

Monitors the orientation of an element within the viewport as a user scrolls, and dispatches events that can be used with other AMP components.


Required Scripts

<script async custom-element="amp-orientation-observer" src=""></script>

Supported Layouts


The amp-orientation-observer component monitors the orientation of a device, and dispatches low-trust level events (alpha, beta, gamma) that report changes in the device's orientation along the alpha, beta and gamma axises in terms of angle and percent. These can be used to trigger actions (Only Low Trust Actions) on other components (e.g., amp-animation).

The amp-orientation-observer component is only useful when used with other components and does not do anything on its own.

Currently, amp-animation and several video players in AMP are the only components that allow low-trust events to trigger their actions (e.g., starting an animation, seeking to a position within the animation, pausing a video, etc.).

Scroll-bound animations

Imagine an animation where the hour hand of a clock rotates as the user scrolls the page.

<!-- An animation that rotates a clock hand 180 degrees. -->
   Note that we are NOT setting `trigger=visibility`
   since we will manually trigger the animation.
<amp-animation id="clockAnim" layout="nodisplay">
  <script type="application/json">
      "duration": "3s",
      "fill": "both",
      "direction": "alternate",
      "animations": [
          "selector": "#clock-scene .clock-hand",
          "keyframes": [
            {"transform": "rotate(-180deg)"},
            {"transform": "rotate(0deg)"}

<!-- The clock container -->
<div id="clock-scene">
    Use amp-orientation-observer to tie the movement of the clock scene within
    the viewport to the timeline of the animation
  <amp-img layout="responsive" width="2" height="1.5" src="./img/clock.jpg">
    <div class="clock-hand"></div>


alpha-range (optional)

Specifies that the associated action should only take place for changes between the specified range along the z axis. Specified as a space separated list of 2 values (e.g., alpha-range="0 180"). By default, the related action is triggered for all changes between 0 and 360 degrees.

beta-range (optional)

Specifies that the associated action should only take place for changes between the specified range along the x axis. Specified as a space separated list of 2 values (e.g., beta-range="0 180"). By default, the related action is triggered for all changes between 0 and 360 degrees.

Example: Using beta-range to limit the range of degrees to watch along the x axis

Imagine an animation where the hour hand of a clock rotates as the user scrolls the page.

  beta-range="0 180"

gamma-range (optional)

Specifies that the associated action should only take place for changes between the specified range along the y axis. Specified as a space separated list of 2 values (e.g., gamma-range="0 90". By default the related action is triggered for all changes between 0 and 360 degrees.

smoothing (optional)

When enabled, outputs a moving average of the last n values instead of the raw value read from the sensor. By default, when activated, smoothing will be set to 4 points.


These are the low-trust level events that the amp-orientation-observer component dispatches:


Represents the motion of the device around the z axis.


Represents the motion of the device around the x axis.


Represents the motion of the device around the y axis. This represents a left to right motion of the device.


See amp-orientation-observer rules in the AMP validator specification.

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