arXiv:cs/0401014v1 [cs.DB] 18 Jan 2004

Nested Intervals with Farey Fractions

Vadim Tropashko

This article completes the series of articles exploring Nested Intervals Model. Previous articles introduced tree encoding with Binary Rational Numbers. However, binary encoding grows exponentially, both in breadth and in depth. In this article, we'll leverage Farey fractions in order to overcome this problem. We'll also demonstrate that our implementation scales to a tree with 1M nodes.

The problem

For each node labeled with Numer and Denom by Binary Rational Encoding schema let 
N = Denom - (Numer+1)/4 

Here is a list of 16 tree nodes in 3 different encodings:

 1   .1   3/2 
 2   .1.1   7/4 
 3   .2   3/4 
 4   .1.1.1   15/8 
 5   .1.2   11/8 
 6   .2.1   7/8 
 7   .3   3/8 
 8   .   31/16 
 9   .1.1.2   27/16 
 10   .1.2.1   23/16 
 11   .1.3   19/16 
 12   .2.1.1   15/16 
 13   .2.2   11/16 
 14   .3.1   7/16 
 15   .4   3/16 
 16   .   63/32 

Notice that PATH encoding for each node between N=2k-1, and N=2k-1 is an ordered partition of integer k. Also note that Denom in each partition of k equals 2k. It immediately follows that the sum of dot separated numbers in any path is logarithm of Denom.

Unfortunately, denominators in the encoding sequence of all the children of the node "1"

 .1.1   7/4 
 .1.2   11/8 
 .1.3   19/16 

are growing exponentially. Likewise, members of depth-first sequence

 .1   3/2 
 .1.1   7/4 
 .1.1.1   15/8 

are growing exponentially as well. As of today, databases implement integers of limited range only and, therefore, you won't be able to store and manipulate trees of any significant size before hitting arithmetic overflow exception.

Farey Encoding

This time we'll employ Farey Fractions as interval boundaries. The nested intervals structure of Farey sequence becomes immediate from the following geometric interpretation with Ford Circles:

Each pair of circles touching each other has a common "child" that touches both parents. We interpret circles as nodes of the tree, where a circle O is considered as parent for all smaller circles touching O on the right side. A larger circle that touches O on the right side is considered as adjacent older offspring of O. For example,  the circle centered at x=1/2 (see diagram above) has children with centers at x=2/3, x=3/5, x=4/7, ...

Next, we associate a semi open interval (O.x,O'.x] with each tree node O, where O' is adjacent older child of O. It is easy to verify that:

  1. Any child interval is contained in its parent interval.
  2. The union of all children intervals covers their parent interval.

Normally, only the first condition is necessary for a system of nested intervals. The second condition -- no gaps between sibling intervals -- is just an added bonus which simplifies navigation between siblings. Here is interval structure for first few tree nodes:

 .1   (1/2,1/1] 
 .1.1   (2/3,1/1] 
 .1.1.1  (3/4,1/1]  
 .  (4/5,1/1]  
 .1.1.2  (5/7,3/4]   
 .1.2  (3/5,2/3] 
 .1.3   (4/7,3/5]  

Let's give this idea a little bit more formal treatment. Consider Farey sequence Fn. First, all members of Fn have denominator no greater than n. Second, any two consecutive members a/b and c/d of Fn meet the constraint a*d+1=b*c. Then, consider irreducible fraction a/b in the sequence Fb. The next fraction c/d in the sequence Fb should necessarily have d<b. Clearly, d can't be greater than b by definition of Fb. They can't be equal either, otherwise, the constraint a*d+1=b*c would be violated. It follows immediately, that there is a simple algorithm calculating next term for a/b in the sequence Fb. Start with d=b-1 and calculate if c=(a*d+1)/b is integer. If it is, then, we found the next term c/d for a/b in the sequence Fb. Otherwise, decrement d and continue.

Example. Let F5={0/1,1/5,1/3,2/5,1/2,3/5,2/3,3/4,4/5,1/1}, then to find the next term for 3/5 we start with d=4, find that 3*4+1=3(mod 5), and continue to the next step where d=3 and 3*3+1=0(mod 5), so that 2/3 is the answer.

We conclude this section with the main definition:

For any two consecutive terms a/b and c/d of Fb semi open segment (a/b,c/d] is called Farey interval.


Let�s introduce a helper function that would be routinely used to reduce fractions to lower terms:

-- Greatest Common Divisor
CREATE or replace function gcd
  ( a integer, b integer )
  RETURN  integer IS
    if a = 0 then
        return b;
    elsif b = 0 then
        return a;
    elsif a > b then
        return gcd(mod(a,b), b);
        return gcd(a, mod(b,a));
    end if;

The previous article was an example of minimalist's approach to programming. We introduced several stored procedures, when it was obvious that it is much more convenient to aggregate Numer and Denom into user defined type Rational:
CREATE or replace TYPE Rational AS OBJECT (
  num INTEGER,
  den INTEGER,
  CONSTRUCTOR FUNCTION Rational(num integer, den integer) RETURN SELF AS RESULT,
CREATE or replace TYPE BODY Rational AS
  CONSTRUCTOR FUNCTION Rational(num integer, den integer) RETURN SELF AS RESULT IS
    -- reduce to lower terms
    self.num := num / gcd(num, den);
    self.den := den / gcd(num, den);
    RETURN num || '/' || den;
  END print;
    RETURN  self.num*arg2.den - self.den*arg2.num;

Here is a little test demonstrating that reducing to lower terms works indeed:

select Rational(1,2).print(), 
       Rational(2,4).print() from dual;

 1/2   1/2 

Since a function which compares 2 values is symmetric and, therefore, isn't not really a method of Rational type, lets add a wrapper function:   

CREATE or replace
function       compare
  ( lft Rational, rgt Rational )
  RETURN  integer IS
    return rgt.match(lft);
Why didn't we write compare function directly, and omited the match method altogether? This method is required for a database server to be able to compare values of the Rational user defined type. Having additional standalone compare function is not vital for our purpose, however. That is just syntactic sugarcoating.

Next function computes the mediant fraction (a+c)/(b+d) for any rational numbers a/b and c/d:
CREATE or replace
function       mediant
  ( l Rational, r Rational )
  RETURN  Rational IS
    return new Rational(l.num+r.num, l.den+r.den);
select mediant(Rational(0,1), Rational(1,1) ).print() from dual;


Mediant fraction (a+c)/(b+d) is always positioned between a/b and c/d.

Now that we have basic support for our new datatype, let's move on to the algorithm calculating next Farey fraction. According to Farey interval definition at the end of the previous section, the natural name for this function is "rgt":

CREATE or replace
function       rgt
  ( lft Rational )
   exausted_fractions_search EXCEPTION;
    FOR d In 1..lft.den LOOP
        if mod(lft.num*d+1,lft.den)=0 then
             return new Rational((lft.num*d+1)/lft.den,d);
        end if;
    raise exausted_fractions_search;

select rgt(rational(5,7)).print() from dual;


Now everything is ready to introduce hierarchy table:
create table tree (
    name VARCHAR2(1000),
    lft Rational

Natural design dilemma at this point might be whether to store the rgt term or not. My choice here is purely accidental: I implemented tree with both lft and rgt, first. The rgt() function was written at the very end. Then, I refactored the code not to use the stored rgt value. We'll discuss the consequences of that decision in the Performance section.

Let's continue with couple important constraints:
ADD CONSTRAINT is_between_zero_and_one
CHECK ( lft.num > 0 and lft.den > 0 and lft.num < lft.den );
ADD CONSTRAINT uk_farey unique ( lft.num, lft.den );
Our next goal is automating the task of filling in the tree. In order to attach a new child A to some parent node O we have to search for the youngest child of O, first. Then, A would be the next offspring of O. We'll accomplish that in couple of steps. Querying all the descendants of O, no matter how deeply nested, is the prerequisite:  
-- all descendants of O = (5/7,3/4]
with O as (select rational(5,7) l, rational(3,4) r from dual)
select name, '('|| t.lft.print() ||','|| rgt(t.lft).print() ||']'
from tree t, O
where compare(l, lft) > 0 and compare(lft, r) >= 0;

Here I found it convenient to refactor ancestor's O interval boundaries into a separate clause, especially considering that references to these terms would be eager to multiply in the subsequent queries. This syntactic sugar is not critical to our main idea, of course. Also, note that within the system of Farey intervals predicates

compare(l, lft) > 0 and compare(lft, r) >= 0


compare(l, lft) > 0 and compare(rgt(lft), r) >= 0

are equivalent.

Finding all immediate children is a little bit more challenging:

--all immediate children of O
with O as (select rational(5,7) l, rational(3,4) r from dual)
select name, '('|| t.lft.print() ||','|| rgt(t.lft).print() ||']'
from tree t, O
where compare(l, lft) > 0 and compare(lft, r) >= 0 
and not exists (
select null from tree tt
    where compare(l, tt.lft) > 0
 and compare(tt.lft, r) >= 0
    and compare(tt.lft, t.lft) > 0
 and compare(t.lft, rgt(tt.lft)) >= 0

Now that we know all the children, we can find the one with the minimal lft term and calculate A.lft as a mediant between lft and O.lft. If parent O has no children, then A.lft is a mediant between O.lft and O.rgt: 

-- insert next child
CREATE or replace
procedure       insert_Child
  ( l Rational, n varchar2 ) IS
  insert into tree
  select n name,
       mediant(l,case when min(lft) is null then rgt(l) else min(lft) end) lft
  from tree t
  where compare(l, lft) > 0 and compare(lft, r) >= 0 
  and not exists (
select null from tree tt
    where compare(l, tt.lft) > 0
 and compare(tt.lft, r) >= 0
    and compare(tt.lft, t.lft) > 0
 and compare(t.lft, rgt(tt.lft)) >= 0
Finally, everything is ready for testing. Let's plant our tree with the root seed 

insert into tree values('N',rational(1,2));

and add 1K nodes
  for i in 1..10 loop
    FOR nodes In (select lft, name from tree) LOOP
  end loop;

This simple insertion loop is our first benchmark. Although it takes less than 10 minutes to complete it, such performance is unacceptable. Each new step in the loop is about 3.8 times longer than the predecessor, and it is clear that our design would never scale to the tree with 1M nodes.

Let's also mention the good news: Farey Intervals densely pack the space of rationals. And in our case of the tree with 10 levels the maximal denominator value is mere 233. Getting a little bit ahead, when we'll overcome performance problems and would be able to create a tree with 1M nodes, the numbers would be:

select count(1), max(t.lft.num), max(t.lft.den)
from tree t

 1040333   17711   28657 


Perhaps, some readers might immediately noticed the problem when we wrote that query with 3-level deep subquery nesting. The execution plan 

              Filter Predicates 
              MERGE JOIN 
                  FAST DUAL 
                  TABLE ACCESS 
                      Filter Predicates 
              TABLE ACCESS 
                  Filter Predicates 

reveals that

  1. Optimizer is able to unnest only one level of qubquery nesting, and
  2. Join predicates with UDF calls are too complicated to suggest anything better than Cartesian join with postfilter.

This is totally unacceptable. All the descendants are conventionally nested inside the ancestor interval, so that if the interval endpoints are indexes, then fetching the whole subtree can be done with index range scan. We'll implement this idea for queries that have to scan subtrees a little bit later. For insertion procedure itself we don't have to scan the subtree to the full depth! We just go through all the immediate children one by one:

-- version 2                                      
CREATE or replace
procedure       insert_Child
  ( l Rational, n varchar2 ) IS
  cnt integer;
  left Rational := mediant(l,rgt(l)); -- first child
     select count(1) into cnt
     from tree t where t.lft.num = left.num and  t.lft.den = left.den;
     IF cnt = 0 or cnt is null THEN
        left := mediant(l,left);
     END IF;
  insert into tree values( n, left);

The select statement inside the loop leverages the access path through the index enforcing unique key constraint  uk_farey. It is as fast as it can possibly be.

The above procedure improves the insertion performance to about 100 records/sec. Now we are able to create a tree with 1M nodes in a reasonable time. However, we can do even better. In my previous design, where I stored rgt nodes and which I so irresponsibly dismissed, the performance was more than 200 records/sec. The only explanation of the difference is the incurred cost of the rgt() method together with additional context switch between SQL and PL/SQL modes.

Let's improve the query that returns node's descendants. We need a function-based index, at least:

create index lft_idx on tree(lft.num/lft.den);

The idea is to map rational numbers into domain of real numbers supported by RDBMS, so that RDBMS engine would be able to perform index range scan. Index itself is not sufficient, though. SQL execution engine never looks inside user defined function, so optimizer wouldn't be able to deduce that it's possible to leverage lft_idx index from the predicates

compare(l, lft) > 0 and compare(lft, r) >= 0

alone. We have to add special predicates like this:

select name, '('|| t.lft.print() ||','|| rgt(t.lft).print() ||']'
from tree t, (select rational(14,15) l, rational(1,1) r,
              0.0000000000001 delta from dual) aux
where compare(l, lft) > 0 and compare(rgt(lft), r) >= 0
and t.lft.num/t.lft.den between
aux.l.num/aux.l.den-delta and aux.r.num/aux.r.den+delta

In our tree with 1M nodes this query returns 97 intervals enclosed into (14/15,1/1] momentarily:

 CARTESIAN     97   110 
      FAST DUAL 
     1   0 
 BY INDEX ROWID   TREE   97   110 
          Filter Predicates 
 RANGE SCAN   LFT_IDX   98   12 
              Access Predicates 

Here we can see that the execution plan scans slightly larger index range, and then applies postfilter with user defined functions for every record.

Reader might notice that I didn't even attempted writing dual query returning the chain of ancestors. This is because in that approach we can't leverage any indexing.

With Farey encoding, though, we are able to calculate ancestor encoding on the fly:
CREATE or replace
function       parent
  ( l Rational )
  RETURN  Rational IS
    r Rational;
    r:= rgt(l);
    return Rational(l.num-r.num, l.den-r.den);

Therefore, we can calculate node's level without even querying the database:
CREATE or replace
function       depth
  ( node Rational )
  RETURN  integer IS
    if node.num=1 and node.den=2 then
         return 0;
       return depth(parent(node))+1;
      end if;

select depth(rational(15557,17333)) from dual


In order to retrieve real data from the ancestor chain, lets build a table of nodes encodings:

CREATE TYPE RationalSet AS TABLE OF Rational;
CREATE or replace
function       path
  ( node Rational )
    p Rational := node;
    while not(p.num=1 and p.den=2) loop
       PIPE ROW(p);
         p := parent(p);
    end loop;
select * from table(path(Rational(15557,17333)))

 15557   17333 
 5720   6373 
 1603   1786 
 692   771 
 473   527 
 254   283 
 35   39 
 26   29 
 17   19 
 8   9 
 7   8 
 6   7 
 5   6 
 4   5 
 3   4 
 2   3 

Finally, we join our lookup table with the tree. We hint the right execution plan to start with the scan of the lookup table and extract matching records from the tree by unique index scan:
select --+leading(l) use_nl(t)
name from table(path(Rational(15557,17333))) l, tree t
where t.lft.num = num and t.lft.den = den
