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Weergawe deur SpesBona (besprekings | bydraes) op 18:00, 25 September 2020 (Wysigings deur teruggerol na laaste weergawe deur KabouterBot)
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Die Khanda is die simbool van Sikhisme
Verspreiding van Sikhisme in die wêreld
Die goue tempel in Amritsar, Indië

Sikhisme (Pandjabi: ਸਿੱਖੀ, sikhī) is ’n godsdiens wat in die 15de eeu in die destydse Indië ontstaan het en vandag wêreldwyd 23 miljoen volgelinge het, veral in die huidige Indië. Die godsdiens is deur Nanak Dev gestig en het ontstaan uit Boeddhisme, Hindoeïsme en Islam. Sikhisme het nege ghoeroes gehad en die Heilige Skrifte is die Adi Granth, ook bekend as Guru Granth Sahib.

Die tien ghoeroes was:

Ghoeroe Lewe
Ghoeroe Nanak Dev 1469–1539
Ghoeroe Angad Dev 1504–1552
Ghoeroe Amar Das 1479–1574
Ghoeroe Ram Das 1534–1581
Ghoeroe Arjan Dev 1563–1606
Ghoeroe Har Gobind 1595–1644
Ghoeroe Har Rai 1630–1661
Ghoeroe Har Krishan 1656–1664
Ghoeroe Teg Bahadar 1621–1675
Ghoeroe Gobind Singh 1666–1708


[wysig | wysig bron]
  • J.S. Grewal: The Sikhs of the Punjab. Cambridge University Press, Nieu-Delhi 1994
  • Bhai Gurdas: Varaan Bhai Gurdas Ji. Shiromani Gurdwara Parbhandak-komitee, Amritsar 1998 (15de eeu)
  • Karam Singh Historian (Hrsg.): A probe into Sikh History. Singh Brothers, Amritsar 1935
  • Nikky-Guninder Kaur: The Feminine Principle in the Sikh Vision of the Transcendent. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1993
  • Max Arthur Macauliffe: The Sikh Religion: Its Gurus, Sacred Writings and Authors, Band 6; University Press, Oxford 1909
  • Kahn Singh Nabha: Encyclopaedia of Sikh Literature. Bhasha Vibhag, Mahan Kosh 1930
  • Christopher Shackle, Arvind-pal Singh Mandair (Hrsg.): Teachings of the Sikh Gurus. Selections from the Sikh Scriptures. New York, Routledge 2005
  • Giani Gurdit Singh: Mudavni. Sahit Parkashan, Chandigarh 2003
  • Inder Singh: Misrepresentations of Religion. Fateh Publications, Patiala 2006
  • J. P. S. Uberoi: Religion, Civil Society and the State. A Study of Sikhism. Oxford University Press, Delhi 1996
  • Sahib Singh: About Compilation of Sri Guru Granth Sahib. Lok Sahit Parkashan, Amritsar 1996
  • Sahib Singh: Sri Guru Granth Sahib Darpan 1–10. Raj Publisher, Jalandar 1961

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[wysig | wysig bron]