Acquisition of Lexical Knowledge from Text
- Anthology ID:
- W93-01
- Month:
- Year:
- 1993
- Address:
- Venue:
- WS
- SIG:
- Publisher:
- URL:
- DOI:
Acquisition of Lexical Knowledge from Text
Word Sense Disambiguation by Human Subjects: Computational and Psycholinguistic Applications
Thomas Ahlswede
David Lorand
Towards Building Contextual Representations of Word Senses Using Statistical Models
Claudia Leacock
Geoffrey Towell
Ellen Voorhees
Lexical Concept Acquisition from Collocation Map
Young S. Han
Young Kyoon Han
Key-Sun Choi
Internal and External Evidence in the Identification and Semantic Categorization of Proper Names
David McDonald
Identifying Unknown Proper Names in Newswire Text
Inderjeet Mani
T. Richard Macmillan
Susann Luperfoy
Elaine Lusher
Sharon Laskowski
Customizing a Lexicon to Better Suit a Computational Task
Marti Hearst
Hinrich Schuetze
Hierarchical Clustering of Verbs
Roberto Basili
Maria Pazienza
Paola Velardi
Detecting Dependencies between Semantic Verb Subclasses and Subcategorization Frames in Text Corpora
Victor Poznanski
Antonio Sanfilippo
The Automatic Acquisition of Frequencies of Verb Subcategorization Frames from Tagged Corpora
Akira Ushioda
David A. Evans
Ted Gibson
Alex Waibel
Acquiring Predicate-Argument Mapping Information from Multilingual Texts
Chinatsu Aone
Douglas McKee
Experiments in Syntactic and Semantic Classification and Disambiguation using Bootstrapping
Robert Futrelle
Susan Gauch
Structural Methods for Lexical/Semantic Patterns
Scott Waterman
Evaluation Techniques for Automatic Semantic Extraction: Comparing Syntactic and Window Based Approaches
Gregory Grefenstette
Categorization and Standardizing Proper Nouns for Efficient Information Retrieval
Woojin Paik
Elizabeth Liddy
Edmund Yu
Mary McKenna
The Long Journey from the Core to the Real Size of Large LDBs
Elena Paskaleva
Kiril Simov
Mariana Damova
Milena Slavcheva