

Run Narrativ's Linkmate process inside your AMP page


Required Scripts

<script async custom-element="amp-smartlinks" src=""></script>

Supported Layouts


At Narrativ, we transform static commerce links into dynamic, multimerchant nodes. With a library of millions of products matched to expert reviews from top commerce publishers, we lift publisher revenue through real-time bidding and data solutions.

This AMP extension is our Linkmate service in AMP. See the full documentation for Linkmate here.

Getting started

Your account must be a member of our Linkmate program to use this feature. For more information about this program, feel free to contact your account manager or

If you plan to use amp-smartlinks alongside other affiliate partners you will need to specify the meta tag shown below. The tag will specify the order in which the affiliate tags fire.

In your AMP page you will have to add the following snippets:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html  lang="en">
      content="amp-smartlinks amp-other-affiliate"
    <script async src=""></script>


nrtv-account-name Required Your Narrativ account name given to you by your account manager. Need to know your Narrativ account name? Log into and go to setup to see your account name in the snippet, or reach out to your account manager for support as needed.
linkmate Optional Flag to run our Linkmate service on an article. Inserting the attribute linkmate in the amp-smartlinks element will run our linkmate service.
exclusive-links Optional Flag to mark links as exclusive. Inserting the attribute exclusive-links in the amp-smartlinks element will generate exclusive links for the article.
link-attribute Optional If you store the "plain" url for a link in a different element attribute than href you can specify so here. Default value: href.
link-selector Optional A CSS selector to get all links you want monetized from an article. Default value: a.


See amp-smartlinks rules in the AMP validator specification.

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