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Se geþryclica bewrit nis nu gefultumod and meaht habban gedwild in his onsyne. Edniw þines ymbsceaweres æstlas and nytt þone frumstaðol ðæs geþryccærendes fore þissum.
Ǣte, bēoƿ, and sume fōdaþing fram corne gemacod.

Corn sind mǣste grasu getilod for hiere sifeðum oþþe sādum. Corn sind ƿeorþlic fōda in mǣstum dǣlum þǣre ƿorulde.


2006 (t)
2005 (t)
1961 (t) Notes
Mǣse 695,287,651 712,877,757 205,004,683 Ƿeorþlic fōda lēoda in Norðum American, Sūðum American, and Africa and cƿicæhte ƿoruldƿīd; oft "corn" oþþe "Indisc corn" gehāten on Nīƿum Englisce in Norðum American, Australian, and Nīƿum Sǣlande.
Rīs[1] 634,575,804 631,508,532 284,654,697 Þæt mægn corn tropical and sumra ƿearma steda.
Hƿǣte 605,256,883 628,697,531 222,357,231 Þæt mægn corn ƿearma steda.
Bēaƿ 138,704,379 141,334,270 72,411,104 Gegrāƿen for maltung and cƿicæhte on landum þe sind tō ƿǣdful oþþe ceald for hƿǣte.
Sorghum 56,525,765 59,214,205 40,931, 625 Ƿeorþlic fōda in Asian and Affrican and folclic ƿoruldƿīd for cƿicæhte.
Ammias 31,783,428 30,589,322 25,703,968 Clīeƿen gelica ac syndrigra corna þe sind ƿeorþlic fōdan in Asian and Affrican.
Ǣte 23,106,021 23,552,531 49,588,769 Ǣrlic se ƿeorþlic fōda Scotlandes and gemǣne ƿoruldƿīd for cƿicæhte.
Ryge 13,265,177 15,223,162 35,109,990 Ƿeorþlic in cealdum stedum.
Triticale 11,338,788 13,293,233 0 Hybrid of hƿǣte and ryge, gegrāƿen gelice tō ryge.
Buccahƿǣte 2,365,158 2,078,299 2,478,596 Lēascorn, brocen in Eurasia. Grēate brȳcen beinnaþ missentlica pannececlas and groats.
Fonio 378,409 363,021 178,483 Mænig cynn þe man grēƿeþ sƿā fōdaƿyrte in Affrican.
Cƿinoa 58,989 58,443 32,435 Lēascorn, gegrōƿen on þǣm Andebēorgum.


  1. The weight given is for paddy rice
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