Þorikos Wafungstow
(Edlǣded of Wafungstôw orgilde Thorikos)
Þorikos Wafungstow (Crēacisc: Αρχαίο Θέατρο Θορικού) is ealdu þeater be norðen Lavrio. In geardagum wæs ðes stow se plegstow for Þorikos folce in Attican on Crecum.
Man getimbrode þis Wæferhus ymbe 525 oðþe beforan Cristes tocymbe: þy is hit onmang Crecalandes ieldstum. ungewynelic is þis þeater forþæm þe hit is efelang and nis healfbeagwis.[1][2]