Only released in EOL distros:
Package Summary
Script to execute prolog and set the prolog library paths to other ros prolog packages.
- Author: Lorenz Moesenlechner
- License: BSD
- Repository: tum-ros-pkg
- Source: svn
Package Summary
Script to execute prolog and set the prolog library paths to other ros prolog packages.
- Author: Lorenz Moesenlechner
- License: BSD
- Source: svn
Package Summary
Script to execute prolog and set the prolog library paths to other ros prolog packages.
- Author: Lorenz Moesenlechner
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: None)
Package Summary
Script to execute prolog and set the prolog library paths to other ros prolog packages.
- Author: Lorenz Moesenlechner
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: HEAD)
Rosprolog is a simple wrapper around swi-prolog that uses an additional user-init file.
Two new predicates are added in this file:
use_ros_module( <ros-package-name>, '<prolog-file-path>' )
Load a prolog module from $(rospack find <ros-package-name>)/prolog/<prolog-file-path>.
- rospack_package_path( Package, Path )
- Get the absolute path of a package.
To run rosprolog, use: rosrun rosprolog rosprolog
To start a prolog package within rosprolog (incl. calling its file and all of referenced packages), use: rosrun rosprolog rosprolog <pkgname>
To generate documentation for a package in the <pkg>/doc folder, use:
rosrun rosprolog rosprolog-doc <pkgname>