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Revision as of 18:22, 3 Solmonað 2012 by FoxBot (motung | forðunga) (r2.6.5) (Robot ēcung: or:ଦକ୍ଷିଣ ଆଫ୍ରିକା)
Republiek van Suid Afrika
Fana Sūðafrican Scild Sūðafrican
(Fana) (Scild)
Þēodlic cƿide: {{{cƿide}}}
Þēodlic antefn: {{{antefn}}}
Ambihtlicu sprǣc Nīwe Englisc, Zulu, Xhosa, Affricanisc, Sotho, Pedi, Venda, Swati, Tswana, Tsonga, Ndebele
- Hǣrarōd
Pretoria, Cape Town, Bloemfontein
[[{{{stōƿ_burga}}}|{{{nama_hēafodburga}}}]] {{{hēafodburg}}}
- {{{nemninga_hēafodƿīsena}}}
Ǣƿfæstnes {{{ǣƿfæstnes}}}
- Gerīm
- Ƿæter (%)
25a stæpe
1,221,037 km²
- Hēafodgerīm (2007)
- Þiccnes
25a stæpe
47 900 000 būenda
39 būend/km²
Þēodstefn {{{lēodscipe}}}
- {{{cynn_selfdōmes}}}
Þēodlic ymen anthem of South Africa
Feoh Rand, R (ZAR)
Tīdgyrdel UTC +2
Betƿuxnettes lēodstafas .za
Feorspræcan forerīm +27
Fana Sūðafrican
Fana Sūðafrican

Sēo Cynewīse Sūþaffrice is cynewīse æt sūðmestan ende þæs Affricaniscan worulddǣles. Hit hæfþ mǣre mid Namibie, Botswanan, and Simbabwen in þǣm norþum, and mid Mosambicen and Swasilande in þǣm ēastnorþum. Lesotho ligeþ fullīce binnan þǣm mǣre Sūðaffrican.

Wiki letter w Þis gewrit is stycce. Þu most Wikipædie mid ætiecunge hire helpan.
Land on Affrice

Algeria  • Angola  • Benin  • Botsƿana  • Burkina Faso  • Burundi  • Camerun  • Cead  • Cenia  • Cibuti  • Comorosrice  • Congoland  • Congoisce Cyneƿīse  • Elpendbānrīma  • Gabon  • Sēo Gambia  • Ghana  • Grēnenæs Īega  • Guinea  • Guinea-Bissau  • Guinea ðæs Emnihtes Circules‎  • Lesotho  • Liberia  • Libia  • Madagascar  • Malaƿi  • Mali  • Mauritania  • Mauritius  • Mosambice  • Middel Affricanisc Cyneƿīse  • Morocco  • Namibia  • Nigerland  • Nigeria  • Rƿanda  • Sambia  • Simbabƿe  • Sanctus Tomas and Principe  • Segscelliega  • Senegal  • Sierra Leone  • Sigelhearƿenaland  • Sōmalaland  • Sudan  • Sūðaffrica  • Sūþsudan  • Swasaland  • Tansania  • Togo  • Tunisia  • Uganda  • Ǣgypt  • Æriþrea

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