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pr2_robot: imu_monitor | pr2_bringup | pr2_camera_synchronizer | pr2_computer_monitor | pr2_controller_configuration | pr2_etherCAT | pr2_run_stop_auto_restart

Package Summary

Configuration files for PR2 controllers.

pr2_robot: imu_monitor | pr2_bringup | pr2_camera_synchronizer | pr2_computer_monitor | pr2_controller_configuration | pr2_etherCAT | pr2_run_stop_auto_restart

Package Summary

Configuration files for PR2 controllers.

pr2_robot: imu_monitor | pr2_bringup | pr2_camera_synchronizer | pr2_computer_monitor | pr2_controller_configuration | pr2_ethercat | pr2_run_stop_auto_restart

Package Summary

Configuration files for PR2 controllers.

pr2_robot: imu_monitor | pr2_bringup | pr2_camera_synchronizer | pr2_computer_monitor | pr2_controller_configuration | pr2_ethercat | pr2_run_stop_auto_restart

Package Summary

Configuration files for PR2 controllers.

pr2_robot: imu_monitor | pr2_bringup | pr2_camera_synchronizer | pr2_computer_monitor | pr2_controller_configuration | pr2_ethercat | pr2_run_stop_auto_restart

Package Summary

Configuration files for PR2 controllers.

This package contains YAML files that are used to configure the default controllers and the calibration controllers on the pr2. The package also contains a roslaunch file that configures, loads and starts the default controllers via pr2_controller_manager. The default controllers are:

These files are used in places such as pr2_bringup to instantiate the default PR2 controllers.

For pr2_simulator, a clone of this package with separate configuration is in pr2_controller_configuration_gazebo.

Wiki: pr2_controller_configuration (last edited 2010-01-22 21:08:30 by KenConley)