
great  candour,  solid  judgment,  sweet  temper, 
and  the  good  repute  in  which  he  was  held  ' 
(ib.)  He  was  consecrated  by  Ussher  in  Au- 
gust 1644,  and  was  the  last  bishop  consecrated 
in  England  for  sixteen  years.  Ho  well's  epi- 
scopate was  short  and  disastrous.  Bristol 
was  surrendered  to  Fairfax  by  Prince  Rupert 
on  10  Sept.  1645,  and  all  the  royalist  clergy 
were  violently  ejected.  The  bishop  was  among 
the  chief  sufferers.  His  palace  was  pillaged. 
The  lead  was  stripped  off  the  roof  under  which 
his  wife  lay  in  childbed,  and  the  exposure 
caused  her  death.  The  bishop  himself  was 
so  roughly  handled  that  he  died  in  the  fol- 
lowing year,  being  buried  in  his  cathedral, 
one  word  alone  marking  the  spot,  '  Exper- 
giscar.'  The  citizens  of  Bristol  undertook 
the  education  of  his  children,  '  in  grateful 
memory  of  their  most  worthy  father '  (BAE- 
KETT,  History  of  Bristol,  p.  330 ;  WOOD, 
Athence^.  805).  Wood  records,  with  evident 
exaggeration,  that  while  on  entering  on  his 
episcopate  he  found  but  few  well  affected  to 
the  church,  he  left  on  his  death  few  ill  affected 
to  it  (ib.)  He  is  described  by  Lloyd  (Me- 
moirs, p.  522)  as  '  a  person  of  great  clearness, 
candour,  solidness,  sweetness,  and  eloquenqe, 
with  an  insight  into  state  affairs,  as  well  as 
those  of  his  own  office.'  Of  his  preaching 
Fuller  writes :  '  His  sermons,  like  the  waters 
of  Siloah,  softly  gliding  on  with  a  smooth 
stream,  his  matter,  with  a  lawful  and  laud- 
able felony,  did  steal  secretly  the  hearts  of 
the  hearers.' 

By  his  wife,  Honor  Bromfield  of  Chalcroft, 
Hampshire,  he  had  two  daughters  and  six 
sons,  including  John,  a  London  merchant ; 
Thomas,  fellow  of  New  College,  Oxford; 
George,  B.D.,  rector  of  Buckland,  Surrey; 
and  Arthur,  a  London  merchant,  at  one  time 
imprisoned  as  a  slave  in  Turkey. 

[Wood's  Athenae,  iii.  842,  iv.  804;  Epistolse 
Ho-elianse  ;  Fuller's  Worthies,  ii.  575  ;  Walker's 
Sufferings  of  the  Clergy,  p.  3 ;  Le  Neve,  i.  216, 
iii.  401;  Newcourt's  Kepertorium,  i.  540,  608; 
Harl.  MS.  4181,  p.  258  (pedigree  of  the  Howell 
family).]  E.  V. 

1815),  editor  of  the  '  State  Trials,'  born  in 
1768,  was  son  of  John  Howell  of  Jamaica. 
On  23  Jan.  1782  he  was  admitted  of  Lincoln's 

Inn,  and  was  called  to  the  bar  in  1790  (Re- 
gister). He  matriculated  at  Oxford  from 
Christ  Church  on  27  March  1784,  but  did  not 
graduate  (FOSTER,  Alurrni  Oxon.  1715-86, 
ii.  701).  When  William  Cobbett  projected  a 
new  edition  of  the  '  State  Trials,'  he  secured 
Howell  as  the  editor.  Howell  carried  the 
work  from  the  first  volume  (1809)  to  the 
twenty-first  (1815),  the  remaining  twelve 
volumes  being  edited  by  his  son,  Thomas 
Jones  Howell.  The  notes  and  illustrations 
accompanying  each  trial  are  excellent.  He 
was  F.R.S.  (8  March  1804)  and  F.S.A.  He 
died  at  Prinknash  Park,  near  Gloucester,  on 
13  April  1815  (Gent.  Mag.  vol.  Ixxxv.  pt.  i. 
p.  472). 

Howell  was  author  of  '  Observations  on 
Dr.  Sturges's  Pamphlet  respecting  Non-re- 
sidence of  the  Clergy .  .  .  in  a  Letter  ...  to 
Mr.  Baron  Maseres.  The  second  edition/  8vo, 
London,  1803. 

His  son,  THOMAS  JONES  HOWELL  (d.  1858), 
who  edited  the  '  State  Trials '  (vols.  xxii. 
1815-xxxiii.  1826),  was  admitted  of  Lincoln's 
Inn  on  9  Nov.  1814  (Register).  He  sold 
Prinknash  after  1842.  He  died  at  Eaton 
Place  West,  London,  on  4  June  1858  (  Gent. 
Mag.  1858,  ii.  93).  He  was  twice  married 
(in  1817  and  1851). 

[Wallace's  Reporters,  p.  58.]  G.  G. 

HOWELL,  WILLIAM  (1638 ?-1683)>*  Fo» 
historian,  born  about  1638,  was  educated  at  Aew's 
Magdalene  College,  Cambridge  (B.A.  1651,  $<>* 
M.A.  1655),  of  which  he  became  a  fellow.  a 
On  25  Nov.  1664  he  was  created  doctor  of  /?  , 
civil  law,  and  was  incorporated  at  Oxford  * 
on  6  July  1676.  He  was  tutor  to  John,  earl 
of  Mulgrave.  On  4  Feb.  1678  he  was  ad- 
mitted a  civilian  (CooTE,  English  Civilians, 
pp.  99-100),  and  became  chancellor  of  the 
diocese  of  Lincoln.  He  died  in  the  begin- 
ning of  1683.  By  license  dated  3  Aug.  1678 
he  married  Miss  Mary  Ashfield  of  St.  Giles- 
in-the-Fields,  London  (CHESTEE,  London 
Marriage  Licences,  ed.  Foster,  col.  718).  He 
wrote  '  An  Institution  of  General  History 
.  .  .  from  the  beginning  of  the  World  till 
the  Monarchy  of  Constantine  the  Great,'  fol., 
London,  1661  (another  edition  1662),  which 
he  translated  into  Latin  in  1671  as  'Ele- 
menta  Historic,'  12mo,  London,  for  the  use 
of  Lord  Mulgrave.  The  history  was  after- 
wards brought  down  '  to  the  fall  of  Augus- 
tulus,'  and  published  in  1685,  with  a  dedica- 
catory  letter  to  James  II  by  the  author's 
widow.  Mary  Howell,  and  a  preface  by  Comp- 
ton,  bishop  of  London,  and  others.  What 
is  styled  the  l  second  edition '  was  issued  in 
three  parts,  fol.,  London,  1680-5.  The  com- 
pilation was  praised  by  Gibbon  (Autobio- 




graphy,  ed.  1827,  i.  33).  Howell  was  also 
author  of  '  Medulla  Historiae  Anglicanae. 
Being  a  comprehensive  History  of  the  Lives 
and  Reigns  of  the  Monarchs  of  England/ 
which  passed  through  several  editions,  though 
without  his  name.  The  earliest  edition  men- 
tioned by  Wood  is  dated  1679 ;  a  twelfth 
edition,  brought  down  to  1760,  appeared  in 

[Wood's  Fasti  Oxon.  (Bliss),  ii.  355.]    G.  G. 

HOWELL,  WILLIAM  (1656-1714),  di- 
vine, was  the  son  of  G.  Howell  of  Oxford, 
who  is  termed  ' pauper*  in  the  Wadham 
'  Register.'  Wood  says  that  the  father  was 
a  tailor.  William  Howell  matriculated  as 
a  servitor  from  Wadham  College,  Oxford, 
in  1670,  but  shortly  afterwards  removed  to 
New  Inn  Hall.  Here  he  graduated  B.A.  in 
1673,  and  proceeded  M.A.  in  1676.  He  took 
orders,  and  became  schoolmaster  and  curate 
of  Ewelme  in  Oxfordshire ;  he  was  certainly 
the  latter  in  1688,  and  here  his  wife  died  in 
1700.  Howell  died  in  1714,  and  was  buried 
at  Ewelme  on  23  Jan.  1713-14 ;  there  is  a 
tablet  to  his  memory  in  the  church. 

Howell  wrote:  1.  'The  Common-prayer- 
book  the  best  Companion,  &c.,'  Oxford,  1686, 
8vo;  republished  with  additions  at  Oxford 
in  1687.  2.  <  The  Word  of  God  the  best 
Guide  to  all  Persons  at  all  Times  and  in  all 
Places,  &c.,'  Oxford,  1689,  8vo.  3.  ' Prayers 
in  the  Closet :  for  the  Use  of  all  devout  Chris- 
tians, to  be  said  both  Morning  and  Night/ 
Oxford,  1689,  8vo,  one  sheet ;  also  two  ser- 
mons published  at  Oxford  in  1711  and  1712 

[Wood's  Athense  Oxon.  ed.  Bliss,  iv.  787; 
Wood's  Fasti  Oxon.  ed.  Bliss,  ii.  334,  354 ;  E.  B. 
G-ardiner's  Reg.  of  Wadham  College,  Oxford, 
p.  286 ;  Brit.  Mus.  Cat. ;  information  from  the 
rector  of  Ewelme.]  W.  A.  J.  A. 

HOWELLS,  WILLIAM  (1778-1832), 
minister  at  Long  Acre  Chapel,  London,  eldest 
of  the  twelve  children  of  Samuel  Howell  s, 
was  born  in  September  1778  at  Llwynhelyg, 
a  farmhouse  near  Cowbridge  in  Glamorgan. 
After  some  years'  study  under  the  Rev.  John 
Walton  of  Cowbridge,  and  Dr.  Williams, 
the  master  of  Cowbridge  school,  he  went  in 
April  1800  to  Wadham  College,  Oxford,  and 
left  in  1 803  without  a  degree.  An  elegy  by  him 
on  his  tutor  Walton  in  1797,  published  in  the 
'  Gloucester  Journal/  introduced  him  to  the 
notice  of  Robert  Raikes  [q.  v.],  who  offered 
him  journalistic  work.  At  Oxford  he  was 
under  baptist  influences,  but  he  was  ordained 
by  Dr.  Watson,  bishop  of  Llandaff,  in  June 
1804,  to  the  curacy  of  Llangan,  Glamorgan. 
Both  he  and  his  vicar  occasioned  some  com- 

plaint by  preaching  at  methodist  chapels.  In 
1812  Howells  became  curate  to  the  united 
parishes  of  St.  Andrew-by-the-Wardrobe  and 
St.  Anne,  Blackfriars,  in  London,  and  in  1817 
lessee  of  the  episcopal  chapel  in  Long  Acre, 
where  he  gradually  gathered  together  an  ap- 
preciative audience.  His  strongly  evangelical 
sermons  were  widely  popular,  and  his  self- 
denying  life,  despite  his  eccentricities,  gave  no 
handle  to  his  enemies.  He  died  on  18  Nov. 
1832  (Gent.  Mag.  1832,  ii.  653),  and  was 
buried  in  a  vault  under  Holy  Trinity  Church, 
Cloudesley  Square,  Islington.  In  the  church 
itself  a  tablet  was  placed  to  his  memory. 

The  following  collections  of  Howell's  ser- 
mons and  prayers  appeared  after  his  death : 
1 .  ' Remains/  edited  by  Moore,  Dublin,  1833, 
12mo ;  newed.,  London,  1852, 8vo.  2. '  Twelve 
Sermons/  London,  1835,  8vo.  3.  l  Sermons, 
with  a  Memoir  by  Charles  Bowdler/  London, 

1835,  2  vols.  8vo.      4.  'Twenty  Sermons/ 
London,  1835,  12mo.      5.  'Fifty-two   Ser- 
mons from  Notes/  by  H.  H.  White,  London, 

1836,  8vo.     6.  '  Prayers  before  and  after  the 
Sermon/   London,  32mo.     7.  '  Choice   Sen- 
tences/ edited  by  the  Rev.  W.  Bruce,  Lon- 
don, 1850,  18mo. 

[Memoirs  by  the  Rev.  E.  Morgan  and  Charles 
Bowdler ;  funeral  sermon  by  the  Rev.Henry  Mel- 
vill ;  Allibone's  Diet,  of  Engl.  Lit.  i.  905.] 

W.  A.  J.  A. 

HOWES,  EDMUND  (Jl.  1607-1631), 
chronicler,  lived  in  London,  and  designated 
himself '  gentleman.'  Undeterred  by  Stow's 
neglect,  and  despite  the  ridicule  of  his  ac- 
quaintances, he  applied  himself  on  Stow's 
death  in  1605  to  continuations  of  Stow's 
'Abridgement'  and  of  his  'Annales.'  The 
former  he  undertook,  after  discovering  (he 
tells  us)  that  no  one  else  was  likely  to  per- 
form it.  Howes's  first  edition  of  Stow's 
'Abridgement,  or  Summarie  of  the  English 
Chronicle/  appeared  in  1607.  A  dedication 
to  Sir  Henry  Rowe,  the  lord  mayor,  a*  few 
notices  of  '  sundry  memorable  antiquities/ 
and  a  continuation  of '  maters  forrein  and  do- 
mesticalT  between  1603  and  1607,  consti- 
tute Howes's  contributions.  In  1611  Howes 
issued  another  edition  of  the  same  work,  with 
a  further  continuation  to  the  end  of  1610, 
arid  a  new  dedication  addressed  to  Sir  Wil- 
liam Craven,  lord  mayor. 

Howes  issued  in  1615  an  expanded  version 
of  Stow's  well-known '  Annales  or  Chronicle/ 
with  '  an  historicall  preface/  and  a  continua- 
tion from  1600,  the  date  of  the  last  edition, 
to  1615.  According  to  Howes's  own  account 
Archbishop  Whitgift  had  suggested  this  task 
to  him,  and  he  received  little  encouragement 
while  engaged  on  it  (STOW,  Annales,  1631, 



ded.)  In  1631  he  published  his  final  edition  of 
the  'Annales,'  with  a  dedication  to  Charles  I, 
and  a  concluding  address  to  the  lord  mayor 
and  aldermen  of  London.  Howes  lays  much 
stress  on  his  love  of  truth,  and  the  difficulties 
caused  him  in  his  labours  by  '  venomous 
tongues.'  In  a  letter  to  Nicholas,  dated 
23  Dec.  1630,  he  refers  to  the  passage  of  his 
work  through  the  press,  and  mentions  Sir 
Robert  Pye  as  a  friend  (Cal.  State  Papers, 
Dom.  1629-31,  p.  416).  The  1631  edition 
of  the  '  Annales '  is  the  most  valuable  of  all, 
and  Howes's  additions  are  not  the  least  in- 
teresting part  of  it. 

[Notes  and  Queries,  1st  ser.  vi.  199  ;  Howes's 
prefaces  and  dedications.]  S.  L. 

HOWES,  EDWARD  (/.  1650),  mathe- 
matician, was  studying  law  in  1632  at  the 
Inner  Temple,  and  appears  afterwards  to  have 
-entered  holy  orders.  In  1644  he  was  a  master 
in  the  '  Ratcliffe  Ffree  School,'  London,  and 
in  1659  is  '  called  rector  of  Goldancher  [i.e. 
Goldanger]  in  Essex.'  Howes  was  the  inti- 
mate friend  and  frequent  correspondent  of 
John  Winthrop  [q.  v.],  governor  of  Massa- 
chusetts. In  1632,  writing  from  the  Inner 
Temple,  he  sent  Winthrop  a  tract  which  he 
had  printed  to  show  that  the  north-west  pas- 
sage to  the  Pacific  was  probably  '  not  in  the 
608  or  70°  of  N.  latitude,  but  'rather  about 
40th.'  '  I  am  verilie  perswaded  of  that,  there 
is  either  a  strait  as  our  narrow  seas,  or  a 
Mediterranean  sea  west  from  you.'  The  tract 
is  called '  Of  the  Circumference  of  the  Earth, 
or  a  Treatise  of  the  North  Weast  Passage,' 
London,  1623. 

On  25  Aug.  1635  Howes  wrote  to  Win- 
throp, *  I  think  I  shall  help  you  to  one  of  the 
magneticall  engines  which  you  and  I  have 
discoursed  of  that  will  sympathize  at  a  dis- 
tance,' a  possible  foreshadowing  of  the  modern 
telegraph;  and  in  1640,  <  as  for  the  mag- 
neticall instrument  it  is  alsoe  sympatheticall.' 
In  1644  Howes  speaks  of  possibly  establish- 
ing a  school  in  Boston,  and  in  various  letters 
refers  to  the  wish  of  many  religious  people 
to  go  to  the  plantations. 

In  1659  Howes  published  l  A  Short  Arith- 
metick,  or  the  Old  and  Tedious  way  of  Num- 
bers reduced  to  a  New  and  Briefe  Method, 
whereby  a  mean  Capacity  may  easily  attain 
competent  Skill  and  Facility.'  It  is  well 
arranged  for  practical  instruction.  At  the 
end  of  his  address  to  the  reader  Howes  speaks 
of  '  having  also  the  theoreticall  part  finished 
and  ready  to  be  published,  if  desired.'  No 
other  part  seems  to  have  been  issued. 

[Massachusetts  Hist.  Soc.  Collections,  3rd 
ser.  vol.  ix.  4th  ser.  vi.  467,  &c. ;  Life  and  Letters 
of  John  Winthrop,  p.  20.]  B.  E.  A. 

HOWES,  FRANCIS  (1776-1844),  trans- 
lator, fourth  son  of  the  Rev.  Thomas  Howes 
of  Morningthorpe,  Norfolk,  by  Susan,  daugh- 
ter of  Francis  Linge  of  Spinworth  in  the 
same  county,  was  born  in  1776,  and  was  edu- 
cated at  the  Norwich  grammar  school.  He 
entered  Trinity  College,  Cambridge,  in  1794, 
graduated  B.  A.  in  1798  as  eleventh  wrangler, 
and  proceeded  M.A.  in  1804.  In  1799  he  ob- 
tained the  members'  prize.  His  chief  college 
friend  was  John  (afterwards  Sir  John)  Wil- 
liams [q.  v.],  the  judge,  who  subsequently 
allowed  him  100/.  a  year.  He  held  various 
curacies,  and  in  1815  became  a  minor  canon 
of  Norwich  Cathedral,  afterwards  holding  the 
rectories  successively  of  Alderford  (from  1826) 
and  of  Framingham  Pigot  (from  1829).  He 
died  at  Norwich  in  1844,  and  was  buried  in 
the  west  cloister  of  the  cathedral .  He  married 
early  Susan  Smithson,  and  left  issue ;  one 
of  his  sisters,  Margaret,  married  Edward 
Hawkins,  and  was  the  mother  of  Edward 
Hawkins  [q.  v.],  provost  of  Oriel. 

Howes  published  the  following  translations 
into  English  verse :  1 . '  Miscellaneous  Poetical 
Translations,'  London,  1806,  8vo.  2.  '  The 
Satires  of  Persius,  with  Notes,'  London,  1809, 
8vo.  3.  'The  Epodes  and  Secular  Ode  of 
Horace,'  Norwich,  1841,  8vo,  privately 
printed.  4.  <  The  First  Book  of  Horace's  Sa- 
tires,' privately  printed,  Norwich,  1842,  8vo. 
After  his  death  his  son,  C.  Howes,  published 
a  collection  of  his  translations,  London,  1845, 
8vo.  The  merit  of  his  translations  was  recog- 
nised by  Conington  in  the  preface  to  his  ver- 
sion of  the  satires  and  epistles  of  Horace. 
Howes  composed  epitaphs  for  various  monu- 
ments in  Norwich  Cathedral. 

THOMAS  HOWES  (1729-1814)  was  the  only 
son  of  Thomas  Howes  of  Morningthorpe  (a 
first  cousin  of  Francis  Howes's  father),  by 
Elizabeth,  daughter  of  John  Colman  of  Hind- 
ringham,  Norfolk.  He  entered  at  Clare  Hall, 
Cambridge,  in  1743,  and  graduated  B.A.  in 
1746.  For  a  time  he  was  in  the  army,  but 
quitted  it  to  take  holy  orders.  After  serving 
curacies  in  London  he  held  the  crown  rectory 
of  Morningthorpe,  Norfolk,  from  1756  until 
the  death  of  his  father  in  1771,  when  he  was 
instituted  to  the  family  living  of  Thorndon, 
Suffolk.  He  died  at  Norwich,  unmarried,  on 
29  Sept.  1814.  He  was  a  friend  of  Dr.  Parr. 
Howes  began  to  publish  in  1776  his  '  Critical 
Observations  on  Books,  Ancient  and  Modern,' 
four  volumes  of  which  appeared  before  his 
death.  This  is  now  a  very  rare  work.  In  vol. 
iii.  he  printed  a  sermon  preached  by  him  in 
1784  against  Priestley  and  Gibbon,  to  which 
Priestley  replied  in  an  appendix  to  his  '  Let- 
ters to  Dr.  Horsley,'  pt.  iii.  Howes  answered 
the  reply  in  his  fourth  volume. 




[Information  kindly  supplied  by  Miss  Louisa 
Howes  ;  Burke'  s  Hist,  of  the  Commoners,  i.  412  ; 
Gent.  Mag.  1844,  pt.  i.  660;  Gent.  Mag.  1814, 
ii.  404  ;  Hawkins's  ed.  of  Milton's  Works  ;  Brit. 
Mus.  Addit.  MSS.  19167,  f.  77  ;  Brit,  Mus. 
Cat.]  W.  A.  J.  A. 

HOWES,  JOHN  (/.  1772-1793),  minia- 
ture and  enamel  painter,  is  principally  known 
as  an  exhibitor  of  portraits  and  other  subjects 
in  enamel  at  the  Royal  Academy  from  1772 
to  1793.  He  occasionally  exhibited  minia- 
tures, and  latterly  a  few  historical  pictures. 
In  1777  he  painted  and  exhibited  a  medal- 
lion portrait  of  David  Garrick,  from  a  draw- 
ing by  Cipriani,  which  was  presented  to  the 
actor  by  the  Incorporated  Society  of  Actors 
of  Drury  Lane  Theatre  ;  this  miniature  was 
lent  by  the  Rev.  J.  T.  C.  Fawcett  to  the  Ex- 
hibition of  Miniatures  at  South  Kensington 
in  1862  (see  Catalogue). 

[Eedgrave's  Diet,  of  Artists  ;  Eoyal  Academy 
Catalogues.]  L.  C. 

HOWES,  THOMAS  (1729-1814),  divine. 
[See  under  HOWES, 

HOWGILL,  FRANCIS  (1618-1669), 
quaker,  was  born  at  Todthorne,  near  Gray- 
rigg,  Westmoreland,  in  1618.  His  father  ap- 
pears to  have  been  a  yeoman.  Backhouse 
(Life  of  Francis  Howgill)  states  he  received 
a  university  education,  and  was  for  a  short 
time  a  minister  of  the  established  church. 
After  '  having  seen  the  superstitions  '  thereof 
he  joined  first  the  independents  and  subse- 
quently the  anabaptists.  He  at  one  time 
preached  at  Colton,  Lancashire,  and  about 
1652  was  minister  of  a  congregation  at  or 
near  Sedbergh  in  Yorkshire,  where  he  tried 
to  protect  George  Fox,  who  was  preaching  in 
the  churchyard.  On  the  next  '  first-day/ 
Fox  (Journal,  1765,  p.  68)  says,  Howgill 
preached  with  John  Audland  in  Firbank 
Chapel,  Westmoreland.  He  appears  to  have 
formally  joined  the  quakers  early  in  the  same 
year  (1652),  and  was  soon  afterwards  de- 
tained in  Appleby  prison  on  account  of  his 
religious  opinions.  Howgill  became  an  ac- 
tive minister  among  the  Friends,  especially 
in  the  north  of  England.  In  1653  he  la- 
boured in  Cumberland,  but  visited  London 
to  intercede  with  the  Protector,  whom  he 
tried  unsuccessfully  to  persuade  to  become  a 
quaker.  With  Anthony  Pearson  he  com- 
menced the  first  quaker  meetings  held  in 
London,  at  a  house  in  Watling  Street.  Dur- 
ing 1654  Howgill  was  largely  occupied  in 
answering  pamphlets  against  quakerism,  but 
found  time  to  visit  Bristol,  where  the  Friends 
were  suffering  persecution.  The  magistrates 
ordered  him  to  leave  ;  on  his  declining  to 
comply,  the  quakers  were  attacked  by  the 

populace,  and  a  warrant  was  issued  tor  his 
arrest,  but  he  managed  to  avoid  it.  He  also 
attended  the  general  meeting  at  Swanning- 
ton  in  Leicestershire  the  same  year.  In  1655 
he  went  with  Borough  to  Ireland,  where 
they  preached  in  Dublin  for  three  months 
unmolested ;  they  then  removed  to  Cork, 
when  Henry  Cromwell,  lord  deputy  of  Ire- 
land, banished  them  from  Ireland.  Howgill's 
amiability  enabled  him,  as  a  rule,  to  avoid 
persecution,  and  till  1663  he  pursued  arduous 
ministerial  work,  for  the  most  part  unhin- 
dered. But  his  strength  failed,  and  in  1663 
at  Kendal  he  was  summoned  by  the  high 
constable  for  preaching,  and  on  refusing  to 
take  the  oath  of  allegiance  was  committed 
to  Appleby  gaol.  At  the  ensuing  assizes  he- 
was  indicted  for  not  taking  the  oath,  and  was 
allowed  till  the  next  assizes  to  answer  the 
charge.  As  he  declined  to  give  a  bond  for 
good  behaviour,  he  lay  in  prison  till  the  assizes. 
In  August  1664  he  was  convicted,  was  out- 
lawed, and  sentenced  to  the  loss  of  his  goods 
and  perpetual  imprisonment.  He  died  on 
20  Jan.  1668-9,  after  an  imprisonment  of 
about  five  years. 

Howgill  was  married  and  had  several  chil- 
dren. The  Mary  Howgill  who  was  imprisoned 
at  various  times  in  Lancashire  in  1654-6  and 
in  Devonshire  in  1655  appears  to  have  been 
his  wife. 

Howgill  was  a  voluminous  writer,  and  dur- 
ing the  seventeenth  and  eighteenth  centuries 
his  works  were  much  valued  by  the  quakers. 
The  chief  are:  1.  'The  Standard  of  the 
Lord  lifted  up  against  the  Kingdom  of  Satan/ 
1653  (with  Christopher  Atkinson  and  others), 
2.  '  The  Fiery  darts  of  the  Divel  quenched ; 
or  something  in  answer  to  a  Book  called 
"A  Second  Beacon  Fired," '&c.,  1654.  3.  'The 
Inheritance  of  Jacob  discovered  after  his  Re- 
turn out  of  JEgypt,' 1655  (published  in  Dutch 
in  1660).  4.  '  A  Lamentation  for  the  Scat- 
tered Tribes,'  &c.,  1656.  5.  <  Some  of  the  Mis- 
teries  of  God's  Kingdome  declared,'  &c., 

1658.  6.  <  The  Papists'  strength,  Principles,, 
and  Doctrines,  answered  and  confuted,'  &c., 
1658  (with  George  Fox) ;  published  in  Latin 

1659.  7.    'The    Invisible  Things   of  God 
brought  to  Light  by  the  Revelation  of  the 
Eternal  Spirit,'  &c.,  1659.     8.  '  The  Popish 
Inquisition  newly  erected  in  New-England/ 
&c.,  1659.     9.  <  The  Heart  of  New-England 
Hardned  through  Wickedness,'  &c.,  1659. 

10.  l  The  Deceiver  of  the  Nations  discovered 
and    his     Cruelty    made    manifest,'    1660. 

11.  '  Some  Openings  of  the  Womb  of  the 
Morning,'  &c.,  1661 ;  republished  in  Dutch 
at  Amsterdam  in  the  same  year.     12.  '  The 
Glory  of  the  True  Church  discovered,  as  it 
was  in  its  Purity  in  the  Primitive  Time,'&c.? 





1661  ;  reprinted  in  1661,  1662,  and  1663,  and 
published  in  Dutch  in  1670.  13.  '  The  Rock 
of  Ages  exalted  above  Rome's  imagined  Rock,' 
&c.,  1662.  14.  -The  Great  Case  of  Tythes  and 
forced  Maintenance  once  more  Revived,'  &c., 
1665.  16.  '  The  True  Rule,  Judge,  and  Guide 
of  the  True  Church  of  God  discovered,'  &c., 
1665.  16.  i  Oaths  no  Gospel  Ordinance  but 
prohibited  by  Christ,'  &c.,  1666. 

[John  Bolton's  Short  Account  of  Francis  How- 
ill  ;  James  Backhouse's  Memoirs  of  Francis 
owgill  ;  Giles's  Some  Account  ...  of  Francis 
Howgill  ;  Sewel's  Hist,  of  the  Rise,  &c.  Quakers, 
ed.  1834,  i.  69,  106,  ii.  13,  41,  73,  89;  Besses 
Sufferings  of  the  Quakers,  i.  39,  ii.  11,  21,  457  ; 
George  Fox's  Journal,  ed.  1765,  pp.  67,  68,  76, 
110,  120,  301;  Bickley's  George  Fox;  Gough's 
Hist,  of  the  Quakers  ;  Joseph  Smith's  Catalogue 
of  Friends'  Books  ;  Swarthmore  'MSS.'J 

A.  C.  B. 

HOWGILL,  WILLIAM  (Jl.  1794), 
organist  and  composer,  was  organist  at  White- 
haven  in  1794,  and  some  years  later,  probably 
in  1810,  removed  to  London. 

He  published:  1.  'Four  Voluntaries,  part 
of  the  3rd  Chapter  of  the  Wisdom  of  Solomon 
for  three  Voices,  and  six  favourite  Psalm 
Tunes,  with  an  Accompaniment  for  the 
Organ,'  London  [1825  ?].  2.  '  Two  Volun- 
taries for  the  Organ,  with  a  Miserere  and 
Gloria  Tibi,  Domine.'  3.  '  An  Anthem  and 
two  Preludes  for  the  Organ.' 

[Grove's  Diet,  of  Music,  i.  754;  Fetis's  Biog. 
Univ.  des  Musiciens,  iii.  375.]  R.  F.  S.. 

HOWICK,  VISCOUNT,  afterwards  second 
EAEL  GEET.  [See  GREY,  CHAELES,  1764- 


HOWIE,  JOHN  (1735-1793),  author  of 
'  Scots  Worthies,'  was  born  on  14  Nov.  1735 
at  Lochgoin,  about  two  miles  from  Kilmar- 
nock,  Ayrshire.  Tradition  derives  him  from 
one  of  three  brothers  Huet,  who  came  from 
France  as  persecuted  Albigenses  in  the  twelfth 
century,  and  settled  respectively  in  the 
parishes  of  Mearns  and  Craigie,  and  at  Loch- 
goin. Several  generations  of  Howies  farmed 
Lochgoin,  and  staunch  devotion  to  religious 
freedom  was  a  family  characteristic.  Owing 
to  his  father's  death  Howie  lived  from  child- 
hood to  early  manhood  with  his  maternal 
grandparents  on  the  farm  of  Blackshill,  Kil- 
marnock,  and  attended  two  country  schools. 

About  1760  Howie  married  and  became 
farmer  of  Lochgoin.  The  soil  of  Lochgoin 
did  not  demand  incessant  work,  and  Howie 
devoted  his  leisure  to  literary  pursuits,  gra- 
dually forming  a  small  library,  and  collecting 
antiquarian  relics  chiefly  connected  with  the 
covenanters.  His  miscellaneous  collection 

included  specimens  of  typographical  work 
by  Barker,  the  early  newspaper  printer,  and 
Captain  Paton's  sword  and  bible,  besides  a 
flag  and  a  drum,  and  various  manuscripts 
connected  with  the  covenanting  cause.  His 
health  had  never  been  robust,  and  he  died 
on  5  Jan.  1793,  and  was  buried  in  Fenwick 
churchyard.  His  first  wife,  Jean  Lindsay, 
having  borne  him  a  son,  died  of  consumption, 
and  he  married  again  in  1766  his  cousin, 
Janet  Howie,  by  whom  he  had  five  sons  and 
three  daughters. 

Howie's  '  Scots  Worthies,'  first  published 
in  1774,  contains  short,  pithy  biographies  of 
Scottish  reformers  and  martyrs  from  the  Re- 
formation to  the  English  Revolution.  Though 
somewhat  intolerant,  he  is  throughout  se- 
verely earnest  and  candid.  He  revised  and 
enlarged  the  work,  1781-5,  and  this  edition 
was  reissued,  with  notes  by  W.  McGavin,  in 
1827.  In  1870  the  Rev.  W.  H.  Carslaw  re- 
vised Howie's  text  and  published  it,  with 
illustrations  and  notes,  and  a  short  biogra- 
phical introduction ;  and  in  1876  a  further 
illustrated  edition  appeared,  with  biographi- 
cal notice  compiled  from  statements  made 
by  Howie's  relatives,  and  an  introductory 
essay  by  Dr.  R.  Buchanan.  <A  Collection 
of  Lectures  and  Sermons  by  Covenanting 
Clergymen'  was  issued  by  Howie  in  1779, 
with  a  quaint  introduction  by  himself.  He 
edited  in  1780  Michael  Shields's  'Faithful 
Contendings  Display'd,'  an  account  of  the 
church  of  Scotland  between  1681  and  1691 ; 
wrote  on  the  Lord's  Supper,  patronage,  &c., 
and  prefaced  and  annotated  various  religious 
works  of  ephemeral  interest. 

[Biographies  prefixed  to  editions  of  Scots 
Worthies  mentioned  in  the  text ;  Irving's  Emi- 
nent Scotsmen.]  T.  B. 

LIAM (1798-1850),  line  engraver,  was  born 
at  Edinburgh  in  1798.  He  was  educated  at 
George  Heriot's  Hospital,  and  on  leaving  that 
institution  was  apprenticed  to  an  engraver 
named  Wilson.  He  never  received  any  in- 
struction in  drawing  beyond  what  he  acquired 
during  his  apprenticeship,  and  for  some  time  ' 
he  worked  in  comparative  obscurity,  being 
chiefly  employed  upon  small  plates.  Some  of 
these  were  after  David  O.  Hill,  R.S.A.,  and  by 
Hill's  introduction  Howison's  work  attracted 
the  attention  of  Sir  George  Harvey,  who  was 
the  first  to  appreciate  his  talents,  and  to  afford 
scope  for  their  display  by  giving  him  a  com- 
mission to  engrave  his  picture  of '  The  Curlers/ 
The  merits  of  this  engraving  led  to  his  elec- 
tion in  1838  as  an  associate  of  the  Royal 
Scottish  Academy,  the  only  instance  of  such 
an  honour  having  been  conferred  on  an  en- 




graver.  He  afterwards  engraved '  The  Polish 
Exiles/  after  Sir  William  Allan,  P.R.S.A., 
and  *  The  Covenanters'  Communion/  and  '  A 
Schule  Skailin/  after  Sir  George  Harvey, 
P.R.S.A.,  and  at  the  time  of  his  death  was 
engaged  upon  'The  First  Letter  from  the 
Emigrants/  after  Thomas  Faed,  R.  A.,  for  the 
Association  for  the  Promotion  of  the  Fine 
Arts  in  Scotland.  He  died  at  8  Frederick 
Street,  Edinburgh,  on  20  Dec.  1850,  and  was 
buried  in  the  Greyfriars  churchyard. 

William  Howison  the  engraver  must  be 
distinguished  from  WILLIAM  HOWISON  (fl. 
1823)  poet  and  philosopher,  who  also  lived  in 
Edinburgh,  was  a  friend  of  Sir  Walter  Scott 
(LOCKHAET,  Life  of  Sir  W.  Scott,  pp.  230, 
505-6),  and  was  author  of:  1.  'Polydore'  (a 
ballad  by  which  he  introduced  himself  to 
Scott,  who  inserted  it  in  the  '  Edinburgh 
Annual  Review '  for  1810).  2.  t  Fragments 
and  Fictions  '  (published  under  the  assumed 
name  of  M.  de  Pendemots).  3.  ( An  Essay 
on  the  Sentiments  of  Attraction,  Adaptation, 
and  Vanity.'  4.  '  A  Key  to  the  Mythology  of 
the  Ancients.'  5.  '  Europe's  Likeness  to  the 
Human  Spirit/  Edinburgh,  1821, 12mo.  6. ;  A 
Grammar  of  Infinite  Forms,  or  the  Mathe- 
matical Elements  of  Ancient  Philosophy  and 
Mythology/  Edinburgh,  1823, 12mo.  7.  '  The 
Conquest  of  the  Twelve  Tribes.' 

[Scotsman,  28  Dec.  1850  ;  Edinburgh  Evening 
Courant,  28  Dec.  1850  ;  Art  Journal,  1851,  p.  44, 
reprinted  in  Gent.  Mag.  1851,  i.  321 ;  Anderson's 
Scottish  Nation,  ii.  500;  Bryan's  Diet,  of  Painters 
and  Engravers,  ed.  Graves,  1886-9,  i.  684;  Notes 
and  Queries,  6th  ser.  v.  253.]  E.  E.  G. 

HOWITT,  MARY  (1799-1888),  miscel- 
laneous writer,  was  born  on  12  March  1799 
at  Coleford,  Gloucestershire,  the  temporary 
residence  of  her  parents,  while  her  father, 
Samuel  Botham(<2. 1823),  a  prosperous  quaker 
of  Uttoxeter,  Staffordshire,  was  looking  after 
some  mining  property.  Her  mother  was  Anne 
Wood,  a  descendant  of  Andrew  Wood  the 

Ktentee,  attacked  by  Swift  in  the  l  Drapier 
tiers.'  Mary  Botham  was  educated  at 
home,  soon  read  widely  for  herself  in  many 
branches,  and  commenced  writing  verses  at  a 
very  early  age.  On  16  April  1821  she  mar- 
ried at  Uttoxeter  William  Howitt  [q.  v.],  and 
began  a  career  of  joint  authorship  with  her 
husband.  Their  literary  productions  at  first 
consisted  chiefly  of  poetical  and  other  contri- 
butions to  annuals  and  periodicals,  of  which  a 
selection  was  published  in  1827  under  the  title 
of '  The  Desolation  of  Eyam  and  other  Poems.' 
The  life  of  Mary  Howitt  was  completely 
bound  up  with  that  of  her  husband ;  she  Was 
separated  only  from  him  during  the  period  of 
his  Australian  journey  (1851-4).  On  re- 

moving to  Esher  in  1837  she  commenced 
writing  her  well-known  tales  for  children,  a 
long  series  of  books  which  met  with  signal 
success.  While  residing  at  Heidelberg  in 
1840  her  attention  was  directed  to  Scandi- 
navian literature,  and  in  company  with  her 
friend  Madame  Schoultz  she  set  herself  to 
learn  Swedish  and  Danish.  She  afterwards 
translated  Fredrika  Bremer's  novels  (1842- 
1863,  18  vols.),  works  which  she  was  the 
first  to  make  known  to  English  readers.  She 
also  translated  many  of  Hans  Andersen's 
tales,  such  as  '  Only  a  Fiddler/  1845,  l  The 
Improvisators/  1845,  1847,  '  Wonderful 
Stories  for  Children/  1846,  '  The  True  Story 
of  every  Life/  1847.  Among  her  original 
works  were  '  The  Heir  of  West  Way  Ian/ 
1847.  She  edited  for  three  years  the  *  Draw- 
ing-room Scrap  Book/  writing  for  it  among 
other  articles  '  Biographical  Sketches  of  the 
Queens  of  England.'  She  edited  the  'Pic- 
torial Calendar  of  the  Seasons/  translated 
Ennemoser's  'History  of  Magic/ and  took  the 
chief  share  in  t  The  Literature  and  Romance 
of  Northern  Europe/ 1852.  She  also  produced 
a  '  Popular  History  of  the  United  States ' 
(2  vols.  1859),  and  a  three-volume  novel 
called  '  The  Cost  of  Caergwyn '  (1864).  Her 
name  was  attached  as  author,  translator,  or 
editor  to  upwards  of  110  works.  From  the 
Literary  Academy  of  Stockholm  she  received 
a  silver  medal.  On  21  April  1879  she  was 
awarded  a  civil  list  pension  of  100J.  a  year. 
In  the  decline  of  her  life  she  joined  the  church 
of  Rome,  and  was  one  of  the  English  deputa- 
tion who  were  received  by  the  pope  on  10  Jan. 
1888.  Her  interesting '  Reminiscences  of  my 
Later  Life '  were  printed  in  '  Good  Words  '  in 
1 886.  The  death  of  her  husband  in  1879,  and 
of  her  eldest  child,  Mrs.  A.  A.  Watts,  in  1884, 
caused  her  intense  grief.  The  '  Times '  says, 
speaking  of  the  Howitts :  '  Their  friends  used 
jokingly  to  call  them  William  and  Mary,  and 
to  maintain  that  they  had  been  crowned  to- 
gether like  their  royal  prototypes.  Nothing 
that  either  of  them  wrote  will  live,  but 
they  were  so  industrious,  so  disinterested,  so 
amiable,  so  devoted  to  the  work  of  spreading 
good  and  innocent  literature,  that  their  names 
ought  not  to  disappear  unmourned.'  Mary 
Howitt,  having  removed  from  her  usual  resi- 
dence at  Meran  in  the  Tyrol  to  spend  the 
winter  in  Rome,  died  there  of  bronchitis 
on  30  Jan.  1888.  A  portrait  is  prefixed  to 
Margaret  Hewitt's  '  Life  of  Mary  Howitt/ 

Among  the  works  written,  like  those 
already  mentioned,  independently  of  her  hus- 
band, were :  1.  *  Sketches  of  Natural  His- 
tory/ 1834.  2.  (  Wood  Leighton,  or  a  Year 
in  the  Country/ 1836.  3.  '  Birds  and  Flowers 




and  other  Country  Things/ 1838.  4.  '  Hymns 
and  Fireside  Verses/  1839.  5.  '  Hope  on, 
Hope  ever,  a  Tale/  1840.  6.  '  Strive  and 
Thrive/  1840.  7.  '  Sowing  and  Reaping,  or 
What  will  come  of  it/ 1841.  8.  '  Work  and 
Wages,  or  Life  in  Service/  1842.  9.  'Which 
is  the  Wiser?  or  People  Abroad/  1842. 
10.  '  Little  Coin,  Much  Care/  1842.  11.  '  No 
Sense  like  Common  Sense/ 1843.  12.  '  Love 
and  Money/ 1843.  13.  <  My  Uncle  the  Clock- 
maker/  1844.  14.  '  The  Two  Apprentices/ 

1844.  15.  '  My  own  Story,  or  the  Autobio- 
graphy of  a  Child/ 1845.  16. '  Fireside  Verses/ 

1845.  17.  '  Ballads  and  other  Poems/  1847. 
18.  'The  Children's  Year/  1847.     19.  '  The 
Childhood  of  Mary  Leeson/ 1848.     20.  '  Our 
Cousins  in  Ohio/  1849.     21.  '  The  Heir  of 
Wast-Waylan/ 1851 .  22. '  The  Dial  of  Love/ 
1853.      23.  <  Birds  and  Flowers  and  other 
Country  Things/  1855.     24.  'The  Picture 
Book  for  the  Young/  1855.   25.  '  M.  Howitt's 
Illustrated  Library  for  the  Young/  1856; 
two   series.      26.  '  Lillieslea,    or  Lost   and 
Found/  1861.     27.  'Little  Arthur's  Letters 
to  his  Sister  Mary/  1861.     28.  '  The  Poet's 
Children/  1863.     29.  <  The  Story  of  Little 
Cristal/  1863.     30.  '  Mr.  Rudd's  Grandchil- 
dren/ 1864.     31.  '  Tales  in  Prose  for  Young 
People/  1864.     32.  'M.  Howitt's  Sketches 
of  Natural  History,    1864.     33.  'Tales   in 
Verse  for  Young  People/  1865.     34.  '  Our 
Four-footed  Friends/  1867.   35. '  John  Oriel's 
Start  in  Life/  1868.      36.   '  Pictures  from 
Nature/  1869.     37.  '  Vignettes  of  American 
History/  1869.    38.  'A  Pleasant  Life/  1871. 
39.  '  Birds  and  their  Nests/  1872.     40.  '  Na- 
tural History  Stories/ 1875.     41.  '  Tales  for 
all  Seasons/  1881.     42.  'Tales  of  English 
Life,  including  Middleton  and  the  Middle- 
tons/  1881. 

[Margaret  Howitt's  Life  of  Mary  Howitt, 
1889,  with  two  portraits;  Good  Words,  1886,  pp. 
52,  172,  330,  394,  592  ;  Bale's  Woman's  Eecord, 
1855,  pp.  699-702, -with  portrait;  Athenaeum, 
4  Feb.  1888,  p.  148,  and  11  Feb.  p.  181 ;  Times, 
3  Feb.  1888,  p.  7,  and  7  Feb.  p.  8  ;  Graphic, 
18  Feb.  1888,  p.  168,  with  portrait;  Alaric 
Watts'sLife,  1884,ii.  1-15;  Godey's  Lady's  Book, 
1852,  xlv.  320-2;  information  from  Mrs.  John 
Macdonell ;  and  the  authorities  mentioned  under 

HOWITT,  RICHARD  (1799-1869),  poet, 
born  at  Heanor  «in  Derbyshire  in  1799,  was 
the  son  of  Thomas  Howitt  and  Phoebe  Tantum. 
William  Howitt  [q.  v.]  was  his  brother.  He 
spent  his  earlier  years  as  a  druggist  in  Not- 
tingham, at  first  in  partnership  with  his 
brother  William,  but  finally  on  his  own  ac- 
count. He  was  an  ardent  lover  of  literature, 
and  published  in  1830  a  volume  of  poems 
entitled  '  Antediluvian  Sketches.'  This  was 

highly  praised  by  competent  judges,  and  was 
followed  in  1840  by  the  '  Gipsy  King '  and 
other  poems.  Many  of  Howitt's  poems  ap- 
peared first  in  '  Tait's  Magazine '  and  W. 
Dearden's  '  Miscellany.'  Towards  the  end  of 
1839  Richard,  in  company  with  his  brother, 
Dr.  Godfrey  Howitt,  emigrated  to  Australia, 
but  returned  in  1844,  and  published  his  ex- 
periences in  '  Impressions  of  Australia  Felix 
during  Four  Years'  Residence  in  that  Colony, 
Notes  of  a  Voyage  round  the  World,  Austra- 
lian Poems/  &c.,  1845.  This  miscellany  of 
prose  and  verse  was  described  by  Leigh  Hunt 
as 'full  of  genuine  pictures  of  nature,  animate 
and  inanimate.'  After  a  stay  in  Nottingham 
Howitt  retired  to  Edingley,  Nottinghamshire, 
and  published  in  1868  a  last  volume  of  verse, 
'  Wasp's  Honey,  or  Poetic  Gold  and  Gems  of 
Poetic  Thought.'  He  died  at  Edingley  on 
5  Feb.  1869,  and  was  buried  in  the  Friends' 
cemetery  at  Mansfield.  Christopher  North 
says  of  him,  in  the  'Noctes  Ambrosianae/ 
'  Richard  has  true  poetic  feeling,  and  no 
small  poetic  power.' 

[The  Reliquary,  x.  and  xi.;  Mary  Howitt:  an" 
Autobiography,  edited  by  her  daughter,  Margaret 
Howitt,  1889,  i.  117,  181,  222,  ii.  169;  Notting- 
ham Daily  Express,  February  1869 ;  Nottingham 
Daily  Guardian,  February  1 869 ;  Smith's  Friends' 
Books.]  E.  B. 

HOWITT,  SAMUEL  (1765  P-1822), 
painter  and  etcher,  a  member  of  an  old  Not- 
tinghamshire quaker  family,  was  born  about 
1765.  In  early  life  he  was  in  an  independent 
position,  and,  "residing  at  Chigwell,  Epping 
Forest,  devoted  himself  to  field  sports.  Finan- 
cial difficulties  compelled  him  to  turn  to  art 
as  a  profession.  Coming  to  London,  he  was 
for  a  time  a  drawing  master,  and  attended 
Dr.  Goodenough's  academy  at  Baling.  In 
1783  he  exhibited  with  the  Society  of  British 
Artists  three  l  stained  drawings  '  of  hunting 
subjects,  and  in  1785  first  appeared  at  the 
Royal  Academy,  contributing  two  landscapes ; 
in  1793  he  sent '  Jaques  and  the  Deer'  and 
'A  Fox  Hunt.'  He  worked  both  in  oils  and 
water-colours,  confining  himself  to  sporting 
subjects  and  illustrations  of  natural  history, 
which  are  carefully  drawn,  very  spirited  and 
truthful.  Howitt  was  closely  associated  in 
his  art  with  Rowlandson,  whose  sister  he 
married,  and  his  works  frequently  pass  for 
those  of  his  brother-in-law;  but,  unlike  Row- 
landson, he  was  a  practical  sportsman,  and 
his  incidents  are  more  accurately  delineated. 
He  was  a  clever  and  industrious  etcher,  and 
published  a  great  number  of  plates  similar 
in  character  to  his  drawings,  and  delicately 
executed  with  a  fine  needle.  He  also  pro- 
duced a  number  of  caricatures  in  the  manner 




of  Rowlandson.  It  has  been  stated  that 
Howitt  visited  India,  hut  this  is  an  error  ; 
his  only  eastern  subjects  were  the  drawings 
for  Captain  T.  Williamson's  '  Oriental  Field 
Sports,'  1807,  and  these  were  worked  up  in 
England  from  sketches  by  Williamson.  Other 
of  his  works  are :  '  Miscellaneous  Etchings 
of  Animals,'  50  plates,  1803;  'British  Field 
Sports,' 20  coloured  plates,  1807;  'The  Angler's 
Manual/  with  12  plates,  1808 ;  'A  New  Work 
of  Animals,  principally  designed  from  the 
Fables  of  ^Esop,  Gay,  and  Phsedrus/  56  plates, 
1811;  'Groups  of  Animals,'  24  plates,  1811; 
'The  British  Sportsman,'  70  plates,  1812; 
and  many  of  the  drawings  for  '  Foreign  Field 
Sports,'  1814.  After  1794  Howitt  reappeared 
at  the  Royal  Academy  only  in  1814  and  1815. 
He  died  in  Somers  Town  in  1822.  His  great- 
granddaughter,  Mrs.  Samuel  Hastings,  pos- 
sesses a  large  number  of  his  works,  and  ex- 
amples are  in  the  print  room  of  the  British 
Museum  and  the  South  Kensington  Museum. 

[Kedgrave's  Diet,  of  Artists;  Graves's  Diet, 
of  Artists,  1760-1880;  Universal  Cat.  of  Books 
on  Art;  Eeminiscences  of  Henry  Angelo,  1830; 
Grego's  Eowlandson ;  information  from  Eev.  S. 
Hastings.]  F.  M.  O'D. 

HOWITT,  WILLIAM  (1792-1879),  mis- 
cellaneous writer,  was  born  at  Heanor,  Derby- 
shire, 18  Dec.  1792.  His  father,  Thomas 
Howitt,  who  farmed  a  few  acres  of  land  at 
Heanor,  joined  the  Society  of  Friends  on  his 
marriage  with  Phoebe  Tantum,  a  member  of 
the  same  society,  with  whom  he  acquired  a 
considerable  fortune.  William  was  a  pre- 
cocious child,  who  at  the  age  of  thirteen 
wrote  '  An  Address  to  Spring,'  which  was 
inserted  in  the  '  Monthly  Magazine.'  From 
1802  to  1806  he  was  at  the  Friends'  public 
school  at  Ackworth,  Yorkshire  (NODAL,  Bib- 
liography of  Ackworth  School,  1889,  pp.  17- 
20,  with  portrait ;  H.  THOMPSON,  History  of 
Ackworth  School,  1879,  pp.  328-34),  and  after- 
wards went  to  school  at  Tamworth,  where 
he  studied  chemistry  and  natural  philosophy. 
He  owed  his  real  education,  however,  to  pri- 
vate reading  and  his  natural  aptitude  for 
acquiring  foreign  languages.  From  his  youth 
he  was  fond  of  open-air  sports.  In  1821  he 
married  Mary  Botham  [see  HOWITT,  MARY]. 
The  first  year  of  their  married  life  was  passed 
in  Staffordshire,  where  they  conjointly  wrote, 
the  first  of  many  like  productions,  a  poetical 
volume  entitled  '  The  Forest  Minstrel.'  In 
1823  they  made  a  pedestrian  tour  through 
Scotland,  at  that  date  an  unheard-of  achieve- 
ment. On  their  return  Howitt  took  up  his 
residence  in  the  Market  Place,  Nottingham, 
as  a  chemist  and  druggist.  Business  did  not 
interrupt  his  literary  work,  and  in  1831  he 

produced  the  '  Book  o±  the  Seasons,  or  Ca- 
lendar of  Nature,'  in  1833  his  '  Popular  His- 
tory of  Priestcraft  in  all  Ages  and  Nations/ 
and  in  1835  his  '  Pantika,  or  Traditions  of 
the  most  Ancient  Times,'  2  vols.  The  'Book 
of  the  Seasons '  was  refused  by  four  of  the 
principal  publishing  houses,  yet  when  taken 
up  by  Col  burn  &  Bentley  rapidly  ran  to 
seven  large  editions.  His  '  History  of  Priest- 
craft '  led  to  his  election  as  alderman  of 
Nottingham,  and  to  association  with  the  ac- 
tive liberals  of  the  day.  Finding  that  public 
life  deprived  him  of  leisure  for  writing,  he 
in  1836  removed  to  West  End  Cottage,  Esher, 
where  he  resided  during  the  next  three  years. 
Here  he  wrote  '  Rural  Life  of  England/ 
2  vols.,  1838,  'The  Boys'  Country  Book/ 
1839,  and  the  first  series  of  '  Visits  to  Re- 
markable Places/ 1840.  In  1840  he  took  up 
his  residence  at  Heidelberg  for  the  benefit  of 
his  children's  education,  and  in  1842,  besides 
publishing  the  second  series  of  'Visits  to 
Remarkable  Places/  brought  out  '  Rural  and 
Domestic  Life  of  Germany/  a  work  which, 
according  to  the  '  Allgemeine  Zeitung/  con- 
tained the  most  accurate  account  of  that 
country  written  by  a  foreigner.  While  in 
Germany  Howitt  not  only  improved  his 
knowledge  of  German  literature,  but  also 
made  a  complete  study  of  Swedish  and 
Danish.  Returning  to  England  in  1843  he 
settled  at  The  Elms,  Clapton,  London,  where 
he  studied  mesmerism.  In  April  1846  he  be- 
came connected  with  the  '  People's  Journal/ 
first  as  a  contributor,  and  afterwards  as  part 
proprietor.  A  quarrel  ensuing  Howitt  with- 
drew, and  in  January  1847  set  up  a  rival  perio- 
dical called'  Hewitt's  Journal/ of  which  three 
volumes  appeared,  but  it  was  not  a  pecuniary 
success.  Among  other  works  from  his  pen 
were '  Homes  and  Haunts  of  the  most  eminent 
British  Poets,'  1847, '  The  Year-Book  of  the 
Country/  1850,  and  'Madame  Dorrington  of 
the  Dene/  a  novel,  1851.  From  1848  to  1852 
he  lived  at  Upper  Avenue  Road,  St.  John's . 
Wood.  In  June  1852,  accompanied  by  his 
sons  Alfred  William  and  Charlton,  he  set  sail 
for  Australia  on  a  visit  to  his  brother  Dr. 
Godfrey  Howitt.  During  the  two  following 
years  he  travelled  through  Victoria,  New 
South  Wales,  and  Tasmania,  and  had  prac- 
tical experience  of  working  in  a  gold-field. 
Coming  back  to  England  in  1854,  his  family 
in  the  meantime  having  removed  to  the 
Hermitage,  Highgate,  he  wrote  several  works 
on  Australia  ('  A  Boy's  Adventures  in  the 
Wilds  of  Australia/  1854,  'Land,  Labour, 
and  Gold,  or  Two  Years  in  Victoria/  1855, 
2  vols.,  '  Tallangetta,  the  Squatter's  Home/ 
1857,  3  vols.,  '  The  History  of  Discovery  in 
Australia,  Tasmania,  and  New  Zealand/ 1865, 




2  vols.),  but  his  opinions  on  colonial  matters 
were  severely  criticised.  About  this  period 
Howitt  and  his  wife  became  believers  in 
spiritualism,  but,  as  in  the  case  of  their  friends 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  S.  C.  Hall,  their  regard  for 
the  Christian  religion  did  not  diminish  (see 
The  Pyschological  Review,  1882  v.  36,  293, 
410,  510,  1883  vi.  13,  88  ;  A.  M.  H.  WATTS, 
Pioneers  of  the  Spiritual  Reformation,  1883, 
pp.  157-325).  Settling  at  West  Hill  Lodge, 
Highgate,  in  1857,  Howitt  continued  his  in- 
defatigable literary  labours,  and  occupied 
much  of  his  leisure  in  arranging  seances  with 
D.  D.  Home  [q.  v.]  (Spiritual  Mag.  February 
1860  and  October  1861 ;  HOME,  Incidents  in 
my  Life,  1863,  p.  189).  He  contributed  to  the 
' Spiritual  Magazine'  upwards  of  a  hundred 
articles  describing  his  personal  experiences. 
On  19  June  1865  he  received  a  pension 
from  the  civil  list  of  140/.  a  year.  Between 
1856  and  1862  he  wrote  five  large  volumes 
of  a  '  Popular  History  of  England '  (from 
the  reign  of  Edward  II)  for  Messrs.  Cas- 
sell,  Fetter,  &  Galpin,  which  passed  through 
seven  editions.  It  was  sold  originally  in 
weekly  numbers,  and  reached  a  circulation 
of  a  hundred  thousand.  Lord  Brougham  and 
Dr.  Robert  Chambers  highly  commended  it. 
From  1866  to  1870  he  lived  at  The  Orchard, 
near  Esher.  In  1870  he  settled  at  Rome, 
where  on  16  April  1871  he  celebrated  his 
golden  wedding.  During  the  summer  he  lived 
at  Dietenheim  in  the  Tyrol,  returning  to  Rome 
for  the  winter  and  spring.  At  Rome  he  in- 
terested himself  in  the  formation  of  a  Society 
for  the  Protection  of  Animals,  and  in  a  pro- 
ject for  planting  the  Campagna  with  the 
Eucalyptus  globulus,  well  known  for  its  power 
of  destroying  malaria.  He  died  of  bronchitis 
and  hemorrhage  at  55  Via  Sistina,  Rome, 
3  March  1879,  and  was  buried  in  the  pro- 
testant  cemetery  on  5  March. 

Among  his  children  were  Alfred  William 
Howitt,  Australian  traveller,  and  the  dis- 
coverer of  the  remains  of  the  explorers 
Burke  and  Wills,  which  he  brought  to  Mel- 
bourne for  burial ;  Herbert  Charlton  Howitt, 
who  was  drowned  while  engineering  a  road 
in  New  Zealand  ;  Anna  Mary  Howitt,  wife 
of  Alfred  Alaric  Watts,  the  biographer  of 
her  father,  and  author  of  '  Art  Work  in 
Munich,'  who  died  at  Dietenheim  23  July 
1884  ;  and  Margaret  Howitt,  the  writer  of 
the  '  Life  of  Fredrika  Bremer/  and  of  the 
memoir  of  her  own  mother. 

In  conjunction  with  his  wife  he  wrote  or 
edited  besides  the  works  mentioned  above : 
1. '  The  Desolation  of  Eyam,  and  other  Poems/ 
1827.  2.  l  The  Literature  and  Romances  of 
Northern  Europe,'  1852.  3.  '  Stories  of  Eng- 
lish and  Foreign  Life,'  1853.  4.  'Howitt's 

Journal  of  Literature  and  Popular  Progress,' 
1847-9.  5.  'The  People's  and  Hewitt's 
Journal/  1849.  6.  '  Ruined  Abbeys  and 
Castles  of  Great  Britain/  1862,  1864,  two 

His  principal  works,  in  addition  to  those  al- 
ready mentioned,  were:  1.  'Colonisation  and 
Christianity  :  a  History  of  the  treatment  of 
Natives  by  Europeans/ 1838.  2.  '  The  Student 
Life  of  Germany/  by  Dr.  Cornelius,  i.e.  W. 
Howitt,  1841.  3.  Peter  Schlemihl's  'Wun- 
dersame  Geschichte/  a  translation,  1843. 

4.  '  Wanderings  of  a  Journeyman  Tailor/ 
by  P.   D.   Holthaus,    a   translation,   1844. 

5.  '  The  Life  and  Adventures  of  Jack  of  the 
Mill/  1844.   6.  '  German  Experiences/  1844. 
7.   '  Life  in  Dalecarlia/  by  F.   Bremer,  a 
translation,  1845.      8.  'The  Hall  and   the 
Hamlet,  or  Scenes  of  Country  Life/  1848, 
2  vols.     9.  '  The  History  of  Magic/  by  J.  En- 
nemoser,  a  translation,  1854, 2  vols.  10.  '  The 
Man  of  the  People/  1860,  3  vols.     11.  '  The 
History  of  the  Supernatural  in  all  Ages  and 
Nations/  1863,   2  vols.      12.    'Woodburn 
Grange  ;  a  Story  of  English  Country  Life/ 
1867,  3  vols.     13.  '  The  Northern  Heights 
of  London,   or   Historical   Associations   of 
Hampstead,  Highgate,  Muswell  Hill,  Horn- 
sey,  and  Islington/  1869,  8vo.      14.    'The 
Mad  War-Planet,  and  other  Poems/  1871. 
15.  'The  Religion  of  Rome/  1873. 

[A.  M.  H.  Watts's  Pioneers  of  the  Spiritual 
Reformation,  1883,  pp.  157-325  ;  The  Natura- 
list, April  1839,  pp.  366-73,  with  portrait;  Cor- 
nelius Brown's  Nottinghamshire  Worthies,  1883, 
pp.  355-60  ;  Home's  New  Spirit  of  the  Age, 
1844,  i.  177-98;  Wilson's  Noctes  Ambrosianse, 
No.  xxxix.  November  1828,  No.  Ivi.  April  1831 ; 
S.  C.  Hall's  Retrospect  of  a  Long  Life,  1883,  ii. 
126-31  ;  Times,  4  March  1879,  p.  10,  6  March, 
p.  5  ;  Allibone's  Diet,  of  English  Literature,  i. 
905-8;  Spencer  T.  Hall's  Remarkable  People 
whom  I  have  known,  1873,  pp.  311-15;  Illus- 
trated London  News,  29  March  1879,  pp.  297, 
{  298,  with  portrait.]  Gr.  C.  B. 

ROWLAND,  RICHARD,  D.D.  (1540- 

j  1600),  bishop  of  Peterborough,  the  son  and 
I  heir  of  John  Howland,  gentleman,  of  the  city 
!  of  London,  and  Anne  Greenway  of  Cley, 
!  Norfolk,  was  born  at  Newport  Pond,  near 
Saffron  Walden,  Essex,  and  baptised  26  Sept. 
1540.   He  was  admitted  pensioner  at  Christ's 
College,  Cambridge,  18  March  1557  -8,  whence 
he  migrated  to  St.  John's  College,  where  he 
I  graduated  B.A.  1560-1.     He  was  elected  a 
j  fellow  of  Peterhouse  11  Nov.  1562,  and  pro- 
ceeded M.  A.  in  1564.  His  subsequent  degrees 
i  were  B.D.  1570,  D.D.  1578.     He  was  incor- 
porated M.A.  of  Oxford  9  July  1567.  In  1569 
he  became  rector  of  Stathern,  Leicestershire, 
on  the  presentation  of  the  master  and  fellows 




of  Peterhouse.  In  his  earlier  years  Howland 
was  an  adherent  of  Thomas  Cartwright  (1535- 
1603)  [q.  v.],  and  signed  the  unsuccessful 
petition  to  Burghley  in  1571  imploring  that 
Cartwright  might  be  allowed  to  return  to 
Cambridge  (STEYPE,  Annals,  I.  ii.  376,  n. 
i.  2,  415).  He.  subsequently  changed  his 
opinions,  and  on  a  violent  sermon  being 
preached  in  St.  Mary's  by  one  Milayn,  a 
fellow  of  Christ's,  in  favour  of  '  the  antidis- 
ciplinary  faction,'  on  a  Sunday  morning  in 
October  1573,  he  ably  and  successfully  con- 
troverted its  teaching  on  the  same  day  in  the 
same  place  in  the  afternoon  (STEYPE,  Whit- 
gift,  i.  98).  Howland  gained  the  confidence 
of  Burghley,  then  chancellor  of  the  university, 
who  made  him  his  chaplain.  By  Burghley 's 
influence  he  was  appointed  to  the  mastership 
of  Magdalene  College,  then  almost  in  a  state 
of  bankruptcy,  in  1575-6.  When  Whit- 
gift  resigned  the  mastership  of  Trinity  in 
June  1577,  on  his  election  to  the  see  of 
Worcester,  he  strongly  recommended  How- 
land,  who  was  his  personal  friend,  to  Burgh- 
ley, as  his  successor.  The  queen,  however, 
had  already  selected  Dr.  Still,  the  master 
of  St.  John's,  and  it  was  arranged  that  How- 
land  should  be  transferred  from  Magdalene 
to  St.  John's  as  Still's  successor,  being  '  a 
man  of  gravity  and  moderation,  and  of 
neither  party  or  faction.'  He  was  admitted 
master  20  July  1577,  the  whole  society  of  St. 
John's  sending  a  letter  of  thanks  to  Burgh- 
ley for  'the  great  moderation  of  the  most 
worthy  master  set  over  them '  (ib.  i.  153, 156). 
The  college  had  been  for  some  years  dis- 
tracted by  dissensions  between  the  puritan 
and  anglican  factions,  to  heal  which  a  new 
body  of  statutes  had  been  given  enlarging 
the  power  of  the  master  and  defining  his 
authority.  Howland  successfully  gave  effect 
to  the  new  statutes  (ib.  I.e. ;  BAKEE,  Hist,  of 
St.  John's  Coll.  ed.  Mayor,  pp.  173  sq.)  In 
1578  he  served  the  office  of  vice-chancellor, 
in  which  capacity  he,  at  the  head  of  the  uni- 
versity, waited  on  the  queen  on  her  visit  to 
AudleyEnd,  27  July  1578,  and  presented  her 
with  a  Greek  Testament  and  a  pair  of  gloves, 
making  a  suitable  oration  (STEYPE,  Annals, 
II.  ii.  203).  In  1583  he  was  again  vice-chan- 
cellor. The  following  year  Whitgift,  by  this 
time  archbishop,  recommended  his  old  friend 
for  either  of  the  vacant  sees  of  Bath  and 
Wells  or  of  Chichester,  or,  failing  these,  for 
the  deanery  of  Peterborough  (STEYPE,  Whit- 
gift,  i.  337).  When  Burghley  advised  Eliza- 
beth to  confer  the  deanery  on  him,  she  replied 
that  he  was  '  worthy  of  a  better  place,'  and 
in  1584  nominated  him  to  the  see  of  Peter- 
borough on  the  translation  of  Bishop  Scam- 
bier  to  Norwich.  He  was  consecrated  by 

Whitgift  at  Lambeth,  7  Feb.  1584-5  (STEYPE, 
Annals,  in.  i.  336).  The  fellows  lamented 
Howland's  departure  from  St.  John's,  al- 
though his  frequent  absence  from  Cambridge 
had  caused  some  dissatisfaction  (cf.  ib.  bk.  ii. 
pp.  166-71).  The  choice  of  a  successor  threat- 
ened to  involve  the  college  in  a  fierce  internal 
struggle  ;  to  avert  strife  it  was  arranged  that 
Howland  should  continue  to  hold  the  master- 
ship with  his  poorly  endowed  bishopric.  But 
in  February  1585-6  the  strain  of  the  double 
responsibility  determined  him  to  resign  the 
mastership '  (z'6.  pp.642-4).  On  finally  quitting 
Cambridge  Howland  obtained  Burghley's  per- 
mission to  take  some  young  members  of  his 
college  of  good  birth  with  him  to  Peterborough 
for  health  and  recreation  in  the  summer. 
Among  these  were  the  Earl  of  Southampton, 
Burghley's  grandson,  and  the  grandson  of 
Sir  Anthony  Denny  (ib.  p.  645). 

Howland  pleaded  the  cause  of  his  diocese 
against  the  excessive  tax  for  furnishing  light 
horse.  As  bishop  he  took  the  first  place  at 
the  funeral  of  Mary  Queen  of  Scots  in  Peter- 
borough Cathedral,  February  1587.  The 
funeral  cortege  met  at  his  palace,  and  after  a 
great  supper  in  his  hall  proceeded  to  the 
cathedral.  On  the  death  of  Archbishop  Piers 
in  1594,  Howland  was  earnestly  recom- 
mended for  the  see  of  York  by  the  lord  pre- 
sident (Earl  of  Huntingdon),  though  person- 
ally a  stranger  to  him,  and  the  council  of  the 
north,  on  the  ground  of  Archbishop  Whit- 
gift's  high  opinion  of  him.  He  wrote  to 
Burghley  begging '  a  removal  to  a  better  sup- 
port,' but  Burghley  declined  his  assistance 
and  Matthew  Hutton  was  appointed  (ib. 
Whitgift,  ii.  213  ;  Lansdowne  MSS.  Ixxxvi. 
87,  89).  The  deprivation  of  Cawdry,  vicar 
of  South  LufFenham,  Rutland,  for '  depraving 
the  Book  of  Common  Prayer,'  by  Howland 
led  to  a  long  dispute  with  that '  impracticable 
person '  (ib.  Aylmer,  p.  92).  Howland  wtiile 
bishop  held  the  living  of  Sibson,  Leicester- 
shire, in  commendam,  and  laboured  under 
imputations  of  having  impoverished  his  bi- 
shopric to  gratify  his  patron  Burghley  (LAUD, 
Works,  A.-C.  T.,  vi.  ii.  357,  374).  He  was 
also  the  object  of  the  scurrilous  attacks  of 
Martin  Mar-Prelate  (Epistle,  v.  21).  He 
died  unmarried  at  Castor,  near  Peterborough, 
23  June  1600,  and  was  obscurely  buried  in 
his  cathedral,  without  any  memorial  or  epi- 
taph. He  is  said  to  have  been '  a  very  learned 
and  worthy  man '  (  STEYPE,  Life  of  Whitgift, 
ii.  213). 

[Strype's  Annals,  Whitgift,  Aylmer,  11.  cc. ; 
Wood's  Athense,  ii.  802 ;  Brydges's  Eestituta,  ii. 
243  ;  Lansd.  MSS.  xlii.  56,  58,  1.  38,  Hi.  68, 
Ixxii.  77,  Ixxvi.  87,  88,  cxv.  36;  Cooper's 
Athense  Cantabr.]  E.  V. 




HOWLET,  JOHN  (1548-1589),  Jesuit, 
was  born  in  the  county  of  Rutland  in  1548. 
He  entered  at  Exeter  College,  Oxford,  in 
1564,  and  graduated  B.  A.  in  1566,  becoming 
a  fellow.  He  went  abroad  in  1570  with  the 
permission  of  his  college,  intending  to  travel 
to  Rome,  but,  entering  the  college  of  Douay 
in  the  same  year,  he  was  in  1571  received 
into  the  order  of  Jesus  at  Louvain.  At 
Douay  he  was  a  contemporary  of  Campion, 
and  studied  theology.  He  afterwards  taught 
many  different  subjects,  chiefly  at  Douay. 
In  1587  he  proceeded  to  Poland  to  assist  in 
the  Transylvanian  mission,  and  died  at  Wilna 
on  17  Dec.  1589. 

Howlet's  name  was  well  known  in  Eng- 
land because  it  was  appended  to  the  dedica- 
tion to  the  queen  prefaced  to  the  tract  by 
Parsons  entitled,  'A  Brief Discours  contayn- 
ing  certayne  reasons  why  Catholiques  refuse 
to  go  to  Church.  Written  by  a  learned  and 
vertuous  man  to  a  frend  of  his  in  England, 
and  Dedicated  by  J.  H.  to  the  Queenes  most 
excellent  Maiestie/  Douay  (really  printed  at 
London),  1580. 

[Boase's  Reg.  of  Exeter,  pp.  45,  181,  207  ; 
Wood's  Fasti  Oxon.  ed.  Bliss,  i.  184  ;  Wood's 
Athense  Oxon.  ed.  Bliss,  ii.  67;  Hearne's  Coll., 
Oxf.  Hist.  Soc.,  4  Sept.  1705  ;  Reg.  Univ.  Oxon., 
(Oxf.Hist.  Soc.), vol.  ii.  pt.  ii.p.20;  Henr.Morus, 
Hist.  Provincise  AnglicanseSocietatis  Jesu,  i.  xv; 
Oliver's  Biog.  of  the  Members  of  the  Soc.  of 
Jesus,  p.  119  ;  Southwell's  Bibl.  Script.  Soc.  Jesu, 
ed.  Rome,  1676,  p.  461 ;  Foley's  Records  of  the 
Engl.  Province,  i.  376 ;  Knox's  Douay  Diaries, 
pp.  4,  24 ;  Brit.  Mus.  Cat.]  W.  A.  J.  A. 

1827),  draughtsman  and  engraver,  born  in 
Louth  in  Lincolnshire  in  1767,  was  son,  by 
his  first  marriage,  of  Bartholomew  Hewlett, 
a  native  of  Norfolk,  who  was  settled  at  Louth. 
Hewlett  came  to  London  and  served  as  ap- 
prentice to  James  Heath  [q.  v.]  the  engraver. 
He  was  mainly  employed  on  topographical 
and  antiquarian  works.  In  1801  he  engraved 
and  published  '  A  Selection  of  Views  in  the 
County  of  Lincoln,'  with  seventy-five  plates 
from  drawings  by  Girtin,  Nash,  and  others, 
of  which  a  later  edition  appeared  in  1805. 
He  also  executed  plates  for  Wilkinson's 
'  Londina  Illustrata,'  Bentham's '  History  of 
Ely/  Frost's  '  Notices  of  Hull,'  Anderson's 
'  Plan  and  Views  of  the  Abbey  Royal  of 
St.  Denys/  the  '  Gentleman's  Magazine,'  and 
similar  works.  In  1817  he  made  a  number 
of  drawings  for  a  projected  '  History  of  Clap- 
ham,'  of  which  one  number  only  was  pub- 
lished. When  the  Royal  Hospital  of  St.  Ka- 
therine,  near  the  Tower,  was  pulled  down  in 
1826,  Hewlett  made  a  number  of  drawings, 
with  a  view  to  a  publication,  which  never 

appeared.  For  John  Caley  [q.  v.]  Hewlett 
made  drawings  of  about  a  thousand  seals  of 
English  monastic  and  religious  houses.  Sub- 
sequently he  fell  into  pecuniary  difficulties, 
and  died  at  Newington,  18  Dec.  1827,  aged 

[New  Monthly  Magazine,  June  1828;  Notes 
and  Queries,  1st  ser.  i.  321,  vii.  69,  5th  ser.  ix. 
488  ;  Redgrave's  Diet,  of  Artists.]  L.  C. 

HOWLETT,  JOHN  (1731-1804),  poli- 
tical economist,  was  doubtless  son  of  John 
Hewlett  of  Bedworth,  Warwickshire.  He 
matriculated  from  St.Edmund's  Hall,  Oxford, 
on  10  Nov.  1749,  aged  18,  and  graduated 
B.A.  from  St.  John's  College  in  1755,  M.A. 
in  1795,  and  B.D.  in  1796.  He  was  pre- 
sented to  the  living  of  Great  Dunmow,  Essex, 
in  1771,  and  was  also  vicar  of  Great  Badow. 
He  died  at  Bath  on  29  Feb.  1804. 

Hewlett  wrote  much  on  the  statistics  and 
condition  of  the  people,  and  severely  criticised 
the  theories  and  writings  of  Dr.  Price.  In 
contradiction  to  Price  he  maintained  that 
enclosures  resulted  from  the  increase  in  popu- 
lation. As  an  economist  he  is  wanting  in 
originality.  His  merits  as  a  statistician  con- 
sist chiefly  in  the  miscellaneous  information 
which  he  brought  together. 

His  works,  apart  from  separately  published 
sermons,  are:  1.  'An  Examination  of  Dr. 
Price's  Essay  on  the  Population  of  England 
and  Wales/  1781.  2.  '  An  Enquiry  into  the 
Influence  which  Enclosures  have  had  upon 
the  Population  of  England,'  1786.  3.  '  An 
Essay  on  the  Population  of  Ireland,'  1786. 

4.  '  Enclosures  a  cause  of  Improved  Agricul- 
ture,' 1787.     This  is  a  rejoinder  to  the  re- 
views of  his  previous  work  on  enclosures. 

5.  '  The  Insufficiency  of  the  causes  to  which 
the  Increase  of  our  Poor  and  the  Poor's  Rates 
have  been  generally  ascribed,'  1788.    6.  '  At 
end  of  Wood's  Account  of  Shrewsbury  House 
of  Industry  a  Correspondence  with  Hewlett,' 

1795.  7.  'An  Examination  of  Mr.  Pitt's 
Speech  in  the  House  of  Commons  on  12  Feb. 

1796,  relative  to  the  condition  of  the  Poor,' 
1796.    8.  *  Dispersion  of  the  present  gloomy 
apprehensions  of  late  repeatedly  suggested 
by  the  Decline  of  our  Corn  Trade,  and  con- 
clusions of  a  directly  opposite  tendency  esta- 
blished upon  well-authenticated  facts.     To 
which  are  added  Observations  upon  the  first 
Report  of  the  Committee  on  Waste  Lands,' 
1798.    9.  <  The  Monthly  Reviewers  reviewed 
in  a  Letter  to  those  Gentlemen,  pointing  out 
their  Misrepresentations  and  fallacious  Rea- 
sonings in  the  Account  of  the  Pamphlet/ &c., 
1798.     10,  '  An  Inquiry  concerning  the  In- 
fluence of  Tithes  upon  Agriculture/  &c.  (with 
remarks  on  Arthur  Young),  1801. 




[Gent.  Mag.  1804,  pt.  i.  p.  282;  Foster's 
Alumni  Oxon. ;  McCulloch's  Lit.  of  Political 
Economy;  Works.]  E.  C.  K.  GK 

1874),  surveyor  and  inventor,  only  son  of 
Samuel  Hewlett  of  Gracechurch  Street, 
London,  and  grandson  of  John  Hewlett  of 
the  Hall,  Pulham  St.  Mary  the  Virgin,  Nor- 
folk, was  born  on  10  July  1794.  He  entered 
the  corps  of  Royal  Military  Surveyors  and 
Draughtsmen  as  cadet  on  20  Aug.  1808,  and 
became  a  favourite  pupil  of  John  Bonnycastle, 
the  mathematician  [q.  v.]  Hewlett  at  the 
age  of  fourteen  drew  the  diagrams  for  the 
fourth  edition  of  Bonnycastle's  Euclid.  On 
becoming  a  commissioned  officer  he  surveyed 
single-handed  parts  of  Berkshire  and  Wilt- 
shire for  the  ordnance  survey.  The  corps  being 
reduced  in  1817,  after  the  peace,  he  was  on 
half-pay  until  1824,  when  he  was  appointed 
assistant,  and  in  1830  chief  military  sur- 
veyor and  draughtsman  to  the  board  of  ord- 
nance. In  1826  he  was  an  exhibitor  at  the 
Royal  Academy,  and  in  1828  he  published 
an  ingenious  treatise  on  perspective.  As  in- 
spector of  scientific  instruments  for  the  war 
department  he  was  led  to  make  improve- 
ments in  the  mountain  barometer  and  in  the 
stadiometer  then  used  at  the  School  of  Mus- 
ketry. He  also  invented  an  anemometer,  and 
a  method  of  construction,  now  widely  adopted, 
for  large  drawing-boards,  with  compensations 
for  moisture  and  temperature.  Several  papers 
written  by  him  on  these  inventions  and  on 
cognate  subjects  were  published  in  the  '  Pro- 
fessional Papers  of  the  Royal  Engineers.' 

From  early  manhood  he  spent  much  time 
in  promoting  church  schools  and  in  charitable 
work  among  the  poor.  He  retired  at  the  age 
of  seventy-one,  and  died  at  Bromley  in  Kent 
on  24  Jan.  1874. 

His  elder  son,  the  Rev.  Samuel  Hewlett, 
B.A.  Cambr.  (d.  1861),  was  mathematical 
lecturer  at  the  Royal  Military  College,  Sand- 
hurst. His  younger  son,  Richard  Hewlett, 
F.S.A.,  is  one  of  the  editors  of  the  Rolls 
series  of  Chronicles. 

[Private  information.]  W.  R. 

HOWLEY,  HENRY  (1775  P-1803),  Irish 
insurgent,  was  a  protestant,  and  worked  as 
a  carpenter  in  his  native  place,  Roscrea, 
co.  Tipperary.  He  took  part  in  the  rebellion 
of  1798  and  in  Robert  Emmet's  insurrec- 
tion. While  engaged  in  the  latter  plot  he 
was  the  ostensible  proprietor  of  the  store  in 
Thomas  Street,  and  to  him  was  assigned 
the  task  of  bringing  up  the  coaches  by  means 
of  which  Emmet  designed  to  effect  his  en- 
trance into  Dublin  Castle.  While  engaged, 
however,  in  carrying  out  this  part  of  the 

programme,  and  as  he  was  passing  along 
Bridgefoot  Street,  Howley  stopped  to  inter- 
fere in  a  common  street  brawl,  which  unfor- 
tunately ended  by  his  shooting  Colonel  Lyde 
Brown.  Compelled  thereupon  to  consult  his 
own  safety,  Howley  left  the  coaches  to  their 
fate  and  fled.  To  this  untoward  accident 
Emmet  chiefly  ascribed  the  failure  of  his  plot. 
Howley's  hiding-place  was  subsequently  be- 
trayed by  a  fellow-workman,  Anthony  Fin- 
nerty,  to  Major  Sirr.  In  the  scuffle  to  arrest 
him  Howley  shot  one  of  the  major's  men, 
and  escaped  into  a  hayloft  in  Pool  Street, 
but  was  soon  captured.  He  was  condemned 
to  death  by  special  commission  on  27  Sept. 
1803,  confessed  to  having  killed  Colonel 
Brown,  and  met  his  fate  with  fortitude. 

[Madden's  United  Irishmen,  3rd  ser.  iii.  141 ; 
Saunders's  News-Letter,  28  Sept.  1803.]  E.  D. 

HOWLEY,  WILLIAM  (1766-1848), 
archbishop  of  Canterbury,  the  only  son  of 
William  Howley,  vicar  of  Bishops  Sutton 
and  Ropley,  Hampshire,  was  born  at  Ropley 
on  12  Feb.  1766.  He  was  educated  at  Win- 
chester, where  he  gained  the  prize  for  English 
verse  in  1782  and  1783.  On  11  Sept.  1783 
he  matriculated  at  Oxford  as  a  scholar  of  New 
College  (of  which  he  afterwards  became  a 
fellow  and  tutor),  and  graduated  B.A.  1787, 
M.A.  1791,  B.D.  and  D.D.  1805.  Howley 
was  appointed  tutor  to  the  Prince  of  Orange, 
afterwards  William  II  of  Holland,  during 
his  residence  at  Oxford.  In  1794  he  was 
elected  a  fellow  of  Winchester  College,  and 
on  2  May  1804  was  installed  a  canon  of  Christ 
Church,  Oxford.  In  1809  Howley  was  made 
regius  professor  of  divinity  at  Oxford,  an  ap- 
pointment which  he  resigned  upon  his  eleva- 
tion to  the  episcopal  bench.  He  was  insti- 
tuted to  the  vicarage  of  Bishops  Sutton  on 
8  Dec.  1796,  to  the  vicarage  of  Andover  on 
22  Jan.  1802,  and  to  the  rectory  of  Bradford 
Peverell  on  23  May  1811.  He  was  admitted 
to  the  privy  council  on  5  Oct.  1813,  and  on 
the  10th  of  the  same  month  was  consecrated 
bishop  of  London  at  Lambeth  Palace,  in  the 
presence  of  Queen  Charlotte  and  two  of  the 
princesses.  He  took  his  seat  in  the  House  of 
Lords  at  the  opening  of  parliament  on  4  Nov. 
1813  (Journals  of  the  House  of  Lords,  xlix. 
666).  In  1820  he  supported  the  bill  of  pains 
and  penalties  against  Queen  Caroline  from  '  a 
moral,  constitutional,  and  religious  point  of 
view'  (Parliamentary  Debates,  new  ser.  iii. 
1711),  and  is  asserted  to  have  laid  it  down 
with  much  emphasis  '  that  the  king  could  do 
no  wrong  either  morally  or  physically '  (  Times 
for  12  Feb.  1848).  On  the  death  of  Charles 
Manners  Sutton  in  July  1828  Howley  was 
translated  to  the  see  of  Canterbury,  and  on 




2  April  1829  led  the  opposition  to  the  second 
reading  of  the  Roman  Catholic  Relief  Bill 
(Parliamentary  Debates,  new  ser.  xxi.  58-67), 
but  his  amendment  that  the  bill  should  be 
read  a  second  time  that  day  six  months  was 
defeated,  after  a  debate  of  three  nights,  by 
a  majority  of  105.  In  October  1831  Howley 
opposed  the  second  reading  of  the  Reform 
Bill, ( because  he  thought  that  it  was  mischiev- 
ous in  its  tendency,  and  would  be  extremely 
dangerous  to  the  fabric  of  the  constitution ' 
(ib.  3rd  ser.  viii.  302-4);  in  the  following 
spring,  however,  after  much  hesitation,  he 
offered  no  further  opposition  to  the  measure. 
In  1833  he  strongly  opposed  the  Irish  Church 
Temporalities  Bill  (ib.  3rd  ser.  xix.  940-8), 
and  in  the  same  year  successfully  moved  the 
rejection  of  the  Jewish  Civil  Disabilities  Re- 
peal Bill  (ib.  3rd  ser.  xx.  222-6).  In  July 
1839  Howley  moved  a  series  of  six  resolutions 
denouncing  Lord  John  Russell's  education 
scheme  (ib.  xlviii.  1234-55),  the  first  of  which 
was  carried  by  a  majority  of  111,  and  the 
others  were  agreed  to.  Howley  died  at  Lam- 
beth Palace  on  11  Feb.  1848,  in  the  eighty- 
first  year  of  his  age,  and  was  buried  on  the 
19th  of  the  same  month  at  Addington,  near 

Howley  was  'a  very  ordinary  man'  in 
Greville's  opinion  (Memoirs,  1st  ser.  1874,  ii. 
263).  He  is  said  to  have  been  remarkable  for 
the  equanimity  of  his  temper,  and  for  his  cold 
and  unimpressive  character.  He  was  neither 
an  eloquent  preacher  nor  an  effective  speaker. 
He  took  part  in  a  great  number  of  royal  cere- 
monials, and  lived  *in  considerable  state  at 
Lambeth  Palace.  Accompanied  by  the  lord 
chamberlain,  he  carried  the  news  of  Wil- 
liam IV's  death  to  Kensington  Palace,  where 
they  had  an  interview  with  the  young  queen 
at  five  in  the  morning. 

A  portrait  of  him  by  C.  R.  Leslie,  which 
was  engraved  by  H.  Cousins,  and  his  bust 
by  Chantrey  are  in  the  possession  of  Mr. 
William  Howley  Kingsmill  of  Sydmonton 
Court.  Reference  is  made  to  a  number  of 
engraved  portraits  of  Howley  in  Evans's 
'  Catalogues,'  and  an  engraving  by  W.  Holl, 
after  the  portrait  by  W.  Owen,  appears  in 
the  second  volume  of  Jerdan's  '  National 
Portrait  Gallery.' 

Howley  married,  on  29  Aug.  1805,  Mary- 
Frances,  eldest  daughter  of  John  Belli, 
E.I.C.S.,  of  Southampton,  by  whom  he  had 
two  sons  and  three  daughters.  His  elder 
son,  William,  was  born  on  11  Oct.  1810.  He 
matriculated  at  Christ  Church,  Oxford,  on 
17  Dec.  1828,  graduated  B.  A.  1832,  and  died 
at  Lambeth  Palace  on  16  Jan.  1833.  George 
Gordon,  his  younger  son,  died  on  3  Sept.  1820, 
aged  6.  Mary  Anne,  his  eldest  daughter, 


married,  on  16  June  1825,  George  Howland 
Willoughby  Beaumont  of  Buckland,  Surrey, 
afterwards  a  baronet.  Anne  Jane,  the  second 
daughter,  became  the  w  ife  of  William  Kings- 
mill  of  Sydmonton  Court,  near  Newbury, 
on  16  March  1837.  Harriet  Elizabeth,  the 
youngest  daughter,  married,  on  12  Oct.  1832, 
John  Adolphus  Wright,  rector  of  Merstham, 
Surrey.  Mrs.  Howley  survived  her  husband 
several  years,  and  died  on  13  Aug.  1860, 
aged  77. 

Howley  published  several  charges  and  oc- 
casional sermons.  He  also  published  '  A 
Letter  addressed  to  the  Clergy  and  Laity  of 
his  Province,'  London,  1845,  8vo,  and  is  said 
to  have  edited  '  Sonnets  and  Miscellaneous 
Poems  by  the  late  Thomas  Russell,  Fellow  of 
New  College,'  Oxford,  1789,  4to.  His  corre- 
spondence with  Dr.  Renn  Dickson  Hampden 
[q.  v.],  relative  to  the  appointment  of  the 
latter  to  the  regius  professorship  of  divinity 
in  the  university  of  Oxford,  passed  through 
several  editions.  Howley  bequeathed  his 
library  to  his  domestic  chaplain,  Benjamin 
Harrison  [q.  v.],  and  it  now  forms  part  of  the 
Howley-Harrison  library  at  Canterbury. 

[The  Remembrance  of  a  departed  Guide  and 
Euler  in  the  Church  of  G-od,  a  Charge  by  Benja- 
min Harrison,  archdeacon  of  Maidstone,  1848 ; 
Gent.  Mag.  1848  new  ser.  xxix.  426-8,  I860 
new  ser.  ix.  330  ;  The  Georgian  Era,  1832,  i. 
523;  Annual  Register,  1848,  App.  to  Chron. 
pp.  214-15;  Times,  12  and  21  Feb.  1848;  Il- 
lustrated London  News,  19  Feb.  1848,  with 
portrait;  Le  Neve's  Fasti  Eccl.  Anglic.  1854, 
i.  31,  ii.  306,  526,  530,  iii.  511  ;  Kirby's  Win- 
chester Scholars,  1888,  pp.  16,  272;  Alumni 
Oxon.  pt.  ii.  p.  702;  Notes  and  Queries,  7th 
ser.  ix.  207,  317,  xi.  147,  236-7  ;  Brit.  Mus. 
Cat.]  G.  F.  E.  B. 

HOWMAN,  JOHN  (1618P-1685),  abbot 
of  Westminster.  [See  FECKENHAM,  JOHN 

HOWSON,  JOHN  (1557  P-1632),  bishop 
of  Durham,  born  in  the  parish  of  St.  Bride, 
London,  about  1557,  was  educated  at  St. 
Paul's  School,  whence  he  proceeded  to  Christ 
Church,  Oxford,  and  was  elected  a  student 
in  1577.  He  was  admitted  B.A.  on  12  Nov. 
1578,  and  M. A.  on  3  March  1581-2,  accumu- 
lating his  degrees  in  divinity  on  17  Dec.  1601 
(Reg.  of  Univ.  o/Or/.,Oxf.  Hist.  Soc.,  vol.  ii. 
pt.  iii.  p.  76).  On  15  July  1587  he  was  in- 
stalled prebendary  of  Hereford  Cathedral,  a 
preferment  which  he  ceded  in  1603  (LE  NEVE, 
Fasti,  ed.  Hardy,  i.  534)  ;  became  preben- 
dary  of  Exeter  on  29  May  1592  (ib.  i.  421)  ; 
was  instituted  one  of  the  vicars  of  Bampton, 
Oxfordshire,  on  7  July  1598  ;  and  was  made 
chaplain  to  the  queen.  On  1  April  1601  he 




obtained  the  vicarage  of  Great  Milton,  Ox- 
fordshire, was  admitted  on  the  following 
15  May  to  the  second  prebendal  stall  at 
Christ  Church  (ib.  ii.  520),  and  received  during 
the  same  year  the  rectory  of  Britwell  Salome, 
Oxfordshire.  In  1602  he  was  elected  vice- 
chancellor  of  the  university  (ib.  iii.  476). 
During  his  term  of  office  he  strove  to  put 
down  puritanism  with  a  high  hand  (WooD, 
Antiquities  of  Oxford,  ed.  Gutch,  vol.  ii. 
pt.  i.  pp.  271-5).  On  Accession  day,  17  Nov. 
1602,  he  preached  a  sermon  at  St.  Mary's, 
Oxford,  in  defence  of  the  festivities  of  the 
church  of  England,  which  he  printed  at  the 
end  of  the  month  (reprinted  in  1603,  and 
imperfectly  in  vol.  i.  of  both  editions  of  Lord 
Somers's  'Tracts  ').  From  the  dedication  to 
Thomas,  lord  Buckhurst,  it  appears  that  the 
sermon  gave  dire  offence  to  the  puritans,  who 
accused  Howson  of  preaching  false  doctrine 
(cf.  also  CaL  State  Papers,  Dom.  1601-3,  p. 
290).  Howson  was  nominated  an  original 
fellow  of  Chelsea  College  on  8  May  1610. 
In  1612  he  was  again  censured  for  having 
expressed  disapproval  of  the  Genevan  anno- 
tations in  another  university  sermon  (WooD, 
Antiquities  of  Oxford,  vol.  ii.  pt.  i.  p.  312). 
The  king,  whose  chaplain  he  was,  sympa- 
thised with  him,  and  marked  him  out  for 
high  preferment.  He  was  especially  pleased 
by  the  robust  way  in  which  Howson  at- 
tacked popery,  and  by  his  declaration  that 
he  would  loosen  the  pope  from  his  chair 
'  though  he  were  fastened  thereto  with  a  ten- 
penny  nail.'  On  9  May  1619  Howson  was 
consecrated  bishop  of  Oxford  (LE  NEVE,  ii. 
505),  from  which  see  he  was  translated  to 
that  of  Durham  in  September  1628  (ib.  iii. 
295-6).  His  attempts  to  enforce  Laud's 
decrees  involved  him  in  much  unseemly 
wrangling  with  his  clergy.  He  died  on  6  Feb. 
1631-2,  aged  75,  and  was  buried  in  St. 
Paul's  Cathedral.  On  10  Aug.  1601  he  mar- 
ried, at  Blackbourton,  Oxfordshire,  Eliza- 
beth Floyd  of  Bampton  (GILES,  Bampton, 
2nd  ed.,  p.  36)  ;  his  daughter  Anne  was  mar- 
ried to  Thomas  Farnaby  [q.  v.],  by  whom  she 
had  several  children,  and  afterwards  to  a 
Mr.  Cole  of  Suffolk.  His  portrait  is  at  Christ 
Church ;  it  was  engraved  by  Droeshout. 

Howson  was  also  author  of:  1.  'A  Ser- 
mon [on  Matth.  xxi.  12,  13]  preached  at 
Paules  Crosse  the  4  of  December  1597. 
Wherein  is  discoursed  that  all  buying  and 
selling  of  spirituall  promotion  is  unlawfull,' 
4to,  London,  1597 ;  another  edition  the  same 
year.  2.  *A  Second  Sermon  preached  at 
Paules  Crosse  the  21  of  May  1598,  upon  the 
21  of  Math,  the  12  and  13  verses :  conclud- 
ing a  former  sermon,'  4to,  London,  1598. 
3.  *  Uxore  dimissa  propter  fornicationem 

aliam  non  licet  superinducere,  Tertia  Thesis 
J.  Howsoni,'  8vo,  Oxford,  1602  ;  another  edi- 
tion, '  accessit  ejusdem  theseos  defensio  con- 
tra reprehensiones  T.  Pyi,'  2  pts.,  4to,  Oxford, 
1606,  with  a  letter  in  English  on  the  subject 
of  the  controversy  by  J.  Rainolds,and  another 
in  Latin  by  A.  Gentilis.  4.  '  Articles  to  be 
enquired  of  within  the  dioces  of  Oxford  in 
the  first  visitation  of  ...  John,  Bishop  of 
Oxford,'  4to,  Oxford,  1619.  5.  '  A  Circular ' 
to  the  clergy  of  his  diocese  appended  to  Arch- 
bishop Abbot's  '  Coppie  of  a  letter  shewing 
the  .  .  .  reasons  which  induced  the  King's 
Majestie  to  prescribe  those  former  directions 
for  preachers,'  4to,  Oxford,  1622.  6.  <  Cer- 
taine  Sermons  [on  Luke  xii.  41,  42,  &c.l 
made  in  Oxford  A.D.  1616,  wherein  is  proved 
that  St.  Peter  had  no  Monarchicall  Power 
over  the  rest  of  the  Apostles,  against  Bellar- 
mine,  Sanders,  Stapleton,  and  the  rest  of 
that  companie,'  4to,  London,  1622,  published 
by  command  of  James  I.  The  sermon  on 
Luke  xii.  41,  42,  was  reprinted  in  1661,  4to. 

[Wood's  Athense  Oxon.  ed.  Bliss,  ii.  517-19  ; 
Cal.  State  Papers,  Dom.  1598-1632;  Fuller's 
Worthies,  i.  270.]  G.  a. 

HOWSON,  JOHN  SAUL,  D.D.  (1816- 
1885),  dean  of  Chester,  born  5  May  1816  at' 
Giggleswick-in-Craven,  Yorkshire,  was  son  of 
the  Rev.  John  Howson,  who  for  more  than 
forty  years  had  been  connected  with  Giggles- 
wick  grammar  school,  and  was  long  its  head- 
master. John  Saul  became  a  pupil  in  his 
father's  school,  reading  during  later  vacations 
with  Mr.  Slee,  a  mathematician  of  some  emi- 
nence, living  near  Ulls water.  At  the  early 
age  of  seventeen  he  entered  Trinity  College, 
Cambridge.  There  he  made  lifelong  friend- 
ships with  contemporaries  of  the  highest 
stamp,  such  as  George  Edward  Lynch  Cotton 
[q.  v.],  the  future  bishop  of  Calcutta,  William 
John  Conybeare  [q.  v.],  and  Thomas  Whyte- 
head  of  St.  John  s  [q.  v.],  his  most  intimate 
friend,  who  accompanied  Bishop  Selwyn  to 
New  Zealand,  and  died  there  in  1843.  Howson 
graduated  B.  A.  in  1837,  obtaining  a  wrangler- 
ship  and  a  place  in  the  first  class  of  the 
classical  tripos,  and  proceeded  M.A.  in  1841 
and  D.D.  in  1861.  He  gained  the  members' 
Latin  essay  prize  two  years  in  succession 
(1837  and  1838),  and  was  Norrisian  prizeman 
in  1841.  On  leaving  the  university  he  became 
private  tutor  to  the  Marquis  of  Sligo,  and 
subsequently  to  the  Marquis  of  Lome,  the 
present  duke  of  Argyll.  In  1845  he  joined 
his  friend  Conybeare,  who  had  just  been  ap- 
pointed principal  of  the  Liverpool  Collegiate 
Institution,  as  senior  classical  master.  He 
was  ordained  deacon  in  1845,  and  priest  in 
1846.  He  left  Liverpool  for  a  short  time  to 



become  tutor  to  the  present  Duke  of  Suther-  j 
land,  but  returned  again  in  1849  to  undertake  j 
the  principalship  of  the  Institution,  which  j 
he  retained  till  1865.    His  management  was  I 
remarkably  successful,  and  he  was  also  the 
means  of  establishing  a  college  for  girls  at  I 
Liverpool  on  the  same  principles.     In  1862  j 
he  delivered  the  Hulsean  lectures  at  Cam-  ! 
bridge.     In  1866  Bishop  Harold  Browne  of  j 
Ely,  who  had   recently  appointed  him  his  j 
examining   chaplain,  presented  him  to  the 
vicarage  of  Wisbech.      Howson   thereupon 
resigned  the  principalship  of  the  Liverpool 
college.     He  left  Wisbech  in  1867  on  being 
nominated  dean  of  Chester. 

During  the  eighteen  years  he  held  the 
deanery  Howson  devoted  his  whole  powers 
to  the  benefit  of  the  cathedral  and  city  of 
Chester.  He  found  his  cathedral  externally 
crumbling  to  decay  and  in  some  parts  in 
danger  of  absolute  downfall,  and  its  interior 
generally  squalid  and  dreary.  Howson  at 
once  commenced  the  Sunday-evening  services 
in  the  long-disused  nave.  The  work  of  resto- 
ration of  the  fabric,  which  had  been  already 
begun,  he  took  up  and  carried  through  with 
never-relaxing  vigour.  The  cathedral  was  re- 
opened on  25  Jan.  1872,  after  the  expenditure 
of  nearly  100,0007.,  chiefly  raised  by  his  per- 
sonal exertions.  Other  works  succeeded  for 
the  adornment  and  completion  of  the  fabric. 
In  behalf  of  the  city  of  Chester  Howson  was 
the  chief  instrument  in  the  building  and  en- 
dowing of  the  King's  School,  and  in  its  re- 
organisation on  a  broader  basis,  open  to  all 
creeds  and  ranks,  and  of  the  Queen's  School, 
for  the  higher  education  of  girls.  He  con- 
tributed largely  to  the  building  and  organ- 
ising of  the  new  museum,  and  took  a  keen  in- 
terest in  the  school  of  art,  of  which  for  many 
years  he  was  president.  He  tried  to  repress 
the  evils  accompanying  the  l  race  week '  at 
Chester  (cf.  KISTGSLEY'S  Life  and  Letters,  ii. 
360),  and  started  a  series  of  short  papers  on 
the  subject,  to  which,  at  his  request,  Charles 
Kingsley  [q.  v.],  who  in  1870  had  become  a 
canon  of  Chester,  contributed  his  well-known 
letter  on  ;  Betting.'  Despite  Howson's  pre- 
judice against  broad  churchmen,  he  and 
Kingsley  were  on  very  cordial  terms  during 
Kingsley's  three  years'  stay  at  Chester.  In 
the  convocation  of  York  Howson  took  an 
active  part,  especially  opposing  the  retention 
of  the  Athanasian  Creed  in  the  public  services 
of  the  church.  He  was  a  frequent  preacher 
in  the  university  pulpits  of  Cambridge  and 
Oxford,  and  at  St.  Paul's  and  Westminster 
Abbey ;  and  actively  assisted  at  the  meetings 
of  the  church  congress.  He  contributed  an 
article  in  the  '  Quarterly  Review,'  1861,  on 
'  Deaconesses  in  the  Church  of  England,'  pub- 

lished separately  as  'The  Official  Help  of 
Women  in  Parochial  Work  and  in  Charitable 
Institutions'  (1862),  and  this  publication, 
with  his  speech  at  the  church  congress  at 
York  in  1866,  gave  an  impulse  to  the  revival 
of  a  systematised  ministry  of  women  in  the 
church.  Howson  died  at  Bournemouth,  in 
the  seventieth  year  of  his  age,  15  Dec.  1885. 
He  was  buried  19  Dec.  in  the  cloister  garth 
of  the  cathedral.  While  in  Liverpool  he  mar- 
ried Mary,  daughter  of  John  Cropper  of  Dingle 
Bank ;  she  only  survived  him  a  few  days,  and 
was  buried  in  the  same  grave.  He  left  three 
sons  and  two  daughters. 

Howson's  character  was  one  of  unaffected 
simplicity  and  transparent  truthfulness.  His 
sympathies  were  more  with  evangelicals  than 
with  high  churchmen;  but  he  was  widely 
tolerant  in  his  church  views.  He  travelled 
much  abroad,  and  twice  visited  America 
(1871  and  1880). 

Howson's  scholarship  was  sound,  and  his 
reading  extensive.  As  a  preacher,  if  not  elo- 
quent, he  was  always  interesting.  His  most 
important  work,  prepared  while  he  was  at 
Liverpool,  is  '  The  Life  and  Epistles  of  St. 
Paul,'  of  which  he  was  the  joint  author  with 
his  friend,  the  Rev.  W.  J.  Conybeare.  The 
major  portion,  including  the  descriptive,  geo- 
graphical, and  historical  portions,  to  which 
its  popularity  is  chiefly  due,  was  written  by 
Howson.  The  work  was  published  in  parts, 
the  complete  edition  being  issued  in  1852. 
It  has  gone  through  many  editions,  and  is 
still  a  standard  work  of  reference.  Howson 
pursued  the  subject  of  the  life  of  the  great 
apostle  in  the  Hulsean  lectures  delivered  in 
1862.  on  '  The  Character  of  St.  Paul,'  which 
reached  a  fourth  edition  in  1884 ;  in  '  Scenes 
from  the  Life  of  St.  Paul,'  1866;  in  the 
'  Metaphors  of  St.  Paul,'  1868 ;  and  in  <  The 
Companions  of  St.  Paul,'  1874.  His  «  Horas 
Petrinae,  or  Studies  in  the  Life  of  St.  Peter,' 
1883,  is  a  slighter  work.  The  Bohlen  lectures 
The  Evidential  Value  of  the  Acts  of  the 


Apostles,'  delivered  at  Philadelphia  (1880), 
traverse  similar  ground.  Of  his  numerous 
contributions  to  periodical  literature,  which 
somewhat  suffered  from  hasty  composition,  the 
most  important  were  his  '  Quarterly  Review ' 
articles  on  '  Greece,'  *  French  Algeria,' '  The 
Geography  and  Biography  of  the  Old  Testa- 
ment,' &c.,  and  his  contributions  to  Smith's 
*  Dictionary  of  the  Bible.'  For  the  exegesis 
of  the  New  Testament  he  wrote  commentaries 
on  the  'Epistle  to  the  Galatians'  in  the 
'  Speaker's  Commentary,'  1881 ;  on  that  to 
Titus  in  the '  Pulpit  Commentary,'  1884 ;  and 
on  the  Acts  of  the  Apostles  in  Dr.  SchafFs 
'  Popular  Commentary,'  1880.  In  controver- 
sial literature,  he  was  the  author  of  '  Before 





the  Table,'  and  the '  Position  t)f  the  Celebrant 
during  Consecration/  opposing  the '  eastward 
position/  the  introduction  of  which  into  his 
cathedral  he  strongly  deprecated.  He  was  the 
author  of  several  topographical  and  archaeo- 
logical works,  such  as  the  *  Ecclesiastical  An- 
tiquities of  Argyllshire '  in  the '  Transactions ' 
of  the  Cambridge  Camden  Society ;  *  Chester 
as  it  was/ 1872;  '  The  River  Dee  :  its  Aspect 
and  History/  1875;  and  an  historical  and 
architectural  guide  to  his  own  cathedral 
church.  Howson  also  published  some  devo- 
tional books  and  many  separate  sermons. 

[Personal  knowledge  ;  private  information  ; 
obituary  notices.]  E.  V. 


HOY,  THOMAS  (1659-1718),  physician 
and  poet,  born  on  12  Dec.  1659  (School  Reg.\ 
was  son  of  Clement  Hoy  of  London.  He  was 
admitted  into  Merchant  Taylors'  School  in 
1672,  and  was  elected  a  probationary  fellow 
of  St.  John's  College,  Oxford,  in  1675.  He 
graduated  B.A.  1680,  M.A.  1684,  M.B.  1686, 
and  M.D.  1689.  He  was  appointed  regius 
professor  of  physic  at  Oxford  in  1698.  Hearne, 
whose  opinion  of '  a  ranck  low  church  whigg' 
is  not  likely  to  be  impartial,  says  that  he 
owed  his  appointment  to  the  influence  of  Dr. 
Gibbons  with  Lord  Somers,  and  that  he 
scandalously  neglected  the  duties  of  his  office. 
According  to  Wood  he  practised  as  a  phy- 
sician '  in  and  near  the  antient  Borough  of 
Warwick/  but  in  1698  Evelyn,  writing  from 
Wotton,  speaks  of  Dr.  Hoy  as  '  a  very  learned, 
curious,  and  ingenious  person,  and  our  neigh- 
bour in  Surrey.'  He  died,  it  is  said,  in  Ja- 
maica in  or  about  1718.  Besides  contributing 
to  the  translations  of  Plutarch's  'Morals/ 
1684,  of  Cornelius  Nepos,  1684,  and  of  Sue- 
tonius's  'Life  of  Tiberius/  1689,  he  pub- 
lished :  1.  Two  essays,  the  former  '  Ovid  de 
arte  Amandi,  or  the  Art  of  Love/  book  i. ; 
the  latter '  Hero  and  Leander  of  Musaeus  from 
the  Greek/  London,  1682.  2.  '  Agathocles, 
the  Sicilian  Usurper ;'  a  poem,  London,  1683, 

[Kawlinson  MS.  533;  Munk's  Coll.  of  Phys. 
i.  459  ;  Wood's  Athene  Oxon.  ed.  Bliss,  iv.  712 ; 
Hearne's  Collections,  i.  230,  322,  &c. ;  Evelyn's 
Diary;  Eobinson's  Eeg.  of  Merchant  Taylors' 
School,  i.  277.]  C.  J.  E. 

HOYLAND,  FRANCIS  (fl.  1763),  poet, 
the  son  of  James  Hoyland  of  Castle  Howard 
in  the  county  of  York,  was  born  in  1727. 
He  was  educated  in  a  school  at  Halifax,  and 
on  18  June  1744  matriculated  at  Magda- 
lene College,  Cambridge,  where  he  graduated 

B.A.  in  1748.  Soon  afterwards  he  seems  to- 
have  made  a  voyage  to  the  West  Indies  to 
recruit  his  health  (cf.  his  Ode  to  Sleep}. 
He  took  holy  orders,  was  the  friend  of  Wil- 
liam Mason  [q.v.],  and  was  introduced,  pro- 
bably by  Mason,  to  Horace  Walpole,  who 
exerted  himself  on  his  behalf,  and  printed  his 
poems  at  the  Strawberry  Hill  press  in  1769. 
From  Hoyland's  works  it  may  be  gathered 
that  he  was  married  and  poor.  The  date  of 
his  death  is  uncertain.  In  1769  he  was 
very  ill,  and  his  illness  prevented  him  from 
accepting  an  offer  of  a  living  in  South  Caro- 
lina. He  wrote :  1. '  Poems  and  Translations/ 
London,  1763, 4to,  containing  three  metrical 
versions  of  psalms  by  J.  Caley.  2.  '  Poems/ 
another  edition,  slightly  altered,  Strawberry 
Hill,  1769,  8vo.  Two  impressions  with  dif- 
ferent title-pages  appeared  the  same  year. 
3.  '  Odes/  Edinburgh,  1783.  His  poems  were 
reprinted  in  vol.  xli.  of  the  '  British  Poets ' 
(ed.  Thomas  Park),  1808,  8vo,  and  in  the 

<  British  Poets/  1822,  vol.  Ixxiii.  8vo. 

[Hoy land's  Works ;  "Walpole's  Letters,  ed.  Cun- 
ningham, v.  154,  165;  information  from  F.  Pat- 
trick,  esq.]  W.  A.  J.  A. 

HOYLAND,  JOHN  (1783-1827),  organ- 
ist and  composer,  the  son  of  a  Sheffield  cutler, 
was  born  in  1783.  From  his  childhood  he 
evinced  an  aptitude  for  music,  which  he 
studied,  for  purposes  of  recreation,  under 
William  Mather,  organist  to  St.  James's,  Shef- 
field. Owing  to  pecuniary  losses,  Hoyland 
turned  to  his  art  for  a  livelihood,  and  devoted 
himself  to  teaching  music,  with  great  success. 
In  1808  he  succeeded  Mather  as  organist  of 
St.  James's,  and  eleven  years  later  removed 
to  Louth,  Lincolnshire,  where  he  was  before 
long  appointed  organist  of  the  parish  church. 
He  died  on  18  Jan.  1827.  His  son  William 
was  organist  of  St.  James's  from  1829  to 

Hoyland  composed  several  anthems  and 
sacred  pieces,  also  pianoforte  studies  and 
songs.  He  is  chiefly  remembered  by  his 
setting  of  the  150th  Psalm  and  a  version  of 

<  The  Land  o'  the  Leal.' 

[Grove's  Diet,  of  Music,  i.  755 ;  Brown's  Biog. 
Diet,  of  Music,  p.  334 ;  information  from  Mrs. 
Oakes,  Hoyland's  daughter.]  E.  F.  S. 

HOYLAND,  JOHN  (1750-1831),  writer 
on  the  Gipsies,  is  variously  designated  as  '  of 
Sheffield,  Yorkshire/  and  as  'formerly  of 
York.'  It  was,  however,  in  the  counties  of 
Northampton,  Bedford,  and  Hertford  that  he 
'  frequently  had  opportunity  of  observing  the 
very  destitute  and  abject  condition  of  the 
Gipsy  race/  whom  he  began  to  study  in  the 
summer  of  1814.  He  belonged  to  the  quaker 




body,  and  although  '  at  some  time  disunited 
from  the  society  was  afterwards  reinstated 
into  membership.'  His  separation  may  have 
been  due  to  his  falling  in  l  love  with  a  black- 
eyed  gipsy  girl '  (Notes  and  Qu&ries,  2nd  ser. 
v.  386)  ;  but  there  is  nothing  to  warrant  Mr. 
Simson's  conclusion  'that the  quaker married 
the  gipsy  girl '  (SiMSON,  Hist,  of  the  Gipsies, 
1865,  p.  380  n.}  He  died  at  Northampton 
30  Aug.  1831.  His  <  Epitome  of  the  History 
of  the  World  from  the  Creation  to  the  Ad- 
vent of  the  Messiah,'  first  published  anony- 
mously (London,  12mo,  1812),  reached  a  third 
edition  under  the  title  of '  The  Fulfilment  of 
Scripture  Prophecy'  (8vo,  1823).  It  is  a 
euhemeristic  work,  where  Elijah  is  the  pro- 
totype of  Phaeton,  Jephtha's  daughter  of 
Iphigenia.  '  A  Historical  Survey  of  the  Cus- 
toms, Habits,  and  Present  State  of  the  Gyp- 
sies '  (York,  8vo,  1816),  has  still  some  value, 
though  it  is  mainly  based  on  Raper's  trans- 
lation of  Grellmann's  '  Zigeuner.' 

[Joseph  Smith's  Descriptive  Catalogue  of 
Friends'  Books,  1867;  Annual  Eegister,  1831, 
p.  257.]  F.  H.  GK 

HOYLE,  EDMOND  (1672-1769),  writer 
on  whist,  was  born  in  1672.  The  statements 
that  Yorkshire  was  the  county  of  his  birth 
(Notes  and  Queries,  3rd  ser.  vii.  270),  that 
he  was  registrar  of  the  prerogative  court  of 
Dublin  in  1742,  and  that  he  held  property 
inDublin  (Gent.  Mag.  December  1742,  p.  659  ; 
Notes  and  Queries,  4th  ser.  v.  259),  apply  to 
another  person.  Hoyle  is  said  to  have  been 
called  to  the  bar.  In  1741  he  was  living  in 
Queen  Square,  London,  and  gave  lessons  on 
whist-playing.  He  also  circulated  a  manu- 
script handbook,  which  developed  into  his 
famous '  Short  Treatise  on  the  Game  of  Whist,' 
first  printed  in  1742.  In  the  early  editions 
the  author  offers  for  a  guinea  to  disclose  the 
secret  of  his  '  artificial  memory  which  does 
not  take  off  your  Attention  from  your  Game.' 
The  success  of  his  first  book  encouraged  Hoyle 
to  bring  out  similar  manuals  on  '  Backgam- 
mon,' '  Piquet,' '  Quadrille,'  and  l  Brag.'  An 
amusingskit,  'The  Humours  of  Whist '  (1743), 
satirised  the  teacher  and  his  pupils,  and  al- 
luded to  the  dismay  of  sharpers  who  found 
their  secrets  made  known  (CAVENDISH  [i.  e. 
H.  JONES],  Laws  and  Principles  of  Whist, 
18th  edit.  1889,  p.  45-8).  A  lady,  unfortunate 
at  brag,  wrote  to  the  '  Rambler'  on  8  May 
1750,  that  *  Mr.  Hoyle,  when  he  had  not  given 
me  above  forty  lessons,  said  I  was  one  of  his 
best  scholars.'  Hoyle  and  his  teaching  are 
spoken  of  in  the  '  Gentleman's  Magazine,' 
February  1755,  p.  75,  in  Fielding's  '  Tom 
Jones'  (bk.  xiii.  c.  5),  in  Alexander  Thom- 
son's poem  on  '  Whist'  (1792),  and  in  Byron's 

'Don  Juan'  (canto  iii.  v.  xc.),  which  first 
appeared  in  1821. 

Hoyle  died  29  Aug.  1769  at  Welbeck 
Street,  Cavendish  Square,  aged  97  (Gent. 
Mag.  1769,  p.  463 ;  CHAMBERS,  Book  of  Days, 
ii.  282),  and  was  buried  in  Marylebone  church- 
yard. His  will,  dated  26  Sept.  1761,  was 
proved  in  London  on  6  Sept.  1769 ;  the  exe- 
cutors were  his  sister  Eleanor,  a  spinster, 
and  Robert  Crispin  (Notes  and  Queries,  7th 
ser.  vii.  481-2).  No  authentic  portrait  is 
known ;  the  picture  by  Hogarth,  exhibited 
at  the  Crystal  Palace  in  1870,  represents  a 
Yorkshire  Hoyle. 

Hoyle  was  the  first  to  write  scientifically 
on  whist,  or  indeed  any  card  game.      His 
( Short  Treatise '  soon  became  popular.     He 
was  a  careless  editor,  but  possessed  a  vigorous 
style  of  writing  and  much  originality.     He 
seems  to  have  profited  by  the  experience  of 
the  best  players  of  the  day,  and  introduced 
many  improvements  in  his  successive  edi- 
tions.    The  '  Short  Treatise'  was  entered  at 
Stationers'  Hall  on  17  Nov.  1742  by  the 
author,  as  sole  proprietor  of  the  copyright. 
Its  full  title  is  <  A  Short  Treatise  on  the 
Game  of  Whist,  containing  the  Laws  of  the 
Game :  And  also  some  Rules  whereby  a  Be- 
ginner may,  with  due   attention  to  them, 
attain  to  the  Playing  it  well.     Calculations 
for  those  who  will  Bet  the  Odds  on  any 
Point  of  the  Score  of  the  Game  then  playing 
and  depending.    Cases  stated,  to  shew  what 
may  be  effected  by  a  very  good  Player  in 
Critical  Parts  of  the  Game.     References  to 
Cases,  viz.  at  the  End  of  the  Rule  you  are 
directed  how  to  find  them.    Calculations,  di- 
recting with  moral  Certainty,  how  to  play 
well   any  Hand  or  Game,  by  shewing  the 
Chances  of  your  Partner's  having  1,  2,  or  3 
certain  Cards.    With  Variety  of  Cases  added 
in  the  Appendix,'  London,  printed  by  John 
Watts  for  the  Author,  1742,  12mo.     The 
copy  in  the  Bodleian  Library  is  the  only  one 
known  of  this  first  edition;  several  of  the 
other  early  editions  are  only  preserved  in 
single  copies.     The  price,  one  guinea,  gave 
rise  to  piracies,  of  which  the  first  appeared 
in  1743.    Hoyle's  own  second  edition  (1743), 
with  additions,  was  sold  at  2s.  '  in  a  neat 
pocket  size.'     The  third  and  fourth  editions 
were  published  in  1743 ;  in  the  fourth  edi- 
tion the  laws  were  reduced  to  twenty-four, 
and  so  remained  until  the  twelfth  edition, 
when  the  laws  of  1760  were  given.     Fifth 
edition  (1744),  sixth  (1746),  seventh  (no 
copy  known).     In  the  eighth  edition  (1748) 
thirteen  new  cases  are  added,  together  with 
the  treatises  on  quadrille,  piquet,  and  back- 
gammon.   The  ninth  edition  (1748)  appeared 
as  '  The  Accurate  Gamester's   Companion.' 




The  tenth  edition  (1750  and  1755)  hears  the 
same  title  as  the  eighth,  with  which  it  is 
identical.  The  eleventh  edition  is  undated : 
'  Mr.  Hoyle's  Games  of  Whist,  Quadrille, 
Piquet,  Chess,  and  Backgammon,  Complete.' 
The  twelfth  edition  is  also  undated  (1761), 
with  the  same  title ;  also  reissued  *  with 
two  new  cases'  at  Edinburgh,  1761.  The 
thirteenth  edition  is  undated  (1763),  as  well 
as  the  fourteenth  and  the  fifteenth  (1770). 
For  many  years  every  genuine  copy  bore  the 
signature  of  Hoyle.  In  the  fifteenth  edition 
it  is  reproduced  from  a  wood  block.  Hoyle's 
laws  of  1760,  revised  by  members  of  White's 
and  Saunders's,  ruled  whist  until  1864,  when 
they  were  superseded  by  the  code  drawn  up 
by  the  Arlington  (now  Turf)  and  Portland 
clubs  (CAVENDISH,  p.  51).  After  Hoyle's 
death  C.  Jones  revised  many  editions.  The 
book  has  been  frequently  reprinted  down  to 
recent  times.  The  word  ' Hoyle'  came  to 
be  used  as  representative  of  any  book  on 
games.  An  i  American  Hoyle  '  was  pub- 
lished about  1860.  '  A  Handbook  of  Whist 
on  the  Text  of  Hoyle '  was  published  by  G.  F. 
Pardon  in  1861,  and  '  Hoyle's  Games  Mo- 
dernized/ by  the  same  editor,  in  1863,  1870, 
and  1872.  '  The  Standard  Hoyle,  a  complete 
Guide  upon  all  Games  of  Chance,'  appeared 
at  New  York,  1887.  A  French  translation, 
'  TraitS  abrege  de  Jeu  de  Whist,'  was  issued 
in  1764,  1765,  and  1776,  12mo,  as  well  as  in 
the  '  Acad6mie  Universelle  des  Jeux,'  1786, 
12mo.  A  German  translation,  l  Anweisung 
zum  Whistspiel,'  was  printed  at  Gotha,  1768, 
12mo.  'Calculations,  Cautions,  and  Obser- 
vations relating  to  the  various  Games  played 
with  Cards '  (1761),  by  Edmond  Hoyle,  jun., 
is  a  pamphlet  against  card-playing ;  the  name 
was  apparently  adopted  as  a  pseudonym. 

Hoyle's  other  works  are :  1.  <  Short  Treatise 
on  the  Game  of  Backgammon,'  London,  1743, 
12mo  (1st  edit,  no  title ;  2nd  edit.  1745 ;  3rd 
edit.  1748,  in  8th  edit,  of '  Whist ').  2. '  Short 
Treatise  on  the  Game  of  Piquet,  to  which  are 
added  some  Rules  and  Observations  for  play- 
ing well  at  Chess,'  London,  1744,  12mo 
(2nd  edit,  1746 ;  3rd  edit.  1748,  in  8th  edit. 
of '  Whist ').  3.  l  Short  Treatise  on  the  Game 
of  Quadrille,  to  which  is  added  the  Laws  of 
the  Game,'  London,  1745,  12mo  (2nd  edit. 
1748,  in  8th  edit,  of  'Whist ;'  'A  brief  and 
necessary  Supplement  to  all  former  Treatises 
on  Quadrille,'  1764,  is  from  another  hand). 
4.  '  Short  Treatise  of  the  Game  of  Brag,  con- 
taining the  Laws  of  the  Game ;  also  Cal- 
culations, shewing  the  Odds  of  winning  or 
losing  certain  Hands  dealt,'  London,  1751, 
12mo.  5.  '  An  Essay  Towards  making  the 
Doctrine  of  Chances  Easy  to  those  who  under- 
stand Vulgar  Arithmetick  only,  To  which  is 

added,  Some  Useful  Tables  on  Annuities  for 
Lives,'  London,  1754,  12mo,  new  edit.  1764. 
The  book  was  announced  in  the  '  Public  Ad- 
vertiser,' 23  and  31  Jan.  1754,  to  be  published 
at  half  a  guinea.  It  appeared  about  the  middle 
of  the  year.  '  When  the  immortal  Edmond 
Hoyle  consolidated  the  game,'  says  Dr.  Pole 
(Philosophy  of  Whist,  1886,  p.  95),  <  he  paid 
particular  attention '  to  the  calculus  of  pro- 
babilities. The  book  explains  the  modes  of 
calculation  of  various  problems  referring  to 
piquet,  allfours,  whist,  dice,  lotteries,  and  an- 
nuities. 6.  l  An  Essay  Towards  making  the 
Game  of  Chess  Easily  learned  By  those  who 
know  the  Moves  only,  without  the  Assist- 
ance of  a  Master,'  London,  1761,  12mo  (see 
also  No.  2.  Italian  translations  appeared  in 
1760  and  1803 ;  in  1808  was  published  <  Mr. 
Hoyle's  Game  of  Chess,  including  his  Chess 

[All  the  known  facts  relating  to  Hoyle  have 
been  collected  by  Mr.  Henry  Jones,  '  Cavendish,' 
see  Encyclopsedia  Britannica,  9th  edit.  xxiv.  art. 
Whist,  andCavendish's  Laws  and  Principles  of 
"Whist,  18th  edit.  1889,  and  in  greater  detail  by 
Mr.  Julian  Marshall,  with  an  interesting  biblio- 
graphical account  of  the  early  editions,  in  Notes 
and  Queries,  7th  ser.  vii.  481-2,  viii.  3,  42,  83, 
144,  201,  262,  343,  404,  482,  ix.  24,  142,  A. 
van  der  Linde's  G-eschichte  des  Schachspiels,  ii. 
61-5.]  H.  E.  T. 

HOYLE,  JOHN  (d.  1797  ?),  was  author 
of  a  dictionary  of  musical  terms  entitled 
*  Dictionarium  Musica  [sic]  ;  being  a  com- 
plete Dictionary  or  Treasury  of  Music,'  Lon- 
don, 1770;  republished,  with  a  new  title,  in 
1790  and  1791.  The  work  was  pronounced 
'  short  and  incomplete '  by  the  '  Critical  Re- 
view '  for  February  1791.  Hoyle  is  said  to 
have  died  in  1797. 

[Grove's  Diet,  of  Music,  i.  755.]      E.  F.  S. 

HOYLE,  JOSHUA,  D.D.  (d.  1654),  puri- 
tan divine,  was  born  at  Sowerby,  near  Hali- 
fax, Yorkshire,  and  educated  at  Magdalen 
Hall,  Oxford.  Being  invited  to  Dublin, 
probably  by  relatives  (Catalogue  of  Graduates 
in  University  of  Dublin,  p.  284),  he  became 
fellow  of  Trinity  College,  apparently  in  1609, 
received  his  doctor's  degree,  and  was  made 
professor  of  divinity  in  the  university.  Wood 
describes  the  learning  of  his  lectures  and 
his  sermons.  In  1641,  on  the  breaking  out 
of  the  rebellion,  he  took  refuge  in  London, 
where  he  was  made  vicar  of  Stepney.  His 
preaching  was  found  'too  scholastical'  for 
his  London  congregation.  In  1643  he  be- 
came a  member  of  the  Westminster  Assembly 
of  Divines,  and  regularly  attended  its  meet- 
ings. He  was  presented  to  the  living  of 
Sturminster  Marshall,  Dorsetshire,  by  the 





House  of  Commons  in  February  1642-3 
(Journals  of  the  House  of  Commons,  ii.  973). 
He  gave  evidence  against  Laud  as  to  his 
policy  when  chancellor  of  Dublin  University 
(cf.  LAUD,  Works,  iv.  297 ;  PRYNNE,  Can- 
terburies Doome,  &c.,  pp.  178,  359).  In 
1648,  having  been  for  some  time  employed 
by  the  committee  of  parliament  for  the  re- 
formation of  the  university  of  Oxford,  he 
was  appointed  master  of  University  College 
and  regius  professor  of  divinity.  A  canonry 
of  Christ  Church,which  had  been  appropriated 
for  the  support  of  the  professorship,  was  as- 
signed to  another  before  Hoyle's  appoint- 
ment, and,  since  the  income  of  the  master  of 
University  College  was  very  small,  Hoyle 
complained  with  reason  of  straitened  means. 
He  died  on  6  Dec.  1654,  and  was  buried  in 
the  old  chapel  of  University  College. 

Hoyle's  learning  was  esteemed  by  Arch- 
bishop Ussher,  in  whose  vindication  he  wrote 
'  A  Kejoynder  to  Master  Malone's  Reply  con- 
cerning Reall  Presence/  Dublin,  1641,  4to. 
A  sermon  preached  by  J.  H.,  printed  in  1645 
with  the  title  'Jehojades  Justice  against 
Mattan,  Baal's  Priest/  &c.,  is  attributed  to 

[Wood's  Athense  Oxon.  (Bliss),  iii.  382,  507, 
1146,  iv.  398;  Brook's  Puritans,  iii.  226  ;  Neal's 
Hist,  of  the  Puritans,  iii.  393 ;  Eegister  of  the 
Visitors  of  the  Univ.  of  Oxford,  1647-58,  ed. 
Professor  Burrows  (Camden  Soc.)]  E.  B. 

HOYLE,  WILLIAM  (1831-1886),  tem- 
perance reformer,  fourth  child  of  poor  parents, 
was  born  in  the  valley  of  Rossendale,  Lanca- 
shire, in  1831.  By  constant  and  severe  labour 
he  succeeded  in  1851  in  starting  a  business 
as  a  cotton-spinner  in  partnership  with  his 
father  at  Brooksbottom,  near  Bury,  Lanca- 
shire. In  1859  he  married,  and  removed  to 
Tottington,  where  a  large  mill  was  built.  He 
died  on  26  Feb.  1886. 

On  reaching  an  independent  position  Hoyle 
threw  himself  with  great  energy  into  the  tem- 
perance movement.  In  1869  he  published  a 
pamphlet  by  '  A  Cotton  Manufacturer/  en- 
titled '  An  Inquiry  into  the  long-continued 
Depression  in  the  Cotton  Trade/  which,  re- 
vised and  enlarged  into  a  book,  was  published  j 
in  1871  as  *  Our  National  Resources,  and  how  j 
they  are  wasted/  8vo.  This  volume  made 
Hoyle  at  once  a  recognised  authority  on  the 
statistics  of  the  drink  question.  He  followed 
it  up  by  many  short  publications,  and  by  an 
annual  letter  to  the  *  Times '  on  the  '  drink 
bill'  of  successive  years.  In  1876  appeared 
*  Crime  in  England  and  Wales  in  the  Nine- 
teenth Century.'  Hoyle  was  an  ardent  sup- 
porter of  the  policy  and  proceedings  of  the 
United  Kingdom  Alliance,  and  interested 

himself  also  in  the  introduction  into  England 
of  Good  Templarism.  In  connection  with 
these  organisations  he  wrote  many  pamphlets 
and  letters.  His  '  Hymns  and  Songs  for 
Temperance  Societies  and  Bands  of  Hope  ' 
have  had  a  large  circulation. 

[Manchester  Guardian,  1  March  1886,  p.  8; 
Ch.  of  Engl.  Temperance  Chron.  6  March  1886  ; 
Temperance  Kecord,  4  March  1886.]  E.  B. 


first  LOKD  ADDLN-GTON  (1805-1889),  born  21 
March  1805,  was  eldest  son  of  John  Hubbard 
(d.    1847),   Russia  merchant,   of  Stratford 
Grove,  Essex,  by  Marian  (d.  1851),  daughter 
of  John  Morgan  of  Bramfield  Place,  Hert- 
fordshire.    He  was  educated  privately,  and, 
his  health  being  delicate,  he  was  sent  in  1816 
to  a  school  at  Bordeaux,  where  he  remained 
for  four  years.   In  1821  he  entered  his  father's 
counting-house,  and  was  soon  connected  with 
many  important   commercial  undertakings. 
He  was  in  1838  elected  a  director  of  the  Bank 
of  England.     From  1853  until  his  death  he 
was  chairman  of  the  public  works  loan  com- 
mission. Hubbard  entered  the  House  of  Com- 
mons in  1859  in  the  conservative  interest,  as 
member  for  Buckingham.     He  was  not  re- 
elected  in  1868,  but  sat  for  the  city  of  London 
from  1874  until  22  July  1887,  when  he  was 
raised  to  the  peerage  as  Baron  Addington  of 
Addington  in  the  county  of  Surrey.      On 
6  Aug.  1 874  he  was  sworn  of  the  privy  council. 
In  the  House  of  Commons  Hubbard  was  a  re- 
cognised authority  on  financial  questions.  The 
income  tax  was  his  special  study.  He  wrote  on 
it  several  pamphlets,  including  '  How  should 
an  Income  Tax  be  levied  ? '  (1852).     In  1861, 
in  spite  of  the  opposition  of  Mr.  Gladstone, 
then  chancellor  of  the  exchequer,  he  carried  a 
motion  for  a  select  committee  to  inquire  into 
the  assessment  of  the  tax.  Hubbard's  schemes 
involved  the  application  to  imperial  taxation 
of  the  principle  now  governing  local  rating, 
and  they  were  afterwards  largely  adopted. 
Hubbard  also  spoke  and  wrote  on  the  coinage, 
ecclesiastical  difficulties,  and  education.     He 
built  and  endowed  St.  Alban's  Church,  Hoi- 
born,  which  was  consecrated  26  Feb.  1863, 
but  afterwards  (1868),  in  a  letter  to  the  Bishop 
of  London,  protested  as  churchwarden  against 
certain  ritualistic  practices  of  which,  though 
a  high  churchman,  he  did  not  approve  [see 
Addington  spoke  for  the  last  time  in  the 
House  of  Lords  on  the  third  reading  of  the 
Customs  and  Inland  Revenue  Bill,  28  May 
1889,  and  died  at  Addington  Manor  28  Aug. 
1889.     He  was  buried  in  the  parish  church- 
yard.    He   married,  19  May   1837,   Maria 
Margaret,  eldest  daughter  of  William  John, 




eighth  lord  Napier,  and  by  her  had  five  sons 
and  four  daughters.  He  was  succeeded  by 
his  eldest  son,  Egerton,  the  present  Lord 

[Information  from  the  Hon.  A.  E.  Hubbard ; 
Men  of  the  Time,  ed.  1887;  Times,  20  July  1868 
and  29  and  31  Aug.  1889 ;  Church  Times,  6  Sept. 
1889 ;  Hansard's  Parl.  Debates ;  A.  H.  Macko- 
nochie,  edit.  1890 ;  Eeturn  of  Memb.  of  Parl.] 

W.  A.  J.  A. 

HUBBARD,  WILLIAM  (1621  P-1704), 
historian  of  New  England,  born  in  1621  or 
1622,  was  the  eldest  son  of  William  Hub- 
bard, husbandman,  of  Tendring,  Essex,  by  his 
wife,  Judith,  daughter  of  John  and  Martha 
(Blosse)  Knapp  of  Ipswich,  Suffolk  (  Visita- 
tion of  Suffolk,  ed.  Metcalf,  1882,  p.  149). 
He  accompanied  his  father  to  New  England 
in  July  1635,  and  graduated  at  Harvard  in 
1642  (SAVAGE,  Genealogical  Diet.  ii.  486-7). 
On  17  Nov.  1658  he  was  ordained,  and  be- 
came first  assistant,  and  subsequently  pastor, 
of  the  congregational  church  in  Ipswich, 
Massachusetts,  which  post  he  held  until 
6  May  1703.  During  the  absence  of  Increase 
Mather  in  England  in  1688  he  was  appointed 
by  Sir  Edmund  Andros  to  act  as  president 
of  Harvard.  He  died  at  Ipswich,  Massa- 
chusetts, on  T£  Sept.  1704,  aged  83.  He 
married  first  Mary  (not  Margaret),  only 
daughter  of  the  Rev.  Nathaniel  Rogers  of 
Ipswich,  Massachusetts,  by  whom  he  had  two 
sons  and  a  daughter.  His  second  marriage, 
in  1694,  to  Mary,  widow  of  Samuel  Pearce, 
who  survived  him  without  issue,  gave  offence 
to  his  congregation  on  account  of  her  sup- 
posed social  inferiority.  During  John  Dun- 
ton's  stay  in  Ipswich  he  was  entertained  by 
Hubbard,  of  whose  learning  and  virtues  he 
has  left  an  eccentric  account  (Life  and 
Errors,  ii.  134).  A  manuscript  copy  of  his 
*  History  of  New  England,'  for  which  the 
state  of  Massachusetts  promised,  but  pro- 
bably did  not  pay  him,  50/.,  is  believed  to 
have  been  rescued  from  the  flames  by  Dr. 
Andrew  Eliot  in  the  attack  on  Governor 
Thomas  Hutchinson's  house  by  the  mob  in 
August  1765,  and  presented  by  Eliot's  son 
John  to  the  Massachusetts  Historical  So- 
ciety, by  whom  it  was  wretchedly  printed  in 
1815.  Another  edition  appeared  in  1848, 
forming  vols.  v-vi.  of  the  second  series  of  the 
society's  f  Historical  Collections  ;  '  a  few 
copies  were  also  struck  off  separately. 

Hubbard  was  also  author  of:  1.  'The 
Happiness  of  a  People  in  the  wisdome  of 
their  rulers  directing,  and  in  the  obedience 
of  their  brethren  attending,  unto  what  Israel 
ought  to  do  :  recommended  in  a  Sermon  [on 
1  Cor.  xii.  32]  .  .  .  preached  at  Boston,'  4to, 
Boston,  1676.  2. '  A  Narrative  of  the  Troubles 

with  the  Indians  in  New  England,  from  .  .  . 
1607  to  ...  1677.  ...  To  which  is  added 
a  Discourse  about  the  Warre  with  the  Pequods 
in  ...  1637.  (A  Postscript,  &c.)  [With  a 
Map  of  New-England,  being  the  first  that 
ever  was  here  cut],'  2  pts.,4to,  Boston,  1677 ; 
another  edition,  under  the  title  of '  The  Pre- 
sent State  of  New  England,'  &c.,  2  pts.,  4to, 
London,  1677.  The  American  editions  in 
8vo  and  12mo  are  worthless.  A  beautifully 
printed  edition,  with  a  life  of  the  author  and 
notes  by  Samuel  G.  Drake,  was  issued  as 
Nos.  iii.  and  iv.  of  W.  E.  Woodward's  <  His- 
torical Series,'  4to,  Roxbury,  Mass.,  1865. 
During  1682  Hubbard  delivered  a  <  Fast  Ser- 
mon '  and  a  <  Funeral  Discourse '  on  the  death 
of  General  Daniel  Denison.  These,  it  is  said, 
were  also  printed. 

[H.  F.  Waters's  Genealogical  Gleanings  in 
England,  vol.  i.  pt.  ii.  p.  228 ;  Sibley's  Harvard 
Graduates,  i.  54-62  ;  Drake's  life  referred  to.] 


1662),  quaker  writer,  only  son  of  John  Hub- 
berthorn, a  yeoman,  was  born  at  Yealand- 
Redmayne,  in  the  parish  of  Warton,  near 
Carnforth,  Lancashire,  and  baptised  at  War- 
ton  on  8  June  1628.  He  was  brought  up  in 
puritan  principles,  became  an  officer  in  the 
parliamentary  army,  and  preached  to  his  troop. 
He  left  the  army  on  becoming  a  quaker  to- 
wards the  end  of  1648.  In  1652  he  devoted 
himself  to  the  work  of  the  quaker  ministry, 
being  one  of  the  earliest  of  George  Fox's  tra- 
velling preachers.  He  accompanied  Fox  in 
his  Lancashire  journeys,  and  had  a  hand 
(1653)  in  one  of  his  publications.  In  1654 
he  went  with  George  Whitehead  on  a  mis- 
sion to  Norwich ;  next  year  he  travelled 
with  Fox  in  the  eastern  counties.  It  ap- 
pears from  his  report  to  Margaret  Fell 
[q.  v.]  that  he  was  sometimes  permitted  to 
speak  '  in  the  steeple-house.'  Norwich  was 
still  his  headquarters  in  1659.  He  came 
with  Fox  to  London  in  1660,  and  had  an 
audience  of  Charles  II  soon  after  his  restora- 
tion. A  minute  account  of  the  interview 
was  published,  and  is  given  in  Sewel. 
Charles  promised  that  quakers  (  should  not 
suffer  for  their  opinion  or  religion.'  In  ]  662, 
during  renewed  persecution,  Fox  and  Hub- 
berthorn drew  up  a  spirited  letter  to  Charles. 
Hubberthorn  was  arrested  at  Bull  and  Mouth 
meeting  in  June  1662,  and  committed  to 
Newgate  by  Alderman  Richard  Brown.  He 
j  died  in  Newgate  of  gaol  fever  on  17  Aug. 

Adam  Martindale  describes  him  as  l  the 

most  rational,  calm-spirited  man  of  his  judg- 

|  ment    that   I   was    ever    publicly   engaged 

!  against.'     He  is  an  excellent  sample  of  the 




«arly  quaker,  of  the  type  anterior  to  Barclay 
and  Penn,  without  the  emotional  genius,  at 
the  same  time  without  the  overbalanced 
mysticism  of  James  Nayler  [q.  v.],  in  con- 
junction with  whom  he  wrote  two  tracts. 
His  writings  are  almost  all  controversial, 
and  their  tone  is  more  moderate  than  that 
of  some  of  his  contemporaries.  His  works 
are  contained  in  '  A  Collection  of  the  seve- 
ral Books  and  Writings  of  ...  Richard 
Hubberthorn,'  1663, 4to.  Smith  enumerates 
thirty-seven  separately  published  pamphlets ; 
the  most  important  are :  1.  '  Truth's  Defence,' 
&e.;  1653,  4to  (partly  by  Fox).  2.  '  The  Im- 
mediate Call,'  &c.,  1654,  4to  (part  by  James 
Parnel).  3.  'The  Real  Cause  of  the  Nation's 
Bondage,'  &c.,  1659,  4to.  4.  ' The  Light  of 
Christ  Within,'  &c.,  1660,  4to.  5.  'An  Ac- 
count from  the  Children  of  Light,'  &c.,  1660, 
4tp  (part  by  Nayler).  6.  '  Liberty  of  Con- 
science asserted,'  &c.,  1661,  4to  (parts  by 
Crook,  Fisher,  and  Howgil). 

[Fox's  Journal,  1694,  pp.  84-250;  Sewel's 
Hist,  of  Quakers,  1725,  pp.  87  sq.,  246  sq., 
363  ;  Life  of  Adam  Martindale  (Chetham  Soc.), 
1845,  p.  115;  Webb's  Fells  of  Swarthmoor, 
1867,  pp.  133  sq.;  Smith's  Cat.  of  Friends' Books, 
1867,  i.  1010  sq.;  Barclay's  Inner  Life,  1876, 
p.  286;  extract  from  baptismal  register  of  War- 
ton,  per  Eev.  T.  H.  Pain.]  A.  Gr. 

HUBBOCK,  WILLIAM  (fi.  1605),  di- 
vine, born  in  1560  in  the  county  of  Durham; 
matriculated  at  Magdalen  Hall,  Oxford,  on 
15  April  1580,  aged  19 ;  proceeded  B.A.  from 
Magdalen  College  early  in  1581;  and  was 
in  1585  admitted  M.A.  from  Corpus  Christi 
College,  where  he  was  elected  a  probationer- 
fellow  (cf.  Oxf.  Univ.  Reg.,  Oxf.  Hist.  Soc.,n. 
ii.  191,  iii.  95).  He  was  incorporated  in  the 
degree  of  M.A.  at  Cambridge  in  1586.  His 
opinions  were  puritanical,  and  he  was  cited 
before  the  Archbishop  of  Canterbury  for  a 
sermon  preached  about  1590  (cf.  Lansdowne 
MS.  Ixviii.  77  ;  STKYPE,  Whitgift,  ii.  32-4). 
He  became  chaplain  at  the  Tower  of  London, 
and  on  12  July  1594  wrote  to  Burghley  com- 
plaining that  his  lodging  at  the  Tower  was 
defective ;  he  was  ill  at  the  time,  and  stated 
that  his  salary  was  but  twenty  nobles  (ib. 
Ixxvii.  48).  In  1595  he  published  a  sermon 
entitled l  An  Apologie  of  Infants,'  a  work  in- 
tended to  prove  'that  children  prevented 
by  death  of  their  Baptisme  by  God's  elec- 
tion may  be  saved.'  On  6  Feb.  1596-7 
he  was  appointed  lecturer  at  St.  Botolph's 
Without,  Aldgate,  and  preached  twice  on 
Sundays.  When  James  I  visited  the  Tower 
in 'March  1604  on  his  way  to  his  coronation, 
Hubbock  composed  and  delivered  to  the  king 
a  congratulatory  address  which,  although  in 
Latin,  was  published  with  an  English  title, 

'An  Oration  gratulatory,'  &c.,  at  Oxford,  'by 
his  highnesse  special  command.'  It  was  re- 
printed, with  translation,  in  Nichols's  '  Pro- 
gresses of  James  I,'  i.  325*. 

^  About  1609  he  claimed  in  a  petition  to  the 
king  the  constable's  lodgings  in  the  Tower  as 
a  residence ;  the  petition  was  forwarded  to 
Sir  William  Waad,  lieutenant  of  the  Tower, 
who  reported  adversely.  The  mint  (accord- 
ing to  Waad)  was  the  usual  residence  of  the 
chaplain  when  he  had  not '  a  wife  and  family 
as  this  man  hath.'  Waad  also  states  that 
when  he  came  to  the  Tower  Hubbock  was 
resident  at  a  benefice  in  Leicestershire,  and 
provided  '  lewd  substitutes '  at  the  Tower.  In 
an  undated  letter  to  Burghley  Hubbock  urged 
him  to  provide  learned  ministers,  and  de- 
scribed himself  as  '  a  poore  exile.' 

[Wood's  Athense  Oxon.  ed.  Bliss,  i.  752-3  ; 
Cooper's  Athenge  Cantabr.  ii.  528-9 ;  Bodl.  Libr., 
MS.  Bawl.  D.  796.]  W.  J.  H-Y. 

HUBERT,  SIR  FRANCIS  (d.  1629),  poet, 
was  probably  son  of  Edward  Hubert,  one  of 
the  six  clerks  in  chancery.  Hubert,  who 
appears  to  have  been  a  member  of  the  Middle 
Temple,  was  appointed  clerk  in  chancery 
9  March  1601  (HAKDY,  Catalogue  of  Chan- 
cellors, &c.,  p.  109).  He  was  buried  at  St. 
Andrew's,  Holborn,  on  13  Dec.  1629.  A  poem 
by  Hubert  entitled  'The  Historie  of  Edward 
the  Second,  surnamed  Carnarvon,  one  of  our 
English  Kings  :  together  with  the  fatall 
Downfall  of  his  two  Vnfortunate  Favorites, 
Gaveston  and  Spencer,'  was  completed  in  the 
reign  of  Elizabeth,  but  owing  to  the  freedom 
with  which  it  treated  kings,  favourites,  and 
affairs  of  state,  a  license  for  its  publication 
was  refused.  A  surreptitious  and  incorrect 
edition  appeared  in  1628,  and  in  the  follow- 
ing year  Hubert  issued  the  first  authentic 
edition,  8vo,  London,  1629  (other  editions, 
1631  and  1721),  with  portrait  of  the  author. 
Manuscript  copies  are  in  the  Harleian  MSS., 
Nos.  558  and  2393,  the  former  in  the  hand- 
writing of  Ralph  Starkie.  Hubert  also  pub- 
lished '  Egypt's  Favorite.  The  Historie  of 
Joseph,  divided  into  foure  parts  .  .  .  Together 
with  Old  Israels  progresse  into  the  land  of 
Goshen,'  8vo,  London,  1631. 

[Addit.  MS.  24490,  ff.  270-1  ;  Gent.  Mag. 
vol.  xciv.  pt.  ii.  pp.  21-2  ;  Brydges's  Eestituta, 
i.  93;  Lowndes's  Bibl.  Man.  (Bohn),  ii.  1133; 
Brit.  Mus.  Cat.]  G.  G. 

HUBERT  WALTER  (d.  1205),  arch- 
bishop of  Canterbury,  was  a  son  of  Hervey 
Walter  and  Matilda  de  Valognes,  whose 
sister  Bertha  was  married  to  Ranulf  de  Glan- 
ville  [q.  v.]  (Monast,  Angl  vi.  380,  1128). 
The  'Hubert  Walter'  mentioned  in  the 
'  Pipe  Roll '  of  1158,  p.  30,  was  probably  his 




uncle  or  his  grandfather.  His  surname  is 
usually  given  by  Latin  writers  as  l  Walteri ; ' 
but  in  some  contemporary  documents  it  is 
found  agreeing  in  case  with  the  Christian 
name  ('  de  Huberto  Waltero,'  Pipe  Roll,  1.  c.) ; 
and  we  have  no  clue  to  its  origin.  Hubert's 
family  lived  in  Suffolk  or  Norfolk.  He  is 
said  to  have  been  born  at  West  Dereham 
(TANNER,  Not.  Monast.,  Norfolk,  xxi.)  He 
and  his  brothers  (one  of  whom  became  an- 
cestor of  the  Butlers  of  Ormonde  [see  BUT- 
LER, THEOBALD])  seem  to  have  been  brought 
jjp  in  Glanville's  household  (Mon.  Angl.  vi. 
899)  ;  he  became  one  of  Glanville's  chap- 
lains or  clerks,  and  was  so  much  in  his  con- 
fidence that  he  was  afterwards  said  to  have 
'  shared  with  him  in  the  government  of  Eng- 
land' (GEEV.  CANT.  ii.  406).  In  1184  and 
1185  he  appears  as  a  baron  of  the  exchequer. 

Winchester,  17  April  1194 ;  and  in  May  the 
king's  departure  over  sea  left  him  virtual 
ruler  of  England. 

To  keep  the  country  in  obedience  and  to 
supply  Richard's  ceaseless  demands  for  money 
was  Hubert's  task  during  the  next  four  years, 
and  the  credit  of  the  constitutional  and  ad- 
ministrative progress  made  in  those  years  is 
wholly  due  to  him.  His  policy  was  based 
on  the  principles  which  he  had  seen  put  in 
action  by  Glanville  under  the  inspiration  of 
Henry  II.  Since  April  1193  he  had  been 
engaged,  conjointly  with  the  other  justiciars 
and  the  queen-mother,  in  raising  the  100,000/% 
required  for  Richard's  ransom.  For  the  mea- 
sures taken  on  this  occasion  he  only  shared 
the  responsibility  with  his  colleagues  and  with 
the  king  himself;  but  they  were  probably 
due  to  his  initiative.  The  demands  made 

(MADOX,  Hist.  Exch.  c.  vi.  sec.  iii. ;  Form,  upon  the  country  were1  a  scutage  from  the 

Angl.  p.  217)  ;  and  in  1185  he  was  one  of  six  tenants-in-chivalry*a  tax  of  two  shillings  per 

envoys  employed  by  Henry  II  to  negotiate  carucate  from  the  socage  tenants,^  a  fourth 

with  the  monks  of  Canterbury  about  the  elec-  of  personal  property  from  every  free  man, 

tion  of  a  primate.     Next  year  he  was  made  frthe  year's  woolxfrom  the  Cistercians   and 

dean  of  York,  and  in  September  was  one  of  Gilbertines,  and 'the  treasures  of  the  great 

five  persons  nominated  by  the  York  chapter  churches.     The  first  was  matter  of  course ; 

for  the  vacant  see ;  the  king,  however,  re- 
jected all  five.  In  April  1189  Hubert  ap- 
pears as  a  justice  of  the  curia  regis  at  West- 
minster (Fines,  ed.  Hunter,  i.  pref.  xxiii)  ; 
a  little  later  he  seems  to  have  been  acting  as 
protonotary,  or  vice-chancellor,  to  Henry  in  - 
Maine ;  in  September  the  new  king,  Richard, 

^  appointed  him'bishop  of  Salisbury;  and  Arch- 
bishop Baldwin  consecrated  him  on  22  Oct. 
In  February  1190  Richard  summoned  him 
to  Normandy,  and  he  accompanied  king 
and  primate  to  the  Holy  Land.  There  he 
won  universal  esteem  by  his  zeal  and  energy 
in  relieving  the  wants  of  the  poorer  crusaders. 
After  Baldwin's  death  he  became  the  chief 
spiritual  authority  in  the  host;  and  he  was 
also  Richard's  chief  agent  in  negotiati 
with  Saladin.  As  Richard's  represent 
he  headed  the  first  body  of  pilgrims  who 
the  Turks  admitted  to  the  sepulchre,  and 
after  Richard's  departure  he  led  back  the 
English  host  from  Palestine  to  Sicily.  There 
he  heard  of  the  king's  captivity  ;  he  at  once 

_went  to  visit  him,  and  came  back  to  England 
in  April  1193  charged  to  act  as  one  of  the 
commissioners  for  the  collection  of  the  ran- 
som, and  closely  followed  by  a  royal  man- 
date for  his  election  to  the  see  of  Canterbury. 
Elected  by  the  chapter  29  May,  by  the  bishops 
next  day,  he  was  enthroned  and  received  his 
pall  7  Nov.  At  the  close  of  the  year  Richard 
appointed  him  justiciar ;  in  this  capacity  he 
took  a  leading  part  in  the  suppression  of 
John's  attempt  at  revolt ;  as  archbishop  he 
officiated  at  Richard's  second  crowning  at 

chiet  wh( 
;  was  pan 
atifln-W  c 

i  TT i 

the  last  was  wholly  exceptional,  excused  by 
exceptional  need ;  the  second  was  in  effect  a 
revival  of  the  Danegeld  under  the  less  offen- 
sive name  of '  hidagium  '  or  f  auxilium  caru- 
catarum '  (MADOX,  Hist.  Exch.  c.  xv.  sec. 
iv.)  ;  the  third  marked  an  important  advance 
in  the  direct  taxation  of  personal  property  as 
introduced  by  Henry  II;  and  the  fourth, 
commuted  for  a  money-payment,  was  'an 
important  precedent  for  the  raising  of  revenue 
on  and  through  the  staple  article  of  English 
production.'  To  these  taxes  was  added  a 
tallage  on  the  towns  and  royal  demesnes, 
assessed  as  usual  by  the  justices  itinerant 
whom  Hubert  sent  out,  after  Richard's  de- 
parture, on  their  annual  visitation  tour,  with 
commission  which  by  its  extension  and 
finition  of  the  pleas  of  the  crown,  its  ap- 
intment  of  elective  officers  (whQ_grew_intP 
^  modern  coroners)  to  keep  those  pleas  in  I 
every  shire,  ancTTls  elaborate  regulations  for! 
the  election  of  the  juries  of  presentment,! 
forms  a  landmark  in  the  development  of] 
TTanryTT'g  pinna  of  ^far^  Next  year  (1195)' 
Hubert  issued  an  edict  requiring  every  man 
above  the  age  of  fifteen  years  to  take  an  oath 
for ,  the  maintenance  of  public  peace,  before 
knights  appointed  for  the  purpose  in  every 
shire  ;  from  this  sprang  the  office  first  of  con- 
servators, and  later,  of  justices  of  the  peace., 
At  the  close  of  the  year  he  negotiated  with 
William,  king  of  Scots,  a  treaty  of  marriage 
between  William's  eldest  daughter,  and 
Richard's  nephew  Otto,  which  was  never  car- 
ried out,  but  served  the  good  purpose  of 




keeping  peace  between  England  and  Scotland 
for  many  years. 

In  1196  Hubert's  troubles  began.  At  Mid- 
Lent  the  London  craftsmen,  dissatisfied  with 
-the  mode  in  which  the  local  taxation  was 
assessed  by  the  civic  rulers,  were  on  the 
verge  of  a  rising,  which  the  justiciar  strove 
to  prevent  by  the  arrest  of  their  leader,  Wil- 
liam FitzOsbert  [q.  v.]  William  took  sanc- 
tuary in  the  church  of  St.  Mary-at-Bow; 
Hubert  caused  the  church  to  be  fired,  and 
William,  thus  driven  out,  was  seized,  tried, 
condemned,  and  hanged  with  some  of  his 
followers.  The  rest  submitted  at  once  ;  but 
the  common  people  persisted  in  honouring 
William  as  a  martyr ;  the  clergy  were  horri- 
fied at  the  firing  of  a  church  by  an  arch- 
bishop;  and  Hubert's  own  chapter,  with 
whom  he  had  long  been  at  feud,  were  doubly 
furious,  because  the  church  belonged  to  them, 
and  gloated  over  the  sacrilege  as  a  crowning 
charge  in  the  indictment  which  they  were 
preparing  to  bring  against  him  at  Rome.  At 
the  same  moment  Richard  insulted  his  jus- 
ticiar by  sending  over  the  abbot  of  Caen  with 
authority  to  examine  the  accounts  of  all  the 
royal  officers  in  England.  Though  the  abbot's 
death  put  an  end  to  this  project,  and  was 
followed  by  a  half-apology  from  the  king, 
Hubert  threw  up  the  justiciarship  in  disgust ; 
he  was,  however,  easily  induced  to  withdraw 
his  resignation.  In  1197  he  issued  an  assize 
of  measures,  which  seems  never  to  have  been 
enforced,  and  was  afterwards  (1203)  set  aside 
by  the  justices.  In  June  he  went  to  Nor- 
mandy ;  there  he  negotiated  for  Richard  a 
pacification  of  his  quarrel  with  the  Arch- 
bishop of  Rouen,  a  treaty  of  alliance  with 
Flanders,  and  a  truce  with  Philip  of  France. 
Shortly  after  his  return  (November)  Richard 
sent  over  a  demand  for  either  three  hundred 
knights  to  serve  for  twelve  months  against 
Philip,  or  money  enough  to  hire  three  h 
dred  mercenaries  for  the  same  period.  Huj 
called  the  bishops  and  barons  to  a  counci 
Oxford,  7  Dec.,  and  there  proposed  that  they 
should  furnish  among  themselves  the  required 
knights ;  the  bishops  of  Lincoln  and  Salis- 
bury opposed  the  scheme  on  constitutional 
grounds,  and  their  opposition  brought  it  to 
nought  (Magna  Vita  S.  Hugonis,  pp.  249-50 ; 
GEEV.  CANT.  i.  549 ;  Roe.  HOVEDEBT,  iv.  40). 
The  justiciar  was  next  called  away  to  the 
Welsh  marches,  where  he  settled  a  dispute 
about  the  succession  in  South  Wales,  and 
fortified  the  border  castles  for  the  king.  In 
'the spring  (1198)  he  ventured  upon  another 
great  administrative  experiment.  He  levied 
a  tax  of  five  shillings  per  carucate  on  all  the 
arable  land,  save  that  held  by  serjeanty,  or 
belonging  to  the  parish  churches  ;  he  decreed 

that  the  carucate,  hitherto  a  variable  quantity, 
should  henceforth  consist  of  one  hundred 
acres,  and  to  ascertain  the  number  of  these 
new  carucates  he  ordered  a  survey  to  be  made 
by  means  of  an  inquest  taken  by  two  royal 
commissioners  in  conjunction  with  the  sheriff 
of  each  county,  and  certain  chosen  knights, 
on  the  sworn  presentment  of  the  local  land- 
owners or  their  stewards,  and  of  duly  elected 
representatives,  free  and  villein,  of  every 
township  and  hundred  in  the  shire.  Tim 
application  of  the  principle  of  representation 
to  the  assessment  of  taxation  on  real  property 
was  a  marked  step  in  the  direction  of  con- 
stitutional self-government.  But  while  the 
commission  was  in  progress  its  originator  was 
tottering  to  his  fall.  Innocent  III  was  no 
sooner  pope  (January  1198)  than  he  renewed 
the  old  decrees  against  the  tenure  of  secular 
office  by  priests,  and  especially  urged  the  dis- 
missal of  the  Archbishop  of  Canterbury  from 
the  justiciarship,  which  Hubert  thereupon  re- 
signed ;  in  September  he  joined  the  king  in 
Normandy;  there  he  apparently  remained 
till  after  Richard's  death  (April  1199),  when 
John  sent  him  home  to  form  with  William 
Marshal  and  the  new  justiciar,  Geoffrey  Fitz- 
Peter,  a  council  of  regency,  whose  energetic 
action  kept  England  at  peace  till  John's  own 
arrival.  On  27  May  Hubert  crowned  the] 
new  king,  after  making  the  famous  speech  in 
which  the  old  English  theory  of  election  to 
the  crown  was  publicly  enunciated  for  the 
last  time  (M.  PAEIS,  Chron.  Maj.  ii.  454-5). 
Next  day  he  set  papal  prohibitions,  constitu- 
tional precedents,  and  the  warnings  of  an  old 
colleague  all  alike  at  defiance  by  undertaking 
the  office  of  chancellor ;  unquestionably  for 
the  country's  good,  as  he  was  the  only  person 
who  could  act  as  a  check  upon  John.  He 
crowned  the  king  and  queen  together  at 
Westminster,  8  Oct.  1200 ;  he  was  present 
the  Scottish  king's  homage  to  John  at 
""\Ln,  22  Nov.,  and  at  the  Hburial  of  St. 
two  days  later :  he  crowned  John  and 
Isabel  again  at  Canterbury  on  Easter  day 
1201.  In  December  John  summoned  him  to 
Normandy,  and  thence  sent  him  to  France 
on  a  diplomatic  mission,  which  failed,  but 
through  no  fault  of  Hubert's ;  and  next  year 
the  archbishop  returned  home,  *  that,  as 
matters  beyond  sea  were  now  almost  despe- 
rate, he  might  at  least  keep  England  in  peace,' 
in  which  he  succeeded  well  enough  while 
John  was  out  of  the  way.  In  the  spring  of 
1203  he  went  with  some  other  prelates  on 
another  hopeless  mission  to  Philip ;  at  Christ- 
mas he  entertained  John  at  Canterbury.  It 
may  have  been  in  the  following  year,  when 
king  and  minister  were  brought  into  closer 
and  more  frequent  contact  than  usual  by  the 




former's  residence  in  England,  that  a  quarrel 
took  place  which  provoked  John  for  a  mo- 
ment to  deprive  Hubert  of  the  seals,  'but  the 
archbishop  by  his  admirable  prudence  soon  ' 
regained  the  king's  favour  '  (GEKV.  CANT.  ii.  j 
410).     His  last  political  appearance  was  at 
Whitsuntide  1205,  when  he  is  said  to  have  ! 
joined  with  William  Marshal  in  dissuading 
the  king  from  an  expedition  against  France.  | 
On  10  July,  on  his  way  from  Canterbury  to 
Boxley  to   compose  a  quarrel  between  the  ' 
Rochester  monks  and  their  bishop,  he  was  j 
attacked  by   a  fever  and  a  carbuncle ;   he 
turned  aside  to  Tenham,  and  there,  three  days 
later,  he  died.     In  March  1890  a  tomb  at- 
tached to  the  south  wall  of  Canterbury  cathe- 
dral, close  to  its  eastern  end,  was  opened 
and  found  to  contain  remains  which  have 
since   been   identified  as   those  of  Hubert 
Walter  (Antiquary,  June  1890,  126-150). 

'  Now,  for  the  first  time,'  said  John,  when 
he  heard  the  tidings,  '  am  I  truly  king  of 
England '  (M.  PAKIS,  Hist.  Angl.  ii.  104). 
Coming  from  John,  the  words  form  the  highest 
possible  tribute  to  Hubert's  character  as  a 
statesman.  To  his  character  as  statesman, 
indeed,  Hubert  in  his  own  day  'was  accused 
of  sacrificing  his  character  as  archbishop. 
But  the  charge  is  not  altogether  just.  During 
the  first  five  years  of  his  pontificate  he  was 
hampered  by  a  quarrel  with  his  own  chapter 
about  a  college  for  secular  priests  which  his 
friend  Archbishop  Baldwin  [q.v.]  had  founded 
at  Lambeth  out  of  the  superfluous  wealth  of 
the  metropolitan  see,  and  which  Hubert  was 
most  anxious  to  maintain,  but  which  the 
monks  strongly  opposed ;  they  carried  the  day, 
and  in  11 98  a  papal  brief  forced  Hubert  to  pull 
down  the  college.  Appointed  legate  in  March 
1195,  he  had  in  that  year  made  a  visitation 
of  the  northern  province,  and  held  a  church 
council  at  York ;  in  September  1200  he  held 
another  council  in  London,  in  the  teeth  of  a 
prohibition  from  the  justiciar;  at  both  coun- 
cils some  useful  canons  were  passed.  He  was 
careful  of  the  temporal  interests  of  his  see ; 
he  recovered  for  it  the  manors  of  Hythe  and 
Saltwood,  and  the  castles  of  Rochester  and 
Tunbridge,  which  it  had  lost  under  Henry  II ; 
he  kept  the  buildings  at  Christ  Church  and 
on  the  archiepiscopal  manors  in  good  repair ; 
he  obtained  from  Richard  a  renewal,  after- 
wards confirmed  by  John,  of  the  long-lost 
privilege  of  the  archbishops  to  coin  money  at 
Canterbury  (RTJDING,  Ann.  of  Coinage^  1840, 
ii.  181)  ;  he  exercised  a  splendid  hospitality 
during  his  life,  and  he  bequeathed  a  mass  of 
treasures  to  his  cathedral  church  at  his  death, 
as  well  as  the  benefice  of  Halstow,  whose  re- 
venues he  directed  to  be  appropriated  to  the 
precentor  '  for  the  repair  of  the  books,'  i.  e. 

the  service-books  used  in  the  choir.  When 
dean  of  York  he  had  founded  a  Premonstra- 
tensian  priory  at  West  Dereham  (TANNEE, 
Not.  Monast.,  Norfolk,  xxi. ;  DTJGDALE,  Mon. 
Angl.  vi.  899);  as  chaplain-general  of  the 
Crusade,  he  seems  to  have  originated  or 
organised  the  house  of  canons  regular  at- 
tached to  the  chapel  and  cemetery  for  pilgrims 
at  Acre,  founded  by  a  clerk  named  William 
in  1190  (R.  DICETO,  ii.  81 ;  Ann.  Dunst.  a. 
1231)  ;  and  about  1204  he  began  transform- 
ing into  a  Cistercian  monastery  a  secular 
college  at  Wolverhampton  which  had  been 
surrendered  to  him  for  that  purpose  ;  this 
project,  however,  expired  with  him  (TANNEK, 
Not.  Monast.,  Staffordshire,  xxxi. ;  Mon. 
Angl.  vi.  1443 ;  '  Pipe  Roll '  Staffordshire, 
6  Job.,  in  Salt  Archceol.  Coll.  i.  119,  125). 

Gerald  of  Wales  mocks  at  Hubert's  imper- 
fect scholarship  (GiB.  CAMBE.  Opera,  ii.  344- 
345)  ;  that  he  had,  however,  some  scholarly 
sympathies  is  shown  by  his  zeal  for  the 
Lambeth  college,  planned  avowedly  for  the 
encouragement  of  learning.  When  once  their 
great  quarrel  was  ended,  he  and  his  monks 
were  the  best  of  friends ;  a  week  before  his 
death  he  was  at  Canterbury,  expressing  the 
warmest  interest  in  their  welfare,  and  pro- 
mising soon  to  return  and  f  stay  with  them 
longer  than  usual,'  a  promise  fulfilled  by  his 
burial  in  their  midst.  One  of  them  describes 
him  as  'tall  of  stature,  wary  of  counsel,  subtle 
of  wit,  though  not  eloquent  of  speech,'  and 
says  that  he  chiefly  erred  in  lending  too  ready 
an  ear  to  detractors.  It  may  have  been  this 
failing  which  led  him  to  use  his  ecclesiastical 
influence  and  strain  his  temporal  authority 
to  the  uttermost  in  order  to  drive  out  and 
keep  out  of  the  realm  a  man  of  whom  he  was 
somewhat  unreasonably  jealous,  his  fellow- 
primate  of  York  [see  GEOFFEEY,  archbishop 
of  York].  This,  however,  is  the  only  in- 
stance in  which  his  political  action  appears 
to  have  been  influenced  by  personal  motives. 
In  his  struggle  with  Gerald  [see  GIEALDUS 
CAMBEENSIS]  he  was  unquestionably  fighting 
Canterbury's  and  England's  battles,  rather 
than  his  own.  Gerald  was  the  only  person 
who  ever  brought  any  serious  charge  against 
the  archbishop's  honour,  and  those  charges  he 
afterwards  retracted  (Opera,  i.  426). 

[Gesta  Henrici  et  Ricardi ;  Roger  of  Hove- 
den,  vols.  iii.  and  iv. ;  Gervase  of  Canterbury ; 
Ralph  de  Diceto,  vol.  ii. ;  William  of  Newburgh 
and  Richard  of  Devizes  (Chronicles  of  Stephen 
and  Henry  II,  vols.  i-iii.) ;  Epistolse  Cantuari- 
enses ;  Roger  of  Wendover,  vol.  i. ;  Ralph  of 
Coggeshall,  all  in  Rolls  Ser. ;  Stubbs's  Consti- 
tutional History,  vol.  i.,  and  prefaces  to  Roger  of 
Hoveden,  vol.  iv.,  and  Epp.  Cantuar. ;  Foss's 
Judges ;  Hook's  Archbishops,  ii.]  K.  N. 




HUCK,  RICHARD  (1720-1785),  doctor 
of  medicine.  [See  SATJKDEKS,  RICHARD 

HUCKELL,  JOHN  (1729-1771),  poet, 
son  of  Thomas  Huckell,  burgess  of  Stratford- 
upon-Avon,  was  baptised  there  29  Dec.  1729. 
He  studied  at  the  grammar  school  of  Strat- 
ford, matriculated  at  Magdalen  Hall,  Oxford, 
on  8  April  1747,  proceeded  B.A.  11  March 
1751,  and  'was  presented  to  the  curacy  of 
Hounslowin  Middlesex,  and  the  chapel  stand- 
ing on  the  confines  of  two  parishes,  Heston 
and  Isleworth.'  He  resided  in  the  latter 
(preface  to  Avon},  and  on  his  death  was 

buried  there,  20  Sept.  1771.   Huckell  wrote : 

1.  l  Avon ;    a  Poem,  in  three  parts.'     The 
first  edition  was  published  in  1758,  '  being 
printed    in    quarto   at  Birmingham   in   an 
elegant  manner  by  the  celebrated  Basker- 
ville'  (preface  to  Avon}.     A  new  edition  was 
published  at  Stratford-upon-Avon  in  1811. 

2.  '  An  Epistle  to  David  Garrick,  Esq.,  on 
his  being  presented  with  the  Freedom  of 
Stratford-upon-Avon ;    and  on   the  Jubilee 
held  there  to  the  Memory  of  Shakespeare  in 
September  1769 '  (Gent.  Mag.  April  1813,  p. 

[Foster's  Alumni  Oxon.  ii.  703  ;  preface  to 
'Avon,'  1811  edition;  Gent.  Mag.  1758  p.  282, 
1813  pt.  i.  p.  212;  Notes  and  Queries,  2nd  ser. 
vii.  92.]  F.  W-T. 

HUDDART,  JOSEPH  (1741-1816),  hy- 
drographer  and  manufacturer,  was  born  on 
11  Jan.  1740-1  at  Allonby  in  Cumberland, 
where  his  father  was  a  shoemaker  and  farmer. 
He  was  educated  at  a  school  kept  by  the 
clergyman  of  the  parish,  and  is  said  to  have 
shown  aptitude  for  mathematics  and  me- 
chanics, to  have  constructed  the  model  of  a 
mill,  and  to  have  built  a  miniature  74-gun 
ship  from  the  description  in  a  work  on  naval 
architecture.  On  leaving  school  Huddart 
was  sent  to  sea  in  the  interests  of  a  fish-curing 
business  in  which  his  father  had  engaged.  On 
the  death  of  his  father  in  1762  he  succeeded 
to  a  share  in  the  business,  and  took  command 
of  a  small  brig  belonging  to  it,  trading  princi.- 
pally  to  Ireland.  In  1768  he  built  another  brig, 
mainly  with  his  own  hands,  and  while  com- 
manding these  devoted  much  of  his  leisure  to 
the  study  of  navigation  and  to  the  survey  of 
the  ports  he  visited.  In  1771  he  went  to 
London  on  a  visit  to  a  brother  of  his  father, 
described  as  a  wealthy  tradesman  in  West- 
minster, whose  daughters  had  married  Sir 
Richard  Hotham  and  Mr.  Dingwall,  both  ship- 
owners and  holders  of  East  India  stock.  On 
the  introduction  of  these  persons  he  entered 
the  service  of  the  East  India  Company,  and  in 
1778  was  appointed  commander  of  the  ship 

Royal  Admiral,  in  which  he  made  four  voy- 
ages to  the  East.  Meanwhile  he  occupied 
himself  with  the  survey  of  the  coasts  and 
ports  that  came  under  his  notice,  and  con- 
structed charts  of  Sumatra  and  the  coast  of 
India  from  Bombay  to  the  mouth  of  the  God- 
avery,  as  well  as— at  home— of  St.  George's 
Channel.  In  1788  he  retired  from  the  com- 
pany's service,  and  seems  to  have  been  em- 
ployed for  the  next  three  years  in  surveying 
among  the  Hebrides.  In  1791  he  was  elected 
an  elder  brother  of  the  Trinity  House,  and 
also  a  F.R.S.  Several  years  before,  the  ac- 
cident of  a  cable  parting  had  turned  his  atten- 
tion to  the  faulty  manufacture  of  rope,  and  he 
invented  a  method '  for  the  equal  distribution 
of  the  strains  upon  the  yarns.'  He  now 
entered  into  business  for  the  manufacture  of 
cordage  on  this  principle,  in  which  he  realised 
a  handsome  fortune.  He  died  in  London  on 
19  Aug.  1816,  and  was  buried  in  a  vault 
under  the  church  of  St.Martin's-in-the-Fields. 
He  married  in  1762  and  had  issue  five  sons, 
of  whom  one  only  survived  him.  His  por- 
trait, by  Hoppner,  is  in  the  Institution  of 
Civil  Engineers. 

[Memoirs  of  the  late  Captain  Joseph  Huddart, 
F.R.S.,  by  his  son  Joseph  Huddart  (for  private 
circulation,  1821,  4to) ;  A  Brief  Memoir  of  the 
late  Captain  Joseph  Huddart,  and  an  Account  of 
his  Inventions  in  the  Manufacture  of  Cordage 
(with  portrait  after  Hoppner),  by  W.  Colton  ; 
Remarks  on  Patent  Registered  Cordage,  1800,4to; 
Reports  of  Warm  Registered  Cordage  manufac- 
tured by  Huddart  &  Co.,  1815.]  J.  K.  L. 

HUDDESFORD,      GEORGE     (1749- 

1809),  satirical  poet,  was  baptised  at  St. 
Mary  Magdalen,  Oxford,  on  7  Dec.  1749, 
being  the  youngest  son  of  George  Huddes- 
ford, D.D.,  president  of  Trinity  College,  Ox- 
ford. William  Huddesford  [q.  v.]  was  an 
elder  brother.  He  was  elected  scholar  of 
Winchester  College  in  1764,  and  matricu- 
lated at  Trinity  College,  Oxford,  on  15  Jan. 
1768.  He  soon  migrated  to  New  College. 
On  8  May  1769  he  was  elected  one  of  its 
scholars  and  became  a  fellow  on  8  May  1771. 
He  graduated  B.A.  in  1779  and  M.A.  in 
1780.  He  vacated  his  fellowship  by  marriage 
in  August  1772,  and  a  note  against  his  name 
in  a  list  of  the  members  of  the  college  adds : 
'  Amatricem  Londini  juvenili  amore  correp- 
tus  praepropere  duxit.'  In  early  life  Huddes- 
ford dabbled  in  painting,  and  was  a  pupil  of 
Sir  Joshua  Reynolds.  By  1775  he  had  ex- 
hibited three  pictures  at  the  Academy  exhi- 
bition, and  in  the  Bodleian  Picture  Gallery  is 
a  painting  by  him  in  1777  of  the  Earl  of 
Lichfield,  chancellor  of  the  university.  Rey- 
nolds painted  in  1778-9  a  portrait,  now  at 
the  National  Gallery,  of  Huddesford  and 




J.  C.  Bampfylde  [q.  v.],  when  the  former 
was  twenty-eight.  An  engraving  appeared 
in  the '  English  Illustrated  Magazine/  viii.  72. 
The  price  of  the  picture  was  105/.  Reynolds 
also  painted  a  likeness  of  Mrs.  Huddesford, 
and  its  half-payment  is  entered  in  the  artist's 
books  as  171.  7s.  With  many  and  influen- 
tial connections  in  the  church  Huddesford 
took  holy  orders.  He  was  presented  by  the 
lord  chancellor  to  the  vicarage  of  Loxley 
in  Warwickshire  on  21  Oct.  1803,  and  was 
incumbent  of  Sir  George  Wheler's  Chapel, 
Spital  Square,  London.  He  died  in  London 
at  the  end  of  1809. 

Huddesford's  first  production  was :  1 .'  War- 
ley,  a  Satire'  (anon.), part  i.,  October  1778; 
part  ii.,  November  1778,  which  ridiculed  the 
military  reviews  at  Warley  in  Essex.  As 
it  was  dedicated  to  Reynolds,  it  soon  came 
under  the  notice  of  his  friends,  and  Fanny 
Burney  was  much  distressed  at  the  mention 
of  her  name  as  '  dear  little  Burney '  (Diaries, 
i.  177-9;  Early  Diary,  ii.  269-70).  He 

the '  Wiccamical  Chaplet.'  He  is  also  credited 
with  the  authorship  of 'Bonaparte  :  an  Heroic 

[Foster's  Alumni  Oxon. ;  Gent.  Mag.  1809, 
pt.  ii.  p.  1238  ;  Notes  and  Queries,  6th  ser. 
xi.  198;  Kirby's  Winchester  Scholars,  p.  259; 
Wood's  Oxford  City,  ed.  Peshall,  p.  228;  Cook's 
National  Gallery,  p.  423 ;  Taylor's  Sir  J.  Key- 
nolds,  ii.  126,  224,  228.]  W.  P.  C. 

1772),  antiquary,  was  baptised  on  15  Aug. 
1732  at  St.  Mary  Magdalen,  Oxford,  and 
was  son  of  George  Huddesford,  president  of 
Trinity  College,  Oxford.  George  Huddes- 
ford [q.  v.]  was  his  youngest  brother.  He 
matriculated  at  Trinity  College  on  20  Oct. 
1749,  was  elected  scholar  in  1750  and  fellow 
in  1757.  He  graduated  B.A.  in  1753,  M.A. 
in  1756,  and  B.D.  in  1767,  and  he  was  proc- 
tor of  the  university  in  1765.  In  1758  he 
was  ordained,  and  held  from  1755  until  his 
death  the  keepership  of  the  Ashmolean  Mu- 

edited,  and  was  the  principal  contributor  '  seum  at  Oxford.  He  was  appointed  in  1761 
to  :  2.  '  Salmagundi :  a  Miscellaneous  Com-  vicar  of  Bishop's  Tachbrook,  Warwickshire, 
bination  of  Original  Poetry '  (anon.),  1791 ;  Huddesford  died  unexpectedly  at  Oxford  on 
new  edition,  1793 ;  which  was  dedicated 
to  Richard  Wyatt  of  Milton  Place,  Surrey, 
and  mainly  consisted  of  odes  and  elegies 
with  some  humorous  verses.  After  this  he 
attacked  France  and  its  leading  men  in : 
3.  '  Topsy  Turvy ;  with  Anecdotes  and  Ob- 
servations illustrative  of  the  Present  Go- 
vernment of  France '  (anon.),  1793 ;  two 
editions.  4.  '  Bubble  and  Squeak :  a  Galli- 
maufry of  British  Beef  with  the  Chopp'd 
Cabbage  of  Gallic  Philosophy  and  Radical 
Reform'  (anon.),  1799.  5.  'Crambe  Repe- 
tita,  a  Second  Course  of  Bubble  and  Squeak ' 

6  Oct.  1772. 

During  his  short  life  he  worked  vigorously. 
He  published  :  1. '  Edvardi  Luidii  .  .  .  litho- 
phylacii  Britannici  ichnographia,'  Oxford, 
1760,  a  new  edition  of  the  treatise  of  Ed- 
ward Lhuyd  [q.v.],  whose  fossils  were  under 
his  charge  at  the  Ashmolean.  It  contained 
some  new  plates  and  the  author's  discourse 
on  the  sea-shells  of  the  British  ocean.  2. l  Mar- 
tini Lister,  M.D.,  Historiae,  sive  Synopsis 
Methodicse  Conchyliorum  et  Tabularum 
Anatomicarum  editio  altera,'  Oxford,  1760. 
The  plates  in  this  edition  were  especially 
fine.  Two  indices  are  added,  one  for  the 
shells  in  Lister's  arrangement,  the  other  for 
that  of  Linnaeus.  The  latter  is  in  both  Latin 

(anon.),  1799.  6.  *  Les  Champignons  du 
Diable,  or  Imperial  Mushrooms,'  1805.  A 
collected  edition  of  his  works,  including 
1  Salmagundi,'  '  Topsy  Turvy,'  '  Bubble  and  and  English.  3.  '  Catalogus  librorum  Manu- 
Squeak,' and  'Crambe  Repetita,'  appeared  in  scriptorum  Antonii  a  Wood,'  1761,  a  new 
two  volumes  in  1801  with  a  dedication  to  j  edition  of  which  was  struck  off  by  Sir  Thomas 
Lord  Loughborough,  '  in  gratitude  for  fa-  |  Phillipps  at  the  Middlehill  press  in  1824. 
vours  spontaneously  conferred.'  In  this  issue  j  4.  '  An  Address  to  the  Freemen  and  other 
the  contributions  of  other  writers  to  '  Salma-  i  Inhabitants  of  the  City  of  Oxford,'  1764,  an 
gundi '  were  marked  by  asterisks.  Huddes-  anonymous  address  playfully  described  as 
ford  subsequently  published  two  satires  on  printed  at  'Lucern  for  Abraham  Lightholder.' 

the  Middlesex  election  in  1802  and  the  Duke 
of  Northumberland's  neutrality,  viz.:  8.  'The 
Scum  Uppermost  when  the  Middlesex  Por- 
ridge-pot Boils  Over :  an  Heroic  Election 
Ballad,'  1802  ;  two  editions.  9.  '  Wood  and 
Stone,  or  a  Dialogue  between  a  Wooden 
Duke  [of  Northumberland]  and  Stone  Lion 
[over  his  house  at  Charing  Cross,  London],'  books  of  Hearne,  and  he  had  collected  mate- 
n.  p.  or  d.  [1802].  In  1804  he  edited  a  volume  rials  for  the  lives  of  two  Welsh  antiquaries, 
of  poems  written  by  boys  who  were  his  con-  i  Humphry  and  Edward  Lhuyd.  His  descrip- 
temporaries  at  Winchester,  which  he  called  !  tion  of  Osney  Abbey  is  in  the  '  Gentleman's 

In  1772  Joseph  Pote,  bookseller  at  Eton, 
published  in  two  volumes  the  lives  of  Leland, 
Hearne,  and  Anthony  a  Wood,  and  in  the 
last  two  memoirs  obtained  some  aid  from 
Huddesford.  At  the  time  of  his  death  Hud- 
desford had  many  works  in  view,  including 
a  collection  of  curiosities  from  the  160  pocket- 



Magazine/  1771,  pp.  153,  204;  his  character 
of  Wood  is  in  Bliss's  '  Athenae  Oxonienses/ 
i.  135-8  (introd.) ;  and  his  memoir  of  the  Rev. 
Francis  Wise,  B.D.,  is  inserted  in  Nichols's 
'  Illustrations  of  Literature/  iv.  479-80.  A 
parody  on  Cato's  soliloquy  in  '  Granger's 
Letters/  App.  pp.  11-12,  is  tentatively  as- 
cribed to  Huddesford,  and  in  the  same  work 
(pp.  136-51)  are  numerous  letters  by  him. 
Many  letters  to  and  from  him  are  printed  in 
Nichols's  '  Illustrations  of  Literature/  iv. 
456-80,  v.  586,  and  a  volume  of  his  corre- 
spondence is  among  the  Ashmole  MSS.  in 
the  Bodleian  Library.  His  library  was  sold 
by  James  Fletcher  &  Son  at  Oxford  in  1771. 

[Foster's  Alumni  Oxon.;  G-ent.  Mag.  1761  p. 
431,  1772  p.  495;  Nichols's  Lit.  Anecdotes, 
iii.  677,683-4,  v.  291,  viii.  600;  Nichols's  Illustr. 
of  Lit.  iii.  667,  vi.  473-5  ;  Wood's  Oxford  City, 
ed.  Peshall,  p.  227.]  W.  P.  C. 

JOHN  (1608-1698),  Benedictine  monk,  born 
at  Farington  Hall,  near  Preston,  Lancashire, 
in  1608,  was  the  second  son  of  Joseph  Hudles- 
ton,  esq.,  of  Farington  Hall  and  Hutton  John, 
Cumberland,  by  Eleanor,  second  daughter  of 
Cuthbert  Sisson,  esq.,  of  Kirkbarrow,  West- 
moreland (GiLLOW,  Diet,  of  English  Catholics, 
iii.  463) .  He  served  in  the  royal  army,  studied 
at  the  English  College  at  Douay,  and  after 
being  ordained  priest  was  sent  back  to  the 
English  mission.  There  is  a  tradition  that  at 
one  period  he  was  chaplain  at  Grove  House, 
Wensleydale,  Yorkshire  (BARKER,  The  Three 
Days  of  Wensleydale,  p.  96).  In  1651  he  was 
residing  in  the  family  of  Thomas  Whitgrave, 
esq.,  at  Moseley,  Staffordshire,  and  had  under 
his  tuition  three  young  gentlemen — Sir  John 
Preston,  Francis  Reynolds,  and  Thomas  Palin, 
the  two  latter  being  Whitgrave's  nephews. 
Charles  II,  after  his  defeat  at  the  battle  of 
Worcester,  3  Sept.  1651,  was  conducted  by 
Colonel  Charles  GyffordtoWhiteladies,  and, 
disguised  as  a  peasant  and  attended  by  John 
Penderell,  he  removed  to  Moseley  on  7  Sept. 
In  order  to  guard  against  a  surprise,  Hudle- 
ston  was  in  constant  attendance  on  the  king ; 
Whitgrave  occasionally  left  the  house  to 
observe  what  passed  outside,  and  the  three 
pupils  were  stationed  as  sentinels  at  the  gar- 
ret windows.  On  one  occasion,  as  Whitgrave 
and  Hudleston  were  standing  near  a  win- 
dow, they  were  alarmed  by  a  cry  of '  Soldiers ! ' 
The  king  was  hurriedly  shut  up  in  the  priest's 
hiding-place,  and  Whitgrave,  descending, 
went  to  meet  the  troops,  who  seized  him  as 
a  fugitive  cavalier  from  Worcester,  but  he 
convinced  them  that  for  several  weeks  he 
had  not  quitted  Moseley,  and  persuaded  them 
to  depart  without  searching  the  mansion. 

That  night  the  king  proceeded  to  Bentley, 
after  promising  to  befriend  Hudleston. 

Some  time  after  this  Hudleston  joined 
the  Benedictines  of  the  Spanish  congrega- 
tion, and  was  professed  while  on  the  mission. 
At  the  Restoration  Charles  II  fulfilled  his 
promise  by  inviting  him  to  take  up  his  resi- 
dence in  Somerset  House,  where,  under  the 
protection  of  the  queen-dowager,  he  could 
live  without  disturbance  on  account  of  his 
sacerdotal  character.  At  the  thirteenth  chap- 
ter of  the  English  Benedictines,  held  at 
Douay  in  1661,  he  was  elected  to  the  titu- 
lar dignity  of  cathedral  prior  of  Worcester 
(WELDOisr,  Chronicle,  p.  198).  He  acted  as 
secretary  of  the  next  chapter,  held  at  Douay 
in  1666.  Shortly  after  the  death  of  Henrietta 
Maria  in  1669  he  was  appointed  chaplain  to 
Queen  Catherine  of  Braganza  with  a  salary  of 
100Z.,  besides  a  pension  of  a  similar  amount. 
In  1671  he  and  Vincent  Sadler,  another 
Benedictine  monk,  visited  Oxford  to  see  the 
solemnity  of  the  *  act/  and  on  that  occasion 
Anthony  a  Wood  made  their  acquaintance. 
During  the  excitement  produced  by  Titus 
Oates's  pretended  revelations,  the  lords,  by 
their  vote  on  7  Dec.  1678,  ordered  that  Hudle- 
ston, Thomas  Whitgrave,  the  brothers  Pen- 
derell, and  others  who  were  instrumental  in 
the  preservation  of  his  majesty's  person  after 
the  battle  of  Worcester,  should  for  their  said 
service 'live  as  freely  as  any  of  the  king's 
protestant  subjects,  without  being  liable  to 
the  penalties  of  any  of  the  laws  relating  to 
popish  recusants,  and  that  a  bill  should  be 
introduced  for  that  purpose  (Lords'  Journals, 
xiii.  408  ;  cf.  London  Gazette,  21  Nov.  1678). 
Barillon  and  Burnet  assert  that  Hudleston 
was  excepted  out  of  all  the  acts  of  parlia- 
ment made  against  priests,  but  this  is  a  mis- 
take. When  Charles  II  lay  on  his  deathbed 
the  Duke  of  York  brought  Hudleston  into 
his  presence  (5  Feb.  1684-5),  saying,  '  Sir, 
this  good  man  once  saved  your  life.  He  now 
comes  to  save  your  soul.'  Hudleston  then 
heard  the  dying  king's  confession,  reconciled 
him  to  the  Roman  church,  and  administered 
the' last  sacraments.  Hudleston  continued 
to  reside  with  the  queen-dowager  at  Somer- 
set House  until  his  death  in  September  1698 
(MACAITLAY,  Hist,  of  England,  iii.  723).  All 
writers  who  mention  Hudleston  speak  of  him 
with  respect  except  Macaulay,  who  describes 
him  as  an  honest  but  illiterate  monk. 

Hudleston  edited  the  *  Short  and  Plain  Way 
to  the  Faith  and  Church/  composed  by  his 
uncle,  Richard  Hudleston  [q.v.],  London, 
1688,  4to,  together  with  '  Charles  IPs  Papers 
found  in  his  Closet  after  his  Decease '  (which 
had  been  already  published  in  '  Copies  of  Two 
Papers/  1686,  and  gave  rise  to  much  con- 




troversy),  and  '  a  brief  account  of  what  oc- 
curred on '  Charles's  deathbed.  At  the  end 
of  the  work  is,  with  separate  title-page,  '  A 
Summary  of  Occurrences  relating  to  the 
Miraculous  Preservation  of  ...  Charles  II 
after  the  Defeat  of  his  Army  at  Worcester 
in  1651.  Faithfully  taken  from  the  express 
personal  testimony  of  those  two  worthy 
Roman  Catholics,  Thomas  Whitgrave  .  .  . 
and  Mr.  John  Hudleston,  priest.'  This  is 
reprinted  in  Foley's  '  Records,'  v.  439-46. 
Hudleston's  brief  account  of  Charles  II's 
deathbed  is  reprinted  in  the  '  State  Tracts/ 
London,  1692-3.  Its  facts  were  confirmed  by 
a  curious  broadside,  entitled f  A  true  Relation 
of  the  late  King's  Death,'  one  folio  half-sheet, 
by '  P[ere]  M[ansuete],  A  C[apuchin]  F[riar], 
Confessor  to  the  Duke.' 

A  good  picture  of  Hudleston  was  for- 
merly in  the  possession  of  Mrs.  Gust  at 
Carlisle  (PENNANT,  Tour  into  Scotland  and 
Voyage  to  the  Hebrides,  1774,  p.  60).  His 
portrait,  engraved  from  the  original  in  the 
possession  of  R.  Huddleston  of  Sawston  Hall, 
Cambridgeshire,  was  published  in  the '  Laity's 
Directory '  for  1816.  An  original  portrait 
by  Housman,  1685,  '  setatis  suse  anno  73,'  is 
at  Hutton  John. 

[Addit.  MS.  5871,  f.  27  b ;  Burnet's  Hist,  of 
his  own  Time,  i.  607 ;  Caii  Vindicise  (Hearne), 
ii.  598  ;  Catholic  Magazine  and  Keview,  v.  385- 
394;  Clarendon's  Hist,  of  the  Rebellion  (Macray), 
lib.  xiii.  §§  87,  88  ;  Dodd's  Church  Hist.  iii.  490 ; 
Echard's  Hist,  of  England,  3rd  edition,  ii.  692, 
693,  1046, 1051  ;  Foley's  Records,  v.  439,  583w., 
591  n. ;  Higgons's  Eemarks  on  Burnet's  Hist,  of 
his  own  Time,  2nd  edition,  p.  279 ;  Lingard's  Hist, 
of  England,  1849,  viii.  322,  x.  106  ;  Macaulay's 
Hist,  of  England,  1858,  i.  437  ;  Oliver's  Catholic 
Religion  in  Cornwall,  p.  518  ;  "Weldon's  Chro- 
nicle, pp.  188,  190,  198,  225,  238,  App.  p.  6; 
Wood's  Autobiog.  (Bliss),  p.  Ixix.]  T.  C. 

JOHN  (1636-1700),  Jesuit.  [See  DOKMEE.] 


(1815-1890),  judge,  eldest  son  of  Thomas 
Huddleston,  captain  in  the  merchant  service, 
by  Alethea,  daughter  of  H.  Hichens  of  St. 
Ives,  Cornwall,  was  born  at  Dublin  on  8  Sept. 
1815.  He  was  educated  in  Ireland,  and  ma- 
triculated, but  took  no  degree,  at  Trinity  Col- 
lege, Dublin.  After  some  time  spent  as  usher 
in  a  school  in  England,  he  entered  Gray's  Inn 
on  18  April  1836,  and  was  called  to  the  bar 
by  that  society  on  7  May  1839.  He  went  the 
Oxford  circuit,  and  attended  the  Worcester 
and  Staffordshire  sessions.  He  also  practised 
at  the  Middlesex  sessions,  where  he  chiefly 
argued  poor-law  cases,  and  at  the  Old  Bailey. 
There  and  on  circuit  he  gradually  acquired 

an  extensive  criminal  practice.  He  defended 
Cuffy  the  chartist  in  1848,  and  secured  the 
acquittal  of  Mercy  Catherine  Newton,  on  her 
third  trial  for  matricide,  in  1859.  He  was 
with  Cockburn  in  the  Rugeley  poisoning  case, 
and  was  engaged  in  many  other  causes  cele- 
bres,  in  which  he  distinguished  himself  in" 
cross-examination,  and  by  the  lucidity  and 
address  with  which  he  presented  his  points 
to  the  jury.  He  took  silk  in  1857,  and  was 
elected  a  bencher  of  his  inn,  of  which  he  was 
treasurer  in  1859  and  1868. 

After  unsuccessfully  contesting  several  con- 
stituencies, he  was  returned  to  parliament  for 
Canterbury,  in  the  conservative  interest,  in 
1865,  and  in  the  following  year  carried 
through  the  House  the  Hop  Trade  Bill,  a 
useful  measure  intended  to  prevent  the  em- 
ployment of  fraudulent  marks  in  that  in- 
dustry. Unseated  at  the  election  of  1868,  he 
contested  Norwich  unsuccessfully  in  1870, 
and  successfully  in  1874.  He  was  judge-ad- 
vocate of  the  Fleet  from  1865  to  1875,  when 
(22  Feb.)  he  was  called  to  the  degree  of 
i  serjeant-at-law,  raised  to  the  bench  of  the 
|  common  pleas,  and  knighted.  On  12  May 
he  was  transferred  to  the  exchequer.  On  the 
passing  of  the  Judicature  Act  of  1875  the 
court  of  exchequer  became  the  exchequer  di- 
vision of  the  high  court  of  justice,  and  it  was 
decided  that  the  style  of  baron  of  the  ex- 
chequer should  lapse  on  the  death  of  the 
existing  holders  of  the  title.  Huddleston's 
patent  was  the  last  issued,  and  he  was  ac- 
customed on  that  account  to  call  himself  '  the 
last  of  the  barons.'  On  the  consolidation  of 
the  exchequer  with  the  queen's  bench  division 
in  1880,  he  became  a  judge  of  the  latter 
division,  still,  however,  retaining  the  style  of 
baron.  He  was  greater  as  an  advocate  than  as 
a  judge,  but  his  charges  were  always  models 
of  lucidity.  During  the  last  ten  years  of  his 
life  he  suffered  from  a  chronic  and  painful 
disease,  and  heavy  cases,  like  the  libel  action 
of  Belt  y.  Lawes  in  1882,  severely  tried  his 
powers.  He  died  at  his  town  house,  43  En- 
nismore  Gardens,  South  Kensington,  on  5  Dec. 
1890,  and  was  by  his  own  direction  cremated 
at  Woking  cemetery  on  the  12th. 

Huddleston  was  an  accomplished  man,  and 
well  read  in  French  literature.  He  also  spoke 
French  with  ease  and  grace,  and  in  that  lan- 
guage made  in  1868,  as  the  representative  of 
the  English  bar,  a  speech  at  Paris  over  the 
bier  of  the  great  French  advocate,  Pierre 
Antoine  Berryer.  He  was  afterwards  en- 
tertained by  M.  Grevy  and  members  of  the 
French  bar  at  a  banquet  at  the  Grand  Hotel. 
Huddleston  was  also  a  brilliant  conversation- 
alist, a  lover  of  the  theatre,  and  an  authority 
on  turf  matters.  He  married,  on  18  Dec.  1872, 




Lady  Diana  De  Vere  Beauclerk,  daughter  of 
the  ninth  Duke  of  St.  Albans,  who  survives 
him.  His  widow  presented  two  portraits  of 
him  in  May  1891  to  the  judges'  common 
room  at  the  Royal  Courts  of  Justice. 

[Times,  6,  9,  and  12  Dec.  1890;  Law  Times, 
20  Dec.  1890 ;  Men  of  the  Time,  10th  edit. ;  Inns 
of  Court  Cal.  1878;  Ann.  Reg.  1848,  Chron. 
p.  121;  1850,  Chron.  p.  39;  new  ser.  1868, 
Chron.  p.  1 59  ;  Law  Reports,  1 2,  App.  Cases  xvii. ; 
Hansard's  Parl.  Debates,  3rd  ser.  clxxxii.  1853  ; 
Burke's  Peerage,  St.  Albans ;  Ballantine's  Some 
Experiences  of  a  Barrister's  Life,  ed.  1890,  p.  29.] 

J.  M.  R. 

RICHARD  (1583-1655), Benedictine  monk, 
born  in  1583  at  Farington  Hall,  near  Pres- 
ton, Lancashire,  was  the  youngest  son  of 
Andrew  Hudleston,  esq.,  of  Farington  Hall, 
by  Mary,  third  daughter  of  Cuthbert  Hutton 
of  Hutton  John,  Cumberland.  He  studied 
under  Thomas  Sommers,  a  catholic  school- 
master at  Grange-over-Sands,  Lancashire, 
and  was  subsequently  sent  to  the  English 
College  at  Douay.  Afterwards  he  studied 
philosophy  and  divinity  for  some  years  in 
the  English  College  at  Rome.  Returning 
to  Douay  he  was  ordained  priest  in  1607,  and 
in  the  following  year  was  sent  on  the  English 
mission.  Again  visiting  Italy  he  was  pro- 
fessed as  a  Benedictine  monk  at  Monte  Cas- 
sino.  In  1619  he  came  back  to  the  mis- 
sion, and  was  instrumental  in  converting 
many  of  the  chief  families  in  Lancashire  and 
Yorkshire  to  the  Roman  catholic  faith.  He 
died  at  Stockeld  Park,  the  seat  of  the  Mid- 
dletons,  on  26  Nov.  1655. 

He  left  several  pieces  in  manuscript,  which 
appear  to  have  been  lost,  and  a  *  Short  and 
Plain  Way  to  the  Faith  and  Church,'  pub- 
lished by  his  nephew,  Father  John  Hudle- 
ston [q.  v.],  London,  1688, 4to ;  reprinted  in 
the  l  English  Catholic  Library.'  vol.  ii.,  Lon- 
don, 1844,  8vo,  under  the  editorial  care  of 
the  Rev.  Mark  Aloysius  Tierney ;  and  again, 
London,  1850,  8vo.  Charles  II,  while  con- 
cealed at  Moseley  after  the  defeat  at  Wor- 
cester, perused  this  treatise  in  manuscript, 
and  declared  that  he  had  seen  nothing  clearer 
upon  the  subject.  [For  appendices  to  the 
printed  copy  see  HUDLESTON,  JOHN.]  '  An 
Answer  to  Father  Huddleston's  Short  and 
Plain  Way'  was  published  by  an  anonymous 
writer;  and  at  a  later  period  another 'An- 
swer,' by  Samuel  Grascome  [q.  v.],  appeared 
at  London,  1702,  8vo;  1715,  8vo. 

[Dodd's  Church  Hist.  ii.  141 ;  Foley's  Records, 
v.  445,  584  n.,  587-91 ;  Gillow's  Bibl.  Diet. ; 
Oliver's  Catholic  Religion  in  Cornwall,  p.  517; 
Snow's  Necrology,  p.  55  ;  Weldon's  Chronicle, 
p.  190,  App.  p.  5.]  T.  C. 


HUDSON,  GEORGE  (1800-1871),  the 
1  railway  king,'  son  of  a  farmer  and  constable, 
who  died  in  1806,  was  born  at  Howsham,  a 
village  near  York,  in  March  1800,  and  after 
an  education  at  local  schools  was  in  1815 
apprenticed  to  Bell  &  Nicholson,  drapers, 
College  Street,  York.  His  apprenticeship 
over,  he  received  a  share  in  the  business. 
Bell  soon  afterwards  retired,  and  the  firm  be- 
came Nicholson  &  Hudson  (Richard  Nichol- 
son was  found  drowned  in  the  Ouse  at  York 
on  8  May  1849,  aged  56).  At  the  age  of 
twenty-seven  Hudson,  already  a  wealthy 
man,  received  from  a  distant  relative,  Mat- 
thew Bottrill,  a  bequest  of  30,0007.,  which  he 
invested  in  North  Midland  Railway  shares. 
In  1833  he  had  risen  to  be  the  head  of  the 
conservative  party  in  York.  In  1835  he  was  a 
town  councillor,  in  J  anuary  1 836  an  alderman, 
and  in  November  1837  lord  mayor,  He  was 
the  originator  of  the  York  Banking  Company 
in  1833,  and  as  manager  for  some  time  after- 
wards made  it  a  permanent  success.  In  1833 
also  he  spoke  at  a  meeting  held  to  consider 
the  construction  of  a  railway  from  York  to 
certain  portions  of  the  West  Riding,  and  sub- 
scribed for  five  hundred  shares.  The  scheme 
was  not  carried  out  till  1837,  when  a  capital 
of  446,6667.  was  raised  under  an  act  of  par- 
liament, and  Hudson  was  appointed  chairman 
of  the  company — a  joint  association  known 
as  the  York  and  North  Midland.  By  good 
management  the  railway  was  made  at  a  mo- 
derate cost,  and  was  opened  on  29  May  1839. 
Hudson  was  presented  on  the  occasion  with 
a  testimonial.  His  next  enterprise  was  to 
assist  the  Great  North  of  England  Company 
to  complete  their  line  to  Newcastle.  In  1841 
he  vigorously  supported  the  plan  of  opening 
an  eastern  communication  with  Edinburgh 
by  way  of  Newcastle  and  Darlington,  and  he 
was  elected  chairman  of  the  company  formed 
to  carry  out  this  project  in  June  1842.  He 
subscribed  five  times  as  much  as  any  other 
director,  and  personally  guaranteed  the  pay- 
ment of  six  per  cent,  dividend.  To  obviate 
the  inconvenience  of  transferring  passengers 
and  freight  from  one  train  to  another  at  junc- 
tions, Hudson  suggested  the  railway  clearing 
system,  originally  devised  by  Mr.  Morrison  in 
1841.  It  first  came  into  operation  on  two 
roads  in  January  1842.  Three  Competing 
lines  were  at  the  time  approaching  Derby. 
Hudson  undertook  to  counteract  the  fatal 
principle  of  competition  by  amalgamating 
the  three  schemes.  This  he  successfully  ac- 
complished, bringing  together  a  capital  of 
5,000,0007.,  and  became  chairman  of  the 
amalgamated  directory  of  what  soon  became 
the  Midland  Railway  Company.  In  conj  unc- 
tion with  George  Stephenson  he  then  planned 





extending  the  Midland's  road  to  Newcastle, 
and  to  that  town  the  line  was  opened  18  June 
1844.  In  the  same  year  he  actively  resisted 
the  scheme  of  bringing  the  railways  under 
government  supervision. 

The  rage  for  railway  speculation  was  in 
1844  approaching  its  zenith.  1,016  miles  of 
road  were  at  the  time  largely  under  Hudson's 
control ;  all  his  companies  were  successful  in 
developing  traffic  and  in  paying  dividends. 
In  a  parliamentary  return  made  in  1845  of 
the  names  of  subscribers  to  railway  schemes 
which  were  seeking  authorisation  from  par- 
liament, the  total  amount  of  Hudson's  sub- 
scriptions appears  as  319,8357. ,  200,000/.  of 
which  he  held  in  shares  in  the  Newcastle  and 
Berwick  Railway.  His  influence  was  un- 
paralleled, and  he  acquired  the  sobriquet  of 
the  'Railway  King.'  He  numbered  the  prince 
consort  among  his  acquaintances,  and  the 
aristocracy  of  London  crowded  his  parties  at 
Albert  Gate,  Knightsbridge.  His  admirers 
presented  him  with  16,000/.  as  a  testimony  i 
of  their  respect.  He  purchased  Londes-  ! 
borough  estate,  Yorkshire,  from  the  Duke  of 
Devonshire  to  prevent  it  falling  into  the  hands 
of  the  Manchester  and  Leeds  Railway  Com- 
pany, and  he  became  the  owner  of  Newby 
Hall.  He  was  appointed  a  deputy-lieutenant 
of  Durham  and  a  magistrate  for  that  county, 
and  for  the  East  and  North  Ridings  of  York- 
shire. He  was  elected  M.P.  in  the  conserva- 
tive interest  for  Sunderland  on  15  Aug.  1845, 
his  opponent,  Colonel  Perronet  Thompson, 
the  Anti-Cornlaw  Leaguer,  being  defeated  by 
128  votes,  although  Cobden  and  Bright  both 
actively  assisted  him.  The  event  was  deemed 
of  so  much  public  interest  that  the  '  Times  ' 
newspaper  chartered  a  special  train  to  convey 
the  news  to  London,  and  the  305  miles  were 
covered  in  eight  hours,  part  of  the  journey 
being  performed  by  post  horses.  Hudson 
probably  owed  his  success  at  the  poll  to  his 
influence  as  chairman  of  the  Sunderland  Dock 
Company.  In  the  succeeding  year  (1846)  he 
again  served  as  lord  mayor  of  York.  He 
continued  to  represent  Sunderland  until  the 
general  election  of  1859,  when  he  was  defeated 
by  William  S.  Lindsay,  the  shipowner.  Hud- 
son, who  rapidly  obtained  a  position  in  the 
House  of  Commons,  declined  to  follow  Sir 
Robert  Peel  in  his  renunciation  of  protec- 

Hudson's  business  transactions  grew  very 
questionable  as  his  operations  extended.  On 
the  amalgamation  of  the  Newcastle  and  Ber- 
wick Railway  Company  with  the  Newcastle 
and  North  Shields  he  increased  the  authorised 
issue  of  shares  from  forty-two  thousand  to 
fifty-six  thousand,  and  made  no  entry  of  the  I 
fact  in  the  account-books.  Of  these  shares  ; 

he  appropriated  9,956,  on  which  he  probably 
made  about  145,000/.  Similar  transactions 
followed,  and  he  not  unfrequently  received 
large  presents  of  shares  from  the  directoral 
boards  of  which  he  was  member.  His  speeches 
at  the  annual  meetings  were  always  plausible, 
and  he  was  sanguine  as  to  future  dividends. 
He  enriched  personal  friends  by  early  infor- 
mation and  the  allotment  of  shares.  In  1845, 
as  chairman  of  the  Newcastle  and  Darling- 
ton Company,  he  purchased,  by  the  advice 
of  George  Stephenson,  the  Great  North  of 
England  Railway,  i.e.  the  York  and  Darling- 
ton, on  most  ruinous  terms  ;  but  the  price 
of  a  share  at  once  rose  from  200/.  to  255/. 
About  the  same  time  the  Eastern  Counties 
Railway  called  on  him  to  take  the  manage- 
ment of  their  affairs,  which  were  in  a  deplo- 
rable condition.  He  accepted  the  call,  but 
even  his  skill  was  powerless,  and  in  desperate 
circumstances  he  paid  a  dividend  out  of 
capital,  and  thus  in  three  years  a  sum  of 
294,000/.  was  unjustly  charged  to  capital  ac- 
count. Towards  the  close  of  1847  the  value 
of  railway  property  fell  rapidly.  The  depre- 
ciation in  the  shares  of  the  ten  leading  rail- 
way companies  was  calculated  at  78,000,000/. 
In  the  following  year  stormy  meetings  were 
held,  and  between  28  Feb.  and  17  May  1849 
Hudson  was  forced  to  resign  his  position  as 
chairman  of  the  Eastern  Counties,  Midland, 
York,  Newcastle  and  Berwick,  and  York  and 
North  Midland  Railway  Companies.  Com- 
mittees of  investigation  were  appointed  in 
each  case,  and  they  reported  that  he  was  per- 
sonally indebted  in  very  large  sums  to  the 
various  companies.  Hudson  at  once  admitted 
these  debts,  and  made  arrangements  for  pay- 
ing them  off  by  instalments.  In  his  place  in 
parliament  on  17  May  he  tried  to  explain  his 
position,  but  was  heard  in  silence.  For  twenty 
years  he  was  involved  in  a  chancery  suit  with 
the  North-Eastern  Railway  Company,  who 
sought  to  foreclose  his  interest  in  the  "W  hitby 
estate  and  in  the  Sunderland  Docks  in  satis- 
faction of  their  claims  upon  him.  After  1849 
he  lived  much  abroad,  and  tried  to  operate 
in  continental  finance,  but  without  success. 
On  10  July  1865  he  was  committed  to  York 
Castle  for  contempt  of  the  court  of  exchequer 
in  not  paying  a  large  debt,  but  was  released 
on  10  Oct.  following.  In  1868  some  former 
friends  raised  by  subscription  4,800/.,  with 
which  was  purchased  an  annuity  for  his  bene- 
fit. In  the  following  year  he  was  entertained 
at  a  banquet  in  Sunderland,  '  in  recognition 
of  his  past  services  to  the  town  and  port.' 
Carlyle,  in  his '  Latter  Day  Pamphlets,'  calls 
Hudson  '  the  big  swollen  gambler.'  He  died 
at  his  residence,  37  Churton  Street,  Belgrave 
Road,  London,  on  14  Dec.  1871,  and  was 




buried  in  Scrayingham  churchyard,  York- 
shire, on  21  Dec.  He  married  in  1828  Eliza- 
beth, daughter  of  James  Nicholson,  by  whom 
he  had  a  large  family. 

[Frasers  Mag.  August  1847,  pp.  215-22; 
Tait's  Edinburgh  Mag.  1849,  pp.  319-24 ;  Punch, 
1849,  xvi.  191  ;  Kichardson's  Mysteries  of  Hud- 
son's Railway  Frauds,  1850 ;  Report  of  Evidence 
of  Hudson  on  Trial  Richardson  v.  Woodson,  1 850; 
Bankers'  Mag.  December  1 85 1 ,  pp.  746-5  4 ;  Hunt's 
Merchants'  Mag.,  New  York,  July  1853,  pp.  36- 
50  ;  Evans's  Facts,  Failures,  and  Frauds,  1859, 
pp.  6-73;  Times,  16  Dec.  1871,  p.  9,  and  22  Dec. 
p.  3 ;  Lord  W.  P.  Lennox's  Celebrities  I  have 
known,  2nd  ser.  1877,  i.  185-92;  Frederick  S. 
Williams's  Midland  Railway,  1877,  pp.  99-124, 
132;  Graphic,  27  Aug.  1881,  pp.  223,  229,  with 
portrait;  Illustrated  London  News,  6  Sept.  1845, 
p.  157,  with  portrait,  14  April  1849,  p.  233,  with 
view  of  his  house  at  York,  and  23  Dec.  1871, 
p.  619;  York  Herald,  16  Dec.  1871,  p.  7,  23  Dec. 
pp.  4, 10;  Hansard,  21  Sept.  1841,  p.  672  et  seq.] 

GK  C.  B. 

HUDSON,  HENRY  (d.1611),  navigator, 
was  not  improbably,  as  has  been  conjectured, 
the  grandson  of  Henry  Hudson  or  Herdson, 
alderman  of  London,  who  helped  to  found 
the  Muscovy  Company  in  1555,  and  died  in 
the  same  year.  This  older  Henry  Hudson 
left  many  sons  and  kinsmen,  whose  names 
sometimes  appear  as  Hoddesdon  and  Hoge- 
son,  and  who  all  seem  to  have  been  interested 
in  or  connected  with  the  Muscovy  Company. 
Hudson,  the  navigator,  is  first  mentioned  as 
appointed  in  1607  to  command  the  Hopeful 
in  a  voyage  set  forth  by  the  same  company 
'  to  discover  the  pole.'  On  19  April  he  and 
the  crew  of  the  Hopeful,  twelve  men  all 
told,  communicated  together  in  the  church 
of  St.  Ethelburge  in  Bishopsgate,  'purposing 
to  go  to  sea  four  days  after.'  One  of  the  little 
party  was  Hudson's  son  John,  who  seems  to 
nave  been  then  a  lad  of  sixteen  or  eighteen  ; 
from  which  it  may  be  judged  that  Hudson 
was  born  before  rather  than  after  1570.  The 
chief  aim  of  this  voyage  was,  in  accordance 
with  the  proposal  made  by  Robert  Thome 
[q.  v.]  eighty  years  before,  to  sail  across  the 
pole  to  the  l  islands  of  spicery.'  Hudson 
sailed  from  Gravesend  on  1  May,  and  struck 
the  east  coast  of  Greenland  in  lat.  69°-70°, 
on  13  June  ;  then  continuing  a  northerly 
course,  he  again  sighted  the  coast  in  lat.  73°, 
and  named  the  land  Cape  Hold  with  Hope. 
Forced  eastwards  by  the  continuous  icy  bar- 
rier between  Greenland  and  Spitzbergen,  he 
followed  the  line  of  this  barrier  and  came  on 
the  28th  to  Prince  Charles  Island  ;  thence 
he  groped  his  way  to  the  northward  and 
along  the  coast  of  Spitzbergen,  naming  Hak- 
luyt's  Headland  as  he  passed.  On  13  July 

he  was,  by  observation,  in  lat.  80°  23'.  After 
struggling  towards  the  north  for  three  days 
longer,  ignorant  that  he  was  being  swept  back 
by  a  southerly  current,  he  described  the  land 
as  trending  far  to  the  north  beyond  82°.  This 
remark  is  a  test  of  the  error  in  his  reckoning, 
for  the  most  northerly  land  in  the  Spitzbergen 
group  is  in  80°  45'.  He  satisfied  himself, 
however,  that  there  was  in  that  quarter  no 
passage  to  the  pole ;  so,  after  again  trying 
the  ice  barrier,  he  turned  southwards,  and 
discovering  on  his  way  an  island  then  named 
1  Hudson's  Touches,'  but  since  identified  with 
Jan  Mayen,  he  arrived  in  the  Thames  on 
15  Sept. 

Thome's  scheme  for  a  short  and  easy  pas- 
sage across  the  north  pole  being  thus  proved 
impracticable,  Hudson,  in  the  following  year, 
and  still  in  the  service  of  the  Muscovy  Com- 
pany, repeated  the  attempt  which  had  been 
made  by  Willoughby,  Barentz,  and  others  of 
less  note,  to  find  a  passage  by  the  north-east. 
On  22  April  1608,  with  a  crew  of  fifteen  all 
told,  including  himself  and  his  son  John,  he 
dropped  down  the  river,  and  rounded  the 
North  Cape  on  3  June.  After  coasting  along 
the  ice  in  lat.  74°-75°  till  the  24th,  in  hope 
of  passing  to  the  north  of  Novaya  Zemlya,  he 
turned  to  the  south-east,  and  on  the  26th 
sighted  the  land,  apparently  near  North  Goose 
Cape.  His  idea  was  now  to  pass  by  the 
Waigatz  or  Kara  Strait,  and  so  double  '  the 
north  cape  of  Tartaria,'  when,  as  he  supposed, 
he  would  find  himself  within  easy  sailing  of 
the  Pacific.  The  Waigatz  was,  however,  im- 
passable, and  on  6  July,  after  riding  out  a 
heavy  gale  at  anchor,  'we  weighed,' he  says, 
( and  set  sail  and  stood  to  the  westward, 
being  out  of  hope  to  find  passage  by  the 
north-east.'  For  a  few  days  longer  he  en- 
deavoured to  examine  Willoughby  Land  [see 
WILLOUGHBY,  SIR  HUGH],  but  the  descrip- 
tion and  position  of  it  were  too  vague  to  per- 
mit any  certain  identification  of  it,  either  then 
or  now.  On  the  12th  he  stood  away  to  the 
westward;  on  the  18th  was  again 'off  the 
North  Cape,  and  anchored  off  Gravesend  on 
26  Aug. 

During  the  following  winter  Hudson  en- 
tered into  negotiations  with  the  Dutch  East 
India  Company,  and  in  their  service  he  sailed 
from  Amsterdam  on  25  March  1609  with 
two  ships,  the  Good  Hope  and  Half  Moon, 
he  himself  in  the  latter.  His  primary  inten- 
tion was  again  to  attempt  the  passage  through 
the  Waigatz  as  in  the  former  year ;  but  off 
the  coast  of  Novaya  Zemlya  his  crew,  con- 
sisting mostly  of  Dutchmen,  refused  to  go  on, 
and  compelled  him  to  turn  back  ;  the  Good 
Hope  is  heard  of  no  more  and  would  seem  to 
have  made  straight  for  Holland,  while  Hud- 





son,  in  the  Half  Moon,  stretched  across  the  was  then  cut  adrift  and  never  seen  again. 
Atlantic  to  the  coast  of  Nova  Scotia,  and  That  Hudson  and  all  his  companions  perished 
thence  southwards  as  far  as  lat.  35° ;  from  miserably  cannot  be  doubted.  On  board  the 
which  turning  northwards  he  carefully  ex-  Discovery  Bylot  was  elected  master  :  pro- 
amined  the  coast,  looking  into  Chesapeake  visions  were  very  short,  and  in  endeavouring 
and  Delaware  Bays  and  reaching  Sandy  Hook 
on  2  Sept.  The  story  of  a  strait  through  the 
continent  in  or  about  lat.  40°  had  been  long 
since  discredited,  but  had  lately  been  revived, 
apparently  by  Indian  reports  of  the  great 
chain  of  lakes ;  and  Hudson,  having  now  satis- 
fied himself  of  its  falsehood,  devoted  the  next 
month  to  an  examination  of  the  river  which 
has  since  borne  his  name,  and  which  he  as- 

to  kill  some  deer  their  party  was  attacked  by 
the  Eskimos,  and  Green  with  four  others 
slain.  On  the  passage  home  Juet  and  others 
died.  Only  a  miserable  remnant  survived  to 
reach  England,  and  those  almost  spent  with 
famine  and  sickness.  They  were  thrown  into 
prison,  but  would  seem  to  have  been  very 
shortly  released  and  admitted  to  further  em- 
plovment  and  confidence.  Bylot  sailed  the 

cended  to  near  the  position  of  the  present^  folio  wing  year  in  Button's  voyage  to  Hudson's 
Albany.  On  4  Oct.  he  came  again  into  the  Bay  [see  BUTTON,  SIK  THOMAS].  It  is  pro- 
sea,  and  returned  to  England  on  7  Nov.  This  bable  that  the  death  of  Juet,  and  still  more 
was  the  end  of  Hudson's  Dutch  connection,  of  Green,  stood  the  mutineers  in  good  stead : 
and  on  17  April  1610  he  sailed  from  London  the  whole  blame  of  the  murder  of  Hudson 
in  the  Discovery,  fitted  out  at  the  cost  of  Sir  and  his  companions  was  laid  on  them,  and 
Thomas  Smythe,  Sir  Dudley  Digges,  and  those  who  came  home  were  perhaps  judged 
John  Wolstenholme,  to  attempt  the  north-  to  have  expiated  their  crime  by  their  suffer- 
west  passage.  By  the  end  of  June  he  had  ings. 

groped  his  way  into  the  strait  since  known  '  Hudson's  personality  is  shadowy  in  the 
by  his  name  ;  on  3  Aug.  he  passed  out  of  it,  extreme,  and  his  achievements  have  been  the 
between  Digges  Island  and  Cape  Wolsten-  ;  subject  of  much  exaggeration  and  misrepre- 
holme,  into  the  bay  beyond,  and  spent  the  ;  sen'tation.  The  river,  the  strait,  the  bay,  and 

,  1  /    •  11  •         .  1  *  ,  l  t     j  1  _  J?     1  1  1*  _V        1 1     '  _ 

next  three  months  ( in  a  labyrinth  without 
end,'  apparently  in  the  examination  of  the 
eastern  shore  and  the  adjacent  islands.  By 
the  end  of  October  the  Discovery  was  in  the 
extreme  south  of  James  Bay,  and  on  1  Nov. 
was  hauled  aground  in  a  place  judged  fitting 
to  winter  in,  possibly  near  Moose  Fort ;  on 
the  10th  she  was  frozen  in.  The  winter 
passed  miserably  enough :  provisions  were 
not  too  plentiful,  and  the  supply  of  game  or 
fish  was  scanty.  Some  months  before  Hud- 
son had  quarrelled  with  his  mate,  Juet,  whom 

the  vast  tract  of  land  which  bear  his  name 
have  kept  his  memory  alive ;  but  in  point  of 
fact  not  one  of  these  was  discovered  by  Hud- 
son. All  that  can  be  seriously  claimed  for 
him  is  that  he  pushed  his  explorations  further 
than  his  predecessors,  and  left  of  them  a  more 
distinct  but  still  imperfect  record.  It  has 
been  conclusively  shown  by  Dr.  Asher  that 
the  river,  the  strait,  and  the  bay  were  all 
marked  in  maps  many  years  before  the  time 
of  Hudson.  What  Hudson  really  did  was  to 
show,  in  four  several  voyages,  that  the  pas- 

he  displaced,  appointing  Robert  Bylot  [q.  v.]    sage  to  Cathay  was  certainly  not  the  simple 
in  his  stead.     There  was  consequently  an  ill-    thing  that  it ' 

feeling  in  the  ship  which  the  winter  hardships 
did  not  lessen.  It  may  well  be  that  Hudson's 
temper  became  morose  and  suspicious:  he 
was  accused  of  favouritism,  and  of  unfairly 
distributing  the  provisions.  He  had'a  violent 
quarrel  with  one  of  his  favourites,  a  dissolute 
fellow  named  Green,  who  acted  as  his  clerk, 
and  now  reviled  him  in  the  strongest  terms. 
Finally,  as  they  broke  out  of  the  ice,  he  dis- 
placed Bylot,  and  appointed  one  King  to  do 
his  duty.  This  seems  to  have  turned  the 
scale.  It  is  impossible  to  speak  of  the  details, 
for  the  accounts  are  very  meagre  and  all  come 

had  been  represented  by  Thome 
and  others ;  that  there  was  no  strait  through 
the  continent  of  North  America  in  a  low 
latitude,  and  that  if  there  was  one  in  a  high 
latitude  it  could  scarcely  be  of  any  practical 
value.  He  tried  in  fact  all  the  routes  that 
had  been  suggested,  and  these  having  all 
failed,  there  is  little  doubt  that  had  he  lived 
he  would  have  examined  beyond  Davis  Strait 
and  have  anticipated  Baffin's  discoveries  of 
a  few  years  later  [see  BAFFIN,  WILLIAM].  He 
was  a  bold,  energetic,  and  able  man,  zealous 
in  the  cause  to  which  he  had  devoted  him- 
self, though  prevented  by  cruel  fortune  from 

achieving  any  distinct  success.  Hudson's  son 
John,  the  companion  of  all  his  historical 
voyages,  perished  with  him.  In  April  1614 

through  a  suspicious  channel.     It  is,  how- 
ever, certain  that  on  23  June  1611  Hudson 

was  seized,  bound,  and  put  into  the  small  .    a  „  «,    ,  4  . 

boat  or  shallop  :  with  him  eight  others,  in-  his  widow  applied  to  the  East  India  Company 
eluding  John,  his  son,  and  King  the  new  for  some  employment  for  another  son,  '  she 
mate,  after  a  sharp  struggle,  in  which  four  i  being  left  very  poor.'  The  company  considered 
men  were  killed,  were  put  into  the  boat ;  it  I  that  the  boy  had  a  just  claim  on  them,  as  his 




father  had '  perished  in  the  service  of  the  com- 
monwealth ; '  they  accordingly  placed  him  for 
nautical  instruction  in  the  Samaritan,  and 
gave  51.  towards  his  outfit. 

[Asher's  Henry  Hudson  the  Navigator,  edited, 
with  an  Introduction,  for  the  Hakluyt  Society, 
1860,  is  an  almost  exhaustive  account  of  all  that 
is  known  of  Hudson's  career,  and  includes  the 
•earliest  accounts  of  his  voyages  as  published  in 
England  by  Purchas  in  1625,  and  in  Holland  by 
Hessel-Geritz  in  1612-13,  by  Van  Meteren  in 
1614,  and  by  De  Laet  in  1625,  as  well  as  later 
notices.  A  few  interesting  facts  concerning  the 
last  voyage  and  the  mutiny  have  been  supplied 
by  W.  J.  Hardy  (St.  James's  Gazette,  20  April 
1887).  -In  an  Historical  Inquiry  concerning 
Henry  Hudson,  1866,  J.  M.  Bead  has  attempted 
to  trace  Hudson's  family,  but  in  the  absence  of 
evidence  he  offers  nothing  beyond  ingenious  and 
probable  conjecture.  A  full  bibliography  of  the 
subject  is  given  by  Asher,  p.  258.]  J.  K.  L. 

HUDSON,  HENRY  (Jl.  1784-1800), 
mezzotint  engraver,  engraved  a  few  good 
plates.  Among  the  portraits  engraved  by 
him  were  Viscount  Macartney  and  Lord 
Loughborough  after  Mather  Brown,  Sir  Wil- 
liam Hamilton  after  Sir  Joshua  Reynolds, 
Frances  and  Emma  Hinchliffe,  as  'Music,' 
after  W.  Peters,  Admiral  Roddam  after  L.  F. 
Abbott,  and  others.  Among  other  pictures 
which  he  engraved  were  '  Industry '  and 
*  Idleness '  after  George  Morland, '  A  Rescue 
from  an  Alligator '  after  J.  Hoppner, '  David 
and  Bathsheba '  after  Valerio  Castelli, '  Bel- 
shazzar's  Feast '  after  Rembrandt,  &c.  Some 
of  his  prints  were  published  at  13  Great  Rus- 
sell Street,  Bloomsbury,  but  one,  a  portrait 
of  Andrew  Wilkinson  after  W.  Tate,  was 
published  at  Petersham. 

[Dodd's  manuscript  History  of  English  En- 
gravers (Brit.Mus.  Addit.  MS.  33402) ;  Chaloner 
•Smith's  British  Mezzotinto  Portraits.]  L.  C. 

HUDSON,  SIR  JAMES  (1810-1885), 
diplomatist,  son  of  Harrington  Hudson  of 
Bessingby  Hall,  Bridlington,  Yorkshire,  by 
Anne,  daughter  of  the  first  Marquis  Towns- 
hend,  was  born  in  1810,  and  educated  at 
Rugby  and  Westminster,  and  in  Paris  and 
Rome.  He  was  page  to  George  III  and  Wil- 
liam IV,  and  also  assistant  private  secretary 
to  the  latter  king,  and  gentleman  usher  to 
Queen  Adelaide.  He  was  the  messenger  who 
^vas  sent  to  summon  Peel  home  on  the  dis- 
missal of  Melbourne  in  1834  (see  Croker 
Papers,  ii.  245  ;  TOERENS,  Life  of  Lord 
Melbourne,  ii.  49).  From  Disraeli's  de- 
scription, i  The  hurried  Hudson  rushed  into 
the  chambers  of  the  Vatican,'  he  was  nick- 
named '  Hurry  Hudson.'  He  then  entered 
the  diplomatic  service,  and  was  successively 

secretary  of  legation  at  Washington  in  1838, 
at  the  Hague  in  1843,  and  at  Rio  Janeiro 
in  1845.  He  was  promoted  to  be  envoy  at 
Rio  Janeiro  in  1850.  In  1851  he  was  ap- 
pointed envoy  to  the  Grand  Duke  of  Tuscany, 
but  before  proceeding  to  Florence  was  pro- 
moted to  the  legation  at  Turin,  where  he  re- 
mained until  1863.  He  strongly  sympathised 
with  the  cause  of  Italian  unity  and  indepen- 
dence, and  lent  it  great  assistance.  He  re- 
ceived the  order  of  the  Bath  in  1855,  when 
the  Sardinian  troops  arrived  in  the  Crimea, 
and  the  Grand  Cross  of  the  Bath  in  1863.  His 
sympathy  with  the  Italian  patriots  almost 
passed  the  limits  of  diplomatic  discretion. 
He  was  summoned  home  in  April  1859,  <  and 
came,'  says  Lord  Malmesbury,  « in  a  state  of 
great  alarm,  fearing  he  might  not  be  allow  * 
to  return  to  Turin  as  minister,  and  took  leave 
of  Cavour,  saying  it  was  doubtful  whether 
he  would  see  him  again.  The  fact  is  that  he 
is  more  Italian  than  the  Italians  themselves, 
and  he  lives  almost  entirely  with  the  ultras 
of  that  cause.  I  had  reason  to  complain  of 
his  silence,  and  quite  understand  how  dis- 
agreeable to  him  it  must  have  been  to  aid, 
however  indirectly,  in  preventing  a  war  which 
he  thought  would  bring  about  his  favourite 
object,  namely,  the  unification  of  Italy'  (Me- 
moirs of  an  Ex-Minister,  ii.  169).  The 
'  Times '  said  of  him  that  he  had  disobeyed 
the  instructions  of  two  successive  govern- 
ments, and  acted  according  to  the  wishes  of 
the  people  of  England.  When  the  Italian 
kingdom  was  consolidated  in  1860,  Hudson 
found  his  expenses  as  minister  fast  increasing, 
and  although  Lord  John  Russell  when  at 
the  foreign  office  raised  his  salary  from 
3,600 J.  to  4,000 J.,  and  in  1861  to  5,000 J.,  he 
found  it  insufficient  to  cover  his  expenses. 
In  1863  Lord  John  offered  him  the  embassy 
at  Constantinople,  but  Hudson  preferred  to 
remain  at  Turin  until  he  became  entitled  to 
his  first-class  pension  later  in  the  year.  On 
his  resignation  Lord  John  Russell  was  un- 
fairly charged  with  jobbery  in  removing  him 
to  make  way  for  Henry  Elliot,  a  relative  of 
his  own  (cf.  G.  ELLIOT'S  pamphlet,  Sir  James 
Hudson  and  Earl  Russell,  London,  1886  : 
WALPOLE,  Lord  John  Russell,  ii.  438).  From 
1863  until  1885  Sir  James  lived  in  retirement 
principally  in  Italy.  He  died  at  Strasburg  on 
20  Sept.  1885. 

[Times,  23  Sept.  1885.  For  the  controversy 
upon  his  retirement  see  Times,  15, 18,  and  25  Aug. 
and  12  Sept.  1863.]  J.  A.  H. 

HUDSON,  JEFFERY  (1619-1682), 
dwarf,  was  born  at  Oakham,  Rutland,  in 
1619.  His  father  was  a  butcher,  Avho  kept 
and  baited  bulls  for  George  Villiers,  first  duke 
of  Buckingham.  Neither  of  his  parents  was 




undersized.  When  he  was  nine  years  old 
his  father  presented  him  at  Burleigh-on-the- 
Hill  to  the  Duchess  of  Buckingham,  who 
took  him  into  her  service.  At  this  time  he 
was  scarcely  eighteen  inches  in  height,  and, 
according  to  Fuller, ( without  any  deformity, 
wholly  proportionable.'  Shortly  afterwards 
Charles  I  and  Henrietta  Maria  passed  through 
Rutland,  and  at  a  dinner  given  by  the  Duke 
of  Buckingham  in  their  honour  Hudson  was 
brought  on  the  table  concealed  in  a  pie,  from 
which  he  was  released  in  sight  of  the  com- 
pany. The  queen  was  amused  by  his  sprightly 
ways.  He  passed  into  her  service,  and  be- 
came a  court  favourite.  In  1630  he  was  sent 
into  France  to  fetch  a  midwife  for  the  queen's 
approaching  confinement,  but,  as  he  was  re- 
turning with  the  woman  and  the  queen's 
dancing-master,  their  ship  was  captured  by 
a  Flemish  pirate,  and  all  were  taken  to  Dun- 
kirk. By  this  misfortune  Hudson  lost,  it  is 
said,  2,5001.  Davenant  wrote  his '  JefFreidos,' 
a  comic  poem  printed  in  1638  with  '  Mada- 
gascar, to  celebrate  Hudson's  misadven- 

In  1636  appeared  a  very  small  volume, 
written  in  honour  of  Hudson,  called  'The 
Newe  Year's  Gift,'  which  had  a  euphuistic 
dedication  to  Hudson,  and  an  engraved  por- 
trait of  him  by  J.  Droeshout ;  another  edi- 
tion appeared  in  1 638.  When  the  Prince  of 
Orange  besieged  Breda  in  1637,  Lithgow  re- 
ports that  the  dwarf, t  Strenuous  Jeffrey,'  was 
in  the  prince's  camp  in  company  with  the 
Earls  of  Warwick  and  Northampton,  who 
were  volunteers  in  the  Dutch  service.  During 
the  civil  wars  he  is  said  to  have  been  a  captain 
of  horse ;  it  is  certain  that  he  followed  the 
queen,  as  he  was  with  her  in  the  flight  to 
Pendennis  Castle  in  June  1644,  and  went  with 
her  to  Paris.  He  was,  says  Fuller,  '  though  a 
dwarf,  no  dastard ;'  accordingly ,when  insulted 
by  Crofts  at  Paris  about  1649,  he  shot  him 
dead  with  a  pistol  in  a  duel.  Crofts  had 
rashly  armed  himself  with  a  squirt  only.  In 
consequence  Hudson  had  to  leave  Paris, 
though  Henrietta  Maria  seems  to  have  saved 
him  from  the  imprisonment  which  he  is  often 
stated  to  have  undergone.  But  at  sea  he  was 
captured  by  a  Turkish  rover,  carried  to  Bar- 
bary,  and  sold  as  a  slave.  His  miseries,  ac- 
cording to  his  own  account,  made  him  grow 
taller.  He  managed  to  get  back  to  England, 
probably  before  1658,  when  Heath  addressed 
some  lines  to  him  in  his  '  Clarastella.'  After 
the  Restoration  Hudson  lived  quietly  in  the 
country  for  some  years  on  a  pension  sub- 
scribed by  the  Duke  of  Buckingham  and 
others  ;  but  coming  up  to  London  to  push  his 
fortunes  at  court  he  was,  as  a  Roman  catho- 
lic, suspected  of  complicity  in  the  popish 

plot  (1679),  and  confined  in  the  Gatehouse 
at  Westminster.  He  did  not  die  here,  as 
Scott  and  others  state,  but  was  released.  In 
June  1680  and  April  1681,  '  Captain '  Jefiery 
Hudson  received  respectively  50/.  and  201. 
from  Charles  II's  secret  service  fund.  He 
died  in  1682. 

The  accounts  of  his  height  vary,  but  ac- 
cording to  his  own  statement,  as  made  to 
Wright,  the  historian  of  Rutland,  after  reach- 
ing the  age  of  seven,  when  he  was  eighteen 
inches  high,  he  did  not  grow  at  all  until  he 
was  thirty,  when  he  shot  up  to  three  feet  six 
or  nine.  Portraits  of  Hudson  and  Evans,  a 
tall  servant  of  Charles  I,  were  carved  in  relief 
in  the  wall  over  Bullhead  Court,  Newgate 
Street,  London,  the  stone  probably  once  form- 
ing the  sign  of  a  shop.  In  addition  to  the 
engraving  in  the  '  Newe  Year's  Gift,'  which 
has  been  reproduced  in  Caulfield's  '  Memoirs 
of  Remarkable  Persons,'  and  in  the  '  Eccen- 
tric Magazine/  there  is  a  painting  of  Hudson 
by  Mytens  at  Hampton  Court,  a  copy  of 
which  is  at  Holyrood.  Another  portrait  by 
Mytens  was  in  the  possession  of  Sir  Ralph 
Woodford ;  this  was  engraved  by  G.  P.  Hard- 
ing for  the  '  Biographical  Mirror.'  He  also 
appears  in  the  portrait  of  Henrietta  Maria  by 
Vandyck  at  Petworth.  Walpole  mentions 
another  portrait  in  his  day,  in  possession  of 
Lord  Milton.  Hudson's  waistcoat,  breeches, 
and  stockings  are  in  the  Ashmolean  Museum, 

[Fuller's  Worthies,  ed.  Nichols,  ii.  245 ;  Gent. 
Mag.  1732,  p.  1120;  Fairholt's  Kemarkable  and 
Eccentric  Characters,  p.  63 ;  Wright's  Eutland, 
ed.  1684,  p.  105;  The  New  Yeeres  Gift;  Lith- 
gow's  True  .  .  .  Discourse  upon  .  .  .  this  last 
siege  of  Breda,  1637,  p.  45;  Akerman's  Moneys 
received  and  paid  for  secret  services  of  Charles  II 
and  James  II  (Camd.  Soc.).  pp.  14,  28  ;  Walpole's- 
Anecd.  of  Painting,  ed.  Wornum,  vol.  ii.;  Law's 
Cat.  of  Pictures  at  Hampton  Court  Palace,  263  ; 
Granger's  Biogr.  Hist,  of  England,  ii.  404  ;  Miss 
Strickland's  Lives  of  the  Queens  of  England,  v. 
313,  327;  Sir  Walter  Scott's  Peveril  of  the 
Peak ;  Bromley's  Cat.  of  Engraved  Portraits,  p. 
160.]  W.  A.  J.A. 

HUDSON,  JOHN  (1662-1719),  classical 
scholar,  born  at  Widehope,  near  Cocker- 
mouth,  Cumberland,  in  ]  662,  was  the  son  of 
James  Hudson.  In  1676  he  entered  Queen's 
College,  Oxford,  as  a  servitor,  but  was  sub- 
sequently elected  a  tabarder.  He  graduated 
B.A.  on  5  July  1681,  and  M.A.  on  12  Feb. 
1684.  On  29  March  1686  he  became  fellow 
and  tutor  of  University  College.  For  the  use 
of  his  pupils  he  privately  printed  a  compila- 
tion from  Bishop  Beveridge's  treatise,  with 
the  title  '  Introductio  ad  Chronologiam ;  sive- 
Ars  Chronologica  in  epitomen  redacta,'  8vor 



Oxford,  1691 ;  and  at  the  request  of  Arthur 
Charlett  [q.  v.],  master  of  University  College, 
he  edited  '  Velleius  Paterculus/  8vo,  Oxford, 
1693,  which  Charlett  distributed  as  presents 
on  New-year's  day.  A  second  edition  was 
issued  in  1711.  He  next  prepared  a  'Eu- 
tropius'  with  the  Greek  paraphrase  of  Pee- 
anius,  but  becoming  absorbed  in  an  edition 
of  '  Thucydides  '  neglected  to  print  it.  Hud- 
son was  at  onetime  a  Jacobite  of  the  cautious 
type.  His  politics  interfered  with  his  elec- 
tion to  the  mastership  of  his  college  in  1691, 
though  in  the  following  year  he  had  suffi- 
cient influence  to  secure  the  post  for  Char- 
lett. He  would,  it  is  said,  have  succeeded 
William  Levinz  in  the  regius  professorship 
of  Greek  in  1698  had  not  Bishop  Burnet 
informed  the  king  that  Humphrey  Hody 
(the  successful  candidate)  had  written  in 
favour  of  the  government,  whereas  Hudson 
was  rather  suspected  of  being  opposed  to  it. 
He  found  it  to  his  advantage  to  modify  his 
opinions,  but  he  failed  to  obtain  any  church 
preferment.  In  April  1701,  on  the  resignation 
of  Dr.  Thomas  Hyde  [q.  v.],  he  was  elected 
Bodley's  librarian,  and  on  5  June  following 
he  accumulated  his  degrees  in  divinity.  He 
had  given  in  1696-8  seventy  books  to  the 
library,  and  in  1705-10  he  added  nearly  six 
hundred.  Immediately  upon  his  election  he 
appointed  Thomas  Hearne  [q.  v.]  an  assistant 
librarian.  Hearne  had  previously  owed  much 
to  his  kindness.  He  came,  however,  to  de- 
test Hudson  for  having  deserted  the  Jacobite 
cause,  and  wrote  in  bitter  terms  of  him  in  his 
diaries.  Hudson  was  not  a  model  librarian ; 
he  is  even  said  to  have  thrown  from  the 
shelves  the  copy  of  Milton's  '  Poems '  pre- 
sented by  the  poet  himself  in  1647,  which 
was  saved  by  mere  chance.  That  he  was 
close-fisted  is  clear  from  his  contributing 
only  ten  shillings  towards  the  relief  of  Sir 
Thomas  Bodley's  impoverished  relations.  In 
1711  Hudson  refused  the  principalship  of 
Gloucester  Hall,  but  in ,  the  following  year 
was  elected,  through  the  interest  of  Dr.  Rad- 
cliffe,  to  that  of  St.  Mary  Hall.  He  built  the 
present  lodgings  for  the  principal  at  St.  Mary 
Hall  on  the  site  of  the  old  refectory  (WooD, 
Colleges  and  Halls  of  O.?/.,  ed.  Gutch,p.  674). 
He  died  of  dropsy  on  27  Nov.  1719,  and  was 
buried  on  1  Dec.  in  the  chancel  of  St.  Mary's 
Church,  Oxford.  Shortly  before  his  death  he 
sent  for  Hearne,  commended  his  edition  of 
William  of  Newborough's  'History,'  then 
passing  through  the  press,  and  gave  him  some 
notes  for  it.  He  left  an  estate  at  Horsepath, 
near  Oxford,  and  (so  Hearne  was  told)  above 
7 ,000 /.  in  money.  His  books  were  bequeathed 
t o  University  College  library.  He  married,  on 
2  April  1710,  Margaret,  widow  of  a  barrister 

and  commoner  of  University  College,  named 
Knapp,  and  only  daughter  of  Sir  Robert  Har- 
rison, knt.,  alderman  and  mercer  of  Oxford,  by 
whom  he  had  one  daughter,  Margaret,  born  on 
24  July  1711,  and  married  on  29  July  1731 
to  John  Boyce,  rector  of  Saintbury,  Glouces- 
tershire. Mrs.  Hudson  married  as  her  third 
;  husband  Dr.  Anthony  Hall  [q.  v.],  and  dying 
|  in  September  1731  was  buried  on  the  25th 
j  of  that  month  in  the  chancel  of  St.  Mary's 
Church,  Oxford.  Hearne,  however,  insinuates 
that  Hudson  had  been  previously  married  to 
a  Miss  Biesley.  In  the  Bodleian  Library  is  a 
portrait  of  Hudson  by  W.  Sonmans,  the  gift 
of  his  widow  (WOOD,  Antiq.  of  Oxf.,  ed. 
Gutch,  vol.  ii.  pt.  ii.  p.  953),  from  which  S. 
Gribelin  engraved  a  folio  plate. 

Hudson's  other  publications  are :  1 . '  Thucy- 
didis  de  Bello  Peloponnesiaco  libri  octo,' 
with  the  Latin  version  (revised)  of  JEmilius 
Portus,  and  brief  notes,  fol.,  Oxford,  1696 ; 
several  other  editions  in  4to  and  8vo. 
2.  'Geographies  veteris  Scriptores  Graeci 
minores.  Cum  interpretatione  Latina  [of 
Hudson  and  others],  dissertationibus  (H. 
Dodwelli),  ac  annotationibus,'  4  vols.  8vo, 
Oxford,  1698-1712.  3.  'Dionysii  Halicar- 
nassensis  Antiquitatum  Romanarum  libri 
quotquot  supersunt,'  Greek  and  Latin,  2  vols. 
fol.,  Oxford,  1704.  4.  '  Dionysii  Longini  de 
j  SublimitatelibelhiSjCumprsefatione.  .  .notis 
!  .  .  .  et  variis  lectionibus,'  Greek  and  Latin, 
i  8vo,  Oxford,  1710 ;  another  edition,  1718. 
5.  *  Mseris  Atticista  de  vocibus  Atticis  et 
Hellenicis.  GregoriusMartinus  de  Grsecarum 
literarum  pronunciatione,'  2  pts.  8vo,  Oxford, 
1712.  6.  '  Fabularum  ^Esopicarum  Collec- 
tio,  quotquot  Greece  reperiuntur.  Accedit 
Interpretatio  Latina/  8vo,  Oxford,  1718. 
7.  {  Flavii  Josephi  Opera  quae  reperiri  potue- 
runt  omnia,'  2  vols.  fol.,  Oxford,  1720  (also 
1726),  published  at  his  dying  request  by  his 
friend  Anthony  Hall.  Hudson  had  anno- 
tated Dr.  John  Wills  or  Willes's  '  Two  Dis- 
courses upon  Josephus/  prefixed  to  Sir  Roger 
L'Estrange's  translation  of  that  historian, 
fol.  London,  1702.  8.  '  Velleii  Paterculi  quae 
supersunt,'  8vo,  1711.  9.  'Ethices  Compen- 
dium a  G.  Langbsenio.  Accedit  Methodus 
Argumentandi  Aristotelica  ad  dxptftttav  ma- 
thematicam  redacta.  Disposuit  et  limavit  J. 
Hudsonus,'  12mo,  London,  1721.  It  is  doubt- 
ful, however,  whether  Hudson  had  any  share 
in  this  work.  He  encouraged  Leonard  Lich- 
field,  the  Oxford  printer,  to  publish  in  1693 
Erasmus's  *  Dialogus  Ciceroniauus,'  to  which 
he  added  the  epistles  of  Erasmus  and  others 
relating  to  the  subject  and  an  index.  By  his 
assistance  David  Gregory  (1661-1708)  [q.  y.] 
was  enabled  to  bring  out  an  accurate  *  Euclid' 
in  1703,  and  Hearne  a  creditable  '  Livy '  in 

Hudson  * 



1708.  To  Ayliffe's « Antient  and  present  State 
of  the  University  of  Oxford,  1714,  he  con- 
tributed a  notice  of  the  Bodleian  Library. 
Several  letters  from  and  to  him  are  preserved 
in  the  Bodleian  Library,  where  is  also  (Raw- 
linson  MS.  Misc.  350)  his '  Indices  Auctorum 
a  variis  Scriptoribus  vel  citatorum  vel  etiam 

[Wood's  Athenae  Oxon.  ed.  Bliss,  iv.  451-60  ; 
Hearne's  Collections  (Oxf.  Hist.  Soc.);  Macray's 
Annals  of  Bodleian  Library.]  G-.  Gr. 

HUDSON,  MARY  (d.  1801),  organist, 
daughter  of  Robert  Hudson  [q.  v.  ] ,  was  elected 
organist  of  St.  Olave's,  Hart  Street,  London, 
on  20  Dec.  1781,  at  a  yearly  salary  of  twenty- 
five  guineas,  and  held  this  post  until  her 
death  on  28  March  1801.  During  the  last 
eight  or  nine  years  of  her  life  she  also  ful- 
filled the  duties  of  organist  at  the  church  of 
St.  Gregory,  Old  Fish  Street. 

She  was  the  composer  of  several  hymn 
tunes,  and  of  a  setting  for  five  voices  of  a 
translation  of  the  epitaph  on  Purcell's  grave- 
stone, commencing  '  Applaud  so  great  a 
guest!'  The  hymn  tune  'Llandaff'  is  as- 
signed both  to  her  and  to  her  father. 

[Grove's  Diet,  of  Music,  i.  755 ;  Vestry  Minutes 
of  St.  Olave's,  Hart  Street ;  James  Love's  Scottish 
Church  Music  (1891),  p.  175.]  E.  F.  S. 

HUDSON,  MICHAEL,  D.D.  (1605- 
'-t"t  1648),  royalist  divine,  was  born  in  West- 
^  moreland  {Reg.  Matric.  Oxon.  fol.  87  b)  in 
1605,  and  in  February  1621-2  became  a '  poor 
child '  and  subsequently  tabarder  of  Queen's 
College,  Oxford.  He  proceeded  B.A.  in  Fe- 
bruary 1625,  and  M.A.  in  January  1628 
(WooD,  Fasti  Oxon.  ed.  Bliss,  iv.  422,  441). 
It  seems  doubtful  if  he  be  identical  with  the 
Michael  Hudson  who  matriculated  from 
Corpus  Christi  College,  Cambridge,  3  July 
1623.  About  1630  he  was  elected  a  fellow 
of  Queen's  College,  Oxford,  married,  and  was 
for  a  time  tutor  to  Prince  Charles.  He  was 
presented  by  Charles  I  to  the  rectory  of  West 
Deeping,  Lincolnshire,  16  June  1632 ;  to  that 
of  Witchling,  Kent,  29  March  1633 ;  and  to 
the  vicarage  of  Wirksworth,  Derbyshire, 
10  Aug.  1633.  He  was  also  rector  of  Uffing- 
ton,  Lincolnshire,  and  of  Market  Bosworth, 
Leicestershire,  but  seems  to  have  assigned 
the  former  on  19  March  1640-1  to  Thomas 
South  in  exchange  for  the  rectory  of  King's 
Cliffe,  Northamptonshire.  Both  South  and 
Hudson  were  sequestrated  from  the  living  of 
Uffington  by  the  Earl  of  Manchester  31  Dec. 
1644.  On  the  outbreak  of  the  civil  war 
Hudson  had  joined  the  royalists,  and  after  the 
battle  of  Edgehill  retired  to  Oxford,  where  he 
was  brought  into  contact  with  the  king,  was 

made  one  of  the  royal  chaplains,  and  received 
the  degree  of  D.D.  in  February  1642-3  {ib. 
iv.  55).  His  want  of  reserve  and  bluntness 
caused  Charles  I  to  nickname  him  his  plain- 
dealing  chaplain.  Hudson's  known  fidelity 
led  to  his  appointment  as  scout-master  to  the 
army  in  the  northern  parts  of  England,  then 
under  the  command  of  the  Marquis  of  New- 
castle, a  position  which  he  occupied  till  1644. 
In  April  1646,  when  Charles  I  determined 
to  entrust  his  person  to  the  Scots  army,  he 
chose  Hudson  and  John  Ashburnham  [q.  v.] 
to  conduct  him  to  the  camp  at  Newark-on- 
Trent.  The  parliament,  on  23  May  1646,  con- 
sequently despatched  a  serjeant-at-arms  for 
his  arrest,  but  the  Scots  refused  to  give  him 
up  (RUSHWORTH,  vi.  271),  and  after  a  few 
days'  confinement  released  him.  Very  shortly 
afterwards,  while  endeavouring  to  reach 
France,  he  was  arrested  at  Sandwich  (7  June 
1646)  and  was  imprisoned  in  London  House. 
On  18  June  1646  he  was  examined  by  a  com- 
mittee of  parliament,  when  he  detailed  the 
wanderings  of  the  king  between  Oxford  and 
the  Scots  camp,  On  18  Nov.  he  escaped,  and 
is  said  (WHITELOCKE,  Memorials  of  English 
Affairs,  p.  237)  to  have  conveyed  letters 
from  the  king  to  Major-general  Laugharne 
in  Wales.  In  the  following  January  he  was 
again  captured  at  Hull  and  was  imprisoned 
in  the  Tower  of  London,  where  he  was  not  al- 
lowed to  see  any  one  except  in  the  presence  of 
a  keeper.  Here  he  chiefly  employed  himself 
in  writing  and  in  perfecting  a  project  to  de- 
liver the  Tower  into  royalist  hands,  which  he 
was  unable  to  put  into  execution.  He  again 
escaped  early  in  1648  in  disguise  with  a 
basket  of  apples  on  his  head,  and  returning 
to  Lincolnshire  he  raised  a  party  of  royalist 
horse  and  stirred  up  the  gentry  of  Norfolk 
and  Suffolk  to  more  activity  on  the  king's 
side.  With  the  chief  body  of  those  who  had 
taken  arms  under  his  command,  Hudson  re- 
tired to  Woodcroft  House,  Northampton- 
shire, a  strong  building  surrounded  by  a  moat, 
where  they  were  speedily  attacked  by  a  body 
of  parliamentary  soldiery.  Hudson,  who  is 
believed  to  have  borne  a  commission  as  a 
colonel,  defended  the  house  with  great 
courage,  and  when  the  doors  were  forced, 
went  with  the  remnant  of  his  followers  to  the 
battlements,  and  only  yielded  on  promise  of 
quarter,  which  was  afterwards  refused.  Hud- 
son was  flung  over  the  battlements,  but  man- 
aged to  support  himself  upon  a  spout  or  pro- 
jecting stone  until  his  hands  were  cut  off, 
when  he  fell  into  the  moat  beneath.  In  reply 
to  his  request  to  be  allowed  to  die  on  land, 
a  man,  named  Egborough,  knocked  him  on 
the  head  with  a  musket  (6  June  1648),  while 
another  parliamentarian  cut  out  his  tongue 




and  carried  it  about  as  a  trophy.  His  body 
-was  buried  at  Denton,  Northamptonshire.  A 
proposal  to  reinter  it  at  Uffington  does  not 
seem  to  have  been  carried  out. 

Hudson  married  about  1630  Miss  Pollard  of 
Newnham  Courtney,  Oxfordshire.  He  lost 
by  the  rebellion  the  whole  of  his  estates,  and 
after  his  death  his  wife  and  children  were 
supported  by  charity.  His  boldness,  genero- 
sity, and  almost  fanatical  loyalty  are  un- 
doubted. Walker  says  he  was  a  scholar  and 
a  plain  and  upright  Christian.  He  wrote : 
1.  '  The  Divine  Right  of  Government  Natural 
and  Politique,  more  particularly  of  Monarchic, 
the  onely  legitimate  and  Natural  source  of 
Politique  Government/  which  was  printed  in 
4to,  1647,  a  portrait  of  Charles  I,  by  P.  Stent, 
being  prefixed.  The  book  was  written  in  the 
Tower.  2.  '  An  Account  of  King  Charles  I,' 
&c.,  8vo,  which  was  not  published  till  1731 
{by  Hearne). 

[Walker  s  Sufferings  of  the  Clergy,  ii.  269, 367 ; 
Wood's  Athenae  Oxon.  ed.  Bliss,  iii.  233;  Lloyd's 
Memoirs,  p.  625;  Whitelocke's  Memorials,  pp. 
239,  306,  307 ;  Hearne's  Chronicon  de  Dunstable, 
vol.  ii. ;  Gary's  Memorials  of  the  Civil  Wars,  i. 
93,  109  ;  Peck's  Desiderata  Curiosa,  bk.  ix.] 

A.  C.  B. 

HUDSON,  ROBERT  (/.  1600),  poet, 
was  probably  a  brother  of  Thomas  Hudson 
(Jl.  1610)  [q.  v.],  and  was,  like  him,  one  of 
the  '  violaris,'  or  Chapel  Royal  musicians,  of 
James  VI.  Hudson  seems  to  have  been  a 
special  friend  of  Alexander  Montgomerie, 
author  of  the  '  Cherrie  and  the  Slae,'  who 
addresses  him  in  a  group  of  sonnets,  appeal- 
ing for  his  interest  at  court,  and  at  length 
declaring  himself  sadly  disappointed  in  him 
as  capable  of  merely  courtier's  courtesy. 
Montgomerie,  in  the  course  of  his  appeal,  de- 
nominates Hudson  the  '  only  brother  of  the 
Sisters  nyne,'  and  predicts  for  him  a  secure 
immortality  through  his  'Homer's  style'  and 
his '  Petrarks  high  invent.'  Four  sonnets  by 
him  alone  survive.  Of  these  one  is  commen- 
datory of  King  James's  '  Poems '  (1584)  ; 
another  belauds  the  manuscript  '  Triumphes 
of  Petrarke  '  by  William  Fowler  (printed 
in  IKVING,  Scotish  Poetry,  p.  463);  the 
third  is  an  epitaph  on  Sir  Richard  Maitland 
(PiNKEKTON,  ii.  351)  ;  and  a  fourth  is  a  com- 
mendatory sonnet  on  Sylvester's  version  of 
Du  Bartas  (HUNTER,  Chorus  Vatum,  i.411). 

[Pinkerton's  Ancient  Scotish  Poems;  Brit. 
Mus.  Addit.  MS.  24488,  f.  411  ;  Irving's  Poems 
•of  Alexander  Montgomery  and  Hist,  of  Scotish 
Poetry.]  T.  B. 

HUDSON,  ROBERT  (1731-1815),  com- 
poser, born  in  1731,  possessed  a  good  tenor 
voice,  and  in  his  youth  sang  at  concerts  in 

the  Ranelagh  and  Marylebone  Gardens.  At 
the  age  of  twenty-four  he  was  elected  as- 
sistant organist  to  St.  Mildred's,  Bread  Street, 
and  in  the  following  j>ear  was  appointed 
'  vicar-choral'  of  St.  Paul's.  In  1758  he  was 
created  a  Gentleman  of  the  Chapel  Royal, 
and  in  1773  almoner  and  master  of  the  chil- 
dren at  St.  Paul's.  The  latter  post  he  held 
for  twenty  years.  He  was  also  for  some 
time  music-master  at  Christ's  Hospital.  In 
1784  he  took  the  degree  of  Mus.Bac.  at  Cam- 
bridge, from  St.  John's  College.  He  died  at 
Eton  in  December  1815,  and  was  buried  in  St. 
Paul's  Cathedral. 

His  compositions  include  a  cathedral  ser- 
vice, several  chants  and  hymn  tunes,  and  a 
collection  of  songs,  published  in  1762,  under 
the  title  of  <  The  Myrtle.'  The  hymn  tune 
is  assigned  both  to  him  and  to  his  daughter 
Mary  [q.  v.]  He  also  set  for  five  voices  the 
lines  commencing  '  Go,  happy  soul,'  from  Dr. 
Child's  monument  at  Windsor. 

[Grove's  Diet,  of  Music,  i.  755  ;  Brown's  Biog. 
Diet,  of  Music,  p.  335 ;  Eetis's  Biog.  Univ.  des 
Musiciens,  iii.  380 ;  Grraduati  Cantabrigienses, 
p.  249  ;  James  Love's  Scottish  Church  Music 
(1891),  p.  175.]  E.  F.  S. 

HUDSON,  THOMAS  (ft.  1610),  poet, 
was  probably  a  native  of  the  north  of  Eng- 
land. His  name  stands  first  in  the  list  of 
*  violaris '  in  the  service  of  James  VI  in  1567 : 
1  Mekill  [i.  e.  probably,  big]  Thomas  Hudsone, 
Robert  Hudsone  [q.  v.],  James  Hudsone, 
William  Hudsone,  and  William  Fullartoun 
their  servand.'  The  Hudsons  in  all  likelihood 
were  brothers.  All  their  names  reappear  in 
'The  Estait  of  the  King's  Hous' for  1584 
and  1590,  with  particulars  as  to  salary  and 
liveries.  Thomas  Hudson  was  also  installed 
master  of  the  Chapel  Royal  5  June  1586, 
his  appointment  being  ratified  by  two  acts 
of  parliament  dated  respectively  1587  and 

Hudson's  chief  work  is  'The  Historie  of 
Judith  in  forme  of  a  Poeme:  penned  in 
French  by  the  noble  poet,  G.  Salust,  Lord  of 
Bartas  :  Englished  by  Tho.  Hudson,'  Edin- 
burgh, 1584.  The  work  was  probably  sug- 
gested by  the  king,  to  whom  Hudson  dedicates 
it,  and  who  supplied  a  commendatory  sonnet. 
It  runs  fluently,  and  the  number  of  verses  is 
limited  to  that  of  the  original  text.  Hudson's 
version  was  reissued  in  London  in  1608,  with 
the  later  editions  of  Joshua  Sylvester's  * Du 
Bartas,' and  again  in  1613,  alone.  Drummond 
of  Hawthornden  much  preferred  Sylvester's 
rendering  to  Hudson's.  Hudson  is  one  of  the 
contributors  to  '  England's  Parnassus,'  1600, 
and  Ritson  and  Irving  are  agreed  in  identify- 
ing him  with  the  '  T.  H.'  who  contributed  a 



sonnet  to  James  VI's  '  Essays  of  a  Prentise,' 
Edinburgh,  1 585.  In  <  The  Eeturn  from  Par- 
nassus'  (played  at  Cambridge  in  1006),  Hud- 
son and  Henry  Lock,  or  Lok,  are  advised  to 
let  their l  books  lie  in  some  old  nooks  amongst 
old  boots  and  shoes/  to  avoid  the  satirist's 
censure.  Hawkins  hastily  infers  (Origin  of 
the  English  Drama,  ii.  214)  that  Hudson  and 
Lok  were  the  Bavius  and  Msevius  of  their 
age.  Hudson's  efforts  are  never  contemptible, 
and  Sir  John  Harrington  (in  his  notes  to 
Orlando  Furioso,  bk.  xxxv.)  characterises  the 
'  Judith '  as  written  in  '  verie  good  and  sweet 
English  verse.' 

[Authorities  in  text;  Addit.  MS.  24488,  p. 
411;  Kitson's  Bibl.  Poet.;  Irving's  Lives  of 
Scotish  Poets  and  Hist,  of  Scotish  Poetry; 
Drummond's  Conversations  with  Jonson  (Shake- 
speare Soc.),  p.  51.]  T.  B. 

HUDSON,  THOMAS  (1701-1779),  por- 
trait-painter, a  native  of  Devonshire,  perhaps 
of  Bideford,  was  born  in  1701.  He  was  a 
pupil  of  Jonathan  Richardson  the  elder  [q.v.], 
and  there  is  an  interesting  portrait  of  Hud- 
son, drawn  by  Richardson  while  Hudson  was 
studying  with  him,  in  the  print  room  at  the 
British  Museum.  Hudson  made  a  runaway 
match  with  his  master's  daughter,  by  whom 
he  had  one  daughter  who  died  young.  Adopt- 
ing the  profession  of  a  portrait-painter,  he 
attained  so  much  success  that  he  succeeded 
Jervas  and  Richardson  as  the  most  fashion- 
able portrait-painter  of  the  day.  He  painted 
innumerable  portraits  of  the  gentry  and 
celebrities  of  his  time.  As  a  portrait-painter 
Hudson  fully  deserved  his  eminence,  though 
the  uninteresting  character  of  costume  and 
pose  then  in  vogue  has  prevented  full  justice 
being  done  to  his  work.  He  showed  firm- 
ness and  solidity  in  his  drawing,  was  pleasing 
in  his  colour,  and  true  and  faithful  in  his 
likenesses,  but  he  was  without  the  necessary 
touch  of  genius  to  secure  permanent  fame. 
His  portraits  have  often  been  noted  for 
the  excellence  shown  in  the  painting  of 
white  satin  and  other  portions  of  the  drapery, 
though  this  is  perhaps  due  to  the  skill  of 
Joseph  Van  Haecken  [q.  v.],  who  with  his 
brother  was  largely  employed  by  Hudson, 
Ramsay,  and  others  to  add  the  draperies 
in  their  portraits.  In  1740  Hudson,  who 
was  a  frequent  visitor  at  Bideford,  came 
across  the  youthful  Joshua  Reynolds  [q.  v.] 
The  latter  was  shortly  afterwards  apprenticed 
by  his  parents  to  Hudson,  whose  studio  he 
entered  as  assistant  and  pupil.  Hudson's 
tuition  could  hardly  have  failed  to  be  of  last- 
ing benefit  to  Reynolds,  but  the  superior 
genius  of  the  latter  soon  showed  itself,  and 
after  two  years  he  quitted,  or  was  dismissed 

by,  Hudson  through  some  slight  disagree- 
ment.    "With  the  rise  of  Reynolds  to  fame 
and   prosperity   Hudson's   supremacy  came 
to  an  end,  and  he  eventually  retired  con- 
tentedly, remaining  on  good  terms  with  Rey- 
nolds for  the  remainder  of  his  life.     Hudson 
lived  for  many  years  in  Great  Queen  Street,. 
Lincoln's  Inn  Fields ;  in  later  life  he  built 
for  himself  a  villa  at  Twickenham,  near  Pope's 
Villa,  and  made  a  second  marriage  with  Mrs. 
Fiennes,  a  widow  with  a  good  -fortune.     In 
I  1748  Hudson  accompanied  Hogarth,  Hay- 
man,  and  others,  on  a  tour  on  the  continent. 
Hudson  and  some  of  the  party  visited  the 
great    artists    and    famous    collections    in 
j  Flanders  and  Holland.     Hudson's  best  work 
I  is  the  family  group  of  Charles,  duke  of  Mar  1- 
j  borough,  at  Blenheim  Palace,  '  executed  in  a 
most  refined  manner,  highly  finished,  and  in 
a  very  delicate  silvery  tone'  (SCHAKF,  Cat. 
of  Blenheim  Collection).     In   the  National 
Portrait  Gallery  there  are  portraits  by  him 
of  Handel,  Sir  John  Willes,  George  II,  and 
Matthew    Prior    (the    latter   a  copy   after 
Richardson).     Other  portraits  by  Hudson  of 
Handel  are  in  the  Bodleian  Library  at  Ox- 
;  ford  and  in  the  collection  of  Earl  Howe  at 
Gopsall,  Leicestershire.     A  good  portrait  by 
I  Hudson  of  Samuel  Scott  [q.  v.]  the  marine 
painter  is  in  the  National  Gallery.     Another 
well-known  picture  by  Hudson  is  the  so- 
called  'Benn's  Club  of  Aldermen'  in  Gold- 
i  smiths'  Hall.     Hudson  exhibited  with  the 
I  Society  of  Artists  in  1761,  and  on  the  divi- 
i  sion  of  societies  joined  the  Incorporated  So- 
ciety of  Artists.     He  was  a  great  collector  of 
i  drawings — many  of  which  he  acquired  at  the 
I  sale  of  the  collection  of  his  father-in-law, 
!  Richardson — prints,  and  other  works  of  art. 
He  was  esteemed  a  competent  j  udge  of  matters 
connected  with  their  study  and  criticism, 
though  a  well-known  story  is  told  how  he 
was  convicted  by  Benjamin  Wilson  [q.  v.] 
of  having  mistaken  an  etching  by  the  latter 
for  a  rare  etching  by  Rembrandt  (see  J.  T. 
SMITH,  Nollekens  and  his   Times,  ii.  224). 
Hudson  died  at  Twickenham  26  Jan.  1779, 
and  his  collections  were  dispersed  by  auction 
in  March  following. 

[Redgrave's  Diet,  of  Artists ;  Leslie  and 
Taylor's  Life  and  Times  of  Sir  Joshua  Reynolds; 
Walpolo's  Anecdotes  of  Painting,  ed.  Wornum  ; 
Vertue's  MSS.  (Brit.  Mus.  Addit.  MSS.  23076, 
23079) ;  Seguier's  Diet,  of  Painters ;  Chaloner 
Smith's  British  Mezzotinto  Portraits  ;  informa- 
tion from  George  Scharf,  C.B.,  F.S.A.]  L.  C. 

HUDSON,  WILLIAM  (£.1635),  lawyer, 
was  admitted  in  1601  a  member  of  Gray's 
Inn,  where  he  was  called  to  the  bar  in  1605, 
became  an  ancient  in  1622,  a  bencher  in 
1623,  and  reader  in  Lent  1624.  He  prac- 




tised  in  the  Star-chamber,  and  was  one  of 
the  subscribers  of  the  information  exhibited 
in  that  court  on  7  May  1629  against  Sir  John 
Eliot  [q.  v.],  Denzil  Holies  [q.  v.],  and  the 
other  members  of  the  House  of  Commons 
who  had  been  concerned  in  the  tumultuous 
proceedings  which  preceded  the  recent  dis- 
solution. In  February  1632-3  he  opened  the 
case  against  Prynne  on  his  trial  for  the  pub- 
lication of  *  Histriomastix.'  He  died  in  or 
before  1635.  Hudson  married  twice.  His  se- 
cond wife,  whom  he  married  at  Islington  by 
license  dated  3  April  1613,  was  Anne,  widow 
of  William  Stodderd  of  St.  Michael-le  Querne, 
London,  skinner.  He  left  in  manuscript  a 
learned  and  lucid  '  Treatise  of  the  Court  of 
Star  Chamber,'  a  copy  of  which  was  given 
by  his  son  Christopher  to  Lord-keeper  Finch, 
passed  into  the  Harleian  collection  (Harl. 
MS.  1226),  and  was  printed  by  Hargrave  in 
*  Collectanea  Juridica/  London,  1792,  8vo. 

[Douthwaite's  Gray's  Inn,  p.  68 ;  Cases  in  the 
Court  of  Star  Chamber  (Camd.  Soc.);  Cobbett's 
State  Trials,  iii.  311,  562;  Chester's  London 
Marriage  Licenses ;  Cal.  State  Papers,  Dom. 
1628-9,  p.  540.]  J.  M.  E. 

HUDSON,  WILLIAM    (1730  P-1793), 

botanist,  was  born  at  the  White  Lion  Inn, 
Kendal,  which  was  kept  by  his  father,  be- 
tween 1730  and  1732.  He  was  educated  at 
Kendal  grammar  school,  and  apprenticed  to 
a  London  apothecary.  He  obtained  the  prize 
for.  botany  given  by  the  Apothecaries'  Com- 
pany, a  copy  of  Ray's '  Synopsis,' which  is  now 
in  the  British  Museum ;  but  he  also  paid  at- 
tention to  mollusca  and  insects.  In  Pennant's 
'British Zoology'  he  is  mentioned  as  the  dis- 
coverer of  Trochus  terrestris.  From  1757  to 
1758  Hudson  was  resident  sub-librarian  of 
the  British  Museum,  and  his  studies  in  the 
Sloane  herbarium  enabled  him  to  adapt  the 
Linnsean  nomenclature  to  the  plants  de- 
scribed by  Ray  far  more  accurately  than  did 
Sir  John  Hill  [q.  v.]  in  his  l  Flora  Britannica ' 
of  1760.  In  1761  Hudson  was  elected  a  fellow 
of  the  Royal  Society,  and  in  the  following 
year  appeared  the  first  edition  of  his  l  Flora 
Anglica,'  which,  according  to  Pulteney  and  \ 
Sir  J.  E.  Smith,  'marks  the  establishment  of  j 
Linnsean  principles  of  botany  in  England.'  | 
Smith  writes  that  the  work  was  '  composed  j 
under  the  auspices  and  advice  of  Benjamin  I 
Stillingfleet.  Hudson,  at  the  time  of  its  pub-  j 
lication,  was  practising  as  an  apothecary  in 
Panton  Street,  Haymarket,  and  from  1765 
to  1771  acted  as  'prsefectus  horti'  to  the 
Apothecaries'  Company  at  Chelsea.  A  con- 
siderably enlarged  edition  of  the  '  Flora '  ap- 
peared in  1778;  but  in  1783  the  author's 
house  in  Panton  Street  took  fire,  his  collec- 

tions of  insects  and  many  of  his  plants  were 
destroyed,  and  the  inmates  narrowly  escaped 
with  their  lives.  Hudson  retired  to  Jermyn 
Street.  In  1791  he  joined  the  newly  esta- 
blished Linnean  Society.  He  died  in  Jermyn 
Street  from  paralysis  on  23  May  1793,  being, 
according  to  the  '  Gentleman's  Magazine,'  in 
his  sixtieth  year.  He  bequeathed  the  re- 
mains of  his  herbarium  to  the  Apothecaries' 
Company.  Linnaeus  gave  the  name  Hudsonia 
to  a  North  American  genus  of  Cistacece.  A 
portrait  of  Hudson  was  engraved. 

[Rees's  Cyclopaedia,  article  by  Sir  J.  E.  Smith ; 
Cornelius  Nicholson's  Annals  of  Kendal,  p.  345 ; 
Gent.  Mag.  1793,  i.  485;  Field  and  Semple's 
Memoirs  of  the  Botanic  Garden  at  Chelsea,  p.  88 ; 
Trimen  and  Dyer's  Flora  of  Middlesex,  p.  392  ; 
Pulteney's  Sketches  of  the  Progress  of  Botany, 
ii.  351 ;  Bromley's  Cat.  of  Portraits.]  G.  S.  B. 

HUEFFER,  FRANCIS  (more  correctly 
FEANZ  HTJFFER)  (1845-1889),  musical  critic, 
was  born  on  22  May  1845  at  Minister,  where 
his  father  held  various  municipal  offices.  After 
attending  the  lyceum  and  academy  of  his 
native  place,  he  studied  philology  at  Leipzig 
in  1866,  and  at  Berlin  from  1867  to  1869. 
He  took  the  degree  of  Ph.D.  at  the  university 
of  Gottingen  in  July  1869,  when  his  dis- 
sertation on  the  troubadour;  Guillem  de 
Cabestanh,  attracted  favourable  notice.  It 
was  subsequently  published  at  Berlin  (1869). 
While  at  Berlin  he  found  time  to  devote 
much  attention  to  music,  for  which  he  had 
a  natural  predilection,  and  joined  the  then 
very  limited  number  of  ardent  admirers  of 
Wagner.  In  1869  he  came  to  London,  and 
soon  engaged  in  literary  work.  His  first 
essays  appeared  in  the  l  North  British  Re- 
view/ the  'Fortnightly  Review,'  and  the 
*  Academy.'  He  became  assistant  editor  of 
the  last  about  1871,  and  in  that  year  his 
appreciative  critique  in  the  l  Academy '  of 
Swinburne's  'Songs  before  Sunrise '  attracted 
much  attention.  In  1874  the  publication  of 
his  remarkable  book,  '  Richard  Wagner  and 
the  Music  of  the  Future '  (reprinted  from 
the  '  Fortnightly  Review '),  placed  him  in  a 
foremost  place  among  musicians  of  advanced 
views.  Some  five  years  later  he  succeeded 
Mr.  0.  J.  F.  Crawfurd  as  editor  of  the  'New 
Quarterly  Magazine,'  to  which  he  had  been 
a  frequent  contributor.  About  the  same  time 
his  connection  with  the  'Times'  began,  and 
in  the  autumn  of  1879  he  succeeded  J.  W. 
Davison  [q.  v.]  as  musical  critic  to  that 
journal.  In  1 878  appeared  his  learned  treatise 
on  Provensal  literature,  entitled  '  The  Trou- 
badours ;  a  History  of  Prove^al  Life  and 
Literature  in  the  Middle  Ages,'  which  led  to 
his  election  to  the  -'Felibrige'  society,  and 




he  delivered  lectures  on  the  same  subject  at 
the  Royal  Institution  in  1880.  He  was  na- 
turalised in  January  1882  (Parliamentary 

Hueffer  edited  a  series  of  biographies  of 
'  The  Great  Musicians/  writing  for  it  a  life  of 
Wagner,  which  formed  the  opening  volume 
(1881 ;  2nd  edit.  1883).  In  1883  he  wrote 
the  libretto  for  Dr.  Mackenzie's  '  Colomba ; ' 
in  1885  the  words  for  Mr.  F.  H.  Cowen's 
cantata,  'The  Sleeping  Beauty;'  the  libretto 
for  Dr.  Mackenzie's  'Troubadour'  in  1886; 
and  a  skilful  translation  of  Boito's  '  Otello ' 
(for  Verdi's  music)  in  1887.  He  was  also 
for  some  time  correspondent  of  the  French 
musical  paper,  *  Le  Menestrel,'  and  wrote 
various  articles  in  Grove's  'Dictionary,'  Men- 
del's '  Musik-Conversations-Lexicon,'  and  the 
earlier  part  of  the  '  Encyclopaedia  Britan- 
nica'  (9th  edit.)  In  1883  he  edited  a  short- 
lived magazine  called '  The  Musical  Review,' 
and  in  1886  '  The  Musical  World.'  He  died 
after  a  short  illness  on  19  Jan.  1889,  and  was 
buried  on  the  24th  at  the  St.Pancras  cemetery, 
East  Finchley.  He  married  in  1872  Cathe- 
rine, younger  daughter  of  Ford  Madox  Brown, 
the  painter. 

Besides  the  works  mentioned  above  he  pub- 
lished :  1.  '  Musical  Studies,'  collected  essays 
from  the  'Times'  and  elsewhere,  1880;  an 
Italian  translation  appeared  at  Milan  in  1883. 
2.  'Italian  and  other  Studies,' 1883.  3.  'Half 
a  Century  of  English  Music,'  1889  (published 
posthumously).  He  also  wrote  critical  me- 
moirs for  the  Tauchnitz  editions  of  Rossetti's 
*  Poems,'  1873,  and  his  l  Ballads  and  Sonnets,' 
1882;  edited  '  The  Dwale  Bluth'  and  other 
literary  remains  of  Oliver  Madox-Brown, 
with  memoir  (in  collaboration  with  W.  M. 
Rossetti),  1876;  and  translated  Guhl  and 
Koner's  '  Life  of  the  Greeks  and  Romans,' 
1875,  and  '  The  Correspondence  of  Wagner 
and  Liszt,'  1888. 

Like  Wagner,  he  was  an  ardent  disciple  of 
Schopenhauer,  and  his  purely  literary  works 
show  a  good  deal  of  the  philosophical  spirit. 
As  a  musical  critic,  although  he  wrote  in  a 
language  not  his  own,  and  on  a  subject  for 
which  he  had  no  exceptional  natural  qualifi- 
cations, he  yet  filled  a  post  of  great  responsi- 
bility with  success,  if  not  with  distinction, 
and  he  exerted  an  elevating  influence  on  the 
art  of  his  time. 

[Grove's  Diet,  of  Music  and  Musicinns,  iv. 
680,  819  ;  Times,  21  and  25  Jan.  1889  ;  informa- 
tion from  W.  M.  Kossetti,  esq.,  Mrs.  Hueffer,  and 
Professor  Hermann  Hiiffer  of  Bonn;  personal 
knowledge.]  J.  A.  F.  M. 

HUES,  ROBERT  (1553  P-1632),  mathe- 
matician and  geographer,  born  at  Little  Here- 
ford about  1553,  entered  Brasenose  College, 

Oxford,  as  a  servitor  in  1571,  or  perhaps 
later.  He  subsequently  removed  to  Magdalen 
Hall,  from  which  he  graduated  B. A.  as  'Ro- 
bert Hughes '  on  12  July  1578  (Reg.  of  Univ. 
of  Oxf.j  Oxf.  Hist.  Soc.,  vol.  ii.  pt.  iii.  p. 
76).  His  skill  as  a  scientific  geographer  com- 
mended him  to  the  notice  of  Thomas  Caven- 
dish [q.  v.],  the  voyager,  with  whom  he  sailed 
at  least  once  round  the  world.  His  society 
was  sought,  too,  by  Thomas,  lord  Grey  of 
Wilton,  whom  he  frequently  visited  when 
confined  in  the  Tower.  After  Lord  Grey's 
death,  on  6  July  1614,  Hues  was  patronised 
by  Henry,  earl  of  Northumberland,  and  be- 
came tutor  to  his  son  Algernon  when  the 
latter  was  at  Christ  Church.  The  earl  allowed 
him  an  annuity.  Hues  is  mentioned  by 
Thomas  Chapman  [q.  v.]  in  the  preface  to  his 
'  Homer,'  1611,  as  one  of  the  learned  and 
valued  friends  to  whose  advice  he  was  in- 
debted. He  died  unmarried  at  Kidling- 
ton,  Oxfordshire,  on  24  May  1632,  aged  79, 
and  was  buried  in  the  divinity  chapel  at 
Christ  Church  (epitaph  in  WOOD,  Colleges 
and  Halls,  ed.  Gutch,p.  503).  He  is  author 
of  'Tractatus  de  Globis  et  eorum  Usu,  ac- 
commodatus  iis  qui  Londini  editi  sunt  anno 
1593,  sumptibus  Gulielmi  Sandersoni  civis 
Londinensis/8vo,  London,  1594,  dedicated  to 
Sir  Walter  Raleigh.  Other  editions  were  pub- 
lished at  Amsterdam  in  1611  and  1624  (the 
latter  with  notes  and  illustrations  by  J.  I. 
Pontanus),  and  at  Heidelberg  in  1613.  An 
English  translation  by  J.  Chilmead  was  is- 
sued at  London  in  1638.  The  treatise  was 
written  for  the  special  purpose  of  being  used 
in  connection  with  a  set  of  globes  by  Emery 
Molyneux,  now  in  the  library  of  the  Middle 
Temple.  Chilmead's  English  version  was  re- 
issued in  1889  by  the  Hakluyt  Society,  under 
the  editorship  of  Clements  R.  Markham. 
Wood  mentions  as  another  work  of  Hues  a 
treatise  entitled  '  Breviarium  totius  Orbis,' 
which  he  says  was  several  times  printed; 
this  is  most  probably  identical  with  the 
'  Breviarium  Orbis  Terrarum,'  stated  by 
Watt  to  have  been  printed  at  Oxford  in  1651 
(Bibl.  Brit.  i.  523). 

[Wood's  Athense  Oxon.  ed.  Bliss,  ii.  534-5  ; 
Warton's  Hist  of  Engl.  Poetry,  ed.  Hazlitt,  iv. 
317;  Will  registered  in  P.  C.  C.  30,  Eussell.] 

G.  G. 

HUET  or  HUETT,  THOMAS  (d.  1591), 
Welsh  biblical  scholar,  was  a  native  of  Wales, 
and  in  1544  a  member  of  Corpus  Christi  Col- 
lege, Cambridge  (B.A.  1562).  He  became 
master  of  the  college  of  the  Holy  Trinity  at 
Pontefract,  and  when  it  was  dissolved  received 
a  pension,  which  he  was  in  receipt  of  in  1555. 
On  20  Nov.  1560  the  queen  gave  him  the 




living  of  Trefeglwys  in  Montgomeryshire. 
From  1562  to  1588  he  was  precentor  of  St. 
David's  Cathedral.  Huet  was  a  strong  pro- 
testant.  He  signed  the  Thirty-nine  Articles 
in  the  convocation  of  1562-3,  and  in  1571 
dismissed  the  cathedral  sexton  at  St.  David's 
for  concealing  popish  mass-books.  These 
books  he  publicly  burned.  Richard  Davies 
[q.  v.],  bishop  of  St.  David's,  recommended 
him  in  1565  for  the  bishopric  of  Bangor,  but 
he  failed  to  secure  it,  though  supported  at 
first  by  Parker.  However,  he  received  the  rec- 
tories of  Cefnllys  and  Disserth  in  Radnor- 
shire, and  as  Parker  calls  him  Doctor  Huett, 
he  probably  at  some  time  proceeded  to  the 
degree  of  D.D.  Huet  died  on  19  Aug. 
1591,  and  was  buried  in  Llanavan  Church, 
Brecknockshire.  He  was  married.  His 
daughter  was  wife  of  James  Vychan,  a  gen- 
tleman of  Pembrokeshire. 

Huet  co-operated  with  Davies  and  W. 
Salesbury  in  the  translation  of  the  New  Testa- 
ment into  Welsh,  he  undertaking  the  book 
of  Revelation.  The  first  edition  was  pub- 
lished in  1567,  London,  fol. 

[Cooper's  Athense  Cantabr.  ii.  101 ;  Williams's 
Eminent  Welshmen,  p.  224  ;   Brit.  Mus.  MSS.  I 
Lansd.  viii.   75,    76;    Dwnn's  Herald.   Vis.  of 
Wales,  i.  182, 193  ;  Brit.  Mus.  Cat.  Early  Printed 
Books.]  W.  A.  J.  A. 

1778),  painter,  was  born  of  English  parents 
at  Florence  in  1703.  He  studied  painting 
under  Anton  Domenico  Gabbiani,  and  even- 
tually became  a  painter  of  some  repute  in 
Florence,  though  his  paintings  had  no  real 
merit.  He  painted  a  '  St.  Raphael '  as  an 
altarpiece  for  the  church  of  S.  Felicita  in 
Florence,  various  small  pictures  for  the  grand 
duke,  and  some  for  the  monastery  of  Vallom- 
brosa  at  Forli.  Hugford  has  better  claim  to 
repute  as  an  art  critic  and  expert,  and  as  a 
teacher  in  the  academy  of  St.  Luke  at 
Florence.  Among  his  pupils  was  F.  Barto- 
lozzi,  R.A.  [q.  v.]  Hugford  published  in 
1762  '  Raccolta  di  cento  Pensieri  diversi  di 
Anton  Domenico  Gabbiani,  Pittor  Fioren- 
tino,'  which  contains  one  etching  by  Hug- 
ford  himself.  He  died  at  Florence  in  1778, 
aged  75. 

1771),  elder  brother  of  the  above,  also  studied 
painting,  but  eventually  became  a  monk  at 
Vallombrosa.  Father  Hugford  is  well  known 
as  one  of  the  chief  promoters  of  the  art  of 
scagliola,  which  he  learnt  from  a  monk  of 
the  abbey  of  S.  Reparata  di  Marradi.  He 
brought  this  art  to  the  highest  pitch  of  ex- 
cellence which  it  attained.  His  best  pupil 
was  Lamberto  Gori,  who  learnt  drawing 

from  Ignazio  Hugford.  Father  Hugford  died 
in  1771. 

[Eosini's  Storia  della  Pittura;  Pilkington's 
Diet,  of  Painters;  Zani's  Enciclopedia ;  Tuer's 
Bartolozzi  and  his  Works.]  L.  C. 


(Jl.  1557),  poet  and  opponent  of  the  Reforma- 
tion, is  stated  to  have  been  a  shoemaker  or 
hosier  in  London,  and  the  first  writer  for  the 
catholic  cause  who  had  not  received  a  monas- 
tical  or  academical  education.  He  dwelt 
in  Pudding  Lane,  a  circumstance  which  oc- 
casioned Thomas  Haukes,  a  gentleman  of 
Kent,  to  tell  him  in  a  disputation  at  Bishop 
Bonner's  house,  '  Ye  can  better  skille  to  eate 
a  pudding  and  make  a  hose  then  in  scripture 
eyther  to  aunswere  or  oppose '  (FoxE,  Acts 
and  Mon.,  ed.  Townsend,  vii.  Ill,  759). 
Bishop  Bale  calls  him  '  insanus  Porcarius  r 
and  '  Milo  Porcarius,  vel  Hoggardus,  servo- 
rum  Dei  malignus  proditor/  and  ridicules 
him  for  endeavouring  to  prove  the  necessity 
of  fasting  from  Virgil's  '  ^Eneid'  and  Cicero's 
1  Tusculan  Questions.'  Strype  also  speaks  of 
him  disparagingly,  remarking  that '  he  set  him 
self  to  oppose  and  abuse  the  gospellers,  being 
set  on  and  encouraged  by  priests  and  mass- 
mongers,  with  whom  he  much  consorted,  and 
was  sometimes  with  them  at  Bishop  Bonner's 
house.'  It  is  plain,  however,  that  Huggarde 
was  noticed  by  leading  men  on  the  protes- 
tant  side,  and  that  he  was  one  of  the  most 
indefatigable  opponents  of  the  Reformation. 
The  writers  against  him  included  Laurence 
Humphrey,  Robert  Crowley,  William  Keth, 
and  John  Plough.  He  was  living  in  the  last 
year  of  Mary's  reign,  and  in  the  title-pages 
of  several  of  his  works  he  describes  himself 
as  '  servant  to  the  Queene's  most  excellent 
Males  tie.' 

His  works  are :  1.  '  The  Abuse  of  the 
Blessed  Sacrament  of  the  Aultare,'  a  poem, 
published  towards  the  close  of  the  reign  of 
Henry  VIII.  Robert  Crowley  [q.  v.]  wrote  a 
'  Confutation,'  London,  1548, 8vo,  with  which 
the  whole  of  Huggarde's  poem  was  reprinted. 
2. '  The  Assault  of  the  Sacrament  of  the  Altar ; 
containyng  as  well  six  severall  Assaults,  made 
from  tyme  to  tyme,  against  the  said  blessed 
Sacrament :  as  also  the  names  and  opinions 
of  all  the  hereticall  Captains  of  the  same 
Assaults.  Written  in  ...  1549,  by  Myles 
Huggarde,  and  dedicated  to  the  Quenes 
most  excellent  Maiestie,  being  then  Ladie 
Marie  ;  in  whiche  tyme  (heresie  then  reign- 
ing) it  could  take  no  place,'  London,  1554, 
4to ;  in  verse.  3.  '  A  new  treatyse  in  maner 
of  a  Dialoge,  which  sheweth  the  excellency 
of  manes  nature,  in  that  he  is  made  to  the 
image  of  God,'  London,  1550,  4to,  black  let- 




ter,  in  verse.  4.  '  Treatise  of  three  Wed- 
dings,' 1550,  4to.  5.  'A  treatise  entitled 
the  Path  waye  to  the  towre  of  perfection,' 
London  (R.  Caley),  1554, 4to;  London,  1556, 
4to  ;  in  verse.  An  analysis  of  this  work  is 
given  in  Brydges  and  Ilaslewood's  '  British 
Bibliographer/  iv.  67.  6.  '  A  Mirrour  of 
Loue,  which  such  Light  doth  giue,  That  all 
men  may  learn,  how  to  lone  and  line,'  Lon- 
don [1555],  4to,  in  verse;  dedicated  to  Queen 
Mary.  7.  'The  Displaying  of  the  Protes- 
tants, and  sondry  their  Practises,  with  a 
Description  of  divers  their  abuses  of  late  fre- 
quented within  their  malignaunte  churche. 
Perused  and  set  forte  with  thassent  of  au- 
thoritie,  according  to  the  order  in  that  be- 
half appointed '  (anon.),  London,  1556,  8vo, 
black  letter.  In  reply  to  this  work  John 
Plough  published  at  Basel '  An  Apology  for 
the  Protestants.'  Dr.  Laurence  Humphrey, 
William  Heth,  and  others  joined  in  the  at- 
tack upon  Huggarde.  8.  'A  Short  Treatise 
in  Meter  upon  the  cxxix  Psalme  of  Dauid, 
called  De  Profundis,'  London,  1556,  4to. 
9.  '  New  ABC,  paraphrastically  applied  as 
the  State  of  the  World  doth  at  this  day  re- 
quire/ London,  1557, 4to.  10.  'A  Myrrovre 
of  myserie,  newly  compiled  and  sett  forthe 
by  Myles  Huggarde  seruaunt  to  ye  quenes 
moste  excellente  maiestie/  1557,  4to,  manu- 
script in  the  Huth  Library.  It  is  a  poem  in 
seven-line  stanzas,  not  known  to  have  ap- 
peared in  print.  It  is  dedicated  in  verse  to 
the  queen,  and  is  most  beautifully  written  on 
vellum,  having  the  royal  arms  in  the  lower 
centre,  and  a  curious  drawing  before  the  poem 
itself.  Following  the  dedication  is  a  prologue 
in  twelve  stanzas  of  four  lines  each.  11.  Songs 
and  religious  poems,  in  Brit.  Mus.  Addit. 
MS.  15233.  12.  A  poem,  containing  113 
seven-line  stanzas,  of  controversy  against  the 
reformers,  in  Harleian  MS.  3444,  which  once 
belonged  to  Queen  Mary. 

[Addit.  MS.  24489,  p.  566 ;  Ames's  Typogr. 
Antiq.  (Herbert),  pp.  377,  618,  829,  831,  1568, 
1582,  1589;  Bale's  De  Scriptoribus,  i.  728,  ii. 
Ill  ;  Dodd's  Church  Hist.  i.  206 ;  Grillow's  Diet, 
of  English  Catholics,  iii.  323 ;  The  Huth  Library, 
ii.  745;  Maitland's  Keformation  Essays,  pp.  303, 
417,  510,  520  n.\  Notes  and  Queries,  4th  ser.  vi. 
94  ;  Pits,  De  Anglise  Scriptoribus,  p.  752  ;  Kit- 
son's  Bibl.  Poetica,  p.  245  ;  Strype's  Memorials, 
iii.  206  fol. ;  Tanner's  Bibl.  Brit.  p.  406 ;  War- 
ton's  Hist,  of  English  Poetry,  1840,  iii.  172,  264; 
Wood's  Athense  Oxon.  (Bliss),  i.  301.]  T.  C. 

HUGGINS,  JOHN  (fl.  1729),  warden  of 
the  Fleet.  [See  under  BAMBEIDGE,  THOMAS.] 

HUGGINS,  SAMUEL  (1811-1885),  ar- 
chitect, was  born  in  1811  at  Deal  in  Kent, 
but,  brought  to  Liverpool  in  infancy,  he  re- 

sided there  most  of  his  life.  William  Hug- 
gins  (1820-1884)  [q.  v.]  was  his  brother.  In 
1846  he  began  regular  practice  as  an  architect. 
He  was  a  voluminous  writer  on  subjects  con- 
nected with  his  profession,  particularly  in 
defence  of  the  classic  style.  He  became  a 
member  of  the  Liverpool  Architectural  So- 
ciety in  1849,  and  was  president  from  1856 
to  1858.  He  resided  in  Chester  with  his 
brother  William  from  1861  to  1865,  and  in- 
terested himself  in  the  preservation  of  the 
city's  ancient  buildings.  In  1868  he  read 
before  the  Liverpool  Architectural  Society  a 
paper  opposing  the  proposed  restoration  of 
Chester  Cathedral,  and  in  1871  another  paper 
'  On  so-called  Restorations  of  our  Cathedral 
and  Abbey  Churches.'  The  latter  aroused  a 
strong  feeling  on  the  subject  of  restorations, 
and  led,  after  much  discussion  in  the  press, 
to  the  formation  of  the  Society  for  the  Pro- 

'  tection  of  Ancient  Buildings.  Huggins  pub- 
lished in  1863  <  Chart  of  the  History  of 
Architecture.  .  .  .'  A  reduced  engraving  of 

!  this  chart  appeared  in  the  '  Building  News/ 

!  31  Oct.  1863.  He  compiled  the  catalogue  of 
the  Liverpool  Free  Public  Library,  1872.  He 

|  died  at  Christleton,  Chester,  10  Jan.  1885. 

'  His  portrait  was  painted  by  his  brother  Wil- 

[The  Biograph,  1879,  i.  406;  Liverpool  news- 
papers.] A.  N. 

HUGGINS,  WILLIAM  (1696-1761), 
translator  of  Ariosto,  son  of  John  Huggins, 
warden  of  the  Fleet  prison,  was  born  in 
1696,  matriculated  at  Magdalen  College,  Ox- 
ford, 16  Aug.  1712,  proceeded  B.A.  1716, 
M.A.  1719,  and  became  fellow  of  his  college 
1722.  Abandoning  an  intention  of  taking 
holy  orders,  he  was,  on  27  Oct.  1721,  ap- 
pointed wardrobe-keeper  and  keeper  of  the 
private  lodgings  at  Hampton  Court.  He  sub- 
sequently resided  at  Headly  Park,  Hamp- 
shire. He  died  2  July  1761. 

Huggins  published:  1.  'Judith,  an  Oratorio 
or  Sacred  Drama;  the  Music  composed  by 
Mr.  William  Fesche,  late  Chapel  Master  of 
the  Cathedral  Church  at  Antwerp/  London, 
1733,  8vo.  2.  Translation  of  sonnets  from 
the  Italian  of  Giovanni  Battista  Felice  Zappa, 
1755,  4to.  3.  'The  Observer  Observ'd;  or 
Remarks  on  a  certain  curious  Tract  intitled 
"  Observations  on  the  Faiere  [sic]  Queene  of 
Spencer,"  by  Thomas  Warton/  London,  1756, 
8vo.  4.  'Orlando  Furioso  .  .  .  translated 
from  the  Italian/  2  vols.,  London,  1757,  4to. 
This  has  an  elaborate  preface  and  annota- 
tions. At  his  death  he  left  in  manuscript  a 
tragedy,  a  farce,  and  a  translation  of  Dante, 
of  which  the  '  British  Magazine/  1760,  pub- 
lished a  specimen.  His  portrait  was  both 




painted  and  engraved  by  Hogarth,  and  was 
to  have  been  prefixed  to  the  translation  of 

(1841),  and  another   of  his   elder  brother, 
Samuel  Huggins. 

[Liverpool  Mercury,  28  Feb.  1884  ;  exhibition 
[Bloxam's  Reg.  of  Magd.  Coll.  vi.  185 ;  Baker's  j  catalogues  ;  private  information.]  A.  N. 

:ir»rr      T)r!>fl.  •    Nir>Vmls'«    Tllnstvp     nf   T.if-     iii     \ 

Biog.  Dramatica ;  Nichols's  Illustr.  of  Lit.  .... 
601;  Nichols's  Lit.  Anecd.  iii.  686;  Boswell's 
Life  of  Johnson,  iv.  12.]  K.  B. 

HUGGINS,    WILLIAM    (1820-1884), 
animal-painter,  was   born   in  Liverpool  in 
1820.     Samuel  Huggins  [q.  v.]  was  an  elder 
brother.    William  received  his  first  instruc-  j 
tion  in  drawing  at  the  Mechanics'  Institution,  ; 
afterwards  the  Liverpool  Institute,  and  now 
the  government  school  of  art,  where  at  the 
age  of  fifteen  he  gained  a  prize  for  a  design, 

*  Adam's  Vision  of  the  Death  of  Abel.'     He 
also  made  many  studies  from  the  animals  at  i 
the  Liverpool  zoological  gardens,  and  was  a  j 
student  at  the  life  class  of  the  old  Liverpool 
academy,  of  which  he  became  a  full  member. 
One  of  the  best-known  of  his  early  works 
was  '  Fight  between  the  Eagle  and  the  Ser-  j 
pent,'  to  illustrate  a  passage  from  Shelley's  i 

*  Revolt  of  Islam.'     The  reclining  figure  in  j 
the  composition  is  his  wife.     Disappointed  j 
at  the  reception  of  his  animal  pictures,  he 
painted   about  1845  several   subjects  from 
Milton,  '  Una  and  the  Lion  '  from  Spenser's 

'  Faerie  Queene,'  '  Enchantress  and  Nourma- 
hal'  from  Moore's '  Lalla  Rookh,'  &c.  In  1861 
Huggins  removed  to  Chester,  and  during  his 
residence  there  painted  many  views  of  the 
cathedral  and  the  city,  the  '  Stones  of  Ches- 
ter, or  Ruins  of  St.  John's,'  *  Salmon  Trap  on 
fche  Dee,'  &c.     He  left  Chester  in  1876  for  I 
Bettws-y-Coed,  North  Wales,  with  the  pur-  I 
pose  of  studying  landscape ;  one  of  the  results  \ 
was  '  The  Fairy  Glen,'  exhibited  at  the  Liver- 
pool Exhibition,  1877,  but  he  again  returned 
to  Chester,  and  died  at  Christleton,  near  that 
city,  25  Feb.  1884. 

Huggins  was  a  constant  exhibitor  at  the 
Royal  Academy  from  1846  till  within  a  few 
years  of  his  death,  and  at  the  exhibitions  at 
Liverpool,  Manchester,  Dublin,  Edinburgh, 
and  Glasgow.  His  horses,  cattle,  and  poultry 
pictures  were  his  best  and  most  characteristic 
work,  good  in  drawing,  and  remarkable  for 
brilliance  of  colour ;  '  Tried  Friends,'  pur- 
chased by  the  Liverpool  corporation,  well 
illustrates  these  qualities.  Few  artists  have 
been  more  versatile ;  he  not  only  drew  por- 
traits in  chalk  of  many  of  his  friends,  but 
painted  some  large  equestrian  portraits  in  oil. 
An  excellent  example  is  the  portrait  of  Mr.  T. 
Gorton,  master  of  the  Holcombe  hunt,  with 
a  leash  of  hounds.  He  was  an  accomplished 
musician,  and  had  an  exceptional  knowledge 
of  other  branches  of  art,  such  as  ceramics  and 
glass.  Among  his  portraits  is  one  of  himself 

1845),  marine -painter,  born  in  1781,  began 
life  as  a  sailor  in  the  service  of  the  East  India 
Company.  During  his  voyages  he  made  many 
drawings  of  ships  and  landscapes  in  China 
and  elsewhere.  He  eventually  settled  in 
Leadenhall  Street,  near  the  East  India  House, 
and  practised  his  art  as  a  profession,  being 
specially  employed  to  make  drawings  of  ships 
in  the  company's  service.  In  1817  he  exhi- 
bited a  picture  in  the  Royal  Academy,  and 
continued  to  exhibit  occasionally  up  to  his 
death.  From  his  nautical  knowledge  his  pic- 
tures had  some  repute  as  portraits  of  ships, 
but  were  weak  in  colouring  and  general  com- 
position. Some  of  them  were  engraved.  Hug- 
gins  was  marine-painter  to  George  IV  and  to 
William  IV :  for  the  latter  he  painted  three 
large  pictures  of  the  battle  of  Trafalgar,  two 
of  which  are  at  Hampton  Court  and  one  in 
St.  James's  Palace.  He  died  in  Leadenhall 
Street  on  19  May  1845. 

[Gent.  Mag.  new  ser.  1815,  xxiv.  93;  Ked- 
grave's  Diet,  of  Artists ;  Royal  Acad.  Catalogues.] 

L.  C. 

HUGH  (d.  1094),  called  or  GKANTMES- 
NIL,  or  GKENTEMAISNIL,  baron  and  sheriff  of 
Leicestershire,  son  of  Robert  of  Grantmesnil, 
in  the  arrondissement  .of  Lisieux,  by  Advice 
(Had wisa), daughter  of  Geroy,  lord  of  Escalfoy 
and  of  Montreuil  near  the  Dive,  was  probably 
born  not  later  than  1014.  He  served  Duke  Ro- 
bert the  Magnificent,  who  resigned  the  duchy 
in  1035.  His  father  at  his  death  left  his  land's 
in  equal  shares  to  Hugh  and  his  younger 
brother  Robert.  On  receiving  their  inherit- 
ance they  determined  to  build  a  monastery, 
and  fixed  on  a  spot  near  their  own  home. 
Their  uncle,  William  FitzGeroy,  pointed  out 
that  the  site  was  unsuitable,  and  persuaded 
them  to  restore  the  abbey  of  St.  Evroul, 
which  they  obtained  by  exchange  from  the 
abbot  and  convent  of  Bee,  for  it  was  then 
a  cell  of  that  house.  They  undertook  their 
work  in  1050,  endowed  their  house,  and 
peopled  it  with  monks  from  Jumieges.  Ro- 
bert became  a  member  of  the  convent,  was 
appointed  prior  and  afterwards  in  1059  abbot, 
was  expelled  by  Duke  William  in  1063,  betook 
himself  to  Italy,  where  he  was  welcomed  by 
Robert  Guiscard,  and  was  given  an  abbey  to 
rule  over,  and  two  others  over  which  he 
placed  two  of  his  followers  (OEDEKIC,  pp.  474, 
481  -4).  Hugh  was  also  banished  along  with 
some  other  lords  in  consequence  of  accusa- 




tions  brought  by  Koger  of  Montgomery  and 
his  wife  Mabel.  He  was  recalled,  was  one 
of  the  inner  council  consulted  by  the  duke  as 
to  an  invasion  of  England,  and  took  part  in 
the  battle  of  Hastings  (ib.  p.  501).  When  the 
Conqueror  visited  Normandy  in  1067,  Hugh 
was  left  in  command  of  Hampshire.  He  was 
appointed  sheriff  of  Leicestershire,  and  re- 
ceived many  grants  of  lands,  chiefly  in  Lei- 
cestershire, where  he  held  sixty-seven  mano  rs, 
and  in  Nottinghamshire,  where  he  held 
twenty.  His  wife,  Adelaide,  daughter  of  Ivo 
of  Beaumont,  was  very  handsome,  and  he 
returned  to  Normandy  in  1068,  in  order,  it 
is  said,  to  prevent  her  getting  into  mischief 
(ib.  p.  512).  Two  of  his  sons,  Ivo  and  Alberic, 
were  concerned  in  the  rebellion  of  Robert  in 
1077  [see  under  HENRY  I],  and  in  conjunc- 
tion with  other  Norman  lords  he  prevailed 
on  the  Conqueror  to  forgive  Robert.  He 
joined  in  the  rebellion  against  Rufus  in  1088, 
and  committed  ravages  in  Leicestershire  and 
Northamptonshire.  In  January  1091  he 
helped  Richard  of  Courcy,  whose  son  Robert 
had  married  his  daughter  Rohesia,  against 
Robert  of  Belleme  [q.  v.],  and  Robert's  lord 
and  ally,  Duke  Robert,  who  was  besieging 
Courcy,  and  though  then  too  old  to  wear  har- 
ness gave  his  friends  much  useful  advice. 
His  son  Ivo  was  taken  and  imprisoned  by  the 
duke,  to  whom  Hugh  sent  an  indignant  re- 
monstrance, reminding  him  how  faithfully  he 
had  served  him,  his  father,  and  his  grand- 
father, and  requesting  to  be  allowed  to  deal 
with  Robert  of  Belleme  without  interference. 
As  far  as  Hugh  was  concerned  the  arrival 
of  Rufus  in  Normandy  must  have  brought 
matters  to  a  satisfactory  conclusion.  He  was 
in  England,  when  in  1094,  worn  out  by  old 
age,  he  felt  death  near,  and  accordingly  as- 
sumed the  monastic  habit  which  had  been 
sent  some  time  before  from  Evroul  for  that 
purpose.  He  died  on  the  sixth  day  after  so 
doing,  22  Feb.  His  body  was  salted,  care- 
fully sewed  up  in  an  ox-skin,  and  conveyed  to 
St.  Evroul,  where  it  was  honourably  buried. 
Orderic,  a  monk  of  the  house,  wrote  and  re- 
corded his  epitaph  (ib.  p.  716).  By  his  wife 
Adelaide  he  had  five  sons  and  five  daughters 
who  grew  up,  and  apparently  a  son  and  daugh- 
ter who  died  in  infancy  (comp.  ib.  pp.  622, 
717).  Of  his  sons  his  eldest,  Robert,  who  in- 
herited his  Norman  estates,  alone  was  long- 
lived;  he  married  thrice,  and  died  in  1122 
without  leaving  children.  His  second  son, 
William,  married  Mabel,  daughter  of  Robert 
Guiscard,  and  his  third,  Ivo,  who  inherited 
his  sheriffdom  and  his  English  estates,  a 
daughter  of  Gilbert  of  Ghent  (de  Gand),  lord 
of  Folkinghani  and  other  lands  in  Lincoln- 
shire. Three  of  Hugh's  sons,  William,  Ivo, 

and  Alberic,  went  on  the  first  crusade,  and 
were  among  the  ( rope-dancers '  of  Antioch 
(WILLIAM  OF  TYRE,  vi.  4,  ap.  Gesta  Dei 
per  Francos,  p.  715. ;  ORDERIC,  p.  805 ;  for 
explanation  of  the  term  see  GIBBON,  v.  220). 
Four  of  Hugh's  daughters  were  married 
(ORDERIC,  p.  692). 

Ivo  in  1101,  after  his  return  to  England, 
levied  private  war  on  his  neighbours,  was 
tried,  and  made  an  arrangement  with  Robert 
of  Meulan,  by  which  he  secured  Robert's 
good  offices  with  the  king,  but  was  forced  to 
agree  to  a  marriage  between  his  young  son 
Ivo  and  Robert's  niece.  He  died  on  his  pil- 

[As  a  monk  of  St.  Evroul,  Orderic  naturally 
gives  many  particulars  about  Hugh  and  his  house, 
and  was  of  course  well  informed ;  references  to 
Duchesne's  Hist.  Norm.  SS. ;  Will,  of  Jumieges, 
vii.  4,  29*  (Duchesne) ;  Anglo-Saxon  Chron.  an. 
1088  (Eolls  Ser.) ;  Will,  of  Malmesbury,  iv.  488 
(Engl.  Hist.  Soc.);  Will,  of  Tyre,  Gesta  Dei  per 
Francos,  p.  715  ;  Ellis's  Introd.  to  Domesday,  i. 
429  ;  Freeman's  Norman  Conq.  ii.  233,  iii.  183, 
187,  iv.  passim,  and  William  Rufus,  i.  passim; 
Gibbon's  Decline  and  Fall,  v.  220,  ed.  Smith, 
1862.]  W.  H. 

HUGH  (d.  1098),  called  OF  MONTGOMERY, 
cond son  of  Roger  of  Montgomery  [q.  v.],  by 
Mabel,  daughter  of  William  Talvas,  lord  of 
Belleme,  and  younger  brother  of  Robert  of 
Belleme  [q.  v.],  held  during  his  father's  life- 
time the  manor  of  Worfield  in  Shropshire, 
and  was  distinguished  as  a  leader  against  the 
Welsh,  laying  waste  Ceredigion  (Cardigan- 
shire), and  even  Dyfed  (Pembrokeshire),  in 
1071  and  the  following  years.  Being  at  Bures 
in  Normandy  when  his  mother  was  murdered 
there  in  the  winter  of  1082,  he  pursued  her 
murderers  with  sixteen  knights,  but  was  un- 
able to  overtake  them.  In  conjunction  with 
his  brothers  Robert  and  Roger  of  Poitou,  he 
joined  the  rebellion  against  Rufus  in  1088, 
and  helped  to  hold  Rochester  Castle  against 
the  king.  He  succeeded  his  father  in  Eng- 
land in  1094,  becoming  Earl  of  Shrewsbury 
and  Arundel  (for  the  Arundel  title  see  under 
ROGER  OF  MONTGOMERY  and  Second  Peerage 
Report,  pp.  406-26).  He  was  suspected  of 
being  concerned  in  plots  against  Rufus  in 
1095,  and  after  the  king's  triumph  privately 
purchased  his  favour  with  a  present  of  3,000/. 
Constantly  engaged  in  war  with  the  Welsh, 
he  was  probably  specially  concerned  in  the 
invasion  and  occupation  of  Ceredigion  and 
Dyfed  in  1 093.  By  the  Welsh  he  was  called 
the  Red,  by  the  Scandinavians  apparently 
the  Brave  or  the  Proud.  In  1094  the  Welsh 
rose  against  him  and  the  other  Norman  lords, 
and  though  he  made  war  upon  them  in  North 




Wales,  and  put  several  bands  to  flight,  he 
was  not  able  to  repress  their  ravages ;  at 
Michaelmas  1095  they  took  Montgomery  and 
slew  all  his  men  that  were  in  the  castle. 
Early  in  1098  he  joined  forces  with  Hugh, 
earl  of  Chester  [q.  v.],  and  made  war  in 
Anglesey,  for  the  Welsh  had  made  an  alliance 
with  the  Northmen  of  Ireland.  The  earls 
treated  the  Welsh  with  great  cruelty  [see 
under  HUGH,  EAEL  OF  CHESTEE].  When  the 
fleet  of  the  Norwegian  king,  Magnus  Bare- 
foot, appeared,  the  two  earls  met  at  Dwy- 
ganwy  on  the  mainland,  Hugh  of  Shrews- 
bury being  first  on  the  spot  and  waiting  some 
days  for  his  ally.  They  crossed  over  into 
Anglesey,  and  when  the  fleet  drew  near  Hugh 
of  Shrewsbury  rode  along  the  shore,  spurring 
his  horse,  for  he  was  in  haste  to  marshal  his 
men  lest  the  Northmen  should  land  before 
they  were  drawn  up  in  battle  array.  As  he 
did  so  the  ships  came  within  bow-shot  of 
him,  and  Magnus  and  one  of  his  men  both 
shot  at  his  face,  for  the  rest  of  him  was 
covered  with  mail.  The  king's  arrow  pierced 
his  eye  and  killed  him.  His  body  was  buried 
in  the  cloister  of  Shrewsbury  Abbey,  which 
had  been  built  by  his  father  and  finished  by 
himself.  His  death  was  much  lamented.  He 
was  a  valiant  warrior,  and,  save  for  his  cruel- 
ties to  the  Welsh,  was  gentle  in  manner  and 
amiable  in  disposition.  He  does  not  appear 
to  have  been  married,  and  was  succeeded  by 
his  brother  Eobert  of  Belleme. 

[Orderic,  pp.  578,  581,  708  (Duchesne)  ;  Ann. 
Cambr.  p.  26  (EollsSer.);  Brut  y  Tywysogion, 
pp.  61,  63,  66  (Rolls  Ser.)  ;  Anglo-Saxon  Chron. 
ann.  1094, 1098  (Rolls  Ser.) ;  Florence,  an.  1098 
(Engl.  Hist.  Soc.) ;  Will,  of  Malmesbury's  Gesta 
Regum,  iv.306 ;  Towel's  Caradoc,  p.  155;  Laing's 
Heimskringla,  iv.  93,  ed.  Anderson ;  Griraldus 
Cambr.  Itin.  Kambr.  ii.  7,  Op.  vii.  128,  129 
(Rolls  Ser.) ;  Dugdale's  Baronage,  p.  26,  Monas- 
ticon,  iii.  520  ;  Freeman's  Norman  Conq.  v.  113  ; 
Freeman's  William  Rufus,  i.  57,  473,  ii.  62, 
129-47.]  W.  H. 

HUGH  (d.  1101),  called  OF  AVEANCHES, 
EAEL  OF  CHESTEE,  son  of  Richard,  called  Goz, 
viscount  of  Avranches,  is  said  to  have  been  a 
nephew  of  William  the  Conqueror,  his  mother, 
to  whom  the  name  of  Emma  is  given,  being 
a  daughter  of  Herleva  (OEMEEOD  ;  DOYLE)  ; 
but  for  this  there  seems  to  be  no  authority 
earlier  than  the  fourteenth  century.  His 
father,  Richard,  was  the  son  of  thurstan 
Goz,  lord  of  Hiesmes,  son  of  Ansfrid,  a  Dane. 
Thurstan  was  unfaithful  to  Duke  William  in 
1040,  and  helped  Henry,  king  of  France,  in 
his  invasion  of  Normandy.  His  son  Richard 
remained  loyal  and  made  his  father's  peace 
with  the  duke.  When  the  duke  was  about 
to  invade  England,  Hugh,  who  had  by  that 


time  succeeded  to  his  father's  viscounty,  was 
one  of  his  chief  councillors,  and  contributed 
sixty  ships  to  the  invading  fleet  (WILLIAM  OF 
POITIEES,  ap.  Gesta  Willelmi  I,  p.  121,  see 
also  p.  22).  He  was  richly  rewarded  with 
grants  of  English  land.  When  Gerbod,  earl 
of  Chester,  left  England  in  1071,  the  Con- 
queror bestowed  his  earldom  on  Hugh,  who 
was  invested  with  singular  power,  for  he  was 
overlord  of  all  the  land  in  his  earldom  save 
what  belonged  to  the  bishop,  he  had  a  court 
of  his  barons  or  greater  tenants  in  chief, 
offences  were  committed  against  his  peace 
not  against  the  king's,  and  writs  ran  in  his 
name.  These  characteristics  became  recog- 
nised as  constituting  apalatine  earldom.  The 
exceptional  power  which  he  held  was  designed 
to  strengthen  him  against  the  Welsh,  against 
whom  he  carried  on  frequent  and  sanguinary 
wars  in  conjunction  especially  with  Robert 
of  Rhuddlan  [q.  v.]  and  his  own  baronial 
tenant  Robert  of  Malpas  ;  he  fought  success- 
fully in  North  Wales,  invaded  Anglesey,  and 
built  the  castle  of  Aberlleiniog  on  the  eastern 
coast  of  the  island.  Besides  his  earldom  he 
held  lands  in  twenty  shires. 

Extravagant  without  being  liberal  he  loved 
show,  was  always  ready  for  war,  and  kept  an 
army  rather  than  a  household.  An  inordi- 
nate craving  for  sport  led  him  to  lay  waste 
his  own  lands  that  he  might  have  more  space 
for  hunting  and  hawking.  He  was  glutton- 
ous and  sensual,  became  so  unwieldy  that  he 
could  scarcely  walk,  and  was  generally  styled 
Hugh  the  Fat;  he  had  many  children  by 
different  mistresses.  His  wars  with  the  Welsh 
were  carried  on  with  a  savage  ferocity,  which 
makes  the  name  Wolf  (Lupus)  bestowed  on 
him  in  later  days  an  appropriate  designation. 

I  At  the  same  time  he  was  a  wise  counsellor,  a 

I  loyal  subject,  and  not  without  strong  religi- 
ous feelings ;  his  household  contained  several 
men  of  high  character,  his  chaplain  was  a 
learned  and  holy  man,  and  both  the  earl  and 
his  countess,  Ermentrude,  daughter  of  Hugh 
of  Claremont,  count  of  Beauvais,  were  friends 
and  admirers  of  Anselm  (OEDEEIC,  pp.  522, 
598;  EADMEE,  Historia  Novorum,  ii.  363). 

I  When  in  1082  Bishop  Odo  was  planning  an 
expedition  to  Italy,  Hugh  prepared  to  ac- 

I  company  him,  but  the  scheme  came  to  nothing. 
In  the  rebellion  of  1088  he  remained  faithful 
to  William  Rufus.  As  viscount  of  Avranches 
he  upheld  the  cause  of  his  count  Henry  [see 
HENEY  I],  though  when  both  Rufus  and  Duke 
Robert  marched  against  the  count  in  1091,  he 
surrendered  his  castle  to  them.  The  story  that 
it  was  by  his  advice  that  Henry  occupied  Mont 
St.  Michel  is  probably  without  foundation 
(WAGE,  1.14624;  FEEEMAN,  William  Rufus, 
ii.  530).  In  1092  he  designed  to  turn  out 




the  secular  canons  of  St.  Werburgh's,  Chester, 
arid  establish  in  their  place  a  body  of  monks 
from  the  abbey  of  Bee.  Accordingly  he  sent 
to  Anselm,  then  abbot  of  Bee,  who  spoke  of 
him  as  an  old  friend,  asking  him  to  come  and 
help  him,  and  his  request  was  supported  by 
other  nobles.  Anselm  refused  to  visit  Eng- 
land at  that  time  [see  under  ANSELM],  and 
the  earl  fell  sick,  and  sent  him  another  mes- 
sage urging  him  to  come  for  the  good  of  his 
soul.  After  a  third  message  Anselm  came, 
and  helped  the  earl,  who  was  then  recovered, 
in  his  work.  Hugh  rebuilt  the  church  in 
conjunction  with  his  countess,  endowed  the 
monastery,  and  made  Anselm's  chaplain  the 
first  abbot.  When  Henry's  fortunes  mended 
in  1094,  Hugh  was  again  one  of  his  chief  sup- 
porters, and  received  from  him  the  castle  of 
St.  James  on  the  Beuvron  in  the  south  of  the 
Avranchin,  of  which  he  had  previously  been 
constable,  as  his  father  had  been  before  him. 
On  31  Oct.  he  was  summoned  by  Rufus  to 
accompany  Henry  to  Eu,  where  the  king  then 
was  ;  they,  however,  sailed  to  England,  and 
remained  in  London  over  Christmas.  During 
his  absence  in  Normandy  the  Welsh  rebelled ; 
they  invaded  and  wasted  Cheshire,  took  the 
earl's  towns,  and  destroyed  his  castle  in  Angle- 
sey. During  the  wars  of  the  next  three  years 
North  Wales,  with  which  the  earl  must  have 
been  most  concerned,  remained  unsubdued. 
In  January  1096  he  was  at  the  king's  court 
at  Salisbury,  where  he  advised  that  William 
of  Eu,  who  had  been  defeated  in  judicial 
combat,  should  be  mutilated,  for  William  had 
married  the  earl's  sister  and  had  been  un- 
faithful to  her.  In  1098  he  joined  Hugh  of 
Montgomery  [q.  v.],  earl  of  Shrewsbury,  in  an 
invasion  of  Anglesey ;  they  bribed  the  Norse 
pirates  from  Ireland,  who  were  in  alliance 
with  the  Welsh,  to  help  them  to  enter  the 
island,  rebuilt  the  castle  of  Aberlleiniog, 
slaughtered  large  numbers,  and  mutilated 
their  captives.  An  old  priest  named  Cenred, 
who  had  given  counsel  to  the  Welsh,  was 
dragged  out  of  church,  and  after  he  had  suf- 
fered other  mutilations  his  tongue  was  cut 
out.  More  than  a  century  and  a  half  later 
it  was  commonly  believed  that  the  Earl  of 
Chester  (or  perhaps  his  fellow-earl)  kennelled 
his  hounds  for  a  night  in  the  church  of  St. 
Tyfrydog,  and  the  next  morning  found  them 
all  mad.  When  the  fleet  of  Magnus  Barefoot, 
king  of  Norway,  appeared  off  the  island,  the 
earls  led  a  large  force  to  prevent  the  North- 
men from  landing.  The  Earl  of  Shrewsbury 
was  slain,  and  Magnus  made  peace  with  the 
Earl  of  Chester,  declaring  that  he  meant  no 
harm  to  England,  and  had  come  to  take 
possession  of  the  islands  which  belonged  to 
him.  Hugh  completed  the  conquest  of  Angle- 

sey and  subdued  the  larger  part  of  North 
Wales.  He  was  in  Normandy  when  he  heard 
of  the  death  of  Rufus  in  1100 ;  he  crossed  at 
once  to  England  and  was  one  of  the  principal 
councillors  of  Henry.  The  next  year  he  fell 
sick,  assumed  the  Benedictine  habit  at  St. 
Werburgh's,  and  three  days  afterwards  died 
on  27  July.  His  body  was  first  buried  in  the 
cemetery  of  the  abbey,  and  was  afterwards 
removed  by  his  nephew  Ranulf,  earl  of  Ches- 
ter, called  le  Meschin  (d.  1129  ?),  into  the 
chapter-house.  The  report  that  his  remains 
were  discovered  in  1724  seems  doubtful  (Os,- 
MEEOD,  i.  218). 

By  his  wife  Ermentrude  he  had  one  son, 
Richard,  who  succeeded  him,  receiving  in- 
vestiture of  the  earldom  about  1107.  Richard, 
who  was  handsome,  loyal,  and  amiable,  mar- 
ried Matilda,  daughter  of  Stephen,  count  of 
Blois,  by  Adela,  daughter  of  the  Conqueror, 
and  while  still  a  young  man  was  drowned 
with  his  wife  when  the  White  Ship  foundered 
on  27  Nov.  1119.  Also  probably  by  his  wife 
Hugh  had  a  daughter  named  Giva,  who 
married  Geoffrey  Ridell,  lord  of  Wittering, 
Northamptonshire,  one  of  Henry's  justices, 
and  after  her  husband  was  drowned  in  the 
White  Ship  founded  the  Benedictine  priory 
of  Canwell,  Staffordshire  (Monasticon,  iv. 
104;  TANNEE,  Notitia,  p.  496). 

Of  his  illegitimate  children,  Robert  be- 
came a  monk  of  St.  Evroul's,  and  was  in 
1100  wrongfully  made  abbot  of  St.  Ed- 
mund's, whence  he  was  removed  by  Anselm's 
authority  (OEDEEIC,  pp.  602,  783 ;  LIEBEE- 
MANN,  Annals  of  St.  Edmund's,  p.  130;  ST. 
ANSELM,  Epp.  iv.  14),  and  Othere  was  tutor 
to  the  sons  of  Henry  I  and  was  drowned  in 
the  White  Ship. 

[Orderic,  pp.  522,  598,602,  704,  768,  783,787, 
870  (Duchesne) ;  William  of  Poitiers,  G-esta  Wil- 
lelmi  Conq.pp.  22, 121  (Giles);  Will.'of  Jumieges, 
vii.  6,  viii.  4  (Duchesne)  ;  Anglo- Sax. Chron.  arm. 
1094,  1098;  Florence  of  Wore.  ii.  42  (Engl. 
Hist.  Soc.) ;  Will,  of  Malmesbury's  Gesta  Eegum, 
\\.  329  (Engl.  Hist.  Soc.) ;  Hen.  of  Huntingdon, 
Hist.  p.  242,  De  Contemptu  Mundi,  p.  304  (Kolls 
Ser.);  Eadmer's  Hist.  Nov.  pp.  362,  363,  and 
Anselmi  Epp.  iv.  14,  81  (Migne) ;  Liebermann's 
p.  130;  Wace's  Eoman  de  Kou,  1.  14624  sq. ;  Ann. 
Cambrise,  an.  1098,  and  Brut  y  Tywysogion,  ann. 
1092  (1094),  1096  (1098),  both  Kolls  Ser.; 
Laing's  Heimskringla,  iii.  129-33 ;  Giraldi 
Cambr.  Itin.  Kambr.  ii.  7,  Op.  vi.  128,  129 
(Rolls  Ser.);  Freeman's  Norman  Conq.  iv.  passim, 
Will.  Rufus,  i.  11,  passim;  StuBbs's  Const.  Hist, 
i.  363,  364;  Ellis's  Introd.  to  Domesday,  i.  437 ; 
Ormerod's  Hist,  of  Cheshire,  i.  11,  12,  123,  124, 
218  ;  Doyle's  Official  Baronage,  i.  362;  Dugdale's 
Monasticon,  ii.  271  sqq.iv.  104;  Tanner's  Notitia, 
p.  496.]  W.  H. 




HUGH  (fi.  1107  P-1155  ?),  called  ALBUS 
or  CAKDIDUS,  chronicler,  was  from  early  boy- 
hood a  monk  of  Peterborough,  haying  been 
brought  into  the  brotherhood  by  his  elder 
brother,  Reinaldus  Spiritus,  one  of  the  sacrists 
of  the  monastery,  in  the  time  of  Abbot  Ernulf, 
who  ruled  the  house  between  1107  and  1114. 
Hugh  was  a  very  sickly  child,  and  though 
he  lived  to  a  good  age,  he  was  never  strong 
He  was  called  'Hugo  Albus,'  from  the  pale- 
ness and  beauty  of  his  countenance.  Later 
writers  have  called  him  l  Hugo  Candidus, 
which  Leland  translates  as  if  it  were  a  sur- 
name, '  Hugh  Whyte.' 

Hugh's  chief  teachers  were  Abbot  Ernuli 
and  his  brother  Reinald,  of  both  of  whom 
he  speaks  in  terms  of  warm  affection.  He 
remained  a  monk  during  the  abbacies  of  John, 
Henry,  Martin  of  Bee,  and  William  of  Wal- 
terville.  He  won  the  affection,  both  as  j  unior 
and  senior,  of  the  monks  and  abbots,  and  was 
equally  popular  in  neighbouring  monasteries 
and  in  the  country  around.  He  was  em- 
ployed in  every  branch  of  the  business  of  the 
monastery,  both  internal  and  external.  In 
Abbot  Martin's  time  (1133-55)  he  was 
elected  sub-prior.  He  was  present  when  the 
church  was  burnt  in  1116,  and  at  the  subse- 
quent reconsecration  by  Bishop  Alexander 
of  Lincoln,  in  Lent  1139,  he  kissed  and 
washed  the  right  arm  of  St.  Oswald,  the 
most  precious  of  the  Peterborough  relics, 
and  bore  testimony  that  the  flesh  and  skin 
was  still  whole,  in  accordance  with  St.  Aidan's 
prophecy.  On  the  very  day  of  Martin's  death 
(2  Jan.  1155)  he  was  appointed  with  eleven 
other  senior  monks,  all  of  whom  were  junior 
to  him,  as  a  committee  for  the  election  of 
the  new  abbot,  and  they  chose  William  of 
Walterville,  one  of  their  own  house.  Next 
day  Hugh  was  sent  with  the  prior,  Reinald, 
to  announce  the  election  to  Henry  II,  whom 
they  found  at  Oxford  with  Archbishop  Theo- 
bald. Henry  confirmed  the  election. 

Hugh  wrote  in  Latin  a  history  of  the 
abbey  of  Peterborough  up  to  the  election  of 
Abbot  Walterville.  A  later  hand  has  in- 
terpolated some  references  to  Hugh's  own 
death  and  a  short  account  of  the  deposition 
of  Walterville  in  1175.  It  is  conjectured  that 
Hugh  died  soon  after  the  election  of  Walter- 
ville. It  is  sometimes  thought  that  Hugh 
wrote  the  concluding  portions  of  the  Peter- 
borough English  '  Chronicle,'  which,  like  his 
local  history,  comes  abruptly  to  an  end  with 
Abbot  Walterville's  election.  Mr.  Wright 
points  out,  however,  that  Hugh  used  the 
English  '  Chronicle '  in  compiling  his  history, 
and  that  he  mistranslates  some  of  the  Eng- 
lish words  in  a  way  that  shows  little  fami- 
liarity with  the  English  tongue.  This,  if 

substantiated,  would  be  conclusive  against 
his  authorship  of  the  greater  work. 

Hugh's l  History  of  Peterborough '  was  pub- 
lished in  1723  by  Joseph  Sparke  in  his  'His- 
torise  Anglicanae  Scriptores  Varise,'  pp.  1-94. 
An  abridged  translation  of  parts  into  Norman  - 
French  verse  is  printed  in  the  same  collection, 
as  well  as  a  continuation,  up  to  1245,  by 
another  monk,  Robert  of  Swaffham,  from 
whom  the  chief  manuscript,  still  preserved 
at  Peterborough,  is  called  the  'Liber  de 

[The  sole  authority  for  Hugh's  life  is  his  own 
account  of  himself  in  his  Historia  Ccenobii  Bur- 
gensis,  pp.  34,  66,  67,  68-70,  90,  the  chronology 
of  which  can  be  adjusted  by  reference  to  the 
Peterborough  Chronicle ;  Gunton's  Hist,  of  the 
Church  of  Peterborough ;  Wright's  Biog.  Brit. 
Anglo-Norman  Period,  pp.  176-8;  Hardy's  De- 
scriptive Cat.  of  MS.  Materials  for  British  His- 
tory, ii.  412-13.]  T.  F.  T. 

HUGH  (d.  1164),  abbot  of  Reading  and 
archbishop  of  Rouen,  was  born  in  Laon  late 
in  the  eleventh  century.  He  belonged  in  all 
probability  to  the  noble  family  of  Boves,  a 
theory  to  which  his  arms  (an  ox  passant) 
give  support.  He  was  educated  at  Laon  in 
the  celebrated  school  of  Anselm  and  Ralph, 
and  became  a  monk  of  Cluny.  A  few  years 
after  his  reception  the  abbot  made  him  prior 
of  Limoges,  but  he  went  to  England  about 
the  same  time,  and  became  for  a  short  time 
prior  of  Lewes,  whence  he  was  transferred 
in  1125  to  the  abbey  of  Reading,  then  newly 
founded.  While  travelling  abroad  in  1129 
he  was  elected  to  the  archbishopric  of  Rouen 
and  consecrated  14  Sept.  1130.  At  this 
time  he  founded  the  abbey  of  St.  Martin  of 
Aumale.  In  his  province  he  was  vigorous 
and  strict,  and  tried  for  some  time  in  vain  to 
bring  the  powerful  abbots  under  his  control. 
He  took  part  with  Pope  Innocent  II  against 
Anacletus,  received  Innocent  at  Rouen  in 
1131,  and  rejoined  him  at  the  council  of 
Rheims  in  the  same  year,  bringing  him  letters 
in  which  the  king  of  England  recognised  him 
as  lawful  pope.  Henry  II  had  taken  the  side 
of  the  abbots  in  their  recent  struggle  with 
Hugh,  and  he  was  now  further  incensed  by 
Hugh's  refusal  to  consecrate  Richard,  natu- 
ral son  of  the  Earl  of  Gloucester,  bishop  of 
Bayeux  on  account  of  his  illegitimate  birth. 
This  difficulty  was  got  over  by  a  special  dis- 
pensation from  the  pope,  but  Hugh  thought 
t  prudent  to  go  in  1134  to  the  council  of  Pisa, 
and  on  its  conclusion  to  remain  in  Italy  on 
egatine  business  for  some  time.  He  was  re- 
called, however,  by  the  murmuring  of  the 
nobles  of  his  province  and  the  personal  com- 
)laints  of  Henry,  and  returned  in  1135  in 
ime,  according  to  a  letter  preserved  in  the 





'  Historia  Novella '  of  "William  of  Malmes- 
bury,  to  attend  the  king,  who  had  always 
respected  him,  on  his  deathbed  at  Colombieres. 
In  1136  he  was  back  at  Rouen. 

Hugh  was  a  staunch  supporter  of  King 
Stephen,  and  passed  much  time  in  England 
during  the  civil  wars.  Early  in  1137  Stephen 
went  to  Normandy,  and  when  he  had  failed 
to  capture  the  Earl  of  Gloucester,  Hugh  was 
one  of  his  sureties  that  he  would  do  Robert 
no  further  injury.  It  was  by  his  interven- 
tion that  the  dispute  between  the  king  and 
the  bishops  regarding  the  custody  of  castles 
was  settled  at  the  council  of  Oxford  in  1139, 
which  Henry  of  Blois  [q.  v.]  had  summoned. 
Hugh  also  reconciled  the  Earl  of  Gloucester 
and  the  Count  of  Boulogne.  As  the  rebellious 
abbots  of  his  province  were  now  without 
royal  support,  he  was  able  to  carry  out  the 
decision  of  the  council  of  Rheims,  and  to  ex- 
act an  oath  of  obedience ;  among  those  whom 
he  forced  to  tender  it  was  Theobald,  after- 
wards archbishop  of  Canterbury,  then  newly 
elected  abbot  of  Bee.  In  1147  Hugh  took 
part  in  the  controversy  with  Gilbert  de  la- 
PoirSe.  In  1150  Henry,  prince  of  Wales, 
began  to  rule  in  Normandy,  and  Hugh  found 
in  him  a  strong  supporter.  He  died  11  Nov. 
1164,  and  was  buried  in  the  cathedral  at 
Rouen,  where  there  is  an  epitaph  composed 
by  Arnold  of  Lisieux. 

Hugh  wrote  :  1.  'Dialogi  deSummo  Bono/ 
seven  books  of  dialogues,  six  of  which  were 
composed  when  he  was  at  Reading,  and  re- 
vised, with  the  addition  of  a  seventh,  at 
Rouen.  2.  'De  Heresibus  sui  Temporis,' 
three  books  upon  the  church  and  its  minis- 
ters, directed  against  certain  heresies  in  Brit- 
tany. It  was  dedicated  to  Cardinal  Alberic. 
3.  *  In  Laudem  Memoriae '  and  '  De  Fide  Ca- 
tholica  et  Oratione  Dominica.'  4.  '  De  Crea- 
tione  Rerum,'  or  the  '  Hexameron.'  The 
manuscript  of  this  work  passed  to  Clairvaux 
and  thence  to  the  library  at  Troyes  (f.  423). 
5.  l  Vita  Sancti  Adjutoris,'  the  life  of  a  monk 
of  Tiron.  All  these  have  been  printed  in 
Migne's  '  Patrologise  Cursus,'  Latin  ser.,  vol. 
cxcii.,  where  mention  will  be  found  of  the 
previous  editions  of  Martene  and  d'Achery. 
Some  of  Hugh's  letters  are  to  be  found  in 
Migne,  and  some  in  William  of  Malmesbury's 
Chronicle.  Two  were  formerly  in  the  library 
of  Christ  Church,  Canterbury. 

[The  life  in  the  Nouvelle  Biographie  Generale 
is  by  Haureau,  and  supersedes  that  in  the  His- 
toire  Litteraire;  Cat.  of  the  Depart.  Libr.  of 
France ;  Martene's  Thesaurus  novus  Anecdoto- 
rum,  torn.  v. ;  Martene  and  Durand's  Collectio 
Veterum  Scriptorum,  torn,  ix.,  Paris,  1733; 
G-allia  Christiana,  torn.  ii. ;  Ordericus  Vitalis, 
Hist.  Eccles. ;  "Will,  of  Malmesb.  Hist.  Novella, 

bk.  ii.  ;   Migne's  Patrologise   Cursus,  Lat.    ser, 
vol.  cxcii.]  J.  Gr.  F. 

HUGH  (d.  1181),  called  HUGH  OF  CY- 
VEILIOG,  palatine  EARL  or  CHESTER,  was  the 
son  of  Ranulf  II,  earl  of  Chester  [q.  v.],  and 
of  his  wife  Matilda,  daughter  of  Earl  Robert 
of  Gloucester,  the  illegitimate  son  of  Henry  I. 
He  is  sometimes  called  Hugh  of  Cyveiliog, 
because,  according  to  a  late  writer,  he  was 
born  in  that  district  of  Wales  (PowEL,  Hist. 
of  Cambria,  p.  295).  His  father  died  on 
16  Dec.  1153,  whereupon,  being  probably  still 
under  age,  he  succeeded  to  his  possessions  on 
both  sides  of  the  Channel.  These  included 
the  hereditary  viscounties  of  Avranches  and 
Bayeux.  Hugh  was  present  at  the  council  of 
Clarendon  in  January  1164  which  drew  up 
the  assize  of  Clarendon  (STUBBS,  Select  Char- 
ters, p.  138).  In  1171  he  was  in  Normandy 
(ETTOIST,  Itinerary  of  Henry  II,  p.  158). 

Hugh  joined  the  great  feudal  revolt  against 
Henry  II  in  1173.  Aided  by  Ralph  of  Fou- 
geres,  he  utilised  his  great  influence  on  the 
north-eastern  marches  of  Brittany  to  excite 
the  Bretons  to  revolt.  Henry  II  despatched 
an  army  of  Brabant  mercenaries  against 
them.  The  rebels  were  defeated  in  a  battle, 
and  on  20  Aug.  were  shut  up  in  the  castle 
of  Dol,  which  they  had  captured  by  fraud 
not  long  before.  On  23  Aug.  Henry  II  ar- 
rived to  conduct  the  siege  in  person  (HovE- 
DUN,  ii.  51).  Hugh  and  his  comrades  had  no 
provisions  (JORDAN  FASTTOSME  in  HOWLETT, 
Chron.  of  Stephen,  Henry  II,  and  Richard  I, 
iii.  221).  They  were  therefore  forced  to  sur- 
render on  26  Aug.  on  a  promise  that  their 
lives  and  limbs  would  be  saved  (W.  NEW- 
BURGH  in  HOWLETT,  i.  176).  Fourscore 
knights  surrendered  with  them  (DICETO,  i. 
378).  Hugh  was  treated  very  leniently  by 
Henry,  and  was  confined  at  Falaise,  whither 
the  Earl  and  Countess  of  Leicester  were  also 
soon  brought  as  prisoners.  When  Henry  II 
returned  to  England,  he  took  the  two  earls 
with  him  .  They  were  conveyed  from  Barfleur 
to  Southampton  on  8  July  Il74.  Hugh  was 
probably  afterwards  imprisoned  at  Devizes 
(EYTON,  p.  180).  On  8  Aug.,  however,  he 
was  taken  back  from  Portsmouth  to  Barfleur, 
when  Henry  II  went  back  to  Normandy.  He 
was  now  imprisoned  at  Caen,  whence  he  was 
removed  to  Falaise.  He  was  admitted  to 
terms  with  Henry  before  the  general  peace, 
and  witnessed  the  peace  of  Falaise  on  11  Oct. 
(Fcedera,  i.  31). 

Hugh  seems  to  have  remained  some  time 
longer  without  complete  restoration.  At  last, 
at  the  council  of  Northampton  on  13  Jan. 
1177,  he  received  grant  of  the  lands  on  both 
sides  of  the  sea  which  he  had  held  fifteen 




years  before  the  war  broke  out  (BEXEDICTUS, 
i.  135  ;  HOVEDEN,  ii.  118).  In  March  he 
witnessed  the  Spanish  award.  In  May,  at 
the  council  at  Windsor,  Henry  II  restored 
him  his  castles,  and  required  him  to  go  to  Ire- 
land, along  with  William  Fitzaldhelm  [q.  v.] 
and  others,  to  prepare  the  way  for  the  king's 
son  John  (BENEDICTUS,  i.  161).  But  no  great 
grants  of  Irish  land  were  conferred  on  him, 
and  he  took  no  prominent  part  in  the  Irish 
campaigns.  He  died  at  Leek  in  Stafford- 
shire on  30  June  1181  (ib.  i.  277  ;  Monas- 
ticon,  iii.  218 ;  OEMEEOD,  Cheshire,  i.  29). 
He  was  buried  next  his  father  on  the  south 
side  of  the  chapter-house  of  St.  Werburgh's, 
Chester,  now  the  cathedral. 

Hugh's  liberality  to  the  church  was  not  so 
great  as  that  of  his  predecessors.  He  granted 
some  lands  in  Wirral  to  St.  Werburgh's,  and 
four  charters  of  his,  to  Stanlaw,  St.  Mary's, 
Coventry,  the  nuns  of  Bullington  and  Green- 
field, are  printed  by  Ormerod  (i.  27).  He  also 
confirmed  his  mother's  grants  to  her  founda- 
tion of  Austin  Canons  at  Calke,  Derbyshire, 
and  those  of  his  father  to  his  convent  of  the 
Benedictine  nuns  of  St.  Mary's,  Chester  (Mo- 
nasticon,  vi.  598,  iv.  314).  In  1171  he  had 
confirmed  the  grants  of  Ranulf  to  the  abbey 
of  St.  Stephen's  in  the  diocese  of  Bayeux 
(EYTOtf,  p.  158).  More  substantial  were  his 
grants  of  Bettesford  Church  to  Trentham 
Priory,  and  of  Combe  in  Gloucestershire  to 
the  abbey  of  Bordesley,  Warwickshire  (Mo- 
nasticon,  vi.  397,  v.  407). 

Hugh  married  before  1171  Bertrada,  the 
daughter  of  Simon  III,  surnamed  the  Bald, 
count  of  Evreux  and  Montfort.  He  was 
therefore  brother-in-law  to  Simon  of  Mont- 
fort,  the  conqueror  of  the  Albigenses,  and 
uncle  of  the  Earl  of  Leicester.  His  only  le- 
gitimate son,  Ranulf  III,  succeeded  him  as  | 
Earl  of  Chester  [see  BLTJJSTDEVILL,  RAKDTTLF 
DE].  He  also  left  four  daughters  by  his  wife, 
who  became,  on  their  brother's  death,  co- 
heiresses of  the  Chester  earldom.  They  were : 
(1)  Maud,  who  married  David,  earl  of  Hunt- 
ingdon, and  became  the  mother  of  John  the 
Scot,  earl  of  Chester  from  1232  to  1237,  on 
whose  death  the  line  of  Hugh  of  Avranches 
became  extinct;  (2)  Mabel,  who  married 
William  of  Albini,  earl  of  Arundel  (d.  1221) 
[q.  v.]  ;  (3)  Agnes,  the  wife  of  William,  earl 
Ferrers  of  Derby  ;  and  (4)  Hawise,  who  mar- 
ried Robert  de  Quincy ,  son  of  Saer  de  Quincy, 
earl  of  Winchester.  Hugh  was  also  the  father 
of  several  bastards,  including  Pagan,  lord  of 
Milton;  Roger;  Amice,  who  married  Ralph 
Mainwaring,  justice  of  Chester ;  and  another 
daughter  who  married  R.  Bacon,  the  founder 
of  Roucester  (OKMEKOD,  i.  28).  A  great 
controversy  was  carried  on  between  Sir 

Peter  Leycester  and  Sir  Thomas  Mainwaring, 
Amice's  reputed  descendant,  as  to  whether 
that  lady  was  legitimate  or  not.  Fifteen 
pamphlets  and  small  treatises  on  the  sub- 
ject, published  between  1673  and  1679,  were 
reprinted  in  the  publications  of  the  Chetham 
Society,  vols.  Ixxiii.  Ixxix.  and  Ixxx.  Main- 
waring  was  the  champion  of  her  legitimacy, 
which  Leycester  had  denied  in  his '  Historical 
Antiquities.'  Dugdale  believed  that  Amice 
was  the  daughter  of  a  former  wife  of  Hugh, 
of  whose  existence,  however,  there  is  no  re- 
cord. A  fine  seal  of  Earl  Hugh's  is  engraved 
in  Ormerod's  '  Cheshire,'  i.  32. 

[Benedictus  Abbas  andKoger  de  Hoveden  (both 
ed.  Stubbs  in  Eolls  Ser.)  ;  Hewlett's  Chronicles 
of  Stephen,  Henry  II,  and  Kichard  I  (Eolls  Ser.); 
Eyton's  Itinerary  of  Hen.  II ;  Ormerod's  Cheshire, 
i.  26-32  ;  Diigclale's  Baronage,  i.  40-1 ;  Dugdale's 
Monasticon,  ed.  Ellis,  Caley,  and  Bandinel; 
Doyle's  Official  Baronage,  i.  364  ;  Beamont's  in- 
troduction to  the  Amicia  Tracts,  Chetham  Soc.l 

T.  F.  T. 

HUGH  (1135P-1200),  SAINT,  bishop  of 
Lincoln,  was  born  at  Avalon,  near  Pont- 
charra  in  Burgundy,  close  to  the  Savoy  fron- 
tier, probably  in  1135.  He  came  of  a  noble 
family.  His  father  was  William,  lord  of 
Avalon ;  his  mother's  name  was  Anna.  The 
father  desiring  to  devote  himself  to  a  reli- 
gious life  took  his  son  of  eight  years  old 
with  him  to  the  cloister  which  he  had  se- 
lected for  himself,  a  priory  of  Regular  Canons 
at  Villarbenoit,  which  was  in  immediate 
connection  with  the  church  of  Grenoble. 
Here  the  young  Hugh  was  put  to  school, 
together  with  many  other  children  of  noble 
families.  He  is  said  to  have  shown  great 
proficiency  in  his  studies,  and  to  have  become 
very  skilful  in  singing  the  various  monastic 
services.  At  the  age  of  nineteen  he  was  or- 
dained deacon  by  the  Bishop  of  Grenoble, 
and  a  few  years  afterwards,  most  probably  in 
1159,  was  appointed,  together  with  an  aged 
priest,  to  the  cell  or  mission  chapel  of  St. 
Maximin,  where  he  zealously  performed 
ministerial  duties  for  the  people.  But  be- 
coming earnestly  desirous  of  dedicating  him- 
self to  a  more  rigidly  ascetic  life  he  paid  a  visit 
to  the  monastery  of  the  Grande  Chartreuse. 
Here  he  was  enamoured  of  the  deep  seclu- 
sion and  strict  life  of  the  members  of  the 
monastery,  and  was  anxious  to  join  them. 
His  prior,  fearing  this,  caused  Hugh  to  take 
an  oath  not  to  enter  the  Carthusian  order. 
In  spite  of  this,  however,  he  soon  contrived 
to  escape  to  the  famous  monastery,  where  he 
took  the  vows  not  much  later  than  1160. 
He  became  remarkable  for  his  diligent 
studies  and  extreme  austerities,  and  in  1170 
was  appointed  procurator  or  bursar  of  the 




monastery.  This  necessitated  his  constant 
communication  with  the  outer  world,  so 
that  his  high  character  and  tact  came  to 
be  generally  known.  Henry  II,  king  of 
England,  had  founded  a  small  Carthusian 
monastery  at  Witham  in  Somerset,  which, 
being  badly  managed,  was  on  the  point  of 
collapse,  when  a  noble  of  Maurienne  sug- 
gested to  Henry  a  way  of  saving  it  by  pro- 
curing the  services  of  Hugh  of  Avalon  as 
prior.  The  king  accordingly  sent  an  influen- 
tial embassy  to  Grenoble  to  solicit  the  grant 
of  this  famous  monk.  After  very  great  diffi- 
culty the  grant  was  obtained  by  the  aid  of 
the  Archbishop  of  Grenoble.  Hugh  came  to 
England  at  the  latest  in  1176,  and  probably 
in  1175 ;  on  arriving  at  Witham  he  found 
everything  in  a  most  miserable  state.  By  his 
energy  and  tact  he  brought  matters  to  a 
better  condition,  and  was  able  in  an  inter- 
view with  the  king  to  show  him  the  neces- 
sity of  doing  more  for  the  monastery.  A 
great  friendship  now  sprang  up  between 
King  Henry  and  the  prior.  Henry  made 
frequent  visits  to  the  monastery  in  his  hunt- 
ing expeditions  in  Selwood  Forest.  He  con- 
sulted Hugh  about  his  affairs  of  state,  and 
determined  to  promote  him  to  the  important 
see  of  Lincoln,  which  had  now  been  two 
years  vacant.  In  May  1186,  at  a  council 
held  at  Eynsham,  near  Oxford,  he  sent  for 
the  canons  of  Lincoln,  and  desired  them  to 
elect  as  their  bishop  Hugh  the  Burgundian. 
Some  of  these  canons,  men  of  considerable 
eminence  and  great  wealth,  objected  to  Hugh 
as  an  obscure  foreign  monk,  but  they  were 
forced  to  yield  to  the  king.  When,  however, 
his  election  was  notified  to  Hugh,  he  refused 
to  accept  it.  He  would  have  nothing  to  do 
with  any  constrained  choice,  nor  would  he 
consent  to  be  made  bishop  save  by  the  ex- 
press permission  of  the  head  of  his  order,  the 
prior  of  the  Grande  Chartreuse.  The  canons 
upon  this  again  elected  him  unanimously  in 
their  chapter,  and  an  embassy  having  been 
despatched  to  the  Chartreuse  the  prior's  con- 
sent was  obtained. 

Hugh  was  consecrated  bishop  of  Lincoln 
in  the  chapel  of  the  invalid  monks  at  West- 
minster on  St.  Matthew's  day,  21  Sept.  1186 
(the  Magna  Vita  incorrectly  implies  that  it 
was  in  1185  ;  see  Dimock's  preface,  pp.  xxv- 
xxix).  The  king  bore  all  the  expenses  at- 
tendant upon  the  consecration  and  the  sub- 
sequent enthronisation  at  Lincoln,  which 
took  place  29  Sept.  The  new  bishop  or- 
dered a  large  number  of  the  deer  in  his 
well-stocked  park  of  Stow  to  be  slaughtered 
to  feed  the  poor  of  his  cathedral  city.  He 
also  at  once  published  certain  decreta  to 
meet  some  of  the  abuses  then  prevalent. 

Hugh's  residence  was  at  Stow,  about  twelve 
miles  from  Lincoln,  and  it  is  with  this  place 
that  the  legends  of  his  famous  swan,  which 
displayed  such  extraordinary  affection  to  the 
bishop,  are  connected.  On  his  commencing 
the  administration  of  his  diocese  Hugh  was 
confronted  with  the  tyrannical  forest  laws, 
and  the  vexatious  demands  and  encroach- 
ments of  the  king's  foresters.  These  he  de- 
termined at  once  to  check.  He  excommu- 
nicated the  chief  forester  for  some  oppres- 
sive act,  and  thereby  incurred  the  wrath  of 
the  king.  This  was  much  increased  by  the 
bishop's  direct  refusal  to  bestow  a  prebend  in 
his  church  on  a  courtier  recommended  by  the 
king.  Henry,  who  had  probably  expected 
an  obedient  and  accommodating  prelate  in 
Hugh,  was  greatly  enraged.  The  bishop, 
whose  courage  was  high,  determined  to 
have  a  personal  interview  with  him  to  bring 
about  an  explanation.  He  found  the  king 
in  Woodstock  Chase,  resting  from  hunting, 
with  many  courtiers  about  him.  He  was  re- 
ceived in  silence  and  with  evidences  of  grave 
displeasure ;  but  the  cool  confidence  of  the 
bishop  and  his  jocular  remarks  turned  the 
tide  in  his  favour,  and  the  interview  ended 
by  Henry  approving  the  excommunication 
of 'his  chief  forester  and  the  refusal  of  the 
prebend  to  his  nominee.  The  bishop  soon 
became  conspicuous  by  his  zealous  perform- 
ance of  his  duties,  and  especially  by  his  un- 
bounded charity.  This  was  eminently  shown 
by  his  treatment  of  the  unhappy  lepers  then 
abounding  in  East  Anglia.  He  delighted  to 
tend  these  sufferers  with  his  own  hands,  and 
did  not  shrink  from  eating  out  of  the  same 
dish  with  them.  He  was  also  remarkable 
for  the  attention  which  he  showed  and  en- 
forced on  others  to  the  due  performance  of 
the  rites  for  the  burial  of  the  dead,  then 
much  neglected.  The  bishop  stood  singularly 
apart  from  the  men  of  his  time  in  his  appre- 
ciation of  alleged  miracles.  He  desired 
neither  to  hear  about  them  as  attributed  to 
others,  nor  would  he  allow  them  to  be  im- 
puted to  himself.  Hugh's  disciplinary  pro- 
ceedings against  evil-doers  were  very  severe, 
and  his  anathema  was  so  much  dreaded  that 
it  was  regarded  as  equivalent  to  a  sentence 
of  death.  It  was  the  bishop's  practice  to  re- 
tire every  year  at  harvest-time  to  his  old 
monastery  at  Witham,  where  he  could  prac- 
tise the  discipline  which  he  so  much  loved, 
undisturbed  by  the  affairs  of  his  huge  diocese. 
His  character  was  a  singular  combination  of 
keen  worldly  wisdom  and  tact  with  the 
deepest  ascetic  devotion.  His  most  striking 
characteristic  was  perhaps  his  perfect  moral 
In  July  1188  Hugh  went  on  an  embassy 




to  the  French  king,  and  he  was  in  France  at 
the  time  of  Henry  II's  death,  but  returned 
to  England  in  August  1189,  and  was  present 
at  Richard's  coronation,  and  at  the  councils 
of  Sadberge  and  Pipewell.  During  1191  he 
took  part  in  the  opposition  to  Longchamp, 
whose  commands  he  refused  to  execute. 
About  the  same  time  also  he  ordered  the  re- 
mains of  Fair  Rosamund  to  be  removed  from 
Godstow  Priory.  Hugh  was  concerned  in 
the  dispute  between  the  chapter  of  York  and 
Archbishop  Geoffrey  in  1194-5,  and  in  the 
latter  year  refused  to  suspend  Geoffrey,  de- 
claring he  would  rather  be  suspended  him- 
self. Hugh  had  supported  Richard  against 
John,  whom  he  excommunicated  in  February 
1194,  but  when  the  occasion  came  was  fear- 
less in  his  opposition  to  the  king.  In  a  coun- 
cil held  at  Oxford  early  in  1198,  Hubert 
Walter  asked  for  a  grant  in  aid  of  the  king's 
wars;  Hugh,  together  with  Bishop  Herbert 
of  Salisbury,  opposed  him,  and  the  archbishop 
had  to  yield.  Bishop  Stubbs  describes  this 
as  '  a  landmark  in  constitutional  history,  the 
first  clear  case  of  refusal  of  a  money  grant 
demanded  directly  by  the  crown'  (HOVEDEN, 
vol.  iv.  preface,  p.  xci).  Richard,  in  fury  at 
this  opposition  to  his  demands,  ordered  the 
immediate  confiscation  of  the  bishop's  goods. 
Hugh  went  to  him  in  Normandy,  determined 
to  make  him  retract  the  sentence.  The  in- 
terview between  them  took  place  in  the 
chapel  of  Roche  d'Andeli.  The  bishop's  un- 
flinching courage  was  completely  successful, 
and  excited  the  king's  admiration.  Not  long 
afterwards  he  was  involved  in  another  quar- 
rel with  Richard,  who  had  made  a  heavy 
demand  on  the  canons  of  Lincoln.  Hugh 
again  went  abroad  to  settle  matters,  and 
arrived  just  before  the  death  of  Richard. 
He  took  part  in  the  funeral  rites  of  the 
king  at  Fontevrault,  and  immediately  after- 
wards had  many  colloquies  with  John,  who 
was  very  anxious  to  secure  the  great  in- 
fluence of  Hugh  in  his  support.  The  bishop 
appears  to  have  thoroughly  gauged  John's 
worthless  character,  and  spoke  very  plainly 
to  him. 

Hugh  returned  to  England,  and  was  pre- 
sent at  John's  coronation  on  27  May  1199,  but 
he  was  soon  again  in  France,  summoned  by 
the  king  to  aid  in  affairs  of  state.  He  now 
formed  the  project  of  paying  a  visit  to  the 
scene  of  his  earlier  life,  the  monastery  of  the 
Grande  Chartreuse,  and  early  in  June  1200  he 
quitted  Paris  to  make  this  journey.  Every- 
where he  was  received  with  the  greatest 
honour,  and  on  reaching  Grenoble,  where  the 
city  was  splendidly  decorated  for  his  recep- 
tion, he  celebrated  mass  in  company  with  the 
archbishop,  and  had  the  pleasure  of  greeting 

his  elder  brother  "William,  lord  of  Avalon, 
and  his  brother's  young  son,  who  was  bap- 
tised  by  him.      The  next  day  the   bishop 
and  his  party  visited  the  Grande  Chartreuse, 
where  they  were  received  with  the  highest 
honour.     On  his  return  journey  the  bishop 
fell  ill  of  a  low  intermittent  fever,  and  being 
unskilfully  treated  he  landed  in  England  in 
a  state  of  great  exhaustion,  and  was  with 
difficulty  conveyed  to  London,  where,  in  the 
old  Temple,  the  house  of  the  bishops  of  Lin- 
j  coin,  he  lay  lingering  for  some  months,  edi- 
!  fying  all  his  attendants  by  his  patience  and 
great  devotion,  till  at  length  on  16  Nov.  the 
end  came.     His  body  was  conveyed  to  Lin- 
coln to  be  interred  in  the  cathedral,  which 
he  had  been  chiefly  instrumental  in  rebuilding 
after  its  partial   destruction   by  the   great 
earthquake  of  1185.     The  obsequies  of  Hugh 
j  were  very  remarkable.   King  John,  who  was 
j  then  holding  a  council  at  Lincoln,  took  part 
j  in  carrying  the  coffin.     The  bishop  was  in- 
|  terred  in  the  chapel  of  St.  John  Baptist  in 
;  the  north-eastern  transept  of  the  cathedral, 
•  24  Nov.  1200.     Worship  at  the  tomb  imme- 
diately  commenced.     In   1220   Hugh   was 
canonised  as  a  saint  by  the  Roman  church, 
and  his  body  was  translated  to  a  place  in  the 
!  church  more  convenient  for  the  crowds  of 
worshippers.     Sixty  years  later  (1280),  upon 
j  the  completion  of  the  angels'  choir,  it  was 
|  again  translated,  and  a  shrine,  said  to  have 
been  of  pure  gold,  was  erected  over  it.     The 
1  translation  took  place  in  the  presence  of  Ed- 
ward I  and  his  queen  and  a  great  concourse 
of  noble  persons.     The  worship  of  St.  Hugh 
soon  assumed  almost  as  great  proportions  in 
I  the  north  as  that  of  St.  Thomas  of  Canter- 
I  bury  did  in  the  south  of  England.   St.  Hugh's 
1  church  is  held  to  be  one  of  the  best  examples 
of  the  fully  developed  pointed  architecture. 
He  also  built,  or  at  any  rate  commenced,  the 
,  great  hall  in  the  episcopium  or  bishop's  house 
adjoining  the   cathedral.     To   aid  in  these 
works  he  established  the  guild  of  St.  Mary, 
the  members  of  which  all  bound  themselves 
to  contribute  a  certain  sum  for  the  building 
of  the  cathedral.     The  central  tower  and 
nave  as  they  now  stand  are  of  somewhat 
later  date  ;  the  end  of  St.  Hugh's  work  may 
be  easily  recognised  in  the  eastern  walls  of 
the  western  transepts. 

[Magna  Vita  S.  HugonisEpiscopi,  ed.  Dimock, 
London,  1864;  Metrical  Life  of  St.  Hugh,  ed. 
Dimock,  Line.  1860;  G-iraldus  Cambrensis,  vol. 
vii.,  ed.  Dimock,  London,  1877  ;  Eogeri  de  Hove- 
den  Historia,  ed.  Stubbs,  London,  1870;  Bene- 
dict! G-esta  Regis  Henrici  Secundi,  ed.  Stubbs, 
London,  1867;  Life  of  St.  Hugh  of  Avalon 
bv  the  present  writer,  London,  1879.1 

G.  G.  P. 




HUGH  (d.  1235),  called  HUGH  OF  WELLS, 
bishop  of  Lincoln,  was  the  eldest  son  of  Ed- 
ward of  Wells,  a  large  landed  proprietor  at 
Lanchester,  two  miles  south-west  of  Wells. 
The  family  name  appears  to  have  been  Trot- 
man.     Josceline  [q.  v.],  bishop  of  Bath  and  j 
Wells,  was  Hugh's  younger  brother.     On  his  I 
father's  death  Hugh,  as  the  heir,  was  confirmed  ! 
by  King  John  in  the  possession  of  his  manors, 
including  Axbridge  and  Cheddar.    His  name 
appears  frequently  in  the  rolls  of  John's  reign,  i 
especially  in  the  charter  rolls  from  1200  to  \ 
1209,  as  l  clericus  regis.'     As  deputy  to  the  i 
chancellor,  Walter  de  Grey,  afterwards  arch-  \ 
bishop  of  York  [q.  v.l,  and  ( signifer  regis '  i 
(Annals  of  Worcester, iv.  397), he  sealed  royal 
letters-patent  and  other  public  documents 
(RTMER,  Fcedera,  i.  100,  142 ;  Rot.  Lit.  Pat. 
p.  80)  in  his  own  name,  which  has  led  Wen- 
dover  (iii.  228),  Sch&lby  (Girald.  Cambr.vii. 
203),  and  others  into  the  error  of  stating 
that   he   was    actually   chancellor.      Hugh 
first  appears  in  the  rolls  as  Archdeacon  of 
Wells  on  1  May  1204,  under  Bishop  Sa-  | 
varic.     He  held  other  preferments,  such  as  I 
the  prebend  of  Louth  in  Lincoln  Cathedral,  j 
to  which  he  was  presented  by  John  in  March  j 
1203  (Rot.  Lit.  Pat.  p.  27),  and  the  rectory  of 
Aldefrith  in  Norfolk,  where  he  seems  to  have 
built  a  new  church  dedicated  to  St.  Nicholas  j 
(Rot.  Lit.  Glaus,  p.  159).    In  1209  John  pro-  I 
cured  the  election  of  Hugh  to  the  see  of  Lin- 
coln, which  had  lain  vacant  since  the  death 
of  William  de  Blois,  10  May  1203. 

Hugh  declined  to  become  a  pliable  instru- 
ment in  John's  hands.  The  country  was  then 
under  the  papal  interdict.  The  king  there- 
fore sent  Hugh  to  Normandy,  to  be  conse- 
crated by  the  Archbishop  of  Rouen ;  but  Hugh 
disregarded  the  king's  injunctions,  and  pro- 
ceeded to  Melun,  where  Archbishop  Stephen 
Langton  was  in  banishment,  received  con- 
secration at  his  hands,  and  swore  canonical 
obedience  to  him,  on  20  Dec.  1209.  John 
retaliated  by  seizing  the  revenues  of  the  see, 
and  Hugh  remained  in  exile,  together  with 
his  brother  Josceline,  who  had  also  turned 
against  the  king,  and  the  other  partisans  of 
Langton.  On  15  Nov.  1211  Hugh  and  his 
brother  were  residing  at  St.  Martin  de  Ga- 
renne,  near  Bordeaux,  where  the  former  made 
a  still  extant  will,  in  which  he  bequeathed 
three  hundred  marks  to  the  building  of  the 
cathedral  of  Wells,  five  hundred  marks  to 
that  of  Lincoln,  five  hundred  marks  for  the 
foundation  of  a  hospital  of  St.  John  the  Bap- 
tist at  Wells,  and  other  legacies  for  the  canons 
and  vicars  of  the  cathedral  there  and  at  Lin- 
coln (Report  of  Hist.  MSS.  Commission  on 
MSS.  of  Wells  Cathedral,  pp.  186-7 ;  Lin- 
colnshire Notes  and  Queries, ii.  173-6).  John's 

charter  of  submission,  given  at  Dover  on 
13  May  1213,  authorised  Hugh,  Langton, 
Josceline,  and  the  other  banished  bishops  to 
fulfil  the  duties  of  their  office,  and  restitution 
of  the  revenues  of  his  see,  amounting  to  750/., 
was  made  to  Hugh  (MATT.  PAKIS,  Chron.  Maj. 
ii.  542).  He  landed  at  Dover  with  the  other 
bishops  on  16  July  in  the  same  year,  and 
they  were  received  by  John  at  Winchester 
on  20  July  (ib.  pp.  542-3, 550).  A  large  sum 
of  money  was  assessed  on  the  royal  revenue 
as  a  compensation  to  the  diocese  of  Lincoln, 
of  which  fifteen  thousand  marks  were  paid 
(Rot.  Lit.  Pat.  p.  106).  The  rent  of  the  fair 
at  Stow  Park  was  remitted,  and  the  manor 
of  Wilsthorpe  was  given  for  the  yearly  rent 
of  20 J.  (Annals  of  Dunstable,  iii.  37).  Brian 
de  Insula  was  ordered  to  furnish  Hugh  with 
three  hundred  stags  for  Stow  Park.  Hugh 
showed  his  gratitude  for  these  royal  favours 
by  siding  with  the  king  against  the  barons 
at  Runnymede  in  1215,  and  his  name  stands 
in  the  introduction  to  Magna  Charta  (MATT. 
PARIS,  us.  ii.  589-90 ;  WEKDOVER,  iii.  302). 
Yet  after  the  death  of  John  he  supported 
the  cause  of  Louis  the  Dauphin  and  the 
barons.  He  was  absent  from  England  when 
the  foreign  forces  were  defeated  at  Lin- 
coln on  19  May  1217,  and  on  his  return  he 
was  compelled  to  pay  one  thousand  marks, 
1  ad  opus  domini  Papse,'  to  recover  his  bi- 
shopric, and  one  hundred  marks  to  gain  the 
favour  of  Gualo  the  legate  (MATT.  PAEIS,  iii. 
32 ;  WENDOVER,  iv.  33).  The  same  year  the 
bishop's  castle  at  Newark  was  seized  by 
Robert  de  Gaugi,  one  of  the  freebooters  of 
that  lawless  time,  who  held  it  for  the  barons. 
It  was  invested  by  William  Marshal,  and 
after  an  eight  days'  siege  it  capitulated,  the 
bishop  giving  Robert  1001.  sterling  for  the 
provisions  stored  in  the  castle  (MATT.  PARI.S, 
iii.  33-4 ;  WENDOVER,  iv.  35).  In  1219  he 
acted  as  a  justice  itinerant  (Rot.  Lit.  Claus. 
pp.  387,  403,  405). 

On  the  establishment  of  peace  Hugh  was 
able  to  devote  him  self  to  his  episcopal  duties, 
which  he  fulfilled  to  the  benefit  not  only 
of  his  own  diocese,  but  of  the  whole  church 
of  England.  His  great  work  was  the  or- 
dination of  vicarages  in  those  parishes  the 
tithes  of  which  had  been  appropriated  to 
monastic  bodies.  A  definite  portion  of  the 
revenues  of  the  parish  church  —  usually 
fixed  by  Hugh  at  one-third  of  the  income 
of  the  benefice,  together  with  a  house  and 
some  glebe  —  was  thus  assigned  to  the 
vicar  who  had  the  cure  of  the  parishioners' 
souls.  He  was  no  longer  treated  as  the  curate 
of  the  convent,  removable  at  the  convent's 
will,  and  receiving  whatever  stipend  the  con- 
vent might  choose  to  allot.  Nearly  three  hun- 




dred  vicarages  were  thus  established  in  the  dio- 
cese of  Lincoln  before  1218,  when  the  '  Liber 
Antiquus  de  Ordinationibus  Vicariamm '  was 
drawn  up ;  and  the  work  was  energetically 
prosecuted  by  Hugh  to  the  end  of  his  life.  The 
historians  of  the  day,  themselves  usually  mem- 
bers of  conventual  establishments,  bitterly 
denounced  Hugh's  praiseworthy  policy.  He 
is  styled  by  Matthew  Paris  'monachorum 
persecutor ;  canonicorum,  sanctimonialium  et 
omnium  malleus  religiosorum '  (MATT.  PARIS, 
Chron.Maj.  iii.  306;  Hist.  Angl  ii.  375). 

Hugh  consecrated  the  church  of  Dunstable 
18  Oct.  1213,  and  held  a  visitation  there  in 
1220  in  person,  and  again  by  his  official, 
Grosseteste,  then  archdeacon  of  Lincoln,  in 
1233  (Annals  of  Dunstable,  iii.  42,  57,  132). 
He  also  made  a  visitation  of  his  whole  dio- 
cese, issuing  articles  of  inquiry  to  be  made 
by  his  archdeacons,  which  present  an  interest- 
ing picture  of  the  state  of  the  church  at  that 
period  (WILKINS,  Concilia,  i.  627-8).  When 
an  anchoress  at  Leicester  professed  to  live 
without  food,  Hugh  at  first  refused  all  cre- 
dence to  the  tale,  but  having  had  her  watched 
for  a  fortnight,  and  there  being  no  evidence 
of  her  having  taken  any  sustenance,  he  ac- 
cepted the  story  (MATT.  PAKIS,  Chron.  Maj. 
iii.  101).  He  sat  on  a  commission,  together 
with  archbishop  Langton  and  his  brother 
Josceline  of  Wells,  and  others,  in  Worcester 
chapter-house,  3  Oct.  1224,  to  settle  differences 
between  the  bishop  and  the  convent  (Annals 
of  Worcester,  iv.  416).  In  1225  he  witnessed 
the  confirmation  of  Magna  Charta  (Annals 
of  Burton,  i.  231).  He  was  among  the  first 
to  recognise  the  commanding  genius  of 
Grosseteste,  and  was  one  of  his  earliest 
patrons.  Grosseteste  in  his  '  Letters '  speaks 
of  himself  as  Hugh's  '  alter  ille,'  with  whom 
there  was '  one  heart  and  one  mind '  (GROSSE- 
TESTE, Epistolce,  p.  136).  Hugh  refused 
Grosseteste  permission  to  undertake  a  pil- 
grimage in  1231-2,  on  account  of  the  risks 
he  would  run  of  falling  into  the  hands  of  the 
Komans  (ib.  pp.  xxxv.,  22).  He  treated  the 
Jews  of  his  diocese  with  great  sternness,  join- 
ing with  Archbishop  Langton  in  1223  in  a 
prohibition  to  Christians,  under  pain  of  ex- 
communication, to  sell  victuals  to  them — an 
order  speedily  reversed  by  the  royal  authority. 
The  king's  clemency  had  also  to  be  extended 
to  prisoners  in  the  bishop's  prisons  (Rot.  Lit. 
Claus.  pp.  541,  563,  567).  He  zealously  co- 
operated with  his  brother  Josceline  in  the 
building  and  reorganisation  of  the  cathedral  of 
Wells,  and  joined  with  him  in  the  foundation 
of  the  hospital  of  St.  John  the  Baptist  at  that 
city  (19  Feb.  1220-21).  The  nave  of  his  own 
cathedral  at  Lincoln  was  in  building  during 
his  episcopate ;  he  founded  the  chantry-chapel 

of  St.  Peter,  in  the  south  arm  of  the  eastern 
transept,  and  the  « Metrical  Life  of  St.  Hugh ' 
suggests  that  he  completed  the  chapter-house. 
By  his  will  he  bequeathed  one  hundred  marks 
to  the  fabric,  and  all  the  hewn  timber  through- 
out his  episcopal  estates,  to  be  redeemed  by 
his  successor  (Grosseteste)  for  fifty'marks  if 
he  thought  good.  He  built  the  kitchen  and 
completed  the  hall  begun  by  St.  Hugh  at 
the  episcopal  palace  at  Lincoln,  towards 
which  the  king  granted  him  forty  trunks  of 
trees  from  Sherwood  Forest  (Rot.  Lit.  Claus. 
p.  606);  and  also  a  hall  at  Thame,  and  a 
manor-house  at  B  uckden,  which  subsequently 
became  the  sole  episcopal  palace.  His  later 
will,  which  contains  many  interesting  particu- 
|  lars,  dated  at  Stow  Park  1  June  1233,  is 
;  printed  in  the  Eolls  edition  of  '  Giraldus 
Cambrensis  '  (vol.  vii.  Appendix  G,  pp. 
223-30),  and  ably  commented  on  by  Mr. 
Freeman  (ib.  pp.  xc-xcv).  He  died  7  Feb. 
1234-5,  and  was  buried  in  the  north  choir 
aisle  of  his  cathedral. 

[Martirologium  of  John  of  Schalby,  Grirald. 
Camb.  vii.  203,  xc.  xcv. ;  Matt.  Paris's  Chron. 
Maj.  ii.  526,  528,  542,  550,  589.  iii.  32-4,  101, 
306  ;  Hist.  Angl.  ii.  120,  139,  '225,  227,  235, 
375;  Wendover,  iii.  302,  iv.  33,  35;  G-rosse- 
teste's  Letters,  xxxv.  22,  136,  196;  Eymer's 
Foedera,  i.  142,  146,  151  ;  Annales  Monastic!, 
i.  231,  iii.  37,  42,  57,  132,  iv.  397;  Canon 
Perry's  Biography,  ap.  Lib.  Antiq.  Hug.  de 
Wells  (ed.  by  A.  Gibbons).]  E.  V. 

HUGH  (1246  P-1255),  called  HUGH  OP 
LINCOLN",  SAINT,  was  son  of  a  woman  of  Lin- 
coln named  Beatrice.     It  is  said  that  after 
having  been  missing  from  his  home  for  some 
days,  he  was  found  dead  in  a  well  belong- 
ing to  the   house  of  a  Jew  named  Copin, 
about    29  June   (MATT.   PARIS),   or  more 
probably  on  28  Aug.  1255  (Annals  of  Bur- 
ton).    The  neighbours  believed  that  he  had 
been  crucified  by  the  Jews  of  the  city,  who 
were  under  the  rule  of  a  rabbi  named  Pey- 
j  tivin  the  Great,  and  it  is  asserted  that  his 
1  body  bore  the  marks  of  crucifixion.     In  ijs 
|  full  form  the  story  is  that  Copin  enticed  the 
boy,  who  was  eight  or  nine  years  of  age,  into 
his  house  when  at  play  with  his  companions, 
that  the  Jews  tortured  him  during  ten  days, 
keeping  up  his  strength  by  feeding  him  well, 
or,  according  to  another  version,  that  they 
almost  starved  him  for  twenty-six  days,  and 
|  sent  meanwhile  to  the  other  Jewries  in  Eng- 
|  land  to  gather  the  Jews  together.    Many  are 
|  said  to  have  assembled,  and  on  26  Aug.  the 
I  boy  is  stated  to  have  been  tried  before  a  man 
'  acting  the  part  of  Pilate,  to  have  been  scourged, 
crowned  with  thorns,  and  crucified  in  mockery 
of  the  death  and  passion  of  Jesus  Christ.  The 
Jews  accounted  for  the  presence  of  so  many 




of  their  people  in  the  city  by  saying  that  they 
had  come  to  attend  a  wedding.  It  is  said 
that  they  tried  to  sink  the  boy's  body  in  the 
river,  that  the  water  would  not  hide  it,  that 
when  they  buried  it  the  earth  refused  to 
remain  above  it,  and  that  they  therefore 
threw  it  into  the  well.  Later  than  might 
have  been  expected  Hugh's  playfellows  told 
his  mother  when  and  where  they  had  last 
seen  him  ;  she  went  to  Copin's  house,  and 
the  body  was  discovered.  John  of  Lexing- 
ton, one  of  the  officers  of  Henry  III,  being 
at  Lincoln,  the  people  brought  Copin  before 
him,  and  charged  him  with  the  murder. 
Lexington  is  represented  as  encouraging  the 
accusers ;  he  threatened  the  Jew  with  in- 
stant execution,  promising,  however,  that  he 
should  be  saved  from  death  and  mutilation 
if  he  would  make  a  full  confession.  Copin 
confessed  the  crime,  and  is  reported  to  have 
said  that  the  Jews  crucified  a  boy  in  the  same 
manner  every  year.  Lexington  caused  him  to 
be  kept  in  prison.  Meanwhile  a  blind  woman 
who  touched  Hugh's  body  is  stated  to  have 
received  sight,  and  other  miracles  are  re- 
ported. Hearing  this  the  dean  of  Lincoln, 
Richard  of  Gravesend,  afterwards  bishop,  and 
the  canons  of  the  cathedral  church  begged 
to  have  the  body,  and,  in  spite  of  the  oppo- 
sition of  the  parson  of  the  parish  to  which 
Hugh  belonged,  buried  it  with  great  state  in  j 
their  church  next  to  the  body  of  Bishop  j 
Robert  Grosseteste.  A  monument  has  with- 
out sufficient  reason  been  ascribed  to  Hugh. 
His  mother  went  to  meet  the  king  on  his 
return  from  the  north,  and  laid  her  com- 
plaint before  him.  Henry  at  once  ordered 
Copin  to  be  drawn  at  a  horse's  tail  through 
the  streets  of  Lincoln  and  then  hanged ;  the 
order  was  executed  with  great  barbarity. 
Peytivin  the  Great  escaped ;  eighteen  Jews 
were  hanged  on  23  Nov.,  and  ninety-one 
were  imprisoned  in  London.  On  7  Jan. 
1256  Henry  issued  a  writ  to  the  sheriff  of 
Lincoln  commanding  him  to  call  a  jury  of 
twenty-four  knights  and  burghers  for  the 
trial  of  the  Jews  confined  in  the  Tower,  who 
had  put  themselves  on  the  county,  and  sent 
commissioners  to  Lincoln  to  hold  an  inquest 
on  the  case  in  March.  The  Jews  were  found 
guilty  and  condemned  to  death.  They  per- 
suaded the  Franciscans  (MATT.  PARIS,  or  the 
Dominicans,  Annals  of  Burton)  to  plead  for 
them,  but  in  vain.  In  consideration  of  a 
large  sum  Richard,  earl  of  Cornwall,  inter- 
fered on  their  behalf,  and  they  were  released 
on  15  May.  The  martyrdom  of  Hugh  was 
made  the  subject  of  a  French  ballad  before 
the  end  of  Henry's  reign,  and  in  later  times 
remained  a  popular  theme  for  ballad  poetry 
(MICHEL,  Hugues  de  Lincoln).  Reference  is 

made  to  it  by  Chaucer  in  the  '  Prioress's 
Tale,'  and  by  Marlowe  in  his  'Jew  of  Malta/ 
act  iii. 

Such  accusations  against  the  Jews  were 
commonly  used  for  the  purpose  of  extorting 
money,  and  were,  therefore,  encouraged  by 
the  royal  officers.  But  the  theory  that  they 
were  invented  in  order  to  replenish  the  ex- 
chequer is  insufficient.  They  were  mainly 
the  outcome  of  popular  malice,  ignorance, 
and  superstition,  and  were  often  turned  to 
the  advantage  of  local  churches.  In  England 
the  first  case  of  the  kind  seems  to  have 
happened  in  the  reign  of  Stephen,  when  the 
Jews  of  Norwich  are  said  to  have  bought  a 
boy  namedWilliam,  and,  having  tortured  hirnr 
to  have  crucified  him  on  Good  Friday.  The 
monks  buried  him  in  their  church,  miracles 
followed,  and  he  was  venerated  as  a  saint 
{Anglo-Saxon  Chronicle,  an.  1137 ;  ROBERT 
DE  MONTE,  col.  459).  A  case  of  the  same  sort 
is  said  to  have  taken  place  at  Gloucester  in  the 
next  reign  (TRIVET,  p.  68).  On  10  June  1181 
a  boy  named  Robert  is  supposed  to  have  been 
murdered  by  the  Jews  at  Bury ;  he  was  buried 
in  St.  Edmund's  Abbey,  and  many  miracles 
were  wrought  (JOHN  DE  TAXSTER  ap.  Cont. 
FLOR.  WIG.  ii.  155 ;  GERVASE,  i.  296),  which 
were  recorded  by  Jocelin  de  Brakelond  ( JOCE- 
LIN,  p.  12).  In  1192  a  Jew  of  Winchester 
was  accused  of  crucifying  a  boy  ;  no  compe- 
tent witnesses  appeared  against  him,  he  paid 
a  sum  of  money,  and  the  case  fell  through 
(RICHARD  or  DEVIZES,  pp.  59-64).  It  was 
commonly  believed  at  the  time  that  the  Jews 
were  in  the  habit  of  buying  Christian  chil- 
dren in  order  to  crucify  them  in  mockery  of 
the  death  of  Christ  (COGGESHALL,  p.  26). 
Seven  Jews  of  Norwich  were  accused  before 
Henry  III,  at  Christmas  1234,  of  having 
stolen  and  circumcised  a  boy,  intending  to- 
crucify  him  the  following  Easter ;  some  were 
executed  (WTENDOVER,  iv.  324).  All  the  Jews 
of  the  Norwich  Jewry  were  arrested  on  a 
similar  charge  by  order  of  Bishop  William 
Ralegh  in  1240;  four  were  put  to  death 
(MATT.  PARIS,  iv.  30).  In  1244  the  corpse  of  a 
boy  was  found  in  London  tattooed  with  marks 
said  to  be  Jewish  characters ;  it  was  believed 
that  the  Jews  had  bought  the  boy  and  tor- 
tured him,  and  that  he  had  died  before  they 
could  crucify  him ;  the  body  was  buried  in 
St.  Paul's  by  the  canons  (ib.  p.  377).  On 
14  Sept,  1279,  soon  after  Edward  I  had 
heavily  punished  the  Jews  for  abusing  the 
coin,  a  boy  is  said  to  have  been  crucified  at 
Northampton,  but  survived.  On  this  occa- 
sion many  Jews  were  sent  up  to  London  and 
there  put  to  death  ('  Bury  Chronicle '  ap.  Cont. 
FLOR.  WIG.  ii.  222). 

A  belief  in  the  guilt  of  the  Jews  has  pre- 




vailed  in  most  Christian  lands  in  times  of  igno- 
rance and  fanaticism  since  the  fifth  century. 
In  428  an  attack  was  made  upon  the  Jews  in 
Mestar,  in  the  region  of  Chalcis,  for  crucify- 
ing a  boy,  and  many  were  afterwards  punished 
by  legal  sentence  (SOCRATES,  Historia,  vii. 
c.  16  ;  CASSIODOKUS,  Historia  Tripartita,  xi. 
c.  13).  Several  cases  are  reported  in  France 
in  the  twelfth  century,  in  Germany  in  the 
thirteenth  and  two  following  centuries,  and 
in  Spain  in  the  fifteenth  century.  A  like 
crime  is  said  to  have  been  committed  at  Con- 
stantinople in  1569,  and  on  17  April  1598 
a  boy  named  Albert  was  supposed  to  have 
been  crucified  in  Poland  (Acta  SS.  xi.  832). 
In  1840  the  old  superstition  was  revived  at 
Damascus  and  at  Rhodes,  and  in  1882  at 
Tiszaeszlar,  near  Tokay,  in  Hungary.  In  the 
last  case  the  innocence  of  the  Jews  was  con- 
clusively proved  by  legal  proceedings. 

[For  the  story  of  St.  Hugh  the  contemporary 
authorities  are  Matt.  Paris,  v.  516-19,  546,  552 
(Rolls  Ser.) ;  Annales  Monast.,  Annals  of  Burton, 
i.  340  sq.,  348,  371,  and  of  Waverley,  ii.  346 
(Eolls  Ser.);  Royal  Letters,  Henry  III,  ii,  110 
(Rolls  Ser.);  Fcedera,  i.  335,  344  (Record  Off.); 
ballad  in  Fr.  Michel's  Hugues  de  Lincoln ;  there 
are  many  later  notices  of  the  story;  see  also 
Tovey's  Anglia  Judaica,  pp.  136-43;  Archseo- 
logia,  i.  26  ;  Papers  at  Anglo-Jewish  Exhibition 
of  1887,  p.  159  ;  Hume's  paper  in  Liverpool  Lit. 
and  Philos.  Soc.'s  Proc.  of  13  Nov.  1848,  and 
criticism  upon  it  in  Athenaeum  of  15  Dec.  1849 ; 
Chaucer's  Cant.  Tales,  Prioress's  Tale,  p.  102, 
ed.  Tyrwhitt ;  Marlowe's  Jew  of  Malta,  act  iii. 
p.  165,  ed.  Dyce  ;  ballads  in  Michel's  Hugues  de 
Lincoln  from  collections  of  Grilchrist,  i.  210, 
Jamieson,  i.  139,  Pinkerton,  i.  75,  Motherwell, 
p.  51,  and  Brydges,  i.  381 ;  Percy's  Reliques,  i. 
54-60,  ed.  "Wheatley.  For  similar  accusations  in 
England,  Anglo-Saxon  Chron.  an.  1137  (Rolls 
Ser.) ;  Rob.  de  Monte  (Migne),  col.  459;  Trivet, 
p.  68  (Engl.  Hist.  Soc.) ;  two  Conts.  of  Flor.  of 
Wore.  ii.  155,  222  (Engl.  Hist.  Soc.);  Gervase 
of  Cant.  i.  296  (Rolls  Ser.) ;  Chron.  of  Jocelin  de 
Brakelond,  pp.  12,  113,  144  (Camden  Soc.)  ;  Ric. 
of  Devizes,  pp.  59-64  (Engl.  Hist.  Soc.) ;  Walt. 
of  Coggeshall,  p.  26  (Rolls  Ser.) ;  Roger  of 
Wendover,  iv.  324  ;  Matt.  Paris,  iv.  30,  377,  u.s.; 
in  France,  Lambert  Waterlos,  an.  1163,  Rob.  de 
Monte,  ann.  1 171, 1177  in  Recueil  des  Historiens, 
xiii.  315,  320,  520,  and  Rigord,  an.  1191,  Will,  of 
Armorica,  an.  1192,  and  Chr.  de  St.  Denys  in  xvii. 
37,  71,  377.  For  accounts  of  similar  charges  in 
other  lands,  see  Socrates,  Hist.  Eccles.  vii.  c.  16 
(fo.  Paris);  Cassiodorus's  Hist.  Tripart.  xi.  c.  13, 
Op.  p.  343  (fo.  Venice) ;  Fleury's  Hist,  du  Chris- 
tianisme,  1.  88,  c.  40,  ed.  Vidal,  v.  600  ;  G-raetz's 
G-eschichte  der  Juden,  vols.  vi.  vii.  passim;  Fr. 
Michel's  Hugues  de  Lincoln,  u.s. ;  Acta  SS.  Bol- 
land.  xi.  501,  695-738,  832,  836  ;  Erfurt  Annals, 
Pertz  SS.  xvi.  31 ;  Annals  Placent.,  Rerum  Ital. 
SS.  xx.  cols.  945-9  (Muratori);  H.  Stero,  an. 
1288,  Rerum  Germ.  SS.  i.  572  (Freher);  Percy's 

Reliques,  u.s.;  Dr.  Lea's  Religious  Hist,  of 
Spain,  pp.  437  sq. ;  Ann.  Register,  vol.  cxxiv.for 
1882,  p.  248.]  W.  H. 

HUGH  OP  EVESHAM  (d.  1287),  cardinal. 
[See  EVESHAM.] 

HUGH  OF  BALSHAM  (d.  1286),  bishop  of 
Ely  and  founder  of  Peterhouse,  Cambridge. 
[See  BALSHAM.] 

HUGH,  WILLIAM  (d.  1549),  divine, 
born  in  Yorkshire,  was,  according  to  Wood, 
educated  at  Christ  Church,  Oxford,  but 
graduated  B.  A.  in  April  1539,  and  proceeded 
M.A.  6  June  1543,  from  Corpus  Christi  Col- 
lege. He  engaged  in  teaching  at  Oxford, 
but  afterwards  became  chaplain  to  Lady 
Denny.  He  died  at  Corpus  Christi  College 
in  1549.  Hugh  published  'The  Troubled 
Mans  Medicine,'  London,  1546,  a  religious- 
work,  said  in  the  preface  to  have  been  written 
for  a  sick  friend,  and  edited  by  John  Faukener. 
A  second  part,  entitled  '  A  Swete  Consola- 
tion, and  the  Second  Boke  of  the  Troubled 
Mans  Medicine/  &c.,  has  a  separate  title- 
page,  a  dedication  to  Lady  Denny,  and  a 
curious  frontispiece.  Another  edition  is  dated 
1567, 8vo.  The  whole  was  reprinted  in  1831 
among  the  works  of  'British  Reformers/ 
Hugh  is  also  credited  with :  1.  '  A  Boke  of 
Bertram  the  Priest  in  treating  of  the  Body  and 
Blood  of  Christ,'  London,  1549,  8vo,  12mo. 
This  was  corrected  by  Thomas  Wilcocks,  and 
reprinted  in  1582,  and  again  in  1686  with 
further  corrections  and  additions.  2.  'De 
Infantibus  absque  Baptismo  decedentibus/ 
dedicated  to  Queen  Catherine  Parr. 

[Wood's  Athense  Oxon.  ed.  Bliss,  i.  182 ; 
Wood's  Fasti  Oxon.  i.  109,  118  ;  Reg.  Univ.  Oxf. 
(Oxf.  Hist.  Soc.),  ed.  Boase,  i.  196;  Ames's- 
Typogr.  Anfiq.  (Herbert),  pp.  579,  876;  Tanner's 
BibLBrit.]  J  W.A.J.A. 

HUGKHES,  DAVID  (1813-1872),  indepen- 
dent minister,  was  born  at  Cefn-uchaf,  Llan- 
ddeiniolen,  Carnarvonshire ;  became  member 
of  Bethel  independent  church,  Arfon,  at  an 
early  age  ;  and  complied  with  the  request  of 
the  congregation  to  begin  preaching  in  1832. 
He  studied  at  Hackney  College,  and  after- 
wards at  the  university  of  Glasgow,  where 
he  graduated  and  read  theology  under  Dr. 
Wardlaw.  He  was  ordained  on  14  Sept. 
1841,  and  became  pastor  of  two  small  con- 
gregations in  Flintshire.  In  1845  he  removed 
to  St.  Asaph,  where  he  became  part  editor  of 
the  '  Beirniadur,'  and  projected  his  chief 
work, '  Geiriadur  Ysgrythyrol  a  Duwinyddol,' 
i.  e. '  A  Scriptural  and  Theological  Dictionary,' 
which  was  completed  in  1852.  A  second  edition 
of  this  work  appeared,  vol.  i.  1072  pp.,  in  1876, 
edited  by  the  Rev.  John  Peter,  and  vol.  ii. 




1006  pp.,  in  1879,  edited  by  the  Rev.  Thomas 
Lewis.  The  work  contains  a  large  number  of 
biographies.  Hughes  removed  to  Manchester 
in  1846,  and  shortly  afterwards  to  Bangor, 
where  he  remained  nine  years.  On  1  Nov. 
1855  he  settled  at  Tredegar  in  Monmouth- 
shire, and  remained  there  till  his  death  on 
3  June  1872.  Hughes  was  a  large  contri- 
butor to  the  l  Gwyddoniadur,'  or  l  Welsh  Cy- 
clopaedia,' and  edited  and  enlarged  the  Eng- 
lish and  Welsh  dictionary  of  Caerfallwch 
[see  EDWAKDS,  THOMAS].  He  began,  with 
the  author's  sanction,  a  Welsh  edition  of 
Home's  '  Introduction  to  the  Bible,'  but  it 
was  not  completed. 

[Geiriadur  Hughes,  Cyfrol  ii.]        E.  J.  J. 

HUGHES,  SIB  EDWARD  (1720  P- 
1794),  admiral,  was  born  at  Hertford  about 
1720.  His  father  is  said  by  his  biographers 
to  have  been  alderman  and  several  times 
mayor  of  Hertford,  but  the  local  histories 
fail  to  corroborate  the  statement.  He  en- 
tered the  navy  on  4  Jan.  1734-5  on  board  the 
60-gun  ship  Dunkirk,with  Captain  DigbyDent 
(d.  1737),  commodore  on  the  Jamaica  station. 
From  the  Dunkirk  he  was  moved  in  Septem- 
ber 1736  to  the  Kinsale  on  the  same  station, 
and  again,  in  July  1738,  to  the  Diamond  with 
Captain  Knowles,  and  in  her  was  present  at 
the  reduction  of  Porto  Bello  in  November 
1739  [see  KNOWLES,  SIR  CHARLES  ;  VERNON, 
EDWARD].  In  the  following  February  he  was 
moved  into  the  Burford,  Vernon's  flagship, 
and  on  25  Aug.  was  promoted  to  be  lieuten- 
ant of  the  Cumberland  fireship.  On  6  March 
1740-1  he  was  transferred  to  the  Suffolk 
with  Captain  D  avers,  and  in  her  took  part  in 
the  unsuccessful  operations  against  Carta- 
gena in  March  and  April  1741 .  In  June  he 
was  appointed  to  the  Dunkirk,  and  in  her 
witnessed  the  action  off  Toulon  on  11  Feb. 
1743-4,  but  without  taking  any  part  in  it, 
the  Dunkirk  being  in  the  rear  of  the  fleet 
under  the  immediate  command  of  Lestock 
[see  LESTOCK,  RICHARD].  In  the  follow- 
ing July  Hughes  was  moved  into  the  Stir- 
ling Castle,  and  in  October  1745  into  the 
Marlboro  ugh,  in  which  in  1746  he  returned 
to  England.  In  June  1747  he  joined  the 
Warwick  as  a  supernumerary  for  a  passage 
to  North  America  and  the  West  Indies.  On 
the  way  the  Warwick,  with  the  Lark  in 
company,  met  the  Spanish  70-gun  ship 
Glorioso.  After  a  sharp  engagement,  the 
Warwick,  being  unsupported  by  the  Lark, 
was  disabled,  and  the  Glorioso  escaped.  John 
Crookshanks  [q.  v.],  captain  of  the  Lark,  was 
condemned  by  court-martial  for  his  conduct 
on  the  occasion.  Hughes  was  promoted  to 
the  vacancy,  6  Feb.  1747-8. 

Hughes  continued  in  command  of  the 
Lark  till  July  1750,  when,  on  her  paying 
off,  he  was  placed  on  half-pay.  In  January 
1756  he  commissioned  the  Deal  Castle.  In 
July  1757  he  was  appointed  to  the  Somer- 
set of  64  guns,  in  which  he  joined  Vice- 
admiral  Holburne  at  Halifax.  In  1758  the 
Somerset  formed  part  of  the  fleet  under  Bos- 
cawen  at  the  reduction  of  Louisbourg,  and 
in  1759  under  Saunders  at  the  reduction  of 
Quebec.  Saunders  afterwards  hoisted  his 
flag  on  board  her  and  sailed  for  England  with 
part  of  the  fleet,  but  hearing  of  the  French 
being  at  sea,  hastened  to  reinforce  Hawke 
off  Brest,  too  late,  however,  to  share  in  the 
glories  of  Quiberon  Bay  [see  SAUNDERS,  SIR 
CHARLES].  In  the  following  year  the  Somer- 
set went  to  the  Mediterranean  with  Saunders, 
who  in  September  1762  moved  Hughes  into 
his  own  ship,  the  Blenheim,  in  which  he  re- 
turned to  England  in  April  1763.  After 
another  spell  of  half-pay,  Hughes  recom- 
missioned  the  Somerset  in  January  1771,  and 
commanded  her  as  a  guardship  at  Ports- 
mouth till,  in  September  1773,  he  was  ap- 
pointed commander-in-chief  in  the  East 
Indies,  with  a  broad  pennant  in  the  50-gun 
ship  Salisbury.  He  returned  home  in  1777, 
and  on  23  Jan.  1778  was  promoted  to  the 
rank  of  rear-admiral  of  the  blue. 

In  July  he  was  again  appointed  commander- 
in-chief  in  the  East  Indies,  though  he  did  not 
!  sail  till  the  following  spring,  being  detained, 
j  partly  by  the  difficulty  of  fitting  out  in  the 
!  depleted  condition  of  the  dockyards,  and 
partly  to  do  the  duty  of  commander-in-chief 
at  Portsmouth,  while  Sir  Thomas  Pye  was 
presiding  over  the  court-martial  on  Admiral 
Keppel.  He  was  meantime  created  a  knight 
of  the  Bath.  When  finally  he  put  to  sea,  he 
had  under  his  command  a  squadron  of  six 
ships  of  the  line,  including  his  own  flag- 
ship, the  Superb  of  74  guns,  and  with 
these  on  the  way  out  he  had  no  difficulty  in 
dispossessing  the  French,  who  had  lately 
seized  on  the  English  settlement  of  Goree. 
In  India  his  force  was  far  in  excess  of  any- 
thing the  enemy  could  muster  in  eastern 
waters,  and  for  the  next  two  years  he  had 
little  to  do.  In  December  1780  he  destroyed 
at  Mangalore  a  number  of  armed  vessels 
fitted  out  by  Hyder  Ali  to  prey  on  English 
commerce.  On  26  Sept.  1780  he  was  ad- 
vanced to  be  vice-admiral  of  the  blue.  In 
November  1781,  after  receiving  intelligence 
of  the  war  with  Holland,  he  co-operated  with 
the  troops  under  Sir  Hector  Munro  in  re- 
ducing Negapatnam.  He  then,  taking  some 
five  hundred  soldiers  on  board  his  ships,  went 
to  Trincomalee,  where  he  arrived  on  the 
evening  of  4  Jan.  1782.  The  place  was  not 




in  condition  to  offer  effective  resistance. 
The  town  and  the  lower  fort  were  occupied  on 
the  night  of  5  Jan.  1782,  the  Dutch  retreating 
to  Fort  Osnaburg  on  a  commanding  eminence. 
Preparations  were  immediately  made  for  re- 
ducing this  fort,  and  on  the  9th  Hughes  sent 
in  a  formal  summons  as  well  as  a  private 
letter  to  the  governor,  with  whom  he  had 
formerly  been  on  terms  of  friendly  acquaint- 
ance. The  summons  was  refused,  and  the 
place  was  taken  by  storm  on  the  morning  of 
the  llth,  the  loss  on  each  side  being  small. 
Hughes  provided  for  its  defence  as  well  as 
the  means  at  his  disposal  permitted,  and  re- 
turned to  Madras,  where  he  anchored  on 
8  Feb.  Here  he  was  joined  a  few  days  later 
by  three  ships  newly  arrived  from  England, 
and  having  intelligence  of  the  French  being 
on  the  coast  in  superior  force,  he  took  up  a 
defensive  position  under  the  batteries. 

On  the  16th  the  French  squadron  under 
M.  de  Suffren  came  in  sight,  but  though 
superior  in  force  in  the  ratio  of  twelve  ships 
to  nine  of  a  smaller  average  strength,  SufFren 
considered  that  the  position  of  the  English 
was  unassailable,  and  made  sail  to  the  south- 
ward. He  was  immediately  followed  by 
Hughes,  who  during  the  night  slipped  past 
him,  and  on  the  morning  of  the  17th  cap- 
tured a  number  of  the  merchantmen  in  con- 
voy and  a  transport  laden  with  military 
stores.  Suffren  hastened  to  the  rescue,  while 
Hughes,  having  secured  his  prizes,  prepared 
to  defend  them.  But  the  fitful  and  gusty  wind 
made  his  line  very  irregular,  and  about  four 
o'clock  in  the  afternoon  the  French,  favoured 
by  a  passing  squall,  were  able  to  attack  his 
rear  division,  which,  by  the  accidents  of  the 
weather,  was  separated  from  the  van.  Theo- 
retically, the  English  rear  was  completely 
overpowered ;  but  practically  it  held  its  own 
in  a  very  severe  struggle,  centring  round 
the  Superb  and  Exeter  [see  KING,  SIR  RICH- 
ARD, 1730-1806],  till  another  gust  permitted 
the  four  ships  of  the  van  to  come  to  its  relief. 
On  this  Suffren  drew  off  to  reform  his  line,  and 
the  fight  was  not  renewed.  During  the  night 
the  fleets  separated ;  both  had  sustained  con- 
siderable damage ;  the  French  drew  back  to 
Pondicherry  and  Hughes  went  to  Trinco- 
malee  to  refit.  He  then  returned  to  Madras, 
and  was  carry  ing  backtoTrincomalee  a  strong 
reinforcement  for  the  garrison  and  a  quantity 
of  stores,  when,  on  9  April,  as  he  was  ap- 
proaching his  port,  he  again  fell  in  with  the 
French  fleet.  He  had  the  advantage  of  the 
wind,  but  being  anxious  to  land  his  cargo  be- 
fore engaging,  and  conceiving,  probably,  that 
the  French  with  only  a  trifling  superiority 
of  force  would  not  venture  to  attack  him, 
he  pursued  his  way,  thus  allowing  the  enemy 

to  take  the  weather  gage ;  so  that  on  the 
12th  he  found  himself  on  a  lee  shore,  with 
Suffren  outside  preparing  to  engage.  Thi& 
he  did  about  two  o'clock,  in  a  manner  con- 
trary to  all  experience,  and  concentrating  his 
attack  on  the  English  centre,  placed  it  for  a 
time  in  a  position  of  great  danger.  The 
battle  raged  with  exceptional  severity  round 
the  Superb  and  Monmouth  [see  ALMS,  JAMES], 
the  latter  of  which  was  reduced  to  a  wreck, 
and  in  both  the  loss  of  men  was  very  great ; 
on  board  the  Superb  there  were  fifty-nine 
killed  and  ninety-six  wounded.  About  four 
o'clock  Hughes  made  the  signal  to  wear,  and 
in  reforming  his  line  succeeded  in  placing 
the  little  Monmouth  in  comparative  safety 
to  leeward.  The  fight  then  continued  on 
more  equal  terms  till  about  half-past  five, 
when,  in  a  violent  rain-squall,  the  fleets 
separated,  and  anchored  for  the  night  off  the 
islet  of  Providien.  The  next  day  Hughes 
got  his  fleet  into  better  order,  but,  lumbered 
up  as  his  ships  were,  he  refused  to  accept 
the  battle  which  Suffren  offered,  and  remained 
at  anchor  till  the  French  withdrew.  It  was 
during  this  time  that  Suffren  proposed  an 
arrangement  for  the  exchange  of  prisoners, 
which  Hughes  declined,  alleging  that  he  had 
not  the  requisite  authority.  As,  however^ 
the  commander-in-chief  on  a  distant  station 
has  necessarily  a  great  deal  of  discretionary 
power,  it  is  not  improbable  that  he  judged 
the  exchange  would  be  more  to  the  advantage 
of  the  French,  whose  resources,  at  such  a 
distance  from  their  base  at  Mauritius,  were 
very  limited.  Suffren  seems  to  have  regarded 
this  as  the  real  reason,  and  forthwith  handed 
all  his  prisoners  over  to  Hyder  Ali. 

Hughes  had  meantime  refitted  his  fleet  at 
Trincomalee,  and  by  the  end  of  June  took 
up  a  position  before  Negapatnam,  which  he 
understood  the  French  were  preparing  to  at- 
tack by  land  and  sea.  He  was  still  there 
when  the  French  fleet  came  in  sight  on 
5  July,  and  Suffren  proposed  to  attack  him 
at  anchor.  As  he  was  standing  in,  however, 
one  of  his  ships  was  partially  dismasted  in 
a  squall,  and  in  the  delay  that  this  occa- 
sioned, Hughes  weighed,  but  would  not  be 
tempted  to  seaward  lest  he  should  give  an 
opportunity  to  the  French  to  get  between 
him  and  the  shore,  and  so  land  the  troops 
which  they  had  on  board.  The  next  morn- 
ing, 6  July,  on  Suffren  again  standing  in, 
Hughes,  having  the  advantage  of  the  wind, 
made  the  signal  to  engage  van  to  van,  line 
to  line,  in  the  manner  prescribed  by  the 
' Fighting  Instructions;'  he  thus,  notwith- 
standing his  enemy's  teaching,  wasted  his 
strength  in  a  dispersed  attack  along  the 
whole  line,  and  the  result  was,  as  always. 




indecisive.  After  a  bloody  but  useless 
struggle  of  rather  over  two  hours'  duration, 
a  sudden  shift  of  wind  threw  both  lines  into 
confusion;  and  so  they  separated, the  damage 
on  each  side  being  fairly  equal.  The  Eng- 
lish took  up  their  former  position  off  Nega- 
patnam,  and  the  French,  being  unable  to 
effect  their  purposed  landing,  carried  their 
troops  back  to  Cuddalore.  On  1  Aug.  they 
sailed  for  Ceylon,  while  Hughes  lay  at 
Madras  refitting.  The  governor  sent  him 
word  that  the  French  had  left  Cuddalore 
and  gone  to  the  southward;  Hughes  answered 
that  he  was  not  responsible  to  the  governor 
for  the  management  of  the  fleet.  It  was  not 
till  the  19th  that  one  of  his  own  frigates,  the 
Coventry,  confirmed  the  news.  Then,  indeed, 
he  realised  that  Trincomalee  might  be  in 
danger,  and  put  to  sea  the  next  day,  20  Aug. ; 
but  the  winds  were  unfavourable,  and  it  was 
not  till  the  evening  of  2  Sept.  that  he  was 
off  the  port.  It  had  fallen  to  the  French  two 
days  before,  and  the  next  morning,  when 
Hughes  was  standing  in  towards  the  mouth 
of  the  harbour,  he  was  disagreeably  surprised 
to  see  the  French  flag  suddenly  hoisted.  He 
necessarily  drew  back,  and  Suffren,  who 
now  had  fifteen  ships  against  the  twelve 
with  Hughes,  at  once  followed,  hoping  to 
complete  his  victory  by  the  destruction  of 
the  English  fleet.  His  orders,  as  he  gave 
them  out,  formulated  the  tactics  which  had 
proved  so  dangerous  on  17  Feb.  and  on 
12  April ;  the  whole  of  his  superiority  was 
to  be  thrown  on  the  English  rear,  leaving  a 
barely  equal  force  to  hold  the  van  in  check. 
Fortunately,  however,  many  of  the  French 
captains  were  averse  to  the  task  put  before 
them ;  and  the  ill-will  of  some,  the  unsea- 
manlike  conduct  of  others,  completely  frus- 
trated Suffren's  admirable  plan.  The  ships 
engaged  in  an  isolated  manner,  and  after  a 
desultory  action  of  three  hours,  the  fleets 
separated,  the  French  making  their  way  back 
to  Trincomalee,  and  the  English  to  Madras. 
On  1  Nov.  a  hurricane,  which  swept  over 
the  roadstead,  forced  them  to  sea.  The  Su- 
perb and  Exeter  were  dismasted,  and  all 
were  more  or  less  damaged ;  Hughes  shifted 
his  flag  to  the  Sultan,  and  by  slow  degrees 
the  fleet  gathered  together  at  Bombay.  Here 
it  was  reinforced  by  a  strong  squadron  brought 
out  from  England  by  Sir  Richard  Bickerton 
[q.  v.],  and  when,  some  months  later,  Hughes 
returned  to  the  east  coast,  he  had,  for  the 
first  time,  a  numerical  superiority  to  the 
French,  and  was  able,  in  June  1783,  to  co- 
operate with  the  army  in  the  siege  of  Cud- 
dalore. On  the  14th  the  French  fleet  ap- 
peared in  the  offing,  and  on  the  17th  succeeded 
in  passing  inside  of  the  English,  and  in  esta- 

blishing a  free  communication  with  the  shore. 
The  French  ships  were  very  short-handed, 
and  took  on  board  some  twelve  hundred 
men  from  the  garrison,  previous  to  engaging 
the  English  fleet  outside.  It  was  on  the  20th 
that  the  two  enemies  again  met ;  but  though 
Suffren  had  the  position  to  windward,  and 
though  he  had,  before  leaving  Trincomalee, 
given  out  a  detailed  order  for  concentrating 
his  attack  on  the  English  rear,  he  made  no 
attempt  to  carry  out  the  scheme,  and  per- 
mitted a  dispersed  attack  along  the  whole 
line.  The  result  was  the  useless  slaughter  of 
a  hundred  men  on  each  side,  but  the  strategic 
advantage  remained  with  the  French.  Hughes 
raised  the  blockade  and  withdrew  to  Madras, 
where  he  soon  received  news  of  the  peace. 

There  is  no  other  instance  in  naval  history 
of  two  fleets  thus  fighting  five  battles  within 
little  more  than  a  year  (four  of  them  within 
seven  months)  with  no  very  clear  advantage 
on  either  side.  French  writers  speak  of  the 
five  battles  as  five  ( glorious  victories,'  but  in 
reality  they  were  very  evenly  balanced  in 
point  of  fighting,  while,  as  to  strategic  re- 
sults, the  English  had  a  slight  advantage 
from  the  first  three,  the  French  from  the 
last  two.  The  tactical  advantage,  however, 
commonly  lay  with  the  French,  and  they 
were  prevented  from  reaping  the  benefit  of 
it  solely  by  the  mutinous  or  cowardly  con- 
duct of  the  French  captains  on  the  one  hand, 
and,  on  the  other,  by  the  seamanlike  skill 
and  courage  of  Hughes  and  his  comrades. 

On  the  peace  Hughes  returned  to  England 
and  had  no  further  command,  though  ad- 
vanced in  due  course  on  1  Feb.  1793  to  be 
admiral  of  the  blue.  He  acquired  in  India 
'  a  most  princely  fortune,'  estimated  at  over 
40,000/.  a  year,  which,  it  is  said,  he  largely 
distributed  in  unostentatious  acts  of  benevo- 
lence (CHARLOCK).  He  died  at  his  seat  at 
Luxborough  in  Essex  on  17  Feb.  1794.  A 
portrait  of  Sir  Edward  Hughes,  by  Rey- 
nolds, the  bequest  of  the  admiral  himself,  'is 
in  the  Painted  Hall  at  Greenwich. 

Hughes  married  Ruth,  widow  of  Captain 
Ball,  R.N.;  she  died  30  Sept.  1800  (Gent. 
Mag.  1800,  pt.  ii.  p.  1008).  Hughes  left  no 
issue,  and  his  wealth  descended  to  a  son  of 
Captain  Ball,  R.N.,  his  wife's  son  by  her  first 
(d.  1863),  a  social  celebrity  of  the  early  part 
of  the  present  century,  when  he  was  fami- 
liarly known  as  the  <  Golden  Ball.'  In  1819 
Ball  took  the  additional  name  of  Hughes, 
married  Mdlle.  Mercandotti,  a  celebrated 
Spanish  dancer,  in  1823,  and,  having  by 
gambling  and  reckless  expenditure  dissipated 
great  part  of  his  fortune,  removed  to  St.  Ger- 
mains,  near  Paris,  where  he  died  in  1863 




,  Reminiscences  and  Recollections, 
1889,  ii.  89 ;  GRANTLEY  BERKELEY,  Reminis- 
cences :  B.  BLACKMANTLE  (i.e.  C.  M.  WEST- 
MACOTT),  English  Spy,  1825,  passim,  with, 
plate  of  '  The  English  Opera  House,'  by  R. 
Cruikshank,  containing  portraits  of  Ball- 
Hughes  and  his  wife ;  LYSONS,  Suppl.  p.  345  ; 
Gent.  Mag.  1863,  pt.  i.  pp.  533-4). 

[Official  documents  in  the  Public  Eecord  Office; 
•Charnock's  Biog.  Nav.  vi.  65 ;  Kalfe's  Nav.  Biog. 
i.  137  ;  Naval  Chronicle,  ix.  85  ;  Beatson's  Nav. 
and  Mil.  Memoirs,  v.  561-615;  Ekins's  Naval 
Battles  of  Great  Britain,  pp.  180-98;  Laughton's 
Studies  in  Naval  History,  pp.  110-45;  Cheva- 
lier's Histoire  de  la  Marine  franchise  pendant  la 
G-uerre  de  1'Independance  am6ricaine,  pp.  388- 
494  ;  Cunat's  Histoire  du  Bailli  de  Suffren,  pas- 
sim ;  Trublet's  Hist,  de  la  Campagne  de  1'Inde 
par  1'escadre  franchise  sous  les  ordres  de  M.  le 
Bailli  de  Suffren.]  J.  K.  L. 

HUGHES,  GEORGE  (1603-1667),  puri- 
tan divine,  born  of  humble  parentage  in  South- 
wark  in  1603,  was  sent  to  Corpus  Christ!  Col- 
lege, Oxford,  in  the  beginning  of  1619.  He 
was  admitted  B.A.  on  19  Feb.  1622-3,  and 
proceeded  M.A.  on  23  June  1625  as  a  fellow 
of  Pembroke  College  (Oxf.  Univ.  Reg.,  Oxf. 
Hist.  Soc.,  vol.  ii.  pt.  iii.  p.  417).  About 
1628  he  was  ordained,  and,  after  serving  cura- 
cies in  and  near  Oxford,  he  was  chosen  in 
1631  lecturer  at  All  Hallows,  Bread  Street, 
London,  where  he  soon  obtained  popularity 
as  a  preacher.  He  commenced  B.D.  on  10  July 
1633.  For  his  refusal  to  comply  with  the 
rubrics  he  was  suspended  by  Laud,  and  would 
have  emigrated  to  America  had  he  not  been 
dissuaded  by  John  Dod  [q.  v.],  on  whose  re- 
commendation he  was  appointed  chaplain  to 
Lord  Brooke  at  Warwick  Castle.  During  his 
residence  there  he  married  a  Coventry  lady. 
Ultimately  the  mother  of  Serjeant  Maynard 
prevailed  on  the  Earl  of  Bedford  to  obtain 
for  him  the  rectory  of  Tavistock  in  Devon- 
shire, and  the  earl  also  made  him  his  chap- 
lain. The  outbreak  of  the  civil  war  obliged 
him  to  remove  to  Exeter,  where  his  wife  died. 
Here  he  won  the  esteem  of  Prince  Rupert  and 
his  staff,  who  frequently  heard  him  preach. 
On  his  deciding  to  leave  the  city  the  prince 
provided  him  with  safe-conducts,  which  en- 
abled him  to  travel  in  peace  to  Coventry.  On 
21  Oct.  1643  the  corporation  of  Plymouth 
elected  him  vicar  of  St.  Andrew's  Church. 
He  dedicated  to  the  corporation  his  '  Dry 
Rod  blooming  and  fruit-bearing ;  or  a  trea- 
tise of  the  pain,  gain,  and  use  of  chastenings  ; 
preached  partly  in  severall  sermons  [on  Hebr. 
xii.  11-13],  but  now  compiled  more  orderly 
and  fully/  4to,  London,  1644.  Baxter  con- 
sidered it  the  best  work  of  its  kind.  In 
1647  he  was  appointed  to  preach  before 

the  House  of  Commons,  and  received  a  vote 
of  thanks.  His  sermon  was  printed  with 
the  title  «  Vas-euge-tuba ;  or  the  Wo-Joy- 
Trumpet,  Sounding  the  third  and  greatest 
woe  to  the  Anti-Christian  World,  but  the 
first  and  last  Joy  to  the  Church  of  the  Saints/ 
4to,  London  1647.  The  following  year  he 
subscribed  with  seventy-two  other  ministers 
'  The  joint  testimonie  of  the  Ministers  of 
Devon  .  .  .  with  .  .  .  the  Ministers  of -the 
province  of  London  unto  the  truth  of  Jesus 
...  in  pursuance  of  the  solemn  League  and 
Covenant  of  the  three  nations/  4to,  London, 
1648.  In  1654  he  was  made  one  of  the  as- 
sistants to  the  commissioners  of  Devonshire. 
Though  expelled  from  his  living  in  August 
1662,  he  continued  to  reside  at  Plymouth. 
For  holding  services  in  secret  he  was  arrested 
in  1665  and,  with  his  brother-in-law  and 
assistant  Thomas  Martyn,  confined  at  St. 
Nicholas  Island,  near  the  town,  where  he 
remained  about  nine  months.  He  found  oc- 
cupation in  writing  a  reply  to  John  Sergeant's 
'  Sure-footing  in  Christianity/ 1665,  which  ap- 
peared after  his  death  under  the  title  of '  Sure- 
footing  in  Christianity  examined/  8vo,  Lon- 
don 1668.  Meanwhile  his  health  was  fast 
failing.  His  friends  managed  to  procure  his 
release  by  giving  heavy  security;  but  he  was 
forbidden  to  live  within  twenty  miles  of  Ply- 
mouth. He  accordingly  took  up  his  abode 
at  Kingsbridge,  Devonshire,  where  he  died 
on  4  July  1667,  and  was  buried  in  the  church. 
A  memorial  tablet  was  erected  to  him  about 
1670  by  Thomas  Crispin,  for  which  Hughes's 
son-in-law,  the  well-known  nonconformist 
divine,  John  Howe  [q.  v.],  wrote  a  Latin  in- 
scription. There  is  a  portrait  of  him  in  Pal- 
mer's '  Nonconformist's  Memorial.'  His  son 
Obadiah  (1640-1704)  was  grandfather  of 
Obadiah  Hughes  (1695-1751)  [q.  v.] 

His  other  writings  are,  besides  sermons 
preached  at  the  funerals  'of  .  .  .  Captaine 
Henry  Waller/  4to,  London,  1632,  and  <  of 
Master  William  Crompton  .  .  .  pastor  of 
Lanceston,  Cornwall/  4to,  London,  1642: 
1 .  *  Aphorisms,  or  Select  Propositions  of  the 
Scripture,  shortly  determining  the  Doctrine 
of  the  Sabbath '  (edited  by  0.  Hughes),  8vo, 
London,  1670.  2.  'An  Analytical  Exposi- 
tion of  ...  Genesis  and  of  xxiii.  chap,  of 
Exodus/  fol.,  Amsterdam,  1672.  He  also 
edited  R.  Head's  <  Threefold  Cord  to  unite 
Soules  for  ever  unto  God/  4to,  1647. 

[Palmer's  Nonconf.  Mem.  ii.  56-62  ;  Wood's 
Athense  Oxon.  (Bliss),  iii.  777-80  ;  Eowe's  Eccl. 
Hist,  of  Old  Plymouth,  ii.  37-9.]  G-.  G-. 

HUGHES,  GRIFFITH  (fl.  1750),  na- 
turalist, was  perhaps  the  son  of  Edward 
Hughes  of  Towyn,  Merionethshire,  who  was 




born  about  1707,  matriculated  at  St.  Joan's 
College,  Oxford,  in  1729,  and  graduated  B.  A. 
and  M.A.  in  1748.  He  was  rector  of  St. 
Lucy's,  Barbadoes,  and  fellow  of  the  Royal 
Society  in  1750,  when  he  published  a  '  Na- 
tural History  of  Barbados.'  The  work,  a  folio 
of  314  pages,  with  a  map  and  twenty-nine 
plates,  mostly  by  Ehret,  was  published  by  sub- 
scription. Hughes  also  contributed  a  paper 
'  Of  a  Zoophyton  resembling  the  Flower  of 
the  Marigold' to  the  i  Philosophical  Trans- 
actions' for  1743,  xlii.  590. 

[Foster's  Alumni  Oxonienses.]        Or.  S.  B. 

1872),  Irish  judge,  born  in  Dublin  on  22  Aug. 
1810,  was  eldest  son  of  James  Hughes,  so- 
licitor, of  Dublin,  by  his  wife  Margaret, 
daughter  of  Trevor  Stannus  Morton  of  Dub- 
lin, solicitor.  Hughes  received  his  early  edu- 
cation at  a  private  school  in  Jervis  Street, 
Dublin,  and  subsequently  entered  Trinity 
College,  but  did  not  proceed  to  a  degree.  In 
Hilary  term  1830  he  was  admitted  a  student 
of  the  King's  Inns,  Dublin,  and  in  Trinity  term 
1832  of  Gray's  Inn,  London;  he  was  called 
to  the  Irish  bar  in  Michaelmas  term  1834. 

Hughes  devoted  himself  almost  exclusively 
to  the  chancery  courts,  and  in  1837  published 
a  '  Chancery  Practice/  which  had  a  consider- 
able success.  He  rapidly  acquired  an  exten- 
sive practice,  and  was  specially  known  for 
his  complete  mastery  of  all  the  details  of 
chancery  procedure,  then  much  more  compli- 
cated than  at  present.  In  1844  he  took  silk, 
and  as  a  leader  continued  to  enjoy  a  very  large 
practice,  especially  in  the  rolls  court.  In  1850 
he  was  appointed  by  Lord  John  Russell  solici- 
tor-general for  Ireland,  and  held  that  office 
till  the  fall  of  Lord  John's  government  in 
1852.  During  this  period  the  Ecclesiastical 
Titles  Act  was  passed,  and  Hughes  as  a  Roman 
catholic  incurred  some  unpopularity  with  the 
more  zealous  of  his  co-religionists  from  his 
connection  with  the  government.  He  never- 
theless received  the  support  of  the  Roman 
catholic  bishop  and  clergy  when  he  unsuccess- 
fully contested  Cavan  in  1855.  In  1856  he 
was  returned  for  Longford,  but  did  not  secure 
re-election  at  the  general  election  of  1857. 
In  1858  he  was  again  solicitor-general  for 
Ireland  in  Lord  Palmerston's  administration, 
and  in  1859,  on  the  return  of  Lord  Palmer- 
ston  to  power,  was  appointed  a  baron  of  the 
court  of  exchequer  in  succession  to  Baron 
Richards.  On  the  bench  Hughes  was  one 
of  the  rare  instances  of  a  chancery  lawyer 
making  a  successful  common  law  judge.  He 
continued  a  member  of  the  court  of  exchequer 
till  his  death  on  22  July  1872. 

In  1836  he  married  Sarah  Isabella,  daugh- 

ter of  Major    Francis    L'Estrange.      Two- ' 
daughters  survived  him,  the  elder  now  the 
wife  of  Lord  Morris  (lord  of  appeal) ;  the 
younger  the  wife  of  Mr.  Edward  Fitzgerald 
of  Fitz William  Place,  Dublin. 

[Annual  Register,  1872;  Life  of  Frederick 
Lucas,  London,  1886,  ii.  197  ;  information  from 
the  family.]  J.  D.  F. 

(1693-1776),  Welsh  poet,  born  on  22  March 
1693,  was  son  of  Gruffydd  Hughes,  who  de- 
rived his  lineage,  according  to  the  Welsh 
genealogies,  from  Tegeryn  ab  Carwed,  the 
lord  of  Twrcelyn.  He  was  chiefly  self-edu- 
cated. He  resided  chiefly  on  his  estate  at 
Llwydiarth  Esgob,  near  Llanerchymedd,  An- 
glesea.  He  died  on  6  April  1776,  and  was 
buried  in  Holyhead  churchyard.  Hughes's 
verses  were  held  in  high  esteem  by  Goronwy 
Owen.  He  is  one  of  the  three  Anglesea  poets 
whose  works  are  found  in  the  '  Diddanwch 
Teuluaidd  neu  waith  Beirdd  Mon  '  (London, 
1763 ;  2nd  edition,  Carnarvon,  1817;  3rd  edi- 
tion, Liverpool,  1879).  Other  poems  by  him 
occur  in  the  'Blodeugerdd/  'Diddanwch  i'w 
Feddianydd '  (Dublin,  1773),  and  t  Dewisol 
Ganiadau/  Hughes  also  published  '  Dial 
Ahaz,'  f  Deddfau  Moesoldeb,'  and  { Rheolau 
Bywyd  Dynol '  (Dublin,  1774),  all  three  pur- 
portingto  be  translations  from  English  works. 
He  left  behind  him  several  valuable  manu- 
scripts containing  poems,  translations,  tales, 
and  biographies.  Most  of  these  came  into 
the  possession  of  his  son,  who  succeeded  to 
the  estate,  and  many  have  since  been  lost,  but 
a  few  are  preserved  at  the  British  Museum. 

[Information  from  the  Rev.  R.  Jenkin  Jones  ; 
biographical  sketch  prefixed  to  Diddanwch 
Teuluaidd,  ed.  1817;  Rowlands's  Llyfryddiaeth, 
s.a.  1763  ;  Works  of  Goronwy  Owen,  ed.  Jones, 
i.  80.]  D.  LL.  T. 

HUGHES,  HUGH  (1790  P-1863),  artist, 
born  at  Pwllygwichiad,  near  Llandudno,  son 
of  Thomas  Hughes,  by  Jane,  his  wife,  was 
baptised  at  Llandudno,  according  to  the  parish 
register,  20  Feb.  1790.  He  lost  his  parents 
in  childhood,  and  was  educated  by  his  ma- 
ternal grandfather,  Hugh  Williams  of  Med- 
diant  Farm,  Llansantffraid  Glan  Conwy, 
Denbighshire.  In  due  time  Hughes  was  ap- 
prenticed to  an  engraver  at  Liverpool.  From 
Liverpool  he  removed  to  London  as  an  im- 
prover, and  took  lessons  in  oil-painting.  The 
earliest  known  specimen  of  his  handiwork  is 
a  portrait  (dated  1812)  of  the  Rev.  John 
Evans  (1723-1817)  of  Bala,  which  was  en- 
graved in  vol.  Hi.  of  the  'Drysorfa.'  He 
spent  three  years  (1819-22)  at  Meddiant 
Farm,  working  at  his  l  Beauties  of  Cambria,' 
his  best-known  work.  Hughes  returned  to 




London  after  1823.  He  was  a  radical  in 
religion  and  politics,  and  signed  a  petition 
in  favour  of  the  passing  of  the  Catholic 
Emancipation  Bill  about  1828.  The  Lon- 
don leaders  of  the  Welsh  Calvinistic  body, 
to  which  he  belonged,  thereupon  expelled 
him  from  their  communion.  Hughes  de- 
nounced this  act  of  intolerance  in  many 
pamphlets  and  in  letters  to  '  Seren  Gomer ' 
(1828-30)  with  such  effect  that  at  a  meeting 
of  delegates  of  the  Calvinistic  methodists 
held  at  Bala  in  1831  a  resolution  was  passed 
deprecating  interference  with  the  exercise  of 
political  rights.  Hughes  was  not,  however, 
reinstated  as  member  of  the  denomination. 
After  a  time  he  went  over  to  the  indepen- 
dents, and  later  to  the  Plymouth  Brethren. 
In  1832  he  wrote  much,  under  the  pseudonym 
'  Cristion/  on  church  establishments  and 
tithes  in  controversy  with  the  Rev.  Evan 
Evans  [leuan  Glan  Geirionydd].  He  died  at 
Great  Malvem  11  March  1863,  and  was  buried 
in  the  cemetery  there.  He  married  after  1823 
a  daughter  of  the  Rev.  David  Charles  of 
Carmarthen.  Mrs.  Hughes  died  at  Aberyst- 
wyth  28  Dec.  1873.  Their  three  children  died 

Hughes's  chief  woodcuts  appear  in  his 
'  Beauties  of  Cambria,'  Carmarthen,  1823,  in 
which  all  the  views  were  engraved  by  him- 
self, fifty-eight  from  his  own  drawings.  In 
his  knowledge  of  natural  form  and  masterly 
handling  of  the  graver  Hughes  has  been  com- 
pared to  Bewick.  His  treatment  of  natural 
objects  was  realistic,  minute,  and  laborious, 
and  his  foliage  is  always  truthful  and  graceful. 
He  also  made  many  lithographs  of  Welsh 
scenery.  Caricatures  by  him  of  the  com- 
missioners of  education  sent  down  to  Wales 
(1846-7)  are  very  characteristic.  Several  of 
his  sketches,  including  a  map  of  North  Wales 
under  the  name  '  Dame  Venedotia,'  '  Pitt's 
Head '  near  Beddgelert,  and  others  of  the 
neighbourhood  of  Snowdon,  were  published 
at  Carnarvon.  His  sketch  of (  Pwllheli  and 
St.  Tudwall's  Road '  is  in  Humphrey's  *  Book 
of  Views.'  Many  specimens  of  his  work  are 
in  country  houses  about  Carnarvon. 

Hughes  also  published:  1.  '  Hynafion 
Cymreig,'  a  work  on  Welsh  antiquities,  Car- 
marthen, 1823,  8vo.  2.  '  Y  Trefnyddion  a'r 
Pabyddion/ 1828  (?).  3.  Lectures  delivered 
before  the  London  Cymmrodorion  in  '  Seren 
Gomer,'  1831.  4.  <  Y  Papur  Newydd  Cym- 
reig,' 1836  (a  Welsh  newspaper),  wrongly 
ascribed  to  another  in  '  Cardiff  Eisteddfod 
Transactions/  1883.  5.  <  Y  Drefh  i  Ddyogelu 
purdeb  Bywyd,'  1849.  6.  '  The  Genteelers,' 
a  sarcastic  political  pamphlet.  7.  <  Yr  Eg- 
Iwys  yn  yr  Awyr,'  an  essay  in  '  Traetho- 
dydd,'  1853.  He  also  edited  three  volumes 


of  sermons  by  his  father-in-law,  David 
Charles;  that  published  in  1846  contained 
a  memoir,  and  projected  a  reprint  of  the 
'  Brut '  in  twenty  numbers,  of  which  only  one 

[Mr.  T.  H.  Thomas  in  Red  Dragon,  May  1887  - 
<  Cymru  Fu  '  column  in  Weekly  Mail ;  Seren 
Gomer,  1828-32;  Ymofynydd,  1890;  private 
information.]  R,  jt  j 

HUGHES,  HUGH  (TEGAI)  (1805-1864), 
Welsh  poet,  was  born  in  the  small  village  of 
Cilgeraint,  Llandegai,  Carnarvonshire,  in 
1805.  His  father  was  a  deacon  of  the  in- 
dependent church  at  Cororion,  and  district 
president  of  the  British  and  Foreign  Bible 
Society.  Hugh  derived  all  his  education  from 
a  Sunday  school.  When  the  independent 
church  to  which  his  family  belonged  was 
closed,  he  joined  the  Wesleyans,  but  subse- 
quently returned  to  the  independents,  and 
became  well  known  in  the  district  as  a  power- 
ful preacher.  He  was  prevailed  upon  to  take 
charge  successively  of  churches  at  Rhos-y- 
lan,  Tabor,  and  Llanystumdwy,  at  Jackson 
Street,  Manchester,  and  at  Capelhelyg,  Chwi- 
log,  and  Abererch  in  Carnarvonshire.  At 
Abererch  he  set  up  a  printing-press,  and 
edited  '  Yr  Arweinydd,'  a  penny  monthly, 
for  many  years.  In  1859  he  removed  to 
Aberdare,  where  he  took  charge  of  the  new 
church  at  Bethel,  and  gathered  a  large  con- 
gregation. Hughes  was  Arminian  rather  than 
Calvinistic,  but  in  his  views  of  church  or- 
ganisation he  was  a  pronounced  independent, 
holding  that  each  church  should  have  the 
sole  management  of  its  own  affairs.  He  lost 
money  by  his  publications,  and  a  public  sub- 
scription was  raised  for  him  by  friends  during 
the  last  year  of  his  life,  but  he  died,  8  Dec. 
1864,  before  the  testimonial  was  presented. 

Hughes  was  more  voluminous  as  a  writer 
than  any  Welshman  of  his  day.  He  contri- 
buted largely  to  the  current  magazines.  In 
early  life  he  competed  frequently  and  success- 
fully at  Eisteddfodau,  and  later  often  acted  a& 
an  adjudicator.  His  principal  works  are : 
1. '  Rhesymeg'  (logic),  Wrexham,  1856.  2.  <Y 
Drydedd  Oruchwyliaeth '  (The  Third  Dispen- 
sation), Pontyprydd,  1859.  3.  'Grammadeg 
Barddoniaeth,'  Carnarvon,  1862.  4.  'loan 
yn  Ynys  Patmos '  (Awdl) — an  ode  on  St. 
John  in  the  Isle  of  Patmos,  Aberdare,  1864. 
5.  '  Grammadeg  Athronyddol,'  stereotyped 
after  4th  ed.  6.  « Yr  Ysgrifell  Gymreig/  three 
editions,  Wrexham.  7.  '  Crynodeb  o  Ram- 
madeg  Cymraeg/  i.e.  introduction  to  Welsh 
Grammar,  Carnarvon.  8.  ( Catechism  of 
Welsh  Grammar/  Carnarvon.  9.  'Agoriad 
Gwybodaeth'  (on  composition).  10. '  Review 
of  Cole,  and  an  Essay  on  Divine  Government/ 




Carnarvon.  Dr.  Hughes  (Cowlyd)  says  this 
is  the  best  specimen  of  reasoning  in  the  Welsh 
language.  It  was  written  when  Hughes  left 
the  Wesleyans,  and  supplies  a  full  account  of 
his  religious  views.  11.  'Bwrdd  y  Bardd  ' 
(the  first  published  collection  of  his  poetical 
works).  12.  '  Essay  on  Independency.' 
13.  'Olyniaeth  Apostolaidd.'  14.  'Moses  and 
Colenso.'  15.  'Cydwybod.'  16.  'Bedydd 
Cristeinogol.'  17.  '  Deddf,  Pechod,  a  Gras.' 
18.  'Ydrydedd  Oruchwyliaeth.'  19.  'Cofiant 
J.  Jones,  Talsarn.'  20.  '  Casgliad  o  Emynau.' 
21.  'Telyny  Saint/ 

[J.  T.  Jones's  Geiriadur  Bywgraffyddol,  i. 
567-70  ;  three  articles  in  Y  G-eninen,  1889.] 

K.  J.  J. 

HUGHES,  JABEZ  (1685  P-1731),  trans- 
lator, younger  brother  of  John  Hughes  (1677- 
1720)  [q.  v.],  was  for  some  years  one  of  the 
receiver's  clerks  in  the  stamp  office.  He  died 
on  17  Jan.  1731,  in  the  forty-sixth  year  of  his 
age,  leaving  a  widow,  who  accompanied  the 
wife  of  Governor  Byng  to  Barbadoes,  and 
died  there  in  1740,  and  an  only  daughter. 

Hughes  translated  '  The  Rape  of  Proser- 
pine, from  Claudian,  in  three  books,  with  the 
Story  of  Sextus  and  Erichtho  from  Lucan's 
Pharsalia,  book  6'  (London,  1714,  8vo ;  an- 
other edition,  corrected  and  enlarged,  with 
notes,  1723,  12mo);  Suetonius's  'Lives  of 
the  XII  Csesars,'  with  notes  (London,  1717, 
12mo,  2  vols.)  ;  and  several  novels  from  the 
Spanish  of  Cervantes,  which  were  published 
anonymously  in  Samuel  Croxall's  l  Select 
Collection  of  Novels  and  Histories'  (second 
edition.  London,  1729,  12mo,  six  vols.)  His 
'  Miscellanies  in  Verse  and  Prose '  were  col- 
lected by  his  brother-in-law,  William  Dun- 
combe  [q.  v.],  and  published  for  the  benefit 
of  his  widow  in  1737  (London,  8vo).  The 
dedication  to  the  Duchess  of  Bedford,  though 
signed  by  his  widow,  '  Sarah  Hughes,'  was 
written  by  John  Copping,  dean  of  Clogher 
(NICHOLS,  Literary  Anecdotes,  1814,  viii. 
268).  Two  short  pieces  written  by  Hughes 
are  given  in  John  Nichols's  '  Select  Collec- 
tion of  Poems '  (1780),  vi.  39-40. 

[Preface  to  Hughes's  Miscellanies  in  Verse 
and  Prose,  1737  ;  John  Buncombe's  Letters  by 
Several  Eminent  Persons  Deceased  (2nd  edit. 
1773),  i.  160 ;  Calamy  and  Palmer's  Nonconfor- 
mist's Memorial,  1803,  iii.  365-7;  Brit.  Mus. 
Cat.]  G.  F.  E.  B. 

(1779-1844),  Welsh  Calvinistic  methodist 
minister,  was  born  at  Neuadd-ddu,  in  the 
parish  of  Ciliau  Aeron,  at  the  foot  of  Trichrug 
Mountain,  Cardiganshire,  in  1779.  At  the 
age  of  twenty-one  he  settled  in  London.  He 
was  soon  afterwards  expelled  from  the  body 

of  Calvinistic  methodists  with  which  he  had 
been  in  communion.  In  1805  he  returned 
under  the  influence  of  the  Rev.  John  Elias, 
and  four  years  later  began  preaching.  In  1816 
he  was  ordained  at  Llangeitho,  and  continued 
a  useful  minister  till  his  death,  which  took 
place  at  Rotherhithe  in  London  on  2  Nov. 
1844.  He  was  buried  in  Bunhill  Fields.  He 
was  popular  as  a  poet,  and  contributed  largely 
to  Welsh  periodicals. 

Hughes's  translations  of  Gray's  '  Bard '  and 
Blair's  '  Grave'  are  well  executed;  but  his 
chief  literary  work  was  his  '  New  Testament 
Expositor,'  based  on  Poole,  Doddridge,  Scott, 
Henry,  &c.  It  was  begun  in  1829  and  com- 
pleted in  1835,  in  2  vols.  12mo,  and  published 
at  Wyddgrug ;  a  second  edition  was  issued  at 
Holy  well  in  1845.  A  similar  work  on  the 
Old  Testament  was  left  incomplete  at  his 

[J.  T.  Jones's  Geiriadur  Bywgraffyddol,!.  558- 
559.]  R.  J.  J. 

HUGHES,  JOHN  (1677-1720),  poet,  born 
at  Marlborough,  Wiltshire,  on  29  Jan.  1677, 
was  elder  son  of  John  Hughes,  clerk  in  the 
Hand-in-Hand  Fire  Office,  Snow  Hill,  Lon- 
don, by  his  wife  Anne,  daughter  of  Isaac 
Burges  of  Wiltshire.  His  grandfather,  Wil- 
liam Hughes,  graduated  at  New  Inn  Hall, 
Oxford,  in  1638,  was  ejected  from  his  living 
at  Marlborough  in  1662,  and  died  14  Feb. 
1687  (PALMER,  Nonconf.  Mem.  iii.  365 ;  PECK, 
Desid.  Cur.}  Jabez  Hughes  [q.  v.]  was  John's 
younger  brother.  John  Hughes  was  educated 
at  a  dissenting  academy,  apparently  in  Little 
Britain,  London,  under  Thomas  Rowe,  where 
he  was  the  contemporary  of  Isaac  Watts. 
Hughes  showed  a  taste  for  literature  at  an 
early  age,  and  at  nineteen  wrote  a  tragedy 
entitled  '  Amalasont,  Queen  of  the  Goths,' 
which  was  never  acted,  and  still  remains  in 
manuscript  (Notes  and  Queries,  1st  ser.  x. 
266,  413).  He  obtained  a  place  in  the  ord- 
nance office,  and  acted  as  secretary  to  seve- 
ral commissions  for  the  purchase  of  lands  for 
the  royal  dockyards.  In  1706  he  collected 
the  materials  for  the  first  two  volumes  of  '  A 
Complete  History  of  England  ...  to  the 
death  of  ...  King  William  III '  (London, 
1706,  fol.,  3  vols. ;  2nd  edit.  London,  1719, 
fol.,  3  vols.),  and  translated  '  The  Life  of 
Queen  Mary,  written  in  Latin  by  Francis 
Godwin,  Lord  Bishop  of  Hereford,'  which 
appears  in  the  second  volume.  The  third 
volume  was  written  by  White  Kennett  [q.  v.], 
bishop  of  Peterborough,  by  whose  name  this 
history  is  generally  known.  In  1708  Hughes 
published  his  translation,  made  some  six 
years  previously,  of  Fontenelle's  '  Dialogues 
of  the  Dead.  .  .  .  With  a  Reply  to  some  Re- 
marks in  a  Critique  call'd  the  Judgment  of 




Pluto,  &c.,  and  two  original  Dialogues,' Lon- 
don, 8vo  (the  second  edition,  London,  1730, 
12mo  ;  a  new  edition,  Glasgow,  1754, 12mo). 
Hughes,  '  though  not  only  an  honest  but  a 
pious  man'  (Lives  of  the  Poets,  ii.  184),  dedi- 
cated the  book  to  the  Earl  of  Wharton,  who, 
upon  his  appointment  as  lord-lieutenant  of 
Ireland  in  the  following  year,  offered  to  take 
Hughes  with  him.  Hughes,  however,  relying 
upon  the  promises  of  another  patron,  which 
were  never  realised,  declined  the  offer,  and 
thus  lost  the  chance  of  preferment.  In  1712 
his  opera  of  '  Calypso  and  Telemachus  '  (Lon- 
don, 1712, 8vo ;  second  edition,  London,  1717, 
8vo  ;  another  edition,  London,  1781,  8vo), 
the  music  for  which  was  composed  by  John 
Ernest  Galliard,  was  performed  at  the  Queen's 
Theatre  in  the  Haymarket,  in  spite  of  the 
strenuous  opposition  of  most  of  the  Italian 
performers  to  a  musical  entertainment  in  the 
English  language.  In  1715  he  published 
*  The  Works  of  Mr.  Edmund  Spenser  .  .  . 
with  a  Glossary  explaining  the  old  and  ob- 
scure words  '  (London,  8vo,  6  vols. ;  another 
edition,  London,  1750, 12mo,  6  vols.)  Hughes 
was  a  constant  invalid,  and  during  the  greater 

fart  of  his  life  was  in  narrow  circumstances. 
n  1717,  however,  he  was  appointed  by  Lord- 
chancellor  Cowper  secretary  to  the  commis- 
sions of  the  peace  in  the  court  of  chancery,  a 
post  which  procured  him  independence  for 
the  remainder  of  his  life.  His  finely  written 
and  successful  tragedy,  l  The  Siege  of  Da- 
mascus,' was  his  best,  as  well  as  his  last  work 
(London,  1720, 8vo  ;  other  editions,  London, 
1770,  12mo,  and  London,  1778,  8vo ;  re- 
printed in  Bell's  '  British  Theatre,'  vol.  i., 
London,  1776,  8vo,  and  several  other  collec- 
tions of  plays ;  translated  into  French  in  '  Le 
Theatre  Anglois,'  torn.  7,London,  1749, 12mo). 
The  play,  the  plot  of  which  was  obviously 
suggested  by  Sir  William  D'Avenant's 'Siege,' 
was  dedicated  to  Lord  Cowper,  and  was  pro- 
duced at  Drury  Lane  Theatre  on  17  Feb. 
1720,  and  received  with  great  applause. 
Hughes,  who  had  been  too  ill  to  attend  the 
rehearsals,  died  of  consumption  on  the  same 
night  a  few  hours  after  its  production,  and 
was  buried  in  the  vault  under  the  chancel  of 
St.  Andrew's,  Holborn.  His  only  sister, 
Elizabeth,  married  William Duncombe  [q.  v.] 
1  Sept.  1726,  and  died  in  1735-6.  His  por- 
trait was  painted  by  Sir  Godfrey  Kneller  in 
1718,  and  was  given  by  Hughes  shortly  be- 
fore his  death  to  Lord  Cowper  (DUNCOMBE, 
Letters,  &c.,  i.  266).  An  engraving  of  this 
portrait  by  Gerard  Vandergucht  is  prefixed 
to  the  first  volume  of  Hughes's  '  Poems  on 
Several  Occasions,'  &c. 

Johnson,  in  his  'Life   of  Hughes,'  does 
not  enter  into  any  criticism  of  his  works. 


prose  as  well  as  verse.'     To  which  Pope  re- 
plied :  '  To  answer  your  question  as  to  Mr. 
Hughes  ;  what  he  wanted  in  genius  he  made 
up  as  a  honest  man ;  but  he  was  of  the  class 
you  think  him '  (Swiir,    Works,  1814,  xviii. 
402-3).   Steele  devoted  the  fifteenth  number 
of  '  The  Theatre '  to  a  panegyric  of  Hughes, 
and  declared  that  '  his  head,  hand,  or  heart 
was  always  employ'd  in  something  worthy 
imitation ;  his  pencil,  his  bow-string,  or  his 
pen,  each  of  which  he  us'd  in  a  masterly 
manner,  were  always  directed  to  raise  and 
entertain  his  own  mind,  or  that  of  others,  to 
a  more  cheerful  prosecution  of  what  was 
noble  and  virtuous.'    Hughes  contributed  to 
the  '  Tatler,'  '  Spectator,'  and '  Guardian,'  and 
with  Sir  Richard  Blackmore  [q.  v.]  wrote 
1  The  Lay  Monk,'  a  series  of  forty  essays,  the 
first  of  which  was  published  on  16  Nov.  1713, 
and  the  last  on  15  Feb.  1713-14.     A  second 
edition  of  these  essays  was  published  in  1714 
under  the  title  of  '  The  Lay  Monastery,'  &c., 
London,  12mo.     (For  lists  of  these  contribu- 
tions see  DUNCOMBE,  Letters  by  Several  Emi- 
nent Persons  Deceased,  i.  xi-xii,  122-5,  143- 
144;    and  CHALMEKS,  British  Essayists,   i. 
Ixx-lxxi,    v.    li-liii,    xiii.    xxx,    xlv-xlvi.) 
Several   of  his  translations   appeared   in  a 
periodical  publication  called  '  The  Monthly 
Amusement.'     Hughes   persuaded  Addison 
to  put  his  '  Cato '  on  the  stage,  and  under- 
took at  his  request  to  supply  the  fifth  act, 
which  was,  however,  ultimately  written  by 
Addison  himself.     Hughes  withdrew  most  of 
his  contributions  to  Steele's  '  Poetical  Mis- 
cellanies '  (London,  1714,  8vo)  upon  hearing 
that  Pope's '  Wife  of  Bath,  her  Prologue,  from 
Chaucer/  and  some  other  pieces,  which  were 
inconsistent  with  his  ideas  of  propriety,  were 
to  be  included,  '  and  would  only  allow  two 
small  poems,  and  those  without  a  name,  to 
appear  there'  (DUNCOMBE,  Letters,  i.  xiii). 
Hughes  was  a  friend  of  Thomas  Britton[q.  v.J, 
and  used  to  play  the  violin  at  'the  musical 
small  coalman's'  concerts.     His  'Venus  and 
Adonis,'  and  several  other  cantatas,  were  set 
to  music  by  Handel.     Pepusch  and  Haym 
also  composed  music  for  his  poetical  pieces. 
A  collection  of  his  '  Poems  on  Several  Oc- 
casions, with  some  Select  Essays  in  Prose,' 
&c.,  edited  by  his  brother-in-law,  was  pub- 
lished in  1735  ( London,  12mo,  2  vols.)     His 
poems  are  included  in  the  tenth  volume  of 
Chalmers's   '  Works  of  the  English  Poets ' 
(1810),  and  in  many  other  poetical  collections. 
His  correspondence,  '  with  some  pieces  by 
Mr.  Hughes  never  before  published,  and  the 
original  plan  of  the  Siege  of  Damascus,'  will 


1 80 


be  found  in  '  Letters  by  several  Eminent  Per- 
sons Deceased/  edited  by  his  nephew,  the  Rev. 
John  Buncombe  [q.  v.]  (second  edition  1773). 
Hughes  is  said  to  have  left  in  manuscript  two 
acts  of  a  tragedy  entitled  '  Sophy  Mirza,' 
which  was  subsequently  completed  by  Wil- 
liam Duneombe  (BAKEE,  Biog.  Dram.  1812, 
i.  211, 379). 

He  also  wrote :  1.  t  The  Triumph  of  Peace : 
a  poem,'  London,  1698,  fol.     In  the  dedica- 
tion to  Sir  Richard  Blackmore,  Hughes  states 
that  this  was  the  first  poetical  essay  which 
he  had  '  ventur'd  to  make  publick.'     2.  '  The 
Court  of  Neptune.     On  King  William's  Re- 
turn from  Holland,  1699,'  1699.     3.   'The 
House  of  Nassau :  a  Pindaric  ode,'  London, 
1702,  fol.     4.  'An  Ode  in  praise  of  Musick, 
set  for  variety  of  Voices  and  Instruments  by 
...  P.  Hart,'  London,  1703,  4to.    Reprinted 
(without  the  music)  with  Hughes's  '  Cupid 
and  Hymen's  Holiday,  a  pastoral  masque' 
[London,  1781  ?],  8vo.    5.  '  A  Review  of  the 
Case  of  Ephraim  and  Judah,  and  its  appli- 
cation to  the  Church  of  England  and  the 
Dissenters.     In  a  letter  to  Dr.  Willis,  Dean 
of  Lincoln,  occasioned  by  his  Thanksgiving 
Sermon,  preached  before  her  Majesty  at  St. 
Paul's,  on  23  Aug.  1705,'  1705.    6.  <  Advices 
from  Parnassus.  .  .  .  Written  by    Trajano 
Boccalini.    To  which  is  added  a  continuation 
of  the  Ad  vices  by  Girolamo  Briani  of  Modena. 
All  translated  from  the  Italian  by  several 
Hands.  Revia'd  and  Corrected  by  Mr.  Hughes,' 
&c.,  London,  1706,  fol.     7.  Translation  of 
Moliere's  'Misanthrope,'  with  a  preface,  1709. 
It  was   afterwards   reprinted   (without  the 
preface)  with  Moliere's  other  plays  translated 
by  Ozell.   8.  '  The  History  of  the  Revolution 
in  Portugal.  ...  By  the  Abbot  de  Vertot 
.  .  .  Translated   from  the  French '  (anon.), 
London,  1712.     9.  <  An  Ode  to  the  Creator 
of  the  World.     Occasion'd  by  the  Fragments 
of  Orpheus'   (anon.),   London,    1713,    fol. 
10.  '  Apollo  and  Daphne  :  a  masque.     Set  to 
musick  by  [Dr.  Pepusch],  and  perform'd  at 
the  Theatre  Royal  in  Drury  Lane  '  (anon.), 
London,  1716, 4to ;  another  edition  [London, 
1781  ?],  8vo.      11.  <  An  Ode  for  the  Birth- 
day of  Her  Royal  Highness  the  Princess  of 
Wales,'  London,  1716, 4to.  12.  '  A  Layman's 
Thoughts  on  the  late  Treatment  of  the  Bishop 
of  Bangor,  in  the  charge  made  against  him 
by  Dr.  Snape,  and  undertaken  to  be  proved 
by  the  Bishop  of  Carlisle  [Dr.  Nicolson].    In 
a  letter  to  the  Bishop  of  Carlisle,'  1717. 
13.  *A  Discourse  concerning  the  Antients 
and  Moderns.     Written  by  the  same  author, 
and  translated  by  Mr.  Hughes,'  appended  to 
Glanvill's  translation  of '  Conversations  with 
a  Lady  on  the  Plurality  of  Worlds.   Written 
in  French  by  M.  Fontenelle,'  London,  1719, 

12mo.   14.  <  Charon ;  or  the  Ferry-Boat.    A 

vision.     Dedicated  to  the  Swiss  Count 

[John  James  Heidegger],' London,  1719, 8vo. 
Reprinted  in  second  volume  of  Samuel  Crox- 
all's  '  Select  Collection  of  Novels  and  Histo- 
ries,'London,  1829, 12mo.  15.  'TheEcstacy: 
an  ode,'  London,  1720,  fol.  16.  '  Letters  of 
Abelard  and  Heloise.  To  which  is  prefix'd 
a  particular  account  of  their  lives,  amours, 
and  misfortunes.  Extracted  chiefly  from 
Monsieur  Bayle.  Translated  from  the  French. 
The  fourth  edition  corrected  '  (anon.),  Lon- 
don, 1722,  12mo ;  the  seventh  edition,  Lon- 
don, 1743,  12mo  ;  the  tenth  edition,  London, 
1765,  12mo;  ditto,  Dublin,  1769,  12mo ; 
another  edition,  London,  1788,  8vo ;  another 
edition,  London,  1805, 12mo ;  another  edition, 
Edinburgh,  1806,  12mo.  17.  <  The  Compli- 
cated Guilt  of  the  late  Rebellion,'  1745.  This 
was  written  by  Hughes  in  1716,  but  was  not 
published  until  1745,  when  it  was  printed 
with  a  preface  by  William  Duneombe. 

[Preface  to  Hughes's  Poems  on  Several  Occa- 
sions, &c.,  1735,  pp.  i-xxxvii ;  Buncombe's  Let- 
ters by  Several  Eminent  Persons  Deceased  (2nd 
edit.  1773);  Johnson's  Lives  of  the  English 
Poets  (ed.  P.  Cunningham,  1854),  ii.  183-8; 
Boswell's  Life  of  Johnson  (ed.  G.  B.  Hill,  1887), 
i.  270,  iii.  259,  314,  iv.  36-7;  Spence's  Anecdotes 
(ed.  S.  W.  Singer,  1858),  p.  229;  Biog.  Brit, 
1757,  iv.  2697-2709;  Chalmers's  Biog.  Diet. 
1814,  xviii.  294-7  ;  Chalmers's  British  Essayists, 
1823,  v.  xlix-liii,  xiii.  xxxv-vi;  Bisset's  Bio- 
graphical Sketch  of  the  Authors  of  the  Spec- 
tator, 1793,  pp.  217-39;  Calamy  and  Palmer's 
Nonconformist's  Memorial,  1803,  iii.  365-7; 
Sir  John  Hawkins's  History  of  Music,  1853,  ii. 
789,  791,  809,  817,  829,  831  ;  Baker's  Biog. 
Dramat.  1812,  vol.  i.  pt.  i.  pp.  378-9 ;  Nichols's 
Literary  Anecdotes,  1812-15,  i.  396,  v.  597,  viii. 
265,  266,  268,  277,  495;  The  Georgian  Era, 
1834,  iii.  516;  Historical  Eegister,  1720,  vol.  v. 
Chron.  Diary,  p.  10;  Gent.  Mag.  1779,  xlix. 
456-7,  549  ;  Notes  and  Queries,  7th  ser.  x.  108, 
187,  195,  249,  255,  268  ;  Halkett  and  Laing's 
Diet,  of  Anon,  and  Pseud.  Lit.  1882-8;  Brit. 
Mus.  Cat.]  G.  F.  E.  B. 

HUGHES,  JOHN  (1776-1843),  divine 
and  antiquary,  the  third  child  of  William 
Hughes,  by  his  second  wife,  Elizabeth,  daugh- 
ter of  John  and  Grwenllian  Thomas  of  Lany- 
ewan,  was  born  on  18  May  1776  at  Brecon, 
where  his  father  was  a  respectable  trades- 
man. He  was  educated  at  the  College  gram- 
mar school  at  Brecon.  In  1790  he  met  John 
Wesley,  who  was  passing  northwards  from 
the  Bristol  conference,  joined  the  Wesleyans, 
and  soon  became  a  local  preacher.  In  1796 
he  was  ordained  a  minister,  and  engaged  in 
mission  work  on  various  Welsh  circuits  until 
1805,  when  he  was  appointed  to  superintend 
the  Wesleyan  mission  in  Liverpool,  and  to 




pay  monthly  visits  to  Manchester.  At  Man- 
chester he  made  the  acquaintance  of  Dr. 
Adam  Clarke  [q.  v.]  In  1832  Hughes  be- 
came a  supernumerary,  and  retired  to  Knuts- 
ford  in  Cheshire,  where  he  died  15  May  1843 
In  1811  he  married  Esther,  eldest  daughter  oJ 
Edward  Clarke  of  Knutsford,  who  survived 

Hughes  published,  besides  smaller  works 

1.  'A  Plea  ^  for  Religious    Liberty,'  1812 

2.  '  Horse  Britannicae,  or  Studies  in  Ancient 
British  History,'  2  vols.  London,  1818-19, 
8vo ;  a  work  highly  spoken  of  by  Bishop  Bur- 
gess and  Sharon  Turner.    3. '  Theological  Es- 
says and  Discourses  on  the  Nature  and  Obli- 
gations of  Public  Worship,  &C./1818.  4.  'An 
Essay  on  the  Ancient  and  Present  State  of 
the  Welsh  Language,'  London,  1823,  8vo,  for 
which,  as  for  two  other  essays,  he  obtained 
a  medal  from  the  Cambrian  society.   5. l  Me- 
moir of  Miss  Pedmore  of  Knutsford,'  1836. 
6.  {  Memoir  and  Eemains  of  the  Rev.  Mr. 
Fussel,  Wesleyan  Minister,'  1840.     He  left 
in  manuscript  (1)  a  corrected  copy  of  the 
'Hone  Britannic33,'  (2)  <  A  History  of  Wales/ 
and  (3)  '  Historical  Triads,  Memorials  of  Re- 
markable Persons  and   Occurrences  among 
the  Cymry.'     The  last,  which  is  an  anno- 
tated translation  from  the  Welsh,  is  now  in 
the  British  Museum.     A  Welsh  translation 
of  his  friend  Dr.  Coke's  ' Commentary  on  the 
New  Testament '  was  begun  by  him,  but  was 
not  completed. 

[Williams's  Eminent  Welshmen,  p.  225  ;  Wes- 
leyan Meth.  Mag.,  LXX.  i.  209.]  W.  A.  J.  A. 

HUGHES,  JOHN  (1790-1857),  author, 
born  2  Jan.  1790,  was  the  only  child  of 
Thomas  Hughes,  D.D.,  clerk  of  the  closet  to 
George  III  and  George  IV,  vicar  of  Uffing- 
ton,  Berkshire,  and  canon  of  St.  Paul's  Cathe- 
dral, by  his  wife  Mary  Anne,  daughter  of 
the  Rev.  George  Watts,  vicar  of  Uffington. 
1  Clever,  active  Mrs.  Hughes  '  was  an  early 
friend  of  Sir  Walter  Scott,  whom  she  visited 
with  her  husband  in  1824  (LoCKHAKT,  Life  of 
Scott,  p.  524, 1  vol.  ed.,  1845).  John  Hughes 
was  educated  at  Westminster  School  and  at 
Oriel  College,  Oxford,  where  he  graduated 
B.A.  1812  and  M.A.  1815.  He  gained  the 
prize  for  Latin  verse,  and  recited  an  Eng- 
lish ode  when  Wellington  and  the  united 
sovereigns  visited  Oxford  in  1814.  He  was 
the  author  of  the  macaronic  Oriel  grace- 
cup  song,  '  Exultet  mater  Oriel '  (Notes  and 
Queries,  3rd  ser.  iii.  66).  About  1820 
Hughes  went  to  live  at  Uffington,  but  on  the 
death  of  his  father,  thirteen  years  later,  re- 
moved to  Donnington  Priory,  Berkshire.  He 
died  at  Brompton  on  13  Dec.  1857.  He  mar- 
ried, 14  Dec.  1820,  Margaret  Elizabeth,  second 

daughter  of  Thomas  Wilkinson,  esq.,  of  Stokes- 
ley  Hall,  Yorkshire,  and  had  by  her  a  family 
of  six  sons  and  one  daughter.  An  account 
of  the  eldest  son,  George  Edward  Hughes  of 
Donnington  Priory,  is  given  in  the  '  Memoir 
of  a  Brother,'  by  the  second  son,  Mr.  Thomas 
Hughes,  Q.C.,  judge  of  county  court,  who  is 
the  well-known  author  of  'Tom  Brown's 

Hughes  was  a  good  scholar  and  linguist,  a 
clever  draughtsman  and  wood-carver  (cp. 
Miss  MITFOKD,  Recollections,  1859,  chap, 
xxxvii.)  Some  forcibly  written  letters  to  his 
sons  when  boys  and  young  men  are  printed 
in  the  'Memoir  of  a  Brother.'  His  chief 
publications  were:  'An  Itinerary  of  Pro- 
vence and  the  Rhone  made  during  the  year 
1819,'  with  etchings  by  the  author,  London, 
1822,  8vo,  a  work  praised  by  Scott  in  the 
preface  to  '  Quentin  Durward,'  and  an  edition 
of  'The  Boscobel  Tracts/  Edinburgh  and 
London,  1830,  8vo  ;  2nd  edit.  Edinburghand 
London,  1857,  8vo.  He  also  published '  Lays 
of  Past  Days/ 1850, 16mo  ;  an  ode  recited  in 
the  Theatre,  Oxford,  1814;  and ' Pompeii '  (an 
ode)  [1820_?],  4to.  '  Views  in  the  South  of 
France  .  .  .  engraved  by  William  Bernard 
Cooke  [q.  v.],  &c./ 1825,  fol.,  contained  illus- 
trations from  sketches  made  by  Hughes. 

[Gent.  Mag.  1858,  3rd  ser.  iv.  225  ;  Hughes's 
Memoir  of  a  Brother  ;  Miss  Mitford's  Eecollec- 
tions;  Burke's  Landed  Gentry,  1868,  s.v.  'Hughes 
of  Donnington  Priory ; '  Brit.  Mus.  Cat.] 


HUGHES,  JOHN  (1787-1860),  arch- 
deacon of  Cardigan,  son  and  heir  of  John 
Hughes,  esq.,  of  Llwyn  Glas,  Llanfihangel 
Geneu'rGlyn,  near  Aberystwyth,  was  born  in 
1787.  After  attending  the  grammar  school  of 
Ystradmeurig,  he  became  classical  master  at 
a  large  school  at  Putney,  London, where  he  re- 
mained about  eighteen  months.  As  a  lad  he 
aspired  to  become  a  preacher.  Returning  to 
Wales  he  was  ordained  by  the  Bishop  of  St. 
Asaph  in  1811.  He  was'curate  first  for  six 
years  at  Llandrillo  yn  Rhos,  near  Conway,  and 
afterwards  at  Foleshill,  near  Coventry.  At 
Foleshill  he  became  very  popular ;  but  when 
the  vicar  died,  in  1822,  Lord-chancellor  Eldon 
refused  the  petition  of  the  parishioners  to 
Destow  the  living  on  him.  Hughes  therefore 
.eft,  and  settled  at  Tiddington,  near  Oxford. 
Here  again  his  fame  as  a  preacher  soon  filled 
the  church,  and  students  from  Oxford  were 
ften  among  his  hearers.  He  became  in  1837 
icar  of  Aberystwyth  and  curate  of  Llanba- 
larn  Fawr .  In  1 834  the  living  of  the  mother 
church  of  Llanbadarn  was  conferred  on  him, 
,vith  aprebendalstall  in  the  collegiate  church 
>f  Brecon,  and  in  1859  Bishop  Thirlwall  gave 




him  the  archdeaconry  of  Cardigan.  In  the 
course  of  that  year  he  visited  eighty  parishes, 
preaching  in  each.  He  died  on  1  Nov.  1860, 
aged  73.  He  was  for  many  years  the  most 
popular  preacher  of  the  established  church  in 

He  published  in  Welsh,  besides  sermons, 
translations  of  Henry  and  Scott's  '  Com- 
mentary,' as  far  as  Deuteronomy,  1834,  of 
Hall's  <  Meditations,'  and  '  Y  Nabl'  (i.e.  the 
Psaltery),  a  collection  of  Welsh  psalms  and 

His  English  publications  include,  besides 
sermons  :  1.  '  The  Domestic  Ruler's  Moni- 
tor/ 1821.  2.  <  Pastoral  Visitation,'  1822. 
3.  '  Esther  and  her  People,'  1832.  4.  <  Ruth 
and  her  Kindred,'  1839.  5.  'The  Self- 
Searcher.'  6.  f  Psalms  and  Hymns  for  the 
use  of  the  Church  at  Aberystwyth.'  7.  '  The 
Heathen's  Appeal.'  A  volume  of  sermons, 
with  biography  by  his  son,  the  Rev.  R. 
Hughes,  appeared  at  Liverpool  in  1864. 

[Foulkes's  Geirlyfr  Bywgraffiadol ;  biography 
by  the  Eev.  R.  Hughes,  prefixed  to  sermons, 
1864.]  E.  J.  J. 

HUGHES,  JOHN  (1796-1860),  Calvin- 
istic  methodist,  was  born  at  Adwy'r  Clawdd, 
near  Wrexham,  on  11  Feb.  1796.   His  parents 
were  Hugh  and  Mary  Hughes.     His  father 
was  a  carpenter,  and  he  himself  followed  the 
same  occupation  till  he  was  nineteen.    When 
a  lad  of  twelve  he  joined  the  Sunday-school  j 
which  was  then  introduced  into  the  neigh-  \ 
bourhood,  and  made  great  progress.    In  1810  ' 
he  joined  the  Calvinistic  methodist  church  at  ! 
Adwy,  and  three  years  later  began  preaching,  i 
On  13  Sept.  1815  he  opened  a  school  at  Cross 
Street,  near  Hope,  Flintshire,  but  in  August 
1817  he  went  to  school  himself  to  learn  Latin 
and  Greek.     After  a  time  he  opened  a  new 
school   at  Wrexham,   and   prepared   many 
young  men  for  the   pulpit.      He  preached  ! 
every  Sunday.     In  February  1821  he  was  • 
authorised   as  regular  preacher  to  visit  all 
parts  of  Wales,  and  in   1822  he   preached 
before  the  Methodist  Association.  On  17  June 
1829  he  was  ordained  at  Bala.  In  1835,  owing  | 
to  bad  health,  he  gave  up  his  school,  and  be-  j 
came  a  flour  merchant,  in  partnership  with  j 
a  brother.     In  1838  he  went  to  Liverpool,  | 
attained  considerable  eminence  there  as  a  j 
preacher,  and  became  co-pastor  with  Henry 
Rees  [q.  v.]  of  the  Welsh  Calvinistic  churches 
of  Liverpool.     He  died  on  a  visit  to  Aber- 
gele  8  Aug.  1860.     He  was  twice  married. 

Hughes's  chief  work  is  his  '  History  of 
Welsh  Calvinistic  Methodism,'  in  three  large 
volumes  (Wrexham,  vol.  i.  1851,  vol.  ii.  1854, 
vol.  iii.  1856).  A  volume  containing  twenty- 
two  sermons,  together  with  a  memoir  by  the 

Rev.  R.  Edwards  and  the  Rev.  John  Hughes 
of  Everton,  and  a  portrait,  appeared  in  1862. 
Other  works  (all  in  Welsh,  and  nearly  all 
published  at  Wrexham  without  date)  are : 
1.  '  Companion  to  Scripture.'  2.  'Mirror  of 
Prophecy'  (reviewed  in  'Drysorfa,'  March 
1849).  3.  'The  Scripture  Test.'  4.  'Cate- 
chism of  Scripture  History'  (reviewed  in 
'  Drysorfa,'  January  1850).  5.  '  Protestant- 
ism in  Germany,'  London,  1847.  6.  'An 
Essay  on  the  Sabbath,'  1859.  He  also  trans- 
lated several  works  for  the  Religious  Tract 

[Foulkes's  Geirlyfr  Bywgraffiadol;  Geiriadur 
Hughes ;  Memoir.]  E.  J.  J. 

1887),  Welsh  poet,  youngest  child  of  Richard 
and  Phoebe  Hughes,  was  born  in  the  old 
family  homestead  of  Penbryn,  Llanarmon- 
Dyffryn  Ceiriog,  Denbighshire,  on  25  Sept. 
1832.  Ceiriog  (as  he  was  familiarly  called) 
traced  his  pedigree  to  Bleddyn  ab  Cynvyn, 
prince  of  Gwynedd  and  Powys  in  1072.  After 
attending  school  at  Nant-y-Glog,  he  took  un- 
willingly to  agricultural  pursuits.  He  was 
always  reading,  and  it  soon  became  evident 
that  farming  was  not  his  vocation.  In  1848 
he  spent  three  months  in  a  printer's  office 
at  Oswestry,  and  in  1849  obtained  employ- 
ment with  a  grocer  at  Manchester,  but  shortly 
afterwards  became  a  clerk  in  a  large  place  of 
business  in  London  Road,  Manchester,  where 
he  remained  sixteen  years.  Leaving  Man- 
chester in  1865,  Ceiriog  was  appointed  sta- 
tionmaster,  first  on  the  Cambrian  railway  at 
Llanidloes,  then  in  1870  at  Towyn,  in  1871 
at  Trefeglwys,  and  the  same  year  at  Caersws. 
He  appeared  in  public  for  the  last  time  at  the 
Holborn  Town  Hall  on  11  Nov.  1886  in  con- 
nection with  the  London  National  Eisteddfod. 
He  was  then  in  bad  health,  and  died  on 
23  April  1887,  aged  54.  His  remains  were 
interred  in  the  parish  churchyard  of  Llanwnog, 
two  miles  from  Caersws,  Montgomeryshire. 
On  22  Feb.  1861  he  married  Miss  Roberts  of 
the  Lodge,  Dyffryn  Ceiriog,  by  whom  he  had 
four  children,  two  sons  and  two  daughters. 

His  first  prize  for  poetry  was  won  at  a 
literary  tournament  in  Grosvenor  Square 
Chapel,  Manchester.  In  1853  he  won  a 
prize  at  Nantglyn,  Denbighshire,  for  the- 
best  poem  in  memory  of  Dr.  W.  0.  Pughe. 
In  the  London  Eisteddfod  of  1856  he  won 
a  prize  for  the  best  six  stanzas  on  the  Rev. 
John  Elias  (1774-1841),  and  another  for  a 
poem  in  memory  of  the  heir  of  Nanhoron. 
About  the  same  time  he  published  the  'Bar- 
ddoniadur,'  and  its  strictures  on  Caledfryn, 
the  greatest  Welsh  critic  of  the  day,  attracted 
attention  in  Wales.  In  1856-9  Ceiriog  pub- 




lished   his    first   satiric  verses  in  '  Yr  Ar- 
weinydd,'  of  which  Tegai  [see  HUGHES,  HUGH, 
1805-1864]  was  editor.     In  1856  he  won  a 
prize  of  10Z.  for  his  pastoral  poem  l  Owain 
Wyn,'  which  is  now  recognised  as  the  best  pas- 
toral in  the  language,  although  it  failed  to  win 
a  prize  at  an  eisteddfod  the  year  before.    At 
the  Llangollen  Eisteddfod  in  1858  he  secured 
the  prize  for  '  Myfanwy  Fychan,'  which  raised 
him  to  the  first  rank  among  Welsh  bards. 
His  first  volume  of  poetry,  '  Oriau'r  Hwyr ' 
(Evening  Hours),  was  published   in  1860, 
Euthyn,  2nd  edit.  1861  ;  101.  was  paid  him 
for  the  copyright.     His  biographer  says  that 
between  twenty-five   thousand   and  thirty 
thousand  copies  were  sold.     In  the  same  year 
he  won  seven  prizes  at  the  Merthyr  Eistedd- 
fod for  seven  temperance  songs.    His  second 
volume  of  poetry,  '  Oriau'r  Bore '  (Morning 
Hours),  appeared  in  1862,  Wrexham ;    his 
third, '  Cant  o  Ganeuon' (A  Hundred  Songs), 
in  1863;    <  Bardd    a'r    Cerddor,   gyda   Hen 
Ystraeon  am  danynt/   and    '  Gemau'r   Ad- 
roddwr '   soon   afterwards  ;    '  Oriau    Eraill ' 
(Other    Hours)    in    1868;    'Oriau'r    Haf 
(Summer  Hours),  in    1870;    'Oriau   Olaf 
(Last  Hours)  posthumously,  edited  by  Isaac 
Foulkes,  in  1888.    The  volumes  published  in 
his  lifetime  contain  about  six  hundred  songs. 
Of  these  a  hundred  are   adapted  to   older 
Welsh  airs,  and  modern  composers  have  set 
the  rest  to  music.    He  also  wrote  fifty  songs 
for  Brinley  Richards's  '  Songs  of  Wales,'  Lon- 
don, 1873,  and  composed  twenty-five  sacred 
songs  at  the  request  of  leuan  Gwyllt  and 
Owain  Alaw.     Ceiriog  was  the  author  of  the 
original   song    for  which  Brinley  Richards 
wrote  the  popular  air  *  God  bless  the  Prince 
of  Wales.'     Many   of  the   articles   in   the 
'  Gwyddoniadur '  (Welsh  Encyclopaedia)  were 
written  by  him,  notably  that  on  Dafydd  ab 
Gwilym,  and  he  contributed  four  articles  to 
the  'Traethodydd'  (Welsh  quarterly).     He 
also  wrote  weekly  for  the  'Baner'  for  twenty- 
seven  years,  at  first  as  Manchester  corre- 

Ceiriog  is  the  best  lyric  poet  that  Wales 
has  produced.  His  verse  is  always  true  to 
nature,  always  pure,  always  simple-  Feeling 
that  he  owed  much  to  the  eisteddfod,  he 
vigorously  supported  the  institution  to  the 
last,  and  helped  to  improve  its  position  in 
public  estimation.  There  was  hardly  any 
eisteddfod  of  importance  in  recent  years  with 
which  his  name  was  not  associated  either  as 
competitor  or  adjudicator.  His  adjudications 
were  as  a  rule  carefully  written  out,  and  are 
still  greatly  valued  (see  Cardiff  Eisteddfod 
Transactions,  1883,  pp.  126-45). 

[Memoir  by  '  Llyfrbryf,'  i.e.  Isaac  Foulkes, 
Liverpool ;  four  papers,  '  Ar  Fywyd  ac  Athry- 

lith  Ceiriog,'  in  Y  G-eninen,  1887-8,  by  'Lle-w 
Lhvyfo  ; '  Preface  to  Brinley  Richards's  Songs  of 
Wales,  iii ;  prize  essay  by  the  Rev.  Elved  Lewis 
in  Wrexham  Eisteddfod  Trans.  1888.]  R.  J.  J. 

HUGHES,       JOSHUA      (1807-1889), 
bishop  of  St.  Asaph,  son  of  C.  Hughes,  esq., 
of  Newport,  Pembrokeshire,  was  born   at 
Nevern,  Pembrokeshire,  in  1807.     He  was 
educated  at  Ystradmeurig  grammar  school, 
i  and  at  St.  David's  College,  Lampeter ;  at  both 
'  his  performances  gave  promise  of  future  dis- 
tinction.    With  two  brothers,  Hughes  took 
orders  in  the  church  of  England,  being  or- 
dained deacon  in  1830,  and  priest  in  1831. 
His  first  curacy  was  at  Aberystwith,  whence 
he  passed  to  St.  David's,  Carmarthen,  and  to 
Abergwilly.    At  Abergwilly  he  first  enjoyed 
the  intimacy  of  Bishop  Thirlwall,  whose  in- 
fluence left  its  mark  upon  his  character.    At 
Abergwilly  Hughes  worked  with  conspicuous 
zeal  until  1846,  when  he  was  presented  to  the 
vicarage  of  Llandovery.  For  the  twenty-four 
years  of  his  residence  there  Hughes  was  one 
of  the  most  laborious  of  Welsh  clergy.    He 
thought  little  of  riding  twenty-five  miles  on 
Sunday  in  order  to  conduct  four  services  in 
his  parish.     His  bishop  made  him  rural  dean, 
and  his  fellow  clergy  sent  him  to  convoca- 
tion.    In  1870  Mr.  Gladstone,  at  the  sug- 
gestion, it  is  said,  of  Dr.  Thirlwall,  offered 
the  vacant   bishopric  of  St.  Asaph  to   the 
Welsh-speaking  vicar  of  Llandovery.     The 
appointment  was   criticised   somewhat   ad- 
versely because  Hughes  was  not  a  university 
man,  was  practically  unknown  outside  the 
Principality,  and  had  had  exclusively  paro- 
chial experience.   Events  justified  the  choice. 
Hughes  (who  was  made  D.D.  by  the  Arch- 
bishop of  Canterbury)  administered  his  dio- 
cese with  vigour  and  impartiality.    Exacting 
a  high  standard  from   candidates  for  holy 
orders,  and  strenuously  upholding  the  pre- 
rogatives of  the  church,  he  still  cultivated 
friendly  relations  with  nonconformity.     He 
favoured  all  reasonable  measures  of  church 
reform;   laboured    hard   to   secure   Welsh- 
speaking  clergy  for  Welsh   and   bi-lingual 
parishes  ;  promoted  the  provision  of  services 
in  Welsh  for  Welsh  residents  in  English 
towns ;  and  was  one  of  the  first  as  well  as 
warmest  supporters  of  the  movement  for  pro- 
moting higher  education  in  Wales.  In  August 
1888  Hughes  was  struck  with  paralysis  while 
at  Crieff  in  Perthshire.     He  never  rallied, 
and  died  there  on  21  Jan.  1889.     Hughes 
married  in  1832  Margaret,  daughter  of  Sir 
Thomas  McKenny,  and  widow  of  Captain 
Gun,  by  whom  he  had  three  sons  and  five 

Hughes  was  the  author  of  several  charges^ 
sermons,  and  pamphlets.     One  of  the  latter'^ 




on  'TheUniversity  oi  Brecknock' (n.d. ?  1856, 
and  signed  l  Veritas '),  was  much  discussed. 

[Kecord,  25  Jan.  1889  ;  North  Wales  Guar- 
dian, 26  Jan.  1889  ;  Montgomeryshire  Express, 
29  Jan.  1889;  information  from  the  Eev.  J. 
Pritchard  Hughes.]  A.  K.  B. 

HUGHES,  LEWIS  (/.  1620),  chaplain 
at  the  Bermudas,  a  Welshman,  who  seems 
to  have  taken  holy  orders  in  England,  was 
one  of  the  earliest  English  settlers  in  the 
Bermudas,  and  probably  arrived  in  the  island 
on  11  July  1612.  The  plantation  was  at  the 
time  in  the  hands  of  the  Virginia  Company. 
Hughes  took  a  prominent  part  in  the  affairs 
of  the  colony,  and  engaged  in  commerce 
there.  In  1615,  after  the  first  governor 
(Moore)  left  the  islands,  his  authority  fell 
into  the  hands  of  three  deputy  governors,  each 
acting  for  a  month  in  turn,  and,  to  Hughes's 
disgust,  much  disorder  and  drunkenness  pre- 
vailed (cf.  App.  ii.  8th  Rep.  Dep.  Keep.  Publ. 
Records,  p.  134),  Hughes  contrived  to  defeat 
an  attempt  of  the  deputies  to  continue  in  office 
six  months  after  the  new  governor  should 
arrive.  When  Hughes  explained  his  action 
from  his  pulpit,  there  was  a  scene  in  church, 
and  he  was  arrested ;  he  was  released  shortly 
afterwards,  but  quarrelled  with  Keith,  his 
fellow  minister,  who  had  taken  the  deputies' 
side,  and  was  imprisoned  again  for  a  short 

•  On  29  June  1615  the  charter  incorporating 
the  Bermudas  Company  was  granted  by 
James  I,  and  the  new  governor  (Tucker)  was 
instructed  to  admit  Hughes  to  his  council. 
Tucker  arrivedin  May  1616,  and  soon  engaged 
in  a  fierce  quarrel  with  Hughes.  Hughes 
denounced  Tucker  for  building  the  governor's 
house  by  forced  labour,  and  the  governor,  ac- 
cording to  Hughes,  grossly  ill-used  him.  Oc- 
casionally high  words  passed  between  them 
in  church,  as  when '  the  preacher  reproueinge 
.  .  .  some  of  his  auditory  for  gazeing  vpon  the 
women,  "And  why  not,  I  pray,  sir?  (cryes 
out  the  gouernour  in  publick)  Are  they  not 
God's  creatures?"'  Hughes  also  had  diffi- 
culties about  the  church  service,  and  drew 
up  a  form  for  the  use  of  his  congregation, 
of  which  a  manuscript  copy  is  in  the  pos- 
session of  the  Duke  of  Manchester  (ib.  pp. 
7,  31,  33).  Tucker  afterwards  charged  him 
with  nonconformity.  In  an  interval  be- 
tween Tucker's  departure  and  the  arrival 
of  his  successor,  Butler,  in  1619,  confusion 
again  prevailed.  A  disloyal  faction,  recog- 
nising Hughes's  influence,  tried  hard  to  win 
his  support,  but  l  his  stiff  refusall  and  earnest 
protestation  against  it  gave  a  main  blow  to 
their  mutinous  and  confused  proiects.' 
Hughes  came  to  England  in  1620  to  secure 

more  ministers,  and  to  give  the  company  an 
account  of  the  grievances  of  the  people. 
Tucker  thereupon  stirred  up  Sir  Edwin  Sands 
to  accuse  him  of  railing  against  bishops,  the 
church,  and  the  book  of  common  prayer,  and 
Hughes  managed  to  answer  the  charges,  but 
the  company  declined  to  contribute  to  his  ex- 
penses in  coming  over.  In  1621  he  returned 
to  the  Bermudas,  and  in  1622  was  appointed 
one  of  the  governing  body  which  Governor 
Butler  nominated  on  his  departure.  About 
1625  he  finally  came  back  to  England.  In  that 
year  he  petitioned  the  privy  council  for  arrears 
of  his  salary.  He  was  probably  the  Lewis 
Hughes  who  was  ejected  from  the  chaplaincy 
of  the  White  Lion  gaol,  Southwark,  in  1627 
for  nonconformity,  and  received  in  1645  the 
sequestered  rectory  of  Westbourne,  Sussex, 
but  resigned  it  before  1  May  1647  (App.  to 
6th  Rep.  ib.}  Hughes  married  for  the  se- 
cond time,  at  St.  George's,  Botolph  Lane, 
by  license  dated  16  July  1625,  Anne,  widow 
of  John  Smith,  draper,  of  London.  His  first 
wife  seems  to  have  remained  in  England  while 
he  was  in  the  Bermudas.  In  1625  Hughes 
speaks  of  her  as '  miserable,  weake,  and  sicke.' 

Hughes  published :  1.  '  A  Letter  sent  into 
England  from  the  Summer  Hands/  London, 
1615,  4to.  2.  '  A  Plaine  and  True  Relation 
of  the  Goodnes  of  God  towards  the  Sommer 
Hands,  written  by  way  of  Exhortation .  .  .' 
London,  1621,  4to.  3.  '  Certaine  Grievances 
well  worthy  the  serious  Consideration  of  the 
.  .  .  Parliament,'  1640,  4to,  a  pamphlet  di- 
rected against  the  church  service.  Another 
edition  was  published  before  the  year  was 
out.  4.  *  Certaine  Grievances,  or  the  Errours 
of  the  Service  Booke, .  .  .'  1641,  4to,  very 
similar  in  matter  to  the  preceding,  in  the 
form  of  a  dialogue.  An  answer  appeared  in 
the  same  year,  and  another  edition  of  the 
dialogue  in  1642,  said  to  be  the  fifth  im- 
pression. 5.  '  Signs  from  Heaven  of  the 
Wrath  and  Judgements  of  God  ready  to  come 
upon  the  Enemies  and  Persecutors  of  the 
Truth:  whereunto  are  annexed  Examples 
of  most  fearful  Judgements  of  God,  upon 
Churches  in  time  of  Divine  Service,  and  upon 
Sabbath  Breakers,  and  upon  such  as  have 
reviled  the  Protestants  .  .  . ,  calling  them 
Roundheads,  in  reproach  and  derision,' Lon- 
don, 1642,  4to.  Much  of  this  appears  again 
in  6.  'A  Looking-glasse  for  all  true  hearted 
Christians  .  .  .'  London,  1642,  8vo.  7.  A 
printed  copy  of  Hughes's  Petition  of  1625  to 
the  Privy  Council,  giving  an  account  of  his 
many  troubles,  is  in  Brit.  Mus.  Add.  MS. 

[Notes  and  Queries,  5th  ser.  ix.  488,  xii.  215, 
516;  Hughes's  Works,  especially  his  Petition  ; 
Chester's  London  Marriage  Licenses ;  Cal.  State 




Papers,  Colon.  Ser.,  America  and  the  West  In- 
dies, 1574-1660,  1662  ;  Cal.  State  Papers,  Dom. 
1633-4  p.  262,  1654  p.  358  ;  Lefroy's  Memorials 
of  the  Bermudas ;  Smith's  History  of  Virginia  ; 
Hist,  of  the  Bermudas,  attributed  to  Smith,  ed. 
Lefroy  (Hakluyt  Soc.) ;  Neill's  Hist,  of  the  Vir- 
ginia Company;  Neill's  English  Colonisation  of 
America  during  the  Seventeenth  Century.] 

W.  A.  J.  A. 

HUGHES,  MARGARET  (d.  1719),  ac- 
tress and  mistress  to  Princess  Rupert,  has 
contested  with  ( Mary  Betterton  the  posi- 
tion of  the  earliest  actress  on  the  English 
stage,  which  in  fact  belongs  to  neither.  As 
a  member  of  the  king's  company  playing 
at  the  Theatre  Royal,  subsequently  Drury 
Lane,  she  was,  in  1663,  the  first  recorded 
representative  of  Desdemona.  According 
to  Downes  (Roscius  Anglicanus,  p.  8)  she 
was  the  original  Theodosia  in  Dryden's 
'  Evening's  Love,  or  the  Mock  Astrologer,' 
22  June  1668.  She  also  played  Panura  in 
the  '  Island  Princess '  of  Fletcher  on  its  re- 
vival, 7  Jan.  1669.  After  this,  time  she 
disappears  from  the  stage  of  the  Theatre 
Royal,  carried  off  presumably  by  Prince  Ru- 
pert. Hamilton's  words  concerning  this 
transaction  are  :  '  Prince  Rupert  had  found 
charms  in  the  person  of  another  player,  called 
Hughes,  who  brought  down  and  greatly 
subdued  his  natural  fierceness'  (Memoirs  of 
Grammont,  p.  269,  ed.  1846).  In  1676  she  re- 
turned to  the  stage  andjoined  the  Duke's  com- 
pany, playing  at  Dorset  Garden  Cordelia  in 
D'Urfey's  'Fond  Husband,'  licensed  15  June 
1676  ;  Octavia  in  Ravenscroft's  '  Wrang- 
ling Lovers,'  licensed  25  Sept.  1676 ;  Mrs. 
Monylove  in  '  Tom  Essence,  or  the  Modish 
Wife,'  by  Rawlins,  licensed  4  Nov.  1676 ; 
Charmion  (sic)  in  Sir  Charles  Sedley's  '  An- 
tony and  Cleopatra,'  licensed  24  April  1677  ; 
Valeria  in  Mrs.  Behn's '  Rover,  or  the  Banished 
Cavaliers,'  licensed  2  July  1677 ;  and  Leonora 
in  the '  French  Conjuror,' licensed  2  Aug.  1677. 
Prince  Rupert  bought  for  her  in  1683  the  fine 
seat  near  Hammersmith  of  Sir  Nicholas  Crisp 
[q.  v.],  subsequently  occupied  by  Princess 
Caroline,  who  became  the  wife  of  George  IV, 
and  known  as  Brandenburg  House.  By  the 
prince  she  had  a  daughter  Ruperta,  born  1673, 
who  married  Emanuel  Scrope  Howe  [q.  v.], 
died  at  Somerset  House  about  1740,  and  had 
a  daughter,  Sophia  Howe,  who  was  maid  of 
honour  to  Caroline,  princess  of  Wales.  Ac- 
cording to  the  burial  registers  of  Lee  in 
Kent,  copied  by  Lysons,  '  Mrs.  Margaret 
Hewes  from  Eltham '  was  buried  there  on 
15  Oct.  1719.  By  his  will,  dated  1  Dec.  1682, 
Prince  Rupert  left  all  his  goods,  chattels, 
jewels,  plate,  furniture,  &c.,  and  all  his  rights, 
estates,  &c.,  to  William,  earl  of  Craven,  in 

trust  for  the  use  and  behoof  of  <  Margaret 
Hewes  and  of  Ruperta,  my  naturall  daugh- 
ter begotten  on  the  bodie  of  the  said  Mar- 
garet Hewes,  in  equal  moyeties '  (  Wills  from 
Doctors'  Commons,  Camden  Soc.)  He  also 
bade  Ruperta  be  dutiful  and  obedient  to  her 
mother,  and  not  dispose  of  herself  in  marriage 
without  her  consent  and  the  advice  of  the 
Earl  of  Craven.  In  the  scandalous  '  Letters 
from  the  Dead  to  the  Living '  of  Tom  Brown 
(1663-1704)  [q.  v.]  and  others  <  N[e]ll  G[wy]n ' 
arraigns  '  P[e]g  H[ug]hes '  for  having  wasted 
over  cards  and  dice  the  money  she  received 
from  Prince  Rupert.  In  the  answer,  which, 
like  the  attack,  is,  of  course,  imaginary,  the 
charge  is  admitted.  In  a  book  of  accounts  at 
Coombe  Abbey  is  a  document  signed  by  Mrs. 
Hughes  and  Ruperta  (seeWARBUETON",  Prince 
Rupert,  iii.  558).  An  excellent  portrait  of 
Margaret  Hughes,  by  Lely,  is  at  Lord  Jersey's 
house,  Middleton  Park,  near  Bicester,  Ox- 
fordshire, and  a  full-length  of  Ruperta  by 
Kneller  is  at  Lord  Sandwich's  house  at  Hinch- 
inbrook,  Huntingdonshire. 

[Books  and  plays  cited ;  Genest's  Account  of 
the  English  Stage ;  Downes's  Eoscius  Angli- 
canus,  ed.  Waldron ;  Notes  and  Queries,  2nd  ser. 
iii.  7.]  J.  K. 

HUGHES,  OBADIAH,  D.D.  (1695- 
1751),  presbyterian  minister,  son  of  George 
Hughes  (d.  November  1719),  minister  at 
Canterbury,  was  born  in  1695.  His  father 
was  grandson  of  George  Hughes  (1603-1667) 
[q.  v.],  and  son  of  Obadiah  Hughes  (d.  24  Jan. 
1704,  aged  64),  who  was  ejected  in  1662  from 
a  studentship  at  Christ  Church,  Oxford,  before 
taking  his  degree,  received  presbyterian  ordi- 
nation on  9  March  1670  at  Plymouth,  and 
ministered  from  April  1674  in  London,  and 
afterwards  at  Enfield  (his  portrait,  by  Dob- 
son,  engraved  by  J.  Caldwall,  is  given  in 
PALMER,  Nonconformist's  Memorial,  1775, 
i.  392 ;  an  inferior  engraving  is  in  the  2nd 
edit.,  1802,  ii.  62).  Obadiah  Hughes  the 
younger  was  educated  at  a  Scottish  uni- 
versity (not  Edinburgh).  In  1728  King's 
College,  Old  Aberdeen,  sent  him  the  diploma 
of  D.D.  Having  acted  for  some  time  as  a 
domestic  chaplain,  he  was  ordained  on  11  Jan. 
1721  at  the  Old  Jewry,  being  then  assistant  to 
Joshua  Oldfield,  D.D.,  at  Maid  Lane,  South- 
wark.  Though  a  non-subscriber  at  Salters' 
Hall  in  1719,  he  was  an  evangelical  preacher, 
With  Lardner  and  others  he  established  a 
Tuesday  evening  lecture  at  the  Old  Jewry;  he 
belonged  also,  with  Jeremiah  Hunt  [q.  v.]  and 
others,to  a  ministers' club  which  met  atChew's 
Coffee-house,  Bow  Lane.  On  Oldfield's  death 
on  8  Nov.  1729  he  became  sole  pastor  at  Maid 
Lane,  and  was  at  once  elected  Oldfield's  sue- 




cessor  as  trustee  of  Dr.  Daniel  Williams' s 
foundations.  He  took  part  in  1734  in  the 
course  of  sermons  against  popery  at  Salters' 
Hall.  From  1738  to  1750  lie  was  secretary 
to  the  presbyterian  board.  In  1743  he  suc- 
ceeded Samuel  Say  at  Long  Ditch  (now 
Princes  Street),  Westminster.  He  became 
one  of  the  Salters'  Hall  lecturers  in  1746. 
His  health  failed  him  while  still  in  his  prime, 
and  he  died  on  10  Dec.  1751.  Funeral  ser- 
mons were  preached  by  Samuel  Lawrence, 
D.D.,  of  Monkwell  Street,  and  John  Allen, 
M.D.,  of  New  Broad  Street;  that  by  the 
latter  was  published.  Hughes  married  a  sister 
of  Sir  John  Fryer,  hart.,  one  of  the  presby- 
terian gentry,  who  was  lord  mayor  of  London 
in  1721.  He  adopted  his  wife's  niece,  Delicia 
Fryer,  who  married  Joshua  Iremonger,  and 
died  in  December  1744. 

Wilson  gives  a  list  of  fourteen  separate 
sermons  by  Hughes  published  between  1726 
and  1749,  eight  of  them  being  funeral  sermons, 
including  those  for  Oldfield  and  Say.  To 
these  may  be  added:  1.  'A  Sermon  on  the 
Anniversary  of  King  George's  Coronation,' 
&c.,  1725,  8vo.  2.  '  The  Salvation  of  God's 
People,'  &c.,  1745,  8vo.  3.  <  Peace  attended 
with  Reformation,'  &c.,  1749,  4to. 

A  nephew,  Obadiah  Hughes,  son  of  John 
Hughes,  minister  at  Ware,  Hertfordshire  (d. 
1729,  brother  of  the  foregoing),  was  a  fellow- 
student  with  Doddridge  at  Kib  worth,  assisted 
his  father  at  Ware,  and  was  afterwards 
minister  at  Staplehurst,  Kent. 

[Funeral  Sermon  by  Allen,  1752;  Calamy's 
Account,  1713,  p.  232  ;  Calamy's  Continuation, 
1727,  i.  257  ;  Calamy's  Own  Life,  1830,  ii.  514; 
Protestant  Dissenter's  Mag.,  1799,  p.  14;  Wil- 
son's Dissenting  Churches  of  London,  1814, 
iv.  96  sq. ;  Jeremy's  Presbyterian  Fund,  1885, 
pp.  122,  130sq.]  A.  G. 

1812),  admiral,'  is  said  to  have  been  born  in 
1729  (FOSTEE,  Baronetage).  His  grandfather, 
Captain  Richard  Hughes  (d.  1756),  and  his 
father,  Sir  Richard  Hughes,  first  baronet  (d. 
23  Sept.  1780),  were  both  in  turn  for  many 
years  commissioners  of  the  navy  at  Ports- 
mouth. Rear-admiral  Robert  Hughes  (d. 
1729),  whose  daughter  was  mother  of  Ad- 
miral Sir  Robert  Calder  [q.  v.]  seems  to  have 
been  his  granduncle  (cf.  CHAENOCK,  iii.  165, 
232,  v.  43,  293). 

In  1739  Hughes  was  entered  at  the  Royal 
Academy  at  Portsmouth,  and  three  years 
later  joined  the  Feversham,  commanded  by 
his  father.  On  1  April  1745,  while  acting- 
lieutenant  of  the  Burford  in  the  Mediter- 
ranean, he  passed  his  examination,  and  was 
declared  in  the  certificate  to  be  '  upwards  of 
21.  The  next  day  he  was  promoted  by 

Vice-admiral  Rowley  to  be  lieutenant  of 
the  Stirling  Castle,  and  continued  serving 
in  her  till  the  peace.  In  1752  he  was  ap- 
pointed to  the  Advice,  going  out  to  the  West 
Indies  with  the  broad  pennant  of  Commodore 
Pye ;  in  her  he  lost  the  sight  of  one  of  his 
eyes,  which  was  accidentally  pierced  by  a 
table-fork.  On  6  Feb.  1756  he  was  promoted 
to  be  commander  of  the  Spy,  and  was  posted 
to  the  Hind  on  10  Nov.  In  January  1758 
he  was  appointed  to  the  Active,  one  of  the 
squadron  employed  during  the  summer  on 
the  coast  of  France  under  Commodore  Howe 
[see  HOWE,  RICHAED,  EAEL]  ;  and  in  Febru- 
ary 1759  to  the  Falmouth,  one  of  the  ships 
sent  out  under  Rear-admiral  Samuel  Cornish 
[q.v.]  to  join  Vice-admiral  Pocock  in  the 
East  Indies.  In  the  following  January  he 
was  moved  into  the  York,  and  in  her  parti- 
cipated in  the  reduction  of  Pondicherry  in 
1760-1.  He  was  shortly  afterwards  obliged 
by  ill-health  to  return  to  England,  and  in 
November  1761  he  was  appointed  to  the 
Portland,  for  service  on  the  home  station ; 
in  her,  in  the  following  summer,  he  carried 
the  Earl  of  Buckinghamshire,  as  ambassador 
to  Russia,  to  Cronstadt.  In  April  1763  he 
was  transferred  to  the  Boreas  frigate  for 
occasional  service,  including  the  convoying 
troops  to  Goree  in  the  spring  of  1766.  From 
May  1767  to  May  1770  he  commanded  the 
Firm  guardship  at  Plymouth,  and  the  Wor- 
cester guardship  at  Portsmouth  from  January 
1771  to  January  1774.  In  1777  he  was  ap- 
pointed to  the  Centaur,  and  in  June  1778 
was  sent  out  as  resident  commissioner  of  the 
navy  at  Halifax,  and  also,  in  express  terms, 
*  commander-in-chief  of  his  Majesty's  ships 
and  vessels  which  shall  from  time  to  time 
be  at  Halifax,  when  there  shall  be  no  flag 
officer  or  senior  officer  present.'  This  office 
he  held  till  26  Sept.  1780,  when  he  was 
promoted  to  be  rear-admiral  of  the  blue ;  in 
the  previous  April  he  had  succeeded  to  the 
baronetcy,  on  the  death  of  his  father.  In 
1781  he  was  commander-in-chief  of  the 
squadron  in  the  Downs,  and  in  1782,  with 
his  flag  in  the  Princess  Amelia,  commanded 
a  division  in  the  grand  fleet  under  Lord 
Howe  at  the  relief  of  Gibraltar,  and  the  en- 
counter with  the  allies  off"  Cape  Spartel. 
He  was  afterwards  sent  out  to  the  West 
Indies  to  reinforce  Admiral  Pigot,  and  on 
Pigot's  returning  to  England  remained  as 
commander-in-chief,  with  his  flag  in  the 
Leander,  and  afterwards  in  the  Adamant, 
the  larger  ships  being  ordered  home. 

The  period  of  his  command  was  marked 
by  two  incidents  of  interest,  mainly  from 
their  connection  with  the  career  of  Nelson. 
In  1785  Hughes,  on  the  representations  of 




the  merchants,  had  been  induced  to  waive 
the  enforcement  of  the  navigation  laws  with 
respect  to  vessels  of  the  United  States  trading 
in  the  West  Indies.  But  Nelson  pointed 
out  to  him  that  the  suspension  of  the  act 
exceeded  his  legal  power,  and  Hughes, 
accepting  Nelson's  view,  was  afterwards 
thanked  by  the  treasury,  for  his  action,  to 
the  annoyance ,  of  Nelson,  who  considered 
that  the  thanks  were  due  to  himself  alone, 
and  that  Hughes  had  rather  deserved  a  re- 
primand (LATJGHTON,  Letters  of  Lord  Nelson, 
p.  28).  The  other  incident  arose  out  of  the 
admiral's  giving  Captain  Moutray,  the  naval 
commissioner  at  Antigua,  an  order  to  act  as 
commander-in-chief  of  the  ships  there  in  the 
absence  of  a  senior  officer.  Hughes  was  pro- 
bably misled  by  the  terms  of  his  own  com- 
mission at  Halifax  a  few  years  before ;  but 
as  Moutray  was  on  half-pay,  with  no  exe- 
cutive authority  from  the  admiralty,  the 
order  was  irregular,  and  Nelson  refused  to 
obey  it,  thus  drawing  on  himself  an  official 
admonition  (ib.  p.  31).  Hughes  appears  to 
have  been  an  amiable,  easy-tempered  man, 
without  much  energy  or  force  of  character. 
'  Sir  Richard  Hughes,'  Nelson  wrote,  '  is  a 
fiddler;  therefore,  as  his  time  is  taken  up 
tuning  that  instrument,  .  .  .  the  squadron 
is  cursedly  out  of  tune.  He  lives  in  a  board- 
ing-house at  Barbadoes,  not  much  in  the 
style  of  a  British  admiral.  He  has  not  that 
opinion  of  his  own  sense  that  he  ought  to 
have ;  he  does  not  give  himself  that  weight 
that  I  think  an  English  admiral  ought  to 
do'(&.  pp.  25,  34). 

In  the  summer  of  1786  Hughes  returned 
to  England,  and  in  1789,  again  in  the  Ada- 
mant, went  out  as  commander-in-chief  at 
Halifax,  from  which  he  returned  in  May 
1792.  He  became  a  vice-admiral  on  21  Sept. 
1790,  and  admiral  on  12  Sept.  1794,  but 
had  no  further  service,  and  died  5  Jan.  1812. 
He  married  Jane,  daughter  of  William 
Sloane,  nephew  of  Sir  Hans  Sloane,  and  had 
issue  two  sons,  who  died  before  him,  and  a 
daughter.  The  baronetcy  passed  to  his  bro- 
ther Robert,  in  whose  line  it  is  still  extant 
[see  under  HTJGHES,  WILLIAM,  1803-1861]. 

[Charnock's  Biog.  Nav.  vi.  180 ;  official  letters 
and  other  documents  in  the  Public  Record 
Office.]  J.  K.  L. 

(1744P-1785),  Welsh  poet,  was  born  atCaint 
Bach,  in  the  parish  of  Penmynydd  in  Angle- 
sey about  1744.  After  receiving  a  good  edu- 
cation under  the  care  of  the  vicar  of  the 
parish,  he  became  a  schoolmaster  at  Amlwch, 
and  afterwards  spent  twenty  years  in  Lon- 
don as  barrister's  clerk.  Ultimately  his 

health  failed ;  he  returned  to  Wales,  acted 
as  a  schoolmaster  at  Carnarvon,  and  dying  of 
consumption  27  Feb.  1785,  aged  41,  was 
buried  in  the  parish  churchyard  of  Llanbeblig, 
Carnarvonshire,  where  the  Society  of  Gwy- 
neddigion,  of  which  he  was  a  founder,  erected 
a  monument  to  his  memory,  A  portrait  of 
him  was  engraved. 

Hughes's  '  Cywydd  Molawd  Mon,'  and  a 
couple  of  Englynion  appeared  with  a  brief 
biographical  notice  by  the  vicar  of  Llanllyfni, 
Carnarvonshire,  in  the  'Diddanwch  Teu- 
luaidd,'  1817  (pp.  xxx,  xxxi,  234,  236).  In 
the  '  Brython,'  iii.  376,  appears  his  '  Cywydd 
Myfyrdod  y  Bardd  am  ei  Gariad,  pan  oedd  hi 
yn  mordwyo  o  Fon  i  Fanaw ;  mewn  cwch  a 
elwid  "  Tarw," '  i.e.  <  The  bard's  meditation 
on  his  sweetheart's  setting  sail  from  Anglesey 
to  the  Isle  of  Man  in  a  boat  called  the  Taurus/ 
This  is  dated  1763.  There  is  a  '  Cywydd  y 
Byd '  by  him  in  Blackwell's  '  Cylchgrawn/ 
i.  265,  1834,  and  a  '  Beddargraph'  (epitaph) 
consisting  of  three  Englynion  in  the  '  Greal f 
(London,  1805),  p.  72.  Nine  of  his  poems 
are  published  in ( Cyfresy  Ceinion,' Liverpool, 
1879.  Brit.  Mus.  Addit.  MS.  14993  con- 
tains unpublished  poems  by  Hughes  dating 
from  1765  to  1780  in  his  own  handwriting. 
The  statement  that  there  are  poems  by  Hughes 
in  the  'Dewisol  Ganiadau'  is  erroneous. 

[Information  from  the  Eev.  D.  Silvan  Evan& 
and  Professor  Powel ;  Williams's  Eminent  "Welsh- 
men ;  Brit.  Mus.  Cat.]  R.  J.  J. 

HUGHES,ROBERT  BALL  (1806-1868), 
sculptor,  born  in  London  on  19  Jan.  1806, 
was  probably  son  of  Captain  Ball,  R.N.,, 
whose  mother's  second  husband  was  Admi- 
ral Sir  Edward  Hughes,  and  whose  son  Ed- 
ward, the  admiral's  heir,  assumed  the  sur- 
name of  Hughes  in  1819  [see  HUGHES,  SIE 
EDWARD,  ad  Jin  J]  Robert  worked  for  seven 
years  in  the  studio  of  E.  H.  Baily,  R.A.,  and 
was  a  student  at  the  Royal  Academy.  There, 
in  1823,  he  gained  the  gold  medal  for  a  bas- 
relief/  Pandora  brought  by  Mercury  to  Epime- 
theus,'  which  was  exhibited  at  the  Academy 
in  the  following  year.  In  1825  he  exhibited 
a  statue  of  Achilles,  in  1826  busts  of  the  Duke 
of  Sussex  and  the  Duke  of  Wellington,  and 
in  1828  « A  Shepherd  Boy.'  In  1829  Hughes 
left  England,  and  passed  the  remainder  of  his 
life  in  the  United  States.  His  most  impor- 
tant American  works  were,  the  statue  of 
Alexander  Hamilton  for  the  Merchants'  Ex- 
change, New  York,  destroyed  by  fire  in  1835  ; 
the  bronze  statue  of  Nathaniel  Bowditch, 
now  at  Mount  Auburn ;  and  the  monument 
to  Bishop  Hobart  in  Trinity  Church,  New 
York.  In  1851  he  sent  over  to  the  inter- 
national exhibition  in  London  a  statue  of 




Oliver  Twist.  The  Boston  Athenaeum  pos- 
sesses several  specimens  of  his  work.  He  died 
at  Boston,  U.S.A.,  5  March  1868. 

[Art  Journal,  1868;  Clement  and  Button's 
Artists  of  the  Nineteenth  Century,  1879  ;  Drake's 
American  Biography.]  E.  M.  O'D. 

HUGHES,  THOMAS  (fi.  1587),  drama- 
tist, a  native  of  Cheshire,  was  matriculated 
at  Queens'  College,  Cambridge,  in  November 
1571,  proceeded  B.A.  1575-6,  and  on  8  Sept. 
1576  was  elected  a  fellow  of  his  college  under 
a  royal  mandate.  On  leaving  Cambridge  he 
became  a  member  of  Gray's  Inn.  He  had  the 
chief  share  in  the  authorship  of  '  The  Mis- 
fortunes of  Arthur,  reduced  into  Tragical 
Notes  by  T.  EL./  a  play  performed  before 
Queen  Elizabeth  at  Greenwich  on  8  Feb. 
1587-8,  by  members  of  Gray's  Inn,  and 
printed  with  the  general  title  of  '  Certaine 
Devises  and  Shewes  presented  to  her  Majestie 
by  the  Gentlemen  of  Grayes-Inne  at  her 
Highnesse  Court  in  Greenwich/  &c.,  Robert 
Robinson,  1587,  b.l.,  8vo  (Brit.  Museum  and 
Duke  of  Devonshire's  Library).  This  play 
was  reprinted  in  Collier's  supplement  to 
4  Dodsley/  and  is  included  in  Mr.  Hazlitt's 
edition  of  Dodsley's  collection.  It  is  one  of 
the  earliest  plays  in  which  blank  verse  was 
employed,  and  Francis  Bacon  helped  to 
arrange  the  dumb-shows. 

[Cooper's  Athense  Cantabr.  ii.  24,543;  Baker's 
Biog.  Dram.  1812,  iii.  46-7;  Dodsley's  Old 
Plays,  ed  Hazlitt,  iv.  251,  &c.]  A.  H.  B. 

1847),  historian,  born  at  Nuneaton,  War- 
wickshire, on  25  Aug.  1786,  was  the  eldest 
surviving  son  of  Hugh  Hughes,  curate  of 
Nuneaton,  and  rector  of  Hardwick,  North- 
amptonshire. He  received  his  early  edu- 
cation from  the  Rev.  J.  S.  Cobbold,  first 
at  Nuneaton  grammar  school,  and  after- 
wards as  a  private  pupil  at  Wilby  in  Suf- 
folk. In  1801  he  was  sent  to  Shrewsbury 
School,  then  under  the  head-mastership  of  Dr. 
Samuel  Butler,  and  in  October  1803  was 
entered  as  a  pensioner  at  St.  John's  College, 
Cambridge.  His  university  career  was  dis- 
tinguished. Besides  college  prizes  he  gained 
the  Browne  medals  for  the  Latin  ode,  *  Mors 
Nelsoni/  in  1806,  and  for  the  Greek  ode,  'In 
Obitum  Gulielmi  Pitt/  in  1807.  He  gra- 
duated B.A.  in  1809  as  fourteenth  senior 
optime,  and  proceeded  M.A.  in  1811  andB.D. 
in  1818.  He  obtained  the  members'  prize  for 
the  Latin  essay  in  1809  and  1810.  The  latter 
essay,  a  discussion  of  the  merits  of  Cicero  and 
Clarendon,  was  printed  in  vol.  xvii.  of  the 
1  Classical  Journal/  1818.  Hughes  was  ap- 
pointed in  1809  to  an  assistant-mastership  at 
Harrow,  under  Dr.  George  Butler,  but  finding 

i  the  position  irksome  he  returned  to  Cambridge 
I  in  1811.  In  the  same  year  he  was  elected  to 
,  a  foundation  fellowship  at  St.  John's,  and  in 
\  December  1812  accepted  the  post  of  travel- 
ling tutor  to  Robert  Townley  Parker  of 
Cuerden  Hall,  Lancashire.  During  a  tour 
of  about  two  years  he  visited  Spain,  Italy, 
Sicily,  Greece,  and  Albania.  The  result  of 
his  observations  he  published  as  '  Travels  in 
Sicily,  Greece,  and  Albania/  2  vols.  4to, 
1820  ;  2nd  edit.,  partly  enlarged  and  partly 
abridged,  2  vols.  8vo,  1830.  The  work  is 
illustrated  with  plates  from  the  drawings  of 
C.  R.  Cockerell.  In  September  1815  he  was 
ordained  deacon.  He  was  appointed  assis- 
tant-tutor at  his  college,  but  immediately 
resigned  and  accepted  a  fellowship  and 
tutorship  at  Trinity  Hall,  thus  materially  in- 
juring his  prospects.  In  1817  he  accepted  a 
fellowship  at  Emmanuel  College,  was  elected 
junior  proctor,  and  won  the  Seatonian  prize 
poem  on  '  Belshazzar's  Feast.'  His  verses  in- 
spired John  Martin's  well-known  painting 
on  that  subject.  In  1819  he  was  appointed 
by  Marsh,  bishop  of  Peterborough,  domes- 
tic and  examining  chaplain.  He  remained 
at  Emmanuel,  where  he  became  dean  and 
Greek  lecturer.  In  1822  he  published  'An 
Address  to  the  People  of  England  in  the 
cause  of  the  Greeks,  occasioned  by  the  late 
inhuman  massacres  in  the  Isle  of  Scio/  and 
in  1823  '  Considerations  upon  the  Greek  Re- 
volution, with  a  Vindication  of  the  author's 
"Address"  .  .  .  from  the  attacks  of  0.  B. 
Sheridan.'  At  Christmas  1822  he  was  ap- 
pointed Christian  advocate.  On  his  marriage 
in  April  1823  he  became  curate  at  Chester- 
ton, but  two  years  later  returned  to  Cam- 
bridge, where  he  lived  until  about  a  year 
before  his  death.  His  occupations  were 
chiefly  literary,  although  he  not  unfrequently 
took  some  clerical  duty.  He  was  one  of  the 
first  examiners  for  the  new  classical  tripos  of 
1824,  an  office  which  he  again  filled  in  1826 
and  1828.  On  26  Feb.  1827  he  was  collated 
by  Bishop  Marsh  to  a  prebendal  stall  at  Peter- 
borough (Ls  NEVE,  Fasti,  ed.  Hardy,  ii.  551). 
In  the  same  year  he  was  an  unsuccessful  candi- 
date for  the  head-mastership  of  Rugby  School. 
In  1830  he  undertook  an  edition  of  the  writ- 
ings of  some  of  the  great  divines  of  the  Eng- 
lish church  in  a  cheap  and  popular  form,  with 
a  biographical  memoir  of  each  writer,  and  a 
summary  in  the  form  of  an  analysis  prefixed 
to  each  of  their  works ;  twenty-two  volumes 
of  this  collection  appeared.  In  1832  he  was 
presented  by  the  dean  and  chapter  of  Peter- 
borough to  the  rectory  of  Fiskerton,  Lincoln- 
shire, and  in  the  same  year  succeeded  to  the 
family  living  of  Hardwick.  His  chief  work, 
the  continuation  of  Hume  and  Smollett's 




*  History  of  England '  from  the  accession  of 
George  III,  was  undertaken  in  1834,  at  the 
request  of  A.  J.  Valpy.  It  was  written,  in 
the  first  instance,  with  great  rapidity,  to  meet 
the  requirements  of  a  cheap  monthly  issue ; 
but  Hughes  gladly  availed  himself  of  a  sub- 
sequent opportunity  of  publishing  it  with 
considerable  corrections,  and  with  a  large 
portion  actually  rewritten.  A  third  edition 
was  issued  in  1846  in  seven  octavo  volumes. 
Other  projects  were  entertained,  such  as  an 
English  edition  of  Strabo  in  conjunction  with 
Dr.  John  Lee  and  Mr.  Akerman,  and  a  com- 
pilation of  commentaries  on  the  Bible  ;  but 
he  did  not  live  to  execute  them.  In  May 
1846  he  was  presented  to  the  perpetual  curacy 
of  Edgware,  Middlesex,  by  Dr.  Lee.  Hughes 
died  on  11  Aug.  1847,  having  married  April 
1823  Ann  Maria,  daughter  of  the  Rev.  John 
Forster  of  Great  Yarmouth,  who  survived 
until  5  April  1890. 

Besides  the  works  mentioned  above,  Hughes 
was  also  author  of:  1.  'A  Defence  of  the 
Apostle  St.  Paul  against  the  accusation  of 
Gamaliel  Smith,  Esq.  [i.e.  Jeremy  Bentham], 
in  a  recent  publication  entitled  "  Not  Paul 
but  Jesus."  Part  I.,'  8vo,  1824.  Part  ii.,  pub- 
lished the  same  year,  was  entitled  f  On  the 
Miracles  of  St.  Paul.'  2.  <  A  Letter  to  God- 
frey Higgins  on  the  subject  of  his  "  Horse 
Sabbaticse," '  8vo,  1826.  3.  <  The  Doctrine  of 
St.  Paul  regarding  the  Divine  Nature  of  Jesus 
Christ  considered ;  more  particularly  in  an- 
swer to  a  pamphlet  by  Benjamin  Mardon,  in- 
titled  "The  Apostle  Paul  an  Unitarian,"' 8  vo, 
1827.  4.  '  An  Examination  of  St.  Paul's  Doc- 
trine respecting  the  Divinity  of  Christ,  in 
which  are  noticed  some -of  Mr.  Belsham's 
arguments  in  his  translation  and  exposition 
of  St.  Paul's  Epistles/  8vo,  1828.  5.  '  An 
Essay  on  the  Political  System  of  Europe  .  .  . 
with  a  memoir  and  portrait,'  8vo,  1855  ;  it 
had  been  also  prefixed  to  the  third  edition  of 
his  '  History,'  1846.  6.  <  Remarks  on  "  An 
Essay  on  the  Eternity  of  the  World,  by  a 
Sceptic,'"  the  second  edition  of  which  was 
published  in  vol.  xxvi.  of '  The  Pamphleteer,' 
8vo,  1813,  &c.  His  literary  and  artistic  col- 
lections were  sold  by  Sotheby  in  January 
and  February  1848. 

[Memoir  referred  to ;  G-ent.  Mag.  1848,  pt.  r 
310-11.]  G.  GK 

HUGHES,  WILLIAM  (d.  1600),  bishop 
of  St.  Asaph,  was  the  son  of  Hugh  ap 
Kynric  of  Carnarvonshire,  and  Gwenllian, 
daughter  of  John  Vychan  ab  John  ab  Gruf- 
fydd  ab  Owen  Pygott.  On  his  father's  side 
he  is  said  to  have  been  descended  from  one 
of  the  fifteen  tribes  of  Gwynedd  (ROWLANDS, 
Cambrian  Bibliography,  p.  46).  According  to  \ 

Wood  he  was  at  first  educated  at  Oxford, 
'  afterwards  retiring  to  Christ's  College,  Cam- 
bridge.' Strype  refers  to  him  as  '  sometime 
of  Oxford.'  His  connection  with  Oxford 
has,  however,  been  doubted,  and  it  is  cer- 
tain that  he  matriculated  sizar  of  Queensr 
College,  Cambridge,  in  November  1554;  took 
his  B.A.  degree  in  1556-7,  became  fellow  of 
Christ's  1557,  M.A.  1560,  B.D.  1565,  and 
that  in  the  last-named  year  he  was  appointed 
Lady  Margaret  preacher.  About  1560  he 
became  chaplain  to  Thomas  Howard,  fourth 
duke  of  Norfolk  [q.  v.]  Attending  his  patron 
to  Oxford  in  1568,  he  was  on  19  April  incor- 
porated B.D.  of  that  university  'as  he  stood 
at  Cambridge,'  and  in  1570,  through  the  in- 
fluence of  the  duke,  he  was  allowed  to  pro- 
ceed D.D. 

In  1567  Hughes  preached  at  Leicester,  and 
gave  offence  by  his  exposition  of  the  article 
'  De  Descensu  Christi  ad  Inferos.'  A  com- 
plaint was  made  to  the  university.  On  7  July 
1 567  a  decree  of  the  senate  was  issued  referring 
the  matter  to  a  committee,  Hughes  to  be  bound 
by  its  decision  without  appeal.  In  the  same 
month  another  complaint  was  sent  through  the 
Earl  of  Leicester  of  Hughes's  ' insincere  and 
unsound  doctrines  of  religion.'  At  the  earl's 
suggestion  the  matter  was  left  to  him,  Sir 
William  Cecil,  then  chancellor  of  the  uni- 
versity, and  Archbishop  Parker.  Parker 
advised  that  he  should  be  restrained  from 
preaching ;  but  the  only  visible  result  was  an 
order  of  the  chancellor  '  that  no  manner  of 
person  there  should  in  any  sermon,  open  dis- 
putation, or  reading  move  any  question  or 
doubt  upon  the  article  "De  Descensu  Christi 
ad  Inferos." ' 

From  1567  to  his  death  Hughes  was  rector 
of  Llysvaen  in  his  native  county.  He  was  also 
rector  of  Dennington,  Suffolk,  but  resigned 
the  benefice  before  10  Dec.  1573.  On  30  Jan. 
1565  Bishop  Richard  Davies  [q.  v.]  of  St. 
David's  wrote  to  Cecil  with  reference  to  a 
vacancy  in  the  see  of  Llandaff:  'I  have  heard 
that  one  Mr.  Hughes  sueth  for  Llandaff,  a 
man  to  me  unknown,  but  by  divers  I  have 
heard  of  him  that  he  is  utterly  unlearned  in 
divinity,  and  not  able  to  render  reason  of  his 
faith.'  In  December  1573  Hughes  was  made 
bishop  of  St.  Asaph. 

In  the  administration  of  his  diocese  Hughes 
was  not  successful.  Guilty  of  great  abuses 
himself,  he  failed  to  correct  the  faults  of  his 
clergy.  His  maladministration  at  last  became 
the  subject  of  a  special  inquiry.  The  report, 
'  endorsed  by  the  Lord  Treasurer's  own  hand,' 
dated  24  Feb.  1587,  described  the  bishop  as 
holding  in  commendam  (besides  the  arch- 
deaconry and  the  rectory  of  Llysvaen,  which 
he  held  by  virtue  of  a  faculty  obtained  in  1573) 




fifteen  livings,  thus  having  in  his  hands  nine 
livings  cum  cura  and  seven  sine  euro,',  and 
though  six  had  been  resigned  by  him,  it  was 
only  '  upon  having  of  the  better.'  He  had 
leased  out l  divers  parcels '  of  the  bishopric, '  to 
the  hindrance  of  his  successors,'  in  the  form  of 
lordships,  manors,  and  good  rectories.  The 
bishop  was  further  charged  with  extorting 
money  from  his  clergy  on  his  visitations 
'  over  and  above  the  procurations  appointed 
by  law,'  and  with  committing  or  overlooking 
other  infringements  of  the  late  canons.  The 
account  may  be  exaggerated,  but  the  charge 
of  pluralism  is  not  reducible  to  '  excessive 
exchanging.'  The  report  dwells  on  the 
number  of  recusants  in  the  diocese,  but 
Hughes  in  a  letter  to  Whitgift,  dated  4  Nov. 
1577,  says  that  'there  are  no  persons  within 
his  diocese  refusing  or  neglecting  to  come  to 
church.'  Hughes  was  in  fact  not  altogether 
neglectful  of  the  interests  of  his  diocese. 
In  the  case  of  Albany  v.  the  Bishop  of  St. 
Asaph  (Common  Pleas,  27  Eliz.)  one  of  the 
bishop's  replies  to  the  quare  impedit  was 
that  he  had  refused  to  institute  Mr.  Bag- 
shaw,  'a  Master  of  Arts  and  preacher  al- 
lowed,' to  the  living  of  Whittington  because 
he  did  not  understand  Welsh,  the  parish- 
ioners being  'homines  Wallici,  Wallicam  lo- 
quentes  linguam  et  non  aliam.'  Hughes  also 
gave  assistance  to  William  Morgan  [q.  v.] 
in  the  translation  of  the  Bible  into  Welsh 
by  the  loan  of  books  and  examination  of  the 

In  1 596  it  seems  to  have  been  proposed  with- 
out result  to  translate  him  to  Exeter.  In  Octo- 
ber 1600  he  died,  and  was  buried  in  the  choir  of 
the  cathedral, '  without  inscription  or  monu- 
ment.' By  his  wife  Lucia,  daughter  of  Robert 
Knowesley  of  Denbighshire,  he  left  a  son, 
William,  and  a  daughter,  Anne,  who  married 
Thomas,  youngest  son  of  Sir  Thomas  Mostyn. 
By  his  will,  dated  16  Oct.  and  proved  9  Nov. 
1600,  he  left  his  estate  to  his  daughter  and 
her  heirs,  in  default  of  heirs  the  property  to 
go  towards  founding  a  school  at  St.  Asaph ; 
but  as  Anne  had  heirs  the  school  was  not 
founded.  He  also  left  20/.  to  build  a  library 
for  public  use,  his  own  library  being  be- 
queathed to  form  a  nucleus.  This  bequest 
does  not  seem  to  have  taken  effect.  Hughes 
was  the  author  of  some  '  Notes  made  on  the 
authority  of  Scripture  and  the  Fathers  of  the 
Church  relative  to  the  descent  of  Christ  into 
hell,'  preserved  in  the  Record  Office,  and  a 
WILLIS,  Survey  of  St.  Asaph,  ed.  Edwards, 
vol.  ii.  App.  i.  pp.  6,  7). 

[Wood's  Athene  Oxon.  ed.  Bliss,  ii.  844 ; 
Cooper's  Athense  Cantabr.  ii.  289  ;  Regist.  Univ. 
Oxon.  ed.  Boase,  vol.  i.  (Oxford  Hist.  Soc.) ; 

Strype's  Annals  of  the  Keformation  and  Lives  of 
Parker  and  Whitgift;  Rymer's  Fcedera,  vol.  xv.; 
Cal.  State  Papers,  Dom.  Ser.  1547-80,  1581-90, 
1595-7  ;  Thomas's  Hist,  of  St.  Asaph,  pp.  90-3; 
Williams's  Eminent  Welshmen  ;  Llewelyn's  Ac- 
count of  the  British  or  Welsh  Versions  of  the 
Bible,  p.  107;  Morgan's  Welsh  Bible,  1588  ed., 
Preface ;  Leonard's  Reports  of  Law  Cases,  Case 
39.]  R.  W. 

HUGHES,  WILLIAM  (Jl.  1665-1683), 
horticultural  writer,  served,  according  to  his 
own  account,  on  board  a  vessel  engaged  on 
a  filibustering  expedition  in  the  West  Indies. 
He  then  visited,  among  other  places,  Barba- 
does,  St.  Kitts,  Hispaniola,  Jamaica,  and  Flo- 
rida. After  his  return,  about  1652,  he  took 
service,  apparently  as  gardener,  under  the 
Dowager  Viscountess  Conway  at  Ragley. 
While  in  this  situation  he  brought  out  'The 
Complete  Vineyard,  or  an  excellent  way  for 
the  Planting  of  Vines,'  &c.,  London,  1665  ; 
this  reached  a  third  edition  in  1683.  His 
next  venture  was  '  The  Flower-Garden  en- 
larged,' London,  1671 ;  third  and  last  edition 
1683 ;  and  finally  a  third  duodecimo  in  1672, 
'  The  American  Physitian,  or  a  Treatise  of  the 
Roots,  Plants,  Trees  .  .  .  growing  in  the  Eng- 
lish Plantations  in  America,'  &c.,  in  which 
he  recounts  his  experience  of  West  Indian 

[Works;  Pritzel's  Thes.  Lit.  Bot.  1st  ed.  p. 
127.1  B.  D.  J. 

HUGHES,  WILLIAM  (d.  1798),  writer 
on  music, was  possibly  son  of  William  Hughes 
who  became  minor  canon  of  Worcester  in 
1718,  and  in  1721  was  presented  to  the  vicar- 
age of  Old  Sodbury,  Gloucestershire,  which 
he  held  until  his  death  in  1768.  The  younger 
William  Hughes  was,  on  25  Nov.  1741,  ad- 
mitted a  minor  canon  of  Worcester  Cathe- 
dral, an  appointment  he  held  for  upwards  of 
forty  years.  When  admitted,  he  apparently 
had  no  degree,  but  in  1757,  when,  on  resign- 
ing the  rectory  of  Bredicote  and  curacy  of  St. 
Clement's,  Worcester,  he  was  presented  by 
the  chapter  to  the  vicarage  of  St.  Peter's  in 
that  city,  he  is  described  in  the  chapter- 
house minutes  as  M.A.  Hence  he  may  have 
been  the  William  Hughes  who  graduated 
B.A.  at  Lincoln  College,  Oxford,  in  1749, 
and  proceeded  M.A.  in  1752.  He  died  at 
Leominster  on  31  July  1798,  bequeathing  his 
property  to  the  Worcester  Infirmary.  His 
cheerful  disposition  made  him  a  great  fa- 
vourite in  Worcester.  According  to  an  epi- 
taph upon  him  written  by  a  contemporary 
wit,  '  Great  was  his  genius,  small  his  prefer- 
ment. The  Oracle  of  a  coffee-house,  he 
wished  not  to  shine  in  a  more  exalted  sphere. 
He  laughed  through  life,  and  his  face  made 




others  laugh  too ;  not  that  it  was  particu- 
larly comic,  but  ludicrously  serious.' 

Hughes  was  generally  interested  in  music, 
although  he  published  no  compositions.  He 
was  the  author  of  '  Remarks  upon  Church 
Music,  to  which  are  added  several  Observa- 
tions on  Mr.  Handel's  Oratorios,'  Worcester, 
1763  ;  and  published  two  sermons,  one  being 

*  On  the  Efficacy  and  Importance  of  Music,' 
preached  at  the  meeting  of  the  Three  Choirs, 
13  Sept.  1749. 

[Gent.  Mag.  1798,  pt.  ii.  p.  725  ;  Chambers's 
Biog.  Illustrations  of  Worcestershire,  p.  469  ; 
information  from  the  Bishop  of  Peterborough.] 

R.  F.  S. 

HUGHES,  WILLIAM  (1793-1825), 
wood-engraver,  was  born  in  1793  in  Liver- 
pool, where  he  was  an  apprentice  to  Henry 
Hole  [q.  v.]  Some  of  his  earliest  works  illus- 
trate Gregson's  '  Fragments  of  Lancashire,' 
1817.  There  are  a  few  woodcuts  by  him  in 
Rutter's '  Delineations  of  Fonthill,'  excellent 
in  manner  and  carefully  executed.  Specimens 
of  his  work  are  to  be  found  also  in  Dibdin's 

*  Decameron,'  1817,  Johnson's  '  Typographia/ 
1824,  and  Ottley's  <  History  of  Engraving.' 
Puckle's '  Club,'  1817,  contains  three  beauti- 
fully finished  head-pieces  and  five  tail-pieces 
by  Hughes.     Some  capital  cuts  by  him  are 
in  Butler's  '  Remains,'  1827,  in  <  Mornings  in 
Bow  Street,'  1824  (after  Cruikshank),  and 
in   Washington   Irving's   l  Knickerbocker's 
History  of  New  York,'  about  the  same  date. 
Like  his  master,  Hole,  he  engraved  much  in 
the  style  of  Thurston,  and  his  name  is  only 
found  on  good  and  careful  work.    He  died  at 
Lambeth,  London,  on  11  Feb.  1825,  aged  32. 

[Redgrave's  Diet,  of  Artists  of  the  English 
School ;  Bryan's  Diet,  of  Painters  and  Engravers ; 
Linton's  Masters  of  Wood  Engraving,  1889,  p. 
187.]  A.  N. 

HUGHES,  WILLIAM  (1803-1861),  legal 
writer,  born  at  Maker  vicarage,  Cornwall,  on 
2  March  1803,  was  fourth  son  of  Sir  Robert 
Hughes,  third  baronet,  by  his  second  wife, 
Bethia,  daughter  of  Thomas  Hiscutt,  and 
was  nephew  of  Admiral  Sir  Richard  Hughes 
[q.  v.]  His  father  matriculated  from  Trinity 
College,  Oxford,  on  30  March  1757,  aged  17, 
was  a  demy  of  Magdalen  College  1758-67, 
B.A.  1761,  M.A.  1763,  rector  of  Frimley  St. 
Mary  and  Weston,  Suffolk,  from  1769  until 
his  death,  and  was  buried  on  4  June  1814. 
William  was  admitted  to  the  bar  at  Gray's 
Inn  on  11  June  1833,  and  practised  as  a 
conveyancer  on  the  western  circuit,  where 
he  was  also  auditor  of  the  p9or-law  union 
district  of  Cornwall  and  Devonshire.  He 
died  at  Millbay  Grove,  Plymouth,  on  20  Aug. 
1861.  He  married  Jane  Caroline,  daughter 

of  Edward  Knapman  of  Bideford,  by  whom 
he  had  five  children. 

Hughes's  chief  writings  were :  1. '  Practical 
Directions  for  taking  Instructions  for,  and 
drawing  Wills,'  1833.  2.  <  The  Practical 
Angler.  By  Piscator,'  1842.  3.  'Fish,  How 
to  Choose,  and  How  to  Dress.  By  Pisca- 
tor,' 1843 ;  2nd  edit.,  1854,  entitled  <  A  Prac- 
tical Treatise  on  the  Choice  and  Cookery  of 
Fish.'  4.  <  The  Practice  of  Sales  of  Real  Pro- 
perty, with  an  Appendix  of  Precedents,'  1846- 
1847,  2  vols. ;  2nd  edit.,  1849-50,  2  vols. 
5.  <  The  Three  Students  of  Gray's  Inn :  a 
novel,'  1846.  6.  <  The  Practice  of  Mortgages 
of  Real  and  Personal  Estate,'  1848-9,  2  vols. 
7.  '  The  New  Stamp  Act,'  1850.  8.  '  Concise 
Precedents  in  Modern  Conveyancing,'  1850- 
1853,  3  vols.;  2nd  edit.,  1855-7,  3  vols. 
9.  <  A  Table  of  the  Stamp  Duties  payable  in 
Great  Britain  and  Ireland/  1850.  10.  <  It 
is  all  for  the  best:  a  Cornish  Tale,'  1852. 
11.  'The  Practice  of  Conveyancing,'  1856- 
1857,  2  vols. 

[Boase  and  Courtney's  Bibl.  Cornub.  i.  258.] 

G.  C.  B. 

1887),  translator,  son  of  William  Hughes, 
by  Margaret  Acheson,  was  born  at  Dublin  in 
1822.  He  settled  in  Paris,  and  became  chief 
clerk  in  the  foreign  press  department  of  the 
ministry  of  the  interior.  Between  1858  and 
1886  he  published  a  number  of  French  adap- 
tations and  translations  from  Bulwer,Dickens, 
Thackeray,  Poe,  Faraday,  Habberton,  and 
Mark  Twain.  He  was  a  collector  of  works 
in  all  languages  on  Shakespeare.  He  died  at 
Paris  on  5  Jan.  1887. 

[Register  of  death,  Eighth  Arrond.,  Paris ; 
Liberte,  1 2  Jan.  1 887;  Lorenz's  Cat.  de  la  Librairie 
Francaise ;  Brit.  Mus.  Cat.]  J.  Gr.  A. 

HUGO,  THOMAS  (1820-1876),  the  Be- 
wick collector,  eldest  son  of  Charles  Hugo, 
M.D.,  was  born  at  Taunton  in  1820,  matri- 
culated from  Worcester  College,  Oxford,  on 
28  Feb.  1839,  and  graduated  B.A.  in  1842. 
He  was  successively  curate'  of  Walton-le- 
Dale  1842-4,  Childwall  1844-6,  Bury  1846- 
1850,  and  vicar  of  Halliwell  1850-2  (all  in 
Lancashire).  From  1852  to  1858  he  was  vicar 
of  St.  Botolph's,  Bishopsgate,  London,  from 
1858  to  1868  perpetual  curate  of  All  Saints,  Bi- 
shopsgate, and  rector  of  West  Hackney  from 
1868  to  his  death.  He  was  also  chaplain  of 
the  Hon.  Artillery  Company  and  of  the  order 
of  St.  John  of  Jerusalem.  He  belonged  to 
the  extreme  high  church  party,  and  was  a 
popular  preacher.  On  24  Feb.  1853  he  was 
elected  a  fellow  of  the  Society  of  Antiquaries, 
and  was  an  active  member  for  many  years. 




Of  the  London  and  Middlesex  Archseological 
Society  he  was  the  reputed  founder,  and  was 
a  supporter  of  the  Royal  Society  of  Literature, 
the  Linnean  Society,  and  the  Genealogical 
Society  of  Great  Britain.  His  special  pro- 
vince in  literature  was  as  historian  of  reli- 
gious houses  in  the  west  of  England,  the 
original  sources  for  whose  history  he  was 
the  first  to  study  thoroughly.  He  was  also 
the  writer  of  several  dramas,  but  he  was 
best  known  for  his  extensive  collection  of 
the  works  of  the  brothers  Bewick  of  New- 
castle, which  included  many  of  the  original 
wood-blocks.  His  three  works,  1866,  1868, 
and  1870,  on  the  wood-cuts  and  wood-blocks 
of  T.  and  J.  Bewick  are  exhaustive  at  all 
points.  As  a  musician  he  was  a  facile  writer, 
and  contributed  several  pieces  to  'Hymns 
Ancient  and  Modern.'  He  died  after  a  short 
illness  at  West  Hackney  rectory,  on  31  Dec. 
1876,  and  was  buried  in  Highgate  cemetery 
on  6  Jan.  1877,  aged  only  56.  His  wife, 
Agnes  Jane,  died  on  11  Oct.  1881. 

His  works,  excluding  separate  sermons  and 
addresses,  are :  1.  l  A  Course  of  Sermons  on 
the  Lord's  Prayer/  1854.  2.  '  The  Dignity  of 
the  Human  Body,  and  the  Duty  of  its  Care,' 
1856.  3.  '  The  Charters  and  other  Archives 
of  Cleeve  Abbey,'  1856.  4.  '  A  Memoir  of 
Muchelney  Abbey,in  the  County  of  Somerset ,' 
1859.  5.  'The  History  of  Taunton  Priory, 
in  the  County  of  Somerset/  1860.  6.  '  The 
History  of  Mynchin  Buckland  Priory  and 
Preceptory  in  Somerset/  1861.  7.  '  An  illus- 
trated Itinerary  of  the  Ward  of  Bishops- 
gate  in  the  City  of  London/  1862.  8.  '  A 
Ramble  by  the  Tone,  in  a  series  of  Letters 
to  the  Taunton  Courier/  1862.  9.  '  Varus/ 
a  tragedy,  1864.  10.  'Edwy/  a  tragedy, 
1864.  11.  'Jean  de  Laval,  or  the  Tyranny 
of  Power/  a  drama,  1865.  12.  '  The  Bewick 
Collector.  A  Catalogue  of  the  Works  of  T. 
and  J.  Bewick,  including  cuts  for  books  and 
pamphlets,  private  gentlemen,  public  com- 
panies, exhibitions,  and  other  purposes,  and 
wood-blocks.  Described  from  the  originals, 
and  illustrated  with  112  cuts/ 1866.  13.  J  The 
History  of  Moor  Hall,  a  Camera  of  the  Knights 
of  St.  John  of  Jerusalem,  in  the  parish  of 
Harefield,  Middlesex/  1866.  14.  'Napo- 
leon I/  a  tragedy,  1866.  15.  '  The  Mediaeval 
Nunneries  of  Somerset  and  Diocese  of  Bath 
and  Wells/  1867.  16.  'The  Bewick  Col- 
lector. A  Supplement,  consisting  of  addi- 
tions to  the  divisions  of  the  cuts,  wood- 
blocks, &c./  1868.  17.  '  Charles  the  Ninth/ 
a  tragedy,  1868.  18.  '  Bewick's  Woodcuts, 
impressions  of  two  thousand  Wood-blocks, 
engraved  for  the  most  part  by  T.  and  J. 
Bewick,  with  a  Catalogue  of  the  Blocks,  and 
a  List  of  the  Books  and  Pamphlets  illus- 

trated/ 1870.  19.  'A  Calendar  of  Records 
relating  to  the  Parish  of  West  Hackney,  Mid- 
dlesex/ 1872.  20.  'Miscellaneous  Papers/ 
a  memorial  volume,  1878. 

[Men  of  the  Time,  1875,  pp.  561-2;  Ann. 
Reg.  1876,  p.  164;  Guardian,  3  Jan.  1877,  p. 
12.1  GL  C.  B. 

HUICKE,  ROBERT,  M.D.  (d.  1581  ?), 
physician,  a  native  of  Berkshire,  was  edu- 
cated at  Oxford,  where  he  was  admitted  B.A. 
in  1529,  and  was  elected  fellow  of  Merton 
College  there  in  the  same  year.  He  pro- 
ceeded M.A.  in  February  1532-3  (Oxf.  Univ. 
Reg.  Oxf.  Hist.  Soc.,  i.  153).  On  10  March 
1534-5  he  became  principal  of  St.  Alban 
Hall.  A  man  of  solid  learning  he  regarded 
the  writings  of  the  schoolmen  with  contempt, 
calling  them  '  the  destruction  of  good  wits/ 
The  commissary  thought  this  sufficient  rea- 
son for  depriving  him  of  his  office  ;  nor  was 
he  restored,  though  the  members  of  the  hall 
petitioned  Cromwell  on  13  Sept.  1535  in  his 
favour  (Letters,  fyc.,  of  Henry  VIII,  ed. 
Gairdner,  ix.  122).  In  1536  he  was  admitted 
a  fellow  of  the  College  of  Physicians,  and 
proceeded  M.D.  at  Cambridge  in  1538.  He 
was  censor  of  the  College  of  Physicians 
in  1541,  1556,  1557,  1558,  and  1559  ;  was 
named  an  elect  in  1550,  was  president  in  1551, 
1552,  and  1564,  and  consiliarius  in  1553, 
1559, 1560,  and  1561.  He  was  physician  to 
Henry  VIII  and  Queen  Catherine  Parr,  and 
was  also  a  witness  of  the  latter's  will.  In 
1546  Huicke  sought  a  divorce  from  his  wife 
Elizabeth.  Dr.  John  Croke,  who  tried  the 
suit,  gave  sentence  in  favour  of  Mrs.  Huicke. 
Huicke  thereupon  appealed  to  the  privy 
council.  Examinations  were  made  at  Green- 
wich on  11  and  12  May  1546.  The  lords, 
after  hearing  both  of  them  face  to  face,  wrote 
to  Secretary  Petre,  exonerating  Mrs.  Huicke 
from  all  blame,  and  strongly  condemning  her 
husband's  cruelty  and  deceit.  Edward  VI, 
by  letters  patent  dated  4  July  1550,  appointed 
Huicke  his  physician  extraordinary,  with  the 
annual  stipend  of  50/.  He  was  also  one  of 
the  physicians  to  Queen  Elizabeth.  On 
28  Feb.  1561-2  the  sub-warden  and  fellows 
of  Merton  College  addressed  a  letter  to  Sir 
William  Cecil  in  favour  of  Huicke's  appoint- 
ment as  warden  of  that  house  (Col.  State 
Papers,  Dom.  1547-80,  p.  195).  In  November 
1564  he  was  admitted  a  member  of  the  Inner 
Temple  (Members,  &c.,  1547-1660,  ed.  W.  H. 
Cooke,  p.  55).  He  took  part  in  the  Physic 
Act  kept  at  Cambridge  on  7  Aug.  1564, '  her 
majesty  merrily  jesting  with  him  when  he  de- 
sired her  licence.'  He  also  disputed  in  the 
Physic  Act  before  the  queen  at  Oxford  on 
5  Sept.  1566,  and  on  the  following  day  was 




incorporated  M.D.  in  that  university  (  Reg.  i. 
264).  He  was  subsequently  appointed  chief 
physician  to  the  queen,  who  in  1570  granted 
him  a  mansion  called '  White  Webbs  House/ 
in  Enfield,  Middlesex  (LYSONS,  Environs,  ii. 
304).  By  1575  he  had  apparently  got  rid 
of  his  wife,  for  on  2  Nov.  of  that  year,  being 
then  resident  in  St.  Martin-in-the-Fields,  he 
obtained  a  general  license  to  marry  Mary 
Woodcocke,  spinster,  of  the  city  of  London 
(CHESTEK,  London  Marriage  Licences,  ed. 
Foster,  col.  738).  Huicke  died  at  his  house 
at  Charing  Cross.  His  will,  dated  27  Aug. 
1580,  was  proved  on  17  April  1581  (P.  C.  C. 
13,  Darcy).  Therein  he  desired  to  be  buried 
in  the  chancel  of  Harlington  Church,  Middle- 
sex. His  wife  Mary  survived  him,  together 
with  two  daughters,  Atalanta,  married  to  Wil- 
liam Chetwynde,  and  Elizabeth.  He  is  author 
of  'Poemata  ad  R.  Eliz.,'  preserved  in  the 
.British  Museum,  Royal  MS.  12.  A.  xxxviii. 

[Cooper's  Athense  Cantabr.  i.  244,  554-5; 
Hunk's  Coll.  of  Phys.  1878,  i.  32-3;  will  of 
Eoger  Chaloner,  1550  (P.  C.  C.  17,  Coode)  ;  in- 
formation from  J.  Challenor  Smith,  esq.]  G.  Gr. 

HUISH,  ALEXANDER  (1694P-1668), 
biblical  scholar,  was  the  son  of  John  Hewish 
or  Huisfr,  and  born  in  the  parish  of  St. 
Cuthbert,  Wells,  Somersetshire,  in  1594  or 
1595,  entered  Magdalen  Hall,  Oxford,  in 
1609,  from  which  he  was  taken  in  1613  by 
the  foundress  of  Wadham  College,  and  made 
one  of  the  original  scholars  of  that  house. 
On  10  Feb.  1613-14  he  was  admitted  B.A., 
being  the  first  of  the  college  to  obtain  that 
degree.  On  27  June  1614  he  was  recommended 
for  election  by  the  foundress,  and  was  admitted 
30  June  1615.  He  proceeded  M.  A.  on  17  Dec. 
1616,  and  B.D.  on  2  June  1627  (Reg.  of  Univ. 
of  O.?/.,  Oxf.  Hist.  Soc.,  vol.  ii.  pt.iii.  p.  325). 
He  held  various  college  offices,  and  resigned 
his  fellowship  28  June  1629.  He  was  ap- 
pointed a  prebendary  of  Wedmore  Secunda 
in  Wells  Cathedral  on  26  Oct.  1627  (LE  NEVE, 
Fasti,  ed.  Hardy,  i.  183),  obtained  the  rectory 
of  Beckington,  Somersetshire,  on  21  Dec.  1628, 
and  that  of  Hornblotton  in  the  same  county 
on  6  Feb.  1638.  He  was  arrested  as  a  delin- 
quent in  1640,  the  inhabitants  of  Beckington 
having  petitioned  parliament  on  account  of 
his  innovations  in  the  services,  and  was  at  one 
time  imprisoned  at  Chadfield,  near  Bradford, 
Wiltshire.  He  was  not,  however,  formally 
dispossessed  of  Beckington  till  1650,  when 
John  After  took  possession.  At  the  Resto- 
ration he  recovered  both  his  livings,  and  re- 
ceived in  addition,  on  12  Sept.  1660,  the 
prebend  of  Whitelackington  in  Wells  Cathe- 
dral (ib.  i.  188).  Huish  died  in  April  1668. 

He  was  author  of:  1.  '  Lectures  upon  the 


Lord's  Prayer,'  3  pts.,  4to,  London,  1626. 
2.  'Musa  Ruralis;  in  adventum  .  .  .  Ca- 
roli  II.,  . .  .  vota,  suspiria,  gaudia,  et  rursum 
vota :  quae  suo,  aliorumque  rectorum,  non  rec- 
torum,  ruralium  nomine,  effudit  A.  Huissus/ 
4to,  London,  1660.  He  also  edited  John  Fla- 
vel's  (1596-1617)  [q.  v.]  'Tractatus  de  De- 
monstratione,'  8vo,  1619.  Brian  Walton,  too, 
owed  much  to  Huish  in  the  compilation  of 
his  '  Polyglott  Bible,'  and  selected  him  as  one 
of  the  four  correctors  of  the  work  while  at 
press.  Iluish's  labours  were  devoted  to  the 
Septuagint,  the  Greek  text  of  the  New  Testa- 
ment, and  the  Vulgate.  He  collated  the  Alex- 
andrian MS.,  according  to  Bentley, l  with  great 
exactness.'  In  the  last  volume  (vi.)  Huish 
wrote,  according  to  Wood, l  A  Greek  Hymn 
with  tha  Latin  to  it,'  composed  on  St.  Hilary's 
day,  13  Jan.  (O.S.)  1657-8,  'in  the  year  of 
his  grand  climacteric  63.'  He  also  has  a 
poem  in  the  '  Oxford  Verses'  on  the  death  of 
Queen  Anne,  wife  of  James  I,  and  contributed 
to  the  '  Ultima  Lima  Savilii,'  1622. 

[Wood's  Athense  Oxon.  (Bliss),  iii.  811-12; 
Walker's  Sufferings  of  the  Clergy,  ii.  76 ;  Wea- 
ver's Somerset  Incumbents ;  Rushworth's  Hist. 
Coll.  in.  i.  97  ;  Prince's  Worthies  of  Devon,  2nd 
edit.  p.  751 ;  Gardiner's  Register  of  Wadham 
College;  Todd'sLife  of  Walton,  i.  269-76;  Cal. 
State  Papers,  Dom.  1660,  p.  234;  Hunter's 
Chorus  Vatum,  Addit.  MS.  24492,  p.  29.] 


HULBERT,  CHARLES  (1778-1857), 
miscellaneous  writer,  son  of  Thomas  Hulbert 
of  Hulbert  Green,  near  Cheadle,  Cheshire, 
was  born  at  Manchester  on  18  Feb.  1778,  and 
educated  at  the  grammar  school  of  Halton, 
Cheshire.  After  learning  cotton- weaving  he 
became  manager,  at  the  age  of  twenty-two, 
of  large  print  works  at  Middleton,  near  Man- 
chester, and  subsequently  began  business 
with  his  elder  brother  at  Swinton,  also  near 
Manchester.  In  1803  he  removed  to  Shrews- 
bury, and  in  conjunction  with  others  leased 
some  large  factories  at  Coleham  near  that 
town.  In  1805  he  married  Anna,  daughter 
of  Thomas  Wood,  proprietor  of  the  'Shrews- 
bury Chronicle.'  He  entered  ardently  into 
Sunday  school  and  religious  work,  carrying 
on  classes  and  services  at  the  factory.  He 
even  applied,  but  unsuccessfully,  for  ordina- 
tion in  the  church.  At  the  request  of  W. 
Wilberforce  and  the  Hon.  II.  G.  Bennet  in 
1808  he  drew  up  a  report  on  the  manage- 
ment of  factories,  as  an  answer  to  a  charge 
made  in  parliament  that  manufactories  were 
hotbeds  of  vice.  Soon  afterwards  he  de- 
clined a  tempting  offer  to  remove  to  St. 
Petersburg,  made  to  him,  it  is  said,  by  an 
agent  of  the  emperor  of  Russia.  In  1813, 
his  business  as  a  cotton  manufacturer  having 




fallen  off,  lie  opened  a  bookshop  and  printing- 
office  at  Shrewsbury,  where  he  published  the 
'  Salopian  Magazine '  (1815-17),  and  printed 
many  small  books,  most  of  them  written  by 
himself.  In  1827  he  built  a  house  at  Hadnall, 
near  Shrewsbury,  which  he  called  ( Provi- 
dence Grove,'  and  here  he  continued  to  print 
and  publish  his  writings.  His  house  was 
burnt  down,  and  his  large  library  destroyed, 
on  7  Jan.  1839 ;  but  he  was  enabled,  by  a  pub- 
lic subscription  and  a  grant  from  the  Royal 
Literary  Fund,  to  rebuild  his  residence  and 
to  purchase  an  annuity.  He  died  there  on 
7  Oct.  1857. 

His  principal  works  are :  1.  '  Candid  Stric- 
tures ...  on  Thoughts  on  the  Protestant  As- 
cendency/ Shrewsbury,  1807, 8vo.  2. '  Memoir 
of  General  Lord  Hill,'  1816,  8vo.  3.  'African 
Traveller,'  1817,  8vo.  4.  'Museum  of  the 
World/  1822-6,  4  vols.  12mo,  5.  '  Chris- 
tian Memoirs/  1832,  8vo.  6.  '  Religions  of 
Britain.'  7.  'History  of  Salop/  1837,  4to. 
8.  '  Cheshire  Antiquities/ 1838, 4to.  9.  '  Ma- 
nual of  Shropshire  Biography/  £c.,  1839, 
4to.  10.  '  The  Sunday  Reader  and  Preacher/ 
1839-42,  4to.  11.  'Biographical  Sketches/ 
1842.  12.  'Memoirs  of  Seventy  Years  of 
an  Eventful  Life/  1848-52,  4to.  Of  this 
discursive  but  amusing  and  useful  autobio- 
graphy he  published  an  abridgment  entitled 
'  The  Book  of  Providences  and  the  Book  of 
Joys/  1857,  8vo. 

1888),  his  eldest  son,  born  at  Coleham,  near 
Shrewsbury,  on  31  Dec.  1804,  was  educated 
at  Shrewsbury  School  and  Sidney  Sussex  Col- 
lege, Cambridge.  He  graduated  B.  A.  in  1834, 
and  M.A.  in  1837  ;  was  curate  of  St.  Mary's, 
Islington,  1834  to  1839,  perpetual  curate  of 
Slaithwaite,  Yorkshire,  1839  to  1867,  and 
vicar  of  Almondbury,  near  Huddersfield,  from 
1867  to  1888.  He  was  mainly  instrumental  in 
the  restoration  of  Almondbury  Church.  In 
1866  he  was  collated  honorary  canon  of 
Ripon.  He  died  in  March  1888.  Among 
other  works  he  published  :  1.  '  Poetical  Re- 
creations/ Shrewsbury,  1828.  2.  '  Theotokos, 
or  the  Song  of  the  Virgin/  1842.  3.  '  The 
Gospel  revealed  to  Job,  1853.  4.  '  Annals 
of  the  Church  in  Slaithwaite/ 1864.  5.  '  Ex- 
tracts from  the  Diary  of  the  Rev.  Robert 
Meeke/  1875.  6.  'Annals  of  the  Church 
and  Parish  of  Almondbury,  Yorkshire/  1882, 
8vo.  7.  '  Supplementary  Annals/  1885. 

[Memoirs  mentioned  above ;  Obituary  of  C. 
Hnlbert,  by  C.  A.  Hulbert,  2nd  edit.  1860; 
Manchester  Guardian,  7  March  1888  ;  Brit.  Mus. 
Cat,]  C.  W.  S. 

HULET,  CHARLES  (1701-1736),  actor, 
an  apprentice  to  Edmund  Curll  [q.  v.],  the 
bookseller,  found  his  way  on  to  the  stage 

and  acted  one  season  in  Dublin  and  several 
in  London.  No  list  of  his  performances  ap- 
pears in  Genest.  He  played  at  Lincoln's 
Inn  Fields,  13  June  1722,  the  First  Tribune 
in  the  '  History  and  Fall  of  Domitian/  an 
alteration  of  Massinger's '  Roman  Actor/ and 
on  3  May  1723  Achilles  in  'Troilus  and 
Cressida.'  At  Lincoln's  Inn  Fields  he  re- 
mained until  1732,  enacting,  among  many 
other  parts,  Kent  in  '  Lear/  Metaphrastus 
in  the  '  Mistake/  Salisbury  in  '  Sir  Walter 
Raleigh/  Sotmore  in  Fielding's  '  Coffee-house 
Politician/  Cassander  in  the  '  Rival  Queens/ 
Oronooko,  Cacofogo  in  'Rule  a  Wife  and 
have  a  Wife/  and  Flip  in  the  'Fair  Quaker.' 
He  was  the  original  Downright  in  an  altera- 
tion of '  Every  Man  in  his  Humour/ produced 
11  Jan.  1725,  Theron  in  Philip  Frowde's 
'  Fall  of  Saguntum  '  and  Craterus  in  his 
'  Philotas/  Magician  in  Theobald's  '  Orestes/ 
Doubtful  in  Hippisley's '  Honest  Welshman/ 
Zeno  in  Tracy's  '  Periander/  and  Momus  in 
'  Momus  turned  Fabulist/  On  2  Oct.  1732  he 
appeared  at  Goodman's  Fields  as  Falstaff  in 
'  King  Henry  IV.'  He  remained  at  this  house 
until  his  death,  playing  Gloucester  in '  King 
Lear/ Henry  VIII  in  'Virtue Betrayed,'  Ser- 
jeant Sly  in  the  '  Mad  Captain/  Clytus, 
Othello,  Cassius,  King  in  the  '  Mourning 
Bride/  Timophanes  in '  Timoleon/  Lord  Rake 
in  '  Britannia/  Macheath,  Falstaff  in  l  Merry 
Wives  of  Windsor/  Montezuma  in  '  Indian 
Emperor/  Freehold  in  '  Country  Lasses/  and 
for  his  benefit  Richard  III.  Freehold,  played 
3  Dec.  1734,  is  his  last  recorded  character. 
He  probably  played  in  the  following  season 
(1735-1736)  at  Goodman's  Fields  and  at  Lin- 
coln's Inn  Fields,  to  which  the  company  mi- 
grated. He  seems  to  have  been  in  Dublin 
in  1727-8. 

Hulet  was  endowed  with  great  abilities, 
was  '  happy  in  a  strong,  clear,  melodious 
voice,  and  was  an  excellent  Macheath/  in 
which  he  sang  better  than  Walkerj  the  ori- 
ginal representative.  Davies  considers  his 
Clytus  equal  to  that  of  Quin.  His  figure 
was  grossly  corpulent,  he  lacked  application, 
and  was  irregular  and  crapulous  in  life  and 
sordid  in  person,  but  facetious,  good-natured, 
and  an  admirable  mimic.  His  Henry  VIII 
was  much  praised.  Davies  speaks  of  him  as 
an  eminent  actor  (Dramatic  Miscellanies,  iii. 
100).  His  death  was  caused  by  a  practical 
joke.  He  was  fond  of  crying  'Hem'  in  a 
sonorous  voice  in  the  ears  of  non-observant 
neighbours  for  the  purpose  of  startling  them. 
Practising  this  trick  in  the  theatre  at  rehear- 
sal in  1736,  he  broke  a  blood-vessel,  was  taken 
home,  and  died.  At  the  charge  of  Henry 
Giffard,  his  manager,  he  was  buried  in  St. 
Mary's  Church,  Whitechapel. 




[The  chief  authorities  are  Chetwood  anc 
Davies's  Dramatic  Miscellanies.  Davies  obtainec 
the  story  of  his  death  from  '  Honest '  Lyon,  a 
comic  actor  who  was  present.  The  list  of  cha- 
racters is  gleaned  from  various  records  of  G-enest.' 

J.  K. 

HULETT,  JAMES  (d.  1771),  engraver, 
resided  in  London,  and  was  extensively  em- 
ployed on  illustrations  for  books.  His  en- 
gravings do  not  possess  any  particular  merit. 
He  engraved  plates  for  many  books,  including 
D.  de  Coetlogon's  'Dictionary  of  Arts  and 
Sciences,'  1745,  and  portraits  of  the  Earl  of 
Essex  and  Lord  Fairfax  for  Peck's  '  Life  and 
Actions  of  Oliver  Cromwell ; '  besides  a  view 
of '  The  Bridge  over  the  Thames  at  Hampton 
Court'  after  Canaletto,  and  a  portrait  of  Owen 
Farrell,  the  Irish  dwarf,  after  H.  Gravelot. 
Hulett  lived  in  Red  Lion  Street,  Clerken- 
well,  and  died  in  1771. 

[Dodd's  manuscript  History  of  English  Engra 
vers  (Brit.  Mus.  Addit.  MS.  33402);  Redgrave's 
Diet,  of  Artists.]  L.  C. 

HULL,  JOHN,  M.D.  (1761-1843),  bota- 
nist, was  born  at  Poulton,  Lancashire,  in 
1761.  In  May  1792  he  graduated  as  M.D. 
at  Ley  den,  his  dissertation  being  'decathar- 
ticis.'  He  settled  at  Manchester,  where  he 
practised  especially  as  an  accoucheur,  and 
became  physician  to  the  Lying-in  Hospital. 
Between  1798  and  1801  he  published  several 
papers  in  defence  of  the  Caesarian  operation, 
and  having  taken  to  botany  as  a  relaxation 
he  issued  in  1799  a  'British  Flora/ which 
reached  a  second  edition  in  1808,  and  two 
volumes  on  the  'Elements  of  Botany'  in 
1800.  In  1819  he  became  a  licentiate  of  the 
College  of  Physicians.  He  died  at  his  eldest 
son's  house  in  Tavistock  Square,  London, 
17  March  1843.  His  son,  William  Win- 
stanley  Hull,  is  noticed  separately. 

[Munk's  Coll.  of  Phys.  iii.  195.]       G.  S.  B. 

HULL,  ROBERT  (d.  1425),  judge.  [See 

HULL,  THOMAS  (1728-1808),  actor 
and  dramatist,  born  in  1728  in  the  Strand, 
where  his  father  practised  as  an  apothecary, 
was  educated  at  the  Charterhouse  with  a 
view  to  the  church,  and  made  an  unsuccess- 
ful attempt  to  follow  his  father's  profession. 
According  to  the  'Biographia  Dramatica,' 
he  first  appeared  at  Smock  Alley  Theatre, 
Dublin,  and  thence  proceeded  to  Bath,  where 
he  managed  the  theatre  for  John  Palmer 
[q.v.]  His  first  recorded  appearance  was, 
however,  at  Covent  Garden,  5  Oct.  1759,  as 
Elder  Wou'dbe  in  Farquhar's  '  Twin  Rivals.' 
In  the  course  of  the  season  he  played  Charles 

m  the  'Nonjuror/  the  attendant  spirit  in 
Comus,  and,  for  his  benefit,  Manly  in  the 
'Provoked  Husband.'    The  following  season 
saw  him  as  Juan  in  'Rule  a  Wife  and  have 
a  Wife,    Lord   Morelove  in  the  'Careless 
Husband,'  Friar  Lawrence,  and  Springlove 
in  the  'Jovial  Crew,'  and  also  witnessed  his 
marriage  to  Miss  Morrison,  a  not  very  dis- 
tinguished actress  of  the  theatre,  who  played 
for  his  benefit,  under  the  name  of  Morrison 
the  Lady  in  'Comus/  28  April  1764.     At 
Covent  Garden  Hull  stayed  without  a  break, 
so  far  as  can  be  ascertained,  till  the  end  of 
his   career,   a  period  of  forty-eight   years. 
Among  the  parts  assigned  him  were  Friar 
Lawrence,  Mr.  Page,  King  Henry  V,  King 
Henry  VI,  Horatio,  Worthy  in  the  'Recruit- 
ing Officer/  ^Eson  in  '  Medea/  Camillo  and 
Chorus  in  'Winter's  Tale/  Voltore  in  the 
'Fox/  Cromwell  in  'King  Henry  VIII/  Dun- 
can, Prospero,  ^Egeon  in  'Comedy  of  Er- 
rors/ Adam  in  '  As  you  like  it/  Pinchwife 
in  the  '  Country  Wife/  Pisanio  in  '  Cymbe- 
line/  Flavius  in  'Timon/  King  in  'Hamlet/ 
Pandulph  in  '  King  John/  and  innumerable 
others.     He  was  the  original  Harpagus  in 
Hoole's  'Cyrus'  (3  Dec.  1768),  Edwin  in 
Mason's  '  Elfrida '  (21  Nov.  1772),  Pizarro  in 
Murphy's  '  Alzuma '  (23  Feb.  1773),  Mador 
in  Mason's  '  Caractacus '  (6  Dec.  1776),  Sir 
Hubert  in  Hannah  More's  '  Percy '  (10  Dec. 
1777),  and  Mr.  Shandy  in  Macnally's  '  Tris- 
tram Shandy  '  (26  April  1783).    From  1775 
to  1782  he  managed  Covent  Garden  for  Col- 
man.     It  was  his  pride  that  during  his  long 
connection  with  Covent  Garden  he   never 
missed  playing  his  part  but  once,  when  he 
was  confined  to  his  bed  by  a  violent  fever. 
The  plays  attributed  to  him,  with  one  or  two 
exceptions  which  are  noted,  were  acted  nt 
Dovent  Garden.  Hull's  name  appeared  for  the 
Last  time  on  the  bills  on  28  Dec.  1807,  when 
tie  played  the  Uncle  in  '  George  Barnwell.' 
He  died  on  22  April  1808  at  his  house,  near 
Dean's  Yard,  Westminster,  and  was  buried 
in  the  churchyard  of  St.  Margaret's,  West- 
minster. A  proposal  to  restore  by  subscription 
the  inscription  on  his  tomb,  which  had  be- 
come illegible,  was  made  in  1876  (Notes  and 
Queries,  5th  ser.  v.438).    Hull's  plays,  with 
the  exception  of '  King  Henry  II,'  which  may 
rank  with  most  tragedies  of  the  day,  display 
a  fluency  and  a  knack  of  arrangement  due 
;o  his  histrionic  experience.    His  prose  style 
s  easy,  pleasant  to  read,  and  sometimes  de- 
cidedly happy.     He  enjoyed  the  friendship 
of  Shenstone,  some  of  whose  letters  he  pub-^ 
ished,  and  other  persons  of  note.    Lingering 
;oo  long  on  the  stage,  he  outlived  his  repu- 
;ation  as  an  actor,  which  in  his  best  days 
was  dependent  upon  judgment,  propriety,  and 

0  2 




modesty,  rather  than  upon  more  brilliant 
qualities.  He  conveyed  the  idea  of  thoroughly 
understanding  the  characters  assigned  him, 
and  supported  with  much  success  Brabantio, 
Friar  Lawrence,  Prospero,  and  other  parts 
of  the  *  heavy  father '  class.  Hull  was 
the  means  of  establishing  the  Theatrical 
Fund.  It  had  been  some  time  in  contem- 
plation, when  in  sight  of  the  distresses  of 
Mrs.  Hamilton  [q.T.J,  Hull  called  the  actors 
together,  and  the  fund  was  founded.  Two 
portraits  of  Hull  are  in  the  Mathews  collec- 
tion in  the  Garrick  Club. 

Hull's  plays  are:  1.  *  The  Twins,'  an  alte- 
ration of  the  '  Comedy  of  Errors/  24  April 
1762  ;  never  printed,  but  once  acted,  and 
possibly  assigned  to  Hull  in  error.  2.  '  The 
Absent  Man,'  a  farce,  28  April  1764 ;  never 
printed.  3.  '  Pharnaces,'  8vo,  an  opera 
altered  from  the  Italian,  acted  at  Drury  Lane 
probably  in  1765.  4.  '  Spanish  Lady,'  musi- 
cal entertainment,  8vo,  1765,  acted  2  May 
1765,  and  again  with  alterations  11  Dec.  1769. 
5. '  All  in  the  Right,'  a  farce,  from  the  French 
of  Destouches,  26  April  1766 ;  not  printed. 
6.  '  The  Fairy  Favour,'  8vo,  1766,  a  masque 
written  for  the  entertainment  of  the  Prince 
of  Wales,  acted  at  Covent  Garden  about 
1767.  7. '  The  Perplexities,' 8vo,  1767, 31  Jan. 
1767,  an  adaptation  of  Tuke's  '  Adventures 
of  Five  Heroes,'  in  which  Hull  played  Don 
Juan.  8.  'The  Royal  Merchant,'  14  Dec. 
1767,  an  opera  founded  on  Beaumont  and 
Fletcher's '  Beggar's  Bush.'  9.  '  The  Prodigal 
Son,'  an  oratorio,  4to,  1773,  set  to  music  by 
Dr.  Thomas  Arnold  (see  Notes  and  Queries, 
4th  ser.  iv.  271),  and  performed  at  the  instal- 
lation of  Lord  North  as  chancellor  of  the 
university  of  Oxford.  10. '  Henry  the  Second, 
or  the  Fall  of  Rosamond,'  a  tragedy  in  five 
acts  and  in  verse,  8vo,  1774,  acted  1  May 
1773,  with  Hull  as  Clifford,  Mrs.  Hull  as 
Queen  Eleanor,  and  Mrs.  Hartley  as  Rosa- 
mond; it  was  more  than  once  revived.  Four 
editions  of  this  appeared  in  1774;  an  edition 
was  issued  in  York  in  1775,  and  the  play  is 
included  in  the  collections  of  Bell  and  of 
Inchbald.  11.  'Edward  and  Eleonora,'  a 
tragedy,  8vo,  1775,  slightly  altered  from 
Thomson,  18  March'  1775.  12.  '  Love  finds 
the  Way,'  a  comic  opera,  not  printed,  founded 
on  the  '  School  for  Guardians,'  18  Nov.  1777. 
13.  'Iphigenia,  or  the  Victim,'  not  printed, 
23  March  1778,  a  tragedy  slightly  altered  from 
a  translation  by  Boyer  of  Racine.  Hull  played 
Agamemnon.  14.  '  The  Fatal  Interview,'  a 
tragedy,  not  printed,  Drury  Lane,  16  Nov. 
1782.  Mrs.  Siddons  played  the  heroine,  but 
the  piece  failed.  15.  '  true  British  Tar,  or 
found  at  a  Pinch,' a  one-act  musical  entertain- 
ment, played  in  1786  at  Hull,  and  not  printed. 

16.  *  Timon  of  Athens,'  altered  from  Shake- 
speare and  Shadwell  (not  printed),  13  May 
1786.  Hull  played  Flavius.  17. 'The  Comedy 
of  Errors,'  8vo,  1793,  3  June  1793,  slightly 
altered  from  Shakespeare.  Hull  was  -^Egeon. 
18.  'Disinterested  Love,'  30  May  1798,  an  im- 
printed alteration  from  Massinger,  in  which 
Hull  played  Octavio.  19.  '  Elisha,  or  the 
Woman  of  Shunem,'  an  oratorio,  8vo,  1801, 
assumably  not  given  at  Covent  Garden. 
After  the  custom  of  the  day,  the  airs,  duets, 
&c.,  of  the  musical  pieces  alone  are  printed. 

Hull  also  wrote :  '  The  History  of  Sir- 
William  Harrington,'  a  novel,  4  vols.  1771 ; 
reprinted  1797 ;  translated  into  German, 
Leipzig,  1771,  and  French,  Lausanne,  1773. 
'Richard  Plantagenet,  a  Legendary  Tale,' 
4to,  1774.  '  Select  Letters  between  the  late 
Duchess  of  Somerset,  Lady  Luxborough,  and 
others,  including  a  Sketch  of  the  Manners-, 
&c.,  of  the  Republic  of  Venice/  2  vols. 
London,  8vo,  1778.  '  Moral  Tales  in  Verse/ 
2  vols.  8vo,  London,  1797.  '  A  Collection 
of  Poems  and  Translations  in  English  and 
Latin/  Bath,  1780  (?),  4to.  His  name  also 
appears  to  '  Genuine  Letters  from  a  Gentle- 
woman to  a  young  Lady,  her  Pupil.  Now 
first  revised  and  published  by  T.  Hull/  1772, 
12mo,  2  vols.  (see  '  Preston,  J./  Brit.  Mus. 

[Books  cited ;  G-enest's  Account  of  the  Eng- 
lish Stage  ;  Baker,  Reed,  and  Jones's  Biographia 
Dramatica ;  Lowndes's  Bibliographer's  Manual ; 
Dramatic  Censor,  1770;  Davies's  Dramatic  Mis- 
cellanies and  Life  of  Grarrick ;  Nichols's  Literary- 
Anecdotes;  Brit.  Mus.  Cat.]  J.  K. 

HULL,  WILLIAM  (1820-1880),  artist, 
born  6  May  1820  at  Graffham  in  Hunting- 
donshire, was  son  of  a  small  farmer  wha 
removed  soon  after  his  son's  birth  to  Keysoe: 
in  Bedfordshire,  and  subsequently  to  the  ad- 
joining village  of  Pertenhall.  Here  in  the 
village  school  William  received  his  early 
education,  and  went  afterwards  for  three 
years  to  the  Moravian  settlement  of  Ock- 
brook,  near  Derby,  to  be  educated  as  a  minis- 
ter of  that  society.  At  Ockbrook  he  had  a 
few  lessons  in  drawing  from  two  Germans 
named  Petersen  and  Hasse.  After  spending 
a  year  at  the  settlement  at  Wellhouse,  near 
Mirfield,  Yorkshire,  as  student  and  assistant, 
he  went  in  1838  to  the  Moravian  establish- 
ment at  Grace  Hill,  near  Ballymena  in  Ire- 
land, and  made  during  his  stay  there  many 
sketches.  He  spent  five  weeks  in  London  in 
1840,  studying  pictures  and  the  works  of  art 
in  the  British  Museum.  A  few  months  after- 
wards he  gave  up  his  position  at  Grace  Hill  to- 
become  clerk  in  the  printing  and  lithographic 
works  of  Messrs.  Bradshaw  &  Blacklock  in 
Manchester,  and  studied  at  the  school  of 




design  there  for  a  short  time.  From  1841  to 
1844  he  travelled  in  France,  Germany,  and 
the  Low  Countries  as  tutor  to  the  two  sons 
of  Mr.  Janvrin,  a  merchant  of  St.  Heliers 
in  Jersey,  and  took  every  opportunity  of  con- 
tinuing his  study  of  art.  On  his  return  to 
Manchester  in  1844  he  contributed  two  pic- 
tures to  the  exhibition  at  the  Royal  Manches- 
ter Institution.  Thenceforward  he  devoted 
himself  entirely  to  painting  and  sketching, 
and  before  his  death  he  reproduced  with  care 
and  accuracy  objects  of  interest  and  rural 
beauty  in  almost  every  county  in  England. 
His  best  work  is  in  black  and  white  and 
sepia,  which  he  handled  with  marvellous 
skill.  Of  the  drawings  in  this  style  may  be 
instanced  the  sets  of  views  of  Oxford  and 
Cambridge,  and  the  illustrations  to  '  Charles 
Dick  ens  and  Rochester'  engraved  by  his  friend 
Robert  Langton,  the  author  of  the  book.  He 
also  drew  some  of  the  illustrations  to  Ear- 
waker's  '  History  of  East  Cheshire,'  and  his 
drawings  of  the  mill  at  Ambleside  and  Wyth- 
fourn  Church  were  reproduced  in  autotype. 
He  etched  several  plates,  some  of  which  ap- 
peared as  illustrations  to  books. 

His  work  in  colour -was  at  no  time  want- 
ing in  harmony,  but,  as  his  friend  Mr.  Ruskin 
told  him,  though  the  colour  was  never  bad, 
it  was  often  used  too  sparingly.  He  made 
every  effort  to  overcome  this  delect,  and  with 
•some  success  in  his  latest  works.  In  1848 
Hull  joined  the  Letherbrow  Club,  a  private 
literary  and  artistic  society  in  Manchester, 
and  its  twelve  manuscript  volumes  contain 
a  series  of  letters  on  art,  nature,  and  travel 
by  him,  interspersed  with  numerous  illustra- 
tive drawings  in  pen  and  ink.  He  contri- 
buted a  paper  on  '  Taste '  to  '  Bradshaw's 
Magazine,'  1842-3  ;  and  in  the  '  Portfolio '  for 
January  1886  there  appeared,  together  with 
a  notice  of  the  artist  by  Thomas  Letherbrow, 
'My  Winter  Quarters,  written  and  illus- 
trated by  William  Hull.' 

He  was  a  member  of  the  Manchester  Aca- 
demy of  Fine  Arts,  and  took  some  part  in  its 
management.  To  its  exhibitions  he  was  a 
constant  contributor,  and  studied  in  its  life 
class.  He  also  exhibited  regularly  at  the 
•exhibitions  of  the  Royal  Manchester  Institu- 
tion, and  the  black  and  white  exhibition  held 
1877  to  1880.  In  1847  he  married  Mary 
S.  E.  Newling,  who  died  without  issue  in 
Wales  in  1861.  In  1850  a  stroke  of  paralysis 
left  Hull  lame  and  deaf.  He  made  his  home 
at  Rydal  in  1870,  and  dying  there,  15  March 
1880,  was  buried  in  the  churchyard  at  Gras- 

[Trans.  Manchester  Lit.  Club,  1880  ;  Man- 
chester City  News,  27  March  1880;  Portfolio, 
January  1886.]  A.  N. 


(1794-1873),  liturgical  writer  and  hymno- 
logist,  born  at  Blackburn,  Lancashire,  in  1794, 
was  son  of  John  Hull,  M.D.  [q.  v.]  After 
attending  Manchester  and  Macclesfield  gram- 
mar schools,  he  was  for  a  time  a  pupil  of  John 
Dawson  of  Sedbergh  [q.  v.],  the  mathematician. 
He  was  sent  to  Brasenose  College,  Oxford,  in 
1811 ;  obtained  a  first  class  in  classics  at 
Michaelmas,  1814 ;  spent  some  months  abroad, 
and  was  elected  a  fellow  of  his  college  in  1816. 
He  was  called  to  the  bar  at  Lincoln's  Inn  on 
16  June  1820,  and  in  the  same  year  vacated  his 
fellowship  by  marriage.  But  he  was  always 
interested  in  Oxford  affairs,  and  maintained 
through  life  his  intimacy  with  his  Oxford 
friends,  Whately,  Sir  John  Taylor  Coleridge, 
and  Dr.  Arnold.  Many  of  Arnold's  letters  to 
him  appear  in  Stanley's  'Life.'  He  gave  up 
his  practice  at  the  chancery  bar  in  1846^  and 
left  London  for  Tickwood,  near  Wenlock, 

Hull  was  an  active  member  of  the  evan- 
gelical school  of  churchmen.  He  especially 
interested  himself  in  liturgical  reform.  In 
1828  he  published  '  An  Inquiry  concerning 
the  Means  and  Expedience  of  proposing  and 
making  any  Changes  in  the  Canons,  Articles, 
and  Liturgy,  or  in  any  of  the  Laws  affecting 
the  interests  of  the  Church  of  England/  In 
1831  appeared  his  learned  pamphlet,  entitled 
'  The  Disuse  of  the  Athanasian  Creed  ad- 
visable in  the  present  state  of  the  United 
Church  of  England  and  Ireland.'  A  petition 
praying  for  the  revision  of  the  liturgy  was 
drawn  up  by  Hull  and  his  brother,  the  Rev. 
John  Hull,  and  presented  to  the  House  of 
Lords  by  Archbishop  Whately  on  26  May 
1840.  Perhaps  the  most  interesting  of  his 
liturgical  researches  is  the  *  Inquiry  after  the 
original  Books  of  Common  Prayer,'  in  his 
'  Occasional  Papers  on  Church  Matters,'  1848. 
Hull  had  searched  in  vain  for  the  manuscript 
copy  of  the  Book  of  Common  Prayer,  ori- 
ginally attached  to  the  Act  of  Uniformity  of 
1662,  and  known  to  exist  as  late  as  1819.  Dean 
Stanley,  following  Hull's  suggestion,  after- 
wards found  the  manuscript  at  Westminster. 
Hull  opposed  the  tractarian  movement,  and 
actively  supported  Dr.  (afterwards  Bishop) 
Hampden  [q.  v.],  defending  him  in  a  pam- 
phlet issued  in  1836.  But  his  sense  of  justice 
made  him  averse  to  the  proceedings  against 
William  George  Ward  [q.  v.]  in  1845,  and  he 
wrote '  The  Month  of  January.  Oxford '  (which 
reached  a  second  edition),  strongly  pressing 
the  rejection  of  the  three  measures  proposed 
in  convocation  on  18  Feb.  1845.  A  high  tory 
and  ultra-protestant,  Hull  joined  Sir  Robert 
Inglis's  committee  formed  in  1829  to  oppose 
the  return  of  Mr.  (afterwards  Sir  Robert) 




Peel  as  M.P.  for  Oxford  University.  He  re- 
sisted the  admission  of  Roman  catholics  or 
Jews  to  parliament,  in  a  pamphlet  entitled '  A 
Statement  of  some  Reasons  for  continuing  to 
Protestants  the  whole  Legislature  of  Great 
Britain  and  Ireland,'  1829. 

Hull  was  an  early  pioneer  in  the  cause  of 
improved  hymnology,  and  published  anony- 
mously in  1827  and  1832  two  books  of  original 
prayers  and  hymns  (besides  a  collection  of 
209  hymns  from  various  sources),  which  were 
republished  with  his  name  on  the  title-page 
in  1852,  under  the  title,  'A  Collection  of 
Prayers  for  Household  Use,  with  some  Hymns 
and  other  Poems/ 

During  the  last  years  of  his  life  at  the 
Knowle,  Hazlewood,  Derbyshire,  he  actively 
supported  Lord  Ebury's  movement  for  litur- 
gical reform.  He  died  at  the  Knowle  on 
28  Aug.  1873.  He  was  three  times  married, 
in  1820,  1850,  and  1861,  and  left  a  family 
by  each  wife. 

[Manchester  School  Register,  ed.  J.  F.  Smith 
(Chetham  Soc.),  iii.  37,  289  ;    Julian's  Diet,  of 
Hymnology;  family  information ;  personal  know 
ledge.]  W.  A.  G. 

HULLAH,  JOHN  PYKE,LL.D.  (1812- 

1884),  musical  composer  and  teacher,  was 
born  at  Worcester  on  27  June  1812.  His 
father,  descended,  according  to  tradition,  from 
a  Huguenot  family,  was  a  native  of  York- 
shire, but  lived  in  London  from  the  early 
years  of  the  century.  Hullah  seems  to  have 
derived  his  musical  gifts  chiefly  from  his 
mother,  who  had  been  a  pupil  of  John  Danby. 
After  attending  private  schools,  he  became 
in  1829  a  pupil  of  William  Horsley,  study- 
ing the  pianoforte,  vocal  music,  and  com- 
position. In  1833  he  entered  the  Royal 
Academy  of  Music  for  the  purpose  of  learn- 
ing singing  from  Crivelli.  Two  years  after- 
wards he  made  the  acquaintance  of  Charles 
Dickens,  through  his  sister,  Miss  Fanny 
Dickens,  a  fellow-pupil  of  Crivelli.  An  opera 
by  Hullah,  '  The  Village  Coquettes,'  set  to 
words  by  Dickens,  was  produced  at  the  St 
James's  Theatre  on  5  Dec.  1836,  and  ran  for 
sixty  nights  with  great  success ;  the  whole 
of  the  music,  with  the  exception  of  a  few 
songs,  was  burnt  in  a  fire  at  the  Edinburgh 
theatre  soon  after  it  was  first  brought  out 
there.  In  1837  Hullah  became  organist  o 
Croydon  Church.  Among  the  compositions 
of  this  time  was  a  madrigal,  '  Wake  now  my 
love'  (afterwards  printed  in  '  Vocal  Scores') 
which  was  performed  at  the  Madrigal  So- 
ciety's meeting,  and  two  songs  written  for 
Miss  Masson.  On  1 1  Nov.  1837  '  The  Barbers 
of  Bassora '  (words  by  Maddison  Morton)  was 
produced  at  Covent  Garden,  and  on  17  May 

.838,  at  the  same  theatre,  'The  Outpost,* 
Hullah's  last  attempt  at  dramatic  music. 
Both  were  unsuccessful.  In  1839  he  investi- 
gated at  Paris  the  Mainzer  system  oi  teach- 
ng  music  to  large  numbers  of  persons  at 
one  time ;  but  he  came  to  the  conclusion  that 
Wilhem's  method  excelled  any  other  them 

At  the  instance  of  Dr.  Kay,  afterwards  Sir 
James  Kay-Shuttleworth,  he  began  on  18  Feb. 
1840  a  class  on  Wilhem's  model  at  the  Normal 
School  for  Schoolmasters  at  Battersea,  then 
recently  opened.  A  year  later,  after  im- 
proving his  knowledge  of  the  system  by 
another  visit  to  Paris,  he  formed  classes  at 
Exeter  Hall  for  the  instruction  of  school- 
masters and  the  general  public.  Later  in  the- 
same  year  the  system  was  started  in  Man- 
chester under  H Lilian's  direction.  In  July 
1842  the  number  of  persons  attending  the- 
classes  was  computed  at  fifty  thousand. 
Classes  were  also  held  at  some  of  the  great 
public  schools,  among  them  Eton,  Winchester, 
the  Charterhouse,  Merchant  Taylors',  and 
King's  College  London.  In  June  1847  Hullah 
took  a  prominent  part  in  the  foundation  of 
Queen's  College  in  Harley  Street.  Later  in 
the  year  he  went  again  to  Paris,  where  he- 
found  much  to  disapprove  of  in  the  musical 
system  transmitted  from  older  teachers  by 
Cheve,  and  called  by  his  name,  a  system 
which  has  no  slight  resemblance  to  the- 
tonic  sol-fa  method.  In  October  1849  his 
classes  began  to  meet  in  St.  Martin's  Hall,. 
Long  Acre,  a  building  specially  erected  as  a 
centre  of  operations  for  the  movement.  It 
was  formally  opened  on  11  Feb.  1850,  and 
in  1854  Hullah  took  up  his  abode  there.  In 
1858  he  succeeded  Horsley  as  organist  to  the' 
Charterhouse,  a  post  which  he  retained  until 
his  death,  and  in  the  same  year  some  of  hi» 
most  successful  songs  were  written.  '  The- 
Sands  of  Dee'  and  l  The  Three  Fishers '  were 
the  result  of  his  intimacy  with  Kingsley. 
Besides  the  work  connected  with  the  hall,, 
which  included  the  arranging  of  historical 
and  other  concerts  there,  he  found  time  to 
take  part  in  the  controversy  concerning 
musical  pitch,  and  used  his  influence  to  pro- 
mote the  adoption  by  the  Society  of  Arts  of 
C-528.  On  26  Aug.  1860  St.  Martin's  Hall  was 
burnt  to  the  ground.  This  misfortune  fell  the 
more  heavily  on  Hullah,  since  he  had  incurred' 
serious  financial  responsibilities  in  connection 
with  the  building,  and  he  was  obliged  vir- 
tually to  begin  the  world  again.  A  series  of 
lectures  on  the  history  of  modern  music  was 
delivered  at  the  Royal  Institution  early  in 
1861.  In  1864  Hullah  lectured  at  Edin- 
burgh, but  in  the  next  year  failed  in  his 
candidature  for  the  Reid  professorship  of 




music  owing  to  the  casting  vote  of  the  rector 
of  the  university  (the  Right  Hon.  W.  E 
Gladstone),  which  was  given  against  him 
In  1866  and  1867  he  conducted  the  Philhar- 
monic concerts  in  Edinburgh,  and  in  the 
latter  year  received  a  medal  at  the  Paris 
Exhibition,  but  seems  to  have  been  morti- 
fied by  the  bestowal  of  a  similar  award 
upon  the  Cheve  system.  In  1869  he  was 
elected  to  the  committee  of  management 
of  the  Royal  Academy  of  Music,  and  from 
1870  to  1873  conducted  the  academy  con- 
certs. In  March  1872  he  was  appointed  by  the 
council  of  education  musical  inspector  of 
training  schools  for  the  United  Kingdom .  The 
reports  drawn  up  by  him  in  1873, 1877,  and 
1880  are  notable  for  the  fairness  with  which 
they  deal  with  systems  of  which  he  could 
not  approve.  He  failed  to  see  that  the 
tonic  sol-fa  system  was  certain  of  ultimate 
success,  in  spite  of  its  many  shortcomings, 
but  he  avoided  the  common  mistake  of  ima- 
gining that  music,  in  order  to  be  popular, 
must  also  be  bad.  In  1876  he  received 
the  degree  of  LL.D.  from  the  Edinburgh 
University;  in  1878  read  a  paper  on  musical 
education  at  a  meeting  of  the  Social  Science 
Association  at  Cheltenham,  and  in  the  same 
year  went  abroad  in  order  to  report  on  the 
condition  of  musical  education  in  continental 
schools.  The  report,  quoted  in  his  wife's  me- 
moir of  him,  is  very  instructive.  Early  in 
1880  he  was  attacked  by  paralysis,  although 
^he  was  able  to  resume  his  work  later  in  the 
'year.  He  sustained  in  November  1883  an- 
other stroke,  and  died  in  London  on  21  Feb. 
1884,  being  buried  at  Kensal  Green  cemetery 
on  26  Feb.  Mrs.  Severn  Walker  of  Malvern 
Wells  possesses  a  portrait  of  the  composer 
painted  in  1881  or  1882  by  Ralph  Bowen. 
Hullah  was  twice  married,  first,  on  20  Dec. 
1838,  to  Miss  Foster,  who  died  in  1862; 
and  secondly,  in  December  1865,  to  Frances, 
only  daughter  of  Lieutenant-colonel  G.  F. 
Rosser.  His  second  wife  survived  him. 

His  compositions  are  chiefly  in  the  form 
of  songs.  Of  these  there  are  some  fifty  pub- 
lished, besides  duets,  and  '  Three  Motets  for 
Female  Voices.'  His  editorial  work  was  more 
valuable.  It  includes  '  Part  Music/ 1842-5, 
*  The  Singer's  Library  of  Concerted  Music,' 
1859,  'Vocal  Scores,'  1847,  'Sea  Songs,' 
'  School  Songs,'  1851,  'The  Song  Book,' 1866, 
a  collection  of  fifty-eight  English  songs,  Ger- 
many, 1871,  and  London,  1880,  and  numerous 
psalters  and  tune-books. 

His  literary  works  are  as  follows :  1.  '  Wil- 
hem's  Method  of  Teaching  Singing,  adapted 
to  English  use,' 1841.  2.  'A  Grammar  of 
Vocal  Music,'  1843.  3.  '  The  Duty  and  Ad- 
vantage of  Learning  to  Sing,'  lecture,  1846. 

4.  '  On  Vocal  Music,'  lectures  (Queen's  Col- 
lege), 1849.  5.  'A  Grammar  of  Musical 
Harmony,'  1852.  6.  '  Music  as  an  Element 
of  Education,'  lecture  (St.  Martin's  Hall), 
1854.  7.  'Music  in  the  Parish  Church,' 
lecture  (Newcastle),  1855.  8.  'Letter  on 
the  Connection  of  the  Arts  with  general 
Education,  in  Sir  T.  D.  Acland's  Account  of 
the  New  Oxford  Examinations,  &c.,'  1858. 
9.  '  The  History  of  Modern  Music,'  lectures 
(Royal  Institution),  1862  (Italian  transla- 
tion by  Signer  A.  Visetti,  1880).  10.  '  A 
Grammar  of  Counterpoint,'  1864.  11.  '  Lec- 
tures on  the  Third  or  Transition  Period  of 

Home'  series),  1876.  14.  '  How  can  a  sound 
Knowledge  of  Music  be  best  and  most  gene- 
rally disseminated  ? '  (pamphlet),  1878.  He 
wrote  for  the  '  Saturday  Review '  from  1855, 
and  afterwards  for  the  'Guardian'  and 
'  Eraser's  Magazine.' 

[Life  of  John  Hullah,  LL.D.,  by  his  wife,  1886  ; 
Grove's  Diet.  i.  755 ;  Brit.  Mus.  Cat. ;  informa- 
tion from  Mrs.  Severn  Walker.]  J.  A.  F.  M. 


(1789-1850),  lithographer,  son  of  a  German 
musician,  was  born  in  London  in  1789. 
After  travelling  on  the  continent,  and  making 
many  sketches  and  studies,  he  turned  his 
attention  to  lithography,  and  in  1818  pub- 
lished at  Somers  Town  '  Twenty-four  Views 
of  Italy,'  drawn  and  lithographed  by  himself. 
Lithography,  invented  in  Germany  in  1796, 
was  then  little  employed  or  understood  in 
England.  In  order  to  learn  the  processes 
employed  by  Engelmann,  then  or  afterwards 
a  partner  in  the  Paris  firm  of  Engelmann, 
Coindet,  &  Co.,  Hullmandel  entered  in  1821 
into  an  arrangement  with  him  which  proved 
unsatisfactory,  and  terminated  in  1826.  In 
the  meantime  he  published  a  translation  of 
Raucourt's  '  Manual  of  Lithography,'  and  in 
1824  prepared  his  '  Art  of  Drawing  on  Stone, 
giving  a  full  explanation  of  the  various  styles, 
&c.'  His  practice  and  study  resulted  in  the  dis- 
covery of  a  new  mode  of  preparing  the  stones, 
and  in  1827  he  issued  a  pamphlet  '  On  some 
mportant  Improvements  in  Lithographic 
Printing,'  with  illustrations  to  prove  that  he 
could  retouch  the  stones,  a  point  in  which 
his  process  had  been  inferior  to  others.  This 
Damphlet  contained  letters  from  Faraday  and 
J.  D.  Harding  [q.  v.],  testifying  respectively 
;o  the  complete  novelty  of  his  process  and 
ts  superior  artistic  results.  It  was  followed 
)y  another,  '  On  some  further  Improvements, 
&c.,'  in  1829.  In  the  '  Foreign  Review'  for 
Tuly  1829  he  was  attacked  in  an  article  on 




'  The  History  of  Lithography,'  written  by 
Thomas  Crofton  Croker  [q.  v.],  a  partner  of 
Engelmann,  Coindet,  &  Co.  He  promptly  re- 
plied in  a  pamphlet,  in  which  he  again  asserted 
the  originality  of  his  process,  and  claimed  to 
have  contributed  to  the  introduction  of  litho- 
graphy into  England,  though  backed  by  the  ex- 
ertions of  Ward,  Lane,  and  Harding.  Among 
the  many  other  artists  who  availed  themselves 
of  his  processes  for  the  reproduction  of  their 
drawings  were  Stanfield,  David  Roberts, 
Haghe,  Nash,  and  Cattermole.  With  the  last 
he  was  allied  in  the  perfection  of  his  in- 
vention of  lithotint— the  application  of  liquid 
ink  to  the  stone  with  the  brush.  Among  other 
improvements  he  made  in  the  art  of  litho- 
graphy were  a  graduated  tint,  the  introduc- 
tion of  white  in  the  high  lights,  and  the  use  of 
the  stump  on  the  stone.  He  was  employed  on 
the  illustrations  for  T.  S.  Boys's  l  Picturesque 
Architecture  in  Paris/  Kent's  '  Britannia  De- 
lineata,'  and  Pinelli's  '  Roman  Costumes.' 
He  died  in  Great  Marlborough  Street,  Lon- 
don, on  15  Nov.  1850. 

[Kedgrave's  Diet.  1878;  Bryan's  Diet. 
(Graves);  works  mentioned  in  the  text.]  C.  M. 

HULLOCK,  SIK  JOHN  (1767-1829), 
baron  of  the  exchequer,  son  of  Timothy  Hul- 
lock,  a  master  weaver  and  proprietor  of  a 
timber-yard  at  Barnard  Castle,  Durham,  was 
born  on  3  April  1767.  In  early  life  he  is 
said  to  have  been  articled  to  an  attorney  at 
Stokesley  in  the  North  Riding.  Subse- 
quently, on  the  advice  of  '  Jack '  Lee,  the 
well-known  barrister,  who  was  a  friend  of  his 
uncle,  he  determined  to  seek  his  fortune  at 
the  bar,  and,  having  been  admitted  a  student 
of  Gray's  Inn  in  May  1788,  became  a  pupil 
of  George  Sowley  Holroyd,  afterwards  a  jus- 
tice of  the  king's  bench.  In  1792  Hullock 
published  ( The  Law  of  Costs '  (London,  8vo, 
2  vols.),  a  second  edition  of  which,  with  con- 
siderable additions,  appeared  in  1810  (Lon- 
don, 8vo,  2  vols.)  On  being  called  to  the 
bar  in  May  1794,  Hullock  joined  the  northern 
circuit,  and  by  slow  degrees  gradually  ac- 
quired a  considerable  practice.  He  was  made 
a  serjeant-at-law  on  18  June  1816.  With 
Scarlett,  Cross,  and  Littledale  he  conducted 
the  prosecution  on  behalf  of  the  crown  against 
Henry  Hunt  and  his  associates  at  Manches- 
ter in  March  1820,  and  in  July  of  the  same 
year  took  part  in  the  proceedings  against 
Andrew  Hardie  at  Stirling,  in  spite  of  Jef- 
frey's objection  that  he  was  not  qualified  to 
appear  (Reports  of  State  Trials,  1888,  new 
ser.  i.  649-67).  On  the  resignation  of  Sir 
George  Wood,  Hullock  was  appointed  a  baron 
of  the  exchequer,  took  his  seat  on  the  bench 
for  the  first  time  on  16  April  1823  (PRICE, 

Reports,  xii.  1),  and  was  knighted  on  the 
21st  of  the  same  month  (London  Gazettes, 
1823,  i.  651).  After  holding  the  office  of 
judge  for  little  more  than  six  years  he  was 
seized  with  a  sudden  illness  while  on  circuit, 
and,  dying  at  Abingdon  on  31  July  1829, 
aged  65,  was  buried  in  the  family  vault  at 
Barnard  Castle.  His  widow  survived  him 
many  years,  and  died  on  18  Nov.  1852. 

Hullock  was  a  sound  and  industrious 
lawyer,  and  a  humane  and  charitable  man. 
There  is  a  curious  anecdote  of  his  conduct 
at  the  bar.  In  a  cause  which  he  led  he  was 
particularly  instructed  not  to  produce  a  cer- 
tain deed  unless  it  should  be  absolutely  ne- 
cessary. This  injunction  he  disregarded,  and 
produced  the  deed,  which  proved  to  have 
been  forged  by  his  client's  attorney,  seated 
behind  him  at  the  time.  The  judge,  Sir  John 
Bayley  [q.  v.],  ordered  the  deed  to  be  im- 
pounded that  it  might  be  made  the  subject 
of  a  prosecution.  Hullock  requested  leave 
to  inspect  it,  and  on  its  being  handed  to  him 
immediately  returned  it  to  his  bag.  The 
judge  remonstrated,  but  Hullock  emphati- 
cally refused  (as  he  said)  to  '  put  the  life  of 
a  fellow-creature  in  peril '  by  restoring  the 
deed.  Bayley  declined  taking  decisive  mea- 
sures till  he  had  consulted  with  the  associate 
judge,  and  in  his  absence  the  deed  was  de- 
stroyed, and  the  attorney  escaped  (Law  Mag. 
ii.  709).  Hullock  was  recorder  of  Berwick 
for  several  years,  but  resigned  that  office 
upon  becoming  serjeant-at-law  in  1816,  when 
he  was  succeeded  by  Christopher  Cookson. 
There  is  a  portrait  of  Hullock  in  the  hall  of 
Gray's  Inn  (DOUTHWAITE,  1886,  p.  441). 

[Law  Mag.  1829,  ii.  708-10;  Ann.  Eeg.  1829, 
App.  to  Chron.  p.  239  ;  Gent.  Mag.  1829  pt.  ii.p. 
275, 1853  pt.  i.  p.  106;  Ann.Biog.and  Obit.  1830, 
xiv.  308-11 ;  Foss's  Judges  of  England,  ix.  27-9; 
Mackenzie  and  Boss's  View  of  the  County  Pala- 
tine of  Durham,  ii.  242-3 ;  Notes  and  Queries, 
7th  ser.  viii.  48,  197.]  G.  F.  R.  B. 

1737),  inventor,  was  born  at  Campden,  Glou- 
cestershire, in  1699.  He  was  the  first  who 
attempted  practically  to  employ  steam  in  pro- 
pelling a  vessel  in  water.  His  experiments 
were  made  on  the  Avon  at  Evesham  in  1737, 
the  main  idea  being  to  have  a  Newcomen 
engine — the  only  sort  then  known — on  a 
tow-boat  in  front  of  the  vessel  which  it  was 
intended  to  propel,  and  connected  with  it  by 
a  tow-rope.  Six  paddles  in  the  stern  of  the 
tow-boat  were  fastened  to  a  cross  axis  con- 
nected by  ropes  to  another  axis  which  was 
turned  by  the  engine.  Hulls  undoubtedly 
showed  how  to  convert  the  rectilineal  motion 
of  a  piston-rod  into  a  rotatory  motion,  which 




is  an  essential  principle  in  steam  locomotion 
whether  on  land  or  water.  But  Hulls's  ex- 
periment was  a  failure,  and  only  excited 

The  patent  for  his  invention  is  dated  21  Dec. 
1736,  and  his  account  of  it  appeared  in  a  book 
(12mo,  London,  1737)  entitled  '  Description 
and  Draught  of  a  new-invented  Machine  for 
carrying  Vessels  or  Ships  out  of  or  into  any 
Harbour,  Port,  or  River  against  Wind  and 
Tide,  or  in  a  Calm ;  for  which  his  Majesty  has 
granted  Letters-patent  for  the  sole  benefit  of 
the  Author  for  the  space  of  fourteen  years.' 
The  book,  which  is  very  rare,  was  reprinted 
in  facsimile  in  1855.  De  Morgan  says  that 
Hulls's  work  '  in  all  probability  gave  sugges- 
tions to  Symington  as  Symington  did  to  Ful- 
ton,' and  that  Erasmus  Darwin  [q.  v.]  was 
thinking  of  Hulls  when  he  prophesied  that 
steam  would  soon  'drag  the  slow  barge.'  In 
1754  Hulls  published  'The  Art  of  Measuring 
made  Easy  by  the  help  of  a  new  Sliding  Scale ; ' 
lie  also  wrote  the  '  Maltmakers'  Instructor/ 

[Quart.  Rev.  xix.  354,  355;  Smiles's  Lives  of 
Boulton  and  Watt,  pp.  72-4 ;  De  Morgan's  Budget 
of  Paradoxes,  pp.  88,  254.]  R.  E.  A. 


(1816 -1884),  landscape-painter,  born  at  S win- 
ton  in  Yorkshire  in  1816,  was  son  of  an  ar- 
tist, from  whom  he  received  instruction  until 
he  devoted  himself  to  the  study  of  the  figure. 
He  made  his  first  appearance  as  an  exhibitor 
with  a  landscape  at  Birmingham  in  1841,  and, 
with  very  rare  exceptions,  his  contributions 
were  invariably  landscapes.  These  were  fresh 
in  colour  and  careful  in  drawing,  much  re- 
sembling the  style  of  Creswick.  In  1844  he 
came  to  London,  where  for  a  time  he  worked 
at  designing  for  engravers,  especially  for  the 
'  Art  Journal '  and  other  illustrated  works. 
He  paid  many  visits  to  Bettws-y-Coed,  and 
some  of  his  best-known  works  are  views  in 
that  neighbourhood.  He  occasionally  worked 
on  pictures  in  conjunction  with  other  artists, 
including  H.  B.  Willis.  He  had  a  large  prac- 
tice as  a  teacher  of  drawing  and  painting,  and 
published  'A  Graduated  Series  of  Drawing 
Copies  on  Landscape  Subjects  for  Use  of 
Schools,'  4  parts,  1850,  ob.  4to.  Hulme  was 
a  frequent  exhibitor  at  the  British  Institu- 
tion from  1845  to  1862,  the  Royal|Manches- 
ter  Institution  from  1845,  the  Royal  Academy 
from  1852  till  1884,  and  at  smaller  galleries. 
He  died  at  Kensington  on  14  Nov.  1884. 

[Athenaeum,  22  Nov.  1884.]  A.  N. 

HULME,  NATHANIEL,  M.D.  (1732- 
1807),  physician,  was  born  on  17  June  1732 
at  Hulme  Thorp,  near  Halifax,  Yorkshire. 
After  serving  his  apprenticeship  with  his 

brother,  a  medical  practitioner  at  Halifax  he 
proceeded  to  Guy's  Hospital,  and  in  1755 
joined  the  navy  as  surgeon's  mate.  Being 
stationed  at  Leith  after  the  peace  of  1763, 
he  attended  the  medical  classes  at  Edinburgh' 
and  graduated  M.D.  there  in  1765 ;  his  thesis 
was  *  De  Scorbuto,'  a  disease  which  his  naval 
experience  had  brought  him  into  contact  with. 
Coming  to  London,  he  commenced  practice 
in  Hatton  Garden,  whence  he  dated,  in  May 
1768,  a  Latin  essay  on  scurvy  (an  expansion 
of  his  thesis),  with  an  appendix  in  English 
showing  that  the  benefits  of  lime  juice  on 
long  voyages  had  been  familiar  to  the  Eng- 
lish since  the  sixteenth  century.  On  the 
founding  of  the  General  Dispensary  for  the 
Relief  of  the  Poor,  Hulme  was  elected  its  first 
physician.  Previous  to  1772  he  was  ap- 
pointed physician  to  the  City  of  London 
Lying-in  Hospital,  an  office  which  did  not 
include  obstetric  practice,  and,  as  he  is  careful 
to  point  out,  was  not  tenable  by  an  ac- 
coucheur. His  'Treatise  on  the  Puerperal 
Fever'  (London,  1772)  was  the  outcome  of 
his  experience  at  the  lying-in  hospital.  Like 
the  essay  on  scurvy  it  shows  learning  as 
well  as  observation.  On  17  March  1774  he 
was  elected  physician  to  the  Charterhouse 
by  the  interest  of  Lord  Sandwich,  first  lord 
of  the  admiralty,  and  removed  to  Charter- 
house Square,  where  he  resided  until  his 
death.  At  the  same  time  he  joined  the  Col- 
lege of  Physicians,  but  never  became  a  fellow. 
On  18  Jan.  1777  he  gave  an  '  Oratio  de  Re 
Medica'  before  the  Medical  Society,  with  an 
addition  of  the  case  of  a  Charterhouse  pen- 
sioner, aged  73,  in  whom  he  had  succeeded 
in  dissolving  or  breaking  up  a  stone  within 
the  bladder  by  the  following  prescription: 
fifteen  grains  of  salt  of  tartar,  in  three 
ounces  of  pure  water,  four  times  a  day,  fol- 
lowed immediately  by  a  draught  of  water 
containing  twenty  drops  of  weak  spirit  of 
vitriol.  The  alleged  result  was  that  hun- 
dreds of  fragments  of  calculus  came  away  for 
several  weeks,  and  that  the  patient  remained 
in  good  health,  according  to  the  latest  ac- 
counts of  him,  a  year  after.  The  same  remedy 
was  advocated  by  him  the  following  year 
(1778),  also  for  scurvy,  gout,  and  worms,  in 
a  quarto  pamphlet,  with  an  appendix  on 
an  extemporaneous  method  of  impregnating 
water  and  other  liquids  with  fixed  air,  by 
simple  mixture  only,  without  the  assistance 
of  an  apparatus  or  complicated  machine.  In 
1787  he  received  a  gold  medal  from  the  Me- 
dical Society  of  Paris  for  an  essay  upon  a 
question  proposed  as  to  sclerosis  of  the  cellu- 
lar tissue  in  the  new  born.  He  was  elected 
F.R.S.  in  1794,  and  contributed  two  papers 
to  the  'Philosophical  Transactions'  in  1800 




and  1801  (vols.  xc.  and  xci.)  on '  Experiments 
and  Observations  on  the  Light  which  is 
spontaneously  emitted  from  various  Bodies' 
(papers  on  same  subject  in  NICHOLSON'S  Jour- 
nal, 1800  and  1802 ;  WATT,  Bibl.  Brit.}  He 
was  also  a  fellow  of  the  Society  of  Anti- 
quaries, and  contributed  to  '  Archeeologia' 
(xiv.  1803)  an  '  Account  of  a  Brick  brought 
from  the  site  of  Ancient  Babylon.'  He  died 
on  28  March  1807  from  the  effects  of  a  fall 
from  the  roof  of  his  house,  to  which  he  had 
ascended  to  observe  the  damage  done  to  the 
chimneys  by  a  hurricane.  He  was  buried  at 
his  request  in  the  pensioners'  burial-ground  of 
the  Charterhouse.  The  '  Gentleman's  Maga- 
zine' gives  the  text  of  his  last  prayer  as  an 
evidence  of  his  piety.  His  portrait  by  Medley 
was  engraved. 

[Gent.  Mag.  1807,  pt.  i.  p.  487  ;  Georgian  Era, 
ii.  570 ;  Rose's  Biog.Dict. ;  Watts's  Bibl.  Brit. ; 
Munk's  Coll.  of  Phys.  ii.  298 ;  Hulme's  writings.] 

C.  C. 

HULME,  WILLIAM  (1631-1691), 
founder  of  Hulme's  Charity,  only  son  of 
William  Hulme  of  Hulme  in  Reddish  and 
Outwood  in  Prest  wich,  near  Manchester,  was 
born  in  1631.  When  he  was  six  years  old 
he  lost  his  father,  and  was  left  to  the  care  of 
a  bachelor  uncle.  It  is  supposed  that  he  was 
educated  at  the  Manchester  grammar  school, 
and  that  he  subsequently  went  into  trade 
and  acquired  considerable  property.  One 
writer  (  ALEXANDEKKAY,Zetter,  p.  5)  thought 
that  he  had  been  brought  up  to  the  bar.  He 
lived  chiefly  at  Kersley,  near  Bolton,  and 
was  married  at  Prestwich,  on  2  Aug.  1653, 
to  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  Ralph  Robinson  of 
Kersley,  by  whom  he  had  an  only  son, 
Banastre  Hulme,  born  in  1658,  and  buried 
at  Manchester  on  11  Sept.  1673.  William 
Hulme  died  on  29  Oct.  1691,  and  was  buried 
in  the  Hulme  Chapel,  founded  by  one  of 
his  ancestors,  in  the  Manchester  Collegiate 
Church.  By  his  will,  dated  five  days  before 
his  death,  he  left  the  reversion  of  his  estates 
for  the  foundation  of  exhibitions  for  four  poor 
bachelors  of  arts  at  Brasenose  College,  Ox- 
ford, to  be  held  for  four  years  after  the  date 
of  their  degree.  It  was  ascertained  by  de- 
positions made  by  his  friends  that  he  intended 
the  exhibitions  to  be  enjoyed  by  Lancashire 
scholars.  The  revenues  of  the  trust,  by  reason 
of  the  principal  portion  of  the  estates  being 
situated  in  the  heart  of  Manchester,  gradu- 
ally and  largely  increased  in  value ;  and  the 
trustees,  at  various  times  between  1770  and 
1839,  obtained  acts  of  parliament  to  extend 
the  number  of  exhibitions,  and  otherwise  to 
enlarge  their  powers.  In  1827  they  obtained 
authority  to  purchase  advowsons  of  livings 

out  of  accumulated  surplus  money,  and  by 
a  later  enactment  they  were  empowered  to 
augment  the  endowments  of  any  of  their 
churches,  and  to  perform  other  acts  widely 
divergent  from  the  objects  of  an  educational 
trust.  The  administration  of  the  trust  gave 
rise  to  much  public  discussion,  and  at  length 
a  scheme  of  the  charity  commissioners  for  the 
resettlement  of  the  foundation  was  approved 
by  the  queen  in  council  on  26  Aug.  1881, 
providing  for  a  governing  body  of  a  largely 
representative  nature,  to  whom  power  was 
given  to  found  new  schools  in  Manchester, 
Oldham,  and  Bury,  and  a  hall  of  residence 
for  church  of  England  students  attending 
Owens  College.  The  school  at  Manchester 
was  opened  in  1887,  and  in  addition  a  sum 
of  1,000/.  a  year  is  paid  from  the  trust  fund 
to  Owens-  College,  and  a  similar  sum  to  the 
Girls'  High  School  at  Manchester.  The  in- 
come of  the  trust  amounted  in  1814  to 
2,503/.  This  had  increased  in  1889  to  8,608/. 
The  original  endowment  at  Brasenose  College 
was  for  four  bachelors  at  10/.  a  year  each ; 
at  the  present  time  a  sum  of  2,000£  is  set 
apart  to  provide  the  following  exhibitions, 
namely,  eight  at  130/.  per  annum,  and  twelve 
at  80/.  per  annum.  The  trustees  are  patrons 
of  twenty- eight  livings. 

[Whatton's  Hist,  of  Manchester  School,  1828, 
p.  55  ;  Kay's  Letter  on  Hulme's  Charity,  1854  ; 
Correspondence  of  Nathan  Walworth  (Chatham 
Soc.);  Thompson's  Owens  College,  1886;  Cros- 
ton's  Hulme's  Charity,  1877;  Oxford  Univ. 
Calendar,  1890,  pp.  428,  437 ;  Notes  and  Queries 
in  Manchester  Guardian,  5  Jan.,  2  March,  and 
22  June  1874,  10  July  1876,  26  March  1877.] 

C.  W.  S. 

HULOET,  RICHARD  (fl.  1552),  lexi- 
cographer, born  at  Wisbech  in  Cambridge- 
shire, published  in  1552  his  'Abcedarium 
Anglico-Latinum,  pro  Tyranculis,'  &c.,  Lon- 
don, printed  by  William  Riddel,  fol.  This- 
was  dedicated  to  Thomas  Goodrich,  bishop  of 
Ely  [q.  v.]  The  second  edition,  revised  by 
John  Higgins  [q.  v.],  and  published  in  1572, 
was  so  much  altered  as  to  be  almost  a  new 
work  ;  to  this  edition  Churchyard  prefixed  a 
commendatory  poem.  Huloet's  dictionary 
contains  phrases  and  proper  names,  and  its 
arrangement  resembles  that  of  the  elder  Ste- 
phanus's '  Hebraea,  Chaldsea,  Graeca  et  Latina 
Nomina,'  &c.  (Paris,  1537).  An  edition  of 
Huloet's  dictionary  was  at  one  time  con- 
templated by  the  Early  English  Text  Society. 
Douce  made  considerable  use  of  the  work  in 
his  '  Illustrations  of  Shakespeare.' 

[Wood's  Athense  Oxon.,  ed.  Bliss,  i.  734,  735  ; 
Way's  edit,  of  Promptorium  Parvulorum  (Camd. 
Soc.),  pref.  to  pt.  iii. ;  H.  B.  Wheatley's  Chrono- 
logical Notices  of  the  Dictionaries  of  the  English 




Language,  in  Proceedings  of  thePhilol.  Soc.  1865, 
p.  254;  Tanner's  Bibl.  Brit.;  Encyclop.  Brit., 
8th  edit.,  art.  'Dictionaries;'  Ames's  Typogr. 
Antiq.  (Herbert)  ;  Herrbage's  pref.  to  the  Catho- 
licon  Anglicum  (Camd.  Soc.)  ;  Hazlitt's  Bibliogr. 
Coll.  3rd  ser,  suppl.]  W.  A.  J.  A. 

HULSBERG,  HENRY  (d.  1729),  en- 
graver, a  native  of  Amsterdam,  appears  to 
have  first  practised  in  Paris,  probably  in  one 
of  the  great  schools  of  line-engraving  there, 
as  he  engraved  '  The  Sacrifice  of  Jephthah/ 
after  Antoine  Coy  pel,  dedicated  to  M.  Col- 
bert. He  came  to  England  early  in  the 
eighteenth  century,  and  was  mainly  employed 
on  engraving  large  architectural  composi- 
tions for  such  works  as  Colin  Campbell's 
'Vitruvius  Britannicus,'  Kip's  'Britannia 
Illustrata,'  Sir  Christopher  Wren's  '  Designs 
for  St.  Paul's  Cathedral/  &c.  He  also  en- 
graved a  few  portraits,  including  one  of  G.  A. 
Ruperti,  pastor  of  the  Dutch  Church  in  Lon- 
don in  1709.  Hulsberg  was  warden  of  the 
Lutheran  Church  in  the  Savoy,  and  was  sup- 
ported by  that  congregation  and  the  brethren 
of  a  Dutch  box  club  during  two  years  of 
continued  illness  and  incapacity  for  work. 
He  died  in  May  1729  of  a  paralytic  fit,  and 
was  buried  in  the  Savoy. 

[Dodd's  manuscript  Hist,  of  English  Engravers 
(Brit.  Mus.  Addit.  MS.  33402) ;  Vertue's  MSS. 
(Brit.  Mus.  Addit.  MS.  23069,  &c.)]  L.  C. 

HULSE,  EDWARD,  M.D.  (1631-1711), 
physician,  a  native  of  Cheshire,  graduated 
M.A.  at  Emmanuel  College,  Cambridge,  in 
1660,  and  was  ejected  from  the  college  for 
nonconformity  soon  after.  His  name  appears 
in  the  Leyden  register  of  students  of  medi- 
cine, under  date  4  July  1668.  He  graduated 
M.D.  there,  became  physician  to  the  court  of 
the  Prince  of  Orange,  and  was  incorporated 
M.D.  at  Oxford  on  20  Dec.  1670,  on  the  nomi- 
nation of  that  prince.  He  joined  the  Col- 
lege of  Physicians  in  1675,  became  a  fellow 
1677,  censor  1682,  and  subsequently  Har- 
veian  orator  1704,  and  treasurer  1704  to 
1709.  He  died  on  3  Dec.  1711,  in  his  eighty- 
first  year,  and  is  described  in  the  annals  of 
the  college  as  '  a  person  of  great  skill  in  the 
practice  of  physick.'  He  married  Dorothy, 
daughter  of  Thomas  Westrow  of  Twicken- 
ham, by  whom  he  was  father  of  Sir  Edward 
Hulse  [q.  v.] 

[Munk's  Coll.  of  Phys.  i.  397.]  C.  C. 

HULSE,  SIB  EDWARD,  M.D.  (1682- 
1759),  physician,  was  the  eldest  son  of  Dr. 
Edward  Ilulse  [q.  v.]  He  graduated  M.B.  at 
Emmanuel  College,  Cambridge,  in  1704,  and 
M.D.  in  1717.  He  joined  the  College  of  Physi- 
cians of  London  in  1717,  became  censor  for  a 

first  time  in  1720,  and  councillor  in  1750, 
1751,  and  1753.  He  was  in  leading  physician's 
practice  in  London  along  with  Freind,  Mead, 
Sloane,  and  others.  He  was  one  of  Freind's 
sureties  before  the  latter  was  committed  to 
the  Tower.  He  is  described  as  one  of  the 
'  whig  doctors,'  and  is  said  to  have  differed  so- 
seriously  with  Freind  over  the  case  of  Lord 
Townshend  that  he  withdrew,  declaring  that 
his  lordship  must  die  if  Freind  had  his  way 
(Townshend  recovered,  having  declared  he 
would  live  or  die  by  the  hands  of  Freind). 
He  was  first  physician  to  George  II,  and  was. 
made  a  baronet  on  7  Feb.  1738-9.  In  1745 
he  was  attacked  with  others  in  several  pam- 
phlets, on  their  treatment  of  the  Earl  of 
Orford.  He  retired  from  practice  some  years- 
before  his  death,  and  lived  at  his  house  on 
Dartford  Heath,  Kent.  In  1738  he  purchased 
the  estate  of  Breamore,  Hampshire,  which  is- 
held  by  his  successors  in  the  title.  In  his 
old  age  he  was  possessed  by  the  idea  that  he- 
would  die  of  want,  a  fear  which  his  attend- 
ants overcame  by  putting  guineas  regularly 
into  the  pocket  where  he  used  to  deposit  his- 
fees.  He  died  on  10  April  1759,  and  was 
buried  in  the  churchyard  of  Wilmington,. 
Kent.  A  portrait  by  F.  Cotes  has  been  en- 
graved by  J.  Watson.  He  married,  in  1713, 
Elizabeth,  daughter  of  Sir  Richard  Levett, 
knt.,  who  had  been  lord  mayor  in  1700,  and 
had  issue  by  her.  His  son  Edward,  who  suc- 
ceeded to  the  title,  was  father  of  Sir  Samuel 
Hulse  [q.  v.]  Another  son,  Richard,  inherited 
his  house  and  manor  at  Dartford. 

[Hasted's  Hist,  of  Kent,  i.  224;  Nichols's- 
Lit.  Anecd.  v.  78,  96 ;  Munk's  Coll.  of  Phys.  ii. 
643.]  C.  C. 

HULSE,  JOHN  (1708-1790),  founder  of 
the  Hulsean  lectures,  born  at  Middlewich,. 
Cheshire,  on  15  March  1708,  was  eldest  of 
the  nineteen  children  of  Thomas  Hulse  of 
Elworth  Hall,  Sandbach,  in  the  same  county, 
by  Anne  Webb  of  Middlewich.  After  attend- 
ing Congleton  grammar  school  he  was  ad- 
mitted of  St.  John's  College,  Cambridge,  in 
1724.  Soon  afterwards  his  grandfather,  to 
whom  he  owed  his  education,  died,  and  his 
refusal  to  comply  with  his  father's  wish  to- 
sell  a  part  of  the  entailed  estates  led  to  a. 
lifelong  alienation.  College  exhibitions  en- 
abled him  to  continue  at  Cambridge,  and  he- 
graduated  B.A.  in  1728.  In  1732  he  was  or- 
dained and  served  small  cures,  first  at  Yoxall,, 
Staffordshire,  and  afterwards  at  Goostry,  a 
chapel  under  Sandbach.  On  the  death  of  his- 
father  in  1753  he  inherited  Elworth,  and 
lived  there  in  seclusion  on  account  of  deli- 
cate health  until  his  death  on  14  Dec.  1790. 
He  was  buried  in  the  parish  church  of 




Middlewich.  Hulse  was  of  diminutive  stature 
and  an  irritable  temperament.  He  was  well 
versed  in  medicine,  and  played  on  the  violin, 
flute,  and  organ.  These  accomplishments, 
coupled  with  his  retired  habits,  caused  him 
to  be  regarded  by  the  peasantry  as  a  magician. 
Though  he  ceased  to  communicate  with  his 
brothers  and  sisters,  they  benefited  under  his 
will.  To  the  university  of  Cambridge  he 
bequeathed  estates  in  Cheshire  for  the  ad- 
vancement and  reward  of  religious  learning, 
to  be  applied,  first,  to  maintain  two  divinity 
•scholars  at  St.  John's  College ;  secondly,  to 
found  a  prize  for  a  dissertation ;  thirdly,  to 
found  and  support  the  office  of  Christian 
advocate ;  and  fourthly,  that  of  the  Hulsean 
lecturer  or  Christian  preacher.  By  a  statute 
•confirmed  by  the  queen  in  council,  1  Aug. 
1860,  the  office  of  Hulsean  professor  of 
divinity  was  substituted  for  that  of  Christian 
-advocate,  and  the  office  of  Hulsean  lecturer 
was  considerably  modified.  He  married  in 
1733  Mary  Hall  of  Hermitage,  near  Holmes 
Ohapel,  Cheshire.  Their  only  son,  Edward, 
died  at  the  age  of  twenty-two. 

[Memoir  prefixed  to  "Richard  Parkinson's 
Hulsean  Lectures  ('^Rationalism  and  Revelation'), 
1838;  Cambr.  Univ.  Cal.  1871,  p.  219.]  G.  G. 

HULSE,  SIR  SAMUEL  (1747-1837), 
third  baronet,  field-marshal,  second  son  of  Sir 
Edward  Hulse,  second  baronet,  by  his  wife 
Hannah,  daughter  of  Samuel  Vanderplank, 
merchant,  and  grandson  of  Sir  Edward  Hulse 
(1682-1759)  [q.  v.],  was  born  in  1747  and  en- 
tered the  army  in  the  1st  foot  guards  as  ensign 
on  17  Dec.  1761.  As  captain  and  lieutenant- 
colonel  he  was  present  with  his  battalion 
during  the  Gordon  riots  in  1780,  and  as  brevet- 
colonel  and  regimental  first  major  he  com- 
manded the  first  battalion  of  his  regiment 
with  the  Duke  of  York  at  the  siege  of  Valen- 
ciennes, in  the  brilliant  affair  under  Lake  at 
Lincelles,  and  the  operations  before  Dunkirk 
until  October  1793,  when  he  returned  home 
-on  promotion.  Returning  to  Flanders  as 
major-general  in  May  1794,  he  commanded  a 
brigade  in  some  minor  affairs  near  Tournay 
and  in  the  retreat  to  Bremen.  Coming  home 
•early  in  1795,  he  was  appointed  to  the  home 
staff',  and  commanded  at  Brighton  for  three 
years.  In  1798  he  became  lieutenant-general, 
and  was  despatched  to  Ireland  with  rein- 
forcements, including  a  brigade  of  guards. 
He  returned  to  his  command  at  Brighton  in 
November  of  that  year,  served  under  the 
Duke  of  York  in  the  expedition  to  the  Helder 
in  1799,  and  afterwards  succeeded  Lord  Grey 
•in  command  of  the  south-eastern  district. 
He  became  a  full  general  in  1803,  lieutenant- 
general  of  Chelsea  Hospital  in  1806,  and 

governor  in  1820.  In  1830,  at  the  corona- 
tion of  William  IV,  Hulse  and  Sir  Alured 
Clarke  [q.  v.],  as  the  two  oldest  generals, 
were  created  field-marshals.  Hulse  was  a 
G.C.H.  and  a  privy  councillor.  He  was 
colonel  in  succession  of  the  56th,  19th,  and 
62nd  foot.  He  was  one  of  the  first  appointed 
by  George  III  to  the  suite  of  the  young 
Prince  of  Wales  (afterwards  George  IV),  and 
was  for  many  years  the  prince's  treasurer 
and  receiver-general.  On  George  IV's  ac- 
cession to  the  throne  Hulse  became  trea- 
surer of  the  household,  and  in  1827  vice- 
chamberlain,  which  office  he  retained  till 
the  king's  death.  He  died  at  his  residence 
in  Chelsea  Hospital  on  1  Jan.  1837,  at  the 
age  of  ninety,  unmarried,  and  was  buried  in 
the  family  vault  at  Erith,  Kent. 

[Foster's  Baronetage  ;  Army  Lists;  Hamilton's 
Hist.  Gren.  Guards,  vol.  ii. ;  Gent.  Mag.  1837, 
pt.  i.  320.]  H.  M.  C. 

1887),  lawyer  and  antiquary,  son  of  Lieu- 
tenant-colonel Henry  Hulton,  was  born  at 
Preston, Lancashire,  on  18  Oct.  1802,and  was 
educated  at  the  Manchester  grammar  school. 
He  entered  the  Middle  Temple  in  1822,  and 
was  called  to  the  bar  in  1827.  From  1831  to 
1849  he  was  treasurer  of  the  county  of  Lan- 
caster. On  the  establishment  of  the  present 
county  court  system  in  1847  he  became  judge 
of  a  circuit  of  county  courts  in  Lancashire. 
He  died  at  Hurst  Grange,  Penwortham,  near 
Preston,  on  3  March  1887.  He  married,  in 
1832,  Dorothy  Anne,  daughter  of  Edward 
Gorst  of  Preston.  Hulton  wrote  '  A  Treatise 
on  the  Law  of  Convictions,'  1835.  He 
edited  and  printed  with  his  own  hands : 
1.  'The  Journal  of  [his  brother]  the  late 
Jessop  G.  de  B.  Hulton  from  1832  to  1836, 
with  a  Paper  on  the  Kooree  Mooree  Islands,' 
Preston,  1844.  2.  '  A  Pedigree  of  the  Hul- 
ton Family,'  about  1847.  3.  {  An  Account 
of  the  Island  of  Socotra.'  He  joined  the 
council  of  the  Chetham  Society  in  1848,  and 
edited  two  valuable  works  in  their  series 
of  publications :  1 .  ( The  Coucher  Book,  or 
Chartulary,  of  Whalley  Abbey,'  1847-50, 
4  vols.  2.  '  Documents  relating  to  the  Priory 
of  Penwortham,  and  other  Possessions  in  Lan- 
cashire of  the  Abbey  of  Evesham,'  1853. 

[J.  F.  Smith's  Manchester  School  Eeg.iii.  1 09  ; 
Foster's  Lancashire  Pedigrees ;  information  from 
Mr.  H.  T.  Crofton.]  C.  W.  S. 

KENZIE (1754-1815),  lieutenant  -  general, 
brother  and  heir  of  Thomas  Frederick  Mac- 




kenzie  Humberston  [q.T.1,  was  born  in  1754. 
At  twelve  years  of  age  a  violent  attack  of  scar- 
let fever  permanently  destroyed  his  hearing 
and  for  a  time  deprived  him  of  speech.  He 
nevertheless  grew  up  distinguished  by  his 
extensive  attainments  and  great  intellectual 
activity.  In  1782  he  married  Mary,  daughter 
of  the  Rev.  Baptist  Proby,  dean  of  Lichfield, 
and  niece  of  the  Earl  of  Carysfort,  by  whom 
he  had  four  sons  and  six  daughters.  On  the 
death  of  his  brother  in  1 783  he  succeeded  to  the 
Seaforth  estates  and  chieftainship,  becoming 
the  twenty-first  Caber  Feidh  (caberfae),  or 
hereditary  chief  of  the  clan  Mackenzie.  In 
1784  he  was  returned  to  parliament  for  Ross- 
shire,  which  he  represented  until  1790.  He 
was  again  returned  in  1794.  Humberston 
offered  to  raise  a  highland  regiment  for  ser- 
vice in  India  in  1787.  The  offer  was  accepted, 
but  the  Seaforth  recruits  were  taken  to  com- 
plete the  74th  and  75th  foot.  He  repeated 
the  offer  at  the  time  of  the  Nootka  Sound 
difficulty,  but  it  was  declined.  It  was  re- 
peated once  more  in  1793  and  accepted. 
Humberston  then  raised  the  '  Ross-shire 
Buffs,'  which  was  enrolled  as  the  78th  foot, 
the  third  highland  regiment  bearing  that 
number,  and  the  first  regiment  added  to  the 
army  during  the  war  with  revolutionary 
France.  The  regiment  is  now  the  2nd  Sea- 
forth (late  78th)  highlanders.  Humberston 
was  appointed  lieutenant-colonel  command- 
ant. He  raised  a  second  battalion  for  the 
regiment  in  1794,  which  was  amalgamated 
with  the  first  battalion  at  the  Cape  in  1795. 
Humberston,  who  had  never  joined  the  regi- 
ment, resigned  the  command  in  that  year,  and 
was  appointed  lord-lieutenant  of  Ross-shire. 
On  26  Oct.  1797  he  was  created  Lord  Sea- 
forth and  Baron  Mackenzie  of  Kintail  in  the 
peerage  of  Great  Britain..  On  23  April  1798 
he  was  appointed  colonel  of  the  newly  formed 
2nd  North  British,  or  Caithness,  Sutherland, 
Ross,  and  Cromarty  militia,  afterwards  the 
highland  rifle  militia,  and  now  the  3rd  or 
militia  battalion  of  Seaforth  highlanders.  He 
became  colonel  in  the  army  in  1796,  major-ge- 
neral in  1802,  and  lieutenant-general  in  1808. 
On  26  Nov.  1800  Lord  Seaforth  was  ap- 
pointed governor  of  Barbadoes,  arriving  there 
early  in  1801  and,  with  the  exception  of  a  part 
of  1803,  whenhe  was  onleave, remaining  until 
1806.  He  displayed  much  vigour  and  ability 
there.  He  vigorously  took  up  the  inquiry 
into  the  slave-trade,  and  in  a  letter  addressed 
to  Lord  Camden  on  13  Nov.  1804,  gave,  on 
the  authority  of  unimpeachable  witnesses,  in- 
cluding the  colonial  attorney-general,  details 
of  atrocities  committed  on  slaves  in  the  island 
(SouTHEY,  Chron.  West  Indies,  in.  299  et  seq). 
The  letter  gave  great  offence,  and  lame  at- 

tempts were  subsequently  made  to  explain 
away  the  statements ;  but  under  Seafortfrs  in- 
fluence the  assembly  of  the  island  in  the  fol- 
lowing year  passed  a  law  whereby  any  one  wil- 
fully and  maliciously  killing  a  slave,  whether 
the  owner  or  not  of  such  slave,  on  being  con- 
victed on  the  evidence  of  white  witnesses, 
was  to  suffer  death.  Previously  the  punish- 
ment had  been  a  fine  of  lol.  currency,  which 
was  rarely  imposed  (ib.  iii.  337).  The  change 
proved  a  genuine  protection  to  slaves.  When 
the  French  fleet  under  Villeneuve  arrived  in 
the  West  Indies  the  same  year,  Seaforth  pro- 
claimed martial  law  in  the  island,  without 
consulting  the  assembly.  The  latter 'pro- 
tested that  his  action  was  an  '  invasion  of 
the  dearest  rights  of  the  people.'  The  home 
government  supported  him,  and  the  assem- 
bly appears  to  have  altered  its  tone  (ScnoM- 
BTJRGK,  Hist,  of  jBarbadoes,-p]).  357-9}.  Sea- 
forth was  entertained  at  a  grand  dinner  at 
Bridgetown  before  his  departure  from  the- 
island,  which  took  place  on  25  July  1806. 
In  most  biographical  notices  Seaforth  is 
stated  to  have  been  afterwards  governor  of 
Berbice,  but  there  is  no  official  notice  of  the 
appointment  in  the  colonial  records. 

Seaforth  was  a  F.R.S.  (26  June  1794,-. 
THOMSON,  Hist.  Eoyal  Soc.  1812,  p.  Ixiii), 
and  F.L.S.,  and  took  a  lively  interest  ii» 
science  and  art.  Of  the  latter  he  was  a  most 
munificent  patron.  In  1796  he  lent  1,000/. 
to  Thomas  Lawrence,  then  a  struggling  ar- 
tist, who  had  applied  to  him  for  aid,  and  he 
commissioned  Benjamin  West  to  paint  one 
of  his  huge  canvases  depicting  the  first  chief 
of  Seaforth  saving  King  Alexander  of  Scot- 
land from  the  attack  of  an  infuriated  stag. 
In  after  years  West  bought  back  the  pic-, 
ture  for  exhibition  at  the  price  paid  for  it. 
— 800J.  A  long  list  of  West  Indian  plants* 
sent  home  by  Seaforth  in  1804-1806  forms 
Brit.  Mus.  Add.  MS.  28610  f.  20  et  seq. 
Unhappily,  Seaforth's  closing  years  were 
darkened  by  calamities  and  personal  suffer- 
ing. Mismanagement  of  his  estates  and  his 
own  extravagance  involved  him  in  inextri- 
cable embarrassments.  When  he  wanted  to- 
sell  the  estate  of  Lochalsh,  his  tenants  offered 
to  pay  his  debts  if  he  would  come  and  reside- 
among  them.  But  his  improvidence  ren- 
dered the  expedient  useless.  Part  of  the- 
barony  of  Kintail,  the  ' gift-land''  of  the- 
house,  was  next  put  up  for  sale,  a  step  the 
clansmen  sought  to  avert  by  offering  to  buy 
it  in,  so  that  the  lands  might  not  pass  away 
to  strangers.  In  deference  to  this  feeling, 
the  intended  sale  was  accordingly  postponed 
for  two  years.  Meanwhile,  three  of  Seaforth's 
sons  died.  The  fourth,  William  Frederick,. 
a  fine  promising  young  man,  M.P.  for  Rossr 




died,  likewise  unmarried,  on  25  Oct.  1814. 
Seaforth  himself  died,  heartbroken  and  para- 
lysed in  mind  and  body,  near  Edinburgh, 
11  Jan.  1815.  His  widow  died  in  Edinburgh 
7  Feb.  1829.  The  Seaforth  title  became  ex- 
tinct ;  the  chieftainship  passed  to  Mackenzie 
of  Allengrange ;  the  estates  went  by  act  of 
•entail  to  Seaforth's  eldest  daughter,  Mary 
Elizabeth  Frederica  Mackenzie  (1783-1862), 
who  married,  first,  Admiral  Sir  Samuel 
Hood  [q.v.];  secondly,  the  Right  Hon.  J. 
Stewart  Mackenzie,  M.P.,sometimegovernor 
of  Ceylon,  and  lord  high  commissioner  of  the 
Ionian  Islands.  The  lady  lost  her  second 
husband  in  1845 ;  but  she  welcomed  to  the 
old  home  of  the  Seaforths  her  father's  regi- 
ment, the  78th  Ross-shire  Buffs,  on  their  re- 
turn from  the  Indian  mutiny,  and  died  at 
Brahan  Castle  28  Nov.  1862. 

The  history  of  the  last  Seaforth  was  be- 
lieved to  fulfil  a  prophecy  that  in  the  days 
of  a  deaf  and  dumb  '  Caber  Feidh'  the  '  gift- 
land  '  of  the  house  should  be  sold,  and  the 
male  line  of  Seaforth  come  to  an  end.  The  pro- 
phecy, dating  from  the  time  of  Charles  II,  was 
said  to  have  been  uttered  by  one  Coinneach 
Odhar,  a  famous  Brahan  seer,  who  was  re- 
ported to  have  been  put  to  a  cruel  death  by 
the  Lady  Seaforth  of  the  time  (LOCKHAET, 
Life  of  Scott,  iii.  318-19). 

[Taylor's  Great  Scottish  Historic  Families,  i. 
192-9 ;  A.  Mackenzie's  Hist,  of  the  Clan  Macken- 
zie (Inverness,  1879);  Anderson's  Scottish  Na- 
tion, iii.  428-9 ;  Seaforth  Papers  in  North  British 
Eev.  Ixxviii  (1863) ;  Stewart's  Scottish  High- 
landers, vol.  ii.  under  '78th  Ross-shire  Buffs;' 
Kel tie's  Hist.  Scottish  Highlands,  ii.  617-18, 
687  (with  vignette  portrait) ;  Schomburgk's  Hist, 
of  Barbadoes  (London,  1848) ;  Thomas  Southey's 
Chron.  Hist,  of  the  Westlndies  (London,  1827), 
vol.  iii. ;  A.  Mackenzie's  Prophecies  of  the  Bra- 
han Seer  (Inverness,  18 78),  pp.  72-94, '  Doom  of 
Seaforth  ; '  Burke's  Vicissitudes  of  Families,  i. 
169-84,  '  Fate  of  Seaforth.']  H.  M.  C. 

RICK MACKENZIE  (1753  P-1783),  lieu- 
tenant-colonel commandant  78th  highland 
foot,  a  lineal  descendant  of  the  old  Scottish 
earls  of  Seaforth,  whose  estates  were  forfeited 
in  1715,  was  eldest  son  of  Major  William 
Mackenzie,  who  died  12  March  1770,  and  his 
wife  Mary,  who  was  daughter  of  Matthew 
Humberston  of  Lincolnshire,  and  died  at 
Hartley,  Hertfordshire,  19  Feb.  1813.  He 
was  born  before  1754.  In  June  1771  he  was 
gazetted  cornet,  in  the  name  of  Mackenzie,  in 
the  1st  king's  dragoon  guards,  in  which  he  be- 
came lieutenant  in  1775  and  captain  in  1777. 
He  appears  to  have  assumed  his  mother's 
maiden  name  of  Humberston  on  coming  of  age. 
He  helped  his  chief  and  kinsman,  Kenneth 

Mackenzie,  who  held  the  recovered  Seaforth 
estates,  and  had  been  created  Lord  Ardlive, 
Viscount  Fortress,  and  Earl  of  Seaforth  in  the 
peerage  of  Ireland,  to  raise  a  corps  of  high- 
landers,  which  was  brought  into  the  line  as  the 
78th  foot,  being  the  second  of  three  highland 
regiments  which  successively  have  borne  that 
number.  In  after  years  the  regiment  was 
renumbered  the  72nd,  and  is  now  the  1st 
Seaforth  highlanders.  It  was  officered  chiefly 
from  the  Caber  Feidh  or  clan  Mackenzie,  the 
men  being  rude  clansmen  from  the  western 
highlands  and  isles,  among  whom  a  wild 
sept  of  Macraes  was  prominent.  Humberston 
was  transferred  to  the  regiment  as  captain  in 
January  1778,  and  became  major  in  it  the 
year  after.  He  was  present  with  five  com- 
panies at  the  repulse  of  an  attempted  French 
landing  in  St.  Ouen's  Bay,  Jersey,  1  May 
1779.  In  the  same  year  Lord  Seaforth,  being 
greatly  embarrassed,  made  over  the  Seaforth 
estates  to  Humberston  for  a  sum  of  100,000/. 
On  5  Aug.  1780  Humberston  was  appointed 
lieutenant-colonel  commandant  of  the  new 
100th  foot  (the  second  of  six  regiments  which 
have  borne  that  number  in  succession),  and 
on  13  March  1781  embarked  with  it  as  part 
of  an  expedition  under  General  Medows  and 
Commodore  Johnstone,  destined  for  the  Cape. 
While  watering  in  Porto  Praya  Bay,  Cape 
Verdes,  the  expedition  was  attacked  by  a 
French  naval  squadron,  which  was  beaten 
off  after  a  sharp  fight.  Humberston,  who 
was  on  shore,  swam  off  under  fire  to  regain 
his  ship.  On  reaching  the  Cape  of  Good 
Hope,  the  garrison  was  found  to  have  been 
reinforced,  but  some  Dutch  East  Indiamen 
were  captured  in  Saldanha  Bay,  with  which 
the  commodore  returned  home,  leaving  the 
troops  to  proceed  to  India  under  convoy. 
They  touched  at  the  Comoro  islands  for  the 
sake  of  their  many  sick,  and  thence  were 
carried  by  the  shifting  of  the  monsoon  to  the 
coast  of  Arabia.  Thence  General  Medows, 
Colonel  Fullarton,  and  the  main  body  of  the 
troops  sailed  in  the  direction  of  Madras. 
Humberston,  with  part  of  two  regiments, 
reached  Bombay  on  22  Jan.  1782,  and  six 
days  afterwards  likewise  sailed  for  Madras. 
On  the  voyage  tidings  of  Hyder  Ali's  suc- 
cesses caused  him  to  summon  a  council  of 
war,  which  decided  in  favour  of  making  a 
diversion  on  the  Malabar  side  of  Hyder's 
dominions.  Humberston  landed  at  Calicut 
with  a  thousand  men,  13  Feb.  1782,  and,  join- 
ing Major  Abingdon's  sepoys,  assumed  com- 
mand as  senior  officer,  and  captured  several 
of  Hyder's  forts.  On  the  approach  of  the  mon- 
soon he  returned  to  Calicut,  and  concluded  a 
treaty  with  the  rajah  of  Travancore,  who  re- 
inforced him  with  twelve  hundred  men.  In 




September  1782  lie  again  took  the  field  and 
moved  towards  Palacatchery,  but  the  heavy 
guns  did  not  come  up,  and  he  was  compelled 
to  retire,  closely  pursued  by  Tippoo,  who  had 
been  despatched  against  him  with  twenty 
thousand  men.  Humberston's  force  executed  a 
most  distressful  retreat.  At  length,  by  wadi 
the  Paniane  river  chin  deep,  the  troops  reached 
PanianS,  where  their  unfinished  entrench- 
ments were  assaulted  by  Tippoo  on  28  Nov. 
1782.  The  attack  was  repulsed,  and  before  it 
was  repeated  Tippoo  was  summoned  to  Sering- 
apatam  by  the  news  of  his  father's  death. 
Lord  Seaforth  died  at  sea  in  August  1781. 
Humberston  was  transferred  to  the  78th  regi- 
ment as  lieutenant-colon  el  commandant  in  his 
place,  15  Feb.  1782.  This  regiment  reached 
Madras  and  joined  the  army  under  Eyre  Coote 
at  Chingleput  in  April  1782.  On  Tippoo's 
withdrawal  Humberston  with  part  of  his 
troops  joined  the  army  under  General  Ma- 
thews  in  Malabar.  He  accompanied  Colonel 
Macleod  and  Major  Shaw  to  Bombay  to  make 
representations  to  the  council  relative  to  the 
conduct  of  General  Mathews,  which  resulted 
in  that  officer's  suspension.  After  their  mission 
was  accomplished  the  delegates  embarked  at 
Bombay  in  the  Ranger  sloop,  to  rejoin  the 
army,  5  April  1783.  Three  days  later  they 
were  captured  by  the  Mahratta  fleet,  when 
every  officer  on  board  was  killed  or  wounded. 
Humberston,  who  received  a  four-pound  ball 
through  the  body,  died  of  his  wound  at  the 
Mahratta  port  of  Gheriah,  30  April  1783. 
Contemporary  accounts  describe  him  as  a 
young  man  of  many  accomplishments,  and  of 
brilliant  promise  in  his  profession.  He  was 
unmarried.  He  left  a  natural  son,  Thomas 
B.  Mackenzie  Humberston,  who  fell,  a  captain 
in  the  78th  Ross-shireBuffs,  at  Ahmednuggur, 
in  1803.  He  was  succeeded  in  his  estates  by 
his  brother  Francis  Mackenzie  Humberston 
[q.v.],  afterwards  Lord  Seaforth  and  Mac- 

[Taylor's  Great  Scottish  Historic  Families, 
i.  194-5  ;  Anderson's  Scottish  Nation,  iii.  428-9  ; 
Stewart's  Scottish  Highlanders,  vol.  ii.,  under 
*  72nd  Highlanders  ; '  Cannon's  Hist.  Kec.  72nd 
(Duke  of  Albany's)  Highlanders  ;  Mill's  Hist,  of 
India,  iv.  242  et  seq.  Two  letters  from  Hum- 
berston to  Sir  Eyre  Coote  the  elder  are  in  Brit. 
Mus.  Add.  MSS.  28153,  p.  442,  28156,  p.  49.1 

H.  M.  C. 


(1822-1877),  architect,  born  in  1822,  com- 
menced his  professional  career  as  a  partner 
with  Mr.  Reeks,  afterwards  of  the  office  of 
works.  They  executed  some  important  works 
in  or  near  Hastings,  including  the  building  of 
Carlisle  Parade  and  Robertson  Terrace  on  the 
crown  estate,  and  the  rebuilding  of  the  church 

at  Bodiam.  When  the  competition  was  insti- 
tuted for  designs  for  new  government  offices, 
1856,  the-  designs  of  Messrs.  Humbert  & 
Reeks,  though  not  succebsful,  received  a  pre- 
mium at  the  exhibition  in  Westminster  Hall. 
In  1854  Humbert  was  employed  to  rebuild 
and  enlarge  the  chancel  of  the  church  at 
Whippingham,  Isle  of  Wight,  which  the 
queen  and  royal  family  attended  when  re- 
siding at  Osborne.  In  1860  he  rebuilt  the 
entire  church,  under  the  direction  of  the 
prince  consort,  and  designed  the  mausoleum 
of  the  Duchess  of  Kent  at  Frogmore,  near 
Windsor.  In  1862  he  designed  the  mauso- 
leum of  the  prince  consort  at  the  same  place. 
Subsequently  Sandringham  House  was  re- 
built for  the  Prince  of  Wales  from  his  designs 
and  under  his  superintendence.  Humbert 
was  a  fellow  of  the  Royal  Institute  of  British 
Architects,  and  died  on  24  Dec.  1877,  aged 
55,  at  Castle  Mona,  Douglas,  Isle  of  Man, 
where  he  had  gone  to  recruit  his  health.  He 
lived  for  some  time  at  27  Fitzroy  Square, 

[Builder,  5  Jan.  1878;   Redgrave's  Diet,  of 
Artists.]  L.  C. 

HUMBY,  MKS.  (fl.  1817-1849),  actress, 
was  born  in  London,  her  maiden  name  being 
Ayre.  She  studied  music  under  Domenico 
Corri.  Fitzgerald,  who  succeeded  Tate  Wil- 
kinson on  the  York  circuit,  engaged  her,  and 
she  made,  as  a  singer,  her  first  appearance  in 
Hull  as  Rosina.  Humby,  a  dentist  and  a  mem- 
ber of  the  Hull  company,  married  her  at  York 
during  her  first  season.  She  then  went  to 
Bath,  where  she  appeared,  4  Nov.  1818,  as 
Rosetta  in  *  Love  in  a  Village.'  Genest  de- 
clares her  at  that  time  a  much  better  actress 
than  singers  usually  are.  Among  the  parts  she 
played  during  this  and  the  following  season 
were  Euphrosyne  in '  Comus/  Luciana  in  the 
'  Comedy  of  Errors/  to  her  husband's  Anti- 
pholus  of  Ephesus,  Araminta  in  the  '  Young 
Quaker,'  Audrey  in  'As  you  like  it,'  and 
Dorindain  an  adaptation  of  the 'Tempest.'  In 
1820  she  left  Bath,  and  in  1821  was  with  her 
husband  in  Dublin,  where  a  child  was  born  to 
them.  She  reappeared  on  the  Dublin  stage  as 
Rosa  in  the '  Rendezvous '  on  5  Jan.  1822,  and 
on  the  29th  was  Lucy  Locket  in  the  'Beggar's 
Opera.'  On  18  April  1825,  as  Mrs.  Humby 
from  Dublin,  she  played  Cowslip  in  the 
'Agreeable  Surprise.'  Dollalolla  in  'Tom 
Thumb,'  Maud  in  '  Peeping  Tom,'  Audrey, 
Miss  Jenny  in  the  '  Provoked  Husband,'  and 
Cicely  in  the  '  Heir-at-Law '  followed.  She 
afterwards  appeared  at  the  Haymarket  dur- 
ing several  seasons,  and  subsequently  at  Drury 
Lane.  Her  later  movements  cannot  easily 
be  traced.  She  had  acquired  an  unrivalled 




reputation  as  a  representative  of  pert  and 
canning  chambermaids,  and  her  Patch  in 
the  '  Busy  Body,'  her  Kitty  in  '  High  Life 
below  Stairs,'  her  Audrey,  and  other  simi- 
lar characters,  won  her  high  reputation. 
When,  however,  she  essayed  Lydia  Lan- 
guish at  the  Haymarket  and  other  ambitious 
parts,  she  failed.  The  '  Dramatic  Magazine,' 
1  Aug.  1829,  says  she  is  '  admirable  as  the 
representative  of  waiting-maids  and  milli- 
ners,' but  f  does  not  possess  the  refined  and 
delicate  manners  requisite  for  the  heroines 
of  genteel  comedy.  Her  Maria  Darlington 
was  by  no  means  good '  (i.  161).  Charles  J. 
Mathews  speaks  of  her  as  a  young  and 
pretty  woman,  inimitable  as  the  Bride  in  the 
'  Happiest  Day  of  my  Life,'  Cowslip,  and 
other  similar  characters.  Her  representation 
of  Lady  Clutterbuck  in  '  Used  up,'  of  which 
she  was  the  original  exponent,  he  calls  '  de- 
licious,' adding  that  every  word  she  spoke 
was  '  a  gem.'  Her  '  intelligent  by-play  and 
the  crisp  smack  of  her  delivery  gave  a  fillip 
to  the  scene  when  the  author  himself  had 
furnished  nothing  particularly  witty  or 
humorous'  (Letter  quoted  in  Memoir  of 
Henry  Compton,  pp.  286-94).  She  was  the 
original  Chicken  in  Douglas  Jerrold's  '  Time 
works  Wonders,'  Polly  Briggs  in  his  '  Rent 
Day,'  and  Sophy  Hawes  in  his  'House- 
keeper.' Macready  in  his  diary,  19  July 
1837,  says :  '  Spoke  to  Mrs.  Humby,  and 
engaged  her  for  61.  10s.  a  week'  (ii.  78). 
She  appears  to  have  been  acting  in  1844, 
and  in  the  autumn  of  1849  was  at  the  Ly- 
ceum, but  her  later  performances,  with  the 
dates  of  her  retirement  from  the  stage  and 
death,  are  untraceable.  The  late  E.  L.  Blan- 
chard  said  that  she  had  been  seen  alive  and 
in  obscurity  a  very  few  years  ago.  A  not 
too  delicate  epigram  upon  her  did  something 
to  popularise  her  name.  Her  first  intention 
was  to  appear  as  a  singer ;  her  voice,  how- 
ever, gave  way,  and  her  musical  performances 
rarely  extended  beyond  singing  chamber- 
maids. Humby  practised  as  a  dentist  in  Wel- 
lington Street,  Strand,  and  died  in  Guernsey. 
Mrs.  Humby  subsequently  married  a  stone- 
mason residing  at  Castelnau  Villas,  Hammer- 

[Books  cited  ;  Genest's  Account  of  the  English 
Stage;  Theatrical  Observer,  vols.  vii.  viii.  Dub- 
lin, 1820-1 ;  Dramatic  Mag.  1829;  Our  Actresses, 
by  Mrs.  Baron  Wilson,  1844;  private  informa- 
tion.] J.  K. 

HUME.     [See  also  HOME.] 

HUME,  ABRAHAM  (1616P-1707), 
ejected  divine,  a  native  of  the  Merse,  Ber- 
wickshire, was  born  about  1616.  He  was  edu- 
cated at  St.  Andrews,  where  he  graduated 

M.A.  Leaving  the  university,  he  became 
chaplain  to  the  widowed  Countess  of  Home, 
who  brought  him  to  London.  John  Maitland 
[q.  v.],  afterwards  Duke  of  Lauderdale,  who 
married  the  countess's  second  daughter,  took 
Hume  with  him  on  his  travels  to  Paris  and 
Geneva.  He  subsequently  attended  on  his 
patron  in  Scotland,  and  accompanied  him  to 
London  in  1643,  when  Maitland  was  one  of 
the  Scottish  commissioners  to  the  Westmin- 
ster A  ssembly.  While  there  Hume  obtained 
the  vicarage  of  Long  Benton,  Northumber- 
land, and  on  20  April  1647  received  presbyte- 
rian  orders  from  members  of  the  fourth  Lon- 
don classis,  Nathaniel  Hardy,  D.D.  [q.  v.], 
being  one  of  his  ordainers.  His  ministry  was 
popular,  but  being  a  strong  royalist  his  politics 
were  obnoxious  to  Sir  Arthur  Hesilrige  [q.  v.], 
who  procured  his  banishment  from  England, 
He  lived  obscurely  in  Scotland  till  1653, 
when  Hesilrige  joined  in  procuring  him  the 
vicarage  of  Whittingham,  Northumberland. 
He  stood  out  against  any  acknowledgment 
of  Cromwell's  government,  and  was  instru- 
mental in  obtaining  the  appointment  of  royal- 
ist presbyterians  to  vacant  parishes.  In  1662 
the  Uniformity  Act  ejected  him.  He  became 
chaplain  to  Lauderdale,  but  of  this  situation 
he  was  deprived  by  inability  to  take  the  oath 
imposed  by  the  Five  Miles  Act  of  1665. 
Lauderdale  offered  him  preferment  if  he  would 
conform,  and  on  his  refusal  cast  him  off.  In 
1669  he  travelled  in  France,  making  the  ac- 
quaintance of  Jean  Claude  at  Charenton. 
Returning  to  London,  he  became  chaplain  to 
Alderman  Plampin,  on  whose  death  he  took 
the  charge  of  a  presbyterian  congregation  in 
Bishopsgate  Street  Without.  The  congrega- 
tion was  broken  up,  and  he  retired  to  Theo- 
balds, Hertfordshire,  and  preached  privately 
till  1687.  On  the  strength  of  James's  de- 
claration for  liberty  of  conscience  he  returned 
once  more  to  London,  and  was  called  to  a 
presbyterian  congregation  in  Drury  Street, 
Westminster.  How  long  he  held  this  charge 
is  not  known ;  Glascock  was  the  minister  in 
1695.  He  died  on  29  Jan.  1707,  aged  about 
92,  according  to  his  tombstone  in  Bunhill 
Fields.  His  funeral  sermon  was  preached 
by  Robert  Fleming  the  younger  [q.  v.] 

[Funeral  Sermon  by  Fleming,  1707;  Calamy's 
Account,  1713,  pp.  511  sq. ;  Calamy's  Continua- 
tion, 1727,  ii.  672  ;  Protestant  Dissenter's  Mag., 
1799,  p.  349;  Wilson's  Dissenting  Churches  of 
London,  1808,  i.  398;  Urwick's  Nonconformity 
in  Herts,  1884,  p.  510  (confuses  the  Merse  with 
the  Mearns).]  A.  G. 

HUME,  SIE  ABRAHAM  (1749-1838), 
virtuoso,  was  son  of  Sir  Abraham  Hume, 
who  died  on  10  Oct.  1772,  having  married 
on  9  Oct.  1746  Hannah,  sixth  and  youngest 




•daughter  of  Sir  Thomas  Frederick.     Their 
only  daughter,  Hannah,  married  James  Hare 

S.  v.]  Their  son  was  born  at  Hill  Street, 
erkeley  Square,  London,  on  20  Feb.  1748-9. 
During  one  parliament  (1774-80)  he  repre- 
sented Petersfield,  but  then  abandoned  poli- 
tics. His  estates  at  Wormley  in  Hertford- 
shire and  Fernyside  in  Berwickshire  enabled 
liim  to  be  a  patron  of  the  arts  all  his  life. 
He  amassed  a  famous  collection  of  minerals 
•and  of  precious  stones,  and  was  a  large  pur- 
chaser of  pictures  by  the  old  masters.  For 
distinction  in  natural  history  and  minera- 
logy he  was  elected  F.R.S.  on  14  Dec.  1775, 
and  at  his  death  was  its  senior  fellow.  He 
-was  one  of  the  founders  of  the  Geological 
Society,  and  served  as  vice-president  from 
1809  to  1813.  Through  his  patronage  of 
painting  he  became  a  director  of  the  British 
Institution.  Hume  died  at  Wormley  Bury 
on  24  March  1838,  and  was  buried  in  Worm- 
ley  Church,  where  is  a  monument  to  his 
memory.  He  married  in  London,  on  25  April 
1771,  Amelia,  daughter  of  John  Egerton, 
bishop  of  Durham.  She  was  born  on  25  Nov. 
1751,  died  at  Hill  Street,  London,  on  8  Aug. 
1809,  and  was  buried  at  Wormley.  There  is 
-.a  monument  to  her  memory  in  the  church- 
yard. Their  eldest  daughter  married  Charles 
Long  [q.  v.],  baron  Farnborough ;  and  the 
second  daughter  was  the  wife  of  John  Cust, 
first  earl  Brownlow. 

There  appeared  in  1815  in  French  and 
English  a '  Catalogue  Raisonne '  by  the  Comte 
de  Bournon  of  the  diamonds  of  Sir  Abraham 
Hume,  who  himself  edited  the  volume  and 
prefixed  to  it  a  short  introduction.  A  '  De- 
scriptive Catalogue'  of  his  pictures  was 
printed  in  1824,  when  the  collection  was  for 
sale.  Most  of  them  had  been  acquired  at 
Venice  and  Bologna  between  1786  and  1800. 
The  works  of  Titian  were  numerous,  and  the 
•collection  contained  a  few  examples  of  Eng- 
lish and  Flemish  art.  Among  the  English 
-specimens  were  the  portraits  of  Sir  Abraham 
Hume  and  Lady  Hume  by  Reynolds,  and 
that  of  Lady  Hume  by  Cosway.  The  latter 
was  engraved  by  Valentine  Green  in  1783, 
;and  in  1783  John  Jones  and  in  1791  C.  H. 
Hodges  issued  engravings  of  the  portraits  of 
Hume.  Sir  Abraham  sat  on  three  separate 
occasions  (1783, 1786,  and  1789)  to  Reynolds, 
and  Sir  Joshua  left  him  the  choice  of  his 
Claude  Lorraines.  The  earliest  of  Hume's 
"portraits  by  Reynolds  is  now  in  the  National 

An  anonymous  volume  of '  Notices  of  the 
Life  and  Works  of  Titian,'  1829,  was  the 
composition  of  Hume.  It  contained  in  an 
appendix  of  ninety-four  pages  a  catalogue  of 
the  engravings  after  the  works  of  Titian  in 
VOL.  xxvin. 

the  Bibliotheque  du  Roi  at  Paris.  Crowe  and 
Cavalcaselle  acknowledge  that  the  '  lists  of 
pictures  and  engravings  are  still  useful.' 

[Betham's  Baronetage,  iii.  359-60  ;  Gent. 
Mag.  1838,  pt.  i.  p.  657 ;  Cussans's  Hertfordshire, 
vol.ii.  pt.  ii.  pp.  250-7 ;  J.  C.  Smith's  Brit.  Mez- 
zotinto  Portraits,  ii.  564,633,756;  Taylor's  Rey- 
nolds, ii.  427,  499,  551,  636;  Cook's  National 
Gallery,  p.  411.]  W.  P.  C. 

HUME,  ABRAHAM  (1814-1884),  anti- 
quary, son  of  Thomas  F.  Hume,  of  Scot- 
tish descent,  was  born  at  Hillsborough,  co. 
Down,  Ireland,  on  9  Feb.  1814.     He  was 
educated  at  the  Royal  Belfast  Academy, 
Glasgow  University,  and   Trinity  College, 
Dublin.     On  leaving  Trinity  College  he  was 
for   some   time  mathematical  and  English 
teacher,  first  at  the  Belfast  Institution  and 
Academy,  and  afterwards  at  the  Liverpool 
Institute  and  Collegiate  Institution.   In  1843 
he  graduated  B.A.  at  Dublin,  and  received 
the  honorary  degree  of  LL.D.  at  Glasgow. 
In  the  same  year  he  was  ordained  deacon  by 
the  Bishop  of  Chester,  and  after  serving  as 
curate  for  four  years  without  stipend  at  St. 
Augustine's,   Liverpool,   was    appointed  in 
1847  vicar  of  the  new  parish  of  Vauxhall  in 
the  same   town.     In  1848,  in   conjunction 
with  Joseph  Mayer  and  II.  C.  Pidgeon,  he 
established  the  Historic  Society  of  Lanca- 
shire and  Cheshire,  of  which  he  was  the 
mainstay  for  many  years.    He  instituted  mi- 
nute statistical  inquiries  in  connection  with 
certain  Liverpool  parishes,  which  threw  great 
light  on  their  moral  and  spiritual  condition. 
During  1857  and  1858  he  sent  to  the  'Times' 
newspaper  summaries  of  his  previous  year's 
work  in  his  parish.     These  attracted  much 
attention,  and  had  the  effect  of  modifying 
public  opinion  on  the  alleged  idleness  of  the 
clergy.     In  1858  and  1859  he  gave  evidence 
before  select  committees  of  the  House  of 
Lords,    the  first   on  the  means   of   divine 
worship  in  populous  places,  and  the  second 
on  church  rates.     In  1867  he  was  sent  on  a 
surveying  tour  by  the  South  American  Mis- 
sionary Society,  and  explored  the  west  coast, 
especially  Chili  and  Peru.     On  the  visit  of 
the  Church  Congress  to  Liverpool  in  1869  he 
acted   as  secretary  and  edited  the  report. 
He  was  also  secretary  to  the  British  Asso- 
ciation at  Liverpool  in  1870.     He  was  vice- 
chairman   of    the   Liverpool    school    board 
1870-6,    and    secretary    of   the    Liverpool 
bishopric  committee  1873-80.     For  a  long 
time  he  ardently  advocated  the  formation  of 
the  Liverpool  diocese.     On  the  accomplish- 
ment of  the  project  in  1880  he  designed  the 
new  episcopal  seal.     He  took  an  active  part 
in  most  of  the  public,  scientific,  educational, 




and  ecclesiastical  movements  in  the  town. 
He  was  a  fellow  of  the  Royal  Society,  of  the 
Society  of  Antiquaries,  of  the  Royal  Society 
of  Northern  Antiquaries  at  Copenhagen,  and 
many  similar  associations.  He  died  unmar- 
ried on  21  Nov.  1884,  and  was  buried  at 
Anfield  cemetery,  Liverpool. 

He  wrote  more  than  a  hundred  books  and 
pamphlets,  the  principal  being :  1.  '  The 
Learned  Societies  and  Printing  Clubs  of  the 
United  Kingdom,'  London,  1847,  8vo;  an 
enlarged  edition  in  1853.  2.  '  Sir  Hugh  of 
Lincoln,'  London,  1849,  8vo.  3.  '  Remarks 
on  Certain  Implements  of  the  Stone  Period,' 
1851,  8vo.  4.  Two  essays  on '  Spinning  and 
Weaving,'  1857, 4to.  5.  '  Condition  of  Liver- 
pool, Religious  and  Social,'  Liverpool,  1858, 
8vo.  6.  *  Miscellaneous  Essays  contributed  to 
the '  Ulster  Journal  of  Archeology,'  1860, 4to. 
7.  'Rabbin's  Olminick'  (Belfast  dialect), 
1861-3,  8vo.  8.  '  Ancient  Meols,  or  some 
Account  of  the  Antiquities  found  on  the  Sea- 
coast  of  Cheshire,'  London,  1863, 8vo.  9.  '  Ex- 
amination of  the  Changes  in  the  Sea-coast  of 
Lancashire  and  Cheshire,'  1866, 8vo.  10.'  Facts 
and  Suggestions  connected  with  Primary  Edu- 
cation,' &c.,  Liverpool,  1870,  8vo.  11.  'Ori- 
gin and  Characteristics  of  the  People  in  the 
Counties  of  Down  and  Antrim,'  Belfast,  1874, 
8vo.  12.  i  Remarks  on  the  Irish  Dialect  of 
the  English  Language,'  1878, 8vo.  13. '  Some 
Scottish  Grievances,'  1881,  16mo.  14.  '  De- 
tailed Account  of  how  Liverpool  became  a 
Diocese,'  London,  1881,  8vo. 

[Brief  Memoir  of  Hume  by  John  Cooper 
Morley,  Liverpool,  1887  ;  Liverpool  newspapers, 
22  Nov.  1884;  Men  of  the  Time,  llth  edit; 
personal  knowledge.]  C.  W.  S. 

HUME     or     HOME,    ALEXANDER 

(1560  P-1609),  Scottish  poet,  was  born  about 
1560,  probably  at  Polwarth,  Berwickshire. 
He  was  the  second  son  of  Patrick  Hume,  fifth 
baron  of  Polwarth  and  founder  of  the  March- 
mont  family.  He  may  have  graduated  B.  A. 
of  St.  Andrews  University  about  1574 ;  he 
afterwards  studied  law  for  four  years  in  Paris. 
A  versified  autobiographical  epistle  addressed 
by  Hume  about  the  age  of  thirty  to  Gilbert 
Moncreiff,  the  royal  physician,  is  the  main 
source  of  information  regarding  his  early 
career.  He  states  that  after  qualifying  for 
the  bar  at  Paris  he  passed  three  miserable 
years  vainly  waiting  in  the  Edinburgh  courts 
for  suitable  employment.  Disappointed,  he 
sought  office  at  court.  But  in  this  likewise 
he  found  no  satisfaction,  and  at  length,  for-  I 
saking  the  ways  of  the  world,  he  became  a  [ 
clergyman.  He  probably  took  his  degree  at 
St.  Andrews  in  1597.  From  1598  till  his 
death,  4  Dec.  1609,  he  was  minister  of  Logie, 

near  Stirling  (Records  of  Presbytery  of  Stir- 
ling). As  a  clergyman  he  found  scope  for  his 
ardent  puritanism,  to  which  he  gave  strenu- 
ous expression  both  in  prose  and  verse.  Hume 
married  Marione,  daughter  of  John  Duncan- 
son,  dean  of  the  Chapel  Royal.  She  died! 
about  1652,  and  by  her  he  had  a  son,  Caleb, 
and  two  daughters,  who  survived  him. 

Hume's  elder  brother,  Lord  Polwarth,  is 
more  likely  than  Hume  himself  to  have  been 
one  of  the  antagonists  in  the  extravagant 
combat  of  wits  known  as  'The  Fly  tin  betwixt 
Montgomerie  and  Polwart.'  Alexander's 
finest  poems  are  '  A  Description  of  the  Day 
Estivall,'  a  lyric  on  a  summer  day,  and  a 
piece  on  the  destruction  of  the  Armada,  cha- 
racteristically entitled  '  The  Triumph  of  the 
Lord  after  the  Manner  of  Men :  alluding  to- 
the  Defait  of  the  Spanish  Navie,'  1588.  The 
former  shows,  besides  an  appreciation  of 
scenery,  lyrical  grace  and  religious  feeling. 
The  latter,  written  in  heroic  couplets  and 
closing  with  a  stirring  magnificat  of  four- 
stanzas,  has  something  of  the  resonance  of  a 
Hebrew  song  of  victory.  Both  poems,  with 
the  poetical  '  Epistle  to  Moncreiff,'  are  in 
Sibbald's  'Chronicle  of  Scottish  Poetry,'  and 
'  The  Day  Estivall '  is  included  in  Leyden's 
'Scottish  Descriptive  Poetry,'  1803,  and 
Campbell's  '  Specimens  of  the  British  Poets,r 
1819.  Hume  was  also  author  of  some  verses 
in  Adamson's  '  Muses'  Welcome,'  1617. 

Hume's  '  Hymns  and  Sacred  Songs,  ac- 
companied by  an  Address  to  the  Youth  of 
Scotland,'  after  apparently  circulating  for  a 
time  in  manuscript,  were  published  at  Edin- 
burgh by  Robert  Waldegrave  in  1599.  Drum- 
mond  of  Hawthornden  presented  to  Edin- 
burgh University  one  of  probably  the  only 
three  extant  copies  of  this  issue,  and  this  vo- 
lume was  reprinted  for  the  Bannatyne  Club 
in  1832.  The  work  was  dedicated  by  Hume 
to  Lady  Culross.  His  stern  view  of  life  is 
illustrated  in  his  address  to  the  Scottish 
youth,  who  are  solemnly  warned  against 
reading  '  profane  sonnets  and  vain  ballads  of 
love,  the  fabulous  feats  of  Palmerine,  and 
such  like  reveries,'  of  which  popery  is  the 
appropriate  goal.  A  rousing  appeal  to  the 
clergy,  entitled  '  Ane  afold  Admonitioun  to 
the  Ministerie  of  Scotland,  be  ane  deing 
Brother'  (printed  in  an  appendix  to  the  Ban- 
natyne volume)  is  attributed  to  Hume ;  it 
was  first  published  in  1609.  It  well  fits  the 
description  of  an  'Admonition'  which  Row, 
in  his  manuscript '  History  of  Scotland,'  says 
Hume  '  left  behind  him  in  write  to  the  Kirk 
of  Scotland,'  warning  against  a  relapse  into 
prelacy  as  leading  to  popery,  and  urging  the 
superiority  of  the  religious  life  to  ecclesias- 
tical forms.  Hume  is  also  said  to  have  writ- 




ten  '  Ane  treatise  of  Conscience  .  .  .'  Edin. 
1594,  12mo ;  '  Of  the  Felicitie  of  the  World 
to  come,'  Edin.  1594,  12mo ;  and  <  Four  Dis- 
courses, of  Praises  to  God,'  Edin.  1594, 12mo. 

[Hew  Scott's  Fasti,  n.  ii.  734;  Sibbald's 
Chronicle  of  Scottish  Poetry,  iii.  367-96 ;  Hymns 
and  Sacred  Songs  of  Alexander  Hume  in  Banna- 
tyne  Club,  vol.  xliii. ;  Irving's  Lives  of  Scotish 
Poets  and  his  Scotish  Poetry.]  T.  B. 

HUME,  ALEXANDER  (d.  1682),  of 
Kennetsidehead,  covenanter,  was  a  portioner 
of  Hume,  and  is  described  by  Lauder  of 
Fountainhall  as  '  a  small  gentleman  of  the 
Merse.'  In  1682  he  was  taken  prisoner  by 
Charles  Home,  afterwards  eighth  earl  of 
Home,  and  conveyed,  sorely  wounded,  to  the 
castle  of  Edinburgh.  At  first  he  was  tried  on 
the  charge  of  having  held  converse  with  those 
who  took  the  castle  of  Hawick  in  1679,  but 
the  proof  was  defective,  and  no  conviction  was 
obtained.  On  15  Nov.  he  was  indicted  before 
the  justice  court '  of  rising  in  rebellion  against 
the  king's  majesty  within  the  shires  of  Rox- 
burgh, Berwick,  Selkirk,  and  Peebles,  in 
marching  up  and  down  in  arms,  rendezvous- 
ing with  the  rebels  in  Bewly  bridge,  resisting 
and  fighting  apart  of  his  majesty's  forces  under 
the  command  of  the  Master  of  Ross,  besieg- 
ing the  castle  of  Hawick,  robbing  the  arms 
therein,  and  marching  towards  Bothwell 
bridge.'  Again  proof  was  wanting,  but  he  was 
kept  in  prison,  and  on  20  Dec.  was  indicted 
for  l  having  come  to  the  house  of  Sir  Henry 
MacDougall  of  Mackerston,  besieged  it,  and 
demanded  horses  and  arms,  and  of  having 
subsequently  come  armed  to  Kelso,  Selkirk, 
and  Hawick.'  The  prosecutors  tried  to  show 
that  Hume  was  a  captain  and  commanding 
officer  among  the  covenanters,  and  therefore 
not  included  in  the  indemnity  of  1679,  which 
specially  excluded '  ringleaders.'  His  defence 
was  that  after  attending  sermon,  and  riding, 
as  was  customary,  with  sword  and  holster 
pistols,  he  on  his  way  home  with  a  servant 
called  at  Mackerston  House,  and  offered  to 
buy  a  bay  horse.  Hume  was  found  guilty 
and  condemned  to  be  hanged  at  the  market 
cross  of  Edinburgh  on  29  Dec.  His  request 
that  his  case  might  be  laid  before  the  king 
was  peremptorily  refused.  His  friends  took 
the  matter  up,  and  according  to  Wodrow  a 
reprieve  actually  arrived  before  the  execu- 
tion, but  was  kept  back  by  the  chancellor, 
the  Earl  of  Perth.  This  statement  lacks  cor- 
roboration.  According  to  Lauder  of  Foun- 
tainhall, Hume  '  died  more  seriously  and 
calmly  than  many  others  of  his  persuasion 
had  done  before  him'  (Historical  Notices, 
p.  341).  On  the  scaffold  he  made  a  speech, 
of  which  Wodrow  professes  to  supply  a  report. 

[Wodrow's  Sufferings  of  the  Church  of  Scot- 
land ;  Lauder  of  Fountainhall's  Historical  No- 
tices (Bannatyne  Club);  Historical  Observes 
(Bannatyne  Club).]  T.  F.  H. 

MABCHMONT  (1675-1740).  [See  CAMPBELL.] 

HUME,  ALEXANDER  (1809-1851), 
Scottish  poet,  born  at  Kelso  on  1  Feb.  1809, 
was  the  son  of  Walter  Hume,  a  retail  trader. 
He  speaks  with  gratitude  of  his  early  educa- 
tion received  at  Kelso,  and  he  was  perma- 
nently impressed  by  the  beautiful  scenery  of 
his  native  district.  While  he  was  still  a  boy 
his  family  removed  to  London,  where  hejoined 
in  1822  or  1823  a  party  of  strolling  players 
for  a  few  months,  undertaking  a  variety  of 
characters,  and  singing  specially  a  song  en- 
titled '  I  am  such  a  beautiful  boy.'  Through 
the  kindness  of  a  relative  he  obtained  a 
situation  in  1827  with  the  London  agents  of 
Berwick  &  Co.,  brewers,  of  Edinburgh,  where 
he  ultimately  secured  a  position  of  trust. 

Hume  joined  the  Literary  and  Scientific 
Institution  in  Aldersgate  Street,  became  a 
good  debater,  and  wrote  his  '  Daft  WTattie ' 
for  the  magazine  of  the  club.  From  this  time 
he  found  recreation  in  writing  Scottish  lyrics. 
In  1837  he  married,  and  in  1840,  owing  to 
bad  health,  travelled  in  America.  Return- 
ing he  became  London  agent  for  Messrs.  Lane, 
well-known  Cork  brewers.  In  1847  he  re- 
visited America  for  the  benefit  of  his  health. 
He  died  at  Northampton  inMay  1851, leaving 
a  wife  and  six  children. 

Hume  dedicated  an  early  issue  of  his  songs 
to  Allan  Cunningham,  and  his  collected 
'  Poems  and  Songs '  appeared  in  1845.  '  Sandy 
Allan,'  one  of  his  best  lyrics,  is  in  the  an- 
thology of  minor  Scottish  singers,  l  Whistle 
Binkie,'  1832-47.  Hume's  poems  are  vigorous 
and  fresh  in  sentiment  and  expression. 

[Rogers's  Modern  Scottish  Minstrel ;  Irving's 
Eminent  Scotsmen.]  T.  B. 

HUME,  ALEXANDER  (1811-1859), 
Scottish  poet  and  musical  composer,  was 
born  in  Edinburgh,  7  Feb.  1811.  After  re- 
ceiving an  elementary  education  he  worked 
for  a  time  at  cabinet-making.  Early  recog- 
nised as  a  singer,  he  became  tenor  in  St. 
Paul's  episcopal  church,  and  chorus-master 
in  the  Theatre  Royal.  He  devoted  much  of 
his  leisure  to  reading.  While  still  young  he 
was  associated  with  the  Glassites,  and  it  is 
likely  that  the  arrangement  of  their  musical 
manual  was  his  earliest  work  as  a  musician. 
About  1855  Hume  settled  in  Glasgow,  where 
he  worked  at  his  trade,  and  increased  his 
poetical  and  musical  reputation.  He  fre- 
quently contributed  lyrics  to  the  Edinburgh 




1  Scottish  Press/  and  in  1856  he  edited  the 
'  Lyric  Gems  of  Scotland  '  (Glasgow),  to 
which  he  made  over  fifty  contributions  of  his 
own,  providing  in  several  cases  both  words 
and  music,  while  in  others  he  merely  sup- 
plied the  music  or  arranged  previous  com- 
positions. It  is  not  certain  that  the  valuable 
annotations  in  the  work  are  Hume's,  but  it 
is  probable  that  he  had  a  share  in  them. 
Hume  married,  in  1829,  Margaret  Leys,  who 
bore  him  seven  children,  and  predeceased  him 
in  1848.  He  died  4  Feb.  1859,  and  was  buried 
in  Glasgow  necropolis. 

Although  self-taught  in  musical  theory, 
Hume  was  very  successful  in  setting  tunes 
both  to  standard  Scottish  lyrics  and  songs  of 
his  own.  He  has  composed  an  appropriate 
melody  to  Burns's  '  Afton  Water  ; '  his  own 
pathetic  lyric,  '  My  ain  dear  Nell,'  has  simple 
emotional  fervour  and  tuneful  grace.  In 
concerted  pieces  he  likewise  earned  distinc- 
tion, his  glees  '  We  Fairies  come,'  '  Tell  me 
where  my  Love  reposes,'  and  others,  evincing 
excellent  taste  and  harmonious  effect.  There 
is  no  collected  edition  of  his  works,  but 
several  of  the  songs  and  glees  included  in 
the  '  Lyric  Gems '  maintain  their  popularity. 

[Information  from  Hume's  son,  Mr.  William 
Hume,  Pollokshields ;  living's  Eminent  Scots- 
men.] T.  B. 


(1797-1873),  Australian  explorer,  was  born 
at  Paramatta,  New  South  Wales,  on  18  June 
1797.  His  father,  Andrew  Hamilton  Hume, 
was  born  in  the  parish  of  Hillsborough,  co. 
Down,  24  June  1762.  received  a  commission 
in  the  Moira  regiment  of  volunteers  in  1782, 
fought  a  duel  at  Greenwich  in  1786,  went  to 
New  South  Wales  in  1788,  on  receiving  an 
appointment  in  the  commissariat,  was  farm- 
ing in  Norfolk  Island  in  1791,  obtained  a 
grant  of  land  in  Australia,  and  died  there 
23  Sept.  1849.  His  mother,  whom  his  father 
married  in  1796,  was  Eliza  Moore,  daughter 
of  the  Rev.  John  Kennedy,  rector  of  Nettle- 
stead,  Kent ;  she  died  14  Aug.  1847,  aged  86. 
Alexander  was  educated  by  his  mother.  When 
seventeen,  he  with  his  brother,  John  Kennedy 
Hume,  and  a  black  boy,  made  his  way  through 
the  mountains,  and  in  exploring  the  south- 
west country  for  about  sixty  miles  in  August 
1814,  discovered  Bong  Bong  and  Berrima. 
He  spent  the  greater  part  of  the  next  eleven 
years  in  similar  work,  growing  intimately 
acquainted  with  the  aborigines,  and  finding 
his  way  through  the  bush  without  a  compass. 
In  March  1817  he  accompanied  Surveyor 
Mehan  to  the  south-west  for  further  explora- 
tions, when  the  upper  portions  of  the  Shoal- 
haven  river,  Lake  Bathurst,  and  the  Goulburn 

plains  were  discovered.  Hume  was  rewarded 
with  a  grant  of  three  hundred  acres  of  land 
near  Appin.  In  1819  he  explored  Jervis  Bay 
with  Messrs.  Oxley  and  Meehan,  and  then  re- 
turned overland  to  Sydney  by  way  of  Bong 
Bong.  Two  years  afterwards  he  discovered 
the  Yass  Plains.  In  1822  he,  in  company 
with  Lieutenant  R.  Johnson,  R.N.,  and  Alex- 
ander Berry,  sailed  in  the  cutter  Schnapper 
down  the  east  coast,  and  from  the  upper  part 
of  the  Clyde  river  they  penetrated  inland  as 
far  as  the  site  where  the  town  of  Braidwood 
now  stands.  In  1824  Hume  undertook  the 
first  overland  journey  from  Sydney  to  Port 
Phillip.  W.  iL  Howell  and  six  convicts  ac- 
companied him.  Leaving  Appin  2  Oct.  1824, 
they  reached  Yass  Plains  18  Oct.,  and  the 
Murrumbidgee  river  19  Oct.  In  the  next 
two  months  they  discovered  five  rivers.  The 
first  was  the  Tumut  (discovered  22  Oct.); 
the  second  they  named  (16  Nov.)  the  Hume 
river,  after  Hume's  father,  but  it  is  now 
known  as  the  Murray;  the  third  was  the 
Mitta  Mitta  (20  Nov.);  the  fourth  they 
named  (24  Nov.)  the  Ovens  river,  after  Major 
Ovens,  private  secretary  to  the  governor  of 
New  South  Wales ;  the  fifth  they  named 
(3  Dec.)  the  Howell  river,  but  it  was  after- 
wards called  the  Goulburn.  The  explorers 
finally  reached  Port  Phillip  Bay  on  16  Dec., 
and,  turning  homeward,  arrived  at  Hume 
station,  Fort  George,  on  18  Jan.  1825.  For 
this  important  exploration  Hume  received 
from  the  government  twelve  hundred  acres 
of  land,  then  valued  at  half  a  crown  the  acre. 
In  after  years  Howell  unjustly  claimed  the 
chief  credit  for  the  success  of  this  expedition. 
Hume,  in  justification  of  his  own  character, 
published  'A  Brief  Statement  of  Facts  in  con- 
nection with  an  Overland  Expedition  from 
Lake  George  to  Port  Phillip  in  1824,'  1855 ; 
2nd  edit.,  1873 ;  3rd  edit.,  1874.  On  the  ap- 
pearance of  the  first  edition  (1855),  Howell 
printed  a '  Reply.'  Hume's  last  public  service 
was  to  accompany  Captain  Charles  Sturt  in 
his  expedition  down  the  banks  of  the  Mac- 
quarie  river.  Starting  on  7  Dec.  1828,  they 
reached  the  Darling  river  4  Feb.  1829,  and 
traced  it  down  to  latitude  29°  37 ',  longitude 
145°  33'.  The  want  of  fresh  water  then 
obliged  them  to  retrace  their  steps,  and  after 
suffering  great  hardships  they  reached  Wel- 
lington valley  on  21  April.  He  spent  the 
remainder  of  his  life  in  farming  his  lands. 
He  was  made  a  fellow  of  the  Royal  Geo- 
graphical Society  in  1860,  and  died  at  his 
residence,  Fort  George,  Yass,  19  April  1873. 
A  monumental  pillar  was  erected  by  the  colo- 
nists to  his  memory  at  Albury,  on  the  Hume 
river.  He  married  Miss  Dight,  but  had  no 
issue.  His  brother,  John  Kennedy  Hume, 




was  shot  by  bushrangers  at  Gunning,  New 
South  Wales,  in  January  1840. 

[Gent.  Mag.  April  1850,  pp.  434-6;  Labil- 
liere's  Hist,  of  Victoria,  1878,  i.  188-232  ;  Sturt's 
Two  Expeditions  ipto  Interior  of  Southern  Aus- 
tralia, 1833,  pp.  5-150  ;  Bonwick's  Port  Phillip 
Settlement,  1883,  pp.  80-93,  with  portrait; 
Heaton's  Australian  Diet,  of  Dates,  1879,  p.  98; 
Lang's  New  South  Wales,  1875,  i.  164,  182-4, 
233,  237 ;  Proc.  Roy.  Geogr.  Soc.  22  June  1874, 
pp.  532-3.]  G.  C.  B. 

HUME,  ANNA  (ft.  1644),  daughter  of 
David  Hume  of  Godscroft  (1560  P-1630  ?) 
[q.  v.],  superintended  the  publication  of  her 
father's  '  History  of  the  House  and  Race 
of  Douglas  and  Angus.'  William  Douglas, 
eleventh  earl  of  Angus,  and  first  marquis  of 
Douglas  [q.  v.],  who  was  dissatisfied  with 
Hume's  work,  consulted  Drummond  of  Haw- 
thornden.  Drummond  admitted  various  de- 
fects and  extravagant  views  in  Hume,  add- 
ing, however,  that  the  suppression  of  the  book 
would  ruin  the  gentlewoman,  'who  hath  ven- 
tured, she  says,  her  whole  fortune'  on  its 
publication  {Arch.  Scot.  iv.  95).  For  nearly 
two  years  the  dispute  delayed  the  publica- 
tion of  the  work,  which  had  been  printed 
in  1644  by  Evan  Tyler,  the  king's  printer. 
Tyler  published  in  that  year  l  The  Triumphs 
of  Love,  Chastitie,  Death :  translated  out 
of  Petrarch  by  Mrs.  Anna  Hume.'  A 
copy  of  this  is  in  the  British  Museum,  and 
there  is  a  reprint  in  Bonn's  translation  of 
<  Petrarch,  by  various  Hands  '  (1859).  The 
translation  is,  on  the  whole,  faithful  and 
spirited.  The  second  half  of  the  '  Triumph 
of  Love,  Part  iii.,'  descriptive  of  the  disap- 
pointed lover,  and  the  bright  account  of  the 
fair  maids  in  the  '  Triumph  of  Chastitie/  are 
admirably  rendered.  Mrs.  Hume  is  also  said 
to  have  translated  her  father's  Latin  poems ; 
and  Drummond  of  Hawthornden,  acknow- 
ledging certain  commendatory  verses  at  her 
hand,  writes  to  her  as '  the  learned  and  worthy 
gentlewoman,  Mrs.  Anna  Hume,'  and  declares 
himself  unworthy  of  'the  blazon  of  so  preg- 
nant and  rare  a  wit.' 

[Introduction  to  De  Familia  Humia  Wedder- 
burnensi  Liber,  cura  Da\Tidis  Humii,  published 
by  the  Abbotsf'ord  Club  in  1839  ;  Masson's 
Drummond  of  Hawthornden  ;  Irving's  Scotish 
Poetry  ;  Add.  MS.  24488,  pp.  412-13.]  T.  B. 

HUME,  DAVID  (1560  P-1630  ?),  contro- 
versialist, historian,  and  poet,  born  about 
1560,  was  the  second  son  of  Sir  David  Hume 
or  Home,  seventh  baron  of  Wedderburn, 
Berwickshire.  Receiving  preliminary  train- 
ing at  Dunbar  public  school,  he  seems  to 
have  entered  St.  Andrews  University  in  1578, 
and  after  a  course  of  study  there  to  have 
gone  to  the  continent.  From  France  he  pro- 

ceeded to  Geneva,  intending  to  go  to  Italy, 
but  he  was  recalled  by  the  serious  illness  of 
his  elder  brother.  He  returned  about  1581. 
On  the  recovery  of  his  brother,  Hume  for  a 
time  continued  to  manage  his  affairs,  but  in 
1583  he  was  residing  as  private  secretary  with 
his  relative,  Archibald  Douglas,  eighth  earl  of 
Angus  [q.  v.],  who  was  ordered,  after  James 
withdrew  his  confidence  from  the  Ruthven 
lords,  to  remain  in  the  north  of  Scotland. 
During  the  exile  of  the  Ruthven  party  at 
Newcastle,  Hume  was  in  London,  ostensibly 
studying,  but  actively  interesting  himself  in 
Angus  and  his  cause.  The  lords  returned  to 
Scotland  in  1585,  and  between  that  date  and 
1588,  when  Angus  died,  Hume  supported  his 
patron's  policy  in  a  series  of  letters  (preserved 
in  the  '  History  of  the  Houses  of  Douglas 
and  Angus ')  on  the  doctrine  of  obedience  to 
princes.  A  discussion  of  a  sermon  on  the 
same  theme  by  the  Rev.  John  Craig  (1512  ?- 
1600)  [q.  v.]  is  the  subject  of  an  elaborate 
'  Conference  betwixt  the  Erie  of  Angus  and 
Mr.  David  Hume,'  which  is  printed  in  Calder- 
wood's  *  History  of  the  Kirk  of  Scotland.' 
He  was  probably  in  France  again  in  1593. 
According  to  the  '  True  Travels '  of  Captain 
John  Smith,  governor  of  Virginia  (chap,  i.), 
Smith  about  that  year  grew  '  acquainted  (at 
Paris)  with  one  Master  David  Hume,  who, 
making  some  use  of  Smith's  purse,  gave  Smith 
letters  to  his  friends  in  Scotland  to  preferre 
him  to  King  James.'  His  authorship  of 
French  tracts  and  the  publication  of  his 
Latin  works  at  Paris  imply  that  he  main- 
tained close  relations  with  France. 

In  middle  life  Hume  seems  to  have  devoted 
himself  to  1  it  erature  on  his  property  of  Gowks- 
croft  in  Berwickshire,  which  he  renamed  Gods- 
croft,  and  thence  styled  himself  Theagrius 
when  he  figured  as  a  Latin  poet.  In  1605  a 
work  on  the  union  of  the  kingdoms,  by  Robert 
Pont,  a  clergyman,  suggested  his  treatise, 
'De  Unione  Insulse  Britanniee.'  Of  this  he 
published  only  the  first  part,  '  Tractatus  I.' 
(London,  1605),  but  the  second  part  is  in 
the  collections  of  Sibbald  and  Wodrow.  Akin 
to  the  question  of  union  was  that  of  the 
relative  values  of  episcopacy  and  presbytery, 
and  Hume  showed  himself  a  spirited  and 
persistent  polemic  in  discussing  the  theme, 
first  with  Law,  bishop  of  Orkney  (afterwards 
archbishop  of  Glasgow),  from  1608  to  1611, 
and  secondly,  in  1613,  with  Cowper,  bishop 
of  Galloway  (CALDERWOOD,  History  of  the 
Kirk  of  Scotland,  vols.  vi.  and  vii.,  Wodrow 
Society's  ed.)  He  was  also  responsible  about 
the  same  time  for  <De  Episcopatu,  May  1, 
1609,  Patricio  Simsono/ 

His  sense  of  the  historical  importance  of 
his  house  led  to  Hume's  '  History  of  the 




House  of  Wedderburn,  written  by  a  Son  of 
the  Family,  in  the  year  1611.'  Beginning 
with  David,  the  first  laird  of  Wedderburn, 
about  the  end  of  the  fourteenth  century,  this 
work  closes  with  an  account  of  Hume's  own 
early  career  in  connection  with  that  of  his 
elder  brother,  to  whom,  along  with  the  Earl 
of  Home,  it  is  dedicated.  It  is  a  curious  and 
ingenious  eulogy.  It  remained  in  manuscript 
till  1839,  when  it  was  printed  by  the  Ab- 
botsford  Club.  A  more  imposing  family  his- 
tory is  Hume's  '  History  of  the  House  and 
Race  of  Douglas  and  Angus/printed  at  Edin- 
burgh in  1644  by  Evan  Tyler,  the  king's 
printer.  The  title-pages  of  the  earlier  copies 
vary,  some  having  no  date,  others  being  dated 
1648,  while  others  still  have  the  title,  'A 
Generall  History  of  Scotland,  together  with 
a  particular  History  of  the  Houses  of  Dou- 
glas and  Angus.'  The  confusion  is  due  to 
the  difficulties  of  Hume's  daughter,  Anna 
Hume  [q.v.],  in  getting  the  work  published, 
owing  to  the  opposition  of  William  Douglas, 
eleventh  earl  of  Angus,  who  resented  the  use 
which  Hume  had  made  of  some  of  the  mate- 
rials supplied  him  from  the  family  archives. 
Hume  is  thought  to  have  finished  the  his- 
torv  between  1625  and  1630,  the  year  (it  is 
conjectured)  of  his  death.  In  the  preface  to 
the  edition  of  T.  W.  and  T.  Ruddimans,  1743, 
it  is  pointed  out  that  '  the  first  editor '  had 
been  very  inefficient,  leaving  to  the  new  editor 
the  task  of  recovering  the  text  by  scrupu- 
lous examination  of  the  author's  manuscript. 
The  work  begins  with  Sholto  Douglas,  con- 
queror of  Donald  Bane,  and  concludes  with 
Archibald  Douglas,  eighth  earl  of  Angus 
(1555-1588)  [q.  v.],  who  is  eulogised  in  a 
Latin  ode  and  numerous  elegiacs.  Another 
manuscript  history  of  the  family,  now  at 
Hamilton  Palace,  brings  the  record  close  to 
the  death  of  William  Douglas,  tenth  earl 
[q.  v.],  in  1611,  and  is  ascribed  to  that  earl. 
The  tenth  earl's  son,  William  Douglas, 
eleventh  earl,  afterwards  first  marquis  of 
Douglas  [q.  v.],  is  said  to  have  threatened  its 
publication  in  order  that  Hume's  work  might 
be  superseded,  but  owing  to  the  good  offices 
of  Drummond  of  Hawthornden  the  threat 
came  to  nothing. 

Hume's  other  prose  writings  of  importance 
are  his  unpublished  attack  on  Camden  for 
his  depreciatory  view  of  Scotland,  written  in 
1617 — *  Cambdenia  ;  id  est,  Examen  nonnul- 
lorum  a  Gulielmo  Cambrenoin  "Britannia,"' 
&c. — and  a  work  dedicated  to  Charles  I 
(Paris,  1626),  entitled  <  Apologia  Basilica; 
seu  Machiayelli  Ingenium  Examinatum,  in 
libro  quern  inscripsit  Princeps.'  A  notice  in 
the  *  Biographic  Universelle '  likewise  credits 
him  with  an  attempt,  suggested  by  James  I, 

to  reconcile  Dumoulin  and  Tilenus  on  the 
subject  of  justification,  and  also  with  *Le 
contr'  Assassin ;  ou  Reponse  a  1'Apologie  des 
Jesuites'  (1612),  and  '  L'Assassinat  du  Roi; 
ou  Maximes  du  Vieil  de  la  Montagne  pra- 
tiquees  en  la  personne  de  d6funt  Henri  le 
Grand'  (1617). 

Hume  wrote  Latin  poems  when  very 
young,  and  received  the  commendation  of 
George  Buchanan.  His  '  Daphn- Amaryllis  ' 
was  produced  at  the  age  of  fourteen.  His 
'Lusus  Poetici'  (1605)  were  ultimately  in- 
corporated in  Arthur  Johnston's  '  Delicife 
Poetarum  Scotorum.'  When  Prince  Henry 
died  Hume  wrote  a  memorial  tribute  entitled 
'  Henrici  Principis  Justa,'  and  in  1617  he 
welcomed  the  king  back  to  Scotland  in  his 
1  Regi  suo  Gratulatio.'  As  a  poet  Hume  is 
fresh  and  vigorous,  displaying  intimate  know- 
ledge of  the  best  Latin  models.  His  Latin 
poems  were  twice  issued  in  Paris,  in  1632  and 
1639  (MICHEL,  Les  Ecossais  en  France,  ii. 
290),  the  second  time  with  additions  under 
the  care  of  his  son  James,  and  with  the  title : 
'  Davidis  Humii  Wedderburnensis  Poemata 
Omnia.  Accessere  ad  finem  Unio  Britannica 
et  Prcelium  ad  Lipsiam  soluta  oratione.' 

His  daughter  Anna  and  son  James  (;#. 
1639)  are  separately  noticed. 

[Works  mentioned  in  text,  especially  Introd. 
to  the  Abbotsford  Club  vol. ;  Register  of  the  Scot- 
tish Privy  Council ;  Irving' s  Scotish  Poetry ;  Cham- 
bers 's  Eminent  Scotsmen ;  Sir  William  Fraser's 
Douglas  Book.]  T.  B. 

HUME  or  HOME,  SIB  DAVID,  or 
CROSSRIG,  LORD  CROSSRIG  (1643-1707),  se- 
cond son  of  Sir  James  Hume  or  Home  of 
Blackadder,  Berwickshire,  created  a  baronet 
of  Nova  Scotia  in  1674,  by  his  wife  Mary, 
daughter  of  Sir  James  Dundas  of  Arniston,  was 
born  23  May  1643.  He  entered  the  university 
of  Edinburgh  in  1657,  but  having,  in  accord- 
ance with  a  custom  kept  up  by  the  students  in 
opposition  to  the  regulations  of  the  university, 
gone  on  11  March  of  the  following  year  to  a 
football  match  on  the  Borough  Muir,  and 
having  declined  to  submit  to  the  consequent 
punishment  of  whipping  in  the  class,  he  was 
expelled  from  the  university.  Through  the  in- 
terposition of  his  relative  Sir  David  Dundas 
he  was  again  admitted  in  November  1659, 
and  graduated  M.  A.  in  1662.  After  travelling 
in  France  in  the  autumn  of  1664  he  settled  in 
Paris,  where  he  studied  law  till  the  outbreak 
of  hostilities  with  England  compelled  him 
to  leave  in  April  1666.  Abandoning  his  in- 
tention of  adopting  the  legal  profession,  he 
entered  into  the  wine  trade  in  1672,  and  was 
for  a  year  (1673)  also  partner  in  a  brewery. 
On  13  April  1681  he  met  with  an  accident 




which  necessitated  the  amputation  of  one  of 
his  legs.  His  sympathies  being  with  the 
presbyterian  party,  he  was  at  the  time  of 
Argyll's  expedition  in  1685  arrested  on  sus- 
picion, but  soon  after  the  collapse  of  the 
enterprise  he  was  set  at  liberty. 

On  3  June  1687  Hume  was  admitted  ad- 
vocate upon  his  petition  without  trial  of  his 
qualifications.  He  represented  that  he  had 
studied  law  abroad  in  company  with  Lord 
Reidford,  one  of  the  lords  of  session,  Sir 
Patrick  Home,  and  Sir  John  Lauder,  who 
were  prepared  '  to  give  testimony  regarding 
Ms  diligence  and  proficiency  in  that  study.' 
He  ingenuously  admits  in  his  'Domestic 
Details '  that  his  reason  for  petitioning  to  be 
admitted  in  this  fashion  was  that  he  con- 
.sidered  himself  '  so  rusted  in  the  study  of 
law '  that  he  could  not  venture  to  undergo 
the  ordinary  examination  (p.  43).  Home 
was  among  the  first  judges  nominated  by 
3£ing  William  after  the  revolution,  and  one 
of  the  four  appointed  by  the  privy  council  in 
'October  1689  'to  give  his  attendance  for 
jpassing  bills  of  suspension  and  all  other  bills 
^according  to  the  common  form.'  He  took 
jjhis  seat  on  the  bench  by  the  title  of  Lord 
Crossrig,  on  1  Nov.  1689;  on  22  Jan.  of 
•jthe  following  year  was  appointed  a  lord  of 
'fbhe  justiciary,  and  was  shortly  afterwards 
Kknighted.  On  5  Jan.  1700,  when  the  great 
yfire  in  the  meat  market,  Edinburgh,  broke 
out  in  the  middle  of  the  night  in  the  lodging 
immediately  below  his  house,  he  and  his 
family  barely  escaped  with  their  lives.  Dun- 
can Forbes  of  Culloden  in  a  letter  to  his  father 
mentions,  *  among  many  rueful  sights '  that 
were  witnessed  that  night,  *  Corserig  naked 
with  a  child  under  his  oxter  happing  for  his 
lyffe  '  (Culloden  Papers,  p.  27).  In  November 
following  he  presented  to  parliament  a  petition 
in  reference  to  the  loss  of  his  papers  in  the 
fire.  His  petition  was  remitted  to  a  com- 
ittee  of  three,  and  on  their  recommendation 
act  was  passed,  31  Jan.  1761,  entitled  '  An 
•t  for  proving  the  tenor  of  some  writs  in 
vour  of  Sir  David  Home  of  Crossrig.'  The 
writs  had  reference  chiefly  to  the  inheritance 
of  his  lands  of  Crossrig.  Hume  died  13  April 
1707.  In  an  elegy  printed  shortly  after  his 
death,  and  republished  in  Maidment's  '  Scot 
tish  Elegiac  Verses,'  1843,  he  is  described  a 

Most  zealous  for  the  church,  kind  to  the  poor, 
Upright  in  judgment,  in  decisions  sure. 

He  was  the  author  of  a  small  posthumous 
volume  entitled  'Advice  to  a  Daughter,' 
Edinburgh,  1771,  originally  written  by  him 
as  a  letter  to  his  daughter  in  April  1701. 
His  'Diary  of  the  Proceedings  in  the  Parlia- 
ment and  Privy  Council  of  Scotland  21  May 

1700-7  March  1707,'  printed  for  the  Banna- 
tyne  Club  in  1828,  is  of  considerable  interest 
and  value  as  a  record  of  the  deliberations 
connected  with  the  passing  of  the  Act  of 
Union.  The  '  Domestic  Details  of  Sir  David 
Hume  of  Crossrig,  one  of  the  Senators  of  the 
College  of  Justice,  20  April  1697-29  Jan. 
1707,'  published  at  Edinburgh  in  1843,  gives 
an  account  of  the  main  circumstances  of  his 
life,  with  incidental  references  to  the  customs 
of  bygone  times.  A  portrait  of  Hume  by 
young  Medina,  son  of  Sir  John  Medina,  was 
at  one  time  in  the  possession  of  C.  Kirk- 
patrick  Sharpe.  Hume  was  twice  married, 
first  to  BarbaraWeir,  relict  of  William  Laurie 
of  Eeidcastle,  and  secondly  to  the  widow 
of  James  Smith,  merchant,  and  a  grand- 
daughter, not  a  daughter  as  sometimes  stated, 
of  Sir  Alexander  Swinton  of  Swinton.  By 
his  first  wife  he  had  two  daughters,  and  by 
his  second  two  sons. 

[Domestic  Details  of  Sir  David  Hume  of 
Crossrig,  1843;  Brunton  andHaig's  Senators  of 
the  College  of  Justice.]  T.  F.  H. 

HUME,  DAVID  (1711-1776),  philo- 
sopher and  historian,  born  at  Edinburgh 
26  April  (O.S.)  1711,  was  the  second  son  of 
Joseph  Hume  of  Ninewells  in  the  parish  of 
Chirnside,  Berwickshire,  by  Catherine,  third 
daughter  of  Sir  David  Falconer  [q.  v.],  pre- 
sident of  the  court  of  session.  The  Humes 
or  Homes,  who  claimed  a  doubtful  descent 
from  the  noble  family  of  Home  (see  Notes 
and  Queries,  4th  ser.  iv.  72),  had  been  settled 
for  some  generations  at  Ninewells.  The  phi- 
losopher piqued  himself  upon  adhering  to  the 
spelling  'Hume'  as  older  and  as  correspond- 
ing to  the  pronunciation.  The  father,  who 
'  passed  for  a  man  of  parts,'  died  during 
Hume's  infancy.  The  mother  was  a '  woman 
of  singular  merit/  and  though  '  young  and 
handsome,  devoted  herself  entirely  to  the 
rearing  and  education  of  her  three  children.' 
John,  David,  and  Catherine.  Hume  went 
through  '  the  ordinary  course  of  education 
with  success .'  David  is  identified  with '  David 
Home '  whose  name  appears  (27  Feb.  1723) 
in  the  matriculation  book  of  the  university 
of  Edinburgh  as  '  intrant  of  the  class  of  Wil- 
liam Scott,  professor  of  Greek.'  The  absence  of 
other  records  leaves  unexplained  the  passion 
for  literary  and  philosophical  eminence  which 
from  this  time  became  Hume's  dominant 
characteristic.  A  letter  to  a  young  friend, 
Michael  Ramsay,  dated  4  July  1727,  describes 
his  devotion  to  Virgil  and  Cicero,  and  his 
resolution  to  become  a  philosopher  in  the 
moral  as  well  as  the  intellectual  sense.  The 
draft  of  a  letter  sent,  or  intended  to  be  sent,  in 
1734  to  a  physician — in  all  probability  George 








Cheyne  [q.  v.],  whose  'English  Malady'  had 
just  appeared — gives  a  curious  account  of 
his  mental  history  (printed  in  BURTON,  i. 
30-9).  He  explains  that  his  reflections  had 
led  him  at  about  the  age  of  eighteen  to 
glimpses  of  a  great  philosophical  discovery. 
He  abandoned  the  law,  for  which  he  had 
been  intended,  feeling  an  'insurmountable 
aversion'  to  everything  but  his  favourite 
studies.  Something,  however,  of  his  legal 
training  remained  ;  he  was  not  only  a  good 
man  of  business,  but  capable,  as  Burton 
testifies,  of  drawing  sound  legal  documents 
in  due  form.  His  intellectual  labours  led 
to  a  breakdown  of  health  about  September 
1729.  He  made  himself  worse  by  poring 
over  classical  works  of  morality.  Regular 
diet,  riding,  and  walking  were  more  effica- 
cious, and  about  May  1731  he  acquired 
an  appetite,  and  became  f  the  most  sturdy, 
robust,  healthful-like  fellow  you  have  seen.' 
During  the  next  three  years  he  read  the 
best  English,  French,  and  Latin  literature, 
and  began  Italian.  He  also  accumulated 
many  volumes  of  philosophical  notes.  Find- 
ing himself  still  incapable  of  the  effort  ne- 
cessary to  put  them  into  form,  he  thought 
that  a  more  active  life  would  perhaps  restore 
his  health.  He  doubted  his  ability  to  be  a 
1  travelling  governor,'  and  resolved  to  try 
some  mercantile  pursuit  as  the  only  alter- 
native. At  the  time  of  writing  this  letter 
(1734)  he  was  on  his  way  to  Bristol  with 
recommendations  to  some  of  the  houses  there. 
He  soon  found  the  new  occupation  '  totally 
unsuitable,'  but  his  health  must  have  ceased 
to  trouble  him.  He  resolved  to  retire  to  some 
country  place  in  France,  to  preserve  his  inde- 
pendence by  a  rigid  frugality,  and  to  devote 
himself  exclusively  to  intellectual  labour. 
He  went  to  France  about  the  middle  of  1734, 
passed  through  Paris,  and  was  at  Rheims  on 
12  Sept.  He  afterwards  moved  to  La  Fleche 
in  Anjou,  where  he  spent  two  out  of  his  three 
years'  stay  in  France.  At  La  Fleche  was  the 
Jesuits'  college  at  which  Descartes  was  edu- 
cated. One  of  the  Jesuits  was  expatiating 
upon  a  recent  miracle,  when  Hume  struck 
out  the  argument  upon  miracles  in  general, 
afterwards  expounded  in  one  of  his  best- 
known  essays.  In  that  essay  he  also  refers 
to  the  miracles  alleged  to  have  occurred  at 
the  tomb  of  the  Abb6  Paris  in  1732,  just 
before  his  journey.  The '  Story  of  La  Roche,' 
published  by  Henry  Mackenzie, '  The  Man  of 
Feeling,'  in  the  'Mirror'  for  1779,  is  an  ima- 
ginary incident  of  Hume's  career  at  this  time 
(  JOHN  HOME,  Works,  i.  22).  The  consolations 
of  religion  enjoyed  by  La  Roche  make  Hume 
regret  his  doubts.  Mackenzie  praises  the 
sceptic's  good  nature  and  simplicity,  though 

hinting  at  the  absence  of  some  higher  quali- 

In  1737  Hume  left  France  with  his 
*  Treatise  of  Human  Nature,'  written  chiefly 
at  La  Fleche.  He  stayed  for  some  time  in. 
London  to  superintend  the  publication.  JohiL 
Noone  agreed  to  give  the  author  50/.  and 
twelve  bound  copies  for  an  edition  of  one 
thousand  copies  of  the  first  two  volumes  of 
the  'Treatise'  (bk.  i.  'Of  the  Understanding' 
and  bk.  ii. '  Of  the  Passions ') .  These  volumes 
appeared  anonymously  in  January  1739. 
Hume  thought  that  a  country  retirement 
would  enable  him  to  await  with  greater  com- 
posure the  explosion  of  this  attempt  'to  pro- 
duce almost  a  total  alteration  of  philosophy,' 
and  soon  after  the  publication  he  returned 
to  Ninewells.  He  sent  a  copy  of  his  book 
to  Butler,  then  bishop  of  Bristol,  whose 
'Analogy '  had  appeared  in  1736,  and  who  had 
corresponded  with  his  friend  Henry  Home  of 
Kames.  Hume  obtained  from  Kames  an  in- 
troduction to  Butler,  and  had  called  upon, 
him  in  1738,  but  they  never  met  each  other 
(BURTON,  i.  64, 106).  "The  expected  explosion 
was  disappointing.  Hume  says  (1  June  1739) 
that  his  bookseller  speaks  of  the  success  of  his 
philosophy  as  'indifferent;'  and  in  his  auto- 
biography says  that  no  literary  attempt  was 
ever  more  unfortunate.  '  It  fell  deadborn  from 
the  press.'  A  review  appeared  in  the '  History 
of  the  Works  of  the  Learned '  for  November 
1739,  which  Hume  called '  somewhat  abusive ' 
(BURTON,  i.  116).  Though  generally  hostile,, 
it  concluded  by  saying  that  the  work  showed 
'a  soaring  genius,'  and  might  hereafter  be 
compared  to  the  crude  early  works  of  a 
Milton  or  a  Raphael.  An  improbable  story 
is  told, probably  by  Kenrick,  in  the  'London. 
Review '  (v.  200),  after  Hume's  death,  that 
Hume  was  so  infuriated  by  the  article  as  to 
demand  satisfaction  from  the  publisher  at  the 
sword's  point.  Hume  was  not  in  London  for 
some  years,  and  Kenrick  [q.  v.]  is  remembered 
chiefly  for  impudent  falsehoods.  It  is,  how- 
ever, clear  that  the  reception  of  the  book  was 
extremely  mortifying  to  its  youthful  author. 
He  continued  not  the  less  to  prepare  the 
last  part  dealing  with  morality.  "Wishing, 
he  says,  to '  have  some  check  upon  his  book- 
seller,' lie  sold  the  third  volume  to  Thomas- 
Longman,  by  whom  it  was  published  in. 
1740.  A  copy  was  sent  to  'Mr.  Smith,'  pos- 
sibly Adam  Smith,  then  a  young  student  at 

Hume  now  settled  at  Ninewells.  Two 
volumes  of '  Essays,  Moral  and  Political,'  ap- 
peared in  1741  and  1742.  'Most  of  these 
essays,'  he  says  in  his  preface  to  the  first  vo- 
lume, '  were  wrote  with  a  view  of  being  pub- 
lished as  weekly  papers,  and  were  intended 




comprehend  the  designs  both  of  the  "  Spec- 
tor  "  and  "  Craftsman." '  He  speaks  of  him- 
If  as  a  new  author.  They  reached  a  second 
st  lition  in  1742,  and  Hume  announces  to  a 
e<  lend  on  13  June  that  all  the  copies  in  Lon- 
fi  on  have  been  sold,  and  that '  Dr.  Butler  has 
d<  rerywhere  recommended  them.'  Their  *  fa- 
e'jourable  reception,'  he  says,  made  him  forget 
v/is  former  disappointment.  Hume,  however, 
humid  have  made  little  by  them,  and  was 
claturally  in  want  of  some  steady  income.  In 
ntugust  1744  he  was  hoping  for  the  chair  of 
Asthics  and  pneumatic  philosophy '  in  Edin- 
'  <lirgh  which  Sir  John  Pringle  was  expected 
b"p  vacate.  He  counted  upon  support  from 
tclrancis  Hutcheson  and  William  Leechman 
Ffr.  v.]  Hume  had  exchanged  some  respect- 
[dl  criticism  with  Hutcheson  during  the  pre- 
i'varation  of  the  third  volume  of  his  'Treatise,' 
p;jid  on  the  publication  of  Hutcheson's  '  Philo- 
aiophise  Moralis  Institutio.'  Leechman,  after- 
seards  professor  of  divinity  at  Glasgow,  had 
\\iibmitted  to  Hume  a  sermon  upon  prayer, 
svhich  he  w*as  preparing  for  a  second  edition. 
w([ume  had  suggested  some  literary  emenda- 
Ij.ons  which  commented  significantly  upon 
tij  weakness  in  the  argument.  Accusations 
atf  '  heresy,  deism,  scepticism,  atheism,  £c.' 
ojis  he  complains  in  a  letter,  4  Aug.  1744), 
(f;ad  been  started  against  him,  but '  bore  down 
h(y  the  authority  of  all  the  good  company  in 
brown.'  It  now  '  surprised  him  extremely '  to 
toar  that  the  accusation  was  supported  by 
hijie  authority  of  Hutcheson,  and  especially  of 
tljeechman,  whose  opposition  appeared  to  him 
Labsolutely  incredible.'  When  Pringle  re- 
'  igned  the  chair  in  March  1745,  it  was  de- 
stined by  Hutcheson,  and  conferred,  after 
caking  the  'minister's  avisamentum,'  upon 
t;yilliam  Cleghorn,  previously  Pringle's  assis- 

t^  Hume  had  been  looking  out,  in  default  of 
he  professorship,  for  a  position  as  travelling 
tlutor.  In  1745  he  was  induced  to  take  a 
t  tlace  in  the  family  of  the  Marquis  of  Annan- 
pjale.  The  marquis  was  on  the  verge  at  least 
d!f  insanity.  On  5  March  1748  an  inquest 
o!rom  the  court  of  chancery  in  England  de- 
fHared  him  to  have  been  a  lunatic  since 
c.2  Dec.  1744.  He  seems  to  have  been  exces- 
sively nervous,  shy,  and  excitable,  but  was 
occasionally  presentable,  and  wrote  epigrams 
md  a  novel.  He  applied  to  Hume  through 
i  friend  on  account  of  something  which 
charmed '  him  in  the  '  Essays '  (MuKEAT, 
Letters,  p.  73).  Hume  received  a  prelimi- 
nary present  of  100/.,  and  was  to  have  300/. 
a  year  during  residence.  He  took  up  his 
abode  with  the  marquis  at  Weldhall,  near 
St.  Albans,  Hertfordshire,  on  1  April  1745. 
The  establishment  was  under  the  manage- 

ment of  a  Captain  Vincent,  a  cousin  of  the 
marchioness,  whom  Hume  describes  at  firsf. 
as  a  <  mighty  honest,  friendly  man.'  Diffi- 
culties now  impossible  to  unravel  arose  in 
the  autumn.  Hume  thought  Weldhall  a 
bad  place  of  residence  for  the  marquis.  He 
afterwards  became  convinced  that  Vincent 
had  some  sinister  motives  connected  with 
the  management  of  the  large  property  belong- 
ing to  the  marquis,  and  expressed  his  opinions 
frankly  to  some  of  the  relations.  Vincent 
treated  Hume  with  disdain  as  a  mere  ser- 
vant. After  much  unpleasantness  Hume- 
was  dismissed  on  15  April  1746.  He  re- 
ceived the  300/.,  but  was  refused  the  sum  of 
75/.  for  the  quarter  just  begun,  though  it 
had  been  distinctly  stipulated  that  in  the 
event  of  his  leaving  during  a  quarter  he  was 
to  be  paid  for  the  whole.  Hume  observes  in 
his  autobiography  that  the  '  appointments ' 
made  a  considerable  accession  to  his  small 
fortune.  He  began  an  action,  *  by  Kames's 
direction,'  against  the  estate,  but  discon- 
tinued it  on  a  promise  that  the  trustees 
would  consider  his  claims.  In  1761  they 
were  accordingly  considered,  and  their  jus- 
tice apparently  admitted,  subject  to  a  tech- 
nical difficulty ;  but  the  final  settlement  is 
not  known  (ib.  p.  79). 

Before  returning  to  Edinburgh  Hume  ac- 
cepted an  offer  to  act  as  secretary  to  General 
St.  Clair  in  an  expedition  intended  to  operate 
against  Canada ;  which,  after  having  been  de- 
layed by  the  profound  ineptitude  of  the  go- 
vernment under  Newcastle,  was  sent  to  at- 
tack Port  L'Orient.  Hume  was  appointed 
judge- advocate  by  the  general.  There  was- 
some  talk  of  his  receiving  a  commission  in 
the  army  (BuKTON,  i.  209).  He  made  friends,, 
was  shocked  by  the  suicide  of  a  Major  Forbes, 
for  whom  he  expresses  much  affection,  and 
gained  some  knowledge  of  military  affairs. 
He  drew  up  an  account  of  the  expedition 
(printed  in  appendix  to  BTJKTON,  vol.  i.)  in 
answer  to  something  attributed  to  Voltaire. 
He  also  acquired  some  claims  to  half-pay  as 
judge-advocate,  which  he  did  not  give  up  till. 

After  returning  to  Ninewells,  Hume  again 
accompanied  St.  Clair  on  a  military  embassy 
to  Vienna  and  Turin.  Hume  had  to  appear 
in  a  uniform,  which,  according  to  Lord 
Charlemont,  made  him  look  like  a  '  grocer  of 
the  train-bands.'  He  reached  the  Hague 
3  March  1748,  and  travelled  by  the  Rhine 
and  the  Danube  to  Vienna,  afterwards  cross- 
ing the  Alps  to  Trent,  Mantua,  Milan,  and 
Turin,  which  he  reached  in  June.  A  short 
diary  to  his  brother  shows  that  he  was  chiefly 
interested  in  the  state  of  public  affairs.  He 
remarked  that  Germany  is  a  very  fine  country,. 




4  full  of  industrious,  honest  people,  and  were 
it  united  would  be  the  greatest  power  that 
ever  was  in  the  world.'  He  was  greatly  im- 
pressed with  the  beauties  of  the  Rhine,  though 
not  anticipating  the  ecstasies  of  '  Childe  Ha- 
rold.' These  two  expeditions  were,  he  says, 
almost  the  only  interruptions  which  his 
studies  had  received.  He  returned  with  in- 
creased experience,  and  '  master  of  near  a 
thousand  pounds.' 

His  mother  probably  died  (BUETON,  i.  191) 
during  his  last  journey.  In  1749  Hume  re- 
turned to  Ninewells.  The  essays  published  or 
written  about  this  period  completed  Hume's 
contributions  to  philosophy.  In  April  1748 
appeared  his  'Philosophical  Essays  concern- 
ing the  Human  Understanding,  by  the  Au- 
thor of  "  Essays,"  &c.'  This  gave  the  first 
part  of  an  intended  recast  of  the  unfortu- 
nate 'Treatise.'  It  included  also  the  'Essay 
upon  Miracles,'  which  (or  an  early  draft  of 
which)  he  had  thought  of  publishing  in  the 

*  Treatise,'  but   had  withheld  from  fear   of 
giving  offence.     The  '  Philosophical  Essays,' 
in  spite  of  this  challenge  to  the  orthodox,  at- 
tracted little  notice ;  and  Hume,  upon  return- 
ing from  Turin,  found  the  literary  world  en- 
tirely occupied  with  Conyers  Middleton's 

*  Free  Enquiry.'    His  books,  however,  were 
now  beginning  to  make  a  mark.     A  third 
edition  of  the  moral  and  political  essays  ap- 
peared in  the  following  November,  to  which 
Hume  for  the  first  time  added  his  name, 
thus  acknowledging  also  the  '  Philosophical 
Essays,'  which  reached  a  second  edition  in 
1751.     This  had  been  kept  back  by  his  pub- 
lisher, Millar,  for  some  time  '  on  account 
of  the  earthquakes,'  which   at  the  begin- 
ning of  the  year  had  caused  a  temporary  fit 
of  superstition.     Besides  these  Hume  pub- 
lished at  the  end  of  1751  his  '  Enquiry  con- 
cerning the  Principles  of  Morals/  correspond- 
ing to  the  third  volume  of  the  '  Treatise,'  and 
which  was,  in  his  own  opinion,  '  incompar- 
ably the  best  of  all  his  writings.'     It  came, 
however,  he  adds, '  unnoticed  and  unobserved 
into  the  world.'    It  was  followed  in  1752  by 
the  'Political  Discourses.'     This,  he  says, 
was  the  only  work  of  his  which  succeeded 
upon  its  first  publication.   It  attracted  notice 
abroad  as  well  as  at  home,  and  was  trans- 
lated into  French  by  E16azar  Mauvillon  in 
1753,  and  by  the  Abb6  Le  Blanc  in  1754. 
Le  Blanc's  translation  passed  through  several 
editions,  and  Hume  became  an  authority  in 
France,  where  the  rising  school  of  economists 
was   stimulated  by  his  clear  and  original 
expositions.      Adam  Smith  profited  by  his 
friend's  arguments,  to  which  he  may  possibly 
have  contributed  suggestions  (see  HALDANE, 
Adam  Smith,  p.  20).   Hume's  rising  reputa- 

tion was  now  established  in  a  wide  circle 
Besides  his  contributions  to  philosophi 
political,  and  economical  questions,  he  h 
also  written  some  remarkable  essays  upo 
theology.  His  '  Dialogues  concerning  Natu-} 
Reliion ' 

ral  Religion '  were  written  by  1751  x 

TON,  i.  331),  but  suppressed  at  the  time  by1, 
his  friend's  advice.  In  1757  he  published1 
'  Four  Dissertations,'  of  which  the  first  was1 
his  '  Natural  History  of  Religion.'  From  a; 
letter  to  Millar  previous  to  1755  (ib.  i.  421)) 
it  seems  that  he  had  kept  this  by  him  '  for 
some  years.'  He  mentions  in  the  same  letter! 
'  Some  Considerations  previous  to  Geometry 
and  Natural  Philosophy/  which  may  have 
been  a  recast  of  the  corresponding  part  of  the 
'  Treatise '  (bk.  i.  pt.  ii.),  but  were  suppressed, 
he  says,  on  account  of  some  defect  either  iii 
the  logic  or  the  perspicuity.  The  second 
dissertation, '  upon  the  Passions/  is  extracted 
from  the  '  Treatise.'  The  third  is  upori 
tragedy,  and  the  fourth,  upon  the  '  Standard 
of  Taste/  replaces  two  upon  '  Suicide  '  anq 
the  '  Immortality  of  the  Soul '  (written 
parently  between  1755  and  1757),  whic 
after  being  printed  as  parts  of  the  volume 
were  suppressed  for  the  time  (see  Hume': 
letter  to  Strahan,  HILL,  p.  230;  and  Grosi 
in  HUME'S  Works,  iii.  60-72).  The  book  wa 
dedicated  to  Home,  author  of  '  Douglas/  th 
dedication  being  at  first  suppressed  for  fea 
of  injuring  Home's  reputation  as  a  minister 
but  restored  (in  some  copies)  when  he  re- 
signed his  living.  The  book,  says  Hume, 
'  made  a  rather  obscure  entry/  except  thai 
Hurd  wrote  a  scurrilous  pamphlet  agains' 
it,  which  gave  him  some  consolation  for  itsj 
'  otherwise  indifferent  reception.'  The  pam- 
phlet, as  Hume  suspected  (BuEXOisr,  ii.  35)^ 
was  substantially  written  by  Warburton^ 
although  called  a  letter  to  Warburton,  and', 
ascribed  to  '  a  gentleman  of  Cambridge/  ini 
order  to  suggest  Hurd  as  the  author. 

Hume's  speculative  writings  (except  the's 
two  suppressed  essays  on  '  Suicide '  and  '  Im-|. 
mortality')  were  thus  all  written  by  1751.  ' 
Some  surprise  has  been  expressed  that  he 
should  have  now  abandoned  philosophy  forj^ 
history.     Sufficient  causes,  however,  may  be  ^ 
easily  suggested.     His  early  disappointment  n 
at  the  failure  of  the '  Treatise '  developed  into  5_ 
a  sort  of  aversion  to  his  unlucky  offspring.  ^ 
In  the  advertisement,  which  seems  to  have 
been  separately  published  before  his  death  vc 
(see  HILL,  p.  302),  to  a  posthumous  edition  of  T). 
his 'Essays'  (1777), he  complained  that  con-  L}&( 
troversialists  had  confined  their  attacks  to  Jo 
his  crude  early  treatise,  and  desires  that  in  ^ 
future  the  '  Essays '  '  may  alone  be  regarded 
as  containing  his  philosophical  sentiments  and 
principles.'    In  letters  written  in  later  life  he 




t<  egrets  his  great  mistake  in  attempting  so  vast 
tin  undertaking  at  five-and-twenty,  and  says 
sthat  he  has  not  patience  to  review  the  book 
e<BuKTON,  i.  98,  337).  Although  a  compara- 
fiively  small  part  of  the  book  is  'recast '  in 
dds  '  Essays,'  the  mention  of  the  'Considera- 
tions previous  to  Geometry/  &c.,  intended  for 
V;he  '  Four  Dissertations,'  shows  that  he  had 
htill  thoughts  of  carrying  on  the  task  in  1755. 
cChe  same  doctrines,  he  says  (ib.  i.  98),  may 
ntill  succeed  if  better  expressed.  His  remark- 
Able  essays  upon  theology  excited  the  remon- 
'  trances  of  his  friends.  Meanwhile,  he  had 
b<iicceeded  conspicuously  by  the  essays  upon 
tcolitical  and  economical  theories ;  and  a  scep- 
Fic  in  philosophy  may  naturally  turn  to  the 
[(rmer  ground  of  empirical  fact  (see  Mr.  Grose 
fu  HUME'S  Works,  iii.  75-7).  He  had  so  early 
p:s  1747,  upon  receiving  the  proposal  to  ac- 
aiampany  St.  Glair's  mission  to  Turin,  spoken 
s(f  certain  'historical  projects'  to  which  he 
^ould  devote  himself  if  he  had  leisure,  and 
si'hich  would,  he  thought,  be  facilitated  by 
whe  information  to  be  gained  from  the  pub- 
lic men  with  whom  he  would  be  associated. 
ti»ut  besides  this,  a  change  in  his  circum- 
atances  gave  opportunity  and  motive  for  a 
oew  direction  of  his  energies.  Hume  had 
(fved  with  his  brother  and  sister  till  1751,  when 
hhe  brother  married.  Hume  thereupon  re- 
bolved  to  set  up  house  with  his  sister,  and 
tcter  thinking  of  Berwick  they  decided  upon 
hildinburgh.  Hume  moved  '  from  the  coun- 
tly  to  the  town,  the  true  scene  for  a  man  of 
Liters.'  Hume  tells  a  friend  (BFKTON,  i. 
'  12)  that  he  has  '  50/.  a  year,  a  hundred 
sounds  worth  of  books,  great  store  of  linen 
clad  fine  clothes,  and  near  100/.  in  his  pocket.' 
t.'Iis  sister  added  30/.  a  year  and  '  an  equal 
^ove  of  order  and  frugality.'  They  settled  in 
tEiddell's  Land,  in  the  Lawnmarket,  near 
ae  West  Bow,'  and  in  1753  (ib.  i.  380), 
tli  l  Jack's  Land '  in  the  Canongate,  '  land ' 
t  leaning  one  of  the  lofty  compound  houses 
pi  Edinburgh.  During  the  following  winter 
d!751-2)  he  endeavoured  to  succeed  Adam 
olmith  in  the  chair  of  logic  at  Glasgow,  Smith 
f.aving  become  professor  of  moral  philosophy, 
ct  is  said,  though  the  evidence  is  only  tradi- 
1ional  (ib.  i.  351),  and  difficult  to  reconcile 
with  dates,  that  Burke,  then  a  young  law- 
student  of  about  twenty-three,  was  also  a 
candidate.  The  clergy  opposed  Hume  vio- 
lently, but  his  friends  would  have  succeeded 
if  the  Duke  of  Argyll  had  '  given  him  the 
least  countenance'  (ib.  i.  370).  Directly 
afterwards  (28  Jan.  1752)  he  was  appointed 
keeper  of  the  library  by  the  Faculty  of  Advo- 
cates, in  succession  to  Thomas  Ruddiman 
[q.  v.J  Although  attacked  for  his  free-think- 
ing, he  was,  he  says,  earnestly  supported  by 

|  the  ladies  (ib.  L  370).  The  salary  was  only 
40/.  a  year;  but  the  library,  though  then 
numbering  only  thirty  thousand  volumes,  was 
the  largest  in  Scotland,  and  contained  a  good 
collection  of  British  history.  Hume  was  thus 
enabled  to  devote  himself  to  his '  historic  pro- 
jects,' which  for  some  years  to  come  absorbed 
his  whole  energies.  He  told  Adam  Smith 
(24  Sept.  1752)  that  he  had  once  thought  of 
beginning  with  the  reign  of  Henry  VII,  but 
had  afterwards  decided  upon  the  reign  of 
James  I,  when  the  constitutional  struggle  still 
in  progress  had  clearly  manifested  itself.  He 
has  begun,  he  says, '  with  great  ardour  and 
pleasure.'  Burton  notes  that  his  correspond- 
ence becomes  scantier  during  the  composition 
of  his  history.  The  first  volume  (containing 
the  reigns  of  Charles  I  and  James  I)  was  pub- 
lished at  the  end  of  1754,  having  been  begun 
early  in  1752.  Its  reception  disappointed 
him ;  only  forty-five  copies  were  sold  in  twelve 
months.  (The  author  of  the  '  Supplement ' 
to  Hume's  life  ascribes  this  ill-success  to  a 
manoeuvre  of  his  publisher,  Millar.)  His 
only  encouragement  was  in  two  messages 
from  the  primates  of  England  and  Ireland, 
Herring  and  Stone,  who  told  him  not  to  be 
disappointed.  But  for  the  war,  he  declares,  he 
would  have  retired  to  France  permanently 
and  changed  his  name.  He  '  picked  up  cou- 
rage,' however,  and  the  second  volume,  from 
the  death  of  Charles  to  the  revolution  of 
1688, '  succeeded  better,  and  helped  to  buoy 
up  its  unfortunate  brother.'  According  to 
Mr.  Hill's  calculation,  he  received  400/.  for 
the  first  edition  of  the  first  volume,  700/.  for 
the  second,  and  eight  hundred  guineas  for 
the  copyright  of  the  two  (HiLL,  p.  15).  In 
1759  he  published  two  volumes  containing 
the  history  of  the  house  of  Tudor,  and  the 
last  two  in  1761  containing  the  period  from 
Julius  Caesar  to  Henry  VII.  Millar  bought 
the  copyright  of  the  last  two  volumes  for 
1,400/.  (BTJKTOBT,  ii.  61).  His  writings  had 
now  succeeded  so  w^ell  that  his '  copy-money ' 
exceeded  any  thing  previously  known  in  Eng- 
land. He  became  'not  only  independent  but 

Hume,  as  appears  sufficiently  from  the 
above  dates,  gave  himself  no  time  for  such 
research  as  would  now  be  thought  necessary. 
He  became  more  superficial  as  he  receded 
further  into  periods  with  which  he  had  little 
sympathy,  and  was  studying  merely  for  the 
nonce.  His  literary  ability,  however,  made 
the  book  incomparably  superior  to  the  diluted 
party  pamphlets  or  painful  compilations 
which  had  hitherto  passed  for  history ;  nor 
could  the  author  of  the '  Political  Discourses ' 
fail  to  give  proofs  of  sagacity  in  occasional 
reflections.  His  brief  remarks  upon  the  social 




and  economical  conditions  of  the  time  (see 
Appendix  to  James  I)  were  then  an  original 
addition  to  mere  political  history.  The  dig- 
nity and  clearness  of  the  style  are  admirable. 
The  book  thus  became,  as  it  long  continued 
to  be,  the  standard  history  of  England,  and 
has  hardly  been  equalled  in  literary  merit. 
Hume  speaks  of  the  offence  taken  by  the 
whigs  at  his  political  attitude,  and  in  later 
editions  he  made  alterations,  he  says,  '  in- 
variably to  the  tory  side.'  Such  heresy  struck 
whigs  as  something  monstrous  in  a  philo- 
sopher who  had  discussed  abstract  political 
principles  in  his  essays  with  calm  impartiality. 
Hume,  like  all  philosophers,  had  strong  pre- 
judices. His  strongest  feeling  was  love  of 
the  intellectual  culture  represented  for  him 
by  the  royalists,  and  hatred  of  the  super- 
stitious bigotry  of  which  the  puritans  had 
bequeathed  a  large  portion,  as  he  thought, 
to  the  contemporary  Scottish  vulgar.  His 
fervent  patriotism  was  intensified  by  the  aris- 
tocratic contempt  for  men  of  letters  ascribed 
to  the '  barbarians  on  the  banks  of  the  Thames ' 
(ib.  ii.  196),  and  by  the  English  abuse  of 
the  Scots  at  the  time  of  Bute's  ministry.  He 
despised  Wilkes,  and  even  Chatham,  as 
mouthpieces  of  a  brutal  mob,  and  returned 
the  English  abuse  in  kind.  He  held  that  the 
Americans  were  unconquerable,  and  wished 
that  government  would  crush  demagogues 
instead  of  trying  to  crush  the  colonists  (see 
passages  on  Hume's  dislike  of  the  English 
'  barbarians/  collected  in  HILL,  p.  57). 

Hume's  scepticism,  like  that  of  many  con- 
temporaries, was  purely  esoteric.  He  never 
expected  it  to  influence  practice,  either  in  poli- 
tical or  ecclesiastical  matters.  The  strangest 
illustration  is  in  his  letter  advising  a  young 
sceptic  to  take  anglican  orders,  because  '  it 
was  paying  too  great  a  respect  for  the  vulgar 
to  pique  oneself  on  sincerity  with  regard  to 
them,'  and  wishing  that  he  could  still  be  l  a 
hypocrite  in  this  particular  '  (BURTON,  ii. 
187, 188).  The  frankness  of  the  avowal  half 
redeems  his  cynicism.  No  one,  therefore,  was 
less  inclined  to  proselytise.  He  was  on  friendly 
terms  with  nearly  all  the  remarkable  circle 
of  eminent  writers  then  in  Edinburgh,  in- 
cluding many  of  the  clergy  and  '  Jupiter ' 
Carlyle.  Burton  states  that  the  letters  pre- 
served in  the  Royal  Society  confute  the  as- 
sertion that  any  of  them  expressed  sympathy 
with  Hume's  scepticism.  His  thorough  good 
nature,  as  well  as  his  indifference,  prevented 
him  from  obtruding  his  opinions  upon  any 
who  did  not  sympathise ;  while  no  man  was 
a  heartier  friend  or  more  warmly  appreciative 
of  merit — especially  in  Scotsmen.  He  was 
a  member  of  the  Poker  Club,  a  convivial 
meeting  of  the  Edinburgh  literary  circle 

(RITCHIE,  p.  83 ;  CARLYLE,  pp.  419-23),  se- 
cretary in  1752  to  the  Philosophical  Society 
(founded  in  1739),  afterwards  (1783)  super- 
seded by  the  Royal  Society,  and  a  member  of 
the  Select  Society,  founded  in  1754  to  en- 
courage pure  English  (RITCHIE,  pp.  83-101). 
He  was,  indeed,  regarded  with  some  sus- 
picion. In  1754  he  was  censured  by  the 
curators  of  the  library  for  buying  the '  Contes' 
of  La  Fontaine,  Bussy-Rabutin's  'Histoire 
Amoureuse  des  Gaules,'  and  Crebillon's 
1  L'Ecumoire,'  which  were  '  indecent '  and 
'unworthy  of  a  place  in  a  learned  library.' 
Burton  says  truly  that  the  resolution  was  ab- 
surd. The  books  are  now  in  every  library  of 
any  pretensions  to  be  '  learned.'  Hume  with- 
drew an  application  for  redress,  as  certain  not 
to  succeed  ;  and  decided  to  retain  the  office 
i  (which  he  resigned,  however,  in  1757),  while 
I  giving  a  bond  for  the  salary  to  Thomas  Black- 
lock,  the  blind  poet.  He  was  for  many 
years  an  energetic  friend  to  Blacklock,  al- 
though the  poet's  orthodox  friend,  Spence, 
carefully  sank  any  notice  of  Hume's  name 
in  his  appeals  for  patronage  [see  under  BLACK- 
LOCK,  THOMAS].  Hume  was  soon  afterwards 
attacked  by  George  Anderson,  who .  in  1753 
had  written  a  pamphlet  called  'An  Estimate 
of  the  Profit  and  Loss  of  Religion,'  directed 
against  Kames's  '  Essays  on  the  Principles  of 
Morality  and  Natural  Religion '  [see  HOME, 
HENRY,  LORD  KAMES].  Kames~  though  a 
personal  friend  of  Hume,  differed  from  Hume's 
theological  scepticism.  They  were,  however, 
joint  objects  of  attack  in  a  pamphlet  of  un- 
known authorship  published  in  1755,  'An 
Analysis  of  the  .  .  .  Sentiments  ...  of 
Sopho  [Kames]  and  David  Hume,'  addressed 
to  the  general  assembly.  Hugh  Blair  [q.  v.] 
wrote  in  Kames's  defence,  but  the  assembly  in, 
the  same  year  passed  a  resolution  denouncing 
the  'immorality  and  infidelity  .  .  .  openly 
avowed  in  several  books  published  of  late  in 
this  country.'  In  a  committee  of  the  assembly 
in  1756  it  was  proposed  to  transmit  to  the 
assembly  a  resolution  in  which  Hume  was 
named  as  the  avowed  author  of  attacks  upon 
Christianity,  natural  religion,  and  the  foun- 
dations of  morality, '  if  not  establishing  direct 
atheism,'  and  to  appoint  a  committee  to  in- 
quire into  his  writings.  This  was  rejected, 
however,  by  50  to  17  votes,  and  the  matter 
dropped  with  Anderson's  death,  19  Oct.  fol- 
lowing (RITCHIE,  pp.  40-80,  gives  the  fullest 
account  of  these  proceedings). 

During  the  execution  of  the  history  Millar 
proposed  that  Hume  should  translate  Plu- 
tarch, and  afterwards  suggested  that  he  should 
take  some  part  in  a  new  weekly  paper  (BtrR- 
TOIST,  i.  421).  Hume  declined  the  newspaper 
project,  which  would  have  involved  settling 




in  London  and  abandoning  his  history.  The 
history  finished,  Hume  was  pressed  by  Miller 
to  bring  it  down  to  more  recent  times.  Hume 
talked  of  this  for  some  years,  till  1772  (see 
passages  in  HILL,  p.  55) ;  but  thought  it 
*  not  amiss  to  be  idle  for1  a  little  time '  (BuR- 
TON,  ii.  131).  He  contradicted  a  report,  aris- 
ing, he  says,  from  some  half-serious  remark, 
that  he  was  contemplating  an  ecclesiastical 
history ;  serious  allusions,  however,  to  such 
a  scheme  are  made  by  Helvetius  and  d'Alem- 
bert (Letters  of  Eminent  Persons,  pp.  13, 183). 
He  sometimes  thought  of  removing  to  Lon- 
don to  obtain  materials  for  the  later  history; 
but  in  1762  he  moved  to  a  flat  in  James's 
Court  (probably  not,  as  Burton  says,  the  flat 
in  which  Boswell  received  Johnson ;  see  HILL, 
pp.  118, 119),  which  commanded  a  view  over 
the  ground  now  occupied  by  the  new  town, 
and  which,  as  Burton  observes,  must  have 
closely  resembled  Counsellor  Pleydell's  house 
as  described  in  '  Guy  Mannering!'  His  well- 
earned  idleness  continued  for  a  year  or  so ; 
and  in  March  1763  he  set  up  a  l  chaise,'  and 
arranged  everything  comfortably  with  a  view 
to  a  permanent  settlement  at  Edinburgh 
{BuRTOX,  ii.  182).  Soon  afterwards,  how- 
ever, he  received  an  invitation  to  accompany 
the  Earl  (created  in  1793  marquis)  of  Hert- 
ford, who  had  just  been  appointed  ambassa- 
dor at  Paris  after  the  peace  of  1763.  Hert- 
ford was  not  only  a  moral  but  reputed  to  be 
a  very  pious  man ;  and  Hume  remarked  that 
such  a  connection  would  make  him  f  clean 
and  white  as  the  driven  snow '  in  regard  to 
imputations  upon  his  orthodoxy,  besides  open- 
ing a  path  to  higher  appointments.  Hertford 
was  *  not  in  the  least  acquainted  with  him,' 
which  makes  the  proposal  more  remarkable 
•(see  ib.  ii.  281).  Walpole  says  (George III, 
i.  264)  that  many  Scots  '  had  much  weight 
with  Lord  and  Lady  Hertford/  and  Hume 
••says  to  Gilbert  Elliot  (27  March  1764),  '  the 
prime  minister  and  favourite  (Bute),  who 
was  inclined  to  be  a  Maecenas,  was  surrounded 
by  all  my  most  particular  friends,'  of  whom 
John  Home  was  one.  Mr.  (afterwards  Sir 
Charles)  Bunbury  had  been  appointed  secre- 
tary to  the  ambassador,  to  whom,  however, 
he  was  personally  disagreeable.  Bunbury 
was  therefore  told  to  stay  at  home,  while 
Hume  was  to  do  all  the  duties,  with  a  pro- 
spect of  succeeding  to  the  post  in  the  event 
of  Bunbury 's  resignation.  A  pension  of  200/. 
a  year  was  meanwhile  conferred  upon  him. 
It  seems  also  (BURTON,  ii.  161)  that  Hert- 
ford expected  Hume  to  be  useful  to  the 
studies  of  his  son,  Lord  Beauchamp.  After 
some  hesitation  in  taking  up  a  new  career, 
Hume  decided  to  accept  the  proposal. 

Hume  arrived  in  France  14  Oct.  1763.   He 

was  received  with  extraordinary  enthusiasm. 
Lord  Elibank  had  told  him  a  year  before 
(ib.  ii.  167)  that  no  living  author  had  ever 
enjoyed  such  a  reputation  as  he  now  pos- 
sessed in  Paris.  The  Comtesse  de  Boumers 
mistress  of  the  Prince  de  Conti,  had  already 
(in  1761)  entered  into  a  correspondence  with 
Hume,  which,  after  an  exchange  of  ecstatic 
admiration  and  rather  elaborate  compliments, 
led  to  genuine  and  confidential  friendship. 
Hume  was  also  on  friendly  terms  with  Ma- 
dame Geoffrin  and  with  Mile.  d'Espinasse,  and 
with  the  philosophers  who  frequented  their 
salons.  D'Alembert  was  his  closest  friend, 
and  next  to  d'Alembert,  Turgot.  Literary 
eminence  was  in  Paris  a  passport  to  society 
of  the  highest  rank,  and  Hume  tells  his  Scot- 
tish friends  how  he  had  been  at  once  re- 
ceived with  open  arms  by  duchesses  and 
members  of  the  royal  family.  When  he  first 
went  to  court  the  children  of  the  dauphin, 
the  future  Louis  XVI,  Louis  XVIII,  and 
Charles  X,  then  aged  from  nine  to  six,  had 
learnt  by  heart  polite  little  speeches  about 
his  works.  He  at  first  regretted  his  own  fire- 
side and  the  '  Poker  Club '  (a  '  roasting '  at 
which  might,  he  thought,  have  done  good  to 
the  dauphin),  but  was  reconciled  by  degrees 
to  this  social  incense,  and  expressed  his  plea- 
sure simply  and  honestly.  The  statement 
attributed  to  Burke  (PRIOR,  Life,  i.  98),  that 
he  came  back  a  'literary  coxcomb,'  is  not 
confirmed  by  his  letters  or  autobiography, 
where  he  speaks  sensibly  of  the  true  value  of 
the  fashionable  craze.  Grimm  and  Charle- 
mont  (HARDY,  p.  122)  speak  of  his  broad 
unmeaning  face  queerly  placed  among  the 
French  beauties  ;  and  Mme.  d'Epinay  tells 
of  his  absurd  appearance  in  a  tableau  vivant, 
where  he  was  placed  as  sultan  between  two 
slaves,  represented  by  the  prettiest  women  of 
Paris.  He  could  find  nothing  to  do  except 
to  smite  his  stomach  and  repeat  for  a  quarter 
of  an  hour,  '  Eh  bien,  mesdemoiselles,  eh 
bien,  vous  voila  done ! '  The  tea-parties  of 
Edinburgh  were  an  inadequate  preparation 
for  the  Parisian  salons.  In  spite  of  his  social 
clumsiness,  the  French  seem  to  have  recog- 
nised his  real  good-nature,  simplicity,  and 
shrewdness;  and  he  expresses  his  pleasure 
(BURTON,  ii.  197)  on  receiving  eulogies  rather 
for  these  qualities  than  for  his  literary  merits. 
He  was,  however,  sensitive  enough  to  the 
contrast  between  the  French  and  the  English 
appreciation  of  literature.  As  Walpole  re- 
marked to  him  with  covert  insolence  (11  Nov. 
1766),  '  You  know  in  England  we  read  their 
works,  but  seldom  or  never  take  notice  of 
authors.  We  think  them  sufficiently  paid  if 
their  books  sell,  and  of  course  leave  them  in 
their  colleges  and  obscurity,  by  which  means 




we  are  not  troubled  with  their  vanity  and 
impertinence.'  To  which  Hume  replied  that 
our  enemies  would  infer  from  this  that  Eng- 
land was '  fast  relapsing  into  barbarism,  igno- 
rance, and  superstition.' 

In  1765  Bunbury  was  appointed  secretary 
for  Ireland.  Hume  required  some  pressure 
from  his  friends  before  he  would  consent  to 
apply  for  a  favour  (BuRTOsr,  ii.  279),  but  he 
consented  to  make  interest,  and  was  sup- 
ported by  Hertford  {Private  Correspondence, 
p.  120).  Mme.  de  Boufflers  obtained  a  pro- 
mise from  the  Duke  of  Bedford,  but  he  had 
already  been  appointed  secretary  to  the  em- 
bassy in  June  with  1,200£.  a  year  and  allow- 
ances. On  the  formation  of  the  Rockingham 
administration  in  July,  Hertford  was  ap- 
pointed lord-lieutenant  in  Ireland.  He  left 
Paris,  and  till  the  arrival  of  his  successor, 
the  Duke  of  Richmond,  in  October,  Hume 
was  left  as  charg6  d'affaires.  Brougham,  who 
saw  the  correspondence  of  the  time,  says  that 
Hume  proved  himself  an  excellent  man  of 
business,  wrote  good  despatches,  obtained 
useful  information,  and  showed  firmness  and 

Hertford  proposed  at  first  to  make  him  his 
secretary  in  Ireland,  in  conjunct  ion  with  Lord 
Beauchamp.  His  salary  would  be  2,000/.  a 
year,  a  *  splendid  fortune '  as  Hume  calls  it 
(ib.  ii.  287).  The  prejudice  against  Scots,  how- 
ever, was  too  strong,  and  Hume  was  reluc- 
tant to  accept  a  troublesome  position.  Hert- 
ford obtained  for  him  a  pension  of  400/.  a 
year,  and  offered  to  make  him '  keeper  of  the 
black  rod,'  for  which  he  would  receive  900/. 
a  year,  less  3001.  to  be  paid  to  a  substitute 
who  would  perform  the  duties.  Hume  de- 
clined the  offer, '  not  as  unjust,  but  as  savour- 
ing of  rapacity  and  greediness '  (ib.  ii.  291). 

Hume  had  already  (in  1762)  received  from 
Mme.  de  Boufflers  and  from  the  Earl  Mari- 
schal  appeals  on  behalf  of  Rousseau,  then  in 
danger  of  arrest  in  France  on  account  of  the 
( Emile.'  Hume  warmly  promised  to  do  what 
he  could  towards  securing  an  asylum  and 
patronage  for  Rousseau  in  England.  Rous- 
seau, however,  retired  to  Metiers  Travers  and 
thence  to  the  island  of  St.  Pierre.  He  was 
now  again  seeking  refuge,  and  when  at  Strass- 
burg  on  his  way  to  Berlin,  received  a  fresh 
offer  of  help  from  Hume.  He  at  once  came 
to  Paris,  where  he  was  protected  by  the 
Prince  de  Conti.  Hume  was  moved  by  his 
misfortunes,  and  made  an  agreement  with  a 
French  gardener  at  Fulham  to  board  him, 
and  took  him  to  England.  They  reached 
London  13  Jan.  1766  (IIiu,,  p.  73).  Rous- 
seau, upon  landing,  covered  Hume's  face 
with  kisses  and  tears.  His  mistress,  Th£rese 
Le  Vasseur,  followed  under  the  escort  of 

Boswell.  Hume  took  great  pains  to  find  a 
suitable  asylum  for  the  refugee,  the  Fulham 
gardener  proving  unsuitable.  He  obtained 
through  Hertford's  brother,  Henry  Seymour 
Conway  [q.  v.],  now  secretary  of  state,  a  pen- 
sion of  10(k  a  year,  to  be  kept  a  secret  (Pri- 
vate Corr.  p.  129),  for  Rousseau  from  the  king, 
took  all  Rousseau's  affairs  into  his  hands,  and 
declared  (11  Feb.  1766)  that,  although  the 
philosophers  of  Paris  had  predicted  a  quarrel, 
he  thought  that  they  could  live  together  in 
peace  as  long  as  both  survived.  After  many 
inquiries  a  Mr.  Davenport  of  Davenport  in 
Derbyshire  agreed  to  let  a  house  atWootton 
in  the  Peak  to  Rousseau.  Rousseau  and  his 
mistress  took  up  their  abode  there  in  the 
middle  of  March,  and  on  the  22nd  wrote  a 
letter  of  overflowing  gratitude  to  Hume,  fol- 
lowed by  another,  still  affectionate,  on  the 
29th.  Immediately  afterwards  (31  March) 
he  wrote  to  his  friend  DTvernois,  expressing 
strange  suspicions  of  Hume,  repeated  with 
amplifications  in  later  letters.  On  12  May 
he  wrote  to  Conway,  making  difficulties  about 
the  pension.  Hume  and  Conway  understood 
him  to  mean  that  he  would  not  take  it  un- 
less the  restriction  of  secrecy  should  be  re- 
moved. Hume  on  16  June  wrote  to  Rous- 
seau saying  that  the  pension  should  be  still 
given  if  Rousseau  would  express  his  willing- 
ness to  accept  it  upon  those  terms.  Rousseau, 
however,  on  23  June,  wrote  a  fierce  letter  to 
Hume,  saying  that  his  atrocious  designs  were 
now  manifest,  and  declaring  that  their  cor- 
respondence must  cease.  Hume  (on  28  June) 
indignantly  demanded  an  explanation.  On 
10  July  Rousseau  replied  in  a  long  letter, 
detailing  the  grievances  already  described  ta 
other  correspondents.  The  most  tangible! 
grievance  was  a  letter  written  by  Horace 
Walpole,  in  the  name  of  the  king  of  Prussia, 
offering  Rousseau  an  asylum  and  ridiculing 
his  supposed  desire  for  persecution.  Walpole 
(see  letter  to  Hume  23  July  1766)  had  writ- 
ten this  letter  while  Rousseau  was  in  Paris, 
but  suppressed  it  for  the  time  out  of  delicacy 
to  Hume  as  Rousseau's  protector.  It  wat 
handed  about  in  Paris  and  ultimately  got! 
into  the  English  press.  Hume  had  told  Rous-j 
seau  of  its  existence  by  18  Jan.  (Rousseau  to* 
Mme.  de  Boufflers,  18  Jan.  1766).  Rousseau\ 
decided  that  it  was  written  by  d'Alembert,  \ 
and  was  now  convinced  that  Hume  was  an  j 
accomplice.  Moreover,  the  papers  which  had  1 
first  welcomed  Rousseau  to  England  had  now  \ 
begun  to  circulate  stories  in  ridicule  of  him  1\ 
— which  the  recluse  seems  to  have  read  care-  | ' 
fully — and  Hume,  a  popular  author,  was  na- 
turally at  the  bottom  of  every  newspaper  con- 
spiracy. Rousseau  further  suspected  Hume  of 
tampering  with  his  letters.  Even  the  pro- 




curing  of  the  pension  was  part  of  a  diabolical 
scheme  against  his  honour.  On  the  day  after 
leaving  Paris  Eousseau  heard  Hume  mutter 
in  his  sleep,  '  with  extreme  vehemence/  *  Je 
tiens  J.  J.  Rousseau.'  Just  before  the  jour- 
ney to  Wootton  some  suspicion  occurred  to 
Rousseau  about  a  letter,  or,  as  Hume  thought, 
about  a  small  manoeuvre  of  Davenport's  in- 
tended to  save  his  pocket  (BUETON,  ii.  314). 
Rousseau  became  moody.  He  saw  Hume's 
eyes  fixed  upon  him  with  an  expression  that 
made  him  tremble.  He  would  have  suffo- 
cated but  for  an  effusion  of  feeling.  Bursting 
into  tears  he  embraced  Hume,  tenderly  de- 
claring that  if  Hume  were  not  the  best  he 
must  have  been  the  blackest  of  men.  Hume 
patted  him  on  the  back,  according  to  his  own 
account  (ib.\  returning  the  tears  and  em- 
braces, and,  according  to  Rousseau,  only  say- 
ing '  Quoi  done,  mon  cher  monsieur ! ' 

The  absurdity  of  the  whole  story — memor- 
able only  on  account  of  the  actors — shows 
sufficiently  that  Rousseau  was  under  an  illu- 
sion characteristic  of  partial  sanity.  Voltaire, 
d'Alembert,  and  Hume  were,  he  thought,  in 
a  conspiracy  against  him,  the  purpose  of  which 
he  never  sought  to  explain.  Hume  was  en- 
raged, called  Rousseau  an '  atrocious  villain,' 
then  doubted  whether  he  were  an  'arrant 
villain  or  an  arrant  madman,'  and  thought 
that  he  would  be  forced  to  publish  an  account. 
He  then  decided  (Private  Corr.  pp.  182-207) 
to  write  an  account  to  be  published  only  in 
the  event  of  an  attack  upon  him  by  Rousseau. 
He  wrote,  however,  indiscreetly  to  Holbach 
and  other  friends  at  Paris.  Adam  Smith, 
Mme.  de  Boufflers,  and  Turgot,  all  exhorted 
him  at  first  to  the  more  magnanimous  course 
of  silence.  At  last  a  kind  of  meeting  was 
held  by  his  French  friends,  including  d'Alem- 
bert and  Turgot,  who  decided  (with  Adam 
Smith's  consent)  that  a  narrative,  without 
needless  bitterness,  should  be  made  public. 
Thus  urged  Hume  consented.  The  narrative 
was  printed  at  the  end  of  the  year  in  a  French 
version  by  Suard,  and  an  English  soon  after- 
wards by  Hume.  Hume  proposed  to  deposit 
the  letters  in  the  British  Museum  ;  the  trus- 
tees declined,  and  they  now  belong  to  the 
Royal  Society  at  Edinburgh.  Walpole  also 
published  a  narrative,  and  many  pamphlets 
appeared.  Hume  had  the  excuse  that  it  is  un- 
pleasant to  be  attacked  by  a  popular  man  of 
genius,  even  if  insane,  and  he  knew  that 
Rousseau  was  writing  his  l  Confessions.'  He 
had  undoubtedly  acted  throughout  with  his 
usual  strenuous  good  nature  till  the  quarrel 
upset  his  temper.  When,  in  the  spring  of 
1767,  Rousseau  applied  for  his  pension,  Hume 
obtained  an  order  for  the  payment,  and  when 
Rousseau  finally  returned  to  France  in  May, 

exerted  himself  to  obtain  protection  for  the 
fugitive  through  Turgot  and  others.  Rous- 
seau afterwards  attributed  his  own  conduct 
to  the  foggy  climate  of  England. 

In  1766  Hume  returned  to  Edinburgh,  but 
early  in  1767  accepted  an  offer  from  Conway 
to  become  under-secretary.  He  held  the  ap- 
pointment till  20  Jan.  1768,  when  Conway 
was  succeeded  by  Lord  Weymouth,  and 
afterwards  stayed  on  in  London,  where  he- 
amused  himself  by  correcting  his  history.  He 
finally  returned  to  Edinburgh  about  August 
1769  (BURTON,  ii.  431),  having  resisted  many 
entreaties  to  settle  in  Paris.  He  was  now 
'very  opulent'  (he  had  1,OOOJ.  a  year), 
'  healthy,  and,  though  somewhat  stricken  in 
years,  with  the  prospect  of  enjoying  long  my 
ease  and  of  seeing  the  increase  of  my  reputa- 
tion.' The  king  increased  his  pension,  ex- 
pressing a  desire  that  he  would  continue  his 
history,  and  offering  to  provide  materials  and 
allow  the  inspection  of  records  (Private  Corr. 
pp.  250,  261),  but  Hume  never  proceeded 
further.  He  was  living  among  his  old  friends, 
attended  the  Poker  Club,  and  was  popular  in 
the  society  for  his  playfulness  and  simplicity. 
He  talked  good  English  in  broad  Scottish 
accent.  Some  trifling  anecdotes  are  preserved 
of  his  good  nature  to  women  and  children, 
and  of  humorous  allusions  to  his  opinions. 
He  had  grown  very  fat,  and  was  once  rescued 
by  an  old  woman  from  a  bog  into  which  he 
had  fallen  on  condition  of  repeating  the  Creed 
and  the  Lord's  Prayer.  He  built  a  house  for 
himself  in  the  new  town  in  the  street  after- 
wards called  St.  David's  Street,  leading  out 
of  St.  Andrew's  Square.  He  settled  there  in 
1772  (HiLL,  p.  251).  His  sister  still  kept 
house  for  him,  and  he  took  a  keen  interest  in 
the  education  of  his  brother's  children. 

In  the  spring  of  1775  appeared  symptoms 
of  the  disease — '  a  disorder  in  the  bowels ' — 
of  which  his  mother  died.  Dr.  Norman 
Moore  thinks  that  it  was  a  cancerous  growth 
in  the  liver  (ib.  p.  322).  It  gradually  be- 
came worse,  and  in  his  autobiography,  dated 
18  April  1776,  he  says  that  he  expects  '  a 
speedy  dissolution.'  He  had  suffered  little 
pain,  his  spirits  and  love  of  study  were 
unaffected,  and  though  his  reputation  gave 
signs  of '  breaking  out  at  last  with  additional 
lustre,'  he  did  not  regret  the  loss  of  a  {  few 
years  of  infirmities.'  'It  is  difficult/  he 
adds,  '  to  be  more  detached  from  life  than 
I  am  at  present.'  Directly  after  this  he  was 
persuaded  to  make  a  journey  to  London  and 
Bath,  in  which  he  was  accompanied  by  John 
Home,  who  kept  an  interesting  diary,  first 
published  in  H.  Mackenzie's  l  Life  of  John 
Home.'  He  returned  to  Scotland,  after  some 
apparent  improvement  had  disappeared,  in 




.July,  and  rapidly  became  weaker,  tliough  re- 
taining his  cheerfulness  to  the  last.  He  died 
with  great  composure  on  25  Aug.  1776,  and 
was  buried  in  the  cemetery  on  Calton  Hill. 

According  to  the  anonymous  author  of  '  A 
Supplement  to  the  Life  of  David  Hume,'  a 
hostile  crowd  gathered  at  the  funeral,  and 
the  grave  had  to  be  watched  for  eight  nights. 
Hume's  autobiography,  with  a  letter  from 
Adam  Smith  upon  his  last  illness,  was  pub- 
lished in  1777.  It  gave  great  offence  by 
•dwelling  upon  Hume's  perfect  calmness  in 
meeting  death.  The  facts,  indeed,  are  esta- 
blished beyond  all  doubt  by  the  testimony  of 
Smith,  John  Home,  his  physicians,  Dr. 
Black  and  Cullen.  Bishop  (George)  Home 
•[q.  v.]  wrote  an  insolent  letter  to  Adam 
Smith,  by  t  one  of  the  people  called  Chris- 
tians/ and  attempts  were  made  to  throw 
doubts  upon  the  calmness  of  his  last  days. 
The  most  authentic,  according  to  Dr.  McCosh 
{Hist,  of  Scottish  Philosophy},  was  a  story 
told  by  an  anonymous,  but  apparently  re- 
spectable, old  woman  in  a  stage-coach,  who 
said  that  she  had  been  Hume's  nurse,  and 
that  he  had  been  much  depressed,  although 
he  had  tried  to  be  cheerful  to  his  friends  and 
to  her  (Lives  of  R.  and  J.  A.  Haldane,  1855, 
p.  560).  It  is  not,  indeed,  impossible  that  a 
man  dying  of  cancer  may  have  been  some- 
times out  of  spirits ;  but  perhaps  it  is  more 
likely  that  the  old  lady  lied. 

Hume  had  made  a  will  on  4  Jan.  1776, 
leaving  most  of  his  property  to  his  brother, 
or,  in  the  event  of  his  brother's  previous 
death,  to  his  nephew  David,  1,200/.  to  his 
sister,  and  a  few  legacies,  including  200/. 
apiece  to  d'Alembert  and  Adam  Ferguson. 
He  also  left  100Z.  to  rebuild  a  bridge  near 
Ninewells,  with  a  condition  guarding  against 
injury  to  a  romantic  old  quarry,  which  he 
had  formerly  admired.  He  left  some  wine 
to  John  Home  under  a  facetious  condition, 
with  a  final  expression  of  affection.  He 
made  Adam  Smith  his  literary  executor,  with 
~200/.  for  his  trouble.  Smith  was  to  have 
full  power  over  all  his  writings  except  the 
*  Dialogues  on  Natural  Keligion,'  which  he 
ordered  to  be  published.  As  Smith  made 
some  difficulties,  he  afterwards  (7  Aug.)  left 
the  dialogues  to  Strahan,  desiring  that  they 
should  be  published  within  two  years  of  his 
death.  Finally,  if  not  published  by  Strahan, 
they  were  to  revert  to  his  nephew  David, 
-whom  he  desired  to  publish  them.  As 
Strahan  finally  declined,  they  were  published 
by  the  nephew  in  1779  (see  correspondence 
in  HILL,  pp.  351-64). 

Adam  Smith,  in  his  letter  upon  Hume's 
last  illness,  declared  that  his  friend  '  ap- 
proached '  as  nearly  to  the  '  character  of  a 

perfectly  wise  and  virtuous  man  as  perhaps 
the  nature  of  human  frailty  would  permit.' 
Blair  endorses  this  rather  bold  assertion 
(HiLL,  p.  xl).  He  was  certainly  not  with- 
out a  share  of  frailty.  His  devotion  to  lite*- 
rary  excellence  was  clearly  alloyed  by  ex- 
cessive desire  for  recognition.  His  disap- 
pointments, as  he  says,  truly  never  '  soured ' 
him  ;  but  they  probably  led  him  to  confine « 
his  revision  to  those  portions  of  his '  Treatise ' 
which  could  be  made  effective.  In  fact, 
the  fragment  actually  revised  succeeded  in 
rousing  the  attention  of  Kant,  as  of  inferior 
writers,  and  so  far  justified  the  manoeuvre. 
(That  Kant  had  never  read  the  '  Treatise ' 
seems  to  be  clear  from  the  reference  to  Hume 
in  the  introduction  to  the  '  Kritik  der  reinen 
Vernunft,'  §  6,  where  he  assumes  that  Hume 
had  not  considered  the  a  priori  synthesis 
implied  in  pure  mathematics.)  If  he  wrote 
for  fame,  he  never  wrote  for  the  moment. 
His  works  were  the  products  of  conscientious 
labour,  and  were  most  carefully  revised.  He 
was  never  tired  of  correcting  his  essays  and 
history,  excising  *  Scotticisms '  and  whig 
sentiments,  and  polishing  his  style  (see  list 
of  corrections  of  the  history  in  RITCHIE,  pp. 
350-68).  A  list  of  <  Scotticisms '  prepared 
by  Hume  was  added  to  some  copies  of  the 
'Political  Discourses,'  and  perhaps  issued 
separately  (Notes  and  Queries,  3rd  ser.  iv. 
225,  272).  In  his  personal  relations  he  was 
a  warm  and  constant  friend.  His  official 
superiors,  Hertford  and  Conway,  became  as 
warmly  attached  to  him  as  his  large  circle 
of  Scottish  intimates.  Blair,  Sir  Gilbert 
Elliot,  Adam  Ferguson,  Kames,  John  Home, 
Robertson,  Adam  Smith,  and  others  less 
known  remained  his  firm  friends  through 
life.  All  who  have  mentioned  him  speak 
warmly  of  his  amiability.  He  was  energetic 
in  such  literary  and  other  services  as  he 
could  render  to  his  friends.  He  would  have 
provided  for  Rousseau  had  Rousseau  been 
pro vid  able  for.  He  was  enthusiastic  to  ex- 
cess when  his  friends  wrote  books ;  no  jea- 
lousy disturbed  his  eager  admiration  of  Ro- 
bertson, Adam  Smith,  or  Gibbon  ;  he  praised 
the  history  of  Robert  Henry  [q.  v.]  when 
Gilbert  Stuart  wished  to  'annihilate'  it 
(BuKTON,  ii.  470);  he  believed  that  John 
Home  combined  the  excellences  of  Shake- 
speare and  Racine ;  he  believed  even  in 
Wilkie's  '  Epigoniad  ; '  he  helped  Blacklock 
even  when  Blacklock  had  shrunk  from  him ; 
and  endeavoured  to  serve  Smollett,  who  in 
his  gratitude  called  him  '  one  of  the  best 
men,  and  undoubtedly  the  best  writer,  of  the 
age.'  He  took  the  criticisms  of  Reid  and 
George  Campbell  with  a  friendliness  which 
produced  their  respectful  acknowledgments. 




Esq.,  corrected  with  additions,'  Edinburgh, 
1  vol.  8vo,  1748,  when  three  additional 
essays,  completing  the  former,  were  also  pub- 
lished separately.  3.  '  Philosophical  Essays 

concerning  Human  Understandi 


He  is  said  (see  MOKLEY,  Rousseau,  ii.  284)  to  vol.  iii.  1740  ;  republished  in  1817  and  at 
have  corrected  the  proofs  of  the  remarkable  ' 
essay  in  which  Robert  Wallace  anticipated 
Malthus,  and  replied  to  Hume's  '  Populous- 
ness  of  Ancient  Nations.'  He  certainly  paid 
a  graceful  compliment  in  later  editions  to  his 
assailant.  He  induced  Millar  to  publish 
Skelton's  '  Deism  Revealed,'  directed  against 
himself.  'I  had  fixed  a  resolution,'  he 
says,  '  which  I  inflexibly  maintained,  never 
to  reply  to  anybody ;  and  not  being  very 
irascible  in  my  temper,  I  have  easily  kept 
myself  clear  of  all  literary  squabbles.'  He 
showed  irascibility,  indeed,  on  occasion  (see 
e.g.  his  quarrel  with  Lord  Elibank,  BURTON, 
ii,  252-60),  but  had  sufficient  self-control  to 
keep  it  in  order.  He  concludes  his  autobio- 
graphy by  saying  that  his  friends  had  never 
been  obliged  to  vindicate  his  character  or 
conduct.  Considering  the  antipathy  aroused 
by  his  opinions,  it  must  be  admitted  that  few 
men  of  comparable  literary  rank  have  been 
less  seriously  blamed. 

It  is  needless  to  give  any  exposition  of 
Hume's  philosophy,  which  'is  discussed  in 
every  history  of  metaphysics.  Following 

ing,  by 

author  of  "  Essays,  Moral  and  Political," ' 
London,  1748,  1  vol.  8vo  (now  very  rare) ; 
2nd  edit.,  with  corrections  and  additions  by 
Mr.  Hume,  author  of  '  Essays,  Moral  and 
Political,'  London,  1751.  An  edition  dated 
1750,  described  in  l  Notes  and  Queries,'  6th 
ser.  xii.  90,  is  apparently  an  early  form  of 
the  1751  edition.  4.  '  An  Enquiry  concern- 
ing the  Principles  of  Morals,  by  David 
Hume,  Esq.,'  London,  1751.  5.  'Political 
Discourses,  by  David  Hume,  Esq.,'  Edinburgh 
(two  editions),  1752.  6. '  Four  Dissertations,' 
London,  1757  (see  above  for  contents.  A  copy 
in  the  Advocates'  Library  at  Edinburgh, 
with  a  title-page  supposed  to  be  in  Hume's 

v-^ 0    handwriting,  shows  that  it  originally  con- 
Locke  and  Berkeley,  he  endeavoured  to  in-  I  tained  the  two  essays  on  '  Suicide  '  and  the 
troduce  the  '  experimental  method  of  reason- 
ing  into  moral  subjects,'  and  in  the  attempt 

'  Immortality  of  the  Soul/  the  first  of  which 
has  been  cut  out.     See,  for  full  details,  Mr. 

to  reduce  all  reasoning  to  a  product  of  '  ex-  j  Grose's  '  History  of  the  Editions  '  in  Hume's 
perience '  omitted,  according  to  his  critics,  '  Philosophical  Works,'  iii.  62-72).  7.  t  Two 
the  intellectual  element  presupposed  in  ex-  ',  Essays,'  London,  1777,  which  were  reprinted 
nai.i'anna  OT,/I  +v,1ic,  Wrtn«v,«^  «  4-i,~,.^,™T,,v.~;~™  in  t  Essays  on  Suicide  and  the  Immortality 

of  the  Soul,  ascribed  to  David  Hume,  Esq. 
Never  before  published.  With  Remarks,  in- 
tended as  an  Antidote  to  the  Poison  contained 
in  these  Performances,  by  the  Editor.  To 
which  is  added  Two  Letters  on  Suicide,  from 
Rousseau's  "  Eloisa," '  London,  1783.  8. '  Dia- 
logues concerning  Natural  Religion,  by  David 
Hume,  Esq.,'  1779. 

In  1753-4  appeared  '  Essays  and  Treatises 
on  Several  Subjects,'  in  4  vols.  8vo,  London 
and  Edinburgh,  including  the  previously 
published  works  except  the  '  Treatise.'  In  a 
second  edition,  in  1758,  the  '  Four  Disserta- 
tions '  were  introduced,  and  the  '  Philosophi- 
cal Essays  concerning  Human  Understand- 
ing '  were  now  called l  An  Enquiry  concern- 
ing Human  Understanding.'  Other  editions 
followed  in  1760  (4  vols.  12mo),  1764  (2  vols. 
8vo),  1768  (2  vols.  4to),  with  portrait  by 
Donaldson,  1?70  (4  vols.  8vo),  carefully  re- 
vised; an  edition  of  1772  is  mentioned  in 
Hume's  'Letters,'  by  G.  B.  Hill,  p.  252,  and 
in  1777  the  posthumous  edition  in  2  vols. 
8vo.  Many  editions  have  appeared  since. 
For  various  additions,  omissions,  and  rear- 
rangements, see  Mr.  Grose's  '  History  of  Edi- 
tions,' pp.  42-5,  72,  73,  &c.  His  '  Philoso- 
phical Works  '  were  published  at  Edinburgh 

perience,  and  thus  reached  a  thoroughgoing 
scepticism.  The  elaborate  essay  by  Thomas 
Hill  Green  [q.  v.] ,  prefixed  to  the  *  Works,'  sets 
forth  this  criticism  in  minute  detail,  justified 
in  his  opinion  by  the  fact  that  Hume's  expo- 
sition of  empiricism  still  remained  the  fullest 
statement  of  the  doctrine.  The  philosophies 
of  Kant,  of  Reid,  and  of  the  English  empiricist 
spring  in  great  part  from  Hume  either  by 
way  of  reaction  or  continuation.  Hume  also 
produced  a  great  effect  by  his  writings  on 
political  economy,  which  influenced  Adam 
Smith  ;  by  his  writings  on  ethics,  which 
influenced  Bentham,  who  says  ( Works,  i. 
268  ri)  'that  the  scales  first  fell  from  his 
eyes  on  reading  the  third  part  of  the  Treatise ; ' 
and  by  his  writings  on  theology,  in  which 
may  be  found  much  that  was  adopted  by 
Comte.  The  argument  against  miracles  is 
still  often  discussed,  but  his  wider  specula- 
tions on  theology  are  equally  noticeable. 
He  may  be  regarded  as  the  acutest  thinker 
in  Great  Britain  of  the  eighteenth  century, 
and  the  most  qualified  interpreter  of  its  in- 
tellectual tendencies. 

Hume's  writings  are:  1.  'A  Treatise  of 
Human  Nature  ;  being  an  Attempt  to  intro- 
duce the  Experimental  Method  of  Reasoning 
into  Moral  Subjects,'  vols.  i.  and  ii.  in  1739, 





in  1826.  The  best  edition  is  that  in  4  vols. 
8vo,  edited  by  T.  II.  Green  and  Mr.  T.  H. 
Grose  in  1874-5. 

The  '  History  of  England/  after  its  first 
publication  as  above,  appeared  in  2  vols.  4to 
in  1762,  in  8  vols.  8vo  in  1763,  8  vols,  4to 
1770  (an  edition  to  which  portraits  were 
added),  8  vols.  8vo  1773,  8  vols.  8vo  1778 
(with  autobiography  and  author's  last  correc- 
tions), and  frequently  since,  with  continua- 
tions by  Smollett  and  others.  A  continua- 
tion by  Thomas  Smart  Hughes  [q.  v.]  was 
published  in  1834-5,  and  was  twice  reissued. 
An  abbreviated  version,  called l  The  Student's 
Hume,'  was  edited  by  Dr.  William  Smith  in 
1870,  and  again  in  1878  by  John  Sherren 
Brewer  [q.  v.] 

[Life  of  David  Hume,  written  by  himself  • 
(with  Adam  Smith's  letter  upon  his  last  illness), 
1777,  prefixed  to  later  editions  of  the  History, 
and  often  reprinted ;  Supplement  to  the  Life  of 
David  Hume,  1777 ;  Curious  Particulars  and 
G-enuine  Anecdotes  respecting  the  late  Lord 
Chesterfield  and  David  Hume,  ...  by  a  friend 
to- Civil  and  Religious  Liberty,  1788  (includes  a 
reprint  of  this,  and  partly  follows  an  '  Apology 
for  the  Life  and  Writings  of  David  Hume,'  1777, 
in  answer  to  Home's  letter  to  Adam  Smith)  ; 
Account  of  the  Life  and  Writings  of  David 
Hume,  by  Thomas  Edward  Ritchie,  London, 
1807  ;  Life  and  Correspondence  of  David  Hume, 
from  the  papers  bequeathed  by  his  nephew  to 
the  Royal  Society  of  Edinburgh,  and  other  ori- 
ginal sources,  by  John  Hill  Burton,  advocate, 
2  vols.  8vo,  Edinburgh,  1846  (the  standard  life) ; 
Private  Correspondence  of  David  Hume . . .  1761- 
1776,  I  vol.  4to,  Edinburgh,  1820  ;  Letters  of 
David  Hume  .  .  .  1742-1761,  edited  by  Thomas 
Murray,  LL.D.,  1841  (refers  to  the  Annandale 
affair) ;  Letters  of  Eminent  Persons  addressed 
to  David  Hume,  by  J.  H.  Burton  from  the  Royal 
Society  papers,  1  vol.  8vo,  1849;  Letters  of 
David  Hume  to  William  Strahan,  ...  by  G. 
Birkbeck  Hill,  1  vol.  8vo,  1888;  Expose  succinct 
de  la  Contestation  qui  est  elevee  entreM.  Hume  et 
M.  Rousseau,  avec  les  Pieces  iustificatives,  Paris, 
1766,  reprinted  in  Appendix  to  Ritchie's  life 
from  the  fourteenth  volume  of  Rousseau's  Works, 
Geneva,  1782,  translated  as  'A  Concise  and 
Genuine  Account  of  the  Dispute  between  Mr. 
Hume  and  M.  Rousseau,'  1766  (reprinted  in 
Hume's  Philosophical  Works,  Edinburgh,  1826, 
i.  pp.  xxxv-cxxi).  Notices  of  Hume  (with  let-  ' 
ters  chieflv  reprinted  bv  Burton)  are  in  A.  Car- 
lyle's  Autobiography,  1860,  pp.  272-9;  Hardy's 
Life  of  Charlemont,  1812,  i.  13-19,  230-7;  D.  ! 
Stewart's  Life  of  Robertson  (in  Stewart's  Works, 
1858,  vol.  x.)  ;  A.  F.  Ty tier's  Life  of  Kames, 
1808,  i.  104-5,  123-9;  H.  Mackenzie's  Life  of  j 
Home  (prefixed  to  Home's  Works,  1822),  i.  20- 
22;  Mme.  d'Epinay's  Memoirs,  1818,  iii.  284; 
Grimm's  Correspondence,  1877,  &c.  vi.  468,  vii. 
139-40,  162,  204_f>;  Professor  Huxley's  Hume  I 
in  Morley's  Men  of  Letters  Series ;  Professor  ' 

Knight's  Hume   in   Blackwood's   Philosophical 
Classics,  1886.]  L.  S. 

HUME,  DAVID  (1757-1838),  judge, 
second  surviving  son  of  John  Hume  of  Nine- 
wells,  Berwickshire,  by  Agnes,  daughter  of 
.Robert  Carre  of  Cavers,  Roxburghshire,  and 
nephew  to  David  Hume  the  philosopher  [q.  v.], 
was  born  27  Feb.  1757.  He  was  admitted  advo- 
cate in  1779,  in  1784  was  appointed  sheriff  of 
Berwickshire  and  afterwards  of  WestLothian, 
and  in!786  became  professor  of  Scots  law  in  the 
university  of  Edinburgh.  Sir  Walter  Scott, 
who  attended  his  classes,  describes  him  as 
*  neither  wandering  into  fanciful  and  abstruse 
disquisitions,  which  are  the  more  proper  sub- 
ject of  the  antiquary,  nor  satisfied  with  pre- 
senting to  his  pupils  a  dry  and  undigested 
detail  of  the  laws  in  their  present  state,  but 
combining  the  past  state  of  our  legal  enact- 
ments with  the  present,  and  tracing  clearly 
and  judiciously  the  changes  which  took  place 
and  the  causes  which  led  to  them.'  He  was 
also  a  curator  of  the  Advocates'  Library.  In 
1793  he  became  sheriff  of  Linlithgow  shire, 
in  1811  principal  clerk  to  the  court  of  session, 
and  in  1822  a  baron  of  the  Scots  exchequer, 
which  post  he  held  until  the  abolition  of  the 
court,  when  he  retired  upon  a  pension.  He 
was  the  author  of  the  standard  work  on 
Scottish  criminal  law,  first  published  in  2  vols. 
4to  in  1797 — '  Commentaries  on  the  Law 
of  Scotland  respecting  the  Description  and 
Punishment  of  Crimes,'  having  published 
seven  years  previously  '  Commentaries  on  the 
Law  of  Scotland  respecting  Trials  for  Crimes.' 
He  died  at  his  house,  Moray  Place,  Edinburgh, 
on  30  Aug.  1838.  Lockhart  calls  him  'a 
man  as  virtuous  and  amiable  as  conspicuous 
for  masculine  vigour  of  intellect  and  variety 
of  knowledge.'  His  contributions  to  the 
'  Mirror '  and  the  '  Lounger  '  were  published 
in  Alexander  Chalmers's  edition  of  '  British 
Essayists,'  1802,  vols.  xxxiii-xl.  His  will, 
made  in  1832,  prohibited  the  publication  of 
any  of  his  lectures  or  legal  papers  except  his 
great  collection  of  Reports  of  Decisions, 
1781-1822,  which  were  published  in  1839. 
His  only  son,  Joseph,  a  young  man  of  much 
promise,  died  in  1829. 

[Anderson's  Scottish  Nation  ;  Lockhart's  Life 
of  Scott;  John  Hill  Burton's  Life  of  David 
Hume;  Gent.  Mag.  1838.]  J.  A.  H. 

(d.  1611).  [See  HOME.] 

HUME,  LADY  GRIZEL  (1665-1746), 
poetess.  [See  BAILLIE,  LADY  GRIZEL.] 

HUME,  HUGH,  third  EARL  OP  MARCH- 
MONT  (1708-1794),  third  son  of  Alexander 
Hume,  afterwards  Campbell,  second  earl  of 
Marchmont  [see  CAMPBELL,  ALEXANDER,  se- 




cond  EAEL  OF  MAECHMONT],  by  his  wife  Mar-  ' 
garet,  daughter  and  heiress  of  Sir  Alexander  j 
Campbell  of  Cessnock,  Ayrshire,  was  born  on  ' 
15  March  1708.     lie  and  his  brother  Alex-  ' 
ander,  who  died  lord  clerk  register  in  1756, 
were  twins,  and  so  closely  resembled  each 
other  in  their  persons  that  even  during  man-  j 
hood  they  were  frequently  mistaken  for  one  ' 
another  by  their  most  intimate  friends.  Being 
both  destined  for  the  profession  of  law,  they 
were  both  sent,  as  their  father  had  been,  to 
complete  their  education  in  Holland,  where 
they  studied   successively  at   Utrecht    and 
.  Franeker.     At  the  general  election  of  1734, 
when  their  father,  through  the  hostility  of  j 
Walpole,  failed  to  be  chosen  a  representative  ; 
peer  for  Scotland,  the  two  brothers  entered  j 
parliament,  Hugh,  who  was  known  as  Lord 
Polwarth,  as  member  for  the  town  of  Ber- 
wick, and   Alexander   as   member  for   the 
county.     Partly   in   requital   of  Walpole's 
treatment  of  their  father,  partly  owing  to  dis- 
like of  Walpole's  policy,  they  became  his  per- 
sistent and  relentless  opponents.     Lord  Pol- 
warth's  trenchant  attacks  on  Walpole  elevated 
him  at  once  to  the  position  of  a  leader  of  the 
opposition.    Smollett,  referring  to  his  first  ap- 
pearance in  the  debates  of  the  House  of  Com- 
mons, describes  him  as  a '  nobleman  of  elegant 
parts,  keen  penetration,  and  uncommon  sa- 
gacity, who  spoke  with  all  the  fluency  and 
fervour  of  elocution.'    Walpole  himself  esti- 
mated Polwarth's  powers  of  attack  at  their 
just  value,  and  declared  that  there  were  few  j 
things  he  more  ardently  desired  than  to  see  j 
him  at  the  head  of  his  family,  and  thus  no 
longer  eligible  for  a  seat  in  the  commons. 
When  Walpole's    sons  were    praising    the 
speeches  of  Pulteney,  Pitt,  Lyttelton,  and 
others,  he  answered,  '  You  may  cry  up  their 
speeches   if  you  please,  but  when  I  have 
answered  Sir  John  Barnard  and  Lord  Pol- 
warth I  think  I  have  concluded  the  debate '  . 
(note  to  COXE'S  Walpole}. 

On  the  death  of  his  father  on  27  Feb.  1740,  ! 
Hume  became  third  Earl  of  Marchmont.   Re-  ! 
moved  from  the  House  of  Commons,  and  un- 
able to  get  elected  as  a  representative  peer, 
he  was  precluded  from  continuing  the  politi-  j 
cal  career  which  had  opened  so  promisingly.  ' 
His  political  ally,  Sir  William  Wyndham,  died 
on  17  June  following.    '  What  a  star  has  our 
minister  ! '  (Walpole),  Bolingbroke  wrote  to 
Pope:  'Wyndham  dead, Marchmont  disabled 
— the  loss  of  Marchmont  and  Wyndham  to 
our  country '  (Marchmont  Papers,  ii.  224). 
Pope  himself  told  Marchmont  that '  if  God  had 
not  given  this  country  to  perdition  he  would 
not  have  removed  from. its  service  the  man 
whose  capacity  and  integrity  alone  could  have 
saved  it '  (ib.  p.  208).  Marchmont  succeeded  to 

Wyndham's  place  in  Bolingbroke's  intimacy, 
and  during  the  latter's  closing  years  was  his 
most  confidential  friend.  For  some  time  he 
occupied  Bolingbroke's  house  at  Battersea. 
Bolingbroke  wrote  to  him  that  he  preferred 
to  be  remembered  by  posterity  as  '  Wynd- 
ham's andMarchmont's  friend  '  rather  than  in 
any  other  character  (ib.  ii.  230).  Pope  immor- 
talised his  intimacy  with  Marchmont  in  the 
inscription  on  the  grotto  at  Twickenham, 
'There  the  bright  flame  was  shot  through 
Marchmont's  soul.'  While  excluded  from 
devoted  much  attention  to  hus- 

dry,  forestry,  and  gardening,  in  which  he 
acquired  the  reputation  of  possessing  excep- 
tional knowledge  and  skill.  He  was  also  a 
very  accomplished  horseman.  He  built  March- 
mont House,  Berwickshire. 

Marchmont  was  one  of  Pope's  four  execu- 
tors. He  is  blamed  by  Johnson  for  having 
along  with  Bolingbroke  consented  to  the  de- 
struction of  Pope's  unpublished  manuscripts 
and  papers.  But  Pope  in  his  will  left  his 
papers  to  Bolingbroke,  who  was  not  one  of 
his  executors,  '  committing  them  to  his  sole 
care  and  judgment  to  preserve  or  destroy 
them,  or,  in  case  he  should  not  survive  him, 
to  the  above  said  Earl  of  Marchmont.'  As 
Bolingbroke  survived  Pope,  the  papers  did  not 
come  into  Marchmont's  possession,  although 
it  is  possible  that  Bolingbroke  consulted  him 
regarding  their  destruction.  Pope  in  his  will 
left  Marchmont  a  large-paper  edition  of 
'  Thirannus  '  and  a  portrait  of  Bolingbroke 
by  Richardson.  Marchmont  was  also  one  of 
the  executors  of  Sarah,  duchess  of  Marl- 
borough,  who  died  in  the  same  year  as  Pope. 
She  had  been  the  friend  of  Marchmont's 
father,  and  her  relations  were  equally  cordial 
with  the  son,  to  whom  she  left  2,000/. 

Marchmont,  on  the  publication  of  John- 
son's l  Life  of  Pope/  complained  that  John- 
son made  erroneous  statements  in  spite  of 
information  with  which  he  had  supplied  him. 
The  truth  seems  to  have  been  that  when  John- 
son was  writing  his  'Life  of  Pope'  Bos  well, 
without  consulting  Johnson,  communicated 
with  Marchmont  as  to  his  knowledge  of  Pope 
(12  May  1779),  and  that  Marchmont  made 
an  offer  of  assistance  which  was  declined  by 
Johnson.  In  1780,  however,  Johnson  visited 
Marchmont  at  his  house  in  Curzon  Street, 
discussed  the  subject,  and  expressed  much 
satisfaction  with  the  interview.  Further  in- 
formation of  value  was  afterwards  supplied 
by  Marchmont  to  Boswell,  but  was  rejected 
by  Johnson. 

The  formation  of  the  '  Broad  Bottom  '  ad- 
ministration in  1744  under  his  friend  Chester- 
field and  Pitt  enabled  Marchmont  to  re-enter 
political  life.  During  the  rebellion  of  1745 





he  was  anxious  to  actively  defend  the  pro- 
testant  succession,  but  Bolingbroke  advised 
him  to  moderate  his  zeal.  He  was  a  sup- 
porter of  the  government,  and  in  August  1747 
became  president  of  the  court  of  police  in 
Scotland  ;  but  after  Chesterfield  resigned 
the  seals  he  was  in  danger  of  dismissal  from 
office  on  account  of  the  general  suspicion  that 
he  was  the  author  of  the  famous  '  Apology ' 
for  Chesterfield's  resignation.  In  1750  he 
was  chosen  one  of  the  sixteen  Scots  repre- 
sentative peers,  and  on  20  June  1764  was 
made  lord  keeper  of  the  great  seal  of  Scot- 
land. He  continued  to  be  elected  a  Scots  re- 
presentative peer  till  1784.  He  then  finally 
retired  from  public  life.  Thenceforth  he  oc- 
cupied himself  chiefly  with  country  recrea- 
tions, and  spent  his  evenings  in  the  study 
of  history  and  law.  He  died  at  Hemel 
Hempstead,  Hertfordshire,  on  10  Jan.  1794. 
Marchmont  boasted  that  '  he  never  gave  a 
vote  nor  spoke  from  an  interested  motive  dur- 
ing all  the  years  he  sat  in  the  two  houses.' 
He  certainly  was  not  a  self-seeking  politician, 
but  his  attacks  on  Walpole  derived  bitterness 
largely  from  his  personal  animosity  to  Wal- 
pole. That  his  abilities  were  much  above  the 
average  and  his  character  attractive  may  be 
inferred  from  the  special  respect  in  which  he 
was  held  by  men  like  Pope,  Bolingbroke, 
Chesterfield,  and  Cobham. 

Marchmont  married  first,  in  May  1731, 
Miss  Anne  West  srn  of  London,  and  by  her  had 
one  son,  Patrick,  lord  Polwarth,  who  died 
young,  and  three  daughters.  The  youngest 
daughter,  Diana,  married  Walter  Scott  of 
Harden,  Berwickshire,  and  by  him  had 
one  son,  Hugh  Scott  of  Harden,  who,  as  the 
other  daughters  left  no  surviving  issue,  made 
good  his  claim  in  1835  to  the  title  of  Lord 
Polwarth  in  the  Scottish  peerage,  as  heir 
general  of  the  first  Earl  of  Marchmont.  His 
first  wife  died  on  9  May  1747,  and  Marchmont 
married,  on  30  Jan.  of  the  following  year, 
Elizabeth  Crompton,  daughter  of  a  linen- 
draper  in  Cheapside.  According  to  a  letter 
from  David  Hume  the  historian  (29  Jan. 
1747-8),  Marchmont  fell  in  love  with  Miss 
Crompton  on  first  seeing  her  by  accident  in 
a  box  at  the  theatre.  Next  morning  he  wrote 
to  her  father,  who  had  recently  been  made 
bankrupt,  and  married  the  lady  three  weeks 
later  (BuETOtf,  Life  of  Hume,  i.  237).  By 
this  lady  Marchmont  had  one  son,  Alexander, 
lord  Polwarth,  who  married  Lady  Anabella 
Yorke,  eldest  daughter  of  Philip,  second  earl 
of  Hardwicke,  and  was  created  a  peer  of  the 
United  Kingdom  by  the  title  Baron  Hume  of 
Berwick,  14  May  1776,  but  predeceased  his 
father  on  9  March  1781,  when  the  British 
title  became  extinct. 

The  earldom  of  Marchmont  became  dor- 
mant on  the  death  of  the  third  earl.  March- 
mont House,  Berwickshire,  with  the  estate, 
was  inherited  by  Sir  Hugh  Purves,  sixth 
baronet,  of  Purves  Hall,  great-grandson  of 
Lady  Anne  Purves,  eldest  sister  of  the  third 
Earl  of  Marchmont.  On  inheriting  the  estates 
Purves  assumed  the  surname  of  Hume- 

[Marchmont  Papers,  ed.  Sir  Gr.  H.  Eose,  3  vols., 
1831 ;  Works  of  Pope,  Bolingbroke,  and  Chester- 
field ;  Coxe's  Life  of  Walpole  ;  Horace  Walpole's 
Letters ;  Boswell's  Life  of  Johnson ;  Alexander 
Carlyle's  Autobiography ;  Hill  Burton's  Life  of 
David  Hume ;  Douglas's  Scottish  Peerage  (Wood), 
ii.  183.]  T.  F.  H. 

HUME,  JAMES  (/.  1639\  mathemati- 
cian, son  of  David  Hume  of  GocU!proft(15GO?- 
1630  ?)  [q.  v.],  and  therefore  sometimes  de- 
scribed as ( Scotus  Theagrius,'  lived  in  France, 
and  on  the  title-page  of  his  earliest  book, 
1  Pantaleonis  Vaticinia  Satyra,'  dated  Rouen, 
1633, he  is  called  'Med. Doctor.'  The '  Satyra' 
is  a  Latin  romance,  imitating  Barclay's '  Arge- 
nis,'  but  is  very  crude  in  form.  It  is  dedicated 
to  Sir  Robert  Ker,  first  earl  of  Ancrum  [q.  v.], 
and  has  an  historical  appendix  on  contem- 
porary affairs,  mostly  German.  In  1634Huine 
printed  in  Latin  '  Proslium  ad  Lipsiam,' '  Gus- 
tavus  Magnus,'  'De  Reditu  Ducis  Aureliensis- 
ex  Flandria,'  as  an  appendix  to  his  father's 
'DeUnione  InsulseBritannise '  (Paris).  Some 
Latin  verses  in  the  same  book  accuse  one 
1  Morinus'  of  plagiary  for  having  used  some 
proofs  of  theorems  given  by  Hume  to  Napier, 
baron  Merchiston. 

In  1636  Hume  published  at  Paris  '  Algebre 
de  Viete  d'une  Methode  nouuelle,  claire  et 
facile/  and  '  Traite  de  la  Trigonometric  pour 
resoudre  tous  Triangles  rectilignes  et  sph6- 
riques,'  &c  At  the  end  of  the  latter  volume 
appears  a  list  of  nine  mathematical  works 
which  Hume  had  written  in  Latin :  t  Algebra 
Vietee/ '  Algebra  secundum  Euclidem,' l  Arith- 
metica,'  '  De  Arte  muniendi  more  Gallico/ 
idem  '  more  Hollandico,'  l  Trigonometria,' 
'  Theoria  Planetarum,'  '  Sphaera  Copernici/ 
and i  Ptolemaica  Geometries  Practica.'  There 
are  besides  '  De  Horologiis '  and  '  Gram- 
matica  Hebreea,'  proving  that  Hume's  attain- 
ments were  not  purely  mathematical.  A 
translation  of  one  of  his  works  into  French, 
apparently  his  'De  Arte  muniendi  more 
Gallico,'  appeared  under  the  title  '  Fortifica- 
tions Francaises  d'une  Methode  facile.' 

,  [De  Morgan's  Arith.  Works,  p.  10  ;   Michel's 
Ecossais  en  France,  p.  292  nJ\  E.  E.  A. 

HUME,  JAMES  DEACON  (1774-1842), 
free-trader,  son  of  James  Hume,  a  commis- 
sioner and  afterwards  secretary  of  the  cus- 




toms,  was  born  at  Newington,  Surrey,  on 
28  April  1774,  and  educated  at  Westminster 
School.  In  1791  he  became  an  indoor  clerk 
in  the  custom  house  in  Thames  Street.  A 
report  which  he  wrote  for  the  commissioners 
attracted  the  notice  of  Huskisson,  and  pro- 
bably led  to  his  appointment  as  controller 
of  the  customs.  In  1822  he  first  entertained 
the  idea  of  consolidating  the  laws  of  the 
customs,  and  at  the  close  of  the  year  the 
treasury  excused  him  from  his  ordinary 
duties  for  three  years  in  order  to  enable  him 
to  pursue  the  work.  The  customs  laws, 
which  dated  from  the  reign  of  Edward  I, 
had  reached  the  number  of  fifteen  hundred 
statutes.  Hume  reduced  this  unwieldy  mass 
to  ten  intelligible  enactments.  These  ten 
acts  received  the  royal  assent  in  July  1825. 
Hume  edited  them  with  notes  and  indices. 
He  was  rewarded  for  his  labour  by  a  public 
grant  of  6,000£,  which  he  lost  by  an  unfor- 
tunate investment. 

After  thirty-eight  years'  service  at  the 
custom  house,  Hume  was,  in  1828,  appointed 
joint  secretary  of  the  board  of  trade,  and 
proved  of  great  help  to  Huskisson.  He  was 
associated  as  trustee  of  some  private  property 
with  Henry  Fauntleroy  [q.v.],  and  in  Septem- 
ber 1824  found  that  Fauntleroy  had  forged 
his  name  to  a  letter  of  attorney  by  which 
10,000/.  had  been  abstracted  from  the  estate. 
The  trial  and  execution  of  Fauntleroy  fol- 
lowed. In  1833-4  Hume  sent  seven  ex- 
haustive letters  to  the  '  Morning  Post,' 
entitled  '  Rights  of  the  Working  Classes,' 
which  were  reprinted  at  the  request  of  Sir 
Benjamin  Hawes,  and  reached  a  second 

As  early  as  1824  Hume  was  employed  in 
preparing  a  parliamentary  bill  regulating  the 
silk  duties.  In  1831  he  made  an  official 
tour  through  England,  collecting  informa- 
tion about  silk  manufacture,  and  in  March 
1832  he  gave  evidence  before  a  committee 
of  the  House  of  Commons  on  the  silk  duties. 
He  gave  further  evidence  before  another  com- 
mittee in  1840,  and  expressed  a  strong  opinion 
against  protective  duties.  He  assisted  Thomas 
Tooke,  F.R.S.,  in  establishing  the  Political 
Economy  Club,  and  from  its  commencement 
in  1821  until  1841  attended  its  meetings  regu- 
larly, and  spoke  repeatedly  on  free  trade.  The 
Customs' Benevolent  Fund,  originated  in  181 6 
by  Charles  Ogilvy,  was  carried  out  by  Hume, 
who  was  the  first  president,  and  was  presented, 
upon  his  removal  to  the  board  of  trade  in 
1828,  with  a  handsome  testimonial  in  re- 
cognition of  his  services.  He  strenuously 
advocated  life  assurance,  and  was  one  of  the 
founders  of  the  Atlas  Assurance  Company  in 
1808,  and  its  deputy  chairman  to  his  death. 

In  June  1835  he  gave  evidence  before  a  com- 
mittee on  the  timber  duties,  which  were 
gradually  reduced. 

Hume  retired  from  the  board  of  trade  in 
1840,  and  took  up  his  abode  at  Reigate.  He 
received  a  pension  of  1,500/.  a  year.  In  the 
same  year  he  gave  evidence  on  the  corn  laws 
and  on  the  duties  on  coffee,  tea,  and  sugar, 
and  his  opinions  in  favour  of  the  abolition 
of  these  duties  were  continually  quoted  by 
Sir  Robert  Peel  and  other  members  of  par- 
liament. Hume  lost  his  savings  by  unfor- 
tunate investments.  He  died  of  apoplexy 
at  Great  Doods  House,  Reigate,  on  12  Jan. 
1842,  and  was  buried  in  Reigate  churchyard. 
His  death  was  mentioned  by  Sir  R.  Peel  on 
9  Feb.  in  the  House  of  Commons.  He  mar- 
ried, on4  June  1798,  Frances  Elizabeth,widow 
of  Charles  Ashwell  of  the  island  of  Grenada, 
and  daughter  of  Edward  Whitehouse  of  the 
custom  house  and  a  gentleman  usher  at  the 
court  of  St.  James's.  She  died  at  East  Berg- 
holt,  Suffolk,  on  31  May  1854,  leaving  twelve 
children  by  Hume. 

Hume  was  the  author  of:  1.  ' Thoughts 
on  the  Corn  Laws,  as  connected  with  Agri- 
culture, Commerce,  and  Finance,'  1815. 

2.  '  The  Laws  of  the  Customs,  6  Geo.  IV, 
c.  106-16,'  with  notes,  1825-32,  six  parts. 

3.  <  The  Laws  of  the  Customs,  3  &  4  Gul.  IV, 
c.  50-60,'  with  notes,  1833-6,  three  parts. 

4.  {  Letters  on  the  Corn  Laws,  by  H.  B.  T./ 
1834 ;  another  edit.,  1835.     5.  '  Corn  Laws. 
The  Evidence  of  J.  D.  Hume  on  the  Import 
Duties  in  1839,'  1842. 

[Badham's  Life  of  J.  D.  Hume,  1859;  Gent. 
Mag.  February  1842,  p.  227.]  G-.  C.  B. 

HUME,  JOHN  ROBERT,  M.D.  (1781?- 
1857),  physician,  born  in  Renfrewshire  in 
1781  or  1782,  studied  medicine  at  Glasgow 
in  1795,  1798,  and  1799,  and  at  Edinburgh 
in  1796-7.  He  entered  the  medical  service 
of  the  army,  served  with  distinction  in  the 
Peninsula,  and  during  that  period  was  sur- 
geon to  Wellesley.  The  university  of  St. 
Andrews  conferred  on  him  the  degree  of 
M.D.  on  12  Jan.  1816,  and  on  22  Dec.  1819 
he  was  admitted  a  licentiate  of  the  College 
of  Physicians.  Settling  in  London,  he  became 
physician  to  the  Duke  of  Wellington,  and 
was  created  D.C.L.  at  Oxford  on  13  June 
1834,  the  duke  being  then  chancellor  of  the 
university.  He  was  admitted  a  fellow  of 
the  College  of  Physicians  on  9  July  1836, 
and  on  the  following  1  Sept.  was  appointed 
one  of  the  metropolitan  commissioners  in 
lunacy.  He  subsequently  became  inspector- 
general  of  hospitals,  and  was  made  C.B. 
16  Aug.  1850  (Gent.  Mag.  1850,  pt.  ii.  p. 
317).  He  died  at  his  house  in  Curzon  Street, 




Mayfair,  London,  on  1  March  1857,  aged  75 
(ib.  1857,  pt.  i.  p.  500). 

[Munk's  Coll.  of  Phys.  1878,  iii.  212-13; 
Foster's  Alumni  Oxon.  ii.  713.]  Gr.  G. 

HUME,  JOSEPH  (1777-1855),  poli- 
tician, was  younger  son  of  a  shipmaster  of 
Montrose,  Forfarshire,  where  he  was  born  on 
22  Jan.  1777.  His  mother,  early  left  a  widow, 
kept  a  crockery  stall  in  the  market-place, 
and  having  put  her  son  to  school  in  the  town, 
apprenticed  him  in  1790  to  a  local  surgeon. 
After  three  years  he  was  sent  to  study  medi- 
cine successively  at  Aberdeen,  Edinburgh, 
and  London,  and  in  1796  became  a  mem- 
ber of  the  College  of  Surgeons  of  Edinburgh, 
and  on  2  Feb.  in  the  following  year  an  assis- 
tant surgeon  in  the  sea-service  of  the  East 
India  Company.  This  post  was  obtained  for 
him  by  the  influence  of  David  Scott  of  Dun- 
ninald,  Forfarshire,  a  director  of  the  East 
India  Company  and  M.P.  for  Forfar.  He 
made  his  first  voyage  out  in  1797,  became  a 
full  assistant  surgeon  on  12  Nov.  1799,  and 
was  posted  to  the  ship  Houghton.  On  the 
voyage  out  he  discharged  satisfactorily  the 
duties  of  the  purser  who  died.  He  was  then 
transferred  to  the  land  service  of  the  com- 
pany, and  devoted  himself  zealously  to  the 
study  of  the  native  languages  and  religions. 
Having  rapidly  mastered  Hindostani  and 
Persian,  he  was  employed  by  the  adminis- 
tration in  political  duties.  In  1801  he  joined 
the  army  at  Bundelcund  on  the  eve  of  the 
Mahratta  war  as  surgeon  to  the  18th  sepoy 
regiment,  and  was  at  once  appointed  inter- 
preter to  Lieutenant-colonel  Powell,  com- 
manding one  of  the  forces.  In  1802  he  ren- 
dered the  government  an  important  service 
by  devising  a  safe  means  of  drying  the  stock 
of  gunpowder,  which  was  found  to  have  be- 
come damp.  During  the  war  he  filled  several 
high  posts  in  the  offices  of  the  paymaster  of 
the  forces,  the  prize  agency  office,  and  the 
commissariat,  and  at  its  conclusion  was  pub- 
licly thanked  by  Lord  Lake.  His  oppor- 
tunities of  enriching  himself  had  not  been 
neglected,  and  in  1807  he  was  able  to  return 
to  Bengal  with  40,000/.  and  to  quit  the  ser- 
vice. He  landed  in  England  in  1808,  and 
spent  some  years  in  travel  and  study.  He 
visited  the  whole  of  the  United  Kingdom  in 
1809,  more  especially  the  manufacturing 
towns,  and  travelled  during  1810  and  1811 
in  the  Mediterranean  and  in  Egypt,  and  he 
published  in  1812  a  translation  in  blank 
verse  of  the  '  Inferno '  of  Dante. 

In  the  same  year  he  began  a  political 
career  at  home.  On  the  death  of  Sir  John 
Lowther  Johnstone  he  was  returned  in 
January  1812  for  Weymouth,  having  pur- 
chased two  elections  to  the  seat ;  but  when 

upon  the  dissolution  in  the  autumn  of  1812 
the  owners  of  the  borough  refused  to  re-elect 
him,  he  took  proceedings  for  the  recovery  of 
his  money,  and  succeeded  in  getting  a  portion 
returned.  While  he  held  the  seat  he  sup- 
ported the  tory  government,  and  opposed  the 
Framework  Knitters  Bill  in  the  interest  of 
the  manufacturers. 

Before  re-entering  parliament  Hume  took 
an  active  part  upon  the  central  committee 
of  the  Lancastrian  schools  system,  and  studied 
the  condition  of  the  working  classes,  pub- 
lishing a  pamphlet  on  savings  banks.  He 
also  devoted  great  attention  to  Indian  affairs, 
and  tried  strenuously  but  without  success  to 
obtain  election  to  the  directorate  of  the  East 
India  Company.  He  was  indefatigable  at 
proprietors'  meetings  in  exposing  abuses,  and 
published  some  of  his  speeches  at  the  Court 
of  Proprietors.  Upon  the  expiry  of  the  char- 
ter of  1793  he  advocated  freedom  of  trade 
with  India,  and  pointed  out  that  it  must  result 
in  an  immense  expansion  of  commerce  with 
the  East.  He  re-entered  parliament  under 
liberal  auspices  in  1818  as  member  for  the 
Border  burghs, joining  the  opposition  in  1819. 
He  was  re-elected  for  the  same  constituency 
in  1820,  and  remained  in  parliament,  except- 
ing during  1841,  when  he  unsuccessfully 
contested  Leeds,  until  his  death.  He  re- 
presented the  Aberdeen  burghs  till  1830; 
Middlesex  from  1830,  when  he  was  returned 
unopposed,  till  July  1837,  when  Colonel  Wood 
defeated  him  by  a  small  majority  ;  Kilkenny 
from  1837  to  1841,  for  which  seat  he  was 
selected  by  O'Connell  (see  HARRIS,  Radical 
Party  in  Parliament,  p.  285)  ;  and  Montrose 
from  1842  till  he  died.  In  1820  he  drew  at- 
tention to  the  enormously  disproportionate 
cost  of  collecting  the  revenue,  and  forced  the 
appointment  of  a  select  committee,  which  re- 
ported in  his  favour.  In  1822  he  opposed 
Vansittart's  scheme  for  the  reduction  of  the 
pension  charges,  in  1824  obtained  a  select  com- 
mittee on  the  Combination  Acts,  and  moved 
in  the  same  year  for  an  inquiry  into  the  state 
of  the  Irish  church.  In  1830,  however,  he  with 
other  reformers  supported  the  Duke  of  Wel- 
lington upon  Knatchbull's  motion  on  the 
agricultural  distress,  and  so  saved  him  from 
1  defeat  for  the  moment.  He  advocated  the 
i  extension  of  representation  to  the  colonies 
!  during  the  debates  on  the  Reform  Bill  on 
|  16  Aug.  1831,  and  in  1834  moved  the  repeal 
of  the  Corn  Laws.  In  1835  and  1836  he  was 
i  active  in  attacking  the  Orange  Society,  to 
which  was  imputed  a  design  to  alter  the  suc- 
!  cession  to  the  throne  (see  MARTINEATT,  Hist, 
of  the  Peace,  ii.  266). 

For  thirty  years  he  was  a  leader  of  the 
radical  party.      His  industry  and  patience 




were  almost  boundless,  and  he  was  inde- 
fatigable in  exposing  every  kind  of  extrava- 
gance and  abuse,  but  lie  particularly  devoted 
himself  to  financial  questions,  and  it  was 
chiefly  through  -his  efforts  that  '  retrench- 
ment '  was  added  to  the  words  l  peace  and 
reform '  as  the  party  watchword.  He  spent 
much  time  and  money  on  analysing  the  re- 
turns of  public  expenditure,  and  maintained 
a  staff  of  clerks  for  the  purpose.  His  speeches 
were  innumerable.  He  spoke  longer  and 
oftener  and  probably  worse  than  any  other 
private  member,  but  he  saw  most  of  the 
causes  which  he  advocated  succeed  in  the 
end  (see  Notes  and  Queries,  6th  ser.  i.  15, 
200).  He  secured  the  abandonment  of  the 
policy  of  a  sinking  fund,  urged  the  abolition 
of  flogging  in  the  army  and  pressing  for  the 
navy,  and  of  imprisonment  for  debt  ;  he 
carried  the  repeal  of  the  combination  laws, 
and  those  prohibiting  the  emigration  of  work- 
men and  the  export  of  machinery;  was  an 
earnest  advocate  of  catholic  emancipation, 
the  repeal  of  the  Test  and  Corporation  Acts, 
and  of  parliamentary  reform.  In  1824  he 
became  a  trustee  of  the  loan  raised  for  the 
assistance  of  the  Greek  insurgents,  and  was 
subsequently  charged  with  jobbery  in  con- 
nection with  it.  All,  however,  that  he  ap- 
pears to  have  done  was  to  press  for  and  ob- 
tain from  the  Greek  deputies  terms  by  which, 
on  the  loan  going  to  a  discount,  he  was  re- 
lieved of  his  holding  advantageously  to  him- 
self (see  JOHN  FRANCIS,  Chronicles  of  the 
Stock  Exchange,  ed.  1855,  ch.  xiv. ;  Quarterly 
Review  article  on  the  'Greek  Committee,' 
vol.  xxxv. ;  LOCKHART,  Life  of  Scott,  vi. 
383).  When  he  died  he  had  served  on  more 
committees  of  the  House  of  Commons  than 
any  other  member.  He  was  a  privy  coun- 
cillor, deputy-lieutenant  for  Middlesex,  a 
magistrate  for  Westminster,  Middlesex,  and 
Norfolk,  a  vice-president  of  the  Society  for 
the  Encouragement  of  Arts,  Manufactures, 
and  Commerce,  a  member  of  the  Board  of 
Agriculture,  and  a  fellow  of  the  Royal  So- 
ciety and  of  the  Royal  Asiatic  Society,  and 
was  twice  lord  rector  of  Aberdeen  University. 
Though  of  an  excellent  constitution,  his 
health  began  to  fail  as  early  as  1849  (CoiiNE- 
WALL  LEWIS,  Letters,  September  1849) ;  in 
1854  he  was  taken  ill  when  in  Caithness- 
shire,  and  died  at  his  seat,  Burnley  Hall, 
Norfolk,  on  20  Feb.  1855,  and  was  buried  at 
Kensal  Green  cemetery.  He  married  a 
daughter  of  Mr.  Burnley  of  Guilford  Street, 
London,  a  wealthy  East  India  proprietor,  by 
whom  he  had  six  children,  of  whom  one, 
Joseph  Burnley  Hume,  was  secretary  to  the 
commission  to  inquire  into  abuses  at  the 

[Hansard's  Parliamentary  Debates  are  the 
best  record  of  Hume's  incessant  political  activity. 
See  Speech  of  Lord  Palmerston,  26  Feb.  1855, 
for  an  estimate  of  his  character  and  career.  See 
also  Anderson's  Scottish  Nation;  G-reville  Me- 
moirs ;  Harris's  Radical  Party  in  Parliament ; 
Times,  22  Feb.  1855 ;  an  obituary  poem  by  his 
son,  J.  B.  Hume,  in  Brit.  Mus.,  Lond.  1855; 
Ann.  Reg.  1855;  Fitzpatrick's  Correspondence 
of  D.  O'Uonnell;  Buckingham's  Memoirs  of  the 
Court  during  the  Regency  and  Reigns  of 
George  IV  and  William  IV,  and  authorities 
cited  above.  There  is  a  description  of  his  per- 
sonal appearance  in  the  People's  Journal,  iv. 
37,  and  a  ludicrously  hostile  article  in  the  United 
States  Review,  iv.  291,  which  seems  to  collect  all 
the  gossip  ever  uttered  against  him.]  J.  A.  H. 

HUME,  PATRICK  (/I.  1695),  commen- 
tator on  Milton,  said  to  have  been  a  member 
of  the  family  of  Hume  of  Polwarth,  Berwick- 
shire, was  a  London  schoolmaster.  In  1695  he 
edited  for  Jacob  Tonson  the  sixth  edition  of 
Milton's  '  Paradise  Lost,' in  folio,  with  elabo- 
rate notes,  and  is  said  to  have  been  the  first 
to  attempt  exhaustive  annotations  on  the 
works  of  an  English  poet.  On  the  title-page 
he  calls  himself  P.  II.  ^iXoTroi^y.  Dr.  New- 
ton, in  his  preface  to  the  edition  of  '  Paradise 
Lost '  published  in  1749,  says : '  Patrick  Hume, 
as  he  was  the  first,  so  is  the  most  copious  an- 
notator.  He  laid  the  foundation,  but  he  laid 
it  among  infinite  heaps  of  rubbish.'  Warton, 
however,  called  Hume's  work  'a  large  and 
very  learned  commentary '  (Pref.  to  Poems 
upon  Several  Occasions,  by  John  Milton,  edit. 
1791).  Callandar,  who  edited  the  first  book 
of '  Paradise  Lost '  in  1750,  plagiarised  Hume's 

[Chambers's  and  Thompson's  Biog.  Diet,  of 
Eminent  Scotsmen  ;  Blackwood's  Mag.  iv.  658 ; 
Hawkins's  edit,  of  Milton's  Poems ;  Allibone's 
Diet,  of  Engl.  Lit.;  authorities  in  text.] 

W.  A.  J.  A. 

HUME  or  HOME,  SIR  PATRICK,  first 
EARL  OF  MARCHMONT  (1641-1724),  eldest  son 
of  Sir  Patrick  Hume  of  Polwarth,  Berwick- 
shire, by  Christina,  daughter  of  Sir  Alexander 
Hamilton  of  Inner  wick,  was  born  on  13  Jan. 
1641.  The  earliest  of  the  Homes  of  Polwarth 
was  Sir  Patrick,  knight,  son  of  David  Home 
of  Wedderburn,  and  comptroller  of  Scotland 
from  1499  to  1502.  The  Earl  of  Marchmont's 

geat-grandfather,  Sir  Patrick  Hume  or 
ome,  was  among  the  more  prominent  sup- 
porters of  the  Reformation  in  Scotland,  and 
his  grandfather,  also  Sir  Patrick,  was  master 
of  the  household  to  James  VI,  and  warden  of 
the  marches.  His  father,  whom  he  succeeded 
in  April  1648,  had  been  created  a  baronet  by 
Charles  I  in  1 625.  The  son  owed  his  zeal  for  the 
principles  and  traditions  of  presbyterianism 
chiefly  to  the  care  exercised  by  his  mother  in 




his  early  training.  After  completing  his  edu- 
cation in  Scotland  he  went  to  Paris  to  study 
law,  among  his  fellow-students  there  being 
Sir  David  Hume  of  Crossrig  [q.  v.]  (HtrME  OF 
CROSSBIG,  Domestic  Details,  p.  43).  Elected 
a  member  of  parliament  for  the  county  of 
Berwick  in  1665,  soon  after  his  return  from 
France,  he  manifested  a  decided  hostility  to 
the  extreme  measures  enforced  by  the  govern- 
ment against  the  covenanters.  In  1673  he 
spoke  with  great  plainness  in  parliament  in 
opposition  to  the  policy  of  the  Duke  of  Lauder- 
dale  (WODKOW,  Sufferings  of  the  Church  of 
Scotland,  ii.  228),  and  in  the  following  year 
he  accompanied  the  Duke  of  Hamilton  and 
Lord  Tweeddale  to  London  to  lay  their 
grievances  before  the  king.  But  although 
received  with  every  mark  of  respect  and  good 
will,  they  only  succeeded  in  discrediting 
themselves  in  the  king's  opinion.  Polwarth 
resisted  the  project  of  the  privy  council  for 
garrisoning  the  houses  of  the  gentry  in  order 
more  effectually  to  curb  the  covenanters,  pre- 
sented a  petition  against  it,  and  refused  in 
1675  to  pay  the  contribution  levied  for  the 
support  of  the  garrison  in  his  shire.  The 
language  in  which  the  petition  was  couched 
led  to  his  committal  to  prison  by  the  privy 
council  till  the  king's  pleasure  should  be 
known  (ib.  p.  294).  The  king  commended 
the  council's  action,  declared  him  incapaci- 
tated from  all  public  trust,  and  directed  the 
council  to  send  him  close  prisoner  to  Stirling 
Castle  until  further  orders  (ib.  p.  295).  On 
24  Feb.  he  was  liberated,  but  was  still  de- 
clared incapable  of  public  trust  (ib.  p.  357). 
Shortly  afterwards  he  was  again  imprisoned, 
and  on  4  Sept.  1678  was  removed  from  the 
Tolbooth  of  Edinburgh  to  a  more  healthy 
prison,  Dumbarton  Castle  (ib.  p.  481).  On 
6  Feb.  of  the  following  year  he  was  removed 
to  Stirling  (ib.  iii.  4),  but  was  liberated  by 
order  of  the  king,  17  July  1679  (ib.  p.  172). 
Thereupon,  according  to  Crawford,  Pol- 
warth, t  finding  that  he  could  not  live  in  se- 
curity at  home,  went  to  England,  and  entered 
into  a  strict  friendship  with  the  Duke  of 
Monmouth,  the  Earl  of  Shaftesbury,  and  the 
Lord  .Russell,  who  was  his  near  relation' 
(Officers  of  State,  p.  241).  Crawford  asserts 
that  Polwarth  protested  to  him  that  '  there 
never  passed  among  them  the  least  intima- 
tion of  any  design  against  the  king's  life  or 
the  Duke  of  York's'  (ib.  p.  242).  Naturally, 
however,  the  government  regarded  Polwarth 
and  his  friends  as  more  or  less  directly  re- 
sponsible for  the  Rye  House  plot.  Polwarth 
returned  to  Scotland,  and,  fearing  arrest  in 
the  autumn  of  168 !,  took  refuge  in  the  family 
vault  under  the  church  of  Polwarth,  where 
his  eldest  daughter,  Grizel,  afterwards  Lady 

Grizel  Baillie,  then  only  twelve  years  of 
age,  secretly  supplied  him  with  food  (LADY 
MURRAY,  Memoirs,  p.  36).  Towards  winter 
he  removed  to  a  place  dug  out  below  an 
under  apartment  of  his  own  house,  but  an 
inflow  of  water  compelled  him  to  vacate  it. 
Soon  afterwards  he  escaped  to  London  by 
byways,  travelling  in  the  character  of  a 
surgeon,  in  which  art  he  had  some  skill. 
From  London  he  crossed  over  into  France, 
and  travelled  by  Dunkirk,  Ostend,  and  Bruges 
to  Brussels,  in  order  to  have  an  interview 
with  the  Duke  of  Monmouth  ('  Narrative  of 
the  Earl  of  Argyll's  Expedition'  in  March- 
mont  Papers,  iii.  2).  Failing  to  meet  the 
duke,  he  staypd  for  a  time  at  Rotterdam,  and 
thence  we^t  to  Utrecht,  where  he  learned 
the  news  of  the  death  of  Charles  II  (ib.  p.  3). 
Ascribing  Charles's  death  to  murder,  and  be- 
lieving it  to  be  part  of  a  great  conspiracy  for 
the  re-establishment  of  popery,  Polwarth  en- 
tered into  communication  with  Argyll  and 
the  other  Scottish  leaders  in  exile.  It  was 
finally  resolved  by  them  to  do  their  utmost 
for  the  '  rescue,  defence,  and  relief  of  their  re- 
ligion, rights,  and  liberties'  (ib.  p.  5).  Argyll, 
who  claimed  an  equality  of  authority  with 
Monmouth,  deprecated  Monmouth's  resolve 
to  claim  the  throne  of  England.  Some  of 
their  companions  were  moreover  hostile  to 
the  re-establishment  of  a  second  monarchy. 
Polwarth  therefore  urged  Monmouth  to  with- 
draw his  claims  to  the  crown  (ib.  p.  12),  and 
Monmouth  apparently  accepted  his  advice. 

Macaulay  asserts  that  Polwarth's '  intermi- 
nable declamations  and  dissertations  ruined 
the  expedition  of  Argyll ;'  but  it  can  scarcely 
be  doubted  that  Argyll  himself  ruined  his 
expedition  by  stubborn  adherence  to  his  own 
plans.  Polwarth  throughout  took  practical 
and  common-sense  views.  He  found  Argyll 
jealous  of  Monmouth,  and  their  l  first  diffi- 
culty was  how  to  prevent  mistakes  arising 
between  them '  (ib.  iii.  15).  This  difficulty 
was  surmounted  by  an  agreement  to  have 
separate  expeditions  to  England  and  Scot- 
land commanded  by  Monmouth  and  Argyll 
respectively.  Polwarth  then  used  his  utmost 
persuasion  to  induce  Argyll  to  disclose  his 
plans  to  the  other  leaders,  but  was  unsuc- 
cessful. Though  distrustful  of  Argyll's  in- 
tentions and  of  his  ability  as  a  commander, 
Polwarth  set  sail  with  him  from  the  Vlie 
on  2  May.  He  strongly  opposed  Argyll's 
proposal  to  land  in  the  western  highlands, 
and  earnestly  pressed  him  to  permit  at  least 
a  portion  of  the  forces  to  proceed  to  the 
lowlands  to  encourage  the  friends  who  had 
promised  to  assist  them  there ;  but  Argyll 
by  excuses  and  promises  delayed  coming  to 
a  decision  till  it  was  too  late.  After  '  spend- 




ing  five  weeks  in  the  highlands  to  no  pur- 
pose/ Argyll  crossed  the  Leven  with  a  view, 
it  was  supposed,  of  marching  to  Glasgow. 
Polwarth  did  his  utmost  to  urge  expedition, 
but  ultimately  discovered  that  Argyll  had 
really  no  definite  plan  in  view.  After  Argyll's 
ignominious  <  flight  towards  his  own  country,' 
Polwarth,  with  Sir  John  Cochrane  and  others, 
crossed  the  Clyde  in  a  boat,  were  joined  by 
about  a  hundred  of  their  followers,  and  suc- 
cessfully resisted  until  nightfall  a  sustained 
.attack  made  upon  them  by  the  enemy  at 
Muir  Dykes .  During  the  night  they  marched 
off  unperceived,  and  before  the  morning  came 
to  a  safe  hiding-place,  where  they  remained 
all  day.  On  learning  late  the  next  night 
that  Argyll  was  taken,  they  resolved  to  sepa- 
rate. On  26  Jan.  1685  Polwarth  had  been 
prosecuted  for  complicity  in  the  Rye  House 
plot,  and,  failing  to  appear,  had  been  de- 
nounced a  rebel  and  put  to  the  horn  (WoD- 
KOW,  iv.  227).  A  reward  was  now  on  21  June 
offered  for  the  apprehension  of  him  and  others 
(ib.  p.  312).  At  first  he  found  refuge  in  the 
house  of  the  laird  of  Langshaw,  Ayrshire, 
but  afterwards  Eleonore  Dunbar,  aunt  to  the 
Earl  of  Eglinton,  invited  him  to  Kilwinning, 
where  she  sheltered  him  for  several  weeks. 
A  report  of  his  death  was  spread  to  lull  sus- 
picion, and  he  escaped  from  the  west  coast 
of  Scotland  to  Ireland,  whence  he  sailed  to 
Bordeaux,  and  thence  journeyed  by  Geneva 
to  Utrecht.  Here  he  was  joined  by  his  wife 
and  children,  and  lived  under  the  name  of  Dr. 
Wallace,  professing  to  be  a  Scotch  surgeon. 
His  estate  had  been  forfeited  to  the  Earl  of 
Seaford  in  1686  ( Mar chmont  Papers,  iii.  67), 
and  he  was  reduced  to  severe  straits.  He 
was  unable  to  keep  a  servant,  and  pawned 
portions  of  the  family  plate  in  order  to  meet 
current  expenses.  From  Utrecht  he  on  15  June 
1688  addressed,  through  Sir  William  Den- 
holm,  of  West  Shiel,  a  long  letter  to  the 
presbyterian  ministers  of  Scotland,  warning 
them  against  '  the  proposal  to  petition  King 
James  for  a  toleration  which  would  have  in-  I 
eluded  the  papists '  (ib.  pp.  73-98). 

In  this  letter  Polwarth  eulogised  William, 
prince  of  Orange.    By  that  date  he  had  formed 
with  his  friends  an  informal  privy  council, 
with  whom  the  prince  was  in  consultation  , 
regarding   his  expedition  to  England.     In 
November  1688  he  came  over  from  Holland  i 
with  the  prince,  and  accompanied  him  in  , 
the  march  to  London  ('  Diary  of  the  March  I 
from  Exeter  to  London,'   ib.  pp.  99-102).  ! 
That  the  deliberations  of  the  leading  Scots- 
men in  London  regarding  what  should  be 
done  in  the  crisis  lasted  three  days  is,  ac- 
cording to   Macaulay,  attributable   to  the 
fact  'that  Sir  Patrick  Hume  was  one  of 

!  the  speakers.'     But  Macaulay's  hypothesis 
!  is  unjustifiable.      There  is  every  reason  to 
|  suppose  that  Polwarth  expedited  rather  than 
hindered  a  satisfactory  settlement.      There 
can  be  little  doubt  at  least  that  his  influence 
with  the  presbyterians  helped  greatly  to  faci- 
litate arrangements.    At  the  Convention  par- 
liament which  met  at  Edinburgh  14  March 
1689  he  took  his  seat  as  member  for  Ber- 
wickshire.    By  act  of  parliament  in  July  of 
the  following  year  the  act  of  forfeiture  against 
him  was  formally  rescinded.  Soon  afterwards 
he  became  a  member  of  the  new  privy  council, 
and  on  20  Dec.  of  the  same  year  he  was,  in 
recognition  of  his  services  in  promoting  the 
establishment   of  William  on  the  throne, 
created  a  peer  of  Scotland  by  the  title  of  Lord 
Polwarth,  the  king  granting  him  in  addition 
to  his  armorial  bearings  '  an  orange  proper 
ensigned,  with  an  imperial  crown  to  be  placed 
1  in  a  surtout  in  his  coat  of  arms  in  all  time 
coming,  as  a  lasting  mark  of  his  majesty's 
royal  favour  to  the  family  of  Polwarth  and 
in  commemoration  of  his  lordship's  great 
affection  to  his  majesty.'    Although  a  stead- 
fast and  sincere  supporter  of  William  III, 
i  Polwarth's   earlier   experiences  led  him  to 
j  jealously  guard  against  any  seeming  encroach- 
|  ments  of  royalty  on  the  prerogatives  of  the 
i  parliament.     He  was  a  member  of  the  poli- 
tical association  known  as  the  Club,  one  of 
whose  main  aims  was  to  carefully  protect  the 
rights  of  parliament.     He  took  a  specially 
prominent  part  in  the  debates  on  the  nomi- 
nation of  judges,  boldly  expressing  the  opinion 
that  the  appointment  to  such  offices  ought 
to  be  vested,  not  in  the  king,  but  in  parlia- 
ment.   When  the  Cameronian  regiment  was 
embodied  in  1689,  certain  stipulations  of  the 
men  were  submitted  to  Polwarth,  who  suc- 
ceeded in  persuading  them  to  content  them- 
selves with  adopting  a  declaration  expressing 
in  general  terms  a  determination  to  l  resist 
popery,  prelacy,  and  arbitrary  powers,  and 
to  recover  and  establish  the  work  of  the  re- 
formation in  Scotland.'     In  October  1692 
Polwarth  was  appointed  sheriff-principal  of 
Berwickshire,  and  in  November  of  the  fol- 
lowing year  one  of  the  four  extraordinary 
lords  of  the  court  of  session.    On  2  May  1696 
he  was  promoted  to  the  highest  office  in  Scot- 
land, that  of  lord  chancellor,  and  in  that 
capacity  earned  in  the  same  year  unenviable 
fame  by  giving  his  casting  vote  for  the  exe- 
cution of  the  young  student,  Thomas  Aiken- 
head  [q.  v.],  for  promulgating  what  were  re- 
garded as  blasphemous  opinions.     In  April 
of  the  following  year  he  was  created  Earl  of 
Marchmont.    In  1698  he  was  appointed  lord 
high  commissioner  to  the  parliament  which 
met  in  July  of  that  year.     He  was  also  in 




170:2  appointed  high   commissioner  to  the 
general  assembly  of  the  church  of  Scotland. 
Its  proceedings  were  interrupted  by  the  death  • 
of  the  king,  and  although  Marchmont  was  im- 
mediately appointed  commissioner  by  Queen  i 
Anne,  the  assembly  was  dissolved  before  the 
warrant  arrived. 

In  the  first  session  of  the  Scottish  parlia- 
ment after  Queen  Anne's  accession,  March-  | 
mont,  according  to  Lockhart,  '  from  a  head-  ! 
strong,  overgrown  zeal,  against  the  advice  of 
his  friends  and  even  the  commands  of  my  lord  ! 
commissioner'  (Lockhart  Papers,  i.  48),  pre-  j 
sented  an  act  for  the  abjuration  of  the  Pre- 
tender, James,  son  of  James  II.  Lockhart 
states  that  the  abjuration  was  'in  the  most 
horrid  scurrilous  terms  imaginable.'  The 
most  violent  expression  employed  was  that  in 
which  the  Pretender  was  stated  not  to  have 
'  any  right  or  title  whatsoever  to  the  crown 
of  Scotland,'  thus  implying  that  he  was  not 
really  the  son  of  James  II.  After  the  bill 
had  been  read  a  first  time  the  commissioner, 
who  had  made  various  efforts  to  bring  about 
a  compromise,  adjourned  the  house,  in  order 
to  prevent  the  excited  debates  which  the  dis- 
cussion would  occasion.  On  11  July  March- 
mont presented  a  memorial  to  the  queen  in 
vindication  of  his  conduct,  and  giving  reasons 
why  '  it  appears  to  be  indispensably  necessary 
that  the  parliament  should  meet  upon  1 8  Aug., 
to  which  it  is  adjourned,  to  the  end  that  that 
act  which  has  had  a  first  reading  marked  upon 
it  may  be  passed'  (Marchmont  Papers,  iii. 
249).  But  his  memorial  was  without  effect, 
and  he  was  superseded  in  the  office  of  chancel- 
lor by  the  Earl  of  Seafield.  In  the  following 
year  he  passed  an  act  for  the  security  of  the 
presbyterianform  of  government,  but  aroused 
violent  disapprobation  by  attempting  to  pro- 
pose an  act  for  settling  the  succession  to  the 
throne  on  the  house  of  Hanover.  After  his 
dismissal  from  office  he  became  one  of  the 
leaders  of  the  squadrone  party,  and  ulti- 
mately along  with  them  strenuously  sup- 
ported the  proposal  for  a  union  with  England. 
His  name  appears  in  the  list  given  by  Lock- 
hart  of  those  whose  support  of  the  union  was 
gained  by  a  money  bribe,  and  it  was  asserted 
that  the  bargain  was  so  hardly  driven  that 
he  had  to  return  fivepence  of  change.  Cer- 
tain it  is  that  at  the  time  of  the  union  the 
sum  of  '20,5401.  l'2s.  Id.  was  paid  by  the 
government  to  various  Scottish  noblemen  j 
and  gentlemen,  and  that  of  this  sum  March-  > 
mont  received  1,104/.  15$. 7d.;  but  it  has  been 
plausibly  argued  by  Sir  G.  H.  Rose  that  the 
sum  paid  to  Marchmont  was  merely  arrears 
of  his  salary  as  lord  chancellor,  and  of  his  | 
pension  (see  defence  in  Marcknwnt  Papers,  ' 
i.  pp.  Ixxxv-cxxxii).  If  this  explanation  be 

accepted,  the  most  that  can  be  charged  against 
Marchmont  is  that  he  took  advantage  of  a 
favourable  opportunity  to  enforce  his  right- 
ful chiiins.  Marchmont  was  an  unsuccessful 
candidate  at  the  first  election  of  representa- 
tive peers  which  took  place  after  the  union, 
and  also  at  the  election  which  followed  the 
dissolution  of  parliament  on  15  April  1708. 
He  was  in  fact  too  pragmatical  and  opinion- 
ated to  win  the  cordial  regard  of  any  party 
in  the  state.  In  1710  he  was  succeeded  in 
the  sheriffship  of  Berwick  by  the  Earl  of 
Home ;  but  after  the  accession  of  George  I 
he,  as  a  consistent  supporter  of  the  Hano- 
verian succession,  again  came  into  favour,  and, 
besides  being  reappoi-ited  sheriff  of  Berwick, 
was  made  a  lord  of  the  court  of  police.  He, 
however,  took  no  further  prominent  part  in 
politics.  He  died  at  Berwick-on-Tweed  on 
1  Aug.  1724,  and  was  buried  in  Canongate 
churchyard,  Edinburgh.  Writing  about  1710' 
Macky,  in  his  '  Secret  Memoirs,'  says  of  him : 
*  He  hath  been  a  fine  gentleman  of  clear  parts, 
but  always  a  lover  of  set  speeches,  and  could 
hardly  give  advice  to  a  private  friend  without 
them ;  zealous  for  the  Presbyterian  govern- 
ment in  Church  and  its  Divine  Right,  which 
was  the  great  motive  that  encouraged  him 
against  the  crown.  Business  and  years  hath 
now  almost  worn  him  out ;  he  hath  been  hand- 
some and  lovely,  and  was  since  King  William 
came  to  the  throne.'  He  was  the  author  of 
an  essay  on  surnames  contributed  to  Collier's 
'  Dictionary.' 

By  his  wife  Grisell  or  Grizel,  daughter  of 
Sir  Thomas  Ker  of  Cavers,  Marchmont  had 
four  sons  :  Patrick,  lord  Polwarth,  who, 
after  serving  through  the  campaigns  of  King 
William  and  the  Duke  of  Marlborough, 
died  without  issue  in  1710 ;  Robert,  a  cap- 
tain in  the  army,  who  predeceased  his  elder 
brother;  Alexander,  second  earl  of  March- 
mont, who  assumed  the  surname  of  Camp- 
bell and  is  noticed  under  that  name,  and 
Sir  Andrew  Hume  of  Kimmerghame,  a  lord 
of  session.  His  five  daughters  were:  Grizel, 
married  to  George  Baillie  of  Jerviswood  [see 
BAILLIE]  ;  Christian,  died  in  Holland  unmar- 
ried in  1 688 ;  Anne,  married  to  Sir  John  Hall  of 
Dunglass ;  Juliana,  married  to  Charles  Billing- 
hnm  ;  and  Jean,  married  to  Lord  Torphichen. 

[Marchmont  Papers,  ed.  Sir  G.  H.  Rose,  3  vols.        \ 
1831 ;  Crawfurd's  Officers  of  State,  pp.  240-6,         1 
founded  on  personal  knowledge  and  information         j 
communicated   by  Marchmont ;  Lady  Murray's 
Memoirs   of  George  Baillie  and  Lady  Grisell 
Baillie,    1824;    Rose's    Observations   on   Fox's 
History;  Wodrow's  Sufferings  of  the  Church  of 
Scotland ;    Lockhart   Papers ;    Carstares'   State 
Papers  ;  Macky 's  Secret  Memoirs ;  Law's  Memo- 
rials ;  Lander  of  Fountainhall's  Historical  No- 
tices and  Historical  Observes  (Bannatyne  Club) ; 




Macaulay's  Hist,  of  England;  Haig  and  Brun- 
ton's  College  of  Justice,  pp.  451-61  ;  Douglas's 
Scottish  Peerage  (Wood),  ii.  179-82.]  T.  F.  H. 

HUME,  THOMAS,  M.D.  (1769P-1850), 
physician,  born  in  Dublin  about  1769,  was  ' 
the  son  of  Gustavus  Hume  [q.  v.],  surgeon 
of  that  city  (FOSTER,  Alumni  O.ron.  1715- 
1886,  ii.  713).     He  was  educated  at  Trinity 
College,  Dublin,  where  he  graduated  B.A. 
in  1792,  M.B.  in  1796,  and  M.D.  on  19  July 
1803.     On  6  July  1804  he  was  incorporated 
M.D.  at  Oxford  as  a  member  of  University  ' 
College  (ib.~)     He  was  admitted  a  candidate  j 
of  the   College  of  Physicians   on   25  June 
1807,  a  fellow  on  25  June  1808,  was  cen- 
sor in  1814,  1821,  1831,  and  1832,  and  was  I 
declared   an   elect   on    18   Jan.    1832.      In  ! 
1808  he   sailed   for  Portugal  as   physician 
to  the  army  under  Wellesley,  but  returned 
to  England  during  the  following  year,  and  j 
became  physician  to  the  Westminster  Hos-  ' 
pital.    Resigning  this  office  in  1811,  he  went 
back  to  the  Peninsula.     Shortly  afterwards 
he  received  from  the  commander-in-chief  the 
appointment  of  physician  to  the  London  dis-  ' 
trict,  which  he  held  until  the  establishment 
was  broken  up  by  the  peace  of  1815.     He 
died  at  Hanwell  on  21  Oct.  1850,  aged  81, 
and  *  was  buried  in  the  family  vault  of  his 
wife,  the  last  descendant  of  the  mathema- 
tician, Dr.  John  Wallis'  (Gent.  Mag.  1850, 
pt.  ii.  676;  Notes  and  Queries,  6th  ser.x.  346). 

[Munk's  Coll.  of  Phys.  1878,  iii.  63-4;  Dub- 
lin Graduates,  1591-1868,  p.  287-]          <*•  GK 

HUME,  TOBIAS  (d.  1645),  soldier  and 
musician,  was  a  soldier  of  fortune,  and  spent 
much  of  his  life  in  the  service  of  Sweden. 
In  1605  he  published  'The  First  Part  of 
Ayres,  French,  Pollish,  and  others,'  with  a 
dedication  to  William  Herbert,  third  earl  of 
Pembroke,  in  which  he  says,  '  My  life  hath 
been  a  soldier  and  my  idleness  addicted  to 
music.'  His  favourite  instrument  seems  to 
have  been  the  viol-da-gamba.  In  1607  he  pub- 
lished '  Captain  Hume's  Musicall  Humors,' 
dedicated  to  Anne  of  Denmark,  which  con- 
tains curious  attempts  at  programme-music. 
The  British  Museum  possesses  a  copy  of  this 
work,  with  an  autograph  inscription  praying 
the  queen  'to  heare  this  musick  by  mee ; 
hauinge  excellent  instruments  to  per  forme 
itt,'  and  both  this  and  the  former  work 
are  described  by  Dr.  Rimbault  (Bibliotheca 
Madrigaliana,  London,  1847,  pp.  21,  25.  ' 
In  the  Record  Office  (Cal.  State  Papers, 
Dom.  Chas.  I.  vol.  clxxix.  No.  7)  is  an  un- 
dated petition  from  Hume,  asking  leave  for 
himself  and  120  men  to  proceed  to  Mickle 
Bury  (?  Mecklenburg)  land,  whither  he  had 
been  sent  by  the  king  of  Sweden.  He  states 
that  he  had  served  in  many  foreign  countries. 

At  Christmas  1629  he  entered  Charterhouse 
as  a  poor  brother.  His  mind  seems  to  have 
given  way,  for  in  July  1042  he  published  a 
rambling"'  True  Petition  of  Colonel  Hume  ' 
to  parliament  offering  either  to  defeat  the 
rebels  in  Ireland  with  a  hundred.  '  instru- 
ments of  war,'  or,  if  furnished  with  a  complete 
navy,  to  bring  the  king  within  three  months 
twenty  millions  of  money.  He  styles  him- 
self 'colonel,'  but  the  rank  was  probably  of 
his  own  invention,  for  in  the  entry  of  his 
death,  which  took  place  at  Charterhouse  on 
Wednesday,  16  April  1645,  he  is  still  called 
Captain  Hume. 

[Hume's  works ;  State  Papers  quoted  above ; 
Register  of  Charterhouse,  communicated  by  the 
Rev.  the  Master ;  Notes  and  Queries,  2nd  ser. 
vii.  369  ;  Brit.  Mus.  Addit.MS.  24489  (Hunter's 
Chorus  Vatum).]  W.  B.  S. 

HUMFREY,  JOHN  (1621-1719),  ejected 
minister,  was  born  at  St.  Albans,  Hertford- 
shire, in  January  1621  (see  title-page  of  his 
Free  Thought*,  1710).  In  Lent  term  1638 
he  entered  Pembroke  College,  Oxford,  and 
graduated  B.A.  on  18  Xov.  1641.  He  had 
left  Oxford  and  was  '  in  the  parliament 
quarters,'  but  returned  to  it  when  occupied 
by  the  king  (1642) ;  he  again  left  it  on  its 
surrender  to  Fairfax  (20  June  1646),  and 
obtained  employment  (probably  a  chaplaincy) 
in  Devonshire.  On  13  July  1647  he  gradu- 
ated M.A.  He  was  '  ordain'd  by  a  classis  of 
presbyters  in  1649  ; '  he  gives  as  his  reason 
that  he  was  'in  the  country,  and  not  ac- 
quainted with  any  bishop ; '  he  never  took 
the  covenant,  nor  joined  any  presbyterial 
association.  He  obtained  the  vicarage  of 
Frome  Selwood,  Somersetshire.  It  was  his 
practice  to  admit  to  the  Lord's  Supper  with- 
out examination ;  this  he  defended  in  his  first 
publication.  Of  his  adhesion  to  the  monarchy 
he  made  no  secret.  Shortly  before  the  Re- 
storation, a  warrant  was  out  against  him  for 
preaching  in  favour  of  the  king's  return. 

Soon  after  the  Restoration,  William  Pierce, 
bishop  of  Bath  and  Wells,  invited  Humfrey, 
in  accordance  with  Charles  II's  declaration, 
to  assist  at  an  ordination.  Humfrey  told 
his  bishop  'he  had  only  been  ordain'd  by 
presbyters '  and  thought  it  sufficient.  Pierce 
urged  him  to  be  reordained.  H  e  had  two  days 
to  consider,  and  complied,  stipulating  for 
'  some  little  variation  in  the  words  used,  and 
for  exemption  from  subscription.  Becoming 
uneasy,  he  prepared  a  publication  to  show 
'  how  a  minister  ordain  d  by  the  presbyiery 
may  take  ordination  also  bv  the  bishop.'  ^  il- 
kins,  afterwards  bishop  of  Chester,  saw  the 
work  in  manuscript  and  approved  it.  Ed- 
ward Worth,  afterwards  bishop  of  Killaloe, 
told  Humfrey  that  its  publication 




had  'converted  all  Ireland  (excepting  two 
Scotts) ' ;  a  groundless  statement,  unless  the 
reference  be  to  the  two  counties  of  Down 
and  Antrim.  Humfrey  himself  was  not 
satisfied  with  what  he  had  done.  He  went 
to  the  bishop's  registrar,  read  a  renunciation, 
and  tore  up  and  burned  his  certificate  of 
deacon's  order.  This  was  shortly  before  the 
Uniformity  Act,  which  ejected  him  (August 
1662)  from  his  living.  He  was  succeeded  by 
Joseph  Glanvill  [q.  v.]  He  still  retained  his 
testimonials  of  priest's  order,  l  not  knowing 
but  they  might  be  of  use  to  him.'  But  some 
time  later  he  tore  up  these  also,  burned  a 
part,  and  enclosed  the  remainder  in  a  letter 
to  Pierce. 

Humfrey  came  to  London,  where  he 
gathered  a  congregational  church,  which  met 
in  Duke's  Place,  afterwards  in  Rosemary 
Lane,  finally  in  Boar's  Head  Yard,  Petti- 
coat Lane,  Whitechapel.  His  views  on  church 
matters  were  extremely  moderate,  and  he 
spent  much  ink  in  futile  recommendations 
of  a  union  of  all  protestants.  In  the  theo- 
logical disputes  of  the  time  he  was  a  man  of 
no  side.  He  was  certainly  not  an  antino- 
mian,  as  Wilson  supposes,  though  he  criti- 
cised the  critics  of  Tobias  Crisp  [q.  v.]  He 
always  had  a  way  of  his  own,  but  men  of  all 
parties  respected  him.  One  of  his  many  trea- 
tises on  justification  (1697)  is  prefaced  by  the 
commendations  of  three  bishops,  Patrick  of 
Ely,  Stillingfleet  of  Worcester,  and  Strafford 
of  Chester.  After  the  revolution  he  became 
an  inveterate  writer  of  advices  to  parliament, 
seldom  letting  a  session  pass  without  some 
appeal  in  favour  of  liberal  measures.  On  one 
occasion  he  was  committed  to  the  Gate- 
house. In  1709  his  pamphlet  on  the  sacra- 
mental test  was  burned  by  the  hangman,  but 
on  admitting  the  authorship  at  the  bar  of  the 
House  of  Commons  he  was  dismissed  with- 
out further  censure.  His  accounts  (1708) 
of  the  '  French  prophets '  are  interesting  and 
instructive.  The  persistence  of  his  bodily 
and  mental  vigour  was  remarkable ;  in  his 
ninety-second  year  he  brought  out  a  new 
book  and  projected  another;  he  continued 
his  ministry  to  his  ninety-ninth  year.  At 
the  time  of  the  Salters'  Hall  dispute  (Fe- 
bruary-March 1719)  he  was  still  living,  but 
took  no  part  in  it.  He  died  in  1719,  pro- 
bably towards  the  end  of  the  year,  his  suc- 
cessor, Joseph  Hussey,  being  appointed  in 
December.  Humfrey  survived  all  the  ejected 
except  Nathan  Denton  [q.  v.],  who  was  buried 
13  Oct.  1720. 

He  published:  1.  '  A  Humble  Vindication 
of  a  Free  Admission  unto  the  Lord's  Supper/ 
&c.,  1651, 8vo  ;  3rd  edit.  1653,  12mo.  2.  '  A 
Eejoinder  to  Dr.  Drake,'  &c.,  1654,  8vo. 

3.  '  A  Second  Vindication,'  &c.,  1656,  12mo. 

4.  '  A  Brief  Receipt  .  .  .  against  .  .  .  Ene- 
mies,' &c.,  1658,  12mo.     5.   '  The  Question 
of  Reordination/  &c.,  1661,  8vo.    6.  'A  Se- 
cond  Discourse    about    Reordination,'  &c., 
1662,  4to.     7.  .'  The  Obligation  of  Human 
Laws,'  &c.,  1671,  8vo.     8.  '  The  Authority 
of  the  Magistrate,'  &c.,  1672,  8vo.     9.  ' The 
Middle   Way,'   &c.,    1672-4,  4to,   4  parts. 

10.  '  The  Peaceable  Design,'  &c.,  1675,  8vo. 

11.  '  Peaceable  Disquisitions,'  &c.,  1678,  4to. 

12.  'The  Healing  Paper,'    &c.,   1678,   4to. 

13.  '  Animadversions   and   Considerations/ 
&c.,  1679, 12mo.  '14.  <  A  Peaceable  Resolu- 
tion/&c.,  1680, 8vo.  15.  'PaulusRedivivus/ 
&c.,  1680,  8vo.  16.  '2^0X77,  si ve  conflictus 
cum  Antichristo/  &c.,  1681,  fol.     17.  '  An 
Answer  to  Dr.  Stillingfleet/  &c.  1681,  4to, 
2  parts.    18.  '  A  Reply  to  the  Defence  of  Dr. 
Stillingfleet/  &c.,  1681, 4to  (this  and  the  fore- 
going written  in  conjunction  with  Stephen 
Lobb  [q.  v.])  19.  '  Materials  for  Union/  &c., 
1681, 4to.    20. '  A  Private  Psalter/  &c.,  1683, 
12mo.  21.  '  Two  Steps  of  a  Nonconformist/ 
&c.,  1684,  4to.    22.  <  The  Third  Step  of  a 
Nonconformist/  £c..  1684, 4to.    23.  'Advice 
before   it    be    too    late/    &c.    [1688],    4to. 
24.  'Union  Pursued/ &c.,  1691, 4to.  25.  'Me- 
diocria/  &c.,  1695, 4to.  26. '  The  Righteous- 
ness of  God  .  . .  of  Justification/ &c.,  1697, 4to. 

27.  'The Friendly Interposer/ &c.,  1698,  4to. 

28.  '  Mediocria  ...  a  Collection/  &c.,  1698, 
4to.     29.  'A  Letter  to  George  Keith/  &c., 
1700, 4to.  30. ' APapertoWilliamPenn/&c., 
1700,  4to.  31.  '  Letters  to  Parliament  Men/ 
&c.,  1701,  4to.     32.  'The  Free  State  of  the' 
People  of  England/  &c.,  1702.  4to.  33.  'After- 
Considerations  for  some  Members  of  Parlia- 
liament,'  &c.,  1704,  4to.     34.  'Lord's  Day 
Entertainment/    &c.,    1704,    8vo.      35.    'A 
Draught  for  a  National  Church/  &c.,  1705, 
4to;    1709,  4to.     36.  'Veritas   in   Semente 

.  .  .  concerning  the  Quakers/  &c.,  1705, 
8vo;  1707,  8vo.  37.  'De  Justificatione/  &c., 
1706,  4to.  38.  '  An  Account  of  the  French 
Prophets/  &c.,  1708,  8vo.  39.  '  A  Farther 
Account  of  our  late  Prophets/  &c.,  1708, 
12mo.  40.  '  A  Sermon  ...  for  the  Morn- 
ing Lecture/  &c.,  1709.  8vo.  41.  'Free 
Thoughts  on  ...  Predestination/  &c.,  1710, 
4to.  42.  '  Wisdom  to  the  Wicked/  &c.,  1710, 
8vo.  43.  <  Free  Thoughts/  &c.,  1711, 4to  (con- 
tinuation of  No.  40 ;  a  further  issue  was  pro- 
jected). 44.  '  A  Daily  Morning  Prayer/  &c., 
1712  (CALAMT).  Some  other  pamphlets  and 
single  sermons  are  referred  to  by  Calamy. 
Many  of  his  publications  bear  only  his  initials. 
He  seems  always  to  spell  his  name  Humfrey; 
by  others  it  is  given  as  Humphrey  or  Humph- 
ries. He  was  confused  with  John  Humphreys, 
an  astrologer,  born  in  1638  at  Shrewsbury, 




and  educated  at  Cambridge ;  also  with  John 
Humphryes,  a  quaker,  author  of  Bios-  Tldv- 
rav,  &c.,  1657,  4to. 

[Wood's  Athense  Oxon.  (Bliss),  iv.  743  sq. ; 
Wood's  Fasti,  ii.  3,103;  Calamy's  Account,  1713, 
p.  615  sq. ;  Calamy's  Own  Life,  1830,  i.  371  sq., 
ii.  143  sq. ;  Wilson's  Dissenting  Churches  of 
London,  1814,  iv.  408  sq. ;  James's  Hist.  Litig. 
Presb.  Chapels,  1867,  p.  691.]  A.  G-. 

HUMFREY,  PELHAM  (1647-1674), 
musician  and  composer,  said  to  have  been 
the  nephew  of  Colonel  John  Humphrey,  Brad- 
shaw's  sword-bearer,  was  born  in  1647.  His 
name  occurs  as  Humphrey,  Humphry s,  and 
in  other  forms,  but  the  above  is  that  adopted 
by  himself.  In  1660  he  was  one  of  the  first 
set  of  children  of  the  Chapel  Royal,  under 
Henry  Cooke.  As  early  as  1664  he  appears 
as  a  composer,  the  second  edition  of  Clif- 
ford's '  Divine  Services  and  Anthems  '  con- 
taining the  words  of  five  anthems  which  are 
stated  to  have  been  composed  by  Humfrey,  j 
'  one  of  the  children.'  In  the  same  year  he 
was  associated  with  Blow  and  Turner  in  the 
composition  of  an  anthem,  '  I  will  always 
give  thanks,'  known  as  the  l  Club  Anthem/  of 
which  Humfrey  wrote  the  first  and  Blow  the 
last  portion,  Turner  contributing  an  inter- 
mediate bass  solo.  This  is  said  by  Dr.  Tad- 
way  to  have  commemorated  a  naval  victory 
gained  by  the  Duke  of  York  over  the  Dutch ; 
but  as  no  such  victory  took  place  till  1665, 
when  Humfrey  was  abroad,  it  is  more  pro- 
bable that  it  was  intended,  as  Boyce  sug- 
gests, merely  as  a  memorial  of  the  three 
writers'  friendship. 

In  1664  Charles  II  sent  Humfrey  abroad 
to  study  music.  He  received  from  the  secret 
service  moneys :  200/.  in  1664, 100/.  in  1665, 
and  150/.  in  1666,  'to  defray  the  charge  of 
his  journey  into  France  and  Italy '  (GKOVE). 
In  Paris  he  was  instructed  by  Lully,  whose 
methods  he  introduced  into  England  (see 
HULLAH,  Modern  Music,  sect,  iv.)  On  24  Jan. 
1666-7,  while  still  abroad,  he  was  appointed 
gentleman  of  the  Chapel  Royal,  and  on  his 
return  to  England  was  sworn  into  his  office 
26  Oct.  1667.  On  1  Nov.  Pepys  heard  at  the 
Chapel  Royal  '  a  fine  anthem,  made  by  Pel- 
ham,  who  is  come  over.'  On  15  Nov.  Pepys 
writes  that  '  Mr.  Ceesar  and  little  Pelham 
Humphreys '  dined  with  him.  Humfrey,  ac- 
cording to  Pepys,  was l  an  absolute  monsieur, 
as  full  of  form,  and  confidence,  and  vanity, 
and  disparages  everything,  and  everybody's 
skill  but  his  own.  .  .  .  After  dinner,'  Pepys 
continues, '  we  did  play,  he  on  the  theorbo, 
Mr.  Caesar  on  his  French  lute,  and  I  on  the 
viol,  and  I  see  that  this  Frenchman  do  so 
much  wonders  on  the  theorbo,  that  without 
question  he  is  a  good  musician,  but  his 

vanity  do  offend  me.'  On  the  following  day 
Pepys  went  to  Whitehall,  where  Humfrey 
conducted  a  concert  of  <  vocall  and  instru- 
mentall  musick/  chiefly  of  his  own  composi- 
tion, which  was  not  much  to  Pepys's  taste. 

On  24  June  1672  Humfrey  was  elected 
one  of  the  annual  wardens  of  the  Corpora- 
tion for  regulating  the  Art  and  Science  of 
Musique  (cf.  Harl.  MS.  1911).  On  30  July 
of  the  same  year  he  was  appointed  master  of 
the  children  in  succession  to  Cooke ;  and  on 
8  Aug.  1673  he  was,  together  with  Purcell, 
appointed  '  Composer  in  Ordinary  for  the 
Violins  to  His  Majesty.' 

Humfrey  died  at  Windsor,  14  July  1674, 
and  was  buried  in  Westminster  Abbey  on 
17  July.  He  was  succeeded  as  master  of  the 
children  by  Blow.  His  epitaph,  which  in 
Hawkins's  time  had  become  effaced,  ran : 
1  Here  lieth  interred  the  body  of  Mr.  Pelham 
Humphrey,  who  died  the  fourteenth  of  July, 
Anno  Dom.  1674,  and  in  the  twenty-seventh 
year  of  his  age '  (KEEPE,  Monumenta  West- 
monasteriensia,  no.  176).  His  will,  dated 
23  April  [1674],  was  proved  on  30  July  1674 
by  his  widow  Catherine,  who  was  appointed 
'  sole  extrix  and  Mrs.'  of  all  his  worldly 
possessions.  He  left  '  to  my  cousin  Betty 
Jelfe,  Mr.  Blow  and  Besse  Gill,  each  20  shil- 
lings for  rings.'  His  daughter  Mary  was 
buried  in  Westminster  Abbey  on  23  Feb. 

Humfrey  was  a  fine  lutenist,  and  is  said 
to  have  often  composed  both  the  words  and 
music  for  his  songs.  His  indebtedness  to  con- 
tinental models  was  great,  and  he  was  one 
of  the  earliest  to  introduce  foreign  influences 
into  English  music.  Boyce  considers  that  he 
was  '  the  first  of  our  ecclesiastical  composers 
who  had  the  least  idea  of  musical  pathos  in 
the  expression  of  words.' 

His  compositions,  which  were  chiefly 
sacred,  include  a  large  number  of  anthems, 
services,  and  songs.  Of  his  anthems,  seven 
are  printed  in  Boyce's  '  Cathedral  Music ; ' 
others,  including  the t  Club  Anthem '  and  an 
evening  service,  form  part  of  the  Tudway 
collection  (Harl.  MS.  7338) ;  others  are  ex- 
tant in  manuscript  at  Ely,  Salisbury,  Wind- 
sor, Christ  Church  and  the  Music  School, 
Oxford,  the  Fitzwilliam  Museum,  Cambridge, 
and  the  Additional  MSS.  in  the  British  Mu- 
seum. In  the  last-named  collection  is  an  an- 
them, '  By  the  waters/  by  Humfrey  and  Pur- 
cell  (Add.  MS.  30932),  and  three  services  by 
Humfrey  (ib.  31444,  31445,  31459).  Three 
sacred  songs,  and  a  'Dialogue'  written  in 
collaboration  with  Blow,  were  printed  in 
*  Harmonia  Sacra/  Bk.  ii.,  1714.  He  com- 
posed a  setting  of  Ariel's  song,  '  Where  the 
bee  sucks/  for  Davenant  and  Dryden's  ver- 




sion  of  the  '  Tempest '  in  1670,  and  contri- 
buted the  music  for  a  song,  '  Wherever  I 
am,' to  Dry  den's  'Conquest  of  Granada/ 1672. 
He  wrote  for  the  king  two  birthday  odes, 
'Smile,  smile  again,'  and  'When  from  his 
throne,'  and  a  new  year's  ode,  '  See,  mighty 
sir '  (ib.  33287).     A  song,  '  The  Phoenix,'  of 
which  the  words  were  by  Charles  II  and  the  j 
music  by  Humfrey,  was  printed  in  London  [ 
in  1705 ;  and  Hawkins  prints,  in  the  appen-  j 
dix  to  his  '  History  of  Music,'  another  song 
of  Humfrey's, '  I  pass  all  my  hours  in  an  old  J 
shady  grove/  of  which  the  words  are  also  j 
attributed  to  the  king.    Hawkins  states  that 
Humfrey  'composed  tunes  for  many  of  the 
songs  in  the  •''  Theater  of  Music,"  "  Treasury 
of  Music,"  and  other  collections  in  his  time, 
particularly  to  the  song  "  When  Aurelia  first  ! 
I  courted/'  which  was  a  favourite.'    Several  I 
of  his  songs  were  included  in  '  Choice  Ayres, 
Songs,  and  Dialogs/  1676-84,  and  a  few  are 
reprinted  in  J.  S.  Smith's  '  Musica  Antiqua.'  , 
Manuscripts  of  songs  and  duets  by  Humfrey 
are  preserved  in  the  Fitzwilliam  Museum 
and  the   Additional   MSS.    in   the  British 

[Grove's  Diet,  of  Music,  i.  756 ;  Chester's 
Kegisters  of  Westminster  Abbey,  pp.  183,  184, 
205  ;  Pepys's  Diary  (Bright's  edit.),  v.  93,  94, 
96  ;  Hawkins's  Hist,  of  Music  (1853  edit.), 
pp.  718,  937  ;  Burney's  Hist,  of  Music,  iii.  444  ; 
Christ  Church,  Fitzwilliam,  and  Oxford  Music 
School  Catalogues ;  works  in  Brit.  Mus.l 

E.  F.  S. 

HUMPHREY.     [See  also  HUMPHRY.] 

RENCE, D.D.  (1527  P-1590),  president  of 
Magdalen  College,  Oxford,  and  dean  succes- 
sively of  Gloucester  and  Winchester,  was 
born  about  1527  at  Newport  Pagnel,  Buck- 
inghamshire, and  was  educated  at  Cambridge. 
He  was  probably  the  Humphrey  who  matri- 
culated in  November  1544  as  a  pensioner  of 
Christ's  College  (COOPER,  Athence  Cantabr. 
ii.  80).    Dr.  Willet,  in  his  dedication  to  the 
'  Harmony  on  the  first  Book  of  Samuel/  | 
names   Humphrey  as  one   of  the   eminent 
preachers  who  had  received  their  education 
in  that  college.  He  must,  however,  have  soon 
removed  to  Oxford,  where  he  was  elected  a  j 
demy  of  Magdalen  College  in  1546  (BLOXAM, 
Register  of  Magdalen  College,  Oxford,  iv.  j 
104).    He  was  elected  a  probationary  fellow  j 
in  1548,  proceeded  B.A.  in  1549,  and  soon 
afterwards  became  a  perpetual  fellow  of  his 
college.     On  18  July  1552  he  commenced 
M.A.     He  was  elected  lecturer  in  natural 
philosophy  in  that  year,  and  lecturer  in  moral  j 
philosophy  in  1553. 

Throughout  his  life  Humphrey  advocated 

advanced  protestant  opinions.  He  conse- 
quently obtained  from  the  college  on  27  Sept. 
1553,  soon  after  the  accession  of  Mary,  leave 
to  go  abroad,  on  condition  that  he  should 
not  depart  from  the  realm  without  the  royal 
license.  He  went  first  to  Basle,  and  then 
to  Zurich,  and  his  name  is  subscribed  to  a 
letter  from  the  protestant  exiles  at  the  latter 
place  to  their  brethren  at  Frankfort,  dated 
13  Oct.  1554.^  On  24  Dec.  1554,  and  again 
on  15  June  Io55,  the  college  authorities  gave 
him  a  further  extension  of  leave,  and  at  the 
same  time  helped  him  to  defray  the  cost  of 
his  studies  abroad.  While  at  Zurich  he 
associated  with  Parkhiirst,  Jewel,  and  other 
protestant  exiles,  and  lodged  in  the  house 
of  Christopher  Froschover,  the  printer  (Zurich 
Letters,  i.  11).  He  highly  extols  the  hospi- 
tality and  kindness  of  the  magistrates  and 
ministers  there.  As  he  continued  abroad 
beyond  the  time  for  which  leave  had  been 
granted,  his  name  fell  out  of  the  list  of  fel- 
lows of  Magdalen  College  before  the  July 
election  in  1556.  On  23  April  1558  he  was 
admitted  into  the  English  protestant  con- 
gregation at  Geneva  (BURN",  Livre  desAnglois 
a  Geneve,  p.  11).  In  June  1559  he  was 
living  at  Basle. 

After  the  death  of  Queen  Mary  he  re- 
turned to  England.  During  his  absence  he 
had  corresponded  on  theological  subjects  with 
the  divines  at  Geneva,  and  brought  back 
with  him  '  so  much  of  the  Calvinian,  both 
in  doctrine  and  discipline,  that  the  best  that 
could  be  said  of  him  was  that  he  was  a 
moderate  and  conscientious  nonconformist ' 
(WOOD,  Athena  Oxon.  ed.  Bliss,  i.  558).  In 
1560,  however,  he  was  appointed  regius  pro- 
fessor of  divinity  in  the  university.  In  the 
year  following  he  was  a  candidate  for  the 
presidentship  of  Magdalen  College,  and  ob- 
tained letters  of  recommendation  from  Arch- 
bishop Parker  and  Grindal,  bishop  of  London, 
but  the  fellows,  being  'leavened  much  with 
popery/  at  first  refused  to  choose  him.  On 
28  Nov.  1561,  however,  he  was,  on  a  second 
scrutiny,  unanimously  elected,  and  took  the 
oaths  on  17  Dec.  He  soon  discovered  that 
he  had  succeeded  to  '  a  post  of  honour,  but 
of  small  profit/  and  accordingly,  in  January 
1561-2,  he  unsuccessfully  applied  to  Cecil  for 
a  canonry  of  Christ  Church,  adducing  many 
instances  of  such  pluralities  (Cal.  State 
Papers,  Dom.  1547-80,  pp.  192,  193).  He 
graduated  B.D.  on  10  June  1562,  and  was 
created  D.D.  on  the  13th  of  the  following 
month  (Oxf.  Univ.  Reg.,  Oxf.  Hist.  Soc.,  i. 
218).  Taking  advantage  of  the  important 
offices  he  held,  Humphrey  '  did  not  only  .  .  . 
stock  his  College  with  a  generation  of  Non- 
conformists, which  could  not  be  rooted  out 




in  many  years  after  his  decease,  but  sowed 
also  in  the  Divinity  School .  .  .  seeds  of  Cal- 
vinism, and  laboured  to  create  in  the  younger 
sort  ...  a  strong  hatred  against  the  Papists ' 
(Athence  Oxon.  i.  559).  His  zeal  against 
the  Roman  catholics  gained  for  him  the  title 
of '  Papistomastix.' 

On  3  March  1563-4  Humphrey,  with  his 
friend  Thomas  Sampson,  and  four  other 
divines  who  refused  to  wear  the  vestments, 
were  cited  to  appear  before  Archbishop 
Parker  and  his  colleagues  at  Lambeth.  The 
archbishop  produced  no  impression  on  them 
by  quoting  the  opinions  of  foreign  divines, 
such  as  Peter  Martyr  and  Martin  Bucer,  and 
submissive  appeals  to  the  archbishop,  the 
bishops  of  London,  Winchester,  Ely,  and 
Lincoln,  and  other  commissioners,  and  a 
letter  to  the  Earl  of  Leicester  failed  to  pro- 
cure their  release.  On  29  April  the  arch- 
bishop peremptorily  declared  in  open  court 
that  they  must  conform  at  all  points  or  im- 
mediately part  with  their  preferment.  After 
further  examinations  they  were  released  on 
signing  a  proposition,  by  which  they  seemed 
to  allow  the  lawfulness  of  the  vestments, 
though  on  grounds  of  inexpediency  declining 
to  use  them  (STKYPE,  Life  of  Parker,  p.  162 ; 
Annals,  i.  464,  folio).  About  the  same  time 
they  addressed  a  letter  to  the  queen,  appeal- 
ing for  toleration  (CoopEE,  ii.  81). 

Humphrey  retired  for  a  time  to  the  house 
of  a  widow  named  Warcup  in  Oxfordshire ; 
thence  he  wrote  on  24  May  1565  to  John 
Foxe  to  intercede  with  the  Duke  of  Norfolk 
for  him.  In  the  same  month  he  wrote  to  the 
bishops  against  the  vestments,  urging  that 
other  popish  practices  would  follow.  Again, 
in  a  letter  to  Cecil  (1566),  he  prayed  that 
the  articles  of  the  archbishop  might  be  in 
some  ways  mitigated  and  that  pastors  might 
be  relieved  from  observing  certain  ceremonies 
(Cal.  State  Papers,  Dom.  1547-80,  pp.  253, 
271).  He  had,  indeed,  been  appointed  to 
preach  at  St.  Paul's  Cross  either  by  the 
Bishop  of  London  or  the  lord  mayor,  but  it 
appears  that  he,  Sampson,  and  Lever  were 
allowed  to  preach  in  London  without  wear- 
ing the  habits  (STRYPE,  Life  of  Grindal,  p. 
116,  folio ;  Parker  Correspondence,  p.  239). 
While  his  case  was  under  the  consideration 
of  the  commissioners,  the  Bishop  of  Win- 
chester had  presented  him  to  a  small  living 
in  the  diocese  of  Salisbury,  but  Bishop  Jewel, 
his  professed  friend  and  intimate  acquaint- 
ance, declined  to  admit  him  because  he  re- 
fused an  assurance  of  conformity  (20  Dec. 
1565)  (Life  of  Parker,  i.  184,  folio  ;  JEWEL, 
Works,  ed.  Ayre,  biog.  mem.  p.  xix). 

Upon  the  publication  of  the  advertisements 
for  enforcing  a  more  strict  conformity,  Hum- 

I  phrey  wrote  to  Secretary  Cecil  (23  April 
'  1566)  begging  him  to  stay  their  execution 
\  (Life  of  Parker,  p.  217).    On  the  queen  visit- 
ing the  university  of  Oxford  in  1566,  she  was 
met  near  Wolvercot  by  Humphrey,  Godwyn, 
dean  of  Christ  Church,  and  other  doctors  in 
their  scarlet  habits.     After  a  Latin  oration 
by  Marbeck,  the  queen  said  to  Humphrey, 
as  he  was  kissing  her  hand,  '  Methinks  this 
!  gown  and  habit  becomes  you  very  well,  and 
'  I  marvel  that  you  are  so  straight-laced  on 
this  point — but  I  come  not  now  to  chide.' 
When  her  majesty  entered  Christ  Church 
Cathedral,  Humphrey  was  one  of  the  four 
doctors  who  held  a  canopy  over  her.     On 
[  2  Sept.  the  Spanish  ambassador  and  divers 
|  noblemen  attended  a  divinity  lecture  given 
j  in  the  schools  by  Dr.  Humphrey. 

The  Earl  of  Leicester,  in  a  letter  to  the 
university  of  Oxford,  dated  26  March  1567, 
warmly  recommended  Humphrey  to  the  office 
of  vice-chancellor.  On  21  July  1568  he  was 
appointed  one  of  the  commissioners  for  visit- 
ing Corpus  Christi  College,  Oxford,  and  eject- 
ing the  Roman  catholics  from  that  society.  He 
was  incorporated  D.D.  at  Cambridge  7  March 
1568-9.  On  13  March  1570-1  he  was  installed 
dean  of  Gloucester,  and  consented  to  wear 
the  habits.  'He  was  loath,'  he  wrote  to 
Burghley  at  the  time,  'her  majesty  or  any 
other  honourable  person  should  think  that 
he  was  forgetful  of  his  duty,  or  so  far  off  from 
obedience,  but  that  he  would  submit  himself 
to  those  orders  in  that  place  where  his  being 
and  living  was.  And  therefore  he  had 
yielded '  (§TRYPE,  Annals,  ii.  451,  folio).  He 
was  commissary  or  vice-chancellor  of  the 
university  of  Oxford  in  1571,  and  continued 
to  hold  the  office  till  about  1576.  During 
that  period  the  title  of  commissary  was 
dropped,  and  that  of  vice-chancellor  only 
used.  On  31  Aug.  1572  he,  on  behalf  of  the 
university  of  Oxford,  delivered  a  Latin  ora- 
tion before  the  queen  at  Woodstock,  and  made 
another  oration  to  her  majesty  at  the  same 
place  on  11  Sept.  1575  (WOOD,  Annals,  ed. 
Gutch,*ii.  173). 

On  14  July  1576,  and  again  in  1584,  he 
was  in  a  commission  to  visit  the  diocese  of 
Gloucester.  At  the  latter  end  of  this  year 
Lord  Burghley  wrote  to  him  that  his  non- 
conformity seemed  to  be  the  chief  impedi- 
ment in  the  way  of  his  being  made  a  bishop. 
Humphrey  consequently  once  again  adopted 
the  disputed  habits,  but  *  protested  that  his 
standing  before  and  conforming  now  came  of 
one  cause,  viz.  the  direction  of  a  clear  con- 
science, and  tended  to  one  end,  which  was 
edification '  (STRYPE,  Annals,  i.  App.  p.  68, 
fol.)  In  1 578  he  was  one  of  the  deputies  (the 
others  being  Thomas  Wilson,  dean  of  Wor- 




cester,  John  Hammond,  LL.D.,  and  John  Still, 
D.D.,  afterwards  bishop  of  Bath  and  Wells) 
sent  to  the  diet  at  Smalcald  to  confer  with  their 
brethren  about  Lutheranism  and  the  contro- 
versies respecting  the  Lord's  Supper.  On 
14  Oct.  1580  he  was  instituted  to  the  deanery 
of  Winchester  (Lansd.  MS.  982,  f.  128). 
This  preferment  he  held  till  his  death.  In 
February  1580-1  he  was  one  of  three  deans 
recommended  to  convocation  by  Bishop  Ayl- 
mer  for  the  office  of  prolocutor :  Day,  dean  of 
Windsor,  was  elected  (STEYPE,  Life  of  Grin- 
dal,  p.  257,  fol.)  He  was  one  of  the  divines 
appointed  by  the  privy  council  in  1582  to 
take  part  in  conferences  with  the  catholics. 
Cooper,  bishop  of  Winchester,  issued  in  1585, 
as  visitor  of  Magdalen  College,  a  set  of  in- 
junctions, especially  as  regards  divine  wor- 
ship, and  by  gentle  persuasion  overcame  the 
puritanical  mind  of  the  president,  so  that 
surplices  were  restored  in  the  chapel.  Hum- 
phreys died  at  Oxford  on  1  Feb.  1589-90, 
and  was  buried  in  the  chapel  of  Magdalen 
College,  where  a  mural  monument,  with  a 
Latin  inscription,  was  erected  to  his  memory. 
He  married,  in  the  beginning  of  Queen 
Elizabeth's  reign,  Joan,  daughter  of  Andrew 
Inkfordby  of  Ipswich,  by  whom  he  had  seven 
sons  and  five  daughters.  According  to  Wood, 
Humphrey  did  not  live  happily  with  his  wife, 
and  was  not  on  good  terms  with  his  sons. 
His  widow  died  on  27  Aug.  1611,  aged  74, 
and  was  buried  in  the  chancel  of  the  church 
of  Steeple  Barton,  Oxfordshire,  where  a 
monument  was  erected  to  her  memory  by  her 
eldest  daughter,  Justina,  wife  of  Caspar  Dor- 
mer, esq.  (see  pedigree  in  BLOXAM,  iv.  110). 
His  daughter  Judith  was  the  third  wife  of 
Sir  Edmund  Carey,  third  surviving  son  of 
Henry,  lord  Hunsdon  (CLTJTTERBUCK,  Hert- 
fordshire, iii.  381). 

Wood  says  Humphrey  was  '  a  great  and 
general  scholar,  an  able  linguist,  a  deep  di- 
vine ;  and  for  his  excellency  of  rule,  exact- 
ness of  method,  and  substance  of  matters  in 
his  writings,  he  went  beyond  most  of  our 

His  works  are:  1.  Answer  to  'The  dis- 
playing of  the  protestantes  and  sundry  their 
practises '  [by  Miles  Huggarde,  q.  v.],  Lon- 
don, 1556,  16mo.  Written  conjointly  with 
Eobert  Crowley.  2.  '  Origenis  tres  dialogi 
de  recta  fide  contra  Marcionistas  ; '  in  l  Ori- 
genis Opera,'  Basle,  1571,  fol.  ii.  811.  The 
dedication  to  Sir  Anthony  Cavura,  knight, 
is  dated  Basle,  6  Aug.  1557.  The  work  is  a 
paraphrase  rather  than  a  translation.  3. l  Epi- 
stola  de  Grsecis  Literis  et  Homeri  Lectione 
et  Imitatione  ad  preesidem  et  socios  collegii 
Magdalen.  Oxon.'  In  '  Ke'pas  'A/uaA0«as,  rj 
a>fceai/6s  ran/  e^eyfjaewv  'QfUplK&V)  fK  rwv  TOV 

Basle,  1558.  4.  '  De  religionis  conserva- 
tione  et  reformatione  vera ;  deque  primatu 
regum  et  magistratuum,  &  obedientia  illis, 
ut  suminis  in  terra  Christi  vicariis,prsestandar 
liber/  Basle,  1559,  8vo.  5.  <  De  ratione 
interpretandi  authores,'  Basle,  1559,  8vo. 
Dedicated  to  Sir  Thomas  Wroth.  At  the 
end  of  the  To'lume  is  the  Prophecy  of  Oba- 
diah  in  Hebrew  and  Latin,  and  Philo  'De 
Judice '  in  Greek  and  Latin,  done  by  Hum- 
phrey. 6.  '  Optimates,  sive  de  nobilitate, 
ej  usque  antiqua  origine,  natura,  discipline,, 
&c.,  lib.  3,'  Basle,  1560,  8vo.  At  the  end  is 
*  Philonis  Judaei  de  nobilitate/  translated 
from  the  Greek.  An  English  translation  ap- 
peared with  this  title :  '  The  Nobles,  or  of  No- 
bility e.  The  original  nature,  dutyes,  ryght, 
and  Christian  Institucion  thereof,  in  three 
Bookes/  London,  1563,  12mo.  7.  « Oratio 
Woodstochise  habita  ad  illustriss.  R.  Elizab. 
31  Aug.  1572/  London,  1572,  4to,  and  in 
Nichols's  Progresses  of  Queen  Elizabeth,  i. 
583.  8.  ( Joannis  Juelli  Angli,  Episcopi  Sa- 
risburiensis,  vita  &  mors,  eiusq.  veree  doc- 
triiiEe  defensio,  cum  refutatione  quorundam 
objectorum  .  .  .'  London,  1573, 4to  ;  prefixed 
also  to  f  Juelli  Opera/  1600,  fol.  Dedicated  to 
Archbishop  Parker  and  Sandys,  bishop  of  Lon- 
don, at  whose  desire  the  work  was  written. 
An  English  abridgment  is  prefixed  to  Jewel's 
'  Apology/  and  his '  Epistle  to  Scipio/  ed.  1685. 
9. '  Oratio  in  Aula  Woodstoc.  habita  ad  illus- 
triss. R.  Elizab.  an.  1575,'  London,  1575,  4to  ; 
reprinted  in  Nichols's  { Progresses  of  Queen 
Elizabeth/  i.  585-99.  10.  'Jesuitismi  pars 
prima  ;  sive  de  praxi  Romanee  curias  contra 
resp.  &  principes ;  &  de  nova  legations  jesui- 
tarum  in  Angliam,  TrpoQepcnreia  £  premonitio 
ad  Anglos.  Cui  adjuncta  est  concio  ejusdem 
argumenti.  Edit,  secunda/  London,  1581, 
1582, 8vo ;  and  in  vol.  iii.  of  'Doctrina  Jesui- 
tarum  per  varies  authores/  6  vols.,  Rochelle, 
1585-6.  11.  t  Pharisaismus  vetus  et  novus, 
sive  de  fermento  Pharisaeorum  et  Jesuitarum 
vitando ;  concio  habita  apud  Oxonienses  in 
die  cinerum  MDLXXXII.  in  Matth.  xvi.  Marc, 
viii.  Luc.  xii./  London,  1582;  in  'Doctrina 
Jesuitarum/  vol.  ii. ;  and  in  the  works  of 
William  Whitaker,  Geneva,  1620,  fol.,  i.  240. 
12.  '  Jesuitismi  pars  secunda  .  .  .'  London, 

1584,  8vo;    and  in  'Doctrina  Jesuitarum/ 
vol.  ii.     13.  '  Apologetica  Epistola  ad  Aca- 
demiae  Oxoniensis  Cancellarium/  Rochelle, 

1585,  8vo.      14.  An  edition  of  John  Shep- 
reve's  '  Summa  &  synopsis  Novi  Testament! 
distichis    ducentis    sexaginta   comprehensa' 
was  revised  and   corrected   by   Humphrey, 
Oxford,    1586,  8vo.     It  is   printed  also  in 
'Gemma  Fabri/  London,  1598  and  1603,  and 
in   'Biblii    Summula/   London,    1621    and 




1623.  15.  '  Seven  Sermons  against  Treason, 
on  1  Sam.  xxvi.  8,  9,  10,  11,'  &c.,  London, 
1588,  8vo  ;  dedicated  to  the  Earl  of  Leices- 
ter. 16.  '  Antidiploma,'  manuscript  cited  in 
'Apologia  ministrorum  Lincoln.,'  1605,  4to. 
17.  Translation  of  Origen  <  Of  True  Faith,' 
with  a  preface  to  the  same  author.  18.  St. 
Cyril's  Commentaries  upon  Isaiah,  trans- 
lated into  Latin ;  dedicated  to  Queen  Eliza- 
beth. 19.  '  Consensus  patrum  de  justifica- 
tione.'  20.  Index  to  Forster's  Hebrew  Lexi- 
con. 21.  Latin  and  Greek  verses  prefixed  to 
various  works  which  are  specified  in  Cooper's 
'  Athenae  Cantabrigienses.' 

There  is  a  portrait  of  Humphrey  in  Mag- 
dalen College  School.  His  face  was  among 
those  painted  on  the  top  of  the  wall  under 
the  roof  of  the  picture  gallery  in  the  Bodleian 
Library,  Oxford.  A  fine  engraved  portrait  of 
him  is  in  Holland's  '  Hercoologia.'  Of  this 
there  is  a  reduced  copy  in  Lupton's  l  Modern 
Protestant  Divines.' 

[Addit.  MSS.  5848  p.  43,  5871  f.  103  ;  Ames's 
Typogr.  Antiq.  (Herbert);  Baker  MSS.  vi.  351- 
354,  xvii.  256  ;  Bloxam's  Magdalen  Coll.  Ke- 
gister,  ii.  pref.  p.  Ivi,  vol.  iv.  104-32;  Brook's 
Puritans,  i.  363  ;  Burnet's  Hist,  of  the  Keforma- 
tion ;  Cooper's  Athense  Cantabr.  ii.  80,  544,  where 
many  authorities  are  cited;  Gough's  Index  to 
Parker  Society  Publications ;  Granger's  Biog. 
Hist,  of  England  ;  Holland's  Hercoologia,  p.  208  ; 
Johnston's  King's  Visitatorial  Power  asserted, 
p.  227  ;  Le  Neve's  Fasti  (Hardy) ;  Lupton's  Mo- 
dern Protestant  Divines,  p.  292 ;  Neal's  Puri- 
tans; Strype's  Works  (general  index) ;  Tanner's 
Bibl.  Brit.  p.  421;  Warton's  Hist,  of  English 
Poetry;  Wood's  Annals  of  Oxford  (Gutch); 
Wood's  Colleges  and  Halls  (Gutch).]  T.  C. 

HUMPHREY,  PELHAM  (1647-1674), 
musician.  [See  HUMFREY.] 

called  the  GOOD  DUKE  HUMPHREY  (1391- 
1447),  youngest  son  of  Henry,  earl  of  Derby, 
afterwards  Henry  IV,  by  his  first  wife,  Mary 
Bohun  (d.  1394),  was  born  in  1391,  probably 
in  January  or  February,  during  his  father's 
absence  in  Prussia.  He  remained  in  England 
with  his  brothers  during  his  father's  exile. 
He  was  made  a  knight  on  11  Oct.  1399,  the 
day  before  his  father's  coronation.  In  1400 
he  became  a  knight  of  the  Garter.  In  1403 
he  is  said  by  Waurin  (Chron.  1399-1422,  p. 
61)  to  have  been  present  at  the  battle  of 
Shrewsbury.  He  received  a  careful  education, 
Bale  says,  at  Balliol  College,  Oxford  (Script. 
Brit.  Cat.  p.  583,  ed.  1557),  and  became  at  a 
very  early  age  a  great  collector  and  reader  of 
books  and  a  bountiful  patron  of  learned  men. 
His  presents  of  books  to  Oxford  began  about 
1411,  when  Richard  Courtenay  [q.  v.],  the 
chancellor,  was  enlarging  and  organising  the 


university  library.  He  was  extremely  dis- 
solute, and  soon  after  he  was  thirty  had 
undermined  his  constitution  by  his  excesses 
(Kymer's  report  in  HEARNE,  Liber  Niger 
Scacc.  ii.  550-9).  His  first  public  appoint- 
ment was  on  7  May  1413,  soon  after  his 
brother  Henry  V's  accession,  when  he  was 
made  great  chamberlain  of  England  (DOYLE, 
Official  Baronage,  ii.  22).  On  16  May  1414 
he  was  created  Duke  of  Gloucester  and  Earl 
of  Pembroke  at  the  parliament  at  Leicester. 

Gloucester  became  one  of  his  brother's 
council,  and  was  present  at  the  meeting  of 
16  April  1415  which  resolved  on  war  with 
France  (Ord.  P.  C.  ii.  156).  He  attended 
Henry  V  to  Southampton,  and  was  one  of 
the  court  which  tried  and  condemned  Cam- 
bridge and  Scrope  for  treason.  He  then  em- 
barked for  France,  where  he  took  part  in  the 
whole  campaign,  commanding  one  of  the 
three  divisions  into  which  the  English  army 
was  divided,  and  actively  co-operating  at  the 
siege  of  Harfleur  (T.  LIVIUS  FORO-JULIENSIS, 
Vita  Hen.  V,  p.  9).  At  Agincourt  (25  Oct.) 
Gloucester,  while  struggling  against  Alen9on 
and  his  followers,  was  wounded  and  thrown 
senseless  to  the  ground.  He  was  rescued  by 
Henry  V  (ib.  p.~20 ;  REDMAN,  p.  47 ;  ELM- 
HAM,  p.  121,  both  in  COLE,  Memorials  of 
Hen.  V;  WRIGHT,  Political  Songs,  ii.  125 ; 
NICOLAS,  Battle  of  Agincourt),  and  was  con- 
veyed to  Calais,  where  he  soon  recovered 
(GILES,  Chron.  p.  51).  His  services  were 
rewarded  by  a  long  series  of  grants.  He 
became  lord  of  the  march  of  Llanstephan, 
near  Carmarthen  (Gal.  Rot.  Pat.  p.  265).  He 
afterwards  received  other  lands  and  offices  in 
Wales.  He  was  made,  on  27  Nov.  1415, 
warden  of  the  Cinque  ports  and  constable  of 
Dover  Castle,  and  on  28  Dec.  of  the  same 
year  lord  of  the  Isle  of  Wight  and  Caris- 
brooke.  On  27  Jan.  1416  he  was  appointed 
warden  and  chief  justice  in  eyre  of  the  royal 
forests,  parks,  and  warrens  south  of  the  Trent 
(DOYLE,  ii.  22). 

On  30  April  1416  Gloucester  received  the 
Emperor  Sigismund  at  Dover  (ELMHAM,  p. 
133),  and,  if  a  late  authority  can  be  trusted 
(HOLINSHED,  iii.  85),  rode  into  the  water 
with  naked  sword  in  hand  and  obtained  from 
the  emperor  a  promise  that  he  would  exer- 
cise or  claim  no  jurisdiction  in  England.  In 
September  the  emperor's  zeal  for  peace  caused 
the  assembling  of  a  conference  at  Calais.  John 
of  Burgundy  would  only  be  present  if  Hum- 
phrey were  handed  over  as  a  hostage  for  his 
safety.  On  4  Oct.  Gloucester  rode  into  the 
water  to  meet  Burgundy  at  Gravelines  and 
surrendered  himself  as  a  hostage  (Gesta 
Hen.  V,  p.  100,  Engl.  Hist.  Soc. ;  Fosdera, 
ix.  390  sq.)  He  was  royally  entertained  by 




Philip  of  Charolais  at  Saint-Omer,  and  was 
surrendered  on  13  Oct.  after  Burgundy's  re- 
turn. He  then  accompanied  Sigismund  on 
his  coasting  voyage  from  Calais  to  Dordrecht, 
where  he  was  dismissed  with  presents  (WALS- 
INGHAM,  Ypodigma  Neustrice,  p.  471 ;  CAP- 
GRAVE,  Chron.  p.  315 ;  cf.  ASCHBACH,  Kaiser 


Gloucester  took  part  in  Henry  V's  second 
French  expedition  in  1417.  He  took  Lisieux 
without  difficulty  (REDMAN,  p.  51).  On 
- 19  Sept.  he  was  commissioned  to  treat  for 
the  surrender  of  Bayeux  (Fcedera,  ix.  493). 
After  Easter  1418  he  overran  the  Cotentin, 
finding  serious  resistance  at  Cherbourg,  which 
only  surrendered  on  1  Oct.  after  a  long  siege 
(T.  LEVITTS  FoRO-JuLiENSis,  pp.  51-6 :  GRE- 
GORY, Chronicle,  p.  121).  He  then  joined 
Henry  V  at  the  siege  of  Rouen,  where  he  took 
up  quarters  with  the  king  at  the  Porte  Saint- 
Hilaire  (Paston  Letters,  i.  10 ;  Collections  of 
London  Citizen,  Camd.  Soc.,  pp.  11,  16,  23, 
25).  In  January  1419  he  was  made  governor 
of  the  captured  capital  of  Normandy  (MoNS- 
TRELET,  iii.  308).  In  April  1419  he  had  li- 
cense to  treat  for  a  marriage  between  himself 
and  Blanche  of  Sicily,  daughter  of  Charles, 
king  of  Navarre  (Fcedera,  ix.  493).  Nothing 
further  came  of  this.  He  was  present  at  the 
first  interview  of  Henry  V  and  the  French 
court  at  Meulan,  and  on  1  June  was  a  com- 
missioner to  treat  for  peace  and  for  Henry's 
marriage  (Fcedera,  ix.  761).  He  attended 
Henry's  marriage  on  Trinity  Sunday,  1420, 
and  fought  at  the  siege  of  Melun.  Later  in 
that  year  he  was  sent  home  to  replace  Bed- 
ford as  regent  in  England  (WALSINGHAM, 
Hist.  Angl  ii.  33).  He  held  the  December 
parliament  in  Henry's  name,  and  on  30  Dec. 
was  formally  appointed  lieutenant  of  Eng- 
land (Fcedera,  ix.  830).  In  February  1421 
his  commission  was  concluded  by  the  king's 
return.  In  the  summer  of  1421  Gloucester 
again  accompanied  Henry  V  to  France.  He 
afterwards  returned  to  England,  and  replaced 
Bedford  as  regent  when  the  latter  accom- 
panied Queen  Catherine  to  Paris  in  May 

Gloucester  was  still  in  England  when 
Henry  V  died  on  31  Aug.  1422,  leaving  an 
infant  heir.  On  his  deathbed  Henry  warned 
Gloucester  not  to  selfishly  prefer  his  personal 
interests  to  those  of  the  nation  (WAURIN, 
Chron.  1399-1422,  p.  423).  The  dying  king 
appointed  him  deputy  for  Bedford  during 
the  latter's  presence  in  France.  Humphrey 
at  once  entered  into  this  position.  On 
28  Sept.  he  received  the  seals  from  the  chan- 
cellor in  the  name  of  his  little  nephew, 
Henry  VI.  But  the  council  exercised  the 
executive  power,  and  he  did  not  venture  to 

gainsay  their  acts.  In  the  end  the  question 
of  the  regency  was  referred  to  parliament, 
which  Gloucester  opened  on  9  Nov.  (Fcedera, 
x.  257 /:  He  claimed  the  regency,  both  on 
grounds  of  kinship  and  the  will  of  Henry  V. 
Parliament  rejected  his  pretensions.  At  last 
royal  letters  patent,  confirmed  by  act  of  par- 
liament, provided  that  Gloucester,  during  his 
brother's  presence  in  England,  was  only  to 
act  as  principal  counsellor  after  him,  but  that 
i  when  Bedford  was  absent  Gloucester  was  to 
be  himself  protector  and  defender  of  the  king- 
dom and  church,  and  chief  counsellor  to  the 
king.  As  Bedford  was  likely  to  be  fully  occu- 
pied in  France,  Gloucester  at  once  became 
protector,  with  a  salary  of  eight  thousand 
marks  a  year.  The  real  power,  however,  re- 
mained with  the  council,  of  which  Gloucester 
was  little  more  than  the  chairman,  with  some 
small  rights  of  dispensing  the  minor  patron- 
age of  the  crown.  The  new  council  only 
took  office  on  five  stringent  conditions  which 
severely  limited  his  power. 

Gloucester's  first  acts  fully  justified  the 
caution  of  Henry  V  and  the  council.  Before 
June  1421  Jacqueline  of  Bavaria  fled  to  the 
English  court,  where  she  was  given  a  pen- 
sion and  allowed  to  act  as  godmother  to 
Henry  VI.  Born  on  25  July  1401,  she  was 
the  only  daughter  of  William  IV,  count  of 
Hainault,  Holland,  and  Zealand,  and  lord  of 
Friesland,  and  of  Margaret  of  Burgundy, 
sister  of  John  the  Fearless.  Her  first  hus- 
band, who  soon  died,  was  the  dauphin  John, 
Charles  VII's  elder  brother.  On  her  father's 
death  in  1417  she  had  succeeded  to  the  sove- 
reignty of  his  three  counties.  In  1418  she 
had  married  her  second  husband,  John  IV, 
duke  of  Brabant,  her  own  cousin,  and  cousin 
of  Philip  of  Burgundy.  But  her  father's  bro- 
ther, John  the  Pitiless,  at  one  time  bishop  of 
Liege,  wrested  Holland  and  Zealand  from  her 
by  a  treaty  with  her  weak  husband,  21  April 
1420.  The  Spanish  antipope,  Benedict  XIII, 
annulled  her  marriage  with  Brabant  soon 
after  her  arrival  in  England,  and,  probably  in 
the  autumn  of  1422,  Gloucester  married  her 
(by  October  1422,  Particularity  Curieuses, 
p.  58 ;  before  7  March  1423,  STEVENSON,  i.  211, 
pref. ;  SAINT-REMY,  ii.  82 ;  ^ENEAS  SYLVIUS, 
Commentarii,  pp.  412-15,  ed.  Rome,  1584). 
Lydgatewrotea  ballad  to  celebrate  the  event. 
On  20  Oct.  1423  she  was  denizened  (Fcedera, 
x.  311).  Gloucester  spent  Christmas  at  St. 
Albans  with  his  wife  (cf.  AMTJNDESHAM,  i.  7). 
On  7  Jan.  1424  both  were  admitted  to  the 
fraternity  of  the  abbey,  which  was  afterwards 
his  favourite  place  of  devotion  (ib.  i.  66). 

Gloucester  had  dealt  a  death-blow  to  Eng- 
lish interests  abroad  by  a  marriage  which 
directly  put  him  in  competition  with  Philip 




-of  Burgundy  for  the  mastery  of  the  Nether- 
lands. The  French  rejoiced  at  the  prospects 
of  the  overthrow  of  the  Anglo-Burgundian 
alliance.  Letters  of  Gloucester  and  others 
wereforged  (probably  at  the  instigation  of  the 
new  constable,  Arthur  of  Richmond;  but 
cf.  COSNEATJ,  Le  Connetable  de  Richemont, 
pp.  501-3)  to  make  Philip  believe  that  Bed- 
ford was  in  secret  league  with  his  brother 
and  was  plotting  his  assassination  (BEATJ- 
<COTTRT,Hist.  de  Charles  VII,  ii.  658-60;  DBS- 
PL  ANQTJE,  Memoir es  de  F  Academic  de  Bru- 
xelles,  tome  32, 1867,  publishes  the  forgeries 
from  the  Lille  archives  and  maintains  the  j 
reality  of  the  plot).  But  Bedford,  though  re- 
questing the  pope  to  legitimatise  his  brother's 
marriage  (STEVENSON,  ii.  388),  really  strained 
every  effort  to  check  Humphrey's  ambition. 
He  joined  at  once  with  Burgundy  in  offering 
to  mediate  between  Gloucester  and  Brabant. 
On  15  Feb.'  1424  Gloucester  accepted  the  offer, 
provided  that  the  case  were  settled  by  March. 
It  was  not  till  June  that  the  arbiters  referred 
the  question  to  Pope  Martin  V,  whom  Glou- 
cester had  already  requested  to  pronounce 
against  the  validity  of  Jacqueline's  mar- 
riage to  Brabant  (ib.  ii.  392-3,  401-4).  But 
Gloucester  now  collected  five  thousand  sol- 
diers and  crossed  over  to  Calais  on  16  Oct., 
accompanied  by  Jacqueline,  bent  on  conquer- 
ing Hainault  (ib.  ii.  397 ;  cf.  Beckington  Corre- 
spondence, i.  281).  He  delayed  a  few  days  at 
Calais,  whence  he  wrote  on  27  Oct.  an  in- 
temperate letter  to  the  pope  against  a  papal 
•collector  (ib.  i.  279-80).  He  marched  peace- 
ably through  the  Burgundian  territories, 
and,  reaching  Hainault,  found  no  open  re- 
sistance. On  4  Dec.  the  estates  of  Hainault 
recognised  him  as  count,  and  next  day  he  took 
the  oaths  and  entered  formally  on  that  office. 
The  faction  of  the  Hoeks  in  Holland  also  rose 
in  arms  to  support  his  claims  (BEATJCOUET,  ii. 
18, 362-8 ;  Particularity  Curieuses  sur  Jacque- 
line de  Baviere,  No.  1  des  publications  de  la 
Societe  des  Bibliophiles  de  Mons,  1838 ;  F.  VON 
LOHER,  Jakobda  von  Bayern  und  ihre  Zeit, 
1869 ;  LOHEK,  Beitrdge  zur  Geschichte  der 
Jacobda  von  Bayern  in  Abhandlungen  der  his- 
torischen  Classe  der  bayerischen  Academic  der 
Wissenschaften,  x.  1-112  and  205-336). 

Philip  of  Burgundy  concluded  a  truce  with 
France  and  hurried  to  the  delivery  of  Bra- 
bant. After  a  hot  correspondence  (printed 
with  some  variations  of  text  in  MONSTRELET, 
ii.  213-25;  WATJRIN;  and  SAINT-REMY,  ii. 
95-105)  he  challenged  Gloucester  to  a  duel, 
and  Humphrey  accepted  the  proposal.  But 
his  enthusiasm  for  Jacqueline  and  her  cause 
was  over.  He  had  found  a  new  mistress 
in  one  of  the  ladies  who  had  accompanied 
her  from  England.  This  was  Eleanor  Cob- 

ham,  daughter  of  Lord  Cobham  of  Ster- 
borough,  a  handsome,  greedy,  sensual  woman 
of  doubtful  antecedents.  Taking  an  affec- 
tionate farewell  of  Jacqueline,  Gloucester 
went  back  to  England  with  Eleanor  on  pre- 
tence of  preparing  for  his  duel  with  Philip, 
but  that  Bedford  and  the  pope  forbade  (MON- 
STRELET, IV.  231  ;  WAURIN,  1422-31,  i.  176  ; 

STEVENSON,  ii.  412-14).  Burgundy  overran 
Hainault  and  captured  Jacqueline  in  June 
1425.  He  had  already  occupied  Holland  and 
Zealand  as  the  heir  of  the  ex-bishop  of  Liege, 
who  had  died  in  January.  In  September 
Jacqueline  escaped  to  Holland  and  made  her- 
self mistress  of  most  of  the  country.  Glou- 
cester, though  unwilling  or  unable  to  go  in 
person,  sent  five  hundred  troops  under  Lord 
Fitzwalter  to  her  help  (WAURIN,  p.  200). 
But  in  January  1426  she  was  beaten  by  Philip 
at  Brouwershaven,  and  Gloucester  grew  more 
indifferent  as  her  prospects  darkened. 

During  Gloucester's  absence  abroad  the 
council  had  governed  and  Beaufort  had  be- 
come chancellor.  He  came  back  in  April 
1425  embittered  by  failure,  broken  in  health, 
and  crippled  by  debt.  He  was  present  at  the 
parliament  which  met  on  30  April,  and  was 
forbidden  to  continue  further  his  quarrel 
with  Burgundy.  He  was  treated  with  great 
forbearance  and  allowed  to  borrow  large 
sums  of  money.  The  council,  however, 
strongly  rebuked  him,  although  it  gave  him 
the  lucrative  wardship  of  the  Mortimer  es- 
tates of  the  Duke  of  York,  who  was  a  minor. 
A  personal  quarrel  between  Gloucester  and 
Beaufort  followed.  A  riot  between  their 
supporters  took  place  in  London  on  30  Oct. 
The  council  implored  Bedford  to  return  to 
heal  the  feud,  and  on  10  Jan.  1426  he  arrived 
in  London  [see  BEAUFORT,  HENRY,  bishop  of 
Winchester,  d.  1447].  It  was  the  first  time 
that  Gloucester  had  seen  him  since  Henry  Vs 
death.  Gloucester  signed  a  bond  of  unity,  in 
which  he  agreed  to  form  no  alliance  without 
his  brother's  consent  (Beckington  Correspond- 
ence, i.  139-45),  but  efforts  to  reconcile  his 
feud  with  Beaufort  at  first  failed.  On  18  Feb. 
parliament,  however,  met  at  Leicester,  and 
the  peers  arbitrated  between  nephew  and 
uncle.  Beaufort  denied  a  series  of  wild 
charges  brought  against  him  by  Gloucester, 
and  on  12  March  Gloucester  accepted  his 
disavowal  and  took  him  by  the  hand.  But 
Beaufort  resigned  the  chancellorship. 

Bedford  remained  in  England  and  acted 
as  protector.  '  Let  my  brother  govern  as  he 
list  whilst  he  is  in  this  land,'  Gloucester  said 
to  his  friends,  l  for  after  his  going  over  into 
France  I  will  govern  as  me  seemeth  good.' 
He  also  boasted  that  { if  he  had  done  any- 
thing that  touched  the  king  in  his  sovereign 

R  2 




state  he  would  not  answer  for  it  to  any  per- 
son alive,  save  only  to  the  king  when  he 
came  of  age  '  (Ord.  P.  C.  iii.  241).  Before 
Bedford's  departure  Gloucester,  who  was  seri- 
ously ill  at  his  house,  was  visited  by  the  coun- 
cil, and  swore  that  he  would  obey  its  com- 
mands. Bedford  left  England  in  March  1427, 
accompanied  by  Beaufort.  Gloucester,  on 
recovering  from  his  illness,  made  offerings  at 
St.  Albans,  whence  he  proceeded  to  Norwich 
to  try  some  malefactors  (AMFNDESHAM,  i.  13). 
He  returned  to  London  hi  June. 

Again  protector,  Gloucester  returned  to 
his  old  courses.  He  earned  a  stern  reproof 
from  Bedford  for  intriguing  with  his  French 
council.  During  the  spring  of  1427  Jacque- 
line was  in  great  distress,  and  kept  sending 
piteous  appeals  for  help  to  him  and  the  coun- 
cil (LoHER,  Beitrage,  prints  them  (pp.  219  sq.) 
from  the  Lille  Archives).  Gloucester  became 
anxious  to  assist  her.  He  broke  his  promise 
to  his  brother,  and  in  July  persuaded  the  coun- 
cil to  grant  him  five  thousand  marks  with 
which  to  aid  Jacqueline  in  Holland  (Fcedera, 
x.  374).  But  the  council  insisted  that  no 
aggressions  should  be  made  without  the  con- 
sent of  parliament.  In  January  1428  the 
pope  annulled  the  marriage  of  Humphrey 
and  Jacqueline. 

In  January  1428  the  parliament,  which  had 
already  assembled  in  the  autumn  before,  held 
a  second  session.  On  3  March  Gloucester 
requested  the  lords  to  define  his  powers  as 
protector.  They  answered  that  his  powers 
were  strictly  limited  by  the  act  of  his  ap- 
pointment, and  that  the  title  protector  l  im- 
ported a  personal  duty  of  intendance  to  the 
actual  defence  of  the  land'  (Hot.  Parl.  iv. 
326).  They  now  imposed  a  further  check  on 
his  independence  by  directing  Richard  Beau- 
champ  [q.  v.],  earl  of  Warwick,  to  act  as  the 
little  king's  preceptor  in  accordance  with 
Henry  V's  intentions.  Even  his  personal 
popularity  was  diminished.  In  1428  a  num- 
ber of  London  housewives,  'of  good  reckoning 
and  well  apparrelled,'  appeared  before  the 
lords,  and  protested  against  the  shame  of  his 
abandoning  his  wife  to  her  distress,  while 
consoling  himself  with  a  harlot  like  Eleanor 
Cobham  (AMTTNDESHAM,  i.  20;  STOW,  An- 
nals, p.  369).  Proposals  were  made  that  he 
should  submit  his  claims  to  Hainault  to  Bed- 
ford and  Beaufort's  arbitration  (STEVENSON, 
ii.  417-18).  But  in  the  same  year  Jacqueline 
gave  up  her  heroic  struggle.  By  the  treaty  of 
Delft  in  July  ehe  submitted  to  Philip ;  recog- 
nised him  as  her  heir,  and  as  co-regent  of  her 
territories ;  promised  never  to  marry  without 
his  consent,  and  declared  that  she  had  never 
been  lawfully  married  to  Gloucester.  Hum- 
phrey quietly  acquiesced  in  her  renunciation. 

Before  1431  (perhaps  even  in  1428,  Beitrage, 
p.  276)  he  married  his  mistress,  Eleanor  Cob- 
ham,  who  was  generally  styled  the  'lady  of 
Gloucester.'  In  1433  Jacqueline  married  the 
leader  of  the  Oabeljaus,  Frans  van  Borsselen. 
On  hfi-  death  in  1436  Philip  of  Burgundy 
becane  lord  of  all  the  Netherlands.  Glou- 
cester  had  thus  facilitated  the  extension  of 
Philip's  power,  while  hopelessly  alienating 
him  from  England. 

The  mistakes  of  his  enemies  alone  gave 
Gloucester  a  further  lease  of  power.  So  early 
as  1424  he  had  posed  as  the  champion  of 
English  liberties  against  the  exactions  of  a 
papal  collector  (Beckington  Correspondence,, 
i.  279).  On  1  Sept.  1428  Gloucester,  in  the 
king's  name,  declined  to  recognise  Cardinal 
Beaufort,  who  had  just  returned  to  England 
as  papal  legate.  The  request  of  the  pope  for 
a  clerical  tenth  to  carry  on  the  Hussite  crusade 
still  further  strengthened  Gloucester's  hands. 
In  April  1429  he  demanded  whether  his- 
uncle,  being  a  cardinal,  ought  to  be  allowed 
to  act  as  prelate  of  the  Garter  on  St.  George's 
day,  and  the  council  begged  Beaufort  not  to 
act,  though  they  refused  to  settle  the  point. 

The  council  was  tired  of  Gloucester's  pro- 
tectorate, and  procured  the  coronation  of 
Henry  VI  on  6  Nov.  1429.  Parliament  then 
declared  the  protectorate  at  an  end.  On 
15  Nov.  Gloucester  resigned  his  position, 
keeping  only  the  title  of  chief  councillor. 
Gloucester  failed  in  an  attempt  to  exclude 
Beaufort  from  the  council.  But  when  Beau- 
fort accompanied  Henry  VI  on  his  journey 
to  be  crowned  in  France,  Gloucester  was 
appointed  lieutenant  and  warden  of  the  king- 
dom (21  April  1430).  During  the  next  two 
years,  in  the  king's  absence,  he  retained  this 
position,  though  finding  much  opposition 
from  a  powerful  faction  in  the  council,  headed 
by  Beaufort's  friend,  Archbishop  Kemp  [q.v.] 
In  1431  he  took  an  active  part  in  the  trials 
of  Lollard  priests. 

On  6  Nov.  1431  he  urged  Beaufort's  re- 
moval both  from  the  council  and  the  bishopric 
of  Winchester.  On  28  Nov.  he  persuaded  the 
council  to  draw  up  letters  of  attachment 
against  the  bishop  for  infringing  the  statute 
of  praemunire,  though  their  execution  was  put 
off  till  the  king  came  back.  On  the  same  day 
Beaufort's  friends  retaliated  by  vainly  at- 
tempting to  deprive  Gloucester,  whose  greedi- 
ness was  notorious,  of  his  salary  (Ord.  P.  C. 
iv.  103).  He  seized  Beaufort's  plate  and 
jewels,  and  after  Henry's  return  in  Fe- 
bruary 1432  removed  Kemp  from  the  chan- 
cellorship and  dismissed  the  other  friends  of 
Beaufort  from  office.  Parliament  met  on 
12  May,  and  Gloucester  declared  that  he  wa& 
anxious  only  to  act  as  chief  councillor  with 




the  advice  and  assistance  of  the  other  lords, 
but  refused  Beaufort's  request  that  his.  ac- 
cusers should  prefer  formal  charges  against 
him.  The  result  of  the  session  was  to  con- 
firm Gloucester  in  the  improved  position  he 

*      had  obtained  during  the  king's  absence  abroad. 

C—  In  1433  Burgundy  and  Bedford  were  on  the 
verge  of  quarrelling.  In  April  the  council  sent 
Gloucester  to  join  Bedford  and  Beaufort  at 
•Calais  to  conduct  the  projected  negotiations 
for  peace.  He  remained  abroad  from  22  April 
to  23  May  (Fcedera,  x.  548,  549;  but  cf. 
PLAISTCHEK,  Histoire  de  Bourgogne,  vol.  iv. 
preuves,  p.  cxxxv).  But  nothing  resulted 
from  Gloucester's  efforts,  and  in  the  parlia- 
ment which  met  in  July  the  financial  difficul- 
ties of  the  administration  were  fully  exposed. 
Bedford  had  come  over  to  the  parliament. 
Gloucester  was  forced  to  renew  his  former  de- 
claration of  concord,  and  even  to  follow  his 
brother's  example  and  content  himself  with 
a  reduced  salary  of  1,000/.  But  he  became 
more  and  more  jealous  of  Bedford,  and  in  a 
great  council  in  April  1434  he  came  forward 
with  an  offer  to  go  to  France  and  carry  on 
the  war  on  a  new  system.  This  was  indig- 
nantly resented  by  Bedford,  and  rejected  by 
the  council.  The  young  king  endeavoured  to 
restore  harmony .  But  Bedford  at  once  with- 
drew to  France,  joined  in  the  great  confer- 
ence at  Arras,  which  Gloucester  persistently 
opposed,  and  died  on  14  Sept.  1435.  His  death 
made  Gloucester  next  heir  to  the  throne. 

The  defection  of  Burgundy  had  just  taken 
place,  and  the  event  stirred  up  the  warlike 
feeling  in  England,  which  Gloucester  dexter- 
ously used  to  his  own  advantage.  On  1  Nov. 
he  was  appointed  in  parliament  captain  of 
Calais  for  nine  years  (_Z?of.  Parl.  iv.  483). 
'Calais  was  besieged  before  he  was  ready  to 
go  to  its  assistance,  and  he  had  the  morti-  ' 
fication  of  seeing  it  relieved  by  his  enemy, 
Edmund  Beaufort,  the  cardinal's  nephew. 
After  long  delays  his  troops  assembled  at 
Sandwich  about  22  July  1436  (Fwdera,  x. 
647).  On  27  July  he  was  appointed  the 
king's  lieutenant  over  the  new  army  (ib.  x. 
651).  He  crossed  to  Calais  on  28  July  at 
the  head  of  ten  thousand  men,  and  accom-  | 
panied  by  Warwick  and  Stafford.  On  30  July 
he  was  solemnly  appointed  count  of  Flanders, 
Philip  having  been  adjudged  to  have  forfeited 
the  territory  by  his' treason  to  the  lawful 
king  of  France  (ib.  x.  652).  After  leading  a 
hasty  foray  through  Flanders  in  the  first  few 
days  of  August  (1-16  Aug.  STEVENSON",  ii. 
xix-xx ;  1-12  Aug.  Engl.  Chron.  p.  55 ;  nine 
days,  WORCESTER,  p.  761  ;  cf.  WATTRIN, 
Chroniques,  1431-47,  pp.  200-6),  Gloucester 
abruptly  returned  home.  Impotent  in  court 
and  council,  he  became  more  popular  with 

the  country  now  that  he  posed  as  the  un- 
compromising champion  of  the  English  rights 
in  France.  In  his  bitter  but  fruitless  pro- 
test against  the  release  of  Orleans  in  1440 
(Fcedera,  x.  764-7 ;  STEVENSON,  ii.  440-51), 
he  denounced  Beaufort  and  Kemp  with  much 
bitterness  for  sacrificing  the  interests  of  the 
country  to  their  fondness  for  peace  with 
France,  and  accused  them  of  personal  dis- 
honesty and  the  meanest  treachery.  A 
dignified  protest  of  the  council  answered  his 
graver  charges  (STEVENSON,  ii.  451-60),  and 
on  28  Aug.,  when  Orleans  solemnly  swore  in 
Westminster  Abbey,  before  the  king  and 
lords,  to  observe  the  treaty  of  his  release, 
Gloucester  left  the  church  as  the  mass  began 
(Paston  Letters,  i.  40).  He  immediately  went 
to  South  Wales.  He  had  been  nominated 
chief  justice  of  the  district  in  February  1440, 
on  resigning  the  chief  justiceship  of  North 
Wales,  which  he  had  held  since  1427  (DOYLE, 
ii.  23). 

Gloucester's  period  of  power  was  now  at 
an  end.  He  still  attended  council,  but  he  was 
in  a  minority.  He  obtained  no  further  pub- 
lic appointments.  A  grave  domestic  trouble 
further  complicated  his  position.  Eleanor 
Cobham  had  long  held  dealings  with  profes- 
sors of  the  black  arts.  Roger  Bolingbroke, 
'  that  was  a  great  and  cunning  man  in  astro- 
nomy,' encouraged  her  to  believe  that  her 
husband  would  become  king,  and  he,  in  con- 
junction with  Thomas  Southwell,  canon  of 
St.  Stephen's,  Westminster,  exposed  a  wax 
doll,  modelled  like  King  Henry,  to  a  slow 
fire,  in  the  belief  that,  as  the  wax  gradually 
melted,  the  health  of  the  king  would  equally 
dwindle  away.  The  intrigue  was  divulged. 
Bolingbroke  and  Southwell  were  arrested,  and 
on  Sun  day,  23  July  1441,  Bolingbroke  abjured 
his  black  art  on  a  high  stage  at  Paul's  Cross 
during  sermon  time,  and  accused  the  lady  of 
Gloucester  of  being  his  instigator  to  treason 
and  magic.  Thoroughly  alarmed,  Eleanor 
fled  on  Tuesday  night  to  the  sanctuary  at 
Westminster.  The  two  archbishops,  Cardinal 
Beaufort,  and  Ayscough,  held  a  court  in 
St.  Stephen's  Chapel,  before  which  she  was 
called  upon  to  answer  charges  of  l  necro- 
mancy, witchcraft,  heresy,  and  treason,'  and 
by  their  judgment  she  was  imprisoned  on 
11  Aug.  at  Leeds  Castle  in  Kent.  She  re- 
mained at  Leeds  until  October,  when  a  special 
commission  was  appointed,  including  the  earls 
of  Huntingdon,  Stafford,  and  Suffolk,  and 
some  of  the  judges,  before  whom  Bolingbroke 
and  Southwell  as  principals  and  Eleanor  as 
an  accessory  were  indicted  of  treason.  On 
21  Oct.  another  commission  of  bishops  met  at 
St. Stephen's  Chapel,  and  Eleanor  was  brought 
before  them.  She  admitted  some  of  the 




articles,  but  denied  others.  Finally,  after 
witnesses  had  been  examined,  she  *  submitted 
her  only  to  the  correction  of  the  bishops.' 
On  13  Nov.  she  appeared  again  to  receive 
the  sentence  of  penance  and  imprisonment. 
For  three  days  she  perambulated  London 
streets  bareheaded  and  with  a  burning  taper 
in  her  hand,  which  she  offered  at  various 
churches.  She  was  then  committed  to  the 
ward  of  Sir  Thomas  Stanley,  one  hundred 
marks  a  year  being  assigned  for  her  mainte- 
nance, and  was  at  first  imprisoned  in  Chester 
Castle  (DEVON,  Issue  Eolls  of  the  Exchequer, 
p.  441 ;  ELLIS,  Original  Letters,  2nd  ser.  i. 
105 ;  but  cf.  WTKCESTEE,  p.  763).  In  Oc- 
tober 1443  she  was  transferred  to  Kenilworth 
(Foedera,  xi.  45;  cf.  DEVON,  pp.  447-8).  In 
July  1446  she  was  imprisoned  in  the  Isle  of 
Man  (Ord.  P.  C.  vi.  51).  She  is  said  to  have 
been  imprisoned  in  Peel  Castle  until  her 
death.  Bolingbroke  was  hung  and  quartered, 
the  witch  of  Eye,  another  of  Eleanor's  allies, 
was  burnt,  and  Southwell  died  in  the  Tower. 
Humphrey,  daring  not  to  intervene, '  took  all 
things  patiently  and  said  little  '  (GEAFTON, 
p.  588,  ed.  1569). 

A  trace  of  Gloucester's  influence  may  be 
found  in  the  petition  of  the  parliament  of 
1442  that  noble  ladies  should  be  tried  by 
their  peers  in  the  spirit  of  Magna  Carta 
(Rot.  ParL  v.  26).  Gloucester,  although 
chiefly  occupied  with  literature,  still  urged 
his  old  policy,  and  seems  to  have  pressed  the 
Armagnac  marriage  as  a  counter-scheme  to 
the  plan  of  Beaufort  to  marry  Henry  VI  to 
Margaret  of  Anjou.  But  he  reconciled  him- 
self to  the  triumph  of  his  enemies,  welcomed 
Margaret  on  her  arrival  in  England,  and 
even  proposed  in  the  House  of  Lords  a  vote  of 
thanks  to  Suffolk  for  his  exertions  in  conclud- 
ing the  match  (ib.  v.  73).  He  made,  however, 
a  long  oration  in  the  parliament  of  1445 
urging  the  violation  of  the  truce  (PoLY- 
DOBE  VEEGIL,  pp.  69-70,  Camden  Soc.)  But 
Henry  VI  was  now  thoroughly  prejudiced 
against  him,  and  Suffolk  was  a  more  active  and 
less  scrupulous  enemy  than  the  aged  cardinal. 
In  giving  audience  to  the  great  French  em- 
bassy in  1445,  the  young  kingpublicly  rejoiced 
over  Gloucester's  discomfiture  (STEVENSON, 
i.  Ill),  and  Suffolk  informed  the  envoys 
privately  that  if  Gloucester  had  the  wish  to 
hinder  the  establishment  of  peace  he  no  longer 
had  the  power  (ib.  i.  123).  Henry  gradually 
grew  to  fear  that  Gloucester  had  some  designs 
against  his  person.  He  denied  his  uncle  his 
presence  and  strengthened  his  body-guards 
(GILES, Chron.  p.  33 ;  WHETHAMSTEAD,  i.  179). 
Some  efforts  were  made  to  call  Humphrey  to 
account  for  his  protectorship.  Hall  believed 
that  he  actually  was  accused,  but  made  a 

clever  defence,  and  was  acquitted  (  Chronicle, 

E.  209).     Waurin  says  that  he  was  driven 
:om  the  council  (Chron.  1431-7,  p.  353). 

Affairs  came  to  a  crisis  in  1447.  Parlia- 
ment met  at  Bury  on  10  Feb.,  but  Humphrey 
was  n_>t  present.  The  king  was  carefully 
guarded.  It  was  reported  that  Gloucester 
was  in  Wales  stirring  up  revolt  (Engl.  Chron. 
p.  62).  But  he  was  really  on  his  way  to  the 
parliament,  suspecting  no  evil,  and  hoping  to 
secure  a  pardon  for  Eleanor  Cobham  (Three 
Fifteenth- Century  Chronicles,  p.  150).  He- 
was  attended  by  fourscore  horsemen,  mostly 
Welsh.  On  18  Feb.  he  rode  by  Lavenham 
to  Bury.  About  half  a  mile  from  the  town 
he  was  met  by  a  royal  messenger,  who  or- 
dered him  to  go  straight  to  his  lodgings. 
The  duke  entered  the  Southgate  at  about 
eleven  o'clock,  and  rode  through  the  ill- 
omened  Dead  Lane  to  his  lodgings  in  the 
North  Spital  of  St.  Saviour's  on  the  Thet- 
ford  Road.  After  he  had  dined,  the  Duke  of 
Buckingham  and  other  lords  came  to  him, 
one  of  whom,  Lord  Beaumont,  put  him  under 
arrest.  In  the  evening  some  of  his  followers 
were  also  arrested,  and  most  of  the  rest  during 
the  next  few  days.  The  duke  was  kept  in 
strict  custody  and  fell  sick.  On  Thursday, 
23  Feb.,  at  about  three  in  the  afternoon,  he 
died.  Next  day  his  body  was  exposed  to  the 
lords  and  knights  of  the  parliament  and  to 
the  public.  The  corpse  was  then  enclosed 
in  a  leaden  coffin  and  taken  with  scanty  at- 
tendance by  slow  stages  to  St.  Albans,  where 
a  *  fair  vault '  had  already  been  made  for  him 
during  his  life.  On  4  March  he  was  buried 
on  the  south  side  of  the  shrine  of  St.  Albans. 
A  *  stately  arched  monument  of  freestone, 
adorned  with  figures  of  his  royal  ancestors,' 
was  erected  by  Abbot  Whethamstead.  It 
is  figured  in  Sandford's  *  Genealogical  His- 
tory,' p.  318,  and  Gough's  i  Sepulchral  Monu- 
ments,' iii.  142.  In  1703  the  tomb  was  opened,, 
and  the  body  discovered  '  lying  in  pickle  in  a 
leaden  coffin  '  (GouGH,  iii.  142). 

Gloucester's  servants  were  accused  of  con- 
spiracy to  make  their  master  king,  and  of 
raising  an  armed  force  to  kill  Henry  at  Bury 
(Foedera,  xi.  178).  Five  were  condemned, 
one  of  whom  was  his  illegitimate  son  Arthur 
(GEEGOET,  p.  188),  but  at  the  last  moment 
they  were  pardoned  by  the  king's  personal  act. 
The  suddenness  of  the  duke's  death  naturally 
gave  rise  to  suspicions  of  foul  play;  but 
friends  of  the  duke,  like  Abbot  Whetham- 
stead (Reg.  i.  179)  were  convinced  that  his 
death  was  natural.  His  health,  ruined  by  de- 
bauchery, had  long  been  weak.  His  portraits 
depict  him  as  a  worn  and  prematurely  old 
man.  He  had  already  been  threatened  with 
palsy  (HAEDYNG,  p.  400),  and  the  sudden 




arrest  and  worry  might  well  have  brought 
about  a  fatal  paralytic  stroke  (GREGORY, 
p.  188;  GILES,  Chron.  pp.  33-4;  FABYAN, 
p.  619).  Fox's  contem'porary  narrative  of  the 
parliament  at  Bury,  the  best  and  fullest  ac- 
count of  his  last  days,  says  no  word  of  foul 
play  (English  Chron.  ed.  Davies,  pp.  116-18; 
cf.  however  ib.  p.  63).  Abroad  it  was  be- 
lieved that  he  had  been  strangled  (MATHIEU 
D'ESCOFCHY,  i.  118;  BASIN,  i.  190),  and  the 
Duke  of  York  was  regarded  as  his  murderer, 
but  this  is  improbable.  In  the  next  genera- 
tion still  wilder  tales  were  told  (CHASTELAIN, 
OEuvres,  vii.  87, 192,  ed.  Kervyn  de  Letten- 
hove;  cf.GRAFTON,p.597,ed.!569).  But  the 
fact  that  Suffolk  was  never  formally  charged 
with  the  murder  in  the  long  list  of  crimes 
brought  up  against  him  when  he  fell  is  almost 
conclusive  as  to  his  innocence. 

Gloucester  left  no  issue  by  Jacqueline  or 
Eleanor.  Two  bastards  of  his  are  mentioned : 
Arthur,  already  referred  to,  and  Antigone, 
who  married  Henry  Grey,  earl  of  Tanker- 
ville  (SANDFORD,  p.  319 ;  DOYLE,  iii.  511).  A 
portrait  of  Gloucester  from  the  Oriel  College 
MS.  of  Capgrave's '  Commentary  on  Genesis  ' 
is  engraved  in  Doyle's  '  Official  Baronage/ 
ii.  22.  Another  picture,  from  a  window  in  old 
Greenwich  church,  is  engraved  in  the  Cata- 
logue of  Manuscripts  in  the  Bodleian,  1697. 
He  is  usually  described  as  handsome. 

Gloucester  was  a  man  of  great  and  rest- 
less energy,  hot-tempered  and  impulsive,  of 
gracious  and  popular  manners,  eloquent,  plau- 
sible, and  affable.  His  title  of  the  '  good 
duke '  is  due,  not  to  his  moral  virtues,  but  to 
the  applause  of  the  men  of  letters  whom  he 
patronised  and  the  popular  notion  that  he  was 
a  patriot.  Shakespeare's  portrait  of  him  hands 
down  the  popular  tradition,  and  nearly  all 
the  chroniclers,  foreign  and  native,  praise 
him;  but  the  broad  facts  of  his  life  show  him 
unprincipled,  factious,  and  blindly  selfish.  Dr. 
Pauli  compares  him  to  John  of  Gaunt,  but 
the  political  aspect  of  his  career  rather  sug- 
gests analogies  with  Thomas  of  Woodstock. 

Though  no  believer  in  popular  miracles, 
Gloucester  adhered  to  the  orthodox  traditions 
of  his  family,  and  was  the  patron  and  visitor 
of  monasteries,  the  friend  of  churchmen,  the 
hunter  of  heretics.  Lydgate  boasted  that  | 
Humphrey  maintained  the  church  with  such 
energy  'that  in  this  land  no  Lollard  dare 
abide.'  He  transferred  some  alien  priories  in 
his  hands  to  swell  the  endowments  of  Eton 
(DEVON,  p.  447),  and  invented  ingenious  de- 
vices to  enable  the  monks  of  St.  Albans,  to 
whom  he  granted  St.  Nicholas  priory,  Pem- 
broke, to  evade  the  statute  of  mortmain 
(WHETHAMSTEAD,  i.  92 ;  DFGDALE,  Monasti- 
con,  ii.  201, 243).  He  was  a  great  collector  of 

ecclesiastical  ornaments  and  jewels,  some  of 
which  came  after  his  death  to  Eton  (LYTE,  pp. 
25,  27;  Ecclesiologist,  xx.  304-15,  xxi.  1-4). 
Though  avaricious,  he  was  a  liberal  giver.  He 
was  a  real  student  and  lover  of  literature,  and 
an  indefatigable  collector  of  books.  His  read- 
ing was  very  wide  (Beckington  Correspond- 
ence, i.  290).  His  chief  studies  were  in  the 
Latin  poets  and  orators,  medicine  and  astro- 
nomy, Latin  versions  of  Plato  and  Aristotle, 
and  Italian  poetry,  including  Dante,  Petrarch, 
and  especially  Boccaccio.  The  catalogue  of 
his  books  presented  to  Oxford  best  indicates 
the  range  of  his  tastes  (ANSTEY,  Munimenta 
Academica,  pp.  758-72).  His  only  Greek 
book  was  a  vocabulary. 

Humphrey's  donations  first  gave  the  uni- 
versity of  Oxford  an  important  library  of 
its  own.  So  early  as  1411  his  gifts  begin. 
Acting  through  his  physician,  Gilbert  Ky- 
mer  (Munimenta  Academica,  p.  758),  he  gave 
129  volumes  in  1439.  The  masters  thanked 
him,  and  ordered  his  commemoration  as  one 
of  their  greatest  benefactors  (ib.  pp.  326-30). 
Other  gifts  followed,  until  the  university  in 
1444  resolved  to  move  their  books  from  the 
convocation  house  on  the  north  side  of  St. 
Mary's  Church,  and  build  a  new  library  as  an 
upper  story  of  the  divinity  school,  which 
had  been  begun  in  1426,  and  towards  the 
building  of  which  Humphrey  had  already 
contributed.  The  masters  offered  the  duke 
the  title  of  founder  (MACRAY,  Annals  of  the 
Bodleian  Library,  p.  7,  2nd  edit.),  and  ob- 
tained from  him  a  promise  of  a  contribution 
of  100/.  towards  the  work,  together  with  all 
the  rest  of  his  books.  In  1446  the  university 
elected  Kymer  chancellor  for  a  second  time 
at  Humphrey's  recommendation  (Wooo, 
Fasti  Oxon.  p.  51,  ed.  Gutch).  But  Glou- 
cester died  intestate,  and  his  gift  was  obtained 
in  1450  after  considerable  difficulty  (ib.  p.  8 ; 
cf.  LYTE,  p.  322).  The  central  part  of  the 
reading-room  of  the  Bodleian  Library,  now 
called  DukeHumphrey's  Library, was  finished 
by  the  munificence  of  Thomas  Kemp,  bishop 
of  London.  But  the  contents  were  dispersed 
in  the  days  of  Edward  VI,  and  only  three 
volumes  of  the  duke's  collection  now  remain 
in  the  Bodleian ;  others  exist  at  Oriel,  St. 
John's,  and  Corpus  Christi  Colleges,  and  six 
are  in  the  British  Museum  (ib.  p.  323 ;  cf. 
MACRAY,  Annals  of  the  Bodleian  Library,  pp. 
6-13,  2nd  edit. ;  and  ELLIS,  Letters  of  Emi- 
nent Literary  Men,  pp.  357-8,  Camden  Soc.) 
Some  are  also  in  the  Bibliotheque  Nationale 
at  Paris,  and  a  metrical  translation  of  Pal- 
ladius  <de  re  rustica,'  now  at  Wentworth 
Woodhouse,  contains  a  curious  prologue  de- 
scribing the  contents  of  Humphrey's  library 
(Aihenceum,  17  Nov.  1888,  p.  664). 




Among  the  learned  men  whom  the  duke 
patronised  was  Titus  Livius  of  Forli,  who 
left  his  home  to  search  out  some  princely  pro- 
tector, and  found  the  warmest  welcome  from 
him  (Vita  Henrici  V,  pp.  1-2,  ed.  Hearne). 
Gloucester  made  him  his  poet  and  orator, 
procured  for  him  letters  of  denization  in  1437 
(Fcedera,  x.  661),  and  encouraged  him  to 
write  his  life  of  Henry  V.  Leonard  Aretino 
translated  at  his  request  Aristotle's  '  Politics ' 
into  Latin,  and  proposed  to  dedicate  the  work 
to  him.  Two  manuscripts  in  the  Bodleian 
Library,  one  of  which  was  Humphrey's  own 
copy,  contain  a  long  and  eulogistic  dedication 
to  Gloucester.  It  has  been  printed  in  H.  W. 
Chandler's  '  Catalogue  of  Editions  of  Aris- 
totle's Nicomachean  Ethics  in  the  Fifteenth 
Century,'  pp.  40-4.  But  Aretino  ultimately 
dedicated  his  book  to  Eugenius  IV.  Leland's 
account  of  this  transaction  (p.  443)  is  con- 
fused and  inaccurate.  Pietro  Candido  De- 
cembrio,  the  friend  of  Valla,  offered  him  a 
translation  of  Plato's  'Republic.'  Peter  de 
Monte,  the  Venetian,  dedicated  to  him  his 
book, '  De  Virtutum  et  Vitiorum  inter  se  Dif- 
ferentia' (Cat.  MSS.  Bibl.  JBodl.  i.  173; 
AGOSTOTI,  Scrittori  Veniziani,  i.  368).  Hum- 
phrey also  had  in  his  pay,  as  secretary,  An- 
tonio da  Beccaria  of  Verona,  whom  he  em- 
ployed to  translate  into  Latin  six  tracts  of 
Athanasius,  the  manuscript  of  which  is  still 
in  the  British  Museum.  ^Eneas  Sylvius  cele- 
brated his  love  for  the  poets  and  orators.  Nor 
were  English  men  of  letters  neglected.  He 
was  the  friend  of  John  Whethamstead,  the 
scholarly  abbot  of  St.  Albans.  Bishop  Beck- 
ington  was  his  chancellor  and  devoted  to  his 
service.  He  promoted  Bishop  Pecock,  despite 
his  rationalistic  tendencies.  He  was  the  chief 
patron  of  Capgrave,the  Austin  friar  of  Lynn, 
who  calls  him  'the  most  lettered  prince  in 
the  world,'  and  dedicated  to  him,  among  other 
works,  his  '/Commentary  on  the  Book  of 
Genesis,'  the  presentation  copy  of  which  is 
still  preserved  at  Oriel  College,  and  resolved 
to  write  his  life  (De  Illust.  Hen.  p.  109).  He 
urged  John  Lydgate  to  translate  Boccaccio's 
'  Fall  of  Princes '  into  English  (LYDGATE, 
Prologue),  gave  him  money  in  response  to  his 
poetic  appeal  (LYDGATE,  Minor  Poems,  p.  49, 
Percy  Soc.),  and  was  extravagantly  eulogised 
by  him.  He  patronised  William  Botoner. 
Kymer,  his  physician,  was  a  man  of  mark. 
Nicholas  Upton  revered  him  as  his  special  lord, 
and  dedicated  to  him  his  heraldic  book,  'De 
Militari  Officio'  (UPTON,  De  Stud.  Milit.  pp. 
2-3,  ed.  1654).  George  Ashley,  the  poet,  was 
one  of  his  servants  (Letters  of  Margaret  of 
Anjou,  p.  114,  Camden  Soc.)  There  is  some- 
thing almost  Italian  about  him,  both  in  his 
literary  and  in  his  political  career. 

A  promenade  in  St.  Paul's  Cathedral,  much 
frequented  by  insolvent  debtors  and  beggars 
in  the  sixteenth  century,  was  popularly  styled 
'  Duke  Humphrey's  Walk,'  from  a  totally 
erroneous  notion  that  a  monument  overlook- 
ing it  was  Duke  Humphrey's  tomb.  'To 
dine  with  Duke  Humphrey,'  i.e.  to  loiter  about 
St.  Paul's  Cathedral  dinnerless,  or  seeking  an 
invitation  to  dinner,  was  long  a  popular  pro- 
verb (cf.  SHAKESPEARE,  Richard  III,  act  iv. 
sc.  iv.  1.  176). 

[Stevenson's  Wars  of  the  English  in  France, 
Whethamstead's  Eegister,  Amundesham's  An- 
nals, Beckington's  Letters,  Cole's  Memorials  of 
Henry  V,  Waurin's  Chroniques,  Anstey's  Mu- 
nimenta  Academica,  all  in  Eolls  Series  ;  Davies's 
English  Chronicle,  Gairdner's  Collections  of  a 
London  Citizen  and  Three  Fifteenth-Century 
Chronicles,  Letters  of  Margaret  of  Anjou,  all  in 
Camden  Soc. ;  Monstrelet,  Jean  le  Fevre,  Seig- 
neur de  Saint-Remy,  T.  Bassin,  all  in  Soc.  de 
1'Histoire  de  France;  Williams's  Gesta  Henrici  V 
(Engl.Hist.  Soc.) ;  Rymer's  Foedera ;  Rolls  of  Par- 
liament ;  Nicolas's  Proceedings  and  Ordinances  of 
the  Privy  Council ;  Chastellain's  CEuvres,  ed. 
Kervyn  deLettenhove;  T.  Livius  Foro-Juliensis's 
Vita  Henrici  V,  ed.  Hearne ;  Dugdale's  Baronage, 
ii.  198-200 ;  Stubbs's  Const.  Hist.  vol.  iii. ;  Pauli's 
G-eschichte  von  England,  vol.  v. ;  F.  von  Loher's 
Jacobaa  von  Bayern,  especially  Fiinftes  Buch, 
Humfried  von  England ;  Dufresne  de  Beau- 
court's  Charles  VII ;  Leland's  Comment. ; 
Tanner's  Bibl.  Brit.  pp.  420-1 ;  Pauli's  Pictures 
of  Old  England,  trans,  pp.  373-407  (a  good 
popular  account).]  T.  F.  T. 

1810  ?),  engraver  and  printseller,  born  about 
1740,  began  life  as  an  engraver.  In  1765 
he  obtained  a  premium  from  the  Society  of 
Arts  for  a  mezzotint  engraving  of  a  portrait 
of  Rembrandt  by  himself.  He  engraved  por- 
traits in  mezzotint,  after  R.  E.  Pine ;  that 
of  John  Sturt,  the  engraver,  after  William 
Faithorne;  of  Colonel  Richard  King,  after 
Kneller ;  of  Sir  William  Mannock,  after  S. 
Cooper ;  of  Madame  Du  Barry,  from  a  draw- 
ing by  B.  Wilson,  and  others.  He  also  etched 
a  few  small  portraits,  and  engraved  in  stipple 
'  Cupid  and  Psyehe '  and  '  Beauty  and  Time,' 
from  his  own  drawings,  and  '  The  Nativity 
of  Christ,'  after  J.  S.  Copley.  Later  in  life 
Humphrey  devoted  himself  almost  entirely 
to  printselling,  and  made  numerous  journeys 
to  Holland  and  elsewhere  on  the  continent, 
especially  collecting  English  portraits.  He 
became  the  chief  agent  for  the  great  private 
collections  of  portraits,  &c.r  made  about  this 
time.  At  one  time  he  took  C.  H.  Hodges 
[q.  v.],  the  engraver,  to  Amsterdam,  where 
Hodges  established  himself  as  an  engraver 
and  printseller,  and  subsequently  presented 
to  Humphrey  an  engraving  by  himself  of 




Humphrey's  portrait,  from  a  drawing  by 
Baron  Imhoff.  Humphrey,  according  to  a 
trade-card  engraved  for  him  by  Bartolozzi, 
was  residing  in  1785  at  227  Strand.  He  died 
probably  about  1810,  and  apparently  in  pecu- 
niary difficulties. 

[Dodd's  manuscript  Hist,  of  English  Engravers 
(Brit.  Mus.  Add.  MS.  33402) ;  J.  Chaloner  Smith's 
Brit.  Mezzotint  Portraits;  Caulfield's  Calcogra- 
phiana.]  L.  C. 

HUMPHREYS,  DAVID  (1689-1740), 
divine,  son  of  Thomas  Humphreys,  citizen  and 
leatherseller  of  London,  was  born  on  20  Jan. 
1689,  and  educated  at  the  Merchant  Taylors' 
School  after  1701,  and  at  Christ's  Hospital 
from  1704  till  1707.  On  12  Sept.  1707  he 
was  elected  to  a  school  exhibition,  and  was 
admitted  a  subsizar  of  Trinity  College,  Cam- 
bridge, 5  March  1707-8.  He  became  scholar 
in  1709  and  graduated  B.A.  in  1711,  proceed- 
ing M.A.  1715,  B.D.  1725,  and  D.D.  by  royal 
mandate  in  1728.  In  the  struggle  with 
Bentley  he  ranked  as  one  of  the  master's 
friends,  and  on  8  July  1715  was  elected  fellow 
*  provisionally/  the  arrangement  being  that 
he  was  to  take  the  place  of  Miller,  Bentley's 
great  opponent,  if  Miller's  fellowship  should 
be  subsequently  decided  by  the  king  to  be 
vacant.  The  king  did  nothing  in  the  matter, 
but  a  further  arrangement  was  made,  5  Dec. 
1719,  by  which  Miller  received  400/.,  in  ad- 
dition to  certain  other  profits,  and  resigned 
the  fellowship.  Humphreys  became  a  major 
fellow  on  2  Jan.  1719-20.  In  1716  Humphreys 
was  appointed  secretary  to  the  Society  for  the 
Propagation  of  the  Gospel,  and  he  held  this 
appointment  until  his  death.  On  6  Jan.  1730 
he  became  vicar  of  Ware,  and  on  30  June 
1732  vicar  of  Thundridge.  His  fellowship 
determined  in  1733,  and  he  died  in  1740. 

He  wrote  :  1.  '  The  Apologeticks  of  Athe- 
nagoras  done  into  English,  with  notes/  1714, 
8vo.  2.  '  Antiquity  explained  and  repre- 
sented in  Sculpture/  a  translation  fromMont- 
faucon,  1721,  fol.  3.  'An  Historical  Ac- 
count of  the  Incorporated  Society  for  the 
Propagation  of  the  Gospel  in  Foreign  Parts/ 
1730,  8vo  ;  partly  reprinted  in  the  '  Church 
Review/  vols.  iv.  and  v. 

[Robinson's  Register  of  Merchant  Taylors' 
School,  ii.  5  ;  Graduati  Cantabr. ;  Rud's  Diary ; 
Christ's  Hosp.  List  of  Univ.  Exhibitioners,  p.  27 ; 
Monk's  Life  of  Bentley ;  Middleton's  Full  and 
Impartial  Account;  Cussans's  Hertfordshire,  i. 
153;  Cole's  Athen.  Cantab.  (Brit.  Mus.  Add. 
MSS.) ;  E.  Hawkins's  Missions  of  the  Church  of 
England;  information  from  W.  Aldis  Wright, 
«sq.]  W.  A.  J.  A. 

1879),  artist,  naturalist,  and  numismatist, 
born  at  Birmingham  on  4  Jan.  1810,  was  the 

son  of  James  Humphreys  of  that  town.  He 
was  educated  at  King  Edward's  School,  Birm- 
ingham, and  afterwards  resided  in  Italy.  He 
returned  to  England  about  1840.  Hum- 
phreys was  a  successful  book-illustrator,  espe- 
cially of  works  of  natural  history,  such  as 
Westwood's  'British  Butterflies.'  He  was 
also  the  author  of  some  popular  numismatic 
handbooks,  useful  in  their  day.  He  died  at 
his  house,  7  Westbourne  Square,  London, 
on  10  June  1879.  The  following  are  his 
principal  productions:  1.  Illustrations  for 
Westwood's  'British  Butterflies/  1841,  4to. 
2.  Illustrations  for  Loudon's  '  British  Wild 
Flowers '  [1856],  4to.  3.  '  Ocean  Gardens/ 
London,  1857,  8vo.  4.  *  River  Gardens/  Lon- 
don,1857,  sq.  8vo.  5. '  The  Butterfly  Vivarium/ 
London,  1858,  8vo.  6.  'The  Genera  and 
Species  of  British  Butterflies/  London  [1859], 
8vo.  7.  'The  Genera  of  British  Moths/ 
London  [1860],  8vo.  8.  <  The  Coins  of  Eng- 
land/ 1846,  8vo.  9.  'The  Coinage  of  the 
British  Empire,' London,  1854, 4to.  10.  '  The 
Coin- Collector's  Manual/  2  vols  (Bohn's 
Scientific  Library),  1847,  &c.  11.  'Ancient 
Coins  and  Medals'  (with  facsimiles), London, 
1850,  4to.  12.  '  Illuminated  Illustrations  of 
Froissart/  1844,  &c.,  4to.  13.  '  The  Illumi- 
nated Books  of  the  Middle  Ages/  1844-9, 
fol.  (with  Owen  Jones).  14.  'The  Art  of 
Illumination  and  Missal  Painting/ 1849,  8vo. 

Art  of 
of  the 
Stories  by 
an  Archaeologist/  1856,  8vo. 

[Obituary  by  J.  0.  Westwood  in  Academy  for 
21  June  1879,  p.  550;  Times,  16  June  1879,  p.  12, 
col.  4;  Athenaeum,  21  June  1879,  p.  800;  Brit. 
Mus.  Cat.]  W.  W. 

(1648-1712),  bishop  successively  of  Bangor 
and  Hereford,  eldest  son  of  Richard  Hum- 
phreys (a  royalist  officer  who  served  through- 
out the  civil  war),  by  Margaret,  daughter  of 
Robert  Wynn  of  Russailgyfarch,  Carnarvon- 
shire, was  born  at  Penrhyn,  Clandraeth, 
Merionethshire,  on  24  Nov.  1648.  He  became 
a  student  of  Jesus  College,  Oxford,  in  1665, 
was  afterwards  elected  fellow,  and  graduated 
B.A.  19  Oct.  1669,  and  M.A.  12  Jan.  1672-3. 
He  was  appointed  chaplain  to  Dr.  Humphrey 
Lloyd,  bishop  of  Bangor,  and  became  rector 
of  the  parishes  of  Llanfrothen  arid  Traws- 
fynydd,  Merionethshire,  and  of  Llaniestin, 
Carnarvonshire.  On  22  May  1679  he  pro- 
ceeded to  the  degree  of  B.D.,  and  on  16  Dec. 
1680  he  was  installed  dean  of  Bangor.  On 
5  July  1682  he  was  created  D.D.  at  Ox- 
ford, and  in  1689  he  was  appointed  bishop  of 
Bangor  in  succession  to  Dr.  Humphrey  Lloyd, 
and  was  consecrated  on  30  June  at  Fulham. 




Dr.  William  Lloyd,  bishop  of  St.  Asaph,  and 
the  members  of  parliament  for  Wales  thanked 
William  III  for  selecting  Humphreys  for  the 
see.  Humphreys  was  translated  to  Hereford 
in  November  1701,  and  dying  on  20  Nov. 
]  712  was  buried  in  Hereford  cathedral,  where 
a  monument  with  a  Latin  inscription  was 
erected  to  his  memory. 

He  was  '  excellently  well  versed  in  the 
antiquities  of  Wales/  and  enjoyed  the  reputa- 
tion of  being,  after  Edward  Lhuyd  [q.  v.], 
the  best  Celtic  scholar  of  his  time  (CAius, 
VindicicB  Antiq.  Acad.  Oxon.  ed.  Hearne,  ii. 
646).  He  married  the  third  daughter  of 
Robert  Morgan,  D.D.,  bishop  of  Bangor.  A 
daughter  married  John,  son  of  William  Lloyd, 
the  deprived  bishop  of  Norwich  [q.  v.] 

His  works  are:  1.  'A  Sermon  preach'd 
before  the  House  of  Lords  [at  Westminster 
Abbey]  on  30  Jan.  1695-6,  being  the  Mar- 
tyrdom of  K.  Charles  I,'  Lond.  1696,  4to. 
2.  '  Additions  to  and  corrections  of  Anthony 
a  Wood's  Athenae  and  Fasti  Oxonienses.' 
Printed  by  Hearne  in  his  edition  of  Caius's 
'  Vindicise '  (Oxford,  1730),  ii.  605-78,  from 
a  copy  given  to  him  by  Thomas  Baker,  B.D. 
(1656-1740)  [q.  v.]  These  notes  are  incor- 
porated in  Dr.  Philip  Bliss's  edition  of  the 
4  Athense.'  3. '  A  Catalogue  of  the  Deans  of 
Bangor  and  St.  Asaph.'  Drawn  up  for  the  use 
of  Anthony  a  Wood,  and  printed  in  Hearne's 
edition  of  Otterbourne  and  Whetehamstede 
(Oxford,  1732),  ii.  719-32.  Hearne  also  men- 
tions a '  Discourse  concerning  the  Antiquities 
of  St.  Winifrid's  Well.' 

[Abbey's  English  Church  and  its  Bishops,  i. 
162 ;  Bedford's  Blazon  of  Episcopacy,  p.  15;  Cams, 
Vindicise  (Hearne),  ii.  638,  645,  646  ;  Gent.  Mag. 
1826,  ii.  586  ;  Godwin,  De  Praesulibus  (Eichard- 
son),  p.  498;  Havergal's  Fasti  Herefordenses, 
p.  33 ;  Hearne's  edit,  of  Otterbourne  and  Whete- 
hamstede, ii.  725;  Hearne's  Collections,  ed.Doble 
(Oxf.  Hist.  Soc.),  i.  225,  325  ;  Le  Neve's  Fasti: 
ii.  305,  331,  370,  384  ;  Rawlinson's  Antiq.  of  the 
'Cathedral  of  Hereford,  p.  222 ;  Willis's  Survey 
of  Cathedrals,  ii.  530 ;  Wood's  Life  (Bliss),  p. 
xcvi ;  Wood's  Athense  Oxon.  (Bliss.),  pref.  p.  14, 
ii.  62,  890,  iv.  895,  Fasti,  ii.  305,  331,  370, 
384.]  T.  C. 

HUMPHREYS,  JAMES  (d.  1830),legal 
writer,  a  native  of  Montgomeryshire,  was 
articled  to  a  solicitor  named  Yeomans  at 
Worcester,  but  determining  to  go  to  the  bar, 
he  entered  at  Lincoln's  Inn  in  November 
1789,  read  with  Charles  Butler  (1750-1832) 
[q.  v.],  was  called  to  the  bar  (25  June  1800), 
and  obtained  a  good  practice  as  a  convey- 
ancer. It  is  said  that  Brougham  and  Denman 
proposed  that  he  and  Charles  Butler  should 
be  made  benchers  rf  their  inn,  but  that  the 
motion  was  lost,  owing  to  the  opposition  of 

Sugden  and  Sir  A.  Hart.  In  politics  Hum- 
phreys was  a  liberal,  and  was  friendly  with 
Fox,  Clifford,  Sir  James  Mackintosh,  and  Sir 
Francis  Burdett.  He  was  often  present  at 
Home  Tooke's  parties  at  Wimbledon,  and 
delivered  a  course  of  lectures  on  law  at  the 
newly  founded  university  of  London.  He 
died  on  29  Nov.  1830,  in  Upper  Woburn 
Place,  London. 

Humphreys's  chief  work, '  Observations  on 
the  Actual  State  of  the  English  Laws  of  Real 
Property,  with  the  outlines  of  a  Code '  (Lon- 
don, 1826,  8vo,  2nd  edit.  1827),  gave  him  a 
high  reputation  as  a  legal  reformer.  Fox  is 
said  to  have  suggested  the  work,  but  it  was 
really  the  fruit  of  its  author's  association 
with  Charles  Butler  and  with  the  new  school 
of  analytical  jurists  of  which  Bentham  and 
Austin  were  the  leaders.  Bentham,  in  an 
elaborate  notice  of  the  book  in  t  The  West- 
minster Review,'  remarked  that  l  the  publica- 
tion forms  an  epoch,  in  law  certainly ;  I  had 
almost  said  in  history.'  The  changes  which 
Humphreys  proposed  excited  much  opposi- 
tion at  the  time,  but  the  Inajority  have  been 
since  adopted:  shortened  forms  of  convey- 
ance, registration  of  title,  abolition  of  copy- 
hold tenure,  increase  in  the  number  of  judges, 
improvement  of  procedure,  the  alteration  of 
the  law  of  descents,  and  the  like.  Sugden r 
John  James  Park,  and  others  published  ad- 
verse criticisms  of  Humphreys's  proposals,  but 
his  scheme  was  praised  by  Kent  in  America,, 
and  the  need  for  radical  change  in  the  land 
laws  was  admitted  in  this  country  by  the  ap- 
pointment in  1827  of  the  real  property  com- 
mission. Humphreys  also  wrote  '  Sugges- 
tions respecting  the  Stamp  Duties  affecting 
Real  and  Personal  Property,'  published  pos- 
thumously in  1830,  and  afew  other  pamphlets, 

[Gent.  Mag.  1830  ii.  571,  1831  i.  181;  Law 
Mag.  i.  613,  v.  258  ;  Westminster  Eev.  No.  xii.r 
October  1826;  Bentham's  Works,  ed.  Bowring, 
v.  387,  &c.,  vi.  203 ;  American  Jurist  and  Law 
Mag.  i.  58 ;  Kent's  Commentaries,  iv.  8  n ;  Mar- 
tin's Conveyancing,  ed.  1837,  p.  39;  Quarterly 
Kev.  xxxiv.  520;  Edinb.  Eev.  March  1827; 
Butler's  Eeminiscences,  pp.  56,  284;  Lincoln's 
Inn  MS.  Eegister.]  W.  A.  J.  A. 

^HUMPHREYS,  SAMUEL  (1698  ?- 
1738),  poet  and  miscellaneous  writer,  born 
about  1698,  was  well  educated,  and  adopted 
a  literary  life.  He  was  best  known  as  author 
of  a  life  of  Prior,  prefixed  to  an  edition  of  his 
poems  (1733-66),  verses  on  Canons  inscribed  to 
the  Duke  of  Chandos  (1728),  and  the  words  to 
Handel's  oratorios, '  Esther'  (1732), <•  Deborah' 
(1733),  'Athaliah '  (1733).  It  is  said  that '  the 
admired  Mr.  Handel  had  a  due  esteem  for 
the  harmony  of  his  numbers ;  and  the  great 
Maecenas,  the  Duke  of  Chandos,  showed  the 




regard  lie  had  for  his  muse  by  so  generously 
rewarding  him  for  celebrating  his  grace's 
seat  at  Canons '  (Daily  Post).  He  died  in  a 
' large  old  house'  at  Canonbury,  where  he 
had  rooms,  on  11  Jan.  1738  (cf.  Gent.  Mag. 
September  1743,  p.  491).  He  was  buried, 
( in  a  private  but  decent  manner,  in  Islington 
churchyard.'  His  other  writings  were :  <Mal- 
pasia,  a  Poem  Sacred  to  the  Memory  of  ... 
Lady  Malpas,'  1732  ;  <  Ulysses,  an  Opera/ 
1733;  and  '  Annotations  on  the  Old  and  New 
Testament,'  1735.  He  also  translated  the 
following  dramas  and  operas :  '  Poro,  Re  dell' 
Indie,'  1731 ;  '  Kinaldo/  1731 ;  <  Venceslao,' 
1731;  'Catone,'  1732;  <Eyio/  1732;  <So- 
sarme  Re  di  Media,'  1732.  His  '  Peruvian 
Tales '  (1734),  said  to  be  translated  from  the 
French,  and  continued  by  Samuel  Kelly,  had 
considerable  popularity  (republished  in  1817). 
He  also  translated  the  l  Spectacle  de  la  na- 
ture,' by  Antoine  Noel,  abbe  de  la  Pluche, 
London,  1733  (HALKETT  and  LAING,  Diet, 
of  Anonymous  Lit.  p.  2465),  and  pieces  by  ! 
Crebillon  and  La  Fontaine. 

[Nichols's  History  and  Antiquities  of  Canon- 
bury  (with  quotation  from  Daily  Post)  ;  Biblio- 
theca  Topographica  Britannica,  ii.  32  sq. ;  Notes 
and  Queries,  2nd  ser.  vi.  71  ;  Grove's  Diet,  of 
Music,  i.  758  ;  Preface  to  Peruvian  Tales,  1817 
edition ;  Brit.  Mus.  Cat.]  P.  W-T. 

HUMPHRIES,  JOHN  (d.  1730?),  vio- 
linist and  composer,  published  '  Six  Solos  for 
a  Violin  and  Base  with  a  Thoroughbase  for 
the  Harpsichord,'  London,  1726.  He  is  said 
to  have  died  in  1730. 

[Diet,  of  Music,  1827,  i.  383.]       L.  M.  M. 

HUMPHRY,  OZIAS  (1742-1810),  por- 
trait-painter, son  of  John  Humphry  and 
Elizabeth  Upcott  his  wife,  was  born  at  Honi- 
ton  8  Sept.  1742.  He  was  educated  at  the 
grammar  school  there,  and  at  an  early  age 
was  sent  to  London,  where  he  studied  for  two 
years  at  the  St.  Martin's  Lane  academy  and 
the  Duke  of  Richmond's  gallery  in  Privy  Gar- 
dens. He  returned  to  Honiton  on  the  death 
of  his  father  and  practised  portrait-painting 
for  a  short  time  at  Exeter,  and  in  1762  went 
to  Bath,  where  he  lodged  with  the  Linleys, 
and  was  articled  to  Samuel  Collins,  the 
miniature-painter.  The  latter  retired  to  Dub- 
lin in  the  following  year,  and  Humphry  came 
again  to  London,  where,  encouraged  and  as- 
sisted by  Reynolds,  he  settled,  and  became  a 
member  of  the  Society  of  Artists.  A  minia- 
ture of  John  Mealing  the  model,  which  he 
exhibited  with  the  society  in  1766,  was  pur- 
chased by  the  king,  who  commissioned  him  to 
paint  the  queen  and  other  members  of  his 
family.  Thenceforth  Humphry  took  a  leading 
place  in  the  profession.  The  Duke  of  Dorset 
was  one  of  his  earliest  patrons,  and  gave  him 

much  employment  throughout  his  career.  In 
1768  he  took  a  house  in  King  Street,  Covent 
Garden.  After  making  unsuccessful  suit  for 
the  hand  of  Miss  Paine,  daughter  of  the  archi- 
tect, who  became  the  wife  of  Tilly  Kettle 
[q.  v.],  he  left  England  for  Italy  with  his  friend 
Romney  in  March  1773.  He  was  absent  four 
years,  visiting  Rome,  Florence,  Venice,  and 
Naples,  where  he  studied  from  the  antique 
and  made  copies  of  celebrated  pictures.  On 
his  return  to  London  in  1777  he  established 
himself  in  Rathbone  Place  ;  in  August  of  that 
year  Dr.  Wolcot  ('  Peter  Pindar ')  addressed 
some  eulogistic  verses  to  him  (see  Notes 
and  Queries,  5th  ser.  iv.  5)  ;  and  in  October 
John  Opie,  then  a  lad  of  fifteen,  applied 
in  vain  for  employment  in  his  studio.  For 
the  next  few  years  Humphry  painted  life- 
sized  portraits  in  oils.  He  was  elected 
A.R.A.  in  1779,  and  in  that  and  the  next 
year  exhibited  at  the  Royal  Academy ;  but, 
finding  himself  unable  to  compete  success- 
fully with  other  artists  in  that  line,  by  the 
advice  of  Sir  Robert  Strange  he  went  to  India 
in  1785.  There  he  became  intimate  with 
Warren  Hastings  and  Sir  William  Jones, 
and,  resuming  miniature-painting,  visited  the 
courts  of  several  native  princes,  where  he 
earned  large  sums ;  but  ill-health  necessitated 
his  return  home  in  1788,  and  he  took  a  house- 
in  St.  James's  Street.  Some  portraits  which 
he  exhibited  in  the  following  year  revived 
his  old  reputation,  and  in  1791  he  was  elected 
a  Royal  Academician.  While  he  was  engaged 
in  executing  for  the  Duke  of  Dorset  a  series. 
of  miniatures  from  family  portraits  at  Knole 
to  decorate  a  cabinet,  his  eyesight  gave  way, 
and,  compelled  to  abandon  miniature  work, 
he  turned  to  crayon  drawing.  At  Knole 
there  is  a  portrait  of  the  Duke  of  Dorset,. 
which  is  inscribed  on  the  back,  '  The  first 
portrait  in  crayons  painted  by  Ozias  Hum- 
phry, R.  A. ;  it  was  begun  in  May  and  finished 
early  in  June  1791.'  Humphry  quickly  be- 
came one  of  the  ablest  workers  in  crayons. 
In  1792  he  was  appointed  portrait-painter  in 
crayons  to  the  king,  but  in  1797,  while  in 
the  full  tide  of  success,  his  eyesight  totally 
failed,  and  the  portraits  of  the  Prince  and 
Princess  of  Orange,  exhibited  in  that  year,, 
were  the  last  he  drew.  The  remainder  of  his 
life  was  passed  in  seclusion,  and  he  died  in 
Thornhaugh  Street  9  March  1810.  He  was 
buried  in  the  ground  behind  St.  James's- 
chapel  in  the  Hampstead  Road.  A  friendly 
notice  of  him  by  John  Taylor  appeared  in 
the  '  Sun '  after  his  death. 

Humphry  stands  in  the  front  rank  of  Eng- 
lish miniaturists,  and  his  works  have  always 
been  admired  for  their  simplicity  and  refine- 
ment, correct  draughtsmanship,  and  har- 




monious  colouring ;  the  same  qualities  appear 
in  his  crayon  portraits,  and  his  works  in  oil 
are  clever,  with  much  of  Sir  Joshua's  feeling. 
Humphry  was  a  fellow  of  the  Society  of  Anti- 
quaries of  London  and  of  the  Asiatic  Society 
of  Bengal,  and  a  member  of  the  academies 
of  Venice,  Florence,  and  Parma.  He  was 
unmarried,  but,  by  a  young  woman  named 
Delly  Wickens,  daughter  of  a  shopkeeper 
.at  Oxford,  was  the  father  of  the  celebrated 
collector  William  Upcott  [q.  v.J,  who  was 
born  in  1779 ;  to  him  he  bequeathed  many 
of  his  finest  works,  which  at  Upcott's  death 
in  1845  passed  to  his  friend  Mr.  Charles 
Hampden  Turner  of  Hook's  Nest,  Godstone. 
These  were  lent  to  the  1865  miniature  exhi- 
bition at  South  Kensington,  and  are  still 
in  the  possession  of  Mr.  Turner's  family. 
The  National  Portrait  Gallery  possesses 
crayon  portraits  by  Humphry  of  Charles, 
third  earl  Stanhope,  and  Joseph  Strutt ;  of 
his  work  in  oils  the  portraits  of  Lord  Mul- 
grave  at  Greenwich  and  John  Belchier  at  the 
College  of  Surgeons  are  examples.  His  por- 
traits of  the  Duke  of  Dorset,  Mr.  Fulke  Gre- 
ville,  Signora  Bacelli,  Kitty  Frederick,  and 
many  others  have  been  engraved.  In  1783 
he  made  for  Edmund  Malone  a  drawing  of 
the  Chandos  portrait  of  Shakespeare,  which 
was  engraved  by  Charles  Knight  for  Malone' s 
edition  of  Shakespeare,  1790.  Humphry  was 
a  staunch  friend  and  admirer  of  Blake,  who 
coloured  many  of  his  illustrated  books  for 
him,  and  at  his  suggestion  the  Countess  of 
Egremont  gave  Blake  the  commission  for  one 
of  his  most  elaborate  drawings  of  the  Last 
Judgment.  Some  of  Humphry's  sketch- 
books of  eastern  drawings  are  in  the  Brit. 
Mus.  Add.  MSS.  15958-65. 

There  is  a  fine  portrait  of  Humphry  at 
Knole,  painted  by  Romney  in  1772,  which 
has  been  engraved  in  mezzotinto  by  Valen- 
tine Green,  and  in  stipple  by  Caroline  Wat- 
son ;  an  enamel  copy  from  this  by  Henry 
Bone,  R.A.,  is  the  property  of  Miss  Abbott 
of  Exmouth.  Two  other  portraits,  drawn 
by  P.  Falconet  and  G.  Dance,  were  en- 
graved by  D.  P.  Pariset  and  W.  Daniell.  In 
the  print  room  of  the  British  Museum  is  a 
crayon  portrait  of  him  by  himself,  and  one 
in  pencil,  at  the  age  of  sixty-one,  by  Henry 

[Redgrave's  Diet,  of  Artists ;  Graves's  Diet,  of 
Artists,  1760-1880;  Hobbes's  Picture  Collectors' 
Manual;  Taylor's  Records  of  my  Life,  ed.  1832 
i.  256,  &c. ;  Sandby's  Hist,  of  the  Royal  Aca- 
demy ;  J.  T.  Smith's  Nollekens  and  his  Times; 
Gent.  Mag.  1810,  p.  378  ;  G-ilchrist's  Life  of 
Blake ;  Prior's  Life  of  E.  Malone  ;  Upcott  Papers 
in  Brit.  Mus.  Add.  MS.  21113;  information  from 
Winslow  Jones,  esq.]  F.  M.  O'D. 


(1815-1886),divine,  born  at  Sudbury,  Suffolk, 
on  30  Jan.  1815,  was  son  of  William  Wood 
Humphry,  barrister-at-law,  and  was  brother 
of  George  (now  Sir  George)  Murray  Hum- 
phry, professor  of  surgery  in  the  university 
of  Cambridge.     Humphry  was  educated  at 
Carmalt's  school,  Putney,  and  afterwards  at 
Shrewsbury,  under  Dr.  Samuel  Butler  [q.  v.], 
becoming  in  course  of  time  captain  of  the 
school.      In   1833  he   entered  Trinity  Col- 
lege, Cambridge,  and  in  1835  gained  the  Pitt 
scholarship.   Two  years  later  he  graduated  as 
senior  classic,  second  chancellor's  medallist, 
and  twenty-seventh  wrangler,  and  in  1839  he 
was  elected  a  fellow  of  his  college.   Humphry 
was  intended  for  the  legal  profession,  but  this 
proved  distasteful  to  him  after  a  brief  trial, 
and  in  1842  he  took  holy  orders.     For  some 
years  he  was  engaged  in  work  at  Cambridge, 
acting   as   steward   and   assistant   tutor   of 
Trinity,  and  he  was  proctor  of  the  university 
in  1845-6.     From  1847  to  1855  he  was  ex- 
amining chaplain  to  Bishop  Blomfield  of  Lon- 
don.    In   1852  Humphry  became  rector  of 
Northolt,  Middlesex.     From  1855  until  his 
death  in  1886  he  was  vicar  of  St.  Martin- 
in-the-Fields,  London.     He  was  appointed 
Hulsean  lecturer  for  1849   and  1850,  and 
Boyle  lecturer  for  1857  and  1858,  was  a 
member  of  the  royal  commission  on  clerical 
subscription  in  1865,  and  of  the  ritual  com- 
mission in  1869,  and  was  one  of  the  company 
appointed  by  convocation  in  1870  for  the 
revision  of  the  authorised  version  of  the  New 
Testament.      As   one   of  the   treasurers  of 
the  Society  for  Promoting  Christian  Know- 
ledge he  steered  the  society  through  at  least 
one  period  of  difficulty  and  danger,  and  his 
business  capacity  and  judgment  during  the 
thirty  years  he  held  the  office  were  of  great 
service  to  the  society.     He  was  a  diligent.^ 
parish  priest,  and  gave  special  attention  tx  ^ 
the  educational  institutions  of  his   parish,^ 
He  died  on  10  Jan.  1886,  and  was  buried  in 
Brompton  cemetery.      In  1852  he  married  . 
Caroline  Maria,   only   daughter   of  George  , 
D'Oyly,  D.D.  [q.  v.],  rector  of  Lambeth.          9 
Humphry  published :  1.  '  A  Commentary  ^ 
on  the  Acts  of  the  Apostles'  (well  known  as 
'  Humphry   on   the   Acts '),  London,  1847. 
2.  '  The  Doctrine  of  a  Future  State,'  the  Hul- 
sean lectures  for  1849(1850).   3.  'The  Early 
Progress  of  the  Gospel,'  the  Hulsean  lectures 
for  1850  (1850).    4.  '  The  Miracles'  (Boyle 
lectures),  1858.     5.  'The  Character  of  St. 
Paul'  (Boyle  lectures),  1859.     6.  'An  His- 
torical and  Explanatory  Treatise  on  the  Book 
of  Common  Prayer/  1st  edit.  1853,  5th  edit. 
1875,  reprinted  1885.     7.  <  The  New  Table 
of  Lessons  explained.'     8.  '  A  Word  on  the 




Revised  Version  of  the  New  Testament.' 
9.  '  St.  Martin-in-the-Fields  in  the  Olden 
Time'  (a  short  sketch  of  the  history  of  his 
parish).  10.  '  A  Commentary  on  the  Revised 
Version  of  the  New  Testament  for  English 
Readers,'  1st  edit.  1882,  2nd  edit.  1888. 
11.'  Occasional  Sermons/ posthumously,  1887. 
12.'  The  GodlyLife,'  with  a  brief  memoir,  1889. 
He  was  also  one  of  the  authors  of  'A  Revised 
Version  of  St.  John's  Gospel,  and  the  Epistle 
to  the  Romans,  by  Five  Clergymen,'  and 
he  edited  for  the  Pitt  press  ;  Theophilus  of 
Antioch'  and  { Theophylact  on  St.  Matthew.' 

[Personal  knowledge.]  A.  M.  H. 

HUMPHRYS,  WILLIAM  (1794-1865), 
engraver,  born  at  Dublin  in  1794,  went  early 
to  America,  and  learnt  engraving  from  George 
Murray,  senior  member  of  a  well-known 

)  bank-note  engraving  firm  at  Philadelphia, 
and  a  pupil  of  Anker  Smith  [q.  v.]  In  Ame- 
rica Humphrys  engraved  small  plates  for 
annuals  and  for  illustrated  editions  of  the 
works  of  Bryant,  Longfellow,  and  other  poets, 
besides  vignettes  and  details  for  bank-notes ; 
his  great  skill  in  this  last  work  forming  an 
effective  safeguard  against  forgery.  In  1822 
he  returned  to  England,  where  he  was  after- 
wards employed  to  engrave  the  well-known 
head  of  the  queen  on  the  postage  stamps. 
He  also  engraved  the  head  of  Washington 
for  the  postage  stamps  of  the  United  States. 
In  England  small  plates  for  the  annuals, 
such  as  '  The  Bijou,'  <  Forget-Me-Not,'  and 
others,  largely  occupied  him.  But  his  larger 
plates  included  '  Sancho  and  the  Duchess,' 
after  C.  R.  Leslie,  R.A. ;  '  Spanish  Peasant 
Boy,'  after  Murillo  ; '  The  Coquette,'  after  Sir 
Joshua  Reynolds ;  '  Master  Lambton,'  after 
Sir  Thomas  Lawrence  ;  and  '  George  Wash- 
ington,' after  C.  G.  Stuart.  He  engraved 
(for  40J.)  Stothard's '  Nun,'  for  Rogers's  '  Italy ' 
'•\ 830),  his  only  contribution  to  the  volume, 
lumphrys  was  again  in  America  between 
843  and  1845.  At  the  invitation  of  his 
^•iend  Alfred  Novello  he  went  to  Villa  No- 
ello,  near  Genoa,  late  in  1864,  in  the  hope 
L  .f  recovering  from  a  stroke  of  paralysis,  but 
)ie  died  there,  21  Jan.  1865.  Humphrys  was 
an  engraver  of  great  technical  skill. 

[Art  Journal,  1865,  p.  140;  W.  S.  Baker's 
American  Engravers  and  their  Works ;  Red- 
grave's Diet,  of  Artists ;  Clayden's  Rogers  and 
his  Contemporaries,  ii.  3.]  L.  C. 


(d.  1606),  bishop  of  Down  and  Connor,  is 
said  to  have  graduated  M.A.  at  Oxford.  In 
1597  he  was  rector  of  Barrow,  Cheshire.  He 
was  nominated  bishop  of  Down  and  Connor 
on  17  July  1601,  but  was  not  consecrated 
until  5  April  1602.  Ware  mentions  that  he 

wasted  the  estate  of  the  see  by  an  impro- 
vident lease.  The  bishop  died  at  Kilroot, 
near  Carrickfergus,  co.  Antrim,  in  1606.  He 
published  '  A  Sermon  preached  at  Reyf  ham 
in  the  count ie  of  Norfolk  the  22  of  Sept. 
1588,  and  eftsoons  at  request  published  by 
R.  Humston,  Minister  of  Gods  Word,'  Lon- 
don, 1589. 

[Wood's  Atbense  Oxon.  ed.  Bliss,  ii.  845, 
note  3  ;  Fiants  Eliz.  P  E.G.  Eep.  1886,  p.  59  ; 
Erch's  Eccles.  Eeg.  p.  29,  Dublin,  1830  ;  Ware's 
Bishops,  Dublin  ed.,  1704,  p.  46.]  W.  E-L. 

GEEFOED  (ex.  1522).  [See  under  HUNGEE- 

1627),  controversialist,  born  in  1564,  was  son 
of  Anthony  Hungerford  of  Down  Ampney, 
Gloucestershire,  a  descendant  of  Sir  Edmund 
Hungerford  second  son  of  Walter,  lord  Hun- 
gerford (d.  1449)  [q.  v.]  of  Farleigh  and 
Hey  tesbury.  His  mother  was  Bridget,  daugh- 
ter of  John  Shelley,  and  granddaughter  of  Sir 
William  Shelley  [q.  v.],  justice  of  the  common 
pleas  (LE  NEVE,  Pedigrees  of  Knights,  p.  33). 
She  was  a  devout  Roman  catholic,  and  brought 
Anthony  up  in  her  faith.  He  seems  to  be 
the  Anthony  Hungerford  of  Wiltshire,  who 
matriculated  from  St.  John's  College,  Oxford, 
aged  16,  on  12  April  1583  (Oxford  Univ. 
Reg.,  Oxford  Hist.  Soc.,n.  ii.  126).  Owing 
to  his  father's  pecuniary  difficulties  he  left 
the  university  within  a  year ;  but  he  is  pro- 
bably the  Anthony  Hungerford  '  Armiger ' 
who  was  created  M.A.  on  9  July  1594  (ib. 
II.  i.  235) .  After  much  wavering  in  his  belief 
he  embraced  the  reformed  religion  in  1588, 
at  the  time  of  the  Spanish  Armada.  He 
was  knighted  on  15  Feb.  1607-8  (METCALFE, 
p.  159),  and  was  deputy  lieutenant  of  Wilt- 
shire until  1624,  when  he  resigned  the  office 
in  favour  of  his  son  Edward.  He  settled  at 
Black  Bourton,  Oxfordshire;  died  at  the  end 
of  June  1627,  and  was  buried  in  Black  Bour- 
ton church.  His  son  Edward  after  his  death 
found  among  his  papers  and  published  '  The 
advice  of  a  son  professing  the  religion  esta- 
blished in  the  present  church  of  England  to 
his  dear  mother,  a  Roman  catholic,'  and '  the 
memorial  of  a  father  to  his  dear  children, 
containing  an  acknowledgement  of  God'? 
great  mercy  in  bringing  him  to  the  profession 
of  the  true  religion  at  this  present  established 
in  the  church  of  England,'  Oxford,  1639,  4to. 
The  latter  part  was  finished  at  Black  Bourton 
in  April  1627. 

Sir  Anthony  married  (1)  Lucy,  daughter 
of  Sir  Walter  Hungerford  of  Farleigh  (d. 
1596)  [see  under  HTJJSTGEEFOED,  WALTEE, 
1503-1540],  and  (2)  Sarah,  daughter  of  John 
Crouch  of  London.  By  his  first  wife  he  was 




father  of  Sir  Edward  Hungerford  (1596-1648) 
[q.  v.],  and  by  his  second  wife  was  father  of 
Anthony  [q.  v.]  and  John,  and  two  daughters. 

[Wood's  Athenae  Oxon.  ed.  Bliss,  ii.  410-11  ; 
Brit.  Mus.  Cat.;  Hoare's  Hungerfordiana,  1823; 
Le  Neve's  Pedigrees  of  Knights  (Harl.  Soc.),pp. 
33-4.]  W.  J.  H-Y. 

HUNGERFORD,  ANTHONY  (d.  1657), 
royalist,  son,  by  his  second  marriage,  of  Sir 
Anthony  Hungerford  (1564-1627)  [q.  v.], 
and  half-brother  of  Sir  Edward  Hungerford 
(1596-1648)  [q.  v.J,  was  elected  in  1640  to 
both  the  Short  and  Long  parliaments  as  mem- 
ber for  Malmesbury.  As  a  royalist  he  sat 
in  the  king's  parliament  at  Oxford  during  its 
first  session— December  1643  to  March  1644 
(cf.  Hist.  MSS.  Comm.  6th  Rep.  161).  He 
was  heavily  fined  for  his  delinquency  by  the 
Long  parliament,  and  was  committed  to  the 
Tower  of  London  in  1644  (cf.  LLOYD,  Me- 
moires,  p.  691).  He  was  apparently  at  liberty 
in  October  1644.  According  to  a  statement 
which  he  drew  up  in  1646,  to  excuse  him- 
self from  paying  the  fine  imposed  on  him,  he 
never  took  up  arms  for  the  king :  went  after 
the  battle  of  Edgehill  to  his  house  in  Black 
Bourton,  Oxfordshire ;  was  carried  thence  by 
a  troop  of  the  king's  horse  to  the  '  assembly ' 
at  Oxford,  where  he  gave  no  vote  against  the 
parliament,  and  soon  after  returning  home, 
purposely  rode  to  the  parliamentary  camp  at 
Burford,where  he  was  taken  prisoner.  His  fine 
was  reduced,  but  he  was  still  unable  to  pay  it, 
and  in  1648  orders  were  given  for  the  seizure 
of  his  estate.  In  December  1652  Cromwell 
wrote  a  sympathetic  note  to  him  (CARLTLE, 
Cromwell,  p.  216).  He  succeeded  to  Farleigh 
Castle  in  1653  as  heir  of  his  half-brother  Ed- 
ward. There  he  died  on  18  Aug.  1657  (LE 
NEVE,  Monumenta,  ii.  52),  and  he  was  buried 
in  Black  Bourton  Church  on  15  Sept.  follow- 
ing (Cal.  State  Papers,  Dom.  1654,  p.  53).  He 
married  Rachel  (d.  January  167 9-80),  daugh- 
ter of  Rice  Jones  of  Astall,  Oxfordshire,  by 
whom  he  had  twelve  children.  His  heir  was 
his  son  Edward  (1632-1711)  [q.  v.]  A  se- 
cond son,  called  Colonel  Anthony  Hunger- 
ford,  entered  Nicolas's  service  as  a  secret 
agent  in  England,  in  the  royalist  interest, 
in  1655  (cf.  ib.  1655-6,  pp.  79,  &c.),  in  the 
hope,  it  is  said,  of  obtaining  his  elder  bro- 
ther's estate.  He  died  on  7  June  1703,  in  his 
sixty-ninth  year,  and  was  buried  in  the  Hun- 
gerford chapel  of  Bourton  Church,  where  his 
monument  is  preserved  (Notes  and  Queries, 
4th  ser.  vi.  499). 

(d.  1657),  a  parliamentarian,  may  possibly 
have  been  brother  or  half-brother  of  the 
royalist  Anthony,  for  the  Hungerfords  often 
gave  the  same  Christian  name  to  more  than 

one  of  their  children.  In  September  1646  he 
pressed  for  a  commission  as  governor  of  the 
parliamentarian  garrison  at  Stoke,  and  for 
an  appointment  as  major  of  the  standing  com- 
panies in  Shropshire.  Subsequently  the  par- 
liament seems  to  have  accepted  his  services, 
and  sent  him  to  Ireland,  where  he  landed  on 
30  April  1647.  He  was  colonel  of  a  regiment 
at  Drogheda  in  1648.  In  1650,  after  being 
seriously  wounded  in  battle  in  Ireland,  he 
returned  to  England,  where  he  busied  him- 
self in  '  discovering'  papists'  and  other  delin- 
quents' estates.  In  July  1652  the  council  of 
state  granted  him  100Z.  to  enable  him  to  return 
to  Ireland  (Cal.  State  Papers,  Dom.  1651-2, 
p.  610).  He  was  in  1653  a  prisoner  for  debt  in 
the  f  upper  bench '  in  London,  and  petitioned 
parliament  for  payment  of  his  commission  as 
a  delator.  According  to  a  certificate  from  Sir  , 
John  Danvers,  he  was '  of  most  honest  and  re-| 
ligious  conversation,  very  free  from  the  com-\ 
mon  vices  of  swearing,  drunkenness,  &c.,and 
most  valiant  and  faithful '  in  the  service  of  the 
parliament.  He  obtained  leave  to  return  to 
Ireland,  but  on  28  March  1654  his  regiment 
was  disbanded,  and  he  himself  was  left  in 
urgent  need.  A  weekly  pension  of  20s.  was 
granted  him  by  the  council  of  state  on  17  April  \ 
1655  (ib.  1655,  p.  128).  He  died  on  9  June 

1657  (THURLOE,  State  Papers,  vi.  594.)     In 

1658  his  widow,  Chrisagon,  petitioned  Crom- 
well for  relief. 

[Notes  supplied  by  C.  H.  Firth,  esq. ;  Visita- 
tion of  Oxfordshire,  1634  (Harl.  Soc.),pp.  258-9  ; 
Le  Neve's  Pedigrees  of  Knights  (Harl.  Soc.); 
Hoare's  Hungerfordiana,  1823  ;  the  two  Hunger- 
fords'  manuscript  petitions  in  Public  Eecord 
Office ;  Cal.  of  Committee  for  Advance  of  Money, 
679,  771,  777,  778;  Carlyle's  Cromwell,  iii.  211  ; 
Collinson's  Somerset.]  W.  J.  H-Y. 

1648),  parliamentary  commander,  eldest  son, 
by  his  first  wife,  of  Sir  Anthony  Hungerfcrd 
(1564-1627)  [q.  v.],  was  deputy-lieutenant 
for  Wiltshire  in  1624,  and  in  1632  sheriff  Of 
that  county.  He  was  made  knight  of  tlie 
Bath  in  1625.  He  was  returned  as  M.P.  fc  • 
Chippenham  in  January  1620,  and  to  bot  < 
the  Short  and  Long  parliaments  for  the  sam  3 
constituency  in  1640.  At  the  outbreak  of 
the  civil  war  he  took  the  side  of  the  parlia- 
ment, and  on  11  July  1642  was  sent  to  exe- 
cute the  militia  ordinance  in  Wiltshire.  Hei 
was  excluded  from  pardon  in  the  king's  de- 
claration of  grace  to  the  inhabitants  of  Wilt- 
shire (2  Nov.  1642),  and,  after  being  put  in  i 
command  of  the  Wiltshire  forces,  made  De-  I 
vizes  his  headquarters.  In  December  1642  \ 
he  attacked  Lord  Cottington  at  Fonthill, 
threatening  to  bring  his  troops  into  the  house, 
where  Lord  Cottington  lay  sick,  unless  he 




paid  1,0007.  to  the  parliament.  Against  such 
treatment  Lord  Cottington  appealed  to  the 
parliament,  and  the  speaker  desired  Sir  Ed- 
ward to  desist.  In  January  1643  Hungerford 
had  a  violent  quarrel  with  Sir  Edward  Bayn- 
ton,  the  parliamentary  governor  of  Malmes- 
bury,  each  accusing  the  other  of  intended 
treachery.  In  February  1643  he  occupied 
-and  plundered  Salisbury,  but  finding  himself 
unsupported  by  the  county,  evacuated  Devizes 
and  retired  to  Bath.  "When  Waller  recaptured 
Malmesbury  for  the  parliament  (22  March 
1643)  he  appointed  Hungerford  governor,  but 
while  Hungerford  was  still  at  Bath  seeking 
.supplies,  Malmesbury  was  abandoned  by  the 
officer  whom  he  had  nominated  to  represent 
him.  Hungerford  published  a  '  Vindication ' 
of  his  conduct,  dated  at  Bath  28  April  1643 
(London,  6  May  1643,  4to).  After  taking 
part  with  Waller  in  the  battles  of  Lans- 
downe  and  Roundway  Down  (CLAEENDON, 
Hist.  ed.  Macray,  iii.  82  n,  85  n),  Hungerford 
besieged  Lady  Arundel  in  W ardour  Castle 
{2-8  May  1643)  (Mercurius  JRusticus,  No.  5). 
He  treated  the  lady  with  little  grace,  carrying 
her  with  scant  ceremony  to  Hatch  and  thence 
to  Shaftesbury,  and  keeping  her  the  while 
•*  without  a  bed  to  lie  on.'  Subsequently  Hun- 
gerford attacked  Farleigh  Castle,  which  was 
garrisoned  for  the  king  and  under  the  com- 
mand of  Colonel  John  Hungerford,  said  to  be 
Sir  Edward's  half-brother.  The  castle  sur- 
rendered to  Sir  Edward  in  September  1645. 
He  had  a  reversionary  right  to  the  property 
under  the  will  of  his  mother's  uncle,  Sir 
Edward  Hungerford  (d.  1607),  but  the  tes- 
tator's widow  had  a  life-interest,  and  she 
lived  there  till  1653  [see  HTTNGEEFOED,  WAL- 
TEE,  1503-1540,  ad  fin.']  Hungerford  in  1625 
lived  at  Corsham,  Wiltshire,  but  after  1645 
he  seems  to  have  settled  at  Farleigh.  He 
died  in  1648,  and  was  buried  in  the  chapel  of 
Farleigh  Castle.  His  will  was  proved  26  Oct. 
1648.  He  obtained  a  license,  dated  26  Feb. 
1619-20,  to  marry  Margaret,  daughter  and 
coheiress  of  William  Hollidaie  or  Haliday, 
alderman  and  lord  mayor  of  London  (CnES- 
TEE,  Marriage  Licenses,  ed.  Foster,  p.  728). 
She  had  no  issue  by  him,  and  survived  him 
till  1672,  when  she  was  also  buried  at  Far- 
leigh. In  1653  she  petitioned  the  council  of 
state  to  pay  her  5007.,  a  small  part  of  the  sum 
borrowed  from  her  husband  by  the  parlia- 
ment. Parliament  had  ordered  repayment 
in  1649  (Cal.  State  Papers,  1652-3  pp.  421, 
440,  456,  1653-4  pp.  410-11).  Cromwell 
appears  to  have  interested  himself  in  her  case 
(CAELTLE,  Cromwell,  iii.  210).  Sir  Edward's 
reversionary  interest  in  the  Farleigh  estates 
passed  to  his  royalist  half-brother  Anthony 
(d.  1657)  [q.  v.] 

[Authorities  cited;  notes  supplied  by  C.  H. 
Firth,  esq.;  Le  Neve's  Pedigrees  of  Knights 
(Harl.  Soc.);  Visitation  of  Oxfordshire,  1634 
(Harl.  Soc.);  Hoare's  Hungerfordiana,  1823; 
Carlyle's  Cromwell  ;  Collinson's  Somerset  ; 
i  Bibliotheca  Grloucestrensis,  p.  196.] 

W.  J.  H-Y. 

1711),  founder  of  Hungerford  Market,  son 
and  heir  of  Anthony  Hungerford  the  royalist 
(d.  1657)  [q.  v.],  was  born  on  20  Oct.  1632, 
and  was  baptised  at  Black  Bourton,  Oxford- 
shire (Notes  and  Queries,  4th  ser.  vi.  454,  by 
j  Canon  Jackson).  He  was  made  a  knight  of 
i  thepBath  at  Charles  II's  coronation  on  23  April 
1  1661,  and  was  elected  M.P.  for  Chippenham 
|  in  1660, 1661,  1678, 1679,  and  1681,  for  New 
i  Shoreham  in  1685,  1688,  and  1690,  and  for 
|  Steyning  in  1695, 1698,  1700,  and  1702.  In 
|  January  1679-80  he  presented  a  petition  for 
I  the  summoning  of  a  parliament  (LTJTTEELL, 
Brief  Relation,  i.  32),  and  his  avowed  oppo- 
sition to  the  court  led  to  his  removal  from 
'  the  lieutenancy '  of  his  county  in  May  1681 
(ib.  p.  89) .  In  April  1669  his  town  residence, 
Hungerford  House,  by  Charing  Cross,  Lon- 
don, was  destroyed  by  fire  (PEPYS,  Diary,  iv. 
161),  and  he  settled  in  1681  in  Spring  Gardens. 
He  obtained  some  reputation  as  a  patron  of 
archery,  and  was  lieutenant-colonel  of  the 
regiment  of  archers  in  1661,  and  colonel  in 
1682.  But  Sir  Edward  was  best  known  for 
his  reckless  extravagance.  He  is  said  to  have 
disposed  of  thirty  manors  in  all.  By  way 
of  restoring  his  waning  fortunes,  he  obtained 
permission  in  1679  to  hold  a  market  on 
Mondays,  Wednesdays,  and  Saturdays  on  the 
site  of  the  demolished  Hungerford  House 
and  grounds.  In  1682  a  market-house  was 
erected  there,  apparently  from  Sir  Christo- 
pher Wren's  designs.  A  bust  of  Sir  Ed- 
ward was  placed  on  the  north  front,  with 
an  inscription  stating  that  the  market  had 
been  built  at  his  expense  with  the  king's 
sanction  (see  drawing  in  Gent.  Mag.  1832, 
pt.  ii.  p.  113).  In  1685  Sir  Stephen  Fox  and 
Sir  Christopher  Wren  purchased  the  market 
and  received  the  tolls.  The  market-house 
was  rebuilt  in  1833,  and  was  removed  in 
1860,  when  Charing  Cross  railway  station 
was  built  on  the  site  (CUNNINGHAM,  Hand- 
book to  London,  ed.  Wheatley,  ii.  248-9). 
Hungerford  sold  the  manor  and  castle  of 
Farleigh  in  1686  to  Henry  Baynton  of  Spye 
Park  for  56,0007.  (LUTTEELL,  i.  395),  but 
about  1700  it  was  purchased  by  Joseph  Houl- 
ton  of  Trowbridge,  in  whose  descendants' 
!  possession  it  remained  till  July  1891,  when 
\  it  was  bought  by  Lord  Donington.  In  his 
old  age  Hungerford  is  stated  to  have  become 
a  poor  knight  of  Windsor.  He  died  in  1711 




and  was  buried  in  the  church  of  St.  Martin's- 

Hungerford  married  thrice.  By  his  first 
wife,  Jane,  daughter  of  Sir  John  Hele  of 
Devonshire,  who  died  on  18  May  1664,  and 
was  buried  at  Farleigh,  he  had  an  only  son, 
Edward,  who  married  in  1680,  at  the  age  of 
nineteen,  Lady  Alathea  Compton,  and  died 
in  September  1681.  By  his  second  wife,  Jane 
Culme  (died  in  1674),  and  by  his  third  wife, 
Jane  Digby,  perhaps  the  Lady  Hungerford 
who  died  on  23  Nov.  1692  (LTJTTRELL,  ii.  623), 
he  also  seems  to  have  left  issue. 

A  daughter  of  the  first  marriage,  Rachel, 
married,  in  March  1684,Clotworthy  Skefting- 
ton,  second  viscount  Massereene,  died  on 
2  Feb.  1731-2,  and  left  to  her  eldest  son 
portraits  of  her  father,  of  her  granduncle 
(another  Sir  Edward  Hungerford),  and  of 
other  relations.  In  her  will  she  mentions  a 
brother  and  a  sister  as  still  living  (LODGE, 
Irish  Peerage,  ed.  Archdall,  ii.  384-5  ra.)  With 
the  death  of  Sir  Edward,  the  history  of  the  Far- 
leigh family  of  Hungerford  practically  closes. 

[Authorities  cited;  Hoare's  Hungerfordiana, 
1823;  Jackson's  Guide  to  Farleigh-Hungerford, 
1853  ;  Gent.  Mag.  1832,  pt.  ii.  113-15;  Burke's 
Extinct  Peerage,  s.v.  '  Hungerford  of  Heytes- 
bury ; '  Burke's  Vicissitudes  of  Families,  1st 
ser. ;  Notes  and  Queries,  5th  ser.  ii.  293.1 

S.  L. 

HUNGERFORD,  JOHN  (d.  1729), 
lawyer,  whose  connection  with  the  family 
of  Farleigh  has  not  been  ascertained,  was  in 
1677  admitted  a  student  at  Lincoln's  Inn, 
being  then  described  as  the  son  and  heir-ap- 
parent of '  Richard  Hungerford '  of  Wiltshire. 
He  graduated  M.A.  at  Cambridge  'per  literas 
regias '  in  1683.  He  entered  parliament  on 
28  April  1692  as  member  for  Scarborough, 
and  soon  after  was  appointed  chairman  of  the 
committee  of  the  house  to  whom  the  Orphans 
Bill  was  committed.  On  23  March  1694  he 
received  from  the  promoters  of  the  bill  a  bribe 
of  twenty  guineas '  for  his  pains  and  services ' 
in  that  capacity,  and  was  consequently  ex- 
pelled the  house  on  26  March  1695.  On 
a  vacancy  occurring  in  the  representation  of 
Scarborough  in  November  1707  he  was  again 
elected  for  that  borough,  and  continued  to 
represent  it  till  his  death.  In  December 
1709  he  introduced  a  bill  to  prevent  excessive 
gaming  (LTJTTRELL,  vi.  518).  He  was  one 
of  the  commissioners  of  alienation ;  standing 
counsel  to  the  East  India  Company;  and 
cursitor  of  the  counties  of  York  and  West- 
moreland. He  defended  three  persons,  Fran- 
cis Francia  (22  Jan.  1717),  John  Matthews 
(1719),  and  Christopher  Sayer  (1722),  charged 
with  treasonable  relations  with  the  Pretender. 
Francia  was  acquitted,  but  Matthews  and 

Sayer  were  convicted  (cf.  COBBETT,  and 
HOWELL,  State  Trials,  xv.  965  and  1359,  xvi. 
233).  Hungerford  died  on  8  June  1729.  By 
his  will,  dated  24  May  1729,  and  proved  by 
his  widow  Mary  13  June  following,  he  left 
bequests  to  King's  College,  Cambridge,  and 
to  many  relatives. 

[Manuscripts  of  the  Hon.  Soc.  of  Lincoln's  Inn ; 
Eeturn  of  Members  of  Parliament ;  Historical 
Eegister,  1729,  p.  41  ;  Luttrell's  Brief  Kelation  ; 
abstract  of  will  in  "writer's  possession.] 

W.  J.  H-T. 


MOLEYNS    AND     HdNGERFORD     (1431-1464), 

was  son  and  heir  of  Robert,  lord  Hungerford, 
and  was  grandson  of  Walter,  lord  Hunger- 
ford  (d.  1449)  [q.  v.]  He  married  at  a  very 
early  age  (about  1441)  Alianore  or  Eleanor 
(b.  1425),  daughter  and  heiress  of  Sir  Wil- 
liam de  Molines  or  Moleyns  (d.  1428),  and 
he  was  summoned  to  parliament  as  Lord 
Moleyns  in  1445,  in  right  of  his  wife,  the 
great-great-granddaughter  of  John,  baron  de 
Molines  or  Moleyns  (d.  1371).  Hungerford 
received  a  like  summons  till  1453.  In  1448 
he  began  a  fierce  quarrel  with  John  Paston 
regarding  the  ownership  of  the  manor  of 
Gresham  in  Norfolk.  Moleyns,  acting  on  the 
advice  of  John  Hey  don,  a  solicitor  of  Bacon  s- 
thorpe,  took  forcible  possession  of  the  estate 
on  17  Feb.  1448.  Waynflete,  bishop  of  Win- 
chester, made  a  vain  attempt  at  arbitration. 
Paston  obtained  repossession,  but  on  28  Jan. 
1450  Moleyns  sent  a  thousand  men  to  dislodge 
him.  After  threatening  to  kill  Paston,  who 
was  absent,  Moleyns'  adherents  violently  as- 
saulted Paston's  wife  Margaret,  but  Moleyns 
finally  had  to  surrender  the  manor  to  Paston 
(see  Paston  Letters,  ed.  Gairdner,  i.  xxxi,  Ixix, 
75-6,  109-12,  221-3,  iii.  449). 

In  1452  Moleyns  accompanied  John  Talbot, 
earl  of  Shrewsbury,  to  Aquitaine,  and  was 
taken  prisoner  while  endeavouring  to  raise 
the  siege  of  Chastillon.  His  ransom  was 
fixed  at  7,966Z.,  and  his  mother  sold  her  plate 
and  mortgaged  her  estates  to  raise  the  money. 
His  release  was  effected  in  1459,  after  seven 
years  and  four  months'  imprisonment.  In 
consideration  of  his  misfortunes  he  was 
granted,  in  the  year  of  his  return  to  Eng- 
land, license  to  export  fifteen  hundred  sacks 
of  wool  to  foreign  ports  without  paying  duty, 

|  and  received  permission   to   travel  abroad. 

j  He  thereupon  visited  Florence.     In  1460  he 
was  home  again,  and  took  a  leading  part  on 

I  the  Lancastrian  side  in  the  wars  of  the  Roses. 

i  In  June  1460  he  retired  with  Lord  Scales  and 
other  of  his  friends  to  the  Tower  of  London, 

I  on  the  entry  of  the  Earl  of  Warwick  and  his 

j  Kentish  followers  into  the  city ;  but  after  the 

j  defeat  of  the  Lancastrians  at  the  battle  of 

Hunger  ford 



Northampton  (10  July  1460),  Hungerford 
and  his  friends  surrendered  the  Tower  to  the 
Yorkists  on  the  condition  that  he  and  Lord 
Scales  should  depart  free  (WILLIAM  OF  WOR- 
CESTER [772-3],  where  the  year  is  wrongly 
given  as  1459).  After  taking  part  in  the 
battle  of  Towton  (29  March  1461)— a  further 
defeat  for  the  Lancastrians — Hungerford  fled 
with  Henry  VI  to  York,  and  thence  into  Scot- 
land. He  visited  France  in  the  summer  to 
obtain  help  for  Henry  and  Margaret,  and  was 
arrested  by  the  French  authorities  in  August 
1461.  Writing  to  Margaret  at  the  time  from 
Dieppe,  he  begged  her  not  to  lose  heart 
(Paston  Letters,  ii.  45-6,  93).  He  was  at- 
tainted in  Edward  IV's  first  parliament  in 
November  1461.  He  afterwards  met  with 
some  success  in  his  efforts  to  rally  the  Lan- 
castrians in  the  north  of  England,  but  was 
taken  prisoner  at  Hexham  on  15  May  1464, 
and  was  executed  at  Newcastle.  He  was 
buried  in  Salisbury  Cathedral.  On  5  Aug. 
1460  many  of  his  lands  were  granted  to 
Richard,  duke  of  Gloucester  (afterwards 
Richard  III).  Other  portions  of  his  pro- 
perty were  given  to  Lord  Wenlock,  who  was 
directed  by  Edward  IV  to  make  provision 
for  Hungerford's  wife  and  young  children. 
Eleanor,  lady  Hungerford,  survived  her  hus- 
band, and  subsequently  married  Sir  Oliver 
de  Manningham.  She  was  buried  at  Stoke 
Poges,  Buckinghamshire. 

Sir  THOMAS  HTJNGERFORD  (d.  1469),  the 
eldest  son,  lived  chiefly  at  Rowden,  near 
Chippenham.  After  giving  some  support  to 
Edward  IV  and  the  Yorkists  he  joined  in 
Warwick's  conspiracy  to  restore  Henry  VI 
in  1469,  was  attainted,  and  was  executed  at 
Salisbury.  He  was  buried  in  the  chapel  of 
Farleigh  Castle.  He  married  Anne  Percy, 
daughter  of  the  Earl  of  Northumberland,  who 
married  two  husbands  after  his  death — Sir 
Lawrence  Raynesford  and  Sir  Hugh  Vaughan 
— and,  dying  on  5  July  1522,  was  buried  in  St. 
Margaret's  Church,  Westminster.  Hunger- 
ford  left  by  her  an  only  child,  Mary,  who 
became"the  ward  of  William,  lord  Hastings 
[q.  v.],  and  in  1480  married  Sir  Edward  (after- 
wards Lord)  Hastings,  her  guardian's  son. 
The  attainders  on  her  father  and  grandfather 
were  reversed  in  her  favour  in  1485,  and  her 
husband  was  summoned  to  parliament  as  Lord 
Hungerford.  George  Hastings,  first  earl  of 
Huntingdon  [q.  v.],  was  her  son. 

Sir  WALTER  HUNGERFORD  (d.  1516), 
youngest  son  of  Robert  and  Eleanor,  was 
M.P.  for  Wiltshire  in  1477,  and,  as  a  partisan 
in  earlier  days  of  the  house  of  Lancaster,  ob- 
tained a  general  pardon  from  Richard  III  on 
his  accession  in  1483.  He  was,  nevertheless, 
arrested  by  Richard  on  the  landing  of  the 


Earl  of  Richmond  in  1485,  but  escaped  from 
custody,  and  joined  Richmond's  army.  At  the 
battle  of  Bosworth  he  slew,  in  hand-to-hand 
combat,  Sir  Robert  Brackenbury,  lieutenant 
of  the  Tower,  under  whose  command  he  had 
previously  served,  and  was  knighted  by  Henry 
VII  on  the  battlefield.  Farleigh  Castle  and 
some  other  of  the  forfeited  family  estates, 
though  not  the  family  honours,  were  restored 
to  him,  and  he  was  made  a  member  of  the 
privy  council.  In  February  1487  he  was  sent 
on  a  diplomatic  mission  to  Rome,  and  exe- 
cuted a  will  before  his  departure  (Materials 
for  the  Reign  of  Henry  VII,  Rolls  Ser.  ii. 
122-4).  In  1497  he  assisted  in  quelling  Per- 
kin  Warbeck's  rising.  In  1503  he  went  in 
the  retinue  of  Henry  VII's  queen  to  attend 
the  marriage  of  the  Princess  Margaret  with 
the  king  of  Scotland.  After  the  accession  of 
Henry  VIII  he  continued  a  member  of  the 
privy  council,  and,  dying  in  1516,  was  buried 
at  Farleigh.  His  wife  was  Jane,  daughter 
of  Sir  William  Bulstrode,  and  his  only  son 
Edward  was  father  of  Walter,  lord  Hunger- 
ford  (1503-1540)  [q.  v.] 

[Dugdale's  Baronage ;  Hoare's  Hungerfordiana ; 
Letters,  &c.,  of  Henry  VIII;  Materials  for  the 
Keign  of  Henry  VII  (Eolls  Ser.) ;  Paston  Letters, 
passim,  ed.  G-airdner ;  Hoare's  Mod.  "Wiltshire, 
Heytesbury  Hundred  ;  Collinson's  Somerset,  iii. 
355.]  S.  L. 

1398),  speaker  of  the  House  of  Commons, 
was  son  of  Walter  de  Hungerford  of  Heytes- 
bury, Wiltshire,  by  Elizabeth,  daughter  and 
heiress  of  Sir  Adam  Fitz-John  of  Cherill  in 
the  same  county.  The  Hungerfords  were 
seated  in  Wiltshire  in  the  twelfth  century, 
and  Thomas's  father  sat  for  the  county  in 
the  parliaments  of  1331-2,  1333-4,  and 
1336.  An  uncle,  Robert,  sat  for  Wiltshire 
in  the  parliament  of  1316,  was  a  commis- 
sioner to  inquire  into  the  possessions  of  the 
Despensers  after  their  attainder  in  1328,  and 
gave  much  land  to  the  hospital  at  Calne  in 
memory  of  his  first  wife,  Joan,  to  the  church 
of  Hungerford,  Wiltshire,  and  to  other  reli- 
gious foundations.  He  was  buried  in  1355 
in  Hungerford  Church,  where  an  elaborate 
monument  long  existed  above  his  grave.  An 
inscription  to  his  memory  is  still  extant  in 
the  church.  His  second  wife  was  Geva,  widow 
of  Adam  de  Stokke,  but  he  left  no  issue  (cf. 
GouGrH,  Sepulchral  Monuments,  i.  107,  plate 
xxxviii ;  Notes  and  Queries,  2nd  ser.  viii.  464, 
ix.  49,  165,  293). 

Thomas  was  himself  returned  for  Wiltshire 
in  April  1357,  and  was  re-elected  for  the 
same  constituency  in  1360,  1362,  January 
1376-7,  to  the  two  parliaments  of  1380,  in 
1383,  1384,  1386,  January  1389-90,  and  in 




January  1392-3.     He  sat  for  the  county  of 
Somerset  in  1378, 1382, 1388,  and  1390.    He  j 
was  returned  for  both  constituencies  in  1384  j 
and  January  1389-90.     He  was   knighted 
before  1377.     He  was  closely  associated  with 
John  of  Gaunt,  and  acted  for  some  time  as 
steward   of  Gaunt's  household.     Owing  to 
Gaunt's  influence,  he  was  chosen  in  January 
1376-7,  in  the  last  of  Edward  Ill's  parlia- 
ments, to  act  as  speaker  (STFBBS,  Constit. 
Hist.  1883,  ii.  456).     According  to  the  rolls 
of  parliament  (ii.  374)  Hungerford  '  avait 
les  paroles  pur  les  communes  d'Angleterre  en 
cet  parliament.'    He  is  thus  the  first  person 
formally  mentioned  in  the  rolls  of  parlia- 
ment as  holding  the  office  of  speaker.     Sir 
Peter  de  la  Mare  [q.  v.]  preceded  him  in  the 
post,  without  the  title,  in  the  Good  parlia- 
ment of  1376  (cf.  STTTBBS,  iii.  453).     In  1380 
Hungerford  was  confirmed  in  the  forestership 
of  Selwood.     In  1369  he  purchased  of  Lord 
Burghersh  the  manor  of  Farleigh-Montfort  ! 
(since  called  Farleigh-Hungerford,  and  the  | 
chief  residence  of  his  descendants),  and  in  j 
1383  obtained    permission  to   convert   the  > 
manorhouse  into  a  castle.     About  1384  he  | 
aroused  the  suspicion  of  Richard  II,  who  at- 
tached him,  but  he  obtained  a  pardon  and 
confirmation  of  his  free  warren  of  Farleigh. 
Hungerford  died  at  Farleigh  on  3  Dec.  1398, 
and  was  buried  in  the  chapel  of  the  castle  j 
(LELAND,  Itin.  ed.  Hearne,  ii.  31),  where  a  j 
monument  was  erected  to  his  memory,  and 
a  portrait  placed  in  a  stained-glass  window. 
The  latter  is  engraved  in  Hoare's '  Mod.  Wilt- 
shire, Heytesbury  Hundred,'  p.  90.  He  mar- 
ried, first,  Eleanor,  daughter  and  heiress  of 
Sir  John  Strug  of  Heytesbury,  and,  secondly, 
Joan,  heiress  of  Sir  Edmund  Hussey  of  Hoi- 
brook.      By  his  second  wife,  who  died  on 
1  March  1412,  he  was  father  of  Walter,  lord 
Hungerford  (d.  1449)  [q.  v.],  and  three  sons 
who  predeceased  him. 

[Dugdale's  Baronage  ;  Collinson's  Somerset, 
iii.  353  ;  Manning's  Lives  of  the  Speakers ;  Re- 
turns of  Members  of  Parliament ;  Hoare's  Hunger- 
fordiana,  privately  printed,  1823 ;  Canon  Jackson's 
Guide  to  Farleigh-Hungerford,  1853.]  S.  L. 

HIJNGEEFOED  (d.  1449),  son  and  heir  of  Sir 
Thomas  Hungerford  [q.  v.],  by  his  second 
wife,  Joan,  was  strongly  attached  to  the  Lan- 
castrian cause  at  the  close  of  Richard  II's 
reign,  his  father  having  been  steward  in  John 
of  Gaunt's  household.  On  Henry  IV's  ac- 
cession he  was  granted  an  annuity  of  40£.  out 
of  the  lands  of  Margaret,  duchess  of  Norfolk, 
and  was  knighted.  In  October  1400  he  was 
returned  to  parliament  as  member  for  Wilt- 
shire, and  was  re-elected  for  that  constituency 
in  1404,  1407,  1413,  and  January  1413-14, 

and  represented  the  county  of  Somerset  in 
1409.  He  acted  as  speaker  in  the  parlia- 
ment meeting  on  29  Jan.  1413-14,  the  last 
parliament  in  which  he  sat  in  the  House  of 
Commons  (cf.  MANNING,  Lives  of  the  Speakers, 
p.  55). 

Hungerford  had  already  won  renown  as  a 
warrior.  In  1401  he  was  with  the  English 
army  in  France,  and  is  said  to  have  worsted 
the  French  king  in  a  duel  outside  Calais; 
he  distinguished  himself  in  battle  and  tour- 
nament, and  received  substantial  reward.  In 
consideration  of  his  services  he  was  granted 
in  1403  one  hundred  marks  per  annum,  pay- 
able by  the  town  and  castle  of  Marlborough, 
Wiltshire,  and  was  appointed  sheriff  of  Wilt- 
shire. On  22  July  1414  he  was  nominated 
ambassador  to  treat  for  a  league  with  Sigis- 
mund,  king  of  the  Romans  (RYMEE,  Fcedera, 
vol.  iv.  pt.  ii.  p.  186),  and  as  English  envoy 
attended  the  council  of  Constance  in  that 
and  the  following  year  (cf.  his  accounts  of 
expenses  in  Brit.  MILS.  Addit.  MS.  24513, 
f.  68).  In  the  autumn  of  1415  Hungerford 
accompanied  Henry  V  to  France  with  twenty 
men-at-arms  and  sixty  horse  archers  (Nico- 
LAS,  Agincourt,  p.  381).  He,  rather  than 
the  Earl  of  Westmoreland,  as  in  Shake- 
speare's '  Henry  V,'  seems  to  have  been  the 
officer  who  expressed,  on  the  eve  of  Agin- 
court, regret  that  the  English  had  not  ten 
thousand  archers,  and  drew  from  the  king  a 
famous  rebuke  (ib.  pp.  105,  241).  He  fought 
bravely  at  the  battle  of  Agincourt,  but  the 
assertion  that  he  made  the  Duke  of  Orleans 
prisoner  is  not  substantiated.  He  was  em- 
ployed in  May  1416  in  diplomatic  negotia- 
tions with  ambassadors  of  Theodoric,  arch- 
bishop of  Cologne  (RYMEE,,  vol.  iv.  pt.  ii.  p. 
158),  and  in  November  1417  with  envoys  from 
France  (ib.  vol.  iv.  pt.  ii.  p.  25).  In  1417  he  was 
made  admiral  of  the  fleet  under  John,  duke 
of  Bedford,  and  was  with  Henry  V  in  1418 
at  the  siege  of  Rouen.  In  November  of  the 
latter  year  he  is  designated  the  steward  of 
the  king's  household  (ib.  vol.  iv.  pt.  iii.  p. 
76),  and  was  granted  the  barony  of  Hornet 
in  Normandy.  He  took  part  in  the  peace 
negotiations  of  1419,  and  on  3  May  1421  was 
installed  knight  of  the  Garter  (BELTZ,  Hist, 
of  Garter,  p.  clviii). 

Hungerford  was  an  executor  of  Henry  V's 
will,  and  in  1422  became  a  member  of  Pro- 
tector Gloucester's  council.  In  1424  he  was 
made  steward  of  the  household  of  the  infant 
king,  Henry  VI,  and  on  7  Jan.  1425-6  was 
summoned  to  the  House  of  Lords  as  Baron 
Hungerford.  The  summons  was  continued 
to  him  till  his  death.  Hungerford  became 
treasurer  in  succession  to  Bishop  Stafford, 
when  Bishop  Beaufort's  resignation  of  the 




great  seal  in  March  1426-7  placed  Glouces-  | 
ter  in  supreme  power.     He  acted  as  carver  ; 
at  Henry  VI's  coronation  in  Paris  in  Decem- 
ber 1430  (WAURIN,  Chron.,  Rolls  Ser.,iv.  11),  ! 
but  on  the  change  of  ministry  which  fol-  j 
lowed  Henry  VI's  return   from  France  in 
February  1431-2,  he  ceased  to  be  treasurer. 
He  attended  the  conference  at  Arras  in  1435  \ 
(  Wars  of  Henry  VI  in  France,  Rolls  Ser.,  | 
ed.  Stevenson,  ii.  431).     He  died  on  9  Aug.  j 
1449,  and  was  buried  beside  his  first  wife  in  I 
Salisbury  Cathedral,  within  the  iron  chapel  ! 
erected  by  himself,  which  is   still  extant,  j 
although  removed  from  its  "original  position.  ! 
By  his  marriages  and  royal  grants  Hungerford 
added  largely  to  the  family  estates.  He  was  j 
a  man  of  piety,  and  built  chantries  at  Heytes- 
bury  and  Chippenham,  and  made  bequests  to 
Salisbury  and  Bath  cathedrals.     In  1428  he 
presented  valuable  estates  to  the  Free  Royal 
Chapel  in  the  palace  of  St.  Stephen  at  West- 
minster.    He   also  built   an   almshouse  for 
twelve  poor  men  and  a  woman,  and  a  school- 
master's residence  at  Heytesbury.     The  ori-  ' 
ginal  building  was  destroyed  in  1765,  but  ; 
the  endowment,  which   was   regulated   by  ! 
statutes  drawn  up  by  Margaret  of  Botreaux, 
wife  of  Hungerford's  son  Robert,  still  con- 
tinues (JACKSON",  Anc.  Statutes  of  Heytes- 
bury Almshouses,  Devizes,  1863).     Hunger-  , 
ford's  will  is   printed  in  Nicolas's  ( Testa-  | 
menta  Vetusta,'  pp.   257-9.     He  left  his  j 
'  best  legend  of  the  lives  of  the  saints'  to  his  ; 
daughter-in-law,  Margaret,  and  a  cup  which  ; 
John  of  Gaunt  had  used  to  John,  viscount  j 

Hungerford  married  first,  Catherine, 
daughter  of  Thomas  Peverell ;  and  secondly, 
Alianore,  or  Eleanor,  countess  of  Arundel, 
daughter  of  Sir  John  Berkeley,  who  sur-  ' 
vived  him.  By  the  latter  he  had  no  issue. 
By  his  first  wife  he  was  father  of  three  sons, 
Walter,  Robert,  and  Edmund.  Walter  was  i 
made  a  prisoner  of  war  in  France  in  1425,  j 
was  ransomed  by  his  father  for  three  thou-  | 
sand  marks,  was  in  the  retinue  of  the  Duke 
of  Bedford  in  France  in  1435,  and  died  with- 
out issue.  Edmund  was  knighted  by 
Henry  VI  after  the  battle  of  Verneuil  on 
Whit-Sunday  1426  (METCALFE,  Book  of 
Knights,  p.  1),  married  Margaret,  daughter 
and  coheiress  of  Edward  Burnell,  and  by 
her  had  two  sons,  Thomas,  ancestor  of  the 
Hungerfords  of  Down  Ampney,  Gloucester- 
shire, of  the  Hungerfords  of  Windrush,  Ox- 
fordshire, and  the  Hungerfords  of  Black 
Bourton,  Oxfordshire ;  and  Edward,  ancestor 
of  the  Hungerfords  of  Cadenham,  Wiltshire. 

FORD  (1409-1459),  the  second  but  eldest  sur- 
viving son  of  Walter,  lord  Hungerford,  served 

in  the  French  wars,  and  was  summoned  to 
parliament  as  Baron  Hungerford  from  5  Sept. 
1450  to  26  May  1455.  He  died  14  May 
1459,  and  in  accordance  with  his  will  was 
buried  in  Salisbury  Cathedral  (NICOLAS, 
Testamenta  Vet.  p.  294).  His  son  Robert, 
lord  Moleyns  and  Hungerford  (1431-1464), 
is  noticed  separately.  Through  his  mother 
(Catherine  Peverell)  and  his  wife  Margaret, 
the  wealthy  heiress  of  William,  lord  Botreaux, 
he  added  very  largely  to  the  landed  property 
of  his  family  in  Cornwall  (MACLEAN,  Trigg 
Minor,  i.  357).  His  wife  lived  till  7  Feb. 
1478,  surviving  all  her  descendants,  except- 
ing a  great-granddaughter,  Mary  [see  under 
HUNGERFORD,  ROBERT,  1431-1461].  Her 
long  and  interesting  will,  dated  8  Aug.  1476, 
is  printed  in  Nicolas's  '  Testamenta  Vetusta,' 
pp.  310  sq.,  and  in  Hoare's  '  Modern  Wilt- 
shire, Hundred  of  Heytesbury.'  A  list  of  the 
heavy  expenses  she  incurred  in  ransoming 
her  son  Robert  appears  in  Dugdale's  '  Baron- 
age,' ii.  204  sq.  • 

[Authorities  cited ;  Dugdale's  Baronage  ; 
Burke's  Extinct  Peerage ;  Collinson's  Somerset, 
iii.  354;  Hoare's  Hungerfordiana,  1823;  Mac- 
lean's Trigg  Minor,  i.  358  sq. ;  Hoare's  Mod. 
Wiltshire,  Heytesbury  Hundred  ;  Kymer's  Fce- 
dera  ;  Stubbs's  Const.  Hist. ;  Nicolas's  Battle 
of  Agincourt,  1832  ;  Monstrelet's  Chroniques,  ed. 
Doiiet  d'Arcq  (Soc.  de  1'Hist.  de  France),  1862, 
ii.  404,  iv.  93,  vi.  314;  Manning's  Lives  of  the 
Speakers.]  S.  L. 

GERFORD OF  HEYTESBTJRY  (1503-1540),  was 
the  only  child  of  Sir  Edward  Hungerford 
(d.  1522).  His  father,  son  and  heir  of  Sir 
Walter  Hungerford  [see  HTJNGERFORD,  RO- 
BERT, 1431-1464,  ad  fin.~],  accompanied  Sir 
Walter  to  Scotland  in  1503;  served  in  the 
English  army  in  France  in  1513,  when  he  was 
knighted  at  Tournai;  was  sheriff  for  Wiltshire 
in  1517,  and  for  Somerset  and  Dorset  in  1518. 
In  1520  he  attended  Henry  VIII  at  the  Field 
of  the  Cloth  of  Gold;  died  on  24  Jan.  1521-2, 
and  left  his  surviving  wife  sole  executrix  (cf. 
Gent.  Mag.  1858,  pt.  i.  p.  122).  Walter's 
mother  was  his  father's  first  wife,  Jane,  daugh- 
ter of  John,  lord  Zouche  of  Haryngworth. 
His  father's  second  wife  was  Agnes,  widow 
of  John  Cotell.  She  had  (it  afterwards  ap- 
peared) strangled  her  first  husband  at  Far- 
leigh  Castle  on  26  July  1518,  with  the  aid  of 
William  Mathewe  and  William  Inges,  yeo- 
men of  Heytesbury,  Wiltshire,  and  seems  to 
have  married  Sir  Edward  almost  immediately 
after  burning  the  body.  Not  until  Sir  Ed- 
ward's death  were  proceedings  taken  against 
her  and  her  accomplices  for  the  murder.  She 
and  Mathewe  were  then  convicted  and  were 
hanged  at  Tyburn  on  20  Feb.  1523-4 ;  she 





•seems  to  have  been  buried  in  the  Grey  Friars' 
Church  in  London  (Siow,  Chronicle,  p.  517  ; 
Grey  Friars'  Chronicle,  Camd.  Soc.,  ed.  Ni- 
-chols,  pp.  43, 100,  where  the  attempts  at  iden- 
tification are  hopelessly  wrong ;  Antiquary, 
ii.  233).  An  interesting  inventory  of  Lady 
Hungerford's  goods,  taken  after  her  trial,  is 
printed  in  '  Archaeologia,'  xxxviii.  353  sq. 

Walter  was  nineteen  years  old  at  his  father's 
.death  in  1522,  and  soon  afterwards  appears 
as  squire  of  the  body  to  Henry  VIII.  In 
1529  he  was  granted*  permission  to  alienate 
part  of  his  large  estates.  On  20  Aug.  1532 
John,  lord  Hussey  of  Sleaford  [q.  v.],  whose 
daughter  was  Hungerford's  third  wife,  wrote 
to  Cromwell  stating  that  Hungerford  wished 
to  be  introduced  to  him  (Letters,  $•<?.  of 
Henry  VIII,  v.  538).  A  little  later  Hussey 
informed  Cromwell  that  Hungerford  desired 
to  be  sheriff  of  Wiltshire,  a  desire  which  was 
gratified  in  1533.  Hungerford  proved  useful 
to  Cromwell  in  Wiltshire  (cf.  ib.  vi.  340- 
341),  and  in  June  1535  Cromwell  made  a 
memorandum  that  Hungerford  ought  to  be 
rewarded  for  his  well-doing  (ib.  viii.  353). 
On  8  June  1536  he  was  summoned  to  parlia- 
ment as  Lord  Hungerford  of  Heytesbury. 
In  1540  he,  together  with  his  chaplain,  a 
Wiltshire  clergyman,  named  William  Bird, 
who  was  suspected  of  sympathising  with  the 
pilgrims  of  grace  of  the  north  of  England, 
was  attainted  by  act  of  parliament  (Parlia- 
ment Roll,  31  &  32  Henry  VIII,  m.  42). 
Hungerford  was  charged  with  employing  Bird 
in  his  house  as  chaplain,  knowing  him  to  be 
a  traitor;  with  ordering  another  chaplain, 
Hugh  Wood,  and  one  Dr.  Maudlin  to  practise 
conjuring  to  determine  the  king's  length  of  life, 
and  his  chances  of  victory  over  the  northern 
rebels ;  and  finally  with  committing  unnatural 
offences.  He  was  beheaded  on  Tower  Hill 
on  28  July  1540,  along  with  his  patron  Crom- 
well. Hungerford  is  stated  before  his  exe- 
cution to  have  '  seemed  so  unquiet  that  many 
judged  him  rather  in  a  frenzy  than  other- 
wise.' (A  'brief  abstract'  of  his  escheated 
lands  appears  in  HOARE'S  Modern  Wiltshire, 
t  Heytesbury  Hundred,'  pp.  104-7). 

Hungerford  married  thrice:  (1)  Susan, 
daughter  of  Sir  John  Danvers  of  Dauntsey  ; 
(2)  in  1527,  Alice,  daughter  of  William,  lord 
Sandys ;  and  (3),  in  October  1532,  Elizabeth, 
daughter  of  John,  lord  Hussey.  His  treat- 
ment of  his  third  wife  was  remarkable  for 
its  brutality.  In  an  appeal  for  protection 
which  she  addressed  to  Cromwell  about  1536 
(printed  from  MS.  Cotton.  Titus  B.  i.  397,  in 
WOOD'S  Letters  of  Royal  and  Illustrious 
Ladies,  ii.  271  sq.)  she  asserted  that  he  kept 
her  incarcerated  at  Farleigh  for  three  or  four 
years,  made  some  fruitless  attempts  to  divorce 

her,  and  endeavoured  on  several  occasions 
to  poison  her  (cf.  FROTJDE,  History  of  Eng- 
land, iii.  304  n.  popular  ed.)  After  his  exe- 
cution, she  became  the  wife  of  Sir  Robert 

Hungerford  left  two  sons  (LELAin>,/£m.  ii. 
32)  and  two  daughters,  all  apparently  by  his 
second  wife.  The  elder,  Sir  WALTER  HUNGER- 
FORD  (1532-1596),  called  '  the  Knight  of  Far- 
ley,' was  granted  land  by  Edward  VI  in  1552, 
and  was  restored  by  Queen  Mary  to  the  con- 
fiscated estate  of  Farleigh  in  1554,  when  the 
attainder  on  his  father  was  reversed.  He 
was  sheriff  of  Wiltshire  in  1557,  and  died 
in  December  1596.  Two  portraits,  one  dated 
1560  and  the  other  1574,  are  engraved  in 
Hoare's  'Modern  Wiltshire,  Heytesbury 
Hundred,'  pp.  112  sq.  In  Hoare's  time 
(1822)  they  both  belonged  to  Richard  Pollen, 
esq.  In  the  earlier  picture  Hungerford  is 
represented  in  full  armour,  and  about  him 
are  all  the  appliances  of  hunting  and  hawk- 
ing, in  which  the  inscription  on  the  picture 
states  that  he  excelled.  A  hawk  is  on  his 
wrist  in  the  later  portrait.  Serious  domestic 
quarrels  troubled  his  career.  About  1554  he 
married  his  first  wife,  Ann  Basset,  maid  of 
honour  to  Queen  Mary,  and  about  1558  his 
second  wife,  Anne,  daughter  of  Sir  William 
Dormer,  of  Ascot,  by  whom  he  had  four  chil- 
dren, a  son,  Edmund  (d.  1587),  and  three 
daughters.  In  1570  he  charged  his  second  wife 
with  attempts  to  poison  him  in  1564,  and  with 
I  committing  adultery  between  1560  and  1568 
with  William  Darrell  of  Littlecote.  Lady 
Hungerford  was  acquitted,  and  Hungerford, 
refusing  to  pay  the  heavy  costs,  was  com- 
mitted to  the  Fleet.  His  wife,  in  October  1571 , 
was  living  with  the  English  Roman  catholics 
at  Louvain,  and  in  1581,  when  at  Namur,  she 
begged  Walsingham  to  protect  her  children 
from  her  husband's  endeavours  to  disinherit 
them.  He  left  his  property  to  his  brother 
Edward,  with  remainder  to  his  heirs  male 
by  a  mistress,  Margery  Brighte,  with  whom 
he  went  through  the  ceremony  of  marriage  in 
the  last  year  of  his  life,  although  Lady  Hun- 
gerford was  still  alive.  After  his  death  Lady 
Hungerford  recovered  'reasonable  dower' 
from  her  brother-in-law,  Sir  Edward  Hun- 
gerford, and  died  at  Louvain  in  1603.  Sir 
Edward,  a  gentleman-pensioner  to  Queen 
Elizabeth,  was  twice  married,  but  died  with- 
out issue  in  1607.  He  left  to  his  widow 
(d.  1653)  a  life  interest  in  the  estates,  with 
remainder  to  his  great-nephew,  Sir  Edw^,r.d 
(1596-1648)  [q.  v.],  son  of  Sir  Anthony 
Hungerford  [q.  v.],  of  Black  Bourton,  Ox- 

[Authorities     cited ;     Dugdale's     Baronage ; 
Burke's  Extinct  Peerage ;  Hoare's  Hungerford- 




iana,  1823  ;  Jackson's  Guide  to  Farleigh-Hun- 
gerford,  1853,  and  Sheriffs  of  Wiltshire;  Burnet's 
Hist,  of  Kef  ormation,  i.  566-7  ;  Hall's  Society  in 
the  Elizabethan  Age;  Hoare's  Modern  Wiltshire, 
Heytesbury  Hundred,  pp.  110  sq. ;  Brewer  and 
Gairdner's  Letters  and  P 

Antiquary,  ii.  233.] 

'apers  of  Henry  VIII ; 
W.  .T.  H. 

HUNNE,  RICHARD  (d.  1514),  sup- 
posed martyr,  was  a  merchant  tailor  of  the 
city  of  London,  who  lived  in  Bridge  Street 
in  the  parish  of  St.  Margaret.  He  had  a  child 
out  at  nurse  in  Whitechapel,  and  on  its  death 
in  1514  the  priest  of  St.  Mary  Malfellow 
demanded  a  burying  sheet  as  a  mortuary, 
which  Hunne  refused  to  give.  The  priest, 
Thomas  Dryfield,  then  cited  Hunne  in  the 
spiritual  court  of  London,  but  Hunne  took 
the  bold  step  of  bringing  an  action  of  prse- 
munire  against  the  priest,  on  the  ground  that 
the  spiritual  court  sat  by  authority  of  the 
legate.  More  says  that  Hunne  had  been  de- 
tected of  heresy  at  an  earlier  date,  and  brought 
the  praemunire  to  delay  prosecution,  and  adds 
that  his  books  '  were  so  noted  wyth  hys  owne 
hande  in  the  margentes  as  euery  wyse  man 
well  saw  he  was  [a  heretic].'  He  was  now  ap- 
prehended on  a  charge  of  heresy,  and  brought 
before  the  Bishop  of  London,  Richard  Fitz- 
james  [q.  v.]  The  interrogatories  charged 
him  with  the  possession  of  heretical  books, 
notably  the  gospels  in  English,  and  with 
heretical  speaking  and  teaching.  Hunne  gave 
a  qualified  admission  to  the  charge  and  sub- 
mitted to  correction,  but,  persisting  in  his 
action  of  preemunire,  he  was  remanded  to 
prison  in  the  Lollards'  Tower,  and  there  two 
days  afterwards  (5  Dec.  1514)  he  was  found 
hanged  by  his  own  girdle  of  silk.  On  6  Dec. 
an  inquest  was  held  before  Thomas  Barnewelt, 
the  coroner,  and  a  verdict  of  wilful  murder 
returned  against  Dr.  Horsey,  the  chancellor 
of  the  Bishop  of  London,  and  other  officials. 
The  chancellor  was  committed  to  prison  on 
the  finding  of  the  jury.  The  bishop  appealed 
to  Wolsey,  who  could  not  stop  the  proceed- 
ings, but  managed,  it  is  said,  to  secure  a  par- 
don for  Horsey.  Horsey,  however,  according 
to  Fish,  had  to  pay  600/.  Meanwhile  pro- 
cess began  against  the  body  of  Hunne  for 
heresy  on  16  Dec.  1514,  before  the  bishops 
of  London,  Durham,  and  Lincoln.  The  articles 
against  him  were  published  at  Paul's  Cross, 
and  his  body,  which,  according  to  Bale,  had 
been  buried  and  was  afterwards  dug  up,  was 
burned  on  the  20th.  Hunne's  case  is  said 
to  have  been  noticed  in  parliament,  an  act 
being  passed  in  the  Commons  and  being  read 
once  in  the  Lords  (3  April  1515),  declaring 
that  he  had  been  murdered.  Fish's  account 
of  the  affair  was  criticised,  with  some  levity, 
by  Sir  Thomas  More,  and  More's  view  was 

criticised  by  Tyndale  and  by  Foxe.  Foxe  gives 
an  imaginative  picture  of  Hunne  hanging  in 
the  Lollards'  Tower.  Horsey's  trial  in  a  civil 
court  roused  the  great  controversy  on  the 
question  of  clerical  immunity  [see  under 

[Holinshed's  Chron.  (ed.  Hooker),  p.  835; 
Foxe's  Acts  and  Monuments,  iv.  183,  &c. ; 
Collier's  Eccl.  Hist.  ed.  Lathbury,  iv.  9,  &c. ; 
Kennett's  Collections,  xl.  169  ;  Burnet's  Eefor- 
mation,  i.  41,  &c. ;  Fish's  Supplication  of  the 

i  Beggars  (New  Shakspere  Soc.),  ed.  Furnivall, 

I  pp.  9,  12, 16;  More's  Supplication  of  Soules,  ix. 

1  &c.;  More's  Dyaloge,  1530,  bk.  iii.  chap.  xv. ; 
Bale's  Image  of  both  Churches  (Parker  Soc.)r 
p.  395;  Tyndale's  Answer  to  Sir  Thomas  More's 
Dialogue  (Parker  Soc.),  pp.  146,  166,  167;  The 
Enquirie  and  Verdite  of  the  Quest  Panneld  of 
the  Death  of  Eychard  Hune,  b.l.  n.d ;  Notes  and 

I  Queries,  3rd  ser.  i.  450,  5th  ser.  x.  242 ;  infor- 
mation from  F.H.  Groome,esq.]  W.  A.  J.  A. 

LIAM (d.  1793),  miniature-painter,  painted 
in  London  from  about  1770,  and  had  an  ex- 
tensive practice  as  a  portrait-painter.      He 
was  a  frequent  exhibitor  at  the  Royal  Aca- 
demy from  1777  to  the  year  of  his  death. 
!  painting  in  oil  and  crayons,  but  principally 
I  in  miniature.     He  died  21  Nov.  1793. 

[Eedgrave's  Diet,  of  Artists  ;  Royal  Academy 
[  Catalogues.]  L.  C. 

HUNNIS,  WILLIAM  (d.  1597),  musi- 
cian and  poet,  was  appointed  gentleman  of 
the  Chapel  Royal  by  Edward  VI.  He  was 
a  protestant,  and  throughout  the  reign  of 
Mary  engaged  in  conspiracies  against  the 
queen.  In  1555  he  was  one  of  twelve  con- 
spirators elected  to  assassinate  both  king 
and  queen,  but  the  plot  came  to  nothing. 
As  an  intimate  friend  of  Nicholas  Brigham 
[q.  v.],  keeper  of  the  Treasure  House  at  West- 
minster, and  of  his  wife,  Hunnis  was  invited 
in  the  following  year  to  take  part  in  an  at- 
tempt to  rob  the  treasury  in  order  to  provide 
funds  for  the  conspiracy  devised  by  Sir  Henry 
'  Dudley,  the  object  of  which  was '  to  make  the 
Lady  Elizabeth  Queene,  and  to  marry  her  to 
the  Duke  of  Devonshire '  (FsouDE,  Hist.  vi. 
11,  where  Hunnis's  name  appears  as  Hene- 
age).  Hunnis  seems  to  have  refused  the  re- 
quest of  a  fellow-conspirator  named  Dethicke 
to  go  to  Dieppe,  and  there,  l  as  having  skill 
in  alchemy,  to  make  experiments  on  a  foreign 
coin  called  ealdergylders  to  convert  them 
into  gold.'  On  17  or  18  March  1555  Hunnis, 
with  many  of  his  associates,  was  arrested  on 
information  given  by  one  of  the  number,  and 
was  imprisoned  in  the  Tower.  He  was  ar- 
raigned on  5  May  at  the  Guildhall ;  but 
whether  he  was  pardoned  or  remained  in  the 




Tower  till  the  accession  of  Elizabeth  to  the 
throne  is  uncertain.  In  May  1557  Hunnis 
was  admitted  to  the  Grocers'  Company. 

One  of  Elizabeth's  earliest  acts  as  queen 
was  to  restore  him  to  his  position  as  gentle- 
man of  the  Chapel  Koyal.  On  2  June  1559 
he  married  Margaret,  widow  of  Nicholas 
Brigham  (who  had  died  in  1558),  but  she 
died  in  the  autumn  of  the  same  year.  Her 
will,  of  which  Hunnis  was  executor,  was 
proved  on  12  Oct.  1559.  In  1562  Hunnis 
was  appointed  custodian  of  the  gardens  and 
orchards  at  Greenwich,  at  a  salary  of  12<#. 
per  day,  and  various  perquisites.  In  1568  he 
received  a  grant  of  arms  (ELarl.  MSS.  1359, 
f.  54).  In  1570,  according  to  an  entry  in  the 
Guildhall  records,  grant  was  made  of  '  a  re- 
version of  the  office  of  collection  of  the  cities 
rightes,  duties,  and  profittes,  cominge  and 
growinge  uppon  London  Bridge,  for  wheelage 
and  passage,  to  William  Hunnys,  citizen  and 
grocer,  and  also  Master  of  Hir  grace's  chil- 
dren of  hir  Chappell  Royal.'  Hunnis  appears 
to  have  ultimately  accepted  40/.  in  lieu  of  this 
reversion.  A  device  and  a  copy  of  verses  were 
written  by  Hunnis  for  the  entertainment 
of  the  queen  at  Kenilworth  in  July  1575, 
and  were  published  in  George  Gascoigne's 
*  Princely  Pleasures  of  Kenilworth,'  1576-7. 
On  15  Nov.  1566  he  had  succeeded  Richard 
Edwards  in  the  office  of  master  of  the  chil- 
dren. The  emoluments  of  the  post  were  not 
great.  In  November  1583  Hunnis  stated  in 
a  petition  to  the  council  that  he  was  unable 
to  maintain  '  an  usher,  a  man-servant  for  the 
boys,  and  a  woman  to  keep  them  clean,  on 
an  income  of  6d.  a  day  each  for  food  and  401. 
a  year  for  apparel  and  all  expenses.'  Nothing, 
he  added,  was  allowed  for  the  expenses  of 
travelling  and  lodging  when  the  movements 
of  the  court  necessitated  his  carrying  the 
boys  with  him  to  various  places.^IIunms 
died  6  June  1597,  and  was  succeeded  as  master 
of  the  children  by  Nathaniel  Giles.  He  left 
no  will,  unless  we  accept  as  such  the  follow- 
ing verses  which  Warton  quotes  as  having 
been  written  by  Hunnis  on  the  flyleaf  of  a 
copy  of  Sir  Thomas  More's  works  : 

'  To  God  my  soule  I  doe  bequeathe,  because  it  is 

his  owne, 
My  body  to   be  layd  in  grave,  where  to  my 

frends  best  known. 
Executors  I  wyll   none  make,  thereby  great 

stryffe  may  growe, 
Because  the,  goodes  that  I  shall  leave  wyll  not 

pay  all  I  owe.' 

Wood  speaks  of  Hunnis  as  being  a  crony 
of  Thomas  Newton,  the  Latin  poet,  and  among 
the  latter's  '  Encomia '  (v.  177)  are  lines  ad- 
dressed ( Ad  Guliel.  Hunnissum  amicum  inte- 
gerrimum.'  In  commendatory  verses  prefixed 

to  Hunnis's '  Hyve,'  Newton  also  compliments 
Hunnis  on  his  interludes,  none  of  which  are 
now  known,  as  well  as  on  his  sonnets,  songs, 
and  (  roundletts.' 

Hunnis  published :  1 .  '  Certayne  Psalmes 
chosen   out   of  the  Psalter  of  David   and 
drawen  furth  into  English  meter,'  London, 
!  1549.     2.  {  A  Hyve  full  of  Hunnye,  contayn- 
ing  the  firste  booke  of  Moses,  called  Genesis, 
turned  into  Englishe  meetre,'  London,  1578, 
!  4to,  dedicated  to  Robert,  earl  of  Leicester. 
:  3.  '  Seven  Sobs  of  a  Sorrowfull  Soule  for 
Sinne  :  Comprehending  those  seven  Psalmes 
|  of  the  Princelie  Prophet  David,  commonlie 
!  called  Poenitentiall ;  framed  into  a  forme  of 
familiar  praiers,  and  reduced  into  meeter  by 
William  Hunnis.  .  .  .  Whereunto  are  also 
annexed  his  Handfull  of  Honisuckles ;  the 
!  Poor  Widowes   Mite;    a   Dialog    between 
;  Christ  and  a  sinner  ;  diuers  godlie  and  pithie 
ditties,  with  a  Christian  confession  of  and  to 
the  Trinitie,' London,  1583  (Brit.  Mus.),  1585, 
1587, 1597, 1615, 1629,  and  Edinburgh,  1621. 
4.  'Hunnies'  Recreations,  conteining  foure 
godlie  and  compendious  discourses  :  Adam's 
Banishment,   Christ    his   Cribbe,   the   Lost 
|  Sheepe,  and  the  Complaint  of  Old  Age/  Lon- 
don, 1588  ;  another  edition,  with  additions, 
London,  1595  (Brit.  Mus.) 

Hunnis  also  published  an  '  Abridgement, 
or  brief  Meditation,  oncertaine  of  the  Psalmes 
'  in  English  metre,  by  W.  H.,  servant  to  the 
I  Rt.  Hon.  Sir  William  Harberde,  knyght/ 
]  London,  1550,  and  contributed  twelve  pieces 
j  to  *  The  Paradyse  of  Daynty  Devises,'  Lon- 
!  don,  1576,  and  two  pieces  by  him  appear  in 
'  England's   Helicon,'   1600.     Some   manu- 
scripts of  Hunnis  are  preserved  in  the  Music 
School  at  Oxford. 

[Brown's  Biog.  Diet,  of  Music,  p.  338 ;  Cal. 
State  Papers,  Bom.  Ser.  1556  ;  Hunter's  Chorus 
Vatum  Anglic,  ii.  277-9 ;  Add.  MSS.  24488  ; 
Rimbault's  Old  Cheque  Booke  of  the  Chapel 
Royal,  C.S.  pp.  2-5,  186-8  ;  Mrs.  C.  C.  Stopes 
I  in  Athenaeum,  Nos.  3304,  3308 ;  Memoir  pre- 
fixed to  1810  reprint  of  Paradise  of  Dainty- 
Devices ;  Warton's  Hist,  of  Engl.  Poetry,  iii. 
180;  Hawkins's  Hist,  of  Music,  iii.  254,418; 
WattV  Bibl.  Brit.  i.  526;  Hunnis's  works  in 
Brit.  Mus.]  E.  F.  S. 

HUNSDON,      LOEDS.       [See     CABEY, 
GEOEGE,  second  LOED,  1547-1603;  CAEET, 
HENEY,  first  LOED,   1524P-1696;   CAEEY, 
I  JOHN,  third  LOED,  d.  1617.] 

HUNT,  ANDREW  (1790-1861),  land- 
scape-painter, was  born  at  Erdington,  near 
Birmingham,  in  1790.  He  was  one  of  the 
school  of  artists  who  learnt  drawing  from 
Samuel  Lines  [q.  v.],  the  engraver,  and  he 
maintained  a  friendship  with  David  Cox 
the  elder  [q.  v.]  throughout  his  life.  He 

^  After  'various  places'  add  '  In  1585  Hertford  and  Middlesex  (Hat.  Rolls.  :| 
he  obtained  a  grant  for  21  years  of  property  Eliz.  pt.  17,  mrn.  20,  21,  22,  23  :  cited  | 
in  the  counties  of  Derby,  Essex,  Suffolk,,  C.  C.  Stopes,  W.  Hunnis  and  the  Revels] 

the  Chape/  Rova/V 




married  at  Birmingham,  and  shortly  after 
went  to  reside  at  Liverpool.  Here  he  prac- 
tised as  a  landscape-painter  and  teacher  of 
drawing.  He  was  a  frequent  exhibitor  at 
the  Liverpool  Academy,  of  which  he  became 
one  of  the  leading  members.  He  died  in 
1861.  His  landscapes  were  much  admired. 
In  the  Walker  Art  Gallery  there  is  a  picture 
by  Hunt  of  <  The  North  Shore  or  Estuary  of  the 
River  Mersey.'  He  left  several  children  who 
became  artists,  notably  Alfred  William  Hunt, 
the  well-known  painter  in  water-colours. 

[Private  information.]  L.  C. 

HUNT,  ARABELLA  (d.  1705),  vocalist 
and  lutenist,  was  celebrated  for  her  beauty  and 
talents.  The  Princess  Anne  had  lessons  from 
her,  and  Queen  Mary  found  her  some  employ- 
ment in  the  royal  household  in  order  to  enjoy 
her  singing.  Hawkins  tells  with  great  detail 
(History,  iii.  564)  how  the  queen,  after  lis- 
tening to  some  of  Purcell's  music  performed 
by  Mrs.  Hunt,  Gostling,  and  the  composer, 
abruptly  asked  the  lady  to  sing  an  old  Scottish 
ditty.  Mrs.  Hunt's  voice  was  said  by  a  con- 
temporary to  be  like  the  pipe  of  a  bullfinch; 
she  also  was  credited  with  an '  exquisite  hand 
on  the  lute.'  She  was  admired  and  respected 
by  the  best  wits  of  the  time ;  Blow  and  Purcell 
wrote  difficult  music  for  her ;  John  Hughes 
[q.  v.],  the  poet,  was  her  friend ;  Congreve 
wrote  a  long  irregular  ode  on  (  Mrs.  Arabella 
Hunt  singing,'  and  after  her  death  penned 
an  epigram  under  a  portrait  of  her  sitting  on 
a  bank  singing.  The  painting  was  by  Kneller . 
There  are  mezzotints  by  Smith  (1706)  and 
Grignion ;  and  Hawkins  gives  a  vignette  in  his 
'History' (iii.  761).  Mrs.  Hunt  died  26  Dec. 
1705.  In  her  will,  proved  6  Feb.  1706,  she  is 
described  as  of  the  parish  of  St.  Martin-in- 
the-Fields.  She  left  her  property  to  her  *  dear 
mother,  Mrs.  Elizabeth  Hunt.' 

[Noble's  Continuation  of  Granger,  i.  351 ; 
Registers  P.  C.  C.  Edes,  f.  40;  authorities 
cited.]  L.  M.  M. 

1854),  journalist  and  author,  was  born  in 
Buckinghamshire  in  1814.  His  family  ap- 
pear to  have  been  in  narrow  circumstances. 
At  the  time  of  his  father's  death  about  1830 
Hunt  was  a  night-boy  in  a  printer's  office. 
To  support  his  family,  which  he  continued 
to  do  more  or  less  until  his  death,  he  pro- 
cured a  diurnal  engagement  as  clerk  to  a 
barrister.  His  employer,  fortunately  for  him, 
had  but  little  practice  ;  and  Hunt,  who  for 
years  together  never  enjoyed  a  continuous 
night's  rest  more  than  once  a  week,  filled  up 
his  time  with  study  instead  of  sleep.  His 
master,  struck  with  his  industry  and  at- 
tainments, introduced  him  to  a  connection 

with  a  morning  newspaper.  While  labouring 
on  the  press,  the  indefatigable  Hunt  found 
time  to  study  medicine,  and  combined  both 
professions  in  the  establishment  in  1839  of  the 
'  Medical  Times,'  which  was  incorporated  in 
January  1852  with  the '  Medical  Gazette,'  and 
successfully  continued  as  the  '  Medical  Times 
and  Gazette '  until  1885.  Little  profit  never- 
theless accrued  to  the  projector,  who,  becom- 
ing temporarily  embarrassed  from  the  mis- 
conduct of  a  relative,  was  obliged  to  part  with 
the  property  and  accept  the  situation  of  sur- 
geon to  a  poor-law  union  in  Norfolk.  He  re- 
turned to  London  after  a  year,  and,  while 
continuing  to  practise  medicine,  resumed  his 
connection  with  the  press.  He  was  succes- 
sively sub-editor  of  the  '  Illustrated  London 
News  'and  editor  of  the  '  Pictorial  Times,'  and 
upon  the  establishment  of  the  'Daily  News' 
in  1846,  was  selected  by  Dickens  as  one  of  the 
assistant  editors.  In  1851  he  was  made  chief 
editor,  and  under  him  the  paper  first  became 
prosperous.  Hunt  died  of  typhus  fever 
18  Nov.  1854.  He  is  described  as  an  amiable, 
sanguine,  impulsive  man,  disposed  to  busy 
himself  with  too  many  projects,  and  to  dif- 
fuse his  energies  over  too  wide  a  field,  but 
possessed  of  sound  literary  judgment,  as  well 
as  of  extraordinary  energy  and  power  of  work. 
He  was  the  author  of  a  book  on  the  Rhine, 
published  in  1845,  and  of  other  ephemeral 
publications,  but  his  literary  reputation  rests 
entirely  on  '  The  Fourth  Estate  :  Contribu- 
tions towards  a  History  of  Newspapers  and 
of  the  Liberty  of  the  Press,'  1850,  which 
will  in  some  respects  never  be  superseded. 
It  is  far  from  being  a  complete  history  of  the 
English  press,  but  contains  a  great  number 
of  interesting  particulars  respecting  its  de- 
velopment, especially  of  the  various  legisla- 
tive impediments  with  which  it  has  had  to 
contend ;  and  the  chapters  on  the  economy 
of  newspaper  offices  in  the  writer's  own  day, 
though  now  entirely  out  of  date,  are  most  in- 
teresting and  valuable  for  that  very  reason. 
[Athenseum,  25  Nov.  1854  ;  Daily  News, 
20  Nov.]  B.  GK 

HUNT,  GEORGE  WARD  (1825-1877), 
politician,  eldest  son  of  the  Rev.  George 
Hunt  of  Winkfield,  Berkshire,  and  Waden- 
hoe,  Northamptonshire,  by  Emma,  youngest 
daughter  of  Samuel  Gardiner  of  Coombe 
Lodge,  Oxfordshire,  was  born  at  Buckhurst, 
Berkshire,  on  30  July  1825,  and  educated  at 
Eton  from  1841  to  1844.  He  matriculated 
from  Christ  Church,  Oxford,  on  31  May 
1844,  was  a  student  from  1846  to  1857, 
graduated  B.A.  in  1848,  and  M.A.  in  1851, 
and  was  created  D.C.L.  on  21  June  1870. 
He  was  called  to  the  bar  at  the  Inner  Temple 




on  21  Nov.  1851,  and  went  the  Oxford  cir- 
cuit. On  23  May  1873  he  was  made  a 
bencher  of  his  inn.  Preferring  politics  to 
legal  studies,  he  unsuccessfully  contested 
Northampton  in  1852  and  in  1857  as  a  con- 
servative, and  at  last  entered  parliament  on 
16  Dec.  1857  as  one  of  the  members  for  the 
northern  division  of  Northamptonshire,  which 
he  represented  for  twenty  years  continuously. 
He  acted  as  financial  secretary  to  the  treasury 
under  Lord  Derby  from  July  1866  to  Febru- 
ary 1868,  and  when  Mr.  Disraeli  became  pre- 
mier, 29  Feb.,  he  succeeded  to  the  office  of 
chancellor  of  the  exchequer,  but  he  retired 
with  his  party  in  December.  He  was  elected 
chairman  of  quarter  sessions  for  Northamp- 
tonshire in  April  1866,  chairman  of  the  North- 
ampton chamber  of  agriculture  18  Jan.  1873, 
and  was  sworn  a  privy  councillor  29  Feb.  1868. 
On  the  return  of  the  conservatives  to  power 
he  was  appointed  first  lord  of  the  admiralty, 
21  Feb.  1874.  He  had  some  knowledge  of 
naval  administration,  but  was  better  versed 
in  subjects  relating  to  county  management 
and  agriculture.  In  1866  he  introduced  a 
bill  dealing  with  the  cattle  plague,  and  in 
1875  helped  to  conduct  the  Agricultural 
Holdings  Bill  through  the  House  of  Com- 
mons. In  the  session  of  1877,  although  very 
ill,  he  was  in  his  place  to  take  part  in  the 
discussion  on  the  navy  votes,  and  one  of  the 
most  spirited  speeches  that  he  made  was  in 
answer  to  Mr.  Charles  Seely  and  other  critics 
on  6  March.  At  Whitsuntide,  under  medi- 
cal advice,  he  went  to  Homburg,  where  he 
died  of  gout  on  29  July  1877,  and  was  buried 
privately  in  the  English  cemetery  there  on 
the  following  morning.  As  chancellor  of 
the  exchequer  he  showed  financial  aptitude, 
but  his  administration  of  the  admiralty  was 
signalised  by  a  melancholy  series  of  disasters. 
It  is  probable  that  the  misfortunes  connected 
with  his  department  hastened  his  death. 
He  married,  5  Dec.  1857,  Alice,  third  daugh- 
ter of  Robert  Eden  [q.  v.],  bishop  of  Moray 
and  Ross,  by  whom  he  had  a  family. 

[Cornelius  Brown's  Life  of  Earl  of  Beacons  - 
field,  1882,  ii.  93;  Times,  30  July  1877,  p.  9, 
cols.  1  and  6,  31  July  p.  3,  1  Aug.  p.  9;  Law 
Times,  4  Aug.  1877,  p.  254;  Illustrated  London 
News,  21  March  1868,  p.  280,  with  portrait, 
18  April  1874,  pp.  365-6,  with  portrait,  4  Aug. 
1877,  p.  119,  and  11  Aug.  p.  140,  with  portrait; 
Graphic,  4  Aug.  1877,  pp.  99*,  1 1 3,  with  portrait.] 

G.  C.  B. 

HUNT,  HENRY  (1773-1835),  politi- 
cian, came  of  a  Wiltshire  family,  being  the 
eldest  son  of  Henry  Hunt  of  Week,  near 
Devizes,  and  was  born  at  Widdington  Farm, 
Upavon,  or  Upphaven,  Wiltshire,  on  6  Nov. 
1773.  He  was  a  delicate,  though  high-spi- 

rited child,  and  was  educated  first  at  Tils- 
head,  Wiltshire,  by  a  Mr.  Cooper,  then  at 
Hursley  in  Hampshire  by  Mr.  Alner,  next 
under  the  Rev.  Thomas  Griffith  at  Andover 
grammar  school,  where  he  was  treated  with 
such  tyranny  that  he  ran  away,  and  lastly 
under  the  Rev.  James  Evans  at  Salisbury  and 
Oxford.  Holy  orders  were  proposed  to"  him 
by  his  father,  but  his  own  bent  was  towards 
farming,  and  he  began  work  on  the  farm  at 
sixteen,  though  he  continued  to  study  classics 
with  a  tutor.  A  quarrel  with  his  father  in- 
duced him  to  leave  home  in  1794,  but  his 
father's  entreaties  led  him  to  forego  his  in- 
tention of  shipping  as  clerk  on  board  a  Guinea 
slaver.  His  opinions  on  reaching  manhood 
were  mainly  those  of  a  loyal  supporter  of  the 
constitution  and  government ;  but  his  expe- 
riences of  the  sufferings  of  the  poor  and  the 
rural  administration  of  his  own  district  soon 
inclined  him  to  radical  views.  At  the  age 
of  twenty-two  he  fell  in  love  with  Miss  Hal- 
comb,  daughter  of  the  innkeeper  of  the  Bear 
Inn,  Devizes,  without  having  seen  her,  and 
on  the  strength  of  his  father's  recommenda- 
tion of  her  virtues  he  married  her  shortly 
afterwards ;  but  after  she  had  borne  him  two 
sons  and  a  daughter,  he  separated  from  her 
in  1802,  and  eloped  with  a  friend's  wife,  Mrs. 
Vince.  He  began  farming  for  himself  at  Wid- 
dington Farm,  his  birthplace,  and  on  his 
father's  death  occupied  all  the  land  held  by 
his  father. 

Hunt's  first  public  appearance  was  in  1797, 
when  he  addressed  the  Everley  troop  of  yeo- 
manry, of  which  he  was  a  member,  urging 
them  to  consent  to  serve,  if  required,  out 
of  the  county.  Failing  in  this  he  quitted 
that  force  in  disgust,  and  joined  the  Marl- 
borough  troop,  at  the  request  of  Lord  Bruce, 
the  colonel,  but  subsequently  he  challenged 
his  commanding  officer  to  fight  a  duel,  and 
was  indicted  for  the  offence.  He  allowed 
judgment  to  go  by  default,  and  as  he  refused 
to  apologise  was  sentenced  to  a  fine  of  1001. 
and  six  weeks'  imprisonment  in  the  King's 
Bench  prison  at  the  end  of  1800.  About 
this  time  he  became  acquainted  with  Home 
Tooke  and  other  politicians  of  his  party,  and 
though  full  of  martial  ardour  during  the  ap- 
prehensions of  invasion  in  1801  and  1803, 
adopted  their  advanced  opinions.  His  per- 
sonal habits  were  expensive,  and  he  lost 
money  in  a  brewing  speculation  at  Clifton, 
near  Bristol.  Nevertheless  he  began  to  make- 
a  figure  in  local  politics.  At  the  dissolution 
of  parliament  in  1806  he  took  a  prominent 
part  in  the  elections  for  his  own  county  (see* 
COBBETT,  Political  Register,  1806)  and  for 
Bristol.  In  1807  he  visited  London,  and  was 
introduced  by  his  friend  Henry  Clifford  to* 




the  radical  leaders.    Returning  to  Bristol,  he 
organised  the  Bristol  Patriotic  and  Consti- 
tutional Association  to  promote  electoral  re- 
form, and  offered  to  contest  the  next  vacancy. 
In  May  1809  he  got  up  a  meeting  in  Wilt- 
shire to  thank  Colonel  Wardle  for  demand- 
ing an  inquiry  into  the  conduct  of  the  Duke 
of  York  as  commander-in-chief,  and  in  order 
to  qualify  William  Cobbett  to  address  it,  pre- 
sented him  with  a  freehold  tenement.     He 
engaged  in  perpetual  lawsuits  with  his  neigh- 
bours, and  appeared  in  the  courts  in  person. 
He  was  imprisoned  for  three  months  in  1810 
in  the  King's  Bench  prison  for  assaulting  a 
gamekeeper,  but  was  permitted  to  go  out  and 
in  much  as  he  liked,  and  availed  himself  of 
the  opportunity  to  frequently  visit  Sir  Francis 
Burdett  in  the  Tower.     When  Cobbett  was 
committed  to  gaol  in  July  1810,  they  shared 
the  same  rooms.     In  1811  he  began  farming 
on  a  large   scale   near   East   Grinstead   in 
Sussex,  maintaining  meanwhile  a  close  in- 
timacy with  Cobbett  in  London.     He  came 
forward  as  a  candidate  for  Bristol  in  June 
1812  against  Sir  Samuel  Romilly,  Mr.  Pro- 
theroe,  and  Mr.  Davis,  but  was  not  elected, 
and  his  petition  against  the  return  on  the 
grounds  of  bribery  and  illegal  violence  was 
heard  on  26  Feb.  1813.    Though  it  was  dis- 
missed, it  was  not  held  to  be  frivolous  or 
vexatious.    After  losing  money  by  his  farm 
in  Sussex,  he  gave  it  up,  and  in  1814  took 
another  at  Cold  Henley,  near  Whitchurch, 
with  the  same  result.     On  15  Nov.  1816  he 
met  Thistlewood,  Watson,  and  others,  and 
with  them  took  part  in  the  Spa  Fields  meet- 
ings, and  addressed  the  people.    The  soldiers 
who  were  on  the  ground  had  orders,  in  case 
of  disturbance,  to  shoot  at  him  and  the  other 
speakers,  instead  of  firing  into  the  crowd. 
When  parliament  met  in  1817  he  was  dele- 
gated by  the  Hampden  clubs  at  Bristol  and 
Bath  to  present   petitions  to  the  borough 
members,  and  on  this  visit  to  London  became 
acquainted  with  several  of  the  Lancashire 
reformers.  When  Thistlewood  and  the  others 
were  arrested  in  1817,  Hunt  expected  arrest 
also,  but  was  not  interfered  with.  He  presided 
at  a  public  meeting,  originally  held  in  compli- 
ance with  the  provisions  of  the  Seditious  Meet- 
ings Act,  on  7  Sept.  1817,  in  Palace  Yard,  and 
succe/eded  in  restraining  the  people  within 
legal/ limits.    In  1818  he  unsuccessfully  con- 
testr^d  Westminster,  obtaining  a  majority  at 
the  show  of  hands,  but  only  eighty-four  votes 
at  tAie  poll.  He  had  advocated  annual  parlia- 
meiits,  universal  suffrage,  and  vote  by  ballot. 
Hej  was  very  active  in  opposing  the  election 
of  jlohn  Cam  Hobhouse  [q.  v.]  for  Westmin- 
stc/r  in  February  1819,  and  succeeded  in  pro- 
cn.ring   the   election   of  George   Lambe   in 

succession  to  Sir  Samuel  Romilly.  In  the 
summer  of  1819  he  published  a  pamphlet 
called '  The  Green  Bag  Plot,'  charging  Burdett 
with  shirking  the  battle  of  reform,  and  the 
government  with  fomenting  disturbances  in 

Hunt  presided  at  the  Smithfield  reform 
meeting  on  21  July  1819,  and  at  the  meeting 
in  St.  Peter's  Fields,  Manchester,  on  16  Aug.> 
which  was  broken  up  by  the  yeomanry,  and 
was  known  as  the  Peterloo  Massacre.  Hunt 
was  arrested,  and  lodged  in  the  New  Bailey 
prison,  Manchester,  and  with  Johnson,  Moor- 
house,  and  others  was  committed  for  trial 
on  27  Aug.  In  November  he  moved  unsuc- 
cessfully for  a  criminal  information  against 
the  Manchester  magistrates  for  misconduct 
on  16  Aug.  Hunt's  trial  took  place  before  Mr. 
Justice  Bayley  at  York,  16-27  March  1820. 
Hunt  conducted  his  own  defence.  He  wa& 
allowed  great  latitude,  and  showed  much 
asperity  and  even  violence  to  the  counsel  for 
the  crown.  The  prisoners  were  convicted. 
After  an  unsuccessful  motion  in  the  king's 
bench  for  a  new  trial  on  8  May,  sentence  was 
passed  on  15  May.  Hunt  was  sentenced  to 
two  years'  imprisonment,  and  to  find  security 
for  his  good  behaviour  after  the  expiration 
of  his  sentence,  himself  in  1,000/.  and  two- 
sureties  in  500 1.  each.  His  term  of  imprison- 
ment was  passed  in  Ilchester  gaol,  where  he 
solaced  himself  by  composing  his  wordy  and 
egotistical  memoirs.  Bamford's  opinion  is- 
that  while  in  gaol  his  mind  was  deranged 
with  diseased  vanity.  His  treatment  in  prison 
was  the  subject  of  a  discussion  in  the  House 
of  Commons  in  March  1822,  and  of  an  in- 
quiry at  the  gaol.  He  was  liberated  from  gaol 
on  30  Oct.  1822,  amid  carefully  organised 
rejoicings,  and  was  presented  with  a  piece  of 

For  some  time  after  his  release  Hunt 
was  comparatively  inactive.  He  contested 
Somersetshire  in  1826,  but  it  was  a  candi- 
dature of  protestation  only.  In  August  1830 
he  contested  Preston,  which  he  had  also  pre- 
viously contested  in  1820,  on  Stanley's  ap- 
pointment as  chief  secretary,  and  was  at  the 
bottom  of  the  poll,  with  1,308  votes ;  but  at 
the  election  in  December  Stanley  thought 
it  best  to  retire  in  his  favour.  He  made  a 
public  entry  into  London,  took  his  seat  on 
3  Feb.  1831,  and  frequently  took  part  in 
debate.  But  his  course  pleased  neither  party,, 
and  he  became  alienated  even  from  his  former 
friend  Cobbett.  He  attacked  the  ministerial 
plan  of  reform,  demanded  the  ballot  and  uni- 
versal suffrage,  assailed  royal  grants,  and 
moved  for  the  repeal  of  the  corn  laws.  He 
presented  the  earliest  petition  in  favour  of 
'  women's  rights.'  In  October  1831  he  went 




through  the  manufacturing  towns  of  Cheshire, 
holding  a  series  of  meetings.  The  citizens  of 
Preston,  however,  grew  dissatisfied  with  him. 
In  1833  he  lost  his  seat,  and  quitted  poli- 
tical life,  devoting  himself  thenceforth  to  his 
business  as  a  blacking  manufacturer.  On 
15  Feb.  1835,  while  travelling  for  orders,  he 
was  seized  with  paralysis,  and  died  at  Aires- 
ford,  Hampshire,  and  was  buried  at  Parham, 
in  the  family  vault  of  his  mistress,  Mrs. 
Vince.  Gronow,  who  was  in  command  of 
the  troops  at  the  Spa  Fields  meeting,  describes 
him  in  his  '  Reminiscences '  as  '  a  large,  power- 
fully-made fellow,'  who  might  have  been 
taken  for  a  butcher.  It  was  he  who  made 
wearing  a  white  hat  the  badge  of  a  radical 
in  the  third  decade  of  this  century.  He  was 
handsome,  gentlemanly,  extremely  vivacious 
and  energetic,  a  violent  and  stentorian,  but 
impressive  speaker.  Even  to  his  colleagues 
he  was  vain,  domineering,  and  capricious,  and 
jealous  of  their  popularity.  Romilly  sums 
up  his  opponents'  view  of  him  in  the  words 
1  a  most  unprincipled  demagogue,' but  his  own 
memoirs  are  the  worst  evidence  against  him. 
[The  principal  authority  for  the  life  of  Hunt 
is  his  own  Memoirs,  published  in  1820;  they 
are,  however,  brought  down  only  to  1812.  His 
correspondence,  published  in  the  same  year, 
consists  chiefly  of  political  addresses  to  and  by 
himself,  and  does  not  contain  much  personal  in- 
formation. Huish's  Life  of  Hunt,  1836,  is  little 
more  than  a  repetition  of  the  Memoirs.  Samuel 
Bamford's  Passages  from  the  Life  of  a  Kadical 
is  valuable,  though  not  very  favourable  to  Hunt. 
See  also  report  of  a  meeting  at  the  Crown  and 
Anchor  Tavern  to  secure  Hunt's  election  for 
Westminster,  1818;  Investigation  at  Ilchester 
Gaol  into  the  conduct  of  W.  Bridle  to  H.  Hunt, 
1821 ;  Addresses  to  the  Reformers  by  H.  Hunt, 
1831 ;  and  his  Lecture  on  the  Conduct  of  the 
Whigs  to  the  Working  Classes,  1832.  The 
authority  for  his  trial  is  the  report  in  vol.  i., 
Macdonnell's  State  Trials,  new  ser. ;  see  also 
State  Trials,  xxxii.  304,  for  the  Spa  Fields  meet- 
ings. There  are  also  references  to  him  in  Moles- 
worth's  Hist,  of  the  Reform  Bill ;  Greville  Me- 
moirs, 1st  ser.;  Croker  Papers ;  Life  of  Ro- 
milly, and  Duke  of  Buckingham's  Memoirs  of 
the  Court  of  England  during  the  Regency  and 
reigns  of  George  IV  and  William  IV.]  J.  A.  H. 

HUNT,  JAMES  (1833-1869),  ethnologist 
and  writer  on  stammering,  son  of  Thomas 
Hunt  (1802-1851)  [q.  v.],  was  born  at  Swan- 
age,  Dorsetshire,  in  1833,  and  after  some 
years  of  medical  study  .continued  his  father's 
specialty  as  a  curer  of  stammering,  and  pub- 
lished in  1854  a  book  on  the  cure  of  stam- 
mering, with  a  memoir  of  his  father  (3rd  edit. 
1857).  Among  those  to  whom  he  rendered 
much  benefit  was  Charles  Kingsley.  He  took 
a  house  at  Hastings,  in  which  he  received  a 

large  number  of  patients.  His  attention  hf  ,ple,r 
ing  early  been  directed  to  anthropology,  >lea- 
joined  the  Ethnological  Society  in  ISfexa- 
From  1859  to  1862  he  was  its  honorary  secf  the 
tary.  He  was,  however,  unsuccessful  in  -ticla 

endeavours  to  broaden  its  basis  so  as  to  in 

elude  the  full  range  of  modern  anthropolo10ur- 
Many  members  did  not  like  free  speculat;  was. 
about  man's  origin  and  antiquity.     HiJan(J 
consequently  in  1863  founded  the  Anthro^  the- 
logical  Society,  of  which  he  was  the   f  man 
president.    He  also  published  and  edited  tone 
his  own  responsibility  the  '  Anthropolog  -.ntry 
Review,'  and  the  society  undertook  the  tr&^-'pn 
lation  of  several  valuable  books  on  anthro- 
pological subjects,  Hunt  himself  editing  Carl 
Vogt's  '  Lectures  on  Man,'  1865.     His  paper 
on  '  The  Negro's  Place  in  Nature,'  first  read 
at  the  British  Association  meeting  at  New- 
castle, 1863,  attracted  much  attention,  as  it 
defended  the  subjection  and  even  slavery  of 
the  negro,  and  supported  belief  in  the  plu- 
rality of  human  species.     About  the  same 
time  Hunt  made  strenuous  endeavours  to 
get  anthropology  recognised   as   a  distinct 
section  or  subsection  of  the  British  Associa- 
tion, ethnology  being  then  grouped  with  geo- 
graphy, and  anthropology  being  largely  ig- 
nored.   His  combativeness  was  partially  re- 
sponsible for  his  temporary  failure ;  but  in 
1866,  with  Professor  Huxley's  aid,  anthro- 
pology became  a  distinct  department  of  Sec- 
|  tion  I)  (biology),  and  in  1883  was  made  a 
separate  section.    He  resigned  the  presidency 
'  of  the  Anthropological  Society  in  1867,  when 
the  members  numbered  over  five  hundred, 
i  remaining  in  office  as  its  '  director '  or  chief  , 
I  executive  officer.     He  was  re-elected  presi-  , 
dent  in  1868,  but  had  to  meet  an  acrimonious   • 
personal  attack  on  his  conduct  of  the  society  r 
and  of  the 'Anthropological  Review,' which  he  * 
|  had  carried  on  at  a  heavy  loss  to  himself.  - 
j  His  conduct  was  amply  vindicated,  but  the  , 
controversy  told  on  his  health.     In  August   -, 
i  1869  he  went  to  the  meeting  of  the  British 
Association  at  Exeter,  but  died  of  inflamma-   . 
j  tion  of  the  brain  at  Ore  Court,  Hastings,  on 
the  29th  of  that  month.     He  left  a  widow   ' 
and  five  children.    Without  being  profound, 
he  was  a  serious  student,  who  did  much  to  . 
place  anthropology  on  a  sound  basis ;  but  his  - 
freedom  of  speech,  quick  temper,  andSy  scep- 
tical views  on  religion  roused  much  personal 

Hunt  wrote :  1 .  '  A  Manual  of  the 
sophy  of  Voice  and  Speech,  especially  iii  re- 
lation to  the  English  Language  and  thel  Art 
of  Public  Speaking,' London,  1859.  2.  'Si 
mering  and  Stuttering :   their  Nature  land  [ 
Treatment,'  London,  1861 ;  7th  edition,  lfe70. 
His  presidential  addresses  to  the  Anthroj 




|;al   Society  and   his  memoirs  '  On  the 
|ro's  Place  in  Nature  '  (Anthropological 

~  ' 


on '  Ethno-climatology ' 
'.'Soc.  Lond.  new  ser.  1863,  ii. 
9),  and  others  printed  in  the '  Anthropolo- 
Uiards'  Reyiew ' an(^  the  l  Journal  of  the  Anthro- 
to  a  10^ca^  Society,'  are  worthy  of  attention, 
of  thebituary  notice  in  Journal  of  Anthropological 
withtfty?  April  1870;  President's  Address  (Dr. 
for  Ita>c^06)'  PP- lxxix-lxxxni  5  Athenaeum,  1868, 
•pf    .  iltis  locis  from  210  to  843  ;  obituary  notice 
f 'fr.  E.  Dally,  with  full  list  of  Hunt's  papers, 
?  <  ^emoires  de  la  Societe  d'Anthropologie  de 
.   ^x»,  2nd  ser.  1873,  vol.  i.  pp.  xxvi-xxxvi.] 

G.  T.  B. 


(1784-1859),  essayist,  critic,  and  poet,  was 
born  at  Southgate,  Middlesex,  on  19  Oct. 
1784.   His  father,  Isaac,  was  descended  from 
one  of  the  oldest  settlers  in  Barbadoes,  and 
studied  at  a  college  in  Philadelphia,  U.S.A. 
He  married  Mary  Shewell,  a  lady  of  quaker 
extraction,   a   tender-hearted,   refined,   and 
sensitively  conscientious  woman,  whose  me- 
mory was,  says  Leigh  Hunt,  '  a  serene  and 
inspiring  influence  to  animate  me  in  the  love 
of  truth.'   The  father  was  sanguine,  pleasure- 
loving,  and   unpractical.     He   encountered 
much  persecution  as  a  loyalist,  and  finally, 
with  broken  fortunes,  came  to  England,  where 
he  became  a  popular  metropolitan  preacher. 
II  is  manners  were  theatrical,  and  he  was  fond 
j  of  society.    He  acquired  a  reputation  for  un- 
1  steadiness,  which  prevented  him  from  getting 
|  preferment  in  the  church.    He  found  a  friend 
I  in  James  Brydges,  third  duke  of  Chandos,  and 
'  was  engaged  by  him  as  a  tutor  to  his  nephew, 
James  Henry  Leigh  (the  father  of  Chandos 
':  Leigh,  first  Lord  Leigh  [q.  v.]),  after  whom 
Leigh  Hunt  was  called.  He  was  subsequently 
'placed  on  the  Loyalist  Pension  Fund  with 
1 100/.  a  year,  but  he  mortgaged  the  pension, 
'  and  after  undergoing  a  series  of  mortifications 
and  distresses  died  in  1809. 

Leigh  Hunt  was  a  delicate  child.  He  was 
watched  over  with  great  tenderness  by  his 
mother,  and  after  a  short  visit  to  the  coast  of 
France  his  health  improved.  He  was  nervous, 
i  and  his  elder  brothers  took  a  pleasure  in  terri- 
fying him  by  telling  him  ghost-stories,  and  by 
pretended  apparitions.  In  1792  he  went  to 
'  Christ's  Hospital  School.  His  recollections 
of  his  schooldays  and  schoolmates  occupy  a 
large  portion  of  his  '  Autobiography.'  He 
describes  himself  as  an  '  ultra-sympathising 
and  timid  boy.'  The  thrashing  system  then  in 
vogue  horrified  him.  His  gentle  disposition 
often  made  him  the  victim  of  rougher  boys, 
Init  he  at  length  gained  strength  and  address 
enough  to  stand  his  own  ground.  He  only 
fought  once,  beat  his  antagonist,  and  then 

i  made  a  friend  of  him.     Among  his  school- 
fellows were  Mitchell,  the  translator  of  Aris- 
tophanes, and  Thomas  Barnes  (1785-1841) 
!  [q.  v.],  subsequently  editor  of  the  '  Times.' 
!  With  Barnes  he  learned  Italian,  and  the  two 
lads  used  to  wander  over  the  Hornsey  fields 
together,  shouting  verses  from  Metastasio. 
Coleridge  and  Lamb  quitted  the  school  just 
|  before  he  entered  it.     On  account  of  some 
j  hesitation  in  his  speech,  which  was  afterwards 
!  overcome,  he  was  not  sent  to  the  univer- 
I  .sity.      While  at  school  he  wrote  verses  in 
imitation  of  Collins  and  Gray,  whom  he  pas- 
|  sionately  admired.     He  revelled  in  the  six- 
penny edition  of  English  poets  then  pub- 
lished by  John  Cooke  (1731-1810)  [q.  v.], 
and  among  his  favourite  volumes  were  Tooke's 
!  '  Pantheon,'  Lempriere's  «  Classical  Diction- 
1  ary,'    and    Spence's    '  Polymetis,'  with  the 
plates.     He  wrote  a  poem  called  '  Winter  ' 
in  imitation  of  Thomson,  and  another  called 
<  The  Fairy  King  '  in  the  manner  of  Spenser. 
At  thirteen, '  if  so  old,'  he  fell  in  love  with 
a  charming  cousin  of  fifteen.     After  leaving 
school  his  time  was  chiefly  spent  in  visiting 
his  schoolfellows,  haunting  the  bookstalls, 
reading  whatever  came  in  his  way,  and  writ- 
ing poetry.     His  father  obtained  subscribers 
from  his  old  congregation  for  'Juvenilia;  or, 
a  Collection  of  Poems,  written  between  the 
ages  of  twelve  and  sixteen,  by  J.  H.  L.  Hunt, 
late  of  the  Grammar  School  of  Christ's  Hos- 
pital, and  dedicated  by  permission  to   the 
Honble.  J.  H.  Leigh,  containing  Miscellanies, 
Translations,   Sonnets,    Pastorals,    Elegies, 
Odes,  Hymns,  and   Anthems,   1801.'      The 
;  book  reached  a  fourth  edition  in  1804.    Hunt 
himself  afterwards  thought  these  poems'  good 
for  nothing.'  Subsequently  he  visited  Oxford, 
and  was  patronised  by  Henry  Kett  [q.  v.],who 
'  hoped  the  young  poet  would  receive  inspira- 
tion from  the  muse  of  W'arton.'     He  was 
!  soon  '  introduced  to  literati,  and  shown  about 
!  among  parties  in  London.'     His  father  had 
1  given  him  a  set  of  the  British  classics,  which  he 
read  with  avidity,  and  he  began  essay-writing, 
contributing  several  papers,  written  with  the 
'  dashing  confidence '  of  a  youth,  barely  of  age, 
to  the  <  Traveller.'     They  were  signed  <  Mr. 
Town,  Junior,  Critic  and  Censor-general,'  a 
signature  borrowed  from  the  'Connoisseur.' 
In  1805  his  brother  John  started  a  short-lived 
paper  called '  The  News.'   Its  theatrical  criti- 
cisms by  Leigh  Hunt,  however,  attracted  at- 
tention by  their  independence  and  originality. 
A  selection  from  them,  published  in  1807,  was 
entitled  (  Critical  Essays  on  the  Performers 
of  the  London  Theatres,  including  General  Re- 
marks on  the  Practice  and  Genius  of  the  Stage.' 
In  1807  appeared  in  five  duodecimo  volumes 
'  Classic  Tales,  Serious  and  Lively ;  with  Criti- 




cal  Essays  on  the  Merits  and  Reputation  of  the 
Authors.'  The  tales  were  selected  from  John- 
son, Voltaire,  Marmontel,  Goldsmith,  Mac- 
kenzie, Brooke,  Hawkesworth,  and  Sterne. 

About  this  time  Hunt  was  for  a  while  a 
clerk  under  his  brother  Stephen,  an  attorney, 
and  afterwards  obtained  a  clerkship  in  the  war 
office  under  the  patronage  of  Addington,  the 
premier,  his  father's  friend.  This  situation 
he  abandoned  in  1808  to  co-operate  with  his 
brother  John  in  a  weekly  newspaper,  to  be 
called  '  The  Examiner.'  Although  no  poli- 
tician, he  undertook  to  be  editor  and  leader- 
writer.  The  paper  soon  became  popular.  It 
was  thoroughly  independent,  and  owed  allegi- 
ance to  no  party,  but  advocated  liberal  politics 
with  courage  and  consistency.  Its  main  ob- 
ject was  to  assert  the  cause  of  reform  in 
parliament,  liberality  of  opinion  in  general, 
and  to  infuse  in  its  readers  a  taste  for  litera- 
ture. As  a  journalist  no  man  did  more  than 
Leigh  Hunt,  during  his  thirteen  years'  con- 
nection with  the  '  Examiner,'  to  raise  the 
tone  of  newspaper  writing,  and  to  introduce 
into  its  keenest  controversies  a  spirit  of  fair- 
ness and  tolerance. 

In  1809  Hunt  married  Miss  Marianne  Kent. 
In  the  same  year  appeared  '  An  Attempt  to 
show  the  Folly  and  Danger  of  ^Methodism 
.  .  .,'  a  reprint,  with  additions,  from  the 
'  Examiner.'  In  1810  his  brother  John  started 
a  quarterly  magazine  called  '  The  Reflector,' 
which  Leigh  Hunt  edited.  Only  four  num- 
bers of  it  appeared.  Barnes,  Charles  Lamb, 
and  other  friends  contributed  to  it.  Hunt 
wrote  for  it  a  poem  called  *  The  Feast  of  the 
Poets '  (afterwards  published  separately),  a 
playful  and  satirical  piece,  which  offended 
most  of  the  poetical  fraternity,  especially 
Gilford,  editor  of  the  'Quarterly  Review.' 
The  l  Round  Table,'  a  series  of  essays  on  lite- 
rature, men,  and  manners,  by  William  Haz- 
litt  and  Leigh  Hunt  (2  vols.  1817),  origi- 
nally appeared  in  the  '  Examiner '  between 
1815  and  1817. 

The '  Examiner'  was  looked  upon  with  sus- 
picion by  those  in  power.  More  than  once 
the  brothers  were  prosecuted  by  the  govern- 
ment for  political  offences,  but  in  each  case 
were  acquitted.  An  article  on  the  savagery 
of  military  floggings  led  to  a  prosecution  early 
in  1811,  when  Brougham  successfully  de- 
fended the  Hunts.  Immediately  after  the  ac- 
quittal Shelley  first  introduced  himself  to 
Hunt,  by  sending  him  from  Oxford  a  sympa- 
thetic note  of  congratulation.  At  a  political 
dinner  in  181 2  the  assembled  company  signifi- 
cantly omitted  the  usual  toast  of  the  prince  re- 
gent. A  writer  in  the '  Morning  Post,'  noticing 
this,  printed  a  poem  of  adulation,  describing 
the  prince  as  the  'Protector  of  the  Arts,'  the 

'  Maecenas  of  the  Age,' the  'Glory  of  thePeo^  >ple,r 
an  'Adonis  of  Loveliness,  attended  by  ^  >lea- 
sure,  Honour,  Virtue,  and  Truth.'  The '  ?fexa- 
miner'  retorted  by  a  plain  description  opf  the 
prince.  '  This  Adonis  in  loveliness,'  the  ai  'ticle- 
concluded,  'was  a  corpulent  man  of  fifty  '  — in 
short,  this  delightful,  blissful,  wise,  hoi  'lour- 
able,  virtuous,  true,  and  immortal  princt  'i  was- 
a  violator  of  his  word,  a  libertine  over  hea(  1  and 

ears  in  disgrace,  a  despiser  of  domestic  tie 
companion  of  gamblers  and  demireps,  a1 
who  has  just  closed  half  a  century  withoii 


single  claim  on  the  gratitude  of  his  coU'ntry 
or  the  respect  of  posterity.'  A  prosecution 
of  Hunt  and  his  brother  followed.  They 
were  tried  in  December  1812;  Brougham 
again  appeared  in  their  defence,  but  both 
were  convicted,  and  each  was  sentenced  by 
the  judge,  Lord  Ellenborough,  in  the  follow- 
ing February  to  two  years'  imprisonment  in 
separate  gaols  and  a  fine  of  500/.  They  were 
subsequently  informed  that  if  a  pledge  were 
given  by  them  to  abstain  in  future  from  < 
attacks  on  the  regent  it  would  insure  them  j 
a  remission  of  both  the  imprisonment  and  i 
the  fine.  This  was  indignantly  rejected,  and  I 
the  two  brothers  went  to  prison,  John  to  J 
Clerkenwell  and  Leigh  to  Surrey  gaol.  Leigh  j 
was  then  in  delicate  health.  With  his  in- ; 
vincible  cheerfulness  he  had  the  walls  of  his 
room  papered  with  a  trellis  of  roses,  the 
ceiling  painted  with  sky  and  clouds,  the 
windows  furnished  with  Venetian  blinds, 
and  an  unfailing  supply  of  flowers.  He 
had  the  companionship  of  his  books,  busts, 
and  a  pianoforte.  He  was  not  debarred  from 
the  society  of  his  wife  and  friends.  Charles 
Lamb  declared  there  was  no  other  such  room 
exceptin  afairytale.  Moore,afrequentvisitoi 
to  the  gaol,  brought  Byron  with  him  in  Maj 
1813,  and  Hunt's  intimacy  with  Byron  was 
thus  begun  (MooKE,  Life,  ii.  204).  Shellej 
had  made  him  '  a  princely  offer,'  which  was 
declined  immediately  after  the  sentence  was 
pronounced  (AutoUog.  i.  221).  When  Jeremy 
Bentham  came  to  see  him  he  found  him  play- 
ing at  battledore.  During  his  imprisonmen 
he  wrote '  The  Descent  of  Liberty :  a  Masque, 
dealing  with  the  downfall  of  Napoleon,  pub- 
lished in  1815,  and  dedicated  to  his  friend 
Barnes.  All  through  his  imprisonment  h 
continued  to  edit  the  '  Examiner.'  He  left 
prison  in  February  1815,  and,  after,  a  year's 
lodging  in  the  Edgware  Road,  went  to  livr 
at  Hampstead,  where  Shelley,  who  had  jus 
sent  him  a  sum  of  money,  was  his  guest  in 
December  1816.  About  the  same  time  Charles 
Cowden  Clarke  introduced  Keats  to  him,  am 
Hunt  was  the  means  of  bringing  Keats  am 
Shelley  together  for  the  first  time  (ib.  i.  224 
228).  An  article  by  Hunt  on  'Young Poets, 




tained  a  selection  of  the.J)^«l  Dec.  1816,  first 
p.«idf  Viitj^enmsoi  Shelley  and  Keats  known 
to  the  public.  To  both  Hunt  was  a  true  friend, 
and  both  recorded  their  gratitude.  Hunt  ad- 
dressed three  sonnets  to  Keats,  and  after- 
wards devoted  many  pages  of  his  '  Indicator ' 
to  a  lengthened  and  glowing  criticism  of  one 
of  the  young  poet's  volumes.  Keats  stayed 
with  him  atHampstead  shortly  before  leaving 
for  Italy.  Shelley  made  him  many  handsome 
gifts  ;  often  invited  him  and  his  wife  to  stay 
with  him  at  Marlow  in  1817  ;  and  dedicated 
his  t  Cenci '  to  him  in  1819.  Keats  thought 
that  Hunt  afterwards  neglected  him,  though 
Hunt  disclaimed  the  imputation  in  an  article 
in  the  '  Examiner.' 

In  1816  appeared  f  The  Story  of  Rimini,' 
a  poem.  It  was  dedicated  to  Lord  Byron. 
The  greater  part  of  it  was  written  during  his 
imprisonment.  The  subject  of  it  was  Dante's 
love-story  of  Paolo  and  Francesca.  It  is  con- 
ceived in  the  spirit  of  Chaucer  and  has  in  it 
lines  worthy  of  Dryden.  In  conformity  with 
the  strictures  of  some  of  his  critics  he  rewrote 
the  poem  some  years  later,  but  it  is  question- 
able whether  he  improved  it.  When  he  wrote 
it,  he  had  not  been  in  Italy,  and  afterwards  he 
corrected  some  mistakes  in  the  scenery,  and 
restored  its  true  historical  conclusion.  At  this 
time  Hunt  became  the  object  of  the  most  bitter 
attacks  on  the  part  of  many  tory  writers. 
His  close  friendship  with  Shelley,  whom  he 
actively  assisted  in  the  difficulties  consequent 
on  his  desertion  of  his  first  wife,  and  whom  he 
vigorously  defended  from  the  onslaughts  of  1 
the  *  Quarterly '  in  the  '  Examiner '(September- 
October  1819),  caused  him  to  be  identified  with 
some  opinions  which  he  himself  did  not  enter- 
tain. He  was  bitterly  attacked  in  '  Black- 
wood's  Magazine '  and  the  *  Quarterly  Review.' 
In  the  words  of  Carlyle,  he  suffered  '  ob- 
loquy and  calumny  through  the  tory  press 
— perhaps  a  greater  quantity  of  baseness, 
persevering,  implacable  calumny,  than  any 
other  living  writer  has  undergone,  which 
long  course  of  hostility  .  .  .  may  be  re- 
garded as  the  beginning  of  his  other  worst 
distresses,  and  a  main  cause  of  them  down  to 
this  day.'  The  f  Quarterly  Review '  nearly  j 
fifty  years  later  gave  utterance,  through  the 
pen  of  Bulwer,  to  a  generous  recognition  of 
the  genius  of  both  Hunt  and  Hazlitt,  whom 
it  had  similarly  attacked,  and  fifteen  years 
afterwards  Wilson  in  '  Blackwood '  made  a 
graceful  reference  to  him  in  one  of  the '  Noctes,' 
the  concluding  words  of  which  were '  the  ani- 
mosities are  mortal,  the  humanities  live  for 
ever.'  Wilson  even  invited  him  to  write  for 
the  magazine,  but  Hunt  declined  the  offer. 

In   1818   appeared   'Foliage;    or  Poems, 
Original  and  Translated.'     This  was  followed 

in  1819bj-  o.'.vLiterary  Pocket-bocs  volume. 
of  pocket  and  memorandum  book  ftoraphical 
intellectual  and  literary  tastes.  Th^fi£e(j  to 
numbers  of  it  appeared,  viz.  in  182>amatist 
and  1822.  The  articles  in  the  '  Pockire.gto  ' 
for  1819  descriptive  of  the  successive  Variation 
of  the  year  were  printed  with  consi 
additions  in  a  separate  volume  in  1821 
the  title  of  '  The  Months.'  In  1819  Hu 
published  'Hero  and  Leander'and'By; 
and  Ariadne.'  A  new  journalistic  vemark_ 
1  The  Indicator,'  in  which  some  of  his  Qlus_ 
essays  appeared,  commenced  in  October  4  ap_ 
During  the  seventy-six  weeks  of  its  exisi*4_j}< 
his  papers  on  literature,  life,  manners,  moiany 
and  nature  were  all  characterised  by  suited 
and  delicate  criticisms,  kindly  cheerfuln<ear 
and  sympathy  with  nature  and  art.  '  Anr  ec_ 
tas,  a  Tale  of  the  Woods ;  from  the  Italian  of 
Torquato  Tasso,'  appeared  in  1820.  ^n 

In  1821  a  proposal  was  made  to  Huntjo_ 
Shelley  and  Byron,  who  were  then  in  Italn_ 
to  join  them  in  the  establishment  of  a  qua»» 
terly  liberal  magazine,  the  profits  to  be  dividv1(j 
between  Hunt  and  Byron.  The  '  Examine:^ 
was  declining  in  circulation,  and  Hunt  was  il| 
delicate  health.  He  had  been  compelled  to 
discontinue  the  'Indicator,'  'having,'  as  he 
said, '  almost  died  over  the  last  number.'  He 
set  sail  with  his  wife  and  seven  children  on 
15  Nov.  1821.  After  a  tremendous  storm  the 
vessel  was  driven  into  Dartmouth,  where  they 
relanded  and  passed  on  to  Plymouth.  Here 
they  remained  for  several  months.  Shelley 
sent  Hunt  1501.  in  January  1822,  and  urged 
him  to  secure  some  means  of  support  other 
than  the  projected  quarterly  before  finally 
leaving  England.  In  May,  however,  the 
Hunts  sailed  for  Leghorn,  where  they  arrived 
at  the  close  of  June.  They  were  joined  by 
Shelley,  and  removed  to  Pisa,  Hunt  and  his 
family  occupying  rooms  on  the  ground  floor 
of  Byron's  house  there.  Shelley  was  drowned 
on  8  July  1822,  and  Hunt  was  present  at  the 
burning  of  his  body,  and  wrote  the  epitaph 
for  his  tomb  in  the  protestant  cemetery  at 
Rome.  Byron's  interest  in  the  projected 
magazine  had  already  begun  to  cool.  Hunt's 
reliance  on  its  speedy  appearance  was  frus- 
trated by  Byron's  procrastination,  and  he 
was  thus'  compelled  to  unwilling  inactivity, 
and  to  the  humiliation  of  having  to  ask  for 
pecuniary  assistance.  The  two  men  were 
thoroughly  uncongenial,  apd  their  relations 
mutually  vexatious  [see  un/  3r  BYRON,  GEORGE 
GORDON].  The  'Liberal''  ived  through  four 
numbers  (1822-3).  Hunt  had  left  Pisa  with 
Byron  in  September  1822  for  Genoa.  In  1823 
he  removed  to  Florence,  and  remained  there 
till  his  return  to  England  two  years  later. 
After  Byron's  departure  for  Greece  in  1823, 

— i  his  family  were  It.       ^  d  foreign 
calEssawithout  the  means  of  support,  and 
Authordering  ensued.    He  produced  during 
son,  Vciod  '  Ultra-Crepidarius ;  a  Satire  on 
kenzie,j.  Gifford/  and  'Bacchus  in  Tuscany, 
Abovrambic  Poem   from  the  Italian  of 
clerk  mco  Redi,  with  Notes,   original   and 
andaff    He  also  issued  the  'Literary  Ex- 
office^'  an  unstamped  weekly  paper,  extend- 
premii)  twenty-seven  numbers ;   and  wrote 
he  ab.c  Wishing  Cap/  a  series  of  papers  which 
brotljred  in  the  '  Examiner  ; '  and  a  number 
callipers  in  the  '  New  Monthly  Magazine,' 
ticiajd  '  The  Family  Journal,'  signed  'Harry 
wri^eycomb.'     To  the  'New  Monthly'  he 
wa?j  contributed  many  essays  at  later  dates. 
anc<nt  left  Italy  in  September  1825,  one  of  his 
W1tsons  for  returning  to  England  being  a  litiga- 
jec'  i  -with  his  brother  John.     He  settled  on 
paivhgate  Hill,  and  energetically  continued 
and  journalistic  work,  but  in  1828  he  com- 
tur.tted  the  great  blunder  of  his  life  by  writing 
Leid  publishing '  Lord  Byron  and  some  of  his 
nefjntemporaries,  with  Recollections  of  the 
t°luthor's  Life,  and  of  his  visit  to  Italy,  with 
1D)ortraits.'  Although  everything  stated  in  the 
noook  was  undoubtedly'true,  it  ought  never  to 
.  have  been  written,  far  less  printed.   He  him- 
self afterwards  regretted  the  imprudent  act. 
'  I  had  been  goaded,'  he  wrote,  '  to  the  task 
by  misrepresentation  .  .  .,'  and  added  that  he 
might  have  said  more  '  but  for  common  hu- 
manity.'   At  a  later  period  he  admitted  that 
he  had  been  '  agitated  by  anger  and  grief,' 
though  he  had  said  nothing  in  which  he  did 
not  believe.   The  book  has  its  historical  value, 
however  improper  it  may  have  been  that  one 
who  was  under  obligations  to  Byron  and  had 
been  Byron's  guest  should  publish  it. 

In  1828,  while  living  at  Highgate,  he  issued,  j 
under  the  title  of '  The  Companion,'  a  weekly 
periodical  in  the  style  of  the  '  Indicator.'    It  j 
extended  to  twenty-eight  numbers,  and  con-  ' 
sisted  of  criticisms  on  books,  the  theatres, 
and  public  events.     '  They  contained  some 
of  what  afterwards  turned  out  to   be  my 
most  popular  writings.'     In  the  '  Keepsake,' 
one  of  the  annuals  of  1828,  there  are  two 
articles  from  his  pen  ;  one  on  '  Pocket-books 
and  Keepsakes/  and  the  other '  Dreams  on  the  j 
Borderlands  of  the  Land  of  Poetry '  (cf.  for 
extracts  from  these  articles  art.  in  Temple 
Bar  for  1873).     In  1828  he  went  to  live  at  ! 
Epsom,  where  he  started  a  periodical  called 
'  The  Chat  of  the  Week/  which  ceased  with  \ 
the  thirteenth  number,  owing  to  difficulties  : 
connected  with  the   compulsory  stamp   on  j 
periodicals  containing  news.     He  thereupon  j 
undertook  the  laborious  task  of  issuing  a  \ 
daily  sheet  of  four  pages  folio,  called  '  The  ! 
Tatler/  devoted  to  literature  and  the  stage,  , 

entirely  written  %  **•  U D  t 
on  4  Oct.  1830,  and  enaeu  i~ 
did  it  all  myself/  he  writes,  'excep 
ill ;  and  illness  seldom  hindered  me  either 
from  supplying  the  review  of  a  book,  going 
every  night  to  the  play,  or  writing  the  notice 
of  the  play  the  same  night  at  the  printing- 
office.'  The  work,  he  adds,  almost  killed  him, 
and  left  a  feeling  of  fatigue  for  a  year  and  a 
half.  Still  he  was  never  in  better  spirits  or 
wrote  such  good  theatrical  criticisms.  He 
was  living  at  this  period  in  London,  succes- 
sively at  Old  Brompton,  St.  John's  Wood, 
and  the  New  (now  Euston)  Road.  While  at 
Epsom  he  had  commenced  writing '  Sir  Ralph 
Esher ;  or  Memoirs  of  a  Gentleman  of  the 
Court  of  Charles  the  Second,  including  those 
of  his  Friend,  Sir  Philip  Herne.'  It  was 
published  in  1832,  and  in  1836  reached  a  third 
edition.  In  1832,  by  the  pecuniary  assist- 
ance of  his  intimate  friend  John  Forster,  he 
printed  for  private  circulation  among  friends 
a  thin  volume,  entitled  '  Christianism ;  being 
Exercises  and  Meditations.  "  Mercy  and 
Truth  have  met  together ;  Righteousness  and 
Peace  have  kissed  each  other."  Not  for  sale 
— -only  75  copies  printed.'  It  was  written 
while  in  Italy.  It  was  printed  in  an  enlarged 
form  in  1853,  under  the  title  of '  The  Religion 
of  the  Heart.'  He  sent  a  copy  of  '  Christian- 
ism  '  to  Thomas  Carlyle,  which  led  to  an 
interview,  and  ultimately  to  a  lifelong  friend- 
ship. In  1832  there  was  published  by  sub- 
scription in  a  handsome  volume  the  first  col- 
lected edition  of  his  poems,  with  a  preface  of 
fifty-eight  pages.  A  list  of  the  subscribers 
appeared  in  the  '  Times/  comprising  names 
of  all  shades  of  opinion,  some  of  his  sharpest 
personal  antagonists  being  included.  The 
prejudices  against  him  had  to  a  great  extent 
died  away.  In  the  same  year  Shelley's 
'Masque  of  Anarchy'  appeared  with  a  preface 
by  Leigh  Hunt  of  thirty  pages. 

Hunt  settled  in  1833  at  4  Cheyne  Row, 
next  door  to  Carlyle,  where  he  remained  till 
1840.  In  1833  he  contributed  six  articles  to 
'  Tait's  Magazine/  being  a  new  series  of  '  The 
Wishing  Cap.'  Between  1838  and  1841  he 
wrote  five  articles  in  the  'Monthly  Chronicle/ 
a  magazine  which  had  among  its  contributors 
Sir  E.  L.  Bulwer  and  Dr.  Lardner.  In  the 
same  year  he  wrote  reviews  of  new  books  in 
the  '  True  Sun/  a  daily  newspaper.  His  health 
was  at  this  time  so  feeble  that  he  had  for 
some  time  to  be  taken  daily  in  a  coach  to 
the  office.  Pie  then  made  the  acquaintance 
of  Laman  Blanchard  [q.  v.],  to  whom  he  pays 
a  tribute  in  his  '  Autobiography.'  In  1834 
appeared  two  volumes  with  the  title  '  The 
Indicator  and  the  Companion ;  a  Miscellany 
for  the  Fields  and  the  Fireside.'  They  con- 




tained  a  selection  of  the  best  papers  in  these 
periodicals  written  in  1819-21  and  in  1828. 
TI  'y»  publisher  afterwards  issued  these  volumes 
i.Y  }':wo  parts,  double  columns,  at  a  moderate 
^e,  and  they  were  several  times  reprinted, 
next  venture,  one  of  the  best-known  of 
^  periodicals,  was  '  Leigh  Hunt's  London 
jurnal,'  begun  in  1834 — '  To  Assist  the  In- 
«.e  tiring,  Animate  the  Struggling,  and  Sym- 
tthise  with  All.'  Partly  modelled  on  Cham- 
srs's  '  Edinburgh  Journal'  (established  in 
J2),  it  was  a  miscellany  of  essays,  sketches, 
•['iticisms,  striking  passages  from  books,  anec- 
rg.|btes,  poems,  translations,  and  romantic  short 
Dories  of  real  life.  Admirable  in  every  way, 
was,  unhappily,  too  literary  and  refined  for 
>rdinary  tastes,  and  ceased  on  26  Dec.  1835. 
Christopher  North  praised  it  warmly  in 
'  Blackwood's  Magazine.'  In  1835  Hunt  pub- 
lished a  poem  called  '  Captain  Sword  and 
Captain  Pen;  with  some  Remarks  on  War 
and  Military  Statesmen.'  It  is  chiefly  re- 
markable for  its  vivid  descriptions  of  the 
horrors  of  war.  He  succeeded  William  John- 
son Fox  [q.  v.]  as  editor,  and  contributed  to 
the  'Monthly  Repository'  (July  1837  to 
March  1838).  In  it  appeared  his  poem,  'Blue- 
Stocking  Revels,  or  The  Feast  of  the  Vio- 
lets,' a  sort  of  female  '  Feast  of  the  Poets,' 
which  was  well  spoken  of  by  Rogers  and 
Lord  Holland.  In  1840  was  published  '  The 
Seer,  or  Common-Places  Refreshed,'  con- 
sisting of  selections  from  the  'London 
Journal,'  the  'Liberal,'  the  'Tatler,'  the 
'  Monthly  Repository,'  and  the '  Round  Table.' 
The  preface  concludes :  '  Given  at  our  subur- 
ban abode,  with  a  fire  on  one  side  of  us, 
and  a  vine  at  the  window  of  the  other, 
this  19th  day  of  October  1840,  and  in  the 
very  green  and  invincible  year  of  our  life, 
the  56th.'  From  1840  to  1851  he  lived  in 
Edwardes  Square,  Kensington. 

On  7  Feb.  1840  Hunt's  fine  play,  in  five  acts, 
'  A  Legend  of  Florence,'  was  brought  out  at 
Covent  Garden  Theatre.  Its  poetical  qualities 
and  brilliant  dialogue  secured  for  it  a  deserved 
success.  During  its  first  season  it  was  wit- 
nessed two  or  three  times  by  the  queen.  It 
was  revived  ten  years  later  at  Sadler's  Wells, 
and  in  1852  it  was  performed  at  Windsor  Cas- 
tle by  her  majesty's  command.  In  a  letter  to 
the  present  writer,  who  had  informed  Hunt  of 
its  favourable  reception  in  Manchester,  he  de- 
scribed with  great  satisfaction  how  highly  the 
queen  had  praised  it.  In  1840  he  wrote '  In- 
troductory Biographical  and  Critical  Notices 
to  Moxon's  Edition  of  the  Dramatic  Works 
of  Wycherley,  Congreve,  Vanbrugh,  and 
Farquhar.'  He  took  great  pains  with  these 
prefaces,  which  are  written  in  his  best  style. 
Macaulay's  essay  on  '  The  Dramatists  of  the 

Restoration '  was  suggested  by  this  volume. 
He  also  at  this  time  wrote  a  '  Biographical 
and  Critical  Sketch  of  Sheridan,'  prefixed  to 
Moxon's  edition  of  the  works  of  that  dramatist. 
In  1842  appeared '  The  Palfrey;  a  Love-Story 
of  Old  Times,'  with  illustrations ;  a  variation 
of  one  of  the  most  amusing  of  the  old  French 
narrative  poems,  treated  with  great  freshness 
and  originality  and  unbounded  animal  spirits. 
In  1843  he  published  'One  Hundred  Ro- 
mances of  Real  Life,  comprising  Remark- 
able Historical  and  Domestic  Facts  illus- 
trative of  Human  Nature.'  These  had  ap- 
peared in  his  '  London  Journal '  in  1834-5. 
In  1844  his  poetical  works,  containing  many 
pieces  hitherto  uncollected,  were  published 
in  a  neat  pocket-volume.  In  the  same  year 
appeared  '  Imagination  and  Fancy,  or  Selec- 
tions from  the  English  Poets  illustrative  of 
those  First  Requisites  of  their  Art ;  with 
Markings  of  the  best  Passages,  Critical  No- 
tices of  the  Writers,  and  an  Essay  in  an- 
swer to  the  Question,  "What  is  Poetry?"' 
The  prefatory  essay  gives  a  masterly  and 
subtle  definition  of  the  nature  and  requisites 
of  poetry.  In  1846  he  produced  '  Wit  and 
Humour,  selected  from  the  English  Poets ; 
with  an  Illustrative  Essay  and  Critical  Com- 
ments.' In  the  same  year  was  published 
'  Stories  from  the  Italian  Poets,  with  Lives 
of  the  Writers,'  2  vols.  These  volumes  sum- 
marised in  prose  the  'Commedia'  of  Dante, 
and  the  most  celebrated  narratives  of  Pulci, 
Boiardo,  Ariosto,  and  Tasso,  with  comments 
throughout,  occasional  passages  versified,  and 
critical  notices  of  the  lives  and  genius  of  the 
authors.  In  1847  he  contributed  a  set  of  papers 
to  the '  Atlas  '  newspaper,  which  were  after- 
wards collected  and  published  under  the  title 
of  '  A  Saunter  through  the  West-End.'  A 
very  delightful  collection  of  his  papers  in 
two  volumes  was  published  in  1847,  entitled 
'Men,  Women,  and  Books;  a  Selection  of 
Sketches,  Essays,  and  Critical  Memoirs,  from 
the  Author's  uncollected  Prose  Writings.' 
They  consist  of  contributions  to  the  '  Edin- 
burgh '  and '  Westminster '  reviews,  the '  New 
Monthly  Magazine,' '  Tait's  Edinburgh  Maga- 
zine,' '  Ainsworth's  Magazine,'  and  the 
'  Monthly  Chronicle.' 

Thornton  Hunt  tells  us  that  between  1834 
and  1840  his  father's  embarrassments  were  at  \ 
their  worst.  He  was  in  perpetual  difficulties. 
On  more  than  one  occasion  he  was  literally 
without  bread.  He  wrote  to  friends  to  get 
some  of  his  books  sold,  so  that  he  and  his 
family  may  have  something  to  eat.  There 
were  gaps  of  total  destitution,  in  which  every 
available  source  had  been  absolutely  ex- 
hausted. He  suffered,  too,  from  bodily  and 
mental  ailments,  and  had  'great  family  suffer- 




ings  apart  from  considerations  of  fortune/  of 
which  some  hint  is  given  in  his  correspond- 
ence (Autobiog.  n.  i.  164,  268).  Macaulay, 
who  writing1  to  Napier  in  1841  suggested  that 
in  case  of  Southey's  death  Hunt  would  make 
a  suitable  poet  laureate,  obtained  for  him  some 
reviewing  in  the  '  Edinburgh.'  His  personal, 
friends,  aware  of  his  struggles,  were  anxious 
to  see  some  provision  made  for  his  declining 
years.  Already  on  two  occasions  a  royal 
grant  of  200/.  had  been  secured  for  him,  and 
a  pension  of  120/.  was  settled  upon  him  by 
Sir  Percy  Shelley  upon  succeeding  to  the 
family  estates  in  1844.  Among  those  who 
urged  Hunt's  claims  to  a  moderate  public 
provision  most  earnestly,  was  his  friend  Car- 
lyle. The  characteristic  paper  which  Carlyle 
drew  up  on  the  subject  eulogised  Hunt  with 
admirable  clearness  and  force.  On  22  June 
1847  the  prime  minister,  Lord  John  Russell, 
wrote  to  Hunt  that  a  pension  of  200/.  a  year 
would  be  settled  upon  him.  During  the  sum- 
mer of  1847  Charles  Dickens,  with  a  company 
of  amateur  comedians,  chiefly  men  of  letters 
and  artists,  gave  two  performances  of  Ben 
Jonson's  ' Every  Man  in  his  Humour'  for 
Hunt's  benefit,  in  Manchester  and  Liverpool, 
by  which  900J.  was  raised. 

In  1848  appeared  (  A  Jar  of  Honey  from 
Mount  Hybla,  illustrated  by  Richard  Doyle.' 
The  substance  of  the  volume  had  appeared  in 
1  Ains worth's  Magazine '  in  1844.  It  includes 
a  retrospect  of  the  mythology,  history,  and 
biography  of  Sicily,  and  ancient  legends  and 
examples  of  pastoral  poetry  selected  from 
Greece,  Italy,  and  Britain,  with  illustrative 
criticisms,  including  a  notice  of  Theocritus, 
with  translated  specimens.  In  the  same  year 
appeared 'The  Town:  its  Memorable  Charac- 
ters and  Events — St.  Paul's  to  St.  James's — 
with  45  Illustrations,'  in  2  vols.,  containing 
an  account  of  London,  partly  topographical 
and  historical,  but  chiefly  memoirs  of  remark- 
able characters  and  events  associated  with 
the  streets  between  St.  Paul's  and  St.  James's. 
The  principal  portion  of  the  work  had  ap- 
peared thirteen  years  before  in  '  Leigh  Hunt's 
London  Journal.'  His  next  work  was  *  A 
Book  for  a  Corner,  or  Selections  in  Prose  and 
Verse  from  Authors  the  best  suited  to  that 
mode  of  enjoyment,  with  Comments  on  each, 
and  a  General  Introduction,  with  80  Wood 
Engravings.'  In  1849  he  issued  f  Readings 
for  Railways,  or  Anecdotes  and  other  Short 
Stories,  Reflections,  Maxims,  Characteristics, 
Passages  of  Wit,  Humour,  Poetry,  &c.,  to- 
gether with  Points  of  Information  on  Matters 
of  General  Interest,  collected  in  the  course 
of  his  own  reading.'  In  1850  he  gave  to  the 
world  'The  Autobiography  of  Leigh  Hunt, 
with  Reminiscences  of  Friends  and  Contem- 

poraries/ 3  vols.     A  revised  edition  of  it. 
brought  down  by  himself  to  within  a  shor 
time  of  his  death  (1859),  and  with  fui  " 
revision  and  an  introduction  by  his  eldl 
son,  Thornton,  was  published  in  1860. 
book  is  one  of  the  most  graceful  and 
chronicles  of  its  kind  in  our  language.  Carlji 
reckoned  it  only  second  to  Bos  well's  '  Lifei 
Johnson/  and  called  it  (in  a  letter  to  Htd 
which  belongs  to  the  present  writer) '  a  piou 
ingenious,   altogether   human,   and   wortlj 
book,  imaging  with  graceful  honesty  and  fr<) 
felicity  many  interesting  objects  and  persor 
on  your  life-path,  and  imaging  through  or 
what  is  best  of  all,  a  gifted,  gentle,  patient 
and  valiant  human  soul  as  it  buffets  its  wa^, 
|  through  the  billows  of  the  time,  and  will  not 
drown,  though  often  in  danger  cannot  be 
drowned,  but  conquers  and  leaves  a  tract  of 
radiance  behind  it.  .  .  .' 

Between  1845  and  1850  there  appeared 
several  poems  by  Hunt  in  'Ainsworth's  Maga- 
zine '  and  the  '  New  Monthly  Magazine.' 
In  1851  was  issued  '  Table-Talk,  to  which 
are  added  Imaginary  Conversations  of  Pope 
and  Swift.'  The  matter  consisted  partly  of 
short  pieces  first  published  under  the  head  of 
f  Table-Talk '  in  the  l  Atlas  '  newspaper,  and 
partly  of  passages  scattered  in  periodicals, 
and  never  before  collected.  In  1850  he  re- 
vived an  old  venture  under  the  slightly 
changed  title  of  'Leigh  Hunt's  Journal:  i, 
Miscellany  for  the  Cultivation  of  the  Me- 
morable, the  Progressive,  and  the  Beautiful.'! 
Carlyle  contributed  to  it  three  articles.  It  was 
discontinued  in  March  1851,  failing  '  chiefly 
from  the  smallness  of  the  means  which  the 
originators  of  it  had  thought  sufficient  for  its 
establishment.'  In  1852  his  youngest  son, 
Vincent,  died.  In  the  same  year  Dickens 
wrote  '  Bleak  House/  in  which  Harold  Skim- 
pole  was  generally  understood  to  represent 
Hunt.  But  Dickens  categorically  denied  in 
'All  the  Year  Round'  (24  Dec.  1859)  that 
Hunt's  character  had  suggested  any  of  the 
unpleasant  features  of  the  portrait.  '  In  the 
midst  of  the  sorest  temptations/  Dickens 
wrote  of  Hunt,  '  He  maintained  his  honesty 
unblemished  by  a  single  stain.  He  was  in  all 
public  and  private  transactions  the  very  soul 
of  truth  and  honour.' 

'  The  Old  Court  Suburb,  or  Memorials  of 
Kensington — Royal,  Critical,  and  Anecdoti- 
cal/  2  vols.,  appeared  in  1855.  The  book  is  full 
of  historical  and  literary  anecdotes.  There 
followed  in  the  same  year  '  Beaumont  and 
Fletcher,  or  the  finest  Scenes,  Lyrics,  and  otTi"- 
Beauties  of  these  two  Poets  now  first  seiecLed 
from  the  whole  of  their  works,  to  the  exclusion 
of  whatever  is  morally  objectionable ;  with 
Opinions  of  distinguished  Critics,  Notes  ex- 




planatory  and  otherwise,  and  a  General  In- 
troductory Preface.'  It  was  dedicated  to 
Bryan  Waller  Procter  (Barry  Cornwall). 
The  volume  is  somewhat  on  the  plan  of 
'  Lamb's  Specimens  of  the  Old  Dramatists,' 
but  gives  whole  scenes  as  well  as  separate  pas- 
sages. In  1855  appeared  'Stories  in  Verse, 
now  first  collected.'  All  his  narrative  poems 
are  here  reprinted.  In  the  story  of  '  Rimini ' 
he  has  restored  the  omitted  and  altered  pas- 
sages. His  wife  died  in  1857,  at  the  age  of  69. 
In  1857  an  American  edition  of  his  poems 
appeared  in  2  vols.,  '  The  Poetical  Works 
of  Leigh  Hunt,  now  first  entirely  collected, 
revised  by  himself,  and  edited  with  an  intro- 
duction by  S.  Adams  Lee,  Boston.'  It  con- 
tains all  the  verses  that  he  had  published, 
with  the  exception  of  such  as  were  rejected 
by  him  in  the  c\  urse  of  reperusal.  This  edi- 
tion contains  his  )lay  *  Lovers'  Amazements,' 
which  is  not  grv  n  in  any  English  edition. 
In  1859  he  contributed  two  poems  to '  Fraser's 
Magazine,'  in  the  manner  of  Chaucer  and 
Spenser,  viz.  <  The  Tapiser's  Tale '  and  '  The 
Shewe  of  Fair  Seeming.'  Three  of  Chaucer's 
poems,  <  The  Manciple's  Tale,'  '  The  Friar's 
Tale/  and  '  The  Squire's  Tale,'  had  been 
modernised  by  him  in  1841,  in  a  volume  by 
various  writers,  entitled  'The  Poems  of 
Chaucer  Modernised.'  The  last  product  of 
his  pen  was  a  series  of  papers  in  the  *  Spec- 
tator '  in  1859,  under  the  title  of  '  The  Occa- 
sional/ the  last  of  which  appeared  about  a 
week  before  his  death. 

For  about  two  years  he  had  been  declining 
in  health,  but  he  still  retained  a  keen  interest 
in  life.  Early  in  August  1859  he  went  for 
a  change  of  air  to  his  old  friend  Charles 
Reynell  at  Putney,  carrying  with  him  his 
work  and  the  books  he  needed,  and  there  he 
quietly  sank  to  rest  on  the  28th.  His  death 
was  simply  exhaustion.  His  latest  words  were 
in  the  shape  of  eager  questions  about  the 
vicissitudes  and  growing  hopes  of  Italy,  in 
inquiries  from  the  children  and  friends  around 
him  for  news  of  those  he  loved,  and  messages 
to  the  absent  who  loved  him.  He  had  lived 
in  his  later  years  at  Phillimore  Terrace,whence 
he  removed  in  1853  to  7  Cornwall  Road,  Ham- 
mersmith, his  last  residence.  He  was  buried 
in  Kensal  Green  cemetery.  Ten  years  later 
a  bust,  executed  by  Joseph  Durham  [q.  v.], 
was  placed  over  his  grave,  with  the  motto, 
from  his  own  poem,  '  Abou-ben-Adhem/ 
'  Write  me  as  one  who  loves  his  fellow-men.' 
The  memorial  was  unveiled  on  19  Oct.  1869 
by  Lord  Houghton. 

Not  many  months  after  his  death  there 
appeared  in  '  Fraser's  Magazine '  a  reply  by 
Hunt  to  Cardinal  Wiseman,  who  had  in  a 
lecture  charged  Chaucer  and  Spenser  with 


occasional  indecency.  In  1860  was  published 
'  The  Poetical  Works  of  Leigh  Hunt,  now 
finally  collected,  revised  by  himself,  and  edited 
by  his  Son,  Thornton  Hunt.'  In  1862  was  pub- 
lished '  The  Correspondence  of  Leigh  Hunt, 
edited  by  his  Eldest  Son,  with  a  Portrait/ 
2  vols.  A  number  of  his  letters,  not  included 
in  these  volumes,  were  published  in  1878  by 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  Cowden  Clarke  in  their  '  Re- 
collections of  Writers.'  In  1867  appeared 
'The  Book  of  the  Sonnet,  edited  by  Leigh 
Hunt  and  S.  Adams  Lee/  2  vols.  It  was 
published  simultaneously  in  London  and  Bos- 
ton, U.S.  This  volume  is  entirely  devoted  to 
the  history  and  literature  of  the  sonnet,  with 
specimens  by  English  and  American  authors. 
An  introductory  letter  of  four  pages,  and  an 
essay  of  ninety-one  pages  are  prefixed. 

Despite  the  numerous  collections  of  his 
scattered  essays  and  articles  published  by 
himself,  very  many  of  Leigh  Hunt's  contri- 
butions to  periodical  literature  have  never 
been  reprinted.  The  most  interesting  of  these 
are  his  papers  in  the  '  New  Monthly  Maga- 
zine'for  1825-6  (the  present  writer  possesses 
a  number  of  revised  proofs  of  unreprinted 
articles  of  this  date ;  others  are  in  the  Forster 
library  at  South  Kensington)  ;  t  A  Rustic 
Walk  and  Dinner/  a  poem,  in  the  '  Monthly 
Magazine/  1842 ;  a  series  of  articles  in  the 
1  Musical  World/  called  first  '  Words  for 
Composers/  and  afterwards  f  The  Musician's 
Poetical  Companion/  1838-9;  two  articles 
in  the  '  Edinburgh  Review '  (on  the  Colman 
family,  October  1841,  and  George  Selwyn, 
July  1844) ;  and  eight  articles  in  the '  Musical 
Times/  1853-4. 

His  son  Thornton  [q.  v.]  bequeathed  some 
unpublished  manuscript  by  his  father  to  Mr. 
Townshend  Mayer,  but  none  of  it  was  of 
sufficient  importance  to  warrant  publication. 

Leigh  Hunt  takes  high  rank  as  an  essayist 
and  critic.  The  spirit  of  his  writings  is  emi- 
nently cheerful  and  humanising.  He  is  perhaps 
the  best  teacher  in  our  literature  of  the  con- 
tentment which  flows  from  a  recognition  of 
everyday  joys  and  blessings.  A  belief  in  all 
that  is  good  and  beautiful,  and  in  the  ulti- 
mate success  of  every  true  and  honest  endea- 
vour, and  a  tender  consideration  for  mistake 
and  circumstance,  are  the  pervading  spirit  of 
all  his  writings.  Cheap  and  simple  enjoy- 
ments, true  taste  leading  to  true  economy,  the 
companionship  of  books  and  the  pleasures  of 
friendly  intercourse,  were  the  constant  themes 
of  his  pen.  He  knew  much  suffering,  physical 
and  mental,  and  experienced  many  cares  and 
sorrows;  but  his  cheerful  courage,  imper- 
turbable sweetness  of  temper,  and  unfailing 
love  and  power  of  forgiveness  never  deserted 




It  is  in  the  familiar  essay  that  he  shows 
to  greatest  advantage.  Criticism,  speculation, 
literary  gossip,  romantic  stories  from  real  life, 
and  descriptions  of  country  pleasures,  are 
charmingly  mingled  in  his  pages ;  he  can  be 
grave  as  well  as  gay,  and  speak  consolation 
to  friends  in  trouble.  'No  man,'  says  Mr. 
Lowell,  '  has  ever  understood  the  delicacies 
and  luxuries  of  language  better  than  he ;  and 
his  thoughts  often  have  all  the  rounded  grace 
and  shifting  lustre  of  a  dove's  neck.  ...  He 
was  as  pure-minded  a  man  as  ever  lived,  and 
a  critic  whose  subtlety  of  discrimination  and 
whose  soundness  of  judgment,  supported  as 
it  was  on  a  broad  basis  of  truly  liberal  scholar- 
ship, have  hardly  yet  won  fitting  apprecia- 

As  a  poet  Leigh  Hunt  showed  much  ten- 
derness, a  delicate  and  vivid  fancy,  and  an 
entire  freedom  from  any  morbid  strain  of  in- 
trospection. His  verses  never  lack  the  sense 
and  expression  of  quick,  keen  delight  in  all 
things  naturally  and  wholesomely  delightful. 
But  an  occasional  mannerism,  bordering  on 
affectation,  detracts  somewhat  from  the  merits 
of  his  poetry.  His  narrative  poems,  such  as 
'  The  Story  of  Kimini,'  are,  however,  among 
the  very  best  in  the  language.  He  is  most 
successful  in  the  heroic  couplet.  His  exquisite 
little  fable  '  Abou  ben  Adhem '  has  assured 
him  a  permanent  place  in  the  records  of  the 
English  language. 

'In  appearance,' says  his  son, 'Leigh  Hunt 
was  tall  and  straight  as  an  arrow,  and  looked 
slenderer  than  he  really  was.  His  hair  was 
black  and  shining,  and  slightly  inclined  to 
wave.  His  head  was  high,  his  forehead 
straight  and  white,  under  which  beamed  a 
pair  of  eyes,  dark,  brilliant,  reflecting,  gay, 
and  kind,  with  a  certain  look  of  observant 
humour.  His  general  complexion  was  dark. 
There  was  in  his  whole  carriage  and  manner 
an  extraordinary  degree  of  life.  His  whole 
existence  and  habit  of  mind  were  essentially 
literary.  He  was  a  hard  and  conscientious 
worker,  and  most  painstaking  as  regards  ac- 
curacy. He  would  often  spend  hours  in 
verifying  some  fact  or  event  which  he  had 
only  stated  parenthetically.  Few  men  were 
more  attractive  in  society,  whether  in  a  large 
company  or  over  the  fireside.  His  manner 
was  particularly  animated,  his  conversation 
varied,  ranging  over  a  great  field  of  subjects. 
There  was  a  spontaneous  courtesy  in  him 
that  never  failed,  and  a  considerateness  de- 
rived from  a  ceaseless  kindness  of  heart  that 
invariably  fascinated.'  Hawthorne  and  Emer- 
son have  left  on  record  the  delightful  im- 
pression he  made  when  they  visited  him. 
He  led  a  singularly  plain  life.  His  customary 
drink  was  water,  and  his  food  of  the  plainest 

and  simplest  kind ;  bread  alone  was  what  he 
took  for  luncheon  or  supper.  His  personal 
friendships  embraced  men  of  every  party,  and 
among  those  who  have  eloquently  testified  to 
his  high  character  as  a  man  and  an  author  are 
Carlyle,  Lytton,  Shelley,  Macaulay,  Dickens, 
Thackeray,  Lord  Houghton,  Forster,  Mac- 
ready,  Jerrold,  W.  J.  Fox,  Miss  Martineau, 
and  Miss  Mitford. 

A  portrait  of  Hunt  by  Haydon  is  in  the 
National  Portrait  Gallery.  There  is  a  portrait 
by  Maclise  in  *  Eraser's  Magazine.' 

[The  Autobiography  of  Leigh  Hunt,  a  new 
Edition,  revised  by  the  Author,  with  further 
Kevision,  and  an  Introduction  by  his  Eldest  Son, 
1860 ;  The  Correspondence  of  Leigh  Hunt,  edited 
by  his  Eldest  Son,  with  a  Portrait,  2  vols.  1862  ; 
Kecollections  of  Writers,  by  Charles  and  Mary 
Cowden  Clarke,  with  Letters  of  Charles  Lamb, 
LeighHunt,Douglas  Jerrold,  and  Charles  Dickens, 
and  a  Preface  by  Mary  Cowden  Clarke,  1878;  Pro- 
fessor Dowden's  Life  of  Shelley ;  Moore's  Life  of 
Byron ;  Listof  theWritings  of  William  Hazlittand 
Leigh  Hunt,  chronologically  arranged,with  Notes, 
descriptive,  critical,  and  explanatory,  by  Alex- 
ander Ireland,  1868  (two  hundred  copies  printed) ; 
Characteristics  of  Leigh  Hunt  as  exhibited  in 
that  typical  Literary  Periodical  Leigh  Hunt's 
London  Journal,  1834-5,  with  Illustrative  Notes 
by  Lancelot  Cross  (Frank  Carr),  1878.  Refer- 
ences  to  Leigh  Hunt  occur  in  the  writings  of  his 
contemporaries  William  Hazlitt,  Charles  Lamb, 
and  Barry  Cornwall  (Bryan  Waller  Procter),  and 
in  the  Reminiscences  and  Letters  of  Thomas  Car- 
lyle. Selections  from  his  writings  have  been 
made  by  Edmund  Oilier,  with  introduction  and 
notes,  1869;  by  Arthur  Symons,  with  useful  in- 
troduction and  notes,  1887;  by  Charles  Kent, 
with  a  biographical  introduction  and  portrait, 
1889,  and  chiefly  from  the  poems,  by  Reginald 
Brimley  Johnson,  in  the  Temple  Library,  1891, 
with  a  biographical  and  critical  introduction  and 
portrait  from  an  unpublished  sketch,  and  views 
of  his  birthplace  and  the  various  houses  inhabited! 
by  him ;  A  Life  of  Hunt,  by  Cosmo  Monkhouse, 
in  the  Great  Writers  series,  is  in  preparation.] 

A.  I. 

HUNT,  JEREMIAH,  D.D.  (1678-1744), 
independent  minister,  only  son  of  Thomas 
Hunt,  a  London  merchant,  was  born  in  Lon- 
don on  11  June  1678.  His  father  died  in 
1680,  and  his  mother  secured  for  him  a  liberal 
education.  He  studied  first  under  Thomas 
Howe  [q.  v.],  then  at  the  Edinburgh  Univer- 
sity, and  lastly  at  Leyden  (1699-1701),  where 
Nathaniel  Lardner  [q.  v.]  was  a  fellow  student. 
He  owed  much  to  John  Milling  (d.  16  June 
1705),  minister  of  the  English  presbyterian 
church  at  Leyden,  and  learned  Hebrew  of  a 
rabbi  from  Lithuania.  In  Holland  he  was 
licensed  to  preach,  and  was  one  of  three  who 
officiated  in  turns  to  the  English  presbyterian 




congregation  at  Amsterdam.  He  always 
preached  without  notes,  and  his  memory  was 
so  good  that  he  could  recall  the  language  of 
an  unwritten  sermon  fourteen  years  after  its 
delivery.  On  his  return  to  England  he  was 
for  three  years  (1704-7)  assistant  to  John 
Green,  an  ejected  divine,  who  had  formed  an 
independent  church  at  Tunstead,  Norfolk. 
Here,  according  to  Harmer,  he  was  or- 

Coming  up  to  London  in  1707,  Hunt  ac- 
cepted a  call  to  succeed  Richard  Wavel,  an 
ejected  divine  (d.  9  Dec.  1705),  as  pastor  of 
the  independent  church  at  Pinners'  Hall,  Old 
Broad  Street.  \  rere  he  renewed  his  acquaint- 
ance with  Lardi  ?r,  whose  testimony  to  the 
breadth  and  depch  of  his  learning  is  very 
emphatic.  They  were  members  of  a  minis- 
ters' club  which  met  on  Thursdays  at  Chew's 
coffee-house  in  Bow  Lane.  Hunt  was  ac- 
counted '  a  rational  preacher ; '  his  matter  was 
practical,  his  method  expository,  his  style 
easy.  His  admirers  admitted  that  { he  only 
pleases  the  discerning  few'  {Character  of  the 
Dissenting  Ministers;  see  Protestant  Dis- 
senters' Mag.  1798,  p.  314).  How  far  he 
diverged  from  the  traditional  Calvinism  of 
dissent  is  not  clear.  Isaac  Watts  says  that 
some  '  suspected  him  of  Socinianising,'  but 
unjustly.  In  1719  he  voted  with  the  non- 
subscribers  at  Salters'  Hall  [see  BKADBUKT, 
THOMAS],  but  took  no  part  in  the  contro- 
versy. John  Shute  Barrington,  first  viscount 
Barrington  [q.  v.],  the  leader  of  the  nonsub- 
scribers,  joined  his  church.  At  Barrington's 
seat,  Tofts  in  Essex,  he  was  in  the  habit  of 
meeting  Anthony  Collins  [q.  v.]  On  31  May 
1729  he  was  made  D.D.  by  Edinburgh  Uni- 
versity. In  1730,  though  an  independent, 
he  was  elected  a  trustee  of  Dr.  Williams's 
foundations.  He  took  part  in  1734-5  in  a 
course  of  dissenting  lectures  against  popery, 
his  subject  being  penances  and  pilgrimages. 
He  was  also  one  of  the  disputants  in  certain 
1  conferences'  held  with  Roman  catholics,  on 
7  and  13  Feb.  1735,  at  the  Bell  Tavern, 
Nicholas  Lane. 

He  died  on  5  Sept.  1744.  He  married  a 
distant  relative  of  Lardner,  who  preached  his 
funeral  sermon  at  Pinners'  Hall. 

Lardner  gives  a  list  of  eleven  separate 
sermons  by  Hunt,  published  between  1716 
and  1736 ;  eight  of  them  are  funeral  sermons. 
He  published  also  :  1.  '  Mutual  Love  recom- 
mended upon  Christian  Principles,'  &c.,  1728, 
8vo.  2.  '  An  Essay  towards  explaining  the 
History  and  Revelations  of  Scripture  .  .  . 
Part  I.,'  &c.,  1734,  8vo  (deals  with  Genesis  ; 
no  other  part  published ;  appended  is  a  '  Dis- 
sertation on  the  Fall  of  Man ').  Posthumous 
was :  3.  <  Sermons,'  &c.,  1748,  8vo,  4  vols. 

(ed.  by  George  Benson,  D.D.  [q.  v.],  from  im- 
perfect notes). 

[Funeral  Sermon  by  Lardner,  1744;  Pro- 
testant Dissenters'  Mag.  i795,  p.  1  sq.  (Sketch 
by  I.  T.,  i.e.  Joshua  Toulmin),  1799,  p.  432; 
Wilson's  Dissenting  Churches  of  London,  1808, 
i.  98,  124,  ii.  262  sq. ;  Kippis's  Life  of  Lardner, 
1815,  p.  v;  Neal's  Hist,  of  the  Puritans,  1822, 
i.  p.  xxvi ;  Townsend's  Life  of  Barrington,  1828, 
p.  xix ;  Armstrong's  App.  to  Martineau's  Ordi- 
nation Service,  1829,  p.  97  ;  London  Directory 
of  1677,  1858;  Cat.  of  Edinbiirgh  Graduates, 
1858,  p.  240;  James's  Hist.  Litigation  Engl. 
Presb.  Churches,  1867,  pp.  700,  721,  821; 
Browne's  Hist.  Congr.  Norf.  and  Suff.,  1877, 
pp.  304  sq. ;  Jeremy's  Presbyterian  Fund,  1 885, 
p.  131.]  A.  G. 

HUNT,  SIR  JOHN  (1550  P-1615),  politi- 
cian, was  second  son  of  John  Hunt,  esq.,  of 
Lyndon  in  Rutlandshire,  and  of  the  ancient 
family  of  the  Le  Hunts  (WEIGHT,  Rutland, 
pp.  82-3).  His  mother  was  Amy,  daughter 
of  Sir  Thomas  Cave  of  Stanford,  Northamp- 
tonshire. He  was  born  at  Morcott  in  Rut- 
landshire, whence  he  was  sent  to  Eton,  and 
afterwards  to  King's  College,  Cambridge, 
where  he  was  admitted  a  scholar  27  Aug. 
1565,  but  left  the  university  without  taking 
a  degree.  In  the  parliament  which  met 
2  April  1571  he  took  his  seat  as  member  for 
Sudbury.  He  settled  during  the  latter  part 
of  his  life  at  Newton  in  Leicestershire. 
Although  a  man  of  some  ability  and  attain- 
ments, he  appears  to  have  led  a  somewhat 
profligate  life,  and  in  July  1611  the  Countess 
of  Oxford  caused  articles  to  be  drawn  up 
against  him  on  account  of  the  evil  influence 
that  he  exercised  over  her  son,  Henry  de 
Vere,  eighteenth  earl,  a  youth  of  eighteen, 
the  companion  of  Prince  Henry.  She  en- 
treated the  interference  of  the  Earls  of  Salis- 
bury and  Northampton.  The  charge  does  not 
seem  to  have  lost  him  the  royal  favour,  for 
in  the  same  year  (10  Nov.)  he  was  knighted 
at  Whitehall  by  James.  A  nephew,  William 
Le  Hunt  of  Gray's  Inn,  was  called  to  the 
degree  of  Serjeant  of  law  in  Trinity  term  1688. 

Sir  John  was  author  of :  1.  Latin  epigrams 
in  collection  presented  by  the  scholars  of 
Eton  to  Queen  Elizabeth  at  Windsor  Castle, 
1563.  2.  Latin  verses  in  commendation  of 
Anne,  countess  of  Oxford,  1588,  Lansdowne 
MS.  civ.  art.  78. 

[State  Papers,  James  I,  vol.  Ixv.  No.  49  ; 
Nichols's  Leicestershire,  iii.  349  ;  Nichols's  Pro- 
gresses, James  I,  ii.  432;  Wright's  Eutland, 
pp.  82-3.]  J.  B.  M. 

HUNT,  JOHN  (1806-1842),  organist  and 
composer,  born  on  30  Dec.  1806  at  Marnhull 
in  Dorsetshire,  entered  the  choir  of  Salisbury 





Cathedral  at  the  age  of  seven,  Arthur  Thomas 
Corfe  [q.v.]  being  then  organist.  Subsequently 
he  was  educated  at  the  Salisbury  grammar 
school,  where  he  remained  till  1827.  Dur- 
ing the  last  five  years  of  this  period  he  was 
articled  to  Corfe  [q.  v.],  and  received  from 
him  valuable  instruction  in  music.  When 
he  left  the  grammar  school,  his  fine  voice 
gained  him  an  appointment  as  lay  vicar  in 
the  Lichfield  cathedral  choir,  which  he  held 
till  the  autumn  of  1835,  resigning  it  on  10  Nov. 
of  the  same  year,  when  he  was  elected  to 
succeed  Samuel  Wesley  (1766-1837)  [q.v.] 
as  organist  to  Hereford  Cathedral.  He  re- 
mained at  Hereford  until  his  death  in  1842. 
A  collection  of  his  songs  was  published  in 

[Life  prefixed  to  his  Songs.]  K.  F.  S. 

HUNT,  JOHN  (1812-1848),  missionary, 
the  third  child  of  a  farm  bailiff,  who  had 
previously  been  a  soldier  and  a  sailor,  was  born 
at  Hykeham  Moss,  near  Lincoln,  on  13  June 
1812.  After  a  few  years  in  a  parish  school, 
Hunt  was  put  to  farm  labour  at  the  age  of  ten, 
and  worked  for  some  years  as  a  ploughman 
at  Balderton,  near  Newark,  and  Swinderby. 
He  became  a  methodist  when  about  sixteen. 
At  Swinderby  he  educated  himself  in  his 
spare  time,  and  preached  there  and  after- 
wards at  Potter  Hanworth,  near  Lincoln.  In 
1835  he  was  sent  to  the  Hoxton  theological 
college  for  Wesley  an  ministers ;  in  1838  he 
was  ordained  and  sailed  for  Fiji  as  a  mis- 
sionary. Here  he  was  very  successful,  making 
long  journeys  to  the  various  mission  stations 
on  the  islands,  and  working  hard  at  transla- 
tion. In  1848  H.M.S.  Calypso  visited  Fiji, 
and  Hunt  made  a  long  tour  with  the  captain. 
He  died  of  an  illness  the  consequence  of 
fatigue  on  4  Oct.  1848,  and  was  buried  at 
Vewa,  one  of  the  mission  stations.  His  wife, 
Miss  Summers,  of  Newton-on-Trent,  whom 
he  had  married  on  6  March  1838,  and  several 
children  survived  him. 

Hunt  took  part  in  translating  the  Scrip- 
tures into  Fijian.  The  New  Testament  was 
published  at  Viti,  Fiji,  in  1853,  12mo,  and 
the  whole  Bible  in'  London  in  1864-8,  8vo., 
He  also  wrote  :  1.  '  Memoir  of  the  Rev.  W. 
Cross,'  the  life  of  a  missionary,  to  which  he 
added  a  short  notice  of  the  early  history  of  the 
mission  to  Fiji,  London,  1846, 12mo.  2.  'En- 
tire Sanctification,  in  Letters  to  a  Friend/ 
edited  by  J.  Calvert,  London,  1853,  12mo. 

[Memoir  by  the  Rev.  G.  S.  Eowe  ;  Brit.  Mus. 
Cat.]  W.  A.  J.  A. 

HUNT,  JOHN  HIGGS  (1780-1859), 
translator  of  Tasso,  born  in  1780,  was  edu- 
cated at  the  Charterhouse.  He  matricu- 
lated from  Trinity  College;,  Cambridge,  and 

in  1797  gained  the  Browne  medal  for  a 
Latin  ode.  He  graduated  B.A.  1801,  M.A. 
1804,  and  was  elected  a  fellow  of  Trinity. 
For  some  time  he  edited  the  l  Critical  Re- 
view,' and  wrote  in  the  number  of  Septem- 
ber 1807  a  favourable  notice  of  Byron's 
'  Hours  of  Idleness.'  '  I  have  been  praised,' 
wrote  Byron,  '  to  the  skies  in  the  "  Critical 
Review"'  (MooEB,  Life  of  Byron,  p.  58). 
Hunt  was  living  at  Kirkby  Lonsdale,  West- 
moreland, in  1818,  and  had  vacated  his  fel- 
lowship, probably  by  marriage,  before  that 
date.  On  20  March  1823  he  became  vicar 
of  Weedon  Beck,  Northamptonshire,  and 
died  there  on  17  Nov.  1859.  He  published 
Tasso's  '  Jerusalem  Delivered,'  with  notes 
and  occasional  illustrations,  London,  2  vols. 
1818,  8vo  ;  the  translation  was  commended 
in  the  t  Gentleman's  Magazine '  (1819,  i.  541). 
It  was  reprinted  in  Walsh's  '  Works  of  the 
British  Poets  '  (vols.  xlviii.  and  xlix.),  Phila- 
delphia, 1822.  Hunt  is  also  said  to  have 
written  a  work  upon  ( Cosmo  the  Great.' 

[Gent.  Mag.  1860,  i.  188  ;  Graduati  Cantabr. ; 
Cambr.  Univ.  Calend. ;  Baker's  Northampton- 
shire ;  Foster's  Index  Ecclesiasticus,  1800- 
1840  ;  Northampton  Herald,  3  Dec.  1859  ;  Criti- 
cal Review,  7  Sept.  1807.]  W.  A.  J.  A. 

HUNT,  NICHOLAS  (1596-1648),  arith- 
metician, born  in  1596  in  Devonshire,  was 
entered  at  Exeter  College,  Oxford,  12  April 
1612,  and  graduated  B.A.  19  April  1616. 
On  the  title-page  of  his  first  work  (1628)  he 
is  designated  'preacher  of  Christ's  Word.' 
According  to  Wood,  he  is  identical  with  a 
Nicholas  Hunt,  born  at  or  near  Exeter,  who 
lived  at  Camberwell,  Surrey,  in  1647,  was  for 
many  years  one  of  the  '  proctors  of  the  arches,' 
and  died  in  1648. 

Hunt's  works  are  :  1.  '  The  Devout  Chris- 
tian Communicant  instructed  in  the  Two 
Sacraments  of  the  New  Testament,'  London, 
1628.  2.  '  Newe  Recreations,  or  the  Mindes 
Release  and  Solacing,'  London,  1631,  12mo. 
Another  title-page  of  this  book  runs  :  l  Judi- 
ciary Exercises,  or  Practical  Conclusions,' 
London,  1631,  dedicated  to  Charles  I,  and 
containing  arithmetical  conundrums  and 
numerical  problems.  3. '  Handmaid  to  Arith- 
metick  refin'd,  shewing  the  variety  and  work- 
ing of  all  Rules,  in  whole  Numbers  and  Frac- 
tions, after  most  pleasant  and  profitable  waies, 
abounding  with  Tables  for  Monies,  Measures, 
and  Weights,  Rules  for  Commutations  and 
Exchanges  for  Merchants  and  their  Factors,' 
London,  1633.  4.  <  The  New-borne  Christian, 
or  a  Lively  Patterne  and  Perfect  representa- 
tion of  the  Saint  Militant  Child  of  God,'  Lon- 
don, 1634. 

[Wood's  Athense  Oxon.  ii.  589  ;  De  Morgan's 
Arith.  Works,  pp.  39,  40.]  K.  E.  A. 




HUNT,  EGBERT  (d.  1608  ?),  minister  at 
James  Town,  Virginia,  was  apparently  a  son 
of  Robert  Hunt,  M.A.,  vicar  of  Reculver, 
Kent.  He  was  educated  at  Trinity  Hall, 
Cambridge,  proceeded  LL.B.  in  1606,  and 
took  orders.  In  the  same  year  he  was  chosen 
by  Richard  Hakluyt,  with  the  approval  of 
Archbishop  Bancroft,  to  accompany  the  first 
settlers  to  Virginia.  The  expedition  sailed 
from  Blackwall  on  19  Dec.  1606,  and  arrived 
in  Virginia  on  27  April  1607.  During  the 
voyage  Hunt  was  seriously  ill.  A  settlement 
having  been  formed  at  a  place  which  was 
called  James  Town,  Hunt  on  Sunday,  21  June, 
there  celebrated  the  communion,  that  being 
the  first  occasion  on  which  the  ordinance 
was  observed  by  Englishmen  in  America. 
By  his  efforts  a  rude  church  was  soon  after- 
wards erected,  but  it  was  burnt  down,  to- 
gether with  the  greater  part  of  the  dwellings 
of  the  new  colony,  in  the  ensuing  winter. 
Hunt  lost  his  books  and  all  that  he  had  ex- 
cept the  clothes  on  his  back.  A  new  church 
was  reared  in  the  spring  of  1608,  but  Hunt 
did  not  long  survive. 

[Cooper's  Athenae  Cantabr.  ii.  493-4 ;  Ander- 
son's Colonial  Church,  2nd  edit.  i.  168-83.] 

G.  G. 

HUNT,  ROBERT  (1807-1887),  scientific 
writer,  born  at  Plymouth  Dock  (now  Devon- 
port)  6  Sept.  1807,  was  the  posthumous  son 
of  a  naval  officer  who  had  perished  with  all 
the  crew  of  a  sloop  of  war  in  the  Grecian 
Archipelago.  After  attending  schools  at  Ply- 
mouth and  at  Penzance,  Hunt  was  placed  with 
a  surgeon  practising  at  Paddington,  London. 
He  acquired  some  knowledge  of  practical 
chemistry  with  a  smattering  of  Latin,  and 
studied  anatomy  under  JoshuaBrookes  (1761- 
1833)  [q.  v.]  He  was  afterwards  for  more  than 
five  years  with  a  physician,  and  was  for 
four  years  following  in  charge  of  a  medical 
dispensary  in  London .  He  made  the  acquaint- 
ance of  '  Radical  Hunt '  [see  HUNT,  HENRY], 
who  helped  to  direct  his  studies.  On  inherit- 
ing a  small  property  on  the  Fowey  in  Corn- 
wall, he  settled  there  for  a  short  time ;  studied 
the  folklore  of  the  district ;  published  a  de- 
scriptive poem,  '  The  Mount's  Bay,'  Penzance, 
1829, 12mo;  established  a  mechanics' institute 
at  Penzance,  and  gave  the  first  lecture  to  the 

Hunt  soon  returned  to  London  and  was  em- 
ployed by  a  firm  of  chemical  manufacturers. 
On  the  discovery  of  photography  he  at  once 
began  a  series  of  careful  experiments,  and 
soon  after  published  in  the  'Philosophical 
Transactions '  several  papers  on  his  results, 
one  being  the  discovery  that  the  proto-sul- 
phate  of  iron  could  be  used  as  a  developing 
agent.  In  1840  he  was  appointed  secretary 

of  the  Royal  Cornwall  Polytechnic  Society, 
and  soon  after  removed  with  his  family  to 
Falmouth.  Devoting  himself  to  scientific  re- 
search, he  discovered'that  the  chemical  rays 
of  the  solar  spectrum  sensibly  accelerate  the 
germination  of  seeds.  In  1842  he  read  a 
paper  before  the  Cornwall  Polytechnic  on  a 
*  Peculiar  Band  of  Light  encircling  the  Sun.' 
In  1843-4,  before  the  British  Association, 
he  announced  that  there  are  three  distinct 
phenomena  in  the  solar  ray,  light,  heat,  and 
ihic  power,  the  last  being  what  Sir 

Herschel  and  he  agreed  to  call  actinism. 
His  '  Popular  Treatise  of  the  Art  of  Photo- 
graphy' (Glasgow,  1841,  8vo),  the  first  trea- 
tise printed  in  tino  ,.__:ntry,  passed  through 
six  editions.  He  wrote  the  article  *  Photo- 
graphy' for  the  '  Encyclopeedia  Metropoli- 
tana,'  and  it  was  afterwards  (1851)  published 
separately.  His  'Researches  on  Light  in  its 
Chemical  Relations'  (Falmouth,  1844)  was 
mainly  a  history  of  photography ;  but  the  se- 
cond edition  (London,  1854)  contained  a  large 
number  of  original  experiments  and  new l  ana- 
lyses of  the  solar  ray.'  Hunt  had  meanwhile 
also  distinguished  himself  by  experimenting 
on  electrical  phenomena  in  mineral  veins,  and 
by  some  papers  on  the  application  of  the 
steam  engine  in  pumping  mines.  In  1845 
he  received  the  government  appointment  of 
keeper  of  the  mining  records,  an  office  which 
he  discharged  for  thirty-seven  years.  In  1851 
he  was  appointed  lecturer  on  mechanical 
science  in  the  Royal  School  of  Mines,  and 
began  to  collect  and  arrange  statistics  as  to 
the  products  of  British  mines.  In  accord- 
ance with  the  report  of  a  treasury  commis- 
sion Hunt's*  results  were  issued  annually  as  a 
blue-book,  'Mineral  Statistics  of  the  United 
Kingdom,'  from  1855  to  1884,  and  the  series 
is  still  continued.  After  lecturing  for  two 
years  on  mechanical  science  Hunt  succeeded 
to  the  chair  of  experimental  physics  at  the 
School  of  Mines,  which  he  resigned  in  order 
to  give  more  time  to  the  Mining  Record 
Office.  Hunt  was  occupied  with  the  scien- 
tific work  of  the  1851  Exhibition,  and  drew 
up  the  'Synopsis'  and  the  '  Handbook'  for  it. 
He  was  also  engaged  in  much  of  the  pre- 
paratory work  for  several  sections  of  the  1862 
Exhibition,  again  compiling  a  handbook.  At 
the  Health  Exhibition  in  1884  Hunt  received 
the  diploma  of  honour  for  services  rendered. 

In  1851  appeared  his  '  Elementary  Physics, 
giving  accurate  information  of  the  chief  facts 
in  Physics,  and  explaining  the  experimental 
evidence  without  mathematical  details.'  Be- 
sides several  papers  on  the  '  Influence  of  Light 
on  the  Growth  of  Plants,'  which  were  read 
before  the  British  Association,  Hunt  drew 
up  an  almost  exhaustive  statement  of  the  pro- 




cesses  and  principles  of  photography,  which 
was  printed  in  the  association's  reports. 

In  1854  he  was  elected  fellow  of  the  Royal 
Society.  As  secretary  of  the  Cornwall  Poly- 
technic, Hunt  had  frequently  urged  the  value 
of  technical  instruction  for  all  engaged  in 
mining,  and  in  1859,  at  a  meeting  called  by 
him,  the  '  Miners'  Association  of  Cornwall 
and  Devon'  was  instituted.  It  still  does 
good  work  in  scientific  training  for  the  local 
industries.  In  1 859  Hunt  was  chosen  president 
of  the  Royal  Cornwall  Polytechnic  Society. 
In  1866  he  was  a  member  of  the  royal  com- 
mission appointed  to  inquire  into  the  quan- 
tity of  coal  consumed  in  manufactories. 

Three  editions  (in  1860,  1867,  1875)  of 
lire's  l  Dictionary  of  Arts,  Manufactures, 
and  Mines,'  were  edited  by  Hunt,  the  first 
containing  important  changes  and  additions. 
His  last  work  (pp.  xx,  944), '  British  Mining,' 
appeared  in  1884,  and  contains  a  mass  of 
valuable  results,  e.g.  results  of  the  royal  com- 
mission of  1866,  an  historical  sketch  of  mining, 
the  geology  of  mineral  deposits  and  forma- 
tion of  metalliferous  veins,  details  of  the 
operation  of  extracting  ores,  machinery  and 
ventilation  of  mines,  and  the  future  pros- 
pects of  British  mining.  Among  Hunt's 
minor  scientific  works  was  '  The  History  and 
Statistics  of  Gold,'  1851 ;  and  he  also  published 
'Poetry  of  Science'  (London,  1848)  ;  '  Pan- 
thea,  the  Sport  of  Nature'  (London,  1849); 
and  '  Popular  Romances  of  the  West  of  Eng- 
land'(London,  1865).  Hunt  contributed  to 
various  periodicals,  and  for  many  years  was 
the  chief  contributor  to  the  scientific  columns 
of  the  '  Athenaeum.'  For  this  dictionary  (vols. 
iv-xviii.)  he  wrote  several  articles  on  men  of 
science.  Hunt  died  at  Chelsea  on  17  Oct. 
1887.  A  <  Robert  Hunt  Memorial  Museum ' 
has  since  been  established  at  Redruth,  Corn- 
wall, by  the  miners  and  others,  assisted  by 
some  of  his  friends  in  London. 

[Athenaeum,  22  Oct.  1887;  Ann.  Reg.  1887; 
Times,  20  Oct.  1887;  Western  Morning  News, 
27  March  1889  ;  Biograph,  August  1881  ;  Boase 
and  Courtney's  Bibl.  Cornub  ]  R.  E.  A. 

HUNT,  ROGER  (/.  1433),  speaker  of 
the  House  of  Commons,  may  have  belonged 
to  the  same  family  as  the  Thomas  Hunt  who 
was  prior  of  Walsingham  in  1455  (Paston 
Letters,  ed.  Gairdner,  i.  347,  cp.  i.  443).  He 
was  probably  the  son  of  Roger  Hunt  who 
was  attornatus  regis  in  1406;  he  lived  at 
Chalverston  in  Bedfordshire.  He  was  re- 
turned to  the  House  of  Commons  as  member 
for  the  county  of  Bedford  in  1414  and  1420,  j 
and  afterwards  sat  for  Huntingdonshire  until  j 
1433.  In  1420  he  became  speaker,  and  held 
the  office  for  that  session  and  for  the  session  ' 

of  1433 ;  in  the  latter  year  the  plague  neces- 
sitated a  prorogation.  Hunt  was  a  lawyer, 
and  was  counsel  for  John  Mowbray,  the  earl- 
marshal,  against  the  representative  of  the 
Earl  of  Warwick  in  1425  in  a  dispute  as  to 
precedence.  In  1438  he  became  a  baron  of 

I  the  exchequer,  and  in  1433  a  grant  of  200/. 

i  was  made  to  him  from  the  customs  of  London. 
Hunt  was  married,  and  left  a  son  Roger. 

[Manning's  Lives  of  the  Speakers,  p.  65  ;  Foss's 
Judges  of  England,  p.  358 ;  Return  of  Members 
of  Parliament,  vol.  i.]  W.  A.  J.  A. 

HUNT,  THOMAS  (1611-1683),  school- 
master, son  of  Henry  Hunt,  was  born  in 
Worcester  in  1611.     He  entered  Pembroke 
College,  Oxford,  in  1628,  and  proceeded  M.  A. 
in  1636.     He  kept  a  private  school  for  some 
1  time  in  Salisbury,  afterwards  became  master 
of  the  church  school  at  St.  Dunstan's-in-the 
East,  London,  and  at  a  later  date  was  master 
of  the  free  school  of  St.  Saviour's,  South- 
wark.     He  died  on  23  Jan.  1682-3,  and  was 
j  buried  in  St.  Saviour's  Church.     He  wrote : 
|  1.  'Libellus  Orthographicus ;  or  the  diligent 
|  Schoolboy's  Directory,'  London,  1661 ;  often 
;  reprinted.     2.  '  Abecedarium  Scholasticum ; 
or  the  Grammar-Scholar's  Abecedary.' 

[Wood's  Athenae  Oxon.  iv.  81  ;  Chambers's 
Worcestershire  Biog.  p.  587.]  W.  A.  J.  A. 

HUNT,  THOMAS  (1627  ?-l  688),  lawyer, 
i  son  of  Richard  Hunt,  was  born  in  the  Austin 
;  Friars  in  London,  and  was  successively 
!  scholar,  fellow,  and  M.  A.  of  Queens'  College, 
Cambridge.  He  was  admitted  to  Gray's  Inn 
l  on  12  Nov.  1650,  and  was  in  1659  appointed 
clerk  of  assize  to  the  Oxford  circuit.  He  was 
ejected  from  that  office  upon  the  Restoration 
in  the  following  year,  and  from  1660  to  1683 
j  lived  chiefly  at  Banbury,  where  he  not  only 
practised  law,  but  acted  as  steward  on  the 
estates  of  both  the  Duke  of  Buckingham  and 
the  Duke  of  Norfolk.  Hunt  appeared  in  the 
trial  of  Lord  Stafford,  November  1680,  among 
the  counsel  who  were  retained  to  argue  the 
necessity  of  two  witnesses  to  every  overt  act 
of  high  treason  on  the  part  of  the  accused, 
and  in  the  same  year  he  published  a  tract 
in  support  of  the  Exclusion  Bill,  entitled 
'  Great  and  weighty  Considerations  relating 
to  the  Duke  of  York,  or  Successor  of  the 
Crown,'  London,  8vo.  This  he  followed  up 
in  1682  with  l  An  Argument  for  the  Bishop's 
Right  in  j  udging  in  capital  causes  in  Parlia- 
ment .  .  .,'  to  which  was  shortly  afterwards 
added  a  '  Postscript  for  rectifying  some  Mis- 
takes in  some  of  the  inferior  Clergy,  mis- 
chievous to  our  Government  and  Religion.' 
In  the  preface  to  the  'Postscript,'  which 
gave  him  the  title  of  '  Postscript  Hunt,'  he 




suggested  that '  the  English  clergy  lick  up  the 
vomit  of  the  Popish  Priests/  a  remark  which 
evoked  many  indignant  rejoinders.  Roger 
L'Estrange  attacked  him  in  his '  Observators,' 
while  Ed  ward  Felling  [q.  v.],  in  his '  Apostate 
Protestant,'  London,  1685,  compared  Hunt's 
views  on  the  succession  with  those  of  Robert 
Parsons  [q.  v.],  concluding  that  *  old  Father 
Parsons  can  never  die  as  long  as  he  hath  such 
tin  hopeful  issue  so  like  him  in  lineaments 
and  spirits.'  Hunt's  '  Argument '  in  the  first 
part  of  the  pamphlet  had  pleased  the  king, 
who  by  way  of  reward  nominated  him  lord 
chief  baron  of  Ireland,  but  the  patent  was 
superseded  at  the  instance  of  the  Duke  of 
York,  and  this  disappointment  may  have 
caused  the  '  peevish  postscript.' 

In  1681  Hunt  was  called  as  a  witness  for 
the  defence  at  the  trial  of  Edward  Fitzharris 
[q.  v.]  He  denied  any  previous  knowledge 
of  the  prisoner.  In  1683  he  issued  '  A  Defence 

lege.  Soon  after  Sir  Isaac  Newton's  death 
in  1726,  he  became  tutor  in  Lord  Maccles- 
field's  family.  In  earlier  life  Hunt  was  chiefly 
occupied  with  the  study  of  the  Old  Testa- 
ment. In  1738  he  was  appointed  Laudian 
professor  of  Arabic  at  Oxford,  and  in  1747  he 
became  regius  professor  of  Hebrew  and  canon 
of  the  sixth  stall  in  Christ  Church  Cathedral. 
Hunt  was  elected  fellow  of  the  Society  of  Anti- 
quaries in  1757,  and  a  fellow  of  the  Royal  So- 
ciety in  1740.  He  died  at  Oxford  on  31  Oct. 
1774.  There  is  a  tablet  to  his  memory  in  the 
north  aisle  of  the  nave  of  Christ  Church  Cathe- 
dral, Oxford.  He  was  the  intimate  friend  of 
Dr.  Richard  Newton,  Dr.  Kennicott,  and  Dod- 
dridge.  For  some  years  he  was  also  closely 
associated  in  his  oriental  studies  with  Dr. 
Gregory  Sharpe,  and  with  him  prepared  an 
edition  of  Thomas  Hyde's  *  Dissertations'  [see 
HYDE,  THOMAS,  D.D.,  1636-1703],  but  a  quar- 
rel took  place  between  Sharpe  and  Hunt  before 

of  the  Charter  and  Municipal  Rights  of  the  publication  in  1767,  and  Sharpe's  name  alone 
City  of  London,  and  the  Rights  of  other  j  appears  on  the  title-page.  Hunt  was  a  sound 
Municipal  Cities  and  Towns  of  England,'  j  oriental  scholar;  Duperron  wrote  slightingly 
1683,  4to.  A  long  digression  is  devoted  to  of  his  abilities  in  1762,  but  was  answered  in 
an  attack  upon  Dryden's  play  '  The  Duke  of  j  1771  by  William  (afterwards  Sir  William) 
Guise,'  and  the  poet  replied  in  an  elaborate  j  Jones,  who  stated  that  he  knew  Hunt,  and 
'  Vindication,' in  which  he  tauntingly  spoke  of  claimed  that  respect  should  be  paid  him. 
Hunt  as  'my  lord  chief-baron/  and  of  Hunt,  Hunt's  chief  works  are  :  1.  '  A  Fragment 
Shadwell,  and  Settle  together  as  the  '  sput-  of  Hippolytus  from  two  Arabic  MSS.  in  the 
tering  triumvirate.'  L'Estrange  answered  !  Bodleian/  printed  ;~  ™n  ;~  ~f  "D— i~-»~ 
Hunt's '  Defence '  in  a  pamphlet  entitled l  The 
Lawyer  Outlawed/  alluding  to  the  orders 

of  his  book,  and  his  consequent  flight.  Hunt 
escaped  to  Holland,  where  he  settled  in 
Utrecht,  and  died  in  1688,  just  before  Wil- 
liam of  Orange  sailed  for  England.  Hunt's 
other  works  are :  1.  {  The  Honours  of  the 
Lords  Spiritual  asserted,'  1679, fol.  2.  'Mr. 
Emerton's  Marriage  with  Mrs.  Bridget  Hyde 
considered;  wherein  is  discoursed  the  Rights 
and  Nature  of  Marriage/  London,  1682,  4to. 
3  (unprinted) . '  The  Character  of  Popery.  By 

in  vol.  iv.  of  Parker's 
'Bibliotheca  Biblica/  1728.  2.  <De  Anti- 
quitate,  elegantia,  utilitate,  linguae  Arabicse/ 

issued  for  Hunt's  arrest  upon  the  appearance    1739 ;  his  inaugural  address  as  Laudian  pro- 

r\-pliie  Vkr\r\lr     o»i/~l    T-»i«  rn-\<**ris\mT,  ^-^4-  -£K  ,-«"£.  4-        TT 4.       "npeieirYP          5^      ^    A     Til  cornea  •fi/-\vi    r\~n    "Pv»^Tr£kT»V*a     -CTT* 

fessor.     3.  '  A 
22  and  23,'  1743. 


on  Proverbs,  vii. 
De  usu  dialectorum 

orientalium/  1748  ;  a  prefatory  discourse  to 
his  lectures  as  regius  professor  of  Hebrew. 

In  1746  Hunt  issued  proposals  for  publish- 
ing a  Latin  translation  of  the  '  History  of 
Egypt'  by  Abd  Al  Latif,  and,  from  Dr. 
Sharpe's  prolegomena  to  Hyde's  works,  it 
would  seem  that  the  translation  was  actually 
completed.  It  remained  unpublished,  how- 

[Wood's  Athense  Oxon.ed.  Bliss,  ii.  73,  iv.  82, 
83;  Luttrell'sDiary,i.247;  Cobbett's  State  Trials, 
viii.  363;  Remarks  upon  the  most  Eminent  of 
our  Anti -monarchical  Authors  and  their  "Writ- 
ings, London,  1699  ;  Dryden's  Works,  ed.  Scott, 
vii.  127-59;  Foster's  Admissions  to  Grav's  Inn, 
P.  255.]  T.  S. 

HUNT,  THOMAS  (1696-1774),  oriental- 
ist, was  born  in  1696,  and  educated  at  Hart 
Hall,  Oxford,  where  he  graduated  M.A.  in 
1721,  B.D.  1743,  and  D.D.  1744.  He  was 
one  of  the  four  senior  fellows  of  Hart  Hall 
when  it  was  incorporated  as  Hertford  Col- 

Thomas  Hunt,  of  Grays  Inn,  esquire/ a  closely  !  ever>  at  Hunt's  death,  and  the  subscribers 
written  folio/ transcribed  by  Jn.Dowley,  gent,  were  compensated  by  receiving  the  posthu- 
1695/  in  Brit.  Mus.  Add.  MS.  23619.  mous  '  Observations  on  several  Passages  in 

the  Book  of  Proverbs/  1775,  edited  from 
Hunt's  papers  by  Bishop  Kennicott. 

Hunt  also  compiled  a  Latin  grammar 
drawn  up  for  the  private  use  of  Lord  Maccles- 
fi  eld's  sons,  which  was  privately  printed  about 
1730;  and  edited  the  complete  works  of  his 
friend,  George  Hooper  [q.  v.],  bishop  of  Bath 
and  Wells,  in  1757,  fol.,  reprinted  in  1855. 
Hunt  had  previously  published  in  1728 
Hooper's  '  De  Benedictione  Gen.  49  coniec- 
turse/  of  which  he  only  printed  one  hundred 
copies.  In  1760  Hunt,  together  with  Costard, 
published  a  second  edition  of  Dr.  Thomas 
Hyde's  '  Historia  veterum  Persarum.' 




[Nichols's  Lit.  Auecd.  viii.  471-2:  Chalmers's 
Biog.  Diet. ;  Doddridge's  Letters,  ed.  Stedman ; 
Gent.  Mag.  1801,  pt.  i.  pp.  101-3.]  E.  J.  K. 

HUNT,  THOMAS  (1802-1851),  inventor 
of  a  method  of  curing  stammering,  was  born 
in  Dorsetshire  in  1802,  and  is  stated  to  have 
been  educated  at  Winchester.  He  entered 
Trinity  College,  Cambridge,  with  the  inten- 
tion of  becoming  a  minister  of  the  church  of 
England,  but  the  affliction  of  a  fellow-col- 
legian who  suffered  from  stammering  is  said 
to  have  arrested  his  attention,  and  he  left 
Cambridge  without  taking  a  degree  in  order 
to  devote  himself  to  the  study  and  cure  of 
defective  utterance.  He  found  that  the  lips, 
the  tongue,  the  jaws,  and  the  breath  were  in 
different  cases  the  offending  members.  Being 
satisfied  of  his  ability  to  cure  stammering,  he 
sought  wider  experience  in  a  provincial  tour, 
and  finally  in  1827  settled  in  Regent  Street, 
London.  He  relied  on  simple  common-sense 
directions.  Each  case  was  studied  separately. 
Sometimes  slow  and  sometimes  rapid  articu- 
lation was  recommended  to  his  patients, 
others  were  taught  to  place  their  tongues  in 
particular  positions,  and  others  practised  im- 
proved means'  of  breathing.  He  held  that 
not  one  case  in  fifty  was  the  consequence 
of  malorganisation,  and  objected  to  surgical 
operations.  At  an  early  date,  1828,  he  was 
patronised  by  Sir  John  Forbes,  M.D.,  F.R.S., 
who  sent  him  pupils  for  twenty-four  years. 
When  George  Pearson,  the  chief  witness  in 
the  case  respecting  the  attempt  on  the  life 
of  Queen  Victoria  made  by  John  Francis  on 
SO  May  1842,  was  brought  into  court,  he  was 
incapable  of  giving  utterance  to  his  evidence, 
but  after  a  fortnight's  instruction  from  Hunt 
he  spoke  with  perfect  readiness,  a  fact  certi- 
fied by  Sir  Peter  Laurie,  the  sitting  magis- 
trate. The  '  Lancet '  of  16  May  1846  made 
a  severe  attack  on  Hunt  as  an  unlicensed 
practitioner.  Hunt  ably  replied  in  the 
'  Literary  Gazette '  of  30  May.  His  leisure 
was  spent  in  Dorset,  where  he  cultivated 
land,  and  made  agricultural  improvements 
and  experiments.  In  1849  his  numerous 
pupils,  belonging  to  all  professions,  in  com- 
memoration of  his  twenty-two  years'  service, 
subscribed  for  his  bust  in  marble,  which  was 
modelled  by  Joseph  Durham  [q.  v.],  and  ex- 
hibited in  the  Royal  Academy.  He  died  at 
Godlingstone,  near  Swanage,  Dorsetshire,  on 
18  Aug.  1851,  leaving  his  practice  to  his 
son  James  [q.  v.]  His  widow,  Mary,  died 
25  Jan.  1855,  aged  49. 

[James  Hunt's  Treatise  on  Stammering,  with 
Memoir  of  Thomas  Hunt,  1854,  pp.  27-69,  with 
portrait;  Illustrated  London  News,  23  Aug. 
1851,  p.  238;  Fraser's  Magazine,  July  1859, 
pp.  1-14,  by  Charles  Kingsley.]  G.  C.  B. 

(1791-1831),  architect,  was  born  in  1791. 
For  some  years  he  was  one  of  the  labourers  in 
trust  or  clerks  of  works  attached  to  the  board 
|  of  works.  At  first  he  supervised  the  repairs- 
!  at  St.  James's  Palace,  but  in  1828  was  trans- 
i  ferred  to  Kensington  Palace.  He  exhibited 
six  architectural  drawings  at  the  Royal  Aca- 
demy between  1816  and  1828,  and  in  1815 
!  designed  the  Burns  mausoleum  at  Dumfries 
(view  in  McDiarmid's  '  Picture  of  Dumfries 
and  its  Environs ').  Hunt  was  fond  of  the 
Tudor  style,  and  applied  it  extensively  to- 
domestic  architecture.  He  died  at  Kensing- 
ton Palace  on  4  Jan.  1831.  He  published 
at  London :  1.  '  Half-a-dozen  Hints  on  Pic- 
turesque Domestic  Architecture,'  1825,  4to ;. 
2nd  edition,  1826;  3rd  edition,  enlarged, 
1833.  2.  '  Designs  for  Parsonage  Houses, 
Alms  Houses/  &c.,  1827,  4to.  3.  <Archi- 
tettura  Campestre:  displayed  in  Lodges, 
Gardeners'  Houses,  and  other  Buildings/ 
1827,  4to.  4.  'Exemplars  of  Tudor  Archi- 
tecture/ 1830,  4to. 

[Dictionary  of  Architecture  (Arch.  Publ.  Soc.), 
vol.  iv. ;  Kedgrave's  Diet,  of  Artists  of  the  Eng- 
lish School;  Gent.  Mag.  1831,  i.  376;  Mac- 
Dowall's  Hist,  of  Dumfries,  p.  616.] 

W.  A.  J.  A. 

1873),  journalist,  eldest  son  of  James  Henry 
Leigh  Hunt  [q.  v.]  and  his  wife,  Marianne- 
Kent,  was  born  in  London  on  10  Sept.  1810. 
When  Leigh  Hunt  was  in  gaol  in  1813,  his 
son  was  constantly  with  him,  and  his  pre- 
sence there  occasioned  Lamb's  verses  ad- 
dressed '  To  T.  L.  H.,  a  child.'  In  1822  Hunt 
went  with  his  parents  to  Italy.  His  father 
intended  to  make  him  an  artist,  and  with 
this  view  Hunt  passed  some  time  in  a  studio. 
He  soon,  however  wearied  of  the  scheme,, 
but  he  obtained  work  as  an  art  critic.  By 
Laman  Blanchard's  influence  he  became,  in 
1836,  director  of  the  political  department  of 
the  '  Constitutional/  of  which  Blanchard  was- 
editor  ;  and  when  that  newspaper  collapsed 
he  edited  the  *  North  Cheshire  Reformer/  and 
later,  at  Glasgow,  the  *  Argus.'  Returning 
to  London  in  1840,  he  regularly  contributed 
for  twenty  years  to  the  'Spectator.'  He  also 
wrote  for  other  newspapers,  among  them  the 
1  Globe '  and  the  t  Morning  Chronicle/  and 
for  magazines,  and  in  1850  helped  his  friend 
George  Henry  Lewes  [q.  v.]  to  establish  the 
1  Leader.'  In  1855  he  joined  the  staff  of  the 
*  Daily  Telegraph/ writing  principally  on  poli- 
tical subjects,  and  practically  editing  it.  He 
died  on  25  June  1873.  Hunt  married  Miss 
Catherine  Gliddon,  and  had  a  large  family  by 
her ;  but  he  was  irregular  in  his  domestic  rela- 




ions,  and  was  largely  responsible  for  the  sepa- 
ration of  George  Henry  Lewes  and  his  wife. 


In  addition  to  a   few  pamphlets,  Hunt 

Eablished  a  novel,  'The  Foster  Brother,' 
ondon,  1845, 8vo.  He  also  edited  his  father's 
'Autobiography/  London,  1850, 8vo, ' Poeti- 
cal Works,'  London,  1860,  8vo,  and  '  Corre- 
spondence,' London,  1862,  8vo. 

[Leigh  Hunt's  Autob.  i.  83, 85,  &c.,  ii.  246,  &c. ; 
Corresp.  of  Leigh  Hunt,  ii.  146,  149,  &c. ;  Lamb's 
Poems,  Plays,  and  Misc.  Essays,  ed.  Ainger, 
pp.  83,  383;  Fox  Bourne's  English  Newspapers; 
Men  of  the  Reign,  p.  456 ;  Athenaeum,  28  June 
1873,  p.  825.]  W.  A.  J.  A. 

HUNT,  WALTER  (d.  1478),  theologian, 
whose  name  was  latinised  as  Venantius,  is 
stated  by  Bale  (Harl.  MS.  3838,  f.  92)  to 
have  been  born  in  the  West  of  England.  He 
became  a  Carmelite  friar,  and,  it  is  said,  doctor 
and  professor  of  theology  at  Oxford.  In  1438, 
while  still  in  the  prime  of  life,  he  was,  ac- 
cording to  Leland,  chosen  for  his  eloquence, 
learning,  and  linguistic  capacity,  to  repre- 
sent England  at  the  general  council  of  Fer- 
rara.  When  Pope  Eugenius  IV  in  January 
1439  removed  the  council  to  Florence,  Hunt 
went  thither,  and  in  the  negotiations  which 
led,  after  more  than  a  year,  to  a  temporary  re- 
union of  the  western  with  the  eastern  church, 
he  is  said  to  have  been  one  of  the  chief  ex- 
ponents of  the  Latin  view.  The  church  his- 
torians mention  six,  including  two  nameless 
monks.  His  skill  in  disputation  with  the 
Greek  doctors  on  the  procession  of  the  Holy 
Ghost,  and  other  subjects  in  dispute  between 
the  churches,  won  him  general  admiration  and 
the  special  favour  of  Pope  Eugenius.  Leland 
accuses  him  of  allowing  personal  friendship 
to  carry  him  in  subsequent  works  into  an 
exaggerated  view  of  the  papal  powers.  Re- 
turning to  Oxford,  he  spent  nearly  forty  years 
in  unremitting  labour,  continuing  to  teach 
and  write,  even  when  overtaken  by  the  feeble- 
ness of  age.  He  died  of  natural  decay  at 
Oxford  on  28  Nov.  1478  (Harl.  MS.  3838, 
f.  93;  Leland  says  20  Dec.),  and  was  buried 
in  the  Carmelite  friary  there.  He  wrote  in 
Latin  some  thirty  treatises,  grammatical, 
historical,  philosophical,  and  theological,  but 
none  are  known  to  be  extant.  Bale  (supra) 
gives  the  opening  lines  of  a  number  of  them, 
and  a  complete  list  will  be  found  in  Tanner. 
They  include  a  Latin  vocabulary  (Catholi- 
con)  and  a  treatise  upon  sounds ;  extracts 
from,  and  an  epitome  of,  chronicles  ;  several 
works  on  the  proceedings  of  the  councils  of 
Ferrara  and  Florence ;  others  in  defence  of 
the  monastic  system  and  of  the  friars,  on  the 
authority  and  dignity  of  the  church,  the  pre- 
eminence of  Peter  among  the  apostles,  and  the 
universal  lordship  and  superiority  to  general 

councils  of  the  pope.  He  also  wrote  on  the- 
kingship  and  poverty  of  Christ,  on  predestina- 
tion, and  against  preaching  by  women,  besides 
sermons,  disputations,  and  theological  lec- 

[Leland's  Comm.  de  Script.  Britann.  pp.  468-9, 
Oxford,  1709;  Bale,  Harl.  MSS.  1819  and  3838, 
and  De  Script.  Maj.  Brit.  cent.  viii.  No.  39  ; 
Pits,  De  Illustr.  Anglise  Script,  pp.  667-8; 
Tanner's  Bibl.  Script.  Brit.-Hib.  p.  423.] 

J.  T-T. 

1864),  water-colour  painter,  was  born  on 
28  March  1790,  at  8  Old  Belton  Street  (now 
Endell  Street),  Long  Acre,  London.  He 
was  the  son  of  John  and  Judith  Hunt,  and 
his  father  was  a  tinplate  worker.  He  was  a 
small,  sickly  child,  crippled  from  weakness  in 
the  legs,  and  unfit  for  ordinary  work,  but  his 
fondness  for  drawing  was  displayed  early.  He- 
was  probably  about  fourteen  years  old  when 
he  was  apprenticed  to  John  Varley  [q.  v.]  for 
seven  years.  John  Linnell  [q.  v.]  was  a  fel- 
low-pupil ;  they  soon  became  friends  and 
sketched  together  in  Kensington  Gravelpits 
and  other  places  within  easy  distance,  for 
Hunt's  infirmity  compelled  him  then  as  in 
later  life  to  choose  subjects  close  at  hand. 
In  1807  he  was  at  work  with  Linnell  on  an 
illumination  transparency,  and  in  1809  he 
sketched  with  him  at  Hastings.  It  was  pro- 
bably before  this  that  he  made  the  acquaint- 
ance of  Dr.  Thomas  Monro  of  Adelphi  Terrace 
and  of  Bushey  (near  Watford),  the  patron  of 
young  painters  in  water-colour.  At  Adelphi 
Terrace  he  copied  drawings  by  Gainsborough 
and  others  at  Is.  Qd.  or  2s.  apiece,  and  had 
the  opportunity  of  meeting  the  rising  artists 
of  the  day.  To  Hunt  Monro  showed  more 
than  usual  favour,  having  him  to  stay  with 
him  for  a  month  at  a  time  and  paying  him 
7s.  6^.  a  day  for  his  sketches  from  nature. 
In  the  neighbourhood  of  Bushey  he  used  to 
be  taken  about  in  a  sort  of  barrow  with  a 
hood  to  it,  drawn  by  a  man  or  a  donkey,  and 
according  to  one  account  it  was  while  he 
was  sketching  for  Monro  that  he  was  intro- 
duced to  the  Earl  of  Essex,  whose  seat  of 
Cassiobury  was  not  far  from  Bushey.  Ac- 
cording to  another  account  it  was  the  earl 
who  introduced  him  to  the  doctor.  At  all 
events  one  of  his  earliest  commissions  was 
for  '  interiors '  at  Cassiobury  for  the  earl,  and 
in  1822  he  exhibited  at  the  Royal  Academy 
a  picture  of  the  '  Dining  Room  at  Cassiobury,' 
and  two  coloured  aquatints  after  Hunt's 
drawings  are  to  be  found  in  Britton's  '  Ac- 
count of  Cassiobury.'  The  Duke  of  Devon- 
shire was  also  an  early  patron.  For  him  Hunt 
drew  or  painted  the  state  rooms  at  Chats- 




In  1807  Hunt  began  to  exhibit  at  the 
Royal  Academy,  sending  three  '  views  '  near 
Hounslow,  Reading,  and  Leatherhead,  and 
the  year  after,  on  the  advice  of  William  Mul- 
ready  [q.  v.],  he  entered  the  schools  of  the 
Academy.  He  exhibited  at  the  Royal  Aca- 
demy from  1807  to  1811,  when  he  returned 
from  Varley's  house,  15  Broad  Street,  Golden 
Square,  to  his  father's  in  Old  Belton  Street, 
and  again  from  1822,  when  his  address  was 
36  Brownlow  Street,  Drury  Lane,  to  1825, 
when  he  removed  to  6  Marchmont  Street, 
Brunswick  Square.  Altogether  he  exhibited 
fourteen  works  at  the  Academy.  They  were 
painted  in  oil  colours,  and  were  all  landscapes 
and  interiors,  with  the  exception  of  l  Selling 
Fish'  (1808),  and  perhaps  one  or  more  of 
the  subjects  described  as '  sketches.'  In  1814, 
1815,  and  1819  he  exhibited  ten  works 
(landscapes  and  two  portraits)  at  the  (now 
Royal)  Society  of  Painters  in  Water-colours, 
who  for  a  few  years  (1813-21),  on  account 
of  a  secession  of  some  of  their  members,  ad- 
mitted oil  pictures  to  swell  their  exhibitions. 
He  also  exhibited  six  works  at  the  British 
Institution  and  one  at  Suffolk  Street  before 
1829.  In  1824  Hunt  was  elected  an  associate 
exhibitor  of  the  Water-colour  Society,  and 
from  this  time  he  devoted  himself  almost  ex- 
clusively to  painting  in  water-colour.  In 
1826  he  was  elected  a  full  member. 

His  rapid  promotion  in  the  society  proves 
that  he  had  now  made  his  mark.  The  first 
drawing  which  is  said  to  have  shown  his 
peculiar  gifts  in  patient  and  faithful  render- 
ing of  subtle  gradations  of  light  and  colour 
was  of  a  greengrocer's  stall  lit  by  a  paper 
lantern.  Still  life,  flowers,  fruit,  vegetables, 
game,  and  poultry  soon  began  to  predominate 
in  his  drawings  over  figures  and  landscapes. 
Between  1824  and  1831  he  exhibited  153  draw- 
ings, of  which  eight  were  candlelight  scenes, 
and  sixty  were  figures  of  fisherfolk  atHastings. 
Some  of  his  best  landscapes  were  also  painted 
at  Hastings,  which  he  visited  regularly  for 
thirty  years,  taking  up  his  residence  in  a 
small  house  in  the  old  town  overlooking  the 
beach.  In  1842  his  London  address  changed 
from  Marchmont  Street  to  55  Burton  Crescent, 
and  in  1845  to  62  Stanhope  Street,  Hamp- 
stead  Road,  where  he  died,  but  from  1851 
he  had  a  country  residence  also,  Parkgate, 
Bromley,  near  Basingstoke,  Hampshire,where 
he  spent  many  months  each  year  in  later 

During  Hunt's  most  productive  period 
(1831-51)  he  exhibited  on  an  average  twenty- 
five  pictures  a  year.  After  1851  the  average 
dropped  to  eleven,  but  he  then  commanded 
higher  prices.  In  1858  he  wrote :  ' I have  now 
thirty-five  guineas  for  the  same  size  that  I 

used  to  have  twenty-five,  perhaps  somewhat 
more  finished.' 

Hunt  was  a  man  of  little  culture  or  in- 
tellectual power  outside  his  art.  He  was 
debarred  by  his  infirmity  from  active  exer- 
cise, and  in  later  years  his  health  prevented 
him  from  drawing  in  the  open  air.  Many, 
if  not  most,  of  his  landscapes  were  drawn  from 
windows.  To  these  causes  is  to  be  ascribed 
not  only  the  limited  range  of  his  subjects,  but 
also  the  perfection  to  which  he  attained  in 
rendering  them.  No  one,  perhaps,  has  ever 
realised  so  fully  the  beauty  of  common  ob- 
jects seen  in  sunlight  at  a  short  distance, 
but  no  one  has  ever  employed  so  many  years 
in  pursuit  of  this  almost  solitary  aim.  His 
subjects  were  not  great.  The  interiors  were 
nearly  always  rustic,  barns,  cottages,  smithies, 
and  the  like,  the  figures  (except  the  fisher- 
men) rustic  also,  with  now  and  then  a  negro  or 
negress — '  Massa  Sambo,' '  Jim  Crow,'  or '  Miss 
Jemima.'  He  had  a  strong  vein  of  humour, 
and  many  of  his  best-known  drawings  (made 
popular  by  chromo-lithographs)  were  from 
a  boy-model  whom  he  found  at  Hastings  and 
brought  up  to  London  with  him.  This  boy  was 
the  original  of  nearly  all  the  drawings  of  the 
type  of  '  Too  Hot,'  <  The  Card-players,'  '  The 
Young  Shaver,'  'The  Flyfisher '  (a  boy  catch- 
ing a  bluebottle),  and  the  pair  of  drawings 
of  a  boy  with  a  huge  pie,  exhibited  under  the 
titles  of  l  The  Commencement '  and  l  The 
Conclusion,'  but  better  known  as  '  The  At- 
tack '  and  '  The  Defeat,'  by  which  names  the 
reproductions  were  called.  '  Who,'  wrote 
Thackeray,  '  does  not  recollect  "  Before  and 
After  the  Mutton  Pie,"  the  two  pictures  of 
that  wondrous  boy  ? '  To  Mr.  Ruskin  and 
others  some  of  these  humorous  drawings  ap- 
peared vulgar,  but  Thackeray  represented  the 
opinion  of  many  good  judges  when  he  called 
them  '  grand,  good-humoured  pictures,'  and 
declared  that  '  Hogarth  never  painted  any- 
thing better  than  these  figures  taken  singly.' 

Sometimes  Hunt  would  paint  his  rustics 
in  all  seriousness,  revealing  the  native  sweet- 
ness of  a  young  peasant,  as  in  'The  Shy 
Sitter,'  or  the  patriarchal  grandeur  of  an  old 
man,  as  in ( The  Blessing ;'  but  he  failed  when 
he  attempted  to  seize  the  subtler  graces  of 
a  beautiful  gentlewoman.  He  acknowledged 
this  deficiency.  In  his  later  years,  when  the 
demand  for  his  pictures  of  fruit  and  flowers 
was  so  great  that  he  had  no  time  to  devote 
to  figures,  he  undertook  a  series  of  studies  of 
small  objects  for  Mr.  Ruskin,  to  be  presented 
to  country  schools  of  art  as  models.  Of  these 
he  executed  a  few  of  great  beauty,  including 
'Study  in  Gold'  (a  smoked  pilchard)  and 
'Study  in  Rose-Grey'  (a  mushroom)  (1860) ; 
but  Mr.  Ruskin  kindly  released  the  old  artist 




the  completion  oi?  an  engagement  which 
lad  too  much  the  nature  of  a  task  to  be  per- 
brmed  with  perfect  pleasure. 

Hunt  was  very  industrious,  rising  early, 
ainting  till  one,  when  he  had  his  dinner,  and 
esuming  work  till  dusk.     He  took  about  a 
brtnight  or   eighteen  days   over  his   little 
Drawings,  and  the  number  of  his  works  ex- 
ibited  in  Pall  Mall  was  about  eight  hun- 
red.     He  never  ceased  to  study,  and  even 
late  as  1862  wrote  that  he  had  learned 
uch  from  the  drawings  of  Birket  Foster 
,nd  other  exhibitors  in  Pall  Mall.     To  the 
nd  of  his  life  he  enjoyed  an  occasional  visit  | 
o  the  theatre,  and  was  fond  of  fireworks.  : 
e  married  and  had  one  daughter,  but  in  j 
ie  last  years  of  his  life  his  house  was  kept  i 
>y  his  sister-in-law,  Miss  Holloway.  In  1855  j 
leven  of  his  water-colours  attracted  much 
ttention  at  the  Paris  universal  exhibition, 
d  the  year  after  he  was  elected  a  member 
f  the  Royal  Academy  at  Amsterdam.     He 
ras  deeply  affected  in  1863  by  the  death  of 
is  old  friend  Mulready,  and  he  was  in  a  very 
eak  state  when  he  attended  at  the  Water- 
lour  Society  to  examine  the  drawings  sent 
n  by  candidates  for  election  as  associates, 
e  died  of  paralysis  on  10  Feb.  1864,  and 
buried  at  Highgate  cemetery.     Till  the 
_    of  his  life  the  demand  for  his  drawings 
teadily  increased,  although  the  prices  he  ob- 
ained  for  them  were  very  small  compared 
with  their  present  value.  Even  before  he  died 
one  of  his  drawings, f  Too  Hot '  (a  boy  eating 
porridge),  sold  for  three  hundred  guineas,  and 
the  same  drawing,  or  a  replica  of  it,  and  an- 
other, called  '  The  Eavesdropper/  sold  for  750 
'guineas  apiece  at  Mr.  Quilter's  sale  in  1875. 
[Some  of  his  flower  and  fruit  pieces,  for  ex- 
Cample  '  Roses  in  a  Jar'  (11^  inches  by  9)  at 
j  the  sale  of  the  Wade  collection  in  1872,  have 
/  fetched  five  hundred  guineas.    In  spite  of  the 
f    small  prices  paid  him  for  his  drawings,  Hunt 
J    left  20,000/.  at  his  death. 

Hunt's  drawings  illustrate  the  whole  his- 
tory of  English  painting  in  water-colour.  He 
began  with  the  early  'tinted  drawing,'  out- 
lined with  the  pen,  the  shadows  laid  in  with 
neutral  tints,  and  the  colour  reserved  mainly 
for  the  high  lights,  and  used  sparingly.  Sub- 
sequently  he    employed    pure    transparent 
colour  for  the  whole  drawing,  gradually  ad-  ' 
mitting  body   colour  in  union  with  trans-  ! 
parent  until  in  his  latest  fruit  and  flower  | 
pieces  there  is  little  else  than  body  colour.  | 
He  described  his  method  in  later  years  as 
4  pure  colour  over  pure  colour,'  and  he  ob-  ' 
tained  the  most  brilliant  effects  of  which  his 
materials  were  capable  by  touches  of  pure  i 
colour  on  pure  colour  over  opaque  white. 
Though  he  knew  every  variety  and  resource 

of  handling,  his  peculiar  tendency  was  to 
pure  colour  rather  than  mixed  tints,  and  to 
hatch  and  stipple  rather  than  wash.  This  led 
in  his  later  drawings  to  what  is  described  by 
Mr.  Ruskin  as  '  a  broken  execution  by  de- 
tached and  sharply  defined  touches.'  Hunt 
had  a  few  pupils,  and  once  sent  a  young  ar- 
tist the  sound  advice '  never  to  copy  any  one's 
manner,'  and  '  to  bear  in  mind  that  there  is 
something  more  to  accomplish  than  he  will 
ever  do  ; '  but  although  he  was  such  a  master 
of  his  art  he  was  unable  to  explain  his 
methods  to  others.  Hunt  drew  at  least  two 
portraits  of  himself,  one  of  which  belongs  to 
Mr.  Sutton  Palmer,  the  water-colour  painter, 
and  the  other  to  Mr.  Osier,  and  a  bust  of  him 
by  Alexander  Munro  is  on  the  staircase  of 
the  Royal  Society  of  Painters  in  Water- 
colours.  There  are  a  few  drawings  by  Hunt 
at  the  British  and  South  Kensington  Mu- 
seums. Some  fine  collections  of  his  draw- 
ings were  made  by  Mr.  Wade  (Hunt's  doc- 
tor), Mr.  Ruskin,  and  others,  but  probably 
the  best  are  now  those  of  Mr.  James  Orrock 
and  Mr.  Louis  Huth. 

[Roget's  Hist,  of  the  Old  Water  Colour  So- 
ciety ;  Redgrave's  Diet.  1878;  Redgraves'  Cen- 
tury of  Painters,  1890 ;  Bryan's  Diet.  (Graves 
and  Armstrong) ;  Grraves's  Diet. ;  Encyclopaedia 
Britannica;  Athenaeum,  20  Feb.  1864;  Fraser's 
Mag.  November  1865;  Ruskin's  Notes  on  Samuel 
Prout  and  William  Hunt;  W.  E.  Church's  W.  M. 
Thackeray  as  an  Artist  and  Art  Critic ;  The  Reader, 
27  Feb.  1864;  Royal  Academy  Catalogues.] 

C.  M. 

HUNTER,  ALEXANDER,  M.D.  (1729- 
1809),  physician,  born  at  Edinburgh  in  1729 
(the  Memoir  says  1733),  was  eldest  son  of  a 
druggist  in  good  circumstances.  He  was  sent 
to  the  grammar  school  at  ten,  and  at  fifteen  to 
the  university,  where  he  remained  until  he  was 
twenty-one,  having  devoted  the  last  three 
years  to  medicine.  He  spent  the  next  year 
or  two  studying  in  London,  in  Rouen  (under 
Le  Cat),  and  in  Paris  (under  Petit),  and  on 
his  return  to  Edinburgh  graduated  M.D.  in 
1753  (thesis,  <  De  Cantharidibus ').  After 
practising  for  a  few  months  at  Gainsborough, 
and  a  few  years  at  Beverley,  he  was  invited 
to  York  in  1763,  on  the  death  of  Dr.  Perrot, 
and  continued  to  practise  there  with  great 
success  until  his  death  in  1809.  His  first 
literary  venture  was  a  small  tract  in  1764, 
an  '  Essay  on  the  Nature  and  Virtues  of  the 
Buxton  Waters,'  which  went  through  six 
editions.  The  last  appeared  in  1797  under 
the  name  of  'The  Buxton  Manual.'  In  1806 
he  published  a  similar  work  on  the  '  Waters 
of  Harrowgate,'  York,  8vo.  He  took  an 
active  part  in  founding  the  Agricultural  So- 
ciety at  York  in  1770,  '  and  to  give  respect- 




ability  to  the  institution,  he  prevailed  on  the 
members  to  reduce  their  thoughts  and  obser-  i 
vations  into  writing.'     These  essays,  on  the  ! 
food  of  plants,  composts,  &c.,  were  edited  by  j 
him  in  four  volumes  (London,  1770-2),  under 
the  title  of  '  Georgical  Essays,'  and  were  so  ' 
much  valued  as  to  be  reprinted  three  times 
(once  at  London  and  twice  at  York)  before 
1803.     His  'New  Method  of  Raising  Wheat  ; 
for  a  Series  of  Years  on  the  Same  Land '  ap- 
peared in  1796,  York,  4to. 

In  1772  Hunter  set  to  work  to  establish 
the  York  Lunatic  Asylum.  The  building  was  j 
finished  in  1777,  and  Hunter  was  physician  j 
to  it  for  many  years.    His  continued  interest 
in  rural  economy  was  shown  in  an  elaborate  ' 
illustrated  edition,  with  notes,  of  Evelyn's  ; 
'  Sylva,'  in   1   vol.  4to,  1776  (reprinted  in  ! 
1786,  in  2  vols.  in  1801,  and  again,  after  his 
death,  in  1812).   In  1778  he  edited  Evelyn's  j 
'  Terra,'  and  joined  it  to  the  third  edition  of ' 
the  'Sylva,'  1801.     He  was  elected  F.R.S.  | 
(Lond.)  in  1775",  and  F.R.S.  (Edinb.)  in  1790. 
He  was  also  made  an  honorary  member  of  the 
Board  of  Agriculture,  and  in  1795  addressed 
a  pamphlet  to  Sir  John  Sinclair  on '  Outlines 
of  Agriculture  '  (2nd  edit.  1797).     In  1797 
he  published  '  An  Illustration  of  the  Ana- 
logy between  Vegetable  and  Animal  Parturi-  ' 
tion,'  London,  8vo.   He  was  author  of  a  tract 
on  the  curability  of  consumption,  extracted 
from  the  manuscript  of  William  White  of  | 
York,  of  which  a  French  translation  by  A.  A.  ! 
Tardy  (London,  1793 )  is  known ;  and  also  of 
a  cookery-book,  called  '  Culina  Famulatrix  • 
Medicinae.'  first  published  in  1804>  reprinted  i 
in  1805,  1806,  and  1807,  and  finally  in  1820  | 
under  the  title '  Receipts  in  Modern  Cookery.'  j 
A  production  of  his  old  age,  which  became 
well  known,  was   a   collection   of  maxims  j 
called  '  Men  and  Manners ;  or  Concentrated 
Wisdom.'    It  quickly  reached  a  third  edition 
in  1808.     The  last   edition   contains  1,146  , 
maxims,  chiefly  trite  and  good,  but  mixed  j 
with  a  few  of  inferior  quality,  which  have 
every  appearance  of  being  original.    He  died 
on  17  May  1809,  and  was   buried  in  the 
church  of  St.  Michael  le   Belfry  at  York. 
He  was  twice   married,  first,  in  1765,  to 
Elizabeth  Dealtry  of  Gainsborough,  by  whom 
he  had  two  sons  and  one  daughter,  who  pre- 
deceased  him,   and   secondly,   in   1799,   to 
Anne  Bell  of  Welton,  near  Hull,  who  sur- 
vived him. 

[Memoir  prefixed  to  4th  ed.  of  his  Evelyn's 
Sylva,  1812;  Nichols's  Lit.  Anecd.  ix.  525;  Gent. 
Mag.  1808  ii.  613,  1809  i.  483.1  C.  C. 

HUNTER,  ANDREW,  D.D.  (1743- 
1809),  professor  of  divinity  at  Edinburgh, 
born  in  Edinburgh  in  1743,  was  the  eldest 

son  of  Andrew  Hunter  of  Park,  writer  to 
the  signet,  of  the  Abbotshill  branch  of  tire 
Hunters  of  Hunterston,  Ayrshire.  His  mother 
was  Grizel,  daughter  of  General  Maxwell  c.f 
Cardoness  in  the  stewartry  of  Kirkcudbright. 
After  an  education  at  a  private  school  i:jn 
Edinburgh,  he  passed  to  the  university,  wher,  e 
he  completed  the  usual  course  of  study  i;a 
arts  and  divinity.  He  subsequently  spent  ;a 
year  at  the  university  of  Utrecht  studying 
theology.  He  was  licensed  as  a  preacher  b,  y 
the  presbytery  of  Edinburgh  in  1767,  bur,, 
unwilling  to  be  separated  from  his  father,  h>  e 
declined  for  some  years  to  accept  a  pastora;  1 
charge.  During  this  period  he  was  an  activj  e 
member  of  several  literary  and  theological 
societies,  and  his  reading  and  studies  werj  e 
directed  by  Robert  Walker  [q.  v.]  of  the  Higj  i 
Church,  Edinburgh,  the  colleague  of  Dr  -, 
Blair,  and  one  of  the  best  preachers  of  th;e 
time.  In  1770  he  was  ordained,  and  inductee  1 
as  minister  of  the  New  Church,  Dumfries:, 
and  soon  afterwards  he  purchased  the  estat/  e 
of  Barjarg  in  that  county.  He  was  trans,) ;- 
lated  to  New  Greyfriars  Church,  Edinburgh!  , 
in  1779,  and  at  the  same  time  was  appointee^  1 
colleague  and  successor  to  Dr.  Robert  Hamili  - 
ton  in  the  professorship  of  divinity  in  thj  e 
university.  In  1786  he  was  translated  to  thj  a 
Tron  Church,  was  moderator  of  the  genera)  1 
assembly  in  1792,  declined  soon  afterwards  the,  ^ 
offer  of  a  royal  chaplaincy,  and  died  21  Apri}  I 
1809.  He  was  a  prominent  member  of  the  $ 
evangelical  section  of  the  church.  Inheriting  • 
an  ample  fortune,  he  taught  the  divinity  class  j. 
without  remuneration  as  long  as  Dr.  Hamiltor  i 
lived,  often  helped  poor  students  with  pecu-  - 
niary  aid,  and  gave  largely  to  the  charitable  * 
and  religious  enterprises  of  the  time.  H(  > 
married  in  1779  Marion  Schaw,  eldest  daugh-  . 
ter  of  William,  sixth  lord  Napier,  by  whom  he  ( 
had  William  Francis,  advocate,  who  took  the  \ 
additional  name  of  Arundel,  and  succeeded  > 
to  the  estate  of  Barjarg ;  John,  D.D.,  minis-  \ 
ter  of  Swinton,  anel  afterwards  of  the  Tron 
Church,  Edinburgh ;  and  Grizel,  who  married 
George  Ross,  esq.,  advocate. 

Hunter  published  three  separate  sermons- 
(1775,  1792,  and  1797).  Two  other  of  his 
sermons  are  in  the  '  Scottish  Preacher.' 

[Scott's  Fasti;  Bower's  Unir.  of  Edinb.; 
Kay's  Portraits  ;  Anderson's  Scottish  Nation.] 

G.  w.  s. 

HUNTER,  ANNE  (1742-1821),  poetessrv 
eldest  daughter  of  Robert  Home,  surgeon,  and 
sister  of  Sir  Everard  Home  [q.  v.],  married 
in  July  1771  John  Hunter  [q.  v.]  the  great 
surgeon.  Before  her  marriage  she  had  gained 
some  note  as  a  lyrical  poetess,  her  '  Flower 
of  the  Forest "  appearing  in  '  The  Lark,'  an 
Edinburgh  periodical,  in  1765.  Her  social 




literary  parties  were  among  the  most  enjoy- 
able of  her  time,  though  not  always  to  her 
husband's  taste.  Elizabeth  Carter  and  Miss 
Delany  were  her  attached  friends,  and  Haydn 
set  a  number  of  her  songs  to  music,  including 
'  My  Mother  bids  me  bind  my  Hair/  origi- 
nally written  to  an  air  of  Pleydell's.  On  her 
husband's  death  in  1793,  Mrs.  Hunter  was  left 
ill  provided  for,  and  for  some  time  she  was 
indebted  for  a  maintenance  partly  to  the 
queen's  bounty  and  to  the  generosity  of  Dr. 
Garthshore  (1732-1812),  and  partly  to  the 
sale  of  her  husband's  furniture,  library,  and 
curiosities  (OTTLEY,l/{/e  of  Hunter,^.  137-9). 
In  1799  parliament  voted  1 5,000/.  for  the  Hun- 
terian  museum,  which  placed  Mrs.  Hunter  in 
fair  circumstances.  She  had  four  children,  of 
whom  two,  a  son  and  a  daughter  (wife  of  Sir 
James  Campbell),  survived  her.  She  lived  in 
retirement  in  London  till  her  death  on  7  Jan. 
1821.  Her  poems  (12mo,  London,  1802 ;  2nd 
edition,  1803)  show  no  depth  of  thought, 
but  have  a  natural  feeling  and  simplicity  of 
expression,  which  make  many  of  them  worth 
reading  (see  British  Critic,  October  1802,  xx. 
409-13).  Her  '  Sports  of  the  Genii,'  written 
in  1797  to  a  set  of  graceful  drawings  by  Miss 
Susan  Macdonald  \d.  1803),  eldest  daughter 
of  Lord-chief-baron  Macdonald,  display  in 
addition  humour  and  fancy. 

[Grent.  Mag.  1821,  vol.  xci.  pt.  i.  pp.  89,  90; 
also  in  Nichols's  Lit.  Illustr.  vii.  638,  by  Arch- 
deacon R.  Napes ;  Lives  of  John  Hunter ;  Charles 
Rogers's  Modern  Scottish  Minstrel,  1855,  i.  39, 
40.]  G.  T.  B. 

1757),  physician  and  antiquary,  born  in  July 
1675,  was  the  only  son  of  Thomas  Hunter 
of  Medomsley,  Durham,  by  his  second  wife, 
Margaret  Readshaw  (SuKTEES,  Durham,  ii. 
289).  He  was  educated  at  the  free  grammar 
school  of  Kepyer  in  Houghton-le-Spring, 
Durham.  In  1692  he  was  admitted  pensioner 
of  St.  John's  College,  Cambridge,  and  became 
a  favourite  pupil  of  Thomas  Baker  (1656- 
1740)  [q.  v.],  whose  sister  Margaret  was  the 
wife  of  John  Hunter,  Christopher's  elder 
brother.  From  this  connection  he  derived  a 
taste  for  antiquarian  pursuits.  He  took  the 
degree  of  bachelor  of  medicine  in  1698,  and 
soon  afterwards  settled  in  practice  at  Stock- 
ton-on-Tees.  He  had  a  license,  dated  7  Oct. 
1701,  from  Dr.  John  Brookbank,  spiritual 
chancellor  of  Durham,  to  practise  physic 
throughout  the  diocese  of  Durham.  On  1  Aug. 
1702  he  married,  at  Durham  Abbey,  Eliza- 
beth, one  of  the  two  daughters  and  coheiresses 
of  John  Elrington  of  Espersheales  in  the 
parish  of  Bywell,  Northumberland.  A  few 
years  later  he  removed  from  Stockton  to  Dur- 

ham, a  place  much  more  congenial  to  his 
social  and  antiquarian  tastes.  He  became  a 
regular  frequenter  of  the  fine  library  of  the 
dean  and  chapter,  but  thore  is  a  tradition 
that  he  was  eventually  refused  access  for 
spilling  a  bottle  of  ink  over  a  valuable  copy 
of  Magna  Charta.  He  discovered  coins,  ex- 
cavated altars,  and  traced  roads  and  stations 
at  Lanchester  and  Ebchester.  To  the  success 
of  his  researches  on  Roman  ground,  the  altars 
preserved  in  the  Cathedral  Library  at  Dur- 
ham bear  solid  testimony ;  while  his  valuable 
local  knowledge  was  of  the  highest  use  to 
Horsley  in  compiling  his '  Britannia  Romana ' 
(pp.  250-91),  and  to  Gordon  in  his  'Itinera- 
rium  Septentrionale'  (Addenda,  p.  13).  He 
also  rendered  considerable  assistance  to  Wil- 
kins  in  his  '  Concilia'  (vol.  i.  preface),  and  he 
contributed  materials  for  Bourne's '  History  of 
Newcastle-upon-Tyne.'  In  April  1743  Hun- 
ter circulated  proposals  for  printing  by  sub- 
scription in  two  quarto  volumes  a  parochial 
history  of  the  diocese  of  Durham,  collected 
from  the  archives  of  the  church  of  Durham, 
the  chancery  rolls  there,  and  the  records  in 
the  Consistory  Court.  "With  a  view  pro- 
bably to  the  completion  of  this  work  he  was 
entrusted  by  Thomas  Bowes  of  Streatlam 
with  the  valuable  Bowes  manuscripts.  Hun- 
ter's intended  history,  however,  never  saw 
the  light.  His  publications  were  confined  to 
an  anonymous  reissue,  with  considerable  ad- 
ditions, of  Davies's  '  Rites  and  Monuments 
of  the  Church  of  Durham,'  12mo,  1733,  four 
papers  in  the '  Philosophical  Transactions,'  and 
'An  Illustration  of  Mr.  Daniel  Neal's  History 
of  the  Puritans,  in  the  article  of  Peter  Smart, 
A.M. . . .  from  original  papers,  with  remarks/ 
8vo,  1736,  also  without  his  name.  In  the 
spring  of  1757  Hunter  retired  from  Durham 
to  his  wife's  estate  at  Unthank  in  the  parish 
of  Shotley,  Northumberland,  where  he  died 
on  12  July  of  that  year,  and  was  buried  in 
Shotley  Church.  His  wife  survived  him,  to- 
gether with  his  eldest  son,  Thomas.  John, 
his  younger  son,  and  Anne,  an  only  daugh- 
ter, died  long  before  him. 

Hunter's  manuscript  topographical  collec- 
tions in  twenty-one  closely  written  volumes 
in  folio  were  after  his  death  offered  for  sale 
by  his  executors.  Two  volumes  of  transcripts 
from  the  chartularies  of  the  church  of  Dur- 
ham, written  in  an  extremely  neat  hand,  and 
a  bundle  of  loose  papers,  were  purchased  by 
the  dean  and  chapter  of  Durham  for  twelve 
guineas  ;  but  Thomas  Randal,  one  of  the 
executors,  perceiving  that  the  dean  and  chap- 
ter were  likely  to  become  the  purchasers  of 
the  whole,  for  some  reason  stopped  the  sale 
of  the  remaining  volumes.  Another  volume 
was  in  the  possession  of  the  family  in  1820, 




but  many  appear  to  be  irretrievably  lost, 
Surtees  (Durham,  vol.  i.  pt.  ii.  p.  161)  pays 
a  high  tribute  to  the  value  of  Hunter's 
labours.  The  greater  portion  of  Hunter's 
library  was  sold  to  John  Richardson,  book- 
seller, of  Durham,  for  about  350Z.  His  cabi- 
nets of  Roman  antiquities  and  coins  were  ac- 
quired by  the  dean  and  chapter  of  Durham. 
Hunter  was  elected  F.S.A.  on  15  Dec.  1725 
(GouGH,  List  of  Soc.  Antiq.,  p.  *4).  Three 
letters  from  Lister  to  Hunter  are  printed  in 
Nichols's  '  Literary  Anecdotes,'  ix.  690-1. 

[Surtees's  Durham,  vol.  i.  pt.  i.  Introd.  pp. 
7-8,  vol.  ii.  pp.  287-8 ;  Nichols's  Lit.  Anecd. 
viii.  282-7-1  G.  G. 


(1775-1851),  lord  mayor  of  London,  born  at 
Beech  Hill,  near  Reading,  24  Feb.  1775,  was 
youngest  son  of  Henry  Hunter  (1739-1789) 
of  Beech  Hill,  Berkshire,  a  barrister,  by  Mary, 
third  daughter  of  William  Sloane,  the  great- 
nephew  of  Sir  Hans  Sloane,  bart.  His  sister 
Mary  (d.  1847)  was  second  wife  of  William 
Manning,  M.P.  for  Leamington,  and  was  thus 
mother  of  Cardinal  Manning.  He  was  edu- 
cated at  Newcome's  school  at  Hackney,  and 
afterwards  by  a  protestant  clergyman  in 
Switzerland.  He  entered  as  a  student  of  the 
Inner  Temple,  but  was  subsequently  articled 
for  five  years  to  Beardsworth,  Burley,  & 
Moore,  solicitors,  of  Lincoln's  Inn.  He  com- 
menced business  in  1797  as  a  solicitor  in 
Lincoln's  Inn,  in  partnership  with  George 
Richards.  A  wealthy  marriage  in  the  same 
year  proved  of  assistance,  and  his  practice 
grew  very  large.  He  was  solicitor  to  the 
commercial  commissioners  under  the  income 
duty  acts,  the  London  Dock  Company,  the 
Royal  Institution,  the  Society  for  the  Pro- 
motion of  Religion  and  Virtue  and  Sup- 
pression of  Vice,  the  Linnean  Society,  and 
the  Royal  Exchange  Assurance  Company. 
In  September  1804  he  was  chosen  alderman 
of  the  ward  of  Bassishaw,  and  then  relin- 
quished the  general  management  of  his  busi- 
ness to  his  partner.  Two  years  afterwards 
he  was  appointed  lieutenant-colonel  of  the 
Royal  east  regiment  of  London  militia  (be- 
coming colonel  10  Jan.  1810),  and  devoted 
much  time  to  his  regiment,  which  was  occa- 
sionally called  upon  to  serve  at  a  distance 
from  the  metropolis.  In  June  1808  he  was 
elected  sheriff  of  London.  He  retired  from 
business  as  a  solicitor  on  11  Jan.  1811,  and 
was  called  to  the  bar.  On  9  Nov.  1811  he 
became  lord  mayor  of  the  city  of  London, 
when  he  revived  all  the  ancient  ceremonies 
worthy  of  renewal,  and  his  pageant  was  ex- 
ceptionally magnificent.  He  was  created  a 
baronet  on  11  Dec.  1812  and  made  an  honorary 

D.C.L.  of  the  university  of  Oxford  23  June 
1819.  In  1835  he  removed  from  the  ward 
of  Bassishaw  to  that  of  Bridge  Without,  and 
at  the  time  of  his  death  was  the  '  father  of  the 
City.'  He  died  at  Mortimer  Hill,  Reading, 
Berkshire,  20  April  1851.  His  first  wife, 
whom  he  married  15  July  1797,  Penelope 
Maria,  only  daughter  of  James  Free,  having 
died  in  1840,  he  married  again,  on  25  Oct. 
1841,  Janet,  second  daughter  of  James  Fenton 
of  Hampstead ;  she  died  at  Cambridge  Ter- 
race, Hyde  Park,  21  Jan.  1859.  By  his  first 
wife  he  had  two  sons  and  a  daughter.  His 
elder  son  John  (1798-1842)  left  a  son,Claudius 
Stephen  Paul,  who  succeeded  his  grandfather 
in  the  baronetcy. 

[Foster's  Baronetage;  Times,  11  Nov.  1811, 
p.  2  ;  European  Mag.  September  1812,  pp.  179- 
184,  with  portrait ;  Grent.  Mag.  July  1#51,  pp. 
88-90;  Illustrated  London  News,  April  1-851., 
p.  329.]  G.  C.  B. 

1843),  translator  of  Byron  into  French,  was 
probably  the  English  officer  of  the  name  who 
was  appointed  ensign  in  the  old  100th  foot 
in  1783,  promoted  lieutenant  in  the  7th 
royal  fusiliers  in  1785,  and  after  holding 
the  adjutancy  of  the  latter  corps  for  a  few 
years,  sold  out  of  the  army  in  February  1790. 
The  name  does  not  occur  in  either  the  Eng- 
lish or  Indian  army  lists  from  1790  to  1843. 
The  register  of  deaths  at  Dieppe  shows  that 
'  Georges  Orby  Hunter,  colonel  of  English 
infantry,  of  the  supposed  age  of  70,  parentage 
and  wife  unknown,  and  having  his  domicile 
at  No.  6  Grande  Rue,  Dieppe,  died  there  on 
26  April  1843.'  Hunter  was  engaged  on  a 
translation  of  Byron's  works  into  French. 
He  completed  '  The  Giaour,'  '  Bride  of  Aby- 
dos,'  'Cain,'  and  the  first  186  stanzas  of 
(  Don  Juan.'  The  work  was  finished  by  M. 
Pascal  Rame,  and  was  published,  in  three 
vols.  8vo,  at  Paris  in  1845. 

[Army  Lists;  Kegistre  des  Actes  de  Deces  de 
la  Ville  de  Dieppe  at  the  Mairie  of  Dieppe ; 
OEuvres  de  Byron,  traduites  de  Orby  Hunter  et 
Pascal  Rame  (Paris,  1845),  preface.  For  in- 
cidental notices  of  the  family  of  Orby  Hunter, 
of  Crowland,  Lincolnshire,  see  HUNTER,  ROBERT, 
major-general ;  also  Manning  and  Bray's  Surrey, 
iii.  231;  Gent.  Mag.  1769  p.  511,  1791  pt.  ii. 
p.  969  ;  Hist.  MSS.  Comm.  8th  Rep.  i.  290-4.] 

H.  M.  C. 

HUNTER,  HENRY  (1741-1802),  divine, 
born  at  Culross,  Perthshire,  on  25  Aug.  1741, 
was  the  fifth  child  of  David  and  Agnes 
Hunter.  In  1754  he  was  sent  to  the  uni- 
versity of  Edinburgh,  and  became  tutor  first 
to  Alexander  Boswell,  afterwards  lord  Bal- 
muto,  and  subsequently,  in  1758,  in  the  family 




of  the  Earl  of  Dundonald  at  Culross  Abbey. 
On  2  May  1764  he  received  license  to  preach 
from  the  presbytery  of  Dunfermline,  and  was 
ordained  minister  of  South  Leith  on  9  Jan. 
1766.  In  1769  he  preached  in  London,  and 
declined  a  call  from  the  Scots  congregation 
in  Swallow  Street,  Piccadilly ;  but  in  1771 
he  accepted  an  invitation  from  the  congre- 
gation at  London  Wall,  and  about  the  same 
time  was  created  D.D.  by  the  university  of 
Edinburgh.  He  visited  Lavater  at  Zurich 
in  August  1787,  to  secure  Lavater's  assent 
to  the  publication  of  an  English  version  by 
himself  of  the  '  Essays  on  Physiognomy.'  He 
officiated  as  chaplain  to  the  Scots  Corporation 
in  London,  and  was,  on  5  Aug.  1790,  elected 
secretary  to  the  corresponding  board  of  the 
Society  for  Propagating  Christian  Knowledge 
in  the  Highlands  and  Islands  of  Scotland. 
His  closing  years  were  clouded  by  the  loss 
of  four  of  his  children.  He  died  at  Bristol 
on  27  Oct.  1802,  and  was  buried  on  6  Nov. 
in  Bunhill  Fields.  In  May  1766  he  married 
Margaret,  daughter  of  Thomas  Charters,  mi- 
nister of  Inverkeithing,  and  by  her,  who  died 
on  25  July  1803,  he  left  two  sons  and  one 
daughter  (Gent.  Mag.  vol.  Ixxii.  pt.  ii.  p. 

Hunter  wrote:  1.  'Sacred  Biography,'  a 
course  of  lectures  on  the  lives  of  Bible  cha- 
racters (vol.  i.  1783,  vol.  vi.  and  last  1792)  ; 
5th  edition,  1802  (5  vols.  8vo)  ;  8th  edition, 
1820.  2.  <  Sermons.  ...  To  which  are  sub- 
joined Memoirs,  Anecdotes,  and  Illustrations/ 
1795,  2  vols.  3.  '  Sermons  and  other  Mis- 
cellaneous Pieces,'  London,  1804  (2  vols. 
8vo),  posthumous,  with  memoir  and  portrait 
engraved  by  Thomas  Holloway  [q.  v.],  after 
a  portrait  by  Stevenson. 

Hunter's  translations  include :  1. '  Lavater's 
Essays  on  Physiognomy,'  London,  1789-98, 
5  vols.  4to,  illustrated  with  more  than  eight 
hundred  engravings,  executed  by  or  under 
the  inspection  of  Thomas  Holloway.  The 
cost  price  of  each  copy  was  SOL  2.  Euler's 
1  Letters  to  a  German  Princess  on  different 
subjects  in  Physics  and  Philosophy,'  2  vols. 
8vo,  London,  1795,  with  original  notes  and 
a  glossary  of  foreign  and  scientific  terms; 
new  edition,  1846,  with  notes  by  Sir  David 
Brewster.  3.  Bernardin  de  St.  Pierre's 
'  St  udies  of  Nature '  and i  Botanical  Harmony,' 
5  vols.  8vo,  London,  1796-7.  4.  Sonnini  de 
Manoncourt's  '  Travels  to  Upper  and  Lower 
Egypt,'  3  vols.  8vo,  London,  1799  (severely 
criticised  by  one  Monk  in  '  Hilaria  Hun- 
teriana,'  4to,  1800).  5.  The  sixth  volume  of 
Saurin's  'Sermons,'  1800-6,  7  vols.  8vo. 
6.  eastern's  <  History  of  Catharine  II,'  8vo, 
London,  1800. 

In  1796  Hunter  began  the  publication  in 

parts  of  a  careless  '  History  of  London  and 
its  Environs,'  which  he  did  not  live  to  com- 
plete. The  publisher,  John  Stockdale,  with 
the  assistance  of  other  hacks,  issued  the  dis- 
creditable compilation  as  a  complete  work 
in  two  quarto  volumes  in  1811.  At  the  re- 
quest of  his  congregation  Hunter  completed 
and  published  John  Fell's  '  Lectures  on  the 
Evidences  of  Christianity/  8vo,  London,  1798 
(another  edition,  1799). 

[Life  prefixed  to  Sermons,  &c.,  1804 ;  Monthly 
Magazine,  xiv.  456 ;  Chambers's  Eminent  Scots- 
men, ii.  319-20  ;  Anderson's  Scottish  Nation,  ii. 
516-17-1  G-.  G, 

HUNTER,  JOHN  (1728-1793),  anato- 
mist and  surgeon,  born  on  13  Feb.  1728  at 
Long  Calderwood,  in  the  parish  of  East  Kil- 
bride,  Lanarkshire,  was  the  youngest  of  ten 
children.  His  father,  John  Hunter  (d.  1741, 
aged  78),  was  descended  from  an  old  Ayr- 
shire family,  Hunter  of  Hunterston,  and  was 
a  man  of  intelligence,  integrity,  and  anxious 
temperament.  His  mother,  Agnes  Paul, 
daughter  of  the  treasurer  of  the  city  of  Glas- 
gow, was  an  excellent  and  handsome  woman. 
As  a  boy  Hunter  showed  little  taste  for  books, 
loved  country  sports,  and  being  allowed  to 
neglect  school  never  overcame  the  defects  of 
his  education.  When  about  seventeen  he 
went  to  stay  in  Glasgow  with  his  sister,  Mrs. 
Buchanan,  whose  husband,  a  cabinet-maker, 
was  in  difficulties.  Hunter  helped  him  for 
some  time  in  his  trade,  and  acquired  much 
mechanical  skill.  In  ihis  twentieth  year  he 
in  London,  with  a  view  to  assisting  in  his 
dissecting  room.  He  travelled  on  horseback 
in  September  1748,  and  was  set  to  work  on 
a  dissection  of  the  arm-muscles.  Succeed- 
ing beyond  expectation,  he  was  able  to  super- 
intend pupils  in  the  second  season.  He  was 
very  popular  with  the  '  resurrection-men/ 
who  were  then  essential  to  the  anatomist, 
was  fond  of  lively  company  and  of  the  theatre, 
and  was  familiarly  known  as  'Jack  Hunter.' 
In  the  summer  of  1749-50  his  brother  obtained 
permission  for  him  to  attend  Chelsea  Hos- 
pital under  William  Cheselden  [q.v.]  In  1751 
he  became  a  pupil  of  Pott  at  St.  Bartholo- 
mew's. In  1753  he  was  appointed  one  of 
the  '  masters  of  anatomy'  of  the  Surgeons' 
Corporation.  In  1754  he  entered  as  a  surgeon's 
pupil  at  St.  George's  Hospital,  where  he  was 
house-surgeon  for  some  months  in  1756.  On 
5  June  1755  he  was  matriculated  as  a  com- 
moner of  St.  Mary  Hall,  Oxford.  The  last 
entry  for  battels  against  his  name  in  the 
buttery  accounts  is  dated  25  July  1755,  but 
his  name  was  kept  on  the  books  till  10  Dec. 
1756.  Inlateryears  Hunter  told  Sir  Anthony 
Carlisle,  <  They  wanted  to  make  an  old  woman 




of  me,  or  that  I  should  stuff  Latin  and  Greek 
•at  the  university;  but,'  he  added,  signifi- 
cantly pressing  his  thumbnail  on  the  table, 
'  these  schemes  I  cracked  like  so  many  vermin 
as  they  came  before  me.'  Both  Home  and 
Ottley  state  that  Hunter  began  to  assist  his 
brother  in  lecturing  in  1754.  In  the  '  Euro- 
pean Magazine'  for  October  1782  (ii.  247)  it 
is  stated,  on  the  other  hand,  apparently  on 
John  Hunter's  authority,  that  his  brother 
wished  to  take  him  into  partnership  with 
him,  and  in  1758  declared  him  fully  com- 
petent, but  that  he  declined  on  account  of 
his  aversion  to  public  speaking  and  extreme 
diffidence.  Assisting  in  lecturing  did  not, 
however,  involve  partnership,  and  the  two 
statements  are  not  incompatible.  There  is 
evidence  that  during  this  period  John  traced 
the  descent  of  the  testis  in  the  foetus  ;  made 
discoveries  as  to  the  nature  of  the  placental 
circulation ;  investigated  the  nasal  and  ol- 
factory nerves  ;  tested  the  absorbing  powers 
of  veins  ;  studied  the  nature  of  pus,  and  did 
a  great  deal,  in  concert  with  his  brother,  to 
determine  the  course  and  functions  of  the 
lymphatic  system.  Although  William  often 
acknowledged  that  he  was  in  certain  points 
simply  his  brother's  interpreter,  John  thought 
his  acknowledgments  insufficient.  Weakness 
of  health,  after  an  attack  of  inflammation 
of  the  lungs  in  1759,  induced  him  to  leave 
his  brother  and  accept  in  October  1760  a 
staif- surgeoncy  in  Hodgson  and  Keppel's 
expedition  to  Belleisle,  which  sailed  in  1761. 
While  off  Belleisle  he  was  studying  the  con- 
ditions of  the  coagulation  of  the  blood  (  Trea- 
tise on  the  Blood,  &c.,  p.  21).  In  1762  he 
served  with  the  British  army  in  Portugal, 
and  acquired  an  extensive  knowledge  of  gun- 
shot wounds  and  inflammation,  pursuing  at 
the  same  time  his  study  of  human  anatomy 
and  of  the  physiology  of  hibernating  animals. 
Returning  to  London  on  half-pay  in  1763, 
Hunter  started  in  practice  as  a  surgeon  in 
Golden  Square,  and  soon  formed  a  private 
•class  for  anatomy  and  operative  surgery ;  but 
owing  to  his  ineffective  delivery  and  exposi- 
tion, his  pupils  never  numbered  more  than 
twenty.  He  also  took  resident  pupils.  His 
studies  in  comparative  and  human  anatomy 
and  in  surgery  he  continued  with  indefatigable 
zeal.  He  obtained  the  refusal  of  all  animals 
dving  in  the  Tower  menagerie  and  other  collec- 
tions, and  in  some  cases  bought  rare  animals, 
which  he  allowed  to  be  exhibited  on  condition 
that  he  received  the  carcases  at  death.  Sir 
Everard  Home  stated  that  as  soon  as  he  accu- 
mulated ten  guineas  by  fees,  Hunter  always 
made  some  addition  to  his  collection.  On 
one  occasion  he  borrowed  five  guineas  from 
G.  Nicol,  the  king's  bookseller,  to  buy  a  dying 

tiger  (OTTLEY,  p.  29).  Every  hour  he  could 
snatch  from  practice  or  sleep  was  devoted  to 
dissection,  experiment,  and  reflection.  In 
1764  he  bought  two  acres  of  land  at  Earl's 
Court,  Kensington,  and  built  a  plain  house 
on  it,  which  he  afterwards  greatly  enlarged 
(see  FRANK  BFCKLAND  in  Hunter  at  EarVs 
Court).  Here  he  had  all  kinds  of  con- 
veniences for  dissection,  maceration,  &c.,  as 
well  as  cages  for  living  animals.  He  had  a 
pond  ornamented  with  skulls  in  the  garden, 
where  he  made  experiments  on  the  artificial 
formation  of  pearls  in  oysters.  He  was  very 
fond  of  bees,  having  several  hives  in  his  con- 
servatory, but  he  was  fondest  of  the  fiercer 
quadrupeds.  Once  he  was  thrown  down  by 
a  little  bull  which  Queen  Charlotte  had 
given  him.  On  another  occasion  two  leo- 
pards broke  loose,  but,  though  unarmed,  he 
mastered  them  both.  In  1766  he  made  his 
first  communication  to  the  Royal  Society,  an 
anatomical  description  of  a  siren  from  South 
Carolina,  and  was  elected  F.R.S.  on  5  Feb. 
1767  (earlier  than  his  elder  brother  William). 
In  1767  he  ruptured  his  tendo  Achillis  by 
an  accident,  and  his  study  of  his  own  case 
and  of  the  mode  of  repair  of  ruptured  tendons 
led  to  the  present  improved  practice  of  cutting 
through  tendons  under  the  skin  for  the  relief 
of  distorted  and  contracted  joints.  In  1767 
he  became  a  member  of  the  Surgeons' Corpora- 
tion, and  in  the  following  year  was  a  candi- 
date for  the  surgeoncy  to  St.  George's  Hos- 
pital, in  succession  to  Gataker.  His  brother 
supported  him,  and  he  was  elected  on  9  Dec. 
by  114  votes  to  42  given  for  D.  Bayford. 
His  practice  increased,  and  in  1768  he  re- 
moved to  the  large  house  in  Jermyn  Street 
which  his  brother  had  vacated.  Here  he  took 
house-pupils,  who  were  bound  to  him  for  five 
years,  at  a  premium  of  five  hundred  guineas. 
Among  them  was  Edward  Jenner  [q.  v.],  to 
whom  Hunter  became  much  attached,  and 
whom  in  1775  he  begged  to  join  him  in  lec- 
turing. Many  of  his  interesting  letters  to 
Jenner  are  given  in  Baron's  f  Life  of  Jenner,' 
and  others  are  in  Ottley's  '  Life  of  Hunter.' 
In  May  1771  Hunter  published  the  first  part 
of  his  '  Treatise  on  the  Human  Teeth,'  and  in 
July  of  the  same  year  he  married  Miss  Anne 
Home  [see  HUNTER,  ANNE]  .  Though  they  got 
on  well  together,  her  taste  for  fashionable  so- 
ciety sometimes  irritated  Hunter,  who  once, 
upon  finding  his  drawing-room  full,  said  that 
he  had  not  been  informed  of '  this  kick-up,'  and 
requested  the  guests  to  disperse.  In  June 
1772  he  contributed  to  the  Royal  Society 
his  celebrated  paper  '  On  the  Digestion  of 
the  Stomach  after  Death,'  the  first  of  many 
important  papers.  In  the  autumn  of  1772 
his  brother-in-law,  Everard  Home  [q.  v.], 




became  his  pupil,  and  describes  the  museum 
as  at  this  time  filling  all  the  best  rooms  in 
his  house.    Travellers  often  sent  him  rarities, 
and  he  also  bought  anything  curious  bearing 
on  his  subjects.     Until  1774,  however,  his 
income  did  not  reach  1,000/.  a  year.    In  1773 
he  began  to  lecture  on  the  theory  and  prac-  I 
tice  of  surgery,  at  first  to  his  pupils  and  a 
few  friends  admitted  gratuitously,  but  after- 
wards on  payment  of  a  fee  of  four  guineas.  In 
these  lectures  Hunter  maybe  said  to  have  first 
introduced  into  this  country  the  idea  of  *  prin- 
ciples 'of  surgery,  including  a  rational  explana- 
tion of  processes  of  repair  and  a  scientific  basis 
for  operations.    He  never  overcame  his  diffi- 
culty in  lecturing,  and  at  the  beginning  of 
each  course  he  always  composed  himself  by 
a  draught  of  laudanum.    He  read  his  lectures 
on  alternate  evenings  from  October  to  April 
from  seven  to  eight  o'clock.     His  class  was 
usually  comparatively  small,  seldom  exceed- 
ing thirty,  but  it  included  such  men  as  Astley 
Cooper,  Cline,  Abernethy,  Anthony  Carlisle, 
Chevalier,  and  Macartney.     In  1773  he  had 
his  first  attack  of  angina  pectoris,  from  which 
he  afterwards   suffered  very  severely  when 
mentally  distressed.     In  1775  he  engaged  a 
young  artist  named  William  Bell  to  reside 
with  him,  make  anatomical  preparations  and 
drawings,  and  superintend  his  museum.  Bell 
stayed  with  him  till  1789,  when  he  became 
an  assistant-surgeon  to  the  East  India  Com- 
pany, and  died  in  1792.     In  January  1776 
Hunter  was  appointed  surgeon  extraordinary 
to  George  III,  and  in  the  same  year,  being  in- 
terested in  the  Humane  Society's  work,  drew 
up  for  the  Royal  Society  his  '  Proposals  for 
the  Recovery  of  People  apparently  Drowned.' 
In  the  same  year  he  delivered  before  the  Royal 
Society  the  first  of  his  six f  Croonian  Lectures ' 
on  muscular  motion,  1776-82,  which  were 
published  posthumously  in  his  works.     In 
1777  Hunter  suffered  severely  from  vertigo. 
He  had  to  leave  London  and  visit  Bath  in 
the  autumn,  when  he  met  Jenner,  who  was 
surprised  at  his  altered  appearance,  and  diag- 
nosed that  he  had  an  organic  affection  of  the 
heart.   In  January  1780  Hunter  read  a  paper 
before  the  Royal  Society  on  the  structure  of 
the  human  placenta,  in  which  he  laid  exclu- 
sive claim  to  certain  discoveries  regarding  the 
utero-placental  circulation  which  his  brother 
had  claimed  in  his  lectures  and  in  his  work  on 
the  uterus.     William  Hunter  protested  in  a 
letter  to  the  society  (3  Feb.  1780)  that  the  dis- 
covery was  well  known  to-be  his,  and  had  never 
been  previously  contested.     John  Hunter  in 
reply  asserted  that  he  had  made  the  discoveries 
in  dissecting  a  preparation  in  May  1754,  with 
Dr.  Mackenzie,  an  assistant  of  Smellie,  and 
that  he  had  afterwards  communicated  them 


to  his  brother,  who  at  first  pooh-poohed  and 
afterwards  adopted  them.  The  society  de- 
cided not  to  print  John  Hunter's  paper  or  the 
correspondence.  His  account  as  to  facts  may 
be  safely  accepted.  There  is  no  doubt  that 
in  William's  study  of  the  subject  this  dis- 
section figured  only  as  one  incident,  or  that 
he  regarded  discoveries  made  in  his  dissecting 
room  as  his  property.  An  estrangement  fol- 
lowed between  the  brothers,  which  was  barely 
healed  on  the  deathbed  of  the  elder.  In  1781 
Hunter  was  called  as  a  scientific  witness  by 
the  defence  in  the  tri  al  of  Captain  Donellan  at 
Warwick  for  the  alleged  poisoning  of  his  bro- 
ther-in-law, Sir  Theodosius  Boughton,  with 
laurel-water,  and  in  cross-examination  be- 
came hesitating  and  confused,  and  was  con- 
temptuously mentioned  by  the  judge,  Francis 
Buller  [q.  v.]  His  evidence  had  really  been 
given  with  proper  scientific  caution,  and 
stands  the  test  of  later  knowledge.  In  1783 
he  acquired  the  most  expensive  specimen  in  his 
museum,  the  skeleton  of  O'Brien  or  O'Byrne, 
the  Irish  giant,  seven  feet  seven  inches  high, 
said  to  have  cost  him  500/.  The  giant  had  by  his 
will  tried  to  prevent  Hunter  from  obtaining 
his  skeleton,  by  ordering  his  coffin  to  be  se- 
curely sunk  in  deep  water ;  but  Hunter  bribed 
the  undertaker  heavily,  and  the  body  was 
stolen  while  on  its  way  to  the  sea,  was  taken 
by  Hunter  to  Earl's  Court  in  his  own  carriage, 
and  was  promptly  skeletonised.  In  this  year  he 
was  elected  a  member  of  the  Royal  Society  of 
Medicine  and  the  Royal  Academy  of  Surgery 
of  Paris,  and  he  took  part  in  forming  a  So- 
ciety for  the  Improvement  of  Medical  and 
Chirurgical  Knowledge,  which  lasted  about 
twenty  years,  and  published  three  volumes  of 
1  Transactions/ 

In  view  of  the  expiration  of  his  lease  in 
J  ermyn  Street  in  the  end  of  1783,  he  bought 
the  lease  for  twenty-four  years  of  two  houses, 
one  on  the  east  side  of  Leicester  Square 
(No.  28),  and  the  other  in  Castle  Street, 
with  the  intervening  ground.  During  the 
next  two  or  three  years  he  spent  3,000/.  in 
building  on  the  vacant  ground  a  large  museum, 
with  lecture-rooms  below  (now  used  as  a  violin 
maker's  factory),  carrying  on  his  anatomical 
work  in  the  Castle  Street  house,  and  living 
in  Leicester  Square.  His  collections,  which 
had  cost  him  10,000/.,  were  removed  into 
the  museum  in  April  1785,  under  the  care  of 
Everard  Home,  Bell,  and  Andre,  another  as- 
sistant. In  this  year  he  made  the  experiments 
on  the  mode  of  growth  of  deer's  antlers  which 
resulted  in  his  discovery  of  the  establishment 
of  collateral  circulation  by  anastomosing 
branches  of  arteries.  The  discovery  led  him  in 
December  to  tie  the  femoral  artery  of  a  patient 
suffering  from  popliteal  aneurysm,  trusting  to 




the  development  of  the  collateral  circulation. 
His  procedure] was  justified  by  the  patient's  re- 
covery in  six  weeks  (see  HOME,  Trans.  Society 
for  Improvement  ofMed.  and  Chir.  Knowledge, 
i.  138).  Operations  of  a  similar  kind  have 
since  saved  very  many  lives.  In  1786  he  pub- 
lished his  '  Treatise  on  the  Venereal  Disease,' 
after  many  years'  study,  and  also  his  '  Ob- 
servations on  certain  parts  of  the  Animal 
(Economy/  both  being  printed  in  his  own 
house.  In  the  same  year,  on  the  death  of 
Middleton,  he  was  appointed  deputy  surgeon- 
general  to  the  army,  and  in  1790,  on  the  death 
of  Adair,  surgeon-general  and  inspector-gene- 
ral of  hospitals.  In  1787  he  received  the 
Copley  medal  from  the  Royal  Society  for  his 
discoveries  in  natural  history. 

The  death  of  Pott  in  December  1788  left 
Hunter  the  undisputed  head  of  the  surgical 
profession.  Soon  afterwards  he  secured  the 
services  of  Home  as  assistant-surgeon  at  St. 
George's,  and  in  1792  Home  undertook  the 
delivery  of  Hunter's  surgical  lectures  with  the 
aid  of  his  manuscripts.  Hunter  now  devoted 
much  of  his  spare  time  to  completing  his  great 
work  on '  The  Blood.  Inflammation,  and  Gun- 
shot Wounds,'  which  he  did  not  live  to  publish. 
Early  in  1792,  on  the  resignation  of  Charles 
Hawkins,  Thomas  Keate,  then  assistant  to 
John  Gunning  [q.  v.],  the  senior  surgeon  at 
St.  George's,  was  chosen  surgeon  by  a  con- 
siderable majority,  in  opposition  to  Home, 
who  was  Hunter's  candidate.  At  the  con- 
clusion of  the  acrimonious  contest  Hunter 
announced  his  intention  of  no  longer  dividing 
with  the  other  surgeons  the  fees  he  received 
for  pupils,  on  the  ground  that  they  neglected 
to  instruct  them  properly.  The  surgeons 
denied  his  right  to  take  this  action,  and  the 
subscribers  to  the  hospital  supported  them. 
A  letter  addressed  to  the  subscribers  by  Hun- 
ter on  28  Feb.  1793  (see  Lancet,  3  July  1886) 
details  the  efforts  he  had  made  to  induce  his 
colleagues  to  improve  their  teaching.  The 
other  surgeons,  in  concert  with  a  committee, 
drew  up  rules  for  the  admission  and  regu- 
lation of  pupils,  without  consulting  Hunter. 
One  rule  forbade  the  entry  of  pupils  without 
previous  medical  instruction.  Two  young 
Scotchmen  ignorant  of  the  rule  came  up  in  the 
autumn  and  appealed  to  Hunter,  who  under- 
took to  press  for  their  admission  at  the  next 
board  meeting  on  16  Oct.  1793.  On  the  morn- 
ing of  that  day  he  expressed  his  anxiety  lest 
a  dispute  should  occur,  being  convinced  that 
the  excitement  would  be  fatal  to  him.  His 
life,  he  used  to  say,  was  *  in  the  hands  of  any 
rascal  who  chose  to  annoy  and  tease  him.' 
At  the  meeting,  while  Hunter  was  speak- 
ing in  favour  of  his  request,  a  colleague 
(probably  Gunning)  flatly  contradicted  one 

of  his  statements.  Hunter  immediately  ceased 
speaking  and  retired  into  an  adjoining  room, 
where  he  almost  immediately  fell  dead  in 
the  arms  of  Dr.  Robertson,  physician  to  St. 
George's.  Autopsy  revealed  that  the  mitral 
valves  and  coronary  arteries  were  ossified, 
and  that  the  heart  was  otherwise  diseased. 
He  was  buried  on  22  Oct.  in  the  vaults  of 
St.  Martin-in-the-Fi elds.  On  28  March  1859 
his  remains,  having  been  identified  by  Francis 
Trevelyan  Buckland  [q.  v.],  were  removed,  at 
the  cost  of  the  Royal  College  of  Surgeons  of 
England,  to  Abbot  Islip's  Chapel,  on  the  north 
side  of  the  nave  of  Westminster  Abbey.  In 
1877  a  memorial  window  to  Hunter  was 
placed  in  the  north  transept  of  Kensington 
Parish  Church  by  public  subscription.  His 
widow  survived  till  1821.  Of  his  four  chil- 
dren, two  survived  him :  John,  who  became 
an  officer  in  the  army,  and  Agnes,  who  mar- 
ried Captain  James  Campbell,  eldest  son  of 
Sir  James  Campbell ;  neither  left  issue. 

In  person  Hunter  was  of  middle  height, 
vigorous,  and  robust,  with  high  shoulders 
and  rather  short  neck.  His  features  were 
strongly  marked,  with  prominent  eyebrows, 
pyramidal  forehead,  and  eyes  of  light  blue 
or  grey.  His  hair  in  youth  was  a  reddish 
yellow,  and  in  later  years  white.  The  fine 
portrait  by  Sir  Joshua  Reynolds  (painted 
in  May  1785)  in  the  possession  of  the  Royal 
College  of  Surgeons  was  a  happy  and  sudden 
inspiration,  due  to  Hunter's  falling  into  a 
reverie.  A  copy  by  Jackson  is  in  the  Na- 
tional Portrait  Gallery,  and  another  is  in  St. 
Mary  Hall,  Oxford.  Sharp's  engraving  from 
it  (1788)  is  one  of  his  best  works. 

Hunter  often  rose  at  five  or  six  to  dissect, 
breakfasted  at  nine,  saw  patients  till  twelve, 
and  visited  his  hospital  and  outdoor  patients 
till  four.  He  was  most  punctual  and  orderly 
in  his  visits,  leaving  a  duplicate  of  his  visit- 
ing-book at  home,  so  that  he  could  be  found 
at  any  time.  He  dined  at  four.  For  many 
years  he  drank  no  wine,  and  sat  but  a  short 
time  at  table,  except  when  he  had  company. 
He  slept  for  an  hour  after  dinner,  then  read 
or  prepared  his  lectures,  made  experiments, 
and  dictated  the  results  of  his  dissections. 
He  was  often  left  at  midnight,  with  his  lamp 
freshly  trimmed,  still  at  work.  He  wrote  his 
first  thoughts  and  memorandums  on  odd  scraps 
of  paper.  These  were  copied  and  arranged, 
and  formed  many  folio  volumes  of  manuscript. 
Hunter  would  often  have  his  manuscripts  re- 
written many  times,  making  during  the  pro- 
cess endless  corrections  and  transpositions. 

In  manners  Hunter  was  impatient,  blunt, 
and  unceremonious,  often  rude  and  overbear- 
ing, but  he  was  candid  and  unreserved  to 
a  fault.  He  read  comparatively  little,  and 




could  never  adequately  expound  the  infor- 
mation already  accessible  on  any  subject. 
Most  of  what  he  knew  he  had  acquired  him- 
self, and  he  attached  perhaps  undue  impor- 
tance to  personal  investigation.  Few  men  have 
ever  done  so  much  with  so  little  book-learn- 
ing. His  detachment  from  books,  combined 
with  his  patient  search  for  facts,  gave  him  a 
vital  grip  of  subjects  most  needing  to  be 
studied  in  the  concrete.  His  opinions  were 
always  in  process  of  improvement,  and  he 
never  clung  to  former  opinions  through  con- 
servatism. Yet  he  was  a  tory  in  politics,  and 
'  wished  all  the  rascals  who  were  dissatisfied 
with  their  country  would  be  good  enough  to 
leave  it.'  He  would  rather  have  seen  his 
museum  on  fire  than  show  it  to  a  democrat. 
He  was  usually  taciturn,  but  when  he  spoke 
his  words  were  well  chosen,  forcible,  and 
pointed,  often  broadly  or  coarsely  humorous. 
But  although  he  could  never  spell  well  or 
write  grammatically,  and  his  writings  were 
carefully  revised  by  others  before  they  were 
printed,  they  preserve  his  ruggedness  of  style. 
He  occasionally  became  confused  in  his  lec- 
tures, and,would  advise  his  hearers  not  to  take 
down  a  passage.  '  My  mind  is  like  a  beehive,' 
he  said  to  Abernethy,  a  simile  which  struck 
the  latter  as  very  correct,  for  in  the  midst  of 
buzz  and  apparent  confusion  there  was  great 
order,  regularity,  and  abundant  store  of  food, 
which  had  been  collected  by  incessant  indus- 
try (Hunterian  Oration,  1819).  His  power 
of  sustained  and  persevering  industry  was 
enormous.  Clift  describes' him  as  '  standing 
for  hours,  motionless  as  a  statue,  except  that, 
with  a  pair  of  forceps  in  each  hand,  he  was 
picking  asunder  the  connecting  fibres  of  some 
structure  he  was  studying,' and  he  was  equally 
capable  of  absorption  for  hours  in  thought. 
^  1  *  ~  -  •  -  * 

.gh'he  was  really  a  mere 
jigmy  in  knowledge,  he  was  a  giant  com- 
pared with  his  contemporaries.  He  only 
valued  money  for  the  aid  that  it  gave  to  his 
researches.  He  never  took  fees  from  curates, 
authors,  or  artists.  His  income,  which  first 
reached  1,000/.  in  1774,  was  5,000/.  for  some 
years  later,  and  6,000/.  before  his  death.  He 
often  sent  valuable  patients  to  young  men 
starting  in  practice,  and  gave  promising  men 
tickets  for  his  lectures. 

As  an  investigator,  original  thinker,  and 
stimulator  of  thought,  Hunter  stands  at  the 
head  of  British  surgeons.  His  originality  was 
equally  evidenced  in  the  devising  of  crucial 
experiments  and  in  his  prevision  of  truths 
which  he  could  not  have  learned  from  others 
or  by  direct  observation.  Such  truths  are  his 
belief  that  the  blood  is  alive  in  the  same  sense 
as  other  parts  of  the  body ;  and  that  higher 
animals  in  passing  from  the  embryo  to  the  com- 

plete  form  go  through  a  series  of  changes,  in 
each  of  which  it  resembles  the  adult  form  of 
some  lower  creature  (OwEN,  Physiological 
Catalogue  of  College  of  Surgeons,  vol.  i.  p.  ii). 
He  thought  that  occasional  distinctness  of  sex 
in  hermaphrodite  animals  might  account  for 
the  origin  of  distinct  sexes  (compare  DAKWIN, 
Descent  of  Man).  His  strong  belief  that  life 
was  a  principle  of  force  separate  from  and 
anterior  to  organisation  was  never  clearly 
and  consistently  put  forward  ;  but  it  was 
raised  by  his  pupils  into  a  dogma,  especially 
by  Abernethy,  and  was  an  important  subject 
of  controversy  before  modern  chemical  and 
physical  discoveries  had  given  precision  to 
physiological  ideas.  One  of  Hunter's  most 
distinctive  merits  was  his  grasp  of  living 
beings  in  one  view,  as  one  science.  He  was 
an  all-round  naturalist  with  an  object,  that 
of  explaining  life  and  organisation,  and  dis- 
covering principles  of  surgery. 

Hunter's  '  Treatise  on  the  Blood,  Inflam- 
mation, and  Gunshot  Wounds  '  is  his  most 
important  work  ;  it  is  a  compound  of  phy- 
siology, pathology,  and  surgery,  and,  while 
defective  in  regarding  the  red  corpuscles  as 
the  least  important  part  of  the  blood,  is  full 
of  original  observations  and  remarks.  His 
account  of  inflammation  necessarily  loses 
value,  since  modern  observations  have  re- 
vealed its  nature,  but  it  marked  a  great  ad- 
vance in  knowledge,  and  for  many  years  it 
stimulated  the  progress  of  surgery,  and  some 
of  his  riews  have  been  in  recent  times  found 
to  be  truer  than  others  which  supplanted 
them.  His  most  notable  surgical  advance 
was  in  the  tying  of  the  artery  above  the  seat 
of  disease  in  aneurysm.  But  the  general  in- 
fluence of  his  teaching  and  method  of  study 
was  even  more  important.  Sir  James  Paget 
and  many  others  term  Hm  'tl^;—  --Wof 

,'  as  having  first  studied  and 
directed  attention  to  the  processes  of  disease 
and  repair  on  which  the  practice  of  surgery 
is  based,  and  having  brought  to  this  study  a 
large  knowledge  of  physiology.  He  was  a 
cautious  rather  than  a  brilliant  operator,  and 
never  used  the  knife  when  he  could  avoid  it, 
holding  that  '  to  perform  an  operation  is  to 
mutilate  a  patient  we  cannot  cure,  and  so  an 
acknowledgment  of  the  imperfection  of  our 
art.'  He  was  very  cautious  in  deductions 
from  physiology,  and  '  in  many  of  his  writings 
on  surgical  practice  there  is  hardly  a  sign 
that  he  was  a  great  physiologist  '  (PAGET). 

In  comparative  anatomy  his  work  was  ex- 
tensive and  of  permanent  value,  yet  not  so 
valuable  as  Cuvier's,  for  he  studied  the  subject 
in  order  to  obtain  knowledge  of  human  phy- 
siology and  pathology,  and  not  for  itself.  But 
his  papers  as  now  published,  and  his  museum 

TJ  2 




show  that  '  Hunter  had  collected  materials 
for  a  work  which  needed  but  the  finishing 
touches  to  have  made  it  one  of  the  greatest, 
most  durable,  and  valuable  contributions  ever 
made  by  any  one  man  to  the  advancement 
of  the  science  of  comparative  anatomy'  (Pro- 
fessor W.  H.  FLOWER,  Introductory  Lecture, 
14  Feb.  1870).  His  observations  and  ex- 
periments on  vegetable  life  were  numerous 
and  important. 

Hunter's  '  Observations  and  Reflections  on 
Geology,'  not  published  till  1859,  as  an  in- 
troduction to  the  College  of  Surgeons' '  Cata- 
logue of  Fossils,'  and  his  posthumous  paper 
'  On  Fossil  Bones '  (Phil.  Trans.  1794,  Ixxxiv. 
407)  indicate  a  perception  of  the  changes 
undergone  by  fossils  and  of  their  general 
scientific  value,  which  was  far  in  advance  of 
his  time'.  He  recognised  water  as  the  chief 
agent  in  producing  changes,  but  showed  that 
the  popular  notion  about  the  deluge  was  erro- 
neous. He  inferred  that  there  had  been  re- 
peated changes  in  the  level  of  land,  lasting 
many  thousand  centuries,  and  important  cli- 
matic variations,  and  he  made  numerous 
other  correct  inferences  in  physical  geology. 
The  '  Observations '  were  at  first  intended  for 
the  Royal  Society ;  but  objections  were  made 
by  a  geological  friend  to  his  use  of  language 
which  implied  that  the  earth  was  more  than 
six  thousand  years  old,  and  he  consequently 
did  not  send  in  the  paper  to  the  society. 

Hunter's  works,  and  especially  his  ^pos- 
thumous papers,  contain  numerous  psycho- 
logical remarks,  exhibiting  much  originality 
and  shrewdness,  without  evidence  of  syste- 
matic study. 

Hunter  designed  his  museum  to  illustrate 
the  entire  phenomena  of  life  in  all  organ- 
isms, in  health  and  disease.  Its  essential 
plan  was  physiological.  It  included,  besides 

fures  with  similar  functionate  compared, 
dried  and  osteological  preparations  of  all 
kinds,  monsters  and  malformations,  fossils 
plants  and  parts  of  plants,  and  all  manner  of 
products  of  diseased  action.  There  were  also 
many  drawings,  oil-paintings,  and  casts  illus- 
trating disease.  He  had  apparently  intended 
to  give  in  a  catalogue  an  account  of  his  ob- 
servations in  each  department.  On  matters 
relating  to  dissection,  preservation,  and  em- 
balming, his  hints  and  directions  are  of  the 
greatest  value. 

An  account  is  given  under  HOME,  SIR 
EVERARD,  and  CLIFT,  WILLIAM,  of  the  de- 
struction of  Hunter's  manuscripts  by  Home 
after  he  had  utilised  them  for  his  own  purposes 
for  many  years.  Cliffs  transcripts,  which 
are  in  the  library  of  the  Royal  College  of 
Surgeons  of  England,  were  published  by  Sir 

R.  Owen  in  '  Essays  and  Observations,'  1861 
(see  below). 

By  his  will  Hunter  left  his  paternal  estate, 
which  Dr.  Baillie  had  made  over  to  him,  to 
his  son,  and  directed  Earl's  Court  to  be  sold, 
and  the  proceeds,  after  payment  of  debts,  to  be- 
divided  between  his  widow  and  two  children. 
His  museum  was  to  be  first  offered  to  the 
British  government  on  reasonable  terms,  and 
if  refused  was  to  be  sold  to  some  foreign  state, 
or  in  one  lot  by  auction .  In  the  condition  of  the 
national  finances  in  1793  Mr.  Pitt  showed  no 
eagerness  to  buy  it.  To  maintain  his  family 
while  negotiations  were  in  progress,  his  furni- 
ture, library,  crystals,  paintings,  and  objects 
of  vertu  were  sold.  'Sir  Joseph  Banks,  pre- 
sident of  the  Royal  Society,  did  not  in  1796 
consider  Hunter's  museum  '  an  object  of  im- 
portance to  the  general  study  of  natural  his- 
tory.' In  1799  a  committee  of  the  House 
of  Commons  recommended  the  purchase  of 
Hunter's  collection  for  15,000/.,  having  heard 
evidence  that  it  was  worth  much  more.  This 
sum  was  voted,  and  the  collection  was  offered 
by  government  to  the  Royal  College  of  Physi- 
cians. On  their  refusal,  it  was  offered  to  and 
accepted  by  the  Royal  College  of  Surgeons  in 
1800,  under  a  board  of  trustees,  on  condition 
that  a  proper  catalogue  should  be  made,  a 
conservator  appointed,  and  that  twenty-four 
lectures  on  comparative  anatomy  should  be 
delivered  annually  at  the  college.  The  erection 
of  a  suitable  building  to  contain  it  was  aided 
by  further  government  grants  of  1 5,000 1.  and 
12,500/.,and  the  museum  was  opened  in  1813, 
in  which  year  Dr.  Baillie  and  Sir  Everard 
Home  arranged  for  the  delivery  of  an  annual 
Hunterian  oration  on  Hunter's  birthday.  In 
1819  the  Hunterian  Society  was  founded  in 
connection  with  the  College  of  Surgeons. 

Tbve^^xs,  iAs-  jttDpxare?  ra  'jfeuJical  0022  rpen- 
taries/  the  'Philosophical  Transactions,'  aid 
'  Transactions  of  a  Society  for  ImprovemedlJb 
of  Medical  and  Chirurgical  Knowledge,'  of  " 

1771 ;  pt.  ii.,  1778.  On  the  publication  of 
pt.  11.  the  two  parts  bound  together  were  sold 
as  a  second  edition  with  a  new  title-pase  • 
3rd  edit.,  1803.  2.  <  A  Treatise  on  the  Vene- 
real Disease,'  London,  1st  edit,,  4to,  1786  • 
2nd  edit.,  4to,  1788 ;  3rd  edit.,  4to,  1794,  with 
notes  by  Sir  E.  Home  (this  edition  was  re- 
printed from  the  first  edition,  and  contains 
the  errors  which  Hunter  had  corrected  in 
the  second  edition.  Home  also  incorporated 
remarks  of  his  own  in  the  text  undistinguish- 
ably,  and  omitted  whole  paragraphs  or  parts 
of  paragraphs);  4th  edit.,  edited  by  Joseph 
Adams,  8vo,  1810 ;  5th  edit.,  by  Home,  1809. 




3.  '  Observations  on  certain  parts  of  the  Ani- 
mal (Economy/  4to,  1786,  including  his  papers 
on  the  foetal  testes,  the  vesiculae  seminales, 
and  nine  papers  from  the  '  Philosophical 
Transactions,'  viz.  on  the  free-martin  (her- 
maphrodite cow),  on  a  hen-pheasant  with 
cock  feathers,  on  the  organ  of  hearing  in  fishes, 
on  the  air  receptacles  of  birds,  on  animal 
heat,  on  the  recovery  of  the  apparently 
drowned,  on  the  structure  of  the  placenta, 
on  the  Gillaroo  trout ;  also  a  long  paper  on 
digestion,  the  colour  of  the  eye-pigment  in 
various  animals,  and  the  nerve  of  the  organ  of 
smell ;  2nd  edit.,  revised  and  enlarged,  1792. 
The  principal  addition  is  Hunter's  '  Observa- 
tions tending  to  show  that  the  Wolf,  Jackal, 
and  Dog  are  all  of  the  same  species.'  4.  l  A 
Treatise  on  the  Blood,  Inflammation,  and 
Gunshot  Wounds,'  London,  4to,  1794 ;  with 
&  short  account  of  the  author's  life  by  Sir  E. 
Home,  2nd  edit.,  1812,  2  vols.  8vo ;  3rd  edit., 
2  vols.,  1818 ;  4th  edit.,  1  vol.,  1828.  5.  '  Di- 
rections for  Preserving  Animals  and  parts 
of  Animals  for  Anatomical  Investigation,' 
published  by  the  Koyal  College  of  Surgeons 
in  1809.  6.  '  The  Works  of  John  Hunter' 
were  edited,  with  notes,  by  James  F.  Palmer, 
4  vols.  8vo,  with  a  4to  vol.  of  plates,  mostly 
from  the  originals,  1835-7 ;  vol.  i.  inciude'd 
Ottley's '  Life  of  J.Hunter/andHunter's '  Sur- 
gical Lectures,'  delivered  in  1786  and  1787, 
from  the  shorthand  notes  of  Mr.  Henry  Rum- 
.sey  of  Chesham,  collated  with  Parkinson's  and 
other  notes ;  vol.  ii. '  The  Treatise  on  the  Teeth,' 
with  notes  by  Thomas  Bell'  (1792-1880) 
[q.  v.],  and  that  '  On  the  Venereal  Disease,' 
with  notes  by  G.  G.  Babington;  vol.  iii. 
•*  Treatise  on  the  Blood,  Inflammation,  &c.,' 
with  papers,  &c.,  published  in  '  Transactions 
of  Society  for  Improvement  of  Medical  and 
Chirurgical  Knowledge;' vol.  iv.  ' Observa- 
tions on  certain  parts  of  the  Animal  QEco- 
nomy,'  with  preface  and  notes  by  R.  Owen  ; 
the  six  '  Croonian  Lectures  on  Muscular 
Motion,'  and  his  other  zoological  papers. 
7.  '  Observations  and  Reflections  on  Geology. 
.  .  .  Intended  to  serve  as  an  Introduction  to 
the  Catalogue  of  his  Collection  of  Extraneous 
Fossils,' London,  1859, 4to.  8.  'Memoranda 
•on  Vegetation,'  1860,  4to.  9.  '  Essays  and 
Observations  on  Natural  History,  Anatomy, 
Physiology,  Psychology,  and  Geology,'  being 
his  posthumous  papers  on  those  subjects, 
copied  by  William  Clift,  arranged  and  revised 
'with  notes  by  Sir  R.  Owen,  together  with 
Owen's  '  Lectures  on  the  Hunterian  Collection 
•of  Fossils,'  delivered  in  March  1855,  London, 
8vo,  2  vols.,  1861,  with  engraving  from  a 
bronze  medallion  of  Hunter,  executed  in  1791. 
'  Hunterian  Reminiscences,'  by  J.  Parkin- 
son, give  the  substance  of  Hunter's  lectures 

n  1785.  There  are  numerous  translations 
and  American  editions  of  Hunter's  works. 
Among  contemporary  criticisms  of  Hunter 
are :  '  An  Essay  on  the  Bite  of  a  Mad  Dog, 
with  Observations  on  John  Hunter's  Treat- 
ment of  the  case  of  Master  R ,'  by  Jesse 

Foot  the  elder,  1788  ;  '  Observations  on  the 
New  Opinions  of  John  Hunter,'  &c.,  by  Jesse 
Foot  the  elder;  and  John  Thelwall's *' Essay 
towards  a  definition  of  Animal  Vitality,  in 
which  the  Opinions  of  John  Hunter  are  ex- 
amined,' Lond.,  1793,  4to. 

[European  Mag.  October  1782,  pp.  245-7 
(Abernethy  was  told  by  the  editor,  Perry,  that 
Hunter  supplied  materials  for  this  article) ;  Gent. 
Mag.  1793,  ii.  964  (inaccurate);  Lives  by  Sir  E. 
Home  (prefixed  to  Hunter's  Treatise  on  the  Blood, 
&c.,  1794),  Jesse  Foot  [q.v.],  1794,  Joseph  Adams, 
1817,  Drewry  Ottley,  1835  (the  best),  and  Sir 
W.  Jardine  (1836),  prefixed  to  vol.  x.  of  the 
Naturalist's  Library;  Baron's  Life  of  Jenner ; 
S.  D.  Gross's  John  Hunter  and  his  Pupils  (with 
portrait),  Philadelphia,  1881  ;  Buckle's  Hist,  of 
Civilisation  in  England  (1869),  iii.  428-58  ; 
Only  an  Old  Chair,  a  Tercentenary  Tribute  by 
D.  R.  A.  G.  M.,  Edinburgh,  1884;  John  Hunter 
at  Earl's  Court,  Kensington,  1764-93,  by  J.  J. 
Merriman,  1886;  Hunterian  Orations,  especially 
those  of  Sir  James  Paget,  1877,  Joseph  H.  Green, 
1847,  Sir  B.  Brodie,  1837,  and  Thomas  Cheralier, 
1821  ;  Tom  Taylor's  Leicester  Square,  1874, 
chap,  xiv.,  with  a  Sketch  of  Hunter's  Scientific 
Character  and  Works  by  Sir  R.  Owen;  Leslie  and 
Taylor's  Life  of  Sir  Joshua  Reynolds,  ii.  474. 
See  also  Lancet,  3  July  1886,  29  Sept.  1888, 
pp.  642,  643 ;  an  Appeal  to  the  Parliament  of 
England  on  the  subject  of  the  late  Mr.  John 
Hunter's  Museum,  London,  1795;  Catalogues  of 
the  Hunterian  Museum  ;  information  from  Mr. 
Charles  Hawkins,  F.R.C.S.]  G.  T.  B. 

HUNTER,  JOHN,  M.D.  (d.  1809),  physi- 
cian, was  born  in  Perthshire,  and  studied  medi- 
cine at  Edinburgh,  where  he  graduated  M.D.  in 
1775.  His  college  thesis,  <De  Hominum  Varie- 
tatibus  et  harum  causis,'  shows  him  to  have  had 
a  good  education  as  well  as  a  turn  for  research 
and  correct  reasoning.  It  was  republished 
in  an  English  translation  by  Bendyshe  in 
1865  as  an  appendix  to  Blumenbach's  treatise 
on  the  same  subject  in  the  publications  of  the 
Anthropological  Society.  Hunter's  essay  had 
appeared  just. a  month  or  two  before  Blumen- 
bach's. i  Some  parts  of  it,'  says  Bendyshe, 
'  are  quite  on  a  level  with  the  science  of  the 
present  day.'  He  was  admitted  a  licentiate 
of  the  College  of  Physicians  of  London  in 
1777,  and  appointed  physician  to  the  army 
through  the  interest  of  Dr.  Baker  and  Dr. 
Heberden.  From  1781  to  1783  he  was  super- 
intendent of  the  military  hospitals  in  Jamaica. 
On  returning  to  England  he  settled  in  prac- 
tice as  a  physician  in  London.  In  1787  he 




contributed  to  the  third  volume  of  the  '  Me- 
dical Transactions  published  by  the  College 
of  Physicians '  (a  work  mainly  supported  by 
Heberden  and  Baker)  three  papers :  one  on 
the  common  occurrence  of  typhus  fever  in 
the  crowded  and  unventilated  houses  of  the 
poor  in  London,  another  on  two  interesting 
observations  in  morbid  anatomy,  and  a  third 
on  the  cause  of  the  '  dry  belly-ache '  of  the 
tropics.  In  the  last  of  these  the  discovery 
made  by  Baker  two  years  earlier,  that  lead  in 
the  cider  was  the  cause  of  Devonshire  colic, 
was  extended  by  Hunter  to  rum  which  had 
been  distilled  through  a  leaden  worm,  an  ob- 
servation of  Benjamin  Franklin's  being  ad- 
duced in  proof.  In  1788  appeared  his  prin- 
cipal work,  *  Observations  on  the  Diseases  of 
the  Army  in  Jamaica'  (2nd  ed.  1796;  3rd  ed. 
1808,  with  l  observations  on  the  hepatitis  of 
the  East  Indies '),  which  gives  an  amplified 
account  of  the 'dry  belly-ache,' and  deals  with 
yellow  fever  and  other  diseases  of  the  troops,  as 
well  as  briefly  with  some  of  the  more  curious 
negro  maladies  ;  it  was  translated  into  Ger- 
man, Leipsic,  1792.  Previous  to  1787  he  had 
been  elected  a  fellow  of  the  Royal  Society, 
and  contributed  to  the  '  Philosophical  Trans- 
actions,' 1788,  vol.  Ixxviii.,  a  paper  on  l  Some 
Observations  on  the  Heat  of  Wells  and 
Springs  in  the  Island  of  Jamaica,  and  on  the 
Temperature  of  the  Earth  below  the  Surface 
in  different  Climates/  the  subject  having 
been  suggested  by  Cavendish  to  him  when 
lie  was  about  to  embark  for  Jamaica  in  1780. 
He  contributed  to  the  first  volume  of  '  Trans- 
actions of  a  Society  for  the  Improvement  of 
Medical  and  Chirurgical  Knowledge,'  1793, 
a  valuable  memoir  on  canine  madness,  drawn 
up  at  the  society's  request,  and  another  on 
hydatids.  In  London  he  practised  first  in 
Charles  Street,  St.  James's  Square,  and  after- 
wards in  Hill  Street,  Berkeley  Square.  He 
was  admitted  a  fellow  of  the  College  of  Phy- 
sicians spedali  gratia  in  1793,  and  was  made 
censor  the  same  year.  As  Gulstonian  lecturer 
in  1796  he  lectured  on  'softening  of  the 
brain,'  which  he  is  said  to  have  been  the  first 
to  treat  as  a  distinct  pathological  condition. 
The  lecture  was  not  published.  He  delivered 
the  Croonian  lectures  from  1799  to  1801 
(subjects  not  stated).  He  was  afterwards 
physician  extraordinary  to  the  Prince  of 
Wales.  He  died  on  29  Jan.  1809  at  Hill 
Street,  Berkeley  Square,  London. 

[Hunter's  writings;  Munk's  Coll.  of  Phys.  ii. 
425  ;  Gent.  Mag.  1809,  pt.  i.  p.  188.]  C.  C. 

HUNTER,  JOHN  (1738-1821),  vice- 
admiral  and  governor  of  New  South  Wales, 
the  son  of  a  master  in  the  merchant  service, 
was  born  at  Leith  in  September  1738.  While 
a  child  he  accompanied  his  fat  her  in  a  northern 

voyage,  and  was  wrecked  on  the  coast  of  Nor- 
way. On  his  return  he  was  sent  to  his  uncle, 
Robert  Hunter,  a  merchant  at  Lynn  Regis, 
where  he  went  to  school.  He  was  afterwards 
at  school  in  Edinburgh,  and  studied  for  a 
short  time  at  the  university  of  Aberdeen, 
being  intended  for  the  church.  He,  however, 
had  made  up  his  mind  to  go  to  sea,  and  in 
May  1754  was  entered  on  board  the  Grampus 
sloop.  In  1757  he  was  serving  in  the  Neptune, 
in  the  expedition  to  Rochefort  [see  HAWKE, 
and  continuing  in  her  through  the  cruise  off 
Brest  in  1758,  was  still  in  her  at  the  reduc- 
tion of  Quebec  in  1759,  when  she  carried  the 
flag  of  Sir  Charles  Saunders  [q.  v.]  At  this 
time  Hunter  made  the  acquaintance  of  John 
Jervis  (afterwards  Earl  St.  Vincent)  [q.  v.], 
then  first  lieutenant  of  the  Neptune.  Hunter 
afterwards  served  as  midshipman  of  the  Royal 
George,  in  the  Bay  of  Biscay  till  the  peace. 
In  1767  he  went  out  to  North  America  as 
master's  mate  of  the  Launceston,  with  Com- 
modore (afterwards  Viscount)  Hood,  who  in 
the  following  year  gave  him  an  acting-order 
as  master.  After  passing  at  the  Trinity  House 
on  his  return  to  England  in  1769,  the  order 
was  confirmed,  and  he  was  appointed  to  the 
Carysfort  in  the  West  Indies.  In  her  he 
had  various  opportunities  of  making  charts 
and  plans  of  parts  of  the  coast,  and  espe- 
cially of  the  Spanish  works  in  progress  at 
Havana,  which  were  afterwards  sent  to  the 
admiralty.  In  1771,  while  in  charge  of  a 
pilot,  the  Carysfort  ran  ashore  on  Martyr 
Reef,  in  the  Gulf  of  Florida,  but  mainly  by 
Hunter's  personal  exertions  was  got  oiF 
again,  though  with  the  loss  of  her  masts 
and  guns.  From  1772  to  1775  he  was  master 
of  the  Intrepid  in  the  East  Indies,  and  in 
1775  was  appointed  master  of  the  Kent,  by 
desire  of  Captain  Jervis,  whom  he  followed 
to  the  Foudroyant,  where  he  was  a  messmate 
of  Evan  (afterwards  Sir  Evan)  Nepean,  the 
purser.  In  1776,  at  the  request  of  Lord 
Howe,  then  going  out  as  commander-in- 
chief  in  North  America,  he  was  moved  into- 
his  flagship,  the  Eagle;  and  continuing  inl 
her  during  the  commission,  acted  virtually* 
as  master  of  the  fleet,  more  especially  in  the 
expeditions  to  the  Delaware  and  Chesapeake, 
and  in  the  defence  of  Sandy  Hook  [see 
HOWE,  RICHARD,  EARL].  Howe's  interest 
was  not  of  much  use  with  Lord  Sandwich's 
administration,  and  Hunter's  modest  request, 
on  his  return  to  England,  to  be  made  a  lieu- 
tenant, passed  unheeded.  In  1779,  on  the- 
invitation  of  Captain  Keith  Stewart,  he 
joined  the  Berwick  as  a  volunteer,  and  was 
shortly  afterwards  appointed  by  Sir  Charles 
Hardy  to  be  a  lieutenant  of  the  Union.  The 




admiralty  refused  to  confirm  the  promotion, 
and  in  1780  Hunter,  again  as  a  volunteer  in 
the  Berwick,  went  out  to  the  West  Indies, 
where  Sir  George  Rodney  gave  him  a  com- 
mission. In  1781  he  returned  to  England  in 
the  Berwick,  and  in  her  was  present  in  the 
action  on  the  Doggerbank  (5  Aug.)  In  1782, 
when  Howe  again  hoisted  his  flag,  Hunter 
was  appointed  third  lieutenant  of  the  Vic- 
tory, and  was  first  lieutenant  of  her  at  the 
relief  of  Gibraltar  and  the  skirmish  off  Cape 
Spartel.  On  12  Nov.  1782  he  was  promoted 
to  the  command  of  the  Marquis  de  Seigne- 
lay,  and  on  15  Dec.  1786,  Howe  being  then 
first  lord  of  the  admiralty,  was  advanced  to 
post  rank  and  appointed  captain  of  the  Sirius, 
under  Commodore  Arthur  Phillip  [q.  v.],  who 
was  going  out  as  governor  of  the  settlement 
in  New  South  Wales.  The  Sirius  arrived  at 
Port  Jackson  in  January  1788  ;  and  in  the 
following  October  Hunter  was  ordered  to  the 
Cape  of  Good  Hope  for  supplies.  He  made 
the  voyage  by  the  then  novel  route  of  Cape 
Horn,  thus  performing  the  circumnavigation 
of  the  globe.  He  returned  to  Port  Jackson 
in  May  1789,  after  experiencing  much  diffi- 
culty from  the  leaky  state  of  the  ship,  which 
rendered  continual  pumping  necessary.  When 
the  Sirius  had  been  refitted,  she  was  sent  to 
Norfolk  Island  with  a  large  party  of  convicts  ; 
was  there  blown  from  her  anchors  in  a  violent 
storm,  was  driven  on  to  a  coral  reef,  and  be- 
came a  total  wreck.  The  Supply  brig,  then 
at  the  island,  carried  part  of  her  crew  to  Port 
Jackson,  but  the  majority,  with  Hunter,  re- 
mained at  Norfolk  Island  for  nearly  a  year 
before  they  could  be  relieved.  At  length  the 
Waakzaamheid  brig  was  chartered  to  convey 
Hunter  and  his  people  to  England.  She 
sailed  from  Sydney  in  March  1791  with  125 
men  on  board,  and  provisioned  for  sixteen 
weeks  ;  but  owing  to  her  bad  sailing,  con- 
trary winds,  and  calms,  the  voyage  to  Batavia 
lasted  for  twenty-six  weeks.  The  party,  while 
attempting  to  get  provisions  at  Mindanao, 
had  a  serious  affray  with  the  Malays,  fortu- 
nately without  sustaining  any  loss.  They 
finally  arrived  at  Portsmouth  in  April  1792, 
when  Hunter  was  tried  for  the  loss  of  the 
Sirius,  but  honourably  acquitted. 

In  the  following  year,  when  Lord  Howe 
hoisted  his  flag  on  board  the  Queen  Char- 
lotte, Hunter  obtained  permission  to  serve 
with  him  as  a  volunteer,  and  in  this  capacity 
was  present  in  the  battle  of  I  June  1794. 
He  remained  in  the  Queen  Charlotte  till 
early  in  1795,  when  he  was  appointed  go- 
vernor of  New  South  Wales,  in  succession 
to  Phillip.  Under  the  auspices  of  Hunter, 
himself  an  experienced  and  scientific  navi- 
gator, the  exploration  of  the  coast  line  of 

Terra  Australis  made  rapid  progress,  and  to' 
him  must  be  assigned  a  share  in  the  credit 
of  the  early  discoveries  of  George  Bass  [q.  v.] 
and  Matthew  Flinders  [q.  v.]  His  more  im- 
mediate duty  as  governor  was  at  the  same 
time  well  and  fortunately  carried  out,  and 
under  his  rule  the  young  colony  was  esta- 
blished on  a  firm  and  satisfactory  basis.  He 
returned  to  England  in  1801,  being  relieved 
by  Captain  Philip  Gidley  King  [q.  v.],  pre- 
viously lieutenant-governor.  In  the  summer 
of  1804  he  was  appointed  to  command  the 
Venerable  of  74  guns,  one  of  the  fleet  off 
Brest  under  Cornwallis.  On  the  evening  of 
24  Nov.,  as  the  fleet  was  getting  under  way 
from  Torbay,  a  dense  fog  suddenly  came  on ; 
the  ships  were  in  no  order,  and  had  no  know- 
ledge of  their  position ;  twice  the  Venerable 
was  obliged  to  bear  up  to  avoid  a  collision, 
and  about  8  P.M.  she  struck  on  the  cliff  near 
Paignton,  and  soon  afterwards  bilged.  A 
gale  sprang  up,  arid  the  ship  was  evidently 
going  to  pieces,  when,  in  answer  to  her  guns 
of  distress,  the  Impetueux  anchored  close  to 
her,  and  with  great  difficulty,  though  with 
but  little  loss,  succeeded  in  taking  off  her 
men.  At  daylight  no  trace  of  the  ship  was 
to  be  seen.  Hunter  was  tried  by  court- 
martial  and  fully  acquitted,  it  appearing  by 
the  evidence  that  it  was  only  by  astonishing 
good  fortune  that  many  other  ships  of  the 
squadron  had  not  shared  the  fate  of  the 
Venerable.  He  became  rear-admiral  on 
2  Oct.  1807,  and  vice-admiral  on  31  July 
1810,  but  had  no  further  service,  and  died 
in  London  on  13  March  1821. 

[Naval  Chronicle  (with  portrait),  vi.  350; 
Animal  Biog.  and  Obit.  vii.  1 86  ;  Biographie 
Universelle  (supplement) ;  Phillip's  Voyage  to 
Botany  Bay ;  An  Historical  Journal  of  the  Trans- 
actions at  Port  Jackson  and  Norfolk  Island,  with 
the  discoveries  which  have  been  made  in  New 
South  Wales  and  in  the  southern  ocean  since 
the  publication  of  Phillip's  Voyage,  by  John 
Hunter,  with  portrait  after  K.  Dighton  (4to, 
1793);  D.  Collins's  Account  of  the  English 
Colony  in  New  South  Wales  (2  vols.  4to,  1798, 
1802);  Minutes  of  the  Courts-Martial  in  the 
Public  Eecord  Office.]  J.  K.  L. 

HUNTER,  JOHN,  LL.D.  (1745-1837), 
classical  scholar,  was  born  in  the  autumn  of 
1745  at  Closeburn,  Dumfriesshire,  his  father, 
it  is  said,  being  a  farmer  there.  Although 
left  an  orphan  in  boyhood,  he  received  a  good 
elementary  education  before  entering  Edin- 
burgh University,  where  he  was  a  distin- 
guished student,  although  supporting  himself 
largely  by  private  teaching.  His  scholarship 
attracted  the  attention  of  Lord  Monboddo, 
who  employed  him  as  his  private  secretary  for 
several  years  after  he  left  college.  In  1775 




he  was  elected  professor  of  humanity  in  St. 
Andrews  University,  holding  the  post  till 
1835,  when  he  was  appointed  principal  of 
the  united  colleges  of  St.  Salvator's  and  St. 
Leonard's.  He  died  of  cholera,  18  Jan.  1837. 
Hunter  was  twice  married:  first  to  Elizabeth 
Miln,  by  whom  he  had  a  family  of  seventeen 
children ;  and,  secondly,  to  Margaret  Hadow, 
daughter  of  Professor  Hadow  of  St.  Andrews. 
All  his  family  save  one  reached  manhood. 
His  eldest  son,  James  Hunter,  became  pro- 
fessor of  logic  at  St.  Andrews,  while  Thomas 
Gillespie  (1777-1844)  [q.  v.],  who  succeeded 
him  in  the  chair  of  humanity,  was  his  son-in- 
law.  A  portrait  of  Hunter,  by  Sir  J.  Watson 
Gordon,  is  in  the  great  hall  of  the  United  Col- 
lege, St.  Andrews,  and  a  chalk  sketch,  re- 
presenting him  as  a  younger  man,  is  in  the 
National  Portrait  Gallery,  Edinburgh. 

In  1788  Hunter  contributed  to  the 'Edin- 
burgh Philological  Transactions '  an  article 
on i  The  Nature,  Import,  and  Effect  of  certain 
Conjunctions.'  In  1796  he  pblished  at  St. 
Andrews  a  complete  edition  of  Sallust,  and 
in  1797  an  edition  of  Horace,  which  he  re- 
issued in  1813  in  two  volumes.  In  1809  he 
published  Caesar's  'De  BelloGallico  et  Civili 
Commentarii'  (2  vols.),  and  in  1810  he  sent 
out  in  similar  form  his  '  Virgil,'  first  edited  in 
1797.  He  edited  in  1820  Ruddiman's  <  Latin 
Rudiments,'  adding  a  scholarly  and  logical 
disquisition  on  the '  Moods  and  Tenses  of  the 
Greek  and  Latin  Verb.'  This  text-book  has 
reached  a  twenty-second  edition.  Hunter's 
Livy — '  Historiarum  Libri  quinque  Priores' 
— which  is  still  acknowledged  to  be  valuable 
by  competent  authorities,  appeared  in  1822. 
The  article  'Grammar'  in  the  seventh  edition 
of  the '  Encyclopaedia  Britannica,'  though  not 
written  by  Hunter,  was  in  large  measure 
constructed  from  his  teaching. 

Hunter  helped  in  municipal  work  at  St. 
Andrews,  and  to  him  was  largely  due  the 
introduction  of  the  Pipeland  water  supply, 
which  is  still  serviceable.  He  was  an  ac- 
complished horticulturist,  and  a  potato  called 
after  him  the  '  Hunter  kidney '  was  long  a 
favourite  in  Scotland. 

[Information  from   Miss   Leslie,  Edinburgh, 
Hunter's  great-granddaughter,  and  from  Dr.  Bir- 
rell  and  Mr.  J.  Maitland  Anderson,  St.  Andrews; 
Scotsman  of  25  Jan.  1837  ;  Anderson's  Scottish  j 
Nation ;  Irving's  Eminent  Scotsmen.]       T.  B. 

HUNTER,  JOHNKELSO  (1802-1873),  ! 
artist  and  cobbler,  second  son  of  one  Hunter  j 
of  Chirnside  who  removed  to  Ayrshire  in  ; 
1799,  and  died  there  about  1810, 'was  born  ! 
at  Dunkeith,  Ayrshire,  on  15  Dec.  1802,  and  ; 
was  for  some  time  employed  as  a  herd-boy. 
He  was  then  apprenticed  to  a  shoemaker,  and  ( 

on  the  expiration  of  his  indentures  settled 
at  Kilmarnock  in  the  pursuit  of  his  calling. 
He  afterwards  taught  himself  portrait-paint- 
ing, attained  to  a  respectable  position  as  an 
artist,  and  removed  to  Glasgow,  where  he 
was  employed  alternately  as  an  artist  and  a 
shoemaker.  In  1847  he  exhibited  a  portrait 
of  himself  as  a  cobbler  at  the  Royal  Academy, 
London.  In  1868  he  published  his  first  book, 
'  The  Retrospect  of  an  Artist's  Life.'  Ac- 
quainted in  his  youth  with  many  who  had 
known  Robert  Burns,  and  with  some  of  the 
heroes  of  the  poet's  verse,  Hunter  embodied 
these  recollections  in  a  volume  entitled '  Life 
Studies  of  Character,'  printed  in  1870.  The 
book  throws  much  light  on  the  works  of  Burns, 
especially  on  the  original  of  Dr.  Hornbook, 
and  faithfully  describes  the  society  into  which 
the  poet  was  born.  Valuable  notices  are  sup- 
plied of  the  song  writer,  Tannahill,  and  other 
minor  poets  of  the  north.  His  third  work 
was  ( Memorials  of  West-Country  Men  and 
Manners.'  Hunter  was  known  for  his  sturdy 
independence,  and  had  a  wide  circle  of  friends. 
He  died  at  Pollokshields,  near  Glasgow,  on 
3  Feb.  1873. 

[Times,  6  Feb.  1873,  p.  7;  Ann.  Reg.  1873, 
p.  129;  Illustrated  London  News,  8  Feb.  1873, 
p.  126 ;  Irving's  Book  of  Scotsmen,  1881,  p.  226.] 

G.  C.  B. 

HUNTER,  JOSEPH  (1783-1861),  anti- 
quary, was  born  at  Sheffield  on  6  Feb.  1783, 
being  the  son  of  Michael  Hunter,  who  was 
engaged  in  the  cutlery  business.  His  mother 
dying  while  he  was  very  young,  he  was 
placed  under  the  guardianship  of  Joseph 
Evans,  a  presbyterian  minister,  who  sent 
him  to  a  school  near  Sheffield,  where  he  re- 
ceived the  rudiments  of  a  classical  education, 
while  he  devoted  all  his  spare  moments  to 
antiquarian  studies  and  to  the  collection  of 
church  notes,  filling  many  volumes,  still  in 
existence,  with  copies  of  monumental  in- 
scriptions, coats  of  arms,  and  the  like.  He 
was  removed  in  1809  to  a  college  at  York, 
where  he  studied  for  the  presbyterian  minis- 
try under  the  Rev.  Charles  Wellbeloved.  In 
1809  he  became  minister  of  a  presbyterian 
congregation  at  Bath,  where  he  resided  for 
twenty-four  years.  In  addition  to  his  pastoral 
duties,  he  augmented  the  collection  of  mate- 
rials for  the  history  of  his  native  town,  part  of 
which  he  embodied  in  his '  Hallamshire,'  pub- 
lished in  181 9.  This  was  followed  by  two  vo- 
lumes of  the '  History  of  the  Deanery  of  Don- 
caster'  in  1828  and  1831.  He  was  one  of  the 
original  members  of  the  Bath  Literary  and 
Scientific  Institution,  and  also  a  valued  mem- 
ber of  the  '  Stourhead  Circle,'  of  which  lie 
afterwards  printed  some  account.  The  latter 




consisted  of  a  party  of  gentlemen  residing  in 
Somersetshire  and  Wiltshire,  who  assembled 
annually  for  antiquarian  discussion  under  the 
hospitable  roof  of  Sir  Richard  Colt  Hoare 
[q.  v.]  of  Stourhead. 

On  his  appointment  as  a  sub-commissioner 
of  the  public  records,  Hunter  removed  to 
London  in  1833  and  edited  various  volumes 
of  records.  On  the  reconstruction  of  the 
record  service  in  1838  he  was  appointed  an 
assistant-keeper  of  the  first  class,  and  to  his 
care  were  committed  the  queen's  remem- 
brancer's records,  with  the  especial  duty  of 
compiling  a  calendar  of  them. 

Much  of  his  time  in  middle  life  was  de- 
voted to  the  illustration  of  the  text  of 
Shakespeare's  plays,  and  he  made  large  col- 
lections of  notes  concerning  the  lives  and 
works  of  English  verse-writers  of  the  six- 
teenth and  seventeenth  centuries.  His  dis- 
coveries in  relation  to  the  first  settlements 
in  New  England  attracted  great  attention  in 
America.  He  was  a  fellow,  and  for  many 
years  a  vice-president,  of  the  Society  of  An- 
tiquaries, and  read  many  papers  before  the 
society.  He  died  in  Torrington  Square, 
London,  on  9  May  1861,  and  was  interred 
>at  Ecclesfield,  near  Sheffield. 

He  married  in  1815  Mary,  daughter  of 
Francis  Hayward,  M.D.,  of  Bath ;  by  her 
(who  died  in  1840)  he  had  six  chidren,  of 
whom  three  sons  and  a  daughter  survived 

The  sale  of  his  library  occupied  four  days 
in  December  1861,  and  realised  1,105J. 

His  principal  works  are :  1.  Four  ser- 
mons printed  between  1811  and  1819,  and 
•other  writings  on  religious  subjects.  2. '  Who 
wrote  Cavendish's  Life  of  Wolsey  ?  A  Disser- 
tation,' London,  1814,  4to  [see  CAVENDISH, 
GEOKGE].  3. '  Hallamshire.  The  History  and 
Topography  of  the  Parish  of  Sheffield  in  the 
County  of  York.  With  Historical  and  De- 
scriptive Notices  of  the  Parishes  of  Eccles- 
field, Hansworth,  Treeton,  and  Whiston,  and 
•of  the  Chapelry  of  Bradfield,'  London,  1819, 
folio ;  new  and  enlarged  edition  by  the  Rev. 
Alfred  Gatty,  London,  1869,  folio.  4. '  Golden 
Sentences.  A  Manual  that  may  be  used  by 
all  who  Desire  to  be  Moral  and  Religious,' 
Bath,  1826,  12mo,  compiled  from  the  works 
of  Bishop  Hall,  Fuller,  Sir  Thomas  Browne, 
Whichcote,  and  Dr.  Richard  Lucas,  of  whom 
brief  biographies  are  given.  5. '  South  York- 
shire. The  History  and  Topography  of  the 
Deanery  of  Doncaster,'  2  vols.,  London,  1828- 
1831,  folio.  6.  '  Life  of  Sir  Thomas  More, 
by  his  great-grandson  Cresacre  More.  With 
a  Biographical  Preface,  Notes,  and  other  Il- 
lustrations,' London,  1828, 8vo.  Hunter  was 
.able,  by  his  critical  faculty,  to  restore  the  •• 

honours  of  authorship  to  the  rightful  clai- 
mant, Cresacre  More,  to  whose  elder  brother, 
Thomas,  the  book  had  been  ascribed  by  An- 
thony a  Wood  and  others.  7.  'The  Hal- 
lamshire Glossary,'  London,  1829,  8vo,  con- 
taining the  peculiar  words  in  use  in  the 
district  of  Hallamshire  ;  also  Thoresby's 
'  Catalogue  of  Words  used  in  the  West  Riding 
of  Yorkshire'  and  Watson's  '  Uncommon 
Words  used  in  Halifax.'  An  enlarged  copy, 
prepared  for  the  press  by  Hunter  in  1851,  is 
in  Addit.  MS.  24540.  8.  '  The  Diary  of 
Ralph  Thoresby,  F.R.S.  Now  first  published 
from  the  original  MS.,'  2  vols.,  London,  1830, 
8vo.  A  life  of  Thoresby  is  prefixed.  9.  'Eng- 
lish Monastic  Libraries.  I.  A  Catalogue  of 
the  Library  of  the  Priory  of  Bretton  in 
Yorkshire.  II.  Notices  of  the  Libraries  be- 
longing to  other  Religious  Houses,'  London, 
1831,  4to.  10.  'Magnum  Rotulum  Scac- 
carii,  vel  Magnum  Rotulum  Pipse,  de  anno 
xxxi°  Regni  Henrici  Primi  (ut  videtur), 
quern  plurimi  hactenus  laudarunt  pro  Rotulo 
vtl  anni  Stephani  Regis,  nunc  primum  edidit 
J.  Hunter,'  London,  1833, 8vo,  printed  under 
the  direction  of  the  commissioners  on  the 
public  records.  11.  '  Rotuli  Selecti  ad  Res 
Anglicas  et  Hibernicas  spectantes;  ex  Ar- 
chivis  in  Domo  Capitulari  Westmonasteriensi 
deprompti.  Cura  Jos.  Hunteri,'  London, 
1834,  8vo,  printed  under  the  direction  of 
the  commissioners  on  the  public  records. 

12.  Introduction  to  the  '  Valor  Ecclesiasti- 
cus,'  published  in  6  folio  volumes,  1810-34. 

13.  '  The   Attorney-General    versus  Shore. 
An  Historical  Defence  of  the  Trustees  of 
Lady  Hewley's  Foundations,  and  of   the 
Claims  upon  them  of  the  Presbyterian  Minis- 
try  of  England,'   London,  1834,  8vo  [see 
HEWLET,  SAKAH].     14.  'Fines,  sive  Pedes 
Finium;   sive  Finales   Concordiae  in  Curia 
Domini  Regis,  7  Richard  1-16  John,  1195- 
1214,'  2  vols.,  London,  1835-44,  8vo,  edited 
under  the  direction  of  the  Record  Commis- 
sioners.     15.  'Three  Catalogues  describing 
the  Contents  of  the  Red  Book  of  the  Ex- 
chequer, of  the  Dodsworth  Manuscripts  in 
the  Bodleian  Library,  and  of  the  Manuscripts 
in  the  Library  of  Lincoln's  Inn,'  London, 
1838,  8vo.     16.  'Disquisition  on  the  Scene, 
Origin,  Date,  &c.,  of  Shakespeare's  "Tem- 
pest," '  London,  1839, 8vo,  only  one  hundred 
copies  printed  for  private  distribution.  Hun- 
ter's opinion  is  that  the  '  Tempest '  was  one 
of  the  earliest  productions  of  Shakespeare 
instead  of  being  one  of  the  latest,  and  that 
Prospero's   island  was  Lampedusa,  not  far 
from  the  coast  of  Tunis.     17.  '  Ecclesiastical 
Documents :  viz.  I.  A  Brief  History  of  the 
Bishoprick  of  Somerset  from  its  Foundation 
to  1174.     II.  Charters  from  the  Library  of 




Dr.  Cox  Macro/  edited  for  the  Camden  So- 
ciety, London,  1840,  4to.      18.  '  A  True  Ac- 
count of  the  Alienation  and  Recovery  of  the 
Estates  of  the  Offleys  of  Norton  in  1754  ; 
with  Remarks  on  the  Version  of  the  Story 
by  [Robert   Plumer  Ward]   the   author  of 
"  Tremaine  "  and  "  De  Vere," '  London,  1841, 
12mo.     19.  '  The  Diary  of  Dr.  Thomas  Cart- 
wright,  Bishop  of  Chester,'  edited  for  the 
Camden  Society,  London,  1843, 4to.  20. '  New 
Illustrations  of  the  Life,  Studies,  andWritings 
of  Shakespeare.     Supplementary  to  all  the  , 
editions,' 2 vols., London,  1845, 8vo.  21. 'Gens  ' 
Sylvestrina ;  Memorials  of  some  of  my  Good 
and  Religious  Ancestors,  or  Eleven  Genera- 
tions of  a  Puritan  Family,'  1846,  8vo,  pri- 
vately printed.     22.  '  Collections  concerning 
the  Early  History  of  the  Founders  of  New 
Plymouth,  the  First  Colonists  of  New  Eng- 
land,' London,  1849,  8vo.     23.  '  Agincourt. 
A  Contribution  towards  an  Authentic  List 
of  the  Commanders  of  the  English  Host  in 
King  Henry  Vs  Expedition  to  France  in  the 
third  year  of  his  reign,'  London,  1850, 12mo.  ! 
24.  '  Milton.   A  Sheaf  of  Gleanings  after  his 
Biographers  and  Annotators.     I.  Genealo- 
gical Investigation.     II.  Notes  on  some  of  i 
his  Poems,'  London,  1850,  12mo.     25.  '  The  ! 
History  and  Topography  of  Ketteringham  in  | 
Norfolk,'  Norwich,  1851,  4to.      26.  '  Anti- 
quarian Notices  of  Lupset,  the  Heath,  Sharls- 
ton,  and  Ackton,'  1851,  8vo.    27.  'The  great 
Hero  of  the  Ancient  Minstrelsy  of  England, 
Robin  Hood ;  his  Period,  real  Character,  &c.,  j 
Investigated,  and  perhaps  Ascertained,'  Lon- 
don, 1852,  12mo.     28.  ' The  Connexion  of  | 
Bath  with  the  Literature   and  Science  of  i 
England.     A  Paper  read  before  the  Literary  | 
and  Philosophical  Society  of  the  Bath  In-  j 
stitution  on  Nov.  26,  1826.     With  an  Ac-  | 
count  of  the  Formation  of  the  Institution,' 
Bath,  1853,  8vo.     29.  'Collections  concern- 
ing the  Church  and  Congregation  of  Protes-  ! 
tant  Separatists  formed  at  Scrooby  in  North 
Nottinghamshire  in  the  time  of  James  I:  ' 
the  Founders  of  New  Plymouth,  the  Parent 
Colony  of  New  England,  London,  1854,  8vo. 
30.  '  Pope :   his  Descent   and  Family  Con- 
nexions.    Facts  and  Conjectures,'  London, 
1857,  12mo.     31.  The  Rev.  Mackenzie  Wal- 
cott  published  '  Notes  on  Mediaeval  English 
Words,  founded  on  Hunter's  MS.  "  Nomi- 
nale,"  Brit.  Mus.'  [1867  ?].     32.   Valuable 
papers  in  the  '  Archaeologia,'  enumerated  in 
the  '  Brief  Memoir '  of  Hunter. 

His  manuscript  collections  were  purchased 
by  the  trustees  of  the  British  Museum  in  1862, 
and  are  now  among  the  Additional  MSS. 
(24436-630,  24864-85,  25459-81,  25676, 
25677,  31021).  They  consist  of  genealogical, 
topographical,  philological,  and  literary  col- 

lections in  Hunter's  own  handwriting.  The- 
more  important  volumes  are  :  1.  'Diaries  and 
Correspondence '  (24441  f.  2,  24879,  24880, 
24864-78,  25676,  25677).  2. '  Virorum  npta- 
bilium  memoranda.  Collections  for  the  Lives 
of  Eminent  Englishmen'  (24482,  24483). 
3.  '  Britannia  Puritanica,  or  Outlines  of  the 
History  of  the  Congregations  of  Presbyterians 
and  Independents '  (24484).  4. '  Biography  of 
Nonconformists '  (24485).  5. '  Chorus  Vatum 
Anglicanorum :  Collections  concerning  the 
Poets  and  Verse-writers  of  the  English  Na- 
tion,' 6  vols.,  with  an  index  to  each  (24487- 
24492).  The  writers  treated  of,  with  very 
few  exceptions,  '  lived  from  the  beginning 
of  letters,  as  it  is  considered  in  England,  to 
the  close  of  the  seventeenth  century,'  and 
include '  all  persons  who  have  verse  in  print, 
no  matter  however  small,  or  however  worth- 
less.' 6.  '  Collections  concerning  Shakespeare 
and  his  Works'  (24494-500).  7.  'Adver- 
saria :  Miscellaneous  Notes  and  Extracts  re- 
lating to  English  Genealogy,  History,  Lite- 
rature, &c.,'  8  vols.  (24605-12).  8.  '  York- 
shire Biography '  (24443).  9.  '  Pedigrees  of 
Cheshire  Families  '  (24444).  10.  '  Genealo- 
gical Collections  relating  chiefly  to  Yorkshire 
Families'  (24453).  11.  'Yorkshire  Collec- 
tions '  (24469-73).  12.  '  Topographical  Col- 
lections for  Derbyshire '  (24477). 

[A  Brief  Memoir  [by  Sylvester  Hunter]  of 
the  late  Joseph  Hunter  (privately  printed),  Lond. 
1861,  8vo;  Gent.  Mag.  ccx.  701,  ccxii.  346; 
Lowndes's  Bibl.  Man.  (Bohn),  p.  1145  ;  Nichols's 
Cat.  of  the  Library  at  Stourhead ;  Proceedings 
of  the  Society  of  Antiquaries,  2nd  ser.  ii.  106 ; 
Hudson's  Life  of  John  Holland ;  Sheffield  Local 
Eegister,  pp.  147,  160  ;  Nichols's  Account  of  the 
Works  of  the  Camden  Society,  pp.  6,  18  ;  Notes 
and  Queries,  1st  ser.  i.  286,  288,  2nd  ser.  xii.  220, 
3rd  ser.  iv.  432.]  T.  C. 

HUNTER,  SIB  MARTIN  (1757-1846)  > 
general,  second  son  and  heir  of  Cuthbert 
Hunter  of  Medomsley,  Durham,  by  his  wife 
Anne,  daughter  of  the  Rev.  John  Nixon  of 
Haltwhistle,  Northumberland,  was  born  in 
1757.  On  30  Aug.  1771  he  was  appointed 
ensign  in  the  52nd  foot,  in  which  he  became 
lieutenant  18  June  1775,  captain  21  Nov. 
1777,  and  major  30  Oct.  1790.  He  was  with 
his  regiment  at  Bunker's  Hill,  and  in  Boston 
when  blockaded  by  Washington,  and  made 
the  campaigns  of  1776-8,  including  the  battles 
of  Long  Island  and  Brandywine,  the  storming 
of  Fort  Washington,  the  surprise  of  Wayne's 
brigade,  and  other  affairs.  He  accompanied  his 
regiment  to  India,  and  was  brigade-major,  and 
led  the  light  infantry  that  stormed  the  breach 
at  the  siege  of  Cannanore.  As  senior  captain 
and  regimental  major  he  commanded  his  regi- 
ment ;in  the  campaigns  against  Tippoo  Sahib  in 




1790-2,  and  was  shot  through  the  arm  and 
body  in  the  attack  on  Tippoo's  camp  before 
Seringapatam  in  1792.  He  was  appointed 
lieutenant-colonel  in  the  newly  raised  91st 
foot  in  1794  (disbanded  in  1796),  and  in  1796 
was  transferred  to  the  60th  royal  Americans. 
He  served  with  his  battalion  of  that  corps  in 
the  West  Indies,  and  commanded  a  brigade 
under  Sir  Ralph  Abercromby  at  the  capture 
of  Trinidad  and  the  attempt  on  Porto  Rico. 
Exchanging  into  the  48th  foot  he  commanded 
that  regiment  in  Minorca,  at  Leghorn,  and  at 
the  reduction  of  Malta.  In  1803  he  was  ap- 
pointed a  brigadier-general  in  North  America, 
commanded  the  troops  in  Nova  Scotia,  and 
acted  for  a  time  as  lieutenant-governor  of 
New  Brunswick.  He  was  appointed  colonel 
of  the  New  Brunswick  Fencibles  in  1803,  and 
in  1810  was  made  colonel  of  the  old  104th 
foot,  formed  out  of  the  New  Brunswick  Fen- 
cibles at  that  time  and  disbanded  at  Montreal 
in  May  1817.  He  became  lieutenant-general 
in  1812,  and  general  in  1825.  He  was  a 
knight-bachelor,  G.C.M.G.  and  G.C.H.,  and 
governor  of  Stirling  Castle. 

Hunter  married,  on  13  Sept.  1797,  Jean, 
daughter  and  heiress  of  James  Dickson  of 
St.  Anton's  Hill,  Berwickshire;  she  died  in 
1845,  leaving  a  large  family.  At  his  death, 
which  took  place  at  his  seat,  St.  Anton's  Hill, 
on  9  Dec.  1846,  at  the  age  of  90,  he  was  said 
to  be  the  last  survivor  of  the  officers  present 
at  the  battle  of  Bunker's  Hill,  17  June  1775. 

[Burke's  Landed  Gentry,  1886  ed.,  under  '  Hun- 
ter of  Medomsley;'  Moorsom's  Hist,  of  the  52nd 
Light  Infantry,  where  the  details  of  the  services 
of  that  famous  regiment  in  America  and  India 
are  extracted  from  Hunter'sunpublished  journals; 
Eoyal  Mil.  Calendar,  1820 ;  Gent. Mag.  1847,  pt. 
i.  p.  424.]  H.  M.  C. 

HUNTER,  RACHEL  (1754-1813), 
novelist,  born  in  London  about  1754,  mar- 
ried an  English  merchant  resident  in  Lisbon, 
but  after  ten  years  of  married  life  her  hus- 
band died,  and  Mrs.  Hunter  returned  to 
England.  She  took  up  her  abode  in  Nor- 
wich in  either  1794  or  1795,  and  devoted 
herself  henceforth  to  literary  pursuits.  She 
died  at  Norwich  in  1813.  She  wrote  a  series 
of  childish  novels,  characterised  by  a t  strictly 
moral  tendency.'  The  chief  of  these  were : 
1.  '  Letitia,  or  the  Castle  without  a  Spectre/ 
1801,  12mo.  2.  '  History  of  the  Grubthorpe 
Family,'  1802, 12mo.  3.  '  Letters  from  Mrs. 
Palmerstone  to  her  Daughter,  inculcating 
Morality  by  Entertaining  Narratives/  1803, 
12mo.  4.  <  The  Unexpected  Legacy/  1804, 
12mo.  5.  'The  Sports  of  the  Genii/  1805, 
4to.  6.  '  Lady  Maclain,  the  Victim  of  Vil- 
lany/  1806,  12mo.  7.  'Family  Annals,  or 

Worldly  Wisdom/   1807,   12mo.     8.   'The- 
Schoolmistress,  a  Moral  Tale/  1810. 

[Biog.  Diet,  of  Living  Authors,  p.  168  ;  Watt's 
Bibl.  Brit.  ;  Larousse's  Dictionnaire  Encyc.  ; 
Biog.  Universelle.]  T.  S. 

HUNTER,  ROBERT  (d.  1734),  governor^ 
of  New  York  and  Jamaica,  belonged  to  the 
family  of  Hunter  of  Hunterston,  Ayrshire 
(see  BTJKKE,  Landed  Gentry,  1886 ed.)  Pater-  ~ 
son  describes  him  (Hist,  of  the  Counties  o 
Ayr  and  Wigton,  iii.  354)  as  one  of  the  chil- 
dren  of  James  Hunter,  who  was  a  son  of  the 
laird  of  that  ilk,  and  married  Margaret,  daugh- 
ter of  the  Rev.  John  Spalding  of  Dreghorn.  It 
appears  probable  that  Hunter  was  the '  Robert 
Hunter,  esquire/  appointed  major  of  Briga- 
dier-general Charles  Ross's  dragoons(5th  royal 
Irish  dragoons)  on  13  April  1698  (Home  Office 
Mil.  Entry  Book,  vol.  iv.)  Major  Hunter  was 
present  with  that  regiment  at  the  battle  of 
Blenheim  (Treas.  Papers, vol.  xciii.  Blenheim 
Roll),  and  was  afterwards  lieutenant-colonel 
of  the  regiment  until  about  1707  (CHAMBEK- 
LAYNE,  Anglice  Notitice).  Owing  probably  to 
the  influence  of  George  Hamilton,  earl  of 
Orkney  [q.  v.],  one  of  Marlboro ugh's  generals 
at  Blenheim  and  governor  of  Virginia  1704-34, 
Hunter  was  appointed  lieutenant-governor 
of  Virginia,  and  sailed  for  that  province  on 
20  May  1707  (Treas.  Papers,  civ.  39),  but 
was  taken  prisoner  on  the  voyage  by  a  French 
privateer  and  carried  to  France.  He  was  an 
acquaintance  of  Addison  and  Swift.  The 
latter  appears  not  to  have  known  Hunter  per- 
sonally in  1708  (Swiir,  Works,  xv.  310),  but 
in  January-March  1709  two  letters  written 
by  the  dean  to  Hunter  in  Paris  (ib.  xv.  326, 
337)  rallied  him  pleasantly  on  his  social  suc- 
cesses there,  and  falsely  suggested  that  Hunter- 
was  the  author  of  the  famous  '  Letter  con- 
cerning Enthusiasm'  (London,  1708), which 
had  been  attributed  to  Swift.  Hunter  was 
exchanged  for  the  French  bishop  of  Quebec 
soon  after.  Between  May  and  December 
1709  large  numbers  of  poor  protestant  re- 
fugees from  the  palatinate  of  the  Rhine 
sought  an  asylum  in  England,  and  became  a 
source  of  much  trouble  to  the  government. 
In  a  letter  dated  17  Dec.  1709  (  Treas.  Papers, 
civ.  39)  Hunter  proposed  to  take  three  thou- 
sand of  the  people  out  to  New  York  and  settle' 
them  on  the  banks  of  the  Hudson.  The  plan 
was  approved.  Hunter  was  appointed  go- 
vernor of  New  York,  and  sailed  with  the 
refugees  early  in  1710.  In  November  of  the 
same  year  (ib.  cxxv.  45)  he  reported  that  the 
refugees  were  settled  on  the  banks  of  the  Hud- 
son, close  to  the  great  pine  woods,  and  that 
15,OOOZ.  a  year  for  the  next  two  years  was  all 
that  was  needed  for  the  success  of  the  great 




project.  He  promised  that  the  colonies  would 
supply  tar  enough  for  the  English  navy  for  ever 
if  sufficient  hands  were  employed.  Orphans, 
he  wrote,  had  been  made  over  to  those  who 
would  maintain  and  educate  them.  Each  per- 
son's account  was  kept  separate,  as  they  would 
have  to  repay  by  their  labour  what  they  then 
received.  He  prophesied  that  their  numbers 
would  increase,  as  they  were  very  healthy  (ib. 
cxxv.  cxxxvii.  25).  In  1712  he  reported  that 
his  colonists  were  all  settled  in  good  houses 
and  lands  near  the  pine  woods,  that  a  hun- 
dred thousand  pine-trees  had  been  felled  and 
burned  for  tar  during  the  autumn,  and  that 
it  was  proposed  to  employ  a  number  of  the 
colonists  in  the  navy  yard  at  New  York,  adults 
at  Qd.  and  children  at  kd.  a  day.  But  Hunter 
added  that  he  had  laid  out  all  his  money  and 
engaged  all  his  credit,  that  the  Indians  grew 
threatening,  and  the  officers  were  starving  for 
want  of  pay.  He  concluded  that  he  had  had 

*  nothing  but  labour  and  trouble,  with  the 
pleasure  of  having  surmounted  opposition  and 
difficulties  next  to  insurmountable '  (ib.  cxlix. 
1-2).  Hunter  had  constant  disputes  with  his 
assembly,  which  refused  again  and  again  to 
vote  the  required '  appropriations  'unless  their 

*  inherent  right '  to  a  voice  in  the  disposal  of 
the  money  was  admitted  (BANCROFT,  Hist.  ii. 
24).  Hunter  foresaw  that  the  question  would 
some  day  lead  to  the  secession  of  the  provinces 
from  the  parent  country  (ib.  ii.  239).    A  com- 
promise was  arrived  at  in  1715  ( Treas.  Papers, 
ccliii.  42).    From  1709  to  1715  the  assembly 
of  New  York  refused  to  vote  a  revenue  with- 
out particular  application  of  it,  to  which  the 
governor  would  not  submit,  but  which  was 
agreed  to  by  Hunter  in  the  latter  year.   Ame- 
rican writers  describe  Hunter  as  a  man  of 
good  temper  and  discernment,  the  best  and 
ablest  of  the  royal  governors  of  New  York. 
He  returned  home  with  the  rank  of  brigadier- 
general  in  1719.    On  20  June  1729  he  became 
major-general,  and  was  appointed  governor 
of  Jamaica  and  captain  of  the  independent 
companies  garrisoning  that  island,  which  ap- 
pointment he  held  up  to  his  death  (Home 
Office  Mil.  Entry  Book,  xiii.  f.  221).   He  died 
in  Jamaica  on  31  March  1734  (Gent.  Mag. 
1734,  p.  330).    By  his  will,  proved  in  Novem- 
ber 1734,  he  left  considerable  property  at 
Chertsey  (including   the   patronage  of  the 
living)  to  his  son  Thomas  Orby  Hunter  (d. 
1769),  M.P.  for  Winchilsea,  from  whom  de- 
scended the  family  of  Orby-IIunter  (on  con- 
dition of  his  not  contracting  a  certain  mar- 
riage), together  with  5,OOOZ.  to  his  daughter 
Katherine,  wife  of  William  Sloper,  and  for- 
tunes to  his  daughters  Henrietta  and  Char- 
lotte.    He  also  mentions  a  debt  of  21,000/. 
due  from  the  crown  for  the  subsistence  of 

the  colonists  of  the  palatine  in  New  York, 
which '  had  been  acknowledged  by  Mr.  Harley 
and  the  treasury,  but  never  paid'  (MANNING 
and  BRAY,  vol.  iii.)  A  Latin  epitaph  on 
Hunter,  written  by  the  Rev.  Mr.  Fleming, 
is  given  in  Nichols  (Lit.  Anecd.  vi.  90),  but 
does  not  appear  among  those  still  extant  in 
Jamaica,  collected  by  Major  Lawrence  Archer. 
Hunter  married  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  Sir 
Thomas  Orby,  third  baronet,  of  Croyland 
Abbey,  Lincolnshire,  and  widow  of  Brigadier- 
general  Lord  John  Hay  (d.  1706)  [q.  v.]  of 
the  royal  Scots  dragoons. 

Hunter  became  a  member  of  the  Spalding 
Society  in  1726.  Most  biographers,  relying 
on  Swift,  describe  Hunter  as  the  author  of 
the  '  Letter  concerning  Enthusiasm,'  which 
was  written  by  Shaftesbury,  and  of  which 
the  original  is  in  the '  Shaftesbury  Papers'  in 
the  Public  Record  Office  [see  COOPER,  AN- 
Thomas  Coxeter  [q.  v.],  on  the  authority  of  a 
manuscript  note  on  the  title-page  of  the  only 
known  copy  extant,  once  in  possession  of  John 
Philip  Kemble,  gives  Hunter  as  the  author  of 
a  farce  entitled  'Androboros'  (Biog.  Drama- 
tica,  i.  251). 

[Paterson's  Hist,  of  the  Counties  of  Ayr  and 
Wigton,  vol.  iii. ;  Manning  and  Bray's  Surrey,  iii. 
230  ;  Bancroft's  Hist,  of  the  United  States,  vol. 
ii. ;  Appleton's  Encycl.  Amer.  Biog. ;  Swift's 
Works;  Luttrell's  Relation  of  State  Affairs;  Ni- 
chols's Lit.  Anecd.  i.  339,iv.261,vi.  89;  Treasury 
Papers  indexed  under  name  in  Calendars  of  State 
Papers,  1704-7,  1708-14,  1714-17,  1718-25;  J. 
Lawrence  Archer's  Monumental  Inscriptions  in 
the  West  Indies.  Papers  relating  to  Hunter's 
governments  of  New  York  and  Jamaica  will  be 
found  among  the  Board  of  Trade  and  other 
papers  in  the  Colonial  Office  Records  in  the 
Public  Record  Office.  A  letter  from  Hunter  to 
Addison  in  1714  forms  Egerton  MS.  1971,  f.  15, 
and  one  to  C.  Heathcote  Add.  MS.  24322,  f.  1. 
Hunter's  correspondence  with  the  Duke  of  New- 
castle in  1728-33,  with  Sir  Chas.  Ogle  and  P.  Y. 
Ximenes,  is  also  among  Add.  MSS.]  H.  M.  C. 

HUNTER,,  ROBERT  (f,.  1750-1780), 
portrait-painter,  a  native  of  Ulster,  studied 
under  the  elder  Pope,  and  had  a  considerable 
practice  in  Dublin  about  the  middle  of  the 
eighteenth  century.  He  modelled  his  tone 
of  colouring  on  the  painting  of  old  masters. 
His  portraits  were  excellent  likenesses,  if  not 
of  the  first  rank  in  painting.  He  had  an  ex- 
tensive practice  until  the  arrival  of  Robert 
Home  [q.  v.]  in!780,  who  attracted  the  leaders 
of  fashion.  Hunter  took  a  prominent  part 
in  the  foundation  of  the  Dublin  Society  of 
Artists,  and  was  a  frequent  contributor  to  their 
exhibitions  in  Dublin.  Many  of  his  portraits 
were  engraved  in  mezzotint,  including  John, 




lord  Naas  (by  W.  Dickinson),  Simon,  earl 
Harcourt,  now  at  Nuneham  Park  (by  E. 
Fisher),  Dr.  Samuel  Madden  (by  R.  Purcell), 
John  Wesley,  painted  in  Dublin  (by  James 
Watson),  and  others.  In  the  Mansion  House 
at  Dublin  there  is  a  portrait  of  the  Earl  of 
Buckinghamshire  by  Hunter.  A  portrait  of 
Thomas  Echlin  is  stated  to  have  been  etched 
as  well  as  drawn  by  him. 

[Sarsfield  Taylor's  State  of  Fine  Arts  in  Great 
Britain  and  Ireland;  Dodd's  manuscript  Hist,  of 
English  Engravers  (Brit.  Mns.  Add.  MS.  33402); 
Redgrave's  Diet,  of  Artists  ;  Chaloner  Smith's 
British  Mezzotinto  Portraits.]  L.  C. 

HUNTER,  SAMUEL  (1769-1839),  edi- 
tor of  the  '  Glasgow  Herald,'  born  in  1769, 
was  son  of  John  Hunter  (1716-1781),  parish 
minister  of  Stoneykirk,  Wigtownshire.  Re- 
ceiving his  elementary  education  in  his  native 
place,  he  qualified  as  a  surgeon  at  Glasgow 
University,  and  for  a  time,  about  the  end  of 
the  century,  practised  his  profession  in  Ire- 
land. Somewhat  later  he  acted  as  captain 
in  the  north  lowland  fencibles,  and  settled 
in  Glasgow,  where  his  geniality  and  strong 
common  sense  speedily  made  him  popular.  On 
10  Jan.  1803  he  was  announced  as  part  pro- 
prietor and  conductor  of  the '  Glasgow  Herald 
and  Advertiser,'  to  which  he  largely  devoted 
himself  for  the  following  thirty-four  years. 
Soon  afterwards,  owing  to  the  prevalent  dread 
of  a  French  invasion,  he  figured  first  as  major 
in  a  corps  of  gentlemen  sharpshooters,  and  se- 
condly as  colonel  commandant  of  the  fourth 
regiment  of  highland  local  militia.  Enter- 
ing the  Glasgow  town  council,  Hunter  rose 
to  be  a  magistrate,  and  was  very  successful 
and  popular  on  the  bench.  In  1820  fresh 
military  activity  brought  him  forward  as 
commander  of  a  choice  corps  of  gentlemen 
sharpshooters.  From  this  time  till  1837, 
when  he  retired  from  the  '  Herald ' — then  a 
sheet  of  four  pages,  appearing  bi-weekly — 
he  was  one  of  the  most  prominent  of  Glas- 
gow citizens.  After  retiring  he  settled  at 
Rothesay,  and  he  died  on  9  June  1839  when 
visiting  his  nephew,  Archibald  Blair  Camp- 
bell, D.D.,  parish  minister  of  Kilwinning, 
Ayrshire.  He  was  buried  in  Kilwinning 

[Glasgow  Herald,  14  June  1839 ;  Irving's 
Eminent  Scotsmen.]  T.  B. 

HUNTER,  THOMAS  (1666-1725), 
Jesuit,  born  in  Northumberland  on  6  June 
1666,  made  his  humanity  studies  in  the  col- 
lege of  the  English  Jesuits  at  St.  Omer ;  en- 
tered the  society  in  1684 ;  was  appointed  pro- 
fessor of  logic  and  philosophy  at  Liege,  and 
was  professed  of  the  four  vows  2  Feb.  1701- 
1702.  He  became  chaplain  to  the  Sher- 

burne  family  at  Stonyhurst,  Lancashire,  in 
1704.  After  the  marriage  of  Sir  Nicholas 
Sherburne's  daughter  and  heiress,  Mary  Wini- 
fred Frances,  in  1709,  with  Thomas,  eighth 
duke  of  Norfolk,  Hunter  generally  resided 
with  the  duchess  as  her  chaplain.  He  died 
on  21  Feb.  1724-5. 

His  works  are:  1.  'A  Modest  Defence  of 
the  Clergy  and  Religious  against  R.C.'s  His- 
tory of  Doway.  With  an  account  of  the 
matters  of  fact  misrepresented  in  the  same 
History,'  sine  loco,  1714,  8vo.  This  is  in 
answer  to  the  anonymous  work  of  the  Rev. 
Charles  Dodd  [q.  v.]  entitled  <  The  History 
of  the  English  College  at  Doway,  from  its 
first  foundation  in  1568  to  the  present  time,' 
1713.  Dodd  replied  to  Hunter  in  'The 
Secret  Policy  of  the  English  Society  of  Jesus/ 
1715,  a  work  which  is  sometimes  called 
Dodd's  *  Provincial  Letters.'  2.  '  An  Answer 
to  the  24  Letters  entitled  The  Secret  Policy 
of  the  English  Society  of  Jesus ;  containing 
a  Letter  to  the  Author  of  the  same ;  and  five 
Dialogues,  in  which  the  chief  matters  of  fact 
contained  in  those  letters  are  examined.' 
Manuscript  at  Stonyhurst,  A  copy  was  in 
Charles  Butler's  collection.  3.  {  An  English 
Carmelite.  The  Life  of  Catharine  Burton 
[q.  v.],  Mother  Mary  Xaveria  of  the  Angels, 
of  the  English  Teresian  Convent  at  Antwerp/ 
London,  1876,  in  vol.  18  of  the  <  Quarterly 
Series,'  edited  by  the  Rev.  Henry  James 
Coleridge,  S.  J.  The  original  manuscript  is 
in  the  custody  of  the  Teresian  nuns  at  Lan- 
herne,  Cornwall. 

[Butler's  Hist.  Memoirs  (1822),  ii.  250; 
Coleridge's  preface  to  Hunter's  Life  of  Catha- 
rine Burton ;  De  Backer's  Bibl.  de  la  Compagnie 
de  Jesus  (1872),  ii.  227;  Foley's  Eecords,  v. 
401,  vii.  384  ;  Hist.  MSS.  Commission  3rd  Eep. 
234  col.  1,  340  col.  2  ;  Kirk's  MS.  Biog.  Collec- 
tion, quoted  in  Gillow's  Bibl.  Diet. ;  Oliver's 
Jesuit  Collections,  p.  120.]  T.  C. 

HUNTER,  THOMAS  (1712-1777), 
author,  eldest  son  of  William  Hunter,  born 
at  Kendal,  Westmoreland,  and  baptised  there 
on  80  March  1712,  was  educated  at  the 
Kendal  grammar  school,  and  matriculated  at 
Queen's  College,  Oxford,  on  2  July  1734.  In 
1737  he  was  elected  master  of  the  Blackburn 
grammar  school,  and  was  subsequently  ap- 
pointed curate  of  Balderstone,  Lancashire. 
One  of  his  pupils  was  Edward  Harwood 
[q.  v.],  who  spoke  of  him  as  a  '  most  worthy 
preceptor,'  and  i  most  learned  and  worthy 
clergyman '  (NICHOLS,  Lit.  Anecd.  ix.  579). 
He  left  Blackburn  in  1750,  on  being  ap- 
pointed vicar  of  Garstang,  Lancashire,  and 
was  preferred  on  18  April  1755  to  the  vicar- 
age of  Weaverham,  Cheshire,  where  he  died 
on  1  Sept.  1777.  He  was  blind  for  many 




years,  during  which  some  of  his  later  works 
were  produced.  He  married  at  Blackburn, 
on  28  Feb.  1738,  Mary,  widow  of  Hugh 
Baldwin,  and  among  his  children  were  Wil- 
liam Hunter,  fellow  of  Brasenose  College, 
Oxford,  and  minister  of  St.  Paul's,  Liver- 
pool, and  Thomas  Hunter,  who  succeeded 
him  as  vicar  of  Weaverham.  Both  pub- 
lished sermons. 

Hunter  wrote :  1.  '  A  Letter  to  the  Hon. 
Colonel  John in  Flanders,  on  the  sub- 
ject of  Religion,'  1744,  8vo.  2.  t  A  Letter 
to  a  Priest  of  the  Church  of  Rome  on  the 
subject  of  Image  Worship,'  8vo.  3.  '  Obser- 
vations on  Tacitus,'  1752,  8vo.  4.  '  An  Im- 
partial Account  of  Earthquakes,'  Liverpool, 
1756,  8vo.  5.  '  A  Sketch  of  the  Philosophical 
Character  of  Lord  Bolingbroke,'  1770,  8vo  ; 
second  edition,  1776.  For  this  work  he  re- 
ceived the  degree  of  M.A.  by  diploma  from 
the  university  of  Oxford.  Bishop  Warbur- 
ton's  opinion  of  it  was  not  very  favourable 
(Letters  to  Hurd,  cciv.)  6. '  Moral  Discourses 
on  Providence  and  other  Important  Subjects,' 
1774,  2  vols.  8vo;  second  edition,  1776. 
7.  '  Reflections,  Critical  and  Moral,  on  the 
Letters  of  the  late  Earl  of  Chesterfield,' 
1776,  8vo. 

[Fishwick's  Hist,  of  Garstang  (Cheth.  Soc.),  ii. 
193  ;  Earwaker's  Local  Gleanings,  vols.  i.  ii. ; 
Abram's  Hist,  of  Blackburn,  1877,  pp.  339,  347, 
478;  Foster's  Alumni  Oxon.;  Ormerod's  Cheshire, 
orig.  edit.  ii.  58.]  C.  W.  S. 

HUNTER,  WILLIAM  (1718-1783), 
anatomist,  seventh  of  ten  children  of  John 
and  Agnes  Hunter,  and  elder  brother  of  John 
Hunter  (1728-1793)  [q.  y.],  was  born  at  Long 
Calderwood,  East  Kilbride,  Lanarkshire,  on 
23  May  1718.  At  the  age  of  fourteen  he 
was  sent  to  Glasgow  University,  where  he 
remained  five  years.  He  was  intended  by  his 
father  for  the  Scottish  church,  but  becoming 
averse  to  subscribing  the  articles,  he  took  the 
advice  of  William  Cullen  (1710-1790)  [q.  v.], 
then  practising  at  Hamilton,  and  decided  to 
enter  the  medical  profession.  He  was  Cul- 
len's  resident  pupil  from  1737  to  1740,  and  a 
partnership  with  Cullen  was  to  have  followed 
his  return  from  study  in  Edinburgh  and  Lon- 
don. He  afterwards  referred  to  Cullen  as '  a 
man  to  whom  I  owe  most,  and  love  most  of  all 
men  in  the  world.'  After  spending  the  winter 
of  1740-1  at  Edinburgh  under  Monro  primus 
and  other  professors,  he  went  to  London  in 
the  summer  of  1741.  Dr.  James  Douglas 
(1675-1742)  [q.  v.],  who  was  looking  out  for 
a  suitable  dissector  to  aid  him  in  his  projected 
work  on  the  bones,  engaged  Hunter  for  this 
purpose,  and  to  superintend  his  son's  educa- 
tion. Douglas  also  assisted  Hunter  to  enter  as 
a  pupil  at  St.  George's  Hospital  under  James 

Wilkie,  surgeon,  and  to  obtain  instruction 
from  Dr.  Frank  Nicholls  (1699-1778)  [q.  v.], 
teacher  of  anatomy,  and  from  Dr.  Desaguliers 
in  experimental  philosophy.  The  death  of 
Douglas  in  1742  did  not  interrupt  Hunter's 
residence  with  the  family,  and  in  1743  he 
communicated  his  first  paper  to  the  Royal 
Society 'On  the  Structure  and  Diseases  of  Ar- 
ticulating Cartilages '  (Phil.  Trans,  vol.  xlii.) 
In  the  winter  of  1746  he  succeeded  Samuel 
Sharpe  [q.  v.]  as  lecturer  on  the  operations 
of  surgery  to  a  society  of  navy  surgeons  in 
their  room  in  Covent  Garden,  and  by  their  in- 
vitationextended  his  plan  to  include  anatomy. 
His  generosity  to  needy  friends,  however,  left 
him  without  means  to  advertise  his  second 
year's  course.  He  afterwards  learnt  to  prac- 
tise great  economy.  On  6  Aug.  1747  he  was 
admitted  a  member  of  the  Surgeons'  Corpora- 
tion. In  the  spring  of  1748  he  accompanied 
his  pupil  James  Douglas  through  Holland  to 
Paris,  visiting  Albinus  at  Leyden,  and  being 
much  impressed  with  his  admirable  injections, 
which  he  afterwards  emulated.  In  September 

1748  his  younger  brother,  John  Hunter,  ar- 
rived in  London,  learnt  to  dissect  under  him, 
and  next  year  superintended  his  practical  class. 
This  connection  lasted  till  1759,  during  which 
periodWilliam  Hunter's  lectures  gained  fame 
for  their  eloquence  and  fulness,  and  for  the 
abundance  of  practical  illustration  supplied. 
His  success  in  obstetric  practice  led  him  to 
abandon  surgery.     In  1748  he-was  elected 
surgeon-accoucheur  to  the  Middlesex,  and  in 

1749  to  the  British  Lying-in  Hospital.     On 
24  Oct.  1750  he  obtained  the  degree  of  M.D. 
from  Glasgow  University,  and  about  this  time 
he  left  Mrs.  Douglas's  family  and  settled  as  a 
physician  in  Jermyn  Street.    In  the  summer 
of  1751  he  revisited  Long  Calderwood,  which 
had  become  his  property  on  the  death  of  his 
elder  brother,  James.     His  mother  died  on 
3  Nov.  of  the  same  year.     On  30  Sept.  1756 
he  was  admitted  a  licentiate  of  the  Royal 
College  of  Physicians  of  London,  and  soon 
afterwards  was  elected  a  member  of  the  So- 
ciety of  Physicians,  the  parent  of  the  Medical 
Society.  He  now  applied  to  be  disfranchised  by 
the  Surgeons'  Corporation,  but  in  1758 he  paid 
the  surgeons  a  fine  of  20 1.  for  having  joined  the 
College  of  Physicians  without  their  previous 
consent  (Craft  of  Surgery,  p.  284).     Hunter 
had  now  become  the  leading  obstetrician,  and 
was  consulted  in  1762  by  Queen  Charlotte,  to 
whom  he  was  appointed  physician  extraor- 
dinary in  1764.   To  relieve  him  in  his  lectures 
he  had  engaged  William  Hewson  (1739-1774) 
[q.  v.]  to  assist  him,  and  later  Hewson  became 
his  partner.     They  separated  in  1770,  when 
W.  C.  Cruikshank  [q.  v.]  succeeded  him.    In 
1767  Hunter  was  elected  a  fellow  of  the  Royal 




Society,  and  in  1768  was  appointed  the  first 
professor  of  anatomy  to  the  newly  founded 
Royal  Academy.  In  the  same  year  he  became 
a  fellow  of  the  Society  of  Antiquaries.  He 
had  already  formed  a  notable  anatomical  and 
pathological  collection.  In  1765  he  formed 
a  project  for  building  a  museum  'for  the  im- 
provement of  anatomy,  surgery,  and  physic,' 
and  in  a  memorial  to  Mr.  Grenville,  then 
prime  minister,  he  offered  to  spend  7,000£ 
on  the  building  if  a  plot  of  ground  were 
granted  to  him,  and  to  endow  a  professor- 
ship of  anatomy  in  perpetuity.  This  request 
was  not  granted,  but  Lord  Shelburne  some 
time  afterwards  offered  to  give  a  thousand 
guineas  if  the  project  were  carried  out  by 
public  subscription.  Hunter  preferred  to 
undertake  it  alone,  and  bought  a  plot  of 
land  in  Great  Windmill  Street,  on  which  he 
built  a  house,  with  a  lecture-theatre,  dissect- 
ing-room, and  a  large  museum.  He  removed 
thither  from  Jermyn  Street  in  1770.  His 
anatomical  and  pathological  collections  had 
become  enriched  by  large  purchases  from 
the  collections  of  Francis  Sandys  [q.  v.], 
Hewson,  Magnus  Falconar,  Andrew  Black- 
all,  and  others.  He  now  added  to  it  coins 
and  medals,  minerals,  shells,  and  corals,  and 
a  remarkable  library  of  rare  and  valuable 
Greek  and  Latin  books.  Hunter's  duplicates 
when  disposed  of  in  1777  furnished  material 
for  seven  days'  sale.  In  1781  Dr.  Fother- 
gill's  large  collection,  under  the  terms  of  his 
will,  was  added  to  Hunter's  at  a  cost  of  1,200 1. 
In  1783  Hunter  calculated  that  his  museum 
had  cost  him  20,000/. 

Hunter  had  not  been  on  good  terms  with 
his  brother  when  they  parted  in  1760,  and 
there  was  little  intercourse  between  them  in 
later  years.  William  seems  to  have  claimed 
for  himself  several  discoveries  made  by  John, 
and  in  1780  their  disputes  about  discoveries 
connected  with  the  placenta  -and  uterus  led 
to  a  final  breach  [see  under  HUNTEK,  JOHN]. 
In  January  1781,  after  the  death  of  Dr.  Fo- 
thergill,  Hunter  was  elected  president  of  the 
Medical  Society.  He  continued  to  practise, 
though  he  suffered  greatly  from  gout  in  his 
later  years.  In  1780  he  was  elected  a  foreign 
associate  of  the  Tjloy  al  Medical  Society  of  Paris, 
and  in  1782  of  the  Academy  of  Sciences  of 
Paris.  On  20  March  1783,  notwithstanding 
severe  illness  for  several  days  and  the  dis- 
suasions of  his  friends,  he  gave  his  introduc- 
tory lecture  on  the  operations  of  surgery,  but 
fainted  near  the  close,  and  had  to  be  carried 
to  bed.  During  his  subsequent  illness  he 
said  to  his  friend  Charles  Combe  (1743-1817) 
[q.  v.] : '  If  I  had  strength  enough  to  hold  a  pen, 
I  would  write  how  easy  and  pleasant  a  thing 
it  is  to  die.'  He  died  on  30  March  1783,  aged 

64,  and  was  buried  at  St.  James's,  Piccadilly, 
in  the  rector's  vault.  He  was  unmarried. 

In  a  painting  by  Zoffany  of  Hunter  lectur- 
ing at  the  Royal  Academy,  Hunter's  is  the 
only  finished  portrait.  It  was  presented  by 
Mr.  Bransby  Cooper  to  the  Royal  College  of 
Physicians  in  1829.  A  portrait  of  Hunter, 
!  by  Sir  Joshua  Reynolds,  is  in  the  Hunterian 
Museum  at  Glasgow.  Of  another  portrait  by 
Chamberlin  there  is  a  good  engraving  by 
Collyer  belonging  to  the  Royal  Academy. 
Numerous  other  engravings  by  different 
hands  are  extant. 

Hunter  by  his  will  left  his  museum  to  three 
trustees,  Dr.  George  Fordyce,  Dr.  David  Pit- 
cairn,  and  Charles  Combe,  each  with  an  an- 
nuity of  20Z.  a  year  for  twenty  years,  giving 
the  use  of  it  during  that  period  to  his  nephew, 
Dr.  Matthew  Baillie  [q.  v.],  together  with 
8.000/.  for  its  maintenance  and  augmenta- 
tion. After  the  twenty  years  it  was  to  be 
given  entire  to  the  university  of  Glasgow. 
It  now  forms  the  Hunterian  Museum  in  the 
university  buildings  at  Gilmore  Hill  (see  Glas- 
gow University  Calendar).  He  also  left  an 
annuity  of  100/.  to  his  sister,  Mrs.  Baillie,  and 
2,000/.  to  each  of  her  two  daughters.  The 
residue  of  his  estate  and  effects  (including 
his  paternal  estate  of  Long  Calderwood)  was 
left  to  Dr.  Baillie,  who  soon  transferred  Long 
Calderwood  to  John  Hunter. 

Hunter  was  slender  but  well  made,  and 
his  face  was  refined  and  pleasing,  with  very 
bright  eyes.  His  mode  of  life  was  very  frugal. 
He  was  an  early  riser  and  constant  worker, 
his  antiquarian  pursuits  forming  his  chief 
amusement.  He  had  a  good  memory,  quick 
perception,  sound  judgment,  and  great  pre- 
!  cision.  As  an  anatomical  lecturer  he  was 
admirably  clear  in  exposition,  and  very  at- 
tractive by  reason  of  his  stores  of  apposite 
anecdotes.  In  medical  practice  he  was  cau- 
tious in  making  advances.  His  papers  in 
'  Medical  Observations  and  Inquiries '  (vols. 
i-vi.)  show  sound  reasoning,  based  on  normal 
as  well  as  morbid  anatomy,  but  modern  ad- 
vances in  microscopic  anatomy  and  in  physio- 
logy render  much  of  his  work  out  of  date.  His 
papers  '  On  Aneurysm  '  (vols.  i.  ii.  iv.),  '  On 
Diseases  of  the  Cellular  Membrane'  (ii.), 
<  On  the  Symphysis  Pubis '  (ii.),  '  On  Retro- 
verted  Uterus '  (iv.  v.  vi.),  and  '  On  the  Un- 
certainty of  the  Signs  of  Murder  in  the  case  of 
Bastard  Children '  (vi.)  are  still  worth  read- 
ing, and  each  of  them  has  a  distinct  place  in 
the  advance  of  medicine.  The  latter  paper 
has  been  several  times  reprinted  in  editions 
of  Samuel  Farr's  edition  of  'Faselius  on  Medi- 
cal Jurisprudence.'  For  a  controversy  on  his 
paper  '  On  Aneurysm '  see  '  Monthly  Re- 
view/ xvi.  555  (1757),  '  Critical  Review/  iv. 




42  (1757),  and  '  A  Letter  to  the  Author  of 
the  Critical  Review/  anon.,  London,  1757,  in 
Brit.  Mus.  274  D  4. 

Hunter's  papers  in  the  'Philosophical  Trans- 
actions ' '  On  the  Articulating  Cartilages '  (xlii. 
514),  '  On  Bones  (now  known  to  be  those  of 
Mastodon  found  near  the  Ohio,  U.S.A.)  '(Iviii. 
34),  and t  On  the  Nyl-ghau '  (Ixi.  170),  are  in- 
teresting as  early  accounts  of  subjects  now 
much  better  known.  His  magnum  opus, 
however,  is  his  work  ( On  the  Human  Gravid 
Uterus,'  the  material  for  which  was  collected 
with  unremitting  care  during  twenty-five 
years.  In  his  preface  Hunter  acknowledges 
his  indebtedness  in  most  of  the  dissections 
to  the  assistance  of  his  brother  John.  The 
plates  and  the  descriptions  attain  a  very  high 
degree  of  accuracy  and  lucidity.  Hunter  had 
also  intended  to  write  a  history  of  concre- 
tions in  the  human  body,  and  collected  much 
material  for  the  work,  which,  with  the  in- 
tended illustrations,  was  considerably  ad- 
vanced at  his  death,  but  was  never  published. 

As  to  his  anatomical  and  other  discoveries, 
Hunter  was  most  tenacious  of  his  claims. 
His  'Medical  Commentaries'  (parts  i.  and  ii.), 
with  the  supplement  and  second  edition,  con- 
tain most  of  his  contributions  to  the  contro- 
versy with  the  Monros  as  to  injection  of  the 
tubuli  testis,  in  which  the  priority  belonged 
to  Haller  in  1745 ;  as  to  the  proof  of  the  ex- 
istence of  the  ducts  in  the  human  lachrymal 
gland ;  and  as  to  the  origin  and  use  of  the 
lymphatic  vessels.  The  latter  were  important 
discoveries,  but  both  Monro  and  Hunter  were 
anticipated  in  large  part  by  Pecquet,  Rud- 
beck,  and  Ruysch.  Hunter  deserves  much 
credit  for  good  work  in  demonstrating  the 
course  of  the  lymphatics  and  their  absorbing 
powers.  In  reference  to  the  controversy  with 
the  Monros,  see  also '  Observations,  Physiolo- 
gical and  Anatomical,'  by  A.  Monro  secundus, 
Edinburgh,  1758.  Hunter  assigned  a  com- 
paratively low  place  to  William  Harvey  as  a 
discoverer,  alleging  that  so  much  had  been 
discovered  before  that  little  was  left  for  him 
to  do  but  'to  dress  it  up  into  a  system  '(Intro- 
ductory Lectures,  p.  47). 

As  a  collector  of  coins,  medals,  &c.,  Hun- 
ter showed  considerable  judgment  and  great 
acquisitiveness.  He  secured  from  Matthew 
Duane  the  valuable  series  of  Syriac  medals, 
Roman  gold  and  Greek  royal  and  civic  coins 
and  medals,  which  had  been  part  of  Philip 
Carteret  Webb's  collection  (NICHOLS,  Lit. 
Anecd.  ii.  280,  iii.  498).  They  included  a 
noble  series  of  Carausius  and  Allectus  (ib. 
v.  451).  He  also  acquired  Thomas  Sadler's 
collection  (ib.  vi.  110),  and  part  of  Thomas 
Simon's  (ib.  ix.  97),  and  duplicates  from 
Flores's  collection  through  Francis  Carter 

(ib.  iii.  23).  Carter,  writing  to  Nichols  (ib. 
iv.  607),  referring  to  the  fate  of  some  coins, 
says :  '  In  all  probability  they  sunk  into  the 
Devonshire  or  Pembroke  cabinets,  as  all  now 
do  into  Dr.  Hunter's.  God  grant  I  may  be 
able  to  keep  mine  from  their  clutches !  He 
had  the  impudence  to  tell  me,  in  his  own 
house,  last  winter,  that  he  was  glad  to  hear 
of  my  loss  by  the  capture  of  the  Granades,  as 
it  might  force  me  to  sell  him  my  Greek  coins' 
(cf.  CHARLES  COMBE,  Nummorum  veterum 
Populorum  et  Urbium  qui  in  Museo  Gul. 
Hunter  asservantur  Descriptio  Figuris  illus- 
trata,'  4to,  London,  1783,  with  a  dedication 
to  the  queen  by  Hunter).  In  natural  his- 
tory, besides  Dr.  Fothergill's  collection,  he 
purchased  largely  from  John  Neilson's  collec- 
tion (NICHOLS,  Lit.  Anecd.  ix.  813).  Hunter 
also  bought  manuscripts  and  books  from  De 
Missy's  library  (id.  iii.  314),  the  Aldine 
'Plato'  of  1513,  on  vellum,  and  other  trea- 
sures, from  Dr.  Askew's  collection  (ib.  iii.  404, 
496),  and  the  folio  '  Terentianus  Maurus,' 
Milan,  1497  (ib.  iy.  514).  A  manuscript  was 
left  by  Hunter  giving  full  details  of  his  pur- 
chases for  the  museum ;  a  copy  is  in  the  de- 
partment of  antiquities  in  the  British  Mu- 

Besides  papers  above  referred  to,  Hunter 
wrot'e :  1.  '  Medical  Commentaries ;  Part  I. 
Containing  a  Plain  . . .  Answer  to  Professor 
Monro,  jun.,  interspersed  with  Remarks  on 
the  Structure,  Functions,  and  Diseases  of  the 
Human  Body,'  2  pts.,  London,  1762-4,  4to  ; 
second  edition,  1777.  2.  'Anatomia  Uteri 
humani  gravidi  Tabulis  illustrata,'  J.  Bas- 
kerville,  Birmingham,  1774,  elephant  folio, 
thirty-four  plates ;  new  edition  by  Sydenham 
Society,  1851.  3.  'Two  Introductory  Lec- 
tures delivered  by  W.  H.  to  his  last  course 
of  Anatomical  Lectures.  To  which  are  added 
some  Papers  relating  toDr.Hunter's  intended 
Plan  for  establishing  a  Museum  in  London  for 
the  Improvement  of  Anatomy,' London,  1784, 
4to.  4.  '  An  Anatomical  Description  of  the 
Human  Gravid  Uterus  and  its  Contents,' 
edited  by  M.  Baillie,  London,  1794,  4to ; 
second  edition,  by  E.  Rigby,  London,  1843, 

Several  volumes  of  Hunter's  lectures,  in 
manuscript,  are  in  the  library  of  the  Royal 
Medical  and  Chirurgical  Society. 

[G-ent.  Mag.  1783,  vol.  liii.  pt.  i.  p.  364;  S. 
Foart  Simmons's  Account  of  the  Life  and  Writ- 
ings of  William  Hunter,  1783;  Macmichael's 
Lives  of  British  Physicians ;  Medical  Times  and 
Gazette,  1859,  i.  327,  391,  453,  502;  Medical 
Circular,  1860,  xvi.  176,  191,  209,  263,  283,  336, 
353,  372,  by  Joshua  Burgess,  M.D. ;  Nichols's 
Lit.  Anecd.  1813,  multis  locis  ;  Critical  and 
Monthly  Keview,  1757,  1758;  Thomson's  Life 




of  William  Cullen,  passim ;  Brodie's  Hunterian 
Oration,  1837;  J.Matthews  Duncan  in  Edinb. 
Med.Journ.  June  1876,  xxi.  1061-79.]  G-.T.B. 

HUNTER,  WILLIAM,  M.D.  (1755- 
1812),  orientalist,  was  born  at  Montrose  in 
1755,  and  was  educated  at  the  Marischal  Col- 
lege and  university  of  Aberdeen,  where  he 
took  the  degree  of  M.  A.  in  1777.  He  began 
his  career  with  mechanical  contrivances,  and 
an  improvement  of  the  screw  invented  by 
him  was  dignified  by  notice  in  the  '  Philo- 
sophical Transactions '  in  1780  (  Gent.  Mag. 
1830,  pt.  ii.  p.  627  ;  Phil.  Trans.  Ixxi.  58). 
After  serving  as  apprentice  to  a  surgeon  for 
four  years,  he  became  doctor  on  board  an  East 
Indiaman ;  but,  on  his  arrival  in  India  in 
1781,  was  transferred  to  the  company's  ser- 
vice. In  July  1782  he  was  medical  officer  on 
board  the  Success  galley,  which  was  employed 
to  convey  reinforcements  from  Bengal  to  the 
Carnatic.  The  ship  was  dismasted  by  a  storm, 
and  obliged  to  put  into  the  river  Syriam  in 
Pegu,  where  it  was  detained  for  a  month.  In 
the  interval  Hunter  gathered  materials  for  his 
'  Concise  Account  of  the  Kingdom  of  Pegu, 
its  Climate,  Produce,  .  .  .  the  Manners  and 
Customs  of  its  Inhabitants.  .  .  .  With  an 
appendix  containing  an  enquiry  into  the 
cause  of  the  variety  observable  in  the  fleeces 
of  sheep  in  different  climates.  To  which  is 
added  a  description  of  the  Caves  atElephanta, 
Ambola,  and  Canara,'  Calcutta,  1785,  8vo ; 
Lond.  1789,  12mo.  This  book  obtained  con- 
siderable popularity,  and  was  translated  into 

French  by  L.  L (i.e.  Langles)  in  1793. 

Hunter  was  (according  to  DODWELL  and 
MILES,  East  India  Medical  Officers}  gazetted 
an  assistant-surgeon  in  the  company's  ser- 
vice at  Bengal  6  April  1783,  and  surgeon 
21  Oct.  1794.  For  some  time  he  was  sur- 
geon to  the  British  residency  at  Agra,  and 
accompanied  the  resident,  Major  Palmer,  in 
his  march  with  MadhujI  Sindhia  from  Agra 
to  Oujein  and  back.  Of  this  expedition,  which 
lasted  from  23  Feb.  1792  to  21  April  1793, 
Hunter  gave  a  detailed  account  in  vol.  vi. 
of  the  'Asiatic  Researches.'  From  1794  to 
1806  he  held  the  post  of  surgeon  to  the 
marines.  During  two  periods  (from  17  May 
1798  to  6  March  1802,  and  from  4  April 
1804  to  3  April  1811)  he  acted  as  secretary 
to  the  Asiatic  Society  of  Bengal.  On  the 
foundation  of  the  college  of  Fort  William  in 
1801 ,  Hunter  was  appointed  regular  examiner 
in  Persian  and  Hindustani,  and  in  July  1807 
he  succeeded  Lumsden  as  public  examiner. 
On  1  Nov.  1805  he  succeeded  Rothman  as 
secretary  of  the  college,  a  post  which  he  re- 
tained until  his  resignation  in  1 81 1 .  In  1808, 
being  then  surgeon  at  the  general  hospital  of 
Bengal,  he  received  the  degree  of  M.D.  from 


a  Scottish  university  (East  India  Register, 
1808,  pt.  ii.  p.  102  ;  1809,  pt.  i.  p.  101).  On 
the  conquest  of  Java  from  the  Dutch  in  1811, 
Hunter  received  the  special  appointment  of 
superintendent-surgeon  in  the  island  and  its 
territories.  He  died  there  in  December  1812. 

Hunter  was  a  foreign  member  of  the  Medi- 
cal Society  of  London  and  an  honorary  mem- 
ber of  the  Academical  Society  of  Sciences  of 
Paris.  He  contributed  to  the  '  Asiatic  Re- 
searches '  a  number  of  scientific  articles,  chiefly 
botanical  and  astronomical.  The  latter  com- 
prise the  results  of  his  own  observations  and 
an  'Account  of  the  Labours  of  Jayasimha,' 
the  celebrated  Hindu  astronomer,  with  a 
detailed  account  of  his  observatory  at  Delhi. 
He  also  contributed  an  essay  on  '  Some  Arti- 
ficial Caverns  near  Bombay '  to '  Archaeologia,' 
1785,  published  separately  Lond.  1788, 12mo. 
In  1808  Hunter  published  at  Calcutta  hi,= 
valuable  Hindostani  and  English  dictionary 
in  two  volumes,  4to.  This  work  was  based 
on  a  vocabulary  drawn  up  for  private  use  by 
Captain  Joseph  Taylor.  For  some  years  Hun- 
ter was  engaged  in  forming  a  '  Collection  of 
Proverbs  and  Proverbial  Phrases  in  Persian 
and  Hindustani,  with  Translations.'  This 
work  was  left  incomplete  at  his  death,  and  was 
finished  and  published  by  his  friend  Captain 
Roebuck  and  by  Horace  Hayman  Wilson  in 
1824  (Calcutta,  8vo).  In  the  introduction 
Wilson  eulogises  Hunter's  '  distinguished 
learning  and  merit.'  Hunter  was  also  the 
author  of  an  '  Essay  on  Diseases  incident  to 
Indian  Seamen,  or  Lascars,  on  Long  Voyages,' 
five  hundred  copies  of  which  were  printed  at 
the  expense  of  the  government,  Calcutta, 
1804,  and  reissued  in  1824,  both  in  fol. 

In  1805  Hunter  compared  with  the  ori- 
ginal Greek  and  thoroughly  revised  the  Hin- 
dustani New  Testament  by  Mirza  Mohummed 
Fitrut,  Calcutta,  4to.  He  also  superintended 
the  publication  of  the  '  Mejmua  Shemsi,'  a 
summary  of  the  Copernican  system  of  astro- 
nomy translated  into  Persian  by  Maulavi 
Abul  Khwa  (new  edition,  Calcutta,  1826, 
8vo).  The  earliest  attempt  to  form  a  dic- 
tionary of  the  Afghan  language  was  made 
by  Amir  Muhammed  of  Peshawar  in  accord- 
ance with  Hunter's  advice. 

Hunter  also  contributed  to  the  '  Memoirs  ' 
of  the  Medical  Society  (v.  349)  a  '  History  of 
an  Aneurism  of  the  Aorta ; '  and  to  the '  Trans- 
actions'  of  the  Linnean  Society  (ix.  218)  a 
paper  '  On  Nauclea  Gambir,  the  plant  pro- 
ducing the  drug  called  Gutta  Gambier.' 

[Asiatic  Kesearches;  Brit.  Mus.  Cat. ;  Ander- 
son's Scottish  Nation  ;  Eoebuck's  Annals  of  the 
College  of  Fort  William;  obituary  notice  in 
European  Mag.  for  August  1813 ;  Wilson's  intro- 
duction to  Hunter's  Proverbs.]  E.  J.  R. 




TINGS, FRANCIS,  second  EARL  (of  the  Hastings 
family),  1514P-1561;  HASTINGS,  GEORGE, 
first  EARL,  1488  P-1545  ;  HASTINGS,  HANS 
FRANCIS,  eleventh  EARL,  1779-1828 ;  HAS- 
TINGS, HENRY,  third  EARL,  1535-1595 ;  HAS- 
TINGS, THEOPHILTTS,  seventh  EARL,  1650- 
1701  ;  HERBERT,  WILLIAM,  1460-1491, 
PEMBROKE,  d.  1469;  HOLLAND,  JOHN,  first 
EARL  (of  the  Holland  family),  1352  P-1400 ; 
HOLLAND,  JOHN,  second  EARL  (of  the  Hol- 
land family),  1395-1447;  MALCOLM,  KING 
OF  SCOTLAND,  d.  1165.] 

1791).  [See  HASTINGS,  SELINA.] 

1290),  monk  of  Ramsey.  [See  GREGORY.] 

1155),  historian.  [See  HENRY.] 

1220),  justice  itinerant,  was  the  son  of  Roger 
de  Huntingfield.  He  was  appointed  con- 
stable of  Dover  Castle  on  16  Sept.  1203,  and 
gave  his  son  and  daughter  as  hostages  for  the 
safe  holding  of  it  (Rot.  Pat.  5  Joh.)  In  the 
same  year  he  received  a  grant  of  the  ward- 
ship of  the  lands  and  heir  of  Osbert  Fitz 
Osbert  (ib.},  and  in  1208  had  charge  of  the 
lands  of  his  brother  Roger  (who  was  also  a 
justiciar),  which  had  been  seized  in  conse- 
quence of  the  interdict  (Hot.  Glaus.  i.  110). 
From  1208  to  1210  he  was  one  of  the  justices 
before  whom  fines  were  levied,  and  from  1210 
to  1214  he  was  sheriff  of  the  united  counties 
of  Norfolk  and  Suffolk.  So  far  he  was  in 
favour  with  King  John,  but  next  year  he 
joined  the  confederate  barons  (MATT.  PARIS, 
ii.  585),  was  one  of  the  twenty-five  appointed 
to  secure  the  observance  of  Magna  Charta 
(ib.  ii.  605),  and  a  witness  to  the  charter 
granting  freedom  of  election  to  the  abbeys 
(ib.  ii.  610).  He  was  one  of  the  barons  ex- 
communicated by  Innocent  III  in  1216  (ib. 
ii.  644),  and  his  lands  were  taken  into  the 
king's  lands  (Rot.  Glaus.  16  Joh.)  He  re- 
duced Essex  and  Suffolk  for  Lewis  of  France, 
and  in  retaliation  John  plundered  his  estates 
in  Norfolk  and  Suffolk  (MATT.  PARIS,  ii.  655, 
665).  Huntingfield  was  one  of  the  barons 
taken  prisoner  at  Lincoln  on  20  May  1217 
(Cont.  GERVASE,  ii.  Ill,  in  Rolls  Ser.);  but  on 
the  conclusion  of  peace  returned  to  his  allegi- 
ance, and  in  October  was  restored  to  his  lands 
(Rot.  Claus.  1  Hen.  III).  In  1219  he  had  leave 
to  go  on  the  crusade  and  appoint  his  brother 
Thomas  to  act  on  his  behalf  during  his  ab- 
sence. He  married  Alice  de  St.  Liz,  and  is 

said  to  have  died  in  1240,  but  in  1226  his 
son  Roger  sued  his  bailiff  for  arrears  of  rents. 
William  de  Huntingfield's  great-grandson 
Roger  was  summoned  to  parliament  by  Ed- 
ward I  in  1294  and  1297,  and  this  Roger's 
great-grandson  William  was  summoned  from 
1351  to  1376,  but  on  his  death  without  issue 
in  1377  the  barony  fell  into  abeyance. 

[Matt.  Paris,  in  Eolls  Ser. ;  Foss's  Judges  of 
England,  ii.  83 ;  Dugdale's  Baronage,  ii.  7  ; 
Burke's  Dormant  and  Extinct  Peerages,  p.  293.1 

C.  L.  K. 

(1748-1832),  bishop  successively  of  Glou- 
cester and  Hereford,  son  of  James  Hunting- 
ford,  who  died  30  Sept.  1772,  aged  48,  and 
was  buried  in  Winchester  Cathedral,  was 
born  at  Winchester  9  Sept.  1748.  In  1762 
he  was  admitted  scholar  of  Winchester  Col- 
lege, and  elected  to  New  College,  Oxford,  in 
1768,  becoming  scholar  18  July,  and  matricu- 
lating 19  July.  He  graduated  B.A.  1773, 
M.A.  1776,  and  B.D.  and  D.D.  in  1793.  On 
18  July  1770  he  became  a  fellow  of  New 
College,  and  from  about  that  period  he  seems 
to  have  held  an  assistant-mastership  at  Win- 
chester College,  and  to  have  taken  holy  or- 
ders. Huntingford  was  for  some  time  curate 
of  Compton,  near  Winchester,  and  always 
retained  an  affection  for  the  parish.  His 
fellowship  at  New  College  he  held  until 
15  March  1785,  when  he  was  elected  fellow 
of  Winchester.  When  his  elder  brother, 
Thomas,  master  of  the  free  school  at  War- 
minster,  Wiltshire,  died  early  in  1787, leaving 
a  family  unprovided  for,  George,  with  the 
object  of  supporting  the  widow  and  children, 
was  appointed  by  the  Marquis  of  Bath  as  the 
successor  both  to  the  school  and  to  the  adjoin- 
ing rectory  of  Corsley .  Even  then  the  burden 
proved  a  severe  strain  on  his  resources  for 
many  years.  On  5  Dec.  1789  he  was  recalled 
to  Winchester  to  hold  the  office  of  warden, 
and  there  he  remained  for  the  rest  of  his  life. 
Through  the  friendship  of  Addington  [see  AD- 
1757-1844],  who  had  been  his  pupil  at  Win- 
chester, he  was  nominated  to  the  see  of 
Gloucester  (being  consecrated  on  27  June 
1802),  and  the  choice  was  very  agreeable  to 
George  III.  On  5  July  1815  he  was  trans- 
lated to  the  more  lucrative  bishopric  of  Here- 
ford. On  political  and  ecclesiastical  subjects 
he  agreed  with  his  patron,  but,  unlike  Ad- 
dington, he  refrained  from  opposing  the  Re- 
form Bill.  He  died  at  Winchester  College 
on  29  April  1832,  and  by  his  own  desire  was 
buried  at  Compton,  the  scene  of  his  early 
labours  in  the  church,  where  a  monument 
by  Westmacott  was  subsequently  placed  to 




his  memory.     His  portrait  by  Sir  Thomas  : 
Lawrence,  which  is  now  in  the  warden's  gal-  j 
lery  at  Winchester,  was  engraved  by  James 
Ward  in  1807,  and  afterwards  issued  in  Ca- 
dell's  'Gallery  of  Contemporary  Portraits/ 
and  in  Dibdin's  (  Sunday  Library,'  iv.  1-88, 
where  two  of  his  sermons  are  printed.     He  | 
was  elected  F.R.S.  in  1804,  and  F.S.A..  in 

Huntingford  compiled '  A  Short  Introduc- 
tion to  the  Writing  of  Greek,'  for  the  use  of 
Winchester  College,  the  first  edition  of  which  i 
was  anonymous  and  privately  printed,  but  | 
the  second  edition  was  published  with  his  \ 
name  in  1778.     A  second  part  appeared  in  I 

1781,  and  a  third  edition  of  the  first  part  in 

1782.  Numerous  impressions  of  each  part  | 
were  subsequently  required,  and  in  1828  Wil-  : 
liam  Moseley,  LLJ).,  published  an  introduc- 
tion to  them.     In  1781  Huntingford  printed 
for  private  circulation,  without  his  name, 
fifty  copies  of  '  Merpuea  nva  '  in  Greek  and 
Latin.  An  anonymous  translation  of  it  came 
out  in  1785,  which  is  attributed  in  Nichols's 

'  Literary  Anecdotes,'  vii.  718,  to  the  Rev. 
Charles  Powlett,  but  is  elsewhere  assigned  to 
the  Rev,  P.  Smyth.  Under  the  advice  of  his 
friends  he  issued  another  edition  in  1782. 
This  was  reviewed  by  Charles  Burney,  D.D. 
[q.  v.]  in  the  e  Monthly  Review '  for  June 
and  August  1783  (PARE,  Letters,  vii.  394-8), 
with  such  effect,  that  Huntingford  issued  'An 
Apology  for  the  Monostrophics  which  were 
published  in  1782.  With  a  second  collection 
of  Monostrophics,  1784,'  which  was  noticed 
by  the  same  critic  in  the  '  Monthly  Review '  in 
1785.  All  these  criticisms  are  bound  up  in 
one  volume  in  the  British  Museum.  Three 
translations  of  some  specimens  in  the  1782 
edition  appeared  in  the  '  Gentleman's  Maga- 
zine '  for  1782,  pp.  538,  589 ;  and  there  are 
some  Greek  verses  by  him  in  '  Blackwood's 
Magazine,'  xlii.  697-9.  He  drew  up  a  Latin 
interpretation  of  ^Elian,  meditated  in  1790 
a  new  edition  of  Stobaeus,  and  is  said  to 
have  edited  the  poems  of  Pindar.  Another 
of  his  classical  productions  consisted  of 'Ethic 
Sentences,  by  writing  which  Boys  may  be- 
come accustomed  to  Greek  Characters.' 

As  a  tory  politician  and  a  churchman  Hunt- 
ingford printed  numerous  sermons,  charges, 
and  political  discourses.  He  was  the  author  of 
an  anonymous '  Letter  addressed  to  the  Dele- 
gates from  the  several  Congregations  of  Pro- 
testant Dissenters  who  met  atDevizes,  14  Sept. 
1789,'  and  of  a  second  anonymous  letter  to 
them  in  the  same  year.  He  drew  up  '  A  Call 
for  Union  with  the  Established  Church  ad- 
dressed to  English  Protestants,'  Winchester, 
1800 ;  2nd  edit.  1808,  which  he  dedicated  to 
his  old  friend  Addington.  From  the  news- 

papers he  compiled  '  Brief  Memoirs  of  the 
Rt.  Hon.  Henry  Addington's  Administra- 
tion through  the  first  fifteen  months  from  its 
commencement '  [anon.],  1802.  His  charge 
to  the  clergy  of  Gloucester  diocese  (1810)  on 
the  petition  of  the  English  Roman  catho- 
lics ran  to  three  editions,  and  provoked 
an  answer  from  Dr.  Lingard.  When  Lord 
Somers  printed  at  Gloucester,  in  September 
1812,  his  '  Speech  and  Supplemental  Obser- 
vations '  on  the  admission  of  Roman  catho- 
lics into  parliament,  Huntingford  printed 
*  A  Protestant  Letter  addressed  to  Lord 
Somers,'  to  which  that  peer  issued  a  reply. 
A  volume  of  f  Thoughts  on  the  Trinity,'  also 
dedicated  to  Addington,  was  published  by 
him  in  1804.  Edward  Evanson  sarcastically 
recommended  him  to  issue '  Second  Thoughts 
on  the  Trinity.'  A  second  edition,  'with 
charges  and  other  theological  works,  edited 
by  Henry  Huntingford,  LL.B.,  fellow  of 
Winchester  College,'  appeared  after  his  death 
in  1832.  His  '  Discourses  on  Different  Sub- 
jects '  came  out,  the  first  volume  in  1795,  and 
the  second  in  1797.  A  second  edition  of  the 
two  was  printed  in  1815.  Several  letters  to 
and  from  him  are  inserted  in  Parr's '  Works/ 
vii.  51-63,  622-6,  and  in  Harford's  '  Life  of 
Bishop  Burgess/  pp.  145-383.  A  volume  of 
'  Reminiscences  of  Old  Times,  Country  Life, 
of  Winchester  College.  By  a  Nominee  of 
Bishop  Huntingford  [i.e.  Rev.  Henry  Tripp], 
1887 /  contains  a  few  slight  references  to  the 

[Gent.  Mag.  1832,  pt.  i.  pp.  559-61  ;  Annual 
Biog.  1833,  pp.  42-6;  Foster's  Oxford  Registers; 
Kirby's  Winchester  Scholars,  pp.  2,  16,  258; 
Nichols's  Lit.  Anecd.  viii.  129-32 ;  Le  Neve's 
Fasti,  i.  442,  474  ;  J.  C.  Smith's  Portraits,  iv. 
1449  ;  Halkett  and  Laing's  Anon.  Lit.  pp.  268, 
1343,  2297,  2371;  information  from  the  Eev. 
Dr.  Sewell  of  New  Coll.  Oxford,  and  from  the 
Kev.  Dr.  Huntingford  of  Winchester.] 

W.  P.  C. 

1867),  miscellaneous  writer,  born  at  War- 
minster,  Wiltshire,  19  Sept.  1787,  was  son 
of  the  Rev.  Thomas  Huntingford,  master  of 
Warminster  school,  and  a  nephew  of  George 
Isaac  Huntingford,  bishop  of  Hereford  [q.  v.] 
He  became  a  scholar  of  Winchester  in  1802, 
and  matriculated  at  New  College,  Oxford, 
on  16  April  1807,  subsequently  becoming  a 
fellow  both  of  New  College  and  (5  April  1814) 
of  Winchester  (KiKBY,  Winchester  Scholars, 
pp.  16,  290;  FOSTEK,  Alumni  O.ron.  1715- 
1886,  ii.  718).  He  took  the  degree  of  B.C.L. 
on  1  June  1814.  In  1822  he  was  appointed 
rector  of  Hampton  Bishop,  Herefordshire, 
and  in  1838  a  prebendary  in  Hereford  Cathe- 
dral. He  was  also  rural  dean.  He  died  at 





Goodrest,  Great  Malvern,  on  2  Nov.  1867 
(Gent.  Mag.  1867,  pt.  ii.  p.  830). 

Huntingford  published:  1.  'PindariCar- 
mina  juxta  exemplar  Heynianum  .  .  . 
et  Lexicon  Pindaricum  ex  integro  Dammii 
opere  etymologico  excerptum,'  8vo,  1814 ; 
another  edition,  8vo,  1821.  His  edition 
of  Damm's  '  Lexicon  Pindaricum '  was  also 
issued  separately  in  1814.  2.  '  Romanist 
Conversations ;  or  Dialogues  between  a  Ro- 
manist and  a  Protestant.  Published  at  Ge- 
neva in  1713.  Translated  from  the  original 
French  [of  Benedict  Pictet],'  8vo,  1826.  He 
also  edited  his  uncle's  '  Thoughts  on  the 
Trinity,'  1832. 

[Authorities  in  the  text.]  Gr.  G. 

HUNTINGTON,  JOHN  (fl.  1553),  poet 
and  preacher,  was  apparently  educated  at 
Oxford,  where  he  became  '  noted  among  his 
contemporaries  for  a  tolerable  poet.'  He  pub- 
lished about  1540  a  poem  in  doggerel  verse, 
with  the  title,  '  The  Genealogy  of  Heretics/ 
which  is  only  known  from  Bale's  reprint 
of  it  in  '  A  mysterye  of  inyquyte  contayned 
within  the  heretycall  Genealogye  of  Ponce 
Pantolabus  is  here  both  dysclosed  &  con- 
futed by  Johan  Bale,  an.  1542,'  Geneva, 
1545.  Bale  states  in  his  preface  that  he 
saw  Huntington's  'abhomynable  jest '  three 
years  previously  in  two  forms ;  that  there 
were  still  a  '  wonderfull  nombre  of  copyes  ' 
abroad;  that  Huntington's  printers  were 
John  Redman  and  Robert  Wyer;  and  that 
Huntington,  since  *  converted  to  repentance,' 
doubtless  detested  his  work.  In  1541  Hun- 
tington, described  as  'the  preacher,'  was  one 
of  three  informers  against  a  Scottish  friar, 
Seton,  for  heresy  ;  in  1545  Anne  Askew  gave 
his  name  as  a  man  of  wisdom  by  whom  she 
was  willing  to  be  shriven;  in  1547  he 
was  preaching  at  Boulogne,  apparently  on 
the  reformers'  side,  and  saved  from  prison  a 
gunner,  William  Hastlen,  accused  of  heresy. 
In  December  1553  he  was  brought  before  the 
council  for  writing  a  poem  against  Dr.  Stokes 
and  the  sacrament,  but  by  recanting  and 
humbly  submitting  he  contrived  to  escape 
unpunished  to  Germany.  On  the  accession 
of  Elizabeth  he  would  seem  to  have  returned, 
since  his  name  is  mentioned  as  preaching 
before  large  audiences  at  Paul's  Cross  in 
August  and  September  1559.  He  was  ad- 
mitted canon  of  Exeter  on  16  May  1560. 
He  is  said  to  have  written,  besides  the  t  Ge- 
nealogy,' '  Epitaphium  Ricardi  Pacaei '  (Wood 
and  Pits  give  differing  first  lines  for  this) ; 
'  Humanse  Vitse  Deploratio  ; "  De  lapsu  Phi- 
losophise,' and  several  sermons.  A  manu- 
script entitled  '  Meditationes  Itineraries  de 
Immortalitate  Animee '  (Sloane  MS.  2556) 

has  been  ascribed  to  Huntington,  and  has 
his  surname  written  on  the  first  page. 

[Wood's  Athens  Oxon.  (Bliss),  i.  241 ;  Tan- 
ner's Bibl.  Brit  p.  423;  Pits,  App.  p.  876; 
Strype's  Annals,  i.  i.  199,  200;  Strype's  Mem.  i. 
i.  572;  Strype's  Grindal,  p.  39;  FoxeYActs  and 
Monuments,  v.  449,  539,  568,  836,  viii.  716,  717; 
A  Dysclosynge  or  Openynge  of  the  Manne  of 
Synne,  &c.,  compyled  by  J.  Harryson,  pp.  12, 
98.]  E.  B. 

HUNTINGTON,  ROBERT  (1637-1701), 

orientalist  and  bishop  of  Raphoe,  second 
son  of  the  Rev.  Robert  Huntington,  curate 
of  Deerhurst  in  Gloucestershire,  was  born  in 
February  1636-7,  probably  at  Deerhurst,  al- 
though his  name  is  not  entered  in  its  register 
of  baptisms.  His  father  was  vicar  of  the 
adjoining  parish  of  Leigh  from  1648  till  his 
death  in  1664.  Robert  was  educated  at 
Bristol  grammar  school,  and  in  1652  was 
admitted  portionist  at  Merton  College,  Ox- 
ford, graduating  B.A.  on  9  March  1657-8, 
and  M.A.  on  21  Jan.  1662-3.  As  soon  as 
the  statutes  of  the  college  would  allow,  he 
was  elected  to  a  fellowship,  and  as  he  signed 
the  decree  of  1660,  condemning  all  the  pro- 
ceedings of  convocation  under  the  Common- 
wealth, his  possession  of  its  emoluments  was 
undisturbed.  At  Oxford  he  applied  himself 
to  the  study  of  oriental  languages,  and  on 
the  return  of  Robert  Frampton  [q.  v.]  he 
applied  for  his  post  of  chaplain  to  the  Le- 
vant Company  at  Aleppo,  and  was  elected 
on  1  Aug.  1670.  In  the  following  month  he 
sailed,  and  arrived  there  in  January  1671. 
Huntington  remained  in  the  East  for  more 
than  ten  years,,  paying  lengthened  visits  to 
Palestine,  Cyprus,  and  Egypt,  and  losing  no 
opportunity  of  acquiring  rare  manuscripts. 
His  chief  correspondents  in  England  were 
Narcissus  Marsh,  afterwards  archbishop  of 
Armagh,  Bishop  Fell,  Edward  Pocock,  and 
Edward  Bernard,  and  for  the  two  former  he 
purchased  many  manuscripts.  With  the  Sa- 
maritans of  Nabulus  he  began  in  1671  a  cor- 
respondence which  was  kept  up  between 
English  and  Samaritan  scholars  for  many 
years.  A  glimpse  at  his  life  in  Aleppo  is 
given  in  the  diary  of  the  Rev.  Henry  Teonge, 
who  visited  that  city  in  1676  (Diary,  pp. 
158-66).  On  14  July  1681  he  resigned  his 
chaplaincy,  returning  leisurely  homeward 
through  Ital-  and  France,  and  settling  once 
more  at  Merton  College,  the  authorities  of 
which  ar  ,  said  to  have  funded  for  him  during 
his  ab?  nee  the  profits  of  his  fellowship.  He 
took  <  he  degrees  of  B.D.  and  D.D.  (15  June 
1 683  \  Humphry  Prideaux,  himself  eager  for 
the  Hebrew  professorship,  mentions  Hunt- 
ing ,on  as  a  probable  competitor,  and  speaks 
of 'lim  as  <soe  well  liked,  he  is  a  very  wor- 




thy  person.'  Through  the  recommendation 
of  Fell  to  Marsh  he  was  offered  the  provost- 
ship  of  Trinity  College,  Dublin  (1683),  and 
reluctantly  accepted  it.  An  Irish  transla- 
tion of  the  New  Testament  had  already  been 
printed,  but  the  two  friends,  Marsh  and 
Huntington,  superintended  a  translation 
into  the  same  language  of  the  canonical  books 
of  the  Old  Testament,  which  was  printed  at 
the  expense  of  Robert  Boyle.  In  1688  he 
fled  from  Ireland,  but  returned  for  a  short 
time  after  the  battle  of  the  Boyne.  The 
bishopric  of  Kilmore,  which  was  vacant 
through  the  refusal  of  Dr.  William  Sheridan 
to  take  the  oaths  of  allegiance  to  the  new 
ministry,  was  offered  to  him  early  in  1692, 
Dut  declined,  and  as  he  preferred  to  live  in 
England,  he  resigned  his  provostship  (Sep- 
tember 1692),  leaving  the  college  a  silver 
salver,  still  preserved,  on  which  his  arms  are 
engraved.  In  the  same  autumn  (19  Aug. 
1692)  Huntington  was  instituted,  on  the 
presentation  of  Sir  Edward  Turner,  to  the 
rectory  of  Great  Hallingbury  in  Essex.  In 
his  letters  to  his  friends  he  often  lamented 
his  banishment  to  this  solitude,  with  its  con- 
sequent loss  of  books  and  society.  He  failed 
in  October  1693  to  obtain  the  wardenship  of 
Merton  College,  and  about  the  end  of  1692 
he  married  a  daughter  of  John  Powell,  and 
a  sister  of  Sir  John  Powell,  judge  of  the 
king's  bench.  He  was  consecrated  at  Dub- 
lin .bishop  of  Eaphoe  on  20  July  1701  (CoT- 
TOK,  Fasti  Eccl.  Hibernicce,  iii.  353).  Almost 
immediately  afterwards  he  was  attacked  by 
illness,  and  he  died  at  Dublin  on  2  Sept. 
1701,  when  he  was  buried  near  the  door  of 
Trinity  College  Chapel,  and  a  marble  monu- 
ment was  erected  by  the  widow  to  his  me- 

Huntington's  sole  contribution  to  litera- 
ture was  a  short  paper  in  '  Philosophical 
Transactions/  No.  161  (20  July  1684),  pp. 
623-9,  entitled  «  A  Letter  from  Dublin  con- 
cerning the  Porphyry  Pillars  in  Egypt,' 
which  was  reproduced  in  John  Ray's  '  Col- 
lection of  Curious  Travels  and  Voyages' 
(1693),  ii.  149-55.  Edward  Bernard  [q.  v.] 
inscribed  to  him  his  paper  on  the  chief  fixed 
stars  (see  Phil.  Trans,  xiv.  567  et  seq.) 
Huntington  gave  to  Merton  College  fourteen 
oriental  manuscripts,  and  to  the  Bodleian 
Library  thirty-five  more.  A  much  larger 
number,  646  in  all,  was  purchased  from  him 
in  1693  for  the  latter  collection  at  a  cost  of 
700/.  Thomas  Marshall,  rector  of  Lincoln 
College,  Oxford,  and  dean  of  Gloucester, 
gave  to  the  Bodleian  in  1685  many  valuable 
manuscripts,  including  some  Coptic  copies  of 
the  gospels  procured  for  him  by  Hunting- 
ton,  and  Archbishop  Marsh  on  his  death  in 

1713  left  to  the  same  library  many  oriental 
manuscripts  which  he  had  acquired  from 
Huntington.  These  manuscripts  are  de- 
scribed in  Bernard's  'Catalogue'  (1697), 
and  in  the  official  catalogues  of  the  Bodleian 
(1788-1835  and  1848-90).  Huntington  was 
a  liberal  contributor  of  manuscripts  to  Trinity 
College,  Dublin,  and  a  collection  of  his  letters, 
dated  between  1684  and  1688,  relating  to  that 
institution  were  on  sale  by  Osborne  the  book- 
seller about  1755. 

[The  chief  materials  for  Huntington's  bio- 
graphy are  found  in  the  work  of  his  friend,  D. 
Eoberti  Huntingtoui  Epistolse,  praemittuntur  D. 
Huntingtoni  et  D.  Bernardi  vitse.  Scriptore 
Thoma  Smitho,  1704.  A  contemporaneous  trans- 
lation into  English  was  inserted  by  Shirley 
Woolmer  of  Exeter  in  Gent.  Mag.  1825,  pt.  i. 
pp.  11-15,  115-19,  218-21,  and  reproduced  in 
the  Tewkesbury  Keg.  and  Mag.  ii.  222-40.  See 
also  Pearson's  Levant  Chaplains,  pp.  18-23,  57; 
Bernard's  Cat.  Librorum  Manuscriptorum  (1 697), 
pp.  177-8,  279-85;  Coxe's  Collegiis 
Oxon.i.  (Merton  Coll.)  130-2 ;  Hist.  MSS.  Comm. 
4th  Eep.  App.  p.  588 ;  Biog.  Brit.  1757  ed.  iv. 
2710-12;  English  Cyclop. ;  Luttrell's  Hist.  Ke- 
lation,  ii.  405,  iii.  203  ;  Brodrick's  Merton  Coll. 
(Oxf.  Hist.  Soc.),  p.  293;  Prideaux's  Letters 
(Camd.  Soc.),  pp.  39,  132-5  ;  J.  W.  Stubbs's  Dub- 
lin Univ.  pp.  117-36;  Gloucestershire  Notes  and 
Queries,  i.  3,  ii.  24-5,  110  ;  Macray's  Annals  of 
Bodl.  Lib.  1890  ed.  pp.  154,  161-3,  185.] 

W.  P.  C. 

1813),  eccentric  preacher,  natural  son  of 
Barnabas  Russel,  farmer,  was  born  in  a  cot- 
tage at  the  Four  Wents,  on  the  road  be- 
tween Goudhurst  and  Cranbrook,  Kent,  on 
2  Feb.  1744-5,  and  was  baptised  at  Cranbrook 
Church  in  the  name  of  his  putative  father, 
William  Hunt,  a  labourer,  on  14  Nov.  1750. 
After  acquiring  the  barest  rudiments  of 
knowledge  at  the  Cranbrook  grammar  school, 
he  went  into  service  as  an  errand-boy,  and 
was  afterwards  successively  gentleman's  ser- 
vant, gunmaker's  apprentice,  sawyer's  pit- 
man, coachman,  hearse-driver,  tramp,  gar-  • 
dener,  coalheaver,  and  popular  preacher. 
Having  seduced  a  young  woman,  the  daugh- 
ter of  a  tailor  at  Frittenden,  Kent,  he  de- 
camped on  the  birth  of  a  child,  and  changed 
his  name  to  Huntington  to  avoid  identifica- 
tion (1769).  He  then  formed  a  connection 
with  a  servant-girl  named  Mary  Short,  with 
whom  he  settled  at  Mortlake,  working  as  a 
gardener.  Here  he  suffered  much  from 
poverty,  and  still  more  from  conviction  of 
sin.  After  removing  to  Sunbury  he  went 
through  the  experience  known  as  conversion, 
which  was  precipitated  by  a  casual  conver- 
sation with  a  strict  Calvinist.  Huntington, 
after  failing  to  obtain  satisfaction  from  the 




'  Whole  Duty  of  Man'  or  the  Thirty-nine  Ar- 
ticles, discovered  in  the  Bible  to  his  dismay 
convincing  proof  of  the  doctrine  of  predes- 
tination. About  Christmas  1773  a  sudden 
vision  of  brilliant  light  confirmed  him  in  his 
belief  (cf.  the  detailed  account  in  his  auto- 
biography) ;  after  praying  fervently  for  a 
quarter  of  an  hour,  Christ  appeared*to  him 
'  in  a  most  glorious  manner,  with  his  body 
all  stained  with  blood/  and  he  obtained  the 
assurance  that  he  'was  brought  under  the 
covenant  love  of  God's  elect.'  He  thereupon 
ceased  to  attend  the  established  church,  and 
spent  his  Sundays  in  singing  hymns  of  his 
own  composing,  in  praying,  and  in  reading  and 
expounding  the  Bible  to  Mary  Short.  He 
afterwards  joined  the  Calvinistic  methodists 
of  Kingston ;  but  soon  removed  to  Ewell, 
where  his  preaching  was  unpopular,  and 
thence  to  Thames  Ditton,  where  for  a  time 
he  combined  preaching  with  coalheaving  or 
cobbling.  Subsequently  he  depended  for  his 
subsistence  on  faith.  His  congregations  did 
not  permit  him  to  starve,  but  their  supplies 
were  irregular,  and  Huntington  was  often  in 
great  distress.  He  regarded  every  windfall, 
however  trifling,  as  a  miraculous  interposi- 
tion of  God.  His  curious  work,  '  God  the 
Guardian  of  the  Poor  and  the  Bank  of  Faith,' 
gives  a  minute  account  of  his  manner  of  life 
at  this  period. 

By  degrees  he  extended  the  sphere  of  his 
ministry,  going  a  regular  circuit  between 
Thames  Ditton,  Richmond,  Cobham,  Wor- 
plesdon,  Petworth,  Horsham,  and  Margaret 
Street  Chapel,  London,  Providence  providing 
him  with  a  horse,  horse  furniture,  and  riding 
breeches.  He  found  wishing  sometimes  a 
more  powerful  engine  than  prayer.  Antici- 
pating that  his  past  history  would  sooner  or 
later  come  to  light,  Huntington  took  the  pre- 
caution of  confiding  the  affair  of  the  girl  at 
Frittendentohis  more  devoted  adherents,  and 
appended  to  his  name  the  letters  S.S.,  i.e. 
sinner  saved.  The  petty  annoyance  or  perse- 
cution he  suffered  from  those  who  resented 
his  preaching  he  described  in  a  book  entitled 
'The  Naked  Bow,  or  a  Visible  Display  of  the 
Judgments  of  God  on  the  Enemies  of  Truth.' 
He  there  shows  that  various  calamities  which 
befell  his  enemies  were  divine  punishments 
for  small  affronts  offered  to  himself.  In  1782, 
in  accordance  with  what  he  regarded  as  a 
heavenly  monition,  he  removed  to  London, 
and  soon  obtained  sufficient  credit  to  build 
himself  a  chapel  in  Titchfield  Street,  Ox- 
ford Market,  which  he  christened  'Provi- 
dence Chapel.'  The  place  was  consecrated 
in  1783,  and  here  he  officiated  for  more  than 
a  quarter  of  a  century.  On  13  July  1810  the 
chapel,  which  was  uninsured,  was  burned 

to  the  ground.    Huntington,  however,  easily 
raised  10,000£,  with  which  he  built  a  larger 
chapel  in  Gray's  Inn  Lane,  between  Wilson 
Street  and  Calthorpe  Street,  taking  care  to 
have  the  freehold  vested  in  himself.     New 
Providence  Chapel,  as  it  was  called,  was 
opened  for  divine  service  on  20  June  1811. 
For  the  rest  of  his  life  Huntington  derived 
a  handsome  income  from  his  pew-rents  and 
publications,  had  a  villa  at  Cricklewood,  and 
kept  a  carriage.     He  preached  at  his  chapel 
until  shortly  before  his  death,  which  occurred 
at  Tunbridge  Wells  on  1  July  1813.   He  was 
interred  on  8  July  in  the  burial-ground  of 
Jireh  Chapel,  Lewes.     His  epitaph,  com- 
posed by  himself,  was  as  follows  :  '  Here  lies 
the  coalheaver,  who  departed  this  life  July  1st, 
1813,  in  the  69th  year  of  his  age,  beloved  of 
his  God,  but  abhorred  of  men.     The  omni- 
|  scient  Judge  at  the  grand  assize  shall  ratify 
and  confirm  this  to  the  confusion  of  many 
j  thousands,  for  England  and  its  metropolis 
shall  know  that  there  hath  been  a  prophet 
!  among  them.'     Mary  Short   died  in  Hun- 
!  tington's  lifetime.     Her  death  was  hastened 
by  gin  and  chagrin  induced  by  a  scandalous 
|  intimacy  which  Huntington  formed  about 
'  1803  with  an  evangelical  lady,  Elizabeth, 
I  relict  of  Sir  James  Sanderson,  bart.,  lord 
I  mayor   of  London   in    1792.      Huntington 
I  married  this  lady  on  15   Aug.  1808.      By 
Mary  Short  he  had  thirteen  children,  of  whom 
|  seven  survived.     He  had  none  by  Lady  San- 
derson.    She  survived  him,  dying  on  9  Nov. 
i  1817. 

In  person  Huntington  was  tall  and  strongly 
built,  with  somewhat  irregular  features,  a 
;  ruddy  complexion,  light  blue  eyes,  and  an 
|  ample  forehead,  partially  concealed  by  a  short 
black  wig.  His  portrait  by  Pellegrini  (aet. 
58)  is  in  the  National  Portrait  Gallery.  His 
manner  in  the  pulpit  was  peculiar.  Action 
he  had  none,  except  a  curious  trick  of  passing 
a  white  handkerchief  to  and  fro.  His  style 
was  colloquial  and  often  extremely  coarse, 
but  nervous  and  idiomatic.  His  doctrine 
was  Calvinism  flavoured  with  antinomianism, 
his  method  of  interpreting  scripture  wholly 
arbitrary.  He  claimed  to  be  under  the  direct 
inspiration  of  God,  and  denounced  all  who 
differed  from  him  as  knaves,  fools,  or  incar- 
nate devils.  He  predicted  the  total  destruc- 
tion of  Napoleon  and  his  army  in  Egypt,  and 
the  fall  of  the  papacy  about  1870.  He  seldom 
baptised,  admitted  to  the  communion  only 
by  ticket,  and  discountenanced  prayer-meet- 

From  the.  time  of  his  settling  in  London 
he  was  a  prolific  writer,  and  was  frequently 
engaged  in  acrimonious  controversy.  Among 
his  antagonists  were  Jeremiah  Learnoult 



Garrett  [q.  v.],  Rowland  Hill  [q.  v.],  and 
Timothy  Priestley  [q.  v.]  In  1811  he  pub- 
lished a  collective  edition  of  his  works  com- 
plete to  the  year  1806,  in  20  vols.  8vo.  They 
consist  principally  of  sermons,  epistles,  and 
other  edificatory  or  controversial  matter. 
He  continued  to  publish  during  his  life,  and 
six  additional  volumes  appeared  after  his 
death,  viz.  (1)  *  Gleanings  of  the  Vintage,' 
1814,  2  vols.  8vo;  (2)  '  Posthumous  Letters/ 
1815  3  vols.,  1822  1  vol.  8vo. 

[The  principal  authorities  are  the  autobio- 
graphical works  mentioned  in  the  text ;  Ebene- 
zer  Hooper's  Celebrated  Coalheaver,  1871;  Facts, 
Letters,  and  Documents  concerningWilliam  Hunt- 
ington,  1872;  obituary  in  Gent.  Mag.  181-3;  The 
Sinner  Saved,  a  Memoir  of  the  Rev.  William 
Huntington,  1813  ;  a  savage  article  by  Southey 
in  the  Quarterly  Review,  vol.  xxiv. ;  Don  Manuel 
Espriella's  Letters  from  England,  1808  (cf.  notice 
in  Edinburgh  Keview,  January  1808).] 

J.  M.  K. 

HUNTLEY,  FRANCIS  (1787  P-1831), 
actor,  born  in  Barnsley,  Yorkshire,  lost  his 
father  while  young,  and  claimed,  vainglori- 
onsly  as  is  supposed,  to  have  been  educated 
at  Douglas's  academy  in  South  Audley  Street, 
end  articled  to  a  surgeon.  After  some  prac- 
tice in  London  as  an  amateur,  he  began  his 
professional  career  at  Brecknock  about  1806, 
under  R.  Phillips.  A  bad  start  was  made, 
and  he  appeared  with  no  more  success  at  the 
Lyceum  under  Laurent.  With  Beverley,  at 
the  Richmond  Theatre,  he  remained  for  some 
time,  studying  and  rising  in  his  profession. 
After  performing  at  Stamford  and  Notting- 
ham, he  played  Othello  to  the  lago  of  Carey, 
otherwise  Kean,  at  the  Birmingham  Theatre, 
under  Watson.  Under  Ryley  at  Bolton  he 
was  seen  by  Elliston  [q.  v.],  who  engaged 
him  for  Manchester,  and  brought  him  subse- 
quently to  the  Olympic  and  to  the  Surrey, 
where  in  the  summer  of  1809  he  appeared  as 
Lockit  in  the  '  Beggar's  Opera '  to  Elliston's 
Macheath.  On  25  Nov.  1811,  as  King  James 
in  the  '  Knight  of  Snowdoun ' — an  operatic 
adaptation  by  Morton  of  the  'Lady  of  the 
Lake ' — he  was  seen  for  the  first  time  at  Covent 
Garden.  Romaldi  in  the  '  Tale  of  Mystery ' 
followed  on  the  27th,  and  on  11  Dec.  Wilford 
in  the  'Iron  Chest.'  On  31  Jan.  1812  he  was 
the  original  Don  Alonzo  in  Reynolds's '  Virgin 
of  the  Sun.'  At  Easter  he  returned  to  the 
Surrey,  and  went  thence  to  Dublin,  where 
during  two  seasons  he  played  leading  business 
at  the  Smock  Alley  Theatre.  After  this  he 
was  seen  at  the  Olympic,  again  with  Dibdin 
at  the  Surrey,  at  the  Coburg,  the  Royalty,  the 
West  London — where  he  opened  as  (Edipus  to 
the  Jocasta  of  Mrs.  Julia  Glover  [q.  v.] — at 
Astley's,  and  then  again  at  the  Coburg  and 

the  Surrey.  In  his  later  years  he  was  known 
as  the'Roscius  of  the  Coburg,' at  which  house 
he  was  principally  seen.  He  was  a  well-built 
man,  about  5  ft.  10  in.  in  height,  dark,  with 
an  expressive  face,  great  command  of  feature, 
and  a  clear  and  powerful  voice,  the  under- 
tones of  which  had  much  sweetness.  Before 
ruining  himself  by  drunkenness  and  other 
irregularities  of  life,  and  by  playing  to  vulgar 
audiences,  he  had  great  powers  of  expressing 
rage,  fear,  despair,  and  other  strong  passions. 
He  was  seen  to  advantage  in  Tom  Jones, 
Edward  the  Black  Prince,  Fazio,  Lockit, 
George  Barnwell,  and  the  Vicar  of  Wake- 
field.  A  portrait  of  him  as  Balfour  of  Bur- 
ley  is  given  in  Oxberry's  'Dramatic  Bio- 
graphy,' new  series,  vol.  i.  His  death,  which 
took  place '  lately,  aged  48,'  according  to  the 
'Gentleman's  Magazine 'of  April  1831  (pt.  i. 
p.  376),  was  hastened  by  intemperance.  Ox- 
berry  {Dramatic  Chronology)  doubtfully  says 
he  was  born  in  1785,  died  in  1823,  and  was 
buried  in  Walworth.  When  at  the  Surrey 
with  Honeyman  the  lessee,  who  was  also  a 
publican,  his  terms  are  said  to  have  been  a 
guinea  a  night  and  as  much  brandy  as  he 
could  drink.  He  married  about  1808,  but 
separated  from  his  wife,  by  whom  he  had  a 
child.  Another  Frank  Huntley,  who  was 
subsequently  on  the  stage,  may  have  been 
his  son. 

[Books  cited;  G-enest's  Account  of  the  English 
Stage ;  Oxberry's  Dramatic  Biography,  2nd  ser. 
vol.  i. ;  Georgian  Era,  iv.  571.]  J.  K. 


1864),  captain  in  the  navy,  colonial  governor, 
and  author,  was  the  third  son  of  the  Rev. 
Richard  Huntley  of  Boxwell  Court,  Glouces- 
tershire. He  entered  the  navy  in  1809, 
served  on  the  West  Indian  and  North 
American  station,  and  in  1815  was  in  the 
Northumberland  when  she  carried  Bonaparte 
to  St.  Helena.  In  1818  he  was  made  lieu- 
tenant, and  served  in  the  Mediterranean 
successively  in  the  Redpole  and  Parthian 
brigs;  in  the  last  he  was  wrecked  on  the 
coast  of  Egypt,  15  May  1828.  He  was  after- 
wards at  Portsmouth  in  the  Ganges  with 
Captain  John  Hayes  [q.  v.],  whom  he  fol- 
lowed to  the  Dryad  on  the  west  coast  of 
Africa,  where,  for  the  greater  part  of  the 
time,  he  had  command  of  one  of  her  tenders, 
and  cruised  successfully  against  slavers.  In 
1833  he  was  appointed  to  the  command  of 
the  Lynx  on  the  same  station,  and  in  her 
also  captured  several  slavers.  In  1837  he 
was  employed,  in  concert  with  Commander 
Craigie  of  the  Scout,  in  negotiating  a  treaty 
with  the  king  of  Bonny,  and  was  sent  home 
with  the  account  of  the  proceedings.  In 




June  1838  he  was  promoted  to  the  rank  of 
commander,  and  in  1839  was  appointed  lieu- 
tenant-governor of  the  settlements  on  the 
river  Gambia,  in  which  capacity  he  had  to 
repel  the  incursions  of  some  of  the  adjacent 
tribes.  In  August  1841  he  was  appointed 
lieutenant-governor  of  Prince  Edward's  Is- 
land, and  previous  to  going  out  was  knighted, 
9  Oct.  1841.  He  was  afterwards  arbi- 
trator of  the  mixed  courts  at  Loanda,  and 
at  a  later  date  became  consul  at  Santos  in 
Brazil,  where  he  died  7  May  1864.  He  was 
twice  married,  and  left  issue ;  his  eldest  son, 
Spencer  Robert  Huntley,  a  lieutenant  in  the 
navy,  died  in  command  of  the  Cherub  on  the 
North  American  and  West  Indian  station  in 

While  in  command  at  Prince  Edward's 
Island  Huntley  seems  to  have  taken  to 
literature  as  an  amusement ;  and  on  his  re- 
turn to  England  published  in  rapid  succes- 
sion: 1.  *  Peregrine  Scramble,  or  Thirty 
Years'  Adventures  of  a  Bluejacket '  (in 
2  vols.  post  8vo,  1849),  in  very  obvious  and 
feeble  imitation  of  Captain  Marry  at.  2.  l  Ob- 
servations upon  the  Free  Trade  policy  of 
England  in  connection  with  the  Sugar  Act 
of  1846  '  (8vo,  1849),  an  exaggerated  protest 
against  the  policy  adopted.  3.  '  Seven  Years' 
Service  on  the  Slave  Coast  of  Western 
Africa'  (2  vols.  post  8vo,  1850),  a  personal 
narrative.  4.  '  California,  its  Gold  and  its 
Inhabitants '  (2  vols.  post  8vo,  1856).  Many 
of  Huntley's  official  reports  on  African  ques- 
tions were  also  published  in  the  different 

[O'Byrne's  Nav.  Biog.  Diet. ;  Gent.  Mag.  1864, 
pt.  ii.  p.  112.]  J.  K.  L. 

ALEXANDER,  third  EARL,  d.  1524  ;  GORDON, 
GEORGE,  second  EARL,  d.  1502  ? ;  GORDON, 
GEORGE,  fourth  EARL,  d.  1562 ;  GORDON, 
GEORGE,  fifth  EARL,  d.  1576 ;  SETON,  ALEX- 
ANDER DE,  first  EARL,  d.  1470.] 

ALEXANDER,  1678P-1728,  fifth  MARQUIS,  se- 
1745?-! 827,  seventh  MARQUIS,  fourth  DUKE 
1562-1636 ;  GORDON,  GEORGE,  second  MAR- 
QUIS, d.  1649;  GORDON,  GEORGE,  fourth  MAR- 
QUIS, first  DUKE  OF  GORDON,  1643-1716; 
GORDON,  GEORGE,  eighth  MARQUIS,  fifth  DUKE 
OF  GORDON,  1770-1836 ;  GORDON,  GEORGE, 
ninth  MARQUIS,  1761-1853.] 

HUNTON,  PHILIP  (1604  P-1682),  poli- 
tical writer  and  divine,  born  in  Hampshire, 
was  the  son  of  Philip  Hunton  of  Andoverin 

Hampshire,  who  was  the  son  of  another 
Philip  Hunton,  and  perhaps  descended  from 
Richard  Hunton  of  East  Knoyle  in  Wiltshire 
(WooD,  Athence  Oxon.  iv.  50 ;  Philip  Hunton 
and  his  Descendants,  by  Daniel  J.  V.  Hun- 
toon  ;  HOARE,  Modern  Wiltshire,  Westbury, 
p.  22).  He  was  entered  at  Wadham  College, 
Oxford,  either  as  a  batler  or  servitor,  31  Jan. 
1622-3  (GARDINER,  Wadham  Coll.  Reg.?.  66). 
Of  this  college  he  afterwards  became  scholar, 
and  graduated  B.A.  in  1626  and  M.A.  1629 
(WooD,  Fasti  Oxon.  i.  426,  451).  He  was 
ordained  priest,  and  held  the  appointment  of 
schoolmaster  of  Avebury ;  he  was  later  minis- 
ter of  Devizes,  then  of  Heytesbury,  and  Lastly 
vicar  of  Westbury,  all  in  Wiltshire. 

Hunton  in  1654  was  an  assistant  to  the 
commissioners  for  Wiltshire  for  the  ejection 
of  'scandalous,  ignorant,  and  insufficient 
ministers  and  schoolmasters.'  His  zeal  pro- 
cured him  a  prominent  position  among  ihe 
adherents  of  Cromwell,  and  in  1657  he  vras 
appointed  master  or  provost  of  Cromwell's 
Northern  University  at  Durham ;  the  patent 
as  transcribed  by  Hutchinson  (History  of 
Durham,  i.  519)  erroneously  gives  his  name 
as  Hutton.  200/.  a  year  from  the  rich  living 
of  Sedgefield  in  the  county  of  Durham  was 
assigned  him.  When  at  the  Restoration 
the  Durham  University  totally  disappeared, 
Hunton  went  back  to  Westbury,  and  was 
ejected  from  the  living  in  1662.  He  is  said 
to  have  subsequently  held  conventicles  in 
Westbury.  Dying  in  July  1682  he  was  buried 
in  the  church  there.  He  married  a  rich  widow 
very  late  in  life. 

Hunton's  sympathy  with  a  limited  mon- 
archy was  shown  in  his  only  well-known 
work,  '  A  Treatise  of  Monarchie,'  published 
in  1643,  which  attracted  attention  at  the 
time.  Dr.  Henry  Feme  [q.  v.]  answered  it 
in  'A  Reply  unto  severall  Treatises  pleading 
for  the  armes  now  taken  up  by  subjects  in  the 
pretended  defence  of  Religion,'  &c.,  Oxford, 
1643.  To  this  Hunton  replied  again  in  1644. 
Sir  Robert  Filmer  also  briefly  criticised  Hun- 
ton's  work  in  '  The  Anarchy  of  a  Limited 
and  Mixed  Monarchy,'  London,  1646,  re- 
printed in  1652.  Hunton's  <  Treatise  of 
Monarchy,'  according  to  Wood,  was  reprinted 
in  1680.  The  university  of  Oxford,  con- 
demning the  position  that  the  sovereignty  of 
England  resides  in  the  three  estates  of  the 
realm,  ordered  the  book  to  be  burnt  in  1683. 
This  decree  of  the  university,  however,  suf- 
fered the  same  fate  itself  in  1710,  being  burnt 
at  Westminster  by  order  of  the  House  of 

Hunton's  works  are :  1.  '  A  Treatise  of 
Monarchie,  containing  two  parts :  (1)  Con- 
cerning Monarchy  in  generall ;  (2)  Con- 




cerning  this  particular  Monarchy,  &c.,'  Lon- 
don, 1643.  2.  •'  A  Vindication  of 'the  Treatise 
of  Monarchy,  containing  an  Answer  to  Dr. 
Femes  Reply ;  also,  a  more  full  Discovery  of 
Three  maine  Points :  (1)  The  Ordinance  of 
God  in  Supremacie  ;  (2)  The  Nature  and 
Kinds  of  Limitation;  (3)  The  Causes  and 
Meanes  of  Limitation  in  Governments,' 
London,  1644.  3.  i  Jus  Regum,'  &c.,  London, 
1645.  There  is  no  copy  of  the  last  in  the 
British  Museum,  and  Wood  says  that  he  had 
never  seen  it.  Calamy  does  not  mention  it. 
[Authorities  cited;  Brit.  Mus.  Cat. ;  Palmer's 
Nonconf.  Mem.  ii.  517.]  W.  A.  J.  A. 

1776),  inventor  of  cast  steel,  was  born  of 
German  parentage  in  Lincolnshire  in  1704. 
He  became  a  skilful  mechanic,  and  eventually 
started  in  business  as  a  clockmaker  in  Don- 
caster.  He  also  made  and  repaired  locks, 
jacks,  and  other  articles  requiring  delicate 
workmanship.  His  sagacity  caused  him  to 
be  looked  upon  as  the  *  wise  man '  of  the 
neighbourhood.  He  even  practised  surgery 
as  an  empiric,  and  was  regarded  as  a  clever 
oculist,  but  he  always  gave  medical  aid  free 
of  charge. 

In  introducing  several  improved  tools 
Huntsman  was  much  hindered  by  the  in- 
ferior quality  of  the  common  German  steel 
supplied  to  him,  which  he  also  found  unsuit- 
able for  the  springs  and  pendulums  of  his 
clocks.  He  therefore  determined  to  make  a 
better  kind  of  steel.  His  first  experiments 
were  conducted  at  Doncaster,  but  in  1740  he 
removed  for  greater  convenience  of  fuel  to 
Handsworth,  a  few  miles  to  the  south  of 
Sheffield,  and  there  pursued  his  investiga- 
tions in  secret.  His  experiments  extended 
over  many  years.  Long  after  his  death  many 
hundredweights  of  steel  were  found  buried 
in  different  places  about  his  manufactory  in 
various  stages  of  failure,  arising  from  imper- 
fect melting,  breaking  of  crucibles,  and  bad 
fluxes.  His  idea  was  to  purify  the  raw  steel 
then  in  use  by  melting  it  with  fluxes  at 
an  intense  heat  in  closed  earthen  crucibles. 
When  Huntsman  had  perfected  his  invention, 
he  endeavoured  to  persuade  the  cutlers  of 
Sheffield  to  employ  it.  They  refused,  how- 
ever, to  work  a  material  so  much  harder  than 
the  ordinary  steel,  and  for  a  time  the  whole 
of  the  cast  steel  that  Huntsman  could  manu- 
facture was  exported  to  France. 

The  Sheffield  cutlers  ultimately  became 
alarmed  at  the  preference  shown  by  English 
as  well  as  French  consumers  for  cast-steel 
cutlery.  But  Sir  George  Savile,  the  senior 
member  of  parliament  for  the  county  of  York, 
refused  the  request  of  a  deputation  of  Sheffield 

cutlers  to  use  his  influence  with  the  govern- 
ment so  as  to  prohibit  the  exportation  of 
cast  steel,  on  learning  that  the  Sheffield  manu- 
facturers would  not  make  use  of  the  new 
steel.  Had  Savile  yielded  to  the  deputation, 
it  is  probable  that  the  business  of  cast-steel 
making  would  have  been  lost  to  Sheffield, 
for  at  that  time  Huntsman  had  advantageous 
offers  from  some  manufacturers  in  Birming- 
ham to  remove  his  furnaces  thither. 

Obliged  to  use  the  cast  steel,  the  Sheffield 
makers  strove  by  bribery  and  otherwise  to 
learn  the  secret  of  Huntsman's  invention. 
As  Huntsman  had  not  patented  his  process, 
his  only  protection  was  in  preserving  it  as 
much  a  mystery  as  possible.  '  All  his  work- 
men were  pledged  to  secrecy,  strangers  were 
carefully  excluded  from  the  works,  and  the 
whole  of  the  steel  made  was  melted  during 
the  night.'  It  is  said  that  the  person  who 
first  succeeded  in  copying  Huntsman's  process 
was  an  ironfounder  named  Walker,  who 
carried  on  his  business  at  Greenside,  near 
Sheffield,  and  it  was  certainly  there  that  the 
making  of  cast  steel  was  next  begun.  Walker, 
disguised  as  a  tramp,  appeared  shivering  at 
the  door  of  Huntsman's  foundry  late  one 
wintry  night,  when  the  workmen  were  about 
to  begin,  obtained  permission  to  warm  him- 
self by  the  furnace  fire,  and  when  supposed 
to  be  asleep  watched  the  process. 

The  increased  demand  for  Huntsman's  steel 
compelled  him  in  1770  to  remove  to  larger 
premises  of  his  own  erection  at  Attercliffe, 
north  of  Sheffield.  He  died  in  1776,  in  his 
seventy-second  year,  and  was  buried  in 
Attercliffe  churchyard.  His  son,  William 
Huntsman  (1733-1809),  continued  to  carry 
on  the  business,  and  greatly  extended  it. 
Huntsman  was  an  excellent  chemist,  and 
had  good  knowledge  of  other  sciences.  The 
Royal  Society  wished  to  elect  him  a  fellow, 
but  he  declined  the  honour.  Although  of 
eccentric  habits  and  reserved  in  his  manner, 
he  practised  a  large  benevolence.  In  religion 
he  was  a  quaker. 

[Smiles's  Industrial  Biog.,  1879,  pp.  102-11  ; 
F.  Le  Play  in  Annales  des  Mines,  4th  ser. 
iii.  638.  ix.  218.]  G-.  G. 


1805),  portrait-painter  and  engraver,  born  at 
Paris  in  1725,  was  son  of  Jacques  Gabriel 
Huquier.  The  father  was  well  known  as 
an  engraver  after  Watteau,  Boucher,  and 
others,  and  his  work  after  J.  L.  Meissonnier 
and  Oppenord  especially  did  much  to  fix 
French  taste  under  Louis  XVI  in  furniture 
and  decorative  ornament.  The  younger 
Huquier  assisted  his  father  in  many  of  his 
engravings,  and  himself  engraved  a  few 



plates,  notably  '  Le  Repos  Champetre,'  after 
Watteau.  When  the  father  was  forced  to 
take  refuge  in  England,  the  son  accompanied 
him  and  settled  in  London,  where  he  ob- 
tained considerable  practice  as  a  portrait- 
painter  in  crayons.  In  1771  he  exhibited  a 
portrait  of  himself  at  the  Royal  Academy, 
and  was  an  occasional  contributor  in  the  fol- 
lowing years.  In  1783  he  appears  to  have 
been  residing  at  Cambridge.  He  drew  a  por- 
trait of  the  Chevalier  d'Eon,  which  was  en- 
graved in  mezzotint  by  T.  Burke.  Huquier 
etched  a  portrait  of  Richard  Tyson,  master 
of  the  ceremonies  at  Bath,  for  Anstey's  '  New 
Bath  Guide '  (1782).  He  married  at  Paris, 
30  Nov.  1758,  Anne  Louise,  daughter  of 
Jacques  Chereau,  the  engraver.  Late  in  life 
he  retired  to  Shrewsbury,  where  he  died  on 
7  June  1805. 

[Seubert's  Allgemeines  Kiinstler-Lexikon  ; 
Portalis  et  Beraldi's  Grraveurs  du  18e  Siecle; 
Dodd's  manuscript  History  of  English  Engravers 
(Brit.  Mus.  Add.  MS.  33402);  Koyal  Academy 
Catalogues.]  L.  C. 

KURD,  RICHARD,  D.D.  (1720-1808), 
bishop  of  Worcester,  second  son  of  John 
Hurd,  a  substantial  farmer,  by  Hannah  his 
wife,  was  born  at  Congreve,  Staffordshire,  on 
13  Jan.  1719-20.  He  was  educated  at  Bre- 
wood  grammar  school  and  Emmanuel  College, 
Cambridge,  where  he  graduated  B.A.  in 
1738-9,  and  proceeded  M.A.  in  1742,  taking  ! 
a  fellowship  and  deacon's  orders.  After  a  ' 
brief  experience  of  parochial  work  at  Rey- 
mersham,  near  Thetford,  he  returned  to  Cam- 
bridge, was  ordained  priest  in  1744,  and 
graduated  B.D.  in  1749.  At  Cambridge  he 
formed  a  close  friendship  with  his  pupil  and 
old  schoolfellow,  Sir  Edward  Littleton,  bart. 
William  Mason  and  Gray  were  also  among  | 
his  contemporaries  and  friends.  His  first 
literary  effort  took  the  shape  of  Remarks  on 
a  late  Book  [by  William  Weston,  q.  v.]  en- 
titled "An  Enquiry  into  the  rejection  of  the 
Christian  Miracles  by  the  Heathens," '  Lon- 
don, 1746,  8vo.  In  1748  he  contributed  an 
English  poem  of  very  modest  merit  on  the 
blessings  of  peace  to  the  '  Gratulatio  Acade- 
mies Cantabrigiensis,'  published  on  the  occa- 
sion of  the  peace  of  Aix-la-Chapelle.  In  1749 
he  published  *  Q.  Horatii  Flacci  Ars  Poetica. 
Epistola  ad  Pisones.  With  an  English  Com- 
mentary and  Notes,'  London,  8vo.  In  the 
text  he  generally  followed  Bentley,  but  in 
the  commentary  and  notes  (though  these  dis- 
play considerable  erudition  and  taste)  he  de- 
veloped the  theory,  long  since  discredited,  that 
the  poem  was  a  systematic  criticism  of  the 
Roman  drama  (see  COLMAN,  GEOBGE,  the 
elder,  and  GIBBON,  Misc.  Works,  edit.  1796, 

ii.  27  et  seq.)  The  work  was  anonymous, 
but  a  judicious  compliment  in  the  preface 
gained  Hurd  the  patronage  of  Warburton, 
through  whose  influence  he  was  appointed 
Whitehall  preacher  in  1750.  The  'Ars 
Poetica '  was  followed  by  '  Q.  Horatii  Flacci 
Epistola  ad  Augustum,  with  an  English  Com- 
mentary and  Notes ;  to  which  is  added  A  Dis- 
course concerning  Poetical  Imitation,'  Lon- 
don, 1751,  8vo.  Both  editions  were  highly 
praised  by  Warburton  in  a  note  to  Pope's 
'  Essay  on  Criticism,'  1.  632.  Hurd,  in  return, 
dedicated  to  him  in  fulsome  terms  a  new  and 
enlarged  edition  of  his  two  works  on  Horace, 
London,  1753,  2  vols.  8vo  (reissued  with 
various  additions  in  1757, 1766,  and  1776). 
A  German  translation  by  Eschenburg  ap- 
peared at  Leipzig  in  1772,  2  vols.  8vo. 

Hurd  also  published  in  1751  a  pamphlet 
entitled  '  The  Opinion  of  an  Eminent  Law- 
yer [Lord  Hardwicke]  concerning  the  right 
of  appeal  from  the  Vice-chancellor  of  Cam- 
bridge to  the  Senate ;  supported  by  a  short 
Historical  Account  of  the  Jurisdiction  of  the 
University  of  Cambridge,'  &c. ,  8 vo .  In  1 753 
he  accepted  the  donative  curacy  of  St. 
Andrew  the  Little,  Cambridge,  which  he 
exchanged  in  1757  for  the  rectory  of  Thur- 
caston,  Leicestershire.  In  1755  he  chastised 
Dr.  Jortin  for  venturing  in  his  '  Sixth  Disser- 
tation'to  reject  Warburton's  theory  that  the 
descent  of  ^Eneas  into  Hades  in  the  sixth 
book  of  the  '^Eneid'  was  intended  to  alle- 
gorise the  rite  of  initiation  into  the  Eleusi- 
nian  mysteries,  in  a  piece  of  elaborate  and 
unmerited  irony  entitled  f  On  the  Delicacy 
of  Friendship :  a  Seventh  Dissertation  ad- 
dressed to  the  Author  of  the  Sixth,'  8vo.  In 
1757  he  edited  Warburton's  '  Remarks '  on 
Hume's  'Natural  History  of  Religion.' 
Hume  keenly  resented  the  flippant  and  in- 
solent tone  of  this  pamphlet,  which  appeared 
without  either  author's  or  editor's  name,  but 
was  at  once  attributed  to  Hurd  (see  WAE- 
BURTOiir,  Works,  ed.  Hurd,  i.  67-8,  xii.  341, 
and  HTTME,  '  On  my  own  Life,'  in  his  Essays'). 

In  1759  Hurd  published  a  volume  of 
'  Moral  and  Political  Dialogues,'  in  which  he 
introduced  historical  personages  as  interlo- 
cutors. Henry  More  and  Waller  discourse 
'  On  Sincerity  in  the  Commerce  of  the  World,' 
Cowley  and  Sprat l  On  Retirement,'  the  Hon. 
Robert  Digby,  Arbuthnot,  and  Addison  '  On 
the  Golden  Age  of  Queen  Elizabeth,'  Sir 
John  Maynard,  Somers,  and  Burnet  '  On  the 
Constitution  of  the  English  Government.' 
The  dialogues  were  much  admired,  although 
Johnson  was  offended  by  their'  wofully  whig- 
gish  cast.'  Kurd's  reputation  was  further 
enhanced  by  the  publication  in  1762  (London 
and  Dublin,  8vo)  of  a  volume  of  <  Letters  on 




Chivalry  and  Komance/  by  way  of  sequel  to 
the  dialogue  l  On  the  Age  of  Elizabeth,'  in 
which  he  discussed  the  origin  of  knight- 
errantry,  and  vindicated  Gothic  literature  and 
art  from  the  imputation  of  barbarism.     Two 
dialogues  '  On  the  Uses  of  Foreign  Travel,' 
in  which  Shaftesbury  and  Locke  were  the 
speakers,  followed  in  1763,  and  a  complete 
edition  of  the  '  Dialogues'  and  ' Letters'  was 
published  at  Cambridge  in  1765, 3  vols.  12mo. 
Hurd  had  obtained  in  1762,  through  Warbur- 
ton's  influence,  the  sinecure  rectory  of  Folk- 
ton,  Yorkshire.     In  1764  an  opportunity  of 
showing  his  gratitude  presented  itself.     Dr. 
Thomas  Leland  had  had  the  audacity  to  con- 
trovert a  position  in '  The  Doctrine  of  Grace.' 
Hurd  accordingly  vindicated  Warburton  in 
a  '  Letter  to  the  Rev.  Dr.  Thomas  Leland,' 
which  was,  in  its  way,  as  offensive  as  the  'Dis- 
sertation '  addressed  to  Jortin.    Hurd  would 
gladly  have  had  both  forgotten,  but  Dr.  Parr 
reprinted  them  in  1789  with  a  very  caustic 
preface  and  dedication  to  Hurd,  in  '  Tracts 
by  Warburton  and  a  Warburtonian,  not  ad- 
mitted into  the  Collections  of  their  respec- 
tive Works.'     In  1765,  through  the  influence 
of  Warburton  and  Charles  Yorke  [q.  v.],  after- 
wards lord  chancellor,  Hurd  was  appointed 
preacher  at  Lincoln's  Inn.     In  1767  he  was 
collated  to  the  archdeaconry  of  Gloucester ; 
in  1768  he  graduated  D.D.  and  was  appointed 
to  deliver  the  first  Warburton  lectures.   They 
were  preached  in  the  chapel  at  Lincoln's  Inn, 
and  published  in  1772  under  the  title  l  An 
Introduction  to  the  Study  of  the  Prophecies 
concerning  the  Christian  Church,  and  in  par- 
ticular concerning  the  Church  of  Papal  Rome ' 
(London,  8vo) .  In  them  he  adopted  the  theory 
of  Joseph  Mede[q.  v.],  whom  he  pronounced 
a  '  sublime  genius.'     They  were  popular,  and 
passed  at  once  into  a  second  edition ;  a  third 
appeared  in  1773,  a  fourth  in  1776,  a  fifth  in 
1788,  2  vols.  8vo.     A  new  edition  by  E. 
Bickersteth  was  published  in  1839,  London, 
12mo.     Soon  after  their  publication  Hurd  re- 
ceived a  private  note  from  Gibbon  under  a 
feigned  name,  stating  with  great  ability  cer- 
tain objections  to  the  authenticity   of  the 
'  Book  of  Daniel.'   Hurd  returned  a  courteous 
and  candid  reply,  and  the  matter  dropped. 
Nearly  a  quarter   of  a  century   afterwards 
Kurd's  reply  was  found  by  Gibbon's  execu- 
tors among  his  papers,  and  published  in  Kurd's 
lifetime  in  Gibbon's  '  Miscellaneous  Works ' 
(ed.  1796),  i.  455  et  seq.     Gibbon's  letter  was 
first  published  after  Hurd's  death  as  an  ap- 
pendix to  the  < Lectures'  in  the  collected 
edition  of  Hurd's  works,  vol.  v.   Hurd  edited 
Cowley's  works  in  1772,  and  in  1775  Jeremy 
Taylor's  l  Moral  Demonstration  of  the  Truth 
of  the  Christian  Religion.' 

On  30  Dec.  1774  Hurd  was  nominated  to 
the  see  of  Lichfield  and  Coventry,  on  the 
recommendation  of  Lord  Mansfield.  He  was 
consecrated  on  12  Feb.  1775.  Hurd's  man- 
ners were  courtly,  and  he  was  soon  in  high 
favour  with  the  king.  On  5  June  1776  he 
was  appointed  preceptor  to  the  Prince  of 
Wales  and  the  Duke  of  York ;  in  1781  he 
was  elected  a  member  of  the  Royal  Society  of 
Gottingen  and  was  translated  to  Worcester. 
In  1783  he  was  offered  the  primacy,  which 
he  declined  'as  a  charge  not  suited  to  his 
temper  and  talents.'  On  2  Aug.  1788  the 
king  and  queen,  accompanied  by  the  Duke  of 
York,  the  princess  royal,  and  the  Princesses 
Augusta  and  Elizabeth,  visited  him  at  Har- 
tlebury  Castle,  and  from  the  5th  to  the  9th 
at  the  Palace,  Worcester. 

On  Warburton's  death  Hurd  had  bought 
his  books,  which,  added  to  his  own,  com- 
pelled him  to  build  a  new  library  at  Hartle- 
bury  Castle.  He  had  also  undertaken  to  edit 
Warburton's  works,  a  task  which  he  com- 
pleted in  1788  (London,  7  vols:  4to).  '  A 
Discourse  by  way  of  General  Preface,'  giving 
an  account  of  Warburton's  life  and  an  esti- 
mate of  his  genius  which  was  little  less  than 
an  unqualified  eulogy,  was  not  issued  until 
1794,  and  Warburton's  correspondence  with 
himself,  'Letters  from  a  late  Eminent  Prelate 
to  one  of  his  Friends,'  Kidderminster,  1808, 
4to  (2nd  and  3rd  editions,  London,  1809, 8vo), 
was  first  published  after  Hurd's  death.  Hurd 
died  unmarried  on  28  May  1808,  and  was 
buried  in  Hartlebury  churchyard.  The  fune- 
ral, by  his  desire,  was  without  pomp,  and  the 
tomb  very  plain.  A  cenotaph  was  after- 
wards placed  to  his  memory  in  Worcester 

Besides  the  works  mentioned  above,  Hurd 
published  several  volumes  of  sermons  and 
some  charges.  From  material  found  among 
his  manuscripts  an  annotated  edition  of 
Addison's  works  was  published  in  1811, 
London,  6  vols.  8vo.  A  collected  edition 
of  his  own  works  in  8  vols.  8vo,  and  a  new 
edition  of  Warburton's  works  in  12  vols. 
8vo,  with  the  '  Discourse  by  way  of  General 
Preface '  prefixed,  appeared  at  London  in  the 
same  year. 

Hurd  was  a  moderate  tory  and  churchman, 
orthodox  in  his  theology,  but  suspicious  of 
religious  enthusiasm.  Gibbon,  while  cen- 
suring his  style,  knew  '  few  writers  more 
deserving  of  the  great,  though  prostituted, 
name  of  the  critic  '  (Misc.  Works,  ed.  1796, 
ii.  27).  The  praise  is  excessive,  but  Hurd 
deserves  to  be  remembered  for  his  '  Letters 
on  Chivalry  and  Romance,'  which  helped  to 
initiate  the  Romantic  movement. 

In  person  he  was  below  the  middle  height, 




well  proportioned,  and  with  regular  features. 
An  engraving  of  his  portrait  by  Gainsborough 
is  prefixed  to  the  collected  edition  of  his 

[Kurd's  Works,  vol.  i.  '  Some  Occurrences  in 
my  own  Life;'  Nichols's  Lit.  Anecd.  and  Illustr. 
of  Lit. ;  Letters  from  a  late  Eminent  Prelate  to 
one  of  his  Friends;  Eccl.  and  Univ.  Keg.  1808, 
pp.  399  et  seq. ;  Gent.  Mag.  1808,  pt.  i.  p.  562; 
Kilvert's  Life  and  Writings  of  the  Et.  Kev. 
Kichard  Hurd,  D.D.,  Lord  Bishop  of  Worcester, 
1860 ;  Watson's  Life  of  Warburton,  1863  ;  Bos- 
well's  Life  of  Johnson,  ed.  Croker,  v.  67-8 ; 
Horace  Walpole's  Journal  of  the  Eeign  of  Greo. 
Ill,  ii.  49,  and  Letters,  ed.  Cunningham,  iii. 
289 ;  Parr's  Works,  iii.  349  et  seq.  and  Warbur- 
ton's  Tracts,  209  et  seq. ;  Harris's  Life  of  Lord 
Hardwicke  ;  Chalmers's  Biog.  Diet. ;  Le  Neve's 
Fasti  Eccl.  Angl. ;  Hallam's  Literature  of  Europe, 
ed.  1839,  iii.  580,  iv.  457,  468;  Abbey's  English 
Church  and  its  Bishops,  1700-1800;  Abbey  and 
Overton's  English  Church  in  the  Eighteenth 
Century.]  J.  M.  K. 

HURD,  THOMAS  (1757P-1823),  captain 
in  the  navy  and  hydrographer,  after  serving 
on  the  Newfoundland  and  North  American 
stations,  was  promoted  by  Lord  Howe  on 
30  Jan.  1777  to  be  lieutenant  of  the  Unicorn 
frigate,  which,  under  the  command  of  Cap- 
tain Ford,  cruised  with  remarkable  success 
against  the  enemy's  privateers  and  merchant 
ships,  and  on  her  return  to  England  was  one 
of  the  small  squadron  engaged  under  Sir 
James  Wallace  [q.  v.]  in  the  capture  of  the 
Danae  and  destruction  of  two  other  French 
frigates  in  Concale  Bay  on  13  May  1779.  In 
the  action  off  Dominica,  on  12  April  1782, 
Hurd  was  a  lieutenant  of  the  Hercules,  from 
which  he  was  moved  into  the  Ardent,  one  of 
the  prizes,  for  the  voyage  to  England  [see  I 
GKAVES,  THOMAS,  LORD].  During  the  peace  j 
he  was  again  employed  on  the  West  India  j 
station,  and  carried  out  the  first  exact  survey  j 
of  Bermuda.  In  August  1795  he  was  pro- 
moted to  the  rank  of  commander,  and  to  that 
of  captain  on  29  April  1802.  He  was  en- 
gaged in  1804  in  the  survey  of  Brest  and  the 
neighbouring  coast,  the  results  of  which  were 
published  in  a  chart  and  sailing  directions. 
In  May  1808  he  was  appointed  to  the  post  of 
hydrographer  to  the  admiralty,  in  succession 
to  Alexander  Dalrymple  [q.  v.]  He  held  the 
office  for  fifteen  years.  During  this  time  the 
construction  of  charts  was  carried  on  without 
intermission,  and  he  was  able  to  organise  a 
regular  system  of  surveys  under  his  control 
and  direction.  He  afterwards  persuaded  the 
admiralty  to  make  the  charts  prepared  in  the 
hydrographic  office  accessible  to  the  public, 
and  thus  available  for  the  ships  of  the  mer- 
cantile marine.  At  the  time  of  his  death,  on 

29  April  1823,  he  was  also  superintendent  of 
chronometers  and  a  commissioner  for  the  dis- 
covery of  longitude. 

[Marshall's  Koy.  Nav.  Biog.  iv.  (vol.  ii.  pt.  ii.) 
556  ;  Dawson's  Memoirs  of  Hydrography,  i.  45 ; 
Gent.  Mag.  1823,  vol.  xciii.  pt.  i.  p.  475.] 

J.  K.  L. 

HURDIS,  JAMES  (1763-1801),  poet, 
was  the  son  of  James  Hurdis  of  Bishopstone 
in  Sussex,  where  he  was  born  in  1763.  He 
was  educated  at  the  grammar  school  at  Chi- 
chester,  and  in  1780  entered  St.  Mary  Hall, 
Oxford.  At  the  close  of  two  years'  residence 
he  was  elected  a  demy  of  Magdalen  College, 
graduated  B.  A.  in  1785,  and  was  for  six  years 
curate  of  Burwash  in  Sussex.  In  1788  he 
published  his  *  Village  Curate,'  which  was 
favourably  received  and  went  through  four 
editions.  He  thus  became  known  to  the 
literary  world,  and  secured  the  friendship  of 
Cowper  and  Hayley.  A  second  volume, 
*  Adriano  ;  or  the  First  of  June,'  followed, 
and  in  1790  Hurdis  issued  a  third  volume  of 
poems.  In  1791,  through  the  interest  of  the 
Earl  of  Chichester,  to  whose  son  he  had 
been  tutor,  he  was  appointed  to  the  living  of 
Bishopstone,  and  in  the  same  year  he  wrote 
'The  Tragedy  of  Sir  Thomas  More.'  In  1792 
he  lost  his  favourite  sister,  Catharine,  upon 
whose  death  he  published '  Tears  of  Affliction ; 
a  Poem  occasioned  by  the  Death  of  a  Sister 
tenderly  beloved,'  London,  1794.  In  April 
1793  he  was  residing  at  Temple  Cowley,  near 
Oxford ;  in  November  of  the  same  year  he  was 
appointed  professor  of  poetry  in  that  univer- 
sity. In  1799  he  married  Miss  Harriet  Minet 
of  Fulham.  In  1800  he  printed  at  his  pri- 
vate press  at  Bishopstone  his  poem  entitled 
(  The  Favourite  Village.'  He  died  very  sud- 
denly on  Wednesday,  23  Dec.  1801,  at  Buck- 
land  in  Berkshire,  while  staying  at  the  house 
of  his  friend  Dr.  Eathbone.  He  left  two  sons, 
the  elder  of  whom,  James  Henry  Hurdis,  is 
noticed  separately.  A  daughter  was  born 
after  his  death.  There  is  a  portrait  of  him 
engraved  by  his  elder  son  after  a  drawing 
by  Sharpies,  and  a  tablet  to  his  memory  in 
Bishopstone  church  bears  an  inscription  in 
verse  composed  by  Hayley. 

Hurdis  is  at  best  a  pale  copy  of  Cowper,  a 
poet  who  does  not  furnish  a  powerful  origi- 
nal to  an  imitator.  The  blank  verse  in  which 
most  of  the  poetry  of  Hurdis  is  written  is 
flaccid  and  monotonous.  Still,  here  and  there 
we  come  upon  elegant  lines,  and  the  poet 
shows  a  feeling  for  nature.  Besides  his  pro- 
ductions in  verse,  and  a  few  separately  printed 
sermons,  he  was  the  author  of:  1.  '  A  Short 
Critical  Dissertation  upon  the  true  meaning 
of  the  word  D^Fin  found  in  Genesis  i.  21/ 




1790.  2. '  Cursory  Remarks  upon  the  Arrange- 
ment of  the  Plays  of  Shakespear,  occasioned 
by  reading  Mr.  Malone's  Essay  on  the  Chro- 
nological Order  of  those  celebrated  pieces/ 
1792.  In  this  work  Hurdis  shows  a  very 
slender  knowledge  of  the  subject,  and  Malone 
has  added  the  following  note  to  his  copy  now 
preserved  in  the  Bodleian :  l  It  is  difficult  to 
say  whether  he  or  his  friend  William  Cow- 
per  the  poet,  who  writes  to  him  on  the  sub- 
ject of  this  pamphlet,  were  most  ignorant  of 
the  matter  here  discussed.'  As  a  specimen  of 
Hurdis's  criticism  it  may  be  mentioned  that, 
judging  from  internal  evidence,  he  thinks 
the  '  Two  Gentlemen  of  Verona '  one  of  the 
latest  of  Shakespeare's  plays,  and  the  '  Win- 
ter's Tale '  one  of  the  earliest.  3.  '  Lectures 
showing  the  several  Sources  of  that  Pleasure 
which  the  Human  Mind  receives  from  Poetry,' 
Bisbopstone,  at  the  author's  own  press,  1797. 
4.  '  A  word  or  two  in  Vindication  of  the 
University  of  Oxford,  and  of  Magdalene  Col- 
lege in  particular,  from  the  posthumous  as- 
persions of  Mr.  Gibbon,'  anonymous,  without 
place  or  date,  but  certainly  printed  at  Bishop- 
stone.  This  is  not  a  very  successful  perfor- 
mance, as  the  writer,  while  heaping  plenty 
of  abuse  upon  Gibbon,  is  obliged  to  acknow- 
ledge the  truth  of  most  of  his  strictures.  The 
professors  come  out  badly,  and  Hurdis  makes 
some  strange  admissions  amidst  a  good  deal 
of  shuffling. 

[Life  of  Hurdis,  prefixed  to  the  Village  Curate 
and  other  Poems,  London,  1810  ;  Bloxam's  Reg. 
of  Magd.  Coll.  vii.  65-76 ;  Johnson's  Memoirs  of 
Wm.  Hayley  :  Cowper's  Letters,  ed.  Johnson.] 

W.  R.  M. 

HURDIS,  JAMES  HENRY  (1800-1857), 
amateur  artist,  was  the  elder  son  of  James 
Hurdis  [q.  v.]  When  he  was  a  year  old  his 
father  died  (1801),  and,  his  mother  marry- 
ing soon  after  a  physician  at  Southampton, 
he  was  educated  there,  and  afterwards  spent 
a  few  years  in  France.  He  was  then  articled 
to  Charles  Heath  [q.  v.],  the  engraver,  by 
whom  he  was  instructed  in  drawing  and 
etching.  Though  working  only  as  an  amateur, 
Hurdis  was  very  industrious,  and  he  excelled 
in  humorous  subjects  in  the  style  of  George 
Cruikshank,  whose  acquaintance  he  formed 
at  an  early  period.  He  resided  chiefly  at 
Newick,  near  Lewes,  and  etched  a  large 
number  of  portraits  of  local  notabilities,  and 
views  of  buildings  in  Sussex.  Some  of  these 
appeared  in  the  early  volumes  of  the  collec- 
tions of  the  Sussex  Archaeological  Society,  of 
which  he  was  a  member.  Among  his  more 
important  plates  were  the  portraits  of  Sir 
George  Shiffner,  bart.,  and  Mr.  Partington  of 
Oflham,  a  view  of  the  fete  at  Lewes  to  cele- 

brate the  coronation  of  Queen  Victoria,  and 
the '  Burning  of  Richard  Woodman  at  Lewes,' 
from  a  picture  by  F.  Colvin.  Towards  the 
end  of  his  life  Hurdis  removed  to  South- 
ampton, where  he  died  on  30  Nov.  1857. 

[Gent.  Mag.  1858,  p.  109  ;  Redgrave's  Diet,  of 
Artists;  Sussex  Archaeological  Collections.] 

F.  M.  O'D. 

HURLESTON,  RICHARD  (fl.  1764- 
1780),  painter,  whose  father  lived  in  Carey 
Street,  Lincoln's  Inn  Fields,  obtained  in  1764 
a  premium  from  the  Society  of  Arts.  He 
principally  painted  portraits,  and  exhibited 
a  few  at  the  Royal  Academy.  In  1773  he  ac- 
companied his  intimate  friend,  Joseph  Wright, 
A.R.A.  [q.  v.],  of  Derby,  to  Italy.  He  re- 
turned to  England  about  1 780.  In  that  year 
he  exhibited  a  picture  of '  Maria '  from  Sterne's 
'  Sentimental  Journey,'  which  was  engraved 
in  mezzotint  by  W.  Pether,  and  painted  a 
portrait  of  Edward  Easton,  mayor  of  Salis- 
bury, which  was  engraved  in  mezzotint  by 
J.  Dean.  Shortly  afterwards  he  was  killed 
by  lightning  while  riding  over  Salisbury 
Plain  during  a  storm.  He  was  great-uncle 
to  Frederick  Yeates  Hurlstone  [q.  v.] 

[Redgrave's  Diet,  of  Artists;  Bemrose's  Life 
of  Joseph  Wright  of  Derby;  Chaloner  Smith's 
British  Mezzo tinto  Portraits;  Royal  Academy 
Catalogue.]  L.  C. 


(1800-1869),  portrait  and  historical  painter, 
born  in  London  in  1800,  was  the  eldest  son 
by  his  second  marriage  of  Thomas  Y.  Hurl- 
stone,  one  of  the  proprietors  of  the '  Morning 
Chronicle.'  He  began  life  in  the  office  of 
that  journal,  but  while  still  very  young  be- 
came a  pupil  of  Sir  William  Beechey,  and 
afterwards  studied  under  Sir  Thomas  Law- 
rence, and  also,  it  is  said,  under  Haydon. 
His  first  original  work  was  an  altar-piece, 
painted  in  1816,  for  which  he  received  20/. 
In  1820  he  was  admitted  a  student  of  the 
Royal  Academy,  where  in  1822  he  gained 
the  silver  medal  for  the  best  copy  made  in 
the  school  of  painting,  and  in  1823  the  gold 
medal  for  historical  painting,  the  subject 
being  '  The  Contention  between  the  Arch- 
angel Michael  and  Satan  for  the  Body  of 
Moses.'  He  first  exhibited  in  1821,  sending 
to  the  Royal  Academy  'Le  Malade  Imagi- 
naire '  and  to  the  British  Institution  a  '  View 
near  Windsor.'  These  were  followed  at  the 
Academy  in  1822  by  'The  Return  of  the 
Prodigal  Son 'and  a  portrait,  in  1823  by  five 
portraits,  and  in  1824  by  his  'Archangel 
Michael '  and  some  more  portraits.  One  of 
his  best  early  works  was  '  A  Venetian  Page 
with  a  Parrot,'  exhibited  at  the  British  In- 
stitution in  1824,  and  now  in  the  gallery  of 




the  Duke  of  Westminster.     In  1824  also  he 
contributed  '  The  Bandit  Chief  to  the  first 
exhibition  of  the  Society  of  British  Artists. 
He  continued  to  send  portraits  to  the  Royal 
Academy  until  1830,  but  in  1831  he  was 
elected  a  member  of  the  Society  of  British 
Artists,  after  which  he  seldom  exhibited  else- 
where.    He  was  chosen  president  in  1835, 
and  again  in  1840,  retaining  the  office  until 
his  death.     He  contributed  to  the  society's 
exhibitions  upwards  of  three  hundred  por- 
traits and  other  works,  among  them  being 
'  The  Enchantress  Armida,'  exhibited  in  1831, 
and  now  in  the  gallery  of  the  Earl  of  Elles- 
mere;  'Haidee  aroused  from  her  Trance  by 
the  sound  of  Music,'  1834;    'Eros,'  1836, 
now  belonging  to  the  Marquis  of  Lansdowne ; 
'  Italian  Boys  playing  at  the  National  Game 
of  Mora '  and  the  '  Prisoner  of  Chillon,'  the 
latter  purchased  by  the   Earl  of  Tanker- 
ville,   1837  ;    '  The   Scene  in    St.   Peter's,  | 
Rome,  from  Byron's  Deformed  Transformed,'  j 
1839 ;   '  The   Convent   of  St.  Isidore :    the  j 
Monks  giving  away  provisions,'  1841 ;  and  a  i 
1  Scene  in  a  Spanish  Posada  in  Andalusia,'  j 
1843.     In  1844  and,  for  the  last  time,  in  j 
1845  he  again  sent  portraits  to.the  Academy. 
His  subsequent   works  at  the   Society  of  i 
British  Artists  included  '  The  Sons  of  Jacob  I 
bringing  the  blood-stained  garment  of  Joseph 
to  their  Father,'  1844;    'Salute,   Signore,' 
1845 ;  'A  Girl  of  Sorrento  at  a  Well,'  1847, 
belonging  to  the  Earl  of  Ellesmere ;  'In-  j 
habitants  of  the  Palace  of  the  Csesars — Rome  | 
in  the  Nineteenth  Century/  1850;  'Colum- 
bus asking  Alms  at  the  Convent  of  La  Ra-  | 
bida/  1853 ;  '  The  Last  Sigh  of  the  Moor '  j 
('  Boabdil  el  Chico,  mourning  over  the  Fall  \ 
of  Granada,  reproached  by  his  Mother '),  I 
1854 ;  and  'Margaret  of  Anjou  and  Edward, 
Prince  of  Wales,  in  the  wood  on  their  flight  j 
after  the  Battle  of  Hexham,'  1860.     Besides  ! 
these  may  be  noted  '  The  Eve  of  the  Land  | 
which  is  still  Paradise/  in  the  collection  of 
the  Earl  of  Ellesmere,  and  '  Constance  and 
Prince  Arthur. 

His  later  works,  which  were  much  inferior 
to  those  of  his  earlier  years,  consisted  mainly 
of  Spanish  and  Italian  rustic  and  fancy  sub- 
jects, the  outcome  of  several  visits  to  Italy,  j 
Spain,  and  Morocco,  made  between  1835  and  j 
1854.   As  a  portrait-painter  he  was  successful,  [ 
one  of  his  best  heads  being  that  of  Richard,  j 
seventh  earl  of  Cavan,  exhibited  at  the  Society  | 
of  British  Artists  in  1833,  and  again,  together 
with  that  of  General  Sir  John  MacLeod,  at  j 
the  National  Portrait  Exhibition  of  1868.  j 
He  was  always  much  opposed  to  the  con-  > 
stitution   and   management   of    the   Royal  i 
Academy,  and  gave  evidence  before  the  select 
committee  of  the  House  of  Commons  in  1836.  I 

He  was  awarded  a  gold  medal  at  the  Paris 
Exhibition  of  1855,  the  works  which  he  sent 
being  '  La  Mora/  '  Boabdil/  and  '  Constance 
and  Arthur.'  Eleven  of  his  best  works  were 
re-exhibited  at  the  Society  of  British  Artists 
in  1870. 

Hurlstone  died  at  9  Chester  Street,  Bel- 
grave  Square,  London,  on  10  June  1869,  in 
his  sixty-ninth  year,  and  was  buried  in  Nor- 
wood cemetery.  He  married,  in  1836,  Miss 
Jane  Coral,  who  exhibited  some  water- 
colour  drawings  and  portraits  at  the  Royal 
Academy  and  the  Society  of  British  Artists 
between  1846  and  1850,  but  from  1850  to  1856 
she  contributed  to  the  latter  exhibition  only 
fancy  subjects  in  oil-colours.  She  died  on 
2  Oct.  1858,  leaving  issue  two  sons,  one  of 
whom  was  also  an  artist. 

[Art  Journal,  1869,  p.  271  ;  Eegister,  1869, 
ii.  91;  Redgrave's  Diet,  of  Artists  of  the  English 
School,  1878;  Royal  Academy  Exhibition  Cata- 
logues, 1821-50  ;  British  Institution  Exhibition 
Catalogues  (Living  Artists),  1821-42  ;  Exhibi- 
tion Catalogues  of  the  Society  of  British  Artists, 
1824-70.]  R.  E.  G. 

HURRION,  JOHN  (1675  P-1731),  inde- 
pendent divine,  descended  from  a  Suffolk 
family,  was  born  in  1675,  and  was  trained 
for  the  ministry  among  the  independents. 
About  1696  he  succeeded  William  Bedbank 
at  Denton  in  Norfolk.  There  he  engaged  in  a 
controversy  respecting  the  divinity  of  Christ 
with  William  Manning,  the  Socinian  mi- 
nister of  Peasenhall,  Suffolk.  He  removed 
to  the  Hare  Court  Chapel  in  London  in  1724, 
but  ill-health  compelled  him  to  neglect  his 
congregation.  In  1726  he  was  chosen  one 
of  the  Merchants'  lecturers  at  Pinners'  Hall. 
Hurrion  was  throughout  his  life  a  recluse  of 
very  sedentary  habits.  He  died  on  31  Dec. 
1731.  He  married  about  1696  Jane,  daugh- 
ter of  Samuel  Baker  of  Wattisfield  Hall,  Suf- 
folk, and  by  her  he  had  two  sons  who  sur- 
vived him ;  both  entered  the  independent 

Hurrion's  published  works  include,  in  addi- 
tion to  several  single  sermons:  1.  'The 
Knowledge  of  Christ  and  him  Crucified  .  .  . 
applied  in  eight  Sermons/  London,  1727, 8vo. 
2.  '  The  Knowledge  of  Christ  glorified,  opened 
and  applied  in  twelve  Sermons/  London, 
1729,  8vo.  3.  '  The  Scripture  Doctrine  of 
the  proper  Divinity,  real  Personality,  and 
the  External  and  Extraordinary  Works  of 
the  Holy  Spirit  .  .  .  defended  in  sixteen  Ser- 
mons, .  .  .,'  London,  1734,  8vo.  4.  'The 
Scripture  Doctrine  of  Particular  Redemp- 
tion stated  and  vindicated  in  four  Sermons/ 
London,  1773, 12mo.  5.  '  Sermons  preached 
at  the  Merchants'  Lectures,  Pinners'  Hall, 
London/  Bristol,  1819,  8vo.  6.  '  The  whole 




Works  of  ...  John  Hurrion,'  edited  with 
memoir  by  the  Rev.  A.  Taylor,  London,  1823, 
12mo,  3  vols. 

[Memoirs  by  Taylor  and  Walter  "Wilson  ; 
Wilson's  Dissenting  Churches,  iii.  288  ;  Allibone's 
Diet,  of  Engl.  Lit.]  W.  A.  J.  A. 

HURST,  HENRY  (1629-1690),  noncon- 
formist divine,  born  at  Mickleton,  Gloucester- 
shire, 31  March  1629,  was  son  of  Henry 
Hurst,   vicar  of  Mickleton.      He   entered 
Merchant  Taylors'  School  in  October  1644, 
and  proceeded  to   Oxford   as   a  batler   of 
Magdalen  Hall  about  1645.     He  submitted 
to  the  parliamentary  visitors  in  1648,  and 
was   made    by    them   probationary  fellow 
of  Merton  College  in  1649.     He  graduated 
B. A.  in  1649  and  M.A.  in  1652.    Soon  after 
the  latter  date  he  commenced  to  preach,  and 
became  known  as  a  sharp  disputant  in  the 
presbyterian  interest,  his  ministry  being  ex- 
ercised in  London,  Kent,  and  Gloucester. 
About  1660  he  was  elected  by  the  parishioners 
of  St.  Matthew's,  Friday  Street,  London, 
to  the  rectory  of  that  parish,  from  which,  in 
1662,  he  was  ejected,  subsequently  preached 
in  conventicles,  and  was  consequently  more 
than  once  in  trouble.     He  is  stated  to  have 
anticipated  restoration  to  his  living  as  well 
as  to  a  lectureship  he  had  held  at  High- 
gate.      After   the   indulgence   of  1671    he 
preached  openly  in  London  and  other  places, 
and  in  1675  he  was  made  chaplain  to  the  Earl 
of  Anglesea.     In  1678  he  was,  according  to 
Wood,  *  very  active  in  aggravating  the  con- 
cerns '  of  '  the  Popish  plot,'  and  in  1683  is 
believed  to  have  been  implicated  in  the  Rye 
House  plot.    After  James  IPs  indulgence  he 
preached  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Covent 
Garden.     He  died  of  apoplexy  on  14  April 
1690,  and  was  buried  in  the  churchyard  of  St. 
Paul,  Covent  Garden.     His  funeral  sermon 
was  preached  by  Richard  Adams,  M.A.    His 
works  show  him  to  have  been  an  earnest, 
clever,  and  pious  man.      The   chief  are  : 
1.  '  Three  Sermons  on  Rom.  vii.  7,'  Oxford, 
1659,  8vo.     2.  <  Three  Sermons  on  the  In- 
ability of  the  highest,  improved  natural  Man 
to  attain  a  sufficient  Knowledge  of  Indwelling 
Sin,  1660,  12mo.     3.  <  The  Revival  of  Grace,' 
&c.,  London,  1678,  8vo  (dedicated  to  his 
patron,  Arthur,  earl  of  Anglesea).     4.  '  An- 
notations upon  Ezekielandthe  Twelve  Lesser 
Prophets '  (in  continuation  of  Matthew  Poole's 
'  Annotations  on  the  Holy  Bible '),  1688. 

[Wood's  Athense  Ozon.  ed.  Bliss,  ii.  120,  171 ; 
Brodrick's  Memorials  of  Merton  Coll.  (Oxf. 
Hist.  Soe.),pp.  291,  361;  Palmer's  Nonconform- 
ist's Memorial,  i.  163-4;  Watt's  Bibl.  Brit.; 
Kobinson's  Reg.  Merchant  Taylors'  School,  i. 
164.]  A.  C.  B. 

HURWITZ,  HYMAN  (1770-1844),  pro- 
fessor of  Hebrew  in  the  university  of  London, 
born  at  Posen  in  Poland  in  1770,  was  a 
learned  Jew  who  came  to  England  about  1800 
and  conducted  a  private  academy  for  Jews 
at  Highgate,  where  he  established  a  close 
friendship  with  Coleridge  and  corresponded 
with  him.  In  1828  he  was  elected  professor 
of  the  Hebrew  language  and  literature  at 
University  College,  London.  His  inaugural 
lecture  was  published.  He  died  on  18  July 
1844.  He  was  author  of :  1.  <  Vindicise  He- 
braicae,  being  a  Defence  of  the  Hebrew  Scrip- 
tures as  a  Vehicle  of  Revealed  Religion,  in 
Refutation  of  J.  Bellamy,'  1820.  2.  '  Hebrew 
Tales  from  the  Writings  of  the  Hebrew  Sages/ 
1826.  3.  '  Elements  of  the  Hebrew  Lan- 
guage/ 1829;  4th  edition,  1848.  4.  <  The 
Etymology  and  Syntax  of  the  Hebrew  Lan- 
guage,' 1831 ;  a  first  part  on  orthography  ap- 
peared in  1807.  5.  'A  Grammar  of  the  Hebrew 
Language,'  2  parts  ;  2nd  edition,  enlarged, 
1835.  Hurwitz  also  wrote  many  Hebrew 
hymns,  odes,  elegies,  and  dirges.  A  Hebrew 
dirge,  '  chaunted  in  the  Great  Synagogue, 
Aldgate,  on  the  day  of  the  Funeral  of  Prin- 
cess Charlotte/  was  published  in  1817,  with 
an  English  translation  in  verse  by  Coleridge. 
1  The  Knell/  another  Hebrew  elegy  by  Hur- 
witz on  George  III,  appeared  in  an  English 
translation  by  W.  Smith  at  Thurso  in  1827. 

[Private  information ;  Voice  of  Jacob,  iii.  1 96 
(22  Aug.  1844);  Brit.  Mus.  Cat.] 

HUSBAND,  WILLIAM  (1823-1887), 
civil  engineer  and  inventor,  born  at  Mylor, 
Cornwall,  on  13  Oct.  1822,  was  eldest  son  of 
James  Husband,  surveyor  for  Lloyd's  Register 
at  Falmouth,  who  died  in  1857.  He  was 
educated  first  by  Edgcombe  Rimell,  curate  of 
Mabe,  and  afterwards  at  Bellevue  Academy, 
Penryn.  Declining  to  be  either  a  sailor  or  a 
ship-builder,  as  his  father  desired,  he  ran 
away  at  the  age  of  sixteen  to  Hayle,  where 
at  his  earnest  solicitation  he  was  in  1839  re- 
ceived as  an  apprentice  for  four  years  by 
Harvey  &  Company,  engineers  and  iron- 
founders.  His  steadiness  and  ability  soon 
won  for  him  the  esteem  of  his  employers,  and 
in  1843,  when  they  had  built  the  Leigh  water 
engine  for  the  drainage  of  Haarlem  Lake, 
he  was  sent  to  Holland  to  superintend  its 
erection.  As  tne  machinery  could  not  be 
landed  for  some  time  on  account  of  the  ice,  he 
went  to  the  village  school  at  Sassenheym  to 
learn  Dutch.  In  six  months  he  wrote  and 
spoke  it  with  fluency.  On  the  death  of  the 
mechanical  engineer  in  charge  of  the  steam 
machinery  on  the  drainage  works  in  1845,  he 
succeeded  to  that  post,  when  he  planned  and 
erected  the  half-weg  engine.  The  lake  when 




drained  added  forty-seven  thousand  acres  of 
rich  alluvial  soil  to  the  country,  and  being 
situated  in  the  midst  of  populous  provinces 
proved  of  material  importance.  King  William 
expressed  his  satisfaction,  and  on  13  March 
1848  Husband  was  elected  a  member  of  the 
Koninklij  k  Instituut  van  Ingenieurs.  In  1 849 
he  suffered  so  severely  from  ague,  from  the 
effects  of  which  he  never  fully  recovered,  that 
he  resigned  his  situation  and  returned  to  Eng- 
land. While  in  Holland,  in  conjunction  with 
his  friends  Colonel  Wiebeking  and  Professor 
Munnich.  he  invented  a  plan  for  drying  and 
warehousing  grain  at  a  small  cost,  and  pre- 
serving it  in  good  condition  for  years.  On 
2  May  1851  he  submitted  to  Sir  George  Grey 
a  plan  for  a  powder  magazine  in  the  Mersey, 
on  the  recommendation  of  the  Liverpool  town 
council.  At  the  invitation  of  T.  E.  Black- 
well,  C.E.,  he  went  to  Clifton  to  assist  in 
some  works  in  the  Bristol  docks,  when  he 
planned  a  bridge  for  the  Cumberland  basin.  | 
In  September  1852  he  undertook  the  manage-  j 
ment  of  the  London  business  of  the  firm  of 
Harvey  &  Company ;  in  June  1 854  he  returned 
to  Hayle  to  take  the  charge  of  the  engineer- 
ing department,  and  in  1863  became  managing 
partner.  He  resumed  the  management  of 
the  business  in  London  in  October  1855, 
where  he  remained  until  his  death. 

In  practical  knowledge  of  hydraulic  and 
mining  machinery  Husband  was  surpassed 
by  few.  In  June  1859  he  submitted  to  the 
admiralty  a  plan  for  a  floating  battery,  and  pa- 
tented the  following  inventions :  the  balance 
valve  for  water-work  purposes  (this  super- 
seded the  costly  stand-pipe),  the  four-beat 
pump-valve,  a  safety  plug  for  the  prevention 
of  boiler  explosions,  and  a  safety  equilibrium 
cataract,  used  with  the  Cornish  pumping 
engine  for  the  prevention  of  accidents.  He 
also  effected  many  improvements  in  pneu- 
matic ore  stamps,  finally  perfecting  and  pa- 
tenting those  now  known  as  Husband's 
oscillating  cylinder  stamps.  During  the  last 
two  years  of  his  life  he  was  employed  in 
carrying  out  contracts  for  the  pumping  ma- 
chinery at  the  Severn  tunnel,  and  at  the  time 
of  his  death  was  planning  further  improve- 
ments in  Cornish  pumping  engines.  On 
1  May  1866  he  was  elected  a  member  of  the 
Institution  of  Civil  Engineers,  and  during 
1881  and  1882  served  as  president  of  the 
Mining  Association  and  Institute  of  Corn- 
wall. He  actively  supported  the  Royal 
Cornwall  Polytechnic  Society.  In  1855  he 
planned  and  superintended  the  erection  of  a 
breakwater  at  Porthleven  in  Mounts  Bay, 
thereby  making  it  a  safe  harbour.  He  helped 
to  secure  a  water  supply  for  Hayle  and  a 
system  of  drainage.  He  originated  and  be- 

came first  captain  of  the  8th  Cornwall  artillery 
volunteers  in  April  1860,  a  post  which  he 
held  till  1865.  He  established  science  classes 
at  Hayle  in  connection  with  South  Ken- 
sington. In  spectrum  analysis  and  astronomy 
he  took  a  great  interest,  and  made  many 
observations  with  a  lO^-inch  telescope.  On 
28  and  29  March  1887,  in  company  with  Sir 
John  Hawkshaw  and  Mr.  Hayter,  C.E.,  he 
was  employed  in  inspecting  nine  pumping 
engines  which  his  firm  had  erected  in  the 
Severn  tunnel  for  keeping  down  the  water. 
He  died  on  10  April  of  an  attack  of  gall 
stones  at  his  lodgings,  26  Sion  Hill,  Clifton, 
Bristol,  and  was  buried  at  St.  Erth,  Corn- 
wall, 16  April.  On  20  June  1850  he  married 
Anne,  fifth  daughter  of  Edward  Nanney,  by 
whom  he  had  a  family  of  four  children.  In 
1890  a  sum  of  8001.  was  raised  to  establish  a 
Husband  scholarship  for  the  technical  edu- 
cation of  miners. 

[Times,  3  May  1887,  p.  11  ;  Minutes  of  Pro- 
ceedings of  Institution  of  Civil  Engineers,  1887, 
Ixxxix.  470-3;  Gevers  D'Endegeest's  Du  Des- 
sechement  du  Lac  de  Harlem,  1849-61,  pt.  ii. 
p.  1 2,  &c. ;  Boase  and  Courtney's  Bibl.  Cornub. 
i.  260,  iii.  1239  ;  A.  Huet's  Stoombemaling  van 
Polders  en  Boezems,  1885,  pp.  108,  116,  &c. ; 
Iron,  6  May  1887,  p.  384  ;  Engineer,  6  May  1887, 
p.  361 ;  information  from  Mrs.  Husband,  of 
"West  Bournemouth,  Hampshire.]  GK  C.  B. 

HUSE,  SIR  WILLIAM  (d.  1495),  chief 

justice.     [See  HUSSEY.] 


CHARLES,  D.D.  (1796-1872),  Roman  ca- 
tholic divine  and  author,  born  at  Bristol 
on  30  May  1796,  was  the  son  of  Frederick 
Charles  Husenbeth,  a  wine-merchant  in  that 
city,  and  his  wife  Elizabeth  James,  a  protes- 
tant  lady  of  a  Cornish  family,  who  afterwards 
became  a  Roman  catholic.  The  father,  a 
native  of  Mentz  in  the  grand  duchy  of  Hesse, 
resided  for  some  time  at  Mannheim  as  a 
teacher  of  the  classics  and  languages.  He 
came  to  England  to  learn  the  language,  and 
the  French  revolution  preventing  his  return 
to  Germany,  he  settled  in  Bristol.  He  was 
an  excellent  musician,  and  was  intimate  with 
Samuel  Taylor  Coleridge.  The  son  was  edu- 
cated at  Sedgley  Park  school,  Staffordshire, 
and  in  1810  was  placed  in  his  father's  count- 
ing-house, where  he  remained  three  years. 
On  expressing  his  desire  to  take  holy  orders,  he 
was  sent  back  to  his  studies  at  Sedgley  Park, 
29  April  1813,  and  in  the  following  year  was 
removed  to  St.  Mary's  College,  Oscott,  where 
he  was  ordained  priest  in  1820.  Soon  after- 
wards he  was  sent  to  Cossey  Hall,  Norfolk, 
as  chaplain  to  Sir  George  William  Stafford 
Jerningham,  bart.,  who  succeeded  to  the 




barony  of  Stafford  in  1824.  Pie  arrived  at 
Cossey  on  7  July  1820,  and  by  his  own  desire 
was  provided  with  a  cottage  in  the  village, 
instead  of  residing  at  the  Hall,  as  previous 
chaplains  had  done.  There  he  laboured  for 
fifty-two  years,  and  during  that  period  was 
only  three  times  absent  from  home  on  a  Sun- 
day. In  1827  he  was  appointed  grand-vicar 
to  Dr.  Walsh,  vicar-apostolic  of  the  midland 
district,  and  in  1841  he  opened  St.  Walstan's 
chapel  at  Cossey.  In  1850  Pope  Pius  IX 
conferred  upon  him  the  degree  of  D.D.  After 
the  re-establishment  of  the  Roman  catholic 
hierarchy  in  England,  he  was  appointed  on 
24  June  1852  provost  of  the  chapter  and 
vicar-general  of  the  diocese  of  Northampton, 
of  which  Dr.  Wareing,  his  former  comrade  at 
Sedgley  Park  and  Oscott,  was  the  first  bishop. 
He  was  also  a  member  of  the  brotherhood  of 
the  old  English  chapter,  and  became  its  pre- 
sident, in  succession  to  Dr.  Rock,  shortly 
before  his  death.  He  died  at  the  presbytery 
adjoining  St.  Walstan's  on  31  Oct.  1872. 

His  biographer,  Canon  JohnDalton  (1814- 
1874)  [q.  v.],  says  he  seems  to  have  been 
'more  adapted  for  a  college  life  than  that  of 
a  priest  on  the  mission.  He  did  not  keep  up 
sufficiently  with  the  progress  of  religion,'  and 
'was,  indeed,  a  priest  of  the  old  school.'  He 
was  an  accomplished  antiquary,  and  one  of 
the  most  valued  contributors  to  '  Notes  and 
Queries,'  in  which  he  wrote  1,305  articles. 

Fifty-four  works,  written,  translated,  or 
edited  by  him,  are  enumerated  in  Gillow's 
1  Dictionary  of  the  English  Catholics.'  They 
include  many  controversial  replies  to  works 
by  George  Stanley  Faber  [q.  v.]  and  numerous 
poems  contributed  to  catholic  periodicals.  His 
chief  publications  are :  1 .  *  Defence  of  the  Creed 
and  Discipline  of  the  Catholic  Church  against 
the  Rev.  J.  Blanco  White's  "  Poor  Man's  Pre- 
servative against  Popery."  With  notice  of 
everything  important  in  the  same  writer's 
"Practical  and  Internal  Evidence  against  Ca- 
tholicism, " '  London,  1826,  8vo,  1831, 12mo, 
translated  into  German  by  Professor  Klee. 
2.  '  Twenty-four  Original  Songs,  written  and 
adapted  to  German  Melodies,'  Norwich,  1827, 
8vo.  3.  '  Breviarium  Romanum — suis  locis 
interpositis  Officiis  Sanctorum  Angliae/  4 
vols.  London,  1830,  32mo,  with  permission 
for  publication  and  use  by  express  rescript 
of  Pius  VIII ;  reprinted,  with  a  supplement, 
1835.  4.  ;  A  Guide  for  the  Wine  Cellar ; 
or,  a  Practical  Treatise  on  the  Cultivation  of 
the  Vine,  and  the  Management  of  the  different 
Wines  consumed  in  this  Country,'  London, 
1 834, 8vo.  5.  '  The  Missal  for  the  use  of  the 
Laity,'  newly  arranged,  and  in  great  measure 
translated,  by  Husenbeth,  London,  1837, 
12mo,  frequently  reprinted.  6.  '  The  Vesper 


Book,  for  the  use  of  the  Laity/  London,  1842, 
12mo;  frequently  reprinted.  7.  '  Notices  of 
the  English  Colleges  and  Convents  esta- 
blished on  the  Continent  after  the  Dissolu- 
tion of  Religious  Houses  in  England.  By  the 
late  Hon.  Edward  Petre,'  edited  by  Husen- 
beth, Norwich,  1849, 4to.  Husenbeth  was  in 
reality  the  author  of  this  useful  work.  8. '  Em- 
blems of  Saints :  by  which  they  are  distin- 
guished in  Works  of  Art,'  London,  1850,  8vo; 
2nd  edit.,  extended  and  improved,  London, 
1860, 12mo;  Norwich  (Norfolk  and  Norwich 
Archaeological  Society),  1882,  8vo,  edited  by 
the  Rev.  Augustus  Jessopp,  D.D.,  from  the 
author's  own  copy,  with  large  manuscript 
additions,  intended  for  a  third  edition,  pur- 
chased at  the  sale  of  his  library  by  Dr.  Jessopp, 
9.  '  The  Holy  Bible,  translated  from  the  Latin 
Vulgate,'  2  vols.,  London,  1853,  4to  :  based 
on  the  edition  of  the  Douay  and  Rhemes 
translation  of  the  Scriptures  published  by  the 
Hay  docks  [see  HATDOCK,  GEOEGE  LEO,  and 
HAYDOCK,  THOMAS].  The  annotations  to  the- 
original  edition  are  abridged  with  judgment. 
Husenbeth  is  said  to  have  been  assisted  by 
Archbishop  Folding.  10.  'The  History  of 
Sedgley  Park  School,  Staffordshire,'  London, 
1856, 8vo.  11.  'The  Convert  Martyr, a  drama 
in  five  acts  [and  in  verse].  Arranged  from 
"Callista"  by  the  Rev.  J.  H.  [afterwards  Car- 
dinal] Newman,'  London,  1857,  1879,  8vo. 

12.  An  edition  of  Alban  Butler's  'Lives  of 
the  Saints/  2  vols.,  London,  1857-60,  8vo. 

13.  'The  Life  of  the  R.R.  Mgr.  Weedall, 
D.D.,' London,  1860, 12mo.    14.  'The  Life  of 
the  R.R.  John  Milner,  D.D.,  Bishop  of  Casta- 
bala,'  Dublin,  1862, 8vo.   A  manuscript  work, 
'  Memoirs  of  Parkers ;  that  is,  of  Persons  either 
educated  at  Sedgley  Park,  or  connected  with 
it  by  residence  in  that  establishment,  from  its 
foundation  in  1763,'  2  vols.  4to,  was  left  by 
the  author  to  St.  Wilfrid's  College,  Cotton 
Hall,  affiliated  to  Sedgley  Park  school.     His 
library,  collection  of  crucifixes,  reliquaries, 
letters,  and  manuscripts  were  sold  at  Nor- 
wich on  4  Feb.  1873. 

[Memoir  prefixed  to  his  funeral  sermon  by 
John  Dalton,  canon  of  Northampton,  London, 
1872  ;  Gillow's  Bibl.  Diet,  of  the  English  Catho- 
lics ;  Notes  and  Queries,  4th  ser.  x.  365,  388, 441  ; 
Oscotian,  new  ser.  iv.  253,  v.  30,  vi.  59;  Husen- 
beth's  Life  of  Milner,  pp.  321,  417;  Husenbeth's 
Hist,  of  Sedgley  Park,  p.  71  ;  Oliver's  Catholic 
Eeligion  in  Cornwall,  p.  331 ;  Edinburgh  Catholic 
Mag.  i.  175,  234;  Catholic  Miscellany  (1826), 
v.  145  ;  Tablet,  1872,  ii.  593,  628  ;  Athenaeum, 
1872,  ii.  699.]  T.  C. 

1887),  historian  of  music  and  critic,  was 
born  in  London  on  4  Nov.  1814.  From  1833 
to  1886  he  was  clerk  to  a  firm  of  solicitors. 




As  an  amateur,  taught  by  his  godfather  J.  B. 
Sale,  he  joined  the  Sacred  Harmonic  Society 
two  years  after  its  foundation  in  1832 ;  and  j 
in  1853  he  was  appointed  honorary  librarian,  j 
Husk  held  this  post  until  the  dissolution  of  j 
the  society  in  1882.     His  care  and  energy  j 
greatly  increased  the  value  of  the  society's  j 
library  (now  in  the  possession  of  the  Royal 
College  of  Music),  and  he  published  a  'Cata- 
logue with  a  Preface,'  London,  1862,  8vo; 
new  edit.  /  revised  and  greatly  augmented/ 
8vo,  1872.   Husk's  prefaces  to  the  word-books 
of  the  oratorios  performed  at  the  Sacred  Har- 
monic concerts  were  written  with  knowledge 
and  sympathy.   He  was  also  author  of  a  pains- 
taking '  Account  of  the  Musical  Celebrations  j 
on  St.  Cecilia's  Day  in  the  16th,  17th,  and 
18th  Centuries,'  to  which  is  appended  a '  Col- 
lection of  Odes  on  St.  Cecilia's  Day,'  London, 
1857,  8vo.     His  contributions  to  '  Grove's 
Dictionary  of  Music  and  Musicians'  are  very 
valuable.     He  edited,  with  notes,  *  Songs  of 
the  Nativity ;  being  Christmas  Carols,  Ancient 
and  Modern,  several  of  which  appear  for  the 
first  time  in   a   Collection,'  London,  1868, 
8vo.     Husk  died,  after  a  fortnight's  illness, 
on  12  Aug.  1887. 

[Bap tie's  Handbook  of  Musical  Biography,  p. 
107;  Brown's  Biog.  Diet.  p.  338;  Grove's  Diet, 
ii.  210,  iv.  778;  Musical  World,  Ixv.  680;  Musical 
Times,  xxviii.  539.]  L.  M.  M. 

HUSKE,  JOHN  (1692P-1761),  general 
and  governor  of  Jersey,  was  appointed  on 
7  April  1708  ensign  in  Colonel  Toby  Caul- 
field's  (afterwards  David  Creighton's)  regi- 
ment of  foot,  then  campaigning  in  Spain,  and 
subsequently  disbanded.  He  obtained  his  com- 
pany in  Lord  Hertford's  (15th  foot)  on  11  Jan. 
1715  (Home  Office  Mil  Entry  Books,  ix.  f.  40, 
x.  f.  358).  On  22  July  1715  he  was  appointed 
captain  and  lieutenant-colonel  of  one  of  the 
four  new  companies  then  added  to  the  Cold- 
stream  guards  (ib.  f.  198).  At  that  time 
and  afterwards  he  was  aide-de-camp  to  Lord 
Cadogan  [see  CADOGKAN,  WILLIAM,  first  earl]. 
In  two  letters  written  by  Cadogan,  at  the 
Hague,  in  a  feigned  name,  promising  high 
reward  for  disclosure  of  Jacobite  plots,  con- 
fidence is  invited  in  the  writer's  aide-de- 
camp, Colonel  John  Huske,  who,  in  the 
letter  of  1  Nov.  1716,  is  deputed  to  meet 
the  recipient  (E.  Burke)  privately  at  Cam- 
bray  (Hist.  MSS.  Comm.  9th  Rep.  ii.  473-4). 
The  treasury  records  note  a  payment  of  100/. 
to  Huske  for  a  journey  to  Paris  on  particu- 
lar service  (Treas.  Papers,  cxci.  68),  and  dis- 
bursements by  him  for  the  subsistence  of 
three  Dutch  and  two  Swiss  battalions  in  the 
pay  of  Holland,  which  were  taken  into  the 
British  service  on  the  alarms  of  an  invasion 

from  Spain  in  April  1719  (ib.  ccxxvii.  4). 
Huske  concerted  measures  with  Whitworth, 
British  plenipotentiary  at  the  Hague,  for 
collecting  these  troops  at  Williamstadt  and 
bringing  them  into  the  Thames.  He  was  ap- 
pointed lieutenant-governor  of  Hurst  Castle 
8  July  1721  (Home  Office  Mil  Entry  Books. 
ii.  f.  358) ;  became  second  major  of  the  Cold- 
streamers,  30  Oct.  1734;  first  major,  5  July 
1739  ;  and  colonel  32nd  foot,  25  Dec.  1740. 
He  was  a  brigadier  at  Dettingen,  where,  ac- 
cording to  a  narrative  of  the  day,  he '  behaved 
gloriously,'  and  was  very  severely  wounded. 
He  was  promoted  major-general,  and  ap- 
pointed colonel  23rd  royal  Welsh  fusiliers 
28  July  1743,  in  recognition  of  his  distin- 
guished services.  On  the  breaking  out  of 
the  rebellion  in  1745,  he  was  appointed  to 
serve  under  General  Wade  at  Newcastle,  and 
on  25  Dec.  of  that  year  was  given  a  command 
in  Scotland  (ib.  xx.  f.  304).  By  his  judi- 
cious conduct  at  the  battle  of  Falkirk,  where 
he  was  second  in  command  to  Hawley  [see 
HAWLEY,  HBXBT],  he  secured  the  retreat  of 
the  royal  forces  to  Linlithgow.  He  distin- 
guished himself  at  the  battle  of  Culloden, 
where  he  commanded  the  second  line  of  the 
Duke  of  Cumberland's  army.  He  became  a 
lieutenant-general  in  1747,  and  again  served 
in  Flanders  in  1747-8.  As  was  then  not 
uncommon  with  general  officers  otherwise 
unemployed,  he  joined  his  regiment  in  Mi- 
norca, and  commanded  it  during  the  unsuc- 
cessful defence  of  that  island  in  1756.  He 
became  a  full  general  5  Dec.  1756.  He  was 
appointed  to  the  governorship  of  Sheerness 
in  1745,  and  transferred  to  that  of  Jersey  in 

1760.  A  brave,  blunt  veteran,  whose  solici- 
tude for  his  soldiers   had  earned  him  the 
nickname  of l  Daddy  Huske,'  Huske  died  at 
Baling,  near  London,  18  Jan.  1761.    Particu- 
lars of  his  will  (real  and  personal  estate,  in- 
cluding his  stud  of  horses,  valued  at  41,OOOZ.) 
are  given  in  the  '  Gentleman's  Magazine '  for 

1761,  p.  22. 

HTJSKE,  ELLIS  (1700-1755),  writer  on 
America,  a  younger  brother  of  General 
Huske,  was  born  in  England  in  1700,  and 
afterwards  was  resident  at  Portsmouth,  New 
Hampshire,  and  at  Boston,  Massachusetts, 
where  he  was  postmaster  in  1734.  He  pre- 
ceded Benjamin  Franklin  as  deputy-post- 
master-general of  the  colonies.  He  was  the 
publisher  of  the '  Boston  Weekly  Postboy,'  and 
the  reputed  author  of  *  The  Present  State  of 
North  America,'  London,  1755.  He  died  in 
America  in  1755.  His  son  John  represented 
Maldon,  Essex,  in  the  British  House  of  Com- 
mons, and  was  burned  in  effigy  by  his  fellow- 
coloiiists  for  supporting  the  Stamp  Act.  He 
died  in  1773. 




[Home  Office  Military  Entry  Books,  ut  supra  ; 
Calendars  of  State  Papers,  1704-7,  1708-14, 
1714-19,  1720-6,  under  '  Caulfield '  and  '  Husk  ' 
(sic)  ;  Mackinnon's  Hist,  of  the  Coldstream 
G-uards,  London.  1832;  Maclachlan's  Order  Book 
of  William,  Duke  of  Cumberland,  London,  1875 ; 
Percival  Stockdale's  Memoirs,  i.  188  ;  Cameron's 
Hist.  Eec.  of  the  23rd  Royal  Welsh  Fusiliers ; 
Gent.  Mag.  under  dates  for  accounts  of  affairs  in 
Flanders,  Scotland,  Minorca,  &c.,  also  1761,  pp. 
22,  44.  A  bundle  of  letters,  including  some  from 
Huske  between  November  1745  and  September 
1746,  is  noted  among  the  Sutherland  Papers  in 
Hist.  MSS.  Comm.,  2nd  Rep.,  p.  179.  Letters 
from  Huske  to  the  Duke  of  Newcastle  are  in 
Brit.  Mus.  Add.  MSS.  32697  f.  462,  32700  f.  308. 
For  particulars  of  Ellis  Huske  see  Appleton's 
American  Biography.]  H.  M.  C. 

HUSKISSON,  THOMAS  (1784^1844), 
captain  in  the  navy,  son  of  William  Hus- 
kisson (d.  1790)  of  Oxley,  near  Wolverhamp- 
ton,  and  half-brother  of  William  Huskisson 
[q.  v.],  was  born  on  31  July  1784.  He  received 
his  early  education  at  the  grammar  school 
of  Wolverhampton,  and  entered  the  navy  in 
July  1800  on  board  the  Beaver  sloop,  from 
which,  a  few  months  later,  he  was  moved  to 
theRomney,  going  out  to  the  East  Indies  under 
the  command  of  Captain  Sir  Home  Popham 
[q.  v.]  On  the  Romney's  being  paid  off  he 
was  appointed  to  the  Defence  with  Captain 
George  Hope,  in  which  he  was  present  in  the 
battle  of  Trafalgar,  when  he  was  stationed  on 
the  poop  in  charge  of  the  signals.  Huskisson 
was  afterwards  moved  into  the  Foudroyant, 
flagship  of  Sir  John  Borlase  Warren  [q.  v.], 
in  which  he  was  present  at  the  capture  of 
the  Marengo  and  Belle  Poule  on  13  March 
1806.  In  August  he  received  a  commission 
as  acting-lieutenant  of  theFoudroyant,which 
was  confirmed  by  the  admiralty  on  15  Nov. 
In  1807  he  was  signal-lieutenant  to  Lord 
Gambler  on  board  the  Prince  of  Wales,  in 
the  expedition  to  Copenhagen,  and  in  1808 
went  out  to  the  West  Indies  in  the  Melpo- 
mene, from  which  he  was  promoted  to  the 
command  of  the  Pelorus  on  18  Jan.  1809.  In 
her  he  assisted  in  the  reduction  of  a  French 
ship  under  the  battery  at  Point-a-Pitre,  and 
in  the  reduction  of  Guadeloupe.  In  1810  he 
was  appointed  acting-captain  of  the  Blonde, 
which  he  brought  home ;  and  on  14  March 
1811  he  was  posted  to  the  Garland  of  28  guns, 
and  in  June  1812,  still  in  the  West  Indies, 
was  moved  into  the  Barbadoes,  which,  as  the 
French  privateer  Brave,  had  won  a  wide  re- 
putation for  exceptional  speed  in  1804  (MAR- 
SHALL, iii.  387) .  As  war  was  j  ust  then  declared 
against  the  United  States,  Huskisson  had 
reason  to  hope  that  this  remarkable  speed 
might  win  for  him  both  distinction  and  profit, 

I  and  was  therefore  cruelly  disappointed  when, 
i  being  sent  with  a  small  convoy  to  Halifax, 
I  the  ship  was  lost  in  a  fog  on  Sable  Island  on 
j  28  Sept.  1812,  a  misfortune  which  put  him 
out  of  the  way  of  active  service  during  the 
continuance  of  the  war.  In  the  summer  of 
1815  he  commanded  the  Euryalus  on  the 
coast  of  France,  and  from  1818  to  1821, 
again  in  the  Euryalus,  was  in  the  West 
Indies,  where  for  two  periods  of  six  months 
he  was  senior  officer  of  the  station,  with  a 
broad  pennant.  In  1821-2  he  commanded 
i  the  Semiramis  at  Cork,  as  flag-captain  to 
Lord  Colville,  and  in  March  1827  was  ap- 
pointed paymaster  of  the  navy  by  his  brother 
William,  then  treasurer  of  the  navy.  In 
1830,  when  the  office  of  paymaster  was 
abolished,  Huskisson  was  promised  the  first 
vacant  commissionership  of  the  navy;  but 
the  navy  board  itself  was  abolished  about 
the  same  time,  and  pending  the  occurrence 
of  some  other  vacancy  of  corresponding  value, 
he  was  appointed  one  of  the  captains  of 
Greenwich  Hospital.  The  death  of  his  bro- 
ther and  the  change  of  ministry  were  fatal 
j  to  his  prospects,  and  at  Greenwich  Hospital 
he  remained  till  his  death  on  21  Dec.  1844, 
combining  with  his  other  duties  during  a 
great  part  of  this  time  (1831-40)  the  super- 
intendence of  the  hospital  schools.  He 
married,  in  1813,  Elizabeth,  daughter  of 
Francis  Wedge  of  Aqualate  Park,  Stafford- 
shire, and  had  issue  four  sons  and  two 

[Marshall's  Roy.  Nav.  Biog.  vi.  (suppl.  pt.  ii.) 
338  ;  O'Byrne's  Nav.  Biog.  Diet. ;  private  infor- 
mation.] J.  K.  L. 

HUSKISSON,  WILLIAM  (1770-1830), 
statesman,  son  of  William,  the  second  son 
of  William  Huskisson  of  Oxley,  near  Wolver- 
hampton, was  born  at  Birch  Moreton  Court, 
Warwickshire,  on  11  March  1770.  His 
mother,  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  John  Rotton 
of  Staffordshire,  died  in  1774,  and  in  the  fol- 
lowing year  William  was  sent  to  school,  first 
at  Brewood,  then  at  Albrighton  in  Stafford- 
shire, and  afterwards  at  Apple  by  in  Leicester- 
shire. At  an  early  age  he  showed  mathematical  | 
ability.  In  1783  his  maternal  great-uncle,  Dr. 
Gem,  a  well-known  medical  man  residing 
in  Paris,  where  he  had  been  physician  to  the 
British  embassy  since  1762,  undertook  his 
education.  For  some  years  he  lived  at  Paris 
in  the  society  of  French  liberals,  and  made  the 
acquaintance  of  Franklin  and  Jefferson.  He 
is  said  to  have  entered  Boyd  &  Ker's  bank 
in  Paris  for  a  time,  but  this  is  very  doubtful. 
He  was  present  at  the  fall  of  the  Bastille, 
and  in  1790  he  joined  the  '  Club  of  1789,'  a 
monarchical  constitutional  club,  before  which 
on  29  Aug.  1790  he  read  a  discourse  on  the  cur- 





rency,  which  was  printed  and  much  applauded. 
When  the  French  government  decided  upon 
the  issue  of  assignats  he  separated  himself 
from  this  club.  About  the  same  time  he  was 
introduced,  through  Dr.  John  Warner,  the 
chaplain  to  the  embassy,  to  Lord  Gower  (sub- 
sequently Marquis  of  Stafford),  then  British 
ambassador  at  Paris,  whose  private  secretary 
he  became.  They  remained  intimate  friends 
all  their  lives.  On  10  Aug.  1792,  after  the 
attack  on  the  Tuileries,  he  was  instrumental 
in  enabling  its  governor,  M.  de  Champce- 
netz,  to  make  his  escape  from  the  populace. 
On  the  recall  of  the  embassy  in  1792  Huskis- 
son returned  to  England  (see  ALGEK,  English- 
men in  the  French  Revolution,  p.  29 ;  Life  of 
Gouverneur  Morris,  i.  499,  570). 

For  some  time  he  remained  an  inmate  of 
Lord  Gower's  household  in  England,  and 
thus  became  well  acquainted  with  Pitt.  By 
the  death  of  his  father  in  1790  he  became 
entitled  to  such  of  the  family  estates  at  Oxley 
in  Staffordshire  as  remained  unalienated,  but 
they  were  neither  extensive  nor  unencum- 
bered, and,  finding  himself  a  poor  man,  he 
was  glad  to  avail  himself  of  the  offer  of  a 
new  office,  created  under  the  Alien  Act,  for 
making  arrangements  with  the  emigres.  In 
this  employment,  for  which  his  knowledge  of 
the  French  people  and  language  well  fitted 
him,  he  became  acquainted  with  Canning, 
and  his  talenTsTecommended  him  to  PitTahd 
Dundas.  In  1795  he  succeeded  Sir  Evan 
Nepean,  on  his  promotion  to  be  secretary  to 
the  admiralty,  in  the  office  of  under  secre- 
tary at  war.  The  business  of  the  office  was 
practically  done  by  Huskisson,  Dundas,  his 
chief,  being  otherwise  occupied,  and  it  was 
he  who  superintended  the  arrangements  for 
Sir  Charles  Grey's  expedition  to  the  West 
Indies.  His  friendship  with  Lord  Carlisle 
procured  him  in  1796  the  representation  of 
Morpeth ;  but,  always  diffident  of  his  own 
abilities  and  conscious  that  he  was  no  orator, 
he  did  not  speak  in  the  House  of  Commons 
until  February  1798.  In  January  1801  he 
resigned  with  Pitt,  but  at  the  request  of 
Lord  Hobart,  the  new  secretary  at  war,  who 
was  unfamiliar  with  the  work  of  the  office, 
he  remained  at  his  post  until  the  battle  of 
Alexandria  (March  1801).  An  unfounded 
charge  was  made  at  the  time  that  Huskisson 
made  use  of  his  knowledge  of  official  secrets  in 
stockjobbing  operations,  in  which  he  engaged 
with  Talleyrand  (see  COLCHESTER,  Diary,  i. 
229 ;  Croker  Papers) .  Meantime,  on  the  death 
of  Dr.  Gem  in  1800,  he  inherited  an  estate  at 
Eastham,  Sussex,  then  occupied  by  Hayley, 
the  biographer  of  Cowper,  and  another  in 
Worcestershire.  This  rendered  his  position 
in  public  life  unembarrassed. 

In  1802  he  contested  Dover,  but  was  beaten 
by  Trevanion  and  Spencer  Smith,  the  go- 
vernment candidates,  and  did  not  re-enter 
parliament  till  February  1804,  when  he  was 
elected  for  Liskeard.  There  was  a  double 
return,  and  a  petition  was  presented  against 
him,  but  he  kept  his  seat.  On  the  recall  of 
Pitt  to  office  (May  1804)  he  was  appointed 
a  secretary  to  the  treasury,  but  when  the 
1  Talents '  administration  came  in  (January 
1806)  he  retired,  and  went  into  active  oppo- 
sition. He  moved  a  number  of  financial 
resolutions  in  July  1806,  which  ttorrfialP 
ceIIoT75f  the  exchequer,  Lord  Henry  Petty, 
was  obliged  to  accept.  At  the  general  elec- 
tion in  the  autumn  of  1807  he  was  again  re- 
turned for  Liskeard  ;  was  made  secretary  to 
the  treasury  again  in  the  Duke  of  Portland's 
ministry  in  April  1807 ;  and  at  the  ensuing 
general  election  was  returned  for  Harwich, 
which  seat  he  retained  till  1812. 

Up  to  this  time  Huskisson  had  rarely  en- 
gaged in  general  debate,  but  had  rested  con- 
tent with  his  reputation  as  a  man  of  business.  ( 
In  3808  he  took  a  large  share  in  the  rear- 
rangement of  the  relations  between  the  Bank 
of  England  and  the  treasury,  and  in  1809 
he  undertook  the  reply  to  Colonel  Wardle's 
motion  on  public  economy.  In  the  same 
year  the  Duke  of  Richmond,  the  Irish  vice- 
roy, was  anxious  that  he  should  succeed  Sir 
Arthur  Wellesley  as  chief  secretary,  but  his 
services  could  not  be  spared  by  the  English  go- 
vernment. Though  not  personally  concerned 
in  the  dispute  which  brought  about  Canning's 
resignation  in  1809,  hf  reaignp^witn  him  o_ut 
of  loyalty  to  hisfriend._andin  his  ^private 
capacity  in  parlianienT'Femained  for  some 
time  little  noticed.  But  in  1810  he  published 
his  pamphlet  on  the ( Depreciation  of  the  Cur- 
rency' which  at  once' met  wTRr  yuirces^and  1 
earned  him  the  reputation  of  being  the  first! 
financier  of  the  age.  In  the  debates  on  thef 
Regency  Bill  he  adhered  to  Canning's  views, 
and  in  January  1811,  when  he  was  sounded 
about  joining  the  regent's  ministry,  he  rejected 
the  overture.  In  the  folio  wing  year,  if  Canning 
had  joined  Lord  Liverpool,  Huskisson  would 
have  been  chief  secretary  to  the  viceroy  and 
chancellor  of  the  Irish  exchequer.  His  ad- 
herence to  Canning  retarded  the  advance  of 
his  public  career  by  many  years,  and  allowed 
Peel  and  Robinson,  of  whom  one  was  his 
junior  and  the  other  much  his  inferior,  to 
pass  him  in  the  race.  During  this  year  he 
became  colonial  agent  for  Ceylon.  That  post, 
which  was  worth  4,OOOZ.  a  year,  he  held  till 

At  the  general  election  in  the  autumn  of 
1812  Huskisson  was  elected  for  Chichester. 
He  made  several  speeches  on  currency  ques- 




tions  in  March  1813,  and  on  Sir  Henry  Par- 
nell's  motion  on  the  corn  laws  he  brought 
forward  for  the  first  time  his  scale  of  gra- 
duated prohibitory  duties.  Next  year  on 
6  Aug.  he  succeeded  Lord  Glenbervie,  in  Lord 
Liverpool's  ministry,  in  the  woods  and  forests 
department,  and  was  sworn  of  the  privy  coun- 
cil on  29  July  1814.  He  quickly  mastered  the 
.special  duties  of  his  office.  In  1815  was 
passed  the  first  corn  law,  which  absolutely 
prohibited  the  importation  of  corn  when  the 
price  fell  below  a  certain  minimum  average, 
and  Huskisson  took  a  prominent  part  in  the 
debates  on  the  bill.  In  May  1816  he  spoke 
in  the  bank  restriction  debates  in  favour  of 
leaving  to  the  bank  the  determination  of  the 
time,  not  to  exceed  two  years,  within  which 
they  might  continue  the  restriction  on  gold 
payments ;  but  two  years  afterwards  he  was 
in  favour  of  granting  the  bank  a  further  ex- 
tension of  time.  He  usually  voted  for  Roman 
vcatholic  emancipation  without  speaking,  and 
very  seldom  intervened  in  a  debate  on 
foreign  policy.  One  of  his  rare  speeches  on 
general  topics  was  made  in  1821  on  Lord 
Tavistock's  motion  for  a  vote  of  censure  on 
the  government  for  its  behaviour  to  the 
queen.  In  1819  he  became  a  member  of  the 
finance  committee,  and  his  speech  on  the 
chancellor  of  the  exchequer's  income  and 
•expenditure  resolutions  probably  saved  the 
government  from  defeat.  He  also  addressed 
to  Lord  Liverpool  an  important  memoran- 
dum on  the  resumption  of  cash  payments 
(see  YONGE,  Life  of  Lord  Liverpool,  ii.  382). 
In  1821  he  was  a  member  of  the  committee 
appointed  on  Gooch's  motion  to  inquire  into 
the  prevalence  of  agricultural  distress,  and 
the  report  of  the  committee  was  principally 
drafted  by  him ;  but  his  speeches  on  taxa- 
tion in  the  same  year  gave  rise,  not  un- 
naturally, to  a  distrust  of  him  among  the 
agricultural  party,  which  was  never  after- 
wards removed.  He  felt  his  position  in  the 
government  to  be  unsatisfactory,  though  he 
did  not  resign  with  Canning  in  that  year,  and 
when,  at  the  end  of  1821,  a  rearrangement  of 
the  administration  was  projected  and  the  Irish 
secretaryship  was  offered  him,  he  at  once  re- 
fused the  post.  In  February  1822  Huskisson 
spoke  against  Lord  Londonderry's  proposal  to 
lend  4,000,OOOZ.  for  the  relief  of  agricultural 
distress,  and  on  29  April  and  6  May  succeeded 
in  defeating  Lord  Liverpool's  first  resolution 
on  the  report  of  the  committee  on  agricultural 
distress.  Thereupon  he  tendered  his  resigna- 
tion, which  Lord  Liverpool  refused,  and  Hus- 
kisson shortly  after  did  excellent  service  in 
fighting  the  county  party  single-handed  on 
Western's  motion  for  a  select  committee  to 
inquire  into  the  consequences  of  the  resump- 

tion of  cash  payments,  and  carried  an  amend- 
ment in  the  terms  of  Montague's  resolution 
of  1696,  '  that  this  House  will  not  alter  the 
standard  of  gold  or  silver  in  fineness,  weight, 
or  denomination '  (see  HANSARD,  new  ser  vii 
877,  925,  1027). 

When  Canning  rejoined  the  ministry  as 
foreign  secretary  in  September  1822,  he  failed 
in  an  endeavour  to  obtain  for  his  friend  the 
presidency  of  the  board  of  control,  with  cabinet 
rank.  On  31  Jan.,  however,  Huskisson  was 
promoted  to  the  treasurership  of  the  navy, 
and  on  5  April  to  the  board  of  trade,  holding  1 
both  offices  together,  and  he  was  soon  after- 
wards admitted  to  the  cabinet.  The  board  of  / 
trade  was  an  office  in  which  his  special  know- 
ledge and  his  advanced  free-trade  opinions  I 
were  certain  to  make  him  conspicuous.  Ac- 
cordingly, as  Canning  was  retiring  from  the 
representation  of  Liverpool,  which  he  found 
too  laborious  for  his  new  position,  Huskisson  I 
was  selected  to  succeed  him  as  the  only  tory  \ 
able  to  conciliate  the  Liverpool  merchants, 
and  after  a  hollow  contest  he  was  elected, 
15  Feb.  1823.  Huskisson  thus  became  the 
prominent  representative  of  mercantile  in- 
terests in  parliament.  He  was  soon  active 
in  office,  and  introduced  a  bill  for  regulat- 
ing the  silk  manufactures,  but  owing  to  the 
sweeping  character  of  the  lords'  amendment 
he  dropped  it  for  that  session,  and  did  not 
pass  it  till  1824.  He  also  introduced  and 
passed  a  merchant  vessels'  apprenticeship  bill, 
a  bill  to  remove  the  restrictions  on  the  Scottish 
linen  manufacture,  and  a  registration  of  ships 
bill.  He  announced  his  intention  of  moving  the 
repeal  of  the  Spitalfields  acts,  and  supported 
Joseph  Hume's  motion  for  a  select  committee 
on  the  combination  laws,  which  led  ultimately 
to  their  repeal.  The  year  1825  was  one  of  great 
activity  for  him.  With  the  assistance  of 
James  Deacon  Hume  [q.  v.]  of  the  board  of 
trade,  he  completed  the  consolidation  into  , 
eleven  acts  of  the  whole  of  the  existing  re- 
venue laws.  He  obtained  a  select  committee 
to  inquire  into  the  relations  of  employers  and 
employed,  the  result  of  which  was  the  passing 
of  an  act  which  regulated  the  relations  of 
capital  and  labour  for  forty  years.  One  object 
of  his  policy  was  at  the  same  time  to  give 
England  cheap  sugar  ;  and  he  also  amended 
the  revenue  laws  in  the  direction  of  a  modi- 
fied free  trade  in  regard  to  other  commodities, 
reducing  the  old  duties  on  foreign  cotton 
goods,  which  ranged  from  50  to  75  per  cent., 
according  to  quality,  to  a  uniform  10  per  cent.  \ 
duty  on  all  qualities ;  on  woollen  goods  from 
50  and  67  £  per  cent,  to  15  per  cent.,  and  simi- 
lar reductions  were  made  in  the  duty  on 
glass,  paper,  bottles,  foreign  earthenware, 
copper,  zinc,  and  lead  (on  Huskisson's  tariff 




legislation  see  MoBLET,Zz/«  of  Cobden,  i.  163 ; 
McCuLLOCH,  articles  in  Edinburgh  Review, 
vols.  Ixxiv.  Ixxv.) 

Early  in  1825  Huskisson  foresaw  tlie  crisis 
to  which  excessive  speculation  was  leading. 
His  warnings  were  neglected,  and  when  the 
panic  came  he  was  accused  of  having  caused 
it  by  his  policy  of  free  trade.  Meanwhile 
he  was  busily  occupied  in  negotiations  with 
the  American  government  about  the  north- 
western boundary,  the  navigation  of  the  St. 
Lawrence,  and  the  slave  trade.  In  1826  the 
Liverpool  merchants  presented  him,  in  ac- 
knowledgment of  the  success  of  his  policy, 
with  a  service  of  plate.  He  took  a  prominent 
part  in  the  debates  on  the  Bank  Charter  and 
the  Promissory  Notes  Acts,  and  on  24  Feb. 
1826  delivered  what  Canning  called  '  one  of 
the  very  best  speeches  that  I  ever  heard  in 
the  House  of  Commons '  against  Ellice's  mo- 
tion for  a  committee  on  the  silk  trade.  Later 
on,  in  speaking  upon  Whitmore's  motion  for 
a  committee  on  the  corn  laws,  Huskisson, 
though  advocating  delay  in  their  repeal,  ad- 
mitted his  dislike  of  the  existing  system. 
During  the  autumn  he  assisted  Lord  Liver- 
pool in  preparing  a  new  corn  bill.  The  labour 
thus  involved,  and  the  calumnies  to  Avhich 
his  economic  policy  had  exposed  him,  per- 
manently injured  his  health.  On  7  May  he 
vindicated  his  commercial  policy  against  the 
attacks  made  upon  it  by  Gascoyne  in  his 
motion  for  a  committee  on  the  shipping  in- 
terest. The  speech,  which  was  afterwards 
published,  was  one  of  his  best  efforts.  His 
corn  bill  was  duly  introduced,  but  was  aban- 
doned owing  to  the  opposition  of  the  Duke 
of  Wellington  in  the  House  of  Lords.  Hus- 
kisson was  travelling  in  the  Tyrol  to  recruit 
his  health  when  the  news  of  Canning's  death 
reached  him  (August  1827).  He  hastened 
home.  At  Paris  a  message  from  Lord  Gode- 
rich, the  new  prime  minister,  offered  him  the 
colonial  office,  with  the  lead  of  the  House  of 
Commons.  His  friends  urged  that  there  was 
no  other  way  of  securing  the  continuation  of 
Canning's  policy,  and  he  accepted  the  offer 
on  23  Sept.  1827.  Had  he  chosen  he  might 
Lave  been  chancellor  of  the  exchequer  (see 
generally  as  to  the  formation  of  the  Goderich 
administration  E.  HERRIES,  Life  of  J.  C. 
Herries ',  BTJLWER,  Life  of  Lord  Palmer st on ; 
SPENCER  WALPOLE,  History  of  England,  vol. 
ii.)  Dissensions  soon  broke  out  between  him 
and  John  Charles  Herries  [q.v.],  the  chancellor 
of  the  exchequer,  about  the  appointment  of 
Lord  Althorp  as  chairman  of  the  committee 
of  finance.  Huskisson,  as  leader  of  the  house, 
insisted  upon  his  nomination ;  Herries,  as 
chancellor  of  the  exchequer,  complained  that 
he  had  been  slighted  by  not  being  previously 

consulted.  The  dispute  grew  so  severe  that 
Lord  Goderich  resigned,  and  was  succeeded 
by  the  Duke  of  Wellington  (see  HANSARD, 
\  Party.  Z>e£«fc?s,xviii.  272, 463, 487, 553).  Hus- 
|  kisson  decided  to  continue  in  office,  and  was 
re-elected  at  Liverpool  without  opposition  (for 
a  discussion  of  his  conduct  on  this  change  of 
ministry,  see  GREVILLE,  Memoirs,  1st  ser.  ii. 
123).  In  addressing  his  constituents  he  said 
that  the  duke  had  acceded  to  his  stipulations 
j  in  favour  of  the  continuance  of  free  trade 
and  Canning's  foreign  policy.  The  duke  on 
the  earliest  opportunity  denied  this,  and  Hus- 
kisson was  obliged  to  withdraw  the  state- 
ment in  the  House  of  Commons  on  18  Feb. 
(compare  the  report  of  the  Liverpool  speech 
!  in  Ann.  Eeg.  1828,  Hist.  p.  13,  with  that 
given  in  HUSKISSON,  Speeches,  iii.  679).  The 
i  tension  between  himself  and  the  duke  soon 
!  became  acute.  At  several  cabinets  in  March 
j  a  difference  of  opinion  arose  on  the  amend- 
ment to  the  corn  bill  with  regard  to  the 
taking  of  corn  out  of  warehouse,  which  the 
duke  proposed  and  insisted  upon.  Peel  and 
|  Huskisson  were  both  against  it.  Huskis- 
j  son  tendered  his  resignation,  but  a  compro- 
mise which  he  suggested  was  accepted,  and 
he  remained  in  office.  Shortly  afterwards 
it  became  necessary  to  decide  what  should 
be  done  with  the  two  seats  which  would  be 
available  for  redistribution  upon  the  disfran- 
chisement  of  Penryn  and  East  Retford  for 
extensive  corrupt  practices.  The  duke  was 
for  giving  both  seats  to  the  adjacent  hun-  , 
dreds ;  Huskisson,  Palmerston,  and  Dudley  i 
were  for  bestowing  them  upon  large  manu-  1 
facturing  towns.  In  the  House  of  Commons 
Peel  advocated  a  compromise  by  giving  Pen- 
ryn to  Manchester  and  East  Retford  to  the 
hundred.  Huskisson  on  21  March  pledged 
himself  to  give  one  seat  to  a  manufacturing 
town.  In  the  lords  it  was  decided  by  the 
government,  first,  not  to  deal  with  both  cases 
together ;  secondly,  to  give  the  Penryn  seat 
to  the  hundred.  In  committee  of  the  House 
of  Commons,  when  the  East  Retford  case 
came  up,  it  was  moved  on  19  May  to  give  that 
seat  also  to  the  hundred  of  Bassetlaw,  Not- 
tinghamshire. Huskisson  and  Palmerston, 
in  the  belief  that  the  cabinet  held  that  morn- 
ing had  resolved  on  leaving  East  Retford  an 
open  question,  voted  against  the  ministry. 
Immediately  after  leaving  the  house  Huskis- 
son wrote  to  the  duke  offering  to  resign  if  he 
considered  that  the  interest  of  the  govern- 
ment would  be  better  served  by  a  resignation. 
The  duke  had  long  felt  that  Huskisson,  who! 
entered  the  administration  as  the  successor  to ! 
Canning's  position,  was  in  some  sort  his  rival. 
He  treated  Huskisson's  letter  as  an  actual 
resignation,  although  Huskisson  explained 



that  he  only  meant  to  tender  it  if  the  duke 
thought  fit  to  demand  it,  and  he  repudiated 
any  formal  offer  of  resignation.  But  the  duke 
was  inflexible,  and  laid  the  matter  before 
the  king.  Huskisson  demanded  a  personal 
audience  of  his  majesty,  but  this  was  refused, 
and  the  resignation  was  definitively  com- 
pleted on  the  29th,  when  he  gave  up  the  seals 
and  received  expressions  of  the  king's  personal 
regret  at  his  loss.  Although  he  explained  in 
the  House  of  Commons  the  summary  mode 
by  which  he  had  been  removed,  his  party 
censured  him  for  imperilling  the  ministry 
by  an  ill-timed  and  factious  resignation  (see 
BITLWER,  Palmerston,  i.  258 ;  GEEVILLE,  Me- 
moirs, 1st  ser.  i.  130 ;  Wellington  Despatches, 
iv.  449-78 ;  HANSARD'S  ParL  Debates,  xix. 
915 ;  LE  MARCHANT,  Spencer,  p.  228  n. ;  EL- 
LENBOROUGH,  Diary,  i.  115,  116;  and  Croker 
Papers,  i.  4, 23,  which  give  the  duke's  own  ac- 
count of  the  transaction). 

Huskisson  appeared  little  in  parliament 
during  the  remainder  of  the  session,  and,  his 
health  failing,  he  spent  the  autumn  abroad. 
In  1828  he  supported  the  Roman  Catholic 
Emancipation  Bill;  made  a  great 'speech  on 
the  silk  trade,  and  took  up  the  study  of  Indian 
questions.  In  consequence  the  governorship  of 
Madras  was  offered  him,  and  he  w|as  sounded 
about  the  governor-generalship  of  India,  but 
the  state  of  his  health  made  his  acceptance  of 
either  post  impossible.  He  was,  however,  an 
active  member  of  the  East  India  committee, 
especially  on  matters  referring  to  the  China 
trade.  During  the  session  of  1829  he  was  un- 
usually prominent  in  debate.  He  made  several 
speeches  in  favour  of  moderate  reform,  warned 
the  ministry  that  some  change  was  inevitable, 
and  supported  Lord  John  Russell's  proposal 
to  confer  additional  parliamentary  represen- 
tation on  Leeds,  Liverpool,  and  Manchester. 
During  1830  his  health  grew  worse,  and, 
though  he  was  able  to  attend  the  king's  fu- 
neral in  July,  he  was  seriously  ill.  He  went 
to  Liverpool  in  September  for  the  opening  of 
the  Manchester  and  Liverpool  railway,  and 
was  received  warmly  by  his  constituents.  On 
15  Sept.  he  attended  the  opening  ceremony. 
A  procession  of  trains  was  run  from  Liver- 
pool. Parkside  was  reached  without  mishap. 
There  the  engines  stopped  for  water,  and  the 
travellers,  contrary  to  instructions,  left  the 
carriages  and  stood  upon  the  permanent  way, 
which  consisted  of  two  lines  of  rails.  Hus- 
kisson went  to  speak  to  the  Duke  of  Welling- 
ton, to  whom,  in  spite  of  their  recent  dis- 
agreement, he  felt  bound,  as  member  for 
Liverpool,  to  show  courtesy.  At  that  mo- 
ment several  engines  were  seen  approaching 
along  the  rails  between  which  Huskisson  was 
standing.  Everybody  made  for  the  carriages 

on  the  other  line.  Huskisson,  by  nature  un- 
couth and  hesitating  in  his  motions,  had  a 
peculiar  aptitude  for  accident.  He  had  dis- 
located his  ankle  in  1801,  and  was  in  conse- 
quence slightly  lame.  Thrice  he  had  broken 
his  arm,  and  after  the  last  fracture,  in  1817, 
the  use  of  it  was  permanently  impaired.  On 
this  occasion  he  lost  his  balance  in  clambering 
into  the  carriage  and  fell  back  upon  the  rails 
in  front  of  the  Dart,  the  advancing  engine. 
It  ran  over  his  leg ;  he  was  placed  upon  an 
engine  and  carried  at  its  utmost  speed  to 
Eccles,  where  he  was  taken  to  the  house  of 
the  vicar.  He  lingered  in  great  agony  for 
nine  hours,  but  gave  his  last  directions  calmly 
and  with  care,  expiring  at  9  P.M.  He  was 
buried  with  a  public  ceremonial  in  Liverpool 
on  the  24th  (cf.  Gent.  Mag.  1830,  ii.  265-6  ; 
an  account  of  the  accident  is  given  by  FANNY 
KEMBLE,  who  was  present,  in  her  Records  of 
a  Girlhood). 

Huskisson  achieved  little  success  in  public 
life  compared  with  that  which  his  rare  abili- 
ties should  have  commanded.  His  adherence 
to  Canning,  combined  with  a  coldness  of 
manner,  probably  accounts  for  much  of  his 
failure.  Lamb,  afterwards  Lord  Melbourne, 
told  Greville  that,  in  his  opinion,  Huskisson 
was  the  greatest  practical  statesman  he  had 
known,  the  one  who  best  united  theory  with 
practice.  Sir  James  Stephen's  judgment  on  ( 
him  was  almost  the  same  (MACVEY  NAPIER, 
Letters,  p.  307 ;  see,  too,  Lord  Palmerston  to 
L.  Sulivan,  August  1827,  in  ASHLEY,  Life 
of  Lord  Palmerston).  As  a  speaker  he  was  lu- 
minous and  convincing,  but  he  made  no  pre- 
tence to  eloquence ;  his  voice  was  feeble  and 
his  manner  ungraceful.  Sir  Egerton  Brydges, 
in  his  '  Autobiography/  speaks  of  him  as  '  a 
wretched  speaker  with  no  command  of  words, 
with  awkward  motions,  and  a  most  vulgar, 
uneducated  accent/  but  this  accent  seems  to 
have  worn  off"  in  later  life.  Greville  describes 
him  as  '  tall,  slouching,  and  ignoble-looking, 
In  society  extremely  agreeable  without  much 
animation ;  generally  cheerful,  with  a  good 
deal  of  humour,  information,  and  anecdote ; 
gentlemanlike,  unassuming,  slow  in  speech, 
and  with  a  downcast  look  as  if  he  avoided 
meeting  anybody's  gaze.  There  is  no  man 
in  parliament,  or  perhaps  out  of  it,  so  well 
versed  in  finance,  commerce,  trade,  and  colo- 
nial matters ;  it  is  nevertheless  remarkable 
that  it  is  only  within  the  last  five  or  six 
years  that  he  acquired  the  great  reputation 
which  he  latterly  enjoyed.  I  do  not  think 
he  was  looked  upon  as  more  than  a  second-1 
rate  man,  till  his  speeches  on  the  silk  trade 
and  the  shipping  interest,  but  when  he  be- 
came president  of  the  board  of  trade  he  de- 
voted himself  with  indefatigable  application. 




to  the  maturing  and  reducing  to  practice 
those  commercial  improvements  with  which 
his  name  is  associated,  and  to  which  he 
owes  all  his  glory  and  most  of  his  unpopu- 

He  married,  on  6  April  1799,  Elizabeth 
Mary,  younger  daughter  of  Admiral  Mark 
Milbanke,  who  survived  him.  There  was 
no  issue  of  the  marriage.  Though  so  im- 
poverished on  entering  public  life  that  he  sold 
the  family  estate  at  Oxley,  his  personalty 
was  sworn,  15  Nov.  1830,  under  60,000/.  He 
received  on  17  May  1801  a  pension  of  1,200/. 
per  annum,  nominal,  900/.  actual,  with  a  re- 
mainder of  615/.  to  his  widow ;  and  in  1828 
he  received  a  second  pension  of  3,000/.  a 
year.  There  is  a  monument  of  him  by  Carew 
in  Chichester  Cathedral,  and  another  at  Li- 
verpool. His  portrait  was  painted  by  Sir 
Thomas  Lawrence.  Another,  by  Richard 
Rothwell,  is  in  the  National  Portrait  Gallery. 
It  was  engraved  in  mezzotints  by  Thomas 

[There  is  a  good  life  of  Huskisson  by  J. 
Wright,  published  privately  in  1831 ;  Hansard's 
Parl.  Debates  sufficiently  supplement  this.  The 
memoirs  and  biographies  of  the  period  contain 
numerous  references  to  him,  especially  Yonge's 
Life  of  Lord  Liverpool ;  G-reville  Memoirs,  1st 
ser. ;  Croker  Papers ;  Ashley's  Life  of  Lord  Pal- 
merston;  Ellenborough'sDiary;  Marquis  of  Buck- 
ingham's Memoirs ;  and  generally  the  authorities 
quoted.]  J.  A.  H. 

HUSSEY,  BONA VENTURA  (ft.  1618), 
Irish  Franciscan,  f  See  O'HussEY."] 

HUSSEY,  GILES  (1710-1788),  painter, 
born  at  Marnhull,  Dorsetshire,  on  10  Feb. 
1710,  was  fifth  son  of  John  Hussey  of  Marn- 
hull, by  his  wife,  Mary,  daughter  of  Thomas 
Burdett  of  Smithfield.  Hussey  was  educated 
at  the  English  Benedictine  college  at  Douay, 
and  afterwards  at  St.  Omer.  His  father  at 
first  intended  him  for  commerce,  but,  recog- 
nising his  taste  for  art,  placed  him  as  pupil 
under  Jonathan  Richardson  [q.  v.],  the  por- 
trait-painter. Hussey  soon  left  Richardson 
to  study  under  Vincenzo  Damini,  a  Venetian 
painter  in  some  vogue.  With  Damini  he 
worked  for  four  years.  While  assisting  his 
master  to  paint  the  ornaments  on  the  ceiling 
of  the  cathedral  at  Lincoln,  he  nearly  met  with 
a  fatal  accident,  and  his  life  was  saved  only 
by  Damini's  promptitude.  In  1730  Hussey 
persuaded  his  parents  to  advance  sufficient 
money  to  enable  him  to  accompany  Damini, 
who  was  returning  to  Italy,  and  to  prosecute 
his  studies  at  Rome.  Hussey  and  Damini 
proceeded  through  France,  where  Damini 
spent  most  of  the  money,  and  after  their 
arrival  at  Bologna  Damini  decamped  with 

all  Hussey's  property.  Hussey,  left  friend- 
less and  penniless,  was  temporarily  relieved 
by  Signer  Ghislonzoni,  a  former  Venetian 
ambassador  in  London.  He  studied  three 
and  a  half  years  in  Bologna,  and  in  1733 
went  to  Rome,  where  he  became  an  intimate 
friend  and  pupil  of  Ercole  Lelli,  a  painter  of 
repute  at  the  time.  At  Rome  Hussey,  who 
was  fond  of  pursuing  abstract  mathematical 
inquiries,  sought  to  ascertain  and  determine 
the  true  principles  of  beauty  in  nature.  These 
he  eventually  claimed  to  have  discovered,  or 
to  have  had  mysteriously  revealed  to  him,  in 
the  musical  scale  of  harmonies.  He  elabo- 
rated his  theory  most  minutely,  especially  in 
its  application  to  the  human  face,  and  made 
many  beautiful  chalk  drawings  of  heads  to 
illustrate  it. 

At  Rome  Hussey,  as  a  devoted  Roman  ca- 
tholic, became  a  firm  adherent  of  the  younger 
Pretender,  Charles  Edward,  and  drew  many 
chalk  portraits  of  him.  In  1737  he  returned 
to  England  with  a  high  reputation  as  a 
painter  and  man  of  learning,  but  disappointed 
public  expectation  by  retiring  into  the  coun- 
try. He  painted  very  little,  and  tried  to  obtain 
recognition  for  his  peculiar  theories  on  art. 
Being  compelled  to  take  to  portrait-painting 
as  a  means  of  livelihood,  he  settled  in  London 
in  1742,  and  was  patronised  byMatthewDuane 
[q.  v.]  and  by  the  Duke  of  Northumberland. 
The  latter  offered  him  a  home  in  his  house, 
and  bought  many  of  his  drawings.  Hussey  re- 
sented the  indifference  shown  to  his  theories, 
which  he  attributed  to  the  jealousy  of  other 
artists ;  he  grew  eccentric  and  depressed,  and 
in  1768,  after  struggling  against  many  diffi- 
culties, he  gave  up  painting  altogether,  and 
removed  to  the  house  of  his  brother  James  at 
Marnhull.  On  his  brother's  death,  in  1773, 
he  succeeded  to  the  estates,  and  occupied 
himself  principally  with  gardening.  In  1787 
he  resigned  his  property  to  his  sister's  son, 
John  Rowe,  and,  determining  to  adopt  the 
life  of  a  religious  recluse,  removed  to  a 
house  belonging  to  Rowe  at  Beaston,  near 
Ashburton.  There  Hussey  died  suddenly,  in 
June  1788.  He  was  buried  at  Broadhempston, 

Hussey  was  an  excellent  draughtsman,  and 
his  drawings,  especially  his  heads  done  in 
chalk,  were  executed  with  elaborate  neatness 
and  purity  of  outline.  They  are,  however, 
cold  and  spiritless,  owing  to  his  rigid  adhe- 
rence to  his  theories  of  proportion.  There 
are  examples  in  the  print  room  at  the  British 
Museum,  together  with  drawings  from  gems 
made  by  him  in  illustration  of  his  theories, 
and  others  from  frescoes  of  Lodovico  Carracci 
and  Guido  at  Bologna.  Hussey  was  a  fre- 
quent visitor  at  Wardour  Castle,  where  there 




is  a  portrait  of  him,  together  with  examples  of 
his'dra  wings.  He  was  extolled  extravagantly 
by  some  of  his  contemporaries,  and  Barry 
placed  his  portrait  behind  that  of  Phidias  in 
his  '  Elysium  '  at  the  Society  of  Arts  in  the 
Adelphi.  A  portrait,  from  a  drawing  by 
himself  (now  at  Lulworth  Castle,  together 
with  several  of  his  portrait-drawings),  was 
published,  with  a  memoir,  in  Hutchins's  '  His- 
tory of  Dorset/  iv.  185  (1792) ;  and  another, 
with  a  memoir,  is  in  Nichols's '  Literary  Anec- 
dotes,' viii.  177. 

[Memoirs  mentioned  above ;  Britton's  Beauties 
of  Wiltshire;  Maton's  Tour  through  the  Western 
Counties ;  Gillcw's  Bibl.  Diet,  of  English  Catho- 
lics ;  Warner's  Walks  round  Bath;  Vertue's 
MSS.  (Brit.  Mus.  Addit.  MS.  23076).]  L.  C. 

HUSSEY,  JOHN,  LORD  HUSSEY  (1466  ?- 
1537),  was  the  eldest  son  of  Sir  William 
Hussey  [q.  v.],  by  Elizabeth  his  wife ;  he 
is  referred  to  as  a  knight  in  his  mother's 
will,  which  is  dated  in  1503.     He  fought 
•on  the  king's  side  at  Stoke  in   1486,  and 
became  comptroller  of  the  royal  household. 
In   the   first   year   of  Henry  VIII   he   re- 
ceived a  pardon,  apparently  for  his  share 
in  the  extortions  of  the  late  reign.    Scores  of 
recognisances  for  various  sums,  upon  which 
his  name  is  associated  with  those  of  Emp- 
son  and  Dudley,  were  cancelled  in  the  early  ! 
years  of  Henry  VIII.    Hussey  received  large 
grants  of  land  in  Lincolnshire  and  neigh-  | 
bouring  counties,  became  one  of  the  council,  j 
master  of  the  king's  wards,  knight  of  the  j 
body,  and  took  three  hundred  and  forty  men 
to  the  French  war  in  1513,  when  he  was  one 
of  the  commanders  of  the  rearguard.      He 
was  employed  on  various  diplomatic  missions, 
and  was  sent  as  envoy  to  the  emperor  after 
the  Field  of  Cloth  of  Gold.     In  1521  he  was 
made  chief  butler  of  England.     In  1529  he 
was  summoned  by  writ  to  the  House  of  Lords 
as  'Johannes  Hussey  de  Sleford,  chivaler/ 
He  was  a  signatory  to  the  document  sent 
from  England  begging  the  papal  sanction  to  > 
Henry  VIII's  divorce  from  Catherine  of  Arra-  j 
gon,  and  was  one  of  those  who  at  the  queen's  j 
trial  gave  evidence  as  to  her  previous  mar-  i 
riage  with  Prince  Arthur.    He  was  appointed 
in    1533   chamberlain   to   the   illegitimated 
'  Princess '  Mary,  and  his  allegiance  to  her 
father  seems  about  the  same  time  to  have 
begun  to  waver.    On  30  Sept.  1534  Chapuys,  ' 
the  imperial  ambassador,  reports  to  Charles  V  j 
an  interview  in  which  Hussey  held  out  hopes  j 
of  a  national  uprising  if  Charles  would  make 
war  upon  Henry.     In  January  1536  Hussey  j 
begged  Cromwell  to  excuse  him  from  attend-  i 
ing  >e  forthcoming  parliament  on  theground 
of  ill-health.     Nevertheless  he  was  present  j 

when  parliament  met,  8  June.  His  wife  Anne 
was  at  the  same  time  sent  to  the  Tower  for 
calling  Mary  princess. 

On  the  outbreak  of  the  Lincolnshire  re- 
bellion, known  as  the  Pilgrimage  of  Grace,  in 
the  autumn  of  1536,  the  rebels  warnedHussey 
that  personal  danger  would  attend  a  refusal 
to  join  with  them ;  he  appears,  however,  to 
i  have  remained  firm  in  his  allegiance  to  the 
king,  forwarding  the  rebels'  letters  to  Crom- 
well,  and   telling  the   writers — who   were 
anxious  that  he  should  submit  their  terms  of 
agreement  to  Henry — that  the  king  could 
make  no  terms  with  traitors.     But  when  the 
king  sent  a  message  to  Hussey  (4  Oct.),  di- 
recting him  to  raise  men  to  repress  the  re- 
bellion, he  took  no  steps  to  carry  out  the 
royal  order.  He  was  consequently  summoned 
i  to  Windsor  to  answer  for  his  conduct.     In  a 
letter  to  Darcy,  written  from  Windsor  on 
j  7  Nov.,  he  says  he  was  '  like  to  have  suffered  ' 
I  for  confederacy  with  his  correspondent  had 
!  not  the  Duke  of  Norfolk  interceded  for  him. 
He  concludes  by  urging  Darcy  to  use  all  his 
!  energies  to  secure  the  ;  traitor '  Aske. 

However,  in  the  spring  of  1537  Hussey 
again  fell  under  the  king's  suspicion,  and  he 
was  arrested,  together  with  Darcy  and  some 
others,  for  complicity  in  the  Lincolnshire 
rising.  On  12  May  1537  a  true  bill  was  re- 
turned against  him  at  Sleaford.  On  15  May 
he  was  tried  with  Lord  Darcy  at  West- 
minster. Hussey  pleaded  l  not  guilty,'  but 
he  was  convicted  and  sentenced  to  be 
cuted  at  Tyburn.  Cromwell  offered  him 
pardon  of  '  lyffe,  landes,  and  goodes '  if  he 
would  furnish  particulars  of  those  concerned 
in  the  rebellion ;  but  this  he  could  not  do, 
being,  he  said,  ignorant  as  to  the  whole  affair. 
Foreseeing  no  hope  of  pardon,  he  earnestly 
entreated  that  those  bounden  to  him  might 
not  suffer  by  his  forfeiture,  and  he  sent  the 
king  a  list  of  his  debts.  According  to  Stow 
he  was  executed  at  Sleaford  in  the  following 
June,  but  the  record  of  his  conviction  men- 
tions Tyburn  as  the  place  for  carrying  out 
the  sentence. 

He  married  Anne,  daughter  of  George  Grey, 
earl  of  Kent.  According  to  Dugdale  he  had 
a  second  wife,  Margaret  Blount ;  but  in  the 
documents  written  by  him  shortly  before  his 
death  he  speaks  of  his  wife  as  '  Anne.'  Pos- 
sibly Margaret  Blount  may  have  been  a  first 
wife.  One  of  his  sons,  William,  seems  to 
have  been  knighted  at  Tournai  in  1510,  and 
became  a  privy  councillor.  His  children  were 
restored  in  blood  in  1563,  but  his  attainder 
was  not  reversed. 

[Letters  and  Papers,  Henry  VIII ;  Eecord  of 
the  Trial  and  Conviction  of  Lord  Hussey  and 
other  original  documents  at  the  Public  Kecord 




Office;  Dugdale's  "Baronage,  ii.  310;  Notes  and 
Queries,  6th  ser.  iv.  531 ;  Fronde's  Hist,  of  Eng- 
land ;  Nicolas's  Peerage,  ed.  Courthope.l 

W.  J.  H-T. 

HUSSEY,  PHILIP  (d.  1782),  portrait- 
painter,  born  at  Cork,  began  life  as  a  sailor, 
and  was  shipwrecked  no  less  than  five  times. 
He  drew  the  figure-heads  and  stern  ornaments 
of  vessels,  and  eventually  set  up  in  Dublin 
as  a  portrait-painter,  painting  lull-length 
portraits  with  some  success.  He  was  a  good 
musician,  and  was  skilled  as  a  botanist  and 
florist.  His  house  was  the  rendezvous  of 
many  leading  men  of  art  and  letters  in  Dub- 
lin. He  died  at  an  advanced  age  in  1782  at 
his  house  in  Earl  Street,  Dublin. 

[Pasquin's  Artists  of  Ireland ;  Kedgrave's 
Diet,  of  Artists.]  L.  C. 

HUSSEY,  RICHARD  (1715P-1770), 
politician,  born  probably  in  1715,  though  Pol- 
whele  (Reminiscences,  ii.  135)  fixes  the  date 
two  years  earlier,  was  the  son  of  John  Hus- 
sey, town  clerk  (1722-37)  of  Truro,  Corn- 
wall, by  his  wife  Miss  Gregor.  On  17  Oct. 
1730  he  matriculated  at  Balliol  College,  Ox- 
ford, but  did  not  graduate ;  and  in  1742  was 
called  to  the  bar  at  the  Middle  Temple  (Fos- 
TEK,  Alumni  Oxon.  1715-1886,  ii.  720).  He 
represented  St.  Mawes,  Cornwall,  in  the  par- 
liament of  1761-8,  and  East  Looe  in  the 
same  county  in  that  of  1768,  retaining  his 
seat  until  his  death.  After  the  accession  of 
George  III  he  received  a  silk  gown  (Foss, 
Lives  of  the  Judges,  viii.  222),  and  was  ap- 
pointed attorney-general  to  the  queen.  He 
was  also  auditor  of  Greenwich  Hospital,  coun- 
sel to  the  admiralty  and  navy,  and  counsel 
to  the  East  India  Company.  In  1768  he 
was  chosen  auditor  of  the  duchy  of  Cornwall 
(Royal  Kalendar,  1769,  p.  88).  As  a  poli- 
tician Hussey  won  the  respect  of  both  parties 
by  his  integrity,  fairness,  and  courtesy.  Chat- 
ham thought  highly  of  him  (STANHOPE,  Hist, 
of  England,  v.  Append,  p.  x).  Lord  Camden 
was  his  friend.  Horace  Walpole  is  never 
tired  of  eulogising  his  blameless  life  and 
talents  as  a  debater.  In  the  debates  on 
Wilkes's  complaint  of  breach  of  privilege  he 
took  a  prominent  part,  especially  in  the  de- 
bate on  24  Nov.  1763,  when,  says  Walpole 
(Letters,  ed.  Cunningham,  iv.  136),  he  '  was 
against  the  court,  and  spoke  with  great  spirit 
and  true  whig  spirit.'  In  the  debate  on  the 
Stamp  Act  on  21  Feb.  1766  he  advocated  its 
repeal  as  an  innovation  upon  what  the  colonies 
considered  their  usages  and  customs  (Corre- 
spondence of  Lord  Chatham,  ii.  394).  How- 
ever, in  the  debate  arising  out  of  the  Massa- 
chusetts Bay  petition  on  26  Jan.  1769,  he 
expressed  himself  strongly  in  favour  of  laying 

an  internal  tax  upon  America  as  the  only 
practical  way  of  forcing  that  country  to  own 
the  supreme  power  of  Great  Britain  (CAVEN- 
DISH, Debates,  i.  197-8).  On  the  defeat  of 
the  ministry  in  January  1770  Hussey  resigned 
the  attorney-generalship  to  the  queen  (  WAL- 
POLE, Letters,  v.  220).  He  died  at  Truro  in 
the  following  September  (Gent.  Mag.  1770, 

[Correspondence  of  Lord  Chatham,  iii.  Ill ; 
Walpole's  Last  Ten  Years  of  G-eorge  II,  1832,  i. 
375  ;  Walpole's  Memoirs  of  George  III,  1845,  i. 
326,  370-3,  377,  ii.  60-1,  272,  279-80,  301,  379, 
iii.  161,  203,  208  n.,  315,  iv.  49-50;  Walpole's 
Letters,  ed.  Cunningham,  iii.  453,  iv.  136,  v. 
220;  Cavendish's  Debates,  i.  197-8,  246-7,  403; 
Boase  and  Courtney's  Bibl.  Cornub.  i.  260-1.] 

G-.  G. 

HUSSEY,  ROBERT  (1801-1856),  pro- 
fessor of  ecclesiastical  history  at  Oxford,  born 
on  7  Oct.  1801,  was  fourth  son  of  William 
Hussey,  a  member  of  an  old  Kentish  family, 
who  was  for  forty-nine  years  rector  of  Sand- 
hurst, near  Hawklmrst  in  Kent.  (His  eldest 
sister,  Mrs.  Sutherland,  gave  to  the  Bodleian 
Library  in  1837  the  magnificent  collection  of 
historical  prints  and  drawings,  in  sixty-one 
folio  volumes,  illustrating  the  works  of  Claren- 
don and  Burnet.)  Hussey  was  for  a  time  at 
Rochester  grammar  school ;  but  in  1814  he 
was  sent  to  Westminster  School,  in  1816  be- 
came a  king's  scholar,  and  in  1821  was  elected 
to  Christ  Church,  Oxford.  There  he  resided 
for  the  remainder  of  his  life.  He  obtained 
a  double  first-class  in  the  B.A.  examination, 
Michaelmas  1824,  and  proceeded  M.  A.  in  1827 
and  B.D.  in  1837.  After  a  few  years  spent  in 
private  tuition,  he  was  appointed  one  of  the 
college  tutors,  and  held  that  office  until  he 
became  censor  in  1835.  He  was  appointed 
select  preacher  before  the  university  in  1831 
and  again  in  1846.  He  was  proctor  in  1836, 
in  which  year  he  was  an  unsuccessful  candi- 
date for  the  head-mastership  of  Harrow.  In 
1838  he  was  appointed  one  of  the  classical 
examiners  at  Oxford,  and  from  1841  to  1843 
was  one  of  the  preachers  at  Whitehall.  In 
1842  he  relinquished  his  college  duties  on  his- 
appointment  to  the  newly  founded  regius  pro- 
fessorship of  ecclesiastical  history.  As  the 
canonry  of  Christ  Church,  which  is  now  at- 
tached to  the  professorship,  was  not  then 
vacant,  an  annual  payment  of  300/.  was  made 
by  the  university. 

The  change  of  employment  was  thoroughly 
congenial.  For  the  benefit  of  the  students 
attending  his  lectures  he  edited  the  histories 
of  Socrates  (1844),  Evagrius  (1844),  Beeda 
(1846),  and  Sozomen  (3  vols.  finished  after 
his  death,  1860).  In  a  volume  of '  Sermons, 
mostly  Academical'  (Oxford,  1849), Hussey 




published  a '  Preface  containing  a  Refutation 
of  the  Theory  founded  upon  the  Syriac  Frag- 
ments of  three  of  the  Epistles  of  St.  Ignatius,' 
then  recently  discovered  and  published  by 
William  Cureton  [q.  v.]  His  conclusion, 
which  is  now  generally  adopted,  was  that 
these  fragments  only  contain  certain  extracts 
from  the  Epistles  and  not  the  whole  text. 
In  1851,  at  the  time  of  the  '  papal  aggres- 
sion/ he  published  a  useful  manual  on  '  The 
Eise  of  the  Papal  Power  traced  in  Three 
Lectures  '  (reissued,  with  additions,  in  1863). 
Hussey  was  in  a  general  way  opposed  to  the 
Oxford  movement ;  but  his  egregia  csguitas^re- 
vented  his  being  a  party  man.  He  issued  a 
pamphlet  in  February  1845  containing '  Rea- 
sons for  Voting  upon  the  Third  Question  to 
be  proposed  in  Convocation  on  the  13th  inst.,' 
in  which  he  showed  the  unreasonableness  of 
the  proposal  to  condemn  '  Tract  90  '  a  second 
time,  four  years  after  its  first  appearance. 
In  1845  Hussey  was  presented  by  the  dean 
and  chapter  of  Christ  Church  to  the  per- 
petual curacy  of  Binsey,  a  very  small  parish, 
with  a  very  small  emolument,  within  a  short 
walk  of  Oxford.  He  was  subsequently  ap- 
pointed rural  dean  by  Bishop  Wilberforce, 
and  was  elected  one  of  the  proctors  in  con- 
vocation for  the  diocese  of  Oxford.  In  1854, 
when  the  new  hebdomadal  council  was  ap- 
pointed, Hussey  was  chosen  one  of  the  pro- 
fessorial members  almost  by  general  suffrage. 
Tall  and  strong,  and  fond  of  manly  exercise, 
Hussey  died  rather  suddenly  of  heart  disease 
on  2  Dec.  1856.  To  the  dean  and  chapter  of 
Christ  Church  he  bequeathed  so  much  of  his 
library  as  related  to  ecclesiastical  history 
and  patristic  theology,  for  the  use  of  his  suc- 
cessors in  the  chair.  He  married  Elizabeth, 
sister  of  his  friend  and  contemporary  at 
Christ  Church,  the  Rev.  Jacob  Ley.  She 
survived  him  with  one  daughter.  Besides 
the  works  already  mentioned  and  some  aca- 
demical pamphlets  and  sermons,  Hussey 
wrote  :  1. '  An  Essay  on  the  Ancient  Weights 
and  Money  and  the  Roman  and  Greek  Liquid 
Measures ;  with  an  Appendix  on  the  Roman 
and  Greek  Foot,'  8vo,  Oxford,  1836,  an  ac- 
curate work  of  permanent  value,  the  fruit  of 
a  diligent  examination  of  ancient  coins  in 
museums  at  home  and  abroad.  2.  '  An  Ac- 
count of  the  Roman  Road  from  Alchester  to 
Dorchester,  and  other  Roman  Remains  in  the 
Neighbourhood,'  8vo,  Oxford,  1841,  in '  Trans- 
actions of  the  Ashmolean  Society.' 

[Memoir  by  his  brother-in-law,  the  Rev. 'Jacob 
Ley,  in  the  Advertisement  to  the  2nd  edition  of 
the  Rise  of  the  Papal  Power,  1863  ;  Preface  to 
Dean  Burgon's  Lives  of  Twelve  Good  Men,  1888, 
p.  xii ;  Foster's  Alumni  Oxon. ;  private  informa- 
tion and  personal  knowledge.]  W.  A.  G-. 

HUSSEY,  THOMAS  (1741-1803),  Ro- 
man catholic  bishop  of  Waterford  and  Lis- 
more,  born  in  Ireland  in  1741,  studied  with 
distinction  at  the  Irish  catholic  college  at 
Salamanca,  but  determining  to  devote  him- 
self to  an  ascetic  life,  he  obtained  admission 
to  the  penitential  monastery  at  La  Trappe. 
!  Much  against  his  own  wishes,  he  quitted  that 
'  establishment  by  order  of  the  pope,  entered 
holy  orders,  and  undertook  duties  in  the  ser- 
vice of  the  king  of  Spain.  Hussey's  abilities 
and  acquirements  soon  gained  him  high  repu- 
tation at  Madrid.  Towards  1767  he  was  ap- 
pointed chaplain  to  the  Spanish  embassy  in 
London,  and  head  and  rector  of  the  Spanish 
church  there.  Hussey  was  elected  a  fellow 
of  the  Royal  Society  of  London  on  8  March 
1792  and  enjoyed  the  friendship  of  Dr.  John- 
son. According  to  Francis  Plowden,  few  eccle- 
siastics ever  possessed  more  general  know- 
ledge. When  Spain  joined  France  in  the  war 
between  England  and  her  American  colonies,, 
the  Spanish  ambassador  quitted  London,  and 
left  the  arrangement  of  some  uncompleted 
transactions  to  Hussey,  who  was  thus  brought 
into  direct  personal  intercourse  with  ministers 
of  George  III.  By  them  he  was  engaged  to  pro- 
ceed to  Madrid  in  a  confidential  capacity,  with 
the  object  of  detaching  Spain  from  France  in 
the  American  contest.  During  this  mission 
Hussev  came  into  communication  with  Ri- 
chard Cumberland  (1732-1811)  [q.  v.],  who 
held  a  temporary  appointment  as  political 
agent  from  England  to  Spain.  Hussey,  ac- 
cording to  Cumberland,  was  endowed  with 
high  natural  abilities,  incorruptible  by  money 
bribes,  an  adept  in  casuistry,  and  fitted  by 
constitution  for  the  boldest  enterprises.  Cum- 
berland, who  considered  Hussey  to  have  acted 
disingenuously  toAvards  himself,  averred  that 
Hussey  would  have  willingly  headed  a  re- 
volution with  the  object  of  disestablishing  the- 
protestant  church  in  Ireland.  Hussey  paid 
two  official  visits  to  Madrid,  but  his  efforts, 
although  approved  by  George  III  and  his 
ministers,  were  without  result.  In  subsequent 
years  Hussey  publicly  expressed  his  gratitude- 
to  George  III  for  his  frequent  and  honourable 
mention  of  him.  In  August  1790  some  repre- 
sentatives of  the  catholics  in  Ireland  appealed 
to  Hussey  to  secure  the  services  of  Edmund 
Burke's  son  Richard  in  the  removal  of  their 
disabilities.  In  November  of  the  same  year  a 
meeting  of  the  committee  of  English  catholics 
in  London  unanimously  resolved  to  depute 
Hussey  to  lay  before  the  pope  a  statement  of 
their  position.  But  the  Spanish  ambassador 
to  England  refused  Hussey  leave  of  absence, 
and  he  was  unable  to  leave  London.  Hussey's. 
devotion  to  the  king  and  his  aversion  to- 
Jacobinism  led  the  Duke  of  Portland  and 




Pitt,  on  the  other  hand,  to  invite  his  aid  in 
checking  disaffection  among  the  Roman  ca- 
tholic soldiers  and  militia  in  Ireland.  A  docu- 
ment was  obtained  from  Rome  conferring  on 
him  special  control  of  Roman  catholic  military 
chaplains,  and  George  III  gave  him  a  com- 
mission to  secure  him  against  the  interfer- 
ence of  officials  of  the  government  in  Ireland. 
Underthe  ad  vice  of  Edmund  Burke,  and  with- 
out stipulating  for  any  remuneration,  Hussey 
in  1794  proceeded  on  this  mission.  While  in 
Ireland  he  preached  frequently  to  catholic 
soldiers  and  militia,  who  bitterly  complained 
to  him  of  the  severe  punishments  inflicted  on 
them  for  not  attending  services  in  protestant 
churches.  His  exertions  in  their  behalf  roused 
the  wrath  of  the  executive  at  Dublin,  and 
proved  abortive,  but  at  the  request  of  the  Duke 
of  Portland  he  protracted  his  stay  in  Ireland 
in  order  to  arrange  for  the  establishment  of  the 
Roman  catholic  college  at  Maynooth,  under 
act  of  parliament,  and  in  June  1795  Hussey 
was  appointed,  with  the  approval  of  govern- 
ment, president  of  the  new  college.  Soon 
afterwards  the  pope  nominated  Hussey  to  the 
bishopric  of  Waterford  and  Lismore.  After 
a  visitation  of  the  see,  Hussey  announced  his 
intention  of  devoting  the  emoluments  of  his 
office  to  the  general  benefit  of  the  diocese.  In 
a  brief  pastoral  letter  to  his  clergy  (published 
in  1797),  Hussey  reminded  them  that  nine- 
tenths  of  the  Irish  people  were  Roman  catho- 
lics, and  that  temporal  rulers  had  no  right 
to  exercise  jurisdiction  in  spiritual  matters. 
Portions  of  this  pastoral  were  bitterly  assailed 
in  print,  and  were  denounced  in  parliament. 
In  March  1798  Hussey  was  received  in  audi- 
ence by  the  pope,  who  granted  him  leave  of 
absence  from  his  diocese.  He  is  said  to  have 
taken  part  at  Paris  in  1801  in  the  negotia- 
tions for  the  concordat  between  Pius  VII  and 
Napoleon.  Hussey  died  from  a  fit  while 
bathing  at  Tramore  on  11  July  1803,  and 
was  buried  in  the  Roman  catholic  church  at 

Hussey's  contemporaries,  Edmund  Burke 
and  Charles  Butler,  have  left  testimonies  to 
his  abilities  and  high  character,  and  Mr. 
Lecky  refers  to  him  as  *  the  ablest  English- 
speaking  bishop  of  his  time.'  An  engraved 
portrait  of  Hussey  is  extant. 

[Memoirs  of  R.  Cumberland,  1807;  Plowden's 
Hist.  Review,  1803;  English  Catholics,  by  C. 
Butler,  1822  ;  England's  Life  of  O'Leary,  1822  ; 
Boswell's  Life  of  Johnson ;  Correspondence  of 
Edmund  Burke,  1844  ;  Cornwallis  Correspond- 
ence, 1859  ;  Brady's  Episcopal  Succession,  1876; 
Froude's  English  in  Ireland,  1874;  Ryland'sHist. 
of  Waterford,  1824  ;  Lecky's  Hist,  of  England, 
1890.]  J.  T.  G. 

HUSSEY,  WALTER  (1742-1783),  Irish 
statesman.  [See  BTJKGH,  WALTEE  HTTSSEY.] 

(d.  1495),  chief  justice,  was  probably  a  son 
of  the  Sir  Henry  Huse  who  received  a  grant 
of  free  warren  in  the  manor  of  Herting  in 
Sussex  in  the  eighth  year  of  Henry  VI. 
Campbell,  however,  describes  him  as  belong- 
ing to  a  Lincolnshire  family  of  small  means. 
He  was  a  member  of  Gray's  Inn,  and  on 
16  June  1471  was  appointed  attorney-general, 
with  full  power  of  deputing  clerks  and  officers 
under  him  in  courts  of  record.  As  attorney- 
general  he  conducted  the  impeachment  of 
the  Duke  of  Clarence  for  treason.  In  Trinity 
term  of  1478  he  attained  the  degree  of  ser- 
jeant-at-law, and  on  7  May  1481  was  ap- 
pointed chief  justice  of  the  king's  bench,  in 
succession  to  Sir  Thomas  Billing,  at  a  salary 
of  140  marks  a  year.  This  appointment  was 
renewed  at  the  accession  of  each  of  the  next 
three  kings,  and  under  Henry  VII  he  was 
also  a  commissioner  to  decide  the  claims  made 
to  fill  various  offices  at  the  coronation  (Hut- 
land  Papers,  p.  8). 

In  the  first  year  of  this  reign  he  success- 
fully protested  against  the  king's  practice  of 
consulting  the  judges  beforehand  upon  crown 
cases  which  they  were  subsequently  to  try 
(  Year-book,  1  Hen.  VII,  p.  26).  In  June  1492 
he  was  a  commissioner  to  treat  with  the  am- 
bassadors of  the  kingof  France.  He  seems 
to  have  died?laffi*firl495,  as  on  24  Nov.  of 
that  year  Sir  John  Fineux  [q.  v.]  succeeded 
him  as  chief  justice.  He  married  Elizabeth, 
daughter  of  'Thomas  Berkeley  of  Wymond- 
ham,  and  had  4we  *ons,  John,  lord  Hussey 
of  Sleaford  [q.  v.]*  and  Robert,  from  whom 
descend  the  Husseysfamily  of  Honnington, 

[Foss's  Lives  of  the  Judges  ;  Dugdale's  Baron- 
age, ii.  309  ;  Burke's  Extinct  Baronetage,  p.  275  ; 
Rymer's  Fcedera,  xii.  481  ;  Coke's  Institutes,  iii. 
29  ;  Gal.  Rot.  Pat.  pp.  39,  276,  316,  326  ;  Camp- 
bell's Lives  of  the  Chief  Justices.]  J.  A.  H. 

HUSTLER,  JOHN  (1715-1790),  philan- 
thropist, was  a  native  of  Bradford,  Yorkshire, 
where  his  family  had  been  resident  and  en- 
gaged in  the  wool  trade  since  the  early  years 
of  the  seventeenth  century.  His  parents 
were  members  of  the  Society  of  Friends,  and 
he  appears  to  have  been  educated  at  the 
Friends'  School  at  Bradford.  He  became 
a  wool-stapler,  and  was  an  active  worker  and 
minister  among  the  Friends.  He  deeply  inte- 
rested himself  in  the  development  of  Brad- 
ford, promoting  the  building  of  a  market- 
house,  shambles,  and  other  conveniences,  and 
projecting  in  1782  a  new  street,  connecting 




Ivegate  and  Kirkgate,  since  completed  and 
called  New  Street.  The  action,  however,  of 
the  lord  of  the  manor,  John  Marsden  of 
Hornby  Castle,  Lancashire,  or,  according  to 
James's '  History  of  Bradford '  (continuation), 
p.  91,  the  interference  of  Mr.  Leeds  of  Royd's 
Hall,  lord  of  the  manor  of  North  Brierly,  in 
1782  postponed  for  a  time  the  execution  of 
these  projects.  Hustler  was  also  instrumental 
in  causing  the  erection  of  the  woollen  hall, 
which  was  opened  in  1773,  and  gave  a  lasting 
impetus  to  the  woollen  trade  of  Bradford 
and  the  adjacent  district,  and  he  successfully 
projected  the  Leeds  and  Liverpool  Canal, 
which,  uniting  the  German  Ocean  and  the 
Irish  Sea,  was  opened  4  June  1777.  A  pro- 
jected extension  of  the  canal  subsequently 
occupied  his  attention,  and  while  in  pre- 
carious health  he  visited  London  in  1790 
for  the  purpose  of  promoting  the  passing  of 
the  bill  with  that  object.  He  died  at  Under-  j 
cliff,  near  Bradford,  on  6  Nov.  1790,  and 
was  buried  at  the  Friends'  burial-ground  at 
Bradford.  Hustler  took  little  part  in  politics, 
although  in  1745  he  actively  supported  the 
House  of  Hanover.  He  wrote  a  pamphlet, 
discussing  the  policy  of  the  corn  bounty,  en- 
titled '  The  Occasion  of  the  Dearness  of  Pro- 
visions/ &c.,  1767,  an  impartial  consideration 
of  the  reasons  for  and  against  the  imposition 
of  a  corn  bounty ;  several  tracts  in  favour 
of  the  Leeds  and  Liverpool  Canal  scheme ; 
and  in  1782  and  1787  valuable  pamphlets 
against  the  exportation  of  wool,  which  re- 
sulted in  a  bill  for  that  object  being  presented 
to  parliament  in  the  latter  year. 

[Gent.Mag.  1790,  p.  1055;  Crosfield's  Memoirs 
of  Samuel  Fothergill,  1843,  p.  500;  James's  Hist.  [ 
of  Bradford  (continuation),  pp.  90, 91,  99 ;  Smith's  | 
Cat.  of  Friends'  Books,  i.  1024, 1025.]    G-.  S.  C. 

HUTCHESON,  FRANCIS  (1694-1746), 
philosopher,  son  of  John  Hutcheson,  presby- 
terian  minister  of  Armagh,  was  born  8  Aug. 
1694,  probably  at  Drumalig,  a  township  in 
Saint-field,  co.  Down,  the  residence  of  his 
grandfather,  Alexander  Hutcheson,  presby- 
terian  minister  of  Saintfield.  The  grand- 
father had  emigrated  from  Ayrshire,  where 
his  family  was  'ancient  and  respectable.' 
Francis  and  his  brother,  Hans,  lived  with 
their  father  at  Ballyrea,  near  Armagh,  until 
in  1702  they  were  sent,  for  educational  pur- 
poses, to  live  with  their  grandfather.  The 
grandfather  was  especially  attracted  by  Fran- 
cis's sweetness  and  docility.  He  afterwards 
wished  to  settle  some  property  upon  Francis, 
who  peremptorily  refused.  The  two  boys 
were  sent  to  a  school  of  classical  reputation 
kept  by  a  Mr.  Hamilton  in  the  old  meeting- 
house at  Saintfield.  Francis  was  afterwards 

moved  to  an  academy  of  James  MacAlpine, 
Killeleagh,  where  he  worked  hard  at  the 
scholastic  philosophy  still  taught  in  Ireland. 
In  1710  he  went  to  Glasgow,  where  for  six 
years  he  studied  philosophy,  classics,  litera- 
ture, and  afterwards  theology.  He  read 
Samuel  Clarke's  treatise  on  the  '  Being  and 
Attributes  of  God,'  and  sent  some  criticisms 
with  a  request  for  further  explanations  to 
Clarke,  who  apparently  did  not  answer. 
Hutcheson  always  doubted  the  expediency 
and  validity  of  the  a  priori  argument  stated 
by  Clarke.  Upon  leaving  Glasgow,  Hutche- 
son returned  to  Ireland,  was  licensed  to 
preach,  and  was  about  to  accept  the  ministry 
of  a  small  congregation  when  he  was  induced 
to  start  a  private  academy  in  Dublin.  He 
became  known  to  several  eminent  men,  Lord 
Moles  worth  [q.  v.],  Archbishop  King  (who 
refused  to  permit  a  threatened  prosecution 
of  Hutcheson  for  keeping  a  school  without 
having  subscribed  the  canons  or  obtained  an 
episcopal  license),  and  Carteret  (afterwards 
Lord  Granville),  lord-lieutenant  from  1724  to 
1730,  who,  having  been  struck  by  his  writings, 
sought  him  out,  and  showed  him  much  kind- 
ness. Edward  Synge,  afterwards  bishop  of 
Elphin,  helped  him  to  revise  his  papers.  He  re- 
ceived offers,  probably  of  ecclesiastical  prefer- 
ment, which  he  felt  bound  in  conscience  tore- 
fuse.  His '  Four  Essays '  were  published  anony- 
mously in  1725  and  1728,  and  his  '  Thoughts 
on  Laughter'  (attacking  Hobbes)  and  his 
'  Observations  on  [Mandeville's]  Fable  of  the 
Bees' were  contributed  to  '  Hibernicus's  Let- 
ters '  in  1725-7.  His  treatises  led  to  a  con- 
troversy with  Gilbert  Burnet  in  the  *  London 
Journal '  in  1728,  and  were  in  the  same  year 
attacked  by  John  Balguy  [q.  v.]  in  an  anony- 
mous treatise  called  '  The  Foundation  of 
Moral  Goodness.'  Both  writers  were  dis- 
ciples of  Samuel  Clarke. 

These  writings  probably  led  to  his  unso- 
licited election  in  1729  to  the  chair  of  moral 
philosophy  at  Glasgow,  where  he  succeeded 
his  old  teacher,  Gersom  Carmichael.  Here 
he  spent  the  rest  of  his  life,  lecturing  five 
days  a  week  on  natural  religion,  morals,  ju- 
risprudence, and  government :  three  days 
upon  the  Greek  and  Latin  moralists ;  and 
upon  Sunday  evenings  on  the  evidences  of 
Christianity.  The  last  course  attracted  many 
hearers  from  every  faculty,  though  it  appears 
that  his  theology  was  of  so  liberal  a  type  as 
to  give  some  offence  to  the  orthodox.  Dugald 
Stewart,  in  his  account  of  Adam  Smith  (one 
of  Hutcheson's  pupils),  says  that  all  Hutche- 
son's  hearers  agreed  in  the  extraordinary 
effect  produced  by  these  lectures.  Stewart 
thinks  that  he  must  have  been  far  more  im- 
pressive as  a  speaker  than  as  a  writer,  and 




adds  that  his  influence  contributed  very 
powerfully  to  stimulate  the  spirit  of  inquiry 
in  Scotland.  Hume,  as  a  young  man,  cor- 
responded with  Hutcheson  upon  ethical 
questions,  and  evidently  regarded  him  as  a 
leading  authority  in  philosophy.  Leechman 
testifies  to  his  vivacity,  cheerfulness,  and  j 
unaffected  benevolence.  Though  quick-tern-  | 
pered  he  was  remarkable  for  his  warmth  of 
feeling  and  generosity.  He  helped  poor  stu- 
dents with  money,  and  admitted  them  with- 
out fees  to  his  lectures.  He  declined  an  offer 
of  the  chair  of  moral  philosophy  at  Edin- 
burgh in  1745,  although  the  salary  was  higher 
and  the  society  superior.  He  died  at  Glas- 
gow in  1746  of  fever,  his  previous  good 
health  having  been  interrupted  only  by  oc- 
casional gout.  By  his  wife,  a  Miss  Wilson, 
whom  he  married  soon  after  his  settlement 
•at  Dublin,  he  left  one  son,  Francis  Hutcheson 
the  younger  [q.  v.] 

Hutcheson  was  a  close  follower  of  the 
third  Lord  Shaftesbury,  and  had  a  great  in- 
fluence upon  the  Scottish  philosophers  of  the 

4  ^>r\TYT*Y-ir*-n_c!cm oo  '       c/^Virvnl  TTi c      Tivcf'.      OCOQTTQ 

common-sense '    school.     His   first 
were  directed  against  the  selfish  and  cynical 
theories   of  Hobbes   and   Mandeville.     He 
adopted  and  developed  the   f  moral   sense ' 
doctrine  as  given  by  Shaftesbury  in  contrast 
to  the  egoistic  utilitarianism  of  his  time.  The 
moral  sense  is  his  equivalent  to  Butler's  con- 
science, although  his  optimism  gives  a  very 
different  character  to  the  resulting  doctrine. 
The  chief  use  of  the  faculty  is  to  affirm  the 
utilitarian  criterion,  and  he  was  apparently 
the  first   writer  to   use  Bentham's  phrase, 
•'  the  greatest  happiness  of  the  greatest  num- 
ber' (Inquiry  concerning-  Moral  Good  and  \ 
Evil,  sec.  3  §  8).    He  may  be  thus  classed  as  ! 
•one  of  the  first  exponents  of  a  decided  utili-  ' 
tarianism   as   distinguished   from   ( egoistic  j 
hedonism.'     The  essence  of  his  teaching  is  ! 
given  in  his  early  essays,  though  more  elabo-  I 
rately  worked  out  in  the  posthumous  '  sys- 
tem,' where  he  developes  a  cumbrous  psycho- 
logy of  'internal  senses.'     In  metaphysics  i 
Hutcheson  was,  in  the  main,  a  follower  of  ; 
Locke ;  but  his  ethical  writings  constitute  his 
chief  claim  to  recollection.     They  did  much  ! 
to  promote  a  psychological  study  of  the  moral 
faculties,  though  his  analysis  is  superficial, 
and  he  is  apt  to  avoid  fundamental  difficulties.  ; 
His  theology  differs  little  from  the  optimistic 
deism  of  his  day.  '  The  fullest  account  of  his 
teaching  is  Professor  Fowler's  '  Shaftesbury 
and  Hutcheson.'     See  also   Bain's  'Mental 
and  Moral  Science,'  pt.  ii.  pp.  580-93. 

Hutcheson's  works  are :  1.  '  An  Inquiry 
into  the  Original  of  our  Ideas  of  Beauty  and 
Virtue,  in  two  treatises,  in  which  the  prin- 
ciples of  the  late  Earl  of  Shaftesbury  are  ex- 

plained and  defended  against  the  author  of 
the  "  Fable  of  the  Bees  "  and  the  "  Ideas  of 
Moral  Good  and  Evil "  are  established,  ac- 
cording to  the  sentiments  of  the  Ancient 
Moralists,  with  an  attempt  to  introduce  a 
mathematical  calculation  on  subjects  of  Mo- 
rality,' 1725.  The  second  edition  in  1726  as 
'Inquiry  concerning  Beauty,  Order,  Har- 
mony, Design,'  and  'Inquiry  concerning 
Moral  Good  and  Evil.'  2.  '  Essay  on  the 
Nature  and  Conduct  of  the  Passions  and 
Affections,'  and '  Illustrations  upon  the  Moral 
Sense/  1728.  3.  'Thoughts  on  Laughter/ 
and  '  Observations  on  the  Fable  of  the  Bees ' 
(six  letters  contributed  to '  Hibernicus's  Let- 
ters/ a  Dublin  periodical  of  1725-7),  with  a 
controversy  in  the  '  London  Journal '  of  1728 
with  Gilbert  Burnet,  son  of  the  bishop,  and 
collected  by  Hutcheson  in  one  volume  in 
1735,  were  published  together  by  Fowler  in 
1772.  4.  'De  Naturali  Hominum  Sociali- 
tate '  (Inaugural  Lecture),  1730.  5.  '  Con- 
siderations on  Patronages,  addressed  to  Gen- 
tlemen of  Scotland/  1735.  6.  '  Philosophise 
Moralis  Institutio  Compendiaria  Ethices  et 
Jurisprudentiae  Naturalis  Elementa  conti- 
nens,  lib.  iii.  1742.  7.  '  Metaphysicas  Sy- 
nopsis Ontologiam  et  Pneumatologiam  com- 
plectens'  (anon.),  1742.  8.  '  System  of  Moral 
Philosophy/  in  three  books,  2  vols.  4to,  1755 
(published  by  his  son,  and  dedicated  to  Arch- 
bishop Synge).  9.  '  Logic/  not  intended  for 
publication,  but  published  by  Foulis  of  Glas- 
gow in  1764. 

[Life  by  Leechman  prefixed  to  Moral  Philo- 
sophy, 1755;  Belfast  Monthly  Magazine  for 
1813,  i.  110-14;  Burton's  Hume,  i.  Ill,  146; 
Mind,  ii.  209-11;  Professor  Fowler's  Shaftes- 
bury and  Hutcheson,  1882.]  L.  S. 

HUTCHESON,  FRANCIS,  the  younger 
fl.  1745-1773),  also  known  as  FRANCIS 
RELAND,  musical  amateur  and  composer,  was 
the  only  son  of  Francis  Hutcheson  the  elder 
[q.  v.],  and  was  born  probably  about  1722. 
He  graduated  B.A.  of  Trinity  College,  Dub- 
lin, in  1745,  M.A.  in  1748,  M.D.  in  1762  ; 
and  also  took  the  medical  degree  at  Glasgow 
(GROVE).  In  1755  Hutcheson  published, 
from  manuscript  left  by  his  father,  the  elder 
Hutcheson's  '  System  of  Moral  Philosophy/ 
Hutcheson  wrote  many  excellent  part-songs, 
several  of  which  obtained  prizes  at  the  Catch 
Club.  '  As  Colin  one  Evening  '  won  a  prize 
in  1/71.  Warren's  '  Collection  of  Catches  and 
Glees/  vols.  ii.  iii.  iv.,  and  '  Vocal  Harmony/ 
contain  twenty  numbers  by  Hutcheson  under 
the  name  of  '  Ireland.'  Among  them  are, 
'Jolly  Bacchus '  (prize  1772),  'Where  Weep- 
ing Yews'  (prize  in  1773),  '  How  Sleep  the 
Brave  ? ' '  Return, my  Lovely  Maid/ '  To  Love 
and  Wine/  '  Great  God  of  Sleep/  &c. 




[Preface   to    Hutcheson's   System    of  _  Moral  | 
Philosophy ;    Appendix    to    Grove's    Diet,    of  j 
Music,  iv.  684;  Dublin  University  Graduates, 
p.  289.]  L.  M.  M. 

HUTCHESON,  GEORGE  (1580P-1639), 
of  Lambhill,  Lanarkshire,  joint-founder  with 
his  younger  brother  Thomas  [q.  v.],  of  Hutche- 
son's Hospital,  Glasgow,  was  the  son  of  John 
Hutcheson,  an  old  rentaller  under  the  bishops 
of  Glasgow  in  the  lands  of  Gairdbraid.  His 
mother's  name  was  Janet  Anderson.  He  be- 
came a  public  writer  and  notary  in  Glasgow, 
and  by  his  success  in  business  added  consider- 
ably to  the  wealth  he  had  inherited  from  his 
father.  For  a  long  time  he  lived  in  the  house 
where  he  carried  on  business,  situated  on  the 
north  side  of  the  Trongate,  near  the  Old  Tol- 
booth.  In  1611  he  built  for  his  residence  the 
house  on  the  Kelvin  near  its  junction  with  the 
Clyde,  known  as  the  Bishop's  Castle.  He 
acquired  a  high  reputation  for  honesty,  and 
as  an  illustration  of  his  moderation  in  his 
charges,  it  is  stated  that  he  would  never  take 
more  than  sixteen  pennies  Scots  for  writing 
an  ordinary  bond,  be  the  sum  ever  so  large. 
He  died,  apparently  unmarried,  31  Dec.  1639, 
and  was  buried  on  the  south  side  of  the  ca- 
thedral church  of  Glasgow.  By  deed  bearing 
date  16  Dec.  1639  he  mortified  and  disposed 
a  tenement  of  land  on  the  west  side  of  the 
old  West  Port  of  Glasgow  with  yard  and 
tenements  there,  for  the  building  of '  one  per- 
fyte  hospital  for  entertainment  of  the  poor, 
aged,  decrepit  men  to  be  placed  therein,'  for 
whose  maintenance  after  the  hospital  should 
be  built  he  also  mortified  certain  bonds 
amounting  to  the  principal  sum  of  twenty 
thousand  merks.  The  inmates  were  to  be 
aged  and  decrepit  men  above  fifty  years  of 
age  who  had  been  of  honest  life  and  con- 
versation. Other  mortifications  to  the  hospital 
were  made  by  his  brother  Thomas.  George 
also  granted  legacies  to  his  brother  Thomas 
and  to  three  nephews,  but  descendants  of 
two  of  these  nephews  died  poor  men  in  the 

[Findlay's  Hist,  of  Hutcheson's  Hospital,  ed. 
Hill ;  Macgeorge's  Old  Glasgow  ;  Glasgow  Past 
and  Present.  1884.]  T.  F.  H. 

HUTCHESON,  THOMAS  (1589-1641), 
joint-founder  with  his  elder  brother  George 
[q.  v.]  of  Hutcheson's  Hospital,  Glasgow, 
followed,  like  his  brother,  the  profession  of 
public  writer,  and  was  keeper  of  the  register 
of  sasines  of  the  regality  of  Glasgow  and  dis- 
trict. Besides  ratifying  on  27  June  1640  the 
deeds  of  his  brother,  he  by  deed  dated  9  March 
1641,  mortified  certain  bonds  amounting  to 
twenty  thousand  merks  for  the  erection,  in 
connection  with  George  Hutcheson's  hospi- 
tal, of  '  a  commodious  and  distinct  house  of 

itself  for  educating  and  harbouring  twelve 
male  children,  indigent  orphans,  or  others  of 
the  like  condition  and  quality,  sons  of  bur- 
gesses.' This  was  supplemented  by  the  morti- 
fication on  3  July  1641  of  bonds  amounting 
to  a  thousand  merks,  and  on  the  14th  of  an 
additional  sum  of  10,500  merks  to  assist  in 
building  the  hospital.  He  laid  the  founda- 
tion-stone on  19  March  of  the  same  year.  He 
died  on  1  Sept.  following,  in  his  fifty-second 
year.  He  was  buried  beside  his  brother 
George  011  the  south  side  of  the  cathedral 
church  of  Glasgow,  where  there  is  a  Latin 
inscription  to  his  memory.  Other  mortifi- 
cations were  subsequently  added  to  the  in- 
stitution, and  through  the  rise  in  the  value 
of  heritable  property  the  funds  have  greatly 
increased.  The  scope  and  purpose  of  the  in- 
stitution have  been  extended,  and  not  merely 
as  a  charity,  but  from 'an  educational  point 
of  view,  it  is  now  one  of  the  most  important 
foundations  in  the  country. 

[Findlay's  Hist,  of  Hutcheson's  Hospital,  ed. 
Hill ;  Macgeorge's  Old  Glasgow ;  Glasgow  Past 
and  Present,  1884.]  T.  F.  H. 

HUTCHINS,  EDWARD  (1558  P-1629), 
divine,  born  about  1558  of  poor  parents,  was, 
according  to  Wood,  a  native  of  Denbighshire. 
About  1 576  he  matriculated  at  Brasenose  Col- 
lege, Oxford:  he  graduated  B.A.  1577-8, and 
proceeded  M.A.  1581  and  B.D.  1590.  In 
1580-1  he  was  admitted  perpetual  fellow  of 
Brasenose,  and  afterwards  vacated  his  fel- 
lowship by  marriage.  He  held  a  living  near 
Salisbury,  and  on  28  Dec.  1589  he  became 
canon  of  Salisbury.  He  died  in  1629.  Hut- 
chins  published:  1.  'A  Sermon  preached  in 
St.  Peter's  Church  at  Westchester,  25  Sept. 
1586,'  Oxf.,  Joseph  Barnes,  1586,  16mo;  de- 
dicated to  Roger  Puleston.  2.  '  A  Sermon 
preached  in  Westchester,  8  Oct.  1586,  before 
the  Judges  and  certain  Recusants,  Oxford, 
1586?,  16mo,  dedicated  to  Thomas  Egerton, 
the  solicitor-general.  3.  'A  Sermon  preached 
at  Oxford,  6  Jan.  1589,'  Oxf.  (Barnes);  also 
dedicated,  to  Egerton.  Wood  also  mentions  : 
4.  'Jawbone  against  the  Spiritual  Philistine,' 
1601,  12mo.  Copies  of  the  first  three  are  in 
the  British  Museum. 

[Wood's  Athense  Oxon.  ed.  Bliss,  ii.  452 ; 
Brit.  Mus.  Cat.  of  Early  Printed  Boots,  ii.  849 ; 
Ames's  Typogr.  Antiq.  (Herbert),  1400-3;  Le 
Neve's  Fasti,  ii.  654.]  W.  A.  J.  A. 

HUTCHINS,  SIK  GEORGE  (d.  1705), 
king's  serjeant,  was  the  son  and  heir  of  Ed- 
mund Hutchins  of  Georgeham  in  Devonshire. 
Edmund  Hickeringill  [q.  v.]  once  amused 
the  court  of  chancery,  and  won  his  cause,  by 
saying  of  Hutchins,  who  was  counsel  against 




him,  that  they  were  something  akin  to  each 
other,  not  by  consanguinity,  but  by  affinity; 
for  he  was  a  clerk,  and  Hutchins's  father  was 
a  parish  clerk  (LTJTTRELL,  Relation  of  State 
Affairs,  1857,  iv.  651).  On  19  May  1666  he 
entered  at  Gray's  Inn,  by  which  society  he 

1729,  and  to  that  of  Melcombe  Horsey  in  1733. 

J-  I    — ^t/j   CUJkU  L-W  UU.CLU  \J1-   -LTJ.C  Al^VfJJJ.  (L/C  -LAV^J.OC'  V   111  JL  f   *J*J9 

The  last  of  these  benefices  he  vacated  on  his 
institution  to  the  rectory  of  Holy  Trinity, 
Wareham,  on  8  March  1743-4,  but  he  retained 
the  cures  of  Swyre  and  Wareham  until  his 
w  death.  Political  excitement  among  his  pa- 
was  called  to  the  bar  as  early  as  August  of  |  rishioners  at  Wareham  involved  him  in  diffi- 
the  following  year.  At  Easter  1686  he  was  culties,  and  his  weak  voice  and  growing  deaf- 
made  serjeant-at-law  by  James  II  (ib.  i.  529),  ness  diminished  his  influence  in  the  pulpit, 
and  in  May  1689  was  chosen  king's  serjeant  On  Sunday,  25  July  1762,  when  the  town  of 
to  William  III,  who  knighted  him  in  the  fol-  !  Wareham  was  devastated  by  fire  and  his  rec- 

lowing  October  (ib.  i.  598).  In  May  1690 
he  succeeded  Sir  Anthony  Keck  as  third  com- 
missioner of  the  great  seal,  and  acted  until 
the  elevation  of  Sir  John  Somers  (afterwards 

tory-house  was  burnt  to  ashes,  his  topo- 
graphical papers  were  rescued  by  Mrs.  Hut- 
chins  at  the  risk  of  her  life.  At  the  close  of 
his  days  Hutchins  was  seized  by  a  paralytic 

Lord  Somers)  [q.  v.]  to  the  lord-keepership  stroke,  but  he  still  laboured  at  his  history  of 
on  22  March  1693.  Hutchins  then  resumed  Dorset.  On  21  June  1773  he  died,  and  wa& 
practice  at  the  bar,  and  claimed  his  right  to  j  buried  in  the  church  of  St.  Mary's,  Wareham, 
retain  his  former  position  of  king's  serjeant.  in  the  old  chapel  under  its  south  aisle.  A 
The  judges  decided  against  him,  on  the  ground  monument  on  the  north  wall  of  the  church 
that  the  post  was  merely  an  office  conferred  i  commemorates  his  memory,  His  wife  Anne 

by  the  crown  (3  LEVINZ,  351);  but  the  king 
settled  the  question  by  reappointing  him  his 
serjeant  on  6  May  (LUTTEELL,  iii.  93).  He 
died  at  his  house  in  Greville  Street,  Holborn, 
on  6  July  1705.  His  professional  gains  must 
have  been  considerable,  for  on  the  marriage 

-i  nr\^'        J?  1    "       j J          _i!   j_  .Ci.  J       ~U " 

(daughter  of  Thomas  Stephens,  rector  of  Pim- 
perne,  Dorset),  whom  he  married  at  Mel- 
combe  Horsey  on  21  Dec.  1733,  died  on  2  May 
1796,  aged  87.  Their  daughter,  Anne  Martha, 
married,  3  June  1776,  at  St.  Thomas's  (now 
the  cathedral),  Bombay,  John  Bellasis,  then 

in  1697  of  his  two  daughters,  afterwards  his    major  of  artillery  in  the  service  of  the  East 

coheiresses,  he  gave  each  of  them  a  portion  of 
20,000/.  (ib.  iv.  289).  The  husband  of  Anne, 
the  second  daughter,  was  William  Peere  Wil- 
liams, the  well-known  chancery  reporter. 

[Eoss's  Lives  of  the  Judges,  vii.  320-1 ;  Lut- 
trell's  Relation  of  State  Affairs,  Yols.  i.  iii.  iv.  v. 
passim.]  Gr.  GK 

HUTCHINS,  JOHN  (1698-1773),  topo- 
grapher, born  at  Bradford  Peverell  in  Dorset- 
shire on  21  Sept.  1698,  was  son  of  Richard 
Hutchins  (d.  1734),  who  was  for  many  years 
curate  of  Bradford  Peverell,  and  from  1693 
rector  of  All  Saints',  Dorchester.  His  mother, 

India  Company  at  Bombay,  and  afterwards 
major-general  and  commander  of  the  forces 
at  Bombay.  She  died  at  Bombay  on  1 4  May 
1797,  and  her  husband  on  11  Feb.  1808. 

Jacob  Bancks,  the  patron  of  Hutchins, 
urged  him  to  compile  a  history  of  the  county 
of  Dorset,  and  Browne  Willis,  when  visiting 
the  county  in  1736,  persuaded  him  to  under- 
take the  work.  Three  years  later  Hutchins 
circulated  from  Milton  Abbas  a  single-sheet 
folio  of  six  queries,  with  an  appeal  for  aid, 
which  was  drawn  up  by  Willis  and  printed 
at  his  cost.  The  work  dragged  for  many 
years,  but  a  handsome  subscription  encour- 

Anne,  died  on  9  April  1707,  and  was  buried  j  aged  the  compiler  in  1761  to  search  the  prin- 

»  -•  /»  T    -r-k  TT     /^l  T  TT"  T  1  --I-I-T  •  -1,1  I          «  ,  1  m 

in  Bradford  Peverell  Church.  His  early  edu- 
cation was  under  the  Rev.  William  Thornton, 
master  of  Dorchester  grammar  school,  and  on 
30  May  1718  he  matriculated  at  Hart  Hall, 
Oxford.  In  the  next  spring  (10  April)  he 
migrated  to  Balliol  College,  and  graduated 
B.A.  on  18  Jan.  1721-2,  but  for  some  un- 
known reason  became  M.A.  of  Cambridge  in 
1730.  Late  in  1722  or  early  in  1723  he  was 
ordained,  and  served  as  curate  and  usher  to 

cipal  libraries  and  the  records  in  the  Tower. 
In  1774,  after  his  death,  it  was  published  in 
two  folio  volumes  as  the  '  History  and  An- 
tiquities of  the  County  of  Dorset,'  but  there 
was  prefixed  a  dedication  by  Hutchins,  dated 
1  June  1773.  The  accuracy  of  the  author's 
investigations  and  the  excellence  of  the  type 
and  prints  secured  general  recognition,  and 
the  price  of  the  volumes  advanced  far  beyond 
the  cost  of  subscription.  The  first  volume 

George  Marsh,  who  from  1699  to  1737  was  j  of  the  second  edition  was  issued  in  1796  and 

vicar  of  Milton  Abbas  and  the  master  of  its 
grammar  school.  In  his  native  county  Hut- 
chins  remained  for  the  rest  of  his  life.  Through 
the  interest  of  Jacob  Bancks  of  Milton,  a 
memoir  of  whom  he  contributed  to  the  ( Lon- 
don Magazine '  in  May  1738,  he  was  insti- 

its  successor  in  1803,  but  all  that  was  printed 
of  the  third  volume,  with  the  exception  of  a 
single  copy  preserved  in  Gough's  library  at 
Enfield,  and  all  the  unsold  copies  of  vols.  i. 
and  ii.,  were  consumed  by  fire  at  the  printing- 
house  of  John  Nichols  on  8  Feb.  1808.  Not 

tuted  to  the  rectory  of  Swyre  on  22  Aug.  j  long  afterwards   Nichols  printed  a  special 




appeal  for  further  support  (Gent.  Mag.  1811, 
pt.  i.  pp.  99-100),  and  in  1813  the  third 
volume  appeared  with  Gough's  name  as  its 
editor.  The  fourth  volume  came  out  in  1815. 
On  this  edition  Bellasis  expended  much  of 
his  own  means.  A  further  edition  has  since 
been  published  in  four  volumes,  dated  respec- 
tively 1861,  1864, 1868,  and  1873.  It  began 
under  the  editorship  of  William  Shipp  and 
James  Whitworth  Hodson,  but  the  former 
was  sole  editor  from  1868,  and  although  the 
prolegomena  are  dated  September  1874  he 
died  on  8  Dec.  1873.  Many  parts  of  this 
noble  history  have  been  issued  separately. 
From  the  first  edition  were  extracted  descrip- 
tions of  Pooleand  Stalbridge,  and  <  a  view  of 
the  principal  towns,  seats,  antiquities  in 
Dorset,  1773.'  Accounts  of  Milton  Abbas, 
Shaftesbury,  and  Sherborne  were  selected 
from  the  second  edition,  and  a  history  from 
the  Blandford  division,  taken  from  the  last  | 
impression,  was  circulated  in  1860.  Further  ! 
use  of  his  labours  was  made  in  '  Doomsday 
Book  for  Dorset,  with  a  Translation  by  Rev.  ! 
William  Bawdwen,  and  a  Dissertation  on  I 
Doomsday  by  Rev.  John  Hutchins.' 

An  engraving  by  John  Collimore  of  a  por-  j 
trait   of  Hutchins  by  Cantlo  Bestland  ap-  ! 
peared  in  Bingham's  e  Memoir,'  1813.     The  ; 
library  of  Hutchins  was   sold   by  Thomas 
Payne  in  1774.     Many  letters  by  Hutchins 
are  in  Nichols's  f  Illustrations  of  Literature  ' 
and '  Literary  Anecdotes,'  Stukeley's '  Family 
Memoirs '  (Surtees  Soc.),  Ixxvi.  128-34,  and 
in  '  Notes  and  Queries,'  5th  ser.  x.  343. 

[An  anonymous  memoir  entitled  Biographical 
Anecdotes  of  the  Rev.  John  Hutchins,  M.A.,the 
work  of  the  Rev.  George  Bingham,  was  printed 
in  1785  with  a  separate  title-page,  and  in  John 
Nichols's'Bibl.  Topogr.  Brit.  vol.  vi.  pt.  v.  pp  19  ; 
a  second  edition  with  additions  appeared  in  1813. 
It  was  also  reprinted  in  the  second  and  third 
issues  of  the  History  of  Dorset  and  in  the  Lite- 
rary Anecdotes  of  Nichols,  vi.  406-20.  See  also 
Foster's  Oxford  Reg. ;  Mayo's  Bibl.  Dorset,  pp. 
2-4,  20,  114,  177,  221,  228,  278;  History  of 
Dorset,  2nd  edit.  i.  60,  ii.  34,  141-2,  335,  iv. 
206 ;  Nichols's  Illustr.  of  Lit.  and  Literary  Anec- 
dotes, passim;  information  from  E.  Bellasis, 
F.S.A.,  Heralds'  College.]  W.  P.  C. 

HTJTCHOTSOST,  JOHN,  afterwards  second  EARL 

OF  DotfOTTGHMORE,  1757-1832.] 

1643),  religious  enthusiast,  born  in  1590  or 
1591,  was  the  daughter  of  Francis  Marbury  (d. 
1610),  a  noted  preacher,  who,  after  officiating 
for  a  while  in  Lincolnshire,  was  preferred 
successively  to  the  rectories  of  St.  Martin 
Vintry,  St.  Pancras,  Soper  Lane,  and  St. 
Margaret,  New  Fish  Street,  London.  About 


1612  she   married  William  Hutchinson  of 
Alford,  Lincolnshire.     In   1633   her  eldest 
j  son   Edward   accompanied  the   Rev.   John 
!  Cotton  to  Massachusetts,  and  in  September 
of  the  following  year  he  was  joined  by  his 
parents,  Mrs.  Hutchinson  being  a  devoted 
admirer  of  Cotton's  preaching.    She  was  well 
versed  in  the  scriptures  and  theology,  and 
maintained  that  those  who  were  in  the  cove- 
nant of  grace  were  entirely  freed  from  the 
covenant  of  works.  She  also  pretended  to  im- 
mediate revelation  respecting  future  events. 
Under  pretence  of  repeating  the  sermons  of 
Cotton,  she  held  meetings  twice  a  week  in 
Boston,  which  were   attended  by  nearly  a 
hundred  women.     There  was  a  wide  differ- 
ence, she  asserted,  between  Cotton's  ministry 
and  that  of  the  other  Massachusetts  clergy. 
The  latter  could  not  hold  forth  a  covenant  of 
free  grace,  because  they  had  not  the  seal  of  the 
Spirit,  so  were  not  able  ministers  of  the  New 
Testament.    In  the  dissemination  of  her  doc- 
trines she  received  vigorous  support  from  her 
brother-in-law,  the  Rev.  John  Wheelwright. 
Her  adherents,  called  antinomians,  included 
Captain  John  Underbill,  William  Codding- 
ton,  and  other  influential  men ;  and  when 
Cotton  expressed  disapproval  of  some  of  her 
views,  they  tried  to  elect  Wheelwright  as  his 
associate.     The  agitation  seriously  affected 
the  peace  of  the  infant  colony;  it  interfered 
with  the  levy  of  troops  for  the  Pequot  war ; 
it  influenced  the  respect  shown  to  the  magis- 
trates and  clergy,  the  distribution  of  town- 
lots,  and  the  assessment  of  taxes.   On  30  Aug. 
1637  an  ecclesiastical  synod  at  Boston  con- 
demned  Mrs.   Hutchinson's   doctrines,  and 
in  the  ensuing  November  the  general  court 
arraigned  her  for  not  discontinuing  her  meet- 
ings as  had  been  ordered.     After  two  days' 
trial,  during  which  she  defended  herself  with 
ability  and  spirit  (cf.  the  report  in  HTJTCHIN- 
so^'s  Massachusetts  Bay,  vol.  ii.  Appendix), 
she  was  sentenced  to  banishment,  but  was 
allowed  to  winter  at  Roxbury.    Along  with 
her  husband  she  accompanied  William  Cod- 
dington's  party,  who  settled  on  Aquidneck, 
now  Rhode  Island,  in  1638,  and  founded  a 
democracy.     In  1642  William  Hutchinson 
died,  and  his  widow  moved  into  the  territory 
of  the  Dutch  settling  near  Hell  Gate,  West 
Chester,  co.  New  York.    There  in  August  or 
September  1643  she  was  murdered  by  Indians, 
together  with  her  servants  and  all  her  chil- 
dren except  one  son,  to  the  number  of  sixteen. 
Her  surviving  son  EDWARD  (1613-1675) 
had  left  Boston  in  1638,  but  returned  some 
years  afterwards,  and  from  1658  to  1675  was 
deputy  to  the  general  court.    He  was  also  a 
captain  of  militia.     In  July  1675,  after  the 
disastrous  beginning  of  Philip's  war,  he  was 




sent  to  Brookfield  to  negotiate  with  the  Nip- 
muck  Indians,  and  was  with  several  of  his 
comrades  murdered  by  them. 

[Savage's  Genealog.  Diet.  ii.  513  ;  Winthrop's 
Hist,  of  New  England  (Savage) ;  Welde's  Short 
Story.  .  .  of  the  Antinomians  (1644);  Hutchin- 
son's  Massachusetts  Bay,  i.  55-7,  66,  70-3  ; 
Diary  of  Thomas  Hutchinson,  edited  by  P.  0. 
Hutchinson,  ii.  445,460-4;  Massachusetts  Hist. 
Soc.  Coll.  vii.  16,  17,  ix.  28,  29;  Ellis's  Life  of 
Mrs.  Hutchinson  in  Sparks's  Library  of  Amer. 
Biog.  vol.  xvi. ;  Walker's  Hist,  of  the  first  Church 
at  Hartford.]  G.  G. 

HELY  (1767-1826),  lawyer.  [See  HELY- 

1739),  bishop  of  Down  and  Connor,  second 
son  of  Edward  Hitchinson,  was  born  on 
2  Jan.  1660  at  Carsington,  Derbyshire,  ac- 
cording to  the  parish  register,  in  which  the 
family  name  is  invariably  spelled  Hitchinson. 
His  mother  was  Mary  Tallents,  sister  of 
Francis  Tallents  [q.  v.],  the  ejected  divine. 
His  brother  Samuel  (d.  1748)  was  the  an- 
cestor of  Richard  Hely-Hutchinson,  first  earl 
of  Donoughrnore  [q.  v.]  He  matriculated  as 
a  pensioner  on  4  July  1678  at  Catherine  Hall, 
Cambridge,  and  graduated  B.A.  1680,  and 
M.A.  1684  (Graduati  Cantab.  1823,  p.  254). 
Tallents  directed  his  historical  studies,  and 
employed  him  (about  1680)  in  taking  the 
manuscript  of  his  '  View  of  Universal  His- 
tory '  to  Stillingfleet,  Beveridge,  and  Kidder 
for' their  corrections  before  it  was  printed 
(Defence  of  Antient  Historians,  1733,  p.  33). 

His  first  preferment  was  the  vicarage  of 
Hoxne,  Suffolk.  Before  1692  he  became 
perpetual  curate  of  St.  James's,  Bury  St. 
Edmund's,  Suffolk.  On  3  July  1698  he  com- 
menced D.D.  at  Cambridge.  His  residence 
in  Suffolk  turned  his  attention  to  the  earlier 
proceedings  against  witches  in  that  county 
[see  HALE,  SIR  MATTHEW,  and  HOPKINS, 
MATTHEW]  ;  hence  his  treatise  on  the  history 
of  witchcraft  (1718),  which  is  full  of  valuable 
historical  details,  with  many  particulars  col- 
lected by  personal  inquiry  from  survivors. 

In  1720,  on  the  death  of  Edward  Smith, 
Hutchinson  was  appointed  bishop  of  Down 
and  Connor,  and  consecrated  on  22  Jan.  1 721. 
He  took  up  his  residence  at  Lisburn,  co.  An- 
trim, and  at  once  threw  himself  into  the 
work  of  his  diocese.  Hutchinson  in  1721 
issued  proposals  for  building  a  church  and 
settling  a  clergyman  in  Rathlin,  and  for 
teaching  English  to  the  Irish  inhabitants  of 
the  island  by  means  of  bilingual  primers  and 
catechisms,  the  Irish  being  printed  phoneti- 
cally in  the  English  character.  Rathlin  was 

made  a  separate  parish  by  act  of  council  on 
20  April  1722,  and  a  new  church,  dedicated 
to  St.  Thomas  (in  compliment  to  Thomas 
Lindsay,  the  primate  of  Armagh),  was  con- 
secrated in  1723.  Hutchinson's  interest 
in  the  Irish  language  and  history  was  con- 
siderable, as  is  shown  by  his  work  on'  Antient 
Historians.'  He  lived  on  good  terms  with 
Roman  catholics  and  presbyterians.  A  squib 
on  his  versatility,  published  in  Dublin  in 
1725-6  as  a  broadsheet,  is  attributed  to  Dean 
Swift.  From  a  letter  (4  Aug.  1726)  of  Fran- 
cis Hutcheson  [q.  v.],  the  metaphysician,  it 
appears  that  efforts  were  then  made  to  get 
Hutcheson  to  conform ;  he  had  an  interview 
with  Hutchinson,  and  '  was  a  little  pinched 
with  argument.'  Hutchinson  summed  up  the 
points  at  issue  thus :  '  We  would  not  sweep 
the  house  clean,  and  you  stumbled  at  straws/ 

Hutchinson  removed  to  Portglenone,  co. 
Antrim,  purchasing  the  estate  on  22  April 
1729  for  8,200/.  Here  (not  long  before  1739) 
he  built  a  chapel,  mainly  at  his  own  expense 
(it  was  made  a  parish  church  in  1840).  He 
died  on  Saturday,  23  June  1739,  at  Port- 
glenone, and  was  buried  on  25  June  in  the 
chapel,  where  there  is  a  monument  to  his 
memory.  His  portrait  is  in  the  possession 
of  the  present  Bishop  of  Down,  Connor,  and 
Dromore.  By  his  wife  Anne,  who  survived 
him  nineteen  years,  he  had  a  son,  Thomas, 
who  predeceased  him,  and  a  daughter,  Fran- 
ces, who  married  firstly,  John  Hamilton  (d. 
1729),  dean  of  Dromore  ;  secondly,  in  1732, 
Colonel  O'Hara  (d.  1745)  of  Crebilly,  co. 
Antrim ;  thirdly,  in  1748,  John  Ryder,  after- 
wards archbishop  of  Tuam.  To  her  eldest 
son,  the  Rev.  Hutchinson  Hamilton  (d. 
2  July  1778),  Hutchinson  left  the  bulk  of  his 
estate.  His  library  was  sold  by  auction  in 
Dublin  on  26  April  1756. 

Hutchinson  published,  besides  single  ser- 
mons, 1692,  1698,  1707,  1721  (his  first  visi- 
tation at  Lisburn),  and  1731 :  1.  '  A  Short 
View  of  the  Pretended  Spirit  of  Prophecy,' 
&c.,  1708, 8vo.  2. '  A  Compassionate  Address 
to  ...  Papists,'  &c.,  1716,  8vo.  3. « A  Defence 
of  the  Compassionate  Address,'  &c.,  1718, 8vo. 
4.  '  Life  of  Archbishop  Tillotson,'  abridged 
in  Wordsworth's  '  Ecclesiastical  Biography,' 
1718, 8vo.  5.  '  An  Historical  Essay  concern- 
ing Witchcraft,'  &c.,  1718,  8vo ;  2nd  edit., 
enlarged,  1720,  8vo.  6.  'A  State  of  the  Case 
of  the  Island  of  Raghlin,' &c.,  Dublin,  1721, 
4to  (reprinted  in  Ewart).  7.  '  The  Church 
Catechism  in  Irish.  With  the  English  .  .  . 
m  the  same  Karakter,'  &c.,  Belfast,  1722, 
16mo  (in  this  he  was  assisted  by  '  two  clergy- 
men ').  8.  '  A  Defence  of  the  Antient  His- 
torians :  with  .  .  .  Application  ...  to  the 
History  of  Ireland  and  Great  Britain,  and 




other  Northern  Nations,'  &c.,  Dublin,  1734, 
8vo.    9.  <  The  State  of  the  Case  of  Lough  j 
Neagh  and   the  Bann,'  &c.,  Dublin,  1738 
(HARRIS).     10.  '  The  Certainty  of  Protest-  | 
ants  a  Safer  Foundation  than  the  Infalli- 
bility of  Papists,'  &c.,  Dublin,  1738,  8vo. 
The  following  are  given  by  Harris  from  an  j 
incomplete  list  of  his  writings  furnished  by 
Hutchinson,  without  dates,  and  not  arranged  j 
.Konologically.   11.  '  An  English  Grammar.'  ; 
1J.  ;  A  Defence  of  the  Liberty  of  the  Clergy  j 
in  their   choice   of  Proctors,'  &c.     13.  *  A 
Letter .  .  .  concerning  the  Bank  of  Ireland,'  j 
&c      14.  '  A  Letter .  .  .  concerning  Imploy-  | 
ir '•  .  .  .  the  Poor,'  &c.    15.  l  A  Second  Letter  I 
.  .   .  recommending  the  Improvement  of  the  j 
;  •  h.  Fishery,'  &c.    16.  '  An  Irish  Almanac.'  j 
I .  ,  '  The  many  Advantages  of  a  Good  Lan- 
guage to  any  Nation,'  &c.    18.  *  Advices  con-  ! 
cerning  .  .  .  receiving  Popish  Converts,'  &.c. 
19.  'A  Defence  of  the  Holy  Bible,  &c. 

[Belfast  News-Letter ,  26  June  1739  (needs  cor- 
rection); Harris's  Ware's  Works,  1764,  i.  215  sq.; 
Mant's  Hist,  of  the  Church  of  Ireland,  1840,  I 
ii.  369  sq. ;  Christian  Moderator,  1828,  p.  353 ; 
Ewart's  Diocese  of  Down,  Connor,  and  Dromore, 
1886,  pp.  103  sq. ;  extract  from  parish  register  of 
Carsington,  per  Eev.  F.  H.  Brett ;  information 
kindly  given  by  the  Bishop  of  Down,  Connor, 
and  Dromore.]  A.  G-. 

HyTCHINSON,    JOHN    (1615-1664), 
regicide,   son   of  Sir   Thomas   Hutchinson,  j 
knight,  of  Owthorpe,  Nottinghamshire,  and  i 
of  Margaret,  daughter  of  Sir  John  Byron 
of  Newstead,  was  baptised  18  Sept.  1615 
(BROWN,  Worthies  of  Notts,  p.  190 ;  Life  of 
Col.  Hutckinson,  ed.  1885,  i.  57).   Hutchinson 
was  educated  at  Nottingham  and  Lincoln 
free  schools,  and  at  Peterhouse,  Cambridge. 
In  1637  he  entered  Lincoln's  Inn,  but  de- 
voted himself  to  music  and  divinity  rather 
than  the  study  of  law.     Like  his  father,  Sir  I 
Thomas  Hutchinson,  who  represented  Not-  i 
tinghamshire  in  the  Long  parliament,  he  took  , 
the  parliamentary  side.  He  first  distinguished 
himself  by  preventing  Lord  Newark,  the  lord- 
lieutenant  of  the  county,  from  seizing  the 
county  powder-magazine  for  the  king's  ser- 
vice.    He   next   accepted  a  commission  as 
lieutenant-colonel  in  the  regiment  raised  by 
Colonel  Francis  Pierrepont,  and  became  one 
of  the  parliamentary  committee  for  Netting-  i 
hamshire.     On  29  June  1643,  at  the  order  of  j 
the  committee  and  of  Sir  John  Meldrum,  j 
Hutchinson    undertook    the    command    of ; 
Nottingham  Castle ;  he  received  from  Lord  i 
Fairfax  in  the  following  November  a  com-  I 
mission  to  raise  a  foot  regiment,  and  was  I 
finally  appointed  by  parliament  governor  of  ! 
both  town  and  castle  (Life,  i.  224,  278).  The  i 
town  was  unfortified,  the  garrison  weak  and  : 

ill-supplied,  the  committee  torn  by  political 
and  personal  feuds.  The  neighbouring  royal- 
ist commanders,  Hutchinson's  cousin  (Sir 
Richard  Byron),  and  the  Marquis  of  New- 
castle, attempted  to  corrupt  Hutchinson. 
Newcastle's  agent  offered  him  10,000/.,  and 
promised  that  he  should  be  made  '  the  best 
lord  in  Nottinghamshire.'  Hutchinson  in- 
dignantly refused  to  entertain  such  pro- 
posals (ib.  i.  224,  234,  250,  369 ;  VICARS, 
God's  Ark,  p.  104).  The  town  was  often 
attacked.  Sir  Charles  Lucas  entered  it  in 
January  1644  and  endeavoured  to  set  it  on 
fire,  and  in  April  1645  a  party  from  Newark 
captured  the  fort  at  Trent-bridges.  Hutchin- 
son succeeded  in  making  good  these  losses, 
and  answered  each  new  summons  to  surren- 
der with  a  fresh  defiance  (Life,  i.  327,  383, 
ii.  70,  78).  The  difficulties  were  increased 
by  continual  disputes  between  himself  and 
the  committee,  which  were  a  natural  re- 
sult, in  Nottingham  as  elsewhere,  of  the 
divided  authority  set  up  by  parliament. 
But  there  is  evidence  that  Hutchinson  was 
irritable,  quick-tempered,  and  deficient  in 
self-control.  The  committee  of  both  king- 
doms endeavoured  to  end  the  quarrel  by  a 
compromise,  which  Hutchinson  found  great 
difficulty  in  persuading  his  opponents  to  ac- 
cept (ib.  ii.  361). 

On  16  March  1646  Hutchinson  was  re- 
turned to  parliament  as  member  for  Notting- 
hamshire, succeeding  to  the  seat  held  by  his 
father,  who  had  died  on  18  Aug.  1643  (Re- 
turn of  Names  of  Members,  &c.  i.  492).  His 
religious  views  led  him  to  attach  himself  to 
the  independent  rather  than  the  presbyterian 
party.  As  governor  he  had  protected  the 
separatists  to  the  best  of  his  ability,  and 
now,  under  his  wife's  influence,  he  adopted 
the  main  tenet  of  the  baptists  (Life,  ii.  101). 
On  22  Dec.  1648  he  signed  the  protest  against 
the  votes  of  the  House  of  Commons  accept- 
ing the  concessions  made  by  the  king  at 
Newport,  and  consented  to  act  as  one  of  the 
king's  judges  (WALKER,  Hist,  of  Indepen- 
dency, ed.  1660,  ii.  48).  According  to  his 
wife,  he  was  nominated  to  the  latter  post 
very  much  against  his  will ;  but,  l  looking 
upon  himself  as  called  hereunto,  durst  not 
refuse  it,  as  holding  himself  obliged  by  the 
covenant  of  God  and  the  public  trust  of  his 
country  reposed  in  him.'  After  serious  con- 
sideration and  prayer  he  signed  the  sentence 
against  the  king  (Life,  ii.  152,  155). 

Hutchinson  was  chosen  a  member  of  the 
first  two  councils  of  state  of  the  Common- 
wealth, but  took  no  very  active  part  in  public 
affairs,  and  with  the  expulsion  of  the  Long 
parliament  in  1653  retired  altogether  into 
private  life.  His  neighbours  thought  of 




electing  him  to  the  parliament  of  1656,  but 
Major-general  Whalley's  influence  induced 
them  to  change  their  minds  (THFKLOE,  iv. 
299).  According  to  Mrs.  Hutchinson  [see 
below],  Cromwell  attempted  to  persuade  her 
liusband  to  accept  office,  '  and,  finding  him 
too  constant  to  be  wrought  upon  to  serve 
his  tyranny,'  would  have  arrested  him  had 
not  death  prevented  the  fulfilment  of  his 
purpose.  The  certificate  presented  in  Hutchin- 
son's  favour  after  the  Restoration  represents 
liim  as  secretly  serving  the  royalist  cause 
during  the  Protectorate,  but  of  this  there  is 
no  independent  evidence.  The  real  object 
of  his  political  action  seems  to  have  been  the 
restoration  of  the  Long  parliament.  He  took 
his  seat  again  in  that  assembly  when  the 
army  recalled  it  to  power  (May  1659),  and 
when  Lambert  expelled  it  (October  1659) 

S'epared  to  restore  its  authority  by  arms, 
e  secretly  raised  men,  and  concerted  with 
Hacker  and  others  to  assist  Monck  and 
Hesilrige  against  Lambert  and  his  party 
{Life,  ii.  229,  234;  BAKEK,  Chronicle,  ed. 
Phillips,  p.  691).  In  his  place  in  parliament 
he  opposed  the  intended  oath  abjuring  the 
Stuarts,  voted  for  the  re-admission  of  the  se- 
cluded members,  and  followed  the  lead  of 
Monck  and  Cooper  (Life,  ii.  236),  in  the  be- 
lief that  they  were  in  favour  of  a  common- 
wealth. He  retained  sufficient  popularity 
to  be  returned  to  the  Convention  parliament 
as  one  of  the  members  for  Nottingham,  but 
was  expelled  from  it  (9  June  1660)  as  a  regi- 
cide. On  the  same  day  he  was  made  inca- 
pable of  bearing  any  office  or  place  of  public 
trust  in  the  kingdom,  but  it  was  agreed  that 
lie  should  not  be  excepted  from  the  Act  of 
Indemnity  either  for  life  or  estate  (  Commons' 
Journals,  viii.  60).  In  his  petitions  he  con- 
fessed himself  '  involved  in  so  horrid  a  crime 
as  merits  no  indulgence/  but  pleaded  his 
early,  real,  and  constant  repentance,  arising 
from  '  a  thorough  conviction  '  of  his  '  former 
misled  judgment  and  conscience,'  not  from  a 
regard  for  his  own  safety  (Life,  ii.  392-8 ; 
Athenaum,  3  March  1860;  Hist.MSS.  Comm. 
7th  Rep.  p.  120).  Thanks  to  this  submis- 
sion, to  the  influence  of  his  kinsmen,  Lord 
Byron  and  Sir  Allen  Apsley,  to  the  fact  that 
he  was  not  considered  dangerous,  and  that 
he  had  to  a  certain  extent  forwarded  the 
Restoration,  Hutchinson  escaped  the  fate  of 
other  regicides.  Yet,  as  his  wife  owns,  '  he 
was  not  very  well  satisfied  in  himself  for  ac- 
cepting the  deliverance.  .  .  .  While  he  saw 
others  suffer,  he  suffered  with  them  in  his 
mind,  and,  had  not  his  wife  persuaded  him, 
had  offered  himself  a  voluntary  sacrifice' 
(Life,  ii.  262).  In  October  1663  Hutchinsoti 
was  arrested  on  suspicion  of  being  concerned 

'  in  what  was  known  as  the  Yorkshire  plot. 
The  evidence  against  him  was  far  from  con- 
clusive, but  the  government  appears  to  have 
been  eager  to  seize  the  opportunity  of  im- 
prisoning him  (ib.  pp.  292,  314 ;  Col,  State 
Papers,  Dom.  1663-4,  pp.  314,  329,  391, 392). 
Imprisonment  restored  Hutchinson's  peace 
of  mind.  He  regarded  it  as  freeing  him  from 
his  former  obligations  to  the  government, 
and  refused  to  purchase  his  release  by  fresh 
engagements.  During  his  confinement  in  the 
Tower  he  was  treated  with  great  severity 
by  the  governor,  Sir  John  Robinson,  and 
threatened  in  return  to  publish  an  account 
of  his  malpractices  and  extortions  (ib.  pp. 
539,  561).  He  even  succeeded  in  getting 
printed  a  narrative  of  his  own  arrest  and 
usage  in  the  Tower,  which  is  stated  on  the 
title-page  to  be  '  written  by  himself  on  the 
6th  of  April  1664,  having  then  received  in- 
timation that  he  was  to  be  sent  away  to 
another  prison,  and  therefore  he  thought  fit 
to  print  this  for  the  satisfying  his  relations 
and  friends  of  his  innocence'  (HarL  Misc., 
ed.  Park,  iii.  33).  A  warrant  for  Hutchin- 
son's transportation  to  the  Isle  of  Man  was 
actually  prepared  in  April  1664,  but  he  was 
finally  transferred  to  Sandown  Castle  in  Kent 
(3  May  1664).  The  castle  was  ruinous  and 
unhealthy,  and  he  died  of  a  fever  four  months 
after  his  removal  to  it  (11  Sept.  1664).  His 
wife  obtained  permission  to  bury  his  body  at 

Hutchinson's  defence  of  Nottingham  was 
a  service  of  great  value  to  the  parliament, 
but  his  subsequent  career  in  parliament  and 
the  council  of  state  shows  no  sign  of  political 
ability.  His  fame  rests  on  his  wife's  com- 
memoration of  his  character,  not  on  his  own 

LTJCY     HUTCHINSON    (b.    1620),    author, 
daughter  of  Sir  Allen  Apsley,  lieutenant  of 
the  Tower  of  London,  by  his  third  wife,  Lucy 
St.  John,  was  born  in  the  Tower  011  29  Jan. 
1620,  and  married,  on  3  July  1638,  John  Hut- 
chinson.   '  My  father  and  mother,'  she  writes 
of  her  youth  in  an  extant  autobiographical 
I  fragment,  l  fancying  me  beautiful  and  more 
!  than  ordinarily  apprehensive,  spared  no  cost 
'  to  improve  me  in  my  education.     When  I 
i  was  about  seven  years  of  age,  I  remember,  I 
I  had  at  one  time  eight  tutors  in  several  quali- 
ties— language,  music,  dancing,  writing,  and 
needlework  —but  my  genius  was  quite  averse 
I  from  all  but   my  book.'     She  was   taught 
<  French  by  her  nurse,  and  Latin  by  her  father's 
chaplain  (Life  of  Colonel  Hutchinson,  i.  3, 24). 
Her  writings  show  that  she  also  acquired  a 
j  knowledge  of  Greek  and  Hebrew,  and  pos- 
1  sessed  a  large  amount  of  classical  and  theo- 
logical reading.     During  her  early  married 




life,  *  out  of  youthful  curiosity  to  understand    for  the  preservation  of  his  memory  and  the 
things  which  she  heard  so  much  discourse  of    instruction  of  his  children,  it  possesses  a  pe- 

at secondhand,'  she  translated  the  six  books    culiar  value  among  seventeenth-century  me- 
of  Lucretius  into  verse.     '  I  turned  it  into  i  moirs.     As  a  picture  of  the  life  of  a  puritan 


bered  the  syllables  of  my  translation  by  the 
threads  of  the  canvas  I  wrought  in,  and  set 
them  down  with  a  pen  and  ink  that  stood 
by  me.'  This  translation,  which  she  pre- 
sented in  1675  to  Arthur  Annesley,  earl  of 
Anglesea,  is  now  in  the  British  Museum  (Add. 
MS.  19333>jf  Though  religiously  brought 
up,  she  was  not,  as  a  young  woman,  con- 
vinced of  the  vanity  of  conversation  which 
was  not  scandalously  wicked.  ( I  thought 
it  no  sin,'  she  continues,  '  to  learn  or  hear 
witty  songs  and  amorous  sonnets  or  poems ' 
(Life  of  Colonel  Hutchinson,  i.  26).  As  she 
grew  older  she  grew  more  rigid,  came  to 
regard  the  study  of  '  pagan  poets  and  philo- 
sophers '  as  '  one  great  means  of  debauching 
the  learned  world,'  and  became  ashamed  of 
her  translation  of  Lucretius,  which  she  en- 
treated Anglesea  to  conceal.  During  the 
siege  of  Nottingham  the  controversial  me- 
moranda of  an  anabaptist  cannoneer,  which 
accidentally  fell  into  her  hands,  excited  her 
scruples  about  the  baptism  of  infants,  and  as 
the  local  presbyterian  clergy  failed  to  satisfy 
her  that  it  was  lawful,  she  declined  to  have 
her  next  child  baptised  (1647). 

At  the  Restoration  she  exerted  all  her  in- 
fluence with  her  royalist  relatives  to  save 
the  life  of  her  husband,  even  venturing  to 
write  to  the  Speaker  in  his  name  to  solicit  his 
liberty  on  parole  (ib.  ii.  251,  309;  cf.  Cal. 
State  Papers,  Dom.  1663-4,  p.  441).  She 
'  thought  she  had  never  deserved  so  well'  of 
her  husband '  as  in  the  endeavours  and  labours 
she  exercised  to  bring  him  off,'  but  '  found 
she  never  displeased  him  more  in  her  life, 
and  had  much  ado  to  persuade  him  to  be 
content  with  his  deliverance '  (Life,  ii.  262). 
When  he  was  arrested  in  1663,  she  com- 
plained to  his  friends  in  the  privy  council  of 
his  unjust  imprisonment,  but  he  would  not 
allow  her  to  make  application  for  his  release 
(ib.  ii.  307,  313).  While  he  was  imprisoned 
at  Sandown  Castle  she  lodged  at  Deal,  and 
came  every  day  to  see  him,  having  in  vain 
solicited  leave  to  share  his  prison.  He  died 
in  September  1664,  during  her  absence  at 
Owthorpe.  '  Let  her,'  ran  his  last  message, 
'  as  she  is  above  other  woman,  show  herself 
in  this  occasion  a  good  Christian,  and  above 
the  pitch  of  ordinary  women'  (ib.  ii.  346). 

Between  1664  and  1671  Mrs.  Hutchinson 
wrote  the  biography  of  her  husband,  which 
was  first  published  in  1806.  Intended  simply 

from  his  wife's  canvas  with  the  grace  and 
tenderness  of  a  portrait  by  Van  Dyck'  (Short 
History,  ed.  1889, pp.  462-4).  She  overrates, 
it  is  true,  his  political  importance,  and  is 
prejudiced  and  partial  in  her  notices  of  his 
adversaries,  either  in  local  or  national  poli- 
tics. Her  remarks  on  the  general  history  of 
the  times  are  of  little  value,  and  in  some 
parts  simply  a  paraphrase  of  May's '  History  of 
the  Long  Parliament.'  On  the  other  hand, 
her  account  of  the  civil  war  in  Nottingham- 
shire is  full  and  accurate.  The  British 
Museum  possesses  a  narrative  of  the  civil 
war  in  Nottinghamshire  written  by  her  some 
time  before  she  composed  the  memoir  of  her 
husband,  and  forming  the  basis  of  a  large 
part  of  that  work  (Add.  MS.  25901).  She 
was  also  the  author  of  a  treatise'  On  the  Prin- 
ciples of  the  Christian  Religion,'  addressed 
to  her  daughter,  Mrs.  Orgill,  which  was  pub- 
lished by  the  Rev.  Julius  Hutchinson  in  1817. 
The  manuscript  of  that  book,  and  that  of  the 
life  of  her  husband,  have  both  been  lost ;  but 
other  writings  of  hers  on  moral  and  religious 
subjects,  together  with  a  translation  of  part  of 
the '  ^Eneid,'  are  in  the  possession  of  the  Rev. 
F.  E.  Hutchinson,  vicar  of  Tisbury,  Wilt- 

The  date  of  Mrs.  Hutchinson's  death  is  not 
known,  but  the  dedicatory  letter  prefixed  to 
her  translation  of  Lucretius  is  dated  1675. 

[The  Life  of  Colonel  Hutchinson,  by  his  wife, 
first  published  in  1 806  by  the  Eev.  Julius  Hut- 
chinson, a  descendant  of  the  colonel's  half-bro- 
ther, Charles  Hutchinson,  has  been  many  times 
reprinted.  The  edition  of  1885  contains  a  collec- 
tion of  Hutchinson's  letters,  and  extracts  from 
Mrs.  Hutchinson's  earlier  narrative  of  the  civil 
war  in  Nottinghamshire.  Letters  discovered 
later  are  printed  in  Notes  and  Queries,  7th  ser. 
iii.  25,  viii.  422.  The  originals  of  several  letters 
are  among  the  Tanner  MSS.  in  the  Bodleian 
Library.  See  also  Cal.  State  Papers,  Dom.,  and 
Bailey's  Annals  of  Nottinghamshire. 

The  only  authority  for  the  life  of  Mrs. 
Hutchinson  is  the  fragment  of  autobiography 
prefixed  to  the  life  of  her  husband,  and  inci- 
dental statements  contained  in  his  life.  A  criticism 
of  the  historical  value  of  the  'Life  of  Colonel 
Hutchinson '  is  prefixed  to  Guizot's  edition  of 
that  work, reprinted  in  his  '  Portraits  des  homines- 
politiques  des  differents  partis,'  1851,  and  trans- 
lated by  A.  K.  Scoble,  under  the  title  of  'Monk's 
Contemporaries:  Biographical  Studies  on  the 

English  Revolution,'  1851.] 

C.  H.  F. 

After  'Add.  MS.  19353 '  add fc  the  pre- 
fatory letter  to  Anglesea  and  some  specimens 
of  the  translation  are  printed  in  the  Journal 
of  Classical  and  Sacred  Philology,  iv.  (1858), 





HUTCHINSON,    JOHN    (1674-1737), 
author  of  '  Moses's  Principia,'  was  born  at 
Spennithorne,  near  Middleham,  Yorkshire,  in 
1674.     His  father,  who  had  an  estate  of  40  £. 
a  year,  desired  to  qualify  him  for  a  land- 
agency.      A  gentleman,  happening  to  take 
lodgings  in  his  father's  house,  took  a  fancy 
to   the    lad,   and    offered   to    stay   till   his 
education  was  completed.     From  this  ad- 
mirable boarder,  who  concealed  his  name, 
Hutchinson  learnt  some  mathematics.      In 
1693  he  became  steward  to  Mr.  Bathurst  of 
Skutterskelf  in  Yorkshire  ;  then  to  the  Earl 
of  Scarborough ;  and  afterwards  to  the  Duke 
of  Somerset.   Going  to  town  about  1700  upon 
some  law  business  of  the  duke's,  he  became 
acquainted  with  Dr.  Woodward,  the  duke's 
physician.     Woodward  made  use  of  him  to 
collect  fossils,  and  during  his  travels  on  busi- 
ness he  got  materials  for  a  pamphlet  called 
'  Observations  made  by  J.  H.,  mostly  in  the 
year  1706.'     Hutchinson,  according  to  his 
biographer,  understood  that  Woodward  was 
to  use  his  collections  for  the  purposes  of  a 
treatise  in  which  the  Mosaic  account  of  the 
deluge  was  to  be  confirmed.      Woodward 
showed  him  a  large  book,  supposed  to  con- 
tain materials  for  this  work.     Hutchinson 
managed  at  last  to  examine  it  during  Wood- 
ward's absence,  and  found  it  nearly  blank. 
He  was  disgusted  with  Woodward,  and  en- 
deavoured to  reclaim  his  fossils.    Woodward 
apparently  regarded  him  as  a  mere  agent  and 
refused.  Hutchinson  then  brought  an  action 
for  their  recovery,  but  the  death  of  Wood- 
ward in  1728,  and  the  bequest  of  his  collec- 
tions to  the  university  of  Cambridge,  induced 
Hutchinson  to  desist.     Hutchinson  had  al- 
ready determined  to  write  the  treatise  him- 
self.    He  resigned  his  stewardship,  to  the 
annoyance  of  the  duke,  who,  however,  upon 
hearing  his   motive,    appointed  him  riding 
purveyor,  being  himself  master  of  the  horse, 
to  George  I.     As  purveyor  he  had  a  good 
house,  200/.  a  year,  and  few  duties.  The  duke 
also  gave  him  the  next  presentation  to  Siit- 
ton  in  Sussex,  to  which  he  appointed  his 
disciple,  Julius  Bate  [q.  v.]  In  1724  he  pub- 
lished his  first  exposition  of  his  principles, 
'  Moses's   Principia,'  and   continued   to  set 
forth  other  works  till  his  death.      He  in- 
vented an  improved  timepiece  for  the  deter- 
mination of  the  longitude,  and  about  1712 
endeavoured  to  obtain  an  act  of  parliament 
for  the  protection  of  his  discovery.     Whis- 
ton  mentions  a  manuscript  map  in  which  he 
had  shown  the  variations  of  the  compass. 
His  studies  led  to  a  sedentary  life,  and  injured 
his  health.    His  death,  however,  was  caused 
by  the  '  sudden  jerks  given  to  his  body '  by  '  a 
high-fed,  unruly  horse.'  Mead,  who  attended 

him,  said,  to  encourage  him,  '  I  shall  soon 
send  you  to  Moses,'  meaning  '  Moses's  Prin- 
cipia ; '  to  which  he  replied,  '  I  believe,  doc- 
tor, you  will,'  and  died  28  Aug.  1737.  A 
report  that  he  had  recanted  his  principles  on 
his  deathbed  is  indignantly  denied  by  his 

Hutchinson  was  a  half-educated  and  fanci- 
ful man  of  boundless  vanity.  He  seems  to 
have  started  from  the  opinion  that  New- 
ton's doctrines  were  of  dangerous  conse- 
quence. He  denied  Newton's  theory  of  gravi- 
tation as  involving  the  existence  of  a  vacuum. 
He  was  interested  in  the  geological  theories 
lately  started  by  the  writings  of  Thomas 
Burnet  and  Woodward,  which  began  the 
long  controversy  as  to  the  relations  between 
geology  and  the  book  of  Genesis.  He  found 
a  number  of  symbolical  meanings  in  the  Bible 
and  in  nature,  and  thought,  for  example,  that 
the  union  of  fire,  light,  and  air  was  analo- 
gous to  the  Trinity.  He  maintained  that 
Hebrew,  when  read  without  points,  would 
confirm  his  teaching.  His  theories  were 
taken  up  by  Duncan  Forbes  (1685-1747) 
[q.  v.J,  John  Parkhurst  [q.  v.],  Bishop  George 
Home  [q.  v.],  and  William  Jones  fq.  v.] 
of  Nayland,  men  of  greater  pretensions  to 
scholarship  than  himself,  and  the  '  Hutchin- 
sonians  '  became  a  kind  of  recognised  party. 
Their  love  of  a  scriptural  symbolism  seems 
to  have  been  the  peculiarity  which  chiefly 
recommended  him  to  his  followers. 

Hutchinson's  works,  collected  in  twelve 
volumes  by  his  disciples  Spearman  and  Bate 
in  1748,  include  the  following,  with  dates 
of  first  appearance :  Vols.  i.  and  ii.  '  Moses's 
Principia,'  pt.  i.,  1724;  'Essay  towards  a 
Natural  History  of  the  Bible,'  1725  ;  '  Moses's 
Principia,'  pt.  ii.,  1727.  Vol.  iii.  '  Moses's 
Sine  Principle/  1730.  Vol.iv.  '  The  Confusion 
of  Tongues  and  the  Trinity  of  the  Gentiles/ 
1731.  Vol.  v.  '  Power  Essential  and  Me- 
chanical ...  in  which  the  design  of  Sir  I. 
Newton  and  Dr.  S.  Clarke  is  laid  open,'  1732. 
Vol.  vi.  '  Glory  in  Gravity,  or  Glory  Essen- 
tial and  the  Cherubim  explained,'  1733, 1734. 
Vol.  vii.  '  The  Hebrew  Writings  perfect, 
being  a  detection  of  the  Forgeries  of  the 
Jews,'  1735  (?).  Vol.  viii.  '  The  Religion  of 
Satan,  or  Natural  Religion,'  1736,  and  the 
'Data  of  Christianity/  pt,  i.,  1736.  The 
later  works  are  published  from  his  manu- 
script. Vol.  ix.  <  Data  of  Christianity/  pt.  ii. 
Vol.  x.  'The  Human  Frame.'  Vol.  xi.  '  Glory 
Mechanical  .  .  .  with  a  Treatise  on  the 
Columns  before  the  Temple.'  Vol.  xii.  Tracts 
(including  the  '  Observations  '  of  1706).  A 
supplement  to  the  works,  with  an  index  to 
the  Hebrew  words  explained,  appeared  in 




[Life  by  K.  Spearman,  appended  to  Flloyd's 
Bibliotheca  Biographica,  1760,  and  prefixed  to 
supplementary  volume  of  Works  ;  Nichols's  Lit. 
Anecd.  i.  421,  422,  iii.54;  L.  Stephen's  English 
Thought  in  the  18th  Century,  i.  389-91.]  L.  S. 

1794),  lawyer  and  statesman.  [See  HELY- 

HUTCHINSON,  LUCY  (b.  1620),  author. 
[See  under  HUTCHINSON,  JOHN,  1615-1664.] 

RALPH(1553?-1 606),  president  of  St.  John's 
College,  Oxford,  younger  son  of  John  Hutch- 
inson of  London,  was  educated  at  Merchant 
Taylors'  School  and  St.  John's  College,  Ox- 
ford, where  he  was  apppointed  to  a  fellow- 
ship by  Joanna,  widow  of  the  founder,  Sir 
Thomas  White,  in  1570.  He  graduated  B.A. 
in  1574-5,  and  proceeded  M.A.  in  1578.  He 
took  holy  orders,  and  was  vicar  of  Cropthorne, 
Worcestershire,  and  Charlbury,  Oxfordshire. 
He  was  elected  president  of  his  college  on 
9  June  1590;  graduated  B.D.  6  Nov.  1596, 
and  D.D.  in  1602;  was  appointed  one  of  the 
translators  of  the  New  Testament  in  June 
1604,  and  died  on  16  Jan.  1605-6.  He  was 
buried  in  the  college  chapel,  where  his  widow, 
Mary,  placed  his  effigy  in  stone  with  an 
epitaph,  from  which  it  appears  that  he  had 
•enlarged  the  college.  He  had  a  son,  Robert 
Gentilis,  named  apparently  after  Alberico 
Gentili  [q.  v.]  (WooD,  Athen.  Oxon.,  ed.  Bliss, 
ii.  92). 

[Robinson's  Merchant  Taylors'  School  Re- 
gister; Clode's  Mem.  Merchant  Taylors'  Com- 
pany, p.  693  ;  Reg.  Univ.  Oxford,  vol.  ii.  pt.  iii.  p. 
42 ;  Wood's  Hist,  and  Antiq.  Univ.  Oxford,  ed. 
Gutch,  vol.  ii.  pt.  ii.  p.  924  ».,  iii.  544,  560,  567; 
Nash's  Worcestershire,  i.  275  ;  Burnet's  Refor- 
mation, vol.  ii.  pt.  ii.  p.  513;  Anderson's  Annals 
of  the  English  Bible,  ii.  576.]  J.  M.  R. 


first  EARL  OF  DONOUGHMORE  (1756-1825). 

HUTCHINSON,  ROGER  (d.  1555),  di- 
vine, son  of  William  Hutchinson,  was  pro- 
bably a  north-country  man,  though  he  is 
sometimes  stated  to  have  been  a  native  of 
Hertfordshire.  He  was  educated  at  St.  John's 
College,Cambridge,proceeded  B.  A .  in  1540-1, 
was  elected  fellow  in  1542-3,  commenced 
M.A.  in  1544,  and  was  chosen  senior  fellow 
on  28  March  1547.  In  October  1547  he  and 
Thomas  Lever  maintained  a  disputation  in  the 
college  against  the  mass.  He  was  one  of  the 
divines  who  vainly  endeavoured  to  convince 
Joan  Bocher  ('  Joan  of  Kent ')  [q.  v.]  of  the 
error  of  her  opinions.  In  1550  he  was  ap- 
pointed fellow  of  Eton  College,  but  was  de- 

prived in  the  reign  of  Queen  Mary  for  being 
married.  He  died  about  May  1555,  his  will, 
dated  23  May,  being  proved  on  18  June  in 
that  year.  Therein  he  mentions  his  wife 
Agnes,  and  his  children  Thomas,  Anne,  and 
Elizabeth ;  also  his  leases  of  St.  Helen's  and 
the  advowson  of  Rickmansworth,  Hertford- 
shire. Hutchinson  is  represented  as  a  learned 
and  acute  divine,  of  austere  life  but  passion- 
ate temper.  He  was  author  of:  1.  <  The 
Image  of  God,  or  laie  mas  booke,  in  whyche 
the  ryghte  knowledge  of  God  is  disclosed, 
and  divers  doutes  besydes  the  principal! 
matter.  Newly  made  out  of  holi  writ  bi 
R.  h.,'  8vo,  London,  1550  ;  other  editions  in 
1560  and  1580.  2.  '  A  faithful  Declaration 
of  Christes  Holy  Supper,  compreheded  in 
thre  Sermos,  preached  at  Eaton  Colledge  .  .  . 
1552/  8vo,  London,  1560;  another  edition 
in  1573.  3.  Two  sermons  on  oppression, 
affliction,  and  patience.  His  works  were 
edited  for  the  Parker  Society  by  John  Bruce, 
F.S.A.,  8vo,  Cambridge,  1842. 

[Memoir  by  Bruce  prefixed  to  Parker  Soc.'s 
edition  of  his  works  ;  Cooper's  Athense  Cantabr. 
i.  126,  546.]  G-.  G-. 

HUTCHINSON,  THOMAS  (1698-1769), 
scholar,  son  of  Peter  Hutchinson  of  Corn- 
forth,  in  the  parish  of  Bishops  Middleham, 
Durham,  was  baptised  there  on  17  May  1698 
(parish  register).  He  matriculated  at  Lin- 
coln College,  Oxford,  on  28  March  1715,  and 
graduated  B.A.  1718,  M.A.  1721,  B.D.  (from 
Hart  Hall)  1733,  and  D.D.  1738.  In  1731  he 
was  appointed  rector  of  Lyndon,  Rutland, 
having  acquired  some  reputation  as  a  scholar 
by  the  publication  of  an  edition  of  Xenophon's 
<  Cyropsedia '  (1727).  The  Archbishop  of  Can- 
terbury, Thomas  Herring  [q.  v.],  presented 
him  to  the  vicarage  of  Horsham,  Sussex,  in 
1748,  and  he  held  also  the  rectory  of  Cocking 
in  the  same  county,  and  a  prebendal  stall  in 
Chichester  Cathedral.  He  published  several 
sermons  and  an  essay  upon  demoniacal  pos- 
session, which  attracted  considerable  notice. 
Dying  at  Horsham,  he  was  there  buried  on 
7  Feb.  1769.  He  edited  Xenophon's  l  Cyro- 
paedia,' London,  1727,  and  his  *  Anabasis,'  Lon- 
don, 1735,  each  of  which  passed  later  through 
numerous  editions,  and  wrote  '  The  usual  In- 
terpretation of8aip.ov€s  and  Sai/Ltoi/ta,'  London, 
1738,  besides  separately  published  sermons, 
dated  in  1739,  1740,  and  1746. 

[Foster's  Alumni  Oxon. ;  Nichols's  Lit.  Anecd. 
viii.  467,  &c. ;  Brit.  Mus.  Cat.]  C.  J.  R. 

HUTCHINSON,  THOMAS  (1711-1780), 
governor  of  Massachusetts  Bay,  born  at  Bos- 
ton, Massachusetts,  9  Sept.  1711,  was  a  de- 
scendant of  Anne  Hutchinson  [q.  v.],  and  the 
son  of  Thomas  Hutchinson,  merchant.  He 




received  his  education  at  a  grammar  school 
and  at  Harvard  University,  where  he  gradu- 
ated in  1727.  Already  he  had  made  money 
by  small  ventures  in  his  father's  vessels,  and 
he  now  entered  his  father's  counting-house  as 
a  merchant  apprentice.  In  1734  he  married 
Margaret  Sanford,  three  years  afterwards 
he  was  chosen  a  select  man  for  the  town  of 
Boston,  and  a  few  months  later  one  of  its 
representatives  in  the  colonial  legislature. 
He  became  an  active  politician,  and  in  1740 
was  sent  to  England  to  present  petitions  to 
the  king  in  favour  of  restoring  to  Massachu- 
setts a  tract  of  land  which  had  been  added 
to  New  Hampshire.  He  failed,  owing  to  the 
defective  evidence  supplied  to  him,  and  on 
his  return  was  re-elected  a  member  for  Bos- 
ton. From  1746  to  1748  he  was  speaker  of 
the  House  of  Representatives.  Hutchinson 
became  unpopular  through  carrying  a  bill  for 
the  restoration  of  a  specie  currency.  His  op- 
ponents threatened  to  burn  down  his  house, 
and  excluded  him  from  the  House  of  Repre- 
sentatives (1749)  ;  but  after  a  year  they  ac- 
knowledged that  he  was  right. 

Though  he  had  received  no  legal  training, 
he  was  appointed  in  1752  judge  of  the  court 
of  probate  and  justice  of  the  common  pleas. 
In  1754  he  was  one  of  the  commissioners  at 
the  general  congress  at  Albany,  and  there 
drew  up  in  concert  with  Franklin  the  plan 
of  union  and  the  representation  of  the  state 
of  the  colonies.  In  1758  he  was  appointed 
lieutenant-governor,  and  in  1760  chief  justice 
of  Massachusetts  ;  but  as  the  salary  of  the 
last  appointment  was  only  160/.,  he  can  hardly 
be  considered  a  pluralist.  Though  he  was 
averse  to  the  policy  of  the  Stamp  Act,  and 
was  actually  selected  by  the  majority  of  the 
assembly  to  oppose  in  England  the  commer- 
cial measures  of  George  Grenville,  a  mission 
which  he  was  induced  by  Governor  Bernard 
to  decline,  yet  he  carried  out  the  law  as  chief 
justice  with  such  determination  that  the 
mob  in  revenge  sacked  his  house,  burnt  his 
furniture,  and  destroyed  a  collection  of  his- 
torical manuscripts  which  he  had  been  making 
for  thirty  years  (26  Aug.  1765).  Compen- 
sation was  obtained  for  the  damage,  esti- 
mated at  2,500/.,  but  no  one  was  really 
punished.  Fortunately  he  had  already  pub- 
lished the  first  volume  of  his  valuable  '  His- 
tory of  the  Province  of  Massachusetts  [sic] 
Bay,'  1764,  and  the  second  volume  appeared 
in  1767,  *  the  manuscript  having  lain  in  the 
street  scattered  abroad  several  hours  in  the 
rain,  yet  having  been  saved  intact  with  the 
exception  of  8  or  10  sheets '  (English  edition 
1765-8,  third  1795).  He  also  published  in 
1769  a  portion  of  his  historical  documents 
which  had  escaped  destruction  under  the 

title,  '  A  Collection  of  Original  Papers  rela- 
tive to  the  History  of  the  Colony  of  Massa- 
chusets  Bay.'  This  is  sometimes  lettered  on 
the  back  as  vol.  iii.  of  Hutchinson's  *  History/ 
and  forms  an  appendix  to  vols.  i.  and  ii.  It 
was  republished  in  1865  by  the  Prince  So- 
ciety under  the  title  of  (  The  Hutchinson 
Papers,'  2  vols.  During  the  feverish  period 
which  followed,  the  assembly  violated  prece- 
dents by  declining  to  elect  Hutchinson  and 
the  other  officers  of  the  crown  to  the  coun- 
cil ;  but  he  was  finally  declared  by  Governor 
Bernard  competent  to  take  his  seat  in  the 
capacity  of  lieutenant-governor.  In  August 
1769  Bernard  sailed  for  England,  and  Hutch- 
inson ex  officio  acted  in  his  stead.  Meantime 
Charles  Townshend's  act  had  thrown  Boston 
into  a  state  of  fury,  and  on  5  March  1770  the 
Boston  massacre  took  place.  Hutchinson 
was  forced  by  the  popular  leaders  to  order 
the  withdrawal  of  the  British  troops  to  Fort 

When  Lord  Hillsborough,  the  secretary  of 
state,  informed  Hutchinson  that  he  was- 
chosen  as  Bernard's  successor,  it  is  hardly  sur- 
prising that  he  should  have  at  first  declined 
the  honour.  He,  however,  reconsidered  his 
determination,  and  his  commission  reached 
Boston  in  March  1771.  He  was  soon  in- 
volved in  long  disputes  with  the  assembly 
about  the  right  to  convene  the  latter  at  Cam- 
bridge instead  of  at  Boston,  about  the  extent 
to  which  the  salaries  of  crown  officers  should 
be  exempted  from  taxation,  and  about  his 
own  salary,  which,  as  he  informed  the  as- 
sembly, was  thenceforward  to  be  paid  him 
by  the  crown.  He  succeeded,  however,  in 
1773  in  getting  the  boundary  between  Massa- 
chusetts and  New  York  settled  by  a  com- 
mission to  the  satisfaction  of  his  own  colony. 
Soon  afterwards  his  unpopularity  reached 
a  critical  point.  Franklin,  the  agent  in  Eng- 
land for  Massachusetts  and  several  other 
colonies,  obtained  by  some  means  and  some- 
person  that  have  never  been  exactly  disclosed, 
though  the  person  was  in  all  probability  a 
certain  Mr.  Temple,  a  series  of  confidential 
letters  which  Hutchinson  and  Andrew  Oliver, 
now  lieutenant-governor,  had  written  for 
many  years  past  to  Whately ,  formerly  George 
Grenville's  private  secretary.  Hutchinson's 
letters  were,  with  one  exception,  written  be- 
fore his  appointment  as  governor,  but  their 
tone  was  strongly  anti-democratic ;  he  urged 
the  necessity  of  strengthening  the  executive 
by  an  increased  military  force,  and  the 
'  abridgement  of  what  are  called  English 
liberties.'  These  letters  Franklin  sent  to 
Thomas  Gushing,  the  speaker  of  the  assembly 
of  Massachusetts,  to  be  shown  to  the  leading 
agitators  on  condition  that  they  should  not 




be  printed  or  copied.  They  were,  however, 
brought  before  the  assembly  in  a  secret 
sitting,  and  finally,  after  an  ambiguous  per- 
mission had  been  obtained  from  Hutchinson, 
were  printed  and  disseminated  over  North 
America.  The  assembly,  with  the  concur- 
rence of  the  council,  petitioned  the  king  for 
the  removal  of  Hutchinson  and  Oliver.  When 
their  petition  arrived  in  England,  the  go- 
vernment referred  it  to  a  committee  of  the 
privy  council,  and  it  was  before  the  commit- 
tee that  Wedderburne,  the  solicitor-general, 
made  the  celebrated  attack  on  Franklin,  in 
which  he  denounced  him  as  '  a  man  of  letters 
— homo  trium  literarum  (fur,  a  thief).'  The 
petition  was  voted  false,  groundless,  and 
scandalous  (29  Jan.  1774).  Meanwhile  the 
tea  riot  at  Boston  (16  Dec.  1773)  had  in- 
jured Hutchinson's  sons,  as  they  were  con- 
signees for  a  third  part  of  the  tea  destroyed. 
Hutchinson's  health  had  suffered  from  the 
excitement  occasioned  by  the  publication 
of  his  letters,  and  by  the  attacks  of  his 
enemies  (his  History  of  Massachusetts  Bay, 
iii.  449  w.),  and  he  applied  for  leave  of 
absence  (26  June  1773)  on  the  ground  of 
family  affairs  (his  Diary  and  Letters,  i.  106). 
His  departure  was  delayed  by  the  death  of 
the  lieutenant-governor,  Andrew  Oliver,  and 
the  impeachment  of  Chief-justice  Peter  Oliver 
for  receiving  his  salary  from  the  crown.  On 
30  March  1774  he  prorogued  the  assembly, 
and  on  1  June  sailed  for  England,  accom- 
panied by  a  son  and  a  daughter,  General 
Gage  being  appointed  to  fill  his  place  during 
the  king's  pleasure.  So  far  from  being  dis- 
missed he  was  still  regarded  as  governor  of 
Massachusetts,  and  continued  to  draw  his 

On  his  arrival  in  London  Hutchinson  had 
a  long  conversation  with  the  king,  whom  he 
found  well  posted  in  American  affairs.  Sub- 
sequently he   had   numerous   consultations 
with  Lord  North  and  other  ministers.     He 
declined  a  baronetcy  on  acount  of  want  of 
means,  and  in  1775  was  asked  to  stand  for 
parliament.     Though  his  opinions  were  re- 
ceived with  respect,  they  do  not  seem  to  have 
had  much  effect.    Thus  his  diary  shows  that 
he  opposed  in  vain  the  bill  for  the  closing 
of  Boston  Port  and  that  for  the  suspension 
of  the  constitution  of  Massachusetts.     In 
America,  however,  he  was  regarded  as  the  | 
dme  damnee  of  the  ministry ;  in  November  ! 
1775  he  learnt  that  his  house  at  Milton  had 
been  converted  into  barracks,  while  '  Wash- 
ington, it  was  said,  rode  in  my  coach  at  Cam-  | 
bridge ;  '  in  December  1778  that  he  had  been  i 
proscribed ;  in  August  1779  that  his  estate  i 
in  Boston  was  advertised  to  be  sold. 

Hutchinson's  good  breeding  and  high  cha-  | 

racter  made  him  popular  in  society,  where  he 
made  the  acquaintance  of  Gibbon  and  General 
Paoli,  and  he  paid  frequent  visits  to  court ; 
but  as  a  consistent  Calvinist,  he  regarded 
Garrick  and  playgoing  with  only  qualified 
approval.  He  was  also  engaged  in  writing 
the  third  volume  of  his  '  History,'  covering 
the  period  *  from  1749  to  1774,  and  compris- 
ing a  detailed  narrative  of  the  origin  and  early 
stages  of  the  American  revolution  ; '  but  it 
was  not  published  until  1828,when  his  grand- 
son, the  Rev.  John  Hutchinson,  edited  it. 
He  was  created  D.C.L.  at  Oxford,  in  1776. 
During  the  last  years  of  his  life  he  bore  with 
fortitude  the  loss  of  his  property  and  the  in- 
gratitude of  his  countrymen  ;  but  the  death 
of  his  daughter  Peggy,  followed  by  that  of 
his  son  Billy,  broke  him  down,  and  he  died 
on  3  June  1780.  He  was  buried  at  Croydon. 

A  further  collection  of  Hutchinson's  his- 
torical documents  was  deposited,  apparently 
in  1823,  with  the  Massachusetts  Historical 
Society  by  the  secretary  of  state.  They  were » 
probably  taken  in  the  first  instance  from  his- 
town  house  after  the  evacuation  of  Boston, 
and  from  his  house  at  Milton.  The  society 
promptly  published  a  selection  ranging  from 
1 625  to  1770,  under  the  title  of  <  The  Hutchin- 
son Papers  '  (not  to  be  confused  with  the 
Prince  Society's  publication),  in  their  collec- 
tions (1823-5,  2nd  ser.  vol.  x.,  3rd  ser.  vol.  i.) 
The  custody  of  the  collection  was  subse- 
quently disputed  by  the  Historical  Society 
and  the  House  of  Representatives  (see  espe- 
cially the  Journal  of  the  House  of  Repre- 
sentatives for  1870). 

1  The  Diary  and  Letters  of  his  Excellency 
Thomas  Hutchinson,  Esq.,'  were  published 
in  2  vols.  (1883-6)  under  the  editorship  of 
his  great-grandson,  P.  O.  Hutchinson.  The 
American  part  of  the  diary  appears  to  be  a 
rough  draft  of  vol.  iii.  of  the  '  History ; '  the 
remainder  gives  a  very  minute  account  of  his- 
last  years  in  England.  An  account  of  Hutch- 
inson's miscellaneous  publications,  of  which 
there  are  no  copies  in  the  British  Museum,, 
is  to  be  found  in  '  A  Bibliographical  Essay 
on  Governor  Plutchinson's  Historical  Publi- 
cations '  by  Charles  Deane  (Boston,  privately 
printed,  1857).  They  are  few  in  number, 
and  are  chiefly  concerned  with  currency  and 
boundary  questions. 

[The  Diary  and  Letters,  vol.  iii.  of  the  History, 
and  Deane's  Bibliography  mentioned  above; 
Sparks's  Continuation  of  Franklin's  Life.  Of  the 
general  history  of  the  times  a  view  may  be 
found  in  Lecky's  History  of  England  in  the- 
Eighteenth  Century,  vol.  iii.  chap.  xii.  The  ac- 
count of  Hutchinson  given  in  vol.  iii.  of  Ban- 
croft's History  of  the  United  States  of  America 
is  extremely  prejudiced.]  L.  C.  S. 




1801),  mariner  and  writer  on  seamanship,  a  I 
native  of  Newcastle-on-Tyne,  was  at  a  very 
early  age  sent  on  board  a  small  collier,  where 
he  was  '  cook,  cabin-boy,  and  beer-drawer  for 
the  men.'  He  gradually  worked  his  way  up, 
1  going  through  all  the  most  active  enter- 
prising employments  as  a  seaman.'  His  ex-  I 
periences  were  extremely  varied.  He  speaks  | 
of  himself  as  a  '  forecastle  man '  on  board  an  j 
East  Indiaman  in  1738-9,  and  making  the 
voyage  to  China ;  as  '  mate  of  a  bomb's  tender 
in  Hyeres  Bay,  with  our  fleet  under  Mathews 
and  Lestock/  about  1743 ;  as  commanding  a 
ship  at  Honduras ;  as  cruising  in  the  Medi- 
terranean during  the  French  war,  in  the 
employ  of  Fortunatus  Wright  [q.  v.],  and  ap- 
parently in  command  of  a  privateer  in  1747. 
In  1750  he  commanded  the  Lowestoft,  an 
old  20-gun  frigate  sold  out  of  the  navy  and 
bought  by  Wright,  and  in  her  traded  to  the 
West  Indies  and  the  Mediterranean.  At  one 
time  (the  date  is  not  given)  his  ship  was 
wrecked,  he  and  his  men  escaping  in  a  boat. 
They  were  without  food,  and  cast  lots  to  de- 
termine which  one  should  die  for  the  others. 
The  lot  fell  on  Hutchinson,  but  at  the  last 
moment  he  was  saved  by  a  vessel  coming*  in 
sight.  To  the  end  of  his  life  he  kept  the 
anniversary  as  a  day  of  '  strict  devotion.'  In 
1760  he  was  appointed  a  dock-master  at 
Liverpool,  and  as  dock-master  or  harbour- 
master he  continued  for  upwards  of  twenty 
years,  part  of  the  time  in  conjunction  with 
a  younger  Fortunatus  Wright,  a  kinsman  of 
his  old  companion.  In  1777  he  published  a 
treatise  on  seamanship  and  the  proper  form 
and  dimensions  of  merchant  ships,  of  which 
an  enlarged  edition  was  published  in  1781, 
with  a  fuller  title.  In  the  fourth  edition, 
published  in  1794,  this  ran :  '  Treatise  on 
Naval  Architecture,  founded  upon  Philoso- 
phical and  Rational  Principles,  towards  esta- 
blishing fixed  Rules  for  the  best  form  and 
Proportional  Dimensions  in  Length,  Breadth, 
and  Depth  of  Merchant  Ships  in  general ;  and 
also  the  management  of  them  to  the  greatest 
advantage  by  Practical  Seamanship,  with  im- 
portant Hints  and  Remarks  relating  thereto, 
especially  both  for  Defence  and  Attack  in  War 
at  Sea,  from  long  approved  experience.'  His 
hints  on  the  conduct  of  war  at  sea,  specially 
addressed  to  a  community  of  privateers,  em- 
body the  recollections  of  his  service  with 
Fortunatus  Wright  during  the  war  of  the 
Austrian  succession.  He  also  kept  a  register 
of  tides,  barometer,  weather,  and  wind  from 
1768  to  1793,  which  is  still  preserved  in  the 
Liverpool  Library.  He  is  said  to  have  in- 
troduced parabolic  reflectors  into  lighthouses, 
and  to  have  superintended  their  fitting  in 

those  near  the  Mersey,  using  small  reflectors 
of  tin  or  glass,  bedded  in  a  sort  of  wooden 
bowl.  He  died  at  the  age  of  eighty-five,  on 
11  Feb.  1801,  and  was  buried  in  the  church- 
yard of  St.  Thomas,  Liverpool. 

[His  own  works,  as  above ;  Brooke's  Liverpool 
asitwas  during  the  last  Quarter  of  the  Eighteenth 
Century,  pp.  101-2  ;  information  from  the  Eev. 
J.  H.  M.  Barrow.  See  also  Laughton's  Studies 
in  Naval  History,  pp.  207,  209,  217,  224.] 

J.  K.  L. 

1814),  topographer,  born  in  1732,  practised 
as  a  solicitor  at  Barnard  Castle,  Durham. 
He  devoted  his  leisure  to  literary  and  anti- 
quarian pursuits.  In  all  his  undertakings, 
but  more  especially  in  his '  History  of  Durham/ 
he  received  the  most  friendly  assistance  from 
George  Allan  (1736-1800)  [q.  v.].  He  was 
elected  F.S.A.  on  15  Feb.  1781  ([Gown's] 
Chronological  List,  1798,  p.  34),  and  commu- 
nicated in  November  1788  an  *  Account  of 
Antiquities  in  Lancashire'  (Archceologia,  ix. 
211-18).  Hutchinson  died  on  7  April  1814, 
having  survived  his  wife  only  two  or  three 
days.  He  left  three  daughters  and  a  son. 
A  portrait  of  Hutchinson  on  the  same  plate 
with  that  of  his  friend  George  Allan  forms 
the  frontispiece  to  vol.  viii.  of  Nichols's 
'  Literary  Anecdotes.' 

In  1785  Hutchinson  published  the  first 
volume  of  his  valuable  '  History  and  An- 
tiquities of  the  County  Palatine  of  Durham/ 
4to,  Newcastle,  founded  almost  entirely  on 
Allan's  manuscript  collections ;  the  second 
volume  appeared  in  1787,  and  the  third  ir 
1794.  His  work  was  carried  on  while  ht 
was  prosecuting  a  lawsuit  with  the  publishe] 
and  with  the  certain  prospect  of  a  consider- 
able loss.  Being  unable  to  find  purchaser.' 
for  the  thousand  copies  which  he  printed,  ht 
disposed  of  four  hundred  for  a  trifling  sunk  > 
to  John  Nichols,  the  publisher,  two  hundred 
of  which  were  converted  into  waste  paper, 
and  most  of  the  remainder  were  consumed  by 
fire  in  February  1808.  Another  edition  was 
issued  at  Durham  in  1823  in  3  vols.  4to,  re- 
vised from  the  author's  corrected  copy. 

Hutchinson's  other  topographical  works 
are :  1.  '  An  Excursion  to  the  Lakes  in  West- 
moreland and  Cumberland,  August  1773' 
[anon.],  8vo,  1774.  2.  '  A.n  Excursion  to  the 
Lakes  in  Westmoreland  and  Cumberland,  .' 
with  a  Tour  through  part  of  the  Northern 
Counties  in  1773  and  1774/  8vo,  London, 
1776.  3.  '  A  View  of  Northumberland,  with 
an  Excursion  to  the  Abbey  of  Mailross  in 
Scotland/  2  vols.  4to,  Newcastle,  1776-8. 
4.  '  The  History  of  the  County  of  Cumber- 
land, and  some  places  adjacent/  2  vols.  4to, 
Carlisle,  1794.  He  also  edited  anonymously 




T.  Randal's  *  State  of  the  Churches  under  the 
Archdeaconry  of  Northumberland,  and  in 
Hexham  Peculiar  Jurisdiction/ 4to  (1779?). 

In  1788,  in  a  single  week,  he  composed  a 
tragedy  called  '  Pygmalion,  King  of  Tyre,' 
and  soon  afterwards  another  named  '  The 
Tyrant  of  Orixa.'  Both  plays  were  submitted 
to  Harris,  the  manager  of  Covent  Garden, 
but  neither  was  acted  or  printed.  A  third 
play  written  by  him,  entitled  '  The  Princess 
of  Zanfara/  after  being  rejected  by  Harris, 
was  printed  anonymously  in  1792,  and  fre- 
quently performed  at  provincial  theatres. 

His  other  writings  are:  1.  'The  Hermi- 
tage ;  a  British  Story,'  1772.  2.  '  The  Doubt- 
ful Marriage ;  a  Narrative  drawn  from  Cha- 
racters in  l  Real  Life,'  3  vols.  12mo,  1775 
(another  edit.,  1792).  3.  '  The  Spirit  of  Ma- 
sonry, in  Moral  and  Elucidatory  Lectures/ 
8vo,  London,  1775  (other  edits.,  1796,  1802, 
and  1843,  with  notes  by  G.  Oliver).  4.  <  A 
Week  in  a  Cottage  ;  a  Pastoral  Tale,'  1776. 
5.  A  'Romance'  after  the  manner  of  the 
'  Castle  of  Otranto.'  6.  '  An  Oration  at  the 
Dedication  of  Free  Mason's  Hall  in  Sunder- 
land  on  the  16th  July  1778.'  In  1776  he 
edited  a  volume  of  *  Poetical  Remains '  by  his 
brother  Robert,  who  had  died  in  November 
1773.  It  was  printed  at  George  Allan's  pri- 
vate press  at  Darlington,  whence  also  issued 
many  of  Hutchinson's  'Addresses '  to  his  sub- 
scribers, and  some  trifling  local  brochures. 

He  left  in  manuscript  '  The  Pilgrim  of  the 
Valley  of  Hecass ;  a  Tale,'  and  a  volume  of 
Letters  addressed  to  the  Minister,  1798,  by 
,  Freeholder  North  of  Trent.'  He  had  also 
prepared  a  copy  of  his  '  History  of  Durham/ 
sorrected  for  a  second  edition,  and  a  '  Poetical 
Sketch'  of  his  own  life. 

[Nichols's  Illustr.  of  Lit.  i.  421 ;  Gent.  Mag. 
xxxiv.  i.  515-16  ;  Surtees's  Durham,  vol  i., 
/  Introduction,  p.  8 ;  Lowndes's  Bibl.  Manual 
/  (Bohn),  vi.  (App.)  pp.  202,  209,  214.]  G.  G. 

HUTH,  HENRY  (1815-1878),merchant- 
banker  and  bibliophile,  was  the  third  son  of 
Frederick  Huth  of  Hanover,  a  man  of  energy 
and  mental  power,  who  settled  at  Corunna. 
Driven  thence  by  the  entry  of  the  French,  the 
elder  Huth  left  with  his  family  under  convoy 
of  the  Brit  ish  squadron,  and  landed  in  England 
in  1809.  Here  he  became  a  naturalised  British 
subject  by  act  of  parliament,  and  founded  in 
London  the  eminent  firm  which  is  still  carried 
on  by  his  descendants.  Henry  Huth,  the  son, 
was  born  in  London  in  1815.  At  the  age  of 
thirteen  he  was  sent  to  Mr.  Rusden's  school  at 
Leith  Hill  in  Surrey,  where,  since  his  father 
had  some  idea  of  putting  him  in  the  Indian 
civil  service,  he  learned,  in  addition  to  ordi- 
nary classics,  Persian,  Arabic,  and  Hindu- 

stani. As  a  schoolboy  he  interested  himself 
in  physics  and  chemistry,  and  devoted  all  his 
pocket-money  to  the  purchase  of  the  necessary 
apparatus.  When  his  father  supplied  him 
with  a  teacher  of  chemistry,  Huth's  modest 
private  funds  were  set  free  to  gratify  his  last- 
ing taste  for  old  books.  In  1833  his  father 
took  him  into  his  business. 

The  drudgery  of  work  in  his  father's  office 
proved  so  distasteful  that  he  lost  his  health 
and  was  sent  to  travel.  He  first  stayed  for 
about  two  years  at  Hamburg,  occupied  at 
intervals  in  a  business  firm  :  then  at  Magde- 
burg for  nearly  a  year,  where  he  learned  the 
German  language  perfectly.  He  then  made 
a  tour  in  France  for  about  three  months,  and 
in  the  beginning  of  1839  went  to  the  United 
States  of  America,  and,  after  travelling  in 
the  south  for  some  time,  entered  a  New 
York  firm  as  a  volunteer.  His  father,  how- 
ever, arranged  that  he  should  join  a  firm  in 
Mexico  in  1840.  In  1843  he  paid  a  visit  to 
England,  and  after  marrying  in  1844,  settled 
in  Hamburg,  but  rejoined  his  father's  firm  in 
London  in  1849. 

Thenceforward  he  lived  in  London  and 
occupied  himself  in  forming  his  library.  His 
youthful  collection,  which  he  had  left  behind 
him  during  his  wanderings,  was  examined 
•and  most  of  the  books  rejected ;  but  a  few 
still  remain  in  the  library.  In  Mexico  he  had 
been  fortunate  in  finding  some  rare  books,  and 
he  had  bought  others  in  France  and  Ger- 
many. Starting  with  this  nucleus,  he  began 
to  call  daily  at  all  the  principal  booksellers'  on 
his  way  back  from  the  city,  a  habit  which  he 
continued  up  to  the  day  of  his  death.  He 
gave  commissions  at  most  of  the  important 
sales,  such  as  the  Utterson,  Hawtrey,  Gardner, 
Smith,  Slade,  Perkins,  Tite,  and  made  espe- 
cially numerous  purchases  at  the  Daniel  and 
i  Corser  sales.  He  confined  himself  to  no  par- 
i  ticular  subject,  but  bought  anything  of  real 
i  interest  provided  that  the  book  was  perfect 
and  in  good  condition.  Imperfect  books  he 
;  called  '  the  lepers  of  a  library.'  His  varied 
I  collection  was  especially  rich  in  voyages, 
|  Shakespearean  and  early  English  literature, 
and  in  early  Spanish  and  German  works.  The 
Bibles,without  being  very  numerous,  included 
nearly  every  edition  especially  prized  by  col- 
lectors, and  the  manuscripts  and  prints  were 
among  the  most  beautiful  of  their  kind.  Every 
book  he  carefully  collated  himself  before  it 
was  suffered  to  join  the  collection.  In  1863 
he  was  elected  a  member  of  the  Philobiblon 
Society,  and  in  1867  printed  for  presentation 
to  the  members  a  volume  of  'Ancient  Ballads 
and  Broadsides'  from  the  unique  original 
copies  he  had  bought  at  the  Daniel  sale  [see 
DANIEL,  GEOEGE].  He  allowed  Mr.  Lilly, 




the  bookseller,  to  reprint  the  book  without 
the  woodcuts.  In  1866  he  was  elected  a 
member  of  the  Roxburghe  Club,  but  never 
attended  a  meeting.  He  printed,  in  limited 
impressions  of  fifty  copies,  edited  bj  Mr.  W. 
Carew  Hazlitt,  the '  Narrative  of  the  Journey 
of  an  Irish  Gentleman  through  England  in 
the  year  1752,'  in  1869  ;  in  1870  <  Inedited 
Poetical  Miscellanies,  1584-1700 ; '  in  1874 
'  Prefaces,  Dedications,  and  Epistles,  selected 
from  Early  English  Books,  1540-1701;'  and 
in  1875  -Fugitive  Tracts,  1493-1700,'  2  vols. 
In  1861  he  caused  to  be  translated  into 
Spanish  the  first  chapter  of  the  second  volume 
of  Buckle's  '  History  of  Civilisation,'  for  the 
author,  who  was  one  of  his  greatest  friends. 
About  ten  years  before  his  death  he  com- 
menced a  catalogue  of  his  library,  but,  finding 
that  the  time  at  his  disposal  was  inadequate, 
he  employed  Mr.  W.  C.  Hazlitt  and  Mr.  F.  S. 
Ellis  to  do  most  of  the  work,  only  revising 
the  proofs  himself.  About  half  of  the  work 
was  printed  when  he  died  suddenly  on  10  Dec. 
1878.  He  was  buried  in  the  village  church- 
yard of  Bolney  in  Sussex.  The  '  Catalogue' 
was  continued  and  published  in  1880. 

In  character  Huth  was  unobtrusive,  but 
kind  and  sympathetic,  fond  of  retirement,  and 
caring  only  for  intellectual  society.  He  was 
a  charming  talker,  and  was  liberal  in  lending 
his  books  to  scholars.  For  many  years  he 
was  treasurer  and  president  of  the  Royal 
Hospital  for  Incurables ;  in  his  general  chari- 
ties the  extent  of  his  benevolence  will  never 
be  known.  Hardly  any  application  to  him 
for  help  was  made  in  rain. 

He  married  the  third  daughter  of  Frede- 
rick Westenholz,  of  Waldenstein  Castle  in 
Austria,  by  whom  he  had  three  sons  and 
three  daughters. 

[John  Stansf eld's  Hist,  of  the  Stansfeld  Family, 
Leeds,  1886,  p.  191  ;  Huth  Library  Catalogue, 
pref. ;  Burke's  Landed  Gentry,  art. '  Huth  of  Oak- 
hurst  ;'  Times,  14  Dec.  1878 ;  Academy,  Athenaeum, 
and  Notes  and  Queries,  21  Dec.  1878  ;  Boston 
Daily  Advertiser,  24  Jan.  1879;  Library  Journ. 
iv.  26.]  A.  H.  H. 

1873),  lieutenant-general,  son  of  William  and 
Lucy  Huthwaite,  was  baptised  at  the  parish 
church  of  St.  Peter,  Nottingham,  24  June 
1793,  which  in  the  official  records  is  given 
as  the  date  of  his  birth  (information  from 
India  office).  His  father,  a  draper,  was  al- 
derman and  more  than  once  mayor  of  Not- 
tingham (SuiTON,  Nottingham  Note-book}. 
Huthwaite  was  nominated  for  a  cadetship 
by  Edward  Parry,  a  director  of  the  East 
India  Company,  entered  the  Royal  Military 
Academy,  Woolwich,  19  Aug.  1807,  and 
was  appointed  second  lieutenant  in  the  East 

India  Company's  Bengal  artillery,  13  Nov. 
1810.  His  subsequent  military  commissions 
were :  first  lieutenant  25  Sept.  1817,  brevet^ 
captain  12  Nov.  1825,  captain  30  Aug.  1826, 
major  20  Jan.  1842,  lieutenant-colonel  3  July 
1845,  brevet-colonel  20  June  1854,  colonel 
;  23  June  1854,  colonel-commandant  same 
!  date,  major-general  14  March  1857,  lieute- 
i  nant-general  6  March  1868.  His  first  re- 
!  corded  military  employment  was  recruiting 
!  for  golundauze  (native  foot- artillery  men)  at 
!  Chittagong  in  1812.  He  served  as  a  lieu- 
tenant-fireworker of  foot-artillery  in  the  cam- 
paigns in  Nepaul  in  1815-16,  which  were 
remarkable  for  the  personal  exertions  and 
continuous  toil  undergone  by  officers  and 
men  (STTJBBS,  ii.  35).  He  was  present  at 
the  reduction  of  various  forts  in  Oude  in  the 
hot  season  of  1817,  and  was  in  the  field  with 
the  central  column  of  the  grand  army  in  the 
Mahratta  war  of  1817-18.  When  the  Bur- 
mese invaded  Cachar,  a  province  under  Bri- 
tish protection,  in  January  1824,  Huthwaite 
was  sent  thither  with  a  draft  of  golundauze. 
Brigadier  Innes,  in  his  report  on  an  affair' 
with  the  Burmese  at  Tachyon,  8  July  1824, 
expressed  himself  '  much  indebted  to  Lieu- 
tenant Huthwaite,  who,  though  labouring 
under  severe  fever,  rendered  the  most  essen- 
tial service '  (London  Gazette,  15  March  1825). 
Huthwaite  went  afterwards  on  sick  leave  to 
Singapore  and  China.  As  brevet-captain  he 
commanded  a  foot-battery  at  the  siege  and 
capture  of  Bhurtpore  in  1825-6.  He  was 
appointed  brigade-major  of  the  artillery  with/ 
the  force  ordered  to  assemble  at  Ajmeer,  for| 
service  in  Rajpootana,  in  November  1834^ 
•  but  was  ordered  back  to  Neemuch,  as  his  com- 
pany did  not  form  part  of  the  force.  He| 
commanded  the  Megwar  artillery  division  atj 
various  periods  from  1836  to  1840  ;  was^ 
posted  to  the  2nd  brigade  horse-artillery, 
15  March  1842;  and  was  placed  in  command 
of  two  troops  of  his  brigade  at  Loodianah 
He  commanded  the  artillery  of  the  Mef 
war  field  force  from  30  Dec.  1840  to  184 
and  was  highly  commended  for  his  '  zea 
ability,  and  firmness'  (India  office  inspector 
report,  17-18  Jan.  1844).  He  commandec 
the  3rd  brigade  Bengal  horse-artillery  ii 
the  first  Sikh  war  of  1845-6  at  Ferozeshah, 
was  made  C.B.  for  his  services,  and  was 
mentioned  in  despatches.  He  also  distin- 
guished himself  at  Sobraon,  and  was  brigadier 
of  the  foot-artillery  with  Lord  Gough  in  the 
army  of  the  Punjaub,  in  the  second  Sikh  war 
in  1848-9,  at  the  two  passages  of  the  Chenab, 
and  the  battles  of  Chillianwalla  and  Goojerat. 
Huthwaite  commanded  the  artillery  of  the 
force  under  General  Gilbert  which  crossed  the 
j  Jhelum  and,  after  receiving  the  surrender  of 




the  Sikh  army,  pursued  their  Afghan  allies  to 
the  entrance  of  the  Khyber  Pass.  In  1860  the 
brigade  of  Bengal  artillery,  of  which  Huth- 
waite  had  been  appointed  colonel-comman- 
dant in  1854,  was  transferred  to  the  royal 
artillery.  He  was  made  a  K.C.B.  in  1869, 
and  died  at  his  residence,  '  Sherwood,'  Nynee 
Tal,  North-west  Provinces,  on  4  April 

[Information  supplied  by  the  India  Office ; 
Army  Lists  and  the  manuscript  records  of  the 
Bengal  Army;  Stubbs's  Hist,  of  the  Bengal  Ar- 
tillery, London,  1877,  vol.  ii. ;  Narratives  of  the 
First  and  Second  Sikh  Wars.]  H.  M.  C. 

HUTT,  JOHN  (1746-1794),  captain  in 
the  navy,  uncle  of  Sir  William  Hutt  [q.  v.], 
was  promoted  to  be  lieutenant  in  1773.  In 
1780  he  was  serving  in  the  West  Indies  on 
board  the  St.  Lucia  brig,  and  in  October  was 
moved  into  the  Sandwich  by  Sir  George 
Rodney,  who,  on  12  Feb.  1781,  promoted 
him  to  the  command  of  the  Antigua  brig. 
In  May,  when  De  Grasse  attempted  to  recap- 
ture the  island  of  St.  Lucia,  the  Antigua  was 
lying  in  Dauphin  Creek,  where  she  was  seized 
and  burnt,  Hutt  and  the  ship's  company  being 
made  prisoners.  In  November  he  was  allowed 
to  return  to  England  on  parole,  and,  being 
shortly  afterwards  exchanged,  was  tried  for 
the  loss  of  his  ship,  and  acquitted.  In  July 
1782  he  was  appointed  to  command  the  Trim- 
mer sloop  for  service  in  the  Channel,  and  from 
her  was  posted,  in  the  following  year,  to  the 
Camilla  of  20  guns,  in  which  he  went  out  to 
Jamaica.  The  Camilla  returned  to  England 
in  November  1787,  and  in  July  1790  Hutt 
commissioned  the  Lizard  frigate.  In  Sep- 
tember he  was  sent  off'  Ferrol  to  get  intelli- 
gence of  the  Spanish  force,  and  brought  back 
the  news  that  the  Spanish  fleet  had  retired 
to  Cadiz.  In  1793  he  was  appointed  to  the 
Queen  as  flag-captain  to  Rear-admiral  Sir 
Alan  Gardner  [q.  v.],  whom  he  had  already 
known  as  commodore  on  the  Jamaica  station. 
He  was  serving  in  this  capacity  in  the  fleet 
under  Lord  Howe  on  28-9  May  1794,  when 
the  admirable  way  in  which  the  Queen  was 
handled  excited  general  attention.  She  was 
equally  distinguished  in  the  action  of  1  June, 
in  which  Hutt  lost  a  leg.  No  serious  danger 
was  at  first  apprehended,  but  after  the  return 
of  the  fleet  to  Spithead  the  wound  took  an  un- 
favourable turn,  and  Hutt  died  on  30  June. 
A  monument  to  his  memory,  in  conjunction 
with  that  of  Captain  John  Harvey  [q.  v.],  who 
was  also  mortally  wounded  in  the  action,  was 
erected,  at  the  public  expense,  in  Westminster 

[Official  Letters  and  other  documents  in  the 
Public  Eecord  Office.]  J.  K.  L. 

HUTT,  SIR  WILLIAM  (1801-1882), 
politician,  third  son  of  Richards  Hutt,  of 
Appley  Towers,  Ryde,  Isle  of  Wight,  was 
born  at  2  Chester  Place,  in  the  parish  of  St. 
Mary,  Lambeth,  Surrey,  on  6  Oct.  1801,  and 
was  privately  baptised  in  February  1802.  He 
was  educated  at  private  schools  at  Ryde  and 
Camberwell,  matriculated  from  St.  Mary 
Hall,  Oxford,  15  Feb.  1820,  where  he  re- 
mained until  August  1820,  and  then  studied 
with  a  private  tutor  at  Hatfield,  Essex,  until 
he  entered  at  Trinity  College,  Cambridge. 
He  graduated  B.A.  in  1827,  and  M.A.  in 
1831.  A  Cambridge  friend,  Lord  Arran,  in- 
troduced him  to  Mary,  daughter  of  J.  Milner, 
of  Staindrop,  Durham,  and  countess  dowager 
of  Strathmore,  whom  he  married  on  16  March 
1831.  She  was  an  heiress,  and  in  her  lifetime 
Hutt  resided  at  Streatlam  Castle,  Durham, 
and  at  Gibside.  He  was  M.P.  for  Hull  from 
13  Dec.  1832  to  23  June  1841,  and  for  Gates- 
head  from  29  June  1841  to  26  Jan.  1874. 
He  supported  free  trade,  took  an  active  part 
in  colonial  and  commercial  questions,  was  a 
commissioner  for  the  foundation  of  South 
Australia,  and  received  the  thanks  of  the 
London  shipowners  for  his  exertions  in  the 
extinction  of  the  Stade  and  Sound  dues.  As 
a  member  of  the  New  Zealand  Company,  he 
was  instrumental  in  annexing  those  islands 
to  Great  Britain.  He  was  made  paymaster- 
general,  vice-president  of  the  Board  of  Trade, 
and  sworn  in  a  privy  councillor  on  22  Feb. 
1860.  In  1865  he  successfully  negotiated  at 
Vienna  a  treaty  of  commerce  with  Austria, 
and  was  appointed  on  1  March  1865amember 
of  the  mixed  commission  to  examine  into  the 
Austrian  tariff.  He  was  nominated  a  K.C.B. 
on  27  Nov.  186o.  He  died  at  Appley  Towers, 
Ryde,  on  24  Nov.  1882,  leaving  his  landed 
property  to  his  brother,  Major-general  Sir 
George  "Hutt,  K.C.B.  (see  below).  His  first 
wife.  Lady  Strathmore,  died  on  5  May  1860, 
leaving  him  collieries  which  produced  about 
18,000/.  a  year.  He  married,  secondly,  on 
15  June  1861,  Fanny  Anne  Jane,  daughter  of 
the  Hon.  Sir  Francis  Stanhope,  and  widow  of 
Colonel  James  Hughes  ;  she  died  in  1886. 

HUTT,  SIR  GEORGE  (1809-1889),  brother 
of  the  above,  was  a  distinguished  officer  of 
the  old  Indian  artillery.  He  served  with 
credit  through  the  Scinde  and  Afghan  cam- 
paigns of  1839-44,  and  for  the  performance 
of  his  battery  at  Meeanee  was  made  a  C.B. 
He  commanded  the  artillery  in  the  Persian 
war  of  1857,  and  rendered  valuable  aid  to  Sir 
Bartle  Frere  in  Scinde  during  the  mutiny. 
When  he  retired  in  1858  the  government  of 
Bombay  thanked  him  for  his  services.  In 
1865  he  became  registrar  and  secretary  to 
the  commissioners  of  Chelsea  Hospital,  and 




held  that  appointment  until  1886,  in  which 
year  he  was  made  K.C.B.  He  died  at  Appley 
Towers,  27  Sept,  1889.  He  married,  in  1862, 
Adela,  daughter  of  General  Sir  John  Scott, 
K.C.B.,  by  whom  he  left  a  family. 

[Dod's  Peerage,  1882,  p.  411  ;  Morning  Post, 
27  Nov.  1882,  p.  4 ;  information  from  the  late  Sir 
George  Hutt,  K.C.B. ;  Broad  Arrow,  2  Nov. 
1889.]  G.  C.  B. 

HUTTEN,  LEONARD  (1557  P-1632), 
divine  and  antiquary,  born  about  1557,  was 
educated  on  the  foundation  at  Westminster 
School,  whence  he  was  elected  to  Christ 
Church.  Oxford,  in  1574.  He  graduated  B.A. 
on  12  Nov.  1578,  and  M.A.  on  3  March 
1581-2,  commenced  B.D.  on  27  April  1591. 
and  was  admitted  D.D.  on  14  April  1600 
(Reg.  of  Univ.  of  Oxf.,  Oxf.  Hist.  Soc.,  vol.  ii. 
pt.  iii.  p.  76).  In  January  1587  he  was  pre- 
sented by  his  college  to  the  vicarage  of  Long 
Preston,  Yorkshire,  which  he  held  until  De- 
cember 1588.  He  was  next  instituted  to  the 
rectory  of  Rampisham,  Dorsetshire,  on  10  Oct. 
1595,  and  ceded  it  in  1601  (HUTCHINS,  Dorset- 
shire, 2nd  edit.  ii.  259).  On  19  Dec.  1599  he 
was  made  a  prebendary  of  Christ  Church 
Cathedral  (L.E  NEVE,  Fasti,  ed.  Hardy,  ii. 
529),  and  on  6  June  1601  received  the  vicar- 
age of  Floore,  Northamptonshire,  another 
college  preferment,  which  he  retained  with 
his  prebend  until  his  death  (BAKEK,  North- 
amptonshire, i.  157).  He  was  also  subdean 
of  Christ  Church.  He  officiated  at  the  open- 
ing of  the  Bodleian  Library  in  1602,  and  on 
24  Sept.  of  that  year  became  vicar  of  Weedon 
Beck,  Northamptonshire,  a  preferment  which 
he  resigned  in  1604  (ib.  i.  454).  He  was  ap- 
pointed by  the  king  in  1604  one  of  the  trans- 
lators of  the  Bible.  Hutten  contributed  to 
the  collection  of  verses  made  by  Christ  Church 
when  James  I  visited  the  college  in  1605,  and 
to  other  of  the  university  collections.  During 
the  same  year  he  published  a  learned  work 
called  '  An  Answere  to  a  certaine  treatise  of 
the  Crosse  in  Baptisme  intituled  A  Short 
Treatise  of  the  Crosse  in  Baptisme/  4to,  Ox- 
ford, 1605,  Dedicated  to  Bancroft,  archbishop 
of  Canterbury,  whose  chaplain  he  was.  On 
1  Oct.  1609  he  was  installed  a  prebendary  in 
St.  Paul's  Cathedral  (LE  NEVE,  ii.  431).  He 
died  on  17  May  1632,  aged  75,  and  was  buried 
in  the  divinity  (or  Latin)  chapel  of  Christ 
Church  Cathedral  (epitaph  in  WOOD'S  Colleges 
and  Halls,  ed.  Gutch,  p.  503).  By  his  wife, 
Anne  Hamden,  he  had  a  daughter  Alice,  mar- 
ried to  Dr.  Richard  Corbet  [q.  v.],  afterwards 
successively  bishop  of  Oxford  and  Norwich. 
He  left  in  manuscript  an  English  dissertation 
on  the  '  Antiquities  of  Oxford,'  which  was 
printed  in  1720  by  T.  Hearne  in  his  edition  of 

the  *  Textus  Roffensis '  from  a  copy  belonging 
to  Dr.  Robert  Plot,  and  again  in  1887  by  the 
Rev.  C.  Plummer  in  *  Elizabethan  Oxford ' 
(Oxf.  Hist.  Soc.)  The  work  is  in  the  forn 
of  a  letter,  and,  despite  Wood's  disparaging 
criticism,  is  of  much  interest.  Another  oi 
Hutton's  manuscripts,  entitled  *  Historic 
Fundationum  Ecclesiae  Christi  Oxon.,'  an  in- 
accurate copy  of  which  Wood  saw  in  the 
hands  of  Dr.  John  Fell,  is  now  lost.  Accord- 
ing to  some,  Hutten  was  the  author  of  a  play 
entitled  l  Bellum  Grammaticale,'  which  was 
performed  at  Oxford  before  Queen  Elizabeth 
in  1592,  and  printed  at  London  in  1635  and 
1726,  but  Wood  on  chronological  grounds 
denies  this. 

[Wood's  Athense  Oxon.  (Bliss),  ii.  532-4; 
Plummer's  Preface  to  Elizabethan  Oxford  (Oxf. 
Hist.  Soc.),  pp.  xii-xv  ;  Welch's  Alumni  West- 
mon.  (1852),  pp.  51-2,  67-8  ;  Cal.  State  Papers, 
Dom.,  Addenda,  1566-79,  p.  487.]  G.  GK 


(1765  P-1847),  miscellaneous  writer,  was  born 
about  1765  at  Guben  in  Lusatia,  Germany. 
He  graduated  at  Leipzig  in  1791,  and  came 
to  England  as  tutor  to  a  son  of  Sir  George 
Staunton.  He  went  with  his  pupil  to  China 
in  Lord  Macartney's  embassy,  and  was  occa- 
sionally employed  to  write  official  letters  in  | 
Latin.  He  sent  accounts  of  his  experiences  \ 
to  friends  in  Germany,  who  promised  not  to 
publish  them.  A  copy  of  them  was,  how- 
ever, sold  to  a  Leipzig  bookseller,  and  his 
friends  in  Germany  thought  it  best  to  bring 
out  an  authentic  text,  which  appeared  at 
Berlin  in  1797,  under  the  title  of '  Nachricht 
von  der  brittischen  Gesandtschaftsreise  durch 
China  und  einen  Theil  der  Tartarei.'  The 
work,  which  anticipated  the  official  account, 
excited  considerable  attention.  Two  French  ; 
translations  of  it  were  published  in  1799  and 

Dr.  Burney,  *  who  was  much  interested  by 
some  curious  information  he  had  collected  on 
the  subject  of  Chinese  music,'  obtained  for 
Huttner  in  1807,  through  his  influence  with 
Canning,  the  appointment  of  translator  to  the 
foreign  office.  As  such  he  translated  from 
Spanish  into  German  the  appeal  to  the  nations 
of  Europe  on  Napoleon's  invasion  of  the  Penin- 
sula. He  kept  up  close  relations  with  Ger- 
many, and  for  a  long  period  acted  as  literary 
agent  to  the  Grand  Duke  of  Saxe-Weimar. 
Huttner  was  twice  married,  but  left  no  issue. 
His  death,  which  was  due  to  a  street  acci- 
dent, took  place  on  24  May  1847,  at  Fludyer 
Street,  Westminster.  His  other  works  were 
<De  Mythis  Platonis,'  Leipzig,  1788;  'Hindu 
Gesetzbuch  oder  Menu's  Verordnungen '  (an 
edited  translation  of  Sir  William  Jones's  Eng- 




[ish  translation  from  the  Sanskrit),  Weimar, 
L797  ;  '  Englische  Miscellen  herausgegeben 
(Bd.  5-25)  von  J.  C.  Huttner/  Tiibingen, 
:.800,  &c. ;  an  edition,  with  German  notes, 
•»f  James  Townley's  farce  of  '  High  Life 
3elow  Stairs/  Tubingen,  1802,  and  some 
minor  contributions  to  German  encyclo- 
paedias and  periodicals. 

i  [Gent.  Mag.  1847,  pt.  ii.  pp.  99,  100;  Brit, 
Has.  Cat.]  F.  W-T. 

HUTTON,  ADAM  (d.  1389),  chancellor 
of  England.  [See  HOFGHTON.] 

HUTTON,  CATHERINE  (1756-1846), 
miscellaneous  writer,  only  daughter  and  sur- 
viving child  of  William  Hutton  (1723-1815) 
[q.  v.],  by  his  wife  Sarah  Cock  of  Aston-on- 
Trent,  Derbyshire,  was  born  on  11  Feb.  1756. 
She  was  a  woman  of  considerable  shrewdness, 
and  possessed  some  literary  talent,  as  well  as 
a  wonderful  memory  and  great  industry.  Her 
health  was  always  delicate.  She  never  mar- 
ried, and  was  the  constant  companion  of  her 
father,  who  describes  her,  in  his  '  History  of- 
the  Hutton  Family/  as  being  incapable  of  an 
ill-natured  speech;  ' whatever  lies  within  the 
bounds  of  female  reach  she  ventures  to  under- 
take, and  whatever  she  undertakes  succeeds' 
(The  Life  of  William  Hutton,  &c.,  p.  45). 
After  her  father's  death  in  September  1815 
she  continued  to  live  at  Bennett's  Hill,  near 
Birmingham,  where  she  died  from  an  attack 
of  paralysis  on  13  March  1846,  in  the  ninety- 
first  year  of  her  age.  Three  engraved  portraits 
of  her  at  the  respective  ages  of  forty-three, 
sixty-eight,  and  eighty-three  are  extant. 

In  the  record  of  the  occupations  of  her  long 
life,  written  in  her  eighty-ninth  year  for  her 
friend  Markham  John  Thorpe,  she  states,  after 
giving  some  curious  details  of  the '  efforts '  of 
her  needle,  that  she  had  published  twelve  vo- 
lumes, and  had  contributed  sixty  papers  to 
different  periodicals  (  Gent.  Mag.  1846,  pt.  i. 
p.  477).  She  supplied  Sir  Walter  Scott  with 
a  short  memoir  of  Robert  Bage  [q.  v.]  for  the 
ninth  volume  of  Ballantyne's  '  Novelists'  Li- 
brary '  (pp.  xvii-xxv).  From  girlhood  until 
near  her  death  she  collected  autograph  letters, 
and  corresponded  with  many  famous  contem- 
poraries. She  left  between  two  and  three 
thousand  rare  and  valuable  letters,  besides 
several  folio  volumes  of  fashion-plates  with 
curious  annotations  by  herself,  and  '  masses 
of  matter,  written  for  publication/  in  manu- 

She  published  the  following:  1.  'The 
Miser  Married;  a  Novel/  London,  1813, 
12mo,  3  vols.  2.  <  The  Life  of  William 
Hutton  :  including  a  particular  Account  of 
the  Riots  at  Birmingham  in  1791.  To  which 
is  subjoined  the  History  of  his  Family,  written 

by  himself,  and  published  by  his  daughter, 
Catherine  Hutton/  London,  1816,  8vo;  a 
second  edition,  with  some  additions,  was  pub- 
lished in  1817  ;  another  edition,  with  ex- 
tracts from  her  father's  other  works  (forming 
one  of  Knight's  '  English  Classics '),  London, 
1841,  8vo;  a  condensed  edition,  with  con- 
siderable additions  on  the  Hutton  family  by 
Llewellynn  Jewitt,  was  published  in  1872,  and 
forms  part  of  the  Chandos  Library.  3.  'The 
Welsh  Mountaineer;  a  Novel/  &c.,  London, 
1817,  12mo,  3  vols.  4.  '  Oakwood  Hall ;  a 
Novel/  &c.,  London,  1819,  12mo,  3  vols. 

5.  '  The  History  of  Birmingham  .  .  .  con- 
tinued  to  the   present   time   by   Catherine 
Hutton/  the  4th  edition,  London,  1819,  8vo. 

6.  'The  Tour  of  Africa ;  containing  a  concise 
Account  of  all  the  Countries  in  that  quarter 
of  the  Globe  hitherto  visited  by  Europeans. 
.  .  .  Selected  from  the  best  Authors  and  ar- 
ranged by  Catherine  Hutton/  London,  1819- 
1821, 8vo,  3  vols.   According  to  the  '  Gentle- 
man's Magazine/  1846,  pt.  i.  p.  436,  Miss 
Hutton  produced  about  1826  *  A  History  of 
the  Queens  of  England,  Consort  and  Regnant, 
from  the  Norman  Conquest  downward/  but 
no  copy  seems  now  known.    Her '  Conclusion ' 
to  the  <  Life  of  William  Hutton '  and  three 
of  her  shorter  articles  will  be  found  in  the 
second  edition  of  L.  Jewitt's '  William  Hutton 
and  the  Hutton  Family/  &c.  (pp.  311-22, 82- 
95).     A  selection  from  her  correspondence 
has  been  prepared  by  her  cousin,  Mrs.  Cathe- 
rine Hutton  Beale,  under  the  title  of  '  Re- 
miniscences of  a  Gentlewoman  of  the  Last 
Century '(1891). 

[The  Life  of  William  Hutton  and  the  History 
of  the  Hutton  Family,  ed.  Llewellynn  Jewitt,  2nd 
edit. ;  Nichols's  Lit.  Anecd.  vol.  ix.  ;  Colvile's 
Worthies  of  Warwickshire,  pp.  451-3;  Gent.  Mag. 
1846,  pt.  i.  pp.  436,  476-7 ;  Brit.  Mus.  Cat.] 

G-.  F.  B.  B. 

HUTTON,  CHARLES  (1737-1823),  ma- 
thematician, born  on  14  Aug.  1737  in  Percy 
Street,  Newcastle-on-Tyne,  was  youngest  son 
of  a  colliery  labourer,  who  died  when  Charles 
was  five  years  old.  He  worked  for  a  short 
time  as  a  l  hewer '  in  a  pit  at  Long  Ben- 
ton,  where  his  stepfather  was  foreman  ;  but 
having  acquired  a  taste  for  books,  it  was  de- 
cided that  teaching  was  his  proper  occupa- 
tion, and  at  the  age  of  eighteen  he  replaced 
his  late  schoolmaster,  the  Rev.  Mr.  Ivison, 
at  the  village  of  Jesmond.  He  soon  had  to 
rent  a  larger  room  on  account  of  the  number 
of  pupils,  and,  after  qualifying  himself  by 
diligent  study  and  attending  evening  classes 
in  Newcastle,  he  in  1760  opened  a  mathe- 
matical school  there,  professing  all  branches 
up  to  conic  sections  and  the  'doctrine  of 
fluxions/  and  also  taught  mathematics  at  the 




'  Head  School '  of  the  town.  A  gentleman 
named  Shafto  employed  Hutton  in  the  even- 
ings as  tutor  to  his  family,  and  lent  him  some 
advanced  mathematical  works.  To  Shafto 
Hutton  dedicated  his  first  book, '  The  School- 
master's Guide/  1764.  At  the  same  date 
Hutton  made  his  first  contribution  to  the 
•'  Ladies'  Diary,'  of  which  he  was  editor  from 
1773  to  1818.  Button's  reputation  as  a 
mathematical  teacher  grew  rapidly ;  among 
his  pupils  were  John  Scott,  afterwards  Lord- 
chancellor  Eldon,  and  Elizabeth  Surkes,  sub- 
sequently the  lord  chancellor's  first  wife. 
Hutton  also  worked  as  a  surveyor,  and  was 
in  1770  employed  by  the  mayor  and  corpora- 
tion of  Newcastle  to  draw  up  an  accurate 
map  of  the  city  and  its  suburbs. 

In  1773  the  professorship  of  mathematics 
at  the  Royal  Academy,  Woolwich,  became 
vacant,  and  the  government  decided  that  the 
new  appointment  should  be  made  by  open 
competition.  Hutton  offered  himself  as  a 
candidate,  and  was  elected  after  an  examina- 
tion of  several  days'  duration.  On  16  June 
1774,  Hutton  was  admitted  fellow  of  the 
Royal  Society,  and  afterwards  contributed 
many  important  papers  to  the  '  Philosophical 
Transactions.'  His  papers  in  1776-8,  on  the 
4  Force  of  Exploded  Gunpowder  and  the 
Velocities  of  Balls, '  gained  the  Copley  medal. 
After  Maskelyne  had  completed  his  series  of 
observations  at  Mount  Schiehallion,  Perth- 
shire, to  measure  the  attraction  of  the  mass 
by  the  deflection  of  the  plumb-line,  Hutton 
was  chosen  to  deduce  the  corresponding  esti- 
mate of  the  mean  density  of  the  globe  (viz. 
4-481).  He  drew  up  his  report  to  the  Royal 
Society  in  1778  (Phil.  Trans,  vol.  xlviii.  pt. 
xi.  p.  33),  and  recommended  a  repetition  of 
Maskelyne's  experiment,  advice  which  was 
adopted.  Laplace  (Connaissance  des  Temps, 
1823)  admitted  the  value  of  Hutton's  work 
in  computing  the  density  of  the  earth.  In 
1779  Hutton  was  appointed  foreign  secretary 
of  the  society,  and  held  the  office  till  after 
Sir  Joseph,  Banks  became  president,  when 
Hutton  resigned.  The  degree  of  LL.D.  was 
conferred  upon  him  in  the  same  year  by  the 
university  of  Edinburgh.  Hutton  planned 
for  himself  a  house  on  Shooter's  Hill,  and 
soon  afterwards  the  Academy  was  removed 
from  the  arsenal  to  that  part  of  Woolwich 
Common.  Hutton  designed  and  built  a  num- 
ber of  houses  on  the  common,  and  thus  took 
•'  the  first  important  step '  towards  making 
the  suburb  a  favourite  place  of  residence. 
Hutton  resigned  his  professorship  in  1807, 
after  thirty-four  years'  service,  and  retired 
to  Bedford  Row,  London.  A  pension  was 
granted  him,  and  the  board  of  ordnance  com- 
plimented him  on  the  success  of  his  work  as 

a  professor.  Just  before  his  death  he  drew 
up  a  paper,  in  reply  to  a  series  of  scientific, 
questions  addressed  to  him  by  the  London 
Bridge  committee,  with  regard  to  the  proper 
curve  which  should  be  adopted  for  the  arches 
of  the  new  design. 

Hutton  died  on  27  Jan.  1823,  and  was 
buried  in  the  family  vault  at  Charlton,  Kent. 
Hutton  was  twice  married.    Two  daughters 
and  a  son  (see  below)  survived  him.     The 
second  daughter  married   Henry  Vignoles, 
captain  of  the  43rd  regiment,  and  with  her 
husband  and  child  died  of  yellow  fever  inj 
June  1794  at  Guadeloupe,  where  all  were^ 
prisoners  of  war  (  Gent.  Mag.  1794,  ii.  957).  \ 
In  1822  several  of  his  friends,  including  Lord- 

j  chancellor  Eldon,  his  former  pupil,  obtained 
his  permission  to  have  a  marble  bust  of  him 
executed  by  Sebastian  Gahagan.  Since  his 
death  the  bust  has  stood  in  the  library  of  the 

j  Philosophical*  Society  of  Newcastle,  to  whom 
he  bequeathed  it.  Some  medals  by  Wyon 
were  struck,  with  a  portrait  copied  from  the 

Personally  Hutton  was  distinguished  by 
the  simplicity  of  his  habits  and  equability  of 
temper.  His  skill  and  patience  as  an  in- 
structor were  generally  acknowledged.  The 
assistance  he  gave  to  Dr.  Olinthus  Gregory 
[q.  v.]  illustrates  his  generous  temperament. 
All  the  books  written  by  Hutton  were  of 
a  professional  and  practical  character,  and 
are  invariably  clear  and  accurate.  They  are : 

I  1.  '  The  Schoolmaster's  Guide,  or  a  Complete 
System  of  Practical  Arithmetic,'  Newcastle, 
1764;  2nd  edit.,  1766.  2.  '  Mensuration,' 
Newcastle,  1767,  by  subscription,  in  fifty 
numbers,  dedicated  to  the  Duke  of  Newcastle, 
with  diagrams  by  Thomas  Bewick  [q.  v.], 
whose  first  essay  it  was  at  book  illustration ; 

1  an  abridgment  called  <  The  Compendious 
Measurer/  appeared  in  1787.  3.  '  Principles 
of  Bridges,  containing  the  Mathematical  De- 
monstration of  the  laws  of  Arches/  New- 
castle, 1772,  on  the  occasion  of  Newcastle 
Bridge  being  injured  by  a  flood.  4.  '  The 

!  Diarian  Miscellany  .  .  .  extracted  from  the 

I  "Ladies'  Diary,"  1704-1773,'  London,  1775. 

!  5.  '  Tables  of  the  Products  and  Powers  of 
Numbers/  London,  1781.  6.  '  Mathematical 
Tables,  containing  common  Hyperbolic  and 
Logistic  Logarithms/  London,  1785,  with  an 
introduction,  still  valued  as  an  interesting  and 
learned  history  of  logarithmic  work.  Hutton 

'  deprecates  the  theory  of  Napier's  originality 
as  the  inventor  of  logarithms.  His  essay 
suggested  the  plan  of  the  great  work  on  loga- 
rithms which  was  afterwards  compiled  by 
Hutton's  friend,  Baron  Maseres.  7.  '  Ele- 
ments of  Conic  Sections/  1787.  8.  '  Mathe- 
matical and  Philosophical  Dictionary/  1795, 




probably  the  most  valuable  of  his  works. 
9.  '  A  Course  of  Mathematics  for  the  use  of 
Cadets  in  the  Royal  Military  Academy,' 
1798-1801,  which  has  run  through  many  edi- 
tions. 10.  '  Recreations  in  Mathematics  and 
Natural  Philosophy,'  from  the  French  of 
Montucla,  1803,  4  vols.  8vo.  Hutton  also 
contributed  to  the  'Philosophical  Transac- 
tions' for  1776  '  A  New  Method  of  Finding 
Simple  and  quickly  converging  Series,'  and 
for  1780  '  On  Cubic  Equations  and  Infinite 

Hutton  also,  assisted  by  Drs.  Shaw  and 
Pearson,  drew  up  the  well-known  abridg- 
ment of  the  '  Philosophical  Transactions,'  in 
18  vols.  4to,  completed  in  1809,  and  in  1812 
appeared  '  Tracts  on  Mathematical  and  Phi- 
losophical Subjects,'  embodying  the  results  of 
his  practical  experiments  on  gunpowder,  gun- 
nery, and  other  matters. 

GEOKGE  HENRY  HUTTON  (d.  1827),  Hut- 
ton's  only  son,  rose  from  the  rank  of  second 
lieutenant  in  the  royal  artillery  in  1777  to 
that  of  lieutenant-general  in  1821.  He  dis- 
tinguished himself  in  active  service  under 
Sir  Charles  Grey  in  the  West  Indies  in  1794, 
and  held  commands  in  Ireland  from  1803 
till  1811.  He  was  deeply  interested  in 
Scottish  archaeology,  and,  with  a  view  to 
compiling  a  '  Monasticon  Scotise,'  made 
valuable  collections  of  antiquarian  drawings 
(since  dispersed)  and  of  early  ecclesiastical 
documents  (now  in  the  Advocates'  Library, 
Edinburgh).  He  was  a  F.S.A.,  and  was 
created  LL.D.  of  Aberdeen  University,  where 
he  founded  in  1801  thirteen  bursaries  and  a 
prize.  He  died  at  Moate,  near  Athlone,  on 
28  June  1827.  He  married  twice  (Gent. 
Mag.  1827,  pt.  ii.  p.  561).  His  son  Henry 
by  his  second  marriage  was  rector  of  St. 
Paul's,  Covent  Garden,  from  1848  till  his 
death  on  23  June  1863  at  the  age  of  fifty- 
four  (ib.  1863,  pt.  ii.  pp.  243-360). 

[Memoir  of  Charles  Hutton,  LL.D.,  by  Dr. 
Olinthus  Gregory,  Imp.  Mag.  v.  203,  &c. ;  Sykes's 
Local  Records ;  Mackenzie's  Account  of  New- 
castle-upon-Tyne,  p.  557,  &c.;  Richardson's 
Table  Book,  iii.  263 ;  Memoir  of  Charles  Hutton 
by  John  Bruce,  Newcastle,  1823.]  R.  E.  A. 

HUTTON,  HENRY  (fl.  1619),  satirical 
poet,  born  in  the  county  of  Durham,  was  a 
member  of  the  same  family  as  Matthew 
Hutton  (1529-1606)  [q.  v.],  archbishop  of 
York,  and  may  have  belonged  to  the  branch 
settled  at  Houghton  in  Durham.  Rimbault's 
conjecture  that  he  was  the  Henry  Hutton 
of  Witton  Gilbert,  Durham,  fifth  son  of  Ed- 
ward Hutton,  B.C.L.,  bailiff  of  Durham, 
seems  unacceptable  from  the  fact  that  Henry 
Hutton  of  Witton  Gilbert  died  in  1671. 


Wood  relates  that  the  poet  was  some  time  at 
Oxford,  but,  *  minding  more  the  smooth  parts 
of  poetry  and  romance  than  logic,  departed, 
as  it  seems,  without  a  degree ; '  his  name  does 
not  appear  in  the  matriculation  registers. 
He  wrote  '  Follie's  Anatomie,  or  Satyres  and 
Satyricall  Epigrams.  With  a  Compendious 
History  of  Ixion's  Wheele,'  London,  1619, 
8vo.  A  prefatory  poem  ;  To  the  reader  upon 
the  author,  his  kinsman,  by  R.  H.,'  may  have 
been  by  Ralphe  Hutton,  surmised  to  have  been 
a  brother ;  and  there  is  a  poetical  dedication 
to  Sir  Timothy  Hutton  of  Marske,  Yorkshire, 
who  was  son  of  the  Archbishop  of  York. 
The  satires  ridicule,  among  others,  Tom 
Coryate.  They  were  edited  for  the  Percy 
Society  in  1842,  with  an  introduction  by 
E.  F.  Rimbault.  One  H.  Hutton  prefixed 
commendatory  verses  to  the  1647  edition  of 
Fuller's  '  Holy  Warre.' 

[Hunter's  Chorus  Vatum,  ii.  416  (Brit.  Mus. 
Addit.  MS.  24488) ;  Rimbault's  Introduction  to 
Percy  Soc.  ed.  of  Button's  Poems;  Wood's 
Athense  Oxon.  ed.  Bliss,  ii.  277  ;  Hutton  Corresp. 
ed.  Raine ;  Hazlitt's  Handbook  to  the  Popular, 
Poetical,  and  Dramatic  Lit.  of  Great  Britain, 
p.  289 ;  Surtees's  Durham.]  W.  A.  J.  A. 

HUTTON,  JAMES  (1715-1795),  Mora- 
vian, the  son  of  the  Rev.  John  Hutton  by 
Elizabeth  Ayscough,  was  born  in  London  on 
3  Sept.  1715.  The  father,  a  nonjuring  clergy- 
man who  had  resigned  his  living,  resided 
in  College  Street,  Westminster,  where  he 
took  Westminster  boys  to  board.  He  was  a 
friend  of  Dr.  Burney.  James  Hutton  was  edu- 
cated at  Westminster,  and  was  apprenticed 
to  Mr.  Innys,  a  bookseller  of  St.  Paul's 
Churchyard.  About  1736  he  opened  a  book- 
shop of  his  own  at  the  Bible  and  Sun,  west 
of  Temple  Bar.  But  he  never  paid  much 
attention  to  business.  Before  the  end  of  his 
apprenticeship  he  had  met  the  Wesleys  at 
Oxford,  and  when  they  left  for  Georgia  in 
1735  he  accompanied  'them  to  Gravesend; 
in  1738  and  1739  he  published  Whitefield's 
1  Journal.'  In  London  Hutton  soon  started  a 
small  society  for  prayer,  and  corresponded 
with  many  methodists ;  his  mother  remained 
a  strong  churchwoman,  and  wrote  to  Samuel 
Wesley,  who  was  not  of  his  brother's  way  of 
thinking,  that  John  Wesley  was  her  son's 
pope.  But  Hutton  had  in  1737  been  intro- 
duced by  John  Wesley  to  Peter  Bohler  and 
two  other  Moravian  brethren  then  on  their 
way  to  Georgia,  and  thenceforth  he  inclined 
to  Moravianism.  In  1739  he  set  out  for  Ger- 
many, where  he  visited  the  Moravian  congre- 
gations, and  began  a  correspondence  with  Zin- 
zendorf.  When  John  Wesley  was  separating 
himself  from  the  Moravians,  he  made  a  vain 
attempt  in  1739  to  induce  Hutton  to  follow 

A  A 




his  example,  and  in  1740,  after  Wesley  had 
induced  several  members  of  Hutton's  society, 
which  met  then  at  the  Fetter  Lane  Chapel, 
to  abandon  it  for  his  Foundry  Society,  the 
disruption  between  Hutton  and  himself  was 
complete.  They  were  subsequently  recon- 
ciled, and  Wesley  noted  in  his  *  Journal'  after 
Hutton  had  paid  him  a  visit  that  he  believed 
Hutton  would  be  saved,  but  as  by  fire. 

Hutton  was  till  his  death  an  active  Mora- 
vian leader.  He  often  visited  Germany,  and 
in  1741  became,  by  Spangenberg's  advice, 
one  of  the  founders  of  the  Society  for  the 
Furtherance  of  the  Gospel,  and  acted  as  '  re- 
ferendary '  for  many  years.  '  Pray/  Lord  Shel- 
burne  asked  him,  in  the  course  of  an  interview 
in  which  the  projected  Moravian  mission  to 
Labrador  was  discussed,  '  on  what  footing 
are  you  with  the  methodists  ?  '  l  They  kick 
us  whenever  they  can,'  answered  Hutton. 
George  III,  the  queen,  and  Dr.  Franklin  were 
among  Hutton's  acquaintances.  On  3  May 
1795  Hutton  died  at  Oxted  Cottage,  near 
Godstone,  Surrey,  where  he  had  lived  for 
nearly  two  years  with  the  Misses  Biscoe  and 
Shelley.  He  was  buried  in  the  burying- 
ground  adjoining  the  chapel  at  Chelsea.  Hut- 
ton  married  at  Marrenborn,  3  July  1740, 
Louise  Brandt,  a  Swiss  Moravian,  whose 
grandfather  had  been  advocate  of  Neuchatel, 
Zinzendorf  performing  the  ceremony.  He  left 
no  family.  His  wife  seems  to  have  lapsed 
occasionally,  as  on  4  Nov.  1771 '  a  letter  from 
Brother  Hutton,  apologising  for  the  uncon- 
gregation-like  fashion  of  his  wife's  gown,  was 
read.'  Hutton  may  be  called  the  founder  of 
the  Moravian  church  in  England,  although 
Cominius  and  other  teachers  had  visited  this 
country  before,  A  portrait  of  Hutton,  with 
his  ear-trumpet,  by  Cosway,  was  engraved  in  j 
mezzotint  by  J.  R.  Smith  in  1786  ;  another  | 
engraving  by  W.  Wickes  is  prefixed  to  Ben- 
ham's  'Memoir.'  Hutton  wrote  '  An  Essay 
towards  giving  some  just  ideas  of  the  Per- 
sonal Character  of  Count  Zinzendorf  .  .  .,' 
London,  1755,  8vo. 

[Memoir  by  Daniel  Benham  ;  Southey's  Wes- 
ley, i.  chap.  x. ;  Nichols's  Lit.  Anecd.  viii.  447  ; 
Madame  d'Arblay's  Mem.  of  Dr.  Burney,  i.  247  ;  i 
Madame  d'Arblay's  Diary,  v.  267;  "Wesley's  Jour- 
nal; Tbicknesse's Memoirs,  i.  26 ;  Gent. Mag.  1795,  | 
i.  441,  444,  ii.  652;  Bromley's  Cat.  of  Engraved  | 
Portraits.]  W.  A.  J.  A. 

HUTTON,  JAMES  (1726-1797),  geo- 
logist, son  of  William  Hutton,  merchant  and 
city  treasurer  of  Edinburgh,  was  born  in 
Edinburgh  on  3  June  1726.  The  father  died 
while  Hutton  was  very  young,  and  his  mother 
sent  him  to  the  high  school  and  the  uni- 
versity of  Edinburgh,  where  he  entered  in 
November  1740.  His  attention  was  soon 

directed  to  chemistry,  which  he  first  studied^ 
j  in  Harris's 'Lexicon  Technicum.'  In  1743,  byt 
his  friends'  wishes,  he  was  apprenticed  to  at< 
writer  to  the  signet,  but  he  made  chemicaj. 
experiments  while  he  should  have  been  copy-}- 
ing  law-papers,  and  his  master  released  him^. 
From  1744  to  1747  he  studied  medicine  at;  , 
Edinburgh   University,    spent  the  two  fol- 
lowing years  in  Paris,  and  returning  by  Ley- 
den,  graduated  there  September  1749. 
Soon  after  returning  to  Edinburgh  in  1750  he  > 
gave  up  the  idea  of  medical  practice,  and  re-  i 
solved  to  apply  himself  to  agriculture.    In  \ 
1752  he  went  to  live  with  a  Norfolk  farmer, 
John  Dybold,  to  learn  practical  farming,  and 
made  journeys  into  different  parts  of  England 
to  study  agriculture.    In  these  journeys  he 
began  to  study  mineralogy  and  geology.     In 
1754  he  travelled  through  Holland,  Flanders, 
and  Picardy.     Towards  the  end  of  1754  he 
returned  to    Scotland,  and   settled  on   his 
paternal  farm  in  Berwickshire,  where  he  in- 
troduced improved  methods  of  tillage.     He 
also  entered  into  partnership  with   an  old 
fellow-student,  James  Davie,  in  producing 
sal  ammoniac  from  coal-soot.     In  1768  he 
removed  to  Edinburgh,  where  his  scientific 
|  studies  advanced  in  the  society  of  Joseph 
Black,  Adam  Ferguson,   and   others.     His 
chemical  experiments  were  continued,  and 
i  one    result   was  the  discovery  of   soda   in 
!  the  mineral  zeolite,  apparently  before  1772. 
In  1772  he  made  a  tour  in  England  and 
Wales,  visiting  the  Cheshire  salt  mines,  and 
;  noticing  the  concentric  circles  on  their  roof 
as  a  proof  that  these  mines  were  not  formed 
from  mere  aqueous  deposition.     In  1777  he 
wrote  a  pamphlet  on  '  Coal  and  Culm,' which 
had  considerable  influence  in  obtaining  an  ex- 
emption from  duty  for  Scottish  small  coal 
exported  into  England.     He  took  an  active 
part  in  discussions  on  the  project  for  a  canal 
between  the  Firths  of  Forth  and-Clyde.    He 
had  been  a  member  of  the  Edinburgh  Philo- 
sophical Society  from  the  time  of  his  settling 
in  Edinburgh,  and  when  it  was  incorporated 
with  the  Royal  Society  of  Edinburgh,  which 
received  a  royal  charter  in  1783,  he  contri- 
buted to  its  '  Transactions '  early  in  1785  a 
sketch  of  a  '  Theory  of  the  Earth,  or  an  In- 
vestigation of  the  Laws  observable  in  the 
Composition,   Dissolution,  and  Restoration 
of  Land  upon  the  Globe,'  on  which  he  after- 
wards based  his  famous  work,  '  The  Theory 
of  the  Earth,  with  Proofs  and  Illustrations,' 
published  at  Edinburgh  in  two  volumes  in 
1795.  Hutton  had  outlined  his  'Theory 'in  an 
unpublished  sketch  on  '  The  Natural  History 
of  the  Earth,'  written  at  a  much  earlier  date 
(PLAYFAIR).     The  'Theory' met  with  little 
notice  at  first,  while  a  'Theory  of  Rain,'  based 




on  less  novel  ideas,  also  contained  in  the 
first  volume  of  the  Edinburgh  'Transactions,' 
was  warmly  attacked,  especially  by  J.  A. 

several  parts  of  Scotland,  to  test  his  views 
by  crucial  instances,  one  being  the  alterna- 
tion of  strata  in  close  contact  with  granite  in 
Glen  Tilt,  which  he  visited  on  the  Duke  of 
Athole's  invitation  in  1785  witb  his  friend, 
John  Clerk  [q.  v.]  of  Eldin.  His  exultation 
at  finding  his  theory  confirmed  led  his  guides 
to  think  he  must  have  discovered  a  vein  of 
gold  or  silver.  His  observations  on  Glen  Tilt 
were  published  in  the  third  volume  of  the 
Edinburgh  *  Transactions.'  In  1786  Gallo- 
way, in  1787  the  Isle  of  Arran,  in  1788  the 
Lammermuir  Hills  at  St.  Abb's  Head,  and 
the  Isle  of  Man  were  visited,  and  all  afforded 
proofs  of  the  correctness  of  his  views  Hut- 
ton  had  also  been  busily  pursuing  other  phy- 
sical studies,  and  in  1792  published  his '  Dis- 
sertations,' containing  his  papers  on  rain  and 
climate,  on  phlogiston,  and  the  laws  of  matter 
and  motion.  This  was  followed  in  1794  by 
his  ponderous  '  Investigation  of  the  Principles 
of  Knowledge,'  in  3  vols.  4to.  His  later  years 
were  occupied  with  the  preparation  of  an 
elaborate  work  on  '  The  Elements  of  Agri- 
culture,' which  was  never  published.  He  died 
on  26  March  1797,  in  his  seventy-first  year. 
He  was  never  married,  but  lived  with  three  ; 
unmarried  sisters,  of  whom  only  one,  Isabella, 
survived  him.  She  gave  his  collection  of 
fossils  to  Dr.  Black,  who  presented  them  to 
the  Royal  Society  of  Edinburgh.  They  can- 
not now  be  traced.  Through  his  commercial 
connection  with  James  Davie,  Hutton  died 
comparatively  wealthy. 

Hutton  was  slender,  but  active,  thin-faced, 
with  a  high  forehead,  aquiline  nose,  keen  and 
penetrating  eyes,  and  a  general  expression  of 
benevolence.  His  dress  was  very  plain.  His 
portrait  was  painted  by  Raeburn  for  John 
Davidson  of  Stewartfield.  Upright,  candid, 
humane,  and  a  true  friend,  he  was  very  cheer- 
ful in  company,  whether  social  or  scientific, 
and  was,  like  Adam  Smith  and  Joseph  Black, 
a  leading  member  of  the '  Oyster  Club.'  Play- 
fair  draws  an  interesting  contrast  (Biography 
of  'Hutton,  pp.  58, 59)  between  Hutton  and  his 
friend  Black,  to  whom,  as  well  as  to  John 
Clerk  of  Eldin,  he  owed  many  valuable  sug- 

Hutton  ranks  as  the  first  great  British 
geologist,  and  the  independent  originator  of 
the  modern  explanation  of  the  phenomena 
of  the  earth's  crust  by  means  of  changes 
still  in  progress.  '  No  powers,'  he  says,  '  are 
to  be  employed  that  are  not  natural  to  the 

globe,  no  action  to  be  admitted  of  except 
those  of  which  we  know  the  principle.' 
He  first  drew  a  marked  line  between  geo- 
logy and  cosmogony.  He  early  observed 
|  that  a  vast  proportion  of  the  present  rocks 
are  composed  of  materials  afforded  by  the 
destruction  of  pre-existing  materials.  He 
realised  that  all  the  present  rocks  are  decay- 
ing, and  their  materials  being  transported 
into  the  ocean ;  that  new  continents  and  tracts 
of  land  have  been  formed  by  elevation,  often 
altered  and  consolidated  by  volcanic  heat,  and 
afterwards  fractured  and  contorted  ;  and  that 
many  masses  of  crystalline  rocks  are  due  to  the 
injection  of  rocks  among  fractured  strata  in  a 
molten  state.  His  views  on  the  excavation 
of  valleys  by  denudation,  after  being  largely 
ignored  by  Lyell,  have  been  accepted  and 
enforced  by  Ramsay,  A.  Geikie,  and  others. 
He  may  be  considered  as  having  originated 
the  uniformitarian  theory  of  geology  (since 
modified  by  that  of  evolution).  '  In  the  eco- 
nomy of  the  world,'  he  wrote,  '  I  can  find  no 
traces  of  a  beginning,  no  prospect  of  an  end.' 
The  slowness  of  his  ; Theory  of  the  Earth' 
to  attract  attention  was  due  to  its  excessive 
condensation,  its  assumption  of  too  great 
knowledge  in  the  reader,  its  unexpected  and 
abrupt  transitions,  and  its  occasional  ob- 
scurity, which  was  by  no  means  observable  in 
Button's  conversation.  It  was  not  till  John 
Playfair  published  his  classical '  Illustrations 
of  the  Huttonian  Theory '  (Edinburgh,  1802), 
that  it  received  adequate  attention. 

Button's  '  Theory  of  Rain'  was  a  valuable 
contribution  to  science.  He  asserted  that  since 
the  amount  of  moisture  which  the  air  can 
contain  increases  with  the  temperature,  on 
the  mixture  of  two  masses  of  air  of  different 
temperatures  part  of  the  moisture  must  be 
condensed.  He  inferred  that  the  rainfall  in 
a  locality  is  due  to  the  humidity  of  the  air 
and  the  intermingling  of  currents  of  air  of 
different  temperatures.  Much  of  Button's 
physical  work  is  obsolete,  owing  to  his  adop- 
tion of  the  phlogiston  theory  of  heat  and  to 
his  want  of  mathematical  knowledge.  His 
*  Investigation  of  the  Principles  of  Know- 
ledge and  of  the  Progress  of  Reason  from 
Sense  to  Science,'  occupying  more  than  2,200 
quarto  pages,  is  largely  metaphysical,  and 
has  had  little  influence.  He  inclined  to 
the  Berkeleian  view  of  the  external  world, 
arguing  that  there  was  no  resemblance  be- 
tween our  conception  of  the  outer  world  and 
the  reality,  but  maintaining  that  as  our 
ideas  of  the  external  world  are  constant  and 
consistent,  our  moral  conduct  is  not  affected 
by  the  difference.  Hutton  held  that  reli- 
gion was  evolved  from  barbarous  cults,  that 
monotheism  was  a  revealed  truth,  that  Chris- 

A  A2 




tianity  in  reforming  the  religion  of  the  Jews 
abolished  their  '  abominable  and  absurd  rites,' 
and  that  the  purified  religion  which  brought 
men  to  look  on  God  as  '  Our  Father'  had 
been  corrupted  by  the  foundation  of  a  hier- 
archy. He  rejected  all  '  mystery'  in  religion, 
and  was  unjustly  accused  of  infidelity. 

Besides  his  papers  in  the  '  Transactions 
of  the  Royal  Society  of  Edinburgh/  and  the 
works  already  mentioned,  Hutton  wrote  : 
t  A  Dissertation  upon  the  Philosophy  of  Heat, 
Light,  and  Fire,'  8vo,  Edinburgh,  1794.  He 
was  also  joint  editor  with  Joseph  Black  of 
Adam  Smith's  '  Essays  on  Philosophical  Sub- 
jects,' 1795. 

[Playfair's  Biographical  Account  in  vol.  v.  of 
Transactions  of  Royal  Society  of  Edinburgh; 
Kay's  Edinburgh  Portraits  ;  Lyell's  Principles 
of  Geology,  12th  edit.  i.  4,  72,  81  ;  Lyell's  Ele- 
ments of  Geology,  6th  edit.  pp.  60,  88  ;  A.  Gei- 
kie's  Introductory  Ad  dress  on  the  Scottish  School 
of  Geology,  '  Nature,'  v.  37,  52  ;  Presidential 
Address  to  Edinburgh  Geological  Society,  1873, 
Trans.  Edin.  Geol.  Soc.  ii.  247.]  G.  T.  B. 

,  JOHN,  M.D.  (d.  1712),  physi- 
cian, a  native  of  Caerlaverock,  Dumfriesshire, 
began  life  as  a  herd-boy  to  the  episcopalian 
minister  of  that  parish.  Through  his  master's 
kindness  he  received  a  good  education,  and  be- 
came a  physician,  graduating  M.D.  at  Padua. 
He  chanced  to  be  the  nearest  doctor  at  hand 
when  the  Princess  Mary  of  Orange  met  with 
a  fall  from  her  horse  in  Holland,  and  thus 
gained  the  regard  of  Prince  William,  who 
on  ascending  the  English  throne  appointed 
him  his  first  physician.  As  such  Hutton 
was  admitted  a  fellow  of  the  College  of  Phy- 
sicians on  30  Sept.  1690,  when  he  presented 
the  college  with  a  sum  of  money,  and  inti- 
mated that  he  hoped  to  be  able  to  repeat  his 
generosity.  He  accompanied  the  king  to 
Ireland,  and  was  with  him  at  the  battle  of 
the  Boyne  and  at  the  siege  of  Limerick.  On 
9  Nov.  1695  he  was  incorporated  M.D.  at 
Oxford,  and  was  elected  F.R.S.  on  30  Nov. 
1  697  .  Queen  Anne  continued  him  in  his  place 
of  first  physician.  He  provided  liberally  for 
his  poor  relations.  At  his  own  expense  he 
built  in  1708  a  manse  for  the  minister  at 
Caerlaverock,  bequeathed  to  the  parish  1,000/. 
sterling  for  pious  and  educational  purposes, 
and  also  gave  all  his  books  to  the  ministers  of 
the  presbytery  of  Dumfries  '  to  be  carefully 
kept  in  that  town.'  The  collection,  which 
at  one  time  contained  the  prayer-book  which 
Charles  I  carried  to  the  scaffold,  was  suffered 
for  many  years  to  lie  neglected  in  the  ruinous 
attic  of  the  presbytery  house,  but  is  now  pro- 
vided with  more  suitable  accommodation. 
In  1710  Hutton  was  elected  M.P.  for  the 
Dumfries  burghs,  and  sat  until  his  death. 

He  died  in  1712,  and  was  apparently  buried 
in  Somerset  House  chapel.  In  his  will,  dated 
13  Aug.  and  2  Sept.  1712,  and  proved  on 
the  following  4  Dec.,  he  describes  himself  as 
living  in  the  parish  of  St.  Clement's, Westmin- 
ster (P.  C.  C.  236,  Barnes). 

[New  Statistical  Account  of  Scotland,  iv.  350- 
351,  356-60;  Foster's  Members  of  Parliament 
of  Scotland,  2nd  edit.,  p.  191 ;  Munk's  Coll.  of 
Phys.  (1878),  i.  481-2;  Athenaeum,  12  July 
1884,  pp.  51-2.]  G.  G. 

HUTTON,  JOHN  (1740  P-1806),  author, 
born'about  1740,  was  a  cousin  of  William  Hut- 
ton  (1735  P-1811)  [q.  v.],  and  was  educated  at 
St.  John's  College,  Cambridge.  He  went  out 
B.  A.  in  1763  as  third  wrangler,  subsequently 
becoming  fellow  and  tutor  of  his  college.  In 
1766  he  proceeded  M.  A.,  and  about  the  same 
time  was  presented  by  his  family  to  the  vicar- 
age of  Burton  in  Kendal,  Westmoreland.  In 
1769  he  was  chosen  moderator  and  senior  taxor 
at  Cambridge.  He  commenced  B.D.  in  1774. 
He  died  in  August  1806,  aged  66  (Gent.  Mag. 
1806,  pt.  ii.  p.  875),  leaving  an  only  daughter, 
Agnes,  married  to  Captain  Johnson  of  Mains 
Hall,  Herefordshire.  He  is  author  of  'A 
Tour  to  the  Caves  in  the  Environs  of  Ingle- 
borough  and  Settle  in  the  West-Riding  of 
Yorkshire,'  2nd  edit.,  8vo,  London,  1781,  ad- 
dressed to  Thomas  Pearson  of  Burton  in 
Kendal,  in  a  letter  signed  ( J.  H.'  Appended 
is  a  glossary  of  north  of  England  words, 
which  was  reprinted  by  the  English  Dialect 
Society  in  1873. 

[Cambridge  Calendar;  Le  Neve's  Fasti,  ed. 
Hardy,  iii.  644  ;  Boyne's  Yorkshire  Library,  p. 
125  ;  Burke's  Landed  Gentry,  i.  680.]  G.  G. 

HUTTON,  LUKE  (d.  1598),  criminal,  is 
stated  by  Sir  John  Harington  to  have  been 
a  younger  son  of  Matthew  Hutton,  archbishop 
of  York ;  but  Fuller,  whose  account  is  adopted 
by  Thoresby  and  Hutchinson,  asserts,  with 
more  probability,  that  he  was  the  son  of 
Robert  Hutton,  rector  of  Houghton-le- 
Spring  and  prebendary  of  Durham.  Luke 
Hutton  matriculated  as  a  sizar  of  Trinity 
College,  Cambridge,  in  October  1582 ;  left 
the  university  without  a  degree,  and  took  to 
evil  courses.  He  was  '  so  valiant  that  he 
feared  not  men  nor  laws '  (HARINGTON).  In 
1598,  for  a  robbery  committed  on  St.  Luke's 
day,  he  was  executed  at  York,  the  archbishop 
magnanimously  forbearing  to  intercede  on 
his  behalf. 

He  is  the  reputed  author  of  1.  'Luke 
Button's  Repentance,'  a  manuscript  poem 
dedicated  to  Henry,  earl  of  Huntingdon  (Mu- 
sceum  Thoresbyanum,  p.  85).  2.  l  The  Black 
Dogge  of  Newgate,  both  pithie  and  profitable 
for  all  readers,'  black  letter,  n.  d.,  4to,  dedi- 
cated to  Lord-chief-justice  Popham ;  re- 




printed  with  additional  matter  in  1638.  From 
a  passage  in  the  preface  we  learn  that  the 
'  Repentance '  had  been  printed.  In  the  first 
edition  the  tract  begins  with  a  poem  de- 
scribing a  vision  that  appeared  to  the  author 
in  Newgate.  The  poem,  which  treats  of  the 
harshness  of  gaolers  and  miseries  of  prison- 
life,  is  followed  by  a  prose '  Dialogue  betwixt 
the  Author  and  one  Zawney,'  concerning 
1  coneycatching.'  A  lost  play  bearing  the  title 
'The  Black  Dog  of  Newgate/  2  parts,  by 
Hathway,  Wentworth  Smith,  and  Day,  was 
produced  in  1602  (HENSLOWE,  Diary,  p.  244 
&c.)  After  Hutton's  execution  appeared  a 
broadside  ballad  3.  '  Luke  Hutton's  Lamen- 
tation which  he  wrote  the  day  before  his 
death '  [1598]. 

[Fuller's  Church  History,  ed.  Brewer,  v.  356  >' 
Hutchinson's  Durham,  i.  581 ;  Hutton  Corresp- 
(Surtees  Soc.),  ed.  Raine  ;  Thoresby's  Vic.  Leod. ; 
Cooper's  Athense  Cantabr.  ii.  540-1.]  A.  H.  B. 

HUTTON,  MATTHEW  (1529-1606), 
archbishop  of  York,  son  of  Matthew  Hutton 
of  Priest  Hutton,  in  the  parish  of  Warton, 
North  Lancashire,  was  born  in  that  parish 
in  1529.  He  became  a  sizar  in  Cambridge 
University  in  1546.  He  was  fellow  of  Trinity 
College,  and  took  the  degrees  of  B.A.  1551-2, 
M.A.  1555,  and  B.D.  1562.  In  1562  he  was 
elected  Margaret  professor  of  divinity,  master 
of  Pembroke  Hall,  and  regius  professor  of 
divinity.  In  the  same  year  he  was  collated 
prebendary  of  St.  Paul's,  London,  and  in 

1563  instituted  rector  of  Boxworth,  Cam- 
bridgeshire (resigned  in  1576).     About  the 
same  time  he  obtained  a  canonry  at  Ely.    In 

1564  he  distinguished  himself  by  his  ability  j 
in  the  theological  disputations  before  Queen  i 
Elizabeth  at  Cambridge  (cf.  NICHOLS,  Pro-  ! 
gresses  of  Eliz.},  and  his  character  was  esta-  ! 
blished  as  one  of  the   ablest  scholars  and  \ 
preachers  in  the  university.     He  was  created 
D.D.  there  in  1565,  and  later  in  the  year  was 
installed  a  canon  of  Westminster.  In  the  suc- 
ceeding year  he  was  one  of  the  Lent  preachers 
at  court  and  a  preacher  at  St.  Paul's  Cross. 
After  his  appointment  in  April  1567  as  dean 
of  York  he  resigned  his  mastership  at  Pem- 
broke, the  regius  professorship,  and  his  canon- 
ries  of  Ely  and  Westminster.    Subsequently 
he  was  collated  to  prebends  at  York  and 
Southwell.     He  was  suggested  as  fit  to  suc- 
ceed Grindal  in  the  see  of  London  in  1570, 
but  his  election  was  opposed  by  Archbishop 
Parker.     An  interesting  letter  to  Burghley, 
dated  6  Oct.  1573,  is  preserved  at  Hatfield, 
giving  at  length  his  opinions  on  prevailing 
differences  in  church  government.     He  was 
suspected  of  leaning  to  the  puritans,  and  this 
led  to  a   dispute  with  Archbishop  Sandys, 
who  in  1586  preferred  a  charge  of  thirteen 

articles  against  him.  Hutton  defended  him- 
self with  spirit,  and,  though  compelled  to 
make  submission,  admitted  nothing  more  than 
the  use  of  violent  and  indiscreet  expressions. 
On  9  June  1589  he  was  elected  through 
Burghley's  influence  to  the  bishopric  of  Dur- 
ham. On  11  Dec.  1594,  and  in  February 
1594-5,  he  wrote  beautiful  and  pathetic  ap- 
peals to  Burghley  on  behalf  of  Lady  Margaret 
Neville,  who  had  been  condemned  on  account 
of  the  rebellion  of  her  father,  Charles,  sixth 
earl  of  Westmoreland,  and  he  was  not  only 
successful  in  his  application  for  mercy,  but 
gained  a  pension  for  the  lady. 

On  14  Feb.  1595-6  he  was  elected  arch- 
bishop of  York.  The  grammar  school  and 
almshouses  at  Warton  were  shortly  after- 
wards founded  by  him.  In  Harington's 
'  Nugae  Antiquse,'  ii.  248,  there  is  an  interest- 
ing account  of  a  very  bold  sermon  which  he 
preached  before  Queen  Elizabeth  at  White- 
hall. He  acted  as  lord  president  of  the  north 
from  1595  to  1600,  and  in  1598  he  had  in  his 
custody  Sir  Robert  Ker  [q.  v.Jof  Cessford,  one 
of  the  wardens  of  the  Scottish  marches.  His 
courtesy  to  his  prisoner  was  afterwards  ac- 
knowledged by  King  James  and  by  Sir  Robert 
himself.  One  of  his  last  public  acts  was  to 
write  a  letter  to  Robert  Cecil,  Lord  Cran- 
borne,  counselling  a  relaxation  in  the  prose- 
cution of  the  puritans.  He  died  at  Bishop- 
thorpe  on  16  Jan.  1605-6,  and  was  buried  in 
York  Minster.  His  monument  is  in  the  south 
aisle  of  the  choir  (cf.  WOOD,  Fasti  Oxon.,  ed. 
Bliss,  i.  197). 

He  married  in  1565  Catherine  Fulmetby, 
or  Fulmesby,  who  died  soon  after.  In  1567 
he  married  Beatrice,  daughter  of  Sir  Thomas 
Fincham.  She  died  on  5  May  1582,  and  on 
20  Nov.  following  he  married  Frances,  widow 
of  Martin  Bowes.  He  left  several  children 
by  the  second  marriage.  Of  these,  Timothy 
Hutton,  the  eldest  son,  born  1569,  was 
knighted  in  1605,  the  year  in  which  he  was 
high  sheriff  of  Yorkshire,  and  died  in  1629  j 
the  second  son  was  Sir  Thomas  Hutton  of 
Popleton  (d.  1620).  The  archbishop  was 
blamed  by  some  for  granting  leases  of  church 
lands  to  his  children.  He  was  an  ancestor 
of  Matthew  Hutton  (1693-1758)  [q.  v.],  arch- 
bishop of  Canterbury.  An  original  portrait 
of  Hutton  is  at  Marske,  Yorkshire,  in  the  pos- 
session of  descendants.  A  second  portrait 
was  twice  engraved,  first  by  Perry,  and 
secondly  for  Hutchinson's  f  Durham.'  The 
'  Hutton  Correspondence,'  published  by  the 
Surtees  Society,  contains  many  of  the  arch- 
bishop's letters. 

He  is  author  of:  1.  'A  Sermon  preached 
at  York  before  .  .  .  Henry,  Earle  of  Hunting- 
ton,'  London,  1579, 12mo.  2.  'Brevis  et  Di- 




lucidaExplicatio  verse,  certae,  et  consolationis 
plense  doctrinae  de  Electione,  Prsedestinatione 
ac  Reprobatione,'  Harderwijk,  1613,  8vo. 

[Cooper's  Athenae  Cantabr.  ii.  421,  and  autho- 
rities there  cited ;  Hutton  Correspondence,  ed. 
by  Kaine,  1843,  for  Surtees  Society ;  Calend. 
of  MSS.  preserved  at  Hatfield  (Hist.  MSS. 
Com.),  ii.  60;  Fuller's  Worthies, 'Lancashire ;' 
Brit.  Mus.  Cat.]  C.  W.  S. 

HUTTON,  MATTHEW  (1639-1711), 
antiquary,  born  in  1639,  was  the  third  son  of 
Richard  Hutton  of  Nether  Poppleton,  York- 
shire, by  his  second  wife,  Dorothy,  daughter 
of  Ferdinando,  viscount  Fairfax  of  Cameron 
in  Scotland,  and  was  thus  the  great-grand- 
son of  Matthew  Hutton  [q.  v.],  archbishop  of 
York.  He  was  educated  at  Brasenose  Col- 
lege, Oxford,  of  which  he  was  a  fellow,  and 
graduated  M.A.  and  D.D.  In  March  1677 
he  became  rector  of  Aynhoe  in  Northampton- 
shire (BKLDGE,  Northamptonshire,  i.  139).  He 
married  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  Sir  Roger  Bur- 
goine,  knt.  and  bart.,  and  had  by  her  two  sons,  [ 
Roger  and  Thomas.  He  died  suddenly  on 
27  June  1711,  aged  72.  His  epitaph  (BKIDGE, 
op.cit.  i.  141),  on  the  north  side  of  the  chancel  ' 
of  Aynhoe  Church,  describes  him  as  '  Vita 
severus,  moribus  comis,  animo  simplex  '  (cf. 
HEAKNE,  pref.  to  Leland's  Coll.)  Hutton  was 
a  friend  of  Anthony  a  Wood,  who  speaks  of 
him  as '  an  excellent  violinist.'  In  May  1668 
they  visited  together  the  churches  and  an- 
tiquities in  the  neighbourhood  of  Borstall, 
Buckinghamshire.  Hearne  (Coll.,  ed.  Doble, 
i.  283)  says  that  Atterbury  had  most  of  his 
'  Rights  and  Privileges  of  an  English  Convo- 
cation Stated  and  Vindicated 'from  Hutton, 
who  had  also  designed  to  continue  the  '  De  j 
Prsesulibus  Angliee  Commentarius' of  Francis 
Godwin  [q.  v.]  if  he  had  had  any  encourage- 
ment (ib.  pp.  284, 285,  ii.  65,  &c.)  The  manu- 
script collections  compiled  by  Hutton,  bought 
by  the  Earl  of  Oxford  for  150/.  (ib.  iii.  280),  and 
no  win  the  British  Museum,  are:  1.  Thirty- 
eight  volumes,  compiled  about  1686,  of  ex- 
tracts from  the  registers  of  the  dioceses  of 
Lincoln,  Bath  and  Wells,  York,  London  &c. 
(Harl  MSS.  6950-85).  2.  <  Collectanea  e 
libris  Eschaetorum,'  &c.  (ib.  1232).  3.  l  Col- 
lections from  Domesday  relating  to  Hereford- 
shire, &c.'  (ib.  7519).  4.  Heraldic  collections, 
epitaphs,  and  other  volumes  of  manuscripts. 
Hutton  is  not  known  to  have  published  any- 
thing, though  '  ThreeLetters  concerning  the 
Present  State  of  Italy,'  1687,  has  been  attri- 
buted to  him  (C.  H.  and  T.  COOPER  in  Notes 
and  Queries,  3rd  ser.  iv.  164). 

[Correspondence  of  Matthew  Hutton,  &c. 
(Surtees  Soc.  No.  17),  pp.  46,  47,  49  ;  Bridge's 
Northamptonshire,  i.  139,  14-1 ;  Life  of  Ant.  Wood 
in  Bliss's  edit,  of  Athense  Oxon.  i.  pp.  xxxv,  Ixi; 

Cat.  Harleian  MSS.;  Notes  and  Queries,  2nd  ser. 
vi.  234,  3rd  ser.  iv.  164;  Nichols's  Lit.  Anecd.  i. 
87  ;  Nichols's  Lit,  Illustr.  iv.  77.]  W.  W. 

HUTTON,  MATTHEW  (1693-1758), 
successively  bishop  of  Bangor,  archbishop  of 
York,  and  archbishop  of  Canterbury,  born  at 
Marske  in  Yorkshire  on  3  Jan.  1692-3,  was 
second  son  of  John  Hutton  of  Marske,  by 
Dorothy,  daughter  of  William  Dyke  of  Trant 
in  Sussex.  His  father  was  the  lineal  de- 
scendant of  Matthew  Hutton  (1529-1606) 
[q.  v.],  archbishop  of  York.  He  was  sent  to 
school  at  Kirby  Hill,  near  Richmond,  in  1701, 
and  when  his  master,  Loyd,  became  master 
of  the  free  school  at  Ripon,  Hutton  went 
thither  with  him.  He  was  admitted  a  member 
of  Jesus  College,  Cambridge,  22  June  1710, 
graduated  B.A.  in  1713,  and  proceeded  M.A. 
in  1717,  and  D.D.  in  1728.  On  8  July  1717 
he  became  a  fellow  of  Christ's  College.  In 
1726  Hutton  was  made  rector  of  Trowbridge, 
Wiltshire,  on  the  presentation  of  the  Duke 
of  Somerset,  to  whom  he  was  private  chap- 
lain. The  duke  in  1729  gave  him  the  valu- 
able rectory  of  Spoffbrth  in  Yorkshire,  and 
Archbishop  Blackbourne  made  him  a  pre- 
bendary of  York  on  18  May  1734.  Becom- 
ing one  of  the  royal  chaplains,  he  went  in 
1736  with  George  II  to  Hanover,  and  on 
27  March  1736-7  he  was  installed  canon  of 
Windsor.  This  last  preferment  he  exchanged 
for  a  prebend  at  Westminster  on  18  May  1739. 
When  Thomas  Herring  [q.  v.]  became  arch- 
bishop of  York,  Hutton  was  chosen  to  suc- 
ceed him  at  Bangor,  and  the  consecration 
took  place  on  13  Nov.  1743.  His  opinions, 
resembling  those  of  Herring,  were  somewhat 
latitudinarian.  Hutton  again  succeeded 
Herring  at  York  on  28  Nov.  1747,  and  finally, 
on  Herring's  death,  he  became  archbishop  of 
Canterbury,  13  April  1757.  He  held  the  see 
only  a  year,  and  never  lived  at  Lambeth  owing 
to  a  dispute  with  the  executors  of  his  prede- 
cessor about  the  dilapidations.  On  18  March 
1758  he  died,  from  the  effects  of  a  rupture, 
at  his  house  in  Duke  Street,  Westminster, 
and  was  buried  in  a  vault  in  the  chancel  of 
Lambeth  Church.  There  is  an  inscription  on 
the  tomb.  Thomas  Wray,  his  chaplain,  wrote 
of  Hutton  to  Andrew  Coltee  Ducarel  [q.  v.] 
(2  Sept.  1758)  that  he  was  cheerful  and 
amiable,  but  that  'he  never  let  himself  down 
below  the  dignity  of  an  archbishop.'  The  fact 
that  Hutton  was  '  a  little  ad  rem  attentior ' 
in  later  years,  Wray  attributed  to  his  desire 
to  provide  for  his  family  (NICHOLS,  Lit.  Il- 
lustr. iii.  473).  Hutton's  portrait,  painted  in 
1754,  was  engraved  in  mezzotint  by  J.  Faber. 
This  is  probably  the  engraving  which  Wal- 

>ole  gave  to  the  Rev.  William  Cole  (1714- 

782)  [q.v.] 




Hutton  married,  in  March  1731-2,  Mary, 
daughter  of  John  Lutman  of  Petworth,  Sus- 
sex, by  whom  he  left  two  daughters,  Dorothy 
and  Mary.  He  published  several  separate  ser- 
mons. He  was  a  friend  of  the  Duke  of  New- 
castle, and  letters  which  passed  between  them 
are  preserved  in  the  '  Newcastle  Correspon- 
dence' (Brit.  Mus.  Add.  MSS.  32700,  &c.) 

[Memoir  byDucarel,  printed  in  the  Correspon- 
dence of  Dr.  Matthew  Hutton  (Surtees  Soc.),  ed. 
Eaine;  Walpole's  Letters,  iii.  123,  130,  iv.  142, 
176  ;  Nichols's  Literary  Anecd.  iv.  470,  viii.  219, 
&c.;  Nichols's  Lit.  Illustrations,  iii.  386,  &c. ; 
Hunt's  Religious  Thought  in  England,  iii.  274; 
Le  Neve's  Fasti.]  W.  A.  J.  A. 

1639),  judge,  second  son  of  Anthony1  Hut- 
ton,  of  Hutton  Hall,  Penrith,  Cumberland, 
by  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  Thomas  Musgrave 
of  Hayton  in  the  same  county,  born  about 
1561,  read  divinity  for  a  time  at  Jesus  College, 
Oxford,  with  a  view  to  taking  holy  orders,  but 
changed  his  mind  and  entered  Gray's  Inn  in 
1580,  being  already  a  member  of  Staple  Inn, 
in  the  hall  of  which  his  arms  are  emblazoned. 
About  this  time  he  was  reputed  a  papist,  and 
in  some  danger  of  arrest.  He  was  called  to 
the  bar  at  Gray's  Inn  on  16  June  1586,  and 
became  an  '  ancient '  there  in  1598  (Dotr- 
THWAITE,  Gray's  Inn,  p.  62).  In  1599  he  was 
appointed  one  of  the  council  of  the  north,  in 
which  capacity  he  served  under  Thomas  Cecil, 
second  lord  Burghley  [q.  v.],  and  Burghley's 
successor  in  the  presidency,  Lord  Mulgrave, 
intil  1619.  He  was  called  to  the  degree  of 
serjeant-at-law  on  17  May  1603  (Hist.  MSS. 
Comm.  7th  Rep.  App.  526),  and  was  elected 
•eader  at  his  inn  for  the  ensuing  autumn.  The 
xlague,  however,  relieved  him  of  his  duties, 
.n  1608  he  argued  for  the  defendants  in  the 
exchequer  chamber  the  point  of  law  which 
arose  in  Calvin's  case,  namely  whether  the 
)laintiff,  an  infant  born  in  Scotland  since  the 
accession  of  James  VI  to  the  English  throne, 
was  disabled  as  an  alien  from  holding  land  in 
England  (COBBETT,  State  71n'«/s,ii.609).  The 
(same  year  he  was  appointed  recorder  of  York, 
and  in  1610  recorder  of  Ripon.  He  held  these 
offices  until  on  3  May  1617  he  was  created  a 
puisne  judge  of  the  common  bench,  having  on 
he  preceding  13  April  received  the  honour 
>f  knighthood  from  the  king  while  at  York. 
Bacon  in  delivering  him  his  patent  compli- 
nented  him  on  possessing  the  several  virtues  of 
judge  (SPEDDING,  Bacon,  vi.  202).  Hutton 
rofited  by  Bacon's  disgrace,  being  one  of 
our  grantees  of  the  fine  of  40,000/.  imposed 
ipon  him  (Cal.  State  Papers,  Dom.  1619-23, 
).  295).  In  the  interval  between  the  death 
if  Chief-justice  Hobart  [q.  v.],  26  Dec.  1625, 
nd  the  appointment  of  his  successor,  Sir 

Thomas  Richardson,  28  Nov.  1626,  Hutton 
presided  in  the  court  of  common  pleas.   From 
19  Feb.  1631-2  to  June  1632  he  was  keeper  of 
the  great  seal  of  the  see  of  Durham  during  the 
vacancy  caused  by  the  death  of  Bishop  How- 
son.      Solicited  in  common  with  the  rest  of 
the  judges  by  Lord-chief-justice   Finch    to 
give  an  extra-judicial  opinion  on  the  legality 
of  ship-money,  Hutton  at  first  refused,  but 
was    at  length  persuaded  to  defer   to   the 
opinion  of  the  majority  of  his  colleagues, 
and  signed  the  joint  opinion  in  favour  of  its 
legality  (7  Feb.  1636).     On  delivering  judg- 
ment in  Hampden's  favour  in  April  1638  he 
explained  that   in   his  private  opinion  the 
ship-money  edict  was   illegal,  although  he 
had  previously  given  an  opinion  in  its  favour 
for  the  sake  of  conformity.     His  judgment 
was  not  without  its  effect  on  the  country, 
and  rendered  him  particularly  odious  to  the 
high-church  clergy,  one   of  whom,  named 
Thomas  Harrison,  on  4  May  following,  en- 
tered the  court  of  common  pleas,  and  pub- 
licly  accused   him    of   high  treason.      For 
this  contempt  Harrison  was  prosecuted,  and 
being  convicted  was  fined  5,000 /.,  imprisoned, 
and   compelled  to   make   public  and  igno- 
minious   submission    in    all   the   courts   at 
Westminster.      Hutton   also   sued  him  for 
defamation,  and  recovered  10,000/.  damages. 
Hutton  was  an  intimate  friend  of  Matthew 
Hutton  [q.  v.],  archbishop  of  York,  who  made 
him  one  of  the  supervisors  of  his  will,  and  of 
the  archbishop's  son,  Sir  Timothy  Hutton, 
whose  legal  adviser  he  was.    He  died  in  Ser- 
jeants'Inn  on  26  Feb.  1638-9,  and  was  buried 
in  St.  Dunstan's-in-the-West,  London.  Hut- 
ton  married  Agnes,  daughter  of  Thomas  Briggs 
of  Caumire,  Westmoreland,  by  whom  he  had 
several  sons  and  daughters.     His  manors  of 
Hooton   Paynell,   or   Paganel,   and   Golds- 
Dorough  in  the  West  Riding  of  Yorkshire 
descended  to  his  heir.  Sir  Richard  Hutton 
(knighted  at  Windsor  17  July  1625),  who 
was  "fatally  wounded  while  fighting  for  the 
king  at  Sherborne  on  15  Oct.  1645,  and  died 
at  Skipton  during  the  retreat  of  the  royalist 

Hutton  is  characterised  by  Clarendon  as 
1  a  very  venerable  judge,'  and  'a  man  famous 
in  his  generation,'  and  by  Croke  as  '  a  grave, 
learned,  pious,  and  prudent  judge,  of  great 
courage  and  patience  in  all  proceedings.' 
Richard  Braithwaite  published  in  1641  an 
elegy  on  Hutton,  entitled  '  Astrsea's  Teares.' 
His  judgment  in  Hampden's  case  was  pub- 
lished in  pamphlet  form  in  the  same  year,  and 
has  since  been  reprinted  in  Hill's  'Law Tracts,' 
vol.  Ixxxix.,  and  JSrydall's  '  Miscellaneoug 
Collection,'  vol.  xxvii*.  He  left  some  manu- 
script reports  in  law  French,  which  wert 




translated  and  published  in  1656  (2nd  edition 
1682,  fol.) ;  and  his  collection  of  precedents 
in  conveyancing  was  published  under  the 
title  of  'The  Young  Clerk's  Guide '  in  1658, 
8vo  (8th  ed.),  and  in  1689,  8vo  (16th  ed.) 
Button's  manuscript  'Journal,'  extending 
from  25  June  1614  to  4  Feb.  1639,  written 
in  a  mixture  of  law-French  and  English,  is 
in  the  library  of  the  late  J.  H.  Gurney,  Kes- 
wick  Hall,  Norfolk  (Hist.  MSS.  Comm.,  12th 
Rep.,  App.  ix.  pp.  125-6). 

[Nicolson  and  Bum's  Cumberland  and  West- 
morland, ii.  155,  401 ;  "Wood's  Athense  Oxon.  ed. 
Bliss,  iii.  27  ;  Fuller's  Worthies,  '  Cumberland  ; ' 
Drake's  Ebor.  pp.  368-70;  Yorkshire  Diaries 
(Surtees  Soc.),  Ixxvii.  3  n. ;  Nichols's  Progr. 
James  I,  i.  157,  iii.  273  ;  Croke's  Rep.  Car.  56, 
504,  537;  Dugdale's  Chron.  Ser.  pp.  102,  106; 
Ryraer's  Fcedera,  ed.  Sanderson,  xix.  346  ;  Sur- 
tees's  Durham,  i.  xci ;  Cobbett's  State  Trials,  iii. 
1191,  1370,  iv.  5-13;  Cal.  State  Papers,  Dom. 
Addenda,  1580-1625,  pp.  105-10,  Dom.  1637-8, 
p.  443  ;  Hist.  MSS.  Comm.  9th  Rep.  App.  497  a ; 
Hutton  Corresp.  (Surtees  Soc.),  vol.  xvii.;  Hun- 
ter's South  Yorkshire,  ii.  143;  Smith's  Obituary 
(Camden  Soc.),  p.  15;  Clarendon's  Rebellion,  bk. 
ix.§  125;  Foss's  Lives  of  the  Judges.]  J.  M.  R. 

1568),  divine,  was  for  some  time  at  Pem- 
broke Hall,  Cambridge.  Dr.  William  Tur- 
ner [q.  v.],  then  fellow  of  Pembroke,  says  that 
Hutton  was  his  servant  there.  He  was  pro- 
bably Turner's  scholar  as  well  as  servant,  but 
does  not  appear  to  have  taken  any  degree. 
During  the  reign  of  Mary  he  went  abroad  to 
escape  persecution.  Some  time  in  Elizabeth's 
reign  he  was  made  rector  of  Little  Braxted 
in  Essex,  and  on  9  April  1560  became  rector 
of  Wickham  Bishops  in  the  same  county. 
These  preferments,  together  with  the  vicar- 
age of  Catterick  in  Yorkshire,  he  held  until 
his  death,  which  took  place  in  1568. 

Hutton  published  "The  Sum  ofDiuinitie 
drawen  out  of  the  Holy  Scripture  .  .  .,'  Lon- 
don, 1548, 12mo,  a  translation  from  Spangen- 
berg's  l  Margarita  Theologica,'  for  which  his 
patron  Turner  wrote  the  preface.  The  book 
was  very  popular,  and  new  editions  appeared 
in  1560,  1561,  1567,  and  1568.  An  edition 
of  the  'Margarita'  in  the  original  appeared 
in  London  in  1566. 

[Cooper's  Athense  Cantabr.  i.  261 ;  Wood's 
Athense  Oxon.  ed.  Bliss,  i.  364  ;  Newcourt's  Re- 
pert,  ed.  1710,  ii.  93,  658  ;  Ames's  Typ.  Antiq. 
(Herbert),  ed.  1786,  i.618,ii.  885,  886;  Lemon's 
Cal.  of  State  Papers,  1547-80,  p.  316.1 

W.  A.  J.  A. 

1887),  bonesetter,  son  of  Robert  Hutton,  who 
died  16  July  1887,  was  born  at  Soulby,  West- 
moreland, on  26  July  1840.  He  was  a  mem- 
ber of  a  family  of  farmers  who  for  upwards 

of  two  hundred  years  have  resided  in  the 
north  of  England,  where  they  have   been 
bonesetters  for  the  benefit  of  their  neigh- 
bours.   Robert's  uncle,  Richard  Hutton,  was 
I  the  first  of  the  family  to  make  bonesetting 
a  profession.     He  set  up  in  practice  in  Lon- 
don at  Wyndham  Place,  Crawford  Street, 
i  London,  and  died  at  Gilling  Lodge,  Wat- 
!  ford,  on  6  Jan.  1871,  aged  70.     Among  the 
|  well-authenticated  cases  of  cures  by  the  elder 
Hutton  were  those  of  the  Hon.  Spencer  Pon- 
sonby  on  27  June  1865,  and  of  George  Moore, 
the  philanthropist,  in  March  1869. 

The  younger  Hutton  was  from  1863  to 
1869  at  Milnthorpe  in  Westmoreland,  where 
he  farmed  land,  and  in  his  leisure  time  set 
bones.  About  1869  he  came  to  London* 
and  for  some  time  resided  with  his  uncle 
Richard.  He  then  set  up  for  himself  first 
at  74  Gloucester  Place,  Portman  Square, 
and  afterwards  at  36  Queen  Anne  Street, 
Cavendish  Square.  He  soon  obtained  a  name 
and  a  position.  He  owed  his  reputation  to 
his  mechanical  tact  and  acute  observation  of 
the  symptoms  of  dislocations.  His  general 
:  method  of  procedure  was  to  poultice  and  oil 
the  limb  for  a  week,  and  then  by  a  sudden 
j  twist  or  wrench  he  often  effected  an  im- 
mediate cure.  Hutton's  extensive  practice 
brought  him  a  large  fortune,  but  his  tastes 
were  expensive.  He  was  devoted  to  all  field- 
sports,  and  was  well  known  as  a  huntsman 
at  Melton  Mowbray.  He  was  kind  to  ani-> 
mals,  and  often  set  their  broken  limbs.  In 
1875  Miss  Constance  Innes,  daughter  ofj 
Charles  Leslie,  was  thrown  from  her  horse 
and  broke  her  arm.  After  many  months; 
having,  as  she  believed,  a  permanently  stiff 
arm,  she  went  to  Hutton,  who  restored  it  to 
its  use,  and  on  26  July  1876  she  became  hisl 
wife.  On  16  July  1887,  at  36  Queen  Anne! 
Street,  London,  a  servant  gave  him  some^ 
laudanum  instead  of  a  black  draught.  He 
died  soon  afterwards  at  University  College 
Hospital.  A  verdict  of  death  from  misad- 
venture was  returned  at  the  inquest.  He 
left  one  child,  Gladys  Hutton. 

[J.  M.  Jackson's  Bonesetters'  Mystery,  1882  ; 
St.  Bartholomew's  Hospital  Reports,  1878,  pp. 
339-46 ;  Lancet,  1880,  i.  606-8,  654,  750  ; 
Wharton  P.  Hood  On  Bonesetting,  1871; 
Smiles's  George  Moore,  Merchant,  1878,  pp.  320- 
321 ;  Chambers's  Journal,  9  Nov.  1878  pp.  711- 
713,  22  Feb.  1879  pp.  113-15,  26  April  p.  272; 
Times,  18  July  1887  p.  7,  19  July  p.  11.] 

G.  C.  B. 

HUTTON,  THOMAS  (1566-1639),  divine,; 
a  Londoner  by  birth,  was  admitted  into  Mer- 
chant Taylors'  School  (being  the  son  of  af 
member  of  the  company)  on  6  April  1573 
(School  Rey.},  and  was  elected  in  1585,  agec 




19,  a  probationary  fellow  at  St.  John's  Col- 
lege, Oxford.  He  graduated  B.A.  1587,  M. A. 
1591,  and  proceeded  B.D.  in  1597,  and  be- 
came '  a  frequent  Preacher '  (WOOD).  In 
1600  he  was  made  vicar  of  St.  Kew  in  Corn- 
wall, and  a  few  years  later  (1605-6)  en- 
gaged in  a  controversy  with  those  in  the  same 
diocese  with  himself  who  refused  subscription 
to  the  Book  of  Common  Prayer.  His  zealous 
defence  of  the  prayer-book  led  to  further 
preferment.  He  became  rector  of  North  Lew, 
Devonshire,  and  a  prebendary  of  Exeter,  1616. 
He  was  buried  at  St.  Kew  on  27  Dec.  1639. 

His  writings  are  :  1.  '  Reasons  for  refusal 
of  Subscription  to  the  Booke  of  Common 
Praier  under  the  hands  of  certaine  Ministers 
of  Devon  and  Cornwall,  word  for  word  as 
they  were  exhibited  by  them  to  the  Rt.  Rev. 
Father  in  God,  William  Cot  on  {sic).  Doctor 
in  Divinitie,  L.  Bishop  of  Exceter,  with  an 
Answere  at  severall  times  returned  them  in 
Publike  Conference,  and  in  diverse  sermons 
upon  occasion  preached  in  the  Cathedral 
Church  of  Exceter,'  by  T.  Hutton,  B.D.,  Ox- 
ford (J.  Barnes),  1605,  4to.  2.  '  The  second 
and  last  parts  of  Reasons,'  &c.,  London  (J. 
Windet),  1606,  4to.  3.  '  An  Appendix,  or 
compendious  brief  of  all  other  exceptions, 
taken  by  others,  against  the  Book  of  Com- 
munion, Homilies,  and  Ordination,'  &c.  Pub- 
lished with  the  second  part. 

[Wood's  Athense  (Bliss),  ii.  646-7 ;  Keg.  Univ. 
Oxf.  (Oxf.  Hist.  Soc.),  ii.  ii-  145,  iii.  145;  Boase 
and  Courtney's  Bibl.  Cornub.  pp.  261-2,  1239; 
Robinson's  Reg.  of  Merchant  Taylors'  School,  i. 
21.]  C.  J.  R. 

HUTTON,  WILLIAM  (1723-1815), 
local  historian  and  topographer,  second  son 
of  William  Hutton,  woolcomber  (b.  25  July 
1691,  d.  13  Dec.  1758),  by  his  first  wife, 
Anne  (d.  9  March  1733,  aged  41),  daughter 
of  Matthew  Ward  of  Mountsorrel,  Leicester- 
shire, was  born  in  Full  Street,  Derby,  on 
30  Sept.  1723.  He  traced  his  descent  from 
Thomas  Hutton  (1586-1656),  a  hatter  at 
Northallerton,  Yorkshire.  The  characteris- 
tics of  his  ancestors,  he  says,  were  i  honesty 
and  supineness ; '  they  were  nonconformists 
from  the  days  of  Bishop  Hooper.  His  father 
failed  in  1725,  and  became  a  journeyman. 
After  his  mother's  death  his  father  remarried 
in  1743,  and  again  in  1752. 

In  1728  Hutton  went  to  school  at  Derby 
to  Thomas  Meat,  who  used  to  'jowl'  his 
head  against  the  wall,  'but  never  could  jowl 
into  it  any  learning.'  He  was  employed  in 
a  silk-mill  at  Derby  in  1730,  when  he  was 
so  small  that  he  had  to  stand  on  pattens  to 
reach  the  engine.  Here  he  served  seven 
years'  apprenticeship.  Being  the  only  dis- 
senting apprentice,  the  foreman  offered  him 

a  halfpenny  a  Sunday  if  he  would  go  to 
church  ;  he  went,  and  played  there  at  push- 
pin. In  1735  he  worked  at  the  material '  for 
a  petticoat  and  gown  for  Queen  Caroline.' 
His  apprenticeship  expired  in  1738,  when 
he  began  a  second  apprenticeship  to  his  uncle, 
George  Hutton,  a  silk-stockinger  at  Notting- 
ham, who  afterwards  (1745)  kept  him  on  as 
journeyman.  He  had  learned  some  music 
and  made  a  dulcimer,  and  in  1746  taught 
j  himself  to  bind  books.  After  journeying  to 
j  London  and  back  on  foot  to  purchase  book- 
binders' tools  (April  1749),  he  opened  a  small 
bookshop  in  Southwell,  Nottinghamshire,  at 
Michaelmas  1749.  Every  day  through  the 
winter  he  left  Nottingham  at  five  o'clock 
;  in  the  morning  on  the  five  hours'  walk  to 
Southwell,  and  tramped  back  home  after  four 
|  o'clock  in  the  afternoon.  He  then  lived  chiefly 
on  a  vegetarian  diet,  and  was  cheered  by  the 
intelligent  sympathy  of  his  sister  Catherine. 
On  25  May  1750  Hutton  settled  in  Birm- 
ingham, which  he  had  first  visited  on  a  run- 
away journey  in  July  1741.  The  best  part 
of  his  stock  of  books  was  the  '  refuse '  of  the 
library  of  Ambrose  Rudsdell  (d.  3  April  1754), 
presbyterian  minister  (1707-1750)  at  Gains- 
borough, Lincolnshire,  with  whom  Button's 
sister  Catherine  had  been  domestic  servant. 
He  began  to  write  in  magazines  (chiefly  verse), 
and  in  1751  opened  the  first  circulating  library 
in  Birmingham.  In  1755  he  married,  and 
(  in  1756  went  into  the  paper-trade,  open- 
,  ing  the  first  '  paper-warehouse  '  in  Birming- 
1  ham.  He  was  the  first  to  introduce  the  two- 
!  wheeled  barrow.  A  paper-mill  which  he 
built  at  Handsworth  Heath  in  1759  was  less 
successful  than  his  other  businesses,  and  he 
relinquished  the  experiment  in  1762,  after 
losing  about  1,OOOJ.  In  1766  he  began  to 
speculate  with  success  in  the  purchase  of 
farms  and  other  land.  He  acquired  Bennett's 
Hill,  Saltley,  Warwickshire,  in  1769,  and 
built  himself  a  country-house  there.  In  1772 
he  bought  a  house  in  High  Street,  Birming- 
ham, and  rebuilt  it  in  1775.  The  publication 
of  his '  History  of  Birmingham '  was  followed 
by  his  election  (1782)  as  fellow  of  the  Anti- 
quarian Society  of  Scotland.  He  took  an 
active  share  in  the  public  business,  though  not 
in  the  politics,  of  Birmingham,  became  one  of 
the  commissioners  of  the  'Court  of  Requests,' 
a  tribunal  for  the  recovery  of  small  debts,  and 
was  president  of  the  court  (1787).  Hence  he 
was  led  to  investigate  the  origin  and  nature 
of  this  and  other  local  courts,  and  to  publish 
a  'Dissertation  on  Juries,'  now  very  rare. 

The  dinner  at  Dadley's  Hotel,  Temple  Row, 
Birmingham,  on  14  July  1791,  in  commemo- 
ration of  the  French  revolution,  was  followed 
by  the  local  riots  directed  against  Priestley 




and  the  nonconformists.  Hutton  was  well 
known  as  a  dissenter  and  a  friend  of  Priestley, 
but  he  had  taken  no  part  in  religious  or  poli- 
tical disputes,  and  was  not  present  at  the 
obnoxious  dinner.  The  animosity  of  the  mob 
was  directed  against  him  as  one  who  had 
gained  enmity  by  his  firm  administration  of 
j  ustice  in  the  Court  of  Requests.  On  15  July 
his  house  in  High  Street  was  sacked  by  the 
rioters.  A  woman  attempted  to  set  fire  to 
the  place,  but  she  was  stopped  out  of  con- 
sideration for  the  adjoining  buildings.  Hut- 
ton  fell  into  the  hands  of  the  mob ;  he  pro- 
mised them  all  he  could  give  if  they  did  him 
no  personal  injury;  they  took  him  to  the 
Fountain  Tavern,  and  made  him  pay  for  329 
gallons  of  ale.  On  the  16th  Bennett's  Hill 
was  burned.  Caricatures  of  Hutton  were  ex- 
hibited in  a  leading  print-shop.  He  estimated 
his  losses  at  8,243Z.  3s.  2d.,  and  received  as 
compensation  5,390/.  17 '«.,  which  was  paid  in 
September  1793.  William  Rice  and  Robert 
Whitehead,  who  were  tried  at  Warwick  on 
20  Aug.  1791  for  the  destruction  of  Bennett's 
Hill,  were  acquitted.  Hutton  drew  up  in 
August  1791  a  very  moderate  '  Narrative  of 
the  Riots,'  not  printed  at  the  time,  but  in- 
cluded in  his  '  Life,'  which  his  daughter  pub- 
lished after  his  death. 

No  less  than  seventeen  of  Hutton's  friends 
(sixteen  being  churchmen)  offered  him  their 
houses  after  the  riots.  For  his  wife's  health 
he  went  to  Hotwells,  near  Bristol.  In  1792 
he  resumed,  after  forty  years,  the  amusement 
of  writing  verse,  and  published  some  of  his 
productions.  An  injury  to  his  leg  in  1793 
interfered  to  some  extent  with  his  pedestrian 
habits.  He  handed  over  his  business  to  his 
son,  and  confined  himself  to  his  dealings 
in  land,  which  continued  to  prosper.  After 
his  wife's  death  (1796)  he  travelled  much,  in 
company  with  his  daughter,  publishing  the 
results  of  his  observations  and  researches. 
A  regular  and  simple  mode  of  life  preserved 
his  constitution  in  remarkable  vigour.  '  At 
the  age  of  eighty-two/  he  says,  '  I  considered 
myself  a  young  man.'  On  5  Oct.  1812,  in 
his  ninetieth  year,  he  walked  into  Birming- 
ham for  the  last  time.  He  died  on  20  Sept. 
1815.  His  portrait  is  in  the  Union  Street 
Library,  Birmingham.  He  married,  on  23  June 
1755,  Sarah  (*.  11  March  1731,  d.  23  Jan. 
1796),  daughter  of  John  Cock  of  Aston-upon- 
Trent,  Derbyshire,  and  had  issue :  (1)  Cathe- 
rine [q.  v.] ;  (2)  Thomas,  born  17  Feb.  1757, 
married,  on  5  Sept.  1793,  Mary  Reynolds 
of  Shifnal,  Shropshire,  died,  without  issue, 
10  Aug.  1845 ;  (3)  William,  born  2  July  1758, 
died  19  May  1760 ;  (4)  William,  born  20  May 
1760,  died  3  April  1767. 

Hutton    has   been    called   '  the   English 

Franklin ; '  but  while  Hutton  and  Franklin 
have  some  native  qualities  in  common,  Hut- 
ton  as  much  excels  Franklin  in  geniality  as 
he  is  Franklin's  inferior  in  grasp  of  mind. 
His  topographical  works  are  well  written, 
and  their  information  is  good.  His  personal 
narratives  form  a  graphic  record  of  a  life  of 
great  industry,  and  abound  in  clear  and  sen- 
sible judgments  on  men  and  things.  His 
philosophy  of  life  is  summed  in  a  saying  he 
quotes,  to  the  effect  that  there  are  two  kinds 
of  evils  which  it  is  folly  to  lament :  those 
you  cannot  remedy  and  those  you  can.  His 
attitude  towards  religion  struck  his  friend 
Priestley  as  too  latitudinarian ;  *  every  reli- 
gion upon  earth  is  right,  and  yet  none  are 
perfect.'  Though  a  dissenter,  he  professed 
himself '  a  firm  friend  to  our  present  establish- 
ment, notwithstanding  her  blemishes.' 

Hutton  published  :  1.  ' A  History  of  Bir- 
mingham,' &c.,  1 781, 8vo  (published  22  March 
1782)  ;  2nd  edit.,  1783,  8vo;  3rd  edit.,  1795, 
8vo;  4th  edit.,  1809,  8vo.  2.  'A  Journey 
...  to  London,'  &c.,  1785,  12mo ;  2nd  edit., 
1818,  8vo.  3.  '  Courts  of  Request,'  &c., 
Birmingham,  1787,  8vo.  4.  '  The  Battle  of 
Bosworth  Field,'  &o.,  1788,  8vo;  2nd  edit., 
edited  by  John  Nichols,  F.S.A.,  1813,  8vo. 
5.  '  A  Description  of  Blackpool,'  &c.,  Birming- 
ham, 1789,  8vo  (a  surreptitious  i  second  edi- 
tion,' 8vo,  was  printed  by  Henry  Moon  at 
Kirkham,  without  date  or  author's  name) ; 
2nd  edit.,  1804,  8vo  (this  edition  was  nearly  1 
all  destroyed  by  fire  at  Nicholls's  London 
warehouse);  3rd  edit.,  1817, 8vo.  6.  'A  Dis- 
sertation on  Juries,  with  a  Description  of  the 
Hundred  Court,'  &c.,  Birmingham,  1789, 8vo 
(sometimes  a  supplement  to  No.  3).  7.  '  His- 
tory of  the  Hundred  Courts/  &c.,  1790,  8vo. 
8.  ''  A  History  of  Derby,'  &c.,  1791,  8vo  ; 
2nd  edit.,  1817,  8vo.  9.  'The  Barbers;  or, 
the  Road  to  Riches,  a  Poem,'  &c.,  1793,  8vo. 
10.  <  Edgar  and  Elfrida,  a  Poem,'  &c.,  1793, 
8vo.  11.  '  The  History  of  the  Roman  Wall,' 
&c.,  1802,  8vo;  2nd  edit.,  1813,  8vo.  12.  'Re- 
marks upon  North  Wales/  &c.,  1803,  8vo. 
13.  '  The  Scarborough  Tour/  &c.,  1803,  8vo ; 
2nd  edit,,  1817,  8vo.  14.  'Poems,  chiefly 
Tales/  &c.,  1804,  8vo.  15.  'A  Trip  to 
Coatham/  &c.,  1810,  8  vo  (portrait  of  Hutton 
in  his  eighty-first  year,  engraved  by  James 
Basire  [q.  v.])  Posthumous  was  16.  'Life 
.  .  .  written  by  himself;  .  .  .  to  which  is 
subjoined  the  History  of  his  Family/  &c., 
1816,  8vo  (portrait,  engraved  by  Ransom; 
edited  by  his  daughter) ;  2nd  edit.,  1817,  8vo 
(rearranged) ;  3rd  edit.,  1841,  12mo  (re- 
edited,  with  additional  notes,  by  his  daughter, 
for  Knight's  'English  Miscellanies');  4th 
edit.  [1872],  12mo, '  William  Hutton  and  the 
Hutton  Family '  (full-length  portrait,  edited 




by  Llewellyn  Jewitt,  with  corrections  from 
Button's  original  manuscript,  a  folio,  written 
throughout  with  one  pen). 

His  l  Works,'  1817,  8vo,  8  vols.,  consist 
of  the  above,  excluding  Nos.  6,  9,  10,  14,  the 
editions  varying  in  different  sets,  with  new 
general  title-page  to  each  volume. 

[The  earliest  account  of  Hutton  is  in  Phillips's 
Annual  History  of  Public  Characters,  1802; 
Biog.  Diet,  of  Living  Authors,  1816,  p.  171 ; 
Monthly  Repository,  1818,  p.  368  sq. ;  Authen- 
tic Account  of  the  Eiots  in  Birmingham  [1791], 
p.  8  ;  Keport  of  the  Trials  of  the  Rioters  [1791], 
pp.  14  sq. ;  Views  of  the  Ruins,  1792  (view  of 
Bennett's  Hill,  with  narrative) ;  Rutt's  Memoirs 
of  Priestley,  1832,  ii.  187 ;  notes  supplied  by 
S.  Timmins,  esq. ;  Button's  Works.]  A.  G-. 

HUTTON,  WILLIAM  (1798-1860), 
geologist,  born  in  1798,  near  Sunderland, 
settled  in  Newcastle-on-Tyne  at  an  early 
age,  and  acted  as  agent  of  the  Norwich  Fire 
Insurance  Company.  He  soon  acquired  a 
reputation  as  a  practical  geologist,  an  autho- 
rity upon  the  coal  measures,  and  an  ardent 
collector  of  coal-fossils.  '  The  fossils  of  our 
coal-fields  first  found  an  exponent  in  him.' 
His  intimacy  with  John  Buddie  [q.  v.]  gave 
him  great  advantages  in  his  researches.  He 
was  an  honorary  secretary  of  the  Newcastle 
Natural  History  Society  from  its  foundation 
in  1829  till  he  left  Newcastle  in  1846,  and 
many  papers  written  by  him  were  published 
in  the  society's  '  Transactions  '  (1831-8).  He 
took  a  leading  part  in  the  establishment  of 
mechanics'  institutes  in  the  north  of  England. 
He  was  a  fellow  of  the  London  Geological 
Society,  and  contributed  papers  to  its  '  Trans- 

castle  in  1846,  Hutton  settled  at  Malta,  but 
returned  to  Newcastle  in  1857,  and  after- 
wards removed  to  West  Hartlepool,  where 
he  died  20  Nov.  1860.  His  portrait,  by 
Carrick,  is  in  the  possession  of  the  North  of 
England  Institute  of  Mining  and  Mechanical 
Engineers  at  Newcastle-on-Tyne.  After  his 
death  Professor  G.  A.  Lebour  edited  from  his 
papers  and  from  those  of  Dr.  Lindley  '  Illus- 
trations of  Fossil  Plants,'  London,  1877 ; 
this  was  published  for  the  North  of  England 
Institute  of  Mining  and  Mechanical  Engi- 
neers, and  contained  a  reproduction  of  Car- 
rick's  portrait  of  Hutton.  Hutton's  valuable 
collections  of  fossils,  which  passed  to  the 
council  of  the  Mining  Institute,  is  now 
partly  in  the  Museum  of  the  Natural  His- 
tory Society  at  Newcastle,  and  partly  in  the 
Musei^n  of  the  Durham  College  of  Physical 
Science  in  the  same  town. 

[Gent.  Mag.  1861  i.  Ill ;  Stockton  and  Hartle- 
pool Mercury,  24  Nov.  1860;  Ormerod's  Cat. 
Geol.  Soc.  Proc. ;  Mr.  R.  Howse  s  Cat.  of  ... 
Hutton  Collection  ...  in  Nat.  Hist.  Soc.  Mu- 
seum in  Soc.  Trans,  x.  191 ;  Tyneside  Nat.  Field 
Club,  v.  21 ;  information  kindly  sent  by  Mr. 
Richard  Howse.]  W.  A.  J.  A. 

HUTTON,  WILLIAM  (1736  P-1811), 
antiquary,  born  in  1735  or  1736,  was  the  se- 
cond son  of  George  Hutton  (d.  1736)  of  Over- 
thwaite  in  the  parish  of  Beetham,  West- 
moreland, by  Eleanor,  daughter  of  William 
Tennant  of  York  and  Bedale,  Yorkshire 
(BuRKE,  Landed  Gentry,  7th  ed.  i.  962).  In 
1760  he  became  curate  and  in  September 
1762  rector  of  Beetham  (a  family  living). 
He  died  in  August  1811  (Gent.  Mag.  1811, 
pt.  ii.  p.  291).  By  his  wife  Lucy,  third 
daughter  of  Rigby  Molyneux,  M.P.  for  Pres- 
ton, he  had  two  sons.  He  wrote  a  curious 
tract  in  imitation  of  the  provincial  dialect 
entitled  l  A  Bran  New  Wark,  by  William 
de  Worfat  [Overthwaite],  containing  a  true 
Calendar  of  his  Thoughts  concerning  good 
nebberhood.  Now  first  printed  fra  his  M.S. 
for  the  use  of  the  hamlet  of  Woodland,'  of 
which  fifty  copies  were  printed  at  Kendal  in 
1785.  Another  edition  was  subsequently  is- 
sued with  a  few  variations.  The  tract  was 
reprinted  by  the  English  Dialect  Society  in 
1879.  Hutton  kept  a  large  folio  book  called 
the  '  Repository '  in  the  vestry  of  Beetham 
Church,  in  which  he  entered  a  record  of 
parish  affairs  from  an  early  period  (BURN  and 
NICOLSON",  Westmoreland  and  Cumberland, 
i.  219).  It  has  been  carefully  preserved  and 
continued  by  his  successors. 

[Authorities  quoted.]  G.  G. 

HTJXHAM,  JOHN,  M.D.  (1692-1768), 
physician,  born  at  Totnes,  Devonshire,  in 
1692,  was  son  of  a  butcher.  Left  an  orphan 
early,  he  had  as  guardian  a  nonconformist 
minister,  who  placed  him  at  the  school  of 
Isaac  Gilling  [q.  v.]  of  Newton  Abbot,  and 
afterwards  sent  him  to  the  dissenting  aca- 
demy at  Exeter.  On  7  May  1715  he  entered 
as  a  student  under  Boerhaave  at  Leyden, 
but  being  unable  to  stay  the  requisite  three 
years,  he  graduated  M.D.  at  Rheims  in  1717. 
He  took  a  house  at  Totnes,  but  soon  moved 
to  Plymouth.  The  dissenters  generally  con- 
sulted him,  but  his  practice  did  not  grow  as 
fast  as  he  wished,  and  he  is  accused  of  haying 
resorted  to  artifices  to  increase  his  notoriety, 
such  as  being  called  out  of  a  conventicle 
during  the  preaching,  galloping  through  the 
town,  and  affecting  extreme  gravity.  He  after- 
wards conformed  to  the  established  church. 
According  to  the  customs  of  the  time,  he 
walked  with  a  gold-headed  cane,  followed  by 



a  footman  bearing  his  gloves,  and  he  usually 
wore  a  scarlet  coat. 

Huxham  filled  up  his  spare  hours  with 
study.  He  read  Hippocrates  in  the  original, 
and  made  observations  in  meteorology  as  well 
as  in  physic,  publishing  a  paper  in  the '  Phi- 
losophical Transactions'  in  1723  and  in  1731, 
'  Observationes  de  Aere  et  Morbis  Epidemicis,' 
in  two  volumes,  of  which  a  second  edition 
appeared  in  1752,  and  a  third  volume  after 
his  death  in  1770.  He  was  elected  F.R.S. 
5  April  1739,  and  received  the  Copley  medal 
in  1755  for  observations  on  antimony  (Phi- 
losophical Transactions,  vol.  xlviii.),  after- 
wards printed  as  a  separate  book  in  1756. 
In  1755  also  the  College  of  Physicians  of 
Edinburgh  elected  him  a  fellow,  and  he 
published  'An  Essay  on  Fevers  and  their 
various  kinds.'  This  book,  on  which  the 
author's  fame  chiefly  rests,  begins  with  an 
historical  introduction  in  praise  of  Hippo- 
crates, Celsus,  and  Aretseus,  and  proceeds  to 
describe  the  course  and  treatment  of  simple 
fevers,  intermittent  fevers,  nervous  fevers 
(in  which  the  modern  typhoid  fever  is  in- 
cluded), small-pox,  pleurisy,  inflammation 
of  the  lungs,  and  bronchitis  (then  designated 
peripneumonia  notha).  The  chapters  are 
full  of  original  observation,  and  are  written 
in  a  lucid  style.  The  author  seems  to  derive 
most  of  his  information  from  his  own  obser- 
vations, and,  though  he  copies  no  one,  is 
clearly  a  follower  of  Sydenham,  a  student  of 
sick  men  rather  than  of  physicians'  books, 
but  at  the  same  time  eager  to  recognise  and 
apply  remarks  drawn  from  original  observa- 
tion whenever  he  meets  them  in  the  works 
of  ancients  or  of  moderns.  He  more  than  ] 
once  quotes  with  praise  the  remark  of  Hippo-  I 
crates  that  whoever  knows  the  nature  of  the  [ 
disease  knows  the  method  of  cure,  but  he  is  [ 
at  the  same  time  careful  and  rational  in  his 
use  of  drugs  and  general  method  of  treatment. 
The  compound  tincture  of  cinchona  bark  in 
the  British  Pharmacopoeia,  which  also  con- 
tains bitter  orange  peel,  serpentary  root,  saf- 
fron, and  cochineal  mixed  in  spirit,was  devised 
by  him,  and  was  for  some  time  called  '  Hux- 
ham's  tincture.'  His  book  gave  him  a  wide 
reputation,  and  his  practice  grew  large.  The 
physician  to  the  factory  at  Lisbon  declared  that 
the  queen  of  Portugal,  whom  he  cured  of  a 
fever,  owed  her  life  to  Huxham's  treatise.  The 
queen  ordered  it  to  be  translated  into  Portu- 
guese, and  sent  a  finely  bound  copy  to  the 
author.  In  1747  (30  Sept.)  he  wrote  from 
Plymouth  to  the  '  General  Evening  Post '  on 
the  occasion  of  the  return,  after  a  voyage  ol 
only  thirteen  weeks,  of  Admiral  Martin's 
fleet  with  twelve  hundred  men  disabled  by 
scurvy,  recommending  vegetable  food  as  a 

preventive,  and  urging  a  fuller  supply  of  it 
to  the  navy.  These  remarks,  with  additions, 
were  reprinted  as  a  book,  *  De  Scurbuto,'  at 
Venice  in  1766.  In  1752  he  published  a 
short  book, '  De  Morbo  Colico  Damnoniensi/ 
He  had  observed  that  the  colic  was  com- 
monest when  the  fresh  cider  came  in,  but  he- 
did  not  discover  that  it  had  any  relation  to 
the  lead  dissolved  in  the  cider  [see  BAKER, 
SIR  GEORGE].  In  1757  he  published  a  dis- 
sertation '  On  the  Malignant,  Ulcerous  Sore- 
throat,'  which  contains  an  excellent  account 
of  what  is  now  called  diphtheria,  and  he 
deserves  the  credit  of  being  the  first  to 
observe  the  palsy  of  the  soft  palate  common 
in  the  disease,  but  he  failed  to  distinguish 
cases  of  diphtheria  from  those  of  scarlatina 

Huxham  died  11  Aug.  1768,  and  was 
buried  in  the  north  aisle  of  St.  Andrew's 
Church,  Plymouth.  He  married  Ellen  Cor- 
ham,  and  after  her  death  Elizabeth  Harris, 
who  also  died  before  him.  He  left  two  daugh- 
ters and  one  son,  John  Corham  Huxham, 
who  graduated  at  Exeter  College,  Oxford, 
became  F.R.S. ,  and  edited  several  of  his 
father's  works.  A  complete  edition  was  pub- 
lished in  Latin  at  Leipzig  in  1764  by  Reichel ; 
a  new  edition  appeared  in  1773,  and  a  re- 
vised edition  at  Leipzig  by  Hoenel  in  1829. 
His  portrait  by  Rennell  was  engraved  by 

[Works  ;  Dr.  Munk's  '  Biographia  Medic  a 
Devoniensis,'  printed  in  the  Western  Antiquary, 
Plymouth,  1887,  contains  the  best  life  of  Hux- 
ham; Pettigrew's  Medical  Portrait  Gallery  con- 
tains an  engraving  by  S.  Jenkins  of  Eennell's 
picture.]  N.  M. 

HUYSMANS,  JACOB,  often  called 
HOUSEMAN  (1636  ?-l 696),  portrait-painter, 
born  probably  about  1636,  was  a  native  of 
Antwerp.  Horace  Walpole  states,  in  his 
'  Anecdotes  of  Painting,'  that  Huysmans  was 
born  in  1656,  and  that  he  studied  under  Gillis 
Backereel,  but  both  these  statements  are  dis- 
proved by  the  registers  of  the  guild  of  St. 
Luke,  which  contain  the  entry  of  his  ap- 
prenticeship to  Frans  Wouters  in  1649-50. 
He  came  to  England  soon  after  1660,  and 
appears  to  have  met  with  much  encourage- 
ment, although  Sir  Peter  Lely  was  then  at 
the  zenith  of  his  fame.  Pepys  records  in 
his  '  Diary,'  26  Aug.  1664,  that  he  went  '  to 
see  some  pictures  at  one  Huysman's,  a  pic- 
ture-drawer, a  Dutchman,  which  is  said  to 
exceed  Lilly;  and  indeed  there  is  both  of 
the  Queenes  and  Maids  of  Honour,  particu- 
larly Mrs.  Stewart's,  in  a  buff  doublet  like 
a  soldier,  as  good  pictures,  I  think,  as  ever  I 
saw.  The  Queene  is  drawn  in  one  jlike  a 
shepherdess,  in  the  other  like  St.  Katherine, 




most  like  and  most  admirably.'  The  portrait 
of  Queen  Catharine  as  a  shepherdess — a  full- 
length  seated  figure,  surrounded  by  cupids 
and  a  lamb — is  now  at  Buckingham  Palace. 
That  of  the  queen  as  St.  Catharine,  consi- 
dered by  the  painter  to  be  his  best  work,  is 
now  at  Gorhambury,  Hertfordshire,  the  seat 
of  the  Earl  of  Verulam.     It  is  a  full-length 
portrait,  and  has  been  engraved  in  line  by 
William  Sherwin,  and  published  in  mezzo- 
tint by  R.  Tompson.  A  three-quarters  length 
replica  of  it  is  in  the  possession  of  Lord  Clif- 
ford at  Ugbrooke  Park,  Devonshire.  Another  j 
portrait  of  the  queen  is  in  Painter-Stainers'  ; 
Hall.     Huysmans  called  himself  the  queen's  ! 
painter,  and  often  introduced  her  portrait  as  j 
a  Madonna  or  Venus  into  his  pictures.     He 
also  painted  the  altar-piece  for  the  queen's  j 
chapel  at  St.  James's.  The  portrait  of  Frances 
Stuart,  duchess  of  Richmond,  mentioned  by  I 
Pepys,  is  at  Kensington  Palace,  and  a  full-  i 
length  of  her,  as  Pallas,  is  in  the  possession 
of  the  Duke  of  Richmond  and  Gordon.     The 
portrait  of  LadyBelasyse,  traditionally  known 
as  Lady  Byron,  which  is  at  Hampton  Court, 
has  long  been  ascribed  to  Huysmans,  but  it 
is  now,  on  the  authority  of  an  old  manu- 
script catalogue  at  Windsor,  assigned  to  Sir 
Peter  Lely.     It  was  engraved  by  T.  Wright 
for  Mrs.  Jameson's  '  Beauties  of  the  Court  of 
Charles  the  Second,'  1833. 

There  is  in  the  National  Gallery  an  ex-  ; 
cellent  portrait  of  Izaak  Wralton  by  Huys-  i 
mans,  which  has  been  engraved  by  Philip 
Audinet,  and  also  by  William  Humphrys 
for  Sir  Harris  Nicolas's  edition  of  the  '  Com- 
plete Angler,'  1836.     The  National  Portrait  | 
Gallery  has  portraits  by  him  of  Queen  Ca- 
tharine of  Braganza  and  of  Colonel  Legge 
(<  Honest  Will  Legge ').     At  Holkham  Hall,  ! 
Norfolk,  the  seat  of  the  Earl  of  Leicester,  is  ! 
a  picture  of  the  children  of  Mr.  Coke,  which 
has  been  reproduced  in  mezzotint  by  Paul 
van  Somer  and  W.  Vincent.     Among  other 
portraits  engraved  after   him  are  those  of 
Alexander  Browne,  painter  and  engraver, 
by  Arnold  de  Jode,  prefixed  to  his  '  Ars  Pic- 
toria,'  1675,  and  of  John  Dolben,  bishop  of 
Rochester,  published  by  R.  Tompson.  Huys- 
mans' portraits  are  well  drawn  and  coloured, 
and  combine  somewhat  of  the  power  and 
freedom  of  Van  Dyck  with  the  grace  and 
feeling  of  Lely. 

He  died  in  Jermyn  Street,  London,  in 
1696,  and  was  buried  in  St.  James's  Church, 

[Wai  pole's  Anecdotes  of  Painting,  ed.  Wornum, 
1849,  ii.  471-2  ;  Liggeren  der  Antwerpsche  Sint 
Lucasgilde,  ed.  Rombouts  and  Van  Lerius,  1865- 
1881,  ii.  209;  Burton's  Descriptive  and  Histori- 
cal Catalogue  of  the  Pictures  in  the  National 

Gallery,  Foreign  Schools,  1889  ;  Scharf's  Cata- 
logue of  the  National  Portrait  G-allery,  1888  ; 
Law's  Historical  Catalogue  of  the  Pictures  at 
Hampton  Court,  1881.]  R.  E.  G-. 

HUYSSING     or     HYSING,    HANS 

(fl.  1700-1735),  portrait-painter,  born  at 
Stockholm  in  Sweden,  came  to  England  in 
1700  as  assistant  to  Michael Dahl  [q.  v.],  the 
portrait-painter,  with  whom  he  lived  for 
many  years.  He  succeeded  after  Dahl's  death 
to  his  practice,  and  adopted  his  manner.  He 
was  patronised  by  the  family  of  George  II, 
and  painted  the  queen,  the  three  royal  prin- 
cesses, and  George  III  as  a  boy.  Many  of 
his  portraits,  including  Sir  Robert  Walpole, 
the  speaker  Onslow,  Dr.  Desaguliers,  C.  F. 
Zincke  (the  enamel-painter)  and  his  wife, 
James  Gibbs  (the  architect),  and  Humphrey 
Skelton,  were  engraved  in  mezzotint  by  John 
Faber,  jun.,  and  others.  Vertue  describes 
portraits  by  him  of  Joseph  Goupy  and  Sir 
Nicholas  Dorigny  as  '  well  painted,  much  in 
Mr.  Dahl's  later  manner.' 

[Vertue's  MSS.  (Brit.  Mus.  Add.  MS.  23076); 
Chaloner  Smith's  British  Mezzotinto  Portraits.] 

L.  C. 

HUYSUM,  JACOB  VAST  (ft.  1721),  flower 
painter.  [See  VAN  HUTSTJM.] 

HYATT,  JOHN  (1767-1826),  preacher, 
son  of  a  publican,  was  born  at  Sherborne  in 
Dorsetshire  21  Jan.  1767.  He  was  educated 
at  a  day  school,  and  at  fourteen  was  appren- 
ticed to  a  cabinet-maker,  on  whose  death 
Hyatt  carried  on  the  business.  Hyatt  first 
received  deep  religious  impressions  through 
the  influence  of  Miss  Westcomb,  who  became 
his  wife  in  1787.  She  was  the  niece  of  a 
dissenting  minister  named  Vardy.  Hyatt, 
after  considerable  discussion  with  one  of 
Wesley's  Arminian  preachers,  became  a  Cal- 
vinist.  In  1794  he  began  to  preach ;  in  1798 
gave  up  his  business ;  moved  with  his  family 
to  Mere  in  Wiltshire,  and  devoted  himself 
wholly  to  religious  work.  His  unauthorised 
ministration,  though  acceptable  to  the  mul- 
titude, did  not  meet  with  the  approval  of 
the  regular  preachers.  Monetary  difficulties 
drove  him  to  Frome  in  Somerset  in  1800, 
but  his  reputation  as  a  preacher  was  then 
established,  and  shortly  afterwards  he  was 
invited  to  become  minister  of  the  London 
Tabernacle.  He  died  in  London  in  1826, 
leaving  a  widow  and  one  son,  Charles.  Hyatt 
published  many  single  sermons,  and  a  collec- 
tion of  addresses  on  various  subjects,  London, 
1811,  8vo  (2nd  edition  in  the  same  year). 
Another  volume  of  sermons  was  edited  by 
his  son,  with  a  memoir  by  J.  Morison  pre- 
fixed, London,  1 828.  <  Sketches  of  fifty  Ser- 




monsof  the  late  Jfohn]  HfyattT  appeared  in 
1827,  12mo. 

[Memoir  by  J.  Morison  ;  Brit.  Mus.  Cat.] 
W.  A.  J.  A. 

HYDE,  ALEXANDER  (1598-1667), 
bishop  of  Salisbury,  born  at  Salisbury  in 
1598,  was  the  fourth  son  of  Sir  Lawrence 

ditch,  p.  145;  Cassan's  History  of  Bishops  oi. 
Sherborne  and  Salisbury,  pt.  iii.  25 ;  Hist,  andll 
Antiq.  of  Salisbury  Cathedral,  ed.  1723,  pp.  3li(l 
161-277,  307,  325;    private   information  from 
Mr.  Clifford  Holgate.]  E.  T.  B.  '  . 

1671),  eldest  daughter  of  Edward  Hyde.. 

Hyde,  knt.  (the  second  son  of  Lawrence  Hyde    afterwards  earl  of  Clarendon  [q.  v.],  and  oi 
of  Gussage  St.  Michael,  Dorsetshire,  who  was  i  his  second  wife,  Frances,  was  born  12  March  ft 
third  son  of  Robert  Hyde  of  Norbury,  Che-    1637  at  Cranbourne  Lodge  in  Windsor  Park  ^e 
shire).    His  mother  was  Barbara  Castilion  of  i  which  was  occupied  by  her  grandfather,  Sii 
Benham,  Berkshire.   He  was  thus  first  cousin    Thomas  Aylesbury  [q.  v.],  then   master  o: 
of  Edward  Hyde,  first  earl  of  Clarendon,  and    tne  requests.    In  May  1649  she  accompanies 
was  brother  of  Edward  Hyde  (1607-1659)    her  mother,  sister,  and  brothers  to  Antwerp 

&.  v.],  of  Sir  Robert  Hyde  [q.  v.],  and  of  Henry  i  In  the  autumn  of  1653  the  Princess  of  Orang. 
yde,who  accompanied  Charles  II  to  the  con-  !  (Princess  Royal  of  England)  assigned  toLad\ 
tinent  and  was  beheaded  in  London  in  1650.    Hyde  and  her  children  a  residence  at  Bredal 
Attheageof  twelve  (1610)  Alexander  entered  i  and  in  the  following  year  Annewas  appointed! 
Winchester  College  as  a  scholar,  and  matri-  '  one  of  the  maids  of  honour  to  the  princess,  ap 
culated  17  Nov.  1615  at  New  College,  Ox-  !  parently  against  the  wish  of  her  father  and  c? 
ford,  where,  in  1617,  he  was  admitted  perpe-  I  the  Queen  Henrietta  Maria  (cf.  Life  of  Clc^. 
tual  fellow,  and  afterwards  graduated  B.O.L.  i  rendon,  i.  302-7,  and  Continuation  of  Life,   » 
o/i  A—:I  i«oo  _j  Tk  n  T    A  T..I_  n^oo     -r    i  373  nm .  MRS.  EVERETT  GREEN,  Lives  of  t/<  ' 

Princesses  of  England,  1855,  ii.  235).     A 
the  princess's  country  residence  of  Teylinj 

Hyde  became    subdean   and  prebendary  of    or  at  the  Hague,  Anne  was  conspicuous  : 
Salisbury  Cathedral,  stall  of  South  Grantham    the  court  gaieties,  and  was  the  especial  fL 
(4  March  1638-9).     Like  other  members  of  I  vourite  of  the  light-hearted  Queen  of  P.  , 
his  family  he  was  a  staunch  royalist,  and  I  hernia  (cf.  EVELYN,  Correspondence,  iv.  2":>  : 
was  sequestered  from  his  livings  under  the  '  225).   She  wrote  a '  portrait '  of  the  prince-, 

which  inspired  Waller's  graceful  verses  ,' 
her  mistress.     Waller  mentioned  her  as  tl 
'  nymph '  who  so  admirably  '  described  tl 
worth'  of  the  princess  (Poems,  ed.  Bell,  pp 
175-6 ;  cf.  HORACE  WALPOLE,  Catalogue  of 

24  April  1623,  and  D.C.L.  4  July  1632.  In 
1634  he  was  made  rector  of  Wylye  and 
Little  Langford,  Wiltshire.  In  Ma  1637 

Commonwealth,  but  reoccupied  them  at  the 
Restoration.  According  to  tradition,  sup- 
ported by  his  epitaph  (see  HATCHER,  History 
of  Sarum,  ed.  1843,  p.  459),  he  contributed 
bountifully  to  the  repairs  of  the  cathedral 
after  its  desecration  by  the  soldiers  of  the 
parliament.  By  Clarendon's  influence  he  was 
at  the  Restoration  rewarded  by  the  deanery 
of  Winchester  (installed  8  Aug.  1660),  and  on 
the  death  of  John  Earle  [q.v.]  in  1665  was  pro- 
moted to  the  bishopric  of  Salisbury.  He  re- 
signed the  subdeanery  of  Salisbury  in  1661, 
and  his  prebend  there  in  1665.  His  conse- 
cration took  place  31  Dec.  1665  in  New  Col- 
lege Chapel,  Oxford.  Hyde  died  in  London, 
22  Aug.  1667,  aged  69,  and  was  buried  in 
the  south  aisle  of  the  nave  of  Salisbury  Ca- 
thedral, beneath  a  black  marble  slab  bearing 
a  Latin  inscription.  His  will,  dated  17  July 
1 667,  is  at  Doctors'  Commons.  His  portrait 
in  his  episcopal  robes  is  in  the  bishop's 
palace,  Salisbury.  By  his  wife,  Mary,  daugh- 
ter of  Bishop  Tounson,  and  niece  of  John 
Davenant,  bishop  of  Salisbury,  Hyde  had, 
besides  three  daughters,  a  son,  Robert,  who 
ultimately  succeeded  to  the  family  estates. 

[Lansd.  MS.  986,  f.  61;  Wood's  Athen.  Ox. 
ed.  Bliss,  iv.  832 ;  Wood?s  Fasti  Ox.  ed.  Bliss,  i. 
411,466;  Le  Neve's  Fasti,  1854,  ii.  609,  656,  iii. 
22 ;  Dodsworth's  Salisbury,  p.  70 ;  Hoare's  Wilt- 
shire, Branch  and  Dole,  pp.  179,  182,  Under- 

Royal  and  Noble  Authors,  in  Works,  1798,  . 
467-8).  As  early  as  1655  Charles  playfully 
mentions  Sir  Spencer  Compton's  passion  for 
Anne  (EVELYN,  Correspondence,  iv.  2 1 1  n. )  In 
January  1656  Anne  accompanied  the  Princess 
of  Orange  on  a  visit  to  the  princess's  mother 
at  Paris,  and  there  she  first  met  the  Duke  of 
York,  then  twenty-two  years  of  age.  What- 
ever relations  may  have  then  been  established 
between  them  (Life  of  James  II,  i.  307-8), 
Anne  does  not  appear  to  have  seen  the  duke 
again  for  some  time  afterwards  (EVELYN, 
Correspondence,  iv.  323  n. ;  Memoirs  of  Gram- 
mont,  p.  118).  But  when  York  renewed  his 
acquaintance  with  Anne  at  Breda  he  con- 
tracted an  engagement  of  marriage  with  her, 
24  Nov.  1659  (KENNETT,  Register  and  Chro- 
nicle, p.  246,  and  Life  of  James  II,  i.  387). 

The  return  of  the  duke  to  England  with 
the  king  in  May  1660  materially  altered  the 
position  and  prospects  of  Anne,  who  now  ap- 
pears to  have  quitted  the  service  of  the  Prin- 
cess of  Orange  and  to  have  gone  back  to  her 
own  family.  Despite  the  king's  original  re- 
luctance, and  the  violent  zeal  of  many  of  his 
own  friends  and  servants  against  the  match, 




James  was  privately  married  to  Anne  at  Wor- 
cester House,  Sir  Edward  Hyde's  residence  , 
in  the  Strand,  3  Sept.  1660,  between  11  at 
iiight  and  2  A.M.  by  the  duke's  chaplain,  Dr. 
Joseph  Crowther,Lord  Ossory  giving  away  the 
bride  (KENNETT,  Jfo^&r,  u.s.)  By  21  Dec.  the 
marriage  had  been  publicly  owned  (PEPYS), 
and  on  the  following  day  Evelyn  kissed  the 
duchess's  hand  at  Worcester  House. 

According  to  Anne's  father  (Continuation 
of  Life  of  Clarendon,  i.  371-404),  the  duke 
had  previously  informed  his  brother  of  his  j 
engagement,  and  entreated  his  sanction  for  i 
a  public  marriage,  in  default  of  which  he  (the 
duke)  was  resolved  to  quit  the  country  for 
ever.    The  king  thereupon  applied  for  advice  j 
to  Clarendon,  who  thus  heard  of  the  matter  j 
for  the  first  time.    Clarendon, i  struck  to  the  [ 
heart,'  in  his  first  agony  proposed  to  send  his 
daughter  to  the  Tower,  whereupon  an  act  of  j 
parliament  which  he  would  willingly  himself 
propose  should   be   immediately  passed  for 
cutting  off  her  head  ;  and  this  advice  he  re- 
peated to  the  king.     Charles  II  was  at  the 
time    still    unmarried,    and   Anne's    father 
might,  if  the  marriage  stood,  besides  incur- 
ring an  immediate  storm  of  indignation,  find 
himself  the  father  of  a  reigning  queen  (cf. 
Mile,  de  Longueville's  case  in  Hist .  of  Rebel- 
lion, vi.  591-2).    He  afterwards  regarded  her 
elevation  as  the  true  cause  of  his  downfall. 
Soon,  however,  he  found  the  marriage  to  be  t 
an  unquestionable  fact,  for  which  the  king  i 
saw  no  help,  and  by  which  parliament  and  j 
the  public  were  not  vehemently  affected.  The 
passionate  opposition  of  the  queen-mother,  :{ 
then  on  the  point  of  paying  a  visit  to  Eng- 
land, counted  for  little  against  the  persistent 
friendliness   of  the   king.     A  new  danger, 
however,  arose  for  Anne  when  the  duke  him- 
self began  to  falter  in  his  purpose.     By  way  ' 
of  keeping  him  in  this  temper  Sir  Charles  Ber- 
keley (afterwards  Lord  Falmouth),  the  same 
courtier  whom  Clarendon  charges  with  having 
originally  sought  to  injure  him  by  promoting 
this  match,  induced  the  younger  Henry  Jer- 
myn,  Lord  Arran,  and  others,  '  all  men  of 
honour'  (GRAMMONT,  pp.  162  sqq.),  to  furnish 
the  duke  with  personal  evidence  of  his  wife's  j 
misconduct  with  them  before  her  marriage,    i 

The  duchess  was  on  22  Oct.  1660  delivered  j 
of  a  son.  But  it  was  still  some  little  time  | 
before,  Berkeley  having  confessed  his  fraud, 
a  complete  reaction  took  place  in  the  duke's 
mind.  Though  neither  the  Princess  of  Orange, 
then  on  her  ill-fated  visit  to  England,  nor  the 
Duke  of  Gloucester  could  welcome  her  to 
court,  yet  her  worst  enemy,  the  queen-mother, 
was  converted  by  an  opportune  letter  from  Car- 
dinal Mazarin.  While  she  now  very  graciously 
received  both  the  chancellor  and  his  daughter, 

the  latter  accepted  the  submission  of  Berkeley 
and  promised  to  forget  his  offence  Finally 
the  king  assured  Clarendon  that  in  sum  he 
was  contented  with  the  match;  'his  daughter 
was  a  woman  of  great  wit  and  excellent 
parts ; '  she  would  take  good  advice  from  her 
father,  and  exert  her  beneficial  influence  over 
her  husband.  This  prediction  was  very  in- 
completely fulfilled. 

The  Duke  and  Duchess  of  York  had  a 
family  of  eight  children,  but  only  two  of 
these,  Mary  and  Anne,  lived  more  than  a 
year  or  two  beyond  infancy.  The  eldest  of 
their  four  sons  (whose  identities  have  been 
much  confused ;  they  are  distinguished  accu- 
rately in  LISTER,  Life  of  Clarendon,  ii.  485, 
from  SANDFORD,  Geneal.  Hist. ;  cf.  DOYLE, 
Official  Baronage,  i.  298,  ii.  268 ;  and  W.  A. 
LIKDSY,  Pedigree  of  the  House  of  Stuart, 
1889),  Charles,  duke  of  Cambridge,  died  5  May 
1661  (cf.  Hartlib  to  Worthington  in  WORTH- 
INGTON",  Diary  and  Correspondence,  i.  310) ;  the 
same  title  was  bestowed  upon  two  younger 
brothers,  James  and  Edgar,  born  13  July  1663 
and  14  Sept,  1667  (cf.  PEPYS)  ;  the  third, 
Charles,  born  4  July  1666,  was  created  Duke  of 
Kendal,  but  died  22  May  1667,  only  a  month 
before  the  death  of  his  elder  brother  James 
(20  June  1667 ;  cf.  PEPYS,  14  May  1667 ; 
MARVELL'S  savage  epigram  i  Upon  his  [Cla- 
rendon's] Grandchildren/  Works,  i.  392).  Two 
younger  daughters  likewise  died  in  infancy. 

The  duchess  clearly  exercised  in  many 
ways  a  salutary  influence  over  her  husband ; 
and  it  was  even  asserted  that,  while  reserv- 
ing a  handsome  margin  for  her  own  expendi- 
ture on  jewels  and  the  like,  she  kept  a  tight 
hand  over  the  duke's  general  budget  (PEPYS, 
27  Jan.  1668).  Her  court  was  thought  more 
select  while  less  numerous  than  that  of  Queen 
Catherine  (GRAMMONT,  p.  110 ;  see  JESSE,  iii. 
475-6).  She  patronised  Sir  Peter  Lely,  who 
painted  many  portraits  of  her,  and  whom  she 
is  said  to  have  commissioned  to  paint  an 
entire  series  of  the  handsomest  persons  at 
court  (GRAMMOSTT,  p.  191).  Nor  was  she 
without  literary  talents ;  in  addition  to  the 
sketch  of  the  Princess  of  Orange  she  began 
a  narrative,  founded  on  her  husband's  jour- 
nals, of  part  of  his  career  (see  BTJRNET,  vi. 
307 ;  and  cf.  HORACE  WALPOLE,U.S.,  pp.  417- 
418).  Her  quickness  of  intelligence  and 
readiness  to  make  friends  even  of  enemies 
account  for  the  impression  which  prevailed 
that  '  the  Duke  of  York,  in  all  things  but  in 
his  amours,  was  led  by  the  nose  by  his  wife ' 
(PEPYS,  30  Oct.  1668).  According  to  Cla- 
rendon (Continuation  of  Life,  iii.  65-8)  at- 
tempts were  made  about  1666,  by  bringing 
this  impression  home  to  the  king,  and  at  the 
same  time  by  urging  the  duke  and  duchess 




to  insist  on  an  increase  of  their  allowance, 
to  help  in  sowing  ill-will  between  the  royal 
brothers,  and  the  duchess  was,  notwithstand- 
ing her  father's  advice,  found  ready  to  listen 
to  such  insidious  counsels.  Unfortunately, 
however,  the  duke's  constant  succession  of 
amours  could  not  fail  of  itself  to  produce 
trouble,  and  the  duchess  had  grounds  enough 
for  a  jealousy  -which,  according  to  Pepys 
(15  May  1662),  was  very  burdensome  to  her 
consort.  Soon  she  was  said  to  have  com- 
plained to  the  king  and  to  her  father  about 
the  duke's  attachment  to  Lady  Chesterfield, 
who  in  consequence  had  to  withdraw  into 
the  country  (ib.  3  Nov.  1662),  where  she  died. 
Other  intrigues  followed  with  the  duchess's 
maids  of  honour  (GRAMMONT,  ch.  ix.)  and 
other  ladies ;  and  in  one  case  the  malevo- 
lence of  the  enemies  of  the  duchess  did  not 
shrink  from  asserting  that  she  had  taken 
deadly  vengeance  upon  her  rival ;  a  lampoon 
attributing  the  death  of  Lady  Denham  (6  Jan. 
1667)  to  poison  administered  by  order  of  the 
duchess  was  actually  affixed  to  the  door  of 
her  palace  (see  MARVELL,  Last  Instructions 
to  a  Painter,  1.  44,  and  Clarendon's  House- 
Warming,  st.  vii. ;  Works,  i.  342,  385 ;  and 
art.  DENHAM,  SIR  JOHN,  1615-1669). 

In  consequence,  it  was  suggested  (GRAM- 
MONT,  p.  274),  of  the  duke's  amour  with  the 
ugly  Arabella  Churchill  [q.  v.],  the  duchess 
was  said  to  have  resorted  to  a  more  ordinary 
method  of  revenge  by  countenancing  the  ad- 
vances of  Henry  Sidney,  the  youngest  son 
of  the  Earl  of  Leicester.  He  had  been  at- 
tached about  1665  as  groom  of  the  bed- 
chamber to  her  husband's  household,  and  was 
subsequently  appointed  master  of  the  horse 
to  the  duchess  herself.  It  must  be  left  an 
open  question  whether  there  actually  existed 
between  them  relations  of  a  nature'to  justify 
the  ebullition  of  anger  in  the  duke,  and 
whether  this  was  the  cause  of  Sidney's  tem- 
porary banishment  from  the  court  (PEPYS, 
9  Jan.  and  15  Oct.  1666  ;  cf.  Memoirs  of  Sir 
John  Reresby,  ed.  1873,  p.  65). 

Shortly  after  Clarendon's  fall  from  power 
Pepys  (3  Sept.  1667)  found  her  and  her  hus- 
band alone,  l  methought  melancholy,  or  else 
I  thought  so.'  Under  the  new  regime  it  was 
rumoured  that  a  kind  of  cartel  had  been 
arranged  between  the  pair  and  Lady  Castle- 
maine  to  operate  against  Buckingham  and 
Arlington  (PEPYS,  16  Jan.  1669  ;  cf.  6  A.pril 
1668).  About  the  same  time  it  was  noticed 
that  she  had  ceased  to  communicate  as  a 
member  of  the  church  of  England,  while  in 
conversation  she  displayed  a  marked  inclina- 
tion to  the  doctrines  and  usages  of  Rome 
(BTJRNET,  i.  566).  In  August  1670,  with  a 
view,  it  has  been  suggested,  to  recover  her 

influence  over  her  husband,  himself  already 
to  all  intents  and  purposes  a  convert,  she  was 
actually  received  into  the  Roman  catholic 
church.  Her  conversion  was  not  made  public 
till  her  death,  though  in  December  1670  her 
'intention'  had  been  made  known  by  the  duke 
to  the  king.  No  other  person  except  Father 
Hunt,  a  Franciscan,  who  reconciled  her,  and 
a  lady  and  a  servant  in  attendance,  was  privy 
to  the  transaction  (Life  of  James  II,  i.  452-3) ; 
but  it  became  known  to  her  father  (see  his 
'  Two  Letters  to  the  Duke  and  Duchess  of 
York,  occasioned  by  her  entering  the  Roman 
Catholic  Religion,'  in  State  Tracts  under 
Charles  II  (1689),  pp.  439-42).  A  paper  dated 
20  Aug.  was  left  behind  her  after  her  death 
explaining  with  clearness  and  dignity  the 
motives  of  her  conversion  (it  will  be  found  in 
KENNETT,  History  of  England,  iii.  292-3).  It 
was  published  by  James  II  in  1686,  together 
with  papers  of  the  same  kind  by  Charles  II, 
and  produced  in  the  same  year  an  '  Answer ' 
followed  by  a { Reply.'  Some  years  afterwards 
Father  Maimbourg,  in  his  '  Histoire  du  Cal- 
vinisme,'  while  printing  the  duchess's  paper, 
attributed  her  change  of  faith  to  the  negligence 
of  the  two  prelates  upon  whose  guidance  she 
depended.  The  names  of  the  bishops  impli- 
cated are  variously  given  as  Morley,  bishop 
of  Winchester  (KENNETT  and  BURNET,  i.  307), 
Archbishop  Sheldon,  and  Blandford,  bishop 
of  Worcester.  Morley  vindicated  himself  in 
an  'Answer  to  a  Letter  written  by  a  Romish 
Priest,'  together  with  which  he  published  a 
'  Letter  to  Anne,  Duchess  of  York,  a  few 
months  before  her  death'  (EVELYN,  Corre- 
spondence, iii.  401-2  and  note;  cf.  BTTRNET,  i. 
567-8 ;  and  ROCHESTER,  '  Meditations,'  &c., 
1675,  in  Correspondence  of  Lords  Clarendon 
and  Rochester,  1828,  ii.  647,  Appendix  iv.) 

On  31  March  1671  the  Duchess  of  York 
died,  after  receiving  the  viaticum  of  the 
church  of  Rome.  Her  husband  and  Queen 
Catherine  were  present  during  her  last  hours. 
By  her  desire  Blandford,  bishop  of  Worcester, 
on  his  arrival  with  Laurence  Hyde,  at  that 
time  still  in  doubt  as  to  his  sister's  conver- 
sion, was  informed  of  the  fact  by  the  duke. 
Before  taking  his  departure  the  bishop  con- 
tented himself  with  a  short  exhortation,  on 
the  conclusion  of  which  the  dying  woman 
asked,  f  What  is  truth  ?  '  and  in  her  agony 
reiterated  the  word  '  truth '  before  she 
breathed  her  last  (BTJRNET,  i.  568).  After 
her  death  a  letter  arrived  from  her  father1* 
expostulating  with  her  on  her  conversion 
(see  for  this  LISTER,  Life  of  Clarendon,  ii. 
481-4).  She  had  for  some  time  suffered  from 
the  disease  (cancer  in  the  breast)  of  which 
she  died.  She  was  privately  interred  in  the 
vault  of  Mary  Queen  of  Scots  in  Henry  VII's 




chapel  at  Westminster  (JESSE,  iii.  482;  MAK- 
VELL,  Works,  i.  256). 

Anne  Hyde  was  doubtless  not  very  differ- 
ent in  manners  and  morals  from  her  sur- 
roundings, but  the  charges  both  horrible  and 
loathsome  brought  against  her  in  Marvell's 
satires  may  safely  be  rejected  (Last  Instruc- 
tions to  a  Painter,  1667,  11.  49-68 ;  also 
Advice  to  a  Painter,  11.  44-54,  and  An  His- 
torical Poem,  1.  20,  Works,  i.  255-6,  314-15, 
343;  ib.  ii.  Introd.  xvii  sqq.)  Manifestly  she 
was  not  popular ;  the  Duke  of  Gloucester 
amiably  said  that  his  sister-in-law  smelt  of 
her  father's  green-bag,  and  in  a  parvenue  the 
pride  habitually  imputed  to  her  was  natu- 
rally resented  (cf.  PEPYS,  11  April  1662  and 

23  June  1667 ;  BTJRNET,  i.  568).   She  was  also 
reputed  to  be  extravagant  in  expenditure  and 
'  state/  and  too  fond  of  eating  (GRAMMONT, 
p.  274).   But  though  in  some  ways  unattrac- 
tive, and  not  beautiful,  she  was  a  woman  of 
exceptional  talents  and  accomplishments,  and 
gifted  with  discretion  and  tact,  together  with 
a  certain  innate  grandeur  of  both  manner  and 
spirit  (BUKNET,  i.  307). 

The  most  favourable  of  the  numerous  por- 
traits of  the  duchess  painted  by  Sir  Peter 
Lely  is  thought  to  be  that  at  Went  worth, 
which  is  probably  the  picture  inspected  by 
Pepys  18  June  1662  (cf.  ib.  24  March  1666 
as  to  a  later  portrait).  Others  are  at  the 
Grove,  Watford,  in  the  National  Portrait 
Gallery,  and  elsewhere  (see  LEWIS,  Lives  of 
the  Friends  of  Clarendon,  iii.  372-4).  An 
original  portrait  was  said  to  decorate  a  panel 
in  the  manor-house  at  Wandsworth  (  Times, 

24  April  1889). 

[Clarendon's  Life,  with  Continuation,  and 
History  of  the  Kebellion,  Oxford,  1826-7;  Life 
of  James  II,  2  vols.  4to,  London,  1816;  Burnet's 
History  of  his  own  Time,  vol.  i.,  Oxford,  1833; 
Evelyn's  Diary  and  Correspondence;  Pepys's 
Diary;  Memoirs  of  Count  Grammont,  Bonn's 
edit.,  1846  ;  Works  of  Andrew  Marvell,  ed.  A.  B. 
Grosart  (Fuller  Worthies  Library).]  A.  W.  W. 

HYDE,  CATHERINE,  afterwards  DU- 
CHESS OF  QUEENSBERRY  (d.  1777).  [See 
under  DOUGLAS,  CHAKLES,  third  DUKE  OF 
QUEENSBERRY,  1698-1778.] 

HYDE,  DAVID  BE  LA  (fl.  1580),  clas- 
sical scholar,  was,  in  Wood's  opinion,  an 
Irishman  by  birth.  There  was  an  Irish 
knightly  family  of  the  name  seated  at  Moy- 
clare  in  King's  County,  the  heads  of  which — 
Sir  Walter  and  his  son  Sir  James  de  la 
Hyde — suffered  proscription  for  their  share 
in  Fitzgerald's  revolt  of  1535  (HOLINSHED, 
ii.  96,  ed.  Hooker ;  FROUDE,  Hist,  of  Eng- 
land, ii.  321).  The  family  was  possibly  a 
branch  of  the  De  la  Hydes  of  Brimpton  in 
Berkshire  (ASHMOLE,  Berkshire,  iii.  296). 


David  de  la  Hyde  graduated  B.A.  at  Mer- 
ton  College,  Oxford,  in  1548,  was  admitted 
probationary  fellow  of  his  college  in  1549, 
and  M.A.  in  1553.  He  studied  the  civil  law 
for  five  years,  and  supplicated  to  be  admitted 
B.C.L.  on  21  Feb.  1558,  but  admission  was 
refused.  De  la  Hyde  was,  says  Wood, '  much 
adored  for  his  most  excellent  faculty  in  dis- 
puting,' which  he  exercised -both  before  the 
university  and  his  own  college.  Ejected  from 
Merton  in  1560  for  denying  the  queen's 
supremacy,  he  went  to  Ireland, f  where,'  says 
Richard  Stanihurst  (Description  of  Ireland, 
c.  7,  ap.  HOLINSHED,  ii.  40),  <  he  became  an 
exquisite  and  profound  clerk,  well  seen  in 
the  Greek  and  Latin  tongues,  expert  in  the 
mathematics,  and  a  proper  antiquary.  His 
pen  was  not  lazy,  but  daily  breeding  of 
learned  books.'  He  seems  to  have  been  in 
England  again  in  1561.  In  the  list  of  the 
recusants  of  that  year  given  by  Strype  (An- 
nals, i.  412,  ed.  Oxford,  1824),  De  la  Hyde  is 
said  to  be  '  at  his  liberty,  saving  that  he  is  re- 
strained to  come  within  twenty  miles  of  either 
of  the  universities.'  He  is  noted  in  the  margin 
as  '  very  stubborn,  and  worthy  to  be  looked 
into.'  Of  the '  many  learned  books '  of  which 
Stanihurst  speaks,  there  appears  to  be  no 
trace.  Wood,  who  had  never  seen  them, 
says  that  they  were  printed  over  the  sea. 
Two  tracts  by  De  la  Hyde, '  Schemata  rhe- 
torica  in  tabulam  contracta '  and  '  De  ligno 
et  fteno,'  were  known  to  Wood  in  manu- 
script. The  latter,  an  oration  delivered  with 
great  effect  in  Merton  College  Hall  in  praise 
of  Jasper  Hey  wood  [q.  v.],  when  Christmas 
lord,  or  king  of  misrule,  in  the  college,  is 
still  extant  among  Wood's  manuscripts  in  the 
Ashmolean  Museum. 

[Wood's  Athense  Oxon.  i.  456,  ed.  Bliss ; 
Wood's  Fasti,  i.  126,  138, 154  ;  Wood's  Antiq.  of 
the  Univ.  of  Oxford,  ii.  136,  146,  ed.  Gutch ; 
Dodd's  Clmrch  Hist.  ii.  116,  Brussels,  1739.1 

J.  T-T. 

HYDE,  EDWARD,  D.D.  (1607-1659), 
royalist  divine,  born  in  1607,  was  one  of  the 
eleven  sons  of  Sir  Lawrence  Hyde  of  Salis- 
bury. He  was  educated  at  Westminster  School, 
and  elected  thence,  in  1625,  to  Trinity  Col- 
lege, Cambridge.  He  became  fellow  of  his 
college,  was  appointed  tutor  1636,  and  pro- 
ceeded M.A..  1637.  He  was  created  D.D.  of 
Oxford  University  in  January  1642-3,  and 
was  presented  to  the  rectory  of  Brightwell 
in  Berkshire,  but  after  1645  the  living  was 
sequestered  from  him  for '  scandal  in  life  and 
disaffection  to  the  Parliament.'  By  an  order 
of  the  parliamentary  committee,dated  8  March 
1649,  he  was  granted  a  fifth  of  the  annual 
value  of  the  living  for  the  support  of  his 
family,  but  his  successor,  John  Ley,  suc- 

B  B 




ceedftd  in  obtaining  a  dispensation  from  this 
payment  in  1652,  on  the  ground  that  Hyde 
was  possessed  of  lands  and  woods  in  Wilt- 
shire, and  that  his  wife's  father  was  wealthy. 
The  matter  was  brought  before  the  public  by 
John  Ley  in  '  An  Acquittance  or  Discharge 
from  Dr.  E.  H.  his  l)emand  of  a  Fifth  Part 
of  the  Rectory  of  Br.  in  Barks/  &c.,  1654, 
4to,  which  included  '  An  Apologie  against 
the  Doctors  Defamations  ...  at  Oxford  and 
elsewhere,'  and  '  A  Preparative  to  further 
Contestation  about  other  Differences.'  It  was 
followed  in  1655  by  '  General  Reasons  .  .  . 
against  the  Defalcation  of  a  Fifth  Part  of  the 
Minister's  Maintenance,  .  .  .  whereto  are 
added  particular  Reasons  against  the  Pay- 
ment ...  to  Dr.  E.  H. .  . .  Together  with  an 
Answer  to  a  Letter  of  the  said  Dr.  E.  H., 
occasioned  by  the  late  Insurrection  at  Salis- 
bury.' An  account  of  the  '  further  Contesta- 
tion '  would  seem  to  be  given  in  '  A  Debate 
concerning  the  English  Liturgy  .  .  .  drawn 
out  in  two  English  and  two  Latine  Epistles 
written  betwixt  Edward  Hyde,  D.D.,  and 
John  Ley ; '  this  was  published  by  Ley  in 
1656,  4to.  Hyde  retired  from  Bright  well  to 
Oxford,  and  resided  in  the  precincts  of  Hart 
Hall.  He  '  studied  frequently  in  Bodley's 
Library,'  and  preached  in  the  church  of  Holy- 
well  in  the  suburbs  till  '  silenced  by  the 
Faction.'  In  1658  he  obtained,  by  favour 
of  his  exiled  kinsman,  Edward  Hyde,  the 
lord  chancellor,  letters  patent  for  the  deanery 
of  Windsor,  but  died  16  Aug.  1659  at  Salis- 
bury, before  he  could  enjoy  his  preferment. 
He  was  buried  in  the  cathedral. 

Hyde  was  the  author  of:  1.  'A  Wonder 
and  yet  no  Wonder :  a  great  Red  Dragon  in 
Heaven,'  London,  1651,  8vo.  2.  'The  Mys- 
tery of  Christ  in  us,'  &c.,  London,  1651,  8vo. 
This  consists  of  six  sermons  on  various 
topics.  3.  '  A  Christian  Legacy,  consisting 
of  two  parts :  i.  A  Preparation  for  Death, 
ii.  A  Consolation  against  Death,' Oxford,  1657, 
12mo.  4.  l  Christ  and  his  Church,  or  Chris- 
tianity explained,  under  seven  Evangelical 
and  Ecclesiastical  Heads,  &c.  With  a  Justi- 
fication of  the  Church  of  England,'  &c.,  Lon- 
don, 1658,  4to.  5. '  A  Christian  Vindication 
of  Truth  against  Errour,  concerning  these 
Seven  Controversies,'  &c.,  London,  1659, 
12mo.  The  book  is  against  <  G.B.,'  who  had 
written  on  the  Roman  catholic  side  against 
the  English  church.  After  Hyde's  death 
R.  Boreman  edited  two  works  left  in  manu- 
script :  6.  'The  True  Catholick's  Tenure, 
or  a  good  Christian's  Certainty,  which  he 
ought  to  have  of  his  Religion,  and  may  have 
of  his  Salvation,'  Cambridge,  1662,  8vo. 
7.  '  Allegiance  and  Conscience  not  fled  out 
of  England,  or  the  Doctrine  of  the  Church 

of  England  concerning  Allegiance  and  Su- 
premacy :  as  it  was  delivered  by  the  former 
Author  upon  the  occasion  and  at  the  time  of 
trying  the  King  by  his  own  Subjects  ;  in 
several  Sermons,  anno  1649,'  Cambridge, 
1662,  8vo.  A  Latin  poem  by  Hyde  is  pre- 
fixed to  Dean  Duport's  translation  of  Job 
into  Greek  verse  (1637),  and  he  contributed 
to  the  '  Cambridge  Poems '  some  verses  in 
celebration  of  the  birth  of  the  Princess  Eliza- 
beth (1635). 

[Welch's  Alumni  Westmonast.  p.  97;  Wood's 
Athense  Oxon.  (Bliss),  iii.  569,  575,  643,  iv.  833  ; 
Wood's  Fasti,  ii.  54;  Cole  MSS.  xlv.  233,  240; 
D.  Lloyd's  Memoirs,  &c.,p.  541 ;  Walker's  Suffer- 
ings of  the  Clergy,  p.  260,  ed.  1714.]  R.  B. 

(1609-1674),  descended  from  a  family  of^v 
Hydes  established  at  Norbury*  in  Cheshire,  * 
son  of  Henry  Hyde  of  Dinton,  Wiltshire,  L 
by  Mary,  daughter  of  Edward  Langford  of  y 
Trowbridge,  was  born  on  18  Feb.  1608-9  £- 
(LISTER,  Life  of  Clarendon,  i.  1 ;  The  Life 
of  Clarendon,  written  by  himself,  ed.  1857, 
i.  §  1).  In  Lent  term  1622  Hyde  entered 
Magdalen  Hall,  Oxford ;  failed,  in  spite  of 
a  royal  mandate,  to  obtain  a  demyship  at 
Magdalen  College,  and  graduated  B.A.  on 
14  Feb.  1626  (LISTER,  i.  4;  WOOD,  Athena 
Oxon.  ed.  Bliss,  iii.  1018).  He  left  the  uni- 
versity '  rather  with  the  opinion  of  a  young 
man  of  parts  and  pregnancy  of  wit,  than  that 
he  had  improved  it  much  by  industry '  (Life, 
i.  8).  His  father  had  destined  him  for  the 
church,  but  the  death  of  two  elder  brothers 
made  him  heir  to  the  paternal  estate,  and  in 
1625  he  became  a  member  of  the  Middle 
Temple  (LISTER,  i.  6).  In  spite  of  the  care 
which  his  uncle,  Chief  Justice  Sir  Nicholas 
Hyde  [q.  v.l,  bestowed  on  his  legal  educa- 
tion, he  preferred  to  devote  himself  to  polite 
learning  and  history,  and  sought  the  society 
of  wits  and  scholars.  In  February  1634 
Hyde  was  one  of  the  managers  of  the  masque 
which  the  Inns  of  Court  presented  to  the  king 
as  a  protest  against  Prynne's  illiberal  attack 
upon  the  drama  (WHITELOCKE,  Memorials, 
f.  19).  Jonson,  Selden,  Waller,  Hales,  and 
other  eminent  writers  were  among  his  friends. 
In  his  old  age  he  used  to  say  '  that  he  owed 
all  the  little  he  knew  and  the  little  good  that 
was  in  him  to  the  friendship  and  conver- 
sation of  the  most  excellent  men  in  their 
several  kinds  that  lived  in  that  age,'  but 
always  recalled  with  most  fondness  his  *  en- 
tire and  unreserved'  friendship  with  Lord 
Falkland  (Life,  i.  25,  35). 

In  1629  Hyde  married  Anne,  daughter  of 
Sir  George  Ayliffe  of  Gretenham,  Wiltshire. 
She  died  six  months  later,  but  the  marriage 
connected  him  with  the  Villiers  family,  and 




gained  him  many  powerful  friends  (LiSTEE, 
i.  9 ;  Life,  i.  13).  This  connection  was  one 
of  the  motives  which  induced  Hyde  to  vindi- 
cate Buckingham's  memory  in  his  earliest 
historical  work,  a  tract  entitled  '  The  Differ- 
ence and  Disparity  between  the  Estate  and 
Condition  of  George,  Duke  of  Buckingham, 
and  Robert,  Earl  of  Essex'  (Religuics  Wot- 
toniance,  ed.  1685, pp.  185-202).  Accordingto 
Hyde's  friend,  Sir  John  Bramston,  Charles  I 
was  so  pleased  with  this  piece  that  he  wished 
the  author  to  write  Buckingham's  life  (Auto- 
biography of  Sir  John  Bramston,  p.  255). 

Hyde's  second  marriage,  10  July  1634,  with 
Frances,  daughter  of  Sir  Thomas  Aylesbury, 
one  of  the  masters  of  requests,  still  further 
improved  his  fortunes  (CHESTEK,  Westmin- 
ster Registers,  p.  167).  He  had  been  called 
to  the  bar  on  22  Nov.  1633,  began  now 
seriously  to  devote  himself  to  his  profession, 
and  soon  acquired  a  good  practice  in  the 
court  of  requests.  In  December  1634  he  was 
appointed  keeper  of  the  writs  and  rolls  of  the 
common  pleas  (BKAMSTOif,  p.  255 ;  DOYLE, 
Official  Baronage,  i.  402).  The  courage  and 
ability  with  which  Hyde  conducted  the  peti- 
tion of  the  London  merchants  against  the 
late  lord  treasurer,  Portland,  gained  him  the 
favour  of  Laud.  He  was  consequently  '  used 
with  more  countenance  by  all  the  judges 
in  Westminster  Hall  and  the  eminent  prac- 
tisers,  than  is  usually  given  to  men  of  his 
years'  (Life,  i.  23).  His  income  grew,  he 
increased  his  paternal  estate  by  buying  ad- 
joining land,  and  he  made  influential  friends. 

Hyde  began  his  political  career  as  a  member 
of  the  popular  party.  Although  he  did  not 
share  then7)stilny  ot  the  puritans  to  Laud's 
ecclesiastical  policy,  nor  the  common  ani- 
mosity of  the  lawyers  to  the  churchmen,  he 
was  deeply  stirred  by  the  perversions  and 
violations  of  the  law  which  marked  the  twelve 
years  of  the  king's  personal  rule  (1628-40). 
In  the  Short  parliament  of  1640  he  sat  for 
Wootton  Bassett,  was  a  member  of  seven  im- 
portant committees,  and  gained  great  ap- 
plause by  attacking  the  jurisdiction  of  the 
earl  marshal's  court  (LiSTEE,  i.  62 ;  Life,  i. 
78).  According  to  his  own  account,  which 
cannot  be  implicitly  trusted,  he  endeavoured 
to  mediate  between  the  king  and  the  com- 
mons, and  used  his  influence  with  Laud  to 
prevent  a  dissolution. 

In  the  Long  parliament  Hyde  represented 
'Saltash,  and,  as  before,  principally  directed 
his  reforming  zeal  to  questions  connected 
i  i  the  administration  of  the  law.  He  re- 
newed his  motion  against  the  marshal's  court, 
obtained  a  committee,  and  produced  a  report 
which  practically  abolished  that  institution. 
Hyde  also  acted  as  chairman  of  the  com- 

mittees which  examined  into  the  jurisdic- 
tions of  the  council  of  Wales  and  the  council 
of  the  North,  and  gained  great  popularity  by 
his  speech  against  the  latter  (26  April  1641 ; 
RTJSHWOETH,  iv.  230).  He  took  a  leading 
part  in  the  proceedings  against  the  judges, 
and  laid  before  the  lords  (6  July  1641)  the 
charge  against  the  barons  of  the  exchequer 
(ib.  iv.  333).  In  the  proceedings  against 
Strafford  he  acted  with  the  popular  party, 
helped  to  prepare  the  articles  of  impeach- 
ment, was  added  on  25  March  1641  to  the 
committee  for  expediting  the  trial,  and  on 
28  April  took  up  a  message  to  the  lords  beg- 
ging that  special  precautions  might  be  taken 
to  prevent  Strafford's  escape  (Commons  Jour- 
nals, ii.  112, 130).  Hyde's  name  does  not  ap- 
pear in  the  list  of  those  voting  against  the 
attainder  bill,  and  it  is  hardly  possible  to 
doubt  that  he  voted  for  that  measure.  He 
may  have  ultimately  joined  the  party  who 
were  contented  with  Strafford's  exclusion 
from  affairs  of  state ;  but  the  story  of  his  in- 
terview with  Essex  on  this  subject  contains 
manifest  impossibilities  (Rebellion,  iii.  161 ; 
GAEDINEE,  ix.  840). 

Church  questions  soon  led  Hyde  to  sepa- 
rate  himself  from  the  popular  party.  He 
opposed,  in  February  1641,  the  reception 
of  the  London  petition  against  episcopacy, 
and  in  May  the  demand  of  the  Scots  for  the 
assimilation  of  the  English  ecclesiastical 
system  to  the  Scottish  (ib.  ix.  281, 377).  He 
opposed  also,  differing  for  the  first  time  with 
Falkland,  the  bill  for  the  exclusion  of  the 
clergy  from  secular  office,  and  was  from  the 
beginning  the  most  indefatigable  adversary 
of  the  Root  and  Branch  Bill.  The  house 
went  into  committee  on  that  bill  on  11  July 
1641,  and  its  supporters,  hoping  to  silence 
Hyde,  made  him  chairman.  In  this  capacity 
he  so  successfully  obstructed  the  measure 
that  it  was  dropped  (Rebellion,  iii.  150-6, 
240-2).  Hyde's  attitude  attracted  the  notice 
of  the  king,  who  sent  for  him  and  urged  him 
to  persist  in  the  church's  defence  (Life,  i.  93). 
At  the  opening  of  the  second  session  his  se- 
verance from  his  former  friends  was  still 
more  marked,  and  Secretary  Nicholas  recom- 
mended him  to  the  king  as  one  of  the  chief 
champions  of  the  royal  prerogative  (EVELYN, 
Diary,  ed.  1879,  iv.  116).  He  resisted  Pym's 
attempt  to  make  the  grant  of  supplies  for 
the  reconquest  of  Ireland  dependent  on  par- 
liament's approval  of  the  king's  choice  of 
councillors,  and  opposed  the  Grand  Remon- 
strance, though  admitting  that  the  narrative 
part  of  it  was  '  true  and  modestly  expressed ' 
(GAEDINEE,  x.  55, 76 ;  VEKNEY,  Notes  on  the 
Long  Parliament,  pp.  121, 126).  He  sought 
by  an  attempted  protest  to  prevent  the  print- 

B  B  2 




ing  of  the  Remonstrance,  and  composed  an 
answer  to  it,  which  the  king,  at  Lord  Digby's 
instigation,  adopted  and  published  as  his 
own  (His  Majesty's  Declaration,  January 
1642;  HUSBANDS,  Collection,  1643,  p.  24;  Re- 
bellion, iv.  167 ;  Life,  ii.  1).  In  January  1642, 
when  Falkland  and  Colepeper  entered  the 
king's  service,  Charles  offered  to  make  Hyde 
solicitor-general  in  place  of  Oliver  St.  John ; 
but  Hyde  believed  that  he  could  be  more  useful 
in  a  private  capacity,  and  refused  the  offer. 
He  undertook,  however,  to  confer  with  Cole- 
peper and  Falkland  on  the  management  of 
the  king's  business  in  the  House  of  Commons, 
and  to  keep  him  constantly  informed  of  their 
debates.  Charles  promised  '  that  he  would 
do  nothing  that  concerned  his  service  in  the 
House  of  Commons  without  their  joint  ad- 
vice' (Rebellion,  iv.  126;  Life,  ii.  4).  A  few 
days  later  occurred  the  attempt  to  arrest  the 
five  members — a  plan  suggested  by  Digby,  and 
not  communicated  to  Hyde  and  his  friends. 
They  were 'so  much  displeased  and  dejected' 
that  only  '  the  abstracted  considerations  of 
duty  and  conscience '  kept  them  still  in  the 
king's  service  (Rebellion,  iv.  158).  The  resort 
of  Colepeper  and  Falkland  to  his  lodgings 
exposed  Hyde  to  suspicion,  and  he  could  not 
communicate  with  the  king  except  in  secret. 
On  27  Feb.,  however,  being  charged  with 
an  address  from  parliament,  he  obtained  an 
interview  with  Charles  at  Greenwich,  and 
was  commissioned  to  write  answers  to  all 
the  messages  and  declarations  of  parliament. 
The  king  adopted  Hyde's  suggested  reply  to 
the  address  he  had  just  presented,  and  pro- 
mised to  transcribe  Hyde's  answers  himself,  in 
order  to  keep  their  authorship  a  secret  (Life, 
ii.  5, 16,  28 ;  HUSBANDS,  p.  83).  Hyde  re- 
mained at  Westminster  till  about  20  May 
1642,  and  then,  pretending  ill-health  and  the 
need  of  country  air,  left  London,  and  rejoined 
the  kinjEr  at  York  about  the  beginning  of  June 
(Life,  ii.  14,  15;  cf.  GAKDINEK,  x.  169). 

Hyde  recommended  Charles  to  refuse 
further  concessions,  and  to  adhere  to  strictly 
legal  and  constitutional  methods.  Writing 
to  Charles  in  March  1642,  Hyde  urged  him 
to  abandon  all  intention  of  appealing  to  force, 
and  to  sit  as  quietly  at  York  as  if  he  were  still 
at  Whitehall,  relying  on  the  '  affections  of 
those  persons  who  have  been  the  severest 
assertors  of  the  public  liberties,  and  so,  be- 
sides their  duty  and  loyalty  to  your  person, 
are  in  love  with  your  inclinations  to  peace 
and  justice,  and  value  their  own  interests 
upon  the  preservation  of  your  rights '  (  Claren- 
don State  Papers,  ii.  139).  In  Hyde's  view, 
the  king  was  Ho  shelter  himself  wholly  under 
the  law,  to  grant  anything  that  by  the  law 
he  was  compelled  to  grant,  and  to  deny  what 

by  the  law  was  in  his  own  power,  and  which 
he  found  inconvenient  to  consent  to  :  and  to 
oppose  and  punish  any  extravagant  attempt 
!  by  the  force  and  power  of  the  law,  presuming 
!  that  the  king  and  the  law  together  would 
I  have  been  strong  enough  for  any  encounter ' 
(Rebellion,*?.  217,  278,  vi.  12).  This  constant 
appeal  to  the  '  known  laws  of  the  land '  against 
the  arbitrary  votes  of  a  parliamentary  maj  ority 
is  the  keynote  of  all  Hyde's  manifestos.  Cour- 
tiers complained  that  their  '  spirit  of  accom- 
modation wounded  the  regality,'  and  Hobbes 
scoffs  at  their  author  as  in  love  with  '  mixed 
monarchy '  (Memoirs  of  Sir  P.  Warwick,  p. 
196 ;  Behemoth,  ed.  1682,  p.  192).  But  if 
Hyde's  policy  was  too  purely  negative  to  heal 
the  breach  between  the  king  and  his  subjects, 
it  yet  succeeded  in  gaining  him  the  support 
of  half  the  nation  (GAEDINER,  x.  169). 

From  the  first,  however,  Hyde  had  to 
strjiggla^agamst.  the_jnfluence  of  less  consti- 
tutional  counciTTorsTsuc^  as  the^ueen  and 
Lord  Digby.  The  king's  plan  of  going  to 
Ireland,  his  attempt  on  Hull,  and  his  dis- 
missal of  the  Earls  of  Essex  and  Holland, 
were  all  measures  adopted  against  Hyde's 
advice  or  without  his  knowledge  (Life,  ii. 
17 ;  Rebellion,  v.  33,  78,  88).  But  though 
Charles  might  share  his  confidence  with,/ 
others,  he  recognised  Hyde's  pre-eminent 
fitness  to  act  as  his  spokesman.  When  per- 
suaded to  send  a  message  of  peace  to  the 
parliament,  the  king  would  have  none  but 
Hyde  to  draw  it,  and  confessed  '  that  he  was 
better  pleased  with  the  message  itself  than 
the  thought  of  sending  it '  (Rebellion,  vi.  8n.) 
Between  May  1642  and  March  1645  Hyde 
penned  nearly  all  the '  declarations '  published 
by  the  king.  The  answer  to  the  '  XIX  Pro- 
positions '  and  the  apology  for  the  king's  at- 
tack on  Brentford  are  the  only  exceptions  of 
importance  (Life,  ii.  61 ;  Rebellion,  vi.  126). 
He  tells  us  that  he  also  employed  his  pen 
in  composing  a  number  of  lighter  pieces, 
speeches,  letters,  and  parodies  directed  against 
the  parliament  and  its  leaders  (Life,  ii.  69). 
The  only  one  of  these  at  present  identified  is 
1  Two  Speeches  made  in  the  House  of  Peers 
on  Monday,  19  Dec.,  one  for  and  one  against 
Accommodation,  the  one  by  the  Earl  of 
Pembroke,  the  other  by  the  Lord  Brooke, 
1642'  (Somers  Tracts  fed.  Scott,  vi.  576). 

When  the  war  began,  Hyde  applied  him- 
self to  the  task  of  raising  money.  It  was 
partly  through  his  agency  that  the  king  ob- 
tained a  loan  of  10,OOOZ.  from  Oxford.  He 
was  specially  selected  to  raise  a  loan  from 
the  catholics,  and  negotiated  the  sale  of  a 
peerage  to  Sir  Richard  Newport  (Rebellion, 
vi.  57,  65, 66).  He  was  present  at  Edgehill,, 
though  he  took  no  actual  part  in  the  battle 




(ib.  vi.  79  w.)  The  House  of  Commons  ex- 
pelled him  (11  Aug.  1642),  and  he  was  one 
of  the  eleven  persons  who  were  to  be  excepted 
from  pardon  (21  Sept.),  an  exception  which 
was  repeated  in  subsequent  propositions  for 
peace  (HUSBANDS,  p.  633). 

During  his  stay  at  Oxford,  from  October 
1642  to  March  1645,  Hyde  lived  in  All  Souls 
College.  In  the  spring  of  164  3_  he  at  last 
•exchanged  the  position  of  secret  adviser  for 
that  of  an  avowed  and  responsible  servant 
of  the  crown.  On  22  Feb.  he  was  admitted 
to  the  privy  council  and  knighted,  and  on 
3  March  appointed  chancellor  of  the  exche- 
quer (Life,  ii.  77  ;  BLACK,  Oxford  Docquets, 
p.  351).  The  king  wished  to  raise  him  still 
higher.  1 1  must  make  Ned  Hyde  secretary 
of  state,  for  the  truth  is  I  can  trust  nobody 
else,'  said  an  intercepted  letter  from  Charles 
to  the  queen.  But  Hyde  was  unwilling  to 
supersede  his  friend  Nicholas,  and  refused 
the  offered  post  both  now,  and  later  after  Falk- 
land's death.  Promotion  so  rapid  for  a  man 
of  his  age  and  rank  aroused  general  jealousy, 
especially  among  the  members  of  his  own 
profession.  Courtiers  considered  him  an  up- 
start, and  soldiers  regarded  him  with  the 
hostility  which  they  felt  for  the  privy  coun- 
cil in  general  (cf.  Rebellion,  vii.  278-82  ;  Life, 
ii.  .73,  iii.  37),  As  chancellor  of  the  ex- 
chequer Hyde,  in  his  endeavours  to  raise 
money  for  the  support  of  the  war,  was  con- 
cerned in  procuring  the  loan  known  as  '  the 
Oxford  engagement/  and  became  personally 
bound  for  the  repayment  of  some  of  the  sums 
lent  to  the  king  (Cal.  Committee  for  Advance 
of  Money,  p.  1002  ;  Clarendon  State  Papers, 
ii.  154).  His  attempt  to  bring  the  Bristol 
custom-dues  into  the  exchequer  brought  him 
into  collision  with  Ashburnham,  the  trea- 
.  surer  of  the  army  (Life,  iii.  33). 

In  the  autumn  of  1643  the  king  created  a 
secret  committee,  or  'junto,'  who  were  con- 
sulted on  all  important  matters  before  they 
were  discussed  in  the  privy  council.    It  con- 
sisted of  Hyde   and  five  others,  and   met 
every  Friday  at  Oriel  College  (Life,  iii.  37, 
58 ;  Clarendon  State  Papers,  ii.  286, 290).   In 
the  (^iffftrpnfi_nnnffif_gTT£es  for  peace  Hyde  was 
habitually  employed  in  the  most  delicate  per- 
sonal negotiations,  a  duty  for  which  his  for- 
mer intimacy  with  many  of  the  parliament's 
commissioners  specially  qualified  him.  Over- 
]   estimating,  as  his  history  shows,  the  influ- 
/   ence  of  personal  causes  in  producing  the  civil 
I    war,  he  believed  that  judicious  concessions 
•    to  the  leaders  would  suffice  to  end  it.     In 
the  summer  of  1642  he  had  made  special 
efforts  to  win  over  the  Earl  of  Pembroke  (ib. 
ii.  144-8;  Rebellion,  vi.  401  ».)     During  the 
Oxford  negotiations  in  March  1643  he  in- 

trigued to  gain  the  Earl  of  Northumberland, 
and  vainly  strove  to  persuade  the  king  to 
appoint  him  lord  high  admiral  (Life,  iii.  4- 
12).  In  the  following  summer,  when  Bed- 
ford, Clare,  and  Holland  deserted  the  parlia- 
ment, Hyde  stood  almost  alone  in  recom- 
mending that  the  deserters  should  be  well 
received  by  king,  queen,  and  court,  and  held 
the  failure  to  adopt  this  plan  the  greatest 
oversight  committed  by  the  king  (Rebellion, 
vii.  185,  244).  When  it  was  too  late, 
Hyde's  policy  was  adopted.  In  February 
1645,  during  the  Uxbridge  negotiations,  he 
and  three  others  were  empowered  to  promise 
places  of  profit  to  repentant  parliamentarians, 
but  his  conferences  with  Denbigh,  Pembroke, 
Whitelocke,  and  Hollis  led  to  no  result  (ib. 
viii.  243-8 ;  WHITELOCKE,  Memorials,  f.  127 ; 
Harleian  Miscellany,  vii.  559). 

Throughout  these  negotiations  Hyde  op- 
posed any  real  concessions  on  the  main  ques- 
tions at  issue  between  king  and  parliament. 
At  Uxbridge  (January  1645)  he  was  the 
principal  figure  among  the  king's  commis- 
sioners, prepared  all  the  papers,  and  took  the 
lead  in  all  the  debates  (Rebellion,  vii.  252). 
He  defended  Ormonde's  truce  with  the  Irish 
rebels,  and  disputed  with  Whitelocke  on  the 
question  of  the  king's  right  to  the  militia 
(ib.  viii.  256).  Already,  in  an  earlier  ne- 
gotiation with  the  Scottish  commissioners 
(February  1643),  he  had  earned  their  detesta- 
tion by  opposing  their  demands  for  "ecclesi- 
astical uniformity,  and  at  Uxbridge  he  was 
as  persistent  in  defending  episcopacy.  Never- 
theless, he  was  prepared  to  accept  a  limited 
measure  of  toleration,  but  regarded  the  offers 
made  at  Uxbridge  as  the  extreme  limit  of 
reasonable  concessions  (Clarendon  State  Pa-  • 
pers,  ii.  237). 

The  most  characteristic,  resp It  nf  Hyde's 
influence  during  this  periocTwas  the  calling 
of  the  Oxford  parliament  (December  1643). 
He  saw  the  strength  which  the  name  of  a 
parliament  gave  the  popular  party,  and  was 
anxious  to  deprive  them  of  that  advantage. 
Some  of  the  king's  advisers  urged  him  to  dis- 
solve the  Long  parliament  by  proclamation, 
and  to  declare  the  act  for  its  continuance 
invalid  from  the  beginning.  Hyde  opposed 
this  course,  arguing  that  it  would  alienate 
public  opinion  (Life,  iii.  40).  His  hope  was 
to  deprive  the  Long  parliament  of  all  moral 
authority  by  showing  that  it  was  neither  free 
nor  representative  (Rebellion,  vii.  326).  With 
this  object,  when  the  Scots  accepted  the.  Long 
parliament's  invitation  to  send  an  army  into 
England,  Hyde  proposed  the  letter  of  the 
royalist  peers  to  the  Scottish  privy  council, 
and  the  summoning  of  the  royalist  members 
of  parliament  to  meet  at  Oxford  (ib.  vii.  323). 




Both  expedients  proved  ineffectual.  The  Ox- 
ford parliament  was  helpful  in  raising  money, 
but  useless  in  negotiating  with  the  parlia- 
ment at  Westminster,  while  the  king  re- 
sented its  independence  and  its  demands  for 

With  the  failure  of  Hyde's  policy  the  king 
fell  completely  under  the  influence  of  less 
scrupulous  and  less  constitutional  advisers. 
On  4  March_J645^J^de  was  despatched  to 
Bristol  as  one  of  the^rrTTcTPcharged  with 
the  care  of  the  prince  of  Wales  and  the  go- 
vernment of  the  west.  The  king  was  anxious 
to  place  so  trustworthy  a  servant  near  the 
prince,  and  glad  no  doubt  to  remove  so 
strong  an  opponent  of  his  Irish  plans.  Al- 
ready Charles  had  given  to  Glamorgan  l  those 
strange  powers  and  instructions '  which  Hyde 
subsequently  pronounced  to  be  '  inexcusable 
to  justice,  piety,  and  prudence'  (Clarendon 
State  Papers,  ii.  337 ;  Life,  iii.  50 ;  Rebellion, 
viii.  253). 

The  arrival  of  the  prince  in  the  west  was 
followed  by  a  series  of  disputes  between  his 
council  and  the  local  military  commanders. 
Hyde,  who  was  the  moving  spirit  of  the 
council,  paints  in  the  blackest  colours  the 
misconduct  of  Goring  and  Grenville  ;  but  the 
king's  initial  error  in  appointing  semi-inde- 
pendent military  commanders,  and  then  set- 
ting a  board  of  privy  councillors  to  control 
them,  was  largely  responsible  for  the  failure 
of  the  campaign.  Hyde  complains  bitterly 
that,  but  for  the  means  used  at  court  to 
dimmish  the  power  of  the  council,  they  would 
have  raised  the  best  army  that  had  been  in 
England  since  the  rebellion  began,  and,  with 
Hopton  to  command  it,  might  have  effected 
much  (LISTER,  iii.  20 ;  Rebellion,  ix.  7  n,  43). 
But  when  Hopton  at  last  took  over  the 
command  of  Goring' s  (  dissolute,  undisci- 
plined, beaten  army,'  it  was  too  late  for  suc- 
cess, and  his  defeat  at  Torrington  (16  Feb. 
1646)  obliged  the  prince's  councillors  to  pro- 
vide for  the  safety  of  their  charge. 

The  king  had  at  first  ordered  the  prince 
to  take  refuge  in  France,  and  then,  on  the 
remonstrance  of  his  council,  suggested  Den- 
mark. Hyde's  aim  was  to  keep  the  prince 
as  long  as  possible  in  English  territory,  and 
as  long  as  possible  out  of  France.  As  no 
ship  could  be  found  fit  for  the  Danish  voyage, 
the  prince  and  his  council  established  them- 
selves at  Scilly  (4  March  1646),  and,  when 
the  parliamentary  fleet  rendered  the  islands 
untenable,  removed  to  Jersey  (17  April).  On 
the  pretext  that  Jersey  was  insecure,  the 
queen  at  once  ordered  the  prince  to  join  her 
in  France,  and,  against  the  advice  of  Hyde 
and  his  council,  the  prince  obeyed  (  Clarendon 
State  Papers,  ii.  240,  352 ;  Rebellion,  x.  3- 

48).  Hyde  distrusted  the  French  govern- 
ment, feared  the  influence  of  the  queen,  and 
was  afraid  of  alienating  English  public 
opinion  (Clarendon  State  Papers,  ii.  235, 

Though  Hyde's  opposition  to  the  queen  in 
this  matter  was  the  main  cause  of  her  subse- 
tauent  hostility  to  him,  his  policy  was  in 
jpther  respects  diametrically  opposed  to  that 
Vhich  she  advocated.  She  pressed  the  king 
to  buy  the  support  of  the  Scots  by  sacrificing 
the  church.  Hyde  expected  nothing  good 
from  their  aid,  and  would  not  pay  their 
price  (ib.  ii.  291,  339).  He  was  equally  hos- 
tile to  her  plans  for  restoring  the  king  by 
French  or  foreign  forces  (ib.  ii.  307,  329, 
339).  He  was  resolved  not  to  sacrifice  a 
foot  of  English  territory,  and  signed  a  bond 
with  Hopton,  Capel,  and  Carteret  to  defend 
Jersey  against  Lord  Jermyn's  scheme  for  its 
sale  to  France  (19  Oct.  1646;  ib.  ii.  279). 
vDuring  the  king's  negotiations  with  the  par- 
liament and  the  army  Hyde's  great  fear  was 
that  Charles  should  concede  too  much.  '  Let 
them,'  he  wrote,  'have  all  circumstantial 
'temporary  concessions,  ....  distribute  as 
many  personal  obligations  as  can  be  expected, 
but  take  heed  of  removing  landmarks  and 
destroying  foundations.  .  .  .  Either  no  peace 
can  be  made,  or  it  must  be  upon  the  old 
foundations  of  government  in  church  and 
state '  (ib.  ii.  326,  333, 379).  Hyde  faithfully 
practised  the  principles  which  he  preached, 
declining  either  to  make  his  peace  with  the 
parliament  or  to  compound  for  his  estate. 
*  We  must  play  out  the  game,'  he  wrote, 
'  with  that  courage  as  becomes  gamesters  who 
were  first  engaged  by  conscience  against  all 
motives  and  temptations  of  interest,  and  be 
to  let  the  world  know  that  we  were 

carried  on  only  by  conscience '  (ib.  iii.  24). 
Hyde  was  already  in  great  straits  for  money. 
But  he  told  Nicholas  that  they  had  no  reason 
to  blush  for  a  poverty  which  was  not  brought 
upon  them  by  their  own  faults  (ib.  ii.  310). 
Throughout  the  fourteen  years  of  his  exile 
he  bore  privation  with  the  same  cheerful 

During  his  residence  in  Jersey  Hyde  lived 
first  in  lodgings  in  St.  Helier,  and  after- 
wards with  Sir  George  Carteret  in  Elizabeth 
Castle.  He  occupied  his  enforced  leisure  by 
keeping  up  a  voluminous  correspondence, 
and  by  composing  his  '  History  of  the  Rebel- 
lion,' which  he  began  at  Scilly  on  18  March 
1646.  In  a  will  drawn  up  on  4  April  1647 
he  directed  that  the  unfinished  manuscript 
should  be  delivered  to  Secretary  Nicholas, 
who  was  to  deal  with  it  as  the  king  should 
direct.  If  the  king  decided  that  any  part  of 
it  should  be  published,  Nicholas  and  other 




assistant  editors  were  empowered  to  make 
whatever  suppressions  or  additions  they 
thought  fit  (Clarendon  State  Papers,  ii.  289, 
357).  Hyde  had  also  an  immediate  practi- 
cal purpose  in  view.  f  As  soon  as  I  found 
myself  alone/  he  wrote  to  Nicholas, '  I  thought 
the  best  way  to  provide  myself  for  new  busi- 
ness against  the  time  I  should  be  called  to  it, 
was  to  look  over  the  faults  of  the  old,  and  so 
I  resolved  to  write  the  history  of  these  evil 
times '  (ib.  ii.  288).  By  April  1648  he  had 
carried  his  narrative  down  to  the  commence- 
ment of  the  campaign  of  1644.  Meanwhile, 
in  February  1648  the  Long  parliament  re- 
solved to  present  no  further  addresses  to  the 
king,  and  published  a  scandalous  declaration 
of  its  reasons.  Hyde  at  once  printed  a  vin- 
dication of  his  master  :  'A  full  Answer  to  an 
infamous  and  traitorous  Pamphlet  entitled  A 
Declaration  of  the  Commons  of  England  ex- 
pressing their  reasons  of  passing  the  late  Re- 
solutions of  no  further  addresses  to  be  made 
to  the  King'  (published  July  28,  1648.  An 
earlier  and  briefer  version  of  the  same  answer 
was  published  3  May). 

On  the  outbreak  of  the  second  civil  war, 
Hyde  was  summoned  by  the  queen  and  the 
prince  to  join  them  at  Paris.  He  left  Jersey 
26  June  1648,  and  made  his  way  to  Dieppe, 
.whence  he  took  ship  for  Dunkirk  (Clarendon 
State  Papers,  ii.  406 ;  HOSKINS,  Charles  II 
in  the  Channel  Islands,  ii.  202).  Finding  at 
Dunkirk  that  the  prince  was  with  the  fleet  in 
the  Thames,  he  followed  him  thither.  On 
his  way  he  fell  into  the  hands  of  an  Ostend 
corsair  (13-23  July),  who  robbed  him  of  all 
his  clothes  and  money,  nor  did  he  succeed  in 
joining  Prince  Charles  till  the  prince's  return 
to  the  Hague  (7-17  Sept. :  Life,  v.  10-23 ;  Re- 
bellion, xi.  23, 78).  There  he  found  the  little 
court  distracted  by  feuds  and  intrigues.  Hyde 
set  himself  to  reconcile  conflicting  interests 
and  to  provide  the  fleet  with  supplies  for  a 
new  expedition  (Rebellion,  xi.  127,  152  ; 
WAKBYJRTON,  Prince  Rupert,  iii.  274,  276, 
279).  He  advised  the  prince  not  to  trust 
the  Scots,  whose  emissaries  were  urging 
him  to  vis.'t  Scotland,  and  was  resolved  that 
he  himself  ^ould  go  neither  to  Scotland  nor 
to  Ireland.  Jn  any  case,  the  Scots  would  not 
have  allowed  him  to  accompany  the  prince, 
and  he  held  it  isafer  to  see  the  result  of  the 
negotiations  at  Newport  before  risking  him- 
self in  Ireland.  The  king's  concessions  during 
the  treaty  had  filled  him  with  disgust  and 
alarm.  '  The  best,'  ht  wrote,  '  which  is  pro- 
posed is  that  which  I  TV  ould  not  consent  to, 
to  preserve  the  kingdom  from  ashes'  (Claren- 
don State  Papers,  ii.  459).  When  the  army 
interrupted  the  treaty  and  brought  the  king 
to  trial,  Hyde  vainly  exerted  himself  to  save 

his  master's  life.  He  drew  up  a  letter  from, 
the  prince  to  Fairfax,  and  after  the  king's 
death  a  circular  to  the  sovereigns  and  states 
of  Europe,  invoking  their  aid  to  avenge  the 
king's  execution  (Cal.  State  Papers,  Dom. 
1649-50,  p.  5 ;  Cal.  Clarendon  Papers,  i.  465 ; 
cf.  WAEBURTON,  iii.  283).  Hyde's  enemies 
thoughthis  influence  then  at  an  end,  but  in 
spite~of  the  queen's  advice,  Charles  II  re- 
tained as  councillors  all  the  old  members  of 
his  father's  privy  council  who  were  with  him 
at  the  Hague  (Rebellion,  xii.  2). 

The  question  whether  the  new  king  should 
establish  himself  in  Scotland  or  Ireland  re- 
quired immediate  decision.  As  the  presby- 
terian  leaders  demanded  the  king's  accept- 
ance of  the  covenant,  and  '  all  the  most  ex- 
travagant propositions  which  were  ever  of- 
fered to  his  father,'  Hyde  advised  the  refusal 
of  their  invitation.  He  had  conferred  with 
Montrose,  and  expected  more  good  from  his 
expedition  than  from  a  treaty  with  Hamil- 
ton and  Argyll.  The  Scots  and  their  parti- 
sans regarded  Hyde  as  their  chief  antagonist, 
and  succeeded  in  suppressing  the  inaugural  de- 
claration which  he  drew  up  for  the  new  king 
(ib.  xii.  32 ;  Clarendon  State  Papers,  ii.  467, 
473,  527).  In  the  end  Charles  resolved  to 
go  to  Ireland,  but  to  pay  a  visit  to  his  mother 
in  France  on  the  way.  Hyde,  who  termed 
Ireland  the  nearest  road  to  Whitehall,  ap- 
proved the  first  half  of  the  plan,  but  objected 
to  the  sojourn  in  Paris.  Accordingly,  when 
Cottington  proposed  that  they  both  should  go 
on  an  embassy  to  Spain,  Hyde  embraced  the 
chance  of  an  honourable  retreat  (Nicholas 
Papers,  i.  124;  Rebellion,  xii.  34).  His  friends 
complained  that  he  was  abandoning  the  king 
just  when  his  guidance  was  most  necessary. 
But  Hyde  felt  that  a  change  of  counsellors 
would  ultimately  re-establish  his  own  influ- 
ence, and  expected  to  rejoin  the  king  in  Ire- 
land within  a  few  months. 

The  chief  objects  of  the  embassy  were  to 
procure  a  loan  of  money  from  the  king  of 
Spain,  to  obtain  by  his  intervention  aid  from 
the  pope  and  the  catholic  powers,  and  to  nego- 
tiate a  conjunction  between  Owen  O'Neill 
and  Ormonde  for  the  recovery  of  Ireland. 
The  ambassadors  left  Paris  on  29  Sept.  1649, 
and  reached  Madrid  on  26  Nov.  The  Spanish 
government  received  them  coldly  (GuizoT, 
Cromwell,  transl.  1854,  i.  419-26).  Their 
money  was  soon  exhausted,  and  Hyde  was 
troubled  by  the  '  miserable  wants  and  dis- 
tresses '  of  his  wife,  whom  he  had  left  in  Flan- 
ders (LiSTEK,  i.  361).  The  subjugation  of  Ire- 
land, and  the  defeat  of  Charles  II  at  Dunbar, 
destroyed  any  hope  of  Spanish  aid,  while  the 
share  taken  by  a  servant  of  the  ambassadors 
in  Ascham's  murder  made  their  presence  in- 





convenient  to  the  Spanish  government.  In 
December  1650  they  were  ordered  to  leave 
Spain.  Hyde  was  treated  with  personal 
favour,  and  promised  the  special  privileges  of 
an  ambassador  during  his  intended  residence 
at  Antwerp  (Rebellion,  xiii.  25,  31).  He 
left  Spain  in  March  1651,  and  rejoined  his 
family  at  Antwerp  in  the  following  June. 

In  November  1651  Charles  II,  immediately 
after  his  escape  from  Worcester,  summoned 
Hyde  to  Paris.  He  joyfully  obeyed  the 
summons,  and  for  the  rest  of  the  exile  was, 
the  ^king's  most  trusted  sudviser.  He  was 
immediately  appointed  one  of  the  com- 
mittee of  four  with  whom  the  king  con- 
sulted in  all  his  affairs,  and  a  member  of 
the  similar  committee  which  corresponded 
with  the  Scottish  royalists  (Rebellion,  xiii. 
123,  140).  Till  August  1654  he  filled 
Nicholas's  place  as  secretary  of  state.  He 
accompanied  the  king  in  his  removals  to 
Cologne  (October  1654)  and  Bruges  (April 
1658),  and  was  formally  declared  lord 
chancellor  on  13  Jan.  1658  (LiSTEK,  i.  441). 

For  the  first  two  years  of  this  period  re- 
peated attempts  were  made  to  shake  the 
king's  confidence  in  Hyde.  Papists  and  pres- 
byterians  both  petitioned  for  his  removal 
(Rebellion,  xiv.  63).  In  1653  Sir  Robert  Long 
incited  Sir  Richard  Grenville  to  accuse  Hyde 
of  secret  correspondence  with  Cromwell,  but 
the  king  cleared  him  by  a  declaration  in  coun- 
cil, asserting  that  the  charge  was  a  malicious 
calumny  (13  Jan.  1654 ;  LISTER,  i.  384,  iii. 
63, 69, 75).  Long  also  combined  with  Lord 
Gerard  and  Lord-keeper  Herbert  to  charge 
Hyde  with  saying  that  the  king  neglected  his 
business  and  was  too  much  given  to  pleasure. 
Charles  coolly  answered  l  that  he  did  really 
believe  the  chancellor  had  used  those  words, 
because  he  had  often  said  that  and  much  more 
to  himself '  (ib.  iii.  74 ;  Rebellion,  xiv.  77).  Of 
all  Hyde's  adversaries,  the  queen  was  th&joipst 
persistently  hostile.  He  made  many  efforts  to 
conciliate"  her,  arid  in  1651  had  persuaded  the 
Duke  of  York  to  obey  her  wishes  and  return 
to  Paris  (1651;  Rebellion,  xiii.  36, 46).  But 
she  was  so  displeased  at  Hyde's  power  over 
the  king  that  she  would  neither  speak  to  him 
nor  notice  him.  'Who  is  that  fat  man  next 
the  Marquis  of  Ormonde  ? '  asked  Anne  of 
Austria  of  Charles  II  during  an  entertain- 
ment at  the  French  court.  '  The  king  told 
her  aloud  that  was  the  naughty  man  who  did 
all  the  mischief  and  set  him  against  his 
mother ;  at  which  the  queen  herself  was  little 
less  disordered  than  the  chancellor  was,  who 
blushed  very  much.'  At  the  king's  request 
Henrietta  allowed  Hyde  a  parting  interview 
before  he  left  France,  but  only  to  renew  her 
complaints  of  his  want  of  respect  and  her 

loss  of  credit  (ib.  xiv.  62,  67,  93).  '  The  Mar- 
quis of  Ormonde  and  the  chancellor  believed 
that  the  king  had  nothing  at  this  time  (1652) 
to  do  but  to  be  quiet,  and  that  all  his  activity 
was  to  consist  in  carefully  avoiding  to  do 
anything  that  might  do  him  hurt,  and  to 
expect  some  blessed  conjuncture  from  thft 
amity  of  Christian  princes,  or  some  such  revo- 
lution of  affairs  in  England,  as  might  make  it 
seasonable  for  his  majesty  to  show  himself 
again'  (ib.  xiii.  140).  In  the  meantime  Hyde 
endeavoured  to  prevent  any  act  which  might 
alienate  English  royalists  and  churchmen. 
He  defeated  Berkeley's  appointment  as  mas- 
ter of  the  court  of  wards,  lest  the  revival  of 
that  institution  should  lose  the  king  the 
affection  of  the  gentry ;  and  dissuaded  Charles 
from  attending  the  Huguenot  congregation  at 
Charenton,  lest  it  should  injure  the  church. 
Above  all,  he  opposed  any  attempt  to  buy 
catholic  support  by  promising  a  repeal  of  the 
penal  laws  or  holding  out  hopes  of  the  king's 
conversion  (cf.  BTJRNET,  Own  Time,  ed.  1836, 
i.  135;  RAKKE,  Hist,  of  England,  vi.  21). 

The  first  favourable  conjuncjiiLpe  which 
present?^  itself  was  the  war  between  the 
English  republic  and  the  United  Provinces 
(1652).  Charles  proposed  a  league  to  the 
Dutch,  and  intended  to  send  Hyde  as  am- 
bassador to  Holland,  but  his  overtures  were 
rejected  (Rebellion,  xiii.  165;  Clarendon  State 
Papers,  iii.  91-141).  When  war  broke  out 
between  Spain  and  Cromwell,  Hyde  applied 
to  Don  Lewis  de  Haro,  promising  in  return 
for  aid  in  restoring  his  master  '  to  give  the 
usurper  such  trouble  in  his  own  quarters  that 
he  may  not  have  leisure  to  pursue  and  sup- 
ply his  new  conquests.'  Spain  agreed  to  assist 
Charles  with  six  thousand  foot  and  ships  for 
their  transport,  whenever  he  '  could  cause  a 
good  port  town  in  England  to  declare  for 
him  '  (12  April  1656).  Thereupon  two  thou- 
sand Irish  soldiers  in  French  service  deserted 
and  placed  themselves  at  the  disposal  of 
Charles  II  (Rebellion,  xv.  22 ;  Clarendon  State 
Papers,  iii.  276,  303).  But  Hyde  no-.v  as  be- 
fore objected  to  isolated  or  move- 
ments in  England,  and  in  the  end  rested  his 
hopes  mainly  on  some  extraordinp  ry  accident, 
such  as  Cromwell's  deatn  or  ar.  outbreak  of 
the  levellers  (Clarendon  State  Papers,  iii. 
198,  330,  401).  As  early  VB  1649  he  had 
drawn  up  a  paper  of  considerations  on  future 
treaties,  showing  the  advantages  of  an  agree- 
ment with  the  levell  jrs  rather  than  the 
presbyterians.  In  16r,»6  their  emissaries  ap- 
plied to  Charles,  wf^re  favourably  received, 
and  were  promised  indemnity  for  all  except 
actual  regicides.  Hyde  listened  to  their  plots 
for  the  assassination  of  Cromwell  without 
any  sign  of  disapproval  (ib.  iii.  316, 325,  341, 




343;  Nicholas  Papers,  i.  138).  On  the  Pro- 
tector's death  Hyde  instructed  the  king's 
friends  not  to  stir  till  some  other  party  rose, 
then  to  arm  and  embody  themselves  without 
mentioning  the  king,  and  to  oppose  Avhich- 
ever  party  was  most  irreconcilable  to  his 
cause.  When  the  Long  parliament  had  suc- 
ceeded Richard  Cromwell,  the  king's  friends 
were  bidden  to  try  to  set  the  army  and  the 
parliament  by  the  ears  (Clarendon  State 
Papers,  iii.  411,  436,  482).  The  zeal  of  the 
royalist  leaders  in  England  obliged  the  king 
to  sanction  a  rising  in  August  1659.  The 
date  fixed  was  earlier  than  Hyde's  policy  had 
contemplated,  but  the  fear  lest  some  vigorous 
dictator  should  seize  power,  and  the  hope  of 
restoring  the  king  without  foreign  help,  re- 
conciled him  to  the  attempt.  After  its  failure 
he  went  back  to  his  old  policy.  '  To  have  a 
little  patience  to  sit  still  till  they  are  in  blood  ' 
was  his  advice  when  Monck  and  Lambert 
quarrelled  ;  to  obstruct  a  settlement  and  de- 
mand a  free  parliament  his  counsel  when 
the  Rump  was  again  restored  (ib.  iii.  436, 
530,  534)v 

Of  Hyde's  activity  between  Cromwell's 
death  and  the  Restoration  the  thirteen 
volumes  of  his  correspondence  during  that 
period  give  ample  proof.  The  heads  of  all 
sections  of  the  royalists  made  their  reports 
to  him,  and  he  restrained  their  impatience, 
quieted  their  jealousies,  and  induced  them  to 
work  together.  He  superintended  the  nego- 
tiations, and  sanctioned  the  bargains  by  which 
opponents  of  influence  were  won  to  favour 
the  king's  return  (ib.  iii.  417,  443,  497,  673  : 
BUKNET,  Own  Time,  i.  61).  Hyde's  aim  was, 
as  it  had  been  throughout,  to  restore  the 
monarchy,  not  merely  toj*estore  the  Jpng.  A 
powerful  party  wished  toTmpose  on  Charles  II 
the  conditions  offered  to  his  father  in  1648. 
Left  to  himself,  Charles  might  have  con- 
sented. But,  during  the  negotiations  with  the 
levellers  in  1656,  Hyde  had  suggested  to  Or- 
monde the  expedient  which  the  king  finally 
adopted.  *  When  they  are  obstinate  to  insist 
on  an  unreasonable  proposition  that  you  find 
it  necessary  to  consent  to,  let  it  be  with  this 
clause,  "  If  a  free  parliament  shall  think  fit 
to  ask  the  same  of  his  majesty  "  '  (  Clarendon 
State  Papers,  iii.  289).  By  the  declaration 
of  Breda  the  exceptions  to  the  general  am- 
nesty, the  limits  to  toleration,  and  the  owner- 
ship of  forfeited  lands,  were  left,  in  accord- 
ance with  this  advice,  to  be  determined  by 
parliament.  If  the  adoption  of  Hyde's  policy 

some  of  the  king's  promises  illu- 
sory, it  jgured  the  co-operation  of  the  two 
powers  v?V)se  opposition  had  caused  the  civil 

On  the 

of  the  Restoration  an  attempt 

was  made  to  exclude  Hyde  from  power. 
Catholics  and  presbyterians  regarded  him  as 
their  greatest  enemy,  and  the  French  ambas- 
sador, Bourdeaux,  backed  their  efforts  for  his 
removal.  A  party  in  the  convention  claimed 
for  parliament  the  appointment  of  the  great 
officers  of  state,  and  wished  to  deprive  Hyde 
of  the  chancellorship.  But  he  was  strongly 
supported  by  the  constitutional  royalists,  and 
the  intrigue  completely  failed.  Hyde  entered 
London  with  the  king,  and  took  his  seat  in  the 
court  of  chancery  on  1  June  1660  (CAMPBELL, 
Lives  of  the  Chancellors,  iii.  187).  As  the 
king's  most  trusted  adviser  he  became  vir- 
tually head  of  the  government.  He  was  the 
most  important  member  of  the  secret  com- 
mittee of  six,  which,  although  styled  the  com- 
mittee for  foreign  affairs,  was  consulted  on  all 
important  business  before  it  came  to  the  privy 
council  (Cont.  of  Life,  §  46).  For  a  time  he 
continued  to  hold  the  chancellorship  of  the 
exchequer,  but  surrendered  it  finally  to  Lord 
Ashley  (13  May  1661 ;  CAMPBELL,  iii.  191). 
Ormonde  urged  Hyde  to  resign  the  chancellor- 
ship also,  in  order  to  devote  himself  entirely 
to  the  management  of  public  business  and  to 
closer  attendance  on  the  king.  He  refused, 
on  the  ground  that *  England  would  not  bear 
a  favourite,  nor  any  one  man  who  should  out 
of  his  ambition  engross  to  himself  the  dis- 
position of  public  affairs,'  adding  that  l  first 
minister  was  a  title  so  newly  translated  out 
of  French  into  English,  that  it  was  not 
enough  understood  to  be  liked '  (ib.  p.  85). 

On  3  Nov.  1660  Hyde  was  raised  to  the 
peerage  by  the  title  of  Baron  Hyde  of  Hin- 
don,  and  at  the  coronation  was  further 
created  Viscount  Cornbury  and  Earl  of  Cla- 
rendon (20  April,  1661 ;  LISTEK,  ii.  81).  The 
king  gave  him  20.000/.  to  support  his  new 
dignity,  and  offered  him  also  a  grant  of  ten 
thousand  acres  in  the  great  level  of  the  Fens. 
Clarendon  declined  the  land,  saying  that  if  he 
allowed  the  king  to  be  so  profuse  to  himself 
he  could  not  prevent  extravagant  bounties 
to  others.  But  he  accepted  at  various  times 
smaller  estates  :  ten  acres  of  land  in  Lam- 
beth, twenty  in  Westminster,  and  three 
manors  in  Oxfordshire  forfeited  by  the  at- 
tainder of  Sir  John  Danvers  [q.  v.]  In  1662 
he  was  granted,  without  his  knowledge, 
20,000/.  in  rents  due  from  certain  lands  in 
Ireland,  but  never  received  more  than  6,000/. 
of  this  sum,  and  contracted  embarrassing 
obligations  in  consequence.  Though  public 
opinion  accused  him  of  avarice,  and  several 
Articles  of  his  impeachment  allege  pecuniary 
corruption,  it  is  plain  that  Clarendon  made  no 
attempt  to  enrich  himself.  Charles  mocked 
at  his  scruples,  but  the  legitimate  profits  of 
the  chancellorship  were  large,  and  they  suf- 






ficed  him  (Cont.  p.  180;  LISTER,  ii.  81 ;  ih. 

The  revelation  (3  Sept.  1660)  of  the  secret 
marriage  of  the  Duke  of  York  to  Clarendon's 
daTIfn^rAnne_[c[.  v.]  seemed  to  endanger,  but 
really'confirmed^  his  power.  According  to 
his  own  account  he  was  originally  informed 
of  it  by  the  king,  received  the  news  with 
passionate  indignation,  urged  his  daughter's 
punishment,  and  begged  leave  to  resign. 
Afterwards,  finding  the  marriage  perfectly 
valid,  and  public  opinion  less  hostile  than  he 
expected,  he  adopted  a  more  neutral  attitude. 
On  his  part  the  king  was  reluctant  to  appeal 
to  parliament  to  dissolve  the  marriage,  was  re- 
solved not  to  part  with  Clarendon,  and  hoped 
through  Anne's  influence  to  keep  the  duke's 
public  conduct  under  some  control.  Accord- 
ingly he  supported  the  duke  in  recognising 
the  marriage,  which  was  publicly  owned  in 
December  1660  (Cont. pp.  48-76;  BURNET,  i. 
302;  RANKE,  iii.  340;  LISTER, ii.  68).  Claren- 
don's position  thus  seemed  to  be  rendered  un- 
assailable. But  at  bottom  his  views  differed 
widely  from  the  king's.  He  thought  his  master 
too  ready  to  accept  new  ideas,  and  too  prone  to 
take  the  French  monarchy  as  his  model.  His 
own  aim  was  to  restore  the  constitution  as  it 
existecnSefore  the  civil  war.  He  held  that 
the  secret  of  good  government  lay  in  a  well- 
chosen  and  powerful  privy  council. 

At  present  king  and  minister  agreed  on  the 
necessity  of  carrying  out  the  promises  made  at 
Breda.  Clarendon  wished  the  convention  to 
pass  the  Indemnity  Act  as  quickly  as  possible, 
although,  like  the  king,  he  desired  that  all 
actual  regicides  should  be  except ed.  He  was 
the  spokesman  of  the  lords  in  their  dispute 
with  the  commons  as  to  the  number  of  ex- 
ceptions (OldParl.  Hist.  xxii.  435, 446, 487). 
But  of  the  twenty-six  regicides  condemned 
in  October  1660  only  ten  were  executed,  and 
when  in  1661  a  bill  was  introduced  for  the 
capital  punishment  of  thirteen  more,  Charles 
and  the  chancellor  contrived  to  prevent  it 
from  passing  (LISTER,  ii.  117,  iii.  496 ;  Claren- 
don State  Papers,  iii.  App.  xlvi).  In  his 
speech  at  the  opening  of  the  parliament  of  1 661 , 
Clarendon  pressed  for  a  confirmation  of  the 
acts  passed  by  the  convention.  He  steadily 
maintained  the  Act  of  Indemnity,  and  op- 
posed the  provisos  and  private  bills  by  which 
the  angry  royalists  would  have  destroyed  its 
efficacy.  The  merit  of  this  firmness  Hyde 
attributes  partly  to  the  king.  According  to 
Burnet,  'the  work  from  beginning  to  end  was 
entirely '  Clarendon's.  At  all  events  the  chan- 
cellor reaped  most  of  the  odium  caused  by  the 
comprehensiveness  of  the  Act  of  Indemnity 
C((BTJR1O3T,  i.  193,  297  ;  Lords'  Journals,  xi. 

''»,  :579;  Cont.  pp.  130,  184,  285;  PEPYS, 

20  March  1669).  He  believed  that  'the 
late  rebellion  could  never  be  extirpated  and 
pulled  up  by  the  roots  till  the  king's  regal 
power  should  be  fully  vindicated  and  the 
usurpations  in  both  houses  of  parliament  since 
the  year  1640  disclaimed.'  In  declaring  the 
king's  sole  power  over  the  militia  (1661),  and 
in  repealing  the  Triennial  Act  (1664),  parlia- 
ment fulfilled  these  desires  (  Cont.  pp.  284, 510, 
990).  On  ecclesiastical  questions  Charles  and 

|  the  chancellor  were  less  in  harmony.  Claren- 
don's first  object  was  to  gradually  restore  the 
church  to  its  old  position.  He  seems  to  have 
entertained  a  certain  doubt  whether  the 
king's  adherence  to  episcopacy  could  be  relied 
upon,  and  was  anxious  to  give  the  presbyte- 
rians  no  opportunity  of  putting  pressure  upon 
him.  Hence  the  anxiety  to  provide  for  the 
appointment  of  new  bishops  shown  by  his 
correspondence  with  Barwick  in  1659,  and 
the  rapidity  with  which  in  the  autumn  of 
1660  vacant  sees  were  filled  up.  In  1661, 
when  the  Earl  of  Bristol,  in  the  hope  of  pro- 
curing some  toleration  for  the  catholics,  pre- 
vailed on  the  king  to  delay  the  progress  of 
the  bill  for  restoring  the  bishops  to  their 
place  in  the  House  of  Lords,  Clarendon's  re- 
monstrances converted  djarles  and  frustrated 
the  intrigue  (ib.  p.  289;  Clarendon  State 
Papers,  iii.  613,  732  ;  Life  of  Dr.  Barwick, 
ed.  1724,  p.  205 ;  RANKE,  iii.  370). 

On  the  question  of  the  church  lands  Claren- 
don's influence  was  equally  important.  After 
the  convention  had  decided"  that  cTmrch  and 
crown  lands  should  revert  to  their  owners,  a 
commission  was  appointed  to  examine  into 
sales,  compensate  bona-fide  purchasers,  and 
make  arrangements  between  the  clergy  and 
the  tenants.  Clarendon,  who  was  a  member  of 
the  commission,  admits  that  it  failed  to  pre- 

1  vent  cases  of  hardship,  and  lays  the  blame  on 
the  clergy.  Burnet  censures  Clarendon  him- 
self for  not  providing  that  the  large  fines  which 

\  the  bishops  raised  by  granting  new  leases 

i  should  be  applied  to  the  use  of  the  church  at 

i  large  (Own  Time,  i.  338;  Cont. p.  189;  Somers 
Tracts,  vii.  465). 

Of  the  two  ways  of  establishing  the  liberty 
for  tender  consciences  promised  in  the  Decla- 
ration of  Breda  the  king  preferred  toleratioi, 

•  Hyde  comprehension  (cf.  Lords'  Journals,  xi. 

!  175).  In  April  1660  he  sent  Dr.  Morley  to  Eng- 
land to  discuss  with  the  presbyterian  lepders 
the  terms  on  which  reunion  was  possible (  Cla- 
rendon State  Papers,  iii.  727, 738).   AAer  the  ' 
Restoration  bishoprics  were  offered  t>  several 

1  presbyterians,  including  Baxter,  wk>  records  i 
the  kindness  with  which  Clarendm  treated  \ 
him  (Reliquice  Baxteriance,  ii.  28^  302,  381).  ] 
Clarendon  drafted  the  king's  d'daration  on 
ecclesiastical  affairs  (25  Oct.  16'0),  promising 




limited  episcopacy,  a  revision  of  the  Prayer 
Book,  and  concessions  in  ritual ;  but  when  it 
was  proposed  in  the  convention  to  turn  the 
declaration  into  a  law  the  bill  was  thrown  out 
by  a  government  majority.  It  has  been,  there- 
fore, argued  that  the  proposal  of  such  a  com- 
promise was  merely  a  device  to  gain  time, 
and  Clarendon  has  been  accused  of  treachery. 
On  the  other  hand,  the  declaration  itself  stated 
that  the  arrangement  was  merely  provisional, 
•nd  it  seems  probable  that  his  object  in  pre- 
venting the  passing  of  the  bill  was  simply  to 
reserve  the  settlement  of  the  question  to  the 
expected  synod  and  a  parliament  of  more 
undoubted  authority  (MASSON,  Life  of  Mil- 
ton, vi.  Ill ;  KENNETT,  Register,  p.  289 ;  Old 
Parl.  Hist,  xxiii.  27).  The  synod  took  the 
shape  of  the  Savoy  conference,  and  ended  in 
no  agreement.  Theparliament  of  1 66 1 .  zea- 
lously and  exclusively  anglican,  began  by 
passing  the  Corporations  Act  (20  Dec.  1661) 
and  the  Act  ofJJniformity  ( 19  May  1 662) .  The 
parliament's  zeal  exceeded  Clarendon's,  who, 
while  asserting  the  necessity  of  establishing 
tests  and  enforcing  conformity,  Deprecated 
sevjerity  (Lords'  Journals,  xi.  242).  He  ex- 
erted himself  to  obtain  the  confirmation  of 
the  act  continuing  presbyterian  ministers  in 
vacant  livings  which  had  been  passed  by  the 
convention,  and  obtained  the  special  thanks 
of  the  presbyterians  through  Calamy  and 
Baxter  (Rawdon  Papers,  p.  137).  He  joined 
the  majority  of  the  lords  in  proposing  an 
amendment  which  would  have  allowed  a 
maintenance  to  ministers  deprived  by  the 
Act  of  Uniformity.  On  17  March  1662  he 
presented  to  the  House  of  Lords  from  the 
king  a  proviso  which  enabled  Charles,  '  in 
regard  of  the  promises  made  before  his  happy 
restoration/  to  dispense  with  the  observance 
of  the  Act  of  Uniformity  in  the  case  of  mi- 
nisters now  holding  ecclesiastical  cures,  '  of 
whose  merits  towards  his  majesty  and  peace- 
able and  pious  disposition  his  majesty  shall 
be  sufficiently  informed '  (ib.  pp.  141,  143 ; 
Hist.  MSS.  Comm.  7th  Rep.  p.  162). 

When  every  attempt  at  comprehensionhad 
definitely  failed,  Clarendon's  attitude  altered. 
He  '  would  have  been  glad,'  he  says,  that  the 
act  had  not  been  so  rigorous,  but  '  when  it 
was  passed  he  thought  it  absolutely  neces- 
sary to  see  obedience  paid  to  it  without  any 
connivance.'  Only  tenderness  for  the  king's 
honour  prevented  him  from  openly  opposing 
the  fulfilment  of  his  majesty's  promise  to 
suspend  the  operation  of  the  act  for  three 
months,  an  expedient  which  was  frustrated 
by  the  opposition  of  the  bishops  and  lawyers 
(Cont.  pp.  337-41).  Bennet,  the  probable 
author  of  the  Declaration  of  Indulgence  pub- 
lished by  the  king  on  26  Dec.  1662,  asserts  that 

Clarendon  not  only  approved  but  applauded 
it,  both  of  which  statements  Clarendon  denied 
(LISTER,  iii.  232-3).  In  February  1663  Lord 
Robartes  introduced  a  bill  empowering  the 
king  to  dispense  with  the  laws  enforcing  con- 
formity or  requiring  oaths  (Hist.  MSS.  Comm. 
7th  Rep.  p.  167).  Clarendon  was  strongly  op- 
posed to  the  measure,  and  represents  himself 
as  speaking  against  it  with  great  vehemence ; 
but  the  accuracy  of  his  recollections  is  very 
doubtful  (Cont.  pp.  583-93).  The  French 
ambassador  describes  him  as  appearing  '  to 
take  no  side  in  the  matter,'  gaining  great 
credit  in  the  House  of  Commons  at  first  by 
his  opposition  to  the  bill,  and  losing  it  by  the 
ambiguity  of  his  later  conduct  (CHRISTIE, 
Life  of  Shaftesbury,  i.  268).  In  his  own 
letters  to  Ormonde  he  complains  that  Ben- 
net  persuaded  the  king  that  because  '  I 
did  not  like  what  was  done,  I  have  raised 
all  the  evil  spirit  that  hath  appeared  upon 
!  and  against  it.  On  the  contrary,  Clod  knows 
|  I  have  taken  as  much  pains  to  prevent  those 
distempers  as  if  I  had  been  the  contriver  of 
the  councells '  (LISTER,  iii.  244). 

Clarendon's  opposition  to   the   policy   of 
toleration,  which  has  been  attributed  to  per- 
sonal hostility  to  the  promoters  of  the  decla- 
ration, deeply  incensed  the  king.     '  Bennet, 
Bristol,  and  their  friends/  writes  Pepys  on 
j  15  May  1663,  '  have  cast  my  lord  chancellor 
Lon   his   back,   past  ever  getting  up  again.' 
I  Although  discouraged  by  Charles,   Bristol 
!  iseized  the   opportunity  to  bring  forward  a 
j  (long-prepared  charge  of  high  treason  against 
i  I  Clarendon  (10  July  1663).     The  attack  was  ' 
a  complete  failure.     Clarendon  in  his  place 
j  denied  the  charges  altogether,  the  judges  re- 
ported that  even  if  true  they  did  not  amount 
to  high  treason,  and  the  king  sent  to  tell  the 
lords  that  to  his  certain  knowledge  many  of 
the  facts  alleged  were  untrue. 

Nevertheless  the  breach  was  real  and  seri-  i 
ous.  Unwilling  to  accept  the  king's  ecclesi- 
astical policy,  Clarendon  was  obliged  to  accept  i 
^that  of  the  commons.  He  was  not  directly  • 
Responsible  for  the  Conventicle  Act  (1664) 
and  the  Five  Mile  Act  (1665),  both  of  which 
originated  in  tfieTlower  house,  but  refers  ap- 
provingly to  both  (Cont. pp.  511,  776).  His 
later  view  was  that  the  king  had  fully  com- 
plied with  the  promises  made  at  Breda,  which 
simply  bound  him  to  indulge  tender  con- 
sciences until  parliament  should  make  some 
legal  settlement,  and  that  the  same  promises 
now  obliged  him  to  concur  in  the  settlement 
which  parliament  had  made  (ib.  pp.  144, 332; 
LISTER,  iii.  483).  Plots  and  rumours  of  plots 
had  strengthened  him  in  the  belief  that  non- 
conformists were  a  danger  to  the  peace  of  the 
state.  *  Their  faction/  he  concludes,  l  is  their 




religion '  (LisxER,  ii.  295-303 ;  Lords'  Jour- 
nals, xi.  237,  242,  476,  C88). 

The  settlement  of  Scotland  and  Ireland, 
and  the  course  of  colonial  history  also,  owed 
much  to  Clarendon.  The  aims  of  his  Scottish 
policy  were  to  keep  ScotTancT  dependent  on 
England  and  to  re-establish  episcopacy.  He 
opposec^  the  withdrawal  of  the  Cromwellian 
garrisons,  and  regretted  the  undoing  of  the 
union  which  Cromwell  had  effected.  Mindful 
of  the  ill  results  caused  by  the  separation  of 
Scottish  and  English  affairs,  which  the  first 
two  Stuarts  had  so  jealously  maintained,  he 
proposed  to  set  up  at  Whitehall  a  council  of 
state  for  Scotland  to  control  the  government 
at  Edinburgh  (Rebellion,  ii.  17 ;  Cont.  pp.  92- 
106;  BURNET,  i.  202).  His  zeal  to  restore 
episcopacy  in  Scotland  was  notorious.  Baillie 
describes  him  as  corrupting  Sharp  and  over- 
powering Lauderdale,  the  two  champions  on 
whom  the  presbyterian  party  had  relied  (Let- 
tees,  iii.  464, 471 ;  BURNET,  i.  237).  At  Claren- 
don's persuasion  theEnglish  bishops  left  Sharp 
to  manage  the  reintroduction  of  episcopacy 
(ib.  i.  240).  Middleton's  selection  as  the  king's 
commissioner  was  largely  due  to  his  friend- 
ship with  the  chancellor  (cf.  ib.  pp.  273, 365), 
and  Middleton's  supersession  byLauderdale  in 
May  1663  put  an  end  to  Clarendon's  influence 
over  Scottish  affairs  (Memoir  of  Sir  George 
Mackenzie,  pp.  76, 112;'  Lauderdale  and  the 
Restoration  in  Scotland,'  Quarterly  Review, 
April  1884). 

Hyde's  share  in  the  settlement  of  Ireland 
is  less  easy  to  define.  The  fifteenth  article 
of  his  impeachment  alleges  that  he  '  procured 
the  bills  for  the  settlement  of  Ireland,  and 
received  great  sums  of  money  for  the  same ' 
(Miscellaneous  Tracts,  p.  39).  His  answer 
is  that  he  merely  acted  as  one  member  of  the 
Irish  committee,  and  had  no  special  responsi- 
bility for  the  king's  policy  ;  but  his  council- 
notes  to  Charles  seem  to  disprove  this  plea 
(Cont.  p.  277  ;  Clarendon  State  Papers,  iii. 
App.  xlvii).  Sympathising  less  strongly 
with  the  native  Irish  than  the  king  did,  he 
yet  supported  the  settlement-commissioners 
against  the  clamour  of  the  Irish  parliament. 
'  No  man,'  he  wrote  to  the  Earl  of  Anglesey, 
'  is  more  solicitous  to  establish  Ireland  upon 
a  true  protestant  English  interest  than  I  am, 
but  there  is  as  much  need  of  temper  and 
moderation  and  justice  in  the  composing 
that  establishment  as  ever  was  necessary  in 
any  affair  of  this  world '  (ib.  iii.  App.  xxxiv, 
xxxvi).  He  was  anxious  that  the  king 
should  carry  out  his  original  intention  of 
providing  for  deserving  Irishmen  out  of  the 
confiscated  lands  which  had  fallen  to  the 
crown,  but  was  out-generalled  by  the  Earl 
of  Orrery  (Cont.  p.  272).  His  influence  in 

Ireland  increased  after  the  Duke  of  Or- 
monde became  lord-lieutenant  (December 
1661),  and  he  supported  Ormonde's  policy. 
He  did  not  share  the  common  jealousy  of 
flrish  trade,  and  opposed  the  prohibition  of 

Ll_  -    • -_4.: ~£  T,.:^V.  /->o4-4-1,->  /I  fifi?\_<^  Txri+li 

a  persistency  which  destroyed  his  remaining 
k  credit  with  "the  English  House  of  Commons 
(CARTE,  Ormonde,  ed.  1851,  iv.  244,  263-7  ; 
Cont.  pp.  9,  55-9,  89). 

In  the  extensiojLof  the  colonial  dominions.. 
of  England,  and  the  institution  of  a  perma- 
nent system  of  colonial  administration,  Hyde 
took  a  leading  part.  He  was  onejpl_th£.eight 
lords  proprietors  to  whom  on  24  March  Io63 
the  first  Carolina  charter  was  granted,  and 
the  settlement  they  established  at  Cape  Fear 
was  called  after  him  Clarendon  County.  He 
helped  Baxter  to  procure  the  incorporation 
of  the  Company  for  the  Propagation  of  the 
Gospel  in  New  England,  of  which  he  was 
himself  a  member  (7  Feb.  1662).  He  joined 
the  general  council  for  foreign  plantations 
(1  Dec.  1660),  and  the  special  committee  of 
the  privy  council  charged  to  settle  the  govern- 
ment of  New  England  (17  May  1661 ;  Cal. 
State  Papers,  Colonial,  1574-1660  p.  492, 
1661-8  pp.  30,  71,  125;  Reliquice  Baxte- 
riance,  ii.  290).  The  policy,  which  Clarendon 
probably  inspired,  endeavoured  '  to  enforce 
the  Acts  of  Parliament  for  the  control  of 
the  shipping  trade,  to  secure  for  members 
of  the  Church  of  England  civil  rights  equal 
to  those  enjoyed  by  nonconformists,  and  to 
subordinate  the  Colonial  jurisdiction  by 
giving  a  right  of  appeal  to  the  Crown  in 
certain  cases  '  (DOYLE,  The  English  in  Ame- 
rica ;  The  Puritan  Colonies,  ii.  150).  To  pre- 
vent the  united  resistance  of  the  New  Eng- 
land states  he  supported  measures  to  divide 
them  from  each  other  and  to  weaken  Massa- 
chusetts (Cal.  State  Papers,  Colonial,  1661- 
1668,  pp.  198-203,  377;  HUTCHINSON,  His- 
tory of  Massachusetts,  ed.  1795,  i.  544).  In 
dealing  with  the  colonies  circumstances  made 
Clarendon  tolerant.  He  granted  freedom  of 
conscience  to  all  settlers  in  Carolina,  and 
instructed  the  governors  of  Virginia  and  Ja- 
maica not  to  molest  nonconformists  (Cal. 
State  Papers.,  Colonial,  1661-8,  p.  155  ; 
STOTJGHTON,  Ecclesiastical  History  of  Eng- 
land, iii.  310).  The  worst  side  of  his  policy 
is  shown  in  his  support  of  the  high-handed 
conduct  of  Lord  Willoughby  in  Barbadoes, 
which  was  made  the  basis  of  the  fifteenth 
article  of  his  impeachment  in  1667. 

Hyde,  although  playing  a  conspicuous  part 
in  foreign  affairs,  exerted  little  influence  upon 
them.  His  views  were  purely  negative.  He 
thought  a  firm  peace  between  the  king  and 
his  neighbours  '  necessary  for  the  reducing 




his  own  dominions  into  that  temper  of  obe- 
dience they  ought  to  be  in/  and  desired  to 
avoid  foreign  complications  (Cont.  p.  1170  ; 
COURTESY,  Life  of  Temple,  i.  127).  But 
his  position  and  his  theory  of  ministerial  duty 
obliged  him  to  accept  the  responsibility  of  a 
policy  which  he  did  not  originate,  and  a  war 
of  which  he  disapproved. 

Hyde  wished  the  king  jp  marry,  but  was 
anxioulThlfsEould  marry  aTprotestant.  The 
marriage  between  Charles  and  Catherine  of 
Braganza  was  first  proposed  by  the  Portu- 
guese ambassador  to  the  king  in  the  summer 
of  1660,  and  by  the  king  to  the  lord  chan- 
cellor (RANKE,  iii.  344).  Carte,  on  the  au- 
thority of  Sir  Robert  Southwell,  describes 
Clarendon  as  at  first  remonstrating  against 
the  choice,  but  finally  yielding  to  the  king's 
decision  (CARTE,  Ormonde,  iv.  107,  ed.  1851 ; 
BTJRNET,  Own  Time,  i.  300).  The  council 
unanimously  approved  of  the  marriage,  and 
the  chancellor  on  8  May  1661  announced  the 
decision  to  parliament,  and  prepared  a  narra- 
tive of  the  negotiations  (Lords'  Journals,  xi. 
243  ;  Cont.  pp.  149-87 ;  LISTER,  ii.  126,  iii. 
119,  513).  When  it  became  evident  that  the 
queen  would  give  no  heir  to  the  throne,  it 
was  reported  that  Clarendon  knew  she  was 
incapable  of  bearing  children  and  had  planned 
the  marriage  to  secure  the  crown  for  his 
daughter's  issue (RERESBT, Memoirs,^.  53,  ed. 
Cartwright ;  PEPTS,  22  Feb.  1664).  Clarendon 
refused  a  bribe  of  10,000/.  which  Bastide 
the  French  agent  offered  him,  but  stooped 
to  solicit  a  loan  of  50,000/.  for  his  master 
and  a  promise  of  French  support  against  do- 
mestic disturbances.  The  necessities  of  the 
king  led  to  the  idea  of  selling  Dunkirk — a 
transaction  which  the  eleventh  article  of 
Clarendon's  impeachment  charged  him  with 
advising  and  effecting.  In  his '  Vindication '  he 
replied  that  the  parting  with  Dunkirk  was 
resolved  upon  before  he  heard  of  it,  and  that 
'the  purpose  was  therefore  concealed  from 
him  because  it  was  believed  he  was  not  of  that 
opinion '  (Miscellaneous  Tracts,  p.  33).  The 
authorship  of  the  proposal  was  subsequently 
claimed  by  the  Earl  of  Sandwich,  and  is  at- 
tributed by  Clarendon  to  the  Earl  of  South- 
ampton (Cont.  p.  455  ;  PEPYS,  25  Feb.  1666). 
Clarendon  had  recently  rebuked  those  who 
murmured  at  the  expense  of  Dunkirk,  and  had 
enlarged  on  its  value  to  England.  But  since 
it  was  to  be  sold,  he  advised  that  it  should 
be  offered  to  France,  and  conducted  the  bar- 
gain himself.  The  treaty  was  signed  on 
27  Oct.  1662  (LISTER,  ii.  167  ;  RANKE,  iii. 
388;  Clarendon  State  Papers,  iii.  App.  xxi-ii, 
xxv)  Bristol  charged  him  with  having  got 
100,000/.  by  the  transaction,  and  on  20  Feb. 
1665  Pepys  notes  that  the  common  people  had 

already  nicknamed  the  palace  which  the  chan- 
cellor was  building  near  St.  James's, '  Dun- 
kirk House.'  At  the  beginning  of  the  reign 
Mazarin  had  regarded  Clarendon  as  the  most 
hostile  to  France  of  all  the  ministers  of 
Charles  II,  but  he  was  now  looked  upon  as 
the  greatest  prop  of  the  French  alliance 
(CHERTJEL,  Mazarin,  iii.  291, 320-31 ;  RANKE, 
iii.  339). 

Contrary  to  his  intentions,  Clarendon  also 
becam^^n^aged_,in._tha.-5icar  with  Holland. 
When  his  administration  began,  there 
were  disputes  of  long  standing  with  the 
United  Provinces,  and  the  Portuguese  match 
threatened  to  involve  England  in  the  war 
between  Holland  and  Portugal.  Clarendon  en- 
deavoured to  mediate  between  those  powers, 
and  refused  to  allow  the  English  negotia- 
tions to  be  complicated  by  consideration  of 
the  interests  of  the  prince  of  Orange.  He 
desired^eace  with  Holland  because  it  would 
compose  people's  minds  in  England,  and  dis- 
courage the  seditious  party  which  relied  on 
Dutch  aid.  A  treaty  providing  for  the  settle- 
ment of  existing  disputes  was  signed  on 
4  Sept.  1662.  De  Witt  wrote  that  it  was 
Clarendon's  work,  and  begged  him  to  confirm 
and  strengthen  the  friendly  relations  of  the 
two  peoples  (PONTALIS,  Jean  De  Witt,  i.  280 ; 
LISTER,  iii.  167,  175).  Amity  might  have 
been  maintained  had  the  control  of  English 
foreign  policy  been  in  stronger  hands.  The 
king  was  opposed  to  war,  and  convinced  by  . 
t^e^bfmeellor's  arguments  against  it  (Cont.  ' 
pp.  450-54).  But  Charles  and  Clarendon 
allowed  the  pressure  of  the  trading  classes  j 
and  the  Duke  of  York  to  involve  them  in  hos-  u 
tilities  which  made  war  inevitable.  Squad- 
rons acting  under  instructions  from  the  Duke  | 
of  York,  and  consisting  partly  of  ships  lent 
"Irom  the  royal  navy,  captured  Cape  Corso 
(April  1664)  and  other  Dutch  establishments 
on  the  African  coast,  and  New  Amsterdam 
in  America  (29  Aug.  1664).  The  Dutch  made 
reprisals,  and  war  was  declared  on  22  Feb. 
1665.  Clarendon  held  that  the  African  con- 
quest had  been  made  '  without  any  shadow 
of  justice/  and  asserted  that,  if  the  Dutch  had 
sought  redress  peaceably,  restitution  would 
have  been  granted  (LISTER,  iii.  347).  Of 
the  attack  on  the  Dutch  settlements  in 
America  he  took  a  different  view,  urging 
that  they  were  English  property  usurped 
by  the  Dutch,  and  that  their  seizure  was 
no  violation  of  the  treaty.  He  was  fully 
aware  of  the  intended  seizure  of  the  New 
Netherlands,  and  appears  to  have  helped  the 
Duke  of  York  to  make  out  his  title  to  that 
territory  (Cal  State  Papers,  Colonial,  1661- 
1668,  pp.  191,  200:  BRODHEAD,  History  of 
New  York,  ii.  12,  15;  Life  of  James  II,  i. 




400).  The  narrative  of  transactions  in  Africa, 
laid  before  parliament  on  24  Nov.  1G64,  was 

,  probably  his  work.  After  the  war  began 
Clarendon  talked  openly  of  requiring  new 
ceeriona  from  the  Dutch,  and  asserted  in  its 
extremest  form  the  king's  dominion  over  the 
British  seas  (Lords'  Journals,  xi.  625,  684 ; 
LISTER,  iii.  424;  RANKE,  iii.  425;  PEPYS, 
20  March  1669).  Rejecting  the  offered  me- 
diation of  France,  he  dreamt  of  a  triple  alli- 
ance between  England,  Sweden,  and  Spain, 
1  which  would  be  the  greatest  act  of  state 
and  the  most  for  the  benefit  of  Christendom 
that  this  age  hath  produced' (LISTER,  iii. 
422 ;  Lords'  Journals,  xi.  488).  Later  still, 
when  France  had  actively  intervened  on  the 
side  of  Holland,  Clarendon's  eyes  became 
open  to  the  designs  of  Louis  XIV  on  Flan- 
ders, and  he  claims  to  have  prepared  the 
way  for  the  triple  alliance  (Cont.  p.  1066). 
But  the  belief  that  he  was  entirely  devoted 
to  French  interests  was  one  of  the  chief 
obstacles  to  the  conclusion  of  any  league 
between  England  and  Spain  (KLOPP,  Der 
Fall  des  Hauses  Stuart,  i.  145,  192 ;  COUR- 
TENAY,  Life  of  Temple,  i.  128).  Nor  was 
that  belief— erroneous  though  it  was — with- 
out some  justification.  When  Charles  at- 
tempted to  bring  the  war  to  an  end  by  an 
understanding  with  Louis  XIV,  Clarendon 
drew  the  instructions  of  the  Earl  of  St. 
Albans  (January  1667) ;  and  though  it  is 
doubtful  whether  he  was  cognisant  of  all  his 
master's  intentions,  he  was  evidently  pre- 
pared to  promise  that  England  should  re- 
main neutral  while  France  seized  Flanders. 

In  June  1667  the  Dutch  fleet  burnt  the 
ships  in  the  Medway,.  and  on  21  July  the 
treaty  of  Breda  was  concluded.  Public 
opinion  held  Clarendon  responsible  for  the 
ill-success  of  the  war  and  the  ignominious 
peace.  On  the  day  when  the  Dutch  attacked 
Chatham,  a  mob  cut  down  the  trees  before 
his  house,  broke  his  windows,  and  set  up  a 
gibbet  at  his  gate  (PEPYS,  14  June  1667; 
cf.  ib.  24  June).  According  to  Clarendon's 

,  own  account,  he  took  very  little  part  in  the  , 
conduct  of  the  war,  '  never  pretending  to 
understand  what  was  fit  to  be  done,'  but  | 
simply  concurring  in  the  advice  of  military  j 
and  naval  experts  (Cont.  p.  1026).  Claren-  ' 
don's  want  of  administrative  skill  was,  how-  ' 

•'  ever,  responsible  for  much.  He  disliked  the  ; 
new  system  of  committees  and  boards  which 
the  Commonwealth  had  introduced,  and 
clung  to  the  old  plan  of  appointing  great 
officers  of  state,  as  the  only  one  suitable  to  a 
monarchy.  He  thought  it  necessary  to  ap- 
point men  of  quality  who  would  give  dignity 
to  their  posts,  and  underrated  the  services  of 
men  of  business,  while  his  impatience  of 

opposition  and  hatred  of  innovations   hin- 
dered administrative  reform. 

As  the  needs  of  the  government  increased, 

•  the  power  of  the  House  of  Commons  grew, 
I  and  Clarendon's   attempt   to  restrict   their 
!  authority  only  diminished  his  own.  ^  He  op- 

i  posed  the  proviso  for  the  appropriation  of 
!  supplies  (1665)  '  as  an  introduction  to  a  com- 
i  monwealth  and  not  fit  for  a  monarchy.'  He 
opposed  the  bill  for  the  audit  of  the  war  ac- 
i  counts  (1666)  as '  a  new  encroachment  which 
!  had  no  bottom,'  and  urged  the  king  not  to 
'  suffer  parliament  to  extend  its  jurisdiction. 
1  He  opposed  the  bill  for  the  prohibition  of  the 
|  Irish  cattle  trade  (1666)  as  inexpedient  in 
'  itself,  and  because  its  provisions  robbed  the 
i  king  of  his  dispensing  power ;  spoke  slight- 

•  ingly  of  the  House  of  Commons,  and  told  the 
1  lords  to  stand  up  for  their  rights.     In  1666, 
'  finding  the  House  of  Commons  '  morose  and 
I  obstinate,'  and  '  solicitous  to  grasp  as  much 
|  power  and  authority  as   any  of  their  pre- 
decessors had  done,'  hejjroposed  a  dissolu- 
tion,  hoping  to   find   a    new  house    more 
amenable.     Again,  in  June  1667  he  advised 
the  king  to  call  a  new  parliament  instead  of 
convening  the  existing  one,  which  had  been 
prorogued  till  October  (Cont.  pp.  964, 1101  ; 
LISTER,  ii.  400).     This  advice  and  the  imme- 
diate prorogation  of  parliament  when  it  did 
meet  (25-9  July  1667)  deeply  incensed  the 
commons,  and  gave  Clarendon's  enemies  an 
opportunity  of  asserting  that  he  had  advised 
the  king  to  do  without  parliaments  altogether 
(^PEPYS,  25  July  1667 ;  LISTER,  ii.  402).  Still 
more  serious,  with  men  who  remembered  the 
Protectorate,  was  the  charge  that  he  had 
designed  to  raise  a  standing  army  and  to 
govern  the   kingdom    by   military    power. 
What  gave  colour  to  the  rumour  was  that, 
during  the  invasion  of  June  1667,  Clarendon 
had  recommended  the  king  to  support  the 
troops  guarding  the  coast  by  the  levy  of  con- 
tributions on  the  adjacent  counties  until  par- 
liament met  (Cont.  p.  1104).     In  private  the 
king  himself  owned  the  charge  was  untrue, 
but  refused  to  allow  his  testimony  to  be  used 
in  the  chancellor's  defence.     Popular  hatred 
turned  against  Clarendon,  and  poets  threat- 
ened Charles  with  the  fate  of  his  father  unless 
he  parted  with  the  obnoxious  minister  (MAR- 
VELL,  Last  Instructions  to  a  Painter,  1.  870). 

The  court  in  general  had  long  been  hostile 
to  Clarendon,  and  the  king's  familiar  com- 
panions took  every  opportunity  of  ridiculing 
him.  Lady  Castlemaine  and  he  were  avowed 
enemies.  The  king  suspected  him  of  frus- 
trating his  designs  onHiss  Stewart,  and  was 
tired  of  his  reproofs  and  remonstrances. 
'  The  truth  is,'  explained  Charles  to  Ormonde, 
'  his  behaviour  and  humour  was  grown  so 




unsupportable  to  myself  and  to  all  the  world  j 
else,  that  I  could  no  longer  endure  it,  and  it 
was  impossible  to  live  with  it,  and  do  those 
things  with  the  parliament  that  must  be 
done,  or  the  government  will  be  lost '  (ELLIS, 
Original  Letters,  2nd  ser.  iv.  39).  The  king 
therefore  decided  to  remove  the  chancellor 
before  parliament  again  met,  and  commis- 
sioned the  Duke  of  York  to  urge  him  to  re- 
tire of  his  own  accord.  Clarendon  obtained 
an  interview  at  Whitehall  on  26  Aug.  1667, 
and  told  the  king  that  he  was  not  willing  to 
deliver  up  the  seal  unless  he  was  deprived  of 
it;  that  his  deprivation  of  it  would  mean 
ruin,  because  it  would  show  that  the  king  be- 
lieved him  guilty ;  that,  being  innocent  of 
transgressing  the  law,  he  did  not  fear  the  jus- 
tice of  the  parliament.  '  Parliaments,'  he  said, 
1  were  not  formidable  unless  the  king  chose 
to  make  them  so ;  it  was  yet  in  his  own 
power  to  govern  them,  but  if  they  found  it 
was  in  theirs  to  govern  him,  nobody  knew 
what  the  end  would  be.'  The  king  did  not 
announce  his  decision,  but  seemed  deeply 
offended  by  some  inopportune  reflections  on 
Lady  Castlemaine.  For  two  or  three  days 
the  chancellor's  friends  hoped  the  king  would 
change  his  purpose,  but  finally  Charles  de- 
clared '  that  he  had  proceeded  too  far  to  re- 
tire, and  that  he  should  be  looked  upon  as  a 
child  if  he  receded  from  his  purpose.'  On 
30  Aug.  Sir  William  Morrice  was  sent  to 
demand  the_great^  seal.  When  Morrice 
brought  it  back  to~Whitehall,  Charles  was 
told  by  a  courtier  '  that  this  was  the  first 
time  he  could  ever  call  him  king  of  England, 
being  freed  from  this  great  man'  (PEPYS, 
27  Aug.,  7  Oct.  1667 ;  Cont.  p.  1134 ;  LISTEK, 
iii.  468).  On  Clarendon  himself  the  blow  fell 
with  crushing  severity  (cf.  CARTE,  Ormonde, 
v.  57),  but  he  confidently  expected  to  vin- 
dicate himself  when  parliament  met. 

The  next  session  opened  on  10  Oct.  1667. 
The  king's  speech  referred  to  the  chancellor's 
dismissal  as  an  act  which  he  hoped  would  lay 
the  foundation  of  greater  confidence  between 
himself  and  parliament.  The  House  of  Com- 
mons replied  by  warm  thanks,  which  the 
king  received  with  a  promise  never  to  employ 
the  Earl  of  Clarendon  again  in  any  public 
affairs  whatsoever  (16  Oct.).  Clarendon's 
enemies,  however,  were  not  satisfied,  and  de- 
termined to  arraign  him"tof"Eigh  treason. 
The  attack  was  opened  by  Edward  Seymour 
on  26  Oct.,  and  on  29  Oct.  a  committee  was 
appointed  to  draw  up  charges.  Its  report 
(6  Nov.)  contained  seventeen  heads  of  accu- 
sation, but  the  sixteenth  article,  which  ac- 
cused Clarendon  of  betraying  the  king's 
counsels  to  his  enemies,  was  the  only  one 
which  amounted  to  high  treason.  The  im- 

peachment was  presented  to  the  House  of 
Lords  on  12  Nov.,  but  they  refused  (14  Nov.) 
to  commit  Clarendon  as  requested,  '  because 
the  House  of  Commons  have  only  accused  him 
of  treason  in  general,  and  have  not  assigned 
or  specified  any  particular  treason.'  As  they 
persisted  in  this  refusal,  the  commons  passed 
a  resolution  that  the  non-compliance  of  the 
lords  was  '  an  obstruction  to  the  public  jus- 
tice of  the  kingdom  and  a  precedent  of  evil 
and  dangerous  consequences  '  (2  Dec.)  The 
dispute  between  the  two  houses  grew  so 
high,  that  it  seemed  as  if  all  intercourse  be- 
tween them  would  stop,  and  a  paralysis  of 
the  government  ensue  (LISTER,  iii.  474).  The 
king  publicly  supported  the  chancellor's  pro- 
secutors, while  the  Duke  of  York  stood  by  his 
father-in-law,  but  an  attack  of  small-pox  soon 
deprived  the  duke  of  any  further  power  to 
interfere.  As  it  was,  York's  conduct  had  in- 
creased the  hostility  of  the  chancellor's  ene- 
mies, and  they  determined  to  secure  them- 
selves against  any  possibility  of  his  return  to 
power  if  James  became  king  (4  Nov.  1667  ; 
Life  of  James  II,  i.  433  ;  Cont.  p.  1177). 

By  the  advice  of  friends  Clarendon  wrote  to 
the  king  protesting  innocence  of  the  crimes 
alleged  in  his  impeachment.  '  I  do  upon  my 
knees,'  he  added,  '  beg  your  pardon  for  any 
overbold  or  saucy  expressions  I  have  ever 
used  to  you  ...  a  natural  disease  in  old 
servants  who  have  received  too  much  coun- 
tenance.' He  begged  the  king  to  put  a  stop 
to  the  prosecution,  and  to  allow  him  to  spend 
the  small  remainder  of  his  life  in  some  parts 
beyond  seas  (ib.  p.  1181).  Charles  read  the  let- 
ter, burnt  it,  and  observed  'that  he  wondered 
the  chancellor  did  not  withdraw  himself.'  He 
was  anxious  that  Clarendon  should  withdraw, 
but  would  neither  command  him  to  'go  nor 
grant  him  a  pass  for  fear  of  the  commons. 
Indirectly,  through  the  Duke  of  York  and 
the  Bishop  of  Hereford,  he  urged  him  to  fly, 
and  promised  '  that  he  should  not  be  in  any 
degree  prosecuted,  or  suffer  in  his  honour  or 
fortune  by  his  absence '  (ib.  p.  1185).  Relying 
on  this  engagement,  and  alarmed  by  the 
rumours  of  a  design  to  prorogue  parliament 
and  try  him  by  a  jury  of  peers,  Clarendon 
left  England  on  the  night  of  29  Nov.,  and 
reached  Calais  three  days  later.  With  Cla- 
rendon's flight  the  dispute  between  the  two 
houses  came  to  an  end.  The  lords  accepted 
it  as  a  confession  of  guilt,  concurred  with 
the  commons  in  ordering  his  petition  to 
be  burnt,  and  passed  an  act  for  his  banish- 
ment, by  which  his  return  was  made  high 
treason  and  his  pardon  impossible  with- 
out the  consent  of  both  houses  (19  Dec. 
1667  ;  LISTER,  ii.  415-44,  iii.  472-77  ;  Cont. 
pp.  1155-97 ;  CARTE,  Ormonde,  v.  58 ;  Lords1 




Journals,  xii.    178;  Commons'  Journals,  ix. 

The  rest  of  Clarendon's  life  was  passed  in 
exile.  From  Calais  he  went  to  Rouen 
(25  Dec.),  and  then  back  to  Calais  (21  Jan. 
1668),  intending  by  the  advice  of  his  friends 
to  return  to  England  and  stand  his  trial.  In 
April  1668  he  made  his  way  to  the  baths  of 
Bourbon,  and  thence  to  Avignon  (June  1668). 
For  nearly  three  years  he  lived  at  Mont- 
pelier  (July  1668-June  1671),  removing  to 
Moulins  in  June  1671,  and  finally  to  Rouen 
in  May  1674  (LisTEB,  ii.  478,  481,  487; 
Cont.  p.  1238).  During  the  first  part  of 
his  exile  his  hardships  and  sufferings  were 
very  great.  At  Calais  he  lay  for  three  months 
dangerously  ill.  At  Evreux,  on  23  April 
1668,  a  company  of  English  sailors  in  French 
service,  holding  Clarendon  the  cause  of  the 
non-payment  of  their  English  arrears,  broke 
into  his  lodgings,  plundered  his  baggage, 
wounded  several  of  his  attendants,  and  as- 
saulted him  with  great  violence.  One  of 
them  stunned  him  by  a  blow  with  the  flat 
of  a  sword,  and  they  were  dragging  him  into 
the  courtyard  to  despatch  him,  when  he  was 
rescued  by  the  town  guard  (ib.  pp.  1215, 
1225).  In  December  1667  Louis  XIV,  an- 
xious to  conciliate  the  English  government, 
ordered  Clarendon  to  leave  France,  and,  in 
spite  of  his  illness,  repeated  these  orders 
with  increasing  harshness.  After  the  con- 
clusion of  the  Triple  League  had  frustrated 
the  hope  of  a  close  alliance  with  England, 
the  French  government  became  more  hos- 
pitable, but  Clarendon  always  lived  in  dread 
of  fresh  vexations  (Cont.  pp.  1202-1220, 
1353).  The  Archbishop  of  Avignon,  the 
governor  and  magistrates  of  Montpelier, 
and  the  governor  of  Languedoc,  treated  him 
with  great  civility,  and  he  was  cheered  by 
the  constant  friendship  of  the  Abb6  Mon- 
tague and  Lady  Mordaunt.  His  son,  Lau- 
rence, was  twice  allowed  to  visit  him,  and 
Lord  Cornbury  was  with  him  when  he  died 
(Correspondence  of  Henry  Hyde,  Earl  of 
Clarendon,  ed.  Singer,  i.  645 ;  LISTEK,  iii. 

To  find  occupation,  and  to  divert  his  mind 
from  his  misfortunes,  Clarendon  *  betook 
himself  to  his  books,'  and  studied  the  French 
and  Italian  languages.  Never  was  his  pen 
more  active  than  during  these  last  seven  years 
of  his  life.  His  most  important  task  was  the 
completion  and  revision  of  his '  History  of  the 
Rebellion  '  together  with  the  composition  of 
his  autobiography.  In  June  1671,  and  again 
in  August  1674,  he  petitioned  for  leave  to  re- 
turn to  England,  and  begged  the  queen  and 
the  Duke  of  York  to  intercede  for  him 
(Clarendon  State  Papers,  iii.  App.  xliv,  xlv). 

These  entreaties  were  unanswered,  and  he 
died  at  Rouen  on  9  Dec.  1674  (LiSTEK,  ii. 
488) .  He  was  buried  in  Westminster  Abbey 
on  4  Jan.  1675,  at  the  foot  of  the  steps 
ascending  to  Henry  VII's  chapel,  where  his 
second  wife  had  been  interred  on  17  Aug. 
1667  (CHESTEK,  Westminster  Abbey  Register, 
pp.  167,  185).  His  two  sons,  Henry,  earl  of 
Clarendon  (1638-1709),  and  Laurence,  earl 
of  Rochester  (1642-1711),  and  his  daughter, 
Anne,  duchess  of  York  (1637-1671),  are  sepa- 
rately noticed.  A  third  son,  Edward  Hyde, 
baptised  1  April  1645,  died  on  10  Jan.  1665, 
and  was  also  buried  in  Westminster  Abbey 
(ib.  p.  161).  Clarendon's  will  is  printed  in 
Lister's  '  Life  of  Clarendon '  (ii.  489). 

As  a  statesman,  Clarendon's  consistency 
an2h*1ntegriry  "were  conspicuous  Through 
many  vicissitudes  and  amid  much  corrup- 
tion. He  adhered  faithfully  to  the  principles 
he  professed  in  1641,  but  the  circle  of  his 
ideas  was  fixed  then,  and  it  never  widened 
afterwards.  No  man  was  fitter  to  guide  a 
wavering  master  in  constitutional  ways,  or 
to  conduct  a  return  to  old  laws  and  institu- 
tions ;  but  he  was  incapable  of  dealing  with 
the  new  forces  and  new  conditions  which 
twenty  years  of  revolution  had  created. 

Clarendon  is  remarkable  as  one  of  the  first 
Englishmen  who  rose  to  office  chiefly  by  his 
gifts  as  a  writer  and  a  speaker.  Evelyn 
mentions  his  '  eloquent  tongue,'  and  his  '  dex- 
terous and  happy  pen.'  Some  held  that  his 
literary  style  was  not  serious  enough.  Burnet 
finds  a  similar  fault  in  his  speaking.  'He 
spoke  well ;  his  style  had  no  flow  [flaw  ?]  in 
it,  but  had  a  just  mixture  of  wit  and  sense, 
only  he  spoke  too  copiously;  he  had  a  great 
pleasantness  in  his  spirit,  which  carried  him 
sometimes  too  far  into  raillery,  in  which  he 
showed  more  wit  than  discretion.'  Pepys 
admired  his  eloquence  with  less  reserve.  '  I 
am  mad  in  love  with  my  lord  chancellor,  for 
he  do  comprehend  and  speak  out  well,  and 
with  the  greatest  ease  and  authority  that 
ever  I  saw  man  in  my  life.  .  .  .  His  manner 
and  freedom  of  doing  it  as  if  he  played  with 
it,  and  was  informing  only  all  the  rest  of  the 
company,  was  mighty  pretty '  (cf.  WARWICK, 
Memoirs,  p.  195;  EVELYN,  ii.  296;  PEPYS, 
Diary,  13  Oct.  1666). 

Apart  from  his  literary  works,  the  mass  of 
state  papers  and  declarations  drawn  by  his 
hand  and  his  enormous  correspondence  testify 
to  his  unremitting  industry.  His  handwrit- 
ing is  small,  cramped,  and  indistinct.  During 
his  residence  in  Jersey  'he  writ  daily  little 
less  than  one  sheet  of  large  paper  with  his 
own  hand,'  and  seldom  spent  less  than  ten 
hours  a  day  between  his  books  and  his  papers 
(Life,  v.  5 ;  Clarendon  State  Papers,  ii.  375). 




Lord  Campbell  holds  that  Clarendon's 
knowledge  of  law,  and  more  especially  of 
equity  practice,  was  too  slight  to  qualify  him 
for  the  office  of  lord  chancellor  (Lives  of  the 
Chancellors,  iii.  188).  According  to  Speaker 
Onslow  he  never  made  a  decree  in  chancery 
without  the  assistance  of  two  of  the  judges 
(BTJBNET,  i.  172  note).  He  endeavoured,  how- 
ever, to  reform  the  abuses  of  his  court,  and 
framed,  in  conjunction  with  Sir  Harbottle 
Grimston  [q.  v.],  master  of  the  rolls,  a  series 
of  regulations  known  as  '  Lord  Clarendon's 
Orders'  (LISTEE,  ii.  528).  Burnet  praises 
him  for  appointing  good  judges,  and  con- 
cludes that  '  he  was  a  very  good  chancellor, 
only  a  little  too  rough,  but  very  impartial 
in  the  administration  of  justice'  (i.  171, 

Clarendon's  chancellorship  of  the  univer- 
sity of  Oxford  left  a  more  lasting  impres- 
sion. He  was  elected  on  27  Oct.  1660  to 
succeed  the  Duke  of  Somerset,  and  was  in- 
stalled on  15  Nov.  (KENNETT,  Register,  pp. 
294,  310).  His  election  is  celebrated  in 
Latin  and  English  verses  by  Robert  White- 
hall of  Merton.  On  7  Dec.  1667  Clarendon 
resigned  his  office  in  a  pathetic  letter  to  the 
vice-chancellor,  which  is  still  exhibited  in 
the  Bodleian  Library  (MACEAY,  Annals  of 
the  Bodleian  Library,  ed.  1890,  p.  462). 
Clarendon  was  not  blind  to  the  defects  of 
Oxford  as  a  place  of  education.  At  the 
beginning  of  his  chancellorship  he  specially 
recommended  the  restoration  of  its  ancient 
discipline  (KENNETT,  p.  378),  and  he  was 
well  seconded  by  Dr.  John  Fell  [q.  v.]  In  his 
'  Dialogue  on  Education 'he  suggests  various 
remedies  and  reforms,  proposing  among 
others  the  foundation  of  an  academy  to  teach 
fencing,  dancing,  and  riding,  and  the  revival 
of  the  old  practice  of  acting  English  and 
Latin  plays  (Clarendon  Tracts,  1727,  pp.  325, 
344).  His  great-grandson,  Henry,  lord  Corn- 
bury,  left  to  the  university  of  Oxford  in  1753 
all  the  chancellor's  manuscripts,  with  direc- 
tions that  the  proceeds  of  publication  should 
be  employed  in  setting  up  an  academy  for 
riding  and  other  exercises.  In  1868  the  fund 
thus  accumulated  was  applied  to  the  esta- 
blishment of  a  laboratory  attached  to  the  uni- 
versity museum,  and  called  the  Clarendon 
Laboratory  (MACBAY,  p.  225 ;  cf.  Collectanea, 
vol.  i.  Oxf.  Hist.  Soc.)  The  profits  of  the 
copyright  of  the  '  History  of  the  Rebellion ' 
were  used  to  provide  a  building  for  the  uni- 
versity press,  which  was  erected  in  1713  on 
the  east  side  of  the  Sheldonian  Theatre.  It 
was  called  the  Clarendon  printing-house,  and 
its  southern  face  was  adorned  by  a  statue  of 
the  chancellor  set  up  in  1721.  Since  the  re- 
moval of  the  university  press  to  its  present 


site  in  1830,  the  edifice  has  been  known  as 
the  Clarendon  Building. 

A  portrait  of  Clarendon  by  Lely  is  in 
the  university  gallery  at  Oxford.  There  is 
another  by  the  same  artist,  and  one  by  Ger- 
rard  Zoust  in  the  collection  at  Grove  Park, 
Watford,  Hertfordshire  (LEWIS,  Lives  of  the 
Friends  of  Lord  Clarendon,  1851,  iii.  357). 
The  Sutherland  '  Clarendon'  in  the  Bodleian 
Library  contained  over  fifty  engraved  por- 
traits of  Clarendon. 

A  traveller  who  saw  Clarendon  at  Rouen 
in  1668  terms  him  '  a  fair,  ruddy,  fat,  middle- 
statured,  handsome  man'  (Eawlinson  MS.  C. 
782-7,  Bodleian  Library).  In  his  younger 
days  Clarendon  relates  that  he  *  indulged  his 
palate  very  much,  and  took  even  some  delight 
in  eating  and  drinking  well,  but  without  any 
approach  to  luxury,  and  in  truth  rather  dis- 
coursed like  an  epicure  than  was  one'  (Life, 
i.  72).  In  March  1645  he  was  first  attacked 
by  the  gout,  which  after  the  Restoration  fre- 
quently disabled  him.  For  the  greater  part  of 
his  second  exile,  even  when  he  enjoyed  most 
health,  he  could  not  walk  without  the  help  of 
two  men  (Cont.  p.  1352;  LISTEE,  ii.  534).  Of 
his  habits  and  tastes  during  his  early  years, 
and  of  his  pursuits  during  his  exile,  Clarendon 
gives  full  details  in  his  autobiography,  but 
says  nothing  of  his  private  life  during  the  time 
of  his  greatness.  We  learn  from  others  that  he 
was  fond  of  state  and  magnificence,  verging 
on  ostentation.  Nothing  stirred  the  spleen  of  / 
satirists  more  than  the  great  house  which  he 
built  for  himself  in  St.  James's,  and  his  own| 
opinion  was  that  it  contributed  more  than  any 
alleged  misdemeanours  to  'that  gust  of  envy ?i 
which  overthrew  him.  Designed  to  cost 
2Cf,OOOf.,  it  finally  cost  50,000^,  and  involved 
him  in  endless  difficulties.  Evelyn  describes 
it  as  '  without  hyperbole  the  best  contrived, 
most  useful,  graceful,  magnificent  house  in 
England.'  In  the  end  it  was  sold  to  the  Duke 
of  Albemarle  for  25,0007.,  and  pulled  down 
to  make  room  for  new  buildings  (EVELYN, 
Diary,  ed.  Wheatley,  ii.  417,  iii.  341 ;  MAB- 
VELL,  Works,  ed.  Grosart,  i.  384 ;  Cont.  p.  1358). 
Evelyn  describes  also  the  great  collection  of 
portraits  of  English  worthies — chiefly  con- 
temporary statesmen  and  men  of  letters — 
which  Clarendon  brought  together  there 
(EVELYN,  iii.  443 ;  for  the  later  history  of  the 
collection  see  Lady  Theresa  Lewis's  Lives  of 
the  Contemporaries  of  Lord  Clarendon,  i.  15). 

According  to  Evelyn,  Clarendon  was  '  a 
great  lover  of  books,'  and  '  collected  an  ample 
library.'  To  Clarendon  Evelyn  dedicated  in 
1661  his  translation  of  'Naudaeus  on  Li- 
braries,' and  addressed  his  proposals  for  the 
improvement  of  English  printing.  The  only 
present  which  Louis  XIV  could  prevail  on 

C  c 



Clarendon  to  accept  was  a  set  of  all  the  books 
printed  at  the  Louvre  (EVELYN,  iii.  346, 446 ; 
Clarendon  State  Paper*,  iii.  App.  xi.  xiii). 
Clarendon  was  an  assiduous  reader  of  the 
Roman  historians.  He  quotes  Tacitus  con- 
tinually in  the  *  History  of  the  Rebellion,' 
and  modelled  his  character  of  Falkland  on 
that  of  Agricola.  He  was  familiar  with  the 
best  historical  writers  of  his  own  period,  and 
criticises  Strada,  Bentivoglio,  and  Davila 
with  acuteness.  Of  English  writers,  Hooker, 
whose  exordium  he  imitates  in  the  opening 
of  the  '  History  of  the  Rebellion,'  seems  to 
have  influenced  him  most.  But  he  did  not 
disdain  the  lighter  literature  of  his  age, 
praised  the  amorous  poems  of  Carew,  prided 
himself  on  the  intimacy  of  Ben  Jonson,  and 
thought  Cowley  had  made  a  flight  beyond 
all  other  poets.*  The  muses,  as  Dryden  re- 
marks, were  once  his  mistresses,  and  boasted 
his  early  courtship ;  but  the  only  poetical 
productions  of  Clarendon  which  have  sur- 
vived are  some  verses  on  the  death  of  Donne, 
and  the  lines  prefixed  to  Davenant's  *  Albo- 
vine '  in  1629. 

Clarendon's  '  History'  is  the  most  valuable 
of  all  the  contemporary  accounts  of  the  civil 
wars.  Clarendon  was  well  aware  of  one 
cause  of  its  superiority.  *  It  is  not,'  he  says, 
'  a  collection  of  records,  or  an  admission  to 
the  view  and  perusal  of  the  most  secret 
letters  and  acts  of  state  [that]  can  enable  a 
man  to  write  a  history,  if  there  be  an  absence 
of  that  genius  and  spirit  and  soul  of  an  his- 
torian which  is  contracted  by  the  knowledge 
and  course  and  method  of  business,  and  by 
conversation  and  familiarity  in  the  inside  of 
courts,  and  [with]  the  most  active  and  eminent 
persons  in  the  government'  (Tracts, p.  180). 
But  both  from  a  literary  and  from  an  historical 
point  of  view  the  book  is  singularly  unequal. 
At  its  best  Clarendon's  style,  though  too 
copious,  is  strong  and  clear,  and  his  narra- 
tive has  a  large  and  easy  flow.  Often,  how- 
ever, the  language  becomes  involved,  and  the 
sentences  are  encumbered  by  parentheses. 
As  a  work  of  art  the  history  suffers  greatly 
from  its  lack  of  proportion.  Some  parts 
of  the  civil  war  are  treated  at  dispropor- 
tionate length,  others  almost  entirely  ne- 
glected. The  progress  of  the  story  is  con- 
tinually broken  by  constitutional  digressions 
and  lengthy  state  papers.  The  'History' 
was,  however,  originally  intended  rather  as 
1  an  exact  memorial  of  passages '  than  *  a  di- 
gested relation.'  It  was  not  to  be  published 
as  it  stood,  but  to  serve  as  '  a  store '  out  of 
which  *  somewhat  more  proper  for  the  public 
view'  might  be  collected  (Rebellion, i.  3).  The 
'  History '  itself  is  to  some  extent  a  manifesto, 
addressed,  in  the  first  place,  to  the  king,  but 

appealing  still  more  to  posterity.  It  was  de- 
signed to  set  forth  a  policy  as  well  as  to  relate 
events,  and  to  vindicate  not  so  much  the  king 
as  the  constitutional  royalists.  To  celebrate 
the  memories  of t  eminent  and  extraordinary 
persons '  Clarendon  held  one  of  the  principal 
ends  of  history.  Hence  the  portraits  which 
fill  so  many  of  his  pages.  His  characters  are 
not  simply  bundles  of  characteristics,  but 
consistent  and  full  of  life,  sketched  sometimes 
with  affection,  sometimes  with  light  humour. 
Evelyn  described  them  as  <  so  just,  and  tem- 
pered without  the  least  ingredient  of  passion 
or  tincture  of  revenge,  yet  with  such  natural 
and  lively  touches,  as  shew  his  lordship  well 
knew  not  only  the  persons'  outsides  but  their 
very  interiors  ;  whilst  he  treats  the  most  ob- 
noxious who  deserved  the  severest  rebuke, 
with  a  becoming  generosity  and  freedom, 
even  where  the  ill-conduct  of  those  of  the 
pretended  loyal  party,  as  well  as  of  the  most 
flagitious,  might  have  justified  the  worst  that 
could  be  said  of  their  miscarriages  and  de- 
merits.' Clarendon  promised  Berkeley  that 
there  should  not  be  '  any  untruth  nor  par- 
tiality towards  persons  or  sides '  in  his  narra- 
tive (MACRAY,  Clarendon,  i.,  preface,  p.  xiii), 
and  he  impartially  points  out  the  faults  of  his 
friends.  But  lack  of  insight  and  knowledge 
prevented  him  from  recognising  the  virtues 
of  opponents.  He  never  understood  the  prin- 
ciples for  which  presbyterians  and  indepen- 
dents were  contending.  In  his  account  of  the 
causes  of  the  rebellion  he  under-estimates  the 
importance  of  the  religious  grievances,  and 
attributes  too  much  to  the  defects  of  the  king's 
servants,  or  the  personal  ambition  of  the  op- 
position leaders. 

As  a  record  of  facts  the  '  History  of  the 
Rebellion '  is  of  very  varying  value.  It  was 
composed  at  different  times,  under  different 
conditions,  and  with  different  objects.  Be- 
tween 1646  and  1648  Clarendon  wrote  a  '  His- 
tory of  the  Rebellion'  which  ended  with  the 
defeat  of  Hopton  at  Alresford  in  March  1644. 
In  July  1646  he  wrote,  by  way  of  defending 
the  prince's  council  from  the  aspersions  of 
Goring  and  Grenville,  an  account  of  the  trans- 
actions in  the  west,  which  is  inserted  in  book  ix. 
Between  1668  and  1670  he  wrote  a  '  Life '  of 
himself,  which  extended  from  1609  to  1660. 
In  1671  he  reverted  to  his  original  purpose, 
took  up  the  unfinished  '  History  '  and  the 
finished  '  Life,'  and  wove  them  together  into 
the  narrative  published  as  the  '  History  of 
the  Rebellion.'  During  this  process  of  re- 
vision he  omitted  passages  from  both,  and 
made  many  important  additions  in  order  to 
supply  an  account  of  public  transactions  be- 
tween 1644  and  1660,  which  had  not  been 
treated  with  sufficient  fulness  in  his  '  Life.' 




As  the  original '  History'  was  written  when 
Clarendon's  memory  of  events  was  freshest, 
the  parts  taken  from  it  are  much  more  accu- 
rate than  those  taken  from  the  '  Life.'  On  the 
other  hand,  as  the  '  Life '  was  written  simply 
for  his  children,  it  is  freer  in  its  criticisms, 
both  of  men  and  events.  Most  of  the  cha- 
racters contained  in  the  '  History  of  the  Re- 
bellion '  are  extracted  from  the  l  Life.' 

The  authorities  at  Clarendon's  disposal 
when  the  original  '  History '  was  written 
supply  another  reason  for  its  superior  ac- 
curacy. He  obtained  assistance  from  many 
quarters.  From  Nicholas  he  received  a  number 
of  official  papers,  and  from  Hopton  the  nar- 
rative of  his  campaigns,  which  forms  the 
basis  of  the  account  of  the  western  war  given 
in  books  vi.  and  vii.  At  the  king's  com- 
mand Sir  Edward  Walker  sent  him  relations 
of  the  campaigns  of  1644  and  1645,  and  many 
cavaliers  of  less  note  supplied  occasional  help. 
When  the  '  Life '  was  written  Clarendon  was 
separated  from  his  friends  and  his  papers,  and 
relied  upon  his  memory,  a  memory  which 
recalled  persons  with  great  vividness,  but 
confused  and  misrepresented  events.  The  ad- 
ditions made  in  1671  are  more  trustworthy, 
because  Clarendon  had  in  the  interval  pro- 
cured some  of  the  documents  left  in  England. 
Ranke's '  History  of  England '  (translation,  vi. 
3-29)  contains  an  estimate  of  the  '  History  of 
the  Rebellion,'  and  Mr.  Gardiner  criticises  Cla- 
rendon's general  position  as  an  historian  (His- 
tory of  the  Great  Civil  War,  ii.  499).  George 
Grenville,  lord  Lansdowne,  attempted  to 
vindicate  his  relative,  Sir  Richard  Grenville, 
from  Clarendon's  censures  (LANSDOWNE, 
Works,  1732,  i.  503),  and  Lord  Ashburnham 
examines  minutely  Clarendon's  account  of 
John  Ashburnham  (A  Narrative  by  John  Ash- 
burnham, 2  vols.  1830).  An  excellent  dis- 
sertation by  Dr.  Ad.  Buff  deals  with  parts  of 
book  vi.  of  the  '  Rebellion'  (Giessen,  1868). 

The  'True  Historical  Narrative  of  the 
Rebellion  and  Civil  Wars  in  England,' gene- 
rally termed  the  '  History  of  the  Rebellion,' 
was  first  published  at  Oxford  in  1702-4,  in 
three  folio  volumes,  with  an  introduction  and 
dedications  by  Laurence,  earl  of  Rochester. 
The  original  manuscripts  of  the  work  were 
given  to  the  university  at  different  dates  be- 
tween 1711  and  1753  (MACEAY,  Annals  of 
the  Bodl.  Lib.  p.  225).  The  first  edition  was 
printed,  not  from  the  originals,  but  from  a 
transcript  of  them  made  under  Clarendon's 
supervision  by  his  secretary,  William  Shaw. 
This  was  copied  for  the  printers  under  the 
supervision  of  the  Earl  of  Rochester,  who  re- 
ceived some  assistance  in  editing  it  from  Dr. 
Aldrich,  dean  of  Christ  Church,  and  Sprat, 
bishop  of  Rochester.  The  editors,  in  accord- 

l  ance  with  the  discretion  given  them  by 
Clarendon's  will,  softened  and  altered  a  few 
expressions,  but  made  no  material  changes 
in  the  text.  A  few  years  later,  however, 
i  John  Oldmixon  published  a  series  of  attacks 
!  on  them,  and  on  the  university,  for  supposed 
interpolations  and  omissions  (  Clarendon  and 
Whitelocke  compared,  1727 ;  History  ofEng- 
j  land  during  the  Reigns  of  the  Royal  House  of 
I  Stuart,  preface,  pp.  9,  227).  These  charges, 
based  on  utterly  worthless  evidence,  were  re- 
futed by  Dr.  John  Burton  in  '  The  Genuine- 
ness of  Lord  Clarendon's  History  vindicated,' 
1744,  8vo.  Dr.  Bandinel's  edition,  published 
in  1826,  was  the  first  printed  from  the  ori- 
ginal manuscripts.  It  restores  the  phrases 
altered  by  the  editors,  and  adds  in  the  ap- 
pendix passages  omitted  by  Clarendon  in  the 
revision  of  1671-2.  The  most  complete  and 
correct  text  is  that  edited  and  annotated  by 
the  Rev.  W.  D.  Macray  (Oxford,  1888, 6  vols., 
8vo).  An  account  of  the  manuscripts  of  the 
'History  of  the  Rebellion'  is  given  in  the  pre- 
faces of  Dr.  Bandinel  and  Mr.  Macray,  and 
in  Lewis's  '  Lives  of  the  Contemporaries  of 
Lord  Clarendon'  (vol.  i.  Introduction,  pt.  ii.) 

A  list  of  editions  of  the  '  History'  is  given 
in  Bliss's  edition  of  Wood  (Athence  Oxon. 
iii.  1017).  A  supplement  to  the  '  History  of 
the  Rebellion,'  containing  eighty-five  por- 
traits and  illustrative  papers,  was  published 
in  1717,  8vo.  The  Sutherland  '  Clarendon  ' 
presented  to  the  Bodleian  Library  in  1837 
contains  many  thousand  portraits,  views, 
and  maps,  illustrating  the  text  of  Claren- 
don's historical  works.  A  catalogue  of  the 
collection  (2  vols.  4to)  was  published  in 
1837  (MACRAY,  Annals  of  the  Bodl.  Lib.  p. 
331).  The  work  usually  known  as  the  'Life 
of  Clarendon '  was  originally  published  in 
1759  ('  The  Life  of  Edward,  Earl  of  Claren- 
don. .  .  .  Being  a  Continuation  of  the  His- 
tory of  the  Grand  Rebellion  from  the  Resto-  ! 
ration  to  his  Banishment  in  1667.  Written 
by  Himself,'  Oxford,  1759,  folio).  It  consists 
of  two  parts  :  the  '  Life  '  proper,  written  be- 
tween 1668  and  1670,  dealing  with  the  period 
before  1660 ;  and  the  '  Continuation,'  com- 
menced in  1672.  The  first  consists  of  that 
portion  only  of  the  original  life  which  was 
not  incorporated  in  the  '  History  of  the  Re- 
bellion.' The  second  contains  an  account  of 
Clarendon's  ministry  and  second  exile.  The 
1  History  of  the  Reign  of  King  Charles  II, 
from  the  Restoration  to  the  end  of  the  year 
1667,'  2  vols.  4to,  n.d.,  is  a  surreptitious  edi- 
tion of  the  last  work,  published  about  1755 
(LowiTDBS,  p.  468). 

The  minor  works  of  Clarendon  are  the  fol- 
lowing: 1.  'The  Difference  and  Disparity 
between  the  Estate  and  Condition  of  George, 





Duke  of  Buckingham,  and  Robert,  Earl  of 
Essex'  (Reliquies  Wottoniana,  ed.  1685,  p. 
185).  2.  Speeches  delivered  in  the  Long 
parliament  on  the  lord  president's  court  and 
council  in  the  north,  and  on  the  impeach- 
ment of  the  judges  (Rushworth  Historical 
Collections,  iv.  230,  333).  3.  Declarations 
and  manifestos  written  for  Charles  I  between 
1642  and  1648.  These  are  too  numerous  to 
be  mentioned  separately ;  the  titles  of  the 
most  important  have  been  already  given. 
Many  are  contained  in  the  '  History  of  the 
Rebellion '  itself,  and  the  rest  may  be  found 
in  Rushworth's  *  Collections/  in  Husband's 
Collection  of  Ordinances  and  Declarations ' 
(1643),  and  in  the  old  '  Parliamentary  His- 
tory* (24  vols.  1751-62).  4.  Anonymous 
pamphlets  written  on  behalf  of  the  king. 
'Two  Speeches  made  in  the  House  of  Peers  on 
Monday,  19  Dec.  1642 '  (Somers  Tracts,  ed. 
Scott,  vi.  576).  '  Transcendent  and  Multi- 
plied Rebellion  and  Treason,  discovered  by 
the  Laws  of  the  Land/  1645 ;  '  A  Letter 
from  a  True  and  Lawful  Member  of  Parlia- 
ment ...  to  one  of  the  Lords  of  his  High- 
ness's  Council/  1656  (see  Cal.  Clarendon 
State  Papers,  i.  295,  iii.  79 ;  History  of  the 
Rebellion,  ed.M.o.CT&y,vi. l,xiv.  151).  5. 'Ani- 
madversions on  a  Book  entitled  Fanaticism 
fanatically  imputed  to  the  Church  of  Eng- 
land, by  Dr.  Stillingfleet,  and  the  imputation 
refuted  and  retorted  by  Sam.  Cressy/  1674, 
8vo  (LISTER,  ii.  567).  6.  '  A  Brief  View  and 
Survey  of  the  dangerous  and  pernicious  er- 
rors to  Church  and  State  in  Mr.  Hobbes's 
book  entitled  Leviathan, '  Oxford,  1676  (see 
Clarendon  State  Papers,  iii.  App.  p.  xlii). 
7.  '  The  History  of  the  Rebellion  and  Civil 
War  in  Ireland/  1720, 8vo.  This  is  a  vindi- 
cation of  Charles  I  and  the  Duke  of  Ormonde 
from  the  Bishop  of  Ferns  and  other  catholic 
writers.  It  was  made  use  of  by  Nalson  in 
his  'Historical  Collections/  1682,  and  by 
Borlase  in  his  '  History  of  the  Irish  Rebel- 
lion/ 1680.  A  manuscript  is  in  the  library  of 
Trinity  College,  Dublin  (Hist.  MSS.  Comm. 
8th  Rep.  p.  583).  8. '  A  Collection  of  several 
Tracts  of  Edward,  Earl  of  Clarendon/  1727, 
fol.  This  contains  (a)  the  'Vindication' 
written  by  Clarendon  in  1668  in  answer  to 
the  articles  of  impeachment  against  him,  the 
substance  of  which  is  embodied  in  the  '  Con- 
tinuation ; '  (b)  '  Reflections  upon  several 
Christian  Duties,  Divine  and  Moral,  by  way 
of  Essays ; '  (c)  '  Two  Dialogues  on  Educa- 
tion, and  on  the  Respect  due  to  Age ; ' 
(d)  '  Contemplations  on  the  Psalms.'  9. '  Re- 
ligion and  Policy,  and  the  Countenance  and 
Assistance  each  should  give  to  the  other, 
with  a  Survey  of  the  Power  and  Jurisdiction 
of  the  Pope  in  the  dominion  of  other  Princes/ 

I  Oxford,  1811, 2  vols.  8vo.  A  work  entitled 'A 

!  Collection  of  several  Pieces  of  Edward,  Earl 

!  of  Clarendon,  to  which  is  prefixed  an  Account 
of  his  Lordship's  Life,  Conduct,  and  Charac- 
ter, by  a  learned  and  impartial  pen/  was 

'  published  in  1727,  8vo.  The  second  volume 
is  a  reprint  of  the  '  History  of  the  Rebellion 
in  Ireland.'  The  first  contains  a  reprint  of 
Clarendon's  speeches  between  1660  and  1666 
extracted  from  the  '  Journals  of  the  House 
of  Lords.'  Bliss  and  the  Bodleian  '  Cata- 

!  logue '  attribute  to  Clarendon  (on  insufficient 
evidence)  a  tract  entitled  '  A  Letter  sent  from 
beyond  seas  to  one  of  the  chief  Ministers  of 
the  Nonconforming  Party.  By  a  Lover  of 
the  Established  Government  both  of  Church 
and  State/  dated  Saumur,  7  May  1674.  Two 
letters  written  by  Clarendon  in  1668  to  the 
Duke  and  Duchess  of  York  on  the  conversion 
of  the  latter  to  Catholicism,  are  printed  in  the 
'Harleian  Miscellany'  (iii.  555,  ed.  Park); 
with  the  letter  he  addressed  to  the  House  of 
Lords  on  his  flight  from  England  (v.  185), 
under  the  title  of  '  News  from  Dunkirk 
House.'  The  great  collection  of  Clarendon's 

',  correspondence,  acquired  at  different  times  by 
the  Bodleian  Library,  comprises  over  one  hun- 
dred volumes.  A  selection  from  these  papers, 
edited  by  Dr.  Scrope  and  Thomas  Monkhouse,. 
was  published  between  1767  and  1786  (State 

i  Papers  collected  by  Edward,  Earl  of  Claren- 
don, 3  vols.  folio,  Oxford).  They  are  calen- 
dared up  to  1657  (3  vols.  8vo ;  vol.  i.  ed.  by 
Ogle  and  Bliss,  1872 ;  vols.  ii.  and  iii.  ed.  by 
W.  D.  Macray,  1869,  1876).  A  number  of 
the  post-restoration  papers  are  printed  in  the 
third  volume  of  Lister's  'Life  of  Clarendon.' 
Letters  to  Sir  Edward  Nicholas  are  printed 
in  the '  Nicholas  Papers/  edited  by  G.  F.  War- 
ner, Camden  Society,  1886  ;  to  Sir  Richard 
Browne,  in  the  appendix  to  the  '  Diary  of 
John  Evelyn/  edited  by  Bray,  1827,  and  by 
Wheatley,  1879 ;  to  Prince  Rupert,  in  War- 
burton's  'Prince  Rupert '  (3  vols.  1849)  ;  to 
Dr.  John  Barwick  in  Barwick's  '  Life  of 
Barwick/  1724;  to  Lord  Mordaunt  and 
others  in  1659-60  (Hist.  MSS.  Comm.  10th 
Rep.  pt.  vi.  pp.  189-216). 

[Clarendon's  autobiographical  works  and  let- 
ters form  the  basis  of  the  Life  of  Clarendon 
published  in  1837  by  Thomas  Lister  Lord 
Campbell's  memoir  in  his  Lives  of  the  Chancel- 
lors (iii.  1 10-271)  has  no  independent  value.  An 
earlier  life  of  little  value  is  contained  in  Lives 
of  all  the  Lord  Chancellors,  but  more  especially 
of  those  two  great  opposites,  Edward,  earl  of 
Clarendon, and Bulstrode, lord  Whitelocke,  2  vols. 
18mo,  1708.  Macdiarmid's  Lives  of  British 
Statesmen,  1807,  4to,  and  J.  H.  Browne's  Lives 
of  Prime  Ministers  of  England,  1858,  8vo,  con- 
tain lives  of  considerable  length,  and  shorter 
memoirs  are  given  in  Lodge's  Portraits  and  Foss's 




Judges  of  England.  The  life  of  Clarendon  given 
by  Wood  differs  considerably  in  the  first  two 
editions  of  that  work  (see  Bliss's  edition,  iii. 
1018).  Charges  of  corruption  brought  against 
Clarendon  in  the  lives  of  judges  Grlyn  and  Jen- 
kvns  led  to  the  expulsion  of  Wood  from  the  uni- 
versity and  the  burning  of  his  book  (1693). 
These  and  other  charges  are  brought  together  in 
Historical  Inquiries  respecting  the  Character  of 
Edward  Hyde,  Earl  of  Clarendon,  by  George 
Agar  Ellis,  1827,  and  answered  in  Lewis's  Lives 
of  the  Contemporaries  of  Lord  Clarendon,  1852, 
vol.  i.  preface,  pt.  i. ;  and  in  Lister's  Life,  vol.  ii. 
chap.  xix.  Other  authorities  are  quoted  in  the 
text.]  C.  H.  E. 

HYDE,  HENRY,  second  EARL  or  CLA- 
RENDON (1638-1709),  eldest  son  of  Edward 
Hyde,  the  first  earl  [q.  v.],  and  his  second  wife, 
Frances,  daughter  of  Sir  Thomas  Aylesbury, 
was  born  2  J  une  1638.  Both  he  and  his  brother 
Laurence  [q.  v.]  spent  part  of  their  boyhood 
under  their  mother's  care  at  Antwerp  and 
Breda  (LISTER,  i.  300,  ii.  40).  Of  their  at- 
tachment to  their  father  they  afterwards  gave 
ample  proof.  Clarendon  during  several  years 
before  the  Restoration  made  frequent  use  of 
his  eldest  son  as  copyist,  decipherer,  and  con- 
fidential secretary,  entrusting  him  with  part 
of  his  correspondence  with  distant  royalists. 
Many  of  Henry  Hyde's  letters  from  this 
period  are  among  the  '  Clarendon  Papers '  in 
the  Bodleian  Library ;  the  earliest  paper  in 
his  handwriting  is  dated  Cologne,  2  Aug. 
1655.  His  father  (9  May  1661)  calls  him 
'  as  secret  as  he  ought  to  be  '  (DOUGLAS,  i.  x, 
xiii  seqq.) 

Very  soon  after  the  return  of  his  family  to 
England  in  1660  Hyde  married  Theodosia, 
daughter  of  Lord  Capel,  and  sister  of  the 
Duchess  of  Beaufort.  He  lost  his  wife  as 
early  as  February  1662,  and  nearly  forty 
years  afterwards,  17  May  1701,  described  to 
Pepys  a  strange  supposed  instance  of  second- 
sight  connected  with  her  death  (Pn?Y8,  Diary 
and  Correspondence,  ed.  Bright,  vi.  207).  In 
1665  he  married  Flower,  widow  of  Sir  Wil- 
liam Backhouse,  bart.,  through  whom  he  be- 
came possessed  of  the  manor  and  house  of 
Swallowfield,  Berkshire  (see  EVELYN,  ii.  316, 
and  note,  and  iii.  5 ;  cf.  Diary  and  Corre- 
spondence, i.  237,  407).  The  second  Lady 
Clarendon,  who  in  her  later  years  became  first 
lady  of  the  bedchamber  to  her  niece  by  mar- 
riage (the  Princess  Anne),  is  tartly  described 
by  a  junior  colleague  as  one  who  '  looked  like 
a  mad- woman  and  talked  like  a  scholar '  {Ac- 
count of  the  Conduct  of  the  Duchess  of  Marl- 
borough,  p.  10). 

In  1661  Lord  Cornbury  (such  being  his 
style  after  his  father's  elevation  to  the  earl- 
dom of  Clarendon  in  April)  was  elected  to 
parliament  for  Wiltshire,  which  he  continued 

to  represent  till  the  death  of  the  first  earl  in 
1674.  In  1662  he  was  appointed  private 
secretary  to  the  new  queen,  Catherine,  whose 
lord  chamberlain  he  became  in  July  1665. 
Burnet  asserts  with  questionable  accuracy 
(i.  473)  that  she  '  thought  herself  bound  to 
protect  him  in  a  particular  manner,'  because 
of  '  his  father  being  so  violently  prosecuted 
on  the  account  of  her  marriage.'  He  seems 
to  have  been  a  vigilant  guardian  of  her  in- 
terests (cf.  RERESBY,  p.  193),  although  many 
years  later  an  interminable  lawsuit  arose 
between  them  concerning  certain  arrears 
which  he  considered  due  to  himself  in  respect 
of  his  office  {Diary  and  Correspondence,  i. 
195  (1685),  ii.  155  et  al.)  With  many  of  the 
most  prominent  members  of  the  court  and 
council,  however,  and  with  the  king  himself, 
the  son  was  not  more  popular  than  the  father, 
whom  in  disposition  he  much  resembled. 
The  company  in  which  he  took  pleasure  was 
such  as  Evelyn's,  who  as  early  as  1664  helped 
him  to  plant  the  park  at  Cornbury  (EVELYN, 
ii.  174,  168-9).  In  parliament,  where  he 
spoke  neither  unfrequently  nor  ineffectively, 
he  like  his  brother  courageously  raised  his 
voice  on  behalf  of  his  father  on  the  occasion 
of  his  impeachment  in  1667  (LISTER,  ii.  426), 
and  after  his  fall  Lord  Cornbury  became  a 
steady  opponent  of  the  court  party  and  the 
cabal  (cf.  PEPYS,  v.  179).  Not  less  than 
twenty  speeches  by  him  are  extant  from  1673 
alone  (in  GREY'S  Debates,  vol.  ii. ;  cf.  DOUGLAS, 
i.  xi),  and  his  denunciation  of  the  scandalous 
immorality  of  Buckingham  and  his  attack 
upon  Arlington  are  alike  to  the  credit  of 
his  courage.  On  his  father's  death  in  1674 
he  succeeded  to  the  earldom  of  Clarendon 
(as  to  his  visit  to  France  at  this  time  see 
the  Abb6  Montagu's  letter,  ap.  LISTER,  iii. 
488) ;  but  it  was  not  till  1680,  when  the 
state  of  parties  was  more  equally  balanced, 
that  he  was,  through  the  influence  of  his 
brother-in-law,  the  Duke  of  York,  made  a 
privy  councillor.  About  the  same  time  he 
was  named  keeper  of  Denmark  (Somerset) 
House  and  treasurer  and  receiver-general  of 
the  queen's  revenues,  and  the  duke  would  have 
willingly  seen  him  made  secretary  of  state 
{Diary  and  Correspondence,  i.  49).  At  this, 
as  in  most  other  seasons  of  his  life,  he  seems 
to  have  been  much  hampered  by  pecuniary 
troubles  (ib.  i.  18-19,  and  note  ;  cf.  BURNET, 
i.  472). 

The  friendship  of  the  Duke  of  York  led  to 
his  inclusion  with  his  brother  among  those 
against  whom  the  commons  early  in  Jan  uary 
1681  addressed  the  king  as  persons  incl  ined 
to  popery  (RERESBY,  p.  198;  BuRNET,ii.  255). 
In  Clarendon's  case  the  accusation  is  absurd 
on  the  face  of  it,  but  it  may  for  a  time  have 




stood  him  in  good  stead.  His  reputation  for 
loyalty  was  such  that  he  could  afford  to  visit 
in  the  Tower  both  Essex  in  1683  (BuRNET, 
p.  294),  and  in  the  new  reign  Monmouth,  and 
to  plead  the  cause  of  Alice  Lisle  when  under 
sentence  by  Jeffreys  (MACAULAY,  i.  638). 
Immediately  on  the  accession  of  James  II 
Clarendon  had  been  appointed  to  the  great 
office  of  lord  privy  seal  in  the  place  of  Hali- 
fax, and  during  the  earlier  part  of  the  year 
had  in  various  ways  exerted  himself  on  be- 
half of  the  throne  (Diary  and  Correspondence, 
i.  136  seqq.,  147, 181-3).  In  September  1685 
his  office  of  privy  seal  was  put  into  commis- 
sion (Evelyn  being  one  of  the  commissioners, 
Diary,  ii.  475),  and  he  was  named  lord- 
lieutenant  of  Ireland.  It  may  be,  as  Burnet 
surmises  (iii.  73),  that  James  reckoned  on 
finding  a  subservient  instrument  for  his  Irish 
policy  in  his  kinsman,  the  head  of  a  broken 
house  (cf.  EVELYN,  ii.  408).  But  being  first  and 
foremost  a  protestant  of  the  church  of  Eng- 
land Clarendon  could  not,  except  for  purely 
selfish  ends,  fall  in  with  the  policy  of  govern- 
ing Ireland  for  and  by  the  Irish  Roman  catho- 
lics. The  Earl  of  Tyrconnel  had  been  sum- 
moned to  London  from  the  command  of  the 
military  forces  in  Ireland  about  the  date  when 
Clarendon  set  out  for  Dublin  (December  1685). 
The  journey  occupied  the  better  part  of  four 
weeks,  including  Christmas  festivities  at 
Chester  and  a  memorable  crossing  of  Pen- 
maenmawr,  Carnarvonshire,  in  three  coaches 
and  a  wagon  (Diary  and  Correspondence,  i. 
190-205 ;  Ellis  Correspondence,  i.  29).  On  9 
Jan.  1686  the  new  lord-lieutenant  arrived  in 
Dublin.  He  speedily  found  his  authority 
overshadowed  by  that  of  the  absent  com- 
mander-in-chief,  whose  return  was  talked  of 
in  London  as  early  as  the  middle  of  January 
(cf.  Ellis  Correspondence,  i.  17-18)  and  in 
Dublin  from  the  beginning  of  March  (cf. 
Diary  and  Correspondence,  i.  288).  Soon  after- 
wards Clarendon  was  bluntly  apprised  by 
Sunderland  of  the  king's  intention  to  introduce 
large  numbers  of  Roman  catholics  into  the 
Irish  judicial  and  administrative  system,  as 
well  as  into  the  army  (ib.  p.  293) .  Clarendon, 
while  he  sought  to  allay  the  panic  which 
spread  among  the  Dublin  protestants,  com- 
plained bitterly  of  the  position  in  which  he 
was  placed.  He  conformed  to  the  wishes  of  the 
king  and  of  the  extreme  party,  by  warning 
bishops  and  preachers  against  offending  Ro- 
man catholic  feeling,  and  by  admitting 
Roman  catholics  as  councillors  and  as  officers 
of  the  army,  as  well  as  by  urging  their  admis- 
sion into  town  corporations  (ib.  pp.  258, 282, 
399-100,  417,461).  But  he  thoroughly  dis^ 
liked  the  policy,  although  he  only  permitted 
himself  certain  guarded  protests  against  it  to 

the  king  (ib.  pp.  298, 338).  When  in  June  1686 
Tyrconnel  actually  returned  with  full  powers 
as  commander-in-chief,  Clarendon  still  clung 
to  his  office,  striving  to  keep  his  <  natural 
unfortunate  temper '  under  manifold  provo- 
cations and  indignities  inflicted  upon  him  by 
1  the  huffing  great  man '  (EVELYN,  iii.  425  ; 
cf.  Diary  and  Correspondence,  i.  466,  474, 
481,  and  Clarendon's  letter  to  the  king,  ib.  p. 

In  August  1686  Tyrconnel,  who  had  en- 
tirely transformed  the  army,  and  even  made 
a  change  in  the  command  of  the  lord  lieute- 
nant's own  bodyguard,  visited  England  to  ob- 
tain the  king's  permission  for  the  completion 
of  his  work  by  undoing  the  Act  of  Settlement, 
which  Clarendon  was  desirous  of  upholding 
(ib.  p.  560).  Clarendon  sent  many  protests 
to  both  king  and  queen  during  his  rival's 
absence  (ib.  p.  556 ;  cf.  ii.  18,  21-2) ;  but  as 
his  brother's  influence  visibly  sank,  he  began 
to  doubt  whether  his  complaints  were  ever 
permitted  to  reach  the  king  (ib.  ii.  26,  32, 43, 
51).  At  last  he  came  to  the  conclusion  that 
no  hope  of  retaining  his  post  in  Ireland  re- 
mained except  through  the  kindness  of  the 
queen  (ib.  pp.  45,  66),  and  even  this  support 
he  feared  to  have  forfeited  for  some  petty 
reason  (ib.  pp.  79-80).  Not  until  about  three 
weeks  after  the  dismissal  of  Rochester  (8  Jan. 
1687),  did  he  receive  his  letter  of  recall  from 
Sunderland  (ib.  pp.  134 sqq.)  Tyrconnel,  who 
took  Clarendon's  place  (cf.  RERESBY,  p.  369), 
had  a  final  interview  with  the  outgoing  vice- 
roy on  8  Feb.  On  21  Feb.  Clarendon  landed 
at  Neston  in  Cheshire  (Ellis  Correspondence, 
i.  246).  He  had  taken  the  precaution  of  carry- 
ing with  him  the  books  of  the  stores,  with 
the  design,  as  Tyrconnel  suggested  to  Dart- 
mouth, of  leaving  his  successor  in  the  dark 
(Dartmouth  MSS.  132). 

Clarendon  at  the  time  solemnly  placed  on 
record  his  resolution  that  nothing  should 
tempt  him  to  contribute  in  the  least  to  the 
prejudice  of  the  English  protestant  interest 
(Diary  and  Correspondence,  ii.  143).  His 
friends  hoped  that  his  royal  brother-in-law, 
who  granted  him  several  private  audiences 
during  the  month  after  his  arrival  (Ellis 
Correspondence,  i.  252),  would  restore  to  him 
the  privy  seal.  It  was,  however,  given  on 
16  March  1687  to  a  zealous  Roman  catho- 
lic, Lord  Arundell  of  Wardour  (EVELYN,  iii. 
32),  and  Clarendon  had  to  withdraw  into 
private  life.  Evelyn  (ib.  p.  40)  in  August 
1687  records  a  visit  to  Swallowfield,  where 
Lord  Cornbury  was  on  a  visit  to  his  father ; 
the  earl  was  at  the  time  sorely  troubled  by 
a  marriage  project  of  his  eldest  son,  from 
the  difficulty  of  raising  the  sums  required 
for  a  settlement  on  the  encumbered  family 




estates  (Diary  and  Correspondence,  i.  200; 
ii.  180-2 ;  cf.  BTJRNET,  iii.  331,  note ;  Ellis 
Correspondence,  ii.  42-4).  To  relieve  him- 
self of  pecuniary  difficulties  he  engaged  in 
speculations,  ranging  from  the  digging  for 
coal  in  Windsor  forest  to  the  traffic  of  Scotch 
pedlars  (Diary  and  Correspondence,  i.  284). 
A  pension  of  2,000/.  per  annum  conferred  on 
him  by  James  II  about  the  beginning  of  1688 
was  probably  welcome,  although  Halifax 
thought  it  inadequate  (ib.  ii.  155).  Macaulay 
(iii.  33)  ignores  it. 

Clarendon  more  than  ever  identified  his 
interests  with  those  of  the  church.  While  in 
Ireland  he  had  received  a  mark  of  confidence 
from  Oxford  by  being  named  high  steward  of 
the  university  (5  Jan.  1686,  DOYLE),  and  on 
leaving  England  he  had  done  his  best  to 
keep  the  ecclesiastical  appointments  open 
for  better  days.  He  advised  the  bishops  in 
the  Tower  concerning  their  bail  (Diary  and 
Correspondence,  ii.  177),  and  was  asked  by 
Jeffreys  to  use  his  good  offices  with  Sancroft 
(ib.  p.  180).  Accordingly  the  course  of  events 
soon  made  the  queen,  whose  goodwill  Claren- 
don had  while  in  Ireland  persistently  wooed, 
and  on  whose  council  he  had  been  placed  in 
1681,  anxious  in  her  turn  for  his  countenance 
(ib.}  On  24  Sept.  1688,  the  day  after  her 
friendly  reception  of  him,  Clarendon  found 
the  king  himself,  in  view  of  the  Dutch  prepa- 
rations for  invasion,  anxious  to  '  see  what  the 
Church  of  England  men  will  do.'  '  And  your 
majesty  will  see  that  they  will  behave  them- 
selves like  honest  men,  though  they  have  been 
somewhat  severely  used  of  late'  (ib.  p.  189). 
By-and-by  he  became  still  more  resolute, 
and  on  22  Oct.,  at  the  council  summoned  by 
the  king  to  hear  his  declaration  concerning 
the  birth  of  the  Prince  of  Wales,  declined  to 
sit  by  the  side  of  Father  Petre,  and  asked 
to  attend  as  a  peer  only  (ib.  ii.  195-6;  cf. 
EVELYN,  iii.  57).  On  the  other  hand,  he  seems 
to  have  loyally  used  his  influence  with  the 
Princess  Anne  (Diary  and  Correspondence, 
pp.  199,  201)  ;  so  that  the  king  may  have  been 
sincere  in  crediting  (1  Nov.)  his  assurance  that 
he  had  had  no  concern  in  the  invitation  to  the 
Prince  of  Orange  (ib.  p.  200).  Unfortunately, 
nine  days  after  the  landing  of  the  prince  fol- 
lowed the  desertion  to  him  of  Lord  Cornbury 
(14  Nov.),  which  was  afterwards,  with  some 
show  of  reason,  thought  to  have  '  begun  the 
general  defection '  (CLARKE,  Life  o/JamesII, 
ii.  215).  The  anguish  of  Clarendon,  who  im- 
mediately (16  Nov.)  threw  himself  at  the 
feet  of  the  king  and  queen,  was  probably 
genuine,  though  its  motives  may  have  been 
complex.  His  wife  was  not  in  the  secret  of 
the  flight  of  the  Princess  of  Denmark  (ib. 
p.  226),  in  which,  according  to  the  Duchess  of 

Marlborough,  he  would  have  well  liked  to 
have  had  a  chance  of  sharing  (Conduct  of 
the  Duchess  of  Marlborough,  p.  18).  In  the 
council  of  peers  called  by  the  king  on  his  re- 
turn to  discuss  the  question  of  summoning 
a  free  parliament  (27  Nov.)  Clarendon  in- 
veighed unsparingly  against  the  royal  policy 
(Diary  and  Correspondence,  ii.  204-9 ;  cf. 
BTJRNET,  iii.  340,  and  Dartmouth's  note) ;  and 
on  1  Dec.  he  set  out  for  Salisbury  to  make 
his  peace  with  William.  On  3  Dec.  he  had 
an  interview  with  the  prince  at  Berwick, 
near  Hindon,  and  speedily  made  up  his 
mind,  with  a  view  to  the  interests  of  the 
family  as  well  as  to  the  destinies  of  the 
country,  to  tender  his  support  to  the  prince 
(Diary  and  Correspondence,  ii.  213,  216-17). 
He  was  present  at  the  Hungerford  confer- 
ence on  8  Dec.,  and  followed  the  advance  of 
the  prince  as  far  as  Henley,  where,  on  13  Dec., 
he  obtained  leave  of  absence,  wearily  inform- 
ing his  friend  the  bishop  of  Ely  that  '  all 
was  naught '  (ib.  p.  225).  By  the  prince's  de- 
sire he  waited  on  him  again  at  Windsor  on 
16  Dec.,  and  took  heart  to  present  to  him  his 
brother  Rochester.  It  was  at  the  conference 
held  at  Windsor  that  Clarendon  was  said  to 
have  suggested  the  confinement  of  King 
James  to  the  Tower  (Conduct  of  the  Duchess 
of  Marlborough,  p.  18;  cf.  Vindication  of  the 
Duchess,  pp.  5-7)  ;  while,  according  to  Bur- 
net  (iii.  355),  improved  by  Macaulay  (ii.  64), 
he  proposed  his  relegation  to  Breda.  He 
himself  distinctly  declares  that,  except  at  the 
Windsor  meeting,  he  had  never  been  present 
at  any  discourse  concerning  what  should  be 
done  with  King  James,  but  that  he  was 
against  the  king  being  sent  away  (Diary  and 
Correspondence,  ii.  287).  He  was  certainly 
now  fully  alive  to  the  gravity  of  the  crisis, 
though  he  may  have  doubted  whether  or  not 
he  ought  to  'kick  against  the  pricks'  (cf. 
EVELYN,  Diary,  iii.  429);  but  such  efforts 
as  he  made  to  warn  the  unfortunate  king 
against  being  hurried  into  an  irretraceable 
step  were  frustrated  by  the  flight  of  which 
he  was  informed  by  the  prince  himself  (ib. 
p.  234). 

Under  the  new  regime  Clarendon  at  first 
continued  to  bear  himself  as  the  representa- 
tive of  the  protestant  interest  in  Ireland,  and 
early  in  1689  had  several  interviews  on  its 
behalf  with  William  (Diary  and  Correspond- 
ence, ii.  238,  243,  258).,  Indeed,  Burnet 
(iii.  368-9)  affirms  that  Clarendon's  hopes 
were  set  on  a  return  to  Dublin,  but  that 
Tyrconnel's  agents  found  means  to  frighten 
William  into  altogether  declining  to  discuss 
Irish  affairs  with  Clarendon,  who  hereupon 
took  his  revenge  by  (  reconciling  himself  to 
King  James.'  He  certainly  both  repudiated 



the  whig  assumption  of  '  abdication,'  and  the 
settlement  of  the  crown  upon  William  and 
Mary,  speaking  with  vehemence  against  this 
measure  in  parliament,  and  afterwards  refus- 
ing to  take  the  oaths  to  the  new  government 
(Diary  and  Correspondence,  ii.  260  sqq. ;  cf. 
BUBNET,  iii.  376).  He  remonstrated  with  his 
younger  niece  Anne  as  to  her  unconcern  about  | 
her  lather's  misfortunes  (Diary  and  Corre-  \ 
spondence,  ii.  249) ;  while  with  the  loss  of 
Queen  Mary's  favour  he,  of  course,  abandoned  | 
all  present  prospect  of  office  (EVELYN,  iii.  70).  | 
He  spent  part  of  the  summer  of  1689  '  for  his  ' 
health'  at  Tunbridge  Wells,  and  was  at  other 
times  in  the  year  '  diverting  himself '   at  | 
Swallowfield,  Cornbury,  and  Oxford.    Early 
in  1690  King  William,  specially  irritated  by 
reports  that  Clarendon  had  represented  him  as 
averse  to  the  interests  of  the  church  (BTJRNET, 
iv.  51),  informed  Rochester  that  but  for  the  j 
queen's  sake  he  would  have  excepted  him,  on 
account  of  Clarendon's  cabals,  from  the  act  of  | 
grace  (Diary  and  Correspondence,  \i.  314).  Not  j 
long  afterwards  these  suspicions  took  a  more  I 
definite  shape.     He  was  in  frequent  inter- 
course with  Richard   Graham,  lord   Pres-  i 
ton  [q.  v.],  who  was  plotting  in  behalf  of 
James  (ib.  pp.  306-7).     On  24  June,  by  the  j 
express  direction  of  Queen  Mary,  who  wrote 
to  the  absent  king  that  she  was  '  sorrier  than 
it  may  well  be  believed '  for  her  uncle,  he 
was  placed  under  arrest,  and  on  the  follow- 
ing day  lodged  in  the  Tower  (ib.  pp.  319-20; 
cf.  EVELYN,  Diary,  iii.  88 ;  for  Queen  Mary's 
letter  see  DALKYMPLE,  iii.  75 ;  see  MACATJLAY, 
chap,  xv.)      Here  he  remained,  under  not 
specially  considerate  treatment,  although  his 
wife  bore  him  company  for  a  time,  till  15  Aug. 
(Diary  and  Correspondence,  ii.  320-9).  After 
his  liberation  the  threads  of  the  conspiracy, 
the  nucleus  of  which  seems  to  have  consisted 
entirely  of  protestants,  were  resumed.  When 
Lord  Preston,  31  Dec.  1690,  was,  on  his  way 
to  St.  Germains,  arrested  in  the  Thames,  the 
letters  found  upon  him  included  one  from 
Clarendon  to  King  James,  expressing  a  hope 
that  the  '  marriage '  he  had  been  negotiating 
would  soon  '  come  off,'  and  adding :  '  Your 
relations  have  been  very  hard  on  me  this 
last  summer.     Yet,  as  soon  as  I  could  go 
safely  abroad,  I  pursued  the  business '  (MAC- 
AULAY,  iii.  724-5,  and  see  note  ib.  as  to  the 
genuineness  of  these  letters).     Preston  after- 
wards named  Clarendon  among  his  accom- 
plices, and  reaffirmed  this  statement  before 
King  William  (ib.  iv.  21 ;  cf.  CLARKE,  Life 
of  James  II,  ii.  443).  Clarendon,  who  (4  Jan. 
1691),  after  being  examined  before  the  cabi- 
net council,  had  been  once  more  consigned 
to  the  Tower,  remained  there  for  several 
months.     His  wife  was  once  more  his  com- 

panion during  part  of  his  confinement,  and, 
as  on  the  previous  occasion,  he  was  visited 
by  Rochester,  Lord  Cornbury,  and  Evelyn. 
In  July  he  was  allowed  to  go  for  air  into  the 
country  under  care  of  his  warder ;  and  his 
release  on  bail  soon  followed  (THOMAS  BUR- 
NET'S  Life  of  Burnet,  vi.  299-301). 

The  remainder  of  Clarendon's  life  was 
passed  in  tranquillity  at  his  residences  in 
the  country.  Cornbury  was  in  1694,  owing 
to  his  pecuniary  difficulties,  denuded  of 
many  of  the  pictures  collected  by  his  father, 
and  of  at  least  a  great  part  of  its  library ; 
and  in  1697,  or  shortly  before,  was  sold  by 
Clarendon  to  Rochester,  though  to  spare  his 
pride  the  sale  was  kept  a  secret  till  his  death 
LEWIS,  i.*43-*47).  Of  the  publication  (1702- 
1704)  of  the  first  edition,  in  three  volumes,  of 
the  *  History  of  the  Rebellion '  by  its  author's 
sons,  the  chief  credit  belongs  to  Rochester 
[q.v.];  but  Clarendon  took  a  great  interest  in 
the  work  (ib.  i.  *84).  In  1704  he  presented 
Evelyn  with  the  three  printed  volumes  (EvE- 
LYN,  Diary,  iii.  169). 

Clarendon  died  on  31  Oct.  1709.  He  has 
no  pretensions  to  eminence  as  a  statesman ; 
but  it  is  unnecessary  to  follow  Macaulay  in 
concluding  private  interest  to  have  been  the 
primary  motive  of  his  public  conduct,  or  to 
accept  all  the  cavils  of  Burnet  (i.  472-3) 
against  a  man  whom  he  evidently  hated.  A 
church  of  England  tory  of  a  narrow  type,  he 
was  genuinely  trusted  by  the  great  interest 
with  which,  on  both  sides  of  St.  George's 
Channel,  inherited  sentiment  and  personal 
conviction  identified  him.  At  the  time  of 
the  catastrophe  of  King  James,  he  probably 
drifted  further  in  opposition  than  he  had  in- 
tended; but  there  is  no  proof  that  he  set 
great  hopes  for  his  own  future  upon  the  new 
government,  and  then  became  a  conspirator 
through  disappointment.  In  his '  Diary  (1687- 
1690)  and  Correspondence,'  which,  with  the 
letters  of  his  younger  brother  Rochester,  first 
appeared  in  1828,  he  appears  as  a  respectable 
man,  devoid  neither  of  principle  nor  of  preju- 
dice, without  any  striking  capacity  for  the 
management  of  affairs  of  state,  and  with  none 
at  all  for  the  management  of  his  own,  at  times 
querulous,  and  occasionally,  as  was  natural  in 
the  friend  of  so  many  bishops,  rather  unctuous 
in  tone.  In  Macky's '  Characters '  he  is  said  to 
have  '  wit,  but  affectation.'  Of  his  literary 
tastes  his  correspondence  with  Evelyn  fur- 
nishes some  illustrations ;  he  had  a  remark- 
ably fine  collection  of  medals  (EVELYN,  iii. 
443),  and  was  author  of  the  '  History  and 
Antiquities  of  the  Cathedral  Church  at' Win- 
chester, continued  by  Samuel  Gale,'  London, 
1715,  8vo  (LEWIS,  iii.  378).  Lely's  portrait 
of  Clarendon  (when  Lord  Cornbury)  and  of 




his  first  wife  Theodosia,  at  the  Grove,  Wat- 
ford, is  described  (ib.)  as  one  of  this  painter's 
best  pictures. 

His  son  Edward  (1661-1724),  who  suc- 
ceeded as  third  earl  of  Clarendon,  was,  while 
Lord  Cornbury,  M.P.  for  Wiltshire  (1685-95), 
and  for  Christchurch  (1695-1701)  ;  was  cap- 
tain-general and  governor-in-chief  of  New- 
York  and  New  Jersey  (1701-8)  :  was  made 
privy  councillor  13  Dec.  1711,  and  was  envoy 
extraordinary  to  Hanover  in  1714.  He  was 
married  and  had  a  son  who  predeceased  him 
in  1713,  and  two  daughters. 

[For  authorities  see  HYDE,  LAUBENCE,  EARL  OF 
EOCHESTEB.]  A.  W.  W. 

and  afterwards  LORD  HYDE  in  his  own  right 
(1710-1753),  was  the  eldest  son  of  Henry 
Hyde,  fourth  and  last  earl  of  Clarendon  and 
second  and  last  earl  of  Rochester  of  the  Hyde 
family,  and  his  wife  Jane  [q.v.]  His  grand- 
father was  Laurence,  first  earl  of  Rochester 
[q.v.]  Born  in  November  1710,  he  was  offered, 
on  his  return  from  a  continental  tour  early  in 
1732,  a  f  very  handsome  '  pension,  which  had 
been  obtained  for  him  through  his  brother-in- 
law,  the  Earl  of  Essex,  but  which  he  refused 
with  the  words :  '  How  could  you  tell  that  I 
was  to  be  sold?  or,  at  least,  how  could  you 
know  my  price  so  exactly? '  (Spence  in  POPE'S 
Works,  iii.  322 ;  cf.  Imitations  of  Horace,  bk. 
i.  ep,  vi.  1.  61).  In  1732  Lord  Cornbury  was 
chosen  M.P.  for  the  university  of  Oxford,  on 
account  partly  of  his  high  character  and  at- 
tainments, partly  of  his  Jacobite  leanings. 
Though  Bowles's  description  of  him  as  a 
nonjuror  (POPE,  Works,  ix.  331  n.)  is,  of 
course,  absurd,  he  was  suspected  of  deal- 
ings with  the  Pretender  during  his  travels 
abroad  (ib.  iii.  322  w.);  hence  Mr.  Elwin's 
characteristic  description  of  him  as  a  '  per- 
jured traitor  '  (ib.  vii.  261  w.)  His  sympa- 
thies were  undoubtedly  with  the  high  tory 
party,  and  with  the  political  notions  at  that 
time  fostered  by  Bolingbroke.  But  he  held 
aloof  from  the  factious  attempt  of  the  oppo- 
sition in  the  session  of  1740-1  to  upset  Sir 
Robert  Walpole  (cf.  his  speech,  13  Feb.  1741, 
summarised  in  COXE'S  Walpole,  ed.  1816,  iv. 

179-81).  He  is  almost  certainly  the  '  C ' 

of  Pope's  satire, '  1740,'  who  '  hopes  and  can- 
didly sits  still '  (see  POPE,  Works,  ed.  Elwin 
and  Courthope,  iii.  495  n.,  x.  163).  Re-elected 
to  the  parliament  which  met  in  December 
1741,  and  which  speedily  saw  the  downfall  of 
Walpole,  he  remained  in  opposition,  and  was 
one  of  the  small  minority  which,  19  Dec.  1745, 
declined  at  the  very  crisis  of  the  rebellion  to 
join  in  a  vote  of  thanks  to  the  king  for  order- 
ing six  thousand  Hessians  into  Scotland 
(Letters  of  Horace  Walpole,  i.  412-13).  In 

1747  he  was  once  more  returned  to  the  House 
of  Commons,  but  quitted  it  in  1750  on  being 
called  up  to  the  lords  as  Baron  Hyde. 

Much  of  his  time  in  these  years  seems  to 
have  been  spent  abroad — at  Spa,  whither  he 
!  went  for  his  health  in  1738  and  1740  (POPE, 
Works,  ix.  176,  x.  256),  and  in  France,  to 
which  he  paid  repeated  visits  in  his  last 
years,  taking  much  interest  in  its  affairs.  At 
home  he  resided  chiefly  at  Cornbury,  and  at 
j  his  London  house  '  by  Oxford  Chapel,'  at 
both  of  which  places  Pope  was  his  guest 
(ib.  ix.  142-3, 157,  x.  237).  In  1735  he  had 
addressed  to  the  poet  a  set  of  verses  con- 
cerning his  authorship  of  the ( Essay  on  Man/ 
which  were  printed  by  Pope  in  1739  in  a  new 
edition  of  the  volume  of  his  'Works'  con- 
taining the  '  Essay '  (cf.  ib.  viii.  372,  374; 
ii.  237-8).  But  the  friendship  of  Boling- 
[  broke,  who  returned  finally  to  England  in 
i  1743,  a  year  before  Pope's  death,  was  pro- 
I  bably  the  chief  intellectual  interest  of  Corn- 
bury's  life.  As  early  as  1735,  Bolingbroke, 
on  becoming  once  more  an  '  exile/  had  ad- 
dressed to  him,  from  Chanteloup  in  Touraine, 
his  '  Letters  on  the  Study  and  Use  of  His- 
tory.' Soon  afterwards  he  wrote  the  letter 
'  On  the  Spirit  of  Patriotism'  (not  published 
till  1749),  which,  according  to  Horace  Wal- 
pole (Letters,  ii.  158),  was  first  addressed  to 
Lord  Cornbury  (see,  however,  MACKNIGHT, 
p.  630).  In  1746  Bolingbroke  was  at  Corn- 
bury,  surrounded  by  his  favourite  younger 
politicians  (ib.  p.  673).  When,  on  Boling- 
broke's  death  (December  1751),  Lord  Hyde 
learnt  that  his  philosopher  and  friend  had 
left  Mallet  his  literary  executor,  he  eagerly 
intervened  to  prevent  the  publication  of  that 
portion  of  the  '  Letters  on  the  Study  of  His- 
tory '  which  dealt  in  a  spirit  of  free  criticism 
with  the  question  of  the  authenticity  of  Old 
Testament  history.  Mallet  declined  to  bow 
to  authority,  and  there  followed  an  elabo- 
rate correspondence,  which  was  published 
(ib.  pp.  694-7 ;  cf.  LORD  CORNBURY,  Letter  to 
.David  Mallet,  Esq.,  on  the  intended  publica- 
tion of  Lord  Bolingbroke 's  MSS.) 

Cornbury,  who  had  remained  unmarried, 
was  killed  by  a  fall  from  his  horse  at  Paris, 
26  April  1753,  about  eight  months  before 
the  death  of  his  father.  Lady  Mary  Wort- 
ley  Montagu  condescended  to  lament  his 
death  as  untimely :  '  He  had  certainly  a  very 
good  heart ;  I  have  often  thought  it  great 
pity  it  was  not  under  direction  of  a  better 
head.'  At  the  same  time  she  naturally,  in 
connection  with  his  will,  which  contained  no 
legacy  to  his  sister,  the  Duchess  of  Queens- 
berry,  revived  an  ancient  scandal  against  his 
mother  (Letters  and  Works  of  Lady  Mary 




Wortley  Montagu,  ed.  Lord  Wharncliffe,  ii. 
237-8).     Lord  Cornbury  was  clearly  a  man 
of  conversational  ability  and  wit  (cf.  Letters 
of  Horace  Walpole,  ii.  88,  236),  as  well  as  of 
character,  and  not  undeserving  of  the  praises 
lavished  on  him  by  the  wits,  from  Thomson 
(Seasons:  Summer,  ed.  Bell,  ii.  108),  Pope, 
and  Swift  to  Sir  Charles  Hanbury  Williams 
and  Horace  Walpole.  In  addition  to  the  pieces 
already  mentioned,  he  wrote  a  few  pamphlets,  j 
including  one  entitled  '  Common  Sense,  or  j 
the   Englishman's  Journal '  (1737),  and  a  J 
comedy  called  by  Genest  (iv.  44)  *  sensible,  i 
but  dull,'  '  The  Mistakes,  or  the  Happy  Re- 
sentment,' printed  by  subscription  in  1758 
for  the  benefit  of  the  actress  Mrs.  Porter,  j 
with  *  a  little  preface  by  Horace  Walpole '  | 
(see  his  Catalogue  of  Royal  and  Noble  Au- 
thors, ed.  1759,  ii.  150).     He  was  buried  in 
Westminster  Abbey. 

[Pope's  Works,  ed.  Elwin  and  Courthope, 
1871-89;  Letters  of  Horace  Walpole,  ed.  Cun- 
ningham, 1886;  Macknight's  Life  of  Boling- 
broke,  1863  ;  Lady  Theresa  Lewis's  Descriptive 
Catalogue  of  the  Portraits  at  the  Grove,  in  Lives 
of  Friends  and  Contemporaries  of  Lord  Chancel- 
lor Clarendon  illustrative  of  Portraits  in  his 
Gallery,  1852,  iii.  422-3.]  A.  W.  W. 

AND  ROCHESTER  (d.  1725),  was  one  of  the 
two  daughters  of  Sir  William  Leveson-Gower, 
bart.,andhis  wife  the  daughter  of  John  Gran- 
ville,  earl  of  Bath.  Though  her  father  was  a 
whig  (he  had  been  one  of  Monmouth's  bail  in 
1683;  see  COLLINS,  Peerage  of  England,  5th  ed. 
v.  141),  she  was  married,  3  March  1693,  to 
Henry,  lord  Hyde,  eldest  son  of  Laurence 
Hyde,  first  earl  of  Rochester  [q.  v.]  Her  hus- 
band's career  was  undistinguished;  for  a  time 
he^was  ioint  vice-treasurer  for  Ireland,  and  he 
enjoyed  a  pension  of  4,000/.  a  year  on  the  post 
office,  conferred  in  1687  for  ninety-nine  years 
upon  his  father  and  himself  (Ellis  Correspon- 
dence, i.  212).  In  1711  he  succeeded  to  the 
earldom  of  Rochester,  and  in  1724  to  that  of 
Clarendon,  both  of  which  titles  became  extinct 
by  his  death  on  10  Dec.  1753.  At  the  time  of 
their  marriage  Lord  and  Lady  Hyde  were 
described  as  a  singularly  fine  couple  (Corre- 
spondence of  Clarendon  and  Rochester,  ii.  341), 
and  among  their  eijght  children,  two  daughters 
became  in  time  *  tfop  toasts '  for  their  beauty, 
viz.  Jane,  afterwards  Countess  of  Essex  (see 
SWIFT,  Journal  to  Stella,  1 8  July  171 1,  29  Jan. 
1712),  and  Catherine,  celebrated  as  Duchess 
of  Queensberry  [see  under  D  OUGLAS,  CHARLES, 
third  DUKE  OF  QUEENSBERRY].  But  even 
they  were  considered  inferior  in  beauty  to 
what  their  mother  had  been  before  them.  Ac- 
cordingly, she  was  complimented  in  verse 
both  bv  her  kinsman,  George  Granville,  lord 

Lansdowne,  and  by  Prior,  who  extolled  her 
as  Myra  in  ' The  Judgment  of  Venus;' while 
Swift  condescended  to  call  her  his '  mistress,' 
and  Pope  tried  to  make  Martha  Blount  jealous 
by  praising  her  beauty  (  Works, Q^.  Ehvin  and 
Courthope,  vii.  188,  ix.  277  n.~)  She  paid  the 
penalty  of  fame  in  the  scandalous  aspersions 
which,  many  years  after  her  death,  are  cast 
upon  her  conjugal  fidelity  by  the  venomous 
tongue  of  Lady  Mary  Wrortley  Montagu 
(Letters  and  Works,  ed.  Lord  Wharncliffe, 
ii.  274.  Swift  seems  to  allude  to  the  scan- 
dal in  the  letter  cited  above).  She  died  on 
24  May  1725.  Her  husband  survived  her  till 
10  Dec.  1753.  Her  portrait  was  painted  by 
Kneller  and  Dahl.  There  are  two  portraits 
by  the  latter  in  the  Clarendon  gallery  at  the 
Grove,  Watford. 

[Lady  Theresa  Lewis's  Descriptive  Catalogue 
of  the  Portraits  at  the  Grove,  in  Lives  of  Friends 
and  Contemporaries  of  Lord  Chancellor  Claren- 
don illustrative  of  Portraits  in  his  Gallery,  1852, 
iii.  412-15 ;  Doyle's  Official  Baronage  of  England, 
i.  406.]  A.W.  W. 

TER (1641-1711),  second  son  of  Edward 
Hyde,  first  earl  of  Clarendon  [q.  v.],  and  of 
his  second  wife,  was  born  in  March  1641. 
On  the  return  of  the  family  to  England  at 
the  Restoration,  Laurence  entered  parliament 
as  member  for  Newport  in  Cornwall,  but  from 
April  1661  to  the  dissolution  in  July  1679 
sat  as  representative  of  the  university  of  Ox- 
ford. In  October  1661  he  took  part  in  an 
embassy  to  congratulate  Louis  XIV  on  the 
birth  of  a  dauphin,  and  from  May  1662  till 
1675  was  master  of  the  robes.  In  1665  he 
married  Lady  Harrietta,  daughter  of  Richard 
Boyle,  first  earl  of  Burlington  [q.  v.],  who 
proved  herself  a  devoted  though  perhaps  not 
a  discreet  wife.  Hyde,  who  with  his  elder 
brother  Henry  (1638-1709)  [q.  v.]  warmly  de- 
fended their  father  on  his  impeachment(1667), 
afterwards  described  himself  as  having  been 
4  much  exposed  to  his  own  free  choice  and 
direction  for  seven  years  by  his  father's  banish- 
ment and  his  mother's  death,'  and  as  having 
been  '  absolutely  left  to  it '  after  his  father's 
death  (9 Dec.  1674).  The  unfinished  <  Medita- 
tions/ composed  by  him  on  the  first  anniver- 
sary of  that  event  (printed  in  Diary  and  Cor- 
respondence, i.  Appendix,  645-50),  prove  his 
anxiety  for  his  father's  fame,  which  he  pre- 
tends to  have  to  some  extent  jeopardised  by 
advising  him  to  quit  England.  He  adds  that 
during  the  seven  years  of  his  father's  exile 
he  attended  him  but  twice,  spending  with 
him  not  more  than  five  weeks  in  all  (cf. 
PEPTS,  v.  100). 

In  June  1676  Hyde  was  named  ambassa- 
dor extraordinary  to  John  III  (Sobieski), 




king  of  Poland  (Diary  and  Corresp.  i.  589-90, 
590-624).  After  being  received  at  Danzig 
by  Queen  Maria  Casimira  Louisa,  he  jour- 
neyed to  the  king's  headquarters  at  Leopol, 
and  there,  after  some  hesitation,  helped  to 
bring  about  the  compromise  with  the  Turks, 
which  was  confirmed  two  years  later  in  Con- 
stantinople (ib.  pp.  633-6;  cf.  ZINKEISEX, 
Geschichte  des  Osmanischen  Reiches  in  Europa, 
v.  80-1).  In  accordance  with  the  king's  in- 
structions, he  made  representations  to  the 
king  of  Poland  on  behalf  of  the  protestants 
of  the  country  (Diary  and  Correspondence, 
i.  14-15).  His  mission  came  to  an  end  in 
October,  when  he  proceeded  to  Vienna,  in 
order  to  condole  with  the  emperor,  Leo- 
pold I,  on  the  death  of  his  second  consort 
(Claudia  Felicitas).  Finding,  however,  that 
the  emperor  had  already  married  again,  he 
forthwith  continued  his  journey  to  the  Ne- 
therlands, where  (January  1677)  he  found 
a  commission  awaiting  him  as  one  of  the 
ambassador-mediators  at  the  congress  of 
Nimeguen.  According  to  Temple  ('  Me- 
moirs,' pt.  iii.,  in  Works,  edit.  1750,  i.  440), 
while  by  his  advice  Hyde  accepted  the  offer, 
he  modestly  excused  himself  from  '  entering 
into  the  management  of  any  conferences  or 
despatches  '  (cf.  Hyde's  '  Diary '  in  Diary 
and  Correspondence,  i.  624-32).  In  the  Sep- 
tember following  he  was,  however,  onTemple's 
recommendation,  again  sent  to  Nimeguen, 
with  special  instructions  to  urge  the  Prince 
of  Orange  to  press  on  the  peace  before  visit- 
ing England  (ib.  pp.  637-41 ;  cf.  TEMPLE,  i. 
450-1).  After  again  visiting  England  Hyde 
returned  to  the  Hague  in  August  1678,  and 
promised  the  States  General  armed  assistance. 
But  they  had  concluded  their  particular 
treaty  with  France,  and  the  promise  came 
too  late.  Temple,  who  had  not  been  con- 
sulted, describes  Hyde  as  having  the  morti- 
fication to  return  to  England  in  September, 
on  the  exchange  of  the  notifications  of  the 
Nimeguen  treaty,  'with  the  entire  disap- 
pointment of  the  design  upon  which  he  came, 
and  believed  the  court  so  passionately  bent ' 
(ib.  i.  474-5). 

In  the  new  parliament  which  met  in  March 
1679  Hyde  took  his  seat  among  the  reduced 
court  party  as  member  for  Wootton  Bassett. 
The  treasury  having,  after  Danby's  resigna- 
tion, been  put  into  commission,  he  was  on 
26  March  named  one  of  the  lords  (BuKNET, 
ii.  202).  During  the  following  months  he 
was  much  in  the  confidence  of  the  absent 
Duke  of  York,  whose  renunciation  of  Catho- 
licism he  would,  however,  have  gladly  wel- 
comed as  a  solution  of  the  problem  (Diary 
and  Correspondence,  i.  42-7).  The  dismissal 
of  Shaftesbury  and  the  resignation  of  Essex 

which  followed  amidst  the  agitations  of  the 
latter  part  of  the  year  made  it  necessary, 
though  Halifax  remained  in  office,  for  the 
crown  to  depend  on  new  men.  The  leading 
ministers  were  now  Sunderland,  Godolphin, 
|  and  Hyde,  who  was  on  19  Nov.  appointed 
I  first  lord  of  the  treasury  and  a  privy  council- 
j  lor.  To  the  public  the  '  young  statesmen  ' 
were  *  the  chits,'  and  the  first  tory  adminis- 
tration that  has  eo  nomine  conducted  English 
j  affairs  seemed  a  'jest'  (cf.  the  epigram  in 
DRYDEN,  Works,  ed.  Scott,  xv.  273-5).  Hyde 
having  continued  staunch  against  exclusion 
I  (cf.  Diary  and  Correspondence,  i.  49),  the 
House  of  Commons  revenged  itself  upon  him, 
his  elder  brother,  and  their  relative,  the  Mar- 
quis of  Worcester,  by  voting  addresses  against 
them  as  '  men  inclined  to  popery '  (RERESBY, 
p.  48,  4  Jan.  1681).  Hyde  vindicated  him- 
self with  vehemence  (according  to  BUR- 
NET,  ii.  255,  even  with  tears),  and  at  the 
instance  of  his  friend  Sir  William  Jones,  the 
words  relating  to  popery  were  ultimately 
struck  out  of  the  address.  On  23  April  1681 
(cf.  RERESBY,  pp.  201,  211)  he  was  raised  to 
the  peerage  as  Viscount  Hyde  of  Kenilworth ; 
and  when,  after  the  dissolution  of  the  Oxford 
parliament,  the  full  tide  of  the  reaction  had 
set  in,  he  was  glorified  in  Dryden's  great 
legitimist  satire  as  the  manly  Hushai,  *  the 
friend  of  David  in  distress,'  and  extolled  as 
sparing  of  the  public  while  liberal  of  his  own 
money  (Absalom  and  Achitophel,  pt.  i.  888- 
897).  The  length  which  he  was  prepared  to 
go  in  the  service  of  his  master  was  soon 
shown  by  the  worst  act  of  his  political  life, 
his  negotiation  with  Barillon  of  the  secret 
subsidy  treaty  with  France  of  1681.  This 
was  at  the  time  when  his  correspondent,  the 
Prince  of  Orange,  was  impressing  upon  him 
that  '  it  is  only  by  you  in  England  that  the 
Netherlands  can  be  saved '  (Diary  and  Corre- 
spondence,i.6Q&(^.;  cf.$.pp.79,89).  Against 
the  opinion  of  Halifax,  who  had  remained  in 
office,  he  continued  to  deprecate  the  calling 
of  parliament  (RERESBY,  p.  235),  and  rose 
higher  and  higher  in  the  goodwill  of  the  king. 
In  August,  and  again  in  September,  Evelyn 
(ii.  398-9)  speaks  of  Hyde  as  'the  great 
favourite.'  On  29  Nov.  he  was  created  Earl 
of  Rochester.  Of  the  high  tory  reaction 
during  the  last  years  of  Charles  II  he  must 
be  regarded  as  a  principal  instrument. 

But  though  he  was  protected  both  by  the 
Duke  of  York  and  by  the  Duchess  of  Ports- 
mouth, Rochester's  natural  arrogance  made 
him  many  enemies.  Among  these  was  Hali- 
fax, with  whom  he  had  co-operated  as  to  the 
Exclusion  Bill,  but  from  whom  he  had  differed 
_arliament.  The 
its  origin  to  Halifax's 

as  to  the  policy  of  convoking  p 
quarrel  doubtless  owed  its  ori 





268-96 ;  BURNET,  n. 
Chester  treated  a  cl 
by  Halifax  against 

implying  an  accusation  of  corruption  against ,  ^ /^""tT'i  A«nPfiflllv  of 

imself     The  king's  intention  of  annulling  ;  throw  of  the  Hydes,  and  more  especially  o 
^obnoxious  contract  was  frustrated  by  his    Rochester.    While  successfully  ii^rmmimr 

certain  contractos    1685.     Sunderland  seems  early  i 

to  have  begun  his  ^na3uwes  for  the 



p.  268-96  ;  cf.  Lives   the  position  of  Clarendon  [q.  v.]  in 
:    ^  themeantime,  ;  Sunderland  at  home  alenated  Qu 

his  daughter,  Lady  Ossory,  died ; 
*  Meditations '  which  he  put  to  p 

parliament  remaining  unconvoked,  Rochester 
maintained  himself  in  power  (RERESBY,  pp. 
300,  305),  although  his  overbearing  demea- 
nour made  him  unpopular  at  court,  and  did 
him  harm  with  the  king  (BTJRNET,  ii.  444, 
where  the  '  stop  of  all  payments '  is  said  to 
have  been  imputed  to  him).  He  was  dis- 
appointed of  his  hope  of  being  made  lord 
treasurer;  and  when,  in  August  1684,  he  was 
promoted  to  the  lord  presidency  of  the  coun- 
cil, he  was  declared  by  Halifax  to  have  been 
'kicked  upstairs'  (MACATJLAY,  i.  277;  cf. 
RERESBY,  pp.  307-8 ;  EVELYN,  ii.  434 ;  Diary 
and  Correspondence,  i.  94r-6).  Shortly  after- 
wards (October),  when  Ormonde  was  recalled 
from  Ireland,  Rochester  was,  through  the  in- 
fluence of  the  Duke  of  York,  appointed  his 
successor  (see  Diary  and  Correspondence,  i. 
96-105).  He  was  not,  however,  on  this  oc- 
casion to  cross  the  Channel.  On  25  Jan.  1685 

and  in  the 
put  to  paper  on  the 
first  anniversary  of  this  event  (printed  ib.  i. 
170-5)  he  relates  how,  his  '  soul  being  gone,' 
and  his  wife '  lying  weak  and  worn  with  con- 
tinual sickness,'  he  resolved  to  retire  into 
privacy  and  contemplation.  He  does  not 
add  that  2  Feb.  1685  had  been  fixed  by  the 
king  for  the  investigation,  suggested  by  Hali- 
fax, of  the  treasury  books  formerly  under  his 
control,  and  that  a  rumour  was  abroad  that 
he  'would  be  turned  out  of  all,  and  sent  to 
the  Tower'  (BTJRNET,  ii.  446,  corroborated, 
according  to  MACATJLAY,  |i.  429  note,  by  the 
treasury  books).  On  the  previous  night 
Charles  II  was  mortally  ill;  on  6  Feb.  he 
died ;  and  ten  days  afterwards  Rochester  was 
made  lord  treasurer  (RERESBY,  p.  316).  In 
the  course  of  the  year  several  minor  appoint- 
ments were  in  addition  bestowed  on  him, 
and  on  29  June  he  was  created  K.G.  (DOYLE). 
Among  those  who  speedily  claimed  his  good 
offices  in  his  new  position  was  the  Prince  of 
Orange,  at  that  time  desirous  of  a  reconcilia- 
tion with  his  father-in-law  (Diary  and  Cor- 
respondence, i.  115  sqq.) ;  in  return  Rochester 
advised  the  prince  to  remove  Monmouth  from 
Holland  (ib.  i.  122).  After  Sedgmoor,  Mon- 
mouth from  Ringwood  solicited  Rochester's 
intercession  with  King  James  (ib.  p.  143). 
Neither  Rochester  nor  his  brother  in  Ire- 

of  Modena  from  Rochester  and 

»,ueen  Mary 
other  re- 

latives and  friends  of  the  king's  first  wife 
(RERESBY,  p.  349).  Rochester  was  certainly 
believed  to  have  been  implicated  in  the  un- 
successful intrigue  to  detach  the  king  from 
the  influence  of  the  queen  and  the  Jesuits  by 
means  of  his  mistress,  Catharine  Sedley,  just 
created  Countess  of  Dorchester  (MACATJLAY, 
ii.  73,  note;  Diary  and  Correspondence,  ii. 
314,  note).  The  temporary  retirement  of 
Lady  Dorchester  to  Ireland,  and  the  resent- 
ment of  the  queen,  palpably  diminished  his 
influence.  The  rumour  in  March  (Ellis  Cor- 
respondence,  i.  59)  that  he  was  to  receive  a 
dukedom  was  probably  idle.  What  Roger 
North  regards  as  his  second  infirmity,  his 
Love  of  the  bottle,  caused  him  at  times  to 
betray  apprehensions  of  the  decline  of  his 
authority  (BONREPAUX  ap.  MACATJLAY,  ii.  75, 
note).  In  the  vain  hope  of  averting  his  fall, 
be  agreed  in  the  autumn  of  this  year  (1686) 
to  serve  on  the  ecclesiastical  commission 
which  the  king  was  preparing  to  use  against 
the  church  of  England  (if  BTJRNET,  iii.  Ill, 
is  to  be  trusted),  and  he  yielded  to  the  peremp- 
tory command  of  the  king  by  voting  for  the 
suspension  of  Henry  Compton  [q.  v.],  the 
bishop  of  London. 

According  to  the  account  which  Burnet 
(iii.!22seqq.)  professed  to  have  derived  from 
Rochester  himself,  the  king  had  since  Mon- 
mouth's  execution  never  consulted  him  ex- 
cept on  treasury  business,  in  which  he  had 
recently  proved  his  usefulness  by  procuring 
a  loan  (cf.  MACATJLAY,ii.  147).  Finally  James, 
on  the  direct  suggestion  of  Sunderland 
(CLARKE,  Life  of  James  II,  ii.  100),  pressed 
Rochester  to  allow  himself  to  be  '  instructed 
in  religion,'  and  after  some  demur  the  latter 
agreed  to  a  conference,  at  which  two  English 
clergymen  should  attend  to  confront  the 
priests.  The  conference  was  held  on  30  Nov. 
Rochester's  enemies,  according  to  Burnet, 
made  his  wife  responsible  for  this  step  ;  but 
this  Rochester  denied.  According  to  the 
same  hostile  evidence  (which  herein  substan- 
tially agrees  with  that  of  DALRYMPLE,  i. 
182-3),  Rochester  had  before  the  conference 
become  convinced  that  nothing  could  avert 
his  fall,  and  consequently  bore  himself  so 
haughtily  and  contemptuously  towards  the 




priestly  disputants  that  the  king  broke  up  the 
meeting.  On  7  Dec.  he  had  an  audience  with 
the  king,  from  whom,  in  return  for  assurances 
and  complaints,  he  received  permission  to  act 
according  to  his  conscience  {Diary  and  Cor- 
respondence, ii.  87-91).  At  a  final  audience 
on  10  Dec.  the  necessity  of  his  dismissal  was 
announced  to  him.  The  king  was  clearly 
ashamed  afterwards  of  his  share  in  the  trans- 
action (CLAKKE,  ii.  98-9).  As  for  Eochester, 
however  complicated  the  motives  of  his  con- 
duct may  have  been  (see  MACAULAY,  ii.  147), 
the  fact  remains  that  he  held  out  where 
many  gave  way,  and  that  his  final  de- 
cision set  an  example  to  many  protestant 
waverers  (cf.  HALLAM,  Constitutional  History, 
10th  ed.,  iii.  66,  note  ;  and  see  the  enthusi- 
astic praise  of  CLAKENDON  in  Diary  and  Cor- 
respondence, ii.  132).  Rochester's  dismissal, 
which  took  effect  on  4  Jan.  1687,  caused 
great  excitement  at  court  (the  spiteful '  epi- 
taph '  composed  on  the  occasion  cannot  pos- 
sibly be  Dryden's ;  see  SCOTT'S  Dry  den,  xv. 
279) .  It  was,  however,  softened  by  the  grant 
of  an  annual  pension  of  4,000/.  out  of  the 
post  office  for  two  lives,  and  of  forfeited  Irish 
lands  valued  at  about  2,0007.  a  year  in  addi- 
tion (ElUs  Correspondence,  i.  218-19). 

The  next  months  of  Rochester's  life  were 
saddened  by  the  illness  of  his  wife  (Dart- 
mouth MS.  131 ;  Ellis  Correspondence,  i.  259), 
who  died  on  12  April  1687  (DOYLE).  As 
governor  of  the  Merchant  Adventurers  of 
England,  he  was  placed  on  a  commission  for 
preventing  the  exportation  ofwool(JEllis  Cor- 
respondence, ii.  13);  but  otherwise  he  kept 
away  from  public  affairs.  In  July  he  paid  a 
visit  to  Spa  (ib.  i.  314-15),  but  on  his  return 
he  notes  (6  Oct.)  the  continuance  of  the 
king's  estrangement  from  him  {Dartmouth 
MS.  146).  Having,  however,  in  the  course 
of  the  year  been  appointed  to  the  lord-lieu- 
tenancy of  Hertfordshire,  he  in  November 
and  December  showed  himself  ready  to  re- 
spond to  the  wish  of  the  court  by  helping  to 
pack  a  parliament  (MACATTLAY,  ii.  324). 

When  William  of  Orange  had  landed  in 
England,  and  King  James  was  on  the  point 
of  setting  out  for  Salisbury,  Rochester  joined 
with  his  old  adversary  Halifax  in  suggesting 
and  signing  a  petition  for  the  calling  of  a 
free  parliament  and  the  opening  of  negotia- 
tions with  the  prince  (ib.  p.  501).  At  the 
council  of  peers  held  by  the  king  on  his 
return  from  the  west  (27  Nov.),  Rochester 
vehemently  urged  the  same  course  (Diary 
and  Correspondence,  ii.  209).  Yet  William 
seems,  notwithstanding  their  former  intimacy, 
to  have  been  at  this  time  strongly  prepos- 
sessed against  him  (ib.  ii.  217  ;  cf.  348  n.), 
and  received  him  very  coldly  when  presented 

to  him  on  16  Dec.  at  Windsor  by  Clarendon 
(ib.  p.  227)  ;  and  this  although  only  a  few 
days  earlier  (11  Dec.)  Rochester  had  signed 
the  peers'  order  designed  to  prevent  any  ac- 
tion on  the  part  of  the  English  fleet  against 
the  prince  (Dartmouth  MSS.  229 ;  cf.  232, 
280).  In  the  critical  debates  which  ensued 
Rochester  spoke  resolutely  against  the  settle- 
ment of  the  crown  on  William  and  Mary, 
and  in  favour  of  the  alternative  plan  of  a 
regency,  which  Sancroft  suggested  (EVELYN, 
iii .  7  0 ;  cf .  BURNET,  iii.  376) .  In  consequence, 
he  altogether  lost  the  favour  of  the  Princess 
Mary  (Diary  and  Correspondence,  ii.  264). 
When,  however,  the  date  (2  March  1689) 
arrived  for  members  of  the  houses  to  take 
the  oaths  to  the  new  government,  or  forfeit 
their  seats,  Rochester,  unlike  Clarendon  [q. v.], 
submitted.  Macaulay  (iii.  33)  considers  the 
amount  of  Rochester's  pension  and  its  import- 
ance to  himself  and  his  family  a  sufficient 
explanation  of  his  conduct.  In  July  of  this 
year  he  appealed  to  Burnet  through  the 
Countess  of  Ranelagh  to  use  his  influence  for 
the  continuance  of  this  pension  (BTJRNET,  vi. 
295  seqq.)  In  April  1691  he  was  again  in 
communication  with  Burnet  on  behalf  of  his 
imprisoned  elder  brother  (ib.  pp.  301-3)  ;  in 
return  he  was  about  the  same  time  employed 
by  the  bishop,  though  without  success,  as 
intermediary  with  the  nonjuring  prelates 
(ib.  iv.  128).  By  declining  to  interfere  ac- 
tively in  the  queen's  difference  with  her 
sister  Anne  concerning  the  dismissal  of  the 
Marlboroughs  he  regained  Queen  Mary's  good- 
will ;  though  considerable  deductions  must  be 
made  from  the  assertion  of  the  duchess  that 
Rochester  was  '  the  queen's  oracle '  and  '  the 
prosecutor  of  the  ill-usage  of  the  princess' 
Anne  (Account  of  the  Conduct  of  the  Duchess 
of  Marlborough,  pp.  54  seqq.,  72,  93  seqq., 
123).  It  was  about  this  time  that  he  was 
(1  March  1692)  readmitted  to  the  privy  coun- 
cil ;  and  by  the  following  year  he  had  cer- 
tainly acquired  a  considerable  influence  over 
Queen  Mary,  especially  in  church  matters 
(BURNET,  iv.  210-11).  Thus,  in  the  follow- 
ing years  he  could  again  assert  himself  at  the 
head  of  the  high  church  party  by  attempt- 
ing obstruction  and  obnoxious  legislation 
(MACATTLAY,  iv.  476 ;  BIJRNET,  iv.  255),  and 
by  seeking  to  embroil  affairs  in  general  by 
constitutional  quibbling  and  factious  inter- 
pellations (ib.  iv.  251 ;  MACATJLAY,  iv.  476). 
When  the  association  on  behalf  of  the  king 
was  formed  after  the  discovery  of  the  assas- 
sination plot  in  1696,  Rochester  formulated 
a  paraphrase  of  the  term '  rightful  and  lawful 
king '  for  the  use  of  the  tories  (BTJRNET,  iv. 
306-7)  ;  but  in  December  of  the  same  year 
he  was  one  of  the  chief  opponents  of  the  bill 




of  attainder  against  Fenwick,  and  signed  the 
protest  against  it  (ib.  iv.  351  n. ;  MACAFLAY, 
v.  218).  On  the  reconstitution  of  the  ministry 
towards  the  close  of  William's  reign  he  was 
(12  Dec.  1700)  named  lord-lieutenant  of  Ire- 
land, and  virtually  placed  at  the  head  of 
affairs,  with  Harley  as  manager  of  the  com- 
mons (BTTRNET,  iv.  470 ;  cf.  EVELYN,  iii.  155). 
But  William  seems  soon  to  have  found  that 
Rochester's  imperious  temper  and  manner 
were  unredeemed  by  any  commanding  poli- 
tical ability ;  instead  of  controlling  his  party 
he  could  only  stimulate  it  to  factiousness,  so 
that  the  year  in  which  he  was  at  the  head 
of  affairs  seemed  to  the  king  '  one  of  the  un- 
easiest  of  his  whole  life.'  Expostulations 
followed ;  and,  after  the  king  had  gone  to 
Holland  in  June,  Rochester,  who  had  (partly, 
perhaps,  on  account  of  indisposition)  delayed 
his  departure  as  long  as  possible,  at  last  started 
for  Ireland  in  September  (BTTRNET,  iv.  536 ; 
cf.  Diary  and  Correspondence,  ii.  381 ;  and  see 
ib.  pp.  357  seqq.,  431  seqq.)  His  stay  in  Ire- 
land was  too  brief  to  exercise  much  influence 
upon  the  relations  between  the  two  king- 
doms. According  to  Burnet,  the  unalter- 
able confidence  reposed  in  him  by  the  esta- 
blishment enabled  him  to  oblige  '  people  of 
all  sorts,  dissenters  as  well  as  papists ; '  in 
one  instance — in  his  treatment  of  the  half- 
way officers — his  measures  were  so  harsh  as 
to  be  disavowed  by  the  king  (Diary  and 
Correspondence,  ii.  348-9,  403). 

Early  in  1702  William  III  informed  Ro- 
chester of  the  termination  of  his  lord-lieu- 
tenancy ;  but  at  the  king's  death  (8  March) 
Queen  Anne  retained  her  uncle  in  office.  She 
seemed  resolved  to  trust  him  as  of  old,  and 
in  token  of  her  goodwill  named  one  of  his 
daughters  a  lady  of  her  bedchamber  (Con- 
duct of  the  Duchess  of  Marlborough,  pp.  123, 
133).  He  had,  however,  returned  to  Eng- 
land, and  when  urged  by  the  queen  to  go 
back  to  his  post  delayed  his  departure  (see 
ib.  p.  141).  In  truth,  he  was  intent  upon 
recovering  supreme  ministerial  authority  at 
home  with  the  aid  of  the  interest  of  the 
church,  to  which  Queen  Anne  was  so  warmly 
attached.  He  seized  an  early  opportunity 
of  showing  his  care  for  convocation  (BirR- 
NET,  v.  17) ;  and  as  the  spirits  of  the  high 
church  clergy  rose,  so  did  their  expectations 
from  his  leadership,»more  especially  as  they 
resented  the  apathy  of  Godolphin  towards  the 
bill  against  Occasional  Conformity.  Roches- 
terwas,  however,  unable  to  maintain  himself 
in  office  against  the  Marlborough  influence, 
and  resigned  his  lord-lieutenancy  on  4  Feb. 
1703.  The  same  influence  continued  to  de- 
press his  fortunes  during  the  greater  part  of 
the  reign.  Towards  the  succession  question 

!  he  bore  himself  cautiously,  not  involving  him- 
self with  the  Jacobites,  and  remaining  on 
!  good  terms  with  Hanover  (Diary  and  Corre- 
spondence, ii.  459 ;  cf.  BTJRNET,  iv.  497) ;  in 
1705  he  even,  from  factious  motives,  sug- 
gested an  establishment  for  the  Electress 
Sophia  in  England  (ib.  v.  190,  231).  He  con- 
tinued to  put  himself  forward  as  the  cham- 
pion of  the  church,  opposing  both  the  Regency 
Bill  in  1705  and  the  Scottish  union  in  1707 
on  ecclesiastical  grounds  (ib.  v.  237-8,  294). 
The  goodwill  of  his  clients  is  shown  by  his 
election  in  1709  to  the  high-stewardship  of 
the  university  of  Oxford,  of  which  in  1700 
he  had  been  made  a  D.C.L.  (DOYLE).  In 
1707  he  also  took  part  in  those  complaints 
against  the  admiralty  which  wounded  the 
queen  by  reflecting  on  her  husband.  But  at 
the  crisis  of  1710  he  shared  the  good  fortune 
of  the  tory  party,  and  21  Sept.  was  once  more 
made  lord  president  of  the  council  (BunNET, 
vi.  12).  He  died  suddenly  in  the  night  of 
1-2  May  1711  at  his  house  near  the  Cockpit, 
having  written  a  letter  on  cabinet  business 
to  Dartmouth  only  a  few  hours  before  (see 
Dartmouth  MSS.  305;  cf.  SWIFT,  Journal 
to  Stella,  3  May  1711). 

In  1702-4  Rochester  published  his  father's 
great  historical  work.  Clarendon's  will  had 
left  all  his  papers  and  writings  at  the  disposal 
of  both  his  eldest  and  his  second  son,  but 
Rochester  was  chiefly  responsible  for  the  pub- 
lication. He  composed  the  dignified,  though 
towards  the  close  rather  unctuous,  preface  to 
the  first  volume  (1702),  and  the  dedications 
to  the  queen  of  the  second  (1703)  and  third 
(1704),  written  with  a  more  direct  partisan 
purpose  of  extolling  the  principles  of  the  high 
church  party.  (For  the  evidence  showing 
Rochester  to  have  been  the  author  of  these 
introductions,  sometimes  ascribed  to  Dean 
Aldrich,  cf.  HORACE  WALPOLE,  Letters,  ed. 
Cunningham,  iii.  159 ;  preface  to  History  of 
the  Rebellion,  ed.  W.  D.  Macray,  1888,  i. 
p.  ix;  LADY  THERESA  LEWIS,  i.  67*-87*; 
and  for  Rochester's  interest  in  a  French 
translation  of  the '  History '  by  de  la  Conseil- 
lere  de  Meherene,  vol.  i.  1705,  see  Diary  and 
Correspondence,  ii.  458.)  Rochester  had  in- 
disputably inherited  from  his  father  certain 
literary  gifts  as  well  as  tastes,  and  was  both 
an  effective  and  a  facile  writer.  He  posed 
too  as  a  patron  of  letters.  Dryden  and  Lee 
dedicated  to  him  their  <  Duke  of  Guise '  (1683), 
and  the  former  his  '  Cleomenes '  (1692).  He 
proved  himself  for  the  most  part  an  assiduous 
ind  adroit  man  of  business.  As  a  courtier 
he  showed  more  suppleness  in  his  relations 
with  a  varied  succession  of  rulers  than  might 
have  seemed  natural  to  him;  and 'Burnet  de- 
clares him  to  have  been '  the  smoothest  man  in 




the  court '  till  success  turned  his  head  and  made 
him  insolent.  Roger  North,  who  says  that  in 
his  passion  he  would  'swear  like  a  cutter/  adds 
that  he  was  too  prone  to  indulgence  in  wine. 
His  enemy  the  Duchess  of  Marlborough  fur- 
ther describes  him  as  consumed  by  petty 
vanity  and  love  of  trifling  ceremonies  (Ac- 
count of  Conduct,  p.  98).  But  it  is  impos- 
sible on  this  subject  to  trust  either  her  or 
Halifax,  who  with  aristocratic  spite  referred 
to  him  as  l  scarce  a  gentleman '  (REEESBY, 
p.  273).  Though  he  began  his  public  career 
as  a  diplomatist,  he  was,  as  King  William 
found  in  his  latter  days,  little  versed  in  foreign 
affairs.  The  strength  of  his  position  lay  in 
his  being  long  accounted  the  head  of  the 
church  of  England  party;  and  at  the  crucial 
moment  under  James  II  he  showed  himself 
worthy  of  the  confidence  placed  in  him.  In 
his  domestic  relations  he  was  unexception- 
able. He  is  described  by  Macky  as  of  middle 
stature,  well-shaped,  and  of  a  brown  com- 
plexion. A  portrait  of  him  and  his  wife  by 
Lely,  and  another  of  him  by  Wissing,  are 
preserved  at  the  Grove,  Watford. 

His  only  son  Henry  (1672-1753)  became 
fourth  and  last  Earl  of  Clarendon,  and  second 
and  last  Earl  of  Rochester  of  the  Hyde  family. 
He  is  noticed  under  his  wife,  JANE  HYDE. 
Rochester  also  had  four  daughters — Anne, 
first  wife  of  James  Butler,  second  duke  of 
Ormonde  [q.  v.] ;  Henrietta,  wife  of  James 
Scott,  earl  of  Dalkeith ;  Mary,  first  wife  of 
Francis  Seymour,  first  lord  Con  way ;  and 
Catherine,  who  was  unmarried. 

[The  Correspondence  of  Rochester  and  his 
elder  brother,  with  the  Diary  of  Clarendon  from 
1687-90,  and  that  of  Rochester  during  his  Polish 
embassy  in  1676,  was  edited  with  notes  and  bio- 
graphical introductions  by  S.  W.  Singer  (2  vols. 
1828),  and  is  here  cited  as  Diary  and  Corre- 
spondence. This  includes  the  whole  of  the  State 
Letters  of  Henry,  Earl  of  Clarendon,  edited,  with 
a  preface  vindicating  his  memory  ( by  Dr.  Douglas, 
bishop  of  Salisbury),  for  the  Clarendon  Press, 
2  vols.  1763,  and  reprinted  at  Dublin  in  1765. 
See  also  Burnet's  Hist,  of  his  own  Time,  6  vols. 
1833;  Evelyn's  Diary  and  Correspondence,  ed. 
H.  B.  Wheatley,  4  vols.  1879 ;  Memoirs  of  Sir 
John  Reresby,  ed.  J.  J.  Cartwright,  1875;  Manu- 
scripts of  the  Earl  of  Dartmouth,  Hist.  MSS. 
Comm.  llth  Rep.  App.  pt.  v.  1887  ;  Roger 
North's  Lives  of  the  Norths,  3  vols.  1826 ;  Clarke's 
Life  of  James  II,  2  vols.  1816 ;  Ellis  Correspond- 
ence, 2  vols.  1829  ;  [Hooke's]  Account  of  the 
Conduct  of  the  Duchess  of  Marlborough,  1742; 
[Fielding's]  Vindication  of  the  Duchess  of  Marl- 
borough,  1742;  Dalrymple's  Memoirs,  3  vols. 
1790 ;  Macaulay's  Hist,  of  England,  5  vols.  1857- 
1861.  See  also  Lady  T.  Lewis's  Lives  of  the 
Friends  and  Contemporaries  of  Lord  Chancellor 
Clarendon,  3  vols.  1852 ;  Lister's  Life  of  Claren- 
don, 1837-8  ;  Doyle's  Baronage.")  A.  W.  W. 

1631),  chief  justice  of  England,  was  the 
fourth  son  of  Lawrence  Hyde  of  West  Hatch, 
Tisbury,  Wiltshire,  and  of  Gussage  St.  Mi- 
chael, Dorsetshire,  by  Anne,  widow  of  Mat- 
thew Colthurst  of  Claverton,  near  Bath,  and 
daughter  of  Nicholas  Sibell  of  Chimhams, 
near  Farningham,  Kent.  His  grandfather 
was  Robert  Hyde  of  Norbury,  Cheshire  ;  Ed- 
ward Hyde,  first  earl  of  Clarendon  [q.  v.], 
was  his  nephew,  and  Alexander  Hyde  [q.  v.l 
Edward  (1607-1659)  [q.  v.],  and  Sir  Robert 
[q.  v.],  were  his  nephews.  As  a  younger  son 
he  took  under  his  father's  will  only  a  small 
portion  of  30/.  per  annum,  and  accordingly  en- 
tered the  Middle  Temple,  where  he  was  called 
to  the  bar.  He  was  returned  to  parliament  for 
Andover  in  1601,  and  for  Christchurch  in 
1603-4,  and  became  one  of  the  leaders  of  the 
popular  party,  opposing  the  great  contract 
and  the  prerogative  of  imposition  in  the  de- 
bates of  1610.  He  was  also  one  of  the 
speakers  in  the  conference  of  the  houses  on 
impositions  in  1614.  He  must  be  carefully 
distinguished  from  another  Nicholas  Hyde, 
or  Hide,  of  Aldbury,  Hertfordshire,  who  was 
created  a  baronet  in  1621  (CussANS,  Hert- 
fordshire, in., f  Hundred  of  Dacorum,'  30,  33 ; 
Cal.  State  Papers,  Dom.  1619-23,  p.  307). 
His  career  at  the  bar  was  undistinguished. 
Nevertheless  in  1626  he  was  retained  by 
Buckingham  to  draft  the  defence  to  the  ar- 
ticles of  impeachment  exhibited  against  him. 
The  sudden  removal  of  Sir  Ranulphe  Crew 
q.  v.]  from  the  chief  justiceship  of  the  king's 
>ench,  9  Nov.  1626,  was  followed  within  a 
month  by  the  death  of  his  successor-desig- 
nate, Sir  John  Davies  [q.  v.]  Hyde,  who  had 
changed  his  political  principles,  was  nomi- 
nated in  his  place,  was  knighted  at  White- 
hall on  28  Jan.,  was  called  serjeant-at-law 
on  31  Jan.,  and  was  appointed  to  the  chief 
justiceship  on  6  Feb.  1626-7  (WHITELOCKE, 
Mem.  p.  8  ;  METCALFE,  Book  of  Knights ; 
Parl.  Hist.  ii.  167 ;  RYMER,  ed.  Sanderson, 
xviii.  835).  This  unexpected  advancement 
created  much  indignation  in  Westminster 
Hall,  which  vented  itself  in  the  following 
'  significant  tetrastich,'  which  Sir  Simonds 
D'Ewes  heard  whispered  in  court  at  the  Bury 
Lent  assizes: — 

Learned  Coke,  Court  Montague, 
The  aged  Lea,  and  honest  Crew ; 
Two  preferred,  two  set  aside, 
And  then  starts  up  Sir  Nicholas  Hyde. 
(SiR  SIMONDS  D'EWES,  Autobiog.  ed.  Hal- 
liwell,  ii.  49 ;  WALTER  YONGE,  Diary,  Camd. 
Soc.  pp.  100-1.)     The  first  case  that  came 
before  Hyde  was  that  of  the  five  knights 
[see  DARNELL,  SIR  THOMAS].     He  was  sum- 
moned with  his  colleagues  to  the  bar  of  the 




House  of  Lords  to  answer  for  the  refusal  of 
the  habeas  corpus,  appeared,  and  after  some 
demur  alleged  precedents  in  justification. 
No  further  proceedings  followed  (ParL  Hist. 
ii.  288). 

In  Lent  1629  Hyde  tried  a  strange  murder 
case,  curiously  illustrative  of  the  superstitions 
of  the  time.  A  woman  named  Johan  Norkot, 
wife  of  Arthur  Norkot,  had  been  found  dead 
in  her  bed,  her  throat  cut  from  ear  to  ear  and 
her  neck  broken,  the  print  of  a  thumb  and 
four  fingers  of  a  left  hand  on  her  left  hand, 
and  a  bloody  knife  sticking  in  the  floor  a 
short  distance  from  the  bed.  The  coroner's 

a  had  found  a  verdict  of  suicide,  and  the 
/  was  buried.  Thirty  days  afterwards, 
however,  it  was  disinterred,  and  certain  per- 
sons on  whom  suspicion  had  fallen  touched 
it  in  the  presence  of  two  parish  priests  and 
other  witnesses.  The  suspected  murderers 
were  indicted  at  the  Hertfordshire  assizes 
and  acquitted,  upon  which  an  appeal  of  mur- 
der was  brought  in  the  king's  bench,  Hyde 
presiding.  The  principal  evidence  was  that 
of  two  aged  parish  priests,  who  deposed  to 
having  seen  the  body  when  touched  by  the 
prisoners  change  colour,  sweat,  open  and 
shut  its  eyes  three  times,  and  three  times 
extend  and  withdraw  its  ring  or  marriage 
finger.  This  evidence  Hyde  admitted  with- 
out comment,  and  left  the  case  to  the  jury, 
who  convicted  three  of  the  prisoners  (Gent. 
Mag.  1851,  pt.  ii.  p.  13).  When  required  by 
the  king  to  give  an  extrajudicial  opinion  on 
any  important  matter,  it  was  Hyde's  practice 
to  do  so  only  in  concert  with  his  colleagues, 
who  would  assemble  at  Serjeants'  Inn  for 
the  purpose.  This  was  done  on  two  great 
occasions — viz.  in  1628,  just  before  the  grant- 
ing of  the  Petition  of  Right,  and  in  the  fol- 
lowing year,  after  the  arrest  of  Sir  John 
Eliot  and  the  other  members  of  parliament 
who  had  been  concerned  with  him  in  the 
violent  scene  which  preceded  the  dissolution. 
On  the  former  occasion  the  question  was  as 
to  the  legality  of  arrest  by  general  warrant, 
and  the  probable  effect  of  the  petition  on 
that  practice.  The  judge  advised  discreetly 
that,  as  a  rule,  general  warrants  were  in- 
valid, but  that  the  courts  had  a  discretion 
to  allow  them  in  cases  requiring  secrecy,  and 
there  was  no  reason  to  apprehend  that  this 
would  be  prejudiced  by  the  petition.  On  the 
latter  occasion  the  question  was  whether 
privilege  of  parliament  protected  members 
from  punishment  after  a  dissolution  for 
offences  committed  in  the  preceding  par- 
liament, The  judges  answered  that,  as  a 
rule,  privilege  of  parliament  protected  mem- 
bers from  punishment  out  of  parliament 
for  things  done  in  parliament  in  a  parlia- 

I  mentary  course,  but  it  was  otherwise  when 
things  were  done  exorbitantly.  Personally, 
'  Hyde  was  opposed  to  proceeding  against  the 
members,  thinking  it  would  be  better  to  leave 
them  to  languish  in  gaol  '  as  men  neglected 
until  their  stomachs  come  down.'  In  the 
result,  however,  an  information  was  filed  by 
Attorney-general  Sir  Robert  Heath  [q.  v.J 
in  the  king's  bench,  upon  the  hearing  of  which 
Hyde  disallowed  the  defendants'  plea  to  the 
jurisdiction,  and  passed  sentence  of  fine  and 
imprisonment  upon  them. 

Hyde  presided  in  Lent  1631  at  the  Star- 
chamber  trial  of  Francis  Annesley,  lord 
Mountnorris  [q.  v.],  Sir  Arthur  Savage,  and 
others,  for  conspiring  to  slander  Lord  Falkland 
[see  OAKY,  SIR  HENEY]  while  lord  deputy  in 
Ireland.  The  case  ended  in  the  acquittal  of 
Mountnorris  and  most  of  the  defendants.  He 
also  presided  over  the  judicial  assessors  in  the 
House  of  Lords  on  occasion  of  the  trial  of  Lord 
Audley  for  abominable  offences  on  13  April  of 
the  same  year,  which  terminated  in  the  execu- 
tion of  the  prisoner.  He  died  of  gaol  fever  on 
25  Aug.  following  (Life  of  Edward,  first  Earl 
of  Clarendon,  ed.  1827,  i.  12;  CEOKE,  Reports, 
Car.  225).  Hyde  was  not  a  great  judge,  and 
displayed  more  prudence  than  independence. 
His  manner  was  reserved  and  cold,  and  being 
sallow  and  '  of  a  mean  aspect '  and  neglect- 
ful of  his  dress,  he  was  thought  to  have 
lowered  the  dignity  of  his  office  (WHITE- 
LOCKE,  Mem.  p.  1;  SIR  SIMONDS  D'EwES, 
Autobiography,  ed.  Halliwell,  p.  51).  He 
married  Margaret,  daughter  of  Sir  Arthur 
Swayne  of  Sarson  in  the  parish  of  Amport, 
Hampshire,  by  whom  he  had  several  children 
(HoAEE,  Modern  Wiltshire,  iv., '  Hundred  of 
Dunworth,'  131). 

[Campbell's  Lives  of  the  Chief  Justices,  i. 
384;  Foss's  Lives  of  the  Judges;  Keports  of 
Cases  in  the  Courts  of  Star-chamber  and  High 
Commission  (Camd.  Soc.),  vol.  i.  et  seq. ;  Cob- 
bett's  State  Trials,  iii.  235  et  seq.,  402  et  seq.; 
Hoare's  Modern  Wiltshire,  iv.  « Hundred  of  Dun- 
worth,'  16,  131 ;  Life  of  Edward,  first  Earl  of 
Clarendon,  ed.  1827,  i.  1-3;  Hasted's  Kent,  i. 
304  ;  Hutchins's  Dorset,  ii.  494 ;  Ormerod's 
Cheshire,  ed.  Helsby,  iii.  810 ;  Dugdale's  Orig 
pp.  219,  221;  Parl.  Debates,  1610  (Camd.  Soc.), 
pp.  120,  130;  Spedding's  Life  of  Bacon,  iv.  365, 
370;  Cal.  State  Papers,  Dom.  1603-10  p.  621 
1629-31  pp.77,  79;  Sir  James  Whitelocke's  Lib. 
Fam.  (Camd.  Soc.),  p.  42.]  J.  M.  E. 

born  at  his  father's  house,  Heale,  near  Salis- 
bury, in  1595,  was  second  son  of  Sir  Lawrence 
Hyde,  attorney-general  to  Anne,  the  consort 
of  James  I,  by  his  wife,  Barbara  Castilion  of 
Benham,  Berkshire.  Alexander  Hyde  fq  v  1 
and  Edward  Hyde  (1607-1659)  [q.  v.]  were 




his  brothers,  and  Edward,  first  earl  of  Claren- 
don, his  first  cousin.  He  was  called  to  the 
bar  at  the  Middle  Temple  7  Feb.  1617,  was 
appointed  Lent  reader  there  in  1638,  and 
became  a  serjeant-at-law  in  May  1640.  In 
the  time  of  Lord  Coke  he  attended  as  re- 
porter in  the  king's  bench.  He  was  recorder 
of  Salisbury  as  early  as  1638,  when  com- 
plaints were  made  against  him  for  his  remiss- 
ness  in  collecting  ship-money.  He  represented 
Salisbury  in  the  Long  parliament,  professed 
loyalist  principles,  voted  against  the  bill  for 
the  attainder  of  Strafford,  and  was  accordingly 
included  in  the  list  of  the  minority,  whose 
names  were  placarded  as  betrayers  of  their 
country.  Having  joined  the  king  at  Oxford, 
he  was  voted  a  malignant  by  parliament,  and 
incapacitated  from  sitting  in  the  house.  He 
was  committed  to  the  Tower  from  4  to  18 
Aug.  1645,  and  on  11  May  1646  was  deprived 
of  the  recordership  of  Salisbury,  He  then 
retired  into  private  life.  In  1651  Charles  II 
during  his  flight  from  Worcester  was  shel- 
tered for  some  days  in  his  house  at  Heale 
(CLAKENDOX,  vi.  340;  Parl  Hist.  ii.  622, 
756,  iii.  219).  During  the  protectorate  he 
occasionally  practised  his  profession,  and  his 
name  occurs  in  the  reports  of  Siderfin  and 
Hardres.  At  the  Restoration  he  was  knighted, 
and  appointed  a  judge  of  the  common  pleas, 
31  May  1660,  and  on  14  June  1660  was  rein- 
stated in  the  recordership  of  Salisbury.  He 
was  also  a  commissioner  upon  the  trial  of  the 
regicides,  but  took  no  part  beyond  advising 
upon  points  of  law  (see  State  Trials,  v.  1030, 
xiv.  1312).  Thanks  to  his  cousin's  influence, 
he  was  promoted  to  be  chief  justice  of  the 
king's  bench  on  19  Oct.  1663.  He  is  said  to 
have  been  an  authority  upon  pleas  of  the 
crown,  but  was  not  learned  otherwise.  Upon 
the  trials  of  Twyn  for  printing  a  book  called 
*  A  Treatise  of  the  Execution  of  Justice,'  and 
of  Benjamin  Keach  at  Aylesbury  for  publish- 
ing '  The  Child's  Instructor,'  he  took  a  tone 
very  hostile  to  dissenters  and  seditious  books 
(see  RAYMOND,  Reports,  vi.  515,  700).  He 
was  not,  however,  always  opposed  to  non- 
conformists (Cal.  State  Papers,  Dom.  1663). 
He  died  suddenly  on  the  bench  on  1  May  1665, 
and  was  buried  in  Salisbury  Cathedral.  His 
wife  was  Mary,  sister  of  Francis  Baber, 
M.D.,  of  Chew  Magna,  Somerset,  but  he  had 
no  children.  By  the  demise  of  his  brother 
Lawrence  he  came  into  possession  of  the 
Heale  estates  in  the  Amesbury  valley,  and 
these,  with  his  collection  of  heirlooms,  he 
settled  on  the  issue  of  his  brother  Alexan- 
der [q.  v.],  bishop  of  Salisbury. 

[Foss's  Lives  of  the  Judges;  Notes  and  Queries, 
2nd  65 ;  Hoare's  Modern  Wiltshire;  Camp- 
bell's Chief  Justices.]  J.  A.  H. 


HYDE,  THOMAS  (1524-1597),  Roman 
catholic  exile,  born  at  Newbury,  Berkshire, 
was  connected  with  the  family  to  which 
Edward  Hyde,  earl  of  Clarendon,  belonged 
[q.  v.]  He  became  at  the  age  of  thirteen 
(1537)  a  scholar  of  Winchester,  and  proceeded 
to  New  College,  Oxford,  where  he  was  elected 
fellow  in  1543,  and  graduated  B.A.  in  Oc- 
tober 1545  and  M.A.  in  1549  (KiEBT,  Win- 
chester Scholars,  p.  121  ;  Oxf.  Univ.  Reg., 
Oxf.  Hist.  Soc.,  i.  211).  He  resigned  his  fel- 
lowship at  New  College  in  1550,  and  in  1551 
succeeded  Everard  as  head-master  of  Win- 
chester. He  was  installed  a  prebendary  of 
Winchester  on  23  June  1556  (LE  NEVE,  Fasti, 
iii.  33).  As  a  fervent  catholic,  *  very  stiff 
and  perverse,'  he  was  forced  to  resign  his 
offices  after  Elizabeth's  accession,  and  was 
ordered  to  the  custody  of  the  lord  treasurer 
by  the  ecclesiastical  commissioners  in  1561 
(STETPE,  Annals,  ed.  1824,  vol.  i.  pt.  i.  p.  414). 
He,  however,  escaped  abroad,  and  lived  for 
some  years  at  Louvain,  where  he  was  much 
esteemed  by  the  other  exiles.  Cardinal  Allen 
commends  his  counsel  and  abilities  in  a  letter 
dated  1579.  He  afterwards  removed  to  Douay, 
where  he  boarded  with  a  printer's  widow. 
He  died  there  on  9  May  1597,  and  was  buried 
in  the  lady  chapel  of  St.  James's  Church.  Pits 
praises  his  strict  life  and  conversation,  his 
great  gravity  and  severity,  his  fierce  hatred  of 
vice  and  heresy. 

While  at  Louvain  Hyde  published  his  prin- 
cipal work  (Wood  credits  him  with  others, 
but  does  not  name  them)  :  '  A  Consolatorie 
Epistle  to  the  Afflicted  Catholikes.  Being 
a  Dissuasive  against  frequenting  Protestant 
Churches,  and  an  Exhortation  to  Suffer  with 
Patience.  Set  foorth  by  Thomas  Hide,  Priest,' 
Louvain,  1579,  8vo  ;  2nd  edition,  with  three 
woodcuts,  1580.  A  copy  of  the  later  edition 
only  is  in  the  British  Museum. 

[Pits,  ed.  1619,  p.  795 ;  Wood's  Athense  (Bliss), 
i.  659  ;  Wood's  Fasti,  i.  121,  128  ;  Dodd's  Church 
Hist.,  ed.  1691,  i.  250  ;  G-illow's  Diet.] 

E.  T.  B. 

HYDE,  THOMAS,  D.D.  (1636-1703), 
orientalist,  was  born  29  June  1636  at  Bil- 
lingsley,  near  Bridgnorth  in  Shropshire,  of 
which  his  father,  Ralph,  was  vicar.  He 
received  his  first  instruction  in  oriental 
languages  from  his  father.  At  the  age  of 
sixteen  he  proceeded  to  King's  College,  Cam- 
bridge, where  he  became  a  pupil  of  Wheelock, 
the  professor  of  Arabic.  He  now  devoted 
himself  particularly  to  Persian,  and,  on 
Wheelock's  recommendation,  assisted  Wal- 
ton in  the  publication  of  the  Persian  and 
Syriac  versions  of  the  Polyglott  Bible.  For 
this  work  he  transcribed  into  its  proper  alpha- 

D  D 




Taet  the  Persian  translation  of  the  Pentateuch 
which  had  been  published  in  Hebrew  cha- 
racters at  Constantinople,  and  he  added  a 
Latin  translation.  These  contributions  were 
sharply  criticised  by  Angelo  de  la  Brosse 
(Angelus  de  Sancto  Josepho),  a  Carmelite 
friar,  and  Hyde  defended  them  in  1691  in  an 
appendix  to  his  edition  of  Peritsol's  'Itinera' 
(see  No.  5  infra).  In  1658  Hyde  migrated  to 
Queen's  College,  Oxford,  where  he  became 
reader  of  Hebrew.  He  proceeded  M.A.  by 
order  of  the  chancellor  of  the  university, 
Richard  Cromwell,  after  reading  one  lecture 
in  the  schools  on  oriental  languages  in  April 
1659.  In  the  same  year  he  became  under- 
keeper  of  the  Bodleian  Library,  and  on  2  Dec. 
1665  was  unanimously  elected  chief  librarian. 
He  was  made  prebendary  of  Salisbury  Cathe- 
dral in  1666,  archdeacon  of  Gloucester  in  1673, 

tion  from  late  Muhammedan  writers,  while 
neglecting  the  early  Pehlevi  sources  (cf.  Gent. 
Mag.  1763,  p.  373). 

Among  other  important  works  published 
by  Hyde  are:  1.  Text  and  Latin  translation 
of  a  Persian  version  of  an  astronomical  trea- 
tise (originally  written  in  Arabic)  by  Ulugh 
Beig  ibn  Shahrukh  on  the  latitude  and  lon- 
gitude of  the  fixed  stars,  Oxford,  1665,  4to. 
2  '  Catalogus  impressorum  librorum  Biblio- 
thecee  Bodleian®/  Oxford,  1674,  fol.  This  was 
the  third  published  catalogue  of  the  Bodleian. 
3.  An  account  of  the  system  of  weights  and 
measures  of  the  Chinese  in  a  treatise  on  the 
weights  and  measures  of  the  ancients  by 
Edward  Bernard,  1688.  4.  'De  Historia 
Shahiludii,'  two  instalments,  published  m 
1689  and  1694,  of  a  treatise  on  oriental 
games,  together  with  Persian  texts  and  trans- 
it <TfinaT-Q  Mnnrli  '  a.  trans- 

and  received  the  degree  of  D.D.  in  1682.  He  I  lations.  5.  '  Itinera  Mundi,'  a  Latin  trans- 
succeeded  Pocock  as  Laudian  professor  of  !  lation,  with  notes,  of  a  work  by  Abraham 
Arabic  in  December  1691,  and  became  regius  Peritsol,  son  of  Mordecai  Peritsol,  1691.  The 
professor  of  Hebrew  and  canon  of  Christ  object  of  this  work,  in  which  Hyde  received 
€hurch  in  July  1697.  In  April  1701  Hyde  assistance  from  Dr.  Abendana,  was  to  sup- 
resigned  the  librarianship  of  the  Bodleian  plement  Abulfeda's  <  Geography,'  on  an  edi- 
on  the  twofold  ground  that  he  was  tired  of  tion  of  which  Hyde  was  for  a  time  engaged 
the  drudgery  of  daily  attendance,  and  was  by  the  advice  and  with  the  support  of  Dr. 
— .- —  +~  „ 1^  i,;n  ™-™.v  'Up0n  hard  Fell,  bishop  of  Oxford  (cf.  HEAENE,  Collec- 

n\        -n-—  .  •  n     -r\_T-i_    :::    'r/a\    u,,4-  ^-r,  TiVIV, 

anxious  to  complete  his  work 
places '  in  Scripture  (MACEAY,  170).  For  a 
long  period,  during  the  reigns  of  Charles  II, 
James  II,  and  William  III,  he  held  the  post 
of  interpreter  and  secretary  in  oriental  lan- 
guages to  the  government.  He  died  on  18  Feb. 
1702-3  at  his  rooms  in  Christ  Church.  He 
was  buried  in  the  church  of  Handborough, 
near  Oxford.  According  to  Hearne,  scholars 
in  Holland  and  Germany  had  a  great  opinion 
of  Dr.  Hyde's  learning,  especially  in  oriental 
subjects  (in  which,  Hearne  states,  there  is  no 
doubt  he  was  the  greatest  master  in  Europe), 
but  scant  respect  was  shown  him  in  Oxford  by 
several  men  *  who  after  his  death  spoke  well 
of  him' (Collections,  ed.  Doble,  i.  235).  <De- 
cessit  Ilydius,  stupor  mundi,'  were  the  words 
used  by  a  Dutch  professor,  according  to 
Hearne,  in  announcing  Hyde's  death  (ib. 
p.  295). 

The '  Historia  religionis  veterumPersarum,' 
Oxford,  1700, 4to,  was  Hyde's  most  important 
and  most  celebrated  work.  It  was  a  first 
attempt  to  treat  the  subject  in  a  scholarly 
fashion,  and  abounds  in  oriental  learning.  A 
second  edition  was  published  by  Dr.  Thomas 
Hunt  (1696-1774)  [q.  v.l  in  1760.  Hyde's 
conclusions  were  attacked  by  the  Abbe"  Fou- 
cher  in  a  memoir  read  before  the  Paris  Aca- 
demy of  Sciences  in  1761.  AnquetilDuperron, 
while  admiring  Hyde's  zeal  as  a  student  in  a 
field  then  practically  untouched  by  scholars 
and  acknowledging  much  indebtedness,  also 
censured  him  for  having  gained  his  informa- 

tions,  ed.  Doble,  iii.  76),  but  on  Fell's  death 
the  project  of  republishing  Abulfeda  was 
abandoned.  6.  '  An  Account  of  the  famous 
Prince  Giolo,'  1692.  7.  <  Abdollatiphi  (Abd 
Al  Latif)  histories  ^Egypti  compendium,' 
1702  (?).  8.  A  treatise  of  Bobovius  on  the 
liturgy,  &c.,  of  the  Turks,  published  after 
Hyde's  death,  in  1712. 

In  1677  Hyde  superintended  the  printing 
of  a  Malayan  translation  of  the  four  Gospels, 
published  at  the  expense  of  the  Hon.  Robert 
Boyle.  A  second  edition  of  this  version 
was  published  in  1704. 

In  1694  Wood  supplied  a  list  of  thirty-one 
works  in  addition  to  those  mentioned  here, 
which  (Wood  said)  Hyde  designed  for  the 
press  if  he  lived  to  finish  them,  '  he  having 
already  done  something  towards  all  of  them.' 
In  1767  Dr.  Gregory  Sharpe,  master  of  the 
Temple,  collected  and  published  some  of  the 
numerous  works  which  Hyde  left  unpub- 
lished at  his  death,  under  the  title,  '  Syn- 
tagma Dissertationum  et  Opuscula,'  2  vols. 

[Prolegomena  to  Sharpe's  Syntagma ;  Macray's 
Annals  of  the  Bodleian ;  Wood's  Athense  Oxon. 
ed.  Bliss,  iv.  522-7  ;  Brit.  Mus.  Cat.]  E.  J.  B. 

HYDE,  WILLIAM  (1597-1651),  whose 
real  name  was  BAYAET  or  BEYAED,  Roman 
catholic  divine,  probably  a  Netherlander  by 
descent,  was  born  in  London  on  27  March 
1597,  and  entered  Leyden  University  on 




16  June  1610  (PEACOCK,  Index  to  Leyden 
Students,  p.  9).  He  is  probably  identical 
with  the  '  William  Beyard,  a  Belgian/  who 
received  permission  to  read  in  the  Bodleian 
Library  on  1  July  1611.  He  matriculated 
from  Christ  Church,  Oxford,  in  October  1614, 
and  graduated  B.A.  in  December  of  the  same 
year.  According  to  a  certificate  of  Heinsius, 
secretary  of  the  university  of  Leyden,  dated 
23  Nov.  1614,  he  had  recently  studied  logic 
there  for  a  semester.  The  Oxford  authorities 
allowed  him  (13  Dec.  1614)  to  include  the 
semester  in  his  Oxford  terms.  He  proceeded 
M.A.  in  1617. 

In  1622  Bayart,  who  is  henceforth  known 
as  Hyde,  was  admitted  into  the  church  of 
Home,  and  entered  the  English  College  at 
Douay  on  6  Jan.  1623.  With  Douay  he  was 
intimately  associated  until  his  death.  He 
studied  philosophy  there  under  Harrington, 
proceeded  in  divinity,  and  was  ordained  priest 
in  1625.  Succeeding  his  master  Harrington, 
he  remained  four  more  years  in  the  college  as 
professor  of  philosophy.  Wishing  for  more 
active  service,  he  returned  to  England,  where 
he  remained  for  some  years,  holding  the 
chaplaincy  to  John  Preston  of  Furness  Abbey 
in  1631,  and  the  same  appointment  in  the 
household  of  Lord  Monteagle  in  1632.  In 
1633  he  went  back  to  Douay,  and  lectured 
on  divinity ;  some  of  his  letters  written  about 
this  time  are  preserved  among  the  manuscripts 
of  the  Bishop  of  Southwark  (Hist.  MSS. 
Comm.  3rd  Rep.  App.  p.  234).  Driven 
from  Douay  by  the  plague  about  1636,  he 
TDecame  chaplain  to  the  Blount  family  of 
Soddington  in  Worcestershire,  where  he  re- 
mained for  three  years,  holding  during  part 
of  that  time  the  Roman  catholic  office  of 
archdeacon  of  Worcester  and  Salop.  He 
afterwards  entered  the  family  of  Humphrey 
Weld,  who  during  Hyde's  chaplaincy  in  1641 
purchased  Lul worth  Castle,  Dorsetshire.  In 
1641  George  Muscott  or  Muskett,  a  prisoner 
in  England,  was  appointed  president  of  the 
college  at  Douay ;  but  as  he  was  not  at  liberty, 
Hyde  agreed  to  fill  his  place,  and  arrived  in 
Douay  on  12  Oct.  1641.  Meanwhile  Muscott 
was  unexpectedly  liberated  and  banished.  He 
accordingly  assumed  the  presidentship,  and 
Hyde  acted  as  vice-president,  with  a  papal 
pension,  until  Muskett's  death  in  1645.  He 
succeeded  as  president  on  21  July  1646,  and 
was  created  a  D.D.  in  the  year  following. 

As  president  Hyde  was  energetic  and  suc- 
cessful. He  cleared  the  college  of  a  heavy 
load  of  debt,  increased  its  library  (see  Cat .  des 
MSS.  des  Bibl.  Publ.  vi.  100,  263,  292),  and 
obtained  a  settlement  of  the  controversy 
about  the  degrees  of  missioners  in  accord- 
.ance  with  the  wishes  of  the  great  body  of 

the  clergy.  The  Bishop  of  Arras  made  him 
censor  librorum  in  1648.  He  became  canon 
of  St.  Amalus,  and  was  appointed  both  regius 
professor  of  history  and  public  orator  in 
the  university  of  Douay  in  1649.  In  March 
1650-1  Charles  II  paid  the  college  a  visit, 
and  Hyde  presented  him  with  an  address. 

Hyde  died  on  22  Dec.  1651,  and  was  buried 
in  Our  Lady's  chapel  in  the  church  of  St. 
James  at  Douay.  By  his  will  he  left  the 
English  College  more  than  nine  thousand 
florins.  Two  manuscripts  of  Hyde's  remain : 
1 .'  A  Resolution  of  Certain  Cases.'  2. '  Abridg- 
ment of  the  Annals  of  Baronius.'  Dod  re- 
lates that  he  was  well  reputed  as  a  casuist. 
Hyde  is  to  be  distinguished  from  the  William 
Hyde  who  was  one  of  the  procuratores  nati 
at  Oxford  on  the  resignation  of  the  proctors 
in  1628  (WooD,  Fasti  Oxon.  ed.  Bliss,  i. 

[Gillow's  Biog.  Diet,  of  the  Engl.  Cath.  iii.  527  ; 
Dodd's  Church  Hist.  iii.  299 ;  Eeg.  of  the  Univ. 
of  Oxf.  (Oxf.  Hist.  Soc.),  vol.  ii.  pt.  i.  271,  377, 
pt.  ii.  334,  pt.  iii.  333 ;  Knox's  Douay  Diaries.] 

W.  A.  J.  A. 

HYGDON,  BRIAN  (d.  1539),  dean  of 

York,  brother  of  John  Hygdon  [q.  v.],  was 
educated  at  Broadgates  Hall,  Oxford,  of 
which  he  became  principal  in  1505.  He  pro- 
ceeded D.C.L.  at  Oxford  on  28  May  1506. 
In  1508  he  appears  to  have  been  rector  of 
Buckenhall,  perhaps  Buckenham,  Norfolk, 
and  was  successively  prebendary  of  Welton 
Ryval  29  Aug.  1508,  Clifton  1513,  and  Ailes- 
bury  26  June  1523,  in  the  cathedral  of  Lin- 
coln. On  3  July  1511  he  obtained  the  living 
of  Kirby  juxta  Rippingale,  and  from  12  Nov. 
1511  till  1523  was  sub-dean  of  Lincoln.  On 
18  Dec.  1513  he  received  the  living  of  Net- 
tleton,  Lincolnshire.  He  became  archdeacon 
of  the  West  Riding  of  Yorkshire  26  May 
151 5,  prebendary  of  Ulleskelf  in  York  Minster 
14  June  1516,  and  dean  of  York  21  June 
1516  ;  at  his  death  he  also  held  the  prebend 
of  Neasden  in  St.  Paul's  Cathedral.  While 
prebend  of  Ulleskelf  he  built  a  pleasant  house 
there  (cf.  LELAND,  Itin.  ed.  Hearne,  vol.  i. 
fol.  47).  At  York  he  was  always  busy,  and 
a  good  servant  to  the  crown.  He  was  long 
on  the  council  of  the  king's  natural  son,  the 
Duke  of  Richmond,  he  made  frequent  jour- 
neys to  various  Yorkshire  castles,  and  was 
regularly  placed  on  the  commission  of  the 
peace.  In  January  1525-6  he  was  a  com- 
missioner in  company  with  Ralph  Fane, 
earl  of  Westmorland,  and  Thomas  Magnus 
[q.  v.]  to  arrange  for  the  signing  of  a  treaty 
of  peace  with  Scotland,  and  concluded  the 
matter  with  great  rapidity  at  Berwick,  peace 
being  proclaimed  on  Monday,  15  Jan.  In  a 
letter  to  Wolsey  (20  May  1527)  he  com- 





plained  of  the  custom  of  transferring  eccle- 
siastical causes  from  his  court  to  London ; 
that  he  was  a  friend  of  the  cardinal  is  clear 
from  his  conduct  at  the  election  of  a  prior 
at  Selby  in  1526  (cf.  Letters  and  Papers 
Henry  VIII,  vol.  iv.  app.  73).  A  letter  from 
him  to  Wolsey  of  26  Jan.  1528  is  valuable 
as  showing  the  great  poverty  of  the  diocese  of 
York  at  that  time  (ib.  3843).  When  Wolsey 
fell,  Hygdon  found  no  difficulty  in  maintain- 
ing friendly  relations  with  Cromwell  (cf.  ib. 
v.  224,  237,  486).  As  he  grew  old  his  mind 
seems  to  have  given  way.  Launcelot  Colyns, 
the  treasurer  of  the  cathedral,  wrote  to  Crom- 
well 12  Jan.  1536  that  the  dean  was  'a 
crasytt ; '  a  scheme  for  pensioning  him  fell 
through  (ib.  vii.  92,  163).  He  died  5  June 
1539,  and  was  buried  in  the  south  cross  aisle 
of  the  minster,  where  there  was  a  brass  with 
an  epitaph  to  his  memory. 

Hygdon  gave  a  fine  cope  to  the  minster  at 
York,  and  founded  a  fellowship  at  Brasenose 
College ;  his  name  appears  several  times  as 
executor  or  guardian  in  local  wills  of  the 

[Wood's  Fasti  Oxon.  ed.  Bliss,  i.  18,  21; 
Wood's  Colleges  and  Halls,  ed.  Crutch,  pp.  358, 
615;  Reg.  Univ.  Oxf.  (Oxf.  Hist.  Soc.),  i.  38, 
290,  296;  Browne  Willis's  Survey  of  Cathe- 
drals, i.  69;  Drake's  Eboracum,  pp.  496,  559;  Le 
Neve's  Fasti,  vols.  ii.  iii. ;  Letters  and  Papers 
Henry  VIII,  passim;  Fabric  Rolls  of  York 
Minster  (Surtees  Soc.),  ed.  Raine,p.  310  ;  Testa- 
menta  Eboracensia  (Surtees  Soc.),  ed.  Raine,  v. 
85,  121,  179,  229,  244;  Shean's  and  Whellan's 
Hist,  of  York,  i.  455 ;  Macray's  Notes  from  the 
Muniments  of  Magdalen,  p.  29.]  W.  A.  J.  A. 

1533),  first  dean  of  Christ  Church,  Oxford, 
was  educated  at  Westminster  School  and  at 
Magdalen  College,  Oxford,  where  he  was 
elected  fellow  about  1495.  He  was  lecturer 
in  sophistry  there  1498-9,  and  again  1500-1 ; 
senior  dean  of  arts  1500-1  and  1503-4;  bur- 
sar 1502-3;  and  vice-president  1504-5.  He 
held  the  vicarage  of  Seeding,  Sussex,  from 
1502  to  1504,  and  became  rector  of  East 
Bridgford,  Nottinghamshire,  20  Dec.  1504. 
On  30  Jan.  1513-14  he  proceeded  D.D.  On 
1  Dec.  1516  he  was  elected  president  of 
Magdalen.  A  letter  written  by  the  fellows 
to  Wolsey  after  the  election  proves  that 
Hygden  owed  his  appointment  to  the  favour 
of  the  cardinal.  He  was  made  prebendary 
of  Milton  Manor  in  the  cathedral  of  Lincoln, 
26  Dec.  1521,  and  prebendary  of  Weighton 
in  the  cathedral  of  York  2  Dec.  1524.  When 
Wolsey  founded  Cardinal's  College,  he  chose 
Hygden  to  be  the  first  dean.  On  6  Nov. 
1526  he  resigned  his  pre>idency  and  went  to 
live  in  what  had  been  the  house  of  the  prior 

of  St.  Frideswides  (BROWNE  WILLIS,  Survey 
of  Cathedrals,  iii.  438).     He  energetically 
helped  in  completing  the  arrangements  of 
the  new  foundation  (cf.  Letters  and  Papers 
Henry  VIII,  vol.  iv.  pt.  i.  pp.  990, 1137,  &c. ; 
pt.  ii.  pp.  2379,  3141,  &c).     He  tolerated  no 
heresy  among  his  students  ;  sought  to  im- 
prove the  college  services ;  and  made  pro- 
gresses  through   the   college    estates.      On 
3  June  1528  he  was  appointed,  with  Ste- 
phen Gardiner  and  others,  a  commissioner 
to  amend  the  statutes  of  Wolsey's  colleges 
at  Oxford  and  Ipswich.     On  15  April  1529 
he  became  prebendary  of  Wetwang  in  the 
cathedral  of  York.     On  Wolsey's  fall,  Hyg- 
den exerted  himself  to  save  the  college  from 
sharing    its    founder's  fate.      He   and   the 
canons  petitioned  the  king  in  1530,  and  he 
and  Carter  interviewed  the  king  in  London 
in  the  same  year.     Henry  reassured  them 
by  saying,  *  Surely  we  purpose  to  have  an 
honorable   college   there,  but   not  so   great 
and  of  such  magnificence  as  my  Lord  Car- 
dinal intended   to   have   had'  .('Letter  to 
Wolsey '  in  Letters  and  Papers  Henry  VIII, 
vol.  iv.  pt.  iii.  p.  6579).     Hygden  remained 
in  Oxford  through  1531  (ib.  v.  6),  and  when 
Henry  refounded  the    college   he  was  ap- 
pointed the  first  dean  of  Christ  Church.    On 
30  Sept.  1532  he  gave  18W.  to  found  four 
demyships  and  four  probationary  fellowships 
at  Magdalen  College.      On  15  Dec.  1532 
Kichard  Croke,  who  hoped  to  succeed  Hyg- 
den, wrote  to  Cromwell,  '  There  is  no  way 
but  one  with  Mr.  Dean,  for  he  has  lain  speech- 
less this  twenty  hours  .  .  .  his  goods  are  all 
conveyed  to  Magdalene,  Corpus,  and  New 
College,  on   which  he  has  bestowed  large 
sums,  but  nothing  to  this  college  [i.e.  Christ 
Church],  where  he  has  had  his  promotion ' 
(ib.  v.  1632).     He  died  13  Jan.  1532-3,  and 
was    buried    in   Magdalen   College   chapel, 
where  there  is  an  epitaph  in  Latin  and  Eng- 
lish.    An  effigy  of  Hygden  was  in  the  third 
window  of  the  south  side  of  Balliol  College 
chapel.    The  letter  from  the  canons  to  Crom- 
well, assigned  to  20  Dec.  1532,  alluding  to  his 
death,   is   apparently  misdated.     Hygden's 
brother  (ib.  v.  224),  Brian  Hygdon,  is  sepa- 
rately noticed. 

[Letters  and  Papers  Henry  VIII  passim  ;  Reg. 
Univ.  Oxf.  (Oxf.  Hist.  Soc.),  i.  90;  Welch's 
Alumni  Westm.  p.  1 ;  Bloxam's  Reg.  Magd.  Coll. 
iv.  xxiii. ;  Wood's  Fasti  Oxon.  ed.  Bliss,  i.  38  ; 
Wood's  Hist,  and  Antiq.  of  the  Univ.  of  Oxf  ed 
Gutch,  ii.  23,  31,  33,  53,  iii.  315,  332,  422,  428, 
437;  Le  Neve's  Fasti,  ii.  190,  iii.  223,  224; 
Foxe's  Acts  and  Mon.]  W.  A.  J.  A. 

HYGEBRIGHT  (ft.  787),  archbishop  of 
Lichfield.  [See  HIGBEKT.] 

HYLL.     [See  HILL.] 


405  Hynd 

LIAM GEORGE  HTLTONT,  1800-1876.] 

HYLTON,  WALTER  (d.  1396),  religious 
writer.  [See  HILTON.] 

HYMEKS,  JOHN  (1803-1887),  mathe- 
matician, was  born  20  July  1803  at  Ormesby 
in  Cleveland,  Yorkshire.  His  father  was  a 
farmer,  and  his  mother  was  daughter  of  John 
Parrington,  rector  of  Skelton  in  Cleveland. 
After  attending  schools  at  Witton-le-Wear, 
Durham,  and  at  Sedbergh  in  the  West  Rid- 
ing,-Hymers  gained  a  sizarship  at  St.  John's 
College,  Cambridge,  in  1822,  and  proceeding 
B.A.  in  1826  as  second  wrangler,  he  was 
elected  fellow  in  1827.  He  was  for  some 
years  very  successful  with  private  pupils,  but 
became  assistant  tutor  of  his  college  in  1829, 
tutor  in  1832,  senior  fellow  in  1838,  presi- 
dent in  1848.  He  was  moderator  in  the 
mathematical  tripos  1833-4,  and  Lady  Mar- 
garet preacher  in  1841  ;  proceeded  B.D.  in 
1836,  and  D.D.  in  1841,  and  was  elected 
fellow  of  the  Royal  Society  31  May  1838. 
Hymers  was  a  conscientious  tutor,  and  ex- 
erted a  very  beneficial  influence  on  his  college.  I 

In  1852  Hymers  was  presented  by  his  col-  j 
lege  to  the  rectory  of  Brandesburton  in  Hol- 
derness,  East  Yorkshire,  and  spent  there  the  j 
last  thirty-five  years  of  his  life.     Appointed  j 
J.P.  for  the  East  Riding  in  1857,  his  decisions  j 
as  a  magistrate  were  noted  for  their  precision,  j 
He  enjoyed  good  health  until  his  death  on 
7  April  1887.     He  was  unmarried. 

By  his  will  of  24  Aug.  1885  Hymers  be- 
queathed all  his  property  to  the  mayor  and  j 
corporation  of  Hull  as  a  foundation  for  a 
grammar  school   '  to   train  intelligence   in  j 
whatever  rank  it  may  be  found  amongst  the  I 
population  of  the  town  and  port.'     An  ob-  ' 
scurity  in  the  wording  of  the  will  rendered 
the  bequest  invalid,  but  the  heir-at-law  spon- 
taneously offered  the  corporation  a  sum  of 
40,000/.  to  fulfil  Hymers's  purpose. 

Hymers  was  not  a  mere  mathematician. 
He  travelled  largely  on  the  continent,  and 
was  well  read  in  classical  authors.  Through 
his  efforts  a  portrait  of  Wordsworth,  with 
whom  he  was  distantly  connected,  was 
painted  by  H.  W.  Pickersgill,  R.A.,  for  the 
college.  Hymers  afterwards  presented  to  its 
library  some  of  the  poet's  manuscripts,  in- 
cluding the  well-known  sonnet  addressed  to 
this  picture. 

Hymers's  books,  with  one  exception,  were 
mathematical,  and  exhibited  much  acquaint- 
ance with  the  progress  of  mathematics  on  the 
continent.  The  most  important  are :  1.  <  Trea- 
tise on  the  Analytical  Geometry  of  Three  Di- 
mensions, and  of  Curves  of  Double  Curvature,' 
1830.  2.  <  Integral  Calculus/  which  in  the 

second  edition  (1835)  introduced  the  subject 
of  l  Elliptic  Functions  '  to  English  students. 
3.  '  Treatise  on  Conic  Sections  and  the 
Theory  of  Plane  Curves,  introducing  the 
new  Method  of  Abridged  Notation,'  1837. 
This  work  at  once  became  a  standard  text- 
book. 4.  <  Theory  of  Equations,'  1837  ;  third 
edition,  1858.  5.  '  Differential  Equations  and 
the  Calculus  of  Finite  Differences,'  Cambridge, 
1839.  6.  «  Treatise  on  Plane  and  Spherical 
Trigonometry,'  1 847.  Hymers  issued  a  revised 
edition  of  W.  Maddy's  '  Treatise  on  Astro- 
nomy ; '  reprinted  Fisher's  funeral  sermon  on 
the  Countess  of  Richmond  and  Derby,  with 
notes  to  illustrate  'her  munificent  patronage 
of  religion  and  learning,'  and  he  published 
catalogues  of  the  Margaret  professors  and 
preachers  at  Cambridge  and  Oxford. 

[Athenaeum,  April  1887;  Hull  Daily  Mail, 
12  April  1887  ;  Hull  News,  12  April  1887  ;  pri- 
vate information  ;  W.  Knight's  Poetical  Works 
of  Wordsworth,  vii.  265,  x.  412,  xi.  191,  310; 
The  Eagle,  a  magazine  of  St.  John's  Coll.,  1887.] 

R.  E.  A. 

HYND,  JOHN  (Jl.  1606),  romancer,  was 
probably  grandson  of  Sir  John  Hynde,  the 
judge  [q.  v.]  (cf.  pedigree  in  Addit.  MS.  14049, 
f.  50).  He  was  educated  at  Cambridge,  gra- 
duating B.A.  1595-6,  and  M.A.  1599.  Hia 
chief  work  was 'Eliosto  Libidinoso:  Described 
in  two  Bookes :  Wherein  their  eminent  dan- 
gers are  declared,  who  guiding  the  course  of 
their  life  by  the  Compasse  of  Affection,  either 
dash  their  ship  against  most  dangerous  shelves, 
or  else  attaine  the  Haven  with  extreame  Pre- 
judice,' London,  4to,  1606.  This  title  is 
largely  borrowed  from  the  subsidiary  title 
of  Robert  Greene's  'Gwydonius  the  Card 
of  Fancie,'  published  in  1584.  The  tract 
is  a  prose  story  or  novel  in  Greene's  manner. 
It  contains  six  short  pieces  of  verse,  one, 
'  Eliostoes  Roundelay,'  taken  from  Greene's 
'  Never  too  Late,'  where  it  is  called  '  Fran- 
cescoes  Roundelay;'  another  by  Nicholas 
Breton  [q.  v.],  and  four  by  Hynd  himself. 
The  book  is  dedicated  to  Philip  Herbert, 
earl  of  Montgomery,  and  is  prefaced  by 
some  lines  in  its  praise,  signed  Alexander 
Burlacy,esq.  The  prose,  according  to  Collier, 
is  '  an  exaggeration  of  Greene's  worst  style 
and  most  obvious  faults;'  the  verse  is  less 
contemptible.  Collier,  in  his  '  Catalogue  of 
the  Bridgewater  Collection,' p.  183,  describes 
another  romance  which  he  supposes  to  be  by 
Hynd,  entitled  '  The  most  excellent  Historie 
of  Lysimachus  and  Varrona,  Daughter  to 
Syllanus,  Duke  of  Hypata  in  Thessalia,  &c.,' 
black  letter,  4to,  1604;  this  also  contains 
several  short  poems.  Hynd  wrote  a  moral 
tract,  entitled ;  The  Mirrour  of  Worldly  Fame. 
Composed  by  J.  H.,'  London,  12mo,  1603,  pp. 




60.  It  is  dedicated  '  to  the  right  worshipful  \ 
my  singular  good  uncle,  Mr.  William  Hynd,' 
and  has  been  reprinted  in  the '  Harleian  Mis- 
cellany,' viii.  33.  There  is  in  Harl.  MS.  375, 
art.  51,  at  the  British  Museum,  a  letter  in 
Latin  from  John  Hind,  'ex  sedibus  Lam- 
bethanis,'  dated  4  Id.  Mart.  1644-5. 

[Corser's  Collectanea  Anglo-Poetica;  Cooper's 
Athenae  Cantabr.  ii.  446;  Bibliotheca  Anglo- 
Poetica,  p.  441 ;  J.P.  Collier's  Catalogue,  &c.,  of 
the  Library  at  Bridgewater  House,  p.  1813; 
W.  C.  Hazlitt's  Handbook,  p.  276  ;  Bibliotheca 
Heberiana,  viii.  No.  1230 ;  J.  P.  Collier's  Poetical 
Decameron,  ii.  120  ;  Brydges's  Censura  Literaria, 
vi.  265-8.]  R.  B. 

HYNDE,  SIR  JOHN  (d.  1550),  judge, 
was  of  a  family  settled  at  Madingley  in 
Cambridgeshire,  and  was  educated  at  Cam- 
bridge. He  was  called  to  the  bar  at  Gray's 
Inn,  and  was  reader  there  in  1517,  1527, 
and  1531.  In  1520  he  was  elected  recorder 
of  Cambridge.  His  name  appears  frequently 
in  the  commission  of  the  peace  and  commis- 
sions to  collect  subsidies  for  Cambridgeshire 
in  the  middle  of  the  reign  of  Henry  VIII. 
In  1526  and  1530  he  was  in  the  commission 
of  gaol  delivery  for  the  town  of  Cambridge, 
and  in  1529  in  the  commission  to  hear  chan- 
cery causes,  and  was  recommended  by  the 
lord  chief  justice  in  1530  as  among  the  best 
counsel  of  the  day.  In  1532  he  was  in  the 
commission  of  the  peace  for  Huntingdonshire, 
and  in  1534  in  the  commission  of  sewers  for 
the  same  county.  In  1531  he  was  appointed 
serjeant-at-law,  and  on  2  Jan.  1535  was  pro- 
moted to  be  king's  Serjeant.  In  1536  he 
prosecuted  the  rebels  in  the  west,  and  during 
the  northern  rebellion  was  one  of  those  ap- 
pointed to  reside  in  Cambridgeshire,  and  to 
be  responsible  for  order  there.  In  December 
1540  he  received  a  commission  from  the  privy 
council  to  inquire  into  charges  of  sedition  al- 
leged against  Thomas  Goodrich  [q.  v.],  bishop 
of  Ely(see  Acts  Privy  Council,  vii.  98).  An  act 
of  parliament,  34-35  Hen.  VIII,  c.  24,  was 
passed  to  confirm  to  him  and  his  heirs  the 
manor  of  Burlewas  or  Shyre  in  Cambridgeshire 
and  lands  at  Madingley,  subject  to  an  annual 
charge  for  the  payment  of  the  knights  of  the 
shire,  and  in  addition  to  this  property  it  ap- 
pears, from  grants  in  the  augmentation  office, 
that  he  received  portions  of  the  church  lands 
at  Girton  and  Moor  Barns,  Madingley,  Cam- 
bridgeshire. On  4  Nov.  1545  he  was  knighted, 
was  next  day  appointed  a  judge  of  the  com- 
mon pleas,  and  became  a  member  of  the  coun- 
cil of  the  north  in  1545.  He  died  in  October 
1550,  and  was  buried  at  St.  Dunstan's,  Fleet 
Street,  London,  on  18  Oct. 

[Foss's  Lives  of  the  Judges  ;  Burnet's  Re- 
formation, vol.  ii.  pt.  ii.  p.  312 ;  Machyn's  Diary, 

ii.  314  ;  Brewer's  and  Gairdner's  Letters  and 
Papers,  Foreign  and  Domestic,  Henry  VIII 
Cooper's  Athenae  Cantabr.  vol.  i. ;  Dugdale's  Ori- 
gines ;  Rymer,  xiv.  299,  565 ;  9th  Rep.  Dep.- 
Keeper  of  Records,  App.  ii.  228;  Nicholas's  Pro- 
ceedings of  Privy  Council.]  J.  A.  H. 

HYNDFORD,  EAKLS  or.  [See  CAK- 
MICHAEL,  JOHN,  first  EAEL,  1638-1710; 
CARMIOHAEL,  JOHN,  third  EARL,  1701-1767, 

HYSLOP,  JAMES  (1798-1827),  poety 
was  born  at  Damhead,  parish  of  Kirkconnel, 
Dumfriesshire,  on  23  July  1798.  He  was 
early  put  out  to  farm-work,  but  managed  to 
teach  himself  English,  Latin,  French,  mathe- 
matics, and  algebra.  From  1812  to  1816  he 
was  engaged  as  a  shepherd  on  Nether  Well- 
wood  farm,  in  the  parish  of  Muirkirk,  and 
his  contributions  to  the  '  Greenock  Adver- 
tiser '  and  other  newspapers  were  frequently 
signed  '  The  Muirkirk  Shepherd.'  Between 
1816  and  1818  he  was  employed  at  Corse- 
bank,  whence  he  wrote  a  poetical  epistle  to 
his  early  Kirkconnel  teacher,  signed  '  James 
Hislop.'  He  afterwards  invariably  adopted 
the  spelling  Hyslop.  In  1818  he  went  to 
Greenock,  where  he  opened  a  day-school,  and 
wrote  for  the  '  Edinburgh  Magazine.'  He 
was  at  first  fairly  successful,  but  his  prospects 
were  blasted  by  his  having  to  pay  a  consider- 
able sum  for  which  he  had  become  security 
to  oblige  a  friend.  Leaving  Greenock  in  1821, 
he  obtained  a  post  as  tutor  on  board  his  ma- 
jesty's ship  Doris,  which  was  about  to  proceed 
to  South  America.  The  voyage  lasted  for 
three  years,  and  an  account  of  it  was  given 
by  Hyslop  in  a  series  of  eleven  papers  con- 
tributed to  the  '  Edinburgh  Magazine,'  May- 
November  1825.  He  was  next  engaged  as 
a  reporter  in  London  (1826),  where  he  was 
intimate  with  Allan  Cunningham,  Edward 
Irving,  and  others ;  but  the  work  proved  too 
heavy  for  him,  and  he  again  took  to  teach- 
ing, first  as  superintendent  of  a  charity  school, 
and  afterwards  as  tutor  on  board  his  majesty's 
ship  Tweed.  The  vessel  sailed  for  the  Cape 
of  Good  Hope  in  October  1827,  and  on  4  Nov. 
Hyslop  died  of  fever  off  the  Cape  Verd  Islands, 
in  the  Atlantic.  His  body  was  consigned  to' 
the  sea  with  military  honours. 

Hyslop's  claim  to  recognition  rests  almost 
solely  on  his  poem,  '  The  Cameronian  Dream/ 
From  his  earliest  years,  while  shepherd  at 
Nether  Welhvood,  near  the  scene  of  the  battle 
where  Richard  Cameron  [q.v.]  was  killed, 
Hyslop  had  been  familiar  with  the  story  of  the 
Scottish  martyrs,  whose  experiences  and  sur- 
roundings he  here  describes  in  stirring  lan- 
guage. Among  his  eighty-two  poems,  col- 
lected in  1887  by  Mr.  Mearns,  'The  Scottish 
Sacramental  Sabbath/'  The  Scottish  National 




Melody,'  and  '  The  Child's  Dream'  have  also 
attained  considerable  popularity  in  Scotland. 
Most  of  Hyslop's  poetry  published  during  his 
lifetime  appeared  in  the  '  Edinburgh  Maga- 
zine' from  1819  onwards.  He  wrote  a  good 
deal  in  prose,  chiefly  upon  the  persecution  of 
the  covenanters.  Two  essays  in  the  *  Edin- 
burgh Magazine,'  1820, '  A  Defence  of  Modern 

Scottish  Poetry,'  and  '  An  Account   of  an 
Apparition  in  Airsmoss,'  are  worthy  of  note. 

[Poems  by  James  Hyslop,  with  a  Sketch  of  his 
Life,  by  the  Rev.  Peter  Mearns,  1887;  Simp- 
son's Traditions  of  the  Covenanters;  Articles- 
in  Scottish  Presbyterian  Mag.  1840  and  1853. 

T  r*  IT 
HYWEL.     [See  HOWEL.] 

(1648-1722),  Welsh  bard  and  translator,  was 
l)orn  at  Llandyssul,  Cardiganshire,  but  lived 
for  a  few  years  at  Pencader,  and  for  the  latter 
part  of  his  life  at  Blaengwili,  Llanllawddog, 
Carmarthenshire.  He  joined  the  noncon- 
formist movement,  and  became  a  member  of 
the  independent  church  at  Pencader,  during 
the  ministry  there  of  Stephen  Hughes,  who 
had  been  ejected  from  the  living  of  Meidrym  in 
1662.  He  died  24  Sept.  1722  in  his  seventy- 
fourth  year,  and  was  buried  at  Llanllawddog 
(Register  of  Panteg  Independent  Church}. 

lago  was  a  diligent  collector  of  Welsh 
manuscripts,  both  prose  and  poetry.  A  small 
(12mo)  volume,  in  a  remarkably  neat  hand, 
containing  a  collection  of  Welsh  poetry 
copied  by  him,  is  preserved  in  theTonn  (Llan- 
dovery)  Library,  now  deposited  at  the  Free 
Library,  Cardiff,  and  selections  from  it  were 
published  in  i  Y  Cymmrodor,'  vols.  viii.  ix. 
and  x.  Reference  is  made  in  lolo  MSS.  (pp. 
94, 193,  222)  to  another  collection  of  his,  in- 
cluding a  grammar  by  David  ab  Gwilym,  and 
the  romance  of  'Rhitta  Gawr.'  He  also 
wrote  a  good  deal  of  original  poetry,  some  of 
which  is  printed  in  'Blodau  Dyfed'  (Llan- 
dovery,  1824),  in  *  Yr  Awenydd '  (Carnarvon), 
and  in  l  Y  Cymmrodor '  (loc.  cit.)  Much, 
however,  remains  in  manuscript,  e.g.  Addit. 
MS.  15010,  at  the  British  Museum.  But  his 
fame  rests  chiefly  on  the  excellence  of  his 
numerous  translations  in  Welsh  prose  of  re- 
ligious works  by  English  authors.  His  style 
is  always  clear  and  simple,  and  is  rarely 
marred  by  a  foreign  idiom.  His  orthography 
is  that  of  the  school  anterior  to  the  innova- 
tions of  Dr.  Owen  Pughe.  It  has  been  stated 
(Y  Brython,  iv.  155;  FOTJLKES,  Enwogion 
Cymru,  p.  538)  that  he  was  the  translator  of 
1  The  Pilgrim's  Progress,'  but  for  this  there  is 
no  foundation. 

His  published  translations  are  the  follow- 
ing: 1.  'Llythyr  Edward  Wells,  D.D.,  at 
Gyfaill  ynghylch  y  Pechod  mawr  o  gym- 
meryd  Enw  Duw  yn  ofer,'  Shrewsbury,  8vo, 

1714.  2.  'Cyfeillach  beunyddiol  a  Duw,r 
&c.,  Shrewsbury,  8vo,  1714.  3.  'Llythyr  at 
y  cyfryw  o'r  Byd,'  &c.,  Shrewsbury,  1716. 

4.  '  Pregeth  a  bregethwyd  yng  Nghapel  Ty 
Ely,  yn  Holburn,'  &c.,  Shrewsbury,  8vo,  1716. 

5.  '  Meddyliau  Neillduol  am  Grefydd,'  Lon- 
don, 12mo,  1717 ;  2nd  edit.,  London,  1725-6 ; 
3rd  edit.,  Dolgelly,  1804:  a  translation  of 
the  'Private  Thoughts'  of  William  Beve- 
ridge  [q.  v.],  bishop  of  St.  Asaph;    it  con- 
tains an  introduction  written  by  Moses  Wil- 
liams, author  of  '  Repertorium  Poeticum,' 
dedicating  the  translation  to  Harry  Lloyd  of 
Llanllawddog,  serjeant-at-law.  6.  '  Catecism 
o'r  Scrythur,'  Shrewsbury,  1717;    a  trans- 
lation of  Matthew  Henry's '  Catechism '  which 
ran  through  several  editions.     7.  'Tyred  a 
Groesaw  at  lesu  Grist,'  Shrewsbury,  1719  ;  a 
translation  of  Bunyan's  '  Come  and  Welcome 
to  Jesus  Christ.'    8.  <  Yr  Ymarfer  o  Lonydd- 
wch,'  Carmarthen,  1730  ;  2nd  ed.,  Bodedern, 
Anglesea,  1760 ;  a  translation  of  l  The  Prac- 
tice of  Quietness,'  by  Dr.  George  Webb. 

[Rowlands's  Llyfryddiaeth  y  Cymry;  Wil- 
liams'sEnwogionCeredigion;  Enwogion  y  Ffydd, 
iii.  22-5  ;  Rees's  Protestant  Nonconformity  in 
Wales,  2nd  edit.  p.  300.]  D.  LL.  T. 

IAGO  AB  IBWAL  VOEL  (fi.  943-979), 
king  of  Gwynedd,  probably  succeeded  to 
the  throne  of  North  Wales  immediately  on 
the  death  of  his  father,  Idwal  Voel  [q.v.]r 
in  943,  as  joint  ruler  with  his  brother  leuav. 
In  950,  the  year  of  the  death  of  Howel  Dda, 
[q.  v.],  a  long  struggle  between  the  repre- 
sentatives of  the  royal  houses  of  Gwynedd 
and  Dyved  commenced.  In  that  year  lago- 
and  leuav  fought  a  battle  at  Carno  in  Mont- 
gomeryshire against  the  sons  of  Howel,  and 
two  years  later  they  carried  the  war  inta 
the  latter's  territory  by  making  two  raids 
on  Dyved.  In  954  Howel's  sons  marched 
as  far  north  as  Llanrwst,  and  a  battle  was 
there  fought  on  the  banks  of  the  Conwy, 
and  soon  after  the  North  Welsh  made  a 
return  raid  into  Ceredigion  (Cardiganshire) 
and  laid  the  country  waste,  but,  the '  Gwentian* 




Chronicle'  adds,  they  were  driven  back,  with 
great  slaughter,  by  the  sons  of  Howel.  Taking 
advantage  of  this  domestic  strife,  the  Danes, 
who  were  at  this  time  established  in  Ireland 
and  the  Isle  of  Man,  made  frequent  raids 
upon  the  coast.  Towyn  was  laid  waste  by 
them  in  963,  and  the  sons  of  Herald,  Marc 
and  Gotbric  (Gotffrid),  harried  Anglesea,and 
in  970  brought  the  whole  of  the  island  into 
subjection  (Brut  y  Tywysogion,  sub  970 : 
WILLIAM  OF  MALMESBURT).  About  967  the 
English  laid  waste  the  lands  of  the  sons  of 
Idwal  (Annales  Cambria ;  Brut  y  Tywyso- 
gion),  probably  because  lago  refused  to  pay 
the  usual  tribute  to  Edgar.  Finally,  it  is  said 
that  the  payment  was  commuted  for  a  tribute 
of  three  hundred  wolves'  heads  annually,  but 
that  this  was  paid  only  for  three  years,  because 
in  the  fourth  year  there  were  no  more  wolves 
to  be  found  (Brut  y  Saeson,  in  RHYS  and 
EVANS'S  Bruts,  p.  390;  WILLIAM  OF  MALMES- 
BITRT,  lib.  ii.  c.  8).  In  967  lago  seized  leuav, 
deprived  him  of  his  sight,  and  (according  to 
Brut  y  Tywysogion)  hanged  Him.  In  972 
Edgar,  after  being  crowned  at  Bath,  proceeded 
to  Chester,  where  (according  to  the  meagre  ac- 
count of  the  Anglo-Saxon  Chronicle)  six  under- 
kings  swore  allegiance  to  him.  Florence 
of  Worcester  (sub  anno  973)  and  William  of 
Malmesbury  (i.  164)  mention  eight  kings  by 
name,  among  them  lago  or  Jacob,  and  they 
relate  how  Edgar  was  rowed  down  the  Dee 
by  them,  while  he  himself  steered  (see  also 
Brut  y  Saeson;  HOVEDEN,  s.  a.)  lago's  name 
also  appears  as  Jacob,  with  the  names  of  the 
other  seven  kings,  as  a  witness  to  a  very  sus- 
picious charter  of  Canterbury,  dated  at  Bath 
at  Whitsuntide  966  (KEMBLE,  Cod.  Dipl. 
No.  519). 

lago's  brother,  leuav,  had  left  behind  him 
a  son,  Howel,  who  watched  his  opportunity 
to  avenge  his  father's  wrongs.  About  the 
time  of  Edgar's  visit  to  Chester,  Howel  suc- 
ceeded, with  Edgar's  support,  it  is  stated 
(Brut  y  Tywysogion,  p.  262),  in  seizing  lago's 
throne.  lago  probably  fled  to  Lleyn,  where 
Howel  and  his  English  allies  made  a  raid 
about  979.  The  following  year  lago  was 
captured  by  the  Danes,  who  sailed  in  a  fleet 
to  Chester,  and  laid  the  city  waste.  Howel 
ab  leuav  thus  acquired  the  complete  sove- 
reignty of  Gwynedd,  and  lago  is  not  heard  of 

[Anglo-Saxon  Chron. ;  Annales  Cambriae  (both 
in  Kolls  Ser.) ;  Brut  y  Tywysogion  and  Brut  y 
fcaeson  in  Rhys  and  Evans's  Brats ;  Gwentian 
Chron.,  ed  by  Owen;  Florence  of  Worcester; 
William  of  Malmesbury;  Gesta  Regum.l 

D.  Li,  T. 

.  IAGO  AB   IDWAL  AB  MEIRIG  (d.  1039) 
tmg  of  Gwynedd,  was,  probably  on  account 

of  his  tender  years,  thrust  aside  from  the 
succession  on  the  death  of  his  father,  Idwal 
ab  Meirig  [q.  v.],  in  997.  The  usual  struggle 
between  rival  claimants  ensued,  and  among 
others,  Llewelyn  ab  Seissyllt,  who  was  not 
a  member  of  the  royal  house,  filled  the  throne 
for  a  period ;  but  on  his  death,  in  1023,  lago 
seized  the  sovereignty  of  Gwynedd,  while  that 
of  Dyved  fell  to  the  hands  of  Rhydderch 
ab  lestyn  (Brut  y  Tywysogion,  p.  265).  lago 
gave  refuge  to  lestyn  ab  Gwrgant,  who  had 
violated  Ardden,  the  daughter  of  Robert  ab 
Seissyllt,  and  cousin  of  Gruflydd  ab  Llewelyn 
ab  Seissyllt.  The  latter  thereupon  attacked 
lago  and  killed  him  after  an  obstinate  battle 
in  1039.  (Annales  Cambrics ;  Brut  y  Tywy- 
sogion; Gwentian  Chron.}  Gruflydd  then 
placed  himself  on  the  throne  occupied  at  an 
earlier  date  by  his  father,  Llewelyn  ab  Seis- 

[See  authorities  cited.]  D.  LL.  T. 

I'ANSON,  EDWARD  (1812-1888),  ar- 
|  chitect,  born  in  St.  Laurence  Pountney  Hill, 
London,  25  July  1812,  was  eldest  son  of  Ed- 
ward I'Anson  (1775-1853),  surveyor  and  ar- 
chitect in  London.  I'Anson  was  educated 
partly  at  the  Merchant  Taylors'  School,  and 
partly  at  the  College  of  Henri  IV  in  France, 
and  was  articled  at  an  early  age  to  his  father. 
Subsequently  he  entered  the  office  of  John 
Wallen,  principal  quantity  surveyor  at  that 
time  in  the  city.  At  the  close  of  his  inden- 
tures I'Anson  travelled  for  two  years,  ex- 
tending his  tour  as  far  as  Constantinople. 
On  his  return  in  1837  he  entered  into  prac- 
tice, both  as  assistant  to  his  father  and  as  an 
independent  architect.  His  first  important 
building  in  the  City  was  the  Royal  Exchange 
Buildings,  designed  for  Sir  Francis  Graham 
Moon.  This  brought  him  into  repute,  and 
obtained  for  him  the  chief  practice  as  archi- 
tect in  the  city.  I'Anson  designed  the 
greater  part  of  the  fine  buildings  in  the  city 
built  exclusively  for  offices.  Those  executed 
by  him  in  the  Italian  style,  like  the  buildings 
I  of  the  British  and  Foreign  Bible  Society,  were 
the  most  successful.  Among  his  designs  in  the 
Gothic  style  may  be  noted  the  school  of  the 
Merchant  Taylors'  Company  at  the  Charter- 
house. I'Anson  was  surveyor  to  this  company 
for  many  years,  and  also  to  St.  Bartholomew's 
Hospital,  for  which  he  designed  the  new 
museum  and  library.  Among  his  private  com- 
missions may  be  noted  Fetcham  Park,Leather- 
head,  and  among  ecclesiastical  works  the  re- 
storations of  the  Dutch  Church  in  Austin 
Friars  and  of  St.  Mary  Abchurch.  I'Anson 
was  elected  a  fellow  of  the  Royal  Institute 
of  British  Architects  in  1840,  and  was  chosen 
president  in  1886.  He  contributed  numerous 
papers  to  the  '  Transactions '  of  the  institute. 




He  was  also  a  fellow  of  the  Geological  So- 
ciety, and  in  1886  became  president  of  the 
Surveyors'  Institution.  He  was  a  frequent 
traveller  on  the  continent,  and  in  1867  visited 
Russia.  In  many  of  his  numerous  duties  as 
surveyor,  and  in  some  of  his  architectural 
works,  notably  the  new  Corn  Exchange  in 
Mark  Lane,  he  was  assisted  by  his  eldest  son, 
Edward  Blakeway  I'Anson.  I'Anson  died 
unexpectedly  30  Jan.  1888,  and  was  buried 
at  Headley  in  Hampshire.  A  portrait  of  him 
will  be  found  in  the  '  Builder/  xxix.  1006. 

[Builder,  4  Feb.  1888 ;  British  Architect,  3  Feb. 
1888;  Athenaeum,  11  Feb.  1888;  Kobinson's  Keg. 
of  Merchant  Taylors'  School,  ii.  214.]  L.  C. 

IBBETSON,  MKS.  AGNES  (1757-1823), 
vegetable  physiologist,  daughter  of  Andrew 
Thomson,  was  born  in  London  in  1757.  She 
married  a  barrister  named  Ibbetson,  who 
died  before  her.  She  herself  died  in  February 
1823  at  Exmouth,  where  she  had  resided 
some  years. 

Between  1809  and  1822  Mrs.  Ibbetson  con- 
tributed more  than  fifty  papers  to  *  Nichol- 
son's Journal '  and  the  '  Philosophical  Maga- 
zine '  on  the  microscopic  structure  and  phy- 
siology of  plants,  including  such  subjects  as 
air-vessels,  pollen,  perspiration,  sleep,  winter- 
buds,  grafting,  impregnation,  germination, 
and  the  Jussieuean  method.  In  the  botanical 
department  of  the  British  Museum  are  pre- 
served some  specimens  of  woods  and  micro- 
scopic slides  prepared  by  her,  with  a  manu- 
script description  stating  that  they  represent 
twenty-four  years'  work,  and  illustrating  her 
erroneous  belief  that  buds  originate  endo- 
genously  and  force  their -way  outward.  The 
leguminous  genus  Ibbetsonia  was  dedicated 
to  her  by  Sims,  but  is  now  considered  identi- 
cal with  the  Cyclopia  of  Ventenat. 

[Gent.  Mag.  1823,  i.  474;  Rees's  Cyclopaedia.] 

G.  S.  B. 

1817),  painter,  born  at  Scarborough  on  29  Dec. 
1759,  was  son  of  Richard  Ibbetson,  who  had 
belonged  to  the  Moravian  community  at  Ful- 
neck  in  Yorkshire,  but  had  left  it  on  his 
marriage  with  the  daughter  of  Julius  Mor- 
timer, a  neighbouring  farmer.  He  was  born 
prematurely,  and  owed  his  second  name  to 
the  operation  which  brought  him  into  the 
world.  He  was  educated  first  by  the  Mora- 
vians, but  subsequently  at  the  quakers'  school 
in  Leeds.  He  was  afterwards  apprenticed  to 
John  Fletcher,  a  ship-painter  at  Hull.  Ib- 
betson attracted  public  attention  by  his  de- 
signs for  ship  decoration  and  by  some  scenery 
painted  for  the  Hull  Theatre,  and  his  success 
encouraged  him  to  seek  his  fortune  in  Lon- 
don in  1777.  He  was  forced  at  first  to  work 

for  Mr.  Clarke,  a  picture  dealer  in  Leicester 
Fields,  but  was  able  at  the  same  time  to  ac- 
quire a  thorough  acquaintance  with  the  works 
and  methods  of  Dutch  artists,  besides  learning 
all  the  tricks  of  the  trade.  In  1780  he  mar- 
ried, and  shortly  after  went  to  live  at  Kil- 
burn.  In  1785  he  exhibited  at  the  Royal 
Academy  <  A  View  of  Northfleet,'  and  con- 
tinued to  exhibit  during  succeeding  years. 
i  Becoming  acquainted  with  Captain  William 
i  Baillie  (1723-1810)  [q.v.]  and  others,  he  was 
I  introduced  into  good  society,  and  was  patron- 
!  ised  by  the  nobility.  In  1788  he  accepted  a 
post  in  Colonel  Cathcart's  embassy  to  China. 
Cathcart,  however,  died  at  Java  during  the 
voyage,  and  Ibbetson  returned  to  England. 
He  made  many  drawings  during  the  voyage, 
and  obtained  nautical  experience,  which  he 
afterwards  turned  to  account  in  his  pictures, 
but  was  not  able  to  obtain  any  remuneration 
on  his  return.  This  plunged  him  into  pecu- 
niary difficulties,  but  he  declined  an  offer  to 
accompany  Lord  Macartney's  later  embassy 
to  China.  He  was  also  harassed  by  legal 
action  taken  by  the  firm  for  whom  he  had 
previously  worked.  In  1794  he  lost  his  wife, 
who  left  two  sons  and  a  daughter,  eight 
children  having  already  died.  This  brought 
on  an  attack  of  brain  fever,  from  which  he 
recovered  to  find  that  he  had  been  robbed  of 
everything  by  his  servants.  He  sought  relief 
from  his  misery  in  dissipations  and  convivial 
society,  after  the  example  of  his  friend,  George 
Morland  [q.  v.]  This  only  led  to  further  em- 
barrassments, and  in  1798  he  quitted  London 
for  Liverpool  to  escape  his  creditors.  Ibbet- 
son lived  quietly  for  some  time  near  Amble- 
side  in  Westmoreland,  visiting  Scotland  in 
1800.  In  June  1801  he  married  Bella,  daugh- 
ter of  William  Thompson  of  Windermere  (d. 
1839).  A  sign  painted  by  Ibbetson  for  an  inn 
at  Troutbeck,  near  Ambleside,  had  some  no- 
toriety (see  Notes  and  Queries,  ser.  viii.  96). 
He  suffered  further  pecuniary  losses  through 
the  defalcations  of  a  friend,  but  the  number 
of  his  commissions  now  enabled  him  to  free 
himself  to  some  extent  from  debt.  At  the 
invitation  of  one  of  his  chief  patrons,  Mr. 
William  Danby  of  Swinton  Park,  Ibbetson 
settled  near  that  place  in  Masham,  York- 
shire. Here  he  spent  the  remainder  of  his 
days.  He  died  on  13  Oct.  1817,  and  was 
buried  in  Masham  churchyard.  Of  the  chil- 
dren by  his  second  wife  a  son,  Julius,  and  a 
daughter  survived  him.  His  last  picture  was 
a  view  of  '  The  Market  Place  at  Ambleside 
with  the  old  Buildings  as  they  stood  in  1801.' 
It  was  exhibited  at  the  British  Institution  in 
1818,  after  his  death. 

As  a  painter  in  oil  of  cattle  and  pigs  Ib- 
betson has  hardly  been  excelled  in  England, 




even  by  Morland.  His  paintings  lack,  how- 
ever, Morland's  freedom  of  composition,  and 
were  usually  too  small  in  size  to  make  much 
effect.  In  his  landscape-painting  Ibbetson 
somewhat  resembled  Richard  Wilson,  R.A. 
He  also  painted  small  portraits  in  a  neat  and 
rapid  manner.  His  paintings  of  animals  were 
much  prized,  especially  in  Yorkshire,  where 
they  are  often  to  be  met  with  in  private 
houses.  Benjamin  West  called  him  the 
'  Berghem  '  of  England.  He  also  painted  in 
water-colour  in  the  old  tinted  method  with 
great  success.  Good  specimens  of  his  work 
in  this  class  can  be  seen  in  the  print  room 
at  the  British  Museum,  and  at  the  South 
Kensington  Museum.  In  1792  he  made  some 
drawings  in  the  West  of  England,  which  were 
aquatinted  and  published  by  J.  Hassell  in 
1793  as  «  A  Picturesque  Guide  to  Bath  (and 
its  Neighbourhood).'  In  1803  he  published 
the  first  part  of '  An  Accidence  or  Gamut  of 
Painters  in  Oil  and  Water-colours,'  illus- 
trating it  with  examples  of  both  specimens. 
A  second  edition  was  published  in  1828  with 
a  memoir  and  a  portrait  after  J.  R.  Smith. 
Ibbetson  also  published  a  '  Process  of  Tinted 
Drawing,'  and  executed  numerous  etchings 
and  aquatints,  some  of  a  humorous  character. 
Many  of  his  paintings  were  engraved.  He 
also  made  the  drawings  for  Church's  '  Cabinet 
of  Quadrupeds,'  published  in  1796. 

[Memoir  mentioned  above  ;  information  from 
Miss  Julia  Green  ;  Fisher's  History  of  Masham ; 
Redgrave's  Diet,  of  Artists  ;  Roget's  Old  Water- 
Colour  Society  ;  Gent.  Mag.  1817,  Ixxxvii.  637  ; 
Catalogues  of  the  Royal  Academy  and  British 
Institution ;  Seguier's  Diet,  of  Painters ;  Red- 
graves'  Century  of  Painters.]  L.  C. 

IBBOT,  BENJAMIN,  D.D.  (1680-1725), 
divine,  son  of  Thomas  Ibbot,  vicar  of  Swaff-  | 
ham  and  rector  of  Beachamwell,  Norfolk,  } 
was  born  at  Beachamwell  in  1680.  He  was 
admitted  at  Clare  Hall,  Cambridge,  25  July 
1695.  Having  graduated  B.A.  in  1699,  he 
migrated  to  Corpus  Christi  College  in  1700, 
and  became  a  scholar  of  that  house.  He 
commenced  M.A.  in  1703,  and  was  elected  to 
a  Norfolk  fellowship  in  1706,  but  resigned  it 
the  next  year  on  becoming  librarian  (and  after- 
wards chaplain)  to  Archbishop  Tenison.  He 
was  installed  treasurer  of  the  cathedral  church 
of  Wells,  13  Nov.  1708,  by  the  option  of 
Archbishop  Tenison,  who  also  presented  him 
to  the  rectory  of  the  united  parishes  of  St. 
Vedast,  alias  Foster's,  and  St.  Michael  Querne, 
London.  In  1 7 1 3  and  1 7 1 4,  by  appointment 
of  the  archbishop,  he  preached  the  Boyle 
lectures,  and  replied  to  Anthony  Collins's 

'  Discourse  of  Free-thinking  in  matters 
Religion.'     George  I  appointed  him  one  „ 
his  chaplains-in-ordinary  in  1716,  and  when 

his  majesty  visited  Cambridge  on  6  Oct.  1717 
Ibbot  was,  by  royal  mandate,  created  D.D, 
He  was  appointed  preacher-assistant  to  Dr. 
Samuel  Clarke  at  St.  James's,  Westminster, 
and  rector  of  St.  Paul's,  Shadwell ;  and  on 
26  Nov.  1724  was  installed  a  prebendary  of 
Westminster.  He  died  at  Camberwell  on 
5  April  1725,  and  was  buried  in  Westminster 

His  chief  works  are :  1.  Six  occasional  ser- 
mons, including  '  The  Nature  and  Extent  of 
the  Office  of  the  Civil  Magistrate,  considered 
in  a  Sermon  [on  Acts  xviii.  14, 15]  preached 
.  .  .  Sept.  29  ...  being  ...  the  Election 
Day  of  a  Lord  Mayor  for  the  year  ensuing/ 
London  (three  editions),  1720, 4to.  This  gave 
offence,  and  was  answered  by  Silas  Dray- 
ton  in  a  pamphlet  entitled  '  Gallic  reproved/ 
1721,  by  Joseph  Slade  in  '  Gallionism  truly 
stated/ 1721,  and  by  another  writer  under  the 
pseudonym  of  l  Philoclesius.'  2. f  Thirty  Dis- 
courses on  Practical  Subjects/  2  vols.,  London, 
1726,  8vo,  selected  from  his  manuscripts  by 
his  friend  Dr.  Samuel  Clarke,  and  published 
for  the  benefit  of  his  widow;  2nd  edit., 
2  vols.,  London,  1776,  8vo,  containing  some 
account  of  the  life  and  writings  of  the  author 
by  Roger  Flexman,  D.D.  3.  <  A  Course  of 
Sermons  preached  for  the  Lecture  founded 
by  the  Hon.  Robert  Boyle  ...  in  1713  and 
1714,  wherein  the  true  notion  of  the  exer- 
cise of  Private  Judgment,  or  Free-thinking, 
in  matters  of  Religion,  is  stated  [against 
Anthony  Collins]/  2  parts,  London,  1727, 
j  8vo ;  reprinted  in  vol.  ii.  of  '  A  Defence  of 
I  Natural  and  Revealed  Religion/  London, 
1739,  fol. 

[Memoir  by  Flexman ;  Masters's  Corpus  Christi 
Coll.  p.  317.  App.  p.  98;  Lowndes's  Bibl.  Man. 
(Bohn),  pp.  249,  1158;  Le  Neve's  Fasti  (Hardy), 
i.  174,  iii.  365  ;  Addit.  MS.  5873,  f.  43.]  T.C. 

IBBOTSON,  HENRY  (1816  P-1886), 
botanist,  was  a  schoolmaster  successively  at 
Mowthorpe,  near  Castle  Howard,  at  Dun- 
nington,  and  at  Grimthorpe,  near  Whitwell, 
all  in  Yorkshire.  He  was  an  industrious  stu- 
dent of  botany,  but  passed  his  last  years  in 
great  penury,  earning  a  scanty  living  by 
digging  officinal  roots  for  the  druggists.  He 
died  at  York  on  12  Feb.  1886. 

Ibbotson  was  an  active  contributor  to 
Baines's  '  Flora  of  Yorkshire  '  (1840),  to  its 
supplement  (1854),  and  to  Baker's  i  North 
Yorkshire'  (1863).  He  wrote  a  pamphlet 
on  the  ferns  of  his  native  county,  1884; 
but  his  chief  production,  a  laborious  com- 
pilation of  all  the  synonyms  of  British  plants 
known  to  him,  entitled  'A  Catalogue  of  the 
Phsenogamous  Plants  of  Great  Britain/  came 
out  in  parts,  from  1846  to  1848,  in  small  oc- 
tavo. He  also  distributed  sets  of  the  rarer 




plants  of  the  northern  counties ;  his  collec- 
tions obtained  high  praise  from  Sir  William 
Joseph  Hooker  [q.  v.] 

[Nat.  Hist.  Journ.  and  School  Eeporter, 
15  March  1886;  W.  J.  Hooker's  Lond.  Journ. 
Bot.  iv.  496.  In  the  Catalogue  of  the  British 
Museum  he  is  confused  with  the  author  of  a 
tract  on  slavery,  1841.]  B.  D.  J. 

IBHAR  or  IBERIUS,  SAINT  (d.  500  ?), 
bishop  of  Begery  or  Begerin,  born  early  in 
the  fifth  century,  may  have  belonged  to  the 
tribe  of  the  Ui-Eachach  Uladh  in  Iveagh,  co. 
Down.  He  was  probably  a  pupil  of  St.  Patrick, 
and  received  the  name  Ibhar  on  becoming  a 
Christian.  He  lived  at  first  in  the  Arran 
Islands  in  Gal  way  Bay,  afterwards  on  Ges- 
hille  Plain,  King's  County,  then  in  the  island 
of  Begerin  in  Wexford  Haven.  He  kept  a 
school,  and  soon  gathered  monks  around  him, 
and  his  memory  is  preserved  in  various  local 
traditions.  He  died  at  Begerin  about  A.D. 
500.  He  is  locally  known  as  St.  Ivory,  and 
is  commemorated  on  23  April. 

[All  the  authorities  are  collected  in  Smith's 
Diet,  of  Christian  Biog.  iii.  197 ;  cf.  also  Webb's 
Compendium  of  Irish  Biography,  and  Notes  and 
Queries,  5th  ser.  i.  469.]  W.  A.  J.  A. 

ICKHAM,  PETER  OF  (/.  1290  ?),  chro- 
nicler, is  said  to  have  derived  his  name  from 
a  small  village  near  Canterbury ;  Bale  and 
Pits  state  that  he  spent  much  time  at  the 
university  of  Paris,  in  close  literary  intimacy 
with  Philip,  the  chancellor  of  the  university 
(i.e.  apparently  Philippe  de  Greve,  chancellor 
from  1218  to  1237).  The  compilers  of  the 
1  Hist,  Litter,  de  la  France,'  xix.  432,  ed.  1838, 
state,  however,  without  mentioning  their 
authority,  that  he  was  invited  to  France  by 
Philip  III,  who  was  king  from  1270  to  1285. 
On  leaving  Paris  he  seems  to  have  become  a 
monk  at  Canterbury.  Bale  and  Pits  quote 
Leland's  '  Collectanea '  for  the  statement  that 
lie  flourished  in  1274,  but  the  printed  copies 
of  Leland  do  not  contain  the  passage;  the 
name  appears  in  a  list  of  the  monks  of  the 
priory  of  Canterbury  under  the  year  1294 
(Register  in  MS.  Norwic.  More.,  fol.  64,  ap. 
TANNER).  A  Peter  of  Ickham,  however, 
according  to  an  obituary  of  the  monks  of 
Christ  Church,  Canterbury,  by  Thomas  Cow- 
ston  (Lambeth  MS.  582,  ap.  TODD),  died  in 
1289,  but  another  manuscript  in  the  same 
library  (  Wharton  MS.  iii.  ap.  TANNER)  gives 
1295  for  the  year  of  his  death. 

Ickham  is  usually  regarded,  apparently  on 
the  authority  of  Dr.  Caius,  as  the  author  of 
the  meagre  and  somewhat  confused  chronicle 
entitled  '  Chronicon  de  Regibus  Angliae  suc- 
cessive regnantibus  a  tempore  Bruti'  (or 
'  Compilatio  de  Gestis  Britonum  et  Anglo- 
rum  '),  extant  (with  continuations)  in  thirteen 

or  fourteen  manuscripts  (Cott.  MS.Domit.  iii. 
ff.  1-38;  Bodl.  MS.  Laud.  730;  C.  C.  C. 
Cant.  MS.  339,  3,  &c.,  see  HARDY,  Descript. 
Catal.  iii.  272),  terminating  at  various  dates 
between  1272  and  1471 ;  but  the  chronicle 
shows  signs  of  having  been  written  at  Wor- 
cester rather  than  at  Canterbury  (HARDY, 
u.s.)  Bale  and  Pits  also  ascribe  to  Ickham 
'  Genealogies  of  the  Kings  of  Britain  and 
England,  written  in  French  during  his  stay 
in  Paris.  They  probably  refer  to  the  two 
treatises  called  'Le  livere  de  reis  de  Brit- 
tame  '  and  '  Le  livere  de  reis  de  Engle- 
terre,'  which  were  edited  by  Mr.  Glover  in 
1865  for  the  Rolls  Series.  They  contain, 
however,  no  distinct  indication  of  their  author- 

[Bale's  Script.  Illustr.  Maj.  Brit.  Cent.  iv.  No. 
xliii.(ed.  Basel);  Pits,  De  Illustr.  Script.  Anglise, 
p.  355  ;  Tanner's  Bibl.  Script.  Brit.-Hib.  p.  787  ; 
G.  J.  Voss,  DeHistoricis  Latinis,p.  494,  Leyden, 
1651 ;  Fabricius,  Bibl.  Med.  et  Inf.  Latinitatis, 
v.  261  ;  Bulaeus,  Hist.  Univ.  Paris,  iii.  705, 
Paris,  1667-73;  Hist.  Litt.  de  la  France; 
T.  D.  Hardy's  Descr.  Catal.  of  Brit.  Hist.  iii. 
(Eolls  Ser.)]  J.  T-T. 

HERVEY,  JOHN,  1696-1743.] 

IDA  (d.  559),  the  first  Bernician  king, 
the  son  of  Eobba,  began  to  reign  in  North- 
umbria  in  547.  Before  his  time  the  north- 
east coast  appears  to  have  been  invaded  and 
colonised  by  Angles  under  the  leadership  of 
ealdormen  who  fought  with  the  Britons.  The 
assertion  that  Ida  was  the  leader  of  a  new 
invading  host  which  came  with  sixty  ships  and 
landed  at  Flamborough  (De  Prime  Saxonum 
Adventu}  is  untrustworthy ;  his  assumption 
of  the  kingship  was  a  change  which  followed 
almost  necessarily  on  the  increase  of  the 
power  of  the  invaders,  and  may  have  been 
the  result  either  of  general  consent  or  of  a 
victorious  struggle  (compare  B^EDA,  Historia 
Ecclesiastica,  v.  c.  24,  and  WILLIAM  OF 
MALMESBURY,  Gesta  Regum,  i.  c.  44).  Ida 
is  said  to  have  been  in  the  prime  of  his  life 
and  vigour  when  he  became  king,  and  in 
common  with  all  the  founders  of  dynasties 
among  the  Teutonic  invaders  of  Britain,  he 
is  given  a  descent  from  Woden.  He  built 
himself  a  fortress,  called  by  the  Britons  Din- 
guardi  or  Dinguoaroy,  and  by  the  Angles 
Bebbanburch,  the  modern  "Bamborough, 
which  was  surrounded  first  by  a  hedge  and 
later  by  a  wall,  and  took  its  Anglic  name 
from  Bebbe,  the  wife  of  ^Ethelfrid,  Ida's 
grandson,  and  one  of  his  successors  (d.  617?), 
Ida's  immediate  kingdom  did  not  probably 
extend  south  of  the  Tees,  though  his  power 
may  have  been  felt  beyond  that  river,  for  the 




kingship  of  Deira,  between  the  Tees  and  the 
Humber,  does  not  seem  to  have  been  foundec 
until  his  death.  It  is  quite  possible  tha 
Ida's  Bernicia  did  not  extend  as  far  as  the 
Tees.  He  is  said  to  have  had  six  sons  by 
queens  and  six  by  concubines  (FLORENCE) 
The  consolidation  and  advance  of  the  heathen 
power  under  him  and  his  sons  caused  a 
widespread  apostasy  from  Christianity  among 
the  Picts.  He  reigned  twelve  years,  anc 
died  in  559.  On  his  death  ^Ella  (d.  588" 
[q.  v.]  became  king  in  Deira,  and  is  supposed 
to  have  extended  his  power  over  Bernicia 
(SKENE).  There,  however,  Ida's  house  re- 
tained the  kingship,  and  six  of  his  sons,  Adda, 
Glappa,  Hussa,  Freodulf,  Theodric,  and 
/Ethelric  (d.  59-4  ?),  reigned  in  succession 
over  their  father's  kingdom.  Ida  is  often 
said  to  have  been  called  the  '  Flame-bearer 
by  the  Welsh  poets  (GREEN,  Making  of  Eng- 
land, B.  72) ;  for  this  there  is  no  ground. 
The  epithet  (Flamddwyn),  which  is  only  to 
be  found  in  two  Bardic  poems,  is  in  both 
instances  applied  to  his  son  Theodric  (d.  587), 
famous  for  his  conflicts  with  Urbgen  or  Urien 
and  his  sons  (SKENE). 

[Baeda,  Hist.  Eccl.  iii.  cc.  6,  16,  v.  c.  24 
(Engl.  Hist.  Soc.) ;  Anglo-Sax.  Chron.  an.  547 ; 
Nennius,  pp.  49-53  (Engl.  Hist.  Soc.) ;  Symeon, 
Hist.  Eegum,  c.  12  and  De  Primo  Saxonum 
Adventu  ap.  Sym.  Opp.  i.  14,  374  (Rolls  Ser.); 
Florence,  i.  5  (Engl.  Hist.  Soc.);  Will,  of  Mal- 
mesbury's  Gesta  Regum,  i.  c. '44  (Engl.  Hist. 
Soc.);  Hoveden,  i.  3  (Rolls  Ser.);  Skene's  Four 
Ancient  Books  of  Wales,  i.  6,  62,  265,  366,  ii. 
413,  418  ;  Elton's  Origins  of  Engl.  Hist.  pp.  380, 
381,  2nd  edit. ;  Guest's  Origines  Celticse,  ii.  273  ; 
Rhys's  Celtic  Britain,  pp.  Ill,  145;  Hinde's 
Hist,  of  Northumberland,  i.  63-5.]  W.  H. 

IDDESLEIGH,  first  EARL  OF.  [See 
^  IDWAL  AB  MEIRIG  (d.  997),  king  of 
Gwynedd,  was  the  son  of  Meirig  ab  Idwal 
Voel,  who,  though  the  rightful  heir  to  the 
throne,  was  killed  in  986,  in  the  course  of 
one  of  the  many  struggles  for  the  kingship 
which  characterised  the  period  from  the  death 
of  Howel  Dda  in  950  until  the  time  of 
Gruffydd  ab  Llewelyn.  Idwal,  on  the  death 
of  his  father,  fled  for  safety  to  the  collegiate 
establishment  at  Llancarvan.  Meredydd  ab 
Owain  ab  Howel  Dda  then  succeeded  in 
usurping  the  sovereignty  of  Gwynedd,  and  a 
few  years  after  he  marched  on  Glamorgan 
with  an  army  of  Danish  mercenaries  and  laid 
waste  the  country ;  his  object  was  to  seize 
the  fugitive  Idwal,  but  in  this  he  was  unsuc- 
cessful. By  the  year  995  the  sons  of  Meirig 
gathered  a  sufficient  following  to  return  to 
North  Wales,  and,  by  defeating  Meredvdd  at 
the  battle  of  Llangwn,  Tdwal  at  last  suc- 

ceeded to  the  sovereignty.  But  the  Danes 
had  overrun  the  country  during  Meredydd's 
feeble  reign :  the  churches  had  been  spoiled, 
the  people  were  demoralised,  and  there  was 
a  great  scarcity  of  food.  Idwal  is  eulo- 
gised in  the  '  Gwentian  Chronicle '  for  his 
bravery  and  statesmanship  in  attempting  to 
repair  these  'disasters.  But  he  was  killed 
in  997  in  attempting  to  expel  the  Danes, 
who,  under  Sweyn,  the  son  of  Harald,  were 
once  more  devastating  Anglesea.  He  left  an 
infant  son,  lago  ab  Idwal  ab  Meirig  [q.  v.] 

[Annales  Cambrise;  Brut  y  Tywysogion  in 
Rhys  and  Evans's  Bruts,  pp.  263-4 ;  Gwentian 
Chron.  ed.  by  Owen,  p.  41.]  D.  LL.  T. 

IDWAL  VOEL  (d.  943),  a  prince  of 
Gwynedd,  succeeded  to  the  sovereignty  in  915, 
on  the  death  of  his  father,  Anarawd,  the  eldest 
son  of  Rhodri,  king  of  all  Wales.  During 
the  earlier  part  of  his  reign  the  Welsh  were 
kept  in  check  in  the  marches  by  ^Ethelflged, 
'  the  lady  of  the  Mercians/  sister  of  Edward 
the  elder ;  and  on  her  death,  about  918, 
Idwal  and  the  other  princes  of  North  Wales 
renewed  their  allegiance  to  the  English  crown 
by  'seeking  Edward  for  their  lord'  at  Tarn- 
worth  (Anglo-Saxon  Chronicle,  sub  922). 
These  oaths  of  fealty  were  renewed  at  Eamote 
in  926  to  ^Ethelstan,  who,  according  to  the 
later  chroniclers,  imposed  on  Gwynedd  a 
heavy  tribute  of  money  and  cattle  (WIL- 
LIAM OP  MALMESBURT,  Gesta  Regum,  i.  148 ; 
RHYS  and  EVANS'S  Bruts;  Brut  y  Saeson, 
p.  387),  but  allowed  Idwal  to  continue  as  his 
under-king.  Idwal  and  Howel  Dda  were  also 
with  ^Ethelstan  at  Exeter  during  Easter  928, 
for  ^Ethelstan  there  issued  a  charter  which  is 
attested  by  them  (marked  by  KEMBLE  as 
questionable,  Cod.Dipl.  No.  1101).  Nothing 
further  is  recorded  of  Idwal  until  943,  when 
he  and  his  brother  Elised  were  killed  by  the 
English  (Annales  Cambrics'),  probably  after 
a  revolt  against  payment  of  the  tribute,  for 
the  'Ghyentian  Chronicle'  says  that  in  940 
the  Welsh  regained  their  freedom  throuo-h 
the  bravery  and  wisdom  of  Idwal  and  the 
other  princes  of  Wales.  The  whole  of  Wales 
enjoyed  comparative  peace  during  Idwal's 
reign,  for  the  peaceable  Howel  Dda  was  at 
the  same  period  king  of  South  Wales  and 
Fowys.  Idwal  was  succeeded  by  his  two 
sons,  lago  ab  Idwal  Voel  [q.  v.]  and  leuav, 
as  lomt  sovereigns  of  the  kingdom  of  Gwy- 

[  Anglo-Saxon  Chron.;  Annales  Cambria*  •  Brut 
y  Tywysogion  and  Brut  y  Saeson  (Rhys  and 
Evans's  Red  Book  of  Hergest,  vol.  ii.  ;  W?ll  am 
of  Malmesbury  ;  Gwentian  Chron  ]  D  LL  T 

AB  GWRGANT  (ft.  1093),  prince 
of  Gwent  and  Morganwg,  is  a  shadowy  hero 




of  the  legend  of  the  conquest  of  Glamorgan, 
whose  biography,  as  told  in  the  '  Gwentian 
Brut  y  Tywysogion,'  is  fabulous  and  absurd. 
Married  in  994,  he  failed  to  obtain  the  suc- 
cession of  Morganwg  on  his  father's  death  in 
1030,  because  the  people  preferred  his  great- 
uncle,  Howel  ab  Morgan  [q.  v.]  ;  but  he  be- 
came ruler  on  Howel's  death  in  1043.  Nearly 
fifty  years  later  he  is  said  to  have  taken  a  j 
prominent  share  in  the  history  of  the  con- 
quest of  Glamorgan  by  the  Normans.  He 
was  an  enemy  of  Rhys  ab  Tewdwr,  the  king 
of  Brecheiniog.  Hard  pressed  by  his  enemy, 
he  promised  to  marry  his  daughter  to  Eineon 
ab  Collwyn  [q.  v.]  if  the  latter  could  procure 
him  help  from  England  against  their  common 
foe  Rhys.  Eineon  obtained  the  help  of  Robert 
Fitzhamon  [q.  v.],  who  speedily  defeated  and 
slew  Rhys,  king  of  Brecheiniog.  We  know 
from  authentic  history  that  Rhys  died  in 
1093.  lestin  paid  the  Normans  liberally  and 
they  went  their  way.  He  now  refused  his 
daughter  to  Eineon,  saying  that  he  would 
never  give  either  land  or  daughter  to  a  traitor. 
Eineon  in  revenge  persuaded  Fitzhamon  to 
return.  The  Normans  soon  became  masters 
of  lestin's  territory  and  drove  lestin  away, 
lestin  fled  to  Glastonbury  over  the  Channel ; 
thence  he  went  to  Bath  and  finally  back  to 
Gwent,  where  he  died  at  the  monastery  of 
Llangenys  at  an  extraordinarily  old  age.  His 
sons,  Caradog,  Madog,  and  Howel,  abandoned 
their  father  to  his  fate  and  were  rewarded 
with  a  share  of  the  conquered  land,  Caradog, 
the  eldest,  obtaining  the  lordship  of  Aberavon. 
The  details  of  the  story  of  the  conquest  of 
Glamorgan  are  mythical ;  the  outline  is  not 
in  itself  unlikely.  [For  a  critical  examina- 
tion of  the  story  see  EiKEOtf,  son  of  Collwyn, 
and  FITZHAMON,  ROBEKT].  lestin's  histori- 
cal existence  is  proved  by  the  existence  of 
his  descendants.  His  grandsons,  Morgan, 
Maredudd,  Owain,  and  Cadwaladr,  the  four 
sons  of  Caradog  were  joint  lords  of  Aberavon 
when  Archbishop  Baldwin  and  Giraldus  Cam- 
brensis  made  their  crusading  tour  in  Wales 
(GiKALDUS  CAMBREJSTSIS,  Itin.  Cambrics,  in 
Opera,  vi.  69,  72,  Rolls  Ser.)  Rhys,  another 
son  of  lestin,  is  also  mentioned  in  a  docu- 
ment of  the  reign  of  John  (DUGDALE,  Monas- 
ticon,  v.  259).  Some  Glamorganshire  fami- 
lies claim  descent  from  lestin  (cf. l  the  Lords 
of  Avan  of  the  blood  of  lestin/  in  Archcso- 
logia  Cambrensis,  3rd  ser.  xiii.  1-44 ;  and  G. 
T.  CLARK,  Limbus  Patrum  Morganiceet  Gla- 
mor-ganice,  1886). 

[Brut  y  Tywysogion  (Cambrian  Archseol.  As- 
soc.  1863);  Freeman's  William  Hufus,  ii.  80-2, 
87,  614 ;  other  authorities  are  given  in  the 
articles  on  EINEON,  son  of  Collwyn,  and  FITZ- 
HAMON, EGBERT.]  T.  F.  T. 

1480),  Welsh  poet  and  historian,  was  the 
son  of  Hywel  Swrdwal,  who  is  described  in 
a  memorandum  attributed!  to  Rhys  Cain, 
and  bearing  date  1570,  as  '  master  of  arts  and 
chief  of  song,  who  wrote  the  history  of  the 
three  principalities  of  Wales,  from  Adam  to 
the  first  king,  in  a  fair  Latin  volume,  and 
from  Adam  to  the  time  of  King  Edward  I ' 
(JONES,  Poetical  Relics  of  the  Welsh  Bards, 
1784,  p.  87).  He  is  said  to  have  lived  at 
Machynlleth  in  Montgomeryshire.  In  1450 
he  wrote  an  English  ode  according  to  Welsh 
rules  of  assonance  and  in  Welsh  orthography, 
addressed  to  the  Virgin  Mary.  It  was  pub- 
lished in  the  '  Cambrian  Register '  (ii.  299), 
and  forms  one  of  the  best  records  of  the  pro- 
nunciation of  English  at  that  period.  Many 
unpublished  poems  of  his  are  preserved  in 
manuscript  at  the  JBritish  Museum  (see  Add. 
MSS.  14866,  14906,  14966,  14969,  14991), 
one  of  which,  on  Anna,  the  mother  of  the 
Virgin,  is  based  on  one  of  the  oldest  printed 
Latin  chronicles,  known  as  '  Fasciculus  Tem- 
porum.'  Some  are  also  at  Peniarth  in  the 
Hengwrt  collection  (166  and  476).  Like  his 
father  he  is  also  said  to  have  written  a  history 
of  the  three  principalities  from  the  time  of 
Cadwaladr  to  that  of  King  Henry  VI,  but 
nothing  is  now  known  of  the  manuscript. 

[Jones's  Welsh  Bards,  ut  supra,  p.  87 ;  Mont- 
gomeryshire Collections,  xi.  243 ;  Brit.  Mus. 
Cat. ;  Cat.  of  Hengwrt  MSS.  in  Archseologia 
Cambrensis,  commencing  4th  S.,  vol.  xv.] 

D.  LL.  T. 

LLWTD  (/.  1410-1440),  Welsh  bard,  was 
a  native  of  Glyn  Aeron,  Cardiganshire.  His 
father  resided  at  Park  Rhydderch;  is  de- 
scribed as  lord  of  Genau'r  Glyn  and  Tregaron 
in  the  same  county,  and  was  an  ancestor  to 
the  Pryse  family  of  Gogerddah  (DwtfN's 
Heraldic  Visitations,  i.  15,  44),  and  in  the 
female  line  to  the  Wynnes  of  Peniarth.  leuan 
ab  Rhydderch  appears  to  have  been  a  collector 
of  Welsh  manuscripts,  for  a  valuable  volume 
of  Welsh  mediaBval  romances,  known  after 
him  as  'Llyfr  Gwyn  Rhydderch,'  once  be- 
longed to  him,  and  is  now  preserved  in  the 
Hengwrt  collection  at  Peniarth  (MSS.  4  and 
5).  Another  volume  in  the  same  collection 
(MS.  450),  containing  poems  by  Davydd  ab 
Gwilym,  and  supposed  to  be  in  that  poet's 
own  handwriting,  has  also  probably  come  from 
Rhydderch's  collection.  leuan's  own  poetry 
is  chiefly  of  a  religious  character,  like  his 
poems  to  the  Virgin  Mary  and  to  St.  David, 
which  are  published  in  the  lolo  MSS.  (pp. 
298,  310).  Three  extracts  from  his  works,  as 
specimens  of  curious  metres,  are  also  printed 
in  '  Cyfrinach  y  Beirdd  '  (pp.  53, 120).  Many 




other  of  his  poems  are  preserved  in  the  British 
Museum  (Add.  MSS.  14866,  14966,  14969, 
14970,  14979,  15000).  Some  are  also  found 
in  Hengwrt  MSS.  (172)  ;  an  English  poem  by 
leuan  is  in  ib.  274,  and  possibly  another  in 
479  may  be  assigned  to  him. 

[See  Cat.  of  Hengwrt  MSS.  in  Archseologia 
Cambrensis,  3rd  ser.  xv.  290,  306,  4th  ser.  i.  89, 
ii.  106 ;  Brit.  Mus.  MSS.  Cat.]  D.  LL.  T. 

(ft.  1440-1480),  Welsh  poet,  also  known  as 
OWAIN,  resided  at  or  near  Aberdare  in  Gla- 
morganshire, and,  being  a  gentleman  of  large 
estate,  was  a  generous  patron  of  the  bards 
(OwEN,  Cambrian  Biography,  s.v.)  The  first 
lines  of  some  of  his  poems  are  given  in  Moses 
Williams's '  Repertorium  Poeticum,'  London, 
]  726,  8vo.  Three  of  his  pieces  are  preserved 
in  the  British  Museum,  Add.  MS.  14984, 
and  a  fourth  in  Add.  MS.  14998. 

[Williams's  Eminent  Welshmen;  Brit.  Mus. 
Cat.]  D.  LL.  T. 

HARRIS,  JOHN  RYLAND,  1802-1823,  author.] 

ILCHESTER,  RICHARD  OF  (d.  1189), 
bishop  of  Winchester.  [See  RICHARD.] 

ILIVE,   JACOB    (1705-1763),    printer, 
letter-founder,  and  author,  born  in  1705,  was 
the  son  of  a  printer  of  Aldersgate  Street,  one 
of  those  'said  to  be  highflyers  '  (see  'Negus's 
List/  1724,  in  NICHOLS,  Lit.  Anecd.  i.  309). 
His  mother,  Jane  (b.  1669  d.  29  Aug.  1733), 
was  the  daughter  of  Thomas  James,  printer. 
His  two  brothers,  Abraham  (d.  at  Oxford 
1777)  and  Isaac,  were  also  printers.     About 
1730  'he  applied  himself  to  letter-cutting, 
and  carried  on  a   foundry  and  a  printing- 
house  together.     In  1734  he  lived  at  Alders- 
gate  over  against  Aldersgate  coffee  house; 
afterwards  nVremoved  to  London  House,  the 
habitation  of  the  late  Dr.  Rawlinson,  on  the 
opposite  side  of  the  way  ...  in  1746,  but  his 
foundry  had  been  purchased  3  July  1740  by 
Mr.  Joh.  James'  (E.RowE  MORES,  Disserta- 
tion upon  English  Typographical  Founders, 
1778,  p.  64).     He  abandoned  type-founding, 
but  carried  on  the  printing-office  to  the  end 
of  his  life.    '  He  was  an  expeditious  composi- 
tor .  . .  and  knew  the  letters  by  touch '  (ib. 
p.  65).     In  1730  he  printed  his  chief  book, 
'  The  Layman's  Vindication  of  the  Christian 
Religion,  in  2  pts. :  (i.)  The  Layman's  general 
Vindication  of  Christianity  ;  (ii.)  The  Lay- 
man's Plain  Answer  to  a  late  Book '  (i.e.  the 
*  Grounds  and  Reasons '  of  Anthony  Collins), 
London,  1730, 8vo.  He  delivered  at  Brewers' 
Hall,  10  Sept.,  and  at  Joiners'  Hall,  24  Sept. 
1733,  an  '  Oration  '  on  the  plurality  of  worlds 

and  against  the  doctrine  of  eternal  punish- 
ment. This  was  written  in  1729  and  made 
public  in  1733  (2nd  edit.  1736), '  pursuant  to 
the  will '  of  his  mother,  who  shared  his  religi- 
ous views.  *  A  Dialogue  between  a  Doctor 
of  the  Church  of  England  and  Mr.  Jacob 
Hive  upon  the  subject  of  the  Oration  spoke 
at  Joyners'  Hall,  wherein  is  proved  that  the 
Miracles  said  to  be  wrought  by  Moses  were 
artificial  acts  only,'  followed  in  the  same  year, 
in  support  of  the  '  Oration.'  He  hired  Car- 
penters' Hall,  London  Wall,  and  lectured 
there  '  on  the  religion  of  nature '  ( W.  WIL- 
SON, History  of  Dissenting  Churches,  1808,  ii. 
291).  From  January  1736  to  1738  Hive  pub- 
lished a  rival  to  Cave's  '  Gentleman's  Maga- 
zine,' with  the  same  title,  objects,  price,  and 
size  (Athenceum,  26  Oct.  1889,  p.  560,  and 
Bookworm,  1890,  p.  284).  In  1738  he  brought 
out  another '  Oration ' '  spoke  at  Trinity  Hall, 
in  Aldersgate  Street,'  on  9  Jan.  1738,  and 
directed  against  Felton's  '  True  Discourses ' 
on  personal  identity  in  the  resurrection.  He 
published  a  '  Speech  to  his  Brethren  the 
Master  Printers  on  the  great  Utility  of  the 
Art  of  Printing  at  a  General  Meeting  18th 
July  1750,'  London,  n.  d.  8vo.  In  1751  he 
printed  anonymously,  and  with  great  mystery, 
a  clumsy  forgery,  purporting  to  be  a  transla- 
tion of  a  so-called '  Book  of  Jasher,  with  Testi- 
monies and  Notes  explanatory  of  the  Text,  to 
which  is  prefixed  various  Readings  translated 
into  English  from  the  Hebrew  by  Alcuin  of 
Britain,  who  went  a  Pilgrimage  into  the 
Holy  Land/  printed  in  1751,  4to,  reissued 
with  additions  by  Rev.  C.  R.  Bond,  Bristol, 
1829,  4to  (see  T.  H.  HORNE,  Introduction, 
1856,  iv.  741-6 ;  E.  R.  MORES,  Dissertation, 
p.  65). 

On  20  June  1756  Hive  was  sentenced  to 
three  years'  imprisonment  with  hard  labour 
in  the  House  of  Correction  at  Clerkenwell, 
for  writing,  printing,  and  publishing  '  Some 
Remarks  on  the  excellent  Discourses  lately 
published  by  a  very  worthy  Prelate  [Thomas 
Sherlock]  by  a  Searcher  after  Religious  Truth/ 
London,  1754,  8vo.  It  was  anonymous,  and 
was  rewritten  and  enlarged  as  '  Remarks  on 
the  two  Volumes  of  excellent  Discourses 
lately  published  by  the  Bishop  of  London/ 
London,  1755,  8vo.  It  was  declared  to  be 
'  a  most  blasphemous  book  .  .  .  denying  in  a 
ludicrous  manner  the  divinity  of  Jesus  Christ ' 
as  well  as '  all  revealed  religion.'  He  remained 
in  gaol  until  10  June  1758,  employing  him- 
self '  continually  in  writing.'  He  published 
'  Reasons  offered  for  the  Reformation  of  the 
House  of  Correction  .  .  .  with  a  Plan  of  the 
Prison '  (1757),  and  a'  Scheme '  (1759)  for  the 
employment  of  persons  sent  there  as  disorderly. 
The  two  pamphlets  contain  a  minute  and 




liighly  interesting  description  of  prison  life, 
written  with  much  freedom,  and  including 
some  useful  suggestions  for  reforms.  The 
4  Scheme '  gives  the  titles  of  twelve  other 
treatises  (see  pp.  74-80)  either  commenced 
or  projected  by  Hive. 

In  1762  Hive  published  '  The  Charter  and 
Grants  of  the  Company  of  Stationers,  with 
Observations  and  Remarks  thereon,'  Lon- 
don, 1762,  8vo  (see  T.  C.  HANSAKD,  Typo- 
graphic, 1825,  pp.  274-5).  This  was  a 
pamphlet  on  certain  grievances  he  had  dis- 
covered in  the  management  of  the  Stationers' 
Company,  and  he  called  a  meeting  on  3  July. 
A  committee  was  appointed  to  inquire  into 
the  state  of  the  company,  and  a  new  master 
and  wardens  elected,  but  the  temporary 
schism  does  not  seem  to  have  gone  much 
further  (GouGH,  British  Topography,  1780, 
i.  597).  '  Hive  was  somewhat  disordered  in 
his  mind,'  says  Nichols  (Lit.  Anecd.  i.  309), 
an  opinion  apparently  based  upon  the  printer's 
unorthodoxy.  His  published  writings  show 
much  shrewdness.  He  died  in  1763,  aged  58. 

[Nichols's  Lit.  Anecd.  i.  309-1 0  ;  Chalmers's 
Oen.  Biog.  Diet.  xix.  227-8 ;  T.  B.  Eeecl's  Old  Eng- 
lish Letter  Foundries,  1887,  pp.  346-9  ;  Notes 
and  Queries,  1st  ser.  v.  415,  7th  ser.  vii.  387.] 

H.  E.  T. 

1851),  portrait-painter,  born  at  Birmingham 
on  26  Sept.  1799,  belonged  to  a  family  resi- 
dent near  Nantwich  in  Cheshire.  Illidge's 
father  removed  to  Manchester,  and  dying 
early  left  a  young  family  scantily  provided 
for.  Illidge  was  educated  at  Manchester, 
and  was  taught  drawing.  He  was  subse- 
quently the  pupil  in  succession  of  Mather 
Brown  and  William  Bradley  [q.  v.]  He  tried 
landscape  painting,  but  married  early;  and 
had  recourse  to  portrait-painting  as  more 
profitable  than  landscape-painting.  He  was 
successful  as  a  portrait-painter  in  the  great 
manufacturing  towns  of  Lancashire,  painting 
many  of  the  civic  or  financial  celebrities  of  the 
locality.  He  was  a  frequent  exhibitor  at  the 
Liverpool  Academy  from  1827.  In  1842  he 
came  to  London,  and  was  from  that  time  a 
constant  exhibitor  at  the  Royal  Academy. 
In  1844,  on  the  death  of  H.  P.  Briggs,  R.A., 
he  purchased  the  lease  of  his  house  in  Bruton 
Street,  Berkeley  Square,  where  he  commenced 
practice  as  a  popular  and  fashionable  portrait- 
painter.  He  died  unexpectedly  of  fever  on 
13  May  1851.  There  are  portraits  by  him  in 
many  public  institutions  at  Liverpool,  Pres- 
ton, and  elsewhere. 

[Eedgrave's  Diet,  of  Artists ;  Art  Journal, 
1877  ;  Catalogues  of  the  Eoyal  Academy,  Liver- 
pool Academy,  &c.]  L.  C. 

1845),  archivist,  born  in  1764,  was  the  third 
son  of  William  Illingworth,  tradesman,  of 
Nottingham.  After  attending  Nottingham 
and  Manchester  grammar  schools,  he  was 
articled  to  a  Nottingham  attorney  named 
Story.  By  1788  he  had  established  himself 
in  practice  in  London  as  an  attorney  of  the 
king's  bench  (BKOWNE,  General  Law  Lists). 
In  1800  he  published  a  learned  <  Inquiry  into 
the  Laws,  Antient  and  Modern,  respecting 
Forestalling,  Regrating,  and  Ingrossing.'  His 
skill  in  deciphering  manuscripts  led  to  his 
being  appointed  in  the  same  year  a  sub-com- 
missioner on  public  records.  "He  transcribed 
and  collated  the  '  Statutes  of  the  Realm ' 
from  Magna  Charta  to  nearly  the  end  of  the 
reign  of  Henry  VIII ;  transcribed  and  printed 
the  '  Quo  Warranto  Pleadings '  (1818)  and 
the  < Hundred  Rolls'  (1812-18),  and  wrote 
the  preface  and  compiled  in  Latin  the  in- 
dex rerum  to  the  '  Abbreviatio  Placitorum ' 
(1811).  With  John  Caley  he  edited  the 
'  Testa  de  Nevill '  (1807),  and  assisted  in  the 
preparation  of  vol.  i.  of  the  '  Rotuli  Scotiae  ' 
(1814).  He  made  a  general  arrangement  of 
the  records  in  the  chapter-house  at  West- 
minster, and  in  1808  drew  up  a  press  cata- 
logue of  their  contents.  His '  Index  Cartarum 
de  Scotia '  in  the  chapter-house  was  privately 
printed  in  folio  by  Sir  Thomas  Phillipps  at 
Middle  Hill  about  1840.  He  went  with  T.  E. 
Tomlins  to  all  the  cathedrals  in  England  and 
Ireland  to  search  for  original  statutes.  In 
Ireland  he  also  inspected  the  state  of  the 
records.  About  1805  he  was  chosen  deputy- 
keeper  of  the  records  in  the  Tower  under 
Samuel  Lysons.  When  Henry  Petrie  suc- 
ceeded Lysons  as  keeper  in  August  1819,  he 
refused  to  continue  Illingworth  as  '  deputy- 
keeper,'  though  he  offered  to  allow  him  to 
remain  as  his  '  clerk.'  Illingworth  objected 
to  that  denomination  and  resigned.  He  then 
set  up  as  a  record  agent  and  translator.  On 
25  June  1825  he  entered  himself  at  Gray's 
Inn,  but  was  not  called  to  the  bar  (Register). 
In  expectation  of  becoming  a  sub-commis- 
sioner under  the  new  record  commission  in 
Christmas,  1832,  he  drew  up  for  the  private 
use  of  the  commissioners,  in  May  1831,  <  Ob- 
servations on  the  Public  Records  of  the  Four 
Courts  at  Westminster,  and  on  the  measures 
recommended  by  the  Committee  of  the 
House  of  Commons  in  1800  for  rendering 
them  more  accessible  to  the  public,'  of  which 
fifty  copies  were  printed  by  the  board.  He 
advised  the  secretary,  C.  P.  Cooper,  on  nu- 
merous points,  but  never  received  the  ex- 
pected appointment,  and  Cooper  made  exten- 
sive use  of  Illingworth's  notes  and  suggestions 
without  acknowledgment.  Illingworth  was 




examined  by  the  second  committee  of  the 
House  of  Commons  respecting  the  record  com- 
missioners on  2  March  1836,  and  gave  most 
interesting  evidence.  Before  his  death  he 
became  blind  and  fell  into  poverty.  A  sub- 
scription was  made  for  him  at  the  Incorporated 
Law  Society  in  Chancery  Lane.  He  died  at 
13  Brooksby  Street,  South  Islington,  on 
21  Feb.  1845  (Somerset  House  Register).  His 
peculiar  temper  hindered  his  advancement. 
As  examples  of  his  unrivalled  familiarity  with 
old  law  and  records,  it  may  be  mentioned  that 
in  the  case  of  Roe  v.  Brenton  he  produced 
from  the  lord  treasurer's  remembrancer's 
office  an  important  extent  of  the  assession- 
able  manors  of  the  duchy  of  Cornwall  in  the 
reign  of  Edward  II,  and  in  the  case  of  the 
Mayor  and  Corporation  of  Bristol  against 
Bush  he  brought  forward  rolls  of  the  reign 
of  Henry  VI,  which  established  the  rights 
of  the  corporation  of  Bristol  to  all  the  tolls 
upon  shipping  coming  in  and  out  of  the  port. 
Illingworth  became  F.S.A.  in  1805. 

His  elder  brother,  CAYLEY  ILLINGWORTH. 
born  about  1758,  was  educated  at  Pembroke 
College,  Cambridge,  and  graduated  B.A.  in 
1781  as  tenth  senior  optime.  He  proceeded 
M.A.  in  1787  and  D.I),  in  1811.  In  1783 
he  was  presented  to  the  rectory  of  Scampton, 
Lincolnshire,  and  was  subsequently  vicar  of 
Stainton-by-Langworth  and  rector  of  Ep- 
worth  in  the  same  county.  In  July  1802 
he  was  preferred  to  a  prebend  in  Lincoln 
Cathedral,  which  he  resigned  in  March  1808 
on  becoming  archdeacon  of  Stow  (LE  NEVE, 
Fasti,  ed.  Hardy,  ii.  81,  143).  He  died  on 
28  Aug.  1823  at  Scampton,  in  his  sixty-fifth 
year,  having  married,  on  8  May  1783,  Miss 
Sophia  Harvey,  who  survived  him,  together 
with  two  sons  and  four  daughters  (Gent.  Mag. 
vol.  lii.  pt.  i.  p.  451,  vol.  ii.  p.  279). 
Illingworth  was  elected  F.S.A.  in  1809.  He 
is  the  author  of  '  A  Topographical  Account 
of  the  Parish  of  Scampton  in  the  County  of 
Lincoln,  and  of  the  Roman  Antiquities  lately 
discovered  there ;  together  with  Anecdotes 
of  the  Family  of  Bolles,'  4to  [London,  1808], 
an  excellent  work,  enriched  with  drawings, 
portraits,  and  pedigrees.  In  1810  he  reissued 
it,  intending  to  apply  the  profits  from  its  sale 
to  charitable  uses. 

[J.  F.  Smith's  Keg.  Manchester  Grammar 
School  (Chetham  Soc.) ;  Report  of  Record  Com- 
mission, 1836.]  G.  Gr. 

ILLTYD  or  ILTUTUS  (Jl.  520),  some- 
times called  ILLTYD  FARCHOG,  or  THE  | 
KNIGHT,  Welsh  saint,  was  born  in  Brittany, 
being  the  son  of  Bicanys,  by  a  sister  of 
Emrys  Llydaw  called  Riengulida,  and  there- 
fore a  great-nephew  of  St.  Germanus  [q.  v.], 

bishop  of  Auxerre,  whose  disciple  also  he  was. 
The  oldest,  and  probably  on  that  account  the 
most  trustworthy,  account  of  his  life  is  to  be 
found  in  the  lives  of  SS.  Gildas,  Samson, 
and  Maglorius,  which  were  written  about 
600  or  soon  after,  and  are  published  in  Ma- 
billon's  '  Acta  Sanctorum  Ordinis  S.  Bene- 
dict!,' Venice,  1733,  i.  131,  154  sqq.,  209 
(see  also  Liber  Landavensis,  p.  287,  for  the 
life  of  St.  Samson).  Here  the  name  is 
variously  given  as  Hildutus  and  Eltutus,  and 
it  is  stated  that  he  had  a  school  on  a  small 
and  barren  island,  which  was,  however, 
joined  to  the  mainland  in  answer  to  his  f 
prayers,  and  became  known  as  Llanilltyd 
Fawr,  which  is  the  Welsh  form  for  Llan- 
twit  Major  in  Glamorganshire.  Gildas,  Sam- 
son, bishop  of  Dol,  and  Maglorius,  Samson's 
successor  at  Dol,  are  said  to  have  been  at 
Illtyd's  school.  Owing,  perhaps,  to  a  mis- 
reading of  the  life  of  St.  Samson,  it  is  errone- 
ously stated  in  the '  Life  of  St.  Pol  de  Leon,' 
written  in  884  (published  in ( Revue  Celtique,' 
v.  413-60),  that  the  school  was  in  Caldey 

Fuller  details  of  Illtyd's  life  are  given  in 
Cottonian  MSS.  Vespasian,  A.  xiv.,  a  ma- 
nuscript written  in  the  eleventh  or  twelfth 
century,  printed  indifferently  in  Rees's '  Cam- 
bro-British  Saints,'  pp.  465-94,  and  abridged 
in  Capgrave's  '  Nova  Legenda  Anglige,'  fol. 
clxxxvii.  It  is  there  related  that  Illtyd 
in  his  early  days  took  to  the  profession  of 
arms,  crossed  from  Brittany  to  the  court  of 
King  Arthur,  afterwards  came  to  Glamorgan, 
and  attached  himself  for  a  time  to  the  court 
of  the  regulus  of  that  district.  On  one  occa- 
sion he  joined  the  king's  family  in  a  hunt,  in 
course  of  which  the  territory  of  St.  Cadoc 
[q.  v.]  was  entered  upon,  and  all  excepting 
Illtyd  are  said  to  have  been  miraculously 
swallowed  up  by  the  earth  for  insulting 
Cadoc,  who  then  easily  succeeded  in  inducing 
Illtyd  to  renounce  the  world  and  to  devote 
himself  to  religion  (see  '  Life  of  St.  Cadoc  '  in 
REES'S  Cambro-British  Saints,  p.  337  ;  CAP- 
GRAVE,  loc.  cit. ;  WALTER  MAPES,  De  Nugis 
Curialium,  ed.  Wright  for  Camd.  Soc.,  p.  76). 
Submitting  to  the  tonsure  and  assuming  the 
clerical  habit,  he  was  ordained  by  Dubricius, 
bishop  of  Llandaff.  He  built  a  church,  and 
afterwards  a  monastery,  which  maybe  identi- 
fied with  the  school  already  referred  to,  at 
Llantwit  Major,  under  the  patronage  of  Meir- 
chion,  a  chieftain  of  Glamorgan  (cf.  Liber 
Landavensis,  p.  320).  He  attracted  a  num- 
ber of  ^  scholars  to  him,  especially  from  Brit- 
tany, including,  in  addition  to  those  men- 
tioned in  the  earlier  biography,  St.  David, 
St.  Lunarius,  and  St.  Paul  Aurelian,  other- 
wise St.  Pol  de  Leon.  The  college  continued 




to  flourish  for  several  centuries,  sending  forth 
a  large  number  of  missionaries  until,  early  in 
the  twelfth  century,  its  revenues  were  appro- 
priated to  the  abbey  of  Tewkesbury  (CLARK, 
Cartce  et  Munitnenta  de  Glamorgan,  i.  21). 
Besides  teaching  his  pupils,  Illtyd  is  said  to 
have  worked  with  his  own  hands  ;  to  have 
been  specially  skilful  in  agriculture,  and  to 
have  reclaimed  a  large  portion  of  land  from 
the  sea  (CAPGRAVE,  loc.  cit.\  which  may 
be  the  explanation  of  the  miracle  which  is 
alleged  to  have  united  the  island  to  the 
mainland.  Later  writers  assert  that  he 
introduced  improved  methods  of  agricul- 
ture, and  invented  a  new  kind  of  plough. 
The  story  of  Illtyd's  life  is  the  subject  of  a 
poem  by  Lewis  Morganwg  (Jl.  1520)  (lolo 
MS.  ff.  292-5).  According  to  Cressy,  his 
commemoration  was  held  on  7  Feb.,  but  the 
year  in  which  he  died  is  uncertain.  At  least 
twelve  churches,  seven  of  which  are  still 
called  after  his  name,  are  dedicated  to  Illtyd 
in  different  parts  of  Wales  ;  most  of  those  in 
Glamorganshire  were  probably  founded  by 
him,  as  Llantwit  Major,  where  a  cross  bear- 
ing an  inscription  to  the  memory  of  Iltet, 
Samson,  and  Ebisar,  and  erected  about  the 
ninth  century,  is  still  to  be  seen.  It  is  en- 
graved in  Westwood's  '  Lapidarium  Wallise,' 
pi.  4,  and  in  Hiibner's  t  Inscriptiones  Christi- 
anae,'  p.  23,  where  also  is  to  be  found  Professor 
Rhys's  reading  of  the  inscription,  which  differs 
from  that  given  in  Haddan  and  Stubbs's 
4  Councils,'  i.  628. 

[Authorities  cited  above  ;  Archaeologia  Cam- 
brensis,  5th  ser.  v.  409-13  ;  The  Antiquities  of 
Llantwit  Major,  by  Dr.  Nicholson,  published  in 
"Williams's  Monmouthshire,  pp.  45-53  ;  Eees's 
Welsh  Saints,  pp.  178-80.]  D.  LL.  T. 

IMAGE,  THOMAS  (1772-1856),  geolo- 
gist, born  in  1772,  was  son  of  John  Image,  vicar 
of  Peterborough,  and  rector  of  Elton,  North- 
amptonshire. He  was  educated  at  Corpus 
Christi  College,  Cambridge,  and  graduated 
B.A.  1795  and  M.A.  1798.  In  1798  he  pre- 
sented himself  to  the  rectory  of  Whepstead, 
near  Bury  St.  Edmund's,  and  in  1807  he  be- 
came also  rector  of  Stanningfield.  Image 
was  a  very  diligent  collector  of  fossils,  and 
the  specimens  in  the  museum  at  Whepstead 
fully  illustrated  the  geology  of  the  eastern 
counties  (cf.  CLARK  and  HUGHES,  Life  of 
Sedgwick.  ii.  320-2).  In  1840  he  was  elected 
F.G.S.  In  1856,  owing  to  the  exertions  of 
Sedgwick,  the  fossils  were  bought  by  the 
university  of  Cambridge ;  they  are  now  in  the 
Woodwardian  Museum.  Image  died  atWhep- 
stead  rectory  8  March  1856.  After  his  death 
his  collection  of  minerals  was  sold  by  auction. 

[Gent.  Mag.  1856,  i.  534,  554;  Cambridge 
Chronicle,  23  Feb.  1856.]  W.  A.  J.  A. 


IMISON,  JOHN  (d.  1788),  mechanic  and 
printer,  was  in  business  at  Manchester  in 
1783-5  as  a  clock  and  watch  maker  and  op- 
tician, and  also  as  a  printer.  Lemoine  states 
that  '  among  other  pursuits  he  made  some 
progress  in  the  art  of  letter-founding,  and 
actually  printed  several  small  popular  novels 
at  Manchester,  with  woodcuts  cut  by  him- 
self.' He  printed  'Drill  Husbandry  Per- 
fected, by  the  Rev.  James  Cooke'  (about 
1783),  '  The  History  of  the  Lives,  Acts,  and 
Martyrdoms  of  ...  Blessed  Christians,'  with 
cuts  (1785),  and  a  pamphlet  on  '  The  Con- 
struction and  Use  of  the  Barometer  or 
Weather  Glass.'  His  best  work  was  '  The 
School  of  Arts,  or  an  Introduction  to  Useful 
Knowledge,'  1785.  A  portion  of  this  was 
separately  issued  as  'A  Treatise  on  the  'Me- 
chanical Powers,'  London,  1787.  Second 
editions  of  both  came  out  in  1794,  and  there 
were  subsequent  issues  of  the '  School  of  Arts ' 
in  1803,  entitled  'Elements  of  Science  and 
Art,'  and  in  1807  and  1822.  Imison  died  in 
I  London  on  16  Aug.  1788. 

[Lemoine's  Typographical  Antiquities,  1813, 
p.lxxxix;  G-ent.  Mag.  August  1788,  p.  758;  Man- 
chester Mercury,  26  Aug.  1788  ;  Earwaker's  Local 
Gleanings,  i.  6,  17,  292, 295  ;  Imison's  Works.] 

C.  W.  S. 

IMLAH,  JOHN  (1799-1846),  poet,  the 
son  of  an  innkeeper,  was  born  in  Aberdeen 
on  15  Nov.  1799.  On  completing  his  educa- 
tion at  the  grammar  school,  he  was  appren- 
ticed as  piano-tuner  to  a  local  musicseller, 
and  ultimately  secured  an  appointment  in 
the  London  house  of  Messrs.  Broadwood. 
He  died  of  yellow  fever  on  9  Jan.  1846,  at 
St.  James's,  Jamaica,  whither  he  had  gone 
on  a  visit  to  a  brother.  Irnlah  had  written 
poetry  from  his  boyhood,  and  in  1827  he  pub- 
lished '  May  Flowers,'  London,  12mo,  which 
was  followed  in  1841  by  '  Poems  and  Songs,' 
London,  12mo.  He  also  contributed  to  Mac- 
leod's  'National  Melodies'  and  the  'Edin- 
burgh Literary  Journal.'  His  songs  are  rich 
in  fancy,  and  show  a  true  instinct  for  the 
music  of  words.  Several  of  them  have  won 
considerable  popularity,  and  find  a  place  in 
all  Scotch  collections.  '  Oh,  gin  I  were  where 
Gadie  rins  '  is  a  special  favourite,  and  its  tune 
was  for  long  the  quick-march  of  the  Aber- 
deen city  rifle  battalion. 

[Rogers's  Scottish  Minstrel ;  "Walker's  Bards  of 
Bonaccord ;  Aberdeen  newspapers.]  J.  C.  H. 

IMLAY,  GILBERT  (fl.  1793),  author 
and  soldier,  was  born  in  New  Jersey  about 
1755,  as  may  be  inferred  from  an  allusion  in 
the  preface  to  his  account  of  Kentucky.  He 
served  in  the  American  war  of  independence 
on  the  patriotic  side,  attaining  the  rank  of 
captain.  After  its  termination  he  went  to 




Kentucky,  where  he  was  employed  as  '  a  com- 
missioner for  laying  out  lands  in  the  back 
settlements.'  It  is  uncertain  when  he  came 
to  Europe,  but  in  1792  his  '  Topographical 
Description  of  the  Western  Territory  of  North 
America '  was  published  in  London.  It  is  in 
the  form  of  letters  to  a  friend,  represented  as 
the  anonymous  editor,  but  it  may  be  doubted 

ability  on  the  part  of  the  writer  ;  it  was  re-  j 
printed  at  New  York  in  1793  with  a  supple- 
ment by  John  Filson,  and  republished  in  i 
London,  with  additions,  in  1797.  In  1793  j 
Imlay  published  a  three-volume  novel,  '  The 
Emigrants,'  the  writer,  as  an  American  ob- 
server of  English  institutions,  proposing  '  to  ' 
place  a  mirror  to  the  view  of  Englishmen, 
that  they  may  behold  the  decay  of  those 
features  which  once  were  so  lovely/  and  in 
particular  to  induce  them  '  to  prevent  the 
sacrilege  which  the  present  practices  of 
matrimonial  engagements  necessarily  pro- 
duce.' How  Imlay  worked  these  views  out 
is  uncertain,  as  the  only  accessible  copy  of 
his  novel  is  imperfect.  The  scene  is  laid  in 
America  in  districts  familiar  to  him,  the 
conduct  of  the  story  is  artless,  the  style 
matter  of  fact,  and  he  may  be  easily  believed 
when  he  says  that  he  '  was  only  induced  to 
give  the  work  the  style  of  a  novel  from 
believing  that  it  would  prove  more  attrac- 
tive to  the  generality  of  readers.'  It  may  be 
doubted  whether  this  anti-matrimonial  per- 
formance promoted  his  connection  with  Mary 
Wollstonecraft,  or  was  a  consequence  of  it ; 
probably  the  latter,  as  he  writes  in  his  pre- 
face as  one  no  longer  in  England.  He  was 
certainly  in  France  by  April  1793,  at  which 
time  he  formed  that  memorable  connection 
with  Mary  Wollstonecraft  which  has  gained 
her  the  sympathy  of  all  readers  of  her  im- 
passioned letters*  and  left  him  with  the  un- 
enviable character  of '  the  base  Indian  who 
threw  a  pearl  away  richer  than  all  his  tribe ' 
Imlay  was  evidently  inconstant,  sensual,  and 
unfeeling.  He  lived  with  Mary  at  Havre 
and  in  London  for  about  eighteen  months, 
and  parted  with  her  in  the  autumn  of  1795. 
The  last  glimpse  we  have  of  him  is  in  April 
1796,  when,  as  Godwin  tells  us,  he  and  Mary 
Wollstonecraft  '  met  by  accident  upon  the 
New  Road ;  he  alighted  from  his  horse  and 
walked  with  her  for  some  time;  and  the 
rencounter  passed,  as  she  assured  me,  without 
producing  in  her  any  oppressive  emotion ' 
(GODWIN,  Memoir,  if 98,  p.  145).  He  pro- 
bably returned  to  America ;  the  time  and 
place  of  his  death  are  unknown. 

[Posthumous  Works  of  Mary  Wollstonecraft 
Godwin,  vols.  iii.  and  iv. ;  Mary  Wollstonecraft's 
Letters  to  Imlay,  edited  by  C.  Kegan  Paul; 
PenneU's  Life  of  Mary  Wollstonecraft  Godwin ; 
Paul's  Life  of  William  Godwin;  Appletcn'a 
Dictionary  of  American  Biography.]  K.  G. 

IMMYNS,  JOHN  (d.  1764),  musician, 
became  an  attorney  in  youth,  but  a  love  of 
•aiety  ruined  his  professional  chances.     Re- 
uced  to  poverty,  he  was  for  a  time  clerk  to 

city  attorney,  but  his  predilection  for 
music  led  to  his  appointment  as  amanuensis 
to  Dr.  Pepusch,  the  musician,  and  as  copyist 
to  the  Academy  of  Ancient  Music.  He  became 
an  active  member  of  the  academy.  When 
forty  years  of  age  he  taught  himself  the  lute, 
solely  by  the  aid  of  Mace's  *  Musick's  Monu- 
ment ; '  attained  a  certain  degree  of  proficiency, 
and  procured  the  post  of  lutenist  to  the 
Chapel  Royal,  in  succession  to  John  Shore.  He 
was  also  an  indifferent  performer  on  the 
flute,  violin,  viol  da  gamba,  and  harpsichord. 

Immyns's  voice,  a  strong  but  not  very 
flexible  alto,  was  excellently  suited  for  the 
performance  of  madrigals.  In  1741  he 
founded  the  Madrigal  Society.  Its  original 
members  were  mostly  mechanics,  Spitalfields 
weavers,  and  the  like.  At  their  meetings, 
which  were  held  in  an  alehouse  in  Bride 
Lane,  Fleet  Street,  to  vary  the  entertain- 
ment of  singing  catches,  madrigals,  rounds, 
&c.,  Immyns  would  sometimes  read  by  way 
of  lecture  a  chapter  of  Zarlino  translated 
by  himself.  In  various  years  he  filled  the 
annual  office  of  president  of  the  society. 
In  September  1763  a  letter  was  written  to 
him  by  the  society  exempting  him  from  all 
offices,  and  asking  him  to  allow  his  name  to 
remain  on  the  roll  of  members.  He  is  stated 
to  have  been  an  enthusiastic  collector  of  the 
|  music  of  the  earlier  composers,  especially 
|  madrigal  writers,  but  to  have  had  no  taste 
i  for  the  music  of  his  time.  He  died  of  asthma 
in  Coldbath  Fields,  15  April  1764.  His  son 
John  was  for  some  time  organist  of  Surrey 

[Grove's  Diet,  of  Music,  i.  766 ;  Hawkins's 
Hist,  of  Music,  p.  886  :  Madrigal  Soc.  Records.] 

R.  F.  S. 

IMPEY,  SIE  ELIJAH  (1732-1809), 
chief  justice  of  Bengal,  youngest  son  of 
Elijah  Impey,  by  his  second  wife,  Martha, 
daughter  of  James  Fraser,  LL.D.,  was  born  at 
his  father's  house,ButterwickHouse,Hammer- 
smith,  1 3  June  1732.  His  father,  a  merchant, 
some  of  whose  trade  was  with  the  East  Indies, 
possessed  property  at  Fulham,  about  Ux- 
brid^e,  and  in  the  parish  of  Marylebone,  and 
on  his  death  in  1750  left  considerable  wealth 
to  his  three  sons.  Michael,  the  eldest,  carried 




on  the  father's  business,  and  lived  at  Hammer- 
smith till  his  death  in  1794.  The  second  son, 
James  (1723-1756),  king's  scholar  at  West- 
minster, was  elected  to  Christ  Church,  Ox- 
ford, in  1741,  graduated  B.A.  in  1745  and 
M.A.  in  1748,  practised  medicine  at  Rich- 
mond, published  a  treatise  on  comparative 
anatomy,  travelled  abroad,  and  died  at  Naples 
19  Dec.  1756.  Elijah  was  sent  to  join  his 
brother  James  at  Westminster  School  in  1739, 
and  was  elected  a  king's  scholar  in  1747.  He 
distinguished  himself  among  his  fellows,  who 
included  Warren  Hastings  [q.  v.],  Churchill, 
Colman,  and  Cumberland.  On  28  Dec.  1751 
he  entered  as  a  pensioner  at  Trinity  College, 
Cambridge ;  was  elected  a  scholar  in  1752 ; 
was  second  in  the  classical  tripos,  second 
senior  optime,  and  j  unior  chancellor's  medal- 
list in  1756 when  he  graduated  B.A. ;  became 
fellow  of  his  college  in  1757,  and  proceeded 
M.A.  in  1759.  He  was  called  to  the  bar  at 
Lincoln's  Inn  23  Nov.  1756,  and  went  the 
western  circuit.  In  April  1766  he  was  ap- 
pointed recorder  of  Basingstoke.  In  1776-7 
he  travelled  on  the  continent  with  a  Mr. 
Popham  and  with  John  Dunning,  afterwards 
first  Lord  Ashburton,  both  of  whom  remained 
his  friends  through  life.  On  18  Jan.  1768 
he  married.  In  1772  he  was  counsel  for  the 
East  India  Company  before  the  House  of 
Commons,  when  the  court  of  directors  were 
heard  at  the  bar  in  support  of  objections  to  a 
bill  affecting  their  interests  in  Bengal.  In 
the  following  year  the  regulating  act  for  the 
government  of  India  was  passed  (13  Geo.  Ill, 
c.  63),  and  a  supreme  court  of  justice  was 
established  at  Calcutta.  Of  this  court  Irnpey 
was  appointed  the  first  chief  justice,  on  the 
recommendation,  as  he  believed,  of  Thurlow, 
the  attorney-general.  He  was  knighted,  and 
leaving  for  India  by  the  Anson  in  April  1774, 
landed  in  Calcutta  on  19  Oct. 

According  to  the  ill-defined  and  badly 
drafted  letters  patent  which  Impey  helped 
to  frame,  the  newly  established  court  at 
Calcutta  was  to  have  jurisdiction  over  all 
trespasses  by  persons  in  the  company's 
service ;  to  try  civil  causes  of  the  value  of 
over  five  hundred  rupees ;  to  act  as  a  court 
of  equity,  probate,  and  admiralty ;  to  be  a 
court  of  oyer  and  terminer  and  gaol  delivery ; 
and  to  hear,  determine,  and  award  judgment 
and  execution  in  all  treasons,  murders, 
felonies,  and  forgeries,  committed  by  British 
subjects  in  the  provinces  of  Bengal,  Bihar,  and 
Orissa,  or  by  any  others  directly  or  indirectly 
employed  or  in  the  service  of  the  company. 
The  court  might  also  reprieve  or  suspend 
execution  of  its  sentence  until  the  king's  plea- 
sure should  be  known  in  all  cases  where  there 
should  appear  a  proper  occasion  for  mercy. 

A  pro-formd  term  having  been  opened  in 
October  1774,  the  court  assembled  for  its 
first  actual  business  after  the  brief  Christ- 
mas recess.  At  the  time  the  long-pending 
quarrels  of  Warren  Hastings,  the  governor- 
general,  with  both  his  council  and  Nand 
Kumar,  or  Nuncomar,  were  reaching  their 
bitterest  stages  [see  under  HASTINGS,  WAR- 
KEN].  And  with  Nand  Kumar  Impey  was  at 
once  brought  judicially  into  very  close  re- 
lations. As  early  as  December  1772  one 
Gungabissen  had,  as  executor  for  a  native 
banker  who  had  died  in  1769,  sued  Nand 
Kumar  for  sums  alleged  to  be  due  to  the 
dead  man's  estate.  Nand  Kumar  not  only 
denied  his  indebtedness,  but  put  forward 
counter  claims  on  account  of  a  bond  which 
he  stated  had  been  given  him  by  the  dead 
man.  He  refused,  however,  to  produce  the 
bond,  and  declined  in  1774  to  follow  the 
suggestion  of  the  court  to  submit  the  dis- 
pute to  arbitration.  An  application  made 
to  the  old  court  on  25  March  1774  to  compel 
Nand  Kumar  to  deliver  the  disputed  document 
to  Gungabissen  or  his  agent,  Mohun  Prasad, 
was  refused.  On  25  Jan.  1775  Thomas  Farrer, 
a  barrister,  repeated  this  application  in  behalf 
of  Mohun  Prasad  in  Impey's  court.  In  the 
following  March — before  judgment  was  de- 
livered— Nand  Kumar  preferred  charges  of 
corruption  against  Hastings,  and  in  April 
Hastings  retaliated  by  bringing  charges  of 
conspiracy  against  Nand  Kumar  and  some 
of  his  associates,  upon  which  they  were  soon 
acquitted.  Before  the  end  of  the  same  month 
(April)  Impey,  however,  made  the  order 
prayed  for  by  Gungabissen  and  his  agent 
for  the  delivery  to  them  by  Nand  Kumar  of 
the  disputed  bond.  Immediately  afterwards 
(6  May)  a  charge  of  forging  the  bond  was 
preferred  against  Nand  Kumar,  and  two  of 
the  judges  of  the  higher  court  sitting  at  Cal- 
cutta, as  justices  of  the  peace,  after  a  pro- 
tracted inquiry  committed  him  for  trial.  Bail 
was  refused,  and  when  that  question  was 
brought  before  Impey  in  the  supreme  court 
he  confirmed  the  decision  of  the  lower  court. 

i  Early  next  month  the  grand  jury  found  a 
true  bill  against  Nand  Kumar,  and  the  case 
came  before  Impey  and  the  other  three  judges 
of  the  supreme  court  on  8  June  1775.  Mr. 
Durham  appeared  for  the  crown,  while  the 

j  prisoner  was  defended  by  two  advocates,  the 

j  leader  being  FarreV,  who  had  acted  on  the 
side  of  Gungabissen  in  the  preliminary  pro- 

i  ceedings.  The  trial  began  with  pleas  to  the 
jurisdiction,  and  with  an  argument  on  the 

;  indictment,  which  had  been  drawn — it  was 

!  afterwards  said — by  Mr.  Justice  Lemaistre, 
one  of  the  committing  magistrates.  Sir  Ro- 

]  bert  Chambers  [q.  v.],  the  only  one  of  the 

E  E2 




judges  who  was  a  professed  jurist,  expressed 
doubts  as  to  the  applicability  of  the  statute 
(2  Geo.  II.  c.  25)  under  which  the  prisoner 
was  indicted.  But  after  evidence  had  been 
heard  it  was  ruled  by  the  majority  of  the 
bench  that  there  was  no  reason  why  this 
statute  should  not  apply.  A  conviction  had 
in  1765  been  obtained  under  it  in  a  Calcutta 
court,  and  sentence  of  death  passed  on  a  high- 
caste  Hindu.  There  is  no  reason  to  regard 
the  court's  decision  as  bad ;  but  the  letters 
patent  constituting  the  new  court  had  not 
made  it  plain  what  law  the  court  was  called 
on  to  administer.  A  difference  of  opinion  on 
the  point  was  therefore  inevitable. 

As  the  trial  proceeded  the  crown  lawyers 
proved  incompetent,  and  much  of  the  exami- 
nation and  cross-examination  was  undertaken 
by  the  judges,  as  still  happens  sometimes  in 
Indian  trials.  But  the  circumstance  gave 
rise  to  much  subsequent  comment  hostile  to 
the  judges.  The  proceedings  occupied  seven 
days.  Evidence  was  produced  that  two  of 
the  attestations  to  the  bond  were  forgeries, 
and  also  that  the  sum  acknowledged  was 
not  due  from  the  alleged  obligee.  For  the 
defence,  on  the  other  hand,  evidence  was  re- 
corded that  the  bond  had  been  truly  exe- 
cuted and  truly  attested,  and  subsequently 
acknowledged  "in  writing.  In  their  cross- 
examination  the  witnesses  for  the  defence 
showed  signs  of  having  been  tutored.  They 
contradicted  one  another  on  points  put  to 
them  by  the  court.  The  most  important  of 
them  broke  down  on  a  question  put  by  the  pri- 
soner himself.  On  the  16th  the  chief  justice 
fairly  and  exhaustively  summed  up  the  evi- 
dence. *  It  would  have  been  impossible  to 
put  more  strongly '  the  points  that  were  fa- 
vourable to  the  prisoner  (STEPHEN,  The  Story 
of  Nuncomar,  i.  164  w.)  Want  of  local  ex- 
perience, however,  led  Impey  to  remark  that 
*  the  nature  of  the  defence  (which  undoubtedly 
turned  the  scale  against  the  prisoner)  was 
such  that,  if  it  were  not  believed,  it  must 
prove  fatal ; '  whereas  in  India,  then,  as  now, 
a  good  defence  is  often  supported  in  the 
law  courts  by  much  false  evidence.  But,  in 
the  opinion  of  Sir  James  Fitzjames  Stephen, 
'  no  man  ever  had,  or  could  have,  a  fairer 
trial  than  Nuncomar,  and  Impey  in  particular 
behaved  with  absolute  fairness,  and  as  much 
indulgence  as  was  compatible  with  his  duty.' 
The  jury  found  a  verdict  of  guilty. 

A  motion  made  by  Farrer  in  arrest  of  judg- 
ment on  22  or  23  June  failed,  and  Impey 
passed  sentence  of  death,  no  other  sentence 
being  lawful  under  the  statute  on  which  the 
prisoner  had  been  tried.  The  court  ordered 
at  the  same  time  that  several  witnesses  for 
the  defence  should  be  prosecuted  for  perjury, 

and  declined  to  exercise  the  power  given  in 
its  charter  of  suspending  the  execution  until 
the  king's  pleasure  could  be  taken.  A  peti- 
tion presented  to  the  court  on  24  June  on  the 
convict's  behalf  for  leave  to  appeal  was  re- 
fused, apparently  inlmpey's  absence  from  the 
court.  In  July  the  grand  jury  expressed  in 
an  address  to  Impey  their  satisfaction  at  his 
conduct  of  the  trial,  and  some  merchants, 
Armenians,  and  natives  of  Calcutta, presented 
similar  addresses  to  all  the  judges,  in  which 
Impey  was  extravagantly  eulogised.  A  letter 
drawn  up  by  Farrer  for  presentation  to  the 
judges  by  the  council,  and  intended  to  ac- 
company a  petition  from  the  prisoner  for  a 
reprieve,  was  privately  examined  on  1  Aug. 
by  the  majority  of  the  council,  the  enemies 
of  Hastings  and  Impey,  and  they  recom- 
mended Farrer  not  to  proceed  further  in  the 
matter.  On  5  Aug.  1775  Nand  Kumar  was 
publicly  hanged. 

It  was  afterwards  asserted  by  English 
statesmen,  prompted  by  Sir  Philip  Francis 
[q.  v.],  that  Impey  acted  throughout  as  a  tool 
of  the  governor,  that  the  prosecution  had 
been  instigated  by  Hastings  with  the  view 
of  stifling  the  accusations  which  the  prisoner 
was  bringing  against  him,  and  that  the  chief 
justice  had  on  that  ground  refrained  from 
exercising  his  privilege  of  mercy.  No  collu- 
sion between  Hastings  and  Impey  was,  how- 
ever, proved.  The  governor-general  had  little 
to  gain  by  the  death  of  the  prisoner  (whose 
accusations  had  already  been  recorded,  to- 
gether with  the  proofs  on  which  they  rested) 
compared  with  what  the  opposition  members 
of  the  council  had  to  gain  by  allowing  the  law 
to  take  its  course.  Their  action  in  advising 
Farrer  not  to  formally  present  Nand  Kumar's 
petition  for  a  reprieve  was  unmistakable. 
Moreover,  Francis  deliberately  ignored  a 
letter  which  the  prisoner  addressed  to  himself 
on  31  July  asking  him  to  interpose  with  the 
judges ;  and  a  petition  from  Nand  Kumar  to 
Sir  John  Clavering  [q.  v.],  dated  the  day  before 
his  execution,  in  which  the  prisoner  suggested 
that  he  was  being  judicially  murdered  by 
Hastings's  agency,  was  not  brought  by  Cla- 
vering to  the  council's  notice  till  14  Aug., when 
it  was  unanimously  condemned  as  a  libel  on 
Impey  and  his  colleagues,  and  was  ordered, 
on  the  motion  of  Francis,  to  '  be  burned  by 
the  common  hangman.' 

Impey  was  anxious  to  extend  and  define  the 
jurisdiction  of  his  court  and  to  bring  under  its 
control  as  an  appeal  court  the  fiscal  adminis- 
tration, which  was  largely  in  the  hands  of 
corrupt  natives  or  inexperienced  English 
officials.  Hastings  was  in  complete  agree- 
ment with  Impey  on  the  subject,  and  writing 
to  the  directors  of  the  company  (21  March 




1776),  mentioned  that  he  was  indebted  to 
Impey  for  a  draft  act  enlarging  the  powers 
of  the  supreme  court,  which  he  desired  might 
be  submitted  to  his  majesty's  ministers. 

The  project  came  to  nothing  for  the  mo- 
ment. In  July  1777  Sir  John  Clavering 
[q.  v.]  and  Hastings  brought  before  Impey's 
court  their  quarrel  as  to  the  validity  of  the 
resignation  of  the  governor-generalship  which 
Hastings's  agent  had,  under  a  misconception, 
presented  in  London.  Impey  decided  that 
Hastings  had  not  resigned.  In  1779  Has- 
tings and  Francis  agreed  to  a  temporary  cessa- 
tion of  hostilities,  and,  in  accordance  with 
Francis's  conditions,  Impey's  judicial  power 
was  seriously  diminished.  The  government 
issued  a  proclamation  informing  the  public 
that  Impey's  court  had  no  jurisdiction  over 
native  landholders.  Military  force  was  em- 
ployed, moreover,  to  resist  precepts  delivered 
for  execution  to  the  court's  officers.  Impey 
was  prostrated  by  the  humiliation,  and  the 
estrangement  between  him  and  Francis  was 
intensified  when  the  latter  came  before  him  as 
defendant  in  a  case  of  criminal  conversation, 
and  was  sentenced  to  pay  damages  amounting 
to  fifty  thousand  rupees  (6  March  1779).  At 
the  end  of  1780,  however,  Francis  went  home, 
and  the  scheme  of  1776  for  the  extension  of 
the  powers  of  the  supreme  court  was  revived, 
although  no  authorisation  of  the  new  arrange- 
ment had  been  received  from  home.  The 
local  courts  were  put  under  European  control, 
and  Impey  was  made  president  of  the  central 
court,  with  appellate  and  administrative  au- 
thority over  them  all.  He  worked  well  and 
assiduously  at  his  new  duties,  putting  down 
abuses  and  drawing  up  a  code  of  regulations 
which  has  influenced  all  later  laws  of  civil 
procedure.  His  son  states  that  he  never  en- 
joyed the  extra  salary  attached  to  the  new 
post.  It  is  on  record  that  he  took  the  duty 
without  making  any  preceding  stipulation, 
and  offered  to  serve  gratuitously  if  the  ap- 
pointment should  be  disapproved  of  in  London. 

While  on  a  tour  of  official  inspection  among 
the  country  courts  in  1782,  Impey,  at  Has- 
tings's request,  pushed  on  to  Lucknow,  where 
he  lent  the  authority  of  his  attestation  to 
certain  affidavits  which  the  governor-general 
desired  to  put  on  record  in  order  to  provide 
evidence  that  the  dowagers  had  lent  them- 
selves to  the  seditious  proceedings  of  Chait 
Sinh,  the  mutinous  raja  of  Benares  (see 
under  HASTINGS,  WAEEEN).  Impey  was  well 
skilled  in  Persian  and  Hindustani,  and  his 
legal  experience  gave  additional  value  to  the 
declarations.  But  as  the  place  was  entirely 
beyond  his  jurisdiction,  the  chief  justice  could 
give  no  official  character  to  the  proceeding, 
and  his  action  offered  new  grounds  of  attack 

on  the  part  of  the  enemies  of  Hastings  and 

Meanwhile  Francis  at  home  represented 
that  Impey's  conduct  in  enlarging  the  juris- 
diction of  his  court  contravened  the  letters 
patent — a  vexatious  charge,  seeing  that 
Chambers,  who  acted  throughout  with  Impey  r 
was  not  molested,  and  that  the  counsel  whose 
opinion  was  taken  on  the  question  answered 
that  Impey  had  committed  no  illegality.  But 
Francis  prevailed,  and  Impey  was  recalled  to 
explain  his  conduct  on  3  Dec.  1783.  He 
embarked  for  England  with  his  family  on 
board  the  Worcester,  East  Indiaman.  After 
a  narrow  escape  from  shipwreck,  and  a  con- 
sequent change  of  vessels,  the  travellers  landed 
in  June  1784,  and  Impey  settled  for  the  time 
in  Grosvenor  Street,  London. 

A  few  days  before  Christmas  1787,  when 
the  proceedings  against  Warren  Hastings 
had  already  begun,  Sir  Gilbert  Elliot  [q.v.], 
afterwards  first  earl  of  Minto,  with  the  con- 
nivance of  Burke,  presented  to  the  House  of 
Commons  six  charges  against  Impey,  which 
he  strove  to  support  in  a  long  and  laboured 
address.  The  chief  gravamina  were  the  mat- 
ters connected  with  the  trial  and  execution 
of  Nand  Kumar,  and  the  exercise  of  extended 
judicial  powers  under  the  government  of  Ben- 
gal. On  4  Feb.  1788  a  committee  of  the  whole 
house  discussed  whether  the  accusations  justi- 
fied the  impeachment  of  Impey.  Impey  ap- 
peared at  the  bar,  and  delivered,without  notes, 
a  speech  in  his  own  defence.  He  supported 
his  arguments  by  a  great  number  of  clearly 
marshalled  documents  ;  and  the  printed  re- 
port formed  179  octavo  pages.  On  9  May  the 
house  divided,  and  Elliot's  motion  was  lost 
by  73  against  55  as  regarded  the  first  and 
most  important  count.  Thereupon  the  im- 
peachment was  dropped. 

In  1789  Impey  resigned  his  office.  In  the 
following  year  he  entered  the  House  of  Com- 
mons as  M.P.  for  New  Eomney.  He  re- 
tained his  seat  till  the  dissolution  in  1796, 
but  took  little  or  no  part  in  the  debates ;  he 
practically  retired  from  public  life  after  1792. 
In  that  year  he  removed  from  a  country 
house  in  Essex  to  Amesbury,  Wiltshire,  and 
became  tenant  to  the  Duke  of  Queensberry  in 
a  house  once  the  resort  of  John  Gay.  Here 
he  enjoyed  the  company  of  many  old  friends, 
including  Mansfield,  his  former  travelling- 
companion  Popham,  and  his  schoolfellow  Sir 
R.  Sutton.  In  1794  Impey  settled  at 
Newick  Park,  Sussex,  where  he  engaged  in 
farming,  and  occupied  himself  in  educating 
his  sons.  Visiting  Paris  at  the  peace  of 
Amiens,  he  was  received  in  the  best  society 
of  the  time ;  but  was  detained,  by  order  of 
the  first  consul,  after  the  rupture  of  the 




peace ;  he  at  length  obtained  a  passport,  and 
returned  to  Newick  in  July  1804.  He  died 
at  Newick  1  Oct.  1809,  and  was  buried  in 
the  family  vault  at  Hammersmith. 

Impey's  foible  was  vanity ;  and  a  certain 
weakness  of  character  led  him  to  yield  at 
times  too  readily  to  the  commanding  will 
and  intellect  of  Hastings ;  but  there  is  no 
sufficient  reason  to  doubt  the  honesty  of  his 
intentions.  He  added  little  to  his  patrimony 
by  his  nine  years  of  Indian  service.  Like 
Hastings,  he  surmounted  by  the  help  of  a 
remarkably  amiable  temper  many  keen 
sorrows,  and  in  spite  of  ill-health  enjoyed 
life  to  the  last.  He  was  a  good  scholar,  and 
some  of  the  Latin  verses  preserved  in  the 
1  Life  '  are  at  least  creditable.  He  was  well 
versed  in  French,  and  he  wrote  and  read 
Persian.  His  English  style  was  nervous 
and  manly.  Both  Impey  and  Hastings  were 

Impey  married   on  18  Jan.   1768  Mary, 
daughter  of  Sir  John   Reade    of    Shipton 
Court,  Oxfordshire.   His  eldest  son,  Michael, 
a  major  in  the  64th  foot,  who  had  seen  some 
service  in  the  West  Indies,  was  killed  in  a 
duel  with  Lieutenant  Willis  of  his  own  regi- 
ment at  Quebec  on  1  Sept.  1801 ;  he  left  a 
widow  and  five  children.     Impey's  second 
son,  John,  became  an  admiral.  Three  younger 
sons,  Elijah  Barwell  (1780-1849),  Hastings 
(1784-1805),  and  Edward  (b.  1785),  were, 
like  their  father,  king's  scholars  of  West- 
minster.     Elijah   Barwell   was   elected  to 
Christ  Church,  Oxford,  in  1799  (B.A.  1803, 
M.A.  1806),  and  remained  a  student  on  the 
foundation  till  his  death  on  3  May  1849. 
He  was  a  cornet  in  the  14th  dragoons  in 
1808,  but  soon  retired  from  the  army,  and 
devoted  himself  to  literature.     He  published  i 
a  volume  of  poems  in  1811,  'Illustrations  of  j 
German   Poetry,'   1841,   and   a   life  of  his  i 
father,  1846 ( WELSH, Alumni  JFe^ra.p.451). 
Hastings  Impey,  Sir  Elijah's  favourite  son, 
and  his  brother  Edward  went  to  India  as 
writers  in    1800.      The   former  died  there 
5  June  1805,   and   the   latter  returned  to  i 
England  in    1819   (ib.   pp.  450,   452).      A 
natural  son,  Archibald  Elijah  Impey  (1766- 
1831),  was  educated  at  Tiverton,  and  as  a 
king's  scholar  at  Westminster  from  1778. 
He  graduated  B.A.  from  Trinity  College, 
Cambridge,    in    1787    (M.A.    1791) ;    was 
called    to    the    bar   of  the'  Inner   Temple  ' 
in  1788 ;  aided  his  father  in  his  defence  in 
1788 ;    was  a  commissioner  of  bankrupts ;  ! 
was  commissioner  for  settling  British  claims  j 
on  France  under  the  treaty  of  peace  of  4  May  i 
1814  ;  became  a  bencher  of  the  Inner  Temple  I 
in  1830,  and,  dying  9  July  1831,  was  buried  j 
in  the  Temple  Church,  where  there  is  a  monu-  < 

ment  to  his  memory,  now  in  the  triforium 
gallery  of  the  round  church.  It  was  erected 
by  his  widow  Sarah,  who  died  18  Nov.  1842 
aged  65  (Gent.  Mag.  1831,  ii.  91;  WELSH, 
Alumni  Westm.  p.  409  ;  Benchers  of  the  Inner 
Temple,  1883,  p.  98). 

A  portrait  of  Sir  Elijah  by  Zoffany  is  in 
the  National  Portrait  Gallery.  Another,  by 
Tilly  Kettle,was  engraved  by  Carlos  as  frontis- 
piece to  the  biography  by  his  son.  His  letters 
and  papers,  including  much  of  his  correspon- 
dence with  Hastings,  were  presented  in  1846 
by  his  son  and  biographer  to  the  British  Mu- 
seum, and  are  numbered  there  Addit.  MSS. 
16259-70.  Other  parts  of  his  correspondence 
with  Hastings  are  among  the  Hastings  papers 
in  the  Museum  (MSS.  Addit.  29136-93). 

[Memoirs  of  Sir  Elijah  Impey,  by  his  son, 
Elijah  Barwell  Impey,  London,  1846,  is  a  con- 
fused and  controversial  book,  but  does  credit  to 
the  character  of  father  and  son.  It  was  written 
to  counteract  the  hostile  view  of  Impey's  cha- 
racter and  conduct  taken  by  Macaulay  in  his 
article  on  "Warren  Hastings.  The  Speech' 
(Stockdale,  London,  1788)  is  valuable  for  its 
appendices.  The  part  played  by  Impey  in  Nand 
Kumar's  trial  is  fully  discussed  in  the  Story  of 
Nuncomar,  by  Sir  J.Stephen,  London,  1885,  which 
is  a  powerful  vindication  of  Impey;  and  the  Trial 
of  Nand  Kumar,  by  H.  Beveridge,  Calcutta,  1886, 
which  is  adverse  to  Impey.  Busteed  (Echoes  of 
Old  Calcutta,  2nd  edit.),  while  acknowledging 
the  research  shown  by  Mr.  Beveridge,  adopts  the 
conclusion  of  Sir  J.  F.  Stephen  ;  see  also  Warren 
Hastings,  by  Sir  A.  C.  Lyall,  1889.]  H.  G.  K. 

IMPEY,  JOHN  (d.  1829),  legal  writer, 
was  for  over  sixty  years  a  member  of  the 
Inner  Temple,  although  he  practised  as  an 
attorney  at  3  Inner  Temple  Lane,  and  was 
for  many  years,  until  1813,  one  of  the  attor- 
neys of  the  sheriff's  court  of  London  and 
Middlesex.  John  Thelwall  [q.  v.],  the  lec- 
turer, spent  three  and  a  half  years  of  his  un- 
settled youth  in  his  office,  and  acknowledged 
that  Impey's  'only  fault  was  swearing.' 
During  the  last  three  years  of  his  life  Impey 
lived  in  retirement  at  Hammersmith,  where 
he  died  14  May  1829.  One  W.  J.  Impey, 
who  published  '  Questions  on  the  Practice  of 
the  Courts  of  King's  Bench  and  Common 
Pleas,'  may  have  been  a  son. 

Impey's  books  contain  the  first  systematic 
account  of  the  practice  of  the  two  great 
common  law  courts,  and  he  stood  high  as  an 
authority  on  this  subject  even  with  the  bench 
(Letter  of  Impey,  1797,  Brit.  Mus.  Add. 
MS.  21507,  fol.  311).  He  published :  l.'The 
New  Instructor  Clericalis,  stating  the  Au- 
thority, Jurisdiction,  and  Practice  of  the 
Court  of  King's  Bench,'  London,  1782,  8vo  ; 
it  reached  a  tenth  edition  in  the  author's 

I  nee 



lifetime  (1823).  2.  'The  New  Instructor 
Clericalis,  stating  the  Authority,  Jurisdiction, 
and  Practice  of  the  Court  of  Common  Pleas/ 
London,  1784,  8vo;  a  seventh  edition  was 
published  in  1826.  3.  '  The  Practice  of  the 
Office  of  Sheriff/  London,  1786, 8vo,  dedicated 
to  Lord  Ellenborough.  To  which  was  added 
in  the  second  edition  (1800)  '  The  Practice  of 
the  Office  of  Coroner'  (5th  edit.1822).  4. '  The 
Modern  Pleader/  London,  1794,  8vo. 

[Prefatory  Memoir  to  John  Thel wall'  sr  Fairy 
of  the  Lake,  Hereford,  1801  ;  Life  of  John 
Thelvall,  by  his  widow,  1837;  Thomas  Lee's 
Diet,  of  Practice  in  Courts  of  King's  Bench  and 
Common  Pleas  (Pref.  v.),  1825  ;  Clarke's  New  Law 
List,  1803-28;  Gent.  Mag.  1829,  pt.  ii.  p.  282.] 

J  T— T 

INGE,  JOSEPH  MURRAY  (1806-1859), 
painter,  was  born  at  Presteign,  Radnorshire, 
in  1806.  Taking  to  painting  as  a  profession, 
he  became  a  pupil  in  1823  of  David  Cox  the 
elder  [q.  v.],  and  remained  working  under 
him  till  1826,  when  he  came  to  London.  He 
exhibited  in  that  year  for  the  first  time  at  the 
Royal  Academy,  and  was  also  an  occasional 
exhibitor  at  the  British  Institution  and  other 
galleries.  In  1832  he  was  residing  at  Cam- 
bridge, where  he  made  many  architectural 
drawings.  About  1835  he  returned  to  Pres- 
teign, where  he  spent  the  remainder  of  his 
life,  inheriting  some  property  on  the  death 
of  his  parents,  and  making  a  good  income  out 
of  his  profession.  He  died  on  24  Sept.  1859, 
and  was  buried  in  Kensal  Green  cemetery, 
London.  A  monument  was  erected  to  his 
memory  at  Presteign.  Ince  was  a  good 
painter  of  landscape  in  water-colours.  There 
are  examples  of  his  drawings  at  the  South  j 
Kensington  Museum,  and  in  the  print  room  ! 
at  the  British  Museum. 

[Redgrave's  Diet,  of  Artists ;  information  from 
the  Kev.  A.  W.  West,  rector  of  Presteign.]  L.  C. 

1821),  novelist,  dramatist,  and  actress,  the 
youngest  but  one  of  the  numerous  children 
of  John  Simpson,  a  farmer  and  a  Roman 
catholic,  and  his  wife  Mary,  was  born  at 
Stanningfield,  near  Bury  St.  Edmunds  in 
Suffolk,  on  15  Oct.  1753  (BOADEN;  16th, 
HAYDN,  Index).  After  the  death  of  her 
father  on  15  April  1761  she  picked  up  such 
education  as  she  could  obtain  from  books, 
and  after  her  brother  George  went  on  the 
stage  she  applied  without  success  in  1770 
to  Richard  Griffith,  manager  of  the  Norfolk 
theatre,  for  an  engagement  as  actress,  a  pro- 
fession for  which  a  serious  impediment  in  her 
speech  seemed  to  disqualify  her.  After  brief  i 
visits  to  London  and  elsewhere,  in  the  course  j 
of  which  she  made  the  acquaintance  of  various 
people  connected  with  the  stage  and  coquetted  \ 

with  proposals  from  her  future  husband,  she 
left  home  abruptly  and  without  warning  on 
11  April  1772  to  seek  her  fortune.  Endowed 
with  much  beauty  and  very  slenderly  fur- 
nished with  money,  she  underwent  various 
adventures,  real  or  imaginary,  in  London, 
where  she  applied  in  turn  to  Reddish  and  to 
King.  From  James  William  Dodd  [q.  v.], 
:  through  whom  she  sought  to  obtain  an  en- 
,  gagement,  she  received  dishonouring  propo- 
!  sals,  by  which  she  was  thoroughly  frightened, 
i  and  which  she  resented  with  characteristic 
impetuosity.  Feeling  the  need  of  a  protector, 
she  married  Joseph  Inchbald,  an  actor  and 
i  portrait  painter,  on  9  June  1772,  at  the  house 
of  her  sister,  Mrs.  Slender,  through  the  agency 
I  of  a  catholic  priest  named  Rice,  and  on  the 
following  day  was  married  again  in  church 
according  to  protestant  rites.  This  second 
,  marriage  cast  some  suspicion  upon  the  state- 
I  ment  that  her  husband  was  a  catholic.  On 
the  day  of  his  marriage  Inchbald  is  said — 
probably  in  error,  since  the  part,  according 
to  Genest,  was  played  by  Reddish — to  have 
enacted  Mr.  Oakley  in  the  'Jealous  Wife.' 
The  following  day,  11  June  1772,  she  started 
with  him  for  Bristol,  where,  after  some  delays, 
she  at  length  appeared  on  the  stage,  4  Sept., 
as  Cordelia  to  her  husband's  Lear.  She  then 
visited  Scotland,  and  repeated  Cordelia  at 
Glasgow  to  her  husband's  Lear,  26  Oct. 
1772,  and  on  6  Nov.  played  Anne  Bullen  in 
'  Henry  VIII '  to  her  husband's  Cranmer  and 
the  Wolsey  of  West  Digges,  her  manager.  In 
Edinburgh  she  appeared,  29  Nov.,  as  Jane 
Shore,  playing  subsequently  Calista  in  the 
'  Fair  Penitent.'  In  the  following  year  she 
appeared  as  Calphurnia,  Lady  Anne  in  '  Ri- 
chard III/  Lady  Percy,  Lady  Elizabeth  Grey 
in  the  '  Earl  of  Warwick/  Fanny  in  the '  Clan- 
destine Marriage/  Desdemona,  Aspasia  in 
1  Tamerlane/  Mrs.  Strictland  in  the  t  Suspi- 
cious Husband/  and  the  Tragic  Muse  in  the 
'Jubilee.'  From  Edinburgh  or  Glasgow  she 
visited  Dundee,  Aberdeen,  and  various  other 
Scottish  towns,  playing  a  large  number  of 
characters,  among  which  were  Juliet,  Imogen, 
Violante  in  the  '  Wonder/  Monimia  in  the 
'  Orphan/  and  Sigismunda.  She  also  took 
lessons  in  French,  and  practised  painting. 
Her  journeys  were  taken  in  the  roughest 
fashion,  sometimes  on  foot.  On  2  July  1776, 
after  her  husband  had  quarrelled  with  the 
Edinburgh  public,  she  took  ship  with  him 
from  Shields  for  Saint  Valery,  and  went  to 
Paris,  where  Inchbald  vainly  sought  occupa- 
tion as  a  painter,  and  his  wife  conceived  the 
notion  of  writing  comedies.  Returning  to 
Brighton  on  19  Sept.  she  proceeded  on  the  30th 
to  London,  and  on  4  Oct.  by  Chester  to  Liver- 
pool,where  she  made  the  acquaintance  of  Mrs. 




Siddons,  which  ripened  into  friendship,  and  | 
play ed  on  18  Oct.  Juliet,  followed  by  Cleopatra 
in  ' All  for  Love,'  &c.     While  here  and  at 
Manchester  she  made  many  applications  to 
Tate  Wilkinson,  which  were  ultimately  suc- 
cessful, and  wrote  the  first  outline  of  'A 
Simple  Story.'     Mrs.  Inchbald  and  her  hus- 
band here  also  formed  their  close  friendship 
with  John  Philip  Kemble,  who  sat  for  his  | 
portrait  to  Inchbald.   After  a  visit  to  Canter-  i 
bury,  the  pair  reached  York  in  January  1778, 
and  were  treated  with  much  friendliness  by 
Tate  Wilkinson.     She  acted  in  York,  Leeds, 
and  other  Yorkshire  towns,  and  was  well  re- 
ceived in  Yorkshire  society.    On  6  June  1779  i 
her  husband  died  suddenly,  under  painful  j 
circumstances   (see  TATE  WILKINSON,   The  \ 
Wandering  Patentee,  ii.  56-9).     Inchbald,  as  I 
an  actor,  although  little  seen  in  London,  stood 
high  in  favour  in   comic  old  men,  Justice 
Credulous,  Sir  Anthony  Absolute,  &c.,  and 
did  some  scene-painting  for  Tate  Wilkinson, 
who  had  a  warm  regard  for  him  as  a  friend 
and  an  actor   (ib.  i.  277).     A  son  George, 
not  by  Mrs.  Inchbald,  was  also  a  member  of 
Tate  Wilkinson's  company,  and  George's  wife 
subsequently  played  in  Bath.     Inchbald  was 
buried  in  Leeds,  John  Philip  Kemble,  who 
contemplated  marrying  his  widow,  writing 
a  long  Latin  epitaph  for  his  tombstone,  and 
dedicating  to  his  memory  a  poem  palpably 
imitated  from  Collins. 

On  14  June  1779  a  performance  was  given 
at  Leeds  for  Mrs.  Inchbald's  benefit.  She 
acted  her  old  characters  in  Wakefield  and 
Doncaster  in  September,  her  first  part  after 
her  bereavement  being  Andromache,  and 
finished  writing  '  A  Simple  Story.'  The  fol- 
lowing year  she  refused  offers  of  marriage 
from  '  Dicky '  Suett  and  others,  began  a  new 
play,  and  obtained  a  long-coveted  engagement 
from  Harris  for  Covent  Garden.  She  quitted 
the  York  company  19  Sept.  1780.  As  Bel- 
lario  in  'Philaster,'  to  the  Philaster  of  Lewis 
and  the  Arethusa  of  Mrs.  Mattocks,  she  made 
on  3  Oct.  1780,  at  Covent  Garden,  her  first 
appearance  in  London,  but  failed  to  attract 
much  attention.  Other  characters  followed, 
including  Mrs.  Strictland,  Queen  in  '  Ri- 
chard III,'  Mariana  in '  Measure  for  Measure,' 
Constantia  in  the '  Chances,'  and  many  others. 
Her  salary  rose  from  II.  6s.  8d.  per  week  to 
3 J.  She  appeared  at  the  Haymarket  on  1 6  July 
1782  as  Emma  Cecil  in  the '  East  Indian.'  She 
quitted  the  Hay  market  on  16  Sept.  1782,  acted 
a  month  at  Shrewsbury,  and  opened  in  Dublin 
in  November  as  Bellario,  returning  to  London 
in  the  following  spring.  She  resumed  acting 
at  Covent  Garden  at  an  augmented  salary, 
and  retired  from  the  stage,  where  her  success 
was  never  great,  in  1789.  According  to 

Genest,  her  last  appearance  was  on  14  May 
1789,  when  she  acted  Mrs.  Blandish  in  the 
'  Heiress  '  at  Covent  Garden  Theatre. 

Mrs.  Inchbald  had  at  an  early  date  written 
farces,  but  when  she  first  sent  her  manuscripts- 
to  Harris  and  to  Colman  neither  manager 
took  any  notice  of  them.  In  the  summer  of 
1782,  however,  Harris  accepted  a  play  from 
her,  and  gave  her  20/.  on  account.  Colman 
agreed  on  7  March  1784  to  give  her  one  hun- 
dred guineas  for  l  The  Mogul  Tale,  or^  the 
Descent  of  the  Balloon,'  and  produced  it  at 
the  Haymarket  6  July  1784,  with  much  suc- 
cess. It  was  not  apparently  printed  until 
1824.  Mrs.  Inchbald  played  a  small  part, 
in  which  she  all  but  broke  down.  Colman 
produced,  on  4  Aug.  1785  (8vo,  1786),  her  Til 
tell  you  what,'  a  five-act  play  which  greatly 
augmented  her  reputation ;  her  manager 
wrote  both  prologue  and  epilogue.  On  22  Oct. 
Harris  gave  at  Covent  Garden  her  '  Ap- 
pearance is  against  them  '  (8vo,  1785).  Her 
subsequent  dramatic  productions  consisted 
of:  1.  l  The  Widow's  Vow,'  an  adaptation 
of  'L'heureuse  Erreur'  of  Patrat  (8vo,  1786), 
Haymarket,  20  June  1786.  2.  'All  on  a 
Summer  Day,'  Covent  Garden,  15  Dec.  1787, 
damned  the  first  night,  and  not  printed. 
3.  '  Such  things  are,'  a  comedy,  Covent  Gar- 
den, 10  Feb.  1787  (8vo,  1788).  4.  'The 
Midnight  Hour,'  a  comedy,  Covent  Garden, 
22  May  1787  (8vo,  1788),  from  the  French  of 
Damaniant.  5.  l  Animal  Magnetism,'  a  farce, 
Covent  Garden,  26  May  1788,  eighth  per- 
formance (12mo,  1789  ?).  6.  '  The  Child  of 
Nature,'  Covent  Garden,  28  Nov.  1788  (8vo, 
1788),  from  Madame  de  Genlis.  7.  'The 
Married  Man,'  Haymarket,  15  July  1789 
(8vo,  1789),  from  'Le  Philosophe  Marie"'  of 
Destouches.  8.  '  Hue  and  Cry,'  farce,  Drury 
Lane,  11  May  1791,  from  the  French,  not 
printed.  9.  '  Next-door  Neighbours,'  Hay- 
market,  9  July  1791  (8vo,  1791),  from  <  L'ln- 
digent '  of  Mercier  and  '  Le  Dissipateur  r 
of  Destouches.  10.  'Young  Men  and  Old 
Women,'  Haymarket,  30  June  1792,  from  the 
French,  not  printed.  11.  'Every  one  has 
his  Fault,'  Covent  Garden,  29  Jan.  1793 
(8vo,  1793 ;  attacked  in  the  '  True  Briton,' 
and  successfully  defended  by  the  author). 

12.  '  The  Wedding  Day,'  a  comedy,  Drury 
Lane,  third  time,  4  Nov.  1794  (8vo,  1794). 

13.  'Wives  as  they  were,  and  Maids  as  they 
are,'  Covent  Garden,  4   March  1797  (8vor 
1797).     14.  '  Lovers'  Vows,'  Covent  Garden, 
11  Oct.  1798  (8vo,  1798),  from  Kotzebue. 

15.  '  Wise  Man  of  the  East,'  Covent  Garden, 
30  Nov.  1799  (8vo,  1799),  from  Kotzebue. 

16.  'To  Marry  or  not  to  Marry,'  comedy, 
Covent  Garden,  16  Feb.  1805  (8vo,  1805). 
'  The  Massacre '  and  <  A  Case  of  Conscience  * 




were  printed  from  her  manuscripts  by  Boaden 
with  the '  Memoirs  of  Mrs.  Inchbald '  in  1833. 
Most  of  these  pieces  are  translations,  and 
some  of  them  are  trifling  enough.  Those 
which  are  original  are  chiefly  improbable, 
but  display  power  of  characterisation  and 
command  of  dialogue. 

Mrs.  Inchbald's  great  romance,  by  which 
she  is  principally  known,  *  A  Simple  Story/ 
was  finished  by  her  at  her  lodgings  in  Frith 
Street,  and  was  published,  4  vols.  12mo,  10  Feb. 
1791.  It  obtained  an  immediate  success,  a 
second  edition  being  ordered  on  1  May.  For 
the  copyright  she  received  200/.  In  spite  of 
the  break  in  the  middle,  which  practically 
divides  it  into  two  parts,  and  of  the  unex- 
pected frailty  of  the  heroine,  it  is  a  supremely 
tender  and  touching  work,  written  with  much 
happiness  of  style,  and  giving  a  very  lively  por- 
traiture of  character.  It  exercised  a  powerful 
influence  ;  it  was  one  of  the  earliest  examples 
of  the  novel  of  passion,  and  seems  to  some 
extent  to  have  inspired  '  Jane  Eyre.'  '  Nature 
and  Art,'  an  able  but  inferior  story,  followed 
in  1796,  2  vols.  12mo.  In  1806-9  she  edited 
'The  British  Theatre,'  in  25  vols.,  with 
biographical  and  critical  remarks.  Though 
sensible  in  the  main,  her  observations  upon 
involved  her  in  disputes  with 

various  ^  u 
George  Colman  the  younger  and  others.  The 
contents  of  the  *  Modern  Theatre,'  10  vols. 
1809,  and  '  A  Collection  of  Farces/  7  vols. 
1809,  were  simply  selected  by  her.  When 
in  1808  John  Murray  was  starting  the  '  Quar- 
terly/ under  the  guidance  of  Gifford  and 
Walter  Scott,  he  was  most  anxious  to  secure 
Mrs.  Inchbald  as  a  contributor,  and  it  was 
only  her  extreme  diffidence  which  led  her 
after  some  hesitation  to  decline  the  offer 
(SMILES,  Mem.  of  John  Murray,  i.  122).  She 
contributed,  however,  to  the '  Edinburgh  Re- 
view/ and  received  50/.  for  her  first  article, 
or,  as  she  said, '  for  five  minutes'  work.'  The 
prices  paid  her  for  literary  work  were  invari- 
ably high.  She  received,  indeed,  from  Harris 
as  much  as  600/.  for  a  single  play.  She  in- 
vested her  money  so  as  to  secure  herself  a 
yearly  independent  income  of  over260/. ;  but, 
equally  prudent  and  generous,  she  gave  large 
sums  to  various  members  of  her  family. 

Mrs.  Inchbald  died  Wednesday,  1  Aug. 
1821,  at  Kensington  House,  and  was  buried 
on  the  4th  in  Kensington  churchyard.  The 
memoirs  of  her  life,  for  which  she  had  been 
offered  1 ,000 /. ,  were  by  her  perempt  ory  inj  unc- 
tion destroyed  at  her  death ;  in  this  matter  she 
acted  on  the  advice  of  Bishop  Poynter.  Her 
will  was  signed  29  April  1821.  In  all  she 
left  about  6,000/.  In  her  private  life  she  was 
blameless,  though  she  was  given  to  senti- 
mental attachments,  and,  despite  her  anxiety 

to  marry  again,  she  declined  many  offers,  some 
of  them  advantageous.  She  died  a  devout 
Roman  catholic.  Singularly  fascinating  and 
gracious,  although  a  little  apt  to  take  and  give 
offence,  she  was  very  popular  in  both  literary 
and  fashionable  society  (cf.  CLAYDEIST,  Rogers 
and  his  Contemporaries,  i.  4,  46).  William 
Godwin's  daughter,  Mrs.  Shelley,  wrote  in  a 
notice  of  considerable  interest '  relative  to  Mrs. 
Inchbald  '  that  she  had  heard  a  rival  beauty 
complain  that  when  Mrs.  Inchbald  came  into 
the  room  and  sat  in  a  chair  in  the  middle  of 
it,  as  was  her  wont,  every  man  gathered 
round  it,  and  it  was  vain  for  any  other 
woman  to  attempt  to  gain  attention.  God- 
win admired  her  greatly.  (  He  used  to  de- 
scribe her  as  a  piquante  mixture  between  a 
lady  and  a  milkmaid,  and  added  that  Sheridan 
declared  she  was  the  only  authoress  whose 
society  pleased  him'  (KEGAN  PAUL,  Godwin^ 
i.  74).  Her  beauty  she  retained  until  late 
in  life,  and  she  always  dreaded  its  loss.  Ac- 
cording to  an  account  penned  by  an  admirer 
which  she  preserved  in  her  papers,  and  en- 
dorsed '  Description  of  Me/  she  was  hand- 
some in  figure,  but  stiff";  above  the  middle 
height ;  fair,  but  a  little  freckled,  and  '  with 
a  tinge  of  sand,  which  is  the  colour  of  her 
eyelashes ;  no  bosom ;  hair  of  a  sandy  auburn ; 
.  .  .  face  beautiful  in  effect  and  beautiful 
in  every  feature ;  .  .  .  countenance  full  of 
spirit  and  sweetness,  excessively  interesting, 
and,  without  indelicacy,  voluptuous  ;  .  .  . 
dress  always  becoming  and  very  seldom  worth 
so  much  as  eight-pence.' 

A  portrait  of  her  was  painted  by  Sir  Tho- 
mas Lawrence,  and  one  by  W.  Porter  was 
exhibited  in  the  Royal  Academy.  A  third, 
by  Harlowe,  is  in  the  Garrick  Club,  where  is 
also  a  representation  of  her,  by  De  "Wilde,  as 
Lady  Jane  Grey.  Most  of  her  plays  have 
been  reprinted  in  collections,  such  as  those 
of  Cumberland,  Oxberry,  Lacy,  and  '  The 
London  Stage.'  Her  '  I'll  tell  you  what '  was 
translated  into  German,  Leipzig,  1798,  and 
her  stories  were  more  than  once  translated 
into  French.  Of  'A  Simple  Story'  and 
*  Nature  and  Art '  many  editions  have  ap- 
peared, one,  with  a  memoir  by  William  Bell 
Scott,  being  published  in  1880.  Both  works 
are  in  the  '  Collection  of  British  Novelists/ 
Thomas  Button,  author  of  the  'Dramatic 
Censor/ 1801,  in  which  Mrs.  Inchbald  is  freely 
handled,  wrote  '  a  satirical  poem '  on  her  en- 
titled 'The  Wise  Men  of  the  East,  or  the  Ap- 
parition of  Zoroaster,  the  Son  of  Oromases,  to 
the  Theatrical  Midwife  of  Leicester  Fields.' 

[The  chief  authority  for  the  life  of  Mrs.  Inch- 
bald  is  the  Memoir  by  James  Boaden,  2  vols. 
1833.  Boaden  seems  to  have  had  access  to  her 
correspondence,  and  to  have  seen  in  manuscript 




portions  of  her  diary.  Most  of  the  magazines 
of  the  last  century  supplied  biographies  more  or  j 
less  untrustworthy,  which  were  copied  into  the  ! 
theatrical  biographies  of  the  early  years  of  this 
century.  In  works  such  as  Peake's  Colman, 
Dunlap's  Cooke,  Fanny  Kemble's  Kecords  of  a 
Girlhood,  Forster's  Goldsmith,  and  the  Life  of 
F.  Reynolds  are  many  particulars  concerning  her. 
Tate  Wilkinson  rhapsodises  over  her  beauty  and 
virtues  in  the  Wandering  Patentee.  Genest's  Ac- 
count of  the  Stage  ;  the  Biographia  Dramatica ; 
the  Georgian  Era ;  Gillow's  Bibl.  Diet.  iii.  532  ; 
New  Monthly  Magazine,  1821  ;  Rose's  Biog. 
Diet.;  Watt's  Bibl.  Brit,;  Lowndes's  Bibl.  Man. 
may  be  consulted.]  J.  K. 

1888),  painter,  was  born  29  April  1830  at 
Leeds,  where  Thomas  Inchbold,  his  father, 
was  proprietor  and  editor  of  the  '  Leeds  In-  \ 
telligencer.'  Manifesting  a  great  talent  for 
drawing  in  his  boyhood,  he  was  placed  as  a 
draughtsman  in  the  lithographic  works  of 
Messrs.  Day  &  Haghe.  He  soon  became  a  pupil 
of  Louis  Haghe,  the  water-colour  painter, 
and  was  a  student  at  the  Royal  Academy 
in  1847.  He  exhibited  at  the  Society  of 
British  Artists  in  1849,  at  the  Academy  in 
1851,  and  in  1855  gained  the  enthusiastic 
praise  of  Ruskin  by  his  picture,  *  The  Moor- 
land,' painted  in  illustration  of  a  famous 
Ciage  in  « Locksley  Hall.'  His  '  White 
of  Rylstone '  was  purchased  by  Mr. 
Ruskin.  These  were  almost  his  only  pic- 
tures connected  by  their  titles  with  poetical 
fancy  or  legend,  the  landscapes  which  down 
to  1885  he  continued,  in  spite  of  incessant 
discouragement,  to  contribute  to  the  Aca- 
demy, being  chiefly  topographical ;  and  per- 
haps Ruskin's  praise  of  his  stern  fidelity 
made  him  too  merely  literal  a  transcriber  of 
nature.  His  best-known  works  are  proba- 
bly <  The  Jungfrau '  (1857),  <  On  the  Lake  of 
Thun '  (1860),  <  Tintagel '  (1862),  '  Gordale 
Scar '  (1876),and '  Drifting '  (188(3) ;  the  last- 
named  is  in  the  possession  of  Mr.  Coventry 
Patmore.  Inchbold  was  happy  all  his  life 
in  the  friendship  of  poets  and  men  of  genius, 
which  consoled  him  for  the  hostility  of  the 
Academy  and  the  indifference  of  the  public. 
His  faults,  especially  the  frequent  hardness 
and  chilliness  of  his  general  effects,  contrasted 
with  the  over-brightness  of  particular  por- 
tions, undoubtedly  militated  against  the  gene- 
ral attractiveness  of  his  work ;  his  failings 
were  obtrusive,  and  the  recognition  of  his 
merits  demanded  insight  and  sympathy.  For 
fidelity,  delicacy,  and  true  though  unadorned 
poetry  of  feeling,  no  painter  of  his  day  stood 
higher.  Tennyson,  Browning,  Lord  Hough- 
ton,  and  Sir  Henry  Thompson  were  among 
his  admirers  and  supporters,  and  in  Dr.  Rus- 
sell Reynolds  he  found  a  liberal  and  dis- 

criminating patron.  A  year  or  two  before 
his  death  he  had  returned  from  Algeria  with 
a  large  collection  of  sketches,  in  which  the 
ordinary  defects  of  his  manner  were  less  ap- 
parent. He  died  suddenly  of  disease  of  the 
heart  at  Headingley,  near  Leeds,  23  Jan. 
1888.  His  memory  was  shortly  afterwards 
honoured  by  Mr.  Swinburne  in  a  funereal 
ode  of  surpassing  beauty.  Inchbold  himself 
was  a  poet  of  considerable  mark;  the  sonnets 
in  his  '  Annus  Amoris,'  1877,  are  interesting 
tokens  of  a  refined  and  poetical  mind,  though 
perhaps  not  one  possesses  the  finish  and  con- 
centration demanded  by  this  most  difficult 
form  of  composition. 

[Athenaeum,   4   Feb.    1888;    personal  know- 
ledge.] R.  G. 


INCLEDON,  BENJAMIN  (1730-1796), 
genealogist,  baptised  at  Pilton,  near  Barn- 
staple,  Devonshire,  6  June  1730,  was  the 
second  son,  but  the  successor  to  the  estate, 
of  Robert  Incledon,  of  Pilton  House,  by  his 
second  wife,  Penelope,  daughter  of  John 
Sanford  of  Ninehead,  Somerset.  The  father 
was  buried  at  Pilton  on  9  Dec.  1758,  aged 
83,  and  the  mother  on  30  April  1738.  Their 
son  was  educated  at  Blundell's  school,  Tiver- 
ton,  and  in  1765  was  elected  as  a  feoffee  of 
that  foundation.  He  was  also  a  trustee  of 
Comyn  or  Chilcott's  free  English  school  at 
Tiverton.  With  an  ample  patrimony,  he  in- 
terested himself  all  his  life  in  the  ancient 
families  of  Devonshire.  Richard  Polwhele 
refers  to  his  skill  in  compiling  pedigrees 
(Traditions  and  Recollections,  i.  260),  and 
the  '  Stemmata  Fortescuana,'  which  he 
drew  up  in  1795,  form  the  basis  of  the 
genealogies  in  Lord  Clermont's  '  History  of 
the  Family  of  Fortescue.'  For  some  un- 
known reason  he  refused  to  submit  his  pedi- 
grees to  the  inspection  of  Polwhele,  who 
thereupon  addressed  to  him  an  angry  letter, 
which  is  printed  in  the  '  Gentleman's  Maga- 
zine '  for  April  1791,  p.  308,  and  in  his 
1  Traditions,'  i.  258-9.  Incledon  printed  at 
Exeter,  in  1792,  at  his  own  expense,  for  the 
use  of  the  governing  body,  a  volume  entitled 
'Donations  of  Peter  Blundell  and  other 
Benefactors  to  the  Free  Grammar  School  at 
Tiverton,'  which  was  reprinted  by  the  trus- 
tees, with  notes  and  additions,  in  1804  and 
!  1826.  His  account  of  St.  Margaret  Hospital 
i  at  Pilton  appeared  in  the  *  Archseologia/  xii. 
I  211-14.  His  manuscript  collections  on  the 
I  Fortescues  are  deposited  with  Lord  For- 
i  tescue  at  Castle  Hill,  near  South  Molton, 
i  Devonshire  :  the  rest  of  his  papers  seem  to  have 
been  dispersed.  From  1758  until  his  death 




he  was  recorder  of  Barnstaple,  and  took  great 
delight  in  its  municipal  records.  In  Gribble's 
'  Memorials  of  Barnstaple '  are  copies  of  his 
lists  of  its  mayors  and  members  (pp.  197-205, 
219-25).  Incledon  died  at  Barnstaple,  after 
a  long  illness,  on  7  Aug.  1796.  He  married 
at  Tiverton  in  1757  Margaret,  second  daugh- 
ter and  co-heiress  of  John  Newton  of  that 
town.  She  died  at  the  Castle,  Barnstaple, 
on  8  Sept.  1803. 

[Visitations  of  Devonshire,  ed.  Vivian,  pp. 
498-9  ;  Davidson's  Devon.  Bibliography,  p.  55  ; 
Chanter's  Lit.  Hist,  of  Barnstaple,  p.  66;  infor- 
mation from  Mr.  Webber-Incledon  of  Dunster.] 

W.  P.  C. 

LNCLEDON,  CHARLES  (1763-1826), 
vocalist,  the  son  of  Bartholomew  Incledon, 
surgeon,  and  Loveday,  his  wife,  was  baptised 
at  St.  Keverne,  Cornwall,  on  5  Feb.  1763,  as 
Benjamin,  a  name  he  afterwards  discarded 
for  '  Charles'  (BOASE  and  COURTNEY,  Biblio- 
theca  Cornubiensis,  Suppl.,  p.  263).  The  family 
is  probably  a  branch  of  the  Incledons  of 
Bratton  in  Devonshire,  who  intermarried  with 
the  Glinnes  of  Cornwall  (  Visitation  of  Devon, 
1620).  Incledon  was  sent  to  Exeter  when 
he  was  eight  to  sing  in  the  cathedral  choir 
under  Langdon  and  Jackson,  but  after  a  few 
years  he  abandoned  his  studies,  and  ran  off 
to  sea.  About  1779  he  was  bound  for  the 
West  Indies  on  board  the  Formidable  (Cap- 
tain Cleland).  He  afterwards  changed  to 
the  Raisonnable  (Captain  Lord  Hervey),  and 
in  1782  saw  some  active  service.  In  the 
meantime  Incledon's  voice  and  talent  had 
been  noticed  by  his  officers,  who  encouraged 
him  in  his  wish  to  leave  the  navy  and  seek 
his  fortune  on  the  stage,  and  furnished  him 
(it  is  said)  with  letters  of  introduction  to 
Colman  and  Sheridan ;  but  if  Incledon  really 
applied  to  these  managers,  he  failed  to  make 
any  impression.  He  seems  to  have  obtained 
his  first  hearing  at  Southampton  with  Col- 
lins's  company  in  1784  as  Alphonso  in  Arnold's 
*  Castle  of  Andalusia.'  Twelve  months  later 
he  appeared  at  Bath  as  Edwin  in  '  Robin 
Hood,'  Rauzzini  among  many  friends  there 
giving  him  valuable  help  and  some  instruc- 
tion. In  the  seasons  of  1786  to  1789  Incledon 
sang  at  Vauxhall  Gardens,  and  at  length,  on 
17  Sept.  1790,  made  his  first  appearance  on 
the  London  stage  at  Covent  Garden  in  the 
part  of  Dermot  in  Shield's  '  Poor  Soldier.' 
The  new  singer's  fine  tenor  voice,  correct  ear, 
and  finished  shake  (PARSE),  won  him  popular 
favour,  in  spite  of  his  unskilful  acting  (which 
was  partly  caused  by  a  bad  memory)  and 
vulgar  accent.  For  some  time  he  and  Mrs. 
Billington  [q.  v.]  were  the  chief  stars  of  Covent 
Garden  Theatre,  and  Incledon's  connection 
with  it  lasted  until  1815.  He  was  one  of 

I  the  eight  representative  actors  who  sig'ned 
Holman's  '  Statement  of  the  Differences  sub- 
I  sisting  between   the   Proprietors  and  Per- 
!  formers  of  the  Theatre  Royal,  Covent  Garden,' 
1  &c.,  in  1801  [see  HOLMAN,  JOSEPH  GEORGE], 
I  but,  unlike  Holman,  did  not  sever  his  con- 
nection with  that  house.   At  Covent  Garden 
Incledon  took  the  leading  parts  in  Shield's 
'  operas,  Arne's  'Artaxerxes,'  the  revival  of  the 
'Beggar's  Opera,'  and  other  pieces,  and  he 
sometimes  sang  sailor-songs  in  costume  be- 
tween the  acts.  He  was  also  an  enthusiast  for 
|  church  music,  and  was  engaged  for  the  sacred 
I  music  concerts  at  the  King's  Theatre  under 
Linley  in  1792,  and  at  the  Lenten  oratorios 
under  John  Ashley  [q.  v.]  at  Covent  Garden, 
where  he  took  part  in  the  first  performance  of 
Haydn's '  Creation '  on  28  March  1800  (he  had 
sung  before  Haydn  at  a  meeting  of  the  Ana- 
creontic Society  on  12  Jan.  1791).    His  name 
I  occurs  only  once,  at  Worcester  in  1803,  as  a 
'  singer  at  the  Three  Choirs  meetings ;  but  he 
!  frequently  made  provincial  tours.    On  one  of 
I  his  journeys  to  or  from  Ireland  he  and  his 
wife  were  shipwrecked,  and  narrowly  escaped 
drowning.    In  1816,  the  year  after  his  seces- 
sion from  Covent  Garden,  Incledon  wrote  to 
Robbins  (Brit.  Mus.  MS.  Egerton  2334,  fol. 
1)  that  '  if  he  could  get  an  eligible  situa- 
tion at  Drury  Lane  he  should  prefer  it  to 
anything.'    Incledon  sailed  for  America,  and 
first   appeared  at  the  Park   Theatre,   New 
York,  on  17  Oct.  1817,  as  Hawthorn  in  '  Love 
in  a  Village,'  but  did  not  create  a  favourable 
impression.    His  voice  was  past  its  prime,  he 
was  burly,  careless  in  his  dress,  and  poor  as 
an  actor  (Records  of  the  New  York  Stage, 
i.  329).     He  left  New  York  in  August  1818, 
took  his  leave  of  the  stage  at  the  English 
Opera  House  on  19  April  1822,  and  soon 
afterwards  went  to  reside  at  Brighton.     He 
died  on  11  Feb.  1826  from  a  paralytic  affec- 
tion while  on  a  visit  to  Worcester.     He  was 
buried  in  Hampstead  churchyard. 

It   was  in  ballads  that  the   'marvellous 

sweetness  and  forcible  simplicity'  of  Incle- 

I  don's  style  were  best  heard  (cf.  Gent.  Mag. 

\  1815,  pt.  ii.  1616).     His  favourite  songs  in- 

;  eluded  Stevens's  <  The  Storm,'  Gay's  '  Black- 

|  eyed  Susan,'  Shield's  '  Heaving  of  the  Lead,' 

and  many  love-songs  by  the  same  composer 

j  (see  FAIRBTJRN,  Incledonian  and   Vauxhall 

Sweater,  Lond.,  1808, 12mo).    In 'My  bonny, 

bonny  Bet,  sweet  Blossom,'  Incledon  used 

his  falsetto  with  great  effect ;  but  after  some 

years  he  abandoned  excessive  use  of  it.    His 

natural  voice,  full,  open,  and  pure,  ranged 

from  A  to  G  (fourteen  notes),  his  falsetto  from 

D  to  E  (or  about  nine  notes).  Leigh  Hunt  and 

II.  Crabb  Robinson  have  commented  on  the 

singer's  awkwardness  and  vulgarity.  '  Just  the 




man  I  should  have  expected/ wrote  the  latter, 
after  meeting  him  in  a  coach,  15  Oct.  1811 
(Diary,  i.  343), '  seven  rings  on  his  fingers,  five 
seals  on  his  watch-ribbon,  and  a  gold  snuff  box.' 
Incledon  was  always  restless  and  eccentric 
in  manner ;  good-natured,  sometimes  witty, 
generally  coarse  in  his  conversation.  His 
irregular  habits  and  eccentric  ways  annoyed 
Charles  Mat  hews  the  elder,  who  joined  him 
in  a  year's  tour,  and  records  the  great  tri- 
umphs of  the  singer  in  Ireland  (Memoirs,  i. 
149,  151).  Moore  (RUSSELL,  Life,  i.  96), 
recalling  certain  reunions  on  the  island  of 
Dalkey,  near  Dublin,  where  the  young  wits 
of  the  town  founded  a  mock  kingdom  and 
held  a  court,  notes  that  1  ncledon  was  knighted 
as  Sir  Charles  Melody  on  one  occasion  (in 
1795),  when  the  singer  visited  the  island  with 
a  party  of  friends.  Mathe  ws,  at  his  own  bene- 
fit on  4  June  1816,  played  the  part  of  Macheath 
in  the  '  Beggar's  Opera,'  and  attempted  '  the 
voice  and  manner  of  a  celebrated  performer  of 
that  character '  (GENEST,  viii.  554).  This  was 
said  by  Donaldson  to  be  a  perfect  mimicry 
of  Incledon's  person  and  voice.  Incledon  was 
three  times  married.  His  first  wife  died  in 
1800,  the  second,  Miss  Howell  of  Bath,  in 
1811  (Gent.  Mag.  vol.  Ixx.  pt.  i.  p.  93,  vol. 
Ixxxi.  pt.  i.  p.  597).  His  third  wife  was  in 
earlier  life  Mrs.  Martha  Hart. 

Two  portraits  by  De  AVilde  and  a  third  by 
an  unknown  artist  represented  Incledon  as 
Macheath.  They  are  now  in  the  Garrick 
Club.  Another  portrait,  a  head  in  oils  by 
Lawrance,  was  in  1867  in  the  possession  of 
Herr  Brause wetter  at  Wagram.  An  etching 
of  Incledon  in  the  character  of  a  sailor  sing- 
ing '  The  Storm  '  was  published  by  Roberts. 

Incledon's  eldest  son  CHAKLES  INCLEDON 
(1791-1865),  in  spite  of  his  dislike  of  the  pro- 
fession of  an  actor  (H.  C.  ROBINSON,  Diary, 
ii.  418),  appeared  at  Drury  Lane  as  Meadows 
in  '  Love  in  a  Village '  on  3  Oct.  1829,  under 
the  patronage  of  Braham.  His  voice  was 
tenor,  and  pure  in  quality.  For  many  years 
he  lived  at  Vienna  as  an  English  teacher, 
and  he  died  at  Bad  Tiiffer  in  1865  (PoHL, 
Haydn  in  London,  p.  337). 

[Diet,  of  Music,  1827,  i.  392  ;  Grove's  Diet,  of 
Music,  ii.  2;  Parke's  Memoirs,  ii.  248;  Eussell's 
Eepresentative  Actors,  p.  278;  Bernard's  Retro- 
spections of  the  Stage,  vol.  ii. ;  Donaldson's  Fifty 
Years  of  an  Actor's  Life,  p.  45  ;  Notes  and  Queries, 
5th  ser.  x.  92 ;  Georgian  Era,  iv.  289 ;  Era  Al- 
manack, 1870;  Boase  and  Courtney's  Bibliotheca 
Cornubiensis,  iii.  1241,  Supplement,  p.  263,  and 
Collectanea  Cornubiensia,  p.  405 ;  authorities 
quoted  above.]  L.  M.  M. 

INDULPHUS  (d.  962),  king  of  Scot- 
land or  Alba,  was  the  son  of  Constantine  II 
[q.  v.],  and  succeeded  Malcolm,  the  son  of 

Donald,  in  954.  In  his  reign  Dunedin,  the 
fort  of  the  Anglian  Edwin  (the  future  Edin- 
burgh), was  evacuated  by  the  English.  This 
was  the  first  step  in  the  extension  of  the  Celtic 
kingdom  of  Alba  south  of  the  Forth  or  Scots 
Water.  Indulphus  defeated  in  Buchan  a  fleet 
of  the  Norse  vikings,  called  Sumarlidi  because 
they  made  their  expeditions  in  summer,  and 
probably  commanded  by  the  sons  of  Eric 
Bloody- Axe.  This  is  all  the  '  Pictish  Chro- 
nicle' records,  but  the  'Prophecy  of  St. 
Berchan'  adds  that  Indulphus  died,  as  his 
father  had  died,  at  St.  Andrews,  a  statement 
which  seems  to  imply  that,  like  Constantine, 
he  became  a  monk,  and  is  inconsistent  with 
the  assertion  of  a  later  and  less  trustworthy 
chronicler  that  he  was  killed  by  the  Norsemen 
at  Invirculen.  He  is  said  to  have  expelled 
Fothaad,  the  bishop  of  Alba,  perhaps  because 
the  bishop  had  deprived  the  Culdees  of  Loch- 
leven  of  their  island  in  that  loch  on  condition 
of  giving  them  food  and  clothing,  and  In- 
dulphus was  a  supporter  of  the  Culdees.  In- 
dulphus was  succeeded  by  Duff  [q.  v.],  the 
son  of  Malcolm. 

[Pictish  Chronicle;  Registrum  Prioratus  S. 
Andrese  ;  Skene's  Celtic  Scotland,  i.  365.] 

IE.  M. 

INE,  INI,  or  Latin  INA  (d.  726),  West- 
Saxon  king,  the  son  of  Cenred,  an  underking 
of  the  West-Saxons,  and  probably  of  the  tribe 
inhabiting  Somerset,  was,  like  his  predecessor 
Csedwalla  (659  P-689)  [q.  v.],  of  the  line  of 
Ceawlin  [q.  v.],  and  was  chosen  king  of  the 
West-Saxons  in  688  in  the  lifetime  of  his 
father.  His  wife  was  ^Ethelburh,  sister  of 
the  underking  ^Ethelheard,  and  of  the  same 
royal  line  as  her  husband.  In  a  West-country 
legend,  possibly  of  the  tenth  century,  Ine  is 
represented  as  a  ceorl,  who,  in  accordance 
with  a  divine  command,  was  taken  from 
driving  his  father's  oxen  at  Somerton  in 
Somerset,  and  chosen  by  the  bishops  and 
nobles  at  London  to  be  king  of  England  south 
of  the  Humber ;  he  marries  Adelburh,  heiress 
of  the  king  of  northern  England,  at  Wells, 
rules  over  the  whole  country,  and  gives  Wells 
to  Bishop  Daniel  [q.  v.],  who  makes  it  the 
seat  of  his  bishopric  (Historiola,  pp.  10-14  ; 
for  an  examination  of  this  legend  see  Somer- 
setshire Archceological  Journal,  xvm.  ii.  17- 
21).  Following  the  example  of  Csed walla, 
Ine  invaded  Kent  to  avenge  the  death  of  Mul, 
the  brother  of  Ceedwalla,  who  seems  also  to 
have  been  his  own  uterine  brother,  both  Mul 
and  Ine  being  probably  the  sons  of  a  Welsh 
woman.  Wihtred,  the  Kentish  king,  met 
him  in  694,  and  agreed  to  purchase  peace  by 
paying  him  thirty  thousand  pieces  of  money 
as  a  wergild  for  Mul.  This  war  established  his 




supremacy  over  all  the  country  held  by  the 
English  south  of  the  Thames.  Probably  be- 
fore it  ended  he  made  an  incursion  into  East 
Anglia  and  routed  all  the  forces  of  the  king- 
dom, and  as  his  way  thither  lay  through 
Essex  it  is  natural  to  suppose  that  it  was  at 
this  period  that  he  gained  supremacy  over 
that  kingdom  also,  including  London,  where 
he  was  certainly  supreme  before  694.  It 
may  moreover  be  inferred  that  in  his  war 
with  Kent  he  had  to  deal  with  an  alliance 
between  that  kingdom,  East  Anglia,  and 
Essex,  and  that  the  submission  of  Wihtred 
was  consequent  upon  the  defeat  of  his  allies. 
Some  difficulties  arose  between  Ine  and  the 
rulers  of  the  East-Saxons  in  705  about  certain 
West-Saxon  exiles  who  had  been  received  in 
Essex.  Ine  was  willing  to  come  to  a  peaceful 
settlement,  and  agreed  to  meet  the  East- 
Saxon  rulers  at  a  conference  at  Brentford  in 
October  to  submit  the  matter  to  the  two 
bishops  of  the  East-  and  West-Saxons,  and 
to  abide  by  their  decision.  In  710,  in  company  i 
with  Nunna,  his  kinsman,  and  probably  his 
successor  as  underking  in  Somerset,  he  made 
war  on  Gerent,  king  of  the  British  Dyvnaint, 
and  put  him  to  flight.  This  war  seems  to  have 
advanced  the  West-Saxon  boundary  from 
the  Quantock  hills,  to  which  it  had  been  ex- 
tended by  the  conquests  of  Centwine  [q.  v.], 
over  the  western  districts  of  Somerset,  and 
it  was  probably  during  the  course  of  it  that 
Ine  built  a  fortress  on  the  Tone,  from  which 
the  town  of  Taunton  has  sprung.  It  is  not 
unlikely  that  his  kingdom  included  some  part 
of  Devonshire,  for  there  is  reason  to  believe 
that  Exeter  was  partly  at  least  peopled  by 
English  in  his  time.  Two  years  later  died 
his  only  brother  Ingild,  who,  as  the  great- 
grandfather of  Egbert  [q.  v.],  became  the 
forefather  of  the  West- Saxon  kings  of  Eng- 
land. In  715  the  Mercians  under  Ceolred 
[q.  v.]  invaded  Wessex,  and  after  a  despe- 
rately contested  battle  at  Wanborough  were 
forced  by  Ine  to  retreat.  In  715  he  sup- 
pressed the  rebellion  of  two  aethelings  of  the 
race  of  Cerdic,  and  probably  of  the  rival  line 
of  Ceol,  which  had  been  set  aside  after  the 
death  of  Centwine.  One  of  them,  named 
Cynewulf,  he  slew  ;  the  other,  Eadbriht,  in 
722,  perhaps  in  alliance  with  the  Welsh, 
seized  onlne's  new  fortress,  Taunton,  but  was 
driven  out  by  his  queen  ^Ethelburh.  Ead- 
briht then  fled  for  refuge  to  Surrey  and  Sus- 
sex. Ine  made  war  on  the  South-Saxons,  i 
and  in  725  slew  the  setheling.  Between  690 
and  693  he  published  a  series  of  laws,  the 
earliest  extant  specimens  of  West-Saxon 
legislation.  In  the  preamble  he  states  that 
they  were  made  with  the  counsel  and  teach- 
ing of  his  father,  Cenred,  of  Heddi  [q.  v.],  his 

bishop,  and  Erkenwald  [q.  v.],  his  bishop, 
with  all  his  ealdormen,  the  witan  of  his 
people,  and  a  large  assembly  of  God's  ser- 
vants. The  mention  of  Erkenwald  shows 
that  London  was  then  included  in  his  do- 
minions. His  laws  are  of  the  nature  of 
amendments  of  custom,  and  deal  chiefly  with 
penalties  and  compensations  for  injuries. 
Some  relate  to  church  matters,  such  as  the 
baptism  of  children,  the  payment  of  church- 
scot,  and  the  jurisdiction  of  bishops.  A  special 
interest  attaches  to  those  which  concern  the 
Welsh  within  the  West-Saxon  kingdom,  for 
they  illustrate  the  change  in  the  treatment 
of  the  conquered  people  consequent  upon  the 
acceptance  of  Christianity  by  their  conquerors. 
Under  Ine  English  and  Welsh  lived  peace- 
fully side  by  side,  and  his  laws  recognise  the 
right  of  the  Welshman  to  hold  property,  and 
declare  the  weight  to  be  given  to  his  oath 
and  the  legal  value  of  his  life.  While  he  was 
in  an  inferior  position  to  the  Englishman  he 
was  protected  by  the  law,  and  had  a  definite 
place  in  the  state.  Personally  it  is  evident 
that  Ine  had  some  close  relations  with  the 
Welsh,  who  seem  to  adopt  his  exploits  as 
those  of  their  legendary  hero,  Ivor,  turning 
English  victories  under  Ine  into  Welsh  vic- 
tories under  Ivor.  A  wild  legend  makes  him 
marry  a  second  wife,  named  Wala,  after  whom 
the  name  Wales  is  said  to  have  been  adopted 
in  place  of  Cambria,  receiving  through  her 
Wales  and  Cornwall,  and  uniting  English  and 
Britons  under  his  rule  ;  it  is  possible  that  this 
imaginary  Welsh  wife  may  be  a  survival  of 
a  tradition  of  an  actual  Welsh  mother.  Ine 
was  renowned  for  his  piety  as  well  as  his 
vigour  in  war.  He  was  a  benefactor  to  Glas- 
tonbury,  and  is  said  to  have  built  the  first  of 
the  churches  raised  to  the  east  of  the  ancient 
wooden  church  of  British  times.  His  preser- 
vation of  the  sanctuary  of  the  conquered 
people  may  be  connected  with  his  other  re- 
lations with  them.  While  he  certainly  did 
not,  as  tradition  asserts,  place  a  bishop's  see 
at  Wells,  it  is  extremely  likely  that  he  was 
a  benefactor,  if  not  a  founder,  there.  At 
Abingdon  he  annulled  a  number  of  grants 
previously  made  to  the  monastery,  but  after- 
wards endowed  it  richly.  A  fellow-worker 
with  his  kinsman  Aldhelm  [q.  v.],  abbot  of 
Malmesbury,  he  obeyed  all  Aldhelm's  wishes 
and  carried  out  his  plans.  Aldhelm's  effort  to 
persuade  the  Welsh  to  conform  to  the  Roman 
Easter  must  have  been  agreeable  to  Ine,  and 
his  success  may  to  some  extent  have  been 
due  to  the  king's  influence.  On  the  death  of 
Bishop  Heddi,  Ine  carried  out  the  scheme, 
proposed  some  years  before,  of  dividing  the 
West-Saxon  diocese  by  creating  in  705  the 
bishopric  of  Sherborne,  to  which  Aldhelm  was 




appointed  as  first  bishop.  The  insurrection 
of  the  sethelings  and  the  South-Saxon  war 
seem  to  have  disgusted  Ine  with  the  world, 
and  in  725  or  726,  after  he  had  reigned  thirty- 
seven  years,  he  abdicated,  and,  in  company 
with  his  wife,  /Ethelburh,  made  a  pilgrimage 
to  Rome,  where  he  died  apparently  soon  after 
his  arrival  (Gesta  Pontificum,  p.  385).  Ac- 
cording to  a  legend  he  was  persuaded  to  re- 
sign the  crown  by  ^Ethelburh,  who,  after  he 
had  held  a  feast  with  kingly  state  in  one  of 
his  houses,  and  had  gone  on  towards  another, 
ordered  his  steward  to  fill  the  house  with 
refuse  and  filth,  and  cause  a  sow  and  her 
litter  to  lie  in  the  bed  on  which  he  had  slept. 
Then  she  caused  him  to  return,  and,  pointing 
out  the  change,  discoursed  to  him  on  the 
vanity  of  earthly  pomp.  Her  device  was  suc- 
cessful. On  arriving  at  Rome,  where  he  was 
received  by  Gregory  II,  he  forbore  to  make 
a  public  show  of  his  religion  by  adopting  the 
tonsure  as  others  did,  dressed  in  the  garments 
of  a  man  of  plebeian  rank,  and  lived  quietly 
with  his  wife.  Their  deaths  are  said  to  have 
been  followed  by  miracles.  Ine's  sisters  were 
Cwenburh  and  Cuthburh  [q.  v.],  who  founded 
Wimborne  nunnery.  He  was  succeeded  in 
Wessex  by  his  brother-in-law  ^Ethelheard. 

[Anglo-Saxon  Chron.  ann.  688-728  ;  Florence, 
ann.  688-728  (Engl.  Hist.  Soc.) ;  Henry  of  Hunt- 
ingdon, pp.  723-5  (Mon.  Hist.  Brit.);  William 
of  Malmesbury's  Gesta  Regum,  i.  cc.  35-8  (Engl. 
Hist.  Soc.),  Gesta  Pontiff,  pp.  191,  354,374,  380, 
385  (Rolls  Series) ;  Glaston.  Antiq.  p.  310,  Gale ; 
Hist.Abingdon,i.9, 13, 1 20, ii.  2 72  (Rolls Series); 
Kemble's  Codex  Dipl.  i.  83  (Engl.  Hist.  Soc.) ;  ! 
Brut,  ann.  683,  698  (Rolls  Series) ;  Historiola, 
Eccl.  Docs.  pp.  10-14  '(Camden  Soc.) ;  Liber 
Custumarum,  n.  ii.  638,  639  (Rolls  Series); 
Haddan  and  Stubbs's  Eccl.  Docs.  iii.  214,  219, 
274;  Thorpe's  Ancient  Laws,  pp.  45-65  ;  Stubbs's 
Select  Charters,  pp.  60,  61 ;  Freeman's  Old  Eng- 
lish History,  pp.  70-2  ;  Somersetshire  Archseol. 
Proc.,  'Ine,' by  E.  A. Freeman,  xvm.  ii.  1-59,  xx. 
ii.  1-57;  Green's  Conquest  of  England,  pp.  199 
386,  388,  392,]  W;  H. 

INETT,  JOHN  (1647-1717),  church  his-  I 
torian,    was   descended   from    a  Huguenot  | 
family,  Inette  of  Picardy,  which  settled  in  i 
England.     His  father,  Richard  Inett,  mar-  j 
ried  a  lady  of  the  family  of  Hungerford  of  j 
Down  Ampney,  Gloucestershire,  and  lived 
on  a  small  income  at  Rock,  near  Bewdley. 
For  the  sake  of  the  education  of  his  children  | 
he  removed  to  Bewdley,  where  John,  his  i 
second  son,  was  brought  up  at  the  grammar  ! 
school.     At  the  age  of  fourteen  John  was  • 
given  an  exhibition  on  the  foundation  of  the  i 
Earl  of  Leicester,  and  went  up  to  University 
College,  Oxford,  in  1661.    He  was  not,  how-  i 
ever,  matriculated  till  17  July  1663  (  Univer- 

sity  College  Admission  Book)  ;  he  graduated 
B.A.  in  1666  and  M.A.  in  1669.  He  received 
a  special  privilege,  for  he  was  ordained  deacon 
by  the  Bishop  of  Gloucester  on  22  Sept.  1667, 
when  he  had  not  completed  his  twenty-first 
year.  This  is  the  more  remarkable  as  it  does 
not  seem  to  have  been  done  with  any  im- 
mediate view  to  clerical  work.  Inett  appa- 
rently pursued  his  studies  at  Oxford,  where 
after  a  time  he  was  presented  to  the  rectory 
of  St.  Ebbe's.  There  he  made  the  acquaint- 
ance of  Thomas  Barlow,  afterwards  bishop 
of  Lincoln,  who  recommended  him  to  Sir 
Richard  Newdigate,  on  whose  recommenda- 
tion he  was  presented  by  the  crown  to  the 
vicarage  of  Nuneaton,  Warwickshire,  in  1678, 
and  acted  as  Newdigate's  chaplain  at  Arbury. 
There,  in  1680,  he  married  Mary,  daughter  of 
the  Rev.  Richard  Harrison,  chancellor  of  the 
cathedral  church  of  Lichfield.  On  1  Aug. 

1681  he  preached  an  assize  sermon  at  War- 
wick, which  was  published.     It  shows  that 
Inett  had  caught  the  proper  spirit  of  his  age, 
combined  loyalty  to  the  king  with  detestation 
of  popery,  and  was  dexterous  in  recommend- 
ing this  combination  as  the  panacea  for  politi- 
cal and  religious  discontent.     In  February 

1682  Bishop  Barlow  appointed  him  precentor 
of  Lincoln  Cathedral,  and  in  1685  he  was 
presented  by  the  dean  and  chapter  to  the 
living  of  Tansor  in  Northamptonshire.     In 
1688  he  published  a  little  book  of  devotions, 
1  Guide  to  the  Devout  Christian,'  to  which 
he  added  a  second  part  in  1692,  '  Guide  to 
Repentance.'    These  books  enjoyed  consider- 
able popularity  in  their  day ;  in  1764  were 
issued  the  sixteenth  edition  of  the  first  and 
the  tenth  edition  of  the  second.     In  1700  he 
was  appointed  chaplain  in  ordinary  to  Wil- 
liam III.    Perhaps  because  Cambridge  was 
nearer  Lincoln  than  Oxford,  and  he  wished 
to  use  its  library,  he  was  incorporated  mem- 
ber of  St.  John's  College,  Cambridge,  in  1701, 
and  took  the  degree  of  D.D.  in  that  univer- 
sity, to  which  he  sent  two  of  his  sons.     In 
1706   he   resigned  the  living  of  Tansor  in 
favour  of  his  son  Richard,  and  took  instead 
that    of  Clayworth,    Nottinghamshire.     In 
1714  he  was  presented  by  the  crown  to  the 
more  valuable  living  of  Wirksworth,  Derby- 
shire (Cox,  Derbyshire  Churches,  iv.   521). 
He  died  in  1717,  and  a  simple  tablet  was 
erected  by  his  widow  to  his  memory  in  Lin- 
coln Cathedral  (Willis,  Cathedrals,  p.  542). 

Inett's  claim  to  remembrance  rests  on  his 
book  l  Origines  Anglicanse,'  of  which  the 
first  volume  was  published  in  London  in  1704. 
His  object  in  writing  was  to  fill  the  gap  be- 
tween two  great  books  of  his  own  time, 
Stillingfleet's  '  Origines  Britannicse '  and 
Burnet's  '  History  of  the  Reformation.'  In 




this  undertaking  he  was  helped  by  the  advice 
of  Kennett  (BallardMSS.,  Bodleian  Library, 
xv.  26,  27),  and  his  first  volume  was  well  re- 
ceived. It  was,  however,  full  of  printers' 
errors,  sorely  to  Inett's  annoyance ;  and  when 
the  second  volume  was  ready  he  made  over 
the  copyright  to  the  Oxford  University  Press, 
by  which  it  was  printed  in  1710.  Advancing 
years  prevented  him  from  fulfilling  his  ori- 
ginal design,  and  his  two  volumes  folio  only 
embrace  the  history  of  the  English  church 
from  401  to  1216.  His  book  is  well  and 
clearly  written,  and  is  chiefly  concerned  with 
tracing  the  progress  of  papal  aggression 
on  the  liberties  of  the  English  church.  It 
has  the  merit  of  pursuing  definite  points  and 
is  well  arranged;  but  it  is  not  conceived 
on  a  high  level  of  scholarship  or  accuracy. 
It  had  a  certain  vogue  in  its  own  time,  and 
was  republished,  edited  by  Griffiths,  Oxford, 
1855 ;  but  the  frequent  corrections  required 
from  the  editor  show  that  the  mistakes  were 
due  to  the  author  as  much  as  to  the  printer. 
At  the  time  of  the  appearance  of  the  book 
Hearne  judged  that  Inett  depended  too 
much  on  second-hand  authorities,  had  no 
knowledge  of  manuscript  authorities,  and  said 
little  that  was  new ;  but  he  regarded  him  as 
'  vir  plane  probus  et  integer'  (Collections,  ii. 
337,  iii.  46,  195).  As  a  matter  of  fact  Inett's 
book  was  rapidly  superseded  by  Collier's 
'  Ecclesiastical  History,'  which  was  founded 
upon  sounder  knowledge.  Inett,  indeed, 
was  rather  a  man  of  scholarly  tastes  than  a 
student.  Browne  Willis  speaks  of  his  '  Col- 
lections '  as  being  useful  to  him  for  his  *  Sur- 
vey of  Lincoln  Cathedral'  (p.  88). 

[Life  by  Griffiths  prefixed  to  the  edition  of 
the  Origines,  1855;  Rennett's  Collections,  Lans- 
downe  MS.  987,  f.  244;  "Wood's  Fasti  Oxoni- 
enses,  ed.  Bliss,  ii.  308  ;  Nicholson's  Historical 
Library,  pp.  102,  109  ;  Hearne's  Collections  (Ox- 
ford Hist.  Soc.),  i.  322  ;  Nichols's  Literary  Anec- 
dotes, iv.  450.]  M.  C. 

INGALTON,  WILLIAM  (1794-1866), 
painter  and  builder,  born  in  1794,  was  son  of 
a  shoemaker  at  Worplesdon,  Surrey.  He 
lived  for  a  longtime  at  Eton,  where  he  painted 
domestic  and  rustic  scenes.  From  1816  to 
1826  he  was  a  contributor  to  the  Royal  Aca- 
demy and  other  London  exhibitions.  In 
1821  he  published  lithographed  views  of  Eton, 
which  have  some  merit.  About  1826  his 
health  broke  down,  and  he  ceased  to  practise 
as  an  artist.  He  became  an  architect  and 
builder  at  Windsor,  and  resided  at  Clewer. 
Subsequently  he  removed  to  the  Isle  of 
Wight,  and  died  in  1866 

[Redgrave's  Diet,  of  Artists  ;  Graves's  Diet,  of 
Artists,  1760-1880;  Royal  Acad.  Catalogues; 
information  from  R.  Ingalton  Drake.]  L.  C. 

INGE  or  YNGE,  HUGH,  D.D.  (d.  1528), 
archbishop  of  Dublin  and  lord  chancellor  of 
Ireland,  born  at  Shepton  Mallet,  Somerset- 
shire, became  a  scholar  of  Winchester  Col- 
lege in  1480  (KiKBT,  Winchester  Scholars,  p. 
86),  and  in  1484  became  scholar,  and  in  1488 
fellow,  of  New  College,  Oxford,  where  he 
graduated  in  arts  and  resided  until  1496.  He 
travelled  in  foreign  parts,  and  received  the 
degree  of  D.D.  from  a  continental  university, 
being  incorporated  in  the  same  degree  at 
Oxford  on  3  April  1511  (Oxf.  Univ.  Reg., 
Oxf.  Hist.  Soc.,  i.  75).  On  his  return  home  he 
was  successively  prebendary  of  East  Harp- 
tree  in  the  diocese  of  Bath  and  Wells,  sub- 
chantor  of  Wells,  guardian  of  Wapulham  in 
the  diocese  of  Lincoln,  prebendary  of  Aust  in 
the  collegiate  church  of  Westbury  and  dio- 
cese of  Worcester,  with  the  vicarage  of  Wei- 
low  in  Bath  and  Wells  annexed,  vicar  of 
Oldeston  in  Lincoln,  and  of  Doulting  (which 
he  held  from  1509  to  1512)  and  Weston  Zoy- 
land  (in  1508),  both  on  the  presentation  of 
the  abbot  and  convent  of  Glastonbury.  He 
was  at  Rome  in  1504,  when  Cardinal  Adrian 
de  Castello  [see  ADKIAJST]  was  elected  to  the 
see  of  Bath  and  Wells.  On  13  Oct.  of  that 
year  Henry  VII  directed  Inge,  with  Silvestro 
Gigli  [q.  v.],  bishop  of  Worcester,  and  Robert 
Shirborne,  dean  of  St.  Paul's,  then  the  king's 
orators  at  the  papal  court,  to  administer  to 
the  cardinal  the  oaths  of  fealty  and  allegiance 
to  the  English  king,  and  to  receive  from  him 
a  renunciation  of  all  prejudicial  clauses  in 
the  apostolic  bulls  connected  with  his  trans- 

Inge  soon  attracted  the  favourable  notice 
of  Wolsey,  and  to  that  minister  he  owed,  he 
tells  us,  his  promotion  in  1512  to  the  Irish 
bishopric  of  Meath.  At  the  suggestion  of 
Campeggio,  the  official  payments  due  from 
the  new  bishop  were  reduced  from  sixteen 
hundred  florins  to  a  thousand,  in  considera- 
tion of  the  diminished  extent  of  the  dio- 
cesan lands.  While  bishop  of  Meath  Inge 
caused  the  ancient  rolls  of  proxies,  synodals, 
&c.,  to  be  transcribed,  and  the  copy  is 
extant.  In  1521  he  was  appointed  to  the 
archbishopric  of  Dublin.  In  1527  he  was 
made  lord  chancellor  of  Ireland,  and  held 
the  office  until  his  death,  being  '  accounted  a 
person  of  great  probity  and  justice '  (WooD, 
Athena  Oxon.  ed.  Bliss,  ii.  732).  He  strongly 
sympathised  with  Gerald  Fitzgerald,  ninth 
earl  of  Kildare  [q.  v.],  and  his  party,  and 
protested  in  a  letter  written  to  Wolsey  Jointly 
with  Chief-justice  Bermingham,  against  Kil- 
dare's  imprisonment  in  1528,  and  against  the 
accusation  of  treason  brought  against  him. 
Polydore  Vergil  gives  Inge,  whom  he  mis- 
calls Hugo  Hynk,  the  character  of  '  an  honest 




man,  and  one  who  by  many  good  offices  had 
got  a  great  share  of  intimacy  and  familiarity 
with  the  Earl  of  Kildare.'  Vergil  adds  that 
1  he  had  put  the  kingdom  in  as  good  a  condi- 
tion as  the  untowardness  of  the  wild  Irish 
would  suffer  him  '  (Hist.  Angl.  ed.  1578,  p. 
677).  He  restored  the  palace  of  St.  Sepulchre, 
Dublin,  where  a  memorial  of  him  remains. 
He  died  in  Dublin  on  3  Aug.  1528,  of  <  the 
English  sweat/and  was  buried  in  St.  Patrick's 

[Sir  James  Ware's  Works,  ed.  Harris,  i.  153, 
346 ;  Weaver's  Somerset  Incumbents ;  Cotton's 
Fasti  Ecclesise  Hibernicae,  ii.  18,  iii.  115,  v.  221 ; 
Cogan's  Diocese  of  Meath,  i.  83  ;  D'Alton's  Arch- 
bishops of  Dublin,  p.  182 ;  Smyth's  Law  Officers 
of  Ireland,  p.  18  ;  Book  of  Obits  and  Martyrology 
of  Christ  Church  Cathedral,  Dublin,  ed.  1844,  p. 
35 ;  Leeper's  Historical  Handbook  of  St.  Patrick's 
Cathedral,  Dublin,  2nd  edit.  p.  89 ;  Calendar  of 
State  Papers,  Ireland,  1509-73;  Letters  and 
Papers,  For.  and  Dom.,  Hen.  VIII,  i.  1509-14, 
iv.  pt.  ii.  1526-8  ;  Bagwell's  Ireland  under  the 
Tudors,  i.  150,  290-1.]  B.  H.  B. 

INGELEND,  THOMAS  (fi.  1560),  dra- 
matist, studied,  according  to  his  own  ac- 
count, at  Cambridge,  and  is  said  to  have 
belonged  to  Christ's  College.  He  may  be 
the  Thomas  Ingelend  who  married  Eliza- 
beth, daughter  and  coheiress  of  Walter  Ap- 
parye,  and  had  a  son  William,  who  as  heir 
of  'his  mother  claimed  copyhold  lands  at 
Clyffe,  Northamptonshire  (Cal.  Chan.  Proc. 
temp.  Eliz.  ii.  263).  He  was  author  of '  A 
Pretie  and  New  Enterlude  called  the  Dis- 
obedient Child.  Compiled  by  Thomas  In- 
gelend, late  Student  in  Cambridge,'  London 
(by  Thomas  Colwell),  n.d.  A  prayer  for 
queen  Elizabeth  concludes  this  very  nidi- 
mentary  essay  in  dramatic  art.  Its  date  may 
be  assigned  to  1560.  A  ballad  on  the  obedi- 
ence of  children,  licensed  to  Colwell,  the 
publisher  of  the  interlude,  in  1564-5,  may 
have  been  suggested  by  Ingelend's  work. 
The  interlude  was  reprinted  by  J.  O.  Halli- 
well  for  the  Percy  Society  in  1848,  and  in 
Mr.  W.  C.  Hazlitt's  edition  of  Dodsley's '  Old 
Plays  '(ii.  265>.)  in  1874. 

[Coopers  Athense  Cantab,  ii.  240,  554;  Col- 
lier's Reg.  Stationers'  Company,  1557-70,  p. 
95  (Shaksp.  Soc.);  Collier's  Hist.  Engl.  Dram. 
Poetry,  ii.  360.]  S.  L. 

INGELO,  NATHANIEL  (1621  P-1683), 
divine,  born  about  1621,  was  apparently  a 
native  of  Bristol.  He  graduated  M.A.  at 
Edinburgh,  was  incorporated  on  that  degree 
at  Cambridge  in  1644,  and  on  11  June  of  the 
same  year  was  appointed  fellow  of  Queens' 
College  by  order  of  the  Earl  of  Manchester. 
He  is  said  to  have  been  examined  by  the 

i  assembly  of  divines   at   Westminster.     He 
was  chosen  Greek  lecturer  on  24  June  1644, 
junior  bursar  on  31  Jan.  1644-5,  and  dean  in 
|  1645.     In  December  of  the  latter  year  he  was 
granted  leave  of  absence  for  a  year,  and  ceased 
to  be  fellow  before  6  Oct.  1647.    On  18  March 
1650  he  became  fellow  of  Eton.     Wood  as- 
serts that  he  was  at  one  time  fellow  of  Em- 
manuel College,  Cambridge  (Fasti  Oxon.  ed. 
Bliss,  ii.  174).    Ingelo  was  a  great  encourager 
of  music,  and  skilled  in  it  himself.     He  lived 
at  Bristol  after  leaving  Oxford,  and  adminis- 
tered the  sacrament  to  a  small  body  of  dis- 
senters who  met  in  Christmas  Street,  but  he 
is  described  as  '  giving  offence  to  the  rigid 
notions  of  the  communicants  by  his  careful 
attention  to  dress,  and  especially  by  his  love 
of  music.     To  a  remonstrance  upon  which 
|  species  of  indulgence  Mr.    Ingelo  replied : 
"Take  away  Music,  take  away  my   life'" 
(JoHX  EVANS,  Chronological  Outline  of  the 
History  of  Bristol,  Bristol,  1824,  p.  192  note). 
When  appointed  chaplain  and  'rector  chori' 
to  Bulstrode  Whitelocke  (whose  acquaintance 
he  made  during  the  latter's  recordership  of 
Bristol)  on  his  embassy  to  Sweden  in  No- 
vember 1653,  Ingelo  carried  with  him  some 
compositions  of  Benjamin  Rogers  [q.v.],  who 
obtained  the  degree  of  Mus.B.  at  Cambridge 
in  1658  through  his  intervention.     Rogers's 
pieces  were  played  several  times  before  Queen 
Christina.    On  leaving  England  Andrew  Mar- 
veil  addressed  to  him  the  most  elaborate  of 
his  Latin  poems,  which  he  also  translated 
into  English  (MARVELL,  Works,  ed.  Grosart,  i. 
403-13).  When  Ingelo  departed  from  Sweden 
the  queen  presented  him  with  a  gold  medal .  In 
1658  he  proceeded  D.D.  at  Oxford.     He  was 
readmitted  to  his  Eton  fellowship  on  12  July 
1660  (HARWOOD,  Alumni  Eton.  p.  76).     He 
died  in  August  1683,  aged  62,  and  was  buried 
in  Eton  College  Chapel  (ib.  pp.  73-4  ;  epitaph 
in  Cole  MS.  5831,  f.  55).     By  his  wife  Mary 
he  had  four  or  five  sons  and  a  daughter  (will, 
P.  C.  C.  114,  Drax).     Two  of  his  sons,  Na- 
thaniel and  John,  were  scholars  of  Eton  and 
afterwards  fellows  of  King's  College,  Cam- 
bridge (HARWOOD,  pp.  256,  260).   He  was  the 
friend  and  correspondent  of  Dr.  John  Worth- 

Ingelo  was  author  of  a  religious  romance 
entitled  'Bentivolio  and  Urania,'  2  pts.,  fol., 
London,  1660,  of  which  other  editions  ap- 
peared in  1 669, 1673,  and  1682 ;  two  sermons 
which  were  printed  in  1659 ;  and  <  A  Dis- 
course concerning  Repentance,'  8vo,  London, 
He  composed  a  Latin  poem  called 

167  L  r 

'Hyninus  Eucharisticus,'  which,  set  to  music 
by  Rogers  in  four  parts,  was  performed  on 
5  July  1660  in  the  Guildhall,  when  the  cor- 
poration of  London  entertained  the  royal 




family  and  the  two  houses  of  parliament 
(HAWKINS,  Hist,  of  Music,  ed.  1853,  ii.  583, 
933).  In  1739  Francis  Peck  published '  Nine- 
teen Letters,'  written  by  Henry  Hammond, 
D.D.,  Ho  Mr.  P.  Staninough  and  Dr.  N. 
Ingelo,'  but  only  the  last  letter  is  addressed 
to  Ingelo. 

[Cole  MS.  5873,  f.  6  ;  Chalmers's  Biog.  Diet, 
xix.  232 ;  Worthington's  Diary  and  Correspond- 
ence (Chetham  Soc.),  i.  36,  112,  and  elsewhere; 
Whitelocke's  Swedish  Embassy  (Reeve),  i.  77, 
and  elsewhere;  Cal.  State  Papers,  Dom.  1652-3 
pp.  125,  130,  487,  1653-4  p.  164;  notes  kindly 
supplied  by  the  Rev.  Dr.  Luard  and  the  Rev. 
W.  G.  Searle.]  G.  Gr. 

INGELRAM  (d.  1174),  bishop  of  Glas- 
gow, was  brother  of  Elias,  laird  of  Dunsyre, 
Lanarkshire.  He  was  rector  of  Peebles  and 
archdeacon  of  Glasgow,  and  in  1151  was  made 
by  King  David  chancellor  of  Scotland,  an  | 
office  in  which  he  was  continued  by  Malcolm  ' 
IV.  In  1159  he  defended  the  Scottish  church 
at  the  council  of  Norham  in  opposition  to  the 
pretensions  of  Archbishop  Roger  of  York, 
and  afterwards  went  on  a  mission  to  the 
Roman  curia  with  the  same  object.  In  1164 
he  was  elected  bishop  of  Glasgow,  and  was 
consecrated  by  Pope  Alexander  III  at  Sens 
on  28  Oct.,  despite  the  opposition  of  Roger's 
envoys.  In  1173  he  opposed  the  war  with 
England.  Jordan  Fantosme  describes  him  on 
this  occasion  as  '  the  best  of  the  clergy '  of 
Scotland  (Chron.  Stephen,  Henry  II,  and 
Richard  I,  iii.  236,  Rolls  Ser.)  Ingelram 
died  on  2  Feb.  1174.  He  is  sometimes  given 
the  surname  of  Newbigging.  Dempster, 
after  his  usual  manner,  ascribes  to  him  '  Epi- 
stolae '  and  treatises '  In  Evangelia  Dominica- 
lia,'  and  'Rationes  Regni  Administrandi,' 
which  are  no  doubt  fictitious  (Hist.  Eccl.  ix. 

[Chron.  Melrose  (Bannatyne  Club) ;  Gordon's 
Scotichronicon,  ii.  471-2;  Tanner's  Bibl.  Brit.- 
Hib.  p.  429  ;  Grub's  Eccl.  Hist.  Scot.  i.  287.] 

C.  L.  K. 

INGENHpUSZ,  JOHN,  M.D.  (1730- 
1799),  physician  and  physicist,  was  born  at 
Breda  in  1730,  and  educated  for  the  medical 
profession.  He  practised  for  six  years  in  the 
Netherlands,  and  came  to  England  in  1764 
or  1765.  After  spending  more  than  three 
years  in  or  near  London,  during  which  time 
he  followed  the  new  practice  of  inoculating 
small-pox  in  its  mitigated  form,  which  had 
been  introduced  by  Dr.  W.  Watson  at  the 
Foundling  Hospital  and  by  Dr.  Dimsdale  in 
Hertfordshire,  he  was  selected  by  Sir  John 
Pringle  in  1768  to  proceed  to  Vienna  to  inocu- 
late several  members  of  the  imperial  family  of 
Austria,  Dimsdale  having  himself  been  sent  for 


in  July  of  that  year  to  inoculate  the  Empress 
Catharine  at  St.  Petersburg.  Ingenhousz  re- 
ceived early  in  1769  a  pension  for  life  from  the 
emperor  of  nearly  600 /.,  and  was  made  body 
physician  to  Joseph  II  and  Maria  Theresa,  and 
aulic  councillor.  He  remained  some  years  in 
Vienna,  and  set  up  a  laboratory  for  physical 
experiments,  which  the  emperor  is  said  to  have 
frequented.  In  his  endeavours  to  introduce 
inoculation  into  Austria  he  was  opposed  by  De 
Haen,  then  at  the  head  of  the  medical  school 
of  Vienna  (HASEK).  In  1775  he  began  to 
send  researches  to  the  Royal  Society,  the 
first  of  the  series  having  been  made  at 
Leghorn  in  1773  upon  the  torpedo-fish,  a 
favourite  subject  of  study  in  those  days.  He 
contributed  nine  papers  in  all  to  the  '  Phi- 
losophical Transactions,'  the  last  appearing 
in  1782 ;  five  treated  of  electricity  and  mag- 
netism, and  four  of  the  atmospheric  gases. 
In  1779  he  came  back  to  London,  and  was 
elected  F.R.S.  He  appears  to  have  spent 
most  of  his  remaining  years  in  England,  a 
prominent  figure  in  scientific  circles,  always 
willing  to  show  his  experiments  to  his  friends, 
especially  considerate,  it  is  said,  to  young 
people,  and  noted  for  his  simple  and  kindly 
disposition.  When  on  a  visit  to  the  Marquis 
of  Lansdowne  at  Bowood,  in  the  autumn  of 
1798,  shortly  after  Jenner's  essay  on  cow-pox 
came  out,  he  made  inquiries  as  to  the  Wilt- 
shire milkers'  experiences  of  the  alleged  pro- 
tective against  small-pox,  and  formed  an 
opinion  adverse  to  Jenner's  contention,  but 
confined  his  opposition  to  a  private  letter,  and 
declined  further  controversy.  He  was  taken 
ill  during  a  visit  to  Bowood  in  the  autumn 
following,  and  died  there  on  7  Sept.  1799. 
Besides  his  papers  sent  to  the  Royal  Society, 
his  chief  work  was  '  Experiments  on  Vege- 
tables, discovering  their  great  Power  of  puri- 
fying the  common  Air  in  Sunshine,  but  in- 
juring it  in  the  Shade  or  at  Night,'  London, 
1779  (French  translation  by  the  author,  with 
additions,  2  vols.,  Paris,  1787-9).  This  con- 
tained the  discovery,  also  ascribed  to  Saus- 
sure,  of  plants  in  the  sunshine  giving  off  oxy- 
gen, and  in  the  shade  carbonic  acid.  A  col- 
lection of  his  papers  was  published  at  Paris, 
'  Nouvelles  experiences  et  observations  sur 
divers  objets  de  physique,'  2  vols.,  1785-9. 
A  collection  in  German  was  published  by 
Molitor  at  Vienna  in  1782.  His  work  on 
the  ' Respiration  of  Plants'  also  appeared  at 
Vienna  in  1786.  A  work  in  Latin,  Vienna, 
1795,  called  'Miscellanea  Physico-Medica,' 
edited  by  Scherer,  is  a  series  of  his  open  letters 
to  foreign  savants,  chiefly  on  questions  of 
pneumatics.  In  1796  he  sent  to  the  board 
of  agriculture  an  essay  on  'The  Food  of 
Plants  and  the  Renovation  of  Soils.'  An  en- 

F  P 




graved  portrait  is  prefixed  to  the  'Experi- 
ments on  Vegetables.' 

[Ingenhousz's  Lettre  a  M.  Chais,  1768  ;  Gent' 
Mag.  October  1 799,  p.  900  ;  Georgian  Era,  iii.  486 
Baron's  Life  of  Jenner,  vol.  i. ;  Godefroi,  in 
Nederl.  Tijdschr.  voor  Geneesk.,  1875,  Afd.  ii. 
285,  quoted  by  Haser,  Gesch.  der  Medicin, 
ii.  1074.]  C.  C. 

INGHAM,  BENJAMIN  (1712-1772), 
the  Yorkshire  evangelist,  born  at  Ossett, 
Yorkshire,  on  11  June  1712,  was  son  of  Wil- 
liam Ingham,  who  lived  at  one  time  at  Dews- 
bury.  Benjamin  was  educated  at  the  gram- 
mar school,  Batley,  and  at  Queen's  College, 
Oxford,  where  he  matriculated  on  13  Nov. 
1730,  and  graduated  B.A.  in  1734.  When 
twenty  years  of  age  he  joined  the  little  band 
nicknamed  Methodists,  which  met  weekly 
at  Oxford  under  the  leadership  of  John  and 
Charles  Wesley.  Ingham  was  one  of  the 
most  active  members  of  the  company.  He 
was  ordained  by  Bishop  Potter  at  Christ 
Church  in  June  1735,  and  in  October  he  sailed 
with  the  Wesley  brothers  to  Georgia,  which 
they  reached  in  February  of  the  following 
year.  During  the  long  voyage  Ingham  taught 
the  children  on  board,  and  read  aloud  to  all  who 
would  hear.  After  thirteen  months'  labour  as  a 
missionary,  he  returned  to  England,  and  threw 
himself  heartily  into  evangelistic  work  at 
home.  While  abroad  he  had  seen  a  good  deal 
of  the  Moravians,  and  a  visit  which  he  paid  to 
their  headquarters  at  Hernhutt,  and  to  Count 
Zinzendorf  at  Marienborn,  deepened  his  at- 
tachment to  them.  Without  formally  sepa- 
rating from  the  Anglican  church,  he  joined 
the  Moravian  brotherhood  in  England,  and 
became  a  prominent  member  of  their  Mis- 
sionary Society  for  the  Furtherance  of  the 
Gospel.  His  adoption  of  some  of  their 
mystical  doctrines  led  to  a  severance  from 
the  Wesleys,  although  the  personal  friend- 
ship between  them  remained  unbroken.  Ing- 
ham preached  extensively  in  Yorkshire,  Lan- 
cashire, and  the  midland  counties,  forming 
a  large  number  of  societies,  but,  unlike  John 
Wesley,  leaving  to  others  the  work  of  con- 
solidating them.  While  carrying  on  his 
evangelistic  work  he  became  intimate  with 
the  family  of  the  Earl  of  Huntingdon,  whose 
youngest  daughter,  Lady  Margaret  Hastings, 
he  married  on  12  Nov.  1741. 

From  this  time  until  his  death  Ingham's 
home  was  at  Aberford,  near  Tadcaster, whence 
he  continued  his  labours,  often  accompanied 
by  his  wife,  who  warmly  approved  and  for- 
warded his  work.  A  transference  of  his 
societies  in  Yorkshire  and  Lancashire  to  the 
Moravians  was  effected  in  July  1742.  Ingham 
still  laboured,  like  George  Whitefield,  as  an 
evangelist  at  large,  and  was  recognised  as  a 

chief  pastor  among  the  churches  which  he  had 
founded.  It  was  through  him  the  Moravians 
obtained  their  settlement  at  Fulneck,  near 
Pudsey,  Yorkshire,  in  1744.  For  a  time 
they  paid  him  a  yearly  rent  for  the  land,  and 
built  upon  it  an  extensive  range  of  houses  and 
shops.  It  was  afterwards  granted  to  them  on 
a  lease  of  five  hundred  years.  After  twelve 
years  of  association,  Ingham  found  the  in- 
creasing arrogance  of  the  Moravian  brethren, 
intolerable,  and  separated  from  them.  About 
eighty  congregations,  thenceforward  known 
as  Inghamites,  retained  their  connection  with 
him  and  his  fellow-labourers,  James  Allen, 
Lawrence,  William,  and  Christopher  Batty, 
James  Hartley,  and  Richard  Smith.  Though 
his  congregations  were  practically  indepen- 
dent churches,  they  regarded  Ingham  as  their 

In  1755,  when  Ingham  attended  the  annual 
conference  of  Wesley  and  his  preachers  at 
Leeds,  he  proposed  to  discuss  with  the  Wesleys 
the  amalgamation  of  his  societies  with  the 
methodists ;  but  while  Charles,  who  continued 
through  life  Ingham's  ardent  friend,  favoured 
the  idea.  John  objected,  and  nothing  came  of 

In  1760  Ingham  largely  adopted  the  hazy 
views  of  Robert  Sandeman,  who,  with  John 
Glas  [q.  v.],  gained  many  adherents  in  the 
north.  The  introduction  of  these  views  led, 
after  embittered  controversy,  to  the  disrup- 
tion of  many  of  the  Inghamite  churches. 
Without  cohesion  or  discipline,  most  of  them 
were  incorporated  with  other  sects,  chiefly 
with  the  methodists.  Not  more  than  thirteen 
remained  loyal  to  Ingham.  The  death  of  his 
wife,  Lady  Margaret,  took  place  on  30  April 
1768,  and  he  died  at  Aberford  in  1772,  aged 

Ingham  was  an  amiable  man,  zealous  in 
all  Christian  work,  but  lacking  in  stable 
judgment.  He  published  a  collection  of 
hymns  for  use  in  his  congregations,  Leeds, 
1748 ;  and  wrote  a  small  volume,  '  A  Dis- 
course on  the  Faith  and  Hope  of  the  Gos- 
pel,' Leeds,  1763,  containing  his  views  of  re- 
ligion as  derived  from  Sandeman  and  Glas. 

[Foster's  Alumni  Oxon. ;  Tyerman's  Oxford 
Methodists,  1873.]  W.  B.  L. 


(1796-1863),  painter,  born  in  Dublin  in  1796, 
was  descended  from  an  officer  in  Cromwell's 
army.  He  showed  a  taste  for  painting  at  a 
very  early  age,  and  when  thirteen  studied  at 
the  Dublin  Institution.  After  one  year  he 
became  pupil  to  William  Cumming  (Jl.  1797- 
1823)  [q.v.],  with  whom  he  remained  four 
years.  He  obtained  a  premium  from  the  Dub- 
lin Academy  for  a  picture  of  '  The  Death  of 




€leopatra.'  In  1816  he  went  with  his  family 
to  America,  and  settled  in  New  York.  He 
soon  obtained  employment  as  a  portrait- 
painter.  Eventually  he  became  noted  for  his 
skilful  portraits  of  women  and  children.  His 
miniatures  were  also  much  admired.  Among 
his  figure  portraits  may  be  mentioned  a  scene 
from  <  Don  Juan.'  Ingham  was  one  of  the  ori- 
ginal members  of  the  National  Academy  of 
Design  in  America,  and  afterwards  vice-pre- 
sident. He  was  also  one  of  the  originators 
of  the  Sketching  Society  in  New  York.  He 
died  there  in  1863. 

[Dunlap's  Hist,  of  the  Arts  of  Design  in  the 
United  States ;  Champlin  and  Perkins's  Port,  of 
Painters.]  L.  C. 


(1805-1890),  police  magistrate,  born  17  Jan. 
1805,  was  a  younger  son  of  Joshua  Ingham 
of  Blake  Hall,  Yorkshire,  by  Martha,  daughter 
of  James  Taylor,  of  Halifax.  He  was  edu- 
cated at  Trinity  College,  Cambridge,  and 
graduated  B.A.  1829  and  M.A.  1832.  In 
1832  he  was  called  to  the  bar  at  the  Inner 
Temple ;  he  joined  the  northern  circuit  and 
practised  at  the  West  Riding  sessions.  In 
1849  he  was  appointed  magistrate  at  the 
Thames  police  court,  thence  he  was  suc- 
cessively transferred  to  Hammersmith  and 
to  Wandsworth.  In  July  1876  he  was  made 
chief  magistrate  of  London,  sitting  at  Bow 
Street.  On  21  July  1876  he  was  knighted. 
Ingham  was  a  man  of  dignified  appearance, 
and,  having  by  act  of  parliament  the  primary 
authority  in  extradition  cases,  did  much  to 
settle  the  rules  of  procedure.  He  died  at 
40  Gloucester  Square,  Hyde  Park,  on  5  March 
1890.  He  married,  4  Aug.  1835,  Gertrude, 
fifth  daughter  of  James  Penrose  of  Woodhill, 
co.  Cork,  and  by  her  had  several  children. 

[Times,  6  March  1890  ;  Law  Journal,  8  March 
1890;  Illustr.  Lond.  News  (with  portrait), 
15  March  1890;  Men  of  the  Time;  Foster's 
Knightage.]  W.  A.  J.  A. 

(d.  1344),  seneschal  of  Aquitaine,  was  son 
of  Sir  John  de  Ingham  (1260-1309)  of  Ing- 
ham, Norfolk,  by  his  wife  Maroya  or  Mercy. 
An  ancestor,  also  named  Oliver,  was  living 
in  1183.  John  de  Ingham  served  frequently 
in  Edward  I's  wars  in  Scotland.  Oliver  was 
summoned  to  perform  military  service  in  Scot- 
land in  1310  and  1314.  In  1321  he  was  made 
governor  of  Ellesmere  Castle,  Shropshire,  and 
next  year  actively  supported  the  king  in  his 
operations  against  Thomas  of  Lancaster.  He 
was  directed  to  raise  forces  in  Wiltshire  and 
elsewhere,  and  was  made  justice  of  Chester 
(see  numerous  documents  in  Parl.  Writs,  vol. 
ii.  pts.  i.  and  ii.),  and  warden  of  the  castles  of 

Maiiborough  and  Devizes.  In  1324  he  was 
returned  by  the  sheriff  of  Norfolk  to  the 
great  council  at  Westminster  (ib.  vol.  ii.  pt.  i. 
p.  641),  and  in  the  same  year  was  appointed 
one  of  the  advisers  of  Edmund,  earl  of  Kent, 
in  Gascony.  Neaet  year  he  was  made  sene- 
schal of  Aquitaine,  and  conducted  a  success- 
ful expedition  against  Agen.  At  the  end  of 
1326  he  returned  home,  and  was  one  of  the 
twelve  councillors  appointed  for  the  guidance 
of  the  young  king,  Edward  III,  in  1327.  He 
attached  himself  to  Mortimer's  party,  and 
was  summoned  to  parliament  as  a  baron.  In 
1328  he  was  made  justice  of  Chester  for  life, 
and  in  February  1329  was  one  of  the  justices 
for  the  trial  of  those  who  took  part  with 
Henry  of  Lancaster  at  Winchester  and  Bed- 
ford in  an  endeavour  to  overthrow  Mortimer. 
In  January  1330  he  tried  Hamo  of  Chigwell, 
formerly  lord  mayor  of  London,  at  the  Guild- 
hall (Chron.  Edward  I  and  II,  i.  242-3, 246). 
In  October  1330  he  was  arrested  by  order  of 
Edward  III  at  Leicester,  as  one  of  Mortimer's 
supporters,  and  sent  in  custody  to  London. 
He,  however,  regained  the  royal  favour,  and 
in  1333  was  once  more  made  seneschal  of 
Aquitaine.  He  filled  this  office  with  dis- 
tinction for  ten  years.  Numerous  documents 
relating  to  his  government  are  printed  in 
Rymer's  <  Foedera '  (Record  edit.  ii.  893-1229). 
In  1339  he  defeated  the  French  before  Bor- 
deaux (WALSINGHAM,  Hist.  Angl.  i.  225). 
On  6  April  1343  he  was  summoned  home, 
and  appears  to  have  reached  England  a  little 
later.  He  died  on  29  Jan.  1344,  and  was 
buried  at  Ingham.  He  held  lands  in  Nor- 
folk, Suffolk,  Hampshire,  and  Wiltshire.  By 
his  wife  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  Lord  Zouch, 
he  had  a  son  John,  who  predeceased  him,  and 
two  daughters,  Elizabeth,  who  married  John 
de  Curzon,  and  Joan,  who  married  (1)  Roger 
le  Strange  and  (2)  Sir  Miles  Stapleton. 
Ingham's  heirs  were  his  granddaughter  Mary 
Curzon  and  his  daughter  Elizabeth;  his 
barony  consequently  fell  into  abeyance. 

[Chron.  Edw.  I  and  II,  and  Walsingham's 
Hist.  Angl.  in  Rolls  Ser. ;  Blomefield's  Norfolk; 
Dugdale's  Baronage,  ii.  104 ;  Burke's  Extinct 
authorities  quoted.]  C.  L.  K. 

INGLEBY,  SIB  CHARLES  (fl.  1688), 
judge,  a  descendant  of  Sir  Thomas  Ingleby, 
judge  of  the  king's  bench  in  the  reign  of 
Edward  III,  was  third  son  of  John  Ingleby 
of  Lawkland,  Yorkshire.  He  was  admitted 
a  member  of  Gray's  Inn  in  June  1663,  and 
called  to  the  bar  in  November  1671.  He  was 
a  Roman  catholic,  and  in  February  1680  was 
charged  by  the  informers  Bolron  and  Mou- 
bray  with  complicity  in  the  Gascoigne  plot 
[see  GASCOIGNE,  SIR  THOMAS],  and  was  com- 




mitted  to  the  King's  Bench  prison,  but  upon  i 
his  trial  at  York  in  July  he  was  acquitted. 
Upon  the  accession  of  James  II  he  was  pro-  | 
inoted,  and  was  made  a  baron  of  the  Irish  j 
court  of  exchequer,  23  April  1686,  but,  re-  I 
fusing  to  proceed  to  Ireland,  was  made  a  ser-  \ 
leant  in  May  of  the  following  year,  and  on  , 
6  July  1688  was  knighted  and  made  a  baron  , 
of  the  English  court  of  exchequer.     In  No-^  I 
vember,  upon  the  landing   of   William   of : 
Orange,  his  patent  was  superseded,  and  he  | 
returned  to  the  bar.     His  is  almost  the  only  | 
case  in  which  a  judge  has  resumed  practice,  j 
In   April  1693  he  was   fined  40s.    at  the  j 
York  assizes  for  refusing  to  take  the  oaths  of  i 
allegiance  to  William  and  Mary.    The  date 
of  his  death  is  unknown.     Whitaker,  in  his 
*  History  of  Richmondshire/  ii.  350,  appa-  I 
rently  referring  to  him,  but  under  the  wrong  [ 
name  of  John,  says  that  he  died  shortly  after  , 
the  revolution  at  Anstwick  Hall,  and  was  ! 
buried  at  Clapham  in  Yorkshire;  but   the 
register   of  Roman  catholic  landholders  in 
the  West  Riding  of  Yorkshire,  1717-34,  is 
headed  by  the  name  of  Sir  Charles  Ingleby,  j 
knight,  serjeant-at-law  (Hist.  MSS.  Comm. 
9th  Rep.  pt.  i.  pp.  327  b,  346  a). 

[Wotton's    Baronetage,    ii.    292 ;    Luttrell's  ] 
Diary,  i.  34,  51,  402,  449,   450,  482,  iii.   83; 
Smyth's  Law  Officers  of  Ireland,  p.  157  ;  Claren-  | 
don's  Diary,  i.  409 ;  Bramston,  p.   275  ;  State 
Trials,  xii.  263  ;  Abbott's  Journal  (Chetham  Soc.)  j 
vol.  Ixi. ;  York  Depositions  (Surtees  Soc.)  xxvii.  | 
49  ;  Foss's  Judges  of  England.]  J.  A.  H. 


(1823-1886),  Shakespearean  critic  and  mis- 
cellaneous writer,  born  at  Edgbaston,  near 
Birmingham,  29  Oct.  1823,  was  only  son  of 
Clement  Ingleby,  a  well-known  solicitor  of 
Birmingham,  and  was  grandson  of  William 
Ingleby,  a  country  gentleman  of  Cheadle.  Ill- 
health,  which  pursued  Ingleby  through  life, 
precluded  him  from  receiving  more  than  a 
superficial  home  education,  but  at  the  age 
of  twenty  he  was  entered  at  Trinity  College, 
Cambridge,  where  he  was  classed  as  a  senior 
optime,  proceeding  B.A.  1847,  M.A.  1850, 
LL.D.  1859. 

On  leaving  the  university  he  worked  for 
ten  years,  though  not  assiduously,  in  his 
father's  office,  being  in  due  course  admitted 
a  solicitor  and  taken  into  partnership.  But 
the  profession  was  distasteful  to  him,  and 
his  leisure  time,  so  far  as  his  health  allowed, 
was  devoted  to  the  study  of  metaphysics 
and  mathematics,  as  well  as  of  English,  and 
particularly  dramatic,  literature.  His  first 
Shakespearean  paper,  entitled  '  The  Neology 
of  Shakespeare,'  was  read  before  a  literary 
society  in  Birmingham  in  1850.  For  a  short 
period  he  held  the  chair  of  logic  at  the  Mid- 

land Institute,  and  published  in  1856  a  class- 
book  entitled '  Outlines  of  Theoretical  Logic/ 
In  1859  he  published  a  small  volume  en- 
titled '  The  Shakespeare  Fabrications,'  bear- 
ing on  the  controversy  arising  out  of  John 
Payne  Collier's  literary  forgeries;  and  in  1861 
'  A  Complete  View  of  the  Shakespeare  Con- 
troversy,' which  practically  closed  the  con- 
troversy, as  Collier  left  the  book  unanswered. 
In  1859  Ingleby  severed  his  connection 
with  the  law,  and  removed  from  Birmingham 
to  the  neighbourhood  of  London.  He  busied 
himself  at  this  time  with  contributions  to- 
periodical  literature,  among  which  may  be 
noticed  a  series  of  papers  for  the  '  British 
Controversialist '  on  Coleridge,  De  Quincey, 
Francis  Bacon,  De  Morgan,  Buckle,  and  Sir 
W.  Rowan  Hamilton.  In  1864  he  published 
the  first  part  of  his  '  Introduction  to  Meta- 
physic,'  and  in  1869  the  second  and  conclud- 
ing part.  He  had  previously  schooled  him- 
self in  this  work  by  writing  a  lengthy  treatise 
on  'The  Principles  of  Reason,  Theoretical 
and  Practical,'  which  he  did  not  deem  worthy 
of  publication.  In  1868  appeared  a  tractate 
entitled  <  Was  Thomas  Lodge  an  Actor  ?  ' 
and  in  1870  '  The  Revival  of  Philosophy  at 
Cambridge,'  suggested  by  the  establishment 
in  1851  of  the  moral  sciences  tripos  at  Cam- 
bridge, and  making  proposals  for  its  improve- 
ment, together  with  discussions  of  the  more 
important  topics  embraced  by  the  tripos. 
With  the  exception  of  a  series  of  literary 
essays,  published  in  the  shortlived  Dublin 
magazine  '  Hibernia,'  and  a  small  book  of 
original  proverbs  entitled  '  The  Prouerbes  of 
Syr  Oracle  Mar-text,'  Ingleby  henceforth  de- 
voted himself  almost  wholly  to  Shakespearean 
literature.  In  1874  appeared  <  The  Still 
Lion/  enlarged  the  next  year  into  '  Shake- 
speare Hermeneutics,'  in  which  many  of  the 
standing  textual  difficulties  were  explained, 
and  a  protest  lodged  against  the  unnecessary 
emendations  to  which  the  folio  of  1623  was 
subjected  by  contemporary  editors.  In  the 
same  year  appeared  the  *  Centurie  of  Prayse,' 
being  a  collection  of  allusions  to  Shakespeare 
and  his  works  between  1592  and  1692.  Of 
this  work  a  second  and  enlarged  edition  ap- 
peared in  1879,  prepared,  with  his  permission 
and  assistance,  by  Miss  L.  Toulmin  Smith, 
under  the  auspices  of  the  New  Shakspere  So- 
ciety, and  a  third  edition  has  since  his  death 
appeared  under  the  same  auspices.  In  1877 
he  issued  the  first  part  of  '  Shakespeare :  the 
Man  and  the  Book,'  and  in  1881  the  second 
part.  In  1882  appeared  a  small  volume  en- 
titled '  Shakespeare's  Bones,'  in  which  a  pro- 
posal was  reverently  made  for  the  disinter- 
ment  of  Shakespeare's  bones  and  an  examina- 
tion of  the  skull,  with  a  view  of  throwing 




light  on  the  vexed  question  of  the  portraiture. 
That  the  author  made  his  proposal  in  no 
mere  spirit  of  curiosity  the  book  itself  will 
testify,  but  many  published  protests  proved 
at  once  that  no  such  attempt  would  be  tole- 
rated by  the  public.  In  1885  he  published 

*  Shakespeare  and  the  Enclosure  of  Common 
Fields  at  Welcombe/  reproducing  in  autotype 
a  fragment  of  Greene's  diary,  preserved  at 
Stratford-on-Avon,   in   which    reference   is 
made  to  the  poet ;  and  in  1886  appeared  his 
edition  of  '  Cymbeline,'  which,  though  not 
free  from  small  errors  due  to  failing  health, 
is  a   model   of  what   conscientious  editing 
should  be.     He  died  at  his  residence,  Valen- 
tines, Ilford,  Essex,  on  26  Sept.  1886.   Ingleby 
married  in  1850  the  only  child  of  Robert  Oakes 
of  Gravesend,  J.P.,  and  a  distant  connection 
of  his  own. 

Although  chiefly  known  by  his  work  on 
Shakespeare,  Ingleby's  essays  and  lesser 
writings  embrace  a  far  wider  range  of  subjects, 
and  display  remarkable  versatility.  Their 
subjects  include :  '  The  Principles  of  Acou- 
stics and  the  Theory  of  Sound ; '  *  The  Stereo- 
scope ; ' '  The  Ideality  of  the  Rainbow ; "  The 
Mutual  Relation  of  Theory  and  Practice ; ' 

*  Law  and  Religion  : '  '  A  Voice  for  the  Mute 
Creation ; ' l  Miracles  versus  Nature  ; ' '  Spell- 
ing Reform,'  &c.     A  selection  of  his  essays 
was  published  posthumously  by  his  son.   As- 
sisted by  the  late  Cecil  Munro,  and  at  the  re- 
quest of  the  president  of  the  Royal  Society, 
he  made  a  comprehensive  report  on  the  New- 
ton Leibnitz  Papers,  upon  which  the  society 
based  its  report  to  the  Berlin  Academy.    He 
also  gave  valuable  help  to  Staunton  in  his 
edition  of  Shakespeare.      He   occasionally 
wrote   verses,  which,  if  not  of  the  highest 
order,  were  scholarly  and  graceful.    Some  of 
these  appeared  from  time  to  time  in  periodi- 
cals, and  a  full  collection  was  made  at  his 
death  and  printed  for  private  circulation.    He 
was  a  born,  though  untrained,  musician,  was 
endowed  with  a  beautiful  voice,  and  at  inter- 
vals composed  songs,  some  of  which  he  pub- 
lished.    Unhappily,  ill-health  seriously  cur- 
tailed the  amount  of  work  he  was  able  to 

As  foreign  secretary  and  vice-president  of 
the  Royal  Society  of  Literature,  he  occa- 
sionally read  papers  at  the  meetings,  most  of 
which  are  printed  in  the  society's  '  Transac- 
tions.' He  was  for  a  short  time  one  of  the 
vice-presidents  of  the  New  Shakspere  So- 
ciety, and  among  other  work  edited  for  the 
society  the  '  Shakespeare  Allusion  Books,' 
1874.  He  was  also  elected  one  of  the  Eng- 
lish honorary  members  of  the  Weimar  Shake- 
speare Society,  and  was  an  original  trustee  of 
Shakespeare's  birthplace. 

[A  biographical  sketch  in  EdgWtonia  (1886); 
Timmins's  Memoir  in  Shakespearian  a  (1886); 
private  information.]  H.  I. 

(1748-1828),  captain  in  the  navy,  was  born 
in  1748.  He  entered  the  navy  in  1759  ;  and 
after  passing  his  examination  was,  in  April 
1766,  rated  'able  seaman'  onboard  the  Laun- 
ceston,  going  out  to  North  America  with  the 
flag  of  Vice-admiral  Durell  (pay-book  of 
Launceston).  In  May  1768  he  was  moved 
into  the  Romney,  bearing  the  broad  pennant 
of  Commodore  Samuel  (afterwards  Viscount) 
Hood  [q.  v.],  and  in  October  was  promoted  to 
the  rank  of  lieutenant,  and  sent  back  to  the 
Launceston.  In  the  following  July  he  re- 
turned to  the  Romney,  and  from  that  time 
his  service  was  very  closely  connected  with 
that  of  Hood.  With  Hood  he  quitted  the 
Romney  in  December  1770,  served  with  him 
in  the  Marlborough  and  Courageux,  and  in 
1778  in  the  Robust,  with  Hood's  brother 
Alexander,  afterwards  Lord  Bridport  [q.  v.] 
In  the  Robust  he  was  present  in  the  action  off 
Ushant  on  27  July.  In  June  1779  he  was 
promoted  to  the  command  of  the  Lively  sloop. 
On  11  Oct.  1780  he  was  posted  to  the  Bar- 
fleur  of  90  guns,  in  which  his  patron,  Sir 
Samuel  Hood,  hoisted  his  flag,  and  went  out 
to  the  West  Indies  as  second  in  command. 
He  thus  had  an  important  share  in  the 
skirmish  with  the  French  fleet  off  Fort  Royal 
of  Martinique  on  29  April  1781.  In  the  fol- 
lowing August  he  was  moved  by  Hood  into 
the  Centaur  of  74  guns,  and  commanded  her 
in  the  action  off  the  Chesapeake  on  5  Sept., 
in  the  action  with  De  Grasse  at  St.  Kitts  on 
25  Jan.  1782,  in  the  skirmish  on  9  April,  and 
in  the  decisive  action  of  12  April  1782.  In 
August  the  Centaur  sailed  for  England  with 
the  convoy,  under  the  command  of  Rear- 
admiral  Thomas  (afterwards  Lord)  Graves 
[q.  v.],  and  after  much  bad  weather  was  over- 
taken by  a  hurricane  on  16  Sept.  Many  of 
the  ships  lay-to  on  the  wrong  tack  (see 
Nautical  Magazine,  xlix.  719),  the  Centaur 
apparently  among  the  number.  In  a  violent 
shift  of  the  wind  she  was  dismasted,  lost  her 
rudder,  and  was  thrown  on  her  beam  ends. 
With  great  difficulty  she  was  kept  afloat  till 
the  23rd,  when  towards  evening  she  went 
down  almost  suddenly.  The  sea  ran  very  high, 
but  Inglefield,  with  the  master,  a  midshipman, 
and  nine  seamen,  got  into  the  pinnace,  and 
after  sixteen  days'  wild  navigation  and  fear- 
ful suffering  reached  Fayal,  one  of  the  men 
dying  a  few  hours  before  they  sighted  land. 
These  eleven  men  were  all  that  remained  of 
the  crew  of  the  74-gun  ship.  On  returning 
to  England,  Inglefield,  with  the  other  sur- 
vivors, was  put  on  his  trial  and  fully  acquitted. 




He  was  then  appointed  to  the  Scipio  guard- 
ship  in  the  Medway.  In  1788-9  he  com- 
manded the  Adventure  on  the  coast  of  Africa, 
and  from  1790  to  1792  the  Medusa  on  the 
same  station.  In  1793  he  commanded  the 
Aigle  frigate  in  the  Mediterranean,  and  in 
1794  succeeded  Sir  Hyde  Parker  as  captain 
of  the  fleet.  Towards  the  close  of  the  year 
he  returned  to  England  with  Lord  Hood, 
and  had  no  further  service  afloat,  accepting 
the  appointment  of  resident  commissioner  of 
the  navy,  and  being  successively  employed 
in  Corsica,  Malta,  Gibraltar,  and  latterly  at 
Halifax.  In  1799  he  declined  promotion  to 
flag  rank,  and  was  placed  on  the  list  of  re- 
tired captains,  retaining  his  civil  appoint- 
ment till  1811.  He  died  in  1828.  He  is 
described  by  Sir  William  Hotham  [q.  v.]  as 
'  a  remarkably  handsome  man,  very  good  na- 
tured,  and  kind  in  his  manners.'  '  Though 
he  lived  to  a  considerable  age,'  he  adds,  '  he 
never  altogether  recovered  the  effects  of  the 
miraculous  escape'  (Hotham  MS.}  Ingle- 
field  married,  about  1775,  a  daughter  of  Sir 
Thomas  Slade,  and  had  issue  a  daughter,  who 
married  Sir  Benj arnin  Hallowell  Carew  [q.  v. ] , 
and  a  son,  Samuel  Hood  Inglefield,  who 
died,  rear-admiral  and  commander-in-chief 
in  China,  in  1848,  and  was  father  of  the  pre- 
sent Admiral  Sir  Edward  Augustus  Ingle- 
field,  K.C.B. 

[Marshall's  Roy.  Nav.  Biog.  iii.  (vol.  ii.)  62; 
O'Byrne's  Nav.  Biog.  Diet.  p.  564  ;  Commission 
and  Warrant  Books  in  the  Public  Record  Office  ; 
Inglefield's  Narrative  concerning  the  Loss  of  his 
Majesty's  Ship  the  Centaur  (published  by  autho- 
rity), 1783;  information  from  Sir  E.  A.  Ingle- 
field.]  J.  K.  L. 

THOMAS,  D.D.  (d.  1291),  bishop  of  Roches- 
ter, appears  to  have  belonged  to  a  family  of 
some  note,  taking  its  name  from  Ingoldes- 
thorp  in  Norfolk.  The  first  benefice  he  is 
known  to  have  held  is  that  of  Pagham  in 
Sussex.  He  held  the  prebendal  stall  of  Stoke 
Newington  in  St.  Paul's  Cathedral,  and  be- 
came archdeacon  of  Middlesex,  from  which 
dignity  he  was  raised  to  the  deanery  of  St. 
Paul's  in  1276-7.  He  also  held  the  arch- 
deaconry of  Sudbury  in  August  1267  (LE 
NEVE,  Fasti,  ii.  490).  In  1278,  as  dean  of 
St.  Paul's,  he  gave  his  consent  to  the  erection 

of  the  new  church  of  the  Black  Friars  be- 
tween Ludgate  and  the  river  Fleet,  on  their 
removal  from  their  original  home  in  what  is 
now  Lincoln's  Inn  (NEWCOUKT,  Repertorium, 
i.  38).  Inglethorp  was  appointed  by  Edward  I 
to  the  see  of  Rochester  in  succession  to  John 
de  Bradfield  (d.  23  April  1283).  The  com- 
mencement of  his  episcopate  was  troubled  by 
disputes  with  the  prior  and  monks  of  the  con- 
vent as  to  some  of  the  rights  and  perquisites 
of  the  see.  Though  these  rights  had  been 
enforced  by  Inglethorp's  predecessors,  the 
monks  asserted  that  the  bishop  had  no  just 
claim.  The  matter  was  referred  to  the  arch- 
bishop, who  made  a  personal  visitation  and 
decided  against  the  bishop.  The  subsequent 
relations  between  the  bishop  and  the  convent 
were  happy,  and  at  his  death  the  monastic 
chronicler,  Edmund  of  Haddenham,  summed 
up  his  character  as 

Vir  laudabilis,  mitis  et  affabilis, 
Jocundus  et  hilaris,  et  mensa  dapsilis, 

who  '  deserved  to  have  his  place  with  the 
blessed  ones '  (Anglia  Sacra,  i.  353).  The 
numerous  mentions  of  Inglethorp  in  Thorpe's 
'Registrum  Roffense'  chiefly  detail  his  deal- 
ings with  the  property  of  the  see.  In  1284 
he  was  commissioned  by  the  archbishop  to 
reconcile  the  church  of  St.  Mary-le-Bow,  and 
that  of  Maidstone,  after  their  pollution  by 
the  effusion  of  blood  (Reg.  Roffense,  p.  102 ; 
Annal.  Monast.  Dunstaple,  iii.  314).  A  dis- 
pute having  arisen  between  him  and  the  abbot 
of  St.  Augustine's,  Canterbury,  he  excom- 
municated the  abbot,  a  sentence  which  the 
king  desired  him  to  withdraw  (ib.  pp.  106-7). 
He  exchanged  the  advowson  of  St.  Buryans 
in  Cornwall  with  Edmund,  earl  of  Cornwall, 
for  those  of  Henley  and  Mixbury  in  Oxford- 
shire and  Brundish  in  Suffolk  (ib.  p.  200). 
In  1389  he  carried  out  the  '  ordinatio '  of 
the  college  and  chantry  founded  in  the  church 
of  Cobham  in  Kent  (ib.  pp.  234-9).  He  died 
12  May  1291,  and  was  buried  on  the  south 
side  of  the  high  altar  of  his  cathedral,  where 
his  altar-tomb  still  remains  with  a  mitred 
recumbent  effigy. 

[Wharton's  Anglia  Sacra,  i.  353 ;  Godwin,  De 
Praesul.  ii.  Ill;  Thorpe's  Registrum  Roffense, 
pp.  102,  106,  201,  234,  509,  658;  Custumale 
Roffense,  p.  195.J  E.  V. 




How.    See  Howe. 

Howard,  Anne,  Lady  ( 1475-1512  ) .    See  under 

Howard,  Thomas,*  third  Duke  of  Norfolk. 
Howard,  Bernard  Edward,  twelfth   Duke  of 

Norfolk  (1765-1842) 1 

Howard,  Catherine,  fifth  queen  of  Henry  VIII. 

See  Catherine  (d.  1542). 
Howard,  Charles,  Lord  Howard  of  Effingham, 

Earl  of  Nottingham  (1536-1624)  .  .  1 
Howard,  Charles,  first  Earl  of  Carlisle  (1629- 

1685) 6 

Howard,  Charles,  third  Earl  of  Carlisle  (1674- 

1738) 7 

Howard,  Sir  Charles  (d.  1765)  ...  8 
Howard,  Charles,  tenth  Duke  of  Norfolk  (1720- 

1786) 8 

Howard,  Charles,  eleventh  Duke  of  Norfolk 

(1746-1815) 9 

Ht>ward,  Sir  Edward  (1477  P-1513)  .  .  10 
Howard,  Edward  (ft.  1669)  .  .  .  .12 
Howard,  Edward,  first  Lord  Howard  of  Es- 

crick  (d.  1675) 12 

Howard,  Edward  (d.  1841)  .  .  .  .13 
Howard,  Edward  George  Fitzalan,  first  Baron 

Howard  of  Glossop  (1818-1883)  ...  13 
Howard,  Elizabeth,  Duchess  of  Norfolk  (1494- 

1558).    See  under  Howard,  Thomas,  third 


Howard,  Frank  (1805  P-1866)  ...  14 
Howard,  Frederick,  fifth  Earl  of  Carlisle 

(1748-1825) 14 

Howard,  Sir  George  (1720  P-1796)  ...  17 
Howard,  George,  sixth  Earl  of  Carlisle  (1773- 

1848) 18 

Howard,  George  William  Frederick,  seventh 

Earl  of  Carlisle  (1802-1864)  ...  19 
Howard,  Gorges  Edmond  (1715-1786)  .  .  21 
Howard,  Henrietta,  Countess  of  Suffolk  (1681- 

1767) 22 

Howard,  Henry,  Earl  of  Surrey  (1517  ?-1547)  23 
Howard,  Henry,  Earl  of  Northampton  (1540- 

1614) 28 

Howard,  Henry,  sixth  Duke  of  Norfolk  ( 1628- 

1684) 32 

Howard,    Henry,   seventh  Duke  of   Norfolk 

(1655-1701)  I 33 

Howard,  Henry  (1684-1720)  ....  34 
Howard,  Henry,  fourth  Earl  of  Carlisle  (1694- 

1758).    See  under  Howard,  Charles,  third 

Earl  of  Carlisle. 

Howard,  Henry  (1757-1842)  ....  34 
Howard,  Henry  (1769-1847)  .  .  .  .35 
Howard,  Henry  Charles,  thirteenth  Duke  of 

Norfolk  (1791-1856) 37 

Howard,   Henry  Edward  John,  D.D.  (1795- 

1868) 37 

Howard,    Henry    Frederick,    third    Earl    of 

Arundel  (1608-1652) 38 

Howard,  Henry  Granville  Fitzalan-,  fourteenth 

Duke  of  Norfolk  (1815-1860)  ...  38 
Howard,  Hugh  (1675-1737)  ....  39 
Howard,  James  (fl.  1674)  ....  40 
Howard,  James,  third  Earl  of  Suffolk  (1619- 

1688) 40 

Howard,  James  (1821-1889)    .        .        .        .41 
Howard,  John,  first  Duke  of  Norfolk  of  the 

Howard  family  ( 1430  P-1485)  ...  42 
Howard,  John  (1726  P-1790)  .  .  .  .44 
Howard,  John  (1753-1799)  .  .  .  .48 
Howard,  John  Eliot  (1807-1883)  ...  48 
Howard,  Kenneth  Alexander,  first  Earl  of 

Effingham,  of  the  second  creation  (1767-1845)  49 
Howard,  Leonard  (1699  P-1767)  ...  50 
Howard,  Luke  (1621-1699)  ....  50 
Howard,  Luke  (1772-1864)  ....  51 
Howard,  Philip,  first  Earl  of  Arundel  of  the 

Howard  family  (1557-1595)  ...  52 
Howard,  Philip  Thomas  (1629-1694)  .  .  54 
Howard,  Ealph,  M.D.  (1638-1710)  .  .  .57 
Howard,  Ralph,  Viscount  Wicklow  (d.  1786). 

See  under  Howard,  Ralph  (1638-1710). 
Howard,  Richard  Baron  (1807-1848)       .        .    58 
Howard,  Sir  Robert  (1585-1653)     ...    58 
Howard,  Sir  Robert  (1626-1698)     ...    59 
Howard,    Robert    (1683-1740).      See    under 

Howard,  Ralph  (1638-1710). 
Howard,  Samuel  (1710-1782).        ...    61 
Howard,  Theophilus,  second  Earl  of  Suffolk 

(1584-1640) 61 

Howard,  Thomas  I,  Earl  of  Surrey  and  second 

Duke   of   Norfolk    of   the  Howard    house 

(1443-1524) 62 

Howard,  Thomas  II,  Earl  of  Surrey  and  third 

Duke    of  Norfolk    of  the    Howard    house 

(1473-1554) 64 

Howard,  Thomas  III,  fourth  Duke  of  Norfolk 

of  the  Howard  house  (1536-1572)  .  .  67 
Howard,  Thomas,  first  Earl  of  Suffolk  (1561- 

1626) 71 

Howard,  Thomas,   second  Earl  of    Arundel 

(1586-1646) 73 

Howard,  Walter  (1759-1830  ?)  76 

Howard,  Sir  William  (d.  1308)        ...     77 
Howard,    William,    first   Baron  Howard   of 

Effingham  (1510  P-1573)  ....  77 
Howard,  Lord  William  (1563-1640)  .  .  79 
Howard,  William,  Viscount  Stafford  (1614- 

1680)     .  81 


Index  to  Volume  XXVIII. 



Howard,   William,    third    Lord    Howard    of 

Escrick  (1626P-1694) 

Howard  deWalden.  Lord  (1719-1797).    See 

Griffin  (formerly  Whitwell),  John  Griffin. 
Howard  deWalden,  Lord  (1799-1868).    See 

Ellis,  Charles  Augustus. 
Howden,    Lords.      See    Caradoc,    Sir    John 

Francis,  first  Lord  (1762-1839)  ;  Caradoc 

Sir  John  Hobart,  second  Lord  (1799-1873) 
Howe,  Charles  (1661-1742)      . 
Howe,  Emanuel  Scrope  (d.  1709)     . 
Howe,  George,  M.D.  (1655  P-1710). 
Howe,  James  (1780-1836) 

Howe,  John  (1630-1 705) 85 

Howe,  John,  fourth  Lord  Chedworth  (1754- 

1804)     .        

Howe  or  How,  John  Grubham  (1657-1722) 

Howe,  Joseph  (1804-1873) 

Howe,  Josias  (1611  P-1701)      . 

Howe,  Michael  (1787-1 818)     . 

Howe,  Obadiah  (1616  P-1683) 

Howe,  Richard,  Earl  Howe  (1726-1799) 

Howe,   Scrope,   first   Viscount  Howe    (1648- 

1712)     . 101 

Howe  or  How,  William  (1620-1656)  .  .  102 
Howe,  William,  fifth  Viscount  Howe  (1729- 

1814)     . 102 

Howel  Vychan,   that    is,   Howel    the    Little 

(d.  825) 

Howel  Dda,  that  is,  Howel  the  Good  (d.  950)  . 
Howel  ab  leuav,  or  Howel  Ddrwg,  that  is, 

Howel  the  Bad  (d.  984)        .... 
Howel  ab  Edwin  (d.  1044)       .... 
Howel  abO wain  Gwynedd  (d.  1171?)    . 
Howel  y  Fwyall  (fl.  1356),  or  'Howel  of  the 

Battle-axe'   .        .        .        .     .  .        .        .108 

Howell,  Francis  (1625-1679)  .        .        .        .109 

Howell,  James  (1594  P-1666).  .  ,  .109 
Howell,  John  (1774-1830),  called  loan  ab 

Hywel   .        .        .        .        .        .        .        -114 

Howell,  John  (1788-1863)        .        .        .        .114 

Howell,  Laurence  (1664  P-1720)      .        .        .115 
Howell,  Thomas  ( fl.  1568)       .        .        .        .116 

Howell,  Thomas,  D.D.  (1588-1646)  .  .116 
Howell,  Thomas  Bayly  (1768-1815)  .  .117 
Howell,  Thomas  JonM  (d.  1858).  See  under 

Howell,  Thomas  Bayly. 
Howell,  William  (1638  P-1683) 
Howell,  William  (1656-1714)  . 
Howells,  William  (1778-1832) 
Howes,  Edmund  (  fl.  1607-1631) 
Howes,  Edward  ( 'fl.  1650)       . 
Howes,  Francis  (1776-1844)    . 
Howes,    Thomas     (1729-1814). 

Howes,  Francis. 

Howes,  John  (ft.  1772-1793)  .... 
Howgill,  Francis  (1618-1669)  .... 
Howgill,  William  (fl.  1794)  .... 
Howick,  Viscount,  afterwards  second  Earl 

Grey.    See  Grey,  Charles  (1764-1845). 
Howie,  John  (1735-1793)        .... 
Howison,   William    (fl.    1823).     See    under 

Howison  or  Howieson,  William. 
Howison  or  Howieson,  William  (1798-1850)  . 
Ho witt,  Mary  (1799-1888)      . 
Howitt,  Richard  (1799 -1869)  . 
Howitt,  Samuel  (1765  P-1822) 
Howitt,  William  (1792-1879)  . 
Howland,  Richard,  D.D.  (1540-1600) 
Howlet,  John  (1548-1589) 
Hewlett,  Bartholomew  (1767-1827) 
Hewlett,  John  (1731-1804)      . 


.  128 
.  128 
,  128 

.  117 
.  118 
.  118 
.  118 
.  119 
.  119 
See  under 

.  120 
.  120 
.  121 


Hewlett,  Samuel  Burt  (1794-1874) 

Howley,  Henry  (1775  P-1803) 

Howley,  William  (1766-1848) 

Howman,  John  (1518  P-1585).    See  Fecken- 

ham,  John  de. 

Howson,  John  ( 1557  P-1632)  .  .  .  .129 
Howson,  John  Saul,  D.D.  (1816-1885)  .  .  130 
Howth,  Lords.  See  St.  Lawrence,  Christopher, 

Nicholas,  and  Robert. 

Hoy,  Thomas  (1659-1718)  .  .  .  .132 
Hovland,  Francis  (ft.  1763)  .  .  .  .132 
Hoy  land,  John  (1783-1827)  .  .  .  .132 
HoVland,  John  (1750-1831)  .  .  .  .132 
Hoyle,  Edmoml  (1672-1769)  .  .  .  .133 

Hoyle,  John  (d.  1797?) 134 

Hoyle,  Joshua,  D.D.  (d.  1654)  .  .  .134 
Hoyle,  William  (1831-1886)  .  .  .  .135 
Hubbard,  John  Gellibrand,  first  Lord  Adding- 

trra  (1805-1889) 135 

Hubbard,  William  C1621  P-1704)  .  .  .136 
Hubberthorn,  Richard  (1628-1662)  .  .  136 
Hubbock.  William  (  fl.  1605)  .  .  .  .137 
Hubert,  Sir  Francis  (d.  1629)  .  .  .  .137 
Hubert,  Walter  (d.  1205)  .  .  .  .137 
Huck,  Richard  (1720-1785).  See  Saunders, 

Richard  Huck. 

Huckell,  John  (1729-1771)  .  .  .  .141 
Huddart,  Joseph  (1741-1816)  .  .  .  .141 
Huddesford,  George  (1749-1809)  .  .  .141 
Huddesford,  William  (1732-1772)  .  .  .142 
Huddleston  or  Hudle  ton,  John  (1608-1698)  .  143 
Huddleston  alias  Dormer,  John  (1636-1700). 

See  Dormer. 

Huddleston,  Sir  John  Walter  (1815-1890)  .  144 
Huddleston  or  Hudleston,  Richard  (1583- 

1655) 145 

Hudson,  George  (1800-1871)  .  .  .  .145 
Hudson,  Henry  (d.  1611)  .  .  .  .147 
Hudson,  Henry  (ft.  1784-1800)  .  .  .149 
Hudson,  Sir  James  (1810-1885)  .  .  .149 
Hudson,  Jeffery  (1619-1682)  .  .  .  .149 
Hudson,  John  (1662-1719)  .  .  .  .150 

Hudson,  Marv  (d.  1801) 152 

Hudson,  Michael,  D.D.  (1605-1648)        .        .  152 

Hudson,  Robert  ( fl.  1600)        .        .        .        .153 

Hudson,  Robert  (1731-1815)    .        .        .        .153 

Hudson,  Thomas  (fl.  1610)      .        .        .        .153 

Hudson,  Thomas  (1701-1779).        .        .        .154 

i  Hudson,  William  (d.  1635)      .        .        .        .154 

Hudson,  William  (1730  P-1793)       .        .        .155 

!  Hueffer,    Francis     (more      correctly     Franz 

HUffer)  (1845-1889) 155 

Hues,  Robert  (1553  P-1632)  .  .  .  .156 
Huet  or  Huett,  Thomas  (d.  1591)  .  .  .156 
Hugford,  Ignazio  Enrico  (1703-1778)  .  .  157 
Hugford,  Ferdinando  Enrico  (1696-1771). 

See  under  Hugford,  Ignazio  Enrico. 
Huggarde  or  Hoggarde,  Miles  (fl.  1557)          .  157 
i  Huggins,  John  (fl.  1729).    See  under  Eam- 

bridge,  Thomas. 

Huggins,  Samuel  (1811-1885)          .        .        .158 

I  Huggins,  William  (1696-1761)        .        .        .158 

!  Huggins,  William  (1820-1884)        .        .        .159 

Huggins,  William  John  (1781-1845)      .        .159 

Hugh    (d.   1094),  called  of  Grantmesnil,  or 

Grentemaisnil 159 

Hugh  (d.  1098),  called  of  Montgomery,  Earl 

of  Shrewsbury  and  Arundel         .        .        .  160 
j  Hugh  (d.  1101),  called  of  Avranches,  Earl  of 

Chester 161 

Hugh     (ft.  1107  P-1155?),  called    Albus   or 

Candidus       ...  .  163 

Index  to  Volume  XXVIII. 



Hugh  (d.  1164),  archbishop  of  Rouen      .  163 
Hugh  (d.  1181),  called   Hugh  of  Cyveiliog 

palatine  Earl  of  Chester        .        .  "     .  164 

Hugh  (1135  P-1200),  Saint       ...  165 

Hugh  (d.  1235),  called  Hugh  of  Wells    .  168 
Hugh  (1246  P-1255),  called  Hugh  of  Lincoln 

Saint 169 

Hugh  of  Evesham  (d.  1287),  cardinal.  See 


Hugh  of  Balsham  (d.  1286),  bishop  of  Ely 

and  founder  of  Peterhouse,  Cambridge.  See 


Hugh,  William  (d.  1549)         .        .        t  .171 

Hughes,  David  (1813-1872)     .        .        .  .171 

Hughes,  Sir  Edward  (1720  P-1794)          .  .172 

Hughes,  Edward  Hughes  Ball  (d.  1863).  See 

under  Hughes,  Sir  Edward. 

Hughes,  George  (1603-1667)    .        .        .  175 

Hughes,  Griffith  (fl.  1750)       ...  175 

Hughes,  Henry  George  (1810-1872)        .  176 
Hughes,  Hugh  (y  Bardd  Coch)  (1693-1776)     176 

Hughes,  Hugh  (1790  P-1863)  ...  176 

Hughes,  Hugh  (Tegai)  (1805-1864)       .  177 

Hughes,  Jabez  (1685  P-1731)  .        .        .  178 
Hughes,    James     (lago    Trichrug)     (1779- 

1844) 178 

Hughes,  John  (1677-1720)       ...  178 

Hughes,  John  (1776-1843)       .        .        .  180 

Hughes,  John  (1790-1857)       ...  181 

Hughes,  John  (1787-1860)       ...  181 

Hughes,  John  (1796-1860)       ...  182 

Hughes,  John  Ceiriog  (1832-1887)  .        .  182 

Hughes,  Joshua  (1807-1889)    ...  183 

Hughes,  Lewis  (/.  1620)         ...  184 

Hughes,  Margaret  (d.  1719)    .        .        .  185 

Hughes,  Obadiah,  D.D.  (1695-1751)        .  185 

Hughes,  Sir  Richard  (1729  P-1812)  .        .  186 
Hughes,  Robert  (Robin  Ddu  o  Fon)  (1744  ?- 

1785) 187 

Hughes,  Robert  Ball  (1806-1868)    .        .  187 

Hughes.  Thomas  (fl.  1587)      ...  188 

Hughes,  Thomas  Smart  (1786-1847)        .  188 

Hughes,  William  (d.  1600)      ...  189 

Hughes,  William  (fl.  1665-1683)    .        .  190 

Hughes,  William  (d.  1798)       ...  190 

Hughes,  William  (1793-1825)          .        .  191 

Hughes,  William  (1803-1861)          .        .  191 

Hughes,  William  Little  (1822-1887)        .  191 

Hugo,  Thomas  (1820-1876)     ...  191 

Huicke,  Robert,  M.D.  (d.  1581  ?)    .        .  192 

Huish,  Alexander  (1594  P-1668)      .        .  193 

Hulbert,  Charles  (1778-1857)  .        .        .  193 

Hulbert,  Charles  Augustus  (1804-1888).  See 

under  Hulbert,  Charles. 

Hulet,  Charles  (1701-1736)     .        .        .  194 

Hulett,  James  (d.  1771)  ....  195 

Hull,  John,  M.D.  (1761-1843)          .        .  195 
Hull,  Robert  (d.  1425).    See  Hill,  Robert. 

Hull,  Thomas  (1728-1808)       ...  195 

Hull,  William  (1820-1880)      ...  196 

Hull,  William  Winstanley  (1794-1873)  .  197 

Hullah,  John  Pyke,  LL.D.  (1812-1884)  .  198 

Hullmandel,  Charles  Joseph  ( 1789-1850  )  1 99 

Hullock,  Sir  John  (1767-1829)         .        .  200 

Hulls  or  Hull,  Jonathan  (fl.  1737)  .        .  200 

Hulme,  Frederick  William  (1816-1884)  .  201 

Hulme,  Nathaniel,  M.D.  (1732-1807)     .  201 

Hulme,  William  (1631-1691)  .        .        .  202 

Huloet,  Richard  (fl.  1552)       ...  202 

Hulsberg,  Henry  (cL  1729)'      ...  203 

Hulse,  Edward/M.D.  (1631-1711)  .        .  2u3 

Hulse,  Sir  Edward,  M.D.  (1682-1759)    .  203 


Hulse,  John  (1708-1790) 203 

Hulse,  Sir  Samuel  (1747-1837)  .  .  .  204 
Hulton,  William  Adam  (1802-1887)  .  .  204 
Humberston,  Francis  Mackenzie,  or  Francis 

Humberston  Mackenzie,  Lord  Seaforth  and 

Mackenzie  (1754-1815)  .  .  .  .204 
Humberston,  Thomas  Frederick  Mackenzie 

(1753  P-1783) 20*5 

Humbert,  Albert  Jenkins  (1822-1877)  .  .207 
Humby,  Mrs.  (fl.  1817-1849)  .  .  .  .207 
Hume.*  See  also  Home. 

Hume,  Abraham  (1616  P-1707)  .  .  .208 
Hume,  Sir  Abraham  (1749-1838)  .  .  .208 
Hume,  Abraham  (1814-1884)  .  .  .  .209 
Hume  or  Home,  Alexander  (1560  P-1609)  .  210 
Hume,  Alexander  (d.  1682)  .  .  .  .211 
Hume,  Alexander,  second  Earl  of  Marchmont 

(1675-1740).    See  Campbell. 
Hume,  Alexander  (1809-1851)         .        .        .211 
Hume,  Alexander  (1811-1859)         .        .        .  211 
Hume,  Alexander  Hamilton  (1797-1873)        .  212 

Hume,  Anna  (/.  1644) 213 

Hume,  David  ^  1560  P-l  630?)  .  .  .213 
Hume  or  Home,  Sir  David,  <xf  Crossrig,  Lord 

Crossrig  (1643-1707) 214 

Hume,  David  (1711-1776)  .  .  .  .215 
Hume,  David  (1757-1838)  ....  226 
Hume,  Sir  George,  Earlof  Dunbar  (d.  1611). 

See  Home. 
Hume,  Lady  Grizel  (1665-1746).    See  Baillie, 

Lady  Grizel. 
Hume,  Hugh,  third  Earl  of  Marchmont  (1708- 

1794) 226 

Hume,  James  (fl.  1639) 228 

Hume,  James  Deacon  (1774-1842)  .        .  228 

Hume,  John  Robert,  M.D.  (1781  ?-1857)  229 

Hume,  Joseph  (1777-1855)       .        .  230 

Hume,  Patrick  (fl.  1695)         .  231 

Hume  or  Home,  Sir  Patrick,  first  Earl   o ' 

Marchmont  (1641-1724)       .        .  231 

Hume,  Thomas,  M.D.  (1769  P-1850)  235 

Hume,  Tobias  (d.  1645)    .        .        .  235 

Humfrey,  John  (1621-1719)    .        .  235 

Humfrey,  Pelham  (1647-1674)        .  237 

Humphrey.     See  also  Humphry. 
Humphrey    or     Humfrey,    Laurence,     D.D. 

(1527P-1590) 238 

Humphrey,  Pelham  (1647-1674).    See  Hum- 
Humphrey,   Duke   of   Gloucester,  called  the 

Good  Duke  Humphrey  (1391-1447)  .  .241 
Humphrey,  William  (1740  P-1810?)  .  .248 
Humphreys,  David  (1689-1740)  .  .  .249 
Humphreys,  Henry  Noel  (1810-1879)  .  .  249 
Humphreys,  Humphrey,  D.D.  (1648-1712)  .  249 
Humphreys,  James  (d.  1830)  ....  250 
Humphreys,  Samuel  (1698  P-l  738)  .  .  .  250 
Humphries,  John  (d.  1730?)  .  .  .  .251 
Humphry,  Ozias  (1742-1810)  .  .  .  .251 
Humphry,  William  Gilson  (1815-1886)  .  .  252 
Humphrys,  William  (1794-1865)  .  .  .253 
Humpston  or  Humston,  Robert  (d.  1606)  .  253 
Hungerford,  Agnes,  Lady  Hungerford  (d. 

1522 ) .     See  under  Hungerford,  Walter,  Lord 

Hungerford  (d.  1540). 

Hungerford,  Sir  Anthony  (1564-1627)  .  .  253 
Hungerford,  Anthony  (d.  1657)  .  .  .254 
Hungerford,  Colonel  Anthony  (d.  1657).  See 

under  Hungerford,  Anthony  (d.  1657). 
Hungerford,  Sir  Edward  (1596-1648)      .        .  254 
Hungerford,  Sir  Edward  (1632-1711)      .        .  255 
Hungerford,  John  (d.  1729)    .        .        .    ,    .  256 


Index  to  Volume  XXVIII. 

Hungerford,  Robert,  Baron  Hungerford  (1409- 
1459).  See  under  Hungerford,  Sir  Walter, 
Lord  Hungerford. 

Hungerford,  Robert,  Lord  Moleyns  and  Hun- 
gerford (1431-1464) 256 

Hungerford,  Sir  Thomas  (d.  1398)  .        .        .257 
Hungerford,  Sir  Thomas  (d.  1469).    See  under 
Hungerford,  Robert,  Lord  Moleyns  and  Hun- 
Hungerford,  Sir  Walter,  Lord  Hungerford  (d. 

1449) 258 

Hungerford,  Sir  Walter  (d.  1516).    See  under 
Hungerford,  Robert,  Lord  Moleyns  and  Hun- 
Hungerford,    Walter,     Lord    Hungerford    of 

Heytesbury  (1503-1540)      .        .        .        .259 
Hungerford, "  Sir    Walter    (1532-1596).     See 
under  Hungerford,  Walter,  Lord  Hungerford 
of  Hey  tesburv. 

Hunne,  Richard  (d.  1514)        .        .        .        .261 
Hunneman,  Christopher  William  (d.  1793)    .  261 
Hunnis,  William  (d.  1597)       .        .        .        .261 
Hunsdon,  Lords.    See  Carey,  George,  second 
Lord  (1547-1603);  Carey,  Henry,  first  Lcrd 
(1524P-1596);    Carey,  "John,    third    Lord 
(d.  1617). 

Hunt,  Andrew  (1790-1861)  .  .  .  .262 
Hunt,  Arabella  (d.  1705)  .  .  .  .263 
Hunt,  Frederick  Knight  (1814-1854)  .  .  263 
Hunt,  George  Ward  (1825-1877)  .  .  .  263 
Hunt,  Henry  (1773-1835)  .  .  .  .264 
Hunt,  James  (1833-1869)  .  .  .  .266 
Hunt,  James  Henry  Leigh  (1784-1859)  .  .  267 
Hunt,  Jeremiah,  D.D.  (1678-1744)  .  .  .274 
Hunt,  Sir  John  (15509-1615)  .  .  .  .275 

Hunt,  John  (1806-1842) 275 

Hunt,  John  (1812-1848) 276 

Hunt,  John  Higgs  (1780-1859)  .  .  .276 
Hunt,  Nicholas  (1596-1648)  .  .  .  .276 

Hunt,  Robert  (d.  1608?) 277 

Hunt,  Robert  (1807-1887)  .        .        .  277 

Hunt,  Roger  (fi.  1433)    .  ...  278 

Hunt,  Thomas  (1611-1683)  .        .        .278 

Hunt,  Thomas  (1627  P-1688)  .        .        .278 

Hunt,  Thomas  (1696-1774)  .        .        .279 

Hunt,  Thomas  (1802-1851)  .        .        .280 

Hunt,  Thomas  Frederick  (  ?  )  ( 1791-1831 )  .  280 
Hunt,  Thornton  Leigh  (1810-1873)  .  .  280 

Hunt,  Walter  (d.  1478) 281 

Hunt,  William  Henry  (1790-1864)  .  .  281 
Hunter,  Alexander,  M.D.  (1729-1809)  .  .  283 
Hunter,  Andrew,  D.D.  (1743-1809)  .  .  284 
Hunter,  Anne  (1742-1821)  .  .  .  .284 
Hunter,  Christopher  (1675-1757)  .  .  .285 
Hunter,  Sir  Claudius  Stephen  (1775-1851)  .  286 
Hunter,  George  Orby  (1773  P-1843)  .  .  286 
Hunter,  Henry  (1741-1802)  .  .  .  .286 
Hunter,  John  (1728-1793)  .  .  .  .287 
Hunter,  John,  M.D.  (d.  1809).  .  .  .293 
Hunter,  John  (1738-1821)  .  .  .  .294 
Hunter,  John,  LL.D.  (1745-1837)  .  .  .295 
Hunter,  John  Kelso  (1802-1873)  .  .  .296 
Hunter,  Joseph  (1783-1861)  .  .  .  .296 
Hunter,  Sir  Martin  (1757-1846)  .  .  '  .  298 
Hunter,  Rachel  (1754-1813)  .  .  .  .299 
Hunter,  Robert  (d.  1734)  .  .  .  .299 
Hunter,  Robert  (fi.  1750-1780)  .  .  .300 
Hunter,  Samuel  (1769-1839)  .  .  .  .301 
Hunter,  Thomas  (1666-1725)  .  .  .  .301 
Hunter,  Thomas  (1712-1777)  .  .  .  .301 
Hunter,  William  (1718-1733)  .  .  .  .302 
Hunter,  William,  M.D.  (1755-1812)  .  .  305 


Huntingdon,  Earls  of.  See  Hastings,  Francis, 
second  Earl  (of  the  Hastings  family) 
(1514  P-1561)  ;  Hastings,  George,  first  Earl 
(1488  P-1545)  ;  Hastings,  Hans  Francis, 
eleventh  Earl  (1779-1828);  Hastings, 
Henry,  third  Earl  (1535-1595)  ;  Hastings, 
Theophilus,  seventh  Earl  (1650-1701); 
Herbert,  William  (1460-1491),  under  Her- 
bert, Sir  William,  Earl  of  Pembroke  (d. 
1469)  ;  Holland,  John,  first  Earl  (of  the 
Holland  family)  (1352  P-1400)  ;  Holland, 
John,  second  Earl  (of  the  Holland  family) 
(1395-1447)  ;  Malcolm,  King  of  Scotland 
(d.  1165). 

Huntingdon,    Countess  of  (1707-1791). 
Hastings,  Selina. 

Huntingdon,    Gregory    of    (/.    1290). 

Huntingdon,   Henry  of   (1084  P-1155). 

Huntingfield,  William  de  (fi.  1220) 

Huntingford,  George  Isaac  (1748-1832) 

Huntingford,  Henry  (1787-1867)     . 

Huntington,  John  (fi.  1553)    . 

Huntington,  Robert  (1637-1701)    . 

Huntington,  William,  S.S.  (1745-1813) 

Huntley,  Francis  (1787  ?  -1831)       . 

Huntley,  Sir  Henry  Vere  (1795-1864) 

Huntly,  Earls  of.  See  Gordon,  Alexander 
third  Earl  (d.  1524);  Gordon,  George 
second  Earl  (d.  1502?);  Gordon,  George 
fourth  Earl  (d.  1562);  Gordon,  George, 
fifth  Earl  (d.  1576);  Seton,  Alexander  de, 
first  Earl  (d.  1470). 

Huntly,  Marquises  of.  See  Gordon,  Alex- 
ander, fifth  Marquis,  second  Duke  of  Gordon 
(1678  ?-1728)  ;  Gordon,  Alexander,  seventh 
Marquis,  fourth  Duke  of  Gordon  (1745?- 
1827)  ;  Gordon,  George,  first  Marquis 
(1562-1636)  ;  Gordon,  George,  second  Mar- 
quis (d.  1649) ;  Gordon,  George,  fourth 
Marquis,  first  Duke  of  Gordon  (1643-1716)  ; 
Gordon,  George,  eighth  Marquis,  fifth  Duke 
of  Gordon  (1770-1836)  ;  Gordon,  George, 
ninth  Marquis  (1761-1853). 

Hunton,  Philip  (1604  P-1682) 

Huntsman,  Benjamin  (1704-1776)  . 

Huquier,  James  Gabriel  (1725-1805) 

Kurd,  Richard,  D.D.  (1720-1808)    . 

Kurd,  Thomas  (1757  P-1823)    . 

Hurdis,  James  (1763-1801)      . 

Hurdis,  James  Henry  (1800-1857)  . 

Hurleston,  Richard  (fi.  1764-1780) 

Hurlstone,  Frederick  Yeates  (1800-1869 

Hurrion,  John  (1675  P-1731)  . 

Hurst,  Henry  (1629-1690) 

Hurwitz,  Hyman  (1770-1844) 

Husband,  William  (1823-1887) 

Huse,  Sir  William  (d.  1495).    See  Hussey. 

Husenbeth,   Frederick  Charles,  D.D.   (1796- 





Husk,  William  Henry  (1814-1887)*  .  321 

Huske,  Ellis  (1700-1755).    See  under  Huske, 


Huske,  John  (1692  P-1761)  ....  322 
Huskisson,  Thomas  (1784-1844)  .  .  .  323 
Huskisoon,  William  (1770-1830)  .  .  .  323 
Hussey,  Bonaventura  (fi.  1618).  See  O'Hus- 


Hussey,  Giles  (1710-1788)  ....  328 
Hussey,  John,  Lord  Hussey  (146G  P-1537)  .  329 
Hussey,  Philip  (d.  1782)  .  .  .  .330 

Index  to  Volume  XXVIII. 



Hussey,  Richard  (1715  P-1770)  .  .  .330 
Hussey,  Robert  (1801-1856)  .  .  .  .330 
Hussey,  Thomas  (1741-1803  ).  .  .  .331 
Hussey,  Walter  (1742-1783).  See  Burgh, 

Walter  Hussey. 

Hussey  or  Ruse,*  Sir  William  (d.  1495)  .  .  332 
Hustler,  John  (1715-1790)  .  .  .  .332 
Hutcheson,  Francis  (1694-1746)  .  .  .333 
Hutcbeson,  Francis,  the  younger  (fl.  1745- 

1773),  also  known  as  Francis  Ireland  .  .  334 
Hutcheson,  George  (1580  ?-1639)  .  .  .335 
Hutcheson,  Thomas  (1589-1641)  .  .  .335 
Hutchins,  Edward  (1558  P-1629)  .  .  .335 
Hutchins,  Sir  George  (d.  1705)  .  .  .  335 
Hutchins,  John  (1698-1773)  .  .  .  .336 
Hutchinson,  Baron.  See  Hely-Hutchinson, 

John,  afterwards  second  Earl  of  Donough- 

more  (1757-1832). 

Hutchinson,  Mrs.  Anne  (1590  P-1643)     .        .  337 

See  under 

Hutcbinson,  Edward  (1613-1675). 

Hutchinson,  Mrs.  Anne. 
Hutchinson,  Christopher  Hely   (1767-1826). 

See  Hely-Hutchinson. 

Hutchinson,  Francis  (1660-1739)  .  .  .338 
Hutchinson,  John  (161  5-1664)  .  .  .339 
Hutchinson,  John  (1674-1737)  .  .  .342 
Hutchinson,  John  Hely  (1724-1794).  See 

Hely-Hutchinson  . 
Hutchinson,    Lucy     (b.    1620).      See    under 

Hutchinson,  John  (1615-1664). 
Hutchinson  or    Huchenson,    Ralph  (1553  ?- 

1606)     ........  343 

Hutchinson,    Richard    Hely,     first    Earl     of 

Donoughmore    (1756-1825).       See    Hely- 


Hutchinson,  Roger  (d.  1555)    .        .  343 

Hutchinson,  Thomas  (1698-1769)    .  343 

Hutchinson,  Thomas  (1711-1780)    .  343 

Hutchinson,  William  (1715-1801)  .  346 

Hutchinson,  William  (1732-1814)  .  346 

Huth,  Henry  (1815-1878)        .        .  347 

Huthwaite,  Sir  Edward  (1793  P-1873)  348 

Hutt,    Sir  George   (1809-1889).    See    under 

Hutt,  Sir  William. 

Hutt,  John  (1746-1794)  .....  349 
Hutt,  Sir  William  (1801-1882)  .  .  .349 
Hutten,  Leonard  (1557  P-1632)  .  .  .350 
Huttner,  Johann  Christian  (1765P-1847)  .  350 
Button,  Adam  (d.  1389).  See  Houghton. 
Button,  Catherine  (1756-1846)  .  .  .351 
Button,  Charles  (1737-1823)  .  .  .  .351 
Hutton,  George  Henry  (d.  1827).  See  under 

Hutton,  Charles. 

Hutton,  Henry  (/.  1619)  .        .        .353 

Hutton,  James  (1715-1795)  .        .        .353 

Hutton,  James  (1726-1797)  .         .         .354 

Hutton,  John,  M.D.  (d.  1712)  .        .        .356 

Hutton,  John  (1740  P-1806)  .        .        .356 

Hutton,  Luke  (d.  1598)  .....  356 
Hutton,  Matthew  (1529-1606)  .  .  .357 
Hutton,  Matthew  (1639-1711)  .  .  .358 
Hutton,  Matthew  (1693-1758)  .  .  .358 
Hutton,  Sir  Richard  (1561  P-1639)  .  .359 
Hutton  or  Hutten,  Robert  (d.  1568)  .  .  360 
Hutton,  Robert  Howard  (1840-1887)  .  .360 
Hutton,  Thomas  (1566-1639)  .  .  .  .360 
Hutton,  William  (1723-1815)  .  .  .  .361 
Hutton,  William  (1798-1860)  .  .  .  .363 
Hutton,  William  (1735  P-1811)  .  .  .363 
Huxham,  John,  M.D.  (1692-1768)  .  .  363 
Huysmans,  Jacob,  often  called  Houseman 

(1636  P-1696)       ......  364 


Huyssing.or  Hysing,  Hans  (  ft.  1700-1735)     .  365 
Huysum,  Jacob  van  (/.   1721).     See   Van 

Hyatt,  John  (1767-1826) 365 

Hyde,  Alexander  (1598-1667)          .        .        .366 
Hyde,  Anne,  Duchess  of  York  (1637-1671)     .  366 
Hyde,     Catherine,     afterwards     Duchess    of 
Queensberry  (d.  1777).     See  under  Douglas, 
Charles,  third  Duke  of  Queensberry  (1698- 

Hyde,  David  de  la  (fl.  1580)  .  .  .  .369 
Hyde,  Edward,  D.D.  ( 1607-1659)  .  .  .369 
Hyde,  Edward,  Earl  of  Clarendon  (1609-1674)  370 
Hyde,  Henry,  second  Earl  of  Clarendon  (1638- 

1709) 389 

Hyde,  Henry,  Viscount  Cornbury,  and  after- 
wards Lord  Hyde  in  his  own  right  (1710- 

1753) 393 

Hyde.   Jane,    Countess    of    Clarendon     and 

'Rochester  (d.  1725) 394 

Hyde,  Laurence  ,Earl  of  Rochester  (1641-1711 )  394 


Hyde  or  Hide,  Sir  Nicholas  (d.  1631) 

Hyde,  Sir  Robert  (1595-1665) . 

Hyde,  Thomas  (1524-1597)      . 

Hyde,  Thomas,  D.D.  (1636-1703) 

Hyde,  William  ( 1597-1 651)     . 

Hygdon,  Brian  (d.  1539)  . 

Hygdon  or  Higden,  John  (d.  1533) 

Hvgebright  (/.  787).    See  Higbert. 

Hyll.    See  Hill. 

Hylton,  Lord.    See  Jolliffe,  William  George 

Hylton  (1800-1876). 
Hylton,  Walter  (d.  1396).    See  Hilton. 
Hymers,  John  (1803-1887)      .        .        .        .405 

Hynd,  John  (  ft.  1606) 405 

Hynde,  Sir  John  (d.  1550)  .  .  .  .406 
Hyndford,  Earls  of.  See  Carmichael,  John, 

first  Earl  (1638-1710);  Carmichael,  John, 

third  Earl  (1701-1767). 

Hyslop,  James  (1798-1827)  .  .  .  .406 
Hywel.  See  Howel. 

lago  ab  Dewi,  or  James  Davies  (1648-1722)  .  407 
lago  ab  Idwal  Voel  (/.  943-979)  .  .  .407 
lago  ab  Idwal  ab  Meirig  (d.  1039)  .  .  .408 
I'Anson,  Edward  (1812-1888)  .  .  .408 
Ibbetson,  Mrs.  Agnes  (1757-1823)  .  .  .409 
Ibbetson,  Julius  Caesar  (1759-1817)  .  .  409 
Ibbot,  Benjamin,  D.D.  (1680-1725)  .  .410 
Ibbotson,  Henry  (1816  ?-1886)  .  .  .410 
Ibhar  or  Iberius,  Saint  (d.  500  ?)  .  .  .411 
Ickham,  Peter  of  (fi.  1290?)  .  .  .  .411 
Ickworth,  Lord  Hervey  of.  See  Hervev,  John 

Ida  (d.  559) 411 

Iddesleigh,  first  Earl  of.     See  Northcote,  Staf- 
ford Henry  (1818-1887). 

Idwal  ab  Meirig  (d.  997) 412 

Idwal  Voel  (d.  943) 412 

lestin  ab  Gwrgant  (  ft.  1093)  .  .  .  .412 
leuan  ab  Hywel  Swrdwal  (fi.  1430-1480)  .  413 
leuan  ab  Rhydderch  ab  leuan  Llwyd  (  fl.  1410- 

1440)     :. 413 

leuan  Ddu  ab  Dafydd  ab  Owain   (  ft.  1440- 

1480) '      .        .414 

leuan  Ddu  o  Lan  Tawy.    See  Harris,  John 

Ryland  (1802-1823)." 
Ilchester,  Richard  of  (d.  1189).    See  Richard. 

Hive,  Jacob  (1705-1763) 414 

Illidge,  Thomas  Henry  (1799-1851)        .        .415 
Illingworth,  Cayley  ( 1758  P-1823).    See  under 
Illingworth,  William. 


Index  to  Volume  XXVIII. 


Illingworth,  William  (1764-1845)  .  415 

Illtyd  or  Iltutus  (fl.  520)         .        .  416 

Image,  Thomas  (1772-1856)    .        .  417 

Imison,  John  (d,  1788)    ...  417 

Imlah,  John  (1799-1846) .        .        .  417 

Imlay,  Gilbert  (/.  1793)  ...  417 

Immyns,  John  (d.  1764)  ...  418 

Impey,  Sir  Elijah  (1732-1809)        .  418 

Impev,  John  (d.  1829)      ...  422 

luce," Joseph  Murray  (1806-1859)    .  423 

Inchbald,  Elizabeth  (1753-1821)      .  423 

Inchbold,  John  William  ( 1830-1888)  426 
Inchiquin,  Lords  and  Earls  of.     See  O'Brien. 

Incledon,  Benjamin  (1730-1796)      .  426 

Incledon,  Charles  (1763-1826)         .  427 

Incledon,  Charles    (1791-1865).     See  under 

Incledon,  Charles  (1763-1826). 
Indulphus  (d.  962) 428 

Ine,  Ini,  or  Latin  Ina  ( d.  726) 
Inett,  John  (1647-1717)  . 
Ingalton,  William  (1794-1866)      . 
Inge  or  Ynge,  Hugh,  D.D.  (d.  1528) 
Ingelend,  Thomas  (ft.  1560)    . 
Ingelo,  Nathaniel  (1621  P-1683)       . 
Ingelram  (rf.  1174)  .... 
Ingenhousz,  John,  M.D.  (1730-1799) 
Ingham,  Benjamin  (1712-1772)      . 
Ingham,  Charles  Cromwell  (1796-1863) 
Ingham,  Sir  James  Taylor  (1805-1890) 
Ingham,  Oliver  de, Baron  Ingham  (d.  1344) 
Ingleby,  Sir  Charles  (fi.  1688) 
Ingleby,  Clement  Mansfield  (1823-1886) 
Inglefield,  John  Nicholson  (1748-1828)  . 
Inglethorp  or   Ingoldsthorp,    Thomas,    D.D 
(d.  1291) 






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