Leading HER Way

Leading HER Way

المنظمات غير الربحية

Women's Wellbeing Network - A New Era of Women's Career & Empowerment

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Welcome! Thank you for being here. Whether you’re a corporate leader or an aspiring one, our mission is to help you find your balance between career success and personal wellbeing, without the pressure to overwork. LEADING HER WAY is all about community and awareness. Our goal is to break the glass ceiling one day at a time of how women embrace business & entrepreneurship while honoring their wellbeing in times of hustle culture. Let’s be real for a minute: the 9-to-5 corporate schedule was created by Henry Ford after the Industrial Revolution to match men’s natural energy patterns and boost productivity. Back then, women were mostly at home, taking care of their families. So, how could this system still work for women today? Not quite. Here’s the thing… Men’s energy follows a pretty much standard daily rhythm, with one main hormone peaking in the morning and dropping by evening - perfect for the typical 40-hour workweek. But women’s energy is a bit more complex. Throughout the month, three main hormones rise and fall in cycles. This means our energy levels shift week by week. It’s time to rethink a system that suits women’s unique rhythms and not the other way around. Women possess incredible innate wisdom and intuition, we all have the answers within ourselves. Deep down we know what we need, to be fulfilled at work and at home. It’s time to protect this energy & intuition and step up as the woman you always envisioned to be. Our end-goal is to elevate the overall wellbeing for female leaders and future female leaders. Get ready for more balance, more fulfillment, and more peace in your life. Join us & let’s create a life where you thrive, on your terms 🌹

المجال المهني
المنظمات غير الربحية
حجم الشركة
موظف واحد
المقر الرئيسي
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
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المواقع الجغرافية


  • عرض صفحة منظمة Leading HER Way، رسم بياني

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    Just your friendly reminder that if you've ever thought this way and maybe felt alone... well you are most definitely not. This is why we created Leading Her Way, a supportive network of women on the same journey. To share our stories, celebrate your wins, and overcome challenges together in a safe and empowering space 🌹 #LeadingHerWay #WorkingMums #EmpoweredWomen

  • عرض صفحة منظمة Leading HER Way، رسم بياني

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    Peak productivity without sacrificing your wellbeing! Here's how you can achieve the balance: 1. Set clear goals and intentions: Begin by setting specific and realistic goals for the week ahead. Write them down and visualize yourself achieving these goals. We like to focus on what success looks like for us in both professional AND personal realms. 2. Create a balanced schedule with priority for self-care: Plan your week ahead with a balanced approach. We allocate time for work tasks, meetings and deadlines, while also blocking out periods for breaks and self-care activities like yoga and exercise. Morning non-negotiable is meditation. 3. Visualize positive outcomes: Practice visualization techniques where you imagine yourself successfully completing tasks, achieving goals, and feeling fulfilled and grateful. We also like to visualize how we will handle potential challenges with a calm and focused mindset. 4. Reflect and adjust: At the end of each day, take time to reflect. We sometimes journal to get out of overthinking mode and take time to adjust any routine if needed. Don’t forget to reflect on progress and small wins! 5. Stay flexible and kind to yourself: Practice self-compassion and avoid overloading yourself with unrealistic expectations. Our goal is really to stay flexible and adjust plans if needed, we don't need to rigidly complete to-do lists anymore if wellbeing is at play. Productivity and self-care can go hand in hand. What do you think? Let us know in the comments how do you like to balance work while focusing on your wellbeing 👇🏼

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة Leading HER Way، رسم بياني

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    Leading Her Way is about more than just your career - it's about creating a network where women can elevate every part of their lives by leaning into their feminine strengths. It's also about making sure the next generation has better opportunities to succeed in their careers while still feeling great, without the burn-out. Together, we can break the glass ceiling - one step at a time 🌹 #LeadingHerWay #WomenSupportingWomen #ConsciousLeadership

  • عرض صفحة منظمة Leading HER Way، رسم بياني

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    In the midst of life’s hustle, meditation serves as our sanctuary. It’s not just about quieting the mind, but embracing a journey of self-discovery and inner peace. Whether seeking clarity, calming anxiety, or simply finding moments of stillness, meditation consistently guides us back to center. Through this practice, we've learned that true strength lies in the ability to pause, breathe, and reconnect with our essence. Meditation has gained recognition in business settings as a powerful tool for enhancing productivity, leadership effectiveness, and overall wellbeing. Here’s how meditation can positively impact any business: 1. Stress Reduction and Resilience: Meditation helps us manage stress better by promoting relaxation and reducing the physiological markers of stress, such as cortisol levels. Regular practice builds emotional resilience, enabling leaders and employees to navigate challenges with greater clarity and composure. 2. Enhanced Focus and Concentration: Meditation truly improves our attention span, concentration, and cognitive flexibility, which are crucial for making informed decisions and solving complex problems. By reducing distractions and enhancing clarity of thought, meditation supports more effective decision-making processes. 3. Creativity and Innovation: Meditation fosters a conducive mental state for creativity by quieting the mind and allowing new ideas to surface. It encourages thinking outside the box and exploring unconventional solutions to business challenges. By integrating meditation into business practices, each of us takes part in fostering a culture of mindfulness, resilience, and innovation. Join us on this transformative journey. Let’s harness the profound power of meditation together, finding solace and resilience in its gentle embrace 🌹 #LeadingHerWay #PowerOfMeditation #MindfulnessJourney #WomenEmpowerment

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة Leading HER Way، رسم بياني

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    Calling all ambitious women: ... working a corporate job ... being compassionate caregivers at home ... having a deep desire for growth ... tired of competing in a hustle culture ... thrown off by the demands of the corporate world If that's you, welcome to LEADING HER WAY! "It's easy to think that you are the problem, when you are trying to succeed in a system that wasn't built for you." Many successful women have experienced moments in their careers feeling unfulfilled, exhausted, and stuck. But we are here to show you that there is a different way. One, where you can thrive by tuning in your inherent strength as woman. A path to professional and private success which allows you to succeed as a female leader more effortlessly, feel good about yourself with more energy and honour your physical & mental wellbeing 🌹

  • عرض صفحة منظمة Leading HER Way، رسم بياني

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    We wish more women knew this... Needing the entire weekend to lay on the couch and binge watch TV or do endless scrolling every night to try to get energy is your body's way of telling you it's in functional freeze. We've been there and we know it's incredible hard. As many of us have heard of the fight and flight stress response which is a natural physiological reaction that occurs in response to perceived threats or stressful situations. The Freeze Response is slightly more complex, but wait, here's a breakdown of each stress response: 1. Fight Response: When faced with a threat, the fight response triggers a surge of adrenaline and cortisol, basically preparing the body to confront the danger head-on. This can manifest as aggression, assertiveness, or a strong urge to defend yourself. 2. Flight Response: The flight response involves the instinct to flee from perceived danger. Similar to the fight response, it involves the release of adrenaline and cortisol to energize your body for swift escape. This response is characterized by feelings of anxiety, restlessness, and a strong urge to run away from the threat. 3. Freeze Response: The freeze response is less commonly understood but equally important. It involves a state of immobility, not being able to function or 'freezing' in response to overwhelming fear or stress. This response can include physical stillness and even a decreased heart rate. These responses are evolutionarily adaptive, but also interconnected, helping us to survive situations we perceive as dangerous (in the modern world they could simply be triggered by an email from your boss 😉). It can become a serious problem though when stress gets chronic and we stay in these responses for a prolonged time. Understanding our personal reactions and increase our self-awareness to them can truly provide insight into stress management and significantly help in developing coping strategies for managing them more effectively and becoming more resilient. Let's embrace awareness and compassion for ourselves and others who are stuck in either ❤️ Together, let's create a space where everyone gets a chance for the education of stress but also feels understood and supported 🌹 #LeadingHerWay #StressManagement #SelfAwareness #MentalHealthMatters

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة Leading HER Way، رسم بياني

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    🌿👜Calming Your Nervous System Essential Strategies for Wellbeing 👜🌿 In today's fast-paced world, mastering techniques to soothe your nervous systems makes you stand out in maintaining productivity AND wellbeing. Here are the most effective strategies curated by us to you: 1. Deep Breathing Techniques: We said it before and we'll say it again, diaphragmatic breathing is a game changer to activate the body's relaxation response. Inhale deeply through your nose, allowing your abdomen to expand, then exhale slowly through your mouth. Practise this for a couple of breaths, a few times per day (we do it in car, in the office and even in meetings if necessary). 2. No time for meditation? Practice active mindfulness: Incorporate mindfulness practices into your daily routine. Sounds more complicated than it is: Take a few minutes to focus on the present moment, observing thoughts and sensations without judgement. Doing this actively even 2-3 times per day will drastically increase your self-awareness and productivity. 3. Physical Activity: Engage in regular exercise to release tension and boost endorphins (you want as many as possible from them). Activities like yoga, walking, or even stretching can promote relaxation and improve your overall mood. 4. Healthy Sleeping Habits: If someone asks us what is the number 1 health & wellbeing tip (without spending any money)? Prioritizing quality sleep to support optimal nervous system function. Create a calming bedtime routine, limit screen time before bed, and ensure your sleep environment is conducive to rest. 5. Nutrition and Hydration: Fuel your body with balanced meals and stay hydrated throughout the day. Avoid excessive caffeine and alcohol, which can exacerbate feelings of anxiety and stress (pro tip: if you need caffeine like us in the morning 😉, have your breakfast first, then your coffee). By integrating these practices into your daily life, you can cultivate resilience and enhance your ability to navigate challenges with a calm and focused mindset. Remember, taking care of your nervous system is a powerful investment in your professional and personal success 🌹 #LeadingHerWay #Wellbeing #Mindfulness #HealthyLiving #StressManagement #Productivity #ProfessionalDevelopment

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