What we do

Our programmes provide vital support to aspiring actuaries and young mathematicians, regardless of their backgrounds. They offer ways for more established professionals to empower and uplift others.



The IFoA Foundation offers international group mentoring for recent actuarial science graduates, from all backgrounds, anywhere in the world. This kick-starts careers and increases diversity in the actuarial profession.

To hear when new mentoring opportunities open for applications, please sign up to mailing list. We also post about them on the IFoA Foundation LinkedIn page.



The IFoA Foundation is the custodian and administrator of 4 prestigious scholarship funds.

All scholarship opportunities are promoted through the respective IFoA accredited universities.

China and South-East Asia Scholarship and Bursary Fund

This fund rewards the top performing graduates and promising students who need financial assistance to complete their actuarial studies and find employment.

Mahidhara Davangere South Asia Scholarship Fund

This fund supports gifted students who need financial support to be able to join the IFoA and sit actuarial exams while studying at university.

Fullerton-Long Caribbean Scholarship Fund

This fund supports deserving Caribbean students who are pursuing degrees in actuarial science at the University of the West Indies in Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago.

Actuaries of Tomorrow UK Scholarship Fund

In partnership with the Worshipful Company of Actuaries’ charity, this fund supports academically gifted undergraduate students in need of financial assistance to complete their studies and achieve their potential.



We continue the IFoA’s long tradition of prize-giving as custodians of the following prize funds. They are all created by legacies and bequests from members of the profession.

We award the:

  • Sir Edward Johnston Prize to the best performing graduating students on actuarial programmes at IFoA accredited universities in China and South East Asia
  • Sir Joseph Burn Prize to UK and Ireland students showing special merit in completing all exams
  • Charles M Stern Award to a student outside the UK and Ireland for outstanding achievement in completing all IFoA exams
  • Sloan Prize for the best contribution from the floor at IFoA meetings in Scotland by a student member or a member attaining Associateship or Fellowship in the last 15 years


School engagement projects

The IFoA Foundation supports projects that promote numeracy and financial education, encourage studying mathematics beyond age 16, and introduce actuarial careers to young people.

Enterprising Maths in Scotland

This is a national secondary schools challenge culminating in a grand final at Glasgow Science Centre. The IFoA Foundation works with colleagues from the IFoA Scottish Board to support this impactful and fun event, providing actuarial role models, student volunteers, and career information to inspire over 200 finalists.


Maths4Girls inspires young people to excel at maths, raises awareness of the fantastic careers maths can offer, and debunks the myth that maths isn’t for girls. Our partnership with Maths4Girls enables IFoA actuaries across the UK to volunteer as role models and present at school events, encouraging students to take maths beyond GSCE and introducing them to actuarial careers.

Learn more about volunteering as a role model (PDF, 2.30 MB)

Access Aspiration

Access Aspiration targets schools in London boroughs where a high proportion of students are eligible for free school meals and connects them with businesses to offer them career inspiration, work experience, mock interviews, and CV workshops. The IFoA Foundation works with Staple Inn Actuarial Society and other partners to provide enthusiastic volunteer teams to tell young people about actuarial and related careers.

Get involved

Want to get involved as a corporate partner or volunteer? Email [email protected]


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