
The IFoA’s Royal Charter includes a commitment to promote the public interest. This means we have an important role to play in highlighting concerns about matters of public interest on which actuaries’ experience and expertise adds value.

Our thought leadership activity includes policy, campaigns, and thought leadership itself. All this work relies on research.

This page gathers key research outputs that underpin our current thought leadership and enable us to enrich and advance public debate with insights from actuarial science.

Our research outputs come from:

  • commissioned research and reports
  • member-led research
  • Actuarial Research Centre


Commissioned research

Well-targeted research is an important strand of our campaigns, providing a vital evidence base for the positions we advocate. In addition to member-led solutions, we also commission collaborative external research and reports. Recent examples include our:

Find out more on our thought leadership campaigns page.

Member-led research

The IFoA could not function without its large cohort of willing volunteers. Many of them give back to the profession by joining a working party in our practice areas.

While many working parties focus on purely technical issues, some do research that can support policy work such as campaigns, consultations, and meetings with stakeholders. Current examples include the:

You can also find a wealth of historic and technical member-led research outputs in the archive of our research projects. For more information please contact [email protected].

Practice areas

Find out about the practice areas in which our members work and apply their expertise.
Learn more

The IFoA’s Actuarial Research Centre (ARC)

Please note we are closing the ARC.

The ARC has sponsored several large research collaborations in recent years. Those projects have focussed on global issues in actuarial science through a partnership of actuaries, academics, and practitioners.

Following a strategic review, we have repositioned the ARC’s research and thought leadership programme to reflect current themes, investing in member-led research including industry collaborations.

The ARC’s remaining academic programmes, which conclude in 2023, are:

To access information on the centre’s completed body of work please visit the archived Actuarial Research Centre page.

Related resources


The IFoA seeks to inform policy debates in the public interest.
Learn more

Thought leadership campaigns

Our thought leadership campaigns reflect the IFoA’s objective to be the voice of the profession.
Learn more

Thought leadership initiatives

Our thought leadership initiatives focus on working with stakeholders to develop new perspectives.
Learn more
Contact us

Contact us

If you have any questions regarding our policy and public affairs work, please contact the IFoA Policy Team.

Email Policy Team