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Package Summary

A library to access URDFs using the DOM model.

  • Maintainer: Ioan Sucan <isucan AT willowgarage DOT com>
  • Author: Thomas Moulard, David Lu, Kelsey Hawkins, Antonio El Khoury, Eric Cousineau
  • License: BSD

Package Summary

Python implementation of the URDF parser.

Package Summary

Python implementation of the URDF parser.

Package Summary

Python implementation of the URDF parser.

Package Summary

Python implementation of the URDF parser.

Package Summary

Python implementation of the URDF parser.

Package Summary

Python implementation of the URDF parser.


The urdfdom_py package provides the urdf_parser_py Python module providing both functions to parse an URDF model from a file or the parameter server and Python classes mapping the URDF information to a Python structure.

The display_urdf script allows the user to display the parsing result. It can be used either with a path to an URDF file (i.e. rosrun urdf_parser_py display_urdf /tmp/robot.urdf) or without any argument. In this case, it connects to the parameter server to retrieve the robot configuration.

   1 # Display the PR-2 model.
   2 rosrun urdf_parser_py display_urdf `rospack find pr2_mechanism_model`/pr2.urdf


This package comes from the following prior packages: urdfpy, urdf_python, urdf_parser_python, and robot_model_py.

urdf_parser_py presently has its own package page, which redirects here.

Python API

Here is a brief example showing the different ways to load/parse a URDF model.

   1 # Load the urdf_parser_py manifest, you use your own package
   2 # name on the condition but in this case, you need to depend on
   3 # urdf_parser_py.
   4 import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('urdfdom_py')
   5 import rospy
   7 # Import the module
   9 from urdf_parser_py.urdf import URDF
  11 # 1. Parse a string containing the robot description in URDF.
  12 # Pro: no need to have a roscore running.
  13 # Cons: n/a
  14 # Note: it is rare to receive the robot model as a string.
  15 robot = URDF.from_xml_string("<robot name='myrobot'></robot>")
  17 # - OR -
  19 # 2. Load the module from a file.
  20 # Pro: no need to have a roscore running.
  21 # Cons: using hardcoded file location is not portable.
  22 robot = URDF.from_xml_file()
  24 # - OR -
  26 # 3. Load the module from the parameter server.
  27 # Pro: automatic, no arguments are needed, consistent
  28 #      with other ROS nodes.
  29 # Cons: need roscore to be running and the parameter to
  30 #      to be set beforehand (through a roslaunch file for
  31 #      instance).
  32 robot = URDF.from_parameter_server()
  34 # Print the robot
  35 print(robot)

Once you have retrieved the robot object, please consult the package Python API to know how to browse the structure.

Wiki: urdfdom_py (last edited 2018-12-10 00:50:03 by eacousineau)