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The amp-render component provides a simple way to load JSON from a server and render it using a mustache template.


First, you need to import the script for the amp-render extension.

<script async custom-element="amp-render" src=""></script>

When you use amp-render, you'll almost certainly also want to use amp-mustache.

<script async custom-template="amp-mustache" src=""></script>

In the final example on this page, we'll also be using amp-script, so we'll import that extension's script as well.

<script async custom-element="amp-script" src=""></script>  

Basic example

Here's a basic example, applying a simple template to a simple JSON object. The JSON looks like this:

  "country": "Nigeria",
  "city": "Lagos"

Here's the <amp-render> and the <template>:

<amp-render class="sample" src="/static/samples/json/cities-lagos.json" layout="fixed-height" height="60">
  <template type="amp-mustache">
    <div class="line">{{city}} is a city in {{country}}.</div>
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Iterating through a list

In this example, we drill down to access a sub-object of some more elaborate JSON. Our template then iterates through elements of the array that sub-object contains.

<amp-render class="sample" src="/static/samples/json/cities.json" layout="fixed-height" height="105">
  <template type="amp-mustache">
            <div class="line">{{city}} is a city in {{country}}.</div>
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Using more attributes

Now, let's try some more attributes.

  • binding: binding="never" tells AMP there's no need to evaluate amp-bind bindings in this template. This is more efficient, especially as our template contains no bindings.

  • key: this allows us to choose a child of the JSON object, and apply that to the template instead of the entire object.

  • template: this lets us specify a template that's not a child of the amp-render.

<amp-render class="sample" src="/static/samples/json/cities.json" layout="fixed-height" height="105" binding="never" key="" template="cities-countries">
<template id="cities-countries" type="amp-mustache">
    <div class="line">{{city}} is a city in {{country}}.</div>
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Using amp-script

amp-render can also use amp-script as a data source. In this example, instead of using the key attribute, we fetch the city data with our own JavaScript, then extract the desired sub-object. To learn more about fetching data with amp-script, see this amp-script example.

<amp-render class="sample" src="amp-script:dataFunctions.fetchData" layout="fixed-height" height="52">
  <template type="amp-mustache">
      <div class="line">{{city}} is a city in {{country}}.</div>
<amp-script id="dataFunctions" script="fetch-data-script" nodom></amp-script>
<script id="fetch-data-script" type="text/plain" target="amp-script">
  function fetchData(index) {
    return fetch('')
      .then(resp => resp.json())
  function findContinentsData(json) {
  exportFunction('fetchData', fetchData);
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