Washington Capitals
Hwæsingatūn Heafodstōls | |
Þoftscipe | Ēastern |
Dǣl | Metropolitan |
Onsteald | 1974 |
Stǣr | Washington Capitals 1974–nū |
Spyrd | Capital One Arena |
Burg | Hƿæsingatūn, D.C. |
Hīw | Rēad, blæƿen, hƿīt
Gemynd | Comcast SportsNet Mid-Atlantic WFED (1500/820) WJFK 106.7 |
Āgend(as) | Ted Leonsis |
Hēafodtōþegn | George McPhee |
Hēafodwita | Barry Trotz |
Hēafodmann | Alexander Ovechkin |
Underclīewen fylgeras | Hershey Bears (AHL) South Carolina Stingrays (ECHL) |
Stanley Cups | 1 2017-18 |
Þoftscipes ceampscipas | 1997–98, 2017-18 |
Dǣles ceampscipas | 1988–89, 1999–00 2000–01, 2007–08 2008-09 |
Þā Washington Capitals (Ænglisc: Hƿæsingatūn Heafodstōls) sind īshocigtēam þæs NHL, fram Hƿæsingatūn, D.C. Hīe sind in þǣm Sūþēastum Dǣle þæs Ēastes Þoftscipe þæs NHL. Hīe plegaþ in þǣm Capital One Arena in Hƿæsingatūnes Cīnatūne.
[adihtan | adiht fruman]2007 untīma and 2007–08 tīma
[adihtan | adiht fruman]Þā Capitals begēaton nīƿe plegaclāðas on 22 Sēremōnaþ, 2007 þe ēodon mid þǣm NHL Entry Draft, and þǣm geþoftscipeƿīd onfōðe Reebok-ymbsierƿenda serca for 2007–2008. Sēo hƿeorfung hæfþ þā ǣrest hīƿ þāra fyrmesta serca of 1974–1995.[1]
Þā Capitals beinnodon Sƿēos plegend Nicklas Backstrom, sēo fēorða ofereall cyre þæs NHL Entry Draft, for þrēogēare beginnformǣl, and ēac beinnodon scyldmann Tom Poti, rihthand Viktor Kozlov, and middelmann rǣdmacere Michael Nylander.
Æfter beginnende þone tīman 6–14–1, þā Capitals hēafodƿita Glen Hanlon āƿurpon, and Hershey Bears hēafodƿita Bruce Boudreau beinnodon on Þancasgiefendum Dæge, 2007. On 10 Æfterrum Gēole, 2008, þā Capitals geaf Alexander Ovechkin þā grēatost formǣl þæs NHLes, $124,000,000 formǣl on 13 gēarum.
Būton þā geong scyldmenn þāra Capitala and derunga ƿeorþlica manna sƿelce Michael Nylander and Brian Pothier, Boudreau grēat eftsige scōp. Mid ƿīsum cēapungum sƿelce Matt Cooke, Sergei Fedorov and Cristobal Huet, Ovechkines ofersigelic 65 goals[2] and Mike Greenes scyldmennisc ofersigelic 18 goals, þā Capitals þone Sūþēast Dǣl ceampscipe ƿunnon þȳ fyrmest tīd siþþan þone 2000–2001 NHL tīman, fyllende þā Carolina Hurricanes for þǣm dǣlceampscipe on þǣm læstum gamene þæs tīman.
[adihtan | adiht fruman]Nīƿed 7 Ēostremōnþe, 2010.[3]