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Carl I Bretta Cyning

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Carl I
Cynedom 27 Hreþmōnaþ 1625 – 30 Æfterra Geol 1649
Gehalgod 2 Solmonaþ 1626 (on Englum), 18 June 1633 (on Scottum)
Foregenga Iacobus I Bretta Cyning
Æftergenga Carl II Bretta Cyning oððe Rīces Ræd
Bryd Henrietta Maria
Bearn Carl II
Maria Orange Hlafdige
Iacobus II & VII
Henrietta Anne
Hus Stiwardingas
Fæder Iacobus VI and I
Modor Anne of Denemearc
Geboren 19 Blotmonað 1600
Dunfermline Palace, Dunfermline
Deaþ 30 Æfterra Geol 1649
Byrgen Sctes Georgies Capel æt Windelsora Castle
Handseten Carl I Bretta Cyning handseten

Carl I (19 Blotmonaþ 1600 – 30 Æfterra Geol 1649) wæs Engla, Scotta and Ira Cyning oð 27 Hreðmonað 1625 oð ðe man hin beheafdod in 1649. Carls hæfde geflit for miht mid his Witenagemote, þær þe he wolde scop beodan þær þe sohted se Witenagemot to bætenne his cynelican frumgife. Manige on his Engliscum underþeodum Wiþ opposed his dædum, and sundorlice þe he hrinede þa Cirice and þe he bead scop butan þæs Witenagemotes andwyrdinge and herbe man aliefde þe se cyning be his dædum weard swa swa tyrannisc sundoranweald.

Sæc ofer æwe hæfde þolde Carl in eallum his cynedom. Æfæst menn ne geliefed þone cyning forþæm þe he ne geaf ne fremfull fulltum þæm Oncwedendum ricum on þæm Þreotig Gearena Gewinn, and he bewodded Romciricefæst cwene, Henrietta Maria, Frencisce æþle hlafdige.[1][2] Gefyrhto hæfde Carles underþeodnas ymbe þæs cyninges æfæstnesse and eac þær geaf Carl fyrþringnesse swylcum ciricemannum swa swa Richard Montagu, and Willelm Laud, þone anstealde he on Cantwarabyrige biscopstole. On Englum aliefdon manige þe swylce þing brohtedon þa Angelcirice too close to the Remiscan Cirice. Þæn Carl wolde be niede bringan Scottena Cirice under biscopum and his agnum bysne agann se Biscopena Gewinn. Be swylcum þingum wæron þa Engliscan and Scyttiscan Witenagemotas elnoden and þæs cyninges feall brohtede nearr.

Þurh Carles endlice gearas wæs se Englisca Ingewinn, hwærin feaht se Cyning wiþ þreatum þara Engliscum and Scyttiscum Witenagemotum. Carl wæs geahined in þæm Ærrsta Ingewinn (1642–45), hwæræfter aliefod se Witenagemot þe se Cyning wolde ceosan grundgesetness gebunden cynedom, Ac Carl sohted geþoftscipe mid Treowmannum on Scottum and he fliemede to Wiht.

Þæs Cyninges fleam ongann þone Oðru Ingewinn (1648–49) and oþru sigeleasnesse for Carle. Man him fang and beheafde for swicdome.


[adiht | adiht fruman]
  1. Queen Henrietta Maria, 1609–69. British-civil-wars.co.uk. Begieten on 20 April 2008.
  2. Queen Henrietta Maria, 1609–69. British-civil-wars.co.uk. Begieten on 20 April 2008.

Cyningas of Englalande, Scotlande and Grēatre Brytene

Engla ƿealdendas fore 1603 Scotta ƿealdendas fore 1603

Æþelstan  • Ēadmund I  • Ēadred  • Ēadƿig  • Ēadgar I  • Ēadweard se Martyr  • Æþelred Unrǣd  • Swegn  • Ēadmund II  • Cnut  • Harold Harafōt  • Harðacnut  • Ēadƿeard Andettere  • Harold II  • Ēadgar II  • Ƿillelm I  • Ƿillelm II  • Heanric I  • Stefn  • Cāseren Mæþhild • Heanric II  • Riċheard I  • Iohannes  • Heanric III  • Ēadƿeard I  • Ēadƿeard II  • Ēadƿeard III  • Riċheard II  • Heanric IV  • Heanric V  • Heanric VI  • Ēadƿeard IV  • Ēadƿeard V  • Riċheard III  • Heanric VII  • Heanric VIII  • Ēadƿeard VI  • Iane • Maria I  • Elisabeþ I

Cenneþ I  • Dufenal I  • Costontinus I  • Æd  • Giric  • Eochaid  • Dufenal II  • Costontinus II  • Mælcolm I  • Indulf  • Dub  • Cuilén  • Cenneþ II  • Costontinus III  • Cenneþ III  • Mælcolm II  • Dunecan I  • Macbeoþan  • Lulach  • Mælcolm III  • Dyfenal III  • Dunecan II  • Dufenal III  • Ēadgar  • Alexander I  • Dauid I  • Mælcolm IV  • Willelm I  • Alexander II  • Alexander III  • Meregrot  • Forma Cyninglēastīd  • Iohannes  • Oðer Cyninglēastīd  • Roðbert I  • Dauid II  • Roðbert II  • Roðbert III  • Iacobus I  • Iacobus II  • Iacobus III  • Iacobus IV  • Iacobus V  • Maria I  • Iacobus VI

Engla and Scotta anƿealdendas siþðan þæm Cynebeaga Gæd in 1603

Iacobus I & VI  • Carl I  • Cyninglēastīd  • Carl II  • Iacobus II & VII  • Ƿillelm and Maria, þan Ƿillelm anhaga  • Anne  • Georgius I  • Georgius II  • Georgius III  • Georgius IV  • Ƿillelm IV  • Uictoria  • Ēadƿeard VII  • Georgius V  • Ēadƿeard VIII  • Georgius VI  • Elisabeþ II  • Carl III

* Æƿēnu rican and bisǣccu earon in italiscum stafum.