Only released in EOL distros:  

orocos_toolchain_ros: log4cpp | ocl | orogen | rtt | rtt_gems | rtt_ros_integration | rtt_ros_integration_example | rtt_ros_integration_geometry_msgs | rtt_ros_integration_nav_msgs | rtt_ros_integration_sensor_msgs | rtt_ros_integration_std_msgs | rtt_ros_param | rtt_ros_service | rtt_rospack | rtt_tf | rtt_typelib | typelib | utilmm | utilrb

Package Summary

This library offers an introspection mechanism for C/C++ value-types. I.e. it offers a way to represent types, and to manipulate in-memory values that are instances of those types. A Ruby binding is included, which gives a fast and transparent modification of C/C++ in-memory types from Ruby, and an associated interface to call C functions from shared libraries.

orocos_toolchain: log4cpp | ocl | orogen | rtt | rtt_typelib | typelib | utilmm | utilrb

Package Summary

This library offers an introspection mechanism for C/C++ value-types. I.e. it offers a way to represent types, and to manipulate in-memory values that are instances of those types. A Ruby binding is included, which gives a fast and transparent modification of C/C++ in-memory types from Ruby, and an associated interface to call C functions from shared libraries.

orocos_toolchain: log4cpp | ocl | orogen | rtt | rtt_typelib | typelib | utilmm | utilrb

Package Summary

This library offers an introspection mechanism for C/C++ value-types. I.e. it offers a way to represent types, and to manipulate in-memory values that are instances of those types. A Ruby binding is included, which gives a fast and transparent modification of C/C++ in-memory types from Ruby, and an associated interface to call C functions from shared libraries.

orocos_toolchain: log4cpp | ocl | orogen | rtt | rtt_typelib | typelib | utilmm | utilrb

Package Summary

This library offers an introspection mechanism for C/C++ value-types. I.e. it offers a way to represent types, and to manipulate in-memory values that are instances of those types. A Ruby binding is included, which gives a fast and transparent modification of C/C++ in-memory types from Ruby, and an associated interface to call C functions from shared libraries.

orocos_toolchain: log4cpp | ocl | orogen | rtt | rtt_typelib | typelib | utilmm | utilrb

Package Summary

This library offers an introspection mechanism for C/C++ value-types. I.e. it offers a way to represent types, and to manipulate in-memory values that are instances of those types. A Ruby binding is included, which gives a fast and transparent modification of C/C++ in-memory types from Ruby, and an associated interface to call C functions from shared libraries.

orocos_toolchain: log4cpp | ocl | orogen | rtt | rtt_typelib | typelib | utilrb

Package Summary

This library offers an introspection mechanism for C/C++ value-types. I.e. it offers a way to represent types, and to manipulate in-memory values that are instances of those types. A Ruby binding is included, which gives a fast and transparent modification of C/C++ in-memory types from Ruby.

Wiki: typelib (last edited 2010-09-30 19:23:07 by StevenBellens)