In collaboration with Merriam-Webster, the most prestigious dictionary of American English
1 Translation results for: requite
requited, has requited, is requiting, requites
جَزَى, كَافَأَ, كَايَلَ تَبَادَلَ, بَادَلَ ثَأَرَ
Example sentences of
the company requited the employee who had fallen on the ice while leaving work by promptly paying all his medical bills, hoping that would st
the future writer would later requite the abuse he suffered at the hands of his classmates by creating scathing portraits of them in his nov
the company requited the employee who had fallen on the ice while leaving work by promptly paying all his medical bills, hoping that would stave off a lawsuit
the future writer would later requite the abuse he suffered at the hands of his classmates by creating scathing portraits of them in his novels