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16 Gēolmōnaþ 2021

  • nuær 07:2807:28, 16 Gēolmōnaþ 2021 Hogweard motung forðunga 595 lytelbitena +595 Nīwe tramet: {{Cyþþubox ieg |nama=Upolu |biliþ=Samoa upolu.jpg |biliþ gewrit=Falefadenu |landscite=Upolu - Samoa.svg |brim=Sericus Garsecg |rice=Samoa |mæste burg=Apia |bæceringmet=13°55′S 171°45′W |bradnes=434 mila<sup>2</sup> |mennscipe=143,418 (2011) |heafodtopp=Fito Beorg (3,652 fet) }} '''Upolu''' is Samoan oðru ieg and onwriehþ 434 mila<sup>2</sup> Beorgfæst is ðeos ieg and hiere topp is Fito Beorg se stigð t 3,652 fet. On Upoluiege stent Apia, Samoan he...